Ba MHL350 0493
Ba MHL350 0493
Ba MHL350 0493
493 584
MHL 350
1.1 General......................................................................................................................... 1.1
1.2 Proper use .................................................................................................................... 1.1
1.3 Abbreviations and equivalent expressions .................................................................... 1.2
1.4 Introduction................................................................................................................... 1.2
1.5 Warrenty and maintenance........................................................................................... 1.2
1.6 Environmental standards .............................................................................................. 1.3
1.7 Notes on using the instruction book .............................................................................. 1.3
1.7.1 References to pictures and items........................................................................... 1.3
1.7.2 Dangers and important notes................................................................................. 1.3
1.7.3 Pictograms............................................................................................................. 1.4
1.8 Operating instructions provided by outside suppliers .................................................... 1.6
1.9 Copyright ...................................................................................................................... 1.6
1.10 Company address......................................................................................................... 1.6
1.10.1 Headquarters / Sales and Customer Service ......................................................... 1.6
1.10.2 Spare parts ............................................................................................................ 1.6
MHL 350
1.7.3 Pictograms
The table below explains the meaning of the pictograms on the operator control panel.
The table below explains the meaning of the pictograms on the machine.
No pressure jet!
1.9 Copyright
This instruction book is the copyright of the
Fuchs-Bagger GmbH & Co. KG Maschinen-
fabrik. This instruction book is intended for
use by personnel responsible for operation,
maintenance, repair and supervision of the
This instruction book may not, either in whole
or in part, be reproduced, transmitted or used
for the purpose of competition without our
prior written permission.
MHL 350
2.9 Guides
Guides must be easily recognizable, e.g. by
means of warning clothing. They must
remain within the machine operators field of
For better communication between the
machine operator and the guide signals must
be agreed upon. These must only be given
by the machine operator and the guide.
While guiding the machine, guides must not
be given other jobs which may distract them
from their task.
If the driver is leaving the loading machine The machine operator may only give his
unattended, he must first turn off the drive permission if the loading machine is
motors and ensure that they cannot be started standing still and the work equipment is not
up by unauthorized persons. in motion.
Do not use fixing devices (ropes, chains)
2.14 Crane operations which are damaged or of inadequate
Crane operations are the hoisting, dimensions.
transporting and lowering of loads with the aid Protective gloves must always be worn
of a fixing device (rope, chain, etc.), whereby when working with fixing devices.
the assistance of personnel is required to
attach and release the load.
Loading machines may only be used for crane
operations when the prescribed safety devices
are present and in full working order.
According to the EEC-Machinery Directives
and Euronorm EN 474-5 of June 1996, these
Overload warning device
Hose-rupture safety valves on the lift
cylinders *
Table of carrying capacity in the cab
Secure attachment of loading implements
(e.g. crane hook or shackle)
* only if carrying capacity exceeds 1,000 kg
2.15 Assembly, maintenance, repair When disconnecting the battery, first the
negative pole then the positive pole must be
Loading machines may only be assembled,
disconnected. The battery must be re-
converted or disassembled under the
connected in reverse order.
guidance of a suitable person designated by
the plant operator and following the During repair work around the battery, the
manufacturers operating instructions. latter must be covered with insulating
material; tools must not be deposited on the
Work on braking, steering, hydraulic and
electric systems of the loading machine may
only be carried out by expert personnel Protective devices of moving machine parts
specially trained in these areas. may only be opened or removed when the
drive has been switched off and cannot be
Stability must be ensured at all times during
switched on again by unauthorized persons.
work on loading machines.
Protective devices are e.g. engine/motor
The work equipment must be secured against
covers, doors, protective grating, trim.
movement by lowering them to the ground or
equivalent measures, e.g. stays, trestles. If Upon completion of assembly, maintenance
necessary, the revolving uppercarriage of the or repair work, all protective devices must
loading machine must be secured so that it once more be attached in the proper manner.
cannot swivel round.
Load-bearing parts of the machine may only
Counterweights may only be attached at the be welded following consultation with the
locations designated by the manufacturer. manufacturer and in accordance with
recognized welding principles.
When jacking up loading machines, jacking
devices must be positioned so that they Overhead guards (FOPS) shall not be welded
cannot slip. Jacks must be positioned and or drilled in any way.
applied absolutely straight, without tilting.
Alterations, such as welding of the hydraulic
Raised loading machines must be supported system, shall only be undertaken with the
by suitable structures such as crosswise manufacturers permission.
stacks of planks, square timbers or steel
Before commencing work on the hydraulic
system, the pilot pressure, back pressure and
Loading machines which are raised with work pressure inside the tank must be let off.
equipment must be stabilized by a supporting
Only the hoses specified by the manufacturer
structure immediately after lifting. Do not work
may be used.
under raised loading machines which are only
supported by the hydraulics. Hydraulic hoses must be routed and
assembled by expert personnel.
The engine/motor must be turned off prior to
all maintenance and repair work. When filling the tank, smoking and naked
flames are prohibited.
These requirements may only be ignored in
the case of maintenance or repair work which
cannot be performed without the engine/motor
Before working on the electrics or when
performing arc-welding on the machine, the
connection to the battery must be interrupted.
The traveling gear and track-laying gear of Damages to hose fittings or to the
loading machines must be sufficiently cleaned connection between the fitting and the hose.
of mud, snow and ice to ensure that ramps The coolant level shall only be checked when
can be driven up without risk of slipping. the engine has cooled down; the cap must
Before setting off, the route to be taken must be turned carefully in order to let off excess
be examined to determine whether the roads pressure.
are wide enough, entrances and passages Prior to crane operations, the machine
under bridges are large enough and that operator must check the function of the safety
roads and bridges have sufficient carrying devices specially required for this type of
capacity. work.
2.17 Monitoring and inspections The machine operator must advise the
supervisor immediately and his
The machine must be submitted to a general replacement, if there is a change of operator
inspection carried out by an expert: with regard to any shortcomings.
before the machine is put into operation for In the event of shortcomings which jeopardize
the first time and before the machine is the operating safety of the loading machine, it
again put into operation when essential shall not be used until these have been
modifications have been made eliminated.
at least once a year
in the meantime, according to operating
conditions and local environments
Furthermore, prior to each work shift, the
machine operator must check the function of
driving and working equipment in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions, see
chapter 4 Control and section 5 Work
When work equipment is attached to quick-
change systems, the equipment in question
must be moved in all positions to ensure that
it is securely fastened; during this process, no
one shall be in the danger zone.
2.18 FOPS roof guard to DIN ISO 3449-II 2.21.2 Elevating cab
The cab features four holes in the roof for When the elevating cab is lowered to its end
fastening a FOPS roof guard. This guard is a position, there is a danger to third parties of
special version for the applications in being crushed by the lift frame, as the driver
question. Test certificates to DIN ISO 3449-II (operator) in the cab does not have a
can be obtained from the manufacturer. complete view of the area beneath him.
This also applies to the emergency lowering
2.19 FOPS / front guard to DIN ISO 10262
function of the elevating cab through the ball
The cab features six holes on the front side valve located outside.
and in the roof for fastening the roof guard
When driving with the cab raised, even small
with front guard. Test certificates to DIN ISO
irregularities in the ground cause the cab to
10262-1998 and SAE I 1356-February 88
dip. This may result in injuries of the driver
can be obtained from the manufacturer.
(operator) or to incorrect operation of the
2.20 Emergency exit
The front window acts as an emergency exit.
While the cab is being moved, and
If a front roof guard is fitted or this exit can no
during driving and working, the left-
longer be used for any other reason, the rear
hand armrest must be folded down
window must be used as an emergency exit.
and the cab door shut.
An emergency hammer is affixed inside the
drivers cab on the rear right-hand pillar.
2.21.3 Working operation
2.21 Other dangers When loading long and thin parts such as
tubes, pipes, bars, which stand out of the
loading grab, these parts may break into the
Danger drivers cab despite protective grating (front
guard) when the loading grab swings out
2.21.1 Failure of the hydraulic system strongly.
3.1 Dimensions................................................................................................................... 3.1
3.2 General structure.......................................................................................................... 3.2
3.3 Engine .......................................................................................................................... 3.3
3.4 Electrical system........................................................................................................... 3.3
3.5 Travel drive................................................................................................................... 3.3
3.6 Brakes .......................................................................................................................... 3.3
3.7 Hydraulic system .......................................................................................................... 3.4
3.8 Axles............................................................................................................................. 3.4
3.9 Tires ............................................................................................................................. 3.4
3.10 Heating ......................................................................................................................... 3.5
3.11 Permissible loads.......................................................................................................... 3.5
3.12 Sound level values according to directive 2000/14/EC and ISO 6395 appendix A ........ 3.5
3.13 Vibrations...................................................................................................................... 3.5
3.14 Control.......................................................................................................................... 3.5
3.15 Working zone of the machine ....................................................................................... 3.6
3.15.1 Working envelope (13.5 m loading equipment)...................................................... 3.6
3.15.2 Table of carrying capacity (13.5 m loading equipment) .......................................... 3.7
3.15.3 Working envelope (15 m loading equipment)......................................................... 3.8
3.15.4 Table of carrying capacity (15 m loading equipment) ............................................. 3.9
3.16 Work attachments ........................................................................................................ 3.10
3.16.1 Other equipment (optional) .................................................................................... 3.10
3.17 Filling quantities ............................................................................................................ 3.11
3.18 Fuel, lubricant and coolant specifications...................................................................... 3.12
3.18.1 Alternative recommendations for other temperature ranges .................................. 3.12
3.18.2 Biodegradable hydraulic oils .................................................................................. 3.13
MHL 350
3.1 Dimensions
Fig. 2 Dimensions
Fig. 3 Dimensions
3.3 Engine
Make Deutz
Type BF 6 M 1013 E
Battery 2 x 12 V (series-connected) = 24 V 95 Ah
Generator 28 V 55 A
Starter 24 V 4.0 kW
3.5 Travel drive Infinitely variable speed drive via variable dis-
placement motor.
2-gear power shift transmission
Continuous speed regulation forward and in
reverse in both gear ranges:
1 gear 0 5.5 km/h
2 gear 0 20 km/h
3.6 Brakes
Service brake Hydraulic power-assisted braking system act-
ing on all four drum brakes.
The hydrostatic drive acts as an additional,
non-wearing service brake on all wheels by
means of four-wheel drive.
3.8 Axles
Front axle Rigid steering axle, with drum brakes
3.9 Tires
3.10 Heating
Heating Three-stage fan/hot-water heater and ventila-
tion, adjustable defroster nozzle
3.12 Sound level values according to directive 2000/14/EC and ISO 6395 appendix A
The machine has CE-approval (confirmed by German Civil Engineering Trade Association) and
fulfills EC-Type Examination standards according to the Dynamic Measuring Method.
Representative values measured on the model
sound power level: LWA = 104.2 dB(A)
Guaranteed sound power level: LWA = 106 dB(A)
Sound pressure level, drivers seat: LpA = 74 dB(A) *
* This value is smaller than the permissible limit value of LpA = 85 dB(A).
3.13 Vibrations
Weighted r.m.s. value of acceleration of upper limbs is below 2.5 m/s.
Weighted r.m.s. value of acceleration of seat area and feet is below 0.5 m/s.
3.14 Control
The loading machine is equipped as standard with an ISO control (see chapter 5.1).
The weight of the attached load hoisting implement (grab, magnet, lift hook, etc.) must be
deducted from the carrying capacity values. If a FUCHS quick-mount hitch is mounted on
the boom, carrying capacity values are reduced by 300 kg.
Key to symbols: Limited by lift cylinders
Limited by dipperstick cylinders
In accordance with CE guidelines, hose-rupture safety valves on the lift cylinders and an overload
warning device are required for crane operations.
The weight of the attached load hoisting implement (grab, magnet, lift hook, etc.) must be
deducted from the carrying capacity values. If a FUCHS quick-mount hitch is mounted on
the boom, carrying capacity values are reduced by 300 kg.
Key to symbols: Limited by lift cylinders
Limited by dipperstick cylinders
In accordance with CE guidelines, hose-rupture safety valves on the lift cylinders and an overload
warning device are required for crane operations.
Fig. 9 Grab
FUCHS products may not be modified or fitted with supplementary equipment or work
attachments which are not included in our delivery range without our express written
permission. Without such permission our warranty expires, as does our product liability
for any resulting consequential damages.
The level marking is always the decisive factor for the correct filling quantity, not the
values stated above.
Engine Diesel fuel DIN 51601 Before using RME-fuels (rape oil
ASTM D975 1-D/2-D methyl ester), it is essential to
consult your responsible FUCHS
dealer for further details.
Engine EO 1540 A Engine oil SAE 15W-40 See also engine manufacturers
API CF 4 instructions
Cooling for engine SP-C Coolant Clean water and anti- See also engine manufacturers
freeze based on ethyl- instructions
ene glycol
Hydraulic working HYD 0530 Hydraulic oil or H-LP 46 The following viscosity limit val-
circuits multi-grade oil or ues must be kept (according to
ASTM 445)
SAE 5W-30 2
at 100 C min. 7 mm /s (cSt)
at -10 C approx. 1,000 mm /s
BIO-E-HYD-HEES Biodegradable Filling according to The same viscosity specifications
hydraulic oil on customer specifica- apply as for mineral hydraulic
synthetic ester tions. Brand label on oils.
base machine. When changing from mineral to
Do not mix biodegrad- biodegradable hydraulic oils, the
able oils of different tank and hydraulic system must
suppliers. be completely drained, cleaned
and flushed.
For further details before chang-
ing oils, please consult your
FUCHS dealer.
Engine oil according to API CG 4 or CF 4 and Hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524.T3 HLP
to ACEA E3 or E2
4.1 First commissioning ...................................................................................................... 4.1
4.2 Operator controls in cab ............................................................................................... 4.2
4.3 Operator control panel in cab........................................................................................ 4.4
4.4 Engine .......................................................................................................................... 4.6
4.4.1 Starting the engine................................................................................................. 4.6 Normal start / hot start .................................................................................... 4.6 Cold start with glow plug ................................................................................. 4.6
4.4.2 Monitoring during operation ................................................................................... 4.7 Deactivating the overheat protection ............................................................... 4.7
4.4.3 Switching off the engine......................................................................................... 4.7
4.4.4 CEB-control ........................................................................................................... 4.7 Auto-idling system........................................................................................... 4.8 Fine Mode ....................................................................................................... 4.8 Kick-down function .......................................................................................... 4.8
4.4.5 Notes for use in winter ........................................................................................... 4.8
4.5 Operator's stand ........................................................................................................... 4.9
4.5.1 Driver's seat ........................................................................................................... 4.9
4.5.2 Steering wheel position .......................................................................................... 4.9
4.6 Ventilation and heating ................................................................................................. 4.10
4.6.1 Hot water heating................................................................................................... 4.10
4.6.2 Supplementary heating (optional) .......................................................................... 4.10
4.6.3 Air conditioning (optional)....................................................................................... 4.11
4.7 Driver's cab................................................................................................................... 4.12
4.7.1 Opening/closing the windshield.............................................................................. 4.12
4.7.2 Sunblind................................................................................................................. 4.12
4.7.3 Cab door ................................................................................................................ 4.12
4.7.4 Door window .......................................................................................................... 4.13
4.7.5 Skylight of diver's cab ............................................................................................ 4.13
4.7.6 Interior lighting of driver's cab ................................................................................ 4.13
4.7.7 Windshield wash/wipe system ............................................................................... 4.13
4.8 Cab with hydraulic elevation ......................................................................................... 4.14
4.8.1 Before putting into operation.................................................................................. 4.14
4.8.2 During operation .................................................................................................... 4.14
4.8.3 Driving with elevated cab ....................................................................................... 4.14
4.8.4 Switching off the machine ...................................................................................... 4.14
4.8.5 Positioning the cab................................................................................................. 4.15
4.8.6 Procedure for manual lowering of elevated cab (in case of malfunction)................ 4.15
4.9 Driving .......................................................................................................................... 4.16
4.9.1 Driving off .............................................................................................................. 4.16
4.9.2 Coming to a halt..................................................................................................... 4.17
4.9.3 Steering ................................................................................................................. 4.17
4.9.4 Braking .................................................................................................................. 4.17
4.10 Parking the machine ..................................................................................................... 4.18
MHL 350
The heater is located in the drivers cab, on 4.6.3 Air conditioning (optional)
the right-hand side under a sheet-metal cover.
The air conditioning is switched on using the
The following maintenance tasks must be rotary knob (20/64). At the same time, the
carried out before each heating period: rotary knob (20/46) must be set to at least "1",
so that the air conditioning starts to operate.
Check the flame glow plug (19/1) for burn-
The indicator lamp (20/63) lights up.
off and replace if necessary.
Temperature is adjusted by operating the ro-
Examine the fuel filter for clogging and re-
tary knob (20/64):
place if necessary.
Turn clockwise increase in cooling per-
Check that electrical connections are se-
curely fastened.
Check that fuel lines and connections are
not leaking.
Check the oil level in the oil-immersed air
4.7.2 Sunblind
Above the upper front window, there is a pull-
down sunblind which can be engaged in three
different positions to reduce glare.
A second sunblind is below the skylight and
can be engaged in one position.
4.8 Cab with hydraulic elevation 4.8.3 Driving with elevated cab
The cab can be infinitely adjusted in vertical
direction. When driving with the cab elevated,
even small irregularities in the ground
4.8.1 Before putting into operation cause the cab to dip. This may result
in injuries of the driver (operator) or
The lifting equipment of the cab must be
to incorrect operation of the machine.
tested daily.
The machine may only be driven with
the cab elevated when the door is
The cab may only be repaired whilst closed, and not on public roads.
in elevated position when it is ade-
When driving with the cab raised, it
quately supported.
must be made sure that there are
A sleeve may be affixed to the piston rod of sufficient entrance heights to work
the lift frame cylinder to support the cab. This bays and other premises. In the
support sleeve can be obtained from FUCHS, event of a collision the operator is
under order number 6090031600. exposed to an increased risk of in-
4.8.2 During operation
The following points must also be observed:
Only enter or leave the cab when it is in the
lower end position. Do not remain on the There must be no obstacles in the vehicles
chassis or undercarriage or on the steps. Dur- path.
ing all movements of the cab, the machine The route must be such as not to endanger
operator must take care to ensure that s/he the stability of the machine and the safety of
and other persons are not in danger. the person in the cab.
The driver must have a sufficient overview
When driving with the cab raised, of the vehicles path, or the area must be
special care must be taken to ensure marked, e.g. by safety posts.
that no overhead power lines are
touched. If the machine has touched 4.8.4 Switching off the machine
an overhead power line, it shall only
be left or touched by persons stand- The cab must be returned to the rest position.
ing outside the cab when it is certain
that the machine is no longer in touch
with the power line or the current has
been switched off. See also chap-
ter 2.11.
4.9 Driving
4.9.3 Steering
The steering of the front axle of the loading
machine is fully hydraulic.
4.9.4 Braking
Service brake (can be locked in place)
Apply the service brake (28/9) as required.
Parking brake/hand brake
Apply the parking/hand brake (28/19) when
stopping the machine.
MHL 350
If the customer so wishes, the loading machine may be equipped with a non-standard
control. Your loading machine must therefore be checked to see whether or not a non-
standard control is installed. Incorrect operation may endanger persons or objects.
Before commencing work, memorize the lever controls well. Commence at low engine speed when
familiarizing yourself with the controls. Mounting
The overload cut-off is a safety de-
vice and shall not be used as part of Work attachments are mounted as follows:
normal operation. The values in the Remove the cotter pin (35/1).
table of carrying capacity must be
strictly observed. We recommend Unscrew the castle nut (35/2).
that you work only with the overload Remove the pin (35/3) from the holding fix-
cut-off switched on. ture.
Please follow the instructions of Messrs. Move the dipperstick onto the holding fixture
Krger for how to operate the overload cut-off. (35/4) so that the pin is pushed into the fix-
ture and into the bearing on the dipperstick.
5.2 Changing and mounting work attach-
Screw on the castle nut.
Secure the castle nut with the cotter pin.
The loading machine can be equipped with
various work attachments, e.g. grab, magnet, Connect the hydraulic lines and electric ca-
lift hook. bles (magnet) of the work attachment to the
This section describes the mounting and re- connections on the dipperstick. Ensure that
moval of both directly mounted work attach- lines and cables are not crossed.
ments and those with quick-attach system.
The bearings on the dipperstick and
work attachment must be clean.
Special care must be taken to ensure
that removed work attachments are Removal
placed on the ground in such a way
that they cannot overturn or move. For removal, proceed in the reverse order to
We recommend opening cactus mounting, described in chapter
grabs before placing them on the
ground. Clamshell grabs, in particu-
lar, must be secured against over-
Before hydraulic connections can be
detached, the hydraulic system must
be relieved of pressure. To do so,
see chapter 7.1.1 "Letting off residual
pressure in the hydraulic circuit".
5.2.2 Changing work attachments with 5.2.3 Venting the hydraulics of the work
quick-attach system attachment
When changing work attachments with quick- When defective hydraulic hoses or cylinders
attach system, the pin remains in the bearing are replaced, air may collect in the hydraulic
of the dipperstick. The work attachments are system. In order to prevent damage to the
fastened to the pin by means of a clamping piston seals of the hydraulic cylinders, the
device. system must be vented before use.
The work attachment must be To this purpose, slightly loosen the swivel
mounted in such a way that the hy- nuts on the adjustable angles of the two
draulic connections of the work at- supply hoses on the work attachment
tachment are on the same side as (grab). Hold against the screw couplings us-
those of the dipperstick. ing a wrench!
Perform several work maneuvers Mounting (open/close grab).
Attachments are mounted as follows: When oil escapes without bubbles, tighten
the swivel nuts at the adjustable angles
Remove the locking clip (36/4). parts by 1/3 turn above the point of percep-
Slacken the nuts of both turnscrews (36/1) tible increase in force. To do so, hold
(do not unscrew completely). against the screw couplings using a wrench!
Open the quick-attach system on the work
Open the turnscrews (36/1).
Open the clamps (36/2).
Move the dipperstick onto the work attach-
ment until the pin (36/3) is in the bearing of
the quick-mount hitch.
Re-close the clamps (36/2).
Re-tighten the nuts of the two turnscrews.
Secure the nut with the locking clip (36/4).
Connect the hydraulic lines and electric ca-
bles (magnet) of the work attachment to the
connections on the dipperstick. Ensure that
lines and cables are not crossed. Removal
For removal, proceed in the reverse order to
mounting, described in chapter Fig. 36 Quick-attach system
5.3 Slewing and loading operations Do not slew the uppercarriage so fast that
the load is pulled strongly outward through
Observation of the following points is essen-
centrifugal force or the load swings when
Machine with outriggers up
Do not brake the slewing motion of the
When the outriggers are up, loads may uppercarriage by dropping the work
only be hoisted above the front or rear axle equipment.
respectively, see table of carrying capacity.
When slewing, ensure sufficient all-round
When the outriggers are up, perform work carrying capacity.
operations only with the oscillating axle be-
No one shall remain in the danger zone of
ing locked, see chapter 5.1.6.
the machine during operation.
When the machine is standing still, the
Never force the controls.
parking brake must be applied. When the
parking brake is applied, the oscillating
5.4 Crane operations
axle is locked.
see chapter 2.14
Machine with outriggers down
When the outriggers are down, the wheels
must be blocked with the service brake.
The 4-point outriggers must rest firmly
upon the ground during work operations.
This must also be monitored continuously
during work, and the support cylinders re-
adjusted if necessary.
General notes
The values in the table of carrying ca-
pacity must be strictly observed.
Released whilst the uppercarriage is slew-
ing, the left-hand four-way control lever
(35/4) automatically goes to neutral posi-
tion, and the uppercarriage is sensitively
braked. The uppercarriage may also be
braked by countering, i.e. steering in the
opposite direction of slewing.
Fig. 37 Slewing the uppercarriage
The uppercarriage can be kept in a certain
position by pressing the pedal (37/8). The
slewing brake (37/8) shall not be used to
brake the uppercarriage.
Do not level the ground in front of the load-
ing machine with the work equipment by
slewing the uppercarriage to and fro.
Neither knock nor beat the grab.
Pay attention to hoses when lowering the
grab into a shaft.
Do not pull loads with the swing assembly.
MHL 350
6.1 Towing the machine
The machine is equipped with two towing
lugs, one on the front and one on the rear of
the undercarriage.
Dismantle the supporting feet from the outrig- The minimum lifting capacity per rope must be
gers. 100 kN (10 t).
Fasten the hoisting device (43/1) with the pins The four fixing ropes shall not be shorter than
(43/2) and fastening elements (43/3). Move 13 m for reasons of weight distribution, other-
the supports (43/4) to horizontal position. wise a lifting harness must be used.
The pins and fastening elements match the The ropes must be routed so that no damage
attachment of the supporting feet. occurs to the cab or paneling.
7.1 General information ...................................................................................................... 7.1
7.1.1 Regular oil analyses............................................................................................... 7.2
7.1.2 Letting off residual pressure in the hydraulic circuit................................................ 7.3
7.2 Service parts................................................................................................................. 7.3
7.3 Work before putting into operation................................................................................ 7.4
7.3.1 Checking the engine oil level ................................................................................. 7.4
7.3.2 Fuel system ........................................................................................................... 7.4 Fuel level......................................................................................................... 7.4 Water separator .............................................................................................. 7.4
7.3.3 Cooling system ...................................................................................................... 7.5 Coolant level ................................................................................................... 7.5 Checking the antifreeze .................................................................................. 7.5
7.3.4 Checking the hydraulic oil level .............................................................................. 7.5
7.3.5 Cleaning the radiator.............................................................................................. 7.5
7.3.6 Tires....................................................................................................................... 7.6
7.3.7 Checking the oil levels in axles, swing transmission and power shift transmission. 7.6
7.3.8 Electrical equipment............................................................................................... 7.6
7.3.9 Transmission oil levels in grab and magnet ........................................................... 7.7
7.3.10 Fastening bolts of grab and magnet....................................................................... 7.7
7.4 Overview of lubricating points ....................................................................................... 7.8
7.4.1 Central lubricating system...................................................................................... 7.11 Automatic check.............................................................................................. 7.11 Filling the grease container ............................................................................. 7.12 Lubrication when lubricating pump is defective ............................................... 7.12 Triggering additional lubrication ...................................................................... 7.12
7.5 Inspection plan ............................................................................................................. 7.13
7.6 Inspection and maintenance work................................................................................. 7.16
7.6.1 Diesel engine ......................................................................................................... 7.16
7.6.2 Changing the engine oil ......................................................................................... 7.16
7.6.3 Engine oil filter ....................................................................................................... 7.16
7.6.4 Fuel system ........................................................................................................... 7.17 Fuel filter ......................................................................................................... 7.17 Cleaning/replacing the fuel pre-filter................................................................ 7.17 Draining water from the fuel system................................................................ 7.18 Venting the fuel system................................................................................... 7.18
7.6.5 Air filter, air filter pipe ............................................................................................. 7.19 Air filter pipe .................................................................................................... 7.19 Removal of the main cartridge ........................................................................ 7.19 Cleaning the main cartridge ............................................................................ 7.20 Removing the safety cartridge......................................................................... 7.20
7.6.6 Cooling system ...................................................................................................... 7.21 Cleaning the radiator....................................................................................... 7.21 Changing the coolant (engine radiator) ........................................................... 7.21
7.6.7 Checking V-belts.................................................................................................... 7.22 Tensioning V-belts (generator)........................................................................ 7.22 Replacing V-belts (generator) ......................................................................... 7.22 Tensioning V-belts (water/fuel pump).............................................................. 7.22 Replacing V-belts (water/fuel pump) ............................................................... 7.22
MHL 350
7.6.8 Checking and adjusting the valve lash ................................................................... 7.23
7.6.9 Battery ................................................................................................................... 7.23
7.6.10 Bleeding the brake................................................................................................. 7.24
7.6.11 Bleeding the parking brake .................................................................................... 7.24
7.6.12 Adjusting the play of the parking brake .................................................................. 7.24
7.6.13 Venting the oscillating axle cylinders...................................................................... 7.25
7.6.14 Hydraulic oil ........................................................................................................... 7.26
7.6.15 Hydraulic oil return filters ....................................................................................... 7.27
7.6.16 Hydraulic oil tank ventilation filter ........................................................................... 7.28
7.6.17 Blocking off the hydraulic oil on the tank ................................................................ 7.28
7.6.18 Changing axle oil and transmission oil ................................................................... 7.29 Front axle differential....................................................................................... 7.29 Rear axle differential ....................................................................................... 7.29 Wheel hubs..................................................................................................... 7.30 Power shift transmission ................................................................................. 7.30
7.6.19 Swing transmission ................................................................................................ 7.30
7.6.20 Tightening torques ................................................................................................. 7.31
7.6.21 Changing transmission oil grab and magnet ....................................................... 7.32
7.7 Care and cleaning......................................................................................................... 7.33
7.8 Preservation (temporary shutdown) .............................................................................. 7.33
7.8.1 During shutdown .................................................................................................... 7.34
7.8.2 After shutdown....................................................................................................... 7.34
MHL 350
7.1.2 Letting off residual pressure in the Service parts for inspections must be
hydraulic circuit stocked in good time!
7.3.4 Checking the hydraulic oil level Fig. 49 Hydraulic oil sight glass
Check the oil level using the sight glass
(49/2), and top up if necessary.
7.3.6 Tires
Tightness of wheel nuts
During the first 50 operating hours, check the
torque of the wheel nuts daily, and subse-
quently at regular intervals, and tighten to the
correct torque if necessary.
Tightening torque: 450 Nm
When changing a wheel, always tighten the Fig. 51 Rear axle
nuts to the specified torque crosswise in sev-
eral steps.
Fig. 57 Magnet
* The points marked must be subjected to a visual and functional inspection every
500 operating hours (see chapter 7.5). In particular, general damage and wear must
be observed.
For engine oil change filling quantity and lu- Clean the sealing area of the filter carrier.
bricating oil specifications, see chapters 3.17 Wet the sealing ring of the new filter with oil.
Screw in the engine oil filter cartridge by
Change acc. to inspection plan, chapter 7.5 hand until the gasket of the engine oil filter
and oil analyses chapter 7.1.1. cartridge touches the filter head.
Collect the oil, do not allow it to Turn the engine oil filter cartridge manually
seep into the ground. Dispose of in with one more half turn.
the proper manner! Only start the engine if there is sufficient
Oil change oil in the engine (see chapter 7.6.2).
Bring the engine to operating temperature, Check the tightness of the engine oil filter
lubricating oil temperature approx. 80 C. cartridge.
Fuel tank
Drain water from the fuel tank via the drain
valve (70/1).
Screw the drain hose onto the drain valve
and drain water. As soon as fuel instead of
water escapes tighten drain valve.
Fuel pre-filter
Fig. 70 Drain valve
Open the drain plug (69/4) once a week and
observe the escaping liquid. As soon as fuel
instead of water escapes tighten drain plug.
7.6.6 Cooling system Start the engine and bring to operating tem-
The machine has separate radiators for en-
gine cooling and hydraulic oil. Turn off the engine and allow to cool down. Cleaning the radiator Check the coolant level and top up if re-
quired (several times, if necessary).
The radiator shall only be maintained Check the tightness of the cooling system.
and cleaned when the engine is not If the coolant level is too low, the indicator
running. lamp (71/38) lights up.
Clean according to inspection plan, chap-
ter 7.5.
Worn or damaged V-belts must be Push the fuel pump (77/3) in the direction of
replaced immediately. arrow until the V-belt tension is correct.
Re-tighten the screws (77/1) and (77/2).
To check the tension, press the V-belt with
your thumb (exactly between the belt pulleys). Replacing V-belts (water/fuel
Using moderate thumb pressure of approx.
45 N, the V-belt sag should equal 10 mm.
If a V-belt shows cracks or if it is dirtied by oil, Loosen the screws (77/1) and (77/2).
coolant, grease and the like, it must be re- Push the fuel pump (77/3) in opposite direc-
placed. tion of arrow until the V-belt can be re-
If new V-belts are mounted, their tension must moved.
be checked after 15 minutes of operation. Fit new V-belt. Tensioning V-belts (generator) Push the fuel pump (77/3) in the direction of
arrow until the V-belt tension is correct.
Slacken the fastening screw (76/1) (do not
screw out completely). Re-tighten the screws (77/1) and (77/2).
7.6.9 Battery
7.6.10 Bleeding the brake Screw in the set screw (80/3) until resis-
tance is tangible (brake linings sit close to
Maintenance and inspection plan, chapter 7.5.
the brake disc).
Collect the waste oil, do not allow it to Screw the set screw (80/3) back by half a
seep into the ground. Dispose of turn.
according to regulations!
Counter with nut (80/2).
Let the engine run at medium speed. Re-fit the cover (80/1).
Apply the parking brake!
Press the service brake pedal and lock in
Remove the cap on the ventilation valve
(78/1) and fit suitable hose.
Direct the hose into a container.
Slightly loosen the ventilation valve using a
key (W/F 9) and keep open until the escap-
ing hydraulic oil is without bubbles in the
Tighten the ventilation valve and re-fit dust
Bleed the other three brakes as described. Fig. 78 Brake
Fill in oil via the checking and filler plug Fig. 90 Wheel hubs
Close the screw plug carefully.
MHL 350
Table of daily / weekly maintenance tasks
Assignment of fuses
Index of Pictures
MHL 350
Daily tasks
Inspection and maintenance tasks to be performed by service personnel
Hydraulic oil tank Oil level Visual inspection Daily Top up oil as
MHL 350
Weekly tasks
Water separator Dirt and water Visual inspection Weekly Drain as required
MHL 350
Assignment of fuses
* optional
MHL 350
Index of Pictures
Fig. 1 Vehicle identity number Fig. 51 Rear axle
Fig. 2 Dimensions Fig. 52 Front axle
Fig. 3 Dimensions Fig. 53 Wheel hub
Fig. 4 General structure Fig. 54 Swing transmission
Fig. 5 Working envelope (13.5 m loading Fig. 55 Power shift transmission
equipment) Fig. 56 Grab
Fig. 6 Table of carrying capacity (13.5 m loading Fig. 57 Magnet
equipment) Fig. 58 Overview of lubricating points
Fig. 7 Working envelope (15 m loading equipment) Fig. 59 Steering cylinder
Fig. 8 Table of carrying capacity (15 m loading Fig. 60 Steering gear case
equipment) Fig. 61 Propeller shaft
Fig. 9 Grab Fig. 62 Oscillating axle
Fig. 10 Magnet Fig. 63 Button for lubrication
Fig. 11 Lift hook Fig. 64 Grease container
Fig. 12 Operator controls Fig. 65 Oil change valve
Fig. 13 Operator control panel Fig. 66 Engine oil filter cartridge
Fig. 14 Starting the engine Fig. 67 Fuel filter cartridge
Fig. 15 Switching off the engine Fig. 68 Fuel pre-filter
Fig. 16 Driver's seat Fig. 69 Fuel pre-filter
Fig. 17 Steering wheel adjustment Fig. 70 Drain valve
Fig. 18 Heating and ventilation Fig. 71 Air filter indicator lamp
Fig. 19 Heating Fig. 72 Dust collector
Fig. 20 Air conditioning Fig. 73 Cleaning the main cartridge
Fig. 21 Opening/closing the windshield Fig. 74 Vent plug
Fig. 22 Opening the door Fig. 75 Draining coolant
Fig. 23 Door catch Fig. 76 V-belt (generator)
Fig. 24 Releasing the door from the catch Fig. 77 V-belt (water/fuel pump)
Fig. 25 Positioning the cab Fig. 78 Brake
Fig. 26 Ball valve Fig. 79 Parking brake
Fig. 27 Driving Fig. 80 Adjusting the parking brake
Fig. 28 Driving Fig. 81 Oscillating axle lock
Fig. 29 Parking the machine Fig. 82 Vent plugs
Fig. 30 ISO control Fig. 83 Cap
Fig. 31 Increasing the operating pressure Fig. 84 Filter covers
Fig. 32 Outriggers Fig. 85 Return filters
Fig. 33 Disabling work functions Fig. 86 Blocking off the hydraulic oil
Fig. 34 Oscillating axle lock Fig. 87 Direction of flow
Fig. 35 Direct mounting Fig. 88 Front axle differential
Fig. 36 Quick-attach system Fig. 89 Rear axle differential
Fig. 37 Slewing the uppercarriage Fig. 90 Wheel hubs
Fig. 38 Operation of magnet device Fig. 91 Power shift transmission
Fig. 39 Transmission control Fig. 92 Swing transmission
Fig. 40 Transmission control Fig. 93 Tightening torques
Fig. 41 Loading onto a flat-bed trailer or train Fig. 94 Transmission oil change
Fig. 42 Transport of the machine Fig. 95 Transmission oil change
Fig. 43 Fixing the machine Fig. 96 Central electric system
Fig. 44 Letting off residual pressure Fig. 97 Switch box of the magnet system
Fig. 45 Fuel level Fig. 98 Warning lamp
Fig. 46 Tank cap Fig. 99 Electronic-Box
Fig. 47 Water separator Fig. 100 Ball valve
Fig. 48 Engine radiator Fig. 101 Speed adjustment
Fig. 49 Hydraulic oil sight glass
Fig. 50 Cleaning the radiator
MHL 350