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Adapted Pickleball Lesson

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Montclair State University

Exercise Science and PE Department

Lesson Planning and Teaching Assessment

Planning and Implementation Standard

Candidate Name: Michael Dlugo Date: 4/28/15

Title of Lesson: Forehand, Backhand, and Rules of Pickleball Class Time: 12-12:50pm
Target Audience/Grade Level: 10th Grade

Numbers of students in class: 24 Teaching Location: Gymnasium

Goal of the lesson: To teach the fundamentals of the forehand and backhand for accuracy and to teach the rules of Pickleball.

Developmental characteristics of students:

Matt, Spinal Cord Injury, paraplegic - Matt is a chair user due to paralysis of his lower limbs. He can use his whole upper body.
Matt has no delays, cognitive or social so interacting with other students is not an issue. Due to minimal usage of his lower limbs,
Matts legs and lower limbs are at risk for injury. Also, since the upper body is being used so often, Matt may experience pain in
his upper body. Since there is no cognitive delay, Matt understands directions. The teacher will need to adapt the equipment and
environment to benefit Matt.

Michelle, Down Syndrome - Michelle has broad hands and feet which can lead to pain after certain activities including running for
an extended period of time. Michelle also has an Intellectual disability resulting in difficulty understanding directions and
explanations for the activities in class. Michelle understands directions better when they are broken down. For example, the
teacher will explain one cue of a skill, she will perform that, then the teacher will explain the next cue, and so on and so forth. She
also has trouble remembering information from the short term. Michelle is delayed socially but still interacts with other students
relatively well. She is able to work in groups with other students.

- Some Grade 10 students are still in a stage of extremely rapid growth and experience a changing body image and self-
- Many basic learning processes have become automatic by Grade 10, freeing students to concentrate on complex learning.
- Many Grade 10 students may be concerned about how their peers view their appearance and behavior.
- Many Grade 10 students need to understand the purpose and relevance of activities, policies, and processes. Some express a
growing sense of autonomy through questioning authority. Others may be passive and difficult to engage.
Description of student(s) who need accommodations:
Matt is a 15 year old boy that experienced a Spinal Cord Injury at age 7. When Matt was 7, he was in a car accident which resulted
in his paraplegia. Matt was out of school for a couple of months. Since Matt has been a chair user for almost 8 years, he navigates
very well. He has full usage of his upper body. Matt is very competitive and becomes frustrated when his chair restricts him from
performing something. Matt understands all of the directions, explanations, and rules of the games and activities. He has no
cognitive or social delays and has many friends in his class. Matt enjoys physical education and adores team sports.

Michelle is a 16 year old girl with Down Syndrome. She gets along well with her classmates and likes to work in groups during
activities. Since Michelle experiences pain after running often, she struggles with high endurance activities that require running
for extended periods of time. This is due to her broad feet and shorter limbs. Michelle also experiences difficulty with throwing and
catching activities because of her shorter limbs as well. She also has minor eyesight and hearing impairments along with a short
attention span. Michelle understands directions better when they are split up into simpler parts and not given all at once. Michelle
enjoys physical education and loves working with her classmates.
Instructional Objectives:
- Students will be able to properly perform the steps of a forehand and backhand 8 out of 10 times. This includes a ready stance,
contact with the ball below the waist, and following through.
- Students will be able to properly perform a forehand and backhand while obeying all of the rules 8 out of 10 times. This includes the double-
bounce rule and keeping the ball in bounds.
- Students will be able to list the proper steps of a forehand and backhand 90% of the time.
- Students will be able to list and explain 2 of the rules 100% of the time.

- Students will be able to work together in partners/groups to correctly perform the task 100% of the time.
- Students will be able to quickly move when transitioning activities 100% of the time.
New Jerseys Core Curriculum Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: (write out standard, not just
the number)
2.5 Motor Skill Development: All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy,
2.5.4.A.1- Explain and perform essential elements of movement skills in both isolated settings (i.e., skill practice) and applied
settings (i.e., games, sports, dance, and recreational activities).
2.5.4.B.1- Explain and demonstrate the use of basic offensive and defensive strategies (e.g., player positioning, faking, dodging,
creating open areas, and defending space).
Materials and Equipment List
- 30 Paddles
- 4 Pickleball Nets
- 20 balls
- 5 Larger/Softer balls
- 5 Brighter colored balls
- 8 Jump Ropes
- 10 pens
- Assessment sheet for paraprofessional
- Agility circuit signs with pictures
- Tape
- 2 Resistance bands
- 2 10 pound dumbbells
- Pictures of Cues
Technology Utilized in Lesson
-Smart Board
-The teacher will post a video online about the rules of Pickleball. This video will be assigned to watch for homework so the
students can review what they learned in class.

Time Lesson Plan Segments Student Accommodations Assessment

Allotme Formations
nt and
5 minutes Instant Activity/Attendance: *All formations Matt The teacher will
12:00- When the class begins, the are attached in Matt works very well with others so explain the activity in
12:05 teacher will take a quick order. he shouldnt have a problem socially front of the class and
attendance. Then, the students or cognitively. Since Matt is a chair
will have 4 students
will be split up into groups of 4. user, all of the equipment will be
Each student will be given a elevated when being distributed. demonstrate.
paddle and each group will be Matt has full control of his upper Following the
given a ball. The objective is for body, so no accommodations to the demonstration, the
the students to keep the ball from activity itself need to be made. class will be asked
hitting the ground for as long as
possible by hitting it to one Michelle (paraprofessional 1) check for
another. If the ball hits the Michelle also enjoys working with understanding
ground, the students will start her classmates. Michelle has an questions in which
over. The students will become intellectual disability, so the teacher volunteers will
familiar with the equipment and will simplify the explanation of the
answer. The questions
prepared for the upcoming activity. The activity is not physically
activities. The class will perform demanding so Michelle should not include:
this activity for 5 minutes and experience pain or discomfort.
then the class will move on to an Michelle will also be placed in the -What is the goal of
agility circuit. front of the class when the the activity?
explanation/demonstration is being
done. The para will make sure
Michelle is completing the exercises
correctly and try to prevent her from -What happens if the
being distracted. The para will also ball hits the ground?
make sure Michelle is rotating the
correct way.
The teacher will
observe the students
performing the
activity. If the
students are too close
too far, the teacher
will correct them.
Also, if the students
are acting
inappropriately, the
student will correct
the situation.
5 minutes Warm-ups Matt Check for
12:05- The class will be split up into Matt will have an alternate exercise Understanding:
12:10 groups of 4. Each group will be a a to do at each station. These
station performing an agility exercises will consist of Dumbbell -How do you properly
exercise. Before class, the raises, Neck up and downs, perform each
students will each receive a card Crunches, and Resistance band exercise?
with a number 1 through 4 to tell extensions. These will work on his
them which group theyre in. The abs, neck, shoulders, and chest -Which way are you
circuit will consist of Jumping muscles to get him prepared. Matt
Jacks, Jumprope, ski jumps, and will be in front when the teacher is
an agility line drill. The teacher explaining the circuit and rotation Before the activity,
will explain how to properly but not in the way of other students
the students will be
perform each exercise prior to vision. The teacher will make sure
starting. that there are not hazards that may gathered in the center
affect Matt. of the gym while the
teacher explains the
Michelle activity as well as
Michelle has hyperflexible joints so asking the questions
stretches are not beneficial to her. In above.
the agility circuit, she is able to do
the same exercises as the other
students. The teacher will simplify
the explanation of each activity and The teacher will
have a student demonstrate each. observe the students
Michelle will be in the front of the to see if they are
class so that she can see and hear performing the
clearly. Instead of doing the exercises correctly. If
exercises for a period of time, they are not, the
Michelle is going to do a certain teacher will correct
amount of each exercise. She will them on what they are
perform 10 jumping jacks, 10 doing wrong.
jumprope, 10 ski jumps, and 10 reps
of the agility line drill so that she
isnt fatigued for the upcoming
activity. The station signs will have
pictures of the activities.
5 minutes Introduction/Motivation / Anticipatory Matt Check for
Set Matt will be placed in the front of Understanding:
12:10- The students will meet in the center the class but not blocking other
12:15 of the gym following the agility students vision. Matt does not have The students will be in
circuit. The teacher will introduce the any cognitive difficulties so he will the center of the gym
skills being taught for the day, the be able to answer all questions. The when the teacher is
forehand, backhand, and rules of teacher will demonstrate how Matt explaining and
pickleball. will perform the skill as well as the demonstrating the
-Many of the rules are similar to rest of the class. The equipment will skills. After the
Tennis but there are a few be elevated if Matt volunteers to teacher
differences. One of those differences demonstrate.
Skill: What are the
is the No Volley Zone. This is the zone
by the net and in Pickleball, a player Michelle (paraprofessional 2) cues of the forehand
cannot hit the ball in this zone. It is Michelle will be placed in the front and backhand?
called a fault when the ball is hit out of the class so that she can hear and
of bounds, does not clear the net, is see clearly. Demonstrations make it What is the No Volley
volleyed in the No Volley Zone, or is much easier for Michelle to learn. Zone and why is it
volleyed in the air before the ball has When asking Michelle check for important?
bounced on both sides of the net. Just understanding questions, she may
like tennis, the ball is also served have difficulty answering. It may be
diagonally but there is a rule called easier for the teacher to
the Double Bounce Rule which comes demonstrate a correct/incorrect
into affect when doing this. The method and have Michelle choose
Double Bounce Rule means that the which one is correct. The cues of the
ball has to bounce on both sides of the skills will be simplified. The
court before a player can hit it out of paraprofessional will be next to
the air. Lastly, the only team that can Michelle and repeat the cues to her
score a point is the serving team and after the teacher teaches them. The
games are played to 11 points and paraprofessional will also repeat
must be winning by 2 as well. students answers to questions so
-There are two ways to return a that Michelle can better understand.
ball over the net, and they are the The paraprofessional will also be
forehand and backhand. The given a separate sheet of cues for
strokes are identical to tennis. Michelle.
-Starting with the grip, students Matt
want to grasp the paddle forming Matt and his partner will be placed
a V with their thumb and index on the end of one of the courts to
finger straight up the edge of the minimize the chance of collisions
paddle. Also, for the forehand, the and to make it easier to navigate
fingernails want to be out, away around the net if need be. The
from the body. The next step is equipment (paddles, balls) will be
the ready position. This includes elevated. The teacher will clear the
having feet shoulder length apart gym of all hazards before beginning.
facing the net, with the knees Matt will only work on the cues that
bent and the paddle out in front of involve his upper body. Matt may
them. When the ball is coming find more difficulty performing the
towards you, you want to shift the backhand because he cannot step.
weight to the back foot, bring the So the goal for Matt will be to
paddle back, contact the ball perform the backhand 3-5 times
below the waist, and then follow during this activity.
through. Most importantly, you
want to keep your eye on the ball. Michelle Check for
Learning Activity 1 Michelle will be given a slightly Understanding:
After explaining the forehand, the bigger, brighter ball, but with the The teacher will have
teacher will split the students up same weight for her and her partner. the students in the
into their designated home courts The teacher will make sure there are center of the gym
and within those groups, they will no distractions behind them. She will while explaining the
get into partners. The students be placed close to the teacher so she activity. The teacher
will be on opposite sides of the will be able to hear the whistle and will ask:
net and will practice the forehand teacher clearly. The teacher will
by hitting it back and forth to make sure that Michelle is Task: What are the
each other. When the teacher performing the cues correctly. The cues of the forehand?
blows the whistle, the students teacher will also make sure that
will move closer to the net, right Michelle is obeying the whistle Where do you move
before the no volley zone, and commands correctly. when the whistle is
continue to do the same thing. blown?
When the whistle is blown again,
10 minutes they will move backward and so
on and so forth. The teacher will
12:17- stop the class and instruct the
12:27 students to incorporate the
backhand as well while doing the
same activity.
5 minutes Learning Review Matt The teacher will
Students will be brought into the Matt will be placed in the front of visually assess the
12:27- middle of the gym and the the class, but not blocking other students while they
12:32 teacher will ask for volunteers to students vision. The equipment will are demonstrating.
demonstrate the skills and rules be elevated if Matt decides that he The teacher will
that were taught (forehand, would like to demonstrate for the correct the students if
backhand, rules). The teacher will class. The demonstrations will they are performing
correct and repeat the students if include specific demonstrations for the skills incorrectly.
needed. Matt which the teacher will perform.
1. Grip - Grasp the paddle so that the Michelle
thumb and index finger make a V Michelle will be placed in the front
up the side of the paddle. of the class so she can see and hear
2. Ready Position - Knees bent the teacher and demonstrations
shoulder length apart with the clearly. The teacher will simplify the
paddle out in front. vocabulary and explanations. When
3. Contacting ball - When the ball is the asking questions, the teacher
approaching, distribute the weight will demonstrate a correct way and
to the back foot while at the same an incorrect way. The class will have
time bringing the paddle back. to pick which one if correct.
Then bring the paddle forward and Michelle may not remember the cues
contact the ball below the from the activity and the teaching so
waistline. the teacher will review the
4. Follow Through - After contacting information while demonstrating.
the ball follow through over the
opposite shoulder touching the
chin to the shoulder.
- The Backhand uses the same steps
to contact the ball but all the steps
are done on the opposite side of the
dominant hand. When performing a
Backhand, beginners may want to
use two hands instead of one to
make it easier.
After the demonstrations and
explanations the class will move into
the Final Game.
10 Final Game - Pickleball Baseball Matt The teacher will
The students will return to their home Matts group will be placed close to visually assess the
minutes courts. The students will set up as if it the end of the net so Matt can get games being played
were a doubles match on each court. around the net. The equipment will and check for the
12:32- To start the game, the serving team be elevated at Matts court. There usage of the cues that
12:42 will hit the ball over the net, the will be enough space between the were taught earlier in
returning team will let it bounce and net and the wall for Matt rotate. the lesson. The
hit the ball over and the original Matt will have no problem switching teacher will correct
serving team will let it bounce as well partners because he has no social students if they are
before hitting it, enforcing the Double issues. Matt will continue to work on performing the
Bounce rule. Then, after the original his backhand but may still have task/skill wrong. The
team hits the ball over the net difficulty because he cannot step. teacher will use
following the Double Bounce rule, the Matt will have the choice to use simple cues so that
returning team is going to aim for which ever stroke he chooses during Michelle understands
specific spots on the floor which a this activity. The teacher will them and will remind
player would during the game. There demonstrate for Matt along with the all students from time
is going to be parts marked off on the class. to time.
floor which designate either a Single,
Double, or Home-Run. If the ball is a Michelle
fault which means it is contacted There will be demonstrations
while in the No Volley Zone, hit in the including students so Michelle will
air before the Double Bounce rule, hit better understand what to do.
out of bounds, or hit into the net, it is Michelles group will play a doubles
an out. The serving team is considered match back and forth because the
the pitching team and the returning rules of Pickleball and Baseball
team is the batting team. Once an together may confuse Michelle.
fault (out) is made, the serving team Michelle will focus on using the
becomes the batting team. The goal is forehand and backhand which she
to aim for base hits, which are where practiced earlier in the lesson. The
a player would want to hit it to during teacher will use brighter tape for the
a game of Pickleball. The students will boundaries of the court. The group
switch partners after every out. The will use a brighter, lighter colored
pitching team will become the batting ball (the one that Michelle was using
team after every out. for previous activities). The teacher
will use simpler vocabulary and
explanations for the activity.
5 minutes Formal Assessment Matt <<<See Formal
After the Final Activity, the students Matt will be given a clipboard to Assessment
12:42- will be brought to the corner of the complete his assessment sheet. The description
12:47 gym. The teacher will hand out an writing utensils will be elevated as
assessment sheet to each student. On well.
the sheet, it will ask the students to
answer 5 questions. These questions Michelle (paraprofessional 3)
will be on the rules of pickleball, cues Michelle will be in the front of the
of the forehand, and cues of the class when the teacher is giving the
backhand. This assessment will show directions. The teacher will talk
how much the students learned in the slowly and keep the directions and
class period. The students will work vocabulary as simple as possible. The
on the assessment individually and paraprofessional will help Michelle
when they are finished, they will hand complete the assessment by helping
it in to the teacher. The teacher will her remember what she learned.
supply the writing utensils. After Michelle probably knows the
handing in the assignment, students information, she just has trouble
will be instructed to go to their squad remembering. The teacher will have
spots. pictures of the cues on the wall to
refer to as well.
3 minutes Lesson Closure Matt Check for
At the end of the lesson, the Matt will be placed in front of the Understanding- The
12:47- students will be brought in to the class but to a side so the others teacher will have the
12:50 center of the gym facing the students can also see the teacher. students gathered in
teacher. The teacher will ask the Matt will be able to answer all the center of the gym.
students questions based on the closing questions so no further The teacher will ask
lesson. These questions include: accommodations are needed. questions to see how
Why did I have you aim for those the students learned
specific spots during Pickleball Michelle throughout todays
Baseball?, Where should the Michelle will be placed in the front lesson. The questions
ball be contacted when of the class so she can clearly hear include:
performing a forehand or and see the teacher. The teacher
backhand?, Which rule was will use the normal and modified -Why did I have you
enforced during Pickleball equipment when going over aim for those
Baseball before the batting team information. The teacher will talk specific spots
could hit?, and What are the 4 slowly and clearly while using simple during Pickleball
cues to the forehand/backhand?. vocabulary. Michelle may not Baseball?
remember information from prior -Where should the
activities so the teacher will review ball be contacted
the cues. The para will repeat the when performing a
questions and answers if Michelle forehand or
needs it. backhand?
-Which rule was
enforced during
Pickleball Baseball
before the batting
team could hit?
-What are the 4
cues to the

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