Deepbeam Si Aashto
Deepbeam Si Aashto
Deepbeam Si Aashto
1) General Characteristics
(1) Project Name
(2) Design Code
(3) Unit
(4) Strength Reduction Factors
(5) Scope of Report
2) Materials
(1) Concrete
(2) Steel
3) Geometrical Shape
4) Loads and Load Combinations
(1) Loads
(2) Load Combinations
5) Reference
(1) Designer
(2) Date
(3) Note
3. Summary
1) Dimensioned Shape
2) Required and Used Areas of Rebars
3) Placement of Rebars
4. Appendix
1) General Characteristics
2) Materials
(1) Concrete
- Mass : 2,350 kg/m
- Weight : 23.5 kN/m
- Poisson's ratio : 0.15
- Compressive Strength of Concrete, fck : 27.0 MPa
- Tensile Strength of Concrete, fct : 2.7 MPa
- Elastic modulus of concrete, Ec : 27,849 MPa
(2) Steel
- Mass : 7,850 kg/m
- Weight : 78.5 kN/m
- Poisson's ratio : 0.15
- Yield strength of steel, fy : 78.5 MPa
- Elastic modulus of steel, Es : 200,000 MPa
3) Geometrical Shape
- Thickness : 0.35 m
(1) Loads
D (Load)
(2) Load Combinations
1) LC01 : 1.00D
5) Reference
Node X Z Node X Z
No. coordi. coordi. No. coordi. coordi.
1 1 2 2 2 3
3 4 3 4 5 1
5 1 6 6 5 2
7 2 6 8 3 7
9 4 7 10 8 3
11 8 4 12 6 5
13 6 7 14 7 8
Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz
5 O O O O - O
8 - - O - - -
13 1391.3 14 1205.4
Fu Fu/A
phi fce(MPa) B (mm) W (mm) Note
(kN) (MPa)
theta As.used
Types Fu (kN) Rebars As.req (mm) Note
(deg.) (mm)
Fu (kN) Rebars Weff,tie (mm) Sv (mm) phi Fn (kN) Note
2) (deg.)
- 0.54200
nu theta Fu (kN) phi Wreq (mm) Wprov (mm) Note
1 0.85 0.0 185.9 0.70 33.1 250.0 O.K
T-12 - - - -
T-14 - - - -
theta As.used
Types Fu (kN) Rebars As.req (mm) Note
(deg.) (mm)
Fu (kN) Rebars Weff,tie (mm) Sv (mm) phi Fn (kN) Note
(B) (deg.)