E/m Ratio

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PHYS 345 Laboratory:

Charge to Mass Ratio of the Electron

Purpose: To determine the charge to mass ratio of the electron and compare it with
the accepted value.

Apparatus: CENCO e/m apparatus (electron tube with Helmholtz coils)

High-voltage DC power supplies (2)
High-current power supply
0 6 VAC power supply
Current reversing switch
Multimeters (4), ruler, digital caliper, meter stick with caliper jaws
Compass, flashlight


Common Apparatus AAPT Novel Experiments in Physics, Am. Inst. of Physics

(1964), p. 237-41.
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 71st Ed., edited by D.R. Lide, CRC Press
Instruction Manual, Specific Charge of Electron Apparatus and Electron Beam
Tube, Central Scientific Company.
J.J. Thomson, Phil. Mag. 44, 295 (1897).
J.R. Reitz and F.J. Milford, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, Addison
Wesley (1969), p. 156-57.
K.T. Bainbridge, The American Physics Teacher 6, 3 (1938).
National Geophysical Data Center website, http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov.
PHYS 342L Lab manual, Purdue University West Lafayette.
Physics 345 Experiments Manual, D. B. Pengra, Fall 2001, Ohio Wesleyan


Prior to Michael Faraday's work on electrochemical processes in 1839, electricity

was considered a "fluid" that could be added or subtracted in a continuous fashion from
objects. It was subsequently discovered that metals emitted negative electrical current
when heated, illuminated by light, or subjected to a strong electric field. There was
evidence that the negative current was comprised of particles carrying a negative charge,
but several scientists believed in wave phenomena and hence the negative currents were
called cathode rays. These cathode rays were found to be detected universally whenever
a negative current was emitted from an electrode. Surprisingly, they were not related to
the particular metal from which the emitting electrode was fabricated, thus providing
strong evidence for their fundamental nature.
J.J. Thomson believed that cathode rays were particles, and was able to prove in

1897 that the charged particles emitted from a heated electrical cathode were in fact the
same as cathode rays. Thomson's experiments combined both ingenious insight and the
use of recent advances in vacuum pumps and charge measuring devices (electrometers).
Using clever calorimetric techniques, he measured the temperature rise of thin metal
targets inserted into a glow discharge (first produced by Faraday, when two metal plates
were inserted inside an evacuated glass tube and raised to a high electrostatic potential).
This strategy enabled Thomson to calculate the energy imparted to the metal targets by
the invisible particles responsible for producing the glow. By cleverly assuming the
invisible particles followed Newton's laws of motion, he was able to estimate the velocity
of the particles responsible for the glow discharge. He also used crossed electric and
magnetic fields to further study the motion of these invisible particles.
As a result, Thomson concluded (within the precision of his measurements) that a
negatively charged particle with a mass to charge ratio of (1.3 0.2) 1011 kg/C was
responsible for producing the glow discharge. He thus proved convincingly that the
cathode rays acted as negatively charged particles, called electrons, and received a Nobel
Prize in 1906 in recognition of this discovery. The modern, accepted value for the
charge to mass ratio of an electron is (1.7588196 0.0000005) 1011 C/kg.
In this experiment, you will perform a modification of Thomson's original work.
By measuring the deflection that a magnetic field produces on a beam of electrons having
a known energy, you will deduce a value for the charge to mass ratio of electrons.

The magnetic force F acting on a charged particle of charge q moving with
r r
velocity v in a magnetic field B is given by the Lorentz force law:
r r r
F = qv B . (1)

If the charged particle velocity is perpendicular to B , then Eq. (1) can be written in scalar
form as F = qvB. It also implies that the particle trajectory is circular, and from Newton's
Second Law the particle must be experiencing a centripetal force of magnitude

mv 2
F= , (2)

where m is the particle mass, and r is the radius of the circular motion. Since the only
force acting on the particles is that caused by the magnetic field, the magnetic force must
equal the centripetal force, so qvB = mv2 / r, or

q v
= . (3)
m Br

It is somewhat difficult to measure v experimentally, but it can be eliminated from Eq. (3)
using conservation of energy considerations. If a charged particle is initially at rest and is
accelerated through an electric potential difference V, then the kinetic energy after
acceleration is equal to the change of the potential energy qV, or

1 2
mv = qV . (4)

The velocity of the charged particle is therefore

v= . (5)

From the BiotSavart law, the magnetic field produced near the axis of a pair of
Helmholtz coils (see next section) has a magnitude given by

8 0 NI
B= , (6)
R 125

where N is the number of turns in each Helmholtz coil, I is the current through the
Helmholtz coils, R is the radius of the Helmholtz coils, and 0 is the permeability of free
space (4 10 7 Tm/A). A derivation of this formula can be found in most introductory
texts on electricity and magnetism. Equations (5) and (6) can now be substituted into Eq.
(3) to achieve

q e 2V
= = 2 2 . (7)
m m B r

Since the charged particle in this experiment is the electron, the special symbol e has
been introduced which represents its charge.

Experimental Apparatus and Techniques

Since it is difficult to detect a single electron, you will use a beam of electrons
which all have approximately the same kinetic energy. In this experiment, the beam is
produced by an electron gun mounted in a tube as shown in Fig. 1. A filament heater
warms a metal plate, called the cathode, releasing electrons. The emitted electrons pass
through a grid, charged to a positive potential with respect to the cathode, which serves to
focus the beam. A disk (typically called the anode) held at a high positive potential
relative to the cathode accelerates the electrons. The accelerated beam is then allowed to
pass through a small hole in the disk, causing it to emerge into the domed region of the
tube (see Fig. 1). The disk itself is etched with concentric rings of radii 0.50, 1.00, 1.50,

and 2.00 cm which fluoresce (along with the dome) when struck by electrons. The entire
electron tube is evacuated of air and backfilled with a trace amount of an inert gas
(probably argon) that causes the beam to make a visible trace.

Figure 1. The CENCO electron tube.

A pair of Helmholtz coils, wound on non-magnetic aluminum rims, is used to

produce a magnetic field perpendicular to the electron beam. Helmholtz coils take
advantage of the fact that the magnetic field along a line perpendicular to the plane of a
circular coil of radius R along the coils central axis varies approximately linearly with
distance at a point located at R / 2 from the center. Therefore, by placing two coils around
the same axis, separated by R, the field at the center of the assembly is approximately
uniform. With an applied current of about 4 A, the coils produce a magnetic field of
about 4 103 T at the center. Each pair of coils has the number of turns N indicated by
the label at its base.
The strength of the magnetic field can be adjusted by changing the current in the
coils. Variation of either the accelerating potential in the tube or the strength of the
magnetic field causes the radius of the circle described by the electron beam to vary. If
the beam follows a semicircular path above the disk and, on returning to the disk, strikes
one of the four circles etched on its face, the diameter of the beams trajectory is equal to
the radius of the circle etched on the disk.
The magnetic field needed to produce the observed curved paths for the electron
beam is small, so in principle the effect of the Earth's magnetic field must be taken into
account. One way to minimize any effects due to the Earth's field is to rotate the
apparatus so the local Earth's field is parallel to the motion of the electron beam [see Eq.
(1)]. For precise work, the tube and coils should be rotated in order to achieve the proper
orientation. The importance of the Earth's field can be qualitatively assessed by
observing whether the emerging electron beam is bent slightly when the current in the
Helmholtz coils is set to zero. By rotating the e/m apparatus on the table, the orientation
which produces a minimum deflection can usually be found. You can use a compass and

the data on page 8 to help you with this. You should also check that there are no other
stray magnetic fields in the vicinity of the apparatus due to the power supplies, meters,
or other sources.

Experimental Procedure

Perform the appropriate wiring to the apparatus as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Before
applying power, have your instructor check your circuit. Remember to orient the
apparatus so that the effect of Earths magnetic field is minimized.
Energize the tube circuits, and adjust the tube filament voltage to 6 VAC, ensuring
that the filament current is about 0.6 A or less (as indicated with an ammeter). Let the
filament warm up for about 2 minutes, then apply both plate and grid voltage such that
the plate (grid) voltage is in the range of about 80 100 V (40 60 V), in order to focus
the beam into a tight spot on the domed surface of the tube. It will likely be necessary to
dim the room lights in order to see the beam.
Before applying current to the coils, note whether the beam appears deflected
from a straight-line path. Such deflection would indicate that stray fields are influencing
the beam. See if you can minimize any deflection by adjusting the position of the
apparatus. Be careful not to touch any high-voltage connections!
Energize the circuit to the coils, and bring the current up slowly. You should see
the beam bend and then begin striking the top disk. Adjust the field current and plate
potential until the beam strikes one of the etched circles (each circle will fluoresce when
struck by the beam). You may need to adjust the grid potential as well in order to keep
the beam focused. Use the reversing switch to reverse the direction of the current in the
coils and thus the direction of the magnetic field (you can see the effect this has using a
compass). The beam should flip over, and hit the same marked circle on the opposite
side of the disk (you may have to make some minor adjustments in order to achieve the
best beam spot). Determine the direction of the magnetic field where the beam is.
After you have become comfortable with the apparatus, make five measurements
of different coil currents and plate potentials that make the beam hit the desired spot for
each circle and each field direction. Think about the best way to decide when the beam
most accurately strikes each circle. In the end, you should have a data set with (at least)
40 points. Estimate the uncertainty in r by eye.

Further suggestions and precautions:

Use proper leads: the banana plug leads and associated spade lugs. (Dont use the
small wire used in electronics class.)
The panel meters on the power supplies are not sufficiently accurate for good data.
Use digital meters.
The coil currents should be limited to about 4.5 A. Higher currents than this can
cause dangerous heating. (You will hear a crackling sound as the coils warm some of
this is normal.)
Monitor the grid current with an ammeter (it should be about 0.6 A or less) and

the plate current using the corresponding power supply (it should be no more than a few
milliamps). If these currents get too large, turn the filament voltage down and/or adjust
the grid potential. Excessive grid current will heat and damage the potentiometer and
reduce tube life.
With long leads that carry the same current, you can minimize the magnetic field
they produce by twisting them together. However, try to minimize the use of long wires
in favor of smaller ones when possible.

Figure 2. Setup for the e/m experiment.

0 6 VAC

Reverse FIL FIL

V HighVoltage Power
HighCurrent Power FIELD FIELD Supply 0 70 VDC
Supply 0 20 VDC
+ +

A HighVoltage Power
Supply 0 150 VDC

Figure 3. Circuit diagram for the e/m experiment.

Data Analysis and Discussion

Measure the Helmholtz coil geometry: the coil width w, inner and outer radii Ra
and Rb, and coil separation s, measured from the center of the coil. From these
measurements, calculate the average coil radius R and its uncertainty. Check to see if the
location of the tube is really at R / 2.
From the current and geometry, calculate the magnetic field B at the center of the
coil apparatus (including its uncertainty) from Eq. (6). Then, for each marked circle,
calculate e/m with its uncertainty from Eq. (7) for each data point, and convince yourself
that the units work out right. Write a Perl program to help automate this task.
Determine a value of e/m for each electron beam radius that best represents your
data. Chances are that there is a systematic trend of e/m with circle radius, which, of
course, is a systematic error.
Much of the reason for this error comes from the fact that the electrons feel the B
field before they exit through the hole in the top plate. They are already being deflected
on their way out. The electron gun is located at 0.254 cm below the anode plate. As a
first approximation, this can be compensated for by shifting the origin of the circular
trajectory, so that it is located at a point below the plate. Geometry gives the correction

e 2V
= 2 2
m B r + y 02(,
) (8)

where y0 = (2.54 0.01) 103 m. Modify your Perl code to include this correction, and
show the details of the geometry needed to obtain this correction in your Discussion
section, thus providing a proof of Eq. (8).
A second source of systematic error comes from the fact that the coils have
physical extent they are not exactly line currents located at a distance R from the
coil axis. The actual magnetic field may be found by adding the contributions from
small ring elements. From the Biot-Savart law, the field produced by a section of coil
containing dN turns is

0 I y 2 dN
dB =
[ ]
, (9)
2 ( x x ) + y 2
2 3/ 2

where x and y locate the coil element dN from the center of the coil, and x is a point
located on the central axis (see Fig. 4). If the turn density is constant, we may replace
the infinitesimal element dN with the spatial element n dx dy, where n = N / [w(Rb Ra)],
and integrate to find B(x) from one of the coils. The result is, for both coils,



x x'

Figure 4. Geometry for calculating B(x) from a coil with physical extent.

8 0 N I
R +
w x ln b
(w / 2 x )2 + Rb2 w Rb + (w / 2 + x )2 + Rb2
B ( x ) = + + x ln
Ra + 2
125w(Rb Ra ) 2
(w / 2 x ) + Ra 2 Ra + (w / 2 + x )2 + Ra2


Modify your Perl code to incorporate this systematic correction in the calculation of B,
then recalculate e/m with this correction included, so that both systematic corrections are
accounted for.
Plot all of your results of e/m versus electron beam radius (with and without the
systematic corrections) on the same graph and discuss variations in the data (use average
values of e/m for each electron beam radius). Your discussion should reflect the effect of
including more physics into the analysis. Can you think of any other factor that could be
influencing your results? For example, are relativistic corrections necessary for the
electron velocity? Is the magnetic field really uniform, and how would a non-uniform
field affect your calculation of e/m? If effects such as these cause measurable effects,
how may they have influenced your results? Include an estimate of the effect that the
Earths magnetic field would have on this experiment if not accounted for. (The Earths
magnetic field at Delaware, Ohio is given by the vector BE = 19667i 2308j + 49939k
nT, where the unit vectors denote the north, east, and downward vertical components,
Finally, determine your best value for e/m and its uncertainty, reflecting all of
your valid data and including the systematic corrections. Compare this result with the
accepted value (see the Introduction section). Does your result agree within experimental
uncertainty? If not, discuss possible sources of additional systematic error that may have
crept in, giving realistic physical arguments why such sources have caused the value you
measure to vary from the accepted value in the direction and magnitude that you see. Be
specific and, if possible, quantitative in your arguments.

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