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The document discusses the technical specifications for concrete including materials, mix design, testing, acceptance criteria etc.

The document does not explicitly mention different types of concrete.

The document mentions following Indian Standards for concrete - IS 269, IS 8112, IS 12269, IS 383 etc.

Technical Specification: Concrete

Technical Specification of Concrete

Doc. No: TS 02/___

Revision No.: R0

Revision Date:

Document Release Authorization

Prepared By Verified By Approved By Issued By

Signature Signature Signature Signature

Name Name Name Name

Designation Designation Designation Designation

Sr. No Description By When / Frequency Ref. Clause

1 Reference Standards QA Team Semi Annually 1
2 Material Specification QA Team Semi Annually 2
3 Durability Criteria QA Team Semi Annually 4
4 % Blending of GGBS & Flyash QA Team July16 4
5 Inspection & Test Plan QA Team Semi Annually 5
6 Acceptance Criteria QA Team Semi Annually 10

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Technical Specification: Concrete

1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. DELIVERY AND STORAGE ........................................................................................................................ 11
4. CONCRETE MIX DESIGN (CMD) PARAMETER & TRIALS .......................................................................... 13
5. INSPECTION, TESTING, ANALYSIS & CORRECTIONS ................................................................................ 16
6. SAMPLING OF FRESH CONCRETE ............................................................................................................ 17
7. CONCRETE CUBE ..................................................................................................................................... 17
8. CARING & CURING OF CUBES ................................................................................................................. 18
9. TESTING OF CONCRETE CUBE ................................................................................................................. 18
10. ACCEPTANCE OF CONCRETE ................................................................................................................... 19
11. CURING ................................................................................................................................................... 19
12. REPORTING ............................................................................................................................................. 20
13. QUALITY ASSURANCE ............................................................................................................................. 20
14. MODE OF MEASUREMENT ..................................................................................................................... 21

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Technical Specification: Concrete


This specification deals with the minimum requirements of materials, quality, batching, mix
proportioning, curing, testing acceptance of the concrete etc. of all types of concrete used. Any special
requirements as shown or noted on the drawings shall supersede over the provisions of this
specifications with written approval of Engineer In-charge.


Following Indian Standards including all Amendment and latest Revisions form the part of this
Specification. An alternative equivalent National Specifications to suit the situation in which the
works are being executed, may be used but only with the written approval of the Engineer in charge

IS 269 Specification for Ordinary and low heat, Portland cement

IS 8112 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement
IS 12269 Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement
IS 383 Specification for Coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete
IS 456 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete
IS 460 Specification for test sieves (Part I, II & III)
IS 515 Specification for natural and manufactured aggregates from natural sources for
IS 516 Method
concreteof test for strength of concrete
IS 1199 Method of sampling and analysis of concrete
IS 1791 Batch type concrete mixers
IS 2386 Method for test for aggregate for concrete (Part I, II, & III)
IS 3025 Methods of Sampling and test (Physical and Chemical for water)
IS 4326 Code of practice for earthquake resistant design and construction of building
IS 4926 Specification for ready mixed concrete
IS 7861 Code of practice for extreme weather concreting (I & II)
IS 9103 Specifications for admixture for concrete
IS 3812 Specification for Fly Ash for use As Pozzolana and Admixture
IS 1489 Portland-Pozzolana Cement Specification
SP 23 Handbook on concrete mix
SP 24 Explanatory handbook on Indian Standards code for plain and reinforcement concrete
IS 455 Specification
(IS 456) for Portland Blast Furnace Slag cement.
IS 650 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement.
IS 1200 Method of Measurement of Building Works
IS 1791 Specification for Batch Type Concrete Mixers.
IS 4031 Method of Physical test for Hydraulic Cement
IS 9013 Methods of Making, Curing and Determining Compressive Strength of Accelerated
IS 10262 Recommended
Cured Concrete Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design
Test Specimens.
IS 12089 Specification for Granulated Slag for the manufacture
IS 15388 Silica Fume SLAG
PORTLAND Specification
BS 6699 Specification for ground granulated blast furnace slag for use with Portland cement

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Technical Specification: Concrete

Cement concrete is a mixture of inert materials like fine & coarse aggregates with cement, water &
some of the mineral& chemical admixture (optional)

This part of the specification deals with all major concrete ingredient & its requirement & acceptance
in brief as follows;
2.1 Cement
2.2 Mineral Admixtures
2.2.1 Flyash
2.2.2 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag
2.2.3 Micro Fines Alccofine Micro Silica
2.3 Coarse Aggregate
2.4 Fine Aggregate
2.5 Water
2.6 Chemical Admixture

2.1 Cement
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) shall be used for the production of concrete unless otherwise
specified. The cement shall conform to the relevant latest IS code & its amendments (IS 8112 for OPC
43 & IS 12269 for OPC 53 grade of Cement). Unless otherwise specified preferably OPC 53 cement
shall be used for all concrete works. Cement shall be received in bags of 50 kg or loose in bulkers and
each batch shall be accompanied with a test certificate of the factory. Also it shall be tested before
use to ascertain its strength (as per the set frequency of testing), setting time, etc. In case cement has
been stored for over 3 months or for any reasons the stored cement shall be tested by the Contractor
at his own cost for its physical & chemical property prior to use in the works after getting the
satisfactory results from third party NABL accredited Kalpatarus approved Laboratory (from the list
of Approved Laboratory)
For the production of Concrete; Portland Pozzolona Cement (IS 1489 for PP Cement), Portland Slag
Cement (IS 455 for PS Cement), can be used only after obtaining the written approval form the
Engineer IN-Charge prior to trials & approval with all supporting reports & records


Physical Characteristics
8112 12269 12330 455 1489 - 1
Normal Consistent % - - - - -
Fineness % - - - - -
Initial Setting Time, Minimum minutes 30 30 30 30 30
Final Setting Time, Maximum minutes 600 600 600 600 600
3 Days Compressive Strength, Minimum N/mm 23 27 10 16 16
7 Days Compressive Strength, Minimum N/mm 33 37 16 22 22
28 Days Compressive Strength, Minimum N/mm 43 53 33 33 33
Soundness by Le-Chateliers Method,
mm 10 10 10 10 10
Soundness by Autoclave test Method,
% 0.8 0.8
Specific Surface, Maximum m2/Kg 225 225 225 225 300

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Technical Specification: Concrete

OPC 43 OPC 53
Chemical parameters Unit
8112 12269
Ratio of % lime to % (silica, alumina & iron oxide) 0.66 - 1.02 0.8 - 1.02
Ratio of % Alumina to % iron oxide, Minimum 0.66 0.66
Insoluble Residue, Maximum % 4 4
Magnesia, Maximum % 6 6
Total Sulphur content calculated as sulphuric anhydride (SO3), Maximum % 3.5 3.5
Loss on Ignition, Maximum % 5 4
Chloride content, Maximum % 0.1 0.1
Alkali Content (for Pre-Stressed) 0.05 0.05

Chemical parameters 1489 455

Loss on Ignition, Maximum % 5 5
Magnesia (MgO), Maximum % 6 8
Sulphuric anhydride (SO3), Maximum % 3 3
Insoluble material, Maximum % A+[{4(100-A)/100}] 4
A= Declared % of Flyash

2.2 Mineral Admixtures

Siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials which in themselves possess little or no cementitious
value but will, in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemical react with Ca(OH)2 at
ordinary temperatures to form compounds possessing cementitious properties.
The materials such as Flyash, GGBS & Micro fines are some of materials available. Any of these material
can be used in production of concrete to make concrete more cohesive, more impermeable, to
enhance the properties of concrete like temperature, durability, sustainable & economical

2.2.1 Flyash
The Flyash shall comply to the IS 3812. The Physical & Chemical properties of Flyash shall comply with
the requirement specified in table below (as per IS 3812 part 1)

Chemical properties of Flyash

No Characteristics Pulverized Fuel Ash

Siliceous Calcareous
1 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) plus aluminum oxide (Al2O3) plus Iron oxide 70 50
(Fe2O3) in % by mass, Minimum
2 Silicon dioxide (SiO2) % by mass, Minimum 35 25
3 Reactive silica in percent by mass, Minimum 20 20
4 Magnesium oxide (MgO) in percent by mass, Maximum 5 5
5 Total sulphur as sulphur trioxide (SO3) in % by mass, Maximum 3 3
6 Available alkalis as sodium oxide (Na2O) in % by mass, Maximum 1.5 1.5
7 Total chlorides in % by mass, Maximum 0.05 0.05
8 Loss on ignition in % by mass, Maximum 5 5

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Technical Specification: Concrete

Physical properties of Flyash

No Characteristics Requirements
1 Fineness specific surface in m2/kg by 320
Blaines permeability method, Minimum
2 Particles retained on 45 micron IS sieve (wet 34
sieving) in %, Maximum
3 Lime reactivity Average compressive 4.5
strength in N/mm2, Minimum
4 Compressive strength at 28 days in N/mm2, Not less than 80 % of the strength of
Minimum corresponding plain cement mortar cubes
5 Soundness by autoclave test Expansion of 0.8
specimen in %, Maximum

2.2.2 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS)

The GGBS shall comply with the requirements of BS 6699 for its Physical & Chemical properties &

No Characteristics Required as per BS: 6699

1 Fineness (m2/kg) 275 Minimum
2 Residue by wet sieve on 45 (%)
3 Initial Setting Time (Min) Not less than IST of OPC
4 Insoluble Residue (%) 1.5 Maximum
5 Magnesia content (%) 14.0 Maximum
6 Sulphide Sulphur (%) 2.00 Maximum
7 Sulfate content (%) as SO3 2.50 Maximum
8 Loss on Ignition (%) 3.00 Maximum
9 Manganese content (%) 2.00 Maximum
10 Chloride content (%) 0.10 Maximum
11 Moisture content (%) 1.00 Maximum
12 Glass content (%) 67 Minimum
13 Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 7 Days 12.00 Minimum
14 Compressive Strength (N/mm2) 28 Days 32.5 Minimum
Chemical Moduli
15 CaO + MgO + SiO2 66.66 Minimum
16 CaO + MgO/SiO2 >1.00
17 CaO/SiO2 <1.40

2.2.3 Micro Fines

These are the fine materials which are which are finer than Cement, Flyash & GGBS. This material
can be used for the production of High strength & High Performance of concrete Alccofine as per the manufacturers specification Micro Silica (shall comply with the Specification of IS 15388
Chemical Requirements of Micro Silica:
No Characteristics Requirements
1 SiO2, % by mass, Minimum 85.0
2 Moisture content % by mass, Maximum 3.0
3 Loss on Ignition % by mass, Maximum 4.0
4 Alkalies as Na2O, %, Maximum 1.5

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Technical Specification: Concrete

2.3 Coarse Aggregate:

Coarse aggregate shall be obtained from natural sources such as stone, gravel, etc. crushed or
uncrushed or a combination thereof from approved quarries. Aggregate shall be hard, strong, dense,
durable, and clean and free from veins and adherent coatings. It shall be free from soft, thin,
elongated or laminated pieces and shall be roughly cubical in shape. It shall consist of coarse
material, most of which is retained on 4.75 mm IS sieve and contains only as much fine material as
is permitted in IS 383 for various sizes, grading & zone (as specified in table below from IS 383). The
maximum quantities of deleterious materials in the coarse aggregate, when determined in
accordance with IS 2386 Part I and II Method of test for aggregates for concrete" shall not exceed
the limits laid down in IS 383
Aggregate crushing value impact value, abrasion value and soundness of aggregate and grading shall
respectively be in accordance with IS 383. For heavily reinforced concrete the aggregate shall be
subjected to tests in accordance with IS 2386 or & directed by the Substrate is acceptable and
approved by Engineer In-Charge. The maximum size of coarse aggregate should not be greater than
one fourth of the minimum thickness of the member and it should be restricted to 5 mm less than
the minimum cover.
Source of aggregate shall be from an approved location. Each source of aggregate shall be approved
by Engineer In-Charge on the basis of tests conducted on samples of aggregates from the source at
an approved testing laboratory in accordance to IS 383. It shall be the duty of the contractor to make
sure that aggregate received by him is from approved quarries and with fully paid royalties, taxes,
duties, etc. as may be in force from time to time for respective locations.
Coarse aggregate shall have a minimum specific gravity of 2.8 (Saturated surface dry basis).
Aggregate below this specific gravity shall not be used without the written approval of Engineer In-
Once a specific source of supply of coarse aggregate is approved, the source shall not be changed
without the prior approval of the Engineer In-Charge

As per IS 383; the acceptance / designating the aggregate size is as per the table given below
% Passing for graded aggregate of
% Passing for single sized aggregates of Nominal size
Nominal size
IS Sieves
63 12.5 12.5
40 mm 20 mm 16 mm 10 mm 40 mm 20 mm 16 mm
mm mm mm
80 mm 100 - - - - - 100 - - -
85 to
63 mm 100 - - - - - - - -
0 to 85 to 90 to
40 mm 100 - 100 - -
30 100 100
85 to 30 to 90 to
20 mm 0 to 5 0 to 20 100 100 100
100 70 100
85 to 90 to
16 mm - - - 100 - - -
100 100
85 to 90 to
12.5 mm - - - - 100 - - -
100 100
85 to 10 to 25 to 30 to 40 to
10 mm 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 20 0 to 30 0 to 45
100 35 55 70 85
4.75 mm - - 0 to 5 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 20 0 to 5 0 to 10 0 to 10 0 to 10
2.36 mm - - - - - 0 to 5 - - - -

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Technical Specification: Concrete

Other mechanical properties as per IS 383

Properties For Wearing Surface For Non- Wearing

Aggregate If > 30% check for 10% fines loading
30 % Maximum
Crushing Value which shall be more than 50kN
Aggregate Impact 45 % NOTE: For M65 &
30 % Maximum
Value Maximum above; 22 % Maximum
30 % Maximum 50 % Maximum
Abrasion Value

2.4 Fine Aggregate

Natural sand deposited by stream or glacial agencies as a result of disintegration of rock shall be used
as fine aggregate. Fine aggregate shall pass through 4.75 mm IS sieve in total (the zone of aggregate
shall be defined as per the specification of IS 383 table given below). Crushed sand may be added to
natural sand in full or approved proportions to achieve required grading. The fine aggregate shall
conform to IS 383
Sand shall be hard durable, chemically inert, clean and free from adherent coatings and organic matter
and shall not contain any appreciable amount of clay and pellets. Sand shall not contain harmful
impurities such as iron, pyrites, salts, chlorides, sulphates, coal particles, lignite, mica shale or similar
laminated material, alkali, and organic impurities in such form or quantities as to affect the strength
or durability of concrete or mortar. It should not contain any material liable to attack the steel
When tested as per IS 2386 Part I and Part II, fine aggregate shall not exceed permissible quantities of
deleterious materials as given in IS 383.
Grading of fine aggregate shall conform to IS and shall fall within limits of one of the four zones given
in IS 383. Fine aggregate falling in grading zone IV shall not be used. Fine aggregate conforms to zone
I & II are preferable

% Passing - Grading Zone

IS Sieve
10 mm 100 100 100 100
4.75 mm 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100 95 - 100
2.36 mm 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100 95 - 100
1.18 mm 30 - 60 55 - 90 75 - 100 90 - 100
600 m 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79 80 - 100
300 m 5 - 20 8 - 30 12 - 40 15 - 50
150 m 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 -15

In no case the Flyash & GGBS shall be used as Fine aggregates.

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Technical Specification: Concrete

Deleterious material content in Coarse & Fine aggregates as per IS 383

Fine Aggregates Coarse Aggregate

Substance Crushed /
Uncrushed Manufactured Uncrushed Crushed Manufactured
Coal &
1 1 1 1 1 1
Clay Lumps 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 for Crushed
Material < Sand
3 10 1 1 1
75 12 for mixed
- - - 3 - 3
Shale 1 - 1 - - -
% of All
material 5 2 2 5 2 2

All in Aggregate
All In Aggregate - Combined Grading
IS Sieves
40 mm 20 mm
80 mm 100 -
40 mm 95 to 100 100
20 mm 45 to 75 95 to 100
4.75 mm 25 to 45 30 to 50
600 m 8 to 30 10 to 35
150 m 0 to 6 0 to 6

2.5 Water
Water used for mixing and curing shall be clean & shall comply the requirements of IS 456 for
concreting & curing. Suitability of water shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial
setting time test as specified under IS 456. The pH value of water shall not be less than 6 not more
than 9. Sea water shall not be used

Components Permissible Limits, Maximum

Organic 200 mg/l
Inorganic 3000 mg/l
Sulphates as (SO3) 400 mg/l
Chlorides (as Cl) 2000 mg/l for PCC & 500 mg/l for RCC
Suspended Matter 2000 mg/l

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Technical Specification: Concrete

2.6 Admixtures
The admixture to be used shall comply with the specification of IS 9103 & any other relevant code.
The Admixtures shall be free from chlorides and sulphates or any other material which
may cause problems to the concrete in the due course of time. Also it shall have no
effect on the reinforcement in case of Reinforced Cement Concrete.
Admixtures generally in use are classified as Accelerators, Retarders, Workability agents, Water
repelling agents, Air-entraining agents, Gas-forming agents, Corrosion inhibitor additive
These are manufactured under brand names. The contractor proposing to use any one of them shall
submit to the format technical submittal to the Engineer In-Charge technical literature with its
chemical composition purpose of use and method recommended by the manufacturer for dosage &
mode of use to follow at site for strict control.
The contractors proposal shall accompany the following with his request to use
The trade name of the admixture its source and the manufacturers recommended method of
Typical dosage rates and the possible detrimental effects of under and over- dosage.
Whether the admixture contains chloride in any free form or any other chemical present as
an active ingredient which is a likely cause of corrosion of reinforcement or deterioration of
The average expected air content of freshly mixed concrete containing an admixture which
causes air to be entrained when used at the manufacturers recommended rate of dosage
Trial results for actual reduction of water & other properties as described by the Manufacturer
& as per the requirements
The latest third part report for its physical & chemical properties with the same lot MTC
In no case the change of admixture shall be done or allowed without conducting trials for its actual
performance & the written approval of the Engineer In-Charge.

Property Requirements
DMC - Dry Material Content
3% of the value stated by the Manufacturer
For Liquid & Solid Admixtures
Ash Content 1% of the value stated by the Manufacturer
Relative Density Within 0.02 of the vale stated by the Manufacturer
Within 10% of the value or within 0.2% whichever is greater as
Chloride ion content
stated by manufacturer
pH 7-8

Its solely contractors responsibility to get the material tested from NABL accredited third party
Kalpatarus approved Laboratory (from the list of Approved Laboratory)

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Technical Specification: Concrete


3.1 Cement
Cement shall be received at site in bulker or in bags of 50 kg as packed confirming to relevant IS code
& shall have the manufacturer's name or his registered trade mark, grade of cement, type of cement,
reference IS code, identification of production batch and each batch shall be accompanied with a test
certificate of the factory (MTC). Damp or torn bags shall be rejected (same in case of Mineral additives)
The bulk cement shall also be received in air tight bulkers having detailed in the challan & MTC. Bulk
cement received shall be allowed to store in silo post conformance of all documentary checks & on
field inspection for fresh cement. The care shall be taken that the Silos are properly air tight & if the
cement stacked & received cement is same else ensure the earlier cement is consumed completely
from silo prior to loading with new cement. Cement & Fly ash / GGBS shall be stored in dry and water
proof shed so as to prevent deterioration due to moisture, dampness. Bags shall be stacked on rigid
water-proof platforms about 15 to 20 cm clear above the floors, bags shall be stacked at least 45 cm
clear or away from the surrounding walls and in rows of two bags leaving in a space of at least 60 cm
between two consecutive rows/ stacked lot. A maximum high stack of 10 to 12 bags is generally
permitted Stacks shall be so arranged that the first batches are used first, (FIFO) and that shall permit
easy access for inspection and handling. Cement & Fly ash shall be stacked separately & not in one
godown Different types of cement shall be stacked and stored separately.
Loose cement, Flyash & GGBS received shall be stored in Silos. Silos shall be equipped to receive the
material by pump and manually. Silos shall be water tight and damp proof to keep cement fresh
All the stacked cement (in godown or in silo) shall be tag with proper identification of Batch. In case
of bags; the identification tags shall be displayed above every stacks & in case of silo, the same shall
be mentioned on the silo

3.2 Aggregate
Aggregate shall be stored in such a way that it does not get mixed with mud, dust, grass, vegetables
and any other foreign matter. Each type and grading of aggregate shall be stored separately making
sure that various grades of aggregates and sand do not get mixed during storage and handling. The
best way is to have a hard surface platform made out of concrete (Lean PCC), bricks or planks & shall
have proper partition / bins for every types of aggregates. It should be to the approval of the Engineer

3.3 Water
Water storage tanks shall be such as to prevent any deleterious materials getting
mixed with it. The water tank shall be covered & the temperature of the water shall be maintained to
272. The frequency of cleaning of the water tank shall be maintained & the date of cleaning & next
date of cleaning shall be displayed in the wall of the tank which shall be easily visible

3.4 Admixture
Admixtures shall be stored in container / drum under the shade & no direct sunlight shall fall on the
containers. The storage shall be done as per the manufacturers specification & the FIFO system shall
be followed
Considering the atmospheric/ weather conditions at site storages, covering shall be
arranged to take care of temperature controls at site.

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Technical Specification: Concrete

All the lots of admixtures shall be well identified for;

Type of admixture
Batch number
Expiry date
In no case two different type & manufactured materials shall be stacked together

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Technical Specification: Concrete


For concrete mix design following parameters shall be established prior to conducting CMD
Required grade of concrete with respect to structural consultants drawing / details & as per the
durability criteria
Type of Cement
Minimum Cement content
Maximum free WaterCement ration
Required workability
Required retention time
Exposure condition
Type & mode of placing
Maximum Size of Aggregate (MSA)
Type of admixture
All the materials shall be tested freshly from approved listed third party lab
The gradation shall be defined on the basis of All in aggregate basis sieve analysis trials

For designing the concrete, any approved method can be adopted such as IS method, DoE method,
RRL method etc. Suitable proportions of Fine and Coarse aggregate shall be selected to give as nearly
as practicable the maximum density. This shall be determined by mathematical means, laboratory
tests, field trials and suitable changes in aggregate gradation. The contractor shall submit the detail
mix design to the Engineer-in-Charge prior to taking trials. after designing the mix for the desired
parameters; the trial mix shall be conducted.
The trial shall be witnessed by;
Engineer In-Charge or its authorized representative
Admixture & additive representative
The trial shall be checked for;
Workability Workability is often referred to as the ease with which a concrete can be
transported, placed and consolidated without excessive bleeding or segregation.
Cohesiveness is the ability of fresh concrete to hold all ingredients together without any
segregation and bleeding.
Ease of working
Harshness is a kind of segregation with bleeding of concrete & excess amount of aggregate

After the acceptance of the trial & successful demonstration of the desired fresh concrete property;
concrete cube sample for testing shall be done. Minimum 4 sets of concrete cubes shall be taken which
shall be tested as under;
1 Set for ACT (The contractor has to develop the ACT regression curve of same grade &
1 Set for 7 Days Compressive Strength
1 Set for 28 Days Compressive Strength
1 additional set for any other test as required or as a precautionary set
Also additional sets of 3 cubes specimen can be taken as per the site requirements for

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Technical Specification: Concrete

determining 3, 5 & 14 day's criteria for de-shuttering

The concrete cubes shall be marked & signed by the witnessing people with unique identification
mark, date of casting, grade of concrete & any other details if found necessary shall be engraved. Its
a responsibility of the contractor to ensure preservation of the cubes in plastic state & shall inform
the Engineer In-Charge for final setting of concrete cubs. The contractor has to take care & shall cure
these cubes as per the norms specified in IS 516.
The concrete cubes shall be tested on the calibrated CTM in presence of Engineer In-Charge or its
After completion of the trial & after getting the 28 Days Compressive Strength results, a formal
submittal shall be prepared by the contractor & submitted to the Engineer In-Charge for the Approval
of mix design.
The formal submittal shall consist of;
Latest third party test reports of cement, Mineral & Chemical admixture, aggregate and water
MTC of Mineral & Chemical admixture
Technical data sheet of chemical admixture
Mix design calculation
Trail sheet with details such as;
o Grading / proportioning
o Time of mixing
o Dosage of admixture
o Retention details with respect to time & workability and
o Other observations such as cohesiveness, bleeding, stickiness etc. with signature of
witnessed people
Witnessed Concrete cube test report for ACT, 7 & 28 days with signature and comment if any,
it shall be contractors responsibility to obtain the Formal approval from the Engineer In-
Charge for the acceptance and approval of Mix Design. It shall be solely contractors
responsibility to define & meet the time line for the trials, mix design & approvals as per the
sequence of work. The mix design shall only be approved on the basis of 28 Days compressive
strength of trials & the compressive strength shall meet the minimum requirement of Target
mean strength
o No concrete shall be approved & / or used on the basis of 7 Days compressive strength
or on ACT results

Free Water Cement Ratio

Once a mix, including its free water cement ratio, has been determined and approved for use by the
Engineer-in- Charge, that free water cement ratio shall be maintained. The Contractor shall determine
the water content of the aggregates frequently as the work progresses, and the amount of mixing
water shall be adjusted so as to maintain the approved free water cement ratio.

The concrete shall have a consistency such that it shall be workable in the required position and when
properly vibrated it evolve the inside air and cover all the reinforcement & embedded fixtures, etc.
The consistency of concrete shall have to be controlled as per IS: 456 and the slump tests / Flow test
shall be carried out by the contractor in accordance with IS


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Technical Specification: Concrete

For achieving sufficiently durable concrete, strong, dense aggregates, low water-cement ratio and
adequate cement content shall always be used. Workability of concrete shall be such that concrete
can be completely compacted with the means available. Leak-proof formwork shall be used so as to
ensure no loss of cement-slurry during pouring and compaction. Cover to reinforcement shall be
uniform and as shown on drawings. Concrete mix design shall always take into account the type of
cement, minimum cement content irrespective of the type of cement and maximum free water
cement ratio and minimum grade of concrete conforming to the exposure conditions as given in Table
Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Free Water Cement Ratio and
Minimum Grade of Concrete for Different Exposure Conditions
Exposure Plain Concrete Reinforced Concrete
Condition Minimum Maximum Minimum Minimum Maximum Minimum
Cement Free Water Grade of Cement Free Water Grade of
Content Cement Concrete Content Cement Concrete
(kg/m3) Ration (kg/m3) Ration
Mild 240 0.60 M 15 330 0.55 M 20
Moderate 265 0.60 M 15 330 0.50 M 25
Severe 275 0.50 M 20 350 0.45 M 30
Very Severe 280 0.45 M 20 375 0.45 M 35
Extreme 310 0.40 M 20 400 0.40 M 40

Generally, the following types of cement shall be used for Plain and Reinforced concrete works:
a) 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS: 8112
b) 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to IS: 12269
c) Portland Slag Cement conforming to IS:455
d) Portland Pozzolana Cement conforming to IS: 1489
e) Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement conforming to IS: 12330: 1988

Maximum cement content

Cement content not including fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag in excess of 450 kg/m3
should not be used unless special consideration has been given in design of structure to the increased
risk of cracking due to drying shrinkage in thin sections or to early thermal cracking and to the
increased risk of damaged due to alkali silica reaction

Capping on Usage of Cement & Mineral Admixture (unless specified, accepted, agreed by Kalpataru
Quality Team of HO)
Maximum % of Flyash allowable = 20% of total cementatious
Maximum % of GGBS allowable = 50% of total cementatious
Maximum cement content = 450 kg/m3 (excluding mineral admixture)
Use of ultrafine material is considered only for concrete of grade M50 & above (M50 in-case of
Maximum cement content criteria specified in a above is not achievable)

If the concrete is to be used with the integral waterproofing compound (IWPC); all the above steps
shall be followed with Integral waterproofing compound. A separate trial shall be conducted as
specified above in this section & the same shall be monitored & testing shall be carried out as specified
in this section. Along with the other test; water penetration test shall be carried out prior to finalizing
the type of integral waterproofing compound.
There shall not be any adverse effect on concrete, there might be minor slump drop due to use of the
Integral waterproofing compound, and its a contractors sole responsibility to ensure compatibility of
the IWPC with cement & concrete. The acceptance criteria of concrete remain same in this case also.
No additional or extra relaxation be given to the contractor

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Technical Specification: Concrete


Inspection & Testing:
Material / In Third
Inspection / Testing Frequency
Ingredient house Party
Batch check
Freshness checking by water float

test Every Consignment, with MTC
Cement Hand Immersion test
Fineness & grinding test by rubbing
All Physical parameters as per code 6 Monthly & as and when change of
All Chemical parameters as per code Source
45 Passing Every Consignment, with MTC
Flyash All Physical parameters as per code 6 Monthly & as and when change of

All Chemical parameters as per code Source
45 Passing Every Consignment, with MTC
GGBS All Physical parameters as per code
6 Monthly & as and when change of
All Chemical parameters as per code
Micro Fines All Chemical parameters as per code
4.75mm Passing,
600 Passing
150 Passing
Every Truck
Fine Silt Content
Aggregate Bulkage
Visual Inspection
All Physical parameters as per code 6 Monthly & as and when change of
All Chemical parameters as per code Source
20mm Passing
12.5, 10mm Passing
4.75mm Passing Every Truck
Coarse VISUAL: Flakiness, Elongated, shade/
Aggregate colour & White Spotted
All Physical parameters as per code 6 Monthly & as and when change of
All Chemical parameters as per code Source
Daily & if tanker water than every
pH (by using pH Strips)
All Physical parameters as per code 3 Monthly / at the time of Mix
All Chemical parameters as per code Design & / when Change of Source
Specific Gravity with Master Sample
by using Hydrometer. Trial for Every Consignment, with MTC
Workability & dosage
All Physical parameters as per code 3 Monthly / at the time of Mix
All Chemical parameters as per code Design & / when Change of Source
Mix Design
Every parameters such as Slump, 3 Monthly, after achieving Standard
cohesiveness, retention, setting etc. deviation & when Change of Source

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Technical Specification: Concrete


Prior to Dispatch from Plant (in case of onsite Plant):
Batch sheet shall be tallied with the recipe & the approved mix design
The sample of concrete shall be collected for testing of fresh concrete shall be first at plant
for dispatch to conform the required workability is achieved & the mix is cohesive
Note: Sampling shall only be done on site and the concrete cube may be cast by the technician of
RMC vendor only as per Kalpataru sampling plan in verified site cube molds. No additional cube shall
be cast by the vendor on site other than that of for variation. All the cubes are required to be cared
& cured on site & shall be tested on site (No cubes of vendor, cube report of vendor shall be
entertained for the acceptance of the concrete)

Acceptance of Concrete (in all case i.e. onsite production & or RMC)
Prior to accepting for pour: the concrete shall be well mixed in transit mixer
Batch sheet shall be verified with the recipe & the approved mix design
At pour location, the sample of concrete shall be collected from TM near Pump for acceptance
of TM on the basis of defined workability with tolerance & cohesiveness of the concrete
The concrete sample for cube casting shall only be taken at the placing point or if not possible
than at the pump after certain quantity of concrete is unloaded in the pump after acceptance

Concrete cubes shall be taken for each grade of concrete & for each pour (1 pour = 1
continuous stretch of concrete)
Minimum 4 sets shall be taken for 0 to 50 m3 of concrete pour (1 set = 3 Cubes irrespective of
quantity of pour)
Above 50m3, 4 plus one additional set for each additional 50 m3 or part thereof
Its a responsibility of the contractor to cast the concrete cube as per the set sampling plan
grade wise
Cube mold shall be of Aimil or equivalent make & shall have own weight above 12.5 Kg
All cube molds shall be validated
The concrete cubes shall be filled & compacted as per IS
Testing of the cubes shall be strictly done in presence of the owner & shall be done on the
well calibrated CTM of desired capacity at 3, 7 & 28 days.
Extra 1 or 2 set of cube shall always be kept for the tackling the issues of variation
The concrete cubes shall be marked as specified in sketch below
NOTE: for specified days of testing other than extra cubes required to be tested for additional days
such as 1, 3, 5, 14 etc. as per site requirements extra cube sets shall be cast

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Technical Specification: Concrete

Unique Grade of Cube no. as

identification Concrete per number of 16/28
no (YY/testing (any other cubes taken
M40 1
s number)
info. If
for pour
1,2,3,4,5 /253

Location of Pour
Vendor Name Tower B 3rd In
/ identification
floor slab House

Day (DD) Month (MM) Year (YY) 25 02 16


The concrete cubes shall be protected & preserve. The concrete cube edges, corners shall be
protected while shifting, submerging into the curing tank
Level of water in curing tank shall be maintained at-least 50mm above the top of third cube
The curing tank shall be cleaned once in 15 days maximum or as and when seen dirty
(whichever is earlier)
The tanks shall be covered & shall have display board of stating date of cleaning & next due
date of cleaning
The curing tank shall be made under the shade & the temperature of tank water shall be kept
as per the IS requirement (27 C 2C)
The concrete cube curing tank shall be well protected & covered. The tank shall be near to
Lab & shall be kept under lock & key. The key shall be kept with Kalpataru Engineer In-Charge


All the concrete cubes shall be tested at the set frequency of testing
The recording of the data shall be done properly & the testing shall be witnessed by Concrete
consultant (as per the site specification) , Site engineer & Lab technician / In-charge
The deviation in terms of Concrete strength, weight etc. shall be brought to notice of site in-
charge & Quality team at HO
All the entries in the register shall be signed by all the witnessing people daily
Standard deviation shall be done regularly as per the process

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Technical Specification: Concrete


The acceptance criteria of Concrete is solely depends only on the 28days compressive
The individual variation with respect to the average of 3 cube strength shall be with in 15%
with respect to the average. Any cube does not comply to this requirement shall be rejected
& at same time another cube (from extra set) shall be tested
No individual cube result shall be less than the criteria of Fck-4 or Fck-0.3N/mm2 whichever is
Concrete failing to meet the acceptance criteria is considered as non-conforming concrete
The criteria for the further action is solely governed as specified under;
o Core test if the average of 3 cube result is less than 90% of Fck
o Combination of two NDT like Rebound hammer & UsPV Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
when the average of 3 cube result is equal to or more than 90% of Fck
o The mode / method of testing, rejection, repair, rectification will only be suggested
by the Engineer In-Charge
o Core test to be done for non-complying pour by taking minimum of 3 cores of same
pour of same date & time span. UsPV to be done prior to taking core to ensure that
there is no internal defect of the area & just before core testing after caring & curing
of Capping material to ensure core to be tested are in good condition. The crushing
load or grade of the Capping material shall be of higher grade then the grade of
concrete under testing. The capping material shall be tested for conformance prior to
core testing. All the test shall be witnessed by Engineer In-Charge or its representative
o The action shall be taken within 7 days after 28th days testing & understanding that
the concrete has not complying to the acceptance criteria.
o Prior to core extraction the material for core filling shall be made available on site
after due consideration of Grade of concrete & filling material shall be same or 1 grade
higher (at the early age)
o The core testing shall be done only once on the defective pour
o The cost of entire course of action of doing any testing as specified above and any
other, repair & rectification as specified / instructed by Engineer In-Charge shall be
solely at the contractors own cost & shall not be paid by the client

Concrete shall be cured by keeping it continuously moist wet for the specified period of time to ensure
complete hydration of cement and its hardening. Curing shall be started after initial setting of
concrete. The water used for curing shall be of the same quality as that used for making of concrete.
Curing shall be assured by use of an ample water supply under pressure in pipes, with all necessary
appliances such as hose, sprinklers etc. A layer of sacking, canvas, hessian, or other approved material,
which will hold moisture for long periods and prevent loss of moisture from the concrete, shall be
used as covering. Type of covering which would stain, disfigure or damage the concrete, during and
after the curing period, shall not be used. Only approved covering shall be used for curing.
Exposed surfaces of concrete shall be maintained continuously in a damp or wet condition for at least
the first 7 days after placing of concrete.
For concretes containing Portland pozzolana cement or Portland slag cement, or concrete with
blended mineral admixtures such as flyash, GGBS, Micro-fines etc. the minimum curing period shall

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Technical Specification: Concrete

increase to 14 days. Curing by ponding shall, however, commence after the first 24 hours of
The laid concrete shall be cured immediately post its initial setting time. As the concrete is sufficiently
hardened the water shall be splashed & the entire surface shall be covered with plastic cover & the
plastic is secured by keeping weight on it. The contractor shall ensure that entire concrete surface is
wet specially slab & is covered by plastic sheets & protected from direct sunlight to reduce the
generation of shrinkage cracks
Continuous curing to all the concrete surface like slab, column, MIVAN concreted unit; can be done by
use of low water dispenser nozzle or sprinkler
In MIVAN low water dispenser nozzle sprinkler shall be used in side the MIVAN concreted unit to
ensure curing to all the vertical members

Its a responsibility of the contractor to prepare & maintain all the material inspection
checklist, calibration report, local approvals of weighing system & related documents as per
the Clients available format & time & whenever new format is implemented along with all
local & statutory approval, documents & consents


Concrete produced / procured on site shall comply to relevant latest parts of Indian Standards,
Codes of practices, technical specification given in particular or approved, designed mixes as
prepared, witnessed by client & approved
The contractor shall provide and monitor quality control over materials received from
suppliers / manufacturers to ensure that materials complies with standard specified and are
as approved
The contractor shall provide experienced supervision and work force to ensure that
workmanship is of specified quality.
Work shall not be subjected to harmful, dangerous, damaging or deleterious
exposures while it is in progress or on completion during contract period
Contractor to undertake quality assurance by documenting a comprehensive Quality
Assurance Plan incorporating;
Test report for material used in producing concrete.
Mix design details with laboratory test report, actual site trial mix test and
accepted modified design if any
Control charts
Non-conformance reports, change orders etc.
A Quality Assurance Plan & Inspection and test plan is being appended with this document
which will be duly approved by the Engineer IN-Charge & will be strictly adhered to during the
course of execution. (This shall be as per the owners specification or the contractors,
whichever is stringent shall be followed for material testing product testing)
Submit samples of all materials such as cement, sand, aggregate, admixtures, water
etc. to be incorporated into concrete along with latest third party test certificates from

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Technical Specification: Concrete

During construction, the materials shall be sampled and tested as often as detailed in the
approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) / directed by the Engineer In-Charge (Samples shall
be taken and tested in accordance with latest revisions of Indian standard specifications and
the cost thereof shall be borne by the Contractor.)


The mode of measurement shall be as prescribed in Bill Of Quantity (BOQ).

1. In the entire specification wherever it is specified about third party testing, it shall be done
only from NABL accredited Lab which are listed in Kalpatarus List of Approved Laboratories
2. Material / test reports of lab other than the listed lab shall not be considered or accepted
3. In case the listed laboratory does not have the facility of performing particular test then its
contractors responsibility to identify & suggest the laboratory name, Engineer In-Charge can
decide to do testing or not in that lab after deliberate internal discussion & approval with
the Quality team at corporate office

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