Stephanie Burts Resume - As of April 27 2017

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Stephanie I.

Hanover, OntarioT: 519-378-3641E:
Bachelor of Education April 2017
Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario
Junior-Intermediate Division
Provosts Honour List Academic Award (Fall 2016)
Honours, Bachelor of Arts April 2017
Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario
Major: Physical Education; Minor: Biology
Deans Honour List Academic Award 2012 2017
Honours, Bachelor of Arts Four Month Internship January April 2016
Canadian Intramural Recreation Association (CIRA Ontario), Ancaster, Ontario
Organized the Annual CIRA Ontario Conference alongside the Office Manager; duties included: inputting
and organizing delegate, exhibitor, and presenter information; updating the CIRA website; and fulfilled
administrative duties at the conference in the place of the Office Manager
Completed administrative duties promptly to support the Office Manager and demonstrated initiative
regarding anticipated tasks
Honours, Bachelor of Arts Research Project January 2016 April 2016
Developed and administered a study to reveal the extent of grass-roots implementation of
Policy/Memorandum No. 138: Daily Physical Activity (DPA) in Ontario Elementary Schools after
completion of a detailed literature review regarding the effects of exercise on academic performance

Student Teacher, Six Week Teaching Practicum March April 2017
Chesley District Community School, Chesley, Ontario Grade 4/5
Developed unit plans and lessons for math, social studies, art, and language which included thoughtful
consideration and reflection for balancing curriculum and engagement with students of both grades; these
lessons and units were taught via large and small groups following the March Break
Created assessments; maintained student achievement records; and determined overall geometry marks
Grew in my assessment and evaluation skills by engaging in moderated marking and developing rough report
card comments in collaboration with the associate teacher
Attended staff meeting; assisted at regional science fair, and supervised on multiple field trips
Gifted Outreach (GO) Conference December 19, 2016
Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario Grade 7
Collaborated with another student teacher and developed a lesson focused on the Good Health and Well-
Being United Nations Sustainable Development Goal for Gr. 7 students from the Hamilton area who are
gifted. This experience was incorporated into the Teaching Social Studies course
Guided students through prepared inquiry lesson and supported them in their presentation to the larger group
Student Teacher, Six Week Teaching Practicum November December 2016
Georgetown District High School, Georgetown, Ontario Grade 9 & 11
Developed daily lesson plans and taught creative lessons for Gr. 9 science, Gr. 9 and Gr. 11 physical
education with a high level of safety and engagement with students
Developed an electricity unit plan for Gr. 9 science which included curriculum-based learning activities for
new equipment in order to provide students with guided inquiry learning opportunities; these learning
activities have been adopted for use in the Winter 2017 term by the science teaching team
Attended staff and division meetings
Physical Education Program for Homeschool Students October 2016
Collaborated and developed three one-hour physical education lessons with two other student teachers
through a TGFU (Teaching Games For Understanding) and movement education lens
Stephanie I. Burt
Hanover, OntarioT: 519-378-3641E:
Conscientiously shared previous physical education lesson planning process with teaching partners as they
did not have many physical education experiences to draw from
Teacher-Assisting, Observation Practicum September December 2015
Ancaster Meadows Elementary School, Ancaster, Ontario Grade 5
Developed large group art lessons; a multi-day read-aloud activity
Assisted with classroom and gymnasium activities
Provided support and feedback with students during independent and group work


Work Experience
Student Assistant January 2017
Human Kinetics
Assisted in creating supplementary board resources for just released Fitness for Life Canada textbook
CIRA Ontario Summer Student May 2016 July 2016
Canadian Intramural Recreation Association, Ancaster, Ontario
Requested to continue in a Summer Student position after demonstrating team-player abilities,
meticulousness, and efficiency in completing tasks to support the Office Manager
Created detailed How-To Manuals for CIRA Ontarios annual conference and other administrative processes;
created supplementary resources for newly published numeracy and physical activity book
OPLS Assistant Coordinator March 2015 October 2015
Ontario Physical Literacy Summit (OPLS), Ancaster, Ontario
Organized delegate, presenter, and exhibitor registration details, as well as completing other administrative
support leading up to, day of, and following the physical literacy-focused conference
Education Department Student Assistant 2015/2016 Academic School Year
Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario 2014/2015 Academic School Year
Assisted the Office Manager by completing duties such as: data input, organization of practicum records, etc.
Co-Supervisor & Instructor-Guard Summer 2012 & 2014
Chesley Centennial Pool, Chesley, Ontario
Sought-after to fulfill a leadership position following one summer as a Lifeguard in Training and two
summers as an Instructor-Guard (2009-2011)
Demonstrated high levels of safety supervision and patron engagement consideration while guarding and
throughout planning and delivery of swim instruction, classroom management, and Aquafit instruction
Exhibited exceptional public-relation skills throughout responses to patron inquiries and maintained positive
rapport with patrons of all ages and abilities
Head Guard-Instructor-Guard September 2011 June 2012
Hanover Regional Aquatic Centre, Hanover, Ontario
Promoted to a leadership position after serving one year as an Instructor-Guard from September 2011 to June
2012 and was selected to mentor an instructor-guard to teach the Bronze Star course
Encouraged and supported guard team; delivered high quality swim instruction, classroom management, and
progress reports
Responded to inquiries promptly and built positive rapport with patrons of all ages and abilities
Volunteer Experience
Future Teachers Association (FTA) President August 2016 April 2017
Redeemer University College, Ancaster, Ontario
Represented the FTA Executive, Education Students and the Faculty of Education and acted as a
communicator between the three parties and Redeemer University College Administrative Services
Demonstrated a lead-by-example attitude by participating and collaborating with other FTA Executive to plan
events, and participated as a mentor in the FTA mentorship program
Stephanie I. Burt
Hanover, OntarioT: 519-378-3641E:
Served by attending the Teacher Education Advisory Council (TEAC) meetings, preparing agenda and
chairing FTA Executive meetings, organizing a clothing order and organizing an alumni panel event
Served as the Advertising Executive on the FTA Executive and participated as a mentee in the FTA
mentorship program for the 2015-2016 Academic Year
Teacher Assisting February 2017
Hanover Heights Community School, Hanover, Ontario Grade 4/5
Assisted seasoned teacher for two days to further develop classroom management awareness and skills


Special Education Part 1 (AQ) To be completed by July 2017
Building Futures Conference March 2017
EDIFIDE Convention October 2016
Ontario Physical Literacy Summit August 2016
Tribes Training December 2015


Expected OCT Certification June 2017
Current Mental Health First Aid Certification Basic & For Adults working with Youth
HIGH FIVE Principles of Healthy Childhood Development & Healthy Minds for Healthy Children Cert.
Completed a Coaching Course (PED 251) at Redeemer University College
Current St. John Ambulance Standard First Aid-CPR C-AED Certification
Current National Lifeguard (N.L.) Certification
Current Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Instructor Certification
Current Lifesaving Society Instructor Certification
Eager to take coaching certification courses and take on a coaching role for extra-curricular sports

Dr. Stephen MacDougall
Department Head & School Associate, Georgetown District High School
(905) 877-6966 Ext. 231
Dr. Joanne Nazir,
Faculty Associate, Redeemer University College
(905) 648-2139 Ext. 4493
Mrs. Anne Grieve
School Associate, Chesley District Community School
(519) 363-2344

Ms. Sheri Nairn

School Associate, Georgetown District High School
(905) 877-6966

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