Comparing Three Castles

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Comparing Three Castles, Forts, or Fortresses:

Name: ______Zalan____________________________

Name or
Haj Nehaj Lesendro Velje Brdo
Classification: Fortress Fort Fort

For how many

About 500 About 150 About 50
To watch the people that came in
It was the boarder of Montenegro
Main Purpose: To protect Viricin trade routes. Montenegro and to know who
and Albania.
they are.

Location: Sutomore On Lake Skadar On a steep hill in Podgorica

Big walls and lots of high

Defense: On water, long and high wall Wall and steep hill

Ease of
Hard because you have to climb Easiest because you just need a Hard because you have to go up a
resupplying the
for a long time on a steep hill. boat to go in it. steep hill.
Had a church in it. It didnt have a church in it. It had a church in it.

Other: In Haj Nehaj there were soldiers In Fort Lesendro there were
In Velje Brdo there were soldiers
who defended the fortress, cooks soldiers who defended the
who defended the fort and people
who cooked and people who were fortress, nobles who were richand
who took care of the church.
taking care of the church. people who cooked.

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