2000s HK Property Market

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The Bank of East Asia, Limited

Economic Analysis June, 2012

A Publication of the BEA Economic Research Department

Health of Hong Kong Property Market

Since 2003, Hong Kong property prices have charted a Solid Fundamentals Temper the Risk of a
steep upward trend, and there is no sign yet of any let up. Housing Bubble
Comparisons with the United States in 2008 and our own
experience in 1997 are being made more and more Hong Kong can take consolation from the fact that both
frequently, and regulators and government officials the overall economy and the financial system are sound.
regularly warn of the risks of a new property bubble. The government and local banking regulator have
Perhaps most worrying, high prices are putting the responded to rising prices by tightening lending rules and
acquisition of a first home beyond the reach of many imposing a series of anti-speculation measures. The
ordinary families. The frustration experienced by first-time loan-to-value ratio for higher priced flats, investment
homebuyers is fanning social tensions and could lead to properties and properties owned by non-residents has
more general unrest if not addressed adequately. been reduced. Mortgage applicants are subject to stress
testing, to determine their ability to cope if mortgage rates
Property prices surged 82.1% between the end of 2008 rise. The introduction of a special stamp duty directed at
and the first quarter of this year. The sharp run-up in the practice of flipping properties for a profit has also
prices has been supported by ultra-low interest rates and assisted in quieting speculation.
rising incomes. For those living in private quarters,
household income surged by 13.9% in the first quarter of Perhaps most important, Hong Kong has not experienced
2012, compared to the same period one year ago. the rapid credit expansion usually associated with a
Meanwhile, the increase in property prices slowed to 6.3% housing bubble. In the US, credit disbursed for home
in the year to March. With low mortgage rates keeping mortgages jumped by 115% between 2000 and 2007,
monthly mortgage payments in check, the housing more than double the 41% increase in nominal GDP.
1 Between 1990 and 1997, Hong Kong experienced a 271%
affordability index improved to 46.4% in the first quarter
from a peak of 48% in early 2011. The affordability index increase in mortgage lending, significantly outpacing the
also remains below the average of 49.3% over the 20- 129% increase in nominal GDP. However, between 2004
year period 1992-2011. One could be forgiven for thinking and 2011, home mortgages (including portfolio purchased
that the market is both healthy and well-supported. by the Mortgage Corporation) increased by just 46.4%,
only slightly faster than the 41% expansion of nominal
However, using an alternate indicator, the picture is not GDP during the period. As a result, mortgage lending as
quite so reassuring. The ratio of property prices to a percentage of total loans outstanding actually dropped,
income2 stood at 9.9 times in the first quarter. While this is from 35% in 2004 to 23% in 2011.
off the peak of 10.9 times in the second quarter of 2011, it
is still significantly higher than the average of 7.7 times The painful experience of negative equity following the
over the past two decades. The affordability index would burst of the 1997 property bubble still haunts a large
deteriorate if interest rates start to rise. This will pose section of the general public. Hence, the persistent rise of
difficulties for households servicing a mortgage, property prices over the past eight years has not resulted
particularly those who purchased a home at recent high in the same blind optimism among local people.
Furthermore, mortgage demand has actually been falling
in recent years. Over the past 10 years, the number of
Housing Price to Income Ratio
14 35,000
homeowners without a mortgage on their own property
Housing Price to has jumped from 505,375 to 741,433, while the number
12 Income Ratio 30,000 with a mortgage has declined from 537,230 to 492,261.
Median Household Income
Median Household Income

(Priv ate housing)
One of the reasons for this shift is the aging of the baby
boomer generation(born between 1946-1965). The 55-65

8 20,000 age group jumped by 83.8% during the past decade to

6 15,000 922,635. As the older baby boomers approach retirement
age, they are paying back their mortgages. The net effect
4 10,000 of the deleveraging process has been to reduce the
20-y ear av g. ratio
2 5,000 vulnerability of the financial system to fluctuation in
property prices.
0 0
89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09 11

Sources: HKMA; HK Census & Statistics Department; T he Bank of East Asia, Ltd.
Assumptions: 20-year mortgage payment for a 45sqm flat to median households, excluding those living in public
and subsidized housing

Ratio of mortgage payment for a 45-square meter flat to median household income (excluding those living in public housing)
Ratio of price for a 45-square meter flat to annual median household income (those living in private housing)

The viewpoints expressed in the Economic Analysis do not necessarily reflect those of Management of this Bank. Reprinting of any figures or
statements contained herein is permitted provided that proper attribution is given to the Economic Analysis and/or the BEA Economic Research
Department. Please direct any inquiries to Economic Research Department, Tel: 3608-5020, Fax: 3608-6171, or GPO Box 31, Hong Kong.
High Property Price Fuels Social Discontent Private Domestic - Stock and Completion
While the financial system may be relatively safe, rising 82.5% 25,000
discontent among those who cannot climb onto the first

Completion (No. of units)

% share of total stock
rung of the housing ladder is a growing concern. Pent-up 82.0% 20,000
end-user demand for housing is on the rise. The number
of domestic households increased by 14.1% between 81.5% 15,000
2001 and 2011, exceeding the general rise in population
of 5.4%. The growing number of smaller families is the 81.0% 10,000
major reason. The number of households with two or
fewer members increased by 30% during the past decade. 80.5% 5,000
As a result, average household size dropped from 3.1 to
2.9 during the period. 80.0% 0
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
A rise in the divorce rate is one of the key factors
Completion of small size units Completion of Large size units
contributing to the trend of smaller household size. The
Stock of small size units as % of total
total divorced population jumped by 82.5%, or 125,708,
Source: Rating and Valuation Department
between 2001 and 2011, consistent with the 38.8% surge
in single-parent households over the period. Another
factor is the increase in newly wed couples. The number The tight supply of smaller housing units is also reflected
of marriages registered during the period 2002-2011 was in the vacancy rate, which fell to an average of 3.5% over
25.4% higher than during the period 1992-2001, even the 2009-2011 period, as compared to an average of
though the overall population increased at a much lower 5.4% during 2001-2008 period. For larger units, the
rate in the last 10 years compared to the 1990s. vacancy rate maintained at a stable range. As a result,
between 2006 and 2011, rents for smaller units rose by
This trend has led to stronger demand for smaller housing 49.8% while sales prices rose by 99.9%, outpacing the
units3; however, supply has been trending in the opposite respective 36% and 78% increases for larger units.
direction. Completion of smaller housing units as a Faced with expensive rent and sales prices, renters of
percentage of total supply dropped to an average of private housing are caught between a rock and a hard
52.6% during 2009-2011 period, compared to an average place.
of 74.5% over the 2000-2008 period. As a result, the
number of smaller housing units as a percentage of total Conclusion
housing stock has dropped to an historic low of 80.5%.
Housing is a necessity good as it accounts for 31.7% of
There is no doubt that there is high demand at the luxury household expenditure, and hence is a popular
end of the market. Attention has focused on Mainland investment asset as it brings stability to household finance
investors, who spent a reported $83.8bn purchasing in long run. Low mortgage rates during most of the last
residential property in Hong Kong in 2011, accounting for decade have made servicing mortgage payments easier.
19.2% of the value of all transactions, and 11.1% of the According to the 2011 Population Census, mortgage
total number of transactions . payment as a percentage of household income has fallen
from 30% to 20% between 2001 and 2011. Meanwhile,
However, less attention is paid to the rising number of the rent to household income ratio remained within the
high-income persons in Hong Kong. The number of Hong 25% range. Many have taken advantage of these trends
Kong residents earning a monthly income of $60,000 or to purchase a home, as indicated from the increase in the
more jumped 55.8%, or 52,969, between 2006 and 2011. home ownership share from 50.8% in 2001 to 52.1% in
The number had actually dropped by 5.1% over the 2011.
preceding five years. This turn-around has translated into
strong demand for trading up to larger housing units5. However, property prices have jumped sharply in recent
Since price per square unit of larger units is higher than years, and the amount of down payment required to
that of smaller units, the growing market appetite for large purchase a home now lies beyond the range of an
units motivates developers to focus on larger flats. ordinary family. Many are young families with genuine
housing needs. The absence of a credible response to
address the issue has fuelled public discontent. Assisting
home purchase for potential owner occupiers at an
affordable price level will enhance social stability. This will
be the foremost challenge for the new administration.

Includes Class A (less than 40 sqm), B (area of 40 to 69.9 sqm) flats
Source: Research Department of Centaline Property
Includes Class C (area of 70.0 to 99.9 sqm), D (area of 100.0 to 159.9 sqm) and E (over 159.9 sqm) flats

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