IS Audit and Assurance Guideline 2008 Criteria
IS Audit and Assurance Guideline 2008 Criteria
IS Audit and Assurance Guideline 2008 Criteria
2008 Criteria
The specialised nature of information systems (IS) audit and assurance and the skills necessary to perform such
engagements require standards that apply specifically to IS audit and assurance. The development and
dissemination of the IS audit and assurance standards are a cornerstone of the ISACA professional contribution to
the audit community.
IS audit and assurance standards define mandatory requirements for IS auditing and reporting and inform:
IS audit and assurance professionals of the minimum level of acceptable performance required to meet the
professional responsibilities set out in the ISACA Code of Professional Ethics
Management and other interested parties of the professions expectations concerning the work of practitioners
Holders of the Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA ) designation of requirements. Failure to comply
with these standards may result in an investigation into the CISA holders conduct by the ISACA Board of
Directors or appropriate committee and, ultimately, in disciplinary action.
IS audit and assurance professionals should include a statement in their work, where appropriate, acknowledging that
the engagement has been conducted in accordance with ISACA IS audit and assurance standards or other
applicable professional standards.
ITAF, a professional practices framework for IS audit and assurance, provides multiple levels of guidance:
Standards, divided into three categories:
- General standards (1000 series)Are the guiding principles under which the IS audit and assurance
profession operates. They apply to the conduct of all assignments, and deal with the IS audit and assurance
professionals ethics, independence, objectivity and due care as well as knowledge, competency and skill.
The standards statements (in bold) are mandatory.
- Performance standards (1200 series)Deal with the conduct of the assignment, such as planning and
supervision, scoping, risk and materiality, resource mobilisation, supervision and assignment management, audit
and assurance evidence, and the exercising of professional judgement and due care
- Reporting standards (1400 series)Address the types of reports, means of communication and the
information communicated
Guidelines, supporting the standards and also divided into three categories:
- General guidelines (2000 series)
- Performance guidelines (2200 series)
- Reporting guidelines (2400 series)
Tools and techniques, providing additional guidance for IS audit and assurance professionals, e.g., white
papers, IS audit/assurance programmes, the COBIT 5 family of products
Disclaimer: ISACA has designed this guidance as the minimum level of acceptable performance required to meet
the professional responsibilities set out in the ISACA Code of Professional Ethics. ISACA makes no claim that use of
this product will assure a successful outcome. The publication should not be considered inclusive of any proper
procedures and tests or exclusive of other procedures and tests that are reasonably directed to obtaining the same
results. In determining the propriety of any specific procedure or test, controls professionals should apply their own
professional judgement to the specific control circumstances presented by the particular systems or IS environment.
The ISACA Professional Standards and Career Management Committee (PSCMC) is committed to wide consultation
in the preparation of standards and guidance. Prior to issuing any document, an exposure draft is issued
internationally for general public comment. Comments may also be submitted to the attention of the director of
professional standards development via email (, fax (+1.847. 253.1443) or postal mail (ISACA
International Headquarters, 3701 Algonquin Road, Suite 1010, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008-3105, USA).
1.1 Purpose 1.1.1 The purpose of this guideline is to assist IS audit and assurance
professionals in selecting criteria, against which the subject matter will be
assessed, that are suitable, acceptable and come from a relevant source.
1.1.2 IS audit and assurance professionals should consider this guideline when
determining how to implement the standard, use professional judgement in
its application, be prepared to justify any departure and seek additional
guidance if considered necessary.
2. Guideline Content
2.0 Introduction The guideline content section is structured to provide information on the following
key audit and assurance engagement topics:
2.1 Selection and use of criteria
2.2 Suitability
2.3 Acceptability
2.4 Source
2.5 Change in criteria during the audit engagement
2.1 Selection and 2.1.1 Professionals shall select criteria, against which the subject matter will be
Use of Criteria assessed. When selecting the criteria, professionals shall carefully consider
2.2 Suitability 2.2.1 Professionals should assess the suitability and appropriateness of the criteria
used for assessing subject matter. The example criterion Local law stipulates
that all personal information of clients should always remain private when
conducting data transactions is used to clarify the following criteria
ObjectivityFree from bias that may adversely impact professionals
findings and conclusions and, accordingly, may mislead the user of the
audit report, e.g., the criterion is objective because it is ratified by local
CompletenessSufficiently complete so that all criteria that could
affect professionals conclusions about the subject matter are
identified and used in the conduct of the audit engagement. Thus,
completeness of all criteria used should be achieved, given the
objectives of the audit engagement.
RelevanceRelevant to the subject matter and contribute to findings
and conclusions that meet the objectives of the audit engagement.
Criteria can be context-sensitive; even for the same subject matter
there can be different criteria depending on the objectives and
circumstances of the audit engagement, e.g., the criterion is considered
2.3 Acceptability 2.3.1 The acceptability of criteria is affected by the availability of the criteria to
the users of the audit report, so that users understand the basis of the
assurance activity and the relevance of the findings and conclusions.
Sources may include those criteria that are:
RecognisedSufficiently well recognised so that their use is not
questioned by intended users
AuthoritativeReflect authoritative pronouncements within the area
and are appropriate for the subject matter, e.g., authoritative
pronouncements may come from professional bodies, industry groups,
government and regulators
Publicly availableIncludes standards developed by professional
accounting and audit bodies such as ISACA, International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC), and other recognised government, legal or
professional bodies
Available to all usersWhere not publicly available, criteria should be
communicated to all users through assertions that form part of the
audit report. Assertions consist of statements about the subject matter
that meet the requirements of suitable criteria so that they can be
audited, as described in Standard 1007 Assertions.
2.3.2 Professionals should ensure that the criteria used in an audit engagement
are either:
Externally acceptedRecognised, authoritative and publicly available
Externally confirmedCriteria developed by management (for a
specific audit engagement) are not considered recognised, authoritative
and publicly available. Before use, these criteria require external
validation by a recognised independent third party to ensure that
management does not implicitly enforce a wanted outcome of the audit
2.4 Source 2.4.1 In addition to suitability and availability, the selection of IS assurance
criteria should also consider their source, in terms of their use and the
potential audience. For example, when dealing with government
regulations, criteria based on assertions developed from the legislation and
regulations that apply to the subject matter may be most appropriate. In
2.5 Change in 2.5.1 As the audit progresses, additional information and insight on the subject
Criteria During matter may result in a change of selected criteria:
the Audit Certain criteria might not be needed anymore to achieve the audit
objective. In these circumstances, further audit work related to the
criteria is not necessary.
There might be a need for extra criteria to achieve the audit objective.
In these circumstances, extra criteria will be selected and audit work
related to the criteria will be conducted.
Note: Only those standard statements relevant to this guideline are listed.
3.3 Other When implementing standards and guidelines, professionals are encouraged to
Guidance seek other guidance, when considered necessary. This could be from IS audit and
Colleagues from within the organisation and/or outside the enterprise, e.g.,
through professional associations or professional social media groups
Governance bodies within the organisation, e.g., audit committee
Other guidance (e.g., books, papers, other guidelines)
4. Terminology
Term Definition
Assertion Any formal declaration or set of declarations about the subject matter made by
5. Effective Date
5.1 Effective Date This revised guideline is effective for all IS audit and assurance engagements
beginning on or after 1 September 2014.