Zulu Guide
Zulu Guide
Zulu Guide
Ngidinga I need dinga = need
Amanzi Water
Ukudla Food
Umuthi Medicine
Ngiyalahleka I am lost.
Ngicela ungisiza Please help me.
Simple phrases: These basic fundamental phrases can be
Ngithanda (finish phrase) I like (finish phrase) combined with infinitive verbs by adding the
Angithanda (finish phrase) I dont like (finish phrase) prefix uku- before the verb to create simple
Ngifuna (finish phrase) I want (finish phrase) Ex. Ngithanda ukugijima.
Ngicela (finish phrase) Polite request (same format) I like to run.
Ex. Ngifuna ukudlala ibhola.
Ngingakusiza ngani? How can I help you? I want to play soccer.
Kubiza malini? How much does it cost? Again, most people will be able to communicate in
Kubiza amarandi angu-(insert number) It costs (number) Rand. English numbers.
Ngifunda esikoleni eMetric eMelika. I study in high school in America.
Kuphi? Where? Uphi can be used for people. Ex: Uphi umama?
Zulu Translation English Translation Comments / Notes
Additional Vocab:
Useful Verbs: Verbs: These verbs and nouns should help you to create
-kudlala To play your own simple sentences.
-kucula To sing
-dansa To dance To talk about yourself, use the prefix Ngi- before
-gijima To run the verb. To talk about another person, use the
-bhala To write prefix U- before the verb.
-fundisa To teach
-lalela To listen General sentence structure:
-dla To eat First person:
-phuza To drink Ngi-(verb) (noun).
-thandaza To pray Ngi-(complex verb) uku-(infinitive) (noun).
-ya To go
-hamba To walk Second person:
-shayela To drive U-(verb) (noun).
-nika To give U-(complex verb) uku-(infinitive) (noun).
-sebenza To work
-lala To sleep Examples:
Ngikudla isinkwa. I eat bread.
Useful Nouns: Nouns: Ukudla isinkwa. You eat bread.
Ibhuku (Amabhuku) Book(s)
Ibhola (Amabhola) Ball(s) Ngithanda ukulala I like to sleep.
Isinkwa (Izinkwa) Bread(s) Uthanda ukulala You like to sleep.
Inyama (Izinyama) Meat(s)
Umbhede (Imibhede) Bed(s) Ngifuna ukubhala ibhuku I want to write a book.
Inja (Izinja) Dog(s) Ufuna ukubhala ibhuku You want to write a book.
Imoto (Izimoto) Car(s)
Ibhasi (Amabhasi) Bus(s) Ngiya eDurban. I go to Durban.
Ibhanoyi (Amabhanoyi) Airplane(s) Uya eDurban You go to Durban.
Indlu (Izindlu) House(s)
Isonto (Amasonto) Church(s) Zulu is a class language. This means that words in
the same class carry the same prefixes for making
Umdlalo webhola. Soccer game nouns either singular or plural. You may notice
Ufuna ukudlala ibhola. Do you want to play soccer? patterns between the singular and plural forms of
these nouns.