Ela7assessmentq3w5 Giver

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Name: ____________________

Date: ____________________
Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6
ELA 7 Assessment
Quarter 3, Week 5

Standard: W.7.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons.

RL.7.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
Objective: Students will be able to match vocabulary words, use at least one in a
sentence, and make an inference by using one piece of evidence as support.
Guidelines for Success

4 I matched the words, answered all the questions effectively and


3 I matched the words, and answered the questions somewhat

effectively or missed one.

2 I answered less than 50% of the questions correctly.

1 I answered less than 25% of the question correctly.

0 I did not complete the assignment.

For students: Please rate your understanding of the standard above and explain why
you chose that rating. Use the language in the Guidelines for Success.

Name: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Directions: Match the vocabulary words correctly.

a The idea in Jonass community that everyone is the same and

1 . there is no need to change, unless following the laws of
. Sameness change, such as with age.

2 b The previous Receiver of Memory

. The Giver .

3 c. Recollections passed from the Giver to the Receiver of times

. Memories before the community.

4. Answer each question in complete sentences.

(1-2 sentences) Why is the old man called the Giver now?

(2-3 sentences) Why did the community create Sameness? What was their reason?
Name: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6

4. Read the passage from chapter 13.

But they dont want change. Life here is so orderly, so predictable---so painless. Its what theyve

Why has the community decided to make life painless? Why do decisions cause
Answer BOTH questions in at least 4-5 sentences.
Use one (1) example from your life to support your reasoning.
Name: ____________________
Date: ____________________
Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6

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