Paper Chatzinikolaou
Paper Chatzinikolaou
Paper Chatzinikolaou
in rural areas
The sustainability discourse clearly gives priority to the so-called 'three-pillar model, according
to which sustainable development should equally try to reach ecological, economic, and social
goals. An increasing variety of methods is being proposed to address the question of the
measurement of sustainable development. This paper covers an overview of various
methodologies that seek to deliver sustainable areas and tools which are practically
implemented to measure sustainable development. More specifically, 16 studies that have
attempted to measure sustainability have been reviewed and classified, according to their
objectives and tools. The main finding of this review is that, there have been very few attempts
to define social and economic sustainability as independent dimensions of sustainable
development. There is limited literature that focuses on economic and social sustainability to
the extent that a comprehensive study of this concept is still missing.
1. Introduction
While the idea of the 'three pillars' is not really in dispute, the same cannot always be said for
key objectives, operationalization, and the definition of indicators within the three pillars. As a
general requirement, indicators have to be policy-relevant. They must provide - at an
appropriate spatial level factual information, which can guide policy-makers in their decisions
while reflecting tradeoffs between the ecological, economic and social dimensions of
sustainability. Indicators should help to identify policy fields where action is needed. They must
help to monitor the impact of policy action and make it visible to the broader public. (EC COM
Agriculture Directorate 2001). Ecological objectives seem to be the least disputed, followed by
economic goals, but there is clearly a lot more disagreement about the definition of the main
social objectives of sustainable development (Omannn and Spangenberg 2002). In case of
objectives and indicators, it seems to depend on who defined them. Often, they comprise a
theoretically unfounded selection of assumptions, goals, and indicators of socio-political
provenance (Littig and Griessler 2005).
Sustainable development and the definition of indicators to assess progress towards
sustainability have become a high priority in scientific research and on policy agendas. At a
practice level, tools, instruments and metrics to foster social and economic sustainability are
biased toward environmental sustainability. All the attempts to identify the main elements of
sustainable development highlight that a comprehensive theoretical framework to a fully
integrated approach to sustainability is still lacking and it is unlikely that one could be developed
in the near future. This is due to the multifaceted nature of the concept of sustainability.
There is a general agreement that the different dimensions of Sustainable Development have
not been equally prioritized by policy makers within the sustainability discourse. The division of
indicators along the lines of the sustainability dimensions emphasizes the multi-dimensional
nature of Sustainable Development and reflects the importance of integrating its dimensions.
While taking into account the complex way the three dimensions are linked, this study focuses
on a literature review for methodologies that seek to deliver sustainable areas. Sixteen studies
that try to measure sustainability have been reviewed, analyzed and classified, according to
their objective and tools. The aim of this classification is to point out in what ways, and to what
extend the three dimensions are incorporated within sustainable development; and to examine
if the different dimensions of sustainability are equally prioritized within the concept of
sustainability (Burton 2000; Drakakis-Smith 1995).
The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 describes the concept and the dimensions of
Sustainable Development. A short history of the progress of Sustainable Development Strategy
is presented. Finally, the Monitoring of Sustainable Development Strategy is also presented in
this Section. In the next Section (Section 3) there is a literature review on methodologies that
have attempted to measure sustainability. The reviewed studies have been classified, according
to their objectives, methodologies and tools. Moreover, in this Section, is presented a review of
the sustainability indicators that have been used, in order to assess and measure sustainability.
The final section summarizes the paper and suggests potential future directions in the
measurement of sustainability.
2. Sustainable Development
The concept of Sustainable Development (SD) can be interpreted in many different ways, but at
its core is an approach to development that looks to balance different, and often competing,
needs against an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a
society. Sustainable development is about ensuring that a certain welfare level can be sustained
over time. This requires that combinations of various forms of capital stocks are available for
production and consumption (natural, human and man-made capital) (Pearce 1993) (Faucheux
and OConnor 1998) (OECD 1995).
SD is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs. It contains within it two key concepts(International
Institute for Sustainable Development):
the concept of needs, in particular the essential needs of the world's poor, to which
overriding priority should be given;
the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organization on the
environment's ability to meet present and future needs.
Many, however, believe sustainability is solely an environmental issue or more narrowly, an
effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. As important as these are, true sustainability is much
more. Sustainability recognizes the connection between a healthy environment, a vibrant
economy, and a socially equitable community, the three Es of sustainability (CEC 2009b; EC
COM 79 2012).
Some combination of development, environment and equity or economy, society, and
environment are found in most attempts to describe it. However, proponents of sustainable
development differ in their emphases on what is to be sustained, what is to be developed, how
to link environment and development, and for how long a time (Parris and Kates 2003).
At EU level, the SDS itself plays a central role in promoting the overall objective of sustainable
development which is primarily promoted and monitored in the context of individual EU
policies, The EU SDS has also been instrumental in developing sustainable development
strategies at national and regional levels. Today, almost all EU Member States have their own
national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) in place, in line with international
recommendations of best practice (ESDN website).
Measuring progress towards sustainable development is an integral part of the EU SDS, and it is
Eurostats task to produce a monitoring report every two years based on the EU set of
sustainable development indicators (EU SDIs).
When it first adopted the SDS in 2001, the Commission was invited to evaluate implementation
of the Sustainable Development Strategy. This report was a task first given to the Commission by
the Lisbon European Council in 2000 as part of the monitoring and review process of the Lisbon
Strategy. When the renewed strategy was adopted in 2006, the Commission was mandated to
draw up a progress report on the implementation of the SDS, covering both the EU level and the
member states, every two years. The 2006 SDS specifies that "to ensure an in-depth coverage of
the complexity of sustainable development, the indicators are to be developed at the
appropriate level of detail to ensure proper assessment of the situation with regard to each
particular challenge." (Council of the European Union 2006). Eurostat has played a key role in
developing and reviewing a set of sustainable development indicators for this purpose (EC COM
642 2007). In order to contribute to these progress reports, Eurostat has developed a set of
Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs). A first set of indicators was adopted by the
Commission in 2005 (CEC 2005). Eurostat has so far published four monitoring reports, in 2005,
2007, 2009 and 2011. All these reports chart progress in the implementation of the strategys
objectives and key challenges (CEC 2007a),(CEC 2007b),(CEC 2009a),(CEC 2009b),(CEC 2011).
Sustainable development still remains a fundamental objective of the European Union. The
strategy will continue to provide a long-term vision and constitute the overarching policy
framework for all Union policies and strategies.
3. Review of methodologies and tools which seek to deliver sustainable areas
In this Section 16 methods were selected from a literature research. These methods all try to
deliver sustainable areas. Most of them use a set of indicators to evaluate or measure
sustainability. Only methods that were sufficiently different from each other, well documented
and showing proof of having been actually used:
of observing differences in sustainability between production systems. The proposed system of
indicators does not claim to be final or to establish a model of sustainability that must never be
changed. The conclusion is that there is not just one farm sustainability model, and therefore
the indicators must be adapted to local farming before using the IDEA method.
4. Van Cauwenbergh et al. 2007 proposed a framework for sustainability assessment of
agricultural systems, (Sustainability Assessment of Farming and the Environment - SAFE). The
SAFE framework is composed of principles, criteria, indicators and reference values in a
structured way. Principles are related to the multiple functions of the agro-ecosystem. In
addition, in this study, they formulate consistent and objective approaches for indicator
identification and selection. The multifunctional character of the agro-ecosystem encompasses
the three pillars of sustainability: the environmental, economic and social pillars. Indicators and
reference values are the end-products of the framework. They are the operational tools that are
used for evaluating the sustainability of the agro ecosystems. The proposed framework is
intended to serve as an assessment tool for the identification, the development and the
evaluation of agricultural production systems, techniques and policies.
5. Abildtrup et al. 2006 presented an integrated approach to the construction of socio-
economic scenarios required for the analysis of climate change impacts on European agricultural
land use. The chosen scenarios ensured internal consistency between the evolution of socio-
economics and climate change. This approach provides a useful tool for the quantification of
scenario drivers and model parameters. Moreover, these tools are helpful at each step to
facilitate the discussion and communication of the resulting scenarios.
6. Halberg et al. 2005 selected ten inputoutput accounting systems (IOA) systems
covering the topics of the farms use of nutrients, pesticides and energy, from a survey of 55
systems and compared them. The approaches and indicators used vary from systems based on
good agricultural practices (GAP) to accounts based systems that use physical inputoutput
units. IOA systems should be linked with production planning tools used by the advisory
services. It is concluded that IOA systems could become effective tools for agri-environmental
improvement of European farms given further development and standardization.
7. Rasul and Thapa 2004 examined the sustainability of two production systems in terms of
their environmental soundness, economic viability and social acceptability. Twelve indicators
were selected to evaluate sustainability. The study was based on empirical data collected
through a household survey, soil sample analysis, observations and discussions. The findings
suggest that ecological agriculture has a tendency towards becoming ecologically, economically
and socially more sound than conventional agriculture. Broad-policy measures are outlined for
the promotion of ecological agriculture.
8. Glaser and Diele 2004 presented some central aspects of a sustainability assessment for
a North Brazilian mangrove crab fishery. It was based upon a number of classical criteria from
biology, economics and sociology. They intended to contribute to future resource management
plans to improve the living conditions of current and future generations while ensuring the
health and productivity of the crab population and the mangrove ecosystem they depend on.
They also intended to advance the practice of sustainability assessment. Their results revealed
that social and economic sustainability are being eroded while no threats to biological
sustainability are currently apparent.
9. Lundin and Morrison 2002 presented a procedure for the selection of indicators, which
reflects the environmental sustainability of urban water system. The chosen indicators were
evaluated in Case Studies in a developed and a developing region. This procedure combined
empirical results with a theoretical framework based on LCA methodology. Case Studies
provided results which empirically defined the most important indicators for the system being
studied and emphasized site-specific issues. They also helped to reveal information gaps and
problems concerning availability and quality of information.
10. Girardin et al. 2000 have adopted an interaction matrix to evaluate the effects of farmer
production practices on the agro-ecosystem. Evaluation models can be aggregated to yield two
types of indicators: Agro-Ecological Indicators (AEI) reflect the impact of one production practice
on all environmental components; Indicators of Environmental Impact (IEI) reflect the impact of
all production practices. The evaluation matrix provided the raw material both for the
development of indicators (AEI or IEI) and for the use of multicriteria methods for sorting,
selecting, or classifying cropping or farming systems. Using an evaluation matrix, it is possible to
develop tools that could help decision-makers (farmers, extension services, administrative) to
make rational decisions concerning environmental as well as economic and social criteria.
Moreover, agro-ecological indicators may be used to establish an agro-environmental control
panel for the farm, to provide the basic information for a final indicator to synthesize knowledge
about environmental conservation, and possibly to sort cropping systems according to their
11. Onate et al. 2000 tried to evaluate the potential effects of Agri-environmental
Regulation EC 2078/92 on European agricultural landscapes through the use of agri-
environmental indicators (AEIs) on policy effects. The main effects may be catalogued as
improvement effects or protection effects since they represent a change in participant over
non-participant farmers decisions. Finally, the importance of this type of policy evaluation
approach is discussed in the light of the likely future development of AEP in the European Union.
AEIs are an important tool for feeding information into the decision-making process. The
approach presented in this paper shows clear signs of being operational even when applied to
completely different agricultural landscapes with very different AEP measures being applied.
12. Pannell and Glenn 2000 presented a conceptual framework for the economic valuation
and prioritization of sustainability indicators. The framework was based on Bayesian decision
theory, particularly its use to calculate the value of information under conditions of uncertainty.
They tried to fill the gap of a conceptual framework as basis for evaluation and sustainable
development. The framework has revealed a number of important insights which should
influence the choice of indicators for any given resource management problem.
13. The objective of the method proposed by Rossing et al. 1997 is the design of
environmentally friendly flower bulb production systems. This study was carried out to bring
together the fragmented agronomic information and to assess agrotechnical options (Audsley et
al. 1997). Subjective components, one economic, two environmental objectives and various
socio-economic constraints, were identified in interaction with the stakeholders. Interactive
multiple goal linear programming was used to optimize the objectives at the farm level and
determine the exchange value of the economic objective. The results revealed that the negative
impact of environment-oriented production systems on farm gross margin is importantly
mitigated by strategic choices at the farm level.
14. Biewinga and van der Bijl 1996 presented a method to assess ecological and economic
sustainability of growing and conversion of crops to energy. This method was based on Life
Cycle Assessment (LCA), which is a method that can be used to assess the environmental impact
of agriculture (Hanegraaf et al. 1998), but in this case it considered additional indicators specific
for agricultural production systems.
15. Haas et al. 2001 used the framework of a LCA in 18 grassland dairy farms covering three
farming intensity levels. In this study, the selection of appropriate impact categories and
functional units are emphasized, to fit specific agricultural and regional requirements in order to
compare the impact of farms (Haas et al. 2000)(Haas et al. 2000)(Haas et al. 2000). The objective
of this study was to adapt the LCA method, developed for assessing the environmental impact of
production processes, to agriculture on the whole farm level, efficiently and feasibly assessing
all relevant environmental impacts.
16. Taylor et al. 1993 took into account 33 farmer production practices for producing
cabbage. Each practice yields a positive or negative score. These scores are summed to a Farmer
Sustainability Index (FSI), a single value reflecting ecological sustainability. FSI considers recent
changes in practices, thus a farmer whose practices have been moving towards greater
sustainability obtains a higher FSI than one who uses the same practices, but has not modified
The next tables present a classification of the reviewed studies. As a preliminary classification, in
Table 1 we can see that the studies are divided in three groups, according to their objectives.
Table 2 presents a classification of the reviewed studies, according to the methodologies and
tools which they have used or adopted. As we can observe, about the half of the studies
(43.75%) have presented a procedure which measures environmental sustainability, or have
adopted a methodology, for assessing the environmental impact of production processes. All of
them have used as tools indicators which best reflect environmental sustainability, such as Agro-
Ecological Indicators (AEI) or Indicators of Environmental Impact (IEI).
On the other hand, the 37.5% of the analyzed studies attempted to examine all the three
dimensions of sustainability: They set up a multi-scale framework, which comprises the
assessment in the three dimensions of sustainability, or tried to evaluate the three dimensions
sustainability by means of composite indicators. Additionally, other studies attempted to
support sustainable agriculture by measuring environmental economic and social indicators
covering the three dimensions of sustainability.
The last group of the studies, that covers the 18.75%, refers to different approaches to measure
or assess sustainability. Abildtrup et al. have developed scenarios, for the analysis of climate
change trying to ensure internal consistency between the evolution of socio-economics and
climate change. Moreover, Biewinga and van der Bijl tried to assess ecological and economic
sustainability, using environmental and additional economic indicators. Finally, Pannell and
Glenn presented a conceptual framework for the economic valuation and prioritization of
sustainability indicators.
Table 1. Classification of the studies according to their objectives
Objective of the Studies Number of Studies Percentage
Attempts to assess or measure all three dimensions of
6 37.50%
sustainability (economic, environmental, social)
Focus only on environmental sustainability, or assessing
7 43.75%
environmental impacts
Different approaches to measure or assess sustainability.
(Consistency between socio-economic indicators and climate
3 18.75%
change, assessment of ecological and economic sustainability
or economic valuation of sustainability indicators.
Total 16 100%
practices in the farm
designed a framework for
Rossing et al. 1997. 1 economic, 2 environmental objectives
environmentally friendly flower bulb
and various socio-economic constraints
production systems
Additional Studies
presented an approach for the
scenarios that ensured internal
construction of socio-economic
Abildtrup et al. 2006 consistency between the evolution of
scenarios required for the analysis of
socio-economics and climate change
climate change impacts
the framework was based on Bayesian
presented a conceptual framework for
decision theory calculate the value of
Pannell and Glenn 2000. the economic valuation and
information under conditions of
prioritization of sustainability indicators
tried to assess ecological and economic environmental and additional economic
Biewinga and van der Bijl
sustainability of growing and conversion indicators specific for agricultural
of crops to energy production systems.
The next Tables content the results of a more extensive review, focusing on studies applying
sustainability indicators in order to assess or measure sustainability. Table 3 focuses on the
studies that have used indicators which best reflect environmental sustainability, such as Agro-
Ecological Indicators (AEI) or Indicators of Environmental Impact (IEI). As we can observe, all the
studies focus on soil and water resource protection, energy use, pesticide use, water
consumption and use of irrigation water and biodiversity. Table 4 is dedicated to a review of
approaches that have tried to assess the three dimensions of sustainability, or tried to evaluate
the three dimensions sustainability by means of composite indicators. The indicators that refer
to environmental sustainability are similar to the ones mentioned above. The focus here is also
on agro-environmental subsidy areas, animal well-being and diversity. Regarding the economic
dimension of sustainability, the used indicators cover the fields of land productivity, of income
of agricultural producers and the contribution of agriculture to GDP, they examine the
dependency on direct or indirect subsidies and on external finance and they analyze farmers
agricultural and other market activities. Finally, regarding the social dimension of sustainability,
the focus is on indicators that measure the well-being and the quality of life, such as culture,
health, recreation, food security and safety. The used indicators examine also agricultural
employment and the risk of abandonment of agricultural activities or risks and uncertainties
involved in crop cultivation.
Table 3. List of Indicators for the assessment of environmental sustainability
Author Indicators
1. Nutrient use (Surplus N and P, Efficiency % output input
Halberg et al. 2005 2. Energy use (Direct energy, MJ or MJ, Total energy Use)
3. Pesticide use (Treatment frequency index, Environmental impact points)
1. Withdrawal - Annual freshwater withdrawal/annual available volume
2. Water consumption - Use per capita per day
3. Treatment - Chemical and energy use for water supply
4. Distribution - Leakage (unaccounted water/produced water)
5. Reuse of water - Reused water
6. Production - Wastewater producon per day
Lundin and Morrison 2002
7. Treatment -performance Removal of BOD5, P, N
8. Loads to receiving water - Loads of BOD5, P and N
9. Resource use - Chemical and energy use for wastewater treatment
10. Recycling of nutrients - Amount of P and N recycled
11. Quality of sludge - Cadmium content in sludge
12. Energy recovery -Energy recovered, heating and power
Land-use level
1. Scrubs - Area of scrub
2. Barren - land Area of barren land
3. Grassland - Area of grassland
4. Crops - (Arable areaFallow area)
5. Fallow land - Area of fallow land
6. Irrigated land - Area of irrigated crops
7. Tree plantations - Area of tree plantations
8. Crop boundaries - Area (length) of boundaries
9. Hedgerows Area - (length) of hedgerows
Onate et al. 2000
10. Crops to fallow - Area converted
11. Fallow to crops - Area converted
12. Arable to tree plantations - Area converted
13. Arable to abandoned - Area converted
Management level
14. Grain legume crops - Area of grain legume
15. Crops diversity - No. of crops with >5% of FA or GA
16. Fertilizers use Kg
17. Sprayers use Kg
18. Grazing stock density
19. Date of harvest
1. Resource consumption - Use of primary energy, Use of P- & K- fertiliser
2. Global warming potential - CO, CH,, N20-emission
3. Soil function/strain Accumulation of heavy metals, NH~, NO x, SO2-emission
4. Water quality - N-fertilising, N-farmgate-balance, potential of nitrate leaching,
5. P-fertilising, P-balance, % of drained area
6. Human and ecotoxicity - Application of herbicides and antibiotics, potential of nitrate
Haas et al. 2000 leaching, NH3 emission
7. Biodiversity - Grassland (number of species, date of first cut), hedges & field margins
(density, diversity, state, care)
8. Landscape image Grassland, hedges & field margins, grazing animals (period, breed,
alpine cattle keeping), layout of farmstead (regional type, buildings)
9. Animal husbandry - Housing system & conditions, herd management (e.g. lightness,
spacing, grazing season, care)
Table 4. List of Indicators for the assessment of the three dimensions of sustainability
Economic Environmental Social
1. Residential Ind. Services 4. Abiotic Resources 7. Work
Paracchini et al.
2. Land based Production 5. Provision Habitat 8. Health & Recreation
2011 3. Infrastructure 6. Ecosystem Processes 9. Culture
4. Economic dependence on
agricultural activity
5. Specialisation
1. Income of agricultural 6. Mean area per plot
Gomez-Limon 14. Agricultural employment
producers 7. Soil cover
15. Stability of work-force
and Sanchez- 2. Contribution of agriculture to 8. Nitrogen balance
16. Risk of abandonment of
Fernandez 2010 GDP 9. Phosphorus balance
agricultural activity
3. Insured area 10. Pesticide risk
11. Use of irrigation water
12. Energy balance
13. Agro-environmental subsidy
7. Diversity of annual or
temporary crops
8. Diversity of perennial crops 26. Quality of foodstuffs
9. Diversity of associated produced
vegetation 27. Enhancement of buildings and
10. Animal diversity landscape heritage
1. Available income per worker
11. Enhancement and 28. Processing of non-organic
compared with the national
conservation of genetic waste
legal minimum wage
heritage 29. Accessibility of space
2. Economic specialization rate
12. Cropping patterns 30. Social involvement Short
3. Financial autonomy
13. Dimension of fields trade
4. Reliance on direct subsidies
14. Organic matter management 31. Services, multi-activities
Zahm et al. 2008 from CAP and indirect
15. Ecological buffer zones 32. Contribution to employment
economic impact of milk and
16. Measures to protect the 33. Collective work
sugar quotas
natural heritage 34. Organisation of space
5. Total assets minus lands value
17. Stocking rate 35. Probable farm sustainability
by non salaried worker unit
18. Fodder area management 36. Contribution to world food
6. Operating expenses as a
19. Fertilization balance
proportion of total production
20. Effluent processing 37. Training
21. Pesticides and veterinary 38. Labour intensity
products 39. Quality of life
22. Animal well-being 40. Isolation
23. Soil resource protection 41. Reception, hygiene and safety
24. Water resource protection
25. Energy dependence
10. Supply (flow) of quality air
1. Farm income function
2. Dependency on direct and 11. Supply (stock) of soil function
indirect subsidies 12. Supply (flow) of water 18. Food security and safety
3. Dependency on external function 19. Physical well-being of the
Van finance 13. Water flow buffering function farming community function
Cauwenbergh et 4. Agricultural activities 14. Supply (flow) of energy 20. Psychological well-being of
al. 2007 5. Market activities function the farming
6. Farmers professional training 15. Supply (stock) of biotic 21. community function
7. Inter-generational resources 22. Well-being of the society
continuation of farming activity 16. Supply (stock) of habitat
8. Land tenure arrangements function
9. Adaptability of the farm 17. Biotic resource flow buffering
3. land-use pattern
8. input self-sufficiency
4. cropping pattern
Rasul and Thapa 9. equity
1. land productivity 5. soil fertility management,
2004 2. yield stability and profitability 6. pest and disease
10. food security
11. risks and uncertainties
involved in crop cultivation
7. soil fertility status
4. Discussion
This paper covers an overview of various methodologies that seek to deliver sustainable areas
and tools which are practically implemented to measure sustainable development. In previous
Section 16 studies that seek to deliver sustainable areas were selected from a literature
research. These studies have been reviewed, analyzed and classified, according to their
objective and tools. Although there are various international efforts on measuring sustainability,
only few of them have an integral approach taking into account environmental, economic and
social aspects, or attempted to support sustainable agriculture by measuring indicators covering
the three dimensions of sustainability. In most cases the focus is on one of the three aspects
(Singh et al. 2009). More specifically, most of the studies adopted a methodology, for assessing
the impacts of environmental sustainability, or presented a procedure which measures
environmental sustainability. The last group of the studies refers to different approaches to
measure or assess sustainability, such as developing a conceptual framework for the economic
valuation and prioritization of sustainability indicators or attempting to ensure internal
consistency between the evolution of socio-economics and climate change.
The results outline the fact that a conceptual approach to economic and social sustainable
development is still missing from the literature (Pearce and Atkinson 1992; Pearce and Atkinson
1993). Scientists and policy researchers have developed a plethora of objectives, strategies and
measurement instruments, but with little regard for the economic and social sustainability
The concept of sustainability tends to be rather nebulous and confusing in the context of rural
social and economic sustainability. It is becoming increasingly important, when attempting to
assess the socioeconomic sustainability of a region, to take full account of the dependence
dimension, as well as the more obvious "direct" structure and performance indicators (Copus
and Crabtree 1996). There is a need for an integrated concept which will incorporate the
approaches of both socioeconomic sustainability and multifunctionality (Wiggering et al. 2006).
The attempts to identify the main elements of sustainability highlight that a comprehensive
theoretical framework to a fully integrated approach to sustainability is still lacking and it is
unlikely that one could be developed in the near future. This is due to the multifaceted nature of
the concept of sustainability.
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