Zulu Guide

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Translation English Translation Comments / Notes

Individual to Individual: [singular]
Sawubona Hello Both individual and group greetings have the
Yebo. Sawubona. Yes. Hello similar English translations, but the plural in
Unjani? How are you? Zulu is reflected in subtle prefix changes, for
Ngiyaphila. Wena unjani? I am well. How are you? example Ngi = I vs. Si = we.
Nami ngiyaphila. I am well, also.
This basic framework can also be adapted for
Groups to Groups: [plural] an individual greeting a group or a group
Sanibonani. Hello greeting an individual.
Yebo. Sanibonani. Yes. Hello
Nina ninjani? How are you?
Siyaphila. Nina ninjani? We are well. How are you?
Siyaphila. We are well, also

Name Conversation:
Ubani igama lakho? What is your name?
Igama lami ngu-(insert name) My name is (insert name)
Ngingu-(insert name) I am (insert name).

Age Conversation: Zulu numbers are extremely complex so most
Uneminyaka emingaki? How old are you? people you encounter will know basic numbers
Ngineminyaka (number) I am (number). in English. You should be okay to say
Ngineminyaka seventeen
Where are you from? Places in general:
Uphumaphi? Where are you from?
Ngiphuma eMelika I am from America. When naming a place add e- before the
places name. (This works for cities, stores, etc.)
Uhlalaphi? Where do you live? If referring to someones house, you would add
Ngihlala eBoston. I live in Boston. kwa- before the name of the household (their
last name).
Zulu Goodbye:
Hamba kahle Goodbye Hamba kahle directly translates as Go well
Sanibonani See you later

Zulu Translation English Translation Comments / Notes
Manners: Here you encounter your first introduction to
Yebo. Yes clicks. Zulu has three different clicks, each
Cha. No represented by either the letter c, q, or x.
Ngiyabonga Thank you
c sound made from sucking your tongue
Uxolo! (side click on x) Excuse me against the back of your two front teeth.
Ngiyaxolisa I am sorry q sound made from pulling tongue from
roof your mouth, almost like making a
Ngiyajabula ukukwazi! It's nice to meet you clucking noise.
x sound made from the side of your mouth,
as if calling to a dog for attention
Ukhuluma isiNgisi? Do you speak English? In general to make any simple personal phrase
Ngikhuluma isiNgisi I speak English. negative, change the prefix to Angi- and
replace the last letter of the word (often a
Angikhulumi isiZulu. I dont speak Zulu. vowel) with the letter i. See I dont speak
Angikhuluma isiZulu kancane. I dont speak Zulu well. Zulu for an example using the verb
-khuluma which means to speak.
Church phrases:
Inkosi/Ubaba ikubusise. God bless you. Inkosi translates directly to mean king or
God and Baba translates as Fatherboth
Uya esontweni? Do you go to church? of these terms to communicate the English
phrase God bless you
Ukushumayela. To preach
Ushumayela He / She preaches

Siyahamba We are walking "Siyahamba"is the name of a popular Zulu
hymn. Lyrics: Siyahamba ekukhanyeni
kwenkosi meaning, We are marching in the
light of God

Woza. Come.
Hamba. Go.
Siza. Help.

Zulu Translation English Translation Comments / Notes
Umdeni Family In Zulu culture, everyone is family!
Umama Mother Address people as mother/father or sister/brother
Ubaba Father for sign of respect ... Ie. "Sawubona mama" to
Ubhuti Brother older woman or "Sawubona sisi" to a peer or a
Usisi Sister younger child to show you care about them.
Umtwana/abantwana Child/Children
Umulungu/abelungu White person / White people To talk about multiple people or professionals,
most of these terms can be made plural by
Udokotela Doctor replacing the U- prefix with an O-. For example:
Iphoyisa Police Ugogo grandmother
Umfundisi Pastor Ogogo grandmothers
Uthisha Teacher

Ngidinga I need dinga = need
Amanzi Water
Ukudla Food
Umuthi Medicine

Ngiyalahleka I am lost.
Ngicela ungisiza Please help me.
Simple phrases: These basic fundamental phrases can be
Ngithanda (finish phrase) I like (finish phrase) combined with infinitive verbs by adding the
Angithanda (finish phrase) I dont like (finish phrase) prefix uku- before the verb to create simple
Ngifuna (finish phrase) I want (finish phrase) Ex. Ngithanda ukugijima.
Ngicela (finish phrase) Polite request (same format) I like to run.
Ex. Ngifuna ukudlala ibhola.
Ngingakusiza ngani? How can I help you? I want to play soccer.

Kubiza malini? How much does it cost? Again, most people will be able to communicate in
Kubiza amarandi angu-(insert number) It costs (number) Rand. English numbers.

Ngifunda esikoleni eMetric eMelika. I study in high school in America.

Kuphi? Where? Uphi can be used for people. Ex: Uphi umama?
Zulu Translation English Translation Comments / Notes
Additional Vocab:
Useful Verbs: Verbs: These verbs and nouns should help you to create
-kudlala To play your own simple sentences.
-kucula To sing
-dansa To dance To talk about yourself, use the prefix Ngi- before
-gijima To run the verb. To talk about another person, use the
-bhala To write prefix U- before the verb.
-fundisa To teach
-lalela To listen General sentence structure:
-dla To eat First person:
-phuza To drink Ngi-(verb) (noun).
-thandaza To pray Ngi-(complex verb) uku-(infinitive) (noun).
-ya To go
-hamba To walk Second person:
-shayela To drive U-(verb) (noun).
-nika To give U-(complex verb) uku-(infinitive) (noun).
-sebenza To work
-lala To sleep Examples:
Ngikudla isinkwa. I eat bread.
Useful Nouns: Nouns: Ukudla isinkwa. You eat bread.
Ibhuku (Amabhuku) Book(s)
Ibhola (Amabhola) Ball(s) Ngithanda ukulala I like to sleep.
Isinkwa (Izinkwa) Bread(s) Uthanda ukulala You like to sleep.
Inyama (Izinyama) Meat(s)
Umbhede (Imibhede) Bed(s) Ngifuna ukubhala ibhuku I want to write a book.
Inja (Izinja) Dog(s) Ufuna ukubhala ibhuku You want to write a book.
Imoto (Izimoto) Car(s)
Ibhasi (Amabhasi) Bus(s) Ngiya eDurban. I go to Durban.
Ibhanoyi (Amabhanoyi) Airplane(s) Uya eDurban You go to Durban.
Indlu (Izindlu) House(s)
Isonto (Amasonto) Church(s) Zulu is a class language. This means that words in
the same class carry the same prefixes for making
Umdlalo webhola. Soccer game nouns either singular or plural. You may notice
Ufuna ukudlala ibhola. Do you want to play soccer? patterns between the singular and plural forms of
these nouns.

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