Pregnancy and Schizophrenia: Sommaire

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Donna Stewart
Pregnancy and Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia occurs in one percent of the Au cours des annees de reproduction, la
population during the reproductive years. schizophrenie se presente chez 1% de la population.
Although schizophrenics' fertility is reduced, Meme s'il existe une reduction de la fertilite chez les
patients schizophrenes, la majorite des medecins de
most family doctors who practice obstetrics famille pratiquant l'obst6trique auront
will occasionally care for a pregnant, occasionnellement a suivre une patiente
schizophrenic patient. The particular problems schizophrene. Cet article discute les problemes
of the prenatal period, labor and delivery, and particuliers de la periode prenatale, le travail,
postpartum care of these patients are l'accouchement et les soins postpartum. On decrit
discussed. The physical, psychological, and les problemes physiques, psychologiques et sociaux
de l'enfant dont le parent est schizophrene, et on
social problems of a schizophrenic patient's propose certaines recommandations pour un suivi
child are outlined, with a recommendation for attentif du parent et de l'enfant dans sa
careful follow up in the community of both communaute.
parent and child. (Can Fam Physician 1984;

Dr. Stewart is Chief of the Fertility and Schizophrenia ity is also slightly reduced in schizo-
Psychiatric Consultation Liaison phrenics; it is 70-80% of the expected
Service at St. Michael's Hospital It has been known for many years rate. 2
and an assistant professor of that the fertility rate of schizophrenic However, recent changes in the
psychiatry and obstetrics and patients is below average. It is management of schizophrenic patients
gynecology at the University of variously estimated to be 30% to 80% may make conception more frequent.
Toronto. Reprint requests to: St. of the general population's fertility Chronic schizophrenics are often en-
Michael's Hospital, 30 Bond Street, rate.2 Many factors contribute to this couraged to take 'drug holidays' to re-
Toronto, ON. M5B 1W8. reduced rate. Psychotropic medica- duce the incidence of tardive dyskine-
tions, including major tranquillizers, sia, and many female schizophrenics
which many schizophrenics require re- begin to menstruate during these drug-
rr HE CHANCE OF the average gularly, suppress ovulation through free intervals. Socialization between
family doctor having a pregnant their effect on the hypothalamus. ' Un- male and female patients is now en-
schizophrenic patient in his practice is treated acute psychotic episodes may couraged on psychiatric wards, which
fairly high, as the expectancy of schi- interfere with the menstrual cycle, fur- usually admit both sexes. The more
zophrenia in the general population is ther reducing fertility. I Perhaps a more permissive sexual behavior in the gen-
slightly over one percent during the re- important reason for reduced fertility eral population probably contributes to
productive years. I is a lack of opportunity for sexual in- increased frequency of sexual inter-
What special problems does a preg- tercourse. In the past, these patients course in the schizophrenic population
nant schizophrenic patient present dur- were confined to chronic care wards in as well, and often contraception is in-
ing prenatal care, and is there anything mental hospitals, and the sexes were adequate. Abernethy:' found that the
special about her labor and delivery? segregated. Another problem is that fertility rate of young, female psychia-
Are there any postpartum difficulties schizophrenics have difficulty forming tric patients (most of whom were schi-
that may be anticipated and prepared relationships, even of the limited sort zophrenic) was higher than she ex-
for and, finally, what is the prognosis required for casual sexual intercourse, pected. More than two thirds of the
for the schizophrenic patient's child? even when suitable partners are avail- sample were sexually active. Fifty per-
This paper will attempt to answer able. Not surprisingly, the marriage cent used some birth control method,
some of these difficult questions, with rates of schizophrenics are reduced but only 18% used contraceptives dur-
a review of the current literature and and range from 30-40% for men, and ing their last coitus. Clearly, adequate
my own experience as a psychiatric 50-60% for females, of the rates for contraceptive use is important in the
consultant to an obstetrical service. the general population. Marital fertil- case of these patients. Many schizo-
CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 30: JULY 1984 1537
phrenics who were previously institu- are magnified if the patient is acutely Psychotropic medications
tionalized now live in the community, psychotic during the pregnancy, par- The thorny question of the effect of
either in group homes housing both ticularly if she has delusions. Intermit- psychotropic medications in preg-
sexes, or in boarding houses, which tent hospitalization may be necessary nancy will have to be faced if the pa-
often are poorly supervised. All of during acute exacerbations of psy- tient is chronically psychotic or be-
these factors probably contribute to an chosis, or for the patient who is not comes acutely psychotic. While many
apparent increase in schizophrenics' able to care for herself adequately in of the large, systematic reviews of
rate of reproduction over the last de- the community. It is important that the psychotropic drugs used in pregnancy
cade.2 pregnant schizophrenic be followed do not implicate major tranquillizers in
carefully if she is not in a psychiatric fetal malformations,7 one retrospec-
Prenatal Management hospital. A public health nurse and/or tive study7 of 13,000 women who took
Many stresses are common to all social worker should be mobilized antipsychotics in the first trimester
women during pregnancy. These in- promptly if the patient does not appear found a statistically significant in-
clude endocrine changes related to regularly at prenatal visits, or if she is crease in malformation associated with
thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones, not coping well. Sheltered homes for the aliphatic phenothiazines (e.g.,
changes in body size and image, un- pregnant women offer another alterna- chlorpromazine).7 A further study8 of
conscious and conscious conflicts as- tive, but these facilities are often un- 1,300 women exposed to phenothia-
sociated with the pregnancy, and con- able to tolerate a psychotic patient. zines during the first four months of
cerns about labor and delivery. It is vital to reassure the patient pregnancy, compared to a control
Pregnant women are concerned about about the health care team's interest in group, showed that the rate of malfor-
their ability to mother, worried about her and her pregnancy, because it is mations was similar in both groups,
their own interests and the possibility easy for her to suspect that caregivers but there was a suspicious association
of entrapment, and anticipate changes are planning to harm either her or the between phenothiazines and cardio-
in their relationship with their partner baby. This is particularly true if any vascular malformations. The perinatal
and their parents.4 These are potential suggestion is made that the child wel- morbidity rates, infant birthweights,
sources of stress to all pregnant fare authorities should be involved in and offspring's IQ scores at age four
women, and it is not surprising that the her care. If such a recommendation years were similar for the two
schizophrenic patient often does not is felt to be necessary for the baby's groups.
cope well with them. safety, there should be considerable There have been scattered reports of
discussion and reassurance before the birth defects associated with pheno-
Diagnosing pregnancy authorities are involved. thiazines, but often these drugs have
One of the purposes of prenatal not been the only medications taken
Clearly, prenatal management must visits is to encourage the schizophrenic during the first trimester and the corre-
begin with the diagnosis of pregnancy, mother to develop a sense of reality lation is not clear.7 Although there is
and this in itself presents a problem in about the growing fetus, and to realize little clinical justification for the use of
some schizophrenic patients. Many of that it will be born and have a separate diazepam in treating schizophrenia, I
these women are unaware of changes identity.5 It is helpful to let the woman have occasionally seen pregnant pa-
in their body and may deny, or not re- listen at each visit to the fetal heart tients who have been prescribed this
alize, that they are pregnant. Often it is beat, once it becomes clearly audible. drug by doctors who feel that it may be
difficult to obtain an accurate date of If family physicians ask about possible safer than the major tranquillizers.
the last menstrual period, and it is not names, practical preparations for the This is not true and, in fact, there is
uncommon for schizophrenic patients baby's arrival, and preparations for evidence to indicate that diazepam and
near term to insist that they have been labor, they will be able to assess how other benzodiazepines are associated
having regular periods and that they well the patient is dealing with some of with more problems in the fetus and
have not had sexual intercourse. De- the tasks of pregnancy and whether she neonate than are the major tranquil-
luded patients may deny the preg- has accepted that the baby is real. If lizers. 9 The optimal plan is to manage
nancy, or believe that the fetus is spe- the patient's responses do not make the patient during the first trimester
cial (e.g., is a child of God or the sense or if she talks about irrelevant without medication, if possible. In my
devil). The diagnosis of pregnancy topics, the doctor should gently re- opinion, however, if she is acutely or
may be further complicated by the ten- mind her of the matter being dis- chronically psychotic and difficult to
dency of phenothiazines to produce cussed. It is important not to argue manage, the major tranquillizers can
falsely positive pregnancy tests.5 with the patient's delusions or rein- probably be used with reasonable
force her hallucinations, but to rein- safety. A psychiatric consultation is
Special needs force reality. Explanations about the often helpful with these patients, and
The prenatal care of schizophrenic pregnancy, labor and delivery should in balance, the risk of damage to the
patients may be fraught with difficul- be simple and concrete to increase fetus by psychosis is usually greater
ties. For patients who are living unsu- comprehension and reduce anxiety, than the possible adverse effects of
pervised in the community, attendance and the patient must never be dis- phenothiazines.
at prenatal visits is likely to be irregu- cussed where she might overhear and The risk of major tranquillizers to
lar, if it occurs at all. Self-neglect is misinterpret the conversation. A trust- the fetus is reduced in the second or
common among schizophrenics, and ing relationship with her physician is third trimester, and the physician can
so nutrition and hygiene may be inade- very important, as is consistency in the be less apprehensive about using one if
quate during pregnancy. The problems members of the health care team. it is required. However, evidence from
1 538 CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 30: JULY 1984
animal experiments indicates that in logical father is schizophrenic. 12 sary, medication should be given.
the later stages of pregnancy some Rieder'3 has examined why there is Pregnant schizophrenics sometimes
phenothiazines may interfere with the a twofold increase in fetal and neonatal confuse labor pains with the need to
fetus's cerebral cortical development deaths in the offspring of schizo- move the bowels, and there is a danger
and reduce problem solving ability.10 phrenic mothers; there is no apparent that babies may be delivered into the
Occasionally, transient extrapyramidal reason for the death of some of the in- toilet or bed pan. During labor, the op-
symptoms may be seen in some new- fants but others have major neurologi- timal caregiver is a health professional
borns whose mothers received major cal malformations. He postulated that who the patient knows and trusts.
tranquillizers before delivery. Ant- the reasons for the increase may be the In the early stages of labor, the acu-
acids inhibit the absorption of oral fetus's genotype, an unfavorable in- tely agitated patient who cannot be
phenothiazines, so these drugs should trauterine environment, or possible soothed by explanation and reassur-
be taken at least two hours apart.5 medication toxicity. 13 ance is usually best managed with
small doses of major tranquillizers
Prenatal complications Labor and Delivery such as chlorpromazine 50 mg intra-
Several investigators have reported The beginning of labor often goes muscularly. Agitation in the later
increased prenatal complications in the unrecognized in the schizophrenic pa- stages of labor is best managed with
pregnancies of schizophrenic women, tient because she is a poor historian analgesics, and the major tranquil-
but these appear to be due mostly to and an unreliable reporter. It is not un- lizers should be used only if necessary
their lower socioeconomic status.11 common for such patients to deliver to control psychotic symptomatology.
When they are compared to controls out of hospital, or to present late in While some schizophrenic women are
who are not matched for socioecono- labor complaining of abdominal pain, able to deliver without anesthetic,
mic status, schizophrenic women gas or constipation. For the acutely others require either epidural or, occa-
show significantly more toxemia, va- psychotic woman near term, ultrason- sionally, general anesthetic. When a
ginal bleeding and proteinuria during ography may be useful in establishing patient has been treated with major
pregnancy. However, when controls the expected date of delivery, and ad- tranquillizers, care must be taken dur-
are matched for socioeconomic status, mission one week before the expected ing the epidural to avoid hypotension,
schizophrenic women do not have sig- date is often the practice of choice if and general anesthetic must be admin-
nificantly more prenatal complica- the patient is not reliable and is in an istered cautiously, to avoid aspiration.
tions. 1 Although the data is limited, it unsupervised setting. Once in labor, Also, the physician must expect the
appears that there is no increase in the schizophrenic patient should never patient to require a longer recovery
prenatal complications for pregnant be left unattended, and adequate ex- period after general anesthetic than
schizophrenic women when the bio- planation, reassurance and, if neces- other patients.

2 TOPICAL TOPICAL Canadas most widely
SOLUTION 1% SOLUTION 1% WITH prescribed topicalanti-mycotic
20 mL ATOMIZER 40 mL pepclat-yoi
Sameroff and Zax14 demonstrated quacy, delusions that the baby is dead tration of major tranquillizers. It is
that schizophrenic patients have more or defective, and hallucinations that usually safest for an acutely psychotic
complications during delivery than command her to harm the baby. She patient to discontinue breastfeeding.
controls do, although the chronicity of also may deny the birth. It is important The concentration of any drug in
the mental disorder is more strongly that the patient who shows any psy- breast milk depends on the solubility
related to the number of complications chotic symptoms has access to her of the drug, the protein binding of the
than is any particular psychiatric diag- baby only under direct nursing super- drug, and the pH of the drug compared
nosis. 14 Garmezy'5 postulated that vision and that an early psychiatric to plasma pH, which is 7.4, and breast
psychotic women's general lack of consultation and treatment are ob- milk's pH, which is 6.8. Acidic drugs
competence tends to lead to a lack of tained. The treatment of acute schi- concentrate less in breast milk and are
medical concern and failure to have zophrenic exacerbation in the post- generally safer. A general rule is that
complications of pregnancy properly partum period usually requires trans- the concentration of a drug in breast
treated. He also pointed out that many ferring the patient to the psychiatric milk is no more than approximately
of these women present in labor with unit, administering a major tranquil- ten percent of the mother's plasma
poor nutritional status. Wrede and lizer and, occasionally, giving electro- level, but there are wide variations.
Mednick16 found that schizophrenic convulsive therapy to those who are The breast milk concentration of both
women have more delivery complica- unresponsive to medication or have a butyrophenones and phenothiazines
tions than the average population and, strong affective component to their ill- are less than one third of maternal
in Scandinavian countries at least, ness. It is often helpful to treat psycho- plasma concentration.27 Although no
these complications are unrelated to tic exacerbation in the schizophrenic significant neonatal side effects have
socioeconomic status. Parnas 17 re- mother by admitting her and her baby been reported due to breastfeeding by
ported that the most common variable to a psychiatric unit where they can be mothers taking major tranquillizers,9
in the delivery of schizophrenic managed together. This gives the some animal studies show the side ef-
women is abnormal fetal position. woman a chance to learn to look after fects of butyrophenones may be trans-
Miscarriage, and fetal and neonatal her baby under supervision, and helps ferred through breast milk.7
deaths unrelated to obstetrical compli- her to gain confidence before dis- The schizophrenic patient who is in
cations are more common among schi- charge home once the psychosis has remission and does not require major
zophrenics. 13 Sobel 18 reported a abated. 19 If there is any serious ques- tranquillizers to maintain the remission
higher frequency of stillbirth and tion about the infant's safety, the child can breastfeed if she desires and, in-
neonatal deaths among the children of welfare authorities must be notified deed, should be encouraged to do so if
schizophrenic mothers. Mednick2 6 before mother and baby are dis- she expresses any interest.
pointed out that schizophrenics' chil- charged. When there is serious con-
dren who had the most severely abnor- cern, discharge must be delayed until a The Schizophrenic's Child
mal development also had the most se- safe solution is found. 19 Involuntary
vere perinatal complications. It has hospitalization is occasionally re- There is substantial evidence that
been known for some time that infants quired. children born to psychotically dis-
born to schizophrenic mothers are When a schizophrenic patient is in turbed parents are at a higher lifetime
small for gestational age and that these remission at the time of delivery and risk for psychopathology of all
infants are at risk for slow develop- remains in remission, a period in the types. 1' The genetics of schizophrenia
ment.24 hospital's rooming-in area allows have been well studied and there is
bonding, infant care education, and consensus that the children of two
Postpartum Management schizophrenic parents have a 40%
direct supervision of her ability to look
The postpartum period is a difficult after the infant before discharge chance of developing schizophrenia,
time for all women, and the schi- while the children of one schizo-
home. 19 Most importantly, it increases
zophrenic patient is vulnerable to psy- phrenic parent have a seven to 17%
the patient's confidence in her ability
chotic breakdown and regression dur- to mother. Regular home visits from risk of developing schizophrenia, de-
ing this period. If psychosis occurs, pending on the type of schizophrenia
the public health nurse can greatly help
the focus of the symptoms is usually these women adjust to the inevitable the parent has and the spouse's charac-
the baby and the woman's ability to problems that follow the birth of a teristics. 20
mother.4 The symptoms of postpartum baby. Additional community supports Reider2 5 has said that perinatal
psychosis are often florid and may ap- should also be arranged if they seem events are better predictors of low IQ
pear early. The prodromal symptoms helpful. Clearly, the support and in- in offspring of schizophrenics than is
are sleep disturbance, restlessness, fa- volvement of a non psychotic partner, socioeconomic status, but in the gen-
tigue, depression, irritability and labile if he is available, is very important and
eral population, socioeconomic status
mood. Later symptoms are suspicion, ought to be encouraged by those caringis a better predictor. However, chil-
confusion, incoherence, irrational for the mother and infant. dren of normal women married to
statements, delusions, hallucinations, Postpartum visits should occur at schizophrenic men are also at
thought disorder, a decrease in appe- least weekly until both physician and increased risk for lower IQs; this fact
tite and, occasionally, delirium. The patient feel the situation is stable. indicates that both genetics and subop-
schizophrenic mother is often con- timal environment" affect develop-
cerned about the baby's health, and Breastfeeding ment.
may suffer guilt about lack of love or a Obviously, a conflict may arise be- The infant who is born to and reared
wish not to care for the baby, inade- tween breastfeeding and the adminis- by disturbed parents is certainly at
1540 CAN. FAM. PHYSICIAN Vol. 30: JULY 1984
greater environmental risk. II In 1975, the child may need to be taken into breast-feeding. Am J Psychiatry 1978;
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stability and nurturance than care parent is in remission, and every at- ing rats. Dev Psvchobiol 1970; 3:225-
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schizophrenic mothers were less spon- trol the parent's psychotic exacerba- 11. Walke- E, Emory E. Infaintts att r-isk for
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