Deepbeam Si Aashto

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Structural Design Report

for Deepbeam Design

Table of Contents
1. Design Conditions

1) General Characteristics
(1) Project Name
(2) Design Code
(3) Unit
(4) Strength Reduction Factors
(5) Scope of Report
2) Materials
(1) Concrete
(2) Steel
3) Geometrical Shape
4) Loads and Load Combinations
(1) Loads
(2) Load Combinations
5) Reference
(1) Designer
(2) Date
(3) Note

2. Strut-Tie Model Design (Load Combination-1)

1) Construction of Strut-Tie Model

(1) ESO (Evolutionary Structural Optimization)
(2) Compressive Principal Stress Flow
(3) Constructed Strut-Tie Model
2) Analysis of Strut-Tie Model
(1) Loading Conditions
(2) Strut and Tie Types
(3) Strut and Tie Forces
3) Strength Verification and Required Rebars
(1) Strength under Bearing/Loading Plates
(2) Required Area of Rebars
(3) Available Widths of Struts and Nodal Zones
(4) Strength of Struts
(5) Strength of Nodal Zones
4) Detailed design
(1) Calculate the minimum reinforcement for crack control

3. Summary
1) Dimensioned Shape
2) Required and Used Areas of Rebars
3) Placement of Rebars

4. Appendix

1) ESO (Evolutionary Structural Optimization)

1) Input Data
2) Output Data
2) Compressive Principal Stress Flow
1) Input Data
2) Output Data
3) Strut-Tie Model
1) Input Data
2) Output Data
1. Design Conditions

1) General Characteristics

(1) Project Name : Deepbeam Design

(2) Design Code : ASSHTO LRFD
(3) Unit : KN.m
(4) Strength Reduction Factors
Strut : 0.70
Tie : 0.90
Node : 0.70
(5) Scope of Report
The purpose of this report is to design structural concrete member using strut-tie
model. The design is performed according to the ASSHTO LRFD strut-tie model

This report provides results of calculation for:

- check capacity of bearing plates
- design tie reinforcement
- check capacity of struts
- check capacity of nodal zones

2) Materials

(1) Concrete
- Mass : 2,350 kg/m
- Weight : 23.5 kN/m
- Poisson's ratio : 0.15
- Compressive Strength of Concrete, fck : 27.0 MPa
- Tensile Strength of Concrete, fct : 2.7 MPa
- Elastic modulus of concrete, Ec : 27,849 MPa
(2) Steel
- Mass : 7,850 kg/m
- Weight : 78.5 kN/m
- Poisson's ratio : 0.15
- Yield strength of steel, fy : 78.5 MPa
- Elastic modulus of steel, Es : 200,000 MPa
3) Geometrical Shape

- Thickness : 0.35 m

4) Loads and Load Combinations

(1) Loads

D (Load)
(2) Load Combinations
1) LC01 : 1.00D

5) Reference

(1) Designer : Hyunsoo Chae

(2) Date : 2016-12-06
(3) Note : Deepbeam design in accordance with AASHTO LRFD
2. Strut-Tie Model Design (Load Combination-1)
1) Construction of Strut-Tie Model

(1) ESO (Evolutionary Structural Optimization)

1. STAGE-01 (Initial shape)

2. STAGE-02 (Elimination ratio = 9%)

3. STAGE-03 (Elimination ratio = 18%)

4. STAGE-04 (Elimination ratio = 25%)

5. STAGE-05 (Elimination ratio = 32%)

6. STAGE-06 (Elimination ratio = 38%)

7. STAGE-07 (Elimination ratio = 44%)

8. STAGE-08 (Elimination ratio = 49%)

9. STAGE-09 (Elimination ratio = 54%)

10. STAGE-10 (Elimination ratio = 58%)

11. STAGE-11 (Elimination ratio = 62%)

12. STAGE-12 (Elimination ratio = 66%)

13. STAGE-13 (Elimination ratio = 69%)

14. STAGE-14 (Elimination ratio = 72%)

15. STAGE-15 (Elimination ratio = 75%)

(2) Compressive Principal Stress Flow

(3) Constructed Strut-Tie Model

(A) Nodal Coordinates

Node X Z Node X Z
No. coordi. coordi. No. coordi. coordi.

1 1.000 1.675 2 1.800 1.675

3 3.200 1.675 4 4.000 1.675

5 0.200 0.525 6 1.000 0.525

7 4.000 0.525 8 4.800 0.525

Start End Element Start End

Node Node No. Node Node

1 1 2 2 2 3

3 4 3 4 5 1

5 1 6 6 5 2

7 2 6 8 3 7

9 4 7 10 8 3

11 8 4 12 6 5

13 6 7 14 7 8

Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

5 O O O O - O

8 - - O - - -

Elem. Elem. Elem.

Force (kN) Force (kN) Force (kN) Force (kN)
No. No. No.

1 -185.9 2 -1391.3 3 -185.9 4 -325.6

5 267.3 6 -1255.5 7 -325.6 8 -325.6

9 267.3 10 -1255.5 11 -325.6 12 1205.4

13 1391.3 14 1205.4

Fu Fu/A
phi fce(MPa) B (mm) W (mm) Note
(kN) (MPa)

5 0.70 12.28 1000.0 350.0 400.0 7.143 O.K

8 0.70 12.28 1000.0 350.0 400.0 7.143 O.K

2 0.70 12.28 1000.0 350.0 400.0 7.143 O.K

3 0.70 12.28 1000.0 350.0 400.0 7.143 O.K

theta As.used
Types Fu (kN) Rebars As.req (mm) Note
(deg.) (mm)

12 Bottom 1205.39 0.0 8-#8 3348 4054 O.K

13 Bottom 1391.30 0.0 8-#8 3865 4054 O.K

Fu (kN) Rebars Weff,tie (mm) Sv (mm) phi Fn (kN) Note
2) (deg.)

5 267.25 90.0 2-#4 800.0 200.0 364.8 O.K

Available Elem. Available

i-width j-width i-width j-width
phiFn = Width No. Width

1 250.0 250.0 250.0 2 250.0 250.0 250.0

3 250.0 250.0 250.0 4 471.1 437.8 437.8

6 436.5 436.5 436.5 7 471.1 437.8 437.8

8 471.1 437.8 437.8 10 436.5 436.5 436.5

11 471.1 437.8 437.8

Tie Force alpha nu

Tie No. epsilon_s epsilon_l epsilon_l,max
(4) (kN) (deg.) (=fcu/fck)

1 5 267.30 0.00132 90.0 0.00066 0.00066 0.85000

2 0.00 0.00000 0.0 0.00000 0.00000 0.85000

3 9 267.30 0.00132 90.0 0.00066 0.00066 0.85000

4 12 1205.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00197 0.00615

5 267.30 0.00132 34.8 0.00615

6 12 1205.00 0.00135 35.7 0.00585 0.00585

5 267.30 0.00132 54.3 0.00303

7 5 267.30 0.00132 34.8 0.00615 0.00615

12 1205.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00297

13 1391.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00297

8 9 267.30 0.00132 34.8 0.00615 0.00615 0.54200

13 1391.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00297

14 1205.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00297

10 14 1205.00 0.00135 35.7 0.00585 0.00585 0.54200

9 267.30 0.00132 54.3 0.00303

11 14 1205.00 0.00135 55.2 0.00197 0.00615

9 267.30 0.00132 34.8 0.00615

- 0.54200
nu theta Fu (kN) phi Wreq (mm) Wprov (mm) Note
1 0.85 0.0 185.9 0.70 33.1 250.0 O.K

2 0.85 0.0 1391.3 0.70 247.4 250.0 O.K

3 0.85 0.0 185.9 0.70 33.1 250.0 O.K

4 0.54 55.2 325.6 0.70 90.8 437.8 O.K

6 0.56 35.7 1255.5 0.70 340.7 436.5 O.K

7 0.54 55.2 325.6 0.70 90.8 437.8 O.K

8 0.54 55.2 325.6 0.70 90.8 437.8 O.K

10 0.56 35.7 1255.5 0.70 340.7 436.5 O.K

11 0.54 55.2 325.6 0.70 90.8 437.8 O.K

nu Type Element Fu (kN) Wreq (mm) Wprov (mm) Note

1 0.75 C-1 185.9 37.5 250.0 O.K

C-4 325.6 65.6 437.8 O.K

T-5 267.3 53.9 800.0 O.K

2 0.85 CCT V 1000.0 177.8 400.0 O.K

C-1 185.9 33.1 250.0 O.K

C-2 1391.3 247.4 250.0 O.K

C-6 1255.5 223.3 436.5 O.K

C-7 325.6 57.9 471.1 O.K

3 0.85 V 1000.0 177.8 400.0 O.K

CCC C-2 1391.3 247.4 250.0 O.K

C-3 185.9 33.1 250.0 O.K

C-8 325.6 57.9 471.1 O.K

C-10 1255.5 223.3 436.5 O.K

4 0.75 C-3 185.9 37.5 250.0 O.K

CCC T-9 267.3 53.9 800.0 O.K

C-11 325.6 65.6 437.8 O.K

5 0.75 CCT R 1000.0 201.6 400.0 O.K

C-4 325.6 65.6 471.1 O.K

C-6 1255.5 253.1 436.5 O.K

T-12 1205.4 243.0 250.0 O.K

6 0.65 T-5 267.3 62.2 800.0 O.K

C-7 325.6 75.7 437.8 O.K

T-12 - - - -

T-13 185.9 43.2 250.0 O.K

7 0.65 C-8 325.6 75.7 437.8 O.K

T-9 267.3 62.2 800.0 O.K

T-13 185.9 43.2 250.0 O.K

T-14 - - - -

8 0.75 CCT R 1000.0 201.6 400.0 O.K

C-10 1255.5 253.1 436.5 O.K

C-11 325.6 65.6 471.1 O.K

T-14 1205.4 243.0 250.0 O.K

C: Av (mm) Sv (mm) Ah (mm) Sh (mm) Av/(bwSv) Ah/(bwSh) Note

4 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

6 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

7 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

8 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

10 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

11 253.4 200.0 253.4 200.0 0.0036 0.0036 O.K

theta As.used
Types Fu (kN) Rebars As.req (mm) Note
(deg.) (mm)

12 Bottom 1205.39 0.0 8-#8 3348 4054 O.K

13 Bottom 1391.30 0.0 8-#8 3865 4054 O.K

Fu (kN) Rebars Weff,tie (mm) Sv (mm) phi Fn (kN) Note
(B) (deg.)

5 267.25 90.0 2-#4 800.0 200.0 364.8 O.K

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