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Parasite Profile Chart

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Parasite Name Species Transmission/Life Zoonotic Method of Diagnosis Treatment Reference

Affected Cycle

Dipylidium caninum Canine Infection is acquired Yes Tapeworm segments Praziquantel, Pg. 72 (Zajac
(Tapeworm) Feline through ingestion of the can be found on the Epsiprantel, and & Conboy)
larval cysticercoids perianal area or in Fenbendazole can
found in fleas or feces observed by the all be used to treat CAPC
chewing lice. The owners. Egg packets Tapeworm
arthropod intermediate can be recovered from infections in dogs
hosts are infected by segments and detected and cats
ingestion of egg on fecal floatation
packets/segments. The examination
eggs develop into adults
and spend time in the GI
Taenia pisiformis Canine Transmission occurs by Yes The eggs can be Praziquantel, Pg. 74 (Zajac
(Tapeworm) ingestion of the detected freely in the Epsiprantel, and & Conboy)
immature metacestode feces through flotation Fenbendazole can
stage in the tissues of techniques. Generally all be used to treat CAPC
prey animals. The prey eggs are passed in Tapeworm
animals are infected by tapeworm segments infections in dogs
ingestion of food from the host so and cats
contaminated with eggs flotation technique can
passed in carnivore be a poor infection
feces. The eggs develop indicator.
into adults and spend
time in the GI tract.
Taenia solium Porcine The tapeworm segments Yes The pig is examined Praziquantel and Pg. 343-345
(Human pork tapeworm) are passed in the feces during meat inspection Albendazole can be (Taylor, Coop
and can be resistant in procedures and treatments for & Wall)
the environment. The proglottids can Tapeworm
host ingests the sometimes be found in
tapeworm and the feces
worms move by the
blood to the muscles,
lungs, liver, etc. after the
eggs develop into adults.

Taenia saginata Ruminants Infected humans pass Yes Immunoserology can Praziquantel can be Pg. 121-22
(Beef Tapeworm) eggs in the feces and screen infected herds used for treatment (Taylor, Coop
they can survive for and the muscle can be & Wall)
several months. The inspected after the
bovine ingests the egg cow is butchered
and it travels to the
muscle to become an
adult. Humans are
infected by eating raw,
undercooked meat.
Echinococcus spp. Canine Carnivores acquire the Yes Tapeworm segments Praziquantel, Pg. 76 (Zajac
(Dwarf dog or fox tapeworm) Feline infection by ingesting can be found on the Epsiprantel, and & Conboy)
Ruminants metacestodes in the perianal area or in Fenbendazole can
tissues of prey animals. feces observed by the all be used to treat CAPC
The prey animals owners. Egg packets Tapeworm
become infected by can be recovered from infections
ingesting eggs passed in segments and detected
carnivore feces and the on fecal floatation
eggs develop into adults examination
in the GI system.
Moniezia spp. Ruminants The tapeworm eggs are No Eggs can be found in Niclosamide, Pg. 106
(Tapeworm) Camelids shed in segments from fecal flotation tests but Praziquantel, (Zajac &
the host and ruminants owners may also find Bunamidine, and Conboy)
become infected by tapeworm segments broad-spectrum
ingesting mites, on the animal or in the benzimidazole can
intermediate host (free environment be used for active
living pasture mites), treatment
that contain the
tapeworm larvae. The
eggs develop into adults
in the GI system of the

Anoplocephala perfoliata Equine The eggs are passed in No Fecal flotation Periodic treatment Pg. 126
(Tapeworm) Donkeys feces and then ingested procedures can detect of horses can (Zajac &
by free living pasture the tapeworm eggs but reduce the fecal egg Conboy)
mites. The horses graze produce a false output and limit the
and become infected negative result most of number of mites in Pg. 269
when they ingest the the time. An antibody the pasture (Taylor, Coop
mites containing test can also be used to & Wall)
tapeworm cysticercoid try and detect
larvae. The larvae infection Merial
develop into adults in
the GI system.

Fasciola hepatica Ruminants The Miracidia hatch Yes Sedimentation Snails can be Pg. 110 (Zajac
(Liver Fluke) Porcine from the eggs and procedure can detect eliminated from the & Conboy)
Rabbits invade a snail host. The large brown eggs and pasture by draining
Canine Cercariae emerge from the Flukefinder can be the water and Merial
Equine the snail on vegetation used to simplify the applying copper
and are then ingested by sedimentation sulfate. The animal
a host animal. Larvae procedure can receive
leave the gastrointestinal flukicide.
tract and migrate into
the liver and reach the
bile ducts.
Paragonimus kelicotti Canine The lifecycle is indirect No Sedimentation Praziquantel, Pg. 82 (Zajac
(Lung fluke) Feline and requires two hosts. technique is the first epsiprantel, and & Conboy)
Porcine Snails become infected choice but fecal fenbendazole can
Caprine by the larval stage flotation can be used be used for CAPC
Wild coming from eggs to detect yellow- treatment and
Mammals released in the feces of brown eggs using corticosteroids can
definitive hosts. sucrose flotation even be used for
Crayfish are the second though this is less supportive therapy
intermediate host and reliable.
dogs and cats acquire
the infection by
ingestion of
metacercaria in tissues
of crayfish or paratenic
Paragonimus westermani Feline Water snail is infected Yes The eggs are identified High doses of Pg. 400-401
(Oriental lung fluke) and the miracidia in the feces or sputum Albendazole, (Taylor, Coop
develops into a Fenbendazole or & Wall)
cercariae. The cercariae Niclofolan can
leaves the snail and control the disease
swims about until it
contacts a crab or
crayfish and penetrates
it. The final host ingests
the crab or crayfish and
the eggs migrate from
the sputum, through the
body and leave in the
Nanophyetus salmincola Canine The lifecycle is an No The eggs can be Praziquantel, Pg. 84 (Zajac
(Salmon fever fluke) Feline indirect one and detected by epsiprantel, and & Conboy)
involves two hosts. sedimentation fenbendazole can
Snails are the first examination of the be used for CAPC
intermediate host. feces treatment and
Infection occurs by corticosteroids can
ingestion of be used for
metacercariae in the supportive therapy
tissues of salmonid fish
which is the second
intermediate host.
Toxocara canis Canine The single celled eggs Yes Simple fecal floatation Fenbendazole, Pg. 54 (Zajac
(Canine Roundworm) are passed from the host visceral or centrifuged fecal milbemycin oxime, & Conboy)
in feces and continue to and flotation can detect the moxidectin and
develop in the ocular Toxocara eggs pyrantel pamoate CAPC
environment. The dog larva are approved
coughs up the larvae as migrans treatment for
well after it migrates to ascarid. Dogs
the lungs. Dogs are should be placed on
infected through monthly
transplacental or preventative
transmission, as well as
ingestion of larvated
eggs or rodent hosts.
Toxocara cati Feline Transmission occurs by Yes Simple fecal floatation Fenbendazole, Pg. 54 (Zajac
(Feline Roundworm) ingestion of larvated visceral or centrifuged fecal milbemycin oxime, & Conboy)
eggs or paratenic hosts. and flotation can detect the moxidectin,
Transmammary ocular Toxocara eggs selamectin and CAPC
transmission can also larva pyrantel pamoate
occur in few migrans are approved
circumstances. The treatment for
single celled eggs are ascarid. Cats should
passed from the host in be placed on
feces and continue to monthly
develop in the preventative

Toxascaris leonine Canine The single celled eggs Yes Simple fecal floatation Fenbendazole, Pg. 56 (Zajac
(Roundworm) Feline are passed from the host or centrifuged fecal milbemycin oxime, & Conboy)
in feces and continue to flotation can detect the moxidectin and
develop in the Toxocaris eggs pyrantel pamoate CAPC
environment. Infection are approved
occurs after ingestion of treatment for
larvated eggs or infected ascarid. Dogs and
rodent and rabbit hosts. cats should be
Larva do not migrate placed on monthly
outside of the intestinal preventative
Ascaris suum Porcine Transmission occurs by No The eggs can be Anthelmintics can Pg. 320-322
(Roundworm) ingestion of the detected in routine treat the intestinal (Taylor, Coop
infective eggs in the fecal flotation stages and & Wall)
environment. The eggs procedures using zinc benzimidazoles are
migrate through the sulfate. given in the feed.
liver and lungs and Make sure to
adults develop in the remove feces from
small intestine. The eggs the pen
are very resistant and
can survive for years in
the environment.
Parascaris equorum Equine The infective larvae No Fecal flotation Benzimidazoles Pg. 120
(Roundworm) develop in eggs passed procedures can detect (such as (Zajac &
in the feces of horses. the roundworm eggs Fenbendazole, Conboy)
The horses become Oxfendazole and
infected by ingesting Oxibendazole), Pg. 267-268
larvated eggs and the Pyrantel, (Taylor, Coop
larvae moves through Ivermectin and & Wall)
the liver and lings of the Moxidectin can be
host before returning to used against adult
the small intestine to and larval stages
continue maturing. when given orally
Baylisascaris procyonis Raccoons Transmission occurs by Yes Detection of the eggs Treatment can Pg. 58 (Zajac
(Raccoon Roundworm) Canine ingestion of infective can occur by simple or consist of & Conboy)
eggs or paratenic hosts centrifugal fecal Fenbendazole,
(rodents, rabbits, birds). flotation examination milbemycin oxime, CAPC
The larvae migrate moxidectin and
through the organs and pyrantel pamoate
develop and can invade
the CNS causing
neurologic diseases.
Strongylus vulgaris Equine The adult parasite lives No The eggs are detected Treatment includes Pg. 118 (Zajac
(Large Strogyle) Donkey in the cecum and colon. in routine fecal an effective & Conboy)
After the host ingests examinations and can anthelmintic and
the larvae from the be diagnosed from the brood mare Pg. 282-283
pasture they penetrate colic due to verminous should be treated (Taylor, Coop
the intestinal mucosa arteritis with palpable, and moved to a & Wall)
and enter the small painful, and enlarged clean pasture
arteries to migrate to the mesentery Merial
cranial mesenteric
artery. After a few
months the larvae go
back to the intestinal
wall and leave nodules
to release young adults
in the intestine.
Strongylus equinus Equine The adult parasites live No The eggs are detected Treatment includes Pg. 282
(Large Strongyles) Donkey in the cecum and colon in routine fecal an effective (Taylor, Coop
after the host ingests the examinations anthelmintic and & Wall)
eggs and penetrate the the brood mare
wall to form nodules. should be treated Merial
The larvae travel across and moved to a
the peritoneal cavity to clean pasture
the liver and can be
found around the

Ancylostoma caninum Canine Transmission can occur Yes Detection can happen Severely affected Pg. 52 (Zajac
(Southern Hookworm) transmammary or cutaneou using a centrifuged animals can get an & Conboy)
transplacental, direct s larva fecal or a simple fecal anthelmintic
skin penetration by a migrans flotation exam. treatment and CAPC
infective larvae, or supportive therapy.
ingestion of an infective Fenbendazole,
third stage larvae from milbemycin oxime,
the environment. The moxidectin and
adult hookworms pyrantel pamoate
produce eggs in the are all approved
small intestine of the drugs for adult
host and exit in the worms. Heartgard,
feces. Sentinel, etc. can
also be used to
control infection
Ancylostoma tubaeforme Feline Cats are infected by skin Yes Detection can happen Emodepside, Pg. 52 (Zajac
(Cat hookworm) penetration of infected using a centrifuged ivermectin, & Conboy)
larvae or ingestion of fecal or a simple fecal selamectin,
larvae in the flotation exam. milbemycin oxime, CAPC
environment or rodent moxidectin and
hosts. The adult pyrantel can all be
hookworms produce used to treat adult
eggs in the small worms.
intestine of the host and Preventative such
exit in the feces. as Heartgard and
Transmission occurs by Advantage Multi
direct skin penetration can also be used for
or transmammary/ preventative.

Bunostomum spp Ruminants The larvae penetrate the No Clinical sings include Benzimidazoles , Pg. 64-65
(Hookworm) skin of the cattle anemia and diarrhea Levamisole or (Taylor, Coop
or are ingested and eggs can be found Avermectin & Wall)
and travel to the in a fecal flotation or
lungs to molt larval culture
before re-
entering the GI
tract. The larvae
continue to
develop in the
Uncincaria stenocephala Canine, Transmission occurs by Yes Fecal flotation to look Fenbendazole, Pg. 368-369
(Northern hookworm) Feline oral ingestion and the for strongly eggs can Mebendazole, (Taylor, Coop
Fox prepatent period is about be performed Nitroscanate, & Wall)
15 days. The eggs Piperazine, Pyrantel
develop into larvae and and Milbemycin
finally adults in the GI

Trichuris vulpis Canine Infection occurs by Yes The best detection of Anthelmintics Pg. 60 (Zajac
(Whipworm) Feline ingestion of infective the eggs is using including Drontal & Conboy)
Fox eggs in the environment. centrifugal flotation. and Panacur can
The eggs are produced Simple flotation fecal treat the whipworm CAPC
by adult worms located examination can be and monthly
in the bowel and leave used but isnt as preventatives can
the host in the feces to effective. Commercial also be used such as
continue development to assays can also be Interceptor,
the infective stage in the used to test for Sentinel, Trifexis,
environment whipworm antigen. etc.

Trichuris suis Porcine Pigs are infected by Yes Routine fecal flotation Benzimidazole or Pg. 333-334
(Whipworm) ingesting the infective tests can detect the Levamisole by (Taylor, Coop
eggs in the environment eggs injection can be & Wall)
and they live in the large effective to treat
intestine. The eggs leave adult worms but
the host in manure after less effective
maturing and are able to against the larval
survive for long periods stage
in the environment.
Trichuris trichiura Humans Infection occurs by Yes Routine fecal flotation Albendazole and CDC
(Whipworm) ingesting the infected tests can detect the Mebendazole
eggs in the environment eggs by injection can be
and they live in the large effective to treat
intestine. The eggs leave adult worms
the host in manure after
maturing and are able to
survive for long periods
in the environment.

Capillaria plica Canine Earthworms are the No These eggs can be Fenbendazole Pg. 429-430
(Bladder worm) Feline intermediate host and found in urine orally everyday for (Taylor, Coop
Ruminants the eggs are ingested by 3 days can treat & Wall)
the definitive host . these worms
They continue to
develop into infective
larvae and move to the
bladder to become adult
worms and lay eggs.

Dirofilaria immitis Canine, The adult worms are No Antigen testing with Treatment of Pg. 196
(Heartworm/Microfilaria) Feline, found in the pulmonary serum, plasma or Melarsomine will (Zajac &
Ferrets arteries and right whole blood is the kill the adult Conboy)
ventricle of the heart. most accurate. The heartworms and
The mosquitoes are Knotts test can also continual monthly CAPC
intermediate hosts and be used and can preventative is
after acquiring the identify the type of needed to kill off
microfilariae they microfilariae but its current and future
transmit the third stage less sensitive than larvae (Iverhart,
larvae infection while antigen testing. Heartgard, etc.)
blood feeding on the
animal. The prepatent
period in canines is 6
Dipetalonema reconditum Canine After a blood meal No Examination of the Drug therapy is Pg. 434
(Subcutaneous microfilaria) transmission, the blood and usually not used by (Taylor, Coop
microfilariae develop concentrating the preventative & Wall)
into the infective stage parasites as well as measures can be
and migrate to the head. filtration and staining taken to control the
The larvae pass to the with Methylene Blue. fleas/ticks
host when the Commercial kits can
intermediate host be used
(fleas/ticks) feed next.
Dictophyma renale Canine Eggs are passed through Yes Found in a urine Not usually needed Pg. 430-431
(Giant kidney worm) Fox the urine in clumps and examination as chains by surgery could be (Taylor, Coop
Mink ingested by the or clumps, yellowy attempted. & Wall)
Ferret intermediate host brown and ovoid Eliminate raw fish
(annelid). The final host from the animals
swallows the annelid in diet as a control
drinking water or
ingests the paratenic
host like a frog or fish.
The larvae penetrate the
intestinal wall and
finally the kidney.
Dictyocaulus Equine The first stage larvae are No The Baermann test can Ivermectin, Pg. 106
(Lungworm) Ruminants passed through the feces be used to detect the Fenbendazole and (Zajac &
of the host. Infective first stage larvae or Mebendazole can Conboy)
third stage larvae larvated eggs in fresh be used
develop in the pasture feces Pg. 289-290
and are ingested while (Taylor, Coop
grazing. The larvae & Wall)
migrate from the
intestine into the
respiratory tract and
Isospora Canine The host ingests the No The oocysts can be Removal of feces Pg. 42 (Zajac
(Coccidia) Feline, protozoan and is detected in a from the & Conboy)
Reptiles infected by the centrifuged or simple environment and
sporulated oocysts or fecal flotation exam. sanitation Pet Ed
transport hosts. The
oocysts develop fully in
the canine or feline and
are passed through feces
into the environment to

Eimeria tenella Ruminants The fecal oocysts Yes The oocysts can be No effective Pg. 90, 129
(Coccidia) Camelids, sporulate in the found on routine fecal treatment (Zajac &
Poultry, environment and infect flotation exams. A Conboy)
Reptiles the intestinal cells of the microscopic exam of
host that ingests them. the sporulated oocysts Pg. 500
Asexual and sexual is required to identify (Taylor, Coop
reproduction produces the species. & Wall)
oocysts that exit the host
in manure. The
sporulated oocysts can
survive for long periods
under favorable
Toxoplasma gondii Feline Transmitted through Yes Oocysts are detected Clindamycin and Pg. 44 (Zajac
ingestion of cysts in the in centrifuged or Pyrimethamine can & Conboy)
tissues of intermediate simple fecal flotation. be used to treat this
hosts. Prenatal and Cats can have an disease and reduce CAPC
transmammary antibody test to show oocyst shedding
transmission can also current or past
happen. The sexual exposure but its
stage occurs in the normally only positive
intestine of the cat and after the fecal passage
the oocysts are shed into of oocysts has
the environment. stopped.
Cryptosporidium parvum Ruminants Infection occurs right Yes The small oocysts in These drugs are Pg. 94 (Zajac
(Sporozoans) Camelids after ingestion of the feces can be detected somewhat effective & Conboy)
Equine oocysts that are passed using an acid-fast, in the treatment of
other through manure, food or stains, fecal smear, these oocysts: CAPC
mammals water. The oocysts are Sheathers sugar Paromomycin,
very resistant to flotation, fecal antigen Tylosin and
environmental test, or molecular Azithromycin
conditions. The oocysts diagnostic procedures.
go through asexual and
sexual multiplication in
the hosts intestine and
exit through the feces.
Giardia lamblia Canine The transmission occurs Yes Best detected using An extra label Pg. 48 (Zajac
(Protozoan) Feline through ingestion of centrifuge fecal treatment of & Conboy)
Ruminants cysts that are in the flotation but some Metronidazole can
Camelids environment that have motile trophozoites be used. CAPC
been shed by animals or can be detected in Fenbendazole can
humans. Trophozoites direct saline smear or be used in dogs.
attach to the small fresh diarrheic feces.
intestine but there are no ELISA and indirect
intracellular stages. fluorescent antibody
tests can also be used.
Babesia canis Canine The brown dog tick No Wright or Giemsa Dogs can be treated Pg. 192
(Canine piroplasms) Feline latches onto the canine stained blood smears with two doses of (Zajac &
Ruminants and transmits the can detect the Imidocarb Conboy)
parasite into the Piroplasms in diproprionat
bloodstream. The erythrocytes. CAPC
parasite goes through Immunologic and
binary fission and molecular diagnostic
continues to reproduce tests can also be used
in the bloodstream. but are more sensitive
Transmission may also with chronic
occur through blood infections.
Babesia gibsoni Canine The brown dog tick No Wright or Giemsa Treatment includes Pg. 192
Ruminants latches onto the canine stained blood smears a combination of (Zajac &
and transmits the can detect the Atovaquone and Conboy)
parasite into the Piroplasms in Azithromycin
bloodstream. The erythrocytes. CAPC
parasite goes through Immunologic and
binary fission and molecular diagnostic
continues to reproduce tests can also be used
in the bloodstream. but are more sensitive
Transmission may also with chronic
occur through blood infections.
Babesia herpailuri The brown dog tick No Examination of blood Diminazene CAPC
latches onto the canine films will reveal the aceturate and
and transmits the parasites in the red imidocarb Merck
parasite into the cells using Wright or dipropionate
bloodstream. The Giemsa stained blood
parasite goes through smears
binary fission and
continues to reproduce
in the bloodstream.
https://www.google.com/search Transmission may also
? occur through blood
q=Babesia+herpailurus&espv= transfusions.
Babesia pantherae Panther The brown dog tick No Examination of blood Diminazene CAPC
latches onto the canine films will reveal the aceturate and
and transmits the parasites in the red imidocarb Merck
parasite into the cells using Wright or dipropionate
bloodstream. The Giemsa stained blood
parasite goes through smears
binary fission and
continues to reproduce
in the bloodstream.
Transmission may also
http://www.wahg.co.za/en/bloo occur through blood
d-parasites-cats/ transfusions.
Babesia felis Feline The brown dog tick No Examination of blood Primaquine Pg. 418
latches onto the canine films will reveal the phosphate is the (Taylor, Coop
and transmits the parasites in the red drug of choice & Wall)
parasite into the cells using Wright or
bloodstream. The Giemsa stained blood
parasite goes through smears
binary fission and
continues to reproduce
in the bloodstream.
http://www.wahg.co.za/en/bloo Transmission may also
d-parasites-cats/ occur through blood
Babesia cati Feline The brown dog tick No Examination of blood Diminazene Pg. 419
latches onto the canine films will reveal the aceturate and (Taylor, Coop
and transmits the parasites in the red imidocarb & Wall)
parasite into the cells using Wright or dipropionate
bloodstream. The Giemsa stained blood Merck
parasite goes through smears
binary fission and
continues to reproduce
in the bloodstream.
Transmission may also
(http://vetbook.org/wiki/cat/ind occur through blood
ex.php?title=Babesia_spp) transfusions.
Babesia bigemina Bovine The brown dog tick No Examination of blood Diminazene Pg. 104-105
(Texas fever) Buffalo latches onto the canine films will reveal the diaceturate, (Taylor, Coop
and transmits the parasites in the red Imidocarb and & Wall)
parasite into the cells using Wright or Amicarbalide can
bloodstream. The Giemsa stained blood be used
parasite goes through smears. Brain biopsies
binary fission and can also be performed
continues to reproduce
in the bloodstream.
Transmission may also
occur through blood

Thelazia Canine The Muscid fly acts as Yes The worms can be Administration of Pg. 180
(Eye worm) Bovine an intermediate host and seen clearly in the an anthelmintic like (Zajac &
Equine ingests first stage larvae eyes of the host so no Levamisole or Conboy)
released by the adult laboratory diagnosis is Avermectin applied
worms into the tears. needed topically Pg. 117-118
The third larval stage (Taylor, Coop
develops in the fly and & Wall)
deposits the infective
larvae on the host during Merck

Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Freshwater The parasite has a direct No Diagnosis can be Treated with dilute Pg .308
(Ich) fish life cycle including free made by doing a wet concentrations of (Zajac &
swimming, ciliated mount of skin biopsies formaldehyde, Conboy)
tomites in the water that and gill and fin snips. malachite green or
invade the skin, fins and It has a characteristic methylene blue
gills of fish. The tomites C-shape
penetrate into the macronucleus.
epithelial tissues and
form large, feeding
trophozoites that exit the
host and invade the
water to develop into a
cyst. The cyst undergoes
multiple divisions and
produces many infective
tomites that are released
into the environment to
infect other fish.
Oxyuris equi Equine Transmission occurs No Most of the time the Broad-spectrum Pg. 122
(Pinworm) when horses ingest eggs are attached to anthelmintics and (Zajac &
infective eggs and the the hairs on the routine Conboy)
adult female worms perianal region so they chemotherapy.
migrate to the perianal arent often seen in the Ivermectin, Pg. 286-287
region and lay clusters flotation tests. The Moxidectin, (Taylor, Coop
of sticky eggs. The eggs Scotch tape test Benzimidazole and & Wall)
are rubbed off the horse touches the clear Pyrantel
and contaminate the adhesive tape onto the
environment to directly skin and is placed a
contaminate another microscope slide to be
horse. examined.

Haemonchus contortus Ruminants Direct life cycle where No Fecal examination for Benzimidazoles, Pg. 158-159
(Pole worm) Deer the eggs hatch in the an egg count as well Levamisole and (Taylor, Coop
Camel pasture and are ingested as a necropsy of the Avermectin/ & Wall)
Llama by the definitive host. abomasum Milbemycin are
The larvae go to the effective against the
rumen and molt where larvae and adult
they obtain blood from stages
the mucosal vessels

Ostertagia ostertagi Ruminants Direct life cycle and No The clinical signs of in Benzimidazole, Pg. 54-57
(Brown stomach worm) Deer eggs are passed in the appetence, weight loss Levamisole or (Taylor, Coop
feces. The definitive and diarrhea as well as Avermectin/ & Wall)
host ingests the eggs and grazing history. A Milbemycin are
go to the rumen and fecal egg count can be effective against the
lumen of the abomasal done and a look at larvae and adult
gland. pepsinogen levels stages
Stephanurus dentatus Porcine The parasite eggs leave No Urine sedimentation Ivermectin, Pg. 176
(Kidney Worm) the host in urine. First can detect the eggs as fenbendazole, or (Zajac &
stage larvae hatch from well as some clinical levamisole Conboy)
the eggs and develop to signs.
the infective third stage. Merck
The pig ingests the
infective larvae of an
earthworm transport
host or by skin
penetration of infective
larvae. The larvae
migrate through the
liver and move to the
perianal tissues to
complete development.
Trichinella spiralis Porcine Indirect lifecycle. The Yes Meat inspection for a Benzimidazole Pg. 324-325
(Muscle worm) Rat adult parasites and heavy larvae infection anthelmintics like (Taylor, Coop
infective larvae are all or small samples of in-feed treatment & Wall)
present in one host. The pig muscle is squeezed with Flubendazole
development is between between glass plates to treat adult worms
the villi of the small and examined under a and larvae
intestine and travel microscope
through the bloodstream
to the skeletal muscles

Sarcocystis Canine Infected through the Yes A centrifuged or No effective Pg. 46 (Zajac
(EPM) Cats ingestion of simple fecal flotation treatment but you & Conboy)
intermediate host tissue can detect oocysts in can control it by not
that has sarcocysts in it. the feces feeding
Sexual reproduction in undercooked food
the canines and felines or allowing the
causes formation of animals to defecate
oocysts to sporulate near livestock
while still in the
intestinal tract.

Ctenocephalides felis Feline The female deposits Yes These fleas can be Use of flea Pg. 282
(Cat flea most common) Canine eggs that fall of the host diagnosed by using a adulticide treatment (Zajac &
and hatch in the comb to part the fur. as well as agents Conboy)
environment. The flea Once placed on a wet that contain
larvae feed on organic paper towel the flea Lufenuron, CAPC
debris and adult flea feces will dissolve and Methoprene and
feces and then pupate in turn red. Pyriproxygen to
the environment. Adults prevent flea eggs
emerge from the pupa from hatching and
and feed immediately to kill larvae.
once on the host. During
optimum conditions the
life cycle can be
completed in 2 weeks
Ctenocephalides canis Canine The female deposits Yes Examination of the Use of flea CAPC
(Dog flea) eggs that fall of the host hosts coat and adulticide treatment
and hatch in the identifying fleas or as well as agents
environment. The flea flea feces. Once that contain
larvae feed on organic placed on a wet paper Lufenuron,
debris and adult flea towel the feces will Methoprene and
feces and then pupate in dissolve and turn red. Pyriproxygen to
the environment. Adults prevent flea eggs
emerge from the pupa from hatching and
and feed immediately to kill larvae.
once on the host. During
optimum conditions the
life cycle can be
completed in 2 weeks
Pulex irritans Humans The female deposits Yes The diagnosis is made Use of flea Pg. 284
(Human Flea) Pigs eggs that fall of the host by identifying the adulticide treatment (Zajac &
and hatch in the adult fleas which have as well as agents Conboy)
environment. The flea an ocular bristle below that contain
larvae feed on organic the eye. Lufenuron, CAPC
debris and adult flea Methoprene and
feces and then pupate in Pyriproxygen to
the environment. Adults prevent flea eggs
emerge from the pupa from hatching and
and feed immediately to kill larvae.
once on the host. During
optimum conditions the
life cycle can be
completed in 2 weeks
Ixodidae or hard tick Ovine The life cycle includes Yes Engorged female ticks Chemical acaricides Pg. 685-686
Bovine four stage: Egg, six can be seen on the can be applied in a (Taylor, Coop
Caprine legged larva, eight skin. The ticks can be dipping ath or as a & Wall)
Equine legged nymph and eight collected from the host spray to kill the
Canine legged adult. Each stage and examined ticks. Examples are
feeds on a different host microscopically Organophophates,
for a blood meal. The Fenthion or
ticks stay on the edge of Malathion. Topical
vegetation and wait for acaricidal can be
the host to brush by and used like Fipronil,
attach to them. They Selamectin, or
return to humid ground Imidacloprid in
to stay hydrated companion animals
Argasidae or soft-bodied tick Chicken These ticks are Yes The tick can be found Application of an Pg. 679-680
Turkey nocturnal and breed in on the host and acaricide in the (Taylor, Coop
cracks of the animals removed to examine animals & Wall)
housing. After hatching microscopically environment and on
the larvae find a host the host
and attach to it for a few
days and then detach to
molt and become lymph.
They continue feeding
every once in a while
and finally become an

Ixodes scapularis (dammini) Canine This type of tick is a Yes The tick is removed Proper removal of Pg. 254
All three-host tick and from the host and the tick needs to (Zajac &
Lyme disease mammals require a different host examined with a happen first and if Conboy)
(Black legged or Deer Tick) for each stage of the life microscope for an anal lots of tick a fast
cycle in the groove that runs from acting acaricide can CAPC
environment. the posterior margin of be used.
Transmission occurs by the body to the Afoxolaner,
the tick feeding off a anterior of the anus. amitraz, fipronil,
new host each stage. fluralaner and
pyrethroids can be
used in dogs and
etofenprox, fipronil
and flumethrin can
be used in cats.

Ixodes pacificus Canine This type of tick is a Yes The tick is removed Proper removal of Pg. 254
(Western black legged tick) Feline three-host tick and from the host and the tick needs to (Zajac &
require a different host examined with a happen first and if Conboy)
for each stage of the life microscope for an anal lots of tick a fast
cycle in the groove that runs from acting acaricide can CAPC
environment. the posterior margin of be used.
Transmission occurs by the body to the Afoxolaner, Merck
the tick feeding off a anterior of the anus. amitraz, fipronil,
new host each stage. fluralaner and
pyrethroids can be
used in dogs and
etofenprox, fipronil
and flumethrin can
be used in cats.

Dermacentor andersoni Large This type of tick is a Yes The tick is removed Proper removal of Pg. 256
(Rocky Mountain Wood Tick) vertebrates three-host tick and from the host and the tick needs to (Zajac &
require a different host examined with a happen first and if Conboy)
for each stage of the life microscope for lots of tick a fast
cycle in the relatively short acting acaricide can Pg. 698-699
environment. They mouthparts and a be used. (Taylor, Coop
prefer small rodents for rectangular basis & Wall)
the larval and nymphal capitulum.
stages and larger Merck
vertebrate hosts for the
adult stage.
Dermacentor variabilis Canine This is a three host tick Yes The tick is removed Proper removal of Pg. 699
(American Dog Tick) Equine that feeds once in each from the host and the tick needs to (Taylor, Coop
Bovine the larval, nymph and examined with a happen first and if & Wall)
adult life cycle stage. microscope lots of tick a fast
After each feeding it acting acaricide can Merck
drops off the host and be used.
mating takes place on Afoxolaner,
the host. The adult stage amitraz, fipronil,
is on a large mammal fluralaner and
and the other stages are pyrethroids can be
on rodents used in dogs
Rhipicephalus sanguineus Canine, The life cycle happens Yes The tick can be Proper removal of Pg. 258
(Brown Dog Tick) Mammals, on 3 different hosts but removed and the tick needs to (Zajac &
Birds canines are used for all examined for the happen first and if Conboy)
3 stages. After the egg hexagonally shaped lots of tick a fast
hatches in the basis capitulum that is acting acaricide can
environment the ticks a distinctive feature of be used.
locate the host and stay this particular tick Afoxolaner,
here throughout the amitraz, fipronil,
nymphal and adult fluralaner and
stages. The females pyrethroids can be
leave the host to lay used in dogs
eggs in the environment.
Amblyomma americanum Bovine This type of tick is a No The tick can be Proper removal of Pg. 250
(Lone Star Tick) Birds three-host tick and removed and the long the tick needs to (Zajac &
Small require a different host mouthparts are a happen first and if Conboy)
mammals for each stage of the life diagnostic feature of lots of tick a fast
cycle in the this particular tick acting acaricide can
environment. Larvae be used.
and nymphs feed on a Afoxolaner,
variety of hosts but the amitraz, fipronil,
adults are found on fluralaner and
ruminants and other pyrethroids can be
domestic animals. used in dogs and
etofenprox, fipronil
and flumethrin can
be used in cats.

Amblyomma maculatum All All three stages of the No Removal of the tick Proper removal of Pg. 695
(Gulf Coast Tick) mammals life cycle feed on a properly from the the tick needs to (Taylor, Coop
Birds different host. The animal and happen first and if & Wall)
Rodents adults feed on the blood examination under the lots of tick a fast
of the host normally microscope. acting acaricide can Featured
near the ears. The be used. Creatures
females drop off the Afoxolaner, Univ. of
host and find a new host amitraz, fipronil, Florida
to lay their eggs. The fluralaner and
larvae remove pyrethroids can be
themselves from the used in dogs and
host to move to lower etofenprox, fipronil
vegetation and mature and flumethrin can
before latching onto an be used in cats.
animal passing by to
Boophilus annulatus Bovine This is a one host tick so No Removal of the tick Proper removal of Pg. 696
(Blue cattle tick, Texas cattle Equine the larvae, nymph and properly from the the tick needs to (Taylor, Coop
fever tick, cattle fever tick) Ovine adult all attach to and animal and happen first and if & Wall)
Canine develop on a single host. examination under the lots of tick a fast
Deer The female drops off the microscope. acting acaricide can Center for
host to lay eggs and the be used. Food Security
larvae attach to the host Afoxolaner,
to feed and molt twice. amitraz, fipronil,
The larvae move up to fluralaner and
tall grass to attach to a pyrethroids can be
host or it can also blow used in dogs and
in the wind. etofenprox, fipronil
and flumethrin can
be used in cats.

Otobius megnini Ruminants The life cycle begins No The ticks can be Proper removal of Pg. 262
(Spinose Ear Tick) Equine when the eggs hatch in diagnosed based on the tick needs to (Zajac &
Camelids the environment. The host location and happen first and if Conboy)
Small ticks enter the ear of the recognition of lots of tick a fast
animals host and stay here for specimens as soft acting acaricide can
several months while ticks. They also have be used.
the nymphal stage is short spines covering Afoxolaner,
completed. The nymphs their body. amitraz, fipronil,
leave the host after fluralaner and
feeding and mature into pyrethroids can be
adults who do not feed. used in dogs and
etofenprox, fipronil
and flumethrin can
be used in cats.

Argas persicus Poultry This soft tick lives in the Yes The ticks can be Proper removal of Pg. 264
(Fowl Tick) Wild birds environment and will examined for their soft the tick needs to (Zajac &
attach to birds to feed on appearance and the happen first and if Conboy)
them during the night. hidden mouthparts on lots of tick a fast
The larval and adult the dorsal surface. acting acaricide can Merck
ticks take several blood They also have a be used.
meals before leaving the flattened body margin.

Sarcoptidae Canine The female mite Yes Skin scraping and Amitraz and Merck
Feline burrows into the skin identifying the mites Mitaban dips as
Ferrets and lays eggs. The under a microscope well as Selamectin
Fox female dies and the eggs or Frontline
hatch into larvae with 6
legs and then into
nymph with 8 legs. The
mite continues to
burrow as an adult and
mates. They can also
live in the environment
for a while and dogs
will become infected
without direct contact
with another infected
Psoroptidae Canine The egg hatches to No The mites can be seen Selamectin and Merck
Feline produce a larva and with an otoscope in Moxidectin or
nymph. The male and the ear canal or an ear direct application in CAPC
nymph mate and swab can be taken and the ear canal with
fertilization happens examined Ivermectin and
once the female molts to Milbemycin in cats
the adult stage. The
lifecycle takes place in
the ear canal of the
animal and transmission
occurs through close
Sarcoptes scabiei Canine Transmission occurs by Yes Deep skin scrapings Selamectin or Pg. 220
(Mange Mite or Itch Mite) Ruminants direct contact with an can be used to topical (Zajac &
Equine infested animal or diagnose but the mites moxidectin/imidacl Conboy)
Rodents fomite. The female can be difficult to oprid as well as
Porcine mites will tunnel into recover so multiple Fipronil collar to CAPC
Camelids the epidermis of the skin scrapings should control and treat the
hosts skin and deposit be done. Fecal exams mites
eggs that continue to may show mites or
develop into mites. This mite eggs swallowed
egg to adult life cycle while grooming.
takes 3 weeks. Swine will usually
have mites in scabs
found in their ears and
the material can be
removed, broken up
and examined.
Moving dark specks
will be mites.
S. scabiei variety canis Canine Transmission occurs by Yes Deep skin scrapings Topical or systemic Pg. 442-443
(Scabies) direct contact with an can be used to using acaricides (Taylor, Coop
infested animal or diagnose but the mites like & Wall)
fomite. The female can be difficult to Organochlorines,
mites will tunnel into recover so multiple Gamma HCH and
the epidermis of the skin scrapings should Bromocyclen.
hosts skin and deposit be done. Fecal exams
eggs that continue to may show mites or
develop into mites. This mite eggs swallowed
egg to adult life cycle while grooming.
takes 3 weeks.

Notoedres cati Feline Transmission occurs by No Deep skin scrapings Ivermectin or Pg. 222
(Face Mange Mite of Cats) direct contact with an can be used to penicillin can be (Zajac &
infested animal or diagnose but the mites used for severe Conboy)
fomite. The female can be difficult to lesions and
mites will tunnel into recover so multiple bacterial infections. CAPC
the epidermis of the skin scrapings should Selamectin and
hosts skin and deposit be done Fipronil can also be
eggs that continue to used for treatment
develop into mites. This and preventative.
egg to adult life cycle
takes 3 weeks. The
mites are usually
confined to the head and
neck regions.
Knemidocoptes Poultry Transmission occurs by No Facial skin scraping Ivermectin or Merck
(Scaly Leg Mite) Birds direct contact with an and examination under Moxidectin
infested animal or the microscope
fomite. The mites will
feed on the hosts skin
and deposit eggs that
continue to develop into
mites. The mites are
usually confined during
the egg, larval, nymph
and adult stages to the
head and neck regions.

C. equi Equine The transmission occurs No Skin scraping and Topical mange Merck
(Itchy Leg Mite) through direct contact or examination under the treatment as well as
fomites. This mite microscope hot lime sulfur.
attaches to the host and Ivermectin can be
develops from the eggs, used extra label
larvae and nymph stages
to become an adult. The
mites feed on the skin,
debris, fat or exudate of
the animal

C. bovis Bovine The transmission occurs No Skin scraping and Topical mange Merck
through direct contact or examination under the treatment as well as
fomites. This mite microscope hot lime sulfur.
attaches to the host and Ivermectin can be
develops from the eggs, used extra label
larvae and nymph stages
to become an adult. The
mites feed on the skin,
debris, fat or exudate of
the animal
C. caprae Caprine The transmission occurs No Skin scraping and Topical mange Merck
through direct contact or examination under the treatment as well as
fomites. This mite microscope hot lime sulfur.
attaches to the host and Ivermectin can be
develops from the eggs, used extra label
larvae and nymph stages
to become an adult. The
mites feed on the skin,
debris, fat or exudate of
https://thekebun.wordpress.com the animal
C. ovis Ovine The transmission occurs No Skin scraping and Topical mange Merck
through direct contact or examination under the treatment as well as
fomites. This mite microscope hot lime sulfur.
attaches to the host and Ivermectin can be
develops from the eggs, used extra label
larvae and nymph stages
to become an adult. The
mites feed on the skin,
debris, fat or exudate of
the animal
Chorioptes Bovis Ruminants The transmission occurs No Skin scraping can be Dips used for Pg. 226
(Foot mange, leg mange, itchy Equine by direct contact or done to diagnose the psoroptic mange in (Zajac &
heel) Rabbits fomites. The entire life mites cattle can also be Conboy)
cycle of the mites is used to treat these
spent on the surface of mites. Ivermectin, Pg. 143-144
the skin and can be Doramectin, (Taylor, Coop
completed in 3 weeks Eprinomectin and & Wall)
from eggs to adult. In Moxidectin are
horses with feathered applied topically
legs the mites are seen
more often and in cattle
the back of the udder,
rear legs and base of tail
are usually affected the
P. bovis Bovine Transmission occurs by No Superficial skin Dipping and topical Pg. 224
direct contact or through scrapings can be nonsystemic (Zajac &
fomites. The mites are collected on the skin acaricides like Conboy)
found on the skins lesions. Skin scabs can Organophosphates,
surface and dont also be broken apart or Amitraz or lime- Pg. 143
burrow. The life cycle digested and the sulphur. Avermectin (Taylor, Coop
from eggs to adult can residue is then and Milbemycins & Wall)
be completed in 10 days examined under the can also be used.
and the mites can microscope.
survive for several days
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M off the host as well.
P. equi Equine Transmission occurs by No Superficial skin Dipping and topical Pg. 224
(Scab Mite) direct contact or through scrapings can be nonsystemic (Zajac &
fomites. The mites are collected on the skin acaricides like Conboy)
found on the skins lesions. Skin scabs can Organophosphates,
surface and dont also be broken apart or Amitraz or lime- Pg. 143
burrow. The life cycle digested and the sulphur. Avermectin (Taylor, Coop
from eggs to adult can residue is then and Milbemycins & Wall)
be completed in 10 days examined under the can also be used.
and the mites can microscope.
survive for several days
off the host as well.

Psoroptes Ovis Ruminants Transmission occurs by No Superficial skin Dipping and topical Pg. 224
(female) direct contact or through scrapings can be nonsystemic (Zajac &
(Scabies mite) fomites. The mites are collected on the skin acaricides like Conboy)
found on the skins lesions. Skin scabs can Organophosphates,
surface and dont also be broken apart or Amitraz or lime- Pg. 143
burrow. The life cycle digested and the sulphur. Avermectin (Taylor, Coop
from eggs to adult can residue is then and Milbemycins & Wall)
be completed in 10 days examined under the can also be used.
and the mites can microscope.
survive for several days
off the host as well.
Psoroptes caniculi Rabbits Transmission occurs by No Superficial skin Insecticidal Pg. 224
Ruminants direct contact or through scrapings can be preparations like (Zajac &
fomites. The mites are collected on the skin Diazinon can be Conboy)
found on the skins lesions. Skin scabs can applied or injected
surface and dont also be broken apart or Ivermectin. The Pg. 613-614
burrow. The life cycle digested and the housing needs to be (Taylor, Coop
from eggs to adult can residue is then thoroughly & Wall)
be completed in 10 days examined under the disinfected
and the mites can microscope.
survive for several days
off the host as well.

Otodectes cynotis Canine The complete mite life No An otoscope can be Topically applied Pg. 228
(Ear Mite) Feline cycle is completed in the used to view the mites Selamectin or (Zajac &
Ferrets ear of the host. or a microscopic Moxidectin/ Conboy)
Transmission happens examination of the Imidacloprid
by direct contact or aural exudate CAPC
fomites. Kittens and collected with cotton
puppies are infected swabs.
easiest by contact with
the dam.

Demodex Canine The mites are No Deep skin scrapings Rotenone-based Pg. 230
(Follicular Mite) Feline transmitted from the are needed to diagnose insecticide (Zajac &
Porcine dam to the offspring and the skin fold ointment Conboy)
Equine during the neonatal should be squeezed (Goodwinol) can be
Bovine period from direct skin before scraping to used if treatment is CAPC
Ovine to skin contact. The life express the mites from needed in dogs and
Caprine cycle is completed from follicles and Ivermectin as well
beginning to end on the sebaceous glands. A as Amitraz dip
hosts hair follicles. high infestation of (Mitaban) can be
Eggs may also be immature mites is a used in dogs and
ingested during more serious cats.
grooming and be infestation than high
excreted later in feces. numbers of adult
mites. Fecal flotation
tests may also find
eggs excreted after
ingestion from
Cheyletiella Rabbits Transmission occurs Yes Superficial skin There are not Pg. 232
(Walking Dandruff) Canine through direct contact or scrapings are needed treatmnets labeled (Zajac &
Feline fomites. The mite is due to the mite living for use in the US Conboy)
carried from one animal only on the fur and not but these products
to the other on fleas and in the skin. Material have shown some CAPC
the mite can live up to can also be combed effectiveness
10 days in the from the fur and against the mites:
environment. Mites tend examined against a Ivermectin,
to live on the head of dark background. The Milbemycin,
cats or the back of mites will appear as Oxime,
animals to feed on the white dots moving Moxidectin,
keratin layer of the skin. around. Selamectin,
The eggs produce larvae Fipronil and
and molt into adults. Pyrethrin shampoos

Anoplura All Direct transmission No The hair can be parted Topical treatment Merck
(Sucking lice) mammals occurs for lice to cling with a comb and a such as Advantage
to the hairs of the host sample is taken of the or Advantix
and feed on their blood. hair to examine under
The eggs are glued onto the microscope
the hairs of the animal
and the lifecycle takes
3-4 weeks from eggs to

Mallophaga Birds Direct transmission No The hair can be parted Topical treatment Merck
(Biting lice) occurs for lice to cling with a comb and a such as Advantage
to the hairs of the host sample is taken of the or Advantix
and feed on the hair to examine under
epidermal debris and the microscope
secretions. The eggs are
glued onto the hairs of
the animal and the
lifecycle takes 3-4
weeks from eggs to
Pediculus humanus var capitis Humans The lice live primarily No Observation of lice Apply pediculicide Pg. 268
(Human head lice) on clothing but visit the and eggs while topical shampoo (Zajac &
head to feed. combing through the medication after Conboy)
Transmission occurs by hair. parting the hair and
direct contact or removing as many
fomites. The body lice lice as possible
deposit their eggs in
clothing and infest the
head once they develop
into adults.
Haematopinus suis Pig The female lays eggs No The adults can be seen Avermectins given Pg. 347-348
(Hog Louse) that are deposited and easily on the skin and parenterally or (Taylor, Coop
glued to hairs on her removed to view Organophsophate & Wall)
body. The eggs hatch under a microscope phosmet as a pour
and become nymphs on. Amitraz and
that mature into adults Deltamethrin can
after feeding and mating also be used
on the host. The females
lay eggs on the host and
the life cycle starts

Damalania ovis Ovine The female lays eggs No The lice and their eggs Topical insecticides Pg. 229
(Red Louse) that are glued to the can be seen on the hair like Amidine, (Taylor, Coop
hosts hair and can be and skin when the coat Amitraz and & Wall)
seen with the naked eye. is parted and can be Organophosphates
A nymph hatches from removed and as dips or sprays
the egg and molts into identified under the
an adult. The adult bites microscope
and chews the outer
layers of the hair shafts
and blood scabs all over
the body
Linognathus pedalis Ovine The transmission occurs No The lice and eggs can Topical insecticides Pg. 268
(Ovine Foot Louse) by direct contact or be detected by gross like Amidine, (Zajac &
fomites. The females lay observation and Amitraz and Conboy)
their eggs and they examined under a Organophosphates
become nymphs. A microscope to as dips or sprays Pg. 230
nymph molts into an diagnose the specific (Taylor, Coop
adult and the adult bites type. & Wall)
and chews the outer
layers of the hair shafts.

Bovicola equi Equine The life cycle is No The hair coat can be Pyrethroid-based Pg. 270
(Horse biting louse) completed from brushed and examined insecticides applied (Zajac &
beginning to end on the with a magnifying as non-systemic Conboy)
host and transmission glass to diagnose due pour-ons. Do not
occurs by direct contact to the tiny length of use systemic Pg. 306
with an infested animal their body. Animals Avermectins (Taylor, Coop
or fomite. The female should also be & Wall)
lays eggs that are glued observed for clinical
to the hosts hair and signs.
can be seen with the
naked eye. A nymph
hatches from the egg
and molts into an adult.
The adult bites and
chews the outer layers
of the hair shafts and
blood scabs all over the
Haematopinus asini Equine The female lays eggs on No Restlessness, rubbing Pyrethroid-based Pg. 306-307
(Horse sucking louse) Donkey the host and they glue to and damage to the insecticides applied (Taylor, Coop
the hair. The nymphs coat suggests the lice as non-systemic & Wall)
grow and molt into an are present and when pour-ons. Do not
adult and the adult bites the hair is parted the use systemic
and chews the outer lice can be seen. Avermectins
layers of the hair shafts..

Bovicola bovis Bovine The life cycle is No The hair coat can be Synergized Pg. 270
(Chewing/ completed from brushed and examined pyrethrins, (Zajac &
Biting Louse of Cows) beginning to end on the with a magnifying synthetic Conboy)
host and transmission glass to diagnose due pyrethroids,
occurs by direct contact to the tiny length of cyfluthrin, Pg. 138
with an infested animal their body. Animals permethrin, (Taylor, Coop
or fomite. The female should also be zetacypermethrin & Wall)
lays eggs on the host observed for clinical and cyhalothrin
and they glue to the hair. signs. Merck
The nymphs grow and
molt to become adults.

Haematopinus eurysternus Bovine The life cycle is No The hair coat can be Synergized Pg. 139
(Sucking Louse of Cows) completed from brushed and examined pyrethrins, (Taylor, Coop
beginning to end on the with a magnifying synthetic & Wall)
host and transmission glass to diagnose due pyrethroids,
occurs by direct contact to the tiny length of cyfluthrin, Merck
with an infested animal their body. Animals permethrin,
or fomite. The female should also be zetacypermethrin
lays eggs on the host observed for clinical and cyhalothrin
and they glue to the hair. signs.
The nymphs grow and
molt to become adults.
Solenoptes capillatus Bovine The transmission occurs No The lice and eggs can Synergized Pg. 268
(Little Blue Cattle Louse) by direct contact or be detected by gross pyrethrins, (Zajac &
fomites and the entire examination. The synthetic Conboy
life cycle is spent on the diagnosis can be made pyrethroids,
host. The life cycle is by examining for cyfluthrin, Merck
usually spent on the tubercles carrying permethrin,
face, neck, shoulders, spiracles that project zetacypermethrin
back or tail. The female from abdominal and cyhalothrin
lays eggs on the host segments under the
and they glue to the hair. microscope.
The nymphs grow and
molt to become adults.
Trichodectus canis Canine Transmission happens No To diagnose the lice Imidacloprid and Pg. 274
(Dog biting louse) by direct contact or must be recovered selamectin (Zajac &
fomites. The louse eggs from the hair and administered is Conboy)
are glued to host hairs identified under the effective, as well as
on the head, neck and microscope. topical permethrin Pg. 438-439
tail. They lie throughout (Taylor, Coop
the hair coat of the host & Wall)
and molt into nymphs
and adults.
Linognathus pilliferus Canine Transmission happens No Clinical signs and Fipronil, CAPC
(Sucking Louse of Dogs) by direct contact or visual appearance and imidacloprid and
fomites. The louse eggs examination of lice or selamectin as well
are glued to host hairs its eggs as topical
on the head, neck and permethrin
tail. They lie throughout
the hair coat, especially
under the collar of the
host, and suck on the
blood of the animal after
they develop into adults.
Menopon sp. Chicken The transmission occurs No Clinical signs and Spraying the birds Merck
Turkey by direct contact or visual appearance and in cages with
Duck fomites and the entire examination of lice or pyrethroids,
life cycle is spent on the its eggs carbaryl,
host. The female lays coumaphos,
eggs on the host and malathion or
they glue to the hair. stirofos. Birds on
The nymphs grow and the ground can be
molt to become adults to treated by
feed on the hosts blood. scattering carbaryl,
malathion or
stirofos on the litter
Linognathus vituli Bovine The transmission occurs No Clinical signs and Fipronil, Pg. 140
(Long nosed cattle louse) by direct contact or visual appearance and imidacloprid and (Taylor, Coop
fomites and the entire examination of lice or selamectin & Wall)
life cycle is spent on the its eggs
host. The life cycle is CAPC
usually spent on the
face, neck, shoulders,
back or tail. The female
lays eggs on the host
and they glue to the hair.
The nymphs grow and
molt to become adults.


CAPC Vet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2016, from https://www.capcvet.org/

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/
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