My Little Mandela Tribute-Cyril-Dussuchaud
My Little Mandela Tribute-Cyril-Dussuchaud
My Little Mandela Tribute-Cyril-Dussuchaud
A. C.E.
1. Donner le document crit tous les lots. Ils ont 15 pour en prendre connaissance et
mmoriser un maximum dinfos.
2. ils rangent leur feuille dans leur cahier.
6 lots, donc 12 questions sur la fiche de C.E.
Chaque lot la main tour tour, annonce un numro de 1 12 qui correspond une question
Si la rponse est mauvaise, llot suivant peut y rpondre pour 3 points et ainsi de suite. Si aucun
lot ne trouve, on refait un tour avec la question pose en franais. Un point seulement de gagn
en cas de bonne rponse.
1. What were his favourite sports when he was a child ? (running and boxing)
2. What was the name of the political system which forced white and non-white people to live in
separate areas ?
3. When did Mandela become President ? (1994)
4. What famous prize did he win in 1993 ? (Nobel Peace Prize)
5. What is the English for sagesse ? (wisdom)
6. What was the name of Island where he spent 18 years in prison ? (Robben Island)
7. What was his first job ? (a lawyer)
8. What happened in 1950 ? (He became the leader of the ANC)
9. When was Mandela born and when did he die ? (1918-2013)
10. True or false ? During Apartheid, sports teams were never mixed. (True)
11. How long did Mandela stay in prison ? (27 years)
12. True or false ? Mandela could only have two visits every year when he was in prison. (True)
Feuille avec 10 citations de Mandela dont il faut faire correspondre la traduction. 5 points si fait
en 3 minutes.
3 points si fait en 5
5 points de plus si une citation est apprise et rcite par un membre dun lot en anglais.
3 points de plus si une citation est apprise et rcite par un membre dun lot en franais.
Donner une fiche chaque lot pour quils notent les rponses aux questions que je pose sur les
2 bandes-annonces.
3 points par bonne rponse PREVENIR : IL FAUT AUSSI BIEN ECOUTER !!!!
1. Bande Annonce 1 (sous-titre)
Quest-ce qui est marqu sur le badge ? (free Nelson Mandela)
Compltez : I have walked a long walk to . (freedom)
2. Teaser 2 (sous-titr)
Compltez : People learn to ., they can be taught to (6 pts possibles)
In my country we go to
prison first and then
become President.
Nelson Mandela
A good head and a good
heart are always a
formidable combination.
Nelson Mandela
4 6
Politics can be strengthened by I learned that courage was
music, but music has a potency not the absence of fear, but
that defies politics. the triumph over it.
Nelson Mandela
8 9
The brave man is not the one who
has no fears, he is the one who
triumphs over his fears.'
Nelson Mandela
1. What were his favourite sports when he was a child ?
2. What was the name of the political system which forced white and non-white people to live in
separate areas ?
3. When did Mandela become President ?
4. What famous prize did he win in 1993 ?
5. What is the English for?
6. What was the name of Island where he spent 18 years in prison ?
7. What was his first job ?
8. What happened in 1950 ?
9. When was Mandela born and when did he die ?
10. True or false ? During Apartheid, sports teams were never mixed. (True)
11. How long did Mandela stay in prison ? (27 years)
12. True or false ? Mandela could only have two visits every year when he was in prison.