Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Mississippi State University Travel Advance Request
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Mississippi State University Travel Advance Request
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Mississippi State University Travel Advance Request
Traveler's Name
$ Allowance
3 Lodging # Nights Per Night $ = $ 0.00
6 Other = $
I am accepting a travel advance for the out-of-state travel approved by this request. I understand that I must submit a completed
Travel Authorization and Reimbursement Form (MSU Form A-03) within ten business days after the ending date of my travel.
I further understand that if the travel advance is not cleared within 10 days after the end of the month in which the travel was
completed, the advance amount will be deducted from my payroll check.
Department Head/
Next Higher Administrator Date
In order for the Travel Office to better expedite your requests for an advance, please submit this form completed with the
original travel voucher approved through section C. You can mail the necessary information to Mail Stop 9719 or come by our
location at 640 McArthur Hall. If you have any questions, please call 325-8817.