Adapted Pickleball Lesson
Adapted Pickleball Lesson
Adapted Pickleball Lesson
Michelle, Down Syndrome - Michelle has broad hands and feet which can lead to pain after certain activities including running for
an extended period of time. Michelle also has an Intellectual disability resulting in difficulty understanding directions and
explanations for the activities in class. Michelle understands directions better when they are broken down. For example, the
teacher will explain one cue of a skill, she will perform that, then the teacher will explain the next cue, and so on and so forth. She
also has trouble remembering information from the short term. Michelle is delayed socially but still interacts with other students
relatively well. She is able to work in groups with other students.
- Some Grade 10 students are still in a stage of extremely rapid growth and experience a changing body image and self-
- Many basic learning processes have become automatic by Grade 10, freeing students to concentrate on complex learning.
- Many Grade 10 students may be concerned about how their peers view their appearance and behavior.
- Many Grade 10 students need to understand the purpose and relevance of activities, policies, and processes. Some express a
growing sense of autonomy through questioning authority. Others may be passive and difficult to engage.
Description of student(s) who need accommodations:
Matt is a 15 year old boy that experienced a Spinal Cord Injury at age 7. When Matt was 7, he was in a car accident which resulted
in his paraplegia. Matt was out of school for a couple of months. Since Matt has been a chair user for almost 8 years, he navigates
very well. He has full usage of his upper body. Matt is very competitive and becomes frustrated when his chair restricts him from
performing something. Matt understands all of the directions, explanations, and rules of the games and activities. He has no
cognitive or social delays and has many friends in his class. Matt enjoys physical education and adores team sports.
Michelle is a 16 year old girl with Down Syndrome. She gets along well with her classmates and likes to work in groups during
activities. Since Michelle experiences pain after running often, she struggles with high endurance activities that require running
for extended periods of time. This is due to her broad feet and shorter limbs. Michelle also experiences difficulty with throwing and
catching activities because of her shorter limbs as well. She also has minor eyesight and hearing impairments along with a short
attention span. Michelle understands directions better when they are split up into simpler parts and not given all at once. Michelle
enjoys physical education and loves working with her classmates.
Instructional Objectives:
- Students will be able to properly perform the steps of a forehand and backhand 8 out of 10 times. This includes a ready stance,
contact with the ball below the waist, and following through.
- Students will be able to properly perform a forehand and backhand while obeying all of the rules 8 out of 10 times. This includes the double-
bounce rule and keeping the ball in bounds.
- Students will be able to list the proper steps of a forehand and backhand 90% of the time.
- Students will be able to list and explain 2 of the rules 100% of the time.
- Students will be able to work together in partners/groups to correctly perform the task 100% of the time.
- Students will be able to quickly move when transitioning activities 100% of the time.
New Jerseys Core Curriculum Content Standards and Cumulative Progress Indicators: (write out standard, not just
the number)
2.5 Motor Skill Development: All students will utilize safe, efficient, and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy,
2.5.4.A.1- Explain and perform essential elements of movement skills in both isolated settings (i.e., skill practice) and applied
settings (i.e., games, sports, dance, and recreational activities).
2.5.4.B.1- Explain and demonstrate the use of basic offensive and defensive strategies (e.g., player positioning, faking, dodging,
creating open areas, and defending space).
Materials and Equipment List
- 30 Paddles
- 4 Pickleball Nets
- 20 balls
- 5 Larger/Softer balls
- 5 Brighter colored balls
- 8 Jump Ropes
- 10 pens
- Assessment sheet for paraprofessional
- Agility circuit signs with pictures
- Tape
- 2 Resistance bands
- 2 10 pound dumbbells
- Pictures of Cues
Technology Utilized in Lesson
-Smart Board
-The teacher will post a video online about the rules of Pickleball. This video will be assigned to watch for homework so the
students can review what they learned in class.