Methods To Induce Labour: A Systematic Review, Network Meta-Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.

13981 Systematic review

Methods to induce labour: a systematic review,

network meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness
Z Alfirevic,a E Keeney,b T Dowswell,a NJ Welton,b N Medley,a S Dias,b LV Jones,a DM Caldwellb
Centre for Womens Health Research, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Womens Hospital, Liverpool, UK b School of Social and
Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Correspondence: Z Alfirevic, Centre for Womens Health Research, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Womens Hospital, Crown Street,
Liverpool L8 7SS, UK. Email

Accepted 29 January 2016. Published Online 22 March 2016.

Objectives To compare the clinical effectiveness and cost- uncertainty in ranking estimates. Compared with placebo, extra-
effectiveness of labour induction methods. amniotic prostaglandin E2 reduced NICU admissions. There were
insufficient data to conduct analyses for maternal and neonatal
Methods We conducted a systematic review of randomised trials
mortality and serious morbidity or maternal satisfaction.
comparing interventions for third-trimester labour induction
Conclusions were robust after exclusion of studies at high risk of
(search date: March 2014). Network meta-analysis was possible for
bias. Due to poor reporting of VD24, the cost-effectiveness
six of nine prespecified key outcomes: vaginal delivery within
analysis compared a subset of 20 interventions. There was
24 hours (VD24), caesarean section, uterine hyperstimulation,
considerable uncertainty in estimates, but buccal/sublingual and
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admissions, instrumental
titrated (low-dose) misoprostol showed the highest probability of
delivery and infant Apgar scores. We developed a decision-tree
being most cost-effective.
model from a UK NHS perspective and calculated incremental
cost-effectiveness ratios, expected costs, utilities and net benefit, Conclusions Future trials should be designed and powered to
and cost-effectiveness acceptability curves. detect a method that is more cost-effective than low-dose titrated
oral misoprostol.
Main results In all, 611 studies comparing 31 active interventions
were included. Intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy and vaginal Keywords Comparative effectiveness research, cost-effectiveness
misoprostol (50 lg) were most likely to achieve VD24. Titrated analysis, labour induction, network meta-analysis, systematic
low-dose oral misoprostol achieved the lowest odds of caesarean review.
section, but there was considerable uncertainty in ranking
Tweetable abstract New study ranks methods to induce labour in
estimates. Vaginal (50 lg) and buccal/sublingual misoprostol
pregnant women on effectiveness and cost.
were most likely to increase uterine hyperstimulation with high

Please cite this paper as: Alfirevic Z, Keeney E, Dowswell T, Welton NJ, Medley N, Dias S, Jones LV, Caldwell DM. Methods to induce labour: a systematic
review, network meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. BJOG 2016;123:14621470.

Foley catheter) and complementary (e.g. acupuncture)

methods available for induction of labour. Different meth-
More than one in five births in England and Wales follow ods vary in terms of how quickly birth is achieved and the
labour induction and rates have increased steadily over the likelihood of complications. From the clinicians perspec-
past two decades.14 Similar rates have been observed in tive, the choice of method takes account of the reason for
other countries including the USA, Australia and other induction, its urgency, and the womans obstetric and med-
European countries.5 ical history. Choice may also depend on national guidelines
There are a broad range of pharmacological (e.g. oxy- and local protocols, as well as womens preferences. UK
tocin, misoprostol and prostaglandins), mechanical (e.g. guidelines, dating from 2008, recommend vaginal prosta-
glandin E2 (PGE2) although neither the type of preparation
(gel, tablet or sustained release pessary) nor the dose is
Systematic review registration: PROSPERO 2013: CRD42013005116 specified.6

1462 2016 The Authors. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
Systematic review of methods to induce labour

Different induction methods incur different direct and assessed risk of bias as high, low or unclear based on the
indirect costs, with some methods requiring continuous method used to conceal allocation using the Cochrane
monitoring throughout labour. Some methods are associ- domain-based risk of bias assessment tool.11,12 In view of the
ated with increased risk of complications requiring a cae- large number of studies included in the review we were
sarean, and differ in rate of admission to neonatal intensive unable to contact authors of individual trials for further
care units (NICU). Despite its importance, the question of information if methods in the published reports were
resource use for the National Health Service (NHS) has unclear. We recorded information on characteristics of par-
been relatively under-studied. There is evidence that induc- ticipants including gestational age, parity, previous caesarean
ing labour in women with complications is associated with section, state of amniotic membranes and Bishop score.
lower health service costs compared with expectant man- An NMA was conducted for each outcome where suffi-
agement.79 However, there is little evidence on the costs cient data were available. NMA uses all the available evi-
associated with specific methods of induction compared dence, both direct and indirect, to produce estimates of the
with others; trials in which one method of induction has relative effects of each intervention compared with every
been compared with another have only rarely included other in a network, even if some pairs of interventions have
economic analyses.10 not been directly compared.1317 Analyses were undertaken
The purpose of this paper is to summarise findings from in a Bayesian framework, using OPENBUGS.18 Both fixed
a comprehensive evidence synthesis where the overall study and random effects models were considered on the basis of
objective was to evaluate which interventions are the most model fit. Model fit was measured using the posterior
clinically effective and cost-effective for third-trimester mean of the residual deviance, the degree of between-study
cervical ripening, or labour induction. heterogeneity, and the deviance information criterion.19,20
Consistency between the direct and indirect sources of evi-
dence was assessed by comparing the fit of a model assum-
ing consistency with a model which allowed for
Methods of the systematic review and network inconsistency.21 Results are summarised as odds ratios with
meta-analysis 95% credible intervals. (For a detailed description of the
We carried out a systematic review to identify relevant ran- methods, previous distributions and convergence checks see
domised controlled trials (RCTs). The search was carried the full study report.22)
out by an information specialist using a predefined strategy
(see Appendix S1). The final search date was March 2014, Methods for the cost-effectiveness analysis
reflecting the additional time required for the network We developed a de novo decision-tree model to estimate
meta-analysis (NMA) and cost-effectiveness analysis. Two the cost effectiveness of various interventions using the data
reviewers independently assessed eligibility: studies were obtained from the NMA (Figure S1). We adapted the
included if they were randomised trials examining interven- NMA to account for multiple outcomes in the model,
tions to induce labour compared with placebo, no treat- making use of as much evidence as possible (307 studies
ment or another intervention. Eligible interventions for caesarean section, but only 86 for timing of vaginal
included pharmacological, mechanical and complementary delivery). However, due to poor reporting of VD24 out-
methods of induction. For completeness, we included come, we were only able to compare 20 interventions in
methods that are no longer used in clinical practice because the cost-effectiveness analysis. We applied the odds ratios
including them added data to the network. We included from the NMA to the absolute probabilities for the refer-
trials looking at complementary methods such as acupunc- ence intervention (vaginal PGE2 tablet) based on UK trials,
ture because such methods may be of interest to women. to obtain absolute probabilities for all interventions. The
Participants were women eligible for third-trimester induc- model was evaluated using Bayesian Markov chain Monte
tion of labour. We focused on nine key outcomes relating Carlo simulation, so that all correlations and uncertainties
to efficacy, safety and acceptability to women: vaginal deliv- were fully reflected in the estimates.23
ery not achieved within 24 hours (VD24); uterine hyper- Costs included were intervention costs, costs of delivery,
stimulation with fetal heart rate changes; caesarean section; and length of neonatal stay in level I, II or III units. Tables
serious neonatal morbidity or death; serious maternal mor- S1 and S2 (see Supplementary material) summarise
bidity or death; instrumental delivery; maternal satisfaction assumed cost inputs and evidence sources. These were
with the method used; NICU admission and Apgar score derived from NHS reference costs, the British National For-
<7 at 5 minutes. mulary and manufacturer costs.24,25 We took a UK NHS
Two reviewers independently extracted data for the eligi- perspective, and used the price year 2012/13. Utility values
ble studies. We extracted data on the type of intervention, were required for vaginal delivery, emergency caesarean
and where appropriate dose and route of administration. We section, and intensive, high dependency and transitional

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Alfirevic et al.

neonatal care. Table S3 (see Supplementary material) gives concealment. Due to probable inconsistency in the network
assumed values for the utility inputs and evidence sources. for caesarean section, we report findings for trials at low risk
Utility estimates were derived from the literature.22,26,27 of bias only. For other outcomes we conducted sensitivity
We conducted a fully incremental analysis, reporting analysis excluding trials at high risk of bias; all results were
incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs), interpreted as consistent with the main analysis.22
the additional expected cost per additional unit gain in Table 1 reports the posterior median odds ratios (OR)
utility for an intervention compared with the previous and 95% credible intervals (CrIs) for each intervention rel-
non-dominated intervention. We report expected costs, ative to placebo for four NMA outcomes. Due to insuffi-
expected utilities, and expected net benefit at a willingness- cient reporting in included trials we were unable to
to-pay per unit of utility threshold of 20 000. Interven- conduct analyses for our prespecified outcomes of maternal
tions with higher expected net benefit are preferred. We mortality and serious maternal morbidity, neonatal mortal-
represented uncertainty in the optimal intervention using a ity and serious neonatal morbidity, and maternal satisfac-
cost-effectiveness acceptability curve. tion. Full statistical results are reported elsewhere.22

Vaginal delivery within 24 hours (141 studies)

For the outcome of vaginal delivery there was strong evi-
Results of the systematic review and NMA dence that all interventions, except for mifepristone, and
A total of 1508 reports corresponding to 1190 separate extra-amniotic PGE2, increased the probability of VD24
studies were identified in the literature searches. (Table 1). The interventions with the lowest odds ratios
After eligibility assessment using our participant, inter- (best) were intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy (OR
vention, comparison and outcome criteria, 611 trials met 0.05, 95% CrI 0.010.14) and higher dose (50 lg) vaginal
our inclusion criteria (Figure 1). Overall, included trials misoprostol (OR 0.09, 95% CrI 0.060.24).
reported findings for more than 100 000 women, but not
all trials reported all outcomes and for each outcome we Caesarean section (307 studies)
have indicated the number of trials contributing data to Compared with placebo, several treatments showed a statis-
the NMA analysis (Figure 2). Thirty-one active interven- tically significant reduction in the odds of caesarean section
tions were included, separated by dose and route of admin- titrated low-dose misoprostol, vaginal misoprostol at
istration. A total of 579 studies were excluded and full both 50 and <50 lg, vaginal PGE2 gel, intracervical PGE2,
details of these studies along with reasons for exclusion are oral misoprostol tablet (50 lg), Foley catheter, membrane
set out in the main study report.22 sweeping and buccal/sublingual misoprostol (Table 1).
Approximately half (47%) of the included trials were Titrated oral misoprostol achieved the lowest odds of an
assessed as being at high or unclear risk of bias for allocation eventual caesarean section, but there was considerable
uncertainty in ranking estimates.

1190 studies (1508 reports) identified Uterine hyperstimulation with fetal heart rate changes (180
through searching the Cochrane studies)
Pregnancy and Childbirth Group
Compared with placebo, misoprostol (sustained release
vaginal pessary [OR 5.58, 95% CrI 1.5814.57], vaginal tablet
50 lg [OR 4.40, 95% CrI 2.227.94], buccal/sublingual
611 studies (900 579 studies (608 [OR 4.25, 95% CrI 1.719.02] and oral tablet 50 lg [OR
reports) included in the reports) excluded from 2.85, 95% CrI 1.415.20] had the highest odds of uterine
systematic review the systematic review hyperstimulation with fetal heart rate changes (Table 1).

Reasons for exclusion from

NICU admission (204 studies)
systematic review: Compared with placebo, only one intervention, extra-amnio-
48 Not an RCT
tic PGE2, resulted in a significant reduction in NICU admis-
sions (OR 0.4, 95% CrI 0.160.82). When active treatments
213 No relevant outcome data
were compared there was too much uncertainty around effect
239 Not a relevant comparison estimates to rank order other active interventions.
22 Not a relevant participant
group Instrumental delivery (299 studies)
Using placebo as the reference intervention two inter-
Figure 1. PRISMA study flow diagram for the systematic review. ventions resulted in significant reduction in instrumental

1464 2016 The Authors. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of
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Systematic review of methods to induce labour

Failure to delivery vaginally within 24 hours Caesarean section

NICU admission Uterine hyperstimulation

Instrumental delivery Apgar 7

The width of the lines is proportional to the number of trials directly comparing each pair of interventions. The size of
each node is proportional to the number of randomised participants (sample size). Refer to HTA report for more details.

Interventions are numbered as follows: 1. No intervention, 2. Placebo, 3. Vaginal PGE 2 (tablet), 4. Vaginal PGE2 (gel), 5.
Vaginal PGE2 (pessary slow release), 6. PGF2 gel, 7. Intracervical PGE2, 8. Vaginal PGE2 pessary (normal release), 9.
Vaginal misoprostol (less than 50 mcg), 10. Vaginal misoprostol (50 mcg or more), 11. Oral misoprostol tablet (less than
50 mcg), 12. Oral misoprostol tablet (50 mcg or more), 13. Titrated (low dose) oral misoprostol solution, 14. Sustained
release misoprostol insert, 15. IV oxytocin, 16. Amniotomy, 17. IV oxytocin with amniotomy, 18. Nitric oxide, 19.
Mifepristone, 20. Oestrogens, 21. Corticosteroids, 22. Relaxin, 23. Hyaluronidase, 24. Foley catheter, 25. Laminaria
including dilapan, 26. Double balloon or Cooks catheter, 27. Membrane sweeping, 28. Extra-amniotic PGE2, 29. IV
prostaglandin, 30. Sexual intercourse, 31. Acupuncture, 32. Oral prostaglandins, 33. Buccal/sublingual misoprostol.

Figure 2. Network diagram of all studies included in analyses of failure to deliver vaginally within 24 hours, caesarean section and NICU admission.

delivery, namely vaginal PGE2 pessary (slow-release) (OR Apgar score 7at 5 minutes (200 studies)
0.72, 95% CrI 0.500.99) and Foley catheter (OR 0.68, 95% Compared with placebo, only two regimens resulted in sig-
CrI 0.500.91). nificant reduction in Apgar score of 7, nitric oxide (OR

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Table 1. Odds ratios and 95% credible intervals for caesarean section, no VD24, uterine hyperstimulation with fetal heart rate changes and NICU
admission for every intervention compared with placebo

Active intervention versus placebo Caesarean section No VD24 Uterine hyperstimulation NICU admission
OR (95% CrIs) OR (95% CrIs) OR (95% CrIs) OR (95% CrIs)

Titrated (low-dose) oral misoprostol solution* 0.62 (0.470.80) 0.10 (0.070.29) 1.93 (0.734.19) 0.67 (0.391.07)
Buccal/sublingual misoprostol* 0.68 (0.510.89) 0.11 (0.050.19) 4.25 (1.719.02) 0.73 (0.421.19)
Vaginal misoprostol <50 lg* 0.70 (0.570.85) 0.11 (0.090.32) 2.75 (1.365.04) 0.74 (0.491.06)
Mifepristone* 0.71 (0.451.08) 0.76 (0.050.20) Not estimable* 1.71 (0.733.55)
Oral misoprostol tablet 50 lg* 0.72 (0.580.88) 0.16 (0.050.20) 2.85 (1.415.20) 0.83 (0.551.20)
Vaginal misoprostol 50 lg* 0.73 (0.590.88) 0.09 (0.060.24) 4.40 (2.227.94) 0.85 (0.571.23)
Foley catheter* 0.76 (0.610.95) 0.19 (0.090.46) 0.92 (0.371.93) 0.66 (0.411.00)
Vaginal PGE2 (gel)* 0.79 (0.650.94) 0.13 (0.080.50) 2.33 (1.104.40) 0.88 (0.591.26)
Nitric oxide* 0.82 (0.621.06) 0.22 (0.080.36) 0.38 (0.021.54) 0.82 (0.541.20)
Vaginal PGE2 pessary (normal release)* 0.82 (0.621.09) 0.11 (0.040.16) 1.40 (0.373.68) 0.88 (0.511.40)
Intracervical PGE2* 0.83 (0.690.98) 0.18 (0.090.38) 1.70 (0.873.05) 0.76 (0.481.12)
Intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy* 0.89 (0.571.34) 0.05 (0.070.32) 7.44 (0.2740.66) 1.60 (0.713.06)
Intravenous oxytocin* 0.93 (0.751.14) 0.20 (0.211.97) 2.12 (0.974.10) 0.76 (0.501.12)
Vaginal PGE2 pessary (slow release)* 0.89 (0.691.12) 0.15 (0.080.29) 2.97 (1.365.73) 0.73 (0.441.11)
Sustained release misoprostol vaginal pessary* 0.98 (0.591.55) 0.11 (0.050.22) 5.58 (1.5814.57) 0.59 (0.311.03)
Vaginal PGE2 (tablet)* 1.04 (0.781.35) 0.16 (0.030.26) 1.99 (0.784.25) 0.83 (0.421.44)
Double balloon or Cooks catheter* 1.11 (0.731.63) 0.18 (0.010.16) 0.26 (0.001.18) 0.60 (0.261.15)
Oral misoprostol tablet <50 lg* 1.11 (0.641.81) 0.22 (0.070.39) 1.13 (0.283.15) 0.79 (0.311.63)
Corticosteroids 0.53 (0.201.12)
Hyaluronidase 0.61 (0.341.00)
PGF2 gel 0.70 (0.401.16) 0.56 (0.181.36)
Oral prostaglandins 0.72 (0.082.59) 0.68 (0.092.40)
Membrane sweeping 0.74 (0.530.99) 0.83 (0.431.46)
Laminaria including dilapan 0.80 (0.431.38) 0.52 (0.012.62) 1.54 (0.404.31)
Acupuncture 0.81 (0.521.20) 0.94 (0.113.36)
Sexual intercourse 0.85 (0.541.29) 0.48 (0.141.17)
Relaxin 0.88 (0.331.98)
Extra-amniotic PGE2* 0.98 (0.571.57) 0.41 (0.071.33) 0.40 (0.160.82)
Amniotomy 1.06 (0.512.02) 0.84 (0.222.26)
Estrogens 1.27 (0.622.32) 1.43 (0.017.80)
Intravenous prostaglandin 19.94 (1.61120.5)

*Indicates that the intervention was included in the cost-effectiveness analysis.

0.49, 95% CrI 0.200.95) and buccal/sublingual misoprostol accepted the induction process, but there was insufficient
(OR 0.41, 95% CrI 0.150.99). information to determine whether some methods were pre-
ferred over others.22
Serious infant and maternal morbidity and death
It was not possible to conduct an NMA for composite out-
comes of neonatal mortality and serious morbidity or Subgroup analysis
maternal mortality and serious morbidity because these were We planned to conduct subgroup analyses to explore the
too rare or poorly reported for meaningful analysis. Only effect of different clinical subgroups on outcomes. The
21.3% of included trials (131/611) reported perinatal deaths prespecified confounders were (i) women with intact or
with an incidence of 0.3% (94/32 248). Seventy-seven of the ruptured membranes, (ii) different gestational ages, (iii)
611 trials (12.6%) reported a total of 20 maternal deaths or women with or without a previous caesarean section
serious morbidity (five deaths, 14 uterine ruptures and one and (iv) women with low (6) or higher (>6) Bishop
ICU admission for infection), i.e. an incidence of 0.1%. scores. The results of subgroup analyses were largely con-
sistent with the overall results, although we found that
Other outcomes for the VD24 outcome, oxytocin with amniotomy had
Few studies collected information on womens views. On mainly been tested in women with favourable Bishop
the whole women tended to have positive views, or at least scores.

1466 2016 The Authors. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of
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Systematic review of methods to induce labour

Table 2. Base-case, expected total costs, expected total utilities, ICERs, and expected net benefit at a 20 000 willingness to pay threshold

Treatment Expected total cost () Expected total utility Expected net benefit () ICER ()

Buccal/sublingual misoprostol 1747.18 (1341.571472.34) 0.82 (0.680.95) 14 668.72

Intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy 1747.80 (1275.412370.82) 0.82 (0.670.95) 14 652.13 Dominated
Vaginal misoprostoldose 50 lg or more 1789.56 (1386.412270.74) 0.82 (0.680.95) 14 603.51 Dominated
Titrated (low-dose) oral misoprostol solution 1799.55 (1403.442262.10) 0.82 (0.680.96) 14 658.28 21 190
Vaginal misoprostoldose <50 lg 1852.56 (1456.012325.54) 0.82 (0.680.95) 14 533.98 Dominated
Oral misoprostol tabletdose 50 lg 1906.19 (1499.212384.89) 0.82 (0.680.95) 14 467.15 Dominated
Vaginal PGE2 gel 1935.79 (1517.972429.53) 0.82 (0.670.95) 14 402.37 Dominated
Foley catheter 1968.64 (1550.282463.38) 0.82 (0.670.95) 14 328.52 Dominated
Intravenous oxytocin 1977.39 (1536.482518.60) 0.81 (0.660.95) 14 195.63 Dominated
Sustained release misoprostol insert 1997.08 (1480.462597.86) 0.81 (0.650.95) 14 108.39 Dominated
Vaginal PGE2 pessarynormal release 2015.76 (1569.432533.94) 0.81 (0.660.95) 14 210.27 Dominated
Intracervical PGE2 2033.03 (1614.62532.76) 0.63 (0.530.74) 10 617.17 Dominated
Vaginal PGE2 pessaryslow release 2036.15 (1602.912551.89) 0.81 (0.660.95) 14 162.42 Dominated
Vaginal PGE2 tablet 2042.64 (1638.012565.19) 0.81 (0.650.95) 14 054.25 Dominated
Extra-amniotic PGE2 2093.96 (1567.052684.18) 0.80 (0.650.95) 13 982.18 Dominated
Double balloon or Cooks catheter 2097.74 (1618.432682.10) 0.80 (0.640.95) 13 906.29 Dominated
Oral misoprostol tabletdose <50 lg 2140.28 (1644.792738.28) 0.80 (0.640.94) 13 898.03 Dominated
Nitric oxide 2141.74 (1662.12676.64) 0.82 (0.670.94) 14 179.69 Dominated
Mifepristone 2202.28 (1709.582742.80) 0.82 (0.690.95) 14 210.41 Dominated
Placebo (No intervention) 2304.82 (1847.792822.48) 0.81 (0.650.94) 13 788.52 Dominated

Results of the cost-effectiveness analysis (low-dose) oral misoprostol compared with buccal/sublin-
Table 2 shows the expected total cost and expected total gual misoprostol.
utility for each treatment with 95% CrIs. Interventions are The expected net benefit at a 20 000 willingness-to-pay
ordered by increasing expected total cost (treatment costs threshold is highest for buccal/sublingual misoprostol
plus resource costs), with buccal/sublingual misoprostol (14 669), closely followed by titrated (low dose) oral
and intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy having the low- misoprostol solution (14 658) and intravenous oxytocin
est expected total cost. with amniotomy (14 652), and lowest for intracervical
Titrated (low-dose) oral misoprostol solution had the PGE2 (10 617).
highest expected utility, very closely followed by buccal/ Figure S2 shows the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve,
sublingual misoprostol, mifepristone, intravenous oxytocin showing that at any willingness-to-pay value up to about
with amniotomy, and vaginal misoprostol (dose 50 lg). 23 000, buccal/sublingual misoprostol has the highest
Intracervical PGE2 had the lowest expected utility. The probability of being cost-effective. Above this threshold,
majority of interventions had no more than a 0.02 differ- titrated low-dose oral misoprostol solution has the highest
ence in expected utility between them, although these probability of being cost-effective. This probability is never
estimates are very uncertain. A decision between these inter- >35%, indicating a large degree of uncertainty in the opti-
ventions is therefore largely driven by minimising expected mal intervention.
total costs.
Any intervention that has a higher expected cost and Subgroup analyses
lower expected utility than another intervention is said to Two subgroup analyses were carried out, the first focusing
be dominated by that intervention. Table 2 shows that all on women with intact membranes and the second on women
treatments apart from titrated low dose oral misoprostol with an unfavourable cervix. In the subgroup of women with
solution were dominated by buccal/sublingual misoprostol, intact membranes and limiting to interventions feasible in
which was more effective in terms of increased utility and the UK NHS, intravenous oxytocin with amniotomy was
less expensive than the other interventions. identified as being the intervention with the highest expected
As titrated (low-dose) oral misoprostol solution has a net benefit and the optimal intervention at any willingness-
higher expected total utility than buccal/sublingual miso- to-pay value. However, there was, again, a lot of uncertainty
prostol, an ICER of 21 190 was computed. This is inter- in this estimate, with buccal/sublingual misoprostol and
preted as the additional cost we would expect to have to titrated (low-dose) oral misoprostol also with a moderate
pay in order to increase utility by a single unit for titrated probability of being most cost-effective.

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Buccal/sublingual misoprostol and titrated low-dose oral caesarean section compared with vaginal delivery) meant
misoprostol solution were found to be the interventions that we relied on data from the Liverpool Womens Hospi-
most likely to be cost-effective in women with an unfa- tal, which were readily available to us. We therefore assume
vourable cervix. that this hospital is representative of hospitals across Eng-
land and Wales.
Sensitivity analyses
Results were robust to assumptions on the utilities parame- Interpretation
ters. Our findings that buccal/sublingual and titrated low-dose
oral misoprostol may be the most cost-effective is at odds
with the current NICE guidelines6 that do not recommend
Discussion misoprostol in any form, and with World Health Organiza-
Main findings tion30 recommendations of either oral misoprostol 25 lg
Overall, the results from the NMAs suggest that misopros- 2-hourly or 25 lg vaginally. Although formal pharmacoki-
tol and oxytocin with amniotomy (for women with favour- netic and dose-ranging studies in term pregnancy have
able cervix) are more successful than other agents in never been carried out, it is unlikely that there are impor-
achieving VD24. The safety of different methods is less tant differences between solution and tablets. It is worth
clear and we note the considerable uncertainty around pointing out that oral solution was used in early clinical
effect estimates. studies only because low-dose tablets were not available
The cost-effectiveness analysis suggested that titrated and 200 lg tablets had to be cut into small pieces. It is
(low-dose) oral misoprostol solution resulted in the highest unclear to what extent a titration against contractions
utility, whereas buccal/sublingual misoprostol had the low- (escalating the dose in the absence of contractions and
est cost. Again we note the high degree of uncertainty in omitting a dose when contractions appear adequate) con-
our estimates of cost-effectiveness. tributes to clinical effectiveness.
Our main measure of efficacy was whether treatments
Strengths and limitations resulted in VD24. This definition of efficacy may be con-
Although this is not the first NMA in obstetrics,28 to our troversial given that cervical ripening has often been
knowledge this is the first obstetric NMA to compare mul- regarded as a distinctly different process from induction
tiple competing treatments in a cost-effectiveness analysis. of labour. We argue that women and clinicians view cer-
We took considerable effort to include all RCTs with no vical ripening and labour induction as part of the same
language restrictions. Previous head-to-head studies have seamless process with the main aim to achieve a safe
suggested that PGE2 gel was more cost-effective than PGE2 vaginal birth of a healthy baby in the shortest time
tablets10 and Foley catheter induction was more cost-effec- possible.
tive than PGE2 gel.29 These results are not directly compa- As we have seen from the results of the NMA there
rable with the results from our study because they use may be a trade-off in terms of harms and benefits of
different measures of benefit but, in our cost-effectiveness different treatmentsthose agents that stimulate contrac-
analysis, these interventions were found to be less effective tions and thereby achieve faster delivery may cause exces-
and more expensive than titrated (low-dose) oral misopros- sive uterine activity that may lead to problems for women
tol solution and vaginal misoprostol (50 lg). and babies. Our cost-effectiveness analysis attempted to
Unfortunately, not all trials provided data on our key capture these benefits and harms using the VD24, cae-
outcomes; caesarean section was well reported but VD24 sarean section and NICU admission outcomes. However,
(our main efficacy outcome) was reported in fewer than a there are other important additional benefits and harms
quarter of trials. Maternal mortality, severe maternal mor- for both mother and baby that are not captured by our
bidity and infant mortality event rates were very low and model.
too infrequently reported to make pooled analysis possible. We had expected that serious maternal and neonatal
The cost-effectiveness analysis was confined to short- adverse events would be rare in the cohorts of women
term outcomes up until discharge from hospital. Clearly, recruited to RCTs of induction of labour. Nevertheless, it
some outcomes may have a longer-term impact on women was disappointing how infrequently mortality and serious
and their families, and also on NHS resources. We had suf- morbidity were reported. Our assessment of safety was
ficient information to estimate cost-effectiveness for only therefore limited to caesarean section, hyperstimulation
20 out of 31 interventions and so our conclusions on cost- with fetal heart changes, NICU admission and infant Apgar
effectiveness are limited to this subset of interventions. score; at best proxies for serious adverse events.
Lack of evidence for some model parameters (e.g. the ratio Observational data suggest that all prostaglandins (espe-
of the probability of NICU admission in women with cially misoprostol) and oxytocin can cause uterine rupture

1468 2016 The Authors. BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Systematic review of methods to induce labour

with possible catastrophic consequences, particularly in Disclosure of interest

women with previous caesarean section. Consequently, Full disclosure of interests available to view online as sup-
many trials included in the review excluded women with porting information.
previous caesarean or with uterine scar for other reasons.
The efficacy of induction agents that may cause excessive Contribution to authorship
uterine activity must be seen in this context. ZA contributed to the study conception, planning, analy-
We took the view that country or setting was not likely ses and writing up; EK carried out the statistical and
to be a critical treatment effect modifier, because in all economic analyses and contributed to writing up; TD
included RCTs intrapartum fetal monitoring and early contributed to study conception, carrying out the system-
access to caesarean section were available to most women. atic review, analyses and writing up; NJW contributed to
Hence, our findings are more likely to be applicable in the study conception, planning, NMA analyses, economic
high-resource settings such as the NHS. analyses and writing up; NM contributed to carrying out
Very few trials considered womens views. Women need the systematic review, analyses and writing up; SD con-
to be informed of the advantages and drawbacks of differ- tributed to the study conception, planning, NMA analyses
ent methods of induction and to be aware that there is a and writing up; LJ contributed to carrying out the sys-
choice of interventions available. The data from this NMA tematic review and writing up; and DMC contribu-
should facilitate introduction of a broader range of induc- ted to the study conception, planning, NMA analyses and
tion methods that should be offered in NHS settings. writing up.

Conclusions Funding
HTA project was funded by the National Institute for
Before any recommendations can be made about which
Health Research (NIHR) UK.
intervention(s) are the safest, most effective and most
cost-effective for third-trimester induction of labour, more
research is needed. The considerable uncertainty in our Supporting Information
findings, particularly in cost-effectiveness estimates, points
the way for further research When induction of labour is Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
clinically indicated, a placebo or no intervention arm in a online version of this article:
trial may not be feasible or ethical. Given the relatively Figure S1. Decision tree for comparison of different
high rates of hyperstimulation with buccal/sublingual methods of induction.
misoprostol, we suggest that titrated low-dose oral miso- Figure S2. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve.
prostol should be used as a comparator, and future RCTs Table S1. NHS reference costs 2012/13 for method of
should be powered to detect a method that is more delivery and neonatal critical care admission.
cost-effective. Clearly, the fact that oral misoprostol is Table S2. Costs of methods of induction.
unlicensed for labour induction with virtually no pharma- Table S3. Utility estimates used in model.
cokinetic data, poses a considerable research governance Appendix S1. Search strategy. &
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