Green Economy North 2016 Annual Report

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2016 Annual Reportrt

A Year of Growth

Richard Eberhardt Rebecca Danard

Program Manager Executive Director
Green Economy North reThink Green

A year ago Green Economy target-based sustainability North helps businesses see
North was only an idea. The program in Ontario, and we the economic benefits of
model had worked in other are moving toward a more sustainability: lower energy
places, but it wasnt proven to sustainable economy. costs, engaged staff, satisfied
work in Northern Ontario. customers, and the tools
There is no such thing as an required to navigate new
The community of Greater insignificant carbon footprint. environmental policies and
Sudbury has a history of Whether its a thousand legislation. A cultural change
coming together to solve cars or one large facility, the has taken root in Sudbury,
environmental problems; but CO2 we are adding to our and is starting to branch out.
were local businesses ready atmosphere is causing climate Our members are working
to cut their emissions and change. Small actions add to embed sustainability into
take on climate change? The up to a large impact. The their business practices and
answer was a resounding YES! same applies to the work corporate culture.
our members are doing in
Green Economy North grew to reducing their impact. We are proud that our
16 members in our first year. program has helped make
We are the fastest-growing Green Economy North our community a leader in
members are making a the low-carbon economy. By
difference. Small joining the Green Economy
businesses can North network, you are
The Green measure and manage connected to a global
Economy North emissions. Sudbury
can set targets for GHG
movement of like-minded
businesses and organizations
network is growing reduction. Canada can dedicated to making smart
work toward a low changes to fight climate
together towards a carbon economy. change. We are excited to be a
part of it. We hope you are too.
more sustainable Mitigating climate
economy. change will require
hard work and cultural
change. Green Economy

Annual Report 2016 | 2

Table of Contents
How We Help..................................................................................... 4

Program Timeline............................................................................. 5

Member Highlights......................................................................... 7
Sudbury INO / Glencore....................................................................... 8
Hia Media Inc........................................................................................... 9
Wahnapitae First Nation...................................................................... 9
A2S Consulting Engineers................................................................... 10
3rd Line Studios Inc.............................................................................. 10
TownePlace Suites................................................................................. 11
Sudbury Theatre Centre...................................................................... 12
EcoLife Home Improvements............................................................ 12
N-Viro by Walker Environmental...................................................... 13
The Townehouse Tavern & The Laughing Buddha..................... 13
Copper Cliff United Church, Trinity United Church &
St. Stephens on the Hill....................................................................... 14
PACS Energy Solutions......................................................................... 15
Cantin Insurance Services - The Co-operators Group .............. 15
Project Site 176 Larch Street.............................................................. 16

Grow With Us..................................................................................... 17

Thank You............................................................................................ 18

Green Economy North is a program of reThink Green powered by

Sustainability CoLab. We are part of a larger network, which operates in eight
communities across Ontario and works with over 200 businesses that are
setting and achieving sustainability goals. Together, were demonstrating that
a more sustainable economy is possible.
Emily Thorn Corthay, Hatch Ltd.
How We Help
Green Economy North is a business support program, helping organizations in Greater Sudbury
measure and manage environmental sustainability. Members have access to a wide variety
of services including direct coaching, technical assessments, and access to experts in energy
management and sustainability. As businesses set and meet sustainability targets, they realize
operational cost savings, and have their achievements recognized by the community.

Measure Manage

Reduce Save

The coaching and

mentorship that
has come from this
membership has been
invaluable and has
paid itself back Jolene Recollet
threefold. Economic Development Officer
Wahnapitae First Nation

Annual Report 2016 | 4

Program Timeline
2016 was an inspiring first year for Green Economy North. From our exciting launch event to the
signing of our 16th member, we have many highlights to share. We are particularly thrilled by the
response to our first Sustainable Business Forum. We are building on this positive energy to turn
interest into action, working together with business and the community to build Sudburys low-
carbon economy.


Program Launch Energy Auditing 101

April 22 2016 June 14 2016
Launched Green Economy North Hosted a technical workshop where
with four early-adopter members. attendees learned how to complete a
walkthrough energy audit.


10th Member Project Site Launch

October 29 2016 August 25 2016
Welcomed Wahnapitae First Nation as Introduced an innovative
the 10th member of Green Economy membership model that brings
North, and the first Aboriginal together landlords and tenants
community to join the Sustainability on a path to sustainability.
CoLab network.


Business Forum 16 in 16
November 29 2016 December 21 2016
Hosted a business forum on Celebrated the membership of the
action planning for sustainability Sudbury Theatre Centre and five
and team engagement. others, bringing the Green Economy
North network to 16 in 2016!

5 | Green Economy North

Holly Sutton, Richard Eberhardt, Xavier Icardo, Kevin Moffat

Richard Eberhardt, Stephanie Marshall,

Rebecca Danard

Kelly Scott Rebecca Danard, Richard Eberhardt, Jolene Recollet

An important part of
Green Economy North
is really the gathering
with people that have
the same mindset,
because suddenly you
have more ideas.
- Xavier Icardo, TownePlace Suites
Mike Morrice Caleb Marshall

Skye Little, Jolene Recollet,

Tammy Cheguis, Xavier Icardo

Kevin Sherwood Nasser Jeary, Leigha Benford, Rebecca Danard Frances Edmunds

Annual Report 2016 | 6

Member Highlights
Green Economy North members have been actively measuring, managing and reducing their

carbon footprint. Read about their sustainability goals, milestones and successes highlighted in
each member profile.

GHGs Reduced in 2016

Milestone Legend
Total tonnes of CO2e (tCO2e) reduced by
reporting members.

Electricity 1
Members learn about the
Reduced in 2016 program, and identify
Total Kilowatt Hours (kWh) immediate sustainability
reduced by reporting members. goals and support needs.
2017 Milestones
Members gather data about
sustainability performance,
set a baseline year, and
prepare to report on metrics.

3 Members measure
and publicly report on
sustainability metrics, and
prepare detailed action plans.

4 Members set a public
sustainability target and
implement action plans.
Carbon Emissions Reporting Legend

Total Emissions: An inventory of all sources of Scope 2 Emissions: Electricity consumption

greenhouse gas emissions is the total amount of requires generation. A share of Ontarios energy grid
Carbon Dioxide Equivalent produced over the entire comes from fossil fuel generation, and this share is
business operation, compiled to ISO 14064-1 standard. reflected in Scope 2, or energy indirect emissions.
For comparison, 5.23 Tonnes of CO2 are emitted by the
average passenger vehicle in one year.
Scope 3 Emissions: All other indirect emissions
are categorized in Scope 3. Standard inventories
Scope 1 Emissions: These emissions come from include scope 3 emissions from solid waste removal,
direct release of greenhouse gases, primarily from water and waste water usage, but can also include
the consumption of fossil fuels from space heating or many categories from purchased air and rail travel to
vehicle use. employee commuting to work.

7 | Green Economy North


Glencore - Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations

Glencores Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations (Sudbury INO) activities include exploration,
Fraser Mine, Nickel Rim South Mine, Strathcona Mill and Sudbury Smelter. The company has been
mining nickel copper ores in the Sudbury area of northern Ontario Canada, since 1928. The facilities
are spread throughout a 60km-long oval shaped geological formation known as the Sudbury Basin.

Baseline 2014 2015

Current Milestone

1 2 246K 193K
Onboarding Developing

3 4 *245,643 exact *193,031 exact

*Includes 2 month Smelter
maintenance shutdown
Reporting Targeting
Tonnes of CO2 Emissions

Scope 1: Energy Direct

Highlights Falconbridge Smelter
Scope 2: Energy Indirect

Sudbury INO has continuously Monitoring Team*, Wahnapitae Nation (now has an environmental
worked to reduce their energy and First Nation Environmental Working consulting service group), completed
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Group, VETAC Regreening Advisory phase one of the Process Gas project
through several upgrades within Panel, Falconbridge Citizens (compliance with Reg. 419 with
their facilities. Some of these include Committee and Clean Air Sudbury. respect to SO2 and metals emissions).
replacing the SO2 Blower Variable
Speed Fan, replacing Converter #8 Sudbury INO has had some
and also switching to Ventilation on great successes for 2015, including
Demand (VOD). maintaining ISO 14001 certification
(an international standard that
Established an ISO 14001 Green specifies requirements for an
Team since the early 2000s comprised effective environmental management
of environmental, operations and system) on all sites for over 10 years,
management personnel. They regreening efforts in support of
work towards achieving continual VETAC (e.g. in 2015 VETAC planted
improvement, pollution prevention ~70,000 trees), maintained high
and regulatory compliance. Sudbury water quality, carried out capacity
INO is also part of the Environmental building with Wahnapitae First

Environmental Monitoring

*This team is comprised of the

Sudbury District Health Unit, MOECC,
the City of Greater Sudbury, and Sudbury INO.

Annual Report 2016 | 8

Member Member

Hia Media Inc. Wahnapitae

Hia Media Inc. is a graphic design and
creative production company located in
First Nation
Whitefish, Ontario. Wahnapitae First Nation is a small
Anishinabek community located north
Current Milestone 1 2 3 4 of Greater Sudbury. The WFN Centre of
Excellence houses all administrative facets
of the community including health services,
Baseline 2015 2016 housing services, community development
and sustainable development services.

Current Milestone 1 2 3 4
36 36

Hosted Sharing a Sustainable Future in October

2016 Total (CO2e): 35.94t 2016 to highlight their approach to sustainable
resource development. This was an event to bring
2016 Scope 1: 33.45t together technicians from other First Nations to
2016 Scope 2: 2.49t share ideas.

Operates Sustainability Superheroes, a land-

based learning program for youth, and hosted a
Highlights number of events in 2016 to teach them about
sustainable development and environmental issues.
Uses an energy-efficient, electricity-based water-
source heat pump to heat and cool the combined
business and residential property.

Diverts virtually all solid waste, and is the first

creative production company in Sudbury to recycle
coroplast waste.

Buys the most energy efficient equipment possible,

including manufacturing equipment and business

Whatever we can do now to Ted Roque, Chief, Wahnapitae First Nation

reduce our energy use is savings

we can take to the bank.
- Skye Little, President

9 | Green Economy North

Member Member

A2S Consulting 3rd Line Studios Inc.

Engineers 3rd Line Studios Inc. is a mid-sized
architectural firm based in downtown
A2S is a consulting engineering firm that Sudbury. Housed at 289 Cedar St, which is
proudly services Northern Ontario. They also a Green Economy North Project Site, 3rd
specialize in structural engineering, condition Lines recent work includes the Grace Hartman
evaluations and restoration projects. They Amphitheatre and the Cambrian College
strive to be responsible corporate citizens. Sustainable Energy Centre of Excellence.

Current Milestone 1 2 3 4
Current Milestone 1 2 3 4

Baseline 2015 2016

Baseline 2014 2015 2016

7 7
108 95 95

2016 Total (CO2e): 7.09t 2016 Scope 1: 6.18t

2016 Total (CO2e): 95.18t
2016 Scope 2: 0.88t 2016 Scope 3: 0.03t
2016 Scope 1: 82.27t

Highlights 2016 Scope 2: 12.51t

2016 Scope 3: 0.40t

Offsets electricity usage through Bullfrog Power.

Strictly limits solid waste in day-to-day office work.

Uses energy-efficient vehicles for site visits. Highlights

Replaced old, single-paned windows with

Staying in touch with a group aluminium double-pane argon-filled units.
that will stay on top of the latest
Upgraded main entrance, office, accent, and
sustainability information is what second floor lights to LED.
we value most about the
Green Economy North program. Replaced old boilers with new high-efficiency gas
- Aaron Dent, Principal

Annual Report 2016 | 10


TownePlace Suites
TownePlace Suites is the latest extended-stay hotel built in Sudbury.

Current Milestone 1 2 3 4
Onboarding Developing Reporting Targeting

Highlights Baseline 2015 2016

Developed a green program called

Becoming Green is Hard which involves
all staff to work together to set a vision,
strategy and policies toward green
257 212
initiatives and efforts. Includes a green
communication board in the break room
with a green mascot, Kermit the Frog.
2016 Total (CO2e): 212.38t

2016 Scope 1: 161.69t

2016 Scope 2: 50.05t

2016 Scope 3: 0.64t

What we value most as

part of Green Economy
North is the accountability
to a local organization,
Started a green team to reduce water the information sessions
and electricity consumption due to the
nature of the business. All departments
and the networking
of the property are represented (front opportunities.
desk, housekeeping, food and beverage,
maintenance and management). - Xavier Icardo,
General Manager
Implemented full recycling of waste
produced by the property and guests.

Xavier Icardo, General Manager

11 | Green Economy North

Member Member

Sudbury Theatre EcoLife Home

Centre Improvements
Sudbury Theatre Centre (STC) is the only Not all home improvement contractors are
professional theatre between Barrie created equal. EcoLife Home Improvements
and Thunder Bay. STC offers a variety of motto is live green, save green. They
entertainment including theatre, music, specialize in eco-friendly, energy-efficient
dance, and comedy. installations for home improvement
projects from the Greater Sudbury Area to
Current Milestone 1 2 3 4 other parts of Northern Ontario.

Current Milestone 1 2 3 4

Completed a lighting retrofit to replace

fluorescents with LED bulbs.

Implemented a number of conservation practices

and policies for day-to-day operations.

Gathered data to establish a carbon emission

inventory and baseline.

Baseline 2016
2016 Total (CO2e): 55.73t

2016 Scope 1: 35.16t

2016 Scope 2: 19.46t

2016 Scope 3: 1.11t

Dave Murray, Owner

Annual Report 2016 | 12

Member Member

N-Viro by Walker The Townehouse

Environmental Tavern & The
Sudburys N-Viro biosolids plant is a
centralized wastewater sludge de-watering
Laughing Buddha
and stabilization facility producing Class The Townehouse Tavern and The Laughing
A biosolids at the Sudbury Wastewater Buddha restaurants have long been the
treatment plant on Kelly Lake Road. anchors of Sudburys downtown Elgin St.
Its an environmentally responsible scene.
and sustainable plant that is safe to all
surrounding communities, delivering a Current Milestone 1 2 3 4
long-term, modern approach to wastewater
management. Highlights
Current Milestone 1 2 3 4 Installed air-source heat pumps in The Laughing
Baseline 2016 Replaced most lighting to LED.

2016 Total (CO2e): 360.14t Completed a walkthrough audit with support from
Green Economy North and the Laurentian University
360 2016 Scope 1: 271.44t Project Engineering Society.

2016 Scope 2: 87.72t

2016 Scope 3: 0.98t


Opened a newly-built facility in spring 2015 and

set a baseline on first full year of operation.
Paul Loewenberg, Manager
Plans in the works for efficiency upgrades.

Richard Eberhardt & Laurentian University Project Engineering Society

Michael Ricci-Lyddiat, General Manager

13 | Green Economy North


Copper Cliff United Church

Trinity United Church
St. Stephens on the Hill
The United Church of Canada is deeply concerned about
climate change, an issue which has profound ethical
and moral dimensions. Three United Churches in the
Manitou Conference have become members of Green
Economy North. These churches are small not-for-profit We greatly value the
organizations, administered by volunteers and funded support we receive from
by members and adherents. Green Economy North to
define the resources needed
to achieve the upgrades at
Current Milestone
our church.
- Len Wisemen,
1 2 3 4
Copper Cliff United Church
Onboarding Developing Reporting Targeting

Copper Cliff United Church Trinity United Church

Baseline 2014 2015 2016 Baseline 2014 2015 2016

129 95 70
16 16 12

2016 Total (CO2e): 69.83t 2016 Total (CO2e): 12.13t 2016 Scope 2: 0.79t

2016 Scope 1: 67.8t 2016 Scope 1: 11.24t 2016 Scope 3: 0.1t

2016 Scope 2: 2.03t

Annual Report 2016 | 14

Member Member

PACS Energy Cantin Insurance

Solutions Services - The
Offering a cutting edge power correction
system, PACS Energy is working with
Co-operators Group
businesses to implement real time energy Greg Cantin and his team at Cantin Insurance
management. The trusted technology Services at the Lasalle Court Mall in Sudbury
behind their Power Application Correction deliver a personalized approach with one-
System actively helps to increase the on-one advice and answers to all of your
efficiency of electrical systems by insurance and investment questions.
eliminating waste, integrating renewables
and battery storage systems. They are
involved in many energy efficiency projects Current Milestone 1 2 3 4

in Greater Sudbury.
Baseline 2015 2016
Current Milestone 1 2 3 4

14 11

2016 Total (CO2e): 10.94t

2016 Scope 1: 9.17t

2016 Scope 2: 1.77t

Bob Montgomery, Manger & Kevin Sherwood, CEO

Rebecca Danard, Greg Cantin, Richard Eberhardt, Mike Morrice

Kevin Sherwood, CEO

15 | Green Economy North


Project Site 176 Larch Street

176 Larch Street in downtown Sudbury is a model of co-operation between
commercial building owners and users, with the goal of increasing energy
efficiency and reducing carbon footprint. The building is owned by
Al Vardy, Private Wealth Advisor of Raintree Financial Solutions. Tenants
include Sandra Mews and Associates, Eat Local Sudbury, and reThink Green.

Current Milestone
1 2 3 4
Onboarding Developing Reporting Targeting

Highlights Baseline 2015 2016

Winterized the third floor office

space The Forge, which houses reThink
Green, and sealed areas of heat-loss. 44 41
Completed an LED lighting retrofit in
Eat Local Sudburys store and offices.

Assessed the efficiency of the 2016 Total (CO2e): 41.36t

building and identified plans to
improve. 2016 Scope 1: 30.58t

2016 Scope 2: 10.78t

As a landlord, I want
to reduce the cost of
the electrical and water
usage passed onto the

- Al Vardy, Landlord &

Private Wealth Advisor

Erica Lagios, Store Manager, Eat Local Sudbury

Annual Report 2016 | 16

Grow With Us
Join the Program Growing with the
If you own a business or work in an
organization that is not yet part of CoLab Network
Green Economy North, consider signing up.
Every organization has capacity to benefit Years ago, after Id finished pitching a new climate
from becoming more sustainable. action plan for my community, a city councillor
asked me why we should do anything at all. Climate

Become a Sponsor change is, after all, a global problem.

I replied with what I felt was true then, and still do

Your contribution increases our capacity to
today: the progress we make locally matters a great
support businesses and organizations in deal and perhaps, beyond that, we could inspire
Greater Sudbury to measure and manage others too.
their carbon emissions.
Ive learned since then just how true this is. Because

Connect to the we really are all Growing Together. While you build
a movement here, CoLab and others supporting

Network you are doing the same provincially and federally.

You can see it in the 200+ businesses participating

By attending our workshops and events,
in similar programs as Green Economy North,
you will not only learn about business right across Ontario. And you can hear it in the
sustainability, but also connect with others words of politicians across Canada, from Wynne
and work towards the same goals. to Trudeau. But what do we need more of? We
need more businesses like TownePlace Suites and
HiaMediabusinesses that are doing more than just
talking. Because while others can set a vision, your

Welcome New Members! leadership in Sudbury is showing what that vision

looks likebe it at a smelter or a theatre. Youre
showing that businesses can save money, reduce
their emissions, and grow the low-carbon economy
at the same time. This is where the magic happens.

So, please, keep going.

Find others to bring into
this movement. And you
may be surprised just
how much of an impact
you have, not only here
in Sudbury, but what you
can inspire right across the

Growing Together?
More than you may even
know. And at CoLab, we
couldnt be more proud to Mike Morrice
be alongside you every step Executive Director
of the way. Sustainability CoLab

17 | Green Economy North

Thank You
Green Economy North would not be possible without the generous support of our members,
sponsors, funders, volunteers, board members, and staff.

Founding Partner Volunteers Board Members

Vale Ali El Mohd Amber Baechler
Andrew Hunter Brett Buchanan
Event Season Sponsors Holly Sutton Carlee Vendramin
Kaella-Marie Earle Kyle McCall
Greater Sudbury Hydro Inc - Liam Klemm Suzanne Perdeaux
Energy Savers Manisha Bhattarai Ted Wilson
Laurentian University Shane Pennant Victoria Armit
TD Canada Trust Victoria Scagnetti
Cassidy McAuliffe
Eco Canada Interns Chris Blackmore
Ontario Ministry of Environment Jennifer Harvey
Caleigh Yaworsky
and Climate Change Leigha Benford
David Berardi
Ontario Trillium Foundation Nasser Jeary
Justin Killah
FedNor Rebecca Danard
Sydney Little
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Richard Eberhardt
Corporation Paul Morse

Event Season Speakers

Brad Boychuk, Enviro Energy Kelly Scott, Greater Sudbury Chamber of Commerce
Cathy Zheng, Clearesult Kevin Sherwood, PACS Energy Solutions
Charles Coimbra, Hydro One Kristen Rutland, Greater Sudbury Hydro
Derek Satnik, Mindscape Innovations Louise Rubletz, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters
Emily Thorn Corthay, Hatch Ltd. Skye Little, Hia Media Inc.
Frances Edmonds, HP Canada Tammy Cheguis, Sudbury and District Health Unit
Jill Kirwan, Greater Sudbury Hydro Weston Sagle, Greater Sudbury Hydro
Jolene Recollet, Wahnapitae First Nation Xavier Icardo, TownePlace Suites

Annual Report Credit

The 2016 Annual Report was

designed and produced by
Cassidy McAuliffe, with cover
design and thematic support
by Terra Designs.

Sydney Little, Nasser Jeary, Rebecca Danard, Leigha Benford, Chris Blackmore, Cassidy McAuliffe, Richard Eberhardt

Annual Report 2016 | 18

176 Larch Street Environmental Impact Statement
Sudbury, Ontario 300 copies of the 2016 Annual Report were
705-674-1685 printed using 100% post-consumer paper. Impact: 27kg CO2e & 625L of Water

Program Funders :

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