ESP Needs Analysis
ESP Needs Analysis
ESP Needs Analysis
Needs analysis is generally regarded as criterial to ESP, although ESP is by no means the
only educational enterprise which makes use of it. The best recent short accounts of needs analysis
are by Berwick (55), and Bridley (57).
Perception of needs
First of all we can ask: who carries out the needs analysis?. For a large institution or
company an outside expert may well be called in. One advantage of having an outsider do the needs
analysis is that he or she may be accorded special status and thus gain access to sources of
information closed to the insider. In addition, an outsider will bring a fresh pair of eyes to a situation
and may be able to make an impartial assessment of what is required. However an outsider may
also bring alien cultural preconceptions and may hold rather different views on teaching and learning
from the institution under analysis. Holliday and Cooke suggest a means analysis which researches
into the local culture: its patterns of thinking and learning. The language- teaching
institution( teachers and administrators) and those who are or will be concerned with the students
specific job or study situation. A basic problem can be that all these different sources of information
have different between the official views of the role of English and its actual role.
Mackay (77) advocates the structured interview where, in effect, the interview is guided by
the interviewer through a questionnaire. In addition, as Mackay point out, the interviewer can pursue
any interesting new line of enquiry that develops, while at the same time having the planned agenda
to refer to.
Svendsen and Krebs (94) describe the preparation of job specific ESL classes which ran
alongside vocational skills training at the actual worksite. They refer to Fanselow(66) on methods of
data collection and on the importance of noting the role of non- linguistic communication. Svendsen
and Krebs first conducted interview with upper- level management, the department director,
supervisors and the workers themselves in order to gain a through overall understanding of the
nature of the job. A addition to this, the collected samples of written documents used by the workers.
Finally, they verified the accuracy of their data with experienced industry personel.
Svendsen and Krebs stress the importance of establishing good relation with the industry
staff: making only brief visits at convenient times: carefully explaning the purpose of the visis. Such
good relations may take time to be established, of course indus personnel or (in the case of EAP)
university or college department may only stay to co-operate after the first of the series of ESP
courses has been successfully conducted.
Case studies
One particular type of observation is the case study, in which one individual is shadowed
over a period of time. Schmid(90) describes a case study from EAP in detail and suggests that the
case study as means of assessment not only identifies difficult linguistic features but provides
information to support a process oriented definition of needs as well (Schmidt (90, p. 201)). Schmidt
selected advanced ESL student of business administration (Yvonne) and attended classes with her
for three weeks, taking notes, observing Yvonne and comparing lecture notes with her. Schmidt
suggest that the advantage of the case study method are that gives the possibility of an in-depth
study over the period of time, the opportunity to appeal to the students intuitions about his or her
difficulties and needs in more detail than in the oral interview or questionnaire. The disadvantage are
that this method of needs analysis is time consuming that the results may not be generalizable.
Ideally, students should be tested before the start of the ESP course so that the course designers
can have some idea of their present level of ability. The test may require students to perform target
level tasks, thus revealing which they are already capable of performing and where their deficiencies
lie. The test should be reliable and validate.