Puzzle Questions

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The document discusses different types of logic puzzles including puzzles involving coins, people, guessing phrases, weighing stacks of coins, prisoners and hats, determining truth-telling tribes, and more.

Puzzles involving coins, people, guessing phrases, weighing stacks of coins, prisoners and hats, determining truth-telling tribes, boxes with wrong labels, fires, family relationships, lights in a room, loaded guards, togglers and truth-tellers, and more are mentioned.

You would take a stick, put it on fire, run to the other end of the island and set fire there. When the fire burns all the trees, you can then swim through the burned area without the sharks being able to attack you.


1. Four Rows of Coins

2. Two people in a Newspaper
3. Guess the Phrase
4. 10 stacks of coins one fake
5. Three prisoners 5 hats
6. Which way to the truth 1 question
7. Three boxes wrongly labeled
8. Fire on Island
9. Thats my son!
10. Which Guard is Loaded?
11. New! 4 Togglers and 1 TT
12. Two Chess Masters
13. Paradoxes
a. In a village the Barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself. Who
shaves the barber
b. Can God create a stone so heavy even he cant lift it?
c. A man says he is lying, is what hes saying true or false?
d. How many Rupees to be Rich?
e. Tristram Shandy
14. Alien Abduction
15. Man trapped in a room
16. Kings Poison
17. Colored Keys
18. Timepiece
19. Beethovens Wig
20. Jail message
21. Blur Pill Problem
22. You are the age you want to be

Four rows of coins alternating heads and tails. Move only one coin to have all head rows
and all tail rows. (Move the middle from the top row and use it to slide all coins of the
middle column move up one row)

Two people on a newspaper - Can you make two people stand on a newspaper page in
such a way that they cannot touch each other? (yes, one on each side of a door)

Guess the Phrase: This exercise is in the Energizers Presentation

10 stacks of coins. One stace fake. Each fake coin weighs 1 gm less. You have scale and
standard weights. Least number of weighings to identify the fake stack?

Three prisoners, five hats three black and 2 white. Blindfolded and all black hats put
on heads. First one to guess their own color wins
Which way to the truth one question - Two tribe on an island. One always tells truth,
other always lies. U arrive at a junction. A man standing there. Ask one question to figure
out the road which leads to the truth speaking tribe. (I want to go to your village. Which
road should I take)

Three boxes wrongly labeled Three boxes labeled mangoes, oranges and mixed. All
have wrong labels. Can take ut one fruit from one box and correctly identify all boxes.

Fire on island - Fire on islands spreading from east to west. How will you escape. Sharks
in the water. (take a stick and put it on fire. Run to the other end and set fire there. When
fire burns all trees

Thats my son - Father and son injured in accident. Taken to hospital. Sent to 2 separate
OTs. On seeing the boy being bought in the OT the surgeon on duty says, Oh no, thats
my son! Why? (Shes the mother)

Three lights in Conference Room - A conference room contains three separate wall-
mounted spotlights - right, left and front of stage. Each is controlled by its own on-off
switch. These three switches are numbered 1, 2 and 3, but they are in a back-room which
has no sight of the the spotlights or the conference room (and there are no reflections or
shadows or mirrors, and you are alone). How do you identify each switch correctly -
right, left, front - if you can only enter the back-room once?(Switch on number 1 and
leave it on for 30 seconds, then switch it off. Switch on number 2 and leave it on. Enter
the conference room. The spotlight that is on is obviously number 2. The spotlight that
is warm is switch 1, and the other spotlight is number 3. (Adapted from a suggestion by
D Thomasson)

Loaded Guards - A game-show contestant reaches the final challenge: Two security
guards are each holding identical closed brief cases. In one there is $1m of banknotes; in
the other a few of last week's newspapers. The guards know what is in each case. The
contestant is told that one guard will lie and the other will tell the truth - but not which
guard is which. He is then told that he can ask one guard just one question, and then he
must choose one case or the other. What question should he ask? ( He should ask either
guard: Does the guard who has the money tell the truth? If the guard replies 'yes' he
should choose that guard's case. If the answer is 'no' he should choose the other guard's
case. (The enjoyment of this puzzle is often more in the analysis after the answer is given
than before!) Alternatively (suggested by John Fisher - thanks), he should ask either
guard: Which bag will the other guard say contains the money? Then choose the opposite

Four Togglers and 1 Truth Teller

There are five people standing in front of you in a line. Four of them are Togglers and 1
of them is the Truth Teller. The latter always tells the truth whereas the Togglers
alterneate between lying and telling the truth (they can start with either but will always
toggle with each successive question).
What 2 questions you can ask them to determine who is the Truth Teller? You can ask the
same question to one person or two different questions or ask two different people one
question each up to you

Ask any one 1) Are Yout the Truth Teller?

If the answer is yes they are either a) Truth Teller telling the truth or b) Toggler lying. In
either case for the next question they must tell the truth so simply ask them 2) who is the
truth teller?

If the answer is no, it is a toggler telling the truth. He must lie the next time. So ask him
2) Who is not the Truth Teller?

So if answer is yes to question 1) Are you the Truth Teller ask 2) who is the Truth Teller
If answer is no to question 1) ask Who is not the Truth Teller

Two Chess Masters - Two chess masters played fifteen consecutive games of chess. No
games were drawn, every game was finished, yet both players won and lost the same
number of games as each other. How could this happen? ( They were each playing other

Who Shaves the barber?
In a village, the barber shaves everyone who does not shave himself, but no one else.
No matter how we try to answer this question, we get into trouble.
If we say that the barber shaves himself, then we get into trouble. The barber shaves only
those who do not shave themselves, so if he shaves himself then he doesnt shave
himself, which is self-contradictory.
If we say that the barber does not shave himself, then problems also arise. The barber
shaves everyone who does not shave himself, so if he doesnt shave himself then he
shaves himself, which is again absurd.
Both cases, then, are impossible; the question Who shaves the barber? is unanswerable.
Can God create a stone so big, he himself cant lift?
A man says that he is lying; is what he says true or false?
How many Rupees to be Rich?

Consider the following two apparently true statements:

(1) If someone has only $1, they are not rich.
(2) If someone is not rich, then one more dollar won't make them rich.
These statements seem reasonable enough, but they can be used to show that one can
never become rich by getting additional dollars, no matter how many one gets. By
premise (1), if one has only one dollar, one isn't rich. By (2) it follows that getting one
more dollar won't make one rich. So with $2 you aren't rich. But then by (2) again,
getting one more dollar won't make you rich, so with $3 you aren't rich. If we keep
repeating this process, we can get to any amount whatsoever, say one billion dollars. It
follows that with one billion dollars you aren't rich.
Tristram Shandy is a novelist writing an auto-biography. Unfortunately, he writes very
slowly; each day of his life takes him a year to write about. The Tristram Shandy paradox
asks: If Shandy continues at this rate for eternity then will his book ever be finished?
Russell, who invented this paradox, suggested that the book would be finished. Given an
infinite amount of time, for every day in Shandys life there is a year to spend writing
about it; there are, after all, an infinite number of years in which to write the
autobiography. The autobiography therefore can be completed.
This doesnt seem right though. With each passing year, Shandy completes his writing
about one day, but leaves another three hundred and sixty-four days undocumented.
Every year, then, there are three hundred and sixty-four days more for Shandy to write
about; the more time passes, the further behind he falls.
How can it be that Shandy ever falls further behind, and yet that given an eternity he will
complete his work?

Alien Abduction

Aliens have abducted 10 humans. The have made them stand in a line one after the other
on an inclined platform so that the person at the end sees the head of all those before him
and so on. (Every person can see the head of all those persons standing before them).
Aliens say they will turn off the lights and will either place a blue or green hat on their
heads that they cannot see. They will open the lights and ask one by one, from the person
standing at the very end to name the color of hat on his head. Whoever will answer right
will be saved. The person givein wrong answer will be eliminated.
They give the humans 24 hours to device a plan that saves as many of them as possible.

Device a plan though which they can with certainity save 9 out of 10 people


Answer : The last person counts the number of green hats in front of him. The system is
understood as follows: 1) If he sees an odd number of green hats, he will say green 2) if
he sees an even no. of green hats he will say Blue.
Lets say when the lights are opened , the last person sees seven green hats in front of
him. Abiding by the system he says Green. No that is a signal to everyone in front of him
that he say an odd no. of green hats. The person in the ninth position is going to count the
number of green hats in front of him. If it is an odd number it means he must not have a
green (otherwise the total would be an even no. ) so he says Blue. Blue means there is an
odd no. of green hats in front of the ninth person, so the person on the eights position
counts his hats and suppose it an even number so he says Green (to make the total odd)

Man trapped in a room

A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through
the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun
instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-
breathing dragon. How does the man escape?


He waits until night time and then goes through the first door.

Kings Poison

n a far away land, it was known that if you drank poison, the only way to save yourself is
to drink a stronger poison, which neutralizes the weaker poison. The king that ruled the
land wanted to make sure that he possessed the strongest poison in the kingdom, in order
to ensure his survival, in any situation. So the king called the kingdom's pharmacist and
the kingdom's treasurer, he gave each a week to make the strongest poison. Then, each
would drink the other one's poison, then his own, and the one that will survive, will be
the one that had the stronger poison.
The pharmacist went straight to work, but the treasurer knew he had no chance, for the
pharmacist was much more experienced in this field, so instead, he made up a plan to
survive and make sure the pharmacist dies. On the last day the pharmacist suddenly
realized that the treasurer would know he had no chance, so he must have a plan. After a
little thought, the pharmacist realized what the treasurer's plan must be, and he concocted
a counter plan, to make sure he survives and the treasurer dies. When the time came, the
king summoned both of them. They drank the poisons as planned, and the treasurer died,
the pharmacist survived, and the king didn't get what he wanted.
What exactly happened there?


The treasurer's plan was to drink a weak poison prior to the meeting with the king, and
then he would drink the pharmacist's strong poison, which would neutralize the weak
poison. As his own poison he would bring water, which will have no effect on him, but
the pharmacist who would drink the water, and then his poison would surely die. When
the pharmacist figured out this plan, he decided to bring water as well. So the treasurer
who drank poison earlier, drank the pharmacist's water, then his own water, and died of
the poison he drank before. The pharmacist would drink only water, so nothing will
happen to him. And because both of them brought the king water, he didn't get a strong
poison like he wanted.

Colored Keys

Five colored keys lay in a row. One of them is a key to the door of a treasure room. Using
the clues, can you determine the order of the keys and which is the right key?

Red: This key is somewhere to the left of the key to the door.
Blue: This key is not at one of the ends.
Green: This key is three spaces away from the key to the door (2 between).
Yellow: This key is next to the key to the door.
Orange: This key is in the middle

The order (from left to right) is Green, Red, Orange, Blue, Yellow.

The blue key is the key to the door


A sundial is a timepiece that has the fewest number of moving parts. Which timepiece has
the most moving parts?


Beethovens Wig
Someone has stolen Beethoven's Wig and has put it in one of four locked boxes. The
boxes are numbered from 1,2,3,4 in that order. There are four different keys that each has
their own color. Use the clues below to figure out which key goes in which box and to
find the box where Beethoven's wig is being kept.

1. The green key goes to the third or fourth box

2. The wig is to the left of the fourth box
3. The wig is to the right of the first box
4. The yellow key is to the left of the wig
5. The blue key is to the right of the yellow key and to the left of the green key
6. The red key goes to the first box

Let the boxes be:

1 2 3 4
Possibilities are:

From clue 1 G G
From clue 2 W W W
From clue 3 W W
From clue 4 Y Y
From clue 5 B B
From clue 6 R

So heres what we know 1 2 3 4


1 Rs position is given in clue 6
2 Clue 3 restricts Wig to 2 & 3. Clue 4 insists that Y must be for 1 or 2. Since Red is for
1, Y must be for 2 (this according to clue 4 means Wig is in Box 3)
3 With R & Y known, the only way for clue 5 to be true is for B to be for box 2
4 automatically G is left for 4

Hence Wig is in Box 3 opened by blue key.

The wig is in the third box

The red key goes to the first box
The yellow key goes to the second box
The blue key goes to the third box
The green key goes to the fourth box

Jain Message

You are locked in a jail cell with no windows, and you need to tap out a message on the
wall for the man in the other cell next to you. The problem is that you have to do it at
exactly 9:15 PM, when the guard outside is switched, so your noise won't be noticed. You
can't hear the switching of the guards through your walls, and you have no clock.

There is a faucet with water dripping very consistently from it in the corner, but you don't
know if it is dripping at 30 or 40 or however many drops per minute, and that wouldn't
give you the time in any case. You can just make out the chiming of a church bell, but it
chimes just once at the top of each hour, so you can't tell the time from that. You can feel
the wall facing west start to cool after the sun sets, but you don't know what time the sun
is setting, and this isn't very precise in any case. Your dinner is always passed into your
cell between 6:15 and 6:45. How do you determine when it is exactly 9:15 PM?


After dinner arrives, you listen for the church bell. Since dinner comes between 6:15 and
6:45, the next chiming has to be at 7:00 PM. When you hear it, you start to count the
drips from the faucet until you hear the chime again at 8:00 PM. Divide the number of
drips by four, and you'll have the number of drips that fall in fifteen minutes (Or you can
divide by sixty to get the drops per minute, and then multiply this by fifteen). When the
bell chimes again at 9:00, you start counting drips until you reach the specified number. It
is now 9:15 PM, and time to tap out your message.

Blue Pill Problem

You've been placed on a course of expensive medication in which you are to take one
tablet of Sildenafil and one tablet of Citrate daily. You must be careful that you take just
one of each because taking more of either can have serious side effects.

Taking Sildenafil without taking Citrate, or vice versa, can also be very serious, because
they must be taken together in order to be effective. In summary, you must take exactly
one of the Sildenafil pills and one of the Citrate pills at one time. Therefore, you open up
the Sildenafil bottle, and you tap one Sildenafil pill into your hand. You put that bottle
aside and you open the Citrate bottle. You do the same, but by mistake, two Citrates fall
into your hand with the Sildenafil pill.

Now, here's the problem. You weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it, so you
can't tell the Sildenafil pill apart from the two Citrate pills. The pills look identical. They
are both the same size, same weight (10 micrograms), same color (Blue), same shape
(perfect square), same everything, and they are not marked differently in any way.

What are you going to do? You cannot tell which pill is which, and they cost $300 a
piece, so you cannot afford to throw them away and start over again. How do you get
your daily dose of exactly one Sildenafil and exactly one Citrate without wasting any of
the pills?


Carefully cut each of the three pills in half, and carefully separate them into two piles,
with half of each pill in each pile. You do not know which pill is which, but you are 100%
sure that each of the two piles now contains two halves of Citrate and half of Sildenafil.
Now go back into the Sildenafil bottle, take out a pill, cut it in half, and add one half to
each stack. Now you have two stacks, each one containing two halves of Sildenafil and
two halves of Citrate. Take one stack of pills today, and save the second stack for


a = future age you want to be
n = the age you are now
d = difference between the two ages
a(a n) = (n + d)(a n)
a2 an = an + ad n2 nd
a2 an ad = an n2 nd
a(a n d) = n(a n d)

5. The Search for Doman

This was astronaut Jose Perez's fourth visit to Mars
and he had learned to speak Martian. He wanted to
find his Martian friend Doman, but in order to locate
him he had to know what group Doman belonged to.
The three groups in the area were: Uti, Yomi, and
The Uti always told the truth.
The Yomi always lied.
The Grundi sometimes told the truth but sometimes
Perez needed information. Three Martians, Aken, Bal
and Cwos, each of whom belonged to a different group,
agreed to help him. He asked each one of them two
questions: What group do you belong to? What group
does Doman belong to?
1. Aken said:
I am not a Uti.
Doman is a Yomi.
2. Bal said:
I am not a Yomi.
Doman is a Grundi.
3. Cwos said:
I am not a Grundi.
Doman is a Uti.
What group does Doman belong to?

Answer Doman is Uti

6. Martian Mystery
There was trouble from the Grundi. One of them
damaged the spaceship by hurling a rock at it. The
astronauts couldn't figure out what the Grundi had to
gain by their hostile act. Was it just vandalism, done out
of sheer spite? Or perhaps not everyone on Mars was
happy to see the Earthlings return.
The Martian police chief brought in five Grundi for
questioning. Like all Grundi, they sometimes told the
truth and sometimes lied. The suspects each made
three statements, two of which were true and one of
which was false. And the guilty one was revealed.
1. Zum said:
I am innocent.
I have never used a rock to destroy anything.
Tset did it.
2. Uk said:
I did not do the damage.
The Earthman's vehicle is on Grundi space.
Yan is not my friend.
3. Pala said:
I am innocent.
I never saw Yan before.
Tset is guilty.
4. Tset said:
I did not throw the rock.
Yan did it.
Zum did not tell the truth when he said I did it.
5. Yan said:
I am innocent.
Uk is guilty.
Pala and I are old friends.

Who was the culprit?

Answer : Uk
Why? Since one of the statements is false, Either Pala or Yan is lying about being friends.
Now if Pala is lying Tset is Guilty
If Yan is lying Uk is guilty
So we know the culprit is either Tset or Uk
Lets examile closely what Tset said remember two of his statements are true, one false
He says Yan did it which has to be false if either Tset or Uk did it
When means his other two statements about his being innocent are true
Which means Uk did it!!!!

Heads for Hats

Keeping prisoners was much less entertaining than
the ogre thought it would be. He decided to have some
The ogre brought in a box with five hats, two black and
three white. Then he blindfolded his three young prisoners
and placed a hat on each head.
"Each one of you must guess the color of the hat on
your own headwithout using a mirror," the ogre said
in his meanest voice. "I'll take off your blindfolds one
by one and let you try. If not one of you guesses correctly,
all of you will die."
Abel, the oldest, was used to taking charge. "Don't
worry," he said, "I shall save us," and he bid the ogre
take off his blindfold first.
He examined the hats his brother and sister were
wearing and then admitted that he didn't know what
color hat he was wearing.
Benjamin, the second oldest, insisted that he be
given the next chance. He, too, was sure that he could
save his brother, his sister and himself. But after his
blindfold was removed, he, too, had to admit that he
did not know the color of the hat he was wearing.
Then Princess Paula said: "I don't need you to take off
my blindfold. I can tell you what color hat is on my
Did the three go free?
What color hat was Paula wearing?

Paula is wearing a white hat. heres how she figured it
From Ables confusion Paula knew that Benjamin and herself cant both be
wearing black because if they were Able would have guessed white for himself
which he didnt.
Which leaves room for following three possibilities for both Paula and Benjamin:
1) she is wearing white Benjamin black
2) she is wearing black Benjamin white
3) She is wearing white Banjamin white
Paula figured that is she were wearing black Benjamin would have straight away claimed
he was wearing white, because that is the only possibility. The fact that bnejamin is
confused means she has to be wearing white (because that leaves room for two
possibilities for Benjamin)
Three Beautiful Women
Are standing together. Two o them are sad and one of them is happy. The two sad women
are smiling and the happy woman is crying. How come?

It was the final of the Miss World Beauty contest. The winner always cries and the
disappointed runner ups always smile because everyone is watching them and they are
expected to look happy and radient.
Math Proof
Let both glass contain 100 units each
Let the spoon capacity be 10 units
Intead of water and Wine , lets call them Water and Oil
So at the start 1st glass has 100 units of Water (100W) and 2nd glass has 100 units of Oil

After 1st Transfer

Water glass
now has 100W + 10O
so the 110 units of mix contains 10 units of Oil
therefore 10 units of mix will contain 10/110*10 = 100/110 = 10/11 O (A)

Oil Glass
Now has 90O left

2nd Transfer

Water glass
Now has 100 units of mix left
Since 10 units of mix contain 10/11 O (A)
Therefore 100 units of mix contain 10/11 /10 *100 = 100/11 O (B)
Oil Glass
It now has 90O + 10 Mix
Since by (A) 10 units of mix contain 10/11 O
It means 10 units of mix contain 10 -10/11 W = 110-10/11 =100/11 W
Which means 100 units of mix contain 100/11 W ( C)

(B) = ( C)

The word has seven letters. It preceded god. It is greater than God. It is evil than the
Devil. Poor People have it, rich people want it. If you eat it, you will die.what is it?


How can you turn IX into 6 by drawing one continuous line.

He shot the arrow first , then painted the circles around it.
I drop a book on the floor. I cant jump over it. Why?
I dropped it in a corner!
Mike Peters was a six month old baby
A man fell from a 80 story building but didnt die. How?
He fell from the first floor

A butcher has a 50 inch size waist band and a size 9 shoe size. What does he weigh?

In a plane crash, every single person died. Yet some survived. How
They were married
New Logic Puzzles

Puzzles 1

Suppose you and I have the same amount of money. How much must I give you so that
you have ten dollars more than I? (Solutions come at the end of each chapter.)

A common wrong answer is $10. Now, suppose we each had, say, $50. If I gave you $10,
you would then have $60 and I would have only $40; hence you would have $20 more
than I, rather than $10. The correct answer is $5.

A bottle of wine cost ten dollars. The wine was worth nine dollars more than the bottle.
How much was the bottle worth?

A common wrong answer is $1. Now, if the bottle were really worth a dollar, then the
wine, being worth $9 more than the bottle, would be worth $10. Hence the wine and
bottle together would be worth $11. The correct answer is that the bottle is worth 50 and
the wine is worth $9.50. Then the two add up to $10.

A certain convention numbered one hundred politicians. Each politician was either
crooked or honest. We are given the following two facts: (1) At least one of the
politicians was honest. (2) Given any two of the politicians, at least one of the two was
crooked. Can it be determined from these two facts how many of the politicians were
honest and how many were crooked?

1 honest 99 crooked
We are given that at least one person is honest. Let us pick out any one honest person,
whose name, say, is Frank. Now pick any of the remaining 99; call him John. If even one
of those 99 were honest then in their Frank,John pair both would be honest which would
contradict the 2nd condition. Since John arbitrarily represents any of the remaining 99
men, then each of those 99 men must be crooked. So the answer is that one is honest and
99 are crooked.

A dealer bought an article for $7, sold it for $8, bought it back for $9, and sold it for $10.
How much profit did he make?
The dealer's total outlay is $7 + $9 = $16, and his total return is $8 + $10 = $18, giving a
profit of $2.

Fifty-six biscuits are to be fed to ten pets; each pet is either a cat or a dog. Each dog is to
get six biscuits, and each cat is to get five. How many dogs and how many cats are there?

First feed five biscuits to each of the ten pets; this leaves six biscuits. Now, the cats have
already had their portion! Therefore, the six remain ing biscuits are for the dogs, and
since each dog is to get one more biscuit, there must be six dogs, and thus four cats.

Three prisoners A,B and C were shown 7 stamps, two red ones, two yellow ones, and
three green ones. They were then blindfolded, and a stamp was pasted on each of their
foreheads; the remaining four stamps were placed . in a drawer. When the blindfolds were
removed, A was asked, "Do you know one color that you definitely do not have?" A
replied, "No." Then B was asked the same question and re plied, "No." Is it possible,
from this information, to deduce the color of A's stamp, or of B's, or of C's?

The only one whose color can be determined is C. If C's stamp were red, then B would
have known that his stamp was not red by reasoning: "If my stamp were also red, then A,
seeing two red stamps, would know that his stamp is not red.
But A does not know that his stamp is not red. Therefore, my stamp cannot be red." This
proves that if C's stamp were red, then B would have known that his stamp was not red.
But B did not know that his stamp was not red; therefore, C's stamp cannot be red. The
same argument, replacing the word red with yellow, shows that C's stamp cannot be
yellow either. Therefore, C's stamp must be green.

Lady and Tiger

A prisoner must choose be tween two rooms, one of which contains a lady and the other
a tiger. If he chooses the former, he marries the lady; if he chooses the latter, he gets eaten
by the tiger.
He is told that the rooms could also contain both ladies or both tigers.

1. "How do I know which room to choose P" asked the pris oner. The king pointed to the
signs on the doors of the rooms:



"Is it true, what the signs say?" asked the prisoner. "One of them is true," replied the king,
"but the other one is false." If you were the prisoner, which door would you open (as
suming, of course, that you preferred the lady to the tiger)?

If sign 2 was false (ie they were either both ladies or both tigers) then sign 1 must also be
false. Since we know one of the signs is true therefore sign 2 cud not be false which
means it is true. Hence sign 1 is false and lady is in room 2

2. The signs on the doors were then changed, and new oc cupants for the rooms were
selected accordingly. This time the signs read as follows:



"Are the statements on the signs true?" asked the second prisoner. "They are either both
true or both false," replied the king. Which room should the prisoner pick?

If statement 1 was false ( ie both rooms contained tigers) then statement 2 wud be true.
Since it is given that we cant have a true and a false statement therefore 1 cannot be false
whcich means it is true and so is statement 2. He should therefore choose room 2

3. In this trial, the king explained that, again, the signs were either both true or both false.
Here are the signs:



Does the first room contain a lady or a tiger? What about the other room?
If 2 is true then 1 cud be true. If 2 is false then 1 cud still be true. Since we only have
either both true or both false statements therefore both must be true. This meanse both
rooms have ladies.

Day 2
Well, in each of the trials of this day, the king explained that in the lefthand room (Room
I), if a lady is in it, then the sign on the door is true, but if a tiger is in it, the sign is false.
In the righthand room (Room II), the situation is the oppo site: a lady in the room means
the sign on the door is false, and a tiger in the room means the sign is true. Again, it is
possible that both rooms contain ladies or both rooms contain tigers, or that one room
contains a lady and the other a tiger

4. After the king explained the above rules to the prisoner, he pOinted to the two signs:



Which room should the prisoner pick?

If 1 contained lady then its sign must be true ie both rooms have ladies in which case
sign 2 must be false which does not compute. Therefore 1 contains tiger.
Room 2 cant have tiger because if it did, its sign wud be true which it isnt ( as room. Has
tiger) so it must contain a lady. Lady is in room 2, tiger in room 1.

5. The same rules apply, and here are the signs:



If room 2 has tiger then its sign must be true whcih means 1 must have a lady. This does
not contradict what sign 1 says.
However if room 2 had a lady then its sign must be wrong - room one must have a tiger.
In that case room 1 sign must be wrong sugggesting both rooms contain tigers - which
negates the premise.
So 1 has lady and 2 has tiger

9. Well, on the third day, the king did as planned. He offered three rooms to choose from,
and he explained to the prisoner that one room contained a lady and the other two
contained tigers. Here are the three signs:




The king explained that at most one of the three signs was true. Which room contains the

We know 1 room contains lady the other 2 tigers and 1 sign is true the other 2 false
If sign 1 was true 2 and 3 wud be false.
If tiger was in 1, lady cant be in 2 because that wud make its sign correct. But is she is in
3 and another tiger in 2 then sign 3 would be correct which cant be..
So sign 1 is false which means it contains lady and other two tigers
Puzzles 2

The twin brothers. One of them is named John and one of them always lies.
You ask the first ' Are u john.' he says yes. You ask the other the same question. His
reponse is either in yes or no but on hearing it u can tell which one is John. How?

If the second twin had also answered yes, you could not have known which one was
John; hence the second one must have answered no. This means that either both twins
told the truth or both lied. But they couldn't have both told the truth, because it is given
that at least one of them always lies. Therefore, both lied, which means that the second
twin is John. (It cannot be decided which of the two always lies.)

On the island of Knights, Knaves, and Normals, knights al ways tell the truth, knaves
always lie, and those called normal can either lie or tell the truth (and sometimes one and
some times the other). One day I visited this island and met two inhabitants, A and B. I
already knew that one of them was a knight and the other was normal, but I didn't know
which was which. I asked A whether B was normal, and he answered me, either yes or
no. I then knew which was which. Which of the two is normal?

Two possibilities
1 A(k) B(n). 2 A(n) B(k)
When A is asked if B is normal the answers wud be
1 yes. 2 (a) yes 2 (b) no
Since after this answer u knew which one was which it could not have been yes. This is
means it was no (2b)which means A is normal and B is knight

On an island, every inhabitant either always tells the truth or always lies. A logician
once visited this island and came across two in habitants, A and B. He asked A, "Are
both of you truth tellers?" A answered either yes or no. The logician thought for a while,
but did not yet have enough information to determine what they were. The logician then
asked A, "Are you two of the same type? A answered either yes or no, and the logician
then knew what type each one was. What type is each?

Four possibilities. 1 A(t) B(t) 2 A(t) B(l). 3 A(l) B(t). 4 A(l) B(l)
To the first questio are both of u truth tellers the rplies from above groups wud be
1 yes. 2 no 3 yes and 4 yes
Since he did not have enough info to decide after first question so it coukd not have been
Options left are 1,3, 4
Reply to the 2nd question are u he same type from the above groups wud have been
1 yes 3 yes and 4 no
Since he was able to tell their identity after 2nd answer it cud not have been 1 or 3
Therefore it must be 4 ie both are liars

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