Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001
Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001
Nagaland Municipal Act, 2001
Bare Acts & Rules
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(Act No. 10 of 2001)
/Received the assend of the Governor of Nuguhnd on 26-9-2001 .
und publirtr ed in the Nagalnnd Gazette Extruordinoty
Dded l8rh Oct. 2001.1
(i) This Act may be called the Nagalmd Municipal Act, 2001
(iii) It shall come into forceon such date as the Government may,
by a notification, appoint
(33) "Owncr"includesLhe~rsonforthetimebeingrrxeiving
the rentofany Imdorbuitdingor any partthewf, whether
on his own account or as agent or trustee for any-pcrson
or society or for my religious or charitablepurpose,or as
a receiver who would receive such rent i f the land or
building or any part ~hercofwcrc Ict to a tenant;
"popuIation" means the population as ascertained at the
last preceding census of which the relevant figures have
been pubIished;
"public s ~ t means
" any street which vests in the
Municiplity as apublic s m r or the soil below the surface
of which vests in the Municipality or which under the i
provisions o f this Act becomes, or is declared to be a
public street;
part of such space which the occupierof my such buildings
has right at a l l hours to prevcnt all other persons from
using as aforesaid, andshall include also the drains or
gutlers therein, or on either side, and the land, whether
covered or not by any pavemenl, verandah 01- other
erection, up to the boundary of any abutting propcrty nok
accessible to the public;
4. Submissionofobjections:
Any inhabitant of any part of a Iocal m a s p i f i e d in a notification
published under Section 3, may, if he objects to anything contained,
in the notification, submit hisobjection in writing through thekputy
commissioner to h e State Government within a period of 30days
from thedate of publication of thenotification andihe Govemmcnt
shaIl consider all such objections. I
Provided no objeclion shal I be deemed to be raised in regard to
the limit of the Urban area already specified as Town committee
area under sub section 4 of section 2 of the Assam Tribal Areas
(Administration of Town Committees) Regulations, 1950
(RegulalionVI of 1950).
(b) The Municipal fund and also other property vested in the
Municipal Council or Town Council shall vest in the
Government and the liabilitiesof the Municipal Council or
Town Councilshall &insferred to lhc Government;
Provided that any tax, fee or other amount due from any
personal to the Municipal Council or Town Council shall
be recoverable by the Government as ancar of land
(1) TheMunicipulCouncilshallelectoneofit'selected
mcmbers to be the Chairperson in the manner as may be
prescribed i n this behalf.
(2) The Municipal Council may also elect one of its elected
members to be Deputy Chairperson in the manner under
sub Section(1)
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:,:: . :., . 'members is no2fied by the State Election Commission.
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shdl tK coterminous with thedurdtion of ~ u n i c i ~Gncil
~d unless I
have vacated his office.
the Deputy Commissioner shall send a repon to the
(9) No other business s h d l be transacted in the meeting
convened for consideringthe no confidence motion.
(10) The Chairpe~onor M u t y Chairperson shdI beeIigibIe
f0.rthe re-election.
suspended shall bc inquired into expeditious1y within a ,
) Hehasactedincon~~vcntionof~heprovisionsofsec~ion
57 T and 57 J or commits any act of misconduct.
( 148 1
Provided that the Election Commissioner shall not be
i. *-
:,.,-;ri;.y2 removed from Officeexcept in the Iike manner and on the
. I . .
12itf;i:,-- ;.::,
like grounds as a Judge of aHigh Court and the conditions
. . . , , of service of the Election CommissionershalI nor be varied
71 ! jlcji ~ ~ ~ r j ' ~ : ,,.
- =:; :iij-!j I!,, t~ his,disadvantageafter his appointment.
(4) TheGovemmentshall,whenrqucstedbytheElection
Commissioner,makeavailable to theW&m Commission
such staff which thc Government considers necessary for
discharge fie functions conferred on the Election
Commission by subsection(1)
@) berevisedinanyyearinthemannerprescribed
e rhequalifylngdateif such
by r u l a by ~ f m m c to
revision has been directed by the Election
Providedthat if the electoral roll is not revised as
aforesaid, the validity or continued operation of
the said electoral milshallnot thercby be affected
(a) iserroneousordefectiveinanyparticular;or
(b) should be transposed to another place in the roll on the
ground that the person concerned has changed his pIace
of ordinary residcnce within such ward; or
(c) should be deleted on the ground h a t the person concerned
i s dead or has censedto be ordinarily resident within such
ward or is otherwise not entitled to be registered in that
the electoral registratjon officer shall, subject to such
general or special directions,if any, as may be given by
theElection Commission in this behalf, &end, transpose
or delete the entry:
Provided that before taking any action on the ground
specified in clause(a) or clause(b) or any action under
clause(c) on the ground that the person concerned has
ceased robe ordinarily resident within such ward or that
he is otherwise not entitled to be registered in the electoral
roll of such ward, the electoral roll of such ward, the
electoral registration officer shall give the person
concerned a reasonable opportunity of being heard in
respect of the action proposed to be taken in relation to
37. Appeal :-
An appeal shall lie within such time and in such manner as may be
prescrikd by rules to the EIection Corn mission from any order of
the electoml registration officer under section 35 orsection 36.
committee is inserted; or
the sale to the municipal council or town council
or to any municipal authority or any officer or
other employee of the municipal council or town
council on behalf of the municipal council or town
council, of any article in which he regularly mdes
or the purchase from the municipal council or town
council or from any such authority, oficeror other
employee on behalf of the municipal council or
town council, of any article of a value in either
case not exceeding five thousand rupees in the
aggregate i n any year during the period of the
contract or work; or
(v) the letting out on hire to the municipal council or :
town council or the hiring from the municipal
council or town council of any article of a value :
or i
by any corrupt practicecommitted in thc interests 1
of the rctumcdcandidateby a person other than i
that candidate or his agent, or a person acting
with the consent of such candidate or agent, or ,
(4) Any police officer may take such step and use such force,
as may be reasonably necessary for preventing any
contravention of the provisions of sub scction ( I ) , and
may seize any apparatus used for such contravention.
(1) Any person who during the hour fixed for the poll at any
polling station, misconducts himself or fails to obey thc
lawful directions of the presiding oficer, maybe removed
from h e polling station by the presidingofficer or by any
police officcr on duty or by any person authorised in this
behalf by such presiding officer.
(3) Any ballot paper ;ound upon thc person aresredon search
shall be made o w r for safe custody to a police officer by
the presiding officer or when thc search is made by a
police oficer, shall be kept by such oficer in safe custody.
(4) An offence punishable under sub-section (1) shall be
(3) When a special and an ordinary meeting are cal ledon the
same day, the special meeting shall be held as soon as the
quorum is present.
57. F. Quorum:
(1) Subject to other provisions of this Act, the quorum
necessary for transaction of business shall,- !
(a) in the case of an ordinary meeting, be one-third and
(b) in the case of a specia t meeting, be one-half of the
total electedmembers actually serving at the time.
Provided that the quorum necessary of a meeting for
removal of Chairperson shall be one-ha1 F of the total
number of elected members. !
57. K. Adjournment:
) Provisionof~rbanamenitiesandfaci1itiessuchaspnrks,
gardens, playgrounds.
Administrator appointed under clause (b) of sub-section
(I) and may direct that such remuneration shalI be paid
out of the Municipal fund of the Municipal.
PART - 111
84. Municipal Fund:
There shalI k cons~itutedfor each municipal i ty aMunicipal Fund
to be called:
(a) In the case a municipal council, h e municipal fund of the
Municipal Council, and
(b) In the case a Town Council, the municipal fund of the
Town Council,
to be held in aTmst by theMunicipa1Council or theTown Council,
as the case may be, for the purpose of this Act and all the moneys
realized or realizable under lhis Act and all moneys othcnvise
received by thc Municipal Council or the Town council, as t h c
case may be, shall be credited Ihercto.
(b) inthccaseofTownCouncil,-
shall satisfy themselves that the sum for which the cheque
is drawn or which is specified for payment in the biI1, as
the case may be, is ei [her,-
(2) Whcn any sum of money has been borrowed under sub-
section (I), no portion of any sum of money borrowed
for the purposesreferred to in clause (c) of sub-section
(11, shall be applied to the payment of salary and
allowances to any officcrs or the Municipal Council or
the Town Council, as the case may be, other rhan those
exclusively employed in connection with the carrying out
of rhar purpose.
(3) The loan raised under sub-section (1), shall not be spent
on purchi~seof vehicles andcon~ingent expenditure unless
specially provided for in [heconceined scheme or project.
(3) All moneys paid into the Sinking Funds shall, be soon as
possible, bc invested by thc Chief Officer, under the
directions of the Municipality, in public securities in the
prescribed manner.
(3) Ifthecashandthevalueofthesecuridesatthecreditofa
Sinking Fund arc in excess of the amount, which should
bc at its credit, the Audi t Authori ty shall cerriry the amounl
of such excess sum and r he Municipal Council or the Town
Council, as lhe case may be shall thercupon, tnnsfer the
excess sum to the municipal Fund of the Municip~lity.
(1) m a ~prior
A ~ u n i c i ~ a l i t ~ - with , permission or lhe
Government obtain loans from any financial institution or
any nationalized bank or any other Municipalily, and the
Government may, if i t considen so necessary, stand as
the guarantor for pay men t .
(.I99 )
(2) The form of the balnncc sheet and the munner in which
the balance sheet shall be prepared, shalI be such, as may
be prescribed.
(d) causcphysicalvcrificationofcashandofany
stock of articles in the course of examination of
(d) anyotherma~erialimpmprietyorimgulari~,which
may be observed i n the accounrs.
(5) When any public institution has been placed under the
direction,management and control of (heMunicipaliry, all
prope~lies,endowment and funds klonging thereto, shall
be held by the Municipality in trust for the purpose to
which such propedies, endowments and funds were
lawfully applicable at the time when the institution was so
placed :
Provided that thc extent of the independent authority of the
Municipality in respect of such instirution may b;\uch, as may be
(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act and the rules made
thereunder, with the previous sanction of the government,
a municipality may, in order LOraise revenue for it's duties
and performing its functions under this Act, levy within it's
limits of municipality the following taxes, fees and tolls ri
any of them-
( 209 )
(4) If the Municipality decides to amend its proposuls or any
of [hem,it shall publish the amended proposals along with
a notice indicating that [hey are modificalions of those
previously published forobjection.
(I) The tax on lands and buildings shall be levied on the annual
value thereof as determined under this Chapter.
Provided that with previous sanction of the State
Govemmcnt the rate of tax on lands and buildings may
also be levied on an asessment other than the annual value
with due regard to the location of [he lands and buildings,
floorage and other relevant factors.
(2) The rate of tax on lands and buildings shall be determined
by Government, by notification, and for different
municipalities different rates may be determined for
different categories of lands or buildings :
(d) eachresidentia1unitwjthitspercent;lgeofthe
undivided interest in rhe common areas and
facilitiesconsrructedorpurchased and owncd by
or under [he control of any housing co-operative
s ~ i e t yregistered
, under the law for the time being
in fame in the Statc, shall be assessed separately;
(a) shallhaveeffectfromthebeginningoftheye~afterthe
expiry of a period of five years of the previous valuation
or the beginning of the year in which it is made, whichever
is later;
(b) shall, subject to theother provisions of the Chapter, remain
in force in respect of each ward for a period of five years
irrespective of any alteration during such period in the
number of boundaries of such ward; and
(c) may be revised on the expiry of each such period and the
work relaling to such revision shall be undertaken at least
a year before such expiration:
Provided that if for any reason to be recorded in writing
the Municipality considers that it is not practicable to
undertake the work relating to such revision before the
expiry of one year, it shall seek prior approval of the
Government stating reasons therefor, for its inability to
undertake the revision.
(2) The Chief Officer shall place the proposed revision and
the objections so received before the Municipal PropeFty
Tax Corr:ni ttee.
(3) The notice under this section shdl be in such form, as may
be prescrikd, and the transferee or the person on whom
the title devolves shall, if sorequired, be bound to produce
befare the Chief OEcer documentsevidencing the transfer
or devoIution.
148. Paymentoftax:
Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the tax on any land or
building under this Chapter, shall be paid annually by the person
liable for the payment thereof on such dates and in such manner
as may be prescribed. ,
160. . Transitpass,.
(1) The provisions of the section shall apply to the municipal
areas of such Municipalities and from such date ordates,
as h e Government may, by notification,'drect.
(2) The Chief Officer shall no1 grant such permission if,-
) a licence for the use of the particular site for
purpose of advertisement has not been taken out;
(b) the advertisement contravenes any of the
provisionsof this Act or the rules or the regulations
made thereunder; or
(c) the W, if any, due in mp~ct
of h e advertisement,
has not been paid.
Mode of Recovery,-
The amount of development charges, due from an owner of land
or building referred to in section 169. or any person having an
interest in the increase in the value of such land or building, shall
be recovered in such manner, as may be prescribed.
174. FireTax
175. Toll
(1) TheMunicipalitymay,withthepriorsectionofthe
Government, levy tolls at such rates, as may be specified
by the Government,on vehicles, carriazes,carts or animals
passing through public streets or bridges within the
municipal ma.
(2) For the purpose of collection of to1 Is under sub-section
(11, the Municipality may establish a toll-baron any public
street or on a bridge or at any place within the municipal
area adjacent to the bridge at which such tolls may
conveniently be collected.
(3 The revenue accuring from the tolls shall be credited to
Ihe MunicipaI Fund of the Municipality.
(f) in the case of octroi and toll, by seizure and sale of goods,
animals and vehicles liable thereto.
Explanation- A person shall be defaulter from whom any sum is
due on account of tax, free or charges leviable under this Act.
(2) foreverynoticeofdemandwhichtheChiefOfiicercauses , ,
(I) I f any person liable for payment of tax, does not within
thirty days of rhe service of nolice of demand under section
185 pay the amount due, such sum together with all costs
md interest due may l xrecovered under a warrant, issued
in such form, as may be prescribed, by distress and sale
of the movable property or by attachment and sale of
7 . Distress
(1) Ir shall be lawful for any officer or other employee of the
Municipalityto whom a w m t issued under this Chapter,
is addressed,to distrain, wherever it may be found in any
place within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality,
any movable property belonging to the person therein
named as defaulter, subject to the following conditions,
exceptions and exemptions, namely:-
(a) the following property shall not be distrained,
(i) the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of the
defaulter, his or her spouse and children and their
cookingandeating utensils:
(ii) tools of artisans; and
(iii) books of account;
(3) Any surplus not claj med within one year referred to in
sub-section ( 5 )of scction 189, shall be the property of
the Municjpaliry.
1 . Cancellation of irrecoverabledues,-
The MunicipaIity may, by order, strike off from the books of the
Municipality, any sum due-onaccounl of the tax on lands and
buiIdings or any other tax, fee or charges leviable under this Act,
which becomes irrecoverable after all process of recovery have
been exhausted.
(2) Whcrc n servicc pipe has been lawfully laid in, over, ol;
on rhe land not formin5 part of a slreet, the Chief OFficer
rnay, horn time to time, enler upon that land ilnd inspcc t,
repair, a1ter, rencw or remove the pipe or lay a new pipc
in substitution lhereof, but shall pay compensation for any
damage done in the course of such action.
229. Power of Chief OtKcer to cut off or turn off supply of water.-
(I) Notivithsranding anything contained in this Act, the Chief
Orficcr of a Municipaliry may, cut off the connection
belwccn any water works of the Municipality and any
premises LOwhich waler is supplied from such works, or
may turn off such supply, in any of the following cases, i,
(I) All public drains, dl drains in, alongside or under any public
street, and all sewage disposal works, constructed or
acquired out of the Municipal Fund of a Municipality or
otherwise,and all works, materialsand things appertaining
thereto, which are situatedwithin or outside the municipal
m a , shall vest in the Municipality.
(2) All public and other drains, which are vested in the
- ,.
Municipality are hereafter in this Act referred to as
municipal dmins.
municipal drain any trade effluent from any trade
premises except in accordance with the provision
of this Act or any liquid or other matter, the I
discharge of which into municipal drains, is
prohibited by or under this Act or any othcr law
for (be time being in force; or
(2) Anypersondesirousofavailinghirnselfoftheprovisions
of sub-section (I),shall give to the Chief Officernotice of
his proposals. and at any time within one month after
receipt thereof,the Chief Ofi5cer shall grant ,permission
or by notice to him, refuse to permit the communication
to be made, if it appears to him that the mode of
consrruction or condition of the drain is such that the
making of the co~nmunicationwould be prejudicial to the
drainage system, and for the purpose of examining the
mode of construcdon and condi tions of the dnin he may,
if necessary, require it to be laid open for inspection.
- (286)
(3) The Chief Officer may, if he thinks fit, constnrct such part
of the work necessary for having a private drain made to
communicate with a municipal drain as is in or under a
pubIic street and in such acase the expenses incurred by
the Chief Oficer, shall be paid by the owncr or occupier
of the premises, or, as the case maybe, by the owner of
the private drain, and shall be moverable from the owner
or occupier as an nmarof tax under this Act.
(4) The cost recovered by the Municipality from the owner
of occupier of any premises for constructing the work,
necessary for making aprivate drain to communicatewith
a municipal drain shall be spent only for the works relating
to the municipal drains.
owner :-
(a) n written notice of the proposed work; and
(b) that such dnin shall, from such date, as maybe specified
in rhe notice in this behalf, be used for sewage offensive
matter and polluted water only or for rain water and
unpolluted sub soil water only:
Provided r!mt, -
(i) no &din may be closed discontinued or deslroyed by the
ChieFOFfjcerunder clause (a), except on condition of his
providing another b i n equal1y effectual for [he drainage
of the premises andcommunicating with any municipal
drain, which he thinks fit; and
directions as to, -
(a) thepayrnentofrentorcompensationbytheowner
of the premises
(b) the construction of a drain for the premises for
the purpose of connecting with theaforesaiddrain:
(a) beneathanypartofanybuildingorwithin
fifteen meters of any tank, reservoir, water-
course or well;
(b) upon any site or in any position in the municipal
area of a municipality, which has not been
approved by the Chief Officer of the
Municipality; or
(c) upon any site in any position outside the municipal
area, which has not been so approved and is
situated within ninety metersof any memoir used
for the stomge of wholesome water to be supplied
to the municipal area.
(3) The expenses incurred by the Chi-ef0 fflcer in so doing ' '
Provided that where the owner fai Is to pay the sewerage
cess, h e sewerage cess shall k realized from [heoccupier
and rhe occupier shall been entitled to m o v e r the amount
fromthe owner.
wastes : -
The Municipality may cause the solid wasres to be disposed of at
such place or places within or outside (he municipal area and in
such manner, as jt considers suitable:
Provided that no place, which has not been before the
commencement of this Act, used for the purpose specified in this
xused, except in conformity with the provisions of
section, shaIl t
the NagaIand Town and Country Planning Act, 1966 (Act No.4
of 1966), and any other law relating thereto for the time being in
Provided further that the solid wastes shall not be finally disposed
of in any manner i n which the same have not hereto before been
so disposed of or in any manner which the Governmentmay think
fit to dsallow.
as a warehouse or godown; or
as a piggery, dairy or poultry farm; or
(vii) as a place to which large number of persons
in any other way as may k specified in the notice.
Where rubbish, offensive mater, filth, baderefuse,
special wastes, hazardous wastes or
excrementitious matter, plastics and plastic
material, biernedicalwaste and polluted matters,
are accumulated or are likely to accumulate in
large quantities, to collect such matters
accumulating thereon and to remove the same at
such time and in such trailers or receptacles and
by such routes, as may be specified in the notice,
to a depot or place povided or appointed by the
Municipality for the purpose; or
(b) aftergivingsuchowneroroccupiernoticcofhisintention,
cause all rubbish including building, rubbish, offensive
matter, trade refuse, special wastes, hazardous wastes of
excrementitious rnaner, plastics and plastics materials,bio- ,
medical waste and polluted matter accumulated in such :
premises to be removed and charge the same owner or
occupierfor such rcmovaI such fee as may, subject to the
rates determined by the Municipality,by specified in the
notice issued under clause (a) :
(d) bypublicnoticequireanypersoncarryingonanytrade
or businessin amannerlhat ac~umula~srubbish,offensive
matter, filth, trade refuse special waste, hazardous wastes
or excrementitiousmatter, plastics and plastics materid,
bio-medical waste and polluted matters, to pay such cosls
for removal of the same, as the Municipality may incur in
this regard.
292. Vesting of pu blic street in Municipality : -
(1) All public streets and parking areas in the municipal area .
of a municjpalily including the soil, subsojl, stones, others
materials, side-drains, footpaths, pavements, sub-ways
and over bridges and all erection, implements and trees
and other things provided therein, shall vest i n the
Municipality constituted for that municipal area:
Provided that no public street in a municipal area, which 1
immedately before the commencement of thrs act, vested
in the Government or in any statutory body shall, unless
so directed by the aurhority competent to take a decision
in this behalf, vest in the municipality constituted for
municipal area by vinue of this sub-session.
(b) ~PoliceOKicer,notbelowtherankofaDepury
Superintendentof Police, to k nominated by the ,
senior Superintendent of Police of the district
(8) TheMunicipalityshallconsidertherecommendationsof
299. Power to acquire lands and buildings for pubIic streets and
for public parking places :-
The Municipality may, subject to the other provisions of
this Act,-
(a) acquire any land required for the purpose of opening,
widening, extending or otherwise improving any public
street, or of making a new one, together with any building
standing upon such land;
(4) TheChiefOfimrofaMunicipalityshall,maintaina~egister
containing such particulars, as may be specified by the
Municipality in this behalf with plans attached thereto
showing all public streets in respect of which the regular
line, of the street has been defined or redefined and
containing any other particulars which the Chief Officer
may deem necessary.
(5) Allsuch~gistersshallkopentoinspectionbyanype~on
on payment of such fee, and any extract therefrom may
be supplied on payment of such charges, as may be
determined by theMunicipalityby regulations.
other structure is within the regular line of such street, the Chief '
Officer of the Municipality, with the prior approval of the ;
Municipality may, after giving the owner of such land or building, ,
not less than seven clear days notice of his intention so to do, take :
(a) any shall, chair, bench, box ladder, bale, boad or shelf,
or any othcr thing whatsoever placed, deposited, I
projected, attached, or suspended in, upon from or to
any place in contravention of the provisions of this Act;
(b) Any article whatsoever hawked or exposed for sale on
any public place or in any public street or footpath in
contravention of theprovisionsof his Act and my vehicle,
package, box, board, stall or any other thing in or on
which such article is placed or kept for purpose of sale,
display or otherwise.
(a) open, break up, displace, take up or make any
aheration in,orcauseany injury to, thesoilor
pavement or any wall, fence, post,chain or other
material or Lhing forming part of any street;or -
(2) If such person fails to reinstate and make good the street
as aforesaid, the Chief Officer may restore such streei
and thecxpenses incurred by thechief Officer in so doing,
shall bc paid by such person.
(2) The charges for removal and storage of the things sold
under sub-section (11, shall be paid out of the proceeds
ofthe sale thereof and the balance, if any, shall bcpaid to iI
heowner of the things soldon aclairn beingmade h f o r e
within aperiod of one year from the dale of sale, and if no
such claim is made within thesaid period, the money shall
be credi ted to the Municipal Fundof the Municipali~y.
(2) Where any property is sold rts aforesaid, the sale proceeds
thereof after deduction of the expenses incurred in
connection with such sale or other incidental expenses
relatingthereto, shall, -
( 343 1
337. Appeal :-
340. General Definitions, -
In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires the
expression, -
(I) "to erect a building" means, -
(d) re-flooring of the surface of an existing floor;
(e) re-ty ling of a terrace or re-surfacing if a roof
including water-pmfing;
(0 erectionofafalseceilinginanyfloorforair- :
(2) Notwihstandjng anything contained in sub-section (I), -
( 354 1
provjsions of section 362 or section 363.
Provided that no such sanction shall be accorded without
tllerecommendalion of MunicipalBuildng Committeew h m
necessary, made under sub-section (8) of section 341.
(a) t[lat~hebuildingorthcworkortheuseofthesi~e
for the building or the work or any of thc
particul;m cornpriscd in the site plan, ground plan,
elevation, section nr specification, would
contmvene the provisions of this Act or the rules
and ~ h rcgularions
c made there under or of any
other law in forcefor the time k i n g or any scheme
sanctioned under such law;
(b) Iha~he notice for sanction does not contain the
particulars or js not prepared i n the manner
required under the rules and [heregulations made
in this behalf.
(c) That any information or document required by
the Chief Offrcer under [his Act or the rules or the
regulations made thereunder, has not been duly
(d) Thatinc~requiringlayoutplanunderanyolher
law for the Lime being in force, such layout plan
has not been sanctioned in accordance with [he
provisions of this Act;
body under any law in force for the time being, and if such i
licence or permission is not immediately available, a
provisional sanction shall be given for the erection of such
building and upon the production of such licence or
permission and submission of duly authenricatedcopics,
thereof, sanction under sub-section ( I ), shall be given :
.. -
provided that the provisions sanction shall be subjcct to
all the orher provisions of this Chapter:
Provided further that the erection or re-erect ion of a
building shall not commence on [he basis of a provisional
sanclion 343. shall ercct the building orexecute the work /
in accordance with such sanction'or in accordance with
such notice and shall not contravene any of the provisions :
of this Act or the rules or regulations made [hereunder or
of any other law in force for the time being.
(5) If thc person as afo~saidoranyone lawfully claiming under
him, does not commence the erection of the building or
the execution of any work within a period of one year
from the dale on which the erection of the building or the
execution of the work is sanc~ionedor is deemed to have
been sanctioned, he shall give a fresh notice under sub-
section (I) of section 343 for fresh sanction.
349. Order of stoppage of buildings or works in certain cases, -
351. Appeal :-
(I) Any person aggrieved by an order of the Chief OFFicer of
the Municipality made under sub-section (1) of section
350, may prefer an appeal against the order of demolition
to the Court of the Principal Judse of the District having
jurjsdic tion within the period specified in the order of
demolition of the erection or work to which it relates.
(2) Whcreanappealispreferredundersubsection(l)ag~nst
the order of demolition, the court of the Principal Judge
may stay the enforcement of the order on such terms, if
any, and for such period as it may think fit:
Provided that where the erection of any building or the
execution of any work has not been completed at the
time of making of the orderof demolition, no order staying
the enforcement of Ihe order of demolition, shall be made
by the Court of the Principal Judge unless a surety,
sufficient in the opinion of the Court,has been given by
the appellant for not proceeding with such erection or
work pending the disposd of the appeal.
(3) Save as provided in this section, no court shall entertain
any suit, application or other proceeding for injunction or
other relief against the Chief Officer to reswain him from
taking any action or making any order in pursuance of the
provisions of this section.
(4) Every order made by the court of the Principal Judge on
appcal and, subject to such order, the order of demolition
made by rhe Chief Officer under subsection (I) of section
350 shaIl be final andconclusive.
not be made.
(2) If such person or such owner does not show any cause as
aforesaid he shall be bound to make the alterations
specified in the notice.
(3) If such person or such owner shows that the cause as
aforesaid the Chief Officer shdl, by m order, oithcr cancel
the notice issued under sub-section(1) or confirm the
same subject to such modifications as he think fit.
- ornrnenity;
Provided that no such action shall be taken without
any scrutiny of such cm by theMunicipalBuilding I
(2) The Chief Officer may, by o written order, require ilny 1
alteration correspondingto any of the conditions in clauses I
(b)to(e)ofsub-secrion(1) tobemadc toany building I
compIcted before ~hccommenccrnentof this Act.
from the date OF such publication.
No person shaII nftcr the date of publication oC such 1
declaration, erection or re-erection any building in 1
contrdvention of such declaration.
(7) For the purposes of section 359, section 360 and this
section "work improvement" in relation to a building
includes any one or more of the following works namely:
(c). AllexpensesincurredbyIheMunicipalityinhking
action under this subseclion,shall be paid by the
owner of such wal I, building or thing.
(5) Any action taken by the Chairperson or the Chief Oficer
under subsection (4), shall, unless the contrary is proved,
- be deemed to have been taken lawfully and in good faith
and with due care andattention.
quirements sites;
means af access;
pmvisions of lifts;
exit requiremen 1s including doorway, comdor,
passageways staircase ramps and lobbies;
(3) Not wilhsmding any other action that may be taken against
any person, whcthcr owner or occupier or both;
contravening any provision of this section,the Chief Oficer
may, levy on such person in accordance with such scale!'
as may be detcrmincd by regulations, n finenot exceedin$
in each case rupees one hundred per square meter per:
month for the area under unauthorized used throughout
the pcriod, during which such contravention conrinues.
(4) The Chief Officer may, i f he deems fit, order that the
unaurhorised use be stopped forthwi~h:
Provided that bcforc making any such order, the Chief
Officer shall give a reasonable opportunily LOthe person
nffccted to show cause why such order should not be
(5) Any peison aggrieved by an order of the Chief Officer
under sub-section (51, may within thirty days from the I
(3) Subjcct to any land use control under this Act or any :
other law for lime being in force, the decision of the Chief
Officer in refusing permission under this seclion, shall be
find. I-
370. Conditions for granting permission :-
(I) In the case of any premises for the use of which a license
or pelmission is required from [he Government, or [he
Cenlral or any other State Government, or any statutory
body under any law for the time being in force, the Chief
Officer of a Municipalily, shall not granl any permission
undcr this Act to any person until such pcrson produccs
befoie the Chief Oifrcer, the license or the permission from
such Government or stalutory body, as the case may be,
undsubmits duly authcnticaled copics thcrcof to him:
Pinovidedthar in h e case production of a municipal
pelmission is a pine-conditionfor the grant of a license or
permission under any other Ia~vfor [he time being in force,
ihe Chief Officer may, grant aprovisional permission,
which shall bccomc final only upon thc production of a
license or permission under the said law:
Provided further that such provisional prmission shall have
validity only ior the puipose or fulfilling any precondition
for the license or the permission under any other law as
(1) Aschemeundcr-thisactmaycombineoneormorctypes
of scl~ernes01-any special rezl~urcsthereof.
(2) A scheme under this zct may provide for all or any of the
following markrs, namely:-
(a) the acquisition under the Nagaland Land
(Requisition and Acqui tion) Act, 1965, as
nldificdby this Acl,of any landor any intcrest in
thc [and necessary foror arlected by the execution
of the schcnie, or a d j o i n i ~ l ga n y street
thoroughfare, open space to be improved or
formed under this scheme;
(b) the acquisition by purchase,lease, exchange or
othcnvisc, of such land or inrerest in land;
may direct.
Municipality, -
(a) expcl from any municipal market, municipal
slaughter-house or-municipal stockyard, lor such
period, as he may think fit. any pcrson. who or
whose employce has k e n found contravening any
regulations made under this Act and in force in
such market, slaughter-house or stockyard;
(b) prevent such pel-sons, by himseIf or by his
emp loyccs, from furthcr carry on any trade or
business in such market, sl:lughtes-housc, or
stockyard ul- occupying any stall, shop, standing,
shed. pen or other place thereon;
(c) closethcstallorshopofthepersonfoundtobe
i n default in payment of the stallages or rcnts or
any otherdues to the Municipality, iill payment is
made or recovered under thc provisions of this
Acr; and
( 394 )
(2) If [he tenant or lhe agent of the tcnanr or the owner or thc
lessee of any p~ivatemarkct or slaughter-house,has bcen
convicted for contravcning any regulat ion made under this
Act, the Chief Officer may, requirc such tenant or agent
to remove hirnscl f from such market or slaughter-housc
wirhin such time, as may be mentioned in the requisition,
and if such tenant or agent fails to comply with such
reqiusidon, he may, in addition to any penally, which may
be imposed on him undcr this Act, be summarily rcrnoved
from such premises by the owner or the lessee thereof or
by the servant of such owner or lessee.
slaughter of animals
Power to inspect places .rvhereunla~vfuI
etc. is suspected :-
(2) All lIie provisions of his Acr or the rules or the reguli~tions
made there unde~;shall apply to any place provided under
sub-secLion ( I ) outside [he municipal area and vcst i ng i n
LheMunicipnlityas if such place were situated within the
municipal arca of the Municipali~y.
410. Permission for opening new pIace for disposal of the dead
or reopening of place, -
(I) No pIacc which has not previously been lawfully used as
;I placc for [he disposal of the dcad shall bc opcncd by
413. ' Power fo direct reopeningofany place closed for the disposal
of the dead :-
(1 ) If, at any time afrer personal inspection, the Chief Officer
of a Municipality is of the opinion that my place fonerly
used for the disposal of the dead, which has been closed
under the provisions of the Chapter or under any other
law for the time king in force, has by lapse of time k o m e
no longer injurious to heaith and may without
inconvenience or risk or danger, be again used for the
saidpurpose,he may submil his opinion as aforesaid with
the reason therefore to the Municipality.
423. Power to inspect places for sale of food or drink etc., and
seize unwholesome articles exposed for sale :-
(c) usesapublicconveyancefortheca~ageofthe
corpse-of a person, who has died of any such
disease, shall bebound to take proper precau~ions
against the communication of the disease to o~her
persons using or who may thereafter use the
convcyance and to intimate such u s t o the owner,
driver or person i n charge of the cbnveyance md
report without delay to [he Chief Officerof the
Municipality rhe registration number of the
conveyance and the name of the person so
in timated
(2) Where any person suffering from or the corpse of any
person, who has died of, a dangerous disease has been
carricd in public convcyance which ordinarily plies in khe
municipal area or any pan thereof, the dri ver thereof shall,
forthwith repor-t the fact to the ChierOfficer, who shall
forthwith cause the conveyance to be disinfected, if that
has not already been done.
(c) pIaceorcausetobeplacedin;1dustbinorother
receptacle for the deposit of rubbish, any matter,
which he knows to have k n exposed to infection
Prom dangerous disease and which has not been
disinfec~edproperly; and
457. Nuisance :-
No person shall permit any person under his control to whom the
provisions of Section 82, Section 83 and Section 84 of the Indian
Penal Code, 1860 (Act 45 of 18601, are applicable, to commit
within the municipal area, a nuisance upon any streer or into any
public sewer or druin or any drain communicatjng therewith.
(431 1
PART wall -
Ig) withdrawfromorcompromiseanyagninstanypersonin
'respect of a penalty-pay able undcr any contract entered
jnro with such prson by the Cbief Officer on behaIf of the
(h) institute or prosecute any suit or other legal proceedings
or with the approval of the Municipality, withdraw from
or compromise any suit or claim, other than a claim
refelred to i n clause (d), instituted or made, as the case
may be, in the name of the Municipality or the Chief
Orficer. and
(i) obtain,for any ofthepurposes mentioned in the foregoing
clauses of this section or for securing lawful exercise of
discharge of any power or duty vesting i n or imposed
upon any municipal aulhoricy or any officer or employee
of the Municipalib or standing committee, to obfain
470. -
Punishment for certain offences, Whoever, -
(a) contravenes any provision of any of the sections, sub-
sections, clauses, provisions or other provisions of this
Act, or
individuals, and
474. Prosecution :-
Save as otherwise provided in this Act, no Courtshall try any
offence punishable by or under Act or any regulation made
thereunder except on the complaint of or upon information
received from the Chief Officer of the Municipality or any other
officer of the Municipality authorized by it i n this behalf.
475. .
Composition of offences: ,,
(2) '
Provided that no such order shall be made after rhe expiry
of a period of two years from the date of coming into
forceof this Act.
3. For the existing section 9 of the principal Act, the following shall
be substituted,namely:
composition of Municipal Council
Every Municipal Council shdI have the following memhrs:
(1) members direct1y elected from territorial constituencies
known as wards;
(2) persons having special knowledge or experience i n
Municipal administration in terms of article 243-R (2) (a) (i)
of the Constitution, nominated by the Government, whose
number shall not exceed one third of the total number of
directly elected members;
5. In section 12 of the principal Act, for the existing clauses (1) and
(2), the the following shall be substituted,namely:
(I) '%elected and the ex officio members of heMunicipa1
Council shall eIect one uf the elected memhrs to be the
Chairperson in the manner as may be prescribed in this
(2) The elecled and the ex officiomemkrs of the Municipal
Council shalI also elect one of the elected members to
be the Deputy Chairperson in themanner as may be
pmcrjbcd in this behalf."
8. After the section 21in the principal Act, the following shall be
"21A. Voting rights of members
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, all mem-
bers, except the members who have been nominated under
article 243-R (2) (a) (i) of the Constitution, shall have the
right to vote in the meetings of the Town Council."
Review of the A cf
12. After theexisting section 484 in the principal Act, the folIowing
,s h d be inserted,namely: