PDF Catalog
PDF Catalog
PDF Catalog
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-7337
(800) 794-6447
-Bronderslev #157 Wainscot Bar (Paint Grade) -Bonahaven #141 (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
Drees Wood Products, Inc. an environmentally conscious way for decades. They weregreen long
before the term became ubiquitous. All of our hardwood waste, hundreds of
About Us. tons annually, is recycled. It is ground into small fragments and returned
to the earth as a soil amendment.
for them, we shifted our focus. In 1984 the company moved to a small unparalleled service to our partners in the industry. In concert with
industrial unit in Santa Monica with a new singular purpose: to provide this objective, we strive to better the lives of our dedicated employees.
doors and drawer fronts to the cabinet and furniture industries. Our Their hard work and loyalty continues to frame the success of our
catalog at the time featured eight door styles with only a few options. company. Driven by our shared beliefs and aspirations, we proceed
We outgrew our home in Santa Monica and relocated to Paramount with spirit and innovation.
in 1990. In our state of the art facility we now produce over three
hundred door styles and components with almost unlimited options.
Our products are sold wholesale directly to our partners in the industry -Bonahaven #141 (Cherry)
OV-3 Edge
and select retail outlets.
-Port Ellen #150 (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge
About the Planet.
We are fortunate to work with one of our most renewable resources and
constantly strive to be honorable stewards of the environment. Our wood
is purchased from the best hardwood lumber mills in the country. These -Mazzarino #165 (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge
companies have skillfully and wisely harvested our deciduous forests in
-Almada with Oak Leaf Accented -Cortina 3 with Native American Accented Frame (Maple) -Copenhagen 3 Mitered with Grape Accented Frame (Alder)
Frame, Panel 047 with 1 reveal
-Bronderslev with Grape -Coventry with Grape Accented Panel (Red Birch) -Aberdeen with Oak Leaf Accented Panel (White Oak)
Accented Panel (Beech)
6 7
Applied Moulding
All styles in this section have a moulding applied to the
inside of the door frame. Included are both Cope & Stick
and Mitered frames with solid and recessed panel
options. Because the mouldings take up extra space inside
the frame, it is important to consider the minimum size of
Frame and Panel drawer fronts when choosing this option.
Due to this, it may be necessary to substitute a recessed
panel in lieu of a raised panel. Using this arrangement
gives the end user more flexibility in overall drawer height
and more options when choosing handles or knobs. Standard
solid drawer fronts may alleviate most of these issues if the
design element meets your criteria.
-Mazzarino #165 (Hickory/Pecan) -Port Charolett #140 (White Oak) -Port Ellen #150 (Cherry) -Helsinki #170 (White Birch) -Skagen #159 (Red Oak) -Mazzarino #165 (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
10 11
-Cabinet Doors -Grovane #91 (Maple)
OV-1 Edge
-Drawer Fronts -Colmar #92 (Maple)
OV-1 Edge
-Grovane #91 (Cherry) -Florence #93 (Alder) -Willbrook #108 (Red Oak) -Brunstatt #142 (Cherry) -Salerno #161 (Knotty Alder)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge OV-3 Edge
-Colmar #92 (Maple) -Prato #94 (Red Oak) -Milltown #109 (Cherry) -Mulhouse #143 (Maple) -Nocera #162 (Red Oak)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge InherentEdge Inherent Edge OV-3 Edge
-Kitchen Doors -Bronderslev #157 (Paint Grade)
OV-20 Edge
-Kitchen Drawer Fronts -Skagen #159 (Paint Grade)
OV-20 Edge
-Island Doors -Bronderslev #157 (Clear Pine)
OV-20 Edge
-Island Drawer Fronts - Skagen #159 (Clear Pine)
OV-20 Edge
Mitered Raised Panel
Mitered frame raised panel doors offer many elegant
design possibilities. In choosing a frame and panel
drawer front option, careful consideration of hardware
placement and height restrictions should be taken into
account. Consider using a recessed panel alternative if
height restrictions become a concern. Some of the kitchen
examples show this design element. Routed and standard
drawer fronts are also available, allowing more flexibility
in drawer height. Certain styles however, have an inher-
ent edge detail that cannot be reproduced on a solid slab
drawer front to make an effective match. The best option
in these cases would be a frame and panel front.
-Granada #116 (Beech) -Gibraltar #153 (Alder) -Almada #138 (Knotty Alder) -Presaro #148 (Red Birch) -Bergamo #149 (Select Alder) -Ordino #126 (Cherry)
OV-39 Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge
18 19
-Cortina #130 (Cherry)
Inherent Edge
-Island Frame & Panel
Offenbach #136 (Cherry)
Inherent Edge
Drawer Fronts
-Standard (Walnut)
OV-1 Edge
Drawer Fronts
Mitered 1/4 Veneered Panel
Mitered frame recessed panel doors use the same frame as a
mitered raised panel door, but with standard 1/4 veneered
plywood as the panel insert. We often get requests for an
optional solid wood recessed panel in lieu of the standard
1/4 material. In this case, we glue up solid wood panels
that are approximately 3/8 thick. Both the standard
1/4 panel and optional solid wood recessed panel look
identical from the front. The only visual difference is the
panel thickness that is taken up on the back side of the door.
The solid option also makes for an easier attachment to a
drawer box by eliminating the need to fill the space between
the panel and the frame.
-Reinfeld #64 (Maple) -Porto #188 (Beech) -Monaco #152 (Walnut) -Lisbon #139 (White Oak) -Canillo #127 (Hickory/Pecan) -Savona #123 (Maple) -Verdun #124 (White Birch)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge OV-43 Edge OV-1 Edge
28 29
-Offenbach #136 (Red Birch) -Galloway #119 (White Oak) -Wexford #155 (Knotty Pine) -Canterbury #49 (Maple)
Inherent Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-8 Edge
Cope and Stick Raised Panel
The cope & stick raised panel styles offer the most versatility
of design opportunities. The frame detail and rail geometry
can present limitless combinations. The many options for
outside edge details create even more alternatives. All styles in
this group that are not arched can also be made with a mitered
frame. Always consider hardware placement and height
restrictions when ordering the frame and panel drawer front
option. Recessed panels can be substituted for solid as a design
element and for reducing drawer height constraints. Routed
and standard drawer fronts are also available.
-Liverpool #1 (Teak)
-C202 Drawers OV-43 Edge
-Standard (Maple)
OV-1 Edge
-Nottingham #23 (Red Birch) -Mannheim #25 (Maple) -Palermo #28 (White Oak) -Danzig #31 (Knotty Pine) -SD107 Routed (Red Oak)
OV-8 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-2 Edge OV-3 Edge
Drawer Fronts
-SD107 Routed (White Birch) -Innsbruck #75 (Knotty Alder) -St. Anton #76 (Cherry) -Hallstatt #77 (Maple) -Matzen #78 (White Birch)
OV-2 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-13 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-2 Edge
36 37
-Leningrad #193 (Cherry) -Lendelin #187 -Ballinteer #65 (Red Oak) -Cambridge #100 (Walnut) -Hanover #62 (Beech)
OV-3 Edge (Quarter Sawn Red Oak) OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
OV-3 Edge
-Stockholm #42 (Maple) -Positano #106 (Knotty Alder) -Grenoble #38 (Knotty Alder) -Casablanca #39 (Natural Birch) -Constantina #99 (Maple)
OV-5 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-8 Edge OV-4 Edge OV-61 Edge
-Kelham #104 (Red Oak) -Oxford #156 (Red Oak) -Gelderland #168 (White Oak) -Luxembourg #112 (Knotty Alder) -Wholen #163 (Red Oak) -Constantina #99 (Alder)
OV-1 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-27 Edge OV-26 Edge OV-61 Edge
-Kiev #86 (Red Oak) -Torbay #87 (Maple) -Malaga #79 (Cherry) -San Sebastian #90 (Walnut) -Leighton #59 (Maple)
OV-13 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-13 Edge OV-3 Edge
Drawer Fronts
-Standard (Cherry)
OV-1 Edge
-Messina #81 (White Oak) -Anzio #82 (Red Oak) -Corsica #83 (Alder) -Mondovi #84 (White Birch) -SD107 Routed (Alder)
OV-13 Edge OV-2 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-8 Edge
46 47
-Cabinet Doors - Alora #89 (Paint Grade)
-Drawer Fronts - Standard (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge
-Selby #186 (Maple) -Olten #164 (Cherry) -Hollfeld #61 (Cherry) -Balen #69 (Maple) -Apeldoorn #169 (Alder)
OV-38 Edge OV-26 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
-Bolgrad #88 (Red Oak) -Odessa #98 (Cherry) -Arlon #113 (Alder) -Caracal #101 (Cherry) -Chesham #103 (Red Oak)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-27 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
50 51
-Amalfi #107 (Maple) -Dalfsen #85 (Cherry) -Alora #89 (Red Birch) -Pamplona #80 (Maple) -Milan #34 (White Oak)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-2 Edge OV-13 Edge OV-1 Edge
-Alora #89 (Paint Grade)
OV-3 Edge
-Copenhagen #3638 (Red Birch) -Andorra #41 (Maple) -Rotterdam #37 (Rift Red Oak) -Rotterdam Vertical Split #372 -Merrion #114 (Maple)
OV-3 Edge OV-5 Edge OV-5 Edge (Hickory/Pecan) OV-6 Edge
OV-3 Edge
Miscellaneous Doors
These unique door styles are not defined by the other major
sections. The Granville #185 is a true fixed louver door
and is most commonly used where ventilation is desired.
The Carentan #115 does not allow for air circulation. The
Oslo #95 and the Alborg #96 have a veneered MDF core
with a solid 3/4 wood band glued to the perimeter. The
New Amsterdam #40 is solid tongue and groove construction.
-Solid Slab Glue Up #97 (Red Oak) -Oslo #95 (Red Oak) -Alborg #96 (Maple) -New Amsterdam #40 (Red Oak) -Mazara #105 (Cherry)
OV-3 Edge Banded Veneer OV-2 Edge Banded Veneer OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
60 61
Standard French Lites
This section highlights examples of french lite offerings.
Standard refers to lite arrangement and mullion size.
If you are using a mullion to conceal a shelf, make sure
its width is adequate. All examples shown are made for
one piece of glass. True lites may be available where an
individual pane of glass is placed in each opening. This
option is typically used for beveled glass. Custom place-
ment and/or design of mullions is an available option.
-Aberdeen #118 (White Birch) -Cortina #130 (Maple) -Manchester #48 (Cherry) -Montreux #120 (Maple) -Coventry #43 (Cherry) -Hanover #62 (Alder) -Positano #106 (White Oak) -St. Gallan #110 (Knotty Alder) -Stockholm #42 (Hickory/Pecan) -Copenhagen #3638 (Red Birch)
OV-3 Edge Inherent Edge OV-3 Edge OV-2 Edge Inherent Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
-Bonahaven #141 (Cherry) -Colmar #92 (Walnut) -Helsinki #170 (Maple) -Mazzarino #165 (Alder) -Port Ellen #150 (Cherry) -Bristol #57 (White Oak) -Bergamo #149 (White Oak) -Liverpool #1 (Maple) -Matzen #78 (Maple) -San Sebastian #90 (Walnut)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-1 Edge Inherent Edge Inherent Edge OV-1 Edge OV-2 Edge OV-13 Edge
64 65
Specialty Doors
Your challenges to us have been greatly appreciated and
welcomed. A fraction of the custom products we have the
capacity to make are on display. Some were designed in
house, but most were customer requests. Our strong back-
ground in CNC programming and machining provides
both the accuracy and safety to perform difficult and
delicate operations. The boundaries of our manufacturing
capabilities are only limited by your imagination.
-Convex Door with custom arch and custom French Diamond Panel
68 69
-Curved Crown Moulding (Cherry)
-French Pair Glass (Red Oak) -Custom Pyramid Panel Door (Lyptus) -Malaga #79 (Alder) -Verona #50 Angle Door (Cherry)
OV-1 Edge OV-3 Edge with Special 1/2 Circle Arch OV-3 Edge
72 OV-3 Edge 73
Premium French Lites
Dovetail Drawer Box
Our dovetail drawer boxes are made from high qual-
ity prefinished European birch plywood and feature
3/8 bottoms as standard. Top edge options are clear
finished bullnose or woodgrain pvc edge tape. Bottoms
are prefinished wood veneer or white melamine. Some of
the many options available include dividers for silver-
ware and cutlery, solid wood fronts with scoops for
drawer pullouts, and file drawers.
3) Scoop A Plywood
-Lipped Solid Front
4) Dividers
-Lazy Susan Drawer Box
5) Standard Drawer Box
Optional Edges
82 83
Rigid Thermo Foil / MDF
Square Corner Raised
Square corner doors more closely resemble a cope & stick
wood door. The reference is to where the inside details of
the frame connect at the corner resulting in a realistic look.
The 1410 and 1610 series closely resemble the traditional
cope and stick Corleone and Liverpool doors, for example.
The various selections available offer many choices and
design elements as an alternative to solid wood doors.
86 87
- 1310 (High Gloss White) - 1320 (Mission White) - 1330 (Snow White)
OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge
88 89
-1510 (Rustic Cherry) -1520 (Snow White) -1530 (Summer Flame)
OV-26 Edge OV-26 Edge OV-26 Edge
-7610 (Chocolate Pear) -7620 (Cascade White) -7630 (Hard Rock Maple) -7810 (Santa Monica Maple) -7820 (Brushed Steel) -7830 (Mahogany Impressions)
OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge
-7710 (African Walnut) -7720 (Wenge) -7730 (Bamboo) -7910 (Bamboo) -7920 (Wenge) -7930 (African Walnut)
OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge
92 93
-7915 (African Walnut) -7925 (Bamboo) -7935 (Wenge)
OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge
-1225 (Bamboo)
-1215 (Brushed Steel) -1225 (Bamboo) -1235 (Windsor Mahogany) -1615 (Alpine White) -1625 (Alpine White) -1635 (Alpine White)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge
-1415 (Wenge) -1425 (Dunewood) -1435 (Chocolate Pear) -2610 (Snow White) -2620 (Santa Monica Maple) -2630 (Mahogany Impressions)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
98 99
-2710 (Mission White) -2720 (Wenge) -2730 (African Walnut)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge
100 101
Rigid Thermo Foil / MDF
Included in this section are unique designs and square
corner styles with both subtle and obvious variations.
Traits may fit into other categories but individual
characteristics set them apart. Note the integral
fingerpull route on the 6400 that meshes with the face
pattern. Beaded panels offer a distinct design feature
in both the recessed and raised panel styles.
-2677 (Santa Monica Maple) -2777 (Mahogany Impressions) -6300 (Frosty White) -6400 (Fashion Grey) -6700 (Antique White) -6750 (Hardrock Maple) -6800 (Anigre) -7100 (Alpine White) -7150 (Knotty Pine)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-68 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-3 Edge
104 105
Rigid Thermo Foil / MDF
Round Corner Raised
Most design elements shown in the square corner section
are represented here as well. The major difference is an
obvious radius at the inside corner of the frame. Many
new styles are also available that are unique to this
section. Examples of this are the 3300 and 4100 series.
These are created using a router bit design that lends
itself to a single pass.
108 109
-2310 (White Wash Maple) -2320 (Satin White) -2330 (Summer Flame)
OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge
110 111
-2510 (Mission White) -2520 (Cascade White) -2530 (Almond) -3110 (Satin White) -3120 (Almond) -3130 (Ash White)
OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge
-2516 (Santa Monica Maple) -2526 (Almond) -2536 (Cascade White) -3210 (Almond) -3220 (Alpine White) -3230 (Mission White)
OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge
112 113
-3310 (Antique White) -3320 (Almond) -3330 (Fashion Grey) -4310 (Cascade White) -4320 (Frosty White) -4330 (Fashion Grey)
OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge OV-1 Edge
-4110 (Snow White) -4120 (High Gloss White) -4130 (Satin White) -5841 (Alpine White) -5842 (Antique White) -5843 (Alpine White)
OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-3 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge OV-12 Edge
114 115
Mouldings and Accessories
(3 1/2 Flute-A)
CR212 (2 1/2 Crown) (3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Rosette)
FL300B RTF sample chain
(3 Flute-B)
SC112 (1 1/2 Crown)
(2 1/2 Rope Filler) 3502
(3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Rosette)
BA300 (3 Base)
(2 1/2 Screw Down Crown)
Face detail identical to the CR212.
The increased area is designed for
Fingerpull Routes
top mounted applications.
BA212 (2 1/2 Base)
SC100 (1/4 x 1 Scribe)
BS34 (1/2 x 3/4 Base Shoe)
IS34 (3/4 x 3/4 Inside Corner)
Vinylam-phenolic backed RTF
OS34 (3/4 x 3/4 Outside Corner)
2ESFP Finger Pull Route 4FPR Finger Pull Route 4 6400 Series
118 119
Edge Details
The next two pages show our most popular edge details.
The majority of these details are available in a fingerpull
or lipped edge which applies to the back of the door and
will not affect the face detail. Throughout the book you
may have noticed several doors listed as inherent edge.
These door styles are only available with their unique edge
detail, with fingerpull as the only option.
124 125
14003 Orange Avenue
Paramount, CA 90723
(562) 633-7337
(800) 794-6447
Catalog: $30.00