CIS 385 Contemporary Multimedia Tools Web Conferencing Evaluation Assignment
CIS 385 Contemporary Multimedia Tools Web Conferencing Evaluation Assignment
CIS 385 Contemporary Multimedia Tools Web Conferencing Evaluation Assignment
1. Insert your name above and include it in the name of this file. I am not particular about
how you name your file, but I want your name included.
2. Please use Calibri 11-point font.
3. Fill in the blanks where I have indicated. Use complete sentences and paragraphs.
4. I have included examples for each task I ask of you (indicated by italics). Some examples
are of my own making, some are from previous students. I suggest you read them.
5. Blue highlight and enlarged Arial font are used to indicate the areas in which you are to
enter your work.
6. Read each rubric. I am very clear about what it means to do exemplary work. If something
is not clear to you, ask me before I grade your work (not after).
7. Use APA Style for formatting in-text citations and references. Our Moodle course site
contains a chart entitled How to Cite Something Your Found on a Website in APA Style:
What to Do When Information is Missing. Please use it!
8. As you work through each phase of the ADDIE process, think about how you could apply
this to your daily life.
Updated 1/9/17
Wrap It Up! Write an in-depth conclusion of your experience.
Think of the conclusion as chance to tell the story of the evaluation by writing a brief recap of
every other section in the evaluation. Re-tell and characterize your experiences in a narrative
In the finished product, delete the list of bullets and questions. Use complete sentences and
paragraphs. Using APA Style, insert citations in the text and references in the References section.
1. Describe your overall impressions of the tool.
2. Comment on the overall effectiveness of the mTool in relation to solving your problem.
3. Briefly summarize each previous section. This means, use one or two sentences to briefly
describe each section of each assignment. For example, in the Problem Statement section,
you would have one or two sentences (each) to describe the problem, the rationale, the
audience analysis, the barrier analysis and the implications. I will grade them in groups by
assignment (see rubric below for details).
4. Clarify and interpret your material by answering these questions:
a. What have you learned about the mTool, your field, yourself, or anything else?
b. Did this evaluation turn out as you expected? Why or why not?
c. Reconcile any differences in your original thinking about this tool and your
d. Overall, are you satisfied with the mTool? Please explain your response.
e. Does this mTool meet your stated needs? Explain your response.
f. Would you recommend this tool to your boss, or others? Explain your reasoning.
I was very impressed with Google Drive and its capabilities she found while completing this
evaluation. The mTool made it very easy to upload and store documents, edit those
documents right in the tool itself, as well as share those documents in a secure way. The
mTool was very easy to learn and use, had a very user-friendly format, as well as a very
comprehensive list of features that was truly impressive. I am excited to use it in the future.
A problem was identified at the local, small business Bison Beard Company who is using their
hard drives in order to create and store all of their documentation. There was no easy way for
them to share those documents, either with internal staff or external clients. The goal was set
to find and recommend an mTool that would give Bison Beard Company the ability to utilize a
secure, cloud based storage solution both internally for their staff as well as sharing
documents with clients. It also had to give them access no matter where they were located
at. Google Drive was then identified as a possible solution because of its multitude of
capabilities as well as being free. (Bison Beard Company, 2016)
Google Drive was very user-friendly and easy to learn and use. The navigation around the
mTool was easy to complete as everything was labeled appropriately which made me
comfortable in using the mTool. Google Drive supplied me with a comprehensive list of
features that I was able to utilize with no issues or searching the help menu. The look and feel
of the mTool was very similar to the other Google services I have used, making the evaluation
even easier. The general layout of Google Drive was easy to follow and understand, making it
a usable mTool. (Google Drive, 2016)
Google Drive has many strengths such as being very easy to setup, learn and use, it is free with
the option to purchase additional storage space, as well as being web-based so it can to be
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accessed from anywhere as long as there is Internet access. It also supports multiple file formats
as well as the ability to edit documents in real time. Google is very well known and a strong
competitor in cloud storage. Google Drive also has a few weaknesses such as security threats
since it is web-based, also if the user does not have access to the Internet then it is inaccessible.
Google holds the authority to index the users data so when a document is uploaded, Google
tags it as they see appropriate, which might not be applicable to the user, as well as security
issues because others can access Google Drive if they are logged into Gmail and leave their
computer open. ("Weighing the Pros and Cons of Google Drive | Best in Cloud Storage", 2016)
Having multiple benefits when using this tool such as being able to securely store and share
information in the cloud, which gives the user the ability to access their information from
anywhere as long as they have Internet access, having Google Suite that allows the user to edit
their documents, save their changes to the cloud and/or share them with others in such formats
as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint makes this a great option for anyone looking to safely keep their
personal information. (Vaughan-Nichols, 2016) Google Drive is free with the option of purchasing
additional storage, which makes the benefits definitely outweigh the costs. (Google Drive, 2016)
I was very excited to do this evaluation on Google Drive, as I was familiar with it but did not
know to what extent of the features it had to offer. I was very excited to learn of what it could
do, not only for the Bison Beard Company but also how I could take more advantage of it in
the future such as using it to upload pictures to share with family and friends. Through
Google Drive there is not a limitation on the file size when uploading information, such as
when one is emailing items out. (Google Drive, 2016)
This evaluation did turn out how I expected it to; I found a free mTool that provided a solution
to the identified problem at the Bison Beard Company. Through Google Drive, they will be
able to securely and easily share internal documentation no matter where they are working
from, as well as allow them to securely share documents with their clients. Google Drive
provided with all of the functionality I was looking for in a solution and at no cost to the
business. Overall I am very satisfied and impressed with Google Drive. It not only provided
me with a solution to my identified problem, it was also very user-friendly and easy to use.
Google Drive did meet the stated needs and provided a solution to the problem identified at
Bison Beard Company. I am going to highly recommend Google Drive to the Bison Beard
Company as well as others now that I better understand its capabilities. I feel that Bison
Beard Company will greatly benefit from using Google Drive simply because of the simplicity
and ease of use in storing and sharing their documentation. In comparison to their current
procedure of emailing documents back and forth, this will be a large step forward for them.
Bison Beard Company. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2016, from
Google Drive - Cloud Storage & File Backup for Photos, Docs & More. (n.d.). Retrieved April 23,
2016, from
Vaughan-Nichols, S. J. (2016, January 20). What's the best cloud storage for you? | ZDNet.
Retrieved April 20, 2016, from
Weighing the Pros and Cons of Google Drive. (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from
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Updated 1/9/17
Compose your Conclusion.
Skype for Business is one of the best multimedia tools that I have seen and been privileged to
use. In my usage with Skype and Skype for business, I have run into no troubles whatsoever
with either program.
The problem that I wished to solve was how to have a business meeting with others when they
are not physically in the same room that you are in currently. The only way that problem could
be fixed was to have a tools in which you could web conference through. I narrowed down my
search quickly by going to an application that I was quite familiar with. This application was
Skype for Business. The tool is quick, very accessible, and super reliable. I needed this program
because it was the best solution to my problem when it came to conferencing with business
partners who were not physically present for the meeting.
Then came the usability test. Skype for Business passed the test with flying colors. Its super
easy to use, you can use it anywhere, navigation is never confusing, customer support is quick
with someone to orally speak with, video is clear, you can instant message people in the chat,
and you can file share while chatting with anyone. You can also speak with more than 1 person
as well. On top of everything that Skype has to offer, it is also free to use. The only thing that is
required for Skype for Business is a device with internet, and a Microsoft/Skype account. Thats
Bahnmiller, B. (2017, January 25). Briar Bahnmiller's Prediction on Business for Skype. Mayville,
North Dakota, United States.
Bahnmiller, B. (n.d.). Skype informational pictures. Mayville State University, Mayville.
Martinez, J., & Rashid, F. Y. (2016, July 29). Microsoft Skype for Business. Retrieved February 2,
2017, from,2817,2486508,00.asp
Skype for Business (formerly Lync) Reviews. (2017, January 24). Retrieved February 2, 2017,
from G2 Crowd:
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Your Conclusion will be graded according to these criteria:
Unacceptable Developing Accomplished Exemplary
0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
The No Conclusion for this
Problem section Well-developed
Conclusion for this
Statement OR Conclusion for this
The Conclusion for this section that is
Conclusion for this section section. Contains
section is logically tied logically tied to a
is written with superficial conclusions and
to information and range of information
thought and preparation; is outcomes that are
some conclusions are discussed;
inconsistently tied to some logical and reflect
identified clearly. conclusions are
of the information students informed
discussed and
discussed; conclusions are evaluation.
supported clearly.
Rating &
The Needs No Conclusion for this
Assessment section Well-developed
Conclusion for this
OR Conclusion for this
The Conclusion for this section that is
Conclusion for this section section. Contains
section is logically tied logically tied to a
is written with superficial conclusions and
to information and range of information
thought and preparation; is outcomes that are
some conclusions are discussed;
inconsistently tied to some logical and reflect
identified clearly. conclusions are
of the information students informed
discussed and
discussed; conclusions are evaluation.
supported clearly.
Rating &
No Conclusion for this
section Well-developed
Conclusion for this
OR Conclusion for this
The Conclusion for this section that is
Conclusion for this section section. Contains
section is logically tied logically tied to a
is written with superficial conclusions and
Usability to information and range of information
outcomes that are
thought and preparation; is some conclusions are discussed;
inconsistently tied to some logical and reflect
identified clearly. conclusions are
of the information students informed
discussed and
discussed; conclusions are evaluation.
supported clearly.
Rating &
No Conclusion for this
section Well-developed
Conclusion for this
OR Conclusion for this
The Conclusion for this section that is
Conclusion for this section section. Contains
section is logically tied logically tied to a
Cost/Bene is written with superficial conclusions and
to information and range of information
fit thought and preparation; is outcomes that are
some conclusions are discussed;
inconsistently tied to some logical and reflect
identified clearly. conclusions are
of the information students informed
discussed and
discussed; conclusions are evaluation.
supported clearly.
Rating &
Interpretation is
logically tied to a
No attempt at Interpretation is well-
Interpretati Interpretation is range of information
interpretation was made or developed; answers all
on of logically tied to some of discussed; most
interpretation was questions asked with
material the questions asked. questions are
superficial. meaningful discussion.
addressed and
supported clearly.
Rating &
Style No in-text citations. Some in-text citations Some in-text citations All in-text citations
exist exist exist
and and and
No References section Some in-text citations All in-text citations are
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supports the in-text are reflected in the reflected in the
citations. References section. References section.
Rating &
Total /18
Updated 1/9/17
Fess up! Reflect on Your Evaluation
This Evaluation Process has been long and rigorous. Now that you are finished, I would like you
answer four of the questions below. Keep in mind that reflection is one of the most effective
ways to assign meaning to life experiences because it helps you make connections in your brain.
This process also helps you remember and be able to recall information in the future. So please
take a few moments to really think about and respond to the questions you choose.
1 What did you learn from the assignment that you feel will assist you in your future
2 What challenges did you face in completing the assignment? How did you
address/troubleshoot them?
3 What went according to plan and what surprises did you encounter?
4 What would you change in the next revision of this evaluation? Or, what would you change
if you had a chance to do this evaluation over again?
5 What was especially satisfying to you about the process or the finished product?
6 What did you learn about yourself as you worked on this assignment?
7 What is one thing that you saw in your peer partners work or process that you would like
to try in your next evaluation?
8 How does this assignment connect with your real world experience?
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Updated 1/9/17
Compose your Reflections. (Please indicate which question is being answered.)
1. I have learned about a process that will help me solve a problem at hand. For the sake
of this course, I learned how to choose and mTool that was the perfect solution for a
fictional problem that I was having. Then I went through a several step process that
allowed me choose whether or not it was perfect through process of elimination, testing,
and reliability.
2. (Question Number 3) Everything when according to plan. Skype for Business was the
answer to all the problems that I had when facing the ultimate problem of the
assignment. Skype for Business also made the assignment easier with its simplicity. It
was so simple to use that half the questions that I was answering were obvious and
3. (Question 5) I basically answered this in question 2, but it was super satisfying knowing
that Skype for Business was so simple to use. I didnt have to do much research and
navigating for answers because they were literally all right in front of me the whole time.
4. (Question 6) I learned that I procrastinate too much. Some of the assignments were
longer than I expected and I waited till the last moment to do them. I should have taken
more time to do them. So nearing the end of the project, I started to buckle down and do
my best to finish the assignments to the best of my ability. Another thing I learned about
myself is how good I actually am at exploring new things. I know Skype, but not Skype
for Business. Yet, it only took my 2 minutes to figure out how to set the whole thing up
using my Mayville State email. And from there, the rest of the assignments seemed to
breeze by because I already had Skype figured out.
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Each Reflection Question will be graded according to the following:
Unacceptable Developing Acceptable Exemplary
0 points 1 point 2 points 3 points
Demonstrates a
No Reflection or Demonstrates a Demonstrates a conscious and thorough
demonstrates little basic thoughtful understanding of the
or no understanding of understanding of writing prompt and
understanding of the writing prompt the writing prompt subject matter. This
Chosen. the writing prompt and subject and subject reflection can be used as
and subject matter. matter matter. an example for other
Rating &
Demonstrates a
No Reflection or Demonstrates a Demonstrates a conscious and thorough
demonstrates little basic thoughtful understanding of the
or no understanding of understanding of writing prompt and
understanding of the writing prompt the writing prompt subject matter. This
Chosen. the writing prompt and subject and subject reflection can be used as
and subject matter. matter matter. an example for other
Rating &
Demonstrates a
No Reflection or Demonstrates a Demonstrates a conscious and thorough
demonstrates little basic thoughtful understanding of the
or no understanding of understanding of writing prompt and
understanding of the writing prompt the writing prompt subject matter. This
Chosen. the writing prompt and subject and subject reflection can be used as
and subject matter. matter matter. an example for other
Rating &
Demonstrates a
No Reflection or Demonstrates a Demonstrates a conscious and thorough
demonstrates little basic thoughtful understanding of the
or no understanding of understanding of writing prompt and
understanding of the writing prompt the writing prompt subject matter. This
Chosen. the writing prompt and subject and subject reflection can be used as
and subject matter. matter matter. an example for other
Rating &
Total /12
Updated 1/9/17