World Civilization
World Civilization
World Civilization
:;l t
May until October. ensures cloudless skies. Rain falls infor,'ed for most'of the vear by strong westerlies
nrainly in the autumn and early spring. and the winters blowing off the Atlantic. There,fore, driving ships by
arc typically moderate, wirh snow cornmon onlv at the oars or sails to pass into the ope.n ocean is extremely
higher elevarions. difficult.
Abundant sunshine and scarce rainfall create a
high evaporation rate. About 20 percent of the water Navigation. Like most seas, the Mediterranean has
lost from the Mediterranean each year through evap- eased communication for those who lived along its
oratiolt is made up by rainfall. Another 5 percent shores. Its mild weather and weak tides are envied by
contes from rivers. of which the Nile is by far the most mariners, but its peculiarities must be respected. Once
irnportant, and an insignificant 3 percent come: from waters from the Atlantic enter the Mediterranean, the
the Black Sea via the Bosporus. The rest pours in from powerful current runs along the North African coast for
the Atlantic through rhe Strair oI Gibraltar. This vast its entire length, crearing a counterclockwise pattem of
influx of water influences Mediterranean navigalion. circulation that washes westwaid along the northern
The surface current entering the strait runs at ap- coasts until it exits again at Gibraltar. Because it has be-
prtiximately 6 knots. (A knot is the standard measure come saltier through evaporation, the old water is
of specd at sea, equivalent to I nautical mile per hour. heavier than the new and exits far below the incoming
A naurical mile equals about l.l6 land miles.) It is re- torrent. It is not felt by ships.
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ceptibly into the North European plain, which
stretches from the marshes r.rf the Netherlands east-
ward into Russia. In Russia and poland, moderate
summers, harsh .,vinters, and often unpredictable rain-
fail provide a typical contine:rtal cl!mate. Large areas
of central Europe, meanwhile, are hilly. A series of
wooded uplands from rhe Argonne and Vosges on the
west to the Carpathians on the east are drained by
navigable rivers, the most important oI which are the
Rhine and the Danube. Both rise in the highlancls of
southwest Germany, but whereas the Danube flows
eastwa-'l into thc Black Sea through the rich plains of
Hrlnga,t'y ar,d Walachia, the Rhjne flows northward to
its broad esruary on the North Sea. The Rhine provides
rapid access frrm thc Alpine foothills anC central
Germany to the Atlantic.
The North Sea, like the present contours of the Baltic
coast, is relatively modern. As recently as 4000 ncr,
Great Britain was connected to the European tnainland
while the Baltic depression was just that-a broad
rnarshy region surrounding a brackish lake with no
outlet to the sea. The rise in ocean levels at the end of
the last Icc Age inundated borlr a"eas and produced the
present coastline. Beyond tl-re newly formed sea lies
!;..; Scandinavia, a wrntrf region with only small arnounts
of arable land, but with usable ports; abundant fish; and
vast rtsources in timber, copper, and iron.
,i.' To its first inhaoitants, the European subcontinent
must have seemed an earthly paradise. Its clirhatc is for
+i, the most part moderate. In prehistoric times its plains
ti,' Fahrenheit follow long wet winters during which pro_
and forests teemed with wild game and its lakes, streams,
and esiuaries offered a rich harvest of fish and other ed-
longed freezes are rare. palm trees, although not native ible marine organisms. Iarge tracts of well.watered and
to the regron, can be grown on France,s Breton penin- easily rvorked soils held the promise of intensive agricul-
r.?',, sula or along the southwestern coasts of the British Isles, ture on a scale rarely achieved in other parts of the globq.
jfii .' The prevailing winds are westerly, bringng abundant From earliest times, the European subcontinent was
jrlit{.ir:, rainfall even in the surnmer months as Atlantic squalls, horns ts a wide variety of human cultdres.
forced northward by high pressure over the Iberian
i. Peninsula, drop their moisture on the land.
Much of westem Europe is flat or gently rolling,
Question: What advantages of climate and geography
would lrelp Europe bEcome one oi the world,s centers
with ucc;r, casily worked soils that we-e once covered of civilization?
S&r 1,
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{.lril)l(.r I rlis< rrs:r's lilt' in tlrt' paleolithic or OIrl atrrl l;rrt'rv lrow to ntakc stor'tc tools arrd wt,aporrs-llttrs
S I nr rr',\ gt. lrt,lort' cxarrr i lring t I rt' Neolithic revolrrtion llrt: narrre lilr tlris pcriod, thc Old Storrc or l,alcolitltic Agc.
,rirj ils rnirl('iial ({)llsc(lu(,lt/ ('s-itrclrrrliir!l its intl)J(t ()t) Ar;out 10,(XX) ycars ago, lTon o sapicns, a llcolllc plrys-
(1r( 1. ut:rrl()graphy (Jroptrlatiorr slal;stics), and tlrc arl- ir'ally i<lcntic'al lo rrro<lcrn n)cn arrrl worncn, abruptly
,, t'rrl ol organit.t'tl warf
arc. Tltis clralttcr lhcrr covcr: lwo supcrst'dcd lhc Neandcrlhals. Most ltrodern scholars
!r( (rr ar)cjcnt < ivilizali()ns, li('sol)otantia and Egyytt, bclicvc that thc ncw arrivals (anrc lrrlrrr Africa, but
t,rt lr ol wlriclr profirrrrrrlly allt'ctt'tl rlrc devcloprncnl ol ltcarly cvcryll)inll aborrt hrrrnan origilrs is conlrrlr,,:rsial.
rirr' !Ve st. Progrt'ssilrg lo tltc lantl bctwecn Egypt ancl Soon allcr thc arrival of Homo sapiens tlte Nearrdcrthals
,\1r'soyrolanria, Ihts clraltlcr c<lrrclrrdcs with the rrrcicrrt vanisht'cl. Tlrcir extinctiorr rerlains ntyslcri()us, Jor
sot icly of I'hocnicia, whosc pcoplc irtvr tted the alJrha- Homo sapiens wcrc lt() tn<lre advanccd in culture or tech-
lrt'l lrorn wltich wc dsrivc orlr owtl, an.i Israel, whosc nok,13y lhan thc Nc.anderthals and wcre pirysically
rt'ligiorrs ideas bccarnc the lrasis of tltc thrcc great wesl- rather wcalr arrcJ purry by conrparisor;r.
crn laiths: .Judaisrn, Christia rity, anr'lslam. S<lnlc havc suggcstcd rh.,t the Ncandcrthals lell vic-
tim trl an cllidcmic disease <lrcould not adapt t() warmcr
-l-l wcathcr altcr the retrcat ol thc glacicrs. Tlrcy nray havc
tF Fllr.s-r Eut.,ot,t,ANS-:-- four,d it dif{icnir to hunr the fastcr, morc si;lilary ani-
l Pn lro LrrFt rc E nn mals <lf rnodern tinres aftcr rhc extinclit.rr <lI their tradi-
'r'o (. IO,OOO gcu tionar prey. B<lth races were hunter-gather.3rs, so-called
bccausc they hur-rted game and garhered plants Ior food.
Fcrv srrbjects are inorc c<lntroversial than thc origins of Paleolithic Work ancl Trade. Thc firs humans
rlrt'Irunran spccics. During drc long scries of Ice Ages, a lived orr a prcrein-rich djer ol ganrc arrd l,sh supple-
rncc ol ool-making bipeds inhabired the fringes of the mented by fruit, berries, nurs, alid wild plants. Constantly
[:rrropcan ice pack. Known convt:ntionally as Nean- on the move, tltey livcd in cavcs oi lclltporary shelter-s
ciertlrals because their rernains \^ crc first discovered at that tney construded froltr n,<tod rtr bones and covered
Ncander-tltal in Gerrnany, these iripeds were heavier, with thc skins ol the animals rhcy killed. TI-rey ntade storre
stlongcr, and hairicr than llomo sapiens (thc Latin nante tools and \4/eal)ons that bccanrc steadily rnore sophisti-
krr rn<icicrn hulnan beings). Neondenhals hunted the cated over time-axes, arr(rws, daggers, spears, whet-
gfcat herd anirlals ol the day: mammoth, bison, wooly stones for sharpi'ning thern, and rrorvels for digging up
rlrinoceros, and reindeer. They lived in caves, buried their plants. As they roamed, they canre in contaCr wit.h other
ilcad in \t'ays that suggest some forut of rellg.ous beliet, grorll)s and engaged it-r the interchange of goods ar-rd
known atrout lhc pcople who how thc bcst sionc weapons corrld be harder
shaped or used it, but excava- atrd sharpcr than tltssc nradc by early nretal
tions whcre lhis ax was found workers of the latcr Bnrnze Agc.
ur.covcrcd cxtensive llint-
vr crking areas on the edge of an
ancienl river as well as aninral
bones, including elcphant, rhino-
ceros, and lion.
6 Clmpter 1
iffi*': .
i:!:11.i l Farrlinl.S ricvclopcd in rcsponsc to a gcneral increase
rs11t iri gloylrrlalirrn lhal trltsct tlrc old palcoljthic ecol<lgy.
':.':ig) ;. $;,t
fl Ilr*nrrr t''rnJrctili,rlr lirr riwir.ciling rcsourccs became
"1:' \(t t
lcwcr calorics llcr rrnil of land than row
il, Nc<llitlric larnrcrs increasirrgly rcslrictcd thc raising of
animals to tracls othcrwisc unsuitable 1.or cullivation.
r,,'-f' Altl-ough orher sources of Iood would always sirpple_
ii+l : , The permanence of {arming settlements also encour- tury. Although few people literally starved to death. dis-
:ff. aged the spread oI disease. The hunter-gatherers of ease kept cieath rates high while poor nutrition kept birth
Palcolitiric times had lived in srnall groups, camped in rates low. Malnutrition also rais:s the age of first men-
, caves or temporary shelters, arrd moved frequently in struatiou and can prevent ovulation in mature wonen,
ii;l; "-'pursuit of game-a way of life that virtually precluded thereby reducing rhe rite of conception. When concep-
tl epidemics. Farming, however, is by definition sederlrary.
ijit Fields and orchards require consranr artention and there-
tion did occur, poor matemal diet led to a high rate of still-
births and complications,durir-rg pregnancy. If a baby were
fore permanenl sheltcr. Early farmers built houses of brough' to term and sr,lvived the primitive obstetrics of
surr-dried brick or of reeds and wood and placed them the age, there remained the possilrility that the mother
ckrse together to promote security and cooperation. Such would he too malnourished to nursb the newborn.
$i ' villages encouraged the accumulation of refuse and hu- Statistics are unavailable, but infant mortality probably
,. "i
man wasle. Water supplies became contaminated, and ranged from l0 to 70 percent in the first 2 years of lil'e.
disease-[rearing rats, {lies, lice, and cockroaches became The age distribution of Neolithic and ancient popu-
thc village or town dweller's collstant ccrnpanions. lations therefore bore little resemblance to that of a
$;' nrodern industrial society. Thc young far outnumbered
Neolithic Demography. Inadequate nutririon and the old. and most people had shorter working lives
slrsceptii)ility to epidemic disease created the so-called bi- than their modern counterpa-ts. Their reproductive
ological old regime, a demographic pattem that pre- lifetimes were also shorter, and in people of mature
vailccl in Etrrope r.r rtil the middle of the nineteenth cen- years (aged 35 to 50), men may have outnumbered
8 Chaptn 1
1,r/()n)('ll, l)rilnarily [rctatrst'so nlally wol)l(,r] tlicrj in
< irilrllrirt lr. Tlrt' lilt, ('xl)(,ctan(y lor t.irlrt'r gcn(l('r rnay
rrrl lravt. lrt't,rr rnorc llrarr l0 y(,ars at [rirtlr, llrrt
llrrsr' wlro srrrr ivt'rl tlrcir {iltit,s ltarl alrrrost as g()(xi a
t irartct' as llle ir rrrotlcrrr ('()ultl('rl)ilrl\ of rca<.lring arr
aiir,.rrrrt'rl agc. Tlris ltattenr, likr tlrc c,orrditir)ns thal
prorlrlt'<l it, worrlrl also pcrsist trrrtil thc irrdustrial rcv-
olutiorr ol rtroilcrrr lirtrt,s.
vf:f (;rJRrj 1.6 Stonchcryqc (r. J100-l 5-10 n<n). Tlrc grcar- would trc blcsscd with wcll-drbincd, sottlh-facitl$ hill-
('st ()l w('sl('nr Liurolle 'sprt'lrisloric t'irclt's stands on England's sidcs producirrg tlrc llcsl grapcs for wine . A chicf actcd lo
Salislrtrry Plairr. A p!rcc of worslrip arrd lrtrrial, Stonchcngc encourag,c agricuitural spccialization and alt clfitient usc
rrra1,;rlso havc scrved as an aslronorrrical calcndar, but its lruc of ilroup rcs()urccs. Hc could ,rollcct oil frrlm ()tlc and
l)rirlx)s(' is rnrccrlain. We do krrow,that llrehisloric builclcrs gral)c:' rrrrnr arr()llrcr and l)arlcr lroth to a third farllcr in
(()lrslru(1('(l Slont'ht,rrgc in scvcral slages. Alloul I | 0O lx:t;,
tlrt'y lrrrilt tltt, hen11c-a circular. raiscd carth plalcau insidc a rclunl lilr his suri)lus whcat. Diffcrent cotntnodilies pre-
rlitttr. Approxirnatcly l,(XX) ycars later, thc brrildcrs sct '
vailcd . in diflcrcnt rcgions. but thc Jlr;nciplc was thc
IJltrt'slont's irr a dorrble circlc insidc the hcnlic; transponcd sarnc..ln tlrc atrsclrcc ()f Incrchants ()r org,anized nrarkels.
Irrrrrr a <lrrarry in llrc lnountains of Walcs 24O milcs away, thc clric{ fulfilled an important role in thc distribtrtion of
t'ar'lr storrc wcighed about 4 tons. S()nlcwhat latcr thc gords and services. Although spc:ialization in Neolithic
Srorrt.lrcrrge buildcrs arrangcd lhirlv Sarscn ;loncs in an outcr timcs was rarely tolal, prudent farrners knc'w that tfiver-
circlc ol atrout 100 fcct in dianictcr; trrought from a quarry 20
rrrilt's away, thesc largcr Sarscn stoncs cach lvcighcd ebout 50 sification offered a rneasure of sccurily. that monocul-
lons, A\ sccrr here in thc surviving portion of thc outer circlc, ture, or the growing of only one crop, can nevcr pro-
tht' Sarscn lintels (horizontal slabs) courrcetcd continuousiy, vidc. If the major crop failed, they needed something el."'
t'nd-lo-r:nd, with tonguc-and-groovr joints. Pcgs on the tops to fall back on, and even a modest dcgree of specializa-
ol tlrc trprigtrls-notc thc r6utrd prolrusi'n o*fhe uprigilt tion can incrcase efficiency and iaise a community's
sronl lowarcl lhc centcr of thc picturc-fit into prepared holes standard rlf living.
irr tlrc linte ls alrd hcld thcm in placc (rnortisc and tcnon
jointsl. Thc builders crcatcd the joints and shaped rhe stones Religion and lt{onumenta,l Architecture. Chiefs
lry pou:rding thcm witlr stone hamntcrs. Insidc the <lutcr may also havc had religious duti ,'s. although orgarrized
Sarscn circlc. the buildcrs arranged five trilithons (a trilithon pnesthoods evolved in some early societies. Chiefs al-
is a pair of u;lrights with a lintel; in the shape of a horseshoe.
most certainly organizcd the building of communai bur-
Ils axis lay on the sunrisc of the summer solstice. A heel
stonc, sct outsidc the henge, marked the axis and the path to
ial places in the Aegean and along the Atlantic and
the ccnter. The prevalence of these large-scale construcion North Sea coasts from Iberia to Scandinavia. Or,ginally
pxrjects. whatever their purpose, and the care in selecting simple dolmens formed of a giant stone or megalith
tlrc riglrt combination of building matcrials, indicates rhar laid upon othc'r stones, these tombs gradtrally evolved
Neolithic societies < ould, and did, achieve high levels of or- into domed chambers that were entcred tl-rrough long
tion and technological sophisticarion.
ganiz.a masonry passages. Graves of this kind are often found irr
the vicinity of stone circles such as Stonehenge.
Nrclithic Aduantes in Tbchnology lo forgirrg war(.;. rvhich they sold or tlarlcrcd f<lr nccessi_
lir.s. This irrrplics a sophislicatcd trariing nclwork and sys_
PotLery. 5pc'r'ializati,rr arr<l clli.clivc calr
tcrrr of !l()vc'rnallce slablt' r'nough 1o prolccl it, trrrt in the
,rlso crr(orrr.lgc rltc rlcvt'lolltttt'ltl ol tt.t'ltttolog\2. [)1v111,1-,
,rppt,lrcrl soolr after tlrc N.'olilltic.rt,volrrliorr as a way t()
allscncc ol' writtt,rr -ccortls. cvirlcnce is lackiirg. Tfans_
srr|r' grains or lirluirls. wonrcrr proba[r y nra<lc rhc f irst fcrring wcap()ns rrralrtrlacturc I,r,rm thc inilividual to thc
spccialist, howcvcr, prornotcd thc largc-scalc production
,)()ls al lrorrrc attd Iircrl tlrcrrr irr a corrtrirttrtal <lvcn, lrrrt
llr. irrve rr1i.n lhc poltcr,s wlrce I all.wccl l'r ,,lhr.w- ol rnclal wcap()ns ancl nray havc cnhanced the power <lf
ing" Jlots wilh'l unprcccclcrrted clticfs by cnabling lhcrl to amass largc armorics.
spccd and cfficiclrcv.
iJ(,(aus thc rrew rncllt()d rcquired grcaf skill, th0sc
rvlro ruastcrcd it tcndcd lo irccorrre sllccialists, that is.
artisans who wcrc paid for their work rr.r food or othcr
f-Ht, Ervlr.RGENCE
t or rr nrr.rd itics. or: Ctvt:,tZA'ftoNS
Mctaliurgy: 'I'he Beginning of the Bronze Age Whcn srrrvival-as opp<lsed to the demarids of ritual_
13500 nce). The advenr ol ,nctallurgylrovides a morc requirc'd a majrtr co()l,crltive effort, some societies
rirarrratic cxamplc of <lccupalional specialization. Beforc evolved inlo :ivilizations. A tcrm loaded with subjective
6000 BcF,, Nc<llithjc people usecl pure coppe, which is meanings, for our purposes, civilization refers to the es_
sorltctimes found in natrlre, for jewelry and personal tablislrment of a political and cultural unity over alarge
irenrs. I3y' 4500 nce, tlrey wcre smelting coppcr fronr geographical area. It impl;cs high population densities
orcs and hamnrering the lreated metal into tools and and the production of substanti:l wealth requiring elab_
\vcal)ons. These complex -pr<tcesses appear to have oratr: social, commercial, and administrative structures.
evolved separ-ately and independently in the Middle In most ca:;es, civilization also meant the devclop_
East and in the Balkans, wlrcre copper deposits were ment of rnathematics and a writterr language. Both
(ontnton. Sntelting and forg_
irrg dcpcnded on thc dever-
ol)ntent of ovens that could
aclticve both a controlled air
flolv altd ternpcratLtres of
nlorc than 2000o Fahrenheit.
An analvsis of pottery frorn
Ilrese areas reveals that pot-
tcrs had developed such ovens
to facilirare glazing.
t)1,3tOO sce, bronze-a
rrrixltrrc of copper and tin_
nas irr gencral use lhrouglt_
()itt tlte West {or the rnanu.
l.ictLlre rtf tools and weapOnS.
Ilronze is harder than copper
.rrrd Irolds a lrert _'r edge. Stone
is nrorc dr.rratrlt. and can be
sltarper lh.rn eitlter lrronze or
c()l)l)cr, Lrut the process oI
fr)ntrillg stole tools by hand
is l.tbor-intcnsive ancl tltere-
Iorc 1,'"1t'.'"nr. The Neolithic
A{t' ivas no\v ()ver, artd lhe
Brorlz.e Agc ltad begun. It
laste'd rrrrril lhe invcntion of
ir.rrrworking ushered in the
lrorr Aec in abor"rl I200 Bcr.
Ilccarrsc the skills involvcd
lrl rvtlrking bronzc wcrc
IriCIrlv sncr-iilizecl, Sptiths oc_
votcd thcnrse lve's cxclusively
r Larsa
:4.: b
r.:t Tur, ANctENt- Mtpprr Ensr
Sorrrcrirrrcs known as the Fertile Crescent, the ancrent )l---
' Midciic East includes Mesopotantia and,he eastern
"tt t')'' '
,I sltorcs of thc Mediterranean to the borders of Egypt.
,-,. Thc n,ririrrg, nrarherratics, and religious faiths of
We;te rn civilizatiolt originated here. The broad valley of
'7' .EflOU
the Tigris and Eupfrrares Rivers (centcr riglg on the ac- ..\
'. conll)auf ing rnap) is known as Mesopotamia. he heart .^c\\-
of orrc of rhe firsr great civilizations. For 1,500 years,
FlcuRE 1.7 The Mesopotamian Ituee (embankment)
the rtrle'rs of different regions or cities (Sumer, Akk.ld, System. Then as now. levees prorected croplands and cities
Irom floodwaters. Here, satellite imagery reveals mar'y of
:: , wirhout substantially altering its basic culture. The the more important levees in the lower Tigris and Euphrates
-i, coasral region centered on the phoenician city-states valley (modern Iraq) constructed dur;ing the Sumerian and
Babylonian epochs. ihese ancienr levees follow-not only the
. bcn'e.l as a c,.rrridor between Mr:sopotamia .and Egypt rivers but major irrigation channels. The extent of the levees
,..., ?fld was on various occasions ruled by, one or the other indicates thc high lcvel of social organization and technologi-
., ,. of thcse great civilizations.
cal sophistication that led ro survival in t'he land between the
ii:' Geography. Mesopotamia. in Greek, means the land
i,i' ,, bcttvcerr the rivers, in this case the Tigris and the through the dry plains. of whar is now Syria and north-
1' Euphrates. It is a hot,.fertile flood plain, most of which western lraq. In April and May, snow melting in the
Zagros Mountains aauses massive flooding throughout
pcralrtrcs rcach I10" to l20o Fahrenheit, and no rain 'alls the region. This provides r--.eeded warer and deposits a
fronr ,\4ai, tltrough late October. Winters are more moder - rich lay:r of alluvial silt. but the inundation presents
atc, iriir only Assyria in the nonh receives enough rainfall enormous problems of n:;.nagement. Communities must
lo slll)lx)rt agriculttrre witlrout irrigation. In tle lower val- control the tloods not orrly to prote( t human settlement
ley, e\/crything depends on water supplicd the two . but to preserve water for irrigation during the rainless
rivcrs. summer. To m,tke matters worse, both rivers creale nat-
Of rhc two, the Tigris carries by far the larger volume ural embankmenrs or levees rhat inhibit the flow of trib-
of w'alcr. The Euphrates on the w( st has fewer tributaries tutaries and that over time have raised the water level
:: altd krscs more of its flow to e laporation as it passes above that of the surrounding countryside. If spring
i.'. l
;,,' 12 Chapter 1
liootls wash llrc crnbarrktne l)ts away, llrc rivcrs clrangc
rirt'ir rrrrrrscs.'frcn with disastrr)rs rcsults. Thc tliblical
\r()r), ()[ Noah arrd thc Flo<d originatccl in Mcs<4rotamia,
alrlr.ugh llrcre wcre ;lr'babry nrany f r''ds rarhcr tharr
. Jlrsl Orrc (scc I) rcumcnt l.l).
'l-lrc fjrst klrown sclllcmcnls
in thc regi<ln wcrc vjl-
lagt'crrllurcs sllcakilrg a Scrnitic language distanrly rc_
laletl to tlre mrlre mode rn Hcbrcw or Arabic. They grew
rvlrtar and barlcy arrd by 4500 n<:t: had established
' rht'rrsclvcs as f rr south as Akkad ncar rhe m'dern Iraci
<aliilal of Baghdad. Ahhough Semiric peoples from rhe
' ivest and southwest continued to migrate into the re_
giorr until the Arab invasiorrs of the ninth century cr,
by 3CC0 scr, a non-Scmitic peoplc wlro may have come
.ririnally fr'm Incia-the Sumcrians-had achievecr
. clorrrinance in the lower valley
14 Chaptr 1
llrcrt'rrr iy n('v('r l)av(,bc'crr a Srrnrcriarr [:rrrJlirc ol ar)y sil]- ttccring, alrd f rctlr.rcnt rc<listribution ol land. Thc Mcso-
lrilir'ant lt'rrgtlr. Acrrrrriirrg l() tlt(. irrst'ri1l1i<lrrs r,l l(ing l)olalnians' highcst intellcctual achicvcrrrcnls wcrc
Lrrg.rlz;rgcsi ol Urr,,lra ((. n7, rtr:, ), lrc aclricvccl c()lttr()l tIrc rc j o rt' 1r ra ct ica I
ovt'r llrt'('nlirc rcgion only l() ltavr,it lakcn frorn hirn lry
ir rron-Srrrrrcriarr, Sargorr ol Akkatl,
Mathematics. Thc Mt'sr'po amians wcrc tlrc lirst
grcal rrrathcnralicians wlrosc placc-valrrc syslcni of
Al<l<acl. Thc Akkatliarr lriulnph lltarkc(l thc bcginnirrg ol ll()tati()r') is the lrasis of all utodcrrr rrrrrncral systcms.
a rl('w irrrpcrial agc. Tlrc uniticali()n of southcrn and ccn- They usccl a nutrtcrical syslctn lrascd on sixty (inslead
tr al Mcsopotamia gavc Sarg<ln (rcigr;cd c. 2350-2300 ;rcr,) of tire moclcrrr tcn) and produccd rcfcrcncc tables f<lr
tJr(' llcans 1r) conqucr tlrc nortlr togclhcr with Syria. rnul'tillicati<ln, divisi<ln, squarc ro()ls, cubc r{ro15, unO
r\ltlrotrgh Akkadian rule was bricf, it transmitted c cmcllts othel functions. Tl,cir greatcst achiev(jment, the
()f Mcs()lx)tamian culturc througlrout thc ,vliddle East, and place-valuc sysl'jrll in which tl,e valuc of cach digit is
Akka<liarr, a Scmitie language, bccamc standard through- dctermined by r1s position iftcr tht" base-instcad of
()Lrt lllc figris and Euphratcs vallcys. But the brevir)r ol hy a scparale nante-madc d.-scribing large numbers
Sargon's triumph sc1 a pattern f<lr' rlte political frrturc. ;lossiblc.
The Legal Code of HammuraLi. The Babylonians
B2lrylon. Afrcr thc overrhr(rw of Saig;,r's descendanrs
also created one of the first comprehensive legal codes.
by a descn peoplc known as the Guti and a brief revivai
Narned aftt'r Harlmurabi, it was alm<lst certainly a
of Sumerian power undcr rhc Third Dynasty of Ur,
cornpendium of existing laws rather than new legisla-
Eabylorr becante the chief political and cultural center of
tion and rc'flected a legal tradition that ltad been de-
thc regi<rn. Under Hammurabi (ruled c. 1792-1750 BCE)
veloping for centuries. Its basic principles were retribu-
tlrc Babylonians achieved_ hegemony over all of tion in kind and the sanctiry of contracts. In criminal
Nlesopotamia, but a series of invasions after I600 scr led
cases this meant literally "an eye for an eye, a tooth for
to a krng period of political disorrler. The invaders. thr:
a tooth"-if the social status of the parties rvere equal.
ntost inrportant of whom rvere Hittites, an Indo- If not, a defendant of highr:r status could usually es.
Eurtlpcan p€ople from the area around Hattusha in
cape by paying a fine. Blood feuds, private retribution,
sollth-central Asia, introduced fighting from wheeled
and c,ther features oi tribal law, however, were forbid-
chariots, a tactic that soon spread throughout the Middle
den. This same sense of retributive justice extended to
East. Because rhe Hittites did not seek to aher local insri-
the punishmerlt of fraud and negligence. A builder
ILltions, their influence was olherwise imperntanent;
whose house collapsed and killed its <lccupants could
horvever, a rivalry soon developed.between Babylon and
be executed; tavern keerlers who watered their drinks
Ass,vria, a kingdom in the rrorthern parr oi rhe valley
were drowned Craftsmen had ro replace poor work-
centered fir:st on the city of Ashur and Iater on Nineveh.
manship at their own expense, and farmers who failed
Assyria. A fierce people rvho spoke a dialec-t or to keep their ditches and levees in good repair were
Akl<adian, the Assyrians may havc been rhe first peo- sold into slavery if ti ey could not compensate the vic-
ple to coordinate the use of cavalry, infanrry, ant. ntis- tims of their carelessness. Cortracts governed every-
siie rveapons. Not only were their armies wel! orga- thirg from nrarriage to interesr rates and could not be
nizcd, but their grasp of logistics appears ro have broken witht-rut paying a heavy fine.
sLrrpassedthat of other ancient el'npires. Although a An almost oppressive sense of social responsibiliiy
highly civilized people wlrose literarl, and' artistic drove Hanrrnurabi's Code. The eccllogy of Mesopotamia
was ,both fragile and largely rnanmade. Only elaborate
achievenrents continued the traditi rns of Sumer and
Babylon, they waged psychological warfare b1, culti- regulation could prer ent disaster, and the law is expiicit
or1 rrlElnI arjpects of trade, agriculture, and manufactur-
valiug a reputation forhorrific cruelty. The1,eventually
dc'leated the Babylonians and after 933 restored tlte ing. Courts ar-rd city cor.rucils heard a variety of cases-
achicverlents of Sargon by esrablishing an entpire that demonstrating rhe conrinuing irnportance of local gov-
strerched front Egypt rtl Persia. ernment even after the esiablishment of an empire-and
alsrr toclk an interest in personal, farnily issues, including
Alesopotamian Culture, LAut, and Religiotr As in rrost ancient cultu.'es, parents arranged the
marriages of rl-reir children. The parents of tne bride
hr spite of violent political alterations, Mesopolantia re- provided ht'r with a dowry. which she was entitled to
nrained culturally hornogeneous for nearll, 3,000 years. keep in the event of widowhtlod or divorce. Hustrands
While capitals and dynasties rose and fell, rhe land be- coulcl demand a divorcc al tny time but had to pay
l\verr) the rivers rentained captive to the annual {loc,ds mailrtenance and child support unless they could
arrd consequent need for cooperatior.r, superlative engi- demonstrate that the wife had failed in her duties.
ANcrcNr Ecypr
Chapter 1
Frorrr llrc c(,nllu(:lt('c of lltc two tiv(,rs. thc Nilc
lrrakcs a wi<lt' sw(.('l) to tllc wcsl ltt'lorc f lowing lrorllr-
',i'arri tlrrouglr a vallt,y rrrorc lllarr rllorc tjlan 350 rnilcs
Iorrg lrrrl rarcly lrrorc tharr | 0 rrrilc's wi<lc. Thc hisloric
larrrl ol I:gyJlt is a narrow wcll- valcrcd passagcway lrc-
lw,('('ll tlrc Mcditcrrarlcan and tlrc hcart ol Africa. T<r
i'tht' lics tlrc vast c'tlptiltcss of thc Libyan
descri; t<l
llrt r'ast. a lirrc oI yrarclred and rrrgg,cd hills mark thc
. slr,/rcs ol tltc Rcd Sea. r)pcn cour)try is found only ncar
' llrr. rivL'r''s r]loullt, a vast alluvirl dclta thr<tugh which,
,in ,lrrrirlrrity at lcast, scvcn nrain clranncls provided ac-
'", crss to rhc Mcdite rrancan Sca. Sunlncr temperatures
i; ilr tlrc valley arc not as hol as thosc <lf Mesopotamia,
, lrur lirrlc or n<l rai'r falls ano, withoul the river, life
.w,ol: lrl lrc insupportablc.
,:. As irr r\4esopotanria, the key 1o Egyptiafl agriculture
'I wrs rltc
l)roper monagemertt ol the annual flood. The
:. Nile is rnorc predictable and less violent than the Tigris
.:r.or ELtltlrrates, but the construction of levees, catch-
$;meni. and an extensive network of clitches was es_
fusenrial both to.protect settlements and to preserve wa-
i:.. lcr altcr thc flood subsided in rhe fall. Such projects, as
f;{, n,cll as preservation and d;stribution of grain dur-
f ing rlrc dry monrhs, required a high level of organiza-
[,i;:,tion. lrrar riray tn turn have led to the centralized, hi-
i.:. erarcltical character of ancient Egyptian society, b.rt
'.. thc poinr is arguable. Little is known of politics before
:i:t, thc aclvenr of the First Dynasty around ll00 ecr. At
,.; rhar. Lirtrc, rhc kings of the First Dynasty or rheir im-
..: ntedratc predecessors united the ivvo lands of U1,per Egtrrytian society depended on rhe waters of the Nile .
,:'. (sourhern) and Lower (northern) Egypr ..nd-laid the .
and occupied almost no territory outside its narrow
i; foundarions of a political culture that viould endure river "alley. The deserts on either side made Egypt dil-'
ii,t f.',r nearly three millennra. The essential characteristics ficult to invaCe.
--;:if - r,i;,
'' of Egyptian society were in place when the Third
f,,.,DVnasty assumed power in 2686 scr and began the
".,Old Kingdom.
The Old and Middle Kingdoms. The Old King-
dom ended when massive crop'failures coirrcided with
Political History the political collapse of the Sixth Dynasty. After,an anar-
chic Intermediate Pe-riod of more than 100 years,
gisto.ical Periods. The history of ancient Eglpr is Amene.nhet I, the ruler ol Thebes in Upper Egypt, re-
li:,conrentionally divided into three kingdoms and no united the country and established the Middle Kingdom.
i,. fen'cr rhan twenty-six dynasties: the Old Kingdom During the TWelftlr Dynasty (c. l99l-1786 ncr:). Egypt
{26.s6-218 ) scr), the Middle Kingdom (2133_17g6 rcr), found it;elf under military pressuie in both the north
arrr,l rhe Nerv Kingdom (1567-525 ncr). The terms o/d, and south and, for the first time in its history, created a
ntiJdle, and trcw do not necessarily rellect progress. Some standing army. Expeclitions into palesrine, Syria, and
ol Egypt's grcatest achievements-for -.xample, the con_ Libya hclped stabilize rhe norrh while massiv",
.j:,strLrcriorr of the pyramids at Giza-came during the pre- were built in Upper Egypr as prelection against the grow-
.];,"d1'rrasric period and the Old Kingdom. The Intermediate ing povrer of Kerma, an expansionist state in what is
$i,Pcriods bcrween these kingdoms were troubled times now Sudan. The MiJdle Kingdom dissolved when a se-
tii' J..-:-..-
drrrirrg --.1-:-l- -,- !
which provincial governors, known to tll(. Greeks ries of foreign dynasties known as the Hyksos supplanted
as trcnrart'hs, iucreased their power at the expensc of the the naf,ive Egyptian rulers. From thb late 1700s ncr,
ccntral government. Periodically one would gain ascen- Egypt's wealth attracted an influx of immigrants from
dancy over the others and establish a dynastv that se,ved Palestine dnd other parrs rf the Middle East. The Hyksos
as thc cornerstone of a new kingdom. rulers were probab y drawn from these groups. They
Thc Mesopotamians.believed that the gods were hostile, de- An Egyptian Prayer *
The goddess hath become angry with me, and hath grievously I know the Field of Reeds of Re. The wall which is around it is
stricken me. of metal. The height of is barley fo'tr rubits; its beard is one cu-
The known or unknown god hath straightened me. bit; and i's stalk is three ahix. Its emmer is seven atbits; its beard
The known or unknown goddess hath brought afliaion upon is two aibits, and its stalk is five cubits. lt is the horizon dwellen,
me. nine cubits in height. who reap it by the side of the Eastern Souls.
I sought for help, but no one taketh my hand. I know the Eastern Souls. They ai e Har-akhti, The *.huner-
I wept, but no one came to my side. Calf, and lhe Morning Star.
May the known and unknown god be pacifed! From Ancient Near Eastern Tixts Related to the Old Testament.vol. l,
May the known and unknown goddess be pacified! 2nd ed. ,Iames B. Pritchard (princeron, NJ: princeton Univr,rsirv
'Penitential Psalms,' in Asryrian and Babylonian Literature,
trans. R. F. Harper (New york: D. Appleton, l90l).
caltrc ro power by infiltrating high office instead of b',, in_ twelfth century scr. Thereafter, the power of the
vacling, but their success was deeply resentrd. monarcby declincd perhaps because the gold and silver
iml)orts that sustained its armies began to shrink. After
rThe New Kingdom. The resroration
of a narive dv- 525 ncn, Egypt fell first to rhe lersians and then ro the
nasll in 1567 gcr marked the beginning of the New Macedonians under Alexander the Great in 321 ncs.
Kingdonr. ,/. series of warlike pharaohs destroyed the
.capital of Kerma and briefly exten,Ced their authority to
the barrks of the Euphrares. Ramsesll (1279-"213 ncr) Characteristics of Egyptian Society
fouglrt rhe Hittite empirc to a rruce. Ramses III re- The Pharaoh. The society rhat survived these
mained slrong enough to protect Egypt against a series changes bore little resemblance to that of Mesopotamia.
lirrearening population movements in the earlv Its most unusual feature was the absolute po,ver it ac-
8 Chapter 1
Although pyramids and ziggurats are srrperficially similar, ered msmooth stone that could not be scaled' Their purpose
their purposes were different. The ziggurat was a stepped was to ensure the resurrection of ttre god-king i r the lands
pyramid dedicated to the god or goddess who was patron of of the west so that the etemal rycle o{ floods and harvests
rlrc city. Like the tater pyramids of Central America, it drew might continue. The pyramid had to be orienteo urccisely
rlrc cycs of the worshipper upward to a platform at the top and contained not only the embalmed remains of 'he dead
wlrerc prirsts performed sacrifices ar.d conducted religious ruler but also th'e possessions he would he woulJ need in
ccrcmonics. The pyramids of Egyptian pharaohs were cuv- the afterlife.
A Muopotamian Ziggryat,
Bcgu r in the twenty-second
cenlury sce and restored in
rrodern times, the s!
set in bi-
built cl burnt bricks
tumen (a naturallY occurnng
petroleum-based substance
similar to asphalt). Its base
measures 210 X 150 feet, and
its or,ginal height was about
40 !eet. On the northeast face,
sho'vn here, three staircases
lcad upward to the bedcham-
ber of Nanna, the Moon God
and prtron ol the city of Ur.
The sloping walls are not
straight, but they are built on
a slight convex curve so that
they do not appear to sag.
({)rrlcd to the kirrg, or pharaoh, a Middle Kingdom ti- When the king died, his spirit. or ka, would take its
tle nre'arting "great house." His authority in life was place in the divine pantheon and becorne one with Osiris,
airsolule . ln practice, he was expected to act accord- god of the dead. To facilitate this passage, the Eglptians
itrg t<t ma'at, a concept of justice or social order based built vast funeral monuments-the pyramids-to hold
on lhe balance or reconciliation of conflicting princi- the dead tuler's mummified remains and serve as the
plcs. The king could not appear arbitrary or irrespon- centcr of a temple complex di:dicated to his worship:
silrlc, and trecause Egyptian society was conservative, The largest pyramids were built at GiTa during the
prccedenl {urther limited his actions. If ma'at were Old Iingdom by the Fourth Dynasty (2613-2494 ncr)
n()r preserved, dynasties could fall, but the historical monarchs-Khufu (Cheops), I(hefren, and Menkaure
circumstances in which this happened are Senerally (see 71vo Faiths: Their Drayerc and Monumerls)' Constructed
unknowu, of between 80 million and I l0 million cubic feet of cut
22 Chapter 1
wirrr osiris 'r'rris was'urssirrlc lrt'carrst'lrlc
ltari rrra'1, asl)(,(.ls or nla'il.(,slali,ns,
lrrlralr so.l
irrclurlirrg tlrr, rrklr,
wirich crrr:rgt,<l orrly arle r tlcallr. .flrc,
larc ol lltc wit.kt.ri PHlusrrni
was t)()l rcasstrrirrg. Thcir sirrs
wt,rc wcighr.rj ilr a sc.alc
agai'sl rlic f.atlrcr,l rna,al, arr<l il
r'c scalc tillltcrl, tlrc,ir
s()ltls wcrc Ilrr0wn l0 tlrt, rrtortsl
rotrs. cr()c(xtilc_likr,,,rlt__
v()Llrcr of hc.arls.,,
CeN,ux., pHoENICIA.
AND Pr-rrlrsrn
The easrern sh,ore ol the Meciirerranean
has been in-
liabited since earliest tirnes. Neanderthal
l\lagnon rentains are {ound in and Cro-
close p.o"i_iry to one
antlher ir.r tire caves of Mt. Carm"l, Ancient Palestine
unO ug.iaulture was
csrablishetl on the eastein sirorc
before it vias .ntroduceci
t()..Egypr or Mesoporanria. Thc- Fhoenicia. The first phoenicians, as
Bibre cails it "tire lano ,r
known to the Grceks, spoke a
they wert
rrrilk and honey.', Tlre climarc va.i.ty ol Sernitic di_
is Uenign, with rrilcl win-
Icrs and euough rainfall to suj)port alects and movecl into the lrorthern
lfr. pt.Oi,..ranean *uriuf region of
triad oI crops-wheat, olivcs, C.arraan during the fourth millenniunr. superseOing
uni g.up"r. But Canaan. a blending with an carlier Neolithic or
tcrnr that describcs the cntire region,
was also a corri_ foprlu,,on.
firsi urban foundations, at Sidon, Byblos, fn.i,
rlor and ar rintes a clisputed froniier and Ras
between the civi_ shamra (ugarir). date fronr around
Iizarions of Mesopolarnia and ioo,i".r. politicaily.
Egypt. Its- inhabitants Phoenician rowns were_ governed
ne vc'r cr.rjoyed rhe political by a hereditary king
srabiiily of the g..ui .i".,,
crrrpircs. The eastern shore of assisted by a council of elders.
the Mediterranean was a In practice, they were
w.rld .,f snralr, aggressive ciry-sra,., probably oligarchies in r.,rhich poticy
*hor" *earth arrcr was OeciaeO by
strarcgic the wealthy merchants whrr served
altracted the' unwelcome attention on the council, but
sr r()ltllL.r ''siticl'
of litrle is known of rheir civic life or
IX)wers. even-of their reli_
gious pracrices.
Tracle. Frorn tlrc ocgirrlring, llrcsc iI,.,1 a hosl of ollrcr. Galilcr', lltcy fonncd an alliancc of sorts with the
citics rradcd activcly witlr br,tlr l:gypr arrd Surncr. Their I)l:trcniciarrs of Tlrc.
irrlralritarrts wcrc sail'rs, shiprrrir<it'rs, alrd rrcrcrrarls Thc Plrilistirrc antl Hcbrcw i,ncursions were related to
who lllaycd a vilal rolc in thc Jlroc.css of cultural cx_ br'oadcr populalion ,ntovcm(.'ltt:r in lhe eastcrn Mediter-.
c'lrarrgr'. Thc Ph,crriciarrs wt'rt' ers, skillcrl cralrsr-rrclr. ranuan. Thcy coincide roughly with thc displaccment of
(-arvcd lurnitrrrc of woorl antl ivor.y was i
an olrviotrs s;lc_ thc Ioniarrs irr Grcecc and a succcssful assaulr on the
cralty, givcn thc lrlrcsts <lf ccriar and other valuable wcstcrn portion of the Hitt,tc empire by the phrygians,
r.r,oo(ls that c()vcre(l lhe nearby hills, but mclalworkine
a peoplc who may havc corrre from the same region as.:
rvas cqually imlx)rtant. Tlr,. I,lrrtcnicians cxprlrtcd fjlr.i
the Philisrines. In C'anaan propet both philisrines alrd,,.
roJd arrd copper jc;vclry. tlronze lools, and .weapons Hebrews were forccd t() c()nrencl with other peoplesi'
()vcr a widc arca. Arotrnd 1500 rlr.r, thcy
seelr,r to havc. pu';hing in from the Arabian Desert and the country be_:
rnvcnlcd the pr<lccss ol casling glass around a core .lf ,
Yohd the Jordan Ri rer. ,,
dar,rs likely inventcd glasslrl.rwing in Romarr times. Ca.laan was becoming crowded. The newcomers en-
!v()ntcn of Sidon wcre kn<lwn fclr thEir remarkable fcx_ couRtered a land rhat rnay already have been reaching its
tiles incorporaring the purple clye rhat syrnbolized roy_ ecological limits after several ntillennia of human settle-
alty throughout the ancielrt world. The dye *u, ment. The closely spaced phoenician cities now saw their
rracted with great difficulty from th,r shell of the murex
"*_ territories grearly reduced, and w:th that their ability to ,
snail, a creature abundant in the harbors of Sidon and feed thei; people. Led by T!re, the phoenicians began
'['r('(Lcbanr)lt). planting c,rlonies frcm one rnd of the Mediterran-eah to
the otlier. The first was ar Utica in North Africa, suppos_
The First Alphabct. in. pnn.nicians are creditcd edly iounded oy ll0l scr. In the next three cenruries, ,
ivitlr irrventin!' the first trut alphabet. a phonetic script dozens of others were estabrishecl in C1prus, Sicily,
rvitl.r twenty-two abstract symbols representing Sardinia, and Spain. At least twenty-six suih communi_
the con_
sonants., as in the other Semitic languages, were tics were in North Africa, rh3 most important of which
ornirred. Their system is regarded as the greatest of all rvas Carthage, founded about g00 BcE near the present
Phoenician contributions to Western culture because it site of Tirnis.
c'orrld be masrered without the kind of extensive educa_ Like the colonies later established by the Greeks.
tiorr given to professional scribes in Egypt clr Mesopo_ those of the Phoenicians retained .orn-.rtiul and per_
tantia. Literacy was now available to neafly everyone, had:; sentimental ties to rheir founding city but were for
but bccause the phoenicians normallyiarote with ink on all practical purposes independent ciry-stares. They did
papyrus. most of their records have oerished. not normally try to establish control over large territo_
ries. They served as commercial statjons that extracted
The Philistines. political crises were common. wealth from the interior in return for goods from the
Phoenicia was invaded and at times ruled by both Egypt
civilizations of the eastem Mediterranean. They were
and the Hidres of Asia Minor. In I190 BCE, a mysr:rious
also useful as safe harbors for phoenician traderi.
gror"rp lcrorvn as the Sea people attacked the
del'- Tlt?y vvere driven out but eventually established
tlrerrrselves along rhe coasr south of Jaffa. Ttre1,
app-,ar to Flcunt 7.1O A Phoenician Clay Masle. Designed to
have come from somewhere in rhe Aegean or westem frigt':en away evil sliirits, this 7-inch mask was found in a tomb
Asia Minor and to have brought wirh them the use of i^on the site of the Phoenician colony of Tharros, Sardinia, and
l\/eapons. Uttle of rheir language has survived. Their gods poned from Canhage in the sixth century scr. The phoenicians
appear ro have been Canaanire deities adoptbd on arival. typically buried rheir dead
T'he Sea People were grear fighten anC iionsmiths in rombs wirh rheir feer
dorrrinared the iron trade in rhe Middlc for many pointing toward an east-fac-
ing entrance. Written.spells
1,earu. Polirically,
their rowns of Gaza, Ashk:lon, Ashdod,
.and gifts such as terra-cotta
Gath, antl Eglon fomred a powerfu' league llnown as
figures invoked the god,s
Pirilistia or rhe Philisrine confederacy. Thc. Bible cails these protection. Phoenician con-
pcrtple philistines, and the Romans used palestine, ,acts with Sardinia trace
a term
dcrivc'd frorn lhat name, to descritre the entire region. ba;k to around 1000 sce,
b'rt iraras not until the
The Hebrews. While the philistines annexed the eighth cenrr,rli acr rhar they
soulhern coast, tlte Hetrrews, recently escaped from cstablished peimanenr
Egypr, invaded the Canaanite highlands, They fought bit_ colonies on the island. One
terly with rhe philistines, but after establishing a united of the most imp;rrtant was
kingdoln of Israel that stretched from the Negev desert to Tharros, a major .rading
24 Ch,ipter 1
lly tlrc scvcnth ccnlrtry nr--r. phoenician ships had w('rc at rltis f ime a l00sc confcdcracy of tr'ibcs united
r<'allrcrl llritain in scarch ol llrccious tin, and ph<tcnician by a comrnon religion and ,nilitary ncce.,,sity. After'
(aravilrl r()llt(.s [)ascd in l]rc North African colonics had they subdtrco thc Canaanite highlandcrs. ,laul (reigned.
pcrrclratcd thc rcgions s<lullt of the Sahara. Thc c. .l 020-1000 ncn) established a monarchy of sorts in re.l
(lartha1-iinians latcr claimcd l<l havc circumrravigalccl sponsc to a military threat from the Philistines, but it was'
Alrica, and al thc very bcginn,ngs of thc age of col<>- not until after his death that. David (ruled I00G-961 ncr).
rrization. Hiranr I of Tlre and his ally Solomon of Israel corrrolidated the territories be tween Beersheba and the
scr)t tricnnial expeditions to Optrir, a place now thought Sea of Galilee into the kingdom of Israel.
to havc becn on the coast of h-rdia. Wherever they went, 'Under David's son Solomon (reigned i
961-922 scrlj.,
thc Phocnicians carried their system of writing together Israel became .r regional power. Commerce flourished;
with thc idcas and products of a dozen orher cultures. and the king used his wealth to. construcr a lavish
Tlrough their history was all l<lo often negler-ted or writ- pa'lace as vrell as the First Temple atJerusalen, a struc-
tcn try their cnemies, they played a vital role in the es- ture heavily inf^uenced by Phoenician models. But
ta bl ish rnent <lf Mediter ra nea n civilization. Solnmon's glory canre at a pric,e. Heavy taxation and re-
ligious disputcs led to rebeilion afrcr his death, and,r
Isiael divided into two kingdoms: Israel rn.the north.
Arvcrrrur Isnnru and Jrtdah in the south. Israel was a loosely knit, aris-
tocrat;c monarchy occupying the land later known as
Ihe history of ancient Israel is based on the collectioit SJmaria. Judah, with its walled capital of Jerusalem,
of writings known as the Bible and on tite archeologi- wils p(rorer but more cohesive. Both, irr the end, would
cal record compiled by hundreds of excavarions. The fall prey to more pcwerful neighbors.
age and complexity of these sources, togerher with their
importance to rhe religious beliefs of jews, Christians, Invasions. The danger came from the nr:rrth. In what is
and Muslirns alike, have led to great controversy, but now Syria, rcmnants of the Hittite empirc had survived
the basic outline of that history is accepted by a major- as petty states. Many of them were annexed in the
ity, of scholars. twelfth century by the A;amaeans, a Semitic people,
wbose most important center was Damascus. The
Aranraic language would become the vernacular of the
H is to ric al D ev elop m ent Middle East-it was the language, for example, in which
lhe Hapiru, who entered Canaan around 1200 Jcsus preached. Holvever, Syrie. remained polirically un-
came from Egypt.The name is thoughtto mean out- stable. Assyria. once more in an expansionist phase and,
sider or marauder and is the probable root of the term enriched by the conquesr of Mesopotamia, filled the vac-
Hebrew. The invaders wer€ a Semitic group of mixed uum. The ministates of the region could not long expecr
ancestry whose forebears had left Mesopotamia some to resist such a juggemaut.'For a time, an alliance be-
600 years earlier during Babylon,s conquest of tween Israel and Dainascus held the Assyrians ar bay, but
Sumeria. According to tradition, their ratriarch by'/22 ecr, both haC fallen to ihe armies <if the Ass.yrian
j:, Abraham came from Ur. They lived for several genera- coriquerors Tiglath-pileser and Sargon II. Sennacherib
tions as pastoralists in the trans-Jordan highlands and (ruled 705-682 acr) annexed Philistia and phoenicia, af-
then emigrated to Egypt, probably at about the ,ime of ter which Esarhaddon (ruled 680-689 BcE) and
the Hyksos domination. \ryith the revival of the New Assrrrbanipal (reigned 669-<. o27 nczl, the greatest and
'ti; most cultivated of the Assyrian emperors, conquered
Kingdom under native Egyptian dynasties, the situa-
.I: Egypt. The tiny kingdom of Judah survived only by ally-
ij. tion of the Semitic immigrants became more difficult.
Oppressed by a pharaoh (c r pharaohs) whose identity ing itself with the conquerors.
renrains the subject of co rtroversy, a group of them Babylonian Captivity and Diaspora. The end'
l fled to Sinai under the leadership of Moses. Moses,
ralhose Egyptian name helps confirm the biblical story
of lris origins, nrolded the rcfugees into the people of
came in 587 scr. A resurgent Babylonia had destroyeci.
Assyria by allying :tself wirh the Medes and adopti4g.
Assyrian military tactics. In a general settling of scores,
tsrael and transrnitted to them the Ten Command- the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar ll then sacked
nrents, the ethical code tha I forms the basis of Judaism. Jerusalem, destroyed the temple, and carried the
Christianiry, and Islam. Jr'daean leadership off to captivity in Babylon. Many of
According to rhe Bible, the Israelires spenr 40 years in these people returned after the persians conquered
thc Sinai desert before beginning rhe conquest of the Babylon in 539 sce, but thc Israelites or Jen,s, a name
Canaanite Highlands. The pcriod berween 1200 and 1020 derived from the kingdom of Judah, did not establish
BCri appears to have been one of constant struggle be- another independent state until 142 scr. Judaea ano
trrycen the Hebrews and the other peoples of the region. Samaria would be ruled for 400 years by persians and
As described in the Book of Judges, the people of Israel by illellenistic Greeks, while thousands of Jews; faced
26 Chapter I
BrsllcAt Sor;Hcrs oF |u,:rusm ., 't.'
The three passages that follow are taken from tl e Torah. the beasts; I du not delighi in the blood of bulk, or of lambs, or of he.
first fivc books of what Lhristians call the Old Testament. g0ats. When yot,t come to appear l,,rfore me, who requires of you
Thcy illustrate three major themes within ancient, and in- this trampling <tf my aurts? Bring no more vain oJfcrlngs; ineirq
dccd, modcrn Judaism: the belief and trusl in a special rela-
tionship berween the God of Israel and tire Jewish people,.a
is an abomina,tion to me. Neu,moon and sabbath and the uaii!
oJassemblies-I'ccnnot endure iniquity and sotemn assembly. .,4
stron'.; cmphasis on cthical bchavior, and the minute regula_
lbur new moons and your appointd feasts my soul hates; they
ti<ln of pnvate lifc by Mosaic Law. 'hcve
become a burden to me, I art we4ry of bearing them. Whe4
forth your hands I will hide my eyes from you; even:?:"
votr spread
We Couenant (Exoil. l9:I-9) ,4Wh you nake many praye,.s, I will not listen; your harlds i;1,'
fvll of blood. Wash yourselves;tnake yourcelves.clean; remwe thi.
This passage describes the making of the covenant between
*il of your doings from before my eyes; crase td,do evi!, tearn to (o
the Hebrews and their God that forni'sthe basis of rhe Jewish good; ;eel: justice, correct opprcssion; defend tfu
fatherless, ptead ij
religion and the concept of the Jews as a chosen people. widow.
for the ',,
On the third new moon after the Israelites had gone out of the tand
of Egypt, on that very day, they came inU the wildsmes of Sinai. .
, . )*viticus:The Impurity of Women (!xu. 15:12-22)
krael amped there in front of the tnountain. Then Mo*s went up
to God, the LOIID called u hia ftrese passages of the Mosaic krw are part of a much longar
from the mountuin, saying, 'Thus
you shall say to the house of Jaob, and tell the Israelius: you'have section concemed with impurity; that is, those conditions
seen what I did to the Egyptiaw, and how I bore you on eagle,s under which performing religious rituals is not permissible.
wings and brought you to mlnetf. Now, therefore, if you obey nty Note that, although men, rco, could be impure,.the puriii-
voice and kcep my covenant, ycu shall be my treasured possession cation of women took longer and the amount of time re_
out of all the peoples. Indeed, the whole earth is mine, but you shall qr,ired for purificati'on after the birth of a girl was twice as
be for me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation. These Iong as that lollowing the bint- of a boy.
ere the
words that youshall speak to the Israelites.- So Mwes ure. sum-
I'!'a man has an emission of semen, he shall bathe his whole bodlt
nrcned tlrc elderc of the people, and set before them all these words
in wate, and be uncL an until the evening. Evetythittg made of
Ihat the LORD had ummanded.him. The peopk.all ansu.ered as
cloth or skin on whirh the semen falls shall be washed with water
one: "Everything that the LORD has spoktt+we will do.' Moses re-
anJ be unclean until the evening. If a man lies with a woman
ported the words of the people to the.LORD. Then the
LORD said to and has an enission of semen, both of them shall bathe in water
Moses, "I am going to conu to you in a dense cloud, in order that
aruJ be unclean until the evening. When a woman has a dixharge
the people may hear when I speak to you and so trust you evo afien of blood that is her regular discltarge from her body. she shall be
in her impurity for seven days, and whoever toucha her shall be ,
The Propht Isaiah: So3ialJustice (Isa. I:11-.17) unclean until the eveiltng. Everythrng on whiclt she Ees diing
. 1.',., lu.r,imputity_sltall be unclean; ngryihing.abo on whifh s,he.slb
This passage, i{iiaiah of Jerusalem'in the'mid- shall be unclean. Whoevir touchei her bed shall wash his clok:ei!,
eighth century"trriUgi.a
BcE, demohjirates the inseasing emphasis and bathe in v,aten and be unctean until the evening. Wh,oeier '
on social justice in Hebre#?ehgious thought. to.u&es anything ot, which she sits shall wash his clothes alld' ,, .,
huthe in water, and be unclean until the evening.
What to me is the multinde of your sacrifias? says the LORD. I i
have had enough ofburnt oferings oframs and the
fat offed
interpretation of Mosaic Iaw evolved, women,s partici_ men even as observers because their presence was
pation in religious life was restricted (see Bibtical Sourres thought to be distracting. The proper role of women was
of Judaism). The worship of yahweh demanded purity as
in the home, which was central to religious life.
rvell as holiness, and wornen were regarded as ritually Families arranged marriages for their children and
inrpure during ntenstruation and after childbirth. They scaled them by contract as in Babylon, but only mer:
rn',cre also exempted from regular prayer and other ritu_
co.rld initiate divorce. No provision was made for a
als on lhe theory that thel should not be distracred from dowry, which usually meant thar a man could divorce
cliild care. In effect, they were excluded from direct par- his wife without financial loss. Divorce was nevertheless
ticipation rn all public rites and \vere segregated from uncommon because Mosaic Law and Jewish custom
L*,. L,- I
Ecypr. ffrt; -
Unification K
Age of Pyrami,is
Foundation of Sidon, Byblos, and Ugarit Abrabam leaves Ur
I j
-s ]!di--
{$,i ii'
,1.-*,; i
nrst year of the great peloponrresian W4r drew to a close, ,he
shtesmi,n pcricles delive'ed a funeral oration to honor those
- \,r,z,lfc-rrian
r-,rfio'Ed died ir, the struggle. praisrng the men died and the
'vho city for
which they lought the speech was designed to lift the spirits of a people at
war. Extolling Athens lor its hymns, games, and dramatic spectacles that
made it the source of all that was good in life, its Jpenncss to srrangers
free inquiry that mad: t 'rhe school of Greece.'' the speech refleoed
fundarnental Greek belief in the value oI the polis. To the ancient Greeks. life
centered on the city-stare br polis, which provided lar more than place
a to
live. Its rituals and institutions formed thcir personal character and made
them who they were. other ancient peopres, the prroenicians, for exampre,
had lived in city-states, but the Greeks developed from their concepi of the
polis a unique and immensery vitar curture-a cr.rrture that in
many ways
became the fouirdation of Western civilization as a whole.
Clraptcr 2 traccs thc dcvclop-
nlcnt ()f Grcck fronr
iVlirroan tirrrcs to thc cnd ol
tlrc l,cloponncsialr Wars. Thc
Ircarr of lhat proccss- -thc
t'volution of thc polis-takcs
US lront a gr()uJ) 0f simplc for_
rificd scttlcmcnts to tlrc grcat
citic.; ()f the fifth ccntury BcE,
lronr a l<lng period of domi-
nancc by aristocratic elites.
through thc rulc of tyrants, to
nlc emergencc of the first
lrue demtrcracies in recorded
history. We will survey the
social instituti/)ns common to
(lrcck socicty as a wholc and
look at daily life in two verv
diffcrcnt poleis (the plural of
polis)-democratic Athens
and conservative, aristocratic
Spana. This chapter endswith
tlrc lwo grcat crises of ancient
Greel: history: the persian
War, which preserved Greek .+l;j.::
in<lependence, and the pelo- Mai rland Greece is an extersion of the Balkin'
ponncsian Wars, which set thc European Greece lrom west i{sia (esia fvfinoffirnE:
S, : i rrita :: in.
stage for its eventual loss.
E.lnly ArcIAN CurJuREs had to follc,w the currents north along the phoenician
r-o 8OO scr coast and then wesl to Crete before proceeding to thc
prns of Italy or North Africa. phoenician ships on the
The eastern Mediterranean Sea was like u gr.", luk. way ro Carthage or the Strait of Gibraltar did the same,
that facilitated trade, communication, and cultural passing either to the norttr or. the south of the island.
rowing. The societies rhat surrounded it, phoenicians, Most preferred Crete's northern shore because it of_,
Egyptians. Greeks, and many others, shared similar fered more ;andy inlets where.their ships could an
ets, ideas; and institution:;. The Greeks, for example, chor for the night or be hauled ashore fdi repairs and
took their alphabet from -he phoenicians and some of cleaning. The same harbors offered .ury to the
their philosophical and scientific ideas from Egypu Greek mainland, the Ionian islands of the ".."r,
Aegean, and
social organization into city-states bbre a sup,::rficial
Ttoy. Crete wai therefore a natural and convenient
scnrblance to rhe phoenician city_state. way sration for thc' transshipment of Egyptian and,
Phoenician goods.
Minoan Crete-The First Aegean Civilization A people of unknown origins arrived on the island
(3000-f400 ecE). The Aegean Sea, with irs innumer_
of Crere before 4000 ecn. They found not only a strate_.
afile islands, has been a crossroads of trade and conrmu_
gic location but a land rhar was well suited for Neo-.
nicarion since the first sailors ventured forth. To
the lithrc agriculture. Crefe's mountains rise to more than
south is Crete, the navigational center of the eastern
8,000 feet, but the island has rich valleys and coastal
Mcditerranean in ancient times. Approximately 150 plains that provide abundant grain. The .li-"t. is gen-l
rnilcs long and no ntore tha. l5 mi'eswide, it lies across erally mild. perfection is marred only by ,u*-..
the southern end of thc Aegean Sea, about 60 miles
drrughts, winter gales, a.rd devastating earthquakes
lronr tlre southernmost extremity of the Greek main_
that are perhaps the most conspicuous feature of the
land and not nlore than 120 miles from the coast
of west island's histo'y.
Asia. Africa is only 200 nrilcs to the south. But the im_
The civilization that developed on Crere arose at
portallcc of C. ete was determined less by raw
distances about the same time as those of Egypt and Mesopotamia.
rhan by wind rnd current. Ships westbound from
Egypt It is usually celled Minoan, after Minos, a legendary
Anciafi Creece to the End of the peloponnesian Wars 31
Iul('r who bccalnc part of
(irt't'k rttyt lrr)l<lg1r 3q a crcaturc
\vlr() was half rnan arrd haif
lrrrll. Minoarr (Mirr-91-utt) sgci-
( r) 's ( l)i('f charac'tcrislic; wcrc
t rt' r'a rly r:tan ufaclrrrc ()[ bronze
32 Chapter 2
result of ovcrllrazing,
was alrcady we ll ad-
vanccd by the lifrh ccn-
tury BcE. For rlruch or
its history thc relarivc
poverty anr'l rtrg;ed gc-
ography of Grcece pnr-
tectedit from forcign
conquest. Tht same du-
l,ious blessings made ir
difficult, if not impossi-
blc, for any one settlement to achieve regional domi-
nance. The result wrs a society outward-looking, cclnt-
mcrcial, and fiercely resistanl to the need for unity.
The Mycenaeans (My-see,-nee-uns). so-callcd af-
tcr Mycenac, one of their rnanycities on the Greck
rnainland, spoke an early form of Greek and ntay havc
occupied Macedonia or Thessaly before establishing
themselves on the Greek mainland. Their chief centers_
al)art from Mycenae and its companion fortress.
Tiryns, in the Peloponnese-were Athens on the rich
;le'ninsula of Attica and Thebes in the Boeotian (boh-
ee '-shun) plain. All were flourishing by 2000 acr.
Kings or chieftains ruled each of the Myccnaean
communities and apparently distributed commodities in
the traditio,ral way. They carried on an exrensive trade
with Crete and Egypt and built vasr palaces and tombs
using cut srones of as much as 100 tons apie,_-e. fhe
palaces, although similar in function ro those on Crere.
rvere heavily fortified and more symmetrical in design,
but rvith the sanre spacious apartlrents and colonnaded
porches on the upper levels. Below were v-rst store_
roonrs. some of them h:ated to keep major experts such ?u
I A:--
36 Chapter 2
Sgltcnox FRoM Hrsroc
" 'l:^:' 'ni; :ii
Hesiod (fl. late eighth century acn) was one of the first Greek Keep a dog
poets and a landowner lrom Boeotia, a ielatively wealthy
area northwest of Athens. In this fragnient.from a long
poem, Hcsiod instructs his ne' brother, perses, on your oxii aliij,our ruti
the life of a Greek landowner. Using the movements of the v? relt thcir:;*{!ry httg.
constellarions tn the night sky (Orion, the pleiades, and so
Wa.r, .9,r:r'$;nI 4"t
i 1i7r
on) to judge the seasons, he advises when to plant, harvest,
or pur to sea, as well as how to safeguaia property against ;i'siiii
thieves and damage, The poem is an trnforjdettable.{esaip-
tion of rural life in an age when farmers weit rb--iea to sell
*! fon
tl-reir nery homes, they governed themselves. For the llHn Roors oF GREEK CuLTuRE
ilrost part, goveming institutions tended to parallel those
in the older Greek cities. Some, like Syracuse, became Greek values as well as Greek literary and artistic inspi-
t),rannies while othen achieved a measure of der;rocracy. ration stemmed from two Lasic sources: the Homeric
Few tlf the new settlemeuts, however, close
I'oems and the mytholcgy ,that had.grown up around
tics with their city of origin. Most o. them continued to the adventures of the gods. Together, these wellsprings
vencrate the divirle patron of their founding city and of the Greek tradition provided a rich fund of themes
sonre extended sp,.c.i31 privileges to cit.z:ns of the four^d- and morifs that illustrated in graphic terms what it
ing ciry, but "mother" cities competei with thcir meant to be Greek. The influence of that tradition had
"colonies" for trade and on occasion fought them. Still, all little to do with religious teachings as they are now un-
of these new cities regarded themselves as part of Hellas. derstood. The behavior oI tl-re gods-and of Homer,s
38 Chdptu 2
isaw atlrletics as an csscntial c()l-nl)(rncnl <lf the good life.
, l'ltysical fitness prcpared them for war; but compelition
;lay at tlrc hcar: ol their conccpl of pcrsi)lral worth ahd
f athlctic succcss was sccn as alrnost gotlliktr. I
.k i..
rhis table shows the eslimared p<lpulations of ancienr Homcric Values. Thc cpic pocnt i attriDuted !to
cilies in thc fitth century scr, whcn ancient Greece .j.lolncr form.llre othcr: main sourcc ol Greek cultr_fral
was at its pcak. None of the cities is large by modern
ivalucs. Thc Greeks bclicved rhat in addirion rc'#he
standards, but a given city's size in relation to the oth- llrad, llomcr (ll. 850; also wrolc The OdyssBy.
e rs indicates its degree of wealrh and manpower-as
Modcrn sclrolars suspcct that both were compiled fr$m
for example the two latgesr ,'iries indicate persia,s an earlicr body of oral tradition soon after the Gredks
power and resources. _'adrrptcd thc. alphabet and thar The Iliad and The Odyssey
had diffcrer t auli-lors. The two epics are certainly vqry
Cttv PoPULAT,TN rx 43O ncr rdifferclrt, but borh teach-moral le:sons that nermcat'id
,Creck crrlturc. The Iliad adopts a tiagic form appropriate
Babylon (Persian Empi,e) zfr,OOO
Ecbatana (Perira) 200,000
to a lale of war and heroism (see Document 2.21,
Athens (Greece) wl,ereas The Odyssey is an t,nrertaining series of adven-
Syracuse (Greek Sicily, 125,000
ture stories that stress the importance of cleverness,
Colony of Corinth) cunning, and strength of :haracter. The Greeks valued
Memphis (Egypt) these pracl.ical talents as much as the qualities stressed
Fome lltaly) by. The Iliaa-courage, persistence, and dignity.
Canhage (North Africa, 70,000-100,000 ,Educated Greeks memorized long passages from both
Phoenician Colony) . epics as part of their cultural education. and themes
Persepolis (Persia) 70.000-100,000 itaken from both inspired much of the Greek literature
Corinth (Greece) 70,000 and art that would follow.
Jerusalem (Israel; 49,000
Sparta (Greece) 40,000
Argos (Greece) 40,000 LtrE rN THE Pous:
Tarentum* or Taras 40,000
(Italy, Greek Colony) ArHrNs AND SpARTA
Agrigentum (Greek Sicily, 40-000
Colony of Gelos) No two Greek cities rvere precisely alike, especially ih
Megalopolis (Greece) 40.000 their goyernrnen,ral instituticns, but most of the larger
Sidon (Phoenicia) 40,000 <.rnes probably resembled Athens in their economic and
social makr:up. We }inow the most about Athens becartse
"Founded by refugees fronr Laconia, Greece. Legend has it itwas the largest citf ir ancient Greece and produced
that they were the illegitimate children oI Spartan molhers
more literature than any of its fellows. At the other po-
and /relor fathers.
litical extreme wds Sparta, the great rivalof A,thens. Most
Questions: How does the size of Syracuse, a, colony (ireeks thought of Spana as an institutional relic of ear-
founded by Corinth, compare with the size of ir,s 'lier times. In.fact, its system of life and government
founding city? What does this tell you about the drive a response to historical circumstances that had few par-
for colonization? allels in the Grcek world. It is important precisely be-
cause it was atyprcal and because Sparta became a major
power during the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars.
trrrll'a foot race. In tirnc the Olyrnpics became a 7-day The Democratic Polis of Athens
event that ir-rcluded nin,' orhc.r evcnls. Thev were helc.l
every 4 years. The Greeks used ihese 4-year periods, or (c. 700-461 nce)
Olympiads, to date historical events. The games drew Although Athens, otr rhe Attic peninsula, became the
nren lrom every part rlf the Greek world and provided a cultural center of classical Greece, its initial development
pcacelul arena for the contpetirive spirit that was a great was slow. until 594 scr ir was governed by an aristocraric
iran of ancient Greek life until the Roman emperor council known as the Areopagus (ar-ee-op'-uh-gus),
Tlrt'odosius abolished them itr 393 cr. poets praised the which elected nine magistrates, or archons (ar'-kahns), an-
rvinncrs, and their grateful comnrunities showered them nually. Menuerslrip in the Areopagus was hereditary, and
with gifts. AII able.bodied Greek men panicipared in there was no written law. The archonsa who were always
sporls (wornen were not permiiled t() contpete). for they aristocrats, interpreted legal issues to.suit themselves.
Agrarian and Social Crisis. AriSrocratic.dominance draccnian has'become a byrvord {or severity. However,
and rhe gradual depletion of rhe soil eventually pro- the agrarian problem remained. political tensions,i
duced an agrarian crisis. Most Ar.henians, like most remained hig\.until the election of Solon as the sole:
Greeks, were small farmers who grerv wheat and barley archon in 594. ncr.
arrd tried to maintain a few vines and olive trees. Wheat
yields probably averaged about 5 bushels per acre; bar- Solon's Reforms. Solon (Soh'-lun) canceled out-
ley, 19. Such yields are normal for unferrilized, unirri- standing debts, freed many slaves, and forbade the use of l
gated soils in almost any region and are generally a cit;zcn's person as collateral. He created a written cop-
enough to guarantee subsistence bur little more. When stitution and broadencd the social base of the Athenian
yiclds began declining in the early seventh cenrury BcE, goyemmenr by' creating a popularly elected Council of
Attic farmers had to borrorn,from the aristocrars ro sur- 400 as a check on the powers of the Areopagus. His eco-
vive. Inevitably, harvests failed to improve, and citizens nomic ideas were less successful. While trying ro encour-
wlro defaulted were enslaved atrd somelimes sold age commerce and industry, Solon prohibited the export
abroad by their creditors. of rvheat and encouraged thrt of olive oil. Consequently,
Dissatisfaction with lhis state of affairs, and witl.r the larger landholders, seeing profit in olives and other
the endless blood feuds among aristocratic clans, led cash crops, took wheat land out of production and
to a short-lived tyranny in 612 ncr. Eleven years later, Athens became permanently dependent on imported
a senrilegendary figure named Draco (Dray'-coh) grain, most of which came from the rich plains north of
passed laws against aristocratic violence so harsh that the Black Sea. ]'his lneant that, in later years, Athenian
40 Chapter 2
w,ff rill;Y,!lf ill,T fiil,tHil$t{F tf '6I 0 5
cxislct'l. and even the richest citizens seem to have slaves. As in M,,lsopotamia, killing a slave was a crime,
orvncd only a few Slave ar'.isans who toiled outside and the law guaranteed slaves their freedom (manumis'
rhcir uraster's home normally received wages, a fixed sion) iL they could raise lheir price of purchase.
portion of which was returned to their owner. This In addition to slaveb and free citizens, Athens boasted
pracricc tendcd to depre'ss the pay rates of free rvorkers a large population of foreigners. The city was a com-
.rnil e nstrred that manv citizens lived no better tiran the mercial center that, although located a few miles from
12 Chapter 2
.'ii,,Pind,r\ Ode tu an Athlcte i
j, Following his Olympic success, an athlete's native city {ten
commissionid a poem t..t honor him, as was the case pith
i this poem. PinCar (c. 5l8_418 ecr), best known for his 6des
,; honoring successful athletes, ,ryas a native.of Thebes andone
of thc greatest lyric poets of ancient Greecc. As he does bhre,
Pindar often included a brief warning against hubis, thAf.a-
g tal pride t\at leads men rc challenle the gods.
.,"For Phylakiitas of ,4egina,Winner in theTiial ::
: of Strength" :i
'n In the struggle of the games he,has won
the coast, had a bustling port at piraeus. Unlike somc The Status of Women in Athens. As in other soci-
Greeks, the Arhenians welcomed foreign ideas-and eties, historical sources are apt to be legal documents or
capital inveslment. Although foreign resident: could not literary works written from the male point of view. Thcse
participate in public life or own real estate, they were documents do not always reflect the real experiences of
wcrr treated and many became wealthy. The merchants women and somerimes present a misleading image of
among them controlled much of the citv's cornrrerce. and even irrelevance. Thus, their true
41 Chapter 2
I:tt;rtttt:2.7 Plnn oJ a Grcck
I-lousc, This ltorrsc wati part ol a rt,si-
ricnlial bhx'k ()n tllc south skrpc ol tlrr.
n rc()[)a,jus irr Atlrcrrs. Judgirrg lry irs
size arrrl krcaliorr n(.ar lhc tr'rrlcr ol
l{r!vrr, it l)r(,l,al)ly hckrrrgcd lo a l)r()s-
lx'r()us lra(lesrnan. Tlrc drawirrg orr thi'
lclt shows ils location rclativt to ()thcr 1\
l,uilrlirrgs in lhc block and t<l tltl agrrra. i
l'lrc stalls of thc ag.rra are shown ar llrc
t()l) l(,ll,cthcr with thc sloa, or covcr cd
Jrortico, lhal pr(rtcflcd thcm frorn sun
arid rain. Thc drawing lo th(, righl
shows lhe probablc fulrctron ol thc
rtxrrns. Thc shadcd arca was uscd only .
t)y rne n. Note that the men,s and
rv()m(.n's arcas of .thc h,ruse I ad scpa- /
ratc cntrances {arr()ws) and tltal no in----
lcrior acccss appcars hclweer,t thcln. l 1
o 'P-
IT :
vival of their families ancl that guaranteed them a free- arrangemenrs were widely accepted. The Greeks, how-
dom of ntovement unknown to their wealthier sisters. ever, did not view homosexuality as an orientation tha;
Sirch women, however, normally lacked the protection of p:ecludc"d sexual relations with women or a conven-
an economically stable and politically privileged famili.. tional family life. Funhennore. homoselual promiscti-
it1 could ruin a man's repuration or lead to exile, arid
Prostituti ln. Segregation of th6 sexes an ac_ many regarded it as inlerior to married love.
ccplance of male extramarital relations with slave and As in many other cultures, Greek men and women
foreign women. prostitution was common, and at the may have belonged in ef.ect to separate societies that
higher leVels of sociery, Athenian men valued courte- met only in bed. If true, this would also acc,tunt for the
sans. or hetairai (het-eye'-ree), as companions at ban- widespr:ad acceptance of lesbianism. Greek men may
qLlets and other social occasions from which respectable not have cared about sex between women because it
wonlen were excluded. Courtesans were often highly did not raise the rSsue of inheritance. The term lesbiat'
educated. Some-such as Aspasia, rhe misrress ritne cones from the Ionic island of Lesbos, home of Sdppho
lifth-century statesman pericles-achieved consider- (c. 610-580 acr), a \voman and the greatest'of Greek
able fame and could hold their ovrn ip intellectual dis- lyric poets. Euiopeans of a later age found her erotic
c()urse, but they were still regarded as prostitutes. poems to other women scandalous (see Document 2.3),
Asllasia ended 'rer.days as the madam of an Athens and their renown has perhaps unfairly eclipsed thr.
lrltltheI. much wider range of her work in the minds of all but
the most determined classicists.
Homosexuality. Hornosexuality, too, was regarded Although Athenians, like other Greeks, were re,-
lry rrrany Gieeks as normal, and in some cases praise- m4rkably open abour sexual matters, they did not
\vonhy (see Greek Attitudes Toward Sex and lvtarriage). abandon themselves to d.-bauchery. Self-control re-
Soldiers, for example, wcre thought to fight more mained the essence of rhe ideal citizen, and the Greeks
bravely when accompanied by ttreir ntale lovers. Many admired sexual resrrainr as much as they admired mod-
ol tlrese relationships formed in the gymnasia, where eration in the consunlption oi food and drink and phys-
nren of the citizen class trained for war or aahletics. It ical fitness. A man rvho wasted his wealth and cor-
was nol uncontmon for a youth to b(.come sexually in- rupted his body was of no value ro rhe polis, which was
volved wilh an older man who then s3rved as his men- always at risk and demanded nothing less than excel-
tor in intellectual as well as athletic matters. Such lence in those who would defend it.
46 Clnpter 2
I'!:::;;cl.'s Dialogue on Loue lAfter mwch argument, Dayhnatus responds:l ,'lf we exawine
Dcbatcs (or dialoguesl over thc rclalive mcrits of homoscx- the truth of the matter, Protogenes, the passion for boys and for
r.ral anci hctcroscxtral
trcmcn derives from one and the same Love, but if you insist on
love wcrc conrmonplace in ancicr-rl
disunquishing between them for argument,s sake, you will
Crcccc. Plutarch, uris dehate,s aLlrlor, lived in the firs1 ccn- fnd
lury cE. Hc was an avid p'opagarrdist for Hellen jc valucs, that the Love of boys dces not comp )rt himself decently; he is like a
l,rte issue, born unseasonably, illegitimate, and shady, who drives
arrd his works arc thought to rcflcct the attitudes of thc age,
out the elder and legitimate love. It was only yesterday, my
FIerc, Protogenes, who believes that wrrrnen are incapable of fiend,
ar lhe day before, after lads began to strip and bare themselves
tnre feeling or inteltect, argues thet love is almosr hy dcfini- foi
lion homoscxual. His friend Daphnaeus, who exercise that it oept surreptitiously into the gymnasia with its al-
rcpresents Plutarch, vehemently disagrees. Iurements and embraces, and ,hen, littte b.y little, when it had
Ie dge,J its wings fr,;il in the palaestras, it could no longer be held in
" Do you call marriage
and the union of man and wife clte:k; now it abuses and befoub that noble conjugal Love i,rhkh ,
ful?" interposed Daphnaeus, ,,there can he no bont mlre sacreLt.,, assures immortality to our mortal kind,
for by procreation it rekin-
"Such unions are necessary dles our nature ..uhen it is extinguishcd.
fa, the pfopgation of rhe .ace,',
said Protogenes, "and so our lawgivers have been careful to endow "Protogenes denies there is ple,zsurein the L,,ve of boys: he does
them with sanctity and exalt them before the populace. But of true ;o out of shame and fear He must have some decent pretext
for ail
Love the women\ apartment has no shred. For my part I deny tachment to his young beauties, and so he speatcs :tf
fr,iendship and
that the word "lovc" can be apptrcd to the sentiment vou exce llence. He coverc himself wilh athlete,s dust, tal gs cold
feel for baths,.
women and girls, no more than ,love, raises his eyeb-ows. and declares he is chastely pl.,tosophizing_to
Jlies can be said to milk, or
bees h ney, or victualers and Zoolcs can be said to have oulward view and because of the iaw. But when night
amorous falls and
feelings for the be eves and fowl they fatten
in the dark . . .. A ito_ all is quiet then 'sweet is th; fruit when the keeper is gone., ',
ble love rvhich attaches to a youthfu.'
[male] spirit issues in excel_ Sorrrce: Plutarch, -Dialogue on -ove,- in ed. and trans. Moses
lence upon the path of
friendship. Frcm these desires for women, Haclas, On Love, the Family,.and the Good Life: Sekcted Essays of
even if they turn out well, one may enjoy only physical pleasure Ptutarch (New York: Menror Books, 1957, pp. 307_30g).
and tlrc satisfaaion of a ripe body.,'
Messr nian War (c. 650 ncr) the helots of both communi_
the councillors for life. Unlike Athens, Sparta restricted
ties rose against their masters and; with rhe heln of some citizenship to thosc who'owned land. elihougntfr..itl
rrciglrlroring ciries, came close to destroying the Spanan ilen assembly voted by acclamation on all important
state. The survival of an independent Sparta required a
inatters, the ephors usuaLy negotiated the decisions in
corr])lere reorganization of their society. advance before presenting them to the r teetings for ratr
ification. There seems ro have been little of the vigorous
Lycurgus and New Spartan Government. The public debate that characterized Athenian society.
Sparrans artributed their reorgar"tizarior.t to the leg_
cndarr' figure of Lycurgus (Lic-kur,-gtrs), but rhe new Life in the Spartan polis. The aristocraric character
Pr.rclitt,s alrnclst certainly cvolved over tin)e. By the o. Spartan government st"uck Greeks as old-fashioned,
IiItlr ct'.tu11,BCE, thc nr'narcl-ry,s influer.rce had bec.r'e hut they adurired its effectiveness and stability. The so-
sr'\,crcl)' linrired. A Council of Elders, conrposed of cial system over which tLe government presided was
rrvcnrr'-eight lnen over the age of 60, advised thcnt and stranger. Fr0m the sixth century BcE onward, everything
scrvcd as a kind clf appellate court in reviewing their le_ in a Spartan'-; life was subordinated to the security of thc
{al decisions.Tlte ephors (rlf,-ors), a cornmirree of five, polis (see Document 2.4). Infants who appeared physi
ran ll)e govcrnrrellt. Thly cor-rducted foreign policy. cally unfit were killed. At age 7, males were taken from
n,atcheri ovcr the helots, and could, if necessary, rtver_ their mothers and trained to fight, endure pain, and sur-
ridc the rnilitary t'lecisions of the kings. Bc,th gr()ups vive y7i15nut supplies in a hostile countryside.
rvere clected by an assembly composed of all Spartan
At age 20,
tlrey entered a phiditia (fid-ish'-ee-a), a kind of barracks
nrales over thc agc of 10, the eph<lrs for I -year renrs, community where rhey would live for most of their
In this lyric, Sappho, a poetess {rom the island ol Lesbos, roses and your sapling throil
larnents her parting lrom a woman she loved. It is evident neckle$ of a hundred blossoms;
ftat the families 9f the two women, or some other third your young fksh wa ich with kingty
party, perhaps a husband, has forced their separation. as you lean( near my b,rgasts on
sofi couch whery deliwu girb
So I shall never see Atthis apin, ".
rl all that an tonian uull defire; :
and really I long n be dead,
we,went to evgy hill, !.|k:,i
although cried biturly
when she left and said to rns,
holy place; ant|.when early tpring., ,::,
"Ah,what'anighilarewesuffercd ,' :" . i. . ., :; ,
Ithe woods with noises oj blrds , ,1
a choir of nightingales-we"twti
I sytear I go unwiliingly.'
And I answered, "Go. and be nappy. if:'in soliude were wandeing therti."
But remcmber me, for sure\r you :. ..
. S,ffce: Sappho :To Arthis,l in lvillii Barnstone, Greek Lyrit
know how I wonhippedyou. If not, : (\brv york santarn Bools, 1962). By permission,of VJillis l
lives. The phiditias dined in public or-r Hyacinthian Street Spartan Foreign Poiicy. The constant threat of
in thc same mess tents thcy used in rvar. These rjinners, helot insurrection made Spartans wary of foreign en-
ral her rhan the life of thc' agora, provided Spanan males tanglements, and the Spartans followed a policy thal
rvith lnost of their social interaction. was traditionally ciefensive and inward-looking. This
Although allowed to marry, younger Spanans could changed in the course of the fifth century ncr, when
visit their wives only in secret, and family life in the or- the Persian invasion and the subsequent expansion of
clinary sense was discouraged. 3ecause the Spartans Athens lorced them to take a more active role. They
rvrote little, we know nothing of their attitude toward would eventually be drawn irrto a fatal rivalry with the
homosexuality, but, as Greeks who found them odd in .rrthenians, whose army was inferior but whose supe-
every other respect did not mention ir, it must have been rior navy and greater wealth made them formidable an-
similar to that of th: Athenians. Their neilitary obligatiorr tagonists. The story of those struggles forms the politi-
ended only at the age of 60. To the Spartan, etemal vig: c;il b,ackground of thb Greek'classical age.
iiance was the price of survival. Unrike most Greeks. rhey
periodically expelled fortigners from the state as a secu-
rity precaution. TIade bnd agricultural work were forbid- Trtr PEnstnN Wnn
clen them; fitness, discipline, and courage were prized.
(499-479 scE)
The Status of Women in Sparta. Spartan women
Greek isolation fronr thc turbulent politics of the Asian
\vere renowned throughout Greece for their indepen-
land mass came to an abrupt end with the, advent of the
clcrrce and assertiveness. They appeared in public. rode
Persiarr War of 499479 scE. The tiny :.tates whose
lrorscs, and said what they thought. Because the Spartan
competition with one another had tong ;ince beconre
rvarrior paid dues to his phiditia from the proceeds of land
rvorkc'd by the helots, that work was supervised to some
traditional now faced the greatest military power the
world had yet known.
cxtent by Spartan women. Althorrgh not e:ipected to
Iight. women received extensir e physical training on the The Persian Empire. The Persians were an Indo-
theory that a strong mother produces strong children. European people fron'r ,the Iranian highlands who
Spartan women dressed simply and wore no jewelry. €rrrerged in the sixth century BcE as the dominant
They could hold land in their own right and were capa- pCwer in the vast region between Mesopotamia and
ble of dealing with hostile and rebellious helots. Their India. By the end of the sixth century BcE, the ruling
c()urage, like that of the Spartan men, was legendary. elite had adopted Zoroastrianism, a religion preacheci
48 Chapter 2
DrscRrpfloll oir n Spnnrarq CHtLpHoop \ ' :. ;:
XENc)r HoN's :_
to Lr..
Lv the 'Wardm"
rrutucn aJ he 6
as ne called. ne
is cauea, give tn6
ae gave pe60n authonty
this-penon to ';;...----l-
authority t0
doubt then' that allthis edug1rtil;
,them severely in cnse of m, sandud. He also assigned' to him the boys more resourge;ful try
a staf of youttu provtded uth whips to chastise them inen ;. fighling 'nefl'' ' :.: ' r: ,;:''"r+$j''Y-l: :l
ne&sstry. . . . rnsteoA oysopni; ;;; i;;;t-';;;i';';; ,'- -;E
,o,,,.., x.oopi,o,, ,r. .j#ii;fitfui
quired them to harden their fea by g"tng withot t shoes. He ii"ori.i."i cr"rrdi
believed .'. soip,
i '-"'
.l '"
more easily and descend steep stopes with tess dange ;; r;;r;;; ,f
letting them be pampered in tlu matter of :bthing. he introduced Questio4: What was the purpose of
the custom of wearing one garment throughout the yea4 believing
scilbed ih dris passage? ;r '; ." :
't,-;a !
lj:: ',
. ..i;tr :r:
by the prophet and reform.. ?,r.our,.r (sometimes the Great conquered the kingdom of Lydia in 546 scr.
called Zarathustra). A dualistic sysrem in r^,hich Ahura Located in southwestern Asia, Lydia was heavily influ-
Mazda, the god of light, truth, and goodness contends enced bri Greek culture and famous .or its wealth. The
eternally wirh Ahriman. rhe god of darkness and evil, Lydians are credited with the invention of modern
Zoroastrianism conderrrned images of the gods and coinage. Under the fabulously wealthy king Croesus
maintained the highest of ethical precepts. Its radical (Kree', Lydia estaolished a'loose dominance ol'er
distinction between good rnd evil influenced early the Ionian communities'of thi western Aegean. When
Christianit_v, and Ahriman has been seen by some as a Lydia fell, the Persians assumed control of its Greek de-
protorype of rhe Christian Satan. pendencies. ln'499 scr, several Ionian states rebelled
Under Cyrus I "the Great,, (c. 595-529 BCE) the against local ruiers bacl<eo by persia and asked main-
Persians conquered Babylon, together with Egypt, Syria, land Greeks to help. Sparta, worried about the intelhal
Palestine, and rnosl of southwest Asia. Like the Assyrians, threat of helot rebellion, refused, but Athens arid the
the Persians used cavalry, rlany of thenr armed with 'Euboean
city of Eretrii (Air-uh-tree'-ya) sent twenty-
bows, to pin down rhe,ener.ny's infantry trntil their own Iive ships. Athenian rhetoric stressed their city's ancient
inlantry cotrld destroy tlrer.rr. But trnlike the Assyrians. and senri'nental ties to lonia, but the Athenians also
Pcrsian goventnteltt of colrquered pcoples -,vas ger-rerally feared a threat to tlreir vital supply of grain imported
bt'nign. It avoided atrocities, excepl in casc,s ,of ou.tright frorn the Crimea if Pc'rsia controlled the approache-s to
rcbellion, autl asked only that new subjects pay rribure the Black Sea.
and provicle troops {or the arrly. Because tlte persians In a short-livcd triumph. the lonians and their.allies
typically preservetl local ir.rsriturions, many parts of the managed ro burn Sardis, the Lydian capital. persia soon
lonller Assyrian Erlpire welconred them as liberators. reestablished control over southwestern Asia and in
190 ucE dispatched a reraliatory expedition against
Origins of the Per:sian-Greek Conflict. Greek in- Eretria and Athens. The Persians destroyed Eretria, but
volvemenl with the persian Empire began when Cyrus Athens fought and defeated the persian ilrmy; 3s
50 Chaptu 2
> frrc;t,nti 2.8 Pcrsian. rrat sca. Grecce was now rjiviclcd into two-increasirigly
()uard of thc Period qf the
ii €()nrt)ctilivc alliancc systcms. i
I)arsian Wt rs. Part ol a largcr
lrit'zt' rnarle ol polychrorrrc
glazctl bricks rlcpi<ring rows ol
The Delian .,nd Pcloponnesian Leagues. The'lizc
grrards, pcrhaps tlrc "inlnor-
its flcct rnadc Athcns the drlrninant partner in thc
tals" who nradc rrp thc king's )clian Lcague, and although rhe Arhenians initigll,;r
pcrsonal lxrdygtrerd. Fror the maintaincd the rhcroric of friendship, they used thb{a}-
Paface <rf Darius I 1522486 Iiarrcc to further thcir own purposcs. Undcr Cimqn,s
iic':) at susa. ' leadcrship, Athens sor"rght to control grain supplies iny.he
,r, Aegean and to improve it; access to shin's timber Fnd
'.1, precious metbls by seizing lew territory. Heavy tribgtes
Thc trireme was thc basic Greck warship of the Persian and {.-l
Pcloponnesian Wars. A developmenl from earlier desigtrs, its 's::
distinguishing feature was the addition of a third rarrk of ',tr
rowcrs, seated nearest the watet who provided greater s
specd and ramming power. The Tfireme Trust reconstructed $
thc trireme Olympias, shown here in sevcral photographs, on
thc basis of ancient evidence, and the Greek navy commis- l
t;: .
dous flowering of high culture in the classical or Periclean Persian allies, but when several Delian alli.1s rebelled
age (sec Chapter 3); others havc lreld that it fueled the in- against the arrogance of Athenian leadership, Pericles
creasingly aggressive and reckless character of Athenian agreed to a 30 years' peace. He balanced his skills as an
lxrlicy. The two arguments are not incompatible. oiator and .popular leader with prudence, but the
peace, which enabled Athens to recover its strength and
The Beginning of the Peloponnesian Wars. ln reorganize its empire, lasted only l4 years. In 435 sce,
rhe First Peloponnesian War (450445 BcE) the Delian war broke out between Corinth and Corcyra. Corcyra
League defeated both the Peloponnesians and their was a former Corinthian colony in the Adriatic that had
52 Chaptn 2
' ':llt lion in'nsn-
under: 'nrn9
r, ir:
ti::i''. 4Eif.ho.4',qtil,
rclnedthgm; S
it{;';--l::.-' '.*
been neutral in the First Peloponnesian War. The and killed one-third of the people gathered rhere. The
Athenians feared the l()ss of their naval dominance if historian Thucydides (Thoo-sid'-uh-deez) described the
Corcyra's powerful fle et fell jnto Corinthian hands. symptoms of the disease in great detail, but they do not
When Athens allied itself with Corcyra, Corinth correspond precisely to anything in modern mediciire.
protested to the Peloponnesian League, claiming again An enraged public drov: Pericles from office. They re-
that the Athenians wanted total hegemony over all the called him. but he died soon after of the pestilence, and
Greeks. Attempts at negotiation failed, and in 431 scr rhe city eventually abandoned his defensive polir.ies.
the Spanans invaded tlLe Attica peninsula. , '.The more aggregsive stratggy
advocated by Cleon, who fol-
The Second Peloponnesian War. Realizing that 'lowed Pericles as leader of
the Spanans could not be defeated on land, Pericles the popular faction. at . first
allowed them ro occupy rhe Athenian countryside. succeeded. The Athenians
People from the rural demes crowded into the city. fomented popular revolu-
Although the Athenians mounred cavalry raids tions in a nun:ber of cities
against Spartan garrisons, the major thrust of its pol- and supporteC democratic
icy was to launch amphihious expeditions against factions within them while
Sparta's allies. Pericles reasoned that because Atnens the Spartans predictably
was wealthy and its fleet conrrolled the seas, the ciry backed their opponents. The
could survive on imports for up to 5 years before fur- Athenians then fortified
ther tribute had to be demanded from members of Pylos on the western coast of
the Delian League. Spi rta's Peloponnesian allies were Messenia and defeated a
nrore vulnerable and would, he thought, sue for Spartan fleet that had becn
peace within 3 years. sent to drive them out. Mole
than 400 Spartans had to
The Plague at Athens. Unfortunately, a grear plaguc' take refuge on a nearby is-
struck Athens in the second year of the war (432 ncr) land. This was a significant Pericles
. Based on the Documents in this chapter, how did I InfoTtac College iddition
Greek mythology and the poems attributed ro Visit the source collections at http://infotrac.thomson
Homer influence the developrfent of Greek culture? ar.d use the search functiorr
the fol-
. Using Athens as an example, how would you de_ lorving key terms.
scribe the development ()f the polis from its ori_ Using Key Terms, enter the search r .rms:
gins to the emergence of a democratic svstem of Greek history Peloponnesian War
. Why did Spana develope,i into a conservarive mili_ Using the Subject Guide, enter the search term:
tary state? Greek mythotogy
. How did the Delian League become a kind of
Athenian empire, ar.rd how did this development
contribute to the coming of the peloponnesian Wars?
ll^|{l,YClrr|:Cl1nNt)|.I.sN|r|C|-|l]o|{s '4,
-!: '
Tltc Eastcrn Mc<litcrrarrcap linkc<l thc ancicrrt world arxl provitlcd a matrix for thc growlh of civiliz;.rtions in Grc'ccc antl thc ;s
M irl<llc East. Noticc rhcir simultarrcous cvcntsj-thcir bcginrrings, conqucrls. and migrations. Thc rcasons bchind the conncctions,
aswcllaslhcirrelationship.ifany,tothcbcgirrningsofthe lronAgc,rcmainunclcar NolicctoothcctlmpetitionbclwecnGreekc
.rrrtl Phoenicians frrr colonics, . nd Phocnicia's hcad slarl. In Grcccc l)roper, thc lottg period oflcn rcfcrrcd to as thc Grcck Dark Agcs
crrrlctl in rhc cighth ccntury with thc inlnrduction of tht' alphatrct (lhc beginnings of Grcck litcraturc) and the Hoplitc phalanx.
] 500 scr -ll-- l4OO Bcg-'/y'- l2O0 sce -#- 8OO scr 7OO sce 60O scr 50C sce 400 acn
G nrece
*Bcginnings of Mincan Civllization on Crete
rMycer.aean Conquest of Crete (l4OO) - +
Greek JJark Ages (c. f2UF8{X))
Dorian and Ionlan
Phrygians Defeat.Hittites
'Introduction of an Alphabet
*flomer's The lliad (fl. 850)
Hoplite Phalanx f ntruduced
*Hesiod's Work and Days
Mtpprr Eesr
*Begirrnings df Egyptian.€ivilization
*Beginnings of Mesopotamian Civilization
56 Chapter 2
#$etptn 3
Gnrrn CurruRE Ar{p Irs
F{ rlui\TrsTrc DrrrusroN
f,.-1h lZl Rce, ar Baclra in whar is now Uzbekisun, Alexander rh,: Great
,{ maried Roxana, a princess from Sogdiana, dividing a loaf of bread with
her according to the local custom. Al'eran.lcr had never been mucb interested
rn women. Hc had led his army ol Greeks and Macedonians to the-furthest
Iimits of the known world, conquering Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Lre persian
Empire. This marriage had nothing to do with love or even with politics in
tire normal dynastic sense. It wa: to be a visible symbol of the unity between
cast and wesr, a r,nity that Alexander believed necessafy if his con<;trests
were to be preserved. By?ll acct,unts, the wedding ceremony offendeil
his Greek followers without greatly impressing his new Asian subjects.
.\lexander died 3 years later far away in Babylon. Shortly thereafter, his gen-
erals rnurdered Roxana and their infant son in an effon to simplify the prob-
lem of Alexander's inheritance; although this piece'of political thea; r ended
badli,, ir was nor enrirell, without meaning.
For all its violence and insecurity, the age of the penian and pelopcnnesian
Wars had been for the Grecks, and in panicular for Athens, a tirne o! unparal-
leled creativity. The inrensity of life in the midst of almost perpetual crisis
called forth rheir best efforts, not only in wdr an<il politics but also in a.rt, litera-
ture, and philosophy. The conquests ofAlexander s-tread Greek culture anC
values to the limits of the known world. The process, however, was one of dif-
f usion rather than imposition. The peoples of the Ivliddle East retainc"!-
own identities while adopring
Greek ideas, and the Greeks
changed through contacts with
ancient siyiliznllgn5 whose :ul,
t ural norms di{lered' radically
lal)lcr 3 bcgit.s witlt a discttssiott ol llrt' art. lilcraltt'e,
rrtl tlrorrgltt protluccd by Crcck civilizaliort at ils l)cak. lt
tlrcrr describcs how Philip It tll'Maccdon look advanlagc i!'
58 Clnptu 3
rhar lrist,ry tlr.rcrirrt'r('r)(,als itscrf. Ir r;;rc krr'ws
rrasr. ir rh.rrl<l bc lxrssillk' l, av<li<J sinrilar ,risrakcs in
thc. Irrlurt, (scc Docrrrrrr lrt 3.1 Other culturcs
1. had be_
licvcd that history ntrjvcs in cyclcs ancl that, as
thc lrib_
lical arrtlror of Ec. lcsiaslcs said irr a nolablc
l.r' .lcwislr tradilion, ,,tllcrc is n' new thing trnde r the
sun." Bur rlrc Grccks, beginninli wirh Thucydidcs,
rhis ancicnl r.totion to jusrtly the systematicstrrdy
of his_
rory. lr was am()ng thc their.achicve-
tr)cnts. Marry of thc beilcr Roman 'riginaihislorians
'f studied
Irisr.ry t, av'id the milakcs .,f thc past, and
the idea.
rcvivcd dr rirrg the Retreissance, remaincd
rrnril wcll inro the lwentieth, century.
Architecture in Classical Greece. Greek arr, 1oo,
scrvcd. public purloses. .{lthoug}fa
fine aesthetic selrse
cxre nded ro eve ryday objects such
as je,welry, armor,
and dec'rared pottery, thc greatest
artisiic achievement
of ancient Greece was its monumental
sculpture and
architecrure. The Greeks builr temples
to the gods who
protected thc polis or tc house the
oracles wlro n trrey
c,nsuhed on all important occasions.
These structures,
r.r,hose function was as much
civic as religious, were
subrle adaptati(r;)s of earlicr Egyptian
or Minoan ideas.
Consrrucrion was basic porr_*d_tintel;
the g-,nius lay
in rhe proportions and the details. an
lnner sancruary
'l::: l:orrsed the statue of the dei,y the
heart of
the temple. It was surrounded Ly a
colonnade sup_
porting a sloped roof with triangulir
pedimenrs ar each
end. Greek archirects made thJcolumns,
which might ttatrs. {e*
or might not have decorated .rpi,t;,
dle and tapered them genrly to*u.l
;j;er at rhe mid_
the top rf, counter_
acr the optical illusion known as p6t,,//ax,
therebv mak_ does Thucydideb
ing them appear straight. The frieze,
,tr" ."oul"irr",
and the p€diment; were decorated
with sculptured re_
liefs of gods, goddesses, and hero:s.
Sculpture in Classical Greece. Greek sculpture was
concerned almost exclusively *il
,h.;;-,rr"yat of the
hunran.figure. Early statues had a formal,
abstract qual- tastes. Like the conventit.rns of Greek architecture,
ity, with a power and dignity that reflecred they
jecs: gods, goddesses, heroes, their sub- have been restored to tenirorary a"*r""r,..
and athletes. Male figures Uy classic re_
were almost invariably nudes, a preference 'zivals in more modem times.and remain
that reflected an underlying
the Greek_willingness to appear naked oart of the Westem visual tradition.
in games and on
thc battlefield and that non_Greeks found
;;;C;; - Unfonunately, rhat vision may be hisr ,rically mis-
leading. lvlost of Greek arr-was destroyel
the early, or archaic period, fe male by the early
figures were invari- Christians, who saw ir as idolatrous if noi
abll' ,:lorhed. Gradually, during the s]xth obscene, and
cenrury BcE, modern raste has b.,en fornred largely by Roman
sculptors began to work toward a copies.
nore lifelikc image. Painting, which to ntany ancient Greeks
By the fifth century BcE, s(ulprors such as phidias *u, *or.-i*_
(Fid'-ee-us) had achieved a level lorqnt than sculprure, iras been lost enrirely. The
of skill that has never Greeks loved colot and sr'attres preserved
bcen surpassed. but realism war not only in their
their goal. Faces and un{ecorared state were once brilliantly painted.
figures reflect an idealized vision Some
of t rmai b.auty rarely even had pre<.ious stones for ey-es. The overall
seen in ltature. Female nudes, reflecting impres-
a sensuality sion must have bee n very unlike the serene
hitherto seen only in the portrayal of menlbecame appearance
nron. The aesthetic conventions developerl
com_ tliat later generations associated with classicism,
by phidias and
and. rhe. fourth-century BcE master praxiteles the more refined modern critics of tt e eigh
(prax_sit,_ eenth and
uh-leez) trecame the basis of later Hellenisticand nineteenth cenruries would orobably haie
found the
statues gaudy.
lh c'msclvcs prinrarily with :!i:
60 Chaptu 3
THg EvolurroN or Grurx SculpTuRE
Crcck sculpture clranged .lranratically during the Persian and have become three dimensional and natural, althorrgh fiill
Pelo;ronnesian ',Vars. Works from the sixth century BcE are idealized. Sculprors still sought to ponray perfect beauty ir a
generally rt ferred lo as Archaic. Ihe figures usually appear in sercnc, atmosphere. Womer were often ponrayed in the nutle.
a full frontal pose or in profile and have a static, {or,nal look. A century later, in the time of Alexander the Great scrqity
Male figures normally appear nude or nearly so; womcn are has been banished. The sculptors of the age used their tect,ni-
Iully clothed. By the middle oI the fifth c€ntury, rhe figures cal mastery to show emotion and violent movement.. .
) The figure on the left is a
kore (masc. koros| Irom the
.'.:1.-ni rn acropolis, c. 52n
ece. Figtrcs of this kind
were used as tomb markers
or votive statues and are
one of the most common
forms of early Greek seulp-
ture. Although more deli-
cately modeled than most,
this piece is still formal. two-
dimensional, and somewhat
abstract. On the righr is a
Roman copy of tlre famor.s
Aphrodite by Praxiteles.
Although the sratue reflects
a certain classical serenity,
the sensualiry,is, by earlier
Greek standards, renrark-
able. In archaic times, only
male figures rvere portrayed
in the nude.
pupil Democritus (Dem-nrock'-ruh-tus), held that oeople who lacked a moral code based on divine reve-
evcrything was conposed of atoms, invisible particles lation. Pythagoras (Pirh-ag'-oh-rus), who founded a
tlrat combined and separated to produce the various school at Croton in Italy around the year 500 scr,
forms of ntatter. Like the arguments of Heraclitus. it taught ethics based in part on his belief in the religious
found little supporr. cult of Orpheus. In the course of his studies, he discov-
If these early philosophers speculated on ethical ered the mathematical basis of musjcal harmony and
rllatters, their writings on the subject have been lost, decided that the fundamental organizing principle of
but the proper conduct of life was vitally important to the universe was numerical. This idea, like his theory
lr'rctl rrrlthilrg lcss lltan o ltrcsr'r'iptiorr frlr srrccuss irr ('xcql)tion ol tltt, 'lltna,'rrJ, .r lale r rllahrgrrc tlrat dcals wltlt ,
llri\,iltr nrrd putrllc llfi., Thclr tt'.rt'lrin1;s votlc(1, brrt rrrosl rrrsmokrpy onrl rrr.rlllerrratits, rrrosl ol l'lalo's cliakrg,ttcs 1;
rvrr(, fulrJecllvlefr, As Protirgrlror, tltc lDrr$l l'0rrrorrs cxp,irrc rpr(1,tlrrlrs of cllrlci, r,rllrdtlorr, t{ovcrntil(.rtl, 6fld r
0l ihcrr,r, said, *Man ls the measure., He mcant that iltc rcfiglrrrr. Tl*' Republlc describes thc idcal slare, in which
individual's pcisonal experience, however imperfect in philosophers rule accordinll to tltc highest principlcs of *
an absolule sense, is thc only conceivable birsrs for wisr,rrn, whcrcas the dialoguc 'Prllagzras argues aga;nst ';
knowlr:dge rrr judgnrcnr. Everylhin3 is relative to lhe' the felativi.rrr of thc SoJ.l1i.rr. '
individual's percepti0n. i.
The implications r,f this view we;qprtrfoundly dis- Platonic rdealism. Tlre irrrderlying principle of
turbing. Exrreme Sophists held that truth was objectively Plato's dialogues is the theo,;y of forms (see Document I
unknowable. Law and the polis were based on con- 3.2). Plato argued :hat the form of a rhing has an objec- ;
vention and mutual agreement, not fundautental princi- tive rcality of its own. This "universal" or idea of a thing l
ples. Some went so far"as to claim that jusrice was merely ,
exists.apart from any objecr perceived by tlre senses and ,'
the interest of the strong and that the gods had been in- can be -undcrstood only by ,the intelle,,'t. ,B.rcause the
vented by clever men as a ryleans of s<lcial control. senses are deceptive, understanding can be achieved
only through the k.lowledge of forrns. When extended
Socrates. Socrates (Sock'-ruh-teez, c. 470-399 zca) to srrch universal qlaliries as justice or beaurlr, .he the-
wrote nothing. Wandering the srreets of Athens, he ory of forrns becornes the basis for absolute ptandards
asked questions intended to revcal the responder,s un- that can be ap1 rligi to hulnan conduct, botl, public and
derlying assumprions about human values and.institu- priva'te. To Plato; the relativism bf the Sophists was an il-
tions. Using logic and irony, he would then qUes'ion the lusign. Platonic Idealisrn (als<l known as Realism, be-
validit , of those assumptions. affirnts tltr: reality of ideas) was one pole of the ,
His purpose, unlike that of epistenrological debate that wrrr-rld occupy iv.rt.rn phi- '
the Sophists whgm he other- losophl' {or cenruries. Sulijectivism was the other.
wise resernbled, was to {ind BecaLuse the argumenr dealt with what was real and
an objective basis for ethical whdt n'as knorn: able, the position of philosophers on
and political behavior. He epistemology influen'ced and in some cases determined '
made no promiser and took theil view of everything else,
no fees, but his qr,tesrions
wqre rarely ope4-enJed and Aristotle and the Study of Logic and Science.
made people feel foolish. Arigiotle (Air'-'-rs-srot-uhl. 38.t-322 nce) was the mosr :
Socrates tried the patience famous of Plato's pupils. After studying at platd's
of the Athenians severely. In Acaderny until,Plat-o's death, Aristotle served as tutor to
399 scn, they executed him the future conqueior Alexander the Great. In 336 BcE, '
for corrupting the youth of Aristotle established his own school at Athens-the
Athens and inventing new Lyce^unr. His followers were known in later years as the.
gqds. The charges were Peripatetics after the covered walkway or peipatos un-
largely speciclus and rt fle.cted der{whiclt th('y mel, Most'of the enormous body of .
Athenian wariness of chal- wot'k attribured to him appears to be deri ,zed from.lec,
lcrrges to the polis-Socrates, although himself of hum- ture notcs and other nraterials collected'by the
ble origins; {avrlred arislocracy as the ideal form of gov- Peripatetics in the course of thgir studies.
crnment and mocked democratic notions then in favor. Although he accepted Plaro's theory of forms, Aristotle
rejected the notion that they were wholly separate from ,
Plato. As a young man from an aristocratic Athenian empirical reality. He relied heavily upon observation, es-
fanrily, Plato lPlay'-toe,428-i47 acE) toyed with the idea pecialll, in his scientific work. Flis basic viewpoint, how-
ol a political career unril the aftermath of the Sicilian ex- eveq remained, like Plato's, te,leoiogical. Both thinkers, in
pedition and the execurion of Socrates convinced him that other rvords, believed that things could be understood i
ptllitics was inconrpatible with a good. conscience.' Around only in relationr to their end or purpose (telos in Greek). To
the year 387 scE, he founded The Academy on the out- Aristotle, for example, action"; must be judged in terms of ,
62 Chaptr 3
Itter fron turning theirlwads. further ttn ttgt t 1ri^ o
fire burning hlgher up and at a distanu behind them, and be-
tween thcfre and the pisonen and above
them a road along
which a low wall has been built, as the exhibiurc
of puppet-shows
have partitions before tru men themserves above
which thn show
the puppeu."
-,,r.". ,
64 Chopter 3
,, irr Mcst)lx)lanlia wlrcrr rhc schcmcs ,rt'rheir a'irrio,.,
' utrploycr nriscarricd. A lcadcr of lhc cxpeditior$ tht
' (c'. $1-350 writcr antl military lhcorist Xcrro+phrlrr
Hcl) lclr a riviiJ a(.counr of thcir march b tht
lllack Sca coasl ar)d salcty. Xt,rrophon a rcl rh,e care'br ot
,,. [lltarninorrdas slrow t'rat Grcck fighting nren ha{, losr
nolhinll ol thcir skjll and valor. Thc arristic. and intcl.
-, lcctiralaclticvirlcnts ol the fourth ccntrlry scr denron.
stralc ti)ai rhe culture was alivc and well. But forall its
cvidcnt vigor, Grcecc had bccome a political uu.,i,,rn.
ilitary t-cgacy of Philip ll' I'lrilip ll lcfi a formi- crrpcr<tr'Daritts a1 Isstts in prcse n''day Syria opcned the &
bk'lcgac'y. Nol only did hc t:lritc tltc Grccks, but lrc way to Phocrricia and Egypt. When'Ilrc and Gaza f'rll to J
r t rcatt'd lhc army with wlrich ltis son Alexandcr lll, tlre sicge engitr':s tlf thc Grecks, ligypt surrcndcred and
lrc (irc'at," wrlrtl<l c()r1(ltlcr trtttsl ol tlte ktrrlwlr world. Daritts offcrcd hinl evcrything wcst of the Euphratcs
rc lrc'art ol lhc Mac"clottiatt arll)y rclllaincd sonlc Ilivcr in rettlrlt l<lr lrcace. Alcxandcr, nrlw pharaolr tlf'
,000 cavalry arntcd willt swrtrd alrtl spcar, the so-callerl Egypt, rclused. Aftcr establishing a ncw Egyptian capi-
of thc king. Thcy wcre supported by in-
Irrrlrarriorrs tal, wh[ch hc named Alexandria aftcr hi;nself, he in'
nrry (lrawn up in the Maccdonian phaianx, a forma- vade d Mesopotamia.. Anothc'r victory ovcr the Persians
iorr rlrat dillcrcd substantially frotrl that of rhe hoplires. at Gaugarnela in present-day Iraq (331 ucr) opened the-
' t)casanls of Macctlonia cLruld not afford hoplite way ltr Babylon and ultimalely t<,' the Persian capitals of
iqrriprncirt, and lhcir geogrdphical isolation made in- Susa and Perseryrlis (prescnt-day Iran), whcre he was
Irsivc training difficult. Philip solved these problems by named Fmperor of Persia. After Darius was assassinated
rrarrg,,,,o 1,,., nren in deep formations and arming them by one of his own governors, Alcxander spent 3 years
irh spcars krnger than those used by the hopiites. l"y fighting in the east beforc his army lnutinied and forced
g,lrring in tightly closed ranks, the Mac-edonians could him to turn toward home. By this time he had pcne-
thcrclry prcsent an almost inipcnetrable front withottt tratc'd into wltat is now India.
hr: nccd lor highly specialized combat ;kills. . Nearly all of Alexander's maj<lr battles, on the
' lioplitcs were added to the Macedonian ranks as Granicus in Asia Minol at Issus in Syria, at Gaugamela
Philip's system of alliances grew. He also rt cruited mer- on the iipper Tigris, and on the Hydaspes in lndia, were
cenary hursemen from Thessaly, whic-r bordered brilliant cavalry actions in whi:h the infantry played
Macedon on the south, and supplemented his infantry only a secondary role. His sieges were consistently suc-
ith slirrgers, bovvmen, and javelin th,'owers. T\e ge- cessful, and his ability to hold a multiethnic army to-
nius of Philip (and Ale.xa.nder) lay in the ability to co- gether on hard campaigns in ur'familiar territory attests
ordinatc these varied elements and to make even the to an €xtraordinary capacity for leadership. Even after
cavalry fight as a disciplined tactical unil instead of as the Macedonians mutinied and demanded to return
individual champions. But the Macedonians were home, he preserved their loyalty by officially making
equally atlentive to the problems of siege craft. Philip them his kinsmen.
introcluced 1<l the Aegean world the techniques and His purposes, however, are not entirely cleat.. Many of
siegc engines developed by Dionysius, the [rant of his contemporaries sarv only personal ambitior. Arrian,
Syracuse, and used them successfully against lerinthus the chlonicler of his campaigns, said, "if he had'lc'und no
and tsy'zantium. He was planning an attack on the one else to strive with he would h,ave striven wiih hittr-
Persiarr Errpire when he was assassinated in 336 scr' self." Others, inciuding Plutarch,, detected mr"re noble
possibly at the instigation of his wife. nrotives \see Alexander the Greatl . Alexander's publicists
encouraged the notion of a vast state based on universal
brotherhood. He pro:laimed the equality of all subjecrs
Alexander the Great regardless of religion or ethnicitl and gave this policy
In 10 years \134424 rcE). Philip's son Alexander used tangible form by marrying Roxana,. a princess from
this formidable army to conquer the Persian Empire and Sogdihnh in central Asia.
extend his authority from Greece to Egypt and from H.jotuy also h-ve hoped to spread the benefits of'
Egypt to lndia. Alexander's Hellerfic culture, but Jre seems to have stressed this only
military exploits have rarelY in dealing with Greeks. Not all Greeks were convinced.
becn equaled, but his charac- They resented his acceplance of loreign customs and his
ter rc'ntains sonething of a tendepcy to claint, divine attribut:s when dealing with
mystery. After putting down a castemers. His idualism, if such it was, was accompa-
rebellion anong the Greeks, nied by utter ruthlessness and by a casual brutality ag-
the 22-year-old Alexander gravatcd by heavy drinking. When he died in 323 scr rtrlo Asia Mirior at at the age of 32, he left'no successors and only the most
the head of about 37,000 geneial plan for the governancc of his realms.
men. In ll4 scE, he defeated
the Persians at the Granicus
River in what is now TtrrkeY, Tnr Hnlr,rNISTlc KtNcPoMs
and in the following year, he
gained control of the Ionian
(323-330 scl) .
66 Chaptu 3
dorns dillcred widely fror
3.1. THs CoNqursrs oFAT.S>InNDER THE Gnrnr (SS+SZ4
scr) ANn rHr Hrr,lgNrsrlc Klrlcpoaas fHnr for.1oweo
0nc arr<l1lrer. If 1he l<inr
. dorn:; a certai, v,
sclcuc,.l rnonrrchy f
nccr ol Greck culturc,; tltt,
@l l,rr,lrnraic monarchy
,-, ,,, ,!n" ,,( n$uc | ,r",,,,,uu r*ugua llrotllerrrs wcrc Unique ar
! 1,"rg,,,,,"n" molarchy
I nnrigonid rronarchy
lor rrtorc it cehtu,
lhcy rrraintained a rivalr
that sornctimcs degencratr
lnl() ()l)cn war.
Foreign Policies of th
Hellenistic Monarchie
The chief foreign policy go
of the Ptolcmies was to prr
tect the Nile delta from fo
eign invasion. This require
the maintenance of a larp
navy and; from the Egyptia
point of view, control ovr
Phoenicia and the STria
coast, which supplieC th
Alexander's armies marched several thousand miles in the
fleet with timber and navr
coruse of his conquess. The stores. The Seleucids resiste
Hellenistic kingdoms founded by his generals remained
under the control of their de- Ptolemaic claims to Svr,a bt
scendants until the rise of Rome iq the first century
cause they needed th
Mediterranean ports t
maintain rheir trade with th
tncre was ncl immediate successor. The commanders at
west. After a series cf rvars, the Selerrcids ultirnatel
first divided the empire into governorships, wirh the in_ gained control of both S1,ria and palestine, but not befor
tention of preserving it for the conqucror,s unborn heir,
the Antigonids, too, became enran$ed in the neb t
but they soon fell to fighting among themselves. In the Ptolemaic diplomacy. Fearing an alliance between th
civil warr that followed, Roxarr-a and her solt, rogether ' Seleucids and the Antigonids. the ptolemies supporre,
rvith several of the generals, were murdered. Tlrree main
the growth of pergamum as a buffer state between th
successor states under Alexander,s generals A ntigonus. . two kingdoms and, whenever possible. stirred up ..nri
Seleucus, and ptolemy emergecl from the sharnbles.
Macedonian sentimenr in Greece. This usually .
vcrgblly adntirc<i. Among thosc who rcsislcd it tnosl pcr-
sistlrrtly wcrc thc Jcvrs. Thc dispcrsiotts of thc sixth cen- ?
n Hnr,r.tNisiidffi*t""; corrrnic:r turl ri( t: lt,r<l crcatcd a vast Jcwislt cxilc population. The U
largcst ttl lhcsc ctirnnrunirics'were in Alexandria and$
rhis marriaie contract, dated 3ll ncs; between Heracleides Bal.rykrn, but ,rirtually cvcrY city irt thc ancient world'h
and Demetria, n Greek couplt from the island of Cos on the had Jcrvish rcsidcnls. Most wcl c artisarls or stnall trades- n-
shores of fuia Minor, demonstrates how the status of women m(:;). Whilc somc evclrtually assimilaled to tltrc dcgree$
hacl improved srnce the days.of classical Athenian law. It not or anothcr, oth('rs gJthercd togethcr in closc-knit com-'
only mentions Demetria's mother but also takes the infideli' r.nunitics to J)rcscrve their rc,igious and cultural identity. $
ties of the husband as seriousiy as those oI his wife., In lsrae l artd Judaea, a remnant o[ impuverished l
p€SsilIits hcld on. reinforcco aftcr the Persian conquest i
Heracleides lakes Dcmctria of Cos as hk law!'ul wife, He receives
of Bairylon by small numbers of the dcvt;ut wh<l sought
he rfrom herlathet Wtine! of Cos, and from her mothen to l'etLl n to thcir homcland. In 516 IlcE thcy rcbuilt the
Philotis. He is a free man and she a free woman, She bings vith
Terlple at .lcrusalem. Not as grand as the Temple of '
her clothes and jeweh worth 1000 drathmas. Heradeides will pro'
Stilonr<ln, it served a) the center of Jcwish faith and as-
wde Demetria with all the requireniens of'1free woman,
,They pirations rrntil the Roman: destroyed it in 70 cr.
shall live il: whatever place seem: best to Leptines anil Heradeides'
If Demetria is four,d n lave rlone someking liliicti diigril$ hcr The Talmud. the glue that held the many Jewish'
husband, she shall bse everythtng she brought ri'i1(.hei..ln'd " cc,nrmunilies together was the teaching of prophets and
Heracleides shall amtse her befor e three ,nen chaien,by llr.p(r of dcvotion to the Law. as syrrtbolized by the gradual evo-
111" t t'Ier4stgi/ss shall not be permitted to wrong Denctria by lution-of th: Talmud from rhe fifth century BcE on- ,
keeptng anotircr woman m hauing cltildrer. by ot6fl1iry"t+6tnan, nor ward.'The Prophets, many of whose writings have been
to harm Demetria in atty uay under any pre&..lf ,H.lqkles k prcserved in the Bible. exhcrted the Jews to remain,
found n have done'such a thmg, Demetria shall auux him before {aith{ul. The Talmud is a collection of commentaries by
three men whom they shall have seleaed t tgether. Herarkides shall rabbis (the Jewish word for teachers), who sought to
then pay Demetria back the I00A drachmas she brought as dowry uncovcr the full meaning of thre Mosaic Law and apply
and a further 1000 dradtmas in Alemndian tilrll 6 recomPeflse it to every conceivable circuntstance. This process of
cornrnenlary. rvhich continlles t<lday, was celltral to the
From Pr€aux, Glaire, "Le Statut de la femme i l'€poquc hell6nis'
rique, principalment en Egypte,'in Julia O'Faolain and Iauro developlnertl <tf mature Judaism. but certain aspects of
Manines, Not in God's Image:Wonen in History from the Greek a the it iryere not unopposed. The biblical books of Jonah and
victorians (London: Templg Smith. 1973). of Rutir nray be veiled Prt.,iests agairtst what many saw
as an increasingly narrorv and overly proscriptive faith'
Question: What are the major differences between the le-
gal status of Demetria as a married womet.ald lhaq of the The Maccabee Revolt. In general, the Hellenistic
Athenian women aeicriUea in Chapter 2? ',:.:" monarclries followed a policy of toler;nce and granted
;' 1..,.,"r.'1 I ;..,..:r.;:. r:.:.:. t:.-i:itii{j:j.tfi,-.i}i!.,',,tr'.' Jev,ish cornmunities a lneasure of auto,nomy that al-
t'\ lowed thern to govern themselves by their own law.
'L'he conflict betw.'en Hellenism and Hebra'i5m was nev-
'erheless fundamental. A life lived accordin.l to divinely
revealed law was incontpatible with the ,(ireek lov€ of
prosperity. The Seleucids imposed no internal lrade bar- speculation and with aesthei.ic standards based on the
riers and guaranteed the safety of caravans a5 a matter beauties of natuie and the perfection of the human
of policy. Even when its leaders were fighting over body. That conflict became violent when the Seleucid
Alexander's inheritance. the entire Hellenistic world mrnarch. Antiochus IV Epiphanes (c.2l5-164 ecr), vi:
had been open to comnerce. ,\ merchant in Damascus olated the principal of tolerance by introducing the
or Babylon could trade unimpeded with Greece or w'orship o{ Zeus to the tenlple at Jerusalem. A revolt led
Egypr.The more adventurous sent their goods into India by the Mac cabees, the five sons of the priest
tlr traded with Carthaginians and Romans in the wesl. Mattathias. rc'sulted in the restoration of an indepen-
Pcrhaps the mosl enduring of Alexander's legacies was drnt Jervish state.
thc creation of a great world market in goodsiand ideas. Pharisees and Sadducees. In later years the dynasty
This, more than anything else, led to r hat traditionalists
forrnded by tlre 1436s3lrces ernbarked upon a policy of '
called a dilution of Greek values. Under the influence of
expansiotr and forced con\iersions to Judaism. This was
S),ria and Egypt, Greek legal traditions and even the sta-
opposed by the Pharisees, who sought a return to the
tus of women began to change (see Document 3.4).
law and to trad tionalJewish values. A bloody civil war
The Jews in the Seleucid Empire. Hellenistic cul- between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, as the sup'
ture, for all its richness and sophistication, was not uni- porters of the dynasty wert: known, ended only with
70 Chaptn 3
THr )lwtsH Srnucc[E AGArNsr HnlluNrsM uNDER THn Srlrucps
Thc First anci Sccirnd Book of Maccabces tells the slory o[ The Reuolt of the M,rccabees
thc struggle againsr thr hcllcnizing policies of Anriochus (1 Macc. 2:2i-27, 42-45)
Epiphanes from the standpoint <lf cSscrvant Jcws. Thc
books arc not found in the Hcbrew Bible but are acceptcd by
lAfter Antiochus ordered that the people of a Ji uish ,o*n.roirtro
Catholic Christians as pafl of the Biblical canon and by lo Zeu::l a Jew went up before the eyes of all o{ them to olfer sacri
ProtestaDts as part oI the Apc:rypha.This translati<tn is raken
fice as the king commanded . ., . And Maltalh:as saw him and wa
fr.rm the Apocrypha. Although each book has a dif{erent au-
Jilled with zeal, ar d his heart was stirred, and he was very Wop-
thor, they follow roughly the same chronolo;y.
erly roused to anger, and ran up and.slaughtered him upon the
altar. At the sa,ne time he Lilled the king's fficer who was tnting
The Hellenizing of Jewish Cu!:ure to compei them to saoifce,,an t he tore down the altar . . . Then
(2 Macc. 4:7-15) Matlathias cried out in a loud voice in the town and said 'Let
everybody who is zeaious 1r the Law and stands by the agreimer
Jason obtained the high priesthood by corruprion, promising the come out afi:r me. i.
king in his petition 360 talents of silver and gtt talents from other Then they were joined by a company oi Hasiileans, warlilce
revenues. When the king had unsentcC and he hqd taken ofice, Israelites, evety one a volunteer for the Law. And all who ha.l fle.
he immediately brought his countrymen over lo tl,e Greek way of to etcape harsh treatment joined them and reinforcea them . ;.
living. He set aside the royal ordinances :specially favoring the And Mcttathias and his friena:s went about and tore down th| al
new customs contrary to the Law. For he willingly established a found within the limits of tsrael. And they drove the anogan4be.
gymnasium right under the citadel, and he made the fore them, and the work prospered in their hands. So they rejqte,
finest of the
yc;mg men wear the Greek hat. And to sttch a pitch di,l the cultiva- the Law from the hands ofthe heathet and their kings, and'
tion of Greek fashions and the coming-in of
foreign customs rise . . .
would not let the sinners triwnph.
that the priests were no longer earnest about the services of the at- From lre Apocrypha, rrans. Edgar J. Goodspeed (New york: l
tar, but dkdaining the sacrifices, they hurried to tal<e part in the I Random llouse, 1959).
unlau,ful exercises of the wrestling school, after the summons b
the discus fhrowing, regarding as worthlesslhe things their Question: What was the cause oI the .rewish revolt again
thers valued, and thinking Greek stunTards the the Seleucids?
Roman intervention in 64 ncE and the abolition of the long been regarded as rhe properry of the king. a Lrg
moriarchy in the following year. Although political inde- and efficient bureaucracy.mdnaged royal monopoligs i
pendence was lost, the danger of .Hellenism had been essential goods and collected rhore than 200-diff,-irer
avoided. The Romans made no effort to interfere with taxes. The most impor'tant of these monopolies was i
the Jewish faith, and the pharisees emerged as rhe dom- grain. Roydl offlcials distributed seed ro the peasarits i
inant faction in religious lifc.-both at home and in the return fcr a subsrantial percentage of their yields. Tht
scattered communities of thc dispersion. I then srored the grain and released it to the export fna
ket when prices were high. Grain was Egypt's leadir
E3;,pt under the Ptolemies expon, and th: profits from this trade were immens
The crown also held a cc,mplete monopoly on the,prr
Egypt trnder the Prolemies co-rrrasted vividly with the duction'of vegetable oils (which it proteoed with.i t
decentralized ernpire of the Seleucids. Egypt was a far percenr duty on inrported olive oil) and partial monol
nrorc homogcneotis society than llrat of the old persian olies ou virtually every other commodity from meat r
Enrlrire, and Prolenry I (d. c. 282 rce) had lirtle difficulry papyrlls. Policy was based on extracting the maximur
irt subslituting his ou n nrle for that of the pharaorrs. amount of wealth from the country. By the middle ,
Altcr rcaching an accommodation with the c()untry,s re- the second century BcE, many peasants had becomc ,le
ligious leadcrs, he established a royal despotism that perare, but be ing in a narrow valley surrounded I
reachcd into every corner ol Egyptian life. With the ex- desert, they had nowhcre to flee. The ptolemies contit
ccplion of three Greek cities, only one of which was es- ued to pile up a great treasury until the fall of thrr d
tablished by the Ptolernies, all of the country,s land had nasty in 30 scr.
72 Chapter 3
Documrrtr 5.5
. i;. " :,i
THr Hrprocdimc Oars
. eand appren and judsment, but never with a view;i rnjury and
points mentioned do not accord with ancient
,n, "*iiri.
tice. The second dears with medicar erhics, bu' "1;iii *'i';;;;;;r:r:;;;r:T;:;W;;:,'
Greek practic r. di ,o, ro, will I suggar such a uuite. siitarty I will no
othcr Iiterature anributed ,o uippo"tui.r i"a irr sioot -
be ,, ) ,,rin*on n n,.<na, ta ta,,aa ^L^a:^- i--,i.)-:rt ,,.,'r: {:. '. "l
Hellenistic Literatut e and ,Lrt Hellenistic Art. painiing antl sculpture flourished as
Literature. Greeks of the classical era had never be'fore. Ancient comntentators claimed that
derived painring esllecialll, rcached unprecedented levels of
much of tl'reir identity frorn tlre polis and assurtred ex_
that cellcnce. Orving to the perislrable nature of the colors,
the gtxrd life could be liveci only wi.thin its
social frante_ all of ir has been lost. Irr sculprure, ;nuch of which has
ivork. In the great er.trpires of llellcnistic tinles,
that br'en preserved in Roman copies, m,rny of the best
lranrcrv<trk no l<lnger existcd. For the Greco_Macedonian
artisrs abandoned rhe serene classicism of phidias and
clite, cut off frrlrl their homelands and living
essentiaily Praxireles and sought to express emotic,rl through
as n)crcenarirs, the grarifications of private the
life gradually dranratic arrangentent of their figures, ai;onized facial
replaced those of the organic cornrnunity.
For the non- expressions, and exaggeratid muscular
Greck masses with their long history of subjection te nsioh. The ta_
to mous statue of Laocodn and his sons is an ouBtanding
alicrr cnrpires, there was no issue: only
lhe individual and exanrprle. Others chose humble figures from everyday
Philosophy. Hellenistic philoscrphy, roo, reflecred rhis eariism. Epicuii rs (Ep-i-cure'-us, 341-270 ecr) was born
shift in values, abandoning political theory in favor of to an Atlrerrian fanrily on rlle island of Samos and es-
individualistic prescription3 for the good life. The philo- tablished a school at Arhens known among other things
solthic school known as the Cynics carried this ten_ for being open to women. Epicurus argued, as
rierrcy further than auyone else. They argued that the Lerrcippus and Democritus had done, that the universe
bcst lile was lived ciosest to nature and that wisdom lay wa:; contposed of atoms that combined and recombined
in abandoning worldly goods and ambition. Diogenes in an infinire variety of parterns. Growth and dissolution
lDyc-ahj'-uh-neez, d. j20 BCE), their mosr effectivc were inevirable, but Epicurus rejected the kind of provi-
spokcsnrau, delightc'ci in exposing the folly and vanity of dential order clair.ned by the Stoics. In the absence of such
others. Popular legencl has it that he lived in a tub anil an order, rhe greatest good from the human point of view
carried a Ianrern wrrh whicl: he lroped-unsuccessfully_ was pleasr,rre, and the search for pleasure should be the
to lind an ltouest nran. philosopher's primary goal. By pteasure, Epicurus meant
peace of rnind and the absence of pain, not the active.
flre srni65. Artrong those attracted to the teachings of pursuit of dissipation. He sought a quiet life, removed ,
the Cynics was Zeno (c.'335-2$ scr). A nat:ve of from the troubles of the world and governed by the
74 Chaptu 3
l;rr; uHr. 3.6 Al cx andrr
artd l)iogenas.'t-lris painrirrg
lr1' I lrt''rrlh-r.t.rrt rrry
I'rt.n< lr pailrlcr Nitolas Arrtlrt;
,\1()nsi.-)u illustrat t.s a faltrorrs
\r{)ry tllal rr.rrrairrcrl .t poJlrrlnr
rrrlrjt'tl lrrr ((. ttltri(.s. Alt.xarr,k,r
llrc (;r(.at, c0rrrlrrcror rrf llrc
rvorlti, srrJlposcrlly wcrrt to lltt,
(.i,r)i( t)ltilos()plrt.r anrl askcd
lrjrrr il lhcrc was anythinli lj(
rorrld tlo for lrinr. I)iogcncs,
rvho lrad no horrlc and lived by
lrr'!.lgirrll. sai(1, "ycs, you coulcl
slnn(l a littl', lcss tlclwccrr nrc
,rrrd rltc slr." Thc talc illus-
tratcs lllat p0wt,r is uscless to
rir(,rruly ethicai pcrson, al lcast
,rs "crhical" was defined by
{.ynic philosophy.
l)lincil)le of ntoclr:rarion in all tlrings. Even the gods Because rhe Romans adopted most of these religions
should nor be feared, bu. enrular..d in therr Olympian
they are discussed ar greater length in Chapter 6.
detachurenr front tht, things- of this world.
Epicureanism, roo, had its followers, but detachment
from tire world did not always.recommend itself ro
those rvith practical responsibilities.
(loxc t-us toN
Unlike rhat of the Jews, the culture of ancient Greece
Helleni_stic R$igion. Like all philosophical was profoundly humanistic in the sen:e that Greek
schools. Stoicism and Epicureanism appealed piimar-
rhinkers emphasized the cultivation of viltue and the
il;' ro rhe educated. Thc mass of 'peopt. 'in tlr" good life within a social insread of a reilgrous frame-
Hellenisric world found solace in retig-ion. This in
it- work. Greek artists concentrated almost :xclusively og
se lf v'as a relatively new development,
at leasr among th" hurnan form, rvhile poets found inspiration in thE
tht Greeks, for the gods of Olympus had oflered littli heroic dignity of men. and women in the face cf
to rheir worshipers beyond i, conditional protection
tragedl'. This in:ense concentration on the human ex-
lrom rheir wrarh. In tlre classical age, while rhe pe rience was coupled with an'extraordinary
lcarned rook refuge in philosophy, ordinary spirit of in:
men and quiry. Other ancienr socieries, notably the Egyptians
\v()nten had resorted to supc.rstition and a helpless
arrd. Mesoporamians, harl rich speculative traditions,
rf'sr!lnation to Tt'che, or fate.
but the Greel s rvere unique in insisting on a rigorous
For urarry in rhe Hellenistic kingdor;-rs, Tlche re_
feirm of logic in which the connections between each
tairrctJ hcr p.wcrs, lrul .lhers emtrraced wirat
are cailcd p,rrt of a staternent had to be made perfectlll clear.
nlystqry religions. Mysrery rcligions claimed to guar_
These habits of thought, rogerher with a mass of
rllrce pcrs()nal intnrortality, often through the inter_
learnir:g and specuiation dra.,vn from the nost diverse
v('nli()n o{ a god tlrgoddess who cartre to fanh
in htr- sources, were rhe Greek legacy to Western society. Fiom
nian frlmr and suffered for sins of humankind.
the beginning the Greeks were borrowers. They had a
Most, although r-rot all, had eastent r(x)ts. Among
the rare ability td absorb the ioeas and beliefs of otheis with:
nrorc inrportant were the cult <lf Serapis, encouraged
lry or'lt thrcatening their own sense of what it neant to be
Pttller 11'1, ancl the far more ancicnt veneration
<lf Isis. Greek. When, in the Hellenistic age, they penetrated to
,I riv
:. S!
tlrt'r'rlgcs ol llrl
krrown w()rl(1, lltis lt'rrrlclrr'r act'lt't-alcrl. 'l.kryrl,:i. l:. lt., (; t('(l; \(i(n&'
alttr Arislotlt' {Nt:w York',
lrlt'rrrlrrls lrolrr t'vt'ry arrr'it'rrl ('ullUt'(' wcrt' .r, ''rplt'rl arrrl Njrrton, |()7.]). ,\n oulsl;rnrlinrl lrrir'l srrrvt'r ol arr itng: \
lr.rrrslorrrrt'rl a<r orrlitrg to tlrt'ir owlr rrct'tls arrrl lrrr,cor p$r'tarrt lopit., 1,, i
( ('l)lir)ns. Irr so rloirrl.l llrt'y irrrposcrl a kirrrl ol ilrlt'llcctrral 'liSlrarJrlt's, ii. W., ,\lttir.s, l.lritttt't;tttl.t. Att,l SttptiCs. A$
rrrrity tlr.rt, il it distortt'rl sotrrt. tlrirrgs arrrl tr('!.ll(:(l('(l ()llt- liitroltrttiotr. to I lt'llani\tit t'ltil.,\0|h, {l.orrrlorr. ltoutlctlgcf, i
('r'\, \vl\ passt:d orr,inlatl to llrc llorrrarrs and lr()nl lll(' 1.e96). A r'lt'.ir cxlrla nali()rr ol llcllt'rristit llrotrrltl irr I5i ',
Iloln, rtr lo tlrc rrto<lcnt W('st('nl wrrr-l<1. For gootl or ill, lia.rgcs.
tlrr'.rtrricrrl rvorltJ is vicwcrl 'ltr'()ugll ( cycs. .iwallrarrk, f. W., 'l ltc llcllctti,ttic Wot lJ, rcv, .,t:
-llrc slanilard
(rlarrrlrrirl!.le . MA: llarvarrl, l99li. strn,cf.
rr.,l llrc IIt'llt'rtisli. cra. {
Ilevie.ut Questiotts
What Jrrrlrlic Jrrrr l)()scs w'cr(' Grcck ar1 arrd litt'raturc , InfoTrac College Edition
irrtc'r<lcd i() 5crvc? Visit llrc s0tirLc collc(lir)ns aL ltllp://inltttrac thontso4
r Whal ltrndanrt'rr1al qrrcsliorrs raix'd try altci('lrl le,rtrtrittq.r'ot: arrd usc tlrc' ,car<lr furrcliorr rvith thc f<ll-
(,rt'r'k lllrilo.olllrcrs rcn,.tirr :ntl)ortanl ltlrlay'/ lowing kt'r' tcrrr:".
. I-Iorv did thc Hcllcnistic agc achicvc rhc partial irrrc- Using l(c1,Tcrrrts, cntcr 1hc scarclr tcrnrs:
graliorr ol Greck and notl-Grcck culturcs in both Creek ltiston, Altxander lhe (iraat
politics ar)d rll()Llghr'? A rL h int,'d,,\
. What was thc tlasis oI thc conflict bctrvccir Jrrdaisnt
and l-lcllcnisrn? Web Siteq
tnuv.[o rd h a m. e du / h a I s a II/a n cie n i / asbo o k.h nn I
hrtcrrrct Arrcicr.rt Histor; Srlurcclro<lk. Maintained by,
For Furt|rer Study I
Read ings I ' Grcek art, lireralure, and trre Hcllcnistic cra, as rvcll
Boardnran, John, Greek Art,4th cci. lNerv York: Thantes .' as a qrlocl
se lectiolr ol cloctrnrents and literarv soLrrces.
arrci IJtr<lsolr, l9()6). A classic. rvt+,rv.rtIttt .rrih .got'/li,tttl /11reek/ inde x.htm I
IJarrilt<rn, J. R., Alexander thc Grcat (Pirrsbtr rqlt: Ur.ri- , Grcck Mcdicine is a site nrailrtaincd by, the National
vcrsirv of Pitisburgh Prr-'ss, 197) 1. A gtlod, acccssi'.rlc ' Litrrarv ol Meclicinc and tne \ationalrlnstitutes of ,'
lr iortra lllry. Hcalth. It corrtains nraterial <llt Greek nredicine :;
Lrskr,, AIbin . llistorv of Greek Literanrre, trans. .1. Willis ; fronr earliest timcs through the Hellenistic period.
and C. cle Hccr (Nerv Yt'rk: Crorvell, l9(;l). Srill rlrc irlcltrtliIrgHippocratcsandtheHippocraticoatlr,
standard trearrllcnt of a r crv broad subiect.
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7(t Chapnr -l