Health Safety and Welfare For Construction Management

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Health, safety and welfare

Introduction to health, safety and welfare

Some important terms and definitions

Activities that seek to minimize or to eliminate hazardous conditions that can cause
bodily injury.

Occupational safety
Occupational safety means freedom from unacceptable risk of harm in the course of

Occupational safety is concerned with risks in areas where people work: offices,
manufacturing plants, farms, construction sites, and commercial and retail facilities.

Public safety is concerned with hazards in the home, in travel and recreation, and in
other situations that do not fall within the scope of occupational safety.

Occupational Health

Occupational health means not merely absence of disease or infirmity but also includes
the physical, mental and social elements affecting health of workers which are directly
related to safety, hygiene and welfare at work and includes occupational medicine and
biological monitoring.

Occupational diseases
1. Disease arising out of an in the course of employment.

2. Diseases occurred due to exposure of to specific substances or hazardous condition in

working environment at workplace.

Ill health
Ill health is an identifiable, adverse physical or mental condition arising from and/or
made worse by a work activity and/or work-related situation.

Occupational hygiene
The science and art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control of
factors and stresses (arising in or from the workplaces), which may cause sickness,
impaired health and well being or significant discomfort, and inefficiency among workers
or among the citizens of a community.

Prevention is the avoiding occupational accidents and occupational diseases due to
exposure of safety and health hazards at workplace. Prevention is the key in
occupational safety and health.

Any physical location in which work related activities are performed under the control of
the organization.

Work-related event(s) in which an injury or ill health (regardless of severity) or fatality
occurred, or could have occurred.

NOTE 1: An accident is an incident, which has given rise to injury, ill health or fatality.
NOTE 2: An incident where no injury, ill health, or fatality occurs may also be referred
to as a near-miss, near-hit, close call or dangerous occurrence.
NOTE 3: An emergency situation is a particular type of incident.
{Reference to Occupational health and safety assessment series 18001:2007 standard
(OHSAS 18001:2007).}

1. Hazard means a source of exposure to existing or potential danger.
2. A hazard is the potential to cause damage (ill health, injury, property damage, and
damage to environment)
Examples: Electricity, working at heights, slippery floors etc.,
3. Source, situation, or act with potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill
health or a combination of these. (According to OHSAS 18001:2007 standard)

1. Combination of likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event or exposure(s) and
severity of injury or ill health that can be caused by the event or exposure(s).
2. Risk means the probability that injury or damage will occur.

1. An unplanned, unexpected event that interferes with or interrupts normal activity and
potentially leads to personal injury or Rupees loss (Equipment damage, damage to
environment etc.,)
2. An undesired and unexpected disturbance of the normal completion of the work
process, which is generally brought about by the combination of internal or external
factors of a technical, physical, or social nature and which leads to injuries.

Occupational health and safety (OH&S)

I. Prevention of work related disease and injuries and protection and promotion of
activities on health of workers. Education of stakeholders and Improvement of plant and
substances in working environment to eliminate or minimize the exposure to workplace
hazards such as physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic and psychosocial.

II. Occupational safety and health is identified as the discipline (or group of disciplines)
dealing with the prevention of work-related injuries and diseases as well as the
protection and promotion of the health of workers. It aims at the improvement of
working conditions and environment and involves many specialized fields (occupational

medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, industrial safety, ergonomics,
psychology, etc.).
In its broadest sense, it should aim at:
the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and
social well-being of workers in all occupations;
the prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their
working conditions;
the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors
adverse to health;
the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted
to physical and mental needs;
the adaptation of work to humans.

Both health and safety issues must be addressed in every workplace. However,
occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety issues
because the former are frequently less evident and are generally more difficult to

Introduction to Types of Hazards

1. Physical
Heat, light, noise, ventilation, radiation, vibration etc.,
2. Chemical
Organic solvents, metal and mineral dusts, plastics, pesticides, other chemicals
3. Biological
Bacteria, virus, fungi and other living organism etc.,
4. Ergonomic
Work postures, work methods, display units etc.,
5. Psychosocial
Stress, violence etc
6. Safety hazards associated with gravity (falls of people and objects); manual
handling; hand tools moving parts of plant/machinery and/or their loads,
vehicles; electricity, pressure (steam)
7. Other hazards-2
Food poisoning and contaminated drinking water
8. Hazards associated with weather conditions

{In some of the hazard definitions available in books include safety hazards due to
mechanical, electrical and potential are in physical hazard category.}

Construction safety

Most of the construction workers have to face many hazards in constriction industry
compared with other industries. The rate of fatal accidents in the construction industry
is very high compared to that of the other industries. About 30 fatal accidents are
reported to the Industrial Safety Division of department of Labour in construction
industry due to falling from height, collapse of deep excavation, oxygen deficiencies in
confined spaces, temporary wiring, and collapse of temporary structures.

Contributing to the rate of accidents are due to following characters sites of the

1. High proportion of unskilled workers due to self employed persons and small sub
constructing firms.
2. Chain of subcontractors.
3. Verity of construction sites and comparatively short duration of construction.
4. High turnover of workers.
5. Large number of seasonable and migrant unskilled workers.
6. Different trades and occupations.
7. Fast changing working environment.

At the design stage

Consider the major operations, which are likely to injury of workman and also causes for
illnesses. At the design stage it is possible to plan to prevent injuries. At the design
stage, all possible hazards must be identified and then only it is possible to prepare
comprehensive documents relating to contract.

In order to eliminate hazards, a designer must be able to identify that a hazard exists.
Hazards that may be encountered on construction sites may be categorised into three
main types. They may be:

a) Hazards harmful to health;

eg. Exposed to noise, vibration, asbestos, dust, radiation, etc.,

b) Hazards likely to cause personal injury; and

eg. Working at heights, working in areas where there is a possibility of falling of

objects, exposed to live electrical wires, etc.,

c) Hazards likely to lead to catastrophic events

eg. Outbreak of fires, flooding, premature collapse of structure, collapse of
crane, collapse of tunnels and excavations

The possible control measures must be mentioned for the hazards that may be
encountered during the construction and risk register must be maintained with the

identified hazards in design stage. Contract documents must be prepared at the design
stage according to the identified hazards.

At the design stage in contract documents, it must be mentioned about the legal
requirement to be complied. At the design stage in contract documents, it must be
mentioned to provide suitable scaffoldings and it must be mentioned about the
periodical test requirements. All responsibilities for contractors must be included in
contract documents including financial requirement, human resource requirement for
safety and monitoring requirements with maintenance of records.

Design stage developed documents -Working at heights

It is expected to include item such as scaffolding for work.
Provide suitable personal protective equipment.
Fencing of temporary platforms where possible

Safety and health plan

The principal contractor has to produce a construction phase health and safety plan
outlining the key arrangements to ensure that the work is carried out safely. The client
should not allow work to start on site until there is an adequate plan. In this
construction phase plan the significant risks has been identified and control measures

Arrangements for controlling significant site risks
Safety risks
Delivery and removal of materials (including waste) and work equipment, taking
account of any risks to the public, e.g. during access to or egress from the site.
Services, including temporary electrical installations.
Preventing falls.
Work with or near fragile materials.
Control of lifting operations.
Dealing with services (water, electricity, gas, communications cabling, etc.).
Maintenance of plant and equipment.
Poor ground conditions or contaminated ground.
Work in confined spaces.
Managing temporary works.
Traffic routes and segregation of vehicles and pedestrians, including access to and
egress from site.
Storage of materials (particularly hazardous materials) and work equipment.
Dealing with existing unstable structures.
Accommodating adjacent land use.
Any other significant safety risks.

Health risks
The removal of asbestos.
Dealing with contaminated land.
Manual handling.
Use of hazardous substances and animal hazards (eg. Rat fever)
Reducing noise and vibration.
Any other significant health risk (such as dust).

At construction stage

According to the safety and health plan during the design stage most of the significant
hazards identified. At construction stage control measures can be made according to the
design stage identified significant risks.

While the construction work was going on there would be vast changes in the situation of
site day by day. Therefore it is evident that the most suitable method to identify hazard
is the workplace observation technique. Daily inspections will influence to identify
proper hazards at construction. According to the observations the existing control
measures can be reviewed and make suitable changes.

Site Planning and Lay out

A badly planned untidy site is often cause accidents and therefore before work
begins on site, consideration should be given to the free movement of workers, material
and to storage. General public will also exposed to construction hazards if the site has
not properly planned. The followings are recommended in site planning and lay out.

1. The site must be fenced in to keep out unauthorized persons, children in

particular and to protect public from site hazards.
2. Safe access and good visibility of vehicle equipment entering, leaving and moving
about the site have been provided.
3. There should be safe access to reach their work place, including safe roadways
and walkway, gangways and runs, staircases, ladders and scaffoldings.
4. Walkways are level as far as practicable and are free from obstruction.
5. Edge protection is provided for gangways, floors, staircases and landings from
which there is a drop of 2m or more.
6. There should be adequate lighting at places where it is intended to work in night
or poor lighting at day times.
7. There should be adequate arrangements for the safe storage of materials on the
8. Waste collection and disposal arrangements should be available in the site.
9. There must be adequate arrangement for meal rooms, sanitary conveniences,
changing room and lockers.
10. There must be adequate emergency arrangements at the site


Main Hazards
1. Unexpected collapse of the unsupported sides of a trench or inadequately
supported trenches.
2. Falling of materials in to the excavations.
3. Falling of trees nearby.
4. Workers falling in to the excavations.
5. Loading and unloading to close to trenches causing collapse of trenches.
6. Weather affects to collapse or unexpected flooding.
7. Presence of poisonous gases.
8. Damage to service lines.

1. The sides of the trench should be sloping or be battered back to the safe angle or
supported by timbering or other means of sharing to prevent collapse. The type
of support will depend on type of excavation, soil condition and ground water
2. Excavations more than 1.2 meters in depth should be provided with adequate
timbering or shoring. At least random pilling or timbering is required in all
excavations. Barriers should be erected along the edges of the excavations to
prevent persons from falling into the excavations.
3. Materials, equipment and vehicles should not be moved or stored around the
edge of the excavations stop blocks should be kept to prevent vehicle movement.
4. Adequate lighting should be provided and sufficient ventilation should be
provided workers should wear safely helmets and shoes.
5. Adequate precautions must be taken if service lines are nearby.

Prevention of falls

Physics of free fall

A body in motion (free fall) can cover vast distances in a short period of time. Consider
following conditions.
A body in free fall can travel 4 ft in 0.5 second
A body in free fall can travel 16 ft. in 1 second
A body in free fall can travel 64 ft. in 2 seconds

Fall protection

Passive system include:

Safety nets


Active systems components (personal fall arrest system-PFAS) include:

Anchorage points
Snap hooks
Life lines
Body harness

Active systems
Designed to operate in free fall situations.
Must be connected to other systems/components or activated to provide
Active systems are designed to protect employees from the following items:
Forces that can cause injury

Lifeline means a component consisting of a flexible line that connects to an

anchorage at one end to hang vertically (vertical lifeline), or that connects to
anchorages at both ends to stretch horizontally (horizontal lifeline), and which serves as
a means for connecting other components of a personal fall arrest system to the

Body harness means a design of straps which may be secured about the employee in a
manner to distribute the fall arrest forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist, chest
and shoulders, with means for attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest

Body belt (safety belt) means a strap with means both for securing it about the waist
and for attaching it to a lanyard, lifeline, or deceleration device.

Scaffolding and ladders

Causes of accidents
In most of the causes safe means of access and safe place of work have not been
Most of the accidents are due to,
1. Fall of persons from a height.
2. Fall of material and objects from a height.
3. The collapse of a scaffold or part of a scaffold.
4. The overloading of a scaffold.
5. Weather affects to work.

1. A working platform, gangway or run from which a person can fall more than 2
meters should be provided a firm foundation and be provided with at least one
guard rail of 0.92 to 1.15m above the platform, mid rail and toe guard of not less
than 150mm high.
2. Uprights of the scaffoldings should be on firm foundations and be provided with
adequate base plates to prevent sagging or vertical movement. The scaffolding
should be adequately anchored or tied to the building to prevent any inward,
outward or sideways movement.
3. Ratio between heights to base width should not be more than 3.5 to 1 inside a
building and 3.0 to 1 in outdoors in mobile towers. In static towers, it can go up
to 4:1 in inside buildings and 3:5:1 in outside buildings.
4. The working platform must be large enough to enable safe and easy work.
Minimum width of a gangway and access
Main gangway- (two way) 1.2m
Side gangway o.9m
Emergency exit 0.9m
Fire fighting ways 0.9m


A common cause of accidents is over-balancing or over-reaching

Following precautions should be taken:

1. Place the ladder at a safe angle of 750 to horizontal, which is about 1 m out at
the base at every 4 ms in height.
2. The ladders should extend at least 1 m above the landing place. This is to stop the
risk of over balancing when you step off and on at the top.
3. Face the ladder when climbing or descending and do not take any goods or tools
in the hand so as to leave both hands free.
4. Always use a three-point contact climbing method (two hand and one foot, or one
hand and two feet).
5. Ladders should be properly fixed in the foot and at top to prevent slipping.
6. It is advisable to check the power lines before erecting the ladder.
7. Do not attempt to stretch too far, instead move the ladder.
8. Inspect each ladder before use. Ladders with loose, broken, or missing rungs, split
or bent side rails, or other defects must be identified and removed from service.

Roof work

Main Hazards
falls from the edge of roofs,
falls through opening in roofs
falls through fragile roof materials

Crawler boards or roof ladders to be used.

Safety harness with life line should be used in most cases.
Edge protection shall be done.
Fall protection precautions discussed earlier are also applicable.

Main Hazards
Uncontrolled collapse of walls or other structures
Damages to service lines
Sharp materials, nails and glass pieces.
Throwing of materials over the sides of the buildings
High dust levels due to presence of sand, asbestos etc.

All service lines must be disconnected.
The building under demolition should be fenced off.
Glass pieces, nails and other sharp materials should be removed from the site.
Structures that might collapse dangerously must be supported.
Waste materials should be removed or kept in suitable place.
Appropriate dust control method should be applied.
PPE such as respiratory protective equipments must be provided.

Hierarchy of control
Control: the measures we take to eliminate or reduce the risk to an acceptable level.
Hierarchy of Control: The order in which controls should be considered when selecting
methods of controlling a risk.
1. Elimination
2. Substitution
3. Isolation
4. Engineering control
5. Warning systems
6. Administrative control
7. Work practice control
8. Personal protective equipment

The best method of dealing with a hazard is to eliminate it. Once the hazard has been
eliminated the potential for harm has gone.
This involves substituting a dangerous process, method or substance with one that is not
as dangerous. This may not be as satisfactory as elimination as there may still be a risk
(even if it is reduced).
Separate or isolate the hazard from people. This method has its problems in that the
hazard has not been removed. The guard or separation device is always at risk of being
removed or circumvented.

Engineering control
Structural changes to work environment, machine guards, devices to prevent contact
with dangerous parts, exhaust devices, ventilation etc. Eg. In case of working at heights,
provide guard rails, hand rails, safety nets etc. In case of high noise equipment apply
noise reduction methods such as building up attenuators, install silencers etc.
Warning systems- Audio, visual
Automatic systems to warn in the event of over-pressure, loss of pressure, water level
and temperature change etc.,
Eg. Warning alarms and back-up alarms, Manual warning systems- horns and buzzers
Warning signs and labels
Administrative control
Administrative solutions usually involve modification of the likelihood of an accident
happening. This can be done by reducing the number of people exposed to the danger
reducing the amount of time exposed and providing training to those people who are
exposed to the hazard. Job rotation is one of the best examples.
Work practice controls
It is expected to reduce exposure to occupational hazards through behaviour of workers.
Eg. Keeping minimum amount of storage of material in temporary scaffolding in building
construction, keep close containers when handling chemicals.
Personal protective equipment
Provision of personal protective equipment should only be considered when all other
control methods are impractical, or to increase control when used with another method
higher up in the Hierarchy of Control.

Main health, safety and welfare legislation

History of health, safety and welfare legislation

Ordinance No11 of 1865

First piece of legislation in respect of workers health in the country was enacted in
respect of plantation Industry. From the year 1865 OSH rights and approaches

Medical wants Ordinance - 1872

The first Medical Wants Ordinance specified the provisions which had to be made by
Employers of the Estate Labour to implement the Ordinance of 1865

Mines & machinery Protection Ordinance 1896- Factories No: 2 of 1896

Workmens Compensation Ordinance No.19 of 1934

An Ordinance to provide for the Payment of compensation to Workmen who are
injured in the course of their employment

Main health, safety and welfare legislation-Factories Ordinance No.45 of 1942

The following main amendments were done up to date

1. Factories (Amendment) Act No. 54 of 1961
2. Factories (Amendment) Law No. 12 of 1976
3. Factories (Amendment) Act No. 18 of 1998
4. Factories (Amendment ) Act No. 33 of 2000
5. Factories (Amendment) Act No.19 of 2002

Duties and obligations of employer

The occupier of the factory who is responsible for ensuring that the provisions
of the ordinance are complied with. He cannot delegate his responsibility to a
manager or other agent.

The occupier of a factory as defined under the ordinance means the person who
has the ultimate control over the affairs of the factory and where the control
of such affairs is entrusted to a managing agent includes such managing

Coverage by Factories Ordinance

Building and other construction work Section 84 of Factories Ordinance

building and other construction work means the construction, erection, structural
alter-nation, repair or maintenance (including excavation, painting, decorating, glazing,
pointing and external cleaning of the structure), the demolition or dismantling of a
building or other structure, the preparation for, and laying the foundation of, an intended
building or other structure and all operations in connection therewith; the construction
of any railway line or siding and the construction, structural alteration or repair
(including excavation, pointing and painting) or the demolition of any subway, tunnel,
trench, caissons, conduit, pipe line, road, wharf, dock, harbour, inland navigation, bridge,
culvert, viaduct, water-works, reservoir, aqueduct, sewer, sewage work, gasholder,
trestle, pier, abutment, and all operations pertaining thereto, or any other construction,
alteration, repair or removal work carried on in, about or over water and shall include
such other works as may be specified by regulations made by the Minister;

(1) Subject to the following provisions of this section, the provision of this
Ordinance specified in subsection (2) of this section shall apply to building and other
construction works undertaken by way of trade or business, or for the purpose of any
industrial or commercial undertaking, and to any line or siding which is used in
connection therewith and for the purposes thereof and is not part of a railway or

(2) The said provisions are:-

(a) the provision of Part I relating to registration;
(b) the provisions of Part II with respect to sanitary conveniences;

(c) the provisions of Part III relating to safety;
(e) the provisions of Part IV with respect to welfare regulations;
(f) the provisions of Part V with respect to special regulations for safety and
(g) Part VI;
(h) the provisions of sections 77 and 104 of this Ordinance with such
adaptations and modifications as regulations may be made by the
(i) the provisions of Part X with respect to the abstract of this Ordinance
and notices, special regulations, general registers (so far as applicable),
preservation of registers and records, and duties of persons employed;
(j) Part XI;
(k) Part XIII;
(l) Part XIV;
(m) Part XV:
(Please download legislation from web site)

(3) No order made under the provisions of this Ordinance with respect to the
power of a Magistrates Court to make orders as to dangerous conditions and practices and
no special regulations made under Part V of this Ordinance shall operate so as to interfere
with the design of any works of engineering construction or with the adoption in the
execution of these works of any method not inconsistent with the safety of the works
or of the person employed which is prescribed in the specification or in any signed plans
issued, or written directions given, by the consulting engineer or the engineer in
(4) The provisions of this Ordinance in their application to building operations
or to engineering construction shall have effect as if any place where such operations or
works are carried on were a factory and any person undertaking any such operations or
works to which this Ordinance applies were the occupier of a factory, and with such
other adaptations and modifications as may be made by regulations made by the

(5) The provisions of this Ordinance requiring general registers to be kept

and copies of the prescribed abstract of this Ordinance and of special regulations or the
prescribed abstract of such regulations to be kept posted up on the premises shall be
deemed to be complied with as respects building operations or works of engineering
construction if the register is kept at an office of the person undertaking the operations
or works and copies of the abstract of this Ordinance and of the regulations or abstract
thereof are kept posted up at each office, yard or shop of the person undertaking the
operations or works at which persons employed by him on the operations or works
attend, and in a position where they can easily be read by those persons.

(6) Subject to subsection (7) of this section, any person undertaking any
building operations or works of engineering construction to which this Ordinance applies
shall, not later than seven days after the beginning thereof, serve on the District

Factory Inspecting Engineer a written notice stating the name and postal address of that
person, the place and nature of the operations or works, whether any mechanical
power is used and, if so, its nature, the name of the local authority within whose
administrative limits the operations or works are situated and such other particulars as
may be prescribed.

(7) Subsection (6) of this section shall not apply to any operations or works
which the person undertaking them has reasonable grounds for believing will be
completed in a period of less than six weeks, except in such cases as the Chief Factory
Inspecting Engineer may direct; and where a person undertakes any building operations
or works of engineering construction in a place where such operations or works, as the
case may be, are in progress, he shall not be required to give notice under that
subsection if such a notice was given in respect of the operation or works in progress.

(8) The application of this Ordinance to any building operations or works of

engineering constructions by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this section shall not be
excluded by reason of the fact that they are undertaken on premises to which this
Ordinance applies apart from those provisions; and nothing in this section shall be
taken as prejudicing the application of this Ordinance to those premises apart from this

Summary of Main provisions of Factories Ordinance relating to Building and other

construction work

Part I- Relating to registration

Construction site shall be registered under this Ordinance.

Part II- Relating to sanitary conveniences

Sanitary conveniences -Section 15 of Factories Ordinance

Sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences for the persons employed in the factory
shall be provided, maintained and kept clean, and effective provision shall be made for
lighting the conveniences and, where persons of both sexes are or are intended to be

Part III -The provisions of relating to safety

Main provisions to prevent accident from machinery
Prime movers- Section 17
Every part of prime movers shall be securely fenced.
Prime mover means which provides mechanical energy such as motor, engine or
other appliance.

Transmission machinery- Section 18
Every part of transmission machinery shall be securely fenced.
Transmission machinery means belt and pulley drives, gear drives, chain drives,
coupling, clutches, shafts and keys etc.,

Other machinery- Section 19

Every dangerous part any machinery other than prime movers and transmission
machinery shall be securely fenced.
Eg. Dangerous parts in dust fan

Construction and maintenance of fencing- Section 21

All fencing shall be in substantial construction, and constantly maintained and

kept in position while the parts required to be fenced are in motion or in use.
(Cleaning and lubrication)

High-risk machinery

Periodically testing requirements

Maintenance of high risk machinery

Hoist and Lifts- Section 27

Every hoist or lift shall be thoroughly examined by a competent person at least once in
every period of twelve months, and a report of the result of every such examination in
such form and containing such particulars as may be prescribed shall be signed by the
person making the examination and shall within fourteen days be entered in or attached
to the general register.

Chain ropes and lifting tackles- Section 28

All chains, ropes or lifting tackle shall be thoroughly examined by a competent
person at least once in every period of six months.
The expression lifting tackle means chain slings, rope slings, rings, hooks, shackles and

Cranes and other lifting machines-Section 29

Cranes and other lifting machines shall be thoroughly examined by a competent
person at least once in every period of fourteen months. The expression-lifting
machine means a crane, crab, winch, pulley block, gin wheel, transporter or runway.

Air receivers-Section 36
Every air receiver and its fittings and attachments shall be thoroughly examined
by an authorized officer at least once in every period of twenty four months.
This section the expression air receiver means -
(a) any vessel (other than a pipe or coil, or an accessory, fitting or part of a compressor)
for containing compressed air and connected with an air compressing plant;
(b) any fixed vessel for containing compressed air or compressed exhaust gases and used
for the purpose of starting an internal combustion engine; or

(c) any fixed or portable vessel (not being part of a spraying pistol) used for the purpose
of spraying by means of compressed air any paint, varnish, lacquer or similar material;
(d) any vessel in which oil liquid or similar substance is stored and from which it is forced
by compressed air or by any gas:

Construction of floors, passages and stairs- Section 30

All floors, steps, stairs, passages and gangways shall be of sound construction and
properly maintained.

For every staircase in a building or affording a means of exit from a building, a

substantial hand-rail shall be provided and maintained, which, if the staircase has an
open, side shall be on that side, and, in the case of a staircase having two open sides, or
in the case of a staircase which, owing to the nature of the construction thereof or the
condition of the surface of the steps or other special circumstances, is specially liable to
cause accidents, such a hand-rail shall be provided and maintained on both sides. Any
open side of a staircase shall also be guarded by the provision and maintenance of a
lower rail or other effective means.

All openings in floors shall be securely fenced, except in so far as the nature of the work
renders such fencing impracticable. All ladders shall be soundly constructed and
properly maintained.

Safe means of access and safe place of work- Section 31

There shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be provided and maintained safe means
of access to every place at which any person has at any time to work.

Where any person is to work at a place from which he is liable to fall a distance of more
than six feet then, unless the place is one which affords secure foothold and, where
necessary, secure handhold, means shall be provided, so far as is reasonably practicable,
by fencing or other-wise for ensuring his safety.

If a worker has to work in a place where he is liability to fall more than 6ft,
secure foot hold and hand hold should be provided.

Work in confined space- Section 32

Special precautions are laid down for work in confined spaces where workers are liable
to be overcome by fumes and harmful liquids.
Where work has to be done inside any chamber, tank, vat, pit, pipe, flue or similar
confined space, in which dangerous fumes, toxic substances or harmful liquids are liable
to be present or a deficiency of oxygen is liable to occur, to such an extent as to involve
risk of person being overcome thereby -

(a) the confined space shall, unless there is other adequate means of egress, be
provided with a manhole, which may be rectangular, oval, or circular in shape, and shall
be not less than eighteen inches long and sixteen inches wide or (if circular) not less
than eighteen inches in diameter, or in the case of tank wagon and other mobile plant
not less than sixteen inches long and fourteen inches wide or (if circular) not less than
sixteen inches in diameter; and
(b) no person shall enter the confined space for any purpose unless the following
requirements are complied with:-

(i) all practicable steps shall be taken to remove any fumes, toxic sub-stances or
harmful liquids which may be present and to prevent any ingress of fumes and, unless
it has been ascertained by a suitable test that the space is free from dangerous
fumes, toxic substances or harmful liquids, the person entering shall wear a belt to
which there is securely attached a rope of which the free end is held by a person
outside; or

(ii) the person entering shall wear a suitable breathing apparatus;

(c) suitable breathing apparatus and a suitable reviving apparatus and suitable belts and
ropes shall be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible and shall be
periodically inspected in such manner as may be prescribed; and

(d) a sufficient number of the persons employed shall be trained and practiced in the use
of such apparatus and in the method of restoring respiration:

Fire safety (sec. 39, 40, 41, 42 and 42A )

Sufficient and adequate number of fire fighting equipments should be provided,

located in prominent places of the factory and maintained. Adequate training
should be given to workers on use fire fighting equipment.

At least two doors should be provided to workplaces and also these doors must
be open outwards or slides (sliding doors).

Effective provision shall be made for giving warning in case of fire, which shall be clearly
audible throughout the building.

Workers shall be familiar with evacuation routes.

The provisions of Part IV with respect to welfare regulations

Drinking water- Section 46

There shall be provided and maintained at suitable points conveniently accessible to all
persons employed an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water from a public main or
from some other source approved in writing by the District Factory Inspecting Engineer

for the district, such approval not to be withheld except on the ground of the
unwholesomeness of the water.

The Factories (Washing facilities General) Regulations under section 47

There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of employees
adequate and suitable facilities for washing. Such facilities shall include soap, nail
brushes or other suitable means of cleaning facilities for drying, such facilities shall be
conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a dean condition.

Where washbasins are provided every basin having a separate tap shall be not less than
20 inches in length. Such a basin shall be provided for every 20 persons employed at any
one time.

Accommodation for clothing -Section 48

There shall be provided and maintained for the use of employed persons adequate and
suitable accommodation for clothing not worn during working hours; and such
arrangements as are reasonably practicable or, when a standard is prescribed, such
arrangements as are laid down thereby shall be made for drying such clothing.

First aid Section 50

(1) There shall be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible a first-aid box or
cupboard of such standard as may be prescribed, and where more than one hundred
and fifty persons are employed an additional box or cupboard for every additional one
hundred and fifty persons.

(2) Nothing except appliances or requisites for first-aid shall be kept in a first-aid box or

(3) Each first-aid box or cupboard shall be placed under the charge of a responsible
person who shall, in the case of a factory where more than fifty persons are employed,
be trained in first-aid treatment, and the person in charge shall always be readily
available during working hours.

(4) A notice shall be affixed in every workroom stating the name of the person in
charge of the first-aid box or cupboard provided in respect of that room.

The provisions of Part V with respect to special regulations for safety and health

Removal of dust or fumes- Section 51

In every factory in which, in connexion with any process carried on, there is given off any
dust or fume or other impurity of such a character and to such extent as to be likely to
be injurious or offensive to the persons employed, or any substantial quantity of dust of
any kind, all practicable measures shall be taken to protect the persons employed against
inhalation of the dust or fume or other impurity and to prevent its accumulating in any

workroom, and in particular, where the nature of the process makes it practicable,
exhaust appliances shall be provided and maintained, as near as possible to the point of
origin of the dust or fume or other impurity, so as to prevent it entering the air of any

Precautions where asphyxiant or irritant, gas or vapour -Section 51A

(1) Where ammonia, chlorine, carbon dioxide or other asphyxiant or irritant gas or
vapour is used or is liable to be present in any factory, the plant or equipment in which
such asphyxiant, gas or vapour is used or liable to be present shall be located in such
part of the factory premises where persons are not ordinarily employed in any work.
(2) There shall be provided, properly maintained and readily available in any factory
where any such asphyxiant, gas or vapour is used or liable to be present, breathing
apparatus or other equipment of a type approved by the Chief Factory Inspecting
(3) No person shall be employed to work at or near the outlet of any stack, culvert,
drain, flue or sewer or other such place from which dangerous gases or fumes are liable to
be discharged:-
(a) unless a responsible person in the factory has certified in writing that effective
measures have been taken to prevent such discharge; or
(b) unless :-
(i) such person is wearing breathing apparatus approved by the Chief Factory
Inspecting Engineer while carrying out such work;
(ii) such person is wearing a harness with a rope or ropes or tackle securely
attached to the harness and the other end of such rope or ropes is so placed
as to enable such person to be rescued in the event of any danger; and
(iii) the work is being carried out under the supervision of a responsible person in
such factory.

Protection of eyes Section 53

Where any process or operation carried on in any factory involves a special risk of injury
to the eyes of persons employed in such process or operation or to the persons working
close to the place where such process or operation is in progress, there shall be provided
suitable eye protection for such persons.
The Factories (Protection of Eyes) Regulations, 1979
1. Effective and suitable screens, shields, goggles of spectacles corrected if necessary
for defective vision shall be provided in every factory in which my of the following
processes or operations are carried on, for the protection of persons employed in, or in
the immediate vicinity of, such processes or operations :-
(a) Dry grinding of metals or metal articles by the application of such metal or such
articles to a revolving wheel or disc driven by mechanical power.

(b) Turning (external or internal) of non-ferrous melds, or of cast iron, or of articles of
such metals or such iron and where such work is done dry, even in the case of
precision work.
(c) Welding or cutting of metals by means of electrical, oxy-acetylene gas or similar
(d) The following processes or operations when carried on by means of hand tools, or
other portable tools that is to say, fettling of metal casting involving the removal of
metal or cutting out or cutting off (not including drilling or punching back) of cold
rivets or bolts from boilers or other planes or from ships, or chipping or scaling of
boilers or ship plates, or breaking or dressing of stone. concrete or sing.
(e) The handling of corrosive liquids.
(f) Processes or operations where persons employed therein are exposed to fumes which
would cause injury or discomfort to the eyes.
(g) Processes where persons are employed in arc-welding oxy-acetylenes welding, for
renounce work, or any other operations where eyes are exposed to glare, flicker or
any radiation.
(h) Any other process or operation likely to cause injury to the human eye.

Accident Notifications Section 61

(1) Where any accident occurs in a factory which-
(a) causes losses of life of a person employed in that factory: or
(b) disables any such person for more than three days from earning full
wages at the work at which he was employed; or
(c) makes any such person unconscious as a result of heat, exhaustion,
electric shock or inhalation of irrespirable or poisonous fumes or
written notice of the accident shall forthwith be sent to the District
factory inspecting engineer (DFIE) by occupier or manager or
superintendent in form 10 and followed by form CFIE1.

(2) Where any accident causing disablement is notified under this section and
after notification thereof results in the death of the person disabled,
notice in writing of the death shall be send to the District Factory
Inspecting Engineer by the occupier or manager or superintendent as soon
as the death comes to his knowledge.

(3) Where an accident occurs in the factory causing death of any person
employed therein, no person shall touch or disturb or cause any other
person to touch or disturb, without the permission of a Factory Inspecting
Engineer, any machinery or any article which was involved in such
accident, other than for the purpose of extricating or attending on any
person concerned in such accident.

In case of accidents all records must be entered in general register and
it must be available in the factory for inspection. Once in six months
copies of the accident records entered in general register must be sent
to the district Factory Inspecting Engineer.

Dangerous Occurrences- Section 62- Dangerous occurrences notification regulations-


Dangerous occurrences such as explosion, fire, collapse of buildings, collapse of a

crane accident to plant and machinery, etc., shall forthwith be notified to the

The provisions of Part X with respect to the abstract of this Ordinance and notices,
special regulations, general registers (so far as applicable), preservation of registers
and records, and duties of persons employed;

Posting abstract of notices- Section 90

Address of the DFIE and Chief Factory Inspecting Engineer (CFIE) shall be
displayed in the notice board of factory.

Records to be maintained in General Register -Section 92

General register shall be maintained in the factory and the entries must be sent
once in six months to DFIE. The records of certificates under the Factories
Ordinance must be attached to the general register.

Prohibition of deduction of wages- Section 96

Save as otherwise expressly provided under this Ordinance, the occupier of a factory
shall not in respect of anything to be done or provided by him in pursuance of this
Ordinance, make any deduction from the sum contracted to be paid by him to any
person employed or receive or allow any person in his employment to receive any
payment from any such person.

Duties of the persons employed -Section 95

Any person employed in the factory
shall not willfully interfere with or misuse any means appliance,
convenience or other things.
Shall use the means or appliance provided.
Shall willfully and without reasonably cause do anything likely to
endanger himself and others.

Part XIII- Offences, penalties and Legal proceedings

Offences and penalties for non- compliance Section 108

In the event of any contravention, in or in connection with or in relation to a factory, of

the provisions of this Ordinance or of any regulation or order made or direction issued
thereunder, the occupier, or (if the contravention is one in respect of which the owner
is by or under this Ordinance made responsible) the owner of the factory shall, subject as
hereinafter in this Ordinance provided, be guilty of an offence.

Where an offence under this Ordinance committed by a company is proved to have been
committed with the consent or connivance of, or to have been facilitated by any neglect
on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, he,
as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable
to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.

Fines for offences for which no-express penalty provided- Section 109
(1) Subject as hereinafter in this Ordinance provided, any person guilty of an
offence under this Ordinance for which no express penalty is provided by this Ordinance
shall be liable-
(a) in the case of a first offence, to a fine not less than five thousand rupees;
(b) in the case of a second offence (not being an offence in respect of a continuation of
an offence referred to in subsection (2)), to a fine not less than five thousand rupees
but not exceeding twelve thousand five hundred rupees;
(c) in the case of a third or subsequent offence (not being an offence in respect of a
continuation of an offence referred to in subsection (2)), to a fine exceeding twelve
thousand five hundred rupees but not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees.

(2) Where any person convicted of an offence and punished under subsection (1)
continues the contravention in respect of which he was so convicted and punished he
shall (subject to the provisions of section 110) be guilty of a further offence and liable in
respect thereof to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees for each day on which the
contravention was so continued.

Power of courts to order causes of contravention to be remedied.-Section 110

Where the occupier or owner of a factory is convicted of an offence under this

Ordinance, the court may, in addition to or instead of inflicting a fine, order him,
within the time specified in the order, to take such steps as may be so specified for
remedying the matters in respect of which the contravention occurred, and may, on
application, enlarge the time so specified; and
where such an order is made, the occupier or owner shall not be liable under this
Ordinance in respect of the continuation of the contravention during the time allowed
by the court, but if, after the expiration of that time as originally specified or enlarged
by subsequent order, the order is not complied with, the occupier or owner, as the case
may be, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred rupees for each day on
which the non-compliance continues.

Fines in case of death or injury- section 111

If any person is killed, or dies, or suffers any bodily injury, in consequence of the
occupier or owner of a factory having contravened any provision of this Ordinance or of
any regulation or order made there under, the occupier or owner of the factory shall,
without prejudice to any other penalty, be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred
thousand rupees; and subject to the provisions of subsection (4) to (9) of section 17 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, the whole or any part of the fine may be applied for
the benefit of the injured person or his family death or injury.

Penalty of persons actually committing offence for which occupier is liable- Section
Where an act or default for which an occupier or owner is liable under this Ordinance is
in fact the act or default of some agent, servant, worker or other person, that agent,
servant, worker or other person shall be guilty of an offence and liable to the like fine as
if he were the occupier or owner, as the case may be.
Prepared by
D. L. Asoka Peiris
Specialist Factory Inspecting Engineer
B Sc Eng (Hons) Mech (Univ. of Mora),
M. Eng (Env Eng and Mgt) (Univ. of Mora),
PG Dip in OSH (Univ.Turin, Italy)
M Sc in OSH (Univ. Of Turin, Italy)
OHSAS 18001 Lead auditor


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