DS85 Service Manual

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DS 85/0002
central unit/ console

P/N 190210 REV - 02/27/2008
Service Manual DS 85

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- 02/27/08 SC ECN 08-022

2008 Hirschmann, Chambersburg, PA 17201, USA

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Service Manual DS 85


1 GENERAL INFORMATION...................................................................................................1

2 WARNINGS...........................................................................................................................1

3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................2

3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM COMPONENTS ....................................................................3
4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:..................................................................................5

5 ANGLE THEORY ..................................................................................................................6

6 LENGTH THEORY ................................................................................................................9

6.1 LG105 CABLE REEL LENGTH CABLE REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ..................................11
6.2 LG105 CABLE REEL REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE...........................................................12
6.3 LG105 CABLE REEL LENGTH SENSOR REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE ...........................12
7 PRESSURE THEORY .........................................................................................................15

8 LOAD THEORY...................................................................................................................16

9 A2B PROBLEM RADIO A2B OPTION ............................................................................16

10 A2B PROBLEM HARDWIRED A2B OPTION..............................................................19

11 CONSOLE DISPLAY .......................................................................................................20

12 RADIO ANTI-TWO BLOCK SYSTEM SETUP/CALIBRATION.......................................21

12.1 SETUP OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................21
12.2 CLEAR EXISTING SETUP SWITCHES .............................................................................21
12.3 FIRST ID SETUP ..........................................................................................................21
12.4 SECOND ID SETUP......................................................................................................21
12.5 BATTERY REPLACEMENT ............................................................................................22
13 CAN-BUS COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................23


15 DRAWINGS .....................................................................................................................32
15.1 CONSOLE/CENTRAL UNIT TO CRANE WIRING DIAGRAM ......................................32
15.2 LENGTH/ANGLE SENSOR WIRING DIAGRAM ..................................................................33
15.3 HARDIWRED A2B WIRING DIAGRAM ........................................................................34
16 SPARE PART LISTINGS ................................................................................................35
16.1 CONSOLE/CENTRAL UNIT ...........................................................................................35
16.2 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER BLOCK ................................................................................36
16.3 ANGLE SENSOR BOX ..................................................................................................36
16.4 CABLE REEL ASSEMBLY .............................................................................................37
16.5 CABLE REEL ASSEMBLY .............................................................................................38
17 SERVICE SCREEN FOR SENSOR CALIBRATION .......................................................40

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6 Service Manual DS 85

17.1 ACTIVATING THE SERVICE SCREEN FOR SENSOR CALIBRATION ...................................40

17.2 ZERO-SETTING THE TRANSDUCER INPUTS ..................................................................40
17.3 CALIBRATE LENGTH INPUT ..........................................................................................41
17.4 CALIBRATE ANGLE INPUT ...........................................................................................42
18 ERROR CODES ..............................................................................................................45

19 TROUBLESHOOTING MOISTURE.................................................................................51
19.1 WATER INGRESS ........................................................................................................51
19.2 CONDENSATION ..........................................................................................................52

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

General Information 1


This service manual is designed to assist a service or maintenance person in identifying system
problem areas or malfunctions. A digital voltmeter with the capability to measure current will be
required, along with standard maintenance and service tools. NOTE: Knowledge of how to use a
voltmeter to measure both voltage and current is assumed.

For system operation, refer to the consoles operators manual 031-300-190-165.


The LMI is an operational aid that warns a crane operator of approaching overload conditions and of
over hoist conditions that could cause damage to equipment and personnel.

The device is not, and shall not, be a substitute for good operator judgment, experience and use of
accepted safe crane operating procedures.

The responsibility for the safe crane operation shall remain with the crane operator who shall ensure
that all warnings and instructions supplied are fully understood and observed.

Prior to operating the crane, the operator must carefully and thoroughly read and understand the
information in this manual to ensure that he knows the operation and limitations of indicator and

Proper functioning depends upon proper daily inspection and observance of the operating
instructions set forth in this manual. Refer to Section 6. Pre-Operation Inspection and Calibration
Verification of this handbook.

The LMI can only work correctly, if all adjustments have been properly set. For correct
adjustment, the operator has to answer thoroughly and correctly all questions asked during
the setup procedure in accordance with the real rigging state of the crane. To prevent
material damage and serious or even fatal accidents, the correct adjustment of the LMI has
to be ensured before starting the crane operation.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

2 Service Manual DS 85


The DS 85 system is a CAN bus system consisting of a central micro processor unit/operating
console, length/angle sensor, pressure transducers, and anti-two block switches.

The Load Moment Indicator system operates on the principle of reference/real comparison. The real
value, resulting from the pressure measurement is compared with the reference data, stored in the
central processor memory and evaluated in the micro processor. When limits are reached, an
overload warning signal is generated at the operators console. At the same time, the aggravating
crane movements, such as hoist up, telescope out and boom down, will be stopped.

The fixed data regarding the crane, such as capacity charts, boom weights, centers of gravity and
dimensions are stored in memory in the central processor unit. This data is the reference information
used to calculate the operating conditions.

The operating modes are selected by the operating mode key on the console by scrolling through the
text messages defining the boom truck configuration.

The crane load is measured by pressure transducers attached to the piston and rod side of the hoist

Boom length and boom angle are transmitted by length/angle CAN bus node mounted on the side of
the boom in the angle sensor box. The length sensor/cable reel is mounted inside the base which
measures the boom length.

The PAT RATB works like our normal Anti-Two-Block. It alerts to an impending two-block condition.
This alert can come in the form of an audible alarm and visual LED or with the optional function
lockout if the crane is so equipped. The radio anti two block transmitter switch transmits a error
condition when the switch closes or transmits an OK signal, no less than every two seconds to the
receive. The transmitters send a unique serialized frequency on up to three separate channels to
ensure accurate and consistent reception of data and to reduce the possibility of unnoticed failure.
The transmitter is powered by 4 C batteries. The receiver is mounted into a receiver box locate near
the operating station. The receiver box provides the following indications: Power (status), LINK, Low
Battery, and A2B. The receiver will work 10...32VDC and fused to 1 Amp.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

System Description 3


Fig. 1: Components of the LMI system PAT DS 85



1 Operating POWE LIN




3 Length 7

4 Angle Sensor/CAN Bus

5 Radio A2B 2 5
6 Radio Anti Two-Block LOCKOU

5 Hardwired Anti Two-Block Option


1 Operating Console
2 Pressure Transducers
3 Length/Angle Sensor with connector
LWG152 with tele length <49ft or 2
LWG508 with tele length <105ft POWER
4 Length cable assembly to A2B switch via 6-pin receptacle LOCKOUT
5 Anti Two-Block Switch ALARM DO3

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4 Service Manual DS 85

Central Unit/Console: Inside the console there is a CPU and connection board. The board has a
hard mounted connector for power, ground, bus controller, and slew indication. Displays all
geometrical information such as actual load, maximum load permitted by load chart, working radius,
and length, angle, and head height of main boom. It also has LEDs for operating condition OK,
overload, and a pre-warning. An output to an alarm horn and a warning light are also available. The
display allows for a simple configuration setup, as well as sensor calibration (zero adjustment), and
troubleshooting sensor output screen.

Pressure Sensor: The pressure sensor transforms hydraulic pressure into an electric signal. A
pressure sensor block houses two sensors, CAN bus controller, and two bus connectors. One
pressure sensor is connected to the piston side of the lift cylinder and the other to the rod side.

Length Sensor: A reeling drum drives a potentiometer that measures the length of the boom. This
sensor is connected to the CAN bus sensor board.

Angle Sensor: The angle sensor is a potentiometer driven by oil damped and weighted pendulum
that measures the angle of the boom. This sensor is connected to the CAN bus converter board in the
angle sensor box or located in the LWG length/angle sensor cable reel.

Radio Anti-Two-Block Receiver: The anti-two block receiver console has 4 LED lights for anti-two-
block conditions, such as POWER, LINK (communication link), LOW BATTERY, and A2B (an
impending two-block condition exists). When the weight is lifted on the A2B switch or a signal is not
received from the transmitter the receiver disengages a relay output and drops power from the lock
out solenoid valves.

Radio Anti-Two-Block Transmitter and Switch: The anti-two-block switch monitors the load block
and its relationship with the head of the boom. In working condition the switch is closed. The weight
at the anti-two-block switch keeps the switch closed until the hook block strikes it. When the hook
block strikes the weight the circuit opens and the transmitter sends a signal to the receiver.
The transmitter has an LED on the bottom for diagnostics. The LED should be on when in a two-block
condition or when the weight is lifted. The LED will flash rapidly during a 2-block condition and will
stop flashing after the switch is in a two-block condition for more than 15 seconds. The LED will flash
randomly approximately every 2 seconds when the switch is transmitting. When in sleep mode, the
LED will not flash.

Hardwired Anti-Two-Block Switch: The anti-two-block switch monitors the load block and its
relationship with the head of the boom. In working condition the switch is closed. When the load
block strikes the weight the circuit opens, disengaging a relay output to the lock out solenoid valves,
where applicable. To check the cable for damage, (short circuit to ground) there is a 4.7k resistor
between ground and the contact of the switch, to give a signal back to the central unit. The weight at
the anti-two-block switch keeps the switch closed until the load block strikes it.

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So, whats wrong? Assuming you are reading these pages because of some kind of problem with the
PAT system, let us try to guide you quickly to solving the problem. In most cases, your problem will
fall under the following categories:


Please go to section Error Codes!

Start in section Angle Sensing to check the indicated angle.

Start in section Length Sensing to check the indicated length.


Please note that the indicated load is calculated by the system from the geometry information in the
computer, the operators selections, and all the sensor inputs. If the load display is off, it can therefore
be due to an error in any or several of these inputs! Refer to section Load sensing to narrow down the
source of your problem.


If the console does not show any sign at all (no lights, no buzzer, no display), the problem is either in
the wiring between console and crane power, or the console itself. Refer to section No console
display for further troubleshooting.


Please go to sectionA2B PROBLEM


Please go to section CAN-Bus Communication!


Please go to the Spare Part Listings!


Please go to section Troubleshooting Moisture!

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

6 Service Manual DS 85

The System measures the angle of the main boom of the machine with an angle sensor. The angle
sensor is contained within the angle sensor box (Radio A2B option) or within the Cable Reel
(Hardwired A2B option), located on the left side of the main boom

Block Diagram

Angle CAN-Bus DS 85
Sensor Converter Console/

Cable Reel / Angle Sensor Box

Pressure Transducer

The signal runs from the angle sensor to the Can-Bus converter board, both located in the angle
sensor box. From there, it travels as digital information on the CAN-Bus to the pressure sensor, which
acts as a T-connector to the main CAN-Bus running to the console/central unit.

So, what do you do when you are having a problem with your angle read-out?

Start by verifying the angle display. Refer to the section Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using
The Display to call up the sensor signal on your console display. The CAN-Bus is digital and as such
will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. If your readings are off, you have to determine
what is causing the problem. Start by opening the angle sensor box and locate the angle sensor (top)
and the CAN-Bus converter board (bottom):

CAN-Bus electronics in cable reel. CAN-Bus electronics in angle sensor box.

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Angle THEORY 7

X20 (length)

X21 (angle)

CAN-Bus electronics in angle sensor box.

X1 (CAN)

X14 (A2B)

X20 (length)

X21 (angle)

CAN-Bus electronics in cable reel.

The angle sensor has a potentiometer built in that is driven by a pendulum. As the angle changes, so
will the pendulum and with it the potentiometers axle. The converter board supplies a constant
voltage of 5V to the angle sensor and in return monitors the voltage of the potentiometer. The
terminal used is X21. The angle sensor is connected as follows:

Terminal X21
1 + 5V
3 Signal

Verify that the sensor is being supplied with 5V by measuring between pin 5 (GND) and Pin 1 (+) of
terminal X21. If the voltage is outside of a range of 4.75 to 5.25V, the converter board might be
defective. Unplug angle sensor and measure again. If the voltage is still off, exchange converter
board. If unplugging the angle sensor made the voltage return into the acceptable range, exchange
angle sensor. If the voltage is correct continue:

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8 Service Manual DS 85

The angle sensor returns a voltage between 1.875V at 90 degrees and 3.125V at 0 degrees:

Angle Sensor Signal on

Pin 3
Angle Voltage
90 1.875
75 2.083
60 2.292
45 2.500
30 2.708
15 2.917
0 3.125
Note: Actual voltages will vary slightly.

Measure this voltage between Pin 5 (GND) and Pin 3 of Terminal X21.

If you need to determine the angle for voltages other than the above, do so by using the following
Angle (degrees) = 90 degrees ((Voltage-1.875) * 72)

If this angle matches your actual angle, but the indicated angle varies significantly (more than 0.4
degrees), the angle sensor is fine and the error is somewhere else. If this angle varies significantly
from your actual angle, the angle sensor is bad and needs to be exchanged. Otherwise, continue:

At this point, you have verified that the angle sensor is giving you the right output to match your actual
angle, but the system is displaying the wrong angle. If you can rule out software and operator error, it
is most likely that the converter board is defective and it needs to be exchanged.

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Length THEORY 9

The system measures the length of the main boom of the machine with a length sensor. The length
sensor is contained within the cable reel, located in the base of the main boom.

Block Diagram

Radio A2B Option:

Length CAN-Bus DS 85
Sensor Converter Console/

Pressure Transducer
Angle Sensor Box

Hardwired A2B Option:

Length CAN-Bus DS 85
Sensor Converter Console/

Cable Reel
Pressure Transducer

The signal runs from the length sensor to the CAN-Bus converter board, located in the angle sensor
box. From there, it travels as digital information on the CAN-Bus to the pressure transducer, which
acts as a T-connector to the main CAN-Bus running to the central unit.

So, what do you do when you are having a problem with your length read-out?

Start by verifying the length display. Refer to the section Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using
The Display to call up the sensor signal on your console display. The CAN-Bus is digital and as such
will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. If your readings are off, you have to determine
what is causing the problem. Start by checking the length cable tension, the cable reel has 3-5 turns
of pre-loading on the reel.

Go back to your indication screen and compare length indicated and actual again. If the indicated
length varies significantly from your actual length (more than 0.3 feet), the length sensor might be bad
and needs to be exchanged. Note, however, that the error could be in the converter board.

The length sensor has a potentiometer built in that is driven by a gear drive from the cable drum. As
the length changes, the cable drum will turn and with it the potentiometers axle. The converter board
supplies a voltage of about 4.7V to the length potentiometer and in return monitors the output voltage
of the potentiometer. The terminal used is X20. The length sensor is connected as follows:

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10 Service Manual DS 85

Terminal X20
1 + (~ 4.8V)
3 Signal
5 - (~ 0.2V)

Verify that the sensor is being supplied with about 4.7V by measuring between pin 5 (-) and Pin 1 (+)
of terminal X20. If the voltage is outside of a range of 4.5 to 5 V, the converter board might be
defective. Unplug length sensor and measure again. If the voltage is still off, exchange converter
board. If unplugging the length sensor made the voltage return into the acceptable range, exchange
length sensor. If the voltage is correct continue:

The length sensor returns a voltage between 0.16V at 0 turns of the length pot (= fully retracted) and
4.84V at 10 turns. How many turns you get at full extension depends on the gear ratio, the boom
length, the length cable used and the spooling pattern, so we cannot provide a standard table for it.

What we can give you for trouble-shooting, however is the following table that shows the expected
output voltage (measured between X20-5 and X20-3 Signal) for each complete turn of the length
potentiometer. Note that this does not sync to the number of turns of the cable reel, though:

Length Sensor Signal on Pin 3

Potentiometer Voltage X20-5 Voltage GND to X20-3
Turns to X20-3
0 0.00 0.16
1 0.46 0.62
2 0.93 1.09
3 1.40 1.56
4 1.87 2.03
5 2.34 2.50
6 2.81 2.97
7 3.28 3.44
8 3.75 3.91
9 4.22 4.38
10 4.68 4.84
Note: Actual voltages will vary slightly.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Length THEORY 11


Replace length cable using the following procedure:

Refer to system electrical wiring diagram and cable reel - parts list

1. Remove cable reel and guide from mounting brackets.

2. Remove old length cable from cable drum and machine.
3. Remove cover from cable reel.
4. Disconnect the 4 conductor cable from terminal strip
5. Remove strain relief outer nut and slide cable out of strain relief.
6. Replace length cable.
Loosen 7mm standoff nut holding pot bracket
Slide bracket and pot away from worm gear.
NOTE: The cable should roll over the 7/8 inch guide when the cable is extended.
Replace and feed the cable through the cable guides.
Install the cable thimble and clamp at the end of the cable.
Remove the slack in the cable, so the clamp is 1 to 2 inches from the roller guides.
Pretension the cable reel with 4 full turns on the drum.
Check the spooling. If spooling is not layered properly, carefully pull the cable out and respool
Zero pot by turning it counterclockwise until it stops.
Slide pot and bracket so gears mesh
Tighten 7mm nut
Pull cable and inspect gears for binding or slippage.
Replace 4 conductor cable and connect to terminal strip. Refer to Drawing 1 in Appendix.
Replace cover.
7. Install cable reel into mounting brackets.
8. Run cable through U-shaped guide in boom, if applicable.
9. Connect thimble to stud in boom.
10. Check length measured and displayed.

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12 Service Manual DS 85


Replace cable reel using the following procedure:
Refer to system electrical wiring diagram and cable reel - parts list

1. Remove cable reel and guide from mounting brackets.

2. Remove cover from cable reel.
3. Disconnect the 4 conductor cable from terminal strip
4. Remove strain relief outer nut and slide cable out of strain relief.
5. Install new cable reel preset from factory.
Loosen 7mm standoff nut holding pot bracket
Slide bracket and pot away from worm gear.
NOTE: The cable should roll over the 7/8 inch guide when the cable is extended.
Install the cable thimble and clamp at the end of the cable.
Pretension the cable reel with 4 full turns on the drum.
Check the spooling. If spooling is not layered properly, carefully pull the cable out and respool
Zero pot by turning it counterclockwise until it stops.
Slide pot and bracket so gears mesh
Tighten 7mm nut
Pull cable and inspect gears for binding or slippage.
Replace 4 conductor cable and connect to terminal strip. Refer to Drawing 1 in Appendix.
Replace cover.
6. Install cable reel into mounting brackets.
7. Run cable through U-shaped guide in boom, if applicable.
8. Connect thimble to stud in boom.
9. Check length measured and displayed.


Replace length sensor using the following procedure:
Refer to system electrical wiring diagram and cable reel - parts list

1. Remove cable reel and guide from mounting brackets.

2. Remove cover from cable reel.
3. Disconnect the 4 conductor cable from terminal strip
4. Remove strain relief outer nut and slide cable out of strain relief.
5. Replace potentiometer
Loosen 7mm standoff nut holding pot bracket
Slide bracket and pot away from worm gear.
NOTE: The cable should roll over the 7/8 inch guide when the cable is extended.
Replace potentiometer.
Zero pot by turning it counterclockwise until it stops.
Slide pot and bracket so gears mesh
Tighten 7mm nut
Pull cable and inspect gears for binding or slippage.
Replace 4 conductor cable and connect to terminal strip. Refer to Drawing 1 in Appendix.
Replace cover.
6. Install cable reel into mounting brackets.
7. Run cable through U-shaped guide in boom, if applicable.
8. Connect thimble to stud in boom.
9. Check length measured and displayed.

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Length THEORY 13



Mount cable reel on cab side of boom to ensure

adequate visibility. Length cable should spool
from the top of the drum.

Boom with a flat side: Use four (4) 2-inch hook bolts.
Trapezoidal Boom with a slanted side: Use two (2) 2-inch and two (2) 4-inch hook bolts.

There are four (4) holes on the mounting plate.

1. Thread a nut onto the upper threaded part of the hook bolt, then place a lock washer and washer onto
hook bolt. Slide bushing on to free end (curved part) of hook bolt.
2. Insert the hook bolt into the holes in the cable reel mounting plate. NOTE: For a trapezoidal boom, the
4 hook bolts go into the top two (2) holes of the mounting plate.
3. Thread a nut onto the threaded part of the hook bolt, then place a lock washer and washer onto bolt to
fasten it into place. Repeat for each hook bolt.


4. Hold plate and hook bolt up to boom and affix to boom, by placing the inside curve of the hook bolts
facing outward. Mount cable reel to holes. Front of cable reel should be 1/8 closer to boom than rear.
(Front = 2-7/8; Rear = 3)
5. Adjust nuts up and down to tighten, and to mount the cable reel.
6. Plate should be parallel with boom.


1. Set pretension of the cable reel by turning the drum counter-clockwise 5 to 8 turns.

2. Run the length cable through the cable guides and wrap the length cable around the boom tip anchor
pin (4 or 5 wraps) and secure with tie wraps. Leave enough length cable to connect to boom tip
junction box.

3. Check the spooling. If spooling is not layered properly, carefully pull the cable out and respool the
length cable.

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14 Service Manual DS 85


1. After installation, remove cover from cable reel. With the boom full retracted and boom stops
disengaged (if applicable), adjust the length potentiometer by turning the screw in the center of the
large nylon gear on the length sensor counter-clockwise until a soft stop occurs, and reinstall the cover
on the reel.

The length should be calibrated to be about 0.1 feet (or 0.05m) accurate for both retraced and extended

2. The angle sensor must be level. Remove cover from reel. Adjust the level of the angle sensor by
loosening the socket head cap screws and aligning the top of the angle sensor until parallel with the
boom. Reinstall the cover on the reel.

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Pressure THEORY 15

The System measures the pressure of the boom lift cylinder for both rod- and piston-side. Both
sensors are contained within one box that also contains the electronics needed for amplification and
creation of the CAN-Bus signal.

Block Diagram:

Pressure- CAN-Bus DS 85
Measuring Converter Console/
Cells CU

The signal runs from the pressure transducer as

Pressure Transducer digital information on the CAN-Bus to the central

So, what do you do when you are having a problem with your length read-out?

Start by checking the pressure display. Refer to the section Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem
Using The Display to call up the sensor signal on your console display.

The easiest spot to check the signal at is when there is no pressure applied to the sensor at all. The
only time this is for certain is when your pressure lines are drained and disconnected. In that case,
the readout should show about 500mV (+/- 25mV) and 0 PSI. Small variations could be adjusted; see
section Service Screen For Sensor Calibration.

The CAN-Bus is digital and as such will either transmit the signal correctly or not at all. If your
readings are off, chances are the pressure transducer is defective. Replace.

Note: After exchanging the pressure transducer block, BOTH transducer channels need to be zeroed,
see procedure Zero-Setting The Transducer Inputs.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

16 Service Manual DS 85

Please note that the load displayed by the LMI is not a direct measurement, but a calculated value
that is based on a lot of factors. Outside of the measured values (sensors), those include:

Operator settings such as:

o Operating mode/configuration
o Parts of Line/Reeving
Rigging parts such as:
Hook block weight
Sling weights, etc.
Tip height (length of load line used)
Boom weights

Before checking the system for a load reading problem, make sure all of the above has been
ruled out. When you still feel, the system is reading a sensor wrong and thus displaying an
incorrect load, use the following:

Use the above sections and the sensor signal display screen to check the following:
boom length reading
angle transducer reading
pressure transducer readings
If all are correct, use the zero setting and calibration screens to zero pressure transducers, calibrate
angle and length. If you still have a problem, replace pressure transducer block.


Are the control levers locked out and is the crane in an anti-two block condition?
YES, Lower the hook block and/or headache ball to correct two-block condition. If two (2)
hoists are in use, both hooks must be lowered


Red Power LED

Red Alarm LED
Sensor On Line
Green LED 1
Green LED 2
Green LED 3
Green LED 4
Sensor Low Battery
Yellow LED 1
Yellow LED 2
Yellow LED 3
Yellow LED 4

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

A2B Problem Radio a2b option 17

Red Power LED Power is applied to the circuit board.

Red alarm LED An installed sensor is indicating an alarm, or communication as been
lost to an installed sensor.
Green LED 1 ON Sensor on channel #1 is installed and communicating correctly.
Green LED 1 FLASHING Sensor #1 is not communicating correctly.
Green LED 1 OFF No sensor is installed on channel #1.
Yellow LED 1 ON Sensor #1 batteries are low and need replaced. Note that the sensor
is still operating correctly.
Green LED 2 ON Sensor #2 is installed and communicating correctly.
Green LED 2 FLASHING Sensor #2 is not communicating correctly.
Green LED 2 OFF No sensor is installed on channel #2.
Yellow LED 2 ON Sensor #2 batteries are low and need replaced. Note that the sensor
is still operating correctly.
Green LED 3 ON Sensor #3 is installed and communicating correctly.
Green LED 3 FLASHING Sensor #3 is not communicating correctly.
Green LED 3 OFF No sensor is installed on channel #3.
Yellow LED 3 ON Sensor #3 batteries are low and need replaced. Note that the sensor
is still operating correctly.
Green LED 4 ON Sensor #4 is installed and communicating correctly.
Green LED 4 FLASHING Sensor #4 is not communicating correctly.
Green LED 4 OFF No sensor is installed on channel #4.
Yellow LED 4 ON Sensor #4 batteries are low and need replaced. Note that the sensor
is still operating correctly.
Green Heartbeat LED This will flash during normal operation. If it is a solid or off, the
receiver has a software error or the board has a component failure.
All LEDs are located inside the receiver box.

Control Identification
Sensor/Channel #1 output jumper J4
Sensor/Channel #2 output jumper J3
Sensor #3/Channel #2 output jumper J2
Sensor #4/Channel #2 output jumper J1

ID button
power (red), sensor on-line 1-4 left to
right (green)

1-4 left to right (yellow)

LEDS Green Heartbeat LED (located just

under radio module)
software chip
radio module 031-300-300-024

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18 Service Manual DS 85

Problem Cause Solution

No LEDs light on No power to receiver Make sure the module is getting power from the crane.
receiver Check wiring.
Ensure correct polarity of the power.
Replace OEM receiver
Crane functions No power to the Check LED lights on module.
locked out all the receiver Make sure the module is getting power from the crane.
time Check wiring.
Ensure correct polarity of the power.
Replace OEM receiver
Crane functions Incorrect wiring Check for power to lockout device.
locked out all the
Crane functions No reception. Check if the green Link LED is on. The green Link1
locked out all the LED must be on for single hoist operation. Link1 and
time Link2 must be on for 2-hoist operation.
See Link 1 LED troubleshooting.
Crane functions Fault in receiver Check relay output voltage from receiver to lockouts
locked out all the module.
Transmitter LED Pull switch wire rope. Red LED will flash ~each 2 sec.
does not flash Replace batteries.
Replace transmitter.
Link 1 LED not on ID1 not set. Set the ID of the transmitter. See Section 5, Setup.

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A2B Problem hardwired a2b option 19


A2B problem

Are the control levers Is the anti-two

locked out and is the NO block warning
crane in an anti-two light on?
block condition?
Lower the hook block and/or
headache ball to correct the Ensure the
two-block problem. If two Turn power off, remove bypass plug, and bypass
hoists are in use, both measure the resistance at the boom nose box plug is
hooks must be lowered. between terminals 1 and 3 with an ohmmeter. installed.
Switch closed = 0 ohms (weight installed)
Switch open = 1 Megaohm (weight removed)

Ensure bypass plug is plugged into the

YES Are the ohmmeter boom nose box. Remove wires and
readings correct? NO
measure the A2B signal in the cable reel
between the X1: (brown) an X2 (red)
Plug the bypass wires on the slip ring with an ohmmeter.
plug into the Switch closed = 4700 +/- 500 Ohms
boom nose box Switch open = > 1 Megaohm.
and refer to Are the
system wiring to NO ohmmeter
check wire readings correct?
connections in
boom nose box. Check for
damaged length Remove wires and measure the A2B
cable and wiring. YES
signal in the cable reel between terminal
If broken length 7 and 8 with an ohmmeter.
cable, refer to Switch closed = 4700 +/- 500 Ohms
If wiring is system wiring. Switch open = > 1 Megaohm.
replace A2B
Are the
NO ohmmeter
readings correct?

Replace the
slip ring. A problem lies with either the wiring
YES harness, cable reel length/angle
boards, and/or the central unit.

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20 Service Manual DS 85

If the console is not showing any lights, such as warning lights, backlighting, etc. it is most likely
missing power. Start with the following:

Warning Lights Backlighting

Check if power is being supplied to the console/central unit. Measure on the 16 socket connector. Pin
1 is +Ub (12V), Pin 3 is GND. If you have no power, check wiring harness and crane power.
Otherwise, open console:

Check fuses in console: F1 and F2 are 2amp

fuses located the connection board. Test the
F2 fuse by placing an OHM meter across pin 1
of the 16-pin connector and pin 2 of the 5-pin
can bus connector. Check for power by using
the LED on the underside of the connection
board and at Pin 1 = +Ub and Pin 3 = GND. If
the LED is on and you have power on the
connector, either the software is defective or
the console electronics need to be replaced.

Fuses (F1 and F2)

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

radio Anti-two Block system Setup/Calibration 21


The PAT RATB is easily configured to communicate with up to 2 transmitters. Simply by pressing
and holding the yellow ID button for 7 seconds, the receiver can sense the transmitters being used
and configure the receiver to listen to only those transmitters. There are no numbers, IDs or codes to
remember or write down.

LED on increase load

LED off decrease load

ID Set Button

Power on

Blinking yellow and green LED

calibrate channel/sensor #1

Blinking yellow and green LED

calibrate channel/sensor #2


Press and hold the yellow ID button for 15 seconds, the ID LED will begin to blink and then go off
when cleared. Note: It is only necessary to complete this operation when changing from a duel
switch setup to a single switch. When setup is complete, the new transmitter switch will over write
the old ID code with a new one.


To configure the system, install batteries into the transmitter to be used. Turn on the crane power.
Open the receiver enclosure and slide out the receiver board. Press and hold the yellow ID button on
the OEM module for 7 seconds until the ID 1 LED blinks. Release the yellow ID button. The receiver
will search for a transmitter for the next 30 seconds. Pull on the cable of the transmitter and then
release it. The yellow ID 1 LED should now be on solid. The transmitter and receiver are now set up
and will work only with each other.


Only setup a second transmitter/switch after the first has been setup. To program second radio a2b
switch: Ground pin 3 of the receiver and use the first ID setup instructions above. Note: Use ID 2 LED
to indicate status of second switch.

The transmitter(s) and receiver are now set up to work only with each other. Test the system using
the instructions in section 7, System Testing.

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22 Service Manual DS 85


The only maintenance required is to change the batteries when required. Also, check the mounting
hardware daily to ensure that there is no damage. Replace any damaged parts before operating the

To replace the batteries, remove the 4 screws from the transmitter housing. During battery
replacement, use caution when opening the battery cover and transmitter to avoid damage to the
gasket causing moisture ingress which could corrode the batteries and terminals. Inspect the gasket
surface on the transmitter for nicks or other damages that may prevent the gasket from sealing. If it
appears to be damaged, a replacement gasket should be installed.
Install 4 fresh batteries into the proper location and direction as indicated on the battery holder. Make
sure that the cardboard tube is installed as shown.




Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

CAN-Bus Communication 23

CAN stands for Controller Area Network. Its intended use is as a serial bus system for a network of
controllers. Each controller connected through a CAN chip is called a "node" and is mostly used to
acquire data from a sensor. All nodes are connected to a common bus and all nodes are able to
simultaneously read the data on that bus. Also, all nodes are able to transmit data on that bus
however only one node at a given time has write access to the bus. If the message is relevant, it will
be processed; otherwise it is ignored. The unique identifier also determines the priority of the
message. The lower the numerical value of the identifier, the higher the priority.

The cable bus is a twisted pair of shielded wire. Data can be transmitted in blocks from 0-8
bytes at a maximum transfer rate of 1 Mbit/s for networks up to 40 meters. For longer network
distances the maximum transfer rate must be reduced to 50 Kbit/s for a 1 km network distance.
CAN will operate in extremely harsh environments and the extensive error checking
mechanisms ensure that any transmission errors are detected.

The system measures the length of the main boom, the angle of the main boom, and the pressures of
the lift cylinder via a CAN-Bus connection. Since this is a digital bus connection, it is not possible to
measure the signals on the bus with a multimeter. Instead, the LMI provides you with error codes that
give you an indication of the bus state.

The error codes are one of the following:

E61 Error in the CAN bus data transfer for all CAN units
E62 Error in the can bus data transfer of the pressure transducer sensor unit
E63 Error in the can bus pressure transducer sensor unit
E64 Error in the can bus data transfer of the length/angle sensor unit
E65 Error in the can bus length/angle sensor unit

Block Diagram

CAN-Bus E64 E61 DS 85

E65 Converter Console/
Pressure Transducer
Angle sensor box
The block diagram tries to clarify that: If the CU does not see any CAN-Bus component, it will report
an E61. If it sees only the cable reel, it will report an E62 (pressure transducer missing). If it sees only
the pressure transducer, it will report an E64 (cable reel missing). E63 means that the pressure
transducer is available, but is reporting an internal error. E65 means that the cable reel unit is
available, but is reporting an internal error.

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24 Service Manual DS 85

So, what do you do when you are having a problem with one of those codes?

In case of an E61, start by checking your cabling. You can verify that power is being supplied to the
sensor by testing the CAN connectors per this layout:

Connector M12, 5 contacts

Pin Layout (CiA DR-303-1 7.2) Pin 1 Shield

Pin 2 + Ub
Pin 3 Ground
Pin 4 CAN High
Pin 5 CAN Low

Measure between pins 3 and 2 for crane

voltage. If you see voltage, check all pins for
continuity. Remember, the CU is reporting
that neither CAN-Bus converter board nor
pressure transducers are present.

Finally, check the 2 amp fuses in the console.

If a fuse is blown, replacement of the 2 amp
fuse is required. This condition can be tested
by placing an OHM meter across pin 1 of the
16-pin connector and pin 2 of the 5-pin can
bus connector.

2 amp fuse location

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

CAN-Bus Communication 25

E61 continued
Connect the two cables on the
E61 Transducer block together. E61

E62 Yes

Replace Transducer Block Disconnect these cables and reconnect

cable from console to transducer block.

E64 No E61 Yes

Connect the angle sensor can bus cable Ohm the cable from the console to
to the transducer block. Remove the the transducer block. If cable checks
can bus connector at angle sensor. good, then replace the console.

Replace the can bus cable

E61 Yes between the angle sensor
and transducer block.



Ohm out connector at the

angle sensor. If the connector
Checks good, then replace
can bus converter board.

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26 Service Manual DS 85


In case of an E62 the CU is reporting no signal from the pressure transducer. Start by checking your
cabling between CU and pressure transducer, even though it is not very likely that there is a problem
with it since the same cable carries also the signals from the cable reel and those appear to be fine.
You can verify that power is being supplied to the sensor by testing the CAN connectors per the
above pin layout. If you are sure that the sensor is being supplied, you have to replace the pressure

Ohm the cable from the console Cable checks

E62 to the transducer block No

Replace Cable.

Is power being Verify that power is being supplied

No supplied by to the sensor by testing the CAN
sensor? connectors per the pin layout.

Replace sensor.


Replace pressure transducer.

Connector M12, 5 contacts

Pin Layout (CiA DR-303-1 7.2) Pin 1 Shield

Pin 2 + Ub
Pin 3 Ground
Pin 4 CAN High
Pin 5 CAN Low


In case of an E63, the pressure transducer is

reporting an internal problem. You cannot
troubleshoot any further, but need to replace the
pressure transducer.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

CAN-Bus Communication 27

In case of an E64, the CU is reporting no signal from the CAN-Bus converter board in the angle
sensor box. Start by checking your cabling between pressure transducer and cable reel. You can
verify that power is being supplied to the sensor by testing the CAN connectors per the above pin
layout or by opening up the angle sensor box (remove the lid) and making sure the red LED on the
board is blinking. If not, most likely power is missing.

CAN-Bus electronics in length/angle sensor.

Verify by measurement on connector X1: LED

X1 (CAN)
X1 Pin CAN

Measure between pins 3 (GND) and 2 (+). Next, check all pins of the CAN bus cable for continuity
and cross-check for short circuits. E-64 means that the pressure transducer is working fine, but the
cable reel is not so we most likely have a defective connection between those two components. If
this is tested to not be the case (missing connections, short circuits measure with Ohm-meter), the
board in the cable reel might be defective (see also chapter Angle Sensing).
If you suspect a sensor error or problem with a sensor, compare the indicated physical value of the
sensor on the display screen with the real value, i.e. length, angle, etc.

The voltages given are internal calculation values only; you will not be able to actually measure them
anywhere on the electronics! Typical values to be expected are:

Pressure transducers (piston and rod), 500mV @ 0 PSI; 4500mV @ maximum PSI
Length sensor, 500mV @ retracted boom length; voltage extended depends on the various
boom lengths.
Angle sensor, 4500mV at 0; 2500mV at 45; or 500mV at 90

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28 Service Manual DS 85

Please refer to table below for more values.

Voltage Values displayed [mV] +/- 10mV Value displayed Value

Pressure Transducers 300 bar, type 314 PSI Bar

500 0 0
1500 1088 75
2500 2176 150
3500 3263 225
4500 4351 300

Angle Sensor degrees

500 90 boom vertical
1500 67.5
2500 45
3500 22.5
4500 0 boom horizontal

Length Sensor feet

500 0 fully retracted

If the displayed value does differ from the actual value, please refer to the following sections to find
the cause of the problem:

If the displayed angle is incorrect, please go to section Angle Sensing.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

CAN-Bus Communication 29

E64 Connect the two cables on the

Transducer block together.

E62 Yes

Replace transducer block. Ohm the cable from the pressure transducer block
to the length/angle sensor or angle sensor box.

Yes Cable
checks good

Check connector at angle Replace

sensor box or cable reel. the cable.

Yes checks good No

Replace can bus board in Replace

angle sensor or cable reel. connector.

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30 Service Manual DS 85

In case of an E65, the CAN-Bus converter board in the angle sensor box or cable reel is reporting an
internal problem. In most cases, this will be an angle sensor, or length potentiometer. Go to those
chapters (Angle Sensing, Length Sensing) to continue trouble shooting.

Open Cable Reel. Locate CanBus

E65 board and sensor locations.


Check and verify angle sensor Are signals and

voltages and signals as voltages correct?
described below.

Replace sensor or No Yes

board as described
in angle sensor flow
chart. Check and verify length sensor
voltages and signals as described
in length sensor error flow chart. If
sensor signal voltage is incorrect,
replace sensor.

If you suspect a sensor error or problem with a sensor, compare the indicated physical value
of the sensor on the display screen with the real value, i.e. length, angle, etc.

The voltages given are internal calculation values only; you will not be able to actually
measure them anywhere on the electronics! Typical values to be expected are:

Pressure transducers (piston and rod), 500mV @ 0 PSI; 4500mV @ maximum PSI
Length sensor, 500mV @ retracted boom length; voltage extended depends on the various
boom lengths.
Angle sensor, 4500mV at 0; 2500mV at 45; or 500mV at 90

CAN-Bus electronics in angle sensor box.

X1 Pin CAN

X20 (length) 1 CAN_SHLD

X21 (angle) 5 CAN_L

X14 (A2B)

X1 (CAN)

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Troubleshooting A Sensor Problem Using The Display 31


To determine whether there is a problem with a sensor, the system has sensor output screen built in
to make trouble-shooting easier. This is the right place to start if you are suspecting a problem with a
sensor (and you dont have an error code displayed).

The screen will show all sensor inputs as in the example below. For each sensor, an equivalent
voltage is shown in millivolts, along with the physical sensor value that that voltage refers to.
Pressure sensors are shown with physical values of [bar], angle sensors in degrees and length
sensors in feet (or meter for metric charts).
Enter the service screen using the procedure is described below:

To start function press +


press to select the limit marked at the upper left of the screen.

Scroll through the following screen to see piston and rod side voltages and pressures.


1532mV 0685mV
1131. PS 206. 4 PS

And length and angle voltages and measurements.


0502mV 2025mV
30.6 f t 55.7

The values shown in the screen here are just examples of actual values. Refer to the table listed
below for actual value ranges.

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32 Service Manual DS 85




Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Drawings 33



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068-152-060-005 031-300-060-455

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031-300-060-454 031-300-060-453
Service Manual

DS 85
Spare Part Listings 35


PART NO. 031-300-060-455

Note: Installations not using

the RAM mount (items 12 and
13) will require the following
mounting hardware:

1-0106678.00 Console Accy,

Mounting Knobs, DS85
(qty. 2) and u-shackle.


1 024-085-100-002 1 FRONTFACE, PREASSEMBLED
2 024-000-050-002 1 HOUSING, DS85
3 024-000-100-095 1 CENTRAL UNIT ACCY, MEMBRANE VENT, PG11
4 024-050-300-101 1 MAINBOARD, CAN w/o FLASH E-EPROM
5 024-050-300-106 1 CONNECTION BOARD
6 031-300-050-223 2 FUSE, 2 AMP
7 024-050-300-110 1 KEYBOARD
8 050-000-100-271 1 LC DISPLAY UNIT
9 092-000-060-391 1 CAN BUS CONNECTOR, 5-PIN FEMALE, 120 ohms
10 024-050-290-101 1 RIBBON CABLE ASSY
12 031-300-060-696 1 MOUNTING ASSEMBLY, 1.5 BALL
13 031-300-050-624 1 MOUNTING ARM, 4.63 DOUBLE SOCKET FOR 1.5 BALL
14 092-000-060-390 1 CAN BUS TERMINATOR, 120 OHMS
Cable assemblies not included with console:
1. Power Cable assembly (wiring harness)
PART NO. 031-300-060-443
2. CAN bus from console (90 connector) to pressure
transducer block PART NO. 031-300-060-453
3. CAN bus from pressure transducer to angle sensor box
2 1 PART NO. 031-300-060-454 *(not shown)
See next page:

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

36 Service Manual DS 85

1 2

Power Cable assembly (wiring harness) CAN bus from console (90 connector) to pressure
PART NO. 031-300-060-443 transducer block PART NO. 031-300-060-453

CAN bus from pressure transducer to angle sensor box (see below)
PART NO. 031-300-060-454


DAV314/0014 PART NO. 044-314-060-014

Rod Side

Cutting ring for pressure transducers PART NO. 000-209-140-016

Hydraulic bulkhead adapter 9/16-18 JIC 37 x 16m x 1.5 PART NO. 000-214-600-093


PART NO. 031-300-060-437

Angle Sensor

CAN-Bus converter board


Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Spare Part Listings 37


PART NO. 031-300-060-438


2 031-300-050-131 1 BRACKET, LG105 WITH CABLE GUIDE
3 031-300-060-374 1 CABLE ASSY, 15 (3 COND. WITH 4 PIN PLUG)
4 031-300-060-685 1 CABLE ASSY, LENGTH (50) w/ RING TERMINAL & CLAMP
5 031-300-060-409 1 STRAIN RELIEF, PG9 4-6mm YELLOW/WHITE
6 031-300-060-682 1 HARDWARE, LG105 COVER SCREW SET, M4x12
7 209-032-010-501 1 GASKET, O-RING FOR LG105 COVER
8 031-300-060-683 4 HARDWARE, LG105 EXTERNAL SET
9 031-300-060-684 1 HARDWARE, LG105 INTERNAL SET
10 031-300-060-578 1 LENGTH POT ASSY, LG105/0006
11 067-105-110-001 1 GEAR WHEEL, LG105/2,WORM WHEELCOMPLETE
12 031-300-100-462 1 TERMINAL STRIP, 4 POS.

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38 Service Manual DS 85


PART NO. 068-152-060-005


01 064-143-060-006 1 Angle Sensor, WG143/0006
02 068-000-300-103 1 Length/Angle sensor CAN board
03 067-000-050-093 1 Sensor Accy, Plate for Length Dual Pots
04 068-000-100-042 1 Slip Ring, 2 pole
05 067-000-110-040 1 Sensor Accy, Gear Wheel, T=36 center shaft
06 067-000-100-068 1 Sensor Accy, Gear Wheel, T=64 length pot
07 067-000-100-202 1 Potentiometer, 10Kohm
08 000-673-020-002 26m Cable, Length Sensor 1 Core NS
09 000-214-504-180 1 Strain Relief Accy, 90 for PG7
10 021-444-010-407 1 Strain Relief, Pg7 BLK
11 000-268-030-003 4 Hardware, Standoff 6mm x 117mm MM
12 067-000-110-020 1 Hardware, Gasket
13 067-000-050-059 1 Sensor Accy, Cover KT152
14 067-000-110-025 1 Sensor Accy, Nuts (4) & Washer (4) for KT152 Cover

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Spare Part Listings 39

Radio A2B

031-300-060-597 Radio Receiver, TRS05-2

031-300-060-593 Radio A2B transmitter assembly

031-300-050-537 Battery cover (includes screws,
gasket, and cardboard tubes)

031-300-050-536 Card board tube

031-002-060-022 Radio A2B switch

031-300-050-276 A2B Mounting standoff 031-300-050-264 A2B mounting plate

031-300-210-012 Weight and chain

031-300-100-037 Chain connector, quick link 031-300-050-272 Lynch pin

031-300-050-763 Neoprene rubber gasket

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40 Service Manual DS 85



Enter the calibrate sensors menu by using the following procedure:

To start function press +

SENSOR OUTPUTS Press to calibrate sensors.

EXIT Press to enter user number.
USER No: 54545
At this point, a five digit Authorization Number must be entered.

Use and keys to increase and decrease each digit. Use to confirm entry.

Having successfully entered a valid password, use and keys to mark the piston-side, the
rod-side zero setting, and length, and angle calibration. The calibration sensor screen will remain
available and accessible without entering the user number until system is power off,


NOTE: The only thing adjustable for the pressure transducers is the zero point, which is the voltage
the transducer outputs when there is no (zero) pressure sensed.

CAUTION: Ensure there is no pressure in the hydraulic line when disconnecting the hoses from
pressure transducers.

Use and keys to mark the piston-side or rod-side zero setting.

PISTON PRESS The piston-side or rod-side zero-

ROD PRESS ROD PRESS point setting function is activated
MB LENGTH as shown in the screens above

and pressing to calibrate selected sensor.

YES to continue, press .

NO to calibrate, press .

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Service Screen For Sensor Calibration 41

When the boom is in the rest position bleed to continue,

DISCONNECT HYDR press . Press to continue.
OK Press to continue.
EXIT Press to calibrate.

Check the sensor outputs screen to check the zero point. At the zero point, the millivolt should be
0500 20mV.

0500mV 0494mV
0.0 PS 0.0 PS


For extended boom, the adjustment is done by software as described in 6 section Length Sensor
Adjustment Procedure.

Use and keys to mark the main boom length calibration.

MB ANGLE Pressing to activate length calibration.
YES to continue, press .
NO to calibrate, press .
MAINBOO 30.6 f t fully retract the main boom, to continue, press .

MAINBOO 30.6 f t
OK acknowledge main boom fully retracted, to continue, press .
EXIT Press to calibrate.

MAINBOO 100 f t fully extend the main boom, to continue, press .

MAINBOO 100 f t
OK acknowledge main boom fully extended, to continue, press .

EXIT Press to calibrate.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

42 Service Manual DS 85

Check the sensor outputs screen retracted and extended lengths. Retracted length should be correct
at 0500mV and extended boom length will depend on the model.

0502mV 2025mV Extended main boom , millivolts

30.6 f t 55.7


The angle sensor is calibrated at four different reference angles of approximately 0, 40, 60, and
70. The BOOM T specifies the calibration angle the boom should be moved to. When CHANG is
displayed by the actual boom angle, the boom angle maybe calibrated. The previously calibrated
angles define the reference angles.

NOTE: This process should be repeated if sensor is ever removed or replaced.

Use and keys to mark the main boom angle calibration.

Press to activate angle calibration.-

YES To continue, press .

NO to calibrate, press

(BOOM T: is calibration angle, CHANG is actual angle) move boom

BOOM T 0.0 DEG so the CHANGE angle is with in 2 of the BOOM T angle. to
CHANG 0.0 DEG continue press . .

CHANGE 0.0 DEG Mark CHANGE and press to change angle calibration.
OK Mark, OK if no change is necessary.

BOOM T 0.0 DEG Use and keys to change angle to match the BOOM T
angle. Press to calibrate the main boom angle.

Move boom so the CHANGE angle is with in 2 of the BOOM T

-0.1 DEG
angle. to continue, press .

BOOM T 40.3 DEG Mark CHANGE and press to change angle calibration.
CHANG 40.0 DEG Mark OK if no change is necessary.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Service Screen For Sensor Calibration 43

BOOM T 40.3 DEG Use and keys to change CHANGE angle to match the BOOM T
angle. Press to calibrate the main boom angle.

BOOM T 65.6 DEG Move boom so the CHANGE angle is with in 2 of the BOOM T angle. to
40.3 DEG
continue, press.

BOOM T 65.6 DEG Mark CHANGE and press to change angle calibration. Mark, OK if no
CHANG 65.6 DEG change is necessary.

Use and keys to change CHANGE angle to match the BOOM T

angle. Press to calibrate the main boom angle.

Move boom so the CHANGE angle is with in 2 of the BOOM T angle. to

65.4 DEG continue, press .

BOOM T 74.9 DEG Mark CHANGE and press to change angle calibration. Mark, OK if
CHANG 76.1 DEG no change is necessary.

Use and keys to change CHANGE angle to match the BOOM T

angle. Press to calibrate the main boom angle.

YES To continue, press .

YES Mark YES and press to change angle calibration. Mark, NO if the
NO changes are not to be saved.

EXIT Mark OK and press to save changes.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

44 Service Manual DS 85

Using a calibrated inclinometer placed flat on the main boom, verify that the indicated boom angle
matches the measured boom angle within +/- 0.2 degrees.
Check the sensor outputs screen for 0, 45, 60, and 70

0502mV 2025mV
30.6 f t 55.7

main boom angle millivolts





Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Error Codes 45

The following Error Code Table gives a brief description of Error Codes elimination. Refer to the
noted sections for detailed Troubleshooting information.

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

E01 Fallen below radius Fallen below the Luff down the boom to a
range or angle range minimum radius or gone radius or angle specified in
exceeded past the maximum angle the load chart.
specified in the respective
load chart due to luffing
up the boom too far
E02 Radius range Gone past the maximum Luff up the boom to a radius
exceeded or fallen radius or fallen below the or angle specified in the load
below angle range minimum angle specified chart.
in the respective load
chart due to luffing down
the boom too far
E03 Non-permitted slewing The slewing zone with Slew to permitted area
zone (no load area) load is not permitted
E04 Operating mode not An incorrect operating Set the correct operating
acknowledged or non mode has been selected mode for the operating
permitted slewing configuration in question.
zone Refer to Operators

The boom is in a non- Slew the boom to a

permitted slewing zone permitted area. Refer to
Section 8.
E05 Prohibited length Boom has been extended Extend/retract boom to the
range either too far or not far correct length
enough, e.g. if it is
prohibited to go beyond a
certain maximum boom
length or with load curves
for jibs where the main
boom has to be extended
to a certain length
Length sensor adjustment Retract boom. Check the
has changed, e.g. the prestress of the cable reel
cable slid off the length (cable must be taut). Open
sensor reel. the length sensor and
carefully turn the length
sensor pot counterclockwise
until the detent by means of
a screw driver
Clutch between length Replace the complete clutch
sensor pot and drive is including drive wheel and
defective adjust length sensor pot as
described above

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

46 Service Manual DS 85

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

E11 Fallen below lower Length potentiometer is Replace length
limit value for defective potentiometer, see
measuring channel section Length Sensing
"length main boom"
E12 Fallen below the Pressure transducer is Replace pressure
lower limit value in defective. transducer, see section
the measuring Pressure Sensing
channel "pressure
piston side"

E13 Fallen below lower refer to E12 refer to E12

limit value in the
measuring channel
"pressure rod side"
E14 Fallen below lower Force transducer Replace force
limit value in defective transducer
measuring channel Replace sensor unit
E15 Fallen below lower Angle potentiometer Replace angle sensor,
limit value in defective see section Angle
measuring channel Sensing
"angle main boom"

E16 Fallen below lower Angle potentiometer Refer to E-15

limit value in defective
measuring channel
"angle 2"

E17 Fallen below lower Length potentiometer Replace length sensor,

limit value "length defective see section Length
telescope I (+II)" Sensing

E1A Fallen below lower Cable between the central Check cable as well as
limit value in unit and the slewing angle plugs, replace, if need
measuring channel sensor defective or loose. be.
"slewing angle 1".

Slewing angle Replace slewing angle

potentiometer is defective sensor
E1B Fallen below lower refer to E1A refer to E1A
limit value in
measuring channel
"slewing angle 2"
E21 Upper limit value in refer to E11 refer to E11
measuring channel
main boom length
has been exceeded.

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Error Codes 47

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

E22 Upper limit value in refer to E12 refer to E12
measuring channel
pressure piston
side has been
E23 Upper limit value in refer to E12 refer to E12
measuring channel
pressure rod side
has been exceeded.
E24 Upper limit value in refer to E14 refer to E14
measuring channel
force has been
E25 Upper limit value in refer to E15 refer to E15
measuring channel
main boom angle
has been exceeded.
E26 Upper limit value in refer to E16 refer to E16
measuring channel
angle 2 has been
E27 Upper limit value in refer to E17 refer to E17
measuring channel
length telescope I
(+II) has been
E2A Upper limit value in refer to E1A refer to E1A
measuring channel
slewing angle 1
has been exceeded
E2B Upper limit value in refer to E1A refer to E1A
measuring channel
slewing angle 2
has been exceeded
E31 Error in the system The system program file Upload valid system
program is defective. software

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E37 Error in the logical System program file is Upload valid system
program flow defective software

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E38 System program The system program in Upload valid system
and crane data file the LMI does not match to program file or the valid
do not match. the programming in the crane data file
crane data file
E39 System program The system program in Upload valid system
and load chart file the LMI and the program file or the valid
do not match programming in the load load chart file
chart file do not match.

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48 Service Manual DS 85

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

E43 Error in the Write/read memory Replace central unit
write/read memory, (RAM) or central unit
(RAM) defective.
E47 Error in the The CRC sign of the Restart the LMI
monitored write/ monitored write/read
read memory. memory is wrong

The CRC The buffer battery is Replace buffer battery

verification of the discharged (< 2V at on the central unit.
monitored 1kOhm).
write/read memory
provides an
incoherent result Central unit defective. Replace central unit
E51 Error in the crane No valid data in the crane Upload valid crane data
data file data file. file

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E52 Error in load chart No valid data in the load Upload valid load chart
file. chart file file

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E56 Error in crane data No valid data in the crane Restore or upload valid
file. data file during crane data file

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E57 Error in serial crane Calibration data file does Upload calibration data
data file. not contain valid data. file

Flash-EPROM defective Replace central unit

E60 The number of the No valid data in the load Upload valid load chart
selected File base chart file file
and the
programmed value
are not identical
Base number not Program the correct
programmed base number (1 for
base 1, 2 for base 2)
Load chart file wrongly Check base
programmed programming in the load
chart file.
E61 Error in the CAN CAN Bus cable between Check the connection
bus data transfer for the central unit and the between the central unit
all CAN units sensor units defective or and the sensor units
not connected. (wiring harness). See
section CAN-Bus
Short circuit in a CAN Bus Replace Can Bus cable

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Error Codes 49

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

Can bus port in the Replace the central unit
central unit defective
Blown fuse in console Replace 2 amp fuse
E62 Error in the can bus Cable between the central Check the cable to the
data transfer of the unit and the sensor unit sensor unit (wiring
pressure transducer defective or not harness). See section
sensor unit connected. CAN-Bus
Blown fuse in console Replace 2 amp fuse
Sensor unit is defective Replace the sensor unit
E63 Error in the can bus The analog values of the Replace the sensor unit
pressure transducer sensor unit are invalid See section CAN-Bus
sensor unit Communication.
E64 Error in the can bus Cable between the Check the cable to the
data transfer of the pressure transducer and sensor unit. See section
length/angle sensor cable reel defective or not CAN-Bus
unit connected. Communication
Sensor unit is defective Replace the electronic
board in the cable reel,
see section CAN-Bus
E65 Error in the can bus Angle sensor defective Replace the angle
length/angle sensor sensor, see section
unit CAN-Bus
Length sensor defective Replace the length
sensor, see section
Sensor unit is defective Replace the electronic
board in the cable reel,
see section CAN-Bus
E66 Error in the can bus See E62 See E62
data transfer of the
2nd length/angle
sensor unit
E67 Error in the can bus See E63 See E63
of the 2nd length
/angle sensor unit
E68 Error in the can bus See E62 See E62
data transfer of the
force sensor unit
E69 Error in the can bus See E63 See E63
force sensor unit

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

50 Service Manual DS 85

Error Code Error Possible Cause Elimination

E80 Error in the slewing The difference between See section Slewing
angle measurement the average of the Sensing
slewing angle and one of
the wipers of the slewing
potentiometer is out of the
E84 Wrong rigging The selected rigging Select another rigging
condition. condition is not contained condition
in the crane data file.
Check the programming
in the crane data file.
E85 Error in the radius The computed radius is Check the programming
determination too small (negative in the crane data file.

E89 Operating mode The operating mode on Select operating mode

switchover with the console has been without load on the
load. switched over with the boom
boom loaded.
EAB Short circuit in the Short circuit in the A2B Replace A2B switch
A2B switch circuit switch

Short circuit in the cable Replace cable to the

to the A2B switch A2B switch
EAC A2B switch circuit Disconnected cable in the Connect or replace
disconnected A2B switch cable in the A2B switch

Disconnected cable to the Connect or replace

A2B switch cable to the A2B switch
EAD No valid A2B switch Sensor wrong function Replace A2B switch
CAN bus delay Replace cable to the
A2B switch

If an error message is displayed which is not contained in above list, please contact the PAT service

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

Troubleshooting Moisture 51


The PAT DS85 LMI contains electronic components in various locations, such as central unit,
sensors, junction boxes etc. These internal components cannot be designed to withstand exposure to
moisture over a longer period of time. For this reason, the housings of the components are water
protected according to IP 65. If you find water or moisture inside any of the housings, the source for
the water ingress has to be detected and corrected to ensure proper operation.

There are two major possibilities for the occurrence of excessive moisture inside an enclosure:

1) Water ingress
2) Condensation

This outline gives instructions for detecting the cause for excessive moisture by using simple
troubleshooting methods and how to prevent the moisture ingress from happening again.


There are 6 possibilities for water to enter an enclosure:

1) Spray Cleaning
2) Missing / Loose Screws
3) Bent Lid
4) Defective Gasket
5) Loose Strain Relieves
6) Water Entry Through External Cabling

It is possible to find out the source of water ingress by going through the following steps and ruling
out one possibility after the other until the cause is identified:

1) Spray Cleaning
The enclosures used for the PAT LMI system are water protected to IP 65. This means protection
against the environment, such as rain. However, through the use of spray cleaner at short
distances, it is possible to force water through the gasket or strain relieves. For this reason, avoid
spraying any components from short distances with spray cleaners. Convey this fact to any
member of a maintenance crew.

2) Missing / Loose Screws

All screws have to be present and to be equally tight to ensure water protection of the enclosure. If
there are screws missing, replace them. If no screw is missing, check the tightness. If any were
loose, then open all screws and then re-tighten them equally.

3) Bent Lid
An enclosure will only seal correctly if the lid is not bent. To check this, loosen all screws of the lid,
take the lid off the box and visually inspect it for deflection. If the lid is bent or damaged, it needs to
be replaced. Try to determine what has caused the lid to be bent and eliminate the reason for that.
Order a new lid through your PAT representative.

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52 Service Manual DS 85

4) Defective Gasket
The gasket underneath the lid seals the unit. The gasket needs to be in good condition in order to
seal correctly. If the gasket is torn, brittle or severely bent, it needs to be replaced. Order a new
gasket through your PAT representative.

5) Loose Strain Relieves

The strain relieves allow cabling to enter the box without allowing water to enter it. The strain
relieves have to be correctly tightened in order to do this. Check the tightness by taking the
external cable into one hand and carefully trying to turn it. If the internal wires turn with the outer
cable, the strain relief is loose. Get a new grommet (insert) through your PAT representative and
replace the existing one with the new one. Tighten the strain relief correctly. Note: Whenever a
strain relief is opened, i.e. to replace a cable, a new grommet needs to be used. Never re-use any
grommet or the strain relief will not seal properly!

6) Water Entry Through External Cabling

Even with a tight strain relief, water may still enter the box through the inside of the cable. In this
case, you have to find out why and where water enters the cable. Look for damages to the cable
itself and inspect the opposite side of the cable. In example, if the cable comes from a connector
that is full of water, the water will run through the inside of the cable and fill up the central unit, too.


In a climate with high humidity and rapidly changing temperatures, condensation can happen inside
any enclosure, usually the larger the volume of the box, the more likely. In this case, water drops
build up on the inner components when humid air is trapped inside the box. With condensation, water
tightness is not a problem the box is sealed just fine, which is what prevents the trapped air from
exiting the box. There are two ways to deal with condensation:

1. If the volume is very small, a desiccant bag might be able to soak up the airs humidity.
2. If the effect is more severe, the only way to get rid of this effect is then to give the box the
ability to breath without sacrificing its water tightness. Contact your PAT representative for
breathing elements to than can be added to the box and will help to reduce the effects of
humid climates.

Hirschmann Rev. - 02/27/08 190210

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