Zainab-Mct Evaluation 1
Zainab-Mct Evaluation 1
Zainab-Mct Evaluation 1
This report is to be completed by the Mentoring School Teacher in consultation with the
Mentoring College
Teacher and refers to teaching competencies in the High School.
School: Name of MST: Inaam
New World
Please add specific comments about the student teachers observed strengths during this
teaching practicum and identify areas in which you feel further development is necessary.
Planning for learning objectives are clear Managing Learning activitys instructions must be
and were written on the board. The lesson clear and purpose of the activity must be made clear.
plan is completed. Materials were ready Students must be given an opportunity to discuss and
and accessible to all students record their results of the investigation. As a result,
Organization room was very well the lesson becomes too teacher centered. The
organized and the students were greeted majority of the time was spent with the teacher
prior to entering the classroom. The providing whole class instruction. In addition, the
classroom is very conducive to learning. activity lacks rigor. Students progress were not
The students look safe physically. The evaluated and no feedback were provided to the
desks were arranged neatly with plenty of students during the lesson.
walking space between the tables. Differentiation wasnt quite clear as to how the
Prior knowledge probing questions were lesson was differentiated. The low and the high level
used to engage students into the lesson of activity were the same which means the low
activity was more challenging than the middle.
Teachers voice must develop a stronger voice to
communicate with the entire class.
Assessing students understanding
General Comments:
Your lesson shows that you were well prepared with all of the materials accessible to all students. Prior
knowledge was activated and the students were ready to learn. The engagement activity was very creative.
However, while the information was being reviewed, and because your explanations couldnt be heard, the
students became bored and were distracted. You must learn to take full control of the class and review the
expectations. You were talking with only a few students while the others were playing. I was unable to
determine whether or not the students have mastered the concept of renewable and nonrenewable resources.