DTM Acrlylic Coating

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Coatings B66-100 SERIES
B66-200 SERIES

Revised: May 28, 2013 1.25


DTM ACRYLIC COATING is a 100% acrylic, water reducible, corro- For use over prepared:
sion resistant coating for light to moderate industrial use. Designed Steel Galvanizing Wood
for new construction or maintenance use and can be used directly Aluminum Concrete Masonry
over prepared substrates. Drywall Zinc rich primers
Water treatment plants
Chemical resistant Corrosion resistant
Fast dry Low odor, Low VOC
Buildings Equipment New Construction
Flash rust/early rust resistant Machinery Piping Select Marine Structures
Interior/exterior use Power plants Structural Steel Water treatment plants
Single component Storage Tank Exteriors
Outstanding application characteristics Suitable for use in USDA inspected facilities
Conforms to AWWA D102 OCS #3
PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS Acceptable for use in high performance architectural applications.
Complies with performance criteria of SSPC Paint 24.
Finish: Gloss or Semi-Gloss
Color: Wide range of colors including PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS
safety colors
Volume Solids: 38% 2%, may vary by color Substrate*: Steel
Surface Preparation*: SSPC-SP10
Weight Solids: 50% 2%, may vary by color
System Tested*:
VOC (EPA Method 24): <250 g/L; 2.08 lb/gal 2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating @ 3.0 mils (75 microns) dft/ct
*unless otherwise noted below

Recommended Spreading Rate per coat: Test Name Test Method Results
Minimum Maximum ASTM D4060, CS17
6.5 (165) 10.0 (250) wheel, 1000 cycles, 107 mg loss
Wet mils (microns) Resistance
1kg load
Dry mils (microns) 2.5 (63) 4.0 (100)
Accelerated ASTM D4587, QUV-A,
~Coverage sq ft/gal (m2/L) 155 (3.8) 250 (6.1) Passes
Weathering 5,000 hours
Theoretical coverage sq ft/gal
(m2/L) @ 1 mil / 25 microns dft 608 (14.9) Adhesion ASTM D4541 >500 psi
NOTE: Brush or roll application may require multiple coats to Rating 9 per ASTM
achieve maximum film thickness and uniformity of appearance. Corrosion ASTM D5894, 15 D610 for rusting ;
Weathering cycles, 5,040 hours Rating10 per ASTM
Drying Schedule @ 8.0 mils wet (200 microns): D714 for blistering
@ 50F/10C @ 77F/25C @ 110F/43C Direct Impact
ASTM D2794 >160 in. lbs.
50% RH Resistance
To touch: 1.5 hours 1 hour 30 minutes Dry Heat Resistance ASTM D2485 300F (149C)
Tack free: 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours Exterior Durability 1 year, 45 South Excellent
To recoat: 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours ASTM D522, 180
Flexibility Passes
To cure: 30 days 30 days 30 days bend, 1/8" mandrel
Drying time is temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent. Moisture
ASTM D4585, 100F
Condensation Passes
Shelf Life: 36 months, unopened (38C), 300 hours
Resistance (2 coats)
Store indoors at 40F (4.5C) to
100F (38C) Pencil Hardness ASTM D3363 2B
Flash Point: >200F (93C), PMCC Salt Fog Resistance ASTM B117, 500 hours Excellent
Reducer: Water Flame Spread
R8K10 - WB Hot Weather Flame Spread Rating ASTM E84-91a Index - 5 ; Smoke
Reducer up to 10% Density Index - 0
Clean Up: Water
Provides performance comparable to products formulated to
federal specification: AA50570, and Paint Specification: SSPC-
Paint 23 and 24.

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Coatings B66-100 SERIES
B66-200 SERIES



Dry Film Thickness / ct.
Mils (Microns) Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound condition. Remove all
Steel: oil, dust, grease, dirt, loose rust, and other foreign material to
ensure adequate adhesion.
1 ct. DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish 2.5-5.0 (63-125)
or Kem Bond HS 2.0-5.0 (63-125) Do not use hydrocarbon solvents for cleaning.
or Zinc Clad Primer 3.0-5.0 (75-125) Refer to product Application Bulletin for detailed surface preparation in-
or ProCryl Primer 2.0-4.0 (50-100) formation.
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) Minimum recommended surface preparation:
* Iron & Steel: SSPC-SP2
Steel: Aluminum: SSPC-SP1
Galvanizing: SSPC-SP1
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating* 2.5-4.0 (63-100) Concrete & Masonry: SSPC-SP13/NACE6 or ICRI No. 310.2,
(Application of coating on unprimed bare steel may cause pinpoint rusting.) CSP 1-3
Wood: Dry and sanded smooth. Primer required.
Aluminum: *Safety Colors, Deep Base, and Ultradeep colors require a prime coat
of DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish, B66W1, for maximum durability, adhesion,
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) and corrosion protection.
Surface Preparation Standards
Aluminum: Condition of ISO 8501-1 Swedish Std.
Surface BS7079:A1 SIS055900 SSPC NACE
1 ct. DTM Wash Primer 0.7-1.3 (18-32) White Metal Sa 3 Sa 3 SP 5 1
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) Near White Metal Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5 SP 10 2
Commercial Blast Sa 2 Sa 2 SP 6 3
Brush-Off Blast Sa 1 Sa 1 SP 7 4
Galvanizing: Hand Tool Cleaning Rusted C St 2 C St 2 SP 2 -
Pitted & Rusted D St 2 D St 2 SP 2 -
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100)
Power Tool Cleaning Rusted
Pitted & Rusted
C St 3
D St 3
C St 3
D St 3
SP 3
SP 3
Concrete Block:
1 ct. Heavy Duty Block Filler 10.0-18.0 (250-450) TINTING
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100)
Tint with Blend-A-Color Toner or EnviroToner at 100% tint strength, using
the respective tinting formula pages. Better performance will be achieved
Concrete/Masonry: with EnviroToners. Five minutes minimum mixing on a mechanical shaker
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) is required for complete mixing of color.
Tinting with Blend-A-Color can affect the flash/early rust resistance of the
Drywall: coating.
1 ct. PrepRite 200 Latex Primer 1.0-1.5 (25-38)
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) APPLICATION CONDITIONS
Prefinished Siding: (Baked-on finishes) Temperature: 50F (10C) minimum, 110F (43C) maxi-
1 ct. DTM Bonding Primer 2.0-5.0 (50-125) (air, surface, and material)
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) At least 5F (2.8C) above dew point
Relative humidity: 85% maximum
Wood, exterior:
Refer to product Application Bulletin for detailed application information.
1 ct. A-100 Exterior Oil Wood Primer 1.5 (38)
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100)
Wood, interior:
1 ct. PrepRite Wall & Wood Primer 1.5 (38) Packaging: 1 (3.78L) and 5 gallon (18.9L) containers
2 cts. DTM Acrylic Coating 2.5-4.0 (63-100) Weight: 10.2 0.2 lb/gl 1.22 Kg/L
May vary by color.
*Safety Colors, Deep Base, and Ultradeep colors require a prime coat of
DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish, B66W1, for maximum durability, adhesion, and SAFETY PRECAUTIONS
corrosion protection. Refer to the MSDS sheet before use.

Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
The systems listed above are representative of the product's use, Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and
other systems may be appropriate.
DISCLAIMER The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufactur-
ing defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the defec-
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. tive product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product as
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and STATUTORY, BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING MER-

Coatings B66-100 SERIES
B66-200 SERIES

Revised: May 28, 2013 APPLICATION BULLETIN 1.25


Temperature: 50F (10C) minimum, 110F (43C)
Surface must be clean, dry, and in sound condition. Remove all maximum
oil, dust, grease, dirt, loose rust, and other foreign material to (air, surface, and material)
ensure adequate adhesion. At least 5F (2.8C) above dew point
Do not use hydrocarbon solvents for cleaning.
Relative humidity: 85% maximum
Iron & Steel
Minimum surface preparation is Hand Tool Clean per SSPC-SP2. APPLICATION EQUIPMENT
Remove all oil and grease from surface per SSPC-SP1. For better
performance, use Commercial Blast Cleaning per SSPC-SP6. The following is a guide. Changes in pressures and tip sizes may
be needed for proper spray characteristics. Always purge spray
*Safety Colors, Deep Base, and Ultradeep colors require a prime
equipment before use with listed reducer. Any reduction must be
coat of DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish, B66W1, for maximum durability,
compliant with existing VOC regulations and compatible with the
adhesion, and corrosion protection.
existing environmental and application conditions.
Reducer ............................Water
Remove all oil and grease per SSPC-SP1. Self-priming.
R8K10 - WB Hot Weather Reducer
up to 10%
Clean Up ..........................Water
The surface should be weathered for 6 months prior to painting.
Remove all oil and grease per SSPC-SP1. Self-priming.
Airless Spray
Pressure.........................1500 psi
Concrete and Masonry
Hose...............................1/4" ID
For surface preparation, refer to SSPC-SP13/NACE 6 or ICRI No.
Tip ...................................017" - .021"
310.2, CSP 1-3. Surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and dry.
Filter ...............................60 mesh
Surface temperatures must be at least 55F (13C) before filling.
Reduction .......................As needed up to 12% by volume
Use Heavy Duty Block Filler. Filler must be thoroughly dry before
topcoating per manufacturer's recommendations.
Conventional Spray
Gun ................................Binks 95
Fluid Nozzle ...................66
Surface must be clean, dry and sound. Prime with recommended
Air Nozzle.......................63PB
primer. No painting should be done immediately after a rain or
Atomization Pressure .....50 psi
during foggy weather. Knots and pitch streaks must be scraped,
Fluid Pressure ................15-20 psi
sanded and spot primed before full coat of primer is applied. All
Reduction .......................As needed up to 12% by volume
nail holes or small openings must be properly caulked.
Previously Painted Surfaces
Brush..............................Nylon / polyester
If in sound condition, clean the surface of all foreign material.
Reduction .......................Not recommended
Smooth, hard or glossy coatings and surfaces should be dulled
by abrading the surface. Apply a test area, allowing paint to dry
one week before testing adhesion. If adhesion is poor, additional
Cover .............................3/8" woven solvent resistant core
abrasion of the surface and/or removal of the previous coating may
Reduction .......................Not recommended
be necessary. Retest surface for adhesion. If paint is peeling or
badly weathered, clean surface to sound substrate and treat as a
new surface as above.
If specific application equipment is not listed above, equivalent
Surface Preparation Standards equipment may be substituted.
Condition of ISO 8501-1 Swedish Std.
Surface BS7079:A1 SIS055900 SSPC NACE
White Metal Sa 3 Sa 3 SP 5 1
Near White Metal Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5 SP10 2
Commercial Blast Sa 2 Sa 2 SP 6 3
Brush-Off Blast Sa 1 Sa 1 SP 7 4
Hand Tool Cleaning Pitted & Rusted C
Rusted St 2
D St 2
C St 2
D St 2
SP 2
SP 2
Power Tool Cleaning Pitted & Rusted D St
Rusted C 3
St 3
C St 3
D St 3
SP 3
SP 3

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Coatings B66-100 SERIES
B66-200 SERIES



Stripe coat all crevices, welds, and sharp angles to prevent early failure
Surface preparation must be completed as indicated. in these areas.
Mixing Instructions: Mix paint thoroughly to a uniform consistency When using spray application, use a 50% overlap with each pass of the
with low speed power agitation prior to use. gun to avoid holidays, bare areas, and pinholes. If necessary, cross spray
at a right angle
Apply paint at the recommended film thickness and spreading
rate as indicated below: During the early stages of drying, the coating is sensitive to rain, dew, high
humidity, and moisture condensation. Plan painting schedules to avoid
Recommended Spreading Rate per coat: these influences during the first 16-24 hours of curing.
Minimum Maximum
Spreading rates are calculated on volume solids and do not include an
Wet mils (microns) 6.5 (165) 10.0 (250) application loss factor due to surface profile, roughness or porosity of the
Dry mils (microns) 2.5 (63) 4.0 (100) surface, skill and technique of the applicator, method of application, various
~Coverage sq ft/gal (m2/L) 155 (3.8) 250 (6.1) surface irregularities, material lost during mixing, spillage, overthinning,
Theoretical coverage sq ft/gal climatic conditions, and excessive film build.
(m2/L) @ 1 mil / 25 microns dft 608 (14.9)
Excessive reduction of material can affect film build, appearance, and
NOTE: Brush or roll application may require multiple coats to adhesion.
achieve maximum film thickness and uniformity of appearance.
Safety Colors, Deep Base, and Ultradeep colors require a prime coat of
Drying Schedule @ 8.0 mils wet (200 microns): DTM Acrylic Primer/Finish, B66W1, for maximum durability, adhesion, and
@ 50F/10C @ 77F/25C @ 110F/43C corrosion protection.
50% RH
Application temperature above 95F (35C) may cause dry spray, uneven
To touch: 1.5 hours 1 hour 30 minutes sheen, and poor adhesion.
Tack free: 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours
To recoat: 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours Application temperature below 50F (10C) may cause poor adhesion and
To cure: 30 days 30 days 30 days lengthen the drying and curing time.
Drying time is temperature, humidity, and film thickness dependent.
DTM Acrylic Coating is extremely sensitive to hydrocarbon containing sol-
vents. When cleaning the surface per SSPC-SP1, use only an emulsifying
Application of coating above maximum or below minimum industrial detergent followed by a water rinse.
recommended spreading rate may adversely affect coating
Do not use hydrocarbon solvents for cleaning.

Refer to Product Information sheet for additional performance

characteristics and properties.

CLEAN UP INSTRUCTIONS Refer to the MSDS sheet before use.
Clean spills and spatters immediately with soap and warm water.
Clean hands and tools immediately after use with soap and warm Published technical data and instructions are subject to change without notice.
water. After cleaning, flush spray equipment with Mineral Spirits Contact your Sherwin-Williams representative for additional technical data and
to prevent rusting of the equipment. Follow manufacturer's safety instructions.
recommendations when using Mineral Spirits.
DISCLAIMER The Sherwin-Williams Company warrants our products to be free of manufacturing
The information and recommendations set forth in this Product Data Sheet are defects in accord with applicable Sherwin-Williams quality control procedures.
based upon tests conducted by or on behalf of The Sherwin-Williams Company. Liability for products proven defective, if any, is limited to replacement of the de-
Such information and recommendations set forth herein are subject to change and fective product or the refund of the purchase price paid for the defective product
pertain to the product offered at the time of publication. Consult your Sherwin- as determined by Sherwin-Williams. NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE
Williams representative to obtain the most recent Product Data Information and OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY SHERWIN-WILLIAMS, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,

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