The Documentary Film Reader - History, Theory, Criticism (2016)

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicationData

The documentary film reader :history, theory, criticism / edited by Jonathan Kahana.
Includes bibliographical references andindex.
ISBN 9780199739646 (cloth) ISBN 9780199739653 (pbk.) ISBN 9780190226541 (ebook)
1. Documentary filmsHistory and criticism. I. Kahana, Jonathan,1966

Printed in the United States of America
on acid-freepaper

Acknowledgments xi
charles musser, Foreword xiii
Jonathan Kahana, Editors General Introduction 1



1 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to SectionI 13

2 Rick Altman, From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product:
The Early History of Travel Films (2006) 16
3 Anonymous, Burton Holmes Pleases a Large Audience
at the Columbia (1905) 27
4 Kristen Whissel, Placing the Spectator on the Scene of History:
Modern Warfare and the Battle Reenactment at the Turn
of the Century (2008) 29
5 Dai Vaughan, Let There Be Lumire (1999) 44
6 Boleslas Matuszewski, A New Source of History (1898) 48
7 Tom Gunning, Before Documentary:Early Nonfiction Films
and the View Aesthetic (1997) 52
8 Edward S.Curtis etal., The Continental Film Company (1912) 64
9 W. Stephen Bush, Review of In the Land of the Head Hunters (1914) 67
10 Catherine Russell, Playing Primitive (1999) 69
11 Anonymous, Movies of Eskimo Life Win Much Appreciation (1915) 83
12 Anonymous, Review of Nanook of the North (1922) 84
13 John Grierson, Flahertys Poetic Moana (1926) 86
14 John Grierson, Flaherty (193132) 88

15 Hamid Naficy, Lured by the East:Ethnographic and Expedition

Films about Nomadic Tribes; The Case of Grass (2006) 93
16 Bla Balzs, Compulsive Cameramen (1925) 110
17 Anonymous, New Films Make War Seem More Personal (1916) 112
18 Nicholas Reeves, Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda:Battle
of the Somme (1916) and Its Contemporary Audience (1997) 113



19 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to SectionII 135

20 Robert Allerton Parker, The Art of the Camera:
An Experimental Movie (1921) 138
21 Siegfried Kracauer, Montage (1947) 142
22 Annette Michelson, The Man with the Movie Camera:
From Magician to Epistemologist (1972) 148
23 Seth Feldman, Cinema Weekly and Cinema Truth:
Dziga Vertov and the Leninist Proportion (1973) 163
24 Dziga Vertov, WE: Variant of a Manifesto (1922) 171
25 Jay Leyda, Bridge (1964) 174
26 Mikhail Iampolsky, Reality at Second Hand (1991) 182
27 Joris Ivens, The Making of Rain (1969) 192
28 Joris Ivens, Reflections on the Avant-Garde Documentary (1931) 196
29 Tom Conley, Documentary Surrealism:On Land Without Bread (1986) 199
30 John Grierson, The Documentary Producer (1933) 215
31 John Grierson, First Principles of Documentary (193234) 217
32 Otis Ferguson, Home Truths from Abroad (1937) 226
33 Charles Wolfe, Straight Shots and Crooked Plots:Social
Documentary and the Avant-Garde in the 1930s (1995) 229
34 Samuel Brody, The Revolutionary Film:Problem of Form (1934) 247
35 Leo T.Hurwitz, The Revolutionary Film:Next Step (1934) 249
36 Ralph Steiner and Leo T.Hurwitz, A New Approach
to Film Making (1935) 252
37 Willard Van Dyke, Letter from Knoxville (1936) 256
38 Ralph Steiner, Letter to Jay Leyda (1935) 258
39 John T.McManus, Down to Earth in Spain (1937) 261
40 Charles Wolfe, Historicizing the Voice of God:The Place
of Voice-Over Commentary in Classical Documentary (1997) 264
contents vii

41 Steve Neale, Triumph of the Will:Notes on Documentary

and Spectacle (1979) 281
42 Richard Griffith, Films at the Fair (1939) 312



43 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to Section III 325

44 James Agee, Review of Iwo Jima Newsreels (1945) 328
45 James Agee, Review of San Pietro (1945) 330
46 Thomas Cripps and David Culbert, The Negro Soldier (1944):
Film Propaganda in Black and White (1979) 332
47 Andr Bazin, On Why We Fight: History, Documentation,
and the Newsreel (1946) 348
48 Jim Leach, The Poetics of Propaganda:Humphrey Jennings
and Listen to Britain (1998) 352
49 George C.Stoney, Documentary in the United States
in the Immediate Post-World War II Years (1989) 366
50 Zo Druick, Documenting Citizenship:Reexamining
the 1950s National Film Board Films about Citizenship (2000) 368
51 Srirupa Roy, Moving Pictures:The Films Division of India
and the Visual Practices of the Nation-State (2007) 383
52 Jennifer Horne, Experiments in Propaganda:Reintroducing
James Blues Colombian Trilogy (2009) 406
53 Peter Watkins with James Blue and Michael Gill, Peter Watkins
Discusses His Suppressed Nuclear Film The War Game (1965) 420



54 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to SectionIV 431

55 Jean Painlev, The Castration of Documentary (1953) 434
56 Jean Cocteau, On Blood of the Beasts (1963) 439
57 Lindsay Anderson, Free Cinema (1957) 441
58 Tom Whiteside, The One-Ton Pencil (1962) 445
59 Edgar Morin, Chronicle of a Film (1962) 461
60 Jonathan Rosenbaum, Radical Humanism and the Coexistence
of Film and Poetry in The House is Black (2003) 473

61 Jean Rouch with Dan Georgakas, Udayan Gupta, and Judy Janda,
The Politics of Visual Anthropology (1977) 478
62 Ricky Leacock, For an Uncontrolled Cinema (1961) 490
63 Bruce Elder, On the Candid-Eye Movement (1977) 492
64 Jonas Mekas, To Mayor Lindsay / On Film
Journalism and Newsreels (1966) 501
65 Jeanne Hall, Realism as a Style in Cinema Verite: A Critical
Analysis of Primary (1991) 503
66 Margaret Mead, As Significant as the Invention of Drama
or the Novel (1973) 526


67 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to SectionV 531

68 Robert Stam, Hour of the Furnaces and the Two Avant Gardes (1981) 534
69 Juan Carlos Espinosa, Jorge Fraga, Estrella Pantin, Toward
a Definition of the Didactic Documentary:APaper Presented
to the First National Congress of Education and Culture (1978) 545
70 Norm Fruchter, Marilyn Buck, Karen Ross, and Robert Kramer,
Newsreel (1969) 550
71 Frederick Wiseman with Alan Westin, You Start Off With a
Bromide:Conversation with Film Maker Frederick Wiseman (1974) 556
72 David MacDougall, Beyond Observational Cinema (1975) 565
73 Pauline Kael, Beyond Pirandello (1970) 571
74 Pearl Bowser, Pioneers of Black Documentary Film (1999) 576
75 Michael Chanan, Rediscovering Documentary:Cultural Context
and Intentionality (1990) 597
76 Santiago Alvarez with the editors of Cineaste, 5 Frames Are
5 Frames, Not 6, But 5:An Interview with Santiago Alvarez (1975) 605
77 Ab Mark Nornes, The Postwar Documentary Trace:Groping
in the Dark (2002) 609
78 Emile de Antonio with Tanya Neufeld, An Interview with
Emile de Antonio (1973) 630
annette michelson, Reply to de Antonio 637
79 Bill Nichols, The Voice of Documentary (1983) 639
80 James Roy MacBean, Two Laws from Australia, One White,
One Black:The Recent Past and the Challenging Future
of Ethnographic Film (1983) 652
81 Lee Atwell, Review of Word Is Out (1979) 664
contents ix

82 Julia Lesage, The Political Aesthetics of the Feminist

Documentary Film (1978) 668
83 E. Ann Kaplan, Theories and Strategies of the Feminist
Documentary (1983) 680
84 Jill Godmilow, Paying Dues:APersonal Experience
with Theatrical Distribution (1977) 693
85 Coco Fusco, A Black Avant-Garde? Notes on Black Audio Film
Collective and Sankofa (1988) 698
86 John Greyson, Strategic Compromises:AIDS and Alternative
Video Practices (1990) 708



87 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to SectionVI 723

88 Robert Sklar, Documentary: Artifice in the Service of Truth (1975) 726
89 Chick Strand, Notes on Ethnographic Film by a Film Artist (1978) 731
90 Jonas Mekas, The Diary Film: A Lecture on Reminiscences
of a Journey to Lithuania (1972) 737
91 Michael Renov, Toward a Poetics of Documentary (1993) 742
92 Trinh T.Minh-ha, Mechanical Eye, Electronic Ear and the Lure
of Authenticity (1984) 758
93 Brian Winston, The Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian
Documentary (1988) 763
94 J. Hoberman, Shoah: The Being of Nothingness (198586) 776
95 Claude Lanzmann with Marc Chevrie and Herv Le Roux, Site
and Speech: An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah (1985) 784
96 Linda Williams, Mirrors Without Memories: Truth, History,
and the New Documentary (1993) 794
97 errol morris with Peter Bates, Truth Not Guaranteed: An Interview
with Errol Morris (1989) 807
98 michael moore with Harlan Jacobson, Michael & Me (1989) 810
99 Thomas Waugh, Acting to Play Oneself: Notes on Performance in
Documentary (1990) 815
100 Phillip Brian Harper, Marlon Riggs: The Subjective Position of
Documentary Video (1995) 829
101 Paula Rabinowitz, Melodrama/Male Drama: The Sentimental
Contract of American Labor Films (2002) 836

102 Marsha Orgeron and Devin Orgeron, Familial Pursuits,

Editorial Acts: Documentaries after the Age of Home Video (2007) 852
103 Vivian Sobchack, Inscribing Ethical Space: 10 Propositions
on Death, Representation, and Documentary (1984) 871
104 Paul Arthur, Jargons of Authenticity (Three American
Moments) (1993) 889



105 Jonathan Kahana, Introduction to Section VII 913

106 Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow with Jennifer Horne and
Jonathan Kahana, A Perfect Replica: An Interview with
Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow (1998) 916
107 Rachel Gabara, Mixing Impossible Genres: David Achkar
and African Autobiographical Documentary (2003) 924
108 Jean-Marie Teno, Writing on Walls: The Future of African
Documentary Cinema (2010) 938
109 Chris Berry, Getting Real: Chinese Documentary,
Chinese Postsocialism (2007) 943
110 Wu Wenguang, DV: Individual Filmmaking (2006) 956
111 Richard Porton, Weapon of Mass Instruction: Michael Moores
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004) 961
112 Scott MacDonald, Up Close and Political: Three Short Ruminations
on Ideology in the Nature Film (2006) 969
113 Amy Villarejo, Bus 174 and the Living Present (2006) 984
114 Barbara Klinger, Cave of Forgotten Dreams: Meditations on 3D (2012) 989

Permissions Acknowledgments 997

Index 1003

The editorial staff at Oxford University Press Among the many scholars, doctoral
who saw this book through from concep- students, and colleagues who have influ-
tion to productionShannon MacLachlan, enced and contributed to this book, Charlie
Stephen Bradley, and, most of all, Brendan Musser has my deepest debt of gratitude,
ONeillhave been patient, persistent, and for long, formative, and spirited conversa-
encouraging throughout the process, and I tions early in the process of forming the
thank them sincerely for their confidence table of contents: his impact on my think-
in such a large and complex project. I am ing about film history is visible throughout.
also very grateful to Natalie Foster and Jayne Research assistant is technically correct
Fargnoli for their valuable editorial input at but too perfunctory a title to fully describe
early stages of the project, when it was still the degree and kind of contributions made
looking for ahome. to this book by Paul Fileri, who, over several
In addition to Oxford University Press, a years, suggested, located, reconsidered, and
number of sources provided financial sup- trouble-shot so much of the material col-
port toward the costsespecially the fees lected here that I sometimes thought of him
paid to copyright owners, in some cases as a co-producer, and equally often as the
scandalously high, to reprint previously books intended user. Blind and non-blind
published worksof producing this vol- peer reviewersmost thoughtfully, Roger
ume. For their generosity, I thank the Arts Hallas, Jeffrey Skoller, Charles Wolfe, and
Research Institute in the Division of the several anonymous othersshaped and
Arts at the University of California, Santa improved the conception of the books
Cruz (UCSC); Scott Brandt, Vice Chancellor scope, audience, and function. On vari-
for Research in the Office of Research at ous editorial, archival, administrative, and
UCSC; the Office of Sponsored Programs linguistic questions I frequently turned
at New York University (NYU), through to, and received sage counsel from, col-
its Research Challenge Fund Emergency leagues around the office and around the
Support Program; and the Department world: Richard Allen, Kees Bakker, Brad
of Cinema Studies at NYU, which funded Evans, Sandy Flitterman-Lewis, Mick
a series of graduate research assistants, Gidley, Jill Godmilow, Jenny Horne, Dana
including Ian Hetherington, who provided Polan, Michael Renov, Marita Sturken,
various kinds of help. In the Tamiment Steven Ungar, Tom Waugh, Mark Williams,
Library at NYU, Donna L. Davey and Peter Tami Williams, Brian Winston, and
Meyer Filardo provided access to unpub- Arlene Zimmerle. Masha Salazkina spent
lished papers in the Jay Leyda collection. many hours on the translation of some

unpublished Eisenstein notes we decided assisted with the selection and produc-
in the end not to use in this edition. tion of illustrations. And I am especially
Some of the excellent doctoral students grateful to those authors who generously
at NYUincluding Brady Fletcher, Leo responded to my invitation to rethink sen-
Goldsmith, Anuja Jain, Martin Johnson, tences originally published years ago. Trust
Ohad Landesman, Laliv Melamed, Michael that any cuts we had to maketo those
Talbott, and Jennifer Zwarichoffered selections, and of the scores of others left
valuable opinions on the material in their on the cutting-room floorhurt me more
particular areas of expertise. Alex Johnston than they hurtyou.

In assembling The Documentary Film Reader: as the courtroom documentary (from Errol
History, Theory, Criticism, Jonathan Kahana Morriss The Thin Blue Line [1988] to, most
has undertaken an essential but impossible recently, Alex Gibneys Death Row Stories
task. Documentary is a dynamic and capa- [2014]). Finally, as Kahana has pointed out,
cious field that resists easy distillation, and the relationship between individual exam-
it is hardly surprising that earlier versions of ples and broad generalizations, between
this undertaking had almost twice the num- individual documentaries and documentary
ber of entries. That Kahana has taken up theory, criticism and practice are crucial.
such a vexing assignment is best understood Each documentary engages a field of ante-
in light of his previous book-length study, cedents with varying degrees of originality
Intelligence Work: The Politics of American and transgression. (Errol Morris, for one,
Documentary. In this impressive investiga- has become a proponent of a fuck you the-
tion, Kahana examined crucial moments in ory of art, which is certainly evident in his
the history of the social issue documentary films.3) In this regard, The Documentary Film
as a way to interrogate the very nature of Reader performs the critical task of sketch-
documentary itself. He is interested in the ing out the ground against which individual
process of thinkingof what he calls public films or groups of films can be contextual-
intelligencethat is operative both for film- ized and new films measured. With all the
makers in the making of these documenta- necessary qualifications, this collection of
ries but also by their spectators. As Kahana essays and documents inevitably proposes a
remarks, when documentary compels our canon of films and texts either as a starting
attention or addresses us in certain ways point for further exploration or as a handy
it evokes forms of public subjectivity reminder of what one figure in this field of
and civil interaction that transport viewers study finds particularly significant.
beyond the immediate context of viewing.1 To assemble an anthology such as The
It can impact and destabilize the social Documentary Film Reader at this moment,
imaginary such that an audience comes to when documentary itself is still absorbing
understand itself as an agent of change.2 the tremendous impact of the digital revo-
If publics are constructed and addressed lution, requires a certain audacity. In this
by individual films and the critical appara- regard, Kahanas use of the term film in
tuses that surround them, more sustained the title is strategic: it limits the reach of his
and multi-dimensional publics are often anthology while enabling him to establish
created around groups of documentaries many of the contours of American docu-
either cycles of films or specific genres such mentary from the early 1900s until almost

the present day. Shortly after the debut of film even though documentaries were much
projected motion pictures, exhibitors such more likely to be seen on a television screen
as E. Burton Holmes began to integrate or projected from VHS or DVD onto a
short films into their illustrated lectures, screen in the classroom. Over the last ten
which displayed a series of lantern slides years, this practice has disappeared and fes-
(projected still photographs). Though they tivals and theaters now screen digital for-
were often labeled travel lectures, these took mats such as Blu-ray, DigiBeta, and DCPs
on a wide range of subjects, as a Washington (Digital Cinema Packages). The use of film
Post review of Holmess lecture on the has essentially disappeared, particularly for
Russo-Japanese War, Port Arthur: Siege and documentary, but it remains as a term that
Surrender (Fall 1905), underscores. Although is deeply embedded in our language. Film
such programs are certainly in the docu- no longer refers to the physical medium
mentary tradition, their mode of produc- (film stock) but to well-established cultural
tion and exhibition would make it awkward practices that have been more or less trans-
and ahistorical to label them documentary formed by the possibilities of digital media.
sui generis. Rather, Kahana has gestured The motion picture industry has cleverly
towards a long pre-history that in many introduced the term digital cinema to
respects is not a pre-history at all. Indeed, refer to motion pictures designed to be
the documentary tradition of audio-visual shown in commercial theaters, but the term
programming goes back to the very ori- digital film is a contradiction in terms,
gins of the projected moving image in the which practitioners have avoided. Will the
1650s and 1660s, when Althanius Kircher term film be replaced by some new des-
and others presented illustrated accounts of ignation just as the term documentary
the life of Christ. By the second half of the emerged to replace the anachronistic term
nineteenth century, with the introduction of of illustrated lecture some ten to fifteen
the stereopticon or optical lantern (a much years after the lecture had been replaced by
improved magic lantern that was generally intertitles? Whatever the future may bring,
used to show photographic lantern slides), Kahanas The Documentary Film Reader
the illustrated lecture had become a rich brings us to a point beyond which film per
and respected form of audio-visual com- se has disappeared.
munication that required the same kind of Documentary as a practice and as a field
intelligence work as later documentaries. of scholarly investigation occurs on three
The discussion of this mode of program- levels beyond that of the biographical: the
ming that quickly incorporated motion pic- local and regional, the national, and the
tures gestures towards this longer tradition international. Although grounded in the
without having to address it directly. American tradition, this anthology is global
Correspondingly, The Documentary Film in its reach, and it begins by recognizing
Reader effectively concludes with reflec- that documentary as an emergent forma-
tions on such American documentaries as tion was an international phenomenon.
Jonathan Caouettes Tarnation (2003) and Nanook of the North (1922), which has tra-
Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004). ditionally been seen as the first documen-
By this period, documentaries were being tary, was made by an American in Canada
shot almost exclusively with high defini- for French fur company Rvillon Frres.
tion digital cameras and edited on comput- Three of documentarys founding members
ers. Nevertheless, a theatrical release still were Europeans who had a major impact
required the transfer from digital to 35mm in the United States and worldwide: Dziga
film. When audiences went to a theater to Vertov (the Soviet Union), Joris Ivens (the
see a documentary, they were still seeing Netherlands), John Grierson (Great Britain)
Foreword xv

Correspondingly, Robert Flaherty had an the documentary field more broadly.6 Wu

international impact, not least of all in the Wenguangs documentaries as well as those
Soviet Union. All four founders are appro- of his Chinese colleagues were made pos-
priately recognized in these pages.4 sible by camcorders (introduced in the
Of course, if documentary was an mid-1980s) followed by three-chip video
international phenomenon, how one has cameras and digital video cameras (intro-
encountered and understood its interna- duced around 1995) as well as by video
tional presence has always been highly situ- cassettes and later DVDs (ca. 2004) since
ated. In this respect, this anthology offers their films were independently funded and
a fairly familiar American perspective on reached Chinese viewers outside formal
what should be included. This documentary channels of theatrical exhibition or tele-
tradition from the 1920s to the mid 1960s vision broadcast. These innovations did
is overwhelmingly Anglo-American and much to make documentary a worldwide,
European. Third World documentary from broad-based phenomenon that escaped
Cuba and South America began to impact established gatekeepers whether in Sri
on American practices in the late 1960s. Lanka, the Philippines or among indige-
In their search for a transgressive style, the nous peoples of Peru, Brazil, New Zealand,
radical Newsreel collectives were inspired Canada, and other parts of the world.7 A
by The Hour of the Furnaces (1968), made reader simply devoted to world documen-
by Argentina filmmakers Octavio Getino tary after 1989 would be hard-pressed to do
and Fernando Solanas, and the short films the category full justice: Kahana provides
of Cuban Santiago Alvarez. The fall of us with key signposts for this much larger
the Berlin Wall, the aftermath of the 1989 phenomenon.
Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, Histories of documentary can beand
the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, and the end need to beconstructed on the local and
of the Cold War coincided with an increas- regional level. Celluloid-based film produc-
ing interest in global documentary in the tion required labs and a whole series of
United States. Although this included the services from equipment rental houses to
important work of Indian filmmaker Anand mixing studios, and so tended to concen-
Patwardhan (Bombay, Our City, 1984), trate documentary production in large met-
Hatian Raoul Peck (Lumumba: La mort du ropolitan centers. In some instances, local
prophte, 1990), Chinas Wu Wenguang histories and national histories of documen-
(Bumming in Beijing: The Last Dreamers, tary have been virtually interchangeable for
1990), and Cameroons Jean-Marie Teno extended periodsfor instance Paris with
(Afrique, je te plumerai, 1992), the interest France, and London with Great Britain. If
far exceeded individual auteurs. Courses this sometimes seemed true for New York
devoted to Chinese documentary, South and the United States, it was for several
Asian documentary and World documen- reasons: New Yorks place as a cultural capi-
tary more generally have become rela- tal often posited itself as an alternative to
tively common. In the postCold War era, Hollywood commercial imperatives, which
Anglo-Americans interest in and under- documentary also embodied. Not surpris-
standing of documentary practices became ingly, Lewis Jacobss The Documentary
fully global in scope, a fact that is made evi- Tradition: From Nanook to Woodstock was
dent by The Documentary Film Reader.5 written from a New York perspective
Although documentaries shot with (and the perspective of materials in the
Portapaks were occasional being broadcast Museum of Modern Arts film collection).
in the mid-1970s, it was not until the 1990s Los Angelesarea documentary may have
that the shift to video began to transform flourished in the shadow of Hollywood, but

Hollywood itself gave this mode of filmmak- while veteran Cebu filmmaker Leonardo
ing little attention. One of Kahanas notable Chiu, much of whose earlier work seems
achievements has been to avoid these false to be lost, was only represented by shorts
equations of local with national filmmaking Voices and Vanishing Waste. In this regard,
practices; as a result, one must necessarily student work represented the future aspira-
look elsewhere to understand the ways and tions of Cebuano documentary. Importantly,
reasons for these more localized documen- Cebuano documentary culture is not only
tary identities. determined by locally-made films. The
As documentary practices have become festival addresses its public through truly
increasingly robust, local identities have global offerings with Asia and Europe repre-
become increasingly important to recog- sented in its selections far more than North
nize. Scott MacDonald has devoted a recent America. In this sense, the festivals pro-
book to the Cambridge School of documen- gramming has consciously reasserted the
tary, writing provocatively and insightfully cosmopolitan nature of Filipino culture in
about a community of Boston-area film- a way that was characteristic of movie-going
makers who crosses several generations.8 In in that country during the 1910s and before.
this respect, I have found my recent visits Its perspective on documentary is very dif-
to film festivals and local film communi- ferent from what one finds in, say, Thom
ties to be particularly illuminating. At the Powerss DOC NYC festival, or Powerss
2014 Big Sky Documentary Film Festival selections for the documentary program
in Missoula, Montana, the American at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Northwest was admirably represented In the end, all of these festivals remind us
by an array of strong films such as Anna of the famous Saul Steinberg New Yorker
and Nicholas Hudaks Where God Likes magazine cover View of the World from
to Be (2013) and Suzan Berazas Uranium Ninth Avenue: our understanding of docu-
Drive-In (2013). Amy Benson, president of mentary, its history and styles vary widely
the Seattle Documentary Film Association depending on the regional orientation of
who attended the festival, ranked Seattle the festival, programmer, writer or teacher.
documentary filmmaking right after New In his general introduction to this vol-
York and Chicagoa view not shared with ume, Kahana invites readers to critically
Scott MacDonald, who places Cambridge engage the collected essays and documents
firmly in the first position. Regional dynam- in a process of deconstructionand so per-
ics are not only an American phenomenon. haps to reconstruct another selection of
In the Philippines, the digital era has fos- texts from it and other sources. One way
tered several localized centers that have to think about this challenge is to compare
situated themselves in opposition to the this reader to its most obvious and impor-
pervasive Tagalog cinema of greater Manila. tant predecessor, Jacobss The Documentary
Cebuano is the largest language group in the Tradition (1971). Certainly there are some
Philippines: digital technologies and emer- interesting and necessary overlaps. Jacob
gent film programs at universities in Cebu favored postSecond World War New York
have played key roles in the renewal and filmmaking as well as the cinma vrit
unprecedented vitality of Cebano cinema as moment of the 1960s. Kahana has retained
evidenced by the 2013 Cebu International some choices, replaced others with updated
Documentary Film Festival. The situation is scholarship, thinned out or dropped other
admittedly complex as Cierlito Tabays fea- groupings altogether and added impor-
ture Walay Tumoy na Punterya (2011), about tant new elements drawn from his own
illegal gunmaking in Cebu, had to be pulled research as well as the state of the field.
in the midst of an upsurge in local violence Of course, Kahana also has had to contend
Foreword xvii

with another 35 to 40 years of documentary synching up dailies and coding the picture
history and reflection-essentially a dou- and sound track are positively antediluvian.
bling of the time span with which Jacobs No one needs to make title cards or shoot
contended.9 One wonders what a documen- pencil tests on reversal film stock. Gone too
tary film reader will look like some 30 years are 16mm flatbeds. Hit a few keys using
hence: what will be the creative solutions to editing programs such as Final Cut Pro and
an essential but impossible undertaking? a shot can be slowed down or speeded up,
As this book goes to press, the digital something that used to be done by costly
has pushed celluloid film as a medium to optical houses. The Internet has likewise
the most esoteric margins: DuArt (formerly transformed many aspects of filmmaking:
known as DuArt Film & Video), which material can be downloaded from YouTube,
once processed films for such Academy bypassing the need to go to stock footage
Award-winning documentaries as Hearts houses. Program deliverables have shifted
and Minds (1974) and Harlan County, U.S.A. from film to videotape, then DVD and
(1976), has closed its laboratory and has now to Internet services such as Dropbox,
been emptying its film vaults. Eastman Vimeo or Netflix. As a result, students who
Kodak, the worlds largest supplier of film insist on embracing conventional forms can
stock, went bankrupt early in 2012. High- make documentaries that look like famil-
definition digital filmmaking has changed iar one-hour television programs (at least
the nature of documentary, often liberat- superficially). Others are much freer to be
ing it in profound ways. The cost of film experimental because the required invest-
was always a major impediment to actual ment is so much lower. Digital technologies
filmmaking, for veterans as well as novices. have enabled documentary as a mode to
New kinds, indeed all kinds, of documen- flourish within the university. Harvard now
tary have become much more viable. This has a Secondary Ph.D. in Critical Media
became particularly evident during the Practice; UC-Santa Cruz has an MA pro-
Iraq War when a group of daring, generally gram in Social Documentation; and the MA
young and aspiring filmmakers went to Iraq and MFA programs in documentary film-
either to embed with American soldiers or making have proliferated. At my institution,
with the civilian population. They produced a number of faculty membersbesides tra-
such documentaries as Michael Tuckers ditional filmmaking professorsnow make
Gunner Palace (2004), Garrett Scott and documentaries as part of their scholarly pro-
Ian Oldss Occupation Dreamland (2005), file. So too are graduate students enrolled
Andrew Berendss The Blood of My Brother: in Yales Law School, its School of Forestry
A Story of Death in Iraq (2005) and When and Environmental Studies, the School of
Adnan Came Home (2006), James Longleys Medicine, the School of Public Health and
Iraq in Fragments (2006), Laura Poitrass the Graduate School of Arts and Science.
My Country, My Country (2006), Jon Alpert Innovation and rapid growth mean that
and Matthew ONeills Baghdad ER (2006), documentaries have become an ever more
Petra Epperlein and Michael Tuckers The important element of traditional film festi-
Prisoner or: How I Planned to Kill Tony Blair vals even as festivals devoted exclusively to
(2006), and Deborah Scrantons The War documentary have proliferated.10 Likewise,
Tapes (2006). a wide variety of cable channels have
Those who were making documentaries ensured that independent documentary has
in the 1970s and 1980s can only find this moved beyond the boundaries of PBS. Not
new world of digital filmmaking to be more only have many more outlets been created
efficient and versatile, much cheaper, and through the Internet and iTunes, they have
emancipatory. The once standard rituals of encouraged the art of mini documentaires

and webisodes. Funders for social issue 4. The Soviets Esfir Shub, whose groundbreaking
historical documentaries (e.g., The Fall of the
documentaries such as the Fledgling Fund Romanov Dynasty, 1927) reworked surviving
have emerged. Interested in funding the footage from newsreels and other sources, was one
process of outreach and community engage- founder whose contributions failed to reach an
international audience until much later.
ment to effect change, these organizations 5. The Documentary Film Reader includes an entry by
imagine documentaries as one piece of a Chris Berry, editor of the recent The New Chinese
much larger package of advoacy activities. Documentary Film Movement: For the Public Record
(Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2011).
Simultaneously Kickstarter has provided 6. Significant examples of American video
ways for documentary filmmakers to bypass documentary in the 1970s include Jon Alperts
familiar grant-seeking methods. Meanwhile, Cuba: The People (Downtown Community TV,
the loss of traditional gatekeepers is evident 1974) and Alan and Susan Raymonds The Police
Tapes (1976). See Deirdre Boyle, A Brief History of
in the vogue for YouTube documentaries that American Documentary Video, in Doug Hall, Sally
are often user generated. Conspiracy theory Jo Fifer, David Bolt, Illuminating Video: An Essential
videos such as Peter Josephs Zeitgeist: The Guide To Video Art (Aperture, 2005), 3639.
7. Pamela Wilson and Michelle Stewart, eds. Global
Movie (2007) and Zeitgeist: Moving Forward Indigenous Media: Cultures, Poetics, and Politics
(2011) have become among the most success- (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2008).
ful documentaries on the web. Meanwhile, 8. Scott MacDonald, American Ethnographic Film and
Personal Documentary: The Cambridge Turn (Berkeley
form and format continue to change as and Los Angeles: University of California Press,
William Uricchio and his colleagues at MIT 2013). Interestingly, MacDonald virtually ignores
are beginning to experiment with the concept the two Cambridge-based filmmakers included in
the present Documentary Film Reader as figures
of interactive documentary. Documentary is of national renown: Frederick Wiseman and Errol
heading in new directionsand heading Morris.
there rapidly. But to understand where it is 9. There have been other collections in the interim,
such as Alan Rosenthals New Challenges for
going, we need to understand where it has Documentary (Berkeley: University of California
been. In this respect, Jonathan Kahanas The Press, 1988), but Rosenthal sought to gather
Documentary Film Reader: History, Theory, together contemporary scholarship with the
inevitable result that some essays became classics
Criticism will play a crucial role. while others were more forgettable.
CharlesMusser 10. In the United States, the Margaret Mead Film
Festival, started in 1976, is the longest running
Yale University showcase for international documentary in the US.
More recently established documentary film festivals
now include Hot Springs Documentary Film
Notes Festival(est. 1992), Full Frame DocumentaryFilm
Festival (1998), AFI DOCS Documentary
1. Jonathan Kahana, Intelligence Work: The Politics FilmFestival (2003), the Big Sky DocumentaryFilm
of American Documentary (New York: Columbia Festival (2004) True/False Film Festival (2004),
University Press, 2008),23. Atlanta International Documentary Film Festival
2. Ibid.,24. (2006) and DOC NYC (2010). Each receives over
3. Errol Morris, presentation at Yale School of Art, a thousand entries every year. There is also a
17 April 2013; Morris reiterated this theory at the host of more specialized festivals which feature
opening of The Unknown Known, DOC NYC, 14 documentaries on the environment, human rights,
November2013. and soforth.
History, Theory, Criticism
Editors general introduction

Documentary is a clumsy description, but let itstand.

John Grierson, First Principles of Documentary

And why not? Has a better, non-hyphenate documentarism, as John Corner puts it,
term been invented? Like the famous Potter or formal and informal rules for ways of
Stewart judgment on pornographyits making and using documentary that made
hard to define, but we know it when we see a special kind of sense at certain moments,
itdocumentary is a notoriously slippery while having lasting value in describing
eel, perhaps the oldest and slipperiest con- other times, too.2 Although, come to think
cept in the history of cinemas public and of it, if documentary can lead to an ism, it
commercial modes and genres. From time must have been a thing in itself to begin
to time and from place to place, the term with.
documentary has refused to mean some- So lets back into a definition, over the
thing consistent, but it has been in continu- next thousand pages of critical history.
ous use for a hundred years. And we are This anthology integrates historical and
pretty sure that we know one when we see theoretical approaches to the study and
(and hear) one. Some critics go so far as criticism of documentary film, bringing
to insist that, outside of particular histori- together writing by scholars, critics, film-
cal circumstancescertain perfect storms makers and others with an interest in the
of public interest, technical development, art, business, and science of documentary,
and politicsthe term documentary has covering the entire history of the form.
no meaning.1 Awkward as it sounds, I pre- The essays, lectures, polemics, interviews,
fer the notion that there are protocols of reviews, correspondence, and personal
2 The Documentary FilmReader

reflections collected here present an a collection like this, on questions that

international perspective on the most sig- have kept critics of documentary busy in
nificant developments and debates from recent decades: analyses of documentary
several decades of critical writing about form, meaning, and rhetoric; semiotic and
documentary, from statements by the philosophical approaches to the issues of
pioneers of documentary film theory and reality and truth; speculations on the eth-
practice to more recent thinking about the ics of method and image in social and
history, aesthetics, industry, and politics of ethnographic documentary representa-
documentary and nonfiction cinema and tion. Some of this writing was originally
media. Artifacts from the recent or distant intended for a general public of readers,
past present the reader with documen- appearing in the arts and culture, or edito-
tary values, methods, and controversies rial and opinion, pages of the newspaper or
in their moment, decade by decade; and other mainstream outlets. Some of it was
secondary critical literature, drawn from designed for more specialist audiences:
scholarly journals and books, re-examines artists and art critics; cinephiles, filmmak-
formative moments of the documentary ers, and film professors; researchers in the
tradition in the retrospective light of later social and the natural sciences. But you
paradigms, and provides context for judg- will also find here writing on matters that
ing the merits, pleasures, and problems of ceased to be of pressing concern many
individual works of documentary. Readers years ago, or which have fallen out of and
will be able to trace the development of back into fashion as ways of measuring
particular threads in this tradition from the cultural, political, or artistic impact of
earlier to later selections in the anthology, non-fiction film and media: investigations
while noting changes and continuities of documentary institutions, audiences,
across its span. Any media form that aims and markets that draw on the methods of
to be usefulthat aspires not only to the media studies and communication stud-
intellectual criterion of truth, but also to ies, anthropology, sociology and political
novelty, to social instruction, to moral con- science (including an erstwhile preoc-
viction or political action, to ethnological cupation in documentary theory, since at
originalityhas its phases of relevance least the 1910s, with the concept of propa-
and urgency as well as its periods of obso- ganda, once an acceptable way to describe
lescence and obscurity. To many readers, impact, and now a term of opprobrium);
some of the names in the following texts, historical criticism of documentary rep-
starting with the names of their authors, resentations of the past (including the
will be unfamiliar. Others have become regular appearance and disappearance of
classics, because they exercise a time- the once widespread, then reviled, now
less fascination, or because the habits of avant-gardist uses of historical reenact-
teaching and publication have made them ment); and periodic fluctuations in the
touchstones of critical discourse. Such a meaning of the term popular as it might
historical, geographical, and stylistic vari- apply to the methods, aims, and audiences
ety is intended not only to be a consolation of documentary and non-fiction film prac-
to the editor or publisher of this volume, tice, whether these are encountered on
for whom its multifarious readership is the highest (professional, industrial) or
an imaginary community. This book is lowest (amateur, personal) scales of capi-
also designed to surprise and delight its talization and organization. And reflecting
readers. recent developments in the study of non-
Included here are many of the kinds fiction film history and theory, selections
of writing you would expect to find in throughout The Documentary Film Reader
The Documentary FilmReader 3

address the shifting boundaries between documentary and other media of recorded
documentary and other non-fiction prac- sound and image might object that inso-
tices, sometimes considered too quotid- far as the term film implies a certain
ian, too topical, too instrumental or too way of containing and consuming moving
ephemeral to have a place in the docu- images or talking picturesconventions
mentary tradition. These occasional prac- we often distinguish with the term cin-
tices include: sponsored, industrial, and emathe documentary film is a concept of
promotional film; state (or revolution- too recent invention to capture the ways in
ary) propaganda; newsreels; the travel- which documentary effects were produced
ogue; the film diary and the home movie. and experienced in pictorial, auditory, and
Indeed, these taxonomic distinctions discursive forms for years before (and for
have themselves been used to give shape many years after) what many critics have,
to the history of documentary, as Tom over the years, called the first documen-
Gunning points out in his essay Before tary films, Robert Flahertys feature-length
Documentary: Early Nonfiction Films and silent movies of the 1920s, Nanook of the
the View Aesthetic, where Gunning North (1922) and Moana: A Romance of the
reflects on John Griersons famously dis- Golden Age (1926). The work of film histo-
missive accounting of the early decades rians like Rick Altman, Charles Musser,
of documentary cinema. One could just and Jeffrey Ruoff has been instrumental
as well raise the same concern about the in helping us see that different modes of
terms used in more recent decades, where non-fictional entertainment, besides the
the putative distinction between properly self-contained and self-explanatory moving
documentary works and reality-based image text presented to a group of silent
art and entertainment has again become viewers massed in a dark room, not only
a source of worry for some commentators. pre-dated by many years the documentary
One basic lesson emerges over and over film, but have long co-existed with it, mak-
from the pages of this anthology: the his- ing it that much harder to say what or when,
tory of documentary is only re-invented. exactly, was the first documentary. (The
Along similar lines, one might wonder first section of this anthology is indebted
why this is called a reader in documen- to Mussers research on early modes of
tary film, when another more modern or non-fiction and documentary cinema.) And
capacious termmedia, for instance even the least historically-minded maker
might better describe the current state or viewer knows that although films can
of the art, and when so many different be transferred to video, and watched on
media are covered by the writings that fol- television or a computer screen, film is not
lowamong them, film, print and slide video; nor is film television, even if many
photography, analog and digital video, tele- viewers, from the most casual viewer of
vision, recorded sound, prose and poetry, documentary to the most committed stu-
the lecture, and various kinds of perfor- dent, have never seen a documentary film
mances, sometimes in combination with shot on or projected from celluloid. Film
one another. To the most up-to-date stu- is, at best, a euphemism for the experience
dent, considering the topic of documentary of moving-image technology and form that
in the reflected light of new technologies many of us have on a regular basis with
for producing, storing, circulating, exhib- documentary.
iting, and viewing moving images and Nonetheless, documentary film seems
sound, film might seem a rather limit- more suitable as the heading for the writ-
ing, even archaic, way to define the scope ing in this collection than any of the alterna-
of this field. Likewise, some historians of tives, even if (or because) film now means
4 The Documentary FilmReader

many things. Film can, for instance, name a and expectations; thus, everyone involved
moving-image or audiovisual technology, or in the process of creating and consuming
series of technologies, capable of reproduc- such objectsfilmscan agree that what
ing visual and auditory images of real (past they encounter is a complete work, the final
or present) time and space. Film can also outcome of a collective process: something
refer to the particular kind of raw materi- with a look, a sound, and a sensibility differ-
als used in this recording and reproduction ent from other kinds of cultural production.
process: strips made from one of a num- And in return for its viewers attention, the
ber of types of plastic, treated with a com- documentary film promises a certain kind
pound sensitive to light and taken through of experience with the screen and the world,
a photochemical process that exposes, one no other audiovisual form of edification
develops, and fixes the images registered or amusement can promise.
(in negative or positive form) in the emul- By the same token, we can and do
sion as it passes through the camera. Film loosely apply film to all sorts of audiovi-
can also suggest the field or fields of prac- sual moving-image works, as long as they
ticesocial, cultural, institutional, profes- seem to bear the qualities and principles
sionalone occupies while in the process of (a)film:just as we consider a long-form
of making a documentary film, or otherwise work of historical or social inquiry shot with
becoming expert in works and practices of digital video cameras, edited with computer
moving-image social-historical documen- software, and viewed on a television or a
tation, or documentary film. If you say computer screen a documentary film, we
you are working in or on (a) documentary might call a short piece of video we watch
(film), you probably mean something quite on YouTube, or an experimental work that
different than if you say you work in jour- combines scraps of home movies shot with
nalism, or in reality television, or in the 8mm and 16mm cameras, shown in a the-
moving-image branch of a national archive, ater or on a cell-phone, a film. Artists
or in the history or sociology department and critics working in the 1920s around
of a university, or in Hollywood, or on the Russian editor-director Esfir Shub, as
a radio program, even though all of these Mikhail Iampolsky observes, advocated
might involve working in or on (a) film(s), a documentary filmmaking practice that
or working on or with filmed or recorded would simply gather material in the present
documents, or working in a documentary for films to be finished in the future, and not
style with subjects drawn from real life. necessarily by the same filmmakers whose
Even more confusingly, the term documen- job it was to gather this archival material.
tary can be used in different ways in differ- According to this logic, the documentary
ent countries, as a modifier: for example, film was an extraordinarily capacious con-
broadcasters in some countries are much cept, one that could accommodate any num-
more likely to refer to a long-form report ber of present and future configurings of its
on a television or radio news program as a basic materials. Shub predicted the form of
documentary than are broadcasters in the the documentary film almost anyone with a
United States. One can certainly work in or computer can practicetoday.
on documentary film without ever finishing, The reader will, in the following pages,
or even making, a film, even though when encounter writing that deals with work
we say a film, we tend to mean a whole, produced and circulated not only with
finished work, something constructed and once-conventional film-based techniques and
completed, exhibited, and viewed according technologies, but on analog or digital video,
to principles established by years of pro- shown not in conventional movie theaters,
ducers and exhibitors and viewers rules but in classrooms, or in museums and art
The Documentary FilmReader 5

galleries, or in meeting halls, or on television, into the making of Capturing the Friedmans
or on private screens, watched, perhaps not in (dir. Andrew Jarecki, 2003), Tarnation (dir.
one sitting, but over several weeks or months, Jonathan Caouette, 2003), or Grizzly Man (dir.
a little at a time. Did the twelve one-hour epi- Werner Herzog, 2005), film is still the most
sodes of the television series An American flexible term we have to describe the kind of
Family (1973), shot in synchronous sound text that their makers construct, their distribu-
16mm film by documentary filmmakers Alan tors and exhibitors circulate, and their audi-
and Susan Raymond in the style then widely ences watch. Film still captures best how
known as cinma vrit, and watched by pub- such texts signify to their producers, viewers
lic television viewers over the course of sev- and critics, despite many good arguments
eral months, constitute a documentary film? one can make against being comfortable with
In the article about the series that she wrote this designation. Since in these situations and
for the magazine TV Guide, the American many others represented in this book, film
anthropologist and filmmaker Margaret Mead seems the least of all terminological evils, lets
argued that it was neither film nor a documen- stick with that name for the central object of
tary, even though it showed viewers the real the writings gathered here.
life of others interpreted by the camera.3 And Thornier still is the question of what
what about British filmmaker Peter Watkinss we mean by documentary. That question
celebrated and controversial short film The is within our purview, and the aim of The
War Game, made for BBC television in 1965? Documentary Film Reader is to pose it as fully
Depending on the viewers perspective, and variously as possible, and to allow read-
Watkinss film can be seen as a conjectural ers to answer it many different ways. The
documentary that describes a future thermo- documentary film has been a boxing ring for
nuclear war in England, a biting satire of Cold the experts, wrote an American non-fiction
Warera civil-defense instructional media, film producer in 1947.4 During the war, he
the deadpan account of actual statements by argued, documentary had shown itself to be
public officials on the prospects of surviving instructional, authoritative, and vital;
a nuclear war, or all three at once. (Watkins, but now documentary threatened to lapse
who had produced a somewhat more conven- back into the thoughtless capacity of a mov-
tional historical film for the BBC prior to mak- ing picture advertisement. And at the same
ing The War Game, and would go on to make moment, on the other side of the Atlantic,
film, television, and video about war and the science-film pioneer Jean Painlev
global conflict, discusses The War Game with was lamenting a glut of mediocre docu-
the American avant-garde filmmaker and mentaries devoid of the sincerity and
critic James Blue, in an interview reprinted inventiveness that originally inspired true
here, without once using the term documen- documentary artists, experimenters, and
tary; a newsreel situation that looks real, audiences alike. Such dire pronouncements
and organized unorganization, are about as had already been heard for years from pro-
close as Watkins comes. In Familial Pursuits, ducers, promoters, and other documentary
Editorial Acts: Documentaries After the Age film experts, from John Griersons declara-
of Home Video, Marsha Orgeron and Devin tion of First Principles in the early 1930s,
Orgeron foreground this problem of names where he laments the babblings of the
in their analysis of some widely-circulated peacetime newsreel, to the recent diag-
documentaries whose source material was, in nosis of a postdocumentary5 condition
large measure, highly personal home mov- signaled by the rise and spread of so-called
ies and amateur video diaries. Despite the reality television. But what each of these
panoply of technologies, materials, aesthet- commentators means by documentary
ics, and conditions of production that went might diverge a little or a lot from any other
6 The Documentary FilmReader

definition. Watching how and where the in the question of what documentary is, and
meanings of this concept change, develop is for. The term propaganda, for exam-
and retreat, in line with or in opposition ple, has a quite different sense before the
to definitions coined in other places and at Second World War, as in the affirmative use
other times, is one way to use this collec- of the term in writing by John Grierson or
tion: its international and historical range Pare Lorentz, and after, when it takes on
was conceived with an eye to highlighting a much more negative connotation, as it
both continuity and contradiction. does for critics assessing or re-assessing
These points of comparison should help the work of state-sponsored filmmakers
us understand why the question what is a in the classic era (1930s1960s) of social
documentary? has persisted, even if they documentary production in the West. By
make it that much more difficult to answer the same token, the resistance to didacti-
once and for all. One variation on this cism that overtakes documentary filmmak-
fundamental question is epistemological. ing in Western Europe and North America
Many writers have concerned themselves after 1960 doesnt necessarily extend to
with the issue of not only what we learn other parts of the world, where didacticism
from documentaries, but also how. What can still be seen as a creative and progres-
makes a documentary trustworthy or true sive quality of documentary method (as, for
as an account of or argument about events, instance, in Jorge Fraga, Estrella Pantin,
people, or ideas past or present? How does and Julio Garcia Espinosas Towards a
film complement or compete with other Definition of the Didactic Documentary, an
ways of observing, reflecting upon, and essay the authors presented to a Cuban edu-
explaining history, society, nature, culture, cational film conference in 1971). Andin
or psychology? (Compare the essays by Rick addition to these epistemological, aesthetic,
Altman, Kristen Whissel, Hamid Naficy, and political inflections of the question
and Nicholas Reeves for a sample of how what is (or is this) a documentary?the
some recent scholars ask what the earliest reader will find here many examples of criti-
documentarieseven before that was what cal writing about documentary concerned
they were calledadded to our knowledge less with abstract, theoretical problems of
of the world, and our ways of knowing it, in documentary content, rhetoric, or form
the present or the past.) There are also ver- than with specific historical questions about
sions of the question what is a documen- the difference a particular documentary
tary? that approach it as a problem of genre made in the world of its subjects or its view-
or form. What styles of documentary seem ers, about the reception of a particular film
more non-fictional than others? How much in its time or later, or about how the activity
stylehow much artifice, how much play of documentary filmmaking in a particu-
and experimentation with the plastic and lar place and moment reflects on the soci-
expressive tools of the mediumdo we per- ety that hosts or occasions this work, what
mit in something we call a documentary or a one might call documentary chronotopes in
non-fiction film? These issues were debated broader historical or social forms of inquiry.
vigorously in the 1920s and 1930s by film- From one item in this anthology to
makers and critics in the U.S., Europe, and another, you might find it difficult to iden-
Russia; examples of these controversies can tify particular rules or standards governing
be found in section II. And the matter of critical writing about documentary. Since
manipulationthe idea that documentary the materials that make up this collection
not only involves artifice and craft, but that were originally composed at different times
it exerts ideological or political pressure on and places, for a variety of audiences and
its viewersis a concern of long standing an equal variety of purposes, differences of
The Documentary FilmReader 7

language, style, and attitude from one text the reader will notice that there is some
to another will and should be noticeable, overlap between the years covered in one
especially where different authors deal section and another. The elasticity of these
with a common documentary topic, object, boundaries is intentional, and is meant to
or problem. How were these items chosen reflect the way that documentary principles
from among the many possibilities for rep- and techniques important to one historical
resenting a particular documentary film, era remain in use well after their period of
filmmaker, method, period, place, move- novelty and invention, or fall from fashion
ment, institution, or way of thinking? On and then return, or are remade, many years
the one hand, I searched for materials that later. This overlapping set of groupings
would provide the reader with an especially also underscores the cultural and national
useful or important view of a documentary diversity of documentary practice: even as
context, helping to locate particular works movements or technological innovations
in a historical period, a situation of produc- create what appear to be lasting shifts and
tion, or a social, intellectual, or political changes in the form, the uptake of these
era. On the other hand, I wanted examples changes is not universal, and documentary
that embodied different times, places, and always contains a variety of stylistic possi-
styles of critical writing, while serving as bilities. In this sense, the division into seven
models for students, instructors, and other parts should be seen as a convenient way to
readers looking for precise, detail-oriented assign dominant historical qualities to dif-
studies of documentary films. Creating a ferent tendencies that come and go in the
survey of critical writing that was histori- long tradition of documentary filmmaking
cally, geographically, and methodologically and documentary film criticism.
diverse was an editorial goal always in ten- The first section, Early Documentary:
sion with the aim of being comprehensive From the Illustrated Lecture to the Factual
in each of these areas. As in any long-lived Film, deals with the earliest kinds of factual
aesthetic endeavor, the standards of both moving images exhibited to a public and
utility and beauty in critical writing about the earliest attempts to combine these pic-
documentary are highly variable and idio- tures with historical or scientific commen-
syncratic. It might help to keep in mind tary; this, paradoxically, is also the period
that the pieces gathered hereand, in of documentary film history most recently
particular, the balance between primary excavated by scholars, and the period least
materials and secondary onesare meant likely to be covered in earlier historical sur-
to be effective for the present task of criti- veys. It takes the reader from the age of the
cism and to be representative of past ways illustrated travel lecture and the historical
of thinking, but not always both at once. spectacles put on by showmen like Buffalo
Editorial justifications notwithstanding, it Bill to the feature non-fiction cinema of
is hoped and expected that the articles and Robert Flaherty, whose 1922 film Nanook
essays collected here will be read in unpre- of the North was traditionally considered
dictable combinations. the starting point for a history of docu-
Complementing these principles of mentary cinema. Section II, Modernisms:
inclusion are divisions into the larger peri- State, Left, and Avant-Garde Documentary
ods marked by the sections. These might Between the Wars, focuses on international
be thought of as seven ages, or seven arts, experiments with documentary film in art
of documentary film, since they are meant and politics. Reactionary, reformist, and
to group critical writing according to both revolutionary perspectives on the power of
historical and formal distinctions. To be machines and of mechanical reproduction
sure, history is not just chronology, and to build, capture, and explode our world
8 The Documentary FilmReader

dominate documentary discourse of this critical program that continues into the
period. The third section, Documentary periods of sections VI and VII. As is sug-
Propaganda: World War II and the Post-War gested by the title of section VI, Truth Not
Citizen, emphasizes a relatively brief his- Guaranteed: Reflections, Revisions, and
torical development, but one with lasting Returns, fundamental assumptions about
effects for many of the most important the enterprise of documentary come under
institutions of documentary film in North concerted attack by filmmakers and critics
America, Western Europe, and other parts of alike. In this period, the study of documen-
the world (including territories where docu- tary film and media gains traction as a dis-
mentary was becoming useful in the cause crete branch of academic film and media
of national self-determination, a prominent studies, and core values of documentary
theme in sections four and five). A time of worktruth, ethics, historical certainty,
tremendous productivity for non-fiction film authenticity, spontaneity, the public
industries, the Second World War and its goodare subject to rigorous historical
aftermathwhich included the re-invention and theoretical examination. This skeptical
of the nation-state and the citizen for the scholasticism, in turn, finds its way back
Cold Warhave routinely been dismissed, into documentary practice, where new
by filmmakers and historians alike, as the forms, technologies, venues and audiences
most doctrinaire and least imaginative coincide in a new culture of experimen-
period for documentary film. The writing in tation, even as documentary becomes a
this section corrects that impression. fully transnational (or, not the same thing,
In sections IV and V, the reader encoun- global) product of the culture industries.
ters a plethora of perspectives on the Section VII, Documentary Transformed:
conditions, both within documentary film- Transnational and Transmedial Crossings,
making and without, that produced forms considers some aspects of this expanded
and debates central to what is sometimes field, and extends our inquiry toward the
called new documentary. Section IV, fields unstable borders and uncertain
Aesthetics of Liberation: Free, Direct, and horizons.
Vrit Cinemas, maps the widespread Each of the following sections has a
attempts to reduce the scale and loosen brief introduction of its own. These open-
the frame of documentary production, tak- ing statements serve as guides to the con-
ing cameras and microphones where they tents of each section:they note unique and
hadnt been before in an effort to show (as important features of the filmmaking and
Jonas Mekas writes in 1966) everything, criticism represented in the section, so that
everything. Section V, Talking Back: the reader, as she wends her way through
Radical Voices and Visions after 1968, fol- the section or the book, can attend to pat-
lows this enthusiasm through a sharp left terns that give a historical period its char-
turn, as documentary filmmaking inspires acter, or distinguish one thematic grouping
and joins social and political struggles from another; they make a case for defining
against colonialism, imperialism, war, and a historical period, ragged as its ends may
the domestic ideologies that complement be, as the section covers it; and they draw
these national and international forms of attention to some differences between the
violence: capitalism and class, sexual dif- way such films were seen at the time and
ference, racism and heterosexism. Not the way we, looking back, see them now.
coincidentally, the 1970s and 1980s is also Of course, these directives suggest that,
a time when critics begin writing alter- held at any angle, the book and each sec-
natives to the traditional Euro-American tion of it will reveal logics of history, cul-
genealogies of documentary, a piecemeal ture, and form that bind the whole, and
The Documentary FilmReader 9

the reader may doubt, especially when its neighbors in such an already overstuffed
he notices differences between the view book, the editor has put an ellipsis in square
expressed in one place in the book and the brackets to show that some sentences or
view expressed in another, or what seem paragraphs have been cut:[]. And in sev-
to him holes and notable absences, that eral other instances, cuts were made and/
this logic is anything other than a conve- or entirely new words added by the authors
nient fiction. Describing the philosophical themselves, in consultation with the editor.
method known as deconstruction as a way Those versions can be discerned by their
of teaching and of conducting research, asterisked date (1975*) and the correspond-
the historian Joan Wallach Scott writes of ing footnote (*Revised 2015) on their first
its critical engagement with the premises page. A full listing of the sources of every
of the endeavor.6 In this way, the reader chapter appears at the end of the volume,
might think of this collection as a decon- and serious (or casual) readers are strongly
struction of the history of documentary, encouraged to consult the full and original
one that she is welcome to continue in her versions of any of these substantially modi-
own classroom, with her own work, and in fied works.
her ownhead. Any other editorial interventions are the
work of an earlier or original editor or trans-
A note about versions: lator, as indicated by the signs of an Ed. or
In most cases, the chapters in this book a Trans. before or after such remarks.
republish the most complete version of a
text previously published, with only the most
minimal adjustments: correcting obvious
orthographic or typographic errors in origi- 1. Martha Rosler and John Tagg make forceful
arguments for this extreme position in their writing
nal and/or subsequent printing; conforming
about the history of documentary photography.
variant spelling, punctuation or typesetting See Martha Rosler, in, around, and afterthoughts
of foreign terms and phrases; etc. In some (on documentary photography), in 3 Works [1981]
cases, errors, idiosyncrasies, or discrepan- (Halifax: The Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art
and Design, 2006), 6193, as well as the Afterword
cies of date, spelling, or punctuation have to the 2006 edition of 3 Works; and John Tagg, The
been retained as they originally appeared, Burden of Representation: Essays on Photographies
to preserve something interesting about the and Histories (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Press, 1988).
way documentary discourse is written and 2. John Corner, Performing the Real: Documentary
circulated, including the changes, mistakes Diversions, Television and New Media 3, no. 3
and contradictions that are inherent in the (August 2002): 262.
3. Margaret Mead, As Significant as the Invention of
material process of publication. Citation Drama or the Novel, chapter 66 in this volume. See
and documentation formats diverge widely also Susan Murray, I Think We Need a New Name
across the history of publication represented for It: The Meeting of Documentary and Reality
TV, in Reality TV: Remaking Television Culture, ed.
here, however, and have largely been left in Susan Murray and Laurie Ouellette (New York: New
that discrepant state. York University Press, 2004), 4056.
Where more significant modifications 4. Wesley F.Pratzner, What Has Happened to the
Documentary Film?, The Public Opinion Quarterly
have been made, the reader will see two 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1947): 394.
kinds of indices. In the regrettable but nec- 5. Corner, Performing the Real, 257.
essary situation where the length of a text 6. Joan Wallach Scott, Against Eclecticism, differences:
A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 16, no. 3 (Fall
had to be reduced to accommodate it and all 2005), 11537.

From the Illustrated Lecture to the FactualFilm


Early documentary is a controversial term, what else there was to learn about the very
not least because no one can seem to agree earliest years of cinema, from the mid-1890s
on what makes early documentary early, or to the first decade of the 1900s, even in the
documentary. Calling something early absence of many surviving films from this
suggests that it is not yet, or not fully, that period. Not surprisingly, the archaeologi-
thing. At the same time, adding the modi- cal work done by this group of historians,
fier early to documentary (or documen- and the discoveries they made in the areas
tary film) suggests that there might have of film language, culture, and industry,
been a period of documentary film before occasioned reflection on the very question
what we have traditionally regarded as the of what exactly was earlya term that
origin of mature documentary film. These replaced the prejudicial primitiveabout
seemingly minor lexical worries about what cinema before 1907 or so. Although some
to call the baby steps of an emergent art of this cutting-edge research dealt with
form open a larger can of worms for film non-fiction filmmaking, the mainstream
historians and theorists, starting with the of documentary scholarship and criticism
nature of documentary itself. remained largely unaffected by it for many
For decades, it has been critical custom years, preoccupied as it was with the effort
to treat the feature-length ethnographic to establish a properly theoretical study of
exploration films of Robert Flaherty, starting documentary film, one that would give
with his 1922 feature film about Eskimos, documentary film the same standing in aca-
Nanook of the North, as the first documen- demic discussions, as an object of rigorous
taries.1 (Nanook was already Flahertys sec- theoretical analysis, that narrative fiction
ond attempt, after a nearly fatal accident in film gained in the 1960s and 1970s. (Some
the editing room with the first version, to examples of this important work can be
make such a film; you can read an account found in section VI, Truth Not Guaranteed:
of a public screening in Toronto of mate- Reflections, Revisions, and Returns.) In
rial from his first version in this section.) this sense, the critical study of documen-
During the 1990s, film historians began tary film continued to follow the historical
to occupy themselves with the question of model derived from John Grierson and his
14Early Documentary

prescriptive writing of the 1920s and 1930s, explanation of a moving image of actual-
which was sometimes dismissive and con- ity first realized in the mid-1920s. Indeed,
descending toward earlier non-fiction films, some of the early public displays of real
filmmakers, and audiences. life in far-away lands or times described in
Take, for example, media historian Erik this section demonstrate that qualities we
Barnouws book Documentary: A History might think of as central to the medium
of the Nonfiction Film, arguably the most of documentary film came less from the
influential English-language treatment of big-screen experience of documentary
the history of documentary since its initial technologieswhat Charles Musser calls
publication in 1974. Barnouws first chapter, life-sized photographs which moved2
subtitled Prophet, establishes a prehis- than from the producers claims, the audi-
toric period of documentary, one in which ences expectations and attitudes, and the
visionary filmmakers blazed a trail toward viewing (and listening) situation itself.
Nanook, along lines virtually identical to In historical, religious and ethnographic
the principles laid out in Griersons early spectacles, in narrated travelogues, and in
essay First Principles of Documentary. reports sent home from battle in triumph
Following Griersons dictum that documen- or despair, early non-fiction producers,
tary tells the essential story of the location, promoters, exhibitors, and audiences may
the mavericks described by Barnouw as together have constructed the documen-
proto-documentary filmmakers venture out tary experience. In press accounts and
into the worldthat is, away from the stage promotional materials circulated with
and the studioto capture visible evidence these scenes of conquest, war, and the
of that world. And in line with Griersons violence of primitive life, one gleans the
insistence that documentary filmmakers various promises made for the medium
should provide more than the ephemeral we would eventually know as docu-
excitements of the commercial travelogue mentary film. And in the retrospective
or the newsreel, or the didactic instruction accounts and analyses of these produc-
of propaganda, Barnouws prophets pursue tions, we see how the promised capacity
knowledge for its own sake, rather than the to convey certain information and affect
selfish ends of power or profit. its audience both emotionally and intel-
It is only relatively recently that serious lectually, as Musser puts it, served ideo-
challenges to the idea that documentary logical, political, and commercial ends, as
starts with Nanook have gained traction well as the purer aims of knowledge and
and begun to change the way we study universal understanding. Surveying the
and write about non-fiction film at the exploits of popular documentary from this
turn of the 19th century. Griersons writ- period, we cover terrainattitudes, as
ing figures prominently in this section well as placesthat can seem to us harsh,
and the next; but around it appear exam- strange and manipulative, exploitations in
ples of earlier and later writing that dis- the fullest sense. Some of the landmarks
cover in the early, experimental decades on this tour are excessively familiar to
of the documentary the potential for a viewers with the slightest knowledge of
kind of experience quite different from the history of documentary film; others
the cinema envisioned by Grierson and like In the Land of the Head Hunters (dir.
enshrined in Barnouw. Out of this alter- Edward Curtis, 1914), an ethnographic
nate evidence, arguments can be built fantasy constructed with native people
for earlier and different starting points from the west coast of North America
for documentary film, ones that need not may be known to specialists and scholars
lead only to the mature, self-contained but largely unseen, owing to their scarcity
Introduction to SectionI 15

or fragility in the period of their initial fiction and non-fiction we hold central to
release, or since. The section ends with our definition of documentary cinema.
considerations of a film well-positioned by
contemporary and retrospective accounts
to displace Nanook as the first successful Notes
popular documentary feature: Battle of the 1. This custom persists in even recent scholarly
Somme. Made by a propaganda agency of writing:in American Ethnographic Film and
the British government in 1916 to docu- Personal Documentary:The Cambridge Turn,
Scott MacDonald begins the early period of
ment this terrible battle and promote the American documentary film with Robert Flaherty.
war, Battle of the Sommestill a moving Scott MacDonald, American Ethnographic Film
and difficult film to watchwas seen and Personal Documentary:The Cambridge Turn
(Berkeley:University of California Press, 2013),7.
by tens of millions of viewers on both 2. Mussers point is that by 1896, the year after the
sides of the Atlantic. Publicity, propa- putative invention of cinema, the life-sized
ganda, exploitation, entertainment, com- moving photograph was already losing its power
to narrate or explain in a singular fashion. Charles
mercial spectacle: these original uses of Musser, The Eden Muse in 1898:The Exhibitor
non-fiction film might now look to us like as Creator, Film and History 11.4 (December
abuses, blurring the distinction between 1981):74.

The Early History of Travel Films(2006)

The history of cinema has by and large these products as little more than props
been configured as a history of films. for singers, impersonators, and lecturers.
Understandable in a post-1915 world dom- During cinemas formative years, films
inated by feature films, a film-oriented often existed only to the extent that they
approach to cinema reveals its shortcom- could be included in a live performance.
ings all too rapidly in the field of early cin- Edited or combined to suit the situation,
ema. Early moving pictures were in many moving pictures long remained subser-
cases like theatrical props: they gained vient to existing forms of entertainment
meaning only to the extent that perform- and the performers who providedthem.
ers were able to integrate them into their In order to understand certain aspects of
acts. When film entered the American early cinema, we must therefore put aside our
scene, the entertainment arts were heav- firmly entrenched film-oriented approach
ily dominated by performers. The leading to cinema in favor of a performer-oriented
theatrical trade organs of the periodThe position. This is especially true for the study
Billboard, the New York Clipper, and the of documentary films in general and travel
New York Dramatic Mirrororganized films in particular. For many years, histories
their reporting around acts and the people of documentary film began with the twen-
who performed them, not around prod- ties, lionizing Robert Flaherty and ignoring
ucts and the people who produced them. virtually everything earlier (e.g., Barsam
Even though the era was hardly without 1973). Even Kristin Thompson and David
its entertainment products (including Bordwell have recently claimed that before
sheet music, phonograph records, and the 1920s, documentary filmmaking had
moving pictures), a long tradition of cov- largely been confined to newsreels and sce-
ering the stage led the trades to consider nic shorts (1994: 202). While this claim
From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product 17

might seem to be borne out by production decades to contract with lecturers for both
company catalogues, it fails to reckon with lyceum and chautauqua performances.1
the full range of production during cin- Lyceum circuit lecturers typically held
emas first quarter century. Though it may forth in the many public buildings that dot-
be possible to base a history of Hollywood ted the turn-of-the-century cityscape, espe-
cinema on studio production, a history of cially town halls and public auditoriums,
travel films must start elsewhere. Because concert halls and opera houses, union halls
early cinema was a world not of films but of and churches. At first borrowing the same
performers, the history of travel films must venues, chautauqua lectures were eventu-
begin with those who performedthem. ally moved to more easily ventilated tents
In order to discover early travel films, it for the summer season.
is useless to search indexes under films, For several decades, lecturers remained
travel. Instead, we must look under the the featured performers on the lyceum
rubric lecturer. During cinemas forma- and chautauqua circuits. Moving from
tive years, many different types of lecturers town to town, they would typically repeat
used or accompanied films. Some simply the same lecture or coordinated course of
read out loud the film descriptions pro- lectures throughout a season, using the
vided by production companies. Others summer slow period to develop a new
made up their own commentary on exist- lecture or course for the following year.
ing films. For the history of travel films, Not until around 1915, with the growing
however, the most important lecturers were popularity of so-called tent chautauquas
the performers who traveled the Lyceum that filled the summer season, would this
and Chautauqua circuits with projector familiar pattern be disturbed. During
and homemade film in hand (Gaudreault the final quarter of the nineteenth cen-
and Lacasse 1996; Lacasse 2000; Musser tury, this schedule had been followed by
and Nelson 1991; Altman 2004b). Since many well-known travel lecturers who
the 1830s, when the National American illustrated their lectures with lantern
Lyceum grew out of lectures given by Josiah slides shot in foreign countries, includ-
Holbrook in Millbury, Massachusetts, ing Edward L. Wilson, the legendary John
Americans had regularly been regaled by L. Stoddard, and his successor E. Burton
public lectures designed to educate and Holmes. Whereas Wilson had begun lec-
uplift. Recognizing a widespread hunger turing before the heyday of the lyceum
for spiritual and intellectual revival, in circuit, Stoddards career began with lec-
1868 James Redpath established a talent tures on Constantinople as part of the
bureau to provide lecturers for the many Redpath Lyceum Course at the Boston
established lyceums spread throughout Music Hall, and on the Rhine and the
the country. In 1874 Lewis Miller, a busi- Alps for the Concord Lyceum in that citys
nessman, and John Heyl Vincent, a clergy- town hall (Barber 1993: 700). Like Wilson,
man, established a summer version of the Stoddard illustrated his lectures with lan-
lyceum on the shores of Lake Chautauqua tern slides taken or purchased during his
in western New York. Soon, year-round travels. Only the text was included when
lyceum lectures (on what was often termed Wilsons lectures were published, but
the platform circuit) would be joined by Stoddards photographs were reproduced
short-lived chautauqua meetings all over in the immensely popular published ver-
the country. In 1904 these chautauquas sions of his lectures (Wilson 187488;
were organized into circuits, thus facilitat- Stoddard 1897).
ing performer scheduling and travel. The Wilsons and Stoddards lectures pro-
Redpath Lyceum Bureau continued for vided Burton Holmes all the education he
18Early Documentary

needed to develop his own illustrated lecture known as a lecturer, not as a filmmaker.
style. Like all other late-nineteenth-century Ads for Holmess performances thus always
travel lecturers, Holmes practiced the art stressed his name and the term lecture,
of what is rightly called the illustrated lec- consigning his illustrationseven when
ture. At the heart lies the nounthe lecture they included moving picturesto the small
itself, the verbal discourse simultaneously print. A 27 February 1898 New York World
assuring temporal and geographical conti- advertisement, for example, announced
nuity, accompanied by continuous commu- Holmess performances at Dalys in the fol-
nication with the audience. The illustrations lowing manner:
occupy no more than an adjectival role,
helping to define and exemplify the words BURTONHOLMES
of the lecture. Because Holmes usually took LECTURES
his own photographs (or had them taken to MAGNIFICENTLY ILLUSTRATED
his specifications), he managed to provide INCOLOR
greater continuity within his illustrations accompanied by a series of original
than many other travel lecturers, who often MOTION PICTURES
bought stock slides from catalogues. Even Tomorrow at 11. Tuesday at
Holmes always subordinated his illustra- 3.Wednesdayat11.
tion program to the verbal lecture, how-
ever (Holmes 1901; Altman 2004b: chap. 4).
Thursday at 11. Friday at 3.Saturdayat11.
Though Wilson, Stoddard, and Holmes each
made a career out of showing slides, to their YELLOWSTONE NATIONALPARK
audiences it made no difference whether Reserved Seats, $1.50 and $1. Admission,50.
they shot their own pictures or not.
In 1897 Holmes began to make mov- Over the next twenty years, many a travel
ing pictures to supplement his lantern lecturer would complement his stock of
slides. Working with his cameraman, Oscar travel slides with motion pictures. In most
B. Depue, Holmes filmed many of the famous cases, these films were made by (or under
sites that he had previously photographed the supervision of ) the lecturer himself.
(Depue 1967: 6064). In a move that is A particularly representative example is
entirely predictable from his previous provided by Edward Burton McDowell
practice, and that would presage the next (who called himself Dr. and who around
two decades of travel filmmaking, Holmes 1907 changed the spelling of his name to
managed his moving pictures in exactly the MacDowell, perhaps to capitalize on the
same way that he handled his photographs. fame of contemporary American com-
At first treating his films as a novelty, he poser Edward MacDowell). Prior to 1902,
located them at the end of his lecture, as he McDowell offered typical fare for a travel
might place a series of unusual photos or lecturer on the platform circuit: lectures
trick slides. Then, a few years later, he began recounting his own trips, illustrated by
to intersperse them within his program, lantern slides which were developed by
using them like lantern slides to illustrate his own hands (McDowell folder). During
particular portions of his lecture (Barber the summer of 1902the platform circuit
1993: 8182). When he was working with off-seasonMcDowell traveled Through
still photographs, Holmes had never been Arizona Canyon and Yosemite to the
thought of as a photographer but always Glaciers of Alaska, where in addition to
as a lecturer. Now that he had begun to his photographs he made the first in a
make films and to integrate them into his series of annual travel films. Ever since
performances, he would continue to be they had become national parks in 1872
From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product 19

and 1890, respectively, Yellowstone and just like the motion picture portion of the
Yosemite had constituted prime targets for projectoras an add-on.
travel photographers and lecturers. Now In 1903 McDowell photographed and
McDowell would complement his lantern filmed Samoa: The Tropical Paradise
slides by motion pictures representing, of the South Pacific. His 1906 public-
according to his publicity, such animated ity doesnt spare the italics to claim that
subjects as his motion picture camera was the first to
be operated in either the Samoan or Fiji
Feeding Time on Pigeon and Ostrich
Islands; and that his moving pictures of
Ranches in California
savage life and customs in these remote
Surf Lashing a RockyCoast
lands are today the only ones in existence.
Parades during the Carnival ofRoses
Though McDowells films of Samoa are
Waterfalls of the Enchanted YosemiteValley
Panorama of the Yosemite Mountains
not known to still exist, his description
Yosemite Stage Coach passing through the
helps us to grasp how he understood his
Mariposa Grove TunnelTree filmmaking activity. McDowell never says
Bathers Diving and Toboganning that he made a film about Samoa, nor does
Locomotives Laboring Up Steep he advertise that he will show a film about
MountainGrades Samoa. Instead he promises The Story of
Ocean Steamer in a Storm, Tossing and a Summer Cruise, Illustrated by Original
Plunging through a HeavySea Motion Pictures, and Copyrighted
Railway Panorama of the White Pass,Alaska Photographic Slides Colored by a Master
Klondike Miners Shooting the Perilous Hand. Whenever they are mentioned,
White Horse Rapids,etc. motion pictures are always subservi-
ent to the verbal lecture, and always in
Projection of these films in alternation the plural. In Samoa, we are told, Dr.
with lantern slides was facilitated by the McDowell, with an equipment of three
design of contemporary projectors, which cameras, secured 40 motion pictures and
always combined a lantern slide light more than 1,000 negatives of still sub-
source and transport mechanism with jects. Designed to replace lantern slides
an add-on motion head permitting the when the lecture calls for illustration of an
unspooling of motion pictures. Of course activity rather than a landscape, building,
McDowell did not himself project his or still life, McDowells motion pictures
films. Turn-of-the-century platform lectur- put the accent on motion, including:
ers always depended on a confederate to
handle projection duties while they lec- Samoan Dance by Twenty Men andWomen
tured. When McDowell added films to his CanoeRace
arsenal, motion picture projection was thus WarDance
added to the duties of Mr. D.C. Denmark, Waterfall
Assistant, Stereoptician and Motion Picture Food Offering and ProcessionalMarch
Expert. From a 1909 document in the Samoan Youths Bearing the RoastedPig
Redpath Chautauqua Collection we know Running Dance of Taupou andManaia
that the railroad fare for McDowells pro- Depositing the Cocoanuts
jectionist was paid by the Redpath Lyceum MoonlightDance
Bureau as part of McDowells lecturing Diving Scene by Thirty-five NativeBoys
contract (McDowell folder). During the cen- Firing Gun on U.S. Man-of-War
turys first decade, contracts were typically Surf Dashing on a Lava WalledShore
made between the lecturer and the booking Remarkable Samoan ChildrensDance
company, with the projectionist handled ShipatSea
20Early Documentary

Just as contemporary catalogues desig- From the Palma ranch Dr. MacDowell
nated and sold individual Passion play journeyed farther up the river toward the
scenes as separate entities, for McDowell interior to near the head of navigation
each of these subjects constituted a sepa- where there is a little grass hut village,
rate motion picture capable of replacing which does not possess a resident who
a lantern slide. In a sense, these films were knows a word of English.
still defined as views, according to the A bed among the salt and sugar barrels
eras conception of still photographs. They in the back room of a country store was his
did not yet constitute the stand-alone object resting place for severaldays.
that would later be understood by the term His story about how he got out of the wil-
motion picture (in the singular). In 1904 derness is most interesting and thrilling.
McDowell returned to the South Pacific in How the rainy season came on suddenly
order to film the Fiji Islands. The follow- and how a long forced horseback ride was
ing year he would join a bevy of filmmak- made through the forests and flooded
ers to record the building of the Panama swamps back to civilization.
Canal. His publicity is careful to point out How the floods had swept away the
that the motion pictures were made by bridges and how his horses swam three riv-
ers during the trip are among the strenuous
Dr.McDowell with his own motion picture
adventures which Dr.MacDowells motion
camera; and these motion pictures of the
picture camera has faithfully reproduced.
canal work are the first and only ones yet
made (McDowell folder).
In 1907 McDowell (having now McDowells increasing tendency to orga-
changed the spelling of his name) took his nize his short motion picture subjects into
Goerz-Anschutz camera to Cuba, where he self-contained stories was shared by several
filmed not only well-known tourist and bat- other itinerant lecturer/filmmakers of the
tle sites but also the back country. Whereas period.
his previous film footage had always con- As we know from the route slips kept by
sisted of separate short subjects, each the Redpath Bureau, late in the first decade
appropriate to replace a lantern slide, of the century McDowell took his illus-
McDowells Cuban motion pictures are in trated lectures to an extraordinary range of
large part organized around the story of his small to medium-size Midwestern towns.
own difficulties: From 8 to 23 January 1909, for example, he
lectured in the Michigan towns of Adrian,
After feasting his cameras along these Traverse City, and Muskegon, before dip-
beaten paths of travel, and in accordance ping down to Covington, Kentucky, on his
with his reputation for seeking out of the way to Chillicothe, Columbus, Hebron,
way places because of his great love for and Glenford, Ohio. After four weeks
roughing it, he then answered a call of break, McDowell then moved on to Medina
the wild and began to follow the muddy and Lima, Ohio, plus Peru and Warren,
bends of an alligator stream, the only navi- Illinois, and, after an excursion to Mankato,
gable river in Cuba, far up into the interior Minnesota, the Iowa towns of Toledo,
forests. Osage, Manchester, and Thornton. All of
Dr. MacDowell there visited Estrada this from 22 February to 4 March. In just
Palma, the recently deposed president of a month on the road, during the coldest
Cuba, who, with his children and grandchil- months of the year, McDowell had thus
dren, has retired to a lonely cattle ranch that taken the warm climates of Samoa, Fiji,
he may more easily bury his crushed ambi- Panama, and Cuba to seventeen towns in
tions and try to forget an ungratefulworld. six states.
From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product 21

During this period, several other lyceum Prices films covered the great cities of
circuit lecturers took to making their own Europe and the Mediterranean, includ-
travel films. Best known for his Passion play ing Pompeii, Venice, Algiers, Paris, and
lectures, delivered over two thousand times Copenhagen, as well as Holland, Sweden,
to over two million people, John J. Lewis Switzerland, Egypt, and China. In addition,
also delivered travel lectures illustrated with his publicity promised smugglers at work
motion pictures (Lewis folder). Like John on the France-Italy border and scenes in
Stoddard and Burton Holmes, Lewis had not darkest Africa, India, Ceylon, Japan, Russia,
hesitated to provide a travel frame to make Germany, England, and Norway (Price
his locally shot Passion play pictures appear folder). Though these films have not to my
to have been made in Oberammergau. By knowledge been preserved, their role in a
prefacing the play itself with scenes on an program of platform lectures is made clear
express train and an Atlantic liner, and foot- in the lecturers publicity pamphlets.
age from Paris, Switzerland, and Munich, Throughout the first and into the second
Lewis reinforced the impression that his decade of the century, traveling lecturers
religious tableaux were shot as the culmi- continued to fill out their programs with
nation of an actual trip to Oberammergau. moving pictures. When the summer tent
In other films, Lewis used motion pictures chautauqua movement was organized, ever
to illustrate everything from the Canadian new opportunities were created for lectur-
Rockies and old New England to Vesuvius ers. As Jane Schulz put it: Residents of
and the 1900 WorldsFair. Chautauqua communities were searching
Like Edward McDowell, George Earle for inspiration and enlightenment, but they
Raiguel had taken advantage of universal also were looking for stories that took them
fascination with the building of the Panama outside the limited orbit of their experience.
Canal to expand his repertory. In subse- Sensing this interest, Chautauqua manage-
quent years, he would make motion pic- ment made sure that they booked an occa-
tures of Paris, Switzerland, the shores of the sional travel and adventure program for
Mediterranean, Japan, and China (Raiguel each summer season (2002:1046). With
folder). One of the few female filmmaking his wife, A. W. Stephens accompanied his
lecturers, Bernyce Childs, began in 1906 to performances with moving pictures wher-
film the North American West Coast from ever he lectured in the upper Midwest.
San Diego as far north as Nome, Alaska. The press clippings dossier included in his
For years her lectures were accompanied publicity pamphlet related his triumphs
by these films, until she eventually sold her in such towns as Earlville, Iowa; Camargo,
negatives to the Charles Besler Company Illinois; Peebles, Ohio; and Pardeeville,
(Moving Picture News 1911). By 1910, virtu- Wisconsin (Stephens folder). George Earle
ally every corner of the globe had been Raiguel and Frederick Poole featured their
included in travel films shot by itinerant films of Europe and China in Philadelphias
lecturers. Robert Dyball Scarlett parlayed Witherspoon Hall, as part of a University
his time in the Philippines into a series of Extension Society lecture series (Raiguel
films that supported his lecturing career for folder). Arthur K.Peck offered not only tra-
many years (Scarlett folder). In support of ditional views of the landmarks of European
his Travelogues, Clarence Price offered culture and the beauties of American nature
the most wonderful moving pictures ever in many high-profile East Coast venues as
exhibited in the United States. These pic- well as Midwest chautauquas but also a
tures were taken in foreign countries under series of moving pictures depicting the
the personal direction of Mr. Price, with his activities of the coastal lifesaving servicea
own photographers and picture machines. topic destined to help free travel films from
22Early Documentary

their dependency on accompanying lec- growing complexities of film production

tures. According to his publicity, Peck was and the difficulty of balancing a lecturing
among the very first to offer moving pic- career with production of moving pictures
tures to his patrons to supplement Travel (along with the development of summer
Lectures when desired (Peck folder). J. E. tent chautauquas, which offered lucrative
Comerford not only projected films in sup- engagements during the very period when
port of his lecture A Day and a Night with lecturers had previously shot their films)
Our Life Savers, his troupe also provided eventually combined to change this situ-
sensational stage effects, including sound ation. Increasingly, lecturers collaborated
effects of every sort (Comerford folder). with film production companies to shoot
In addition to travel films in the tradi- and edit their films. As early as 1907, the
tion of Stoddard and Holmes, many plat- veteran journalist Alfred Patek had illus-
form lecturers produced nature films to trated his lectures with films of the Panama
accompany their lectures. John P. Gilbert Canal made in conjunction with a camera-
shot his own nature study and micropho- man from the Edison Company (Moving
tography films (Gilbert folder). Richard Picture World 1907: 137). J. E. Comerfords
E.Follett, director of the Detroit Zoological life-saving films were produced in collabo-
Society, was a leader in producing wildlife ration with the Kineto graph Company
films (Follett folder). In this domain he was (Comerford folder). Edwin L.Barker devel-
joined by the curator of the Bronx Zoological oped the first of his so-called industrial
Park, Raymond L. Ditmars, with his 1914 photoplays, Back to the Old Farm, with the
film The Book of Nature (Hanson 1988:89). Essanay Company (Barker folder). The
Other nature films were produced by lectur- professional support of an established pro-
ers Howard Cleaves and Lee Keedick and duction company was much appreciated
by Kadow Productions (Cleaves, Keedick, by lecturers who had a hard enough time
and Kadow folders). Before he perfected meeting a busy lecture schedule.
his famous camera, Carl Akeley used films Once their signature films were widely
shot in Africa to complement his lectures distributed, however, some of the shine was
(Akeley folder). The lectures delivered by instantly rubbed off their performances.
the naturalist Arthur C. Pillsbury were In many cases, lecturers responded by
accompanied by motion pictures made with shifting their focus. Once a renowned
the help of x-rays. monologist, impersonator, and lecturer, in
During the second decade of the cen- subsequent years Edwin L. Barker would
tury, several developments conspired to turn his entire attention to filmmaking,
break travel films and nature documen- as director of Barkers World Picture
taries out of the performance orientation Stories, including The Dawn of Plenty, The
that had previously defined them. Until Dawn of Power, and The Dawn of Commerce
about 1910, moving pictures were consid- (Barker folder). Another lyceum-circuit
ered by travel lecturers as essential props lecturer, F. Tennyson Neely, would even-
in their program. Like comedy routines, tually style himself as publisher and lec-
stage dialogue, and specially confected turer, thanks to his Wonder Pictures.
sets, moving pictures provided necessary These films, including The Nations at
differentiation among live performers. For War, With the German Army, Submarine
this reason, lecturers carefully protected Warfare, The Bandits of Mexico, Great
their films from duplication. When they Italian-Austrian Struggle, and Our Country
showed films taken by others, they often at Peace, were advertised as having been
claimed authorship of those films in order shot on the battlefields of the Great War
to promote their own individuality. The (Exhibitors Herald 1916; Neely folder). As
From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product 23

Neely put it, he began booking his films May 1912, The Alaska-Siberian Expedition
with or without lecturer (Neely folder). (Alaskan-Siberian Motion Pictures, 1912) was
This potential separation of the film accompanied by a lecture delivered by the
from its lecturer-author bespeaks a major filmmaker, Frank E. Kleinschmidt, himself.
change in travel and other documentary In Philadelphia the lecture was presented by
films. Once tied ineluctably to a lecturers another member of the expedition (Hanson
performance, films might now be under- 1988: 10). In all likelihood, the competing
stood as separable and even separate com- Atop of the World in Motion (Beverly B.Dobbs,
modities, a potential source of income for 1912)received the same treatment. The pho-
any exhibitor, even in the absence of the tographer Martin Johnson documented life
films author-lecturer. in the South Pacific in the 1913 Jack Londons
This process had been facilitated by two Adventures in the South Seas. A year later,
important 1912 film events. In February 1912, Kleinschmidt was back with Captain F. E.
Kinemacolor opened its most successful Kleinschmidts Arctic Hunt (Arctic Film Co.,
film in NewYork City. Durbar in Kinemacolor 1914). The same year, Albert Blinkhorn offered
showed King George V of Great Britain The Capture of a Sea Elephant and Hunting
and Queen Mary participating in the dur- Wild Game in the South Pacific Islands (Albert
bar held in Delhi, India. At first presented Blinkhorn, 1914); the explorer Vilhjalmur
with Lawrence Grants lecture, the film Stefansson produced Rescue of the Stefansson
was so successful that it took on a life of its Arctic Expedition (Sunset Motion Picture Co.,
own, independent of Kinemacolors house 1914); and J. Campbell Besley produced The
lecturer (Musser and Nelson 1991: 162ff.). Captain Besley Expedition (Captain Besley
Two months later came the unprecedented Motion Picture Co., 1914). The following year,
success of Paul J. Raineys African Hunt. Besley would offer a sequel, In the Amazon
Originally eight reels long, this record of Jungles with the Captain Besley Expedition
a high-profile African safariled by the (Captain Besley Motion Picture Co., 1915).
explorer Paul J.Rainey accompanied by John Lady Grace Mackenzie also recorded her safari
C. Hemment, a photographer, and a taxi- in Lady Mackenzies Big Game Pictures (Lady
dermist from the Smithsonian Institution, Mackenzie Film Co., 1915). Even America par-
Professor Edmund Hellerwas edited to ticipated in this movement, through films
five thousand feet for its April 1912 release like Frank M. Bucklands and J. F. Clearys
and subsequently expanded to six reels for a American Game Trails (Education Films Corp.
November 1913 re-release. Initially, a lecture of America,1915).
by Hemment accompanied the film, but by In many ways, these expedition films
November 1913 subtitles had been added, served to perpetuate the tradition of films
thus facilitating distribution of the film with made and accompanied by platform lec-
or without lecturer (Hanson 1988:703). In turers. Always closely identified with a
June 1914 a sequel, Raineys African Hunt, specific explorer, who often made personal
opened at New Yorks Casino Theater appearances and provided lectures in con-
(Hanson 1988:755). Both of these films were junction with film screenings, these films
extensively covered not only by the trade were usually distributed by the explorer
press but by the popular press aswell. himself or herself rather than by one of
The success of Raineys films led to a boom the eras well-known production compa-
in expedition and nature films. Though des- nies. A series of films produced by the
tined for traditional distribution (usually on a explorer Edward A. Salisbury helped to
states-rights basis), many of these films were break this bondage to a personal appear-
at first presented by a lecturer in a lyceum-like ance aesthetic. In 1915 Salisbury had lec-
context. When it opened in New York in tured in San Francisco, New York, and
24Early Documentary

Chicago to accompany Wild Life of America with special attention to the siege and cap-
in Films (Edward A.Salisbury, 1915), made ture of Port Arthur (Musser and Nelson
in cooperation with government officials 1991: 162ff.). When the building of the
(Hanson 1988: 1039), but Salisburys Panama Canal was the big news, everyone
next film would break free from the from Holmes and McDowell to Patek and
filmmaker/explorer-returns-home-as- Raiguel got into the act. Every year, as they
lecturer approach. Using footage shot on a struggled to produce or cobble together
year-long expedition down the East Coast of films to support their routines, lecturers
the United States, through the Caribbean looked to current events as one potential
and the Panama Canal, and up the western guide. The increasing popularity of news-
coast of Central America, Salisbury pro- reels in the new decade put a decided brake
duced three filmsOn the Spanish Main, on the production of contemporary-event
Pirate Haunts, and The Footsteps of Capt. films in support of traveling lecturers. For
Kidd. At first presented by the explorer example, the Mexican Revolution was vir-
himself in a traditional lecture-oriented tually ignored by lecturing filmmakers but
fashion, the films were soon outfitted with provided material for several feature films,
titles by the novelist Rex Beach (who had including Barbarous Mexico (Americas
also participated in the exhibition) and Feature Film Co., 1912), Mexican War
shown in March and April 1917, without a Pictures (Lubin Mfg. Co., 1913), and The Life
lecturer, in New Yorks prestigious Rialto of General Villa (Mutual Film Corp., 1914).
Theater. Subsequently, these films were Produced for regular distribution, these
distributed by the Grand Feature Film films went straight to movie theaters rather
Company. than to the lecture circuits.
The rise of newsreels shortly after 1910 When war broke out in Europe in 1914,
further aided in wrenching documentary many companies rushed to produce and
films out of the live performance lectur- distribute feature documentaries. While
ing world and establishing them as viable a few of these, like The Battle and Fall of
products available for general distribu- Przemysl (American Correspondent Film
tion. Every year would bring additional Co., 1915), were outfitted with lectures
competition for Paths pioneering news- meant to be read during screening (Hanson
reel, which had begun in August 1911. In 1988:48), by far the majority were prepared
February 1912 Gaumont began offering its for commercial theatrical distribution by
Animated Weekly. On the first day of 1913, the inclusion of explanatory intertitles.
the Mutual Weekly was introduced. In 1914 Within eighteen months of the wars begin-
Selig teamed up with the Hearst newspa- ning, American exhibitors had been offered
pers to produce its own newsreel (Bowser such forgotten gems as On the Belgian
1990:185). Before and after the turn of the Battlefield (Tribune Company, 1914), The
century, traveling lecturers had regularly War of the World (Lewis Pennant Features,
built programs around news from the 1914), The Battles of a Nation (American
other side of the world. Many lectures on Correspondent Film Co., 1915), The German
Cuba and the Philippines were spawned Side of the War (Chicago Tribune, 1915), The
by the Spanish-American War; these were History of the Worlds Greatest War (Selig
often accompanied by moving pictures Polyscope Co., 1915), History of the Great
showing important locations and recon- European War (Picture Playhouse Film
structing newsworthy events. During the Co., 1915), European War Pictures (Apex
190405 season, both Lyman Howe and Film Co., 1915), On the Firing Line with the
E. Burton Holmes showed films present- Germans (Industrial Moving Picture Co.,
ing aspects of the Russo-Japanese War, 1915), Russian Battlefields (Chicago Tribune,
From Lecturers Prop to Industrial Product 25

1915), and The Warring Millions (American Barber, X. Theodore. 1993. The Roots of Travel
Cinema: John L. Stoddard, E. Burton Holmes
Correspondent Film Co.,1915). and the Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Travel
During the first decade of the century, Lecture. Film History: An International Journal 5,
homemade films about foreign places no. 1: 6884.
Barsam, Robert Meran. 1973. Nonfiction Film:ACritical
and events had provided itinerant lectur- History. NewYork:Dutton.
ers with personalized props for their pro- Bowser, Eileen. 1990. The Transformation of
grams. Like other contemporary stage Cinema:19071915. NewYork:Charles
performers, these lecturers used every Depue, Oscar B. 1967. My First Fifty Years in Motion
means at their disposal to individualize Pictures. In A Technological History of Motion
and popularize their routines. Moving pic- Pictures and Television, ed. Raymond Fielding,
tures provided a perfect medium for this 6064. Berkeley:University of CaliforniaPress.
Exhibitors Herald. 1916. 5 February.
process. By the middle of the next decade, Fairweather, Kathleen. 1998. The Towering Challenge
however, films about faraway places had of Everest. American Cinematograpber 75, no. 5
earned a new status. Travel and war films (May):852.
Gaudreault, Andr, and Germain Lacasse, eds. 1996.
had been severed from the live stage, Le bonimenteur de vues animes/The Moving Picture
turned instead into commodities expected Lecturer. Special issue Iris 22.
to stand by themselves. With information Griffiths, Alison. 1996. Science and Spectacle: Native
American Representation in Early Cinema.
previously provided by a lecturer now built In Dressing in Feathers: The Construction of
into intertitles, these films were able to the Indian in American Popular Culture, ed. S.
enter into a new type of commercial con- Elizabeth Bird, 7995. Boulder, Colo.: Westview
figuration, where the films would do the _____. 2002. Wondrous Difference:Cinema,
traveling, without the need for a lecturer Anthropology, and Turn-of-the-Century Visual
to accompany them. No longer lecturers Culture. NewYork:Columbia UniversityPress.
_____.2003. Medieval Travelogues:Tapestry and
props, these films had now become indus- Gothic Architecture as Precursors to Imax.
trial products. Paper presented at the Multi-Media Histories
Conference, Exeter University,UK.
_____.2004. The Largest Picture Ever Executed
by Man:Panoramas and the Emergence of
Note Large-Screen and 360 Degree Technologies.
In Screen Culture:History and Textuality,
1. This essay relies heavily on the papers of the
ed. John Fullerton, 199200. London:John
Redpath Lyceum Bureau, which are deposited
in the Department of Special Collections of
Hanson, Patricia King, ed. 1988. The American Film
the University of Iowa Library. The largest
Institute Catalog of Motion Pictures Produced
existing collection on this topic, the Redpath
in the United States:Feature Films, 19111920.
Chautauqua Collection includes 7,949 publicity
Berkeley:University of CaliforniaPress.
brochures, promotional advertisements, and
Holmes, E.Burton. 1901. The Burton Holmes Lectures,
flyers for 4,545 lecturers, teachers, preachers,
with Illustrations from Photographs by the Author. 10
politicians, actors, singers, concert companies,
volumes. Battle Creek, Mich.:Little-Preston.
magicians, whistlers, and other performers who
_____. 1953. The World Is Mine. Culver City, Calif.:
traveled the lyceum and chautauqua circuits
Murray and Gee.
at the beginning of the twentieth century. All
Lacasse, Germain. 2000. Le bonimenteur de vues
subsequent mentions of named folders refer to
animes: Le cinma muet entre tradition et
portions of the Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
modernit. Qubec: Nota bene; Paris: Mridiens
For further information on this collection, see
Moving Picture News. 1911. Educational Lectures. 11
March, 9.
Moving Picture World. 1907. 4 May, 137.
WORKSCITED Musser, Charles, and Carol Nelson. 1991.
High-ClassMoving Pictures:Lyman H.Howe
Altman, Rick, ed. 1990. Sound Theory/Sound Practice.
and the Forgotten Era of Traveling Exhibition,
19801920. Princeton, N.J.:Princeton
_____. 2004a. The Redpath Chautauqua Collection.
Cinema &Cie3.
Pfefferman, Naomi. 1995. On Top of the World.
_____. 2004b. Silent Film Sound. NewYork:Columbia
American Cinematographer 76 (August):3234.
26Early Documentary
Stoddard, John L. 1897. John L.Stoddards Thompson, Kristen, and David Bordwell. 1994. Film
Lectures:Illustrated and Embellished with History:An Introduction. NewYork:McGraw-Hill.
Views of the Worlds Famous Places and People, Wilson, Edward L. 187488. Wilsons Lantern
Being the Identical Discourses Delivered Journeys:ASeries of Descriptions of Journeys
During the Past Eighteen Years Under the at Home and Abroad for Use with Views in the
Title of the Stoddard Lectures. 10 volumes. Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. 3 volumes.
Boston:BalchBros. Philadelphia:Benerman and Wilson.


To be as near eye-witnesses of the won- who gazed could have felt almost as though
derful Japanese campaign against Port they, too, were sitting there watching the
Arthur as the ingenuity of human inven- breathlessly momentous conflict. These
tiveness could make possiblesuch was viewsauthentic battle pictures and pan-
the unique treat enjoyed by a deeply inter- orama of bursting shells and minesgave
ested audience at the Columbia Theater one an overpowering idea of the force of
yesterday afternoon. Burton Holmes trav- explosives in modern warfare. The monster
elogue transcended thus the merits of bombardment of the huge Osaka babies
even his other most beautifully illustrated (17-ton guns), spitting destruction on the
picture-lectures, in that it transported its Russian forts, was impressive enough,
spectators not merely to far-away scenes, but the climax came in the canvas-thrown
but into the very heart of a thrilling and spectacle of the blowing up of the crucial
supremely important war, the echoes of Russian stronghold by a giant undermine
which have scarcely died out in the peace of of dynamite. Against these remarkable
Portsmouth. The photographer on the field triumphs of motion photography were
of battle and the moving picture expert, shown the trials and hard labors of the
snapshotting the perilous flight and explo- little Japanese soldiers afieldtugging, a
sion of tremendous death-dealing shells, thousand in a line, at the overland-drawn
have brought vividly before the view, as cannons, slowly working as sappeurs
though one were actually on the battlefield, with pick and spade in the trenches, car-
the terrors and mighty enginery of siege and rying out the will of the iron-nerved Gen.
assault. The little press gallery of war cor- Nogi. The Russian himself was shown as
respondents and photographers on the hill a brave fellow, but every heart in the audi-
outside Port Arthur was shown, and those ence responded to the peculiar, emphatic
28Early Documentary

marching, with the steps of conquerors, sort of picture-epic of Japanese heroism

of the victorious Japs into the fallen cita- and triumph.
del of the foe. From the razor-like sweep of A notable feature of the Russian pictures
the Japanese battleships on sea to the firm was the presence in one of them of Gen.
tramp, tramp of the inmarching heroes at Trepoff, on whose shoulders the Jewish
Port Arthur, the whole travelogue was a assassinations of Russia arelaid.

Modern Warfare and theBattle Reenactment atthe
Turn ofthe Century(2008)

In January 1900, after the celebrations of Civil War, Oliver Wendell Holmes predicted
the victory over Spain by the United States that the next European War will send us
had waned and the Philippine-American stereographs of battles. It is asserted that
War and the Boer War were escalating, an a bursting shell can be photographed. The
article in Leslies Weekly entitled Pictures time is perhaps at hand when a flash of
That Will Be Historic announced that the light as sudden and brief as that of light-
American Biograph is taking a prominent ning which shows a whirling wheel stand-
part in the two wars which are now occupy- ing stock still, shall preserve the very instant
ing the center of the worlds stage We are of the shock of contact of the mighty armies
promised some vivid, soul-stirring pictures that are even now gathering. The lightning
of actual, grewsome war, and the conditions from heaven does actually photograph
under which the Biograph operators in the objects on the bodies of those it has just
Transvaal and the Philippines are working blastedso we are told by many witnesses.
are so favorable that the promise will prob- The lightning of clashing sabres and bayo-
ably be made good.1 The much-hoped-for nets may be forced to stereotype itself in a
fulfillment of the cinemas promise to pro- stillness as complete as the tumbling tide of
vide a technologically mediated view that Niagara as we see it self-pictured.2
visually placed the audience on the imperial At both of these cultural-political mome
battlefield echoed speculations about the nts, new technologies of visual representa-
same promise made by photography in the tion promised to transform the shock of
middle of the nineteenth century. Writing modern warfare into consumable spectacles
on the eve of the Crimean War and the U.S. available for mass consumption by civilian
30Early Documentary

spectators eager to see history. Holmess belied by the actual output of Civil War pho-
anticipation of instantaneous photography tographs. The cameras technological limita-
by approximately thirty years allowed him tions and long exposure times (from three
to imagine an ideal form of image mak- to twenty seconds) excluded actual battle
ing analogous to a bolt of lightning and from the kinds of events and scenes that
hence able to match the violence of modern photography might record; hence Matthew
mechanized warfare. He describes a form of Bradys photographers captured only war
photography powerful enough to arrest an preparations and the aftermath of battles
otherwise unstoppable motion at the point in images of damaged and dismembered
of irreversibilitythe spinning of a wheel, bodies, ruins, and war-torn landscapes.4 In
a waterfall, a bursting shell, or clashing turn, as Timothy Sweet notes, many of the
armiesand thereby make the historically latter were photographic reenactments of
significant moment of military shock visible sorts:often the pictured scene was arranged
while diminishing its capacity to harm the or composed by the photographer to yield
observer. Half a century later, the author of ideological meanings about the nature of
the Leslies article asks the reader to return the war, its inevitable outcome, and the
to Holmess era and to the Civil War and the future of the Union.5 Like their counter-
Crimean and imagine the historical value of parts during the Civil War, moving picture
a moving picture of the charge at Balaclava, cameramen such as Biographs Billy Bitzer
or of the advance upon Gettysburg. Like (who landed with U.S. forces in Cuba) and
Holmes, this author imagines future mili- W.K. L.Dickson (attached to British forces
tary history captured and rendered visible at in South Africa), C.Fred Ackerman (who was
its most dynamic and incendiary moment attached to U.S. forces in the Philippines),
when charging armies reach the peak of and Edisons William Paley (who followed
their momentum and collide. Moreover, U.S. troops to Cuba only to have to depart
the technologies they discuss seem to shape because of illness), were frustrated by their
their understanding of historyfor in each attempts to record battles on film. The
case to see history is to see the vivid and hypermodern condition of contemporary
the grewsome, or the moment of the warfareits unprecedented mechanization
shock of contact between clashing forces. of violence and unpredictable, traumatizing
In short, technologies of vision promised shocks; its unstable visual fields; its surprise
to satisfy curiosity about (the gruesome- attacks and blinding smoke; its dispersal of
ness of) modern warfare and a hence desire charging, falling, and dismembered bodies
to participate visually in the trauma of his- across distant, tropical landscapesmade
tory. Photography and film seemed to offer cinematic recordings of real battles difficult
viewers the opportunity to savor what Alan if not impossible. As the Leslies article sug-
Trachtenberg calls that pleasurable fright gests, the same technology of vision that had
from the safest of distances: that between produced a surplus of films of camp life and
ones eyes and a photograph,3 or between war preparations, new military technologies,
spectator and screen. victory parades, and military drills had also
Holmess expectations and the actual produced a paucity of vivid, soul-stirring,
outcome of photographic enterprises dur- pictures of actual, grewsome war. To rep-
ing the Civil War in many ways parallel resent this most modern scene cinemati-
the expectations and outcome of cinema cally, companies resorted to reenactments
and of American imperial wars at the turn restaged after the fact, and on U.S. soil, by
of the last century. As Trachtenberg notes, national guardsmen or hired actors.
Holmess prediction of the imminent pho- Hence the battle reenactment film
tographic recording of military shock was seems to have addressed twinned desires
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 31

linked to the visual consumption of the moving images that blurred the distinc-
nations military-imperial history: the tion between representation and the his-
desire to follow the movements of armed torical real and in the process annealed
forces, even in battle, and the attendant the shocks of warfare.
need to manage the inevitable trauma When discussing the generic liminal-
incurred by modern warfare. That such ity of early reenactment films, historians
desires were paramount in American cul- tend to agree that, as Richard Abel notes,
ture in the late nineteenth century and the imposing the later distinction between
early twentieth is not surprising, for U.S. documentary and fictional genres is
history had long been inscribed within problematic in several respects. As Abel
ideologies of expansion that required states in his history of early French film,
the conquest of space by the military, by prior to 1908 the difference between
settlers, and by technologies such as the recording a current public event as it was
railway. And [. . .] by the end of the nine- happening and reconstructing a past (or
teenth century the soldier had become a even present) historical event in a studio
rather celebrated icon of modern mobil- was relatively insignificant. More impor-
ity within American culture. In turn, new tant was that a representation of the his-
technologies of war enabled the annihila- torical differed from a representation of
tion of space and time in profound new the purely fictive or imaginarywhich
ways that were calculated to accelerate meant that referential differences mat-
the momentum of clashing forces, thus tered more than differences in modes of
making military shock an effect of new representation In other words, the
types of mobilization. Live and film battle historical scene was bound to the actu-
reenactments addressed the spectatorial alit within an unbroken continuum
desire to be absorbed visually into paths uniting historical past and present. This
of military traffic as it moved across dis- historical continuum allowed French
tant frontiers and to view the moment filmmakers such as Path and Mlis to
of the shock of contact between clashing exploit the shared family resemblance
forces. In turn, the reiterative structure of between historical reconstructions and
the reenactmentits rehearsal and rep- actualites.6 Miriam Hansen concurs by
etition of violent conflictseems to have noting that many actualities involved
made it a powerful form for mastering the reconstructions yet not necessarily
trauma of war. The fact that numerous with the intent to deceive; as a subgenre,
live and filmed reenactments produced dramatic reenactments of current events
in the United States represented military were considered legitimate. [While the]
subjects suggests that the very artificial- boundaries between documentary real-
ity of the reenactment provided the plea- ity and mise-en-scne may have been rela-
surable means of knowing and seeing tive, they seem to have mattered less than
military-imperial history that documen- the kind of fascination which connects,
tary actualities could not, thereby giving for instance, the realistic imitation of
rise to an early film genre that contin- President McKinleys assassin in the
ues to challenge any easy classification electric chair in The Execution of Czolgosz
as fiction or nonfiction film. Hence the (Porter/Edison 1901)with historical reen-
feature of the battle reenactment that I actments such as The Execution of Mary
seek to address [. . .] is its imaginary cir- Queen of Scots (Edison 1895)or the sub-
culation of audiences along with imperial stitution trick in Execution by Hanging
traffic to distant frontiers through spec- (Biograph 1905) with the authentic foot-
tacularly rendered live performances and age of Electrocuting an Elephant (Edison
32Early Documentary

1903).7 For Hansen, then, sensational- films share the mode of address, spec-
ist appeal joined to a historical referent tatorship, and reality effects previously
helped construct the reenactments legiti- manufactured by the Wild West. Historical
macy in representing actual events. evidence suggests that by 1898 the cultur-
Following on from Abel and Hansen, ally established form of the battle reenact-
[. . .] I will turn to the question of how or ment strongly informed turn-of-the-century
upon what representational, epistemologi- notions of what modern warfare would look
cal, and aesthetic grounds the reenactment like to a witness on the battlefield. When
film achieved legitimacy for articulating the turn-of-the-century commentators specu-
historical real in general and the battle in lated about the appearance of the actuality
particular. For while we know that the reen- films of battles, they described texts that fea-
actment film achieved legitimacy as histori- tured the point of view, content, and formal
cal discourse, we also know that audiences features provided by reenactment films.
and reviewers were often able to recognize Paradoxically, then, to seem most real
the (visible) formal and aesthetic differ- the turn-of-the-century war actuality had to
ences, as well as the subject matter, that fre- achieve the reality effects that had already
quently distinguished the two. Though the been established by the (live and film) battle
relationship between the actuality film and reenactment.8
the reenactment film tells us much about
the reception of the reenactment as a legiti-
mate historical discourse, the significant
cultural and aesthetic relationship between The Peculiar Authenticity
the reenactment film and the live reenact- ofthe Live Reenactment
ment reveals even more. Importantly, the live
reenactment prepared consumers of urban The reenactment was a prominent and
commercialized leisure for their encounter profitable part of live urban commercial-
with film reenactments and, in the pro- ized leisure in U.S.culture since the 1880s.
cess, helped establish what we might call John F.Kasson notes that amusement seek-
this early film genres peculiar authenticity. ers at Coney Island could see spectacular
Moreover, like battle reenactment films, live reenactments of famous disasters such as
battle reenactments often mobilized audi- The Fall of Pompeii (which simulated the
ences to scenes of expansion and spatial eruption of Mount Vesuvius), another that
conquest while simultaneously addressing simulated the eruption of Mount Pele,
the trauma that inevitably resulted from the and still others that restaged the Johnstown
soldiersand the spectatorsabsorption flood of 1889 and the Galveston, Texas,
into this violent form of imperial traffic. In flood of 1900.9 The reenactment of military
order to demonstrate how it did so, I will campaigns, however, were most popularly
analyze the live battle reenactments and incarnated in William F. Codys traveling
military displays featured in Buffalo Bills entertainment enterpriseBuffalo Bills
Wild West and the particular relations they Wild West. Between 1883 and 1913 the Wild
constructed between history and its spec- West appeared before audiences in numer-
tacular simulation, and between the origi- ous cities in the United States and Europe,
nal witness of an event and the secondary including New York, Atlanta, Manchester,
audience who delighted in its reenactment. London, Rome, Paris, and also at a num-
After contrasting the mode of address and ber of worlds fairs, including Chicagos
visual lure of the battle reenactment to that 1893 Worlds Columbian Exposition (where
of P. T. Barnums hoaxes and humbug, I it was located just beyond the official
will analyze how many battle reenactment grounds) and Buffalos 1901 Pan-American
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 33

Exposition.10 Wild West reenactments and persecuted by villainy (its savage foe), with
military displays were often promoted as the former ultimately defeating the latter.
object lessons that demonstrated through As Linda Williams notes, though the Wild
visually compelling spectacles the higher West elaborated scenes of expansion and
ideals characteristic of a fast-receding, imperial conquest by the United States, it
nostalgically rendered past. Codys Wild consistently represented the conquerors
West represented early stages of continen- as victims whose suffering at the hands of
tal expansion by the United States through Native Americans needed to be displayed
reenactments of Indian battles (including and then avenged, over and over again, in
Custers Last Stand), attacks on pioneer cab- racialized spectacles of power and dynamic
ins, stagecoach ambushes, buffalo hunts, action.16 Codys profitable articulation of
and catastrophes such as prairie fires, stam- national history via the conjoined modes
pedes, and cyclones.11 These high-tech reen- of myth, realist spectacle, sensation, and
actments synthesized the sensationalism melodrama was nevertheless championed
of the dime novel (in which Cody made his as an example of progressive education
first mass-cultural appearance)12 and the about the nations recent history of conti-
popular stage melodrama with the myth nental expansion.17 Indeed, as Joy Kasson
of the frontier that had become so compel- notes, the Wild West became a compelling
ling for urban easterners mired in big-city force for translating Codys personal memo-
life.13 The resulting Drama of Civilization ries into broadly embraced historical mem-
was produced by Steele McKaye, whose ories shared by audiences who participated
stage melodramas, Nicholas Vardac argues, in his reconstitution of the nations past.18
represent the culmination of the theaters Sold for ten cents before every show,
late-nineteenth-century drive toward a real- the extensive program for the Wild West
ist pictorial ideal later actualized in the gives insight into the modes of address and
moving pictures.14 Played out against a back- forms of spectatorship around which Cody
drop of massive panoramas and cycloramas and his partner, Nate Salsbury, constructed
and accompanied by live music and a lec- their reenactments. The program was pur-
turers narration (but virtually no dialogue), chased by those attending the show as well
Wild West reenactments featured grand as by those who could not afford to attend,
spectacles of the dynamic, violent action of and hence it was a form of mass cultural
frontiersmen, scouts, and cavalry as they entertainment in its own right. It provided
circulated through hostile landscapes and detailed discourse on the nature of conti-
subordinated villainous native popula- nental expansion and overseas imperialism
tions to American civilization. by the United States, narrative summaries
Though Cody promoted his Wild West of the reenacted events, brief biographies of
reenactments as factual, Richard Slotkin Cody and the other featured historical char-
notes that the Wild West wrote history acters, as well as reprinted reviews of the
by conflating it with mythology. The reen- Wild West and letters of support from mili-
actments were not recreations but reduc- tary officials and historians who testified to
tions of complex events into typical scenes. the exhibitions authenticity. In this respect,
Codys West was a mythic space in which the program provided a supplementary
past and present, fiction and reality could discourse that helped shore up the claims
co-exist; a space in which history, trans- that the Wild West made about the histori-
lated as myth, was reenacted as ritual.15 In cal authenticity of its reenactments. Hence,
turn, the moral of the story rehearsed the just as it detailed the historical contexts in
American stage melodramas characteristic which the reenacted events originally
conflict between innocence (civilization) took place, the program also provided cues
34Early Documentary

regarding the attraction-spectator relation he were now living, who had witnessed the
on which the visual pleasure of the reenact- landing of Columbus on the shores of the
ment relied. The program even provided New World, or the story of one of the hardy
audiences with a (perhaps already familiar) English Puritans who took passage on the
vocabulary for thinking about the realism Mayflower, and landed on the rock-bound
and sense of historical presence that the coast of New England. So, too, the angel
reenactment evoked, deploying terms such who has seen the far West become tame
as actual pictures, living pictures, and and dotted under the advancing civilization
faithful pictures. As explained in the pro- as the pioneers fought their way westward
gram text, for example:Our aim is to make into desert and jungle. What a story he can
the public acquainted with the manners and relate as to the making of that history and
customs of the daily life of the dwellers in what a history America has, to be sure!20
the far West of the United States through As an angel who has seen the far West
the means of actual and realistic scenes become tame, Cody occupies the ideal and
from life. At each performance marked skill unique position of one who was simultane-
and daring are presented. Not only from the ously and somewhat paradoxically a part of
standpoint of the spectator, but also from a the spectacle he witnessed. The claim that
critical point of view, we assure the auditor the reenactments spectacular simulation
that each scene presents a faithful picture of of an equally spectacular real had been tai-
the habits of these folk, down to the small- lored around Codys privileged point of view
est detail.19 loaned support to the reenactments claim
[] To bolster the realism of its reenact- to historical authenticity. As Pomeroys
ments, the program for the Wild West sug- review explained: Since the railroad gave
gested that the (original) Wild West often its aid to pioneering, America is making
appeared before the frontiersman as a history faster than any other country in the
picture set up before a subject. Hence, the world. Her pioneers are fast passing away.
Wild West program insisted that life on the A few years more and the great struggle
frontier was characterized by participation for possession will be ended and genera-
inand the visual consumption oflive tions will settle down to enjoy the homes
spectacles of dynamic action, violent con- their fathers located and fenced in for them.
flict, and astonishing displays of power. Put Then will come the picture makerhe who
differently, the program included awed spec- with pen, pencil, and panel can tell the story
tatorship as a component of life on the fron- as he understands it. The millions will read
tier and the battlefield. Pomeroys reprinted and look at what the pioneer did and what
review of the Wild West suggests that Cody the historian related, wishing on the whole
fulfilled his promise to illustrate life as it that they could have been there to have seen
is witnessed on the plains. He continued by the original. These are some of the thoughts
stating: Could a man now living have stood that crowd in upon us as we view the great
on the shore of the Red Sea and witnessed living picture that the Hon. Wm. F. Cody
the passage of the children of Israel and the (Buffalo Bill) gives us at the Wild West
Struggle of Pharaoh and his hosts, what a Exhibition, which every man, woman and
sight he would have seen, and how inter- child the world over should see and study as
ested would be those to whom he related the realistic fact.21
story. Could the man who stood on the shore According to Pomeroy, the urge to see the
to see Washington and his soldiers cross the original frontier was an effect of industri-
Delaware have lived till now to tell the story, alization: the railway had accelerated the
what crowds he would have to listen. How pace of history itself and annihilated the past
interesting would be the story of a man, if with the same rapidity that it annihilated
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 35

space. The Wild West reanimated an image insisted that the process of westward expan-
of pretechnological movement across the sion it reenacted took place in an extremely
frontier and to ritualize forms of motion harsh context characterized by violent con-
and transport displaced by new technolo- flict and circulation across the vast spaces
gies. Yet the Wild West does not simply rep- of the frontier, and it was therefore by defi-
resent these protomodern forms of frontier nition beyond the scope of any audience
traffic as do books and pictures. Pomeroy other than the exceptional pioneer. On the
contends that literary and painterly repre- other hand, it insisted that the process of
sentations of the West only intensify the moving through the protomodern paths of
desire to see a no-longer-available origi- frontier traffic was so central to American
nal Wild West visible to, observed, and history and identity that it demanded a
known only by those pioneers who began nationaleven internationalaudience.
the great struggle for possession. The gap Hence, the particular visual pleasure and
left between the pioneer and the picture peculiar authenticity of Wild West reenact-
maker, the original/historical real and ments seems to have derived from their
its inadequate representation in literature, power to endow audiences with an imagi-
written history, and painting is filled by nary presenceor presence by visual
Codys historical reenactments. Here, the proxyat significant and highly sensational
reenactment claims to achieve the status of moments and movements in history that
a great living picture appearing as realis- by definition precluded their attendance.
tic fact precisely by reproducing the point It was precisely the proximate distance
of observation from which this unfold- of the agent-witness that the Wild West
ing historytaking the shape of dynamic aimed to reconstruct for its audiences. [. . .]
movement across spacewas originally With their emphasis on dynamic move-
seen. The power and the pleasure of the ment across space and strenuous physicality,
Wild Wests live reenactments were predi- the Wild Wests live reenactments were part
cated on the splitting of Codys own status of a shift in late-nineteenth-century popu-
as the agent/witness of history: to reenact lar culture away from a mode of intellection
spectacular history, he repeated the (violent, central to the operational aesthetic typical
dynamic) actions of the historical agent of of P. T. Barnums hoaxes and humbug and
continental conquest; however, he passed toward more vigorous forms of entertain-
along the (pleasurable) function of the ment that, according to John F.Kasson, had
witness-spectator to the audience. previously existed only on the margins of
By first establishing the presence of a American life. Such amusements included
spectator as an integral part of the original prize fighting, competitive athletics, moving
historical event, Cody made such a position picture shows, and amusement parks, as well
available and seemingly authentic when the as literature that celebrated masculine tough-
event was reenacted before a paying audi- ness such as Owen Wisters literary western
ence. Put differently, by placing an origi- The Virginian (1902) and Jack Londons The
nal spectator on the scene of history Call of the Wild (1903).22 This shift is quite
and then replicating such a position for important for understanding the cultural his-
spectators at its simulation, the Wild West tory of the popular reenactment and the battle
made the reenactment highly pleasurable reenactment films place in that history, for it
and in the process supported its claims of is tempting to see the reenactment film as a
authenticity. Yet central to the pleasure of kind of hoax or sham. Indeed, at first glance
Codys live reenactments was the trauma, Codys Wild West reenactments seem to be in
violence, and shock of the historical scenes the same vein as Barnums famous hoaxes. As
they repeated. On one hand, the Wild West Barnum had done before him, Codys Wild
36Early Documentary

West staged a buffalo hunt, claimed to dis- combination made the American individual
play authentic relics such as the Deadwood susceptible not to deceit and fraud but to the
stagecoach, and exhibited feats of physical closely related (and more pleasurable) experi-
skill (notably Annie Oakleys sharpshooting) ence of humbug organized around a contest
so astonishing as to seem impossible and of wits between showman and amusement
hence the effect of a trick. Acloser compari- seeker. As Harris explains: Experiencing a
son of the aesthetic and spectator-attraction complicated hoax was pleasurable because of
relation typical of Barnums and Codys attrac- the competition between victim and hoaxer,
tions suggests that Wild West reenactments each seeking to outmanoeuvre the other, to
signaled something of a departure from hum- catch him off balance and detect the critical
bug. However, it is nevertheless worthwhile weakness. Barnum understood that the
to think of Barnums and Codys audiences opportunity to debate the issue of falsity, to
alongside one another; for though each audi- discover how deception had been practiced,
ence paid to encounter and engage with simu- was even more exciting than the discovery
lations, neither seems to have done so naively. of fraud itself. The manipulation of a prank,
In his study of Barnums humbug, Neil after all, was as interesting a technique in
Harris defines the particular pleasure and its own right as the presentation of genuine
the cultural and social conditions involved curiosities. Therefore, when people paid to
in nineteenth-century audiences encounter see frauds, thinking they were true, they paid
with, and consumption of, attractions such again to hear how the frauds were commit-
as the Feejee mermaid (a half-monkey, ted.25 To exploit the popular propensity for
half-fish), a sham buffalo hunt, the display of skepticism and truth testing as well as critical
Santa Annas wooden leg, or the ostensibly evaluation and detection, Barnum encour-
ancient slave Joice Heth, which made such aged his patrons to approach his attractions
hoaxes pleasurable for audiences and profit- fully armed with doubtready to match wits
able to purveyors. According to Harris, hum- with the showman and eager to penetrate the
bug thrived in a Jacksonian social and cultural surface deception that cloaked the truth of the
milieu that was insistently egalitarian, rejected matterand thereby provide a solution to the
secret learning and private information in conundrum on display. In such a milieu, the
favor of lecture going, embraced widespread ideal amusement seeker took up the position
common-school education as a guarantee for of the detective who enjoyed disentangling
the republics future, and was in the midst the true from the false, the spurious from the
of a technological revolution supported by genuine.26
popular enthusiasm for scientific and indus- [] Live reenactments such as the Wild
trial progress.23 As technologies such as the West helped establish a cultural disposition
railway and telegraph became more diffuse in toward the historical reenactment, its mode
American culture, so too did mechanical lan- of address, the kinds of visual pleasure it
guage and a measure of technical know-how. might provide, and its peculiar authentic-
As Harris notes, machinery was beginning ity. In this respect, the Wild West and its
to accustom the public not merely to a belief detailed program helped to prepare audi-
in the continual appearance of new marvels ences for their encounter with the reen-
but to a jargon that concentrated on methods actment film. Certainly, there were crucial
of operation, on aspects of mechanical orga- differences between the live reenactment
nization and construction, on horsepower, and that of the film. The live reenactment
gears, pulleys, and safety valves.24 Popular promised the presence of real historical
delight in learning and the widespread acqui- characters and featured authentic relics,
sition of knowledge was accompanied by a such as the Deadwood stagecoach, bear-
widespread skepticisma tendency to test ing scars and auratic traces of their past.
anything and anyone for truthfulness. This However, the thick materiality of the Wild
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 37

West and its emphasis on authenticity and the (imaginary) proximate position of an
the physical presence of objects and indi- agent-witness on the scene of imperial
viduals placed relative limitations (when expansion. For example, in a paragraph
compared to moving pictures) on its abil- introducing the section War Films
ity to circulate to audiences. And, while its which includes actualities as well as reenact-
pleasures derived from its power to place ments of the Spanish-American Warthe
its audience on the simulated scene of catalogue of the Edison agent F.M. Prescott
history, its staging in large arenas (such promised exhibitors and their audiences
as Madison Square Garden) held the audi- precisely the sensation of being present as a
ence at something of a distance from the witness on the battlefield:In these superior
depicted events and thereby placed limits films can be seen the dead and wounded and
upon the audiences sensation of immer- the dismantled cannon lying on the field of
sion or absorption within such scenes. battle. The men are seen struggling for their
Battle reenactment films, by contrast, rarely lives, and the American flag proudly waves
featured historical characters or authen- over them and can be plainly seen through
tic relics but instead enlisted the skills the dense smoke. The brave American and
of generic substitutes, such as national Cuban soldiers show their valor and supe-
guardsmen, to reenact battles originally riority in fighting the hated Spaniards. You
fought by the army. To compensate for the think you can hear the huge cannon belch
absence of live and real historical figures forth their death-dealing missiles, and can
and for the filmed images characteristic really imagine yourself on the field witness-
presence of absence, battle reenactment ing the actual battle.27 Within this catalogue,
films brought audiences closer to the field the only films that depict battles or any sig-
of battle, intensifying the sense of the spec- nificant action are reenactments and films
tators visual presence on the depicted scene of military drills. Hence, like the program
of history by aligning the audiences point for the Wild West, the Prescott catalogue
of view with that of the camera. Indeed, the suggests that the particular pleasure (and
point of view provided by battle reenact- profitability) of reenactment films derived
ment films tends to position spectators in from their capacity to inspire the spectators
the crossfire between enemy combatants as fantasy of presence on the scene of history,
they move through and defend space, mak- of finding oneself suddenly on the field wit-
ing it somewhat comparable to the point of nessing the actual battle and perceiving the
view of those privileged few spectators who shock and trauma of modern history.
rode in the Deadwood stagecoach at the Not surprisingly, then, battle reenact-
Wild West. And, as we shall see, the battle ment films shot after the war by the Edison
reenactment films closer proximity to the Manufacturing Co. in New Jersey continue
historical scene of imperial conquest the tendency to orient the movement of
brings into sharper focus one crucial aspect the Rough Riders shock force toward the
of the cultural work done by the reenact- camera. For example, US Infantry Supported
ment: its tendency to repeat the trauma of by Rough Riders at El Caney (Edison,
history in order to master it. [. . .] 1899)shows a detachment of infantry, fir-
Like Roosevelts redeployment of the ing, advancing, kneeling and firing, again
Rough Rider motif, the cinemas redeploy- and again. The advance of the foot soldiers
ment of the reenactment to represent vio- is followed by a troops of Rough Riders,
lent struggle on this new frontier provided riding like demons, yelling and firing
audiences with a familiar and familiarizing revolvers as they pass out of sight.28 The
format for consuming authentic repre- camera is placed at an oblique angle to the
sentations of national history as military action, just at the side of the road along
spectacle. Such films promised audiences which the foot soldiers and Rough Riders
38Early Documentary

advance, such that the soldiers fire at and war as something of an intertextual spec-
advance toward it. Skirmish of Rough Riders tacle. In describing the moments imme-
(Edison, 1899) similarly angles its action diately preceding the outbreak of fighting
obliquely toward the camera: the film on the morning of the Battle of San Juan
opens with two marksmen lying behind a Hill, Roosevelt recounted: It was a very
dead horse at the turn of a road, firing lovely morning, the sky of cloudless blue,
at the unseen enemy. In the background while the level, shimmering rays from
of the frame, the mounted Rough Riders the just-risen sun brought into fine relief
wait. As the catalogue explains, Suddenly the splendid palms which here and there
comes the command, Forward, and the towered above the lower growth. The lofty
riders dash up the road, out of sight, leav- and beautiful mountains hemmed in the
ing behind them a great cloud of dust and Santiago plain, making it an amphithe-
smoke.29 An alternating pleasure in power atre for the battle.30 Roosevelts descrip-
and powerlessness lies at the heart of such tion of the plain as an amphitheatre for
films:spectators might thrill in their imagi- the battle suggests his own perception of
nary placement in the path of this shock the contested territory as a stage designed
forceas its objectwhile knowing all to provide the agent-witness (and, perhaps,
along that they were (nationally, politically) the world as audience) with an optimal point
aligned with the agents of this same force. of view on the proceedings, replete with a
Military shock and cinematic shock thereby lofty and beautiful picturesque backdrop.
intersected in the battle reenactment film Yet the ensuing battle sharply undermined
to endow the civilian observer with specta- this expectation, for the Rough Riders
torial fantasies of imperial power, agency, experienced it as a terrifying combination
and mobility. In turn, these films also fore- of blindness and perilous visibility arising
ground the mythologizing tendency of from the development and deployment of
American battle reenactments:as it turned new military technologiesspecifically
out, the Rough Riders saw only dismounted the Krag-Jorgensen and smokeless
action in Cuba and so were the objects of gunpowdercalculated precisely to
a different kind of military shock. But per- increase the shock force of the salvo.
haps the greatest mythologization effected According to Wolfgang Schivelbusch, the
is the visibility and visuality represented standard issue of firearms in the eighteenth
within these particular scenes of history; century made possible the salvo or vol-
for, as many soldiers and journalists testi- leythe simultaneous, collective, un-aimed
fied, the experience of modern warfare was discharge of firearms by the entire unit from
defined by high-tech battlefield blindness a technologically mediated distance. The
and scenes of erasure. Just as Roosevelts perfectly timed salvo first razed as many sol-
appropriation of the appellation Rough diers as possible, and in doing so it created
Riders suggests his canny use of the Wild a vast spectacle of simultaneous casualties
West to shape popular perception of the that terrified and demoralized those left
war, it also suggests the degree to which standing in closed ranks on the battlefield.
live battle reenactments and military dis- Schivelbusch notes that the salvos technologi-
plays had shaped contemporary notions cally mediated distance meant that the force
about the experience of actual battle. of the clash lost its concrete physical manifes-
Preparations for the war were highly medi- tation, thereby changing the soldiers sensory
ated, and the presence of newspapermen experience of war:now the assault occurred
(such as Richard Harding Davis) and cam- suddenly, invisibly; it came out of nowhere,
eramen (such as Edisons William Paley) denying the soldier the means of preparing
undoubtedly contributed to the sense of the himself for the blow. Hence, in comparing
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 39

the state of mind of the medieval duelist with bewildering to fight an enemy whom one so
that of the modern combatant, Schivelbusch rarely saw whose presence was indicated
notes that the intense relationship between only by the menacing sound of Mauser
the state of duelists may be seen as one of alert bullets singing through the trees over our
expectation. The individual combatants were heads, making a noise like the humming
able to see from exactly which direction the of telephone wires.33 The invisibility of
possible wound may be caused:they were, as it the Spanish forces, and the state of blocked
were, well prepared for it. From the eighteenth vision experienced by the U.S. soldiers,
century on, such a state of readiness no longer found its way into popular representations
existed.31 Apassive, psychological-perceptual of the war. As the catalogue description for
meaning became grafted onto shocks active, the Wild West reenactment of the Battle of
physical-mechanical meaning. The salvos San Juan Hill explains:To add to the horror
terrifying invisibility and the soldiers inabil- of the situation, the infernal Spanish gue-
ity to prepare for it resulted in his delayed rillas, concealed in the treetops and using
realization of the wound or overthrow that smokeless gunpowder, which renders it
had taken place within his body. As the mili- impossible to locate them, make targets of
tary historian G.H. Groningen explains, this our wounded and the surgeons and wear-
insensate state resulted not only because of ers of the Red Cross.34 In turn, Frederic
the rapidity of the damage but rather because Remington represented this terrifying
of the total exertion of all their psychologi- battlefield blindness in Scream of Shrapnel
cal powers towards other goals. Every sensa- at San Juan Hill, Cubain which soldiers
tion requires a degree of attention, however are shown convulsively flailing, ducking,
small.32 dropping, and fruitlessly looking in every
New military technology further denied possible direction for the source of a salvo.
the U.S. soldiers required degree of However, as Alexander Nemerov notes,
attention: whereas Spain used smoke- Remingtons direct observation of the battle
less gunpowder and Krag-Jorgensen rifles, was prevented by the extreme conditions of
the U.S. still used Springfield rifles and modern warfare; he therefore described the
black gunpowder. Roosevelt described the famous battle as the most glorious feat of
effect of the smokeless gunpowder used arms Iever heardof.35
by Spanish soldiers as remarkable: The [] On the other side of the world,
air seemed full of the rustling sound of battlefield blindness also afflicted the
the Mauser bullets, for the Spaniards motion picture cameras mechanical eye.
knew the trails by which we were advanc- W.K. L.Dickson in The Biograph in Battle,
ing, and opened up heavily on our posi- his memoirs of his experiences filming
tion. Moreover, as we advanced we were, British soldiers in the Boer War, described
of course, exposed, and they could see us his attempt to film a battle in the valley
and fire. But they themselves were entirely of the Upper Tugela. Dickson used a tele-
invisible. The jungle covered everything, photo lens and set up the Biograph not
and not the faintest trace of smoke was to fifty feet from the big guns. Though, as
be seen in any direction to indicate from Dickson recounted, the air was full of
whence the bullets came. While smokeless bursting shells, and though he could see
gunpowder and thick tropical vegetation the flash of a Boer gun that might just
gave Spain the military advantage of invis- probably miss the naval guns and strike
ibility, gunpowder smoke coming from the us, the resulting film appears onscreen
Americans weapons revealed their position as nothing more than a panorama of the
and further obscured their already blocked South African landscape: The depth and
vision. As Roosevelt concludes, It was most vastness of the scene was so great as to
40Early Documentary

somewhat disqualify it for a biographic Dicksons failed battle actuality, the landscape
view. Ifear very few will be able to discern in this reenactment film remains subordi-
the shells bursting, or the cavalry and artil- nated to the action, which in turn remains
lery below us As for the foot soldiers centered in the frame. The film opens with a
in khaki, it will be quite impossible to see line of Filipino insurgents firing directly at
them, as they are always invisible from the camera. Then U.S.troops emerge from
a distance, being the color of the earth. behind the camera, firing several rounds
The exact position of our guns and those as they advance toward the now-retreating
of the enemy can be seen by studying the Filipinos. The U.S.color-bearer is shot and
accompanying panoramic sketch Every falls, at which point another soldier picks
hill and dale and winding of the [valley] is up the flag and waves it furiously. The
shown, and should one see the Biograph U.S.troops disappear into the foliage in the
panoramic projection of the valley at the background of the frame, behind a veil of
time of the battle he will get a very good smoke. Nothing in the catalogue description
idea of the whole thing, even if the distant for the film suggests that it was passed off
puffs should be invisible.36 Khaki-colored as an actuality to unsuspecting audiences,
uniforms and the battles massive and the popularity of the live reenactment
scalecaused in part by the extended tra- as a form of commercialized leisure sug-
jectory of modern artilleryconspired to gests that few would have been easily duped.
camouflage weapons and soldiers alike, Indeed, the catalogue description for the film
rendering the battle indistinguishable trades upon precisely those formal details
from the surrounding landscape.37 Hence that would reveal its generic status to urban,
at precisely the historical moment that the relatively sophisticated turn-of-the-century
cinemas panoramic perception and docu- exhibitors and spectatorsthe placement of
mentary capacities held forth the promise the camera/spectator directly in the crossfire
of actuality footage of such battles, the between the Filipinos who shoot directly at
moving pictures encountered something the camera and the Americans who charge
of a limit case. The battle reenactment from behind it:This is one of the best battle
film emerged as a compromise between pictures ever made. The firing is first done
the at-times-conflicting scopic regimes directly toward the front of the picture, and
of early cinema and turn-of-the-century the advance of the US troops apparently
imperial warfare. Like the live reenact- through the screen is very exciting; the grad-
ments staged by the Wild West, reenact- ual disappearance of the fighters sustaining
ment films of the Spanish-American War the interest to the end.38 David Levy notes
and the Philippine-American War trans- that the reenactments perilous point of view
formed the shock, surprise, and contin- led one reviewer to determine such films
gencies of modern imperial warfare into obvious reenactments.39 And while such a
spectacular displays of military power and response provides evidence that some exhib-
progress. In the process, film reenact- itors might have passed off reenactments
ments carved out the imaginary position as actualities, it also provides evidence that
of the agent-witness for their audiences by urban spectators were well aware of one of
creating the illusion of being embedded the characteristic features of the battle reen-
within imperial traffic, and in so doing actment: the placement of the audience in
they created the pleasurable illusion of an impossible position at the edges ofor
presence on the scene of history. in this case in the middle ofmilitary traf-
Edisons Advance of the Kansas Volunteers fic. Indeed, the film provides a mediated
at Caloocan (Edison, 1899)provides a stun- sensation of being visible and hence vulner-
ning example of such mediation. Unlike able to the enemys frontal assault, yet the
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 41

camera-endowed disembodied presence fire several rounds at the initially unseen

in the scene transforms the terror of such U.S. soldiers who ultimately advance into
a position into the pleasurable satisfaction and take the trench. As with Wild West
of curiosity about the shock force of impe- reenactments, the agents of U.S.imperial-
rial warfare. And unlike the blindness expe- ism appear as victims who, in the process
rienced by U.S. troops assaulted by and of defending themselves, aid in territorial
in search of an elusive enemy, the camera expansion as they are seen moving dynam-
endows spectators with a prosthetic vision ically across the depicted space of a new
that allows them to see the enemy and the frontier.
source of the salvo, translating the imperial Though battle reenactment films did
soldiers (and cameramans) terrifying battle- not show actual images of battle, they
field blindness into scopic clarity and power. allowed audiences to see ostensible (and
Hence the gunpowder smoke that blinded highly ideological) truths about the over-
soldiers on the battlefield here creates an seas expansion by the United States pro-
aesthetic effect as the Filipinos retreat from moted by proimperialists in the popular
vision, with the gradual disappearance of press that dovetailed with the ideology of
the fighters sustaining interest to theend. manifest destiny. Capture of the Trenches
Like Codys reenactments, this film at Candaba places the camera/spectator
presents military conquest as a spectacle in the trenches via a sidelong view of
of U.S. power in which soldiers act as Filipino soldiers defending their posses-
agent-witnesses, for the soldiers are sion of a small strip of land. Initiating the
revealed to have been alongside the spec- movements of the U.S. troops with an act
tator, on the other side of the camera, until of aggression, the insurgents fire several
they charge in front of it to become part rounds as their color-bearer waves the flag
of the spectaclea formal strategy that of the Philippine Republic in the middle
helps carve out an imaginary presence of the frame. Suddenly they retreat, exit-
on the scene of history for the spectator. ing frame left as U.S. troops advance into
This illusory placement of the spectator the trench from frame right. The camera
within the circuits of military traffic also not only creates an illusory visual presence
entails a positioning vis--vis the project on the scene but also seems to anticipate
of imperialism. The cameras placement the historic moment when possession by
has the effect of aligning the audience the United States takes place. In doing so,
with the agents of U.S. imperialism, who the camera and the spectators anticipatory
emerge from behind the camera to protect presence in this space marks the trench as
them from the frontal assault that opens already conquered, suggesting the inevi-
the film. Placing civilian spectators in table and even unstoppable movement of
the line of this frontal assault supported the imperial traffic of the United States.
the pro-imperial presss representation of Filipinos Retreat from Trenches repeats this
Filipino resistance as an unwarranted, sav- simple narrative of Filipino aggression,
age attack on the so-called innocent agents retreat, and inevitable incorporation of
of civilization, progress, and uplift. Indeed, space into the circuits of the new American
reenactments of battles fought against empire. Much like Codys Wild West reen-
the Filipino resistance consistently begin actments, battle reenactment films sug-
with Filipinos firing first. For example, gested that imperial conquest was not only
both Capture of the Trenches at Candaba the fulfillment of destiny by the agents of
(Edison, 1899) and Filipinos Retreat from progress but that this destiny, and its long
Trenches (Edison, 1899)open with the cam- history, was a traumatic one for the impe-
era in a trench occupied by Filipinos, who rial agent. Put differently, the reenactment
42Early Documentary

makes clear that circulation within impe- [] The battle reenactment film pro-
rial traffic subjected the modern individual vides a unique opportunity to undertake
to shocks more violent than those experi- such analysis, for it is precisely an artis-
enced in urban street traffic. This suggests tic imitation aimed at an audience that
that the reenactment appealed not just to repeated traumatic historical events. We
the desire to see actual, grewsome war, might even speculate that such repetition
but also, as the review quoted at the begin- allowed audiences to shift from a passive
ning of this chapter suggests, to repeat via position vis--vis the event (this is hap-
reenactment the trauma of military history. pening to us over there) to a more active
[. . .] position that seemed to place audiences on
the battlefield and in the trenches along-
side U.S. soldiers (we must subordinate
them). And, as noted above, live and
The Mastery of Trauma: film battle reenactments revised as they
Reenactment, Repetition, repeated conquest such that each battle
and Heroic Femininity begins with an assault on white Americans
by a hostile racial foe, followed by a charge/
To understand the appeal of reenactments attack that ultimately makes U.S. forces
reiterative structure it is important to note the masters of violent conflict. Hence,
that unlike the actuality film, the remit of reenactments recollected and worked
the reenactment was not simply to record over the most painful experiences asso-
but, first, to repeat. Moreover, like audi- ciated with imperial expansion in such a
ences at Codys Wild West, as well as those way that made the colonizer both victim
attending later film reenactments such as (of an apparently unwarranted aggression)
The Execution of Czolgosz (Edison, 1901)and and ultimate master (of violent conquest).
The Capture of the Biddle Brothers and Mrs. The very presentation of imperial aggres-
Soffel (Edison/Porter, 1902), audiences sion as trauma is, of course, a mythologi-
watching battle reenactments would have zation that allowed imperial agents to pose
arrived at the theater knowing the outcome as innocent objects of attack even as they
of the conflicts already widely reported in engaged in violent conquest. The battle
the press. Indeed, most of the reenacted reenactments placement of the spectator
battles were quite bloody and were treated on the scene of historical trauma and its
quite sensationally by the press, which also mode of repetition provided a cultural form
increasingly reported on the high number of for revealing and mastering the shock of
civilian casualties suffered by the Filipinos. warfare experienced by the soldier on the
The tendency to reenact bloody, notorious, new frontier and, by extension, the nation
or otherwise well-known battles suggests as it became an overseas empire. [. . .]
that the visual pleasure of the reenactment
was perhaps uncompromised by its status
as a mimicfor the reenactments reiter-
ative structure perhaps promoted the sense Notes
of mastery that Freud argues results from 1. Pictures That Will Be Historic, Leslies Weekly,
the repetition of a traumatic event. Indeed, January 6, 1900, 18. Part of this article is quoted in
Stephen Bottomore, Every Phase of Present-Day
live and film battle reenactments involved
Life: Biographs Non-Fiction Production, Griffithiana
showmen, filmmakers, and audiences alike 66-67 (1999-2000): 147211. My thanks to Giorgio
in the act of replaying the historical trauma Bertellini for bringing this article to my attention.
of warfare.40 2. Oliver Wendell Holmes, The Stereoscope and the
Stereograph,Atlantic Monthly 3 (1859): 748.
Placing THE SPECTATOR on the Scene of History 43

3. Alan Trachtenberg, Albums of War: On Reading 20. Ibid., 11 (my italics).

Civil War Photographs, Representations 9 (Winter 21. Ibid.,1112.
1985)6. 22. Amusing the Million, 67. For Kassons more recent
4. Ibid. analyses of Sandow and Houdini, see Houdini,
5. Timothy Sweet, Traces ofWar: Poetry, Photography, Tarzan and the PerfectMan: The White Male Body
and the Crisis of the Union (Baltimore: Johns and the Challenge of Modernity (New York: Hill and
Hopkins University Press, 1990). Wang, 2001).
6. Richard Abel, The Cin Goes to Town: French 23. Neil Harris, Humbug: The Art of P. T. Barnum (New
Cinema, 1896-1914 (Berkeley: University of York: Little, Brown), 1973,74.
California Press, 1998), 92. 24. Ibid.,75.
7. Hansen, Babel and Babylon,3031. 25. Ibid.,77.
8. To trace this cultural history, this chapter focuses 26. Ibid.,8.
on reenactments of land battles and does not 27. F. M. Prescott, Catalogue of New Films For
consider naval battle reenactments. Projection and Other Purposes (New York, 1899),
9. John F. Kasson, Amusing the Million: Coney Island in Motion Picture Catalogs by American Producers
at the Turn of the Century (New York: Hill and and Distributors, 18941908, edited by Charles
Wang, 1978),71. Musser (Frederick, MD: University Publications of
10. Sarah Blackstone in Buckskins, Bullets, and Business, America, 1985),22.
2627, notes that even though Codys Wild West 28. Edison Films Catalogue, no.94 (March 1900):11.
was set up just outside the gates at the Columbian 29. Ibid.,1011.
Exposition, it nevertheless was one of the most 30. Theodore Roosevelt, The Rough Riders (New York:
popular attractions and grossed one million G. P. Putnams Sons, 1900),117.
dollars in summer 1893alone. Sarah Blackstone, 31. Wolfgang Schivelbusch, The Railway Journey: The
Buckskin, Bullets, and Business: A History of Industrialization of Space and Time in the Nineteenth
Buffalo Bills Wild West (New York: Greenwood, Century (Berkeley: University of California Press,
1986). 1977), 155,156.
11. For details of features of the Wild West, see Joy S. 32. G. H.Groeningen, ber den Shock:Eine kritische
Kasson, Buffalo Bills Wild West: Celebrity, Memory, Studie auf physiologischer Grundlage (Wiesbaden:J.
and Popular History (New York: Hill and Wang, F.Bergmann, 1885), cited in Schivelbusch, The
2000); Blackstone, Buckskins, Bullets, and Business; Railway Journey,157.
Paul Reddin, Wild West Shows (Urbana: University 33. Roosevelt, The Rough Riders,89.
of Illinois Press, 1999); and Richard Slotkin, 34. Buffalo Bills Wild West:Historical Sketches and
Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Programme (1900),34.
Twentieth-Century America (Norman: University of 35. Alexander Nemerov, Frederic Remington and
Oklahoma Press, 1992),2987. Turn-of-the-Century America (New Haven: Yale
12. Edward Zane Carroll Judson (known by the pen University Press, 1996),8687.
name Ned Buntline) published the first instalment 36. W. K. L. Dickson, The Biograph in Battle: Its Story
of Buffalo Bill, King of the Border Men in the in the South African War (London: Flicks Books,
NewYork Weekly in December 1869. See Marcus 1995 [1901]), 12425.
Klein, Easterns, Westerns, and PrivateEyes: American 37. Dickson also noted the British soldiers
Matters, 18701900 (Madison: University of experience of battlefield blindness:The thing
Wisconsin Press, 1994). which chiefly demoralized our men was
13. For an analysis of the social, cultural, and economic the fact that half the time they had to fire at
transformations that made the myth of frontier life nothing, so cleverly were the Boers hidden, while
so compelling to upper-class urban easterners, see the British were being mowed down by [their]
G. Edward White, The Eastern Establishment and Maxim-Nordenfeldt repeating guns, making
the Western Experience (New Haven: Yale University it quite impossible for our men to escape
Press, 1968). Our men shudder at the very sound for
14. A. Nicholas Vardac, Stage to Screen : Theatrical the accurate shooting accomplished with the
Origins of Early Film: David Garrick to D. W. Griffith murderous weapon is something fearful to see
(New York: Da Capo, 1949), 13551. (The Biograph in Battle,135).
15. Slotkin, Gunfighter Nation,69. 38. Edison Films Catalogue, no.94 (March 1900):4.
16. Linda Williams, Playing the Race Card: Melodramas 39. David Levy, Reconstituted Newsreels,
in Black and White from Uncle Tom to O. J. Reenactments and the American Narrative Film,
Simpson, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, in Cinema 1900/1906: An Analytical Study by the
2001)4344. National Film Archive (London) and the International
17. In his review Pomeroy noted:I wish there Federation of Film Archives, edited by Roger Holman
were more progressive educators in this world (Brussels: Fdration Internationale des Archives
like Wm. F.Cody (quoted in Buffalo Bills Wild du Filme, 1982) 247. Levy does not directly quote
West:Historical Sketches and Programme,11). the article, which was published in May in the
18. Kasson, Buffalo Bills Wild West,5. Rochester newspaper the Democrat and Chronicle.
19. Buffalo Bills Wild West:Historical Sketches and 40. Sigmund Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle (New
Programme,5. York: W. W. Norton, 1989 [1920]),14.


To look critically and sympathetically at from the screen and run them down. It
the beginnings of cinemaat those pro- must clearly have been a reaction similar to
grammes of one-minute scenes first pub- that which prevents us from stepping with
licly exhibited in Paris in December 1895, unconcern onto a static escalator, no matter
and in London the following Februaryis how firmly we may assure ourselves that all
like pondering what happened to the uni- it requires is a simple stride on an immobile
verse in the first few microseconds after the flat surface. What this legend means is that
bigbang. the particular combination of visual signals
We need not doubt that, so far as the present in that film had had no previous
genesis of film art is concerned, these early existence other than as signifying a real train
shows mounted by the Lumire brothers pulling into a real station.
represent the nearest we will find to a sin- Yet already, in this primitive world, we
gularity. Before them, notwithstanding such find structures tantalisingly prophetic of
precedents as the photographic analysis of some we know today. Compare the Workers
animal movement by Marey and Muybridge, Leaving the Lumire Factory, very few of
the public projection of animated drawings whom return our gaze with even a glance
in Reynauds Thatre Optique, or anticipa- from the screen, with the members disem-
tions of film narrative methods in comic barking from a riverboat for the Congress of
strip and lantern slide sequence, cinema did Photographic Societies at Neuville-sur-Sane,
not exist. Astory so frequently repeated as who greet the camera with much waving
to have assumed the status of folklore tells and doffing of headgear. Do we not see here
how members of the first audience dodged that distinction, very much a part of our tele-
aside as a train steamed toward them into vision experience, between those who wield
a station. We cannot seriously imagine, the power of communication and those who
though, that these educated people in Paris do not: between those granted subjectivity
and London expected the train to emerge and those held in objectivity by themedia?
Let There Be Lumire 45

Perhaps, if we wish to infer a state of cin- of waves. The men are in difficulties; and
ema anterior to this almost instantaneous one woman turns her attention from the
spawning of connotatory formationsand children to look at them. There it ends. Yet
it is worth bearing in mind, in this regard, every time Ihave seen this film Ihave been
that the photographers arriving at Neuville- overwhelmed by a sense of the potentiality of
sur-Sane did not even know they were the medium:as if it had just been invented
confronted with a cin-camerawe should and lay waiting still to be explored.
perhaps examine more closely the recorded I do not think it is just the Tennysonian
responses of the earliest viewers. A curi- resonancescrossing the bar, and so
ous example is offered in Stanley Reeds forthwhich invest this episode with nos-
commentary to the BFIs sound version of talgia for cinemas lost beginnings: a nostal-
the first British Lumire programme. This gia which one would expect to be prompted
programme ended with A Boat Leaving equally, if at all, by the other items in the
Harbour; and we are told that visitors came programme. One thing which will be obvi-
forward after the performance to poke at the ous even from the above brief description
screen with their walking sticks, convinced is that the subject, with its waves glimmer-
that it must be made of glass and conceal ing to a distant horizon, could not possibly
a tank of water. Whilst we may allow this have been simulated in an indoor tank. So
to pass as a measure of the wonderment why were those early visitors poking at the
caused by the first cinematographic projec- screen with their walking sticks? A superfi-
tions, it becomes on consideration rather cially similar reaction, this time to Edisons
puzzling. How could people have supposed kinetoscope, is quoted in the first volume
that the screen concealed a tank of water of Georges Sadouls Histoire gnrale du
when it would also, by the same supposi- cinma. The kinetoscope was an individual
tion, have had to conceal a garden, a railway viewing box which ran continuous bands
station, a factory, and various other edifices? of film, the subjects being photographed by
Yet I believe that this little story, like the daylight in a blackened studio which could
one about the train, is telling us something be revolved to face the sun; and in 1894
important. Henri de Parville wrote of it in Les Annales
A Boat Leaving Harbour does, even today, politiques et littraires: Tous les acteurs
stand out among the early Lumire sub- sont en mouvement. Leurs moindres actes
jects. (Indeed, an ulterior motive behind sont si naturellement reproduits quon se
this article is my desire to pay tribute to demande sil y a illusion. What he presum-
a film I have loved since first encounter- ably meant by illusion was some system
ing it very many years ago.) The action is whereby the images of live actors might
simple. Arowing boat, with two men at the have been brought by mirrors under the
oars and one at the tiller, is entering boldly eyepiece of the machine. But it is clear that
from the right foreground; and it proceeds, the relevance of this lies not in similarity
for fifty-odd seconds, toward the left back- but in contrast: for there was no way that the
ground. On the tip of the jetty, which juts image of a French harbour could have been
awkwardly into frame on the right, stand a reflected by mirrors into the auditorium of
child or two in frilly white and two portly the Regent Street Polytechnic. The gentle-
women in black. Light shimmers on the men with their walking sticks were not try-
water, though the sky seems leaden. The ing to discover how the trick worked. Their
swell is not heavy; but as the boat passes concern was not that they might have been
beyond the jetty, leaving the protection of the victims of an illusion, but that they had
the harbour mouth, it is slewed around experienced something which transcended
and caught broadside-on by a succession the cosy world of illusionism altogether.
46Early Documentary

We need look no further than Sadouls into its spontaneity. The unpredictable has
standard Histoire gnrale for ample evi- not only emerged from the background
dence of the fact that what most impressed to occupy the greater proportion of the
the early audiences were what would frame; it has also taken sway over the
now be considered the incidentals of protagonists. Man, no longer the moun-
scenes: smoke from a forge, steam from tebank self-presenter, has become equal
a locomotive, brick dust from a demol- with the leaves and the brick dustand as
ished wall. Georges Mlis, a guest at the miraculous.
first Paris performance (who was soon to But such an invasion of the spontaneous
become a pioneer of trick filming), made into the human arts, being unprecedented,
particular mention of the rustling of leaves must have assumed the character of a
in the background of Le Djeuner de bba threat not only to the performers but to
detail which, as Sadoul himself observes, the whole idea of controlled, willed, obedi-
would scarcely be remarked today. It is ent communication. And conversely, since
worth asking why this should be soand the idea of communication had in the past
why, by implication, we consider Lumire been inseparable from the assumption
cinema and Edison not:for surely, it might of willed control, this invasion must have
be argued, what mattered was the photo- seemed a veritable doubling-back of the
graphic rendering of movement, regardless world into its own imagery, a denial of the
of what moved. Sadoul entitles his chapter order of a coded system: an escape of the
on Lumire La Nature mme prise sur le represented from the representational act.
fait; and Stanley Reed points out that audi- Thus what the early audiences suspected
ences had hitherto been familiar only with was not the presence of a water tank but
the painted backdrops of the theatre. But the presence, in some metaphysical sense,
to put it this way round is to understate of the sea itself: a sea liberated from the
the most revealing aspect of it:that people laboriousness of painted highlights and the
were startled not so much by the phenom- drudgeries of metaphor. And their prod-
enon of the moving photograph, which its ding of the screen was comparable with our
inventors had struggled long to achieve, as own compulsion to reach out and touch a
by the ability of this to portray spontaneities hologram.
of which the theatre was not capable. The Yet if this helps to explain why, in 1896,
movements of photographed people were a representation of the sea should have
accepted without demur because they were caused greater bemusement than that of a
perceived as performance, as simply a new factory or railway station, it does not explain
mode of self-projection; but that the inani- why A Boat Leaving Harbour should have
mate should participate in self-projection retained its fascination for a hundred years.
was astonishing. To understand this, we must turn the other
Most of the people in the Lumire show way:not toward a notional first moment but
either are performing for the camera towards the future already latent in Lumire.
whether knocking down walls or feeding The earliest programme contained an epi-
babiesor are engaged in such neutral sode, LArroseur arros, which is generally
activities as leaving the factory or alight- considered to mark the initiation of screen
ing from a train. What is different about A narrative. Aman is watering a garden; a boy
Boat Leaving Harbour is that, when the boat puts his foot on the hose and stops the jet;
is threatened by the waves, the men must the gardener peers into the nozzle; and the
apply their efforts to controlling it; and, by boy removes his foot so that the gardener is
responding to the challenge of the spon- squirted in the face. But is this a fiction film
taneous moment, they become integrated or simply a filmed fiction?
Let There Be Lumire 47

One answer would be that the fiction filmmaker. As for the gaucherie, it is argu-
film comes into being only when the able that flawless performances would
articulations of camera movement and have given us not true fiction but menda-
editing form an inalienable component cious actuality.
of the narration. Another, slightly more Fiction film arises at precisely the point
sophisticated, would be that the distinc- where people tire of these riddles. As audi-
tion is meaningless at this primitive level ences settle for appearances, according
of organisation, and that LArroseur arros films images the status of dream or fantasy
may be said to be filmed fiction and fic- whose links with a prior world are assumed
tion film at once. But let us consider the to have been severed if they ever existed,
question from the point of view of what film falls into place as a signifying system
seemed at the time the essential triumph whose articulations may grow ever more
of Lumire:the harnessing of spontaneity. complex. True, the movement of leaves
It is clear how this applies to the men row- remains unpredictable; but we know that,
ing the boat out of the harbour; but it is far with the endless possibility of retakes open
from clear how it applies to the Arroseur to the filmmaker, what was unplanned is
episode. nevertheless what has been chosen:and the
At first it may seem that there are two spontaneous is subsumed into the enunci-
simple alternatives: either this was an ated. Even in documentary, which seeks to
event observed in passing, perhaps with a respect the provenance of its images, they
concealed camera; or it was a scene staged are bent inexorably to foreign purpose. The
by the filmmaker with the complicity of big bang leaves only a murmur of back-
both parties. Furthermore, the gaucheness ground radiation, detectable whenever
of the performances suffices to resolve any someone decides that a film will gain in
doubt in favour of the latter, thus perhaps realism by being shot on real locations
leading usour definition swallowing its or where the verisimilitude of a Western is
tailto say that what we see is an attempt enhanced, momentarily, by the unscripted
at fiction film which, insofar as it is per- whinny of ahorse.
ceived only as an attempt, reverts to the A Boat Leaving Harbour begins with-
spontaneous. But it is not so easy. Suppose, out purpose and ends without conclusion,
for example, that the camera had been set its actors drawn into the contingency of
up only to record the garden-watering, events. Successive viewings serve only to
and that the boy had played his trick stress its pathetic brevity as a fragment
unprompted; or that the boy and the cam- of human experience. It survives as a
eraman had been in collusion to trick the reminder of that moment when the ques-
unsuspecting gardener; or the boy and the tion of spontaneity was posed and not
gardener in collusion to surprise the cam- yet found to be insoluble: when cinema
eraman. Spontaneity begins to seem, seemed free, not only of its proper con-
in human affairs, a matter less of behav- notations, but of the threat of its absorp-
iour than of motivationsand of transac- tion into meanings beyond it. Here is
tions in which the part of the mountebank the secret of its beauty. The promise of
behind the camera cannot long be excluded this film remains untarnished because it
from question. Spontaneity, that is to is a promise which can never be kept: a
say, comes down to what is not predictable promise whose every fulfilment is also its
byand not under the control ofthe betrayal.



Paris, March 25,1898 figured pottery, sculpture, etc., etc., which

are collected and classified, photography,
for example, does not have a special depart-
Allow me to call your attention to a project, ment. Truly, the documents furnished by
an outline of which follows, which is ready to photography are only rarely of noteworthy
be executed and in which Ihope to interest historical interest, and above all there are too
you. It is a question of giving a location of many of them! Someday, however, portraits
general interest to a collection of cinemato- of men who have had a marked influence
graphic documents, collected under very par- on their times will be classed by series. But
ticular circumstances, which have been most this will be only a backward move, because
favourably received in the select circles in from this point it is a question of moving
which Ihad the opportunity to showthem. even further in this direction; and, in offi-
I would be very grateful if you would com- cial spheres, the idea has been welcomed to
municate to me, through your newspaper create in Paris a Cinematographic Museum
or otherwise, any criticisms or new sug- or Depository.
gestions that this project might suggest to This collection, of necessity restricted in
you, and I am at your disposal with any the beginning, will expand more and more,
supplementary information that you may in the measure that cinematographic pho-
desire. tographers curiosity moves from merely
entertaining or whimsical scenes to actions
B.M. and spectacles of a documentary interest,
and from humorous slices of life to slices of pub-
Place ofAnimated Photography lic and national life. From simple pastime,
among theSources ofHistory animated photography will thus become
an agreeable method for studying the past;
It is wrong to believe that all the various or rather, since it will give a direct view of
kinds of illustrated documents that come to the past, it will eliminate, at least on certain
the aid of History have a place in Museums points of some importance, the necessity of
and Libraries. Next to prints, medals, investigation andstudy.
A New Source of History 49

Moreover, animated photography could than to deplore his timidity! Sometimes

become a singularly efficacious teaching the natural curiosity of the human spirit,
process. How many lines of vague descrip- sometimes the lure of profit, often the two
tion in books intended for young people will sentiments combined make him inventive
be rendered unnecessary, the day we unroll and daring. Authorized in somewhat offi-
in front of a classroom in a precise, mov- cial circumstances, he will contrive to slip
ing picture the more or less agitated aspect unauthorized into others, and most often
of a deliberative assembly; the meeting of will know how to find the occasions and
Heads of State about to ratify an alliance; a places where the history of tomorrow is
departure of troops or squadrons; or even unfolding. Apopular movement, the start
the changing, mobile physiognomy of the of a riot does not scare him, and even in
city! But necessarily a good deal of time a war one can well imagine him aiming
must pass before we can have recourse to his lens in the same way a soldier does
this resource for teaching History. In order his gun, and seizing at least a piece of the
to unfold graphic, external history before battle. Everywhere a ray of light gleams,
the eyes of those who did not witness it, it is the photographer goes as well If, for
necessary first to storeit. the First Empire and the Revolution, for
One difficulty might briefly give us example, we only had reproductions of
pause: namely, that a historical event does scenes that animated photography could
not always appear where one expects it. It is easily bring to life, imagine what useless
far from the case that History is composed torrents of ink could have been saved with
solely of scheduled solemnities, organized regard to questions that, though perhaps
in advance and ready to pose in front of the secondary, are nevertheless interesting,
lenses. It is the beginnings, initial move- even thrilling!
ments, unattended facts that avoid capture Thus the cinematographic print, in
by the photographic camera just as they which a thousand negatives make up a
escape inquiry. scene, and which, unrolled between a light
Without doubt historical effects are source and a white sheet, makes the dead
always easier to seize than causes. But and gone get up and walk, this simple
the two shed light upon each other; these ribbon of imprinted celluloid constitutes
effects brought into the broad daylight of not only a historic document, but a piece
cinematography will cast bright flashes of of history, a history that has not vanished
light upon causes lying in their shadow. and needs no genie to resuscitate it. It is
And to secure not all there is, but all there, scarcely sleeping, andlike those
that can be secured, is already an excel- elementary organisms that, living in a
lent result for any type of inquiry, scien- latent state, revive after years given a bit
tific or historical. Even oral accounts and of heat and moistureit only requires, to
written documents do not deliver to us reawaken it and relive those hours of the
all the class of facts to which they corre- past, a little light passing through a lens in
spond, and nevertheless History exists, the darkness!
true after all in its broad outlines, even if
its details are distorted. And then, the cin-
ematographic photographer is indiscreet Particular Character ofthe
by profession; always lying in wait, his Cinematographic Document
instinct very often enables him to divine
where those events will pass that will Perhaps the cinematograph does not give
become historical causes. It is necessary history in its entirety, but at least what it does
more often to check his excesses of zeal deliver is incontestable and of an absolute
50Early Documentary

truth. Ordinary photography admits of the Academies concerned with History, or

retouching, to the point of transformation. at the Archives, or, again, at the Muse de
But try to retouch, in an identical way for Versailles. We will choose among these and
each figure, these thousand or twelve hun- decide. Once the foundation is established,
dred, almost microscopic negatives ! consignments will not fail to arrive, as free
One could say that animated photogra- donations or even from interested parties.
phy has a character of authenticity, accu- The price of the cinematographic camera,
racy, and precision that belongs to it alone. like that of film stock, very high in the early
It is the ocular evidence that is truthful and days, decreases rapidly and will tend to
infallible par excellence. It can verify oral come within the reach of simple amateur
tradition, and, if human witnesses contra- photographers. Many among them, not
dict each other on some matter, it can bring including professionals, will begin to take
them to accord, shutting the mouth of who- an interest in the cinematographic applica-
ever would dispute it. Suppose a discussion tion of this art and would like nothing better
began about a military or naval manoeuvre than to contribute to the making of History.
whose steps had been recorded by the cin- Those who do not supply their collections
ematograph; it would soon be settled It now will gladly make a bequest of them.
can give with mathematical exactitude the A competent committee will accept or dis-
distance between points in the scenes it has card the proposed documents after having
fixed. Most often it attests with very clear appraised their historic value. The rolls of
signs the time of day, season, and climactic negatives that are accepted will be sealed in
conditions in which the event took place. cases, labelled and catalogued; these will be
Even what escapes the eyesthe impercep- the standards that will remain untouched.
tible progress of moving objectsthe lens The same committee will determine the
seizes, from their distant beginnings on the conditions under which the positives will be
horizon to the point closest to the fore-plane presented and will place in reserve those
of the screen. In short, one wishes that other which, for certain reasons of propriety, can-
historic documents had the same degree of not be released until after a certain number
certitude and clarity. of years have elapsed. The same is done at
other archives. A curator from the chosen
establishment will care for this new collec-
Establishment ofthe Depository tion, small to begin with, and a future insti-
ofHistorical Cinematography tution will be founded. Paris will have its
Depository of Historical Cinematography.
We need to accord this perhaps privileged
source of History the same authority, the
same official existence, the same access that First Bases ofthe Projected foundation
already established archives have. This is a
concern in the highest spheres of the State, This is an establishment that is absolutely
and moreover the ways and means do not essential, and it will take place sooner or
seem hard to find. It would suffice to assign later in some large European city. I would
to cinematographic prints that have a histori- like to contribute to its endowment in this
cal character a section of the Museum, a shelf city where I have been received with such
in the Library, a cabinet in the Archives. The good grace. And here I ask modestly to
official depository would be installed either enter the picture.
at the Bibliothque Nationale or that of the As photographer to the Emperor of
Institut [National], in the keeping of one of Russia, I was able, on the express orders
A New Source of History 51

of His Majesty himself, to capture with the already have by my account many more
cinematograph as they happened, among to offer, relating to the coronation of HM
other curious views, important scenes and Nicholas II, the travels in Russia of two
intimate events of the visit to Petersburg other emperors, the Jubilee of the Queen
by the President of the French Republic in of England. In recent times I have been
September 1897.1 able to capture portions of events in Paris
These negatives, which an initiative that were most unexpected and breathtak-
from on high gave me permission to take, ing. Iintend to gather throughout Europe
were projected for his eyes; after which and send to the future Depository repro-
I was able, in some sixty consecutive ductions of all scenes that seem to me to
sessions, to offer the same spectacle to be of historical interest.
soldiers in the Paris barracks. I was sur- My example will be imitated if you
prised and charmed by the effect produced would like to encourage this very simple
upon these simple souls, to whom Igave but novel idea, suggest it to others who will
the opportunity to learn about the physi- carry it through, and above all liberally give
ognomy of a foreign people and country, the publicity necessary for it to be lively and
about the organization of official events fruitful.
so new to them, and finally about a great
national spectacle.
I propose this uncommon first series of Note
cinematographic negatives as the base for
1. The projection of one of these films was found
the establishment of the new Museum. Iwas indisputably to refute a false assertion from abroad,
fortunate to win to my point of view some touching on a misconduct that was supposedly
persons of considerable authority, and, with perpetrated during that juncture. Doubtless the
event has its little importance, but ultimately it
their influence, I may soon be able to see is only an example of the services that animated
this new kind of archive founded inParis. photography can render to the truth, verifying
I have stated why Ipredict an easy and human testimony. This is a whole anecdotal side of
History that until now has escaped the imagination
rapid development for these archives. of narrators.
I will contribute to them myself. Other
than the scenes I have mentioned, I

Early Nonfiction Films and theView

A Deferred Discovery these films, making use of contemporary

narrative theory and formal analysis. Since
The recent re-evaluation of early cinema Brighton a broader project of placing early
springs from a determination to approach cinema in a social and economic context has
the films of cinemas first decades on their begun. While many unanswered questions
own terms. While recognizing that a his- remain, the work undertaken by historians
toriographic project which attempts to in many countries to establish the modes
fully reproduce the past as it really was is of production, the range of cinematic styles
doomed to a naive historicism, nonetheless, and genres, and the means of exhibition
a responsible historian must try to recreate in early cinema continues to make strong
the original horizon of expectation in which headway, emerging from (and in some ways
films were produced and received. The surpassing) the simple principle formulated
recent revision of early film history dates at Brighton of a close and fresh examination
from the 1978 FIAF conference at Brighton, of the texts themselves.
England which inaugurated a new era in the But, as is always true, decisions in
study of early cinema by collecting together the initial gathering of material ended
a larger number of films from the period up shaping a corpus in ways which had
19001906 than had been gathered previ- unforeseen consequences. Two principles
ously. This Brighton project arranged for which governed the selection of the films
scholars to view and discuss these films, shown at Brighton in 1978 contributed
rather than relying on canonical descrip- to a general neglect of nonfiction film in
tions and accounts of cinemas evolution the re-evaluation of early cinema.1 Both of
contained in traditional histories. A series these decisions, as Iunderstand it, were of
of presentations at Brighton and later a a practical rather than polemic bent, and
number of published essays re-evaluated neglect was simply a by-product rather
Before Documentary 53

than intent. The first was the decision to Discoveries ofDifferences:

focus on a period beginning at 1900, some Actualities versus
years after the most commonly agreed Documentaries
upon dates of cinemas debut. The motive
for this decision came from a desire to What are the issues that face us in task?
avoid the controversies over rival claims of I must stress that I feel we are at the
invention which had so often dominated beginning of this investigation. But, as
the study of early cinema, sidetracking it at Brighton nearly two decades ago, it is
into often bitter quarrels between advo- important to make some preliminary
cates of competing inventors, spurred on observations, even if they can only serve
by personal or national loyalty. The sec- as tentative hypotheses, early surveys
ond decision was to concentrate on fiction and probes that provide starting points to
filmmaking, leaving nonfiction to the side. further study, theses to be further dem-
The motive for this decision seems to be onstrated or perhaps discredited. A new
less the avoiding of controversies than a conception of early nonfiction film must
reasonable reluctance to wade into a great begin from a starting point similar to
unexplored territory, a space left blank on that of much of the work on early fiction
all charts. The mass of nonfiction films film: an acknowledgement of a basic dif-
were difficult to date, trace or identify. ference between early nonfiction film and
Wisdom seemed to dictate restricting this later documentary filmmaking. This is
initial foray in the revision of early film not to deny any continuity between the
history to the more containable area of two forms or the possibility of some con-
fictionfilms. tinuous tradition. However, even if such
The consequence of these eminently continuity could be established and a tra-
rational decisions was that nonfiction cin- dition fashioned from it, I believe we must
ema had to wait for a reconsideration of confront a gaping abyss that separates the
its role in early cinema. This delay con- earlier and later modes of nonfiction film-
tained some irony, since it is during the making. I propose that we use the already
period of early cinema that nonfiction existing terms for these different peri-
film could claim its greatest hegemony. ods in nonfiction filmmaking: actuality
During the initial years of film history referring to this practice before World War
(and hence the effect of the decision to I and documentary reserved for the prac-
begin the re-evaluation of early cinema at tice that begins with the later period of the
Brighton with 1900)nonfiction production war. The dates for this periodization are
greatly outnumbered the production of fic- certainly provisional, an area which calls
tion films. Clearly the recent focus of the for further discussion. However, I believe
1994 Domitor conference of these first five that the First World War itself plays an
years of production (including extensive important role in the transformation of
screenings), the workshop of nonfiction nonfiction filmmaking.
cinema from the 1910s at the Nederlands When John Grierson introduced the
Filmmuseum at Amsterdam, and the term documentary, primarily to describe
large-scale screenings at the Cinema the work of Robert Flaherty,3 he did not
Ritrovato at Bologna and the Giornate del intend the term to cover all nonfiction
Cinema Muto in Pordenone2 indicate that filmmaking. In fact, Grierson wished
the tide has turned. The place of nonfiction to differentiate through this term a new
filmmaking in early cinema has at least approach to nonfiction films. He distin-
been acknowledged and has begun to be guished the documentary from other
theorized and investigated.
54Early Documentary

films made from natural material, such rearrangements and creative shapings,
as newsreels or scientific or educational what defines the formal and pragmatic
films. For Grierson the move from these impulses of the actuality film and, there-
earlier nonfiction forms to the documen- fore, structures its history? In fact, the
tary proper represented a transformation history of the actuality film from the
from the plain (or fancy) descriptions of viewpoint of its formal development chal-
natural material, to arrangements, rear- lenges the methods of historians of early
rangements, and creative shapings of it.4 I film, as a characteristically observant point
will return to the concept of creative shap- made by Ben Brewster at the 1994 Amster
ing and arrangement later, but for now I dam Workshop demonstrates. Brewster
want to stress Griersons understanding observed that many nonfiction films from
of this earlier mode as descriptive. As the 1910s, most especially travelogues, look
Charles Wolfe points out, this differentia- surprisingly similar stylistically to nonfic-
tion continued to be discussed during the tion films from earlier periods. This appar-
thirties, with a retrospective arranged by ently largely static evolution of nonfiction
the highly influential Film Department cinema from, say, 1903 to 1917 contrasts
at the Museum of Modern Art in New sharply with the dynamic evolution of fic-
York City in 1939, taking as its title The tion cinema in that period, not only in the
Nonfiction Film: From Uninterpreted Fact development of editing, but in the clarifica-
to Documentary. As Wolfe states, this tion of narrative form and character delin-
drew what for many was a crucial distinc- eation. No film historian would confuse a
tion between the simply descriptive func- fiction film from 1906 with one from 1912.
tion of earlier forms of nonfiction and the In the case of nonfiction, however, the sty-
interpretive ambitions of true documen- listic traits show considerable less differen-
tary.5 The term documentary, then, tiation over the same period. As Brewster
announced an historical fissure in film put it at the workshop, nonfiction films
criticism and filmmaking, separating a dont seem to exist in the regime of sty-
new and valorized practice from an earlier listic pressure that was clearly there for fic-
approach which was now condemned to a tion filmmakers.6
sort of prehistory. With this act of polemic Of course, tracing stylistic developments
periodization Grierson and others set a entails learning where to look for transfor-
pattern followed by most historians of mations. Viewing a larger number of early
nonfiction filmmaking. After ceremonial actuality films does alert us to a number of
nods to the Lumire brothers, the enor- formal/technical transformations during this
mously rich period of nonfiction film- period. The growth of multi-shot films cer-
making before Flaherty basically remains tainly differentiates the actuality films of the
undiscussed, as if shrouded by a collective early 1900s from those of the 1890s, which
amnesia. However irresponsible it may be were restricted to single shots. The develop-
for contemporary historians to maintain ment of editing in actuality film, while not
this attitude, it does function as an impor- as programmatic as in the fiction film, none-
tant historic signpost. The documentary theless displays concerns for clarity and logic
as conceived by Grierson did differ from in the presentation of information, as in the
earlier nonfiction filmmaking practice in process film in which one sees the succes-
significant ways. sive stages of industrial or handicraft manu-
If the documentary in the Griersonian facturing (which I discuss later in this essay).
sense needs to be theorized and analyzed Some editing practices change rather early.
from the viewpoint of its arrangements, For instance, the earliest actuality films, from
Before Documentary 55

the Lumires on, made strong use of cam- familiar forms served these purposes quite
era stoppages (moments when the camera effectively, there was little motivation for
has stopped filming, then resumes shooting transformation.8
from the same position but with an ellipsis
of action); viewers today often dont notice
this important tool in early actuality film-
making, or they attribute the visible jump in The View Aesthetic
action to a splice in the film.7 Around 1905
(or possibly earlier) these stoppages became What, then, was the model for nonfc-
rare and jumps within shots were replaced tion flmmaking which I am claiming was
by actual cuts to different shots. Likewise the relatively consistent from around 1906 or
increased use of intertitles in actuality films so until World War I and which the fairly
after 1905 or so reflects not only a change in straightforward descriptive style of filming
presentational strategy (possibly as a result served so well? While there are certainly
of a gradual abandonment of the lecturer), many different sorts of nonfction films dur-
but also a desire to make actuality filmmak- ing this period, I would maintain that a par-
ing more self-sufficient in its organizational ticular aesthetic subtends or could embrace
strategies. most of this diversity. This Urform of early
However, a certain consistent series of nonfction film I propose to call the view.
strategies and thematics in early actualities With this term, frequently used by contem-
remains, making such stylistic transfor- poraries to describe early actuality films (as
mations seem more like technical refine- well as, before film, photographs of places
ments than the equivalent to the radical or events of interest), I mean to highlight
transformations in fiction films of the first the way early actuality films were structured
two decades. Accounting for this apparent around presenting something visually, cap-
lack of radical transformations should not turing and preserving a look or vantage point.
lead us to think of the nonfiction film as In this respect the view clearly forms part
somehow stagnant or, worse yet, retarded of what I have called the cinema of attrac-
in relation to fiction film. Models of nec- tions, the emphasis found in early cinema
essary stylistic progress distort our sense upon the act of display and the satisfying
of film history. The radical development of visual curiosity.9 As an actuality a view
of film style in the fiction film during the makes a greater claim to recording an event
early 1910s derives from the need to develop of natural or social history, while attractions
characters and establish clear patterns of include artificially arranged scenes enacted
temporality as these films took on new, precisely to arouse and sate the spectators
more complex models of storytelling and curiosity. However, a differentiation between
attempted to achieve an autonomous mode the arranged and the simply recorded is so
of comprehensibility. One could attribute difficult to maintain or demonstrate that I do
the relative lack of development in the not wish to draw this line too firmly. Views
nonfiction film to the fact that the existent tend to carry the claim that the subject
modes of film style remained entirely effec- filmed either pre-existed the act of filming
tive for the genres then practised. In other (a landscape, a social custom, a method of
words, I feel that the aims and purposes work) or would have taken place even if the
for nonfiction filmmaking during the early camera had not been there (a sporting event,
1910s (and therefore the formal models for a funeral, a coronation), thus claiming to
nonfiction films) had changed very little capture a view of something that maintains
since about 1906. Since the available and a large degree of independence from the act
56Early Documentary

of filming it. Clearly there are degrees of tour and present locations, an organiza-
independence and borderline cases that blur tion based on space and place presented
such distinctions. But I feel that the view as a series of views. Secondly, there are the
as opposed to the act or scene delineates films dedicated to activities and processes,
a perceived distinction between actuality and views strung together with a temporal,
staged films during the early era of film his- rather than a spatial, organization and
tory. Needless to say, both views and acts with a more determinate sequential logic
could function as attractions. of transformation.
To my mind the most characteristic
quality of a view lies in the way it mimes
the act of looking and observing. In other
words, we dont just experience a view View Genres:
film as a presentation of a place, an event Place and Process
or a process, but also as the mimesis of the
act of observing. The camera literally acts Unlike the single shot films typical of the
as a tourist, spectator or investigator, and turn of the century, the place films from at
the pleasure in the film lies in this surro- least 1906 on edit together a series of shots
gate of looking. The primary indication of in order to provide a rich and varied sense
this mode of observation lies in the clear of locale. These films include scenes of cit-
acknowledgement of the cameras presence. ies, rural areas or even a tour of a foreign
People filmed respond to the camera, either country. While the imagery may capture
through looks or gestures directed towards either natural landscapes, man-made struc-
it, or through the way they present their tures or a combination of both, the selec-
actions to it, demonstrating a work process tion of shots serves to develop a variety of
or custom. Likewise the cameras place- sightsmuch like a tourist albumand to
ment tends to take the best view possible of articulate an aesthetic that would remain
the action, and one senses its placement as remarkably consistent in travelogue films
being far from casual. In a view the world of future decades. The view of the tourist
is presented to the camera, and therefore to is recorded here, placing natural or cultural
the spectator. sites on display, but also miming the act of
While my description of views may visual appropriation, the natural and cul-
sound simple to the point of tautologya tural consumed as sights. Perhaps nowhere
film showing somethingthe films them- is the dramatizing of the act of visual appro-
selves are far from simplistic. As I hope priation more palpable than in the many
to demonstrate by contrasting them with phantom ride films of this era, films shot
later documentaries, these films do take from moving vehicles (primarily trains,
on a certain quality partly through the but also autos and boats) moving through
things they dont do. In addition, the forms a landscape or urban environment. These
of showing and observing in these films films, still visually powerful today, place on
are quite varied and their apparent simple view the unfolding visual horizon, the sense
styles are well adapted to a variety of tasks. of an eye moving through space, clearly fea-
Two large genres of view films are evi- turing the act of seeing as much as the sight
dent in a survey of early nonfiction films to be seen. In phantom rides, place and act
(although there are others). These genres of seeing become dynamically interrelated
allowed views to become more than sin- through the creation of a view in motion,
gle shots and organized a number of single foregrounding the unique appetites of the
views within a larger, multi-shot logic of film medium for both the visual and the
exposition. First, there are the films which mobile.
Before Documentary 57

The longevity of the phantom ride combine these two orders of logic, both
genre stands as another indication of the spatial exploration and temporal explica-
basic coherence of the view aesthetic for tion, showing that the structure of viewing
nearly two decades of film history. At the and construction of view actualities can
same time, I sense some transformation indeed be complex. While both these forms
in the genre, a transfer from an earlier rely primarily on structures of succession,
form which emphasized both landscape devices such as cut-ins to closer views or to
and the novelty of the mobile gaze cutting details allow a degree of editing sophistica-
through space, to a later form which pri- tion, especially after 1906 or so.
marily stressed the unfolding landscape The increased temporality of the pro-
and directed attention away from the tech- cess films brings them closer to narrative
nology of the movie camera and mode of form, though clearly lacking the consistent
transport. These later phantom rides seem diegesis and creation of character that the
more contemplative, less attuned to the fiction film of this period strove to achieve
thrills of fast locomotives, sudden curves (and which produced the regime of sty-
and looming tunnels than to the natural listic pressure that Brewster speaks of).
panorama spread before the viewer. For While rooted still in a descriptive approach,
instance, Burnham Beeches10 passes by the recurring narrative patterns are evident in
natural forms of a grove of trees, creat- many of these films. The most fully devel-
ing a leisurely pace conveyed by a smooth, oped narrative pattern is the transformation
jarless movement, a reflective rhythm of of raw material into consumable goods. In
contemplation further guaranteed by the many of these films the narrative process
soft dissolves that link shots. One not only moves from opening scenes of raw mate-
loses oneself in this natural imagery, one rial through the various stages of produc-
has no sense of whether one is transported tion to culminate in a scene of delighted
by train or car or other means. The mobile consumption.
means, once the centre of such phantom Films such as the Manufacture of Walking
rides, is now only the vehicle for a commu- Sticks12 and Messrs. Barlow and Jones Ltd.,
nion with nature. This contrasts sharply Manchester and Bolton,13 both shown at the
with the modes of reception of early train 1995 Pordenone film festival, begin with
films, with their emphasis on speed, dan- unloading of raw materials (sticks, cotton)
ger and sensation.11 The modality of the at factories. Similarly such process films as
view is open to a variety of approaches. Making Christmas Crackers,14 A Day In The
The spatial unfolding and linking that Life of an English Coal Miner,15 or Culture Et
forms the structure of these place films Rcolte Des Pommes Washington,16 shown
gives way to temporal strategies in the films at the same festival, end with scenes of plea-
which offer a view of a process, whether the surable consumption of the manufactured
production of a consumer good through a good within a comfortable or even glamor-
complex industrial process, the creation of ous bourgeois interior.
an object through traditional craft, or the This trajectory from raw material to con-
detailing of a local custom or festival. While sumable product enacts a basic narrative
such films also make use of a spatial logic, of industrial capitalism, already sketched
as the films present a variety of viewpoints by Prince Albert in his plan for the dis-
on an action (especially in films of industrial plays in the 1851 Crystal Palace relating
processes, which partly function as factory raw material to finished products,17 and
tours), their dominant organization princi- rehearsed in world fairs and school text
ple is temporal, detailing the stages of a pro- books for decades. Work not only trans-
cess in a logical order. Clearly many films forms, it mediates between nature and
58Early Documentary

culture, for the benefit of the comfortable As complex ideologically as these process
classes. The class basis (and bias) of this and place films may be, rehearsing as well
narrative is especially clear in A Day in the as shaped by narratives of colonialism and
Life of an English Coal Miner, which opens consumer culture, nonetheless they remain
with a miner leaving his cottage and fam- rooted in the view aesthetic. The ultimate
ily for work. The penultimate shot shows act of consumption in these films is the
him returning home, but the final inte- audiences act of viewing; and everything
rior shot brings us, not into the miners people, places, and thingsis offered to
home, but presents a comfortable middle our view. Recurringly this is marked by the
class family gathered around the hearth returned look of people within the film,
and warmed by the coal he mined. Perhaps the gaze directed out at camera and viewer
the most dramatic tracing of this trajectory which transfixes the act of looking as central
comes in Dou Viennent Les Faux Cheveux,18 to the descriptive mode, the act of display
which begins with a series of pans around as the primary act of the filmmaker. These
a small Breton town square and market in films often show a range of these returned
which women have gathered to have their looks (from the shy laughter of the women
long hair cut off (a gathering of raw mate- about to have their hair cut to the coquett-
rial detailed in medium close up). The pro- ish gaze of the woman removing her hair
cess of cutting, gathering, sorting, carding, pieces in Dou Viennent Les Faux Cheveux),
and finally sewing this hair into wigs and and even incorporate scenes where such
hair pieces is detailed, leading to the last looks are avoided (the staged sequences of
shot which shows a glamorous bourgeois the miner leaving and returning to his cot-
woman in medium close up taking off her tage in A Day in the Life of an English Coal
hat, then removing false hair pieces, and Miner, in which he avoids looking at the
smiling fetchingly at camera. camera, contrasting sharply with the shot
in the same film, introduced with the inter-
title Belles of the Black Diamond Field,
in which women workers smile at a voy-
Uncovering theLook euristic panning camera). However, in the
construction of the films the primacy of
As Grierson indicated, the primary mode the view affirms itself. If these images find
of these early films was descriptive. While their place within ideological narratives,
clearly they cannot claim to present an this place is as much a sight as a site, and
untouched raw reality (however mythi- not a diegetic story incident or part of an
cal such a concept might be), their inter- articulated social or political argument. The
ference with reality, the means by which social attitudes here are pre-existent, rather
they shape it, centre on the act of looking than argued, and the images hardly serve as
and describing. Actions and people may be evidence.
arranged so that the camera can get a bet- While many actuality films exemplify
ter look at them, but this arrangement is for this aesthetic of the view, with travelogues
the most part fully evident in the manner and process films being perhaps the clear-
in which people acknowledge the camera or est examples, the desire evident in these
display their talents, costumes or physical films to provide a nearly endless and (ide-
characteristics to it. I believe that Grierson ally) exhaustive catalogue of views of the
was right in declaring that this style of film- world reached a climax in the films shot for
making was quite different from the cre- Albert Kahn and his utopian project of Les
ative shaping of the material which he felt archives de la plante, in the 1910s and 1920s.
defined the documentary film. Although this fascinating phenomenon
Before Documentary 59

calls for more in-depth research than I have act of looking with all its possible scenarios
yet undertaken, the films that have been of dominance, curiosity, seduction, objecti-
made available from this archive on video fication and even identification.
reveal a fascinating archaeology of the non- For Grierson the documentary went
fiction films through a peerless demonstra- beyond this primary encounter. However,
tion and an encyclopedic collection of the just as I have maintained that the aesthetic
view aesthetic. of attractions persists in a less obvious form
Kahn was a rich Parisian banker of within later fictional films, the staging of the
the early twentieth century, who supple- look certainly subtends much of later docu-
mented his other philanthropic cultural mentary practice, including, even, much
and social endowments with the project of of Nanook the North. But the documentary
collecting on film a series of motion pic- moves beyond (and obscures or, perhaps,
ture images from around the world, seiz- camouflages) this primal act of looking
ing, as he put it, life where it exists. These through its creative reshaping and drama-
films consist predominantly not of edited tizing of natural material. Undoubtedly
documentaries explicating social customs editing plays a key role in the restructur-
or political events, but rather simply of ing of material that defines the advent of
views of daily life around the world: modes the documentary. I would claim that even
of dress, city streets, national types, though actuality films make often sophis-
native festivals, religious customs, pro- ticated use of editing, the view privileges
cesses of agriculture and handicraft. the relation between camera and subject.
Taken collectively the films construct an Editing basically plays the role of providing
exotic panorama of the planet on display, a succession of views, whether spatially (as
the ultimate cinematic World Exposition. in the travelogue) or temporally (as in the
Perhaps the most extraordinary of these films of process). This editing can be quite
short films is a shot of an Indochinese elegant, including cut-ins to closer views or
woman, filmed (apparently for modestys a truly creative sense of juxtaposing differ-
sake) out of focus as she undresses for ent points of view (such as certain phan-
the camera, revealing both the layers of tom ride films which vary the angle from
native clothing and her body.19 The sense which the passing landscape is seen) with
of voyeurism as a source of the desire for grace or sensational effects. But the editing
knowledge (of the Other, of the body) is does not possess the same drive toward dra-
so boldly demonstrated by this film that it matizing and rhythm that can be found in
stands as a sort of confession of the drives fiction films of this period, where articula-
behind the view aesthetic. tion between different shots increasingly
As this film reveals, even these simple becomes an expressive mode of narration
unedited films are hardly bereft of ideology and ideological comment.
(a whole vocabulary of colonial and sexist
gazes is unfurled here), but it is an ideol-
ogy contained within the fascinating sub-
terfuges and revelations of the look. One is War and theArgument
always awareand I believe this is true of ofImages
all the early actuality films I am describing
hereof a drama staged between camera Although it is always a perilous task to try
and subject, the observer and the observed, to demarcate historical periods in aesthetic
and ultimately, the view and the audience. practice and locate a transformation in style
These views represent a sort of primal with precision, I believe from my viewing of
exchange and encounter contained in the the films from the 1910s shown at the 1994
60Early Documentary

Amsterdam Workshop that one can locate has certain knowledge (for instance, in Der
the transformation from the view to the Zeppelin-Angriff Auf England Hiley could
documentary in a period somewhat earlier identity the Zeppelin footage as showing
than Nanook of the North. Let me restate in prewar flights and the images of destruction
semiotic terms Griersons idea of the docu- in England as showing the result of naval
mentary as the reshaping of natural mate- raids rather than air attacks).25
rial. We could describe this transformation Certainly it would be an oversimplifica-
from view to documentary as a move from tion to claim that the earlier view films
films conceived as a look to a film form are entirely innocent of larger discourses. To
which embedded its images in a larger argu- pick and critique the terms of the Museum
ment and used those images as evidence to of Modern Art nonfiction retrospective from
substantiate or intensify its discourse. Not 1939, in cinema there is no such thing as
surprisingly, this transformation becomes the uninterpreted fact. No image is inno-
extremely visible in the films that are made cent of ideological assumptions and the syn-
during World War I as propaganda for one tax of the look exchanged between camera
side or the other. and subject or screen and spectator can be
Although there were undoubtedly a large quite complex. Further, as Charles Musser
number of such films made, some of the would be the first to point out, early nonfic-
films at the Amsterdam Workshop stand tion films were the genre of early produc-
out for their strongly discursive arrange- tions most likely to be accompanied by a
ment of image and text in order to pres- lecture which could place these views in a
ent arguments about the course of the variety of discursive contexts. Finally, audi-
Great War. These films include Londen in ences would undoubtedly receive an image
Oorlogstijd,20 Vernietiging Britse Schepen,21 in terms of preconceived discursive con-
and Der Zeppelin-Angriff Auf England.22 As texts (such as the narratives of production
Charles Musser pointed out, the first two and consumption embedded in the process
of these titles are government films which films discussed earlier) and tend to fit them
tried to establish or deny claims of damage into already learned discourses. But the con-
inflicted on the enemy, and thus foreground trast that the Museum of Modern Art wished
their evidentiary function.23 They employ to draw remains significant in its differen-
film images in order to prove a thesis whose tiation, even if naive in its attitude toward
main claims are carried in an accompany- representation. A difference in the degree,
ing verbal discourse, usually embodied in methods and purposes of interpretation and
the films intertitles. In londen in oorlog- argument separate view films and docu-
stijd this verbal discourse is even embod- mentaries. I believe that the birth of the doc-
ied in some of the shots themselves, such umentary appears, as Grierson puts it, when
as those in which a man stands in a number the filmic material has been rearranged, has
of prominent sites in metropolitan London been placed into an explicit discursive con-
holding a placard which bears the date text through editing and intertitles. Rather
Sept. 26 1917.24 The date thus inscribed than a succession of views, the documentary
into this view makes an evidentiary claim fashions from its images an articulated argu-
in an argument about the extent of destruc- ment, as in the wartime films discussed, or a
tion caused in London by German bomb- dramatic structure based on the basic vocab-
ing attacks before this date. As Nicholas ulary of continuity editing and the creation
Hiley demonstrated at this workshop, such of characters borrowed from fiction film-
images can even be arranged to make an making, as in Nanook.
argument which in fact is contradicted by Therefore, I contrast the view, a descrip-
the images themselves, provided a viewer tive mode based on the act of looking and
Before Documentary 61

display, with the documentary, which is a a new roving form of vision and representa-
more rhetorical and discursive form insert- tion. Following in the footsteps of the ste-
ing images into a broader argument or reoscope and magic lantern views, actuality
dramatic form. The view relies more on filmmaking developed and exploited a new
individual shots, while the documentary form of visual curiosity. The addition of
creates a larger, closer structured context for motion photography not only added a tem-
these images. In the documentary individ- poral dimension to these earlier view forms,
ual shots lose much of their independence but allowed the drama of the look to develop
as separate views and become instances of a more dialogic relation to its filmed sub-
evidence or illustration within an argument jects, whose faces and gestures gained a
or story. Such structures depend on a closer further expressiveness and independence
weave of edited relations (including a greater as they were filmed in time. Both the move-
use of the codes of continuity editing in the ment through the landscape available in
films which create characters or stories), and phantom rides and the expressiveness of
a greater reliance on intertitles to explain or a darting glance or a mobile countenance
interpret the images. Issues of accuracy and show the new forms of experience and
evidence become foregrounded in the docu- knowledge available through the motion
mentary, largely because the authenticity of picture view. A view which could be mobile
the image becomes part of the argument and a form which could record the mobility
(and therefore issues of faking evidence, as of filmed subjects opened up a new realm of
the Zeppelin film). Specific claims of accu- visualization, picturing new phenomena for
racy are much looser in the view, which the curious observer, as well as recording
permits manipulations of the image for instances of resistance to the dominance of
their spectacular effects (such as the magi- the touristic or colonial gaze.26
cal trick effect appearance of Santa Claus in The aesthetic of the view in early actu-
the bourgeois parlour at the end of Making ality filmmaking has been neglected by a
Christmas Crackers) and which therefore film history which has generally followed
dont undermine any truth claim. the contours of cinemas main mode of eco-
nomic development, the fiction film. But,
more scandalously, it has also been radically
repressed by the official history of documen-
Looking Both Ways: The tary film (certainly no history of narrative film
Ambiguity of the View could consider passing over the decades from
the 1890s to the 1920s with the same silence
I want to emphasize again that this con- that the canonical histories of documentary
trast does not absolve view films from display as they skip blithely from Lumire to
any expression of ideology. However, I do Flaherty). It would seem that the documen-
feel that the enormousand neglected tary needs (or has needed) somehow to dis-
fascination of these early view films lies avow this intensely rich earlier tradition (just
in their thorough and often complex explo- as the fly-on-the-wall aesthetic of American
ration of the look in a manner outside of cinma vrit seemed to disavow the dynamic
the creation of a fictional space, dramatic power of the cameras gaze in cinema). The
structure or character development. These motivation for this repression must be care-
films present for us a new conception of fully examined, and I dont want to rush into
vision, which technological revolutions in conspiratorial scenarios. However, it seems
photography and in transportation made to me that the most frequently given reason
possible, and whereby all the sights in the for this neglect, the belief that this early mate-
world and its people were made subject to rial remained too raw, too close to reality and
62Early Documentary

bereft of artistic or conceptual shaping (com- as well as the other members of the work-
pared to the more cooked documentary), shop whose insights helped shape mine.
doesnt take us very far. I believe, rather, that I also want to thank the organizers of the
view films made the fashioners of the docu- third Domitor conference at the Museum
mentary tradition uncomfortable, because of Modern Art (especially, as always, Eileen
they reveal the ambiguous power relations of Bowser), Roland Cosandey for his exhibi-
the look so nakedly. The voyeurism implicit in tions of nonfiction films from the Joye col-
the tourist, the colonialist, the filmmaker and lection, and Jeanne Beausoleil for alerting
the spectator is laid bare in these films, with- me to the Albert Kahn archive.
out the naturalization of dramatic structure
or political argument. These views stage
for us the impulse towards just looking so
important to our modern era; and we have Notes
learned in the work on visual culture over the
last decades that just looking is never just 1. This neglect has been relative, of course. In the
recent rediscovery of early cinema, the study of
about looking. actuality filmmaking has had a number of powerful
The mass of actuality films from the advocates. The work of Roland Cosandey, Stephen
first decades of film history in our archives Bottomore, Charles Musser and others has made
a vital contribution to exploring and defining the
around the world are ripe for rediscov- issues of early nonfiction cinema. But even with
ery and re-examination. They constitute a these contributions, Ibelieve these authors would
neglected and, indeed, repressed aspect of agree that nonfiction filmmaking remains not
only less thoroughly studied than early fiction
film history. They present an incredibly rich filmmaking, but also less theorized.
reserve of information about the foundation 2. The third Domitor conference, Cinema turns
of our modern culture, not only for the vast 100, held in New York in 1994, focused on cinema
before 1900. The 1994 Amsterdam Workshop at the
variety of things displayed as audiences and Nederlands Filmmuseum focused on nonfiction
filmmakers sought to slake a seeming inex- from the teens, which is also the title of the book
haustible visual appetite, but also as dem- published from its discussions. Both Bologna and
Pordenone staged festivals in 1995 focusing on silent
onstrations of this modern visual curiosity nonfiction films.
itself. From these films we gain access to a 3. The locus classicus for the term documentary
viewing practice which was one of the foun- in relation to film is usually given as Griersons
review of Flahertys Moana, which appeared in
dations of our modern world. And from The New York Sun in February of 1926. This review
them we can also rethink and reformulate is reprinted in Lewis Jacobs, The Documentary
the tradition of documentary, a tradition Tradition: from Nanook to Woodstock (New York:
Hopkinson and Blake, 1971), pp.2526, where Jacobs
filled with both beauties and terrors, scenar- notes that for the first time he gave currency to the
ios of power and resistance, turning on the term documentary in English. However, Charles
act of looking and the creation of theview. Wolfe in The Poetics and Politics of Nonfiction:
Documentary Film, a chapter in Tino Balio, Grand
*** Design: Hollywood as a Modern Business Enterprise,
This essay is an expanded and revised ver- 19301939 (New York: Charles Scribners Sons,
sion of the essay Vor der Dokumentarfilm: 1993), points out that this early use of the term by
Grierson was unexceptional and only became a
frher nonfiction Filme und die sthetik defined concept in his essays in the early thirties.
der Ansicht, published in Anfnge des 4. First Principles of Documentary, in Forsyth Hardy
dokumentarischen Films (Basle: Stroemfeld / (ed.), Grierson on Documentary (New York: Harcourt,
Brace and Co., 1947), p. 100. This section is culled
Frankfurt am Main: Roter Stern, 1995), pp. from an article originally published in 1932 in
111123, KINtop, 4. I wish to thank the bold Cinema Quarterly.
and imaginative archivists of the Nederlands 5. Charles Wolfe, op. cit., p.353.
Filmmuseum in Amsterdam for their stag- 6. Brewsters comment appears on p. 32 of Daan
Hertogs & Nico de Klerk (eds.), Nonfiction From the
ing of the Workshop, which allowed me Teens: The 1994 Amsterdam Workshop (Amsterdam:
to see these films and develop my ideas, Nederlands Filmmuseum, 1994).
Before Documentary 63

7. See Andr Gaudreault, De quelques figures 16. Culture Et Rcolte Des Pommes Washington
de montage dans la production Lumire, a [United States (American Kin), 1915]. Print from
paper delivered to the Congrs Lumire at the LobsterFilm.
Universit Lumire-Lyon 2 (710 June, 1995), 17. See: Thomas Richards, The Commodity Culture
for a description of this practice in Lumire of Victorian Britain: Advertising and Spectacle
films. 18511914 (Stanford: Stanford University Press,
8. The recondite English scholar of early 1990), p. 28.
documentary films Stephen Bottomore made 18. Dou Viennent Les Faux Cheveux, France (Path)
a similar point at the Amsterdam Workshop, 1909. CNC print, Bois dArcy.
pointing out early documentarys strong 19. My knowledge of the films commissioned by
inheritance of visual forms from the magic Albert Kahn, which are preserved by the Muse
lantern lecture preceding film. See Hertogs & de Albert Kahn in Paris, comes from the videotape
Klerk, op. cit.,p.33. La Planete Albert Kahn, which includes the
9. The Cinema of Attractions: Early Film, Its Spectator film Idescribe. Ithank Jeanne Beausoleil,
and the Avant-Garde in Thomas Elsaesser (ed.), Early the director of the Muse, for making it
Cinema: Space, Frame, Narrative (London: British availabletome.
Film Institute, 1990), pp. 5663. 20. Londen in Oorlogstijd / Wartime London / ?, United
10. Burnham Beeches, United Kingdom (Hepworth) Kingdom, 1917. NFMprint.
1909. NFTVA print, London. 21. Vernietiging Britse Schepen / Destruction British Ships
11. See my The Whole World within Reach: Travel / ?, Germany [1916]. NFM print.
Images without Borders in Roland Cosandey 22. Der Zeppelin-Angriff Auf England / Zeppelin Attack
& Franois Albera (eds.), Cinma sans frontires On England / Der Zeppelin-Angriff Auf England,
18961918 Images without Borders. Aspects Germany (E. Hubert) 1915. NFMprint.
de Iinternationalit dans le cinma mondial: 23. Musserss comments are contained in Hertogs &
reprsentations, march, influences et rception / de Klerk, op. cit.,p.30.
Internationality in World Cinema: Representations, 24. Aphotogram of this image is reproduced in
Markets, Influences and Reception (Lausanne: Payot / Hertogs & de Klerk,p.32.
Quebec: Nuit Blanche, 1995), pp. 2136. 25. See Hileys comments in Hertogs & de
12. The Manufacture of Walking Sticks, United Kingdom Klerk,p.42.
(Heron) 1912. NFTVA print, London. 26. Miriam Hansen made a related point about
13. Messrs. Barlow and Jones Ltd., Manchester and resistance in her discussion of De Avonturen
Bolton, United Kingdom, 1919. NFTVA print, Van Martin Johnson Onder De Kannibalen
London. Op De Zuidzee-Eilanden / Martin Johnsons
14. Making Christmas Crackers, United Kingdom Adventures Among The Cannibals of The South
(Cricks and Martin) 1910. NFTVA print, London. Sea Islands / Among The Cannibal Isles of The
15. A Day in the Life of an English Coal Miner, South Pacific, (United States, 1918; NFM print)
United Kingdom (Kineto) 1910. NFTVA print, at the Amsterdam Workshop. See Hertogs & de
London. Klerk,p.58.



Associated with several of Seattles leading During the last two years Mr. Curtis had
business men, Mr. Edward S. Curtis has made a careful study of the motion picture
formed a small company for the making of subject and the marketing of the product,
commercial motion pictures of the Indian in the course of which investigation he has
and the Indianlife. fortunately had the confidence and received
Through his remarkable knowledge the advice of the foremost men in the field.
of this subject, Mr. Curtis will be able to Also he has consulted with many of the
make pictures which could be secured in countrys leading scientists and educators,
no other way, and owing to his interna- and they are most enthusiastic in regard
tional standing as one associated with the to the making of such a series of pictures.
Indian, the marketing of such pictures will There is no question that every educational
be comparatively easy, and the demand a institution in the land will be interested in
largeone. its success.
The profits to be had from such pictures For the present the more important
are quite large, and exceptionally substan- activities of the company will be the making
tial dividends can be dependedupon. of a complete series of motion pictures of
In forming a company for this purpose, Indians and Indian life. All this work is to
Mr. Curtis feels that he is giving his friends be done by or under the immediate super-
an opportunity to participate in the advan- vision of Mr. Curtis, who is so well known
tage of the standing he has built up through in association with his great pictorial work
many years of hard and careful work, and at dealing with all tribes of Indians.
the same time the capital furnished by such A series of pictures such as Mr. Curtis
a corporation will make it possible for him proposes to make will be of the greatest
to take advantage of the present world-wide national importancesomething of per-
demand for such pictures as he is so logi- manent educational and historical value.
cally qualified tomake. More than that, it should be exceptionally
The Continental Film Company 65

profitable. The production of motion pic- presumably to include Central and South
tures is a most profitable undertaking, and America. All pictures made should be
great as is the business today, it is but in classed among the educational, and should
its infancy. Genuine Indian pictures will be preserved as a part of the documentary
be far more valuable than regular dramatic material of the country. It is needless to
subjects. The reason for this is that the say that such a collection of material would
regular motion pictures have a life of but a be an important national asset, and would
few months, usually six. At the end of that from the beginning have the encourage-
time they go to the junk pile. The Indian ment of every educational institution.
pictures, owing to their historical and eth- In making such pictures, the greatest
nological importance, will remain in exis- care must be exercised that the thought
tence for all time: rather than being junk conveyed be true to the subject, that the
in six months, they will become of increas- ceremony be correctly rendered, and above
ing value, paying a dividend on the cost for all, that the costumes be correct. It must be
years tocome. admitted that the making of such a series
It is Mr. Curtis purpose and desire of pictures would be the most difficult thing
to include in the series all the tribes of attempted in motion photography, but it can
America, both North and South. These pic- be done, and will be one of the most valu-
tures, while made to meet the demands of able documentary works which can be taken
the scientist and students, will at the same up at thistime.
time be so rendered that they will possess The Indians and the Indian life do now
the interest needed to make the tastes of and will for all time furnish an important
the masses or those who are looking for part of the literature, art, and drama of our
amusement only. Mr. Curtis experience as country.
a lecturer fits him to grasp the wants of the As to motion pictures and their bear-
amusement-seeking public. ing on the subject, it is safe to say that
In the making of this series of motion properly produced under proper and per-
pictures of Indian life, there is a great work manent arrangement, they can be made
which Mr. Curtis can do as no other man of more importance than books or printed
can. He is backed by a lifetime of experience illustrations.
with this subject, and has the peculiar abil- The market for motion pictures is very
ity to handle the primitive people in a way large. This will be particularly so with those
which means success. made by one with a world-wide reputation.
The questions might be raised as to Not only would there be a market in the
whether the documentary material would United States and Canada, but in Europe
not lack the thrilling interest of the fake and South America as well. The commercial
picture. It is the opinion of Mr. Curtis that advantage of the motion picture producing
the real life of the Indian contains the paral- business is that the market is world-wide,
lel emotions to furnish all necessary plots with but a trifle taken from any one. It is,
and give the pictures all the heart interest in fact, but a small tax upon the people of
needed. In this respect it is as important the world. Those who have not kept in touch
that we take into consideration the Indians with motion picture matters can have but
mental processes as it is to picture his a slight idea of the magnitude of the busi-
unique costume. ness. Many millions of people daily visit
To do the work in a way creditable to the the motion picture theatres in the United
subject and to the nation would require States. There are more than 25,000 motion
a vigorously conducted campaign cover- picture theatres in the country, and if these
ing a period of five to fifteen years, this averaged but 2,000 admissions in a day it
66Early Documentary

gives an almost unbelievable total. The fact of from three to six reels in length. As to
of such a very large attendance means that the marketing, there are two feasible meth-
the greatest single influence in our country ods. The first is to sell them by the state
today is the motion picture. Likewise, no rights plan. By this method each subject
other business reaches so great a number should pay a profit of $25,000 to $50,000
of people. within a year of its production, and two
Mr. John Collier, of the National Board pictures a year should be produced. The
of Censorship of motion pictures, says:A second and best plan is to make pictures
new kind of book has been produced of six reels in length, make the strongest
and is being read by millions of people and most important production possible,
daily. The motion picture is a book, and and then booking the picture to be played
an acted play, and a scenic wonderworld in first class theatres throughout the
in one. It is more popular today than our United States. In fact, tentative arrange-
public libraries, and it should concern the ments have been made for so marketing
educational and religious agencies more the Indian pictures made by Mr. Curtis.
than the printed book for the reason that This plan means putting on the road from
motion pictures, being a form of drama, ten to twenty sets of the film, and playing
nearly always have a moral or immoral in each city a week or more with a return
lesson to convey. Whether it be sermons, engagement ninety days later. Such book-
or educational lectures, or temptations to ing of the pictures will be made through
wrong-doing, each and all of these things one corporation in NewYork, to cover the
can be conveyed more vividly through United States, and on a percentage basis.
motion pictures than through printed A moderately successful picture should
books. pay a minimum profit the first year of
To sum it all up, the subject treated is one $100,000, and one that proved particu-
of the most interesting, the business is one larly successful a profit of many times
of the most profitable of the day, the market that. As an illustration, with a minimum
world-wide, the man doing the work per- of ten pictures playing at a profit of $100
sonally known to you and of international a night from each picture, it is easy to see
reputation. what the profit would be, and such an esti-
The plans for the present are that all pic- mate is less than half what could rightly be
tures made will be special feature subjects expected.


Remarkable Motion Picture Produced by more acceptable. It is not a pleasing recollec-

Edward R. Curtis, Famous Authority on tion by any means because all these efforts
North American Indians were strikingly futile. Mr. Curtis has found
*** the short cut of genius and he eminently suc-
If Iwere asked to point to some particular ceeds where others have dismally failed. It is
film illustrating the educational value of the said that Mr. Curtis is a profound student of
motion picture Iwould unhesitatingly men- Indian lore. This is evident enough from the
tion this production. As a drama it may be a films, but it does not at all explain his success
mere curiosity though even as a drama it has with this subject on the screen. The cause of
a singularly compelling charm. As a gem of that must be sought in an extraordinary per-
the motion picture art it has never been sur- ception of artistic and dramatic values, in an
passed. As Isaw it at the Casino, NewYork uncommon skill of selection and in a sort of
City, with suitable music the picture is over- second sight with the camera. I confess that
whelmingly beautiful and impressive. You I learned a good deal looking at this picture.
get the impression of having feasted on one It has brought before my eyes a new vista
of the worlds great picture galleries and of camera miracles. The low flight of the
there follows that most delightful of sensa- birds over the waters tinted and burnished
tions, a new perception of pleasure in which by the setting sun is a veritable revelation
the eye and the brain take special shares. of motion picture art. I am loath to confine
I remember many efforts to make the life myself to this one example when the recol-
of remote countries and strange tribes live lection of others equal in beauty and power
on the screen. I remember how the attempt still linger hauntingly in my mind, but here
was made to get the natives into a moving I can do no more than allude to one or two
picture scenario and thus render the film beside: the capture of the whale, the scenes
68Early Documentary

of the sea-lions, the dances, the wedding cer- grace, the weirdness and the humor of their
emonies, the vigil of the hero. The direction dances have never been brought home to us
of this play entitles Mr. Curtis to high rank like this before.
in that difficult profession, but it is after all I cannot say enough for the scenic beauty
only one of the lesser merits. of this film. Beauty does not describe that
Mr. Curtis conceived this wonderful aspect of the film as fully as Iwould want to
study in ethnology as an epic. It fully explain it. There is a natural beauty which
deserves the name. Indeed, it seemed to simply soothes and flatters such as a pretty
me that there was a most striking resem- sunset, a fine river view, a bold rock or a
blance all through the films between the beautiful shore. In this film the scenic por-
musical epics of Richard Wagner and the tions have character, we feel instinctively
theme and treatment of this Indian epic. that a virgin wilderness is conjured up
The fire-dance, the vigil journey with its before us and that the conjurer is a master
command of silence and chastity, the craftsman, a wizard with the camera. The
whole character of the hero were most very solitude is there on the screen and the
strangely reminiscent of Parsifal and the stern moods of Nature, the frowns no less
Ring of the Nibelungs. I have indicated than the smiles.
but a few general outlines, any one can I speak advisedly when Isay that this pro-
pursue the likeness in all its details to his duction sets a new mark in artistic handling
hearts content. of films in which educational values mingle
Mr. Curtis has extracted from his vast with dramatic interest. Even the scenes
materials nothing but the choicest and showing the head-hunters is redeemed
nothing but that which will please the eye from the gruesome by the exceeding skill
and stir the thoughts of an intelligent white which characterizes the production as a
audience. All the actors are full-blooded whole. In the Land of the Head Hunters
Indians. The Indian mind is, I believe, is a title which does not begin to describe
constitutionally incapable of acting; it can- all the film contains. It is not a feature for
not even grasp the meaning of acting as we the nickelodeon or the cheap house, but it
understand it. Probably nobody understands ought to be welcomed by the better class
this fact better than Mr. Curtis. The pictures of houses that are looking for an occa-
speak volumes for the producers intimacy sional departure from the regular attrac-
with the Indians and his great power over tions and that want to give their patrons a
them. They are natural in every move; the specialtreat.

P L AY I N G P R I M I T I V E ( 1 9 9 9 )

The Indian thereby driven back into the ghetto, into the glass coffin of virgin forest,
becomes the simulation model for all conceivable Indians before ethnology. The latter
thus allows itself the luxury of being incarnate beyond itself, in the brute reality of
those Indians it has entirely reinventedsavages who are indebted to ethnology for
still being Savage:what a turn of events, what a triumph for this science which seemed
dedicated to their destruction!

jean baudrillard, The Precession of Simulacra

In the archives of film history, traces and that anticipates many of the elements of
fragments of disappearing films occasion- postmodern ethnography. To return to it
ally surface in restored versions. If experi- as an experimental film, rather than as an
mental ethnography relies on the use of anthropological film, is to trace the effects
past texts as sounding boards1 for a revision of fragmentation and historical distance on
of ethnographic method, the restoration and the representation of culture.
recovery of lost films provides a particu- Nonfiction films of the second decade
larly rich site of analysis. In this chapter, one of the twentieth century are in many ways
particular film from 1914 will be analyzed as a caesura in film history. Neither actualities
an instance of retrospective ethnographic within the aesthetic framework of the cin-
history. In the Land of the War Canoes is an ema of attractions, nor documentaries in
authentically inauthentic text, a restoration the style initiated by Flaherty in 1922, they
of one of the earliest ethnographic films, constitute a wealth of cultural documen-
a film that observes very few principles of tation that has only recently begun to be
objectivity or reliable fieldwork. It is a rare recognized by scholars and archivists. The
example of a premodern ethnographic film 1994 Amsterdam Workshop was devoted to
70Early Documentary

this material, and in the published record as drumming and natural sound effects of
of the discussion of a program of Fictional birds and water. Made in consultation with
Anthropology, the participants were struck fifty surviving cast members, the restored
by the way that native peoples appear to film functions as a kind of prism through
perform themselves for the camera.2 With which the 1914 film might be glimpsed in
the development of cinema, culture imme- fragmentaryform.
diately becomes a representation, in which War Canoes is on one level a kind of
people participate with different degrees of repossession of Headhunters by and for
complicity. Performances for the camera those whom it was ostensibly about.
can occasionally be read as forms of cultural However, Holm and Quimbys restora-
resistance,3 especially once this cinema has tion of the film also destroys the narrative
become an archival text, and the tensions flow of Curtiss original, replacing all of
between the body and the machine become his intertitles with their own, reducing the
tangible. In the Land of the War Canoes total from forty-seven to eighteen.7 Brad
exemplifies the role of performance in doc- Evans, one of the few people to have viewed
umentaries of this period, although in its Curtiss original footage, argues that the
particular combination of anthropology and reediting of the film destroys its sense of
Hollywood melodrama, it is an anomaly of storytelling, leaving us much more with
film history. a cinema of attractions than Curtis ever
In 1914, Edward Curtis, in close col- imagined.8 The result is a curious hybrid
laboration with the Kwakiutl Indians on of a photoplay drama and primitive cin-
Vancouver Island, attempted to make a ema, in which the anthropologists have
photoplay, or narrative drama, that would reproduced an earlier cinematic language in
be both entertaining and educational. An the remnants of Curtiss experiments with
enormous failure on both counts, the film narrativity. Although Curtiss original film
quickly disappeared. In 1973 two anthro- may have had a narrative coherence compa-
pologists, Bill Holm and George Quimby, rable to the fiction filmmaking of the early
restored the film in collaboration again teens, in Holm and Quimbys restoration,
with the Kwakiutl, adding a soundtrack and War Canoes still retains the traces of early
changing the title from Curtiss original In (pre-1907) cinema.
the Land of the Headhunters to In the Land Curtiss inspiration was the huge success
of the War Canoes. We really have two films of the Indian film genre, which was most
under consideration, the first of which, popular between 1908 and 1913.9 He intended
Headhunters, is virtually unknown and his film to be commercially competitive
unseen.4 Its theatrical run was extremely with the Hollywood-produced Indian film
brief,5 and by the time the film came to because it would be more authentic, fea-
be restored, neglect and fire damage had turing actual Indian actors and real props,
destroyed entire scenes and numerous customs, dances, and activities. The vehicle
frames.6 My remarks on the original are of this authenticity, however, was a convo-
somewhat hypothetical, based on the frag- luted narrative of romance, intrigue, and
mentary glimpses made available in the adventure, which Curtis wrote and had the
restored film. They are also made with a Kwakiutl act out. In War Canoes, the anthro-
view toward a redemptive form of ethnog- pologists have added intertitles that are
raphy inspired by the virtual reappropria- elliptical and highly condensed, making the
tion of Headhunters by the Kwakiutl people. story absolutely impossible to follow.10 The
The 1973 version of the film features a plot has become an odd supplement to the
soundtrack of Kwakiutl dialogue, chanting, images, which bear little resemblance to the
and singingnone of it subtitledas well narrative events announced in the titles. It
Playing Primitive 71

is possible that in the 1970s the Hollywood characterization and become objects to be
photoplay was felt to be an inappropriate seen.12 If for Curtis the all-native cast was
vehicle for ethnographic documentation, a sign of the films authenticity, in the res-
and so in the interests of social science, toration, the anthropologists have stamped
the narrativity of the original was disman- the film with a different sign of authenticity.
tled. The effect is a radical separation of Along string of credits notes all of the insti-
the text of the performers and the text of tutional and museum personnel involved,
the author-filmmaker. The Kwakiutl, now as well as all the native informants and
dubbed in on the un-translated soundtrack, cast members. They have also privileged
seem to have one film, and the anthropolo- the canoes as the centerpiece of the film, in
gist and non-Kwakiutl spectator have quite order to downplay the savagery implied in
another. Curtiss originaltitle.
In the attempt to provide an authori-
tative text of visual evidence, the anthro-
pologists may have been less interested
in narrative continuity than in preserving Vanishing Races and
images of Kwakiutl culture, and yet they thePerformance ofCulture
actually reshot one spectacular death scene
in which a dummy body is thrown off a cliff The exploitation of head-hunting in
after a dramatic struggle (echoes of The Curtiss title and story line aligns even the
Great Train Robbery).11 With very little cutting original film to some extent with the cin-
within scenes, and infrequent close-ups, ema of attractions. Among the actualities of
most of the action unfolds uninterrupted in early cinema, one can find a whole range of
front of single static camera setups. Besides Indian pictures with titles such as Teasing
many instances of mismatched screen direc- the Snakes (Edison, 1901) and Circle Dance
tions, War Canoes includes a vision scene, a (1898) in which exotic images of Native
popular convention of early cinema. Small Americans were exploited for white audi-
camera movements are occasionally used ences. Curtiss early motion picture foot-
to reframe action, but the frame serves age entered mainstream circulation in this
for the most part as a static proscenium manner, as an extension of his pursuits in
with little depth of field. The restored film commercial photography.13 Despite Curtiss
includes Curtiss still portraits of the lead ambitions for a theatrical release for
actors in costume as a means of introduc- Headhunters, its narrative interruptions of
ing the characters, but these were not used ceremonial dances and displays, along with
in the original, and there are few close-ups the other traits of early cinema, suggest that
to maintain character identification. All of it combined the attraction of the spectacle
these characteristics of War Canoes link it to of otherness with dramatic narrativity. The
the period that Nol Burch calls primitive, incorporation of a museological gaze may
before the fall of cinematic language to the help to explain the films failure at the box
limited conventions of narrative realism. office.
The 1973 version is designed to show In all his various photography, film, and
off as much ethnographic data as possible research activities, Curtis took it upon him-
about Kwakiutl life, and it is very much a self to document the native cultures that he
process of showing and telling, which saw as dying, and he perceived his work as
Andr Gaudreault has identified as the an urgent task. His photography of Native
privileged narrational form of early cinema. Americans is consistently tinged with a
In the absence of Curtiss dialogue titles, romantic sense of loss, but that sense of
the native actors lose a great deal of their inevitable decay is significantly absent from
72Early Documentary

Headhunters, although to make the film, narrative form and a blatant disregard of the
he undertook a massive recovery project subtleties of Kwakiutl culture. The differ-
of traditional Kwakiutl culture. All of the ence between Curtiss meticulous research
architecture, totem poles, masks, and cos- and his carelessness in film production is
tumes were prepared specially for the film. indicative of a faith in cinematic represen-
All signs of nonnative culture were carefully tation as a transparencybased partially in
eliminated from the mise en scne to cre- the aesthetics of the actuality and partially
ate the impression of an untainted Indian in those of the new narrative realism. It was
culture. presumably enough that the Indians were
The collecting of trophy heads in war played by Indians and that the props were
had not been practiced by the Kwakiutl for made by them for the film to be authentic.
several generations, but within this version In 1912 Curtis had assembled his pho-
of the salvage paradigm, the Indians were tographs and early motion picture footage
depicted as full-fledged savages. Not only do together as an illustrated lecture that he
they triumphantly wave fake trophy heads toured with orchestra, under the title The
around, but a couple of scenes also feature Vanishing Race.15 Curtiss ethnography
human skulls decoratively arranged in the was produced on the margins of academic
lair of an evil sorcerer. Given the theatrical- anthropology, as a sideshow informed
ity of these scenes, in terms of both perfor- equally by the entertainment market for
mance and mise en scne, the head-hunting exploitation curiosities and by a serious
can be perceived as a narrative device, a sense of commitment to cultural documen-
practice performed only allegorically by tation. Curtis was notorious for supplying
the Kwakiutl descendants of ancient war- costumes and props to create a noble sav-
riors. And it is in terms of allegory, in the age effect for native peoples long since sep-
way that the Kwakiutl perform their culture arated from their ancestral heritage.16 The
and their traditions, that the film consti- sense of urgency behind Curtiss project
tutes a resistance to ethnographic authority. was produced within a romantic sensibil-
Underscoring the savage violence is a vio- ity that entitled him to take artistic license
lence of representation that challenges the of some scope in what he called his pho-
colonialist mandate of the film. Headhunters tographic art-science. To his credit, at least
is not a text of mourning, but a text of the he represented an embodied culture and
triumph of good over evil, in which the linked native peoples with the signs of their
repressed violence of Curtiss noble savage ethnicity, even if his pictures are inflected
photography is unleashed. with a melancholy sense of loss. Only seven
The inauthenticity of the films ethnogra- years after Headhunters was released, the
phy is not simply due to the incorporation Kwakiutl potlatch ceremonies, outlawed
of script, performance, and props. Curtis since 1885, began to be raided, and the cere-
freely invented names and mixed ele- monial artifacts confiscated by the National
ments of different rituals and ceremonies Museum in Ottawa.
together.14 He spent four years preparing Curtiss own description of his intentions
for the film and from his fieldwork pro- in The North American Indian is telling. His
duced one volume of his mega-opus, The twenty-volume photographic record repre-
North American Indian, on the Kwakiutl. sents the result of personal study of a peo-
He did make an effort to reproduce all of ple who are rapidly losing the traces of their
the masks, totem poles, canoes, and other aboriginal character and who are destined
objects of Kwakiutl life quite faithfully, ultimately to become assimilated with the
and yet the requirements of the photo- superior race.17 The last two words may be
play demanded an imposition of a foreign in quotation marks, but Curtiss fascination
Playing Primitive 73

with native peoples was firmly based in the informant as assistant director may be
the racist presumption that cross-cultural an instance of what Trinh Minh-ha calls
encounter was necessarily a contest subject the Inappropriate Other,22 or what James
to evolutionary laws of survival. By insist- Clifford describes as an exemplary cultural
ing on the otherness of native peoples in traveler.23 Unlike the ethnographers Curtis
his photographs, he cultivated a mystique and Boas, Hunt is neither insider nor out-
of Indianness that could only contribute sider, but a slippage between positions that
to the racist preclusion of cultural diver- unfixes them both. As assistant director, his
sity. Otherness could only be valued in its role as translator and interpreter is revealed
specificity on the verge of its extinction. The as one of anthropological creation and, liter-
exotic value of Indian pictures was in direct ally, direction.
proportion to the elimination of lived native Both Boas and Curtis were engaged in
cultures. In the frame, on the page, and on totalizing, exhaustive documentation enter-
the screen, Native Americans were made prises that were necessarily doomed to
safe, a process that Edward Curtis, with the incompletion. Curtiss work was explicitly
benevolent support of Theodore Roosevelt, framed as art-science but fell in between
was instrumental in aestheticizing. both camps, into the realm of popular cul-
The Northwest Coast native peoples ture.24 Boass work was equally problematic
played an important role in the ideology of as a science, though. James Clifford notes
vanishing races.18 Curtis was not alone in that while Boas may not have subscribed to
being attracted to a culture that, in the early the vanishing race theory of cultural evo-
twentieth century, was still quite isolated lutionism, his conception of culture was
from European society and had retained nevertheless one in which culture is endur-
many indigenous arts and customs.19 The ing, traditional, . . . a process of ordering,
Kwakiutl figured prominently in Franz not of disruption....It does not normally
Boass anthropology, a body of work that survive abrupt alterations.25 Like Curtis,
was far more significant than Curtiss in Boas wrote out of his account all signs
altering racist views of native peoples. of Kwakiutl adaptation to European cul-
Curtis acknowledges Boas in his introduc- ture, attending only to the pure elements of
tion to his own Kwakiutl ethnography, but traditionallife.
the more important link between these men Boas introduced methods of fieldwork
is their mutual informant, GeorgeHunt. that were designed to be as free as pos-
The son of an Englishman and Tlingit sible from the certain self-contamination
Indian, Hunt was trained as a field-worker of the data by the ethnographer himself.
by Boas and guided both men through the To understand culture on its own terms, to
Kwakiutl culture and language in which he present Kwakiutl culture as it appears to
grew up. Jeanne Cannizzo has argued that the Indian himself,26 one can do little more
George Hunt is one of the most impor- than transform it into data. Helen Cordere
tant originators of our current view of tra- notes that Boas has been charged with
ditional Kwakiutl society; he is a primary being indifferent or hostile to the proper sci-
contributor to the invention of the Kwakiutl entific goal of formulating scientific laws
as an ethnographic entity.20 Hunt played that his ethnography is an arid accumula-
an instrumental role in the production of tion of fact upon fact.27 Boas himself filmed
Headhunters. Not only were most of the the Kwakiutl in 1930 but never edited the
actors Hunts own relatives, but photographs footage. Rosalind Morris has suggested that
of the shoot suggest that he was Curtiss the raw footage was in fact more in keep-
assistant director, holding a megaphone and ing with Boass ethnographic method:For
instructing the performers.21 This figure of much of Boass written ethnography
74Early Documentary

reads like the footage for [a film]: numer- desires, repressions, conflicts, and tri-
ous sequences of detailed images strung umphs. In the original scenario of the film,
together one after the other with only mini- the hero, Motana, transgresses a divine
mal theorization. Moreover, while he occa- law by dreaming of a woman when he is
sionally discussed anthropological uses for supposed to be fasting; a rival suitor steals
the footage, these did not include the pro- a lock of Motanas hair, but Motana fights
duction of an edited film.28 the magic spell and beheads the evil sor-
To make a film from raw footage nec- cerer to win the maiden, Naida (Figure 10.1).
essarily implies a narrative structure or After a series of adventures, battles, kidnap-
form, which Boas may have been reluctant pings, and rescues, Motana triumphs over
to impose.29 Curtis, on the other hand, by evil and takes the place of Naidas father, the
using the narrative model closest at hand, chief.30 Instead of a monotonous collection
that of the Hollywood photoplay, forces the of data that was the downfall of the con-
natives into the twentieth century. Boass temporary travelogue, Curtis positioned the
ethnography may have been an important natives within a discourse of desire. Clearly
step toward the eradication of scientific rac- modeled on the contemporary photoplay
ism, and yet in objectifying culture, it leaves scenario, which might be considered a pow-
little room for the subjective space of native erful mythology of middle-class America,
peoples. It is a far cry, in other words, from the story nevertheless, in principle, allows
how culture appears to the Indian him- the native character to assume the Oedipal
self. Boass contribution to ethnography role.
was instrumental in transforming the ste- In the film as it has come to us via War
reotype of the primitive, and yet Curtiss Canoes, an allegorical subjectivity is pro-
profoundly primitive attempt to dramatize duced through a multilayered performance
Kwakiutl culture represents on some level a style. Curtis says that he was attracted
recognition of native subjectivity. to the Northwest Coast Indians because
The myth that Curtis devised for their ceremonies are developed to a point
Headhunters is composed of Oedipal which fully justifies the use of the term

Figure 10.1 Edward Curtiss In The Land of the War Canoes (1914): Motana, the hero, sneaks into
the enemys home to rescue the princess, Naida. Still capture from DVD.
Playing Primitive 75

dramatic.31 The Kwakiutl had a whole Performative strategies that enable social
range of dances and roles that individuals actors some distance from their image
and families exchanged ceremonially. The are means of pointing to another reality
potlatch system involves the distribution outside and beyond the discourse of visual
of wealth, and this economic structure is knowledge. The Kwakiutl performances in
closely bound up with a dramatic structure War Canoes/Headhunters constitute a rare
of mythologically based costumes, masks, display of the allegorical structure of native
songs, dances, roles, and even dialogue. performance and might be described as
The winter ceremonial that occurs toward a form of postcolonial translation, as pro-
the end of Headhunters is an annual event posed by Homi Bhabha:The power of the
that Boas describes as a great impressive postcolonial translation of modernity rests
ceremony of sanctifying the tribe. He also in its performative, deconstructive structure
notes that the Kwakiutl name for the cere- that does not simply revalue the contents
mony, ts!ets!equa, means to be fraudulent, of a cultural tradition, or transpose val-
to cheat.32 ues cross-culturally. It is to introduce
The Kwakiutl, in other words, were another locus of inscription and interven-
experienced actors, which may explain the tion, another hybrid, inappropriate enun-
ease with which they were able to follow ciative site, through that temporal splitor
directions without having seen a motion time-lag for the signification of postcolo-
picture themselves. The acting in the film nial agency.33 Headhunters (as seen through
ranges from naturalistic performances of the prism of War Canoes) challenges the
activities such as canoeing and clam dig- purist implications of primitivism because
ging to melodramatic hysteria and, given it is designed so clearly as a spectacle of the
the prevalence of long shots, can be readily primitive. Its allegorical fantasy of other-
compared to primitive cinemas reliance on ness seems to be modeled on nothing less
gesture, costume, and setting for character- fantastic than Voyage dans lalune.
ization. Curtis had all the actors wear wigs
and costumes, which enabled them to pose
as their ancestors rather than themselves,
even when performing the nonceremonial Ethnography and Silent
activities such as hunting and paddling. The Film History
actors do not completely fill their assigned
roles, partly because the characters are so Within the history of film, the allegori-
clearly foreign to their culture, and partly cal style of Headhunters needs to be rec-
because of their histrionic performance ognized as being somewhere between
style. The integration of their own ceremo- Georges Mliss Voyage dans la lune,
nial dances, in which people are dressed as made twelve years earlier, and Fritz Langs
animals and birds complete with masks, Niebelungen films, made ten years later. The
furs, and feathers, only enhances this sense proscenium-framed ceremonial sequences
of the doubleness of the performancestyle. and the crowding of the frame by rows of
If allegory is one of the principal means agitated, costumed people are reminiscent
of inverting the salvage paradigm that of the opening shots of Voyage dans la lune,
informs conventional ethnographic praxis, and the prominence of skulls and trophy
performative doubling is a valuable cine- heads as decor and fetishes also echoes
matic technique. Realist aesthetics demand Mliss over decorated and prop-laden mise
a disappearance of the social actor into his en scnes. The primitivism of Curtiss visual
or her role in the film; the veracity of the style translates Kwakiutl exoticism into the
aesthetic precludes any indices of acting. language of magic and adventure initiated
76Early Documentary

by Mlis, and as we have seen, Mliss artificiality of Curtiss. As Mr. C.himself

science fiction is itself an ethnographic said of our pictures, there was an intimacy
cross-cultural fantasy articulated in the lan- about them; but he also criticized them as
guage of colonialism and tribalism. monotonous.35 In 1914 Flahertys footage
The parallel with Siegfried (1924) and was shot and assembled in the travelogue
Kriemhilds Revenge (1925) is a little more mode popularized by expedition films such
oblique, and I certainly do not want to as Herbert Pontings 1911 film of the South
suggest that Lang may have in any way Pole, The Great White Silence, although
been influenced by Curtiss film. Lang was even Flahertys first Inuit footage featured
immersed in the European modernist dis- a single protagonist and his family.36 From
covery of primitivism and incorporated Curtis, Flaherty learned the importance of
many tropes of African art into the expres- narrative and the commercial doors it might
sionist sets and costumes of these films. open as a means of financing ethnographic
Although he uses far more close-ups, Langs filmmaking. Frances Flaherty also notes
characters are just as completely enveloped that Curtis was having trouble market-
in costumes, wigs, and headdresses as are ing his film because it was regarded as too
the Kwakiutl in Headhunters. Both Langs highbrow. Ironically enough, by replac-
and Curtiss films feature monumental ing Curtiss photoplay melodrama with
proscenium-framed sets, and the action an existential drama of human survival,
is often staged either in front of stylized Flaherty was able to reach the audience that
architectural facades or in pastoral nature Curtis himself missed.
settings. The Niebelungen films are also The difference between Nanook and
about romance, power struggles between Headhunters lies not only in the kind of
families, revenge aided by magical powers, story but more crucially in the narrative
marriage ceremonies, savage tribes (the form in which the story is told. The vehicle
Huns in Kriemhild), and tests for the hero of Flahertys humanist intimacy is a tightly
to undergo.34 The parallels are testimony edited narrative in which close-ups indi-
to Curtiss imposition of European culture vidualize the natives as characters, and
onto the Kwakiutl, but at the same time, extreme long shots locate these characters
they indicate the strength of the primitiv- in the picturesque and radically foreign
ist analogy in experimental film praxis. Arctic setting. A careful integration of titles
Whereas comparing Headhunters to and images naturalizes the narrative and
the work of Mlis and Lang is an impor- cloaks the colonialist perspective with a
tant means of indicating the ethnographic tone of familiarity. In the full-fledged insti-
discourse latent in the history of experi- tutional mode of the narrator system, or
mental fiction filmmaking, comparing it interiorized film lecturer,37 Nanooks story
to Flaherty demonstrates the subversive appears to tell itself. It may well have been
potential of experimental ethnography. In progressive in comparison with the curio
1915 Robert and Frances Flaherty met Curtis approach of contemporary travelogues
in Toronto and had a private screening of such as those of Martin and Osa Johnson,
Headhunters. Flaherty also screened his 1914 and indeed Flaherty was quite conscious of
footage of the Inuit, his first motion picture wanting to create a more intimate portrait
attempt that was destroyed by fire before than had been done in any other ethno-
Nanook of the North was made. In Francess graphic motion picture.38 The subjectivity
comparison of the two films in her diary, that Flaherty creates for his characters is,
she says that Flahertys images in all their however, extremely limited. The simplicity
crudity stood out human, real, convinc- of the raw struggle between man and nature
ing and big in contrast to the spectacular in Nanook imputes an existential simplicity
Playing Primitive 77

to the performers, who are identified com- and yet the failure of Headhunters as narra-
pletely with the roles they were asked to play. tive realism invites that historical difference
Both Curtis and Flaherty chose to depict to be read back into thefilm.
their respective native communities in the Headhunters is a film that forces ethnog-
eternal present tense of the ethnographic raphy into a wider discussion of film his-
salvage paradigm. Flaherty was perhaps tory. The theatrical aspect of Headhunters
motivated less by an ethnographic con- supplements narrativity with a discourse
cern to document the ways of a vanish- of the ethnic body (tribalism) that can
ing race than by a concern for dramatic be traced to many other films of the first
content. The early scenes in the film that thirty-five years of film history, including
juxtapose the Inuit with the white mans the Hollywood Indian pictures that were
world of gramophones and cod-liver oil do Curtiss inspiration.39 Nanook has become a
more to primitivize the Inuit than any of privileged instance of art cinema precisely
Curtiss head-hunting, precisely because of because its universal humanism subjugates
the heightened realism of Flahertys visual the ethnic subject to the authority of real-
style. It is because of Flahertys natural- ism. In Headhunters the stereotype of the
ized narrative realism, created through his primitive redeems the ethnic subject in a
mastery of film language, that he could discourse of specificity and historicity. Its
be charged with faking scenes, a charge peculiar mix of art and science needs to be
that only authenticizes the realist context recognized as a prototypical experimental
of the staging. This realism is promoted by film with a complex spectatorial address.
the performances of the Inuit, as well as the
drama of everyday life that they were asked
With the removal of all signs of acting Ethnographic Spectatorship
and theater, Nanook could be more fully
accommodated into the aesthetic realm The Kwakiutl dances and ceremonies in
of cinematic realism and, through John Headhunters, like Curtiss earlier actuality
Griersons endorsement, become instru- footage of Navajo and Hopi Indians, are shot
mental in the development of documen- from a single camera setup with no editing
tary codes of authoritative authenticity. within continuous actions. Compared to
Flahertys still photographs of the Inuit are the actualities, the Kwakiutl are much more
in much the same style as Curtiss Indian exhibitionist in their presentation of their
photography, but that romantic stylization culture. This theatricality, both in their per-
is more acceptable as realism when the formances of Curtiss melodramatic charac-
still pose is animated in moving pictures. ters and in their own mythical characters, is
Nanook is in a sense the cinematic equiva- what makes the film such a different form
lent to Curtiss photographic romanticism of ethnography. The address to the spectator
in its stylized aestheticization of native life. is thus somewhat different.
It completely fulfills the modernist predica- The sets where the ceremonial dances are
ment of recognizing the cultural purity and staged are designed as proscenium-framed
integrity of the ethnographic other while platforms, with totem poles on each side
keeping that culture at a safe distance. The and a curtain behind the performers. In one
distance is made safe by representing native scene, the curtain drops to reveal another
culture as outside of history, stuck in an row of costumed dancers. In another, a
eternally present tense. Both Nanook and front row of dancers face the camera, a sec-
Headhunters blur the distinction between ond row have their backs to the camera, and
the native performers and their ancestors, behind them a row of painted boards are
78Early Documentary

raised and waved about. Holm and Quimby a text of cultural memory, the film is for-
say that these boards represent a super- mally allegorical, enacting several layers of
natural being, and are described as being representation. The contact between the
dangerous to look at.40 Their explanation 1914 performers and the 1972 soundtrack
is surprising because the film lacks any is in itself a vibrant historical correspon-
sense of supernatural or mystical forces. dence, an inscription of the distance
The presentational aspect of these ceremo- between generations, and the echoing
nies and their indication of the theatricality sense of community between them. The
of Kwakiutl culture suggest that they were peculiar mix of fiction and documentary
designed precisely to be looked at, but that is War Canoes invites a broad spec-
not by the camera, or by the white ethnog- trum of readings and meanings. The fic-
rapher and his audience. Curtiss single tional aspect enables the documentary to
wide-angle lens cannot even represent the be read differently, to be displaced and
depth of field necessary for the full effect made ambiguous, giving the viewer more
of the spectacle. Again, the image is an control. Dai Vaughan argues that once
allegorical one, slightly distanced from the the boundary between fiction and docu-
magic, precisely because of the structure mentary is perceived as being more fluid,
of the attraction that keeps spectacle and ethnographic film style can and should
spectator very separate. The sacred aspect of be wide open: Superficially reasonable
the ritual is essentially protected from filmic demands that our films be comprehen-
appropriation.41 sible are often in effect demands that the
Curtis claims that he had to enter into viewer be browbeaten into sharing our
intensive negotiations in order to cast the understanding of them. Documentarys
film, as it had to be determined that each images are, ideally, not illustrative but
actor and actress was entitled to play his constitutive. They are constitutive of the
or her designated part.42 In the end, Motana viewers meanings, since it is the viewer
was played by George Hunts son; three who constitutes them as documentary.44
different women played the female lead, It is only recently that Headhunters
Naida; and one actor played two of the prin- became a documentary through its second
cipal male leads. When Holm and Quimby life as War Canoes. Originally, it was appre-
screened the unedited remains of Curtiss hended as a fiction, constituted by quite a
film in the 1960s, some Kwakiutl specta- different audience than that of the anthro-
tors who recognized actors and actresses pology and native communities. In Moving
could not follow the story line, which arbi- Picture World in 1914, Stephen Bush enthu-
trarily identified individuals as characters. siastically described the film as a gem of
They likewise saw locations as familiar the motion picture art. He praised its
places rather than as the places named in epic quality and compared it to Wagnerian
intertitles.43 Insofar as the Kwakiutl specta- opera.45 Film theorist Vachel Lindsay
tors read the images indexically rather than described the representation of the Indians
symbolically, theirs is a resistant reading, as figures in bronze.46 These critics con-
against the metaphoric grain of thetext. firm the affinities of ethnological primitiv-
Instead of a photoplay, Kwakiutl audi- ism and modern art that were so prevalent
ences may well see a documentary of their during this period, but they also point to
performance in a white mans movie. The the highly allegorical nature of the film.
film constitutes a living memory of both Even for these viewers, the actors represent
the traditional practices and the colonial their own nobility, savagery, and spirituality
containment activated by the rigorous without becoming fully identified with the
framing and photoplay conventions. As primitivism theyenact.
Playing Primitive 79

Nanook of the North has also lent itself audiences, and the playfulness that for me
to reappropriation by the Inuit commu- raises the film far above the hypocrisy of so
nity. Zacharias Kunuks Quaggiq (1989), a much scientific and aesthetic ethnography
videotape made for the Inuit Broadcasting may ultimately be just another academic
Corporation, is a kind of remaking of argument. And yet Websters explanation
Nanook by and for Inuit actors. The com- for why the Kwakiutl so eagerly took part in
munity television aesthetic and amateur act- Curtiss film is that it was, quite simply, a
ing retains exactly the sense of doubleness lot of fun. If the film can teach us anything
conveyed by the histrionic performance about postmodern ethnography, it might
style of Headhunters. Claude Massots docu- be in the very perversity of the photoplay
mentary Nanook Revisited (1990) features intertext of entertainment and the primi-
contemporary Inuit audiences laughing at tive cinema of attractions. As an antireal-
and critiquing Nanook, but also exhibiting ist discourse, it frees ethnography from the
a certain fascination with its romanticism. burden of authority and from the weight
The apparent persistence of Nanook in Inuit of a historiography of loss. War Canoes is a
culture as a site of re-viewing, remaking, many-layered film about a vibrant, living,
and rereading suggests that while the sal- native community with strong ties to both
vage paradigm is an ethnographic allegory its colonial and precolonial past. The film,
of colonialism, it may also preserve a uto- in its many layers and fragmentary sur-
pian form of memory of some historic value vival, is a unique example of a postmodern
to native communities. document of cultural memory. Instead of
War Canoes and Nanook represent excep- representing a dying culture, Curtiss film
tional moments in film history because they inscribes death into the reenactment of a
are already so highly intertextual, represent- culture whose cinematic documentation
ing the salvage paradigm as a form of narra- becomes a form of redemption.
tive desire. The ideal of cultural autonomy
and integrity is represented in these films as
an ideal, and on some level, they do answer
to the narcissism of film spectatorship, to Primitive Cinema and
see oneself or ones ethnic group on-screen, FreePlay
occupying the space of a privileged subjec-
tivity. Despite the imperialist paradigms in Within the history of ethnographic film,
which these silent ethnographic films were Headhunters may be the primitive moment,
made, native viewers need to be credited the primal ethnographic style that is so
with the ability to read against the grain politically incorrect that it is perfectly legi-
of colonialism. In the attempts of native ble as an allegory of colonialist practice. The
communities to maintain cultural identity beauty of the film is in its perverse inauthen-
through traditional languages and activities, ticity, its stylized artifice and theatricality.
the films offer a unique image of the pre- Its allegorical structure points to that which
vious generations attempt to do exactly the cannot be represented, that which lies out-
samething. side the domain of the white mans camera.
Interviewed in Box of Treasures (Chuck Curtiss artistic aspirations were far more
Olin, 1983), Gloria Cranmer Webster, a commercial than those of the avant-garde
Kwakiutl museum curator, points to the that came to identify with early cinema, and
monumental canoes in motion as the most yet it was his artistic license that enabled
valuable aspect of the film, which to her him to challenge the fiction and travelogue
is otherwise hokey. Obviously, we can- conventions of his day. Especially in its con-
not impute readings or viewings to native temporary form, as an archival text, the film
80Early Documentary

can be aligned with the avant-garde and its primitivism ultimately produces an exces-
rereading of primitive cinema. However, In sive discourse of native subjectivity.
the Land of the Headhunters is best situated
somewhere between Buffalo Bills Wild West
Show and Josephine Baker in its attempt to
capitalize on Curtiss ethnography by means 1. Marc Manganaro, Textual Play, Power, and
of Hollywood film conventions. In the sheer Cultural Critique:An Orientation to Modernist
Anthropology, in Modernist Anthropology:From
perversity of the project, the film may pro- Fieldwork to Text, ed. Marc Manganaro (Princeton,
vide a model for a postcolonial, postmodern N.J.:Princeton University Press),12.
form of ethnographic representation. 2. Daan Hertogs and Nico de Klerk, eds.,
Nonfiction from the Teens:The 1994 Amsterdam
The affinities between the American Workshop (Amsterdam and London:Nederlands
avant-garde and early cinema lie in the dis- Filmmuseum and the British Film Institute,
covery and rediscovery of film as a language 1994),5866.
3. Miriam Hansen, discussion at 1994 Amsterdam
of representation. From the perspective of Workshop, Nonfiction from the Teens,62.
gender relations, Judith Mayne has sug- 4. In an earlier version of this chapter, published
gested that the alterity of primitive cinema in Visual Anthropology 8, nos. 5577 (1996),
Idescribed the 1914 Headhunters as a lost film.
has been a rich source of inspiration for Since then, Brad Evans has found Curtiss
feminist film practice. She points out that original footage, apparently intact, at Chicagos
the inquiry into primitivism is very much Field Museum. His comments are published as
connected, not to the dismantling or brack- a response to my article in Visual Anthropology 11,
no.3 (1998):22141. Ihave modified my original
eting of narrative, but to its reconceptualiza- article somewhat in light of his findings, and my
tion.47 In the case of primitive ethnography, response to his discovery can be found in the
we have a similar opportunity that might same issue of Visual Anthropology.
5. Headhunters opened in New York and Seattle in 1914
restore the utopian thrust of primitivism to and ran in theaters around the country until 1915. It
a postcolonial narrative. Although Curtiss was hand tinted and accompanied by full orchestra.
original film may have moved beyond the Curtis financed the film through his own production
company, the Continental Film Company, which
forms of early cinema and included some of never recovered the production costs. The huge
the devices of continuity editing associated investment was justified by Curtiss expectation that
with the nascent codification of narrative the Indian Pictures, owing to their historical and
ethnological importance, will remain in existence for
realism, the restored version of the film all time: rather than being junk in six months, they
interrupts that narrativity and displays it as will become of increasing value, paying a dividend
an archival series of fragments. Despite the on the cost for years to come. Quoted in Bill Holm
and George Irving Quimby, Edward S. Curtis in the
different terms of authenticity informing Land of the War Canoes: A Pioneer Cinematographer
the original and the remake, the Kwakiutl in the Pacific Northwest (Vancouver: Douglas and
survive their cinematic (mis)treatment as McIntyre, 1990), 113.
6. Evanss description of the extant film would seem
performers. If Curtiss still photography to contradict this claim by Holm and Quimby,
preserved native people in a perpetual per- although many of the shots included in their
spective of disappearance, this disappear- remake are evidently damaged.
7. Brad Evans, Commentary:Catherine Russells
ance, his turn to melodrama repositions Recovery of the Head-Hunters, Visual
the native in the role of agency and desir- Anthropology 11, no. 3 (1998).
ing subjectivity. In its present state, as a 8. Ibid.,4.
9. D.W. Griffith alone had made at least eighteen
film that is neither a documentary (because films featuring Indians played by white actors.
it is so inauthentic) nor a fiction (because Although some films pictured Indians as rampaging
the narrative is so incomprehensible), savages, a good many portrayed individual Indians
as sympathetic characters abused by whites, and
Headhunters/War Canoes is a key instance some romantic melodramas were set entirely in
of the survival of a cinema of attractions Indian communities with no white characters at
beyond the parameters of early cinema. The all. Eileen Bowser, The Transformation of Cinema,
19071915 (Berkeley:University of California Press,
imbrication of cinematic and ethnographic
Playing Primitive 81

1990), 17377. The Library of Congress Paper Print 21. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis, 57; Cannizzo,
Collection offers plot descriptions of many Indian George Hunt,45.
pictures. In addition to the Griffith films, there are 22. Trinh T.Minh-ha, When the Moon Waxes
a number of others worth mentioning:The Indian, Red:Representation, Gender, and Cultural Politics
by Klaw and Erlanger (1914), a three-reeler featuring (NewYork:Routledge, 1991),75.
250 Indian extras; and The Tourists, by Mack Sennett 23. James Clifford, Traveling Cultures, in Cultural
(1912), in which Mabel Normand accidentally Studies, ed. Lawrence Grossberg, Cary Nelson, and
seduces an Indianchief. Paula Treichler (NewYork:Routledge, 1992),97.
10. One intertitle early in the film reads:Motana 24. Lyman explains how Curtiss work was appreciated
again builds his fire on the heights where he neither in art-photography circles nor in
fasts and dances, still seeking spirit power. The ethnographic circles. His photography, however,
sorcerers daughter resolves to spare him and win was a huge commercial success, at least until about
his love, but he spurns her, and she returns to her the time of Headhunters (Vanishing Race, 3943,
father with Motanas hair and neck-ring. 78).
11. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis,26. 25. James Clifford, The Predicament of
12. Evans, Commentary,6. Culture:Twentieth Century Ethnography, Literature,
13. The Shadow Catcher:Edward S.Curtis and the North and Art (Cambridge:Harvard University
American Indians (T. C.McLuhan, 1974)includes Press,1988).
early actualit footage shot by Curtis of both Hopi 26. Helen Cordere, introduction to Kwakiutl
and Navajo ceremonies. Ethnography, by Franz Boas (Chicago:University of
14. Examples offered by Holm and Quimby include Chicago Press, 1966),xv.
the fact that Motana, the ostensible hero of the 27. Ibid.,xvii.
film, is seen to hunt both sea lions and a whale as 28. Morris, New Worlds,43.
part of a test. The Kwakiutl have never hunted 29. It is not clear why exactly Boas did not edit his
whales, and killing sea lions was a part of everyday footage. Although he believed it to be lost, it was
life, not a test of manhood (66). In one of the compiled, posthumously, by Bill Holm in 1973
ceremonial scenes, a huge number of costumed as The Kwakiutl of British Columbia (Morris, New
dancers appear, but the various mythological Worlds,43).
figures represented would never normally appear 30. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis,42.
together. In another instance, a dance is performed 31. Ibid.,31.
in a circle, and the participants remember Curtis 32. Franz Boas, Kwakiutl Ethnography
drawing a circle on the floor, apparently to guide (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1966),172.
the dancers to stay in camera range(102). 33. Homi Bhabha, The Location of Culture
15. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis,27. (London:Routledge, 1994), 24142.
16. Christopher M. Lyman, The Vanishing Race and 34. Langs films in the German context constitute a
Other Illusions: Photographs of Indians by Edward S. radical de-Wagnerization of the Teutonic myth.
Curtis (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Instead of passion, Sturm und Drang, he offered
Press, 1982). an allegory of opera, the characters frozen in
17. Edward Curtis, The North American Indian:Being gothic, silent tableaux, and he played up the ethnic
a Series of Volumes Picturing and Describing the representation of Aryans and vaguely Semitic
Indians of the United States and Alaska, vol. 1, ed. others to the extent that it became a Nazi favorite.
Frederick Webb Hodge (Cambridge:Harvard Akey image in Siegfried is the skull that appears as
University Press, 19071930),xiii. a kind of vision to Kriemhild in a premonition of
18. Gloria Cranmer Webster, former curator of the her husbands death. In Langs antirealist mise-en-
UMista Cultural Society, the Kwakiutl-run museum scne, this deaths head becomes the emblem
that now houses the treasures stolen by the of his thoroughly allegorical style. Its symbolism
Canadian government, says of the Kwakiutl, We are is effectively drained by its heavy-handed use. If
the most highly anthropologized group of people in Langs skull, in symbolizing fate, announces the
the world (Box of Treasures [Chuck Olin,1983]). textuality of the film, the skulls in Headhunters
19. Pierre Stevens of the Canadian National Archives likewise symbolize savagery in such a stylized
has estimated that more than 200 films about way that they can be said to free the natives from
Northwest Coast natives were made prior to 1940. documentary.
Like Websters remark, this of course begs the 35. Frances Flaherty, quoted in Jay Ruby, The
question of the relation of the Kwakiutl to the Aggie Will Come First: The Demystification of
many other native groups in the area, a problem Robert Flaherty, in Robert Flaherty, Photographer/
that has preoccupied many anthropologists of Filmmaker: The Inuit, 19101922, exhibition catalog
the Northwest Coast. Rosalind C.Morris, New (Vancouver, B.C.: Vancouver Art Gallery, 1980),
Worlds from Fragments:Film, Ethnography, and 456 n.
the Representation of Northwest Coast Cultures 36. Ibid.,60.
(Boulder:Westview Press, 1994),13. 37. See Tom Gunning, D. W. Griffith and the Origins
20. Jeanne Cannizzo, George Hunt and the Invention of American Narrative Film: The Early Years at
of Kwakiutl Culture, Canadian Review of Sociology Biograph (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
and Anthropology 20, no. 1 (1983):45. 1991).
82Early Documentary
3 8. Ruby, The Aggie Will Come First,68. is full of exaggerations and misrepresentations
39. Bowser notes that one of the attractions of the designed to exoticize the production as an
Indian picture was the near naked bodies of white anthropological adventure.
men playing natives. Charles Inslee became most 43. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis,59.
well known for his portrayal of noble savages (The 44. Dai Vaughan, The Aesthetics of Ambiguity, in Film
Transformation of Cinema,176). as Ethnography, ed. Peter Ian Crawford and David
40. Holm and Quimby, Edward S.Curtis,85. Turton (Manchester:Manchester University Press,
41. In one of Curtiss earlier actualits of a Navajo dance, 1992),114.
the dancers reputedly performed the dance backward 4 5. Stephen Bush, In the Land of the Head Hunters:
to secularize it for the film camera. The mistake Remarkable Motion Picture Produced by
was identified by contemporary Navajo viewers of Edward S.Curtis, Famous Authority on North
Shadowcatchers (Lyman, Vanishing Race,69). American Indians, Moving Picture World 22
42. Curtis, quoted in Filming the Headhunters: (1914):1685.
How the Vanishing Race Is Being Preserved in 46. Vachel Lindsay, The Art of the Moving Picture (New
Moving Pictures, Strand Magazine, American York: Macmillan, 1915), 114.
ed., August 1915; (reprinted in Holm and Quimby, 47. Judith Mayne, The Woman at the Keyhole
Edward S. Curtis, 122). Holm and Quimby note the (Bloomington:Indiana University Press,
unreliability of this article, and indeed the piece 1990),183.

M U C H A P P R E C I AT I O N ( 1 9 1 5 )

Probably the most remarkable movies ever of them together. It also showed the oil
shown in Toronto and surely the first of their lamps, the only source of heat and light that
kind ever shown in Canada were those put on the Eskimoknows.
at Convocation Hall last night. It was the pic- Other intensely interesting pictures
tures of Eskimo life in Baffin Land secured showed the hunting of seals, The Eskimo
and exhibited by Mr. Robert J. Flaherty, finding the seal breathing place in the ice
head of the Sir William Mackenzie Arctic and waiting until the animal appeared and
Expeditions. Every scene brought applause then the actual harpooning. It also showed
from the large audience of scientists, archae- the pulling out of the large animal and then
ologists and laymen to whom the pictures the cutting up process and the feast that fol-
were a source of wonder and instruction. lowed the success.
As well as the motion pictures there were Another interesting feature was the
many views showing the simple arts of the motion pictures of the dances and festive
Eskimo in engravings and drawings. Mr. occasions of the Eskimo. The dances, if such
Flaherty explained each picture. they may be called, were not unlike the sun
The motion pictures series started with and other dances of the North American
the picture of the family rising in the morn- Indian.
ing in their snow huts. It went on to show A decidedly human touch and one that
them eating their breakfast of raw meat. the audience appreciated was the Eskimo
Following this came the pictures showing flirtation, which was a decidedly rough
the Eskimo building the hut, including the affair, winding up with the lady in the case
cutting of the snow blocks and the putting wielding a stick rather handily.


Nanook of the North, produced by Robert that exposes its lack of substance. It is just
J. Flaherty, F. R. G. S., for Revillon Freres; as literal as the travel picture. Its set-
My Country, one of Robert C. Bruces tings, whether the backgrounds of nature
Wilderness Tales. Held for a second week. or the constructions of a studio, merely
At the Capitol. duplicate the settings of ordinary human
*** experienceor try to. And its people try
If a man goes among a strange people to persuade spectators that they are just
whose life is reduced to an elemental ordinary people, ordinary, that is, for the
struggle for existence, if he has the dispo- environment in which they happen to be
sition to photograph these people sympa- placed. So the whole purpose of the pho-
thetically, and the discernment to select toplay, as a rule, is to reproduce life liter-
his particular subjects so that their life in ally. And this is the purpose of the travel
its relation to their opposed environment film. But the average photoplay does not
is illumined, the motion picture which he reproduce life. Through the obvious arti-
brings back may be called non-dramatic ficialities of its treatment, through the
only by the acceptance of the trades arbi- unconcealed mechanics of its operation,
trary use of the term. Such a picture has through its reflection of a distorted or
the true dramatic essentialsand such incomplete conception of life, rather than
a picture is Robert J. Flahertys Nanook of life itself, it usually fails to be true to
of the North, which is at the Capitol any aspect of human existence. It is not
thisweek. realistic in any sense. It remains fiction,
Beside this film the usual photoplay, something fabricated. It never achieves
the so-called dramatic work of the the illusion of reality.
screen, becomes as thin and blank as the But Nanook of the North, also seek-
celluloid on which it is printed. And the ing to give an impression of reality, is real
photoplay cannot avoid the comparison on the screen. Its people, as they appear
Review of Nanook of theNorth 85

to the spectator, are not acting, but living. not isolated. The picture of his life is filled
The struggles they have are real struggles. out, humanized, touched with the humor
There is no make-believe about the con- and other high points of a recognizably
flict between them and the ice and snow human existence. Thus there is body, as
and wind and water that surround them. well as dramatic vitality, to Nanooks story.
When Nanook, the master hunter and a And it is therefore far more interesting,
real Eskimo, matches himself against the far more compelling purely as entertain-
walrus there is no pretense about the con- ment, than any except the rare exceptions
test. Nanooks life depends upon his killing among photoplays. No matter how intel-
the walrus, and it is by no means certain ligent a spectator may be, no matter how
that he will kill him. Some day he may not. stubbornly he may refuse to make conces-
And then Nanook will die. So the specta- sions to the screen because its pictures are
tor watches Nanook as a man engaged in only the movies, he can enjoy Nanook of
a real life-and-death struggle. And how the North.
much more thrilling the sight is than that And this is because of the intelli-
of a battle between two well-paid actors gence and skill and patience with which
firing blank cartridges at eachother! Mr.Flaherty has made his motion picture.
And people want character in their It took more than just a man with a cam-
hero, courage and strength, quick and sure era to make Nanook of the North. Mr.
resourcefulness and, for them, a friendly dis- Flaherty had to wait for his light, he had
position. They have all these things in Nanook to select his shots, he had to compose his
when he faces a Northern blizzard, when he scenes, he had to direct his people, in order
harpoons a giant seal, when he builds an igloo, that Nanooks story might develop its full
when he stands on a peak of ice directing the force of realism and drama on the screen.
movements of his followers. He is emphati- So it is due to Mr. Flaherty that Nanook,
cally a leader, a man, who does things, a man who lives his life by Hudson Bay, also lives
who wins, but who, at any moment, may it at the Capitol.
lose. He is a genuine hero then, one who is Also at the Capitol, held over for a second
watched with alert interest and suspense and week and well deserving the distinction, is
far-reaching imagination. What dramatic the third of Robert C. Bruces Wilderness
photoplay can show such a one! Tales, entitled My Country. Mr. Bruces
Nor is he alone. His family, his wife, country is the Far Northwest, and as he rev-
his children, his dogs, and the parapher- els in it many will envy him his possession
nalia of his life are around him. So he is of it.


The golden beauty of primitive beings, of And, therefore, I think Moana achieves
a South Sea Island that is an earthly para- greatness primarily through its poetic feel-
dise, is caught and imprisoned in Robert ing for natural elements. It should be placed
J.Flahertys Moana which is being shown at on the idyllic shelf that includes all those
the Rialto this week. The film is unquestion- poems which sing of the loveliness of sea
ably a great one, a poetic record of Polynesian and land and airand of man when he is a
tribal life, its ease and beauty and its salva- part of beautiful surroundings, a figment of
tion through a painful rite. Moana deserves nature, an innocent primitive rather than a
to rank with those few works of the screen so-called intelligent being cooped up in the
that have a right to last, to live. It could only mire of so-called intelligent civilizations.
have been produced by a man with an artis- Surely the writer was not the only mem-
tic conscience and an intense poetic feeling ber of the crowd that jammed the Rialto to
which, in this case, finds an outlet through the bursting point yesterday afternoon who,
nature worship. as Moana shed its mellow, soft overtones,
Of course, Moana being a visual account of grew impatient with the grime of modern
events in the daily life of a Polynesian youth civilization and longed for a South Sea
and his family, has documentary value. But island on the leafy shores of which to fritter
that, Ibelieve, is secondary to its value as a soft away a life in what civilized people would
breath from a sunlit island washed by a mar- consider childish pursuits.
velous sea as warm as the balmy air. Moana is Moana, which was photographed over a
first of all beautiful as nature is beautiful. It is period of some twenty months, reveals a far
beautiful for the reason that the movements greater mastery of cinema technique than
of the youth Moana and the other Polynesians Mr. Flahertys previous photoplay, Nanook
are beautiful, and for the reason that trees and of the North. In the first place, it follows a
spraying surf, soft billowy clouds and distant better natural outlinethat of Moanas
horizons are beautiful. daily pursuits, which culminate in the
Flahertys PoeticMoana 87

tattooing episode, and, in the second, its place beside manhoodthen let us reflect
camera angles, its composition, the design that perhaps it summons a bravery that is
of almost every scene, are superb. The new healthful for therace.
panchromatic film used gives tonal values, The film time and again induces a philo-
lights and shadings that have not been sophic attitude on the part of the spectator.
equaled. It is real, that is why. The people, these easy,
The film traces pictorially the capture natural, childlike primitives are enjoying
of a wild boar by the youth Moana and his themselves or suffering as the case may
family, the capture of a giant turtle, surf rid- be before the camera. Moana, whom we
ings, the preparation of a native meal (made begin to like during the first reel, is really
fascinating by clever cinema technique), tortured and it affects us as no acting could.
and finally winds into the already talked of Moanas life is dramatic in its primitive sim-
tattooing episode. Here, as a tribal dance plicity, its innocent pleasure, and its equally
proceeds, a fantastic design is pricked by a innocentpain.
needle onto Moanas glossy epidermis. It is Lacking in the film is the pictorial tran-
a period of intense pain for him, but as the scription of the sex life of these people. It
sweat pours off his face he bravely bears it, is barely referred to. Its absence mars its
for, as the subtitle has it, the deepest wis- completeness.
dom of his race has decreed that manhood The most beautiful scenes that Mr.
shall be won throughpain. Flaherty conjures up are (1) Moanas little
Possibly I should become pedantic brother in the act of climbing a tall bend-
about this symbolizing of the attainment ing tree flung across a clear sky; (2) the vista
of manhood. Perhaps I should draw dia- showing the natives returning after the boar
grams in an effort to prove that it is simply hunt; (3) Moana dancing the Siva; (4) all
another tribal manifestation of the coming the surf and underwater scenes; and (5) the
of age? It is not necessary, for the episode tribal dance.
is in itself a dramatic, truthful thing. And I should not, perhaps, say that any group
if we regard the tattooing as a cruel proce- of scenes is any more beautiful than any
dure to which the Polynesians subject their other; for all are beautifulandtrue.
young menbefore they may take their Moana is lovely beyond compare.

FLAHERTY (193132)

A happy fortune has at last brought Robert blessed the name of England ten thousand
Flaherty to England. Flaherty was the direc- miles away for the one glue in the world
tor of Nanook and Moana, the originator which the tropics could notmelt.
of White Shadows of the South Seas, the I knew Flaherty in New York, and he was
co-director, with Murnau, of Tabu. He was the only man I knew there whom Babel
the initiator of the naturalist tradition in did not enthral. This seemed to me a most
cinema, and is still the high-priest of the perverse feat of the mind at the time, but
spontaneities. The happy fortune lies in in these later days I would more sensi-
the fact that of all distinguished foreign bly describe it as a feat of most necessary
directors he is the one whose sympathies simplicity. It is only now apparent how the
are most nearly English. Technically, he is Blazonry of American ballyhoo was selling a
American, but the major part of his life has generation into slavery. Flaherty used to say:
been spent exploring or filming within the They are a tribe of sharks preying on the
British Empire. weakness of their neighbours. This is their
This long association, together with his way of being ferocious. He contrasted the
explorers hatred of Hollywood artificiali- public decency of Polynesians. Economics,
ties, makes him the one director whose cin- of which he professes nothing, have most
ematic persuasion is most likely to benefit strangely found him right. I know not how
our present England. He comes to London many millions the American people will
for the first time with an eye for its authority have to pay their irresponsible exploiters
in the world, which adds fantasy to the most when prosperity comes again; for goods
familiar. He has seen Eskimos travel a thou- consumed.
sand miles to buy an English blanket which Now in London I find Flahertys eye for
would last them a lifetime, when the shoddy things as fascinating as before. He tells me
article of more recent commercial tradition that wholesomeness went out of American
was at their igloo doors. He has eaten out an humour when Mark Twain died, and that
Arctic winter on the superior construction behind all the flashing wit of American
of English bully-beef tins, which refused cross-talk is an essential unkindliness. He
to rust with foreign competitors. He has tells me that England is dirty and scrambled,
Flaherty 89

that its humor is simple, but that this origi- instrument. It can see a thousand things
nal human wholesomeness remains to it. in a thousand places at different times, and
He tells me that English faces retain an the cunning cutter can string them together
individuality which stands up to the build- for a review of the world. Or he can piece
ings as American faces cannot. He contrasts them togethera more difficult taskfor a
the manicured landscape of the Continent review of a subject or situation more intri-
with the informality and intimacy of the cate and more intimate than any mortal eye
Chilterns. He praises, most unfashionably, can hope to match. But its magic is even
craftsmanship. more than this. It lies also in the manner
These hints and emphases are very close of its observation, in the strange innocence
to the problem we have to solve in our with which, in a mind-tangled world, it sees
English cinema, for we are more than ever things for what they are. This is not simply
in search of the national certainties we are to say that the camera, on its single observa-
to proclaim. We have not yet evolved a style. tions, is free from the trammels of the sub-
We imitate Hollywood, and occasionally we jective, for it is patent that it will not follow
imitate Neubabelsburg and Moscow. There the director in his enthusiasms any more
is some original lack of affection for our than it will follow him in the wide-angled
own English worth, a lack of knowledge of vision of his eyes. The magical fact of the
it, a lack of bravery in it which prevents our camera is that it picks out what the direc-
bringing beauty, and convincing beauty, out tor does not see at all, that it gives emphasis
of the films wemake. where he did not think emphasis existed.
It is, Iknow only too well, difficult to be The camera is in a measure both the
sure of ones attitudes in a decade like this. discoverer of an unknown world and the
Can we heroicize our men when we know re-discoverer of a lost one. There are, as
them to be exploited? Can we romanticize everyone knows, strange moments of beauty
our industrial scene when we know that our that leap out of most ordinary news reels. It
men work brutally and starve ignobly in it? may be some accidental pose of character or
Can we praise itand in art there must be some spontaneous gesture which radiates
praisewhen the most blatant fact of our simply because it is spontaneous. It may be
time is the bankruptcy of our national man- some high angle of a ship, or a crane, or a
agement? Our confidence is sapped, our chimney stack, or a statue, adding some ele-
beliefs are troubled, our eye for beauty is ment of the heroic by a new-found empha-
most plainly disturbed:and the more so in sis. It may be some mere fore-shortening
cinema than in any other art. For we have to of a bollard and a rope that ties a ship to a
build on the actual. Our capital comes from quay in spirit as well as in fact. It may be the
those whose only interest is in the actual. flap of a hatch cover which translates a gale.
The medium itself insists on the actual. It may be the bright revelation of rhythms
There we must build or be damned. that time has worn smooth:the hand move-
Flahertys most considerable contribu- ment of a potter, the wrist movement of a
tion to the problem is, as always, his insis- native priest, or the muscle play of a dancer
tence on the beauty of the natural. It is not or a boxer or a runner. All of them seem to
everything, for it does not in the last resort achieve a special virtue in the oblong of the
isolate and define the purposes which must, screen.
consciously or unconsciously, inform our So much Flaherty has taught us all. If we
craftsmanship. But it does ensure that the add to it such instruction as we have taken
raw material from which we work is the from Griffith and the Russians, of how to mass
raw material most proper to the screen. movement and create suspense, of how to
The camera-eye is in effect a magical keep an eye open for attendant circumstance
90Early Documentary

and subconscious effect, we have in sum a We might make an English cinema, as

most formidable equipment as craftsmen. we might make English art again, if we
But the major problem remains, the problem could only send our creators back to fact.
I have mentioned, the problem the critics do Not only to the old fact of the countryside
not worry their heads over, though creators which our poets have already honoured, but
must: what final honours and final dishon- to the new fact of industry and commerce
ours we shall reveal in this English life of and plenty and poverty which no poet has
ours: what heroism we shall set against what honoured at all. Every week I hear men ask
villainy. The field of cinema is not only a field for films of industry. They want it praised
for creators but also for prophets. and proclaimed to the world, and I would
The method followed by Flaherty in his like to see their money used and their pur-
own film-making might give us a most poses fulfilled. But what advice can I give
valuable lead. He took a year to make his them? We can produce them the usual slick
study of the Eskimos and this after ten rubbish, some slicker, some less slick; but
years exploration in the Eskimo country who of us knows an industry well enough
of Labrador and Baffin Land. He took two to bring it alive for what it is? And what sta-
years to make his study of Samoan life, tescraft is willing to send a creator into an
and only now, after three more years in the industry, so to know it: for a year, for two
South Seas, feels he could do justice to it. years perhaps, for the length of a hundred
He soaked himself in his material, lived thousand feet of film and possibly more.
with it to the point of intimacy and beyond Our businessmen expect a work of art to
that to the point of belief, before he gave it schedule, as the housewife expects her daily
form. This is a long method, and may be groceries. They expect it of a new medium.
an expensive one; and it is altogether alien They expect it from raw material which they
in a cinema world which insists on forc- in their own hearts despise.
ing a pre-conceived shape (one of half a Flaherty, as an individual artist, cannot
dozen rubber-stamped dramatic shapes) on answer the whole problem. He knows his
all material together. Its chief claim to our primitives and will do a job for them out of
regard, however, is that it is necessary, and the strength of his affection. He could do a
particularly necessary in England. We know job for English craftsmanship and for the
our England glibly as an industrial country, tradition of quality in English work, and for
as a beautiful country of this epic quality the native solidity in English institutions,
and that; we know it by rote as a maker of and English criticism and character; but
Empire and as a manipulator of world-wide he is of a persuasion that does not easily
services. But we do not know it in our come to grips with the more modern fac-
everyday observation as such. Our litera- tors of civilization. In his heart he prefers
ture is divorced from the actual: it is writ- a sailing barge to a snub-nosed funnel-after,
ten as often as not in the south of France. and a scythe to a mechanical reaper. He will
Our culture is divorced from the actual: it say that there is well-being associated with
is practised almost exclusively in the rar- the first and none with the second, and in
efied atmosphere of country colleges and a manner he is right:right in his emphasis
country retreats. Our gentlemen explore on well-being. But how otherwise than by
the native haunts and investigate the native coming to industry, even as it is, and forcing
customs of Tanganyika and Timbuctoo, but beauty from it, and bringing people to see
do not travel dangerously into the jungles beauty in it, can one, in turn, inspire man to
of Middlesbrough and the Clyde. Their create and find well-being? For this surely is
hunger for English reality is satisfied briefly the secret of our particular well-being, that
and sentimentally over a country hedge. men must accept the environment in which
Flaherty 91

they live, with its smoke and its steel and or industry. Rather must the approach be to
its mechanical aids, even with its rain. It take the story from out the location, find-
may not be so easily pleasant as the halcyon ing it essentially there: with patience and
environment of Tahiti, but this is beside intimacy of knowledge as the first virtues
thepoint. always in a director. He referred to a quo-
I think in this other matter one may turn tation I once wrote for him in New York,
to the Russians for guidance rather than to when his seemingly tardy method of pro-
Flaherty. Their problem, of course, is differ- duction was first an issue in the studios. It
ent from ours. The industrial backwardness was Platos description of his metaphysics
of the country, the illiteracy of their people, where he says that no fire can leap up or
and the special factors of Russian psychol- light kindle till there is long intercourse
ogy make for a rhetoric in their cinema with the thing itself, and it has been lived
which we cannot blindly imitate. Apart from with. No doubt the studios, with their
this national difference, which is in effect slick ten- or fifteen-day productions of
their style, there is an ardour of experiment nothing-in-particular, still disagree with
in their treatment of industrial and social Flaherty and Plato profoundly. His idea of
material. They have built up rhythms from production is to reconnoitre for months
their machinery; they have made their work without turning a foot, and then, in months
exciting and noble. They have made soci- more perhaps, slowly to shape the film on
ety on the move the subject-matter of art. the screen: using his camera first to sketch
Their sense of rhythm is not necessarily our his material and find his people, then using
sense of rhythm. Their sense of nobility and his screen, as Chaplin uses it, to tell him at
sense of social direction need not be identi- every turn where the path of drama lies.
cal with ours. The essential point, however, No director has the same respect as
is that they have built up this rhythm and Flaherty for the camera; indeed very few
nobility and purpose of theirs by facing up of them even trouble to look through the
to the new material. They have done it out camera while it is shooting their scenes.
of the necessity of their social situation. No Flaherty, in contrast, is always his own first
one will say that our own necessity is less cameraman. He spoke almost mystically
than theirs. of the cameras capacity for seeing beyond
When I spoke with Flaherty on the Aran mortal eye to the inner qualities of things.
Islands he was full of the possibilities of With Fairbanks he agrees that children and
the British documentary cinema. If on animals are the finest of all movie actors,
these islandsonly so many hours from because they are spontaneous, but talks also
Londonthere was this story of romantic of the movements in peasants and crafts-
life ready to the camera, how many more men and hunters and priests as having a
must there be! He mentioned the Hebrides special magic on the screen because time or
and the Highlands, and sketched out a tradition has worn them smooth. He might
film of Indian village life. He spoke of the also addthough he would notthat his
tales of fine craftsmanship which must be own capacity for moving the camera in
tucked away in the Black Country. But first, appreciation of these movements is an
he emphasized, there must be the process essential part of the magic. No man of cam-
of discovery and freedom in discovery: to eras, to my knowledge, can pan so curiously,
live with the people long enough to know or so bewilderingly anticipate a fine gesture
them. He talked with a certain rising fury of or expression.
the mental attitude of the studio-bred pro- Flahertys ideal in the new medium is a
ducer who hangs a slicked-out story of tri- selective documentation of sound similar
angles against a background of countryside at all points to his selective documentation
92Early Documentary

of movement and expression in the silent removed from the theatrical tradition as it
film. He would use the microphone, like can possibly be. His screen is not a stage
the camera, as an intimate attendant to which the action of a story is brought,
on the action: recording the accompany- but rather a magical opening in the theatre
ing sounds and whispers and cries most wall, through which one may look out to
expressive of it. He says the language does the wide world: overseeing and overhear-
not matter at all, not even the words, if the ing the intimate things of common life
spirit of the thing is plain. In this point which only the camera and microphone of
as in others, Flahertys cinema is as far the film artist can reveal.

Ethnographic and Expedition Films about Nomadic
Tribes; The Case of Grass(2006)

Expedition and ethnographic films encode desire for authentic experiences and mod-
the nations ideologies and collective ernist primitivism found in the struggle
longings for formexpressed in socially against harsh nature; and a racialist nostal-
acceptable, aesthetically pleasing, and com- gia for origins.
mercially successful generic and narrative As a case study of this complex attraction,
schemasand the psychology and desires this essay examines the seminal film Grass:
of individual filmmakers. As a result, it A Nations Battle for Life, about the semian-
is important to deal not only with over- nual migration of the Baba Ahmadi tribe in
arching ideologies, such as colonialism, Iran.1 It examines both the films text and
Orientalism, nationalism, and imperial- its contextthe personal, political, ideo-
ism that shape the thinking and imagina- logical, and cultural forces that informed
tion of nations but also with filmmakers its genealogy, filming, intertitling, public-
personal histories, politics, and impera- ity, theatrical exhibition, nontheatrical tour-
tives that help to form both them and their ing, and reception by diverse audiences
films. One topic in which early traveling and critics both in the United States and in
filmmakers from the West showed great Iran. Recognized as a classic of documen-
interest was the Eastern nomads. United tary, ethnographic, and expedition films,
States explorers and filmmakers were it was made by three Americans, Merian
attracted to such nomadic tribes for per- C. Cooper, Ernest B. Schoedsack, and
sonal and national reasons, among them Marguerite E. Harrisonintrepid explor-
wanderlust; manifest destiny, consisting ers, anti-Soviet adventurers, members of
of national expansionism, exceptionalism, the U.S. military or intelligence services,
and triumphalism that characterized both journalists, and filmmakers.
American pioneers of past centuries and By the early 1920s, interest in the East
global explorers of the twentieth century; a and the Orient was keen and Orientalist
94Early Documentary

conceptions were circulating widely in fic- two Red Cross films about these events,
tion films such as in Cecil B.DeMilles The To the Aid of Poland (1919) and The Fall of
Arab (1915), Louis Gasniers Kismet (1920), Kiev (1919), contain Schoedsacks footage.
and Rex Ingrams The Arab (1924). Iran, a He also made at least two films for the Red
subject of many documentaries by Western Cross Travel Film series: Neath Polands
travelers (Naficy 1984, 1995), is not Arab Harvest Skies (1920) and Shepherds of Tatra
but a non-Semitic and overwhelmingly (1921). These were upbeat in tone, emphasiz-
Muslim country, located in the Middle ing the quaint and exotic life of the peasants
East where most of the Arabs and a high in a devastated Europe (Veeder 1990: 61).
percentage of the worlds Muslims live. As a freelance cameraman, Schoedsack
As a result, its cinematic representations also filmed newsreels for the U.S.govern-
have conformed to many of the Orientalist ment as well as for commercial newsreel
discourses about Arabs and Muslims and companies. Among these were scenes of
posed problems for them. In many ways, the Versailles Treaty deliberations in Paris
Grass played into these discourses and and the brutal Greek-Turkish war of 192122
problematizedthem. that resulted in an independent Turkey
under Mustapha Kemal Pasha (Ataturk),
which sparked Schoedsacks interest in the
The Filmmakers and Their Merian Coldwell Cooper (18951973)
Triumphalist Wanderlust worked as a journalist in several U.S.cit-
ies and served in General Pershings army
Grass is a silent, 35mm, black-and-white, in Mexico, chasing Pancho Villa. In 1917 he
seventy-minute film that deals with the trio was flying low over the western front as a
of American explorers traveling through tactical aerial observer when he was shot
Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran in search of a down over the Argonne. Badly burned,
forgotten Asiatic tribe. Having found he became for a time a prisoner of the
them in Iran and identified them, the Germans. Like Schoedsack, he viewed the
explorers follow their transhumance migra- Bolsheviks as a potential enemy, and at
tion from hot, dry regions to cool, green the outbreak of the Polish-Russian War, he
pastures. Cooper is the films producer, formed with Major Cedric E. Fauntleroy
Schoedsack the cameraman, and Harrison the Kosciusko Aerial Squadron to fight the
the on-camera personality. Bolsheviks. Again, he was shot down and
Ernest Beaumont Schoedsack (18931979) this time he became a prisoner of the Red
had been a cameraman for the Mack Army in Wladykino Prison, near Moscow.
Sennett Studio and for the United States For months he assumed the identity of
Signal Corps; and he was perhaps the first Corporal Frank R. Mosher, the name that
airborne combat photographer. He devised was stenciled on the secondhand under-
a way of filming through the machine-gun wear that the Red Cross had given him. He
openings that synchronized the camera was certain that if the Soviets discovered
shutters motion with the airplanes pro- his true identity, he would be executed.
peller (Wiley 1981). After World War I, he During this time, Marguerite Harrison,
joined the Red Cross relief mission, driv- who was spying for the U. S. military in
ing ambulances, helping Polish refugees the Soviet Union, smuggled food, blankets,
to escape from Soviet occupied lands, and tobacco, books, and money to him. Because
filming unparalleled newsreel footage of of this, Cooper acknowledged that he owed
the Polish fighters incursion into Russia his life to her (Brownlow 1979:516; Goldner
(Goldner and Turner 1975: 25). At least and Turner 1975: 24). Subsequently, in a
Lured by theEast 95

daring and successful attempt, he escaped the Soviet Union. After some success there
to freedom. she was caught and spent ten nightmarish
In 1922 Schoedsack, who had met months in the notorious Lubianka Prison
Cooper earlier in Warsaw, joined him on and, later, in Novinsky Prisonthe first
a filmic expedition with Captain Edward American woman to become a prisoner
A.Salisbury, an explorer and conservation- of the Bolsheviks. It was from Novinsky
ist, on his ship Wisdom II. This collabora- that a grateful Cooper had planned to
tion resulted in a short film, Golden Prince, rescue Harrison. That became unneces-
about Ras Tafarithen prince regent of sary, however, as she was released through
the Abyssinian Empire, later crowned the intervention of the American Relief
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopiaand Administration, which offered food for
some newsreel footage of Muslims on their famine-starved Russians in exchange for
hajj pilgrimage in Jedda, Saudi Arabia. freedom for all American prisoners (Olds
However, an accidental fire by a crewman 1985: 18183).
that burned much of their footage caused Cooper and Harrison had first met years
Cooper and Schoedsack to adopt an idea earlier in Warsaw at a Red Cross ball, an
they had abandoned earlier: making an acquaintance that grew once Harrison
epic film about a nomadic tribes struggle returned to the United States in the early
against nature. 1920s. However, she was restless and her
As a precocious child who began talk- powerful wanderlust uncontainable. Her
ing at eight months, Marguerite Harrison autobiography testifies:
(born Marguerite Elton Baker, 18791967)
had traveled to Europe extensively, thanks I knew that Ishould have been con-
to her father, a wealthy transatlantic ship- tent to live with my boy in NewYork
ping magnate (Harrison 1935: 8; Olds 1985: where Ihad made hosts of friends,
15859). As an adult, she satisfied her but Icould not settle down. During
insatiable urge for travel and adventure by the late spring nights I lay awake
becoming a reporter for various papers, listening to the sirens of the ocean
including the Baltimore Sun, and by con- liners that were leaving for distant
tacting the U.S. Army Military Intelligence ports. They were truly sirens to me,
Division (MID), offering to become a spy. urging, enticing, irresistible. Finally,
After preliminary interviews, MID signed I could stand it no longer. I made
her on and sent her to Europe to report up my mind that Iwould have to go
on the social climate and psychological somewhere before the summer was
conditions of the Germans in the wake of over. (1935:565)
their defeat in the Great War. She worked
hard and in a disciplined fashion, chasing That somewhere was nowhere else but
leads and regularly filing interesting and the Middle East and Iran, where she went
accurate reports with her military superi- to makeGrass.
ors about the Germans postwar attitudes, The wanderlust of all three was driven
including reactions to the cost of the severe not only by their personal desires for else-
terms of the peace treaty and the emer- where and for other times but also by the
gence of anti-Semitism (Olds 1985: 170). Great War, which had shaken many peo-
Some of these reports were also printed in ple out of their routines, leaving them at a
the Baltimore Sun. Although the Versailles loss, dissatisfied with their own societies,
peace treaty brought an end to Harrisons and curious about other places. Modernity
spying in Europe, she soon obtained and improvements in communication and
another intelligence assignment, spying in transportation had made literal travel and
96Early Documentary

virtual travel (by means of film and pho- Indeed, the film begins like an early theat-
tography) possible and within reach of rical feature by introducing the intrepid trav-
ordinary people. The trios sense of excep- elers, much like cast members:in close-up
tionalism, expansionism, and triumpha- portrait shots, filmed behind Paramounts
lism was fueled not only by the victory of Astoria Studios, looking at each other or at
the Americans and their European allies the camera (Figure15.1). After this opening,
over their Western and Eastern foes but Harrison is the only expedition member on
also by the emergence of the United States camera. Such self-referentiality enhanced
from the Great War as a new global power. the films documentary claims at the same
It was perhaps also driven by the exception- time that, through the artifice of the search
alism, expansionism, and triumphalism for the tribe and Harrisons on-camera pres-
of the U.S. film industry, emblematized ence, it provided Western audiences with a
by Hollywoods dominance of the worlds pleasurable narrative world and a figure of
screens since that war. Political and cin- identification.
ematic supremacy facilitated the emergence The newly independent Turkey, formed
of an American travel cinema. out of the rubble of the Ottoman Empire,
The films budget was small at ten thou- suspicious of foreigners, made the explor-
sand dollars, at least half of which was ers forays into Kurdish region unsafe.
supplied by Harrison (Harrison 1935: During the weeks of waiting for travel and
566)and the rest by Cooper and Schoedsack filming permits, Schoedsack filmed some
(Brownlow 1979: 516, Wiley 1981: 1), with newsreel and travelogue footage to sup-
the latter also contributing his light- port the team financially. A few of these
weight, hand-cranked French Debrie cam- sequences made it into Grass, such as the
era, mounted on a tripod and equipped scene of the dancing bear and village chil-
with a 400-foot film magazine. Although dren. As they became convinced that per-
Schoedsack was opposed to taking a woman mits were not forthcoming, they evaded
on a dangerous expedition, he agreed to police surveillance and, following ancient
an equal partnership, according to which caravan routes, trekked southwest from
all three would share the films profit in Istanbul to Angora (Ankara) in search
equalparts. of a new Forgotten People. They spent a
memorable night in an old caravansary,
sharing a hot meal cooked over an open
fire with Turkoman travelers. Using flares,
Struggle againstNature and Schoedsack filmed this scene dramatically,
Filmic Conditions which was cut into the film. Weeks later
they entered the Anatolian desert during a
Grass contains two overarching plots of bitter winter, but this did not deter them
struggles: the filmmakers search for the from fulfilling one of the requirements
Forgotten People and the tribes migration of desert traveloguesa sandstorm. They
with thousands of animals over rough ter- re-created it by having porters shovel bran
rain. The first plot opens the film and lasts out of bags just outside Schoedsacks cam-
the first third of its length, while the latter era frame while Harrison and her carriage
plot takes up the rest of the film. Schoedsack driver drove straight into the wind. The
and Cooper had originally planned to film result on film was highly realistic, as waves
the migration of Kurdish tribes in Turkey of bran came at them, covering them from
because they had the most interesting cos- head to foot, entering their hair, noses, and
tumes and customs and lived in a wildly teethHarrison having to remove bran
photogenic country (Schoedsack 1983:43). from her long hair fordays.
Lured by theEast 97

Figure15.1 Ernest Schoedsack (left) and Merian Cooper being introducded to the audience
(Paramount back lot, Astoria, NY), in Grass (1925). Still capture fromDVD.

Continuing their search, the trio headed Sir Arnold Wilson, chairman of the board
into the Taurus Mountains toward Syria of the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and by
(Figure 15.2). In the midst of a blinding the chief of British intelligence for Iraq,
snowstorm, with snow coming up to the Gertrude Bell. The Bakhtiaris semiannual
bellies of their horses, they encountered migration in search of pasturage was mas-
hospitable natives, among them a local sive and dramatic, and their route highly
hunter named Halil Effendi, who provided picturesque; it was to begin in April 1924,
them with another re-created episode. a schedule the filmmakers could readily
Using a specially built portable canvas accommodate; and their area of migration
screen as camouflage, with three holes in was within the jurisdiction of the giant oil
it for eyes and the gun muzzle, Effendi companys operation, where the filmmak-
stalked wild mountain goats, shooting and ers could benefit from its influence and
killing one. However, since the shooting protection. Sir Arnolds introductory letter,
occurred off camera, they re-created it by urging local and tribal officials cooperation,
propping the carcass high on a cliff. When opened many doors to them, including their
Schoedsack was ready, Halil took a shot and audience with the Il-Khani, the chief of all
someone pulled a cord that caused the car- the Bakhtiari tribes, and with his cousin
cass to tumble over the mountainside for and second in command, the Il-Begi, Amir
the filming. Harrison justified the fakery Jang.3 The older Il-Khani was puzzled by
in the way many documentarists have jus- the idea of foreigners accompanying tribal
tified re-creations:It was merely a repeti- migration for filming, but he was won over
tion before the camera of what had actually by the younger Il-Begi, who had been to the
happened (1935:586). movies in Tehran and had liked them. The
Disappointed in not finding their pictur- filmmakers desire to follow a tribe whose
esque and heroic Forgotten People in Turkey, route was through the wild mountains, not
Syria, or Iraq, the filmmakers finally chose on the gravel road that the British had built,
the Bakhtiari tribes in Iran. In this choice resulted in their joining the Baba Ahmadi
they were advised by the British politician subtribe, headed by HaidarKhan.
98Early Documentary

Figure15.2 Marguerite Harrison and local attendants in a snowstorm in the Taurus Mountains
(Turkey) in Grass. Still capture fromDVD.

At this juncture, the filmmakers were and Cooper generally slept on the ground,
justifiably delighted about finally locating while Harrison slept in a small tent. As
the site of the Forgotten Peoplea delight Schoedsack explains in a tape letter, We
that is enacted in Grass in the drama of ate the food they gave uswe had no sup-
discovery, a characteristic of the expedi- plies of our ownand it was very good.
tion genrewhich is marked on a map of Theyd bring us their food every night.
Asia Minor and Persia (now Iran) on which Wed stretch out on our bedroll, and
a large caption identifies the Forgotten theyd give us barley, which they stored in
Peoples location and the trios route to find goatskin sacks, and every few days theyd
them. As part of this drama of discovery, have a shish Kebaband always plenty of
viewers are treated to the only scenes of yogurt (Schoedsack 1971). Cooper, too,
nonmigratory aspects of the tribes life in loved the outdoors life with the Bakhtiari,
the film: the tribal black tents in the valleys considering it, according to his wife
and women who are spinning cotton, danc- Dorothy Cooper, as one of the happiest
ing with a handkerchief, feeding a baby, and periods in his life (D. Cooper1984).
milking a goat while men perform the stick Schoedsack filmed by hand-cranking
dance. his Debrie camera at the silent speed
From this point on, the films first of 16 fps, exposing some 20,000 feet of
plotthe filmmakers struggle to find black-and-white negative. Tribespeople did
their subjectsjoins its second plotthe not have a problem with being filmed, per-
struggle of the Baba Ahmadi tribe num- haps because they had developed a good
bering some five thousand people and rapport with Schoedsack and trusted him
fifty thousand animals to migrate from and because they were too busy with their
their southwest winter region near the migration to pay attention to the camera.
Persian Gulf to the cooler summer pas- Harrison often slept with the precious film
tures near Isfahan. This massive move- cans and the trios moneybags in her tent to
ment began on 17 April 1924, and lasted safeguard them. As the only Westerner with
forty-eight days, during which Schoedsack sustained on-camera presence, she stands
Lured by theEast 99

out among the tribespeople with her white zigzag trail into the snow-covered side of
horse, her light-colored Western safari suit, Zardeh Kuh up to its vertical 15,000-foot
her pith helmet held on her head with a summit. Filming such a massive and
scarf, and her fashionably made-up face. moving target posed major logistical and
She took care to apply make up for each aesthetic problems, one of which was
shot and she washed her clothes regularly to the impossibility of rehearsals or retakes.
make herself presentable (Harrison 1935: Another was that, to avoid the intense day-
62627). Schoedsacks shot compositions, time heat, the tribe generally broke camp
which centered her, also contributed to her in complete darkness, depriving the crew
visibility. of any nighttime scenes or ethnographic
The filmmakers turned the two massive footage of tribal socializing. The blinding
and dramatic obstacles of the migration early morning sun, and the often bright
into the films narrative complications. background, also made it impossible
One involved thousands of tribespeople to film the lightly dressed tribespeople.
and animals crossing the torrential and However, Schoedsack learned to cope with
icy rapids of the Karun River, which was these problems admirably. His cinematog-
a half-mile wide and without a bridge in raphy is crisp, dramatic, and breathtaking,
the vicinity. In this process, human lives particularly where humans are framed
and livestock were inevitably lost annu- against massive mountains, vast valleys,
ally. Schoedsack, who had gone ahead to or torrential waters. Kevin Brownlow calls
secure a position to film the tribes arrival one of these scenes the most unforget-
at the river, sent a note to Cooper, saying: tably epic shot of documentary history
Coop! I hate to say it before we start shoot- (1979: 526). Apparently based on a paint-
ing, but this is what we have been traveling ing of Napoleon crossing the Alps, which
months to see. Better be here before sun- Cooper had seen in Paris, it pictures the
rise tomorrow. This is it! (M. Cooper 1925: zigzagging multitude of tribespeople flat-
21819). The lengthy sequence he filmed tened against the far valley like thousands
shows in graphic detail the way tribesmen of flies (Figure15.3). Schoedsacks intimate
inflate goatskins and tie them together to shots are also dramatic, showing women
form rafts, which carry their wives, chil- carrying babies in wooden cradles on their
dren, small animals, and belongings, backs, a young girl climbing the rocky
while the men swim across the turbulent path with a lamb on her shoulders, and
waters simultaneously herding thousands pack animals creating a traffic jam on the
of sheep, donkeys, cows, and horses. Later, zigzagtrail.
when he had confronted the river and wit- The filming of Grass itself was also a
nessed the Baba Ahmadis efforts to cross heroic struggle and achievement, given
it, Cooper wrote: It was a show, all right. the weight and bulkiness of the 35mm
For five days Schoedsack and I, rushing equipment and film stock and the exigen-
about with the cameras, watched the great- cies of tribal migration, which demanded
est piece of continuous action I have ever mobility, spontaneity, and great stamina.
seen (1925: 233). The documentary histo- In such circumstances, planning was
rian Erik Barnouw offered a similar assess- nearly impossible. Schoedsack did well
ment of Schoedsacks filming: One of the on that account as well, for by the end
most spectacular sequences ever put on of the seven-week migration, he had
film (1993: 48). exactly eighty feet of film left with which
The other obstacle and narrative compli- to record the tribes triumphal arrival
cation involved the barefoot tribespeople, in what the film intertitles call the land
dressed in light clothing, carving a narrow of milk and honeythe land of Grass
100Early Documentary

Figure15.3 5,000 tribespeople and 50,000 animals on the zigzag trail up the Zadeh Kuh (Iran)
in Grass. Still capture fromDVD.

(Schoedsack 1971). This is why that scene By the time filming was over, how-
is so brief and contrived. ever, Cooper and Schoedsack had grown
The U.S. travelers search for the to regard their film as half a picture
Forgotten People and the two key river and and a great missed chance (Brownlow
mountain crossings are driven not only by 1979: 52829). While their footage was
wanderlust and desire to escape to else- impressive in scale and grandeur, it lacked
where but also by the theme of the tribes human intimacy and personality. Their
nomadic life as an elemental struggle for plan to complete the film by raising funds
survival against violent nature. Robert to film the tribes autumn return migra-
Flahertys Nanook of the North (1922) had tion and Haidars family life with his two
memorably depicted this theme in the wives and son did not materialize. In
Inuits efforts to survive in the Canadian their preparation to leave Iran, all three
tundra. Cooper wanted to achieve a similar stayed in Tehran for a while, where they
effect, for he hypothesized that when man had two fateful engagements, with sig-
fights for his life, all the world looks on. nificant impact both on their films fate in
And where does man have to fight harder Iran and on the politics of Iran-U.S.rela-
than when he finds his opponent the unre- tions. Cooper and Schoedsack stayed at
lenting and stern forces of Nature? We the home of U.S. Vice Consul Robert
decided to attempt to throw on the screen Imbrie, who notarized a testimonial let-
the actual struggle for life of a migratory ter for them, written by tribal chiefs, that
people (1925:x). offered proof of their expedition. Within
Lured by theEast 101

months, Imbrie would be murdered by a Richard P. Carver, who also had a major
fanatical mob in Tehran. In the meantime, hand in writing the intertitles.
Harrison gained an audience with Reza Famous Players-Lasky may have felt they
Khan, minister of war and prime minister, needed dramatic and snappy titles to make
who used Imbries murder to consolidate what they feared would be a dreary docu-
his hold on power and become the shah mentary entertaining. In the late silent era,
(see below). all films employed title writers, whose job
was to make subtitles entertaining, and by
1925 some of them had succeeded too well,
eliciting howls of laughter from delighted
Editing and Intertitling theFilm audiences (Brownlow 1981:1). Of the film-
making trio, Harrison disliked the inter-
Cooper and Schoedsack took the exposed titles the most. After viewing Grass once on
footage to Paris for development and, later, the public screens, she could not bear to
edited it into a 7-reel film in NewYork City see it again because she loathed the arti-
(about seventy minutes). It was during a pri- ficiality and theatricality of the intertitles
vate screening of this version that Jesse Lasky (1935:648).
(of Famous Players-Lasky Corporation) Taken together, the films visuals and
liked what he saw and decided to complete intertitles create a dichotomous, split text.
the film for theatrical distributionnot While the visuals by and large document,
wanting to repeat his mistake of passing up authenticate, and celebrate the reality, brav-
the opportunity to distribute Nanook of the ery, stamina, and resourcefulness of the
North seven months earlier. tribe, the intertitles are often ethnocentric,
To that end the studio made several Orientalist, narratively manipulative, and
major changes and additions to the film, overly dramatic. This textual split may be a
copyrighting it on 21 June 1924. The por- result of the division of labor, with the film-
traits of the three explorers were added makers, experienced about the migration
to the start of the film. The tribal chiefs and sympathetic to the tribe, in charge of
testimonial letter was inserted at the the visuals, and the studio writers, ignorant
films end. Dated 28 June 1924, writ- of the tribes way of life, supplying the inter-
ten in Persian and English by Haidar titles.5 However, this division was not that
Khan and Amir Jang, and notarized by hard, for Cooper admitted to having writ-
Major Robert W. Imbrie, it confirms that ten some of the titles himself (Brownlow
Cooper, Schoedsack, and Harrison were 1981: 1). That the intertitles in the next
the first foreigners who have crossed Cooper-Schoedsack documentary, Chang
the Zardeh Kuh pass and the first to have (1927), and the captions for the numerous
made the forty-eight day migration with stills of the migration in Coopers book
the tribes (in the Persian version, it is about Grass suffer from similar problems
forty-six days).4 In addition, the film was underscores Coopers ethnocentric view of
turned into feature length (ten reels) by non-Western people.
padding it with outtakes, which angered The film is also a hybrid text in the way
Schoedsack in particular (Brownlow 1981: it borrows from fiction cinema and contrib-
2). Finally, innumerable intertitles were utes to an emerging nonfiction cinema. It
inserted (some 174 in the version that borrows from the silent fiction films the
Milestone is currently distributing). The scenario of search, the filmmakers discov-
final ignominy was that the credit for ery, and the way the intertitles dramatize,
editing the film did not go to Cooper and narrativize, entertain, characterize, stereo-
Schoedsack, but to Terry Ramsaye and type, and visualize. On the other hand, the
102Early Documentary

documentary footage of the expedition and nomads (1925: 9) and barbarian hordes
migration, the films self-reflexivity, and the (3), and he quotes past observers of Iran
way the intertitles and maps provide con- who describe the tribes as a race of rob-
text, diegetic and extradiegetic information, bers and bloodthirsty people (151). Both
and framing give evidence of the codes of Harrison and Cooper note that their chief,
the as yet unnamed documentaryform. Haidar Khan, was gorilla-like, brutal, a wife
beater, an opium smoker, and a horse thief,
who loafed about while his people did the
work. Despite these very negative apprais-
Racialist Nostalgia forOrigins als, both also praise the Baba Ahmadi tribe
and its chief for their valor, endurance, and
Another theme that attracted the early ingenuity.
Western travelers to the tribes was that The film does not visualize the teams
focusing on tribes allowed them to estab- negative private observations and preju-
lish continuity and hierarchy in the chain of dices, perhaps because it would have coun-
human evolution, with non-Western tribes tered the projection of the tribespeople as
residing in the earlier stages and Western noble savages, which was its overarching
societies occupying the pinnacle of evolu- theme. Instead, Grass emphasizes the posi-
tionary developments. There is a marked tive public display of tribal bravery and stam-
difference, however, between the manner in ina, in support of which it marshals ample
which traveling filmmakers, such as Martin documentary evidence. This ideological
and Osa Johnson, represented African split between the private and public views
blacks around the same time in such films of the tribe can be detected in the films
as Simba (1928), Congorilla (1932), and other textual split discussed earlier, between
Baboona (1935) and the way that the makers complimentary visuals and condescending
of Grass represented the Iranian nomads. intertitles. The racialist depiction of Iranian
In representing the African blacks, and tribes was more favorable compared to that
sometimes Arabs, the traveling filmmak- of Arabs and Africans, because these tribes
ers imbued the social Darwinism paradigm were construed to be white, non-Semitic,
with latent and manifest racism, both of and Aryan, a fact that both the films inter-
which posited the Africans as inherently dif- titles and the filmmakers writings point up.
ferent, separate, unequal, and inferior to the Like Harrison, Cooper invokes the common
whites. They were stereotyped, ridiculed, racial bond between the tribes and white
infantilized, and reduced to the level of sub- Americans, musing that it may well be
human. However, the use of this racialist that the migratory life which we are going
paradigm was more complicated and more to live with them is that of our own Aryan
favorable to the Iranian tribes. It was more forefathers of many thousands of years ago
complicated because the representation of (1925: 143). Grasss opening intertitles also
the Baba Ahmadi by Harrison and Cooper reiterate thistheme.
in their memoirs differs markedly from that Such a racialist differentiation between
in the film, undermining a unified ideo- Iranian primitives and African primi-
logical vision of the tribe. Harrison writes tives is also evident in an unpub-
that there was nothing particularly glam- lished exchange between Brownlow and
orous about their struggle for existence, Schoedsack. At one point, Schoedsack states
as the tribe was terribly poor and existed that he took still portrait shots of the Baba
on a totally inadequate diet (1935: 617). Ahmadi, which they liked very much in gen-
Cooper, too, speaks of the Bakhtiari often eral; their only complaint was that they were
in uncomplimentary fashion as wild only head-and-shoulder shots. Brownlow
Lured by theEast 103

then reminds Schoedsack of Martin and shown. As a result, both Harrison and the
Osa Johnsons expeditions in Africa during tribespeople are excluded from the process
which they showed the natives still pictures of signification; they are objectified and
of themselves and discovered that the natives looked at. However, they are objectified dif-
could not make sense of them. Brownlow ferently. As a white mediator, even though a
asks Schoedsack if he encountered the woman, Harrison has a higher status than
same problem with the Iranian tribe. This the tribes, since she is also a diegetic subject
is Schoedsacks response:These arent low from whose narrative perspective the audi-
down stupid thick old coloured, you know. ence sees the migrating tribe and the trios
These are very intelligent white folk. They expedition. The natives, on the other hand,
knew what pictures were, and they had a lot are objectified thrice:first as the subject of
of old stone carvings on graves and things Harrisons regard, then as the subject of the
like that (Brownlow 196970:9). cameras gaze, and finally with their mute-
Because of these racial and hierarchi- ness, since the intertitles rarely quote any
cal conceptions, the Bakhtiari tribes are actual native dialogue.
included in the line of human progress The films self-congratulatory attitude
but are kept safely sealed in their time cap- also bolsters the Western filmmakers
sule in the earlier evolutionary stages. They power position.6 The tribal leaders letter at
came to represent a bygone era of simplic- the films end must be seen in this light, for
ity and authenticity, and their way of life a it testifies to, and dramatizes, their accom-
prelapsarian world of beforebefore civi- plishment in braving the tribes primi-
lization and modernity separated humans tive world. Barnouw thought the films
from their Edenic origin. Thus a return to final emphasis was not on the endurance
and recovery of such a world, in the form of the tribe but on the brash display of
of the search and discovery of the Forgotten egoismon the heroic accomplishment of
People, became alluring prospects. Of the film makers (1993:48).
course, the tribespeople were neither for-
gotten nor unknown to themselves or to the
Iranians, a great percentage of whom were
thenand are stilltribal or have tribal On theLecture Circuit:
roots. But it was necessary to create this fic- Commercial Exhibition and
tion of loss and amnesia in order to feed the Reception inthe UnitedStates
fiction of the documentary:the discovery of
the forgotten tribe by Western filmmakers. After the films completion, Cooper and
The films play of the gazes replicates a Harrison went on the lecture circuit, exten-
series of binary power relations: between sively screening Grass while providing live
East and West, ethnographer and subject, narration about their experiences of travel-
and male and female. It contains only one ing and filming. Cooper acquired an agent
instance of diegetic eye contact and eye-line who booked his film tours at clubs, scien-
cutting; significantly, that is in the films tific societies, and colleges, particularly
opening between the two male filmmak- in the Midwest. The National Geographic
ers, who form a small exclusive club among Society in Washington, D.C., invited him to
equals. Harrison, on the other hand, is lecture with the film, and among the distin-
shown in the opening in a single shot by guished audience was the president of the
herself, looking at the camera without any United States. His average net profit from
exchange of looks between her and them. each lecture was about two hundred dollars,
And in the rest of the film, where she is on which he split equally with his two part-
camera, her personal point of view is rarely ners. He also wrote a series of illustrated
104Early Documentary

articles about the filming for Asia Magazine his memoir applauded her linguistic facility
and published a book about that experi- and her paramedical abilities. Schoedsack
ence, containing Schoedsacks dramatic was downright hostile, calling her involve-
photographs (M. Cooper 1925), which was ment in the film a sore spot and a bad
subsequently serialized in newspapers and idea. Nonetheless, he acquiesced, since
translated into Persian (M. Cooper [1934] having a white woman on camera was a
1955). His publisher also arranged for a cute idea, and he felt honor bound to
one-hour radio appearance sponsored by make a shot of her every so often. He also
the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, asserted that there was nothing romantic
for which Cooper received the high sum of between the men and Harrison and that
one thousand dollars. Cooper brought her along to repay her for
Harrison, too, traveled widely with the saving him from starvation in the Soviet
film, talked on the radio, and lectured with prisons (Brownlow 196970: 9; Brownlow
it, particularly to womens clubs and soci- 1979: 528). His antagonism may have
eties. One example of her public lecturing stemmed not only from his sexism but also
is her presentation on 13 December 1938, from his professional jealousy of a woman
at UCLAS giant Royce Hall Auditorium who considered herself the films heroine
for the universitys lifelong learning pro- and co-producer. Power was also a factor (see
gram. The printed flyer boasts that she was below). Although this hitherto unpublished
lecturing with the only complete copy of account of the hostile undercurrent of the
Grass available for public presentation. An relationship among the expedition mem-
organist, Harry Q.Mills, was on hand to pro- bers was kept private, soon after Grasss first
vide live musical accompaniment. That the theatrical run, the partnership dissolved.
event was scheduled in a hall that could seat Cooper and Schoedsack, however, joined
over one thousand spectators indicates the forces on several subsequent productions,
size of the expected audience. Although, as which in some ways replayed, echoed, and
she admits, she had acquired a reputation signified on Grass, notably Chang and King
for unreliability because of her incurable Kong (1933).
habit of going off on trips and missing her These diverse forms of publishing,
appointments, she secured enough speak- publicizing, lecturing, touring, broadcast-
ing engagements with the film to remain ing, and film screening before general
financially afloat (Harrison 1935:648). Like and specialized audiences were part of the
Cooper, she also wrote a booknarratively cross-fertilizing culture industry infrastruc-
more engaging than Coopersin which, tures that were coming together for both
among her other life stories, she recounts fiction films and documentary films. The
the threesomes experience of the filming of wide dissemination of such ideologically
Grass (1935). loaded projections of non-Western people
In those days, women travelers, explor- would ensure that these ideologies would
ers, and filmmakers were not taken seri- become part of the political unconscious
ously, and the mass media were often more of Westerners, helping, in the words of
interested in their love affairs with exotic Edward Said, to ideologically produce the
foreigners than in their explorations and East, or the Orient (1979).
accomplishments. Harrison complained Famous Players-Lasky produced Grass,
that all the reporters wanted to know was while Paramount released it commercially.
if I had become enamoured of a sheik! A variety of film archives, independent
(1935: 650). Cooper and Schoedsack, too, film libraries, university film libraries,
did not sufficiently acknowledge her con- and independent distributors handled its
tribution to the filmalthough Cooper in nontheatrical distribution. In 1991 Milestone
Lured by theEast 105

Film and Video acquired the rights to the rating it second only to Nanook of the North
film from the Museum of Modern Art in (Brownlow 1979:529).
New York City and re-released the most
complete version of it on videocassette,
laser disk, and DVD, with an added Persian Sociopolitical Reception inIran
musical score.7
Grass performed well at the box office, Apparently, Grass was not screened in Iranian
particularly in major cities. It remained public cinemas for about two decades, for
on the screen at the Criterion Theater in several reasons. For one, it showed armed
NewYork City for three months (April-June nomadic tribesmen freely moving about at
1926), earning $85,346, and it earned in its the time that the government was forcibly
first run in Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los pacifying all tribes. Showing the film publicly
Angeles a total of $37,400 (Dannenberg would have countered that national policy,
1927: 253). It did not do as well in smaller spearheaded by the autocratic prime minis-
cities, perhaps because it was so remote ter Reza Khan, with grave consequences. Its
from the lives of ordinary Americans and depiction of Iran as a primitive and pasto-
because there were no pretty girls in it, ral country would also have falsified his mod-
no love scenes (Harrison 1935: 64849). ernist projection of Persia (whose name he
With this income, the three partners paid changed to Iran in 1935). That he was aware
their expenses, recouped their investment, of the film is almost certain, for Harrison
and earned several thousand dollars each in met with him in Tehran after filming in
royalties. 1924. However, there is no evidence that he
The film did surprisingly well in terms had viewed and banned thefilm.
of critical response, as well (Gerhard 1925; The films screening may also have been
Hall 1925; Lawrence 1925; Johnson 1982). In hampered by a foreign-policy crisis that
the United States, nationwide film review- occurred immediately after filming. This
ers voted Grass one of the best pictures of was the tragic murder of the signer of the
1925. Many reviewers ranked it among the testimonial letter for Grass, U.S. Vice Consul
ten best films, and overall they ranked it Robert Imbrie, by a Tehran mob angry at his
number twelve, a high ranking given that photographing a religious shrine and pro-
it was a documentary in the company cession, which became the first of several
of luminary feature films such as F. W. major rifts in Iran-U.S.relations in modern
Murnaus The Last Laugh (ranked number times. The Iranian government apologized
two), John Fords The Iron Horse (number for the incident, paid for the indemnity of
four), Erich von Stroheims Greed (num- Imbries widow, underwrote the cost of the
ber five), Charles Chaplins The Gold Rush warship Trenton to repatriate the body, and
(number seventeen), and Raoul Walshs hanged three culprits. Significantly, Reza
Thief of Baghdad (number twenty-two). Khan used Imbries brutal murder to con-
In addition, the National Board of Review solidate his power by declaring martial law,
ranked it fifteen in a list of forty best pic- arresting his political opponents, muzzling
tures of 1925 (Dannenberg 1927:41726). the opposition press, and curbing the clergy.
In 1926 Grass was selected among four Ayear later, he dissolved the Qajar dynasty
hundred films suitable for children and declared himself the shah of the new
(Kann 1927:47173). Geographers and eth- Pahlavi dynasty. The United States govern-
nologists hailed it as a substantial contri- ment, which had publicly taken a hardline
bution to human knowledge (Harrison approach with the Iranian government to
1935: 648), and historians recognized it save face, implicitly encouraged his assump-
as a classic of documentary cinema, tion of dictatorial power as a price that
106Early Documentary

had to be paid for satisfactory settlement who viewed the film in 1931 in a cinema in
of the Imbrie dispute. For the Americans, Abadan operated by the Anglo-Persian Oil
the lesson from this incident reverberated Company, relates that during the screen-
for decades, for as late as the 1950s, the ing, some oil workers became so agitated
U.S. embassy in Tehran routinely warned by the perceived negative depiction of Iran
Americans against photographing religious that they loudly objected to the film and
events in Iran by invoking Imbries unfortu- walked out of the theater. The next day,
nate fate (Zirinsky 1986:28388). however, a high-ranking Iranian official of
When Grass was eventually shown the company admonished them for their
after the Allied Powers had occupied defensive anger at a film that he thought
Iran and forced Reza Shah into exile in had honestly documented Iranian real-
1941, it was not the feature-length, silent ity (Rahimian 1988: 61). Bakhtiari tribal
American film. Rather, it was a forty-minute leaders also expressed mixed reactions
sound version (perhaps produced by the about it to me. Amir Bahman Samsam
BBC), with Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakovs confirmed that he had seen both versions,
Scheherazade (1888) as the sound track and that the migration was depicted realis-
a Persian-language voiceover narration. The tically and without errors, and that the
well-known scholar Mojtaba Minovi wrote Baba Ahmadis route was their normal
and read the narration himself, which pro- route (Samsam 1984). This latter state-
vided a sympathetic and nationalistic coun- ment, coupled with similar comments
terdiscourse to the original ethnocentric below, dispenses once and for all with
intertitles. The British Council distributed the notion put forward by some scholars
the film nationally to movie theaters and to (Sadoul 1965: 105; Barsam 1992: 55) that
cultural and educational institutions as late the tribe had taken an unusually pictur-
as the mid-1970s. esque and difficult route to accommodate
According to the filmmaker Mohammad the desire of the filmmakers for dramatic
Ali Issari, this version was highly popular footage. Hamid Khan Bakhtiari, the son of
with Iranians because seeing themselves on the Il-Khani who had facilitated the film-
the screen for the first time and in a gen- makers migration with the tribe, had also
erally positive light satisfied their sense viewed the British Councils version as a
of national pride (1982). The French soci- young governor of the region. He corrobo-
ologist Edgar Morin also noted that many rated the accuracy and truthfulness of the
grown Bakhtiari men, who on seeing the film. However, his emotional reaction was
film recognized themselves as children, mixed:I was made proud of the defiance
were delighted about what they saw. The of the men and women of the tribe but very
Persian-language narration must have indi- saddened by their poverty, ignorance, and
genized the film, increased its attractive- illiteracy (Bakhtiari1984).
ness, and enhanced what Morin calls the Grass captured the imagination of not
pleasure of auto-identification of cinema only Issari but also other filmmakers, inside
(1977: 109). Issaris auto-identification by and outside Iran, some of whom attempted
means of Grass had a lasting effect on him, to reproduce and update that primordial
initiating his lifelong commitment to docu- vision of humankind by examining tribal
mentary filmmaking. lifewith mixed results. Grass continues
At the same time, however, like a to be screened in documentary film, Middle
Lacanian mirror, the films wider circula- Eastern history, and visual anthropology
tion produced contradictory reactions, courses in the United States and elsewhere.
causing not only self-identification but also One barometer of its longevity is the sta-
self-alienation. The writer Ali Javaherkalam, tistic from the Museum of Modern Art in
Lured by theEast 107

New York City, which reported some fifty out of time, money, and steam. This footage
circulations a year as late as the 1980s, was edited into a forty-minute demo film
about 80 percent of which went to colleges that was accompanied by a musical track
and the remainder to cultural institutions and a verbose voice-over narration designed
(Sloan 1982). The availability of the film on to raise funds to finance yet another trip to
video in the 1990s bolstered its circulation complete the film (which did not happen).
enormously, as Milestone Film and Video This footage, which I have viewed, lacks
reports sales of over five thousand video- the scale and drama of the original, a lack
cassettes and DVDs in one decade since it that is particularly noticeable in its mundane
began distributing the film (Doros 2003). river- and mountain-crossing sequences.
This sudden surge may owe partly to the Having been filmed like a scripted docu-
presence of over half a million Iranians in mentary, it also lacks curiosity and the
the United States, the largest population sense of wonder and discovery about the
outside Iran, who are interested in their cul- profilmic world that distinguished Grass,
tural heritage. which remains an unsurpassed expedition
documentary of one of humanitys vanish-
ing ways oflife.

Attempted Color and Sound

Remake in1956
Aware of some of Grasss shortcomings, 1. Iwould like to thank the following people who
Cooper attempted another version in Techni over the many years of my research on Grass
color and sound, but against Schoedsacks agreed to be interviewed; corresponded with me;
and put at my disposal documents, photographs,
advice (Schoedsack 1983: 114). He assem- reviews, and other personal items related to the
bled a large fifteen-person, Hollywood- works of the Cooper-Schoedsack-Harrison team.
style crew consisting of technical personnel, They are Jalal Asghar (Schoedsacks friend),
Kevin Brownlow (film historian), Dorothy Cooper
guards, and actors along with half a dozen (Coopers wife), Robert Dickson (filmmaker),
muleteers and some forty-three mules, who Dennis Doros (Milestone Films and Video),
carried their gear, tents, cameras, vodka, Dr.John Gilmore (Schoedsacks optometrist),
Shusha Guppy (writer and folk singer), Khosrow
orange juice (imported from the United Zolqadr Sadeghi (Schoedsacks friend), Peter
States), canned food (corned beef and hash), Schoedsack (Schoedsacks son), Maxine Swanson
and sleeping bags. Most would not eat the (former Maxine Logan, Maxine Howard, and
Maxine Butcher, nurse and caretaker of Schoedsack
tribes food (Sadeqi 1984). Lowell Farrell was to in his last years), Gerry Veeder (film scholar), and
direct the film for C.V. Whitney Productions, Ken Wiley (Schoedsacks friend). Not all of these
with Cooper as executive producer and sources are cited here. Jeff Fegley helped with
scanning the stills. This research was partially
Winton Hock as director of photography. This funded by a National Endowment for Humanities
was a far cry from the nimble, three-member Travel to Collectionsgrant.
crew of Grass, who slept in the open or in a 2. By the mid-1960s, Schoedsack had lost his sight
due to a detached retina, glaucoma, and bullous
pup tent and ate what the tribespeopleate. keratitis (Gilmore 1983). He became a bitter,
Their filming approach, guided by first- cantankerous, and paranoid man who demanded
time director Farrell, was also Hollywood narcotics for his pain and sometimes hallucinated
about fighting the Iranian tribes (Swanson
inspired in that it was based on scripted 1984). He communicated with distant friends
narrative films, unsuitable for spontaneous by audiotapes. Ihave a copy of his tape letter
filming of a massive migratory tribe. Under narrating the complete story of the making of Grass
government supervision, they managed to (Schoedsack1971).
3. At the time, the Il-Khani was Gholamhosain Khan
film scenes of Bakhtiari daily life, migra- Sardar Mohtasham and the Il-Begi was Mohammad
tion, river crossing, and city life, but they ran Taqi Khan Amir Jang. There were two Baba Ahmadi
108Early Documentary
tribes, Baba Ahmadi-ye Kashki and Baba Ahmadi-ye _________. 1955. Safari beh Sarzamin-e Delavaran
Sarajeddin. The U.S.filmmakers were attached to (Journey to the Land of the Brave). Grass, trans.
the Kashki branch (Samsam1984). Amir Hosain Zafar. Tehran:FranklinBooks.
4. The version of this letter reproduced in Coopers Dannenberg, Joseph, ed. 1927. Film Year Book, 1926.
book (1925:13)is markedly different, supplying Hollywood:FilmDaily.
more information about the route taken. Dated 5 Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library. 5th ed. 1932.
June 1924, it states that Cooper, Schoedsack, and NewYork:EastmanKodak.
Harrison are the first foreigners who have made Doros, Dennis (Milestone Film and Video). 2000.
the 46-day migration with the Baba Ahmadi tribe E-mail message to Hamid Naficy. 23 October.
of the Bakhtyari, over the Zardeh Kuh trail from the _________. 2003. E-mail message to Hamid Naficy.
Jungari district in Arabistan to the Chahar Mahal 9 January.
valley in Ehleck. Gerhard, George. 1925. Reel Reviews. NewYork
5. The low regard of the title writer, Terry Ramsaye, Evening World. 3 March,n.p.
for the tribes and his instrumentalist view of Gilmore, John. 1983. Interview with Hamid Naficy.
intertitles come through in his letter in Atlantic Santa Monica, Calif. 20 January.
Monthly in response to a review of Grass that the Goldner, Orville, and George E. Turner. 1975. The
periodical had published. He states: The fact is Making of: The Story behind a Film Classic. South
that the Bakhtyari are shown merely driving their Brunswick, N.J.: A. S. Barnes.
cows over a mountain to pastures. They do it twice Hall, Mordaunt. 1925. A Persian Epic. NewYork Times.
a year. It is a chore, not an epic, even if I did utter 31 March,n.p.
considerable typographical excitement on the screen Harrison, Marguerite. 1935. Theres Always
about it. Reacting to the reviewers admission of Tomorrow:The Story of a Checkered Life.
enjoying the wealth of details, he notes that she NewYork:Farrar and Rinehart.
may have enjoyed it, but she did not see it. It was Issari, Mohammed Ali. 1982. Interview with Hamid
not in the pictorial negative. That beautiful detail Naficy. Los Angeles, 25 August.
was Barnumed into words calculated to speed Johnson, Timothy W. 1982. Grass: A Nations Battle for
the spectator past the cameras omissions (1926: Life. In Magills Survey of Cinema, Silent Films, vol. 2,
14243). ed. Frank N. Magill, 5024. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
6. Even the catalogue of Kodascope Library, which Salem Press.
circulated Grass, bore such an attitude:In all the Kann, Maurice, ed. 1927. Film Year Book, 1927.
world, only three white people have ever seen this NewYork:FilmDaily.
marvelous depiction of elemental life and mighty Lawrence, Florence. 1925. Grass Thrilling Film
courage (Descriptive Catalogue of Kodascope Library Innovation with Big Appeal. Los Angeles Times.
1932:193). 21 May,n.p.
7. Milestone has the rights to Grass until 2015, when Naficy, Hamid. 1984. Iran Media Index. Westport,
the copyright runs out (Doros 2000). The musical Conn.:GreenwoodPress.
score is by Gholamhosain Janati-Ataie, Kavous _________. 1995. Mediating the Other:American Pop
Shirzadian, and Amirali Vahabzadegan. Culture Representation of Postrevolutionary Iran.
In The U.S. Media and the Middle East:Image
and Perception, ed. Yahya R.Kamalipour, 7390.
Westport, Conn.:GreenwoodPress.
WORKSCITED _________. 2001. An Accented Cinema:Exilic and
Diasporic Filmmaking. Princeton, N.J.:Princeton
Bakhtiari, Hamid Khan. 1984. Correspondence with UniversityPress.
Hamid Naficy. July27. Olds, Elizabeth Fagg. 1985. Women of the Four Winds.
Barnouw, Erik. 1993. Documentary:AHistory of the Boston:Houghton Mifflin.
Non-Fiction Film. Rev. ed. NewYork:Oxford Rahimian, Behzad. 1988. Mazi-ye Naqli.
UniversityPress. Mahnameh-ye Sinemai-ye Film 63 (April-May
Barsam, Robert Meran. 1973. Nonfiction Film:ACritical 1988):6061.
History. NewYork:Dutton. Ramsaye, Terry. 1926. Letter to the Editor. Atlantic
_________. 1992. Non-Fiction Film:ACritical History. Monthly. January: 14243.
Rev. and exp. ed. Bloomington:Indiana Sadeqi, Khosrow Zolqadr. 1984. Interview with Hamid
UniversityPress. Naficy. Monterey, Calif. December2.
Brownlow, Kevin. 196970. Interview with Ernest Sadoul, Georges. 1965. Dictionnaire des films.
B.Schoedsack. Paris:ditions duSeuil.
_________. 1979. The War, the West and the Wilderness. Samsam, Amir Bahman Khan. 1984. Correspondence
NewYork:Alfred A.Knopf. with Hamid Naficy. July31.
_________. 1985. Correspondence with Hamid Naficy. Schoedsack, Ernest B. 1971. Tape letter to Arnold
7March. Goldner, Chico State College, Chico, Calif.,
Cooper, Dorothy. 1984. Interview with Hamid Naficy. September.
Coronado, Calif. July21. _________. 1983. Grass:The Making of an Epic.
Cooper, Merian C. 1925. Grass. NewYork: American Cinematographer. February:4144,
G.P.PutnamsSons. 10914.
Lured by theEast 109

Sloan, William. 1982. Correspondence with Hamid Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television 10, no.
Naficy. May12. 1: 4770.
Swanson, Maxine (Maxine Logan, Maxine Howard). Wiley, Ken. 1981. Correspondence with Hamid Naficy.
1984. Interview with Hamid Naficy. Delta, Colo. September6.
August12. Zirinsky, Michael. 1986. Blood, Power, and
Veeder, Gerry, K. 1990. The Red Cross Bureau of Hypocrisy:The Murder of Robert Imbrie and
Pictures, 19171921: World War I, the Russian American Relations with Pahlavi Iran. International
Revolution and the Sultan of Turkeys Harem. Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 18:27592.


The posthumous film of the South Pole That is the new, objectified form of
explorer Robert Falcon Scott, who filmed human self-awareness. As long as these men
his own death as if he were screaming his did not lose consciousness, they did not take
death cry into a phonograph, was the sec- their hand off the crank of their camera.
ond film of its kind. In the previous year, Shackletons ship is broken to bits by mas-
the film of Ernest Henry Shackletons jour- sive slabs of ice. It was filmed. Their last dog
ney to the South Pole had showed far more dies. It was filmed. The way back to normal
dramatically, even though Shackleton life was blocked, there was no hope. It was
escaped with his life, the struggles of a filmed. They drift on an ice floe, and the ice
man who in his campaign of conquest floe melts beneath their feet. It was filmed.
transcended his own physical limitations. Captain Scott sets up his last tent and with
What is particularly remarkable about his comrades goes inside as though into a
these films is not their images of hand-to- tomb to wait for death. It was filmed. Just as
hand combat with murderous nature, nor the ship captain on the bridge and the tele-
their depiction of bravery, determination, graph operator at his Marconi apparatus are
and heroic solidaritya good director to stay at their posts, the cameraman stayed
could have invented all these scenes and at his and filmed until his hand froze to the
staged them far more effectively. Nor is handle.
it that these are actual eventswe have This was a new kind of self-examination.
had numerous reports of men capable of These men thought about themselves in
staring death calmly in the eye well before that they filmed themselves. The inte-
these English seamen and geographers. rior process of accounting for themselves
What is unusual and new is that these shifted to the outside. Their self-observation
men looked at death through the lens of was mechanically preserved up to the last
the movie camera. minute of their lives. The film of self-control
Compulsive Cameramen 111

that heretofore consciousness had unreeled human soul reveals itself most clearly and
inside their heads wound up on the spool in its purest form in such follies, and that is
of the camera, and conscience, which pre- why these films are so gripping and so splen-
viously mirrored itself only for itself, rel- did despite their ludicrous senselessness.
egated this function to a machine, which One might also have assured the young
preserved that mirror image for others to Viennese woman that these Englishmen
see as well. In this way subjective mentality were true earth dwellers. They have a con-
is transformed into a social one. scious feeling for the earth, in the same way
Of course the camera has the advantages that one is said to have feeling for ones
of not having nerves and of being harder country, for example, one that implies a
to confuse than the conscience. And the definite sense of responsibility: a person
psychological process reverses itself. One has to know where he is. They do not live in
doesnt film as long as one remains con- Vienna or London; they inhabit the globe,
scious; one remains conscious as long as and they explore all the cellars and attics of
one films. It is as though mental acuity is their ancestral property. Aperson is never
buttressed from without. Presence of mind truly at home in any place until he has fully
becomes the presence of the camera. And in explored it. Also, one could have reminded
that presence one behaves as in the presence the young, middle-class wife that, at the
of a stranger, more disciplined than when sight of this white infinity, where the polar
alone. That is the mystery of self-possession, night merges with the blackness of space,
of which the Anglo-Saxons have given us all of human civilization, with its great
so many imposing examples. Since they metropolises, suddenly strikes one as hope-
lose consciousness with such difficulty, they lessly provincial, like the Podunk of the
know nothing of the attendant ecstasy. But planet. Is it not understandable, then, that
also nothing ofpanic. a man who is aware of this greater truth
A young woman behind us in the cin- but lives in the oppressive constriction of
ema asked her companion, Why did these Berlin, Paris, London, or New York devel-
men have to die? Alevel-headed and intel- ops a yearning for the strenuous life that
ligent person, she was enraged. What was relegates the petty life of ordinary men to
the point of all their effort, their suffer- the shadows?
ing? Who profited from it? It was a point- As for the pointlessness of such displays
less struggle, senseless heroism, energy of energy, it must be said that a man is never
wasted on nothing at all, she felt, and she aware of his goals from the outset, so that
was much too clever to believe in the exalted he might subsequently develop the strength
scientific goals with which her companion for them. It is his new ability that sets new
tried to excuse the poor English captain, and goals, and his increasing strength expands
which, though they are indeed a factor, have the boundaries of what is imagined impos-
no bearing on the sacrifices involved. One sible. The fire has to be burning before we
would have to explain the meaning of such can begin to see what can be illuminated.
senselessness to this rational little woman That is the meaning of every human
with different, even wholly irrational argu- fire, even if its immediate purpose is not
ments. One could have said, for example, instantly clear to us. The pointless heroism
that through such foolhardy and impracti- of these English seamen was perhaps noth-
cal exertions man reveals his true humanity. ing more than an exercise demonstrating
All else is but a more sophisticated manifes- mans moral force. A person has to know
tation of the survival instinct, which in no what he is capable of; when worse comes to
way distinguishes man from the beasts. The worst such a yardstick is crucial.


The all-absorbing idea which takes posses- that vast as the armies of the war are they
sion of the mind as one watches the Battle are made up of individuals, each with a
of the Somme on the screen is Keep us world of hisown.
out of the war at any cost. Heaps of muti- It is apparent in the films that individu-
lated bodies lying in grotesque attitudes ally the Allies and the Germans do not
once were menthe same men which regard each other as enemies, for the kindli-
wound in a long trail for miles and miles est feeling is displayed.
across the horizon. Laughing and carefree All the literature in the world could
they came and went, brave in kilties or never give one so clear an idea of the war
khaki, on their way to meet with a smile as is obtained by a view of these pictures.
the greatest adventure in life. The pic- The films were shown privately yesterday.
tures make the war personal. One feels They will be released at the Strand Theatre
acquainted with the soldiers and realizes nextweek.

C I N E M A , S P E C TAT O R S H I P ,
Battle of the Somme (1916) and Its Contemporary

[...] produce something which was not, strictly

speaking, a propaganda film. And Badsey
The Historiography ofBattle reached this judgement because the film
oftheSomme failed to represent the missing leadership,
enemy and pattern that the Somme offen-
In the historiography of Battle of the Somme, sive possessed. In other words, the total
judgements about the films apparent absence of any focus on the commanders
impact on its audience abound, not least of the British armies denies the audience
because the very nature of the film demands any sense that this battle was the result of
some speculation as to the extent to which advance planning and that the fighting itself
it was able to achieve its propaganda goals was directed by senior officers. Even more
and it is immediately clear that this has not striking, however, was another absence for,
led to any scholarly consensusindeed, in Badseys view, the film has no enemy:
much of this writing reveals radically dif- because the film was shot entirely in the
ferent views of the film. Most detailed British lines, enemy soldiers who are seen
and most damning is the earliest schol- in large numbers are only seen as prison-
arly analysis of the film, Stephen Badseys ers of warwounded, broken, tired, even
1983 Historical Journal of Film, Radio and harmless. The formidable, dangerous and
Television article, in which it is argued that barbaric Hun, so prominent in unofficial
the opportunity to construct a powerful wartime propaganda is totally absent. And,
propaganda film was simply missed finally, Badsey argues, the film made no
through haste and poor control the British attempt to explain to its audience the mili-
propaganda organisations had combined to tary logic of what was being attempted on
114Early Documentary

those early days on the Sommethe film one strand of that modernity in the novel
produces a battle which is patternless and character of so much wartime propaganda:
at last bewildering; the exclusive focus on
the very early days of the offensive seriously All the belligerents were involved
distorts the reality of the battle as a whole. in the creation of myth and the dis-
To be fair, Badsey does emphasise the films tortion of reality. Reality, a sense of
remarkable popularity and at one point he proportion, and reasonthese were
describes the film as a haunting master- the major casualties of the war. The
piece, concluding that the films ghostly war became a figment of imagina-
soldiers and monstrous guns are by far the tion rather than imagination being
most familiar image of the First World War a figment of the world.2
today. But given the root and branch criti-
cisms developed in the main body of the And if wartime propaganda in general devel-
article, the reader is left in no doubt about oped this modern approach to truth,
Badseys overall and essentially negative then film was to become the most appro-
assessment of the film.1 priate medium of this fractured age with its
Subsequent assessments of Battle of the unique ability to blur distinctions between
Somme have been more mixed. Modris fact and fiction in constructing a peculiarly
Eksteins important re-examination of the naturalistic form of narrative.3 And, accord-
First World Wars role in cultural history, ing to Eksteins, Battle of the Somme was an
locating the birth of the modern age important early example of films ability to
within the experience of the war, identified do just that. He reached such a conclusion

Figure18.1 British troops going over the top in Battle of the Somme (1916). Still capture
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 115

by focusing attention on those sequences Like almost every so-called documentary

in the film which are believed to have been film, Battle of the Somme does include faked
faked, notably the famous sequence at the or improved sequences, but focusing atten-
start of Part III in which troops scramble tion on these few sequences at the expense
out of a trench, over the top and into of the authentic footage which constitutes
battletwo fall before they leave the trench the overwhelming majority of the film
and two more are shot as they walk towards seriously misrepresents its character. That
the enemy. Working from the assump- said, Smither has real reservations about
tion that the sequence was faked, Eksteins its qualityalthough it holds the interest
concludes: it scarcely overflows with dramatic inci-
dents the film overall does not convey
the impression of great sophistication.8 His
Most films made during the war
reference to its pioneering character does,
trivialized the war by presenting it as
melodrama or adventure. Here was in a sense, damn the film with faint praise.
a rare film that purported to tell the Nicholas Hiley, on the other hand, sees
truth; and still the key sequence in the film rather differently, not least because
this important film was faked, and of a determined attempt to confront the
there was no attempt to point this intractable problem of the size of the origi-
out. On the contrary, everybody was nal audience. Working from the rather
left believing the battle sequence limited and inconclusive contemporary
was real. Documentary and fiction, data, he was able to make some startling
news and story-telling, blur in our guesstimates: by his calculations, 1 mil-
century.4 lion Londoners saw the film during its ini-
tial run and during the first six weeks of its
nationwide release, more than 19 million
Unlike Badsey, Eksteins has little doubt that people saw the film. Moreover, as it contin-
the film made a very considerable impact ued in circulation for many months thereaf-
most of the films viewers found it a grip- ter, it may well have reached the majority of
ping document, some of whose images the domestic population. Hiley is thus in no
would not leave them 5but in placing doubt that this was a staggering response
so much emphasis on the combination of from the British cinema audience and that
staged and actuality footage, he is concerned the film provided the public with its most
above all else to draw attention to the way in enduring images of the battle which had
which that audience was in effect deceived the power to shock. In contrast to Badsey,
by the film.6 he argues that the film had a tight dra-
Roger Smither has looked in very much matic structure and that this strong nar-
more detail at the issue of faking in Battle of rative was an important factor in its huge
the Somme, but his rigorous analysis reaches success. Powerful as the film was, however,
a rather different conclusion: he is quite clear that it was the ability of
the cinema audience to control the mean-
excessive zeal in crying fake ing of the images on the screen that ulti-
does an undeserved discourtesy to mately explains why it was so successful.
the original makers of the film and, Audiences were actively involved in the pro-
in obscuring a very real achievement duction of meaning in the film and it was
in pioneering the battlefield docu- this reason above all others which explained
mentary, a serious disservice to the why the film was able to appeal to such an
modern viewer.7 enormous and disparate audience.9
116Early Documentary

The two most recent discussions of the Perhaps because I had already had occasion
film share an even more positive view of to view some of the earlier official films, it
the nature of its success. Rainer Rothers was the extent to which the film revealed
discussion of Bei unseren Helden an der some of the brutal realities of war on the
Somme (With our Heroes at the Somme), the Western front that seemed so especially
German equivalent to Battle of the Somme, remarkable. Indeed, so startling were some
emphasises again and again the enormous of the sequences at that first viewing, that
success of the British film in comparison to I had to run them again to be sure that my
its German counterpart. Moreover, he dem- eyes had not deceived me. Moreover, it was
onstrates that it was precisely because the precisely the films lack of that kind of spe-
German authorities recognised the extent of cial pleading which seems an inescapable
the success of the British film, that they com- quality of most propaganda films which
missioned their own film in response; Battle gave it its extraordinary power. The lack of
of the Somme serves as an explicit model a sophisticated structure, the roughness
for the German film. Rother is equally clear of some of the editing, the sparse, factual
that other, earlier views of the film were character of the intertitles, coupled with its
misplaced. Thus in contrast to Badsey, he remarkable cinematography, are at the very
has no doubt that Battle of the Somme was heart of its unique appeal. In short, many
a propaganda film, evidenced above all else of the characteristics used by Badsey to
by the way in which it conceals the extent explain the films weaknesses, seem to me
of British losses. In contrast to Eksteins, he to constitute its very special strength: the
emphasises the factual character of the film: images make such an impact because they
late twentieth-century audiences may be are presented in such an unpolished form.
struck by the mixture of actuality and staged And what do those images record? What
footage, contemporaries were struck above was it about the nature of the war on the
all by its veracity: Western front in the summer of 1916 that
the official cameramen were able to share
It was the first time that a film had with their audiences? Notwithstanding
been made which, at least in some the many and powerful images of mili-
scenes, showed the horror of the tary hardware in the opening sections, it is
war. Possibly the perceptual differ- above all else the ordinary soldier who is at
ence between fictional film for view- the heart of this film. The battle was being
ers is made clear here for the first fought by hundreds of thousands of ordi-
time10 nary working men and this is their film.
Not only is the absence of footage of their
Finally, in a brief discussion of the histo- commanders not a weakness, it would in
riography of the film, David Culbert takes fact have been quite out of place in this film
issue with Badsey, Smither, and myself: record of the soldiers war. It is their faces
endorsing Rothers view, he is clear that this which confront us on the screenjokey
is indeed a propaganda film, arguing that it and smiling as they perform for the cam-
is a brilliant achievement, the great propa- era en route to the front: fixed and immo-
ganda film of World War I.11 bile, staring through and past the camera
My own position is in fact rather differ- as they wait to go over the top; exhausted,
ent. I first viewed Battle of the Somme on an shattered, staring again as they return from
editing table in the Imperial War Museum the battle. These are ordinary men endur-
Film Archive in the early 1970s and even ing the unendurable, men who in the
at that very first viewing on the small edit- face of apparently impossible odds retain
ing screen, it made an enormous impact. their dignity, their self-respect, even their
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 117

humanity. This is the nature of the war sophisticated propaganda films of later
on the Western front to which Battle of the generations.
Somme gives the audience today (at the end
of the twentieth century) direct access and
it does so to an extent scarcely paralleled
in any other single cultural product of the Battle of the Somme and Its
period. Moreover, that access is so direct Audience
precisely because the film is, in so many
ways, so apparently simple, so apparently The only way to resolve the questions posed
unsophisticated, so apparently naive. For by the contested historiography of the film
a generation which has grown weary with is to look once again and with new rigour
the manipulative skills of the accomplished at the surviving evidence of its contempo-
documentary film-maker, it is the very raw- rary reception12 and in embarking on such
ness of Battle of the Somme that makes it an investigation, there is much to be said
such a special film. for starting with the general claims made
Of course it does not tell the whole for official wartime propaganda by Geoffrey
storyabove all else, as Rother quite prop- Malins, the most famous of that small
erly emphasises, it makes no attempt to give group of official film-makers who worked
its audience any sense of the catastrophic on the Western front in the months after
scale of the casualties which the British November 1915. Malins had no doubts at all
suffered on these early days at the Somme. about what he had achieved and he wrote at
However, for an official propaganda film, its the conclusion of his own, very distinctive
extended sequences of the physical devas- account of his wartime service:
tation of war, the battlefield landscape, the
prisoners of war, the wounded, and, above In all the pictures that it has been
all else, the footage of the dead construct a my good fortune to take during the
remarkable and remarkably powerful rep- two and a half years that Ihave been
resentation of war on the Western front. kept at work on the great European
Moreover, this is not just my own personal battlefield, I have always tried to
view of the film. Over the last ten years I remember that it was through the
have had the opportunity to screen the film eye of the camera, directed by my
to undergraduate audiences and time and own sense of observation, that the
again I have been startled at its ability to millions of people at home would
move them, even when, as in the early years, gain their only first-hand knowledge
the absence of a print with a soundtrack of what was happening at the front.13
meant that they viewed the film in the
wholly artificial environment of silence. It was a very large claim to make and, given
Thus for me and for many of my students, the nature of Malins book, many readers
there was nothing remarkable about the fact must have concluded that this was simply
that film made such an impact on contem- the most overblown of a series of exagger-
porary audiencesit retains the ability to ated claims that he had made about his
make that impact today on audiences whose wartime career as an official British camera-
sensibilities have long been deadened by men. And yet, for all his talent for hyper-
regular exposure to unprecedented levels bole, is his claim quite as exaggerated as it
of film and television violence. It is indeed appears at first sight? Did the millions of
the great propaganda film of World War people at home see Battle of the Somme and,
I, more than capable of standing along- if so, did the film give them a first-hand
side other, apparently more complex, more knowledge of what was happening at the
118Early Documentary

front? The answers to these questions will system, persuaded ordinary people to spend
not only help to resolve the problems posed some of their hard-earned cash on the two
by the contested historiography of the film, hours or so of entertainment which a typical
they will also enable us to understand a little programme provided.
more about the nature of the domestic expe- Official film propaganda, on the other
rience of the war. For while that experience hand, was firmly wedded to the factual,
was of course shaped in large measure by non-fiction film. Both the cinema trade and
the myriad changes in the social, economic the governments own propagandists had
and personal circumstances brought about been convinced that this was the only appro-
by the war, another important element in the priate form for official wartime film propa-
situation was that knowledge of the war ganda to take and it was this very approach
which was constructed for the mass of the that had delayed the launch of the official
people by that small minority whose access films until the end of 1915. For, of course,
to the traditional media of communication factual war films, films of the army or
had now been supplemented by access to navy, required the agreement of the service
the new media of mass communication. departmentsand securing that agreement
Nor were they slow to take advantage of the proved to be a long and difficult process.
special opportunities which war presented. Not only did those advocating official film
A plethora of words and images confronted propaganda have to overcome the usual
the people at every turn as journalists and military and naval concerns with secrecy
painters, advertisers and politicians, church- and security, they had to win the consent of
men and poets, constructed and communi- people who were almost entirely ignorant
cated their own particular images of the war. of the new mass medium, who regarded
And of course within that mass of informa- it as a distasteful form of commercial,
tion were those moving images of the war working-class entertainment, a medium
which had been constructed by Malins and which therefore, by definition, could play
a handful of other official cameramen who no proper part in the deadly serious busi-
had filmed the war on the Western front. ness of prosecuting the war.17 Thus, it took
While cinema was a comparatively recent over a year to overcome this opposition and
phenomenon in British society,14 it had it was not until the very end of 1915 that the
quickly established itself as the major force first official film reached British cinema
in British popular culture. With a pricing screens.18 Malins himself, as one of the first
policy which undercut the theatres and the two official cameramen to be sent to the
music hall,15 it was already at the outbreak of Western front, did not arrive in France until
the war the dominant form of popular enter- November 1915 and the first British footage
tainment, with more money being spent on from France was not publicly exhibited until
cinema tickets each week than the com- the following January.
bined receipts of all other forms of commer- Six series of short films drawing on
cial entertainment put togetherindeed, by this Western front footage were released
the summer of 1916, twentymillion tickets to British cinemas in the first six months
were being sold each week.16 So, the mil- of 1916 and while their novelty did attract
lions to whom Malins referred were going some attention and certainly ensured a
to the cinema. But it was not official, factual, wider distribution than comparable factual
war films that they were going to see. The films would normally have achieved, noth-
heart of the cinema programme consisted ing in these early months of official film
of a variety of fiction films, in which drama propaganda substantiates Malins grandi-
and comedy, romance and adventure, rein- ose claims.19 All that changed, however and
forced by an increasingly important star changed dramatically with the release of
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 119

Battle of the Somme in August 1916. For here a wide cross-section of other publica-
at last was a film which really caught the tions discussed the film, ranging from the
popular imagination and its release inau- Anglican English Churchman and the free
gurated a brief period of immense success church British Journal, to service journals
for the official films. Battle of the Somme such as the Regiment and the Army and Navy
was followed in October 1916 by The King Gazette to less specialised journals such as
Visits His Armies in the Great Advance, and the Illustrated London News, the Sphere and
a trio of popular films was completed with the Spectator.
Battle of the Ancre and the Advance of the The film recorded events in the very early
Tanks, released in January 1917. That said, days in the series of campaigns fought in
the release of Battle of the Ancre already the Somme Valley in northern France in
revealed the first signs of some wavering in the summer and autumn of 1916 which
public interest in the films20 and by the time became known in Britain almost at once
the third battle film (The German Retreat as the Battle of the Somme.22 The objective
and the Battle of Arras) was released in June was to force the Germans back from their
1917, official film propaganda had passed strongly fortified position, thereby reliev-
its peak. Indeed, from the early summer of ing German pressure on Verdun and, more
1917 until the end of the war, the official pro- generally, weakening the fighting capacity
pagandists were engaged in an (ultimately of the Germany army. The advance itself
fruitless) attempt to try to win back the audi- was to be preceded by a colossal preliminary
ences they had lost.21 Thus, at best, Malins bombardment which would both destroy
claim can only apply to a very short period the German front line defences and kill
of the war: it was not until the late sum- or demoralise their inhabitants; the infan-
mer of 1916 that the vast majority of British try would then advance, take the German
cinema-goers saw the official films and by positions and prepare themselves for any
the following spring they had lost interest German counterattack. The key to success
in them. lay in that preliminary bombardment and
The fact that the films did not sustain accordingly on 24 June the British guns
their popularity over a long period of time opened fire. In all, just over 1.5 million
does not in itself deny them their value; shells fell on the German positions before
what matters is how many people saw them the guns fell silent in the early hours of
and what sense they made of what they saw. the morning of 1 July. Then at 7.30 a.m.,
In exploring these issues, this analysis will on the assumption that the German lines
concentrate entirely on the first of these had been destroyed, nearly 100,000 men
popular official films, Battle of the Somme, climbed out of their trenches and walked
not least because the film attracted far and steadily across no mans land, towards the
away the most contemporary discussion enemy line. The artillery barrage had made
and thus gives us a unique opportunity to a real impact on the German lines, but it
probe the way in which contemporary audi- had not effected the total destruction on
ences responded to the film. Indeed, few if which success depended. German machine
any films in the history of British cinema gunners re-established their positions and
have been discussed so widely: the trade the advancing British troops presented the
press lavished fulsome attention on the easiest of targets. By the end of the day, they
film, but at a time when cinema was still had sustained 57,000 casualties, of whom
largely ignored by much of the press, this no less than 20,000 were dead. It was with-
film was also discussed in every major out question the most bleak day in British
national daily paper and large numbers of military history and as such has quite prop-
regional and local papers as well. Moreover, erly been the subject of the most detailed
120Early Documentary

historical investigation.23 And yet, notwith- bombardment of the German positions.

standing the events of 1 July, the British Part III briefly records action in the front
commanders determined to press ahead line, including probably the most famous
with their strategy and in the days and sequence in the film (a group of men
weeks that followed some limited progress climbing out of their trench and advancing
was made until heavy autumn rains turned across the barbed wire of no mans land),
the battlefield into an impenetrable quag- but thereafter quickly shifts its focus to the
mire of mud. The men were literally bogged consequences of the attackthe wounded,
down and the battle finally came to an end German prisoners of war, and so on.
on 18 November, by which time the British Indeed, the remainder of the film continues
had lost over 400,000men.24 to concentrate on the consequences of war,
The film, Battle of the Somme, concen- with yet more footage of the wounded and
trates entirely on the opening days of the German prisoners, together with repeated
offensive. It draws on footage shot by two images of the physical devastation of war
official cameramen, Geoffrey Malins and and the landscape of battle; Part IV ends
J.B. McDowell. Malins started filming on 25 with a singularly powerful sequence made
June 1916 and on 29 June he was joined by up entirely of images of the dead.
McDowell, and they continued to film the While such a structure presented a chron-
preliminaries, including the massive artil- ologically coherent narrative, it suffered from
lery bombardment.25 Then on 1 July they one major potential disadvantage, namely
were in position at two different locations that the climax came in the middle and what
with Rawlinsons Fourth Army to film the followed might have been seen as anticlimax
opening day of the Battle of the Somme. or even perhaps as subversive of the patri-
They continued to film on the Somme otic message of the film. In any event, this
until, on 10 July, they left the front; two days was the film that had its first trade showing
later, the first rushes of their footage were on 7 August 1916 and three days later at a
seen in London by the trade committee second screening for a specially invited audi-
which supervised their work. The commit- ence, an enthusiastic message of support for
tee was so impressed with what it saw that, the film from Lloyd George (the recently
whereas up until then it had released short appointed Secretary of State for War) was
films (the longest ran just under twelve read to the audience and the film was exten-
minutes), the decision was taken to release sively reported in the national press the fol-
the Somme footage in one consolidated lowing day. Three weeks later it received the
film. Over the next fortnight it was edited most prestigious endorsement of all for, fol-
by Charles Urban26 and Geoffrey Malins lowing a private screening at Windsor, the
and was then subjected to censorship, both king urged people to see it and this too was
at the War Office in London and at GHQ widely reported. This initial publicity was
in France. By 28 July the film was back in complemented by extensive advertising in
London: minor changes in the intertitles the trade press and a number of additional
arising from the censorship were made trade showings. All this vigorous promotion
and it was then ready for exhibition. In its clearly paid off, for when Battle of the Somme
finished form, Battle of the Somme27 ran for went on public exhibition in London on 21
seventy-five minutes and followed a broadly August, it opened at no less than thirty-four
chronological structure. It is divided into cinemas simultaneously; a week later it went
five separate parts, in which Parts I and II on national release, a hundred prints being
record the preliminariesmoving troops distributed nationwide.
to the front, stockpiling supplies and, most The film did extraordinarily good busi-
spectacular of all, the preliminary artillery ness wherever it was shown. The opening
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 121

week in London proved enormously popu- with children and an investigation into the
lar, with numerous cinemas reporting that film preferences of children in two schools
they were simply unable to cope with the in London (one in Holborn and the other
scale of demand28 and the London experi- in St Pancras) revealed that war films were
ence of screening the film simultaneously the second most popular category among
at a number of different cinemas (a most both boys and girls and when asked to
unusual practice at the time) was repeated list their five favourite films, a majority
in most of the major centres of population. ranked Battle of the Somme and Battle of
Thus, the film was screened at twenty cin- the Ancre at the top of their list.39 A sub-
emas in Birmingham, most adopting the sequent, larger study of the film prefer-
equally unusual strategy of showing the ences of nearly 7000 children found that
film all week (where normally programmes such films ranked fourth in popularity out
changed mid-week);29 in Dublins Theatre of eight categories of films, but that still
Royal, no less than 10,000 people saw the put them ahead of crook films, serials,
film in the first half of the week in which love films and educational films.40 Nor
it was shown.30 In Leeds the film was was it just a question of numbers. The
screened simultaneously at the Picture film succeeded in attracting middle-class
House, the Assembly Rooms and the customers, many of whom may never have
Harehills Picture House31 and the distribu- been to a cinema before. Thus, one corre-
tor reported that never has a war picture spondent commented that the audience
been so much in demand.32 In Glasgow which he saw in the Southport Palladium
and Edinburgh, the film opened simulta- included several of the leading citizens
neously in at least a dozen cinemas, play- in the district who are more usually to
ing to full houses throughout the week, be found at performances of legitimate
from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.33 In Cardiff, six cin- drama of the intellectual type41 and the
emas ran the film simultaneously, while at larger of the two studies of the film pref-
Swansea huge crowds were reported and erences of children cited above found that
special morning performances had to be such films were more popular with chil-
arranged to meet the demand.34 In west dren in good districts than with children
London, the two Ealing cinemas shared in poor districts.42 In all, Battle of the
the film between them, each launching Somme proved immensely popular wher-
it with a special performance attended by ever it was shown: cinema after cinema
local dignitariesboth cinemas were sold played the film to full houses, often hav-
out for the whole week, with police being ing to turn would-be patrons away. And
required to control the crowds outside the although no national box-office statistics
Kinema in West Ealing,35 while outside the for the film were collected, as we have
Walpole in Ealing Broadway there were seen, Nicholas Hiley has calculated that
queues five deep all along the road between the film probably achieved twenty million
4 p.m. and 9 p.m. every evening.36 attendances in its first six weeks and may
Queuing was a common experience for eventually have been seen by a majority
people wanting to see the film and the fact of the domestic population.43 While these
that the trade press saw it as newsworthy is claims may perhaps be a little exagger-
evidence in itself of how unusual it was.37 ated, the film was clearly an extraordinary
In all, cinemas simply could not keep up box-office phenomenon, quite without
with the scale of popular demand and precedent in the history of the British cin-
there are frequent references to people ema. And it means of course that Malins
being turned away from cinemas that were claim about the size of the audience, at
full.38 The film proved especially popular least in respect of Battle of the Somme, was
122Early Documentary

not exaggerated; the millions of people at British valour [which] should be shown
home did see this film. in every British and neutral picture the-
atre the world over.50 The Daily Telegraph
argued that nothing like the new series of
war films has hitherto been seen, nothing
The Contemporary Construction so vivid, so detailed and so consecutive51
ofMeaning inBattle and The Times claimed that when in the
oftheSomme future historians would wish to know the
conditions under which the great offen-
But what of the second question:millions sive was launched, they will only have to
of people may have seen the film, but what send for these films.52 The local and pro-
did it mean to them? In exploring that sec- vincial press was equally enthusiastic: for
ond question, the most obvious point to the Leeds Mercury the film was a great war
make is that the film received universally picture [that] depicts in a most realistic
favourable reviews, in marked contrast to fashion the grim and glorious incidents
reviews of the earlier Western front films connected with this episode of the war,53
which had been distinctly mixed,44 with while the Yorkshire Evening Press com-
the trade press often openly hostile.45 This mented that never before has such a pro-
time the trade press was unanimously duction been screened it is all so real.54
enthusiastic in its viewKine Weekly, for The Birmingham Gazette asserted that it
example,wrote was very thrilling, very intimate, and very
touching,55 while for the Glasgow Citizen
Speaking for ourselves, we never it was a great picture and one that cannot
remember in all our long experi- fail to grip and hold the attention.56
ence, to have seen any picture which, There is a certain irony in this empha-
for power of appeal and intense sis on the realism of the film, for while
gripping interest comes within mea- it consisted largely of footage filmed at the
surable distance of this wonderful time and place claimed for it in the film, it
kinematograph record The film does include a number of sequences where
record of The Battle of the Somme the presence of the camera clearly influ-
is the greatest five-reel drama that enced the events that were being filmed.
will ever be shown in this or any This does not in itself distinguish it from
land 46 most other factual film-making, but what
is different here is that these sequences
Bioscope claimed that no other medium, are shot and edited in such a way that the
literary or visual, could hope to convey to intervention of the cameraman is rather
the man at home the reality of modern war- more apparent.57 On the other hand, as
fare, with the force and conviction shown we have already noted, there is an impor-
in the marvellous pictures taken by the tant sequence in the film which appar-
British Topical Committee for War films,47 ently shows men climbing out of a trench,
while for the Cinema it was quite simply going over the top into battle and here
the greatest war picture ever shown.48 the charge against the film-makers is
This fulsome praise was echoed right much more serious. This twenty-one sec-
across the national press, with the Daily ond sequence, which attracted so much
Express arguing that for sheer realism, attention at the time was, in all probabil-
there has perhaps never been anything to ity, faked.58 The evidence is not absolutely
excel this wonderful film,49 while for the conclusive, but even if we assume for the
Daily Mirror it was a glorious tribute to moment that it was, it is quite clear that, in
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 123

the main, the contemporary audience was film as extraordinarily realistic showing
quite unaware of this possibility. For the all the grim horrors of war,68 and the
vast majority, this was, as the Manchester Daily Sketch wrote simply It is war, grim,
Guardian put it, the real thing at last;59 red war; the real thing.69 The Manchester
overwhelmingly the contemporary audi- Guardian made the point even more
ence accepted at face value the authenticity clearly: The film casts no glamour over
of the Somme footage presented to them.60 war. It leaves out many terrors that we
A number of particular characteristics know to exist; but on the whole, it reveals
of the film were singled out in the public war in its true aspectas a grimly destruc-
discussion of the film. The over the top tive and infernal thing.70 And that sen-
sequence won particular praise, described timent was echoed by Bioscopes Leeds
variously as perhaps the most striking part correspondent who argued that whereas
of the picture,61 an amazing scene62 and the battle pictures of the past have incited
a thrilling and inspiring sight.63 Moreover, to war and tried to show the glory of war,
it was the fact that it apparently showed these Somme pictures teach what war
men being killed that gave it its poweras really means.71 A journalist who had vis-
the Spectator put it ited both the British and French fronts
claimed that it was not until I saw these
pictures the other night that I seemed to
It would indeed be a cold heart that
grasp this great thing.72
could resist the thrill of the battle
Moreover, these claims about the films
that rushes upon one from the shiv-
realism can also be found in journals writ-
ering screen. In the right-hand cor-
ten for a service audience. An emotional
ner of the picture, one of the brown
piece by the editor of the Regiment, reit-
clad, helmeted men, just as he tops
the parapet, instead of going over, erates a common view in journals of this
slides back flattened out with arms kind that civilians were woefully ignorant
extended against the wall of the of the reality of war, but argues that this
trenchthe first life sacrificed in film might perhaps shake them out of their
the assault. It is a wonderful exam- complacency, claiming it would teach mil-
ple of how realityremember this lions the true meaning of war.73 Lyn
is no arranged piece of play acting Macdonald describes a front-line screening
but a record taken in the agony of at which the men watched rapt and atten-
battletranscends fiction.64 tive.74 That said, some soldiers empha-
sised the limits of its realismone, asked
whether the film was like the real thing
The Bath and Wiltshire Chronicle made a replied, Yes about as like as a silhou-
similar point in contrasting the films vivid ette is like a real person, or as a dream is
pictures with how little cold print con- like a waking experience. There is so much
veys,65 and the Daily Express argued that left outthe stupefying din, the stinks, the
For sheer realism, there has perhaps never excitement, the fighting at close quarters.75
been anything to excel this wonderful film. However, such comments (which derive of
You are in the battle and of it.66 Thus, it course from serving soldiers, not civilians)
was the films ability to construct realistic are extremely rare and the overwhelming
images of the war which was emphasised picture presented by the surviving evidence
again and again. The Daily Mirror saw the suggests that Malins was right in believing
film as a visualisation of the hell that is war. that the film offered the audience at home
It is a true picture, and is therefore stark and a degree of access to the war that was quite
realistic.67 The Morning Post described the outside their experience.
124Early Documentary

Perhaps the most striking evidence of Henson (the Dean of Durham), protested
audience response to the film is revealed in that
the intense debate which its screening pro-
voked. For while people shared a common crowds of Londoners feel no scru-
view that the film was realistic and power- ple at feasting their eyes on pictures
ful, this very realism led them to disagree which present the passion and death
passionately about whether or not it should of British soldiers in the Battle of the
be shown. Even before its public release, Somme a film of wars hideous
J.A. Farrar had written to the editor of the tragedy is welcomed. I beg leave
Manchester Guardian protesting that the respectfully to enter a protest against
film includedscenes an entertainment which wounds the
heart and violates the very sanctities
so gruesome in their realism as to of bereavement.79
be hardly bearable; nor will a public
view make them more so. Is it tol- Two days later, his protest was supported
erable that our brave soldiers can- by Professor Ray Lankester, the eminent
not go through the ordeal of their zoologist, who was surprised and disap-
self-sacrifice without the details pointed that so many people could find
of their manifold sufferings being pleasure in experiencing the thrills of hor-
turned into a spectacle for the plea- ror which such exhibitions provide; after
sure of those who like to gloat, in all, people had long since stopped witness-
perfect safety themselves, over the ing the hangings at Newgate and the flog-
agonies of others?76 gings of the mad-men at Bedlam.80 These
two letters provoked a vigorous response
And four days later, James Douglas in the in The Times letter columns over the next
Star reportedthat six days, all of which rejected Hensons and
Lankesters claimsindeed, such was the
There is no doubt that the Somme size of the correspondence that it prompted
pictures have stirred London more an editorial giving the film an enthusiastic
passionately than anything has endorsement.81
stirred it since the war. Everybody Nor was the debate about the morality
is talking about them. Everybody is of screening footage of this kind limited
discussing them. Everybody is dis- to The Times. Even before the publication
cussing the question whether they of Hensons letter, the evangelical jour-
are too painful for public exhibition. nal, the English Churchman, had argued
It is evident that they have brought that many have been deeply distressed
the war closer to us than it has ever by the film82 and the following week a
been brought by the written word or second editorial quoted Hensons letter
by the photograph.77 with approval, arguing the case even more
The shape of the debate was given a sharper
focus at the beginning of September with The matter is one of proper feel-
the publication of another letter in the ing, and the feelings of the bereaved
Manchester Guardian arguing that the film should not be harrowed by the
merely satisfied the morbid or idle curios- knowledge that the loved forms of
ity of the people78 and two further letters in their sons and brothers who fell in
The Times, the first of which, from Hensley that awful battle are now on show to
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 125

gratify the jaded and degraded taste correspondents wrote I have already lost
of sight-seers.83 two near relatives, yet I never understood
their sacrifice until I had seen this film;89
This provoked the Anglican Guardian to another explained
respond that it was highly desirable that
the realities of war should be made clear I have lost a son in battle, and Ihave
to those who stay at home84 and further seen the Somme films twice. I am
responses to Hensons criticism can be going to see them again. I want to
found right across the national, provin- know what was the life, and the
cial, and local pressa Daily Sketch col- life-in-death, that our dear ones
umnist, for example, berated Durhams endured, and to be with them again
doleful Dean on the grounds that such in their great adventure. If the
an eminent person ought to know bet- Dean had lost what I have lost, he
ter.85 Even the service press joined in, would know that his objections are
with the Army and Navy Gazette86 attack- squeamish and sentimental.90
ing Hensons views, citing (like many oth-
ers) the kings approval of the film in its Perhaps even more remarkable, after a pri-
defence.87 On the other hand, another ser- vate viewing of the film, Frances Stevenson
vice journal reported that a screening of (Lloyd Georges secretary and mistress)
the film attended by a group of serving sol- wrote in her diary in very much the same
diers (some of whom had been wounded terms about the films ability to enable her
in action) had provoked vigorous debate. to understand her brothers death. Her
Some argued that civilians want waking words have often been quoted, but both
up! They should know what the horrors of because of her very particular personal and
war are and nine-tenths of the horrors are professional position and for the eloquence
not seen at all in these pictures. But oth- of the words themselves, they surely deserve
ers took a wholly opposed position, claim- repetition.
ing that the film was
We went on Wednesday night to a
too poignantly tragic for the eyes private view of the Somme films
of women and children. Almost i.e. the pictures taken during the
every woman has someone out recent fighting. To say that one
there; or, worse still, has lost son, enjoyed them would be untrue; but I
husband, or sweetheart. These pic- am glad I went. I am glad I have seen
tures would stab them to the heart. the sort of thing our men have to go
These pictures of the huddled through, even to the sortie from the
dead, too, would create an indelible trench, and the falling in the barbed
impression of horror in the minds wire. There were pictures too of the
of children, of whom there were battlefield after the fight, & of our
many in the theatre.88 gallant men lying all crumpled up &
helpless. There were pictures of men
Thus, once again, it was the films unprec- mortally wounded being carried out
edented realism that was so striking to so of the communication trenches,
many in the domestic audience and this with the look of agony on their faces.
led many to argue that the film gave them It reminded me of what Pauls [her
an entirely new understanding of the brothers] last hours were: I have
nature of the war. Thus, one of The Times often tried to imagine myself what
126Early Documentary

he went through, but now I know: by the audience when the present writer
and I shall never forget. It was like saw the film98 and the Army and Navy
going through a tragedy. I felt some- Gazette commented both on the silence
thing of what the Greeks must have in which the films were viewed and the
felt when they went in their crowds sympathy for our soldiers which they
to witness those grand old playsto evoke.99 For the Birmingham Daily Mail
be purged in their minds through the tense silence with which scenes of
pity and terror.91 the dead were received were significant
of the emotions which stirred the audi-
Many of these correspondents also argue ences100 while the Nations London dia-
that the audiences with whom they saw the rist noted that women wept when the
film had responded in much the same way. wounded came in.101
Thus, James Cooper assertedthat: These comments provide a rare
insight into the way in which contem-
It is, in my opinion, as untrue as it porary audiences responded to Battle of
is uncharitable to say that crowds the Somme, and this evidence is all the
of Londoners feast their eyes on more striking because at that time audi-
pictures representing the passion ences did not watch films in respectful
and death of British soldiers. The silence; rather they responded actively
tears in many peoples eyes and the to what they saw on the screen in a vocal
silence which prevailed when Isaw and often rowdy manner. 102 And at least
the films showed that every heart some of the evidence suggests that not
was full of love and sympathy for every audience responded in the defer-
our soldiers 92 ential, almost religious tone suggested
thus far. One account draws attention to
Another wrote: I have been twice to see the fact that what the writer called the
these films and was profoundly struck by marching and lighter scenes, were met
the emotion, and almost reverence with with vigorous cheers;103 at the original
which they were followed.93 The wom- London trade show, the famous sequence
ens correspondent in the free church of a soldier carrying a wounded comrade
British Weekly reported that the audi- over his shoulders, evoked a thunder-
ence with whom she saw the film was ous cheer.104 And some footage provoked
as quiet as worshippers in a cathedral,94 even more distinctive responses. Thus,
a view echoed by the Stars columnist one cinema-goers response to the whole
who wrote of a depth of reverence as film was apparently summed up in the
profound and pure as any ever evoked words Praise God, from whom all bless-
in the Cathedral aisle.95 Kine Weeklys ing flow, A few more Germans gone
Manchester correspondent wrote of the below.105 German prisoners, who played
tenseness of the atmosphere while the an important part in the film,106 were
film was running,96 while a Birmingham described variously as nerve-wracked
trade paper described the intensely emo- and cowed,107 staggering along like
tional response of the audienceStrong drunken men,108 demented109 and,
men found unexpected lumps in their most commonly, following the films own
throats, and were thankful for the dim intertitles, nerve-shattered;110 indeed,
religious light of the theatre. Women one Leeds audience laughed at the
audibly sighed.97 The Spectator argued images of German prisoners.111 But even
that there was nothing but the deepest that audience was moved by that part of
sense of respect for a brave soldier shown the film
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 127

which shows the dead Here is a proper recognition of the sacrifices that
the meaning of war. It isDeath. were being made on their behalf is echoed
At last the hardened picturegoer in a number of other reviews.115 James
is moved. It is war in all the stark Douglas in the Star went so far as to assert
nakedness of the thriller to which that the film was the only substitute for
he is accustomed. Dead bodies with invasion, demonstrating the power of the
upturned faces, and the grave ready. moving picture to carry the war to British
They are German dead, but here the soil.116 Probably the most direct expression
dullest imagination is stirred into of a straightforward, patriotic response to
activity This is why, in the end, we the film came from those whose viewing
all leave the building chastened and of the film prompted them to write to the
silent.112 press. A correspondent in the Manchester
Guardian argued that
We are back with the clear, central con-
clusion which emerges from this wealth Anything that takes us from our
of evidence. The film made an immense smug security and gives us an
emotional impact on audiences who were insight into the horrors and discom-
stunned by the apparent realism of what forts our troops are suffering must
they saw. Very many would surely have awaken in us a sense of admiration
endorsed Malins claim that this was indeed for their bravery and inspire us with
their only first-hand knowledge of what a desire to do all we can for them
was happening at the front. whilst on the field of battle, and on
There remains what is in a sense, the their return home.117
most important matter of all. Millions of
people saw Battle of the Somme and they Anotherwrote
were clearly powerfully moved by what
they sawbut what conclusions did they I came away feeling humiliated and
draw from viewing the film? What did it ashamed, for at last I was able to
tell them about the nature of war? Did it realise what Britains soldiers were
lead any to question their commitment to doing for her. If my turn comes,
the continued prosecution of the war? In Ihope that the memory of that film
the politics of the situation these were cru- will stay with me to keep me as brave
cial questions, and the evidence makes it and smiling as they are.118
clear that there was no single, unambigu-
ous response. In endorsing the film in the Yet another, who had three sons serving in
first place, Lloyd George had argued that the army, argued that the film if possible,
it would reinforce popular commitment increased my admiration and sympathy for
to the war and, in particular, encourage them and their fellows and their cause.119
munitions workers to work even harder113 On the other hand, this was not the only
and clearly part of the audience responded conclusion which audiences drew from
to the film in just these terms. Thus, the the film. In reporting on Leeds audiences
Army and Navy Gazette suggested that in response to the film, Bioscopes correspon-
enabling civilians better to understand the dent argued that they formed a rather differ-
nature of the war, it would make them even ent conclusion:
more determined that the nation must
be utterly crushed that has brought so these Somme pictures teach what
dreadful a war upon mankind,114 and this war really means. They will do more
notion of shaking complacent civilians into to preserve the peace of the world
128Early Documentary

than a hundred peace societies and outside Britain drew much more radical con-
thousands of sermons.120 clusions from the exhibition of the film124
and it may be that the propagandists did
In writing in the films defence in The Times, have evidence to suggest that some in the
James Cooper argued that no better means domestic audience responded in the same
could be found of making English men and way. [. . .]
women determined to stop the repetition
of such a war as the present one121 and the
Manchester Guardian editorial concluded
that Conclusion

As for the horror of them [the Somme [. . .] In discussing the problem of spec-
pictures], no good can come of gild- tatorship in early cinema, proper account
ing war into a romance. The more of must be taken of the surviving data about
its trappings that are stripped from the nature of audience responses at the
it, the more will men see its waste, time the film was first shown. The fact that
its madness and its cruelty, as well the film text survives must not deceive us
as its glory, and the more earnestly into thinking that our view of the film will
will they cleave to peace.122 necessarily accord with the views of those
first audiencesindeed, in this particular
None of this discussion goes the further case, it is all too clear that it does not. The
step of arguing that, on the basis of the evi- millions of men, women, and children
dence of the film, war is so terrible that a who made up the domestic cinema audi-
way should be found of bringing it to an ence in the summer of 1916 believed that
immediate end, but the more cautious con- in viewing Battle of the Somme they had
clusion that the film demonstrated the need seen the face of modern war for the very
to avoid any repetition of the war could per- first time. We concentrate on the extent of
haps be seen as a step in that direction. faking in the film; contemporaries were
And this of course makes sense in the struck by its honesty, by its realism, by its
context of the period in which the film truthfulness. And they saw the film like
was shown. British public opinion in the this because their wider cultural context
late summer and autumn of 1916 (when was so dominated by dishonest, unrealis-
most people saw Battle of the Somme) was tic, mendacious images of war. In posters,
still broadly committed to the war effort, in cartoons, in speeches, in newspaper sto-
even though that clear shift in public opin- ries, the war was characterised as a titanic
ion which eventually found its most direct but exhilarating struggle between good
expression in the resurgence of widespread and evilhonourable British Tommies
industrial unrest the following spring, took resisting and defeating barbaric Huns,
place over the coming winter. It is possible who broke all the rules of war and revelled
that the exhibition of the film may have in committing the most frightful atroci-
played a part in this and it is at the very ties. Set in that context, there is nothing
least intriguing that, after the exhibition of at all surprising about the fact that con-
the Battle of the Ancre at the start of 1917, no temporary audiences saw the film as
subsequent official British film included offering them their first real glimpse of
graphic and detailed images of the dead the reality of war on the Western front.
and wounded.123 Certainly the surviving evi- Indeed, this powerful sense of novelty was
dence makes it clear that some audiences clearly reinforced by the form of the film
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 129

itselfa feature-length factual film, in represented both something very new and
which the restrained, dispassionate style very important in the history of spectator-
of the cinematography, the editing, and ship in the early cinema and also some-
the intertitles was so strikingly at odds thing very new and very important in the
with the overblown words and images of history of the factual film. It was, by any
so much unofficial wartime propaganda. criteria, a truly remarkable achievement.
Indeed, the very fact that this was an offi-
cial film, explicitly approved by the War
Office, served in the prevailing climate Notes
of 1916 to reinforce further that sense of
truthfulnessa fact which, in itself, dem- 1. S.D. Badsey, Battle of the Somme: British war
propaganda, Historical Journal of Film, Radio and
onstrates all too clearly the extent of the Television, 3 (1983), p. 108.
gulf which separates us from those war- 2. Modris Eksteins, Rites of Spring. The Great War and
time audiences. the Birth of the Modern Age (London, 1989), p.318.
3. Modris Eksteins, Harvests of Violence: The
Having said all of that, however, we Great War and Culture, an address to the XVth
must be careful not to overstate the Conference of the International Association for Media
power of this single film. When attitudes and History, Amsterdam, 10 July 1993, p. 21.
4. Ibid.,p.8.
to the war changed during the winter 5. Ibid.,p.17.
of 19161917, attitudes towards the offi- 6. For a fuller discussion of Eksteins assessment of
cial films changed as well and audiences the film see Nicholas Reeves, The real thing at
last: The film Battle of the Somme and the domestic
who had been so eager to see Battle of cinema audience of 1916, The Historian, No. 51
the Somme only months before, quickly (Autumn 1996), pp. 48.
tired of the feature-length battle film. We 7. Roger Smither, A wonderful idea of the fighting:
the question of fakes in The Battle of the Somme,
must be careful, therefore, not to draw Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 13
long-term conclusions about the impact of (1993), p. 160.
film propaganda on the home front from 8. Ibid., pp.159 and160.
9. Nicholas Hiley, The Battle of the Somme and
the success of a single film.125 However, the British news media, a paper presented at a
we can and must give proper recognition conference held at the Centre de Recherche de
to the fact that, at the time of its initial lHistorial de la Grande Guerre, in Pronne on 21
July 1992, pp. 1011.
screening, this one film did give its audi- 10. Rainer Rother, Bei unseren Helden an der Somme
ence a sense that they had seen the true (1917): the creation of a social event, Historical
face of modern war. It may have been Journal of Film, Radio and Television, Vol. 15 (1995),
p. 527.
short-lived, but in the months when Battle 11. David Culbert, review essay. The Imperial War
of the Somme was screened, millions of Museum: World War I film catalogue and The
cinema-goers throughout the country were Battle of the Somme (video), Historical Journal of
Film, Radio and Television, 15 (1995), p. 578.
persuaded that the official factual film was 1 2. I was prompted to do this in the first
indeed an appropriate medium in which instance by the request to present a paper to
to visualise the nature of the battle front. a conference on the First World War held in
Leeds in 1994. The theme of the conference
And the importance of that achievement is
was the experience of the First World War and
demonstrated most clearly perhaps by the in re-examining the role of film within the war,
enormous success enjoyed by films like I looked much more closely at the (abundant)
Desert Victory or The True Glory during the evidence of the way in which contemporaries
responded to the film, attempting thereby to
Second World War, official factual films reconstruct the way in which the domestic
which in almost all important respects audience experienced the war on the Western
built directly on the foundations laid down front through film. The analysis which follows
formed the basis of the paper I presented to that
by Malins and his colleagues in the First conference, subsequently reprinted in Hugh
World War. In short, Battle of the Somme Cecil & Peter Liddle (eds), Facing Armageddon,
130Early Documentary
The First World War Experiences (London, 1996), British war-propaganda, Historical Journal of Film,
pp. 780800. I am most grateful to the editors Radio and Television, 3 (1983), pp. 99115; Nicholas
for permission to use much of that material Hileys introduction to Malins How I Filmed the
again here. War (London, 1993), pp. xxiiixxvi. The remainder
13. Geoffrey H.Malins (edited by Low Warren), How of this paragraph is drawn from these three
IFilmed the War (London, 1920), pp. 303304. sources.
In 1993, Malins memoir was republished by the 26. An experienced film producer who represented his
Imperial War Museum with an introduction by company (Kineto Limited) on the trade committee
NicholasHiley. which supervised the official cameramen.
14. The first public demonstration of the new 27. An excellent video print of Battle of the Somme
technology had taken place early in1896. (coupled with a print of the 1916 official film Battle
15. Prices ranged from 1d. to 1s. with a majority of seats of the Ancre) is available from the Imperial War
being sold for 4d. orless. Museum, London; a short introduction to the
16. For a fuller discussion of the nature of the films titled, The Battles of the Somme and Ancre,
contemporary cinema audience see Nicholas Hiley, edited by Roger Smither, is available from the
A proletarian public sphere. The British cinema same source.
auditorium in the First World War, a paper 28. War film crowds, Evening News, London, 22
presented to the International IAMHIST Conference August 1916, p. 3.
Film and the First World War, Amsterdam July 1993, 29. Birmingham notes, The Cinema News and
pp. 13. Property Gazette (hereafter Cinema), 14 September
17. For a fuller discussion of problems encountered in 1916, p. 78.
winning the approval of the Service Departments 30. Irish times in Cinema, 21 September 1916,p.69.
and the way in which they were overcome see 31. Provincial Film Centres. Leeds, Bioscope, 31
Nicholas Reeves, Official British Film Propaganda August 1916, p. 852.
(London, 1986), pp. 4556. Hereafter Reeves 32. Provincial Film Centres. Leeds, Bioscope, 14
(1986). September 1916, p. 1053.
18. Britain Prepared, premired on 29 December 33. Scottish section, Bioscope, 7 September 1916, p.
1915for a further discussion see Reeves (1986), 943.
pp.222223. 34. Ibid.,p.68.
19. For a fuller discussion of these early films and their 35. Ealing Gazette, 26 August 1916, pp.3 and 6; 2
reception see Reeves (1986), pp.145157 and238. September 1916, pp.2and3.
20. The Scottish section of the trade journal Bioscope 36. Our visit to the London shows, The
reported that while the film did good business for Kinematograph and Lantern Weekly (hereafter Kine
the first 2days, thereafter attendances fell off so Weekly), 21 September 1916, p. 109.
badly that some cinemas took the film off for the 37. See, for example, Northern notes by gossip in
last 2days of the week, Bioscope, 15 February 1917, Kine Weekly, 7 September 1916, p. 118.
p.737. 38. For example, a friend of the Bioscopes
21. For a fuller discussion of the limited success of Manchester columnist reported that after trying
official film propaganda see Nicholas Reeves, The repeatedly to gain admission to one of the many
power of film propagandamyth or reality?, cinemas that was showing the film, he eventually
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 13 gave up in disgust, Bioscope, 14 September 1916,
(1993), pp. 181201. Hereafter Reeves (1993). p.1051.
22. The literature on the Battle of the Somme is 39. The Cinema. Its Present Position and Future
extensive. For an excellent brief introduction Responsibilities. Being the Report and Chief Evidence
to both the battle and its historiography see J. of an Enquiry Instituted by the National Council of
M.Bourne, Britain and the Great War 19141918 Public Morals (London, 1917), pp.259260.
(London, 1989), pp. 5152 and5967. 40. Ibid., pp.272275.
23. See, for example, Martin Middlebrook, The First 41. See, for example, With the exhibitors, Southport,
Day on the Somme (London,1971). Bioscope, 28 September 1916, Supplement, p. v.
24. The debate over whether there is any sense in 42. The findings of this study of 6701 school children
which the battle can be seen to have succeeded has carried out by Dr C.W. Kimmins were published in
raged ever since. However, even if it can be argued The Cinema (London, 1917), op. cit., pp. 272275.
that Haigs strategic objectives were achieved, as 43. Hiley (1992) op.cit.
John Bourne observes, that success is seen as 44. See, for example, contrasting reviews in The Times
irrelevant. British perceptions of the battle have and the Star, Reeves (1986), p.238.
been transfixed by its human costs. No amount of 45. See, for example, Done again!, Cinema, 17
revisionist historical scholarship, however exacting January 1916, p. 2.
or eloquent, will ever change this verdict, John 46. Film that will make history, Kine Weekly, 10
Bourne, op. cit., p. 67. August 1916, p. 7.
25. For a more detailed discussion of the 47. Battle of the Somme. The reality of war, Bioscope,
circumstances in which the cameramen worked 10 August 1916, p. 476.
and the production of the film see Reeves (1986), 48. Editorial: the cinema and the big push, Cinema,
pp. 94113; S.D. Badsey, Battle of the Somme: 10 August 1916, p. 2.
Cinema, Spectatorship, and Propaganda 131

49. Somme Battle on the film. Thrilling pictures of 67. The mornings gossip by The Rambler, Daily
the big push, Daily Express, 11 August 1916. Mirror, 11 August 1916, p. 10.
50. This mornings gossip by The Rambler, Daily 68. Somme Battle pictures. Mr. Lloyd Georges
Mirror, 11 August 1916, p. 10. appeal, Morning Post, 11 August 1916, p. 6.
51. Somme Battle films, Daily Telegraph, 11 August 69. Somme Battle on the films. Pictures taken in the
1916, p. 9. fighting line, which show war as it really is, Daily
52. War history on the cinema. The British offensive, Sketch, 11 August 1916, p. 12.
The Times, 11 August 1916, p. 3. 70. Kinema pictures of the Somme Battles,
53. Amusements. War pictures in Leeds, Leeds Manchester Guardian, 16 August 1916, p. 4.
Mercury, 29 August 1916, p. 4. 71. Leeds, Bioscope, 7 September 1916, p. 957.
54. Amusements in York. The picture house, 72. Ought we to see the pictures, by Alpha of the
Yorkshire Evening Press, 29 August 1916, p. 3. Plough, Star, 6 September 1916, p. 2.
55. The Somme Battle. Great film pictures in 73. Quite between ourselves, Regiment, 2 September
Birmingham, Birmingham Gazette, 5 September 1916, p. 219.
1916, p. 3. 74. Lyn Macdonald, Somme (Harmondsworth, 1993),
56. City and round about, Glasgow Citizen, 29 August p.256.
1916, p. 2. 75. A correspondent, Manchester Guardian, 1
57. Thus, for example, in a sequence in Part IV of September 1916, p. 3.
the film where we see post from home being 76. J.A. Farrar to the editor, Manchester Guardian, 15
distributed to soldiers at the front, it is clear that August 1916,p.10.
the participants wait for a signal (presumably from 77. James Douglas, The Somme pictures. Are they
the cameramen) before they start to give out the too painful for public exhibition?, Star, 25 August
parcels and letters, Battle of the Somme, Part IV, 1916, p. 2.
690 to734. 78. Frank E. Marshall to the editor, Manchester
58. The extent of faking in the film has been explored Guardian, 1 September 1916, p. 3.
with immense rigour and intelligence by Roger 79. H.Hensley Henson to the editor, The Times,
Smither in A wonderful idea of the fighting: the 1September 1916,p.7.
question of fakes in The Battle of the Somme, 80. E.Ray Lankester to the editor, The Times, 4
Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 13, September 1916,p.11.
1993, pp. 149168. 81. The Somme films, in The Times, 5 September
59. Film pictures from the Somme. The official record 1916, p. 9.
of the advance, Manchester Guardian, 11 August 82. Editorial, The English Churchman and St Jamess
1916, p. 4. Chronicle, 31 August 1916, p. 447.
60. There is just one public comment at the time which 83. Editorial, The English Churchman and St Jamess
refers to the issue, although only to argue that the Chronicle, 7 September 1916, p. 459.
footage is in fact genuine (The Somme films and the 84. The week, Guardian. The Church Newspaper, 7
men who have taken them, Sphere, 23 September September 1916, p. 749.
1916, p. 263). Furthermore, some of the publicity for 85. Echoes of the town, Daily Sketch, 5 September
Battle of the Ancre asserts explicitly that nothing in 1916, p. 5.
the nature of a fake has been allowed to be shown 86. The journal of the reserve and territorial forces.
(Smither, op. cit., p. 151). There is just one reference to 87. Army notes. The Somme films, Army and Navy
the issue in the surviving papers of the propagandists Gazette, 9 September 1916, p. 582.
themselves; in February 1917 Beaverbrook claimed a 88. Heard in the army. News and views by Khaki,
statement had been systematically circulated with Regiment, 9 September 1916, p. 249.
intent to do damage, that portions of the last Official 89. Forty-six to the editor, The Times, 2 September
films are of a faked description, although of course 1916, p. 3.
at the time of writing, the last Official films would 90. Orbatus to the editor, The Times, 2 September
have been Battle of the Ancre (House of Lords Record 1916, p. 3.
Office, Beaverbrook Papers, Series E, Vol. 14, File 91. A.J.P. Taylor (Ed.), Lloyd George:a Diary by Frances
Cinema General January, February, March 1917 32, Stevenson (London, 1971), p.112.
Beaverbrook to Secretary War Office, 16 February 1917). 92. James Cooper to the editor, The Times, 2 September
61. Amusements. War pictures in Leeds, Leeds 1916,p.3.
Mercury, 29 August 1916, p. 4. 93. 70 to the editor, The Times, 5 September 1916, p. 6.
62. Third leader, The Battle of the Somme, Evening 94. The womans world by Lorna, in British
Times, Glasgow, 29 August 1916, p. 2. Weekly. A Journal of Social and Christian Progress, 7
63. Somme Battle on the film. Thrilling pictures of September 1916.
the big push, Daily Express, 11 August 1916, p. 5. 95. Ought we to see the pictures, by Alpha of the
64. News of the week, Spectator, 26 August 1916, p. Plough, Star, 6 September 1916, p. 2.
227. 96. Northern notes by The Gossip, Kine Weekly, 7
65. The Battle of the Somme. What our soldier boys September 1916, p. 118.
are enduring. Vivid pictures in Bath this week, 97. History in a nations eyes. The Battle of the
Bath and Wilts Chronicle, 11 September 1916, p. 3. Somme, Films. The Cinema Trade Journal, 24
66. Somme Battle on the film, Daily Express, op. cit. August 1916, p. 12.
132Early Documentary
98. News of the week, Spectator, 26 August 1916, p. 227. 111. The battle film as seen by one of the crowd.
99. Army notes. The Somme films, Army and Navy Thoughts in a Yorkshire picture theatre, Yorkshire
Gazette, 9 September 1916, p. 582. Evening Post, 29 August 1916, p. 5.
100. Battle of the Somme. Official pictures shown 112. Ibid.
in Birmingham, The Birmingham Daily Mail, 4 113. War history on the cinema. The British
September 1916, p. 5. offensive, The Times, 11 August 1916, p. 3.
101. A London diary by A wayfarer, Nation, 26 114. Army notes. The Somme films, Army and Navy
August 1916, p. 654. Gazette, 9 September 1916, p. 582.
102. For a fuller discussion of this see Nicholas 115. See, for example, The womans world by Lorna.
Hiley, A proletarian public sphere. The British Impression of the war films, op. cit.
cinema auditorium in the First World War, a 116. James Douglas, op.cit.
paper presented to the International IAMHIST 117. Robert Heatley to the editor, Manchester Guardian,
Conference Film and the First World War, 2 September 1916,p.4.
Amsterdam July 1993, pp. 13. 118. Forty-six to the editor, The Times, 2 September
103. Lucy Clifford to the editor, The Times, 6 September 1916, p. 3.
1916,p.11. 119. Jas Walmsley to the editor, The Times, 4
104. W. G. Faulkner, The greatest picture in the September 1916,p.11.
world, Evening News, 11 August 1916, p. 2. 120. Bioscope, 7 September 1916, p.957.
105. In cinemaland, Yorkshire Evening News, 19 121. James A.Cooper to the editor, The Times, 2
August 1916, p. 2. September1916.
106. It occupied just over 10% of the wholefilm. 122. The pictures on the Somme, Manchester
107. Somme Battle pictures. Mr Lloyd Georges Guardian, 21 August 1916, p. 4.
appeal, Morning Post, 11 August 1916, p. 6. 123. For further discussion of this decision see Reeves
108. J.A. Farrar to the editor, Manchester Guardian, 15 (1986), pp.167168.
August 1916,p.10. 124. Ibid., pp.245246.
109. James Douglas, op.cit. 125. For a more detailed discussion of the broader
110. See, for example, The Somme Battle. Great film problem of the success or failure of wartime
pictures in Birmingham, Birmingham Gazette, 5 film propaganda as a whole see Reeves (1993),
September 1916, p. 3. op.cit.

State, Left, and Avant-Garde Documentary
between theWars


In his essay in this section, Straight Shots is a cross-section, to borrow the thoroughly
and Crooked Plots:Social Documentary and modern term Siegfried Kracauer uses to
the Avant-Garde in the 1930san excel- describe the city symphony genre popu-
lent place to start, for the reader who wants lar in this period, of roughly two decades
an overview of this international epoch of experiments with filmed reality that have
before grappling with any handful of its retained the capacity to startle, instruct, and
fragmentsCharles Wolfe remarks on the puzzle viewers of allkinds.
challenge posed to our received idea of doc- The word modern comes from a Latin
umentary film by the actual history of the word meaning just now, and we rec-
form in the 1920s and 1930s. How can the ognize in it also a word we use for fash-
same period that gave rise to the notion of ion, or being current. And although we
documentary as a vehicle for social reform, often think of modernity and modernism
concerned with the common people and as forward-looking, futuristic dispositions,
with modern, institutional solutions to concerned with the next new thing, they
their problemsa genre that needed to be are just as much about the fragile nature
simple and direct to be effectivewas also of the time we call the present. One way to
a time of great experimentation and artis- distinguish the early period of documen-
tic invention, of filmmaking that could be tary from the period discussed here is by
abstract, intellectual, beautiful, and dif- the stark difference between the two in their
ficult? Modernism, the name historians forms of time-consciousness: rather than
have given to certain tendencies within this the recent or distant past, the filmmakers
period in the arts, is a discourse of conflict in this section concerned themselves with
and contradiction, so it should come as no the problem of now, of capturing the pres-
surprise that it isnt easy to make the vari- ent and presenting the moment to come.
ous facets of this movement (or period, or From this perspective, the figure featured in
style), line up with each other. This section the first section as the origin of the mature
includes a dizzying variety of statements on documentary film, Robert Flaherty, looks
the use in documentary of modern, mod- positively old-fashioned, not only in his fas-
ernist, and modernizing ways of thinking. It cination with traditional societies before the

arrival of modern man and his technologies, changes to new models of consciousness,
but also in his special contributions to the the mechanical capacities of documentary
art of documentary: the use of linear nar- cinema and cinematic perceptionimage
rative and character-based storytelling; the and sound recording, and editing, or mon-
documentary film as complete picture and tage, in particularcould serve as an expres-
organic whole; the vision of human society sive sign of how new truths and new states
as a story capable of telling itself. (That these of being were thought, felt, and experienced
were not outdated beliefs beyond which doc- by the modern subject. To some, film was a
umentary evolved so much as a position that symptom of these problems. To many of the
some of its partisans took, the aesthetic ide- artists and writers collected in this section,
ology of Romanticism, is suggested by the it was not only a way to express the effects
historical conundrum in which Flahertys of these transformations, but an appropri-
first complete feature debuted after the ear- ate way to respond, whether in the interest
liest examples of documentary modernism of speeding change or retardingit.
discussed in this section.) For the films and These responses go by a variety of names,
filmmakers of documentary modernism, among them some well-known movements
however, the problems of the present are and ideologies that each had its own use for
not just themes or topics, ideas the viewer documentary film: constructivism, commu-
takes in as discourse: as basic problems of nism, futurism, surrealism, socialism, pro-
film itself, they were central to these film- gressivism, welfare-statism, fascism.The
makers concept of documentary form, and imprint of all of these isms can be found in
thus central to their viewers fragmentary, this section, frequently in combination or
distorted, or unstable experience of the opposition. Many filmmakers and critics
modern world as it appeared in the films. in the period saw documentary as a way to
The modern world, as seen and imagined advance a cause or movement; some, true
in modernist documentary, was also a world to the modernist idea of the individual as
that was in the process of modernizingof subjectivity, shifted from one position to
changing, many hoped, for the better. New another as circumstances demanded. John
systems of manufacturing, communication, Griersonwhose famous phrase the cre-
and transportation, and new collective forms ative treatment of actuality appears here
of social and political activity might all stand in its original setting, the short essay The
for the progress that modernization could Documentary Producerconstructs his
bring. Of greatest interest to documentary polemical First Principles of documentary
filmmakers were those innovations that around the differences between progressive
would harness the energies of the new and regressive forms of modernism, rele-
masses and working classes, whether the gating the hero of his earlier writing, Robert
harness was a greatly expanded govern- Flaherty, to the role of a bad example of the
mental apparatus, or one of the national latter. Two of the magisterial figures of the
and transnational revolutionary move- era, Joris Ivens and Dziga Vertov, embodied
ments that gained steam in the era. Equally radical inconsistency, trying on a number of
important to documentary film, however, different modernisms in their filmmaking
was the idea of aesthetic progress, the and their writing. Ivens, an international
argument that modernizationenhanced
legend of left-wing filmmaking, makes
by cinemaentailed an improved and a compelling argument in Reflections
expanded capacity to depict and perceive on the Avant-Garde Documentary for
reality as the world became bigger, denser, industrially-sponsored filmmaking as the
and faster. And in the hands of filmmak- most experimental and liberating structure
ers trying to link these technical and social for the filmmaker committed to the struggle
Introduction to SectionII 137

against capitalism and for artistic individual- narrative, and the period has frequently
ity. Writing about his short film Rain (1929), been explainedsometimes by these char-
Ivens describes the making of the film as acters themselves, who werent shy about
a perfect modernist system, one with the writing their own mythsas the encounter
ludic goal of organizing cultural labor on the between strong-willed figures like Vertov,
unpredictable schedule of the natural ele- Grierson, Lorentz, or Riefenstahl and the
ments. Vertov, too, is seen here from differ- modern forces of state, technology, bureau-
ent angles:the faithful Marxist who served cracy, and the people that dwarfed them.
the Soviet revolution by chronicling its daily Without discounting the importance of
life in newsreels; the epistemologist and these characters and their roles in the devel-
the heterodoxical magician (as the title opment of some of the periods most forceful
of Annette Michelsons landmark essay and lasting images of society, we can revise
puts it). We are used to thinking of Vertov the history of documentary modernism,
as the counterpoint to his great antagonist putting the drama of individual conscious-
Sergei Eisenstein, who dismissed Vertovs ness in the proper perspective. Reviewed
non-fiction work as indulgent and super- as studies of bodies, machines, and move-
ficial, in terms echoed by Grierson and by ments, in both the physical and the politi-
the German film critic Siegfried Kracauer, cal senses, documentary modernism looks
in his study of montage as an avant-garde less like a requiem for the individual than
documentary technique. Less well-known a series of games, experiments, pranks,
are the conflicts within Soviet documen- or celebrations, trying out alternatives to a
tary, described in Jay Leydas Bridge and society of the self. In this light, the struggles
Mikhail Iampolskys Reality at Second among members of the American radicals
Hand, where Vertovs urgent practice of of the Workers Film and Photo League, who
montage was challenged by the archival began the 1930s serving the international
ethos of Esfir Shub and her supporters, cause of communism, and ended it serv-
who asked whether documentary needed to ing a variety of state and corporate institu-
involve shooting, or completing, films at all, tions, look less like pitched personal battles
endlessly deferring the now of the present and more like an experiment in dialecti-
to a future moment of assemblage. cal thinking, trying to get the most artistic
The history of modernism in the arts mileage of out conflicts. And Luis Buuels
has often been told as a story in which in hilarious Land Without Breada film that
the central drama is that of the individual: confounded commentators of its time and
drifting in a world blown apart by violent one of the most misunderstood documen-
change, modern consciousness struggles taries of this or any periodseems less a
to piece together a coherent representation document of individuals suffering than the
of this world from the pieces of its wreck- posing of a question about the principles of
age. Critics and historians of documentary collective life, and about the place of docu-
have given perhaps too much credit to this mentary media in mass modernity.

An Experimental Movie (1921)

A few weeks ago the Rialto exhibited a short artistically satisfying. It was a great stimu-
series of motion picures of NewYork. These lus to thought. At a time when our motion
motion pictures were the work of Charles picture critics are shouting the praises of
Sheeler and Paul Strand, two American art- Dr. Caligari and the rest of the German
ists. Sheeler is well-known as one of our importations, it is strange that they should
modern painters whose works are in the neglect such a significant achievement as
collections of discriminating connoisseurs this one of two American artists. But per-
and galleries. He is also a photographer of haps these critical gentlemen can register
great distinctionan artist in photography. only the merits of imported art and of the
Strand is likewise a master in photogra- demerits of domestic.
phy, an experimenter and a pioneer in this In spite of this critical apathy, the
youngest of the arts. In entering the field Sheeler-Strand pictures mark a turning
of the motion picture, Sheeler and Strand point in the development of the art of the
sought to apply the technical knowledge camera. The direct, expressive, unashamed
gained from their experiments and achieve- photography, the salient selection and dis-
ments in still photography to the more crimination by which these camera men
complex problem of the motion picture managed, with the most effective economy,
to register through conscious selection to capture the very spirit of lower Manhattan,
and space-filling those elements which are the eloquent silence of these brief shots,
expressive of the spirit of New York, of its all lead one to claim that in the hands of
power and beauty and movement. such craftsmen the camera becomes truly
The results have fully justified this dar- an instrument of greatart.
ing adventure in a new art. Short as this Such pictures possess that uncanny
film was in the showing, it suggested all power of awakening and kindling our inter-
sorts of glorious possibilities in the devel- est in that neglected beauty that crowds in
opment of the movies. It was not merely upon us from all sides, and through which
The Art of theCamera 139

too many Americans walk with blind and volume, movement. Its language is plastic.
unseeing eyes. It is always the exalted func- Thus it expresses its only true individuality.
tion of the true artist to make us see things How does this experiment, this glorious
through his eye, to reveal beauties undis- adventure, differ from the ordinary movie?
covered. In the fulfillment of this mission, It emphasizes anew the art of the camera.
he legitimatizes the means at his disposal. Properly understood and used intelligently,
And so the camera of Sheeler and Strand the motion picture camera, like the ordinary
dramatizes such a commonplace routine camera, becomes an invaluable instrument,
event as the entrance of a Staten Island registering the vision of the creative artist.
ferryboat into the South Ferry slip, with its With it he is endowed with a new power of
crowd of commuters suddenly released into capturing on the wing, as it were, all that
the streets of lower Manhattan. The dock- fleeting and evanescent beauty of places and
ing of the Aquitania, surrounded by those people. At last the artist can register those
busy Lilliputian tugs; the pencil-like office strange accidental moments when light,
buildings stretching upwards for a place in lines, form, and movement seem by chance
the sunHigh growths of iron, slender, to combine into an unearthly divine beauty,
strong, splendidly uprising toward clear transmuting every-day objects into plastic
skies. They give us the vision of Whitman poetry.
in plastic poetry, viewed always from unsus- Of course, there are complex difficul-
pected points of vantage: the restless crowds ties, obstacles almost impossible to over-
of lower Broadway, for instance; view from come. But to dismiss the camera as a mere
balustrades hundreds of feet above; plumes machine, to deny it a place in the realm
of silvery smoke and steam; curious geom- of legitimate art, is to cast away forever the
etry of massive shadows and sharp sunlight; possibility of discovering its latent potenti-
the molten silver of surging waters at dusk; alities and secrets. But to accept it, as these
all that dynamic power and restless energy American artists have, with respect and rev-
of the metropolis. All of these were captured erence, to use it as an instrument of art, is
in the motion photography of the American to acquire the key to a vast and unexplored
artists. treasure house of expression. A comparison
There was no heroine, no villain, no with another art may illuminate this point.
plot. Yet it was all thrilling, exciting, Both for the creation and the interpretation
dramaticbut dramatic in the language of of great music we accept without question
plasticity. It was honestly, gloriously photo- the legitimacy of the musical instrument.
graphic, devoid of trickery and imitation. The piano of a Chopin, the cello of a Casals,
They used no artifice of diffusion. They the violin of a Kreisler, are never consid-
did not resort to the aid of the soft-focus ered as music machines. In the hands
lens. They did not attempt to make pictures of a Sheeler the camera should likewise be
that looked like paintings. They did not accepted as an instrument of art, objectify-
retouch to produce the effect of a spuri- ing the creative vision of the artist. The dif-
ous etching. Always were they vigorously, ference between the camera and the musical
rigorously, photographic. These artists instrument is a difference in degree, not in
avoided the well-known points of interest. kind.
Instead, they gave us, by a brilliant empha- Photography still remains the Cinderella
sis of its own way of speaking, the spirit of of arts. Once its legitimacy is recognized,
Manhattan itself, Whitmans city of the once we awaken to the urgent duty of devel-
world, Whitmans proud and passionate oping its latent potentialities, it may become
city. The city, they discovered, reveals itself an essential in any adequate art-education.
most eloquently in the terms of line, mass, Perhaps the time is far distant when

photography may be taught in the schools, greatest artistic benefit in the regular pro-
or schools of photography as an art estab- ductions. In this way the art of the motion
lished and endowed. Mr. Eastman, we read, picture would be developed from within. A
has endowed a music school in Rochester. great variety of methods might be attained.
Might he not, with singular appropriate- And instead of submitting every scenario
ness, likewise establish a school of photog- to one cut-and-dried method, each pic-
raphy through which the art of the camera ture would be screened in a highly indi-
might be elevated to its legitimate place vidual and novel manner. It might then be
among thearts? interpreted in a manner best suited to the
The Sheeler-Strand experiment brings realization of its values. Such a research
up another question. Is there no place in department would eventually do away
the motion picture world, as organized at with the hit-and-miss methods at present
present, for such pioneering experiments? employed. It would in time prevent the
At least two answers to this question have enormous waste of effort, the conspicuous
been offered. expenditure on non-essentials, of which
The first is that there should be a little the press-agents now, for some strange rea-
movie movement, paralleling the so-called son, actually boast. All the inherent powers
little theatre movement, which has a of the motion picture camera might thus
beneficial influence upon native American be developed into eloquent expression,
drama, releasing new talents, and demon- and the motion picture industry would be
strating that the public will support worthy assured of continuous novelty and artistic
plays. In the field of the motion picture, vitality. The lamentable evidences of rep-
such a movement might take the form of etition, imitation, and conventionalization
a small producing group of directors, sce- would disappear.
narists, actors, and photographers. The If it be objected that such a suggestion
release of a film produced in this man- is wildly idealistic and highbrow, we
ner might be effected through the regular need in reply only point to the example
exhibitors. Or it might be shown in theatres set by other highly successful industries
especially rented for that purpose. In either and commercial organizations. Professor
case the expense would be enormous and Soddy, the great English authority on
the profits small. In view of the uncertainty radio-activity, recently declared that the
of results, the almost insuperable obstacles department of scientific research estab-
in the way of any widespread exhibition, lished by the General Electric Company
this plan is hardly feasible. In an art in was doing more for pure science than
which the studio and laboratory costs are so the majority of British universities. Such
high, it is to be doubted whether the experi- a department, based on far-sighted com-
menter could ever attain even the technical mercial policy, is recognized as essential
excellence of the professional producers. to the health and growth of the electri-
And without this excellence the experiment cal industries. A similar department, we
would fail. are informed, is supported by the Bell
The second suggestion is the orga- Telephone system. In the more imme-
nization by the most firmly established diate field of the industrial art, we may
and reputable producers of a research or point to the eminent example of one of
experimental department, in which true our foremost manufacturers of American
artists of the camera would be free to carry silks. The Cheney Brothers Company have
out their adventures and experiments. long supported an experimental studio,
Occasionally, perhaps often, they would in which a staff of artists, designers, and
attain results that might be used with the weavers are given the freedom to pursue
The Art of theCamera 141

unhindered their artistic adventures in merely as a necessary evil, when it should be

the realm of design. There are no direc- used to enhance and vitalize the movement.
tions, no prohibitions, no insistence upon When the producers awaken to the fact that
turning out work that may be immediately the camera men must be artists of intel-
gauged in terms of dollars and cents. In ligence and discrimination, educated and
this fashion the art standards are upheld efficient in their craft, the art of the motion
and the public is assured of the artistic picture will attain its maturity.
quality of the finished product. Without this co-operation of science and
An insane passion for immediate profit art, no permanent progress in the field of
in any industry may in the long run become the motion picture can ever be effected.
the most unprofitable of policies. And it is A far-sighted policy, looking not merely
precisely this mad passion that has worked to immediate profits, nor resting on the
to the detriment of the motion picture. The miraculous success of the past, must recog-
geese that lay the golden eggs are beginning nize and protect the new art of the camera.
to rebel. Millions have been spent, often Once this Cinderella of the arts is recog-
unwisely and without appreciable result. nized by our Princes of the Celluloid, the
The camera men, who really hold the latter may discover the only true way in
strategic key to the situation, are only begin- which motion pictures may become not
ning to be recognized. Few directors have merely more artistic, but more popular and
the camera sense. Light too often is used profitable aswell.

M O N TA G E ( 1 9 4 7 )

In the grip of the existing paralysis, the a rag-pickers den and a hospital. According
German film-makers cultivated a species to Balzs, it is as if the plot followed a
of films presenting a cross section of some thread that, connecting the dramatic junc-
sphere of reality. These films were even tions of the ways of Fate, leads across the
more characteristic of the stabilized period texture of life.2
than the Pabst films, for their neutrality was However, Balzs was not yet sufficiently
the logical result of the cross-section prin- bold, or indifferent, to substantiate his idea
ciple itself. They would have upset their to the full. The documentary character of
own rules if they had sided with any of the the cross-section pattern is blurred by its
pros and cons they surveyed. They were the combination with a sentimental Berlin local
purest expression of New Objectivity on drama concerning a worker and a factory
the screen. Their such-is-life mood over- girl. Like the Polish lovers in Griffiths Isnt
whelmed whatever socialist sentiments Life Wonderful?, these two finally achieve
played about inthem. one of those wooden cabins that spread all
The first German film of that kind was over the outskirts of Berlin, and, to complete
Die Abenteuer eines Zehnmarkscheins (The their happiness, the ten-mark note returns
Adventures of a Ten-Mark Note, 1926), pro- to them. Its vagabondage not only serves to
duced by Karl Freund for Fox Europe. Bla familiarize the audience with the infinite
Balzs wrote the original script; he himself texture of life, but also assumes the func-
called the film a cross section.1 This pic- tion of rounding out the local drama. That
ture of Berlin during the inflation consists is, the succession of episodes results from
of a number of episodes which record the two divergent tendencies, only one of which
capricious travels of a ten-mark note con- conforms to the cross-section principle,
tinually changing hands. Guided by it, the while the other obstructs it. This ambigu-
film meanders through the maze of those ity of meaning explains why the allegedly
years, picking up otherwise unrelated char- purposeless adventures of the ten-mark
acters, and glancing over such locales as a note often give the impression of being
factory, a night caf, a pawn-shop, the music concocted artificially. As if to reinforce the
room of a profiteer, an employment agency, cross-section tendency, Berthold Viertels
Montage 143

staging imbues street life with especial sig- president.6 Freund knew that to such ends
nificance. There is a fascinating shot of he would have to rely on candid-camera
the villain sitting in the window of a caf. work. Craftsman that he was, he hypersen-
Trams, buses and passers-by are reflected in sitized the stock film which was then on the
the plate-glass. The city is intent on doing market, so as to cope with poor lighting con-
something.3 The thread intersecting vari- ditions, and moreover invented several con-
ous regions of social life is bound to lead trivances to hide the camera while shooting.7
through the street. He would drive in a half-enclosed truck with
Street scenes predominate in the proto- slots in the sides for the lens or he would
type of all true German cross-section films: walk about with the camera in a box that
Berlin, die Symphonie einer Grossstadt (Berlin, looked like an innocent suitcase. No one
the Symphony of a Great City, 1927). This most ever suspected that he was taking pictures.
important film, a quota production of Fox Asked at the end of the above-mentioned
Europe, was devised by Carl Mayer. About interview whether he considered candid
the time he stigmatized hypocrisy in his photography an art, Freund answered, glow-
Tartuffe, Mayer recognized that the moment ing with zeal:It is the only type of photog-
had come for him to turn from the external- raphy that is really art. Why? Because with
ization of inner processes to the rendering it one is able to portray life. These big nega-
of externals, from freely constructed plots tives, now, where people smirk and grimace
to plots discovered in the given material. and pose.Bah! Thats not photography.
Paul Rotha, a close friend of Mayer until the But a very fast lens. Shooting life. Realism.
latters death, reports on this symptomatic Ah, that is photography in its purest
change of attitude: Mayer was tiring of the form.8
restriction and artificiality of the studios. All Walter Ruttmann, who up to then
these films had been wholly studio-made. had excelled in abstract films, edited the
Mayer lost interest in fictional invention immense amount of material assembled
and wanted his stories to grow from reality. by Freund and several other photographers.
In 1925, standing amid the whirling traffic His sense of optical music made Ruttmann
of the Ufa Palast am Zoo, he conceived the seem the right man to produce a melody
idea of a City Symphony. He saw a melody of pictures. He worked in close collabora-
of pictures and began to write the treatment tion with the young composer Edmund
of Berlin.4 It does not lessen Mayers pro- Meisel, known for his interesting score for
found originality that under the influence of Potemkin. Meisel dreamed of synchronizing
the spirit of Locarno this idea asserted itself Ruttmanns visual symphony with a sym-
in France as well. Cavalcantis documen- phonic composition which might even be
tary film of Paris, Rien Que Les Heures, was performed independently of the film. The
released a few months before Berlin.5 role he reserved for the music was bound
Like Mayer, the cameraman Karl Freund to strengthen the formal tendency of the
was tired of the studio and its artifices, so editing.9
he enthusiastically espoused Mayers proj- Ruttmanns Berlin is a cross section of a
ect and set out to shoot Berlin scenes with Berlin working day in late spring. Its open-
the voracious appetite of a man starved for ing sequence pictures the city at dawn: a
reality. I wanted to show everything, he night express arrives, and streets still void
himself relates in a revealing interview in of human life seem the very counterpart
1939. Men getting up to go to work, eating of that limbo which the mind traverses
breakfast, boarding trams or walking. My between sleep and consciousness. Then
characters were drawn from all the walks the city awakens and stirs. Scores of work-
of life. From the lowest laborer to the bank ers set out for their factories; wheels begin

to turn; telephone receivers are lifted off. of Berlin; but they are no longer related to
The passage devoted to the morning hours machines and their functions. The editing
is filled with glimpses of window-dressings also resorts to striking analogies between
and typical street incidents. Noon:the poor, movements or forms.12 Human legs walk-
the wealthy and the animals in the zoo are ing on the pavement are followed by the
seen eating their lunch and enjoying a short legs of cows; a sleeping man on a bench
respite. Work is resumed, and a bright after- is associated with a sleeping elephant. In
noon sun shines over crowded caf terraces, those cases in which Ruttmann furthers the
newspaper vendors, a woman drowning pictorial development through specific con-
herself. Life resembles a roller coaster. As tent, he inclines to feature social contrasts.
the day fades, the machine wheels stop, and One picture unit connects a cavalcade in the
the business of relaxation begins. A kalei- Tiergarten with a group of women beating
doscopic arrangement of shots surveys all carpets; another juxtaposes hungry children
kinds of sports, a fashion show, and a few in the street and opulent dishes in some res-
instances of boys meeting girls or trying to taurant. Yet these contrasts are not so much
meet them. The last sequence amounts to social protests as formal expedients. Like
a pleasure drive through nocturnal Berlin, visual analogies, they serve to build up the
luminous with ruthless neon lights. An cross section, and their structural function
orchestra plays Beethoven; the legs of girl overshadows whatever significance they
dancers perform; Chaplins legs stumble may convey.
across a screen; two lovers, or rather two In his use of montage, Ruttmann seems
pairs of legs, make for the nearest hotel; and to have been influenced by the Russiansto
finally a true pandemonium of legs breaks be more precise, by the Russian film direc-
loose:the six-day race going on and on with- tor Dziga Vertov and his Kino-eye group.13
out interruption. Vertov, infatuated with every expression
The film as Ruttmann made it, Rotha of real life, produced weekly newsreels of
reports, was far from Mayers conception. a special kind from the close of the Civil
Its surface approach was what Mayer had War on, and in about 1926 began to make
tried to avoid. He and Ruttmann agreed to feature-length films which still preserved
differ.10 This accounts for Mayers early a definite newsreel character. His inten-
withdrawal from the production of Berlin. tions and Ruttmanns are much the same.
(His next enterpriseyears before the Like Ruttmann, Vertov deems it essential
appearance of river films in America and to surprise life with the movie camerathe
Francewas a script narrating the story Kino-eye. Like Ruttmann, he cuts his can-
of the Danube. But this script was never did shots on the rhythmic movements inher-
produced.) ent in them. Like Ruttmann, he is interested
When Mayer criticized Berlin for its not in divulging news items, but in compos-
surface approach, he may well have had ing optical music. His Man with the Movie
in mind Ruttmanns method of editing. Camera (1929) can be considered a lyric
This method is tantamount to a surface documentary.14
approach, inasmuch as it relies on the Notwithstanding such an identity of
formal qualities of the objects rather than artistic intentions, Ruttmanns Berlin car-
on their meanings. Ruttmann emphasizes ries a meaning that differs basically from
pure patterns of movement.11 Machine parts the message Vertovs productions impart.
in motion are shot and cut in such a man- This difference originates in a difference
ner that they turn into dynamic displays of given conditions: the two artists apply
of an almost abstract character. These may similar aesthetic principles to the render-
symbolize what has been called the tempo ing of dissimilar worlds. Vertov endeavors
Montage 145

to live up to Lenins early demand that the matter. In the Ufa brochure on contemporary
production of new films, permeated with Kulturfilme, one finds the following descrip-
communist ideas, reflecting Soviet actual- tion of industrial documentaries: Blast fur-
ity, must begin with newsreels.15 He is the nacesemitfire vapors,white-hot
son of a victorious revolution, and the life iron pours into molds, material is torn,
his camera surprises is Soviet lifea reality material is compressed,material is milled,
quivering with revolutionary energies that material is polished, material becomes an
penetrate its every element. This reality has expression of our time.16 People in Berlin
a significant shape of its own. Ruttmann, assume the character of material not even
on his part, focuses upon a society which polished. Used-up material is thrown away.
has managed to evade revolution and now, To impress this sort of doom upon the audi-
under the stabilized Republic, is nothing ence, gutters and garbage cans appear in
but an unsubstantial conglomeration of close-up, and as in The Street waste paper is
parties and ideals. It is a shapeless reality, seen littering the pavement. The life of soci-
one that seems to be abandoned by all vital ety is a harsh, mechanical process.
energies. Only here can the difference between
Ruttmanns film reflects this reality. The Ruttmann and Vertov be fully grasped: it
innumerable streets of Berlin resemble the is a difference of attitude. Vertovs contin-
studio-built thoroughfare of Grunes The ued survey of everyday life rests upon his
Street in yielding an impression of chaos. unqualified acceptance of Soviet actuality.
Symbols of chaos that first emerged in He himself is part of a revolutionary pro-
the postwar films are here resumed and cess which arouses passions and hopes.
supplemented by other pertinent symbols. In his lyric enthusiasm, Vertov stresses
Conspicuous in this respect is a unit of suc- formal rhythms but without seeming
cessive shots combining a roller coaster, indifferent to content. His cross sections
a rotating spiral in a shop window, and are permeated with communist ideas
a revolving door. The many prostitutes even when they picture only the beauty of
among the passers-by also indicate that abstract movements.
society has lost its balance. But no one any Had Ruttmann been prompted by
longer reacts vigorously against its chaotic Vertovs revolutionary convictions, he would
condition. Another old motif called upon have had to indict the inherent anarchy of
betrays the same lack of concern: the police- Berlin life. He would have been forced to
man who stops the traffic to guide a child emphasize content rather than rhythm. His
safely across the street. Like the shots denot- penchant for rhythmic montage reveals
ing chaos, this motif, which in earlier films that he actually tends to avoid any critical
served to emphasize authority as a redemp- comment on the reality with which he is
tion, is now simply part of the recorda faced. Vertov implies content; Ruttmann
fact among facts. shuns it. This reluctance to appraise con-
The excitement has gone. Indifference tent is entirely consistent with his obvious
remains. That everybody is indifferent to his delight in the tempo of Berlin and the
fellow men can be inferred from the formal- marche des machines.17 Tempo is a formal
ization of social contrasts as well as from quality, and the socialist optimism that may
the repeated insertion of window-dressings manifest itself in the machine cult is noth-
with their monotonous rows of dolls and ing more than a vague reformist illusion.
dummies. It is not as if these dummies Here is why Mayer called Berlin a surface
were humanized; rather, human beings approach. He did not object to formal
are forced into the sphere of the inani- editing as such; what he condemned was
mate. They seem molecules in a stream of Ruttmanns formal attitude towards a reality

that cried out for criticism, for interpreta- was the Kulturfilm Die Wunder der Welt
tion. To be sure, Mayer was no revolutionary (Miracles of the Universe, 1929), a patchwork
like Vertov; but he had a pronounced sense of various explorer films.20
of the humane. It is hardly imaginable that Of greater interest were two cross-section
he would have misused social contrasts as films which, after the manner of Berlin,
pictorial transitions, or recorded increas- reported actual life through an assem-
ing mechanization without objectifying his blage of documentary shots. In Markt am
horrorofit. Wittenbergplatz (Street Markets in Berlin,
Ruttmanns rhythmic montage is 1929), Wilfried Basse used the stop-motion
symptomatic of a withdrawal from basic camera to condense the lengthy procedure
decisions into ambiguous neutrality. This of erecting tents and stands to a few sec-
explains the difference between Berlin and onds. It was neat and unpretentious pic-
the street films. Whereas Berlin refrains torial reportage, a pleasing succession of
from idealizing the street, such films as such characteristic details as bargaining
Asphalt and Tragedy of the Street praise it as housewives, stout market women, glitter-
the refuge of true love and justified rebel- ing grapes, flower displays, horses, lazy
lion. These films are like dreams called onlookers, and scattered debris. The whole
forth by the paralyzed authoritarian disposi- amounted to a pointless statement on col-
tions for which no direct outlet is left. Berlin orful surface phenomena. Its inherent
is the product of the paralysis itself. neutrality is corroborated by Basses indif-
A few contemporary critics identified ference to the change of political atmo-
it as such. In 1928, I stated in Frankfurter sphere under Hitler. In 1934, as if nothing
Zeitung: Ruttmann, instead of penetrat- had happened, he released Deutschland von
ing his immense subject-matter with a true Gestern und Heute, a cross-section film of
understanding of its social, economic and German cultural life which also refused to
political structure, records thousands of penetrate beneath the skin.21
details without connecting them, or at best Shortly after this market film, another
connects them through fictitious transitions more important bit of reportage appeared:
which are void of content. His film may be Menschen am Sonntag (People on Sunday).
based upon the idea of Berlin as the city of Eugen Shuftan, Robert Siodmak, Edgar
tempo and work; but this is a formal idea Ullmer, Billy Wilder, Fred Zinnemann,
which does not imply content either and and Moritz Seeler collaborated in the pro-
perhaps for that very reason intoxicates the duction of this late silent film. Its success
German petty bourgeoisie in real life and may have been due to the convincing way
literature. This symphony fails to point out it pictured a province of life rarely noticed
anything, because it does not uncover a sin- until then. A salesgirl, a traveling sales-
gle significant context.18 man, an extra, and a chauffeur are the
films main characters. On Sunday, they
Berlin inaugurated the vogue of leave their dreary homes for one of the
cross-section, or montage, films.19 They lakes near Berlin, and there are seen bath-
could be produced at low cost; and they ing, cooking, lying about on the beach,
offered a gratifying opportunity of showing making futile contacts with each other
much and revealing nothing. Several films and people like them. This is about all.
of that kind utilized stock material. One But it is significant inasmuch as all the
of them summarized the career of Henny characters involved are lesser employees.
Porten (1928); a second, similarly produced At that time, the white-collar workers had
by Ufa, extracted love episodes from old turned into a political factor. They were
movies (Rund um die Liebe, 1929); a third wooed by the Nazis as well as the Social
Montage 147

Democrats, and the whole domestic situ- 4. Rotha, Its in the Script, World Film News, Sept.
1938, p.205.
ation depended upon whether they would 5. Cf. Rotha, Documentary Film, pp.8788; Film
cling to their middle-class prejudices or Society Programme, March 4,1928.
acknowledge their common interests with 6. Evans, Karl Freund, Candid Cinematographer,
Popular Photography, Feb. 1939,p.51.
the working class. 7. Evans, ibid., pp.51, 8889; Blakeston, Interview
People on Sunday is one of the first films with Carl Freund, Close Up, Jan. 1929, pp.6061.
to draw attention to the plight of the little 8. Evans, ibid.,p.89.
9. Film Society Programme, March 4, 1928; Meisel,
man. In one sequence, a beach photog- Wie schreibt man Filmmusik, Ufa-Magazin,
rapher is busy taking pictures which then April 17, 1927. For Ruttmanns other films
appear within the film itself. They are during that period, see Film Society Programme,
inserted in such a way that it is as if the May 8,1927.
10. Rotha, Its in the Script, World Film News, Sept.
individuals photographed suddenly became 1938, p.205.
motionless in the middle of an action.22 As 11. Cf. Film Society Programme, Jan. 18,1929.
long as they move they are just average indi- 12. Balzs, Der Geist des Films, p.59. For other devices
in Berlin, see Arnheim, Film als Kunst, p.98, and
viduals; having come to a standstill, they Rotha, Film Till Now, p.295.
appear to be ludicrous products of mere 13. Rotha, Documentary Film, p.89; Potamkin, The
chance. While the stills in Dovzhenkos Rise and Fall of the German Film, Cinema, April
films serve to disclose the significance of 14. Vertov, Dziga Vertov on Film Technique,
some face or inanimate object, these snap- prefaced by Moussinac, Introduction, Filmfront,
shots seem designed to demonstrate how Jan. 28, 1985, pp.79. For Vertov and montage
in Russian films and in Berlin, see Pudovkin,
little substance is left to lower middle-class Film Technique, pp.18889; Richter, Ur-Kino,
people. Along with shots of deserted Berlin Neue Zrcher Zeitung, April 2, 1940; Balzs, Der
streets and houses, they corroborate what Geist des Films, pp.5758, 89, 9495; Brody,
Paris hears Eisenstein, Close Up, April 1930,
has been said above of the spiritual vacuum pp.28389.
in which the mass of employees actually 15. Quoted from Leyda, Program Notes, Series VII,
lived.23 However, this is the sole revela- program2.
16. Cf. p.142, and also 30 Kulturfilme, Ufa-Leih.
tion to be elicited from a film which on the 17. Rotha, Film Till Now, p.283.
whole proves as noncommittal as the other 18. Kracauer, Der heutige Film und sein Publikum,
cross-section films. Kraszna-Krausz states Frankfurter Zeitung, Dec. 1, 1928, Rotha,
Documentary Film, p.161, comments on Berlin in
of it: Melancholic observation. Not less, about the sameway.
not more.24 And Bla Balzs points out the 19. Cf. Potamkin, The Rise and Fall of the German
fanaticism for facts animating People on Film, Cinema, April 1930,p.25.
2 0. Cf. Kraszna-Krausz, The Querschnitt film,
Sunday and its like, and then comes to the Close Up, Nov. 1928, p.27; Rund um die
conclusion:They bury their meaning in an Liebe, Film-Magazin, Jan. 27, 1929; Stenhouse,
abundance of facts.25 The World on Film, Close Up, May 1930, pp.
21. Quoted from Rotha, Documentary Film, p.121.
Notes For Street Markets in Berlin, see Film Society
Programme, May 4, 1930; Arnheim, Film
1. Balzs, Der Film sucht seinen Stoff, Die als Kunst, p.123; Balzs, Der Geist des Films,
Abenteuer eines Zehnmarkscheins, and Balzs, pp.1067.
DerGeist des Films,p.86. 22. Arnheim, Film als Kunst, p.140.
2. Balzs, Der Film sucht seinen Stoff, Die 23. Cf. p.131f.
Abenteuer eines Zehnmarkscheins. 24. Kraszna-Krausz, Production, Construction,
3. Quoted from Blakeston, The Adventures of a Hobby, Close Up, April 1930, p.318.
Ten-Mark Note, Close Up, Nov. 1928, pp.5960. 25. Balzs, Der Geist des Films, p.202.

From Magician to Epistemologist(1972)

This introductory essay on the cinema of The Film Department of the Museum of
Dziga Vertov, one of four intended as a sec- Modem Art has, for these past three years,
tion in a critical reconsideration of Soviet made it possible to teach Soviet film in the
cinema between 1920 and the death of pleasantest of circumstances and to use
Eisenstein, is offered in grateful and affec- their rich archive. For this opportunity and
tionate tribute to P. Adams Sitnev, whose for the patient cooperation of Mr. Arthur
intelligence, energy, and wit have been a Steiger, their projectionist, Iam grateful.
constant stimulation during my past three ***
years of intensive involvement with the We are in Moscow, in January, 1935.
subject. The convergence and divergences A dozen men, suspending for a moment
of our thinking make for a complementar- the contradictions and rivalries which
ity of approach I especially value. I think, oppose them in polemical cross fire and
in particular, of the manner in which his tactical maneuver, are poised in the uneasy
own preoccupation with and knowledge of amity of a command performance. They
classical rhetoric, far exceeding my own, are in fact the Class of 1925 and sit, sur-
havein the form of conversation, lectures, rounded by their juniors, for a portrait; the
and in essays yet unpublishedsharpened, All-Union Creative Conference of Workers
confirmed, or corrected, views only embry- in Soviet Cinematography1 recomposes in
onically my own at thetime. the attitudes of official concord for the still
I should like to thank both Mr. Sitney and photographer.
Jonas Mekas, as directors of the Anthology The photograph will instruct us of the
Film Archives, for the courtesy of special general contours of an heroic era, pro-
screenings which helped in the preparation jecting the topography of a culture which
of this particularessay. engendered that which we now know to
The Man with the MovieCamera 149

Figure22.1 The All-Union Conference of Workers in Soviet Cinematography,1935.

be, in more than any vaguely metaphorical inflection of a revolutionary hagiography

sense, a language of cinema. The placing has taken that years honors and the most
of these men, their attitudes, the trajectories general official assent. Its success, and his,
of glances offered, exchanged, deflected, hover premonitorily in the air of this assem-
describe the interplay of character and bly, thickening it almost irrespirably with
sensibility which articulates a grand collec- ironies and ambiguities.
tive aspiration. This picture is an historic Eisenstein, the sessions embattled Chair
text; it demands a reading, in every which man, known to friends in the author-
way: across, up, down, around, all the way ity of his achievement and international
through. reputationand the dignity of his
In the first row, subtending as it were, thirty-seven yearsas The Old Man, sits
the presence and efforts of men such as in the center of the first row. Hes clutch-
Raisman, Trauberg, Romm, Donskoi, ing a briefcase containing, one would think,
Yutkevitch, Beck-Nazarov, who form a sec- the elaborate notes and bibliography for an
ond rank, are four elder masters:Pudovkin, opening address whose brilliance, irony,
Eisenstein, Tiss, Dovjenkoprime anima- and controlled intellectual pathos were to
tors of revolutionary cinemas first dozen bring his listeners to a pitch of fury, releas-
years or so. The man peering at top left over ing from these talented and pressured men,
the heads of his intermediary colleagues a massive and concerted lynching. He is for
and just coming into view, smilingas this moment, however, alive with a charac-
well he mightis Vassiliev who, together teristic smile of generous delight in a col-
with his brother, has produced the film leagues success, attending wholly to the
whose easy narrative flow and psychological man standing at the left and half turned

from us in an attitude of entirely graceful and realignments by the second; pressures

vivacity. This man is Pudovkin, and like the falsified positions. We must suppose that by
gifted and disciplined actor we know him in this time Kuleshov was somewhat removed
the widest range of film roles to be, he is at from the public scene, and with him that
work charming and diverting the assembly. one artist most problematic in his radical-
The lean and elegant creature on ism for even the greatest of his peers:Dziga
Eisensteins other side, bending toward Vertov. Vertov could have, as we shall see,
us, poised and concentrated, is Tiss, the no place in this picture.
great cameraman and Eisensteins life- We do, of course, have pictures of him,
long friend and co-worker. His gaze slants and the really speaking likeness is one
to the right beyond the scene action past which has him arrested in mid-air, leap-
the camera, through rather than towards ing or pirouetting, delivering him to us as
things. It pierces, as we say. Then, at an a body in violent movement, immobilized
angle almost perpendicular to that gaze, in what the stilled presence of motion sug-
as if far to the left, but, so far as one can gests might be a frame. It projects the
see, looking at nothing in particular, travels preoccupation spelled out in the pseud-
another glance. It is Dovjenkos. He is, as in onym which replaced, at the very thresh-
all his pictures, beautiful; he rests, slightly old of his working life, the family name of
slouched in an abandon of meditation, Denis Kaufman. Dziga Vertov, translated, is
his person half-encircled by the sweep of Spinning Top. That photograph, taken in
Tisss arm. Tisss pure focused gaze and maturity, is of course the late image of these
Dovjenkos stare would seemif this were early thoughts:
possibleto cross but nowhere to meet.
And this might be because indeed one is a Nineteen-eighteen. I moved to
stare, the other a gaze. Tisss eyes, looking Gnezdnikovsky No.7.
out upon the world, embrace another virtual Did a risky jump for a slow-motion
scene somewhere between our space and camera.
his. Dovjenkos look seems recollected back Didnt recognize my face on the
into itself. He smiles slightlyagain as if to screen.
himself. My thoughts were revealed on my
The juniors are involved in a general con- faceirresolution, vacillation and
traposto of body and focus whose traces will firmness (a struggle within myself),
produce a tangle that must drive a reader and again the joy of victory.
to distractionor to pedantry. Eisensteins First thought of the Kino-Eye as a
eyes, though fixed upon the moving object, world perceived without a mask, as
must see Pudovkin, his old adversary who a world of naked truth (that cannot
has been, in fact, addressing himself just be hidden).3
slightly past him to that tangle of the gen-
eral assembly. That world of naked truth is, in fact, the
Two men, however, are missing from space upon which epistemological inquiry
this dialectical icon. Kuleshov, the pioneer and the cinematic consciousness converge
of montage and once the teenage teacher in dialectical mimesis. And Vertov is its
of these men, is nowhere to be seen. We do great discoverer. His work is paradoxically
nevertheless know him to have spoken from concrete, the original and paradigmatic
the floor in a splendidly candid and coura- instance of an attempt to film, in slow
geous defense of Eisenstein.2 The arena of motion, that which has been, owing to the
public honor and debate, contracting in the manner in which it is perceived in natural
Stalinist climate, was precipitating conflicts speed, not absolutely unseen but missed
The Man with the MovieCamera 151

by sight, subject to oversight. An attempt camera) to give practical proofs of

to approach slowly and calmly that original his ideas. In this he has failed. He
intensity which is not given in appearance, had failed already in the era of the
but from which things and processes have silent film by showing hundreds of
none the less in turn derived.4 examples of most cunning artistry
The evolution of his work, and of the in turning acrobatic masterpieces of
master work with which Im now con- poetic jigsaw, brilliant conjuring (ital-
cerned, renders insistently concrete, as in ics mine) of filmic associationbut
another dialectical icon, that philosophical never a rounded work, never a clear,
phantasm of the reflexive consciousness, proceeding line. His great efforts
the eye seeing, apprehending itself through of strength in relation to detail did
its constitution of the worlds visibility. not leave him breath for the whole.
We are dealing certainly with a very spe- His arabesques totally covered the
cial case, a film with a forty-year history of ground plan, his fugues destroyed
the most generally distrustful and hostile every melody.5
reception and of systematic critical neglect.
The hostility and distrust are not, of course, This rhetoric and imagery, though inter-
unique, but the sustained neglect, the esting, are not my immediate concern. The
shared distrust and bewilderment of some judgment most significantly echoes that of
generally perceptive and qualified specta- Eisenstein, and in a manner which induces
tors, the totally evasive and inadequate lit- reflection on one of the most interesting
erature on The Man with the Movie Camera and knotty critical issues in Soviet film
give us pause. Soviet film is, after all, one history and esthetics: the relation between
of the most elaborately and swiftly docu- Eisenstein and Vertov. For Eisenstein, The
mented and consecrated areas in the his- Man with the Movie Camera is a compen-
tory of the medium. Its true, of course, that dium of formalist jackstraws and unmoti-
much remains to be done and to be redone, vated camera mischief, and its use of slow
to be rescued from the damaging mold of motion is unfavorably compared with Jean
piety, but the absence of close and serious Epsteins in The Fall of the House of Usher.
attention makes this film something of a Its compared, rather, with that which had
very special case. Shoved hastily and dis- been reported of Epsteins film in the press,
tractedly into the ashcan of film history, since Eisenstein admits, in what must have
it has been left to tick away, through four been an impatient afterthought, that he had
decades, like a time bomb. not yet seen the film! Attempting to account
Here is one contemporary judgment of for the naked and disingenuous belligerency
the film, published in the December, 1931, of those remarks,6 one recalls Eisensteins
issue of Close-Up, two years after the initial late strictures on his own first mature
release in the Soviet Union. Offered by Jay work, the film closest in style and tone to
Leyda as a focus for the films presentation Vertovs. Strike he professed to see, from the
in Kino, it is an excellent index of general vantage point of maturity, as infected with
reaction. the childhood disease of leftism, a meta-
phor for esthetic formalism borrowed from
Theorists mostly love their theories Leninist polemical literature.
more than a father loves an only But here is a third view, that of Leyda
Vertov also has waged himself, our senior and in every way exem-
fierce, vehement and desperate plary scholar of the period, advanced with a
battles with his material and his characteristic scrupulousness: My memory
instruments (reality and the film of The Man with the Movie Camera is not

reliable; I have not seen it since it happened precise similarities and differences of style
to be, in 1930, the first Soviet film I saw. It between earlier and later films demand revi-
was such a dazzling experience that it took sion, but the films demand a finer, closer
two or three other Soviet films with normal reading than anyone could at that time give.
stories to convince me that all Soviet films The Man with the Movie Camera was simply
were not compounded of such intricate unavailable for study within the Eastern
camera pyrotechnics. But I hope to be for- zone. Yet here is a film, available for rental
given for not bringing away any very clear in this country from a major distributor of
critical idea as I reeled out of the Eighth 16 millimeter work, and obviously, for all
Street PlayhouseI was even too stunned practical critical purposes, just as unavail-
to sit through it again. The apparent pur- able. That double circumstance tells us
pose of the film was to show the breadth that its author does indeed inhabit another
and precision of the cameras recording abil- space:it is an index of its strangeness as a
ity. But Vertov and his cameraman-brother, filmic object.
Mikhail Kaufman, were not content to show Thinking again of Eisenstein, one is led
any simple vocabulary of film practice; the to inquire whether Vertovs masterwork
cameraman is made an heroic participant in does not constitute a redefinition of that
the currents of Soviet life. He and his meth- intellectual cinema which had so haunted
ods are treated by Vertov in his most fluid Eisensteins imagination. We know that his
montage style, establishing large patterns of career produced not only an oeuvre, but
sequences: the structure resembles that of that shadow oeuvre of unrealized projects,
Kino-Eye, with a succession of themesthe its poles defined by the projected filmic ver-
audience, the working day, marriage, birth, sions of Capital and of Joyces Ulysses. One
death, recreationeach with a whirling gal- might, in fact, see them as positing a shift
loping climax; but the execution of the two from the articulation of a comprehensive
films, separated by less than five years, are and dialectical view of the world to the explo-
worlds apart. The camera observation in ration of the terrain of consciousness itself.
Kino-Eye was alert, surprising, but never I will suggest that it is Vertov who effects
eccentric. Things and actions were caught, that shift, and who maps that terrain in The
but less for the catchings sake than for the Man with the Movie Camera. Suggesting
close observation of the things themselves. that, I then suppose that only a shock of
In The Man with the Movie Camera all the recognition, a shudder of remembrance
stunts that can be performed by a camera- and perhaps of reawakened aspiration long
man armed with Debrie or hand-camera repressed, could elicit this bitter triviality
and by a film-cutter armed with the bold- from the intellectually powerful and gener-
ness of Vertov and Svilova can be found in ous man weve watched beaming so disarm-
this full-to-bursting film, recognized abroad ingly at Pudovkin, his old antagonist.
for what it really is, an avant-garde film,
though produced by VUFKU, a State trust.7 Vertov begins his career in 1919 with a
And Leydas later viewing at the Parisian death verdict pronounced on all motion
Cinemathque confirms his initial impres- pictures made until then. He is making no
sions of brilliance. exceptions and redefines cinema as cap-
Now all these texts deserve a closer turing the feel of the world through the
reading than I shall give them: they raise substitution of the camera, that perfectible
problems directly or implicitly of all eye, for the human eye, that imperfect-
sorts: historiographic, stylistic, esthetic, ible one. For Vertov, then, the distinction
political. Leydas estimation of the nature of or conflict between what was known as the
Vertovs development from Kino-Eye on, the art film and any other kind of cinema then
The Man with the MovieCamera 153

being made was totally without meaning. In introducing itself into the
He relocated the frontier between mimesis apparent chaos of life, the Kino-Eye
and the feel of the world, recalling to us tries to find in life itself an answer to
Shklovskys command: We must recover the question it poses; to find the cor-
the world; we live as if coated with rubber. rect and necessary line among the
So too, in the preparation of Enthusiasm, millions of phenomena which relate
his first sound film, he entirely redefined to the theme.8
the problems and possibilities created by
the new parameter, shifting the focus of The montage style, a refinement and
research from the borderline separating extension of the heritage of Griffith and
synchronous and asynchronous sound to Kuleshov, was original in the intensity
that which distinguishes the fictive from the of its refinement and in the imaginative
evidential, the composed from the concrete. power of that extension to every param-
Vertovs disdain of the mimetic, his con- eter of the cinema. For Vertov, as for
cern with technique and process, with their Eisensteininheritors, as well, of the last
extensions and revelation, stamp him as a great philosophical system of the Westthe
member of the Constructivist generation. responsibilities implicit in this double birth-
The shared ideological concern with the role right were felt as weighty and imperious. As
of his art as the agent of human perfectibil- Bazin was later to hypostasize his ontology
ity, of a social transformation which issues of film into an ontology of existential free-
in a transformation of consciousness in the dom (rejecting, as he did so, the tricks
most complete and intimate sense, the cer- of montage), so for the prime theorists of
tainty of accession to that world of naked Soviet cinema, montage thinking became
truth are grounded in the acceptance, the inseparable from dialectical thinking as a
affirmation of, the radically synthetic quality whole. The process of intellection elicited
of film-making in the stylistics of montage. in the experience of the montage unit is
thus hypostasized into the triadic rehearsal
of the dialectic.
Kino-Eye is a victory against time. It
To survey or somewhat more concretely
is a visual link between phenomena
separated from one another in time. to grasp the sense in which Vertov shares the
Kino-Eye gives a condensation of concerns and strategies of Constructivism,
time, and also its decomposition. one does best, I think, to defer think-
Kino-Eye avails itself of all ing about his employment of Gans and
the current means of recording Rodchenko as collaborators and to consider
ultra-rapid motion, microcinema- ratherinitially, at leastthe possible rela-
tography, reverse motion, multiple tion of this particular filmic object to another
exposure, foreshortening, etc., and object of the period, as strange and bewil-
does not consider these as tricks, but dering in its time, as controversialthough
as normal processes of which wide not, of course, as universally condemned.
use must bemade. This is Tatlins model for The Monument for
Kino-Eye makes use of all the the Third International made, as Shklovsky
resources of montage, drawing remarked, of iron, glass and revolution.
together and linking the various I have, in quite another context, dis-
points of the universe in a chrono- cussed the manner in which Tatlin, caught
logical or anachronistic order as one in the dialectic of the esthetic and the
wills, by breaking, if necessary, with functional, moves into the real space
the laws and customs of the con- of function while preserving the esthetic
struction of cine-thing. character of sculpture, thereby initiating a

movement of transgression, bewildering in does it mean to arrange pieces accord-

the extreme to its beholders and manifest ing to subtitles (deviations of a literary
in contradictions and ambiguities of the character).
contemporary debate over the nature and Every Kino-Eye production is mounted
qualities of the Monument.9 Confronting on the very day that the subject (theme) is
this work, those beholders produced a map chosen, and this work ends only with the
of intellectual life in the Soviet Union of launching of the film into circulation in its
the early 20s: Punin sees it as functional, definitive form. In other words, montage
as an organic synthesis of the principles takes place from the beginning to the end
of architecture, sculpture, and painting; of production.11
Ehrenberg, as an expression of the dynamic
tomorrow, surrounded by the poverty of the Vertov then proceeds, in this second lec-
present. For Trotsky, it is a nonfunctional ture on Kino-Eye, to articulate the stages of
intrusion, a luxury in the devastated city of montage production involved in Evaluation
the immediately postrevolutionary period, of Documents, directly or indirectly
and for Shklovsky, of course, a formal struc- related to the chosen theme (manuscripts,
ture with its own immanent logic, its own various objects, film clippings, photo-
semantics. graphs, newspaper clippings, books), the
This triadic structure, multifunctional plan of shots which is the focus of Montage
in design, turning at three different and Synthesis, and General Montage, the syn-
simultaneous speeds (encompassing the thesis of the observations noted on the film
full temporal scale of day, month, and year), under the direction of the machine-eye.
receiving and emitting information, bulle- Proceeding to the discussion of composi-
tins and manifestos, projecting film from a tion through organization of intervals,
screen and writing weather forecasts in light upon the movement between frames and
upon the heavens, is based, as Malevich the proportions of these pieces as they relate
remarked, upon the Cubist formula as to one another, taking into account relations
much as The Man with the Movie Camera of planes (small and large), relations of fore-
is grounded in the technique of montage.10 shortenings, relations of movements within
Both structures propose an hyperbolic inten- the frame of each piece, relations of lights
sification of those techniques, insisting upon and shades, relations of speeds of record-
the materiality of the object and upon its ing. This theory, which has been called the
architectonics as the core of interest. It is for theory of intervals was launched by the
these reasons and perhaps insofar as both kinoks in their manifesto WE, written as
structures do, in their polyvalence and cir- early as 1919. In practice, this theory was
cularity, more literally revolve about a core, most brilliantly illustrated in The Eleventh
that they seemin a common movement of Year and especially in The Man with the
transgressionto converge upon the defini- Movie Camera.12
tion of a style, a program, a semantics of And
construction. And here is Vertovs adumbra- All who love their art seek the essence of
tion of a culture of materials: technique to show that the eye does not
seeto show truth, the microscope and
To make a montage is to organize pieces telescope of time, the negative of time,
of film, which we call the frames, into a the possibility of seeing without frontiers
cine-thing. It means to write something or distances; the tele-eye, sight in spon-
cinematic with the recorded shots. It does taneity, a kind of Communist decoding of
not mean to select pieces, to make scenes reality. Almost all art film workers were
(deviations of a theatrical character), nor enemies of the Kinoks. This was normal;
The Man with the MovieCamera 155

it meant they would have to reconsider 27. Skin is returnedtohim

their mtier. Kino-Pravda was made with 28. Resurrection of thebull
materials as a house is built with bricks.
And later in the film, from a Pioneers diary,
title 64:If time went backwards the bread
In 1924, Vertov made the film we know
would return to the bakery. And the film
as Kino-Glaz or Kino-Eye, the first of a pro-
then continues with a recapitulation of
jected series. The Kino-Pravda series, his
bread distribution and manufacture.
first major work, had involved him for
It is, however, essential that we note the
some years in the production of short docu-
sequence separating these two recapitula-
ments or newsreels on the widest variety of
tions in reverse action:it is entirely devoted
themes. Kino-Glaz is a didactic work, cen-
to the presentation of a magician, and its
tered on episodes which articulate major
intertitles read as follows:
preoccupations of the young Soviet regime:
it deals with the manufacture and distribu- 56. Film Eye about a Chinese magician
tion of bread, the processing and distribu- 57. Gui Yuan works for hisbread
tion of meat, celebrates the constructions of 58. Behold
youth camps, and discusses the problem of 59. Observe, observe, the wholehand
alcoholism. 60. Observe the hand, observe thehole
Kino-Glaz is going to interest us espe- 61. Nothingnothing
cially (my own first viewing of it came some 62. Now, make one livemouse
years after I had come to know some of
Vertovs mature work, much after my sense The transition, then, between the two
of the dynamics at work in The Man with the reversals of action is the image of the magi-
Movie Camera, so that my experience of it cian. Vertov is presenting him, of course, as
was primarily as a stage in the evolution of a worker, someone who earns his bread by
those dynamics as of something fitting, as the creation of illusion, that worker whose
with a final click, into place). It introduces prestidigitation is perhaps closest in effect
Vertovs formal adoption of the articulation to that of the filmmaker. We shall meet with
of filmmaking technique as his subject. It the magician once again in the paradigmati-
begins, as well, to suggest what we may cally reflexive film in which the processes of
understand by the negative of time as a filmmaking, editing, and projection will be
key to the Communist decoding of reality. revealed and assimilated, through constant
Looking for the negative of time, we find and elaborate parallel montage, to the pro-
it in the use of reverse motion as analytic cesses and functions of labor. If the film-
strategy. maker is, like the magician, a manufacturer
It is near the beginning of Kino-Glaz that of illusions, he can, unlike the prestidigita-
we first see a peasant woman on her way to tor and in the interests of instruction of a
the market to buy meat. We next see her, heightening of consciousness, destroy illu-
walking backwards, propelled by the rever- sion by that other transcendentally magical
sal of that sequence, whence she came. The procedure, the reversal of time by the inver-
processing and distribution of meats is then sion of action. He can develop as it were,
recapitulated in reverse, aswell. the negative of time for the Communist
Here are the numbered intertitles of that: decoding of reality. This thematic interplay
of magic, illusion, labor, filmic techniques,
23. Kino-Eye pushes time backwards and strategy, articulating a theory of film
24. Only to meat market and freezer as epistemological inquiry is the complex
25. Beef 20 secondsago central core around which Vertovs great-
26. Beef gets its intestinesback est work develops. I want, therefore, to

suggest that Kino-Glaz directly articulates analogues of film structure, is, as we

in a remarkably subtle and complex manner know, one of the dominant characteristics
a polemical statement made the very same of Soviet filmmakers and theoreticians of
year. Extracted from the stenographic record the heroic period. The hyperbolic intensi-
of his speech made during a colloquium on fication and growth of montage style with
Art and Everyday Life, it was published for its attendant metaphoric thrust, the man-
the first time in Moscow in 1966. ner in which film after filmfrom Strike
through Traubergs China Expresstends
We raise our protest against the col- towards the elaboration of a central meta-
lusion of the director as enchanter phoric cluster, testifies to the importance
with the public submissive to and the depth of a concern natural in men
enchantment. living close to the sources of modern lin-
Only consciousness can fight the guistics and of formalist criticism, close to
sway ofmagic. the work of Shklovsky, Brik, Jakobson. And
Only consciousness can form it is, of course, a sure sign of the times that
a man of firm opinion and solid Eisensteins sustained concern with these
conviction. problems, his attempt to extend and refine
We need conscious men, not an upon earlier formulations in the light of
unconscious mass submissive to recent anthropological studies, should
any passing suggestion. have triggered the fury of the Conference
Long live the class consciousness of1935.
of healthy men with eyes and ears to The Man with the Movie Camera is,
see and hearwith. among other things, a massive testimonial
Away with the perfumed veil to this concern, sharing, hyperbolizing the
of kisses, murder, doves and use of metaphor, simile, synecdoche, rhym-
prestidigitation. ing images, parataxis and incurring, above
Long live the class vision. all, the reproach of gramatical inconsis-
Long live the cinemaeye. tency, one might better term a strategic use
of anacolutha.
Reverse motion, first used in Kino-Glaz The trope developed in Kino-Glaz,
to illuminate process, will come to occupy quintessential in the evolution of Vertovs
a privileged place in a work dedicated to style, flowering in the film of 1929, is the
the creation of a dialectically inflected con- cinematic embodiment through reversal
sciousness. It will, in fact, develop into the technique of the figure of speech known in
most personally characteristic and central classical rhetoric as hysteron proteron, that
visual tropes of Vertovs mature work, the figure by which what should come last is
formal pivot of his epistemological dis- put first, positioning or arranging things in
course. That development is, in its com- the reverse of their natural or rational order.
plexity and coherence, unique within the (An example, extracted from the Oxford
history of film. Turning, for some analo- Shorter Dictionary and therefore properly
gous example of the strength and organicity biblical, is: Take ye, eat ye, this is my body:
with which that central trope will infuse his the injunction to eat preceding the pre-
mature work, one reaches for the complex sentation of the substance, its condition.
image clusters which articulate the later Another would be Enobarbus description
plays of Shakespeare. in Act III, scene 8, of Antony and Cleopatra:
The notion of film as language, the ThAntoniad, the Egyptian admiral, with all
concern with the linguistic aspects and their sixty, fly, and turn the rudder.) Action
The Man with the MovieCamera 157

reversed, then, the negative of time will thrill on the deepest level of filmic enter-
function as a prime agent of Vertovs struc- prise, to recognize the privileged character
tural and conceptual projects. We shall be of the medium as being in itself the promise
seeing its consummate development in the of an incomparable, an unhoped for, grasp
admitted dazzlement of The Man with the upon the nature of causality.
Movie Camera. These instants of complex magicClairs
arrest of boats in their slow cruising on
Something of great moment was, how- the Seine (slow to the point of being ren-
ever, to occur between the making of the dered visibly in motion through that arrest),
two films. Vertov saw in April of 1926, the the paralysis and vivification of whole city
first film of the young Ren Clair, Paris Qui crowds, the resuscitation of figures fro-
Dort (known in this country as The Crazy zen, unsupported in a slouch of sleepall
Ray), and the experience was upsetting. deserve their Ode, must have, in any case,
He records in his journal the mixed feel- an essay of theirown.
ings it elicited, the sense of delight mixed Remarkable in Paris Qui Dort are the
with the exasperation felt upon encounter- quality and aspect of the Parisian streets,
ing the work one wantedone had indeed intimately reminiscent of the photographs
plannedto make onesself. Atget would continue to make until his
Paris Qui Dort is a film about a rather death in 1927 and of which Walter Benjamin
amiably mad scientist who immobilizes all remarked:
of Paris in a trance of sleep with a magical
paralyzing ray machine. Only the hand-
It has quite justly been said of [Atget]
some young guard of the Eiffel Tower and
that he photographed [the streets
his guestsan airplane pilot and four of Paris] like scenes of crime. The
passengersand the scientists pretty scene of a crime, too, is deserted; it
daughter are exempt, through the altitude of is photographed for the purpose of
the tower to which the ray cannot penetrate. establishing evidence. With Atget,
The last quarter of this charming work is photographs become standard evi-
animated by the series of variations played, dence for historical occurrences and
in a shower of gentle gags, upon the basic acquire a hidden political signifi-
techniques of stop-motion, acceleration, cance. They demand a specific kind
deceleration, animation. The sustained cli- of approach; free-floating contempla-
max, involving the subjection of an entire tion is not appropriate to them. They
city to the erratic control of the ray is extraor- stir the viewer; he feels challenged
dinary. A sort of electric charge or thrill is by them in a new way. At the same
produced by the instants of freeze and of time picture magazines begin to put
release. This, of course, is the aspect of filmic up signposts for him, right ones or
experience most characteristic of moviola or wrong ones, no matter. For the first
editing-machine experience of film, and one time, captions have become obliga-
most stubbornly resistant to the effort of ver- tory. And it is clear that they have an
bal description. It is in so far as Clair and altogether different character than
Vertov are engaged in the direct manipula- the title of a painting. The directives
tion of filmic process that their finest work which the captions give to those look-
resists description. To describe a movement ing at pictures in illustrated maga-
is difficult; to describe the instant of arrest zines soon become even more explicit
and of release reversal, of movement, is and more imperative in the film,
something else again; it is to confront that where the meaning of each single

picture appears to be prescribed by systematic deployment of the filmic tech-

the sequence of all preceding ones.13 niques and strategies. The multiple themes
of The Man with the Movie Camerathe life
of man from birth through marriage and
Those deserted streets will reappear death, the progress of a day, the making and
in the opening section of The Man with projection of a filmwill be articulated not
the Movie Camera, the greatest of the city only through the use of metaphor, synecdo-
documentaries, the silent film from which che, simile, comparison, rhyming images,
Vertov resolutely excluded titles. Atgets but through the freeze-frame, acceleration,
concern with the space of places and of split-frame, superimposition, all the anom-
objects and with the virtual spaces and alies of his own inventory, and many more.
images of reflection will also reappear in The result, articulated most powerfully
Vertovs shops and their display windows. through the presentation of the filmmaking
And the window pane will be the plane on editing and projection process, is a revela-
and through which, in reflection, the space tion, an exposure of the terms and dynam-
outside, of city landscape and its figures will ics of cinematic illusionism. And this it
be confounded with the space inside and its isand not the speed, complexity, formal
mannequins. Vertov will carry the conceit virtuosity, obscurity,that produced the
of the glass as both camera and projector to shock, the scandal, the bewilderment in its
its dazzling extreme in a sequence in which beholders. It is the manner in which Vertov
the glass of a revolving door will project, in questions the most immediately powerful
its swing of 180 degrees, its panning image and sacred aspect of cinematic experience,
of the neighborhood surroundingit. disrupting systematically the process of
Vertov had planned to make a film of identification and participation, generating
Moscow Asleep two years prior to his encoun- at each moment of the films experience,
ter with the Clair film, and of course that a crisis of belief. In a sense most subtle and
general idea is rendered in the opening complex, he was, Bazin to the contrary, one
shots of Odessa, her streets empty, her shut- of those directors who put their faith in the
ters and blinds opening, her machinery set image; that faith was, however, accorded to
in motion as her people stir to life again in the image seen, recognized as an image and
the morning. Both Vertov and Clair do build the condition of that faith or recognition,
to a finale through a coda of Rossini-like the consciousness, the subversion through
acceleration. Clairs scientist, however, with consciousness, of cinematic illusionism.
his endearingly simple, freaky-looking lit- Thirty years after the invention of the
tle machine, irresistibly suggests to us, as medium, four years after Eisensteins inau-
well he might to Vertov, a metaphor for the gural master-work of the Revolutionary
movie maker and his camera, an invention period,14 Vertov had produced a film which,
roughly the contemporary of both the tower taking cinematic consciousness as its
itself and that other dream machine, the theme, defined in a stroke the outermost
aeroplane. It remained, then, for Vertov to limits of his art, that art par excellence of
draw the conclusion of which that metaphor this century and its revolution. How many
is a sort of premise, to work out, as it were, bold and innovative filmic enterprises by
the consequences of that insight. gifted and energetic men might not look
Supposing this, I will suppose as well somewhat conservative, if not regressive, in
that the encounter with Paris Qui Dort comparison? Vertov had thus produced an
was more than frustrating; it was catalytic, impossible situation, a situation hardly to
sharpening and confirming Vertovs episte- be borne. Or to be borne only in the rigid-
mological orientation stimulating the more ity of shock, dealt with through the reflex of
The Man with the MovieCamera 159

exclusion, the cri du coeur which speaks the subverted, and one is made conscious of
idiom of invective. this disjunction.
We now want, however, a closer view of 4. The subversion and restoration of filmic
Vertovs work, some knowledge of his strat- illusion acting to distend and contract the filmic
egies. Here is a brief and partial inventory: image. As in the penultimate sequence in
which we are constantly alternating between
1. The continual reminder of the pres- the image of the cyclist racing and the image
ence of the screen as a surface. As in the of the theater auditorium containing the
repeated, simultaneous movement into the stage containing the screen upon which the
depth of its illusionist projection and out image is projected. The oscillation between
towards the spectator of the trams, a kind illusion experienced and illusion revealed
of push-and-pull which coexist in a virtual accelerates in the final coda of thefilm.
stasis, and neutralizing one another, tend to 5. The subversion of the cinematic illu-
pull ones eye back to the screens surface, sion, through processes of distortion and/or
their point of encounter. abstraction. These involve the use of the
2. The intrusion of animation techniques split screen which will multiply images
into the action. Our magician appears once in repetitive patterns (as with the trams),
more, but suddenly, as if conjured up by impose the abstraction of visual gags (the
another magician, another magic. This image of the athlete exercising with dumb-
apparition is followed by another, that of bells, converted into a trunkless, many-
carrousel horses quickly coming into view limbed monster) and, most importantly,
on the carrousel which has been presented arrestthrough a process of multiplica-
without them. We then see a trick of magic tion or opposition or superimposition of
performed by animation of inanimate spacesof the temporal flow which gen-
objects. The magicians appurtenances are erates the illusion. This is involved, most
animated by the filmmaker, who has taken interestingly, in the technique of super-
the magicians place or function. After this, imposition and deserves some particular
the layout of a poster, performed by anima- study, though I would propose the work of
tion magic, once again, and we focus on the Stan Brakhage as an evidently richer field
poster, whose image of an athlete leads us for this particular investigation.
into the slow motion of the sport sequence. 6. The process of intellection so constantly
3. The alternation within one large sequence solicited by the complex structure, the entire
of slow and normal speeds. In the sports texture of this most assertively edited film.
sequences we see athletes performing, in This is the most constantly used distancing
slow motion, sometimes arrested, and in technique.
normal speed as well. We also see specta-
tors watching (them) in intercut sequences. It is, however, the reversal of order and
They are, it would seem, looking at what of action, the hysteron proteron which, as
we see. There is, at least, as in all montage the pivot of Vertovs strategy, most strongly
sequences of this sort, the implication of solicits our attention. One thing is plain:the
a spectacle shared by filmed spectator and manner in which the use of that trope has
spectator of the film. They are seen, how- evolved since the making of Kino-Glaz. In the
ever, in a setting which implies as well an earlier film it is employed straightforwardly,
integral space which contains them and for directly didactic purposes:simple reverse
the athletes, and their activity of looking motion sends the peasant woman backwards
is shot at normal speed, while we see the through the streets, the bull back through
athletes performing in slower speed. The dismemberment to resurrection, as though
implication of shared spectacle is therefore by magic. In The Man with the Movie Camera,

the figure is employed in a manner far more madly away as they chatter, laugh, observe,
complex, refined, varied, heightened. Applied and mimic. Their horse gallops to a sud-
very seldom in the manner of Kino-Glaz (an den stop, hooves poised in mid-air, as
exception would be the reordering of a chess Vertov freezes all the life and elegance into
set back to its initial position on the board), it an interval that fills the screen with what
is sometimes even difficult to detectas in one might call the evidence of life. He then
the sequence of a locomotive moving either contracts that image into the strip manip-
so quickly or so slowly that we deduce ulated by the editors skill. We have seen
its inversion from other elements in the some minutes ago a young peasant woman
imagefrom the movement of human fig- in the market. We see her now as a series
ures at the periphery of the screen. It is used of single frames composing a strip to be
metaphorically, as in the swift and some- organized into the film we are watching,
what humorously reversed orientation of the segment weve just seen. As if to inten-
the telephoto lens which intervenes between sify the subversion of illusion involved in
sequences showing marriage and divorce the contraction and multiplication of the
bureausas if to intimate that marriage is image, Vertov swivels the image about
another process, and therefore, reversible. so that the strip lies on its side. We have
Here, though, are other instances: been confronted with an Eleatic paradox in
The film contains, as we know, an image which confusion as to the anteriority of the
of the life cyclein which mourning (the womans existence to her presence as an
image of a mother grieving, weeping over image is compounded by confusion as to
a tomb) proceeds the funeral procession of the anteriority of the film strip to the pro-
the younghero. jected illusion.
One sees the railway train roaring Another, ultimate variation on this
towards one, and later the cameraman and theme presents the strip of frames which
the camera on the track, the level from record the faces of children, and it is only
which that shot was filmed. Or one sees, much later in the film that we see, we rec-
emerging from a mine shaft, a worker steer- ognize, these children in movementalive
ing a coal wagon, shot at a tilt. He passes, within the illusion of the film. They are
and one sees the cameraman prone on the the magicians enchanted and enchanting
ground, filminghim. children, brought to life by a conjurer,
The shot of an elevator moving up, then that conjurer who has in turn animated
down, is followed by the shot of the cam- the magician. For behind every image of
eraman on the ground filming. This sec- the cameraman is another cameraman,
ond shot, filmed from the elevator cage in and behind the magician.We have, then,
motion, causes the cameraman, standing a loop which runs as in a Mbius strip,
stationary on the landing, to appear in verti- from twisting from live to fictive and
cal motion. backagain.
It is above all in the detailed elaboration Pushing beyond the disclosure of film-
of the processes of filming and of editing, making techniques, Vertov has abandoned
projection and viewing that Vertov has the didactic for the maieutic, render-
seized upon the trope as a master strat- ing causality visible. Now, it is the most
egy, elevating it to the function of a radi- general characteristic of adult logic as
cal innovation. These sequences, initiated distinguished from that of children, to
about halfway through the film, begin with be reversible. The logico-mathematical
the summer promenade of elegant ladies operations characteristic of adults are,
from a peasant market in a carriage fol- as we know, interiorized actions, revers-
lowed by the cameraman who is cranking ible in that each operation involves a
The Man with the MovieCamera 161

Figure 22.2 Magician, in The Man With the Movie Camera (1929). Still capture from DVD.

counteroperationas in addition and sub- 6. They occur in Eisensteins important theoretical

essay The Cinematographic Principle and the
traction.15 We must, then, looking at The Ideogram written in 1929. Discussing the style of
Man with the Movie Camera, see, in that the Kabuki theater and its unprecedented slowing
eye reflected by the camera lens, Vertov as down of all movement, he goes on to say,
definingthrough the systematic subver- here we see disintegration of the process of
sion of the certitudes of illusiona thresh- movement, viz., slow motion. I have heard of
old in the development of consciousness. only one example of a thorough application
of this method, using the technical possibil-
Rendering uncertainty more certain, he ity ofthe film with a compositionally reasoned
invited the camera to come of age, trans- plan. It is usually employed with some purely
forming with a grand cartesian gesture, pictorial aim, such as the sub-marine kingdom
in The Thief of Bagdad, or to represent a dream
The Man with the Movie Camera from a as in Zvenigora (Dovjenkos first film). Or, more
Magician into an Epistemologist. often, it is used simply for formalist jackstraws
and unmotivated camera mischief as in Vertovs
The Man with the Movie Camera. The more
Notes commendable example appears to be in Jean
Epsteins La Chute de la Maison Usherat least
1. An account of this conference, called in celebration according to the press reports. In this film, nor-
of the 15th anniversary of the Soviet film industry mally acted emotions filmed with a speeded-up
and from which Eisenstein emerged with a camera are said to give unusual emotional pres-
humiliating fourth-class award, is presented in sure by their unrealistic slowness on the screen.
Marie Setons Eisenstein: A Biography, New York, If it be borne in mind that the effect of an actors
n.d., pp. 33050. performance on the audience is based on its
2. Ibid., p.339. identification by each spectator, it will be easy
3. From The Notebooks of Dziga Vertov, trans. Val to relate both examples (the Kabuki play and
Telberg, from Iskusstvo Kino, 3, 1957, and reprinted the Epstein film) to an identical causal explana-
in Harry M.Geduld, Film Makers on Film Making, tion. The intensity of perception increases as the
Indiana,1967. didactic process of identification proceeds more
4. The metaphor of this formulation, by Grard Granel, easily along a disintegrated action.
of the phenomenological project and method is Even instruction in handling a rifle can be
discussed in my previous essay, Toward Snow, hammered into the lightest motor-mentality
Artforum, June, 1971. For Granels text, presented among a group of raw recruits if the instructor
here in my own translation, see Le Sens du Temps et uses a break-down method.
de la Perception chez Husserl, Paris, 1968, p. 108.
5. Jay Leyda, Kino:AHistory of the Russian and Soviet Eisenstein, Film Form, Essays in Film Theory, ed. and
Film, London, 1960, p.251. trans. Jay Leyda, Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 4344.
7. Leyda, Kino, pp.25152. Leyda has, quite Illuminations, ed. Hannah Arendt, trans. Harry
understandably, exaggerated the films reputation Zohn, New York, 1969. I reserve discussion of
abroad. Benjamins views on photography and upon cinema
8. Dziga Vertov, Kino-Eye:Lecture II, in Geduld, Film for another essay, pointing out on this occasion his
Makers, p.102. view that the resources of (the cameras) lowerings
9. Annette Michelson, Robert Morris. An Aesthetics and liftings, its interruptions and isolations, its
of Transgression, for the Corcoran Gallery of Art, extensions and accelerations, its enlargements and
Washington, D.C., 1969, pp.7175. reductions introduce us to unconscious optics as does
10. The Malevich text, pertinent to this discussion psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses.
and quoted in extenso on page 73 of Michelsons 14. Strike was made in 1925.
Robert Morris catalogue is exacted from Kasimir 1 5. For a presentation of this notion, central to Jean
S. Malevich, Essays on Art: 19151928, trans. Xenia Piagets theory of developmental epistemology,
Glowacki, Copenhagen, 1968, p. 77. see his Six Etudes de Psychologie, Geneva, 1964.
11. See Vertov, Kino-Eye:Lecture II, in Geduld, p.102. For previous discussion within a specifically
12. Ibid., pp.103105. cinematic context, see Annette Michelson, Bodies
13. See Benjamins celebrated essay, The Work of in Space:Film as Carnal Knowledge, Artforum,
Art in the Era of Mechanical Reproduction, in February,1969.

Dziga Vertov and the Leninist Proportion(1973)

It has become increasingly apparent to The Soviet cineaste who most staunchly
those concerned with Soviet cinema that advocated adherence to the Leninist pro-
previously accepted explanations of the portion was Dziga Vertov. That Dziga
birth of the golden age of the 1920s are Vertov discovered the basics of Soviet mon-
no longer adequate. It is simply foolish, for tage simultaneously with Kuleshov, and
instance, to explain Russian montage as the that he developed the technique with an
result either of a shortage of raw stock or of intensity far surpassing that of his contem-
Kuleshovs study of Griffith. A third theory, poraries, would in itself justify the attention
linking the films of the 1920s with activi- he is now receiving from historians and
ties in other Soviet arts, fails to take into film-makers. What makes Vertovs work
account the special status given to film by even more interesting is that he accom-
the newly victorious Bolshevik government. plished his ends not by virtue of an abstract
Of all the arts practised in Russia, film was aesthetic, but rather by attempting to meet
chosen by Lenin to play the greatest role in the needs of post-Revolutionary Russia
consolidating the power of the new regime. with uniquely ingenious applications of the
It was not, however, the conventional film potentials of film.
of 1917 that Lenin had in mind. In a memo Vertovs earliest works show this aware-
dictated some time after his original pro- ness of how to create films in response to
nouncement on cinema, Lenin added the social realities. The Kinonedelia (Cinema
proviso that the Soviet film industry ought Weekly) and Kinopravda (Cinema Truth)
to devote 75 per cent of its resources to the newsreel series were, respectively, his first
factual filma genre which, by the time of work in film and his first attempt to go
the Revolution, had fallen into worldwide beyond the limitations of a time when, as
neglect. Vertov remembered it, filming was being

conducted under battle conditions on all another two months that the equipment so
fronts.1 Kinonedelia demonstrated how taken would be allocated to the only group
effective a newsreel could be as a tool for within NARKOMPROS with any idea for
social change. Kinopravda expanded the its use, the self-proclaimed Moscow Kino
scope of the newsreel to include analytic Committee.
interpretations of non-immediate sub- Handed their equipment on May 26, the
ject matter. In all, Kinonedelia consisted Committee, under the direction of Mikhail
of 43 issues released in 1918 and 1919. Koltsov, was able to release Kinonedelia No.1
Twenty-three issues of Kinopravda were pro- one week later. Whatever part Vertov, as the
duced between 1922 and 1925. Committees secretary, played in this first
Vertovs introduction to cinema, accord- production was probably eclipsed by the
ing to Alexandre Lembergs account of it,2 skills of the cameramen Lemberg, A. A.
was typical of his generations accidental Levitskii, P. K. Novitskii, G. B. Giber, Eduard
discoveries. Some time during the Kerensky Tisse, P. V. Ermlov, and others. While these
period, Lemberg, a newsreel cameraman men went out in search of news, Vertov
just back from the front, met Vertov, a would- watched how the fragments of what they
be Futurist poet, at what Lemberg refers shot were pieced together by his future wife
to only as a poets caf. Like a Russian and editing assistant, Elizabeta Svilova.
Jules and Jim, the two men struck up an By the time Koltsov was called to the
immediate friendship. Vertov frequented front in the summer of 1918, Vertov had
Lembergs home and experimented with gained the acumen to take over the entire
the equipment owned by Lemberg and his operation.
cameraman father. By the time the October The primary task he inherited from
Revolution came to Moscow, he was con- Koltsov was to emphasise the establish-
vinced he had found his calling. ment of Bolshevik authority throughout
The immediate results of the Revolution the expanses of what was to become the
were not encouraging to any would-be USSR. Amid interventionist invasions and
film-maker. As neither film stock nor the emerging forces of the Civil War, the
film equipment had ever been produced most important message Kinonedelia had
in Russia, the Bolsheviks, in the face of a to deliver was that the new govemment was
trade embargo, could make no promises of continuing to function and was establishing
supplies. What little stock and equipment roots deeper than those of the ephemeral
remained in the country was largely in the regime that had so recently fallen. To achieve
hands of those hostile to the new regime. this end, Kinonedelia relied on conventional
But on March 4, 1918, some five months newsreel images whose power can only be
after the Revolution, the first step was appreciated if they are seen in the context
taken to provide the Government with an of their times. Item one in Kinonedelia No.1
agency for cinema production. On that date, consists of nothing more than the dedica-
the Praesidium of the Soviet of Workers, tion of a monument to Marx in Moscow. We
Soldiers and Peasants Deputies of the City see speakers standing at the base of a large
of Moscow decreed that an inventory be bust of Marx, and later a parade. But what
made of all cinema equipment in the city we are also seeing is the opening of a new
and forbade further hoarding of equipment set of eyes, the first images that Soviet film
and stock. Two weeks later NARKOMPROS, was able to produce of the achievement of
the Peoples Commissariat of Education, Communism in Russia. The simple item
took control of the resources of the Skobelev is a dedication to the future of Kinonedelia,
Committee, the State film production unit its purpose and its audience. It is also a
under Kerensky. But it would not be for self-congratulatory proclamation by those
Cinema Weekly and CinemaTruth 165

who, only fifteen months before, had been conflicts were presented. Early news stories
ruled by a medieval monarchy. about the Civil War are placed almost hap-
Approximately one-third of the items hazardly. An item entitled Workers Appeal
in Kinonedelia deal with this theme of the for the Defence of the Socialist Nation
establishment of the Soviet State. They (in No. 4) can almost be mistaken for another
range from shots of children on a peas- human interest story, sandwiched as it is
ant commune to the meeting of the VI between an item on the Kazan Station in
Extraordinary All-Russian Congress of Moscow and a part of the regular Petrograd
Soviets. In some cases, it can be assumed, in These Days series. But a vastly improved
the presentation of these items was primar- presentation of war news can be seen in
ily informative, telling people about new Kinonedelia No. 19. In item four, we are
and unfamiliar institutions. In other cases, shown a sequence which begins with shots
depending on how well informed a particu- of a dead sailor, continues with shots of the
lar audience was, such items could have the interventionist arms used to kill him, and
equally useful function of reinforcing pre- ends with a pan around newly captured ter-
viously publicised information by the addi- ritory. The sailor, the mute evidence of the
tion of photographic proof. invaders, and the long shot of the captured
Complementing the items on new insti- land together achieve a montage effect, cre-
tutions are film portraits which served to ating a motif present in no single image.
introduce the new leaders of the Soviet It is only because the three images are put
Government and armed forces, lending an together the way they are that we know a
air of reality to figures who had been publi- battle has taken place.
cised by other media. In two instances, how- The montage structure of Kinonedelia No.
ever, the images of leaders take on a more 19 does not end with item four. Item five is a
important function. In Kinonedelia No. 22, series of shots of the Ukrainian Nationalist
shots of Lenin recovering from wounds leader Skoropadskii leading public prayers
are inserted as a reassurance to those con- against the Soviets. Item six, announcing
cerned about him after Dora Kaplans the execution of an enemy, follows as if to
assassination attempt. Asimilar item, con- predict the fate of anti-Soviet figures such as
tradicting rumours of the death of E. K. Skoropadskii. Item seven is then presented
Breshko-Breshovskaya, also recognises and with a dual effect. While it too announces
reacts to a specific question in the mind of a the death of an enemy leader (Bochkareva,
potential audience. the commander of the reactionary Womens
Soviet leaders were not the only politi- Fighting Battalion), it leaves as the final
cal figures presented to the public by image of the entire newsreel shots of
Kinonedelia. Film portraits of enemies Bochkareva at a moment of power. By
appeared with some frequency; and the using these old shots of Bochkareva, Vertov
device of portraying the enemy among items achieves a montage collision between
concerning the new regime was consistent images of the counter-revolutionary in
with the theme of conflict that runs through action and the news transmitted by the
the newsreel series. As the Civil War inten- title. The net effect is to reiterate the over-
sified, the juxtaposition of images of pro- riding theme of these last four items: the
and anti-Soviet leaders was complemented Revolutions inevitable triumph over its
by a growing number of items concerning enemies.
battles and trials of anti-govemment figures. A third kind of montage that Vertov began
As the number of items concerning con- to develop in Kinonedelia was the more for-
flict increased, so did the sophistication mal cutting between images which was later
and intensity of montage with which these to become his trademark. In Kinonedelia

No. 30, one can all but feel Vertovs exhilara- parks, listening to concerts, and standing in
tion when, for the first time, he cuts purely queues in front of city shops, in 1918 and
on motion. The shots are taken from the 1919 took on altogether different meanings.
front of a train as it goes round bends in The shots of queues, for instance, worked
a snow-covered, mountainous area. As the to counteract a traditional town/country ani-
cars begin to swing to screen right, there mosity that had intensified in Russia during
is a sudden cut and they are seen going the period of War Communism. They were
off to screen left. The sequence is contin- evidence to country people that those in the
ued in this manner for a total of five edits cities were suffering privations similar to
in the space of a little less than a minute of their own. Conversely, simple shots of farm
screen time. The pace, of course, is ridicu- activities were aimed at city people alarmed
lously slow. Nevertheless, it creates within by rumours of rural food hoarding. Taken
the viewer the sense of cinematically aug- together, items of this sort were meant to
mented motion, the production of move- produce the impression of a growing bond
ment that could not exist without cinema. between rural and urban areas engaged in
In later manifestoes, Vertov was to refer to a shared struggle against equal hardships.
this aspect of his work as the Cinema Eye: I The official admission that these hardships
am eye. I am a mechanical eye. I, a machine, existed undoubtedly helped the credibility
am showing you a world the likes of which of Kinonedelia (and of the government that
only I can see. sponsored it). Furthermore, the images
While what was to become the Cinema of citizens from all over Russia working
Eye is just barely apparent in Kinonedelia, to achieve Communism created, over the
the second of Vertovs major principles, Life weeks, a continuing travelogue of social
Caught Unawares, played a prominent part progress, a theme more explicitly developed
in the newsreels. As it came to be defined in later Vertov films like Sixth Part of the
in later writings and films, Life Caught Earth (1926).
Unawares meant the creation of a sense in Ideologically, this emphasis on the
the viewer that the activities of the subject common man as news had ramifications
on the screen had not been affected by the for both Socialist art and cinema history.
presence of the camera. The hidden cam- While cinema itself was nothing new to
era, a favourite device of Vertovs camera- the Russian people, the idea of a cinema
man brother Mikhail Kaufman (who did not which placed them on a screen so recently
join Vertov until 1922), played a small role reserved for actors and dignitaries was not
in creating these images. More often, and only a novelty (boosting distribution) but
more significantly, Vertov would depend on a celebration of their victory in the class
his subject being too busy to call attention struggle. And, just as it was appropriate
to the cameras presence. In later films, par- for the first Socialist cameras to be turned
ticularly Man with the Movie Camera (1929), upon the common man, it was equally fit-
this technique was developed into a kind of ting that Vertov, a neophyte film-maker,
barometer of social involvement. In Man should all but quote the earliest works of
with the Movie Camera, only the social out- his medium, the studies of home life and
cast and the NEP-man call attention to the street scenes with which Lumire began
camera, true participants in Socialist activi- world cinema. The images produced by
ties having no time to mug. Life Caught Unawares represented the first
In Kinonedelia, Life Caught Unawares cinema products since Lumire in which
is used as both an organisation and an the camera had not been a self-conscious
ideological tool. What now look like rather factor in the arrangement of the images it
anodyne shots of people strolling through produced. To Vertov, this meant that the
Cinema Weekly and CinemaTruth 167

film-maker could be accepted into the new the film Instructional Steamer Red Star
society as a fellow-worker rather than as a (1924). The technique of including audi-
boss (as he was in fiction film) or a dispas- ence response as part of a films content
sionate observer (as he was supposed to be would be repeated in Sixth Part of the Earth
in contemporary newsreels). and would be a central motif in Man with the
This conception of the film-maker as Movie Camera.
a fellow-worker may be traced back to the When Vertov returned to Moscow to
attitude expressed by the Moscow Kino make Kinopravda, he brought with him
Committee towards their predecessors in the ability to liberate film from the conven-
Kinonedelia No. 1. In the last item of that tions of the film theatre and make it part
issue, a shot of the moribund Skobelev of the architecture of the Soviet City. The
Committee was placed after the title: Kinoks (practitioners of the Cinema Eye),
The Skobelev Committee at the End of as Vertovs production group began to call
the Holiday. Nor did this proclamation themselves, were as serious about distribut-
of new vigour prove to be an idle boast. ing films as they were about making them.
By the time the Soviet Government had Kinopravda No. 9 shows the Kinoks setting
nationalised cinema production in August up a mobile projector and having an image
1919, Vertov had not only produced all of on a portable screen in what they claim to
Kinonedelia3 but had also edited three short be 90 seconds from their time of arrival at
compilation films: Battle at Tsaritsyn, The any location. Vertov also hoped that acces-
Trial of Miranov, and The Unearthing of the sibility to cinema would not be limited to
Remains of Sergei Radonezhskogo (all 1919). a passive audience. In 1923, an effort was
At the time of nationalisation, he was work- undertaken to organise clubs of cinema
ing on Anniversary of the Revolution (1919), correspondents along the lines followed by
a twelve-reel compilation film chosen by the American Newsreel organisation of the
Lenin as one of the first Soviet works of 1960s. Unfortunately, the scarcity of materi-
art to be sent abroad. By the time he began als in the USSR limited this proposed cin-
work on Kinopravda in June 1922, Vertov ema network to films such as Kinopravda
had, besides supervising film work at the No. 19, made during the travels of the
front, edited the thirteen-reel compilation Moscow-based film-workers.
film History of the Civil War (1922) as well Exercising his role as a fellow-worker,
as the shorter films All-Russian Elder Kalinin Vertovs main concern in the first
and The Agit Train of the Central Party (both Kinopravdas was to help organise public
1921). assistance for victims of the 1922 famine. In
These last two films are indicative of items concerning the famine, he tempers
Vertovs interest in new methods of distri- the shock of images taken in the devastated
bution. Both grew out of his travels with areas with other images of a Soviet gov-
Soviet President Kalinin on the agit-train ernment taking steps to alleviate the situa-
Lenin in 1920. Using a specially designed tion. As in the Kinonedelia item concerning
film car aboard the agit-train (in much the Bochkareva, he experiments with collisions
same manner as Medvedkin some dozen between the message on the title card and
years later), Vertov composed a continually the shots that follow. In one instance, we are
changing travelogue, showing audiences told that sightseeing flights over Moscow
newly edited films while shooting their reac- have been organised as a fund-raising
tions and their surroundings for insertion device to help the famine areas. But what
into the films they were watching. Vertov we actually see on the screen are images
repeated this technique during his travel on of a modern airplane and a vast Soviet city.
the agit-steamer Red Star, the result being The sense of urgency produced by the title

card collides with the sense of reassurance the compilation films guaranteed him gov-
provided by the images, to leave the viewer ernment support (one instance in which
with the net impression that the problem the availability rather than the scarcity of
will eventually be solved. stock and equipment encouraged montage
The techniques of formal montage which experimentation). During the production
first appeared in Kinonedelia were developed of Kinopravda, Vertov had a large stock of
to the utmost during the Kinopravda period. archive material on which to draw. He had
One typical example of the close cutting was a large and competent staff. Producing
the opening sequence of Kinoglaz, a feature another newsreel series (Goskinokalendar)
made by the Kinoks in 1924. Within the first concurrently with Kinopravda gave him a
forty metres of the film, Vertov creates an second large stock of facilities, as well as
explosion of no less than 57 shots of danc- an overview of Soviet current events. At
ing, drinking figures. A similar effect is the same time, Goskinokalendar, a more
created in the last sequence of Kinopravda conventional newsreel, relieved him of the
No. 18. Here, a burst of some 60 eight to necessity of presenting straight news in
four frame shots of faces and mouths and Kinopravda.
machinery is used to convey a crescendo of Consequently, Kinopravda existed as a
enthusiasm. purely experimental venture in the cin-
This particular item illustrates a differ- ematic interpretation of current events.
ence in emphasis between Kinonedelia and The Cinema Eye was given a free hand
Kinopravda. Within the item, we are shown in constructing and reconstructing those
workers shutting down their machines to images which the news produced. Cameras
attend a ceremony honouring a newly born were cranked at a multitude of speeds and
October baby. The baby is passed among a mounted on every conceivable vehicle.
small group of Party members, Komsomols, Animation became a regular feature. Vertov
and Pioneers, gifts are presented to the par- remembered having invented entire new
ents, and the singing of the Internationale genres: Review films, sketch films, verse
begins. It is at this point that the machinery films, film poems and preview films made
seems to set itself in motion and join in the their appearanceConsiderable work was
singing, for the montage finale described done in the utilisation of new methods for
above. subtitling, transforming titles into pictorial
From the stiff, nervous performances of units equal to the images.
the participants in the ceremony, it is appar- Trying to do everything cinema could do,
ent that Vertov in this sequence has little use Vertov inevitably transgressed the boundar-
for Life Caught Unawares. Nor is this the ies of Life Caught Unawares. He found that
only Kinopravda item which looks posed. one of the most useful capabilities of cinema
In a sequence in No. 8, showing eager citi- was that of reproducing a posed or acted
zens snapping up news of the trial of the event. In Kinopravda No. 18, the nature of
Social Revolutionaries, we see Vertov and the story to be covered dictated the filming
his brother in the back seat of a speeding of people who were all too obviously altering
car taking a newspaper from a boy running their actions to suit the requirements of the
alongside. Other shots within Kinopravda camera.
are as, if not more, evidently contrived. However much the coverage of ceremo-
But if Vertov seems in Kinopravda at nies may have presented a problem in this
times to abandon Life Caught Unawares, early work, the idea of the ceremony served
he does so in the fervour of creative free- in Vertovs later films as an effective com-
dom which characterises this new stage of promise between the demands of Life
his work. The success of Kinonedelia and of Caught Unawares and the need to present
Cinema Weekly and CinemaTruth 169

images that furthered the theme of a given longest and perhaps the most powerful of
film. While, strictly speaking, the orches- the Kinopravda issues. Kinopravda No. 21 is a
tra conductor in Enthusiasm (1930) is not 795 metre essay on the effect of Lenins life
changing his actions for the benefit of the and death upon the Russian people. Using
camera, he is still providing Vertov with the interpretative option of the series, Vertov
the performance called for at that point in chose not to treat Lenins death as a news
the film. This is not to say that the staged story but rather to collect all possible rele-
scene did not remain a part of Vertovs rep- vant images, produce his own animations,
ertoire of cinematic devices for the rest of and carefully compose a montage around a
his career. It is merely to point out that the set of subtitles which read like lines from a
staged event, taken in conjunction with the Mayakovskian poem.
demands of Life Caught Unawares, pro- The size and complexity of Kinopravda
duced, as a hybrid, an interest in ceremony No. 21 indicate Vertovs impatience with
that provided one of Vertovs most fre- the scale and the time limitations of the
quently recurring themes. newsreel genre. Having released his first
Another motif running through all feature-length non-compilation film a year
Vertovs films is his fascination with previously, he felt the time was right to make
machinery, as demonstrated by the use a full transition to feature productions. By
of the machines in Kinopravda No. 18. 1925 Soviet feature films were common-
Machines are employed metaphorically in place throughout the USSR; and Vertov, as a
sequences like that in Kinopravda No. 8, in pioneer of the Soviet industry and one of its
which army tanks are almost literally con- most successful artists to date, might well
verted into ploughshares as they are used have felt slighted had he been limited to the
to pull earth moving devices levelling the production of shorts.
Moscow airport. Machines may also be used Vertovs later troubles with the Soviet
for humour, as in a sequence in Shagi, Soviet film industry were not to do with the length
(1926) in which buses and trucks decide to of his films, but rather were to come about
hold a political rally without their drivers. because of contradictory conceptions con-
But as Vertov himself stressed in the mani- cerning the importance of non-fiction film.
festo WE, machines are used most signifi- Much to Vertovs chagrin, the Soviet fic-
cantly when they are being integrated (via tion film had emerged in the 1920s as the
the Cinema Eye) into the life ofman: nations most highly regarded art form.
Against Kuleshov, Pudovkin, Eisenstein,
WE discover the soul of the machine, we are
and Dovzhenko in their prime, Vertovs
in love with the worker at his bench, we
insistence on the Leninist Proportion fell
are in love with the farmer on his tractor,
predictably flat. The vigour of his increas-
the engineer on his locomotive.
ingly noisy protests earned him nothing
WE bring creative joy into every mechanical
but the continuing enmity of his contempo-
WE make peace between man and machine. raries. After 1926, Vertov found himself in
WE educate the newman.4 virtual exile in the Ukrainian film studios;
an exile which was to last until the coming
Man and his machinery are thus mon- of the Second World War.
tage elements in the creation of a cinematic While Vertovs own career ended in frus-
integration which, the Kinoks hoped, would tration, the careers of those with whom he
reflect a similarly successful integration in worked were in many ways advanced by
the society of the new man. In much the their contact with him. It was Vertov who
same way as man and his machines, man made the first demands on the cameramen
and his history are integrated in what is the who were later to make the great Soviet

films. Eduard Tisse, Ilya Kopaline, and Boris may safely guess that many a re-created
Frantsisson are examples of cinema work- demonstration or Party Congress, as well as
ers whose early feedback came from seeing the costuming and direction of an infinite
the use that Vertov made of their footage. number of extras, grew out of Vertovs cov-
Similarly, Mikhail Kaufman, an innovator erage of the original event. In Kinonedelia
in documentary in his own right, began his No. 10 and again in Kinonedelia No. 14,
film career as a Kinok. Vertov had preserved, for anyone interested
More important than any influence in capturing the spirit of October, the revo-
Vertov may have had on those who worked lutionary activity of pulling down a czarist
with him, was the impression that his statue. Other examples are less obvious.
newsreels and early features made on the
minds of the Soviet film-makers who later
directed works about the Revolutionary and Notes
Civil War periods. Few of these men were 1. The Writings of Dziga Vertov, translated by Val
active film-makers during the period of Thalberg. Film Culture, No. 25 (Spring, 1962).
these events; their impressions both at the 2. Alexandre Lemberg, Dziga Vertov Prikhodit v
Kino, Iz Istorii Kino (1968).
time and in later years, when they followed 3. Georges Sadoul questions Vertovs editorship
the Soviet tradition of carefully research- of Kinonedelias Nos. 38, 39, 41, 42. See Sadouls
ing historical footage, must have been to Bio-Filmographie de Dziga Vertov. Cahiers du
Cinma, XXV, 146 (August, 1963).
some extent shaped by Vertovs selection 4. Translated by Lutz Becker in Art in Revolution
of images and montage arrangements. One (London, The Hayward Gallery,1971).

Variant of a Manifesto(1922)

We call ourselves kinoks1as opposed to Cinematography must die so that the

cinematographers, a herd of junkmen art of cinema maylive.
doing rather well peddling theirrags. WE call for its death to be hastened.
We see no connection between true We protest against that mixing of the arts
kinochestvo2 and the cunning and calcula- which many call synthesis. The mixture of
tion of the profiteers. bad colors, even those ideally selected from
We consider the psychological Russo- the spectrum, produces not white, butmud.
German film-dramaweighed down with Synthesis should come at the summit of
apparitions and childhood memoriesan each arts achievement and not before.
absurdity. WE are cleansing kinochestvo of foreign
To the American adventure film with its matterof music, literature, and theater;
showy dynamism and to the dramatizations we seek our own rhythm, one lifted from
of the American Pinkertons the kinoks say nowhere else, and we find it in the move-
thanks for the rapid shot changes and the ments of things.
close-ups. Goodbut disorderly, not based WE invite you:
on a precise study of movement. A cut above toflee
the psychological drama, but still lacking in the sweet embraces of the romance,
foundation. A clich. A copy of a copy. the poison of the psychologicalnovel,
WE proclaim the old films, based on the the clutches of the theater of adultery;
romance,3 theatrical films and the like, to be to turn your back on music,
leprous. toflee
Keep away fromthem! out into the open, into four-dimensions
Keep your eyes offthem! (three + time), in search of our own mate-
Theyre mortally dangerous! rial, our meter and rhythm.
Contagious! The psychological prevents man from
WE affirm the future of cinema art by being as precise as a stopwatch; it interferes
denying its present. with his desire for kinship with the machine.

In an art of movement we have no rea- coordinates (the three dimensions + the

son to devote our particular attention to fourthtime), should be studied and taken
contemporaryman. into account by each creator in the field of
The machine makes us ashamed of cinema.
mans inability to control himself, but what Radical necessity, precision, and speed
are we to do if electricitys unerring ways are the three components of movement
are more exciting to us than the disorderly worth filming and screening.
haste of active men and the corrupting iner- The geometrical extract of movement
tia of passiveones? through an exciting succession of images is
Saws dancing at a sawmill convey to us a whats required of montage.4
joy more intimate and intelligible than that Kinochestvo is the art of organizing the
on human dance floors. necessary movements of objects in space as a
For his inability to control his movements, rhythmical artistic whole, in harmony with
WE temporarily exclude man as a subject the properties of the material and the internal
forfilm. rhythm of each object.
Our path leads through the poetry of Intervals (the transitions from one move-
machines, from the bungling citizen to the per- ment to another) are the material,5 the ele-
fect electricman. ments of the art of movement, and by no
In revealing the machines soul, in means the movements themselves. It is
causing the worker to love his workbench, they (the intervals) which draw the move-
the peasant his tractor, the engineer his ment to a kinetic resolution.
engine The organization of movement is the
we introduce creative joy into all organization of its elements, or its intervals,
mechanicallabor, into phrases.
we bring people into closer kinship with In each phrase there is a rise, a high
machines, point, and a falling off (expressed in varying
we foster new people. degrees) of movement.
The new man, free of unwieldiness and A composition is made of phrases,
clumsiness, will have the light, precise just as a phrase is made of intervals of
movements of machines, and he will be the movement.
gratifying subject of ourfilms. A kinok who has conceived a film epic or
Openly recognizing the rhythm of fragment should be able to jot it down with
machines, the delight of mechanical precision so as to give it life on the screen,
labor, the perception of the beauty of should favorable technical conditions be
chemical processes, WE sing of earth- present.
quakes, we compose film epics of electric The most complete scenario cannot,
power plants and flame, we delight in the of course, replace these notes, just as a
movements of comets and meteors and libretto does not replace pantomime, just
the gestures of searchlights that dazzle as literary accounts of Scriabins com-
thestars. positions do not convey any notion of
Everyone who cares for his art seeks the hismusic.
essence of his own technique. To represent a dynamic study on a
Cinemas unstrung nerves need a rigor- sheet of paper, we need graphic symbols of
ous system of precise movement. movement.
The meter, tempo, and type of move- WE are in search of the filmscale.
ment, as well as its precise location with WE fall, we rise together with the
respect to the axes of a shots coordi- rhythm of movementsslowed and accel
nates and perhaps to the axes of universal erated,
WE:Variant of a Manifesto 173

running from us, past us, towardus, 1. Kinoks (cinema-eye men): Aneologism coined by
Vertov, involving a play on the words kino (cinema
in a circle, or straight line, or ellipse, or film) and oko, the latter an obsolescent and
to the right and left, with plus and minus poetic word meaning eye. The -ok ending is the
signs; transliteration of a traditional suffix used in Russian
to indicate a male, humanagent.
movements bend, straighten, divide, break Kinoglaz (Kino-Eye) is the name Vertov gave to
apart, the movement and group of which he is the founder
multiply, shooting noiselessly through and leader. The term was also used to designate
their method of work. It is, as well, the title of the
space. feature-length film that, in 1925, initiates the period
Cinema is, as well, the art of inventing of his maturity. We have chosen to use the Russian
movements of things in space in response title in all cases involving specific reference to that
to the demands of science; it embodies the film, since it is by its Russian title that the film is
generally known to scholars and archivists. This work
inventors dreambe he scholar, artist, was the culmination of a development begun in 1922
engineer, or carpenter; it is the realization with the production of a series of shorter newsreel
by kinochestvo of that which cannot be real- films bearing the same title and devoted to aspects
and problems of the new Soviet society. When
ized in life. reference is made to the group or movement as
Drawings in motion. Blueprints in such, we have used the name Kino-Eye, both in order
motion. Plans for the future. The theory of to distinguish it from the specific productions and
to stress the continuity involved in the production,
relativity on the screen. by Vertov and his group, of the Kinonedelia
WE greet the ordered fantasy of move (Kino-week) and Kinopravda (Kino-truth)
ment. chronicles, which preceded the appearance of the
film Kinoglaztrans. and ed.
Our eyes, spinning like propellers, 2. Kinochestvo: Another of Vertovs neologisms: the
take off into the future on the wings of suffix chestvo indicates an abstract quality, therefore,
hypothesis. the quality of the cinema-eye. While its precise
signification is rather vague, it would appear from
WE believe that the time is at hand when the context that Vertov is using it, by analogy with
we shall be able to hurl into space the hurri- kinok, in contrast to cinematography. In his journal
canes of movement, reined in by our tactical of 1924, he writes, We almost never used the term
kinochestvo, as it says nothing and is gratuitous word
lassoes. building. Film theory of the period is characterized,
Hurrah for dynamic geometry, the race of internationally, by a proliferation of terminology,
points, lines, planes, volumes. and this particular instance recalls the elaborate
speculation surrounding the notion of photognie
Hurrah for the poetry of machines, pro- proposed in France by Vertovs contemporary, Jean
pelled and driving; the poetry of levers, Epsteintrans. and ed.
wheels, and wings of steel; the iron cry 3. Romance: Vertov is referring to a type of sentimental
film based on songs (romances), popular at that
of movements; the blinding grimaces of timetrans.
red-hot streams. 4. Montage: In Russian a single word conveys
notions that in English are rendered by the two
words montage and editing. In most instances, one
Notes English meaning has been chosen according to the
Glosses followed by ed. or trans. are additions 5. Material: This term is frequently used by Vertov
by the original editor or the translator. Glosses and others to mean film footage. Its constructivist
which are not so marked are taken from the Moscow connotation is significant with respect to Vertovs
edition without substantial alteration. theory and practicetrans.


There is a double content in each piece of with only partial consciousness, from our
newsreel. First of all it contains informa- seat in the theatre, as each piece of newsreel
tion of various sortsthe look of world comes and goes on the screen.
figures at one moment of history, the way You cannot rearrange the elements
people work and play in certain places in within a piece of newsreel, though you
certain years, the appearance of a street, of can manipulate them in relation to other
a tragedy, of a new achievement, et cetera piecesbut only if you have studied their
almost to infinity. Beyond its information whole content. It is from such study and
each piece of newsreel has a formal content, manipulation that the art of the compilation
unremarked though visible. This includes film cangrow.
all the elements that make it possible for the In the preparation of the separate pieces,
informational content to be communicated either new or old, to make a whole news-
to us. At the risk of being obvious, here are reel, a consciousness of all their elements
some of these: the areas of black, white, and rarely plays a part. It is possible for experi-
greys that make up the shapes of people and enced newsreel cutters to develop profes-
places, the distribution of these areas into sional intuitions in regard to the formal
compositions (accidental or otherwise), the content, but this does not often go beyond
movement of the people and objects shown, the aims of smooth continuity and shock
the direction of this movement, and the effects. In the cutting of past newsreels to
rhythm of the movement, an element pos- present historical concepts or to agitate an
sibly quite distinct from the graphic rhythm audience into thinking, it has become obvi-
of the composition. When there is also, as ous today that to neglect the formal content
part of a newsreel piece, simultaneously of each piece weakens its informational
recorded sound, aural elements have to be content, and leaves the audience groping
counted alongside the visual elementsthe for the purpose of the sequence and the
pitch of a voice, the response of an audi- idea of the whole. But in 1927 this neces-
ence, making the inventory of all sity for studying the whole content of each
that the piece contains. It is this accumula- newsreel piece and building from its formal
tion of two kinds of content that we react to, elements a carefully engineered bridge to
Bridge 175

convey information to the audience in the been Chaplins introduction to Russian

strongest possible way was a totally new audiences) as gratifyingly hilarious.
idea. Like all new ideas its introduction More difficult was the transformation of
required effort, even struggle. the two-part German thriller, Doctor Mabuse,
By 1926 Kuleshov, Eisenstein, and with its lengthy, time-and-metre consum-
Pudovkin, with their followers, had applied ing titles and involved tangle of plots, into
such engineering principles to the fictional a single film that could be followed with
film with a success that challenged any less dependence on titles. This required a
lazier or purely intuitional approach. The study of each shots content and composi-
Vertov group had pioneered similarly for tion, a close examination of each actors
the documentary film. It was the task of movements and expressions, unattached to
Esther Schub to bring this discipline and the old titles. Rhythm and tempo, of each
strength to the new problems and possibili- shot and in relation one to another, became
ties latent in the rapidly accumulating store vital factors that could not be ignored, as its
of non-current newsreels. director, Fritz Lang, had seemed to ignore
In 1922, as the Civil War and inter- them in his original cutting. Schub learned
vention ended and as NEP began, Esther the power of scissors and cement in relation
Schub entered the distribution office to meaning, and Eisenstein, whose assis-
of Goskino, her work to be editing and tance on this job was his first film work,
titling foreign and pre-revolutionary learnedtoo.
Russian films for Soviet audiences.1 A When Russian directors saw Schubs
friend of Mayakovsky and Eisenstein value to their own productions, she was
in the Meyerhold group, she brought transferred to the Third Studio of Goskino
intelligence, taste, and a sense of social to advise and cut new films by Tarich,
responsibility into this generally despised Ivanov-Barkov, Froelich, Roshal, Mikhin,
employment. The first jobs given her were Molchanov. The most interesting of these
to adapt American serialswith Eddie was Tarichs Wings of a Serf (1926), with
Polo, Ruth Roland, Pearl White. When she Leonidov, as Ivan the Terrible, learning as
discovered that the faithful Russian audi- much from Schubs advice as she learned
ences did not need the usual swift rsu- from his performance. There were also
ms given at the start of each new chapter two months of work with Eisenstein, at her
of a serial thriller, Schub took these dis- home, on the shooting script of Strike.
cards to the cutting table she kept in her Schub writes that it was the impres-
home, and evenings were spent with film sion made upon her early in 1926 by
friends there making film jokes with the Potemkin2 that induced her to seek in
scraps. (One of her friends was Kuleshov, newsreel material another film way to
who had experienced a serious variant of show the revolutionary past. She found
this pastime when he edited newsreels lists of newsreels filmed in 1917she
of the Civil War.) Sometimes she would learned that the Tsar had maintained his
be handed such scrapswithout title, own court cameramanand she felt sure
subtitles, or any indication of orderto that she could find enough footage to work
be transformed into a film that could be with. But the Goskino director, Trainin,
released; thus Chaplins Carmen landed answered her every proposal and enthu-
on her table in the form of a hundred con- siasm with No, and told me to go on
fused little rolls. It was clearly intended editing fictional filmsI might even get
as a parody on Bizets opera, so she sup- an opportunity to make my own film with
plied it with titles in the same spirit, and actors. She turned to the Sovkino Studio,
she remembered its reception (it may have where the livelier minds of Bliakhin and

Shklovsky had some say in policy, and meanings of the material so that it
after several conferences they said Yes. evoked the pre-revolutionary period
and the February days.4
At the end of summer, 1926, Iwent to
Leningrad. It was even tougher there. After the first private screening (where
All the valuable negatives and posi- the section on World War was particularly
tives of war-time and prerevolution- admired) the release title was decided: The
ary newsreels were kept in a damp Fall of the Romanov Dynasty. The only credit
cellar on Sergievsky Street. The cans on the posters was Work by E. I. Schub.
were coated with rust. In many places In March 1927, as her first work was
the dampness had caused the emul- released, Schub began her second. The Great
sion to come away from the celluloid Road was to use all Soviet newsreels for the
base. Many shots that appeared on ten years since the October Revolution,
the lists had disappeared altogether. beginning (hopefully) with whatever could
Not one metre of negative or be found of the Revolution itself. She
positive on the February Revolution learned that newsreels of the recent past
had been preserved, and I was even had been kept just as carelessly, if not more
shown a document that declared so, than had the oldest Russian newsreels
that no film of that event could be unearthed for her first film. Identification of
found in Leningrad.3 place and time of shooting was an unfore-
seen obstacle, but the several living cam-
In spite of such assurances Schub per- eramen of the Civil War helped her here.
sisted and some of that footage did come to She had more to inspect (250,000 metres)
light. An old newsreel worker, Khmelnitsky, than for the older film, but after 192122 the
who had helped her restore some of the material grew thinner:
damaged footage, brought her small cans of
counter-revolutionary film that turned out From that date newsreels were shot
to be the private home movies of Nikolai without much plan and quickly put
II that she had hoped would turn up some aside with little comprehension of
day. In her two months in Leningrad Schub their historic value, which of course
inspected 60,000 metres of film, from increased with each passing year.
which she chose 5,200 metres to take back Even worse is their change of tone
to work on in Moscow. She spent all her free after the Civil War; suddenly the con-
time in wandering about Leningrad, a new centration was on parades, meetings,
city for her, to feel at home with its geogra- arrivals, departures, delegates, and
phy and appearance in the 1917 shots. Before suchand almost no record was kept
leaving she supervised the filming of various of how we transformed the country
documents, newspapers and items associ- to a new political economyor of the
ated with the events she was reconstructing. resulting construction.5

In the montage I tried to avoid look- Some precious footage had been sold
ing at the newsreel material for its abroad, without any master copies or nega-
own sake, and to maintain the prin- tives having been kept at hometoo little
ciple of its documentary quality. All raw film in those years to think of such
was subordinated to the theme. This niceties, or of the future. Aquantity of early
gave me the possibility, in spite of reels had been sent to the United States,
the known limitations of the photo- as thanks for the work of the American
graphed events and facts, to link the Relief Association during the months of
Bridge 177

famine. This had fallen into private hands, talented, has only an ephemeral value
yet Schub traced this footage and arranged in comparison with the chronicle film,
through Amtorg (the Soviet trade office which possesses a conviction that can
in the United States) for its purchase, for never pale and can never age.8
$6,000. (It was cannily copied before the
sale, for a future interesting use against the Schubs wisdom and craft were hereafter
Soviet Union!) applied chiefly to new documentary films,
but on two occasions before the Second
In this lot I found material of the World War (when she had several such
imperalist war, of the funeral of victims occasions) she worked again on materials
of the February Revolution, and photographed far from her. The first was
six completely unfamiliar shots of Today (a film-feuilleton), released in 1930.
Lenin [filmed in 1920 by an American In comparing the capitalist and socialist
cameraman]. Soviet audiences saw worlds she made ingenious use of foreign
these intimate scenes of Lenin for newsreels collected in Berlin. Her second
the first time in The Great Road.6 occasion was Spain (1939), to be described
The new film was intended for the celebra-
tions of the tenth anniversary of the October what interests us here is not the
Revolutionin early November. But the usual narrative montage, a conse-
new film form discovered and perfected by quence and corollary of cutting, but
Schub was not yet on secure ground. Her expressive montage, above all ideo-
right as an author of these films was chal- logical. It is no accident that compi-
lenged, and it was Mayakovsky who publicly lations so flourish in the USSR. It is
ridiculed those who tried in any way to belit- natural that the country where the
tle the value of this extremely important first theories of montage were for-
work.7 mulated accords a leading position
The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty had used to the compilation film as an ideo-
newsreel material of 191217; The Great logical weapon. One should keep in
Road continued through the archives of mind that montage is not a simple
191727. In her searches Schub had found a succession of shots, nor even a
tempting lot of Russian newsreel from 1896 sum of their contents, but produces
through 1912, and the Tolstoy centenary to something new, something origi-
come in 1928 offered her an opportunity nal. It is a remarkable application of
to employ it. Her first Tolstoy hope was to the Marxist law of dialectical change
depend on the considerable footage that from quantity to quality. Montage
had been filmed of him, but she found only rests fundamentally on the inter-
about 200 feet of thisa fifth as much as action of the imagesideological
the footage of his funeral! She decided to montage aims at a precise political
place her actual Tolstoy footage in a larger or moral point in putting together
frame of Russia since the turn of the cen- images which have no strictly causal
tury. The result was The Russia of Nikolai II or temporal relationship.9
and Lev Tolstoy:
Marcel Martins search for a definition
This montage must serve as an elo- of the compilation film recalls Eisensteins
quent illustration of the fact that any effort in 1929 to define a dramaturgy of the
available acting method for the his- visual film-form as regular and precise as
torical film, no matter how good or the existing dramaturgy of the film-story,

where his enumeration of potentialities first move was to make duplicate negatives
ends with Liberation of the whole action of every metre she considered using. Later
from the definition of time and space; in editors were not so scrupulous, not even
illustrating this he gave examples from with Schubs films. Usually pleading some
October, from Arsenal, and from The Russia emergency or other, they took whatever
of Nikolai II and Lev Tolstoy.10 And it is true they needed13 so that there are no complete
that Schubs work provides many examples negatives today of Schubs first three films.
of a power too rarely used by the compila- Among other lessons to be learned from
tion film. this loss is the necessity for separating doc-
In Schubs first three precedent-forming umentary archives from documentary film
films her cutting ideas usually combined a producing studios.
forcefully simple logic with a minute study
of the formal elements in the available foot- These were the years when Joris Ivens
age;11 the ideas were often built on con- and his friends combated the newsreels
trasts that may seem obvious nowbut it otherwise unchallenged power by borrow-
took imagination to dig them from her raw ing some from Amsterdam or Antwerp
material. Here is an example,12 in the Fall of theatres on Saturday night, recutting
the Romanov Dynasty, of one of her direct them the whole night to alter their class
poster juxtapositions: character, showing them Sunday to a
working-class audience, restoring them to
A crowd of elegant idlers are dancing a their original state that night, and return-
mazurka on the awninged deck of a ing them politely on Monday.14 One imme-
yacht. diate result of this stimulating scheme was
The dancing tires some of them. They Henri Storcks satire on the signing of the
drinkwine. Kellogg Pact, employing nothing but news-
Title: It made me sweat. reels related to the event. This compila-
And again theydance. tion, Histoire du Soldat Inconnu (1932), was
Title: sweat. little known until it appeared in the ret-
A peasant, exhausted by his work, ploughs rospective programmes at the 1961 Tours
a furrow festival of short films.15 On that occasion it
was seen by Marcel Martin, who describes
The admired war sequence in her first film Storcks film as un film de montage trs
used the newsreels of all combatant coun- froce contre la bourgeoisie, larme, la reli-
tries. For me its climax was another such gion et le capitalisme; esprit anarchiste et sur-
simple contrast, using two titles: He who raliste plutt que vision marxiste. Perhaps
wants war, and He who is to be sent to it is necessary to remind oneself that these
war. In The Great Road she showed how ideas and attitudes are conveyed entirely
a newsreel-shot parade could be recon- through the ingenious juxtapositions of
structed for maximum ironywithout ben- newsreel images.
efit of sound. Bla Balzs tells of a similar activity by
When Schub began this work there a Berlin workers film society [Volksverband
were no rules for the physical use of old fr Filmkunst] in 1928:
film materialsit was catch-as-catch-can,
and dont worry about either the next need It arranged film shows and would
or the future; but Schubs orderly mind have shown newsreels of its own,
evolved its own rules: she never cut a piece but the censorship banned them.
of original film, positive or negative, and So they bought old UFA newsreels,
never employed an original pieceher which had long finished their run
Bridge 179

and had been approved by the cen- to the finished films anaemic, non-social
sorship in their time. From these content, imposed by Ruttmanns non-
we cut new reels [with a few dis- objective tendency. In subsequent works
creet new titles] Skating rinks Ruttmann treated archive materials in the
and the guests on the terrace of same abstract way, sensitive but with nei-
a luxury hotel. This, too, is St. ther emotion nor aim. Ruttmann edited
Moritz: a melancholy procession of two episodes for Piscators staging of
ragged, hungry snow-shovellers and Ernst Tollers Hoppla! Wir leben in 1927a
rink-sweepers [cut from an earlier screened war-time prologue to the play,
place in the reel, before its original and a review of the worlds external prog-
audience could note the contrast]. ress during the heros seven-year insan-
A Brilliant Military Parade was ity (192027). This dip into the archives
followed by disabled ex-servicemen may have led him to Die Melodie der Welt
begging in the streetsThe police (Melody of the World, 1929), an ambitious
were itching to ban these newsreels, querschnitt (cross-section) film of all the
but could not do so, as they were all worlds activities (with sound) from love
respectable Ufa newsreels, every to warfinanced as a high-class advertise-
one of them approved by the censor- ment for the Hamburg-Amerika Line. All
ship. Only the order of showing had commentators on this film have remarked
been altered a little.16 the peculiar contradiction between the
emotional aims of the subject and the
Kracauer17 underlines the success of the neutrality of Ruttmanns result: he had
Berlin experiment: subjected the enormously varied contents
of a stock-shot library to an interest in its
[The Volksverband fr Filmkunst] rhythmic, formal contentand only its
transformed, through mere editing formal content. These were the structural
procedures, a set of colorless Ufa materials for a bridge that Ruttmann did
newsreels into a red-tinged film that not bother to build. He wished to prove
stirred Berlin audiences to clamorous that the art of a film has to be separated
demonstrations. The censor soon from its content, yet his work proves a con-
prohibited further performances, trary truth.
even though the Volksverband based More concerned with the minds of his
its protest upon the demonstrable audience (though always a small group)
assertion that the film contained was Hans Richter. He came from the
nothing but newsreel shots already same group of abstractionists to which
shown in all Ufa theaters without Ruttmann had belonged, but Richter was
scandalizing anyone. interested in ideas. With his Inflation,
made in 1928 to introduce a forgotten
But this was no more than the excres- commercial film, he began a series of
cence of an interest in the power of the film essays, partly dependent on the
film-editor that was accepted by the same stock-shot libraries that Ruttmann
film-intelligentsia of Germany since the employed. Kracauer describes Richters
first shock of Potemkin. Walter Ruttmann film essays as sagacious pictorial com-
had moved from a primary interest in the ments on socially interesting topics.18 He
films abstract movement to an adapta- could be as bold and stimulating in his cut-
tion of this interest to real materials, in ting juxtapositions as was John Heartfield
Berlin (1927). Carl Mayer, whose idea it in the photomontages published by A.I.Z.
was to make Berlin, objected strenuously in those same years before Hitler.

In a newspaper article19 written later, as an incomparably greater reservoir of

an migr in Switzerland, Richter distin- expressive means than can the pure
guished the function of his film essay documentary film. Freed from record-
form20 from the familiar approach of the ing external phenomena in simple
normal documentary film: sequence the film essay must collect
its material from everywhere; its space
Films about scenery and quaint cus- and time must be conditioned only by
toms, winter sports and summer the need to explain and show theidea.
excursions, about the making of a
machine-tool or the extraction of Ruttmann and Richter were followed
dyes from coal-tar, or even about the into the German film libraries by enthusi-
development of an embryoall this astic dozens. In the one year, 1929, at least
can be effectively shown by exactly three large-scale compilations were released
recording in chronological sequence in Berlin: Rund um die Liebe, compiled by
all the visible stages of the process; UFA cutters from love episodes from old
for a clear understanding of these films; Die Wunder des Films, a neutral
subjects such a simple chronologi- cross-section film overflowing with techno-
cal approach is even demanded. logical optimism; and Die Wunder der Welt
(Miracles of the Universe), a patchwork of
But there is another category where this various explorer films.21 Many of the unfo-
method does not satisfyus. cused, neutral skills being sharpened in
these pre-Hitler years were to be given focus
and employment by Dr. Goebbels.
I have had to film the subject of the
functioning of a stock-exchange. For
this an exact record in chronological Notes
sequence of all stages of its function- 1. These details of Schubs career are drawn from her
ing, no matter how well observed, is memoirs, Krupnym planom (In Close Up) (Moscow,
not sufficientTo make the work- 1959), published shortly before herdeath.
ings of a stock-exchange understood 2. Ibid., pp.901.
3. Ibid.,p.92.
to your spectator many outside ele- 4. In an interview with V.Pfeffer, Sovietski Ekran,
ments have to be indicatednational November 1,1927.
economy, public needs, the laws of 5. Schub, Road from the Past, Sovietskoye Kino,
NovemberDecember 1934.
supply and demand, etc. It is not so 6. An extract from this speech by Mayakovsky is quoted
much a process to be filmed, as it is in Kino, pp. 22930.
the ideas behind the complex called 7. How the Film Was Made, a drafted article (dated
October 1928) by Schub, found in her archives,
a stock-exchange. published in Iskusstvo Kino, November 1960.
The task given this sort of docu- 8. Marcel Martin, Les films de montage, in Cinma
mentary film is to portray a con- 63, April 1963.
cept. Even what is invisible must be 9. Eisenstein, A Dialectic Approach to Film Form, in
Film Form (1949), pp. 589.
made visible. Acted scenes as well 10. Quoted in Ilya Weisfelds foreword to Schubs
a directly recorded actualities must Krupnym planom, p. 5.
all be thought of as bits of evidence 11. Ivens, an unpublished autobiographical manuscript.
12. Reviewed by Derek Hill in The Observer, December
in an argument, an argument that 17, 1961.
aims to make problems, thoughts, 13. Balzs, Theory of the Film (London, 1952), pp. 1656.
even ideas, generally understood 14. Kracauer, Propaganda and the Nazi War Film (New
York, 1942), reprinted in From Caligari to Hitler
In this effort to give body to the invis-
(Princeton, 1947); Kracauer appears to be quoting
ible world of imagination, thought from Der Geist des Films, by Balzs (1930).
and ideas, the essay film can employ 15. Kracauer, From Caligari to Hitler, p. 194.
Bridge 181

16. Richter, Der Filmessay, National- This increased familiarity she considers
Zeitung (Basel), No. 192, April 25, 1940. more useful to her than any written catalogue
17. Which, we should remember, employed manuvre though she agrees it may not be feasible in
newsreel shots of the British Navy in its last reel. groupwork.
18. Another great woman editor, Helen Van Dongen, 19. This selfish practice is still with us; in the print
gives us a good piece of advice on the close study of that I saw of Leisers first film several shots had
footage: been removed that someone along the way had
I cannot emphasize enough how important repeated
20. Today the film essay form is almost totally, and
screenings are in the process of editing. They will incomprehensibly, ignored. The only modern
not only help you memorize the material but will film-maker who employs a witty variation of it is
also make you familiar with the slightest nuances in Chris Marker.
each shot. (Three Hundred and Fifty Cans of Film, 21. These three films are mentioned by Kracauer, whose
in The Cinema 1951, ed. by Roger Manvell.) comments are quoted here.


In 1927 Esfir Shub released The Fall of of the 1920s was that he had betrayed the
the Romanov Dynasty (Padenie dinastii document, he had moved away from real-
Romanovykh), her first film edited from ity. These reproaches came from the former
sequences of pre-Revolutionary newsreels. allies and propagandists of the Left Front
The film was greeted enthusiastically as a and were directed against an individual who
significant landmark and, according to some had turned the observation of daily reality
scholars, heralded the second period in into his lifes cause. But Shub, working on
the history of Soviet documentary cinema.1 old newsreels, was beyond suspicion. Work
Almost immediately it became the ideal on film archival material seemed to contem-
model for documentary film, a standard poraries to be a guarantee of even greater
of judgement for criticism to be directed documentary authenticity than work on the
against the previous phase, dominated by real life surrounding film-makers.
Dziga Vertov. Even Vertovs work with old newsreels
The film was made entirely of archive was criticised. Viktor Shklovsky wrote about
material, a style which from then on was Vertovs film Forward, Soviet! (Shagai, Sovet!,
contrasted with the celebrated life caught 1926):
unawares style of Vertov. Direct contact
with reality in one form or another was The majority of the shots in this
actively being discredited in favour of the picture were filmed neither by
editing of archival newsreels. This change Vertov himself nor on his instruc-
in the artistic ideology of the 1920s, which tionsBut I think that newsreel
has not usually attracted the attention of material is in Vertovs treatment
scholars, seems to be quite fundamental deprived of its soulits documen-
and requires separate examination. tary quality.
The chief accusation against Vertov A newsreel needs a title and
which was widely circulated in the middle date
Reality at SecondHand 183

Dziga Vertov cuts up newsreel. in artistic culture, periods of the dominance

In this sense his work is not artis- of raw material alternate with periods of the
tically Progressive. In essence he dominance of the construction. The LEF
is behaving like those of our direc- group considered that culture was enter-
tors (may their tombstones be sto- ing a period of the dominance of material.
len from their graves) who cut up Shklovsky wrote at the beginning of 1926:
newsreels in order to use bits in Soon we will consider a joke to be not a
their own films. These directors are witty communication, but those facts which
turning our film libraries into piles are published in the trivial information
of brokenfilm.2 columns of the newspapers.4 This would
mean the final death of construction as
If we think about Shklovskys accusations, the foundation of textual organisation. The
we can see that they are far from trivial. He newspaper would become a model for the
rebuked Vertov for cutting up old newsreels artistic text; and not only the newspaper but
in order to use them in his own films and also collections of reminiscences, letters, or
thus damaging the film archive collections. any documentary material.5 Osip Brik noted
The preservation of the archive seemed in 1927:
to Shklovsky to be more important than
Vertovs film itself. Izmail Urazov, one of the integrity [of a work] is achieved
the editors of Sovetskii ekran (Soviet Screen), by means of the repression of
defended Vertov in a reply to Shklovsky: the individual characteristics of
the researched material. But with
So they have an archive. But what in increasing interest in this raw mate-
fact is an archive? Of course you have rial the extent of this reprocessing
to know how to use an archive. But should certainly be limited. People
the basic thing is the montagea will not allow the plot to mutilate
montage of long sequences is bad. the real material, they demand that
It tires you out. You begin to feel real material should be given to
that you are in the theatre and not them in its original StateThat
the cinema; it does not exploit all the is why people prefer to have poorly
possibilities of filmits rhythm and linked real facts in all their real-
tempo.3 ity to dealing with a well-ordered
plot construction into which these
Urazov of course did not understand that facts have been squeezed, like
Vertovs celebrated short rhythmic montage Procrustesbed.6
was now under suspicion with the onset
of the second period of newsreels. With The poetical montage of Vertov had in
the appearance of The Fall of the Romanov essence transcended the autonomy and
Dynasty, Shub dotted all the is; the period of self-sufficient character of the material,
canonisation of long sequence montage restoring the primary role of the construc-
had begun. tion.7 This recidivist construction was
The reaction of left-wing critics to the called by Shklovsky the infantile disease
films of Vertov was determined to a con- of plot-less production.8 The attempt to
siderable extent by the conception of artis- restore significance to the document as raw
tic evolution formulated by OPOYaZ (the material both motivated criticism of the
Society for the Study of the Theory of Poetic rhythmic and pathetic montage of Vertov
Language) and used by LEF (the Left Front and the return to a more simplistic montage
of the Arts). According to this conception, of long sequences. Shklovsky wrote: We

are not able to see how the Tungus people demonstrate events and the form of
eating raw meat wipe their lips and hands montage of the newsreel is defined
with earth, because with Vertovs method in not by the author but by the raw
order to show such an incident you would material.14
immediately have to show a bourgeois char-
acter wiping his lips with some kind of very This purging of subjectivity from the news-
fine towel.9 reels, this setting of a distance from the
Raw material remained simply material raw material in the cinema of Shub, was
until it could be carefully examined. This achieved by one other essential characteris-
examination allowed the construction to tic: her use of the films of othersthat is,
be marginalised in the film. The length ready-made material. A document is iden-
of the edited sequence became one of the tified with reality in such a way that it is
main formal achievements of Shub. Lev understood as material seen by others. The
Kuleshov wrote: Events must be shown editors view of the second-hand images is
so that they can be well examined.10 He substituted for the view of the editor herself
noted this quality in particular in Shubs on reality. In this context one can see the
work, while Mikhail Kaufman has not meaning of Shklovskys accusations against
grown out of his inclination towards rapid Vertov that he was ruining the film archives.
montage. In Kaufmans work the best So in fact the film archive in an unexpected
sequences are too shortyou cannot exam- way became an analogue of realitya
ine them properly.11 In 1929 Shub herself place for the preservation of second-hand
formulated the basic aim of her montage: images.
emphasis on the fact is an emphasis not The establishment of film archives became
only to show the fact, but to enable it to be the necessary condition for the further prog-
examined and, having examined it, to be ress of cinema. The archive thus acquired an
kept in mind.12 exclusive significance going far beyond the
This emphasis on examination has fun- limitations of a place merely for the preserva-
damental significance. She presented the tion of films. As this aspect of film theory in
raw material of newsreels as something the 1920s has not yet attracted the attention
alienated from the viewer and director, as of scholars, it merits closer attention.
some kind of unknown, alien and inert Appeals to shoot newsreels were
object, at which one must look askance. from the very beginning of the 1920s a
Shklovsky formulated the need for alien- commonplace of left-wing cinema mani-
ation of the material with typical expressive- festos. But it was from precisely the sec-
ness: In art it is most necessary to maintain ond half of the decade that the process of
the pathos of distance and not to tie oneself the creation of a film began more and more
up too closely. It is necessary to maintain an often to be divided into two stages. The first
ironic relationship to ones material and not consisted of a chaotic and total fixation with
allow it to get to you. Just as in boxing or newsreels which should then be gathered
fencing.13 Kuleshov in effect polemicising into the film archives and catalogued. The
with Vertov, makes the same point in a dif- second stage was connected with the edit-
ferent way: ing of these second-hand newsreels by a
director-editor, the author of the film. The
The non-played film must not dem- first gathering of material in general was not
onstrate the subjective impression subordinated to any particular artistic goal.
of the artist on events however cor- Ideally it would be achieved by thousands
rect his artistic convictions may of people unconnected one with another.
be. The newsreel must accurately Sergei Tretyakov wrote:
Reality at SecondHand 185

The masses of photo-enthusiasts, of from the past. The reflection of contem-

reporters and thousands of workers porary reality became impossible. The
correspondents, for all their greyness pathos of distance about which Shklovsky
and lack of qualificationsthese spoke, became the pathos of a temporal dis-
are the potential fact-makers. Their tance. The other is transformed into the
qualifications must be raised and past. When in the discussions in LEF this
they will then be more valuable for pathos of temporal distance became gener-
a real socialisation of art than any ally accepted, one outsider, L. Esakia, was
highly qualified master from the unable to hold back her surprise:
world of art or literature.15
Shub declares that, as our epoch
The virtue of these little fact-makers was is very interesting, we must select
that they had no aesthetic context and so from it for the future, i.e. photo-
could produce an undistorted document. graph everything and preserve it so
The experience of Shub showed that that in future people can have some
from then on the best films had to be made understanding of our epoch. This
out of the raw material of the film archives. already becomes simply working for
But the scarcity of this material held back the archives.19
the development of the cinema. Mayakovsky
called for money to be redirected from art Esakia accurately perceived the paradox
cinema to newsreels: This will ensure the in the logic: the importance of the present
making of such fine films as The Fall of the day demanded the storing of raw material
Romanov Dynasty, The Great Way (Velikii put for the future. The present epoch could
1927), etc.16 V. Fefer agreed with the poet: not be reflected on the screen as it had
newsreels must be filmed not only for the not been turned into raw material for the
present day but also with a view to future archives. From this came the imperative
large-scale newsreel compilation films.17 demandspeed up the archivisation of
But Brik was most consistent: present day material. But this conclusion
showed that the archival film collection was
Of course the most radical step of all in essence equated with reality. It had to
would be to close all the cinema stu- include as huge a spectrum of phenomena
dios and send the cameramen out as actuality itself and these phenomena had
to film real things, then in a short to be in a raw and unworked condition.
time we would have dozens of such The archive had to have an all-embracing
victories as that over the Romanov character also because at any given time
dynasty. But, if that is not possible, nobody could say what theme would be
then we ought to be able to reduce topical in 10 years time. All actuality had
work in the studios by fully 50% in to be fixed on film without any selection.
favour of work on actual reality.18 Tretyakov concluded on this theme in1927:

The most striking point in these declarations They say now that it was difficult to
was the emphasis that work on present-day edit the film The Great Way because
films should practically stop and that cin- ten years ago people did not know
ema should begin to work for the future what was important for them to film.
so that in the course of time they could But if, let us say, we win our struggle
acquire more masterpieces in the spirit of for newsreels, then are you certain
Shub. The document not only became alien- that people will be any happier to
ated from the director, it became a document receive our archive in ten years

time? Perhaps ten years ago people demand a different form, a differ-
also considered that they were film- ent combination of material. But
ing in the ideal wayPerhaps in the newsreel film can again and
ten years time the broadening of again be revived, broken down into
a vein on the cheek of a Peoples its constituent parts (its raw mate-
Commissar during a speech will rial) and presented to us in other
be very importantbut we will not combinations. The raw material of
have filmedit.20 newsreels has permanent value in
contrast to the material of art films.
Posing the question in this way introduced There is no such thing as an eter-
into the cinematic consciousness one essen- nal edited newsreel cine-artefact
tial conflict. This was the conflict between and here is the tragedy of the great-
the film as a strictly dated event on the one est master of the editing of newsreel
hand, and of the raw material as a document pictures, Comrade Vertov. He can-
with a non-temporal, eternal significance not understand and will not recon-
on the other. The material must potentially cile himself to the fact that Cine-Eye
contain all the various possibilities of its and Cine-Pravda will perish after a
interpretation; and on the strength of this while and their negatives will be bro-
it transcended temporal measurement. This ken up into their original constitu-
transcendental quality was particularly par- ent elements. And this is inevitable
adoxical because it had to be connected to as only the raw material itself has
the time and place of its creationand cata- basic value in the newsreel.From
logued. Tretyakov asserted: For newsreels this arises the effort and struggle to
it is important to know that a certain person ensure that the raw material, which
for decades will provide opportuni-
is shown on the screen at a certain time and
ties for it to be combined in differ-
place doing something. If this definition of
ent ways, should be preserved in the
the shot disappears, then it becomes gener-
same form and under the same title
alised and we look at it as de-personalised
as when it was filmed and in particu-
and typical.21 But this definition of the
lar that it should be preserved from
document irrevocably relating it to the past
also provided that alienated distance which
made the material eternal and thus distinct
from film expressing a transient, topical In the choice between film and film archive
point of view of the material. the preference here was definitely for the
This confict was expressed in the most film archive as a metaphor of realitythe
radical and even fantastic way by Grigori source of films and the place of their destruc-
Boltyansky: tion. Films were born from the film archives
as from the earth, in order to return again
Genuinely eternal film artefacts, to them. The eternal document absorbed the
as it is fashionable to say in cinema, transient film. Such a position allowed the
cannot be edited out of newsreel question of the limitations of the archival
material. All such works, edited material to be decided in its own way. In so
from raw material according to a far as the material was understood as raw
particular plan, will be significant material for permanent re-combination, the
only from the point of view of social film archive became an endless and inex-
psychology and the propaganda haustible source for the future film-maker.
tasks of a particular year or two. In The second-hand could never be inte-
a years time somebody else will grated into ones ownthe real work of
Reality at SecondHand 187

the authorsooner or later it would again and something organic and ideally com-
be alienated from the authors point of view plete. But montage as formulated by the
and return to its non-temporal encapsulated LEF-ists in the second half of the 1920s dif-
autonomy. fered little in essence from the principles of
As well as the re-combination of material archival cataloguing. This was the explana-
there existed another inexhaustible means tion of Pertsovs attempts to prove that the
for the acquisition of films. Viktor Pertsov catalogue was still not a film. The fact is that
proposed that the film collection should be LEFand not only theymore and more
understood as a kind of Borges-like uni- propagandised the principle of thematic mon-
verse: Of course the theme can cut up the tage which was in essence analogous to the
film archive as it were vertically (historically) thematic selection of material in a catalogue.
or in any direction.23 The dismemberment The thematic principle was put forward
of the film was turned into an essential primarily as an antidote to subjectivity in
phase of the establishment of the film. The the selection of material, to guard against
specifically archival operation of catalogu- the danger of abstraction. The selection of
ing the material began to be understood as material by theme was understood as some-
a stage in the generation of the text. thing arising from the raw material itself
Shklovsky described the significance and not connected with the will of the artist.
of The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty for The material should catalogue itself so that
instance in these terms: The catalogue of the will of the archivist doing the catalogu-
the film [the newsreel material] which was ing could in essence be disregarded. Already
obtained as a result of the viewing was a in 1925 Vertov defended Cine-Pravda in the
pure bonus,24 and: In general what lies followingway:
in the cellars and film collections is passed
through a selective, intelligent film-reeler Enemies attacking Cine-Pravda have
window, collected on montage lists, and is mainly pointed out that it is made
more interesting than what the studio pro- up of earlier chance filmed mate-
duces.25 This comment was indicative: the rial. According to us, this means
raw material gathered from the montage that it is organised from chunks of
lists was more interesting than the finished life into the theme and not the other
film. The catalogue was more important way round. That is our virtue and
than the text. Pertsov showed that the cat- not our weakness27
alogue was not the film. But in itself this
proof was more than eloquent. He wrote: In 1929 in the pages of the Leningrad
journal Zhizn iskusstva (Artistic Life) a
Making the catalogue of cuttings polemic developed over the problem of
is the job of the archive, which can raw material in cinema, which began with
from time to time make some kind an article by Mikhail Bleiman Down with
of exhibition of the facts selecting Raw Material. This polemic is interesting
cuttings on a particular themefor in that it clearly demonstrates the emerg-
instance an exhibition of filmed ing approach to the question of thematic
landscapes. But such an exhibition montage. Bleiman seemed to be protesting
has nothing in common with a film against the fetishism of raw material: Being
picture as an organic whole built up hypnotised by the material prevents the elu-
on the basis of montage.26 cidation of what is essentially important in
it and an insistent emphasis on that. The
Montage was of course always described as raw material of a picture is not regulated,
the highest stage of organisation of the text it is not co-ordinated, there is no focus on a

conclusion, in fact there is no theme. Most giving quotations on the wall of his room
of our pictures are without themes.28 His and carefully read them for a long time
criticism of the fetishism of raw material in order to understand them more pro-
was certainly not made from a standpoint foundly: They hung on the wall for a long
of support for its re-shaping by montage. time. I grouped them together, hung them
For Bleiman it was simply a question of the side by side and eventually the connections
regulation of the material according to its became apparent.31 Shklovsky organised a
themes. distinctive exhibition of second-hand film
E. Arnoldi entered the discussion and off-cuts like that which the film archivist
took essentially the same position, but Pertsov had called for. The second-hand
defined it more precisely in his character- material, the film quotations, acquired
istic manner: a self-contained meaning. Fetishism
towards the material which, according to
facts speak for themselves, this idea, had to be overcome by themati-
but conclusions are drawn by the sation would become an important stage
viewer. The task of the artist is not in the formation of new catalogues. Boris
to pre-digest these conclusions Arvatov criticised LEF for this new fetish-
through his attitudes, but to suggest ism towards the document: they teach
them through the correct selection us to savour the genuine peasant and the
of factsThemes grow out of the genuine Czanne; a chunk of reality,
factual material, they must skilfully just like a chunk of landscape32 Dmitri
select it and not clash withit.29 Levonevsky noted Objects grow out of
their modest essence, swell into fetishes,
Thus the themes themselves arose out of fetishes secure their immanent develop-
the raw material. The task of the artist was ment and so the super-Utilitarianism of
only to select facts according to the themes LEF unexpectedly joins hands with the ide-
that grew out of the material. It was still a alist.33 Thus the self-definition of the raw
question essentially of the same artistic material into themes could also be defined
cataloguing. Adrian Piotrovsky brought the as the immanent development of a fetish.
discussion to an end when he declared that Brik, in the end, arrived at a basic formu-
a new period in the development of Soviet lation of the meaning of raw material: In
cinema had begun, which he called the newsreels every separate section is compre-
period of thematic cinema. He asserted hensible and complete in itself. Putting the
that Soviet cinema was originally formed sections in order in the newsreel film only
in a country overflowing with a gigantic alters the ease and convenience of reading
number of new facts, new vital events and the material as a whole, but the meaning of
phenomena.30 This flood of facts had led to the material does not depend on it.34 This
the tyranny of documentalism which now 1927 formula declaratively rejected all previ-
had to be succeeded by the thematisation ous theories of montage from Kuleshov and
(tematizatsiya) of facts. Vertov to Eisenstein.35 As second-hand
This growth of emphasis on theme as material, the film quotations were com-
a montage principle growing out of the pletely autonomous of the montage, their
material itself, also made it necessary to meaning was encapsulated in them and
allow the viewer to examine the material could not be changed. The model for mon-
and thus established a montage of long tage thus finally became cataloguing.
sequences. In 1928 LEF issued a manifesto film The
In 1930 Shklovsky spoke about his work- Glass Eye (Steklyannyi glaz) directed by Lily
ing methods. He hung up sheets of paper Brik and Vitali Zhemchuzhny. The film
Reality at SecondHand 189

was in two parts: first, a parody on a game second-hand material. A paradoxical situ-
showing what went on behind the scenes; ation arose in which the revolutionary artist
and then an apologia for newsreels. The was not himself able to look at the world
newsreel part did not include any newly but had to introduce between himself and
filmed frames at all and used, as the cap- the world an anonymous and inert media-
tion made clear, foreign newsreels and parts tor. Actuality had to be subjected to a con-
of Kaufmans film Moscow (Moskva, 1927). scious alienation.
The most striking thing in the film was the It would be easiest of all to explain
absolute consistency with which the princi- this situation by reference to the crisis
ple of thematic montage was implemented, of revolutionary art, its exclusion from
turning the newsreel part of the film into the processes of active constructive life.
a perfect imitation of a film archive cata- But this crisis apparently had its inter-
logue. First they showed the coronation of nal as well as external causes. The LEF
Nicholas II and the Durbar for King George artist formulated his task as a task of
V in India, then fragments of old newsreels permanently reconstructing and trans-
and finally they opened the catalogue: To forming life. In this perspective, life per-
the Glass-Eye all corners of the world are formed the role of raw material. But the
visiblethe Tropicsfollowed by African raw material, as something destined for
newsreels. Countries of the North with deformation and alteration, could not be
appropriate newsreels, and so on through their own material, it had to be given as
the catalogue with films under water, sci- second-hand material. Life demanding
entific films, the towns of Asia and Europe, re-structuring should be understood only
and so on. It is interesting that one of the as second-hand life. From this arose the
characters introduced into the film was paradoxical consequence that the artists
that of a cameraman, played by Anatoli who took up the most active positions in
Golovnya, who worked with Pudovkin. In life had constantly to subject life to alien-
this way it was emphasised that the frames ation and to convert it into second-hand
of the newsreels were second-hand.36 material.
The Glass Eye only demonstrated as a It is significant that in 1926 Sergei
principle what LEF had propagandised in Vasiliev, who was later to be the co-director
other films as well, such as The Land of the of Chapayev, compared his work on the
Chuvash (Strana Chuvashii, 1927) directed re-editing of foreign films, with the revo-
by Vladimir Korlevich which was also con- lutionary transformation of life: it is now
structed as a catalogue. nine years since the proletarian revolution
This episode from the history and the- brought out its scissors to re-edit in defi-
ory of Soviet cinema could be considered ance of everything one sixth of the world in
insignificant were it not for certain symp- its own fashion, and perhaps the time is not
tomatic indications in it. These were firstly far away when the other five sixths will also
the conscious, declarative retrogression of be taken up with re-editing.37 To re-edit a
the cinema form essentially to pre-montage second-hand film was the same as to re-edit
positions and secondly the restoration of Soviet reality.
the archaic kind of cinema text achieved This situation of constant reshaping of
by the most radical left-wing of the artis- second-hand material in the tenth year of
tic avant-garde from the mid-1920s. It is the Revolutionthe apogee of the new ten-
notable that this restoration was achieved dencies was reached in 1927developed
in parallel with a recognition of the impos- into a consciousness of the transience of
sibility of working with contemporary, the reshaped text as opposed to the eternal-
actual reality and a principled turn to ism of the second-hand material. The raw

material kept its significance, its unchanging counter-types (that is off-cuts from various
films), then there are bits shot by dozens
character, it was continually returned to the of cameramen, filming according to their
metaphorical film archive at the same time own discretion (usually alongside the camera-
as the films, in which it had been reshaped, man is the director who is also struggling with
the composition of the frame), and none of
aged, disintegrated, and died. The dynamism these are linked together by a common artis-
of the struggle as an unceasing movement tic approach. The final work of the director
paradoxically established the alienated mate- here consisted in editorial work with scissors
on second-hand material, in the shooting of
rial as eternal and unchanging. The preserva- which the director had not participated. And so
tion of the character of left-wing art as one here again is the same kind of trick.
of struggle and dynamism up to 1927 was D. Borisov, Shestaya chast mira (osoboe mnenie)
distracted by the involuntary recognition of (A Sixth Part of the World [A Personal Opinion]),
the stability of actuality. The second-hand Kino, No. 3, 15 January 1927, p. 2.
6. O. Brik, Fiksatsiya fakta (The Fixation of Fact), Novyi
became eternal. Lef, Nos. 11-12, 1927, pp. 48-50, partially translated
This crisis of artistic consciousness in: Taylor & Christie, pp. 184-185.
amongst left-wing artists involuntarily 7. Compare this with Ilya Ehrenburgs
characterisation of Vertov: His practice is
prepared the way for the art of the coming abstract.The works of Vertov are defined as
decades, which more and more evidently the fixing of reality.In fact this is a laboratory
combined within the limits of Stalinist analysis of the world, complex and poignant. It
is what Cubism was to painting; I. Erunburg,
classicism the alienated stability of the Materializatsiya fantastiki (The Materialisation of the
material with the ideology of continuous Fantastic) (Moscow and Leningrad, 1927), p. 17.
struggle and progress. 8. Shklovskii, Gamburgskii Schet, p.401.
9. Reprinted in: Shklovskii, Za 60 let. Raboty o kino
(Through 60 Years. Works on Cinema) (Moscow,
1985), p. 361.
Notes 10. L. V. Kuleshov, Ekran segodnya (The Screen Today,
1. T. Selezneva, Kinomysl 1920-kh godov (Film Theory in 1927), reprinted in: Sobranie sochinenii v 3-kh
tomakh (Collected Works in 3 Volumes), Vol. 1
the 1920s) (Leningrad, 1972), p. 43. See also: J. Leyda,
Films Beget Films (London, 1964), p. 41. (Moscow, 1987), p. 117.
11. Ibid., p.118.
2. V. Shklovskii, Kuda shagaet Dziga Vertov? (Where
is Dziga Vertov Striding?), Sovetskii ekran (Soviet 12. E. Shub, Zhizn moyakinematograf
(CinematographyMy Life), (Moscow, 1972), p. 268.
Screen) 14 August 1926, p. 4; translated in: R. Taylor
& I. Christie (Eds), The Film Factory: Russian and 13. Shklovskii, Gamburgskii schet, p. 218. The
distancing of the material and the reality identified
Soviet cinema in documents, 1896-1939 (London and
Cambridge, MA, 1988), pp. 151152. with it could also take purely physical forms. For
instance the Constructivist Alexei Gan thought
3. I. Urazov, On shagaet k zhizni, kak ona est (Striding
Towards Life as It Really Is), Sovetskii ekran, No. 32, 10 that the best sequence in Vertovs Cine-Pravda
was the episode with the display of the German
August 1926, p. 6.
4. V. Shklovskii, Gamburgskii schet (The Hamburg Junkers aeroplane, which simultaneouslyserved
as a subject for observation and also as a means of
Reckoning) (Moscow, 1990), p. 195.
5. Fetishism towards the newspaper model aroused observing from the air the ground, a town, people,
in fact everything in general which could be called
a natural protest from some critics who, with the
aim of discrediting the newspaper montage of our real everyday life; A. Gan, Nashe na ekrane
(Our Life on the Screen), Ermitazh, No. 8, 410 July
second-hand documents, began to place at the
centre of the creative process the person of the 1922, p. 15. Real everyday life was what was seen
from the aeroplane and yet was what was at the
cameraman, who, as it were, laid down the principle
of montage at the time of filming through his greatest distance from the observer.
14. Kuleshov, p.117.
composition of the frame. Amongst these critics was
D. Borisov who wrote: 15. S. Tretyakov, Prodolzhenie sleduet (To Be Continued),
Novyi Lef, No. 12, 1928, p. 4.
The author of these lines happened to 16. V. Mayakovskii, Polnoe sobranie sochinenii
see how, out of 20 leading articles in a cer- (Complete Collected Works), Vol. 12 (Moscow, 1959),
tain newspaper, some fellow made up the p. 147.
twenty-first with the help of scissors. Is this 17. V. Fefer, 10 let (Ten Years), Sovetskii ekran, No. 44, 1
art? No, its simply a trick. In ASixth Part of the Nov. 1927, p. 6.
World [Shestaya chast mira, 1926] about 3040 18. O. M. Brik, Pobeda fakta (The Victory of the Fact),
per cent of the whole film consists of so-called Kino, No. 14, 5 April 1927, p. 3.
Reality at SecondHand 191

19. Lef i Kino (LEF and Cinema), Novyi Lef, Nos. 1112, of a Peoples Commissar should be included
1927, p. 66. Brik openly spoke of the need to film in the universal film archive. If one takes the
for the archive; ibid., p. 65. point of view of Malevich then the abstraction
20. Ibid.,p.52. of the document by Vertov could be understood
21. Ibid.,p.54. as a de-fetishisation of the document and as
22. G. Boltyanskii, Mysli o kinokhronike (Thoughts on the destruction of its exhibition value. Such a
Newsreels), Sovetskii ekran, No. 17, 26 April 1927, document according to Shklovsky we would not
p.14. manage to see. It is significant that in 1929 K.
23. V. Pertsov, Igra i demonstratsiya (Play and Feldman contrasted Vertov as an artist working
Demonstration), Novyi Lef, Nos. 1112, 1927, p. 34. on reality with those who took second-hand
24. V. Shklovskii, Kartinadokument (The Picturea landscapes as material: K. Feldman, V sporakh
Document), Kino, No. 11, 12 March 1927, p. 2. o Vertove (The Controversy over Vertov), Kino i
25. Ibid. kultura, Nos. 56, 1929, p. 12.
26. Pertsov,p.35. 33. D. Levonevskii, Literatura fakta (The Literature
27. A. Belenson, Kino segodnya. Ocherki sovetskogo of the Fact), Zhizn iskusstva, No. 33, 18 August
kino-iskusstva (KuleshovVertovEisenstein (Cinema 1929, p. 5.
Today. Essays in Soviet Cinema Art [Kuleshov, Vertov, 34. O. Brik, Protiv zhanrovykh kartinok (Against Genre
Eisenstein]) (Moscow, 1925), p. 35. Pictures), Kino, No. 27, 5 July 1927, p. 3.
28. M. Bleiman, Doloi material! (Down with Raw 35. Eisenstein was fully conscious of the role thrust on
Material!), Zhizn iskusstva, No. 32, 11 August 1929, Shub in the discrediting of the montage method
p. 5. espoused by him and ironically referred to it in
29. E. Arnoldi, Faktyveshch upryamaya (Facts are a letter to her on 15 May 1928: I had entirely
Stubborn Things), Zhizn iskusstva, No. 34, 25 forgotten to whom I am writing. Here we have the
August 1929, pp. 6-7. non-players, we have the documentersNot a word
30. A. Piotrovskii, Kinematografiya temy (Thematic about feelings, my letter is only documentationit
Cinema), Zhizn iskusstva, No. 36, 8 September is not a letter, but an Abkhazian documentand in
1929, p. 6. so far as construction is still not in fashion, let it
31. Kak my pishem (How We Write), (Moscow, 1989), p. bea procurement for an Abkhazian document
185. Shub, p. 372.
32. B. Arvatov, Kinoplatforma (Cinema Platform), 36. The transformation of the cameraman into
Novyi Lef, No. 3, 1928, p. 35. Pertsovs film a character in the film was most consistently
archive exhibition was a concrete expression of pursued in Vertovs The Man with the Movie
the tendency towards the alienation of material. Camera (Chelovek s kino-apparatom, 1929) and
Newsreels should be examined in such an fulfilled the obvious function of alienating
exposition in order to elucidate the themes the material. It has something in common
in them, in the sense of some idea and some with Vertovs ideology of the camera as some
kind of extra content beyond the obvious. The kind of super-eye. The material seen by such a
idea of a cinema museum of the current time mechanical eye is declaratively alienated from
had already been expressed in 1925! Thus a the subjective human vision. The person of the
museum. A museum of living people Kadr. cameraman, although he was immersed in the
Kinoletopis (The Frame. A Cinema-Chronicle), thick of life, paradoxcially gave the material
Sovetskii ekran, No. 7, 12 May 1925, p. 2. Kazimir the character of second-hand visuals. This
Malevich in the same year protested violently cameraman was the hero of the film in contrast
against a museum approach to actuality in the to the unseen director-editor. The latter was the
cinema, considering that Vertovs demonstration bearer of knowledge, the elucidator of the theme
of objects as such liberated it from an idea which was unknown to the cameraman, who
(and theme). In this he saw the difference was, as it were, immersed in the material and
between Vertov and those artists who think formed a part of it. In this context the comment
that the human ugly mug is that epitome in of Osip Brik about Vertovs cameraman, Mikhail
which the ideal artistic form exists, and that this Kaufman, was appropriate: Kaufman was not
ugly mugand all the everyday rubbish and aware of the theme for which he was producing
bazaar hurly-burly which surround itare the his shots or the meaning these shots were
essence of their life: K. Malevich, Kinozhurnal supposed to give to nature. Ring Lefa (The LEF
ARK, No. 10, 1925, p. 9. He also ridiculed Ring), Novyi Lef, No. 4, 1928, p. 28, translated in
those factologists who stood in the waiting Taylor & Christie, p. 226. This fact, that the theme
rooms of the deputy directors of life in order to of the shooting was not known to the cameraman,
engrave images containing their idea. In this gives his productions the genuine character of
perspective documents of everyday life had no second-hand material.
kind of documentary or archival significance 37. G. N. & S. D. Vasilev, Sobranie sochinenii v 3-kh
at all. Compare this with the view of Tretyakov tomakh (Collected Works in 3 Vols), Vol. 1, (Moscow,
who considered that even the veins on the cheek 1981), p. 157.


It took more than one film to teach me to didnt like it because they had become a bit
work with actors, but the important accom- snobbish.
plishments for me in this film were some My next film started from a far more triv-
successes in photographic ingenuity. In ial motive. While on location for Breakers we
order to film the movement of the sea and needed the sun, instead we got rainthose
the surf in a dramatic, subjective way Icon- long days of rain that you have in Holland.
structed a rubber sack with a glass front The idealets make a film about the damn
to contain my head and arms and camera. raincame quite naturally.
This enabled me to shoot while breakers Although this idea arose almost as a joke,
rolled over my camera and myself, produc- when I returned to Amsterdam I talked it
ing shots of sea movement with a violent over with Mannus Franken who sketched
quality that nobody had seen before on the an outline. We discussed and revised the
screen. outline many times until it became a film
Mannus Franken did much of the direc- for both of us. Unfortunately, Mannus
tion for me. It was good training to work Franken lived in Paris, so the shooting in
with faces and human features and with Amsterdam was done by me alone. Franken
reactions so soon after the mechanized however, came to Amsterdam for a short
movements on The Bridge. Creating certain time to assist in the editing.
moods of a fishing community in a mini- In making such a film of atmosphere,
mum of shots was a challenging problem Ifound that you couldnt stick to the script
for a young film maker: a lone dog in an and that the script should not get too
empty street; a sleepy pan-shot along the detailed. In this case, the rain itself dictated
straight lines of the tiny roofs; a single child its own literature and guided the camera
in a spotless court; a line of dignified fish- into secret wet paths we had never dreamed
ermen walking stiffly in their black Sunday of when we outlined the film. It was an
clothes against the white austere architec- unexpectedly difficult subject to tackle.
ture of the village church. For us Breakers Many artistic problems were actually tech-
was a good filmalthough I remember nical problems and vice versa. Film experi-
that we thought the Filmliga audiences ence in photographing rain was extremely
The Making ofRain 193

limited because a normal cameraman stops actually taken from my bed when I woke up.
filming when it begins to rain. When Rain All the new problems in this film sharpened
was finished and shown in Paris the French my observation and also forced me to relax
critics called it a cin-poem and its structure the rigid and over-analytical method of film-
is actually more that of a poem than the ing that I had used in The Bridge.
prose of The Bridge. Its object is to show the With the swiftly shifting rhythm and
changing face of a city, Amsterdam, during light of the rain, sometimes changing
a shower. within a few seconds, my filming had to be
The film opens with clear sunshine on defter and more spontaneous. For example,
houses, canals, and people in the streets. A on the big central square of Amsterdam
slight wind rises and the first drops of rain Isaw three little girls under a cape and the
splash into the canals. The shower comes skipping movements of their legs had the
down harder and the people hasten about rhythm of raindrops. There had been a time
their business under the protection of capes when Ithought that such good things could
and umbrellas. The shower ends. The last be shot tomorrow as well as today; but you
drops fall and the citys life returns to nor- soon learn that this is never true. I filmed
mal. The only continuity in Rain is the those girls without a seconds hesitation.
beginning, progress, and end of this shower. They would probably never again walk at
There are neither titles nor dialogue. Its that hour on the square, or when they did
effects were intended as purely visual. it wouldnt be raining, and if it was raining
The actors are the rain, the raindrops, wet they wouldnt have a cape, or skip in just
people, dark clouds, glistening reflections that way, or it would be too darkor some-
moving over wet asphalt, and so forth. The thing. So you film it immediately. With
diffused light on the dark houses along the these dozens of interrelated factors you get
black canals produced an effect that I never the feeling of shootingnow ornever.
expected. And the whole film gives the spec- Even in that ABC exercise of The Bridge
tator a very personal, and subjective vision. I had had a taste of the pure joy a film
As in the lines of Verlaine: maker knows when playing around with
movements and actions. I was filming a
II pleure dans moncur, train engine waiting to cross the bridge,
Comme il pleut sur laville. stopped by the red signal arm. Iwanted to
photograph the front of the waiting, puff-
At that time I lived with and for the rain. I ing engine as if it were the impatient snout
tried to imagine how everything I saw would of a powerful animal. As I released the
look in the rainand on the screen. It was motor, smoke came out of the chimney and
part game, part obsession, part action. I had curled up in black and gray puffs into the
decided upon the several places in the city I air. Instinctively I raised my handcamera
wanted to film and I organized a system of in a sort of syncopated swing with the lift-
rain watchers, friends who would telephone ing movement of the smoke. The result was
me from certain sections of town when pretty good, an interesting double move-
the rain effects I wanted appeared. I never ment within the frame that I might never
moved without my camerait was with me have been able to calculate.
in the office, laboratory, street, train. I lived It took me about four months to get the
with it and when I slept it was on my bed- footage I needed for Rain. To achieve the
side table so that if it was raining when I effect of the beginning of the shower as you
woke I could film the studio window over now see it in the film Ihad to photograph
my bed. Some of the best shots of raindrops at least ten beginnings and out of these
along the slanted studio windows were ten make the one film beginning. The rain

itself was a moody actress who had to be close-up of another boat moving in an oppo-
humored and who refused anything but a site diagonal across the entire screen. As the
natural make-up. I found that none of the rain begins Iadded to the changes in light,
new color-corrective film emulsions on the a change in these movements emphasizing
market were suitable for my rain problems. the leisurely movement of barges, wet puffs
The old extra-rapid Agfa film with no color of smoke and waving reflections in the
correction at all, and used without a filter, water. When cutting these shots Iwas care-
gave the best results. All lenses were used ful to avoid abrupt contrasts, letting them
with a fully opened diaphragm because build up leisurely on the screen.
most of the work was done with a mini- Another interesting thing Ilearned about
mum oflight. the values of shots and movements was
Its remarkable how easy it is to forget the their relation to humor. In editing Iguided
most basic elements of your subject and how the eyes of the audience to the right of the
important those basic elements are to your screen by a close shot of water gushing out
work. In Rain Ihad to remind myself con- of a drainpipe, following this immediately
stantly that rain is wetso you must keep by a shot of a dripping wet dog running
the screen dripping with wetnessmake along. My intention was merely to pick up
the audience feel damp and not just damp- the movement and rhythm in the pipe shot
ness. When they think they cant get any wet- with the shot of the dog and my simple
ter, double the wetness, show the raindrops movement continuity always got a laugh. If
falling in the water of the canalmake it Ihad been a more skillful editor at that time
super-wet. I was so happy when I noticed Iwould have made a more conscious use of
at one of the first screenings of the finished such an effect, but Iwas still learning. Iwas
film that the audience looked around for still too preoccupied with movement and
their raincoats and were surprised to find rhythm to be sufficiently aware of the spe-
the weather dry and clear when they came cial film capacities for communicating the
out of the theatre. humorous movements aroundus.
To give the rain its fullest, richest qual- However, Rain did teach me a great deal
ity Ihad to make sure that the sunlight that about film emotionmuch more than the
began and ended the film showed its typi- emotional story of the Breakers. In editing
cal differences. You have to catch the dis- The Bridge I had discovered the sad effect
tinction between sunlight before rain and achieved by the rhythmic repetition of slow
sunlight after rain; the distinction between heavy movements. In Rain I consciously
the rich strong enveloping sunlight before used heavy dark drops dripping in big
the rain and the strange dreamy yellow light pear-shaped forms at long intervals across
afterwards. I know that this sounds over- the glass of the studio window to produce
subtle but it is important and you have to the melancholy feeling of a rainy day. The
be aware of it and remember to catch these opposite effect of happiness or gaiety in a
subtleties with your camera. spring shower could be produced by many
In addition to careful photography, these bright small round drops pounding against
nuances in light quality can be emphasized many surfaces in a variety ofshots.
in movement. For example, I heightened To strengthen the continuity of Rain
the sharp quality of the sunlight that pre- I used the repetition of a second visual
cedes the rain by keenly defined movements motifbirds flying in the sunlight and then
of light and shadow. The sharp dark shadow as the rain starts, a flock moving against the
of a footbridge rips across the wide deck of a gray sky (continuing a rhythm indicated in
boat passing swiftly underneath. This move- the previous shot by leaves rustling in the
ment is cut off by immediate contact with a wind). During the storm I showed one or
The Making ofRain 195

two birds flying restlessly about. After the that cured the flua constant by-product
rain has stopped there is a shot of some of thisfilm.
birds sitting quietly on the wet railing of a Made almost entirely as a cameramans
bridge. film, Rain proved to be successful with
I shot the whole film with my old Kinamo audiences. It followed the same distribu-
and an American De Vry handcamera. tion channels The Bridge had experienced,
My assistant was a young Chinese sailor, and was shown in avant garde movie the-
Chang Fai, whom Ihad met as a waiter in atres throughout Europe and in many cin
a Chinese restaurant on the Zeedyk. Chang clubs. One thing that spectators always
Fai had jumped a large Indies liner in order commented on was the films identity with
to stay in Holland and learn a profession the simple things of daily liferevealing
before going back to Asia. His main job as the beauty in these things. It was, Ithink, a
my assistant was to hold an umbrella over new field for the close-up which until then
my camera. had been used only for passionate or dra-
At that time I was living alone in the matic emphasis. These close-ups of every
large attic of an old Amsterdam house day objects made Rain an important step in
opposite the stock exchange. Anyone who my development.
could bring some order to my Bohemian The most serious criticism against the
home life was welcome. Chang Fai did film was its lack of content. In a certain
not speak a word of Dutch, but with a sense this was an exact criticism. I failed
system of gestures we made the follow- to emphasize sufficiently human beings
ing deal:he would keep house for me and reactions to rain in a big city. Everything
cook and Iwould teach him photography. was subordinated to the esthetic approach.
He learned a great deal more than holding In a way I am glad that I laid a founda-
umbrellas over a moving camera. After a tion of technical and creative perfection
while he was able to buy his own camera before working on other more important
and as a parting gift at the end of our deal elements. Ihave since seen too many films
Igave him all the formulae for fine grain so exclusively dependent on content that
development. I doubt if Rain could have the available means for film making have
been made without Changs carefully held been neglected with injury to the content
umbrella and his wonderful black soups itself.

D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 3 1 )

I. commercial cinema operates only according

to a criterion of success, the criterion of a
Documentary expresses reality in terms of badly educated public.
causes and effects. I note, first of all, that The commercial cinema brings about
documentary film is the only means left to only technical progress. The avant-garde
the avant-garde cinaste in his battle against cinema augments that with spiritual or
the Big Companies [film production com- intellectual progress.
panies], not in so far as they represent a
large-scale industry, but because documen-
tary expresses reality as it is while the Big II.
Companies generally produce bad films,
because they flatter the publics poor taste The talkie forms the nexus for the future
by adapting to it, indeed by taking inspira- possibilities of television and radio. There
tion from it, without seeking to provoke the are new reasons to battle against the motive
public to reaction or action. of bad taste which places the Big Companies
The avant-garde cinema is a cinema that in perpetual danger.
tends to provoke the interest and response
of spectators.
And Icall avant-garde that cinema which
takes the initiative for progress and safe- III.
guards it, as the standard-bearer of cin-
ematographic sincerity. The independent Documentary film is the only positive
cinema, in effect, operates according to an means left the avant-garde cinaste who
autocritique, which pushes it to advance; the wishes to commit himself fully to labor,
Reflections on the Avant-Garde Documentary 197

insofar as he represents the expression poet does; he senses himself similar to the
of the masses or popular expression in medieval worker whose task was to realize
hiswork. the grand idea conceived by the intellectual,
In effect, since documentary exists thanks to his perfect knowledge of the mate-
chiefly on command, and since it is the rial world in which he worked. Agood cam-
industrialists best means of publicity, eraman makes a better film than a poet does
the filmmaker has to deal only with one because he knows his material and tech-
man: a businessman, a stranger to the nique better, and this advantage opens up
cinema. So it is in the interest of that new possibilities for him. Iwould even say
filmmaker to make a success of his film, that the original conception of a poet may
whose truth and documentary nature are be excellent only by chance, for he doesnt
simultaneously the sole critierion of that possess the necessary cinematic ways of
success. thinking.
By contrast, when he works for the
Big Companies, he finds himself strug-
gling against administrative committees, V.
actors, and censorship. He is restricted,
he is no longer independent, but works, Its impossible for the filmmaker of
so to speak, as a kind of slave. In order a documentary to lie, not to be true to
to escape this enslavement, he must be life. The material world doesnt sup-
so clear-sighted, with respect to the pro- port deception: a documentary neces-
duction, that he prevails on his spectator, sitates the development of the human
whether his spectator be an industrialist personality of the cinaste since it is the
or an illiterate. personality of the artist alone which dis-
tinguishes him from both reality and
simple recording.
IV. The good filmmaker lives surrounded
by the material world, by reality. On each
In the current state of the cinema, docu- occasion he chooses to interpret only a part
mentary provides the best means of dis- of that reality, and the success of his film
covering the cinemas true paths. Its is then dependent on the confidence of
impossible for it to fall into theater, litera- the masses in his personality. Stimulated
ture, or music hall entertainment, none of by this confidence, the human personal-
which is cinema. ity of an individual who has chosen some
This argument is quite old, but Ifind it part of reality which seems important to
useful to recall and repeat to myself, since him, and nothing but a part, leaves aside
now that the cinema includes sound and all therest.
voice it risks the same danger that it risked In other films, we dont evaluate the per-
at its birth and which it had gradually left sonality of the filmmaker or his fidelity to
behind. criteria as real or as significant asthis.
The cinema is a craft. The independent
cinaste is a craftsman. He possesses an
essential technical skill, which does not at VI.
all exclude the spiritual and intellectual.
Thats why big industry provides so many Documentary must not be content to be
blessings for us. A good American cam- merely a source of emotion, a literary cel-
eraman brings more to the cinema than a ebration before the beauty of the material

world; but it must certainly provoke latent I believe then that the development of my
actions and responses. ideas, of my cinematic ideal, will be achieved
Through an excess of individualism and only in Russia, where the masses are accus-
aestheticism, Europe is refractory on the tomed to such activities daily and are able to
matter of social action in documentary. understand the social truth of documentary.

On Land Without Bread(1986)

In a certain fashion the cinema of Surrealism Terre sans pain, Tierra sin pan, Unpromised
conditioned the great narrative styles that Land), Buuel, a signatory of the second
dominated film of the 1930s. Today it can Manifeste du surralisme, appears to be one
offer ways of theorizing narrative in fic- of its most important proponents. Land
tional or feature film. Its legacy is important without Bread is absolutely crucial to docu-
for the study of the history and technique of mentary realism and stands, we shall argue,
documentary cinema, where truth generally as a model that tests all cinma-vrit. The
takes precedence over the rhetoric articu- paragraphs which follow shall examine the
lating its realism. The violence of facts junctures, rifts, or punctuations by which
in documentaries overwhelms spectators its filmic style appears to be fashioned.
by blinding the critical power of the eye to Attention will be directed away from the sub-
the esthetics that constitute the very basis ject of the filma forlorn corner of Spain in
of its veracity. Analysis of surreal cinema, the early 1930sin order to dwell on some
it seems, re-establishes that power. In this modes that convey the disquiet of its docu-
respect, the legacy of Surrealism seems to mentary. Five aspects will be taken up: (1)
be perpetually active; it cannot merely be the compositional ensemble and its overall
studied as a moment in an evolution of cin-
ema because it persistently questions the
order of any history that would pigeonhole
it in the European milieu of the1920s.
The relationship between Surrealism and
documentary cinema is exceptionally pro-
ductive. Surrealism did not actively pursue
the documentary or ethnographic cinema to
further its manifesto of 1924. Yet with Land
without Bread (1932, also titled as Las Hurdes,

visual effects; (2) the very cursive use of the with a scene in the early moments of the
lap-dissolve; (3) the uncanny framing that exposition). Thus the viewers eye is asked
both conceals and manifests a cinema of to extend its field of perception beyond the
sacrifice (as we shall see, scapegoating in a scope of narrative and montage. Only one
quite literal sense); (4) the breakdown of illu- sequence shows signs of cross-cutting, and
sory space through the presence of writing this is in the final seconds (shots 222236),
of scripture in the cinematic frame; and (5) where the Hurdano household, finishing
the nagging presence of a latently Spanish its evening meal and preparing for slum-
painterly tradition foregrounding the repre- ber, is punctuated by the arrival of an old
sentation of the Hurdano population. lady knelling death in an adjacent street. Yet
even this hardly appears contrived enough
to hasten the viewer to associate the end
The Compositional Ensemble of the film with a cherished Iberian topos
of sleep bringing on dreams of death or
As the appended shot sequence evinces, monsters. The closeups of the old hag are
Land without Bread consists of 238 shots too deliciously creatural and the bedtime
over a duration of twenty-seven minutes (or is too staged to allow us to fall into a com-
about 865 meters of film). Even if averaged monplace. We wonder how the lighting is
to a mean of seven seconds per shot, the achieved so well in contrejour; how the locals
total number would be inordinately high can mime sleep under the glare of light
for a documentary. The film abounds with shed upon them; how the extreme closeup
varied shots; its sheer number would lead of the old soothsayers wrinkled face has
a viewer to believe that the film is inspired been shot in the illusion of night. Cinematic
by Eisensteinian montage instead of poetic issues of composition break the sense of
realism. Cursory viewing proves otherwise, movement inherent to cross-cutting, to the
since the impression is one of redundancy, point that the spectator can wonder if the
inertia, and unchanging, unmediated por- bell of death and slumber is apposed to the
traits of life on the verge of death. It may real death and sleep of the filmthat is,
be that the thematic orientation of Land its own end. In the mechanism of transfer
without Bread, dealing unremittingly with a common to surreal cinema, the contiguity
moribund culture that refuses to die in the of this sequence in respect to the end of the
midst of the hostile forces surrounding film suggests that we are being chimed to
it, produces an effect of stasis contrary to sleep, that we are seeing ourselves die when
the liveliness of the dcoupage. Or else, the the filmends.
contradiction between the dizzying ensem- Such an obviously loose or open montage
ble of shots and sequences entirely betrays could suggest that the director is crafting a
the deathly interpretation the soundtrack double-edged film. On one side, Land without
imposes upon the array of images. Bread is shot in a style that conveys reality
Unlike the tradition of montage, the by virtue of deep-focus photography, where
shots rarely depend on each other for everything in the field of view is focused and
their resonance or continuity of meaning. subject to documentary report, and where
Generally, each is composed as a unified the shot itself has content ample enough to
segment carrying rich paradox within itself, be deciphered patiently. In this latter sense
as well as in relation to shots both in the the view of the Hurdano world would depend
immediate context (three to six shots before on the building block of poetic realism, the
and after) and in the scope of the entire film long take, which is also associated with
(a shot near the end will modulate or rhyme Renoir, Flaherty, Wyler, or other champions
Documentary Surrealism 201

of reality. But the shooting sequence tells us either does not allow the viewer to compre-
it does not:with the 238 shots in twenty-nine hend them in rational cinematic terms, or
minutes, there is (seemingly) hardly any else it radicalizes the realistic style, defining
sign of the long take, or even a shot of teas- and distorting its principles simultaneously,
ingly extended durationfrom ten to forty somewhat before the style gains historical
secondsthat we would align with the real- currency.
istic tradition. Hence, the other side:Buuel The latter might be due to the surreal
forces the viewer to compress the effects backdrop informing the film. Evidently many
of the long take into disgruntling rapidity. visual compositions reiterate scenes from Un
Most of the shots suggest careful (as we shall Chien andalou (shots 11, 102, 136, etc.) and LAge
note, painterly) composition, but the editing dor (the bull exiting into the street in shot 11

Figure 29.1 Shot 11 from Land without Bread. Still capture from digital file.

Figure29.2 Shot 136. Still capture fromDVD.


recalling the plow Gaston Modot tosses from seasonal ones) in frame. Betraying, trivi-
the apartment window, or the rocky landscape alizing, or, better, repressing many of the
in the mountain goat sequence reiterating visuals, it marks a difference of conscious-
the seaside of rocks and bishops bones), but ness. When the voice reflects the view of
they are executed in a context of veracity. By a focused, Western or industrial view of
reducing the future trademark of realism to a continuity, history, culture, human kind,
minimum, the film adduces how the oneiric or missionary reason, the visuals provide
camera, seen in the immense field of unme- a rich flow of images exceedingin plea-
diated contradictions, yields documentary sure, disgust, wonder, Eros, marvelwhat
reality. All the more astonishingand this the voice or Brahmss accompaniment can-
point is advanced to insist on the pertinence not express about them. A psychoanalytic
of Land without Bread in the tradition of doc- process emerges from that difference, but
umentary cinema, which criticism does not in such a manner that, like the synchro-
emphasize enoughis that truth is always nous production of Civilization and Its
identified with equilibrium. Discontents (also issued in 1932), the film
The shots have pictural austerity in their implies that the voice cannot be dissoci-
tensions of form. All the drastic shifts from ated from repression of optical splendor.
closeups or medium shots to extreme long The pictogrammatical element avers to
shots (in 4647, 5152, 8889, 15258, be the films unconscious; it is evident,
17778, 23637, etc.) are contextualized clear, and immediately accessible. When
or softened with fade-outs or infrequent disaster or plight is reported (in the British
dissolves. Countrysides are intermediate accent of the colonizer), oblivious to what
scenes separating the sequences depict- is being said of them, children smile at the
ing the different activities of everyday life. camera. They contradict the anthropologi-
The balance in the compositions is so strik- cal project of redemption (most evident in
ing that every shift can only be smooth, no shots 21, 61, 71 or in the dwarf sequence).
matter how extreme the gaps are from one It would be oversimple to observe that the
sequence to another. Most of the cinema- film scaffolds a double bind in the contra-
tography reflects the intensely unremitting diction between voice and image, as Land
glare of the Spanish sun. High contrasts of without Bread does not merely question
light and shade would generally produce a the viewers right to see the sacredhence
jagged tempo of hard edges in succession; invisibleside of Hurdano culture. It artic-
yet the equilibrium of the whole is enhanced ulates a highly varied tempo of shifts that
by the emphasis on absence of penumbra. modulate repulsion and attraction within a
Humans are portrayed under a bright sky unified narrative.
and are deprived of shadows or soft forms
that might modifyor humanizetheir
depiction. The film disallows any visual
redemption of mankind in settings that Lap-Dissolves
might offer comfort, relief, or any empathy and Extended Perspectives
to be shared among viewers and subjects
(especially in shots 4, 13, 21, 40, 62, 81, 87, Not only a basic unit of perspective in
95, 126, 156, 158, 21113, 217, and so forth). Surrealist cinema, the dissolve provides
The voice-off establishes the documen- transitions essential for narrative. It also,
tary continuity. It tends to freeze the images paradoxically, allows the greatest initial
by directing the viewers eyes to only several access to the other or obverse side of the
of many elements (generally the human composition of Land without Bread. The dis-
as opposed to the natural or organic or solve opens the obsessions of the film and
Documentary Surrealism 203

places all stages of consciousness, history, the practice in Un Chien andalou only four
and documentary on the same surface. In years before. In that film the dissolve is so
these transitions the stable relation of a fig- frequent that distinctions between shots are
ure to a ground is lost; the image becomes hard to draw; at least forty mark the dura-
of a texture, but also, like a manifest dream, tion of twenty-four minutes. In contrast,
a rebus. In these instants the process of dis- in the light of realism in this film, the dis-
placement and condensation conditions the solve gives credence to the directors effort
rhetoric of the film. The dissolve is clearly a to associate each shot with raw, unmediated
modus vivendi of Surrealism, but less so of truth. When the dissolve is used, it would
documentary. In narrative cinema, it medi- appear natural or simply part of a deliber-
ates conscious and unconscious realities to ately controlledstyle.
the degree it produces the very ideology of The first dissolve elides the credits (shots
the unconscious.1 12) into the clouds over which they are
Five dissolves punctuate Land without written. The second, immediately follow-
Bread. Each marks the film at a moment ing (three collages make up shot 3), super-
seemingly unrelated in time and space to imposes a relief map of Europe, Iberia, and
the others. As in the overall impressions Western Spain over one another. In effect,
lent by the montage, a classical, somewhat the eye is dissolved into the film before it
restrained use of the transition would also can witness the ensuing truth which would
underscore the same documentary motives be located through or beyond the screen.
at the heart of the film. The dissolve never The style in the initial shots virtually slides
dominates enough to project an oneiric the viewer from a dreamy, cottony, nebulous
dimension onto the content, as had been condition to the hard edges of the world.

Figure29.3 Shot 1.Still capture from digitalfile.

Figure29.4 Shot 3.Still capture from digitalfile.


Figure29.5 Shot 147. Still capture from digitalfile.

Figure29.6 Shot 149. Still capture from digitalfile.

Clouds and a protean mass of geographic trees growing around the church. Next, in
relief give way to shots of archaic streets in countertilt (from the ground), an attractive,
crisp deepfocus. sturdy peasant woman is portrayed. Only
One minute later (in shot 34), in a tran- near the end of the film do other dissolves
sition moving from city to country, the recur: one (shot 150), in closeup, moves
fourth dissolve registers a passage from from a shot of running water at the edge of
a long shot to a closeup of the Western a river to a man-made embankment of soil
tower of a Baroque church nestled in a val- held up by rock walls; another, in medium
ley. Begun from above, a long track flows depth (adjacently, in a brief volley in shots
from the altitudes into the darker depths of 14649), depicts peasants who are cutting
Documentary Surrealism 205

brush. The voice-off explains that these indiscriminately and without apparent
men provide fertilizer for the terraced soil contradiction. The dissolve would embody
along the edge of the river. The two transi- film as automatic writing, where a primary
tions evoke a culture of gatherers, the pas- process could be glimpsed, lost, and then
sage of agrarian time, and, like the initial retrieved through subsequent viewings.
dissolves, have nothing particularly striking There is no reason to see why the same
aboutthem. device does not advance the principles of
Unless the surreal mode of the dissolve cinematic realism. By suggesting that an
is kept in view as a highly charged graphic undeniable flow of force and endless, time-
form, the transition appears only to punc- less energy is inaccessible to the eye but
tuate the film with balance and restraint. ubiquitously visible, surreal cinema could
Upon closer view, the dissolves telescope make the unconscious manifest. Land
passage of seasons and labors. Shorter, con- without Bread suggests that realism accom-
tingent rhythms of change are erased in plishes the task no less effectively than van-
favor of a temporal oblivion, or a medieval guard experiment.
naturalism. Cycles of growth and regen- The fourth dissolve is most obvious;
eration mark the image-track exactly when for the great tower of the church is identi-
the voice-off reports of endless erosion fied with the heroic stature of the peas-
and futility. Betraying the voice, the transi- ant woman. Dissolving into her, the shot
tions effectively disallow the narration from implies that she is a timeless bedrock of the
acceding to the status of document. Despite universe. The tower penetrates the female
its restrained style, Land without Bread is from below at the same time it is identical
never far in time, space, or history from the to her. The vacuity of shadow cast from the
experience of Un Chien andalou or LAge dor; rounded arch of the entry to the narthex of
their style often depends upon the fuga- the church is situated by her belly, in such
cious emergence of one dissolve from many a way that the play of the erection, penetra-
others. Boundaries between objects and tion, and containment are absolutely unified
planes of depth are melted in reality as well within the space of the dissolve. The female
as in dream; for a moment, forms swim is fornicated by the spire, its extension

Figure29.7 Shot 33. Still capture from digitalfile.


Figure29.8 Shot 34. Still capture from digitalfile.

traveling up through her body; yet it also is their villages (shots of 99102), the cam-
the cavernous area defining her belly. Thus era looks down a city street that opens
any subliminal effect of this penetra- onto the mountainous landscape in the
tion is immediately reversed. The dynamic background. A staggered row of white-
of the transition disallows any symbolic washed dwellings give way to the vista
association of one form with a masculine of hills which descend from the right,
iconography that would be opposed to a behind a wall in shadow, covered by lush
female figure, or vice-versa, according to a tufts of leaves and branches. Almost
binary reason. The two are at once mixed, imperceptiblea second or third viewing
undifferentiated and self-contained within reveals the figurein the street is a tiny,
the unit of the dissolve. The ambiguity is genuflected human form. Within the lapse
all the more trenchant insofar as the high of the dissolve which moves to a medium
medieval tradition that eroticized luminos- closeup of the figure bent over a rock, the
ity now figures in the cinematic rendering eye glimpses the figure simultaneously
of the edifice and the female. The church from far and near. Both are lost in the
has been likened to the Virgin Mary, a wall landscape and merge together from a play
of stone penetrated by light passing into her of shadows and light. For an instant the
body without rupturing her hymen. Here, camera extends perspective by putting the
the same: the photographic equipment in subject in two places at once. Perceived
the Spanish hills maculates the female with- from near and far, the figure broadens the
out destroying her, enacting a violence of a image. Both lost in the landscape and cen-
sacred order, producing from the dissolve of tral to it, the child is the mediating mark of
the steeple and the physical form the very a transition connoting a broad and active
illumination of the film itself. Here tradi- process analogy animating the physical
tion, the erotic, and sacred orders establish and human world. The effect of the dissolve
and sacralize the documentary. counters the depiction of barrenness when
Perspective embodies the same ambiva- the voice-off on the soundtrack decries the
lences. In the establishing shots describ- scene: the child, it reports, suffers from
ing the plights of the Hurdanos in one of malnutrition and dysentery. Where death
Documentary Surrealism 207

Figure29.9 Shot 99. Still capture from digitalfile.

Figure29.10 Shot 100. Still capture from digitalfile.

is reported, the cinema expands the visual from the light (or too, possibly from the
range of the frame. sight of the cameraman or anthropologist).
After the dissolve, for the first and only The voice-off declares that nothing could be
time in the film, the camera records the done to save the child. After an inspection,
presence of the filmmaker. A human, seen as a closeup of the childs open mouth,
dressed in slacks and a short-sleeved shirt, the soundtrack reports that she died three
enters the frame from the left, in the fore- days later. The moral implications of the
ground near the camera, and proceeds to shooting sequence are obvious: the record-
inspect the child, who wakes from its slum- ing crew did no more than film a calami-
ber, raises her left arm to shield her eyes tous social condition as if it were tourism. It

Figure29.11 Shot 101. Still capture from digitalfile.

Figure29.12 Shot 102. Still capture from digitalfile.

invested money in cinema rather than wel- the collective perception of the child in its
fare. Even worse, the viewers are rendered plight.
culpable for witnessing what they should The sequence overtly specifies the
have remedied, not filmed. The double nature of the anthropologists research and
bind of the human predicament is seen his apparatus. The sight of a sleepy child
as an esthetic spectacle. Once a relation of also identifies a very standard scene, that
voyeurism is established in the relation of of the dormeuse, that had been a topic of
the film to the spectator, the unassailable Symbolist painting and lyric from Rimbaud
distance held between viewers and subjects to Valry. An unabated, favored, intimate
disallows any relation of enraged empathy, view of a dormant beauty allows a voyeurs
in this instance, that would have marked fantasy to flourish. Here, the sequence
Documentary Surrealism 209

begins in the same fashion, with the sight to bring a resonant closure of death to a film
of a subject in profile, who does not look about an already dead culture, the penulti-
back at the spectator.2 The sequence ends mate sequence establishes the other end of a
by carrying the commonplace to what its perspectival topography that uses the sleepy
unconscious dimension never articulated infant as one key to the multiple intersec-
in the eroticized distance kept between the tions of dream and document. Once more,
viewer and the figure. The dormeuse plays what the lap-dissolve embodied in a vertical
a role in the network of analogies operat- fashionin the interpenetration of forms
ing elsewhere in the film. The child is lik- up and through landscapesthe presence
ened to a dummy, a doll,3 or a mannequin of the child analogously reiterates the criss-
that establishes a perspectival field. It also crossing of narrative lines leading from the
repeats the other scenes of sleeping chil- city to the province and from the diurnal
dren who counterpoint the diurnal world world of culture (work, play, festival, every-
to their own of imperceptible dream. The day life) to nocturnal scenes of sleep and
shots in the dissolve-sequence hark back death (the beginning of the film bathed in
to scenes in Alberca where, in shot 13, intense Mediterranean light, and the end in
local women prepare for Sunday festivi- deep chiaroscuro).
ties. The foreground captures an old lady
knotting the locks of a young girl, while in
the background another infant sleeps in Framings:ACinema ofSacrifice
exactly the same pose as the child in the
Hurdanos street in shot 100. Not unlike Scenes appear framed according to a great
the lap-dissolve that perspectivized the tradition of portraiture reaching back to the
relation of the human to the landscape, the seventeenth century, yet the context denies
film now casts its play of identical forms the presence of such heroic sources. No
across the horizontal, narrative geography shot fails to articulate a tension between
of the documentary. The infant tends to the subjects in view, depth of field, and the
reflect the view of the spectator. In a state borders of the image. The documentary
of hazy, dreamy consciousness, it repre- is most effective when it makes these ten-
sents the very regress necessary for a view sions the topic of its montage, when the
of the film as a field of undifferentiated harsh reality depicted on screen is put into
form, of a manifest surface that a child can question by the study of the unconscious
apprehend. In one shot (90) of what the will or traditionof modeling a painted
voice-off describes as the turtle-like back worldthat lends veracity to an image.
of the rooftops of a Hurdano village, a Hence the reality is produced by its relation
female holding a childlooking back at the to paintings.
camerasets a median ground between The dynamics of the relation between a
the animistic texture of the agglomeration classical style of framing and the cinematic
and the cameras viewpoint. The infant recording of brutal reality (we are seeing an
allows the metaphor to take visual hold and archaic world, it is reported, for the very first
have credibility in the imaginary surface of time) are most visible in the way that one
thefilm. pictural tradition effectively murders and
The same function marks the procession sacralizes the other. The sequence report-
of the childs funeral just prior to the end of ing the culinary habits of the Hurdanos is
the film (shots 20221). In that sequence an emblematic. We are told that the natives
infantseen both as a doll and a corpse indulge in meat only when, on a rare occa-
is transported across a river to a graveyard sion, this happens (shots 10816). This is
overgrown with weeds. Ostensibly portrayed

the sight of a goat suddenly falling from its precedes a medium closeup, shot from a
perch on a ledge on the side of a mountain. telephoto lens, of two goats on rocky pin-
To heighten the pathos and improbability of nacles. The third depicts them in a medium
the event, the camera shoots a closeup of the view on the mountainside, while the fourth
carcass just as it begins to roll and plummet reframes the same scene from afar, register-
into the valley. The animal recedes from the ing the goats fall. The fifth shot begins as a
immediate foreground and is quickly lost closeup of the animals carcass as it drops
from view. The sequence indicates a careful away from the camera.
montage. A first shot of the mountainside

Figure29.13 Shot 108. Still capture from digitalfile.

Figure29.14 Shot 109. Still capture from digitalfile.

Documentary Surrealism 211

Even a passive viewer would not hesitate the narrators report, or at best they show
to note a puff of smoke (in the fourth shot) that the murder is staged by the camera
capturing the goats fall from its perch. We in order to be displaced from the world of
are baited to ask, upon observing that the archaic life in provincial Spain. The shots of
animal is sacrificed to precipitate the acci- the Albercan youth in regalia on horseback,
dent, if the camera is guilty of poor fram- lighting and smoking cigarettes; their ride
ing:a more carefully positioned lens would through the streets; the long, establishing
have concealed the real cause of the goats view of the crowd with the cord stretched
death in order to preserve the illusion nec- across the street with the cock hanging in
essary for the truth of realism. As such, the the center; the closeup of the bird and the
sequence seems either patently sloppy or sudden entry of the hand; all offer a very
uncannily genial. The frame reveals that logical plan homologous to the mountain
the crew has murdered the beast in order goats astonishing fall from the ledge in the
to produce an outlandishly documentary Hurdano mountains. Astage is set, a ritual
effect. The shot would have been innocuous murder is performed on two levels (both
if it were not underscored by the narrative in the field of view and in the cinematic
jump when the camera is placed next to the dynamic), and a community is produced in
carcass of the beast in the following shot, the residue of the collective, somatic absorp-
recording the fall down the mountainside. tion of thedeath.
The murder becomes a photographic ritual No images confirm the presence of a com-
and an exemplary sacrifice. munity, no doubt because they would work
What seems so far from the world of against the process of division at the basis of
credibility is cast as a visible form of reli- the framing style. Abody is rendered inte-
gious tension. In filmic terms, the two gral when it is cut off; any cohering image
shots of the fall caused by the gunblast and of a group would undermine the filmic rit-
the closeup of the goats descent under- ual that produces a community of views in
score the presence of the ritualized mur- total invisibility and in places far removed
der.4 The fifth shot virtually explains the from the geography of the film. The fram-
other and allows the eye to discern the ing therefore must not convey delimited or
violence of the edge, where a rift between self-contained images of the culture it puts
absencedream, or primary processand into view; instead, it must render the view-
the world is respected and dissolved. The ing as something generating confusions of
sequence has analogues everywhere else culpability and redemption.
in the film which also undermine the real-
ism. In the Alberca sequence (shots 1329),
the ritual murder of the cock in the street Writings
was depicted identically. Arooster was shot
hanging from a cord stretched across the Few documentaries about illiterate, archaic,
frame, then immediately decapitated by a or post-neolithic cultures are infused with so
blow of a razor entering from the right in much writing in the field of view. The map of
the closeup. Several shots follow in which Europe details all the primitive communities in
men are seen drinking the blood (as wine) majuscule in circular form (Tchecoslovaquie,
of the beast and eating wafers of unleavened Hongrie, Savoie, Italie, Espagneall other
bread. A secular Eucharist, clearly mixed nations or regions are unnamed). Place-names
within the ritual process of a pagan cul- are carefully written in the last dissolve of the
ture in this initial sequence, counterpoints closeup of Southwestern Spain (shot 3). The
the spectacle of the goats scaped on the camera records inscriptions on stone adja-
Hurdano mountainside. The images betray cent to skulls in alcoves on the faade of the

church in La Alberca (shot 8 or also shot 36). anthropological lesson being taught in the
But most important, in the sequence (shots class is directed at the viewer: stay away,
6888) in the regional school on one side of do not shoot a world that ought to be kept
the mountains separating the Hurdanos from foreign; please do not aestheticize the
contemporary civilization, we are led to believe Hurdanos, respect the objects of others.
that we have reached the limitrophe regions Respectad los bienes ajenos can also sub-
of Scripture. The shots taken in the classroom scribe the film in the manner of an emblem,
mark the last, ultimate line of the Western producing alterity in the image. In this way,
world. Great care is taken to show a child trac- an unconscious can be glimpsed in the utter
ing the Golden Rule in shots 85 and 87. A boy difference between scripture and cinema
has just walked toward the blackboard washed highlighted throughout the film. One of
out by the bright light cast upon it; he raises the many figures of death (and civilization)
his right arm to begin drawing the sentences is the scene of the schoolboys writing les-
in cursive characters, Respectad los bienes ajenos. son, which indicates where the relations
The sequence seems bizarre for at least of power are invested in the ethnographers
two reasons. As writing always mediates optical apparatus. The generics of Land
visibility and alterity in the field of an without Bread are another case in point:the
image, wherever script appears in frame, title is less important than its relation to
the recognizable world becomes, as it the image on which it is superimposed. In
were, a paginal surface. Writing forces the the English version, UNPROMISED LAND
eye to move from illusory apprehension of is placed over cumulus clouds. Where the
a simulated three-dimensional volume to writing indicates land or earth (Las Hurdes,
one of solely horizontal and vertical exten- Tierra sin pan, Land without bread, Pays sans
sion. In cinema it encourages the specta- pain making the same point), the image
tor to view the images as a pictorial surface offers an absence of grounding. The forlorn
that is only real in a compositional sense. land is in the sky, in oblivion, absolution or
Here the long shot of the child writing on absence; or, too, the unpromised earth is
the blackboard signals that the reported the product of the almost spontaneous gen-
observations must be viewed as tension eration of scripture over and from an image.
rather than the groundings of an appar- Culture is defined by orders of difference
ent reality. The film reveals its own rules by and superimposition. These can be coded as
breaking down the perspective of illusion. repression, stratification, or by other meta-
In the dynamic of scripture and anthro- phors, but in every event they are conveyed
pology, what the first intertitle scripted as by the absolute alterity offered by scripture
human geography, the writing paradoxi- in its relation to the palpableworld.
cally embodies the double bind of the mis-
sionary project it constructs elsewhere. The
film ostensively depicts the world of these
others, but its presence in their milieu is Paintings
seen as an element that hardly respects
their objects:the daily life in school is dis- Despite its portrayal of conditions far from our
rupted by a camera that catches the chil- own, Land without Bread flashes many famil-
dren smiling at the lens, or squinting in iar figures before our eyes. The scenes are all
the mirrored light artificially illuminating recognizable, even agonizingly so. Use of the
the interior. Writing in the image-field long shot and extended depth of field throws
bounces onto the spectator a statement the film into the great painterly traditions of
that reads, analyzes, or even impugns the the Spanish Renaissance and Baroque found
camera in the act of filming. The ultimate in the Prado. The flat, foreshortened view of
Documentary Surrealism 213

the country idiots harks back to Velasquezs the camera often spirals from an extreme
portraits of four dwarfs in the court of Philip. closeup of the waterbed to a view from
And, in a shot taken in a village en route afar (shot 63). The camera marries the low,
from La Alberca (shot 57), a Spanish peas- close perspective to the lofty, omniscient
ant in the lower right hand corner mimes the long shot. One modulates the other, just as
frontal stare of one of the Dionysian drunk- the presence of art treasures questions the
ards in the same painters rustic scene of cultural scope of ethnography in the cam-
Los Borrachos. Rural streets recall David eras shootingstyle.
Teniers. Courbets Stonebreakers marks
Such appear to be some of the salient
an obvious visual and conceptual presence
traits of the camera in Land without Bread.
(see shot 151). In a different vein, the stark
All operate in similarly disjunctive fash-
mountainscapes contrasting a dark, jagged
ions. Further study would probably show
outline against bright skies seem reminiscent
how the image and soundtracks persist in
of the surreal tradition or the broken line of
betraying one another, how the presence of
Goyas drawings. The possibility of myriad
Brahms deifies the subjects in the film, or
references points to the fact that most docu-
how the montage articulates a network of
mentary evidence is always filtered through
obsessions and allusions to arcana going
a common cultural conscience formed by
back to Un Chien andalou and LAge dor
esthetic models. These are part of the uncon-
and forward to El Bruto, Los Olvidados, and
scious rhetoric of images that produce the
Robinson Crusoe. At this point it is clear that
meaning of realism. Akin to an other writ-
Land without Bread determines much of
ing with which the filmmaker must work,
the ground of the documentary and anthro-
they mediate the unknown in offering a frag-
pological enterprise in cinema. Its combi-
mentary familiarity that aligns the museum
nations of theology and montage model a
with the anthropological tradition. In effect,
critique of grounding of filmic truth. Its
the more the realistic genre appeals to an
construction offers an acuitous reading of
esthetic heritage, the more objectiveand
realistic cinema in which objects, figures,
documentarythe film becomes. In the con-
voices, or mises-en-scne are seen through
text of Spain, presence of the treasure from
the art of montage. Most prominently,
the collection of Philip the Fourth also exacer-
the film produces an extended perspec-
bates the political dimension of the aesthetic
tive within its own styles in the junctures
vision. That Land without Bread was banned
of shots, the composition of individual
by Republican Spain can be explained by the
sequences, the contradictory relation of
relation it holds between the presence of a
image and voice, the tensions established
Royalist heritage and the archaic, timeless,
through the rapport of the edge to the cen-
equally royal world of the Hurdano culture.
ter of the frame, the redundancy of the sce-
Allusive presence of paintings establishes a
narios and their abruptness of exposition
broad perspectival range, within which the
within a classical frame. For the first time a
lowest order of the universe is seen in terms
film sets forth a sacrificial function which
of the highest, and vice-versa.
both murders and revivifies both viewers
Perspectives serve to reproduce the effect
and inhabitants of a land without bread.
of a loss of grounding where, in many of
the shots, the viewer cannot ascertain the
vantage point of the camera. Sometimes Notes
a closeup of the earth will appear to be an
aerial view until a snake or a toad enters 1. On this point, see Francesc Llinas and Javier
Maquas rich discussion of collage in El Cadaver del
the frame in the same or a subsequent shot tiempo:el collage como transmision narrative/ideologica
(see shot 40). Or, in the scenes of street life, (Valencia:Fernando Torres,1976).
2. The relation of the subject filmed to the spectator viewing (and violence) subtending Land without
is multifarious in the tradition of Surrealism, film Bread.
and painting. In his Words and Pictures (The Hague; 3. It is both a compositional form that provides visual
Mouton, 1973), Meyer Schapiro notes that humans perspective and a pictographic marker allowing the
facing the spectator are generally given a role of viewer to engage in a heightened, almost irritable
powersuch as the Pantocrator in the hemicycles sensibility. The doll-baby will figure similarly in
of Byzantine churcheswhile those seen in profile Renoirs work (Toni, 1934)and in ltalian neorealism
convey a relation of inferiority. They do not look (e.g., Puiran).
back or offer a view that would disquiet the viewer. 4. Ritualized murder and cinema are part of a
The same holds for Degass early paintings, which tradition shared with Renoir. We think of the
never allow the female to gaze upon the spectator; sudden, almost morbid effect that a closeup of a
the artist imagines a voyeuristic relation with rabbit has when shot during the hunt sequence
women who comb their hair without heeding of The Rules of the Game. The camera holds for
the presence of the painter or viewer. The same almost three seconds on the animal as its body
relation marks the tradition of invisible editing clenches into death, when the surrounding shots
in the tradition of Hollywood, in which actors are are more rapid. All of a sudden, the viewer either
trained never to look directly at the camera or, if seizes the baneful gratuity of murder or, closer to
they do, to brush their look by the camera en route Buuel, the fact that the director has positioned
to fixing upon another subject or object in frame. the camera adjacent to a hunter who shoots the
The tradition of the dormeuse in shots 99102 and freed beast to produce the effect as such. Here
elsewhere makes the political, visual, and erotic the camera murders in order to engage a sense of
dimensions of the relation of spectator to subject collective sacrifice with the collectivity of viewers.
entirely visible. It is essential for the theory of It is at once deeply religious and cinematographic.


The producers function is to co-ordinate which all service of the status quo is purely
the more or less worldly intentions of back- commercial. He can give himself the liberal
ers with the more or less unworldly inten- satisfaction of serving such interests as edu-
tions of artists. He either finds the money cation and national propaganda:which, on
for the artists or the artists for the money: any sensible definition, is itself a species
differing in honour according to the direc- of education. Or the producer may act on
tion from which he approaches. Sometimes, behalf of a business concern, large enough
if he is ingenious, he carries the reputation in its operations and its outlook, to turn
among the artists of being an artist himself, publicity into education, and propaganda
and among the backers of being tougher into a work of development.
than themselves. Sometimesthis is more In these special fields the producers
frequenthe degenerates into a bully or a function is that of any other head-master.
sycophant, sent by the money-grubbers to If he does not himself teach, he sees to it
mangle and destroy every decent creative that the parents are satisfied. The only dif-
effort whatsoever. Sometimes he more blaz- ference in the analogy is that the parents
ingly constitutes himself a racketeer and in this case are sometimes too scared of
defence organisation for the artists against films, or too eminently delighted with any
the money-grubbers. At his best he is just and every film, or too eminently cocksure
a plain pandar, serving art as best he can that they know everything about films. The
within the limits set by the high policy of gentry of the studios, like other criminals,
his organisation. This is almost invariably have a simple criterion. They look at the bal-
a low policy. ance sheet and sack accordingly. The gentry
In documentary there is this difference. of education and propaganda face a balance
The producer does not always serve purely sheet which can be defined in no such exact
commercial interests; unless, that is to terms as are to be found in red columns and
say, you take the Marxian point of view, on black. They have to decide not only about

immediate effects in a classroom, but about job is, by educational or sociological or

long-range effects on a generation. They other reference, to bring his director to the
are, as a rule (and except for the eminently sticking point. This is the most fruitful part
expert), satisfied with some such instruc- of his work, and is the highest justification
tion as to bring this, that, or the other thing of those sponsors of education and propa-
alive. This is an ideal formula for a pro- ganda who might, on sloppier theories, be
ducer, and turns him into the knee-wife he considered a plague to honest artists. It is
ought to be. His main problem is to see that they who force the pace of documentary cin-
the director does bring this subject alive and ema and extend its range by the very prob-
not another. For directors tend to diverge. lems they set. Any fool can make exciting
But perhaps his functions are, in real- films about exciting things. It is they who,
ity, more complicated. Documentary, or the in the end, make documentarians. A pro-
creative treatment of actuality, is a new art ducer will recognisethis.
with no such background in the story and But only one thing gives the producer
the stage as the studio product so glibly importance: the fact that he makes direc-
possesses. Theory is important, experi- tors and, through directors, makes art.
ment is important; and every development It is the only thing worth an artists mak-
of technique or new mastery of theme has ing:money not excepted. Directors can be
to be brought quickly into criticism. In that no larger than the producer allows them
respect it is well that the producer should to be, and their films no bigger (except by
be a theorist:teaching and creating a style; noble accident) than his own imagination
stamping it, in greater or less degree, on all permits. Handling, as he may do, men of
the work for which he is responsible. different outlooks, different temperaments,
Again, because documentary is new, the he must often, like Chestertons Knight,
sponsors of propaganda and education have ride off in all directions. The feat is difficult
to be led gently to a knowledge of what is but, on occasion, spectacular. It involves
involved. They will instruct you, as like as faith, hope, and charity for each of his
not, to get a snap of this, add it to a snap directors, in different degrees; and all at the
of that, and finish triumphantly with a snap same time. The most important virtue of
of something else; then wonder why the these is faith:which is to say, footage. The
simple sequence which results is not the only secret of good results in documentary
world-shaking work of art they intended. is that a director be permitted patience with
In that respect it is well that the producer his subject, and persistence. If these do not
should know how to talk soothingly to chil- work once, you may try him again. You may
dren and idiots. even try him a third time. But you do not
And a third point. The subject matter for carry experiment to Biblical proportions.
education and propaganda is seldom easy. Round about the third time you decide you
You are not asked to look for the exciting bits have been a bad producer in picking so
and the exciting themes and shoot these. bad a director. Or you decide he is a genius
You are generally asked to hunt about in outside the scope of your imagination. You
some seemingly dull subject and find a way fire him, or fire yourself, according to your
of putting it on the screen. The producers conscience.

O F D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 3 2 3 4 )

Documentary is a clumsy description, but let in observation, and, of course, very different
it stand. The French who first used the term powers and ambitions at the stage of orga-
only meant travelogue. It gave them a solid nizing material. I propose, therefore, after
high-sounding excuse for the shimmying a brief word on the lower categories, to use
(and otherwise discursive) exoticisms of the the documentary description exclusively of
Vieux Colombier. Meanwhile documentary the higher.
has gone on its way. From shimmying exoti- The peacetime newsreel is just a speedy
cisms it has gone on to include dramatic snip-snap of some utterly unimportant cere-
films like Moana, Earth, and Turksib. And mony. Its skill is in the speed with which the
in time it will include other kinds as differ- babblings of a politican (gazing sternly into
ent in form and intention from Moana, as the camera) are transferred to fifty million
Moana was from Voyage auCongo. relatively unwilling ears in a couple of days
So far we have regarded all films made or so. The magazine items (one a week)
from natural material as coming within have adopted the original Tit-Bits manner
the category. The use of natural mate- of observation. The skill they represent is a
rial has been regarded as the vital distinc- purely journalistic skill. They describe nov-
tion. Where the camera shot on the spot elties novelly. With their money-making eye
(whether it shot newsreel items or maga- (their almost only eye) glued like the news-
zine items or discursive interests or dra- reels to vast and speedy audiences, they
matised interests or educational films or avoid on the one hand the consideration of
scientific films proper or Changs or Rangos) solid material, and escape, on the other, the
in that fact was documentary. This array of solid consideration of any material. Within
species is, of course, quite unmanageable these limits they are often brilliantly done.
in criticism, and we shall have to do some- But ten in a row would bore the average
thing about it. They all represent different human to death. Their reaching out for the
qualities of observation, different intentions flippant or popular touch is so completely

far-reaching that it dislocates something. This indeed is a particularly important

Possibly taste; possibly common sense. limit to record, for beyond the newsmen
You may take your choice at those little the- and the magazine men and the lecturers
atres where you are invited to gad around (comic or interesting or exciting or only rhe-
the world in fifty minutes. It takes only that torical) one begins to wander into the world
longin these days of great inventionto of documentary proper, into the only world
see almost everything. in which documentary can hope to achieve
Interests proper improve mightily with the ordinary virtues of an art. Here we pass
every week, though heaven knows why. The from the plain (or fancy) descriptions of nat-
market (particularly the British market) is ural material, to arrangements, rearrange-
stacked against them. With two-feature pro- ments, and creative shapingsofit.
grammes the rule, there is neither space for First principles. (1) We believe that the
the short and the Disney and the magazine, cinemas capacity for getting around, for
nor money left to pay for the short. But by observing and selecting from life itself, can
good grace, some of the renters throw in the be exploited in a new and vital art form. The
short with the feature. This considerable studio films largely ignore this possibility
branch of cinematic illumination tends, of opening up the screen on the real world.
therefore, to be the gift that goes with the They photograph acted stories against artifi-
pound of tea; and like all gestures of the gro- cial backgrounds. Documentary would pho-
cery mind it is not very liable to cost much. tograph the living scene and the living story.
Whence my wonder at improving qualities. (2) We believe that the original (or native)
Consider, however, the very frequent beauty actor, and the original (or native) scene, are
and very great skill of exposition in such better guides to a screen interpretation of the
Ufa shorts as Turbulent Timber, in the sports modern world. They give cinema a greater
shorts from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, in the fund of material. They give it power over a
Secrets of Nature shorts from Bruce Woolfe, million and one images. They give it power
and the Fitzpatrick travel talks. Together of interpretation over more complex and
they have brought the popular lecture to a astonishing happenings in the real world
pitch undreamed of, and even impossible in than the studio mind can conjure up or the
the days of magic lanterns. In this little we studio mechanician recreate. (3)We believe
progress. that the materials and the stories thus taken
These films, of course, would not like to from the raw can be finer (more real in the
be called lecture films, but this, for all their philosophic sense) than the acted article.
disguises, is what they are. They do not dra- Spontaneous gesture has a special value on
matize, they do not even dramatize an epi- the screen. Cinema has a sensational capac-
sode: they describe, and even expose, but ity for enhancing the movement which tra-
in any aesthetic sense, only rarely reveal. dition has formed or time worn smooth. Its
Herein is their formal limit, and it is unlikely arbitrary rectangle specially reveals move-
that they will make any considerable contri- ment; it gives it maximum pattern in space
bution to the fuller art of documentary. How and time. Add to this that documentary can
indeed can they? Their silent form is cut to achieve an intimacy of knowledge and effect
the commentary, and shots are arranged impossible to the shim-sham mechanics of
arbitrarily to point the gags or conclusions. the studio, and the lily-fingered interpreta-
This is not a matter of complaint, for the tions of the metropolitanactor.
lecture film must have increasing value in I do not mean in this minor manifesto of
entertainment, education and propaganda. beliefs to suggest that the studios cannot in
But it is as well to establish the formal limits their own manner produce works of art to
of the species. astonish the world. There is nothing (except
First Principles of Documentary 219

the Woolworth intentions of the people philosophy of things. A succeeding docu-

who run them) to prevent the studios going mentary exponent is in no way obliged to
really high in the manner of theatre or the chase off to the ends of the earth in search
manner of fairy tale. My separate claim for of old-time simplicity, and the ancient digni-
documentary is simply that in its use of the ties of man against the sky. Indeed, if Imay
living article, there is also an opportunity for the moment represent the opposition,
to perform creative work. Imean, too, that I hope the Neo-Rousseauism implicit in
the choice of the documentary medium is Flahertys work dies with his own excep-
as gravely distinct a choice as the choice of tional self. Theory of naturals apart, it rep-
poetry instead of fiction. Dealing with dif- resents an escapism, a wan and distant eye,
ferent material, it is, or should be, dealing which tends in lesser hands to sentimen-
with it to different aesthetic issues from talism. However it be shot through with
those of the studio. I make this distinc- vigour of Lawrentian poetry, it must always
tion to the point of asserting that the young fail to develop a form adequate to the more
director cannot, in nature, go documentary immediate material of the modern world.
and go studioboth. For it is not only the fool that has his eyes
In an earlier reference to Flaherty, Ihave on the ends of the earth. It is sometimes
indicated how one great exponent walked the poet:sometimes even the great poet, as
away from the studio:how he came to grips Cabell in his Beyond Life will brightly inform
with the essential story of the Eskimos, you. This, however, is the very poet who on
then with the Samoans, then latterly with every classic theory of society from Plato to
the people of the Aran Islands: and at Trotsky should be removed bodily from the
what point the documentary director in Republic. Loving every Time but his own
him diverged from the studio intention of and every Life but his own, he avoids com-
Hollywood. The main point of the story ing to grips with the creative job in so far as
was this. Hollywood wanted to impose a it concerns society. In the business of order-
ready-made dramatic shape on the raw ing most present chaos, he does not use his
material. It wanted Flaherty, in complete powers.
injustice to the living drama on the spot, Question of theory and practice apart,
to build his Samoans into a rubber-stamp Flaherty illustrates better than anyone
drama of sharks and bathing belles. It failed the first principles of documentary. (1) It
in the case of Moana; it succeeded (through must master its material on the spot, and
Van Dyke) in the case of White Shadows of come in intimacy to ordering it. Flaherty
the South Seas, and (through Murnau) in digs himself in for a year, or two maybe.
the case of Tabu. In the last examples it was He lives with his people till the story is
at the expense of Flaherty, who severed his told out of himself. (2) It must follow
association withboth. him in his distinction between descrip-
With Flaherty it became an absolute tion and drama. I think we shall find that
principle that the story must be taken from there are other forms of drama or, more
the location, and that it should be (what he accurately, other forms of film, than the
considers) the essential story of the location. one he chooses; but it is important to
His drama, therefore, is a drama of days and make the primary distinction between a
nights, of the round of the years seasons, method which describes only the surface
of the fundamental fights which give his people values of a subject, and the method which
sustenance, or make their community life more explosively reveals the reality of it.
possible, or build up the dignity of thetribe. You photograph the natural life, but you
Such an interpretation of subject-matter also, by your juxtaposition of detail, create
reflects, of course, Flahertys particular an interpretation of it.

This final creative intention established, exotic landscape, to recommend them.

several methods are possible. You may, It represented, slimly, the return from
like Flaherty, go for a story form, passing romance to reality.
in the ancient manner from the individual Berlin was variously reported as made by
to the environment, to the environment Ruttmann, or begun by Ruttmann and fin-
transcended or not transcended, to the con- ished by Freund:certainly it was begun by
sequent honours of heroism. Or you may Ruttmann. In smooth and finely tempod
not be so interested in the individual. You visuals, a train swung through suburban
may think that the individual life is no lon- mornings into Berlin. Wheels, rails, details
ger capable of cross-sectioning reality. You of engines, telegraph wires, landscapes
may believe that its particular belly-aches and other simple images flowed along in
are of no consequence in a world which procession, with similar abstracts passing
complex and impersonal forces com- occasionally in and out of the general move-
mand, and conclude that the individual as a ment. There followed a sequence of such
self-sufficient dramatic figure is outmoded. movements which, in their total effect, cre-
When Flaherty tells you that it is a devilish ated very imposingly the story of a Berlin
noble thing to fight for food in a wilder- day. The day began with a processional of
ness, you may, with some justice, observe workers, the factories got under way, the
that you are more concerned with the streets filled: the citys forenoon became
problem of people fighting for food in the a hurly-burly of tangled pedestrians and
midst of plenty. When he draws your atten- street cars. There was respite for food:a var-
tion to the fact that Nanooks spear is grave ious respite with contrast of rich and poor.
in its upheld angle, and finely rigid in its The city started work again, and a shower of
down-pointing bravery, you may, with some rain in the afternoon became a considerable
justice, observe that no spear, held how- event. The city stopped work and, in fur-
ever bravely by the individual, will master ther more hectic processional of pubs and
the crazy walrus of international finance. cabarets and dancing legs and illuminated
Indeed you may feel that in individualism sky-signs, finished itsday.
is a yahoo tradition largely responsible In so far as the film was principally
for our present anarchy, and deny at once concerned with movements and the build-
both the hero of decent heroics (Flaherty) ing of separate images into movements,
and the hero of indecent ones (studio). In Ruttmann was justified in calling it a sym-
this case, you will feel that you want your phony. It meant a break away from the
drama in terms of some cross-section of story borrowed from literature, and from
reality which will reveal the essentially the play borrowed from the stage. In Berlin
co-operative or mass nature of society:leav- cinema swung along according to its own
ing the individual to find his honours in more natural powers: creating dramatic
the swoop of creative social forces. In other effect from the tempod accumulation of its
words, you are liable to abandon the story single observations. Cavalcantis Rien que les
form, and seek, like the modern exponent Heures and Lgers Ballet Mcanique came
of poetry and painting and prose, a matter before Berlin, each with a similar attempt
and method more satisfactory to the mind to combine images in an emotionally satis-
and spirit of thetime. factory sequence of movements. They were
Berlin or the Symphony of a City initi- too scrappy and had not mastered the art of
ated the more modern fashion of finding cutting sufficiently well to create the sense
documentary material on ones doorstep: of march necessary to the genre. The sym-
in events which have no novelty of the phony of Berlin City was both larger in its
unknown, or romance of noble savage on movements and larger in its vision.
First Principles of Documentary 221

There was one criticism of Berlin which, (beyond space and time) to the slice of life
out of appreciation for a fine film and a he has chosen. For that larger effect there
new and arresting form, the critics failed to must be power of poetry or of prophecy.
make; and time has not justified the omis- Failing either or both in the highest degree,
sion. For all its ado of workmen and fac- there must be at least the sociological sense
tories and swirl and swing of a great city, implicit in poetry and prophecy.
Berlin created nothing. Or rather if it cre- The best of the tyros know this. They
ated something, it was that shower of rain in believe that beauty will come in good time
the afternoon. The people of the city got up to inhabit the statement which is honest
splendidly, they tumbled through their five and lucid and deeply felt and which ful-
million hoops impressively, they turned in; fils the best ends of citizenship. They are
and no other issue of God or man emerged sensible enough to conceive of art as the
than that sudden besmattering spilling of by-product of a job of work done. The oppo-
wet on people and pavements. site effort to capture the by-product first (the
I urge the criticism because Berlin still self-conscious pursuit of beauty, the pursuit
excites the mind of the young, and the sym- of art for arts sake to the exclusion of jobs
phony form is still their most popular per- of work and other pedestrian beginnings),
suasion. In fifty scenarios presented by the was always a reflection of selfish wealth,
tyros, forty-five are symphonies of Edinburgh selfish leisure and aesthetic decadence.
or of Ecclefechan or of Paris or of Prague. This sense of social responsibility,
Day breaksthe people come to workthe makes our realist documentary a troubled
factories startthe street cars rattlelunch and difficult art, and particularly in a time
hour and the streets againsport if it is like ours. The job of romantic documentary
Saturday afternooncertainly evening and is easy in comparison: easy in the sense
the local dance hall. And so, nothing having that the noble savage is already a figure of
happened and nothing positively said about romance and the seasons of the year have
anything, to bed; though Edinburgh is the already been articulated in poetry. Their
capital of a country and Ecclefechan, by essential virtues have been declared and can
some power inside itself, was the birthplace more easily be declared again, and no one
of Carlyle, in some ways one of the greatest will deny them. But realist documentary,
exponents of this documentary idea. with its streets and cities and slums and
The little daily doings, however finely markets and exchanges and factories, has
symphonized, are not enough. One must given itself the job of making poetry where
pile up beyond doing or process to creation no poet has gone before it, and where no
itself, before one hits the higher reaches of ends, sufficient for the purposes of art, are
art. In this distinction, creation indicates easily observed. It requires not only taste
not the making of things but the making but also inspiration, which is to say a very
of virtues. laborious, deep-seeing, deep-sympathizing
And theres the rub for tyros. Critical creative effort indeed.
appreciation of movement they can build The symphonists have found a way of
easily from their power to observe, and building such matters of common reality
power to observe they can build from their into very pleasant sequences. By uses of
own good taste, but the real job only begins tempo and rhythm, and by the large-scale
as they apply ends to their observation integration of single effects, they capture
and their movements. The artist need not the eye and impress the mind in the same
posit the endsfor that is the work of the way as a tattoo or a military parade might
criticbut the ends must be there, inform- do. But by their concentration on mass and
ing his description and giving finality movement, they tend to avoid the larger

creative job. What more attractive (for a and certainly a great deal of the elements
man of visual taste) than to swing wheels of nature to play with. It did, however,
and pistons about in ding-dong descrip- use steam and smoke and did, in a sense,
tion of a machine, when he has little to say marshal the effects of a modern industry.
about the man who tends it, and still less to Looking back on the film now, I would
say about the tin-pan product it spills? And not stress the tempo effects which it built
what more comfortable if, in ones heart, (for both Berlin and Potemkin came before
there is avoidance of the issue of underpaid it), nor even the rhythmic effects (though
labour and meaningless production? For Ibelieve they outdid the technical example
this reason I hold the symphony tradition of Potemkin in that direction). What seemed
of cinema for a danger and Berlin for the possible of development in the film was
most dangerous of all film models to follow. the integration of imagery with the move-
Unfortunately, the fashion is with such ment. The ship at sea, the men casting, the
avoidance as Berlin represents. The high- men hauling, were not only seen as func-
brows bless the symphony for its good looks tionaries doing something. They were seen
and, being sheltered rich little souls for the as functionaries in half a hundred different
most part, absolve it gladly from further ways, and each tended to add something to
intention. Other factors combine to obscure the illumination as well as the description
ones judgment regarding it. The post-1918 of them. In other words the shots were
generation, in which all cinema intelligence massed together, not only for description
resides, is apt to veil a particularly violent and tempo but for commentary on it. One
sense of disillusionment, and a very natu- felt impressed by the tough continuing
ral first reaction of impotence, in any smart upstanding labour involved, and the feel-
manner of avoidance which comes to hand. ing shaped the images, determined the
The pursuit of fine form which this genre background and supplied the extra details
certainly represents is the safest of asylums. which gave colour to the whole. I do not
The objection remains, however. The urge the example of Drifters, but in theory
rebellion from the who-gets-who tradition at least the example is there. If the high
of commercial cinema to the tradition of bravery of upstanding labour came through
pure form in cinema is no great shakes as the film, as Ihope it did, it was made not
a rebellion. Dadaism, expressionism, sym- by the story itself, but by the imagery atten-
phonics, are all in the same category. They dant on it. Iput the point, not in praise of
present new beauties and new shapes; they the method but in simple analysis of the
fail to present new persuasions. method.
The imagist or more definitely poetic
approach might have taken our consider- ***
ation of documentary a step further, but no
great imagist film has arrived to give charac- The symphonic form is concerned with
ter to the advance. By imagism I mean the the orchestration of movement. It sees the
telling of story or illumination of theme by screen in terms of flow and does not permit
images, as poetry is story or theme told by the flow to be broken. Episodes and events,
images: I mean the addition of poetic refer- if they are included in the action, are inte-
ence to the mass and march of the sym- grated in the flow. The symphonic form also
phonic form. tends to organize the flow in terms of differ-
Drifters was one simple contribution in ent movements, e.g. movement for dawn,
that direction, but only a simple one. Its movement for men coming to work, move-
subject belonged in part to Flahertys world, ment for factories in full swing, etc., etc.
for it had something of the noble savage This is a first distinction.
First Principles of Documentary 223

See the symphonic form as something I use Basil Wright as an example of

equivalent to the poetic form of, say, Carl movement in itselfthough movement
Sandburg in Skyscraper, Chicago, The is never in itselfprincipally to distinguish
Windy City and Slabs of the Sunburnt those others who add either tension ele-
West. The object is presented as an integra- ments or poetic elements or atmospheric
tion of many activities. It lives by the many elements. I have held myself in the past
human associations and by the moods of the an exponent of the tension category with
various action sequences which surround it. certain pretension to the others. Here is a
Sandburg says so with variations of tempo simple example of tension from Granton
in his description, variations of the mood in Trawler. The trawler is working its gear in
which each descriptive facet is presented. We a storm. The tension elements are built up
do not ask personal stories of such poetry, for with emphasis on the drag of the water,
the picture is complete and satisfactory. We the heavy lurching of the ship, the fevered
need not ask it of documentary. This is a sec- flashing of the birds, the fevered flashing
ond distinction regarding symphonic form. of faces between waves, lurches and spray.
These distinctions granted, it is possible The trawl is hauled aboard with strain of
for the symphonic form to vary consider- men and tackle and water. It is opened
ably. Basil Wright, for example, is almost in a release which comprises equally the
exclusively interested in movement, and will release of men, birds and fish. There is no
build up movement in a fury of design and pause in the flow of movement, but some-
nuances of design; and for those whose eye is thing of an effort as between two opposing
sufficiently trained and sufficiently fine will forces, has been recorded. In a more ambi-
convey emotion in a thousand variations on tious and deeper description the tension
a theme so simple as the portage of bananas might have included elements more inti-
(Cargo from Jamaica). Some have attempted mately and more heavily descriptive of the
to relate this movement to the pyrotechnics clanging weight of the tackle, the strain on
of pure form, but there never was any such the ship, the operation of the gear under
animal. (1)The quality of Wrights sense of water and along the ground, the scutter-
movement and of his pattems is distinctively ing myriads of birds laying off in the gale.
his own and recognizably delicate. As with The fine fury of ship and heavy weather
good painters, there is character in his line could have been brought through to touch
and attitude in his composition. (2) There the vitals of the men and the ship. In the
is an over-tone in his work whichsome- hauling, the simple fact of a wave breaking
times after seeming monotonymakes his over the men, subsiding and leaving them
description uniquely memorable. (3)His pat- hanging on as though nothing had hap-
terns invariably weavenot seeming to do pened, would have brought the sequence
soa positive attitude to the material, which to an appropriate peak. The release could
may conceivably relate to (2). The patterns have attached to itself images of, say, birds
of Cargo from Jamaica were more scathing wheeling high, taking off from the ship,
comment on labour at twopence a hundred and of contemplative, i.e. more intimate,
bunches (or whatever it is) than mere socio- reaction on the faces of the men. The
logical stricture. His movements(a) easily drama would have gone deeper by the
down; (b) horizontal; (c) arduously 45 up; (d) greater insight into the energies and reac-
down againconceal, or perhaps construct, tions involved.
a comment. Flaherty once maintained that Carry this analysis into a consideration
the east-west contour of Canada was itself a of the first part of Deserter, which piles
drama. It was precisely a sequence of down, up from a sequence of deadly quiet to the
horizontal, 45 up, and downagain. strain and furyand aftermathof the

strike, or of the strike sequence itself, which symbolic figures, as Eisenstein brought
piles up from deadly quiet to the strain into his Thunder Over Mexico material, he
and furyand aftermathof the police would have added the elements of poetic
attack, and you have indication of how image. The distinction is between (a) a
the symphonic shape, still faithful to its musical or non-literary method; (b) a dra-
own peculiar methods, comes to grip with matic method with clashing forces; and
dramaticissue. (c) a poetic, contemplative, and altogether
The poetic approach is best represented literary method. These three methods may
by Romance Sentimentale and the last all appear in one film, but their propor-
sequence of Ekstase. Here there is descrip- tion depends naturally on the character
tion without tension, but the moving of the directorand his private hopes of
description is lit up by attendant images. salvation.
In Ekstase the notion of life renewed is con- I do not suggest that one form is higher
veyed by a rhythmic sequence of labour, than the other. There are pleasures pecu-
but there are also essential images of a liar to the exercise of movement which in
woman and child, a young man standing a sense are toughermore classicalthan
high over the scene, skyscapes and water. the pleasures of poetic description, however
The description of the various moods of attractive and however blessed by tradition
Romance Sentimentale is conveyed entirely these may be. The introduction of tension
by images: in one sequence of domes- gives accent to a film, but only too easily
tic interior, in another sequence of misty gives popular appeal because of its primi-
morning, placid water and dim sunlight. tive engagement with physical issues and
The creation of mood, an essential to the struggles and fights. People like a fight,
symphonic form, may be done in terms of even when it is only a symphonic one, but it
tempo alone, but it is better done if poetic is not clear that a war with the elements is a
images colour it. In a description of night braver subject than the opening of a flower
at sea, there are elements enough aboard or, for that matter, the opening of a cable.
a ship to build up a quiet and effective It refers us back to hunting instincts and
rhythm, but a deeper effect might come by fighting instincts, but these do not neces-
reference to what is happening under water sarily represent the more civilized fields of
or by reference to the strange spectacle appreciation.
of the birds which, sometimes in ghostly It is commonly believed that moral
flocks, move silently in and out of the ships grandeur in art can only be achieved,
lights. Greek or Shakespearian fashion, after a
A sequence in a film by Rotha indicates general laying out of the protagonists,
the distinction between the three different and that no head is unbowed which is not
treatments. He describes the loading of a bloody. This notion is a philosophic vul-
steel furnace and builds a superb rhythm garity. Of recent years it has been given
into the shovelling movements of the the further blessing of Kant in his dis-
men. By creating behind them a sense of tinction between the aesthetic of pattern
fire, by playing on the momentary shrink- and the aesthetic of achievement, and
ing from fire which comes into these shov- beauty has been considered somewhat
elling movements, he would have brought inferior to the sublime. The Kantian con-
in the elements of tension. He might have fusion comes from the fact that he per-
proceeded from this to an almost terrify- sonally had an active moral sense, but no
ing picture of what steel work involves. On active aesthetic one. He would not other-
the other hand, by overlaying the rhythm wise have drawn the distinction. So far
with, say, such posturing or contemplative as common taste is concerned, one has
First Principles of Documentary 225

to see that we do not mix up the fulfil- application of the symphonic form is not,
ment of primitive desires and the vain ipso facto, the deepest or most important.
dignities which attach to that fulfillment, Consideration of forms neither dramatic
with the dignities which attach to man nor symphonic, but dialectic, will reveal
as an imaginative being. The dramatic this more plainly.


Paul Rotha, the English film man, has done people, and the trick of interviewing them
a lot to solve the problem of independent with sound-truck and camera.
film making. With John Grierson and oth- And these are absolutely the most genu-
ers he has got several units under way in ine people Iever saw on the screen, speak-
England, making documentary, realistic ing right up in their own words and habits
two- and three-reelers for whoever will back of phrase and no nonsense about it. There is
them. Ihave just seen several of the more no suggestion of pose; there is above every-
successful ones, of which some are beauti- thing a shrewd dignity that keeps them both
ful, some striking, and some justtrue. from whining and from the pathetic little
There are difficulties, for these short makeshifts with which men and women
nonfiction films develop most easily when usually try to hide their poor condition.
the subject itself is in motion and pres- They are fair sick of the cramping and dirt
ents rudimentary conflict. All there is to do and stink, they have fought it and never won
in Housing Problems (directed for the gas out and its not their fault, and they let you
industry by Arthur Elton and Edgar Anstey) have it with both barrels; with cynicism and
is to show the old rickety houses and the the eloquence of disgust.
lives within them, crowded and filthy, crawl- Getting people like this is never acciden-
ing with vermin, full of the air of decay and tal and the genius behind this is apparently
back-stairs privies; then set this off against Ruby Grierson, who got to these people and
modern developments, built reasonably earned their confidence, smoothed away
enough so that the same people can move embarrassment and suspicion, singled out
into them, and get clean for the first time, those with a direct voice and a natural twist
and sit looking at the four-star luxury of a of word, and worked them over until they
bath with running water. So this is what would as soon talk to a camera as to Mrs.
they do, a moderate workmanlike job which Flibbity on the next stoop. And that is what
wouldnt be exciting if it werent for the makes it reallyfine.
Home Truths fromAbroad 227

Children at School was also made for the truth. He agrees its better than nothing.
gas industry, but simply does not come But this isnt our work, he says; not the
off. The old and the new again, a compe- work we wantand your eyes go involun-
tent statement of a problem, but no life, no tarily to the bulge in his coatsleeves and his
fireeven the kids are stiff. We Live in Two hands, gnarled from their training, strong
Worlds (directed by Alberto Cavalcanti for and good and useless.
the Post Office Film Unit) falls in the same Of all the six I saw (there was a Len Lye
category eventually, though it has some color oddity that was quite free and new),
very fine pictures of life in Switzerland, and the one most naturally effective was The
an imaginative treatment of the boundary Night Mail. You can see the possibilities at
walls of nationalism. once: The Postal Special (Basil Wright and
My favorite among social films is Rothas Harry Watt did this for the Post Office)
production, for the National Council of leaves London and tears along up through
Social Service, Today We Live (direction cred- England all night, coming into Glasgow in
ited to R.I. Grierson and R.Bond). It opens the morning. All the business of wheels
on the dead mining and industrial region and steam and the counties of England, the
in Wales and (I think) Yorkshire, a perfectly whistle for the crossing, the far sound com-
stunning sequence of still wheels and tip- ing nearer, the rush of iron and fire and the
ples, chimneys with no smoke, no motion mailbag ripped from its patent hanger, and
except the advance of rust and rot. This is theyre out of the sleeping town again, off
the true wasteland, for nothing will grow in up the line. The junction, engines shifted
it except people, who grow sparely. So the and trucks rattling to load and unload letters
camera goes to the people living listless and by the ton, men shouting and heaving and
cheap, their rough strong hands bewildered jumping around to beat the schedule. The
with idleness. In their homes, into their London crew goes off here and the Glasgow
pubs, into their doled pennies. shift takes over, swinging on with familiar
But the idea of this film was to show banter. Inside the cars there is a steady busi-
how the Council is serving England ness of dumping, sorting, resacking, always
socially, and of course the Council felt that to beat the schedulewhen they pass the
its work in rehabilitation through commu- first bridge, and then the second bridge, and
nity life was enough solution to guarantee count the beats of the ninety-five rail-ends,
a happy ending, the people were being then the sack for that town has to be ready
made happy, werent they? The produc- and strapped, tied to its patent davit and
ers said Yeah; but to themselves. It is swung out; there is a sound like a shot, the
the implicit irony of their last section that davit swings in empty, and that town has
brings it under the wire (and it was a long had its mail delivered in its sleep.
struggle of conferences to do that), mak- The exposition covers a hundred fasci-
ing it serve both the truth and the very dis- nating details, the knots used, the method
tributing facilities that would alone make of sorting, the stationmasters telephone,
such truth available. One town gets a social the struggle with faulty addressingthe
center; the other a center where things can romance of the ordinary, the world is so
be made and mended. The people work full of a number of things, etc. But there
and sing againand supposedly the chap is more than the mechanics of the job; the
who keeps hanging back and objecting is men work as men actually do work, with
just a typical sea-lawyer. But in the end, as deftness here, a bit of puzzlement there,
the camera shifts from activity to the great with an economy of phrase and an occa-
mills and mines again, gutted and silent, sional grunt, always with a little ragging,
this chap gets the last word, the word of done with a nudge, a look, a knowing

word. And as the crews shift and they Paul Rotha is trying to get something
get farther into the North, the accents like his and Griersons multiple-unit system
thicken. Well, the mail gets to Glasgow, working over here; and this is interesting
the post office sells us (painlessly) its bill enough to be gone into later, when I have
of goods, and we have got more interest seen the rest of the films which Rotha is now
and excitement than if the Postal Special showing through the Museum of Modern
had been wrecked, robbed, and reported Art, and which you could start setting up a
by BetteDavis. yell for locally.

Social Documentary and the Avant-Garde in the

This concern of experimental photography for events close to our own time and soci-
ety is not a fad, but a flowering.

Ben Belitt(1937)

The documentary film has a constant hunger for new techniques.

Ben Maddow(1940)

Documentary cinema from the 1930s has tendencies toward abstraction, fragmenta-
come down to us largely as a genre of tion, distortion, esoteric allusion, percep-
social reform: unambiguous in its rheto- tual difficulty, and a destabilizing critique
ric, didactic in its approach, at the service of bourgeois norms. Yet documentary and
of organizations and agencies with pro- avant-garde filmmaking, if conventionally
grams to promote or defend. It may thus treated under separate rubrics, have a his-
seem peculiar to link such a cinema to a tory of recurring affiliation, dating back to
history of the avant-garde, or at least the efforts in the 1920s and 1930s to define an
avant-garde of high modernism, with its art cinema distinct from the conventional

*Revised 2015.

practices of the commercial film industry.1 in nonfiction filmmaking. Definitions

Moreover, if we are willing to extend our in common circulation by the end of
notion of avant-garde cinema beyond the the decadethe creative treatment of
canonic movements of European modern- actuality (John Grierson), the creative
ism (Futurism, Expressionism, Cubism, presentation of facts as we find them in
Dada, Surrealism) to encompass more everyday life (Paul Rotha), the drama-
utilitarian and pragmatic strands of mod- tization of facts (Richard Griffith), an
ernist thought, the impact of avant-garde emotional presentation of facts (Joris
experiments of the 1920s on documentary Ivens), factual photography with the
filmmaking in the the 1930s comes impact of drama (Arch Mercey)shared
more clearly intoview. a carefully crafted ambiguity.2 Reference
This impact can be traced along several to the domain of the factual or actual
interconnected routes: an evolving criti- marked only half of documentarys allure;
cal discourse on film aesthetics in which no less crucial was its invitation to shape
the concept of documentary cinema took such material creatively. Phraseology of
shape; the career trajectories of individual this kind loosened, without severing, the
photographers and filmmakers who gravi- indexical bond of documentary images to
tated toward social documentary projects their nonfictional referents, valorizing a
as the decade of the Great Depression surplus effect:beyond the presentation of
advanced; the organizing of institutional mundane facts true documentaries were
spaces (workshops, exhibition sites) where thought to alter or sharpen human per-
films produced outside of Hollywood ception (the domain of aesthetics), mount
could be showcased and discussed; and persuasive arguments (the domain of
the variegated form and style of works to rhetoric), and tell compelling stories (the
which the label documentary was applied. domain of narration). Filmmakers thus
In the remarks to follow I wish to clarify could approach work in documentary as
how these various paths hook up in a net- an experimental process requiringand
work of experimental social documentary giving expression topersonal or collec-
practices. Social documentarists in the tive knowledge, belief, skill, ingenuity, or
1930s were above all future-oriented, com- artistry. Spectators, in turn, were prom-
mitted to the prospect of a better world, ised a heightened awareness or emotional
whether forged at the anvil of a revolution- experience of the everyday or common-
ary proletariat, enacted through New Deal place. Critical discourse buttressing social
legislation, or projected upon a techno- documentary filmmaking in the 1930s
logical utopiathe world of tomorrow, thus sanctioned a double commitment
which was the theme of a major showcase by filmmaker and viewer alike:to a social
for documentary films, the 1939 NewYork sphere worthy of detailed documentation
Worlds Fair. With this mind, we might but also to a medium that might bring that
examine the films they produced as exer- world into perspective, structuring knowl-
cises in problem solving, the terms for edge and stirring emotions through cre-
which were set both by a tradition of for- ative manipulation of filmic forms.3
mal experimentation in the arts and an This entailed less the codification of spe-
ambition to contend with urgent social cific rules or procedures for documentary
problems of theday. filmmaking than an eclectic reworking of
In the 1930s, it is important to note, existing models, including principles of
documentary was a highly provisional continuity editing found in Hollywood fic-
term, employed by critics and filmmak- tion, elements of Stanislavkian performance
ers to explain or advance varied trends technique, and the abstract, associative, or
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 231

conceptual logic of montage experiments by but congruent expression in a cluster of

filmmakers associated with the avant-garde. European movementsFrench Purism,
At the same time, social documentary film- Russian Constructivism, German Neue
makers sought to distance themselves from Sachlichkeitall of which emphasized
antecedent forms of nonfiction found in the material properties of the medium
industrials, educational films, and trav- employed, the precision and economy of
elogues. Even Robert Flahertys carefully mechanical processes, and the utility of mass
staged narratives of life in distant locales, produced forms. In the pages of Broom, The
celebrated in art film circles in the 1920s, Dial, and The Little Review; at the exhibitions
were critiqued as an adequate model for of the New Art Circle, the Socit Anonyme,
new social documentary work on both for- and the Weyhe Gallery in NewYork; and at
mal and political grounds, their poetic and film screenings in art film houses in major
dramatic effects reinterpreted as signs of an cities or along the labor-left circuit devel-
overly studied artfulness that deflected the oped by the Workers International Relief,
attention of the spectator from the social American photographers and filmmakers
turbulence of theday.4 had the opportunity to read and view the
At work here, we might surmise, was a work of European painters and graphic
process whereby documentary filmmaking designers who had responded to new indus-
was defined in relation not only to its most trial technologies with a call for an objectiv-
obvious alternativethe theatrical fiction ist art in which the optical apparatus of the
of Hollywoodbut also the very traditions camera played a crucialpart.
out of which a loose sense of the genre had At the furthest reaches of abstraction
emerged. The referential appeal of docu- were the photographic practices proposed
mentary, its very status as a distinct mode of by Lzl Moholy-Nagy, an Hungarian-born
film practice with a privileged relation to the constructivist on the faculty of the German
social world, was invigorated by novel claims Bauhaus, and French cubist painter
to be made about the capacity of the medium Fernand Lger. In Light: A Medium of
to lay bare veiled or suppressed social truths. Plastic Expression, published in Broom
In support of these claims, filmmakers devel- in 1923, and in more elaborated form in
oped compositional styles that tended to be Painting: Photography: Film, translated
highly contingent, geared to specific projects. into English in 1931, Moholy-Nagy out-
Documentary filmmaking hence was con- lined a scientific approach to photography
currently promoted as a discovery procedure, that embraced the power of the camera to
an artistic practice, and a socialact. make visible phenomenon that was other-
wise imperceptible to the human eye and
declared the primary visual facts of pho-
tography to be gradations of light/dark and
From Photography toFilm: color.5
Abstraction, Objectivity, Montage In A New Realismthe Object (Its Plastic
and Cinematographic Value), published in
A conceptual ground for the development The Little Review in 1926, Lger extended this
of an experimental documentary aesthetic concern for the fundamental materials of
in the 1930s was staked out in the 1920s photographic art to encompass the contours
by artists and critics who found the seem- an object placed before the cameras lens,
ing mechanical objectivity of the camera arguing for the graphic and dramatic beauty
a source of new ideas about visual per- of objects as objects as well as the unprece-
ception in an age of mass, technological dented power of cinema to isolate, fragment,
culture. These ideas were given varied enlarge, mobilize, and juxtapose objects so

as to heighten the viewers contemplation But there were also precedents closer
of their shape and form.6 One in a series of to home. As early as the late teens,
essays by Lger on machine aesthetics that American photographer Paul Strand and
appeared in The Little Review in the 1920s, painter-photographers Charles Sheeler and
his manifesto on cinema sketched a frame- Morton Shamberg self-consciously devel-
work for a fuller political defense of the real- oped a straight photography style which
ist dimension to formal experimentation, a emphasized sharply focused, geometrically
defense Lger would himself mount, amid patterned images over and against dif-
the social upheaval of the Great Depression, fused lighting or other pictorialist effects.
in the pages of the American Artists Union Elaborated as an ethos as well as a work-
publication, Art Front, in 1935 and 1937.7 This ing method, straight photography stressed
new realism, claimed Lger, involved scien- equally a faith in the materiality and integ-
tific discoveries of pure sensibility rather rity of a profilmic field and the power of the
than deductive logic, and filled a need for a photographic image to abstract from that
popular, non-hierarchical, reproducibleart.8 field an acutely drawn, clarified image. In its
The cross-breeding of this new formal mechanical registration of such an image,
emphasis on photographic abstraction and straight photography was to serve as a mod-
rhythmic editing with the subject matter of ern antidote to the enervating mannerism
conventional nonfiction (actualits, travel- and pathos of studio photography. Hence
ogues, and newsreels) pointed toward a new the affinity of straight photography with
documentary aesthetic. American filmmak- the modern, objectivist poetry of William
ers on the left in particular drew inspiration Carlos Williams and Marianne Moore, com-
from the work of Russian documentarists posed in reaction to genteel literary tradi-
Victor Turin and Dziga Vertov, whose films, tions, or with the Precisionist paintings of
and on occasion writings, circulated in left Sheeler, Shamberg, and Charles Demuth,
film circles in the early 1930s.9 Described by who rejected impressionistic visual effects
French critic Leon Moussinac in the pages in favor of a hard-edged graphic style.
Filmfront as constituting the avant- garde of For these artists, the optics of the camera
Soviet cinema,10 Vertovs kino-eye school offered a new metaphor for visual percep-
of cinematography attracted the attention of tion that was precise, uncluttered, focused
newly politicized filmmakers in America for upon the contours and textures of common-
its complementary notions of the motion place objects, viewed not as symbols but as
picture camera as a scientific instrument things.12
and of filmic montage as an aggressive, Among these photographers, all habi-
complex language of visual and acoustic tus of Alfred Stieglitzs salon-style Photo-
facts, commensurate with the demands Secessionist Gallery at 291 Fifth Avenue in
of a revolutionary age. Screened at art film New York in the teens, Strand offered the
houses as well as smaller film societies fullest defense of straight photography as
clubs, and reported on by the mainstream both compatible with American culture and
press, innovative feature-length city films an antidote to that cultures tendency toward
like Walter Ruttmans Berlin: Symphony of crass materialism. In a series of essays
a City (1927) and Vertovs The Man with a beginning in 1917, Strand argued that the
Movie Camera (1929), provided perhaps the technology of photography, as employed by
clearest and most conspicuous examples of a cluster of American artists, bridged a now
how a documentary aesthetic might emerge obsolete gap in cultural thinking between
at the point where commitments to social the domains of science and art. If the raison
observation, abstraction, and rhythmic and dtre of photography was absolute unquali-
conceptual montage converged.11 fied objectivity, the potential power of which
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 233

was dependent upon the purity of its use, meanings were attributed to visual forms.
the camera, employed by an artist, also con- Yet in his call for photographic practices
stituted a powerful instrument of creative governed by human needs, Strand also sig-
expression; in the very effort to grasp an naled a crucial shift in emphasis from the
object pictorially, the photographers point sensibility of the artist to the well-being
of view inevitably was registered.13 By 1922, of the community, from the cult of the art
these ideas had come to undergird a more object to its broader social function.15
fully elaborated notion of the contemporary In the early 1930s, efforts of this kind to
photographer as experimenter, as purpose- articulate a join between mechanical objec-
ful and logical as the scientific observer, tivity and social intersubjectivity in cinema
yet unencumbered by the reductive instru- took on a new political cast. Given the eco-
mentalism that increasingly had rendered nomic turmoil of the era, David Platt argued
scientists servants of a new Trinity of God in the inaugural issue of Experimental
the Machine, Materialistic Empiricism the Cinema (1930), there was exigent need
Son, and Science the Holy Ghost. At once of a force powerful enough to assist in the
celebrated and condemned in Europe, this presentation of these problems, socially,
new deity threatened to crush life in mod- politically, psychologically, and if possible
ern America where the cult of the machine to transform them to meet the realities of
was driven by powerful economic impera- the time. The most appropriate such force
tives. However, by approaching the act of was cinema, which penetrated so deeply
picture-taking with a sensitivity to felt life, into the mystery of reality because of the
the photographer could join the ranks of instantaneity of vision.16 Implicitly plac-
all true seekers of knowledge, be it intuitive ing elements of Strands earlier argument
and aesthetic or conceptual and scientific. within a sweeping history of the machine,
Modern technologies of vision thus need Lewis Mumford, in his influential 1934
not lead to the erasure of human percep- study, Technics and Civilization, likewise
tion and agency or a neurasthenic idolatry claimed that cinema was the unrivaled art
of the machine; rather the camera could be form of the Neotechnic Age, a third phase
placed in service of human need, reason, of civilization in which machines, no longer
and design.14 a substitute for God or for an orderly soci-
Over the next decade, the implica- ety, would serve the organic and living.17
tions of this approach for motion pictures Photography, Mumford proposed, was a
were explored in commentary by various form of historical note-taking, allowing the
American critics and social thinkers con- viewer to grasp spatial relations which may
cerned with the future fate of cinema as otherwise defy observation. Moreover, the
a socially useful art. To a certain extent, moving picture with its shifting viewpoints
Strands argument conformed to romantic registered the flux and variability of human
conventions of artistic practice: an objec- perception and feeling. Hence cinema was
tive sphere was valued precisely to the extent today the only art that can represent with
it yielded up an image to the discerning eye any degree of concreteness the emergent
of the visionary photographer; in turn, the world-view that differentiates our culture
subjectivity of the artist was invested in the from every preceding one.18
object perceived. In this regard, Strands Mumfords expansive argument for the
position statements on straight photog- organic uses of technology at the threshold
raphy bore the impress of the teachings of the Neotechnic Agean era in which a
of Stieglitz, especially Stieglitzs symbol- Cartesian split between the dead, mechani-
ist credo of photographic equivalents, in cal body and vital, transcendent soul had
which specific emotional or psychological been dissolvedwould have a major impact

on social reform initiatives in the 1930s, now worked in Hollywood. In 1936, Strand
including those proposed in one of the joined forces with Ralph Steiner and Leo
most widely viewed documentary films of Hurwitz to shoot Pare Lorentzs first New
the period, The City (Ralph Steiner/Willard Deal documentary, The Plow that Broke
Van Dyke, 1939), for which Mumford served the Plains, then assumed a leading role in
as consultant. Furthermore, Mumfords the formation of Frontier Films, the lead-
dauntingly exhaustive history of technol- ing labor-left documentary film unit of the
ogy provided the intellectual framework for decade, serving as its president until the
the widespread acceptance of documentary organizations demise in 1942. Among
filmmaking as a progressive social activity. projects at Frontier, he shot (and Hurwitz
The tenets of straight photography thus edited) the most ambitious left documen-
were inflected by a new critical discourse on tary of the period, a feature-length history of
documentary cinema in which the political the violation of the rights of union workers,
stakes seemed especiallyhigh. Native Land (1942).
This shift in emphasis from the aes- Steiner, in turn, dated his own matura-
thetics of perception to wider social and tion as a photographer to his exposure to
historical concerns can similarly be traced Strands work in 1926 (I was pole-axed; I
along the career trajectories of individual had never seen prints so richwith such
photographers who were central to the real textureand so glorious tonal values).20
1930s documentary movement. Prescient At the end of the decade, under the sponsor-
here again was Strand, who as early as 1921 ship of the Elmhurst Foundation, Steiner
collaborated with Sheeler on Manhatta, embarked on a series of short experimental
a scenic view of New York City, pitched, works (H2O, Surf and Seaweed, Mechanical
as Jan-Christopher Horak perceptively Principles), similar to the abstract films of
notes, between Walt Whitmans romantic Eggling, Richter, Ruttman, and Moholy-Nagy.
celebration of Manhattan as a primordial He turned to documentary film work in the
landscape and the abstraction and frag- 1930s, first briefly at the Workers Film and
mentation of modernist pictorial arts.19 Photo League in New York, then joining
Highly praised in art circles throughout the Hurwitz to form an experimental splinter
1920s for the visual density of his deeply group, Nykino, where ideas about acting and
textured, sharply focused, platinum prints, film fiction were explored.21 After shooting
Strand also supported himself financially The Plow that Broke the Plains in 1936, Steiner
as a freelance newsreel cameraman, hon- followed Hurwitz and Strand to Frontier; a
ing his skills as a cinematographer in the rift eventually led to his departure to make
process. In the 1930s, his circle of collabora- The City with Van Dyke and Rodakiewicz in
tors expanded as his film work then took an 1938. His influence, like Strands was widely
overtly political turn. Under Strands super- felt: Irving Lerner and Jay Leyda, both a
vision, Redes (The Wave), an acted drama decade Steiners junior, worked as his assis-
of a fishermens strike, was filmed on tants prior to their involvement on major
location in rural Mexico in 19331934. For projects at Nykino and Frontier.
this project, he hired two young Austrians Social documentary cinemas debt to
migrs: Henwar Rodakiewicz, a photog- straight photography follows yet another
rapher and filmmaker who had attracted route, commencing with the formation
attention in amateur circles for an experi- of Group f.64 in Oakland, California, in
mental short, Portrait of a Young Man (1931); 1932. So named for the camera aperture
and Fred Zinnemann, a collaborator on the best able to produce photographic images
acclaimed German documentary, Menschen of sharp focus, f.64 included among its
am Sonntag (People on Sunday, 1929), who original members Ansel Adams, Imogen
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 235

Cunningham, Willard Van Dyke, and several summers researched the terrain of
Edward Weston. Weston was the groups the Southwest, honing an eye for horizontal
intellectual leader, Van Dyke its chief orga- landscapes that eventually shaped the look
nizer, but all members had been recently of his Mexican documentary, The Wave.27
working in a style that focused on the sur- Meanwhile, Van Dyke, after a brief stint with
face texture and shape of closely viewed the social documentary team of Dorothea
objects, cropped or tightly framed against Lange and Paul Taylor, crossed the continent
the sky or other neutral background.22 In in the opposite direction, joining Nykino in
commentary that echoed earlier position New York, then working as a cinematogra-
statements on modern photography, Group pher on Lorentzs second New Deal project,
f.64s manifesto announced their commit- The River. He also followed Steiners path
ment to simple and direct presentation into independent documentary production
through purely photographic methods, a with The City after a stint at Frontier.28
form of pure photography not derivative As first forays in filmmaking, scenics
of any other art form.23 or pattern films allowed experimental pho-
Although Group f.64 was short-lived, the tographers schooled in a straight style to
photographers who came together to form it explore the arrangement of mass, line, and
had an impact on social documentary film- volume temporally, through the orches-
making in varied ways. In 1931, for example, tration of patterns of movement within
the bicoastal film journal, Experimental and across individual shots. As Horak has
Cinema, published a suite of Westons pho- shown, Manhatta is comprised in large mea-
tographs accompanied by his brief statement sure of animated reconstructions of photo-
on the power of the photograph to attend graphs by Strand and Stieglitz; in a sense,
to the direct presentation of THINGS in the film tests the aesthetic of an evolving
THEMSELVES. For the journal editors, New York school of photography against
Westons honest eye explicitly served as a the possibilities of cinema, of regulated
useful counter-example to the unhealthy movement and kinetic design.29 Likewise
artificialism of design and conventional Steiners shots of water, surf, and mechani-
technical sentimentalism of cinematogra- cal gears in his pattern films add movement
phy in Hollywood; in this fashion, straight to a series of abstract images, the clarity and
photographys great nemesis, pictorialism, tectonic precision of which strongly resem-
was now linked to Hollywoods studio style.24 ble his abstract photographs of the period.
Westons son, Brett, formally considered an Cutting tends to follow and extend patterns
affiliate of Group f.64, also briefly served of movement within adjacent shots, at times
as a staff photographer for Experimental accelerating the pace of the action.
Cinema, providing illustrations for articles The temporal model for Steiner was
by David Platt on machine aesthetics and music:composer Aaron Copland assisted in
Lewis Jacobs on Sergei Eisenstein.25 On the editing of all three films, and they subse-
the political front, east and west coasts con- quently were screened with musical accom-
nected again in 1934 when FPL veteran paniment by Marc Blitzstein on a program
Lester Balog, having arrived in California with French avant-garde shorts at a Modern
to shoot and show documentary footage of Music concert in New York. Analogies to
migrant labor camps, collaborated with the music likewise mark Rodakiewiczs Portrait
San Francisco Bay area photographers in a of a Young Man, where abstract patterns of
Photo Commentors show at the Lilienthal waves, rocks, gears, trees, and clouds are
Bookstore under the banner, Photographs explicitly divided into three separate move-
of Social Significance.26 In 1930, Strand ments. Influenced perhaps by the title to
met Adams in New Mexico and over the next Ruttmans Berlin: Symphony of a City, this

musical conceit was echoed in a host of movements, and diagonally traced lines
projects suggested for amateurs in the early defining forces in conflict, accompanied
1930s. In his 1931 guidebook, Cinematic by poet Ben Maddows scripted commen-
Design, Leonard Hacker proposed that A tary and Marc Blitzsteins scoreamply
film symphony of swaying trees and flow- illustrates how the formal orchestration of
ing water with man and animals as part complex patterns of movement, given direc-
of the surroundings is the finest type of tion and velocity through precise reframing
picture that can be made, and presented and cutting, flourished under the rubric of
seven short scenarios for amateurs, includ- social documentary practices.32
ing Symphony Natural, Symphony
Synthetic, and (with no acknowledgment
to Lger) Symphony Mechanique.30 Leo
Hurwitz, who like Steiner claimed to have Hooks and Crannies:
been bowled over by Strands photographs Social Reconstruction and
upon arriving in NewYork in 1930, referred DocumentaryForms
to his first effort in filmmaking as a chan-
nel of flow of the city and a dance film of Experiments in the rhythmic patterning of
the subways.31 For these photographers sharply focused images, however, had lim-
turned filmmakers, the abstraction of the ited value in advancing the central goals of
photographic image now acquired a rhyth- social documentary filmmakers. Straight
mic and choreographic dimension. photography required alert, disciplined
Social documentary projects, in turn, attention to a field of vision, a profilmic
would offer manifold opportunities to refine scene, which through selection and abstrac-
and elaborate this style. Crisply focused, care- tion would yield up an image of reality that
fully composed images is the norm for these habitual ways of seeing masked. With social
filmmakers throughout the 1930s, whether documentary projects, however, stress now
the subject is a western landscape (The Plow fell on the links, pressure points, and rela-
that Broke the Plains), a New England village tions of power in an invisible social system,
(The City), or an intricate pattern of slatted, residing, as it were, behind the world of
tenement stairs (The Fight for Life, Lorentz, physical objects, bound together in causal
1941). The sustained, rhythmic orchestra- patterns that the social analyst had to work
tion of edited shots, cut to music composed to reconstruct. The scientific analog for doc-
for the scene, also is a recurring, even vir- umentary inquiry of this kind was less biol-
tuoso, set piece in these films, as when a ogy or chemistry (recall Steiners title for his
stream of water gains speed and volume in abstract study of water, H2O) where micro-
time to Virgil Thomsons score to The River, scopic elements could be viewed through
urban traffic builds to a frenzy to Aaron optical magnification, or patterns of move-
Coplands score for The City, the movement ment invisible to the eye charted through
of a tractor is cut to (and the sound of its time- lapse photography, but the social sci-
engine integrated with) Paul Bowles experi- ences, where analyses typically involved a
mental music in Americas Disinherited mix of visual documentation, personal tes-
(Alan S. Hacker, 1937), or the harvesting timony, and statistics or charts. Or perhaps
of a corn crop is edited to a discordant, the analytical method of social documentary
heavily cadenced verse chorus by Stephen was less a science in any familiar sense than
Vincent Bent in Power and the Land (Joris a form of conceptual grasping, closer to the
Ivens, 1940). The conquest of a continent humanistic notion of understanding,
sequence that opens Native Landwith its unanchored by an agreed upon set of logical
horizontal tracking shots, vertical counter principles or physicallaws.
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 237

Indeed, social documentary seemed to at a solidarity march. In full-scale social

bring to the fore another model of photo- documentaries, historical trajectories of this
graphic practice, with roots in Jacob Riiss kind gain dominance. Thus, while straight
tenement photographs at the close of the photographers and social documentarists
19th century, published in photo books that both rejected traditions of genteel refine-
attacked the scandalous housing conditions ment and decoration in the arts, new doc-
of immigrants; or in the work of Lewis Hine umentary film work relied on conceptual
(Strands first instructor), whose photo- schemasocial typing, social conflict,
graphs from 1908 through the early 1930s allegories of social transformationthat
illustrated articles in the social reform jour- straight photographers had jettisoned in
nal, Survey (later Survey Graphic), the mas- favor of strict attention to the thing itself.
sive, six-volume Pittsburgh Survey, and the In 1940, veteran documentarist Joris
brochures and pamphlets of the National Ivens put the problem this way: Films
Child Labor Committee.33 Pattern films, in on wood-structure, or in the operation of
effect, dehistoricized documentary photog- a bridge should have no trouble in touch-
raphy, closing down the multiple temporal ing the reality of their subject. But films on
registers that a work of cinema might mobi- larger, more important themes, require a
lize for an image, focusing attention on, and deeper approach. In my opinion, its nec-
intensifying the spectators sensation of, an essary to find the social reality, then to find
immediate act of perception. City films, in the essential drama of that reality.34 Where
contrast, often cued other temporal patterns precisely was this reality to be found? To a
by establishing, say, a time of day for the certain extent, the historical significance of
action (dawn to dusk was a typical formal social events was presupposed by the politi-
structure), or alluding to economic tensions cal or philanthropic organizations with
in a modern urban landscape. Leydas A which filmmakers often where aligned.
Bronx Morning (1931), for example, edges The task of the documentarist was to invest
away from a strictly symphonic format for these propositions with a sense of imme-
the city film by focusing on hand made signs diacy, density, lyricism, wit, or persuasive
(fire sale, prices downthe bottom) and appeal. Yet the process of filmmaking itself
incorporating a running series of intertitles could alter ones grasp of an inherited prop-
(The Bronx does businessand the Bronx osition about the world, complicating or
liveson the street) that cast the neigh- even skewing any simple message a spon-
borhood as a public space marked by eco- sor might wish to promote. For the ambi-
nomic fluctuation and change. In a similar tious practitioner, documentary filmmaking
vein, Conrad Friberg in Halsted Street (1934) thus involved the dynamic interaction of
foregrounds economic and ethnic divisions inherited propositions, the specific social
along a city-long Chicago street in the era topic under scrutiny, and the properties of
of the Great Depression. Opening with the medium through which social material
the laborious movement of a plow horse was to be given dramaticforce.
through farmland to the south, and closing That this required the discovery or cob-
with the leisurely gait of equestrian riders bling together of new forms of cinema was a
in park land to the north, Halstead Street widely shared viewed. On the left, the rheto-
reconstructs a dense social milieu through ric of the Workers Film and Photo League
the juxtaposition of commercial billboards, easily absorbed the avant-gardes cultural
movie marquees, ethnic storefronts, church critique of Hollywood cinema as philis-
missions, and political posters and placards, tine and dull, to which was added a sharp-
and caps the recurring image of a burly man ened economic critique of Hollywoods
walking briskly northward with his arrival factory system of production and the

money interests the film industry served. new cinema and a new world. The 1920s
Organized two doors away from the old amateur thus was recast as the 1930s
Biograph studios on East 14th Street, where cineaste-activist, with energies redirected to
D. W. Griffith had first risen to fame, and contemporary political concerns.38
modestly funded by Workers International As documentary production spread to
Relief, the New York FPL boldly sought to other sites during the second half of the
reclaim American cinema for the work- decade, rhetoric became more temperate.
ing class, announcing a program to expose On the left, Popular Front politics muted
reactionary films, champion artistic and calls for revolution, in cinema houses as
revolutionary Soviet productions, and well as in the streets. Meanwhile, social
produce documentary films reflecting the documentary was embraced as a defen-
lives and struggles of the American work- sible (if at times controversial) medium
ers.35 Harry Alan Potamkin, a vigorous of persuasion by government agencies,
advocate of avant-garde experiments of the labor unions, reform groups, and private
1920s, argued for the potential of films of foundations. The New Deal documenta-
montage and document to sharpen the ries of Pare Lorentz, in particular, attracted
technical skill, formal sensibility, and pow- wide acclaim for their forceful treatment
ers of political analysis of the amateur of of regional American themes. Yet even as
modest means. Bread lines and picket debates concerning social documentary
lines, demonstrations and police attacks, entered mainstream channels, the notion
Potamkin proposed, were appropriate sub- that documentary practices were necessarily
ject matter for aspiring working class film- experimental remained a recurring refrain.
makers. Workers groups, moreover, were Over the horizon might reside an era of
strategically placed to provide support for documentary guidebooks and manuals, but
pioneering efforts of this kind.36 At the FPL, working filmmakers emphasized the con-
Hurwitz later recalled, the great mystique tingent nature of their enterprise and, when
of craft was being dissipated as filmmakers opportunities arose, sought ways to expand
taught themselves in an ongoing workshop the range of effects a documentary film
and loose apprentice system.37 Experimental might be thought able to achieve. It was
films from Europe and America, along part essay, part poem, part political speech,
with the work of Soviet filmmakers, were Hurwitz later said of this new effort, it was
screened, discussed, and mined for ideas an attempt to create an emotional impact
and techniques. To an excitement with new out of ideas, contradictions and conflicts.39
forms of spatio-temporal perception made Viewed retrospectively, the principles gov-
possible by the modern medium of cinema, erning experimentation by these filmmak-
Marxist political theory added the promise ers roughly match those David Bordwell has
of a revolution in historical consciousness, a identified in the work of Soviet filmmakers
theme sounded in the pages of Experimental of the 1920s.40 American social documentary
Cinema, published by Lewis Jacobs and filmmakers, for example, considered the art
David Platt in association with their ama- of cinema a vital component of their work;
teur film club, the Cinema Crafters of debate centered on how aesthetic effects
Philadelphia, and echoed later in Filmfront could best serve pragmatic ends. In these
and New Theatre, both of which were affili- films, narration tends to be overt, foreground-
ated with the Film and Photo League. The ing the relation of the film to an anticipated
infusion of amateur experimentation with spectator, and often inviting that spectator to
new political commitments was for many become one with a broader community the
young filmmakers a heady mix, as they film posits and privileges. Causality is supra-
envisioned the concurrent dawning of a individual, with the behavior of characters
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 239

strongly marked according to social type. stratifying, and recombining elements in

Abstract or associative patterns serve wider complex forms. In social documentary, as in
persuasive goals, as poetics and rhetoric historiography more broadly conceived, the
converge. Social documentary projects, tensions generated by competing patterns
moreover, often draw on a prescribed set of of imagery, emplotment, and rhetoric could
argumentative commonplacesthe need powerfully evoke a sense of the density
for working class solidarity, for restoring and mutability of social experience and the
depleted soil, for fighting fascism at home associative pathways of memory. In raiding
and abroadwhich filmmakers sought to the storehouses of both avant-garde and
render vivid through experimental tech- classical narrative techniques, early social
niques. Thus while an argument, in broad documentarists thus explored forms of
outline, might be highly familiar, its unfold- comprehension not restricted to straightfor-
ing on film could be fresh, unpredictable; ward, transparent description, even as they
should a technique seem inappropriate, sought to authenticate these accounts by
the effect also could be deemed peculiar or treating the photographic image as empiri-
strange. cal evidence.
Indeed, we might say that the effort to Consider, for example, one recurring pat-
restore a social and historical dimension tern in these films, the forceful juxtaposi-
to the representation of things encour- tion of contrasting social elements: worker/
aged documentarists in the 1930s to crook, capitalist, farmland/dustbowl, illiteracy/
torque, or detour an argument or narrative schooling, peace/war, etc. At the local level,
in an effort to invest it with greater social through rapid cutting, conceptual contrasts
texture, open up an unpredictable line of of this kind are sometimes invested with a
inquiry, or achieve a particular dramatic brute perceptual force, as in the prologue to
effect. To make a direct assertion, a simple Bonus March (FPL, 1932) when a series of
slogan might suffice. But to represent a plau- peacetime, military travel posters, swing-
sible social world on film entailed dividing, ing in the breeze, are abruptly intercut with

Figure33.1 Scene from The City, directed by Willard Van Dyke. Still capture fromDVD.

Figure33.2 Scene from Native Land, directed by Leo Hurwitz and Paul Strand, with Louis
Grant. Photo by Elinor Mayer. Still capture fromDVD.

newsreel footage of destruction and carnage this instance, stylistic contrasts at the local
from World War I. These contrasts may also level hook up with a broader, cyclical pattern
underpin broader principles of construc- of victory and defeat, motion and stasis, cel-
tion, as in the five-part division of The City, ebration and mourning that defines Native
based upon alternative patterns of social Lands metahistorical ground.
organization, each composed in a differ- Juxtapositions may also cut a different
ent style, with the final segment, a modern way, suggesting analogies or metaphors.
Greenbelt village, graphically linked to the In The Plow That Broke the Plains, tractors
first, an old New England town, and cul- are likened to tanks, and grain spouts to
minating in a series of summary cuts that cannons, as American agriculture goes to
distill the large scale argument posed by war. Later, flowing grain matches streaming
the commentator: Urban slum or suburban ticker tape, and the quick hands of a jazz
utopia? You take your choice. More com- drummer are intercut with a vibrating ticker
plex, and unique among films of the period, globe. A connection between economy
is the structure of Native Land, in which and ecology is then sealed: the glass globe
an elaborate detective plot is built up from topples and shatters; fade out/fade in on
discrete sequences arranged to foreground parched, cracked, bone-strewn earth. Men
bold stylistic shifts: in musical tone (upbeat, and Dust (Dick, 1940) compares the dis-
downbeat), mise-en-scene (light, dark), and eased lungs of Ozark miners to eroded land
narrative style (verbal recounting, dra- by exploiting the overlapping term in coal
matic reenactment). The most wrenching dust/dust bowl. As farmers dig irrigation
transition, moreover, is reserved for the ditches in The Spanish Earth (Ivens, 1936),
penultimate scene, when a holiday ride soldiers dig trenches, linking civil war in
on a merry-go-round is ruptured without Spain to land reform. Civilian and military
warning by a montage of still photographs, life are bridged at the close of Heart of Spain
reconstructing from fragmentary evidence (Kline, 1937) through a metaphor for the
the slaying of workers at the Republic Steel body politic drawn from the films title: as
factory in Chicago on Memorial Day, 1937. In blood is extracted from the arms of donors,
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 241

new recruits march boldly to the front, acts and music, but also by way of the expres-
of common sacrifice by a people unified by sive function of the human voice. In the
war. Hands, at first seen idle, turn to labor, early 1930s, technological constraints lim-
then to commerce, in Hands (Steiner/Van ited sound recording, but lip-synchronized
Dyke, 1935), a promotional short for the speech was on occasion employed to
Works Progress Administration (WPA); remarkably idiosyncratic effect. In The
isolated and multiplied in quadrants and Strange Case of Tom Mooney (Los Angeles
prismatic frames, these gestures stand in FPL, 1933) veteran Vitaphone director Bryan
synecdochically for a recovering U.S.econ- Foy withholds a lip-synchronized statement
omy. At the close of People of the Cumberland, by Mooney until the closing moments of the
the outstretched arm of a young athlete, film. With no more plot to be recounted, the
crosscut with the flow of water through a incarcerated labor leader simply reminds
TVA dam, is replayed as a gesture of soli- his supporters that he is not getting any
darity and political optimism by backwoods younger; his tremulous voice then yields to
youth about to come ofage. hauntingly silent footage shot at the time of
Efforts to invest social arguments with his arrival in prison seventeen years before.
emotion also motivate striking stylistic (It is a moment, one reviewer noted,
strategies. Here, again, montage principles which some centuries of Hollywood could
dating back to the silent era are in evidence. not erase from my mind.)42 In the opening,
Lewis Jacobss published notes for Highway nonvocal section of Millions of Us (American
66, an unproduced documentary, consist of Labor Film, 1935), Slavko Vorkapichs
fragmentary descriptions of urban prowl- impressionistic montage establishes a
ing, billboard slogans, and rural despair; transients hallucinatory state of mind, as
readable as disjunctive poetry, this loose images of food are superimposed upon his
scenario suggests the degree to which sleeping body. Then, in the final segment,
the shock effects of a modernist aesthetic the unemployed worker joins a union and
seemed an appropriate vehicle in the early his envisioned fantasies are replaced by
1930s to express the disorientation of the lip-synchronized dialogue and his posses-
Great Depression across regional lines.41 sion of a new collective, public voice.
Ford Massacre (Detroit FPL, 1932) argues By the late 1930s, thanks both to the criti-
for worker solidarity by including footage cal success of Lorentzs poetic commentary
of a police attack on Dearborn auto work- for his New Deal documentaries and the
ers, viewed at ground level by participat- greater resources documentarists had at
ing filmmakers. Close-range, hand-held their disposal, vocal patterns emerged as a
camerawork and abrupt, discontinuous carefully planned component of the formal
cutting, provide a visceral sense of violent design of these films. Beyond exposition
disruption, of a struggle marked by high and argument, voice-over narration often
drama. Edited battle footage in The Spanish serves various expressive functions. Vocal
Earth, China Strikes Back (Frontier, 1937), commentators assume the voices of char-
and Crisis (Frontier, 1938) likewise empha- acters in The Spanish Earth, Men and Dust,
sizes the percussive, disorienting force of Power and the Land, and The Land (Flaherty,
attack and counterattack, adding a sense of 1942). Writer Ben Maddow and composer
urgency to partisan reportage and, in the Marc Blitzstein designed the sound track
process, establishing the model for many to Native Land as an oratorio for the rich
U.S. combat films of World War II. bass voice of Paul Robeson, who alternates
Social documentary sound tracks often between poetic commentary and songs. In
extend the range of these effects, in part his score for Valley Town, Blitzstein included
through the sensory impact of sound effects recitatives for an unemployed mill worker

and his wife; sung as interior monologues, works, for example, does the psychology of
the music recalls Kurt Weills for Bertolt individuated characters principally struc-
Brechtand was altered by Valley Towns ture the film: Pie in Sky (1935) uses acting
disconcerted sponsor when the film first for improvisational satire; The World Today
was released. Midway through People of the uses it to dramatize newsreel material, in
Cumberland, exposition unexpectedly gives the mixed format of The March of Time.
way to breathless, first-person narration, Likewise, dramatic reenactments in People
as we witness a reenactment of the entrap- of the Cumberland and Native Land stress
ment and slaying of a union organizer by the localized, discrete effects the work of
anti-labor thugs. A scored double heartbeat, actors can achieve; within this context per-
maternal and fetal, establishes the pace of formance functions as simply one among
an ominous childbirth scene at the outset of several ways in which history may be recon-
The Fight for Life.43 Later, as a doctor wanders structed, dramatized, and assessed.
the night streets of Chicago, his soliloquy is These examples, moreover, argue
counterpointed by Joe Sullivans jazz score. against the commonly held view that doc-
In this instance, social documentary cinema umentary filmmakers, historically, have
anticipates the stylistic effects of film noir. sought to perfect an invisible style. Rather,
It may be appropriate, then, to speak of a it seems plain, varied conceptions of real-
tension in social documentaries of the 1930s ism underpin the use of different tech-
between the assertion of direct propositions niques, some of which are foregrounded,
concerning social reality and something others masked. Nanook of the North surely
more open-ended, eclectic, and loose-fitting gained a wide audience in part because of
in the way in which the social problems Flahertys mastery of conventions of seam-
are recounted and future solutions set less, continuity editing, but Nanook, Moana
forth on the screen. Strands early effort to (1926), and Man of Aran (1934) also earned
locate in straight photographic a human high marks from critics for their excep-
dimensiona way of thinking, an emo- tional compositional beauty, which set the
tion feltresurfaces in social documentary films apart from routine travelogue films.
practices in patterns that are compound, Moreover, in rejecting Flahertys exotic
oblique, and interlacedin short, in a form imagery and domestic plots, a new gen-
that finally is anything but straight. Even eration of documentarists on the left in the
a film like The River, today often put forth as 1930s privileged dynamic editing patterns
exemplary of a classic documentary style, that were highly pronounced, in search of
achieves a sense of unity only through the perceptual effects and a conceptual logic
strenuous orchestration of a wide range of that seemed commensurate with the acts
diverse elements, across a series of discrete of aggression, victimization, and resis-
segments, incorporating natural, economic, tance that these filmmakers took as their
and social histories of the Mississippi River principle themes. Likewise, documentaries
bed through intricate variations on visual, of liberal reform staked their claim to rep-
vocal, and musical themes. Moreover, even resent social reality in part on an exorbitant
when efforts to generate a sense of human style; unexpected juxtapositions, dramatic
drama and emotion brought documen- set pieces, and odd transpositions in verbal
tary filmmakers into close contact with the diction or forms of address offer a more tex-
conservative dramaturgical conventions of tured and conflicted view of social relations
Hollywood fiction and Socialist Realism, than do events more peaceably depicted or
these films tend to foreground an explor- described.
atory or experimental dimension to per- To label social documentary in the 1930s
formance. In neither of Nykinos extant as a utopian project is to call attention to
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 243

both the formal ambitions of the filmmakers formal experimentation seems part and par-
and their faith, unparalleled perhaps in the cel of social documentarys defense of the
history of documentary cinema in the U.S., realm of social imagination, of the power to
in new social compacts and the inextricable make palpable the corrosive effects of social
bond between political destiny and human ills and to plan and project a betterworld.
design. Filmmakers, like the social theorists
they sometimes quoted, were motivated by Notes
a passion to construct, with construction
understood not as a mechanical or even 1. For contemporary comment see Ben Belitt, The
Camera Reconnoiters, The Nation, 20 November
necessarily efficient process but as a human 1937), pp. 557558; reprinted in The Documentary
activity involving dynamic experimentation Tradition:From Nanook to Woodstock, ed. Lewis
with old and new forms. In these films, the Jacobs (NewYork:W. W.Norton, 1971), pp.
141145; and David Wolff [Ben Maddow], Film
power of social and technological innova- Intensity:Shors, Films, Spring 1940, p.57. Consider,
tion is repeatedly linked to the raw force and for example, the central role of Emile de Antonio,
fecundity of nature, an image true to the Lionel Rogosin, Shirley Clarke and Robert Frank in
the formation of the New American Cinema Group
organicist view of engineering articulated in the early 1960s; or in recent years the conscious
most fully by Mumford, whose Neotechnic blurring or effacing of any workable distinction
Age was to be rational, not rationalized, between documentary and avant-garde practices in
films by Agnes Varda, Chris Marker, Raoul Ruiz,
inventive, not mechanized, cut to the mea- Trinh T.Minh-ha, Yvonne Rainer, Su Friedrich,
sure of human hopes and desires, most Marlon Riggs, James Benning, and Morgan Fisher,
especially the aspiration to make the world among others. On the ties between the avant-garde
and political documentary filmmaking in the 1960s
new.44 Informed by a romantic streak that and 1970s, see Michael Renov, Newsreel:Old and
American modernism never fully shook off, NewTowards an Historical Profile, Film Quarterly
these films are sometimes bleak but never 41, no. 1 (Fall 1987):2033 and David E.James,
Allegories of Cinema:American Film in the Sixties
nihilistic; even as scenes of poverty, disease, (Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press, 1989),
and despair are graphically rendered, future pp. 166236.
possibilities seem imminent. In part this is 2. John Grierson quoted by Paul Rotha in Documentary
Film (London: Faber & Faber, 1939), p. 68; Paul
attributable to a recurring rhetorical trope:a Rotha, The Documentary Method in British Films,
closing call for commitment to a political National Board of Review Magazine (November 1937),
program. But more persuasive than upbeat p. 3; Richard Griffith, A Note on Documentary
Film, program note accompanying Museum
codas, appended to frankly dark reports, is of Modern Art retrospective, The Non-fiction
a general commitment to problem solving Film: From Uninterpreted Fact to Documentary,
to which stylistic shifts themselves give evi- November 1939January 1940, in File M257,
Thomas J. Brandon Collection, Film Study Center,
dence.45 Uneven in execution, experiments Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York City;
in documentary composition, convey, if Joris Ivens, Notes on the Documentary Film,
nothing else, a sense of purposeful prob- Direction 3, no. 4 (April 1940), p. 15; Arch Mercey,
New Frontiers for the Documentary Film, Journal
ing, a searching (and occasionally searing) of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers November
quality that exceeds any simple effort to 1939, p. 525.
demonstrate a point. Like the picture of the Film historians frequently have traced the
Mississippi presented in The Riverbent foundation of a social documentary aesthetic to
Grierson, but the impact of the work of Grierson
out of shape by failed social policies, but and the British documentary school was not felt in
capable of alleviating social ills through bet- the U.S. until later in the decade, thanks in large
ter planning and designthe forked and measure to Rotha, author of the first book-length
study of documentary, who as a Rockefeller Fellow
twisted structures of these films exemplify lectured on the topic and organized screenings at
both a sense of social disturbance and a the Museum of Modern Art in 193738. It might be
human power to put things (back) together, more appropriate, then, to view Griersons initiatives
in Great Britain (and later Australia and Canada)
drawing on past experience to order mate- as symptomatic of a more global effort to define,
rial in new and productive ways. Here refine, and promote a documentary film aesthetic
in an era of mounting interest in the power of 8. Suggestively, Lger repeatedly insisted on the
nonfictional cinema to shape a sense of social reality label realism over and against a term like
for a community of spectators. For a discussion of abstraction, perhaps because the latter undercut
some common patterns among radical documentary the concrete, worldly dimension to formal
film groups in Germany, France, England, and the elements that he sought to promote. The theme
U.S., see Jonathan Buchsbaum, Left Political Film endured in his writings over several decades.
in the West: The Interwar Years, in Robert Sklar Modern notions that art should strip itself of
and Charles Musser, eds., Resisting Images: Essays on representational trimmings and limit itself to its
Cinema and History (Philadelphia: Temple University plastic, compositional elements, he observed in
Press, 1990), pp. 126148. 1913, is not simply a passing abstraction, valid
3. Efforts to recast documentary as a medium of only for a few initiates; it is the total expression of
filmic experiment also inspired a backlash. Oswell a new generation whose needs it shares and whose
Blackstone in Close-Up, for example, argued that aspirations it answers. The Origin of Painting
the power and lucidity of photographic observation and Its Representational Values, Montjoie (1913),
had been spoiled by extravagant cinematic reprinted in Functions of Painting,p.10.
techniques: We want documents which will show, 9. See Victor Turin, The Problem of a New
with the clarity and logic of a scholars thesis, the Film Language, translated by Christel Gang,
subjects they are supposed to tackle: we want no Experimental Cinema 1, no. 3 (1931):1112; Mikhail
more filtered skies, Russian montage and other A.Kaufman, Cine Analysis, Experimental
vulgarities in our educational productions. See Cinema 1, no. 4 (1932):2123; Dziga Vertov on
Manifesto on the Documentary Film, Close-Up 10, Kino-Eye:Excerpts from a Lecture Given in Paris in
no. 4 (December 1933): 325326. 1929, Filmfront 1, no. 2 (7 January 1935):68; Leon
4. See Irving Lerner, Robert Flahertys Escape, Moussinac, Dziga Vertov on Film Technique,
New Theatre, December 1934, reprinted in New Filmfront, 1, no. 3 (28 January 1935), pp. 79.
Theatre and Film, 1934 to 1937, ed. Herbert Kline For responses to Vertovs films in the U.S, also
(New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1985) pp. see Simon Koster, Dziga Vertoff, Experimental
307310; E. K. [Ed Kennedy], The Films Look at Cinema 1, no. 5 (1933):2728.
the Worker, Filmfront, 24 December 1934, p. 6; In his commentary on contemporary cinema for a
and Sidney Meyers, An Event: The Wave, New wide range of publications in the early 1930s, Harry
Theatre and Film November 1936, reprinted in Alan Potamkin also alerted the attention of readers
Jacobs, ed., The Documentary Tradition, pp. 118122. in the U.S. to Soviet experiments in documentary,
A similar critique of Flaherty was pursued in Great including Esther Shubs The Last of the Romanoff
Britain; see David Schrire and John Grierson, Dynasty (1927), Yakov Bloks The Shanghai Document
Evasive Documentary, Cinema Quarterly 3, no. 1 (1928), and Mikhail Kalatozovs Salt for Svanetia
(Fall 1934): 79, followed by Griersons qualified (1930), as well as Turksib and Man with a Movie
defense of Flaherty, pp. 1011. Schrires critique Camera. See especially The Montage Film, Movie
also included a polemic on how documentary was Makers (February 1930), reprinted in The Compound
best to be defined, and excluded Flahertys films Cinema: The Film Writings of Harry Alan Potamkin,
from that definition. ed. Lewis Jacobs (New York: Teachers College Press,
5. Lzl Moholy-Nagy, Light: A Medium of Plastic 1977), pp. 7073; as well as 472473, 5965, 313317.
Expression, Broom 4, no. 4 (March 1923): 283284; More generally on the distribution of, and critical
Painting: Photography: Film (Boston: American response to, Soviet films in the U.S. during this
Photographic Publishing Co., 1931), first published period, see the Hollywood Bulletin column in
as Malerei, Fotografie, Film, volume 8 in the Bauhaus Experimental Cinema 1, no. 2 (June 1930): 1214; 1, no.
book series (Munich: Albert Langen Verlag, 1925; 3 (1931): 2223; and 1, no. 4 (1932): 5460; Herman J.
rev. ed 1927). Weinberg, The Foreign Language Film in the U.S.
6. Fernand Lger, A New RealismThe Object Close-Up 10, no. 2 (June 1933): 187191; and Vlada
(Its Plastic and Cinematographic Value), Little Petric, Soviet Revolutionary Film in America (Ph.D.
Review 11, no. 2 (Winter 1926); 78; reprinted in An diss., New York University, 1973).
Introduction to the Art of the Movies, ed. Lewis Jacobs 10. Moussinac, Dziga Vertov on Film Technique,p.7.
(NewYork:Noonday, 1960), pp.9698. 11. Both Berlin:Symphony of a City and Man With a
7. See Fernand Lger, The Esthetic of the Movie Camera were reviewed by Mordaunt Hall
Machine: Manufactured Objects, Artisan, and in The NewYork Times, the latter film twice. See
Artist, Little Review 9, no. 3 (Spring 1923: The Soul of a City, 14 May 1928, p.25; Moscow
4549), and continued in Little Review 9, no. 4 Today Hailed, 13 May 1929, p.27; and Floating
(AutumnWinter 19231924): 5558; Film by Glimpses of Russia, 17 September 1929, p.36.
Fernand Lger and Dudley Murphy, Little Review On The Man With a Movie Camera, also see Jere
10, no. 2 (AutumnWinter 19241925): 4244; Abbott, Notes on Movies, Hound and Horn
see also The New Realism, Art Front 2, no. 8 (December 1929):159162; and Evelyn Gerstein,
(December 1935): 10:11, reprinted in Functions of Three Russian Movies, Theatre Guild Magazine
Painting, ed Edwary F. Frye (New York: Viking, (October 1929):1416. The crucial role of Berlin
1973), pp. 109113; and The New Realism Goes in establishing documentary as a different kind
On, Art Front 3, no. 1 (February 1937): 78. of experimental cinema is evident in Potamkins
Straight Shots and CrookedPlots 245

suggestion in 1930 that among films where the Natures Own Design (trees and clouds) through
logic of images [are freed] from the logic of Power from Nature (electrical power lines) to
wordsthe practices are, for the most, either Nature Left Out (a tattered poster for a Hollywood
documentary (as in the composite newsreel talkie). In short, the series is constructed as a
Berlin), or effetely fanciful, an atelier experiment, proto-documentary montage on a theme central to
as in France. See Potamkin, The Compound social thought of the period.
Cinema, pp.4546. In his discussions of Soviet 22. Original members also included John Paul
documentary, Potamkin also frequently cites Berlin Edwards, Sonya Noskowiak, and Henry Swift.
as precursor to Russian experiments. Invited to join the group for its first show at
12. On the relationship of straight photography to the De Young Museum in San Francisco in
objectivist poetry, see Peter Schmidt, William November 1932 were Conseulo Kanga, Alma
Carlos Williams, the Arts, and Literary Tradition Lavenson, Preston Holder, and Brett Weston.
(Baton Rouge:Louisiana State University Press, On the organization of the group, see Therese
1989), pp. 1047. On Precisionism, see Karen Tauh Heyman, ed., Seeing Straight: The Group f.64
Tsujimoto, Images of America Precisionist Painting Revolution in Photography (Oakland, CA: Oakland
and Modern Photography (San Franscico Museum Art Gallery, 1992); and Michel Oren On the
of Modern Art, 1982). On the effort of 20th century Impurity of Group f/64 Photography, History of
photographers to reconcile science and art, see Photography 15, no. 2 (Summer 1991): 119127.
Peter Wollen, Photography and Aesthetics, Screen 23. Group f.64 Manifesto, 1932, in Heyman, ed.,
19, no. 5 (Winter 197879):928. Seeing Straight,p.53.
13. Paul Strand, Photography, Seven Arts (August 24. Edward Weston, Experimental Cinema 1, no. 3
1917):524526; reprinted in Nathan Lyons, ed., (1931):1315. Initially edited Platt and Jacobs in
Photographers on Photography (Englewood Cliffs, Philadelphia, Experimental Cinema had extensive
N.J.:Prentice-Hall, 1966), pp. 136137. coverage of Hollywood by Seymour Stern in Los
14. Paul Strand, Photography the New God, Broom Angeles. Potamkin originally served as NewYork
3, no. 4 (1922):252258; reprinted in Lyons, editor, but split with the journal over a complicated
Photographers on Photography, pp.138144. dispute between Experimental Cinema and Close-Up
15. On the social dimension of Strands style of after the first two issues. See Editors Note,
documentary portraiture, see John Berger, Paul Experimental Cinema 1, no. 3 (1931):34.
Strand, New Society (1972); reprinted in About 25. David Platt, Focus and Mechanism, Experimental
Looking (NewYork:Pantheon, 1980), pp.4147. Cinema 1, no. 2 (1931):23; Lewis Jacobs,
The placement of Strands camera, Berger writes, Eisenstein, Experimental Cinema 1, no. 4 (1931):4.
is not where something is about to happen, but In its second issue, Experimental Cinema also listed
where a number of happenings will be related. among its staff photographers Lzl Moholy-Nagy,
Thus, without any use of anecdote, he turns his Man Ray, El Lissitzsky, George Grosz, Ralph Steiner,
subjects into narrators (p.43). On the relationship and Charles Sheeler. However, the work of none of
of Strands work to traditional views of technology these photographers was published in the journal.
and nature in America, see Ulrich Keller, An Art 26. According to Balog, other members included
Historical View of Paul Strand, Image 17, no. 6 Imogen Cunningham, Ansel Adams, Otto Hegel,
(December 1974):111. Consuela Kanaga, Peter Stackpole, and briefly
16. David Platt, The New Cinema, Experimental Dorothea Lange. Although asked to join, Weston
Cinema 1, no. 1 (1930):12. reportedly declined:Balog interview with Tom
17. Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civilization Brandon, 18 March 1974, File I158, Brandon
(NewYork:Harcourt Brace Janovich, 1934),p.5. Collection,MoMA.
18. Ibid., p.342. 27. Calvin Tomkins, Profile and Excerpts
19. Jan-Christopher Horak, Modernist Perspectives from Correspondence, Interviews, and Other
and Romantic Desire:Manhatta, Afterimage 15, no. Documents, in Paul Strand:Sixty Years of
4 (November 1987):815. Photographs (Millerton, N.Y.:Aperture, 1976), pp.
20. Ralph Steiner, A Point of View (Middletown, 2425, 152153.
CT:Wesleyan University Press, 1978), p.10. John 28. See Amalie R.Rothschilds 1981 documentary,
Grierson, in turn, would praise Steiner at the time Conversations with Willard Van Dyke; Thirty Years
of the release of The City for a visual sense of of Social Inquiry:An Interview with Willard Van
things that must be one of the greatest influences Dyke by Harrison Engle, Film Comment 2, no. 2
in our observations today. See Dramatizing (Spring 1965):2337; interview by G. Roy Levin,
Housing Needs and City Planning, Films 1, no.1 Documentary Explorations:Fifteen Interviews with
(November 1939):88. Filmmakers (Garden City, N.Y.:Doubleday, 1971),
21. An effort to reposition Steiners photography pp. 175193; and interview by Tom Brandon,
within the framework of social documentary is Brandon Collection, File K223,MoMA.
evident in a four-page section devoted to his work 29. Horak, Modernist Perspective and Romantic
in Theatre Arts Monthly 14 (January 1930):7781. Desire:Manhatta, pp.815.
Opening with strips of images from his recent 30. Leonard Hacker, Cinematic Design
films, the series proceeds to link Steiners (Boston:American Photographic Publishing
photographs in a logical sequence leading from Company, 1931), pp. 73112, 149158.
31. On Strands influence, see Leo Hurwitz, One Zimmermann, The Amateur, the Avant-Garde,
Mans Journey:Ideas and Films in the 1930s, and Ideologies of Art, Journal of Film and Video
Cinema Journal 15, no. 1 (Fall 1975):6. Hurwitzs 38, nos. 34 (Summer/Fall 1986): 7577. Similar
first film is described in his interview with Tom advice was offered to amateur filmmakers in Great
Brandon, 8 November 1975, File I183, Brandon Britain: see EMBFU [Empire Marketing Film
Collection,MoMA. Board], A Working Plan for Sub-standard, Cinema
32. At a 1940 symposium on film music, with Copland, Quarterly 2, no. 1 (Fall 1933): 1925.
Thomson, Blitzstein, Bowles, Hanns Eisler, and 37. Hurwitz, One Mans Voyage,p.10.
Benjamin Britten participating, the consensus 38. This sense of political urgency can be found in the
of the panelists was that documentarles fostered evolution of an organization as innocently named
more innovative collaboration between filmmaker as the Nature Friends Photo-Group in New York. In
and composer than did commercial film work. See 1935, members reported that they had collaborated
Music in Films: A Symposium of Composers, on their first 16mm film, a four-reel production
Films 1, no. 4 (Winter 1940): 519. In response to a contrasting scenes of crowding and breadlines in
major documentary retrospective at the Museum New York City with recreational activities in their
of Modern Art in the winter of 19391940, and rural campgrounds. League News: Nature Friends
two programs at the American Music Festival Photo Group Challenges, Filmfront 1, no. 3 (28
organized by radio station WNYC, music critic January 1935): 1415.
Kurt London came to a similar judgment, noting: 39. Hurwitz interview with Brandon, Brandon
In this era of commercialized entertainment, it is Collection, MoMA.
the documentary more than any other form that 40. David Bordwell, Narration in the Fiction Film
allows musical and sound experimentationThe (Madison:University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), pp.
progressive documentary without a progressive 234273.
use of sound or music is the exception and not the 41. Lewis Jacobs, Highway 66:Montage Notes for a
rule. See Film Music of the Quarter, Films 1, no.2 Documentary Film, Experimental Cinema 1, no. 4
(Spring 1940): 45. Participants at an evening of (1932), pp.4041.
film music in New York sponsored by the League 42. Robert Littella, Sound Without Fury, New Republic
of Composers, London later reported, were pretty 71 (6 September 1933):102.
well agreed that experimentation was possible only 43. For Pare Lorentzs conception of the soundtrack
in the documentary field. See Film Music of the for this passage, as well as other instructions
Quarter, Films 1, no. 4 (Winter 1940): 26. concerning the score, see Lorentzs notes to
33. Jacob Riis, How the Other Half Lives:Studies Among composer Louis Gruenberg, published in The Best
the Tenements of NewYork (NewYork:Charles Film Plays, Vol. II, ed. John Gassner and Dudley
Scribners Sons, 1890; reprint ed., Nichols (New York: Garland, 1977), pp. 10821087.
NewYork:Dover,1971). 44. Critics pursued organic metaphors as well.
34. Joris Ivens, Collaboration in Documentary, Consider the comment by Ben Belitt, quoted at the
Films 1, no. 2 (Spring 1940), p.32. Ivens speaks outset of this essay. Belitts image of experimental
here from personal experience, having made photography on social themes as not a fad,
an abstract study of a bridge (De Brug) while but a flowering suggests that innovative work
still in the Netherlands in 1928. For earlier by documentarists, instead of being chic or
commentary on the logical connection between fashionable, was earthbound. However colorful,
avant-garde and documentary filmmaking, vivid, and varied, it was rooted in the land, where
see Ivens, Some Reflections on Avant-Garde social experience (as so many documentaries of
Documentaries, originally published in La Revue the period sought to make plain) properly began.
des Vivants 10 (October 1931), and reprinted in So grounded, Belitt proposed, documentary
Joris Ivens:50 Years of Film-making, ed. Rosaline films reconnected social actors with the drama
Delmar (London:British Film Institute, 1979), of their historical moment, offering (in a phrase
pp.98100. Belitt takes from Peter Quince in A Midsummers
35. Workers Films in NewYork, Experimental Cinema Night Dream) a marvelous convenient place for
1, no. 3 (1931):37. our rehearsal. See The Camera Reconnoiters,
36. Harry Alan Potamkin, Workers Films, Daily p.558.
Worker, 31 May 1930, p. 3. Also see The Compound 45. On the process by which technology is linked
Cinema, pp. 397398. As Patricia Zimmermann to nature in New Deal documentaries, see Paul
has argued, Potamkin helped to shift critical Arthur, Jargons of Authenticity (Three American
discourse on amateur filmmaking away from a Moments), in Michael Renov, ed., Theorizing
preoccupation with domestic and leisure-time Documentary (New York: Routledge, 1993), pp.
pursuits toward more public, political activity. See 108134.

Problem of Form(1934)

The question:What is the medium of revo- answer? We are forging the film into a work-
lutionary film production in capitalist coun- ing class weapon. And workers films will be
tries such as America? The answer: First most art when they are most weapon.
and foremost the filmed document. Movie In the film there exists no happy
reportage. Reality recorded on film strips medium between the histrionic recreation
and subjected to the painstaking technical of reality and directly recorded reality itself.
operations, montage, whereby these strips The illusion of reality in the cinema, writes
are built up into wholes embodying our rev- Leon Moussinac, must remain constant,
olutionary interpretation of events. This is even in the domain of the fantastic. In other
neither a makeshift nor a degradation of the words, in the cinema the sensation of real-
creative potentialities of the cinema. The ity is indispensable to emotion. Associate
bourgeois film has vulgarized and perverted filmed reality and its reconstructed coun-
the greatest faculty of the movie, never hav- terpart into a unified structure and you
ing raised it above the level of the newsreel. find the sensation of reality irremediably
Are we for the documentary simply disrupted.
because the studio-acted film is beyond We are practical people. Our theories are
our material reach? No. Strange as it may acquired at the cost of badly burned fingers.
seem our orientation in this question is one Exhibit A:The Struggle ForBread.
of principle based on what we think is the We have, on the other hand, long ago dis-
most convincing and effective medium for covered and tested the power and effect of
the camera in the class struggle. It is true simple and direct visual reporting.
that the method of the revolutionary filmed Our records of the Detroit Ford Massacre,
document will lead us miles away from the the Scottsboro Case, the Bonus March, etc.,
forms and requirements of the enacted stu- are ample proof that even when we abstain
dio film. This may cause many to shed a from constructively editing our photo-
tear. It is, in fact, already causing tears. Our graphed documents, they nevertheless

retain an inestimable importance if for no can avail ourselves of the mass of data and,
other reason than that they are irrefutably research compiled by departments of visual
convincing exposes. The Pathe Newsreel of instruction in various institutions of bour-
the Ambridge massacre is a supreme exam- geois learning. Important scientific discov-
ple of the political value to us of motion pic- eries on methods of education through the
ture reportage. We must train working class moving image have been made during the
camera-men whose function in the workers last few years. These we must dig out of the
film movement will correspond to that of specialized spheres of college laboratories
worker-correspondents in the field of revo- where they are doomed to remain by virtue
lutionary journalism. of their narrow and exclusive application
We have as yet accomplished little in the (does Hollywood need them?) and use them
sphere of the documentary film in which it for our purpose. Three distinct branches of
is essential for us to intervene; to organize the documentary method, therefore, com-
the raw material into a unified revolutionary prise the scope of our production. Film
interpretation. This represents an almost reporting, or the recording of highlights
totally unexplored form calling for the high- in the class struggle which are of politi-
est degree of skill and talent in the realm of cal value as events over-flowing the frame
cinematic creation. Our best teachers in this which merely acts as the carrier, Ambridge,
respect are the Soviet directors of the docu- Scottsboro, Detroit Massacre, Tom Mooney
mentary school who have tremendously Run, etc. The synthetic documentary, the
enriched the arsenal of revolutionary film effect and intent of which is one hundred
culture with such masterpieces as Shanghai percent dependent on the intervention of
Document, Spring, etc. Our own Washington the editor, The Land of The Free, Imperial
Hunger March and the sparklingly bril- Valley, etc. The frankly educational film
liant strip on the Washington Farmers for purposes of direct political economic
Convention represent significant attempts instruction.
in what must become the broad pattern for The Film and Photo League is beginning
the production of films in the American to assume a status more commensurate
working class film movement. with its great cultural-political importance
The resolution of the first conference in the struggles of the workingclass.
of the Cinema Bureau of the International The Hollywood machine is being geared
Union of Revolutionary Theatre suggests to the political and economic policies of its
the didactic short film as an important Wall Street owners. The production of reac-
form of our production. Match the mov- tionary, openly pro-war films is no longer
ing diagram, chart or graph for workers the exception but the rule. The Leagues
study groups, if you can. We have com- program of struggle against Hollywood is
pletely neglected the educational short. We clear. We have already tested this program
must build up a 16mm film library which in action. There exist among us no politi-
will comprise a complete course in political cal differences concerning methods of agi-
education for workers. A joint task for the tation and propaganda to be employed in
Film and Photo League and the faculty of struggling against the films of the enemies
the Workers School. In this connection we of the workingclass.

Next Step(1934)

The film movement in America has for for more inclusive and implicative com-
some time been faced with the problem of ment on our class world than the discursive
what film forms are its true concern. The newsreel. For this great and rich medium
Film and Photo Leagues have up to now the bourgeois filmers have had little use,
produced mainly newsreels. They are nec- since they cannot face the truths that the
essary because of the rigid censorship and documentary camera can report. Their lies
the malicious distortion that the capitalist are better served by a more closely super-
film companies use in their treatment of vised camera in a shadowed studio under
events relative to labor and labors struggles. the kind sun of California. Aside from a few
These newsreels serve an agitational and reels on sports, some shorts of believeitor-
revelational function to arouse the working nots, and the half-truth-half-lies of indus-
class, and as a corrective for the lies of the trial and educational films, Hollywood has
capitalist agencies. Astrike, demonstration ignored the vast possibilities of the synthetic
or hunger march is shown with the full bru- film document.
talities of the police, with the full heroism Another factor, besides its great effec-
and militancy of the workers, without the tiveness, has determined the preoccupa-
distractive mocking comment of the bour- tion of the radical movie-makers with the
geois announcer. documentary film. At this time, with the
Because newsreels are fractional, atomic radicalized working class as small as it is,
and incomplete, the revolutionary move- it is almost impossible for economic and
ment has required a more synoptic form to technical reasons to undertake the vast task
present a fuller picture of the conditions and of producing and distributing revolution-
struggles of the working class. And so the ary dramatic films, which, in some ways,
synthetic documentary film has become an are capable of going beyond the document
important form for film workers in the revo- (as the synthetic document transcends the
lutionary movementa form which allows newsreel) in its width of scope, its synoptic

approach, in its ability to recreate events shot (Roosevelt looks up and smiles), a new
and emotions not revealable to the camera meaning not contained in either shot, but
in the document. a product of their new relation on film, is
The problems of documentary montage achievedthe meaning of the huge war
are very different from that of the dramatic preparation program of the demagogic
film. The former may be called external Roosevelt government.
montage, the creative comparison, contrast External and internal montage, as
and opposition of shots, externally related described here, are by no means mutually
to each other, to produce an effect not con- exclusive. Both may be used, and in fact
tained in any of the shotsor, as Samuel have been used frequently to complement
Brody has well described it, reality recorded each othersometimes with emphasis on
on film strips and built up into wholes the document as in Ten Days That Shook The
embodying our revolutionary interpreta- World, sometimes with the emphasis on
tion of events. For this type of cutting, The the recreated drama, as in The End Of Saint
Man With the Movie Camera is the textbook Petersburg.
of technical possibilities. The dramatic film A mixed form of the synthetic document
presents the problem of what may be called and the dramatic is the next proper con-
internal montage, which is essentially a rec- cern of the revolutionary film movement:to
reative analysis and reconstruction of an widen the scope of the document, to add to
internally related visual event in terms of the document the recreated events neces-
shots of film, to reveal best the meaning of sary to it but resistant to the documentary
the event. The documentary film embod- camera eyea synthetic documentary film
ies the reporting on film of actual events which allows for material which recreates
and the creative addition of these bits of and fortifies the actuality recorded in the
cinematographed reality to render an inter- document and makes it clearer and more
pretation of that reality. The dramatic film powerful.
involves in its cinematography the inter- The training of revolutionary film mak-
pretive breaking-up of the recreated reality, ers in America has come wholly from their
and, in its montage, the synthesis of these experience in the newsreel and documentary
analysed elements to recreate the event on film. What has been learned of the problems
film from a given point of view. of shooting and cutting has been learned in
Any acted sequence in an ordinary film the crucible of events, in preparing films of
will serve as an illustration of internal workers struggles to be used in turn as a
montageany direct succession of acts weapon in these struggles. In order to study
to render a dramatic event. An example the problems of internal montage and to
of external montage may be taken from prepare for the making of the type of film
a recent newsreel compilation by the indicated above, ten or twelve members of
New York Film and Photo League. The the Potamkin Film School, under the tech-
newsreel shots are sure:President Roosevelt nical direction of Ralph Steiner, are working
signing a state paper and looking up at the in an experimental group at the Film and
camera with his inimitable self-satisfied Photo League. They have set themselves
smile, and a shot of fleet manoeuverstwo a series of problems, each involving the
shots taken in widely separated times and writing of a shot-by-shot continuity for the
places and not essentially (but externally) sequence to be filmed, photographing of the
related to each other. By virtue of splicing sequence and the final editing. Two prob-
the shot of the warships just after Roosevelt lems have so far been completed. The first,
signs the paper, and following the threaten- to render the simple act of an unemployed
ing ships of war, with the rest of the first man entering his room after an exhausting
The Revolutionary Film:NextStep 251

day of job-hunting, sitting down, tired, worn It is too early to indicate the nature of
and without hope. The second, a continua- the films which will be made along the
tion of the first, the landlord entering the lines indicated here. However, the plan
room to serve the tenant with a dispossess is to develop this experimental group into
for non-payment of rent. This group works a production group within the Film and
wholly with non-actors in order to duplicate Photo League for the purpose of mak-
conditions which will occur in making films ing documentary-dramatic revolutionary
later. The great task is to learn how to make filmsshort propaganda films that will
the camera eloquent, how to make use of serve as flaming film-slogans, satiric films
the natural acts of an untrained actor to and films exposing the brutalities of capital-
serve the needs of the scenario. ist society.


Last winter Lee Strasberg, one of the direc- has given us concrete methods of attacking
tors of the Group Theatre, gave a course in a number of these basic problems. Not only
theatre direction at the Theatre Collective did we get a clearer view of the main objec-
school.* We, as film makers, with no oppor- tives toward which we have been groping
tunity to learn the principles of our craft but also an equally clear indication of the
except by (expensive) trial and (mostly) means by which they can be achieved in
error derived so much benefit from his terms of the screen.
patient, brilliant, analytical lectures that In the first place Strasberg emphasized
we are moved to present something of the necessity of getting at the basic mean-
what we have learned to other film makers. ing of the scenarioof defining with the
With no film school in America led by an utmost clarity what must be said with the
Eisenstein we feel that revolutionary movie film as a whole. For instance:two theatres
makers must go for help to theatre workers in Moscow produced Gorkis Yegor Buletchev
like Strasberg and others who have thought and though in both the actors spoke the
deeply on the problems offilms. same lines each theatre gave the play an
Although we film makers have problems entirely different meaning; the Moscow Art
some of which relate to those of the theatre Theatre produced a play about the death of
and others which are of necessity different, a man by cancer; to the Vaghtangov Theatre
since we work in a different medium, this the same play was not only about the death
course has given us what amounts to a com- of a man but also the disintegration of a
pletely new approach to both. In addition it whole class of society. Strasberg gave us a

This article is based on report given at the conclusion of Lee Strasbergs course.
A New Approach to Filmmaking 253

method of research to determine the basic the young generation of experimental film
idea of the script when it is not discoverable makers, was a more or less aesthetic revolt
from the scenario itself. This research tries from the current manner of film produc-
to determine what in the life and time of the tion. The important thing, we felt was to
author led to the writing of the scenario and do those things which the film was capable
effected and conditioned its contents. of, but which the commercial film didnt
Secondly, with the basic idea determined and couldnt possibly do. There seemed
Strasberg suggested a method of applying it unbounded possibilities for the use of the
to the production in order to obtain interest films as a visual poetry of formal beauty.
and reality: how the basic idea determines The potentialities of the camera were
the style; how to work on the problem of explored: angles, lens distortions, camera
the sets and background in relation to the tricks; the play of light, the magnificence
idea; how to work with the actor and how to of objects and objects in motion; the elo-
invent his activities. quence of things, rhythmic possibilities, and
Third, he made us conscious that every symphonic treatment.It was a period in
step in film making, must be related to an which much was learned and explored about
audience. He made us realize that the film the technical resources of cinematography
is theatricalthat is, it communicates its and montage, but the whole emphasis was
meaning by the recreation of dramatic situa- on the beauty, the shock, the effectiveness
tions in filmic time and space, and depends of OBJECTS, THINGSwith no analysis
for its effectiveness on the emotional of the effect on an audience. In fact, the
involvement of the audience in these situ- quick demise of this movement is proof that
ations. That unless this audience response the audience got next to nothing out of it,
is obtained, films, however profound and though, certainly, technical advances were
socially important in subject, will be lifeless made. It could lead to nothing else but ivory
and socially ineffectual. tower aesthetic films, unrelated to contempo-
The significance of this whole approach rary life. The film had been depersonalised,
to us and to other film makers can be bet- inhuman; the THING, technique and formal
ter understood by indicating our previous problems were supreme. Even people were
histories as film makers and the major considered externally, as objects rather than
influences which effected our point of view. as human beings. Those who went through
There were three main factors in our devel- this period had for a time a definite mark left
opment each of which contributed influ- on them even though they came out of it dis-
ences of definite positive value but each of illusioned into a more salutaryfield.
which also warped our basic attitude toward
Pudovkins Film TechniqueThe second
the film medium.
main influence was Pudovkins book, On
The Formal Revolt from Hollywood Film Technique.The book itself, one of the
During the twenties we grew disgusted first and best theoretical analyses of the film
with the philistinism of the commercial medium, satisfied an important need in the
film product, its superficial approach, triv- young and immature art of the movies. But
ial themes, and its standardization of film its whole concern quite naturally was with
treatment: the straight-line story progress- the special problems of film technique,
ing from event to event on a pure sus- those problems that differentiate the film
pense basis, unmarred by imaginative use from any other medium. It did not concern
of the camera, unmarred by any freshness itself with the basic dramatic principles that
in editing or any human or formal sensi- are common to all the theatrical arts. We
tivity. Our reaction, which we shared with made the error of overlooking the fact that

Pudovkin was presupposing this base, and circumstances which make a scene pos-
we considered the book a Bible of film prin- sible, alive and full of suspense the
ciples rather than a series of collected essays building up of the circumstance, charac-
on film technique. It is easy to see what errors ter, etc. so that the action becomes not only
might flow from laying the entire empha- plausible but necessary Pudovkin, as a
sis, as we did, on the secondary principles movie director, is brilliant in his invention
of film technique without grasping or even of such circumstances and activity, but in
realising there exist the primary dramatic his book he is concerned not with the prob-
principles without which a theatrical art lem of their invention but largely with the
cannot affect and involve an audience. technical problem of how they are executed
Pudovkins concern with the end in production and editing. For example,
problemsthe detailed shooting script, in his book Pudovkin describes how he
the taking of the shot and the final made an extraordinary scene in Storm Over
editingdid not give us the basis for the Asia, the scene at the trading post where
primary stepthe conception and render- the hero brings in the valuable silver fox,
ing of the story, mood or idea in dramatic which is envied by all the other trappers.
terms (theatricalization). Pudovkin does not tell us the process of
What we came away with from Pudovkin the theatricalization of the scene with all its
was briefly this: The basic thing in movie circumstances from the scenario; he rather
making is editing (montage). Editing gives describes how he got the special effect that
life and meaning to dead strips of film by he wanted by using jugglers and magicians
virtue of the contextjust as a sentence in a to fascinate the crowd of trappers with their
poem vitalises and gives new meaning to the tricks, and photographing their hypnotically
individual words that, taken by themselves, fascinated faces without their knowledge.
are lifeless and without overtones. The con- He edited this piece of film with some shots
tent of a shot is relatively unimportant; its of the valuable silver fox, and the effect in
effect is the result of what comes before and the film was to make the fox appear tre-
after, the elements that react with it. You can mendously valuable in their eyes. It can
take a shot of a man with a blank expression, easily be seen what the effect of this type of
as Kuleshov did, and edit the same piece of emphasis on the technique of execution (the
film with a shot of a plate of soup, or a woman results obtained by placing together unre-
lying partially nude on a bedand the same lated pieces of film to create a new unity),
piece of film takes on two different mean- would have on film makers who did not first
ings in the different contexts. In the one he understand the primary dramatic problem
appears hungry; in the other he appears lust- of constructing the scene in space and time
ful. The whole series of Kuleshov-Pudovkin from the words of a scenario. Our whole
experiments in cutting and the principles orientation was toward editing or montage
that were deduced have a tremendous value, and toward special filmic techniques, with-
but in so far as they taught us that the con- out understanding that these were only the
tent of the shot was unimportant that the means for the shaping and communication
meaning of a sequence depended on edit- of a basic dramatic stuff. It reemphasized our
ing, they gave us an approach which led us already formal approach.
off on the wrong track. As a result of this attitude we were
This point of view made it unnecessary unable to understand or utilize the prob-
for us to think about the main problem of lems that were sent to us from Eisensteins
film making:the theatricalization of human classes in the Moscow Film School. Once
ideas and situations (mise en scene)in the of the problems was to stage, to create,
words of Leo Strasberg,the creation of the mise en scene of a situation in which
A New Approach to Filmmaking 255

a soldier comes back from two years at In our documentary films, we relied
the front to find his wife with a new-born on the idea that photographed reality con-
baby. We could see no profit in attempt- tained its own dramatic punch, and while
ing to conceive this situation for the stage, it is certainly true that documentary mate-
nor how it would aid us in the making rial has a finality and incontrovertability
of films. Had we been asked to do a shot and carries with it a special persuasive-
by shot camera script of the incident we ness, we did not realise that this was not
would have seen some point in it. We did enough to involve an audiences emotions,
not realise that the stagingthe invention to create drama. We did not realize that
of activity and circumstances to recreate even in a documentary film it is still nec-
the scene in space and timewas a neces- essary to use theatrical means of affecting
sary step before a shooting script could be an audiencesuspense, build, dramatic
made. Without this step a shooting script line, etc.
might result in an interesting camera and With this background and the feeling
montage treatment, but would never bring that something was missing, we entered
the situation to life for an audience. Strasbergs course in direction. The spe-
The Documentary FilmIt is natural, cific techniques applicable to all phases
out of this background, after the first flush of film making, from scenario writing to
of excitement in the purely formal experi- directing the actor, which we found there,
mental film, and after we arrived at our we have tried to indicate briefly. But most
conception of the movie as a class weapon, important of all we found a basic approach
that our interest would be concentrated toward film making, which if put into
in the documentary filmthe film that practice can raise the revolutionary film
catches reality on the wing as it passes by. far above its present low level. We learned
In making a documentary film, as we then that the film as a dramatic medium can-
conceived it, you photographed the event not merely concern itself with external
and the things that were relevant to it, and happenings even though they be revolu-
then by means of clever editing you could tionary happenings, but must embody
do most anything in making the film effec- the conflict of underlying forces, causes.
tive. In brief this was our approach: You That to achieve this the making of a film
were going to do a film about the Scottsboro involves not merely:(1)knowing what you
case, or NewYork Harbor. You knew what want to say, (2)a scenario, and (3)shoot-
the film was going to say. Then you took ing and cutting it, but the intermediate
your camera and attempted to capture steps of theatricalizing the events through
completely as you could the most mean- the invention of circumstances and activi-
ingful visual aspects of reality. Then, to the ties which transform concepts, relation-
cutting room, where you pieced the film ships and feelings into three dimensional
together in a brilliant and cogent montage happenings that are plausible, effective
to make it a moving document of life. Only and rich in significance. Only in solving
somehow it was never really moving. At problems does it seem likely that a film
best it turned out to be a conceptualized conduit can be constructed which can
statement, a film concerned with objects carry our revolutionary viewpoint to an
and the purely external manifestations of increasingly receptive audience, one that
people without their emotions or motiva- is really moved because in the life on the
tions, a pamphlet on the screen, to which screen it finds its own aspirations and
you could say yes with your mind, but struggles, its own failures and successes,
your emotions werent involved. its own truths.


Knoxville, Tennessee this one thing is good, it will mean a

So far, Pare and I have gotten along big step toward the ultimate establish-
famously. He trusts me to do this job in the ment of a film producing section in the
South without him and has indicated he has government. I dont think it will happen
a lot of faith in my work. It is too early to say tomorrow, though. And I dont think it
anything yet, but I have a vague suspicion will be like any other department the gov-
that this will not be a completely bad picture ernment now has. But that is all a long
from any point of view. Which is another story, and one that will take much time
way of saying that I think he knows more in the telling. One thing you can be sure
of what he wants than he has been given ofif there is a permanent program, and
credit for. If, as Isaid before, you can try to if there is a guy named Lorentz connected
translate what he is saying into visual terms, with it, there will be a cameraman who
youre okay. Of course it isnt alwayseasy. will soon be a director and whose name
The valleys are flaming with color, and is Van Dyke also connected with it. Pare
the somber mood of the earth stirs old is sold on my ability to direct people
memories and old nostalgias. Life has and that is why I am down here alone to
meaning; arising out of ancient death and do this job. Not that I feel I know any-
decay giving way to newlife. thing about directing yetyou know I
It is very hard to say what the chances dont feel that, but I do know more that
for the future are in this thing. One cant he does. I have had long talks with him
know what the people in Washington are about Faulkner, Dos Passos, Caldwell,
thinking. It seems that Pare gets along Farrell and the rest of the boys, and I find
well with Tugwell, and that Tugwell is that he has a very clear critical analysis
interested at least in this picture if not ready for all of them. He isnt dumb about
in a permanent program. I feel that if literature a bit, and he thinks I am pretty
Letter from Knoxville 257

unusual to have read what I have and to quiet skies and the feel of myself travel-
agree with him so thoroughly. In other ing over the earth will be a memory Ishall
words, I really like the guy quite a lot. always cherish. It is a good earth and a good
But if nothing ever happens in the future, life and there is much to be done. Could
the gold and red of the trees, the somber Iask formore?

L E T T E R T O J AY L E Y D A ( 1 9 3 5 )

Octobernine him were already made. He wants mostly

shots and hopes theyll fit together in the
DearJay: cutting room. We are all three government
We (Paul Strand, Leo & I) are out here employees, sworn to uphold so help us God
making (God help us) a film for the without mental reservations the constitu-
Resettlement Administration of the gov- tion of the U.S. and get $25 per (dime as
ernment. It isnt going to be much of a they say it in Washington) day plus our rail
film as the man who is running it, Pare road passes and 5 a day for subsistance. The
Lorentzfilm reviewer for Judge, is a com- job is so Alice in Wonderland that we are
pletely mush minded individual. The film sort of girl schoolish and make endless bad
has possibilities: its about the cause of the puns practically all the time. The country is
dust storms which is the exploitation of the very swell around herethe people arent
soilunthinking of the future and ruth- really tougher than those in the East nor
less, but not much will come out of it. We do, as we heard, the birds make nests out
did a scenario but it didnt look important of barbed wire but the country is rougher
enough to Lorentz who doesnt realize that and enormous: a man tells us to look at his
with two reels on such a big subject the hay meadow and we find it fifteen miles
film has to be simple. He has given us a long and five wide, his pasture is fifty five
scenerio with suggested shots that none of miles long. They dont like dollar bills fold-
us can puzzle out. He has a curious mind ing money but clank with silver dollars.
that is always in such a hurry to get to step Theres a chief Four Balls (testes) in town
B that he never does step Aalways tele- and actually a shits-behind-the-Teepee
phoning twenty people about arrangements on the reservation. We go today to Texas
for shooting or travelling right through a for a few weeks and then back to N.Y. per-
scenerio [sic] conference. He wires us that haps to make a film for the new masses.
he has shipped us film and hasnt, sends Paul has become a member of the full time
telegrams by the score most of which com- section of NYKino and should be a great
municate nothing to us and makes twenty help to us. By the way, what happened in
dollar calls to tell us to take shots weve told the Eisenstein-Strand business, and why
Figure38.1 Detail of letter from Ralph Steiner to Jay Leyda, October 9, 1935. Courtesy of
Tamiment Library, NewYork University, and the estate of JayLeyda.

couldnt he get a workers visa or why a phoney idea with the statement with:my
couldnt or why didnt Eisenstein want to (if political belief forces me to be a realist.
it was a case of that) and why did you desert I in enclosing part of your last letter for
Paul at the end and not answer his please to you to read. I could go to great lengths to
know what was wrong and why Eisenstein say what I think but Ill put it simply: in the
wouldnt answer his telegrams? days when I knew you there were incidents
I dont know if youve heard of the National which demonstrated that under certain
Film alliance which is supposed to be like the emotional stresses your judgements were
New Theatre League, to stimulate and pro- not based on the real world of things, peo-
mote anti war and Fascist films. It was started ple, and the laws governing them that I was
by a big blow up at the F & Ph. League at familiar with. This was not only my opin-
which all the big theatre and cultural direc- ion but was shared by more than one of
tors of the party were. All the films for years your associates (and friends). This seems to
back were shown in an all day and a night ses- me to be a clear case of your going off into
sion. Some F & P people and Leo, Irving & I some strange DaytonchildhoodLeyda
were in on it, but Ive resigned (I could since world in which things arent as they are to
Im not a party member) as the F & P mem- most of us. I can say this: that you havent
bers are again (like Brandon) more interested any stauncher friend than Leo, that the last
in power and playing politics than in stimu- thing in the (this) world that he is a devil
lating film production. After a couple of dirty or a person that would stab anyone in the
dishonest deals I quit and asked to have my back much less you of whom he is very
name withdrawn from the list of directors fond. I say trust me in this and write him
and sponsors. That helped some and the an apology.
party organizer Merritt Crawford, an old film Did you or are you going to make a film
manfounder of some of the film papers is in China or has the Eisenstein still work
now bearing down on the lice. What is espe- prevented? We had Pabst and Ermler see
cially bad is that the two bad influences are Pie in the Sky and they both liked it but
party members and the whole thing is a united Ermler peed all over us for not thinking
front movement. It got to be just like the old out more clearly our line before making
hysterical Brandon-Brody days with rail road- the film. The film is very good in some of
ings of people (dopes) like Irving Browning its acting and very imaginative but is too
onto the executive committee when we need sacriligious for any but very left con-
people like George Sklar, Paul Peters, Herb scious audiences.
Kline etc. If they can throw out the two worst What did you think of the thing Leo and
elements Ill come back and work. Your old I did in new Theatre? We learned a lot from
friend Frank Ward is in on it and kissed the Leo and from Gadget Kazans class at new
asses of the boys who talk loudest and fast- Theatre League, even if you might not guess
est. They tried at one meeting where Leo was as much from the article.
missing, to pull the old Brandon line about Dont you have to come back some day
class struggle etc, etc. and what Karl said on to retain your citizenship? Come back just
page 376 but Ive gotten to the point where in time to turn the guns the other way
I know enough about the class struggle and in the next world war. Lots of affectionate
the party line to separate dopey or dishonest greetings. How, if and when, are you going
ideas from the left wing lingo. to pay your way back?
One of the best stunts is to (a German by
the name of Tisch pulled it on me) preface Ralph


Joris Ivens, the aware little Dutchman who is war for melons, tomatoes, onionsnot one
continuing, through the medium of the doc- for broad principles of ideology.
umentary motion picture, the art tradition The first one to see The Spanish Earth out-
of the Dutch and the Flemings in realism, side of the laboratory projection room was
is currently in Manhattan, back from having President Roosevelt, who viewed it on July
shown his latest film, The Spanish Earth, to 7. Mr. Ivens was particularly gratified at the
President Roosevelt and to Hollywood. Presidents expert appreciation of film values.
Mr. Ivens made The Spanish Earth Without reporting his entire chat, he said the
under the sponsorship of Contemporary President remarked on the fine continuity
Historians, Inc., a group headed by Lillian of the picture, and had been impatient with a
Hellman, Archibald MacLeish, John Dos White House aide who disturbed him several
Passos, Ernest Hemingway and others pas- times during the screening.
sionately concerned with the struggle of the
people of the Spains to quell their countrys ***
insurgents and all they represent.
The conception of The Spanish Earth is The Hollywood showingsthere were
Mr. Ivenss own, however, and it is con- severalnetted the sponsors $20,000,
cerned primarily with the efforts of a peas- which will be spent for ambulances for
ant people to reclaim for themselves, by the Spanish war area. The first was held at
irrigation and toil, a land that had been the Ambassador in Los Angeles on Sunday
neglected through generations of absentee afternoon, July 11. Mr. Ivens and Mr. and
ownership, while the struggle to preserve Mrs. Hemingway had flown out with a print.
their new liberties, their new right to make Hollywoods great names paid $5 each, 200
the soil yield for themselves, goes on virtu- of them to attend this showing, and the next
ally at their doors. This, says Mr. Ivens, is the night, at Frederic Marchs home, a gathering
meaning of the war in Spain. It is, he says, a of Hollywoods best-known figures, people

like Robert Montgomery, Luise Rainer, Silvia village as a likely point for the fight for con-
Sidney, Miriam Hopkins, Lewis Milestone, trol of the road to concentrate, and set about
Alan Campbell Dorothy Parker, Fritz acquainting himself with his cast. His cast
Lang, Anatol Litvak, Ernst Lubitsch, Miss were the villagers. The procedure there, Mr.
Hellman, King Vidor, Dashiell Hammett, Ivens says, was to sit in the inns, to learn
Arthur Kober, Errol Flynn, Joan Bennett, the names of the kids, and to convince the
Donald Ogden Stewart, Lionel Stander and people that one was not seeking to exploit
others were so impressed that word zipped them or to capitalize on their misfortunes.
through the studios that this picture was a The confidence of the subjects in such
must. work is extremely important, Mr. Ivens
The next evening, Tuesday, found the has found, and winning that confidence
Philharmonic Auditorium packed to its and thenceforth accustoming people to go
3,500 capacity at a $1.10 top. Twenty-five their natural ways with the eye of the cam-
hundred were turned away. Mr. Ivens, era always on them is the art of the suc-
bringing the reels, was a little later than he cessful photographer of realism. Just as a
had expected to be, and was pretty nearly Hollywood director has to direct actors, so,
turned away himself. Los Angeles police- in my profession, I must direct people, he
men are apparently easier to convince than says. There can be no retakes, one after
New Yorks finest, however, and he was the other. With actors, it is different. As
finally permitted to enter. Later it was shown they do a scene over and over, it gets better
privately for Joan Crawford and Franchot and better. People become self-conscious,
Tone, and subsequently for John Ford and and get worse and worse. Sometimes, two
for Darryl Zanuck. Hollywood was a little or three days later, when the light is right
amazed to learn that the total cost of the again and the situation is similar, maybe
film had been a mere $12,000, impressed I will say Do again what you did the
as they were with the interesting treatment other day, and I may get a better scene.
of the sound and the high professional qual- But it must be spontanic [sic]; it cannot be
ity of the production. rehearsed. It is an interesting sport. It is
The only untoward incident Mr. Ivens like stalking. The camera wanders here
reported during the Hollywood visit was and there, and suddenly, pounce! and we
the precipitate disappearance from the have the real thing.
March home, via the mens room, of a After the preliminary work had been
noted actor-adventurer just before Donald done, he and Ferno went to Paris to super-
Ogden Stewart requested contributions vise the processing of the negative they had
after the showing there. New York will see already taken. There they met Hemingway,
the film, with narration written and deliv- heading for Madrid as a correspondent. He
ered by Ernest Hemingway and a score of returned with them, and they found the
Spanish native music arranged by Marc sturdy novelist an excellent grips, as well
Blitzstein, as soon as its sponsors find a as an interpreter. Mr. Ivens gives much of
suitable theatre. the credit for The Spanish Earth to a most
unexpected ally, however Sidney Franklin,
*** the bullfighter from Brooklyn. Franklin,
Ivens reports, is lionized in Madrid, and is,
The Spanish Earth was made largely in in consequence, the finest liaison man con-
the village of Fuentaduea, forty kilome- ceivable. Franklin cut through red tape with
ters from Madrid on the Valencia road. sure matador strokes when the occasion
Mr. Ivens got to Madrid in December with demanded, and got gasoline, passes to the
his camera man, John Ferno, selected the front, and transportation for the crew when
Down to Earth inSpain 263

all other methods had failed. Bullfighting is Should the non-interventionists succeed
out for the time being, Mr. Ivens reports, the in halting German and Italian activity on
idea being that lives oughtnt to be risked in behalf of the rebels, the government would
the bull ring when there are more suitable suppress the revolt quickly, he thinks. If
places to risk them. the Fascist countries are permitted to con-
Mr. Ivenss picture is, to use his words, a tinue their support, however, he believes
document of a people, a drama of the soil, the Loyalists will be defeated. Russian
with a back-ground of war. Fuentaduena, support of the Loyalist cause has been a
on the Tajos, was not itself in the front support of paid-for materials and instruc-
line. Mr. Ivens missed on his calculations tion in their use, not one of man power,
there by 25 kilometers. But the air raids hesays.
came periodically and the war hung over
Fuentaduena just as truly as over the towns ***
nearer the line. Mr. Ivens checked on that,
as a matter of integrity. The war scenes The fall of Madrid or Rebel control of the
were filmed at the front line along the Valencia road would end the conflict, he
Madrid-Valencia road, and in Madrid itself. thinks, but he nevertheless doubts that a
Franco government could control the coun-
*** try without murdering 50,000 people to
quell opinion so they can have a quiet night.
Mr. Ivens made this last point very graphic. Even then, in his opinion, the Spanish peo-
This reporter talked with him in the roof ples, having for a time tasted freedom from
garden at the Luncheon Club, a story or so the oppression of a feudal system, would
above the Rainbow Room, sixty-odd floors eventually force the formation of the gov-
over midtown New York. Below us lay ernment along the lines now indicated by
Central Park, stretching two or three miles the Popular Front government.
to the north. Mr. Ivens walked to the parapet But this would be the long, the round-
and indicated 110th Street. about way, he says, and it must not be so.
From the Telefonica (Madrids eighteen- When you are close to the fighting it becomes
story skyscraper) the Fascist line in University the most important thing in the world to win
City appears right up there, he pointed. the war for the Spanish people. It is most
His arm swung in an arc, as if preparing to important, for democracy to survive, to keep
point out something else. It found a distant Spain democratic. Fascism is murdering
Broadway street car. There, over there, every cultural development in Europe.
he said, the street car. Five minutes to the In the event of a Loyalist victory, Mr. Ivens
frontline. sees the Spain of the future, after mutations
War has become a normal state in Madrid, which may include first a period of democ-
he says, although not for him. When we racy and perhaps a period of socialism, as a
wanted quiet, we went to the front. At the democratic State with a popularfront.
front bursting shells are the normal thing. The attitude of the Spanish people toward
You expect them; you anticipate them. You the church is bitter, he found, with resent-
know where to hide. The soldiers dread leave ment toward the physical evidences of an
in the city. In town it is all quiet, and then, organization that people had identified with
bumph! there is a shell in the street. It has a distasteful government, with taxes and
nothing to do with the town. It is stupid. with oppression. But adherence to the basic
Mr. Ivenss own views on the Spanish concepts of Christianity is too deeply rooted
situation are that the conflict will last as to be disturbed, and the church will come
long as the rest of Europe permits it to. back quickly for this reason, he is confident.

The Place of Voice-Over Commentary in Classical

In critical and historical accounts of docu- the photographic image. To the extent that
mentary film practice, voice-over commen- vocal narration remains in useby film-
tary in the classical documentary of the makers schooled in the vrit critique but
1930s and 1940s is commonly equated with seeking to recover some of the power of the
a Voice of God. Disembodied, this voice voice to narrate or explainvoice-over typi-
is construed as fundamentally unrepresent- cally is considered less assertive or homog-
able in human form, connoting a position enous than in documentaries of an earlier
of absolute mastery and knowledge outside era; voices are personal or casual, multiple
the spatial and temporal boundaries of the or split, fragmentary or self-interrogating,
social world the film depicts. Vocal com- lacking a full knowledge of events or the
mentary for The March of Time often serves motives and causal logic that a classical doc-
as the prototype: stentorian, aggressive, umentary would claim to disclose.1
assuming a power to speak the truth of the The remarks to follow query standard
filmic text, to hold captive through verbal accounts of the history of documentary
caption what the spectator sees. In the 1950s voice-over from two perspectives: first, by
and 1960s, most histories tell us, the tech- exploring some general issues suggested by
nique was rejected as authoritarian, didactic, the language we currently use to describe a
or reductive by filmmakers who, committed commentating voice in documentary; sec-
to new strategies of observation (direct cin- ond, by considering the range of vocal strat-
ema, cinma vrit, cinma direct), opted for egies found in American documentaries
location sound, the authenticity of which in the early years of sound, with particular
was presumably commensurate with that of attention to The Spanish Earth (Ivens, 1937)
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 265

and The Battle of Midway (Ford, 1942). If might want to say, then, that voice-over cov-
the notion of a Voice of Godaccepted, ers the world of the diegesisa term as
rejected, or deflected and dispersedplays appropriate to an analysis of narrative docu-
a central role in the way the history of docu- mentaries as to narrative fictions. While the
mentary has come to be written, this concept power of documentary cinema may depend
also may mask those elements of sound film in large measure on our faith in the par-
practice in the 1930s and 1940s that are most ticular recording capacities of camera and
intriguing and instructiveinstructive for microphone, our comprehension of a talk-
what they tell us about both changing con- ing documentary film, and of those claims
ceptions of documentary style and a field of it makes on our attention, requires that we
historical cross-references that to the mod- locate what we hear in relation to a postu-
ern viewer may be lost. lated world. In short, the idea of voice-over
depends upon our sense of the film as a text,
capable of being partitioned in ways that are
conceptual or structural, not simply techno-
Voice-Over as Metaphor logical or material.
In the compound term voice-over, the
A key term in our contemporary critical spatial and hierarchical implications of the
vocabulary, voice-over designates a place preposition over also are joined to a word
for vocal commentary by way of a meta- which itself connotes a certain measure of
phor that is at once spatial and hierarchical: power. In common usage, voice refers
voices are heard overwhat? Over images, not simply to the physical phenomenon of
we may be tempted to say, but I think this a vocal utterancethe sound produced by
is only partially right. As the felt need for a lungs and larynxbut to the very capacity
distinction between voice-over and voice-off to speak, to give formal and open expres-
makes plain, at issue here is not simply sion to an idea, emotion, wish, choice, or
synchronisation (whether vocal utterances opinion. Furthermore, voice may refer
are matched to moving lips on the screen), to the governing perspective of a text, a
nor a particular sensory dimension (audi- source or founding impulse responsible
tion versus vision), but rather our interpre- for the organisation of its surface features.
tation of the relationship of voices that we This is the sense of the term, for exam-
hear to a world that a documentary takes ple, employed by Bill Nichols and Jeffrey
as its object of regard.2 The source of a Youdelman in separate essays on voice in
voice heard off, while not visible within a documentary, published in the early 1980s,
given shot, is assumed to originate within a in which each argues that the abandonment
proximate visible fieldoff frame but from of the tradition of voice-over commentary
a space contiguous to and a time continu- by vrit filmmakers in the 1960s resulted
ous with the depicted action. In contrast, in a loss of voice in a larger, figurative
voice-over comes from elsewhere (the ques- sense.3 Here voice is conceived, in Nichols
tion of where else, I will take up shortly) apt formulation, as that which conveys a
and may entail the hierarchical relation of texts social point of view, unrestricted to
a voice to other sounds as well. Those who any one single code or feature, such as
speak in voice-over may know, comment dialogue or spoken commentary. Voice is
on, or drown out sounds from the world a perhaps akin to that intangible, moir-like
film depicts, but the relationship is asym- pattern formed by the interaction of all a
metrical: voices from that register have no films codes.4 In this fashion, the opti-
reciprocal power to introduce or comment cal metaphor of point of viewcentral
on the voices that overlay this world. We to contemporary theoretical and critical

writing on cinema fictionis subsumed by anchoring. Omniscient, omnipresent (that

one that is vocal, an appropriate choice per- is to say everywhere and nowhere in partic-
haps for a genre in which a rhetorical func- ular), God may be thought of as both celes-
tion has often been stressed. This chain of tial (watching down on us) and terrestrial
connotations makes imaginable an acoustic (inhabiting the world in all its details). The
equivalent to what Edward Branigan (elabo- authority to describe, narrate, or interpret a
rating on the optical metaphor) has labelled world already known is thus attributed to a
a texts point of overviewperhaps an transcendent force.
over-voicediscernible as we ascend vari- No one, I assume, takes the voice of
ous levels of narration to the uppermost God metaphor literally. My question is:
limit of authority in a given work.5 Or, to do we even take it seriously? Whose voice
put this another way, we might say that would be like the voice of God? That of
voice provides a master trope for theorising Cecil B. DeMille? Orson Welles? Charlton
the founding principles of documentary Heston?9 Suggestions of this kind, pro-
narration and rhetoric, governing the for- voked by our familiarity with roles played
mal construction of a work of non-fiction by these highly public personalities on and
across different stylistic registers.6 off the screen, typically are treated as jokes.
But I find my metaphors mixing. Can Signalling the bald aspiration of the male
voice-over seem to function as the key- basso profundopompous, overbearingthe
stone or foundation of a documentary text, term voice of God carries with it an ele-
anchoring its construction, and at the same ment of ridicule. Perhaps this is why it is
time hover over the world upon which it commonly capitalised, in mock aggrandise-
comments, covering it like canopy? Here our ment, pricking its pretense to authority, or
attention is drawn to the fact that, as a spa- is placed in quotation marks, as if culturally
tial metaphor, voice-over tells us nothing suspect, not to be taken at face value. At the
about the source of the voice we hear, orient- very least, this element of pretense cues us
ing us only in terms of a negation: voice not to treat such aspirations as a fiction, a play-
from the image, nor from that surround- ing with God-like powers.10
ing diegetic space that images and sounds The impulse of vrit critics to reject
imply.7 Where then from? Many possibilities vocal commentary in documentary as
can be cued by a film, ranging from places not simply authoritative but authoritar-
in time subsequent to the events depicted ian, and hence to resist it, carries with it
(as with voice-over by a character, recalling the assumption that voices layered over
an earlier event) to an extradiegetic register recorded images and sounds are in some
devoid of precise spatial or temporal defini- sense detachable from the authentic filmic
tion. Pascal Bonitzer has proposed that it is document. Prejudice against the immoder-
precisely the lack of specificity to the origin ate ambitions of an over-voice thus may
of a vocal commentary in documentaryits betray a more fundamental, unspoken faith
nonreferential aspectthat is central to its in the authenticity of unnarrated image
power. From an undetermined place, evad- and sounds, repositories of a truth that can
ing scrutiny or critique, the disembodied be discerned without the interruptions or
voice disposes of the image.8 From this interference of an invisible interpreter.11
assessment it is perhaps only a small step Amplified in motion picture theatre, impos-
to the notion of a disembodied voice of ing comment not simply over the images
God. A more richly figurative label than but upon the unreceptive and immobile
voice-over, voice of God also may seem viewer, such a voice may convince us all
to resolve the ambiguous implications of a the more strongly of the artifice behind its
voice at once over and under, hovering and claim to mastery. The truly insidious voice,
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 267

Bonitzer provocatively suggests, is the one filmmaking occurred in the 1930s and
that does not say much; without affectation 1940s.14 Less well known, but of consider-
or inflection, it whispers in our ear: It is able importance to the topic at hand, are
a layer protecting the films image, lubri- the earliest efforts of non-fiction filmmak-
cating it, not forcing it.12 In contrast, the ers to adapt the technology of talkies to
passionate voice, or differentiated voice, at the established format of silent travelogues
least partially restores a body to the voice; and compilation films. Although many of
its contours and place of origin are imag- these films do not survive, or have yet to be
inable. Identifiable, it encourages response unearthed, press coverage of travelogues,
and may be easier to resist. newsreels, and films of diverse political
persuasion in the 1930s hint at a wider field
of activity in need of charting.15 At the very
least, reviews in Variety and the New York
Non-Fiction Talkies Times, if often sketchy, provide a sense of
how the spoken word was assimilated into
Rarely do early sound documentaries conventional ways of describing and evalu-
from the 1930s and 1940s feature voices ating non-fiction films.
that whisper in our ears, and we may be Searching for a new vocabulary, reviewers
inclined to resist more than a few. Yet to tried out a wide range of labels for what we now
characterise these voices collectively as routinely call voice-over: cannedmonolog,
God-like is to efface the spectrum of vocal running monolog, running comment,
strategies employed during this period synchronised dialogue, descriptive talks.16
and the range of social implications these By the mid-1930s, however, the preferred
voices generated. Many of the most cel- terms were commentary or narration.
ebrated documentary filmmakers of the Moreover, reviewers tend to describe the voice
periodPare Lorentz, Willard Van Dyke, as occurring not over the depicted action
and Ben Maddow in the United States; but off-screen or even off-stage-adjectives
John Grierson, Alberto Cavalcanti, Paul used not in the contemporary sense of
Rotha, and Humphrey Jennings in Great voice-off, but rather to designate a place
Britainviewed the vocalisation of the for the voice external to events on the screen.
non-fiction film as an opportunity for exper- Thus the Variety reviewer of a 1935 documen-
imentation.13 The very technological difficul- tary on the search for a Jewish homeland,
ties of recording lip-synchronised location Land of Promise, praises commentator David
sound prompted exploration of varied ways Ross for giving the film a corking finish-
to match voices to documentary pictures. ing touch with his splendid, sympathetic
In an era of highly focused concern for the off-screen narration.17 Less happy with the
social dimension of the arts, close collabo- results, the reviewer of Taming the Jungle (Paul
ration among filmmakers, writers, com- D. Wyman, 1933) observes: Now and then
posers, and actors often centred on spoken an off-stage voice makes some comment,
narration as a key ingredient of a new kind which is no help whatever.18 During the first
of audio-visual worknot simply a routine years of talkies, in particular, terms such as
travelogue or instructional film, but a vocal- off-screen monologue, off-stage lecture,
ised documentary. and off-screen interlocutor also frequently
In recent years, these collaborative under- were employed.19
takings have attracted renewed attention, as Subdued or restrained voices also tend
film historians have sought to reconstruct to earn higher marks than those that are
the circumstances of production in which pompous, imperious or overwrought.
self-consciously artful social documentary Frank S. Nugent faulted the World War I

compilation documentary, Hells Holiday The vocal style of The March of Time, in
(1933), for having stridently nationalistic contrast, was modelled after radio drama,
commentary; a Variety reviewer accused including the radio series of the same title
the same film of mistaking hysterics for launched by Time magazine in March 1931.
histrionics in the lecture.20 In contrast, the As Catherine L. Covert has demonstrated,
off-screen narrative of Lest We Forget, pro- cultural discourse on radio reception in the
duced by the Canadian Legion and released 1920s often featured analogies between the
by Columbia Pictures in 1935, was praised in wireless transmission of voices and super-
the pages of Variety for simple language of natural forces.25 Part of the cultural work of
a kind that neither tried to show for effect radio during its early commercial develop-
nor gloss over the gruesomeness of war.21 ment was the rerouting of the fascination of
If vocal commentary sounded implausible listeners with the seemingly magical qual-
or otherwise ill suited for the images, critics ity of radio transmission toward an attrac-
also took note. They tell you that this group tion to radio personalities, familiar voices
of furred people half buried in the snow of a heard regularly on the air.26 Amid these
blizzard are facing death, noted a reviewer developments, The March of Time carved
of Igloo, an Arctic Circle travelogue by Ewing out programming space for a unique kind
Scott, released by Universal in 1932. But the of dramatic newscasting featuring profes-
plump and cheerful looking natives dont sional actors (many of whom would go on
look it. Its a case where the bare actuality, to careers in motion pictures) re-enacting
unsupported by artistic and literary trick- events of topical interest. Narrating the
ery, doesnt register.22 Likewise Gow, E. A. series was The Voice of Time, a role ini-
Salisburys South Seas chronicle produced tially performed on radio by Ted Husing and
the following year, was criticised for dia- Harry Von Zell. With the commencement
log buildup that attempts to give [the film] of a screen version under the direction of
punch the photographed matter lacks.23 Louis de Rochemont in 1935, Westbrook Van
Evident here is an effort to talk about Voorhis assumed the narrators role, quickly
the new acoustic experience of synchro- mastering the eccentric (Timespeak) syn-
nised sound by way of an older tradition tax, odd inflections, teletype cadence and
of the illustrated lecture, a tradition out of often ironic tone that the part required.
which the popular genre of the travelogue Soon a celebrity in his own right, Van
talkie directly emerged. Labels such as Voorhis travelled and lectured extensively
off-stage lecturer or off-screen interlocu- as a company spokesperson. As the Voice of
tor evoke the pre-talkie slide and motion Time, he also frequently was parodied, most
picture lecture circuit, with silent pictures famously perhaps by William Alland in the
accompanied by a commentator purported News on the March segment of Citizen
to be familiar with the topic at hand. The Kane (Welles, 1941).27 Offering an arch vari-
voice of this lecturer had a visible place of ant on the portentous reporting of Lowell
origin: at the lectern or podium, likely to Thomas, Graham MacNee, and other radio
the side of the pictures. With early talkies, personalities turned newsreel commenta-
the absence of this lecturer may have fur- tors, Van Voorhiss voice came to represent
ther diminished, rather than enhanced, the a limit case for the theatrical embellishment
authority of the voice, especially if the com- of news narration on the motion picture
mentary seemed gratuitously, or otherwise screen.28
inadequately, tacked on.24 In contrast to the No less important a legacy than the Voice
contemporary term voice-over, references of Time, however, was the original radio
to an off-screen voice emphasised origin programs emphasis on the distribution of
over destination, signalling more strongly speaking parts among a group of profes-
the sense of a voice from a place apart. sional performers, some of whom were
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 269

capable of impersonating the voices of lead- (and March of Time veteran) William P.
ing figures in the news. Non-fictional radio Adams, in Power of the Land (Ivens, 1940); or
drama, like fictional programs, entailed the dividing of commentary between actor
the orchestration of an ensemble of dis- Walter Huston and a less polished Anthony
embodied but easily characterised voices, Veiller throughout Capras Why We Fight
the success of which was as much a mat- series; or among a quartet of voicestwo
ter of casting as writing. To the extent that narrators and two soldiers, two British and
documentary filmmakers in the 1930s and two Americanin the Anglo-American
1940s felt compelled to experiment with co-productionTunisian Victory (Capra and
various mixes of vocal narration, music, Hugh Stewart, 1944).
and sound effects, studio broadcasting pro- Sometimes awkward or stagy, devices of
vided a workshop for exploring new ideas. this kind nevertheless point to a recurring
The airwaves, in effect, came to function interest in finding ways to speak across and
as an imaginary social space for vocal com- bind the separate spaces of (1) a documen-
mentaries and the cultivating of personali- tary diegesis, (2) the motion picture theatre,
ties across radio and talking films. and (3) an indefinite, mutable, and poten-
Two distinct vocal traditions, then, can tially fictional realm of vocal commentary
be observed here. Early travelogue talkies, that a post-synchronised soundtrack estab-
ranging from the low-budget jungle films of lished in between. Into this last space, a
Martin and Osa Johnson (Congorilla [1932], variety of voices are cast. In part, vocal com-
Baboona [1935], Borneo [1937]) and Frank mentaries develop a zone of inferiority, of
Buck (Bring Em Back Alive [1932], Adventure character subjectivity, after the fashion of
Girl [1934]) to photo-journalist Margaret narrative fictions but in support of a docu-
Bourke-Whites politically slanted Eyes mentary plot. But the echo of external voices
on Russia (1934), drew heavily on the lec- in this off-screen zone also may open up
turer format. By including Bourke-White, the film to other narratives and other social
Buck, or the Johnsons within a documen- worlds.
tary diegesis, these films linked off-screen,
first-person commentaries to figures tra-
versing exotic locales. More dramatic
effects were achieved, however, through Casting Voices: The Spanish
strategies of vocal re-enactment, with Earth and The Battle of Midway
roots in radio drama. In social documen-
tary films, a single narrator might speak Consider, for example, the strategic use of
for voiceless figures (The Land [Flaherty, vocal commentary in two of the most cel-
1941]); or interpolated voices express the ebrated documentaries of the period, The
thoughts or feelings of characters (People of Spanish Earth and The Battle of Midway.
the Cumberland [Meyers and Leyda, 1938], The production histories of the films bear
Valley Town [Van Dyke, 1940]); or dialogue some resemblance. Shot under battlefront
be exchanged across different levels of nar- conditions by a crew of partisan filmmak-
ration (A Place to Live [Lerner 1940], Fight ers, both works assumed their final shape
for Life [Lorentz, 1940]). Radio drama also in the editing room as rare combat foot-
seems central to the effort to soften, poeti- age was integrated with more carefully
cise or diffuse narration, as with Lorentzs composed images and post-synchronised
integration of cadenced commentary with sound effects, music and vocal commen-
Virgil Thomsons folk-styled score in The tary. Both films target an audience at a dis-
Plow That Broke the Plains (1936) and The tance from the scene of conflict and seek
River (1937); or Stephen Vincent Bents to stir sentiments on behalf of a combined
folk-verse commentary, read by radio actor civilian-military campaign. Of considerable

topical interest, both films were screened (the clenched fist of Republican Spain),
for Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt in the and underscores the structural link the film
White House, then found wider American works steadfastly to draw between an irri-
distribution and attracted notice, in the gation project in the country and the battle
press. Although restricted in the main to art for Madrid. Knowledgeable through out, he
film houses and an expanding left-labour helps to orient the viewer, to clarify narrative
exhibition circuit, The Spanish Earth raised conflicts, and to interpret the significance
medical relief funds to aid the Spanish of events that are depicted and juxtaposed
Republican cause, and helped to forge an visually.
alliance of anti-fascist, popular front groups Hemingway also employs several novel-
in the United States prior to the onset of istic devices that serve to psychologise the
World War II. Distributed nationally by action. We are given access to the motives of
Twentieth Century-Fox, The Battle of Midway a young rebel soldier, Julian, whose jour-
was a stimulus to a billion-dollar bond drive ney home to see his family in Fuenteduea
by Hollywoods War Activities Committee strengthens the link between city and coun-
in September 1942.29 In short, both were try, military service and farming. Footage
successful films of persuasion, made under of an evacuation, deftly edited by Helen
difficult conditions to achieve concrete Van Dongen, gains emotional power as
political goals. The patterning of vocal com- Hemingway assumes the voice of an aging
mentary in the two films, however, differs in woman who is imagined to ask, But where
ways that help to illustrate the kinds of con- will we go?Where can we live?What
nections and the spectrum of associations can we do for a living?, then another who
an alert spectator of documentaries could be is imagined to reply, I wont go. Im too
expected tomake. old. More elaborate still is a leave-taking
Written and spoken by Ernest Heming sequence, in which a contingent of soldiers
way, vocal narration in The Spanish Earth depart for war. A soldier and a woman sit on
serves several conventional f unctions. a running board, with a small child stand-
Heming way identifies key locations (the ing on one side and an uninvolved soldier
village of Fuenteduea, Valencia, the Tago on the other. The narrator observes:
River, the city of Madrid) and historical per-
sonages (Enrique Lister, Jos Diaz, Gustav They say the old-goodbyes that
Regler, La Passionria). Shifting tenses sound the same in any language.
freely, he shuttles back and forth in time, She says shell wait. [Cut to another
most poignantly perhaps when, after iden- soldier and two women, one looking
tifying a former civilian lawyer and now toward him and the other away.] He
brave and skillful rebel commander, says that hell come back. He knows
Martinez de Aragn, Hemingway reports shell wait. [Cut to a soldier stand-
that the officer later died during the attack ing beside a woman and four small
on Casa del Campo. He provides sensory boys.] Who knows for what, the way
information the camera cannot register, the shelling is. [Cut to a woman
as when he observes, over a long shot of holding an infant, framed by two
a Madrid street under aerial attack, that soldiers, one who looks toward the
the smell of death is acrid high explosive camera.] Nobody knows if hell come
smoke and blasted granite. He explains back. [The soldier turns toward the
military tactics (Madrid by its position is woman, blocking her from camera
a natural fortress and each day the people view.] Take care of the kid, he says.
make its defence more and more impreg- I will[cut to a military truck, as
nable), translates politically coded gestures a group of women pass by in the
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 271

fore-ground]she says but knows the viewer to do so also, executing subtle

she cant. They both know that when shifts between the third and first persons.
they move you out in trucks, its to This is the moment that all the rest of war
a battle. prepares for, he notes in the closing sec-
tion, when six men go forward into death
With great economy, the commen- to walk across a stretch of land and by their
tary captures an interior tension between presence on it provethis earth is ours
thought and speech, between what is prom- (my emphases). Reduced in number, the
ised or asserted and what is known to be soldiers dig in to protect the irrigation proj-
true. Differently configured, each group- ect along the road from Valencia to Madrid.
ing is attended to separately by the camera, The bridge is ours. The road is saved, the
whose presence at this inescapably public narrator tells us, an assertion of collective
moment is acknowledged by a glance. Based triumph that can be shared by supporters of
on the small, distinctive gestures of these the Republican cause around the globe.
men and women, it is possible to conjecture Hemingways voice also is never thun-
that each family has a different story to tell. derous or overbearing. His spoken com-
At the same time the pressures and proto- mentary, akin to his distinctive prose
cols of wartime partingwhich inevitably style, is concise and restrained. For long
leave complex feelings unexpressedis stretches, the narrator falls silent, yielding
evoked as a common, shared experience. to Spanish folk songs (reworked in the style
Like the Spanish choral music we hear over of Virgil Thomsons regional Americana
the prologue, during Julians travels home, and Marc Blitzsteins brasher, sometimes
and at the very end, Hemingways commen- dissonant scoring); the fabricated sounds
tary foregrounds collective emotions and of gunfire, aeroplanes, sirens and shatter-
patterns of thought. ing glass (under the direction of effect: edi-
Do we construe this voice as the voice tor Irving Reis of the CBS radio workshop);
of God? Hemingways authority is never the speeches of leaders (some translated,
called into question. He is not restricted some not) and anxious cries of warning or
to a single location and he moves back and anguish (Avacin!, called out five times,
forth in time. He has the power to narrate by voices of different volume, timber and
and explain events and speak for silent pitch).31 Sometimes the very silence of the
figures on the screen. Yet as Tom Waugh soundtrack is unnerving, as when victims of
has noted in a richly suggestive discussion a bombing raid scurry down city streets, in
of The Spanish Earth, Hemingways com- anticipation of another explosion, the sound
mentary is much closer to the tradition of of which we too await. This sequence seems
documentary experiments in the 1930s and the inspiration for the playbill cover for the
1940s than a conventional newsreel style.30 American premiere of The Spanish Earth at
To begin with, Hemingways voice does the 55th Street Playhouse in August 1937,
not seem to descend from on high. In part which featured an abstract rendering of a
this is because of the forms of address he woman and child, the mouths of both open
adopts, as when, for example, he responds in wide black circles, beneath the outline of
acidly to a close-up of the identification three soaring airplanes. At the bottom of the
plate of a downed plane, I cant read page, under the title of the film, Hemingway
German either, implicitly aligning himself is credited with the commentary and narra-
with the American spectator while linking tion. This cover artwork neatly captures the
the Spanish Fascists to an emergent Axis reciprocal relation between Hemingways
threat. At times he places himself among literate commentary, supportive but under-
the villagers and foot soldiers, and invites stated, and the pictorial representation of

war-time anguish, for which there are no heavily censored) documentary edited by
words.32 Van Dongen from newsreel footage of the
For many commentators in the 1930s, Spanish Civil War. His eyewitness reporting
moreover, the casting of Hemingway as of the Spanish conflict, while travelling with
reader of his own scripted commentary Ivens, also appeared in the New Republic
reinforced the authenticity of his remarks. and via dispatches for the North American
A rather different effect reportedly was Newspaper Alliance in the months prior to
achieved with an earlier recording of the and during the release of The Spanish Earth.
commentary by Orson Welles, recruited In this sense, Hemingways vocal perfor-
by the films sponsors in an effort to capi- mance was in the tradition of the informed,
talise on the celebrity status of this wun- well-travelled, credentialled lecturer. His
derkind of the Federal Theatre Project and commentary, in Ivens judgement, was akin
rising radio star of Archibald MacLeishs to that of a sensitive reporter who had been
radio verse plays Panic (1934) and The Fall on the spot and wants to tell you about ita
of the City (directed by Reis in 1937) and The feeling that no other voice could communi-
March of Time and The Shadow radio series. cate.36 While reviewers in 1937 were not of
Although this version of The Spanish Earth one mind in assessing the commentarys
was shown at the White House and at vari- effectivenesssome found it insufficiently
ous benefit screenings in Los Angeles, Ivens flamboyant or bipartisanmost reviewers
discarded it prior to The Spanish Earths paid close attention to Hemingways vocal
general release. Its weakness, the filmmak- style, many detecting in it an echo of his
ers agreed, was largely one of tone. Van terse, poetically understated and, at times,
Dongen later recalled that Welles narration caustic prose.37
was like the voice of God, demanding all Vocal commentary in The Battle Midway
the attention, clashing with the picture. As functions rather differently. Ford, who had
far as I was concerned it wrecked the film.33 been wounded while filming the battle
Persuaded by Van Dongen and others, with his Office of Strategic Services Field
Ivens opted to let the author read his own Photo Unit, provided preliminary ideas
script. Hemingways lack of a professional for a script, but solicited successive drafts
commentators smoothness, Ivens later from two former collaborators, screenwriter
remembered, helped you believe intensely Dudley Nichols and MGM executive James
in the experience on the screen.34 Kevin McGuinness. Working like a radio
Above and beyond the differing qualities director, Ford then assigned parts from
to their voices, Welles and Hemingway also the script to four actorsDonald Crisp,
brought different personae to their casting Irving Pichel, Jane Darwell, and Henry
in the film. Welles was a brilliant young Fondaand coached them in their read-
showman, Hemingway an established man ing of individual lines.38 Each of the quar-
of letters. Well known in literary circles for tet has a distinct vocal personality. Crisps
his fascination with Spain, as evident in voice tends to be lilting and a bit urgent,
works of fiction (The Sun Also Rises, 1926; and is most closely aligned with aerial mis-
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, 1933) and sions. Pichels is more formal and solemn,
non-fiction (Death in the Afternoon, 1932), and he often comments on the aftermath of
Hemingway had spent much time in that combat from a perspective on the ground.
country.35 Prior to working on The Spanish At the same time, both function as conven-
Earth, he assisted writers Prudencio de tional narrators, defining settings, placing
Pereda, John Dos Passos and Archibald events in a temporal sequence, and attrib-
MacLeish in composing the commentary uting thoughts or emotions to individual
for Spain in Flames, a tendentious (and figures (including, with laboured irony, the
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 273

anxious birds of Midway Island) as they During their initial exchange, just prior
are depicted on the screen.39 The temporal to the first round of battle, Darwell excit-
mobility of Crisp and Pichel is suggested by edly observes that a pilot resembles her
their use of the historical present (as when neighbours boy precisely at the moment
Pichel intones: An historic council of war is he comes into view for the spectator, fore-
held), or by adroit shifts in tense, as when ground left. As the camera pans over to a
Crisps assertion, Meanwhile our ships plane, Darwell then inquires if it is one
stopped the Jap fleet, is followed by the of those flying fortresses. Fonda politely
excited announcement, Suddenly the trap replies, Yes, maam it is. Darwell names
is sprung!. Much more explicitly than does the pilot (Why thats Will Kinney), identi-
Hemingway, Crisp and Pichel also acknowl- fies his hometown (Springfield, Ohio), and
edge the geographical distance between wonders aloud if Kinney will fly that great
the action described and the location of the big bomber. Again, Fonda responds with
spectator, while at the same time articulat- plain-spoken courtesy: Yes maam, thats
ing a social relationship between these sepa- his job. Hes the skipper.
rate sectors. From what place do these characters
Defined explicitly as battlefront and speak? Where does their colloquy occur?
homefront, these worlds are connected by The question seems relevant in a way that
the common experience of war. Its our it doesnt for Crisp and Pichel. First of all,
outpost, your front yard, Crisp announces Darwell and Fondas relationship to what
as we are given our first aerial view of the we are watching in the film seems more cir-
islands, the scene of a once and future bat- cumscribed. Neither are empowered to nar-
tle, aligning himself with the naval pilots rate events concerning the battle:to establish
stationed far from home. But then, after vic- temporal, spatial or causal links, or to instruct
tory, he crosses the boundary he had earlier us (even indirectly) in the historical signifi-
drawn, reminding us collectively that our cance of what has transpired/is transpiring.
front yard is safe. Never forced to settle Moreover, while the commentaries of Crisp
on one side of the battlefront/homefront and Pichel room freely over events, those of
divide, Crisp and Pichel provide an overview Darwell and Fonda are limited to two occa-
(if not at times an over-voice) for the domes- sions: the departure of pilots from Midway
tic spectator, transforming what might at Island into battle, and the return of survivors
first appear to be an exotic travelogue into in its aftermath. Furthermore, Darwell and
a narrative account of heroic labours along Fonda seem engaged in an off-screen drama;
a new global porch frontthe Pacific the- they exchange dialogue, act out roles. Indeed,
atre of war. Men and women of America, a logical hypothesis might be that they are
Pichel announces somberly as surviving watching footage from The Battle of Midway,
pilots return, here come your neighbours perhaps sitting before us. From this place,
sons, home from a days work. Youll, want Darwell speaks for the watchful American
to meet them. Vocal commentary thus mother, capable of discerning in the slight-
provides the opportunity for a new form of est gesturea certain gaita telling sign of
greeting across a spatial gap and temporal familiarity, and hence the possibility of restor-
lag that motion pictures, viewed retrospec- ing familial bonds. In counterpoint, Fonda
tively, inevitably disclose. (a serviceman on furlough? a self-educated
The multiplying of speaking parts, new recruit? a military escort for Darwell?)
moreover, allows Ford at once to drama- supplies professional informationthat, say,
tise and bridge this divide. Here the voices such and such a plane is indeed a flying for-
of Darwell (overtly maternal) and Fonda tress, or that piloting the bomber is young
(chipper, well-mannered) play crucial roles. Will Kinneysjob.

Darwells comments, however, do not a vocal intertext of film fictions. Indeed, the
simply respond to the images. Her remarks most proximate referent for their conversa-
seem briefly to influence the direction the tion is surely Fords The Grapes of Wrath,
film takes. She reveals more about the in which Darwell and Fonda had appeared
Kinneys of Springfield: Wills Dad is an two years before: Darwell in the Academy
engineer, 38 years on the old Ironton rail- Award-winning role of Ma Joad, espous-
road; his mother, sitting and knitting, with ing a family-based notion of community
a service star on the wall behind, is just in a Depression-era story of social disloca-
like the rest of us mothers in Springfield tion; Fonda as her son Tom, who possesses
or any other American town; his sister a wider range of social knowledge and by
Patricia, chatting on the telephone, is about necessity breaks with the family in pursuit
as pretty as they come. In this fashion we of social justice, taking on the burden of a
are taken on a short excursion from Midway larger cause at the close. Without grounding
Island to Springfield where, long in advance itself in the plot of this particular fiction, the
of Pichels invitation to meet our neigh- exchange between Darwell and Fonda nev-
bours sons, Darwell introduces homefront ertheless trades in the repository of associa-
spectators to people just like themselves. tions that this vocal intertext supplies.40
Does Darwell now function as an embed- A trail of associationsif more faintly
ded narrator, in some sense authorising the feltis evoked by the performances of Crisp
images of the people from Springfield she and Pichel as well: Crisp in his Academy
describes? Do these images represent her Award-winning role as the patriarch of a
memory of these people, triggered by her Welsh mining family in Fords How Green
recognition of Will? Are they Fondas images Was My Valley (1941); Pichel heard (but
too? Or does the screen now anticipate and never fully seen) as the adult narrator of
respond to Darwells comments, the images the same film, whose leave-taking from
slotted into place by some higher-level nar- the valley inaugurates the retrospective tell-
rator to keep pace with the verbal informa- ing of the story.41 Perhaps because Crisp
tion she supplies? The detachment of voices and Pichel themselves never engage in a
from specific bodies (but surely not from fictional exchange with one another, their
the specific connotations of gender and age) voices retain an autonomy that underscores
thus may occasion a curious effect, whereby their function as documentary narrators.
recorded voices, projected from theatre When the pilots return to Midway Island,
speakers, circulate through surrogate spec- Fonda follows up on remarks by Crisp and
tators on their way to covering a diegetic Pichel, and a fervent plea by Darwell to get
plane. the injured pilots to a hospital (uttered as if
However we choose to chart the flow it might affect the outcome of these docu-
of voices, what transpires is a fictionon mented events) inspires biting commentary
at least two counts. First, unlike the battle by Crisp on the destruction of the hospi-
fought at Midway, no referent is specified tal by the Japanese. But Crisp and Pichel
for this exchange. The placeless space of never themselves assume the role of char-
voice-over is filled temporarily by an imag- acters, never descendso to speakinto
inable homefront vignette from which we Springfield. Amid the densely orchestrated
may take pleasure or instruction, or even sounds of combat once the battle has com-
umbrage, but which has no concrete relation menced, Pichel intervenes to announce,
to the events that occurred at Midway, on this really happened, as if to cordon off
46 June 1942. Moreover, to the extent that this segment from the previous colloquy.42
the voices of Darwell and Fonda are highly In doing so, he aligns his own commen-
recognisable, their exchange calls to mind tary with a passage that is visually coded
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 275

as authentic, as shock waves are registered also employ forms of verbal address and
both by an unsteady camera and by the pre- verbal tenses that define a complex spatial
sentation of frame lines, as if the gate of the and temporal relation among commen-
printer, or perhaps the projector at the site tator, spectator, and documented events.
of reception, has been knocked ajar by the Moreover, the films seem keenly aware of
force of an explosion. the social qualities and distinctions that a
At work here is an inversion of the disembodied voice can evoke and draw on
interpolation of documentary passages in familiar personalities precisely for the asso-
Hollywood fiction of the period, of say the ciations their voices provide. Conventional
broadcast reporting of celebrated radio news notions of voice-over narration notwith-
commentator Hans Kaltenborn in Mr Smith standing, this should not surprise us. As
Goes to Washington (Capra, 1939), who is Sarah Kozloff has observed with respect to
recruited to add a trace of authenticity to the the use of voice-over in classical Hollywood
story of a senate filibuster, yet whose pres- fiction, nothing prevents a third-person nar-
ence never throws the fiction off course.43 rator, however disembodied, from revealing
Although The Battle of Midway bills itself something about his or her world, nor the
at the outset as simply a record or report by spectator from scrutinising and evaluating
Navy photographers, the labours of Ford, what this narrator has to say. Concomitantly,
his writers, and his stock company of actors the grounding of a visible narrator in a par-
point to a rather different notion of what can ticular location does not necessarily delimit
count as an appropriate documentary experi- the range of knowledge nor diminish the
ence. For spectators in a commercial motion potential authority of that figure. In either
picture theatre, The Battle of Midway traded case, spectators make judgements about the
overtly with the conventions of Hollywood reliability and import of what they hear. As
fiction. Vocal commentary by Darwell and Kozloff notes, the moral and political ques-
Fonda, in particular, is less a ground of tions concerning voice-over, do not revolve
authority than a tool to expand the ways in around its unique essence, but around how
which authenticated images can be inter- filmmakers use itwhat they have the nar-
preted, with narrators and proto-characters rator say, and in what manner.44 It is the
interposed between the spectator and a pre- very specificity of the use of vocal narration
supposed, projected world. In this fashion, in persuasive documentaries such as The
The Battle of Midway imports from fiction Spanish Earth and The Battle of Midway to
elements of melodrama even as it antici- which we must attend.
pates, in its memorable combat footage, the Judgements concerning the pertinence
expressive immediacy of vrit, whose practi- and explanatory power of vocal narration in
tioners rejected theatrical vocal effects. a documentary involve many factors, only
one of whichand perhaps not always the
most compelling given the sensory pleasures
Recasting the Voice of God and motor force of motion picturesis the
logic of an argument. Above and beyond and
Unlike reflexive, modernist, or postmodern even against matters of coherence and plau-
documentaries of more recent vintage, both sibility, we may also find vocal commentary
The Spanish Earth and The Battle of Midway attractive for its felicitous language, appealing
secure a causal logic for the action they verbal rhythms, or fresh expression of famil-
depict, and never call the authority of their iar sentiments. Interplay among a variety of
vocal commentaries into question. But in a voices likewise may arrest attention. Many
way that the notion of Voice of God narra- social documentary filmmakers in the 1930s
tion does not suggest, these documentaries and 1940s were willing to explore and exploit

these attractions, to experiment with poetic or men in battle.46 Yet the films editor, Robert
colloquial language, diffused authority, and Parrish, recalls hearing women sob at the
polyvocalism. In part, this seems inspired films Radio City Music Hall premiere,
by a desire to produce the kind of variegated an event that fulfilled Fords ambition to
subjectivity common to classical fiction. But open up an entry point in the story of the
it may also reflect an impulse to expand the battle for the mothers of America.47 The
range of narrational options through the fictive space Darwell and Fonda occupy, if
interpolation of extrinsic, ambiguously situ- variously judged, thus takes on definition
ated voices. In contrast to classical fiction, the by way of references extrinsic to the films
effect often is to render fuzzy the boundaries ostensible subject and largely unavailable to
of the non-fictional world upon which a docu- the modern viewer.
mentary film is premised. Imported voices Construing the placeless space of vocal
thus may invoke complementary worlds narration in documentary as fundamentally
(including the imagined worlds of fiction) social and historical brings to light the lim-
which the viewer is invited to consider in rela- its of voice-over as a metaphor to describe
tion to the main, documented event.45 the varied kinds of work that vocal com-
Faced with a potential disjunction mentary performs. It draws our attention
between a documentarys referential field to a field of vocal references in which the
and the uncertain ground for disembod- non-fiction talkies of the period circulated,
ied voices, a spectator is encouraged to a lateral file of vocal possibilities from which
locate, and infer connections across, a vari- these films drew, and brings info sharper
ety of social markers. The invisible realm focus the stress points in those works for
of voice-over thus should itself be con- which a necessary and sometimes awkward
strued as preeminently social, an histori- split between sound and image occasioned
cal understanding of which demands the an experimental approach. It encourages
reconstruction of a broader vocal intertext us to explore precisely those features that
encompassing fiction films and radio dra- are occluded by the conventional notion of
mas. To chart such a space is not to presume voice of God narration, retrospectively and
that we can know the horizon of expecta- uniformly applied: the historical resonances
tions of all historically situated spectatorsa of vocal actshow accents, inflections, and
task itself without boundaries. Nor is it to forms of speech reverberate across and dou-
specify the necessary effect of any particu- ble back over fiction and non-fiction, film
lar vocal strategya generalisation built on and radio, in the media dialect and dialogue
quicksand. Nevertheless, accounts of recep- of another era.
tion may bring into relief associations and
assumptions that have lost salience over
time. Having no difficulty identifying Fords Acknowledgement
allusion to the Joad family in The Battle of
Midway, for example, several (male) review-
I wish to thank Edward Branigan, Nataa
ers found Darwells dialogue in particular to
Durovicov, and Michael Renov for their
be excessive and overwrought. Critic Manny
comments on a previous version of
Farber, seizing an opportunity to scold war-
time documentary filmmakers for empha-
sising words at the expense of images, in a
review that anticipates a verit critique, ridi- Notes
culed the vocal commentary in The Battle of
1. For an influential topology of modes of documentary
Midway as high school dramatics, incom- representation based on an historical sketch of this
mensurate with the compelling images of kind, see Bill Nichols, The Voice of Documentary,
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 277

Film Quarterly (Spring, 1983), 1729, reprinted in as The Silences of the Voice (A Propos of Mai 68
Movies and Methods, vol. 2, ed. Nichols (Berkeley: by Gudie Lawaetz) in Narrative, Apparatus.
University of California Press, 1985), 258273, Ideology:AFilm Theory Reader, ed. Philip Rosen
and revised in Nichols, Representing Reality (NewYork:Columbia University Press, 1986), 324.
(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991), Bonitzers ideas are elaborated upon by Doane in
3275. Nichols takes pains, however, to stress that The Voice in Cinema, 42; and Kaja Silverman
the four modes are not exclusive to any single in The Acoustic Mirror; The Female Voice in
historical period. Psychoanalysis and Cinema (Bloomington:Indiana
2. On the utility of the distinction between voice-off University Press, 1988), 4849, 5154, and 163164.
and voice-over, see Mary Ann Doane, The Voice in 9. It is interesting to note that in The Next Voice You
the Cinema: The Articulation of Body and Space, Hear (Wellman, 1950), a fiction film that seeks
Yale French Studies, 60 (1980): 3350, especially to take seriously the question of Gods vocal
3743. intervention in the lives of ordinary American
3. Nichols, The Voice of Documentary; Jeffrey citizens by way of the radio, Gods voice is precisely
Youdelman, Narration, Invention, & History: A the one that we do not hear. Instead, we learn of
Documentary Dilemma, Cineaste, 12, no. 2 (1982): Gods advice from characters, tuned to their radios,
812. Youdelman prefaces his remarks with a useful while the spectator through various plot devices is
discussion of some prototypes from the 1930s and kept out of earshot.
1940s, including The New Earth (Ivens, 1934), Night 10. In a work of non-fiction, what do we make of this
Mail (Wright and Watt, 1936], The River (Lorentz, pretence to God-like powers? Can a non-fictional
1937), The City (Van Dyke and Steiner, 1939), Native world be construed as authored by the same
Land (Strand and Hurwitz, 1942), and Strange Victory force a vocal narrator represents? Or does the
(Hurwitz, 1948). non-fictional status of the image strain any claim
4. Nichols, The Voice of Documentary, 18. In his such a narrator might make about its creative
revised discussion of the topic, Nichols chooses to powers? Note, for example, this scripted disclaimer
replace the term voice with argument, as carried of authorship in the credits to With Car and
by both commentary and perspective. A loss Camera Around the World, a silent travelogue by
of voice, then is reformulated as a deferential Aloha and Walter Wanderwell, released in 1929:
perspective, one that chooses to present evidence Author, God, for he created the earth and its
of the world as witnesses describe it rather than people. Scenario by All Peoples (quoted in Motion
add a contrapuntal argument or voice of its own Picture News [21 December 1929]: 40).
(Representing Reality, 281, endnote no. 17). In 11. Explaining his aversion to Voice of God narration,
opting for a term unencumbered by the acoustic Ricky Leacock notes: When I become intrigued
connotations of voice, Nichols thus chooses by theatre or film or even education, it is when I
to emphasise the polemical, rather than more am not being told the answer. I start to find out
broadly expressive, dimension of a documentarys for myselfThe moment I sense that Im being
underlying social point of view. told the answer I start rejecting (James Blue, One
5. Edward Branigan, Narrative Comprehension and Film Mans TruthAn Interview with Richard Leacock,
(London:Routledge, 1992),115. Film Comment [Spring, 1965]: 16). Bonitzer and
6. Carl Plantinga adopts just such a trope in Rhetoric Doane critique the naivety of such a view. A
and Representation in Non-Fiction Film (Cambridge lively defence of authoritative vocal commentary,
University Press, 1997), in which he usefully moreover, can be found in J. Ronald Green, The
outlines three broad epistemological functions for Illustrated Lecture, Quarterly Review of Film and
documentary, based on the degree of narrational Video, vol. 15, no. 2 (1994), 123.
authority, and labels these the classical, open, 12. Bonitzer,327.
and poetic voices of non-fiction. 13. See especially Willard Van Dyke, The Interpretive
7. That we can respond to sound waves, but not light Camera in Documentary Film, Hollywood
waves, without knowing their source suggests Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 4 (1946): 405409, reprinted
the rather different ways we think about audition in Nonfiction Film Theory and Criticism, ed.
and vision. As Edward Branigan notes, while we Richard Meram Barsam (New York: Dutton, 1976),
tend to believe that sound waves travel to our 342349; Ben Moddow, The Writers Function
ears, we conceive light waves as a property of an in Documentary Film, Writers Congress: The
object viewed; hence, for example we imagine that Proceedings of the Conference Held in October 1943
the red cover of a book retains its colour even Under the Sponsorship of the Hollywood Writers
in a lightless room. When we see a lamp and Mobilisation and the University of California
can name it, the identification is complete but a (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1944),
whistling sound still needs to be specified: the 98103; Pare Lorentz, FDRs Moviemaker: Memoirs
whistling of what? from where? See Branigan, and Scripts (Reno: University of Nevada Press,
Sound and Epistemology in Film, The Journal 1992); John Grierson, The G.P.O. Gets Sound,
of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol. 47, no. 4 (Fall, Cinema Quarterly (Edinburgh), vol. 2, no. 4
1989): 311. (Summer 1934): 215221, and Two Paths to Poetry,
8. Pascal Bonitzer, Les Silences de la voix, Cahiers du Cinema Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 4 (Summer, 1935):
cinma, 246 (FebruaryMarch 1975), translated 194196; Alberto Cavalcanti, Sound in Films,
Films (November, 1939): 2539; and Paul Rotha, Between the Wars: Perceptions of Cultural Tensions,
Documentary Film (London: Faber & Faber, 1939, 191824, ed. Covert (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse
2nd edn.), 201223. Although my comments in this University Press, 1984), 199220.
essay are restricted to documentary filmmaking 26. Erik Barnouw, The Golden Web: A History of
in the United States, they are applicable to much Broadcasting in the United States, 193353 (New
British (or Griersonian) documentary from the York: Oxford, 1968), passim; Hector Chevigny,
same period. Commercial Radio Writing in Wartime, Writers
14. William Alexander, American Documentary Film Congress, 141152.
from 1931 to 1942 (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton 27. Raymond Fielding, The March of Time, 193551
University Press, 1981); Russell Campbell, Cinema (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978), 102110,
Strikes Back: Radical Filmmaking in the United 220221, 260262; Bruce Cook, Whatever
States, 193042 (Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Happened to Westbrook Van Voorhis?, American
Research Press, 1982); Jonathan Buchsbaum, Left Film (March 1977), 2529.
Political Filmmaking in the West: The Interwar 28. Less celebrated, but notable for the pattern of
Years, in Resisting Images: Essays on Cinema and migration from radio journalism to film their
History, ed., Robert Sklar and Charles Musser careers illustrate, were Malcolm La Prada, a radio
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990); travel talk narrator who provided vocal commentary
Paul Arthur, Jargons of Authenticity (Three for Bray Pictures Rambling Reporter travel talk film
American Moments), in Theorizing Documentary, series in 1930; NBCs Alois Havorille, narrator for
ed. Michael Renov (New York: Routledge/AFI This is America beginning in 1933; and NBCs Floyd
Film Readers, 1993), 108134; Charles Wolfe, The Gibbons, commentator for With Byrd at the South
Poetics and Politics of Nonfiction: Documentary Pole (1934).
Film, in Grand Design: Hollywood as a Modern 29. On the production and distribution history of
Business Enterprise, 193039, ed. Tino Balio (New The Spanish Earth, see Joris Ivens, The Camera
York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1993), 351386, and I (New York: International Publishers, 1969),
and Straight Shots and Twisted Plots: Social 103138, reprinted as Spain and The Spanish
Documentary and the Avant-Garde in the 1930s, Earth, in Barsam, 349375; Thomas Waugh,
in Lovers of Cinema: The First American Film Men Cannot Act in Front of the Camera in the
Avant-Garde, 191945, ed. Jan-Christopher Horak Presence of Death: Joris Ivens The Spanish Earth,
(Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1996), Cineaste, vol. 7, no. 2 (1982): 3033 and vol. 7, no.
234266. 3 (1983): 2129; Thomas P. McManus, Down to
15. For important new work in this area, see Dana Earth in Spain, New York Times (25 July 1937);
Benellis superb PhD dissertation, Jungles and the x:4; and Ben Bellitt, The Camera Reconnoiters,
National Landscape: Documentary and Hollywood The Nation (20 November 1937); reprinted in
Cinema in the 1930s (University of Iowa, 1992). Lewis Jacobs, ed., The Documentary Tradition (New
16. Anon., review of The Break Up, Variety (6 August York: W. W. Norton, 2nd edn., 1979), 142. On The
1930): 35; Frank S. Nugent, review of Hells Holiday, Battle of Midway, see Tag Gallagher, John Ford:
New York Times (15 July 1933): 14; Land., review The Man and His Films (Berkeley: University of
of Bring Em Back Alive, Variety (21 June 1932): 14; California Press, 1986), 200213; Robert Parrish,
Char., review of Explorers of the World, Variety (22 Growing Up in Hollywood (New York: Harcourt,
December 1931): 19. Brace, Janovich, 1976), 144151; TMP, Film
17. Bige., review of Land of Promise, Variety (27 of Midway Released by Navy, New York Times
November 1935): 30. (20 September 1942): 19; Anon., 18 Minutes of
18. Chic., review of Taming the Jungle, Variety (6 June Midway, Newsweek (21 September 1942): 80. Prior
1933): 14. to the films general release, The Spanish Earth
19. Shan., review of Hei Tiki, Variety (5 February was widely seen in Hollywood, where its audience
1935): 31; Rush., review of Igloo, Variety (26 July: included director John Ford (McManus, Down to
1932): 17. Earth in Spain: x: 4).
20. Nugent, 14; Kauf., review of Hells Holiday, Variety 30. Waugh, Cineaste, vol. 7, no.3 (1983),2526.
(18 July 1933): 37. 31. Irving Reis devised the sound of a bombardment
21. McStay., review of Lest We Forget, Variety (17 April in The Spanish Earth by recording in reverse an
1935): 15. earth-quake effect from San Francisco, the popular
22. Rush., review of Igloo, 17. fiction film released by MGM the previous year
23. Char., review of Gow, Variety (5 December 1933): 17. (Ivens, 129). Reis background in radio drama
24. One reviewer, for example, complained that paved the way for his work as a screenwriter at
the Cameo Theatre in New York misleadingly Paramount in 1938 and his career as a Hollywood
promoted travelogues as entertaining, rather than director to follow.
strictly educational, films by advertising those 32. Acopy of the playbill can be found in file H 139,
with vocal accompaniment as all-talking (Anon., Thomas Brandon Collection, Film Study Center,
review of The Bottom of the World, Variety [16 July Museum of Modern Art, NewYork.
1930]: 29). 33. Ben Achtenberg, Helen Van Dongen: An
25. Catherine L. Covert, American Sensibility and Interview, Film Quarterly (Winter, 197677): 52.
the Response to Radio, 191924, in Mass Media 34. Ivens,128.
Historicizing the Voice ofGod 279

35. Carlos Baker, Ernest Hemingway:ALife Story New York Times, Footnotes on Headlines (20
(NewYork:Charles Scribners, 1969), 299; Edward September 1942): 4, 2. At the time that Darwell
F.Stanton, Hemingway and Spain:APursuit and Fonda were recruited for vocal roles on The
(Seattle:University of Washington Press, 1989), Battle of Midway, they were working together on
150-154; Robert O.Stephens, Hemingways The Ox-Bow Incident (Wellman, 1943) at Twentieth
Nonfiction:the Public Voice (Chapel Hill:University Century-Fox. Shortly thereafter, Fonda enlisted in
of North Carolina Press, 1968), 88108; Alexander, the Navy and served in the Pacific. Darwell later
151152. reprised her role as Ma Joad in a radio version of
36. Ivens, 129. Many critics agreed: So simple, so real, The Grapes of Wrath on NBCs University Theater on
so patently the voice of truth (Cedric Belfrage, New Years Day, 1 949.
excerpted review, File H139, Thomas Brandon 41. Pichels vocal authority similarly was exploited in
Collection); The beauty of simple things and felt Happy Land (1943), a wartime drama directed by
simply said (London Observer, File H139, Thomas Pichel, in which his voice is heard over a radio,
Brandon Collection); Hemingways voicefor he announcing news of the outbreak of war in Europe.
speaks the commentary himselfcuts through the 42. According to Parrish, this line was initially
sound of crackling battle (Basil Wright, The Land uttered by Ford during a screening session with
Without Bread and The Spanish Earth, Film News Nichols(147).
(December 1937), reprinted in Jacobs, 147). Alberto 43. From this perspective, Kaltenborns vocal and
Cavalcanti found Hemingways commentary the physical performances as noted commentator across
fulfillment of Wordsworths definition of poetry: radio and film, and fiction and non-fiction, warrant
emotions recollected in tranquillity (29). further study. Consider, for example, his casting by
37. JTM [John T. McManus], The Screen, New Orson Welles in Julius Caesar for a Mercury Theater
York Times (21 August 1937): 7; John T. McManus. of the Air radio broadcast in the fall of 1938, or
Realism Invades Gotham, New York Times Kaltenborns appearance as a radio commentator,
(22 August 1937): x, 3; James Shelley Hamilton, interviewing a Nazi official played by an actor, in The
National Board of Review (October 1937, reprinted in March of Time episode, On Foreign Newsfronts, in
Stanley Hochman, ed., From Quasimodo to Scarlet September 1940. Gaining great public prominence
OHara: A National Board of Review Anthology (New for his dramatic reports on the Munich Conference
York: Frederick Ungar, 1982), 262263; and reviews in the summer of 1938, Kaltenborn also was a CBS
by JDH in New York Sun (23 August 1937), by analyst in Spain during the Civil War (see Barnouw,
Gould Cassel in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (24 August 7475). I explore the implications of Kaltenborns
1937), and anonymously in the London Times (9 appearance as a nonfictional character within the
November 1937), excerpted and collated in File fictional context of Mr Smith Goes to Washington:
H139, Thomas Brandon Collection. Hemingways Democratic Forums and Representational Forms,
text subsequently was published in book form as Close Viewings: An Anthology of New Film Criticism,
The Spanish Earth (Cleveland: J. B. Savage Co. 1938). ed. Peter Lehman (Tallahassee: Florida State
38. Parrish, 146150. Nichols previously had worked University Press, 1990), 321326.
with Ford on nine features and had written the 44. Sarah Kozloff, Invisible Storytellers:Voice-Over
commentary for Joris Ivenss The 400 Million Narration in American Fiction Film
(1939), a compilation documentary made in (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1988),97.
support of Chinas struggle against Japan in the 45. Drawing a distinction between the tests we
1930s. apply to fictional and non-fictional narration,
39. In a perceptive discussion of The Battle of Midway Edward Branigan proposes that with fiction we
in Rhetoric and Representation in Nonfiction Film, start with lower level pictures or words from
Carl Plantinga draws a distinction between the which we seek to infer a plausible set of higher
voice of Crisp, a zealous patriot describing combat mediations with which to justify depicted events,
in a tendentious fashion, and that of Pichel, a while with non-fiction we start with beliefs in
gentle father or spiritual leader possessing moral a historically real, unmediated event and the
authority (160). An extrapolation of character recording capacities of camera and microphone,
traits of this kind is interesting to consider in light and infer from this what lower level pictures or
of the separate contributions of writers Nichols, words plausibly could be known about that event.
a political liberal and McGuire, a conservative, Both classical fiction and classical non-fiction,
and the tension between military ardour and he writes, attempt to discover meanings that
moral authority in several of Fords fiction films, lie behind (beyond, below) events; they merely
including Drums Along the Mohawk (1939), They start in different places and one expands, while
Were Expendable (1945), Fort Apache (1948), She the other contracts, the levels of narration
Wore a Yellow Ribbon (1949), and The Horse Soldiers (Narrative Comprehension and Film [London:
(1960). While Fords fiction films tend to plot this Routledge, 1992], 204205.) Note the two
tension as narrative conflict, the voices of Crisp and qualifying prepositions for behind suggested
Pichel serve complementary functionshere. here. Beyond (but not below) opens up the
40. Ford was identified as the director of both The possibility that meanings may relate to one
Grapes of Wrath and How Green Was My Valley another not only hierachically (more or less
in the first news item on The Battle of Midway in deeply embedded in the text) but perhaps also
to the side (or outside?) of the documentary an unhappy respondent to The Battle of Midway,
diegesis. Farber speaks directly to the filmmakers: So plus
46. TMP, Film of Midway, 19; Bosley Crowther, everything else, its a quiz show you give us: who
Citation for Excellence, New York Times belongs to the voice? Up till now one voice would
(20 September 1942), sec. 8: 3; Sam Harold, do you. In Midway you have most of the Joad
Disappointed in Midway Film, New York family, in addition to a character actor I havent
Times (18 October 1942), sec. 8: 5; Manny Farber, guessed yet. Donald Crisp, Henry Fonda, Jane
Memorandum to Hollywood, New Republic (5 Darwell and Mr X. A symphony of discord (414).
October 1942), 414415. Assuming the voice of 7. Parrish, 151.

Notes on Documentary and Spectacle(1979)

Introduction discussions of the film that I have come

across consideration of one of these aspects
Triumph of the Will was commissioned by has come to dominate (or eliminate) consid-
Adolph Hitler on behalf of the Nazi party in eration of the other. This has evidently a lot
Germany as a record and celebration of the to do with a compartmentalisation of art on
1934 Party Rally in Nuremberg. It was shot the one hand and history on the other, but
by a team of cameramen, soundmen and even more crucially it has a lot to do with
other technicians under the direction of Leni the lack of any concept of discourse, of any
Riefenstahl and subsequently edited by her. concept of discursive relations or discursive
It was premiered in Berlin on 28 March 1935 effectivity. In my view, the balance certainly
and was awarded the National Film Prize by needs to be recastfilm and conjuncture
Goebbels during the Festival of the Nation need to be integrated more effectively. But
in May 1935 and the Diplome de Grand Prix a necessary preliminary to this is an exami-
at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et nation of the films textual organisation and
des Techniques in Paris in July. This latter discursive systems; it is only from there that
event, in particular, is of significance for the conjunctural analyses can proceed. What I
films later inscription into cinema history. aim to do in this article is to initiate such an
Triumph of the Will has often been damned examination, concentrating in particular on
for its political content and for being a Nazi two areas of systematicityspectacle and
propaganda film. Just as often though, it has lookingwhich have often rather vaguely
been hailed, albeit ambivalently, as a cine- been discussed by the films critics but
matic masterpiece. Neither of these assess- which have never been analysed thoroughly
ments, however, has produced a substantial at all. In so doing, I shall proceed initially
analysis either of the film and its own inter- by interrogating some of the terms and con-
nal codes and systems or of its conjunc- cepts deployed by these critics. This article,
tural functioning and effectivity: in all the then, is neither an ideological reading of

the film, nor an analysis of its conjunctural In structuring these two aspects of the
positioning. It is rather an analysis of some film as a contradiction, this kind of criti-
of the major conditions necesary for both. cism is able both to separate one aspect from
another (cinematic power is different from
ideology; they are separate in themselves and
I can thus be separately discussed), and yet
simultaneously to hold them together in a
In short, Triumph of the Will, like Birth notion of contradiction that in effect differs
of a Nation, embodies an overwhelm- little from notions like paradox or ambigu-
ing contradiction: it is cinematically ityterms which, in traditional criticism of
dazzling and ideologically vicious. the arts, serve less as analytical concepts than
(Richard Meran Barsam, Filmguide as marks of confusion or, even, of quality.
to Triumph of the Will, Indiana Despite the separation, however, the
University Press, 1975, pp1718.) nature of the cinematic power of Triumph
of the Will is never subject to detailed discus-
This quotation is typical of most criti- sion. It is recognised. It is also celebrated.
cal comment on Triumph of the Will. It is But its specificity, its systematicity and its
damned for its ideology on the one hand effects are never fully analysed. One of the
and praised for its cinematic artistry on the reasons for devoting attention to the film
other. Hence: lies, therefore, not only in the need to pull
the terms cinema and ideology back
Two conclusions cannot escape any- together but also in the need for some kind
one seeing Triumph of the Will; it could of initial analysis of its cinematicity: what
never have been made by anyone not is it that these critics find so overwhelming
fanatically at one with the events and so deserving of praisedespite their
depicted, nor equally could it have liberal consciences? Whyand howis the
been made by anyone not profoundly film so cinematically dazzling?
encompassed by the medium. (David There is another reason too, one which
Gurston, Leni Riefenstahl, Film is ultimately and intimately related, in my
Quarterly, v XIV n 1, Fall 1960, p 15.) opinion, to these kinds of questions, though
it is one which is admittedly rather more
Some viewers may question the sincer- speculatively based. It derives from a juxta-
ity of the mass emotion expressed at the position of a series of related conceptions
rallies, or find themselves alienated by of film, documentary and propaganda, a
the party rhetoric, but most agree on the juxtaposition which is not in fact explicitly
cinematic power of the film. Ultimately, made or explicitly recognized by the critics
the modern audience is stunned both of Triumph of the Will (perhaps for symptom-
by the films artistic power and by its atic reasons) but one which, once it is made,
political content. (Barsam, op cit, p 27.) generates a number of interesting and
important contradictions, centring in par-
As there is terror in Triumph of the ticular on notions about (and definitions of)
Will when one thinks of what the the relationship between documentary, cin-
production helped stabilize and ema and vision. Before discussing this more
bring about, there is also the stamp fully, I want to spend some time in looking at
and invisible signature of authentic the opening section of the film and in exam-
genius. (Marshall Lewis, Triumph ining in particular the inscription of a twin
of the Will, Film Comment, v 3 n 1, system of spectacle and looking. Since in my
Winter 1965, p 23.) view it is these elements which give the film
Triumph of theWill 283

both its cinematic and its ideological power. moments of the cloud formation visible
They also simultaneously, provide the terms from the aircraft window, and each of them,
and the basis needed to discuss the kinds of at one point or another, including within the
contradiction I have in mind. frame visible evidence of the presence of the
The opening section of Triumph of the aircraft itself.
Will, lasting some 10 minutes and com- The imbrications of framing, composi-
prising 113 shots overall (discounting titles tion, movement and clouds in these open-
and credits) can be subdivided into three ing shots function to install spectacle as the
main segments, as follows: (1) The flight principle of the films operations. That is to
into Nuremberg and the landing of Hitlers say a signifying system is installed whose
aircraft. (2) The motorcade. (3) The arrival at basis lies in a specific form of the evocation
the hotel. As will become evident, this seg- and satiation of the scopic drive, a system
mentation derives not only from diegetic cri- which is especially concerned both to stress,
teria (criteria involving the specification of to display, the visibility of the visible, and
the spatio-temporal unity of events), but also to produce, as far as is possible, an elision
from distinct stages in the inscription and/ between the look of the spectating subject
or the re-marking of the systems of spectacle and the look of the other across the instance
and looking that traverses the film overall. of the visual field of the image1 through the
The first of the shots in this section con- mobilisation of precisely those of particular
sists of a view through the cockpit window codes of spatial scale (monumentality and
of the aircraft, panning slowly left as the air- extreme contrast); of light (chiaroscuro or
craft moves forward (Figure 41.1). This is fol- extremes of luminosity); of elaborate and/
lowed by eight more shots from the plane, or (heavily marked-displayed) composition;2
each of them focused on different aspects/ and so on.

Figure41.1 Still capture fromDVD.


All these forms of codification are the cloud formations, in interrelationship

designed to exhibit the image for the gaze with an easily flowing and effortless series
of the spectator and for the scopic drive of movements (both of the aircraft and of
that sustains it, designed, precisely, to the panning camera within it)the gaze
catch (to lure) the eye. The cloud forma- able almost to encompass the infinite, such
tions in particular here are both important is its position of visual privilegethe traces
and indicative. As Hubert Damisch has I am referring to function so as to circum-
argued in his book Thorie du nuage (Paris scribe its apparently limitless power, to indi-
1972) clouds have been an essential ingre- cate and demarcate its limits. They are, in
dient in the whole apparatus of spectacle this sense, almost overtly indicative of the
in European art. In offering to the specta- flaw at the heart of the scopic drive, of the
tors gaze a set of forms which mask and insistence of the other in the visual field,
fill an otherwise empty and potentially infi- of the impossibility of the very position of
nite space (the sky) while simultaneously visual mastery inscribed in the other codes
signifying the very emptiness and infinity that organize the sequence. In representing
that they mask, clouds have come to func- these limits, these traces themselves func-
tion, in a sense, to signify spectacle itself. tion to fill the lack. In their very repetition
This double functioning illustrates par- they stabilize as unproblematically signi-
ticularly well the contradiction that spec- fied elements of the diegesis, coming sim-
tacle involves. The traces of the cockpit in ply to represent the presence of the aircraft
the image have an interesting significance itself. Moreover, in coming so close to (yet
and role in relation to this. If the spectat- so far from) the flaw in the scopic drive, the
ing subject is inscribed, via the spectacle of film can all the more effectively engage the

Figure41.2 Still capture fromDVD.

Triumph of theWill 285

drives dynamicpulling the subject into and massed crowds (and thereby folding
the metonymic flow of the spectacle across the one into the other, integrating the two
fluctuating instances of imperfect vision into a common diegetic space itself heav-
whichprecisely because of the imperfec- ily marked by the instance of spectacle (the
tioncan promise the impossible plen- troops on parade)), leads on to a shot (shot
titude elsewhere provided by the plentiful 23, Figure 41.3) which initiates a system of
instances of unblemished spectacle that looking that runs throughout the remain-
soon come to fill the film. der of the film and that dominates its visual
In shot 9, the aircrafts forward move- articulation. This shot consists, simply, of
ment through the clouds and down a crowd gathered behind two Nazi guards
towards Nuremberg marks the first point gazing up and out of frame right (ie watch-
of re-orientation of the films visual system. ing the arrival and landing of the plane). It
As the plane descends, the clouds appear to is at this point that the activity of looking is
dissolve, to draw apart like a stage-curtain,3 inscribed into the diegesis itself, and that its
to reveal the aerial spectacle of the city itself, privileged object begins to be established.
spread out below for our gaze (Figure 41.2). Thirteen shots latera delay that functions
Four more shots, each repeating an arc-like emphatically to mark its importancethe
movement around a particular building or anticipated object of the look, the figure
monument, re-mark the instance of spec- of Adolph Hitler, comes initially into view
tacle across its new diegetic space before, (shot 36, Figure 41.4). In other words, the
in shot 14, there occurs a view of the plane first clearly identifiable (seeable) instance
itself, a view which pulls the fragments and of intra-diegetic looking is co-incident with
traces previously visible (and vaguely trou- the initial appearance of Hitler, with the lat-
bling) into the plentitude of the image and ter as that which gratifies the former, filling
its composed visual field. In so doing it not the space implied by the eye-line in shot 23,
only fully stabilizes, in retrospect, those completing the visual and dramatic impetus
previous fragments and traces, it also fully of the sequence as a whole.
establishes that the register and position of This initial segment closes, importantly
the gaze of the spectator is one of privileged and significantly, with a sequence of shots
mastery, now detached from and transcend- which firmly establish that the political rela-
ing any specific, identifiable and circum- tionship between the crowd and Hitler, as
scribed place. The gaze is now inscribed signified in the film, is one, precisely, that
as limitless, and is specifically re-inscribed hinges on looking: Hitlers status in the
as such in the following (famous) shot in film derives from, and is motivated and sig-
which the planes shadow passes over the nalled by, the fact that he is structured and
street and its parading troops. The planes marked as the privileged object of the gaze,
diegetic presence is re-marked while the that he himself is the ultimately significant
spectators gaze (above the crowd, above spectaclefor the crowds in the film and for
the city, comprehending both the plane and the spectators of the film. Hence the signifi-
its shadow) is re-inscribed in its position of cance of shot 41. Here, Hitler is framed in
all-encompassing masteryall the more so close-up, returning the gaze of the saluting
in a shot whose strikingly contrived, com- crowd and, thus, acknowledging his visual
posed, almost especially arranged, effect as well as his political function. It is the
functions precisely to catch the eye. spectators look which joins the two spaces
The following sequence of shots (1523), (that of the crowd and that of Hitler) and the
alternating views of the plane in flight as it two instances of looking together.
comes in to land with successively closer From here the film moves into its next
shots of the city and its parading troops segment, the street cavalcade, a segment
Figure41.3 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.4 Still capture fromDVD.

Triumph of theWill 287

which serves above all to re-mark and to as a whole is a moving high angle shot of
emphasize Hitlers function vis--vis the Hitlers car driving toward the camera
intra-diegetic crowd, the filmic specta- along a crowd-lined road: all the function-
tor and the system of spectacle which it ally important components in the segment
anchors. Consisting largely of a series of thus assembled for the encompassing gaze
alternating shots of the crowds watching of the spectator. The second shot, taken, it
and saluting and of Hitler standing in his would seem, from the car itself, shows only
car (occasionally but significantly punctu- the saluting crowd. The third shot (shot 45)
ated by more distant views encompassing is taken from a camera placed head-on in
both instancescontinuing the inscrip- front of the car, its driver on the right, the
tion of spectacle in its mode as spatial scale standing and saluting figure of Hitler on the
in conjunction with a mastering distance left. During the course of the shot, as the
of gaze), it insists over and over again not car moves forward and the camera back, the
only upon the activity of looking as the camera pans right towards the crowd lining
basis of the relations between the actants the street, so that Hitler actually moves out
the sequence signifies, but also upon look- of frame. This is the first of a number of
ing as the key term in the articulation of its shots in which Hitler dominates the frame
own internal consistency: in a manner very only subsequently to be lost from it, usually
similar to that of classical fictional cin- as a result of camera movement. Shot 55, for
ema. The sequence under discussion here instance, is a close-up of Hitler taken from
depends absolutely for its clarity and intel- behind, the crowd visible in banks to the
ligibility upon a non-contradictory articula- right. The camera here, again, pans right
tion of intra-diegetic looks across the look toward the crowd and Hitler moves out of
of the camera and the spectator; given the view. In shot 58, again framed from behind
absence of a plot, and given the absence of Hitlers head, but this time with the cam-
dialogue and commentary, the role of this era tilted upward slightly to include within
relay of looks in the provision of a position the image figures on a flag-lined bridge, the
of intelligibility for the spectator and in the effect is achieved by a further tilting of the
location of events in a clear spatio-temporal camera to hold the bridge in frame as the car
milieu is all the more heavily weighted. moves forward. In shot 61 Hitler does not, in
(The striking instances of a play with fact, move out of frame at all. Instead, he is
looking and its cinematic articulation in this lost in darkness as the car passes under the
segmentas for instance in the exchange bridge. It moves back into light (and vision)
of looks between Hitler and a cat (shots as the car emerges at the other side. Finally,
7880) and in the apparently animated in shot 89, taken from the side of the car as
looking of a statue (shot 67)indicative of it moves left, the camera tracks past Hitler,
this weight and of the ease with which it is slows down to re-frame him from a closer
borne; an index of its artistry and style.) position and then, finally, moves past him
As regards the functioning and impor- again to focus on the crowds behind him.
tance of the figure of Hitler with respect to Each of these instances articulates the
the relay of looks and the films system of primary elements structured by the seg-
spectacle, two aspects of the segment under ment as a wholeHitler and the crowd.
discussion are especially interesting and Given the relay of looks that holds these
significant. The first might appear acciden- elements together coherently, and given
tal from a purely technical point of view, Hitlers role in anchoring that relay, their
but its recurrent insistence throughout the significance lies in the way in which they
segment suggests that it is symptomati- vary that articulation, and, especially, in the
cally crucial. The first shot in the segment way in which they institute an oscillating

play with Hitlers presence in/absence from marking function, especially as the three
the frame. Thus the first of these instances shots that do occur during Hitlers absence
is preceded and followed by shots of the from the screen are each individualised
crowd alone, its gaze in a sense function- images of girls watching and smiling at the
ing to re-mark Hitlers absence from the apparently impromptu ceremony. It should
spectators visual field. He returns, how- be noted, incidentally that there are other
ever, centrally and dominantly framed, instances of play with the cinematic artic-
two shots later. And this tends to be the ulation of looks in the film apart from those
pattern throughout. In other words, given involving the cat and the statue. I have in
the variations (and these are important in mind, in particular, a sequence during the
contributing to that sense of style and visual final street parade in which three differently
dynamism noted by the films critics), the angled shots of marching troops are linked
oscillation between Hitler on the one hand together through a matching of eye-lines
and the crowd on the other is articulated produced by interleaving them in sequence
across an oscillation between Hitlers pres- in the editing with a medium shot of a group
ence in/absence from the frame in such a of people watching from a windowtwo
way as insistently to highlight his function gazing off to the left and two, through bin-
as privileged object of the look and as a prin- oculars, to the rightand with a medium
ciple of visual orientation and coherence. close-up of Hitler who initially is gazing out
The second feature of this segment to of screen left and who then turns to gaze
which I want to draw attention concerns out of frame right, thus producing, on top
four particular shots (47, 59, 61 and 85). of the matching of eye-lines, a visual rhyme
In each of these shots Hitlers body is, in which serves to bind the sequence together
one way or another, specifically marked by all the more tightly (figures 611)and all
a lighting effect, and in each case the effect the more stylishly, so also are there other
serves, to highlight Hitler as object of the instances in which Hitlers body is marked
look. As with the presence/absence oscilla- as object of the look by a particular effect of
tion discussed above, each instance is sub- light. Indeed, this is one of the films most
ject to some variation: in the first the light is insistent, most evident and most impor-
marked, almost like a halo, on Hitlers head; tant figures. Examples occur, in particular,
in the second it is marked on his head and and for obvious reasons, during the night
shoulders (shot 59, Figure 41.5); in the third sequences in the Nuremberg stadium and
it is that into which he enters after passing the congress hall (see Figures 41.12, 41.13
into the darkness under the bridge, while in and 41.15): one of the primary functions of
the fourth, again, the focus is Hitlers head. the motorcade segment, therefore, can be
In each case, the shots in question occur seen to be that of initiating the inscription
after a sequence from which Hitlers figure of this figure in the context, overall, of the
has been absent (shot 59 being slightly dif- marking of Hitler as the basis and centre of
ferent in that it is one of the instances of its system of spectacle.
oscillation noted above). In fact there is The last segment I wish to discuss cen-
only one example throughout the whole tres on the arrival of Hitler at his hotel. It
segment in which Hitlers body remains represents the culmination not only of an
unmarked after an absence of three or more ongoing diegetic actionthat which might
shots, and this, occurring as it does during loosely and simply be termed the arrival
the sequence in which he is presented with of Hitler in Nurembergbut also of the
flowers by a little girl, is a very particular initial inscription of those systems of spec-
case. Indeed, it might be maintained that tacle and looking that traverse the film as
sequence as a whole performs an analogous a wholegiving it the visual unity that its
Figure41.5 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.6 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.7 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.8 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.9 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.10 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.11 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.12 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.13 Still capture fromDVD.

Figure41.14 Still capture fromDVD.


critics find so overwhelmingly powerful and kept open, but the terms and conditions for
so worthy of praise. its eventual closure have been set: a series of
Two moments in particular are of sig- looks have eventually to be bound together
nificance here. Firstly, following a sequence into the spatial coherence of a scene; more-
in which Hitlers car drives to halt out- over, they have to articulate together in such
side the hotel, initially taken in a series of a way that Hitler has to be placed at the
high-angle long-shots (which, throughout, point of their intersectionalmost literally
have functioned simultaneously to turn at the centre of the scene.
the events they focus into a composed It is this that is achieved in the final
and complete visual scene, laying out its sequence of shots, Having entered the hotel,
components for an all-encompassing and 5 shots (shots 106110) follow of the watch-
all-comprehending spectatorial gaze) and ing, waiting and saluting crowd. In each case,
following his descent from the car, there the gazes of the members of the crowd are
occurs both one of those instances of a play directed out of frame right, a repetitious insis-
with cinematic looking referred to above tence which articulates an overwhelming
and, in the midst of this, an instance of the demand, so to speak, for the implied but
marking of Hitlers body by light. absent space those gazes define to be filled in,
The play with looking is particularly for the object of the gazes to be shown, for the
interesting in that it serves, like the other gazes to be returned and for the scene thus to
instances in the film, to highlight both the be completed and closed off. Shot 111 begins to
activity of looking in itself, and the skill fill the gap. Beginning with a close-up of a flag
with which it is here articulated cinemati- near one of the hotel windows, the camera
cally, while, in the particular context of the moves left to frame the window itself, with the
segment, opening a kind of sub-system of sign Heil Hitler plainly visible, indeed dis-
visual suspense, refusing to close-off the played, beneath it. But the gap is still not quite
spatial organization of the scene by refus- filled. In fact, it is itself signified precisely by
ing any final spatial coherence in its match- the empty window frame. It is then at the end
ing of diegetic looks. The sequence runs as of the shot, that Hitler begins to appear. As
follows: shot 94 shows a close-view of a sec- he comes into view, however, we cut back to
tion of the crowd looking at Hitler and wav- a shot of the crowdagain gazing off-screen
ing. Shot 95 (Figure 41.12 the shot in which right, the delay simply emphasizing the lack
Hitler is halod by light) shows a close view in a suspense of looking. Then, at last, we
of Hitler gazing to the right (away from the return to Hitler, finally centrally and domi-
crowd as shown in the previous shot). Shot nantly framed in the window, marked as such
96 returns to the crowd. Shot 97 returns to for the gaze of the crowd and the spectator
Hitler, shot 98 to the crowd. Shot 99 shows (shot 113, Figure 41.15). He looks firstly to the
Hitler turning his head and gazing off to right and then to the left, acknowledging the
the right of the camera, while, finally, shot look of the crowd and completing the spatial
100 shows a close-up of a helmeted soldier. articulation of the scene. Spectacle is marked
Like Hitler he is turning his head left, but here in the artifice of the double frame (ie the
here the head (and the gaze) are directed frame of the window as well as the frame of
right round, and out of frame left. The the image) and in the strong suggestions of
various gazes, then, do not fully match one theatricality evident in the disposition of the
another, do not overlap and intersect with scene (Hitler at the window, elevated above
one another sufficiently either to define an the crowd as if on a mini-stage). Two more
enclosed and self-sufficient space or, there- shots of the crowd and then we return, for
fore, to complete the scene they articulate. the last shot of this opening section of the
Because of this the sequence is dynamised, film, to Hitler at the window. His arms are
Triumph of theWill 295

Figure 41.15 Still capture from DVD.

outstretched on the window-sill and his gaze terms which are taken up, re-stated and
is directed out of frame right, a gaze which, elaborated during the remainder of the
unspecified as to its object, serves less to sug- film, and which go some way toward speci-
gest a concrete off-screen space than to indi- fying what its critics mean when they speak
cate a state, almost of reverie. Thus it re-marks of artistic power and authentic genius
Hitlers function as spectacle, as object of the and use terms like cinematically daz-
look: he seems to turn his head not in order zling. The termsclearlyare spectacle
to look at something specific, but in order and looking. The former emerges as a
that the gaze itself can be properly and fully precise system for emphatically engaging
looked at, undisturbed by any possibility of its the scopic drive and filling it with satisfying
being caught within a specific action or event, images (with emphatically here as indica-
which would direct our attention and our tive not only of an unequivocality, but also
gaze away, or absorb it into a function con- of the very figurehyperbolewhich pre-
flicting with the one that it in fact performs, dominantly systematizes the various visual
soliciting the look of the spectating subject. codes involved). Hence the fact that nearly
all of the films scenes and sequences are
constituteddiegeticallyas displays: the
II folk parade, the cavalry parade, the Youth
and Labour Rallies, the Storm Troopers
From the preceding analysis a number of Rally, the ceremony for the war dead and
points about the terms set by the opening so on. These displays are then re-marked as
section of Triumph of the Will have emerged, cinematic displays, as cinematic spectacle,

by the visual codes deployed and of course, 1. Very high angled long shot of the podium
in particular, by the structure of looks and from which Hitler speaks in its setting of
the emphasis this is given. Looking, there- regimented soldiers andcrowd.
fore, the second term, is not only the foun- 2. Long shot, taken from a low angle,
dation of spectacle in its relations with the of Hitler at the podium, with a figure
spectating subject, it is also the means by included on the right hand side of
which the film coheres as a filmlinking theframe.
the images together and to a large extent 3. Massed flags being carried forward by
specifying their meaning. The film articu- troops.
lates these two terms in a particular way, 4. Very high angled long shot of troops
such that each becomes the support and marching.
function of the other, the two held together 5. Medium close-up of Hitler at the podium,
in a dynamic balance which both lures and arms held together in front, and facingright.
entertains the scopic drive, and such that 6. View of the serried ranks of troops, with
a very classical rhythm and economy sus- high ranking officers prominent in the
tains its visual effects, regulating according centre and right of the frame. (Figure
to a mode of dynamised homogeneity that 41.16).
7. Long shot of Hitler at the podium, angled
thus becomes the sign of that very mode
from below. This shot is similar to shot
of cinematic artistry celebrated by the crit-
2, but different in that it is both more
ics, particularly insofar as they function to
distant from the podium and, evidently,
display, as it were, the film itself, insofar as
taken from the other side. The figure
they function as style.
included in shot 2 is not visible here. The
Hence the importance and signifi-
right hand side of the frame is instead
cance of those instances of play with the
dominated by a sculpture of an eagle.
cinematic articulation of looks pointed to
8. High angled long shot of troops arranged
above the film, at points like these, dis-
in serried and regimentedranks.
plays its own processes of articulation 9. Shot of Hitler at the podium. The shot
enough to firmly inscribe a sense of style is again, as in shot 7, taken from the
in its basic systems and structures, while left-hand side, but here the camera is
nevertheless containing them precisely as closer. Neither the figure included in
style, as a mode of unity of those system shot2, nor the eagle in shot 7 is visible.
and structures rather than as a mode of 10. Troops standing with flags, the eagle
heterogeneity that cuts against them, pull- dominantly present in the centre
ing them out of their function as struc- background of theframe.
tures of identification. 11. Shot of Hitler that is similar in most
The classicism, as well as the particular- respects to shot 5 except that the camera
ity, of the films rhythm and economy can appears to be slightly further away.
be indicated by discussing in the light of 12. Shot of flag-bearing troops with three
Bellours analysis of a sequence from The huge flags displayed in the centre right
Big Sleep (The Obvious and the Code, background of theimage.
Screen v 15 n 4, Winter 1974/5) a sequence 13. Long shot of Hitler at the podium taken from
that occurs after the opening section, dur- the left-hand side again but from a noticeably
ing the ceremony for the war dead in the less oblique angle and from a further
Nuremberg stadium. The sequence centres distance than before, thus including not only
diegetically on Hitlers speech after the lay- the eagle, but more of the troops bearing
ing of wreaths at the monument, and com- flags assembled to the right of theframe.
prises overall some 21 shots in sequence as 14. Long shot similar to 12, but taken at a greater
follows: distance and including more of the troops,
Figure 41.16 Shot 1. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.17 Shot 2. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.18 Shot 3. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.19 Shot 4. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.20 Shot 5. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.21 Shot 6. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.22 Shot 7. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.23 Shot 8. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.24 Shot 9. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.25 Shot 10. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.26 Shot 11. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.27 Shot 12. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.28 Shot 13. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.29 Shot 14. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.30 Shot 15. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.31 Shot 16. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.32 Shot 17. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.33 Shot 18. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.34 Shot 19. Still capture from DVD.

Figure 41.35 Shot 20. Still capture from DVD.

Triumph of theWill 307

Figure 41.36 Shot 21. Still capture from DVD.

whose spatial disposition in the stadium is As is evident from the stills included here
thus clearer and more intelligible. and from the descriptions provided above,
15. Close-up angled view of Hitler, taken from the sequence comprises a set of minimal
below and from the right and including (but significant) differences articulated
his raised righthand. across a set of basic and insistent repeti-
16. Long shot of troops. tions (the differences measured against
17. Close-up of Hitler, whose face is here the repetitions rather than vice-versa,
more sideways on than in 15. His hand is as if there were a hierarchy between the
not visible. two). Or rather, to be more accurate,
18. Medium close view of an individual there are two structures of repetition/
soldier holding a flag. Two of the large difference, the one crossing the other.
flags visible in previous shots are The first is established in the sequencing
dominant behind him. of the images as such, those including
19. Very high angled long shot of podium Hitler alternating with those of the scene
and troops and crowds, very similar to around him, Hitlers presence alternat-
shot 1, but taken from a slightly lower ing with his absence. Here the repetition
angle. lies in the alternating pattern itself, var-
20. Low angled long shot view of the podium,
ied only at the point at which two shots of
almost identical to shot 2 but different in
the scene rather than the usual one inter-
that the flag visible next to the figure on
vene between shots of Hitler (i.e. shots 3
the right in shot 2 is here excluded from
and 4). The second concerns the images
the frame.
themselves, the paradigm constituted by
21. Final shot of the three flags. Medium shot,
shots of Hitler on the one hand and that
angled from theright.

constituted by shots of the scene around the necessary advance, an order. [. . .]

him on the other. With the former the The narrative join of a film recasts
repetition is all the more strongly marked repetitiondifference, the intermi-
in that there is a specific and identifiable nable flux of desire, the horizon of
focus for each imageHitler himself. deathinto the balance of a fiction
Variations are established in a variety of (an integrity of recall and progres-
waysscale and distance, angle, gesture sion), thus maintains the historical
and so on, each measured against the fact function of the subject (Film
of Hitlers presence. With the latter there is Performance in Cine-Tracts, n 2, pp
no such specific focus running across each 1314).
of the images. In a sense, their unity is
constituted precisely out of the absence of If this is the economy profoundly at
Hitler, that being their common factor. It work in the sequence, indeed in the film
is also, more positively as it were, provided as a whole, it is marked by a particularity
by a repetition of those codes and effects of in its emphasis on spectacle and looking as
spectacle discussed in relation to the open- a means, in the absence of a plot, of hold-
ing shots of the film: codes and effects of ing the film together, and, especially, by
scale and compositioneach shot is both their functioning in relation to the figure of
breath-taking and eye-catching in a way Hitlerthe figure who literally dominates
which a number of the images of Hitler thefilm.
himself are not. Now it is precisely at this level that the
The economy of the structures of rep- ideological operation of Triumph of the
etition and difference evident here devi- Will as a film is to be sought. It is only from
ates very little from that of the classic here that the specificity of the inscription
Hollywood fiction film, [. . .] precisely that of the political ideology of Nazism can
economy of process which is the mark, par begin to be approached, since those polit-
excellence, of classical cinema, an economy ical/ideological discourses already con-
whose general characteristics and sig- stituted outside the text are transformed
nificance have been described by Stephen in their very inscription, both by their
Heath as follows: figuration together and by their cinematic
articulation. Moreover, of course, it is in
The coherence of any text depends that articulation that the effect of the text
on a sustained equilibrium of new vis--vis the spectating subject can be
informations, points of advance, traced. The functioning of the separation
and anaphoric recalls, ties that made between ideology and politics and
make fast, hold together. One part the cinematic by those critics cited at the
of the particular economy is the beginning of this article can be seen to
exploitation of narrative in film in be one which actually disavows the func-
the interests of an extreme tendency tioning of the films cinematic power,
towards coalescence, a tightness of despite all the phrases about its artistry
totalization; the film is gathered up and genius.
in a whole series of rhymes in which It is at this point, finally, that Iwould like
elementsof both form and con- to return to and elaborate more fully my ear-
tentare reproduced, shifted, and lier point about the contradictions that exist
turned back symmetrically, as in a within and between certain predominant
mirrorYet this symmetryis an conceptions of documentary, propaganda
effect of the elaboration of the nar- and film insofar as they centre on cinema
rative which gives at the same time and vision.
Triumph of theWill 309

III within it, be seen to be odds with documen-

tary and the liberal critics documentary
Triumph of the Will, of course, is a classic of ideal. As Annette Kuhn has argued, this
progaganda. Propaganda is avowedly inten- ideal involves, as far as possible, an efface-
tional. It concerns itself with the produc- ment of these traces of semiotic work:
tions of effects (in the interests of persuasion
and manipulation). Evidence of technique, The absence of marks of meaning
form and style, evidence of a mode of semi- production in such films, their pre-
otic work, is both easily detectable and sentation of themselves as transpar-
comfortably admissable, contained within ent, entails also an apparent lack
the problematic. (Indeed, in a sense it is of any language other than that of
demanded by it. Problems only come when everyday speech (of natural/natural-
technique, form and style transcend the cru- ized language). The signs of the pro-
dities of propagandistic rhetoric. Then they duction of meaning in fiction films
become art. Hence the ambivalent attitude [or in propaganda films] may be con-
towards Riefenstahl.) tained but nonetheless displayed to
There is a contradiction, however, between some extentas style for instance.
propaganda and documentary. Film critics In the documentary, however, they
constantly find themselves attempting to are simultaneously disavowed and
sever those connections between the two that subject to a work of effacement:
propaganda films themselves persistently style is inappropriate, the image
make. The only way they can find of doing speaks for itself. (The Camera
so, usually, is to ascribe a set of cynical inten- IObservations on Documentary,
tions to the films and their makers: they use Screen v 19 n 2, Summer 1978, p 72.)
the connotations of veracity that documen-
tary overwhelmingly produces in order to Now if we here take spectacle, with its
give spurious substance to a set of dubiously marks in an evidence of visibility and look-
biased arguments and in order to dupe their ing, as one particular mode of cinematic
audience, thereby betraying the documen- style, as compatible with propaganda
tary ideal, which thus is restored to a place documentaries, but as incompatible with
where its truth is uncontaminated. documentary itself, a curious contradiction
One of the main reasons for the critics begins to emerge. Spectacle focuses exactly
concern, of course, is that these films dem- those two aspects of cinemavisibility and
onstrate uncomfortably that documentary lookingwhich otherwise function as the
is a process of construction, rather than a very foundation of the ideology of cinematic
process of reflection. (This is not, of course, documentary, and which articulate in that
to maintain that propaganda films are there- ideology as follows:
fore necessarily progressive, even in this
context:precisely because they trade upon, All forms of documentary, whether
rather than challenge and open to question, or not they also embody any direct
the contradictions involved in documen- verbal address inscribe spectator
tary and its ideologies, they tend always positions which hinge on various
to remain fundamentally complicit in its articulations of the instance pre-
perpetuation.) cisely of observation. They work
The role of technique, form and style can, in such a way by posing a variety
therefore, insofar as they contribute toward of relationships between the eye
the definition of propaganda, and insofar as or the look of the spectator, that of
they highlight an instance of construction the camera, and that of the camera

operator. Because in documentary to construct a mode of distanciation, hold-

film the apparently self-evident and ing the gap as a contradiction addressed to
unmediated truth of the visible is the spectating subject, but to institute an
fetishized, the spectator is placed in oscillating play between vision and the vis-
a relation hinging upon his or her ible in order to address scopic drive exclu-
command of that which is observed. sively, to lure the gaze of the spectator and
The spectator becomes the observer fill that gaze with plenitude of the image
par excellence. (Ibid., p 82.) itself. Hence, to refer back to Triumph of
the Will, the oscillating play with the traces
If this is the case, why should evidence of of the presence of the plane in the opening
the visible and of observation, the display of shots, the play with Hitlers presence in the
their articulation together, come into con- motorcade sequence; hence, also the heav-
tradiction with documentary? ily composed images (the sign of the plen-
The answer lies, Ithink, in the fact that itude itself ), and to take a final example,
such evidence and such display not only the shot of the moving flags intercut with
highlight the instance of the construction Hitler at the podium in the sequence from
of a position of looking and visual com- the ceremony for the war dead discussed
mand, not only highlight the instance of above (shot 3): the shot is temporally
the construction of the visible itself, but constructed so that it is initially unclear
also displace knowledge, the essential as to what is being shown; it only gradu-
ingredient in documentary, in favour of ally emerges that the patterns of light and
the construction of a mode of visual plea- shade are in fact flags being carried by the
sure. Spectacle is content neither with troops. The pattern, and the uncertainty as
simply rendering visible the observable to their identity lures the spectators gaze,
nor with inscribing the spectating sub- the gaze is only satisfied once it is clear
ject simply in position as observer. It is that they are flags. It is relation between
much more concerned with the processes the two, their articulation together, that
of rendering visible and of looking them- characterizes spectacle, an instance of that
selves. What counts in spectacle is not the hovering over the gap between vision and
visible as guarantee of veracity (of truth, the visible indicatedabove.
of reality), but rather the visible as mask, In the particular case of Triumph of the
as lure. What counts is not the instance Will, the contradiction between documen-
of looking as observation, but rather as tary and spectacle is dealt with by recourse to
fascinated gaze. It addresses the imbrica- notions of artistry and style. Displacing issues
tion of looking and the visible not as the of truth, reality, manipulation and so on, the
prior condition to the construction of a film emerges simply as cinematic poetry
form of knowledge about a particular sub- (Barsam, op cit, p 29). But this, in turn,
ject or issue, but rather as that which hov- emerges as in contradiction with the ideol-
ers constantly across the gap between the ogy of the film, a contradiction which insists
eye and the object presented to it in the in the discourse of the critics, but which is
process of the scopic drive. Documentary manageable insofar as it is handled in terms
disavows the gap altogether, subordinat- of form on the one hand and content on the
ing both instances to that set of essentially other. It is only when that particular division
empiricist codes of exposition required to is challenged, and only when the nature of
produce its knowledge effect. Spectacle, the films cinematic power is closely exam-
on the other hand is essentially concerned ined as an integral part of its ideological
with the gap itself, the concern being not operation, that the contradictions begin to
to challenge its unproblematic elision, not emerge. As they have done so, we have seen
Triumph of theWill 311

that the key termspectacleitself involves Photographs, Screen Education n 24, Autumn
1977, pp 2324). The authority of the other here is
contradictions, ones which provide another linked precisely to the issue of the mastery, by the
theoretical means with which to challenge spectating subject, of the visual field of the image.
documentary and its ideology at their very The intrusion of the frame is the mark of the lack of
that mastery.
basis, that is at the level of vision and the 3. Theatricalityin all its artificeis crucial to the
visible. particular mode of spectacle I am referring to
here, a mode whose traditions stem from, and
are exemplified by, Baroque painting, theatre and
Notes opera. Centring in particular on the stage itself
(the designated site of exhibition and display)
1. For an elaboration of the concept of the look see and on the stage-curtain (i.e. that which is lifted
Jacques Lacan, The Four Fundamental Concepts of to show the displayand that which therefore
Psychoanalysis, Hogarth Press, London 1977, pp functions, importantly, as the mark par excellence
67119; Stephen Heath, Anata Mo, Screen v 17 n4, of the lure of spectacle itself ), it is a mode which
Winter 1976/7, pp 5556 and 6263; and Constance seems to involve an oscillating play between not
Penley, The Avant-Garde and its Imaginary, only the exhibition of a visual illusion or effect as
Camera Obscura n 2, pp 2123. [. . .] such, but also the exhibition of the meansthe
2. This is the significance and context of Victor tricksused to produce it. An awareness of artifice
Burgins remarks on composition and monocular therefore, at some point, seems to be essential to
perspective in photography [. . .] (Looking at the overall effect. [. . .]

F I L M S AT T H E F A I R ( 1 9 3 9 )

In announced intention, the New York was long ago demonstrated. Moreover, it
Worlds Fair of 1939 is devoted to social possesses in the form of the documentary
prophecy. Its two slogans, The World film a technique capable of representing
of Tomorrow and The Golden Age of the world of tomorrow in terms of present
Science, prevision a society whose direc- tendencies.
tion is determined by the effort to organize Of all the forms of film, this documen-
nature, human machinery, and human tary function is the one most appropri-
beings themselves into a relationship ate to Fair aims. By very hypothesis, it
which will fulfil human needs on a wider stands for what Thomas Mann has called
scale than is at present possible. The form the will toward the future. It sees life in
of that relationship and the means used to terms of change. As John Grierson has
bring it into existence are the subject of the premised, the only reality is in the fellow
Fair itself, and are presented through every who needs, in security for all and living
known medium of dramatic projection. decently in pride with ones neighbors.
Architecture, lithography, photography, With its roots in this primary reality,
painting, sculpture, music, the stage, all documentary film dramatizes the means
play their parts and are used with consider- of meeting need, by the reform of insti-
able freedom. tutions, by cultural contact, by economic
It is natural to assume that the motion organization. And in thus showing exactly
picture would lead the van in this large-scale how the future can be built, documentary
experiment with the propagation of ideas. provides an assurance that it will be built.
A new invention still in process of devel- Here, perhaps, is where the film of dra-
opment, it has more associations with the matized fact could have been of greatest
future than with the past. Its unique tech- service to the Fair. Its interest in practical
nical resources permit it to present the possibilities, the actuality of its material,
impossible as well as the actual, making it the immediate urgency of its subjects,
an ideal channel for prophecy and specu- might have lent a sense of reality to the
lation. Its capacity for mass-persuasion wonderland of Flushing.
Films at theFair 313

The Fair Corporation itself and its sub- revealed its true weight in determining the
scribing exhibitors have partially realized quality of a film. It is axiomatic among fol-
the possibilities of the film in this reference, lowers of the documentary film that the
and have used it extensively; more than social and educational value of any produc-
five hundred motion pictures are shown tion is determined by the motives of its
throughout the various exhibits. Moreover, sponsor. But in the actual making of films,
there has been unanimous recognition motives may count for considerably less
that the fact film is best adapted to serve than an intelligent grasp of propagandist
Fair purposes, and films of pure entertain- methods. Certainly it is true that the most
ment are confined to the Amusement Area. successful motion pictures at the Worlds
The remaining exhibitors, comprising the Fair are those which see the Fair itself as an
three divisions of Worlds Fair Buildings, opportunity to use new ways of challenging
Government Pavilions, and Commercial popular attention.
Exhibits, have used all the varieties of the
factual film to propagandize their indi-
vidual interests in relation to the World of
Tomorrow. With commendable restraint, Science and Society
they have avoided using cinematic tricks
to create a Jules Verne conception of the The buildings and exhibits sponsored by
future. On the contrary, films at the Fair are the Worlds Fair Corporation naturally
largely devoted to immediate issues. They have offered the best use of films embody-
try as best they can to reveal the relation ing the documentary ideal. The function of
between present and future as a ceaseless these exhibits is that of projecting societys
process of transition. And most of them methods of meeting basic needsFood,
attempt to achieve some feeling of reality in Medicine, Education, Communication. In
their methods of presentation. each building sponsored by the Fair itself
But though the Worlds Fair is the best there is a focal exhibit which is designed
opportunity documentary has ever had, to crystallize the ideas utilized in the exhibit
and though it offers the largest num- as a whole. An intelligent plan for the use of
ber of fact films ever seen in one place film in these focal exhibits was developed,
at one time, it does not fulfil the major and several freely experimental pictures
possibility open to it: that of experiment. were produced. Ralph Steiner and Theodore
A relatively small number of films were Lawrence edited library material intended
produced especially for the Fair, and the to be used as an integral part of a Story of
motion pictures displayed there actually Communications exhibit, with commen-
represent the film of yesterday rather than tary by Gilbert Seldes. The Department of
tomorrow. Because this is true, the pri- Agriculture produced several zoom films
mary function of the present report must to be used in the Food Building to exem-
be that of evaluating present tendencies in plify the problems involved in the produc-
the use of the fact film. Despite the large tion and distribution of foodstuffs. For the
number of films which had to be seen and Three-Thirds of a Nation focal exhibit in
judged, those tendencies are relatively the Consumers Building, Wilding Pictures
simple andclear. produced a cinematic mural consisting of
Perhaps the most important of all the seven films projected simultaneously side
factors which govern these tendencies by side, the action shifting rapidly from one
is the conception of propaganda held by frame to another. With the exception of the
sponsors. The Worlds Fair experience Communications material, the experimen-
has thrown this factor into high relief and tal tendency of these films seems directed

toward playing with the tricks of the motorist than with the dirt and disease of
medium for sensational effect, rather than the slums. The contemporary city is bad
developing a valid technique for the drama- because it is hurried, crowded, anony-
tization of fact. They were, however, admi- mous; the decentralized town is good
rable in general aim, and it is unfortunate because it provides space, leisure, and an
that their projection proved too costly for organic community life. Chaotic metropo-
the Fair budget. None of these were shown lis or summery suburbeach of them
for more than a few days after the opening is real, each of them is possible. You can
of theFair. take your choice. Who can take it? The
The only focal exhibit of films in opera- City proceeds as though everyone could,
tion throughout the Fair was that con- as though it had only to convince us of the
tained in the Little Theatre of the Science value of the future town. But people do not
and Education Building. This program, live in slums by choice. They need to be
supervised by Philip McConnell, is worth shown not only what they ought to have
extended analysis. It made a valiant effort but how they can get it. And this the film
to gather and show all the most important does not mention.
films on its thematic subjects, science, edu- But on the credit side, The Citys record
cation, medicine, and social problems, and bulks large. The American way in docu-
therefore provides a key to the extent to mentary has been all too frequently the
which the motion picture is serving these way of symbolism and The City, following
activitiestoday. precedent, might have been a symphony of
The exhibits most famous film is, of construction, a hymn to the building of the
course, The City. Much has already been future beehive. Its directors have instead
written concerning the value of this pic- preferred to reveal the meaning of the city
ture, but I think too little account has in terms of human feeling. Their render-
been taken of the fact that it was produced ing of life in the unplanned metropolis is
especially for showing at the Fair, a fact humorous when it should have been tragic,
which has had much to do with determin- but at least it moves the spectator. And
ing its nature and quality. Pare Lorentzs we learn what it will be like to live in the
scenario characteristically demonstrates decentralized town, not through the com-
that the problem of civic planning is one mentarys decorative rodomontades, but
of conceiving a city organization which from what we see on the screen. There we
will serve everyday needs as functionally meet people at work and play, doing things
as did the old American towna valid we have done ourselves, and, coming close
film idea, since the community advo- to them, we perceive what it is like to per-
cated resembles closely the village of the form the familiar tasks and seek the famil-
past and can be compared to it cinemati- iar satisfactions under the conditions of a
cally. In addition, the decentralized town planned environment. For the first time
which the film propagandizes is generally in America, perhaps for the first time in
accepted by experts as the proper solu- the world, the camera technique of Robert
tion for the problem of city planning. As Flaherty has been applied to the material
a paper project, then, The City is unassail- of contemporary life. The result is a film
able. It begins to reveal its weakness when whose human intimacy has made it liked
it goes beyond abstract discussion of by all kinds of audiences. Van Dyke and
design and tries to motivate decentraliza- Steiner have here instigated a revolution
tion in terms of human values. Here it is in method which, more than anything else,
much more concerned over the inconve- will bring the strength of popularity to the
nience which traffic congestion causes the documentaryfilm.
Films at theFair 315

Other films in the Little Theatres social The series on medicine is deplorable.
problems series are concerned with imme- Aside from a good March of Time item,
diate subjects and the technical problems Heart Disease, not one film shows any
they raise. Pare Lorentzs famous and comprehension of how to do its job. Two
popular government films, The Plow That pictures on pneumonia, A New Day and
Broke the Plains and The River, represent Serum to Wyndham, may be taken to rep-
well what documentary has done to drama- resent the ideas and methods involved.
tize the conservation of national resources. Both are devoted to convincing audiences
Though they are romantic rather than that pneumonia is a disease so dangerous
scientific in approach, though the solu- that it must be treated immediately on its
tions they offer are not adequate,1 they do inception. A New Day imports Hollywood
give full statement to their problemsa actors to give a gloss to this theme, and
statement expressed, moreover, in terms thereby nullifies the audiences disposition
of urgent need. The British documentary to regard what it sees as a real occurrence.
movement has sent a selection of films Serum to Wyndham, unconscious of the
representing its approach to social prob- inherent drama of its theme, tacks its narra-
lems as expressed in such subjects as nutri- tive to a race for life conceived in terms of
tion (Enough to Eat?), housing (Housing wildest melodrama. Films on the advance-
Problems, Kensal House), local government ment of science and technology, as exem-
(The Londoners), and education (Children plified by Dr. Irving Langmuirs Surface
At School). Of unequal merit technically, Chemistry, eschew this Hollywood approach
these films indicate the magnitude of the but achieve equal remoteness from life by
task the British movement has tackled. The presenting their ideas in a tired classroom
wide range of subjects reveals a disposition manner. The program on progressive edu-
to present a complete picture of the mod- cation is worst of all. With the exception of
ern effort to reorganize society on a sci- School, a well-made but random film, none
entific basis. Some of them, like Housing of its pictures achieved even mechanical
Problems and Enough to Eat? have already competence. They were greeted derisively
influenced national policy, and all of them by audiences which, if they demand noth-
have contributed to the reputation of the ing else, expect to see and hear what is pre-
documentary film as an agency for bring- sented on the screen.
ing the ordinary citizen in touch with the The Little Theatres program on social
forces which govern hislife. problems might well pretend to represent
In the field of screen journalism, The the best achievement of the documentary
March of Time contributed MenofMedicine, film. The high standard here may be attrib-
an excellent piece of reportage with clear-cut uted largely to the fact that documentary
educational value. Several important politi- technicians themselves are deeply inter-
cal films (The Spanish Earth, Return to ested in such subjects. They have fought
Life, The 400,000,000) were shown at the to make these films, and the results come
Little Theatre for awhile and represented from their efforts rather than the exactions
the use of the documentary approach to of sponsors. The inspiration of the films on
dramatize issues drawn from the news. medicine, science, and education, on the
All of these films on social problems other hand, comes from the sponsors them-
are well-considered efforts to instruct selves. Besides being technically incom-
audiences. The other programs at the petent,2 these films produced and closely
Little Theatre, however, are significant supervised by health services and scientific
of the inadequacy of the contemporary societies are for the most part remote from
educationalfilm. the realities they try toserve.

The focal film exhibit at the Science is The Amazing Recovery of Inbad the Ailer,
and Education Building, then, embraces produced by the manufacturer of a laxative.
the best films on its thematic subjects and
reveals that best to be none too good. Other
films in the Fair Corporation Buildings National Projection
(sponsored by philanthropic societies or
industrial firms whose work is related to the Two major propagandist conceptions seem
theme of the building) are even less worthy to determine the use of film by govern-
of consideration. Good Neighbors, produced ment exhibits at the Worlds Fair. The first
for the U. S. Maritime Commission and may be described as an apologetic or public
shown at the Maritime Building, is a dull relations approach: that of presenting the
exposition of national policy toward South history, social structure, cultural achieve-
America, dramatized in a feeble dilution ment, and foreign policies of each nation
of the March of Time style by technicians in a presumptively analytical but predomi-
from that film unit. The Aviation Building nantly favorable light. The second, more
displays an Air Force recruiting film and frequently used, approach is closer to pure
one on aeronautical science, neither inter- advertising; it consists of films designed to
esting enough to hold the passerby before stimulate buying of commercial products
the booths in which they are projected. or to attract tourists. The extent and nature
Shadow On the Land in the syphilis exhibit of foreign programs are largely determined
at Medicine and Public Health, the Cancer by the quality of general film production
films in the New York City Building, and in each country. From the point of view of
the Aetna and Metropolitan Life Insurance both propaganda ideas and technical style,
health and safety pictures, are similar the programs display marked national
to the medical films at the Little Theatre characteristics.
and subject to the same criticisms. In []
the Consumers Building, the Household Of all the government exhibits at the
Finance Corporation displays two ambi- Fair, the British Pavilion probably had the
tious films on home economy, Heap O best opportunity to gain prestige by appeal-
Livin and Happily Ever After. The former ing to special groups of the film public. The
is produced in Hollywood style, starring British documentary film is world-famous,
Edgar A.Guest, but Happily Ever After is a and educators, publicists, and technicians
sensible, if not extraordinary, dramatization have long been curious to see examples
of analytical purchasing. As though to offset of its work. Instead, only a small group of
this intelligent example of the public rela- documentaries is to be seen, and the selec-
tions film, Macfadden Publications has con- tion is random. Song of Ceylon is there, and
ferred upon the Communications Building Shipyard and The Londoners are occasion-
one of the most preposterous movies at the ally shown, but such historically important
Fair. Ill Tell the World employs professional pictures as Industrial Britain, Coal Face
actors to tell a human interest story point- and The Saving of Bill Blewitt are absent.
ing the great truth that advertising is a boon Housing Problems and Enough to Eat?,
to the consumer, the producer, the middle- which are the most socially important, the
man, the government, and everybody else. most influential, and the most British of
The remainder of the Fair Corporation these films are shown at the Science and
Building films frankly plug a product, using Education Building but not at the national
the tricks of the medium, and especially exhibit. In place of these, the Pavilion offers
the cartoon, in the service of conventional a heterogeneous collection of travelogues
advertising approaches. Asummatory title and interest films, incompetent enough
Films at theFair 317

and dull enough to alienate the most pas- with the rest of the Empire. The film thus
sionately Anglophile group, much less a states that Britains right to govern colonies
lay audience accustomed to the tempo of is determined by the extent to which she fits
Americanfilms. them to govern themselves. In articulating
So many of these pictures are below the this idea (which was hardly the intention of
lowest possible level of audience acceptance the sponsors) Alexander Shaws direction
that one at first imagines them to have has transformed the film from an apology
been selected at random by men who had for the British Empire into an inculcation
never seen any of them. But repeated visits of Englands responsibility toward subject
to the exhibit gradually reveal a motive for populations.
the choice, focussed in the British Newsreel Few of the important documentaries
which opens each program. Before the out- embodying this approach are at the British
break of the war, the items in this reel were Pavilion, and the films actually shown there
devoted almost wholly to such events as have little relation to England today. They
the changing of the guard at Buckingham are, in fact, wholly opposed to the func-
Palace, the visit of Their Majesties to a chil- tion for which the documentary film has
drens camp, the opening of a garden party become famous. Nevertheless, the British
by the Duchess of York. Since war was Cinema is one of the best-attended theatres
declared, the reel has displayed the might of at the Fair. This may be partly accounted
the military. As with the newsreel, so with for by the fact that, even at its worst, the
the rest of the program: these unimagina- technical ingenuity of the British fact film
tive and rather pompous films on British is higher than the average of the Fair. Most
landscapes, monuments, and sports, project popular of all films at the British Theatre
the England of tradition and stability. They are the instructionalsMary Fields and
summon the past to reinforce the present, Percy Smiths Secrets of Life series, the
saying with J. B. Priestley in English Journey, Strand films of the London Zoo, and two
Damn you, Im all right. remarkable engineering pictures by Arthur
The documentary movement in England Elton, The Transfer of Power and Springs.
has devoted itself over a period of ten Only in this category is the best of Britains
years to dramatizing the Britain of today. film work to be seen at its national exhibit.
Whatever the success or failure of its The United States is represented at the
more ambitious aims, it has never failed Worlds Fair by Hollywoods conception
to do the primary job of urging the citizen of the documentary film. Land of Liberty,
to accept social responsibility. An excel- edited by Cecil B. DeMille from 125 histori-
lent example of the way this job has been cal films, was presented to the U. S. Worlds
done under present conditions of sponsor- Fair Commission by the motion picture
ship is contained in the new film, Men of industry of the United States, and is, being
Africa. Presented by the Colonial Empire 14 reels long, the big American film at the
Marketing Board, the film is intended by Fair. Undeniably it is a big film, covering the
its sponsors as a defense of British colonial whole field of American history in consid-
government. Using the same propagandist erable detail. It embodies, too, a viewpoint
methods as those employed in the Hall often called typically American in its vener-
of Colonial Administration at the British ation of the past, its dogged belief in democ-
Pavilion, it tells how England is trying to racy, and its sense of confusion and defeat
raise the living standard of her primitive at the present state of world affairs. But sin-
subjects. By medical care, by education, by cere as Land of Liberty is in its effort to cap-
scientific agriculture, tropical colonies and ture the spirit of America, it can scarcely be
their inhabitants are put on an equal footing accepted as an adequate historical film. All

of its material comes from fictional pictures, chiefly from library material, the film tells
where events are recited at second hand. Few the story of transport from earliest times to
of its excerpts have any sense of history, and the present. Cunningly cut on lines of accel-
none of them any feeling of reality. The result, erating movement, it builds a tension which
if not uncharacteristic of the American film, is released by the actual launching of a min-
is hardly informative, much less scholarly. iature rocket ship, the climax of the exhibit
Yet Land of Liberty is the only important film proper. In representing the development of
shown exclusively at the Federal Building. transport as a fulfilment of a human need,
With it go a few government shorts on for- this short document gives the citizen an
estry and fishery and such. They do nothing understanding of his vital stake in this com-
to revoke the judgment that the educational monly accepted convenience of daily life.
films produced by government bureaus are Unfortunately the sponsors cannot claim
about as powerful as virgin celluloid. On the credit for the excellence of the film. The
contrary, their dull incompetence shows how entire Rocket Port exhibit was originally
desperate is the need for the reorganized produced for the Fair Corporation and was
government program proposed by U.S. Film transferred to the Chrysler Building at the
Service for which Congress has yet to make last moment. Perhaps its popularity will
an appropriation. show its new sponsor where the logical next
[] step of his public relations filmlies.
If Transportation represents the ideal goal
of the publicity film, the series of pictures
shown at the General Motors Theatre stands
Commerce and Industry for its transitional phase. One group of these
films dramatizes safety in driving; another is
Contrary to general expectation, few new dedicated to the idea that scientific research
films were produced especially for the is the source of all automotive progress, and
Worlds Fair by commercial and industrial that it is the responsibility of manufactur-
exhibitors. Consequently the programs ers to support research. Both conceptions
on view largely typify past conceptions of approach documentary; they state that road
the public relations and advertising film transport is within the domain of public
rather than contemporary experiment. interest, and at the same time that the maker
This presents a gloomy prospect to the of motor cars must look upon his position
initiate whose experience of commercial as an obligation to serve social aims. These
films has taught him that their informa- films still have something of the sense of
tional and entertainment value is gener- furtive apology for industry rather than a
ally nil. Yet in many of the pictures made positive statement of public service, but
within the past five years new influences they are a great advance on previous pub-
can be observed at workinfluences far lic relations concepts. Their technique is
more valuable than those which inform another matter. Here safe driving methods
the majority of scientific films. To a sur- are dramatized in terms of cartoon char-
prising extent, these new ideas are push- acters, with symbolic Caution as hero and
ing the public relations film toward the Man-Mountain-Momentum as villain. Films
documentaryideal. on the progress of automotive engineering
Indeed, the model public relations film are rendered in the hoary style of the odd-
is being displayed at the Worlds Fair. It is ity film. Admirable as the General Motors
a History and Romance of Transportation, films are in idea, their treatment removes
produced by Frontier Films for the Rocket from them the sense of fact which would
Port Exhibit at the Chrysler Building. Edited persuade audiences to take them seriously.
Films at theFair 319

Such comparatively enlightened films carefully than it has ever been done before
are rare at Flushing, nevertheless. The vast on the screen. The characters have some-
majority of publicity filmsand there are thing of the imaginative anthropomor-
scores of them on viewfollow an older phism which distinguishes Disneys work,
public relations concept, typified in The and they move in a musical and scenic set-
Story of Lucky Strike and Men Make Steel. ting that invokes the wavering perspective
The former is a straightforward reportage of fancy. Continental producers, following
of the making of cigarettes, appealing to the same methods, have achieved excel-
curiosity only. The latter demonstrates that lent results. Employing all the tricks of the
a blast furnace in Technicolor is still a blast medium, they create a topsy-turvy world in
furnace, used for pictorial valuesonly. which the sales message is kidded along
Advertising films at the Fair provided with everything else. This Loseys film does
an opportunity for experiment which, not achieve. The sponsors heavy-handed
curiously, few exhibitors were moved message prevents enjoyment of its fantasy.
to grasp. The success of European pro- Its technique, however, is perfectly valid
ducers in using film tricks to ensure in a proper sphere, and Pete Roleum thus
acceptance of an advertising plug was an testifies that film fancy should not be used
obvious vein to work, but the majority in the interests of a phoney apology for
have preferred to follow the line of previ- industry.
ous (unsuccessful) experience with film Valid use of film trickery is exemplified
advertising. The most ambitious experi- in the Chrysler Buildings In Tune With
ment at the Fair in this line is the oil Tomorrow. Here a Plymouth car is seen
industrys Pete Roleum and His Cousins. to assemble itself as if by magic, and in
Almost this picture asks acceptance as three-dimensional cinematography. This
a public relations-documentary concept. picture, with Disneys Mickeys Surprise
Its bland message assures us that petro- Party, a cartoon plugging Nabisco Products,
leum in its various forms is the basis appreciate the value of humor. Most of
upon which rests all modern industry the others, however, are in deadly earnest.
and science and, to prove the point, we They tell human interest stories which,
are shown the necessary result of the in the manner of magazine advertising,
sudden disappearance of oilnamely, try to sell a product by appealing to basic
the collapse of Western Civilization. sentimentsfear, vanity, sex. This is the
Furthermore, the oil industrys contri- time-honored tack of the advertising film
bution to our life is almost wholly phil- and nothing remains to be said of it except
anthropic; most of its income goes for that Fair experience once more demon-
wages and taxes, only a tiny fraction strates its mistaken logic. Audiences expect
being retained as profit. Since this evalu- either fact or fantasy from the non-fiction
ation of the importance of petroleum film; offering them fact disguised in fiction
could not possibly be accepted as cold invites the cynical reaction most of these
fact, it is offered as fancy, with a puppet pictures receive.
Pete Roleum and his derivative cousins
representing the various functions of oil.
The film is thus divided against itself;
its message is all but statistical, its treat- Conclusions
ment intentionally unreal.
In itself the treatment is notewor- A few, a very few, of the films at the Worlds
thy. Joseph Loseys production has cre- Fair offer a Utopian vision of a world far
ated a fantastic puppet world much more off in time, basing their suppositions on

unused scientific knowledge and on the The reason that they are not documentary
premise that mechanical progress will con- in fact is that their ideas are rendered in
tinue at an accelerated rate. Asecond, not a half-hearted fictional technique which
much larger, group dramatizes a world in insists on sugar coating the pill to the point
transition, dealing with present processes of nausea.
in terms of their meaning for the future. The essential failure of the sponsors,
Thirdly, the vast majority of Flushings then, would seem to be that of ignoring
films consider present and potential devel- available methods and experienced talent.
opments in relation to the individual inter- But Ido not think they are to be blamed for
ests of their sponsors. The second group that. They are, after all, not film experts and
of films at once approaches the documen- their conception of the right use of film is
tary ideal and fulfills that will toward the governed by the status of the motion picture
future which is the Worlds Fairs sound- in present-day society. The film as educa-
est inspiration. The Fair Corporation, in its tion and journalism has a modicum of pres-
own films, adhered to this ideal, employ- tige, but the fiction movie is the mightiest
ing accredited documentary makers and entertainment on the face of the earth. It is
allowing them latitude for experiment. not unnatural, therefore, that Fair exhibi-
Other exhibitors, of whatever type, have tors, wishing to utilize this great power to
largely failed to make use of the talent please and persuade, have gone to its appar-
and experience at hand. In the main, their ent source. To them as to most people the
films are either visionary or obsolescent. fact film, if it is known at all, is associated
Consequently it cannot be the verdict of this with dull didacticism. The excitement and
report that the Worlds Fair films realize the glamour, therefore the persuasive power,
very great opportunity offered them by the of the movie seemingly lie in entertain-
essential purpose of the Fair itself. Out of ment. Wishing to borrow that persuasion,
the reasons for this failure, however, comes the Fairs exhibitors naturally turned to
an illuminating insight into the prospects Hollywood technicians on the one hand and
of the documentaryfilm. to commercial film makers on the other.
Factual films sponsored by scientific, These latter (who in fact produced the great
educational, and medical authorities are majority of all types of films at the Fair)
documentary almost by definition. What guarantee only a sort of minimum audience
stands between them and rightful claim to acceptance for the ideas they undertake to
that label is, in every case, the appallingly project. Their production method repre-
bad technique in which they are couched. sents a compromise between information
Had the large number of these films been and propaganda, which the public is sup-
produced by experienced men, the fact film posed to resent, and amusement, which it is
would have served Fair ends with distinc- supposed to embrace whole-heartedly.
tion. The case of the public relations film is This compromise misses the funda-
essentially similar. These pictures are pri- mental purpose of the Fair, and audi-
marily produced to serve special interests, ence reaction to films so produced must
but the example of the General Motors and have surprised their sponsors greatly. For
Chrysler displays indicates that industry is years the commercial film companies
rapidly becoming convinced that, in public- have turned out an endless stream of sci-
ity at least, it must assume social obligations entific, educational, and publicity films.
to win public good will. The best public Though none of these pictures became
relations films at the Fair show develop- famous, they apparently were acceptable
ment toward the documentary conception. enough to sales conventions, conferences
Films at theFair 321

of scientific societies, and to an occasional propagandist technique which has no equal

lay audience which tolerated them because among the expressive media. That this
they were brief and the admission was opportunity has gone begging is not alone
free. But, dragged from this innocuous the fault of the timidity and conservatism of
desuetude into the limelight of an inter- sponsors. The ideas in many of their films
national exposition, they are tried and reveal an identity of viewpoint with docu-
found wanting by a more discriminating mentary aims. Had they been made suf-
public. Visitors to the Fair are in search ficiently aware that there exists a method
of entertainment of a kind, it is true. But of film making eminently adapted to serve
the very fact of their assistance at the birth these aims, they could not have failed to
of the World of Tomorrow demonstrates avail themselves of that method and of the
their interest in reality rather than fic- talent dedicated to its service. It is to be
tion. Many of the hundred thousand who hoped that the first success of the newly
daily pass through the turnstiles make formed Association of Documentary Film
a beeline for bar or midway, and maybe Producers will be to inform all potential
they stay there till closing time. But if by sponsors that there is a group of responsi-
chance they happen into an industrial or ble, energetic film-makers ready to project
governmental or scientific exhibit, they their ideas filmically.
are seeking information rather than still The film situation at the Fair points again
more amusement. They want to know the fact that the major problem of documen-
what tomorrow holds for them as indi- tary today is one of sales promotion. If the
viduals and members of society, and they Fair of 1940 is to muster a better showing
ask to be told in terms of work in prog- of fact films, if the documentary movement
ress. That is why The City is the most is ever to secure a firm sponsored basis, the
famous film at the Fair, and The Plow and problem must be met now. Its traditional
The River among the most popular. That difficulties are no less today. Possibly they
is why those government exhibits which are even increased by a world crisis which
dramatize national endeavor rouse inter- threatens to sabotage the Fair itself. But that
est, while those which entice tourists are is the job to bedone.
received passively. That is why the crowds
jam the General Motors Theatre and pass The preceding article is based upon a survey
Macfadden Publications by. If the Fair is a prepared by the author for the American Film
field day for the commercial movie rather Center.
than the documentary film, it at least
demonstrates the slight impact of the one, Notes
the intrinsic interest of theother.
1. The original ending of The Plow That Broke the
There is a public interest in facts as well
Plains, showing soil conservation efforts in the
as a public appetite for entertainment, and Dust Bowl, had been removed from the film as
it is the opinion of this survey that films shown at the Science and Education Building,
which serve the former are demonstrably thus leaving the problem wholly unresolved.
2. At the risk of redundancy, it seems necessary
more successful with Fair audiences than to emphasize that the majority of films on
those which pretend to satisfy the latter. medicine, science, and education at the Little
The record on this point is sufficiently clear Theatre and throughout the Fair are among the
worst examples of photography, sound, direction,
to impress the most timid of sponsors. and editing ever seen. If this incompetence is
The Fair provided the documentary move- caused by inadequate financial resources, it is
ment with an unparalleled opportunity to perhaps not blameworthy. On the other hand, one
wonders why such necessarily ineffectual films
show before all the world that it possesses a were produced atall.

World War II and the Post-War Citizen


Although section III is the shortest in this massive wartime enterprise of documentary
volume, the issues it deals with are substan- production and exhibition1), we do well to
tial, and important for later developments approach the materials of this section with
in documentary theory and practice. In the open mind of movie reviewer and docu-
historical terms, this section concentrates mentarian James Agee, who spoke in 1945
on the relatively brief period framed by the of his perplexity when faced with images
years of the Second World War. It highlights and sounds that were the best and most
some unique aspects of state-sponsored terrible he hadseen.
modes of documentary productionwhich, The nationalization of documentary
for our purposes, includes the production cinema that occurred in many Allied and
of policy and of aesthetic and critical dis- Axis countries, under which the means of
courseduring a national mobilization of making non-fiction media for public con-
labor, industry, culture, and thought. And sumption were commandeered by gov-
it follows these developments into a world ernment agencies and operatives, a state
reshaped by international conflict. of affairs complemented by the special
As Andr Bazin writes at the start of an wartime conditions on truthful speech in
essay on the U.S. Armys Why We Fight general, can be seen, from the perspec-
series, this war was at the heart of a decisive tive of Western liberal democracies, as
new revaluation of documentary reporting a brief emergency, a suspension of the
(60). But how this revaluation of docu- usual bourgeois-individual liberty to create
mentaries so well-known and widely-seen, and circulate ideas that was necessary for
and yet so roundly dismissed by critics, his- national security. The effects of the emer-
torians, and theorists, would proceed was, gency on the critical reception of documen-
and still is, an open question. So when we tary are the subject of materials in the first
ask what happened to documentary films half of this section. This crisis seemed to be
and audiences during and the Second rectified by the gradual return to the inter-
World War (as did public relations expert national marketplace of ideas and of goods
Wesley Pratzner in a 1947 article for The after 1945. But as the essays and statements
Public Opinion Quarterly, reflecting on the in the second half of the section suggest,
326 Documentary Propaganda

documentary structures and problems by artists with privileged perspectives on

broached in an original way during the national and popular causes can strike us
propaganda and counter-propaganda cam- later as something lessnoble.
paigns of the war continued, well into the Of course, propaganda did not always
1950s and beyond, to haunt documentary have the obscene connotation it does now.
producers and the institutions that housed The writing collected in this section, both
them, as these intelligence workers found from the period and looking back, makes
their way back into the peacetime social frequent use of the term propaganda, and
fabric and into postwar cultures and indus- just as often in a purely descriptive, or even
tries of non-fiction film and television. affirmative way as in judgment or condem-
Critics, scholars, and producers have nation. Even outside of wartime, documen-
sometimes treated wartime as a state of tary producers before and for some time
exception in the documentary tradition. At after 1945 were comfortable describing their
least since photographers of the Crimean work as propaganda; and one lesson to take
and American Civil wars, documentary has from this section is the value of this concept
been seen as a way to record, with some and all it entails for the production and the
degree of independence from the states study of documentary, starting with the rec-
waging battle, the terrible experience of ognition that documentary is a language of
military combat. Yet with some justifica- persuasiona language that is also artful.
tion, the use of documentary methods by In James Agees review for The Nation of
belligerents shooting their own history has the work of anonymous newsreel produc-
been seen as something of a betrayal of a ers, and in Jim Leachs and Jennifer Hornes
traditional documentary ideal of freedom discussions of hot and cold war auteurs
from state and corporate power and ideol- Humphrey Jennings and James Blue, we
ogy. In part, this is because wars seem to encounter a very different picture of the
suspend the cultural contract of liberal soci- documentary propagandist than the stereo-
eties. Wars demand unanimity, if not blind type of the artless state functionary, grind-
trust, in the people in whose name they are ing out shrill, cold-blooded lies to break the
fought. They seem also to justify the inter- will of a people.
ruption of processes we think of as central Another valuable point to be taken
to the social and political function of docu- from the study of wartime documen-
mentary: like publicness, which in peace- tary and postwar documentary, and from
time will often take the form of expressions, the careers of filmmakers like Jennings
in the press and elsewhere, of citizens and Blue, is the one made succinctly by
doubts about authority and institutions, or another filmmaker who worked both with
the valorization of individual and local dif- and against state and corporate powers,
ferences, of community, over the homoge- George Stoney. In his one-page rejoinder
neity of the national whole. And to viewers to Jack C. Elliss history of documentary
and critics alike, especially when they look film, The Documentary Idea, Stoney under-
back on these accounts from peacetime, the scores the economic and material continu-
access documentary producers are given to ities between wartime and peacetime (or
military installations and the rarified, dan- institutional and independent) production
gerous conditions of the battlefront can look in the mid-century documentary world. As
like a compromise, or a mass deception. As Stoney points out, many filmmakers we
we saw in the cases of Battle of the Somme think of as independent voices contribut-
(1916) in section I and Triumph of the Will ing to a public sphere of political or civil
(1935) in section II, films justified in their discourse in the U.S., the U.K., and other
moment as works of non-fiction made liberal or welfare-state democracies made
Introduction to SectionIII 327

the transition from radical left, anti-state transnational documentary projects they
and anti-capitalist documentary of the describe, of a subdued but no less effective
1930s quite easily and seamlessly into appeal to citizenship that carries over from
positions in the state agencies of informa- the command-and-control structure of
tion during the Second World War. And wartime national defense to a bio-political
for these producers and others, like the measure of concern for healthy national
Canadian and Indian documentary units bodies. And in Druick and Roy, a dulling
discussed by Zo Druick and Srirupa Roy, of the documentary senses that threatened
or the African-American and white lib- to return to non-fiction cinema, after the
eral intellectuals responsible for the mak- excitement of war is finally given its due
ing of the U.S. Army training and morale as an aesthetic property. Against the emer-
film The Negro Soldier (1944), state and gency of wartime, the routine, workaday
corporate communications apparatuses spirit that struck commentators closer
could serve as proving grounds for the to the period, like Pratzner and Stoney
many kinds of independence movements (and, in the next section, Jean Painlev,
that blossomed around the world in the who calls it castration) as a liability of
decades after thewar. its pre- and post-war modes of production
A third new idea to be found in this sec- is here theorized as a rhetorical weapon
tion, particularly among historians writing of institutional and civic documentary at
under the influence of political theory, is mid-century.
that of an ideological continuity that spans
wartime and peacetime societies through
documentary film, as much through the Note
form of its address as through its content. 1 Wesley F. Pratzner, What Has Happened to the
Druick, Roy, and Horne all suggest the Documentary Film?, The Public Opinion Quarterly
presence, in the Cold Warera national and 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1947): 394401.


The Paramount newsreel issue about Iwo Jima same stock, and is interesting to compare
subjects the tremendous material recorded with the Paramount. In one way it is to its
by Navy and Marine Corps and Coast Guard credit that it is much less noisy and much
cameramen to an unusually intelligent job of less calculated to excite; it is in other words
editing, writing, and soundtracking. Inoticed less rhetorical, and the temptations to rheto-
with particular respect a couple of good uses ric must be strong in handling such mate-
of flat silence; the use of a bit of dialogue on rial, and usually result in falseness. But in
intercoms, recorded on the spot, in a tank; this Paramount issue it seems to me that
and the use, at the end, of a still photograph rhetoric was used well, to construct as well
down whose wall the camera moved slowly. as might be in ten hours work and in ten
Still photographs of motionless objects have minutes on the screen an image of one of
a very different quality from motion-picture the most terrible battles in history. And that
photographs of motionless objects; as Jean is not to mention plain sense:the coherent
Cocteau observed, time still moves in the lat- shape of violence in the Paramount ver-
ter. The still used here was of dead men, for sion, which moves from air to sea to land; its
whom time no longer moved. The device is intact, climactic use of the footage exposed
not a new one; Griffith (or William Bitzer) through a tank-slit, which in the Fox version
used it for the same purpose at the end of a is chopped along through the picture; and
battle in The Birth of a Nation, and Ren Clair its use of the recorded dialogue, which Fox
used stop-shots for a somewhat related pur- didnt eventouch.
pose in The Crazy Ray. But it is a device too The Fox version does on the other
basic to poetic resource on the screen to dis- hand have two shotsa magically sinis-
card as plagiarized, and Iam glad to see it put ter slashing of quicksilvery water along
back into use so unpretentiously andwell. the sand, and a heartrending picture of
The Fox version of the same battlethe a wounded Marine, crawling toward help
only other version Icould finddrew on the with the scuttling motions of a damaged
Review of Iwo Jima Newsreels 329

insectwhich I am amazed to see omit- parallel: whatever other effects it may or

ted from a piece of work so astute as may not have, pornography is invariably
Paramounts. degrading to anyone who looks at or reads
Very uneasily, Iam beginning to believe it. If at an incurable distance from partici-
that, for all that may be said in favor of our pation, hopelessly incapable of reactions
seeing these terrible records of war, we have adequate to the event, we watch men killing
no business seeing this sort of experience each other, we may be quite as profoundly
except through our presence and participa- degrading ourselves and, in the process,
tion. Ihave neither space nor mind, yet, to betraying and separating ourselves the far-
try to explain why I believe this is so; but ther from those we are trying to identify
since I am reviewing and in ways recom- ourselves with; none the less because we tell
mending that others see one of the best and ourselves sincerely that we sit in comfort
most terrible of war films, I cannot avoid and watch carnage in order to nurture our
mentioning my perplexity. Perhaps I can patriotism, our conscience, our understand-
briefly suggest what I mean by this rough ing, and our sympathies.


San Pietro is the record of the part which what he wanted and where to go for it; he
one regiment of infantrymen took in kept planning and revising his scenario and
one of several fights which resulted in his narration in spare time during the days
the capture of one village, the key to an and nights of fighting; he had to work blind,
Italian valley. At the end of the fight the for the film was developed and printed in
seven-hundred-year-old village was chaos, Washington and he saw nothing he hador
and the regiment required 1,100 replace- had lostuntil he got back to this country.
ments. San Pietro runs only half an hour, Yet Huston and his camera men understood
and still leaves much of a world open to the so well what they were after that when he
most highly imaginative use of its kind of did return, to assemble the film, he had to
material. But it is in every way as good a make very few changes in his narration.
war film as I have seen; in some ways it is The attitudes which have pervaded most
the best. of our combat films are seldom question-
It was made by six Signal Corps camera able and usually something to be proud of;
men under the command of Major John but there is a major advance here. It is clear
Huston, who also designed the scenario and that Huston understood what he was record-
wrote and spoke the narration. Most of these ing, and how to record it, with a wonderfully
men were veterans. That fact presumably vigorous and whole maturity, at once as a
helps to explain a number of things: how soldier and an artist and a man. No war film
they all lived through the shooting of the Ihave seen has been quite so attentive to the
film; how deep inside the fighting some of heaviness of casualties, and to the number
it was made; how well they evidently under- of yards gained or lost, in such an action;
stood what to expect, how to shoot it, what none has so levelly watched and implied
it was good for, and its weight and meaning what it meant, in such full and complex
in the whole picture. But remarkable as the termsin military terms; in terms of the
camera men evidently were, it is fairly clear men who were doing the fighting; in terms
that the main credit for the picture goes to of the villagers; and of their village; and of
Major Huston. He moved continually from the surrounding country; and of the natural
one of his men to the next, showing them world; and of human existence andhope.
Review of SanPietro 331

Hustons narration is a slightly simplified that they can give you things to look at, clear
technical prose, at once exact and beautifully of urging or comment, and so ordered that
toned and subtly parodistic; it is spoken with they are radiant with illimitable suggestions
finely shaded irony, equally free of pomp- of meaning and mystery. Hustons simple,
ousness and optimism and mawkish gener- wordless use of children, toward the end of
alizations and cheap bitterness. Against the this film, does that, and seems to me the
images he has chosen, their always satisfy- first great passage of war poetry that has
ing arrangement, and their beautiful over-all got on the screen. In emphatic agreement
plan and implication, this text points itself with some recent comments by Bernard
so richly and flexibly that for once wordi- Haggin, however, Ido want to object to one
ness in a film more than earns its way. As thing; music can only vitiate this kind of
for the over-all plan and implication, Idont film. Here, with all words and irony at last
see how that of any post-war film is going to withdrawn, as you watch the faces of the
improve on it, and I rather doubt that any children, each one unimaginably beautiful
will come quite up to it. For at one and the and portentous, and ordered and timed into
same time, without one slip along the line, their culmination as nobly as the words in a
from the most ticklish fringes of taste to the great tragic line, it is as infuriating to have
depths of a sane mind and heart, it accepts to fight off the emotional sales pressure of
the facts and treats them as materials rele- the Mormon Choir as it would be if all the
vant to anger, tenderness, pride, veneration, honored watches and nasal aphrodisiacs
and beauty. Somewhere close to the essence insisted on marketing themselves against a
of the power of moving pictures is the fact Toscanini broadcast.

Film Propaganda in Black and White(1979)

After years during which blacks and advance the impact of mass communication
police engaged in pitched battles in small on social change.
Southern towns and large Northern cities, During World War II the Army was
Nicholas Katzenbach, Attorney General officially committed to maintaining exist-
under Lyndon B. Johnson, termed televi- ing patterns of segregation. But the liberal
sion the central means of making a private rhetoric of official war aims proved fatal to
moral conviction public, of impelling peo- thoughts of maintaining the status quo at
ple all over to see and confront ideas they home. By inducting 875,000 Negroes into
otherwise would turn away from. Black a fighting force of some twelve million,
activists considered television, in the words the Army discovered that it was operating
of a network producer, the chosen instru- a social relations laboratory.2 In spite of the
ment of the black revolution.1 But televi- wishes of many whites, the Army became
sion was not the first electronic medium a half-way house for those who believed
used to further social change. The United that wartime should bring substantial racial
States Armys orientation film, The Negro progress.
Soldier, released in January 1944, is one of The relationship between racial tensions
those rare instances which allows the his- and film can best be explained by a meta-
torian of mass media to speak confidently phor. The biologist defines symbiosis as
about conception, execution, andto a an association of two different organisms
degreeresults both intended and unin- which live attached to each other and con-
tended, of a specific controversial film. The tribute to each others support. This article
uses eventually made of the Armys motion will describe the making and distribution
picture illustrate the difficulty of gauging in of The Negro Soldier as an example of social
The Negro Soldier 333

symbiosis, for the idea did not come from Take It With You (1938), Mr. Smith Goes to
one person, but emerged from a coalition Washington (1939), and Meet John Doe (1941).
of four wary interest groups which came Capra was living proof that the American
together in antagonistic cooperation. The Dream did come true; to him patriotism
film offered important lessons to those who was a high calling, though he masked his
made post-war Hollywood message films, ardor with a deft comic touch. Capras War
while black pressure groups discovered a Department film unit quickly attracted
new way to further social change through many of Hollywoods most talented cut-
the distribution of motion pictures. ters, scriptwriters, and directors. When the
In retrospect, the four groups and their units first Why We Fight film, Prelude to
aims are easy to identify. First is the Army War, appeared in November 1942, Capras
itself. By the time of Pearl Harbor both civilian preeminent position in military filmmaking
and military leaders in America recognized was assured.6
motion pictures as a significant propaganda The second group is the blacks them-
medium; they believed film could instill in cit- selves, who saw World War II as a time to
izens a spirit of patriotism and a will to fight.3 bring an end to longstanding discrimination.
Chief of Staff George C. Marshall believed To black America, Franklin D. Roosevelts
that film should play a major military role Four Freedomsfreedom of speech, free-
in wartime.4 Convinced that lectures about dom of religion, freedom from fear, and
patriotism and recent history generally made freedom from wantwere totally incompat-
no impact on draftees, he concluded that ible with segregation. The desires of black
film could present serious material in a lively America must not be measured by the stan-
and interesting fashion. Thanks to Marshall, dard of todays activist rhetoric. In World War
the Army chose Hollywoods Frank Capra II most Negroes sought racial tolerance as
to head an elite film unit assigned to make a first step. Though there was violence, par-
feature-length morale films intended to build ticularly race riots in Detroit and Harlem, the
enthusiasm for official war aims. To Marshall National Association for the Advancement of
the key to morale for the educated soldier was Colored People (NAACP), headed by Walter
to give a reason for fighting.5 Capras Why White, looked to the courts, and to white lib-
We Fight series, mandatory viewing for every erals, to bring about gradual change.
soldier, defined official war aims in a way no Earlier government films relating to
other medium could match. Marshall hoped blacks suggested progress more glacial
that a Capra-unit film about the Negro would than gradual. In World War Iofficial Signal
provide a reason why racial tolerance was Corps footage used Negroes for comic
necessary to a unified military effort. relief. During the 1930s, Pare Lorentzs con-
Capras credentials for his assignment servationist films, The Plow That Broke the
were considerable. ASicilian immigrant, he Plains and The River, contained only a few
began his Hollywood career by working on black faces. The first two years of the war
comic short subjects. Every film he made in saw little change. Blacks were patronized
the 1930s showed the little guy as eventu- in the few films with specific Negro themes
ally triumphant, a message bound to find a released by federal agencies, either by over-
sympathetic reception in hard times. Above praising Jim Crow schools (Negro Colleges
all, Capras name became synonymous with in Wartime), or by celebrating safe heroes
the box office:no other Hollywood director such as George Washington Carver.
could match his unbroken string of hits:It Henry Browne, Farmer, a Department of
Happened One Night (1934), Mr. Deeds Goes Agriculture film, failed to convince anyone
to Town (1936), Lost Horizon (1937), You Cant that racial tolerance was desirable. Browne
334 Documentary Propaganda

was the perfect obedient Negro: possessor closer together; these civilians made up the
of forty acres, some chickens, a son in the third group, and they wanted a documen-
black 99th Pursuit Squadron, and a willing- tary film about the Negro.11 The idea for
ness to grow peanuts because his country using motion pictures for persuasion was
needed their oil. To make matters worse, a greatly aided by the fact that Capras unit
low budget made the entire enterprise look and the Research Branch worked side-by-
second-rate. The Negro journalist who origi- side inI&E.
nally suggested the idea termed the finished Brigadier General Frederick H. Osborn
product an insipid little story far from our headed the Division. Awealthy NewYorker
original purpose.7 without prior military service, Osborn had
Something more substantial was needed family connections and a flair for admin-
because the 1940 Selective Service Act pro- istration. His father was one of Stimsons
hibited racial discrimination. The Army close friends, and an uncle, Henry Fairfield
looked to Negro manpower. At the same Osborn, had been largely responsible for
time, military compliance with segregation bringing New Yorks Museum of Natural
somehow did not, as the approved Army History to international prominence.
manual phrased it, endorse any theory Osborn, a board member of the Social
of racial superiority or inferiority.8 The Science Research Council (SSRC), had a
resulting situation was made worse by a scholarly study of eugenics to his credit. He
pervasive hostility toward Negro soldiers, came to the Army persuaded that morale
who tended to score lowest on the Army could be determined by scientific means, and
General Classification Tests. Deputy Chief that traditional morale boosterssports,
of Staff Joseph T.McNarney voiced a preva- camp songfests, decks of cards and dice
lent Army attitude:there is no use having and tonettesbelonged to a bygone era.12
colored troops standing by and eating their Osborns advocacy, together with the sup-
heads off if their lack of aptitude is such that port of both Marshall and Stimson, proved
they can never be used overseas.9 crucial to the militarys adoption of both
Bitter racial prejudice did not distin- film and social science research.
guish among aptitude scores. Lacking an Osborn was in an ambivalent position.
effective means of mass persuasion, the Personally interested in statistical research,
Army could only place excessive faith in he headed a division concerned more with
the effectiveness of hortatives as a means practical education and morale services
of encouraging black and white soldiers to within the Army than matters of sampling
fight together for democracy. This approach technique. I&E represented an unstable
was not enough. Secretary of War Henry alliance between Capras faith in film as
L. Stimsons Civilian Aide for Negro entertainment, and faith in film as peda-
Affairs, William Hastie, collected a file of gogical tool, the latter the attitude of Samuel
outrageous racial incidents in which black Stouffer, the University of Chicago sociolo-
soldiers, trained for the most part in the gist who headed the professional staff of the
South, had been beaten by local rednecks. Research Branch.13
Such incidents, reported in the black press, At the same time, everyone in I&E
offered a compelling reason for Negroes to shared an ardent belief in salesmanship.
reject official pleas for wartime unity.10 Wartime was no time for recondite specula-
A group of leading social scientists tion. Ideas were measured by their practical
employed by the Armys Information and value. Capra needed no instruction in sales
Education Division (I&E) felt that scientific techniques: since the days of Mr. Smith
research could identify precisely what kind Goes to Washington (1939) he had been sell-
of film might bring white and black America ing democracy in his feature films. Less
The Negro Soldier 335

familiar, however, is the hucksterism of Leadership and the Negro Soldier, described
the social scientists. The Research Branch this stock figure vividly: When the Negro
published its findings in What the Soldier is portrayed in the movies, or elsewhere,
Thinks, where numerous graphs and charts as a lazy, shiftless, no-good, slew-footed,
promoted the technique of scientific sam- happy-go-lucky, razor-toting, tap-dancing
pling along with practical results assured vagrant, a step has been taken in the direc-
by asking questions incapable of complex tion of fixing this mental picture of the Negro
answers.14 in the minds of whites.19 The NAACPs
The social scientists realized that a morale Walter White went to Hollywood twice in
film about race relations was a perfect place 1942 to urge a better future for blacks in fea-
to test ideas about social engineering.15 This ture films.20 White, according to producer
outgrowth of behaviorial psychology argued Darryl F.Zanuck of Twentieth Century-Fox,
that human behavior could be manipulated wanted Negroes used as often as possible
towards socially desirable goals. Critics of in the more heroic rolesin the positions
industrial societies had long complained which they occupy in real life.21 In Sahara
that as technology spread its benefits, it (1943), a black even acted as spokesman for
also eroded traditional values. Stouffer and democratic values. But such roles, however
Donald Young, the War Departments offi- well-intentioned, were but more sophis-
cial expert on race relations, believed that ticated versions of earlier attempts which
a humane or liberal use of film could overpraised Negro colleges.
reaffirm the values of a democratic society.16 To understand The Negro Soldier as
They also accepted a doctrine employed by a product of Hollywood technique and
most American propagandists in World social science prescriptions, it is neces-
War IIthe strategy of truth or propa- sary to follow the evolution of the script.
ganda of fact.17 One was scrupulous about In March 1942 Frank Capra asked the
that which supported ones side while pass- Research Branch to draw up a list of dos
ing over the rest in silence. The result often and donts regarding the cinematic depic-
sounded like a lawyers brief pretending to tion of blacks. Sociologist Donald Young,
objectivity. who had devoted his pre-war career to the
The fourth group was the Hollywood film study of racial minorities and the impact of
community. The fact that Capras unit was motion pictures, prepared a memorandum
staffed with regulars from the major stu- filled with well-meaning cautions, the ideas
dios, and that the films were actually made of a liberal who above all sought racial toler-
in Hollywood, meant that military filmmak- ance:avoid stereotypes such as the Negroes
ing was followed on a daily basis. The Negro alleged affinity for watermelon or pork;
Soldier played a significant part in furthering also avoid strong images of racial identity
a dramatic shift in the kinds of roles blacks (play down colored soldiers most Negroid
received in feature films; after 1945 the era in appearance and omit Lincoln, eman-
of the message film was at hand. Only The cipation, or any race leaders or friends of
Negro Soldier, of all wartime films depicting the Negro). Young also favored intraracial
blacks, actually tried to weave the Negro into politesse: Show colored officers in com-
the fabric of American life; this characteris- mand of troops, but dont play them up too
tic made the Armys film a model for film- much. The Negro masses have learned that
makers wishing to break through ingrained colored men who get commissions tend to
industry stereotypes. look down on the masses.22
Before 1939, virtually every black role The first script for The Negro Soldier was
was intended as comic relief.18 The War prepared by Marc Connelly. As writer for
Departments officers training manual, Green Pastures (1930) he had a reputation for
336 Documentary Propaganda

sympathetic treatment of Negro themes.23 the Federal Theater Project under John
Connelly began working in Washington in Houseman, who in turn recommended
May 1942 and followed Capra to Hollywood him to Capra. According to both Heisler
when the unit moved there in June. The and Moss the two hit it off like magic.
script, which has disappeared, was deemed Moss remembers working on his version of
too dramatic for the Armys tastes. Asec- the script in Washington at the Library of
ond draft, prepared by Ben Hecht and Jo Congress, but not because it put him near
Swerling, was also rejected because I&E the books he needed. It was hard to write
continued to insist that the Negro film be about racial harmony while eating in Jim
documentaryi.e., an example of the Crow restaurants; the Librarys cafeteria
propaganda of fact.24 was an unsegregated oasis.27
During script revisions, Capra gave little Shooting began in January 1943. Heisler,
attention to the project; in fact, he planned to Moss, Research Branch representative
assign the film to his friend William Wyler, Charles Dollard, and a camera crew trav-
but the latter got a better offer from the elled the United States, visiting nineteen
Air Force. In the fall of 1942 Capra chose Army posts, virtually every location where
Stuart Heisler, a comparatively young direc- black troops trained in large numbers. In
tor.25 Heisler already had extensive experi- Philadelphia, Donald Young arranged for
ence as a studio technician and seemed added scenes to be shot at the homes of
knowledgeable about racial matters after prominent Negroes. Heisler prepared a
having made The Biscuit Eater, a 1940 film number of sequences in which black offi-
shot on location in Georgia with an interra- cers directed the training of soldiers. Most
cial cast. Heisler immediately accepted the of this footage never appeared because the
offer, asking only that Capra provide him final version relied more on a docudrama
with somebody that really knows the back- than a documentarystyle.
ground of the Negro.26 The finished film, 43 minutes long,
As a result, Carlton Moss, a black writer, received official approval in January 1944.28
was pressed into service. Moss had attended The Negro Soldier (OF 51)unfolded in classic
Columbia University and had worked for studio style, with a narrative spinning out

Figure46.1 Carlton Moss in The Negro Soldier. Screen capture from digitalfile.
The Negro Soldier 337

a flashback device, flawless lighting, and going through Army basic training. Moss
technically perfect optical effects punctuat- produces a copy of Mein Kampf and reads a
ing the sequences. To black audiences, in passage in which Hitler describes the futil-
particular, this technical quality was espe- ity of teaching a half-ape to be a doctor or
cially significant. Never before had a film lawyer (see Figure 46.1). The congregation
purporting to document black American looks appropriately shocked to learn what
achievement been made with such profes- the Nazis really think about Negroes.
sional competence. At the same time, the Moss then reflects upon the heroism of
movie served the Army as propaganda for blacks in earlier American wars. To recre-
both black and white troops and as a teacher ate historic battles, Heisler used neither
of comradely regard across racial lines with- complete reenactment nor mere reproduc-
out explicitly violating Army policy toward tion of old paintings and engravings. The
racial segregation. shooting script called for transparencies
A summary of the films visual content or glass shots made from contempo-
shows how this was accomplished. Neat, rary illustrative materials, while black and
clean, orderly, responsible, patriotic: these white actors dressed as soldiers passed in
are the middle-class values which the film the foreground carrying powder and shot
presents in image after image. Following to their cannons.30 The glass shots, inter-
the opening credits, a wide establishing shot cut with interracial closeups for emphasis,
places us in a splendid stone Gothic church. illuminated the black role in earlier wars,
From the point of view of the congregation along with the settlement of the West. To
we see a black soldier, in uniform, singing Negroes the very idea of any black past
a solo; we hear a chorus of extraordinary other than slavery was for the most part a
ability. As the last notes fade away a hand- complete surprise. Here was visual proof
some young preacher (played by Carlton that America owed its freedom to its entire
Moss) turns from his prepared text to intro- population. This lesson in race pride made
duce representative soldiers in the pews.29 an indelible impression on those whose
The camera cuts to a sailor, a soldier, even education included virtually no mention of
a beautiful light-skinned WAC, Private black history.
Parks, First Class. First class, indeed, For events after 1898, it was possible to
says the preacher with undisguisedpride. use newsreel footage. Flickering images
The well-dressed, attentive congrega- drawn from archival film allowed audi-
tion, full of servicemen in uniform, inspires ences to see documentary evidence of
Moss to reflect on the achievements of Negroes in Cuba and laborers digging the
black Americans: newsreel clips show Joe Panama Canal. Awonderful character (Hi,
Louis with his American fist recover- Im Jimwho looks old enough to have
ing the heavyweight championship from fought in 1898) is superimposed over the
Max Schmeling; black athletes defeat Nazi documentary footage. He tells us about
Germanys best at the 1936 Berlin Olympic cleaning up in Cuba and digging the
games. It seems that black America is show- canal. He sounds so matter-of-fact that we
ing the world what democratic competition are swept along into accepting the unspo-
can do, and what happens when a Negro ken message: patriotic, dependable blacks
gets a fair chance to compete on equal terms. have been working to keep America safe all
Moss reminds his congregation that the war along. For World War Ithere is footage of
is being fought to defend the American way the 369th National Guard in the uniform
of life. A Nazi training film shows Schmeling of the French Army. The historical account
learning to be a parachutist; more news- ends with a staged sequence featuring
reel footage shows Joe Louis, in uniform, a black sailor, sure to be taken for Dorie
338 Documentary Propaganda

Miller, a steward in the segregated Navy talk describing improbably broad opportuni-
who had taken up a fallen gunners weapon ties for blacks to get into Officer Candidates
at Pearl Harbor and became the first black School and even West Point; Army units
in World War II to fire at the enemy. The are shown as eager to accept black recruits
Japanese attack provides Moss with an (see Figure 46.2). The film ends back in
opportunity to make another point: And Mrs. Bronsons church as the congregation
there are those who will still tell you that rises to sing Onward Christian Soldiers
Japan is the saviour of the colored races, which segues into Joshua Fit de Battle ob
thereby suggesting the oppositeneither Jericho, over which we see a montage of
Hitler nor Hirohito have anything but con- marching men and women. The songs and
tempt for Negroes. images combine in a final emotional appeal
The film now makes an abrupt transi- for wartimeunity.
tion from past performance to present At first, The Negro Soldier was intended
opportunities. Mrs. Bronson, a handsome solely for black troops. Donald Young wrote
middle-aged woman wearing a suit and an official manual, Leadership of Negro
small fur stole (a scrupulous middle-class Troops, to be used by the white officers who
image in keeping with Donald Youngs commanded black units in World War II.31
prescription), stands up in church to read But even before the film was released, two
a letter from her son who has just become of the four groups, the social scientists and
an Army officer. As she reads the letter, the the blacks, began to agitate for wider mili-
film cuts to scenes of basic training. Young tary and civilian distribution.
Bronson is the very picture of light skinned, Such talk resulted in an extraordinary
muscular leadership. He drills in the snow, amount of official debate. The films direc-
goes to a segregated dance, meets a nice tor, Stuart Heisler, remembers represen-
young girl, and back at camp, is introduced tatives of more than fifty federal offices
to the poetry of Langston Hughes. After sol- screening the rough cut and reading revi-
diering all week Bronson heads for church sions of the script.32 Nobody seemed sure
on Sunday. The camp chaplain offers a pep what the impact of the film might be on

Figure46.2 Location footage of black troops revealed a wide range of military specialties and
roles for blacks, along with continuing segregation. Screen capture from digitalfile.
The Negro Soldier 339

black soldiers. To learn if the film would racial and sexual taboos could not be shown
encourage rioting by Negro troops, Heisler, though the Army did use white staff to treat
Moss, and Charles Dollard, the Research injured black soldiers.
Branch representative, took their product to In January 1944 the Army agreed to
a Negro camp outside of San Diego. The use the film in basic orientation for Negro
commander, who knew his men, insisted troops, while continuing to debate further
that the film would provoke violence. He distribution.37 The Research Branch con-
brought in a special unit of nearly one hun- ducted a scientific survey to see what
dred military police to prevent trouble. The statistics might say about wider reception.
result was hardly what the commander This was the wartime pattern:what individ-
expected. Enthusiastic black recruits threat- ual commanders prejudice could compete
ened to riot unless all Negro troops on the with the scientifically measured opinion
post saw the film.33 of the entire Army? The survey reported
White soldiers offered a different prob- that almost ninety percent of black soldiers
lem. Here another group, the Army lead- questioned wanted the film shown to white
ership, took a direct hand to ensure that soldiers as well as black. Almost eighty per-
the final product would be safe enough cent thought civilians should see it. The sur-
to appeal to the widest possible audience. prise came in the white response, for almost
Anatole Litvak, Heislers superior in the eighty percent of those questioned favored
Capra unit, hand-carried the completed showing the film to both black and white
answer print of The Negro Soldier to troops; nearly eighty percent wanted the
the Pentagon in October 1943. Marshall, film shown to white civilians.38 Still, some
Stimson, Osborn, the head of the Armys military leaders insisted that the film be
Bureau of Public Relations, General A. D. accompanied by printed material designed
Surles, and Assistant Secretary of War John to blunt the message of racial tolerance.
J. McCloy personally viewed the film. On The Research Branch, particularly through
November 1, after much discussion, Litvak the efforts of Donald Young, successfully
received a detailed memorandum outlin- insisted that the film stand alone.39 In spite
ing specific changes intended to make the of itself, and in opposition to the wishes of
film more factually accurate and to mollify some military leaders, the United States
racial sensibilities of audiences.34 Heisler Army had a film based on social engineer-
had already been ordered to cut the foot- ing precepts to teach racial brotherhood.
age showing men under the command of In the end, OF 51 became mandatory
Negro officers.35 War Department officials viewing for all troops at replacement cen-
insisted that a section of the film dealing ters within the United States.40 Between
with World War Iinclude a small amount February 1944 and August 1945, when the
of footage which would show that Negroes order was rescinded, almost every black in
did something other than engage in combat the Army and Air Corps saw this film; mil-
in the front line. Emphasis on black com- lions of white soldiers also viewed it as part
bat experience in the current war also had of I&Es standard orientation program.41
to be toned down since it would give an Though overseas combat zones could not
erroneous conception of the overall job of enforce mandatory viewing for all sol-
the Army. Finally, every nicety of custom- diers, the Army still used the film late in
ary racial etiquette was to be preserved. For 1946. Harry Trumans 1948 desegregation
example: The sequence showing a [white] order marked the end of OF 51s official
nurse or physiotherapy attendant massag- usefulness.42
ing the [black] soldiers back will be elimi- The film had been made for military audi-
nated.36 This momentary visual breach of ences. What would happen if it joined the
340 Documentary Propaganda

ranks of a few other Army orientation films favor, and overcoming a mixed critical
(including Prelude to War and The Battle of response. Bosley Crowther of the NewYork
Russia from the Why We Fight series) and Times thought the film questionable
found commercial distribution to movie because it sugar coats and discreetly
theaters all over the United States? Would avoids the more realistic race problems.
white patrons pay regular admission to see James Agee, the Southerner who covered
a film about racial tolerance? Distributors cinema for the liberal Nation, termed the
felt sure the answer was no. Blacks thought film pitifully, painfully mild although
otherwise; they recognized that the official he recognized that blandness made it
nature of the film would make it an effective more saleable. Few white critics shared
weapon in the struggle for civil rights if it Agees insight into black attitudes toward
were widely seen by civilians. the film. Straight and decent as far as it
The first step was official approval from goes, he wrote, it means a good deal,
Elmer Davis, head of the Office of War Igather to most of the Negro soldiers who
Information (OWI).43 He and several mem- have seen it. Moss agreed, telling a Time
bers of his staff screened The Negro Soldier reporter that the movie would mean more
and demanded yet a few further changes. to Negroes than most white men could
Davis concluded that the film probably imagine.46
would be perfectly passable in any theatres Civilian distribution depended on resolv-
whatever in the North; and that the only ing a longstanding debate between the
risks would be attendant upon showing it Army and the War Activities Committee
in, say, Atlanta, or some such Southern cen- (WAC), the group representing commercial
ter. One member of his staff introduced a distributors in negotiations for circulation
new area of possible oppositionwhether of government films.47 The Negro Soldier, at
or not the Negro press might consider the 43 minutes, or roughly half of normal fea-
film just icing.44 ture length, would remain unpopular with
OWI fears led in January 1944 to a private bookers because no matter what its merits,
showing at the Pentagon for nearly two hun- the film required a change in the standard
dred black journalists. Frank Capra, though length of programs.48 To combine an educa-
he had little to do with the film, arrived tional film of excessive length with OF 51s
in Washington to show his production. subject seemingly restricted viewing to black
Most of the audience wrote favorableeven theaters.49 But Army enthusiasm prevailed
glowingreviews, passing over the omis- over WAC opposition. The Negro Soldier was
sion of slavery and the realities of discrimi- released to those theaters which requested
nation. Activist groups such as the NAACP it from a national total of 16,203pledged
and the National Negro Congress praised commercial houses. Accurate attendance
the film as the best ever done and called records, kept in part to stave off possible
for its widespread distribution.45 In April government regulation, revealed that in cal-
1944 the Army officially released the film to endar year 1944 the film was a commercial
civilian audiences. bust. It played in only 1,819 theaters in con-
It was one thing to make the film avail- trast to most OWI shorts which played in
able to civilians, another to have it seen. more than 13,000 theaters, or the Air Corps
From April 1944, the fate of The Negro combat film Memphis Belle (in Technicolor),
Soldier increasingly turned on the activities seen in over 12,000 theaters the same year.50
of blacks, in particular Carlton Moss and Because of its awkward length, fears of
Truman K.Gibson, now Stimsons Civilian resentment of its special pleading, and the
Aide for Negro Affairs. Both proved adept normally low grosses generated by slack
at rallying Hollywood opinion in the films summer attendance, OF 51 in its first run
The Negro Soldier 341

seems to have done more poorly than any WAC provided the only available medium
other film released by the government for for circulating a film that proceeded on
commercial distribution. the premise that racial prejudices which
Leading Hollywood producers, urged on divide our population will have their effect
by Moss and Gibson, tried another way of minimized by the dissemination of facts.
beefing up attendance. Litvak and Heisler Marshall and Walter White then prodded
re-cut the film to a 20-minute two-reeler, the liberal Hollywood Writers Mobilization
enabling the Army to offer two lengths of into endorsing the film as a real contribu-
the same film to civilians, beginning in tion to national unity and a repudiation of
July 1944.51 As OF 24, but with the same racist lies.53 Gibson and Moss arranged for
title, the film is virtually identical to OF 51, gala Hollywood receptions in May and June
though omitting entirely Mrs. Bronson and 1944 to drum up support for both versions
her sons experience at Officer Candidates of their film. Black actress Lena Horne
School. At the end a few added shots of praised the film and major Hollywood pro-
black pilots and black construction work- ducers provided blurbs, most more con-
ers in India helped give a wider visual sense vincing than that offered by Columbias
of Negro involvement in the war. Only The Harry Cohn:the greatest War Department
Negro Soldier, of all films produced by the Picture ever made.54
military during the war, was available in two The NAACP, which had nothing to do
versions at the same time. Moss estimated with the making of OF 51, now promoted the
that possibly 5,000 theaters eventually film as if it were its own. NAACP Deplores
showed the shorter version. Legal Action Against Film The Negro Soldier,
Civilian distribution still faced one last declared a press release which claimed that
hurdle, a lawsuit from a white Jewish film- Goldbergs film was insulting to Negroes,
maker who had also made a movie about in contrast to The Negro Soldiers enormous
race pride. Jack Goldberg, president of The potentialities for good in stimulating the
Negro Marches On, Inc., for years had pro- morale of American Negroes and in edu-
duced race movies, a genre of cheaply cating white Americans. White also per-
mounted productions for distribution in suaded liberal Jewish groups to repudiate
Negro neighborhood houses. He sued in Goldberg, thereby avoiding the appearance
federal court to restrain the WAC from of a Jewish vs. Negro situation. Goldberg
booking The Negro Soldier, claiming that was termed a longtime exploiter of black
it competed unfairly with his own film, audiences. In the end Goldberg lost in court
Weve Come a Long, Long Way, which dealt and settled for a few days clearance to
with roughly the same subject. Goldbergs allow his film a brief run and give him a
film possessed a certain credibility in black chance to get back part of his investment.55
circles owing to its sponsorship by Elder The Negro press continued its campaign
Solomon Lightfoot Michaux, a radio evan- to gain wider distribution. It urged the
gelist well-known to Negro listeners.52 National Council of Negro Women to rally
At this point the NAACP entered the the public and force the special film, The
controversy. Roy Wilkins helped Truman Negro Soldier, to be released in full to audi-
Gibson assemble a confidential list of ences of both races. In Los Angeles press
white liberals to assist distribution, includ- support led to a preview under the auspices
ing Nelson Rockfeller, Fiorello La Guardia, of the mayors Civic Unity Committee at a
Cardinal Spellman, and the New Yorkers leading hotel.56 Educators invoked the argu-
Harold Ross. NAACP special counsel ments of the scientific sample to promote
Thurgood Marshall joined Gibson in filing the film. They tested OF 51 as a tool for teach-
an amicus curiae brief, insisting that the ing inter-cultural education and living
342 Documentary Propaganda

together, and ranked it third in effective- domestic distribution.64 The film was also
ness out of seventeen films studied.57 used extensively in Latin America, particu-
The campaign soon included plans for larly in Haiti, with its predominantly black
distributing the film to civilian audiences population.65
outside the commercial circuit. The com- With the release of OF 51, Moss lob-
ing of age of 16 millimeter film (at the time bied for a second film, eventually called
still called substandard film) proved a Teamwork (OF 14), a more self-conscious
major means for spreading government advocate for racial integration. The motion
information throughout the country. picture shows blacks in combat against the
Indeed World War II marked the apogee Nazis. A sequence shot on a Hollywood
of non-commercial distribution of films back lot has Nazi cannoneers shell black
in the United States.58 The OWI and the troops with a flurry of leaflets reminding
Armys Public Relations Bureau waged a them of the lousiest jobs and housing
tedious administrative battle over distribu- awaiting them at the wars end. The blacks
tion. In April 1944 the OWI won the right toss aside the flyers, as they advance under
to distribute the long version (OF 51)non- fire. The narrator grants that nobody
theatrically to a network of film depart- thinks the United States is perfect.66 Joe
ments in public libraries, schools, and Louis is quoted as saying theres nothing
colleges in every state.59 The Film Library wrong with America that Hitler could fix!
of the Museum of Modern Art in NewYork, A timid, much less elaborate production
which developed educational distribution than OF 51, Teamworks modest message
of classic films in the late 1930s, helped about integration nevertheless alarmed
promote The Negro Soldier by including some in the Army. The film received
it in a special series of Capra-unit films belated military release only in January
shown in New York to capacity audiences 1946, thanks in part to the efforts of the
in July 1944.60 NAACP. Roy Wilkins attended a sneak
Black groups throughout the country preview of the film at the Signal Corps
were soon enthusiastic over their film Photographic Center on Long Island.
and eagerly booked it for church and civic Wilkins lobbied for release and the NAACP
functions.61 The Educational Film Guide for felt the film could do much to promote
1945, a standard guidebook for users of racial unity now and for the future. By the
documentary film, praised OF 51s techni- summer of 1946, Teamwork also went into
cal quality: good photographs, a nice vari- civilian distribution.67
ety of scene, some flashes of humor and What in retrospect can be concluded
excellent musical background.62 The films about the direct and indirect impact of The
superb technical quality made it the hit of Negro Soldier on postwar American race
the season in nontheatrical distribution. relations? We believe this film represented
The film bureau of the Cleveland Public a watershed in the use of film to promote
Library, for example, indicated frequent racial tolerance. The Negro Soldiers influ-
requests for the film in its monthly reports ence can be seen in three areas:promotion,
to the OWI, listing such groups as the production, and the demise of race films.
Woodbridge School & PTA and the Zion 1) Promotion. Black pressure groups
Methodist Church.63 Not every report learned that film was a tool for social change.
indicates attendance figuresnor are The Army did not recognize how much the
such figures capable of verificationbut technical quality of the film suggested to
yearly estimated attendance at OWI films viewers a military commitment to equality
distributed nontheatrically numbered of opportunity. The existence of such a film
over 7.5 million, and that represents only indicated change within the Armywhy
The Negro Soldier 343

not also in the civilian world? Carlton Moss, Hollywood the Way.70 The postwar era of
handsome and eloquent, was the educated feature films with messages about racial
preacher who moved his listeners with facts liberalism can be traced directly to the
and force of logic. Mrs. Bronson, in her suit humane, natural realism of The Negro Soldier,
and fur, seemed to prove that a black mother though it would be simplistic to insist that a
was the same as other middle-class women, single film was the sole cause of every mes-
save for a slightly darker skin color. Moreover, sage motion picture produced after 1945. A
the Army considered Mrs. Bronsons son a number of examples demonstrate the con-
valuable asset and trained him thoroughly. nection.71 Jester Hairston arranged the cho-
His hard work paid off in an officers commis- ral parts for The Negro Soldier. After 1945,
sion. Was not this visual evidence of equality Dimitri Tiomkin, who wrote OF 51s score,
of opportunity? How about Private Parks, First used Hairston for entire films, a startling
Classwasnt she attractive and competent change from before the war [when] the
no matter what her racial background? And studios only called us when they had Negro
that fine church and all those well-dressed music to be sung.72 Stuart Heisler, director
people who took their civic responsibilities of The Negro Soldier, went on to make Storm
seriouslyall America could see these were Warning (1950), a harsh indictment of the
valuable citizens. Such images provided Ku Klux Klan. Ben Maddow came from a
visual proof of why racial equality was not just background in wartime documentary film to
morally but logically justified. Why not every- write the screenplay for Faulkners Intruder
where? As Moss put it, he set out to ignore in the Dust (1949), an urgent plea for mutual
whats wrong with the army and tell whats respect across racial lines in the South. Carl
right with my people, which, he hoped, Foreman, who began the war by writing the
would cause whites to ask what right have we Dead End Kids Spooks Run Wild, worked
to hold back a people of that calibre?68 for Frank Capras film unit. Afterwards he
The NAACP now understood how potent wrote Home of the Brave (1949), in which the
indirect messages in films could be. It pro- black hero was named Mossy as a tribute
duced a brochure promoting audio-visual to a wartime friendship with Carleton Moss.
aids for teaching democracy. It formed a Stanley Kramer, the producer of Home of
new national committee to deal with mat- the Brave, had worked at the Signal Corps
ters of film propaganda and encouraged film Photographic Unit on Long Island dur-
distributors to circulate inventories of films ing the war. His entire postwar career was
urging tolerance and brotherhood such devoted to message films, including The
as Teamwork and Americans All, produced by Defiant Ones (1958) and Guess Whos Coming
The March of Time. The National Conference to Dinner? (1967), both vehicles for Sidney
of Christians and Jews joined what prom- Poitier and racial liberalism.73
ised to be a new movement, discussed in 3) The demise of race movies. The fail-
journals with titles like the 16mm Reporter.69 ure of Jack Goldbergs suit signalled an end
Getting films off of shelves and before com- for the race movie. When feature films
mercial and non-commercial audiences began to depict blacks as human beings,
was a specific goal capable of fulfillment by there was no longer a need for third-rate
any number of black pressure groups. The films designed especially for Negro audi-
NAACP could echo the sentiment of an ear- ences. After 1945 it was soon hard for any-
lier enthusiast for social experimentation:I one, black or white, to remember when as
have seen the future and it works. a matter of course separate-but-unequal
2) Production of message films. A race movies were a staple of the American
black journals headline at the time of OF scene. The humanity of The Negro Soldier
51s release makes the point: Army Shows had done its workwell.
344 Documentary Propaganda

The historian is always interested in cause a volume in the official series, The United States
Army in World War II; see also Richard M.Dalfiume,
and effect, but perhaps a sense of irony is Desegregation of the United States Armed Forces:
essential in understanding the impact of Fighting on Two Fronts, 19391953 (Columbia, Mo.:
The Negro Soldier. Who would have thought Univ. of Missouri Press, 1969); and Alan M.Osur,
Blacks in the Army Air Forces During World War
that the Army, officially committed to seg- II:The Problem of Race Relations (Washington,
regation, would end up with a film which D.C.:Office of Air Force History, G.P.O.,1977).
symbolically promoted the logic of inte- 3. Roger Manvell, Films and the Second World War
(South Brunswick, N.J.:A. S.Barnes, 1974);
gration? Who would have predicted that a David Culbert, Walt Disneys Private Snafu:The
documentary-style film about black history Use of Humor in World War II Army Film, in
and opportunities for military advancement Jack Salzman, ed., Prospects:An Annual Journal
would spawn a generation of feature films of American Cultural Studies, 1 (Dec. 1975),
8096, and Richard Dyer MacCann, The Peoples
calling for racial tolerance? Who would Films:APolitical History of U.S. Government Motion
have thought that a military orientation film Pictures (NewYork:Hastings House,1973).
would make black civilians glow with pride? 4. For an introduction see Richard Griffith, The
Use of Films by the U.S. Armed Forces, in Paul
Minority pressure groups cannot help appre- Rotha, Documentary Film (3d ed.; London:Faber
ciating such ironies. Merely to show a film and Faber, 1952), 34458; on Marshall see Forrest
is no guarantee of anything, but screening C.Pogue, George C. Marshall:Organizer of Victory
19431945 (NewYork:Viking, 1975), 9192; Frank
a message film for a variety of audiences Capra, The Name Above the Title:An Autobiography
clearly can achieve results not originally (NewYork:Macmillan, 1971), 32570; and three
conceived of. This is arguably the symbi- official histories from The United States in World War
II:Dulany Terrett, The Signal Corps:The Emergency
otic potential of all mass media, a potential (To December 1941) (Washington, D.C.:Office of
realized in the midst of total war, when the the Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, G.P.O.,
Army used film to show not just Hollywood 1956), 7882, 22330; George Raynor Thompson
etal., The Signal Corps:The Test (December 1941
but all America that civil rights was not to July 1943) (Washington, D.C., 387426; and
only a moral but also a logical necessity. George Raynor Thompson and Dixie R.Harris, The
Such conclusions led Walter Fisher, one of Signal Corps:The Outcome (Mid-1943 Through 1945)
(Washington, D.C., 1966), 54079.
a handful of black officers assigned to I&E, 5. There is a vast literature about morale and
to remember this pioneering film a third its importance. See Wesley Frank Craven and
of a century later. Although we knew James Lea Cate, eds., Services Around the World,
vol. VII of The Army Air Forces in World War II
the day of jubilee had not arrived, he con- (Chicago:Univ. of Chicago Press, 1958), 43176,
siders The Negro Soldier one of the finest for a good introduction to the problem. The
things that ever happened to America.74 scientific study of morale was an outgrowth
of World War I.See Edward L.Munson, The
Management of Men:AHandbook on the Systematic
Development of Morale and the Control of Human
Acknowledgments Behavior (NewYork:H. Holtand Co. 1921);
Munsons son became Capras superior in I&E; he
too wrote a widely used guide to morale:Colonel
We would like to thank the Woodrow Edward Lyman Munson, Jr., Leadership for
Wilson International Center for Scholars, American Army Leaders, in The Fighting Forces
Series (rev. ed.; Washington, D.C.:The Infantry
Smithsonian Institution, Washington,D.C., Journal,1944).
for support in preparing this essay. 6. Production files for Prelude to War are located
in 062.2 ocsigo, Box 1, Records of the Chief Signal
Officer, RG 111, Film Section, National Archives,
Notes where a viewing print may also be found
[hereafter FS-NA]. See also 062.2 ocsigo, Box 12,
1. Quoted in Thomas Cripps, The Noble Black A52-248, Washington National Records Center,
Savage:AProblem in the Politics of Television Art, Suitland, Maryland, for additional production
Journal of Popular Culture, 8 (Spring 1975), 68795. material [hereafter WNRC-Suitland]. Concerning
2. See Ulysses Lee, The Employment of Negro the optimism of Capras films see Robert Sklar,
Troops:Special Studies (Washington, D.C.:Office of Movie-Made America:ACultural History of American
Chief of Military History, U.S. Army, G.P.O., 1966), Movies (NewYork:Vintage Books, 1976), 20514.
The Negro Soldier 345

7. Claude A.Barnett, head of the Associated Negro 15. Agood discussion of social engineering is found
Press, to Victor Roudin, copy, March 26, 1953, in in Robert K.Merton, Social Theory and Social
Barnett MSS, Chicago Historical Society, Chicago, Structure (rev. ed; Glencoe, Ill.:Free Press, 1957),
III. As one black critic suggested, Is there only in particular chapter16, Science and Democratic
one Negro family in the war and is the only Social Structure. See also Alvin M.Weinberg,
thing they are doing farming? William Ashby, Can Technology Replace Social Engineering,
Springfield [III.] Urban League, to Elmer Davis, in Albert H.Teich, ed., Technology and Mans
Box 1431, entry 264, RG 208. Prints of both films Future (NewYork:St. Martins, 1972), 2735.
are located in FS-NA. An official OWI analysis of For the origin of the term see H. S.Person,
Negro Colleges in Wartime is located in Box 1490, Engineering, in Edwin R.A. Seligman, etal.,
entry 271, RG 208; the script is in Box 1569, entry eds., Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, volume
302, RG 208; Box 1571, entry 302, RG 208, has V-VI (NewYork, 1931),542.
nearly fifty photographs taken for Negro Colleges 16. For Youngs pre-war work see his Motion
but scenes not included in film; stills from Henry Pictures:AStudy in Social Legislation (Philadelphia:
Browne, Farmer are in Box 1569, entry 302, RG Westbrook, 1922); he also edited two special issues
208; the lack of appeal of Negro Colleges in Wartime of the Annals of the American Academy of Political
is discussed in Distribution of and Use of OWI and Social Science:The American Negro, 90 (1928)
Non-theatrical Films in April 1943, Box 1483, entry and Minority Peoples in a Nation at War, 223 (1942).
268, RG 208, where only one film of all in OWI 1 7. For a good discussion of the problem see
distribution had fewer bookings per print. All in Paul F.Lazarsfeld and Robert K.Merton,
WNRC-Suitland. The Psychological Analysis of Propaganda,
8. [Donald Young], Leadership and the Negro Soldier, in Writers Congress. The Proceedings of
Manual M5 (Oct. 1944), 4.In keeping with wartime the Conference Held in October 1943 under
practice the authors name is not given. Culbert the Sponsorship of the Hollywood Writers
interview with Donald Young, Macungie, Pa., Mobilization and the University of California
February 13, 1977. Acopy of Manual M5 is located (Berkeley, Cal., 1944), 36280.
in Box 1011, Records of the Assistant Secretary of 18. Thomas Cripps, Slow Fade to Black:The Negro in
Defense, Manpower Personnel & Reserve, Record American Film, 19001942 (NewYork:Oxford Univ.
Group330, Modern Military Records, National Press,1977).
Archives, Washington, D.C. [hereafter MMR-NA]. 19. Leadership and the Negro Soldier,4.
9. Secret Minutes, Meeting of General Council, May 20. Cripps, Slow Fade to Black, 37576.
31, 1943, 34, 334 cos, Box 30, Records of the Office 21. Zanuck to screenwriter Eric Knight, July 22, 1942,
of Chief of Staff, RG 165, MMR-NA. Eric Knight MSS, Quakertown,Penna.
10. Lee, Employment of Negro Troops,330. 22. Suggested Motion Picture of the Negro in the U.S.
11. For a fine discussion of I&E see Neil Minihan, Army, n.d. [Mar.1942], copy in Young to Culbert,
A History of the Information and Education December 27, 1976; the final memorandum is
Division, manuscript loaned to Culbert. Also discussed in Lee, Employment of Negro Troops, 387;
helpful is Study of I&E Activities in World War II, Culbert interview with Donald Young, February
typewritten, copy in Box 1, Francis Spaulding MSS, 13,1977.
Archives of Harvard University, Cambridge,Mass. 23. Capra, Name Above the Title,337.
12. Interview with Donald Young, February 13, 1977; 24. Carlton Moss to Donald Young, August 26,
telephone interview with Frederick Osborn, 1942; Box 224, Records of the Civilian Aide
November 5, 1976; telephone interview with Paul to the Secretary of War (Hastie File), RG 107,
Horgan, November 10, 1976; Osborn, Preface to MMR-NA.
Eugenics (NewYork:Harper,1940). 25. Cripps interview with Frank Capra, La Quinta,
13. Culbert interview with Donald Young, February Cal., December 31, 1976; Axel Madsen,
13, 1977; letter of Young to Culbert, December William Wyler:The Authorized Biography
27,1976. (NewYork:Crowell. 1973), 22425.
14. Stouffer publicized his attitude surveys in What 26. Cripps telephone interview with Stuart Heisler,
the Soldier Thinks, complete copies of which February 17,1977.
are found in RG 330, MMR-NA, along with 27. Cripps interviews with Carlton Moss,
supporting unpublished data. In summary Hollywood,Cal., June 1970; Boston, Mass., April
form they appear in Samuel A.Stouffer, etal., 1973; Iowa City, Iowa, July, 1974. Moss attended
Studies in Social Psychology in World War II:Vol. Morgan State College and wrote radio scripts for
I, The American Soldier:Adjustment During Dr.Channing Tobias, head of the blackYMCA.
Army Life; Vol. II, Combat and Its Aftermath; 28. Acopy of the original version of OF 51 is found
Vol. III, Experiments on Mass Communication; inFS-NA.
Vol. IV, Measurement and Prediction (Princeton, 29. Acomplete copy of the final photographic
N.J.:Princeton Univ. Press, 194950). The scenario, May 31, 1943, plus an earlier version
methodology of these surveys is brilliantly dated September 17, 1942, may be found in
attacked in Jacques Ellul, Propaganda:The proj. 6022, 062.2 ocsigo, Box 12, A52-248,
Formation of Mens Attitudes (NewYork:Vintage, WNRC-Suitland. Moss ended up playing the
1973), in particular 259302. preacher himself only after rejecting a succession
346 Documentary Propaganda
of Hollywood Negroes who seemed tied to 40. War Department Circular 208, May 25, 1944,
traditional black acting styles. 413.56 ag, Box 3241, RG 407, MMR-NA.
30. The scripts shooting instructions for achieving 41. War Department Circular 283, September 19, 1945,
this result are instructive:(NOTE:This scene 413.53 ag, Box 3237, RG 407, MMR-NA.
will be used as a transparency to work in two or 42. Brig. Gen. C.T. Lanham, Director, I&E Div., to Karl
three Negro soldiers with white soldiers passing Korter, June 6, 1946, 062.2 cos, Box 374, RG 319,
in the foreground carrying shot and powder MMR-NA.
for cannons.); (NOTE:Beginning with the 43. Agood introduction to the OWI is Allan
Revolutionary period, down through all the wars, M.Winkler, The Politics of Propaganda:The Office
including World War IIMPRESSIONISTIC of War Information, 19421945 (New Haven:Yale
CLOSEUPSwhite and Negromostly Univ. Press, 1978); for Davis pre-war radio
recognizable Negro faceswill be shot for dressing experience see David Holbrook Culbert, News
up and emphasizing that there were Negro soldiers for Everyman:Radio and Foreign Affairs in Thirties
in all of these wars.) Script, May 31, 1943, p.12, America (Westport, Ct.:Greenwood, 1976), 12552.
A52-248, WNRC-Suitland. The official production 44. Paul Horgan to Lyman Munson, Nov. 6, 1943,
budget under the heading Bits and Extras called 062.2 cos, Box 304, RG 319, MMR-NA.
for Battle of New Orleans. 5 Negroes 1day at 45. Capra, Name Above the Title, 35862. Mabel
$10.50 a day. Copy in 333.9, ig, Box 1160, Records R.Staupers, NAACP, to Maj. Gen. A.D. Surles,
of the Inspector General, RG 159, WNRC-Suitland. February 25, 1944; and telegram, National Negro
31. Osur, Blacks in the Army Air Forces, 80-81, notes Congress to Surles, February 19, 1944, RG 107,
opposition within the Army to issuing Manual M5. MMR-NA.
The foreword to Leadership and the Negro Soldier, 46. The NewYork Times, Apr. 22, 1944; Nation, March
p.iv, specifically suggests that The Negro Soldier 11, 1944, 316; Time, March 27, 1944, 94,96.
be shown as part of the course of instruction, 47. For an excellent discussion of how the WAC
preferably the second meeting, and also suggests, functioned see mimeographed analysis of theater
p.64, that one of the Capra Why We Fight films, booking practices prepared for War Manpower
Divide and Conquer, be shown to combat racial Commission, n.d. [July1944] in Taylor Mills to
hate rumors within the United States. Gunnar Francis Harmon, July 22, 1944, Box 1488, entry
Myrdals An American Dilemma:The Negro Problem 269, RG 208; see also Mills to Truman Gibson,
and Modern Democracy (NewYork:Harper, 1944), May 1, 1944, Box 1484, entry 268, RG 208, both in
is given particular emphasis in the manuals list of WNRC-Suitland.
suggested readings, p.101. 48. War Activities Committee, Movies at War 1945
32. Cripps telephone interview with Heisler, February (NewYork:War Activity Committee, 1945), 42, copy
17, 1977; The National Film Board News Letter, enclosed in Francis Harmon to Culbert, January
February 4, 1944, 2, reported that in Washington 26, 1977; information about exact bookings of OF
there are about sixty different bureaus or 51 in each of thirty-one exchanges is found in Box
sub-bureaus of the U.S. Government concerned 1485, entry 269, RG 208, WNRC-Suitland.
with either the production, distribution, or 49. Peter Noble. The Negro in Films (NewYork:Amo
utilization of films. Copy in Box 1486, entry 269, Press, 1970), 99100 lists numbers of black
RG 208, WNRC-Suitland. theaters bystate.
33. Cripps interview with Heisler, February 17, 50. Telegram, Lehman Katz to Lyman Munson, n.d.
1977. [June 19,1944]; unsigned memorandum, n.d. [June
34. Munson to Litvak, November 1, 1943, 062.2 cos, 28,1944], both in proj. 6024, 062.2 ocsigo, Box
Box 304, Records of the Chief of Staff, Troop 12, A52-248, WNRC-Suitland. The short and long
Information & Education, RG 319, MMR-NA. versions were both made available to commercial
35. Cripps telephone interview with Heisler, Feb. distributors in July 1944. Publicity release WAC,
17,1977. July 21, 1944, copy in Box 1, Albert Deane MSS,
36. Munson to Litvak, Nov. 1, 1943, Box 304, RG 319, Museum of Modern Art Film Library, NewYork,
MMR-NA. N.Y. Aprint of 24 is available from the Army
37. Karl Marks to John Hubbell, Jan. 12, 1944, copy in Training Support Center, Tobyhanna,Pa.
OF 51 production files, 062.2 ocsigo, Box 14, RG 51. Weekly Report on Film Production Activities,
111,FS-NA. Lehman Katz to Paul Horgan, May 3, 1944,
38. Report B-102, Reactions of Negro and White 319.1 cos, Box 370, RG 319, MMR-NA. Specific
Soldiers to the film The Negro Soldier, April 17, suggestions from the producers are quoted in
1944. 439 blacks and 510 whites at Camp Pickett, Gibson to Anatole Litvak, Apr. 14, 1944, proj. 6024,
Virginia, previewed the film. In addition almost 062.2 ocsigo, Box 12, A52-248, WNRC-Suitland.
91percent of the whites described it as very good. 52. The Goldberg film was based on the OWI
Copy in Box 992, RG 330, MMR-NA. pamphlet Negroes and the War. Jack Goldberg to
39. Memorandum, Maj. Gen. Ray Porter, Assistant Francis Harmon, February 28, 1944, Box 1488,
Chief of Staff G-3, to Osborn, May 4, 1944, 413.53 entry 269, RG208.
ag, Box 3241, Records of the Adjutant General, RG 53. Wilkins to Gibson, January 3, 14, 15; February
407, MMR-NA; Karl Marks to ocsigo, Apr. 15, 1944, 1, 3, 1944; Wilkins to Maj. Homer B. Roberts,
062.2 ocsigo, Box 44, A45-196, WNRC-Suitland. February 9, 1944; United States District Court,
The Negro Soldier 347

Southern District of New York, Negro Marches 62. Dorothy E.Cook and Eva Rahbek-Smith, compilers,
On, Plaintiff, v. War Activities Committee, Educational Film Guide (NewYork, W.W. Wilson,
Defendants, copy, n.d.; Gibson, amicus curiae Co., 1945), 152. This annual compilation first
brief, 2 pages, n.d.; Thurgood Marshall to Pauline appeared in1936.
Lauber, executive secretary, Hollywood Writers 63. OWI Monthly Report of Government Film Showings
Mobilization, May 2, 1944; Robert Rossen to for October 1944, Cleveland Public Library, Box
Frank Capra, March 30, 1944, all in Box 277, 1640, entry 362, RG 208, WNRC-Suitland. Boxes
Records of the National Association for the 1624-1647 cover every state with varying degrees of
Advancement of Colored People, Manuscript completeness on a monthlybasis.
Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 64. C.R. Reagan stated that he distributed 138 of his
[hereafter NAACP Records]. 150 16mm prints for 15,600 showings with an
54. Quoted in Gibson to Anatole Litvak, April 14, estimated total audience of 3,220,000 between
1944, proj. 6024, 062.2 ocsigo, Box 12, A52-248, June 15, 1944 and January 1, 1945. Reagan to
WNRC-Suitland. Gibson, January 4, 1945, Box 224, RG 107 (Hastie
55. Goldberg to Congressman Andrew J., May, April1, File), MMR-NA.
1944; Goldberg to White, May 25, 1944; Ralph 65. In June 1945 OF51 had been shown 69 times to
Cooper to White, June 8, 1944; Julia E.Baxter to 43,025 persons in Haiti. See monthly 16mm
Wilkins, November 4, 1943; press release dated Films-Latin American Program-Summary by Title,
April 27, 1944; White to Marshall, May 4, 1944; all Copy in Box 218, central files 3, Records of the
in Box 277, NAACP Records. Coordinator for Inter-American Affairs, RG 229,
56. Clippings from black press; and invitations to Moss WNRC-Suitland.
from the Civic Unity Committee and Charles U. 66. There is a print in FS-NA. The Script and
Shellenberg, Los Angeles YMCA, April 24, 1944, in production records are found in proj. 11, 015, 062.2
personal files of Moss, copies sent to Cripps; trade ocsigo, Box 19, A52-248, WNRC-Suitland.
paper clippings in Stuart Heisler MSS, Theater 67. Wilkins to Surles, August 22, 1945; White to
Arts Library,UCLA. Marshall, Harrington and Wilkins, April 17,
57. Discussed in Leonard Bloom, California Eagle, 1946; White to Arthur Mayer, May 21, 1946;
March 16, 1944; and Esther L.Berg, Films to White to Robert Patterson, May 9, 1946;
Better Human Relations, reprinted from High Jeannette E.Samuelson, public relations director,
Points (NewYork:Brooklyn Jewish Community Arthur Mayer and Juseph Burstyn Theatres, to
Council, n.d. [1945]), copies from personal files of Friend, mimeographed, July 11, 1946; Ida Long,
Moss sent to Cripps. 20th-Century Fox to Fred S.Hall, December 27,
58. RG 208 has the extensive records of OWIs 1944; Hall to White, December 29, 1944; Wilkins to
Non-theatrical Division of the Motion Picture Maj. Homer B.Roberts, January 2, 1945, all in Box
Branch. See also Film Council of America, Sixty 277; White to Wilkins, Marshall and Harrington,
Years of 16mm Film 19231983:ASymposium April 24, 1946; Wilkins to Julia E.Baxter and
(Evanston, Ill., 1954), 14859. Harrington, October 21, 1946; White to Patterson,
59. Curtiss Mitchell to Stanton Griffis, April 12, 1944, April 24, May 9, 1946, all in Box 274; all in NAACP
Box 1484, entry 268; Taylor Mills to Edgar Baker, Records. Samuelson to W.W. Lindsay, Army
June 8, 1944, Box 1486, entry 269; methods of Pictorial Service, June 12, 1946, proj. 11, 015, ocsigo,
distribution are discussed in C.R. Reagan to Box 19, A52-248, WNRC-Suitland.
Congressman Louis Ludlow, June 10, 1944, Box 68. Moss clipping file, March 1944, in personal files of
1581, entry 305; all in RG 208, WNRC-Suitland. Moss, copies sent to Cripps.
60. Iris Barry, Curator, Museum of Modern Art Film 69. Press clippings in Box 274, NAACP Records.
Library, to Rudolph Montgelas, Bureau of Public 70. Negro, II (Sept., 1944), 94, JohnsonMSS.
Relations, n.d. [Aug.1944], War Dept, folder, 71. The tendency is described in Samuel Goldwyn,
Central Files, Museum of Modern Art Film Library, How IBecame Interested in Social Justice,
NewYork, N.Y. 3,250 persons saw OF 51 (from July Opportunity, 26 (Summer 1948), 10001.
2430,1944). 72. Movie Choir, Ebony, 4 (Oct. 1949),2527.
61. Not every group had a choice:Mr. E.J. Welch, 73. Cripps telephone interview with Carlton Moss, July
D.C. Reformatory, Lorton, Va., is anxious to obtain 8, 1977; Cripps telephone interview with Stanley
the film, THE NEGRO SOLDIER, for a showing Kramer, July 11, 1977; Cripps telephone interview
at the reformatory. Catherine Preston, to Joseph with Carl Foreman, July 12,1977.
Brechsteen, September 13, 1944, Box 1483, entry 74. Culbert and Cripps interview with Walter Fisher,
268, RG 208, WNRC-Suitland. Washington, D.C., July 12,1977.

History, Documentation, and the Newsreel(1946)

War and the apocalypse it brings are at and its atomic bombs, leaves far behind the
the heart of a decisive new reevaluation creative art that aims at reconstituting it.
of documentary reporting.1 The reason The craze for war reports seems to me
is that, during a war, facts have an excep- to derive from a series of psychological and
tional amplitude and importance. They perhaps also moral exigencies. Nothing
constitute a colossal mise-en-scne compared suits us better than the unique event, shot on
with which that of Caesar and Cleopatra the spot, at the very moment of its creation.
(Gabriel Pascal, J. Arthur Rank; GB, 1945) or Such a theater of operations, when com-
Intolerance (D.W. Griffith, Wark; US, 1916) pared with the other one, has the invaluable
looks as though it were the set for a small dramatic superiority of inventing the play as
show touring the provinces. But these facts it spontaneously unfolds. It is a kind of com-
also constitute a real mise-en-scne, which is media dellarte in which the scenario itself is
used only once. The drama also takes place always being reworked. As far as the techni-
for real, for the protagonists have agreed cal means are concerned, there is no need to
to die at the same time as they are shot by insist on their unerring efficiency. I would
the camera, like enslaved gladiators in the simply like to underline the fact that these
circus arena. Thanks to film, the world is means reach a cosmic scale and that they
cleverly saving money on the cost of its wars, need fear only earthquakes,2 volcanic erup-
since the latter are used for two purposes, tions, tidal waves, and the Apocalypse itself.
history and cinema, thus reminding us of I say this without irony, because I think that
those less-than-conscientious producers the number one broadcast in the series News
who shoot a second film on the overpriced from Heaven will certainly be devoted to a
set of the first one. In this case, however, the lengthy report on the Last Judgment, com-
world is right. War, with its harvest of dead pared to which the report on the Nuremberg
bodies, its immense destruction, its count- trials will somehow look like the Lumires
less migrations, its concentration camps, Workers Leaving the Factory (France, 1895).
On Why WeFight 349

If I were pessimistic, I would add a slightly able to say to what extent strictly military
Freudian psychological factor that I would efficiency differs from the cinematically
call the Nero complex and define as the effective spectacle that we expect from it?
pleasure experienced at the sight of urban In a lecture on the art of the documen-
destruction. If I were optimistic, I would tary, the French film critic and director
allude to the aforementioned moral factor Roger Leenhardt imagined that, next time,
and say that the cruelty and violence of war Commander Humphrey Bogart or Sergeant
have taught us to respectalmost to make Spencer Tracy, playing the parts we have
a cult ofactual facts, in comparison with come to expect of them, would be the pro-
which any reconstitution, even made in tagonists of some grand semi-fictionalized
good faith, seems dubious, indecent, and report. A crew of cameramen would be
sacrilegious. responsible for filming the course of the
But the war report above all fulfills actual military operations that Bogart or
another need, which explains its extreme Tracy would really command at the patri-
popularity. The taste for such documentary otic peril of his life. Shall we say that we
news, combined with that for the cinema, havent reached this point yet? I ask you to
reflects nothing if not modern mans will think about the bombing of the Bikini atoll
to be there, his need to observe history-in- and about the naval theater boxes nearby, to
the-making, not only because of political which only special guests had access (some-
evolution, but also because of the evolution what as they do for live programs on televi-
as well as irremediable intermingling of sion) while numerous cameras were filming
the technological means of communication for you and me the sensational moments. I
and destruction. The days of total war are ask you also to think about the Nuremberg
fatally matched by those of total history. The trials, which took place under the spotlights,
governments of the world have understood as though they were the enactment of some
this very well; this is why they try to show murder trial in a detective film.
us film reports of all their historical acts, We live more and more in a world
such as the signing of treaties or the meet- stripped bare by film, a world that tends to
ings of the various superpowers. As history peel off its own image. Hundreds of thou-
is not at all a ballet that is fixed in advance, sands of screens make us watch, during the
it is necessary to plant along the way as news broadcasts, the extraordinary shedding
many cameras as possible so as to be able performed each day by tens of thousands
to film it in the act (in the historical act, of of cameras. As soon as it forms, historys
course). Thus nations at war have made pro- skin peels off again. Before the war a filmed
visions for the cinematic equipment of their news report used to be called the eye of the
armies, just as they have made provisions world. Today this title is hardly pretentious
for the truly military equipment of those as countless Bell-and-Howell lenses, placed
armies. The camera operator accompanies all over the world where important events
the bomber on its mission or the infantry- take place, prey on the picturesque, bizarre,
men during their landing. The armament or terrible signs of our destiny.
of the fighter-bomber contains an automatic Among the American films released in
camera placed between its two machine France right after the Liberation, the only
guns. The cameraman runs as many risks ones that have elicited unanimous approval
as the soldier, whose death he is supposed and inspired a boundless admiration are
to film even at the cost of his own life (but those in the series Why We Fight. They had
who cares, as long as the footage is saved!). the merit not only of introducing a new tone
Most military operations now include a into the art of propaganda, a measured tone
detailed filmic preparation. Who, then, is that convinced without violence, at once
350 Documentary Propaganda

didactic and pleasant; but also, although permits us to catch in our nets an enormous
they consisted only of newsreels, they knew number of documentary images. Naturally,
how to capture attention like a detective human intervention was necessary.
novel. I think that, for the film historian, It has been said how good these films
Why We Fight has created a new genre:the are as much from a strictly cinematic point
edited ideological documentary. I dont of view as from a political one. However, it
mean that such a use of editing is new. The turns out that probably not enough time
great German or Soviet editors have long has been spent on an analysis of the intel-
since demonstrated the use one could make lectual and psychological mechanism to
of it in documentaries, but the Capra films which they owe their pedagogical efficiency.
display a new originality:none of the images This mechanism is well worth examining,
of which they are composed (except for a though, because its main force seems to me
few connecting shots) were photographed to be particularly dangerous for the future
for these films. The editing thus aims not of the human spirit and should therefore
so much at showing as at making a point. not be excluded from any careful study of
These are abstract, purely logical films that the rape of the masses.
paradoxically use the most historical and The principle behind this type of docu-
the most concrete kind of document: the mentary essentially consists in giving to the
newsreel. They have established for good, images the logical structure of language,
with a perfection that will probably never and in giving to language itself the credibil-
be surpassed, that the a posteriori editing of ity and proof of photographic images. The
film shot for other purposes can achieve the viewer has the illusion of watching a visual
flexibility and precision of language. The demonstration, whereas this demonstration
best-edited documentaries up to now have is in reality only a succession of equivocal
been only narratives; those under consider- facts held together merely by the cement of
ation are speeches. the words that accompany them. The essen-
The films in the series Why We Fight tial part of the film is not in its projection
(along with a few other American and but in the soundtrack. Shall we say that this
Russian documentaries) have been made is nothing new and that every single elucida-
possible only by the enormous accumu- tion of a visual text, every single pedagogical
lation of documentary footage from the documentary, does the same? I dont think
war; they are the result of the search for so, because, in the case of the pedagogical
people and events, which more and more documentary, preeminence is given either
has become an official institution. To make to the pictures or to the language. By con-
these films, an enormous selection of news- trast, a documentary on trawl fishing or on
reels from international archives was neces- the building of a bridge shows and explains.
sary, and these archives had to be complete There isnt any intellectual deception in the
enough to contain an event as intimate in its process; the intrinsic and distinct values
historical nature as Hitlers war dance at the of the words and of the pictures are pre-
Rethondes Crossroads (in northern France). served. Here, however, the film rests on the
One can conclude from this that Dziga absolute opposite: the subordination of the
Vertovs theory of the Cine-Eye is begin- events pictured on screen. Please, under-
ning to be confirmed in a sense that even stand me well: I am not posing the problem
the Soviet theoretician had not foreseen. of content but of form. I am denying nei-
But the camera, unique as it is among the ther the rightness of the arguments not that
picture hunters of the world, could not have the right people have to try to convince us,
reached this omnipresence in space and but solely the honesty of the method used.
time by itselfan omnipresence that today These films, which start with a favorable a
On Why WeFight 351

priori, that of using logic, reason, and the believe in facts,3 but modern criticism has
evidence of the facts, in actuality rest on a sufficiently established that in the end they
grave confusion of values, on the manipula- have only the meaning that the human
tion of psychology, credulity, and perception. mind gives to them. Up to the discovery
One could closely analyze a scene like of photography, the historical fact was
the battle before Moscow (the fifth film in reconstituted from written documents: the
the series) for evidence of what Iam saying. mind and human language came into play
The comments on the soundtrack clearly twice in such reconstitutions: in the recon-
explain the facts:the retreat of the Russians, struction of the event and in the historical
German offensive, Russian resistance, sta- thesis it was adduced to support. With film,
bilization of the front line around the latest we can refer to the facts in flesh and blood,
lines of retreat, Russian counteroffensive. so to speak. Could they bear witness to
It is evident that a battle of this size could something else other than themselves?
not be filmed in toto. One could pull from To something elseother than the narrative
it only extremely fragmentary shots. The of which they form a part? I think that, far
work of the editor has been essentially to from moving the historical sciences toward
choose shots from German newsreels, more objectivity, the cinema paradoxically
which supposedly had been taken right out- gives them the additional power of illu-
side Moscow and which gave the impres- sion by its very realism. The invisible com-
sion of a victorious German offensive:rapid mentator, whom the viewer forgets while
movement of soldiers, tank attacks, and watching Capras marvelously edited films,
Russian corpses in the snow. Then, in the is tomorrows historian of the masses, the
Russian counteroffensive, the editor found ventriloquist of this extraordinary prosopo-
impressive scenes of soldiers rushing for- peia that is being prepared in all the film
ward, being careful, of course, to position archives of the world and that wills the men
them on screen in the opposite direction and the events of another time back to life.
from the Nazi infantrymen in the preced-
ing shots. The mind makes of these appar-
ently concrete elements an abstract outline Notes
and reconstitutes an ideal battle, since it has 1. [Editors note]: This article was first published in
the indubitable illusion of seeing this battle French in Esprit (1946), then reprinted in Vol. 1
as a kind of duel. Ihave chosen on purpose (Ontologie et language) of Bazins four-volume
Quest-ce que le cinema? (Paris: Editions du Cerf.
a sequence in which such a concrete sche-
19581962), pp. 3136. It is translated into English
matization was inevitable and in this case here for the first time with the permission of
completely justified, since the Germans did Madame Janine Bazin.
indeed lose the battle. But if we extrapo- 2 . Even more than that! An H-bomb today is
equivalent to a hundred big earthquakes.
late this device, we understand that we can 3 . But then again, with a very British sort of
thus be convinced we are watching events humor John Grierson has just revealed (in the
whose outcome and meaning have been newspapers of October 13, 1958) that he was the
creator of Hitlers war dance at the Rethondes
completely invented. Shall we say, then, that Crossroads. Hitler was simply lifting his leg.
we should have at the very least a guaran- By redoubling the shot, as in the anti-Nazi
tee of the filmmakers moral honesty? In burlesque titled The Lambeth Walk (Albert de
Courville. CAPAD/Pinebrook; GB, 1939), the
any event, this honesty can bear only on the famous English documentarian made Hitler
ends, since the very structure of the means dance his now famous Satanic jig, which has
renders them illusory. thus become historical. [Editors note: Bazin
added this note to his 1946 article when he
The shots used in these films are in a way collected it in the first volume of his Quest-ce
straight historical facts. We spontaneously que le cinma (1958).]

Humphrey Jennings and Listen to Britain(1998)

The films made by Humphrey Jennings assumption that poetry and propaganda
during World War II are widely regarded are incompatible. Yet the depiction of the
as the peak of his achievement as a film- war effort in these films is closely associ-
maker. In particular, Listen to Britain (1942), ated with the enduring myth of the peo-
Fires Were Started (1943), and A Diary for ples war, and Andrew Britton has recently
Timothy (1945) have been recognized as key argued that Jennings was creating propa-
examples of a poetic style whose beautiful ganda for the British Imperial Myth which
images and striking montage effects seem to is still incorrigibly there to this day and
challenge John Griersons emphasis on the which emphasizes the homogeneity,
social purpose of documentary. When Listen the unambiguous political unity, of British
to Britain was released, it was dismissed by wartime society (38). Jennings is thus seen
Edgar Anstey, one of Jenningss colleagues to be complicit with a myth that created the
at the Crown Film Unit, as a work of great illusion that the British class system had
beauty which will not encourage anyone to been swept away and sought to dupe the
do anything at all (quoted in Sussex 144). people into believing that no further social
After the war, however, it was this poetic change would be required once the war had
approach that appealed to a group of young beenwon.2
critics opposed to the Grierson tradition. In While Britton does show how both the
an influential article published in Sight and films and the myth were appropriated by
Sound in 1954, Lindsay Anderson not only the conservative ideology of the Thatcher
celebrated Jenningss poetic style but also years, I believe that he misrepresents how
argued that he was the only real poet the the films work as poetic documentaries and,
British cinema has yet produced(53).1 in so doing, tends to downplay the complex-
Even though Anstey and Anderson ity and contradictions in their relationship
arrived at opposing conclusions with regard to the myth which they reflect and help to
to the value of the films, they shared the construct. In this essay, I will offer a close
The Poetics of Propaganda 353

reading of Listen to Britain to suggest how Riefenstahl and Robert Flaherty, and even
its poetic style and propaganda purposes a few British documentaries such as Harry
unsettle and enrich each other, and I will Watt and Basil Wrights Night Mail (1936),
outline some general principles regarding which incorporated verse by W. H. Auden
the relationship of poetry and propaganda and music by Benjamin Britten. My analy-
within the documentarymode. sis of Listen to Britain will, therefore, not
Although the opening credits assign offer a comprehensive account of the possi-
joint responsibility for the direction and bilities of the poetic documentary but rather
editing of Listen to Britain to Jennings and will try to pin down exactly what it means to
Stewart McAllister, I will continue to refer call this particular film poetic.3
to Jennings as the films author, partly for While the usual implied opposite of
the sake of convenience but also because poetry is prose, the literary analogy is rarely
the film clearly anticipates the two later rigorously employed and is often blurred
films with which it forms an informal tril- by equally vague allusions to painting and
ogy documenting the progress of the war music. Jennings was called an unrepen-
effort in Britain. Jennings received sole tant impressionist, and Listen to Britain
credit for directing both films; McAllister has been described as a symphony of
edited Fires Were Started but not A Diary for the sounds of Britain at war (Hardy 171;
Timothy. The joint credit on Listen to Britain Barsam 172). In Jenningss case, such analo-
acknowledges the difficulty of separating gies were especially plausible because of his
direction from editing in a film which, as work in other media, as a poet and a painter
we will see, depends so heavily on montage and as an organizer of the London surreal-
effects. Clearly, others also contributed sig- ist exhibition of 1936. He had already spo-
nificantly to these Crown Film Unit produc- ken out in defence of the poet and against
tions, but they are all centrally informed by a general tendency in the arts of the 1930s
a sensibility which derives from Jennings. toward an emphasis on the social and use-
In any case, my concern here is not with ful (Hillier 70-71).
questions of authorship but with how this There are clearly problems involved in
sensibility has been defined through the cat- transferring the literary category of poetry
egories of poetry and propaganda. to an audio-visual medium, and it is cer-
tainly not clear that propaganda needs to
be associated with prose. A more perti-
nent opposition might be that suggested
Poetry inMotion by Claude Lvi-Strauss between poetry and
myth: the density and complexity of poetic
Recent historians and theorists of docu- speech means that it can be translated only
mentary continue to place Jennings in at the cost of serious distortions, while
what Stuart Legg once called the poetic the substance of myth lies not in its style,
line (quoted in Sussex 159). Thus Paul its original music, or its syntax, but in the
Swann refers to a uniquely poetic ele- story which it tells (Lvi-Strauss 210). It may
ment in Jenningss films and Bill Nichols seem to make little sense to ask whether
identifies a poetic form of exposition in Listen to Britain could be translated, but this
Listen to Britain (Swann 163; Nichols 179). formulation does suggest the way in which
Although Swanns wording suggests that its poetic style works with and against
Jenningss work stands apart, it is clear what Roland Barthes, building on the ideas
that, by the 1940s, the poetic line already of Lvi-Strauss, has called the frozen
encompassed a wide range of films, includ- speech of myth which sets out to immobi-
ing the city symphonies, the films of Leni lize the world (129, 155).4
354 Documentary Propaganda

Before looking at specific examples of Without denying that Jenningss films do

how this poetic style functions in Listen exhibit recurring motifs and preoccupations
to Britain, I will briefly review three crite- which reflect the sensibility of their prime
ria for identifying the poetry effect which author, Iwant to suggest that this criterion
emerge from the discourse surrounding is of limited value in distinguishing a poetic
Jenningss films. According to Anderson, documentary. What is the point of stress-
there is no doubt that the primary crite- ing the personal vision in Listen to Britain
rion should be the filmmakers ability to when the film itself goes to great lengths
develop a personal vision. While admit- to conceal the presence of the filmmakers,
ting that Jenningss films were official, developing what might even be called an
sponsored propaganda, Anderson valued impersonal style in order to suggest that
them because the manner of expression the personality which it documents is that
was always individual (53). This idea was of the British people? This impersonality
taken up by Jim Hillier, who compared certainly has ideological implications, which
Jennings to John Ford, another director will be examined later, but there seems to be
whom Anderson greatly admired, argu- nothing intrinsically poetic aboutit.
ing that each director develops a personal I do not want to reject the category of
vision within the constraints of the pro- the personal out of hand, however, since
paganda documentary and the Hollywood it emerges in a new form from a consider-
genre system, respectively (Hillier 70). ation of the other two criteria which have
More recently, Kevin Jackson has reiter- been most often used for identifying the
ated this argument, claiming that Jennings poetic style in these documentaries. For
used the most seemingly anonymous of many critics the most telling sign was a
all film forms to work out an unmistakable negative one: the lack of an omniscient
personal language(x). voice-over commentary. In the Griersonian
Andersons allusion to Ford underlines tradition, the voice of the documentary
the links between this line of argument is identified with that of the male voice-of-
and Andrew Sarriss use of personal vision God commentator, whose claim to authority
as one of the criteria in his version of the and omniscience depends on the denial of
auteur theory. Indeed, in Hilliers account, a personal viewpoint.5 The films argument
Jennings emerges as the British cinemas is conveyed through the commentary, and
one undoubted auteur (Hillier 62). Since the images are subordinate to its demands.
the auteur theory has subsequently been Although the commentary claims to explain
widely attacked as a vestige of a Romantic the images, it actually determines their
investment in the notion of individual cre- structure, just as the narrative does in popu-
ativity which ignores not only the indus- lar fictionfilms.
trial basis of film as a medium but also the Jennings consistently resisted the dom-
extent to which the meanings generated inance of the voice-of-God commentator
by any work of art are produced by its cul- in his major work. After eliminating com-
tural context, its application to Jennings mentary completely from Listen to Britain,
might seem to confirm the doubts of those he moved toward the indirect address of
who rejected his work as anachronistic and classical narrative cinema in Fires Were
socially irrelevant. The criterion of personal Started (following the lead of Robert
vision would thus seem to be quite conso- Flaherty), and used second-person address
nant with Edgar Ansteys judgment that a (ostensibly to a baby born at the end of the
poetic documentary like Listen to Britain is war) to complicate the spectator/commen-
a figment of the romantic imagination tator relationship in A Diary for Timothy.
(quoted in Sussex144). The absence of a commentator in Listen
The Poetics of Propaganda 355

to Britain leads to a sense of ambigu- completely circumscribed in advance

ity, often seen as one of the hallmarks of and that it must always oscillate between
poetic language.6 Since the relationships the personal and the social (82). If the
between the images are no longer deter- poetic discourse of Listen to Britain is, as
mined by a verbal discourse, the editing Ihave suggested, impersonal, it is because
must create its own continuity which, the style is supposed to emanate not from
however, is at least partially open to inter- the directors personal vision but from the
pretation. Thus Hillier refers to the rich power of poetry which Jennings attrib-
ambiguity of Jenningss style in which uted to the English people and which thus
the meanings of an image, or more fre- encompasses both the director and the
quently the connections between images, spectator.7
are left to the audiences emotions for The implication of the spectator in this
interpretation (Hillier 87). This refusal to contamination of the social with the per-
impose meanings implies both a respect sonal is closely related to the third criterion
for the personal freedom of the specta- which has been used to define the poetic
tor and an awareness that meanings are documentary. According to Andrew Higson,
always complex and plural. documentary is normally confined to the
From this perspective, the poetic activity public gaze, unlike fiction films which
involves encouraging new ways of seeing, can use point-of-view shots to encourage
as suggested by Mick Eatons claim that the identification with characters (77). The
use of montage both within and between poetic effect of Jenningss wartime films
shots in Jenningss films works to trans- is associated with what might be called the
form the familiar iconography of British introduction of a privateeye.
life through the revelation of the bizarre Anderson argued that Jennings devel-
in the everyday (81). I would suggest that oped a style based on a peculiar intimacy
what is revealed is more often incongruous of observation in which the common-
than bizarre, but Eatons formulation does place is made significant (54). In Listen
suggestively link the surrealist influence to Britain, the war has created a context
on Jennings to his involvement with Mass within which everyday life gains a new
Observation, an organization dedicated to significance because its patterns can no
the anthropological investigation of every- longer be taken for granted. What is at
day life and culture in Britain. In a radio talk stake is what Bill Nichols has called the
broadcast in 1938, Jennings expressed his social subjectivity of viewing, or listening
concern that modern poetry and everyday to which the film draws attention through
life have got out of touch with each other, a style that fractures the time and space
and his wartime practice as a filmmaker of its scenes from the visible world of war-
can be seen as an attempt to reunite them time Britain into a large number of disso-
(quoted in Jackson255). ciated impressions (17980). If we couple
In the absence of a commentary, the Nicholss description with Gavin Lamberts
spectator must seek meanings in the much earlier claim that the technique of
images and sounds and in the linkages Listen to Britain is based completely on the
established between them. To some extent, power of association (25), the films inti-
this effect recalls Sergei Eisensteins mate address can be seen to disturb the
famous definition of montage: from the ideological continuity of the public sphere
collision of two given factors arises a con- and to generate a psychological tension
cept (37). In discussing the implications around the competing forces of association
of this idea for Jenningss films, Eaton and dissociation, continuity editing and
argues that this concept can never be montage.
356 Documentary Propaganda

Only Connect This opening sequence, which consists

of eleven shots and lasts a little more than
Although it is only about eighteen minutes one minute, quickly establishes the kind of
long, Listen to Britain is made up of over spectatorship that the film will invite. The
two hundred shots, organized into seven- contrast between rural peace and intima-
teen sequences of varying lengths whose tions of war is fairly obvious, but the mean-
boundaries are, however, often obscured ing of the contrast depends on whether we
by ambiguous transition shots and over- emphasize the visual and aural dissonance
lapping sound. The frequent shiftsfrom or the harmony implied by the war effort.
country to city, from work to leisure activi- If the land workers and gunners contribute
ties, from noise to musicpromote an to this effort in their different ways, their
alertness to the possibility for unusual and unified purpose is expressed through their
ambiguous linkages between shots, even looks at the sky, implying the need for alert-
when the editing within sequences seems ness against an enemy who will remain
to conform to more conventional continuity unseen and unmentioned throughout the
rules, an alertness that also extends to jux- film. Rather than instigating a paranoid
tapositions within single shots. While the search for an enemy, however, this sequence
spectator is caught up in the flow of images prepares for a film that will encourage a
and sounds, however, the film does inter- similar alertness in the spectator, who is
mittently draw attention to the act of look- asked to reflect on the experience of unity
ing through the use of point-of-view editing within difference.
which works both to focus the spectators The next sequence is anticipated by a
viewing and to draw this viewing into the beep heard over the end of the last shot of
social subjectivity that supposedly grows planes and then, as we see a house framed
out of the experience of living in wartime by trees and a fence, a radio announcer intro-
Britain. duces the news. However, instead of news,
The film opens with two images of the his voice is followed by lively dance music,
countryside, the first of trees with leaves which is soon located in a dance hall where
blowing in the wind, the second of wheat the floor is filled with couples dancing to
rippling in a field. While this second Roll out the Barrel. Shots of the dancers
image introduces the idea of cultivated are intercut with shots of civil defense crews
nature, both carry connotations of a tradi- looking out to sea, silhouetted in the moon-
tional image of rural Britain as a garden. light, and of a young woman showing a pho-
However, these connotations are disturbed tograph (which we do not see) to a soldier as
by the noise of planes on the sound track, they sit beside the dance floor. The commu-
and the third shot duly shows planes fly- nal activity of dancing in couples mediates
ing across the sky. The human presence between intimate (and private) looks and
and the look are then introduced into the the social need for continued watchfulness.
film as we see three land workers looking The following sequences alternate
at something outside the frame and then between work necessary for the war effort
two shots of men at an anti-aircraft instal- and leisure activities which provide tempo-
lation peering up into the sky. Another shot rary relief from this effort. After shots of
of planes is followed by a shot of a tractor coal miners at work, a train stops at a sig-
working close to the anti-aircraft gun, and nal, and Canadian soldiers pass the time by
the noise of the tractor drowns out that of playing cards and singing Home on the
the planes. The sequence ends with a closer Range. As the train pulls away, a sound
shot of the tractor and a shot of the sky with overlap bridges the transition to an aircraft
planes at high altitude. factory where three shots of a plane being
The Poetics of Propaganda 357

assembled are followed by one of a plane out instructions for physical exercise to the
taking off. The camera then pans to a sign rhythmic accompaniment of a piano, while
identifying Ambulance Station 76 while the camera follows another man walking
a womans voice is heard singing to a piano briskly along a city street wearing a bowler
accompaniment. A middle-aged woman hat and carrying a hard hat as well as a
in uniform is then shown performing for briefcase.
a group of younger women who tenta- Three shots of industrial buildings
tively join in as she sings the traditional accompanied by factory noises are followed
song, The Ash Grove. The ambulance by a shot of a tree in sunlight as a piano
station is located in what seems to be a begins to play. The next shot shows a woman
museum, with a large statue looming over preparing tea in a domestic interior. Her
the women, but a cut-away to a close-up of look out of the window cues a reverse-shot
hard hats hanging on the wall places both of children dancing in a school playground
folk music and classical art in the urgent from which (presumably) the sound of the
context of the war effort to preserve these piano is coming [Figure 48.1]. Just before a
traditions.8 cut back to a close-up of the woman looking
Tradition is also invoked by the next shot out of the window [Figure 48.2], a girls voice
of Big Ben and by the synchronous sound calls out Mummy! Another shot of the
of its chimes. But this sound is then relo- children dancing is followed by a cut back
cated to a radio broadcast as an announcer to the woman, who now looks away from
declares, This is London calling, and the the window, cueing a second reverse-shot of
theme music of The British Grenadiers is a framed photograph of a man in uniform
heard. Arapid montage sequence then illus- [Figure 48.3]. By inviting identification with
trates the work of the BBC World Service by the womans private experience through the
presenting snatches of foreign-language use of point-of-view shots, the film temporar-
programs over shots of radio equipment, an ily adopts the strategies of fiction cinema and
effect that evokes both Britains traditional implies that both empathy and detachment,
role as a world power and the role of mod- private eye and public gaze, are required to
ern technology in maintainingit. adequately comprehend the impact of war as
Having broadened its perspective to a public event on peoples lives.
include the international scope of the war While the childs cry anchors the sequence
effort, the film then includes a sequence in firmly within the emotional and ideological
which the private eye comes into its own. framework of the family, its meanings are
The montage of radio equipment is fol- immediately opened out again. The framed
lowed by a shot of the countryside at sun- image of the father is not followed by a cut
set while a womans voice reads a message back to the mother but by a closer shot of
for the armed forces overseas. A fade leads the children in the playground. This shot is
into shots of the country at dawn, with the bound to the next shot of armored vehicles
sound of birds singing on the soundtrack. moving through the streets by the continua-
These sounds then merge into the noise of tion of the piano music which only gradually
horses hooves, and a man is shown lead- gives way to the noise of the vehicles. Once
ing a horse past a factory which workers are again, the present reality of war impinges
entering. The motif of morning contin- on a space associated with peace and tradi-
ues as the camera pans over a city, recall- tion, the latter here represented by several
ing similar imagery in city symphony shots of a building of Tudor design which a
films such as Ruttmans Berlin: Symphony of sign reveals to be a Guest House and Tea
a Great City (1927) and Vertovs Man with Room. Just before this sequence ends, a
a Movie Camera (1929). A male voice calls close-up of a young girl watching the troops
Figure48.1 Listen to Britain (1942). Screen capture fromDVD.

Figure48.2 Listen to Britain (1942). Screen capture fromDVD.

The Poetics of Propaganda 359

Figure48.3 Listen to Britain (1942). Screen capture fromDVD.

pass by links its meanings to the family be appalled to learn that an official British
motif of the previous sequence. film-making unit can find time these days to
contemplate the current sights and sounds
of Britain as if the country were some curi-
Ideology andUtopia ous kind of museum exhibit (quoted in
Sussex 144). When the film was released
At this point, just before the films conclud- in the United States, its ambiguity was
ing and most famous sequences, Iwant to reduced by a strident verbal introduction,
break off my analysis to address the issues apparently added by a nervous civil ser-
of propaganda and ideology which have vant (Hodgkinson and Sheratsky 59), and
so far remained largely implicit. To some Anstey later admitted that it had enormous
extent, the films poetic address masks its influence overseas (quoted in Sussex145).
propaganda function; but Listen to Britain The apparent success of Listen to Britain
was clearly made as a contribution to the in influencing public opinion suggests both
war effort, and we now need to examine the that propaganda should not be too narrowly
implications of the interaction of poetry and defined and that the boundary lines in the
propaganda. debate over social utility and aesthetic plea-
As we have seen, Edgar Anstey felt that sure are not as distinct as they might seem.
the films poetic style was incompatible Grierson seems to have assumed that docu-
with its intended use as propaganda. He mentary could combine propaganda with
argued that it will be a disaster if this film social responsibility because of its close
is sent overseas because our Allies would ties to actuality, but there is no doubt that
360 Documentary Propaganda

documentaries can reflect and construct be a major factor in its effectiveness and
myths as much as fiction films do. In most endurance (38).
fiction films, and in many documentaries, As my analysis of the film has already
these myths function ideologically as hid- suggested, the social and cinematic unity
den assumptions, but propaganda nor- is less assured than Quart and Britton
mally makes its intentions apparent. In a suggest. The attempt to read the film as a
sense, then, propaganda is more open and simple expression of the myth misses the
honest about its ideological workings than fragility of the connections made through
films which disclaim any social or political montage in Listen to Britain. Questions
purpose, although the process of selecting about the extent to which similarity over-
evidence for use in propaganda films may rides difference and about the permanence
be governed by ideological assumptions or of the social bonds forged by the war effort
assumptions about the ideological frame- are central to the experience of the film and
work which the spectator will bring tobear. even to its ideological meanings, since it
In assessing the implications of Listen implies that such an uncertainty could be
to Britain as propaganda, then, we need to resolved only through the imposition of an
attend both to the myths circulated in the authority like that against which the war is
film and to the ways in which it envisages being fought. Thus Geoffrey Nowell-Smith
the spectators relations to these myths. suggests that the films vision is consonant
There can be little doubt that the most perti- with Churchillian rhetoric, but by no means
nent myth to which Listen to Britain contrib- equivalent to it since it both holds more
utes is that of the peoples war. Leonard together and shows more awareness of its
Quart situates the film in relation to this own instability(330).
myth when he describes it as a portrait Clearly, this instability is related to
of a nation where all classes (despite the the ambiguity of the films poetic effect.
existence of clear class divisions), sounds, What this suggests is that the ideological
and images act as one against a common implications of a film cannot be separated
enemy(63).9 from its formal strategies. Thus, in Leni
Andrew Britton adopts a similar view Riefenstahls Triumph of the Will (1935), for
but argues that this vision of national unity example, the films rhetoric becomes an
serves the interests of the dominant class extension of the documented event (most
culture (44). He refers to the imperialist visibly apparent in those shots which show
content of the war myth as Churchillian cameras moving up and down on eleva-
and links it to Thatcherist rhetoric dur- tors in the walls of the stadium). While
ing the Falklands crisis (3839). By simply this film has also been regarded as a poetic
eliding the peoples war with the con- documentary and also has no commen-
servative ideology that dominated Britain tary, there is little room for ambiguity in
in the 1980s, however, Britton ignores the its style, which draws on and extends the
contradictions which the myth was strug- monumentality of an event staged by Hitler
gling to contain. While he does admit as a propaganda statement glorifying his
that the Labour Partys victory in the 1945 authority.
General Election and the establishment of While Riefenstahls aerial shots and pan-
the Welfare State testify to the material oramic views of the Nuremberg spectacle
content of the popular aspirations which evoke what Michel de Certeau has called
secured the united British nation, Britton the totalizing eye, Listen to Britain offers
does not allow that these aspirations may instead the view from down below, below
have been incorporated into what he calls the thresholds at which visibility begins
the ideology of war unity and, in fact, may (9293). The camera observes, poised between
The Poetics of Propaganda 361

involvement and detachment, activities which by the rather artificial device of adding
the shifting flow of the editing designates as the cry of Mummy to the soundtrack to
parts of a larger reality, setting up a tension reinforce the effect of the point-of-view
between the fragmentation of the represen- editing which situates the woman clearly
tation and the implied unity of the whole, within the framework of the family unit.
between what can be seen and what can be The elimination of the possibility of ambi-
imagined. Of course, the title of the film guity here is out of keeping with the gen-
directs us to listen, and the pull between eral tendencies of the films style. But, as
sight and sound adds to the fragility of the we have seen, this is also the sequence in
films discourse. The result is something very which the tension between public and pri-
like what Raymond Williams has called the vate is most fully resolved in favor of the
subjunctive mode, a mode which tries to latter. By adopting the strategies of classical
identify the utopian possibilities that cannot narrative at the moment of its most conser-
be detected by works in the indicative mode vative representation of gender relations,
which simply state that this is what reality the film implicitly points to the ideologi-
is like (218). cal limitations of the private eye. Yet this
sequence does invite identification with
the way the war was actually experienced
Poetry, Propaganda, andMyth by many women without denying other
possibilities, some of which the film also
Listen to Britain does have its blind spots, represents.
some of which it shares with the myth of The complexities of the subjunctive
the peoples war. Yet this myth was so suc- mode become most apparent in the films
cessful because it did address an important next movement, which includes its most
aspect of many peoples experience of the celebrated effect, the sound bridge that
war: it tried to reconcile the contradiction merges the conclusion of a song by the
between the need for social change, if only music hall team of Flanagan and Allen into
to gain support for the war effort, and the the introduction of a Mozart piano con-
forces resistant to such change. What Iam certo played by Myra Hess. These concerts
suggesting is that Listen to Britain activates make up the two longest sequences in the
the tensions involved in the very construc- film, but music is also prominent in the
tion of the myth and builds them into the sequence that introduces them. Over a shot
spectators experience of the film. Its ideo- of an armored vehicle passing a group of
logical limitations thus need to be assessed people watching from a doorstep, a fanfare
in the context of its refusal to settle for is heard and lively music begins. Adissolve
either reality or myth or to elide the differ- leads into an aerial shot of the countryside
ences betweenthem. (one of the films few views from above),
One of the blind spots seems to emerge and a radio announcer is heard, Calling
in the sequence involving the womans all workers. As if in response to this call,
look at child and husband which Ihad just the film bursts into a flurry of movement:a
reached in my analysis of the film. While truck passes under a freight train crossing
many women are depicted in uniform or a bridge, the camera moves rapidly past ter-
at work, the representation of this woman raced houses, and a close-up of a wheel spin-
as housewife and mother seems to antici- ning on a machine takes us into a factory.
pate the ideological pressures for a return Women working and singing are then inter-
to more traditional gender roles once the cut with the loudspeakers from which the
war was over. That there is an element of music is supposedly coming. Appropriately,
strain in the films discourse is indicated in view of the family sequence which has
362 Documentary Propaganda

just ended, the song is Yes, My Darling Hesss performance of music by Beethoven
Daughter. prompts the commentator to remind Tim
This sequence is built out of a cluster that this is German music and that he
of meanings related to music, gender, and will have to think about this apparent con-
technology, all of which refer back to earlier tradiction when he grows up. The Mozart
moments in the film and gain new reso- piano concerto heard in Listen to Britain is
nance through their present juxtaposition. not quite German music (given Mozarts
Then, as the camera once again moves rap- Austrian origins), but it is close enough to
idly past rows of houses, the music fades raise similar issues, especially since it fol-
out and is replaced by station noises which lows the evocation of familiar London sites
cue four brief shots of men and women in in Underneath the Arches (although the
uniform waiting at a train station, another only arches that the film actually shows
aspect of wartime experience. This brief lull are those in front of the National Gallery).
leads into a performance by Flanagan and The power of music to transcend class and
Allen of one of their most popular songs, national boundaries is affirmed, but signifi-
Underneath the Arches, for an enthu- cant differences remain.
siastic audience of workers on their lunch These differences emerge precisely
break. This concert is linked, via the famous because of the similarities in the way that
shared chord, to one of Myra Hesss lunch- the two concerts are represented. Both are
time performances at the National Gallery introduced by signs which appear shortly
in which she is accompanied by an orches- after the music has begun, and both intercut
tra of musicians from the Royal AirForce. shots of the performers on stage with shots
The juxtaposition of these two concerts, of the audience. Yet parallels also reveal dif-
one decidedly popular and the other the ferences: thus a menu chalked on a black-
product of high culture, has been seen board at the first concert finds its equivalent
as the climactic point in the films drive to at the second in a program listing the order
forge links between all elements of British in which the music will be played. Both
society. As David Thomson puts it, the effect audiences obviously enjoy the music, but
is a way of saying all people, all classes, the workers sit at tables and sing along as
have their music (58). Yet, while the sound they eat while, at the National Gallery, some
overlap does reveal a basic affinity at the people eat discreetly on the margins of the
level of musical language, the unity created audience but most concentrate on the per-
in the editing does not eliminate the need formance. Two shots reveal the queen as a
to notice the differences as well as the simi- member of this audience, suggesting either
larities which the film finds in its represen- or both the closeness to the people of the
tation of the two concerts as musical and British royal family or the cultural distinc-
social events. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith cap- tions that make the National Gallery rather
tures the complexity of the sequence when than a workers canteen an appropriate site
he argues that its meaning is left open so for the queen tovisit.
that the union of popular and high culture This last distinction may well have been
and their possible divergence can be held qualified for the original audience who
in the balance(331). would know that, under the right circum-
The lunchtime concerts by Myra Hess stances, members of the royal family would
did become part of the myth of the peo- attend performances by popular entertain-
ples war because they attracted many ers. Of course, these would then tend to
people who had not attended concerts of become more formal occasions, but for-
classical music before. Another concert mality is not completely absent even in the
is featured in Diary for Timothy where workers canteen. After Flanagan and Allen
The Poetics of Propaganda 363

have appeared in medium shot, singing in a but, even before the shot ends, industrial
gently relaxed manner, a long shot from the noises once again fade in, cueing a sequence
audience reveals them on stage in front of a in a blast furnace which includes shots of
grand piano and orchestra. Such details sug- a molten ingot from the point-of-view of
gest influences flowing both ways across the the workers. The interaction of music and
divide between popular and high culture, noise, the slight disjunctions between sight
and their effect could be complemented by and sound, the move from public gaze to
the specific extra-textual knowledge that a private eye, all work to stress the range of
spectator might bring to the film, as sug- experiences tenuously held together by the
gested by Nowell-Smiths comment on the war effort.
Jewish backgrounds that link Bud Flanagan Over the final shots of the blast fur-
and Myra Hess(331). nace, music again returns as the voices of
The symmetry between the representa- a choir emerge from the industrial noise.
tions of the two concerts is disrupted when The music swells up over shots of factory
the cameras attention wanders away from chimneys, wheat rippling in the wind (a
the Mozart performance (which continues reprise of the second shot), and cooling tow-
on the soundtrack) and follows a sign to ers at a power station, and the film ends
a War Artists Exhibition where a sailor is with an aerial view of the countryside. Some
seen examining a painting of a ship in har- clouds pass in front of the camera, rhym-
bor. After a brief return to the concert, we ing with the smoke and steam of the chim-
are shown sandbags and the empty frames neys and cooling towers, but move away to
of paintings which have been removed leave an unimpeded view of land and sky,
to protect them from bomb damage, both with no sign of the planes of the opening
digressions extending the concern with the sequence (their noise replaced by the trium-
impact of the war on art. The exhibition sug- phal music). The effect is a rather rapid but
gests the need for painters (and filmmakers powerful movement toward closure:Hillier
like Jennings) to record the experience of points out that the music here is the only
war, while the empty frames attest to the sound whose source is not identified in the
threat to the cultural heritage. In a sense, film so that it seems to well out from all
the persistence of music-making compen- the elements of the film(89).
sates for the removal of the paintings but, if However, this ending does seem to vio-
the cultural and economic value of the orig- late the rule of ambiguity which operates
inals has led to their absence, they return throughout the rest of the film, especially
in the form of reproductions (presumably) since the powerful concluding music is a
which decorate the concert area and which performance of Rule Britannia! David
(at least to the camera eye) are indistin- Thomson thus questions the effect of the
guishable from the originals. ending because theres no sight of the
As the concert sequence comes to an choir, and too little thought of what Rule
end, the camera moves outside the National means (58). It is not quite true that this is
Gallery, and we see two shots of the statue of the only sound whose source is not identi-
Nelson atop the column in Trafalgar Square, fied, since the voice of the fitness instruc-
reminding us of an earlier war. The music tor also comes from nowhere, although
continues even into the next sequence, we are clearly meant to assume that the
which shows men and women building source is a radio broadcast. However, the
tanks, and is only gradually drowned out by use of one of Britains unofficial national
the factory noises. Asingle shot of a military anthems in the ending, even if it may also
band leading a parade through city streets emanate from a radio broadcast featuring
cues the return of music to the sound track one of the countrys many amateur choirs,
364 Documentary Propaganda

does carry imperialist connotations which (25152). The poetic style of Jenningss wartime
documentaries is approached through the linguistic
have not been emphasized in the rest of theory of Juri Lotman in Bjorn Sorenssen, The
thefilm. Documentary Aesthetics of Humphrey Jennings,
The final shot, too, seems to verge on in Documentary and the Mass Media, ed. John Corner
(London: Edward Arnold, 1986), 4763.
a totalizing view, although the cuts back 4. The issue is far from simple, however, because
and forth from city to country imply that there is a clear parallel between Jenningss
the whole still cannot be encompassed by poetic style and Lvi-Strausss argument that
meaning cannot reside in the isolated elements
a single shot. Perhaps it also makes a dif- which enter into the composition of a myth, but
ference that the only waves we see are only in the way those elements are combined
in a wheat field and that the music may (Lvi-Strauss 210). The relationship of poetry
be broadcast over the airwaves which have and myth is approached in a rather different way
in Barry K.Grant, Tradition and the Individual
earlier been shown to be an important part Talent:Poetry in the Genre Film, in Narrative
of the war effort. Even if propaganda wins Strategies:Original Essays in Film and Prose Fiction,
out at the end of Listen to Britain, the rather ed. Syndy M.Conger and Janice R.Welsch
(Macomb:Western Illinois University Press, 1981),
abrupt closure and the poetic openness 93-103.
of all that has gone before make this vic- 5. Bill Nichols defines the voice of a documentary as
tory itself somewhat ambiguous. The film that which conveys to us a sense of a texts social
point of view, of how it is speaking to us and how it
documents a historical moment in which is organizing the materials it is presenting to us.
the claims of poetry and propaganda come The Voice of Documentary, Film Quarterly 36,
together in the evolving myth of the peo- no.3 (spring 1983):18.
6. Hillier notes that Jennings was a product of the
ples war, and this unstable partnership I.A. Richards school of criticism that produced
signals a challenge both to the nation and to Empsons conception of the ambiguity or
the documentaryform. multiplicity of poetic statements (87). William
Empsons influential Seven Types of Ambiguity was
first published in1930.
7. The reference is to a 1947 review by Jennings of a
Notes book on the English character in Jackson, Reader,
238; Jennings takes his lead from the book in
1. The critics, including Gavin Lambert and Lindsay
referring to the English but, as the title of Listen to
Anderson, who defended Jennings were paving
Britain suggests, he normally sought to invoke the
the way for a new approach to documentary
national unity of the British people.
which would eventually become known as Free
8. This sequence was apparently shot in the
Cinema. Since Jennings died in an accident in
basement of the Old Bailey (Hodgkinson and
1950 and his postwar films disappointed even
his admirers, his influence on the Free Cinema
9. Quarts formulation here suggests the need to
filmmakers was almost entirely confined to his
compare the apparent unifying effect of the war
in Jenningss films with the depiction of male
2 . For a thorough treatment of the historical and
groups, in British and Hollywood war films of the
cultural contexts of the myth of the peoples
postwar period, who overcome social and/or racial
war, see Angus Calder, The Peoples War:
differences for the sake of their struggle against a
Britain 19391945 (London: Jonathan Cape,
3. One of the most suggestive treatments of the
poetic in cinema is still Pier Paolo Pasolinis
The Cinema of Poetry, in Pasolini, Heretical
Empiricism, trans. Louise K. Barnett (Bloomington:
Indiana University Press, 1988), 167-86. Jenningss Anderson, Lindsay. Only Connect: Some Aspects of
films might be usefully discussed in relation to the Work of Humphrey Jennings. In Humphrey
Pasolinis argument that people read reality Jennings: Film-maker, Painter, Poet, ed. Mary-Lou
visually through their encounters with objects Jennings, 5359. London: British Film Institute,
and things that appear charged with multiple 1982.
meanings and thus speak brutally with their very Barr, Charles, ed. All Our Yesterdays:90 Years of British
presence (168); but, as Pasolini made clear in a later Cinema. London:British Film Institute,1986.
essay, he was interested only in narrative poetry Barsam, Richard Meram. Nonfiction Film:ACritical
and opposed to a cinema of lyric poetry obtained History, rev. ed. Bloomington:Indiana University
through editing and the intensification of technique Press,1992.
The Poetics of Propaganda 365

Barthes, Roland. Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers. Jackson, Kevin, ed. The Humphrey Jennings Film Reader.
London:Jonathan Cape,1972. Manchester:Carcanet Press,1993.
Britton, Andrew. Their Finest Hour: Humphrey Jennings, Mary-Lou, ed. Humphrey Jennings:Film-maker,
Jennings and the British Imperial Myth of World Painter, Poet. London:British Film Institute.1982.
War II. CineAction 18 (fall 1989): 3744. Lambert, Gavin. Jennings Britain. Sight and Sound
de Certeau, Michel. The Practice of Everyday Life, trans. 20, no. 3 (May 1951): 2426.
Steven Rendall. Berkeley:University of California Levi-Strauss, Claude. Structural Anthropology, vol. 1,
Press,1984. trans. Claire Jacobson and Grundfest Schoepf.
Eaton, Mick. In the Land of the Good Image. Screen NewYork:Basic Books,1963.
23, no. 1 (MayJune 1982): 7984. Nichols, Bill. Representing Reality:Issues and Concepts in
Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form:Essays in Film Theory, Documentary. Bloomington:Indiana University
trans. Jay Leyda. NewYork:Harcourt. Brace and Press,1991.
World.1949. Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey. Humphrey Jennings:
Hardy, H. Forsyth. British Documentaries in the Surrealist Observer. In All Our Yesterdays: 90
War. In Nonfiction Film Theory and Criticism, ed. Years of British Cinema, ed. Charles Barr, 32133.
Richard Meram Barsam, 16772. New York: London: British Film Institute, 1986.
E. P. Dutton, 1976. Quart, Leonard. Wartime Memories. Cineaste 20, no.
Higson, Andrew. 1986. Britains Outstanding 3 (1994): 6364.
Contribution to the Film: The Documentary- Sussex, Elizabeth. The Rise and Fall of British
Realist Tradition. In All Our Yesterdays: 90 Years of Documentary. Berkeley:University of California
British Cinema, ed. Charles Barr, 7297. London: Press,1975.
British Film Institute, 1986. Swann, Paul. The British Documentary Film Movement.
Hillier, Jim. Humphrey Jennings. In Alan Lovell 19261946. Cambridge: Cambridge University
and Jim Hillier, Studies in Documentary, 62132. Press. 1989.
London: Seeker and Warburg, 1972. Thomson, David. A Sight for Sore Eyes. Film
Hodgkinson, Anthony W., and Rodney E.Sheratsky. Comment 29, no. 2 (MarchApril 1993):
Humphrey Jennings:More Than a Maker of 5459.
Films. Hanover:University Press of New Williams, Raymond. Politics and Letters. London:New
England,1982. Left Books,1979.


Throughout this book* Dr.Ellis contends that (a large industrial film production company)
the American documentary movement was to celebrate the Ford Motor Companys fif-
carried forward very largely by people on the tieth anniversary. It is as fullhearted a cel-
left and Iwill not dispute this. But he leaves ebration of the free enterprise system as one
the unwary reader with the impression could make and enshrines Henry Ford as a
that, therefore, most of the documentaries folk hero. This film has been projected daily
seen in this country conveyed those senti- in the Futurama in Dearborn. I directed
ments, which is untrue. In the years after the the historical re-creations. Joe Marsh, a
Second World War sponsorship by industry blacklisted Hollywood writer, did the script.
and institutions determined the nature of Alex North, the famous Hollywood com-
the bulk of the films that circulated out of the poser (then blacklisted also), did the music.
16mm libraries. Many of these were politi- We all needed themoney.
cally neutral but many, including some of Almost every other documentary direc-
them made by those of us whom Ellis rightly tor active at the time has similar films to
describes as tending toward the left politi- his credit. Sidney Meyers did Monsantos
cally, were far from neutral. Examples: Decision for Chemistry and lots more. Willard
Almost every child in the country saw The Van Dyke did a series for the National Rifle
American Road, produced in 1953 by M.P.O. Association. Lee Bobker did an apology for

* Originally published as Appendix to Jack C. Ellis, The Documentary Idea: A Critical History of English-Language
Documentary Film and Video (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1989), 302.
Documentary in the US in the Immediate Post-WWII Years 367

strip mining for the Peabody Coal Company. the part of the intellectual and artistic
Even Robert Flahertys Louisiana Story is community. This began to be redressed
essentially a folksy apologia for Standard when there was a new approach (direct
Oils exploitation of wetlands that today cinema) and a new concept (the inde-
we know should be protected as sources of pendent Filmmaker) to inspire us and
freshwater. refresh our resolves. For, in truth, the
My hunch is that, however justified disillusionments of the late 1940s and
we thought we were in making these the intimidations of the McCarthy period
films, by doing so we lost the respect we that followed destroyed our political
once had as documentary filmmakers on underpinnings.

Reexamining the 1950s National Film Board Films
about Citizenship(2000)

Despite recent assessments debunking of Transportation in Canada. In his book

the radical politics of John Grierson and covering the same period, In the National
the early years of the NFB (National Film Interest, Gary Evans limits his discussion to
Board),1 in terms of documentary form, an almost identical set of films.3 There can
the 1950s are still commonly seen as the be no argument that during this decade,
decade in which the NFB finally shuffled NFB output, including the films of Studio
off the aesthetic shackles of its founder, B, the animation of Norman McLaren, and
John Grierson, and started pushing the the innovations of the O[ffice] N[ational du]
envelope of style. In the standard account F[ilm], included some of the finest short
of the decade, D. B. Jones writes, In the film work that has ever been produced in
relative quiet of the nineteen-fifties, the Canada.
Film Boardor, more precisely, a small Yet historians tend to focus on these
group of filmmakers within itbegan to aspects of the NFBs history at the expense
reach toward the creative treatment of of a real analysis of the governmental ratio-
actuality, although they wouldnt have put nale and intention of the Film Board after
it that way.2 Jones is referring primarily the war. The NFB produced hundreds of
to the work of Studio B; of the five films little-known films in the 1950s, most of
of the 1950s that he discusses, three were them both unexceptional and unmemo-
made in that unit: Corral, Paul Tomkowicz: rable. In an unpublished study, film histo-
Street-railway Switchman and City of Gold. rian Peter Morris found that films dealing
(Production information on these and other broadly with people and places, leisure
films mentioned below can be found in the and people and problems represented
Filmography at the end of this article.) Two 71% of NFB films in circulation in 1948
films from the animation department also and was a still-healthy 63% in 1961.4 The
merit mention: Neighbours and The Romance majority of these unremembered films
Documenting Citizenship 369

from the 1950s are concerned with the The 1950s marked the high point in the
everyday life of citizens. Yet this production ideological Cold War and gave new reasons
focusultimately, I will argue, a welfare for production of national security through
state policy objectiveis rarely examined loyal citizens. As Kevin Dowler has observed
and never explained. In their focus on aes- in a study of Canadian cultural policy dur-
thetic excellence or political chicanery, his- ing this period, From the perspective
tories of the NFB have tended to overlook of security, identity is simply one of the
the rationale behind government funding of desired outcomes of state security aims.7 In
this institution and the characteristics of its Foucaults view, the liberal state is necessar-
most common type of film:the tale of citi- ily a security state, where liberty is both an
zenship. It is not that government funding extension of security and one of its precondi-
was used to produce many films in hopes tions.8 Foucault commentator Colin Gordon
that a few would achieve aesthetic success. has observed that, Liberalism discards the
It was, rather, that a few filmmakers were police conception of order as a visible grid of
able to bend government film objectives communication; it affirms instead the nec-
enough to create works ofart. essarily opaque, dense autonomous charac-
In this paper I will argue that rationales ter of the process of population. It remains,
for government funding of film production at the same time, preoccupied with the vul-
sprang not from a desire to produce inno- nerability of these same processes, with the
vative films but, rather, from reasoning need to enframe them in mechanisms of
derived from the new social scientific think- security. 9 The discourse of security and its
ing about education and citizenship in the implementation occurs at the level of the
welfare state. The influence of the social sci- subject, rather than territory, and thus,
ences may be seen in both the form of the historically speaking, implies a whole new
majority of the documentaries made in the series of practices for government.
1950s and in their subject matter. The rea- There is no doubt that film was used as
son for the use of film by government may a form of government communication in
be illuminated by Michel Foucaults notion Canada before the advent of the National
of governmentality which he defined in a Film Board in 1939,10 yet the NFB brought
1979 lecture as The ensemble formed by the about important differences. Films pro-
institutions, procedures, analyses and reflec- duced by the Canadian Government Motion
tions, the calculations and tactics that allow Picture Bureau (19171941) were concerned
the exercise of this very specific, albeit com- primarily with land settlement and tour-
plex form of power, which has as its target ism:territorial concerns in the most literal
population, as its principle form of knowl- sense. With the establishment of the NFB,
edge political economy, and as its essential by contrast, government film production
technical means apparatuses of security.5 was reoriented toward material problems
According to Foucault, individuals and their of citizenship:war, nutrition, labour, family
coming-into-subjectivity, or subjectiviza- life, insanity, ethnicity and so on. This shift
tion, are the ground on which the nation in national representation marks a change
exists and, therefore, the site for practices in the conception of the nationfrom terri-
of government. Individuals are produced as tory to populationwith real effects on how
subjects at the level of the everyday by their it was to be governed.11
experiences within discursive regimes and In the development of the welfare state
practices which strive to regulate their con- after the war, the Liberal government
duct. This regulation can reduce politics, tabled an array of new social policy legisla-
according to Barry Smart, to a technical tion, including initiatives around housing,
question of social management.6 health, family benefits and Indian affairs.12
370 Documentary Propaganda

Although there is no indication that the NFB departments with new academic objectives
was officially compelled to document these soon developed new methods of knowledge-
initiatives, after suffering years of attacks production as well. Primary among them
in the House of Commons,13 as well as an was the measurement of observable phe-
RCMP investigation of employees, followed nomena. Statistical and observational social
by a purge of radicals from its ranks,14 scientific research of the 1920s attempted
not to mention an external management to predict, and thereby control, behaviour.
audit in 1949 (National Film Board: Survey Based in large part on the kinds of studies
of Organization and Business Administration of the population carried out by governments
[1950]) and a special parliamentary investi- in the census, social scientists, journalists,
gation in 1952 (Special Committee on the and statisticians banded together, often with
National Film Board [1952]), it would be rea- largesse provided by private donors like the
sonable to speculate that the Board was inter- Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations,16 to
ested in pleasing its sole funding source.15 discover the effects competing messages
Even more perplexing than the ques- could have on behaviour. Coinciding with
tion why was the NFB founded? is the the rise of both mass society and the mass
question: was it maintained in the late media, these studies were linked to the con-
1940s after its wartime usefulness had cept of government through their concern
been exhausted and at a moment when it with (1)the organization of mass populations
was embroiled in politically uncomfortable and economies, and (2)the conduct of indi-
scandals? Although it is a question histori- viduals. Correlatively, then, it comes as little
ans of the NFB have judiciously avoided, it surprise that social writing of the 1930s was
deserves to be addressed. Ipropose that we characterized by two types of facticity: facts
must look again at both the development presented in general terms, abstractly quan-
of the new social science in the United tified (statistical); and specific facts which
States and the use of documentary film in made claims to be representative (descrip-
England. Comparing the two discoursesof tive).17 Descriptive methods included the
social scientific government and of Empire case-study, the participant-observer report
publicityit seems at least probable that and the informant narrative.18 These episte-
the plethora of NFB peace-time films about mological experiments of the social sciences
citizenship made in the 1950s was justified laid the foundation for narrative strate-
by the adoption of techniques of social sci- gies being deployed by the newly invented
ence and public relations as strategies of documentaryfilms.
government in the welfare state. Grierson, A man of his generation, Grierson was
who had studied social science during his brought into contact with the architects of
sojourn at the University of Chicago, can be the New Deal at the University of Chicago in
seen as a crucial cross-Atlantic link between the mid-1920s. Pursuing his masters degree
American social science, British mar- in Sociology and Political Science, he was
keting of Empire and the growth of the the recipient of a Rockefeller Foundation
Canadian welfarestate. fellowship in 1924 which encouraged stu-
dents to travel around the United States
conducting research. His original subject
of study was immigration and its effects
Social Science, Film on the social problems of the United
and Government States, a popular subject at the Rockefeller
Foundation. After working with his super-
Established at the turn of the century in visors Charles Merriam and Robert Park,
American universities, social science two of the most influential social scientists
Documenting Citizenship 371

in America,19 Grierson modified his subject emphasis on education as the democratic

first to Public OpinionSocial Psychology method of immigrant integration. These
and then to Newspaper Psychology.20 Even approaches are all there to be found in NFB
after his interest in film and democracy was films. Thus, despite his departure from the
piqued by Walter Lippmann,21 Griersons academy (incidentally, without ever complet-
writings show clear affinities with social sci- ing his degree), Grierson did not discard his
entific and managerial government ideas of academic training. His biographer Forsyth
his day.22 In 1930 Griersonwrote, Hardy accurately notes that, For [Grierson]
documentary was never an adventure in
We have all been abstracting our arts film-making at all but an adventure in pub-
away from the personal, trying to lic observation.24
articulate this wider world of duties Throughout the 1920s, Griersons super-
and loyalties in which education and visor, Charles Merriam, oversaw an interna-
invention and democracy have made tional comparative study on citizen training.
us citizens.[T]here is an urgency In his overarching synthesis, The Making of
in the problem of articulating it to Citizens (1931), Merriam postulates that the
ourselves which is without parallel most pressing question for modern society
in the history of citizenship. What is deciphering the development and disin-
sentiments will we have in this new tegration of groups in order to determine
world to warm and direct our will what are the essential elements in the tex-
in it? How shall we crystallize them ture of group cohesion?25 Abrief examina-
and teach them if we are to stave off tion of this seminal international study of
chaos?23 education and citizenship sheds light on
ideas later propounded by Grierson and
The new social scientific ideas to which fundamental to the theoretical underpin-
Grierson was exposed at the University of ning of the Film Board after thewar.
Chicago help to explain more than just his []
commitment to film and public education. In Merriams view, the cornerstone of
Closer examination helps us to understand the modern state is the reliable and efficient
the narrative strategies of the documen- citizen. Vigorous citizenship rests upon
tary films themselves. Films influenced by soundly constituted types of personality,
Grierson, which includes the majority of and the nature of this fundamental sound-
NFB documentaries produced in the 1950s, ness is an important part of the making of
are concerned with anonymous individuals the future citizen (378). In this regard,
typical of particular population or occupa- civic education figures prominently:
tion groups. In many ways, they resemble
the statistical method favoured by sociol- [] It is possible to build the citizen
ogy and political science at Chicago. Ideas from the ground up, using as a point
prevalent in this new scientific study of soci- of departure the controls of body
ety included: a modified Darwinism that and mental balance now emerging
focussed on the effect of the environment from scientific studies to revolution-
on the labour and life of the community; ize our knowledge of political nature
an emphasis on measurable results pro- and our ability to deal with it suc-
duced in empirical studies which could be cessfully. An admirable beginning
used to devise plans of social intervention; has already been made in the devel-
a growing mobilization of the anthropo- opment of medical care for school
logical conception of culture as the fount children, but it will be necessary to
of individual beliefs and opinions; and an extend this to cover new types of
372 Documentary Propaganda

attention based upon new studies This view was linked to new imperatives of
of the human constitution, physical democracy to keep people informed about
and mental; and to adjust the orga- the use of their taxes. In a complicated rhe-
nization of civic training to this new torical manoeuvre entailing both service to
basis in the new realism. (382) and manipulation of the public, Park noted
in 1918, Any institution supported by the
For Merriam, the mental and physical public, will no longer expect to take money
hygiene of the individual was tied to the from the community, either in the form of
health of the nation:education and citizen- gifts or taxes, except upon condition that
ship training relied upon the sound basis of it can make the people of the community
managed health. intelligent and responsible participators in
[] its enterprises and its tasks.28 Members of
Grierson used these ideas to sell the idea of the public are thus treated as shareholders
documentary film as an Empire-unifier to the or consumers of the welfare state. Park sug-
Empire Marketing Board and, subsequently gested that one way to interest the public
to convince the Canadian government that in the work of the social agencies is to state
public education through film could produce social problems in definite terms of profit
both Canadian unity and distinction from the and loss to the community.29
United States. Grierson undoubtedly felt the influ-
Griersons ideas about representativeness, ence of Parks commitment to empirical
which can be clearly seen in the anonymous research as a basis for centrally organized
types that populate his films, correspond to reform, his use of government publicity to
the ideas of his other committee member, exact public support, and his view of human
the widely influential Robert Park, often ecology, in which the environment rather
considered the architect of the Chicago than politics or economics is seen to be
School.26 [] Park and his followers attrib- paramount in the influence on individuals.
uted to peoples circumstances the determin- Chicago School thinkers adopted an instru-
ing causes of their occupations and outlook. mental pragmatism:because the world was
Although mechanistic and potentially nave, ever-changing and people were continu-
this was a radical re-thinking of the analysis ously adapting themselves, understanding
of poverty by nineteenth-century geneticists, societys natural evolution would pro-
which had attributed slum living to inherent vide insight to guide social development
degeneracy and defectiveness. The upshot of towards the best ends.30
such a rearranging of causes and effects was While the Chicago Schools influence on
the possibility for reform, not on a case by Grierson is absent from what Joyce Nelson
case basis, but through the grand gestures of has termed the Grierson legend, his affin-
urban and social planning. According to this ity with the American publisher and demo-
theory, by improving impoverished parts of cratic theorist Walter Lippmann is often
the city (or the nation), life would be ame- noted.31 In a statement that is antithetical to
liorated, regardless of relations of economic the democratic pragmatism of the Chicago
inequality which had produced poverty to school, Lippmann declared in 1922 that the
begin with. pursuit of the ideal, omnicompetent, sov-
Park was a strong supporter of publi- ereign citizen was useless.32 The individ-
cizing government services in the attempt ual man, he wrote, does not have opinions
to affect public opinion. In order to get on all public affairs. He does not know how
and keep the interest and cooperation of to direct public affairs. He does not know
the public, he believed public institutions what is happening, why it is happening,
must advertise and sell their services.27 what ought to happen.33 In 1925, the year
Documenting Citizenship 373

after Grierson arrived in the United States, established in 1926 to publicize Empire
Lippmann published The Phantom Public in products and promote intra-Empire trade
which he went so far as to posit that educa- through the cultivation of voluntary con-
tion was not the answer to the problems of sumer preferences based on Empire loyalty.37
democratic citizenship, asserting that the The next year, upon his arrival home from
problems that vex democracy seem to be the University of Chicago, John Grierson
unmanageable by democratic methods.34 was hired to develop the film wing of the
These views are the polar opposite of those EMB and with his hiring, the so-called doc-
of Merriam and Park which encourage the umentary film movement was born.38 From
selling of democratic ideas to the public and its inception, then, government documen-
the use of education and social science to tary was used to promote the distinctness of
indoctrinate citizens into some semblance Empire values over American ones for the
of a fully functioning democracy. purposes of influencing consumer choice.
Many of Griersons own writings grapple It was not long before John Grierson
with Lippmanns pessimism as he tries to take visited Canada as part of his EMB work.
into account the limitations of a democratic The EMB was concerned to ensure that the
populace and the need to educate it: The Dominions were promoting loyal Empire
key to education in the modern complex messages, and in 1930 Grierson was sent
world no longer lies in what we have known to investigate the state of Canadian govern-
as education but in what we have known as ment filmmaking and distribution, at that
propaganda, he was to conclude in 1941.35 time under the control of the Ministry of
Griersons views were thus actually formed Trade and Commerce in the form of the
in contradistinction to Lippmanns republican Canadian Government Motion Picture
nostalgia; they were the views of a young man Bureau.39 With the demise of the EMB due
in a new century where the study and guid- to Depression-era funding cuts, his con-
ance of human behaviour promised under- nection to Canada lapsed in 1933, but in
standing, efficiency and progress. Grierson 1938 Grierson was given a new home at the
shared with Merriam a belief in the indoctri- Imperial Relations Trust,40 which had been
nating role of education in a multi-ethnic soci- established with an anonymous donation
ety. He also shared his supervisors ability to of 250,000 to carry on the work of the
acquire funding from the private sector and EMB and strengthen the ties which bind
the government alike by arguing for the appli- together the Dominions and the United
cability of social science research to problems Kingdom.41 In 1938, when he was invited
of both modern government and society. by the Canadian government, at Vincent
Masseys urging,42 to assess the state of the
Canadian film industry, Grierson took the
opportunity to simultaneously evaluate the
The Empire MarketingBoard Canadian film situation for the benefit of
the Imperial Relations Trust.43 The most
[] famous result of this visit was Griersons
By the 1920s, British politicians had recommendation for the establishment of a
modified the nineteenth century slogan National Film Board to centralize the orga-
trade follows the flag to the more sardonic nization of Canadian film production and
trade follows film, which they used as a distribution, along the lines promoted by
justification for placing quotas on American the Imperial Relations Trust.44
film imports and injecting funds into national There were clearly Empire-building
production.36 Grounded in these concerns, objectives in the Trusts support for domes-
the Empire Marketing Board (EMB) was tic and even nationalistic film-production
374 Documentary Propaganda

in the Dominions. For example, in a 1941 were somewhat analogous to those of the
letter to Imperial Relations Trust chairman British Empire, in attempting to deal with
Sir Stephen Tallents, Grierson describes the cultural diversity, Canadian academics and
benefit of the newly established Canadian government policy makers alike increas-
Film Committee to the Imperial mandate: ingly turned for solutions to the work being
done in American social science. Bridging
This new organization, represent- the two discourses, John Grierson was
ing as it does, all the national orga- well-armed to bolster his ideas for a central-
nizations, apart from Government ized national film institution. Integrating
departments, interested in the edu- immigrant communities through public
cation and cultural uses of the film is informationa combination of Merriams
a valuable development. It provides ideas of governance through the manage-
organizations in Great Britain with ment of public opinion and the Empire
an ordered access to Canadian audi- Marketing Boards attempt to use publicity
ences and an instrument through to consolidate the British Empirebecame
which they can, with economy and entrenched in Canada during the Second
efficiency, operate in Canada. It World War, with no small help from John
gives the Canadian Government Grierson. In 1941, J. T. Thorson, head of
valuable aid in developing Canadian the Bureau of Public Information, estab-
audiences for films of national edu- lished the Committee on Cooperation in
cational value. It may, therefore, be Canadian Citizenship (CCCC)47 in an effort
expected to play a considerable part to spread information about the Canadian
in breaking down the sectional out- war effort to various ethnic communities.48
look now prevalent in Canada.45 These efforts eventually led to the estab-
lishment of the Nationalities Branch of the
Two years after the creation of the Film Department of National War Services,49 the
Board, Grierson reiterates that Canadas progenitor of the multiculturalism appara-
interest in him happily coincides with the tus of the Department of the Secretary of
Trusts mandate, stating: Circumstances State.50 More was done to involve ethnics
are, of course, very favourable but we have at in Canadian life in 1940 and 1941, notes
least had the wit to use them.46 Clearly, the one observer, than had been done in the
Imperial Relations Trust and the Canadian nearly three-quarters of a century since
Government were agreed that film could be Confederation.51 It is against this back-
used to promote patriotism which might ground that we must assess the governmen-
affect, among other things, consumer tal aims behind the establishment and the
choices. However, the two governments continued development of theNFB.
also wanted to promote unity in the face of, The idea for the Film Board was warmly
on one hand, a fractious Empire and rising received in Canadian political circles, no doubt
American power, and on the other hand, an because of the social scientific, nation-building
embryonic nation composed of distinctive role it was seen to be able to play. Indeed, par-
regions and a large and diverse immigrant liamentary debates about the establishment
population. of the NFB display a wide base of support
for an initiative to advertise Canada with
national, prestige-building films. As
Canadian Citizenship W.D. Euler, Minister of Trade and Commerce,
stated during the first reading of the Film
While waves of immigration created prob- Act in March 1939, While the bill is largely
lems for the Canadian government that according to [Griersons] recommendations,
Documenting Citizenship 375

it was framed only after the deputy ministers would all be very helpful in connection with
of the various departments concerned had these programs.55
carefully canvassed the whole situation, dis- Following from its fundamental indebt-
cussed the merits of the scheme advanced edness to the social sciences, the NFB
and adopted it unanimously.52 of the 1950s determined that the most
The somewhat counter-intuitive drive important topics of its films would be
to make democracy more predictable and (1) labour-management relations, (2) the
less unruly was the project assigned to the birth and growth of the nation (frontiers), a
Film Boards general and documentary pro- subset of which is the integration of immi-
duction, most especially in the 1940s and grants, and (3) the eugenic emphasis on
1950s. Paradoxically, the public information the link between physical, mental and envi-
disseminated by the Board was seen to be ronmental health. Yet for all the apparent
useful in publicizing representative democ- diversity of these topics, they can be linked
racy itself. Grierson embraced this paradox, through the concept of modern Canadian
and was quite explicit about his somewhat citizenship that was developing concur-
authoritarian views. A strong supporter of rently with the Film Board itself. Indeed, the
public opinion polling,53 Grierson was quite Film Board can be best understood not only
famously an advocate of democratic propa- as a response to the American film industry
ganda. We can, by propaganda, he wrote (a point widely agreed upon by NFB histo-
in 1942, just prior to his appointment as rians of all stripes), but also as an attempt
head of the War InformationBoard, to understand what being a Canadian has
meant. The questions which guide the films
widen the horizons of the school- are not only the classic Canadian queries
room and give to every individual, Who am I? and Where is here? but also
each in his place and work, a living Who are those other citizens? Examining
conception of the community which the NFBs role in producing tales of citizen-
he has the privilege to serve. We can ship for both self and others is crucial to
take his imagination beyond the understanding its service to the Canadian
boundaries of his community to dis- government and, reciprocally, the govern-
cover the destiny of his country. We ments continued support of the Boards
can light up his life with a sense of filmmaking activities.
active citizenship. We can give him
a sense of greater reality in the pres-
ent and a vision of the future. And, An Archive of Typicality
so doing, we can make the life of the
citizen more ardent and satisfactory Contrary to the sense you would get reading
to himself.54 most NFB histories, the bulk of NFB films
from the 1950s are actually concerned with
By 1952, the potential of the Film citizenship and governmentality. People
Board for educating immigrants about are profiled in ways which accentuate their
the Canadian way of life was paramount. regional or ethnic typicality and their exem-
Tory leader, George Drew, suggested in the plary willingness to fit into the Canadian
House of Commons that, Films which amalgam. A few examples should demon-
illustrate in pictorial form certain types of strate the governmental social scientific nar-
our system of national, provincial and edu- rative strategies of 1950s NFB films about
cational government, certain types of our the population.
own characteristic Canadian way of doing Addressed to the imagined central
things in different parts of the country, Canadian, Prairie Profile examines the life of
376 Documentary Propaganda

Abernethy, Saskatchewan, a typical prai- or the prairie farmers is of less importance

rie town. Indeed typicality is what the film than how these stories may be used in the
strives to depict, as is indicated by the first present moment for purposes of multi-
question posed by Fred Davis to a member cultural government. Indeed, a great deal
of the town: Would you call this an aver- of forgetting must occur in order to make
age community? To which the man replies, formerly repudiated or marginalized com-
Perhaps there is no such thing as a typi- munities into mosaic tiles in the big picture
cal prairie district, but we are representa- of the centrally administered federal welfare
tive. This desire for representativeness, state.
this need to make a grand claim of typical- The terra incognita of political life,
ity must be seen as part of the postwar NFB citizen education for immigrants figures in
strategy of significance for its stories about many NFB films. Good immigrants are the
ordinary citizens from different regions subject of films highlighting Canadas toler-
and backgrounds. Otherwise, the films ance for difference in the postwar world. In
exploration of the development of farming 1949, for example, the series Canada Carries
techniques and local decision-making in the On presented Passport to Canada, a film
town would appear to have no relevance to a with a vision of Canada as a multicultural
wider audience. utopia. Beginning with the usual platitudes
In Men of Lunenberg, one of the Peoples of about Canada as a land of immigrants, a
the Maritimes series, the significance of the political line which tends to downplay the
present-day community is established for varied conditions subtending different
the rest of Canada through a telling of their waves of immigration, the film proceeds to
heritage story:they are descendants of the discuss the current influx of so-called dis-
Protestant Germans who settled the south placed persons flocking to Canada from
shore of Nova Scotia in the 1750s. Typically, Europe:They come to live a new life. They
before the film profiles the present com- come here for peace, freedom and a bit of
munity with a participant-observer report, a permanence. Immigrants are shown in the
male narrator initiates the story with a short customs office, and speeding to their des-
version of how this group first made its way tinations on trains. Voice-overs by people
to Britains colony, and like so many films with different accents express hope and
made by the NFB in those years, the empha- excitement. An anglophone male voice-over
sis is on exploring regionality. This reflects, explains the use of adult education for
of course, one of the principle mandates of acquiring language skills and knowledge
the NFB, as stated in the 1939 Film Act:to about the Canadian way of life. The film
help Canadians in all parts of Canada to ends with a recurring trope: a scene of a
understand the ways of living and the prob- teacher addressing her class about the simi-
lems of Canadians in other parts. larity of all peoples around the world regard-
Moreover, the focus on labour and cul- less of superficial differences; close-ups of
ture related to location, corresponds to visibly different students united through
Robert Parks ideas about the effect of envi- their hopeful looks at the teacher, visually
ronment on its inhabitants and the hard- demonstrate the substance of the narration.
ships of frontier living. Not only were these Not only immigrant adults and children are
ideas about Canadas frontier of interest to anchored by the Canadian authority of nar-
Americans and Europeans, they also came rator and school-teacher alike, but the film
to be one of Canadas most imposing myths enters into a regress of exemplarity as it was
of self-understanding. The actual experi- no doubt made to be shown to immigrants
ence of the Germans in Nova Scotia or the in the context of a language-acquisition
fishermen in Gasp (Gasp Cod Fishermen) class. The film thus expressly uses images
Documenting Citizenship 377

of typical students in order to offer exem- his larger civic duties by spending a summer
plary subject positions to new immigrants. as a Continuing Education instructor on a
A tool for citizenship education spon- railway construction site. The railway camp is
sored by the Department of Citizenship and divided between men of Canadian origin and
Immigration, The Newcomers reiterates the immigrants from Italy and Germany who
message of most films about immigrants are in conflict at the camp. As the teacher
from the 1950s: white European immi- gains the trust of the opposing groups, he
grants bring both willingness to start again is able to help them overcome their con-
(a desirable feature in an immigrant) and flicts through learning about Canadian
a knowledge of European culture (a desir- ways. This development is expressed meta-
able feature in a Canadian). Such films offer phorically by the immigrants replacing their
not reality so much as a possible narrative home-country songsdiscordant when sung
of integration. The Newcomers is also aimed simultaneouslywith an indigenous railway
at a general population, although it is less song learned in class:Ive Been Working on
likely that people outside of the institutional the Railroad. Frontier College emphasizes the
settings where government film distribu- link between citizenship and education and
tion was focussed would have been in the stresses the importance of overcoming eth-
audience. With a strategy reminiscent of nic and sectional differences. It depicts cul-
Parks governmental pragmatism, the eco- ture in both an anthropological sense, as that
nomic benefits of immigrants are empha- which differentiates the immigrants from the
sized: Canada is less dependent upon Canadian narrator, and as something enno-
external sources for trade; immigrants are bling and universal, which may be achieved
a vast new market. As was emphasized by through art appreciation and the learning of
citizenship education lobby groups such as Canadian ways. The two senses of the word
the Committee on Cooperation in Canadian meet in the schoolroom where Italian immi-
Citizenship, rural schools are depicted as grants are invited to share the appreciation
important links in enculturation, teach- of Italian high art forms, like opera, with the
ing immigrant children Canadian ways. class. In effect, the protagonist-narrator sorts
Yet the film makes an interesting slippage out the elements of the workers home cul-
between providing citizenship education tures that may be successfully maintained in
and demonstrating the apparatus of such Canada. Perhaps most importantly, loyal citi-
pedagogy. Why would new immigrants in zenship, or the forging of national allegiance,
rural schools be shown films about people in Charles Merriams terms, is shown to be a
in the same situation as themselves? What source of national stability and even defence.
the film actually serves to do is publicize the One of the most celebrated NFB films,
work of government institutions in the daily Paul Tomkowicz: Street-railway Switchman,
life of the population. The film ends with also offers an example of pairing an immi-
the refrain that Canada is a nation of immi- grant with a typical occupation. Often
grants: All Canadian families come from cited for its award-winning lyrical visual
across the sea, says the narrator. This state- qualities, the film contains an interesting
ment, commonly echoed in multiculturalist contradiction which usually goes uncom-
education, tends to mystify, even while pre- mented upon. The subject of the film is
tending to clarify, the politics and the his- shown working a night shift on the streets
tory of the Canadian mosaic. of Winnipeg while his reflections are heard
Frontier College demonstrates the role that in voice-over. Paul Tomkowicz was indeed
conscientious Canadians can play in educat- interviewed by Roman Kroiter, but because
ing adult immigrants. The story concerns a of sound problems with the original tape,
typical college student who is awakened to the voice-over one hears was actually read
378 Documentary Propaganda

by an uncredited actor.56 This substitu- simply telling stories of typical recent arriv-
tion is significant in that the actors voice, als, these films also often project into the
directed by Kroiter, produces another deliv- probable future when more immigrants will
ery, another text, out of Tomkowiczs words. be required to build civic works, consume
This is symbolic of the representation of products and/or contribute to Canadian
immigrants in so many NFB films: the culture. In order to secure consensus about
films tend to craft a particular type of story the meaning of immigrants, therefore, the
that is largely independent of the actual films reproduce the same narratives again
people being shown. The narrator is most andagain.
often a non-immigrant, but when he does By the mid-1950s, the reserve system
take the immigrants voice it may be read for Native Canadians was an embarrass-
by an actor. In that the immigrant repre- ment which could only be rectified by
sented is made into the imaginary immi- complete integration of aboriginal people
grant by the government film institution, into mainstream Canadian society. In
these films become documents of typify- No Longer Vanishing/Indiens du Canada,
ing narratives. sponsored by the Indian Affairs Branch of
One such narrative offered by film after Immigration and Citizenship, an anglo-
film derives from the making of citizens phone male voice-over says: This is a
rhetoric of the social sciences, in which chil- story of the original Canadians who pre-
dren are the key to national re-integration. ceded the white man. Originally, we are
For example, Threshold: The Immigrant told, reserves were designed to shelter
Meets the School, a film sponsored by The Indians while they learned the white mans
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, ways; instead they stayed there. However,
tells an exemplary story of postwar immi- well-intentioned mistakes of the past can
grants adapting to life in Canada. The sym- be rectified by good will today; for example,
pathetic anglophone narrator observes that the full value of Indian arts and culture
the children are adapting faster than the is coming to be respected. Scenes of the
parents can or will. After the immigrant reserve are acted out, highlighting poverty
family goes through a normal stage and filth. Isolation, paternalism have hurt
the period of tensionwhich afflicts so them, made them dependent, concludes
many newcomers, the narrator sums up the narrator. AFirst Nations male narrates
this shift: Growth and change are con- in voice-over his return visit to the reserve.
stant in this young country. Although The people depicted as refusing to believe
change is constant, it is the management that he doesnt experience discrimination
of that change which interests social scien- in the city are labelled bitter Indians. In
tists and eugenic planners, and guides the another case study, a First Nations woman
narrative of a number of NFB documenta- who has become an urban nurse is inter-
ries of the period. viewed. While she watches buffalo being
By and large, films on immigration fed at the zoo, she says in voice-over,
impose one of two stories onto their subjects. Theyve stopped dying out and are com-
(1)While immigrants must be prepared for ing back, like our own people. According
a rough transition, their children will adapt to the narrator, education in mixed schools
without any problem. (2)Canadians are all is one of the best ways to help aboriginal
immigrants, so tolerance for these neces- people make the transition. Old preju-
sary economic units is advisable. In the con- dices are falling away in mixed classes, we
text of the films, the immigrants economic aretold.
necessity is seen to outweigh the distress Like so many films about Native prob-
their cultural difference might provoke. Not lems, No Longer Vanishing has several
Documenting Citizenship 379

intentions:to exonerate the reserve system labour, health and welfare, citizenship and
by situating it as a transitional model; to immigration, Indian affairs and so on.
claim that there are no biological bases for The NFB films about the everyday life of
prejudice even while repeatedly evoking the citizensby no means a description of all
spectre of innate aptitudes; and to present the films produced by the Board, but cer-
state education as the site par excellence of tainly one of its principle concerns in the
transition into mainstream life. For this 1940s and 1950sproduce narratives of
type of film, an early mainstay at the Film citizenship in which individuals are sub-
Board, the central question is one of govern- ordinated to group identities smaller than
ment. How, the films ask, are we to help that of the nation-state:native, housewife,
aboriginal people help themselves? What is Qubcois, farmer, immigrant. Based on
the best way to craft citizens out of wards? the kind of statistical information produced
These films are primarily produced for the by the census and marketing studies, these
non-Native population. Their message is NFB films amount to hegemonic inscrip-
thus a combination of multiculturalism and tions of difference within the federation of
the immigrant discourse extended to First thestate.
Nations others.
Influenced by ideas from environmen-
tal urban sociology, governmentsat vari- Conclusions
ous levelsoften linked housing to social
problems and, therefore, to the need for The desire to categorize and govern is not
civic engineering. NFB films dealing with solely a product of social scientific wel-
these issues highlight the public interest fare state planning in Canada; it is also a
in the private domicile. For example, On legacy of colonial administration in gen-
a Day Off, sponsored by Central Mortgage eral and the British North America Act in
and Housing, uses a fictionalized story particular.
about typical working class families to Historian Allan Smith has observed that
prove not only that with the help of the the British North America Act attempted to
federal agency working class people achieve a new sort of nation-state, one built
might one day own their own homes, but on a confederation of different and often
also that with better homes come better polarized groups:
Dealing with a variety of social prob- Confederation created a political entity
lems and basing their approach on social which owed its birth to the concern
scientific research methods, documentary of its people, both French-speaking
films about citizenship produced by the and English-speaking, to preserve a
Film Board in the 1950s commonly adopted British civilization in North America,
the narrative strategy of recounting a typi- one which would, in time, assume
cal, and therefore representative, case study the status and dignity of a great state.
using either actors or real people, and There would be a consensus in this
often both. Commonly, anonymous indi- new society, as there must be in any
viduals are made to stand in for their social society, but it would not derive from a
categories, the same categories required particular culture or set of values nar-
by the administrative apparatus of the lib- rowly conceived. It would be a con-
eral welfare state. Unsurprisingly, then, sensus which did not limit but rather
one finds that stories about the behaviour encouraged diversity and freedom,
of citizens fall more or less neatly into a and this not merely of individuals but
series of public policy categories: housing, of groups.57
380 Documentary Propaganda

Smith explains that pluralism made neces- to itself. It is time that the NFBs connec-
sary the construction of a political system tion to these governmental objectives be
that would accommodate it.58 Within this recognized.
liberal model, the public sphere is one site
where discourse is incited through govern-
mental technologies. Filmography
Nevertheless, social science-inspired
1950s documentary film production by Corral (Canada, 1954, ColinLow)
the NFB played a crucial role in the mobi- City of Gold (Canada, 1957, Wolf Koenig,
lization of liberal social discourse and its Colin Low)
attendant policies, particularly through The Days Before Christmas (Canada, 1958,
the evocation of everyday life as the can- Stanley Jackson, Wolf Koenig, Terence
vas on which scenes of good citizenship Macartney-Filgate)
might be depicted. To paraphrase Adorno Frontier College (Canada, 1954, JulianBiggs)
and Horkheimer on the culture indus- Gasp Cod Fishermen (Canada, 1944, Jean
try, in these documentaries, not reality is Palardy)
offered, but evidence of its existence.59 In Men of Lunenberg (Canada, 1956, director
the case of the NFB, filmic evidence of uncredited)
a well-managed Canadian society was seen Neighbours (Canada, 1952, Norman
to help create a sense of Canadian reality McLaren)
both at home and abroad. This vision is The Newcomers (Canada, 1953, David
especially apparent in films which depict Bennett)
Canadian citizens in relation to govern- No Longer Vanishing (Canada, 1955, Grant
ment agencies, and the assumption of McLean)
documentary transparency lent credibil- On a Day Off (Canada, 1959, Erik Nielsen)
ity to notions of political transparency in Passport to Canada (Canada, 1949,
Canada. RogerBlais)
NFB historians of the postwar period Paul Tomkowicz: Street-railway Switchman
have, by and large, ignored the governmen- (Canada, 1954, Roman Kroiter)
tal function of the NFB, choosing instead Prairie Profile (Canada, 1955, Gordon
to focus either on rare great films or on Burwash)
the thwarting of a feature film industry. The Romance of Transportation in Canada
Indeed, Grierson himself would no doubt (Canada, 1953, ColinLow)
have been much more forthright about the Threshold: The Immigrant Meets the School
political objectives of NFB documentary (Canada, 1959, George Bloomfield)
films than are any of his chroniclers. For The Transition (Canada, 1964, Mort Ransen)
Grierson, documentary film produced by
government was a way of achieving social
compromise between polarized groups Acknowledgments
such as labour and management. For many
who have written about Grierson and the I would like to acknowledge the Grierson
Film Board, it would seem that the utopian Archive, Stirling, Scotland, for permission
goal of making films outside of market to cite from documents in their collection.
relations has nothing to do with political My thanks to the anonymous readers of
and social conflicts. Grierson, on the other the journal for their insightful comments
hand, was proud of the role government on earlier drafts of this essay. All photos
documentary film production could play are courtesy of the National Film Board of
in the ambivalent project of selling Canada Canada.
Documenting Citizenship 381

Notes decade progressed as part of series such as Faces of

Canada. See Evans,349.
1. See for example, Pierre Vronneau, Rsistance 16. In 1921 one hundred foundations granted
et affirmation: la production francophone a slightly over $180,000 for research and advanced
IONF19391964 (Montral: Cinmathque education in the social sciences and history.
Qubcoise, 1987); Joyce Nelson, The Colonized Eye: By 1927 that benevolence had burgeoned to
Re-thinking the Grierson Legend (Toronto: Between almost $8million (Edward Purcell Jr, Crisis of
the Lines, 1988); Peter Morris, Re-thinking Democratic Theory [Lexington:University Press of
Grierson: The Ideology of John Grierson, in Dialogue: Kentucky,1973],28).
Canadian and Quebec Cinema, ed. Pierre Vronneau, 17. William Stott, Documentary Expression and Thirties
Michael Dorland and Seth Feldman (Montral: America (NewYork:Oxford University Press,
Mediatexte, 1989), 2456; Peter Morris, Praxis 1973),153.
into Process: John Grierson and the National Film 18. Ibid.,160.
Board of Canada, Historical Journal of film, Radio and 19. Purcell Jr., 17,19.
Television 9.3 (1989): 269282; Scott Forsyth, The 20. Forsyth Hardy, John Grierson:ADocumentary
Failures of Nationalism and Documentary: Grierson Biography (London:Faber and Faber, 1978),31.
and Gouzenko, Canadian Journal of Film Studies 1.1 21. John Grierson, Propaganda and Education,
(1991): 7482. in Grierson on Documentary, ed. Forsyth Hardy
2. D. B.Jones, Movies and Memoranda:An Interpretive (London:Faber and Faber, 1979), 149151.
History of the National Film Board of Canada 22. Grierson reportedly kept a copy of Charles
(Ottawa:Canadian Film Institute, 1981),60. Merriams American Political Ideas handy until the
3. Paul Tomkowicz:Street-railway Switchman, end of his life (Hardy,34).
Neighbours, Corral, The Romance of Transportation in 23. John Grierson, The Russian Example, in Grierson
Canada, The Days Before Christmas. on Documentary,234.
4. My thanks to Peter Morris for sharing these raw 24. Hardy, John Grierson,59.
data withme. 25. Charles E.Merriam, The Making of Citizens
5. Michel Foucault, Governmentality, in (Columbia:Teachers College Press, 1966),
The Foucault Effect, ed. G. Burchell etal. 34 (originally published 1931). All subsequent
(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1991),102. references will appear in the text as page numbers.
6. Barry Smart Foucault, Marxism and Critique 26. Marlene Shore, The Science of Social Redemption
(London:Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985),121. (Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 1987), 856.
7. Kevin Dowler, The Cultural Industries Policy 27. Robert Park, Race and Culture (Glencoe:Free Press,
Apparatus, in The Cultural Industries in 1950),144.
Canada:Problems, Policies and Prospects, ed. 28. Ibid.,144.
M. Dorland (Toronto:James Lorimer & Co., 29. Ibid.,146.
1996),330. 30. Shore,98.
8. Colin Gordon, Governmental Rationality:An 31. Evans, 31; William Young, Making the Truth
Introduction, in The Foucault Effect,1920. Graphic:The Canadian Governments Home Front
9. Ibid.,20. Information Structure and Programmes During
10. By the turn of the century, The Canadian Pacific World War II (Ph.D.diss. University of British
Railway, Massey-Harris, and the Canadian Columbia, 1978),52.
Government were already involved in film:This 32. Walter Lippmann, Public Opinion (NewYork:Free
early involvement by both commercial companies Press, 1922),39.
and government is of interest because it, too, 33. Ibid.,39.
set a pattern that continued to mark Canadian 34. Walter Lippmann, The Phantom Public
production over many decades. Indeed, it seems to (NewYork:Harcourt, Brace & Co. 1925),189.
have been realized almost from the beginning in 35. John Grierson, Education and Total Effort, in
Canada that film could be used for more than just Grierson on Documentary,139.
entertainment (Peter Morris, Embattled Shadows 36. Paul Swann, The British Documentary Film
[Montral:McGill-Queens Press,1978],33). Movement 19261946 (Cambridge:Cambridge
11. Foucault, Governmentality,100. University Press, 1989),10.
12. See, for example, R. Blake and J. Keshen, eds., 37. Ibid., 21; see also Stephen Constantine, Bringing
Social Welfare Policy in Canada:Historical Readings the Empire Alive: The Empire Marketing
(Toronto:Copp Clark,1995). Board and Imperial Propaganda, 19261933,
13. Reg Whitaker and Gary Marcuse, Canadas in Imperialism and Popular Culture, ed. John
Cold War (Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Mackenzie (Manchester: Manchester University
1994),134. Press, 1986), 192231.
14. Gary Evans, In the National Interest 38. Ian Aitken, Film and Reform:John Grierson and the
(Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 1991),9. Documentary Film Movement (London:Routledge,
15. This speculation is supported by the series of 1989),96.
films planned for the Psychological Propaganda 39. James Beveridge, John Grierson:Film Master
series which, although never filmed, bears a close (London:Faber & Faber, 1978),135.
resemblance to many of the films made as the 40. Swann,144.
382 Documentary Propaganda
41. Imperial Relations Trust, Annual Report, 1938-1939,9. Branch, 19391941, in On Guard for Thee: War,
42. Gary Evans, John Grierson and the National Film Ethnicity, and the Canadian State, 19391945, ed.
Board of Canada (Toronto:University of Toronto N.Hillmer et al. (Ottawa: Canadian Committee for the
Press, 1984); Marjorie McKay, History of the History of the Second World War, 1988), 20.
National Film Board of Canada (National Film 48. William Young, Chauvinism and Canadianism:
Board Archives,n.d.). Canadian Ethnic Groups and the Failure of Wartime
43. The Trustees were fortunate in securing the Information, in On Guard for Thee,37.
services of Mr. John Grierson as their Film Officer. 49. Ibid.,38.
In May 1938 Mr. Grierson went to Canada. He 50. Dreisziger,21.
had been invited by the Canadian Government 51. Ibid.,23.
to advise on certain aspects of the Governments 52. Canada, Hansard Parliamentary Debates, 4th
film activities and he was able, at the same time, to Session, 18th Parliament, Volume II (March 8,
investigate for the Trustees the position in regard 1939), 1737.
to the distribution of British and other Dominion 53. Daniel Robinson, Polling Consumers and
films in Canada, and to study the question of Citizens (Ph.D.diss., York University, 1996),202.
the production of Canadian films suitable for 54. Grierson, The Nature of Propaganda, 108.
distribution to the United Kingdom and other Significantly, the Massey-Lvsque Report reiterates
Dominions (Imperial Relations Trust, Annual these sentiments about adult education in 1951:In a
Report [1938-39],10). democratic state, national effort in war and national
44. John Grierson, Report on Canadian Government unity in peace are maintained only by the informed
Film Activities, 1938 (National Archives of Canada, conviction of its citizens. No democratic government
RG 20, Vol. 578, file T-A-383 Vol. 1). Another can afford to neglect at any time a means of public
equally important upshot of Griersons visit was information so far-reaching and so persuasive as the
the granting of Imperial Relations funding to the film. The provision and distribution of films by the
National Film Society of Canada and the Canadian national government is as little open to question as
Association for Adult Education in order to the issue of the white paper or the blue book (The
sponsor a conference on educational uses of the Royal Commission on National Development in the
non-theatrical film, which took place in Winnipeg in Arts, Letters and Sciences [1951],310).
September 1938 and resulted in the establishment 55. Canada. Hansard Parliamentary Debates, 6th
of the civilian Canadian General Film Committee, Session, 21st Parliament, Volume IV (July 4,
described by the Trust as a co-ordinating body 1952),4278.
representative of institutions and organizations 56. Evans, In the National Interest,75.
interested in the production and use of films for 57. Allan Smith, Metaphor and Nationality in North
educational and cultural purposes (Imperial America, The Canadian Historical Review 51.3
Relations Trust, Annual Report [1938-39],10). (1970),2545.
45. John Grierson, Letter From Grierson to Stephen 58. Ibid.,255.
Tallents, in the Grierson Archive G4:25:2 59. The exact quotation is, Not Italy is offered,
(January 9, 1941), 3; italicsmine. but evidence that it exists (Theodor
46. Ibid.,3. Adorno & Max Horkheimer, Dialectic of
47. Young, 33; N. F. Dreisziger, The Rise of a Bureaucracy Enlightenment, trans. John Cumming
for Multiculturalism: The Origins of the Nationalities [NewYork:Continuum,1990],148).

The Films Division of India and the Visual Practices
of the Nation-State(2007)

[] free screenings in rural areas. With this

My specific focus here is on the history, framework of distribution in place, the Films
practices, and productions of the Films Division could claim an average audience
Division of India, which was established as strength of eighty million viewers everyweek.
a branch of the state Ministry of Information However, as a review commission noted
and Broadcasting in 1948shortly after as early as 1967, the prodigious output of
independence. In the fifty-odd years of its the Films Division and the ambitious scope
existence, it has produced over eight thou- of its distribution scheme did not necessar-
sand documentaries, short films, and news- ily translate into, and may even have mili-
reels, or an average of one new film every tated against, the meaningful reception of
three days, making it the single largest pro- its visual texts.1 The national distribution
ducer of documentary films in the world. scheme paid little attention to the specific
Until 1994, under the terms of a compulsory conditions under which different groups of
exhibition and licensing policy, owners of subnational audiences actually receive or
commercial movie theaters throughout India engage with the films. Reflecting this dis-
were required to screen a state-approved interest in questions of effect, most Films
documentary film or newsreel before the Division documentaries are characterized
start of any commercial feature film. In by their ponderous and heavy-handed style;
addition, the Films Division supplied prints for the most part, they lend themselves
to several central ministries such as the all too readily to charges of clumsy propa-
Ministry of Welfare and the Department ganda and bureaucratic ineptitude. When
of Field Publicity (a branch of the Ministry we examine the spectacular and enchanted
of Information and Broadcasting that dreamworlds of Bollywood or Hindi com-
was constituted to generate rural support mercial cinema with which they compete for
for the project of economic planning) for attention, the credibility of such dismissals
384 Documentary Propaganda

is further heightened. What explains this involvement in the production of film has
phenomenon of production for its own an older colonial history. To quote a public-
sake? Why are Films Division documenta- ity brochure issued by the Films Division
ries so boring? in 1969: Like the roads and the railways,
By way of answering these questions, in the posts and telegraphs, the administrative
this chapter I undertake a close investiga- system and the armed services, which the
tion of an apparently paradoxical phenome- British built up primarily in the interests
non:the disenchanted imaginary produced of Empire and secondarily in the interests
by the Films Division of India in the first of the ruled, the Documentary film and
two decades after Indian independence. the Newsreel too were brought in. And in
Through a discussion of the origins, gov- the transplanted soil, both seemed to have
erning imperatives, formal treatment, and thrived well.2
thematic choices made by the state produc- Both state and nonstate actors were
ers of documentary film during the first few involved in this exercise of transplantation.
decades after independence, Ishow how the If documentary film played a key role in dis-
Films Division enabled the constitution of a seminating visual representations of nation
distinct identity for the state as an authorita- and state in India, this was not so much an
tive representative of the Indian nationan outcome engineered by state propaganda
identity that could be recognized both by agencies as it was a coproduction authored
nonstate audiences and by state elites them- by a motley crew of bureaucrats, indepen-
selves. In this project of state identification, dent filmmakers, civil society associations
the content of the visual representations such as the Documentary Unit of India and
produced by the Films Division were of con- the Independent Documentary Producers
siderable importancethe ways in which Association that were established as pro-
the Films Division quite literally allowed duction consortiums and lobby groups for
national audiences to see the state and the documentary filmmakers, and international
concrete activities that it was undertaking on organizations such as UNESCO and the
behalf of the nation. Of equal importance, Ford Foundation that played a critical role in
however, was the distinctive filmic idiom that encouraging the use of audiovisual technolo-
it deployed. As I demonstrate below, it was gies in the new nations of the third world.3
through the elaboration of a distinctive filmic The term documentary was first used
genre of the state documentarythrough the by the filmmaker John Grierson to describe
formal differentiation produced by effects of Robert Flahertys film Moana (1926). For
boredom, disenchantment, and nonres- Grierson, a documentary film was one that
onancethat the distinctive authorial flour- entailed a creative treatment of actuality,4
ish of the states signature was secured. and it is this notion of portraying actuality
or accurately depicting reality that informed
Lineages of DocumentaryFilm the earliest efforts at documentary filmmak-
ing in India. The existing tradition of film-
I begin here with a discussion of the origins making in India already included topicals,
of the Films Division and of the multiple or short films on real events,5 but these were
imperatives and actors that shaped the rela- nonreflexive, random filmings of scenes
tionship between state and film in the early devoid of any overarching structure or mes-
years of postcolonial India. Although the sage.6 The return to India of three Indian
Films Division was formally established by filmmakersP. V. Pathy, K. S. Hirlekar, and
the postcolonial state shortly after the trans- D. G. Tendulkar, from Paris, Berlin, and
fer of power from imperial to sovereign Moscow, respectivelyled to the initiation
national hands in 1947, the practice of state of the Indian documentary movement in the
Moving Pictures 385

1930s.7 Inspired by the example of German particularist meaning as a conglomeration

kultur films; by Soviet cinema (primarily the of culturally diverse and custom-bound
work of Sergei Eisenstein); and by the work groups.
of John Grierson and Paul Rotha in England The colonial state had similar views on
and Robert Flaherty and Pare Lorentz in the instructive nature and social function of
the United States, these Indian filmmakers the documentary film, and it was the states
felt that film should have a definite social utilization of the documentary genre as part
purpose of instruction, information, and of its war effort during World War II that
motivation. The choice of appropriate top- gave the Indian documentary movement its
ics and their creative treatment therefore first institutional support structure. With
required careful attention. Accordingly, the the onset of the war in Europe, the state
earliest Indian documentaries were films turned to its subjects for crucial assistance
made for the education and enlighten- in the form of manpower and strategic sup-
ment of the people.8 These included films plies. In 1940 the Imperial Department of
on the Indian nationalist movement (The Information, through its chief bureaucrat,
Haripura Congress Session, 1938), films Desmond Young, authorized the creation
appealing for funds for earthquake victims of a Film Advisory Board (FAB). The FABs
(the Imperial Film Companys film on the mission was to produce films that would
Quetta earthquake), films publicizing the publicize the urgency and the require-
railway system in India (the travelogues of K. ments of the war situation, as well as appeal
Subramaniam), and films that focused on a for popular support.11 Despite its explicitly
specific cultural or historical aspect of Indian imperial concerns, the FAB was supported
reality (including works such as Mohan by a number of individuals sympathetic
Bhavnanis MysoreGem of India; as well as to the nationalist cause, for whom the
the film Keddah, on elephant trapping, and importance of engaging in an immediate
Wrestling, on the various peculiarly Indian battle against fascist forces in the interna-
techniques of this popular sport).9 tional arena overshadowed more localized
For the practitioners of documentary concerns. The films produced by the FAB
making in India in the 1930s, the medium include war-related documentaries on top-
could be an agent and instrument of social ics such as military recruitment (Hes in the
change, with filmmakers emulating the doc- Navy) and military technology (The Planes
umentarian Paul Rothas self-description as of Hindustan), as well as nonstrategic docu-
a legislator of mankind or a builder of a mentaries on general themes that would
new social order.10 However, this impulse of both be of interest to and inform the Indian
social reform did not interrogate the author- public (Women of India; Industrial India).
ity of the colonial state, and the aim of edu- However, even the latter category of non-
cating and enlightening the people did propagandist films linked the representa-
not disrupt the civilizing presumptions of tions of India to the presence and activities
colonial rule. Thus the universal themes of the British state, which was presented in
of modernization (the railways; the notion both Women of India and Industrial India as
of voluntary civilian donations to help the the central protagonistthat is, as the pro-
underprivileged; and even the existence gressive and developmentalist institutional
of impulses of political modernity such as authority that enabled India and Indians to
the Indian National Congress) were show- move forward.
cased in an effort to trace the movement Further, the particular filmic form
of the Indian people in the direction of favored by FAB officials was one that
development and progress under the guid- underscored a vertical or hierarchical rela-
ance of the colonial state. India itself found tion of authority between filmmaker and
386 Documentary Propaganda

film viewer and, by implication, between try[ing] to dragoon an unwilling nation

state and society. The company Time-Life into the war.12
Inc. sponsored the documentary series The task of reinventing the documentary
The March of Time (produced by Louis de film as the handmaid of a national rather
Rochemont in 1938), and its authoritative than a colonial state was part and parcel
conventions such as the use of voice-of- of a larger enterprise of reimagining the
God interpretive narrations, the tendency new, postcolonial India. The redefinition
to summarize personal interviews with of the state as national rather than colo-
explanatory comments, diagrams, and nial, of the relation between the state and
charts, and the focus on important people its people in terms of citizenship rather
had a strong impact on the FAB chairman, than subjecthood, and even of the national
Ezra Mir, who actively encouraged the pro- community itself (given the geographical
duction of similar films for an Indian audi- and demographic reconfiguration of India
ence. The FAB was eventually replaced by after the partition in 1947) were pressing
a set of three specialized organizations: the tasks confronted by the postcolonial polity.
Information Films of India (IFI), Indian Moreover, the state was presented as the key
News Parade (INP), and the Army Film agent in this process of national becoming;
Centre (AFC). While newsreels and films a new, sovereign state, that, unlike its colo-
related to war propaganda were those most nial predecessor, could be visibly shown to
frequently produced, the occasional cre- undertake activities that were truly repre-
ative and nonpropaganda ventures were sentative of the Indian people.
also supported by the British state (e.g., In postcolonial India, this imperative of
Mohan Bhavnanis The Private Life of a visibility was served through the adoption
Silkworm, and Paul Zils Bombay: The Story of a monumental13 style of state making,
of Seven Isles). These films attempted to por- or the undertaking of large-scale technologi-
tray some aspect of Indian life to domestic cal and industrial projects. India after 1950
audiences, and education and information was a nation that was defined through the
were once again the primary motivations. big dreams of its state. On the domestic
The state also turned its attention to the front, this view translated into a commit-
distribution of films and enforced rule 44A ment to planned development through the
of the Defence of India Rules to mandate construction of institutions, expertise, and
compulsory exhibition of state-produced material artifacts that could quite literally be
films by private exhibitors all over India. seen to command the economy from a tran-
The colonial states documentary produc- scendent, directorial vantage point. Science
tion and distribution efforts ceased in 1946 and technology also enabled the dreams of
because there was no longer a need for war greatness to be literalized: the new India
propaganda. Moreover, in the particular could, and did, build big dams, big bridges,
conjuncture of the endgame of empire, big railway coach factories, big power
the state increasingly resorted to coercive plants, and big atomic reactors. And these
measures, thereby abandoning its project projects were all proclaimed to exist because
of persuasion and the quest to secure the of the representative labors of the sovereign
normative compliance of the subject popu- state. In official public discourse as well
lation. Nevertheless, as the film historian as in the contemporary media landscape,
Sanjit Narwekar notes, many Indian nation- the state facilitation of big development,
alists continued to view with suspicion the big science, and big technology received
FAB and the IFI, and by association, the maximum emphasis and was upheld as
broader enterprise of the official documen- visible evidence of the representative com-
tary film, accusing these organizations of mitments of Indian independence. But this
Moving Pictures 387

logic of visible representation could make wing. Film topics were suggested by differ-
sense only in the eyes of a viewer; only if a ent ministries, government agencies, and
particular way of seeing could be presumed. state governments. There was also an annual
From April 1948 onward, the Films Division interministries meeting where coordinated
and its documentary films and newsreels topics were suggested, and on the basis of
were harnessed in the task of consolidating this meeting an annual production plan was
this gaze. With this, the national value of the finalized by the Ministry of Information and
documentary film no longer needed to be Broadcasting. The responsibilities for docu-
the subject of impassioned pleas put forth mentary production were shared by three
by documentary filmmakers. They could producers: one in charge of documenta-
now be nation builders, and the state could ries; one in charge of newsreels; and one
now be a documentary filmmaker. in charge of commissioning productions by
In sum, the decision to establish the independent filmmakers.16 With the state as
Films Division in 1948 was shaped by the the biggest patron of the short film in the
interplay of varied imperatives and stakes 1950s and 1960s, filmmakers were eager
that structured the political field of decolo- to sign contracts with the Films Division
nization. The emulation of colonial gover- and they viewed its work in very favorable
nance practices; the particular exigencies of terms. The relation between the Indian
postcolonial anxiety in India; contempo- state and the independent artist was thus a
raneous inspiration from the use of docu- collaborative and accommodative one in the
mentary film by other nation-states such as immediate post-independence periodfor
Britain, the United States, Canada, and the the most part, both parties shared com-
Soviet Union;14 and pragmatic calculations mon understandings about the nature and
about the value of audiovisual pedagogy in purpose of documentary film as a tool that
a country characterized by a high level of could bring awareness to ethically incom-
illiteracy all played a role in authorizing the plete17 national audiences. Filmmakers
states use of documentaryfilm. interested in establishing themselves as the
[] creators of serious or intellectual cinema
frequently turned to the Films Division for
sponsorship and financial support.18 A list
SeeingIndia of directors and producers of Films Division
documentaries over the past fifty years
In terms of its organizational structure, the includes names like Satyajit Ray, Mrinal
Films Division resembled all other bureau- Sen, Shyam Benegal, K. A. Abbas, Sukhdev,
cratic organizations, with little to distinguish and other pioneers of independent Indian
its particular mandate of aesthetic labor. Its cinema.
headquarters were in Bombay, with three The distribution wing coordinated the
nodal field offices in Delhi, Calcutta, and complicated process by which forty thou-
Bangalore and several branch offices in other sand prints were screened in cinema the-
metropolitan centers in India.15 The orga- aters throughout the country every year.
nization was headed by the chief producer, Ahundred new newsreels and another hun-
and while the first few heads were profes- dred new documentary prints in the thir-
sional filmmakers, in later years the post was teen official languages were released weekly
filled by generalists drawn from the Indian to two hundred different first-run cinema
Administrative Services who did not neces- houses throughout the country. After one
sarily have any prior filmmaking experience. week, the first-run houses that had initially
In its initial years, the Films Division con- received the documentaries would receive
sisted of a production wing and a distribution the newsreels, and those initially receiving
388 Documentary Propaganda

the newsreels would receive the documenta- produced by 1972, commemorating twenty
ries. Once this circuit had been completed, years of its establishment. As the table indi-
the prints would be sent on to the second-run cates, approximately 8 percent of the docu-
houses and so on until over the course of a mentaries were on topics of art and culture;
year all of the national cinema houses in the 18 percent on citizenship and reform; 17
country had received the prints. From each percent on defense and the international
cinema house, the Films Division would scene; and 38 percent on development and
collect 1percent of the total box-office earn- planning. The remaining films were an
ings as a rental fee for the screening of its assortment of biographical documentaries,
documentaries and newsreel films. In addi- childrens films, documentaries on geogra-
tion to this revenue-generating process of phy and travel, and experimental films. It
film circulation, prints were supplied to the is useful here to take a closer look at some of
Field Publicity Directorate for free showings these efforts to document different aspects
to urban and rural audiences.19 The scope of Indian reality and the visions of India and
andambition of this distribution scheme led Indians that were elaborated for audiences
at least one critic to estimate that the Films across the nation, whether in the plush
Division films had an audience potential air-conditioned environments of colonial
of over ten million individuals every week.20 cinema houses in the major metropolitan
To what extent did this audience poten- centers, or in the open-air maidans (fields)
tial translate into lived experience? Further, in small towns and villages.
what did the viewing of a Films Division The art and culture documentaries por-
documentary entailthat is, what was illu- trayed Indias natural regional cultural
minated and what in turn was obscured? diversity. These films represented culture
Finally, who was addressed, by whom, and as a tangible artifact, object, or visible prac-
how? To answer these questions, I turn tice that could be located in a specific time
to the actual films themselves along with and place: for example, Madhubani paint-
the specific choices of form and content, ings from Bihar in eastern India, temple
the production practices, and the visual carvings from the Ajanta caves in western
treatment that together enabled the Films India, or Kathakali dancers from the south-
Division to chart a distinctive line of sight ern state of Kerala. On display were the
in postcolonialIndia. discrete, almost hermetically sealed worlds
According to the Films Divisions own indexed by each of these distinctive cultural
classificatory scheme, it produced several forms and practices. Further, in reflecting
different kinds of films for the people of the nationalist predilection for the folk, the
India.21 These categories include: art and location of culture was invariably nonurban.
experimental films; biography and person- The gaze of the Films Division was almost
ality films; classroom films and childrens exclusively directed toward prelapsarian vis-
films; educational and motivational films; tas of colorful exuberance that constituted
Defence Ministry films; export and tour- Indianness as a collection of exotic others.
ist promotion films; and the visit films, No matter who the audience was, there was
or documentaries on official trips taken by always some forgotten, unknown, or
Indian state officials to other countries. A hidden cultural community that could be
somewhat different categorization scheme presented before it as a result of what Films
informs Table 51.1, which is based on the- Division officials described as their pains-
matic distinctions that were endorsed by taking labors of cultural recuperation and
the Films Division at the time of a compre- excavation.
hensive review of the approximately seven- The depictions of folk cultural diver-
teen hundred documentaries that had been sity created a spatial distance between
Moving Pictures 389

Table 51.1 Categories of Films Division Documentaries, 19491972


Art and Culture
Archaeology and monuments 30
Arts 55
Crafts 9
Festivals 13
People of India 32

Citizenship and Reform 314

Civic education 35
Government and citizenship 59
Health and hygiene 137
Education and youth activities 78
Coins, weights, and measures 5

Development and Planning 696

Agriculture 137
Community development and cooperation 59
Cottage industries 20
Fisheries 12
Five-year plans and their projects 65
Housing 10
Industry 89
Labor and employment 25
Relief and rehabilitation 27
Savings 43
Science and technology 40
Social welfare 35
Trade and commerce 29
Transport and communications 105

Miscellaneous 304
Biography 50
Childrens films 11
Classroom films 15
Current history 28
Experimental films 18
Food 28
Geography and travel 115
Natural resources 13
Sports, pastime, and recreation 26

Defense and International 289

Defense 121
International scene 168
TOTAL 1,742

Source:Pati, Films Division Catalogue of Films, 19491972.

the audience and the subject of films on temporal distance, as they located culture in
painting, music, and dance, contributing a remote past at considerable remove from
to the sense that real culture was inevi- the time-space of the contemporaneous
tably located elsewhere. A series of films viewer. Here, too, the diversity of architec-
on architecture created a similar effect of tural form was the dominant theme, with
390 Documentary Propaganda

Indians urged to contemplate their heritage citizenship in the most literal sense of the
as a constellation of singular monumental word by providing instructions on how to
forms scattered throughout national ter- mark ballot papers and how to use ballot
ritory, united only by the eye of the statist boxes.24 Others called for various forms of
camera. The states role as the unifier of the behavioral reform that would invest selfish
nation, or the fact that only state-sponsored individuals with a sense of social respon-
cultural activities could bring forth an sibility and enable them to appreciate and
undifferentiated sense of being Indian, was fulfill the manifold duties of citizenship.
underscored through another set of art and Individuals were motivated to realign
culture filmsnamely, those that turned their private values with public ones, and
their lens on the festivals of India. Here, to redefine self-interest in terms of the
the only festival that enjoyed the unqualified national rather than the individual self. For
or uninflected label of Indianness was that instance, in The Case of Mr. Critic (1954),
of Republic Day. All others were marked by the ideal citizen was depicted as one who
their distinctive religious and regional par- refrained from engaging in socially unpro-
ticularities: a Buddhist commemoration, ductive acts of criticism and was mindful of
a Punjabi marriage, or a carnival in Goa, the damage caused by loose and irrespon-
all of which were described as festivals of sible talk.25 Asimilar exhortation informed
India even asand in fact becausethey Dilly Dallying, a film produced in 1957 that
belonged to discrete, subnational cultural purported to convey how the habit of delay
universes. In a similar vein, alongside the can ruin a man and can cause consider-
documentaries that highlighted the diversity able damage to the larger national project of
of regional musical instruments and forms social and economic advancement.26
were the films that showcased the efforts of The theme of exemplary Indians was
the state-owned All India Radio to promote the explicit focus of another category of
a genre of national music, drawing atten- films, the biography and personality
tion to the unique ability of the state to inte- documentaries. Unlike the anonymous
grate the culturally diverse nation.22 address of the citizenship films, this set of
A second set of documentaries addressed documentaries focused on named, indi-
various aspects of citizenship and reform. vidual exemplars. According to the Films
The understanding of citizenship that Divisions own summary, the selection of
informed the cinematic imaginary of the individuals included those who fought the
Films Division was one that emphasized British, emancipated the women, unrav-
the proximity, rather than the distance or elled the mysteries of science, expounded
the autonomy, of the citizen from state the philosophy of Hinduism, and enriched
institutions. The ideal citizen was charac- Indian art and culture.27 Crucial significa-
terized by her or his ability to obey, comply tions of ideal Indians were embedded in
with, and otherwise follow the instructions these choices, with the individuals deemed
of the state, and the practice of citizenship worthy of emulation as those who uphold
was depicted in tutelary and pedagogical the values of national sovereignty (fight-
terms as a learning activity or an ongoing ing the British), rationality and science
process of acquiring skills and attributes (unravelling the mysteries of science), and
rather than an already-possessed right or above all leadership/guidance and instruc-
claim that could be exercised in the pres- tion (philosophers, artists, emancipators of
ent.23 The Films Division imparted a wide women). The choice of exemplary individu-
range of citizenship lessons. Some docu- als also took into account the representa-
mentary films undertook the task of famil- tion of regional diversity. In portraying the
iarizing audiences with the technologies of lives of great men and women, both their
Moving Pictures 391

contributions to the greater national good farmers using new water pumps in Partners
as well as their distinct regional origins for Plenty (1955); women in salwar kameezes
received equal emphasisthus the Nobel adeptly handling test tubes in The Black
Laureate Rabindranath Tagore is depicted as Gold, a film made in 1965 about oil explo-
both a national poet and a son of Bengal.28 ration in India; and engineers engaged in
In this way different regions were presented dexterous labors of flood control along
with their own national hero: the act of the embankment of a rapidly rising river in
exemplification at once totalizing and frag- Fight the Floods (1955), a film that dramati-
menting in its effect and import. cally presents the havoc wrought by floods
While films on art and culture, citizen- in various parts of the country and high-
ship and reform, and biography docu- lights the work of the Central Flood Control
mented the people of India and their Board.30 The accompanying narrative com-
varied cultural and civic practices, a signifi- mentary located these images in the con-
cant number of films showcased the forms temporaneous time-space of the viewer,
and feats of state institutions and officials. with progress, modernity, and development
In the defence films and the films on the described not as idealized future horizons
international scene (these covered the visits but as immediate, tangible substances. The
of Indian presidents and prime ministers to monumental edifices of the Bhakra Nangal
other countries and the reciprocal visits of dam towering over an empty landscape (A
foreign dignitaries to India), the protago- Symbol of Progress, 1965); the glowing fur-
nists were the office bearers of the state naces in steel plants that took ones breath
rather than ordinaryor in the case of the away;31 and the smiling farmers steering
biography films, extraordinarycivilians. gigantic tractors with studied ease and non-
If the Films Division may be seen to have chalance in Where the Desert Blooms (1962),
consolidated a statist vision of nationhood, a film on the Central Mechanised Farm in
tying national identity to the presence Suratgarh, Rajasthan, were all a part of the
and actions of the state, then these films Films Divisions distinctive elaboration of
advanced this vision in the most explicit a modernity that was spectacular in both
way. Armies and prime ministers stood in senses of the termvisible as well as grand.
for the state, which then stood in for, and as, In contrast to this spectacular and
the nation and its citizens.29 fetishized figuration of modernity,32 other
Finally, the single largest category of Films Division documentaries presented
Films Division documentaries, represent- modernity and development as impercepti-
ing more than a third of the total out- ble phenomena that left no material traces in
put of documentary films in the first two the present. In films such as Our Regulated
decades after independence, were those Markets (1960), a film on the hardships and
that addressed the themes of planned losses inflicted on the producer-sellers by the
development and various aspects of social middlemen and efforts made to eradicate
and economic modernization. The specific them in the form of regulated markets,33 or
treatment of these themes was realized in in Dry Leaves (1961), on the dowry system
a variety of different ways. In some films and how this age-old custom has ruined
the abstract ideals of the Nehruvian imagi- many a home,34 the present was character-
nary of modernization and planned devel- ized not by the concrete achievements of
opment took concrete visual form and were modernity but by backwardness, negation,
materialized either as distinct artifacts such and loss. Where other films emphasized
as dams, steel plants, locomotive factories, the successful grasping of modernity in the
or agricultural equipment, or as specific presentthus India today has a steel plant, a
sets of embodied practices: thus we see dam, a self-sufficient economythese films
392 Documentary Propaganda

elaborated a different vision of a deferred ephemeral, specified and anonymous, tri-

modernity, reproducing images and narra- umphant and anxiety-laden, and assisted
tives of problems and obstacles rather than and self-generating, these films reflected the
solutions and triumphs. Suggesting that the complex constellation of competing impera-
temporal logic of official developmentalist tives, governance levels, policy frameworks,
discourse is more doubled or ambivalent and political actors that constituted the post-
than teleological, this set of films depicted colonial Indianstate.
the present as an uncertain waiting []
room,35 rather than a definitive and trium- The decade of the 1960s saw the emer-
phant moment of arrival.36 gence of a new set of visual vocabularies.
The question of agency in processes of Even as Films Division documentaries
development and modernization also met continued to imagine India in terms of the
with multiple responses in Films Division constitutive and indissoluble link between
documentaries. Who or what was the agent nation and state, the representations of
of development and modernitythe state nation and state registered several signifi-
or the people? Or did agency and intention cant shifts. For instance, the specific con-
not matter at all, and were development and juncture of Indias war with China in 1962
modernity occurrences that were structurally led to the production of films in which mar-
determined and inevitable? The documen- tial strength was the defining attribute of the
tary films of the state endorsed all of these state; vulnerability the distinguishing char-
positions, and elaborated visions of assisted acteristic of the nation; and sacrifice and
progress as well as natural progress. bravery the constitutive features of the ideal
Some films focused on the states essential citizen.38 Atrailer with the no-nonsense title
role in initiating and promoting moderniza- of National Anthem-cum-Flag was produced
tion and development (Phosphate for Plenty, by the Films Division in 1963 at the behest
1970). Others emphasized instead the auton- of the Committee for Emergency Publicity
omous initiatives of ordinary people (Your (in existence from 1962 until 1968)and the
Contribution, 1954). Still others departed National Defence Council, a multipartisan
from these agent-centric understandings group constituted to coordinate civilian
altogether in their elaboration of the unstop- defense efforts. All commercial film screen-
pable and self-propelling dynamics of ings were required to conclude with an exhi-
modernity (Kisan [The Farmer],1967). bition of this one-minute film. The national
Of significance is the simultaneity or sound waves were also harnessed by the
the coexistence of these differential visions, new requirement of increasing the visibility
and the fact that the ambivalent and fis- of official emblems, and a new practice of
sured constitution of modernity ostensibly playing a recording of the national anthem
stemmed from the singular institutional at the conclusion of the daily broadcast of
source of the state. Calling into question All India Radio was introduced in March
the monolithic presumptions of James 1963 at the same time as the mandatory
Scotts influential metaphor of seeing like screening of the anthem/flag film.39
a state, the contending imaginaries pro- Other films undertook the task of mean-
duced by the Films Division drew attention ing making. It was not enough simply to
instead to the fragmented nature of the stat- disseminate the sights and sounds of the
ist visionto the blurring rather than the state, but their correct national significance
legibility of social mapping practices.37 also had to be specified. As the annual
In their representation of development, report of the Ministry of Information and
progress, and modernity as simultaneously Broadcasting (the parent organization of
achieved and unachievable, material and the Films Division) noted in 1965, it was
Moving Pictures 393

imperative to produce films that could effec- Some films celebrated the lives of exem-
tively communicate and explain the neces- plary, famous, and good Muslimsfor
sity of maintaining decorum whenever the example, the Mughal emperor Akbar,
national anthem is sung.40 If in the docu- the poet Ghalib, and the musicians Zakir
mentary films from the 1950s a dam, a labo- Hussain, Allah Rakha, and Allaudin Khan.
ratory, or a census survey stood in for the In another instance, Bound for Haj (1959),
relationship between nation and state, the the visibility of Muslims served to illus-
entry of a new discourse of national secu- trate the protective beneficence of the
rity in the 1960s occasioned an additional state in facilitating the sacred pilgrimage
set of signifying practices. The feats of the to Mecca. The theme of select Muslims
armed forces, the chords of the national as ideal citizens was furthered as well in
anthem, and the fluttering tricolor flag now A Muslim Festival in Secular India (1965),
became familiar presences in Films Division a film depicting the Id festivities at the
documentaries, with Indians urged to con- official residence of then-president Zakir
template not what the state could do for Hussain. A Muslim Festival stood in marked
them but what they could do for thestate. contrast to the unqualified and generalized
Amid these many transformations in the address of The Faith (1967), a film about the
cinematic vision of the state that reflected Hindu pilgrims at the Kumbh Mela festi-
the dynamic, processual character of the val along the banks of the river Ganges in
nation-statist project in postcolonial India, Allahabad. A final set of films evacuated
certain representational themes and devices contemporaneous subjectivity and agency
remained unchanged over time. In par- from Muslims altogether, with architec-
ticular, and despite the significant changes tural monuments (the Taj Mahal, the Qutb
in political, economic, and social structure Minar) and cultural heritage (Hindustani
and practice that took place between the music, Kathak dance) standing in for
Films Divisions founding in 1948 and the Muslims in India. In this manner, and to
major retrospective organized in 1972 to use the agencys own words as quoted at
celebrate two decades of its existence, the the opening of this chapter, the memory of
cinematic representations of the Indian the nation encapsulated within the stor-
Muslimor rather, the aporias and eli- age vaults of the Films Division attests to
sions of these representationsremained the graded hierarchies of diversity displays
remarkablyconstant. The catalogue of films in postcolonial India. Even in the golden
produced by the Films Division in 1972, cov- age of Nehruvian secularism, then, the
ering twenty-two years of documentary film light of Indianness shone in a selective
production, describes in detail an impres- and partial manner, as encounters with the
sive total of 1,742 documentaries. [] Only nation-state consistently illuminated some
seventeen of these films, or less than 1 per- experiences of national belonging and
cent, had anything to do with the presence obscured others.41
of Muslims in India.
Moreover, although these films differed
in terms of their subject matter, they all
contributed to a common understanding Shifting Visions II:
of the status of Muslims as special minori- Contending Imperatives
ties set apart from the national mainstream
in one way or another. The Films Division Not all variations in the documentaries
documentaries from the 1950s and 1960s produced by the Films Division could be
invariably constituted Muslimness as explained by temporal shifts in the politi-
a special or qualified national presence. cal field. As noted in the previous section,
394 Documentary Propaganda

the Films Division also produced signifi- monopolistic domination as well as those
cantly different representations of state and of free-market competition in discussing
nation within the same time period. With the role and significance of state-produced
the postcolonial state itself constituted as a film;44 descriptions that in turn drew upon
multi-layered arena informed by different, and reproduced substantially different
even contending, imperatives, the Films understandings of the maximalist and
Division played several different roles at any minimalist state respectively.45
given point in time. For instance, while the []
Films Division embodied a productive or In highlighting its work as a nonpartisan
positive relationship between the state and publicist and information provider, the Films
filmthat is, the state as filmmakera sig- Division endorsed a limited vision of its own
nificant set of negative restrictions and pro- agency as a mere vehicle for communicating
hibitions were also put in place at the same preexisting truths, with its role restricted to
time, from the rationing of film stock and the passive reflection of exogenously deter-
the activation of colonial censorship laws to mined realities alone. Discussions about
the state control of venues and channels of the states work of publicity and informa-
film distribution. Engaged in the work of tion provision in fact invested agency in the
film production at a time when the access people rather than in the state through the
of filmmakers to raw film stock was severely repeated assertions of how, once they were
restricted,42 the Films Division was charged in possession of the truth about the national
with the responsibility of presenting the projects being undertaken by the state, ordi-
right cinematic vision, and of working nary Indians would be galvanized into action
in tandem with the censorship agencies of and become nation builders on their own
the state and their mandate of preventing accord. At the same time, however, and in
the wrong visions from gaining public what amounted to a direct refutation of the
exposure.43 In supplementing the negative limited messenger role described above,
or prohibitory impulses of state power, the the Films Division was also authorized as
Films Division was assigned a role in the an agent of social education, transforma-
postcolonial project of producing an inter- tion, and motivation. In fulfilling these tasks,
ventionist state that was at the same time documentary films were required to play an
accountable and limited: one that would active role in the project of nation building,
not be characterized by the heavy hand of instead of merely reflecting or communi-
coercionalone. cating the details of the project. As a review
Thus on the one hand the documen- commission would note in a 1967 report on
tary films produced by the Films Division the workings of the Films Division, mere
addressed themselves to the pedagogical publicity alone was not enough:persuasion
mandate of the state by upholding exem- was another, and key, task at hand.46
plary visions of India and Indianness before
an infantile nation in need of reform and
development. On the other hand, the struc-
turing influence of a democracy mandate Recognizing theState
undercut such assumptions about national
backwardness, emphasizing instead auton- If the content and themes of Films Division
omous choices made by ordinary citizens films consolidated a particular, if ambiva-
to watch and appreciate these documenta- lent, vision of India around the sights and
ries. In the initial years after independence, sounds of the state, it was the form of these
the official descriptions of documentary films that definitively established the state
film deployed economic metaphors of as the author of the national vision. Despite
Moving Pictures 395

their varied choices of content, topic, and narrative style. An introductory statement
exposition, Films Division documentaries usually predicated at the highest level of
and newsreels were instantly recogniz- generality would open the film once the
able as Films Division documentaries and title credits had faded to black, with the
newsreels. It was precisely their unmistak- voice-over either unfolding in tandem
ably state-produced style that played a key with the visual sequences or coming in as
and constitutive role in the project of state an explanatory interjection after a silent
identification, enabling as they did the montage had quickly flashed across the
public recognition of the states distinctive screen. The glory that was India attracted
vision and register of address. The prac- people from different lands, declared The
tices of state reification that produce the Road to Freedom, as the solid colors of a
state as a distinctive social actor as well as two-dimensional standard-issue map of
the authorized representative of the nation India gradually faded away until the outline
are not exhausted by microlevel, disaggre- of the map was all that was discerniblea
gated, and invisible or interiorized inter- boundary around the grainy images of
ventions.47 In Ann Anagnosts words, the kings, pilgrims, horses, ships, and march-
hypervisibility of the apparatus of power ing soldiers that now filled the interiors
and its operations on the social body,48 of the map. In the opening sequences
that is, the continual and visible dem- of Destination India the pithy announce-
onstrations of the states ability to make ment Welcome to India followed a
claims on behalf of the nation, are equally rapid montage of Hindu pilgrims bathing
important. in the Ganges at Benaras, a panoramic
Beginning with their introductory shot of the Taj Mahal, a near shot of the
sequences, the Films Division documen- Buddhas face, and a tight close-up on an
taries addressed this imperative of state elaborate stone trellis that panned out to a
recognition in a variety of ways. Just as the wider view of the inner walls of St. Pauls
familiar sight of the torch-bearing figure of Cathedral in Calcutta. The commentary
Columbia or the roaring lion of MGM serves continued throughout these films, inter-
as a particular visual cue for audiences of rupting the flow of images at times with
Hollywood films about the nature of the a laconic description (India became free
film-viewing experience that awaits them, at the stroke of midnight), at others with
so too did the logo of the Ashokan pillar a detailed exegesis that cast the images in
with its four-headed lion motif (designated an explicitly pedagogical light (There is
as the official emblem of the Indian state in a diversity and freedom of expression in
1950)and the accompanying legend Films our democracy, freedom we must cherish
Division of India presents frame the expec- if democracy is to have any meaning).
tations of spectatorship through repeated While the visual representations embodied
exposure. In a similar vein, the distinctive and materialized the meaning of nation-
aural address of Films Division documenta- hood in specific and localized terms, the
ries established the films as official texts, accompanying commentary invariably
where a disembodied exegetical voice-over addressed its audience as an undifferen-
explained, contextualized, summarized, tiated and abstract collectivity, alternat-
and otherwise narrativized the visual events ing between a collective first-person and
unfolding on the screenan effect that was a third-person mode of address:thus we
once again secured through iteration. are and Indiais.
Although the content differed from film In its early years, the Films Division
to film, most Films Division documenta- would rely on the same individuals to
ries were characterized by a common record voice-overs for as many of its films
396 Documentary Propaganda

as possible. As a result, the sound of the specific way of seeing India, one that could
state came to acquire a distinctive and rec- be unambiguously identified as the vision
ognizable quality: the distinctive tone and of the state.
enunciations of the Anglicized baritones
of Romesh Thapar and Sam Berkeley-Hill
or the modulations of a Sanskritized The State asCritic
Hindi.49 The effort to establish a regionally
unmarked voice from nowhere had the Just two decades into the Films Divisions
effect of constituting a voice from some- existence, the state itself noted that its
where, enabling as it did the identification envisioning of nationhood was more pon-
of how the state states.50 derous and disenchanted than resonant
In this regard, the specific idiom of state and believable. In 1967, the Ministry of
speech is of notethe fact that Films Division Information and Broadcasting, the par-
commentaries consistently drew upon the ent organization of the Films Division,
registers of policyspeak that informed offi- convened an investigative commission,
cial discourse and practice in a wide range referred to as the Chanda committee, to
of arenasfrom the commentary broad- evaluate the various publicity wings
cast on Rajpath during the annual Republic of the Indian state: the Films Division,
Day parades and the programs on All India the Directorate of Advertising and Visual
Radio to the voluminous texts produced by Publicity, and the Press Information
the Planning Commission. Like these other Bureau. In its mission statement, the
statist articulations, the commentaries of the committee described its task as one of
Films Division were characterized by their explaining the paradox of state attempts to
use of specialized terminology, neologisms, monopolize and regulate public informa-
and acronyms; hyperbolic pronouncements; tion in a democratic polity. In reflecting its
and ponderousness. central concern with the contradictions of
If the Films Division played a significant an official information agency in a demo-
role in establishing a distinctive sound for cratic society, the indictment of propa-
the state through its use of a specific style ganda dominated the committees review
of commentary, its development of a famil- of the Films Division, and the call to pro-
iar visual repertoire facilitated the social duce nonpropagandist films was among its
recognition of the gaze of the state, so that chief recommendations. The understand-
over time a particular set of images came ing of what constituted propaganda drew
to be identified with an official envisioning upon the familiar dichotomy between
of nationhood. The same images appeared political and nonpolitical activities and
over and over again in state-produced docu- expressions. According to the Chanda
mentary films and newsreels, and filmmak- committee report, the portrayal of ques-
ers drew upon a common archive of stock tions above public dispute such as literacy,
shots despite the fact that there were sig- agricultural production, sanitation etc.
nificant variations in the actual topic of the did not constitute propagandaa state-
films being made. The familiar montages of ment that recast contested policy forma-
Indias natural and cultural diversityfrom tions that were mired in partisan contests
turbaned men on camels against a desert as transcendent and consensual expres-
backdrop to fisherwomen on the coconut sions of the national interest.51 On the basis
palm-fringed shores of Keralas backwa- of this distinction, films that advanced
ters; the recurrent image of a simple peas- partisan perspectives, showcasing the
ant; the teeming crowd shot that stood achievements of particular political lead-
in for the Indian massesall established a ers and political parties, were denounced
Moving Pictures 397

as examples of political propaganda, while India had been discontinued for over five
films that depicted the neutral activities years, and the directorial positions within
of the state were upheld as examples to the organization were occupied by nonspe-
emulate: In a developing country the rai- cialist civil servants who were impervious
son detre of the Films Division is to prop- to aesthetic concerns.
agate the aims and portray the activities Another factor was related to problems
and achievements of a welfare state. But in the production practices of the organiza-
this does not imply that the films should tion. Not only was the availability of techno-
depict largely the activities of the political logical infrastructure inadequate, leading to
leaders and the meetings and projects in the production of films that the committee
which they participate.52 described as stuck in the 1930s, but the
Along with the recommendation to existing system of commissioning films
produce documentary films on impartial actually provided incentives to make films
themes, the Chanda committee called for a that failed to hold the attention of audi-
transformation in cinematic style, and also ences. Filmmakers were paid according to
deliberated on the question of effect and the footage of film they produced, which
reception. It was not enough to passively meant that it was in their interests to pro-
depict the activities and achievements duce films that were as long as possible.
of a welfare state, but also the goal of Moreover, the practice of commissioning
provok[ing] constructive thinking had to films according to a lowest-tender system
be addressed. In the words of the commit- meant that thriftiness or the ability to gen-
tee:It is necessary that the objectives of the erate the lowest-budget figures rather than
planning effort should be presented with considerations of aesthetic skill informed
subtlety, [and be] able to hold the attention the selection of filmmakers, and thus fur-
and make an impact on the viewing public. ther contributed to the low quality of Films
They should be provocative and pose a chal- Division films.54 The Chanda committee
lenge to the community they should por- cited specific examples of this aesthetic
tray the realities of life, pose the problems lack:the penchant for spoken commentary
boldly.53 at the expense of visual content; the absence
Several factors were held to be respon- of human interest stories in newsreels;
sible for the palpable lack of resonance and the absence of humor, satire, suspense,
of Films Division documentaries, or their and drama in documentaries.
failure to hold the attention and make an Finally, the distribution scheme of the
impact on the viewing public. First, there Films Division also occasioned extended
were significant flaws in the organizational criticism. According to the Chanda com-
structure of the Films Division and in its mittee, the compulsory distribution policy
mode of operation. It lacked organizational did not advance, and in fact obstructed,
autonomy and thus produced the bulk of its the meaningful reception of films. Instead
documentaries in response to the requests of allowing exhibitors (the owners of film
it received from different ministries instead theaters) to choose documentaries and
of being able to chart out an independent newsreels that were appropriate for their
cinematic vision. Related to this issue was audiences, the centralized process of dis-
the problem of personnel. Decision mak- tribution allocated films on an arbitrary
ing within the Films Division was under- basis that did not take the specific local
taken primarily by bureaucrats instead of context into account. This led to situations
by trained filmmakers. At the time of the that, far from eliciting support and loyalty
review, the practice of hiring graduates for the disinterested state, might in fact
from the Film and Television Institute of have fostered disaffection and anger for the
398 Documentary Propaganda

indifferent state. The incident of a film on commentaries is widely regarded to be the

floods being screened before audiences in distinctive feature of an accountable, demo-
Orissa at a time of extended drought was cratic regime and an open society. What
one such example cited by the committee. is of interest here is the ways in which
A parallel example, though less extreme, the Chanda committee, like the count-
was the screening for elite audiences in less other review commissions that have
urban theaters of instructional films on the been convened in India, drew upon and
application of fertilizers, or films demon- reproduced a distinctive set of repertoires
strating the superior performance of the lat- or rituals that furthered the myth of the
est tractors made in India.55 [nation]-state.58 The committee was a the-
In this regard even the scheme of dis- ater of state power where, through the pro-
tributing free film prints to rural areas had liferation of discourses about the manifest
significant flaws. For example, the small failures of the state to further the interests
number of free prints produced was not of the nation, the abstractions of state and
commensurate with the size of the rural nation assumed concrete form and the link
population.56 Moreover, with the absence between state and nationthe idea that
in many Indian villages of film-screening the nation needs a statewas consoli-
equipment, and the even more basic lack of dated and secured. Here, the nonresonance
electricity, films could only be screened in of the Films Division documentarythe
rural areas through the use of mobile cin- fact that it was boring, heavy-handed, and
ema vans. This in turn was possible only disenchantedplayed a constitutive role,
if motorable roads were in existence, a enabling as it did the looping or recursive
requirement that, according to the Chanda exercises of review, recommendation, fail-
committees calculations, effectively reduced ure, and reviewagain.
the rural outreach of the Films Division to a []
mere 500,000 people.
Language was another limitation for
rural distribution. The films were dubbed
in the thirteen official languages of India, Conclusion
which meant that they were not easily
understood among Indias many dialect []
communities.57 In sum, twenty years after In this chapter, Ihave confirmed but also
its existence, at approximately the same departed from [James] Scotts discussion of
time that the Films Division published a cat- map making or seeing like a state as a
alog listing its impressive achievements of productive exercise of state power. In agree-
producing almost two thousand documen- ing with Scott Ihave drawn attention to the
tary films, another state agency issued an state simplifications that were produced
emphatic and scathing indictment of the in and through the medium of documen-
limited reach, the dullness and unimagina- tary film, or the ways in which the Indian
tiveness, the heavy-handed bureaucracy, and state produced reductive visual representa-
the singular lack of resonance of the mov- tions of national realities, and presented its
ing pictures of nationhood in Nehruvian fictions and fantasies as fact. At the same
India. If the state was an autoenthusiast, it time, I have moved away from the discus-
was also its own biggest critic. sion of how these statist practices impact
In itself, the existence of an official com- society, and the related understanding of
mittee report that is critical of the state state and society as preformed or given
is hardly remarkable. In fact, the abil- entities. Instead, I have considered the
ity to produce and circulate such critical state-constituting effect of such practices,
Moving Pictures 399

or the ways in which these acts of mapping records of significant events that have taken
have actually produced the state as a particu- place over the past fifty years. With the offi-
lar kind of authoritative entity. cial camera as the sole witness to numer-
For more than fifty years, the Films ous episodes in postcolonial history, it is
Division has played a key role in the project through the lens of the Films Division that
of seeing like a state. In the first instance, we view Gandhis assassination, the pag-
this entailed the production and circula- eantry of Republic Day, nuclear tests, wars,
tion of visual representations of the state floods, famines, and dams, even if the film
itself whether as object, idea, or activity, we are watching has been produced by the
and of the intimate and indissoluble bond BBC. If the written record of official history
between state and nation. A monumental erases all fissures, slippages, and ambi-
dam; a prosperous farmer; a tricolored flag guities from its seamless narration of the
planted on Mount Everest; the signing of past, the visual texts of the state constrict
a constitution; the bullet-ridden corpse of our vision in even tighter ways. The out-
a prime minister; the protection of folk art takes of the Films Division have long been
forms; a dream for which thousands of our destroyed, and there was no second-camera
ancestors have laid down their livesthese unit present at the recording of history.
were just some of the myriad images of The constricting effects of the states tun-
state and nation that confronted the audi- nel vision are not restricted to the domain
ences of Films Division documentaries and of history. As this chapter has shown, the
newsreels. Films Division has also taken culture as
Second, to see like a state was also to its canvas, elaborating vivid visual repre-
see the state as a distinctive viewer. It was sentations of Indias cultural diversity. The
to come upon a particular line of sight and stereotypical projections of identity and
to recognize its authoritative provenance. difference that this vision of Indian diver-
Here, the boredom effect of the Films sity reflected and fostered have traveled far
Division documentaries played a constitu- beyond the confines of official celluloid to
tive role, securing widespread social rec- structure the representational worlds of
ognition of the unmistakable style of the Hindi commercial cinema and of multina-
official documentary. With the repetition tional advertising. Although the compul-
of stock shots in different films; the use of sory screening policy of the Films Division
a common voice from nowhere style of was discontinued in 1994, its distinctive
exegetical commentary; the unchanging visions continue to proliferate. The colorful
quality of the voice itself; and the familiar montage of Indias geographic, historic, cul-
doubled narrative of state-led nation-building tural, religious, and ethnic diversitythe
as a task both achieved and deferred, possible intercuts and dissolves that link coconut
and impossibly arduous, the Films Division trees to the Himalayas, dancing peasants to
established a distinctive genre or style of praying Brahmins, the Taj Mahal of Mughal
filmmaking that was immediately recogniz- Agra to the Victoria Terminus railway sta-
able:there was no ambiguity about who or tion in Bombayis today reproduced in
what was doing the seeing and the talking. marketing campaigns for Coca-Cola and a
Third, seeing like a state was about the promotional video for the MTV India televi-
obstruction of vision. As the custodian of sion channel.60
the largest archive of audiovisual material Like their statist counterparts, these
in India, the Films Division has the discre- images invite us to gaze upon a reality that
tionary authority to grant or refuse permis- we do not encounter in our daily lives.61 All
sion for the use of its material.59 In many traces of polyester and plastic, violence and
instances these comprise the only visual inequality, and power and resistance have
400 Documentary Propaganda

been air-brushed from their colorful vistas. Like the naturally diverse nation and the
As the historian Shahid Amin has tren- transcendent state, the ideal citizen of
chantly observed in a recent discussion of Nehruvian India would also be imagined
the representational devices of nationhood along extrapolitical, antipoliticallines.
in India: The face on the poster does not []
match the man on the street.62 The mis-
match that Amin highlights is about the
arbitrary logics of visual representation. For
instance, in the imagery of the national 1. Report of the Committee on Broadcasting and
integration poster, a staple of Nehruvian Information Media on Documentary Films and
Newsreels, 1967, Ministry of Information and
secular nationalism,63 Muslim identity is Broadcasting, New Delhi; hereafter referred to as
invariably symbolized by a fez, even though the Chanda Committee Report1967.
Indians would be hard pressed to cite a single 2. Quoted in Mohan, Two Decades of the Films
instance when they have actually seen a per- 3. For a discussion of the specific cultural mandate
son wearing one.64 As we have already seen, of UNESCO during this period, see Girard, Cultural
this observation about the [mis]representa- Development; and Sewell, UNESCO. For a general
discussion of the Ford Foundations ideological
tion of the Mussalman65 can be extended practices of development and philanthropy,
to Films Division documentaries as well, see Berghahn, Philanthropy and Diplomacy
which furthered the understanding of the in the American Century. The documentary
filmmaking effort in India also benefited from
exceptional presence of Muslims in postco- the corporate sponsorship of organizations such
lonial India. In this regard, we can say that to as Burmah Shell, the petroleum conglomerate in
see like a state in Nehruvian India was to see South Asia. Burmah Shells publicity/filmmaking
unit in India was headed by James Beveridge of
Muslims as permanent minorities marked the National Film Board of Canada and employed
by an essential difference. Although this dif- several independent documentary filmmakers
ference involved the valorization of Muslim to make publicity and training films for the
organization, but also films of aesthetic merit
identity rather than its stigmatizationthus that traveled to international festivals. See Mohan,
the Films Division turned its lens on good Two Decades of the Films Division, and Woods,
Muslims rather than bad Muslims From Shaw to Shantaram.
4. Cited in Barsam, Nonfiction Film,2.
the qualified or special nature of Muslims 5. For example, Reception Given to Senior Wrangler,
remained a persistenttheme. Mr. R.P. Paranjpe (1902); Great Bengal Partition
Finally, to see like a state was to partake Movement and Procession (1905); Bal Gangadhar
Tilaks Visit to Calcutta and Procession (1906); The
of a constitutive fear of politics. Although Terrible Hyderabad Flood (1908); Delhi Durbar and
the vibrancy and density of civic associa- Coronation (1911); and Cotton Fire at Bombay (1912).
tional life in India and the active engage- 6. Narwekar, Films Division and the Indian
ment of ordinary Indians in innovative 7. Ibid.,16.
forms of political participation have been 8. Pathy, A Document on Indian Documentary.
a staple theme of academic discussions 9. Narwekar, Films Division and the Indian
about the health and durability of Indian 10. According to Richard Barsam, Rothas
democracy,66 the Films Divisions imagina- humanistic vision of the documentary film and
tion of the Indian citizen was eviscerated its creator derived inspiration from Percy Bysshe
Shelleys vision of the true artist as a legislator of
of any such signs of political vitality. It was mankind. See Barsam, Nonfiction Film,10.
instead her or his ability to patiently stand 11. For a discussion of the war propaganda filmmaking
in queue instead of milling around in a effort, see Woods, Chappatis by Parachute.
12. Narwekar, Films Division and the Indian
disorderly fashion; to willingly discard tra- Documentary, 23. In fact, there was no official film
ditional techniques of measurement for production unit present to record the transfer of
the universal coordinates of the Metric sys- power at midnight on August 1415, 1947. The event
tem; to participate selflessly in the social was documented by international camera units
and, in India, by a two-person team of independent
uplift of the disadvantaged sections; and Indian filmmakers. Mohan, Two Decades of the
to realize the dignity of manual labour.67 Films Division.
Moving Pictures 401

13. Abraham, Landscape and Postcolonial a national orchestra of musical instruments from
Science,164. different regions of the country.
14. For a discussion of the state-documentary 23. The Nehruvian states tutelary discourse on
partnership in other contexts, see Barnouw, citizenship both resembled and departed from the
Documentary; MacCann, The Peoples Films; infantile citizenship ideal in the United States
Swann, The British Documentary Film Movement, and the socialist paternalism of Romania. For
19261946; Roberts, Forward Soviet; and Taylor, the former, see Berlant, The Theory of Infantile
Now That the Partys Over and Film Propaganda. Citizenship; for the latter, see Verdery, Whither
15. In addition, a cameraperson affiliated with the Nation and Nationalism.
Films Division was stationed in each state capital to 24. For instance, Democracy in Action (1951) introduced
provide on-the-spot coverage of news events for the citizens to the procedures of voting and elections
production of newsreels. See Mohan, Two Decades in anticipation of the first general election of
of the Films Division. 1952. In 1956, six five-minute films detailed the
16. In the first twenty years of its existence, approx mechanisms of different types of ballot boxes, and
imately 75percent of Films Division productions in 1959, New Way to Vote depicted the use of a new
were done in house, and the rest were produced type of ballotsheet.
by individuals who were not formally affiliated with 25. The Case of Mr. Critic, quoted in Pati, Films
the organization. See Mohan, Two Decades of the Division Catalogue ofFilms.
Films Division; see also Garga, Turbulent Years 26. For instance, in Ideal Citizen (1959) the title was
and Is Anyone Watching? given meaning through depictions of exemplary
17. For a different but related discussion of how individuals who [kept] their surroundings clean,
citizenship discourse in capitalist states invariably organized schools and dispensaries, paid their
addresses an ethically incomplete subject that taxes, exercised their right and duty to vote, and
needs improvement and managerial intervention, cooperated with the police.
see Miller, The Well-TemperedSelf. 27. Mohan, Documentary Films and National
18. Apart from commissioning work from individual Awakening,96.
filmmakers, the Films Division also distributed 28. Rabindranath Tagore (1961) was directed by the
films received from a range of different national eminent Indian filmmaker SatyajitRay.
and international agencies, including state 29. For instance, Magic Moments (1962) on the visit
governments, central government organizations of Jacqueline Kennedy to India; Mitrata Ki Yatra
such as the Khadi and Village Industries (Journey of Friendship, 1955) on Nehrus visit to the
Association, civil society organizations such USSR; and Out of the Blue (1963, a defense film
as the Independent Documentary Producers about helicopters.
Association, and international sources such as 30. Pati, Films Division Catalogue of Films,96.
the United Nations Film Board, the United States 31. Narwekar, Films Division and the Indian
Information Services, and the World Health Documentary.
Organization. See Mohan, Two Decades of the Films 32. Sundaram, The Bazaar and theCity.
Division,6263. 33. Pati, Films Division Catalogue of Films,31.
19. Atotal of 12,000 such films were distributed for 34. Ibid.,412.
free (one print for every 250,000 people), and 35. We can in fact describe this as the emergence of
therefore each print required 12,000 projections a new postcolonial narrative of temporality and
in order to cover the entire population. But the progress (the saying of not yet to ourselves,
life of each print was only 200 projections, as the to rephrase Dipesh Chakrabarty), which had
Chanda committee noted in its 1967 report, thus ambivalent political effects, empowering as well as
effectively limiting coverage to only 10percent of marginalizing the agency of ordinary citizens. See
the population. According to the committee, the Chakrabarty, Provincializing Europe. In chapter3
lack of motorable roads in rural areas also limited Idevelop this point in further detail through a
the viewership of Films Division documentaries. consideration of the diffident developmentalism
20. Narwekar, Films Division and the Indian of NehruvianIndia.
Documentary,25. 36. However, despite the divergent constructions of
21. The word People is an expansive word the here and now as certainty and uncertainty
representing the people inhabiting the length and respectively, both the representation of spectacular
breadth of the country with their languages and modernity and that of deferred modernity
economic systems, determined by geography and evacuated the present of substantial, lived
agro-climatic divisions (Mohan, Documentary meaning. Thus, while in My Land My Dreams
Films and National Awakening, 93). This book was (1968) it was the struggles of the past or what was
commissioned by the Films Division and provides described as the historical exploitation of farmers
a discussion of the Films Division and its activities that invested their present freedom with meaning,
from the perspective of the organization itself. in Grow Hybrid Maize (1967) the significance of the
Further, the author of the book, Jag Mohan, was present was as a harbinger of future prosperity.
actively associated with the Films Division for 37. See Scott, Seeing like a State. In a similar
many years and produced several films forthem. vein, and despite the difference in their
22. Vadya Vrinda (1956) is a documentary about the understandings of state autonomy, Marxist
All India Radios unique experiment in creating theories of the state as well as the scholarship
402 Documentary Propaganda
on bringing the state back in have failed religious diversity has suggested, Nehruvian
to disaggregate the state along levels of secularism had a particular minoritizing effect,
governance and have overlooked the multiple whereby certain communities were constituted
and contradictory effects of stateness. The as the object of secular laws and policies (those
capitalist state was theorized as a (mostly) requiring tolerance) while others were authorized
singular formation in the Poulantzas-Milliband as secular subjects (those invested with the power
debates of the 1970s, and the statist scholarship to tolerate). For an extended discussion of the
of Skocpol and others took the state to be a powered dimensions of discourses and practices
unitary actor. See Poulantzas, The Problem of of tolerance and diversity, see Hage, White Nation.
the Capitalist State; Miliband, The Capitalist 42. The allotments were 12,000 feet of raw film stock
State; and Skocpol, Bringing the State BackIn. for the eastern region, 13,000 feet in the south,
38. As the introductory chapter has noted, the China and 400 feet for trailers. See Government of India,
war saw the emergence of militarist rhetorics of Annual Report, 195051.
citizenship and nationhood and a more unitaiy 43. Placing the positive injunction of the Films
conception of the nation-state. The production list Division alongside the censorship prohibitions
of the Films Division reflected this shift, with a of the Indian Cinematographic Act of 1952 is
flurry of films produced between 1963 and 1965 instructive in this regard, as all the shall nots of
that emphasized national security as the primary the act are transformed into shall dos when it
issue athand. comes to Films Division films. For example, the
39. The films that were produced between January statement that the sympathy of the audience shall
and March 1963 under the national emergency not be thrown on the side of crime, wrong-doing,
scheme all related to various aspects of the war evil or sin authorized the production of films that
effort: official explanations of the causes or elicited audience sympathies with the side of
reasons for the war; appeals for public support; goodness and truth. For a discussion of the policies
and foregrounding the prowess, sacrifice, and effects of cinema censorship in India, see
and bravery of the military. See, for instance, Vasudev, Liberty and License in the Indian Cinema;
Shifting Line (explaining Indias position on the and for a different discussion of the productive
international border dispute), Road to Victory power of film censorship, see Gopalan, Cinema of
(peoples reaction to China aggression); Service Interruptions.
before Self (supporting the armed forces); Letter 44. As Nehru observed during his remarks to the
from the Front (what to donate and what type of 1955 Film Seminar (the national meeting of
work to do); A Proud Tradition (Hero of Chusul: representatives from the film industry and state
Late Major Shaitan Singh); Meet the Challenge officials in New Delhi that was convened to
(role of women in national emergency); discuss the role of film in nation-building), the
They Are Not Alone (role of panchayats [village government will compete through the production
assemblies] in national emergency); A Privilege of documentaries not with the desire to
(officer recruitment); Careless Talk (security compete, but to some extent the results might be
consciousness); and An Unavoidable Internment a setting up of standards by a certain measure of
(Chinese internees in India). See Government of competition Sangeet Natak Akademi, Seminar on
lndia, Annual Report, 196263. Film in India,15.
40. Government of India, Annual Report, 196465,4. 45. For a discussion of the unique complex of high
41. The Indian constitution promulgated in 1950 and low stateness that characterized the Indian
did not provide a definition of secularism, and state, see Rudolph and Rudolph, In Pursuit of
the term is itself missing from the constitutional Lakshmi.
text (the existing preambular definition of India 46. Chanda Committee Report1967.
as a sovereign socialist secular democratic 47. According to Foucault, these are the distinctive
republic was introduced by the 42nd amendment features of disciplinary power, in contrast to the
in 1976). Despite this formal constitutional centralized, exterior, and visible or spectacular
absence, however, secularism understood as operations of juridical-sovereign power. See
equal respect for all religions (and thus distinct Foucault, Displine and Punish; and Faubion, Power,
from both the Anglo-Saxon variant of the wall vol.3.
of separation between churc h and state and the 48. Ann Anagnost discusses the imperative of
French laic variant of civil religion), served as visibility in her examination of the formation and
the normative as well as pragmatic touchstone legitimization of the party-state in China. See
of legislative reform and social and cultural Anagnost, National Past-Times, chapter4. Her
policy making in Nehruvian India. While the account modifies the Foucauldian premise about
secular embrace of Indias multireligious the invisibility of modern disciplinary power,
composition is at considerable remove from the which was based on an understanding of how the
Hindu nationalist vision of India as a Hindu Benthamite panopticon allows an authority figure
nation in which non-Hindus are second-class to observe a prison inmate without being observed
citizens, the internal distinctions of secularism himself. As Anagnost continues, The tower at the
are not without their own problems. As this center is not entirely a darkened space inhabited
brief discussion of visual representations of by an invisible gaze but an illuminated stage from
Moving Pictures 403

which the party calls, Look at me! Imake myself 57. In discussing the limits of the Films Divisions
visible to you. Your return gaze completes me and linguistic reach, the Chanda committee
realizes my power(116). drew particular attention to its neglect of the
49. The cold words written by the commentary (unspecified) tribals of India:a lapse that it
writers turn flesh when the commentators take deemed especially problematic given their palpable
over. It is they, who with their accents, pauses and need for modernization.
exclamation convey to the captive audience the 58. Hansen, Governance and Myths of the State in
importance and significance of the visuals. Sam Mumbai.
Berkeley-Hill, the late Nobby Clarke, Romesh 59. The considerable revenue-earning potential of such
Thapar, Zul Vellani and Partap Sharma have done international sales influenced the decision to create
the salesmanship for the Films Division in the a customer friendly Web site containing sample
English language. Mohan, Two Decades of the clips of documentaries in 2002; see http://www.
Films Division, 50. See also Thapar, All These Years,
for a vivid autobiographical reminiscence of her 60. Elsewhere Ihave examined these contemporary
husband Romesh Thapars audio commentaries for (nonstate and transnational) reproductions of the
the Films Division. diversity imagination, and Iargue that there are
50. As Philip Corrigan and Derek Sayer have observed significant points of convergence with established
in their examination of the distinctive cultural idioms of official nationalism. See Roy, Nation and
repertoires and practices of state formation in Commemoration.
England, States, if the pun be forgiven, state; 61. For related discussions about the
the arcane rituals of a court of law, the formulae misrepresentations of multiculturalism, see
of royal assent to an Act of Parliament, visits of Mackey, The House of Difference; Povinelli, The
school inspector, all are statements. They define, in Cunning of Recognition; and Hutnyk, The Critique of
great detail, acceptable forms and images of social Exotica.
activity and individual and collective identity; they 62. Amin, On Representing the Musalman,95.
regulate, in empirically specifiable ways, much 63. For a rich discussion of the calendar art and
of social life. Indeed, in this sense, the State posters of Nehruvian India, and the popular
never stops talking (Corrigan and Sayer, The Great cultural visualization of unity in diversity, see
Arch,3). Uberoi, Unity in Diversity?
51. Chanda Committee Report1967. 64. As Hasan and Menon have documented, the
52. Ibid. categorical logic that informs discussions about
53. Ibid. Muslim women obscures the host of regional,
54. The commissioning policy of the Films Division class, and other differences within this apparently
replicated the general bureaucratic practice of monolithic group. See Hasan and Menon, Unequal
awarding government contracts to the most Citizens.
economical bidder. In the case of the Films 65. Amin, On Representing the Musalman.
Division, this meant the commissioning of 66. Indias healthy and vibrant democratic tradition
filmmakers with the lower budget, rather than on has been a staple theme of media discourse, and
creative-aesthetic grounds. See Chanda Committee it has also informed scholarly analyses for the
Report1967. past half century. For a recent reiteration of this
55. The following example from my own life is argument, see among others, Khilnani, The Idea
illustrative of this crossed signals effect. My of India; Kohli, The Success of Indias Democracy;
memory of a family outing to see the Hindi and Linz, Stepan, and Yadav, Nation-State or
film Sholay in Calcutta in the mid-1970s is State-Nation?
vividly associated not with images from the 67. See, for example, Say It With a Smile (1960), a film
film but with black-and-white visions from that depicts the ideal civic behavior of courtesy
a pre-film documentary about a gobar (cow for others feelings; Vital Records (1964), on birth
dung) gas-producing contraption surrounded and death registration procedures; With Your Own
by smiling farmers. Icannot recall the title, Hands (1956), on the dignity of manual labor;
the location, or any other details of the Films and Withering Flowers (1963), on the institutional
Division documentary, the source of these images. reform and uplift of delinquent children.
However, the imagery of the farmer and the
fantastic piece of technology, and the combination
of fascination and queasiness that the notion of a BIBLIOGRAPHY
cow-dung-powered machine elicited, are strangely
easy to relive thirty yearslater. Abraham, Itty. Landscape and Postcolonial
56. The Films Division provided only 12,000 free Science. Contributions to Indian Sociology 34
prints, or one print for every group of 250,000 (2000):16387.
people. However, since the life of a film print was ______. The Making of the Indian Atomic Bomb:Science,
approximately two hundred screenings (it would Secrecy, and the Postcolonial State. New
wear out after this point), significant numbers of Delhi:Orient Longman,1998.
people were left uncovered by the distribution Amin, Shahid. On Representing the Musalman. Sarai
scheme. Reader 04:Crisis/Media. New Delhi:Sarai,2004.
404 Documentary Propaganda
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Durham, N.C.:Duke University Press,1997. Indian Institution of Mass Communications.
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Reintroducing James Blues Colombian

In a newspaper column published in April up to complicate and obscure the opera-

1953, the American social critic Walter tions of the United States Information
Lippmann sharply criticized the creation of Agency (USIA; or USIS, for United States
a newly bureaucratized government propa- Information Service, overseas), the govern-
ganda agency by noting the ineffectiveness ment office that was established as its own
of counterpropaganda tactics. As a way of entity outside of the Department of State in
stimulating the appetite for the American August 1953 and shuttered in1999.
way of life, Lippmann wrote, it is like Those who worked for this agency no
serving castor oil as a cocktail before din- longer referred to themselves, in the direct
ner.1 Fundamentally opposed to the cre- language Lippmann might have preferred,
ation of a mass media monopoly, but more as propagandists. The nomenclature
concerned that exporting state propaganda invented to describe the work of influenc-
was simply counterproductive, Lippmann ing foreign opinion and other state-to-state
seized on the obvious falseness of the ges- activities was nuanced and muted: USIA
ture: Foreigners are in more ways than agents now worked in public diplomacy, cul-
one a good deal more like Americans, and tural diplomacy, public affairs, and cultural
certainly like us in that they do not wish to affairs. At the same time, combining in one
feel they are being manipulated and made agency the opposing pursuits of multilateral
fools of by someone with something to cultural education and propaganda meant
sell. Nevertheless, or perhaps precisely that while the job of the cultural attach
because of the common desire people was recast in the language of informatics,
have to not be manipulated, in the years the overseas communications fieldwork-
to follow, a semantic forest would spring ers, too, had to adjust to older notions of
Experiments in Propaganda 407

cultural diplomatic practice. Over the years, and Records Administration (NARA) in
the USIA hired an array of specialists for Washington,DC.
work in both fast and slow media who had USIA was a complex and ideological
backgrounds in entertainment industries, entity, divided in both its mission and its
information and library science, journal- internal operations. On the one hand, the
ism, and media technology. Information agency was rooted in the foreign affairs tra-
transmission was the supposedly unprob- ditions of state envoys and the arts of ambas-
lematic nature of the agencys mission. But sadorship and reflected the hierarchical
it was the other side of the communica- structure and mission of the Department of
tions dynamic, its encounter with culture, State. On the other, it was a media organiza-
the public, and the affairs it conducted on tion attempting to modernize international
foreign soilits ideological and psychologi- communications and shape world opin-
cal operationsthat came to epitomize and ion. President Dwight D. Eisenhower had
symbolize the Cold War bureaucracy. referred to the USIA as having P-programs
Indeed, between 1946 and 1974, even (i.e., propaganda) but simultaneously cel-
as the CIA conducted its own covert pro- ebrated it as a people-to-people organiza-
paganda efforts, the USIA experimented tion. Anecdotes told in career memoirs and
with an array of cultural and educational professional reflections similarly reflect this
programs designed to export and cel- confused identity, one that stemmed from a
ebrate American culture.2 While Voice of crucial and persistent lack of clarity within
America was the agencys audio emblem, the organization of the distinction between
the lesser-known Motion Picture Service culture and information.
incorporated experiments with documen- This conflated philosophy was a defin-
tary into its operations, with some notable ing feature of the USIA, one that might
success. Among the filmmakers recruited allow us to better understand how experi-
for this program in creative propaganda mental filmmakers and documentarians
were a number of well-known, or soon to be might have been able to thrive in an oth-
well-known, American auteurs of indepen- erwise restrictive and message-oriented
dent documentary and avant-garde cinema. workplace. The lack of subtlety in the
Comparable to the work of studio directors agencys operating around the notion
such as Frank Capra, John Ford, and John of culture is particularly worth examin-
Huston on behalf of the U.S.military during ing, for so much of what is contained in
World War II (WWII), the participation of the moving image archive of the USIA
filmmakers such as Ed Emshwiller, Charles can be understood as historically pecu-
Guggenheim, Bruce Hirschensohn, and Leo liar recordings of culture. Rather than
Seltzer in the Cold War work of the USIA seeking to clarify what was possibly the
has beenlike the films themselvesa most palpable symptom of the agencys
well-kept secret. The purpose of this short conflicted self-understanding, we might
essay is to shed light on this remarkable instead allow this murky definition to be
alliance, and to provide historical and the prism through which we examine the
political context for the propaganda work moving image artifacts of the agency.
of one such Cold War artist, the documen- Former USIA envoy Richard Arndt
tary filmmaker and writer James Blue. The has instructively pointed out that in the
2008 Orphan Film Symposium provided lexicon of the USIA, the words culture
the occasion to reintroduce three of Blues and culturalespecially where connected
USIA films to the viewers, who watched the to the words affairs, diplomacy, attach, or
projection of pristine 35mm prints, loaned policybelonged to the arts and education
from the collections of the National Archives side of the agency. Arndt explains the
408 Documentary Propaganda

functional ambiguity of the ideas of cul- prohibited the p resentation within the
ture and information, observing how the United States of any state-funded American
official location of the agency could matter propaganda intended for foreign audi-
more than clarity of purpose.3 Inside the ences.4 In 1953, under the authority of the
Department of State, cultural programming Reorganization Act of 1949, the Eisenhower
sounded menacing. Moved outside of the administration made the USIA an entity
Department of State, information could independent of the State Department.5 The
become the not-so-secret cover for cul- agency was authorized to exert American
tural programming. But genuine cultural influence abroad in print media, radio
diplomacy, respectful conversation among broadcasts, libraries, book publishing, tele-
representatives of different ways of life, vision, exhibits, the teaching of English, and
diminished as the number of sponsored personal contacts. Through each medium, it
programs increased in the late 1950s. This was to communicate to targeted audiences
increase was seen especially in displays and a favorable impression of U.S.foreign poli-
exhibits at international expositions and cies and the American way of life. Crucially,
smaller trade fairs promoting American the USIA was more than just a communi-
agricultural and industrial exports, an cations conglomerate. An information-age
innovation in which the USIA excelled. entity with a social science agenda, it was
Internationalism itself, it seemed, had lost imagined as both sender and receiver. Its
traction as an idea, and certainly the agen- offices and overseas outposts would collect
cys ability to fulfill its mission suffered. At masses of information on the entertainment
the core of the agency was a field structure and information consumption patterns of
idealistically geared toward international foreign audiences. Most importantly, if the
cooperation and a belief in the possibility information gathered was deemed impor-
of cultural relations, objectives that were at tant to foreign policy, it would be brought to
continuous odds with the mission of pro- the attention of the president.6
moting American foreign policies abroad. Unlike other cultural affairs operations,
Throughout its existence, however, the the USIA had been placed in a contentious
USIA contained within it these two distinct location close to the office of the president
cultures. and his security council. In a White House
The gradual transformation of what was to memo dated January 25, 1963, President
become the USIA can be traced back to key Kennedy affirmed this advisory role, stat-
periods of information campaigning during ing that while the Director of the U.S.
international conflict: President Wilsons Information Agency shall take the initiative
appointment of journalist George Creel to in offering counsel where he deems it advis-
head the short-lived Committee on Public able, the various departments and agencies
Information in 1917, for instance, or President should seek such counsel when consid-
Roosevelts creation of the lesser-known ering policies and programs which may
Agency for Foreign Intelligence andPropa substantially affect or be affected by for-
ganda in 1941. Fundamental to the politiciza- eign opinion.7 A few months later, before
tion of the agency was the U.S. Information a House of Representatives Committee on
and Educational Exchange Act, referred to Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing titled
as the Smith-Mundt Act, which President Winning the Cold War:The U.S. Ideological
Truman signed into law in 1948. In keeping Offensive, Edward R. Murrow was asked
with the peculiar partnering of informa- to state the mission of the agency. As the
tion with cultural affairs, this legislation USIA director at the time, he recited the
sought to extend the Fulbright educational agencys singular purpose:to communicate
exchanges begun in 1946, but the law also American foreign policy as enunciated by
Experiments in Propaganda 409

the President and the State Department.8 film at the U.S. Mission to the U.N.,
We do this in two ways, Murrow explained the Soviet guests left the theater in
to the committee, first, by influencing pub- a huff, understandably irritated over
lic attitudes abroad in support of these objec- the space commentary.10
tives, and second, by advising the President
and the executive branch on the implica- In January 1970, the Washington Post
tions of foreign opinion for current and reported that the agencys influence in
contemplated U.S.policies and programs. the making of policies it must justify
A year after the hearings, Representative abroad had been discernibly reduced,
Dante Fascell (D-FL) submitted his subcom- in part an outcome of the Nixon admin-
mittees findings to the House Committee istrations exclusion of the USIA from
on Foreign Affairs. Assailing a fuzziness National Security Council meetings.11 In
of concept at work in what it referred to as 1977, the agency was briefly renamed the
the third dimension of foreign policy, the International Communications Agency and
report nonetheless reasserted the strategic reoriented towards a new goal of so-called
value of the USIAs presence at national public diplomacy. Continuing many of the
security meetings with the president. At the policies of the Nixon and Ford administra-
same time, the report, citing the Kennedy tions, but heralding a rhetorical sea-change
memorandum, raised the concern that [the in response to the public distaste for the
agencys consultative power] can create con- idea of state propaganda, President Jimmy
fusion and uncertainty about the realloca- Carter declared, the Agency will undertake
tion of authority and responsibility.9 no activities which are covert, manipula-
Framed in this controversial manner, the tive or propagandistic.12 In 1982, President
agencys dual propagandistic and advisory Ronald Reagan returned the agency name
role opened a new chapter in American for- to the USIA. In 1999, the State Department
eign diplomacy. This feedback loop raised took over the agencys duties and the USIA
the ire of many outside the agency, but the was officially closed.
power to advise the president on the tem- Outside of a handful of career memoirs,
perature of foreign opinion and thereby the agencys history has remained largely
influence foreign policy was one most trea- obscure and piecemeal.13 The surviving
sured by staff members. In defense of the material history of the agency could support
agencys unique position within the execu- a wealth of studies in a variety of academic
tive branch, former USIA officer Fitzhugh disciplines. As Nicholas J. Cull points out,
Green recalled in 1988 thatthe the substantial documentary film output
of the USIA Motion Picture Service has
USIA featured prominently in defus- received scant scholarly attention.14 This
ing reactions to the Bay of Pigs fiasco curious absence from American film and
and announcing the triumphant television histories is due in large part to the
resolution of the Cuban missile cri- 1948 Smith-Mundt Act, which included a
sis. Bruce Herschenson [sic], USIAs ban on exhibiting USIA productions inside
talented moving picture chief, pro- the United States (except to members of the
duced hard-line propaganda films. press and under congressionally approved
One, Five Cities in June [i.e., The circumstances). There was a failed attempt
Five Cities of June,1963], sneered at to lift the ban in 1972. The law was success-
the obviously inaccurate Russian fully amended in 1990, when Congress
portrayal of their space exploits gave the Archivist of the United States the
and touted the brilliant U.S. space ability to distribute USIA motion pictures,
achievements. When Iscreened this films, and videotapes twelve years after the
410 Documentary Propaganda

date of dissemination abroad or, if never audiences tired of watching westerns?18

disseminated, twelve years after produc- We could attribute the congresswomans
tion. But academic and historical neglect of vague understanding of this agency to the
these impounded federal films also per- ban on the U.S. exhibition of the films,
sists because of the difficulties of archival which had very effectively removed almost
access.15 any discussion of them from the American
After the USIA had been decommis- mediascape.
sioned, its productions, libraries, admin- The moving image holdings at NARA are
istrative files, and records were classified, only a partial representation of the agencys
discarded, sent to cultural affairs offices total film output. Arguably, under Murrows
within the State Department, or moved to directorship (196163) and for a few years
the NARA. Those accessioned by NARA after his death, morale within the agency
have been broken up into separate collec- was at its peak, and film production at its
tions areas. An estimated thirty-five thou- highest quality. In 1962, the USIA annual
sand reels of USIA motion picture material operating budget was $121million. Of that,
alone (finished films, unedited footage, and $1 million was earmarked for the creation
outtakes) are held at the National Archives. of release prints, a mere $500,000 for the
Its catalog describes Record Group306, the operation of mobile and four-walled exhibi-
Records of the U.S. Information Agency, tion venues, and a budget line of $92,000
as containing 96 motion image series, was specified for the Disney-designed
of which 84 contain film titles. Detailed Circarama system, a 16mm panoramic pro-
descriptions of series are yet to be pro- jection onto a continuous, circular screen.19
duced. Musical rights clearance continues For the dozen or so USIA films made every
to inhibit industrial and other repurposing year, production was mostly done by private
of the material. Nevertheless, among the motion pictures companies, on a contract
myriad forms of evidence it might supply, basis. In-house staff worked on editing and
the USIAs multitopic moving image record sound recording, publicity, translation, and
could significantly enrich our understand- distribution. In addition to documentaries,
ing of the nations unique cinematic and newsreels, and short subjects, the agency
televisual address to the rest of the world produced a monthly screen magazine called
during the ColdWar.16 Today, for dissemination in African regions.
That the collection is highly underutilized The organization boasted that 60 million
today by researchers is not surprising. viewers watched its export-only films in
Even at its zenith, when it benefited from 746 theaters and that a Soviet publication
Murrows high-profile persona, the USIA called the program anti-communist propa-
remained sheltered from view. At the time, ganda.20 At this time, the agency claimed
even many congressional representatives eleven thousand workers on its payroll,
had difficulty distinguishing the opera- operated 239 offices in 105 countries (claim-
tions of the USIA from the daily functions ing that its presence was increasing in the
of USIS reading rooms and bookmobiles, decolonizing areas of the world), and broad-
construing the motion picture division as cast Voice of America in thirty-six languages
a 16mm rental library and thinking of its 761 hours a week. Under Murrow, televi-
head as a librarian.17 In a 1963 hearing of sion transmission had expanded to Liberia
the House Subcommittee on International and the Philippines.21 In 1964, the agency
Organizations and Movements, Representa reported that it serviced some 226 film
tive Frances P.Bolton (R-OH) asked Murrow centers in 106 countries, requiring the
two questions: Did the Films Division use of more than seven thousand five hun-
dispose of badly worn prints? And, were dred projectors and nearly three hundred
Experiments in Propaganda 411

mobile-unit trucks to facilitate film distribu- the idealistic head of Motion Pictures hired
tion and rural exhibition. Films in the field by Murrow, would turn this restriction into
were exhibited in more than fifty languages an advantage, bringing in young filmmak-
and dialects. In some cases, USIA pictures ers, pressuring the contracted producers to
were put into theatrical distribution and hire the pricier creative talent, and using
even submitted to film festivals. At that creative accounting.24
time, the Motion Picture Service was staffed Many credit the unusual aesthetic exper-
by 158 positions. Although not included in imentation of that period to the leader-
the distribution staff of the Motion Picture ship of Murrow and/or Stevens, or to the
Service, the USIS film libraries abroad were chemistry between themand between
critical to the hub-and-spoke system of film Murrow and Kennedy as well. Stevens, who
circulation, making the actual total num- later became the founding director of the
ber of staff committed to the film operation American Film Institute, recalled that at
larger.22 the time, relatively few had their eyes on
The most consistent definition of the filmmaking. In the film-crazed world
agencys mission across its years of opera- of today, where even minor directors are
tion and under different directors was that celebrities, its hard to comprehend how
it would submit evidence to peoples of different the landscape was in the early
other nations by means of communications 1960s. Films were considered by the elite
techniques that the objectives and policies to be an avenue of middle-class escape, a
of the U.S. are in harmony with and will lower form of entertainment than the-
advance their legitimate aspirations for free- ater, ballet, and opera.25 As Richard Dyer
dom, progress and peace. This evidentiary MacCann has noted in his analysis of the
purpose might suggest that the proscribed unit as it operated from 1962 to 1967, the
film style would be the expository mode. art of the film was notably, if somewhat
Indeed, four imperatives also emphasized secretly, enriched.
a show-and-tell approach to foreign audi-
ences: explain U.S. policies; demonstrate Whatever one might say about the
how those policies harmonized with other individual films, the essential thing
nations goals; counter propaganda against was that an atmosphere of experi-
the United States; and delineate aspects mentation was maintained in the
of American life that would help to clarify very midst of a mundane propagan-
U.S. policies.23 Those obtusely worded dist mission. In the tradition of John
guidelines (with the exception of the order Grierson, Stevens managed to draw
to counter hostile propaganda) resulted into a program of national public-
in documentary portraits such as In Search ity a variety of individualists. The
of Lincoln (1956), Robert Frost (1960), and U.S. Information Agency became
a panorama of American historical sites the only place in the United States
called Pilgrimage of Liberty (1958). Budgetary where young film-makers might
restrictions also shaped house style. Under advance from college projects or
Theodore Streibert, one of Murrows prede- first efforts for industrial sponsors
cessors, Turner Shelton headed a motion pic- to a filmic statement on a broader
ture unit (then called International Motion theme.26
Picture Service) hamstrung by accounting
procedures ill suited to creative production. MacCanns book The Peoples Films: A
Newsreel reports, recordings of speeches, Political History of U.S. Government Motion
and documentary projects were all assigned Pictures (1973) offers the most complete
on a low bid contract. George Stevens Jr., film-historical account of George Stevenss
412 Documentary Propaganda

Figure52.1 Film delivery for a United States Information and Educational Exchange
program screening in Spain, 1949. Photograph. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records

creative leadership as head of the USIA film- the degree to which Stevenss choice of
making division. Stevens was twenty-nine topics was driven by his producers sensi-
years old and working as an associate pro- bility. Among the many talented filmmak-
ducer on his fathers Hollywood films, The ers Stevens hired during his five years at
Diary of Anne Frank (1959) and The Greatest the USIA were Bruce Herschensohn, Ed
Story Ever Told (1965), when he accepted an Emshwiller, William Greaves, Charles
invitation from Murrow to put into practice Guggenheim, Leo Seltzer, Terry and Denis
his notion of how motion pictures and Sanders, Carroll Ballard, Kent Mackenzie,
filmmakers might contribute to the New Haskell Wexler, and James Blue. Stevens cre-
Frontier.27 In his own writing and in inter- ated a competition for filmmaking students
views, Stevens credits his inspiration and to create a short documentary about their
success to Murrow and to JFK and, to this school directed at foreign audiences. Inter
day, still recites the five policy ideals which nal diplomacy was often how he succeeded
guided public service under that adminis- in seeing films to completion. According
tration:(1)the pursuit of peace, (2)strength to MacCann, Bruce Herschensohns short
and reliability, (3) free choice, (4) the rule documentary The Five Cities of June (1963,
of law, and (5) the support of the United produced by Hearst Metrotones News of the
Nations. Day crew) was popular overseas, admired by
If we think of his efforts to revitalize Kennedy, and nominated for an Academy
government documentary filmmaking as a Award. The Five Cities of June, Nicholas Cull
product of Cold War hostilities, we neglect writes, offered a society that was capable
Experiments in Propaganda 413

of reform, unafraid to discuss its problems (1962), at Cannes and hired both men to
in public, and whose values came together come to the USIA. To serve the Kennedy
in the person of a dynamic president, who Administrations Alliance for Progress,
was prepared to confront the Soviet threat Stevens sent Blue and Larner to Bogat,
resolutely and in the name of freedom.28 Colombia.32
Herschensohn made the first feature-length Part of Kennedys foreign policy mission
USIA documentary, John F.KennedyYears in the region was to stimulate economic
of Lightning, Day of Drums (1964), after mak- self-sufficiency with a partnership between
ing a small, poignant film about Lyndon the Colombian government and American
Johnson called The President (1964).29 In entrepreneurs and businesses.
1967, Stevens became the founding director Using a Nagra audio tape recorder and a
of the American Film Institute. 35mm camera, the two returned with mate-
In 1964, the USIA released a controversial rial for three films, which Blue then edited
documentary treatment of the August 1963 into lyrical and unexpectedly self-reflexive
civil rights march on Washington called The essay films on health reform, educa-
March. In anticipation of the event, Stevens tion, land reclamation, and housing. The
had arranged for Hearst Metrotone camera- resulting worksA Letter from Colombia,
men and brought in the young filmmaker Evil Wind Out, and The School at Rincon
James Blue to direct. According to Nicholas Santoare similar enough in theme and
Cull, Blue instructed the camera opera- style to be considered a trilogy, even if they
tors to avoid the newsreel habit of moving were never intended to be seen as such.
from one scene to the next to capture facial The School at Rincon Santo won documen-
expressions and reactions in the crowd. tary prizes at film festivals in Bilbao and
He shot handheld footage of the arrival of Amsterdam. A Letter from Colombia received
marchers on buses the day before and of a special award in 1963 from the Centre for
the speakers on the steps of the Lincoln Human Relations in Venice. Larner recalled
Memorial. Controversy surrounded the his time making films for USIA:
film upon its release, displeasing President
Lyndon Johnson. In a compromise between I was hired to create segments for
the White House and the USIA, a stiff a theatrical news magazine, called
USIA Director Carl T. Rowan delivered a Horizons (Horizontes) in a news-
filmed prologue.30 MacCann notes that the reel format (the other contractor
thirty-three minute film has something of was Hearst-Metrotone news) to be
the epic quality of The River, and in the man- distributed in Latin America by
ner of that poetic government documentary, the United States Investigations
it reflects the sharp excitement of a great Service [sic] (USIS). I was to travel
contemporary issue.31 to Colombia and Central America,
While The March has the distinction of spend two to three weeks in each
having been named to the National Film country, developing three to seven
Registry in 2008, there is perhaps no better minute stories, shoot them, and send
illustration of the Motion Picture Services the exposed 35mm black and white
creative approach to the information film negative back to Hearst-Metrotone,
than the three short films about Colombia along with script notes, shot lists,
that it produced in 1963. Filmmakers James etc. for editing and voice-over narra-
Blue and Stevan Larner had met in Paris in tion. Also I was to use a local as my
1956 while studying film on the G.I. Bill. assistant and train him or her to be
Stevens had seen Blues feature film about able to generate other stories after I
an Algerian family, The Olive Trees of Justice left.33
414 Documentary Propaganda

Figure52.2 Reimagining progress, property, and community in A Letter From Colombia

(James Blue, 1963). Screen capture from DVD. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records

In tone and in sentiment, the films machinery: progress with a big P that you
offer photographic evidence that Larner can measure in tons of bricks and miles of
and Blue went beyond their assignment road. This is about my search for that prog-
and practiced a kind of cultural diplo- ress, what Ifound, and where Ilooked to find
macy through their filmmaking. A Letter it. After declaring that symbols of progress
from Colombia promotes the Alliance for all look alike, Blue pauses to make fun of
Progress only through the general respect newsreels and government-sponsored films
that it shows for large-scale state modern- that sell the notion of industrial progress
ization programs. and better living as if anyone could be
The films skeptical, essayistic struc- against the idea, a gesture that makes cin-
ture does not suppress the human costs of ematic sense but likely did not win unani-
industrialization. For example, at the start mous support in Washington.
of the film, we are shown a woman mov- In Evil Wind Out, a cigarette-smoking
ing small boxes that are then revealed to doctor comes from a national public health
be child-sized coffins. Over these images, service to a town suspicious of modern
James Blues reticent narration comes medical practices; the film concludes with
across as that of an outsider with a guilty the dedication of a new health center. The
conscience:I have come here to make one School at Rincon Santowhich displays per-
of those films about progress that you see haps the most virtuosic use of non-actors in
from time to time. New housing, industry, Blues USIA filmsrelates the story of the
Figure52.3 The cigarette-smoking doctor from the nations public health service arrives in
the rural village and waits on the steps of a church in Evil Wind Out (James Blue, 1963). Screen
capture from DVD. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.

Figure52.4 Never has a one-room schoolhouse meant more than the new school at Rincon
Santo, the voice-over narration tells us in The School at Rincon Santo (James Blue, 1963). Screen
capture from DVD. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.
416 Documentary Propaganda

construction of a rural communitys first of dreaming and development, the clear ref-
schoolhouse. erences to Chris Marker, Luis Buuel, and
In an interview Blue gave while he was other filmmakerssomehow, these expres-
still working under Stevens at the USIA, he sive qualities survived the bureaucratic scru-
said he was especially fond of The School at tiny to which they were submitted.
RinconSanto: In comparison with other agency-
produced media depicting American for-
It was a wonderful experience; they eign policy in a more didactic manner,
[the USIA] gave me carte blanche. Blues films were radical statements.
The theme is people helping them- But they can also be understood using the
selves to progress. I worked as deprecatory terms that USIA staff borrowed
Ialways work:finding the essential from anthropology to refer to officers who
elements of a situation which, when made themselves too much at home while
brought together, express some- abroad. They were said to be going native
thing about the situation without or had contracted localitis.36 With a little
my having to intervene in it.Im less condemnation, this agency-speak could
always very proud of myself when also be used to describe Blues rogue iden-
I do that entirely. Theres one film tificatory narration, especially his explicit
in this group where Ibrought every- interest in creating films that would speak
thing out of the existing materi- directly to local audiences by attempting
als. Its called The School at Rincon to present their realities and their fears
Santo, and it is the most successful about modernization. After all, just a few
of the three films.34 years later, ethnographic filmmaker David
MacDougall would celebrate James Blue
We might think of the shot just after and Stevan Larners final collaboration for
the title sequence in The School at Rincon the USIA, A Few Notes on Our Food Problem
Santo, two boys surreptitiously slipping (1968), for exemplifying the desire for a
into the side of a state building, as a met- more intersubjective documentary ethics,
aphor for Blue and Larner at the USIA, what he termed Blues unprivileged camera
drawn into the institution by a mischie- style.37 Margaret Mead had served as a con-
vous curiosity. Years later James Blue said sultant on that project, a prescient medita-
that he had always aspired to do regional tion on the global food crisis that required
filmmakingto reflect a region to itself, a months of shooting in Brazil, Uganda, India,
goal which cut against the very aims of its and Taiwan, and six months of editing upon
ideological purpose.35 return. A Few Notes on Our Food Problem was
For documentaries meant to explain and one of the many USIA productions to garner
promote American foreign policy, these significant critical attention in festivals and
films are surprisingly sensitive and compas- received an Academy Award nomination
sionate. In fact, they could be thought of as in the documentary short subject category.
ambassadors who do not hesitate to speak Soon after that film was completed, James
out of turn, subverting their diplomatic mis- Blue left the USIA in protest of U.S.foreign
sion. The School at Rincon Santo inhabits policies in Vietnam. He continued to main-
the social imaginary of a small Colombian tain his working relationship with George
village. In Evil Wind Out, there is oversim- Stevens Jr., however. Stevens recruited Blue
plification, but in the service of community to join the film production faculty of the
theater. And in A Letter from Colombia, parody American Film Institute in its firstyear.
of the expository voice itself. The personal The vast and underutilized collec-
view and intimate voice-over, the association tion of USIA moving image material at
Experiments in Propaganda 417

Figure52.5 Layered voice-over in The School at Rincon Santo translates the voice of a
community member into English:We worked with our own hands, nothing more. The
handprint on the window was left by James Blue. Screen capture from DVD. Courtesy of the
National Archives and Records Administration.

the National Archives holds many more between citizens, and between the viewer
examples of what we might productively and the viewed.
consider American foreign films. And
no doubt additional USIA films are to be
found in private collections and outside Acknowledgment
the United States as well. As I have tried
to suggest here, these films range widely I wish to thank Dan Streible for his gener-
in tone and in message. Each film is repre- ous editorial feedback, and Leslie Waffen,
sentative of a fraught government agency, William T. Murphy, Gerald OGrady, and
its relationship to changing American for- George Stevens Jr., for sharing their time,
eign policy, and its ever-present struggle expertise, and reminiscences about the
over the definition of cultural diplomacy. In NARA collections, the USIA, and James
particular, the USIA films made during the Blues life and work with me during the
five years of George Stevens Jr.s director- preparation of this article.
ship can be seen as both the reflections of
failed foreign policies and their subtle con-
tradiction. In this way, all of these films will Notes
remain important meditations on foreign 1. Walter Lippmann, Abolish the Voice of America,
relations: the relations between cultures, Washington Post, Apr. 27,1953.
418 Documentary Propaganda
2. Michael Kammen, Culture and the State in controversial practice of footage reuse. See issues
America, in The Arts of Democracy, ed. Casey Summer 1965, Spring 1966, Fall-Winter 1967,
Nelson Blake (Washington, D.C.:Woodrow Spring 1969, and Spring 1970. Film Comments
Wilson Center Press, 2007),6996. 100th issue recounted the journals editorial
3. Richard Arndt, The First Resort of Kings: history, including its tackling of USIA film debates.
American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Gordon Hitchens, editor of Film Comment from
Century (Washington, D.C.:Potomac Books, its inception in 1962 until 1970, also worked on
2005), xviixx. six USIA films himself. Hitchens recruited James
4. Foreign Relations and Intercourse Act, U.S. Code Blue to contribute regularly to the magazine,
22 (1948) 1461-1a. beginning in 1963. See Cliff Froehlich, Inside Film
5. Edward T.Folliard, Ike Revamps Information, Comment, Jan.Feb. 1984,3340.
MSA Setups, Washington Post, June 2,1953. 15. See Foreign Relations and Intercourse Act, U.S.
6. Wilson P.Dizard Jr., Inventing Public Code 22 (1948), and Code of Federal Regulations,
Diplomacy:The Story of the U.S. Information 36, Part1256.98, Domestic Distribution of United
Agency (Boulder, Colo.:Lynne Rienner Publishers, States Information Agency Audiovisual Materials
2004),67. in the National Archives of the United States.
7. House of Representatives Committee on There still exists a duplication restriction covering
Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International much of the copyrighted material. Richard Dyer
Organizations and Movements, The U.S. Ideological MacCann refers to the USIA films as impounded
Effort:Government Agencies and Programs, study in The Peoples Films:APolitical History of U.S.
prepared by the Legislative Reference Service, Government Motion Pictures (NewYork:Hastings
Library of Congress, 88th Cong., 1st sess., 1964, House, 1973),174.
Committee Print,9. 16. For an example of other subject area contributions
8. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, of the collection, see Donald Roe, The USIA
Subcommittee on International Organizations Motion Picture Collection and African American
and Movements, Winning the Cold War:The History:AReference Review, Quarterly of the
U.S. Ideological Offensive:Hearing before the National Archives and Records Administration 29
Subcommittee on International Organizations (1997):15461.
and Movements of the Committee on Foreign 17. House Subcommittee, Winning the Cold War,1416.
Affairs, 88th Cong., 1st sess., Mar. 2829 and Apr. 18. House Subcommittee, Winning the Cold War, 1415.
23,1963. George Stevens Jr., was head of the Films Division
9. House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Report on at thetime.
Ideological Operations and Foreign Policy, 88th 19. For a description of the Disney system, see John
Cong., 2nd sess., 1964, Rept. 1352,913. Belton, The Curved Screen, Film History 16, no. 3
10. Fitzhugh Green, American Propaganda Abroad (2004):284.
(NewYork:Hippocrene Books, 1988), 3637. The 20. House Subcommittee, Winning the Cold War,17.
erroneous reference to Bruce Herschensohn as 21. House Subcommittee, Winning the Cold War,5.
motion picture chief underscores the problems 22. House Subcommittee Committee Print, U.S.
of the career memoir for history writing. For a Ideological Effort,1920.
more authoritative account of The Five Cities of June, 23. Arndt, First Resort of Kings,275.
see Nicholas J.Cull, Auteurs of Ideology:USIA 24. MacCann, The Peoples Films, 17885. It was
Documentary Film Propaganda in the Kennedy Era Theodore Streibert who had brought in Cecil
as seen in Bruce Herschensohns The Five Cities of B.DeMille to advise on the agencys film
June (1963) and James Blues The March (1964), operations. According to Dizard (Inventing
Film History 10, no.3 (1998):295310. Public Diplomacy, 66), DeMille made one trip to
11. A. D.Horne, Little Change Is Discernible under Washington in which he delivered a speech about
New Regime at USIA, Washington Post, Jan. the power offilm.
2,1970. 25. George Stevens Jr., Conversations with the Great
12. Arndt, First Resort of Kings,499. Moviemakers of Hollywoods Golden Age at the
13. Ihave relied heavily on these sources for both American Film Institute (NewYork:Vantage,
historical context and internal commentary: 2006),xii.
Arndts First Resort of Kings, Greens American 26. MacCann, The Peoples Films,195.
Propaganda Abroad, and Dizards Inventing Public 27. Stevens, Jr., Conversations,xi.
Diplomacy, as well as Lois W.Roth and Richard 28. Cull, Auteurs of Ideology,301.
T.Arndts, Information, Culture, and Public 29. Some documents related to the release of John
Diplomacy:Searching for an American Style of F.KennedyYears of Lightning, Day of Drums to
Propaganda, in The Press and the State:Sociohistorical American viewers have been included in Film
and Contemporary Interpretations, ed. Walter and Propaganda in America:ADocumentary
M.Brasch and Dana R.Ulloth (NewYork:University History, vol. 4, ed. Lawrence H.Suid (NewYork:
Press of America,1986). Greenwood Press, 1991). In American Propaganda
14. Cull, Auteurs of Ideology, 295. The journal Abroad, Fitzhugh Green offers the following
Film Comment published animated discussions anecdote George Stevens told him about the
of USIA filmmaking, especially regarding the filming of The President which demonstrates the
Experiments in Propaganda 419

similarities between Washington and a fiction 32. Blue made five films for the agency, including A
film set:USIA cameramen shot Johnson from Few Notes on Our Food Problem (1968), which was
various angles as he sat at his desk one evening nominated for an AcademyAward.
in the Oval Office. While the cameras shirred, 33. Stevan Larner, Remembering James Blue, in
the president scratched his fountain pen across James Blue:Scripts and Interviews, ed. Gerald
white sheets of paper. Stevens wondered if he OGrady (Houston:Southwest Alternate Media
might be writing a speech and surreptitiously Project, 2002),67.
peeked over his shoulder. He saw that every page 34. Mary Batten, An Interview with James Blue, in
was covered only with Lyndon B.Johnson, James Blue:Scripts and Interviews,17.
Lyndon B.Johnson, Lyndon B.Johnson, Lyndon 35. Mark Mikolas, Crisis in the Fourth Ward:An
B.Johnson(38). Interview with James Blue, in James Blue:Scripts
30. Cull, Auteurs of Ideology, 3029. Ihave kept my and Interviews,28.
discussion of The March brief, in part because Cull 36. Arndt, First Resort of Kings,427.
has offered such a lengthy and careful discussion 37. David MacDougall, Unprivileged Camera Style,
of it already. RAIN (Royal Anthropological Institute newsletter,
31. MacCann, The Peoples Films,192. London) 50 (1982):810.


WATKINS: Here you have a country of much. Not more than a microscopic per-
52 million people, Great Britain, where centage of the people in this country know
probably not more than ten thousand know anything about their present situation at all.
anything at all about the present world Its not so much that facts are deliberately
nuclear situation, the world nuclear stock- withheld from people as there being a gen-
pile, what their own national deterrent is, tlemans agreement not to tell peopleand
what radio-activity isand it will all catch this is why my film, The War Game, will
up with them before they even know. This is really curl the eyeballs of a lot of higher ups.
grossly undemocratica rather weak word They will have to decide that it is not right
to useand so my film is telling people, if for people to know these things, because
they want to listen. Not only on the national this will effect the war morale of Britain,
basis, but about the whole present situa- and thats going to be a hell of a thing to
tion as it is now being legalized and formal- decide.
ized and analysed by such people as Herman This is the avenue Im crowding them
Kahn [author, On Thermonuclear War, for- into. Thats going to be a very nice, juicy
merly with Rand Corporation]. situation. They will have to admit that what
I reckon as somebody saidEveryman the film says is true. I can say to any of
before he dies has a right to know what these gentlemenHow many books on
hes running fromand I believe that very radio-activity or thermonuclear weapons
Peter Watkins Nuclear Film The WarGame 421

have you read? And not more than point country-wide tactical nuclear strike. As you
five percent will have read more than half know, no film can look at the entire country.
the books. Alot of the facts in the film will Ill just take Kent as a working example.
be fairly new to them, and this in itself will BLUE:How are you able to predict what
be a very interesting revelation to them. might happen in such an attack?
And they can only admitunless they actu- WATKINS:This is why the film is going
ally liethat it is quite likely that there are to be attacked like hell when it goes out. Its
a lot of British citizens in their position. In based on conjecture, but conjecture based
other words, is the withholding of knowledge a on the arithmetic of Britain, based on the
good thing? And the only kind of argument arithmetic of how many targets weve got,
they can put forward, if they reject the film, versus our resources, versus this, versus
isYou musnt frighten people. And this, this, versus this. You cant really cheat
Iwill say, doesnt wash. And they will have these figures. This is information spread
to repeatYou mustnt frighten, and then over many, many, many books. There are
we shall really be going totown. probably well over a hundred different
An interesting situation indeed. We are booksbooks on the effects of thermo-
living in this gross lie and delusion because, nuclear weapons, books on the crippling
of course, the full political structure rests on doses of Strontium-90, books on what ther-
this thing. I, at least, feel that citizens have moradiation does to your eyeball at certain
a right to know what that structure is, before distances, books on any number of very
they then decide whether its a good thing unpleasant subjects.
or a bad thing. Lots of people will probably BLUE: Does The War Game deal with the
see my film and sayWell, I still believe responsibility of the government to inform
that the thermonuclear posture is a very the public?
good thing to prevent happening the holo- WATKINS: Yes, this the film does in at
caust that your film shows happening. At least two of three chunks, quite specifically.
least that person can say that with some There is one sequence where I put forth
knowledge now, because formerly when something with which the audience will
anyone put a cross on a ballot-sheet it was immediately identify themselvesbecause
without any knowledge at all. In the past, they will realize their own lack of informa-
our ignorance might not matter so much, tion. The camera spends five minutes with
when nations could recover from wars. But a crowd of survivors who are undergoing
thermonuclear war is recoverable-from various minor psychological kickbacks
only in a limited degree. So were going to from what theyve been throughtheyre
catch up withit. in fairly harmless states of daze and apa-
The film is four-fifths ready now. The thy. They have come from a radioactive Z
problems will start when the hierarchy sees zone. The commentary saysIt is likely
it, which should be in about two weeks that a few of these people will even know
time. Icant prepare myself. Its just sort what a radioactive Z zone is, but the com-
of well, Ihave prepared myself. Ive got mentary doesnt explain what it is. Then it
all sorts of counter-arguments, and Ithink goes onIt is likely that a few of them will
Im going to get them into a very difficult know what Beta Burns and Cell Division
position. and Polution are. But the commentary
BLUE: What exactly will we see in doesnt define these terms. And if it works,
thisfilm? I can see the minds of viewers who are hon-
WATKINS:Its about a nuclear attack on est with themselvesI dont know what
Britainprobable causes of, and effects of. these terms are either! What is ID-131 and
Its great fun. Action is in Kent, as part of a Cobalt-60what is Carbon-14?
422 Documentary Propaganda

I dont need to explain these terms. The WATKINS:Iattack the Bomb with all my
film does show what radio-activity does to might. If anyone sits through this film and
the human body, and in quite horrifying comes out liking the Bomb, then they must
detail, but with Carbon-14 and all this Im have sat through it with both eyes shut. But
sort of titillating the audience. The author- I do not come out and sayBritain must
ity of the film is that the chap on the Board unilaterally disarm. I leave that to the
of Governors wont know these terms either viewer himself.
and hasnt had them explained to him. I think the whole thing is a mad situation.
In the film, I quote from the British Its not just Britain, its the whole world.
manual of the Home Officethese are Expense. Do you know that Ifound out that
really the villains of the pieceits written one-tenth of the American labor force is on
in 1959British public knowledge in the the payroll of the military?in one sense or
affairs of radio-activity will be made pro- another, with defense, installations, manu-
gressive in the next few years. I then go to facturing projects, one way or another.
a totally genuine street-interview, and I ask a BLUE: Lets discuss the problems of
womanDo you know what Strontium-90 shooting The War Game. Try to tell us how
is? and she saysI think its a sort of you went about thingspeople, camera,
gun powder, isnt it? Most people said etc. Im interested not only in what you
they didnt know. Its appalling, absolutely finally said to the actors, but also in the gen-
appalling. eral movement toward getting the results.
Now Ive got the film roughly cut, and Ive WATKINS: Well, really getting down to
got my escalatory systemVietnam, Berlin basic roots, my sort of film is a gross cheat.
and all that jazzand then Herman Kahn, You could say that it is life as Peter Watkins
God bless him, publishes this thing in the sees it, and yet in a way it isnt, because Ive
Times two weeks ago which Im now going never seen an atomic attack. Alot of people
to put in the front of the film. Kahns piece will object to this film on these grounds. For
is called Thirty-Eight Rungs to SpasmOr example, there is a sequence on the prob-
Insensitive Wars. Five of my scenarios are lems that will inevitably arise should civilian
exactly there within it. The point is that the evacuation be put into motion. Now, how do
government is going to feel that this under- Iknow how survivors will react? How much
mines civil authority, because civil authority of this is just myself, saying what Iwant to
in this particular subject seems to rest partly say? But Itry not to. Ive intensely researched
on the publics lack of knowledge. The the subject. Ishow civil authorities putting
key burning issue is thisif people really into practice certain restrictionsrationing
understood thermonuclear posture and and all sorts of thingsbecause they are
the results of it and the way the results can going to receive a very large number of evac-
affect a small country like this, as opposed uees. This Iknow will happen, because if the
to thinking in insular terms, then would the government puts evacuation into process,
people stand for it? Or would they accept then they have to put people somewhere.
nuclear war? Its possible they might, but Of fifty-two million people in the country,
its also possible they might not. So basically there is little point in beginning evacuation
nobody has the knowledge even to decide unless you evacuate fifty or sixty percent of
that. Thats where its an undemocratic situ- the twenty-five cities in this country that
ation. And thats what is going to bother the are key counter-city targets. So all this is
government. mathematical logicnot completely, but
BLUE: The War Game then is directed almost. These evacuees have to go some-
more at the governmental question than at where that is considered a non-target area.
the Bomb itself? They cant go into the seathey have to go
Peter Watkins Nuclear Film The WarGame 423

somewhere on the land mass. The num- BLUE: Was it easier to direct your people
ber of places in this country that can put in Culloden, because it was based on a his-
up and feed and shelter ten million people tory familiar to the non-actors you used?
are very limitedthose places that arent WAKTINS:Idont think that makes a lot
themselves under the radio-active lea of, or of difference, because when you get down
the blast range of, either airfields, ports, air to actually putting human beings in front of
bases or cities. The number is very limited. this awful camera lens, any legend or any-
So this is my way of getting ready to film. thing else all goes straight away out of his
The civil authorities have to put certain mind. Hes so worried about the whole thing,
restrictions into play, such as rationing, oth- you really have to start from scratch. Basically
erwise youll never feed these people. Now, if you can only work on the assumptionhe
they do this, then they have to set up restric- must come across as a real person and not
tive road movement and all this sort of busi- as someone acting. And the key thing in this
ness. So for my film purposes, which do you is trying to get nothing out of that person that
imagine a policeman saying?Yes, weve is not right for him as a character. If a person
got to have roadblocks, and I dont care if has only got to open his mouth and say two
Father who is outside the roadblocks wants lines, it really is chi-chi nonsense to go into all
to come in to be with his wifeI stop him! the background of his personality. Ihavent
Or do you imagine the policeman saying got the time, and this is nonsense. He is, in a
This is absolutely bloody nonsenseyou way, not only a person, but he is representative
cant stop husbands getting to wives at of people in his circumstance. And having him
a time like this! My policeman says the recognize that, you have to show him that
second thing, because I think its a more what he says is as underplayed and as believ-
humane thing for a policeman to say and able as possible. This is not easy when people
Ithink any man would say that. But Idont are being angry into the cameraHow the
know that a policeman would say that, so hell do you expect me to do this orthat?
I also have a policeman saying something I did not scene last Mondaya very dif-
like the opposite. In the film, they do actu- ficult sceneI had a crowd of about twenty
ally set up roadblocks but the thing doesnt children, in age from six to about fifteen,
work verywell. boys and girls with mothers and a couple
BLUE: What about the behavior of the of fathers. Ihavent seen the rushes so Im
people in the encampment? not surebut it looked very horrifying.
WATKINS: All I can do is imply that This is the one scene in the entire two-hour
about fifty or sixty percent of the people stay film where the camera saysYou are now
and another half immediately lights out. So looking at the debris of thermonuclear war.
that you can look at both sides of it. But in These are the injuries. These people have
actual fact I could be grossly wrong100% been gassed. These people have suffered
might stay, or flee. You just dont know. from heat stroke. These have been impaled
This is unlike Culloden, my earlier historial by flying debris. These have been burnt.
war film, where at least I have a record of These have had their clothes set on fire by
what people did. As the director of a film radiation. We just went along, sort of laying
like The War Game, you have to be con- it on the line like that. Imean its rather like
vinced that what you do, even without an tossing a clump of humanity into a corner
historical record, rings truetrue because and letting them writhe. They had to scream
it stems from this mathematical pyramid. and cry and do things that normally are the
This pyramid is the foundation of The War most difficult things to get an untrained
Gamejust as, for Culloden, British history person to do. Ispent about a quarter of an
was the foundation. hour getting it out of them. They were made
424 Documentary Propaganda

up, but no one told them what they were sounds like Physical Exercise Number Five,
supposed to do. They trundled down to this and some people will say this doesnt go at
little sort of wrecked corner of a barracks all. But Id do it even with a professional
where we were filming, and we laid them all actor, because that is a psychosomatic thing
around in positions without explaining the anywaybreathing fastit does produce
scene yet. Iplumped them down and then certain things. But I got some kids doing
said:You have been soandso and soandso. just thatbolt-eyed into the camera. Other
I explained the condition they were in. kids Igot to pretend they were crying. And
Ithen went to each person individually. Its when the noise of everyone was awful, they
a wide-angle shot, hand-held, and goes past lost inhibition and went to town on it a bit
people and sometimes someone goes past and made noises that people dont nor-
and bangs into the camera and says excuse mally make, a vicious mlange of this sort
me. Although we laid the people out and ofthing.
planned the camera movement, if the thing Although Igo on about the difficulties, it
works it will look totally unorganized. is probably easier than a subtle scene when
I tried to get from each of them a differ- you have one person isolated in front of the
ent sort of shock or paralysis or crying or camera and the whole thing depends on the
fear or pain-reactionextremely difficult to right sort of flick of the eyes. Things either
do and Idont know if it worked or not. To work or they dont work, and the depressing
look at someone in film and really believe thing about this sort of film is that you can
that he is in pain is most difficulttodo. never tell whether it has worked until you
We were running on sound and I said see it on the screen.
that the sound is very importantIm only BLUE: You say youre after an unorga-
going to be passing your face for about five nized result.
seconds and Iwant you to be giving forth. WATKINS:Organized unorganization.
Except for one woman who couldnt do it BLUE:What does that look like, in terms
for more than ten seconds without actually of theimage?
giving herself a rupture, to most of them WATKINS: You completely avoid the
I saidI want you to give forth for all of well-framed look. Things in my film must
the one minute that this shot is going to be flat-onthis doesnt denigrate dra-
last, whether you are in the cameras range matic effect at all. But if Ifilm someone talk-
or not. So they all got this noise coming out ing to camera, Iprefer to film them nicely
of them. It was awfula sort of animal-like framed in a fairly tight closeup. And never
noiseand Iwas watching them and it was an extreme closeupthere you begin to get
absolutely incredible. Something clicked. into the field of drama. Ilike to keep people
The scene clicked, they knew what they back a bit so that you can look at them. My
were supposed to be doing and they really people always look straight into your eyes
went to town, all sort of people. because they are looking into the lens. They
A little kid was looking bolt-eyed into are not looking off. In a raw situation to go
the camera. Ihad worked this all outyou flat onto someone saying into the camera
cheat to start with. Ihave a sort of basic for- I think so and sothis is where you are
mula that sounds like a factory methodif using a real person, this is direct, no phony
you get someone breathing very quickly, this dialogue scenes.
starts something going inside them, it This sort of film has to be incisive, has to
opens the mouth and something happens make points and move ruthlessly. The tra-
to the eyes and then if you build something ditional low-angles or the traditional angles
on top of this, the results can sometimes be of westerns looking up past the gun holster
not bad at all for pain or exhaustion. This just dont fit this sort of film. Seldom if ever
Peter Watkins Nuclear Film The WarGame 425

an over the shoulder. You constantly say to where someone starts to talk in dialogue.
yourselfYou are in a newsreel situation. All that happens in one shot. It works
What is the sort of thing that you would because its handheld, because people look
have taken if you were there. This is a fairly into the camera as they pass, people react
good criterionthen you cheat sometimes normally, because the dialogue isnt always
on that. Because you can say, as I did when crystal-clear, because all sorts of things hap-
directing CullodenThere were no news- pen that are justified. You might get a light
reel cameras in 1746 and a cameraman flair into the camera. This is real.
would never have been in front of charg- BLUE: Tell us about your selection of
ing men. But if you film it in such a way non-actors for your film. You are looking
that it looks real, then that question usually for people who will make us say upon see-
doesnt arise. ing themThose are real people and not
BLUE:When you say looks real, what Wow, what a great performance!
do youmean? WATKINS: Yes. In The War Game I have
WATKINS: That life is existing on both a series of people, each having only one
sides of the camera. I had a shot going and two sentences to say. Each talks about
through a whole stack of people and you domestic triviawhat its like not to have
hear someone saying near the camera heat, or not very much food, or to have
excuse me, pleasethis does things, unclean washing water. None of the people
Iassure you. Or if someone comes up and who played these roles had ever been in these
looks in the camera and the camera sort of circumstances before, but somehow they
bumps and moves away from him just as understood what I wanted. This is a thing
you see himthis is the technical nuts and one shouldnt really say, I supposebut its
bolts of it. Youve got to make sure its not partly an audience delusion as well. Because
overdone, that its right for the scene and if you have a woman very quietly and simply
youve got to use different ways of doing it, sayWeve been eating out of tins for the
because you see it twice and it looks wrong. last three days and its been cold, then you
Once in a film is just about right. Hand-held think to yourselfMy God, that could hap-
is half the answer to the wholething. pen to me, because its a normal thing. She
Never, never, never in this sort of film do says it quietly and she looks dead tired and
a track, a smooth track. I have one track in its totally unacted in the accepted sense,
The War Game. It takes six minutes; how- then the audience will help that by read-
ever, it looks real. A shot in sync; the camera ing a tremendous lot into it. Getting right
is on the back of a motor-bike looking over down to the mechanics of it, youve taken
a police-dispatch riders shoulder. He drives an ordinary person, youve gotten her to
about two-hundred yards very fast down the repeat it two or three times until she says it
road, stops, gets off the motor-bike, goes quietly and simply enough, and with fatigue
up to two policeman with a message, they enough, and then youve got it. It is a cheat
say take it straight up there, the camera in a way.
follows him up the flight of steps, through I usually do this:IsayI want you to say
swing doors, into the vestibule of a big it like this and then Isay it. And I want you to
county-hall, across the floor, up a flight of be tired and play it downyou have to keep
steps, around a corner, up another flight holding people down. Some peoplesome
of steps, down a corridor, into a roomall ordinary housewivessurprised me like
in synclistens to two people talk to each hell. They came out with a marvelous thing
other for a moment, follows a man across the first time. Some people were good at
a floor, circles around a table where four about take seven. Its the basic simplicity
men are sitting, then down behind the table of it, its dialogue that Ive thrust into their
426 Documentary Propaganda

palm about ten minutes before the take, tell- WATKINS: With sympathy and intelli-
ing themNow go and learn that. They gence, thats all it is. Imay let him see the
know they are to act housewivesthey are script first. Itell him the sort of man he is
in a way standing for a lot of housewives supposed to be. I dont go into character
who will be in this position. The point has to a lot. Idont believe in that for this sort of
be made in about four seconds flat. Iexplain film. Ibelieve a man is a man and hell come
exactly what she has got to do. What she says out as he is. And if IsayYou have fifteen
must be relevant. If its a housewife explain- childrenthis is irrelevant because he has
ing about the lack of washing-up water, then forgotten that. The audience is not going
that is all that needs to comeout. to look and sayHes got fifteen children,
But there are also more difficult things. hasnt he? Ican see it in his eyes! As long
I have a man who plays a police inspector as he knows the circumstances, then basi-
who must explain in a one-minute take cally the sort of man he is as the performer is
straight into the lens in a rather quiet and the sort of character he is. Iseldom attempt
shacked-out way, as though it is literally character playing. People are themselves.
two months after a thermonuclear strike, As long as he knows the circumstances he is
the process of moral breakdown. An inter- in and the way he would react, then you are
viewer asks him about the way people are realy most of the waythere.
behaving; and he looks straight into the BLUE: What about directing emotional
camera and saysWell, before the strike, responses other than screaming and yelling?
people behaved in such and such a way, but WATKINS:Emotions in this sort of film
now people are getting worse because tend to be fairly basic and uncomplicated.
and then he tries to explain. It helps to have Heres an example, concerning one woman.
a fairly intelligent amateuractor. It was supposed to be a crowd scene, a riot,
Of the amateur actor there are two and a rather fascist citizens auxiliary corps
categoriesthose who over-project like drives up a truck and runs a child down.
mad and are literally useless and those This precipitates a mass reaction from the
with tremendous intelligence who imme- crowd. I actually used a woman with her
diately grasp this totally different technique real son. I said to herYou are in this
theyve never used before. The camera and situation, the truck drives up, and well
microphone are close, so you have to put put your boy under the truck. The camera
yourself forward in another way. Their act- will approach from the back, by the time
ing experience really helps in all sorts of the camera charges through the crowd to
technical things, such as emphasis, the the front youll just be picking your boy up
intelligent grasp of where and why pauses from under the wheels of the thing. And
comein. because the truck has gone over the curb,
Usually Iwrite my text all the way down it will look as though it has hit someone in
to putting the pauses in. And I write the the crowd. By the time the camera charges
uhs in. People generally forget these but through well see you picking him up and
get the idea. If you write it I I well, uh well know its your boy. And she was dead
and explain that this is how you want it worried about this because the truck has to
said, then they usually dont have to copy come screeching up and then she has to put
you exactly and they might even change the her boy underneath. We tried it once and
words slightly. I usually say the thing over the brakes werent right and you swore that
and over as Iwrite it until Ifeel if the reality another six inches and it would have really
is coming outofit. hit him. And I saidI then want you to
BLUE: How do you introduce your pick this boy up and Iwant you to go bloody,
non-actors to theirtext? animal mad! Youre two months hungry,
Peter Watkins Nuclear Film The WarGame 427

two months of deteriorating conditions, face wasnt right and I couldnt do this
low on rations, and then this happens! And again because Id got her out there with a
youve got a boy lying there who feels odd lot of great palaver and whatnot. And she
in your arms and there is some blood com- just didnt give something, she couldnt.
ing out of his mouth because of the internal But the scene is luckily over-all not bad.
puncture. Now Iwant you to go mad at these I wanted an awful non-comprehensive
people in this truck! But could she do this? gape from her, which is very difficult to
Ishouted and screamed, Iruptured myself, get from some people. But since you dont
the crowd was going berserk. The condi- really see her, and the baby is screaming
tions couldnt have been better, and she just and the other little kid is going [Watkins
looked like somebody out of a girls school imitates the short bursts of cries], it works
hockey-team. So I finally had a man do it, allright.
someone who wasnt the boys father at all! GILL:Did you aim for a complete shoot-
He looks marvelous! He looks as if hes ing script with dialogue before actual pro-
going to go castrate everyone of them. He duction started?
had this sort of intelligence and he grasped WATKINS:Yes, Iget it all on paper, and
it. To make the woman react, Ihad almost then I shoot and it all changes because of
kicked the boy in the teeth, but she couldnt special circumstances of weather and peo-
do it. Being a mother doesnt always have ple and all sorts of things. But Icertainly try
any advantage whatsoever. You need this to start with a very detailed script, because
basic sort of clickI understand, click you cant improvize this sort of thing. Its
Ill forget inhibitions, clickI can do it. difficult enough to organize with a working
In some people no click takes place atall. script, but without it would be chaos. Youre
I have another scene that worked but not working with professional actors, so
not as well as it should because the woman youve got to organize private people who
just wouldnt give. A house thirty miles are coming on their own time and the thing
from a series of megatonic explosions in is an immense jigsaw puzzle to work out,
an airfield. Nothing is happening in that toshoot.
house really, other than the place is under BLUE:How do you find your non-actors?
the prolonged blast wave, so that means WATKINS: You just find people. Id
that everything is going like this [Watkins decided the areas to do itthree fairly big
rattles an ash-tray on the desk to simulate towns in Kent. Iwent to these towns and got
an earth tremor] and this goes on for 45 the ball rolling by finding the local dramatic
seconds. And all this family is doingthe societies, or the local cine-societies. And
boys been out in the fieldand of course these people bring in all their uncles and
they dont hear the sirens and he suffers dads and the whole thing just snowballs,
from the flash and they pick him up and snowballs into a series of large meetings
the camera rushes inside the house with held in each town with usually a hundred
them. And then the rattling starts and they or a hundred and fifty people attending,
just grab onto the table. And when they mostly from local drama groupsand Itry
charged into the house they had one boy in and get them organized into the film. This
their arms and there was a little baby on the usually works very well. I suppose if you
floor screaming his bloody head off when count heads, Ihad about three hundred and
we were filming this. The scene looks hor- fifty people in my lastfilm.
rifying! Because youve got this [Watkins GILL: What do you think of Doctor
imitates baby scream] and the camera is Strangelove?
bouncing and weve got all the crockery WATKINS: I dont know whenever
on the mantle rattling. But the womans I open my mouth about that, there are all
428 Documentary Propaganda

sorts of people who I liked Failsafe far But in America you have a far greater
better. dissemination of public knowledge on
GILL: Isnt Failsafe much more the effects of nuclear weapons. Weve got
conventional? nothing at all in this country. Mr. and Mrs.
WATKINS: Dont under-rate it. Sidney Bloggs know nothing about it whatsoever.
Lumet has got his head screwed on. Its a This is why Im making The WarGame.
very well made film. I havent seen Twelve Regarding the effects of Dr. Strangelove,
Angry Men and Ihavent seen The Hill. But Idont think many people have seen it here.
Dr. Strangelove Idont know. Ithought at Basically, it sends you outif you dont
the time it was a well made film, but Ikeep know the ends and outs of nuclear weap-
hearing people say how bloody awful they ons, if you dont know what they can do, if
thought it was, so I keep having doubt. you dont know what the present stockpile
I heard a woman coming out in the foyer is, if you dont know all these things, and
at the end of that film and she saidOh, most people dont! then Dr. Strangelove
ho, my dear, Idid enjoy that! And so thats sends you out laughing. And that aint on.
why the film fails! I just have certain feel- How many ordinary people sayThat film
ings about the present nuclear situation frightened me, as opposed to sayingDo
to not think its awfully funny. Basically you remember the scene with the Coca Cola
Dr.Strangelove is an acceptance film. Imean machine? But how many people have said
the full title means more in actual fact than to youThat could actually happen. Now,
people give it credit forHow ILearned to come on, howmany?
Quit Worrying and Love theBomb. There is an acceptance of thermonuclear
BLUE:You feel that this represents a par- war, especially in the United States, and this
ticular danger? seems to measure a certain degree of think-
WATKINS: Getting down to nuts and ing, particularly top-level thinking. Iknow a
bolts as far as the next bloody well war goes, little bit about this now, after The War Game,
Mate!, it will be your people and the Russian Imean this whole limited-phase thing, all
people who will really be more particularly this whole business. Its just nonsense. But
involved. And we British shall be there there is an acceptance of thermonuclear war
purely as a crisped-up side-kick. as something that can possibly be absorbed.

Free, Direct, and Vrit Cinemas


In the delightful screed that opens this sec- decade in which Painlev was writing, and
tion, The Castration of Documentary, for at least the next ten or fifteen years,
French non-fiction film pioneer Jean filmmakers who had been chafing at con-
Painlev laments the sorry state of docu- ventions formed in what we might now
mentary, circa1953: call the classic period of documentary
filmroughly 19301960, the years when
Nowadays just about anything formal, professional, and political institu-
is deemed a worthy subject for a tions of documentary cinema were being
film: the search for a missing per- establishedsought new ways of making a
son, a shipwreck, etc. Confusion documentary, new subjects to make docu-
reigns everywhere. Athletic feats mentaries about, and new audiences to
pose as cinema. Filmed testimoni- show them to. This section introduces the
als pose as sociology. Lines between reader to some of the international variet-
different forms of media have been ies of this effort, and to some attempts to
obscured as well:radio personalities think critically about the impact of these
now appear as television hosts; film- attempts to free documentary and discover
makers now appear onradio. new social truths.
It would be hard to find a consistent
Although Painlev was most concerned political or ideological impulse or mean-
with the lack of sincerity, inventiveness, ing in these scattered renovations. And
and energy he found in the contem- in that sense, whats outlined in this sec-
porary cinema of science and nature, his tion is less a movement than a number of
plaint expresses the impatient spirit of simultaneous experiments with topic, style,
documentary filmmakers everywhere in and technology, some of which happened
the 1950sor at least those who would to share personnel, ideas, or equipment.
participate in the liberations referred to in Nevertheless, we can still see British Free
the title of this section, a freeing of docu- Cinema, Canadian Candid-Eye, French
mentary from different industrial and aes- Cinma-vrit, American Uncontrolled
thetic constraints. Towards the end of the or Direct Cinema, and all their cognates
432 Aesthetics of Liberation

elsewhere in the world as a widely-distributed studio, and use it to tell the unique story of
cinema of protest. a location.
To be sure, many of the same causes and In fact, even though its partisans liked
events inspiring the overtly political film- to declare their commitment to recording
making addressed in the section following only the present moment, some of the for-
this one were on the minds of those calling mative statements and gestures of this new
for the liberation of documentary from the documentary style did look back to earlier,
old rules. In a 1966 Village Voice column perhaps unrealized conceptions of docu-
on the topic of the new amateur newsreel, mentary in its classical era, pulling at some of
Jonas Mekas pointed to the things hap- its loose threads and unconscious thoughts.
pening round us, from the ghettos of L.A. The English author, artist, and filmmaker
to the smoky outskirts of Chicago and all Humphrey Jennings, who worked unhap-
across the country and in Vietnam, and in pily under John Grierson for a while, was
our own small citybig things, and small the patron saint of Anderson and the other
things, ugly things as the reason to take Free Cinema filmmakers. (Jenningss
small non-professional cameras into places surrealist-inspired study of working-class
cameras hadnt been before and show amusements, Spare Time [1939], could be
everything, everything. And a number seen as a precursor to the vrit cinemas
of these filmmakers, especially in France, examined in this section.) Likewise, the
drew on the idea of the kino-eye, which unclassifiable documentary work of George
they took from the newly rediscovered work Franju, like his 1949 portrait of a French
of Dziga Vertov, an explicitly political film- stockyard, Blood of the Beasts, anticipates
maker whose work was made possible by the spontaneity and playfulness of direct
its association with a state revolutionary cinemas with its eye for what Jean Cocteau,
movement. (The term cinma-vrit, which in a 1963 essay, calls the everyday miracle.
Edgar Morin claims to have invented in And although they are not usually discussed
1959 or 1960, translates into literal French in the company of films about the everyday
the title of the Soviet newsreel on which habitats of ordinary people, Alain Resnaiss
Vertov first worked, Kino-Pravda.) But the harrowing 1953 film about the Nazi con-
revolution addressed in this section was centration camps, Night and Fog (Nuit et
aesthetic, subjective, and rather modest by Brouillard), and Forough Farrokhzads
comparison with the world-changing aspi- equally disquieting 1963 film The House Is
rations of the radicals and the collectives of Black, a portrait of an Iranian leper colony,
the 1970s. The goal Lindsay Anderson has both make such unconventional, ironic use
in mind, for instance, in his 1957 appeal of classical Western documentary form and
to Free Cinema is, above all, official and discourseincluding ceremonial cinema-
mass-cultural respect for documentary: he tography and narration, music, a Voice of
and his compatriots protest the domination God, and the idea that medicine and sci-
of film culture in England by the commercial ence serve universal, humanistic endsthat
fiction film and the lack of state support for we can think of them as participating in the
an alternative to this entertainment-based general overturning of documentary institu-
cinema. One might even say that, despite tions and customs that begins in the 1950s.
the anarchic sound of manifestos like cin- Of course, it wasnt long before this can-
ematographer Ricky Leacocks 1961 For an did camera revolution had generated its
Uncontrolled Cinema, this was a somewhat own doctrines and detractors, and much
conservative revolution, in that it returned ink has been spilled in the years since
documentary to the aims stated by Grierson Anderson et al. published their declara-
in the 1930s: take the apparatus out of the tions of independence on the question of
Introduction to SectionIV 433

just how vrit these new forms of docu- with the essay by Canadian filmmaker
mentary actually were. Some critics writ- and aesthetic philosopher Bruce Elder,
ing at the time doubted that there was On the Candid-Eye Movement, where
anything particularly inventive about these Elder engages in an astute comparison of
films, and remained unimpressed by their national variants of this style, attributing
makers claims for them; and some histori- their differences to sociological and ideo-
ans since have wondered whether the sig- logical factors. Similarly, Tom Whitesides
nificance of these experiments was and has report on the television interview, vrits
been overstated in the critical literature.1 foremost rival in the quest to reach new
Mekass essay and Margaret Meads TV depths of documentary intimacy in the
Guide article trumpeting the importance 1960s, makes plain how much work went
of the cinma vrit television series An into these spontaneous revelations of
American Family (1973), reproduced here, character (as does Paul Arthurs review of
are exemplary of this outlook. Pauline Kael American jargons of authenticity in sec-
takes a very different, and much dimmer, tion VI). Their critiques challenge us to
view of cinma-vrit and its legends in her rewatch, reread and reconsider, neither to
New Yorker review of the Maysles broth- praise nor to bury but to better understand
ers Rolling Stones film Gimme Shelter the mythology, and the persistent appeal,
(1970). In her thorough analysis of one of of vrit style.
the periods touchstones, the Robert Drew
Associates film Primary (1960), Jeanne Hall
addresses such arguments, and points out Note
that many of themincluding ones made 1. See, for instance, the dossier of conflicting views
by the filmmakers themselvesdont published in the Summer 1964 issue of the journal
quite synch with the film they describe, Film Quarterly, or, more recently, Michael Curtins
and express aims and ideals more than dissenting opinion of cinma vrits historical
significance, in Redeeming the Wasteland:Television
documentary realities. Halls excellent Documentary and Cold War Politics (New Brunswick,
essay can be read together with together NJ:Rutgers UP,1995).

O F D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 5 3 )

What is a documentary? Any cultural film. moreover, those who used to make docu-
A nontheatrical film. A short subject. A mentaries still had sincere intentions). Back
reduced format film. That is just a partial then everybody, even the intelligentsia who
list of answers international experts have frequented the so-called avant-garde movie
offered. Faced with this confusion, the theaters, complained about documentaries.
World Union of Documentary Filmmakers Oh no! I once heard the former nurse-
thought it worthwhile to formulate the fol- maid of novelist Raymond Radiguet groan
lowing definition in1947: while sitting behind me at the Ursulines in
1927, Another film by Michel Zimbacca!
Documentary: any film that docu- Eventually it became fashionable to arrive
ments real phenomena or their hon- late and skip the documentary altogether.
est and justified reconstruction in Today, however, the man of taste who finds
order to consciously increase human himself at a cinematic event feels compelled
knowledge through rational or emo- to applaud the documentary, no matter what
tional means and to expose problems it is, for he has finally learnedindeed, we
and offer solutions from an economic, have drummed it into himthat the docu-
social, or cultural point ofview. mentary is cinema at its purest. There is
even an elite that claims to like nothing
Unfortunately, much time will pass before but documentaries. Except for a few true
we can truly appreciate this definition and cinephiles, it is precisely these documen-
put it to use. In the meantime, audiences tary lovers who are the enemies of cinema.
will mature while the documentary will Still, all of them put together represent
degenerate. In the old days, the documen- but a tiny segment of the moviegoing cli-
tary was hissed at, scorned because of its entele, or cinemas real market. We have
noble pedigree (some unlikely third-rate even tried to widen our audience, but in
films profited from this perception, though doing so we have come to endorse the most
far less often than in todays glut and, disgusting type of conformity, and not just
The Castration of Documentary 435

to sell inferior merchandise. It is enough of a Robert Flaherty or a Joris Ivens or the

to make me start hissing myself, but that surprising novelty of a Kon-Tiki to break
would give too much pleasure to those still through the current barrier of indifference.
contemptuous of the genre and who ignore Money alone does not guarantee a suc-
the obvious fact that there are just as many cessful film. It is the general public, the
lamentable feature films as mediocre docu- audience that keeps cinema alive, and they
mentaries. (And with the added decline of will only come for a fiction film. A theater
animation, despite technical innovations owner knows this and exploits it. Naturally
being employed in other genres, I often find he does not actually watch all the films that
myself waiting in anticipation for the inter- a distributor foists upon him: he has bet-
mission so I can view the next installment ter things to do than waste time in a movie
of the commercial White Teeth.) theater. Instead, he listens to what his
Currently, there are close to a thousand customers tell him and studies the effects
documentaries waiting to be released, clog- the films have on his neighborhood. This
ging up the French market. (Those anxious civic-minded gent might be fascinated, for
to implicate me can relax: I have not made example, with the effect a particular film
a documentary for a general audience in might have on children. He determines,
six years and therefore do not contribute just by looking around, whether or not the
to this bottleneck.) This glut of documenta- weeks movie appealed to children. When,
ries pending distribution can be explained after a certain movie called Bloody City, little
not only by competition from other genres boys began tormenting and knocking down
and foreign releases but also, and this may little girls, he realized it was because they
be the most important, by a cancerous liked the movie. This well-informed man will
proliferation of short subjects by begin- never push for a documentary: it exhausts
ners who view them as an easy way to get the mind when what people really want is
started. Some blame must also be placed to be entertained. Let us also not forget the
on the relative ease in securing funding distributor who is only interested in making
through private or governmental sources money from a big film. There are so many
(although this is beginning to dry up). Even obstacles. Yet these only partly explain the
then, a documentary is an investment of current deterioration of the documentary.
the most risky sort, given the state of the The number of producers and filmmakers
market and the publics moviegoing hab- continues to increase (Do they believe in
its. Documentaries not sponsored by the their own genius or in Father Christmas?),
govemment or large companies risk early some lasting only long enough to cash their
death. Indeed, to survive, a documentary is checks and deliver shoddy merchandise.
forced to become a public servant or a pri- One might, at first glance, view this pro-
vate one; that is, the filmmaker must walk a fusion of films as a positive development:
straight line. Given that the most banal and offering a variety of choices and a chance for
uninspired documentary, one that neither a few flowers to bloom. Unfortunately, this
challenges the viewer nor drains the pro- is rarely the case since the conditions are
ducers money, already has difficulty mak- fundamentally rotten (true not only in cin-
ing a profit, one can imagine what happens ema, rest assured). Moreover, we have not
to innovative films: they are hidden away, been able to rid ourselves of such childish
treated worse than poor relatives who are at antics as distributing prizes at festivals that
least tolerated. It is hardly an encouraging are not even organized by the profession,
state of affairs for the rare producers, gener- although some professionals do serve on
ally ex-filmmakers themselves, who want to the juries. (Nothing disgusts me more than
support a quality effort. We need the genius a man of the trade getting mixed up with
436 Aesthetics of Liberation

award ceremonies. As evidence, I point to everything except secondhand reports from

a dilettante in the medicoscientific field: his books or travelers. The element of adven-
first act was to create a Grand Prizethen ture is stripped away in favor of a few
promptly award it to one of his own films! exotic effects, and the subtle expressions
This also brings to mind Anquetil, a great of a country or population are reduced to
singer from the twenties, who founded the poorly digested footage. Rivers, the sea,
Grand Prize of the Society of Nations for mountains, forests, animals, furry or fierce,
Virtue, and awarded it to one of his own are all slapped together to form a minia-
books, a book, incidentally, whose tone of ture eclectic bazaar, perfect for moviegoers
righteous indignation could not disguise its hungry for shivers of fear or heroism while
true subject: pornography.). safe in their movie theater seats. Indeed,
So a question arises: are filmmakers so artificial are these wild exploits, one
completely devoid of new ideas or are they expects them to culminate in an advertise-
just spineless individuals in the pockets ment for a shirt that prevents rheumatism,
of producers whose sole concern is com- or that the dead hero of Alphonse Daudets
merce? Although it is not fair to demand Port-Tarascon will suddenly rise up and sing
that every film have the incisiveness of the praises of Mathurin spinach.
Georges Franjus Htel des invalides, the Nowadays just about anything is deemed
intensity of Michel Zimbaccas LInvention a worthy subject for a film: the search for a
du monde, or the sweeping breadth of missing person, a shipwreck, etc. Confusion
Albert Lamorisses Bim, it is unthinkable reigns everywhere. Athletic feats pose as
that a filmmaker would have nothing to say cinema. Filmed testimonials pose as sociol-
about his subject. I hear some whisper that ogy. Lines between different forms of media
their subject was forced upon themthat have been obscured as well: radio person-
is too easy. Others, lacking a better justifica- alities now appear as television hosts; film-
tion for their work, point to an alibi called makers now appear on radio.
beautiful photography, which modern At least the pioneers of cinema were more
technology has made available to even the discreet. Think of Marquis de Wawrins In
most ignorant amateurs. The unexpected, the Land of Headhunters (Au pays du scalp), or
the unusual, the lyricalall have vanished, Titaynas Indians, Our Brothers, or even the
replaced, I would argue, by beautiful pho- older Symphony of the Virgin Forest whose
tography. So, for example, you can sit director, August Bruckner, died while mak-
through an entire film about an abbey and ing it. This is to be distinguished from the
still not know where it is located! Another deplorable Nazi film The Hell of the Virgin
formula that has become popular: rather Forest, which appeared seventeen years later
than showing something, simply suggest it. in 1942 and whose wonderful sequence of a
Close your eyes and imagine (A famil- giant otter almost compensated for the pau-
iar refrain!) But we know better. We can city of the whole. Films with grand mise en
get words without images from literature. scnes that were panned immediately such as
At other times, we are invited to invisible Hoefler and Futters Africa Speaks to You or
battles, far away, to contemplate a hundred Willard Van Dykes Trader Hornwhere, for
thousand men we cannot see. What about the benefit of the camera, a guide was sac-
poetic license, artistic liberties? one might rificed to a rhinoceroswere no more arti-
ask. That is not what is happening here. ficial than certain recent much-ballyhooed
Rather, it is proof of cinematic impotence documents. (Despite the drama, condi-
and fraud. It is also fraud, though it is often tions on reserves are actually less dangerous
camouflaged as reportage, to make a than a circus trainer in a cage of performing
documentary about a country that ignores cats.) And if one looks to other documentary
The Castration of Documentary 437

genres, one will discover young filmmak- the frozen action of a worka painting,
ers worthy of a Marcel Ichac or a Jacques for exampleis used to inspire a screen-
Cousteau have not yet given signs of life. play, as was the case when Alain Resnais,
In all the imitators, one finds a com- with much skill, used Picassos Guernica.
plete lack of sincerity, inventiveness, and Otherwise, simply representing an art-
the energy necessary to capture difficult-to- ists work is not a legitimate way to bring a
achieve effects. At one time, some of them painter back to life. What is unique to Van
may have been innovators, but once a film- Gogh? That upon leaving a brothel, he cut
maker repeats himself, his work loses its off his ear? That his brother Theo may have
original purity and quickly becomes for- been an awful man? Ido not know, Ihave
mulaic. Would it be so awful to try some- not ironed out my question, and Icertainly
thing new and original? After all, cinema do not want to make family dramas, I am
is not cooking where warmed-up leftovers simply trying to point out that even the most
often taste better than the first time. I apply skillful montage of Van Goghs paintings
my argument to big movies as well. And will not make the man come alive. Indeed,
why shouldnt I? Other critics have always except for Resnaiss excellent production,
applied their ignorance to all of cinema. there have only been failures, useless and
One of them, in fact, discovered science base efforts, films of disjointed cuts where
films in 1951 through a Walt Disney film The among other things we see a raging sea, a
Little Corner of the Earth, a charming though ship, someone aboard singing the nursery
highly unscientific montage of images, rhyme There was a small boat , then
some of which were sensational, but as a palm tree (Martinique!), then someone
for the whole, I can not remember a thing. singing My sweetheart has left Lack of
Perhaps this young critic never considered money cannot excuse this lack of imagina-
the German Ufa documentaries or others tion. And it is bad enough when paintings
that graced screens for twenty years and are are filmed in black and white (The excuses?
still shown today from time to time, or, more Cost, technical difficulties, incorrect render-
recently, Soviet films, such as Reanimation ing. Even so ), but it is made worse by a
of the Organism, Sands of Death, etc., which passionless narrator, some poor hack who
since 1945 have been well-received by has not studied, understood, or felt what he
all sorts of audiences. And when a critic purports to be showing! We too often forget
praises Fred Astaire, is it for the charming that while any subject can be filmed, few are
Gay Divorce? No, it is for the subpar Top truly cinematic. You can tie your brain into
Hat. And if another wants to recommend a Louis XV knot trying, but you will still end
a tawdry musicalOh great Armontel, up with a forgery.
what were you doing in one of these con- Works such as Charles Dekeukeleire
coctions?he can not use the excuse that and Henri Storcks Ancient Faces, Modern
Tourbillon de Paris is too old. Original and Faces or Paul Haesaertss From Renoir to
still fresh, it continues to be shown peri- Picasso proved that cinema could be used
odically, despite being fifteen years old. And to present a thesis, though a viewer might
when speaking of The Spy, no critic men- not always agree with it. But this new use
tions the much superior Lights. was quickly ambushed by the simplistic
Ever since Luciano Emmer and Enrico and pointless works that followed. And
Gras created in 1941 the masterpiece Earthly then there are those who have sought ref-
Paradise based on a Bosch painting, oth- uge in the once-marvelous genre of edu-
ers have tried to do the same. But for the cational films, or those who have flocked
most part, this practice is a form of misrep- to the medico-surgical field only to sys-
resentation, justifiable only in cases where tematically bleed it dry. And do not think
438 Aesthetics of Liberation

that a subject matters technical nature rationalization, at least for those who only
precludes lyricism: see the impeccable pretend to try to overcome difficult condi-
Circular Loom or the remarkable The Jetty tions in order to create influential work.
of Zonguldac for just two examples of supe- There are those throughout our profession
rior technical films. But like the shoddy who make a living by this rationalization,
documentaries made for mass audiences, even scorning it if necessary, as is the case
most so-called specialized films also lack with important playwrights and theater
cinematic taste and the basic understand- actors when they work in cinema. But there
ing of how to explain something to a gen- are others, those who press on despite the
eral audience (whenever a documentary obstacles. I am addressing this minority
is made, one must determine for whom in particular. You who do not practice the
and why) and are devoid of any connection defeatist motto: Its better than nothing;
between filmmaker and subject. you who have a strong enough cinematic eye
Though expositional films can often fail, to impose it on subjects you feel something
there is a subset that can succeed: those for; you who will not agree to make a film
that are made for a cozy group of insiders, about sugar production for the simple rea-
a coterie of initiates. These films, of course, son your grandfather was diabetic; you who
require that viewers know all of an authors scorn saccharine sentimentality and refuse
work (if the film is about a writer), the inti- to disfigure a work with it. It is you who
mate details of his love life, and the under- hold the fate of the documentarybattered
side of Parisian life in a bygone era. The and bruised by a thousand blows from all
uninitiated catch only fleeting flashes, illu- sidesin your hands. But do not forget
minating nothing! Sure, the film might that a good theme is not enough to ensure
touch a few hundred people living in the a good film: the worst clichs will still kill
same mental landscape and displace a few it. Granted, except for a few rare and mod-
thousand snobs, but what about the rest of est opportunities for technical or aesthetic
the public? (This reminds me of traveling research, the economic realities that cur-
salesmen who trot out the same stories year rently affect French cinema will make it
after year, bursting into fits of laughter at difficult for you to express yourself fully.
the mention of a singleword.) But if, in the hope of finding provocative
Sure, it is easy to blame the producers, debate, you have read this far, all the way to
distributors, exploitative theater owners, the the end of these intentionally polemic lines,
audience, etc., for all the evils, but ultimately then reread the definition at the beginning.
it is the filmmaker who must take respon- You will find in it a solid framework for
sibility. Some plead the Im just trying to your film projects, one that will allow you
put food on the table argument. Well, that to bring forth, with a clear mind, your ideas
argument has run its course:it is a cynical and desires.


[Translators note: Jean Cocteaus writing is that does not move us, almost without rea-
polysemic, musical and imposing. It moves son [sans motif],2 solely through its stylistic
and pulsates, much like the work of Zola and beauty and great visual writing. Of course,
Franju to which it refers. As his contemporary the film is hard to bear. He will undoubt-
Walter Benjamin asserts, the task of the trans- edly be accused of sadism because of the
lator is to preserve ambiguity when several way he grabs hold of the drama with both
interpretations are possible. In this regard, I hands without ever avoiding it. He shows us
have tried to respect multiple meanings in the the killers without hate of which Baudelaire
text, and to preserve the elements of Cocteaus spoke.3 He shows us the sacrifice of inno-
rhythmic style in the original French, including cent beasts. Sometimes he manages to
redundancies and fragments, except where they generate tragedy with the terrible surprise
impede comprehension.] of unknown gestures and attitudes that he
brutally pushes us to face. The horse struck
Zola is a great poet and a great filmmaker. right on the head [de front]4 that falls onto
Few people realize this. Illustrious, he is its knees, already dead. The reflexes of
damned in his chosen medium: the loco- decapitated calves that convulse and seem
motive that dies in the snow, the white to struggle. In short, a noble and ignoble
horses of the mine, the girl emptying her world that spills its last wave of blood onto
pockets in the tunnel, the little boy bleeding a white tablecloth where the epicure is to
beneath the pinal images,1 the drunkard in think no longer of the suffering of the vic-
flames, so many strange gags, whose mis- tims in whose flesh he plants his fork.
understood intensity can be captured by the Around the sacrificial table lies the city
cinemaalone. made up of several cities and villages, the
I was thinking about this while watching city we think we know, and yet dont know,
George Franjus admirable documentary its maritime and lugubrious sky over the
on slaughterhouses. There is not one shot disquieting setting of the Ourcq Canal.5
440 Aesthetics of Liberation

Never will you forget the interminable imply that each shot affects us almost inexplicably,
illogically or even untendentiously.Trans., with
barge bedecked with linens nor the shrouds thanks to Dana Polan.
from the animals morgue, shrouds made of 3. A reference to Charles Baudelaires poem
their ownhide. LHautontimoroumnos [The Self-Tormenter] from
Les Fleurs du mal (1857).Trans.
Once again, courageous filmmakers not 4. De front has a double meaning here, both
driven by success prove to us that the cine- literal and figurative. As we see in the film,
matograph is the tool of realism and lyricism Cocteau is referring to where the horse is
struck: on the head. But de front could be
and that everything depends on the angle translated as head on, in the sense of directly,
from which lifes spectacles are observed. or unceremoniously. However, the English
Through this angle they require us to share phrase head on also suggests the collision
a particular vision of things while under- of two equal bodies, and Cocteau is clearly
aware of Franjus sensitivity to the inequalities
scoring for us the everyday miracle. inherent in the situation. My compromise loses
some of Cocteaus poetry, but incorporates both
meanings. Trans.
Notes 5. This 110 km historically industrial waterway that
begins in northeastern Paris was constructed in
1. pinal images [les images dpinal] refers to the the early 19th century under Napoleons reign.
clichd and emphatically nave depiction of popular Until 1962, when the last freight boats ceased
subjects (historical, religious, and literary) that operation, it functioned primarily to supply
characterized the brightly colored prints of the Paris with water, and to transport cargo to local
pinal region made famous by illustrator and industries. In recent decades, its industrial
printer Jean-Charles Pellerin at the end of the 18th character has gradually begun to subside, as shops,
century.Trans. leisure parks, and pleasure crafts have become
2. Without reason [sans motif] could be interpreted increasingly more common on and around the
simply as without cause. However, it also seems to Canal.Trans.


When people ask you what you do, and you pulling up at stations, workers leaving their
tell them you work in films, their reaction factories: still interesting to look at today. But
is predictible. Oh! That must be very inter- the cinema was soon captured by drama,
esting They mean it, too. But then go and with relatively few notable exceptions
on, and tell them you make documentaries, artists have preferred fiction to the explora-
and you get a different response. The light tion and interpretation of the actual, liv-
of interest fades from their eyes and conver- ing material. Yet think how rich, fantastic,
sation flags. Sometimes they say:Wouldnt unexpected and significant actual life can
you like to make real films? be. Our own documentary movement began
This sort of standard response is the mea- to say something in the thirties: and films
sure of the failure of British Documentarya like Song of Ceylon, Housing Problems, Night
failure for which the responsibility must be Mail still carry their message today. During
shared by many of us. Not by the film mak- the war Humphrey Jennings emerged as
ers alone, but by distributors and exhibitors the British cinemas most eloquent and
too. By the politicians who connived at the individual poet: Listen to Britain, Diary For
destruction of the Crown Film Unit; and by Timothy and Fires Were Started should be
the public and the critics who continue to compulsory viewing for every British school-
accept a situation in which the production child. (How many readers of this review
of quality documentaries about Britain is have seen them, I wonder?) But in recent
a financial impossibilityand remain con- yearsconformism, publicity more-or-less
tent to sit through appalling travelogues and disguised, the deadness and the dishonesty
third-rate imported shorts without raising a of the official vision.
murmur. The problem is twofold:creative and eco-
Documentary should not beit certainly nomic. British film makers are not blame-
need not besynonymous with dulness. It less. Energetic and radical in their youth,
should be one of the most exciting and stim- the surviving members of Griersons band
ulating of contemporary forms. After all, the of pioneers (many of them now established
cinema started with it. Lumires first films in positions of influence) have abandoned
are all admirable documentaries: trains the treatment of contemporary life in their
442 Aesthetics of Liberation

films. This retreat they are apt to rational- diverse themes: a poetic fable about two deaf
ize: there are no problems todayor the mutes in the East End of London: studies of
problems are differentthings are more Amusement Park and Jazz Club: Piccadilly
complexwe must think dialectically, inter- on a Saturday Night and Covent Garden all
nationally, intellectually. Yet people still round the clock. These are not intended as
exist, and housing problems, and night picturesque films (although of course they
mailsas well as Teddy Boys, new schools, are written about as though they are, very
automation, strikes and sex crimes. All often); nor as simple slices of life. Slices, if
these are subjects for documentary, and of you like, but cut with a bias. All of them say
the right kind:the humankind. something about our society, today.
Admittedly the economic problems are This programme is presented not as an
formidable. The Conservative Government achievement, but as an aim. We ask you to
dissolved the Crown Film Unit in 1952, view it not as critics, nor as a diversion, but
and since then the official policy is that the in direct relation to a British cinema still
country does not sponsor documentaries for obstinately class-bound; still rejecting the
home consumption, except in special cases, stimulus of contemporary life, as well as
for specific propagandist or informational the responsibility to criticise; still reflecting
purposes. But the present system of distri- a metropolitan, Southern English culture
bution and exhibition in the commercial which excludes the rich diversity of tradi-
cinemas makes the speculative production tion and personality which is the whole of
of documentaries quite impossible: either Britain.
they are not booked at all, or you get two- With a 16 millimetre camera, and mini-
pence for them. Some kind of sponsorship mal resources, and no payment for your
has to befound. technicians, you cannot achieve very
It is in this connexion that the movement muchin commercial terms. You cannot
which we have called Free Cinema is sig- make a feature film, and your possibilities
nificant. Three programmes of these films of experiment are severely restricted. But
have so far been shown, all at the National you can use your eyes and ears. You can give
Film Theatre: two of them have been made indications. You can make poetry.
up of films made in and about Britain, one The poetry of this programme is made
of films from abroad. They are all relatively out of our feelings about Britain, the nation
modest pictures, in means if not in ambi- of which we are all a part. Of course these
tion: most of them have been shot on 16 mil- feelings are mixed. There are things to
limetre. (This is the substandard gauge make us sad, and angry; things we must
of film, as used on portable projectors as change. But feelings of pride and love are
opposed to the standard 35mm film used in fundamental, and only change inspired by
normal commercial production.) They have such feelings will be effective.
not been made according to any plan or pro- We have the Welfare State and the domes-
gramme: instinct came first, and we discov- tic upheavals of the Huggetts Bleak, isnt
ered our common sympathies after. But all it? So someone wrote in a letter to the
of us want to make films of today, whether Observer, explaining why vital art is no
the method be realist or poetic, narrative or longer possible in this country. This kind of
montage. And we all believe that objectiv- snobbish, self-derisive, pseudo-liberalism is
ity is no part of the documentary method, the most pernicious and sapping enemy of
that on the contrary the documentarist faith. We stand against it.
must formulate his attitude, express his Our aim is first to look at Britain, with
values as firmly and forcefully as any art- honesty and with affection. To relish its
ist. The result has been a group of films on eccentricities; attack its abuses; love its
FreeCinema 443

people. To use the cinema to express our light of my belief in human values that I
allegiances, our rejections and our aspira- have endeavoured to make this film about
tions. This is our commitment. Covent Garden market. I hope it makes my
When you are making a film like Every commitment plain.
Day Except Christmasor rather while you I have been reproached on the one hand
are editing it, waiting for a reel to be joined, for not giving more information about the
or reprints to come in from the labit is people in the film; and on the other for not
easy to talk about what you are trying to do. making a more explicit social comment.
But when you have finished, it is difficult. I have nothing against information films,
The film speaks for itself, you feel; and if it and no doubt there are some very interest-
does not, you have failed, and statements of ing ones to be made about Covent Garden
intention are merely pretentious. (statistics, dates, weights, wages, etc.). But
But perhaps I should say what I was not this is not the kind of information Iwanted
trying to do. I was not trying to make an to give about these peopleand about peo-
information film, or an instructional film. ple in general.
And I was not trying to make a picturesque Similarly with social comment. I feel that
film. When John Grierson first defined the at the moment in this country it is more
word documentary, he called it the cre- important for a progressive artist to make a
ative interpretation of actuality. In other positive affirmation than an aggressive criti-
words the only vital difference between cism. (The criticism will be implicit in the
making a documentary and making a fic- affirmation anyway, if it is a genuine one.) In
tion film is that in documentary you are aggressive criticism there is too often a sense
using actual material, not invented situ- of inferiority. The Left in Britain suffers too
ations and actors playing parts. But this much from such complexes of opposition. I
actual material still has to be interpreted, want to make peopleordinary people, not
worked on creatively, or we are left with just Top Peoplefeel their dignity and their
nothing but publicity. And if we are to importance, so that they can act from these
interpret, we must have an attitude, we principles. Only on such principles can con-
must have beliefs and values. It is in the fident and healthy action be based.

Figure57.1 Every Day Except Christmas (Lindsay Anderson, 1957). Screen capture fromDVD.
444 Aesthetics of Liberation

Luck and Sponsorship and of my debt to Leon Clore of Graphic

Films, who undertook the further respon-
Who pays for these films? One of them was sibility of extending the picture from its
privately financed (O Dreamland); Together, original twenty-minute conception to its
Momma Dont Allow and Nice Time were final forty-minute length. ButI cannot
paid for by the British Film Institutes help wonderingshould the existence of
Experimental Fund; and Every Day Except films of this kind in Britain have to depend
Christmas was commissioned by the Ford on luck, or on the courage, principle and
Motor Company. There is food for thought imagination of an individual producer or
here. The Institutes Fund is a remarkable industrial sponsor? If so, there will not be
thing, but of course its scope is limited. many ofthem.
None of the film makers who avail them- A number of questions, in fact, pres-
selves of it can be paid anything for his ent themselves, not merely to film makers
work, and budgets are only adequate for and enthusiasts, but to anyone seriously
relatively modest productions, generally concerned with present-day realities in
on 16mm. This is why Fords sponsorship our country. And I presume this means all
of Every Day Except Christmas is so impor- readers of the Universities and Left Review.
tant. Directors have grown accustomed to For instance: Why do we not use the cin-
think of their sponsors as automatically ema; and what are the implications of this
unreasonable, narrowly utilitarian, and neglect? Is it not strange that at a time when
essentially unimaginative: undertaking a so much emphasis is being put on ide-
subject commissioned by an industrial con- als of community, this medium (above all
cern, they are defeated before they start. Yet potent in the service of such ideals) should
here is a film made for an industrial spon- be abandoned to irresponsible commerce?
sor whichwhatever its artistic valuehas Why does the Left not take a more active
been made completely without interference and creative interest in an art so popular?
or pressure, with its director allowed, even And is it not time that artists whose convic-
encouraged, to express himself as he feels. tions are progressively started to consider a
(It is unthinkable that a film should today little more seriously their relationship with
be made for a Government department, or their audience, the kind of use that can best
for the Central Office of Information, under be made of these mass-media, so that their
conditions so liberal and so enlightened.) art be neither exclusive and snobbish, nor
I am quite conscious of my extraordinary stereotyped and propagandistbut vital,
luck in having been able to work like this, illuminating, personal and refreshing?


Notwithstanding the many false faces of on the network of the National Broadcasting
life that television casts upon the home Company a program on the problems of the
screen, it is a medium that has a peculiar declining American railroad industry, or
capacity for conveying glimpses of the real one on the Peace Corps. If he had chanced
world, and sometimes, when its cameras to turn to the Columbia Broadcasting
and microphones are used for the purpose System, he could have spent an hour learn-
of dealing with actualities rather than of ing about the imminent world water short-
passing along the canned daydreams that age, or about the state of our civil defense.
make up most programs, the results can And on A.B.C. he could have come across an
prove absorbing even to people who nor- exposition of the intricacies of automation,
mally dont bother with the medium. The or of the problem of student dropout in the
bulk of the networks journalistic activities public schools. Documentaries are nothing
consists in covering the day-to-day news new to network television, but the current
and such big special events as the politi- profusion of them is. Three years ago, the
cal conventions and the national elections. documentaries on the air were so few as to
Beyond this area, however, the broadcasters be hardly noticeable, but since thenand
have lately been increasingly active in the since the quiz scandals that caused such a
production of live or filmed documentary public outcry against the industrythe net-
programs that survey aspects of contem- works have been expanding their journalis-
porary affairs not necessarily in the imme- tic operations, and right now the production
diate news. Ordinarily, a documentary is of television documentaries is flourishing
presented not as an isolated production as it has never flourished before. In fact,
but as a part of a series of factual programs putting together such programs seems to
bearing some proprietary titlefor exam- have grown into a journalistic profession in
ple, N.B.C. White Paper, C.B.S. Reports, itselfa clamorously active occupation, dis-
or the American Broadcasting Companys tinct from ordinary newscasting, from the
Close-Up! The contents of documentary pro- show-business end of television, and from
grams are extremely diverse. Within the past printed-word reportingwhich has been
year or so, a viewer could have encountered developing its own forms of expression, its
446 Aesthetics of Liberation

own stylistic techniques, and its own breed tends to apply full blast to any project that he
of journalist. undertakes, and since he is always involved
Of all the people who have been respon- in as many as a dozen widely scattered
sible over the past few years for developing projectsrecently these included keeping
the television documentary, none is more in touch with a crew he had dispatched
active, or better known in the industry, than to the Tigris and Euphrates to investigate
Fred W.Friendly, of C.B.S. Friendly has been the problem of water conservation (The
working with the television-documentary Water Famine), with a crew he had sent
form for as long as the networks have to London to interview Angry Young Men
been sending their programs across the (Britain: Blood, Sweat, and Tears Plus
continent. For seven years, beginning in Twenty), and with a crew who had gone to
1951, he was co-producer, with Edward the Amazon Basin to investigate the politi-
R. Murrow, of See It Now, a C.B.S. series cal, economic, and social situation in that
that was probably most memorable for a region (Brazil: The Rude Awakening)
study of Senator Joseph McCarthy (1954) he exists in a state of compound excite-
and for an interview with Dr. J. Robert ment that seems incapable of diminution.
Oppenheimer (1955). Since 1959, Friendly Michael Dann, the C.B.S. vice-president
has been the executive producer of C.B.S. in charge of East Coast network program-
Reports, a series of documentaries, most of ming, says of Friendly, I never knew a man
them an hour long, presented, on a vari- who could get so worked up about a sub-
able schedule, approximately three times ject. Gee, when he was working on Polaris
a month, under titles that have included [The Year of the Polaris, a documentary
The Population Explosion, Biography of about our submarine-launched missiles],
a Missile, Biography of a Bookie Joint, he sounded as though he was going to get
Censorship and the Movies, Eisenhower one for his back yard. Most of the time,
on the Presidency, Can We Disarm?, Friendlys energies emanate either from
and East Germany:The Land Beyond the his office, on the seventeenth floor of the
Wall. As the man responsible for C.B.S. C.B.S. building, on Madison Avenue, or
Reports, Friendly controls the biggest single from a C.B.S. screening room, on Ninth
documentary operation in television and he Avenue, where he views nearly all the film
supervises the activities of ten subordinate that his camera crews turn out; however, he
producers and a score of assistants, who also spends a considerable amount of time
make up a semi-autonomous unit within out of town, overseeing filming on location,
the C.B.S. news department. During the and on these missions, too, his hustling
present season, these production people qualities quickly make themselves appar-
will put together, under Friendlys direction, ent. Fred Friendly always looks as though
twenty hour-long and four half-hour-long he had just got off a foam-flecked horse,
programsa formidable task in the face of Carl Sandburg once wrote in Variety after a
difficulties that include months of filming few meetings with Friendly on location in
on location for many of the documentaries, North Carolina. Friendlys get-it-done qual-
and extraordinary exertions to produce oth- ity was much in evidence when, last spring,
ers under emergency-deadline conditions. he flew down to Huntsville, Alabama, in the
In the process of getting this task accom- process of making a C.B.S. Reports docu-
plished, Friendly, a big, loose-limbed man mentary entitled Why Man in Space?
of forty-six, tackles his highly variegated There, at the National Aeronautics and
duties with a hustling energy and enthu- Space Administrations George C.Marshall
siasm unusual even in the television busi- Space Flight Center, he ordered his cam-
ness. He has a sense of mission that he era crew into a building where technicians
The One-Ton Pencil 447

were assembling a Saturn rocket booster. airlift going. Friendly regards such arduous
Inside, to the sound of riveting guns and so exercises as a natural and unavoidable part
forth, the rocket people were swarming all of his everyday existence. We work with
over the recumbent rocket, the high prior- a one-ton pencil, he says of his brand of
ity rating of the project impelling them to journalism.
maximum effort, but within a few minutes
after Friendly got into action, striding here The amount and unwieldiness of the equip-
and there and ordering his cameramen ment that Friendly finds necessary in the
about (Get those engines! Iwant all eight production of documentaries inevitably
of them in the shot! And Iwant a pan shot affect their form and, to a certain extent,
right along here. I want the works!), the the programs content. The television docu-
C.B.S. producer and his crew looked to be mentary, to begin with, is not a particularly
by far the busiest men in theplace. flexible form of expression, since its scope
Friendlys talent for pouring out energy tends to be limited by the very thing that
is an invaluable one in a profession where gives television its unique power; namely,
the problem of just getting from one place visual directness. Then, because of the
to another is so much more complicated nature of the medium, every word spoken
than it is for people who work in printed on it ordinarily has to be accompanied by
journalism. As a rule, when a reporter for some sort of image, whether it is the image
a newspaper or magazine goes out on the of the man who is doing the speaking or an
job, the basic tools he needs for describing image connected with what he is speaking
what he sees and hearsassuming that he about, and this situation makes for difficul-
wants to make notes on the spotcan easily ties in the verbal presentation of ideas that
be carried in his pocket; if the assignment cant readily be matched to pictures on the
takes him to another city, he may take a por- screen. It is difficult to attempt to make,
table typewriter along. But when a man who and almost impossible to succeed in mak-
is making a television documentary goes ing, any detailed reconstruction of events
out to record a scene or an interview, a type- that have not already been extensively
writer, if he brings one at all, is the least of recorded on film. The producers of docu-
his burdens. His business requires him to mentaries like those in the C.B.S. histori-
be accompanied by a tremendous clutter of cal series The Twentieth Century can make
equipmentone or two thousand pounds interesting use of old film clips from, say,
of motion-picture cameras, extra lenses, the First World War, but the producer who
big lights and reflectors, power converters, is concerned with performing a contempo-
great coils of cable, bulky boxes of film, rary journalistic function, as distinct from
microphone hookups, and sound-recording a historical one, cannot command anything
equipment. And he must also be accom- like the flexibility of form that is possible
panied by the people who operate all these with the printed word. He doesnt have
devices, at the very least a cameraman, an the same liberty to fuse subjective observa-
assistant cameraman, a sound man, and an tions and objectively described action. He
electrician. Since the making of each docu- doesnt have the same freedom to summa-
mentary program involves the filming of rize what he sees, for he cant compress the
dozens or scores of scenes, at spots that may film he shoots, as a writer can compress his
be far apartand are sometimes continents observations; he can only slice the film up
apartthe sheer logistic work necessary to into smaller pieces and reconnect some of
keep half a dozen documentaries in active them, possibly using some narrative mate-
production at one time is something like the rial as a kind of verbal cement. He has the
job of keeping a small but perpetual Berlin means of quoting a subject with undeniable
448 Aesthetics of Liberation

accuracyall too undeniable, sometimes, have an intimidating effect on many

for the tastes of some politiciansbut he subjectssome people are simply floored
cant paraphrase what his subject is saying by the experience of being faced by all the
except through some such rather awkward lights, the lenses, and the microphoneshe
device as background narration. And since does his best to choose people who feel so
for most practical purposes he cant read- strongly about what they have to say that
ily move back and forth through time as an their sense of conviction will override their
observer, the tense in which he expresses natural uneasiness in the face of the mass
himselfif the television image can be of equipment pointed at them. Friendly
said to have tensesis pretty much lim- is assisted, of course, by the subject mat-
ited to the present. Nor is this all, for while ter of his documentaries, which frequently
the maker of television documentaries has involve issues that invite firm expressions
the means of recording with great preci- of opinion. However, he must be constantly
sion what appears in front of his cameras, on the lookout for the sort of personal force-
the very equipment that enables him to do fulness that will not dissolveor, better yet,
this also encumbers him in his attempt to is even capable of bloomingunder lights
depict every situation truly. Aconventional that total three thousand watts, no matter
journalist can go into a room, get interviews what the subject matter may be. We want
with some of the people present, and then to deal with people who are involved is one
depart without having noticeably intruded of Friendlys several ways of describing the
upon the proceedings. The arrival of a net- kind of person he tries to get on camera.
work television camera crew, however, is Among his other ways of putting it are that
an event in itself, and for many people in a the subject must be able to communicate,
room may overshadow in importance any- or must come through, or that he should
thing else that is taking place there. People be a man with fire in his belly. Not every-
stop what theyre doing; theyre going to be body who is involved necessarily has the
on TV. The place, packed with lights, cables, ability to come through, however. The fire
cameras, recording equipment, and cam- that is in a mans belly may not necessar-
era crew, is transformed from a room into ily flare up on the screen. Some people who
a motion-picture set, and into the middle of meet Friendlys specifications for strong
this set, when all is ready, the interviewees, involvement falter under the lightsone of
one by one, are finally led, a lapel micro- them has described the business of being
phone hung around each mans neck like a interviewed amid all the gear of a Friendly
noose, to be questioned under the stare of production as a shattering experience
the lenses and hot lights. and they fail to project themselves any
Holding the mirror up to nature under farther than a scrapfilm bin in the cutting
such circumstances is not easy, and this is room. A series of such near-misses on
particularly so in Friendlys case, because the part of people interviewed for a par-
most of his documentaries consist in large ticular program can cause Friendly to drop
measure of interviews. Friendly is well the project in question altogether. There
aware of this inherent difficulty, and he uses is little room in his scheme of things for
a number of countermeasures for minimiz- people who have a passive attitude toward
ing itand, he believes, in many cases the worlda category that today seems to
overcoming it. The principal countermea- be a fairly large oneor for people whom
sure is his method of selecting people who he regards as being stoically inclined. For
are going to appear and talk on the screen. years, Friendly has been thinking of doing
Because he realizes only too well that the a C.B.S. Reports documentary on the Navajo
paraphernalia of television film-making Indians, in Arizona, but so far he hasnt
The One-Ton Pencil 449

been able to find any Navajos who seem Lippmann, and Admiral Hyman Rickover.
talkative enough for his purposes. For this General Eisenhower, a rather diffident and
reason, among others, the Navajo project frequently stumbling speaker on television
has yet to be carried out. I wish we could when he was President, was at first very
get hold of more Indians with fire in their dubious when Friendly, with the backing of
bellies, Friendly said thoughtfully a while William S.Paley, chairman of the board of
ago to one of his producers. C.B.S., suggested that he allow himself to
The presence of inner fire and the fac- be the subject of a series of interviews on
ulty for communicating or coming through C.B.S. Reports, but when Friendly had com-
are among the first things Friendly inquires pleted the project, after a total of some ten
about when he is thinking of asking someone days of filming in Gettysburg, Eisenhower
to appear on C.B.S. Reports. Early last sum- conveyed on the screen a personal warmth
mer, for example, he got the idea of making such as was perhaps unmatched in any
a documentary on ancient Greece in which of his television appearances during his
viewers would have as their guide and com- Presidency.
mentator an authority on that civilization. Admiral Rickover, who does not have the
He thought of asking Robert Graves to serve reputation of being an easy man to handle,
as the commentator, and since Graves hap- had his first encounter with Friendly in
pened to be in NewYork, where he was to give 1956, when Friendly called on him to ask his
a lecture at Columbia in a day or so, Friendly cooperation in the production of a program,
had a talk with him and then dispatched his for the C.B.S. series See It Now, dealing with
right-hand man, Palmer Williams, direc- the Navys atomic-submarine building pro-
tor of operations for C.B.S. Reports, to hear gram. The Admiral greeted Friendly by look-
the lecture. Palmer, does he communicate? ing the producer hard in the eye and saying,
Friendly asked when Williams returned Friendly, I dont need you, but within a
from the lecture. Williams indicated that he few weeks he was so deeply involved in the
wasnt altogether sure. That seemed to settle project that he was telephoning Friendly at
the poet. A few days later, Friendly spent all hours. (Fred? Got a pencil? Take this
an evening with Edith Hamilton, and was down!) Four years later, Rickover was simi-
highly enthusiastic. Shes got it! he said. larly cooperative when C.B.S. Reports made
To hear her recite a few words of Aeschylus! The Year of the Polaris.
And just the thought of transporting this Walter Lippmann, who through most of
frail ninety-four-year-old woman by jet to his career made a point of avoiding personal
Athens! Just think of it! Friendly is still just public appearances, for years spurned all
thinkingofit. sorts of attempts by television networks to get
When Friendly believes he has found a him to make an appearance on the screen. In
person in whom the qualities of involve- the fall of 1960, Friendly went after him, and
ment and communicativeness are present after a struggle Lippmann, as Friendly puts
to a sufficient degree, he demonstrates a it, was dragged in kicking and screaming
remarkable ability to get that person stirred to be interviewed for an hour-long program.
up about television. Friendly moves in with Lippmann himself puts it this way:Friendly
such energy and enthusiasm that resisting came to lunch with me in Washington and
his overtures can become a very difficult began to draw me out about appearing on a
matter. Among those who have initially filmed program. He pushedhes a tremen-
held out against Friendlys suggestions that dous salesman, this fellow. Finally Isaid, Ill
they appear on his programs and have later think about it, but if I do it I want to have
surrendered are such diverse personalities control over what comes out. He said, Ill
as General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Walter give you an agreement and if you dont like
450 Aesthetics of Liberation

the result well burn the film. That was a larger than life, and it is into the job of
challenge. The result was a program enti- encouraging this mysterious magnifying
tled Walter Lippmann on Leadership, in process that Friendly flings the full force of
whichLippmann, interviewed by HowardK. his professional energy.
Smith, talked for an hour on the eight years Essentially, Friendlys art consists in
of the Eisenhower administration and on selecting and juxtaposing various filmed
other matters. The program was so success- sequences taken from the enormous mass
ful that Lippmann made another hour-long of such material that is gathered on what-
appearance on C.B.S. Reports last summer, ever subject he tackles. His method is such
and a half-hour appearance in December, that he does not attempt to put words in the
and there is a good chance that such talks mouth of anyone who is interviewed, nor
will become an institution. does he really attempt to control a mans
demeanor before the camera. But before a
Such successes on Friendlys part are due single shot is made he does devote a great
not only to his energy and persuasiveness deal of care to the manner in which the sub-
but also to his production techniques. What ject of an interview will be questioned by
Friendly sets out to do with people who the interviewer, to the manner in which the
become subjects of his documentaries subject will be photographed while he talks,
whether, like Eisenhower, Lippmann, or and to the physical arrangement of the appa-
Carl Sandburg, they are on the screen for ratus. As things are arranged in a Friendly
a whole hour at a time, or whether, like a production, the equipment can be operated
number of Negro and white Southerners with so little waste motion that its obtrusive-
on a program called Who Speaks for the ness is reduced to a minimum; on the other
South?, they appear only brieflyis to hand, its presence can, if necessary, be used
make the best use of televisions unusual as a psychological means of prodding the
ability to emphasize essential personal man being interviewed into greater com-
qualities. Anybody who has watched a man municativeness. Last spring, when Friendly
being interviewed for a Friendly production and a production crew went down to the
and has then seen the same interview on Eisenhower estate at Gettysburg, Friendly
television cannot help being struck by the knew in advance, thanks to his production
contrast between the relatively ordinary, mens efforts, just how the interviews were
everyday quality of the mans voice and to be conducted, and where. The room in
demeanor when he is observed from just which most of the shooting was to take
behind the semicircle of paraphernalia dur- placeEisenhowers officehad already
ing the interview and the active, engaged, been chosen, and the entire layout of cam-
responsive air the same subject seems to eras, lights, recording equipment, and so
acquire when he is seen in a closeup on on, had been blocked out on an architects
the television screen. In the flesh, a mans plan of the house. And thanks to work done
face is, after all, only part of him, but in a with Walter Cronkite, who was to conduct
closeup it becomes, suddenly, all of him. the interviews, and with Ed Jones, the pro-
Every facial movement or gesture is height- ducer assigned to the project, he also knew
ened in effect, and every accompanying substantially what questions were to be put
vocal inflection is correspondingly stressed, to Eisenhower. Every man in the production
with the result that the whole personality crew knew not only just what to do but how
of the man is peculiarly concentrated and to do it with a minimum of physical move-
revealed. This ability of television to accen- ment, and how to keep the mechanical dis-
tuate character gives Friendly an oppor- tractions of the filming process at the lowest
tunity to make his subjects, as he puts it, possible level. Friendly even instructed
The One-Ton Pencil 451

his men to dispense with the noise of the C.B.S. as the networks chief Washington
clapstickthe diagonally striped wooden correspondentare able to give him a
bar, hinged to the top of a slate, that a cam- great deal of help in getting his subject to
era assistant ordinarily claps down smartly talk freely. Such an interviewer knows, for
at the beginning of each scenean unusual example, that he must avoid anything like a
concession, since the clapstick is consid- rehearsal with the subject, because an inter-
ered necessary to enable people in the cut- viewee will never answer a question the sec-
ting room to synchronize the film image ond time with the conviction he displays in
with the accompanying sound track, each answering it the first time. The interviewer
of these customarily being recorded on also understands why Friendly, for all his
separate reels of film. Friendly used two attempts to make his subjects feel at home
thirty-five-millimetre cameras for the inter- under the lights, believes there are occasions
views, and he was able to avoid the normal when the very presence of all the apparatus
interruptions required for changing film (a is useful in making a subject more vocal.
thousand-foot reel of thirty-five-millimetre This principle is demonstrated when a sub-
film lasts for eleven minutes of continuous ject, in replying to a question, says some-
shooting) by operating the two cameras so thing that the interviewer suspects can be
that one was always going while the film in said more succinctly or interestingly; in this
the other was being replaced. The first day, case, the interviewer, instead of going on to
Friendly kept the cameras running for a total the next question, pauses, deliberately say-
of four hours, with only one five-minute ing nothing, and sits and waits long enough
break at the end of two hours. By the time for the subject to become aware of the televi-
that break came, the camera motors were so sion equipment around him and of his own
hot from continuous use that they had to be silence. As likely as not, the interviewee will
changed. As for Eisenhower, he seemed very be sufficiently goaded by his own momen-
much at ease during the entire four hours. tary self-consciousness and by the whirring
He was amazed that a television appearance of the cameras to come out with something
could go so smoothly and with so little fuss, like What Imean is and then go on to
he told Friendlylater. make his point more cogently. Friendly says,
You wait three seconds and then the pure
The lengths to which Friendly was prepared gold starts tocome.
to go for the purpose of getting the most out The people Friendly uses as inter-
of the Eisenhower interviews were admit- viewers on C.B.S. Reports may be chosen
tedly unusual by his own standards, yet they from among the regular members of the
did not result in arrangements very different C.B.S. news department, or from among
from the ones he normally makes in film- the producers who assist him on specific
ing a long interview with somebody like projects, but whoever they are, their roles on
Lippmann or Sandburgand for that mat- the screen during the interviewing process
ter, even during relatively minor interviews are always carefully subordinated to those of
his production men are careful to make the the people being interviewed. This concept
subjects feel at home. While Friendly has no of the interviewers job differs from that in
control over what a subject may say on cam- evidence on some other documentary series,
era, he does have complete control over the where the interviewer is often shown stand-
selection of the interviewer, and interview- ing side by side with his subject, carrying
ers who know his working methodsthe on a conversation in a domineering man-
most skillful of these, outside of Edward ner. In Friendlys programs, the interviewer
R. Murrow, has probably been Howard is ordinarily a relatively shadowy figure; his
K. Smith, who recently resigned from back is partly turned to the camera, and he
452 Aesthetics of Liberation

is well to one side of the person he is inter- and the interviewer together, and, occasion-
viewing. (At other times, he may be shown ally, of the interviewer alone. The camera-
from the front, alone, in the act of asking men thus provide Friendly with the material
questions, but since under most shooting he needs not only for compiling the basic
conditions there is no way of obtaining such record of the interview but for imparting
full-face shots without stationing an extra visual emphasis to things that strike him as
camera somewhere behind the subject, significant and for making a transition from
these frontal shots are almost always made one section of the interview to another.
after the actual interview.) However shad- Perhaps eight or ten times as much film
owy the interviewer may seem, his presence may be shot in the course of an interview
is nevertheless a vital factor when someone as Friendly can conceivably use in the fin-
is talking before the C.B.S. Reports cam- ished program, but his policy is to shoot,
eras, because Friendly believes the subject shoot, and continue shooting until he feels
should be shown responding to a particular that his subjects have expressed them-
human being rather than to a load of equip- selves to his satisfaction, at which point he
ment. We are not in the watch-the-birdie is ready to begin editing his material into
business, he says. We dont want to have its much shorter, finished forma process
people making speeches to the camera. You that involves long and tedious sessions
cant turn them into actors. Anyway, mak- in the cutting room. Here his job is, in
ing a speech is never a natural thing to do. essence, to telescope a long talk by select-
It was designed as a way of reaching sev- ing a series of verbatim passages and join-
eral hundred or several thousand people at ing them together. But joining together a
a time. Nowadays, with television, what a series of shots from an interview is a con-
man says can reach four or fourteen or forty siderable technical problem, because when
million people at a time, and the way he can a man is talking his head doesnt stay still,
do that best is not by making a speech to and when a television producer wants to
everybody but by talking to oneman. eliminate a stretch of extraneous matter,
When someone is in the process of talk- he will find that the cutting and splicing
ing to one of Friendlys interviewers, sur- causes the subjects face to make sudden,
rounded by the full complement of two disconcerting jumps from one position to
cameras and the customary lights and another. What the producer has to do to get
recording equipment, part of the tech- rid of this effect is to insert some brief tran-
nique that Friendly uses to bring the sub- sitional shot, and this is a technique that
jects essential qualities to the screen is Friendly often uses in a manner sufficiently
evident from the movement of the cam- forceful to turn a technical handicap into a
eramen. As the subject talks, these men professional virtue. By Friendlys process
silently go about their business; while one of editing, a comparatively static scene of
camera focusses on the subjects face and a man talking at length to an interviewer
shoulders, the other, taking what Friendlys will become a series of vignettes in which
people call grab shots, from time to time the audience sees the subject from a variety
goes after supporting detaila closeup of a of aspects. At one moment he will be seen
gesture of the subjects hand, for example, from a few yards away, and at another in clo-
or even of his shoes, if there is something seup, first from the right and then from the
interesting about them. The grab camera left; at other moments, the subjects voice
will also pick up, with one or another of the will be carried in simultaneous juxtaposi-
several lenses mounted on its lens turret, a tion with shots of his hands gesticulating or
series of extreme closeup shots or a series of of the interviewer listening. Moreover, the
medium shots of the subject, of the subject whole succession of shots is manipulated
The One-Ton Pencil 453

so as to give emphasis to particularly mean- public schools of Georgia; in The Keeper

ingful words and gestures, and at the same of the Rules: Congressman Smith and the
time a certain rhythmic pattern is created New Frontier, shots of Republican and
by a system of visual and aural punctua- Democratic congressmen delivering their
tion, in which a smile, a frown, a gesture conflicting opinions on the political tac-
of the hand, or an ironic laugh may be used tics of Howard W. Smith, the chairman of
in the manner of a comma, a semicolon, or the House Rules Committee; and in The
a period, a marker at which a shot can be Population Explosion, a documentary
ended and set off from the one that follows. filmed largely in India, shots of laymen,
Friendly relies on the technique of juxta- physicians, and Roman Catholic clergymen
position not only in depicting the subjects presenting their views on birth control.
of interviews but also in relating what they
say or do to the action shots with which, on With its ability to juxtapose individual shots
most of his programs, the interviews are in dramatic contrast, and also to convey
interspersed. His use of this technique is the intensity of peoples convictions, televi-
seen at its most effective when he is dealing sion is extraordinarily well suited to dealing
with a dramatic subject, like the countdown with controversial matters, and Friendly
at the launching of a rocket. In Biography has never hesitated to use the medium for
of a Missile, for example, a 1959 program this purpose. In addition to the documen-
in which Friendly and Murrow followed step taries just mentioned, some of the most
by step the making and launching of a Juno notable fruits of this policy have been the
II, an exciting sequence juxtaposed shots of Murrow-Friendly program of 1954 that
the tense faces of the engineers in the firing tartly depicted the career of Senator Joseph
blockhouse with shots of the actual launch- McCarthy; Harvest of Shame (1960),
ing. Similarly, in The Year of the Polaris, which was produced by David Lowe, and
the audience was able to see not only the which cast a harsh light on the lot of migra-
first launching of a Polaris missile from an tory workers in this country; The Business
atomic-powered submarine as it appeared of Health: Medicine, Money and Politics
from the surface of the ocean but also, inter- (1961), which was produced by Stephen
mittently, the scene in the launch-control Fleischman, and which dealt with the high
area within the submarinea scene memo- cost of medical care and the various means
rable for a splendidly juxtaposed closeup of coping with it, ranging from prepaid
shot of Admiral W. F. Raborn, the man in medical insurance to the Kennedy admin-
charge of the launching, carefully crossing istrations plan for medical care for the
two fingers of his right hand as the count- aged through Social Security deductions;
down approachedzero. and Who Speaks for Birmingham? (1961),
Still another way in which Friendly which was concerned with the process of
makes strong use of juxtaposition is in his racial desegregation in that city. Indeed,
treatment of controversial topics. Out of a Friendlys fondness for using controver-
series of interviews in which various people sial subject matter in C.B.S. Reports has
express differing views on a given issue, caused some of the programs themselves
he may extract shots in which sharply con- to become subjects of public controversy,
flicting attitudes are expressed and present bringing him and his producers under
them one against the other, as a means of attack by various powerful interests. Thus,
indicating the range of opinion on the issue the American Farm Bureau Federation
involvedfor example, in Who Speaks denounced Harvest of Shame as a rigged
for the South?, shots of Negroes and documentary and a highly colored propa-
whites commenting on segregation in the ganda job through which, the Federation
454 Aesthetics of Liberation

claimed, the public relations of farmers a general attachment to the cause of the
were irreparably damaged. The Business underdog and by strong feelings about pov-
of Health prompted the Board of Trustees erty and oppression in the world, it is not
of the American Medical Association to surprising that a C.B.S. Reports program
issue a statement asserting that the pro- dealing with racial segregation should pos-
gram was filled with misrepresentations, sess a sharpness that rattles some Southern
bias and distortions, constituting a cari- whites, or that one on migratory labor
cature of medicine and its aims. Who should cause the farm lobby to react vio-
Speaks for Birmingham? so nettled several lently. But if Friendlys work reveals him
powerful white citizens of that city, includ- to be something of a moralist, he seems to
ing the chief of police, that they brought suit stop short of salvationism, and it appears
against C.B.S. for damages of $1,500,000, to be a matter of professional pride with
on the ground that the program had him that he feels he can resist, in the edit-
defamed them. (The case is still pending.) ing process, the temptation to emphasize
And Biography of a Bookie Joint, which, by on screen those portions of interviews that
means of concealed cameras, showed such tend to harmonize with his own personal
a truly astonishing number of customers attitudes.
(including men in police uniform) parad-
ing daily in and out of a Boston key-making In making preparations for interviews and
store that the program identified as a front for C.B.S. Reports programs in general,
for bookmaking, that it caused no less a Friendly does not draw up any detailed plan.
figure than Richard Cardinal Cushing to There is no basic script to be followed but
declare at a Boston police ball that whoever only a general idea of what the program is
was behind [the program] owes an apology to be about; the actual course of its devel-
to the City of Boston. His Eminence also opment is determined by the nature of
complained, We all have our failings and whatever raw material Friendlys produc-
faults, but why hang them, as it were, like ers, interviewers, and cameramen turn up.
dirty linen on a clothesline from one end of The documentary that reaches the screen is
the country to the other? primarily a product not of a scriptwriter but
Friendly regards such criticisms as an of a producer, who has compiled it by pick-
inevitable by-product of any television ing and choosing slices of film and piecing
journalism that attempts to come to grips them together. In contrast to most other
with current issues. If in C.B.S. Reports documentary series, in each program of
programs dealing with political matters the which a writer is given credit on the screen
right wing doesnt usually show up too well, for having prepared a script, C.B.S. Reports
this is not, Friendly maintains, because of rarely has listed the name of a writer,
any built-in political bias on his part. We because Friendly doesnt have any writers,
have to be sixty-five per cent against both as such, on his staff. What little writing is
the Democrats and Republicans, he likes to done for a typical Friendly production con-
say, and he is also fond of saying that while sists of expository passages composed by the
there has never been any intention on the news correspondent who will deliver them
part of his organization to injure anybodys in introducing the interviews he conducts,
reputation, some people have contrived to and of passages that are usually banged
injure their own reputations by expressing out on a typewriter during the last stages
their views on his programs. Friendly does of the editing process by Friendly or by the
admit, however, that some of his programs producer and staff of the program for use
have what he calls a point of view, and either as narrative bridges between one sec-
since his own social outlook is marked by tion of the documentary and another or in
The One-Ton Pencil 455

the shirttail, as Friendlys people call the talented documentary producer, he is

opening section, which is made up of brief slightly old-fashioned.
excerpts from the material that is to follow. For his part, Friendly firmly maintains
In the opinion of quite a few of the docu- that he is willing to sacrifice whatever
mentary producers for other networks, who extra mobility he might obtain by using
are used to working from comparatively sixteen-millimetre equipment for the sake
tight outlines drawn up before they start of the high technical quality of the film he
filming their programs, Friendlys habit of gets by working with thirty-five-millimetre
shooting on and on at everything in sight cameras and what he considers proper light-
until he gets what satisfies him is a grossly ing. Clear photography, clear sound, and
inefficient one, even if it does enable him effective lighting are universally conceded
sometimes to achieve striking results. to be among the hallmarks of the Friendly
They also consider him rather rigid in his documentary. Beyond these purely techni-
methods, and particularly in his insistence cal considerations, Friendlys work is also
on using heavy thirty-five-millimetre cam- recognized as noteworthy for the quality of
eras, for while these obtain shots of high its reporting, for editing that gives it a char-
technical quality, they deprive him of the acteristic crispness and pace, and for the
freedom of movement that light, highly por- authenticity of its content. Some network
table sixteen-millimetre cameras afford their documentary producers are not above the
crews. With such equipment, these produc- use of occasional hanky-panky to achieve
ers maintain, their men can obtain shots continuity or dramatic effect. Sometimes
of reasonably high quality while dispens- when the viewer thinks he is seeing a con-
ing on occasion with the elaborate lighting tinuous sequence of real events, he may
that must be used in thirty-five-millimetre actually be seeing some genuine material
filming. For example, the use of lightweight onto which has been grafted a set of old
equipment enabled send a couple stock shots lifted from some film library.
of reporters on foot deep into the jungles Or the sound that the audience hears while
of Angola, where during a march of some viewing, say, the scene of a street riot may
three hundred miles they shot a num- have nothing to do with that particular riot
ber of dramatic sequences for an N.B.C. but may have been merely thrown in from
White Paper. Similar methods enabled a sound-effects library, the film itself hav-
A.B.C. to put a cameraman in the White ing been shot without sound. Whatever the
House to make a continuous visual record intent of the producer may be in such cases,
of President Kennedy at worksitting at the effect is to mislead the viewer.
his desk using the telephone, moving about Friendly does his best to avoid this sort
his study, and even going from one room of thing, and the one or two instances in
to another. One of Friendlys critics in the which, over the years, he feels that he hasnt
business has called his television big-head played altogether fair with the viewer in the
TVa world bounded, in Friendlys end- matter of a stock shot have caused him
less closeups of people, by the chin and to indulge in considerable self-reproach.
the eyebrowa form of representation in Aside from such past exceptions, and from
which the camera is accepted as a great, the practicein itself perhaps harmless,
clumsy machine, into whose glassy visual though it is not difficult to see how it could
range the subject has to be taken, rather become harmfulof presenting as part
than being made a truly flexible and mobile of a continuously filmed interview shots
instrument that can reach out to the sub- actually made after it of reporters repeat-
ject and readily travel with him. They seem ing certain questions, Friendly insists quite
to feel that while Friendly may be a highly strictly on authenticity. If we show, as we
456 Aesthetics of Liberation

did during the Korean War, a view of a radio, which, with the exception of four
hundred-and-five-millimetre howitzer in and a half years of wartime Army Service,
action, we make sure that the sound accom- he had been in since 1936. In prewar years
panying the shot is the sound of that howit- he had been the producer of a series of
zer, Friendly says. You could do it the easy dramatized biographical sketches for a
way, and shoot silent film and then get the program called Footprints on the Sands
sound made in a studio, but it wouldnt be of Time, which was broadcast over a
right. When we do a space-research show station in Providence, Rhode Island, his
and set out to get a shot of the test-firing home town, and later, after the war, he was
of a balsa-wood ball that the scientists hope the originator and producer of a weekly
they can land on the moon at a hundred news-quiz program called Who Said That?,
and fifty miles an hour, we make sure that which ran on N.B.C. in 1948 and 1949.
we record the right sound at the right time, Friendlys association with Murrow began
because theres only one kind of noise that a in 1948, when, after they had been brought
balsa-wood ball makes when it hits a target together by an agent named J. G. Gude,
at a hundred and fifty miles an hour. We try they collaborated on the production of a
to give the viewer grounds for telling him- record album, called I Can Hear It Now,
self as he sees the show, This is as it really which was a collection of excerpts from
happened. If you dont work that way, you recordings of the voices of famous people,
dont know where you will windup. [] done in the general spirit of Frederick
Lewis Allens Only Yesterday. I Can Hear
In conformity with his striving for authen- It Now quickly became a best-seller, and
ticity, Friendly, unlike a number of his con- Friendly and Murrow followed it up with
freres, does not allow the use of background three more similar albums and then with
music as a means of heightening an effect a comparatively short-lived radio news
on the screen; he considers such music a program called Hear It Now. With the
theatrical device that has no proper place in rise of television, the idea of a weekly See
journalism, and except for a regular intro- It Now program developed naturally. See It
ductory musical themea few bars from Now went on the air on November 18, 1951,
Aaron Coplands Appalachian Spring with Murrow as its narrator, and on that
that accompanies the display of the C.B.S. first program the producers, to celebrate
Reports title, he permits music only when the recent linking by microwave of the
it happens to be part of the sound of what- East and West Coasts, displayed simulta-
ever scene his people are shooting. neously, by a split-screen technique, live
shots of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
C.B.S. Reports is a more or less direct In the seven years of the programs exis-
outgrowth of See It Now, which Friendly tence, Friendly, who had already formed
began producing jointly with Edward the habit of, as Murrow puts it, taking off
R. Murrow on a half-hour, once-a-week without warming his motors, charged all
basis in 1951. See It Now began as a sort of over the world with his one-ton pencil in
weekly television news review. Although pursuit of reality:to Ann Arbor, Michigan,
in the early days its production methods on the day the discovery of polio vaccine
were crude by Friendlys present stan- was announced, for an interview with
dards, it was the first television docu- Dr. Jonas Salk; to the waters of Israel,
mentary series of any consequence that where he ordered his men to light up the
attempted to deal with current affairs. Sea of Galilee by night in order to pho-
Previously, Friendlys experience with tograph nocturnal fishermen at work; to
the airwaves had been confined mostly to Berlin; to Suez; to a meeting hall in Pine,
The One-Ton Pencil 457

Colorado, where voters were assembled Force reversed its findings on Lieutenant
for a school-bond election; to Stagg Field, Radulovich a few weeks later, and restored
in Chicago, for a gathering of nuclear him to active duty. In 1954, during the hey-
scientists; and to any other spot he could day of McCarthyism, Murrow and Friendly
think of where some sort of social or tech- struck a further blow for civil liberties with
nological upheaval was going on. His their acidulous study of the methods used
cameras took notes on interviews with all by McCarthy in his rise to powera study
sorts of leading figures in the world:with highlighted by a shot of the Senator from
Nehru, in New Delhi; with Nasser, in Wisconsin making a 1952 campaign speech
Cairo (Theres a good picture somewhere against Adlai Stevenson. I perform this
of me lecturing Nasser, Friendly says); unpleasant task, the shot caught McCarthy
with Ben-Gurion, in Israel; with Chou saying, because the American people are
En-lai, in Rangoon; with Macmillan, in entitled to have the coldly documented his-
London; and with Truman, in Islamorada, tory of this man who says he wants to be
Florida. His cameraman went up in an Air your president. But strangely, Alger Here
Force plane and flew into an atomic cloud the Senator paused, and the crowd roared.
over Yucca Flat, Nevada, to give viewers I mean, Adlai The crowd laughed
an idea of what radioactive fallout looked again, briefly; then, in the ensuing quiet,
like from the inside. They went overseas McCarthy became seized by wave after wave
on good-will tours that included a tour of hysterical giggles, which Murrow and
of India by Marian Anderson, a tour of Friendly coolly held on screen until the last,
North Africa, Turkey, and Israel by Danny painful spasm died away. McCarthy struck
Kaye, and a tour of West Africa by Louis back a couple of weeks later, in air time
Armstrong. that the network made available to him, but
In domestic waters, Murrow and there is little doubt that the first program
Friendly (Murrow on the bridge; Friendly rubbed some of the varnish from the shield
running the engine roomthats the work- of McCarthyism. Within a few days of the
ing relationship they had, a C.B.S. man Murrow-Friendly broadcast, C.B.S. had
recalls) sailed into the area of political received a hundred thousand responses,
controversyan area that television up to by wire, mail, and telephone, most of them
then had timorously avoidedby taking up favorable, although a few were highly
matters having to do with civil liberties. In abusive. As for the C.B.S. managements
1953, for example, they espoused the cause attitude toward the program, Friendly indi-
of Milo Radulovich, a U.S. Air Force Reserve cates that the brass looked the other way in
lieutenant who, although nobody questioned embarrassmentin fact, it refused to place
his personal loyalty, had been officially des- newspaper ads announcing the documen-
ignated as a security risk, suspended from tary, whereupon Murrow and Friendly, to
the Air Force Reserve, and recommended insure that it would be widely viewed, pre-
for dismissal, because of political activities pared ads of their own and paid for them
that his sister had engaged in and because out of their own pockets. The morning
his father had subscribed to a pro-Tito after the McCarthy show, Friendly says,
Serbian-language newspaper. In a half-hour when the newspapers were running ban-
program, Murrow, as narrator, presented the ner headlines about it and the C.B.S.switch-
entire history of the affair and sketched the boards and mail rooms were jammed with
dilemma of a man faced with a particularly messages from the public about it, Irode up
egregious charge of guilt by association. in the elevator with the man who was then
As a result of the program, which caused in charge of C.B.S. Television. He didnt say
a considerable stir in the press, the Air a word to me on the subjectjust asked
458 Aesthetics of Liberation

me how Id been. In fact, Isuppose Icould the slack with Small World, a program
count on the fingers of one hand all the calls featuring a series of discussions, moder-
we had from upstairs during the seven years ated by Murrow, between people in differ-
that See It Now was on theair. ent parts of the world, who conversed by
From 1951 to 1955, See It Now was spon- means of a radio or telephone hookup while
sored by the Aluminum Corporation of cameras recorded each end of the conver-
America, which Friendly has described as sation. It was a complicated idea for a pro-
a dream sponsor, meaning that it made gram and a far cry from the documentaries
no attempt to interfere with the editorial that Murrow and Friendly had been doing;
content of the program, however contro- Small World ended, with hardly a mur-
versial it might be. But at the end of the mur of protest from anybody, at the close of
195455 season, Alcoa felt it necessary to the 195960 season.
seek a wider audience than it was reach- In the meantime, however, the big quiz
ing with the Murrow-Friendly show, and shows, on which the networks had come
withdrew its sponsorship. See It Now never to rely so heavily, were blowing up in their
had another full-time sponsor. Scores of faces, and, in the accompanying atmo-
potential ones were approached, only to sphere of shock, scandal, and investiga-
shy away at the thought of advertising on a tion, the again became
program that not only had a relatively small aware of the virtues of the television docu-
network audience but regularly dealt with mentary. In 1959, Frank Stanton, the presi-
controversial subject matter, and particu- dent of C.B.S., revived See It Now under
larly with such controversial subject matter the name of C.B.S. Reports, and installed
as McCarthyism. The, Friendly, who had managed to keep most
too, although it frequently trumpeted the of his old staff together, as executive pro-
virtues of See It Now in institutional adver- ducer of the series. (Murrow, who had been
tising and in reports to Congress and the at odds with Stanton over various matters
Federal Communications Commission and who had already announced his plans
on its record of public-service program- to take a sabbatical leave for a year, was not
ming, apparently took a lukewarm attitude appointed co-producer, although he later
toward the program. After a good show, appeared as reporter-narrator on a num-
we would sit and wait for a phone call from ber of C.B.S. Reports programs. Early last
upstairs, and for years it never seemed to year he resigned from C.B.S. to become
come, Friendly recalls. The end came in director of the United States Information
1958, when the networks were making a Agency.)
killing in the audience-rating books with C.B.S. Reports is a great show-piece for
big-money quiz shows and with dramatic the Because the series
programs purveying sadism and violence has no regular sponsor, and attracts com-
as stock commoditics. The last See It Now paratively few sponsors for its individual
program to go on the air, in July, 1958, programs in the course of a season, it
was called Watch on the Ruhr; it was brings in only about half a million adver-
a documentary on Germanys economic tising dollars, while its production costs
and political resurgence, and it included a come to about two million dollars, and it
memorable sequence of closeups of mem- occupies air time worth about twice that
bers of a German theatre audience watch- sum. Such losses are not matters of exces-
ing the climactic scene in a performance of sive concern to the network, whose income
The Diary of Anne Frank. from the presentation of such shows as
After the demise of See It Now, Murrow Gunsmoke, Have Gun, Will Travel,
and Friendly attempted to take up some of The Twilight Zone, The Garry Moore
The One-Ton Pencil 459

Show, Perry Mason, Rawhide, and one, yet it is one that Friendly stubbornly
The Defenders has helped to raise the holds out against, on the ground that it
net profits before taxes of C.B.S., Inc., from might tempt advertisers to suggest edito-
$9,555,000 in 1950 to $51,335,000 in 1960. rial revisions as a condition of their spon-
Unlike See It Now, which for much of its sorship. Weve lost some pretty good
existence was relegated to what was then sponsors because we wouldnt say wed let
the chronological Siberia of the airwaves, them see shows ahead of time, he says.
late Sunday afternoon or early Sunday eve- A magazine editor would probably kick
ning, C.B.S. Reports is assigned to prime any advertiser right out of his office who
evening time10 to 11 p.m. on Thursdays, wanted an advance look at the articles he
when it is theoretically available to a very was running before he decided to place
large audience. As it happens, though, the an ad. The trouble with TV is that theres
program coincides with N.B.C.s Sing no tradition of independence. It isnt easy
Along with Mitch, which regularly attracts to say no and hear the guy from the sales
about twenty-five million viewers, and department say, O.K., Fred, but your integ-
with A.B.C.s The Untouchables, a pan- rity is going to cost us two hundred thou-
orama of gangland slaughter that has a sand. Just the same, Ithink we have to say
regular audience of about twenty million. no, until it gets to be a habit that everybody
According to the C.B.S. statistical people, accepts. Such pressures for compromise
C.B.S. Reports has an average audience of do not all come from advertisers; they also
six million. come from within the network, which has
What with its audience rating, con- its own commercial position to maintain,
temptible by the standards of the big com- and its relations with its affiliated stations
mercial programs, and its habit of dealing to think of, and which, finally, must meet
with controversial subject matteror, as the tricky F.C.C.requirements concerning
Friendly has put it, of saying upstream the provision of equal time for presentation
thingsC.B.S. Reports has had chronic of opposing points of view on the airwaves.
sponsor trouble. Friendly doesnt quite It was not a particularly new experience for
understand the attitude of the big corpora- Friendly when, last spring, before putting
tions toward sponsoring documentaries. Who Speaks for Birmingham? on the air,
One of these advertisers will come in and he had to attend a series of angry meetings
say he cant sponsor a show that deals with of network brass and defend the program
the problems of segregation, or a show on against the charges of one vice-president
the crisis in Algeria, or a show on radio- that it presented the Birmingham Negroes
active fallout, because he cant risk having in a better light than the whites and it
his corporate image hurt by controversial might possibly mean the loss of some sta-
subject matter. Then hell turn around and tion affiliations in the Deep South. Friendly
sponsor a dramatic series that has nothing even had to defend Howard K. Smiths
but bloodletting and eye-gouging in it, he inclusion at the end of the program of a
says with some puzzlement. Because of line from Edmund Burke that Smith had
the paucity of sponsors, Friendly is under felt applied to the majority of whites in
considerable pressure to make compro- Birmingham: The only thing necessary
mises in dealing with potential ones, the for the triumph of evil is for good men
most frequent demand being that he agree to do nothing. The C.B.S. brass felt that
to let them see programs before they go on the line was prejudicial, uncalled for, and
the air. With other, and more marketable, presumably anti-good men, and ordered it
kinds of program, this is, of course, not struck out. As a result of this and other sub-
only a normal procedure but a mandatory sequent difficulties, Smithwho has said
460 Aesthetics of Liberation

that he had been unhappy with C.B.S.pol- journalistic profession. So far, there seems
icy ever since the time of the quiz scandals, little doubt that his own biggest contribu-
when he was forbidden to deliver a strong tion toward this end, apart from his talent as
commentary on the responsibilities of a producer, has been his effort to establish
networksresigned from C.B.S.and went some sort of reasonable ethical and artistic
over to a news commentator. standards in a business that has generally
In spite of these pressures from within managed to getalong without them. This
and without, Friendly is confident that is a whole new tradition were concerned
television will come into its own as a with, hesays.


In December 1959, Jean Rouch and I were Soviet cinema of the grande epoque and
jurors together at the first international fes- then films such as Le voleur de bicyelette and
tival of ethnographic film in Florence. Upon La terre tremble tried their utmost to make
my return, I wrote an article that appeared certain individuals act out their own lives.
in January 1960 in France Observateur, enti- But they were still missing that particu-
tled For a New Cinma-Vrit. I quote it lar irreducible quality that appears in real
here because it so clearly conveys the inten- life.1 Taking into account all the ambiva-
tions that pushed me to propose to Rouch lences of the real and of the imaginary,
that he make a film not in Africa this time there is in every scene taken from life the
but in France. introduction of a radically new element in
the relationship between viewer andimage.
Newscasts present us with life in its
Sunday best, official, ritualized, men of State
For a New Cinma-Vrit shaking hands, discussions. Once in a while
fate, chance, will place in our field of vision
At this first ethnographic and sociological a shriveled or a beaming face, an accident,
festival of Florence, the Festival dei Popoli, a fragment of truth. This scene taken from
Igot the impression that a new cinma-vrit life is most often a scene taken from death.
was possible. Iam referring to the so-called As a general rule, the camera is too heavy,
documentary film and not to fictional film. it is not mobile enough, the sound equip-
Of course, it is through fictional films that ment cant follow the action, and what is live
the cinema has attained and continues escapes or closes up. Cinema needs a set,
to attain its most profound truths: truths a staged ceremony, a halt to life. And then
about the relations between lovers, parents, everyone masqueradesequipped with a
friends; truths about feelings and passions; supplementary mask on the camera.
truths about the emotional needs of the Cinema cannot penetrate the depth of
viewer. But there is one truth that cannot be daily life as it is really lived. There remains
captured by fictional films, and that is the the resource of the camera-thief, like that
authenticity of life as it islived. of Dziga Vertov, camouflaged in a car and
462 Aesthetics of Liberation

stealing snatches of life from the streets;2 customary technical encumbrances and
or like the film Nice Time, stealing kisses, equipped only with a 16mm camera and a
smiles, people waiting outside Picadilly tape recorder slung-actoss his shoulders,
Circus. But they cant be seized or caught Rouch can then infltrate a community as a
like scattered snapshots. There remains the person and not as the director of a film crew.
resource of camouflaging the camera behind He accepts the clumsiness, the absence of
plate glass, as in the Czechoslovakian docu- dimensional sound, the imperfection of the
mentary Les enfants nous parlent, but indis- visual image. In accepting the loss of formal
cretion seems to halt the filmmaker just as aesthetic, he discovers virgin territory, a life
he becomesaspy. that possesses aesthetic secrets within itself.
Cinma-vrit was thus at an impasse if it His ethnographers conscience prevents
wanted to capture the truth of human rela- him from betraying the truth, from embel-
tions in real life. What it could seize were lishing upon it.
the work and actions in the field or the fac- What Rouch did in Africa has now
tory; there was the world of machines and begun in our own Western civilization. On
technology, there were the great masses the Bowery penetrates the real society of
of humanity in motion. It is, in fact, this drunkards, who are really drunk, and the
direction that was chosen by Joris Ivens, live location sound recording puts us right
for example, or the English documentary in the middle of a live take on what is really
school of Grierson. happening. Of course, it is relatively easy
There were some successful break- to film drunken men who are not bothered
throughs into the peasant world, as in by the presence of a camera among them.
Henri Storcks La symphonie paysanne Of course we stay on the margin of real
and Georges Rouquiers Le farrebique. The everyday life. But, The Lambeth Boys tries
filmmaker entered a community and suc- to show us what young people really are
ceeded in revealing something of its life like at play. This could have been achieved
to us. There were some equally extraordi- only through participant observation,
nary breakthroughs into the world of the the integration of the filmmaker into the
sacred and of ceremonies, for example, youth clubs, and at the price of a thousand
Rouquiers Lourdes and Jean Rouchs Les imperfections, or rather of the abandon-
matres fous. But documentary cinema as a ment of ordinary framing rules. But this
whole remained outside human beings, giv- type of reporting opens up a prodigiously
ing up the battle with fictional film over this difficult new route to us. We have the feel-
terrain. ing that the documentary wants to leave
Is there anything new today? We got the world of production in order to show
the impression at Florence that there was us the world of consumption, to leave the
a new movement to reinterrogate man by world of the bizarre or the picturesque in
means of cinema, as in The Lambeth Boys, order to research the world of intimacy
a documentary on a youth club in London in human relations, or the essence of
(awarded a prize at Tours); or On the Bowery, ourlives.
a documentary on the drunkards in a sec- The new cinma-vrit in search of itself
tion of New York; or The Hunters, a docu- possesses from now on its camera-pen,
mentary on the Bushmen; and, of course, which allows an author to draft his film
the already well known films of JeanRouch. alone (16mm camera and portable tape
The great merit of Jean Rouch is that recorder in hand). It had its pioneers,
he has defined a new type of filmmaker, those who wanted to penetrate beyond
the filmmaker-diver, who plunges into appearances, beyond defenses, to enter the
real-life situations.3 Ridding himself of the unknown world of daily life.
Chronicle ofa Film 463

Its true father is doubtless much more everywhere and is, nonetheless, within us.
Robert Flaherty than Dziga Vertov. Nanook More than in social drama, this psychoana-
revealed, in a certain way, the very bedrock lytic truth is played for the audience, which
of all civilization:the tenacious battle of man emerges from its cinematographic catalepsy
against nature, draining, tragic, but finally and awakens to a human message. It is then
victorious. We rediscovered this Flahertian that we can feel for a moment that truth is
spirit in The Hunters, where preIron Age that which is hidden within us, beneath
Bushmen chase game that escapesthem.4 our petrified relationships. It is then that
We chose this film for an award not modern cinema can realize, and it can
only for its fundamental human truth but only realize it through cinma-vrit, that
also because this truth suddenly revealed lucid consciousness of brotherhood where
to us our inconceivable yet certain kinship the viewer finds himself to be less alien to
with that tough and tenacious humanity, his fellow man, less icy and inhuman, less
while all other films have shown us its encrusted in a falselife.
exotic foreignness. The honesty of this
ethnographic film makes it a hymn to the In Florence Iproposed to Rouch that he do
human race. Can we now hope for equally a film on love, which would be an antidote
human films, about workers, the petite to La Franaise et lamour, in preparation at
bourgeoisie, the petty bureaucrats, about that time. When we met again in February
the men and women of our enormous in Paris, I abandoned this project, as it
cities? Must these people remain more seemed too difficult, and I suggested this
foreign to us than Nanook the Eskimo, simple theme: How do you live? a ques-
the fisherman of Aran, or the Bushman tion that should encompass not only the
hunter? Cant cinema be one of the means way of life (housing, work) but also How
of breaking the membrane that isolates do you manage in life? and What do you
each of us from others in the metro, on the do with yourlife?
street, or on the stairway of the apartment Rouch accepted. But we had to find a pro-
building? The quest for a new cinma-vrit ducer. Ilaid out the idea in two minutes to
is at the same time a quest for a cinema of Anatole Dauman (Argos Films), whom Ihad
brotherhood.5 recently met. Seduced by the combination
P.S. Make no mistake. It is not merely of Rouch and How do you live? Dauman
a question of giving the camera the light- replied laconically, Ill buy it. Ithen wrote
ness of the pen that would allow the film- the following synopsis for the filming autho-
maker to mingle in the lives of people. It is rization, which we had to request of the CNC
at the same time a question of making an (Centre National de la Cinmatographie).
effort to see that the subjects of the film will
recognize themselves in their own roles. This film is research. The context of this
We know that there is a profound kinship research is Paris. It is not a fictional film.
between social life and the theater, because This research concerns real life. This is not
our social personalities are made up of roles a documentary film. This research does not
that we have incorporated within ourselves. aim to describe; it is an experiment lived by
It is thus possible, as in a sociodrama, its authors and its actors. This is not, strictly
to permit each person to play out his life speaking, a sociological film. Sociological
before the camera.6 And as in a sociodrama, film researches society. It is an ethnological
this game has the value of psychoanalytic film in the strong sense of the term:it stud-
truth, that is to say, precisely that which is ies mankind.
hidden or repressed comes to the surface in It is an experiment in cinematographic
these roles, the very sap of life that we seek interrogation. How do you live? That is to
464 Aesthetics of Liberation

say, not only the way of life (housing, work, and characters. This is one of the richest
leisure) but the style of life, the attitude peo- and least-exploited universes of cinemato-
ple have toward themselves and toward oth- graphic expression.
ers, their means of conceiving their most At the end of our research, we will gather
profound problems and the solutions to our characters together; most of them will
those problems. This question ranges from not yet have met each other; some will have
the most basic, everyday, practical problems become acquainted partially or by chance.
to an investigation of man himself, without We will show them what has been filmed so
wanting, a priori, to favor one or the other far (at a stage in the editing that has not yet
of these problems. Several lines of ques- been determined) and in doing so attempt
tioning stand out: the search for happiness; the ultimate psychodrama, the ultimate
is one happy or unhappy; the question of explication. Did each of them learn some-
well-being and the question of love; equilib- thing about himself or herself? Something
rium or lack thereof; stability or instability; about the others? Will we be closer to each
revolt or acceptance. other, or will there just be embarrassment,
This investigation is carried out with irony, skepticism? Were we able to talk about
men and women of various ages, of various ourselves? Can we talk to others? Did our
backgrounds (office workers, laborers, mer- faces remain masks? However, whether we
chants, intellectuals, worldly people, etc.) reach success or failure in communications
and will concentrate on a certain number of during this final confrontation, the success
individuals (six to ten) who are quite differ- is enough, and the failure is itself a provi-
ent from each other, although none of these sional response, as it shows how difficult it is
individuals could rightly be considered a to communicate and in a way enlightens us
general socialtype. about the truth we are seeking. In either case,
Considering this approach, we could the ambition of this film is that the question
call this film two authors in search of six that came from the two author-researchers
characters. This Pirandellian movement of and was incarnated by means of the real
research will be sensitive and will serve as individuals throughout the film will project
the dynamic springboard for the film. The itself on the theater screen, and that each
authors themselves mingle with the charac- viewer will ask himself the questions How
ters; there is not a moat on either side of the do you live? and What do you do in your
camera but free circulation and exchanges. life? There will be no THE END but an
The characters assist in the search, then dis- open to be continued for each one.
sociate themselves, then return to it, and
so on. Certain centers of interest are local- In the course of subsequent discussions,
ized (a certain caf or group of friends) or Dauman, Rouch, and Ireach an agreement
are polarized (the problems of couples or of to proceed with some trial runs. Ipropose
breadwinning). some dinners in a private home (this will
Our images will no doubt unveil gestures be in Marcelines apartment). The starting
and attitudes in work, in the street, in daily principle will be commensality, that is, that
life, but we will try to create a climate of in the course of excellent meals washed
conversation, of spontaneous discussions, down with good wines, we will entertain
which will be familiar and free and in which a certain number of people from different
the profound nature of our characters and backgrounds, solicited for the film.7 The
their problems will emerge. Our film will meal brings them together with the film
not be a matter of scenes acted out or of technicians (cameraman, sound recordist,
interviews but of a sort of psychodrama grips) and should create an atmosphere of
carried out collectively among authors camaraderie. At a certain given moment, we
Chronicle ofa Film 465

will start filming. The problem is to lift peo- Later on, once the editing had begun,
ples inhibitions, the timidity provoked by Rouch and Iwould be interviewed by France
the film studio and cold interviews, and to Observateur. This interview conveys our dif-
avoid as much as possible the sort of game ferences as well as our agreement, as evi-
where each person, even if he doesnt play a denced in the following extract:
role determined by someone else, still com-
poses a character for himself. This method What is the importance of the editing of this
aims to make each persons reality emerge. film, given that you have twenty-five hours of
In fact, the commensality, bringing together rushes?
individuals who like and feel camaraderie
with each other, in a setting that is not the rouch: Theres the crucial point! We are
film studio but a room in an apartment, cre- in conflict, Edgar and Ia temporary and
ates a favorable climate for communication. fruitful conflict, Ihope. My position is the
Once filming begins, the actors at the following: The interest of this story is the
table, isolated by the lighting but sur- film; its the chronology and evolution of
rounded by friendly witnesses, feel as the people as a function of the film. The
though they are in a sort of intimacy. When subject itself is not very interesting. It is
they allow themselves to be caught up in the difficult to bring together the testimonies,
questions, they descend progressively and because they are often heterogeneous.
naturally into themselves. It is pretty diffi- There are people who cheat a little, others
cult to analyze what goes on. It is, in a way, not at all. To bring together their testimo-
the possibility of a confessional but without nies would be to falsify the truth. Ill take
a confessor, the possibility of a confession a simple example: we asked people one
to all and to no one, the possibility of being a question, among others, What do you
bit of onesself. think of your work? Most of these people
This experience also takes on meaning said they were bored in their jobs. The
for the person being questioned because it is reasons they give are very different: intel-
destined for the cinema, that is to say, for iso- lectual reasons, sentimental, physical rea-
lated individuals in a dark theater, invisible sons, et cetera. Bringing these reasons
and anonymous, but present. The prospect together, in my opinion, is less interesting
of being televised, on the other hand, would than the individuals themselves and find-
not provoke such internal liberation, because ing out the motives behind their responses.
then it is no longer a matter of addressing There are some marvelous contradictions
everyone and no one, but a matter of address- in certain scenes of the film; sometimes
ing people who are eating, talking. people contradict themselves in a fantastic
Of course, no question is prepared in way. For example, Anglo, the worker who
advance. And everything must be impro- has been let go by Renault, is talking with
vised. I propose to approach, through a Landry, the young African. Landry says to
certain number of characters, the problem him: Youre at Renault? Ah, its well
of work (the laborers), of housing and vaca- known in Africa, the Renault Company!
tions (the Gabillons), of the difficulty of liv- You dont see anything else 1,000 kilos,
ing (Marceline, Marilou). Rouch chooses the DauphinesAnd all of a sudden Anglo,
technicians: the cameraman Morillre, who before even replying, breaks into a smile
works with him at the Muse de lHomme, and says: Oh yeah? Youve heard of the
the sound recordist Roph, the electrician Rnault Company? Its inimitable!
Moineau. We start at the end of May, as soon So from the point of view of editing, my
as Rouch finishes La pyramide humaine. idea is the following:with some rare excep-
[] tions, it is almost impossible to upset the
466 Aesthetics of Liberation

filming order. The people evolved in such cinema. In fictional cinema, the private
a way that, if we want to become attached problems of individuals are dealt with:love,
to them, it is necessary to show them as passion, anger, hatred; in documentary film
a function of their evolution. In fact, the until now only subjects external to the indi-
whole film was conceived that way. Thats vidual are dealt with: objects, machines,
how Isee the film. And thats why Icenter countrysides, social themes.
it on the summer: it begins in spring and Jean and Iagree at least on one point:that
ends in autumn. Its the evolution of a cer- we must make a film that is totally authen-
tain number of people throughout events tic, as true as a documentary, but with the
that could have been essential but were not. same concepts as fictional film, that is, the
We thought in the spring that the summer contents of subjective life, of peoples exis-
of 1960 would be essential for France. It tence. In the end, this is what fascinatesme.
wasnt, but even with this sort of disappoint- Another thing that fascinates me on the
ment, this evolution is nonetheless, to my theme of cinma-vrit is not just reviving the
mind, the subject of thefilm. ideas of Dziga Vertov or things of that genre,
So the editing that Iam doing at present, butand this is what is really new, from
which can, of course, be changed, is much the technical point of view, in what Jean has
more a chronological editing as a function saidit is that cinma-vrit can be an authen-
of the filming than editing as a function of tic talking cinema. It is perhaps the first time
the subject or of the different subjects dealt that we will really end up with a sketch of
with in the filming. talking cinema. The words burst forth at the
very moment when things are seenwhich
morin:Ithink that we must try to maintain does not occur with postsynchronization.
in the editing a plurality. The great difficulty
is that there are in fact many themes. What rouch:In the empty Halles, when Marceline
Iwould like is to concentrate this collective is talking about her deportation, she speaks
halo around the characters. In other words, in rhythm with her step; she is influenced
Iwould not, in the end, like to see everything by the setting, and the way she is speaking
reduced to purely individual stories, but is absolutely inimitable. With postsynchro-
rather there should be a dimension, not so nization and the best artist in the world, you
much of the crowd, but of the global problem would never be able to achieve that unre-
of life in Paris, of civilization, and soforth. lenting rhythm of someone walking in a
What Iwould like is that at every moment place likethat.
we feel that the characters are neither film
heroes as in ordinary cinema nor symbols morin:In addition, it is a film where there
as in a didactic film, but human beings are no fistfights, no revolver shots, not even
who emerge from their collective life. What any kisses, or hardly any. The action, in the
Iwould like is not to situate individualities end, is the word. Action is conveyed by dia-
as we see them in normal filmsin classi- logues, disputes, conversations. What inter-
cal, fictional narrative filmswhere there ests me is not a documentary that shows
are characters and some story happens to appearances but an active intervention to
those characters. Iwould like to talk about cut across appearances and extract from
the individual characters in order to go on to them their hidden or dormant truths.
a more general problem and then come back
from the general problem to the individual. rouch: Another extraordinary thing that
This means doing a sort of cinma-vrit youve forgotten, and thats understandable,
that would overcome the fundamental oppo- is the poetic discovery of things through
sition between fictional and documentary the film. For example: a worker, Anglo,
Chronicle ofa Film 467

leaves the Renault factory, takes the bus We must also express our gratitude to
to go home, and gets off at Petit-Clamart. Anatole Dauman. Thanks to Argos Film,
To get to his house, he has to climb up a Rouch and Iwere able to carry out decisive
stairway, an unbelievable stairway, and this experiments in our respective researches.
ascentafter all, its only a worker on his It is thus impossible to dissociate the
way homebecomes a sort of poeticdrama. Argonauts from cinma-vrit.
This film, which is slipping away from
morin: Our common base is that neither us, now appears before critics and viewers.
one of us conceives of this film as merely It presents us once again with problems,
sociological or merely ethnographic or indeed with new problems. These are not
merely aesthetic, but really like a total and aesthetic problems but questions more
diffuse thing that is at the same time a docu- directly related to life. Because unlike other
ment, an experience lived by each person, films, the spectator is not so much judg-
and a research of their contact. ing a work as judging other human beings,
[] namely, Anglo, Marceline, Marilou,
Jean-Pierre, me, Rouch. They judge us as
human beings, but in addition they attach
Post-Chronicle this moral or affective judgment to their aes-
thetic judgment. For example, if a spectator
Chronicle of a Summer is finished. It is already doesnt like one of us, he will find that per-
slipping away from us. Lately we are free to son stupid, insincere, a ham; hell reproach
add a postscript, for example, to take the the character for being at the same time a
unused film to make one or two supplemen- bad actor and an unlikable individual. This
tary films that could be shown in cin-clubs. confusion of levels at first upsets us but
Or maybe we could establish a long version reassures us at the same time, because it
(four hours), again for the cin-clubs or for expresses the weakness and the virtue of
private showings. Maybe we will do it, but this film. It shows us that, no matter what,
the film is slipping away from us, that is to though we have been doing cinema, we
say, we must accept it as is. have also done something else: we have
As for me, Iam divided between two con- overflowed the bounds of cinma-spectacle,
tradictory feelings. On the one hand, Ifeel of cinma-theater, while at the same time
dissatisfaction in view of what Ihad ideally sounding the depths of its possibilities; we
hoped for; on the other hand, I feel deep are also a part of this confused and jumbled
contentment at having lived this experi- thing calledlife.
ence, adhering to the compromise that such This film is a hybrid, and this hydridness
an accomplishment presupposes. Without is as much the cause of its infirmity as of its
Rouch, the film would have been impossi- interrogative virtue.
ble for me, not only because it was Rouchs The first contradiction holds in the
name that convinced the producer to try the changeover from real time to cinemato-
adventure, but also and above all because graphic time. Of course the real time is not
his presence was indispensable for me, the total time, since we were not filming all
and there again not only from the techni- the time. In other words, there was already a
cal point of view but also from the personal sort of selection in the filming; but the edit-
point of view. Although intellectually Ican ing obliges us to make a selection, a more
distinguish what differentiates us, I can- difficult composition, more treacherous.
not practically dissociate this curious pair We choose the times that we find the most
we formed, like Jerry Lewis-Dean Martin, significant or the most powerful; of course,
Erckman-Chatrian, or Roux-Combaluzier. this theatricalizes life. On top of that, the
468 Aesthetics of Liberation

close-up accentuates dramatization. In fact projective test. We have only provided a few
there is more tension in seeing close-ups of pieces of a puzzle that is missing most of
Marilou, Marceline, or Jean-Pierre than in its parts. Thus each viewer reconstructs a
being present in the scene itself, because the whole as a function of his own projections
close-up of the face concentrates, captures, and identifications.
fascinates. But above all we realize that As a result, while this film was intended
though the editing can improve everything to involve the viewer, it involves him in
that does not develop through the length of an unforeseen manner. I believed that
the film, it also weakens and perverts the the viewers would be involved if they
very substance of what happened in real time asked themselves the question How do
(the jetty at Saint Tropez, Marilou unhappy, you live? In fact, the reactions are more
or Marceline on August 15, for example). diverse, and this diversity is not just the
Additionally, the compromise that Rouch diversity of aesthetic judgments; it is a
and Imade on the characters works to their diversity in attitudes toward others, toward
detriment. The viewer will not know them truth, toward what one has the right to say,
well enough, and yet will arrive at a global and what one should notsay.
judgment on their personalities; they are This diversity marks our failure as well
sufficiently (i.e., too) individualized to avoid as our success. Failure, because we did
such judgment. Thus Jean-Pierre, Marilou, not come away with the sympathy of the
Marceline, Anglo, Gabillon will be per- majority, because, thinking we were clari-
ceived globally by means of mere fragments fying human problems, we provoked mis-
of themselves. understandings, even obscuring reactions.
These judgments, as in life, will be Success, because to a certain degree Rouch
hasty, superficial, rash. I am amazed that and Igave these characters the chance to
what should inspire esteem for Jean-Pierre speak and because, to a certain degree,
or Marilou, namely, their admission of we gave the public a liberty of apprecia-
egoism or egocentrism (egoism for tion that is unusual in cinema. We did not
Jean-Pierre; I reduce everything to my merely play the divine role of authors who
own terms for Marilou), will paradoxically speak through the mouths of their charac-
produce a pejorative judgment of them. It ters and show the public the sentiments
seems we have underestimated the hypo- they should feel, their norms of good and
critical reaction, and as a result, I tell bad. It is also because there is this relative
myself that the real comedy, the real ham- freedom, and not only because we filmed
ming, the spectacle, takes place among the under the least cinema-like conditions pos-
petit bourgeois who play at virtue, decency, sible, that we have approached the cinema
health, and who pretend to give lessons of life. But in approaching thus we have
intruth. also approached all the confusion oflife.
But I must not let myself follow that mis- We have also modified the relationship
erable downslide of the human mind that between actor and spectator, which is like
always transfers blame to others. Errors in the relationship between an unseen God
judgment of which the characters in the film and a passive communicant. We have
are victims are provoked because we both emerged from mystery, we have shown
over- and underindividualized our charac- ourselves, present, fallible, men among
ters, because certain tensions whose origins others, and we have provoked the viewer
are unclear emerge in the course of the film, to judge as a humanbeing.
because there is a whole submerged dimen- Whether or not we wanted it so, this
sion that will remain unknown to the pub- film is a hybrid, a jumble, and all the
lic. Without intending to, we have created a errors of judgment have in common the
Chronicle ofa Film 469

desire to attach a label to this enterprise realization and named ideal types). For
and to confront it with this label. The label Freud, the abnormal reveals the normal
sociology: is this a film that (a) wants to as one exacerbates that which exists in the
be sociological, (b) is sociological? Those latent or camouflaged state of theother.
for whom sociology signifies a survey of If a good part of the films viewers refuse,
public opinion on a cross-section sample reject, or expel from themselves what they
of the population, that is to say, those who consider a pathological case that is in no
know nothing about sociology, say: We are way representative or significant, this indi-
being tricked, this isnt a sociological film, cates not an error in our method but rather
the authors are dishonest. But we have in the difficulties involved in consciousness
no way presented this film under the label of certain fundamental givens of being
ethnographic or sociological. I also do human. The real question is not whether
not see why film critic Louis Marcorelles Marilou, Anglo, Marceline, and Jean-Pierre
denounces my false sociological pres- are rare or exceptional cases but whether
tiges. I never introduce myself as a soci- they raise profound and general problems,
ologist, neither in the film, nor in real, life, such as job alienation, the difficulty of living,
and I have no prestige among sociologists. loneliness, the search for faith. The question
We have not once, to my knowledge, pro- is to know whether the film poses funda-
nounced the word sociology in this film. mental questions, subjective and objective,
Our banner has been cinma-vrit, and Ill that concern life in our society.
get to that. Our enterprise is more diffuse,
more broadly human.
Lets say to simplify things that were Psychoanalysis, Therapy,
talking about an enterprise that is both
ethnographic and existential: ethno-
graphic in the sense that we try to inves- I have written that in certain conditions
tigate that which seems to go without the eye of the camera is psychoanalytical; it
saying, that is, daily life; existential in that looks into the soul. Critics have reproached
we knew that each person could be emo- us for doing false psychoanalysis, that is,
tionally involved in this research. Any of knowing nothing about psychoanalysis.
filmmaker could have posed the question Here we are dealing with a myth of psycho-
How do you live?, but we wanted this analysis, just as there is a myth of sociology.
interrogation to be minimally sociological. Psychoanalysis is a profession and a doc-
This minimum is not just an opinion poll, trine with multiple tendencies, all strongly
which not only achieves only superficial structured. Our venture is foreign to psy-
results when dealing with profound prob- choanalysis understood in its professional
lems but also is totally inadequate for our and structured sense but does go in the
enterprise. This minimum is first of all a direction of the ideas that psychoanalysis
preliminary reflection on the sociology of has helped to bring into focus. Otherwise
work and daily life. Next it is an attitude we have gambled on the possibility of using
that is engraved in one of the fundamental cinema as a means of communication, and
lines of human sciences since Marx, Max the therapeutic idea of our plan is that all
Weber, and Freud. To simplify:for Marx, it communication can be liberation. Of course
is crisis that is revealing, not normal states. Iwas aware, and am even more aware since
For Max Weber, a situation is understood the film has been screened, of all the dif-
by starting not at a middle ground but with ficulties of communication, the boomer-
extreme types (which Weber constructed ang risks of malevolent interpretations or
theoretically by the method of utopian of scornful indifference; I know that those
470 Aesthetics of Liberation

Iwanted recognized were sometimes disre- us risks the destiny of others in the name
garded. Iknow that if Iwere to do it again, of their interests and their morals. The ulti-
I would do it differently, but I also know mate problem is that of each of our own
that Iwould do it. And Ireaffirm this prin- morals.
ciple: things that are hidden, held back,
silenced, must be spoken; J. J. Rousseau
is worth more than Father Dupanloup; Bourgeois or RevolutionaryFilm?
Lady Chatterleys Lover is worth more than
This film is infrapolitical and infrareligious.
the censorship that prohibited it. We suf-
There is a whole zone left unexplored by the
fer more from silencing the essential than
film. If we had been believers, we would not
from speaking.
have neglected belief. On the political level,
The need to communicate is one of the
the question is different. We did not want,
greatest needs that ferment in our society;
for example, to present the worker problem
the individual is atomized in what Riesman
at the level of political or union affiliations
has called the lonely crowd. In this film
or of salary claims, because conditions of
there is an examination of stray, clumsy
industrial work should be questioned at
communication, which our censors have
a deeper, more radical level. Taking into
called exhibitionism or shamelessness. But
account this infrapoliticism, we were the
where is the shame? Certainly not in those
only ones in filmmaking to question the
who make themselves the crude and osten-
war in Algeria and to thus attack the central
tatious spokesmen of shame: shame does
political problem of thehour.
not have such impudence.
It was possible to judge this film vari-
But finally one question is asked: do
ously: reactionary or revolutionary, bour-
we have the right to drag people into such
geois or leftist. Idont want to get dragged
an enterprise? I will answer that it is first
into defining right now what Iunderstand
a matter of characterizing this enterprise,
by reactionary, bourgeois, Left; nor to
that is to say, the risks it involves. Is it an
polemicize with those who find the film
enterprise of vivisection or poisoned psy-
reactionary. Iwould say only that the mean-
choanalysis? Or is it, on the contrary, a
ing of the film is clear if one conceives of
game of no importance? Does it involve the
it as contesting both the reigning values of
same sort of risks as taking passengers in a
bourgeois society and Stalinist or pseudo-
car on vacation roads or leading an expedi-
progressive stereotypes.
tion into a virgin forest? How can they judge
the harmful consequences, those who know
neither Marilou, nor Anglo, nor the oth-
Optimism? Pessimism?
ers? Having thought it all out, Id say that
the greatest risk depends on those who criti- It is true that Rouch was naturally carried
cize Anglo, Marilou, et cetera; that is to say, toward what is cheerful and light and that
their inability to love them. Of course we he was the spokesman of life is beauti-
exposed Anglo, Marilou, Marceline, and ful, while I was naturally carried toward
Jean-Pierre to this risk because we overes- what is sad or sorrowful. The reason for
timated the possibilities of friendship. But my quest to approach the difficulties of liv-
even in the case of Marilou and of Jean- ing is not just that happy people have no
Pierre, unknown friends are born tothem. story to tell but also because there are fun-
In the end, anyone who lives with a damental problems that are tragic, pon-
woman, has children, recruits adherents derous, and must be considered. But to
to his party, whoever lives and undertakes confront these problems is not to despair.
anything makes others take risks. Each of What disheartens me, on the contrary, is
Chronicle ofa Film 471

that everyone who is not subjected to the Cinma-vrit: this means that we
piecework without responsibility or initia- wanted to eliminate fiction and get closer
tive, that is, typical of the laborer or the to life. This means that we wanted to situ-
civil servant, readily takes it for granted. ate ourselves in a lineage dominated by
What disheartens me are those people Flaherty and Dziga Vertov. Of course this
resigned to the artificial, shabby, frivolous term cinma-vrit is daring, pretentious; of
life that is given to them well defined. course there is a profound truth in works
What disheartens me are those who make of fiction as well as in myths. At the end
themselves comfortable in a world where of the film, the difficulties of truth, which
Marceline, Marilou, Jean-Pierre, and had not been a problem in the beginning,
Anglo are nothappy. became apparent to me. In other words, I
That these may be my problems, that thought that we would start from a basis of
my problems should have taken form in truth and that an even greater truth would
this film (at least in an elementary fashion), develop. Now I realize that if we achieved
does not mean that they cease to exist inde- anything, it was to present the problem
pendently of me. That I may have difficul- of the truth. We wanted to get away from
ties in life, that Imay not really be able to comedy, from spectacles, to enter into
adaptthis does not necessarily mean that direct contact with life. But life itself is also
Icannot step outside of myself; it may also a comedy, a spectacle. Better (or worse)
sensitize me to the problems of others. In yet: each person can only express him-
any case I drew two optimistic lessons self through a mask, and the mask, as in
from this experience. First, an increased Greek tragedy, both disguises and reveals,
faith in adolescent virtues: denial, strug- becomes the speaker. In the course of the
gle, and seeking. In other words, Anglo, dialogues, each one was able to be more
Jean-Pierre, Marilou, and Marceline have real than in daily life, but at the same time
inspired me to resist the bourgeois life. The more false.
second is the conviction that every time it is This means that there is no given truth
possible to speak to someone about essen- that can simply be deftly plucked, without
tial things, consciousness is awakened, withering it (this is, at the most, spontane-
man awakens. Everyone, the man in the ity). Truth cannot escape contradictions,
street, the unknown, hides within himself a since there are truths of the unconscious
poet, a philosopher, a child. In other words, and truths of the conscious mind; these
I believe more than ever that we must two truths contradict each other. But just as
relentlessly deal with the person, denying every victory carries its own defeat, so every
something in the person, revealing some- failure can bring its own defeat. If the viewer
thing in the person. who rejects the film asks himself, Where is
the truth?, then the failure of How do you
live? is clear; but maybe we have brought
Cinma-Vrit? out a concern for the truth. No doubt this
film is an examination whose emphasis has
Finally we come to the problem of been misplaced. The fundamental ques-
cinma-vrit. How do we dare speak of a tion that we wanted to pose was about the
truth that has been chosen, edited, pro- human condition in a given social setting
voked, oriented, deformed? Where is the and at a given moment in history. It was a
truth? Here again the confusion comes How do you live? that we addressed to the
from those who take the term cinma-vrit viewer. Today the question comes from the
as an affirmation, a guarantee sticker, and viewer who asks, Where is the truth? If for
not as a research. a minority of viewers the second question
472 Aesthetics of Liberation

does not follow the first, then we have both equipment does indeed look like a deep-sea diver or
like an interstellar voyager, but one who navigates in
supplied something and received some- a non-silentworld.
thing. Something that should be pursued 4. The Hunters, produced by the team of the Film
and thoroughly investigated. To live without Center of the Peabody Museum (Harvard
University), comprising John Marshall, Professor
renouncing something is difficult. Truth is Brew, and Robert Gardner.
long-suffering. 5. The French is cinma de fraternit.Ed.
6. This notion of the play of truth and life before the
camera, pointed out by Edgar in 19591960, is
Notes a capital one. Starting, no doubt, at the moment
when Edgar sensed it in the drafts presented in
1. The French is pris sur Je vif.Ed. Florence, it has been possible to pursue this play,
2. In fact it seems to me that the camera-eye no longer with only men who are alien to our
experiments by Dziga Vertov and his friends ran culture (thus brothers to the spectator). From
up against equipment that was too heavy and this contact in Florence carne the experience of
difficult to handle. The camera in the street was Chronicle of a Summer.
visible to those it filmed, and this seemed to the 7. At the beginning, this fine meal idea was destined
authors to invalidate its result since then both more than anything to satisfy the demonic
technical manageability and peoples reactivity to gourmandise of Morin, thus to get him in the
the camera have evolved considerably. We must also mood for conversation. In fact it allowed a feeling
mention Jean Vigo, whose propos de Nice is quite a of trust to develop among the actors and the crew,
fascinating endeavor. which was indispensable for suppressing inhibitions
3. This image of the filmmaker-diver has always before the camera (always present and ready to
pleased (and flattered) me. The filmmaker with his record at any moment).

IS BLACK(2003)

The Iranian New Wave is not one but many (1973). But Id like to propose a lesser-known
potential movements, each one with a short film preceding all of these, Forugh
somewhat different time frame and honor Farrokhzads The House Is Black (1962)a
roll. Although I started hearing this term twenty-two-minute documentary about a
in the early 1990s, around the same time leper colony outside Tabriz, the capital of
Ifirst became acquainted with the films of Azerbaijan. For Mohsen Makhmalbaf, it is
Abbas Kiarostami, it only started kicking in the best Iranian film [to have] affected the
for me as a genuine movementthat is, contemporary Iranian cinema, despite (or
a discernible tendency in terms of social maybe because) of the fact that Farrokhzad
and political concern, poetics, and overall never went to a college to study cinema.3 It
qualitytowards the end of that decade. is also, to the best of my knowledge, the first
Some commentatorsincludingMehrnaz Iranian documentary made by a woman. It
Saeed-Vafahave plausibly cited Sohrab won a prize at the Oberhausen Film Festival
Shahid Salesss A Simple Event (1973)1 as a in 1963 and was also shown at the Pesaro
seminal work, and another key founding Film Festival three years later. For me it
gesture, pointing to a quite different defi- is the greatest of all Iranian films, at least
nition and history, would be Kiarostamis among the sixty or seventy that Ive seen to
Close-up (1990).2 Other touchstones would date. More than any other Iranian film that
include Ebrahim Golestans remarkable comes to mind, it highlights the paradoxical
Brick and Mirror (1965), Dariush Mehrjuis and crucial fact that while Iranians continue
The Cow (1969), Massoud Kimias Gheyssar to be among the most demonized people
(1969), and Parviz Kimiavis The Mongols on the planet, Iranian cinema is becoming
474 Aesthetics of Liberation

almost universally recognized as the most on A Firean account of a 1958 oil well fire
ethical, as well as the most humanist. near Ahvaz that lasted over two months until
Farrokhzad (193567)widely regarded an American fire-fighting crew managed
as the greatest of all Iranian women poets to extinguish it. As Michael C. Hillmann
and the greatest Iranian poet of the twen- accurately describes it, the film juxtaposes
tieth century, who died in a car accident at the fire with the sun and moon, flocks of
thirty-twomade The House Is Black, her sheep, villagers eating, harvest time, and
only film, at twenty-seven, working over thelike.
twelve days with a crew of three. The fol- Prior to working on A Fire in 1959,
lowing year, in an interview, she expressed Farrokhzad studied film production as well
deep personal satisfaction with the project as English during a visit to England. Shortly
insofar as she had been able to gain the afterwards, she traveled to Khuzestan
lepers trust and become their friend while and worked on films there in several
among them.4 Imainly want to consider it capacitiesas actress, producer, assistant,
here for its anticipation of the Iranian New and editor.7
Wave as I know it. On a more personal According to Karim Emami, a writer
level, Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa and I worked and translator who worked for Golestan
with three others in subtitling The House Films during this period, her first expe-
Is Black in English prior to its screening rience in handling a movie camera was
at the New York Film Festival in 1997, on shooting streets, oil wells, and petroleum
the same program as Kiarostamis Taste of pumps on a handheld super-8 camera in
Cherry. Agha-Jari, shooting from the interior of a
Though it was dismissed in a single sen- touring caran image that immediately
tence by the New York Timess reviewer, it calls to mind Kiarostami, Taste of Cherry
clearly made a strong impression on many in particular. She also appeared in the
others who saw it there and in subsequent Iranian segments, filmed by Golestan, of
screenings at the annual Robert Flaherty an hour-long 1961 National Film Board of
Seminar and at Chicagos Film Center, Canada TV production, Courtshipa dis-
before the print was returned to the Swiss cussion of the rites of betrothal in four
Cinmathque. The same version is what separate countriesplaying the sister of
is now being released by Facets Video, a working-class bridegroom in Tehran.
and though it doesnt appear to be quite She acted in another Golestan film that
completeone abrupt edit looks like a was never finished called The Sea, and
censors cut, and a few stray details visible another, in 1961, called Water and Heat
in some other versions are missingthis or The View of Water and Fire. She also
is the best version of the film available in made one other film after The House Is
North America.5 Blacka short commercial for the classi-
A few relevant facts about the film: its fied ads page of Kayhan newspaper which
producer, Ebrahim Golestan (born in Emami regards as relatively inconsequen-
1922)also a pioneering filmmaker in his tial.8 She is also said to have worked on
own right, as Ive already noted, as well as still another Golestan film entitled Black
a novelist and translator (who translated, and White, and plays an almost invisible
among other things, stories by Faulkner, cameo in his Brick and Mirrorthe pivotal
Hemingway, and Chekhov into Persian) part of a young mother who abandons her
was Farrokhzads friend and lover for the infant.
last eight years of her life, and she worked In an interview last year, Kiarostami cred-
with him as a film editor before making her ited Golestan as the first Iranian filmmaker
own film.6 Her most notable editing job was to use direct sounda common attribution,
Coexistence of Film and Poetry in The House isBlack 475

I believe. But its worth noting that The films of the Iranian New Wave, with non-
House Is Black, which clearly uses direct professionals in relatively impoverished
sound in spots, was made prior to Brick and locationsmust have been staged as well as
Mirror, raising at least the possibility that scripted, created rather than simply found,
Farrokhzad might have been a pioneer in conjuring up a potent blend of actuality and
this technique in Iranian cinema. fiction that makes the two register as coter-
Defying the standard taboos and pro- minous rather than as dialectical. (Much
tocols concerning lepersespecially more dialectical, on the other hand, is the
the injunction to avoid physical contact relation between the films two alternat-
with them for her own safetyForugh ing narratorsan unidentified male voice,
Farrokhzad wound up permanently adopt- most likely Golestans, describing leprosy
ing a boy in the colony named Hossein factually and relatively dispassionately,
Mansouri, the son of two lepers, who albeit with clear humanist assumptions,
appears in the films final classroom scene, and Farrokhzad reciting her own poetry
taking him with her to Tehran to live at and passages from the Old Testament in a
her mothers house. Yet some of the films beautiful, dirgelike tone, halfway between
first viewers criticized it for exploiting the multi-denominational prayer and blues
lepersemploying them as metaphors for lament.)
Iranians under the shah, or more generally This kind of mixture is found equally
using them for her own purposes and inter- throughout Kiarostamis work, and raises
ests rather than theirs. comparable issues about the directors
When I first heard about the latter manipulation of and control over his cast
charge I was shocked, for much of the members. Yet without broaching the dif-
films primal force resides in what Iwould ficult question of authors intentions, it
call its radical humanism, which goes might also be maintained that the films of
beyond anything Ican think of in Western both Farrokhzad and Kiarostami propose
cinema. It would be fascinating as well inquiries into the ethics of middle-class art-
as instructive to pair The House Is Black ists filming poor people and are not simply
with Tod Brownings 1932 fiction feature or exclusively demonstrations of this prac-
Freakswhich oscillates between empa- tice. In Kiarostamis case, it is often more
thy and pity for its real-life cast of midgets, obviously a critique of the filmmakers
pinheads, Siamese twins, and a limbless own distance and detachment from his
human worm, among others, and feel- subjects, but in Farrokhzads case, where
ings of disgust and horror that are no less the sense of personal commitment clearly
pronounced. By contrast, Farrokhzads runs deeper, the implication of an artist
uncanny capacity to regard lepers without being unworthy of her subject is never
morbidity as both beautiful and ordinary, entirely absent.
objects of love as well as intense identifica- The most obvious parallel to The House Is
tion, offers very different challenges, point- Black in Kiarostamis career is his recent doc-
ing to profoundly different spiritual and umentary feature ABC Africa (2001) about
philosophical assumptions. orphans of AIDS victims in Ugandaa film
At the same time, any attentive reading which goes even further than Farrokhzad
of the film is obliged to conclude that cer- in emphasizing the everyday joy of chil-
tain parts of its documentary realism (per- dren at play in the midst of their apparent
haps most obviously, its closing scene in a devastation, preferring to show us the vic-
classroom, as well as the powerful shot of tims pleasure over their suffering without
the gates closing, which occurs just before in any way minimizing the gravity of their
the end)working, like the subsequent situation.9 But its no less important to note
476 Aesthetics of Liberation

that one of Farrokhzads poems is recited in voice evoke a cluster of other images, some
toto during the most important sequence of of them with very different time frames,
Kiarostamis most ambitious feature to date, over this single movement: Alas, for the
whose title is the same as the poems, The day is fading, / the evening shadows are
Wind Will Carry Us (2000). stretching. / Our being, like a cage full of
The importance of Farrokhzad in birds, / is filled with moans of captivity. /
Iranian life and culturewhere even today, And none among us knows how long / he
and in spite of the continuing scandal that will last. / The harvest season passed, / the
she embodies and represents, shes com- summer season came to an end, / and we
monly and affectionately referred to by did not find deliverance. / Like doves we
her first namepoints to the special sta- cry for justice / and there is none. / We
tus of poetry in Iran, which might even wait for light / and darkness reigns. Again
be said to compete with Islam. The House there is a kind of duet, ending this time in
Is Black is to my mind one of the very few a kind of rhyme effect as her last two lines
successful fusions of literary poetry with give way to the loud, clumping sound of the
film poetrya blend that commonly invites mans footsteps in the foreground as his
the worst forms of self-consciousness and dark body directly approaches the camera,
pretentiousnessand arguably this linkage dramatically blotting out everythingelse.
of cinema with literature is a fundamen- Although the film is mainly framed by
tal trait underlying much of the Iranian two scenes in a classroom, the second of
newwave. these is briefly interrupted by what can only
I hasten to add that film poetry is one be called a poetic intrusiona shot Ive
of the most imprecise terms in film aesthet- already mentioned that is unrelated in nar-
ics, whether its used to describe Alexander rative terms but enormously powerful in
Dovzhenko or Jacques Tati, so a few preci- descriptive terms:a crowd of lepers is sud-
sions are in order about why Im using this denly seen outdoors, approaching the cam-
term here. Much of what Ihave in mind is era, only to be blocked from us when a gate
the suspensionor extensionof what we abruptly closes on them, bearing the words
usually mean by narrative or story so leper colony (or more precisely leper
that a certain kind of descriptive presence house, tied more directly to the films title).
supersedes any conventional notion of an In narrative terms, this shot has no rela-
event. After a leper is seen walking out- tion to what precedes and follows it apart
side beside a wall, pacing back and forth, from the most obvious thematic connec-
intermittently hitting the wall lightly with tion:lepers. Yet it functions almost exactly
his fingers, we hear Forugh very faintly off- like a line in a poemparenthetically yet
screen reciting the days of the week over dramatically introducing the brutality of
this image, the rhythm of her voice sound- our social definition of lepers and how it
ing a kind of duet with the mans repeated shuts them away from usbefore return-
gesture. Two notions of time are being ing us to the classroom.
superimposed here so that they become That Farrokhzad was the first woman
impossible to separate: an event lasting a in Persian literature to write about her
few seconds and a duration stretching over sexual desire, and that her own vola-
days (and, by implication, weeks, months, tile and crisis-ridden life (including her
and years). sex life) was as central to her legend as
Similarly, in the films penultimate her poetry, helps to explain her potency
sequence, while a one-legged man limps as a political figure who was reviled in
on crutches between two rows of trees the press as a whore and placed outside
towards the camera, we hear Forughs most official literary canons while still
Coexistence of Film and Poetry in The House isBlack 477

being worshipped as both a goddess and 2. See Godfrey Cheshire, Confessions of a

Sin-ephile:Close-Up, in Cinema Scope no. 2 (Winter
a martyr. Despite her enormous differ- 2000):38.
ences (above all, in gender and sexual 3. Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Makhmalbaf Film House,
orientation) from Pier Paolo Pasolini, translated by Babak Mozaffari, in The Day
IBecame a Woman (bilingual edition of screenplay)
it probably wouldnt be too outlandish (Tehran:Rowzaneh Kar, 2000),5.
to see her as a somewhat comparable 4. Michael C.Hillmann, A Lonely Woman:Forugh
figure in staging heroic and dangerous Farrokhzad and Her Poetry (Washington, DC:
Three Continents Press/Mage Publishers,
shotgun marriages between eros and 1987),43.
religion, poetry and politics, poverty and 5. A still better versionwith French subtitles, taken
privilegeand a figure whose violent mainly from the print shown in Oberhausen, and
death has been the focus of comparable authorized by producer Ebrahim Golestanwas
issued on DVD along with A Fire as part of the [then]
mythic speculations. She and her film biannual French magazine Cinma (7 [Printemps
remain crucial reference points because 2004]), edited by Bernard Eisenschitz and published
of their enormous value as limit cases, by Editions Lo Scheer.
6. See also Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa, Ebrahim Golestan:
as well as artistic models. And as far as Treasure of Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema,
Im concerned, if the Iranian New Wave Rouge #11, 2007 (
begins with The House Is Black, theres html).[2009]
7. Michael C.Hillmann, op. cit.,4243.
no imagining where it can still leadus. 8. Karim Emami, Recollections and Afterthoughts
(undated lecture delivered in Austin, Texas),
quoted on Forugh Farrokhzad web site, www.
Notes (unfortunately no longer
available at this address).
1. See Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa, Sohrab Shahid Saless: 9. See also Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa and Jonathan
A Cinema of Exile, in Life and Art:The New Iranian Rosenbaum, Abbas Kiarostami (Urbana and Chicago:
Cinema, edited by Rose Issa and Sheila Whitaker University of Illinois Press, 2003), 3740, 8384,
(London:National Film Theatre, 1999), 13544. 11923.


Dan Georgakas, Udayan Gupta, and Judy Janda interviewed Jean Rouch in English in
September 1977 at the Margaret Mead Film Festival at the Museum of Natural History
in New York. The questions and responses relate to the seven films by Rouch featured
over three evenings at the festival that year: Les matres fous, Moi, un Noir, Chronicle of
a Summer, The Lion Hunters, Jaguar, Petit Petit, and Cocorico, Monsieur Poulet.Ed.

You are best known in the United States for the film, many of whom went on to become
Chronicle of a Summer. The more we learn filmmakers, and others like Rgis Debray
about the film that launched cinma-vrit, to become prominent Marxist personali-
the more controversial and intriguing it ties. Rather than the mood of the Parisian
becomes. For instance, some of your own com- tribe at the end of the 1950s, Chronicle of
ments after the screening at the Museum of a Summer actually renders portraits of peo-
Natural History raised questions about the ple in the political and artistic avant-garde.
fundamental verite of the film. You stated At the same time, there is little footage
that the secretarial scenes in the film were within the film that demonstrates that these
shot at the offices of Cahiers du Cinma. You are exceptional people. One minor point is
also talked at length about the individuals in that they never use words like socialism or
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 479

communism. Could you expand on how the Theres more to it thanthat.

film evolved from an idea to this reality? I would say that it was clear who they are
At the beginning, when we first started to a French audience. This group was not
thinking about such a film, I said to Edgar quite illegal, but it had to be cautious. At
Morin, my collaborator, that I didnt really that time, the Algerian war was the major
know many industrial workers. Edgar political issue, and these people were aid-
said he would arrange for that. I only ing the revolutionaries. We could not speak
learned later on that the people he chose to that question because of their own secu-
all belonged to the same group as Morin, rity and the security of the Algerians. The
Socialism or Barbarity (Socialisme ou French audience of that time would have no
Barbarie). This turned out to be critical trouble understanding what the speakers
for the films development, but it wasnt represented. Showing it now or in another
clear to me at the beginning. I think you country, problems emerge which werent an
are wrong when you say they didnt men- issue then.
tion communism. At one point, a worker is Lets turn to some of the techniques you used.
unhappy because he is doing nothing, deal- One of the most striking sequences was clearly
ing only in papers. Morin says, Remember staged by you as a director, even though the
when we were militants in the same party? actors didnt know what was coming. Were
We did something. Now, where are we? thinking of the scene where you ask the African
This is a reference to the fact that they had students to interpret the meaning of the tattoo
both been in the Communist Party. Morin on Marcelineswrist.
and the others left the party in disgust That was a provocation. When I first
after it supported the suppression of the saw the film, I noticed that I was smiling
Hungarians. a very cruel smile when Iintervened. That
That doesnt come across so clearly, but you smile sometimes embarrases me even now.
are admitting that its not about the Parisian You see, we were having lunch outside the
tribe afterall. Muse de lHomme, and the subject came to
Its a tribe all right, but a specialized tribe anti-Semitism. As soon as it began, Iknew
[laughter]. Iwould ask the question about the tattoo the
Perhaps a subtribe? Nazis had put on Marcelines wrist because
Yes, Ilike that. Fortunately, it was a tribe I knew the Africans did not comprehend
of substance. In their attitudes, you can our concern about anti-Semitism. When
see what will explode all over France in I posed the question, the isolation and
May1968. assumptions of cultures emerged dramati-
There are some troubling implications here cally. Its not quite apparent in the film, but
for documentary filmmakers, particularly before that moment, people were jovial and
anthropologists. When anyone goes to a foreign laughing. Suddenly the Europeans began to
place and a guide tells them, Let me take you cry, and the Africans were totally perplexed.
to a group of typical workers, or Let me show They had thought the tattoo was an adorn-
you an important ritual, how do we know ment of some kind. All of us were deeply
what we are seeing? Here you were in your own affected. The cameraman, one of the best
country and working with a dear friend, and in documentary people around, was so dis-
some degree he took you in. He said, Here are turbed that the end of the sequence is out
some workers, and they turned out to be of a of focus. Istopped filming to give everyone
political tendency whose virtue was that it was a chance to recover. Now, is this a truth-
not typical atall. ful moment or a staged moment? Does
You are absolutely right. Perhaps we it matter?
should add some subtitles to identify the The long sequence in which Marceline walks
party as the Communist Party. by herself, talking into a tape recorder strapped
480 Aesthetics of Liberation

to her body, is like a cinematic stream of con- showed the film Les raquetteurs, and he
sciousness. There are many such experiments asked me to stop back in Montreal on my
in the film. Where did you get yourideas? way home. Itook up the invitation and saw
Morin must be given a lot of credit. He the first films made by the young filmmak-
proposed to make the first sociological ers of Quebec. They were using a new type
fresco film, a film without the convention of wide-angle lens. Before then, there had
of stars or leading performers. He wished always been the problem of distortion. They
to deal with anonymous people as much as had also begun to take the camera from the
possible. Itold him this was not possible. tripod and go walking with the camera.
When you begin to speak with any person, I loved that. The cameras were still noisy,
even a cop, the man is not cops, he is a but if you wrapped a trenchcoat around
cop. You cant get around that. So while them, something could be workedout.
we can oppose the star system and what it Back in France, Morin approached me
implies, we cannot deny individuals their about his idea for a film. I began with a very
humanity and personality. We had many excellent cameraman, but when I wanted
discussions on this point. Each day we him to walk in the streets, the poor man
would project the rushes before doing any refused. It was too much of a challenge for
new work. We had a lot of give and take him. I then told Dauman, our producer,
between us and the producer Dauman and that the only one who could do what we
the people in the film. We had all these wanted was Michel Brault. What a com-
ideas we wanted to deal with, more than ment on the vaunted French cinema! We
we ever gotin. had to go to Montreal to get a competent
For instance, there was a wonderful person. During the same time I spoke with
sequence in which we spent a day with the Andr Coutant, who was father of the Eclair
factory worker Anglo. We couldnt shoot Cameflex 35mm camera. He said there was
inside the factory because Anglos politics a new camera that might interest me. It
were well known and both the company and was a military prototype built for use in a
the union were against him. The men who space satellite. That meant it was very light,
participated had to be secretive. We shot only dependable, and steady. Unfortunately it
at the entrance. Then we followed Anglo to had a magazine of only three minutes.
his home in a working-class district. There Iasked him if he could build a model with a
were twenty minutes spent showing him larger capacity. He said he would try. So we
taking a bath. That would be a very good began to make our film with a camera that
short film in itself, a twenty-five-minute didnt totally exist. We had a contract with
study of a man coming back from his work the manufacturer that they would not be
to his home and a warm bath. But we had to responsible for any scratches made on the
cut it out. Another thing, since making that film, but Coutant agreed that he would per-
film, Iam not allowed into a factory with my sonally repair the camera every night. After
camera. I, too, find myself opposed by both shooting, Edgar and I would bring it back
management and theunion. to him and tell him what problems we had
At the museum you indicated that the mak- encountered, what new ideas we proposed.
ing of the film involved the simultaneous mak- The creation of the camera proceeded with
ing of a camera. the creation of the film. I was overjoyed
Oh yes, that was one of the best parts of with the result. It was doubly wonderful
making that film. We are now talking about because I was in front of these people who
the late fifties, when cameras were heavy were always so serious, and I was joyous
and static. Ihad gone to a film meeting in at seeing the camera being born. That was
California where Imet Michel Brault, who one problem I felt about them, especially
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 481

Morin. They didnt see the pleasure you said, other films Ihave done in France do not
could have in life. have so many close-ups. Another thing, at
One thing that was clear seeing several of the beginning we shot people at 100 meters,
your films on three consecutive evenings was and they did not know we were shooting
that Chronicle has a very different look than them. They thought we were a group of peo-
the others. Generally in your African films, we ple who had a camera. I disliked that very
are given long-distance shots of people active much. We wanted to do something that was
in a religious ritual or some other rite involved spontaneous, but that was more like candid
with nonrationalist values. In Chronicle the camera, something sneaky. Our caution
subjects mainly talk, and they talk about com- goes back to the fact that Angelo and his
plex philosophical and psychological ideas. The friends had so many enemies that we had
action is generally indoors, and there are many to be protective of our subjects. Perhaps the
close-upshots. close-ups were a kind of backlash.
Part of the explanation has to do with That still doesnt explain the African films
the camera. When we began the film, the where nobody ever talks directly to you. How
camera was still on its tripod. Ithought the accurate is that, given the strong oral traditions
effect was much too static, so I began to of African culture? What we see in the films is
move it as people spoke. How they looked a kind of homage to the primitive, to the past,
and what they did with their hands seemed to the exotic. Arent Africans as articulate as
important, so Idid close-ups. After a while, Europeans? Isnt there a modern African soci-
we went outdoors and walked in the street. ety with elements as creative as the group that
At the end of the film there are no close-ups. called itself Socialism or Barbarity?
Even when we shot the participants viewing You are asking good questions. The expla-
what we had completed of the film to that nations come on several levels. One imme-
point, there are no close-ups of Marilou, diate response Ihave is that Ihave decided
Marceline, or any of them. Idont disagree not to make political films about postinde-
with the thrust of your question, though. pendence Africa. After all, these are not my
Remember, I didnt know these people countries. Ithink it is imperialistic to project
personally, and they began to speak of very your political values onto Africa. That kind
intimate problems. Iwas somewhat embar- of film must be done by Africans. I have
rassed by that. The first Marilou sequence been tempted to break my own rule. Ihad
was shot right after I met her for the first quite good relations with Kwame Nkrumah
time. In the second, we were alone at and started to make a film about him. In
Marcelines flat after dinner. She was talk- Jaguar you can see part of the coup dtat.
ing so nervously that Ihad to react. So Itook After that coup, everything about Nkrumah
those big close-ups, to try to get inside. Iwas was destroyed. Ihad the idea of doing a film
very upset by that experience. You are right. about him while he was in exile. After three
Inever do close-ups like that in other films, months, I saw that it was wrong for him.
but that is true even for other films about It would have been impossible to show that
France. film in the one country where it most mat-
It struck us that the film about France tered. And who was Ito make such a film?
emphasizes how the European thinks, while It would be a shame for him and forthem.
your films on Africa emphasize how the What about the dialogue in earlier films,
African behaves. during the preindependenceera?
This is an interesting point, and Imust At the time we could not do it technically.
say it is the first time the question has been When we made Chronicle of a Summer, the
put to me. Normally, I would not see so first independence had already taken place
many films one after the other. As I have in Ghana, three years earlier. Iunderstand
482 Aesthetics of Liberation

what you are trying to get at, but there are My dream is to show in a film what can
terrible problems involved. If I were to be understood directly without the aid of
do a film now about the political regimes narration, to explain everything that needs
of Africa, it would be a spectacle of disas- explanation by filmic devices. But Iam per-
ters, one after the other. Its embarrassing plexed. If people speak, you need to trans-
for a European to make a film like that. late. Ihave one film in which Ihave created
Idont think its my own cowardice either, a very precise translation that is on a sound
although some people have said I am not track that is cut in right after they speak.
courageous. I dont know. Im censoring I try to speak the translation in the same
myself all the time. In Cocorico, Monsieur way the people speak. That is as close to
Poulet we had a sequence where the police simultaneous translation on film as you can
bargained up their bribe from two chick- expect. Stereo would be a better solution.
ens to three. When we saw the rushes, we One track could have the original language
decided to take it out, even though it was an and the other a translation.
honest and accurate representation. How to One of your other partial solutions gave us
deal with such corruption is a real dilemma problems. In The Mad Masters, near the end,
for people who make films in Africa, even you comment that the ritual helps the people
for the African filmmakers. to be good workers and to endure colonialism
Lets take the same issue from a different with dignity, that it provides some psychological
perspective. What is your conception of the accommodation. Clearly, one of your aims was
narrative, even in the strictly anthropologi- to deal with the viewer who would be appalled
cal film? Your comments on The Burial of at seeing people drinking dogs blood. You
the Hogon and The Mad Masters did a wanted to show the positive psychic benefits to
great deal to enlighten us about your aims the individuals involved. Our reaction, though,
and what the films were all about. When we was that people should not be accommodated to
watched the films beforehand, we were puzzled endure colonialism. Is it not far better for anger
by many of the images. We were like those to explode on the job than to be let off in some
Africans who had no way of understanding the harmless religious rite? Is it not better if they
tortured history symbolized by that tattoo on were bad workers who accidentally broke
Marcelineswrist. their tools and were lazy?
But the alternative is so boringto Quite right. I no longer care for that
say, In the village of so-and-so, blah-blah ending. Originally that commentary was
happened. My ideal would be a film that impromptu. I wanted to explain that the
everybody could comprehend without any ritual was a method that allowed them to
narration. Language is such a problem. We function in normal society with less pain.
cant even accurately translate exactly what Iwanted to make it clear that they were not
people are saying in another language. insane. An important point that got lost was
Then, too, Iam using more and more feed- that therapy for the Africans is not a one-to-
back. When films are shown to the subjects, one private consultation like you have in
narration angers them. Nonetheless Isym- psychoanalysis and most Western therapies.
pathize with your question. It is almost as if The therapy we filmed was a public ritual
the films were still not complete. Something done in the sun. That aspect is one of the
has to be done with them. Ihave a new film most important things we Westerners need
about drumming where I use a different to learn. But Icant very well fiddle with the
kind of narration. I give a very subjective commentary now. The film has existed as is
response to what Iam filming. for more than twentyyears.
Its still not clear whether you think narra- Weve come to the conclusion that your body
tion is good orbad. of work is much more excting as cinema than
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 483

as anthropology. In every film there is some new them if men were to be allowed to see the
experiment. Most of the time, as in The Lion film afterward. Ihave one old woman who
Hunters, there is an imposed dramatic struc- tells me some things, but she is allowed
ture. The action builds to a traditional climax. privileges because of her great age. I have
Thats effective cinema, but does it describe the many problems with my students about
tribe accurately? Doesnt a lot get lost for dra- such matters. I have to explain to women
matic values? that during their menstruations they are
This is one point where I disagree with not allowed in some locations. They have to
you completely. Good anthropology is not be out of certain villages altogether. What a
a wide description of everything but a close dilemma for a European woman who wants
identification of one technique or ritual. to work in Africa.
The rituals are supposed to be dramatic. Since weve talked about the different ways
They are creations of the people who want people interpret the same images, this might be
them to be interesting and exciting. In The a good place to talk about the influence your
Lion Hunters, twenty minutes have been left work has had on others. Most people in the
out. Those sequences showed the position United States do not realize that Jean Genet
of the trap, why they use traps, why they was very affected by seeing The Mad Masters.
hunt in the first place. But you can explain Now I am embarrassed in a different
that sort of thing in writing very well. What way, but Genets The Blacks was directly
you cant get in writing is the drama of the influenced by The Mad Masters. The idea in
ritual. Writing cant have that effect. Thats his play was that the blacks play the mas-
the whole point of visual anthropology. ters, as in the ritual. Possession, after all,
What about the distortions? For instance, was the original theater, the idea of cathar-
your films exclude the role ofwomen. sis. Genet seized upon the idea of mockery
If you want to make films about African and exchanged identity. That wasnt exactly
women, you have to be a woman. A man what the original was all about, but Genet
cannot enter the womans society. Its just worked the material to his ownend.
impossible. It is forbidden. Men are not What do the Africans have in mind when
even allowed to have intercourse with their they take part in the ritual?
wives when a hunt is about to begin. It is They insist they are not engaged in mock-
the male society Ican be a part of, so that is ery or that they have any notion of revenge.
what Ifilm. There are many things that have I believe that is true, at least on the con-
to do with women that Icould nevershow. scious level. The history of the cult is very
If you could intervene in The Mad Masters complex. It goes back to Africans who went
and show the footage of real colonial officials, to Mecca. The entire rite, the foaming at the
why isnt it possible to use similar devices to mouth, the sacrifice of the dog, and all the
speak aboutwomen? shouting is considered to be the action of
Thats easier said than done. When spirits which have possessed them. These
Ishow the water was poured from the well are powerful new gods who most certainly
by the wicked women, what visual interven- are not to be mocked. When the cult began,
tion could be made? Or when we say the poi- the Islamic priest saw them as heretics and
son of the female is stronger than the male persecuted them. The French administra-
poison, more exposition might just confuse tion joined in because they did not like the
matters, because that is not the direct sub- revival of strong animistic faiths that might
ject of the film. You must understand that turn political. So it was a forbidden cult
there are wonderful womens ceremonies almost from the start. Many of the original
that men are not allowed to view. Obviously cultists, members of the Hauka, became
they would not allow even a woman to film migratory workers and had to go far from
484 Aesthetics of Liberation

their homelands. Everywhere they were use such a language. But Peter Brook was
banned, and as usual, the more they were not doing politics. He was interested in
banned, the better it was for the cult. The theater. His play dealt with a revolutionary
first compromise was to agree to do it only period in which power belonged to his sub-
once a week, on Sunday, at a specific loca- ject. He wanted the actors to act as if they
tion. Later the cult declined, and the rite were possessed even though they were not.
took place only once or twice a year. The Afriend of mine said that if you are moved
Hauka movement broke taboos, whether it when you act, you are finished. You have to
was eating a dog or modeling behavior on act to be moved, but not to be moved when
the colonial example. It was like Buuels youre acting. You have to believe in the
attitude to the church. You cannot feel sacri- roles you are playing. With the Hauka, there
legious if you do not respect your opponent. is no acting. They believe they are the spir-
What the Hauka did was very creative and its during the possession. Itold Brook that
implicitly revolutionary, just as the authori- if his actors were too successful in giving
ties feared. up their identity, they might become pos-
I only met Genet twice, but I knew the sessed. Then what would he do? He was not
actors in his play, and we discussed the film a doctor or a priest. Ithought he was playing
quite a bit. Genet was an ex-convict, so he withfire.
knew about systems within systems and One last thing we should say about the
how one resists. I think the film showed Hauka is that they are no longer in Ghana.
him a way to resolve some of his contra- They were expelled when they werent
dictory feelings. What we got on film was needed as workers. They returned to Niger
one of the last moments of the cult. After and took a specific role in each village. Since
independence, there was no more colonial there is no more colonial power, they have
power and thus no model. But there is some- no models and are returning to traditional
thing extraordinary about that ritual they cultures with an Islamic bent. They and the
invented. Every sort of force has attacked film Imade about them have had a tremen-
them and me for filming themthe colo- dous impact, however. Reaction to that film
nialists who dont like the portrait, African was one of the sources of my idea to have
revolutionaries who dont like the primitiv- African anthropologists come to France to
ism, antivivisectionists who dont like the film our tribes and rituals.
sacrificial murder, et cetera, et cetera. Youve helped a number of Africans begin
Peter Brook was another person who had a careers in film. Would you tell us something
profound reaction to thefilm. aboutthem?
His response was quite different from Well, there is Oumarou Ganda, the main
Genets. He saw the film when he was stag- figure of the film Moi, un Noir. He created
ing Marat/Sade and asked all his actors to a narration for the film that works at three
see the film and model their playing on it. levels. The first is a description of what
Later we talked together often, and he went you see, the second is a kind of dialogue,
with me to Africa. He tried to create a new and the third is a statement about his own
theater without using any recognizable condition. Hes gone on to make films on
words. He was fascinated by the Hauka, his own. Another person Ive worked with
who had invented an artificial language, part is Moustapha Alassane, who is a kind of
pidgin English, part broken French, part renaissance type. Ibelieve some of his films
who knows what. Yet people understood the are available in the United States.
language. Ive hypothesized that before this We indicated earlier that we thought your
century is over, there will be a movement films posed very interesting cinematic questions
among blacks in the United States that will but we were not so certain about their virtue
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 485

as anthropology. We were thinking in terms of can be some reward for the researcher and
what an anthropological film can and cannot for science in the abstract. In the second,
be. Does it just record raw data, or does it inter- you can have all that and benefits for the
pret? To make a film always involves a selective people,too.
process and conscious intervention at specific There is another problem related to
points. That must conflict with an attempt to all this, which your readers in particular
present anthropologicalfact. should appreciate. Six or seven years ago,
Most people refuse to recognize that any I attended a conference in Montreal spon-
anthropology must destroy what it investi- sored by the African Section of the American
gates. Even if you are making a long-distance Anthropological Association. That meeting
observation of breast feeding, you disturb was disrupted by people acquainted with
the mother and her infant, even if you dont the Black Panther Party. They argued that
think so. The fundamental problem in all we were new slave traders. They said that
social science is that the facts are always by making a survey of any given tribe and
distorted by the presence of the person who becoming an expert, the anthropologists
asks questions. You distort the answer sim- could gain prominence and teaching posts
ply by posing a question. and writing contracts that would be lucra-
If the very presence of the observer causes so tive for a lifetime. Often, the fieldwork never
much distortion, the presence of a camera must amounted to more than a few years work.
magnify the distortion. One American black replied that he was in
Absolutely! But I think this new distor- a different category because he was making
tion can be positive. Lets make a compari- a study of workers. The reply was that his
son between classical anthropology and work might be even more damaging. It was
visual anthropology. In the first, you take a argued that his reports would be of most
professional from a prestigious university, value to businessmen and governments
and they go to some remote place, where who needed data to further exploit and con-
people are usually without a written lan- trol the workers. I think those arguments
guage. Just by making an investigation, the were right in one sense, but the solution is
people of the places are embarrassed and not quite as simple as they wanted to make
have their routine disturbed. When the sur- out. Do we stop all research because we can-
vey is completed, the anthropologist goes not control the use of our findings?
back to the university, writes the disserta- Then there is still another kind of exploi-
tion, and possibly wins distinction in the tation. Some ten years ago, a musicologist
field. What is the result for those who were recorded a wonderful song of the Watusi.
surveyed? Nothing. There is no feedback It was published in a very small edition of
from the disruption the anthropologist has scientific records. Eventually, the Rolling
created. The subjects will not read the sur- Stones heard the tune. They liked it so
vey. With a camera, there can be a far more much, they recorded it and made a lot of
fruitful result. The film can be shown to the money. Naturally, the Watusi never earned
subjects. Then they are able to discuss and a cent. They were certainly exploited. The
have access to what has happened to them. musicologist had made the original record-
They can have reflection even if the film is ing with good intentions, and the Stones
bad, for however incompetent the film may obviously respected the music, but the
be, there will be the stimulation of the image rip-off occurred. When you record an oral
you give of them and the chance for them to tradition, there are no copyrights and often
view themselves from a distance, up there no original or single creator. This is true
on the screen. Such a distortion changes for stories, as well. When you are making
everything. In the first example given, there an anthropological film, the problem is
486 Aesthetics of Liberation

just as severe. The people allow us to film with something rather than just taking from
them, but once it is done, the film goes to them. That would mean that anthropolo-
the West, and the people have no control gists would have to have training not only as
over what is done with the images of their filmmakers but as teachers of filmmaking.
lives. Often the people who made the film Of course, we cant expect miracles. Ionce
have been given grants or get professional had an African student ask me if much
stature. Should the people be paid, too? Or money could be made from film. Itold him
is that another kind of insult? that if Itaught someone how to use a pencil,
Once more you address the problem as an it did not mean they would become Victor
artist might, the question of who owns a Hugo, only that they couldwrite.
creation. This matter of rights has cropped up often in
Well, Ive been concerned about this discussions of cinema verite made in the United
problem a long time. On Moi, un Noir, States. For example, Fred Wiseman makes a
I insisted that 6o percent of the profits go film about welfare recipients and becomes a
to the actors because they wrote the sce- hot television property. What about the des-
nario. They did everything in the film. But perate people he has filmed? They remain as
even if the contract is observed, we have before. Having helped yet another professional
now created the idea that culture is some- to a successful career.
thing to sell or to buy, an idea the Africans Thats the problem. Let me go back
never had. This is a long-range distortion to Chronicle of a Summer. I brought that
that will become increasingly important. very problem to Dauman. He solved it as
Nobody seems to care about this. Consider a businessman might, and it was not bad.
this possibility: today we make a film in a Marceline, for instance, was paid for six
backward region. Ten years from now, months, and that was how she got her first
the inhabitants of that region may see it on job in films. Her story had a very happy end-
television, perhaps via some orbital satellite. ing. She stayed in film, married Joris Ivens,
Most likely they will still be poor. What has and has made films in Cuba and Vietnam.
been the benefit for their culture? And now Anglo could not get work because of the
the African national governments create film, and Dauman helped him buy a shop
another distortion. They say if something because he felt responsible. We did things
is done within their borders, it is part of like that. Next year will be the eighteenth
the national culture. This is really absurd anniversary of that film, and most of the
because a tribe may be cut into three parts, people in it have prospered because of their
with its people becoming citizens of three involvement.
separate political states. The people shown Would you tell us something about the
in the lion-hunting film have been divided film that had its American premiere at the
among the states of Upper Volta, Mali, museumCocorico, Monsieur Poulet?
and Niger. The students at each respective The subject of this film is the marginals
national university consider the culture of of Africa. Ihave come to the conclusion that
the tribes in their particular country to be changes in society are due primarily to those
part of their national culture. I believe few people who are on the fringe of society,
African anthropologists trained in such those who see the economic absurdity of the
universities may ultimately prove more system. Iregard them as a kind of populist
destructive than the Europeans. avant-garde. They have to find some way to
One solution Ipropose to this is to train make a living without being trapped by the
the people with whom you work to be film- system. They are marginal. The plot deals
makers. Idont think its a complete answer, with how three men go with their car into
but it has merits in that it leaves the people the countryside to buy chickens for resale in
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 487

a large city. The three men in the film helped twenty-year commitment at the least. How
me write and film the story. The car you see many engineers, specialists, and experts are
belonged to Lam, the main character. He prepared to spend so much time in a single
would go in a fifty-mile radius looking for African nation? Not many. Most prefer to
chickens, fish, and millet. That car had no make a fast survey, write a report, and go
license, no brakes, no lights. I thought it home. Cocorico shows some of the schemes
would be most interesting to show the rou- and strategies used by the common African.
tine of this marginal economy. I think the relationship Africans have
In the film the chickens he buys are from a to their machines is much more positive
contaminated area. Do you endorse that kind than the ones in Europe. Lam is a very good
of marginalism? mechanic. He can ask anything of his car.
There was no contamination. That prob- It was no problem for him to take the car
lem happened two years earlier when there apart in order to cross the Niger. He did it
was an epidemic. There was a forbidden all by himself. He went to some care about
zone for perhaps a month. The sign in the keeping the water from the oil and the cylin-
film was one we made ourselves. We just der, but he knew what to do. He felt free to
put it in at the end as ajoke. rip the car apart because he knew he could
That created a real problem for those of put it together with just the simple tools
us unfamiliar with the situation. What we we showed. I could make a film about an
see seems to reinforce basic prejudices against African who repairs transistors. He has no
Africa. The women cast evil spells. The police formal training, but he has a system with
are inept. The merchants have a dangerous car a small loudspeaker like the one in a tape
held together with spit and glue. People trade in recorder. It is run on a battery and hums
contaminated chickens. Your idea of showing when there is a defect in the circuit. This is
the hippies of Africa doesnt register. a spontaneous approach to electronics. You
Perhaps this is your own Western do not have to know the principles of phys-
prejudice. ics to deal with an auto engine or to repair
That may be true, but Cocorico is presented a transistor.
as a fiction film, not as anthropology. We are all In the film it seemed that the Africans treated
aware that Africa is in transition, and in this their car like the stereotyped dumb hillbillies
fictional work there doesnt seem to be anything of Appalachia who are used as comic relief in
positive going on, concretely or in consciousness. Hollywood films and on American television.
From my point of view, it is absolutely I dont know what the relationship
positive. Africans have had a history of see- between auto and human is in the United
ing national and international experts come States, but in France, if a car is stuck or if
and tell them that their family life is not there is a flat tire, there is a catastrophe.
good and that they do their work incompe- In Africa, however, its a joy because you
tently. Lam and the others had seen many stay there. Aperson will say, Good, we are
such people come and go. They knew that stuck. Now we can stay a few days and meet
most of these experts never ask the farmers people whom we never met before and will
why they are using a particular technique. never meet again. Back in the early for-
Icant see how you can make changes until ties, we ran cars on a kind of charcoal gas
you learn the habits of the people. Ibelieve because there was no petrol. We were stuck
there is a prejudice against native African all the time. At first Iwould be furious, but
culture. You would think a field had never Ilearned the African way, and now Idont
been planted or that advanced cultures mind such things. I dont even wear a
had never thrived. If you want to change watch. Thats the kind of perspective Itried
African farming methods, you must make a to capture in thefilm.
488 Aesthetics of Liberation

What has been the reception of the film in time in broadcasting stations. Sometimes
France? I improvised commentary and mixed the
When the film opened in Paris, I hap- sound track. Luckily, television used 16mm
pened to be in Africa. So there was no press equipment, and with the television boom
conference for the film, no publicity of any we got major improvementsthe first
kind. Still, it opened in three theaters, and good splicer, the first viewer, the first sound
in two months there were fifty thousand mixer. Still we wanted real sync sound
paid admissions. The only prints of the film that was portable. We still had equipment
were bad 16mm prints without subtitles. that weighed a ton and required a crew of
One of them was used here. The distribu- five if we wanted sync sound. We tried all
tor became ambitious and thought to have kinds of tricks to get around the problem.
the film blown up to 35mm. Five prints were One film called La pyramide humaine used
made. Unfortunately the distributor went a technique that really sounds funny now.
bankrupt and did not pay the lab. The prints The camera was put on a tripod in a blimp,
are now blocked, and I am trying to make and all the people stood around at the same
an arrangement with the laboratory. We are distance so that you could go from one to
also working to get commercial distribution the other without any problem of focus.
in Africa. You could have people talk with the camera
Earlier you spoke about making a camera that way. We used that technique more than
while doing Chronicle. You sounded like Lam once, but it was limited. Im talking of the
dealing with his car. Through the years, your fifties now. It was when I was editing that
equipment has changed quite a bit, hasntit? film that we decided to shoot Chronicle of a
I began making films with 16mm because Summer.
at that time I had no money for 35mm. That And that was when you built the Eclair.
was in 1946, when 16mm was strictly ama- Yes Iam so pleased to think about that.
teur. Later I got hold of an old American By the end of the film, Michel went back
army newsreel camera with an excellent to Montreal with a new technique, and we
lens. I shot all my earliest films with that all had a new camera. Everyone learned so
camera. What a time we had. There was much from that experience. I learned to
no editing table or splicer at that time. You walk the camera. Ilearned to use the wide
had to cut the film by sticking it with your angle. After that film, French cinema was
finger. There was no viewer, so I projected never quite the same. Everyone wanted to
the film with a regular projector and cut and walk with the camera, even if they had the
cut. There was no sound except with 35mm. camera on a tripod and rolled it in a wagon.
When I completed my second film, I asked We got them to think about what truth
some African workers in Paris to play music in film was. Afterward Coutant made fur-
as they watched a projection. That was a stu- ther improvements, and we got the small
pid idea, but it gave me genuine African Eclair. Unfortunately, because of deaths, the
music as an accompaniment, and that was main engineers left Paris and went back to
an improvement over nothing. Grenoble. They started their own company
With the third film, I used the earliest and have built new cameras. Coutant is still
Nagra, the one with a winch. It was sup- a young man, and hes full of new ideas all
posed to be portable, but there was a han- the timecrazy, wonderful ideas. He works
dle to turn, and it weighed more than fifty with Godard.
pounds. The film had no sync sound, but We all feel there are no secrets. Everyone
there was an attached reel to take up music. is capable of learning what there is to
Then you had to transfer the sound from the learn. If you are going to use a camera,
tape to the kind of recording disc used at that you should know how to repair it. The idea
The Politics of Visual Anthropology 489

with the new cameras is to have you spend set for each year. He would like to see a
at least a day at the factory. You mount it camera with the sound quality of Nagra4,
by yourself and dismount it, three or four a camera without cables, a focus mike that
times until you know it perfectly. You could connect with the focus on the lens,
know what you will film. You know how and a three-zoom lens with a correspond-
to readjust the camera, how to fix it. You ing sound focus. What is important in
know that there is a machine and it has the kind of work Ihave done is to record
no magical insides. If something goes rituals and ways of living that are rapidly
wrong, you can change it like you change disappearing. With the new equipment,
a flat tire. There are many films still to be we will be able to make much better films,
made and many improvements in cam- and the people in those films will be able
eras. Coutant has a three-year plan in to make them, too. Ilook forward to more
mind with a technological breakthrough and more ofthat.


In 1908 a newsreel was made showing A great amount of attention has been paid
Tolstoy talking to petitioners on the veranda to these techniques which came to be called
of his home at Yasnaya Polyana. And though montage. A body of theory did grow up
it is a remarkable sight, how frustrating around montage and it did seem to many
that one cannot hear what he is saying to that film-making was coming of age and
these people! And herein lay the problem. would henceforth have an elegant theoreti-
How could you record human relations cal base to lean upon. Pudovkin wrote Film
without that uniquely human means of Technique and Eisenstein wrote Film Sense
communicationspeech? which gave what appeared to be a general
The art of the cinema was to develop for approach to film-making.
a good half of its total life without speech. However, when sound-on-film made its
Four films are reasonably typical of this appearance, an appalling fact became very
period:Potemkin, The Kid, Nanook, and The evidentone no longer needed a visual sub-
Eternal Triangle (starring Mary Pickford). stitute for speech. Theories die hard and there
Most people will agree that Potemkin is fas- are still many film theoreticians who cling to
cinating but very odd when one looks at it the golden age of film-making. Perhaps
today; The Kid and Nanook work perfectly they should look again at Pudovkins first
and seem strangely contemporary; and The sound film to see how empty this new situ-
Eternal Triangle appears utterly ludicrous. ation left him. To quote Roberto Rossellini:
Yet I think it is the latter film that is the in the silent cinema, montage had a
grandmother of what we consider the nor- precise meaning, because it represented
mal theatrical film oftoday. language. From the silent cinema we have
Potemkin represents one of the most inherited this myth of montage, though it
exciting developments in the history of has lost most of its meaning.
film. A film form was developed which There was one ancient art form that lent
was in effect a marvelous visual language. itself perfectly to the silent cinema and that
For an UncontrolledCinema 491

of course was pantomime (in all its forms, director, cameraman, assistants who bring
including slapstick). It didnt really mat- victims before the camera, like burnt offer-
ter how the filming was done so long as ings, and cast them in the flames, and the
you could see the pantomime. The Kid is camera is there, immobileor almost
still running all over the world. It needs no soand when it does move it follows pat-
words and has no foreign versions. The terns ordained by the high priests, not by the
pantomime artists of this period achieved victims Both theatre and the vast bulk
a worldwide following that has probably of film-making as we know it are the result
never been equaled. of control by these high priests and it is
Ever since the invention of the talking- not surprising to note that many of our lead-
picture it has been blithely assumed that ing film directors divide their time between
films are an extension of the theatre, a mar- the theatre and motion picture production.
velous gadget that allows you to change Many of us have, like Renoir, become
scenes in an instant, yet retains the funda- immensely bored by a great number of con-
mental aspect of theatre in that you cause temporary films . If we go back to the
a story to be acted out before an audience earliest days of cinema we find a recurrent
(the camera) under controlled conditions. notion that has never really been realized,
Control is of the essence. The lines are writ- a desire to utilize that aspect of film which
ten down and learned by the actors, the is uniquely different from theatre: to record
actions are rehearsed on carefully selected aspects of what did actually happen in a
or constructed sets and these rehearsals are real situation. Not what someone thought
repeated over and over again until the result- should or could have happened but what did
ing scene conforms with the preconceived happen in its most absolute sense. From the
conceptions of the director. What horror four examples I gave, Nanook comes clos-
None of this activity has any life of its own. est to it, and it is for this reason that it will
If anything, it has far less spirit than a pro- never outdate. However, it too was limited
duction in a theatre because the tyranny of by the lack of sound.
technique is far greater than in the theatre. As far back as 1906 Leo Tolstoy noted:
True, if you rented an empty theatre noth- It is necessary that the cinema should
ing would happen of itself no play would represent Russian reality in its most varied
spontaneously take place but as a play is manifestations. For this purpose Russian
prepared it does seem to take on some life life ought to be reproduced as it is by the
of its own, partly because its form emerges cinema; it is not necessary to go running
during rehearsals. Whereas a film succumbs after invented subjects
to the tyranny of Production Efficiency and Here is a proposal that has nothing to
is torn to fragments to make things more do with theatre. Tolstoy envisioned the
convenient for the camera. If two utterly film-maker as an observer and perhaps as
unrelated scenes are to be made in the same a participant capturing the essence of what
locale they will be made consecutively even takes place around him, selecting, arrang-
though they will end up at opposite ends of ing but never controlling the event. Here
the picture and require completely different it would be possible for the significance of
emotional responses from the actors. what is taking place to transcend the con-
In a recent interview with the late Andr ceptions of the film-maker because essen-
Bazin, Jean Renoir complained: in the tially he is observing that ultimate mystery,
cinema at present the camera has become the reality. Today, fifty years after Tolstoys
a sort of God. You have a camera, fixed on death, we have reached a point in the devel-
its tripod or crane, which is just like a hea- opment of cinema where this proposal is
then altar; about it are the high prieststhe beginning to be realized.


It is a commonplace of the history of doc- which subtended the silent cinema were,
umentary film that at the end of the fifties for the most part, material-formalist in
there developed in the United States, France character; the major innovations of the
and Canada (including Quebec) a school heroic period of the silent cinemathe
of cinema known as cinma-vrit. The fact fracture of space and time, the use of rigor-
that these allied movements did develop in ously formal compositions involving closed
so many different countries at one particu- forms, the structuration of montage devices
lar historical moment no doubt indicates a on a linguistic model, and the use of an
substantial change in the geological rockbed increasingly formal narrative with the con-
of cinemaa change which even today con- comitant increasing alienation of the cin-
tinues to affect the course of development of ematic diegeses from the realitycan all be
the cinema, turning it towards a greater real- considered in these terms. All of this meant,
ism. That all these movements, moreover, of course, that the aesthetic value of these
attempted to incorporate aspects of the real works depended upon the rupture between
into the work of art and so share with certain the cinematic object and reality.
other movements in art (musique concrte, During the fifties, allied with those
objet-trouv, choisisme, etc.) certain common movements in modern art mentioned
aspirations clearly must be accounted for, above, there developed several scattered
and the willful obscuring or neglect of these movements in cinema, the aesthetic of
similarities could only be accomplished at which rested not upon the formal catego-
the expense of understanding why the cin- ries opened up by the transcendence of
ema took this particular course at this par- reality, but rather upon the tensions which
ticular historical moment. could be developed in the dialectic between
All of these movements shared certain fea- artifice and nature and, more particularly,
tures in their reaction against the aesthetic between fiction and reality.1 The strate-
of the preceding cinema. The aesthetics gies which characterize the works of these
On the Candid-Eye Movement 493

schoolsthe photographic respect for the It has often been commented upon
integrity of space and time in the use of the that the Drew films were journalistic in
long take, the use of more open and less character inasmuch as they depended for
formal compositional devices, the use of their interest on the supposed notewor-
non-actors and real locationswere all cal- thiness of the event documented. In fact,
culated to integrate the real into the archi- the characteristics of the event necessary
tectonic defined by the dramaticform.2 to sustain the structure on which the vast
Though this much can readily be admit- majority of the Drew films are built can
ted, the degree of attention given the simi- be more precisely specified than this. As
larities among the movements taking Mamber has pointed out,5 typically these
place in different countries has resulted in films are based on a contest-type situation.
some extremely misleading notions. It is, The fact that such a situation is constituted
of course, a commonplace to distinguish by a struggle between opposing forcesa
between American- and French-style struggle which by its very nature is deci-
cinma-vrit, usually on the basis of the sive inasmuch as it is assured that one of
rejection of interviews in the former (but the forces will achieve victory at the expense
not in the latter), and the supposedly of anotherguarantees that by conduct-
lesser degree of intervention on the part ing a simple track on the event, following
of the filmmaker in the pro-filmic event, contours of its external physical develop-
though it seems to me the full measure of ment and recording its key incidents, one
the difference between these two schools will arrive at a work structured on the
has not been fully appreciated. As for the crisis-climax-resolution pattern which con-
Canadian brand of cinma-vrit, it seems stitutes the basis of the dramatic form. The
to be considered of secondary consequence selection of these contest-type situations is
and derivative of either the American or therefore largely pragmatic; one can be sure
the French version. According to the usual that following such a situation over a spe-
accounts, the fact that Canada developed cific period of time and recording only its
the style so close in time to the American external appearance will result in a work-
and French developments reflects the able structure which possesses a measure
degree of intimacy between Canadian of dramatic intrigue.6
cinematic culture and that of the United Further evidence of the dramatic quality
States and France. of American-type cinma-vrit can be found
The trouble with these accounts is not in the nature of its concern with character.
only that they are historically inaccurate, The centrality of this concern is seen in the
inasmuch as the developments in Canada fact that the typical problematic underlying
actually anticipate those in the United States the films can be stated in the form Will
upon which they supposedly draw,3 but also A (the protagonist) succeed in some real
that the styles of cinma-vrit developed in contest-type situation? (e.g., will Hubert
these countries differ radically from each Humphrey win the Wisconsin primary? Will
other. Eddie Sacks win in the Indianapolis 500?
The work of Drew Associates, like that Will Jane Fondas initial Broadway appear-
of the other allied schools to which we ance be successful? Will Susan Starr win
have alluded, usually exploited the ten- her piano competition?). Typically the intro-
sions inherent in the dramatic form.4 It ductions to the works in this corpus serve to
is from this use of the dramatic form, in elicit audience sympathy for the protagonist
fact, that many of the characteristics which by showing him engaged in a contest-type
distinguish American cinma-vrit from situation in which he is strongly motivated
Canadian Candid-Eye cinema derive. to win, since something of very appreciable
494 Aesthetics of Liberation

consequence is shown to be at stake. Thus time guaranteeing the existence of dramatic

the conflict situation is calculated to put a tensions.
stress on the character. The resolution of the The issue here, then, is not simply one
film, typically the aftermath of a thwarting of creating an accurate facsimile of the real.
of the protagonists will (consider Primary, There is a deeper ontological issue involved.
Eddie Sacks, Susan Starr, Jane Fonda, in all The diegesis of the traditional cinema is
of which the protagonist fails to achieve his clearly an artifice, a construct; it is only for
goal), portrays the stripping away of his illu- this reason that strictly aesthetic categories
sions (defined by his ambitious goals) and can be applied when considering its articu-
the emergence of his real character.7 lation. The representation of the world pre-
Although the sorts of tensions which sented in a cinma-vrit film is not a parallel
characterize the dramatic form are imported construct to the real world articulated in
into the American-type cinma-vrit film, accordance with certain aesthetic demands;
they are, nonetheless, profoundly altered it is a trace of the real world informed by the
in character; for whereas in an orthodox same structural principles as the real itself.
dramatic work, the actions of the charac- This of course profoundly affects the
ters are determined by a body of conceptual nature of the filmmakers enterprise. His
material which demands that in order for a task is no longer creation but rather revela-
certain idea to be expressed a certain piece tion. The process of making such a work
of behaviour must occur, in a cinma-vrit is not the forging of an imaginative con-
film, the parallel dialectic is transformed struct through an act of will but rather one
into one existing between a persons appear- of allowing the forms of nature to manifest
ance and his real nature, between his mask themselves through an act of attentive sub-
and his reality. Thus, in these works, the mission on the part of the filmmaker; the
principle of structuration has shifted from a goal of art is no longer seen as that of pro-
body of conceptual material to reality.8 ducing beauty but rather truthor perhaps
In the traditional fictional cinema, the more precisely, truth in beauty.
factors affecting the articulation of the dieg- Having elucidated the formal structures
esis are many. If a verisimilitude of reality is of American-type cinma-vrit films, we are
desired, as it usually is in conventional cin- now in a position to grasp the full measure of
ema, its requirements will be one control- the difference between the English-Canadian
ling determinant of the work; competing and American versions of direct cinema,
with this, however, will be other determin- for the history of the Candid-Eye move-
ing factorsthose resulting from the nature ment can in part be written as a history of
of the body of conceptual material which the rejection of the dramatic forms. One of
constitutes the principle determinant of the the most obvious examples of this rejection
structuration of the work and particularly occurs in The Back-Breaking Leaf. The film
the internal logic of this body of material; begins by establishing a contrast between
those resulting from the aesthetic demands the well-to-do townspeople who own the
of developing tension, etc. All these factors prosperous tobacco fields and the itinerant
act to deflect the diegesis away from perfect labourers who work the fields in late sum-
verisimilitude. mer. For a few minutes at the beginning
In cinma-vrit films, however, this kind of the film it appears that this contrast will
of competition among determing principles develop dramatically into a conflict between
is eliminated as the structure of the real the two groups. So strong is this suggestion
event itself substitutes for the logic of the that in one remarkable scene we are shown
body of conceptual material as the principle the townspeople practicing archery at their
of structuration of the work, at the same recreation centre. The camera holds for a
On the Candid-Eye Movement 495

long time on a tautly drawn bow whose very Canadian versions of direct cinema were,
tension seems to emblemize the tensions as we have seen, essentially journalistic in
between the two groups, while the activity of character; the character of the journalism
archery itself is suggestive of the hostilities to which each group was committed, how-
between them. ever, differed radically. The American-style
The dramatic conflict which this seems of cinma-vrit was, of course, developed
to foreshadow indeed appears to be devel- under the auspices of Time-Life and the
oping as we are shown the labourers in an films themselves retained certain features
employment office rallying against exploit- of the Luce-type of journalism which those
ative labour practices and unfair wages. magazines practiced. Mamber, in his book
This, we sense, is a decisive moment; a Cinema Verite in America, has demon-
show-down between labour and employer is strated conclusively the important influence
arising which will develop into a crisis-type exerted by Robert Drew in the development
situation. of cinma-vrite in the United States, docu-
Our expectations are thwarted, however, menting the important role played by Drews
as a remarkable thing occurs: the conflict concept of the key picturean image of
situation is abruptly abandoned as the film the moment in which the full drama of a
proceeds to document the manner in which situation emergesin the formation of
tobacco is picked and dried. Indeed, the film the American-type of cinma-vrit. The
concludes as a text on the hazardousness of photojournalism to which the Candid-Eye
the enterprise of tobacco-growing.9 filmmakers held allegiance, on the other
The contrast between Koenig and Kroitors hand, reflects the influence of Henri
Lonely Boy and Leacock and Pennebakers Cartier-Bresson.11
Jane, both portraits done in 1962 of young Cartier-Bressons approach breaks
performers at early stages in their careers, is sharply with the traditions of photojournal-
equally illustrative of the point we are consid- ism, including the Luce type, which prevailed
ering. Whereas the American film is based at the time he began working as a photog-
on the crisis-type situation of the opening rapher. Whereas earlier photojournalists
appearance of an actress in her first major were concerned with the extraordinary
role and develops fully the dramatic potential event (consider, for example, the subjects
inherent in such a situation, the Canadian of Drews key pictures: catastrophes, the
film eschews any situations involving con- photo finish, etc.), Henri Cartier-Bresson
flict, and so lacks any sense of drama what- captured in his photographs the ordinary
soever. It restricts itself to documenting the and the unexceptional.12
ordinary day-to-day activities of the young One aspect of Cartier-Bressons work,
pop star and the factors behind his success.10 then, and an aspect which the Candid-Eye
The reasons for the rigorous stance doubtless found important, is that it repre-
against the use of dramatic form on the sents a forward step of the demotic tradition
part of the Candid-Eye filmmakers are sev- in photography. Photography was first called
eral. Some of them are related to end-of- into being when acceleration in the rate of
ideology ideology which was current change prompted the recognition of the rad-
when this style was forged; others have to ical limitations of human vision; it enabled
do with those colonial attitudes so often man to capture and freeze a moment within
found expressed in Canadian arts. But the this realm of flux, preserving it for scrutiny
key reason lies in the particular charac- in a way that eye sight never could.13
ter of the journalism which provided the Thus, photography was forged to cap-
basis for the Canadian version of direct ture the everyday, the ordinary, that which
cinema. Both the American and the was subject to change. Accordingly, there
496 Aesthetics of Liberation

developed in the early days of photography allow the real to enter the art-work more on
a genre dealing with the street, for the locus its own terms. The first stage in this strug-
of the acceleration in the rate of change was gle was conducted primarily in the field of
the city, and the central symbol of the city photojournalism. Certain photojournalists
is the street. Soon, however, an artistic began to develop a style of documentation
approach to photography was developed. In which precluded the necessity of the real
the attempt to elevate photography to the to conform to certain formal canons, thus
realm of art, a pictorialist style was devel- gaining a victory in the overthrow of those
oped which was based upon strategies in conventions exemplified in the work of
the use of texture, atmosphere, composition Steiglitz, Strand and Evans. Their victory,
and framing which attempted to purge the however, was again qualified in that they
image of its literalness and worldliness and took as their subject matter scenes from
to raise the subject matter of the photograph the underbelly of society. In this way they
to the realm of the transcendental. transformed the document into an image
By the thirties, a sharp challenge to the of the exotic, the strange, at times even the
pictorialist ambitions of art photography bizarre.17
was being posed in the work of Walker Thus, although adherence to formal con-
Evans, Alfred Steiglitz and Paul Strand. ventions was markedly reduced in the work
These photographers rejected the use of these photojournalists, new conventions
of painterly devices and those strategies arose which derived from the choice of the
designed to elevate the subject matter of the exotic as subject matter.18 Full victory in the
photograph to the transcendental, and took struggle for the right of the real to enter the
a more literal approach to the photographic work of art had still not been gained for it
image.14 was only by conformity to certain criteria
This conflict between the pictorialist of the dramatic that the real was allowed to
and literalist approaches to photography occupy thatplace.
rehearsed the conflict between premod- In the photojournalism of Cartier-Bresson
ernist and modernist concerns15 in the arts these tendencies towards dramatization
inasmuch as it exemplified a struggle for a were to a considerable degree repudi-
modern way of seeing which included the ated. Cartier-Bressons work does not treat
factual, the literal, as a part16a struggle for that special class of events (e.g., the cata-
the right of the real, the everyday, the fleet- strophic, the photo-finish), which lent a
ing and the momentary to occupy a legiti- dramatic quality to the photojournalism
mate position in a work ofart. which preceded him. His photographs
Initially, however, this right was not are instead drawn from the everyday. This
asserted without reservation, for in the turn away from the dramatic towards the
work of these photographers the real found ordinary is, however, accompanied by a
its place only by virtue of a kind of formal renewed formal interest, for the decisive
appropriation in which the real was trans- moment approach to photography prac-
formed to conform to certain formal aes- ticed by Cartier-Bresson consists in select-
thetic canons. The dialectic between real ing from the everyday occurrence precisely
object and its formal transformation consti- that moment in which the pictorial ele-
tutes the major source of tension in an over- ments in the scene interrelate to form a
whelmingly large proportion of the works of rigorously composed design.19 Thus, his
this school. works depend upon the tension arising
Once the right of the real to take its place from the dialectical relationship existing
in an art object had been established, on between the ordinariness of the occur-
those terms, the struggle became one to rences selected for representation and the
On the Candid-Eye Movement 497

precision of the formal framework in which the character of presenting a detached and
these occurences are represented. objective model of representation.22
In an important sense, therefore, the In keeping with this conception of the vir-
decisive moment approach in photog- tues of the photographic process, the struc-
raphy still rested on the sense of privilege tures which the Candid-Eye group developed
attaching to certain selected fragments of were observational in character; i.e., they
reality by virtue of their conformity to certain are imitative of the acts of an observer wit-
formal canons. It is important to note, how- nessing the unfolding of a spectacle. This
ever, that this conformity obtains in the pho- general character, however, was further
tographs of Cartier-Bresson in a somewhat specified by two additional conditions:first,
different manner than it did in photographs in order to remain within the realm of the
of Steiglitz, Strand, Evans and Weston. In non-dramatic, the events that were chosen
the work of this group the conformity was as object matter had to be limited to every-
photographically imposedit was obtained day events; second, in order to remain fully
by using such techniques as the manipu- consistent with that quality of photography
lation of depth of focus, of framing, of the just described, the structures had to imply
control of tones in printing. Cartier-Bresson a radically detached, non-involved spectator
refuses to impose such a formal framework who is neither physically engaged in effect-
on the event;20 rather he discovers it in the ing the course of action of the pro-filmic
event as it runs its natural course.21 event nor intellectually active in imposing a
The Candid-Eye filmmakers in UnitB of preconceived grid on the events. Generally,
the National Film Board followed Cartier- the most effective sort of structure which
Bressons lead in rejecting as object matter evolved to meet these conditions was one
those special events so valued by the direct whose progression is homologous with
cinema filmmakers of the American the process by which an outsider devel-
school, and in repudiating the use of dra- ops familiarity with an event, character or
matic frameworks within which to repre- situation.23
sent these events. They chose, for the most The ideological implications of this sort
part, everyday eventstobacco harvest- of structure are revealing. The extreme
ing, the daily round of police activity, days sense of detachment which this suggests
before Christmas, the very ordinary side of and which in the Candid-Eye films often
the making of a popular music starand, passes over into a kind of self-abandonment
as did Cartier-Bresson, allowed the formal in the face of reality implies a form of con-
structure of the work to evolve organically sciousness which is alienated from the
out of the events themselves. Moreover, like world and whose sole activity is limited to
Cartier-Bresson, the Candid-Eye filmmak- passive observationa consciousness then
ers leaned towards formal rigour rather which plays no role in the structuring either
than dramatic importance in the selec- of reality or of our perception of it. The con-
tion of their images. It is for this reason, tinual rehearsal of the process of becoming
I believe, that the Candid-Eye films always familiar with the everyday things around
have a more polished surface than those of one suggests the extreme alienation of this
their American counterparts. This refusal consciousness as it tries to come to terms
to impose forms in the matter being repre- with a world beyond itself. Behind this lies
sented and the concomitant desire to allow a view of reality which, because it is thought
the forms to evolve organically stem from to be beyond the individuals control,
a particular conception of the photographic appears as mystified and needing continu-
imageone which holds that the particu- ally to be demystified. It is hardly surpris-
lar virtue of the photographic essay lies in ing, for it is in keeping with the colonized
498 Aesthetics of Liberation

outlook which all of this embodies, that that one single contest-type situation which
the structures employed in the Candid-Eye provides the central focal point for the entire
films should suggest that the attempt of the work. The Canadian film, by comparison,
overcoming of this alienation occurs only at is extremely diffuse and episodic, present-
a the level of cognition. ing us with a number of incidents which
In all of this, one is reminded of Frantz purport to give us an in-depth portrayal of
Fanons analysis of the stages of develop- the man behind the star and of those forces
ment of colonial art.24 According to Fanon, which operate in shaping his stardom.
the development of national art occurs in The effect of this lack of a central focus-
three stages: the phase of assimilation of sing event is that the incidents in the film
the colonizers art; a phase of the affirma- tend to break up into a kind of shower of
tion of past, native culture but articulated discrete particulars. Fanons model would
from an external point of viewthe view of explain this in terms of the artists grasp of
the colonizer; and finally a fighting phase historical realities at this stage in the evolu-
in which the artist becomes an awakener of tion of national culture. The artists detach-
the people. The consistently national object ment prevents him from understanding
matter of the Candid-Eye films situate them the inner workings of reality or the logic
within the second phase of Fanons histori- beneath the unfolding of events. As a result,
cal schema. he can see reality as a series of accidental
The benchmarks of this second phase, occurrences, that is, only as a kind of assem-
described by Fanon, precisely characterize blage of separate particulars. For this rea-
the Candid-Eye work. Fanon states that this son, that structure employed in the films
phase is characterised by an ironic sort of of Drew Associates which depends upon a
humour. This sense of irony arises from grasp of the homology between the dramatic
the dialectic inherent in the position of the form and the structure of conflicts which
artist in this period of development: on the characterize the inner working of reality is
one hand he is committed to a national not available to the colonized artist of this
culture, while on the other he views the phase. His work is restricted to presenting
national culture from a detached, external merely the surfaces of reality. Thus, what
and hence often amused point of view. The was claimed to be the result of a meritous,
Candid-Eye films frequently exemplify this willful detachment shows itself, on deeper
kind of detached, ironic humour. Lonely Boy study, to be a meretricious, alienated lack of
again is a case in point; the object matter is understanding. This sort of realism surely
Canadian but the vantage point taken is a deserves the appellation it has sometimes
detached one from which the singer is ironi- been givennaive realism.
cally viewed as a kind of amusing, manu-
factured commodity whose appeal is that of
an adolescent curiosity-piece. How far this
is from the point of view taken by Leacock 1. Frequently, melodramatic narratives were used in
and Pennebaker on Jane Fondas attempt to the works of these schools in order to sketch in
outline the architectonic of the dramatic form. Thus,
achieve stardom, which is seen as the stuff the outline of the formal structure of the narrative,
of real human drama. to be completed by the integration of the real, is
Another contrast between the two films, presented almost schematically.
2. On a theoretical level, this tendency was defended
explainable on Fanons model, concerns by Andr Bazin in his article, Montage Interdit.
the difference in the degree of rigour of the This article presents an argument to the effect that
structures of the two works. The American integration of reality and the drama is an essential
feature to truly cinematic works.
work employs a very tight structure, as all 3. The first fully developed direct cinema works
the incidents of the film relate directly to in Canada date from 1958 (Blood and Fire, The
On the Candid-Eye Movement 499

Back-Breaking Leaf )anticipating the Drew/Leacock 9. It should go without saying that the ideological
Primary by almost two full yearsand the roots of implications of this shift in direction in the film are
the style in Canada can be traced back at least to 1952. quite profound and disturbing.
4. On this topic, see Mambers incisive study of 10. The examples I have chosen are not isolated
American-type cinma-vrit, Cinema Verite in cases of the refusal to use dramatic forms for
America. the documentation of situations which have
5. Ibid. an inherent dramatic potential; indeed, the
6. Perhaps explaining this idea in another manner entire history of the Candid-Eye movement is
would help to clarify it. By basing the films on a a succession of crisis-type situations refused,
contest-type situation, one is guaranteed that there of conflicts not taken into account. Two further
will be a central problematic posed by the film which examples one could point to are Blood and Fire
can be expressed in the form Will Awin over B and which could have been developed as a drama of
that this question will be answered by following the the struggle to save souls, and I Was a 90-Pound
external course of development of the event. This Weakling which could have been a dramatic
entails that the course of the unfolding of the physical presentation of individuals striving to overcome
event is homologous with the form for the drama and their physical limitations.
thus that a document of the unfolding of the event 1 1. This influence has been attested to by the
will possess at least a degree of dramatic intrigue. Candid-Eye filmmakers themselves, for
7. As an interesting aside to this point, one might note example, Terence Macartney-Filgate in an
how in these films the conception of a mans real interview with Sarah Jennings (see An
nature is ideologically bound. In every case, man Interview with Terence Macartney-Filgate in
is shown to have the ability to survive under stress, thisbook).
to carry on his struggle despite defeat. As Mamber 12. This approach places the work of Cartier-Bresson
points out, this is a very American conception of within the streams of modernism which eschewed
human nature. Mamber compares the depiction of the use of dramatic forms because they tended to
the central protagonist in the Drew films to Hawkss privilege certain moments over others. The logical
conception of hero. (Though the idea of hero is extension of this trend was to repudiate even
opposite, I should think the best parallel would Cartier-Bressons decisive moment (which will
be found in the works of Hemingway.) Mamber be discussed shortly) and to capture the moments
fails to note, however, how often this depiction of before or after it. This was the step taken by Robert
the American is permeated with that strong tone Frank in his important ground-breaking book, The
of condescension, even contempt, which is so Americans.
typical of the eastern American attitude toward the 13. The idea that photography developed when a series
ideals of Middle America. Leacock is most guilty of technical innovations made it possible is simply
in this regard: Happy Mothers Day is thoroughly historically false; all the technical components
infected with an attitude of contempt only partially necessary for the development of photography
redeemed by his so obvious humane sympathy for were in existence at least two hundred years prior
Mrs. Fisher. Furthermore, Mamber fails to note how to its invention.
the ambitious, striving American-hero character 14. This chronological method of presentation of
is consistently depicted in these works as a mask, course oversimplifies and distorts the actual
disguising the underlying essence. The importance history, for there were at all times literalist as
of the crisis-type of situation is precisely that it well as pictorialist tendencies co-existing; in
provides the stress to crack open this mask and fact, at times literalist and pictorialist features
reveal the real nature of the human character. co-exist in the work of a single photographer.
8. The fact that this conception of the characters real This chronology does, nonetheless, outline
nature is ideologically determined does nothing to some essential tendencies in the history
refute the claim that the work derives its structure of photography. (A cogent presentation of
from reality, for the characters revelation of the conflict between these two modes of
himself at the moments after the crisis surely photography is Walker Evanss article in Hound
admits of something that is undeniably real. What and Horn no. 37.)
is ideologically determined is the conception that 15. Here Iuse the term modernism not to refer to
what is revealed in the aftermath of the crisis those tendencies described by Clement Green as
situation is more basic to the human constitution defining modernist painting, but to refer to that
than what is revealed in the characters choices of stream of art flowing from impression.
his goals. This conception of the unity of truth and 16. Hence the resemblance between the object matter
beauty, of the affinity between natural and artistic of much of literalist photography (and of the
forms (indicated by the use of natural activities to affinities of photography discussed by Kracauer in
provide the structure by which aesthetic tensions his Theory of Film) and the object matter of much
are resolved) and of the organic character of a work of impressionist painting.
of art indicates the allegiance of this kind of cinema 17. Susan Sontag has described the way in
(and more generally of the stream of modernism which Surrealism lay close to the heart of the
with which it is associated) to the aesthetics of photographic enterprise itself, and showed
Romanticism. how those photographs which eschew the
500 Aesthetics of Liberation
decorative convention introduced by Surrealism human vision, and he refuses to crop or otherwise
into the other arts and cling more nearly to manipulate the print in printing.
the reproductive process are the most likely 21. This principle underlying Cartier-Bressons
to be surreal. An overwhelmingly powerful practice is allied very closely with that principle of
demonstration of this in films is, of course, non-interference in the pro-filmic event so dear
Luis Buuels Las Hurdes. (See Susan Sontag, to all practicioners of direct cinema in North
Shooting America, The New York Review of America. No doubt this accounts in part for the
Books, April 18, 1974.) affinity which the Candid-Eye filmmakers felt for
18. An alternate approach of the early photojournalist hiswork.
was to deal with the noteworthy, even the 22. This tendency in the practice of photography of
spectacular. But here again, the real was allowed to this period also finds expression in the theories of
enter the work of art only by virtue of its dramatic photography which evolved contemporaneously.
qualities. Aestheticians of the time often made claims for
19. It was not until Robert Franks publication of The the virtues of photograph quality self-effacement.
Americans that this approach was rejected. Frank It is noteworthy that these claims for objectivity,
refused to select those climactic moments which for the detached, unmanipulative characteristics of
constituted the object matter of Cartier-Bressons photography, arose only in the mid-fifties.
photographs and instead selected moments 23. This sort of structure was first used in cinema in
precisely on the basis of their ordinarinessof the works of Robert Flaherty. It is noteworthy that
their being typical of the run of events. Flaherty felt compelled to resolve such a structure
20. So extreme is Cartier-Bressons stance on this with a dramatic finale, while the Candid-Eye
matter that he photographs only with a 50mm filmmakers felt no such compulsion.
lensa lens the angle of acceptance of which most 24. On National Culture, The Wretched of the Earth
nearly approximates the angle of acceptance of (New York: Grove Press, 1968).


To Mayor Lindsay in the air. Cleaners of the city: Dont put

the poor 42nd Street souls and artists in
So the city is clubbing the arts again! So jails: Hire them to paint the subways white
they are burning the books again, so they and in colors and flowers, and put music in
are tearing apart the little strips of films subways, and 8 mm. movie screens so that
and the white blood of celluloid is drying the uptown and downtown ride will be like
in the impersonal and cold-eyed offices of really going home, or like really going to
thecity. see a friend. Oh, there are so many things
The whole censorship and licensing to do in spring! Dear Mayor Lindsay: Dont
business has become so childish by now let yourself be dragged down by the ghosts
that its difficult even to get outraged about of the past!
it. We all know that any official censorship
of art (or life) is doomed, because man
has entered into a different, freer, higher On Film Journalism
stage of consciousness. Its no use wast- and Newsreels
ing much energy on fighting censorship:
Censors and licensors are the last craggy I have been thinking and thinking these
symptoms of the old New York. There is last few weeks, and now I should tell you
a new New York coming! Its almost here! whats bothering me. Its this: There are
Mayor Lindsay: Please put your ear to so many things happening round us, from
the windows, and to the walls, and to the the ghettos of L.A. to the smoky outskirts
ground, and listen to the new vibrations of Chicago and all across the country and
in the airand its not only because its in Vietnam, and in our own small citybig
April! Its a different kind of April thats things, and small things, ugly things, and
502 Aesthetics of Liberation

things like the eyes eaten out by smog, fall- the warmth of their being or the coldness of
ing out and rolling into the gutters; and theirdeath.
how the GIs are dying smiling and happy Lets swamp the Cinematheque with
and in glory like butterflies. Things like newsreels, home-movie newsreels, not
that. We see nothing in our movies! And the Path Bros. newsreels, not the Walter
Iam not talking about our poets:Our film Cronkite reports!
poets have made the most beautiful poems If anyone would ask me what was the
in the world. Iam talking about newsreels most important thing that happened in cin-
and about documentaries and about real ema last week, I would answer that it was
life commentaries. With all the new tech- Shirley Clarke (who made The Cool World
niques and equipment available to us, with and The Connection) buying an 8mm. cam-
almost weightless and almost invisible cam- era! She is not ashamed of the tiny little
eras, 8mm. and 16mm., and with sound, 8 mm. camera, she is carrying it every-
we can go today into any place we want and where with her, and she is shooting, shoot-
put everything on film. Why do we neglect ing. I am certain that this marks another
film journalism? Eight mm. movies should big crack in Papas cinema: That big ship
be secretly shipped from Vietnam; 8 mm. will surely sink. And dont misunderstand
movies should be shipped from the South; me: We like studios and we like 70 mm.
8 mm. movies taken by the ten-year-old and we are going to shoot one million and
Harlem kids armed not with guns but ten million movies. But we have to do the
8 mm. cameraslets flash them on our 8mm. jobtoo.
theatre screens, our home screens; 8 mm. The Film-Makers Cooperative has estab-
movies smuggled out of prisons, of insane lished the End of Century Newsreel series
asylums, everywhere, everywhere. There which will be shipped to colleges, univer-
should be no place on earth not covered by sities, theatres, and whoever wants them.
8mm. movies, no place without the buzz- Home-movie-makers all over the world are
ing of our 8mm. cameras! Lets show every- being asked to film and send to the Co-op
thing, everything. We can do it today. We whatever happens around the town, this
have to go through this, so that we can go city, country; whatever is exciting, terrible,
to other things. We have to see everything, or beautiful for others to see and to know.
to look at everything through our lenses, We have to start doing this right now. Lets
see everything like for the first time:From record the dying century and the birth of
a man sleeping, from our own navels, to another man. The time is here to change the
our more complex daily activities, tragedies, ways of journalism on this planet Earth. The
loves, and crimes. Somewhere, we have lost schools of journalism will soon replace their
touch with our own reality and the camera writing classes with 8 mm. movie-making
eye will help us to make contactagain. classes. Lets surround the earth with our
Why should we leave all reporting to cameras, hand in hand, lovingly; our cam-
the press and TV? They are nice people era is our third eye that will lead us out and
but they are interested in making a living, in and through. The buzz of our cameras
in money, in many nice things, but not in should be louder then the buss of the fuzz.
seeing things. We know that we can never Nothing should be left unshown or unseen,
see things as they are, but at least we can dirty or clean:Let us see and go further, out
come closer to them so that we could feel of the swamps and into thesun.

A Critical Analysis of Primary (1991)

There is a feeling in the air that cinema is only just beginning.

The editors of Film Culture, awarding Drew Associates
the Independent Film Award for Primary (1960)1

Opening a Can of Worms said.3 And indeed, in 1960 Drew produced

films on the candidates in the Wisconsin
In March of 1961, Robert Drew announced Democratic presidential primary, on the
what Broadcasting magazine would dub the winner of the coveted pole position in
three commandments of televisions the Indianapolis 500 race, on protestors in
school of storm and stress: Im deter- Havanas Plaza Civica after Cubas expul-
mined to be there when the news happens. sion from the Organization of American
Im determined to be as unobtrusive as States, and on the parents of students in
possible. And Im determined not to dis- Louisiana schools during court-ordered
tort the situation.2 The name school of desegregation.4 But the name school of
storm and stress was a glib reference to storm and stress did not, as it turned out,
Drews preference for subjects wrapped up stick. Neither did living camera, the title
in their own affairs and apparently oblivi- Drew Associates preferred. Their work
ous to camera and crew. I seek people finally came to be known as cinema ver-
driven by their own forcesforces so ite, a decidedly pretentious term for which
strong that they can forget about me, he members of the group would endure much
504 Aesthetics of Liberation

abuse, even though they seldom used it Leacock admitted, In a funny sort of way,
themselves.5 And it could, of course, have my hunch is that what we are doing is the
been worse: one critic referred to the style most important thing that film cando.11
as cinema manqu and another as cin- The notion that limiting voice-over nar-
ema banalit.6 But cinema verite had ration might render an image pure, or
as many champions as critics, and the that the Truth might simply reveal itself
work of Drew Associates inspired a feel- if a subject were caught unawaresthe
ing, for some, that cinema was only just notion, as Bill Nichols put it, that the
beginning. world and its truths exist; they need only
The kind of documentary Mr. Drew be dusted off and reported12would
describes is the purest documentary of be the subject of a devastating critique
all, declared John Secondari, Executive mounted by contemporary film theorists
Producer at ABC-TV in 1963. When you before the end of the 1970s. Stephen
can tell a story as it unfolds, with your Mamber was perhaps the last critic to
camera and without very much need of approach the documentaries of Drew
words, you have documentary in the palm Associates from a classical perspective. In
of your hands.7 Louis Marcorelles spoke Cinema Verite in America (1974), Mamber
of the work of Drew Associates as part of a almost reluctantly acknowledged that
revolution that would be as important to the myth of total cinema was finally just
the future of the cinema as Brecht was to that: Given that no film can ever break
the theater. Truth no longer lies in seem- down completely the barrier between the
ing to give a good performance, a star real world and the screen world, cinema
turn, he wrote for Sight & Sound in 1963, verite knowingly reaches for unattainable
but in seizing the individual unawares, goals.13 But he insisted that the realism
rather as you may discover the real face of these documentaries, the sense of life
of a woman in the early morning on the going on beyond the camera, was more
pillow beside you.8 With the emergence than a function of film style. For Mamber,
of cinema verite, something close to a it was based on cinema verites unique
modern religion was born, according to relation to the real. This is not a sense
James Blue. Cinema verite has its ortho- expressed through visual metaphor or
doxies, its heresies, its unitarians and expressive camera technique, he argued,
its fundamentalists, he wrote for Film but a result of refusing to make events
Comment in 1965. At no time in the his- subordinate to filming by means of direct
tory of film art have mystical and moral control.14 Cinema verite is an attempt to
considerations been so important in the strip away the accumulated conventions
formation of a film aesthetic.9 And per- of traditional cinema in the hope of redis-
haps, as critics would later allege, some covering a reality that eludes other forms
of the cinema verite filmmakers got as of filmmaking, he wrote. As such, there
caught up in the mystique of their move- should be all the difference in the world
ment as their subjects were wrapped between cinema verite and the fictional
up in their problems. In 1965, Blue and traditional documentary film.15
described the cinema of Albert Maysles This claim to a new privileged grasp
as one in which ethics and aesthetics of reality, as Thomas Waugh would write
are interdependent, where beauty starts one year later, appears in retrospect to
with honesty, where a cut or a change have been somewhat naive.16 In 1975,
in camera angle can become not only a Waugh criticized the filmmakers who,
possible aesthetic error but also a sin grouped around Drew Associates, rushed
against Truth.10 The same year, Richard into the streets with their camra-stylos
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 505

and discovered, as if for the first time, the documentary spectators were nave enough
vitality of unmediated existence. They to be fooled. In pure cinema verite films,
talked of honesty, intimacy and above all the style seeks to become transparent in
objectivity, as if these old brickbats of aes- the same mode as the classical Hollywood
thetics had been invented along with the style, Nichols claimed, capturing people in
Nagra.17 While Waugh chided the navet action and letting the viewer come to con-
of filmmakers like Leacock and Drew, clusions about them unaided by any implicit
Nichols chided the navet of film schol- or explicit commentary.21 Such transpar-
ars like Mamber. In Ideology and the Image ency was seen as treacherous by contem-
(1981), Nichols wrote: Stephen Mamber porary documentary theorists. In 1977, for
claims that this kind of cinema verite example, Jeanne Allen argued that unless a
involves a faith in unmanipulated reality, documentary is flagrantly reflexive, the spec-
a refusal to tamper with life as it presents tator apprehends the reality presented by
itself. The ghost of Andr Bazin notwith- the film as the only one there for the film-
standing, neither Wiseman nor the others maker to show.22 And Jay Ruby claimed
mentioned [Richard Leacock, Donn Alan that cinema verite films, conspicuously lack-
Pennebaker and Albert Maysles among ing in reflexivity, might foster a dangerous
them] create a neutral or objective style.18 false consciousness among documentary
But the zeal of a handful of eager young viewers.23 One could, of course, argue that
camera wizards and the enthusiasm of cinema verite documentaries drew atten-
a classical critic could ultimately be over- tion to their own devices a good deal more
looked. The most serious liability of the than most, and that the verite style was
movement, for Waugh, was its persistent anything but transparent, especially in the
pretense of impartiality.19 He argued that early 1960s. Ruby in fact admits that some
the 1960s saw a need for more explicit elements of cinema verite films (for exam-
socio-political analysis to support the ple, shots in which the microphone and/or
momentum of alternative politicsa need sound person appears) have been regarded
that cinema verite filmmakers, with their by some audiences as being reflexive.24 But
scrupulous objectivity and apolitical ano- he discounts all such instances because he
nymity, failed to address. The failure of doubts that cinema verite filmmakers could
Leacock, Wiseman etal. was a particularly have been clever enough to include them
bitter one for Waugh, because of their intentionally. Similarly, Allen acknowledges
widespread reputation as social critics and that cinema verites handheld camera might
because of the potentially activist liberal remind viewers of the specifichence
audience their films addressed.20 Rather limitedperspective of the filmmaker, but
than facilitate social change, they merely she, too, dismisses such devices because
reflected and reinforced a mood which in they do not apparently comment upon
itself was not enough. Waughs advoca- themselves within the scope of the film.25
tion of the new documentary of the sev- And so, like the classical Hollywood
enties (epitomized for him as well as for cinema (against which members of Drew
Nichols by the films of Emile de Antonio) Associates sought to define their form), cin-
as a radical alternative to the observational ema verite was denounced as a transparent
strategies of cinema verite was reminis- purveyor of ideology. Reflexive documen-
cent of Eisensteins rejection of Vertovs tary filmmakers like Jean Rouch, Jean-Luc
kino-eye in favor of his own kino-fist. Godard, and Emile de Antonio became the
If cinema verites claim to a new privi- darlings of contemporary documentary
leged grasp of reality struck post-1968 schol- theory, and indeed, such filmmakers were
ars as nave, most nonetheless assumed that among the harshest critics of American
506 Aesthetics of Liberation

verite. At the March International des Cinema verite filmmakers claimed to

Programmes et Equipments de Tlvisin, have created a cinema in which the story
held at Lyon in 1963, for example, Rouch tells itself through pictures, not through
claimed that Leacock accepted too read- word logic, lecture logic, written logic or
ily and uncritically everything he saw.26 interviews.32 With characteristic audacity,
Nothing will help make an image clear if Robert Drew once invited viewers to turn
the intentions are fuzzy, wrote Godard, in off the sound on their television sets and
reference to both the studied objectivity of follow the logiceven the dramaof
cinema verite filmmakers and the blurred, the show in what evolves visually.33 Years
grainy visuals that had come to signify later, critics would describe cinema verite
truth.27 Cinema verite is first of all a lie as a predominantly visual documentary
and secondly a childish assumption about form,34 one whose address emanates
the nature of film, de Antonio charged. solely from the image track.35 Others
Cinema verite is a joke. Only people with- would acknowledge that cinema verite
out feelings or convictions could even think films had soundtracks, but deny they had
of making cinema verite.28 voice-over narration. One critic, for exam-
Cinema verite, as Nol Carroll quips, ple, describes the experience of watching
opened a can of worms and then got eaten the early films of Drew like this:Deprived
by them.29 The rhetoric of the movement of a narrator, the viewer must make the
quickly fell out of fashion as contemporary logical connections between shots and
film theory called into question the appar- scenes. Verbal information is carried not
ently obvious nature of the cinematic sign. by a carefully scripted narration recorded
Cinema verite filmmakers burst on the in a studio, but through sync-sound dia-
scene in 1960 talking of honesty, intimacy, logue recorded on the run.36 In fact,
and above all objectivitybut by the end all of the early Drew films have carefully
of the decade, film studies programs were scripted narration recorded in a studio
teaching ideology, interpellation and subjec- and some, like Yanki No! (1960) and
tivity. Cinema verite filmmakers, with their Adventures on the New Frontier (1961), each
liberal humanism and unabashed empiri- with well over 2,000 words of it, come
cism, became easy targets indeed.30 It is remarkably close to delivering the illus-
not hard to see why contemporary critics trated lectures Drew despised.
bristled at the rhetoric of the movement. Cinema verite filmmakers claimed to have
In 1965, Richard Leacock insisted that his created a cinema in which no side was taken
work was more than just realistic:And then and no cause defended. I think my main
youve got what we are doing, which has feeling about film [is that it] should not lec-
suddenly arisen, which is totally different ture, Pennebaker told Gideon Bachmann
because this really has to do with reality.31 in 1961.37 The moment I sense that Im
Documentary scholars were of course right being told the answer, Itend to start reject-
to question such claims. But most simply ing it, Leacock told James Blue in 1965.38
dismissed cinema verite films for not being Years later, critics would write of cinema
windows on the world and denounced verites persistent pretense of impartial-
cinema verite filmmakers for believing or ity39 and describe the verite documentarist
pretending that they were. And many relied as a neutral observer, not a polemicist.40
upon the rhetoric of the movement for infor- In fact, some of the first films of Drew
mation about the films rather than on the Associates are openly argumentative. Yanki
sounds and images of the films themselves. No! begins with the announcement, This
The rhetoric of the cinema verite is a film editorial, and ends with an impas-
movement thus took on a life of its own. sioned plea for more aid to Latin America.
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 507

The Children Were Watching (1960) does not all evidence of their inevitable obtrusive-
explicitly announce itself as an editorial, ness wound up on the cutting room floor.
but its denunciation of white segregation- But in fact, many of the early Drew films
ists is uncompromising. Areviewer for The feature subjects directly addressing the
NewYork Times aptly described the film as camera, often referring explicitly to the
a bold editorial in impressive, often fright- filmmaking process. You must go there
ening terms, thirty hard-hitting minutes and take pictures, says the Venezuelan
that were not diluted by trying to please diplomat in Yanki No! I hope for your cam-
everyone.41 era studies that you can get these pictures
Cinema verite filmmakers claimed not at night, says the aviator in X-Pilot. Take
to use interviews. I think even interview- an old mans picture, son, whos been here
ing can establish a control over the subject, and knows about it, and prove what he tells
or can introduce your propulsion into the you, says the old man from West Virginia
subject to such an extent that from then in Adventures on the New Frontier, and the
on you wont get what that character would camera zooms in on him slightly, punctuat-
have done without the interview, Drew ing his address to the filmmakers. In The
said in 1963.42 Years later, critics would Children Were Watching, the screen goes
claim that the interview was eschewed black for several seconds after a protester
as a form of camera-created reality in lashes out at the camerareminding view-
American cinema verite films.43 But a close ers of the subjects awareness of the film-
look at the first films of Drew Associates makers presence indeed.
suggests that the filmmakers routinely To see the early films of Drew Associates
conducted interviewsand routinely for the first time today is to be amazed at
edited half of each exchange from the fin- how remotely they resemble their descrip-
ished film. The voters on the streets of tions. True, most of them feature the
Wisconsin in Primary, the wife of the race restless, wandering movements of light-
car driver in On the Pole (1960), the Soviet weight, handheld cameras; the dark, grainy
seaman in Yanki No!, the aviators secretary images of fast, monochrome film; and
in X-Pilot (1960), the chief of police in The the impromptu performances of appar-
Children Were Watchingall speak directly ently preoccupied social actorscinema
to the camera, quite clearly in response to verite innovations which quickly became
a question. Thus, it is not that members conventions. But they also feature (vari-
of Drew Associates did not conduct inter- ously) voice-over narration, talking
views, but rather, as Broadcasting reported heads, avowed editorials, animated maps,
in 1961, that Mr. Drews interviewers are superimpositions, subtitles, nondiegetic
for the most part not seen. Even their music, subjective sequences, matches-on-
questions are sometimes not heard by the actioncountless conventions of the tradi-
viewer. From Mr. Drews point of view, the tional documentary film and the classical
questions are seldom as important as the Hollywood cinema that serve to foreground
answers.44 the conventional nature of the realism of
Cinema verite filmmakers claimed to be cinema verite.
as unobtrusive as possible, to become like If the first films of Drew Associates
flies on the wall. Drew once insisted that failed to fulfill the promises of their mak-
he and his team became part of the wood- ers, contemporary documentary theorists
work in Kennedys Oval Office as we did have failed to consider them apart from
most every place else.45 Received wisdom the hyperbolic rhetoric of the movement.
has it not that cinema verite filmmakers One need not watch these films to know
actually achieved such invisibility, but that that they do not serve up the truth at
508 Aesthetics of Liberation

twenty-four frames per second, but one is generally acknowledged or assumed,

does need to watch them in order to under- very little has actually been written about
stand cinema verites special brand of real- it. Moreover, the literature that does sur-
ism. The discrepancies between the first round Primary provides an excellent exam-
films of Drew Associates and the literature ple of the way in which the rhetoric of the
that surrounds them suggest that it is time cinema verite movement set the terms for
to reopen the can of worms that reportedly contemporary discussions of early cinema
devoured cinema verite. We may agree that veritefilms.
Drews claim to a new privileged grasp of For example, while Primary may well rep-
reality appears in retrospect to have been resent the beginning of cinema verite in
somewhat naive, but what do we know of America, as a catalog published by its dis-
the films he produced? We may agree that tributor claims, it is not the first completely
these documentaries do notindeed, could candid film shot entirely in synchronous
notfulfill the stated intentions of their sound, as the catalog further suggests.
makers, but to what extent do the films Such claims easily find their way into the
themselves even purport or pretend to do popular and trade presses; Primary is fre-
so? How do the earliest examples of cin- quently described as the first documentary
ema verite combine recorded sounds and made entirely with location sound and
images to construct the illusion of a real- without voice-over narration.51 Academic
ity that eludes other forms of filmmaking? critics have been less cavalier with their
And how do they combine the conventions facts, but I would argue that the way in
of the classical Hollywood cinema and the which the film is discussed in the academic
traditional documentary film with the inno- press has nonetheless been determined
vations of cinema verite? by the rhetoric of the movement. Thus,
I would like to begin to address these Stephen Mamber astutely notes: For a
questions with a critical analysis of Primary, breakthrough in cinema verite, it is surpris-
a film heralded as a revolutionary step and ing what a small portion of Primary was shot
a breaking point in the recording of reality with synchronized sound. But he holds
in cinema46 in the early 1960s, and widely the filmmakers to their own cinema verite
regarded as a landmark film in the aes- ideal, rather hastily dismissing non-synch
thetic development of cinema verite47 today. segments as crude, ineffective, and
Primary won the Film Culture award for agonizingly artificial.52 Similarly, Robert
best independent film, the Flaherty award Allen writes: Although Primary contained
for best documentary, and a blue ribbon some voice-over narration and considerable
at the American Film Festival. In Europe, nonsynchronous footage (the latter necessi-
according to Drew, Primary was received tated by equipment problems), it was a doc-
as a kind of documentary second-coming.48 umentary unlike anything most Americans
The film was an inspiration to early critics had ever seen on television or in movie the-
like Marcorelles, who wrote that it forces aters.53 Like Mamber, Allen acknowledges
us to look at the cinema in an entirely new a discrepancy between the stated goals of
way, to redefine it in the way that Leacock, the filmmakers and the formal qualities
at his best, conceived it.49 Contemporary of their most celebrated film. But he dis-
critics see Primary as the beginning of a misses the importance of the considerable
major change in the way human events at nonsynchronous footage in Primary with
all levels were recorded and reported, a a parenthetical aside, apparently because it
film that would irrevocably change the face was originally necessitated by equipment
of documentary, in America and abroad.50 problems rather than intended by auteurs.
But although the importance of the film Moreover, Allens focus on cinema verite
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 509

as an alternative practicea full-fledged to be filmed (When Kennedy raised an eye-

avant-garde aesthetic movement54leads brow Isaid, Trust us or it cannot be done55);
him to emphasize Drew Associates depar- Leacock dropping midgetape recorders in
tures from the conventions of the classical the ashtrays in Kennedys suite, then sink-
Hollywood cinema and the traditional doc- ing into an armchair with the camera in his
umentary film, rather than to explore the lap (Im quite sure he hadnt the foggiest
curious mixture of convention and innova- notion Iwas shooting56); Pennebaker stand-
tion that the groups early works actually ing by in a Minneapolis hotel room where he
employ. had set up the teams new portable editing
If we take a step back from the rhetoric machine (It was the size of a ballroom57).
of the movement, and drop the assumption Primary was produced by Time, Inc. in
that soundespecially non-synch soundis the hope of selling it to a commercial net-
either nonexistent, inappropriate, or unim- work. Finally, though, the film was aired
portant in cinema verite films, we might bet- only on Time-owned stations. Drew believes
ter analyze the functions and effects of sound one reason the networks passed on Primary
in a film like Primary. Moreover, a close was that its relative lack of voice-over nar-
analysis of sound-image relations in the ration was confusing in a time when spo-
film suggests a strategy not apparent upon ken narration carpeted most network
casual viewing (and certainly not perceptible documentaries.58 He tells of showing the
with the sound turned off). It is, Iwill argue, finished film to Elmer Lower, then Vice
a strategy of cinema verite self-validation, President of NBC News and later President
and involves the pairing of asynchronous of ABC News:So Iwas very proud of the
sounds and images for conventionally real- film and took it to Elmer and showed it to
istic effects. him. And his comment was, Youve got
some nice footage there. But his implica-
tion was that, somehow, we didnt pull it all
together. And he clearly missed the narra-
Picture Logic in Primary: tion, you know, a lot of narration.59 Primary
The Match Game. contains less than 350 words of voiceover
narration. The commentary was written by
The subject of Primary is the 1960 Demo Drew in what Broadcasting called a staccato
cratic presidential primary in Wisconsin style, terse and dramatic, almost like a cap-
between Senators John F. Kennedy and tion for a magazine photograph.60 It was
Hubert H. Humphrey. (Or, as narra- delivered in what the magazine described
tor Joseph Julian explains, Senator John as a low-keyed voice by Joseph Julian, who
Kennedy, millionaire, Catholic, Easterner reportedly disdained the voice of doom
from Masachusetts, is challenging Hubert narration of March of Time newsreels.61
Humphrey, Midwest erner, senator from But a low-keyed voice is a relative thing,
Minnesota, in his own backyard, the state of and Julian himself sounds a bit blustery to
Wisconsin.) A handful of scenes from the viewers todayespecially speaking Drews
film have made their way into documentary dramaticwords:
history:Humphrey nodding off to sleep in a
car on the way to Monona, Kennedy knead- The big handshake, the big rally, the
ing his way through the crowd at a rally in wild race across the landscape search-
Milwaukee. And a handful of stories about ing out voters, all repeated endlessly
the making of the film have found their way for days and weeks and months, these
into documentary folklore as well:Drew per- are the ordeal and the exhiliration of
suading the future president to allow himself the U.S. presidential candidate.
510 Aesthetics of Liberation

Now, traveling along with them, hot behind him. It follows him down a long
on the heels of two fast-moving presi- corridor, up a stairway, through a doorway,
dential hopefuls, you are about to and out onto a stageand finds itself, as he
see a candidates view of this frantic does, before a loudly cheeringcrowd.
process, and an intimate view of the After the spectacular tracking shot of
candidates themselves: in their cars the candidates arrival, Maysles contents
and busses; behind the scenes in himself with pointing out details at the
TV studios and hotel rooms; excited, rally. And when the ever-poised Jacqueline
exhausted, and tensely awaiting the Kennedy approaches a microphone to greet
verdict of the voters. the crowd, his camera settles upon her
white-gloved hands, fidgeting nervously
Primary delivers on Drews promise, and behind her back as she speaks (Figure 65.1).
there are moments in the film that seem The shot was controversial among students
almost embarrassingly intimate:Humphrey of verite from the first. Some, like Gideon
watching The Red Skelton Show as his early Bachmann, objected to the close-up itself:
lead disappears, Kennedy sucking on ciga- Maybe I would have seen and shown her
rettes and pacing about his suite. Ironically, hat instead of her hands, he told Drew in an
though, the most celebrated sequence in interview for Film Culture in 1961. Isolating
the film takes place in a public forum rather such a detail created a reality which was not
than behind the scenes: at the Kennedy there.62 Others appreciated the shot itself,
rally in Milwaukee. In a crowded meeting but objected to the way it was edited into the
hall in the Polish Catholic district of the scene. The problem, according to Stephen
city, Kennedy supporters await the Senators Mamber, is that this detail doesnt first
late arrival while rally organizers keep them become noticeable within a larger context; it
occupied rehearsing the campaign song needs to be zoomed in on instead of cut to.
(That was much betteryou know youve Subjective details are fine, but only if viewers
got to put feeling into it). Albert Maysless can share in a sense of their discovery.63
camera is with Kennedy when he arrives, Again Mambers aesthetic brings to mind
weaving its way through the crowd just Andr Bazin. Recall the lengthy footnote in

Figure65.1 Screen capture fromDVD.

Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 511

Bazins Virtues and Limitations of Montage documentarists. And yet part of the project
essay, in which he describes one unforgettable of a film like Primary is to prove that the film-
sequence in an otherwise forgettable English makers diminished control over shooting
film. The scene involves a young couple, their would ultimately increase spectators access
small child, a lioness and her cub. The child to the truth. What Ive called the match
has wandered away from his parents camp, game is part of the films claim to realism;
playfully picked up the cub, and unwittingly it is an attempt to show that Primary can
alarmed the lioness. Up to this point, as Bazin cover not only the planned political drama
tells it, everything has been shown in parallel on stage, but the spontaneous mini-dramas
montage. Then suddenly, to our horror, the in the audience as well. But the rules of the
director abandons his montage of separate game are based upon classical conventions
shots that has kept the protagonists apart, of representation rather than cinema verite
and gives us instead parents, child, and lion- innovations. Some examples will serve to
ess all in the same full shot. This single frame illustrate thispoint.
in which trickery is out of the question gives Just before the Kennedys arrive at the
immediate and retroactive authenticity to the rally, a woman announces that cigar and
very banal montage that has preceded it.64 cigarette smoking will be prohibited for
The scene would have had the same meaning the next twenty minutes. Her voice plays
if it had been shot entirely in montage or by over an image of a man lighting up a cigar.
process work, Bazin argues, but in neither As she explains that there has been some
event would the scene have unfolded before complaint by the women that one of their
the camera in its physical and spatial reality dresses has been burned by a man smok-
[I]t would have had the impact only of a story ing a cigar in back of her, we get a close-up
and not of a real event.65 For Mamber, the of another man, also smoking a cigar, who
shot of Jacqueline Kennedys fidgeting fingers looks off screen left and continues to puff
in Primary has the impact only of a story and away (Figure 65.2). As the announcement
not of a real event precisely because it is cut to is completed, drawing jeers and laughter
instead of zoomed in on. Indeed, he remarks, from the crowd, we see a gaunt elderly
the way the shot appears in the film, it could woman in a feathered hat standing and
actually have been photographed days apart looking off screen right ( Figure 65.3).
from the rest of the scene and simply inserted Although there is no shot establishing
for dramatic effect.66 spatial proximity between the two(and
We need not share Mambers verite aes- indeed, an earlier shot in which the second
thetic in order to appreciate his point: the man appears suggests that he is not seated
sound of Jacqueline Kennedys voice and behind the woman)the film implies with
the image of her hands are paired in a way a neat sound-image juxtaposition and an
that is realistic, but not necessarily real. approximate eyeline match that he is the
I want to argue that many of the films careless smoker and she the disgruntled
devices function in precisely this way, that owner of a freshly burned dress. Moreover,
Primary engages in a sort of match game although the creation of an imaginary rela-
whereby appropriate (if not ontologically tionship between subjects of different shots
linked) images are offered as illustration or seems as alien to Drews aesthetic as the
explanation for certain sounds. The more Kuleshov effect to Bazins, the scene pro-
likely the sound-image match appears, the vides a textbook example of the power of
more credible the film becomes on its own juxtaposition. In context, the man appears
terms. cinema verite filmmakers probably guilty (although he may well have been
relinquished more control over the pro- photographed before the no smoking
filmic events they covered than any other announcement was made) and the woman
Figure65.2 Screen capture fromDVD.

Figure65.3 Screen capture fromDVD.

Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 513

Figure65.4 Screen capture fromDVD.

appears angry (although she may simply a response, and thus a certain sense of final-
have been anxious for the Senator to arrive). ity. Like the kitchen scene in La Rgle du
A similar sound-image match occurs just jeu which features the sound of the Minute
as Kennedy reaches the stage. The audience Waltz throughout and ends with a shot of a
dutifully breaks into the campaign song radio, the sound asks where? and the image
theyve been practicing (Vote for Kennedy, responds here!67
vote for Kennedy, and youll end up on It is, of course, possible that the individ-
top), and towards the end, the straining uals who appear on the image track were
voice of an older woman rises high above in fact responsible for the actions attrib-
the rest (Whoops, there goes the competi- uted to them by the non-synch soundtrack.
tion, ker-plop). The camera is fixed upon But it seems more likely that a bit of verite
John and Jacqueline Kennedy standing on casting has occurred in the editing room,
the stage, but just as the song ends, we cut and that the match game is based upon
to a sweetly smiling elderly woman seated physical and aural stereotypes: this is the
somewhere in the crowd beneath them sort of man who might be reckless with his
(Figure 65.4). The cut suggests that she is ashes, the type of old woman who would
the enthusiastic crooner, although we never register a complaint against him, the kind
actually see her sing. The scene provides a of little old lady who would sing her
good example of what Rick Altman calls the heart out, albeit a bit off-key. Based upon
sound hermeneutic: the offscreen sound of traditional conventions of representation,
the singing voice has an enigmatic quality the matches are finally rather convinc-
which confers upon the image the quality of ing (imagine switching the roles of the
514 Aesthetics of Liberation

two older women about). Verisimilar if before us during this conversation, most
not verite, they contribute to our sense are older and female, some with support
that Primary is on top of the Kennedy hose stretched over swollen ankles, most
rallypolitical promises, fidgeting fingers, wearing heavier, sensible shoes, fastened
cigar-burned dresses andall.68 with laces or straps. And most stand with
A variation of the match game is played their feet planted squarely beneath them,
again later, and indeed it forms the basis unlike the Republican women seen ear-
for what Mamber refers to as a clumsy lier (Figure 65.6). Several of the voices
montage of feet in voting booths69 toward admit that their vote will be influenced by
the end of the film. Election day, the nar- Kennedys religion, and it is significant
rator announces, when the voices of the that the voting booth sequence culminates
campaign begin to turn into votes. This in a shot of what appears to be the gown of
bit of voice-over commentary suggests an a Catholic priest exiting a booth. We cant
affinity between the opinions expressed in help but feel that we know how he votedin
offscreen interviews and the actual votes part because the film encourages us to rea-
being cast by the owners of various pairs of son that anyone who looks like this prob-
feet, which we glimpse under voting booth ably sounds like this and undoubtedly votes
curtains. (The feet footage, incidentally, was like this. The voices of the campaign, as
provided by a Wisconsin camera operator; the narrator says, turn into votes indeed.
Drew apparently laid the sound on top.)70 In his Rhetoric of the Image essay,
As before, the film relies on our recognition Roland Barthes describes two functions that
of physical stereotypes as well as regional a linguistic message might serve in relation to
and class vernaculars. We see the cuffed an iconic one, functions he terms anchorage
and pleated trousers of a businessman, and relay. In anchorage, the text delimits the
the stockings and pumps of a society lady, potential meanings of the image, as a caption
the dungarees and workboots of a farmer, under a magazine photograph might. In relay,
and the support hose and heavy shoes of text and image stand in a complementary
an older woman, perhaps a farmers wife. relationship to one another: The words, in
Frequently (though not always), there are the same way as the images, are fragments of
voices to match. a more general syntagm and the unity of the
For example, we hear the mannered message is realized at a higher level, that of
voice of a young woman remark, No, the story, the anecdote, the diegesis.While
I believe more of the people who are rare in the fixed image, this relay-text becomes
Republican will be voting for Humphrey.71 very important in film, where dialogue func-
And as she speaks, we see two shots featur- tions not simply as elucidation but really
ing pairs of feet belonging to two younger does advance the action by setting out, in the
women. Both have slender ankles and wear sequence of messages, meanings that are not to
stylish pumps; both rest their weight upon be found in the image itself.72 Both the rally and
one foot and thrust the other forward in voting booth sequences in Primary are char-
the proper stance for polite women circa acterized by this sort of relay; there is noth-
1960 ( Figure 65.5). A bit later, we hear ing in the image of a man smoking a cigar
the voices of two older women discuss to suggest he has burned a womans dress,
Kennedys upper-class image in the par- nothing in the image of an older womans
lance of common people. (Just because feet to suggest she is voting for Kennedy. This
his sisters married to a movie star doesnt sort of sound-image relationship, whereby
make him a glamour puss. He looks like an independent meaning is conferred upon
a farmer boygot a good head of hair on an image with sound, is precisely what Drew
him.) Of the various pairs of feet that pass claimed to avoid by minimizing voice-over
Figure65.5 Screen capture fromDVD.

Figure65.6 Screen capture fromDVD.

516 Aesthetics of Liberation

narration in his films. But while Barthes asso- the photographer bustles about him, pre-
ciates the function of relay with dialogue, and paring to capture that smile on film. The
Drew attributes a similar function to conven- photographer tinkers with his equipment
tional voiceover narration, the fact is that any (adjusting the height of a light), and fusses
soundwhether speech, music or noisecan over his subject (ensuring that the proper
actively shape the way we interpret an image.73 amount of cuff peeks out from under his
Sound-image matches in Primary are perhaps suitcoat sleeves). Wrap the fingers around
more subtle than those in the traditional docu- just a touch, Senator, just easy-like, he sug-
mentaries Drew disdained, but they are finally gests. Now kind of intertwine the fingers
no less conventional. a little. There, thats it. Fine. At one point,
Kennedy flashes a toothy campaign grin and
holds it for an instant before realizing that,
as he says, Its not time to smile yet, Wally.
Cinema Verite vs. Traditional In the context of Primary, Wally seems
Documentary: Primarys Critique rather old-fashioned, practicing a form of
photography that was necessary, perhaps,
I have suggested that part of Primarys before cameras became portable and film
project is to celebrate cinema verite as a stocks fast. Drew once described the portrait
unique source of heretofore privileged session as a ritual in many small towns,
information, and that the realism of the suggesting he found the idea rather quaint.
film depends in part upon its apparent And indeed, the rituals of studio photogra-
departure from conventional sound-image phy, which contrast so strikingly with those
relationships in pre-1960 documentaries. of cinema verite, would become a favor-
I want to argue further that Primary fore- ite subject of Drew Associates in the years
grounds its comparison of cinema verite to come. In Crisis: Behind a Presidential
and traditional documentary by conducting Commitment, for example, the living cam-
an open investigation of other documentary era looks on with bemusement as one of its
mediastill photography, television, radio, subjects is carefully posed to have her pic-
newspapersattempting to compromise ture taken for the cover ofTime.
their claims to truth in the process. Primary The photo session scene in Primary ends
is, finally, a film about the making of sounds with a cut from Kennedy posing in the stu-
and images for the purpose of political per- dio to a campaign poster of Humphrey plas-
suasion. As such, it provides information tered on the front of a bus. The sound from
to which consumers of such sounds and the portrait studio bleeds over, and while we
images do not ordinarily have access: we see the paper image of Humphreys smil-
hear what goes on at a photo session and see ing face, we hear Kennedys photographer
what goes on at a radio interview. The impli- ask, Would you swing your body a little bit
cation, never spoken, is that cinema verite more to the camera? Here the sound-image
offers viewers greater access to the truth. juxtaposition reminds us that Humphreys
Kennedys photo session, Humphreys TV polished campaign poster is the product of
and radio shows, and both candidates deal- a similar session:Humphrey, too, has been
ings with the press provide good examples carefully lit and perfectly posed, perhaps
ofthis. with fingers intertwined just easy-like and
In a small portrait studio we find an a quarter-inch of cuff revealed. Moreover,
uncharacteristically awkward John Kennedy, the scene reminds us that the numer-
camera and spotlights arranged in a circle ous photographs of both candidates that
around him. The candidate sits in a folding we see throughout the film (hanging on
chair, preparing to produce a smile, while walls, draped across bodies, and mounted
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 517

on hoods of cars) are carefully constructed in 1961).74 And the scene ends with a cut
campaign images rather than the candid from Humphrey taking a call in the studio
shots of the film itself. to a video image of Kennedy, filmed from
Humphreys television program can a television screen. We are reminded that
be seen as a reversal of the photo session Kennedys smooth TV image required tech-
scene, in that this time we see Humphreys nical preparation aswell.
behind-the-scenes preparations and cut This is the sort of parallelism that has
to Kennedys finished product. The scene led documentary scholars to comment
takes us into the dressing room and onto upon the scrupulous objectivity of the
the set of Humphreys own TV call-in show, film. Surely, Primary attempts to treat the
Ask Senator Humphrey. He plants the candidates even-handedly, cutting back
first question to be asked of him, tells the and forth between the two throughout,
camera operator where to focus, and allots encouraging critics to wonder whether it
his wife, Muriel, exactly thirty seconds to means to compare or contrast them.75 Such
tell the audience what shes been doing all a structure does not, of course, make the
day (Just say something about your hus- film value-neutral; it is part of the persis-
bands been wondering where youve been, tent pretense of impartiality that character-
and so on). The cinema verite camera is izes many early cinema verite films, and an
positioned behind the studio camera, as it appeal to a particular convention of jour-
was in the photo session scene (Leacock nalistic realism as well: parallel editing as
relentlessly includes the technical prepa- fair play in accordance with the balanced
rations, the anxiety, a reviewer remarked account provision of the Fairness Doctrine.

Figure65.7 Screen capture fromDVD.

518 Aesthetics of Liberation

But more important for my argument is that over workshirts in honor of the occasion.
these particular parallel scenes function to Skeptical expressions grace weathered
remind us that the Drew documentarist facesfaces illuminated only by the stark
does not, apparently, direct his or her sub- ceiling lights in the room itself. The images
ject (as the photographer directs Kennedy are reminiscent of the portraits of sharecrop-
in the photo session scene); nor does the pers taken by Farm Security Administration
subject, apparently, direct the Drew docu- (FSA) photographers of the 1930s such as
mentarist (as Humphrey directs the cam- Dorthea Lange and Walker Evans. Lange in
era operator in the television studio scene). fact ran a successful portrait studio before
And the result, apparently, is nothing but turning her back on the classical tradition
the truth. and taking her camera to the streets; and
In Humphreys farm speech scene, we indeed, the entire school of American pho-
see cinema verites answer to the tradition of tography exemplified by the work of such
studio portraiture represented in Kennedys artists and championed by magazines like
photo session scene. This is the heart of Life defined itself in opposition to the tradi-
Senator Humphreys strength, the farm tion of studio portraiture of which we see a
areas of Wisconsin, close to the border of remnant in Kennedys photo session scene.
Minnesota, the narrator announces. And It is worth noting that many of the FSA pho-
though he likes to discuss everything from tographers of the thirties wound up working
foreign policy to disarmament, here there for Life in the forties and fifties, when Robert
is only one issue to test the skill of an ora- Drew was a photo editor there. Primarys
tor. In a half-empty school auditorium in portraits, though themselves highly con-
rural Wisconsin, Humphrey faces the farm- ventional, can be seen as cinema verites
ers (Figure 65.7). Not a single candidate answer to the carefully controlled photogra-
in this primary election has paid any atten- phy represented in that scene. Here no one
tion to the farmer at allexcept Hubert is taken out of his world and into a photog-
Humphrey, he tells them. The speech, raphers studio; no one is artificially lit, told
Mamber remarks with chagrin, is shown where to look or how to position his fingers;
primarily in long shot and in the faces of the no ones cuffs are measured, and there is
audience so as to hide the obvious lack of apparently no danger of anyone smiling too
synch sound.76 Actually, the beginning and soonHumphrey works hard to get a laugh
end of the speech are shown in medium and a round of applause from thisgroup.
close-up with perfectly synchronized sound. Of course, the advertised working meth-
And the faces of the audience, which may ods of Drew et al. stood in stark contrast
serve to hide a lack of synch sound in the to those of the studio photographer. I can
middle, surely have other functions in the recall shooting in a situation where a char-
film as well. acter was in shadow, one inch away from
They might best be described as a series proper light, Drew proudly told colleagues
of cinematic portraits: medium and close in 1963, and we were rolling and I knew
shots of a dozen Wisconsin farmers, seated we wouldnt get anything in that light. Yet
in bleachers and folding chairs in a space Id rather lose the whole scene and every-
where they probably gather to watch their thing that was said than to ask that man to
children perform in school plays or partici- move an inch.77 Years later, Albert Maysles
pate in athletic events (there is a small stage alluded to Primarys implicit comparison
with a baby grand piano behind Humphrey, of two schools of photography when he
a basketball hoop hanging over his head). said:Theres a hell of a difference between
Most wear flannel shirts and denim over- a photograph by Henri Cartier-Bresson and
alls, although some have donned suitcoats Richard Avedon. And thats where we stand.
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 519

If youd seen Primary at the time that film served only a half cup of coffee because he is
was made, there was a kind of truth that only half Norwegian, and we cut to a shot
came on the cinema screen that no one of an older man deeply inhaling a cigarette,
had ever seen before. You knew that all no trace of a smile on his face (Figure 65.8).
of a sudden something new was born. And Throughout the speech, the expressions on
I think the newness of it is that its more the faces of the farmers temper our response
truthful. Its like when Life magazine carne to Humphreys words, as we become aware
into being.78 that his folksy rhetoric reaches only a part
Ironically, Humphrey makes some dis- of the crowd. Humphreys speech, like his
paraging remarks about Life in the course radio interview, relies mainly on word
of his talk to the farmers: Instead of you logic; here the picture logic of Primary
reading about who you ought to have as works in counterpoint.
president in Life magazine, you ought to The radio interview scene begins with a
take a good look at him in the flesh shot of Humphrey and an announcer sitting
because let me tell you somethingLife, behind a glass wall (marked Studio A,
Time, Fortune, Look and Newsweek dont and, significantly, No Admittance). Well,
give a hoot about your dairy prices. And we have a surprise for you this afternoon,
perhaps his suspicion of such photo maga- the announcer begins, and as he introduces
zines was well founded after all; certainly, Humphrey to his radio audience we cut to
the Life-like portraits of Primary nuance a closer shot of the two, this time inside the
our perception of Humphreys speech. For glass. As he inquires, How long do you
example, he opens with a joke about being plan to be in our fair city? the announcer

Figure65.8 Screen capture fromDVD.

520 Aesthetics of Liberation

removes a pen from his pocket and jots at the radio station. cinema verite, which
something down for Humphrey to read. can let us see the knowing glances passed
Humphrey nods almost imperceptibly and between interviewer and interviewee (how-
replies, without skipping a beat, Well, Tom, ever discreet), and let us hear the inter-
Im not going to be here nearly long enough. viewers afterthoughts (however confused),
The two chat affably until the interview is appears to afford its viewers greater access
interrupted by a farm implement com- to thetruth.
mercial, and in the next few shots, the film I consider myself a reporter, Drew
takes great care to assure us that Humphrey often said in the early 1960s, one working
is leaving the station. We see him stand- full blast on developing a new kind of jour-
ing in a foyer with his coat on, descending nalism.79 The reliability of the oldest kind
a staircase, exiting the building, and taking of journalismnewspaper reportingis
the concrete steps into the street. Curiously, called into question by Primary as well. Early
after establishing that Humphrey is well out in the film, a group of reporters interview
of earshot, the camera returns to the station, Humphrey on the steps of the capital in
where the announcer apparently speaks to Madison. (Dont you like to talk to reporters,
the filmmakers off the air but on the record. Senator? one inquires. I talk to the people
Well, Ill be very frank with you, he begins that vote, he replies.) They insist on asking
(and, explicitly acknowledging the invisible him questions about something he professes
interviewer), The question has been asked to know nothing about (the alleged support of
me if Ithink that Senator Kennedy will be the Symington committee for the Humphrey
out of the election, in other words will not campaign), and then scribble his obligatory
win the election. He speaks in con- answers (Very fine) in spiral notepads. The
voluted sentences (The answer is yesI exchange is remarkably unrevealing, and its
dont believe that he can win), but finally inclusion in the film seems calculated to call
takes a stand:Kennedy will not win the pri- into question the validity of the traditional
mary in Wisconsin. Then something strik- newspaper interview. A similarly hollow
ing occurs. There is a jumpcut to a slightly exchange between a reporter and a race car
closer shot of the announcer as he delivers driver would serve a similar function in On
an absolutely contrary statement: Senator the Pole, and the unproductive interview
Hubert Humphrey will be defeated and would become another favorite subject of
the Senator John Kennedy of Massachusetts Drew Associates in the years tocome.
willwin. Later in Primary, the possibility that a can-
At best, the announcer appears confused didate might be misquoted by a newspaper
and the film seems to take delight in the fact reporter is raised. The scene is Kennedys
that a man who talks for a living cannot put hotel room on the night of the election.
a coherent sentence together. (The jumpcut The candidate sits slumped in a chair near
and probable sound ellipsis between his two the phone, frequently dragging himself
conflicting predictions suggest that the scene up to greet campaign workers and occa-
was edited to emphasize the error.) Moreover, sionally answering calls. No, that isnt an
the film stresses that the announcer is liter- exact quote, he tells one caller. I just said
ally talking about Humphrey behind his Iwould find it difficult to be nominatedif
back with a final shot of the candidate cross- Ilost here Id find it extremely difficult to be
ing the street, back to the camera, apparently nominated, is what I said. And finally, I
unaware of the conversation being recorded dont care whether they print it or not. The
at the station. The radio listeners of Tomah, inquiry seems to be in reference to a remark
of course, never heard this conversation Kennedy made at the rally in Milwaukee
nor were they admitted behind the glass Ive said on many occasions that I didnt
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 521

think it was possible to be nominated if Conclusion

Iwere unsuccessful here in Wisconsin, and
I must say I mean ita remark viewers That too becomes a clich.
of Primary have already heard in context,
since the omnipresent verite cameras and Richard Leacock, asked why he
recorders captured it live. But the quotation didnt more often include shots of
is apparently subject to both verification microphones, cameras or recorders
(that isnt an exact quote) and censorship in his films.82
(I dont care whether they print it or not)
before finding its way intoprint. I have argued that Primary stakes its own
Where we differ from the TV and press claim to realism in a departure from prevail-
is that we are predicated on being there ing conventions of representation, particu-
when the things are happening to people larly conventional sound-image relations in
that count, Drew said in 1961. Maybe it is the documentary film. Kristin Thompson
more a journalistic principle than a principle notes that such depar tures often seem
of film-making.80 He always saw his work most radical at the beginning of a new
as a kind of journalismbut a new and bet- trend, and indeed, this may account for the
ter kind of journalism than had been pos- feeling in the air in the early 1960s that
sible before. Primary illustrates this belief by cinema was only just beginning.83 After
implicitly comparing cinema verite methods a period of defamiliarization, however,
with those of still photography, television, traits originally perceived as realistic may
radio and newspapers. Years later, the equip- become automatized by repetition; there
ment would be far more sophisticated, the are those who recall the mid-1960s as an
budgets higher, and the subjects presidents era when cameramen demanded whether
and prime ministers instead of (merely) sen- you wanted something shot properly or in
ators. But the stakes for Drew would never wobblyscope and sound recordists audibly
be quite as high again, the burden of proof queried the acceptability of mumbles.84
for cinema verite never quite so great. In ret- The repetition of the same realistic traits
rospect, Primary can be seen as a part of the gradually makes their conventional nature
early discourse on cinema verite, a polemic apparent; cinema verites restless, handheld
articulated in the heady rhetoric of the cin- cameras and blurred, grainy visuals no lon-
ema verite movement.81 It was Drews own ger seem tied to the real, as such devices
Man With A Movie Camera, and it stands are common in Hollywood movies, televi-
today as his manifesto for cinema verite. But sion commercials and music videos today.
the realism of the film finally lies less in any Eventually, according to Thompson, other
natural relation to the real than in a stud- devices may be justified in very different
ied departure from certain conventions of ways as relating to reality, and new kinds of
representation (wandering, hand-held cam- realism appear.85 This, I think, is the case
eras replace the still photographers tripod, with cinema verites fall from grace at the
voices of people in the street replace voice hands of contemporary documentary theo-
of doom narration), and a fall-back reliance rists. Bill Nichols, for example, described
upon others (the matching of sounds and the reflexive documentaries of the seventies
images in a conventionally plausible man- as having a more sophisticated grasp of
ner, the granting of equal time to opposing the historical realm than the cinema verite
points of view). Radically different from clas- films of the sixties.86 And Thomas Waugh
sical fiction and traditional documentary argued that the clear-sighted historical
films in some ways, Primary is remarkably consciousness of Emile de Antonios films
similar to them in others. might take us beyond verite.87 De Antonio
522 Aesthetics of Liberation

himself couldnt have agreed more; in 1980 the traditional documentary film and the
he announced that cinema verite was dead.88 classical Hollywood cinema. At the same
In the early 1960s, the films of Drew time, however, they conventionalized the
Associates were said to have revolution- innovations of cinema verite until these
ized documentary filmmaking; today they too became clichs. In Dont Look Back, for
are thought to epitomize American cin- example, Pennebaker tracks Bob Dylan just
ema verite. But these films might more as Al Maysles tracked Kennedy in Primary:
accurately be described as hybrid forms. the camera follows the singer as he strolls
The portable recording equipment that out of the shadows and onto the stage, into
would revolutionize documentary film- a burst of light and an avalanche of sound.
making was still quite crude in 1960, Such shots would become de rigueur in rock
and Pennebaker recalls that he spent the documentaries produced by Drew expa-
better part of that year devising a lot of triots in the years to comeand indeed,
elegantand inelegantsolutions to the would be parodied in Rob Reiners tribute to
teams equipment problems.89 The early such films, This is Spinal Tap (1984). (In that
films of Drew Associates bear traces of a film, the camera follows members of a rock
struggle between convention and innova- band as they make their winding journey
tion in this transitional period, flaunting through the corridors of an auditorium only
innovations that the new technology made to wind up in the boiler room.) Moreover,
possible when it worked, and reverting to the unproductive interviews conducted by
established conventions independent of representatives of more traditional news
this technology when it did not. Moreover, media in many early Drew films would
even when the equipment functioned become the raison dtre of Dont Look Back;
flawlesslymaking innovations such Pennebakers camera looks on as Dylan sav-
as long, on-site, synch-sound segments ages one reporter after another. (Dylan even
possiblethe films were often edited and denounces Timethe filmmakers former
narrated rather conventionally. Ironically, employermuch as Humphrey criticized
it was Drew himself who insisted on Life in Primary.)
adding extensive voice-over narration to The rhetoric of the cinema verite move-
many of the living camera filmsmuch ment can provide an important histori-
to the chagrin of filmmakers like Leacock cal context for the study of cinema verite
and Pennebaker, who eventually quit the filmsbut it cannot provide more than
team due to disputes over issues such as that. All too often, we remember the
this. According to Pennebaker, Ricky and films of Drew Associates in the words of
Iwere making films in which we assumed Robert Drew, Richard Leacock, and D. A.
that everybody was watching closely. But Pennebaker; we remember the three
Drew was saying, No, theyre gonna miss commandments of televisions school
stuff, so youre gonna have to have a nar- of storm and stress and we forget how
ration to explain to them what they miss, often they were broken. Im interested in
and tell them to look at things that are one approach only, Drew said at a meet-
about to happen so they wont miss them. ing of television documentary producers
We found this very redundant, and kind of and directors in 1963, and that is to con-
awkward, and it was the beginning of the vey the excitement and drama and feeling
problem.90 of real life as it actually happens through
Some original members of Drew film. I dont care whether it is thought of
Associates did go on to produce purer as artistic. John Secondari, Executive
forms of cinema veritefilms that depart Producer of ABC News, replied, But the
more decisively from the conventions of presentation of truth as it happens is not
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 523

the only concern. There must be a begin- North American schools of the movement. See,
for example, Special Feature on Cinema-Verite:
ning, middle and endorganization and Three Views, Film Quarterly 17, no. 4 (Summer
a climax. Otherwise it can be truthful but 1964): 2640. Thus, although Erik Barnouw
dull.91 (Or, as David Maysles said two years refers to the French school of the movement as
cinema verite and the North American school as
later, There is no worth in this is the way direct cinema in his widely used textbook, most
it wasexactly. Then youd have people documentary scholars (e.g., Robert C. Allen, A.
picking their noses and everything else. William Bluem, Nol Carroll, Stephen Mamber,
Bill Nichols, Thomas Waugh) use cinema verite
It could be repulsive.92) Perhaps some for both schools as well. The term appears in a
members of Drew Associates really didnt baffling array of forms in the literature, including
care whether their films were thought not only italics and various quantities of diacritical
of as artistici.e., constructedor not. marks, but also hyphens, capitals, and inverted
commas. I have simplified all references herein
(Pennebaker once remarked that aesthet- for convenience and consistency.
ics were for women and children.93) 6. Stanley Crawford, From Visionary Gleams to
Perhaps they only wanted to capture the Cinema Verite:One Step Forward, Two Steps
Back, Film 40 (Summer 1964):38; William Earle,
truth at twenty-four frames per second, Cinema Banalit and Surrealism, Quarterly
with Auricon cameras, Perfectone record- Review of Film Studies 2 (1977):17984.
ers, and Bulova watch tuning forks. Their 7. Quoted in Bluem, Documentary,259.
8. Louis Marcorelles, American Diary, Sight & Sound
failure to achieve what Victor Shklovsky 32 (Winter 196263):5.
saw as an inadequate goal with inade- 9. James Blue, Thoughts on Cinema Verite and a
quate meansto try to imitate nature in Discussion with the Maysles, Film Comment 2,
no.4 (Summer 1965):22.
the representational artswas, of course, 10. Ibid.,24.
inevitable.94 But the very way in which 11. Quoted in Blue, One Mans Truth:An Interview
these filmmakers failedthe remarkable With Richard Leacock, Film Comment 3, no.2
(Spring 1965):21.
means by which they refracted the light 12. Bill Nichols, The Voice of Documentary,
passing through cinema verites window reprinted in Nichols, ed., Movies and Methods,
on the worldis something about which Vol. II (Berkeley:University of California Press,
we have yet much to discover. 13. Mamber, Cinema Verite,250.
14. Ibid.,250.
15. Ibid.,4.
16. Thomas Waugh, Beyond Verite:Emile de Antonio
Notes and the New Documentary of the Seventies,
reprinted in Nichols, Movies and Methods, Vol. II,235.
1. Third Independent Film Award, Film Culture nos. 17. Ibid.,234.
2223 (Summer 1961): 11. 18. Bill Nichols, Ideology and the Image (Bloomington:
2. Quoted in Televisions School of Storm & Indiana University Press, 1981),210.
Stress:Robert Drews Documentaries Aim at 19. Waugh, Beyond Verite,235.
Photographic Realism, Broadcasting (6 March 20. Ibid.,236.
1961):82. 21. Nichols, The Voice of Documentary,260.
3. Quoted in A. William Bluem, Documentary in 22. Jeanne Allen, Self-Reflexivity in Documentary,
American Television (NewYork:Hastings House, Cine-Tracts 1, no.2 (Summer 1977):38.
1965),259. 23. Jay Ruby, The Image Mirrored:Reflexivity
. Primary, On the Pole, Yanki No!, and The Children
4 and the Documentary Film, reprinted in Alan
Were Watching, respectively. For a filmography, see Rosenthal, New Challenges for Documentary
Stephen Mamber, Cinema Verite in America:Studies (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1988),74.
in Uncontrolled Documentary (Cambridge:The MIT 24. Ibid.,10.
Press, 1974), 26569. 25. Jeanne Allen, Self-Reflexivity,39.
5. There are very few examples of members of Drew 26. Marcorelles, Nothing But the Truth, Sight &
Associates using the term cinema verite in the Sound 32, no. 3 (Summer 1963):115.
early 1960s. Years later, it was described as a tag 27. Jean-Luc Godard, Dictionnaire de 121 Metteurs en
Mr. Drew dislikes but has learned to live with. Scne, Cahiers du Cinema 25, nos. 15051 (Dec.
See Richard Lacayo, Why are Documentaries 1963Jan. 1964):140. My translation.
So Dull? The New York Times (20 February 28. Quoted in Rosenthal, The Documentary
1983): 29. On the other hand, the term was used Conscience:ACasebook in Film Making
by early critics to denote both the French and (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1980):211.
524 Aesthetics of Liberation
29. Nol Carroll, From Real to Reel:Entangled in 0. Televisions School of Storm and Stress,82.
Nonfiction Film, Philosophic Exchange 14 (1983):7. 61. Ibid.,82.
30. Waugh criticizes the Eastern liberalism of Drew 62. Bachmann, The Frontiers, 20. The example is
etal. in Waugh, Beyond Verite, 235; Robert Allen hypothetical; Jacqueline Kennedy does not wear a
discusses the liberal and empiricist roots of cinema hat in thisscene.
verite in Case Study:The Beginnings of American 63. Mamber, Cinema Verite,38.
Cinema Verite, in Robert Allen and Douglas 64. Andr Bazin, What is Cinema?, trans. Hugh Gray
Gomery, Film History:Theory and Practice (Alfred (Berkeley:University of California Press, 1971),49.
A.Knopf, 1985), 23337. 65. Ibid.,49.
31. Quoted in Blue, One Mans Truth, 21. Emphasis 66. Mamber, Cinema Verite,38.
in original. 67. Rick Altman, Moving Lips:Cinema as
32. Quoted in Televisions School of Storm & Ventriloquism, Yale French Studies 60
Stress,82. (1980):74.
33. Quoted in Bluem, Documentary, 259. Emphasis in 68. Years later, Leacock described the cigar-burned
original. dress sequence as an outrageous joke:The
34. Waugh, Beyond Verite,235. whole business about the woman announcing
35. Annette Kuhn, The Camera I: Observations on that, A lady has objected because a gentleman
Documentary, Screen 19, no. 2 (Summer 1978): 73. smoking a cigar has burned her dress. We found
36. Robert Allen, Film History,232. that line, we went through every foot of film, we
37. Quoted in Gideon Bachmann, The Frontiers of found a picture of a guy smoking a cigar! And we
Realist Cinema:The Work of Ricky Leacock, Film found a funny-looking lady, we put them together,
Culture 2223 (Summer 1961):19. it makes a joke. Now whats that got to do with
38. Quoted in Blue, One Mans Truth,16. the absolute truth? Quoted in OConnell, Robert
39. Waugh, Beyond Verite,235. Drew,145.
40. Robert Allen, Film History,233. 69. Mamber, Cinema Verite,39.
41. Richard P. Shepard, School Integration, The New 70. Pennebaker recalls that the voting booth section
York Times (17 February 1961): 54. was provided by a local TV cameraman and that
42. Quoted in Bluem, Documentary,263. Drew was the only sound man, except for some
43. Ed Pincus, New Possibilities in Film and the migitape recordings Ricky [Leacock] and Idid by
University, Quarterly Review of Film Studies 2, no. 2 ourselves. But Drew remembers recruiting a local
(May 1977):165. Pincus remarks in a footnote that sound recorder as well:We hung a Perfectone
a curious exception to this was the car interview, on him and showed him how to run it. Robert
but in fact there were many exceptions. None of Farren assisted in editing, but by most accounts
the interviews cited in this paragraph, for example, Drew was responsible for the final cut. See Donn
takes place in an automobile. Alan Pennebaker, Filmography, in G.Roy
44. Televisions School of Storm & Stress,82. Levin, Documentary Explorations:15 Interviews
45. Quoted in P. J.OConnell, Robert Drew and the with Film-Makers (Garden City:Doubleday &
Development of Cinema Verite in America:An Company, Inc., 1971), 226 and 256; Drew quoted in
Innovation in Television Journalism, Ph.D.diss. Hogenson, Interview,3.
(Pennsylvania University, 1988):220. Page numbers 71. Wisconsin law permits registered Republicans to
here refer to a near-finished draft of the manuscript cross over and vote in Democratic presidential
and may differ slightly from the final version. primaries (and vice versa). Later in the film there
46. Third Independent Film Award,11. is a vague reference to Nixon supporters who may
47. Robert Allen, Film History,224. have voted for Humphrey because he was less
48. Robert Drew, An Independent with theNetworks, likely than Kennedy to beat Nixon. See Theodore
in Rosenthal, ed., New Challenges for Documentary, H.White, The Making of the President 1960
396. (NewYork:Giant Cardinal, 1961),9697.
49. Marcorelles, The Living Cinema (NewYork:Praeger, 72. Roland Barthes, Rhetoric of the Image, Image
1973),50. Music Text, trans. Stephen Heath (NewYork:Hill
50. OConnell, Robert Drew, 14143. and Wang, 1977), 41. My emphasis.
51. See, for example, Jim St. Lawrence, Leapin 73. See David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson,
Lizards! or the Documentarys History, Fundamental Aesthetics of Sound in the Cinema,
Videography (September 1987):109. in Elizabeth Weis and John Belton, eds., Film
52. Mamber, Cinema Verite,39. Sound:Theory and Practice (NewYork:Columbia
53. Robert Allen, Case Study,224. University Press, 1985), 18199.
54. Ibid.,217. 74. Ernest Callenbach, Going Out to the Subject II,
55. Drew, An Independent,394. Film Quarterly 14, no. 3 (Spring 1961):39.
56. Quoted in Mamber,37. 75. See, for example, Mamber, Cinema Verite,124.
57. Drew, An Independent,395. 76. Ibid.,39.
58. Ibid.,396. 77. Quoted in Bluem, Documentary,263.
59. Quoted in Barbara Hogenson, Interview with 78. Quoted in Levin, Documentary Explorations,286.
Robert Drew, program, Whitney Museum of 79. Quoted in Bachman, The Frontiers,12.
American Art (30 March 1982):4. 80. Ibid.,18.
Realism asa Style inCinema-Verite 525

81. Iam indebted to Murray Smith for this insight. the film-maker was always a participant-witness
In Technological Determination, Aesthetic and an active fabricator of meaning, the producer
Resistance, or ACottage on Dartmoor:Goat-Gland of cinematic discourse rather than a neutral or
Talkie or Masterpiece? Smith argues that an all-knowing reporter of the way things truly are. It
early British talkie can be seen as a part of the is remarkable how closely the early films of Drew
discourse on sound in the period. See Wide Angle Associates seem to fill Nicholss prescription,
12, no.3 (July1990). given that documentaries such as Primary and The
82. Quoted in Levin, Documentary Explorations,204. Chair are explicitly excluded from his preferred
83. Kristin Thompson, Breaking the Glass Armor: category.
Neoformalist Film Analysis (Princeton: Princeton 87. Waugh, Beyond Verite,257.
University Press, 1988), 201. 88. Quoted in Rosenthal, The Documentary
84. Brian Winston, Documentary:IThink We Conscience,211.
Are in Trouble, reprinted in Rosenthal, New 89. Quoted in OConnell, Robert Drew,134.
Challenges,23. 90. Ibid.,232.
85. Thompson, Breaking,199. 91. Quoted in Bluem, Documentary, 25859.
86. Nichols, The Voice of Documentary, 269. In this 92. Quoted in Blue, Thoughts on Cinema Verite and
essay, Nichols traces the evolution of documentary a Discussion with the Maysles Brothers, Film
film style from the Griersonian direct address Comment 2, no. 4 (Fall 1965):29.
of the thirties and forties to the cinema verite 93. Ibid., 244. For a brief discussion of the role of
of the sixties to the string of interviews women in the cinema verite movement, see Jan
documentaries of the seventies and eighties. Rosenberg, Womens Reflections:The Feminist Film
He celebrates the dawning of a fourth phase, Movement (Ann Arbor:UMI Research Press,
one in which epistemological and aesthetic 1983), 3437. Rosenberg quotes Joyce Chopra as
assumptions become more visible. According to claiming that the women were all hired for their
Nichols:These new self-reflexive documentaries attractiveness. Iwas at a conference recently with
mix observational passages with interviews, Pennebaker and he was describing to a group of
the voiceover of the narrator with intertitles, sociologists how you make a film and he said, You
making patently clear what has been implicit know, a cameraman goes out and his girlfriend
all along:documentaries always were forms of takes sound.And that sums up that mentality.
re-presentation, never clear windows onto reality; 94. Quoted in Thompson, Breaking,19.


With An American Family, which premieres which, remembered, make a point. In An

on PBS Jan. 11, something new has come to American Family nobody knew what was
television:the first series (12 one-hour epi- going to happen. The result is certainly not
sodes) about a real American family, the fiction, nor is it the conventional TV docu-
William C.Louds of Santa Barbara,Cal. mentary, nor the actuality of a moon land-
Bill Loud, the head of the family, is the ing happening as you watch it. It is a new
president of his own company, American kind of artform.
Western Foundries, which sells replace- It is, Ibelieve, as new and as significant
ment parts for the heavy equipment used in as the invention of drama or the novela
strip mining. He is 50 years old. His wife new way in which people can learn to look
Pat is 45. They have five children: Lance, at life, by seeing the real life of others inter-
20; Kevin, 18; Grant, 17; Delilah, 15; and preted by the camera. It is, of course, related
Michele, 13. For seven months, from May to all the current encounter adventuresto
30, 1971, to Jan. 1, 1972, their day-to-day lives group therapy, to the meetings in which one
were recorded by New York station WNET person speaks of his or her own troubles
cameracrews. so that others may learn that they are not
This is an age of autobiographies (I have alone. It is related to a strange new willing-
just written one myself) in which people of ness to share ones inner life, to perform
all sorts share some of their past lives with on a stage before other concerned eyes. An
a large audience, and expose themselves American Family is related to all these mani-
to being critically mauled or exalted. But festations of our contemporary culture, but
each person who writes an autobiography is it is also unique.
reporting on a known life, a life already lived. Bill and Pat Loud and their five children
He or she can select just those incidents are neither actors nor public figures going
Invention of Drama or theNovel 527

through a public charade. They are mem- millions of other human beings who,
bers of a real family, deeply concerned with months later on TV, would watch that which
each other, and each concerned with his or the Louds had not yet experienced.
her individual, immediate fate. And as the In a fiction film the suspense and terror
12-part actualization unrolls, each viewer can is allayed because, however harrowing the
experience an intimacy never before pres- situation, it is, after all, only part of a cre-
ent except in the imagination. In the past ated screenplay. The viewer knows that the
the imaginative person could reconstruct a actress who died as Juliet will go out after
scene from anothers words, as when your the scene is shot to drink a Coke or a cock-
brother or lover, back from Vietnam, told tail, unconcerned with the events that were
you what it was like that lonely night 10,000 depicted. If she weeps, it will not be for
miles away from home. With An American Romeo, but because the director was rude,
Family it is not your imagination but the or the scene badly shot. It is only as a novel
immediate, the actual, what it is really like, is only astory.
that isthere. But An American Family is not only a
The closest television has come to this story. It is real. And so, to make the suspense
until now has been the infrequent glimpses bearable, the series has been structured to
it has given us of real lifea father weeping show the viewer, at the very beginning of
over his sons court-martial, the Kennedy the first episode, how the filming ended.
children beside their fathers bier, the The months through which the audience
flickering image of the men who were at will live with bated breath, with chuckling
that moment on the moon. The historic delight, with exasperation, scorn and acute
moment, the poignant moment, the reveal- partisanshipas one lives through life in
ing moment, but momentsonly. ones own familyare relieved by this one
Then there have been documentaries, bit of certainty. Otherwise it might be too
unreal re-enactments of real eventsa care- much to bear the suspense of ones own
fully staged scene in which real peasants life and that of another familys life at the
do some extra ploughingor real events sametime.
caught by the camera but kept a world away I do not think An American Family should
from us because what we see are people be called a documentary. Ithink we need a
from another age: the Tasaday, newly found new name for it, a name that would contrast
people of the Stone Age, or African hunt- it not only with fiction, but with what we
ers following their quarry through the bush. have been exposed to up until now on TV.
The viewer is isolated by the knowledge Whatever that name turns out to be, it will
that these people could not know how they have to include the essential ingredient of
would appear in an American living room. trust. The production staff and the family
But in An American Family the charac- placed their future in each others hands.
ters are 20th-century people living out their They came together in a joint undertaking
lives in California. They are Bill and Pat to produce something quitenew.
Loud trying to face each other, struggling Poetry has been described as emotion
with the problems that separate them from recollected in tranquility. An American
each other and from their children. Family is emotion experienced in safety, and
When they agreed to let the camera fol- the actuality of the private life of one family
low their lives, hour by hour, day by day, enhances the private lives of a million fami-
none of them knew what direction their lives lies who are privileged to watch as it unrolls
would take. What they did was to agree to before theireyes.
lay their as-yet-unlived lives on the lineto This is how Isee it, set against centuries
share their personal joys and sorrows with of ritualistic drama, re-enactments of great
528 Aesthetics of Liberation

plays, the unintended tragedy of moments TV. The life the William C.Loud family lives
when publicity tears the veil from the face of is itsown.
a victim of fate. But Ihad the special expe- An American Family may well prove
rience of watching this form develop when to be more controversial than showing
Craig Gilbert (producer of An American open-heart surgery or the birth of a baby
Family) and his three-man crew went with on the screen. In an age when so many
me to the island of Manus to make my New people are jaded and apathetic, convinced
Guinea Journal. There Itrusted them not that their own lives are not as interesting
to hurt or betray my friends of 40years, and or important as those created by writers
they trusted me to help them make a pic- of fiction, it comes very close to the bone.
ture. But the life we lived in that month on I think An American Family will change
Manus was dedicated to making a film for theirminds.

Radical Voices and Visions After1968


How quickly an avant-garde can become a and the screen, before basic principles of
status quo. In the previous section, we con- this relationshipand with it, the enter-
sidered the variety of attempts by filmmak- prise of documentary film as suchwere
ers to break the laws of classic documentary, called into question. (Those questions
during a decade or so of experiments with are fleshed out in sections VI and VII.)
subjective, uncontrolled approaches to From roughly the end of the 1960s to the
the filming of life. Before long, this dissi- mid-1980s, film- and video-makers around
dent aesthetic had established itself as yet the world take up the traditional struggle to
another set of conventions that gave filmed capture life as it is, as Dziga Vertov liked to
reality a familiar appearance. Reviewing one say, in a manner that would not just observe
of the first North American works of gay and capture the constantly-changing world
and lesbian documentary to reach a large in all of its quotidian detail, butas Vertov
and general audience, the Mariposa Film and his comrades had hoped to do through
Groups feature-length film Word is Out their kino-eyeaccelerate those changes
(1977), Lee Atwell, writing in the influential with a revolutionary fervor, one matched
cinephile magazine Film Comment, distin- and, in many cases, explicitly aligned with,
guishes between the entertainment realm movements to change the very structures of
of fiction film and televisionwhere no one social reality. Without abandoning the pur-
would be surprised to encounter the stereo- suit of truths captured and revealed that had
typing of homosexuals as pathetic, marginal been central to the very idea of documen-
individualsand the field of documentary tary for nearly a century, this oppositional
or cinma-vrit, where the index of reality is tendency sought to expose, and raise, the
somewhat more reliable. Within a decade stakes of collective reality.
and a half, cinma vrit had become just In his essay about the pivotal Argentinian
another way to say non-fiction filmmaking. film The Hour of the Furnaces (1968), Robert
This section assembles materials which Stam writes that the film stages a frontal
with to consider what is perhaps the last assault on passivity, with images that fuse
major revision of the indexical contract with ideas in order to detonate in the minds
documentary film makes between the world of the audience. And both the power and

originality of The Hour of the Furnaces have filmmakers in the 1970s and the redefini-
much to do with its express desire to have tions of racial and national, as well as aes-
material impact on its world, starting with thetic, Blackness for young British artists in
the particular groups that assemble to watch the 1980s, in Coco Fuscos account of the
and discuss it. But Stam makes clear that Sankofa and Black Audio collectives, are two
the event-ness of the filmthe revolution- important versions of transnationalism that
ary originality intended for every one of its we find in Latin American radical culture of
screeningsitself has a long cultural and this period.
political history, in Latin America and in cin- It is not untrue, of course, that the com-
ema. And although it is convenient for us to mitments of many politically-minded artists
define radical documentary in this period by in the northern and western hemispheres
dating its impulses to explosive moments were forged in the tumultuous year 1968,
in historythe Sixties, or 1968, for which saw large street demonstrations
instanceit is important to keep in mind and other forms of mass protest disrupt
that this explosion has a long fuse, one that cities and institutions on several conti-
stretches across decades and continents. nents. The target of these protests, which
As Pearl Bowser shows in her comprehen- drew their numbers from labor unions,
sive essay Pioneers of Black Documentary leftist political groups, war veterans, and
Film, African-American documentary pho- university students, were the complex of
tographers and filmmakers had, for decades, forces deemed responsible for the war in
been developing a style and politics of oppo- Vietnam, and for other systemic forms of
sitional history for many decades, overlooked racism and violence toward the non-white,
or excluded from accounts of mainstream non-Western other, as well as toward the
(white, Euro-American) documentary his- Western working classes whose exploited
tory, but equally broad and deep. Similarly, labor kept this military-industrial complex
the Latin American filmmakers who lead going. A number of the filmmaking collec-
and inspire developments in radical film tives discussed in this section, including the
practice throughout the First and Third American radicals of the several Newsreel
Worlds in the 1960s and 1970s come to cadres and offshoots, the Japanese Ogawa
their vanguard position through decades of Productions group, and various feminist
immersion in ongoing international revo- and sexual liberationist circles that took up
lutionary cultural and political movements; film and video could trace their member-
the essays and statements by Robert Stam, ship, their politics, and their methods to the
Juan Carlos Espinosa, Santiago Alvarez, heightening of radical and oppositional con-
and others in this section make clear how, sciousness on and around college campuses
in both personal and collective terms, the at the end of the 1960s. And even filmmak-
development of Argentinian or Cuban ers with a less direct link to the street and
social documentary is a transnational and campus disruptions were in step with the
transhistorical program that filmmakers anti-institutional and anti-authoritarian
and critics elsewhere in the Americas, and Leftist politics of the period: films produced
elsewhere in the world, join in progress. in 196770 by the American documen-
The inverse is also true, however: just as tary auteurs Emile de Antonio, Albert and
tributaries combine to form powerful his- David Maysles, and Frederick Wiseman
torical currents, political movements can all subject to critical scrutiny the kinds
form doctrinal and practical factions that of governmental and cultural institutions
branch off and irrigate new fields. The inter- that were the subject of the students
nal divisions along racial, ethnic, and gen- and radicals outrage. Like the activist
dered lines among progressive American and movement films that protest groups
Introduction to SectionV 533

made as political interventions, even these this problem: the direct address to audi-
auteurs films of this period are at once ences in Latin American Third Cinema
critiques of institutional violence, and vio- described by Stam and Chanan; the
lent in their method. In her ill-tempered consciousness-raising model that Julia
review of the Rolling Stones disastrous Lesage and E. Ann Kaplan discuss in their
concert at Altamont Speedway, Gimme essays on Anglo-American feminist docu-
Shelteran excellent, if tendentious, sum- mentary; the framing, by Jill Godmilow,
mation of late American cinma vrit of independent documentary by in the
ethics and aestheticsPauline Kael is at U.S. as a problem of audience and circu-
pains to prove how volatile the mixture of lation, one to be solved by the filmmaker
politics and art could be for middle-class herself; the community-based filmmak-
audiences, comparing the Maysles meth- ing styles developed with industrial
ods to both Leni Riefenstahl and Roman workers in the American South (Harlan
circuses. In Gimme Shelter, Kael bitterly County, U.S.A.) and aboriginal groups
concludes, the audience and the victims in Australia (Two Laws); John Greysons
are indistinguishable. attention to social pedagogy in AIDS activ-
Kael was no fan of radical politics or of ist video, which recalls the arguments by
cinma vrit, and she could be unchari- Espinosa, Fraga, and Pantin for didactic
table about documentary in general, but approaches to post-imperial audiences in
she puts her finger on a problem of real Latin America. The faces of documentary
urgency for filmmakers in this section: and its audience were permanently trans-
how to breach the line between audi- figured by what Stam called the frontal
ence and film? Many of the documentary assault launched in this mode of activist
projects studied here are built around filmmaking.

T H E T W O AVA N T G A R D E S ( 1 9 8 1 )

The struggle to seize power from the enemy is the meeting-ground of the political and
artistic vanguards engaged in a common task which is enriching toboth.

Fernando Solanas and Ottavio Getino in

Towards a Third Cinema

If there are two avant-gardesthe formal Dadaists, an instrument of ballistics. At

and the theoretico-politicalthen La Hora de the same time, La Horas experimental lan-
los Hornos (Hour of the Furnaces, 1968) surely guage is indissolubly wedded to its political
marks one of the high points of their conver- project; the articulation of one with the other
gence. Fusing third-world radicalism with generates the films meaning and secures it
artistic innovation, the Solanas-Getino film relevance.
revives the historical sense of avant-garde as It is in this exemplary two-fronted strug-
connoting political as well as cultural mili- gle, rather than in the historical specificity
tancy. It teases to the surface the military of its politics, that La Hora retains vitality
metaphor submerged in the very expression as a model for cinematic practice. Events
avant-gardethe image of an advanced subsequent to 1968 have, if not wholly
contingent reconnoitering unexplored and discredited, at least relativized the films
dangerous territory. It resuscitates the ven- analysis. Unmoored and set adrift on the
erable analogy (at least as old as Mareys fusil currents of history, La Hora has been sev-
photographique) of camera and gun, charging ered from its original context, as its authors
it with a precise revolutionary signification. have been exiled from their country. The
Art becomes, as Walter Benjamin said of the late sixties were, virtually everywhere, the
Hour of the Furnaces and the Two AvantGardes 535

hour of the furnaces, and La Hora, quint- best path to a revolutionary future for Latin
essential product of the period, forged the America. Much of this section is taken up
incandescent expression of their glow. by two interviews, one with an octogenar-
Tricontinental revolution, under the sym- ian oral archivist of the national memory
bolic aegis of Frantz Fanon, Che Guevara, of resistance, who recounts past combats
and Ho Chi Minh, was deemed imminent, and predicts imminent socialist revolution,
waiting to surprise us around the next bend the other with labor organizer Julio Troxler,
of the dialectic. But despite salient victo- then living and working underground, who
ries (Viet Nam, Mozambique, Nicaragua), describes mass executions and vows strug-
many flames have dwindled into embers, gle until victory.
as some of the Third World has settled While reawakening the military meta-
into the era of diminished expectations. phor dormant in avant-garde, La Hora
In most of South America, the CIA, mul- also literalizes the notion of the under-
tinational corporations, and native rul- ground. Filmed clandestinely in con-
ing elites conspired to install what Noam junction with militant cadres, it was
Chomsky calls sub-fascist regimes, i.e., made in the interstices of the system and
regimes whose politics and practices are against the system. It situates itself on
fascist but who lack any popular base. In the periphery of the peripherya kind
Argentina, class struggle in a relatively lib- of off-off-Hollywoodand brashly dis-
eral context gave way to virtual civil war. putes the hegemony of both the dominant
Peronthe last hope of the revolutionaries model (First Cinema) and of Auteurism
and the bourgeoisiereturned, but only to (Second Cinema), proposing instead a
die. His political heirs veered rightward, Third Cinema, independent in produc-
defying the hopes of those who returned tion, militant in politics, and experimen-
him to power, until a putsch installed a tal in language.1 As a poetic celebration
quasi-fascist regime. Rather than being of the Argentine nation, it is epic in the
surprised by revolution, Argentina, and La classical as well as the Brechtian sense,
Hora with it, was ambushed by an histori- weaving disparate materialsnewsreels,
cal equivocation. eyewitness reports, TV commercials,
La Hora is structured as a tripartite politi- photographsinto a splendid historical
cal essay. The first section, Neocolonialism tapestry. A cinematic summa, with strate-
and Violence, situates Argentina inter- gies ranging from straightforward didac-
nationally, revealing it as a palimpsest ticism to operatic stylization, borrowing
of European influences: British gold, from avant-garde and mainstream, fiction
Italian hands, French books. A series and documentary, cinma vrit and adver-
of NotesThe Daily Violence, The tising, it inherits and prolongs the work
Oligarchy, Dependencyexplore the of Eisenstein, Vertov, Joris Ivens, Glauber
variegated forms of neocolonial oppres- Rocha, Fernando Birri, Resnais, Buuel
sion. The second section, An Act for and Godard.
Liberation, is subdivided into a Chronicle La Horas most striking feature is its
of Peronism, covering Perons rule from openness. But whereas openness in art
1945 through his deposition by coup in usually evokes plurisignification, polysemy,
1955, and Chronicle of Resistance, detail- the authorization of a plurality of equally
ing the opposition struggle during the legitimate readings, the Solanas-Getino
period of Perons exile. The third section, film is not open in this sense: its messages
Violence and Liberation, consists of an are stridently unequivocal. Its ambiguities,
open-ended series of interviews, docu- such as they are, derive more from the vicis-
ments and testimonials concerning the situdes of history than from the intentions

of its authors. The films openness lies reception, doubled by the gap between the
elsewhere, and first of all in its process of reception and the production of an answer-
production. Coming from the traditional ing message, allows only for deferred com-
Europeanized left, Solanas and Getino munication. La Hora, by opening itself
set out to make a socially-minded short up to person-to-person debate, tests and
documentary about the working class in stretches this definition to its very lim-
Argentina. Through the filmmaking expe- its. In a provocative amalgam of cinema/
rience, however, they evolved toward a left theatre/political rally, it joins the space of
Peronist position. The production process, representation to the space of the specta-
in other words, inflected their own ideologi- tor, thus making real and immediate
cal trajectory in ways that they themselves communication possible. The passive cin-
could not have fully predicted. (One need ematic experience, that rendezvous man-
not endorse the specific nature of this inflec- qu between exhibitionist and voyeur, is
tion to appreciate the fact of the inflection.) transformed into a theatrical encounter
Once aware of the tenuous nature of their between human beings present in the flesh.
initial certainties, they opened their proj- The two-dimensional space of the screen
ect to the criticisms and suggestions of the gives way to the three-dimensional space of
working class. As a result, the film under- theatre and politics. The film mobilizes, fos-
went a process of constant mutation, not tering motor and mental activity rather than
because of authorial whims ( la 8 1/2) but self-indulgent fantasy. Rather than vibrate
under the pressure of proletarian critique. to the sensibility of an Auteur, the specta-
Rather than performing the mise-en-scne of tors become the authors of their own des-
preconceived opinions, the films making tiny. Rather than a mass hero on the screen,
entailed inquiry and search. The reformist the protagonists of history are in the audi-
short became a revolutionary manifesto.2 ence. Rather than a womb to regress in, the
La Hora is open, secondly, in its very cinema becomes a political stage on which
structure as a text, operating by what might to act.
be called tendentiously aleatory procedures.3 Brecht contrasted artistic innovation
At key points, the film raises questions easily absorbed by the apparatus with the
Why did Peron fall without a struggle? kind which threatens its very existence. La
Should he have armed the people?and Hora wards off cooptation by a stance of
proposes that the audience debate them, radical interventionism. Rather than being
interrupting the projection to allow for dis- hermetically sealed off from life, the text
cussion. Elsewhere, the authors appeal for is permeable to history and praxis, call-
supplementary material on the theme of ing for accomplices rather than consum-
violence and liberation, soliciting collabora- ers. The three major sections begin with
tion in the films writing. The end of the ouverturesorchestrated quotations, slo-
film refuses closure by inviting the audi- gans, rallying crieswhich suggest that the
ence to prolong the text:Now it is up to you spectators have come not to enjoy a show
to draw conclusions, to continue the film. but to participate in an action. Each screen-
You have the floor. This challenge, more ing is meant to create what the authors call
than rhetorical, was concretely taken up a liberated space, a decolonized territory.
by Argentinian audiences, at least until the Because of this activist stance, La Hora
experiment was cut short by militaryrule. was dangerous to make, to distribute, and,
Cine-semiologists define the cinema as not infrequently, to see. When a repressive
a system of signification rather than com- situation makes filmgoing a clandestine
munication, arguing that the gap between activity punishable by prison or torture,
the production of the message and its the mere act of viewing comes to entail
Hour of the Furnaces and the Two AvantGardes 537

political commitment. Cinephilia, at times essay, one which ranks in rhetorical power
a surrogate for political action in the United with those of the authors it citesFanon,
States and Europe, became in Argentina a Csaire, Sartre. At once broadly discursive
life-endangering form of praxis, placing and vividly imagistic, abstract and concrete,
the spectator in a booby-trapped space of this essay-text, rather than simply com-
political commitment. Instead of the mere menting on the images, organizes them and
firecrackers-under-the-seats of the Dadaists, provides their principle of coherence. The
the spectator was faced with the distant pos- essay constitutes the films control-center,
sibility of machine-gun fire in the cinema. its brain. The images take on meaning in
All the celebrated attacks on the voyeurism relation to it rather than the reverse. During
of the spectator pale in violence next to this prolonged periods, the screen becomes an
threatened initiation into political brutality. audio-visual blackboard and the spectator a
In its frontal assault on passivity, La Hora reader of text. The staccato intercutting of
deploys a number of textual strategies. The black frames and incendiary titles generates
spoken and written commentary, addressed a dynamic cin-criture; the film writes itself.
directly to the spectator, fosters a discursive Vertovian titles explode around the screen,
relationship, the I-You of discours rather rushing toward and retreating from the
than the He-She voyeurism of histoire. The spectator, their graphic presentation often
language, furthermore, is unabashedly par- mimicking their signification. The word
tisan, eschewing all factitious objectivity. liberation, for example, proliferates and
Diverse classes, the film reminds us, speak multiplies, in a striking visual and kinetic
divergent languages. The 1955 putsch, for reminiscence of Ches call for two, three,
the elite, is a liberating revolution, for many Viet Nams. At other times, in a rude
the people, the gorilla coup. Everything challenge to the sacrosanct primacy of the
in the film, from the initial dedication to visual, the screen remains blank while
Che Guevara through the final exhortation a disembodied voice addresses us in the
to action, obeys the Brechtian injunction to darkness.
divide the audience, forcing the audience The commentary participates mightily
to take sides. The Argentinian intellectual in the films work of demystification. As
must decide to be with the Peronist masses the caption, for Walter Benjamin, could tear
or against them. The American must photography away from fashionable clichs
reject the phrase Yankee imperialism or and grant it revolutionary use-value, so
acknowledge that it corresponds, on some the commentary shatters the official image
level, to the truth. At times, the call for com- of events. An idealized painting celebrating
mitment reaches discomfiting extremes Argentine political independence is under-
for the spectator hoping for a warm bath cut by the off-screen account of the financial
of escapism. Quoting Fanons all specta- deals which betrayed economic indepen-
tors are cowards or traitors (neither option dence. Formal sovereignty is exposed as
flatters), the film calls at times for virtual the facade masking the realities of mate-
readiness for martyrdomTo choose ones rial subjugation. Shots of the bustling,
death is to choose ones lifeat which prosperous port of Buenos Aires, similarly,
point the lukewarm entertainment-seeker are accompanied by an analysis of a gen-
might feel that the demands for commit- eral systemic poverty: What characterizes
ment have escalated unacceptably. Latin American countries is, first of all,
La Hora also short-circuits passivity by their dependenceeconomic dependence,
making intense intellectual demands. The political dependence, cultural dependence.
written titles and spoken commentary taken The spectator is taught to distrust images,
together form a more or less continuous or better, to see through them to their

underlying structures. The film strives to for whom change is necessary, but impos-
enable the spectator to penetrate the veil of sible. Monuments, symbols of national
appearances, to dispel the mists of ideology pride, are treated as petrified emblems of
through an act of revolutionary decoding. servility. As the camera zooms out from
Much of La Horas persuasive power an equestrian statue of one of Argentinas
derives from its ability to render ideas founding fathers (Carlos de Alvear), an
visual. Abstract concepts are given clear and off-screen voice ironizes:Here monuments
accessible form. The sociological abstrac- are erected to the man who said: These
tion oligarchy is concretized by shots of provinces want to belong to Great Britain,
the fifty families that monopolize much to accept its laws, obey its government, live
of Argentinas wealth. Here they are under its powerful influence.
says the text; the oligarchy comes into Satiric vignettes pinpoint the reaction-
focus as the actual faces of real people, rec- ary nostalgia of the Argentine ruling class.
ognizable and accountable. Class society We see them in an antique car acting out
becomes the image (quoted from Birris their fantasy of la belle poque. We see La
Tire Di) of desperate child beggars running Recoleta, their cemetery, baroque testimo-
alongside trains in hopes of a few pennies nial to an atrophied way of life, where the
from blas passengers. Systemic violence oligarchy tries to freeze time and crys-
is rendered by images of the states appa- tallize history. Just as Vertov destroys (via
ratus of repressionprisons, armored split screen) the Bolshoi Theatre in The
trucks, bombers. The title No Social Man with the Movie Camera, Solanas-Getino
Order Commits Suicide yields to four annihilate the cemetary with superimposed
quick-cut shots of the military. Csaires lightning-bolts and thunderous sound
depiction of the colonizedDispossessed, effects. Using techniques reminiscent of
Marginalized, Condemnedgives way to Resnais art documentaries, they animate
shots of workers, up against the wall, under- the cemetarys neoclassical statues, creating
going police interrogation. Thus La Hora a completely artificial time and space. The
engraves ideas on the mind of the spectator. statues dialogue in shot/reaction shot to
The images do not explode harmlessly, dis- the music of an Argentinian opera whose
sipating their energy. They fuse with ideas words (I shall bring down the rebel flag in
in order to detonate in the minds of the blood) remind us of the aristocracys his-
audience. torical capacity for savage repression. Still
Parody and satire form part of the stra- another vignette pictures the oligarchy at
tegic arsenal of La Hora de los Hornos. its annual cattle show in Buenos Aires. The
One sequence, a sight-seeing excursion sequence interweaves shots of the crowned
through Buenos Aires, compares in irrev- heads of the prize bulls with the faces of the
erence to Buuels sardonic tour of Rome aristocracy. The bullsinert, sluggish, well
in LAge dOr. The images are those custom- pedigreedpresent a perfect analogue to
ary in traveloguesgovernment buildings, the oligarchs that breed them. Metonymic
monuments, busy thoroughfaresbut the contiguity coincides with metaphoric trans-
accompanying text is dipped in acid. Rather fer as the auctioneers phrases describ-
than exalt the cosmopolitan charm or the ing the bulls (admire the expression, the
bustling energy of Buenos Aires, the com- bone structure) are yoked, in a stunning
mentary disengages its class structure: the cinematic xeugma, to the looks of bovine
highly-placed comprador bourgeoisie, the self-satisfaction on the faces of their owners.
middle class (eternal in-betweens, both On occasion, Solanas-Getino enlist the
protected and used by the oligarchy) and unwitting cooperation of their satiric tar-
the petite bourgeoisie, eternal crybabies, gets by having ruling-class figures condemn
Hour of the Furnaces and the Two AvantGardes 539

themselves by their own discourse. Newsreel intercutting scenes from a slaughterhouse

footage shows an Argentinian writer, sur- with pop-culture advertising icons. The
rounded by jewelry-laden dowagers, at an sequence obviously quotes Eisensteins cel-
official reception, as a parodic off-screen ebrated non-diegetic metaphor in Strike, but
voice sets the tone: And now lets go to the also invests it with specifically Argentinian
Pepsi Cola Salon, where Manuel Mujica resonances. In Argentina, where livestock
Lainez, member of the Argentine Academy is a basic industry, the same workers who
of Letters, is presenting his latest book can barely afford the meat that they them-
Royal Chronicles. Lainez then boasts, in selves produce are simultaneously encour-
non-synchronous sound, of his interna- aged by advertising to consume the useless
tional prizes, his European formation, his products of the multinational companies.
deep sympathy for the Elizabethan spirit. The livestock metaphor, anticipated in the
No professional actor could better incar- earlier prize-bull sequence, is subsequently
nate the intellectual bankruptcy of the elite, diegetized when a shot of the exterior of
with its fossilized attitudes, its nostalgia for a slaughterhouse coincides with an account
Europe, its hand-me-down culture, and its of the police repression of its striking work-
snide ingratitude toward the country and ers. The advertising/slaughter juxtaposi-
people that made possible its privileges. tion, meanwhile, evokes advertising itself as
Recorded noises and music also play a a kind of slaughter whose numbing effect is
discursive and demystificatory role. The imaged by the mallet striking the ox uncon-
sound of a time clock punctuates shots of scious. The vapid accompanying music
workers hurrying to their jobs, an aural by the Swingle Singers (Bach grotesquely
reminder of the daily violence of wage metamorphosed into Ray Conniff) coun-
slavery. Godardian frontal shots of office terpoints the brutality of the images, while
buildings with their abstract geometrical- underlining the shallowly plastic good cheer
ity are superimposed with sirens; innocu- of theads.
ous images take on overtones of urban In La Hora, minimalismthe avant-
anxiety. A veritable compendium of musi- garde esthetic most appropriate to the exi-
cal stylestango, opera, popmake mor- gencies of film production in the Third
dant comment on the image. Asegment on Worldreflects practical necessity as well
cultural colonialism has Ray Charles sing- as artistic strategy. Time and again one is
ing I dont need no doctor as a pop-music struck by the contrast between the poverty
junkie nods his head in rhythm in a Buenos of the original materials and the power of
Aires record store. A medley of national the final result. Unpromising footage is
and party anthems (La Marseillaise, The transmogrified into art, as the alchemy
International) lampoons the European of montage transforms the base metals of
allegiances of the traditional left parties. titles, blank frames and percussive sounds
And one of the most poignantly telling into the gold and silver of rhythmic virtuos-
sequences shows a small-town prostitute, ity. Static two-dimensional images (photos,
pubic hair exposed, eating lunch while posters, ads, engravings) are dynamized by
sad-looking men wait in line for her favors. editing and camera movement. Still pho-
The musical accompaniment (the patriotic tos and moving images sweep by at such
flag-raising song) suggests that Argentina velocity that we lose track of where move-
has been reduced to exactly thisa hungry ment stops and stasis begins. The most
prostitute with her joyless clientele. striking minimalist imagea close-up of
Solanas-Getino prolong and critically Che Guevaras face in deathis held for a
reelaborate the avant-garde heritage. One full five minutes. The effect of this inspira-
sequence fuses Eisenstein with Warhol by tional death mask is paradoxical. Through

the having-been-there of photography, Che beauty. The films scorn for culture, fur-
Guevara returns our glance from beyond thermore, finds ample precedent within the
the grave. His face even in death seems anti-traditionalist modernism of Europe
mesmerizingly present, his expression itself. Mayakovsky asked, even before the
one of defiant undefeat. At the same time, revolution, that the classics be cast from
the photo gradually assumes the look of a the steamboat of modernity. The dismissal
cracked revolutionary icon. The long con- of all antecedent art as simply a waste of
templation of the photograph demystifies time recalls the antepassatismo of the futur-
and unmasks: we become conscious of ists. We must spit each day, said Marinetti
the frame, the technical imperfections, the on the altar of art. And both Mayakovsky
filmic material itself.4 and Godard have evoked the symbolic
The most iconoclastic sequence, entitled destruction of the shrines of high culture.
Models, begins by citing Fanons call for Make bombardment echo on the museum
an authentically third-world culture: Let us walls, shouted Mayakovsky, and Godard,
not pay tribute to Europe by creating states, in La Chinoise, has Vronique call for the
institutions and societies in its mould. bombing of the Louvre and the Comdie
Humanity expects more from us than this Franaise.
caricatural and generally obscene imita- While drawing on a certain avant-garde,
tion. As the commentary derides Europes La Hora critiques what it sees as the
racist humanism, the image track parades apolitical avant-garde. Revolutionary
the most highly prized artifacts of European films, in their view, must be esthetically
high culture: the Parthenon, Djeuner sur avant-garderevolutionary art must first
lherbe, Roman frescoes, portraits of Byron of all be revolutionary as art (Benjamin)
and Voltaire. In an attack on the ideologi- but avant-garde films are not necessarily
cal hierarchies of the spectator, haloed art revolutionary. La Hora eludes what it sees
works are inexorably lap-dissolved into as the vacuity of a certain avant-garde by
meaninglessness. As in the postcard politicizing what might have been purely
sequence of Les Carabiniers, that locus clas- formalistic exercises. The ironic pageant of
sicus of anti-high-art semioclasm, the most high art images in the Models sequence,
cherished monuments of Western culture for example, is accompanied by a discourse
are implicitly equated with the commercial- on the colonization of third-world culture.
ized fetishes of consumer society. Classical Another sequence, superimposing shots
painting and toothpaste are levelled as two of Argentinians lounging at poolside with
kinds of imperial export. The pretended vapid cocktail dialogue about the prestige
universalityof European culture is exposed value of being familiar with Op art and Pop
as a myth masking the fact of domination. art, abstract art and concrete art, highlights
This demolition job on Western culture the bourgeois fondness for a politically
is not without its ambiguities, however; innocuous avant-garde which is as much
for Solanas and Getino, like Fanon before the product of fashion and commodity
them, are imbued with the very culture they fetishism as styles in shirts and jeans. In
so vehemently denigrate. La Hora betrays Argentina, its promotion formed part of a
a cultivated familiarity with Flemish paint- pattern of United States cultural interven-
ing, Italian opera, French cinema; it alludes tion in which organizations such as the
to the entire spectrum of highbrow culture. U.S.I.S. exhibited modernist painting as
Their attack is also an exorcism, the product part of a larger imperialist strategy.
of a love-hate relationship to the European An apolitical avant-garde risks becom-
parent culture. The same lap-dissolves that ing an institutionalized loyal opposition,
obliterate classical art also highlight its the progressive wing of establishment art.
Hour of the Furnaces and the Two AvantGardes 541

Supplying a daily dose of novelty to a sati- ones. The subsurface millenarianism of the
ated society, it generates surface turmoil film, while it partially explains the films
while leaving the deep structures intact. power (and its appeal for even some bour-
The artists, as Godard once pointed out, are geois critics), in some ways undermines its
inmates who bang their dishes against the political integrity.
bars of their prison. Rather than destroy the Equipped with the luxury of retrospec-
prison, they merely make a noise which, tive lucidity, one can also better discern the
ultimately, reassures the warden. The noise deficiencies of the Fanonian and Guevarist
is then coopted by a mechanism of repres- ideas informing the film. La Hora is deeply
sive desublimation and cited as proof of the imbued with Fanons faith in the therapeu-
systems liberality. La Hora has nothing to tic value of violence. But while it is true
do with such an avant-garde, and to treat it to say that violence is an effective political
as such would be to trivialize it by detach- language, the key to resistance or the tak-
ing it from the revolutionary impulse that ing of power, it is quite another to value it
drives and informsit. as therapy for the oppressed. La Hora mis-
Embracing elements of this critique of an applies a theory associated with a specific
apolitical avant-garde does not entail endors- point in Fanons ideological trajectory (the
ing all features of the films global politics. point of maximum disenchantment with
Without diminishing the directors achieve- the European left) and with a precise histor-
ment or disrespecting the sacrifice of thou- ical situation (French settler colonialism in
sands of Argentinians, one feels obliged to Algeria). Solanas and Getino also pay right-
point out certain political ambiguities in the ful tribute to Che Guevara as model revo-
film. La Hora shares with what one might lutionary. Subsequent events, however, have
call the heroic-masochistic avant-garde a made it obvious that certain of Ches policies
vision of itself as engaged in a kind of apoc- were mistaken. Guevarism in Latin America
alyptic self-sacrifice in the name of future gave impetus to an ultra-voluntarist strategy
generations. The artistic avant-garde, as which often turned out to be ineffective or
Renato Poggioli and Massimo Bontempelli even suicidal. One might even link the ves-
have suggested, often cultivates the image, tigial machismo of the films language (El
and symbolically suffers the fate, of military Hombre: Man) to this ideal of the heroic
avant gardes: they serve as advanced cadres warrior who personally exposes himself to
slaughtered (if only by the critics) to pre- combat.5 Guerilla strategists often under-
pare the way for the regular army or the new estimated the repressive power of the gov-
society. The spirit of self-immolation on the ernments in place and overestimated the
altar of the future (Piti pour nous qui com- objective and subjective readiness of the
battons toujours aux frontires/De lillimit local populations for revolution.
et de lavenir) merges in La Hora with a As a left Peronist film, La Hora also par-
quasi-religious subtext which draws on the takes of the historical strengths and weak-
language and imagery of martyrdom, death nesses of that movement.6 Solanas-Getino
and resurrection. One might even posit a rightly identify Peron as a third-world
subliminal Dantesque structuring which nationalist avant la lettre rather than the
ascends from the inferno of neocolonial fascist dictator of Eurocentric mythol-
oppression through the purgatorio of revo- ogy.7 (Peron was a fascist and a dicta-
lutionary violence to the paradiso of national tor detested by all good men except
liberation. Without reviving the facile cari- Argentinians, said Dean Acheson, slyly
cature of Marxism as secular religion, one insinuating that Argentinians were not
can regret the films occasional confusion good men.) While La Hora does score the
of political categories with moral-religious failures of Peronismits refusal to attack

the power bases of the oligarchy, its failure orchestration of what one might call the
to arm the people against right-wing coups, revolutionary intertext, i.e., its aural and
its constant oscillation between democ- visual evocation of tricontinental revolution.
racy of the people and the dictatorship of The strategically placed allusions to Che
bureaucracythe film-makers see Peron Guevara, Fanon, Ho Chi Minh and Stokely
as the man through whom the Argentinian Carmichael create a kind of effet de radicalit
working class became gropingly aware of rather like the effet de rel cited by Barthes in
its collective destiny. Peronism, for them, connection with the strategic details of clas-
was objectively revolutionary, because sical realist fiction.
it embodied this proletarian movement. Peronisms second major contradiction
By breaking the imperial stranglehold on has to do with its constant swing between
Argentinas economy, Peronism would pre- democracy and authoritarianism, partici-
pare the way for authentic socialist revolu- pation and manipulation. With populism,
tion. The film fails most crucially, however, a plebeian style and personal charisma
in not placing Peronism in its most appro- often mask a deep scorn for the masses.
priate contextLatin American populism. Egalitarian manners create an apparent
In this version, populism represents a style equality between the representative of the
of political representation by which certain elite and the people who are the object of
progressive and nationalist elements of the manipulation. The film, at once manipula-
bourgeoisie enlist the support of the people tive and participatory, strong-armed and
in order to advance their own interests. Latin egalitarian, shares in this ambiguity. It
American populists, like populists every- speaks the language of popular expression
where, flirt with the right with one hand and (your ideas are as important as ours) but
caress the left with the other, making pacts also resorts to hyperbolic language and
with God and the Devil. Like the inhabitants sledgehammer persuasion.
of Alphaville, they manage to say yes and La Hora is brilliant in its critique. And his-
no at the same time. As a tactical alliance, tory has not shown its authors to be totally
Peronism constituted a labyrinthian tangle failed prophets. It is facile for us, equipped
of contradictions, a fragile mosaic which with hindsight and protected by distance,
shattered, not surprisingly, with its leaders to point up mistaken predictions or failed
disappearance. strategies. The films indictment of neocolo-
Peronism was plagued by at least two nialism remains shatteringly relevant. The
major contradictions, both of which are critique of the traditional left, and especially
inscribed, to a certain extent, in the film. of the Argentine Communist Party, has
Wholeheartedly anti-imperialist, Peronism been borne out as the PCA offers its criti-
was only half heartedly anti-monopolist cal support to a right-wing regime, largely
since the industrial bourgeoisie allied with because it concentrates its repression on
it was more frightened of the working the non-Stalinist left and makes grain deals
class than it was of imperialism. Although with the Soviet Union. The film also accu-
Solanas-Getino at one point explicitly call rately points up the ruling class potentiality
for socialist revolution, there is ambigu- for violent repression. The current regime,
ity in the film and in the concept of Third with its horrendous human rights record,
Cinema. The third, while obviously its desapparecidos and its anti-Semitism,
referring to the Third World, also echoes merely reaffirms the capacity for violence of
Perons call for a third way, for an inter- an elite that has more than once bathed the
mediate path between socialism and capital- country in blood.
ism. That La Hora seems more radical than Despite its occasional ambiguities, La
it in fact is largely derives from its skillful Hora de los Hornos remains a seminal
Hour of the Furnaces and the Two AvantGardes 543

contribution to revolutionary cinema. scandalously utopian and only apparently

Transcending the narcissistic self-expression paradoxical ideathat of a majoritarian
of Auteurism, it voices the concerns of a avant-garde.
mass movement. By allying itself with a con-
crete movement, which however impure
has at least the virtue of being real, it prac- Notes
tices a cinematic politics of dirty hands. If 1. The idea of Third Cinema is fully developed in
its politics are at times populist, its filmic an essay by Solanas and Getino entitled Towards
a Third Cinema. This essay, anthologized in Bill
strategies are not. It assumes that the mass
Nichols Movies and Methods, has been translated
of people are quite capable of grasping the into at least a dozen languages and has been highly
exact meaning of an association of images influential around theworld.
or of a sound montage; that it is ready, in 2. Solanas and Getino were not historically the first to
suggest the combination of film with discussion.
short, for linguistic experimentation. It In 1933, Bla Balzs proposed that explanations
respects the people by offering quality, pro- be made standard at all screenings:This does
posing a cinema which is simultaneously not apply only to our films. We must have critical,
satirical analyses of the bourgeois films, expose their
a tool for consciousness-raising, an instru- reactionary, capitalistic and anti-proletarian ideology,
ment for analysis, and a catalyst for action. ridicule their philistine narrow-mindedness.
La Hora provides a model for avant-garde Balzs proposal is, finally, less open than that of
Solanas-Getino, since he favors explanations
political filmmaking and a treasury of for- rather than debate, going so far as to suggest that
malist strategies. It is an advanced seminar the lecturer record his/her comments on a disc
in the politics of art and the art of politics, which could accompany the film. More recently,
McCall and Tyndall in Argument aim to create the
a four-hour launching pad for experimenta- preconditions whereby the audience can act on
tion, an underground guide to revolutionary the social situation which the film engages. The
cinematic praxis. film has been shown to small groups followed by
discussions with its makers. This experiment too is
La Hora is also a key piece in the ongoing less audacious than that of Solanas-Getino, since the
debate concerning the two avant-gardes. It film is not interrupted, and the debate is only with
would be naive and sentimental to see the the filmmakers.
3. Aleatory procedures are, of course, typical
two avant-gardes as naturally allied. (The of art in the sixties. One need think only of
mere mention of Ezra Pound or Marinetti process art in which chemical, biological or
refutes such an idea.) The alliance of the seasonal forces affect the original materials, or of
environmental art, or happenings, mixed media,
two avant-gardes is not natural, it must human-machine-interaction systems, street theatre
be forged. The two avant-gardes, yoked and the like. The film formed part of a general
by a common impulse of rebellion, con- tendency to erase the boundaries between art and
life, but rarely did this erasure take such a highly
cretely need each other. While revolution- politicizedform.
ary esthetics without revolutionary politics 4. The Argentinian junta paid inadvertent tribute
is often futile (They did away with gram- to the revolutionary potential of photography
when they arrested Che Guevaras mother in
mar, said Pre Brecht, but they forgot to 1962, accusing her of having in her possession a
do away with capitalism.), revolutionary subversive photograph. The photograph
politics without revolutionary esthetics is was of her son Che. See The New York Times,
May 19, 1980, p. A10.
equally retrograde, pouring the new wine 5. Grard Chaliand, in Mythes Rvolutionnaires du Tiers
of revolution into the old bottles of con- Monde (1976), criticizes what he calls the macho
ventional forms, reducing art to a crude attitudes of Latin American guerillas which led them
to expose themselves to combat even when their
instrumentality in the service of a pre- presence was not required, thus resulting in the
formed message. La Hora, by avoiding the death of most of the guerilla leaders. He contrasts
twin traps of an empty iconoclasm on the this attitude with the more prudent procedure of the
one hand, and a correct but formally nos- Vietnamese. During fifteen years of war, not one of
the fifty members of the central committee of the
talgic militancy on the other, constitutes a South Vietnamese National Liberation Front fell into
major step toward the realization of that the hands of theenemy.
6. Should there by any doubt about the Peronist national film board. Upon Perons death, Solanas
allegiances of the film, one need only remember and Getino made a public declaration supporting
the frequent quotations of Peron, the interviews the succession of his wife Isabel. Ironically, the
with Peronist militants, and the critiques of the repression unleashed after her ouster was levelled as
non-Peronist left. In 1971, Solanas and Getino made much against Solanas and Getino as against those
a propaganda film for Peron:Peron:La Revolucin who had been more consistently on theleft.
Justicialista (Peron:The Justicialism Revolution). 7. The simplistic view of Peron as a fascist has been
The Cine-Liberacion group which made the film, revived in many of the reviews of the Broadway
according to Solanas, served as the cinematic production of Evita, with a number of critics
arm of General Peron. During the Campora comparing the play to the kind of spectacle parodied
administration, Getino accepted a post on the in Mel Brookss The Producers.


A Paper Presented to the First National Congress of
Education and Culture(1978)

Lets begin with this common ground:there In order to justify the scarcity legitimately,
is a serious discrepancy between our edu- if thats possible, we must demonstrate
cational needs and the resources we have the never-ending determination we have
at our disposal to satisfy those needs. It is to give to the little that we have its greatest
also common knowledge that documentary effectiveness.
didactic cinema is one of the most effective What can we do to increase the edu-
means of reducing this discrepancy. There cational potential of each didactic docu-
is little merit simply in recognizing this, mentary? A comparison between the first
and the number of documentaries of this didactic documentaries that we made
type that we have produced in these years eleven years ago, and the more recent ones,
of revolution indicates, perhaps, that we do indicates the way. Its not the only road, but
not turn our backs on lifes most immediate it seems to us to be one of great interest.
necessities. But this number is too small in Today, we propose to sketch an outline of
relation to what we need, and it will neces- that road, to map a route, and to invite you
sarily have to remain so for some years. We to travel alongit.
must concern ourselves, then, with work- The didactic documentary is, first of
ing within the limits of what we can do. all, an auxiliary method of education, an

instrument which the professor may use the visual illustration of a spoken account.
along with text books, maps, and other aux- The didactic film necessarily repeats and
iliary tools. Thus, linked with a particular competes with the role of the teacher and
process of learning, the objectives of the the other teaching aids. Undoubtedly, since
didactic film are the same as those of the they have the same purpose, there must
teacher.1 be points of coincidence between different
Since the teachers goal is to carry out the methods of education. But, just as the teach-
program, the didactic film takes its content ers effectiveness, and even his existence,
from the programs themes. This content are justified because he gives the student
would correspond to that of one class, or to something that the book cannot, the role
that of all the classes as a whole. In this case, and the effectiveness of the didactic film
in its scope and in the volume of the ideas should not be measured by what it has in
and facts it communicates, the didactic film common with other educational methods,
uses the class as a model of the educational but by what it has to offer that is unique.
unit, and it is within the context of the edu- The educational process should be consid-
cational process that the didactic film has its ered the union of differing methods, which
perimeters and fulfills its function. Nothing point towards a common goal, so that each
could be more natural, then, than to base method can attain its maximum effective-
the qualities of the didactic film on the cri- ness. So, the didactic film must not take
teria used to define the audience, the pro- the teachers exposition as its model and
gram, and the goals of the teacher. example.
Our first didactic films, even those which The second reason for our discussing
werent destined to be used as teaching aids this initial conception of the didactic film
in the classroom, responded in fact to those goes beyond its basic characteristics as a
criteria.2 They were illustrations for a learn- teaching aid. There is no particular teach-
ing situation; it didnt matter whether that ing need which is not in some way linked
situation was real or potential. Thus con- to a general educational need. The most
ceived, the didactic film had the advantage, specific problems are tied by a number of
alongside the professors oral explanation, links to problems of general interest. It is
of improving the possibilities of reception true that it is not always easy to perceive
by appealing to more senses, in order to them, but there is no doubt that these links
communicate to the student the planned exist. In the underdeveloped countries,
rational content of the program, when it did especially if, as in our case, they are under-
not exactly coincide with that explanation. It going a Revolution, educational needs
is this initial conception of the didactic film in particular areas and in general are so
that we would like to discuss, as a result pressing that we absolutely must ask our-
of our own experiences and efforts to take selves, every time we try to satisfy a specific
new factors within the educational process educational need, if there might not be a
into account, under the conditions of our way to do so while at the same time satis-
country and according to the goals of the fying educational needs of a more general
Revolution. nature. Here, the argument for taking the
First, the didactic film conceived in this maximum advantage of available methods
way does not offer the maximum educa- is the feeblest. The cinema is still an expen-
tional efficiency to the class it proposes to sive means of cultural communication. Is
aid. Subordinated to the teachers explana- it legitimate therefore, to make didactic
tion, its content is limited to the themes of films which serve a particular educational
a program set up without the documentary function without satisfying a more general
in mind; in short, it is restricted to being educationalneed?
Toward a Definition of the Didactic Documentary 547

But there is a more far-reaching argu- The first is this truism: specific educa-
ment than that for the rational use of avail- tional needs always have essential points
able methods.3 We fight underdevelopment, in common with the needs of education in
towards a conception of man. We want, for general. We will stress two of these areas, in
our country and for the world, a unigue cul- which the didactic documentary can be sin-
ture, stripped of the intellectual and moral gularly effective:the nature of the thinking
inequalities which today lacerate man, free implicit in the teaching, and its motivation.
of antagonism between classes and of the
social frameworks which, like the cells of a a) It is no coincidence that serious forms
steel beehive, catch men in the trap of the of cultural alienation characteristic of capi-
social division of labour. Cultural inequal- talist countries, i.e., gambling, lotteries, and
ity, social differences, division of labour, all astrology, acquire vast and deeply rooted
these monuments for the archeologists of inroads into the consciousness of the people
the future, which today obstruct the devel- in underdeveloped countries. The almost
opment of all the capacities of all men, can- non-existent industrial development, and
not be eliminated through the power of the the resulting extremely low level of science
imagination. But if this is our goal, if this and technology, of the socialization of work,
is as well the destiny of mankind, shouldnt and of means of communication and trans-
we ask, starting today and on every occa- portation, tools or tracks left by colonial
sion, if that which serves to develop a few domination, bring about a way of conceiving
could not possibly be done in such a way things, not in their relation to other things,
that it would serve to develop everyone? Is but in themselves. This way of thinking per-
there any otherway? ceives things as results, without considering
If there is a method capable of playing the processes leading up to them; a way of
this double role, that method is precisely thinking, in other words, which hearkens
the cinema. The universality of visual lan- back to the magical. After twelve years of
guage is natural for eliminating cultural revolution, we still find examples of this
differences, exemplified by, among other way of thinking, even in our own commu-
factors, the lack of that tendency towards nications media, mostly modelled after the
abstraction which verbal language imposes tendency to exalt results and omit the pro-
and requires. cess which led up to those results. The cin-
We are not proposing a compromise, ema, which by nature represents reality in
however. It is not a question of partially motion, making it extremely useful to dem-
sacrificing the particular educational need onstrate processes, and through its capacity
in order to satisfy, partially as well, the gen- for revealing relationships between events
eral educational need. We have seen that registered in the most dissimilar conditions
the didactic film achieves its maximum effi- of time and place, possesses qualities suit-
ciency through making its particular func- able for education in a rational, concrete,
tion distinct from the rest of the educational and dialectical way of thinking, as well as
methods. The possibility of conceiving a immediate effectiveness in communicating
kind of didactic documentary which would knowledge and skills.
simultaneously satisfy the specific need b) In general, the specific methods of
and the general need, without prejudicing education are limited to communicating a
either, is found precisely in this difference. particular piece of information or a particu-
But this possibility does not exist sim- lar skill. They rarely go beyond the frame-
ply because of the relationship between the work of their immediate goals. Within
didactic film and the other methods of edu- the conventional framework of education
cation. There are at least two more reasons: there is little or no room for establishing

relationships between the immediate topic attention to themselves. These snares,

of study and other topics which, without far from raising pedagogical efficiency, are
being directly related to the goals in question, reducing it. Worse still, these snares are
could increase the educational effectiveness products of a bourgeois publicity mental-
of the method, developing its motivational ity. In fact, the commercial businessman
value, awakening new interests, bringing to is only interested in the act of selling, and
the content of the program new horizons of the profit that he can obtain thereby. He is
meaning, and thus stimulating an aware- not interested in the concrete qualities of
ness of their significance. Clearly, a didactic the product he offers. For him, everything,
documentary which limited itself to repro- even ideas and feelings, are nothing more
ducing the method of operation of a certain than values of exchange. On perceiving
machine could not contribute much to a the product he sells, the businessman can-
course designed to train operators for that not know the qualities of that product; it is
machine. This example demonstrates better impossible to see a thing as an exchange-
than others how vain it is to endeavour to able unit and perceive its condition as a
substitute for practice itself. But it is equally use-value at the same time. And, since it
clear how much more useful a didactic film is characteristic of the bourgeois to think
would be which showed the apprenticing that everyone thinks as he does, he appeals
operators the process of the construction of to stimuli which have nothing to do with
the machine, for example, or the scientific the nature of the product, in order to cre-
discoveries that have made it possible, or ate more demand for it or stimulate the
its significance for the development of the interest of the consumer; sex, the desire
economy. With this aim of awakening inter- for recognition and prestige, feelings of
ests or motivations, or stimulating a sense inferiorityeverything besides the actual
of responsibility towards that which is being demonstration of the concrete proper-
learned, a didactic cinema has before it a ties of the object. Even though, because
wide field of investigation. It is a question of their content, the snares on occasion
of giving education its formative dimension are not obvious expressions of commercial
through relations which, in the initial con- zeal, the fact of considering their use is in
ditions of an underdeveloped country in the itself bourgeois. The didactic documentary
throes of revolution, cannot be achieved in must break once and for all with this ret-
the exclusive context of the system of com- rogressive tradition, and integrate into its
partmentalized education. philosophy the principle that no themes
The notion of the documentary which are dry or boring, and to suspect that
we are outlining here cautions us against when interest is lacking in the result, most
an unfortunate characteristic of the genre. times, or perhaps always, it is because
It is an error which we ourselves have at interest is lacking in whoever has brought
times fallen into, and which still appears it about. The greatest interest of a theme
in world production. A sterile and ahis- lies in the theme itself, in its content, its
torical view of the didactic film considers history, and in its ties with the urgencies
it the genre of boring and dry topics. of life. The formal techniques must be
But the conventional reaction to this sup- derived from the theme and put at its ser-
posed dryness of the so-called message vice. Its the old moral demand for a unity
film consists of adding enticements to between form and content.
films like sugarcoating a pilla tech- We were saying that the concept of the
nique known as the snare. However, didactic documentary, which we are pre-
rather than increasing interest in the film, senting, warns against this error. And,
such techniques diminish it, by calling in fact, aside from considerations of an
Toward a Definition of the Didactic Documentary 549

ideological nature, or along with them, educational needs, and in doing so, make
the temptation of using snares arises each particular method more effective, by
when the didactic film is relegated to being bringing to it the dimensions of interest and
the illustration of what the teacher has incentive.
explained. In other words, when it is repet-
itive, it can be tiring, and one therefore
searches for other foci of attention. The
previous explanation given the student by 1. For further information about Cubas educational
system, see Nelson P. Valdes, The Radical
the teacher detracts from what the student
Transformation of Cuban Education, in Cuba in
would have to discover for himself. The Revolution, ed. Rolando E. Bonachea and Nelson
result is inevitably colourless. P. Valdes (New York: Doubleday, Anchor Original,
1972) pp. 422455.
2. At the 1961 and 1962, during the
Education Year, film makers produced two
Conclusions series of didactic films:Enciclopedia Popular and
Documentales Cientifico-Populares. All these films
were used in classrooms in order to illustrate social
To sum up the foregoing, we could say and health reforms organized by the Revolutionary
that the critical analysis of our own experi- Government.
3. Ch Guevaras main ideological contributions
ence brings us to a number of ideas which to the Cuban Revolution can be divided into
point towards a definition of the docuinen- two political methods. The first is guerrilla
tary genre, which consist in seeing it as an warfare in the war of Revolution. The second is
the establishment of socialism, through mans
auxiliary educational method, and in defin- conscious decision to control his environment for
ing its function and efficiency in terms the benefit of all humanity. Thus the creation of
of how it may be distinguished from the a new man. See George Lowan, ed. Ch Guevara
Speaks: Selected Speeches and Writings (New York,
other methods. Thus conceived, the didac- 1967) and particularly Notes on Man and Socialism
tic film can at the same time satisfy general in Cuba.


During the past year, young American film-makers and radicals have been banding
together into a new organization, NEWSREEL, with a program markedly different from
that of earlier documentariesdifferent from the British or New Deal films of the
thirties (and their successors, the TV documentaries) and different from the cinma-
vrit documentaries of the sixties. NEWSREEL film-makers wish to use film as a revo-
lutionary weapon; and the consequences of this basic orientation are being worked out
by a growing band of film-makers, on both east and west coasts. In order to present
something of the flavor of this work, we present below a montage of programmatic
comments by NEWSREEL film-makers, followed by more detached comments from a
critic not associated with the group.

Norm Fruchter, NY Newsreel we want? Films as weapons? (Historical

phrasebadly weathered.) Bullets kill,
Newsreel, for me, is the constant chal- and some films get into peoples heads, to
lenge of facing choices which are at once, shock, stun, arrest, horrify, depress, sad-
and indissolubly film-making choices, den, probe, demand. We want that kind of
political choices, activist choices, aesthetic engagementfilms people cant walk away
choices. None of us are satisfied with the from, with Oh yes, I saw a filmshow last
blend that emergeshow to make what night, sort of political.
Newsreel 551

Who doubts, any more, that this country is The radicals who have become involved
so monstrously damaging, to both its domes- in San Francisco Newsreel had previ-
tic and foreign captive populations, that revo- ously participated in the development of
lution is essential? The problem is how:what the left political movement. Yet some of
forces were building, what this multifaceted these experiences resulted in alienation.
thing we call the Movement will grow into, A disappointment and frustration with
what real organizations were making out of all the forms of the left. Creative action was
the disaffection this country breeds. Not that lacking. Newsreel has offered a definite
armageddon is coming, or apocalypsebut medium in which to work; a weapon to
in small ways the streets explode, and the destroy the established forms of control
fabric of consent which sociologists once and power over people. We have had to
celebrated shreds visibly on the TV. Who overcome our lack of technical knowledge
knows whats happening to this country? So of film-making. Moreover, we must real-
our films have to attack, they come out of as ize our political responsibility within our
close as we can get to the activity we value. chosenform.
Getting deeper, harsher, more corrosive, more Many others who came to Newsreel
inflammatorythose are our problems. as filmmakers and artists had isolated
We should hate a lot more. Let it out. Let themselves in their own work and private
it dissolve the insufferable smugness which political fantasies. Newsreel has become
protects everybody. The media. None of us an outlet for real political expression in a
are old enough to have any illusions about medium familiar to them. Their political
infiltrating the major media to reach mass fantasies were exposed. They had to begin
consciousness and change itwe grew up relating to more active participation in the
on TV and fifties Hollywood. movement. They were political but it was
necessary to combine the political content

Marilyn Buck and Karen Ross,

San Francisco Newsreel
This society is one of spectators, who live
and perceive through the news media, par- Easier to define than make the films
ticularly the visual media. Peoples lives we want. Were tied to events, and we
revolve around the assumptions which are shouldnt be: Pentagon, Columbia,
made by which channel they watch or what Chicago, the Haight. Where should we
movie they choose to see. And all the TV begin? Most instincts are particular: nar-
channels and American films speak from row it downthis group, this action.
the same mouth of control and power. We Follow the officers of the Hanna Company
looked around and Newsreel was con- in their jaunts through Brazil? Follow
ceived and born. Away for film-makers and a Peace Corps volunteer? But why docu-
radical organizer-agitators to break into the ment the obviousnone of the people
consciousness of people. A chance to say we make films for need that bad joke
something differentto say that people exposed, theyve lived with (and often
dont have to be spectator-puppets. worked within) the reality. The varieties of
In our hands film is not an anesthetic, domestic and external pacification deserve
a sterile, smooth-talking apparatus of con- burlesque, no more. New forms? But how
trol. It is a weapon to counter, to talk back much will time, limited energies, finance,
to and to crack the facade of the lying media and the wearing pressure of events, the
of capitalism. race to stay responsible, limitus?

Buck &Ross fight as film-makers? What historical stage

are we in, what categories can we use to
Newsreel is a collective rather than a decide what we must do?
cooperative; we are not together merely
to help each other out as film-makers but
we are working together for a common
purpose: to make films which shatter the Robert Kramer,
image and reality of fragmentation and New York Newsreel
exploitation in this society. Yet there are
problems in developing and maintain- We began by trying to bridge the gap between
ing this collective form. These lie in the the states of mind and ways of working that
question of assimilation. Assimilation of we were accustomed to as film-makers, and the
the film-maker and the radical, assimila- engagement/daily involvement/commitments
tion of the individual into the collective. In of our political analysis and political activity.
making films together which reflect a col- This had immediate implicationsnot only
lective, a movement of ideas and actions for our film-making, but for interpretations of
rather than the individuality of the art- what, as film-makers, as people engaged in a
ist, we must develop new values, forms, struggle against established forms of power and
new criteria for individual interaction. control, against established media of all forces,
Differences in techniques and analysis of we had to do with or without cameras.
content must be worked out collectively. In regard to our films. I think we argue a
The body must endorse the resulting different hierarchy of values. Not traditional
film or it cannot be distributed through canons of what is professional, what is com-
Newsreel. prehensive and intelligent reportage, what is
acceptable quality and range of material. No.
Nor do we accept a more sophisticated argu-
ment about propaganda in general: that if the
Fruchter product isnt sold well, if the surface of the film
(grainy, troublesome sound, soft-focus, a wide
Responsibility. Theres no revolutionary range of maladies that come up when you are
party yet, only fledgling forms of various filming under stress) alienates, then the subject
undergrounds. No coherent strategy, no population never even gets to your message
discipline to stay hewed to, so we make about the productthey just say, Fuck that,
our politics (our films) on the hoof; our Im not watching that shit.
discussions often threaten to become inter- The subject population in this society, bom-
minable. How transcend this transition barded by and totally immersed in complex,
stage? Whats our response, for instance, ostensibly free media, has learned to absorb
if we think that sabotage is only marginally all facts/information relatively easily. Within
effective and yet guys are going to jail for it? the formats now popularized by the television
Whats our response to the police ambush documentary, you can lodge almost any mate-
in Cleveland, who among us has doubts rial, no matter how implicitly explosive, with
about why black men are moved to shoot the confidence that it will neither haunt the
police? Newsreel is a jumping-off point. Or subject population, nor push them to movein
are we kidding ourselves? In 42, 43, 44 in the streets, in their communities, in their heads.
Italy, what did Zavattini and Rossellini and You see Cleaver or Seale on a panel show, and
the rest say to themselves? Were the parti- they dont scare you or impress you or make
san units a real alternative? What were the you think as they would if you met them on
terms on which they said, But we must the street. Why? Because they cant get their
Newsreel 553

hands on you? Partly, sure. (Fear and com- the complexity of these times and their being
mitted thought exist in terms of the threat that out ofjoint.
power will be used against youin terms of the We want a form of propaganda that
absolute necessity of figuring out what has to polarizes, angers, excites, for the purpose of
be donenot in terms of some vague decision discussiona way of getting at people, not by
to think it through in isolation.) But also, making concessions to where they are, but by
because their words are absorbed by the format showing them where you are and then forcing
of the panel show, rational (note well:osten- them to deal with that, bringing out all their
sibly rational) discussion about issues that we assumptions, their prejudices, their imperfect
all agree are important and pressing, and that perceptions.
we (all good liberal viewers) are committed to
analyzing. Well: bullshit. The illusion of the
commitment to analyze. The illusion of real
dissent. The illusion of even understanding the Buck & Ross
issues. Rather, the commitment to pretend that
were engaging reality. Some viewers make the whole choice to see
OK. At the point when you have considered Newsreels. They are aware of what they are
this argument then you start to make films going to see, and the films thus reinforce
with different priorities, with shapes justified in their conceptionsor they may shake these
a different way. You want to make films that viewers back into radical action and analysis.
unnerve, that shake assumptions, that threaten, Most importantly, Newsreels must be weap-
that do not soft-sell, but hopefully (an impos- ons:they must confront people who are not
sible ideal) explode like grenades in peoples motivated to go see them. Newsreel must
faces, or open minds up like a good can opener. make half the decisions for them. Street
We say:The things you see in these films are projection is the first answer weve come up
happening at this moment, they are our news, with so far. We take the films into the street,
they are important to us and do not represent we stop people on the street, and confront
the droppings of a few freaks, but the activ- them with our films. Involve them as partici-
ity of a growing wave of people, your children pants. Theyre not home glued to their TVs,
who were fighting the pigs at Columbia, your where if subjected to action they merely sit
brothers who walked out of this high school, and absorb it in some unconscious place in
your sons who deserted the army, your former their heads. The truck, mobile, produces live
slaves who will not now accept your insufficient action on the street. Motion within motion.
reparations, etc., etc. You know this reality. You It has come to them during a walk down the
know enough to know that this is realnow street, theyve stumbled upon it. Newsreel
deal with it, because soon its going to come has forced itself into their consciousness.
to deal with you, in one way or another. The They have been confronted. The decision to
effect of our films is more like seeing 250 Black watch, to register disgust or interest is now
Panthers around the Oakland Court House, or theirs. We have the opportunity to talk with
Columbia students carrying on the business of them about their reactions, between films. To
revolt at Kirks desk, or Free Men occupying the those inquisitive, we explain more. To those
streets of Berkeley, than listening to what some objecting, we can try to break their argu-
reporter tells us about what these people might ments. We have our confrontation as people,
have said, and how we can understand rebel- Newsreel has its confrontation throughfilm.
lion psychologically. We strive for confronta- Newsreel can evaluate the effectiveness
tion, we prefer disgust/violent disagreement/ of its films by looking at its audiences and
painful recognition/joltsall these to slow lib- their responses to the films. Many of our
eral head-nodding and general wonderment at showings have been very discouraging:not

many people or no reaction to the films at years ago, for example, such a decision would
all. Others have been elating:lots of people have been suicidal. Our movement was only
who react vigorously to the films, asking emergingfew people knew anything about
questions or arguing about the validity of itfew people were involved. But now, all our
the films. And the difference in the show- audiences (and our audiences represent the
ings may be only the audience. Middleclass full spectrum of the society) know the essence
neighborhood groups may feel that the of what were talking about. They read it every
straight documentary sync-sound film on day in every paper digested and shaped to their
draft resistance is very good to see:informa- preconceptions. So now we present it to them
tive, encouraging, and perhaps even moti- in its nakedness, in our true understanding of
vating. But when the same film is shown it, not vitiated by analyses and in-depth stud-
to young chicanos, its absolutely useless. ies that we do not accept, but just exactly what
The guys walk out, hiss, and ask When are counts from our point of view. The established
you going to show us some action? And so, media have done the job of popularizing:now
we run the Haight riot film, a five-minute we must specify and make immediate; convert
street film with a lot of action set to con- our audiences or neutralize them; threaten.
temporary rock music. And they dig it. We
show Garbage, a cultural exchange between
the Motherfuckers of NewYork and Lincoln Buck &Ross
Center, a fast-moving film also, thinking
this might also turn the guys on, and they The Columbia film, about the seizure of
are bored by it and finally walk out. But col- Columbia and the politics of that seizure,
lege and ex-college radicals say, Far out, is an important film to college students. It
those guys are doing some good thingsI was shown to students at the University of
like their style. And the older, middleclass California, Santa Cruz, on the eve of a sched-
people in the audience may not dislike it, uled protest against the board of regents
but dont quite see the point or register which was meeting on campus the next
confusion or a polite distaste for the obscene day. The film helped to bolster enthusiasm
language and people of thefilm. for the students action and create a mood
in which the protest could take place and be
successful. The film on the Black Panther
Kramer Party turns peoples heads around, aweing
them with the strength and the nature of the
We shoot as best we canbut we shoot whats Panthers of which they may not have previ-
important to us, what meets our perceptions of ously conceived. We think the film is politi-
our lived reality; we cut according to our pri- cally and visually excitingit demands that
orities, our ideologies, not to make it plain people react to it, and not pass it off. It is
and simple to them. Not to present a line. a film that evokes response with the most
Not to present the lived reality as less complex diverse kinds of audiencesliberals on their
than it really is. Not to enter into that sterile way to the film festival, students at the uni-
game: modulating our emotions and intensi- versities, the black community in the streets.
ties and intelligences in some vain hope that by
speaking your language your way we can per-
suade you. No, we know the effective outcome of
that:only the acceptance of another of the sub- Kramer
tle forms of domination and control. Now we
move according to our own priorities, and we Our films remind some people of battle foot-
are justified in this by objective conditions. Five age: grainy, camera weaving around trying
Newsreel 555

to get the material and still not get beaten/ To all film-makers who accept the lim-
trapped. Well, we, and many others are at war. ited, socially determined rules of clarity, of
We not only document that war, but try to find exposition, who think that films must use the
ways to bring that war to places which have accepted vocabulary to convince, we say essen-
managed so far to buy themselves isolation tially: you only work, whatever your reasons,
fromit. whatever your presumed content to support
So, to return to the issue of propaganda. and bolster this society: you are a part of the
Our propaganda is one of confrontation. mechanisms which maintain stability through
Using filmusing our voices with and after re-integration; your films are helping to hold it
filmsusing our bodies with and without all together, and finally, whatever your descrip-
camerasto provoke confrontation. Changing tions, you have already chosen sides. Dig:your
minds, altering consciousness, seems to us to sense of form and order is already a political
come through confrontations, not out of sweet/ choicedont talk to me about contentbut
reasonable conversations that are one of the if you do, Iwill tell you that you cannot encom-
societys modes of absorbing and disarming pass our content with those legislated and
dissent and movement, of giving that illusion approved senses, that you do not understand it
that indeed we are dealing with the issues. if you treat it that way. There is no such thing
Therefore we keep moving. We keep hacking as revolutionary content, revolutionary spirit,
out films, as quickly as we can, in whatever laid out for inspection and sale on the bargain
way wecan. basement counter.


Conversation with Film Maker Frederick

[] shooting of the film is the research. The edit-

CLR: How do you decide which particular ing is like writing the book. The research
school, hospital, police force, or other insti- instead of being on 3-by-5 cards is on film.
tutions to go to? The final film is the product of studying and
WISEMAN: The standards I use in thinking about how you are going to struc-
selection are first, that I can get permis- ture, order, and find a form for the chaotic
sion to film, and second, that its a place raw material of the research. In this process
that is considered a reasonably good or 100,000 feet of film are reduced to 3,000
even superior institution of its kind and is feet, and the film emerges.
not a sitting-duck institution. There must In High School I went to what was
be some sense that people are making a regarded as a fine middle-class school, and I
genuine effort, however short of some ideal didnt know what to anticipate. Then after a
standard that may fall. I have no way of short time the boredom of the school began
determining whats typical, normal, aver- to get to me. The school grounds looked
age, standard, or whatever. I dont pretend like a General Motors assembly plant, the
to be an expert in any of these fields. playground like a huge parking lot. The last
CLR: Do you do much research before day of shooting I got a sequence that put
you film? together some of the feelings Id had after
WISEMAN: I dont believe in doing very being in the school for a month. At a faculty
much research before going in to shoot. The meeting the principal read a letter from a
Conversation with Film Maker Frederick Wiseman 557

recent graduate, a boy on an aircraft carrier more with what people do to each other, the
off Vietnam. The boy said he was making the behavior that makes police necessary. Police
school the beneficiary of his GI insurance in brutality is shown as part of a more gener-
case he got killed. He wrote, I have been ally shared violence and not something iso-
trying to become a Big Brother in Vietnam, lated or unique.
but it is very hard to do. Am I wrong? Something of the same thing happened
If I do my best and believe that what I do when Iwent to film at Metropolitan Hospital.
is rightthat is all I can do. I am only Iexpected to find a lot of bureaucratic cal-
a body doing a job. The principal thought lousness and a hardened staff, indifferent to
he was an excellent product. After reading the problems of the poor. What Igenerally
the letter she said, Now when you get a found, though, were a lot of doctors, nurses,
letter like this, to me it means that we are and hospital personnel who really cared, try-
very successful at Northeast High School. ing to deal with the medical consequences
This boy wanted to show his appreciation to of bad housing, illiteracy, no jobs, malnutri-
the school for all it had done to teach him tion, andsoon.
about duty, authority, and self. His uncriti- CLR: Does this explain the ambiguity that
cal, unthinking acceptance made him just many reviewers have noticed about your
like a Chevrolet rolling off the GM line. films, that one person can see a Wiseman
CLR: Does this mean that you sometimes film and come away appalled at what that
dont know how you are going to portray an institution is doing, and another person will
institution until you get there? conclude that the officials are doing a rela-
WISEMAN: Thats right, and thats one tively good job under trying conditions?
of the things that interests me about mak- WISEMAN: I think all the films have
ing a film. You start off with a little bromide a well-defined point of view. My point of
or stereotype about how prison guards are view toward the material is reflected in the
supposed to behave or what cops are really structure of the filmthe relationship of
like. You find that they dont match up to the sequences to each other and the themes
that image, that theyre a lot more compli- that are developed by this particular order.
cated. And the point of each film is to make However, a persons reaction to the film in
that discovery. Before the film the tendency part depends on his values and experience.
is to simplify. The discovery is that the actu- Since the reality is complex, contradictory,
ality is much more complicated and inter- and ambiguous, people with different val-
esting. The effort in editing is to have the ues or experience respond differently. I
completed film reflect that discovery. think that there should be enough room in
CLR: Is there a film in which that discov- the film for other people to find support for
ery was particularly surprising to you? their views while understanding what mine
WISEMAN: Its been true in all of them. are. Otherwise Id be in the propaganda
Law and Order is a good example, however. business.
I went to shoot Law and Order right after CLR: Lets talk about what your films
the police rioted at the 1968 Democratic reveal of civil liberties issues, particu-
Convention in Chicago. It seemed to me larly the question of how the rights of
a golden opportunity to get the cops by individuals areor should betreated
showing how they behaved like pigs. But in public institutions. As you probably
after I rode around in police cars for a few know, the American Civil Liberties Union
days (and eventually for more than 400 has recently sponsored a series of hand-
hours), I realized what a simpleminded, books on the rights of various groups in
naive view that was. The police are no dif- American societyteachers, students,
ferent from the rest of us. The film dealt mental patients, prisoners, women, etc.

The main premise of many of these books CLR: That brings us back to the question
is that it would be better for American soci- of whether more defined rights for people
ety if the rights of individuals caught up in would improve the situation. I gather that
its institutions, many of them involuntarily, you have some doubts about that.
could be more fully defined and protected. WISEMAN: Take the situation in High
In general, do you share that view? School. Even if the law were to declare that
WISEMAN: Of course. But, in a way, students had more defined rights, I wonder
saying that is like coming out in favor of whether it would make a great difference.
motherhood when that was popular. What I saw lots of passive, indifferent students
intrigues me is the discrepancy between at Northeast High. The only activists at the
ideological statements like that and what school that I met, really, were some kids in
actually goes on. a human-relations discussion group shown
CLR: Lets apply what you just said to in a sequence toward the end of the film,
Law and Order. You have some striking and everyone in that group was on the verge
sequences that show the use of exces- of flunking out for one reason or another.
sive police force. For example, theres the Furthermore, its a question of what
black youth whos being arrested for steal- values the kids are being taught at home,
ing a car. The way hes thrown down on and whether they would want to challenge
the automobile hood by the policeman, parental authority. Several of the sequences
although hes manacled and poses no in the film showed the parents expressing
physical threat, is quite shocking. He was the same kinds of values the school officials
cursing the police, of course, but didnt were enforcing. In one sequence a mother
pose any physical threat to the two officers is talking to the guidance counselor about
there. an incident in which her daughter has been
WISEMAN: Right. There was certainly accused of a disrespectful act toward her
no reason to beat that kids head against the teacher. And the mother says to the guid-
car, and Im sure the policemen knew it. ance counselor, The main thing in our
But a situation in which somebodys calling home has always been respect for an adult.
you a motherfucker and saying, Im gonna Iwas brought up that way; my husband was.
get you, is intense. Its not surprising that And we have been trying to teach our chil-
in those situations police like the rest of us dren the same thing. To me, Ithink, one of
sometimes lose control. How do you train a the worst offenses is being disrespectful to
cop or anybody else not to react harshly to an older person. Irregardless of what the
that kind of provocation? condition may be. Thats almost word for
CLR: But the policeman is an officer word what the dean of discipline tells the
of the law, invested with a gun, and we do kid in an earlier sequence, to take his pun-
expect him to control the way he responds. ishment and obey orders without dispute.
Not to do so degrades the system of law the What comes through is that this school is a
police are sworn to uphold. perfect expression of the values of the peo-
WISEMAN: Yes; of course; we expect ple in this community. They wouldnt think
him to be that way. Thats the ideology. But in terms of rights and authoritarianism. It
weve also got to recognize that were asking would be a matter of learning to do the right
him to exercise more restraint and control thingregardless of what the condition may
than most of us are capable of. Which is not be. There are discipline sequences in Basic
in any way to excuse or forgive police brutal- Training that are almost word for word from
ity, but it suggests that the cop is not alone High School.
in having those kinds of aggressive or wild CLR: Didnt you find any form of student
responses. protest in Northeast High?
Conversation with Film Maker Frederick Wiseman 559

WISEMAN: No. A few days after Martin it one-dimensional. For example, in Titicut
Luther King, Jr. was killed, there was a Follies the young patient-inmate, Vladimir,
two-hour meeting of the student council. is shown making a perfectly accurate cri-
And a very serious debate about whether to tique of Bridgewaterthat he isnt getting
send fruit or flowers to Mrs. King. The deci- any real treatment, that his psychiatric ses-
sion was made in favor of fruit. sions are a farce, and that he wants to go
CLR: Where does that leave you in back to a regular prison where he can get
terms of deciding whether the expansion better treatment. You see him appearing
of student rights would make schools like before a review board consisting of a psy-
Northeast more democratic? chiatrist, a psychologist, and several social
WISEMAN: Well, it makes me some- workers who hear out his complaints,
what pessimistic about how much differ- mumble a lot of parody psychiatry, and con-
ence it would make. It would make some, clude that Vladimir cant be transferred, but
and therefore expanding student rights rather his drug dosage should be increased.
is worth the effort. But a theme in almost No one responds to Vladimirs needs.
all the films is that there is already a gap Vladimir really is sick; he keeps saying that
between the formal ideology and actual he thinks his thorax has been poisoned by
practice, between the rules and the way they the food. The situation is complex because
are applied. In almost all these institutions, Vladimirs critique is accurate and he is also
the officials talk as though they believed quite sick. Once the label paranoid schizo-
people have some rights. In practice, they phrenic is attached to him the staff is satis-
do whatever they think is necessary to carry fied. The fact that he has problems or has
out their jobs, acting all the time out of a been convicted of a crime doesnt mean that
belief, often quite sincere, that this is the he should be subjected to the kind of treat-
best way to help those they are teaching and ment hes getting. The film doesnt say
guiding. what the alternative should be, but I believe
In High School the ideology of the school it says clearly that alternatives are needed.
is revealed in the daily bulletin, the signs on CLR: Did you find that problem with for-
the walls. Theres one that says:The mind mal rights in other institutions? How about
is like a parachute, it functions best when Juvenile Court?
open. The announced values are democ- WISEMAN: Peoples reaction to Juvenile
racy, trust, sensitivity, understanding, open- Court and their assessment of the court
ness, innovationall the wonderful words depends on how much they know about
we all subscribe to. But the practice is the law and how much they believe formal
rigidity, authoritarianism, obedience, do as rights must be observed. The more they
youre told, dont challenge. know about the law, the more critical they
CLR: And from the standpoint of what are of some of the procedures shown in the
you thought would be fair and democratic, film. The less they know about the law, the
how did you react to the way the dean of dis- more impressed they are with the humani-
cipline conducted himself? tarianism and the practical solutions to dif-
WISEMAN: In one sense I was appalled; ficult problems that are arrived at. Juvenile
in another I thought I was watching a tele- Court shows people of good will trying hard
vision situation comedy. But most situa- to deal decently with very complex prob-
tions arent that clear-cut. Their strength lems, many of which are totally insoluble by
as film sequences lies in their ambiguity any known or existing therapies. The ques-
and the expression of conflicting values. A tion is whether more rigid application of
rigid ideological approach to some of these due process standards would result in any
questions can diminish the film by making better dispositions of the cases.

CLR: Its interesting that what you stress films do is give people some information.
in your answer is better dispositions, Hopefully on the basis of this and other
because thats different from the average information people will be able to make
civil libertarians key question: Are peoples more informed decisions about what, if any,
rights violated? Am I characterizing fairly change they would like to have take place.
what you said? Its not my wish to impose solutions; that
WISEMAN: Im sure thats a fair com- would be presumptuous.
ment on what Ive said. I guess, in part, Im CLR: In what sense? Youre a trained law-
a little leery of a kind of professional civil yer, youre sensitive to issues of social jus-
libertarian view that can be just as pompous tice, youve gotten inside half a dozen major
and as rigid as some of the formal ideolo- institutions as a film maker; why arent you
gies that are being mocked in High School. entitled to draw up some prescriptions?
CLR: Is it rigid to believe that we WISEMAN: Im not a pharmacist.
should extend more legally-enforceable Ive had an opportunity to observe how
rightsof privacy, due process, and free middle-class reformers play the social
expressionto people who are subject change game. I guess Ive gone very far away
today to almost unchecked authority in so from the liberal clichs and bromides that I
many of these institutions? started with, especially the simple-minded
WISEMAN: I dont have any difficulty social-work view of help and intervention.
agreeing with your rhetoric. Its that I have I was once involved with what was
doubts about the capacity to have such called a social science consulting firm in
rights administered on a large scale in Cambridge, and it was a grand boondoggle.
these types of institutions. I dont see the And this was only an aspect of the larger
signs that people want such rights granted consulting game, which was in turn made
and then would be willing to support their available through a variety of federal pro-
enforcement in practice. Consider the mas- grams where millions of dollars at the fed-
sive effort that it took to make the American eral level got pissed away on nothing. It went
people think about the Vietnam War, or to middle-class professionals who were just
about integration, or any other major social sitting around in rooms, speculating about
problem. I come away with doubts about experiences they knew nothingabout.
the capacity to motivate people to what is Then Igo out to work on a film and see
usually called large-scale social change. all this misery and there just doesnt seem
CLR: Did you start off in 1967 with such any relationship between the talk and what
pessimism? you observe in peoples lives. Isuppose its
WISEMAN: No, its developed as Ive one of the sad conclusions of the experi-
made more films. I no longer have the view ence of making the films that a lot of the
that I had in the beginning that there might solutions seem grandiose and the change
be some direct relationship between what agents, as they call themselves, full of pious
I was able to show in these films and the goodwill.
achievement of social change. Nor have I CLR: Is that what you concluded in your
observed any particularly successful strate- latest film?
gies of change, as theyre called. WISEMAN: Juvenile Court is concerned
CLR: But millions of people are seeing with the limits of intervention. The court
your films; dont you expect or at least hope has to deal with problems of incest, murder,
that they will be spurred to seek changes in rape, child abuse, and parental neglect, to
public schools, prisons, hospitals, the army? name only some. The judge and his staff
WISEMAN: Of course, but its not for me work hard and ably to cope with the suffer-
to say what the change should be. What the ing they have to deal with on a daily basis.
Conversation with Film Maker Frederick Wiseman 561

Competent people from medicine, social civil rights groups are covering their turf as
science, and social work are available to the well as they should.
court. There is no way of knowing whether CLR: Youre quoted in many interviews
the interventions are useful, preventative, as saying its still remarkable to you how
therapeutic, inconsequential, or harmful. much people are willing to reveal about
CLR: Theres one thing that troubles me themselves while youre filming them. Have
a bit, in terms of my experiences with some you given any more thought to why thats
of these institutions. In all your films, we so? Why do people talk about the most pri-
see confrontations and encounters between vate kinds of thingssex, drugs, alcohol
individuals and authorities. But there are no use, personal relationshipsright in front
professionals there directly representing the of you and for the public to see later?
individuals, such as lawyers in the Kansas WISEMAN: A combination of reasons:
City police stations, or any organized groups pleased that theyre in a film, passivity, a
pressing the claims of their members, such as sense that its important that others know
student groups, racial groups, welfare-rights about their work, and indifference.
groups, patient-rights groups. Why are these CLR: As you know, your work has raised
groups absent from your films? questions about invasion of privacy. Anyone
WISEMAN: In the six weeks in Kansas watching your films is impressed almost
City I rarely saw a lawyer either at the pre- immediately by the realization that these are
cinct or headquarters. It wasnt that those not actors but real peoplebeing stripped
sequences were cut out; they just didnt nude and inspected at Bridgewater, discuss-
exist. I had the same experience with the ing their sexual misconduct with a psychia-
other films. At Northeast High there was trist, admitting to all kinds of anti-social
no student protest or activist organization. behavior before probation officers in juve-
At Fort Knox most of the trainees seemed nile court, and so on. We see parents talk-
to enjoy basic training. There had been a ing intimately to their children, ministers
coffeehouse which was a center of anti-war counseling kids, doctors talking to patients
activity, but the local authorities had closed and about patients. This raises some issues
it down some months before the film was about the boundary lines between publicity
shot. In the month in Memphis I was in and privacy that youve been involved with
the courtroom every day and no representa- since your first film. What are your thoughts
tives of the sorts of organizations you have on the ethical and legal aspects of this?
in mind were present. In 1967 there were WISEMAN: These are films about pub-
no prisoners rights groups that came to lic institutions, supported by public money,
the defense of Titicut Follies, nor were they taxpayers money, and the public has a right
active inside Bridgewater. to know what goes on in them.
CLR: Yet the very clear message of CLR: But the privacy issue involves the
your films is that the individual has no individual people who are caught up in such
intermediate institutions between him- public institutions, not the privacy of the
self and the authorities in these public state.
organizationsno groups to protect his WISEMAN: Thats right. Film technol-
interests and assert his rights. And that con- ogy now allows us to look at the relationship
tradicts what we know is happening in many between the individual and the state in these
institutions of the type you have filmed. publicly-supported institutions in a way
WISEMAN: At the times and places the that wasnt possible twenty years ago. Each
films were made, these intermediate insti- sequence describes a relationship between
tutions werent there. Their absence makes private citizens not on the public payroll
me wonder whether such civil liberties and and other people who are state employees:

doctors, policemen, nurses, school teach- Bridgewater approved the idea, but permis-
ers, drill sergeants, judges, social workers, sion had been denied by the state commis-
etc. One way of asking the question is: What sioner of corrections. Then a friend of mine
are the limits to be placed on the technology who was a state legislator arranged for me
that makes the documentary film form pos- to see Elliott Richardson, who was then
sible and, by setting those limits, what kinds lieutenant governor and had health, educa-
of information unique to the documentary tion, welfare, and correctional institutions
form do you prevent the public from having? under his jurisdiction. I saw Richardson,
I think it comes down to a pragmatic consid- explained what I wanted to do, and he called
eration: At what point does the individuals the commissioner of corrections in my
right of privacy bend to a more general need presence, endorsing the idea. A few weeks
to share that information with other people? later the commissioner of corrections wrote
Documentary films are just as valid news as that I could go ahead if I got the permission
newspaper stories about the same events. of the state attorney general, then Edward
CLR: How do you deal with the indi- Brooke. Brookes office issued an advisory
viduals own right to decide what he reveals opinion saying a film could be made in
about himself, which is the conventional Bridgewater if I had the permission of the
definition of the right to privacy? superintendent, and pictures were taken of
WISEMAN: I dont get written releases, consenting inmates.
but I do get consents. Either before the Since Ihad the permission of the super-
sequence is shot or just after, I explain to intendent, Iwent ahead and made the film.
the participants that Im making a film Richardson was one of the first persons
thats going to be shown on television and Ishowed the completed film to, in a screen-
generally to the public both nationally and ing room along with the superintendent
in the community where the film is made. of Bridgewater and Richardsons driver.
I ask whether they object to my using the Richardson thought the film was great.
sequence in the film. And I tape record the He understood it, understood what I was
question and the answer. Also before the trying to do with it, and congratulated me
shooting begins there are announcements warmly. The superintendent asked him
on bulletin boards, and stories in local whether I should show it to anybody else
newspapers, and institutional newsletters in state government, and Richardson said
explaining the film and its uses. no, not even the governor, who was then
CLR: Do they ever object? John Volpe. The conversation took place
WISEMAN: Very rarely. And if they do in a sound studio. Unfortunately, it wasnt
object, I dont use the sequence. But the recorded.
objection has to be registered at that time. That was in June of 1967. In the fall of
In other words, I dont go back and look for 67 the film was about to be shown pub-
people a year after the film is edited and ask licly, and it had begun to be reviewed. A
permission then. former social worker wrote to the gover-
CLR: I know that there have been threats nor saying how dreadful it was that a film
of invasion-of-privacy suits, and trouble over showing naked men could be shown pub-
showings in some communities with sev- licly. Then some state legislators decided to
eral of your films, but none has produced hold public hearings, not about the dread-
the epic battle that Titicut Follies stirred. ful conditions at Bridgewater that the film
Could we go into this? showed, but rather about how I had gotten
WISEMAN: Ever since I began to take permission to film there. I was attacked
law classes to Bridgewater Id wanted to viciously in the press, the Boston Herald, for
do a film there. The superintendent at example, for exploiting the poor inmates at
Conversation with Film Maker Frederick Wiseman 563

Bridgewater and trying to make money off trust requirement. He ruled that the film
their misery. could not be shown to the general public
Richardsonwho had then shifted in Massachusetts, and that all prints and
from lieutenant governor to state attorney negatives should be destroyed. He said that
generalwas in trouble because he had not there were no First Amendment issues, and
told his advisors that he had been instru- that the film was a nightmare of ghoulish
mental in getting me permission to make obscenities.
the film. When he told them, Ithink he was CLR: Richardson wrote a letter to The
advised that he had better move actively New Republic defending his action against
against the film to protect himself. So he the film, stating:
got a temporary restraining order from a
superior court judge against showing the It would seem that a decent regard
film in Massachusetts. Thats what started for the dignity and privacy of
the proceedings. those who happen to be patients at
CLR: Did you ever have any contact with Bridgewater State Hospital could
him about his change in position? easily have been reconciled with
WISEMAN: We had a meeting in his the announced intention of the film
office before he got the restraining order. and the conditions at the institution
Richardson said he always had liked the honestly depicted without violating
film, but he now expressed concern, for the the rights of individuals.
first time, about the privacy of the inmates.
Then, in his capacity as attorney general, How do you react tothat?
claiming to be the legal guardian of incom- WISEMAN: Its a high-winded pom-
petent persons in state institutions, he hired posity. There was no way of making a real
two special assistant attorney generals from film about Bridgewater without shooting
his former law firm to pursue the film in peoples faces and becoming involved in
court. Their tactical position was that the the intimate aspects of the daily routine
film was an obscene document. there. Richardson certainly knew that, and
CLR: What was the trial based on? certainly approved of the film as it was
WISEMAN: Actually, there were three made. There was no evidence introduced
allegations made by the state. One was at the trial that the film was not an honest
that I had breached an oral contract giv- portrayal of the conditions. There is some
ing the attorney general, the commissioner question about whether the inmates had
of corrections, and the superintendent any privacy to begin with. If Richardson
at Bridgewater the right to exercise final and the other politicians in Massachusetts
censorship over the film. Secondly, they were genuinely concerned about the privacy
charged the film was an invasion of the and dignity of the inmates of Bridgewater,
privacy of one of the inmates. This man is they would not have allowed the condi-
taken naked from his cell, is slapped by the tions that are shown in the film to exist.
guards, shaved by them while they banter They were more concerned about the film
about his past as a school teacher, taunted and its effect on their reputations than
about why he doesnt keep his cell clean, they were about Bridgewater. The superin-
and then returned naked to his cell. The tendent of Bridgewater certainly originally
third claim was that all receipts from the wanted the film made because he was fed
film should be held in trust for the inmates. up. He couldnt get any support from the
At the trial, the Judge found that I had legislature or the politicians to bring about
breached an oral contract and had violated any changes there. At that time there was
the inmates privacy, but he rejected the neither a statutory nor a common law right

of privacy in Massachusetts. If the public Solomon-like solution that I should cut out
in Massachusetts had seen the film, some the faces of the inmates, and that the film
voters might wonder about their elected should only be seen by audiences made
officials. Instead, the state acted as a cen- up of limited groups, such as social work-
sor and prevented people from learning ers and medical professionals. The latter
about Bridgewater. So that I think that was essentially what the Massachusetts
Richardsons concern about privacy, while Supreme Judicial Court decided, and
sounding very good, was essentially a fake remains the rule for showings in that
issue in terms of the realities of Bridgewater. state. The conditions under which I can
CLR: The Civil Liberties Union of show the Follies are so restrictive that I
Massachusetts was involved in the case, have not shown the film rather than com-
wasnt it? ply with the terms of the restraining order.
WISEMAN: My experience with the civil The moral insensitivity and cowardice of
liberties union illustrates the discrepancy CLUM and its chairman were for me the
between ideology and practice Ive been worst part of the Follies case. The response
discussing. My first lawyer in the case was of Richardson and most members of the
then the chairman of the CLUM. One day, Massachusetts legislature was at least con-
a cartoon appeared in the Boston Herald sistent with their general public political
showing two white horses going in oppo- behavior.
site directions, one labeled Titicut Follies The national ACLU stayed out of the case.
and the other Massachusetts Civil Liberties All I could get at the New York office were
Union, and my lawyer, Gerald Berlin, was a few stale ironies from the staff general
shown astride them. That same day he counsel. Fortunately, other organizations
told me that he could no longer represent did not react with the same muted interest.
me because the CLUM would lose contri- The American Sociological Association and
butions if he did so, and besides he now the American Orthopsychiatric Association
thought that I didnt have a good case and filed amicus briefs in support of the film,
suggested that I give it up. I left the office arguing strongly that it was fully protected
furious because his primary obligation was by the First Amendment. At the present
to me, his client, and not to CLUM. I then time the Follies is the only film in American
retained other lawyers who were not profes- constitutional history (other than those deal-
sional civil libertarians. ing in obscenity) that has court-approved
Despite Berlins prior involvement, restrictions on its use.
CLUM took a position in the case against CLR: Do you have any parting thoughts
the film. On appeal to the Massachusetts on any aspect of your film work and civil
Supreme Court they filed an amicus brief liberties?
written by five people who, to my knowl- WISEMAN: I hope that if I were to do a
edge, had never seen the film or read the film on the Civil Liberties Union I would be
trial transcript. They came up with the as surprised as I was with the police.

CINEMA (1975)

Truth is not a Holy Grail to be won:it is a shuttle which moves ceaselessly between the
observer and the observed, between science and reality.


[] recorded without apparent embarrass-

The classical voice of the fiction film is ment or pretense on the part of the sub-
the third person:the camera observes the jects. The usual practice is to spend so
actions of the characters not as a partici- much time with ones subjects that they
pant but as an invisible presence, capable lose interest in the camera. They must
of assuming a variety of positions. To finally go on with their lives, and they
approximate such an approach in the non- tend to do so in their accustomed ways.
fiction film, filmmakers must find ways of This may seem improbable to those who
making themselves privy to human events have not witnessed it, yet to filmmakers it
without disturbing them. This is relatively is a familiar phenomenon.
easy when the event attracts more atten- I have often been struck in my own
tion than the camerawhat Edgar Morin work by the readiness of people to accept
has called intensive sociality (de Heusch being filmed, even in societies where
1962:4). It becomes more difficult when one might expect a camera to be par-
a few people are interacting in an infor- ticularly threatening. This acceptance is
mal situation. Yet documentary filmmak- of course aided by de-emphasizing the
ers have been so successful in achieving actual process of filming, in both ones
a sense of unobtrusiveness that scenes manner and ones technique. While mak-
of the most intimate nature have been ing To Live with Herds (1972) among the

Jie of Uganda, Iused a camera brace that Invisibility and omniscience. From this
allowed me to keep the camera in the film- desire it is not a great leap to begin viewing
ing position for twelve or more hours a the camera as a secret weapon in the pur-
day, over a period of many weeks. Ilived suit of knowledge. Ones self-effacement as
looking through the viewfinder. Because a filmmaker begins to efface the limitations
the camera ran noiselessly, my subjects of ones own physicality. The filmmaker and
soon gave up trying to decide when Iwas the camera are imperceptibly attributed with
filming and when Iwas not. As far as they the power to witness the totality of an event.
were concemed I was always filming, an Indeed, they are expected to. Omniscience
assumption that no doubt contributed and omnipotence.
to their confidence that their lives were It is an approach that has produced
being seen fully and fairly. When, at the some remarkable films. And for many
end of my stay, I took out a still camera, filmmakers it has in practice a comfort-
everyone began posinga clear sign that ing lack of ambiguity. The filmmaker
they recognized this as essentially differ- establishes a role that demands no social
ent from cinema. response from the subjects, and he or she
I would suggest that at times people then disappears into the woodwork. Allan
can behave more naturally while being Kings Warrendale (1966) and A Married
filmed than in the presence of other kinds Couple (1969) make the audience witness
of observers. A person with a camera has to scenes of private emotional anguish
an obvious job to do, which is to film. The without reference to the presence of the
subjects understand this and leave the film crew. In the film At the Winter Sea-Ice
filmmaker to it. The filmmaker remains Camp, Part 3 (1968), from the Netsilik
occupied, half-hidden behind the camera, Eskimo series, the Inuit subjects seem
satisfied to be left alone. But as an unen- altogether oblivious of Robert Youngs
cumbered visitor, he or she would have camera, and in Frederick Wisemans Essene
to be entertained, whether as a guest or (1972), a study of people striving painfully
as a friend. In this, I think, lies both the to live communally in a religious order,
strength and the weakness of the observa- one sometimes has the curious sense of
tional method. being the eye of God.
When films like these are functioning at
The purpose behind this curiously lonely their best, the people in them seem bear-
approach of observational cinema is argu- ers of the immeasurable wealth and effort
ably to film things that would have occurred of human experience. Their lives have a
if one had not been there. It is a desire for weight that makes the film that caught but
the invisibility of the imagination found in a fragment of it seem trivial, and we sit in a
literature combined with the aseptic touch kind of awe of our own privileged observa-
of the surgeons glovein some cases a tion of them. That emotion helps us accept
legitimation, in the name of art or science, the subjects disregard of the filmmaker.
of the voyeurs peephole. It has even been For them to notice the filmmaker would
reduced to a formula for anthropology. amount almost to a sacrilegea shatter-
Walter Goldschmidt defined ethnographic ing of the horizons of their lives, which
film as film which endeavors to interpret by all rights should not include someone
the behavior of people of one culture to making a film about them. In the same
persons of another culture by using shots way, some scholars resist descriptions in
of people doing precisely what they would which anthropologists are acknowledged
have been doing if the camera were not as instruments of cultural contact and
there (1972:1). change.
Beyond ObservationalCinema 567

Audiences are thus accomplices in the film- cause a filmmaker to mimic, consciously or
makers voluntary absence from the film otherwise, their impotence. As members of
what Richard Leacock called the pretense an audience we readily accept the illusion
of our not being there (Levin 1971: 204). of entering into the world of a film. But we
From a scientific standpoint, the priorities of do so in complete safety, because our own
research also de-emphasize the filmmaker, world is as close as the nearest light switch.
because to pay attention to the observer is to We observe the people in the film without
draw valuable attention away from the sub- being seen, assured that they can make no
ject at hand. Finally, the literature and films claims upon us. The corollary of this, how-
we have grown up with have shaped our ever, is our inability to reach through the
expectations: Aeneas is unaware of Virgil; screen and affect their lives. Thus our situ-
the couple on the bed ignores the produc- ation combines a sense of immediacy with
tion crew of twenty standing round. Even an absolute separation. Only when we try to
in home movies people are often told not to invade the world of the film do we discover
look at the camera. the insubstantiality of its illusion of reality.
Filmmakers begin as members of an In their attempt to make us into wit-
audience and carry part of that attitude nesses, observational filmmakers often
with them. But the act of filming tends think in terms of the image on the screen
to interpose its own barriers between the rather than their own presence in the set-
observer and the observed. For one thing, ting where the events are occurring. They
it is difficult for filmmakers to photograph become no more than the eye of the audi-
themselves as an element in the phenom- ence, frozen into their passivity, unable to
enon they are examining unless, like Jean bridge the separation between themselves
Rouch and Edgar Morin in Chronique dun and their subjects.
t (1961), they becomes actors before Finally, however, it is scientific objectives
the camera. More often it is through their that have placed the severest strictures on
voices and the responses of the subjects that ethnographic film. Inevitably, the extraor-
we feel their presence. dinary precision of the camera-eye as a
Perhaps more important, filmmakers descriptive aid has influenced conceptions
exhaust most of their energy making the of the uses to which film should be put, with
camera respond to what is before it. This the result that for years anthropologists
concentration induces a certain passivity have considered film preeminently a tool
from which it is difficult to rouse oneself. for gathering data. And because film deals
Active participation with the subjects sug- so overwhelmingly with the specific rather
gests an altogether different psychic state. than the abstract, it is often considered inca-
This may partly explain the successes of pable of serious intellectual articulation.
cinema as a contemplativeart. Certainly there are enough ethnographic
Among ethnographic filmmakers, films containing crude or dubious inter-
another restraint is the special reverence pretations to explain, if not justify, such a
that surrounds the study of isolated groups. conclusion. Films risking more legitimate,
The fragility of these societies and the rarity if more difficult, kinds of analysis are often
of filming them turns the filmmaker into a flawed in the attempt. Still others receive no
recording instrument of historyan obli- credit because their contribution exists in a
gation which, if accepted or even felt, must form that cannot be assessed in the terms
necessarily weigh down efforts to pursue of conventional anthropology. Each of these
more specific fines of inquiry. factors adds weight to a widespread view
This distancing view is often reinforced by among anthropologists that attempts to use
an identification with the audience that may film as an original medium of anthropology

are simply pretexts for self-indulgence. served. Thus an ecological determinist may
What is more, each attempt that fails can be well dismiss as shallow a film in which the
viewed as one more opportunity lost to add study of social relationships takes prece-
to the fund of responsible ethnography. dence over ecology.
With data-gathering as the objective, Films prove to be poor encyclopedias
there is of course no real need for the mak- because of their emphasis upon specific
ing of films, but merely for the collection of and delimited events viewed from finite
footage upon which a variety of studies can perspectives. Yet surprisingly, it is often the
later be based. Indeed, E.Richard Sorenson supposed potency of film to record every-
(1967) suggested that footage might be thing that has led to its disparagement. At
collected with only this broad objective in first glance, film seems to offer an escape
view. Yet much bad anthropological writing from the inadequacies of human perception
is a similar gathering and cataloguing of and a factual check on the capriciousness
information, deficient in thought or analy- of human interpretation. The precision of
sis. This is not far from the criticism that the photographic image leads to an uncriti-
Evans-Pritchard levels at Malinowski: cal faith in the cameras power to capture,
not the images of events, but the events
The theme is no more than a themselvesas Ruskin once said of some
descriptive synthesis of events. It photographs of Venice, as if a magician
is not a theoretical integration, had reduced reality to be carried away into
There is consequently no real stan- an enchanted land (1887). So persuasive is
dard of relevance, since everything this belief in the magic of photography that
has a time and space relationship it is assumed by scholars who in the rest of
in cultural reality to everything else, their research would challenge far more cir-
and from whatever point one starts cumspect assumptions. When disillusion-
one spreads oneself over the same ment comes, it is therefore profound.
ground. (1962:95) The magical fallacy of the camera parallels
the fallacy of omniscient observation. It may
The same criticism could be made of many result from a tendency in viewing films to
existing ethnographic films. If this is a valid define what has been photographed by what
criticismif ethnographic film is to become one is seeing. The film image impresses us
anything more than a form of anthropologi- with its completeness, partly because of its
cal note-takingthen attempts must con- precise rendering of detail, but even more
tinue to make it a medium of ideas. There because it represents a continuum of reality
will inevitably be more failures. But it seems that extends beyond the edges of the frame
probable that the great films of anthropol- and which therefore, paradoxically, seems
ogy, as distinct from ethnography, are still not to be excluded. A few images create a
to bemade. world. We ignore the images that could have
Curiously, it is the survival of the data been, but werent. In most cases we have no
within the context of thought, inescapable conception of what they might havebeen.
in the cinema, that is responsible for the It is possible that the sense of com-
impatience of many social scientists with pleteness created by a film also lies in the
film as a medium for anthropology. The richness of ambiguity of the photographic
glimpse gained of the original field situa- image. Images begin to become signs of the
tion may be so immediate and evocative that objects they represent; yet unlike words or
it proves tantalizing to those who would like even pictographs, they share in the physi-
to see more, and infuriating to those whose cal identity of the objects, having been pro-
specific theoretical interests are not being duced as a kind of photochemical imprint
Beyond ObservationalCinema 569

of them. The image thus continually asserts in their culture that events do not bring to
the presence of the concrete world within the surface.
the framework of a communicative system The same methodological asceticism
that imposes meaning. that causes filmmakers to exclude them-
The viewfinder of the camera, one might selves from the world of their subjects also
say, has a function opposite to that of the excludes the subjects from the world of the
gunsight that a soldier levels at an enemy. film. Here the implications are ethical as
The latter frames an image for annihilation; well as practical. By asking nothing of the
the former frames an image for preserva- subjects beyond permission to film them,
tion, thereby annihilating the surround- the filmmaker adopts an inherently secre-
ing multitude of images that could have tive position. There is no need for further
been formed at that precise point in time explanation, no need to communicate with
and space. The image becomes a piece of the subjects on the basis of the thinking that
evidence, like a potsherd. It also becomes, organizes the work. There is, in fact, some
through the denial of all other possible reason for the filmmaker not to do so for
images, a reflection of thought. In that fear it may influence their behavior. In this
double nature is the magic that can so easily insularity, the filmmaker withholds the very
dazzleus. openness that is being asked of the subjects
in order to filmthem.
Observational cinema is based upon a pro- In refusing to give the film subjects access
cess of selection. The filmmaker is limited to the film, filmmakers are also refusing
to that which occurs naturally and sponta- them access to themselves, for this is clearly
neously in front of the camera. The rich- their most important activity when they are
ness of human behavior and the propensity among them. In denying a part of their own
of people to talk about their affairs, past humanity, they deny a part of their subjects.
and present, are what allow this method of If not in their own personal demeanor, then
inquiry to succeed. in the significance of their working method,
It is nevertheless a method that is quite they inevitably reaffirm the colonial origins
foreign to the usual practice of anthro- of anthropology. It was once the European
pology or, for that matter, most other who decided what was worth knowing
disciplines. (Two exceptions are history about primitive peoples and what they in
and astronomy, which time and distance turn should be taught. The shadow of that
require to function in the same way.) Most attitude falls across the observational film,
anthropological fieldwork involves, in addi- giving it a distinctively Western parochial-
tion to observation, an active search for ism. The traditions of science and narrative
information among informants. In the lab- art combine in this instance to dehumanize
oratory sciences, knowledge comes primar- the study of humanity. It is a form in which
ily from events that the scientist provokes. the observer and the observed exist in sepa-
Thus observational filmmakers find them- rate worlds, and it produces films that are
selves cut off from many of the channels monologues.
that normally characterize human inquiry. What is finally disappointing in the ideal
They are dependent for their understand- of filming as if the camera were not there
ing (or for the understanding of the audi- is not that observation in itself is unimport-
ence) upon the unprovoked ways in which ant, but that as a governing approach it
their subjects manifest the patterns of their remains far less interesting than exploring
lives while they are being filmed. They are the situation that actually exists. The cam-
denied access to anything their subjects era is there, and it is held by a representative
know but take for granted, anything latent of one culture encountering another. Beside

such an extraordinary event, the search for imprint directly upon the film aspects of
isolation and invisibility seems a curiously their own culture. This should not imply a
irrelevant ambition. No ethnographic film relaxation of purposefulness, nor should it
is merely a record of another society; it is cause filmmakers to abandon the perspec-
always a record of the meeting between a tive that an outsider can bring to another
filmmaker and that society. If ethnographic culture. But by revealing their role, film-
films are to break through the limitations makers enhance the value of the mate-
inherent in their present idealism, they rial as evidence. By entering actively into
must propose to deal with that encounter. the world of their subjects, they can pro-
Until now they have rarely acknowledged voke a greater flow of information about
that an encounter has takenplace. them. By giving them access to the film,
The main achievement of observational they make possible the corrections, addi-
cinema was that it has once again taught tions, and illuminations that only the sub-
the camera how to watch. Its failings lie jects response to the material can elicit.
precisely in the attitude of watchingthe Through such an exchange a film can
reticence and analytical inertia it induces begin to reflect the ways in which its sub-
in filmmakers, some of whom feel them- jects perceive theworld.
selves agents of a universal truth, others []
of whom comment only slyly or by indirec-
tion from behind their material. In either
case, the relationship between the observer,
the observed, and the viewer has a kind of
Beyond observational cinema lies the This essay was written for the International Conference
on Visual Anthropology held in Chicago in 1973 as part
possibility of a participatory cinema, bear- of the IXth International Congress of Anthropological
ing witness to the event of the film and and Ethnological Sciences. It first appeared in Principles
making strengths of what most films are of Visual Anthropology, edited by Paul Hockings (The
Hague: Mouton, 1975).
at pains to conceal. Here the filmmaker
acknowledges his or her entry upon the 1. From his preface to The Cinema and Social Science by
world of the subjects and yet asks them to Luc de Heusch (1962: 5).


The young movie audience will want to see But how does one review this pic-
Altamont on film, because even if it went ture? Its like reviewing the footage of
bad its still their scene. They will go to President Kennedys assassination or of
Gimme Shelter for Mick Jaggerthe most Lee Harvey Oswalds murder. This movie
incredible of all rock stars, the man you is into complications and sleight-of-
hate to loveand death on film. The cin- hand beyond Pirandello, since the filmed
ematography is highily variable, but its death at Altamontalthough, of course,
good enough to show what is going on. The unexpectedwas part of a cinma-vrit
editing of the images to the music is very spectacular. The free concert was staged and
good, but the films structure is a bit con- lighted to be photographed, and the three
fusing. The filmmakers, Albert and David hundred thousand people who attended it
Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, obviously were the unpaid cast of thousands. The vio-
wanted the suspense factor of the violence lence and murder werent scheduled, but
to come at Altamont but also wanted to use the Maysles brothers hit the cinma-vrit
their best stuff on Jagger from earlier con- jackpot.
certs, so after youve been prepared to expect If events are created to be photographed,
Altamont theyve thrown numbers in with- is the movie that records them a documen-
out telling you where they were performed. tary, or does it function in a twilight zone?
However, you dont expect clarity in this Is it the cinema of fact when the facts are
kind of film, and you dont think to worry manufactured for the cinema? The Nazi
about where you are when you get tough lit- rally at Nuremberg in 1934 was architec-
tle Jagger in a silvery Uncle Sam hat, or with turally designed so that Leni Riefenstahl
a Marlene Dietrich-style breeze rippling his could get the great footage that resulted in
shining hair and his draperies. His effects Triumph of the Will; in order to shoot A Time
are brilliantly insolent. Jaggers new form of for Burning, William C. Jersey instigated a
show-biz can seem anti-show-biz because racial confrontation that split an Omaha
its so openly corrupt it appears incorrupt- church; the Maysles brothers recruited Paul
ible. And what other movie has dozens of Brennan, who was in the roof-and-siding
freak-outs and a death? business, to play a Bible salesman for the

direct-cinema Salesman. It is said to be a participants (the Rolling Stones and the

law that the fact of observation alters the filmmakers) of any cognizance of how it
phenomenon that is observedbut how came about.
can one prove it? More likely, observation When Mick Jagger is seen in Gimme
sometimes alters the phenomenon and Shelter pensively looking at the Altamont
sometimes doesnt. In Gerald Temaners footagerun for him by the Maysles
and Gordon Quinns Home for Life, the prin- brothersand wondering how it all hap-
cipal charactera woman entering a home pened, this is disingenuous moviemak-
for the agedis so disoriented that she may ing. One wants to say: Drop the Miss
accept the camera as just one more factor Innocence act and tell us the straight story
in her confused situation; in parts of Fred of the background to the events. What
Wisemans Law and Order, the police are in isnt explained is that, four months after
such routine but taxing situations that they Woodstock, Stone Promotions asked the
may go on doing what they usually do. There Maysles brothers to shoot the Stones at
is no reason to think the freaked-out people Madison Square Garden. The Maysles
in Gimme Shelter paid much attention to the brothers had done a film on an American
camera crews, but would the event itself tour by the Beatles, and Albert Maysles
have taken place without those crews? With had shot part of Monterey Pop. When, as a
modern documentarians, as with many TV climax to their American tour, the Stones
news cameramen, its impossible to draw decided on a filmed free concert in the San
a clear line between catching actual events Francisco area, the Maysles brothers made
and arranging events to be caught; a docu- a deal with them to film it and rounded up
mentarian may ask people to reenact events, a large crew. Melvin Bellis bordello-style
while a TV journalist may argue that it was law office and his negotiations for a
only by precipitating some events that he concert site are in the film, but it isnt
was able to clarify issues for the publicthat explained that Porter Bibb, the producer of
is, that he needed to fake a little, but for jus- Salesman, was the person who brought in
tifiable reasons. There are no simple ethical Belli, or that Bibb became involved in pro-
standards to apply, and because the situa- ducing the concert at Altamont in order to
tions are so fluid and variable, one has to produce the Maysles film. The sequence in
be fairly knowledgeable not to get suckered Bellis office omits the detail that the con-
into reacting to motion-picture footage that cert had to be hurriedly moved to Altamont
appears to be documentary as if it were the because the owners of the previously
simple truth. scheduled site wanted distribution rights
A cinma-vrit sham that appeals to an of the film. Gimme Shelter has been shaped
audience by showing it what it wants to so as to whitewash the Rolling Stones and
believe may be taken as corroboration of the filmmakers for the thoughtless, care-
its beliefs, and as an illumination. Would less way the concert was arranged, and
audiences react to the Arthur Miller-Eugene especially for the cut-rate approach to
ONeill overtones in Salesman the same way keeping order. The Hells Angels, known
if they understood how much of it was set for their violence, but cheap and photoge-
up and that the principals were playacting? nic, were hired as guards for five hundred
One should be alert to the questionablc eth- dollars worth of beer. This took less time
ics in Gimme Shelter, to what is designed and trouble than arranging for unarmed
not to reveal the situation but to conceal marshals, and the Hells Angels must have
certain elements of that situation. Gimme seemed the appropriate guards for Their
Shelter plays the game of trying to mytholo- Satanic Majesties the Stones. In the film,
gize the event (Altamont) and to clear the the primary concern of the Angels appears
Beyond Pirandello 573

to be to keep the stage clear and guard the have an actors presencehe becomes
Stones. a private, non-communicative person. It
The Hells Angels, whose rigid, scary makes sense that someone who performs
faces are already familiar movie faces so totally burns himself out onstage, but the
from the wheelersa genre they inspired near-catatonic figure of Mick Jagger wear-
and appear inare made the villains in ing saucy little hats and mumbling mild
Gimme Shelter, and though I dont wish to platitudes gives plausibility to the view of
suggest that the Hells Angels should have him as demon-possessed when he sings in
been made the heroes, the fact is that the that harsh, abrasive voice and prances like a
Angelswho dont have any share in the witch doctor.
profits of the filmare made the patsies, This film has caught his feral intensity
while those who hired them are photo- as a performer (which, oddly, Godard never
graphed all bland and sweet, wondering captured in One Plus One, maybe because
how it happened. When the self-centered, he dealt with a rehearsal-recording session,
mercenary movie queen of Singin in the without an audience). It has also captured
Rain talked about bringing joy into the his teasing, taunting relationship to the
humdrum lives of the public, we laughed. audience: he can finish a frenzied number
Should we also laugh at Melvin Bellis talk in and say to the audience, You dont want
Gimme Shelter about a free concert for the my trousers to fall down now, do you? His
people and at the talk about the Stones not toughness is itself provocative, and since
wanting money when the concert is being rock performers are accepted by the young
shot for Gimme Shelter and the Rolling as their own spokesmen, the conventional
Stones and the Maysles brothers divide the barriers between performer and audience
profits from the picture? One of the jokes of have been pushed over. From the start of
cinma-vrit is that practically the only way Gimme Shelter, our knowledge of the horror
to attract an audience is to use big stars, but to come makes us see the Rolling Stones
since the big stars cooperate only if they get numbers not as we might in an ordinary
financialand, generally, artisticcontrol festival film but as the preparations for, and
of the film, the cinma-vrit techniques are the possible cause of, disaster. We begin
used to give the look of caught footage to to suspect that Mick Jaggers musical style
the image the stars are selling. leads to violence, as he himself suggests
Mick Jagger, the most polymorphous- in a nave and dissociated way when he
perverse star since Marilyn Monroe, is complainssomewhat pettishly, but with
hypercharged and narcissistic; when he a flicker of prideto the crowd that there
performs hes close to sadistic in the way seems to be trouble every time he starts to
he holds audiences and dominates them. sing Sympathy for the Devil. He may not
Even those who loathe himand it is said fully understand the response he works for
that many young girls doacknowledge and gets.
that hes a spellbinder. One half expects him The film has a very disturbing pathos,
to be sacrificed to the audience at the end because everybody seems so helpless. Many
of the concert. Offstage, he seems tranquil- of the people at Altamont are blank or fright-
lized and wan and pale. A hip, Mod zom- ened but are in thrall to the music, or per-
bie, he pouts prettily, and smiles with the haps just to being there; some twitch and
meaningless sweetness of an earlier type jerk to the beat in an apocalyptic parody of
of popular singernot unlike the skinny dancing; others strip, or crawl on the heads
young Sinatra, whom he resembles. In this of the crowd; and we can see tormented trip-
movie, as in Performance, when Jagger is off- pers faces, close to the stage, near the angry
stage its as if he were offscreen; he doesnt Angels. When Grace Slick and then Jagger

appeal to the audience to cool it, to keep Jefferson Airplane, jumped off the stage to
our bodies off each other unless you intend stop the Angels from beating a black man
love, and to get yourselves together, they and was himself punched unconscious.
are saying all they know how to say, but the After that, according to reporters, no one
situation is way past that. They dont seem tried to stop the Angels from beating the
to connect what theyre into with the results. crazed girls and boys who climbed onstage
Mick Jagger symbolizes the rejection of or didnt follow instructions; they were hit
the values that he then appeals to. Asking with leaded pool cues and with fists while
stoned and freaked-out people to control the show went on and the three dozen
themselves is pathetic, and since the most cameramen and soundmen went on work-
dangerous violence is obviously from the ing. There were four deaths at Altamont,
Hells Angels, who are trying to keep their and a cameraman caught one. You see
idea of order by stomping dazed, bewildered the Angels knife flashing high in the air
kids, Jaggers saying Brothers and sisters, before he stabs a black boy, who has a gun
why are we fighting? is pitifully beside the in his hand. You see it at normal speed, see
point. Musically, Jagger has no way to cool it again slowed down, and then in a fro-
it, because his orgiastic kind of music has zen frame. But is it simply a news event.
only one way to gohigher, until everyone In the bright stage lights, surrounded by
is knockedout. cameras, Mick Jagger is the apotheosis of
Mick Jaggers performing style is a form star. Hes the new Mr. Show Businessa
of aggression not just against the straight moth sizzling in his flames. However, the
world but against his own young audience, Maysles brothers approach to moviemak-
and this appeals to them, because it proves ing is much too callow to cope with the
he hasnt sold out and gone soft. But when phenomenon of people who are drawn
all this aggression is released, who can to Mick Jaggers music in order to lose
handle it? The violence he provokes is well controlexcept at the level of attracting
known: fans have pulled him off a plat- them and then exploiting the disastrous
form, thrown a chair at him. Hes greeted consequences.
with a punch in the face when he arrives at Its impossible to say how much movie-
Altamont. What the film doesnt deal with making itself is responsible for those con-
is the fact that Jagger attracts this volatile sequences, but it is a factor, and with the
audience, that he magnetizes disintegrat- commercial success of this kind of film
ing people. This is, of course, an ingredient its going to be a bigger factor. Antonioni
of the whole rock scene, but it is seen at its dickered with black groups to find out
most extreme in the San Francisco-Berkeley what actions they were planning, so that
audience that gathers for the Rolling he could include some confrontations in
Stones at Altamont. Everyonethe people Zabriskie Point. M-G-Ms lawyers must
who came and the people who planned have taken a dim view of this. A smaller
itmust have wanted a big Dionysian company, with much to gain and little to
freak-out. The movie includes smiling talk lose, might have encouraged him. Movie
about San Francisco as the place for the studios are closing, but, increasingly,
concert, and we all understand that its public events are designed to take place
the place for the concert because its the on what are essentially movie stages.
farthest-out place; its the mother city of the And with movie-production money get-
drug culture. Its where things are already ting tight, provoked events can be a
wildly out of control. The film shows part cheap source of spectacles. The accidents
of what happened when Marty Balin, of the that happen may be more acceptable to
Beyond Pirandello 575

audiences than the choreographed battles public will want to see the results, so there
of older directors, since for those who is big money to deodorize everyone con-
grew up with TV careful staging can look cerned. What were getting in the mov-
arch and stale. It doesnt look so fraudu- ies is total theatre. Altamont, in Gimme
lent if a director excites people to com- Shelter, is like a Roman circus, with a dif-
mit violent acts on camera, and the event ference: the audience and the victims are
becomes free publicity for the film. The indistinguishable.

D O C U M E N TA R Y F I L M ( 1 9 9 9 )

The first half of this century witnessed new class of wage earners clamored for ser-
the mass exodus of African Americans vices, and African American entrepreneurs
from the south.1 Lured by stories of edu- and investors helped to fill this demand,
cational opportunities and employment, erecting apartment buildings, establishing
individuals, families, and sometimes whole banks, hotels, and insurance companies.
groups abandoned their homes, leaving the They established newspapers and schools;
fields of the deep south for the Promised they designed and built churches, theaters,
Landthe industrial areas up-south and and movie houses.
farther north.2 Communities and individu-
als whose lives had occupied the margins
of American life and history emerged The Contributions ofBlack
abruptly at the center of changes that would Photographers
resonate throughout the nation, crossing
the color line and unraveling a once-sturdy The great migration brought in its wake
web of segregation, disenfranchisement, affirming stories of ordinary and extraor-
and intimidation. dinary lives, captured by black artists in
The dispersion of blacks among the grow- a variety of media. As early as 1900, black
ing metropolises of Detroit, Philadelphia, photographers documented their commu-
Chicago, NewYork, Indianapolis energized nities in the act of self-transformation and
these cities, and spurred the growth of a black renewal. Working in the field and in their
middle class. Despite rigid segregation and studios, these men and women chronicled
an oppressive legal environment, a similar growth and change in individual lives and
transformation occurred in Southern cit- in the lives of their communities, at once
ies like Memphis, Tennessee, and Jackson, personalizing and historicizing the great
Mississippi, that drew black migrants from social and economic changes that were
more rural areas. In all of these places, a takingplace.
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 577

A study of the black documentary Willis-Thomas, whose seminal research

rightfully begins with these community project, Black Photographers, 18401940:An
photographers. They created portraits of Illustrated Bio-bibliography, was published
shopkeepers in their places of business; in 1985, and Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashes
laborers, skilled and unskilled, digging the Viewfinders:Black Women Photographers, one
subways or paving the streets; artists and of the first studies to document the history
entertainers; participants in all areas of of black women photographers, appeared
community life. They recorded the parades, in1986.
celebrations, and other activities of the Primary sources from as early as 1900
churches and schools, clubs and other com- tell the story.4 The history of black pho-
munity institutions. In thousands of photo- tography follows a trail of entrepreneurs
graphs, they captured moments in family through local business directories and cen-
histories that graced the walls in the homes sus listings, proceedings of National Negro
of field hands and merchants, domestics Business League meetings, archives of the
and professionals. War Department and foreign governments,
Today many of these portraits and life diary and journal entries by black writers,
scenes, preserved in libraries, museums, and personal scrapbooks.
and private collections, are testimonials to Census data, for example, confirm that
the desire to establish ones own identity African Americans, although few in num-
and, by extension, a group identity. The ber, were among the ranks of the nations
images speak to us knowingly of a particu- professional photographers in the centurys
lar time and culture, and constitute a vital early decades. In 1910, the year of the first
part of the historical record of that culture. census, blacks made up about eleven per-
Indeed, some images will stand as the pri- cent of the total population, but accounted
mary text for lost segments of that history. for just over one percent of professional
The work and careers of these black pho- photographers. Where occupational records
tographers constitute an important chapter were kept, 404 blacks were listed as pho-
in the history of African American docu- tographers.5 By 1920 the number of black
mentary film production. Like the first film professional photographers had increased
documentaries, their photographs were sig- to 608, including 101 women.6 Because
nifiers of uplift and achievement, images occupational data were not consistently
that reflected the dreams and ambitions of collected or kept, these figures certainly
their subjects. Indeed, among the subjects underestimate the actual number of black
were some who were determined to record photographers, but serve to document their
their dreams: a family poses in the front existence.
yard of their own home; a woman frames The names and experiences behind these
two portraits of herself side by side, one in a numbers are occasionally preserved in news-
maids uniform, the other in satin andlace.3 paper ads and local business directories that
The contributions of black photogra- listed photographic services and occasionally
phers to early cinema have long been unrec- offered information on the photographers
ognized. Most accounts would have us background or training. Some who opened
believe the craft and technology of photog- studios on Main Street or in the heart of the
raphy and cinema were created exclusively community were self-taught; others, such
for and by whites. The guiding assump- as Peter P. Jones in Chicago and Jennie
tion has been that the face behind the cam- Toussaint Welcome in New York, were
era was naturally white and male. Only in highly trained in art and photography and
the last decade has this assumption been well educated in other disciplines as well.
re-examined by such scholars as Deborah Elise Forrest Harleston and her husband

opened the Harleston Studio in Charleston celebrations, provided the texts for early
in the early 1920s. Elise Harleston had newsreels and documentary short subjects.
taken graduate courses in photography at Carlton Moss, documentary filmmaker and
Tuskegee Institute under C. M. Battey, dis- educator, referred to these unedited, unre-
tinguished photo-documentarian and head hearsed moments lifted from life as actu-
of the Institutes photography department. alities, adding that early filmmakers shot
[. . .] whatever they sawbecause it was mov-
ing.7 The recorded moments ranged from
commonplace doings to moments of pomp
and ceremony.
Black Documentaries The rudiments of story emerged out of
ofthe SilentEra activities or events that sparked recogni-
tion or pride: people at church; students
Newspaper accounts, diary entries, and at work on a black college campus; black
other such sources are even more vital to soldiers training or going off to war. Early
the history of black film documentary than footage captures baseball games and box-
black still photography. So little footage ing matches; social clubs; gatherings of the
remains from these early films produced by Negro club womens movement; a black
African Americans that the history is frag- state fair; conferences; and the activities of
mented; information about the people who prominent political and cultural figures.
took part in these productions is incomplete. More than a few African American film
However, the emergence of narrative films companies produced short subjects depict-
by and about African Americansknown ing blacks in the workplace, particularly
as race filmsprovided a measure of in government jobs. They showed the first
opportunity, creating a training ground for black postal worker, for example, officials
still photographers who wanted to make the of an all-black incorporated town, or blacks
transition to cinematic photography. serving in the armed forces. The subject
We know, from advertisements, accounts, matter of these documentaries was often
and occasional reviews in the black press, unplanned and spontaneous with an appar-
that one- and three-reel films were screened ent local focus, but they reflected shared
for public audiences in the early decades areas of interest and experience for a wider
of the century. References to these early audience of African Americans hungry for
works generally identify them only by title their ownimage.
and length, giving little sense of their form Some documentaries called attention
or structure. To what extent did these early to the progress and pride of ordinary citi-
works adhere to, or advance, evolving con- zens. Two such films were screened at the
ventions of the film documentary? In the State Theater in Chicago: A Day in the
absence of actual footage, it is difficult to Magic City, described by a reviewer as an
know. However, the few on-screen images extraordinary picture of colored people
that remain do offer a view of the American of Birmingham, Alabama, and a screen
experience that is often obscured or left story entitled Youth Pride and Achievement
out of local histories: ordinary citizens, of Colored People of Atlanta, Georgia. In
people of little renown, whose stories are these films, communities celebrated them-
rarely reflected in the modern interpretive selves and told their own stories. The State
texts that purport to represent the African Theater promoted these films as a new
American experience. type of productionfeaturing the prog-
Community events filmed on location, ress and pride of colored people in motion
such as parades, conventions or special pictures.8
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 579

Movie houses that catered to African advertisement became a common and effec-
Americansrace theatersprovided ready tive way to ensure repeat business. Footage
audiences for these natural scenes of black from his camera in the Jackson, Mississippi,
life. In the beginning there were no formal archives reveals a group of people in front of
distribution networks for documentaries his theater, including a black teenager car-
aimed at the African American spectator. rying a white baby on her hip. Ironically,
Some prints were sold outright, while others the theater marquee in the background
followed a prescribed distribution Circuit announces an Oscar Micheaux movie called
of towns and cities mapped out by show- Gods Step Children.11
men9 or the filmmakers themselves. Often While geared to small towns, the practice
they served as fillers in mixed programs of spread to urban theaters as well. In Chicago,
vaudeville and film. Many of the companies the Magic Motion Picture Company ran
responsible for short subjects also produced an ad in the Chicago Defender announc-
comedies and later dramatic pieces. ing something new for Chicago and its
Sometimes comic or dramatic skits were citizensa Picture Making Exhibition and
incorporated into the short subject, adding a Grand Ball. The copy read, Have you seen
story line to the captured moments of com- the movie picture cameraman in your neigh-
munity life. These embellishments helped borhood? Well He Got a Picture of You and it
to create a mirror through which the audi- will be shown at this moving picture exhibi-
ence might view itself as participants in tion and hall so dont miss coming and see-
their own culture and contributors to the ing it.12 The pictures were to be shown at
larger tapestry of Americanlife. the 8th Regiment Armorythe same space
Advertisements suggest that the typi- where in 1919, Oscar Micheaux had shown
cal program shown in race theaters of his first feature, The Homesteaderthe lon-
this period might include newsreels, sev- gest black film of thattime.
eral short subjects (documentaries), and The subjects of black shorts were both
the ever-popular Western serials.10 But the entertaining and educational, connecting
arrival in town of a black film of any length the lives of people in disparate communities
was treated as an occasion; the film was to larger events. Many of the documentaries
often featured prominently on the marquee, and newsreels shown in commercial ven-
and ads were placed in the local paper by the ues were also used in educational programs
theater owner or the production company. run by churches, schools, lodges, and other
When they added local flavor to the fare community organizations at the forefront of
at race movie houses, short subjects proved the race consciousness movement.
to be highly effective marketing tools. Among early black documentaries were
Owners of race theaters in rural towns race movies promoting and documenting
along the Delta commonly offered prizes economic and political movements and orga-
and used a variety of gimmicks to increase nizations, such as Booker T. Washingtons
their box office, but images of the patrons National Negro Business League (NNBL) and
proved to be the most powerful draw. In Marcus Garveys United Negro Improvement
Ruell, Mississippi, for example, one theater Association (UNIA). Washington commis-
owner would film patrons gathered in front sioned and inspired the first black documen-
of his establishment on a Saturday, captur- tary, which is discussed below. The UNIA
ing images of country people who had come not only published its own newspaper, The
to town for a little relaxation. He exploited Negro World, but also established its own
the vanity of his subjects, promising to dis- film company to publicize the movement
play their images, larger than life, on the sil- and its leader, who proclaimed himself The
ver screen the following week. This form of Provisional President of Africa. Garvey

carried his message of Negro improvement J. A. Jacksons rolltop desk in Billboard and
into black communities across thirty-eight the Defender; or noted in unsigned columns
states, attracting thousands of new mem- and stories in the Indianapolis Freeman, New
bers along the way. Photographer James Van York Age, Norfolk Journal and Guide or other
Der Zee, among others, made portraits of newspapers and magazines of the period.
Garveys elite guard in dress uniform with These sources are not sufficient, how-
their families. He recorded the August, ever, to allow us to gauge the audiences
1920 parade of fifty thousand Garveyites on that these films reached, or their impact
Harlems wide boulevard, and covered UNIA on various communities. The films were
conventions and rallies. not advertised or reviewed every time they
African American camera operators played in a theater or became part of a larger
working for the UNIA film company cap- program. More often than not, the producer
tured movement activities on film, includ- was his or her own distributor, and made
ing the Garvey fleeta ship of the films available not only to commercial the-
Black Star Line with its black captain aters, but also to lodge halls, neighborood
Hugh Mulzac and crewsteaming up the churches, and club groups. Sometimes the
Hudson. Purchased with money raised by films found their way into the baggage of
Garveys followers, the ship promoted the individual showmen who took to the road
return of blacks to their African homeland with projection equipment. These show-
and publicized commerce between the men brought a personal style of presenta-
Garvey movement and Africa. tion and an eclectic mix of programs to
As chroniclers of their peoples cul- whatever public space could be found in
ture, life styles, hopes, and dreams, small towns in the deep south that lacked
African American photographers and movie theaters but had an enthusiasm for
filmmakersamateur and professional the picture show.13
alikereinforced the sense that they were Other documentaries were never
presenting slices of reality in moving pic- intended for public viewing, but neverthe-
tures by giving their work such prosaic titles less figure in the history of black filmmak-
as A Day with the Tenth Cavalry or A Day in ing. These include promotional and training
Birmingham, The Magic City. The kinds of films made by businesses in the first half
everyday, untold stories that black photog- of this century. For example, the Walker
raphers across the nation had been docu- Manufacturing Company of Indianapolis,
menting in their communities and in their Indiana, produced its own films showing
studios were now subjects forfilms. the development and production of an array
of beauty and hair products and promoting
the Walker System of Beauty. Long before
the age of television, Madame C.J. Walkers
Researching Early products, and the beauty culture she devel-
Black Documentaries oped, were being marketed as far away as
South Africa. The company used films to
Most if not all of these early films are lost to train women in beauty techniques (how to
us. Our knowledge of them comes largely apply makeup, care of the skin, hair styles,
from newspapers of the timeinformation etc.) and to prepare them to go into busi-
mentioned in reviews and ads; buried in ness for themselves.
the stories of veteran reporters such as D. The sections that follow describe these
Irland Thomas of the Chicago Defender or films and filmmakers, placing them in
St. Clair T. Bourne of the Amsterdam News; historical context. Perhaps the best known
or wedged between announcements from of these was the film that is generally
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 581

considered the first black documentaryA This project resulted in A Day at Tuskegee.
Day at Tuskegee. Broome and a group of NNBL business-
men in Boston formed a production com-
pany, and shot the film on the Institutes
The First Black Documentary 2,400-acre grounds and in buildings
erected with studentlabor.
The silent era produced a host of newsreels In December, 1909, a private screening
and short subjects, but none was as widely in Boston exhibited some 43 scenes shot at
seen or as influential as A Day at Tuskegee. the Alabama school, depicting the indus-
The moving force behind this project was trial education of young men and women.
Booker T.Washington, the first president of Emmett J.Scott, Dr.Washingtons assistant
Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. at Tuskegee, attended the screening at the
A passionate advocate of industrial Crescent Theater and commented favor-
education for Negroes, and a fiery orator, ably on the film. Areporter for the Defender
Washington attracted the support of many promised to make every effort to bring the
wealthy and powerful white businessmen film to Chicago and noted, Booker T.was
and politicians, including former President way ahead of the game.[The film] will
Theodore Roosevelt. Welcoming his accom- show our would-be leaders what makes
modationist views, many of these indi- Booker great.14
viduals provided the financial support that The film opened at a public meeting
helped Washington to pursue his long-range in New Yorks Carnegie Hall on January
goal of an economically self-reliant and 24,1910. The press reported that an audi-
independent black workforce. In 1900, he ence of two thousand (black and white)
established the National Negro Business attended the meeting, which was chaired
League to foster his program and to encour- by New Yorks former mayor, Seth Low.
age, by example and shared information, the Speakers included President Finley of City
growth of black enterprises. Annual meet- College, Dr. B. F. Riley of Alabama, and
ings, located in a different region each year, Dr.Booker T.Washington.
encouraged new black enterprises around Producer George W. Broome had previ-
the country. Indeed, one such meeting held ously spoken at an NNBL meeting about
during an NNBL convention was filmed and the importance of the motion picture as an
screened for the general public at a nearby instrument of communication capable of
theater. This experiment proved successful, delivering information to African American
and was repeated at other NNBL conven- communities a thousand miles away. The
tions. While informational, such films were black press reviewing the film reported,
also objects of race pride; they permitted People could see what the school was
the general audience to take part in events doing and what an industrial education, as
at the NNBL convention meeting that was Booker T.Washington conceives it, means.
taking place in their town. At the same time, The NewYork Age maintained that critics of
they promoted participants individual busi- Tuskegee have usually been those who know
nesses by associating them with the larger the least about it. The Broome company
national organization wherever the film was announced its intention to produce similar
screened. films showing the progress of the Negro
Recognizing the persuasive power of along industrial lines for Shaw Institute
film, Booker T.Washington commissioned in North Carolina, Hampton Institute in
George W. Broome to make a short film Virginia, and Fisk Institute in Tennessee.15
about Tuskegee Institute that would help to Washingtons industrial education pro-
promote his industrial education program. gram did not escape criticism, however.

Two factions emerged in the debate over the number of films shown in churches, schools,
development of trade schools. One group of and theaters. These films helped to shape
black intellectuals and educators, including the public discourse of the day concerning
W.E. B.Du Bois, put the education of black Washingtons accommodationist views and
professionals at the top of their agenda. Du Du Boiss more progressive stance on edu-
Bois was the author of The Souls of Black cation and leadership. Long after his death
Folkan essay collection that was to shape in 1915, Booker T. Washingtons industrial
the course of the emerging civil rights move- education program, his bootstrap approach,
ment, and one of Washingtons staunchest and identification with the greater mass of
critics. Du Bois believed that it was essential the working class proved to have seductive
to develop leadership among young men power. His image and his influence have
and women through a college education pervaded popular culture through portraits,
steeped in the arts, sciences, history, and lit- statuary, and film; his name has become
erature; he asserted that the realization of synonymous with self-reliance (a bootstrap
full citizenship would be hastened through approach to the progress of the race) and
the development of an intellectual eliteor African American entrepreneurship.
Talented Tenth. On the other side of the The images that filled A Day at
debate was the powerful machine built by Tuskegee became symbols of what could be
Washington at Tuskegee with the backing achieved:not only the stately buildings that
of northern industrialists and southern seg- graced the campus, but also the images of
regationists. Washington described his crit- students at work in the classroom and in
ics as artificial mengraduates of New the fields. By 1915 the school was not only
England colleges who did not represent a monument to its founder, but also a sym-
the masses of black people.16 His comments bol of progress and race pride. Films about
did not name, but referred to, not only Du Tuskegee and the controversial educational
Bois, but also Monroe Trotter, publisher of experiment continued to have an audience
the Guardian. as late as 1923.18
Washington was confident that he not What role did Washington play in making
only had the total support of blacks, but A Day at Tuskegee beyond commissioning
would also be listened to by whites in high the Broome company? Was he in a posi-
places. But his access to the White House tion to suggest or encourage black camera
and his association with white industrial- operators to participate in the project? Press
ists sparked controversy when President reports indicate only that Washingtons
Theodore Roosevelt disastrously mishan- assistant, Emmett J. Scott, attended the
dled two key events: the Brownsville raid preview screening of the film prior to the
of 1905 and the brutal outbreak of violence New York public event. There appears to
against blacks in Atlanta in 1906. In the be no mention of anyone else from the
first case, Roosevelt summarily and unfairly Institute staff taking part in the project.
discharged and disgraced the famous black Some years earlier, Tuskegee students had
25th Texas Regiment, which had taken part participated in a parade of 100 wagons
in the charge up San Juan Hill.17 In the sec- exhibiting the various activities of the school
ond, the president belatedly ordered the use before a reviewing stand occupied by former
of federal troops to quell themob. President Theodore Roosevelt and his party.
In the aftermath of these events, the The documentation on film of the schools
rock-solid support Washington had enjoyed vocational studies program was indeed
showed signs of erosion. He weathered the a novel idea in 1909a time when print
storm, however, and over the next decade dominated communication.19 Washington
Tuskegee Institute became the focus of a apparently recognized that film could be not
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 583

only a powerful educational tool, but also an moving pictures and incidentally
effective fund-raising instrument, and he Jones, former State Street photogra-
used it when he approached white industri- pher again comes into the limelight
alists and educators in the north for support. in this new scientific fad. He was the
On January 10, the New York Age provided operator of the machine and strange
a detailed description of the films content to say it was set up in front of the
and named George Broome as the manager, first place on State Street that he did
but provided no other credits. Three years his photographic work. This is the
later A Day at Tuskegee was picked up by first moving picture ever taken of
another company, the Anderson Watkins the Shriners and marks the begin-
Film Company.20 ning of a series [on] our marching
A final word about A Day at Tuskegee.21 organizations and other features
While Booker T.Washington launched this of race life that will encourage and
project, others deserve credit for the pro- uplift.22
duction itself, and for the technical quality
of the film. But who these individuals were The Freeman: A National Illustrated Colored
remains a mystery, in spite of the atten- Newspaper in Indianapolis praised Joness
tion the film enjoyed in the black press. work for setting new standards for race pic-
Tuskegee certainly had a professional pho- tures, noting that in addition to his work in
tographer onstaff. motion pictures, he was a prize-winning
commercial photographer and colorist, and
a member of the American Photographers
Association. The Freeman also reported
The Peter P.Jones that Joness productions would be shown
PhotoplayLtd. in Brazil and other South American coun-
tries before opening in the United States.
The Peter P.Jones Photoplay Ltd. was one of No records of such screenings exist; we do
the few early race companies with an iden- know, however, that the films Jones created
tified professional camera operator. Jones with South American backing were shown
scripted, shot, and edited his own films. He in the United States in 1914.
began his career as a photographer in 1900 An ad for The Dawn of Truth, a Peter P.
in a small studio on State Street captur- Jones Photoplay production, listed titled
ing images of Chicagos African American sections that incorporated the companys
community, including portraits of leading earlier films in a movie spectacle.23 The
figures in sports, the arts, and business. program contained scenes from the Lincoln
He was also commissioned to photograph Jubilee (Chicago, AugustSeptember 1915),
buildings designed by African American including Gorgeous Elks Parade; Historie
architects, in particular Chicagos black National Baptist Convention (two reels);
churches. In 1914, with the backing of South Negro Soldiers Fighting for Uncle Sam (three
American investors, Jones established the reels); Progress of the Negro: Facts from Farm,
Peter P.Jones Photoplay Ltd. to make short Factory, and Fireside; Tuskegee and Its Builder;
films focusing on the black community. Mound Bayou, Miss.: A Negro City Built by a
The companys first production, reported Former Slave; Prime Factors in the Re-birth of
in the Chicago Defender, recorded a Shriners a Nation. This complex grid of images was
parade in Chicago: produced, directed, and edited by Jones.
The final documentary contained footage
The march of the Mystic Shriners acquired from the War Department and
Sunday is to be perpetuated in other agencies, a compilation of materials

from Joness earlier films, newsreel footage to the view of the curious throngs.
(probably from his own camera), and added As for things that stand for the real
interludes of drama and comedy. The pro- and enduring, and the monumen-
gram also included scenes of other cities cel- tal growth of the race perhaps, the
ebrations of the Half Century Anniversary splendid buildings and spacious
Exposition and the Lincoln Jubilee. Under well-kept grounds of Tuskegee are
the headline, Featuring Negro Progress in the most inspiring. One thinks of
Moving Pictures, one reviewer referred to all this as the ingenuity of a member
scenes of troops embarking for Cuba (On to of the race and occupied by the race.
Cuba) followed by Nothing like these scenes have been
seen here before. The art triumph of
a pleasing little drama which was the presentation is decidedly the 8th
supposed to have been enacted Regiment scene where the troops
on that soil. In this playlet were are being reviewed by Governor
included all the little turns known Dunne of Illinois, Col. Dennison
to the moving picture art. The and his staff of officers. Here the
colonels daughter, Lucy, the cap- artist and his subjects seem to have
tain who courted her and the major been at their best. The most exact-
who failed in his suit was realis- ing military martinet and the purest
tic leaving an impression on the art critic would have been convinced
memory owing to the faithfulness to and satisfied.25
the ways of men. It is a rare thing
to see one of the race, depicted by This description suggests that footage from
the race, as a rascal or a scoundrel. Joness 1914 documentary, For the Honor of
As the story goes Major Duplex was the 8th Illinois Regiment was incorporated
that, because worsted in his love into The Dawn of Truth. It is quite possible
by Captain Smith, who wins Miss that Jones recycled scenes from this docu-
Lucy. The plot was clean cut, hold- mentary as well as footage of a number of
ing through in spite of the spirit of other events that he had filmed earlier. But
war that enveloped all. One gets a more importantly, Joness title, Rebirth of a
real war glimpse with all of its pos- Nation, appearing in the ad as part of the
sible horror.24 special program, embodied the spirit of the
African American celebration of fifty years
The heading of Joness ad for the of freedom and achievement since Lincolns
program1865 to 1915 framed by bro- signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.
ken slave chains and shacklescites the That anniversary was widely celebrated and
fiftieth anniversary of freedom from slav- Joness movie spectacle, according to the
ery. A review appearing in the Freeman reviewer, included documentation of these
describes Peter P.Jones as an artist whose festivities in other cities. The reviewer
photographs have been exhibited at galler- commented:
ies at home and abroad, and refers specifi-
cally to Joness long-time relationship with
the Victor George Galleries. The reviewer The management of the production
was particularly impressed with one seg- speaks of it as re-birth of a nation,
ment of thefilm: somewhat in answer to that orgy of
contempt and reflection known as
Beyond all of this almost match- the Birth of a Nation. These pic-
less experience is the grand work tures are the true birth of a nation
which was thrown on the screen as it concerns the Negro race. They
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 585

tell the story of the ascent from lifes portraits of well known actresses and per-
hovel to where the Negroes fused formers such as Anita Bush, founder of the
and became one with other peo- Lafayette Players, were used in ads for vari-
ple in the great melting pot of the ous black businesses promoting hair prod-
nation. They do not show the ugly ucts, cosmetics, and personal instruction.28
past: it is known well enough. The Jones clearly saw his work as a celebra-
victories are the subject, leaving it to tion of black life and an homage to black
the dead past to bury the dead.26 identity. His company was founded to film
the first in a series of marching organiza-
tions and others germane to the African
In the absence of the actual film, we can American community.
only speculate about how Jones may have Jones seems to have had few competitors
handled the making of The Dawn of Truth. at least in Chicago, where he spent the bet-
Many questions remain. Did the audience ter part of his professional career from 1908
see the program as one long documentary to 1922. To be sure, there were other African
or as a series of short pieces tied together American commercial photographers pro-
under a single title? Did Jones draw upon ducing films or at least working as camera
footage from earlier films to create an operators during this period. Several photo-
entirely new piece, or did he assemble ear- graphs survive showing camera operators
lier shorts as chapters of a longer work? with the tools of their trade:one is a portrait
The former appears more likely, based of Arthur Bedou, who had himself photo-
on Joness years of experience as a studio graphed walking with his camera in the cen-
photographer and photo documentarian, ter of a crowd; another is Richard Samuel
his considerable darkroom and editing Robertss photograph entitled Man with a
skills, and his experiments with natural Movie Camera.29 But there is little mention
light in architectural photographs. The of these professionals in thepress.
lengthy review that ran in The Freeman Jones was already well known in the
following the Washington Theater screen- field and had recently released his third
ing in Indianapolis, alludes to the quality film, a short comedy called The Slacker,
of Joness images:The fine art of making when he went to work for the Selznick Film
motion pictures has not been confined to a Laboratories in 1917. He quickly gained a
special people. This fact was proven when reputation as the industrys most skilled
the splendid pictures by the Peter P.Jones still photographer. He was praised in the
Film Company of Chicago were shown at company paper for the quality of his pho-
the Washington Theater.27 tographs and his work as a colorist, and for
Today, much more is known about his shrewd selection of scenes to be photo-
Joness career and his artistry with both graphed and used on lobby cards advertis-
still and motion picture cameras than ing a film.30
about most of his contemporaries in the
field. His photographs frequently appeared
in newspaper ads, and the Chicago Defender
followed his career, running stories about Other Early Production
his projects. He was lauded for his portraits Companies
of famous people (Booker T. Washington,
Henry O. Tanner, Bert Williams, Henry During the silent era, the number of ven-
Bannerchek, Ada Overton Walker, and oth- ues open to producers of race movies was
ers), and reproductions of these works were severely limited. Nevertheless, over time a
marketed by William Foster, an African number of commercial African American
American producer and distributor. His production companies came into being. In

addition to Peter P. Jones Photoplay Ltd., Negro Business League (NNBL), the orga-
there were Foster Photoplay Company (1913), nization Washington helped to establish
Afro-American Film Company, Haynes in 1900. In 1914, it filmed the regional
Photoplay (1914), Lincoln Motion Picture NNBL meeting in Muskogee, Oklahoma,
Company (1916), Whippers Reel Negro and in the same year, it produced scenes
News (1921), Dunbar Films, Monumental of the incorporated all-black town of Boley,
Pictures Corporation (1921) organized solely Oklahoma.32
for the production of newsreels, Turpin At the same time, other companies were
Film Company, and others. Each produced also documenting life in black communi-
one or more newsreels or documentaries as ties. The Haynes Company filmed the Odd
well as short narratives, and each developed Fellows convention in Boston in 1914, and
its own strategies for dealing with the tough in 1916 it documented notable Negro enter-
challenge of promoting and distributing prises that were developing in the eastern
itswork. part of the country. The Foster Photoplay
While we know that these companies Company, run by William Foster, a pro-
were in business in the 1910s and 1920s, rel- ducer of short comedies, also produced at
atively little is known about their personnel, least one newsreel, YWCA Parade, which
production process, or technical capacities. was shown along with his comedies The
This is one of the frustrating facts of life for Pullman Porter and The Butler in 1913.33 He
scholars of early black cinema:there tend to also attempted to establish himself as a dis-
be few details available about a production tributor, listing Peter P. Joness documen-
or its crew unless the information happened tary For the Honor of the 8th,34 and briefly
to be included in a release, review, or news- handled sales of photographs, suitable for
paper ad of the time. For films which are framing, of well known figures such as
known to have been made, but for which no Booker T. Washington and Paul Laurence
copies remain, production details are par- Dunbar. Other companies in various parts
ticularly elusive. Fortunately, some records of the nation were filming blacks at work in
were kept. For example, George P.Johnson, fields and factories, the proceedings of con-
general manager of the Lincoln Motion ventions, activities of local dignitaries, or the
Picture Company, kept extensive clipping work of renowned figures such as Marcus
files on his companys productions and on Garvey and the United Negro Improvement
the race movies of other producers. (This Association.35 Since much of this work has
collection is now housed at the University been lost, we can only speculate about the
of California at Los Angeles.) However, aesthetic that these artist/photographers
Lincoln used the same white camera opera- brought to the film documents they created.
tor, Harry Grant, on all of its films from 1916
until it ceased production in 1922; Johnson
did not record the names of technical staff
(such as camera operators) working for
other companies.31 World War Iand
Among the first black companies to thePost-WarYears
produce or distribute shorts subjects was
the Afro-American Film Company. Based Black soldiers in battle was a dominant
in NewYork City, the company announced theme of documentaries and newsreels,
plans to produce films recording the activi- as well race movies, during the silent era.
ties of prominent Negro leaders. In 1913, it While the press may not have had camera
produced coverage of a regional meeting, operators in the trenches or on the battle-
convened in Philadelphia, of the National field, there were writers who shared their
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 587

personal stories with black newspapers, and later repulsing the enemy on a bridge
and news of the states black regiments was in Cuba with a thousand soldiers engaging
eagerly followed in the papers. The Chicago in battle; taking a block house on San Juan
Defender, the Pittsburgh Courier, papers with Hill; firing cannons; and the victory celebra-
national black readership, more than likely tion.37 By combining newsreel footage of the
had journalists in the field. In This Is Our 8th Illinois in battle with his own footage
War (1945), Carl Murphy writes that, The of their triumphal return, Jones created an
Afro-American sent none of its writers historical record that directly addressed the
abroad to cover World War I. As a weekly black spectator. This documentary did not
newspaper with its influence then limited survive, and one can only imagine the his-
mainly to Baltimore, it depended altogether torical and cultural insights it might have
on letters from service men abroad, on provided.
occasional interviews with returned soldiers Two years later, in 1916, Joness com-
and on War Department handouts.36 There pany produced The Colored Soldiers
were some efforts to document blacks Fighting in Mexico, which also featured the
contributions to the war effort on film. In 8th Illinois Regiment. Soldiers in train-
1916, for example, Jennie Louise and Ernest ing and battlethis periods recurring
Toussaint Welcome made Doing Their Bit themebrought home to audiences African
(1916), a twelve-part series shown in two-reel Americans contributions to the nations
segments focusing on the military and eco- security and their role in its history.
nomic role played by all races in the War of One of the most successful films of
Nations both Over Here and Over There. the military genre, and the first to garner
But the most memorable documentary national exposure in the decade of World
efforts of the World War I era focused on an War I, was Lincoln Motion Pictures dra-
earlier generation of black soldiers, recall- matic re-enactment of the Negro soldiers
ing their exploits in Cuba and Mexico. of the Tenth Cavalry at the battle of Carrizal
Heroic black soldiers were also the along the U.S.-Mexican border. Trooper of
subject of a lithograph by Jennie Louise Company K (1916) was a story of individual
Toussaint Welcome and Ernest Toussaint acts of heroism that caught the attention
Welcome. The lithograph, displayed in of the general public and was seen by both
many black homes, depicted members black and white audiences, according to the
of the 369th Colored Infantry fighting production companys general manager,
the Germans in hand-to-hand combat in George P.Johnson.38
a French forest. The soldiers faces were Trooper might be considered an early
painted from photographsa common docudrama. It owed much of its popu-
practice that avoided long studio sessions, larity to its re-creation of the historic battle
and each soldier was identified by name. and the heroism of troopers in the face of
The 369th and the 371st regiments were the enemys superior firing power with the
awarded the Croix de Guerre, and individual Gatling gun. The Lincoln Motion Picture
soldiers were cited for bravery. Company restaged the battle with a cast of
In 1914, Peter P. Jones Photoplay Ltd., three hundred, including former Ninth and
the eras most prominent producer of doc- Tenth Cavalry troopers and Mexican cow-
umentaries, made a three-reel film called boys. The films most affecting moment,
For the Honor of the Fighting 8th Illinois which created a momentary bond between
Regiment, which included scenes of the 8th the races, depicted the rescue of the Tenth
Illinois in dress parade; being reviewed by Cavalrys white commanding officer. Lobby
the governor; marching in Cuba during cards and posters for the film showed the
the Spanish-American War; being attacked unknown trooper of Company K (played by

Noble Johnson) carrying the wounded offi- screen as a means of bringing about
cer to safety. a better feeling between the races.
Lincoln Motion Pictures invested in mul- In most pictures the Negro only
tiple prints to meet exhibitors demands, but appears in menial positions or in
the films initial success was not sustained. a degrading role, but the Frederick
Trooper of Company K could not match the Douglass Film Company shows the
enduring popularity of the 1910 documen- race at its best. Dr.W.S. Smith, the
tary, A Day at Tuskegee. The George Broome director, has given much time and
documentary or some version of it was still study to photographing the negro
in distribution as late as 1922. Like most and has become an expert in mak-
early black documentaries, Trooper was for- ing the features clear and distinct
gotten; once they had completed their ini- under all conditions. This picture
tial run, they were ignored by critics and measures up to the standards of
other journalists, and disappeared from motion picture requirements, and
advertisements. is a credit to Dr.Smiths ability as a
Several factors may have contributed director.39
to the demise of these early documenta-
ries: the lack of distribution outlets; the One might be led, from the description in
small number of commercial venues; and the Age, to believe that Dr. Smith was the
limited advertising budgets. It is also possi- camera operator as well as director. It was
ble that the films had a longer life as educa- important for the audience to be able to
tional material, and were shown in schools identify their loved ones, and the critic for
and local clubs. They may have been exhib- the Age took pains to inform the audience
ited by showmen in small theaters which of the directors sensitivity and skill in rep-
changed their programs on a daily basis and resenting on screen the physical appearance
rarely advertised specific titles in the papers. of theNegro.
In the years following World War I, In 1921, the Lincoln Motion Pictures
black documentarians continued to pur- Company produced A Day with the Tenth
sue military themes, focusing on black Cavalry at Fort Huachaca, Arizona (1921), a
soldiers heroism in Europe. Initially, the one-reel pictorial of 33 scenes showing the
U.S. government encouraged this effort. black cavalry training at the fort. For black
The Frederick Douglass Film Company audiences, such scenes sustained public
produced the documentary Heroic Negro memory of African Americans loyalty and
Soldiers of the World War (1919), showing patriotism, and inspired them to continue
black regiments as they trained for war, to press for the rights of citizenship. After
embarked for overseas, fought in battle, and 1922, A Day with the Tenth Cavalry attracted
triumphantly returned home. The NewYork little attention in the press. The use of such
Age printed a glowing review of the film and images in race propaganda or efforts to res-
its producers, praising the quality of the urrect and recycle footage of blacks in the
screen images, saying: military seemed towane.
In the years after World War I, the politi-
There is no doubt about this being cal climate had become more contentious.
the best and most attractive motion Racial tensions ran high in 1919, as reports
picture made of the Negro soldier of lynchings made front-page headlines
in the World War. The company is in the black press. Films of heroism and
owned and controlled by Negroes, sacrifice in battle, shown not only in the-
whose aim is to present the better aters, but also in community churches and
side of Negro life, and to use the lodge halls, helped to strengthen African
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 589

American resolve to fight against the preju- producer of two popular series that were
dice, hatred, and oppression they faced at making the rounds nationally: The Colored
home. At the same time, images of heroic Champions of Sports and Colored America
black soldiers taking up arms to defend their on Parade. The article described Lewis as
homes, neighbors, or towns, and defeat- the youngest motion picture producer in
ing the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, America and the only one who does his own
challenged notions of racial inferiority and camera work and script writing.40 In 1938,
threatened white domination. It was becom- Lewis purchased his own movie camera and
ing all too clear that these black documen- left a promising career as photographer for
taries, which had initially been accepted as the NewYork Daily News to start over as an
an effort to stir patriotism against a foreign independent filmmaker.
enemy, were also capable of uniting blacks As an experienced news photographer
in the struggle for democracy at home. Lewis knew how to tell a story with pic-
Images of heroism were a great source of tures, and in 1938, he set out to create a
pride, and each individual act of valor in the series of documentary shorts joined by a
war to make the world safe for democracy common theme. This series, Life in Harlem,
held the promise of victory athome. followed a day in the lives of Harlem resi-
dents. Working as a one-man production
companyscripting, shooting, and editing
his own materialLewis produced twelve
The Man Behind documentary shorts in 1939 which were
theMovie Shorts released by Million Dollar Productions.
Lewis followed up with a second series
By the mid-1920s, race movies were on the that capitalized on the popularity of African
decline. They had always been undercapi- American sports figures. His Colored
talized, but now fewer venues and smaller Champions of Sports brought to the screens
profits plagued the fields veterans and made of neighborhood theaters the players most
the enterprise less attractive for newcom- viewers had only read about in the enter-
ers. In the years that preceded the advent of tainment sections of black newspapers.
sound and the collapse of the stock market, Shown in ten-minute segments along
Hollywood was actively developing theater with regular programs, the series featured
chains and squeezing out the smaller inde- World Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis
pendent movie houses. In that atmosphere at his training camp or socializing in the
there were fewer and fewer new black pro- community; Josh Gibson of the Grays,
duction companies, and among the veterans the heaviest-hitting catcher in the colored
in the field only Oscar Micheaux success- league; Smokey Joe Williams, one of the
fully negotiated the transition into the era of oldest and best pitchers in colored baseball;
sound. As sound took over the next decade, and boxer Henry Armstrong, who held both
the market for short films focusing on black the lightweight and welter-weight titles.41
music was dominated by Hollywood and Sitting in their local movie houses, audi-
by white independent filmmakers. It was ences could watch the Black Yankees play,
against this backdrop that a talented young or witness young athletes representing
cameraman, Edward Lewis, ventured forth the U.S. abroad at Olympic competitions.
with a novel ideaan all-sports African Segments on athletes like track star Jesse
American newsreel. Owens or Negro League pitcher Satchel
An article in the Amsterdam News, under Paige could be seen at the Loews Theaters
the headline The Man behind the Movie in Harlem, for example, and often these
Shorts, profiled 26-year-old Edward Lewis, short pieces were as big an attraction (if not

bigger) than the Hollywood features shar- William Alexander, seized the opportunity
ing the marquee. to broaden their experience as cameramen
Despite his substantial accomplish- and journalists in the military, and to bring
ments, Edward Lewis never achieved prom- to public attention black participation in
inence as a filmmaker. While he was well the war effort at every level. They wanted to
known in Harlem for his documentaries, bring home the sacrifices made by blacks
audiences outside New York City seldom despite the bigotry and oppression they
knew his name or realized that he was experienced athome.
African American. The expense of produc- This goal proved very difficult for Parks
ing his documentaries made his operation to pursue. African American pilots and
unprofitable. The value to black audiences their segregated units were assigned to
of the short films he made far exceeded the escort the big bombers making raids on
small monetary returns the filmmaker real- German strongholds in World War II. The
ized in his all too brief career. black pilots job was to divert anti-aircraft
Lewis was not the only journalist to guns and enemy fighter planes from the
contribute to documentary filmmaking. bombers. The government was not eager
For example, veteran reporter St. Clair T. to publicize this strategy, or the success
Bourne was often called upon to write a of the African American pilotsthis was
script for one of Lewiss Colored Champion an issue of racism, not military secrets.
of Sports reels or for William Alexanders When documentaries appeared recently
All American Newsreels. A versatile writer, about the Tuskegee Airmen, they ended
Bourne reported on both domestic and a half-century of suppression of images of
international news, sports, and entertain- these men in combat. For the most part,
ment. He contributed film reviews and war correspondents representing the black
wrote for the society pages. Bourne says press had to rely on interviews conducted
that black reporters had to be ready for any- on the ground and handouts provided by
thing: they could expect to be sent by an the govemment. Papers with small circula-
editor to Washington one week to cover the tions had to make use of letters from return-
activities of a half-dozen federal agencies, ing soldiers or interviews that took place
and then to the deep south the next week to stateside.43 Images of black troops in com-
report on segregation, jobs, race relations, bat were systematically suppressed, edited
or other issues of the day. Such broad expe- out of mainstream media in theU.S.
rience made journalists like Bourne a valu- Gordon Parks set out to document the
able asset for independent filmmakers like experience of the black airmen. Although
Lewis, who were always short staffed and he held the rank of first lieutenant in the
strapped for funds.42 Office of War Information (OWI), his
In the years leading up to World War II, efforts to carry out an assignment to fol-
a number of other black filmmakers were low the 332nd fighter pilots into action were
devoting themselves to producing news- thwarted. The experience ended in bitter
reels and documentaries. In the 1930s, disappointment, and his formidable skills
Gordon Parks was beginning to shape a as a photo-documentarian went unrealized.
career in photography. Ahigh school drop- Parks went on to become a fashion
out from Kansas, Parks was a self-taught, photographer and photojournalist for Life
multi-talented artist who developed his magazine and the first African American
craft in the field, first as a commercial pho- producer, director, writer, and composer
tographer and then as a cinema photogra- to make his mark in Hollywood. (He filled
pher. With the advent of war, Gordon Parks all of these roles in his first feature film,
and his contemporaries, Carlton Moss and The Learning Tree, 1969.) Diary of a Harlem
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 591

Family, a 20-minute short made for televi- were motivated by the desire to break new
sion in 1968, was Parkss first film docu- ground, to burst through the color line, and
mentary and sought to give poverty in in the process to make names for them-
America a human face. Parks spent the selves. Others continued in their footsteps in
winter moftths of 1968 getting to know the the decades that followed. Oscar Micheaux
family and winning their trust by talking to (18841951) certainly had their pioneering
them about what he was trying to do. The spirit and commitment to individualism.
project grew out of a photo essay entitled A producer, writer, and director, Micheaux
Flavio that Parks had previously published was determined to go it alone right up to the
in Life. Flavio depicted poverty in So Paulo, end of his 30-year career.
Brazil, by telling the story of a teenage boy While Micheaux is credited with being
who tries to hold his family together in the the most prolific black feature filmmaker
face of poverty, illiteracy, and unemploy- of his time, William H. Alexander has an
ment. It also showed individuals and com- equally strong claim as producer of docu-
munities reaching out to help the boy and mentaries. Compared with Micheaux,
his family. The strong emotional impact that Alexander kept a lower profile. He tended
Flavio had on the magazines large reader- to be a team player who surrounded him-
ship moved Parks to undertake Diary of a self with top professionalsthe best tal-
Harlem Family, this time capturing the fam- ent he could find. For example, Alexander
ilys experience on film. Another documen- engaged working journalists to write scripts
tary made nearly two decades later, Moments for some of his projects. Veteran reporter
without Proper Names (1987), brought to the St. Clair T. Bourne wrote and narrated
screen a brilliant visualization of the film- scripts for a number of his documenta-
makers lifehis travels, the films he pro- ries.44 Alexander was always on the look-
duced, and the people he knew. Covering out for ways to improve the quality of his
nearly 40years, the film is impressionistic productions, and would seize any oppor-
and lyrical, employing Parkss artistry not tunity that would help meet his goals. In
only as a filmmaker, but also as a photogra- 1973 a Paramount Pictures press biography
pher, writer, and musician. described Alexander as the consummate
Near the end of World War II, Parkss producer and offered this account of his
contemporaries, Carlton Moss and William career: For more than a quarter of a cen-
Alexander, were more successful in their tury, Colorado-born William Alexander has
wartime filmmaking efforts. Mosss The been roaming the world performing minor
Negro Soldier (1944) and Alexanders A Call miracles of communication through film-
to Duty (1946), depicting blacks in the navy, making.A man of boundless energy,
were part of the war effort to boost civilian close associates have known him as a dar-
morale and patriotism. Both films resur- ing self-starter, full of original ideas, with
rected the theme of black soldiers heroism, the aggressiveness to set the domino theory
as earlier documentaries had done in the in motion and effect its ultimate results.45
World WarIera. Alexander grew up in Colorado, where he
attended Greeley High School and Colorado
State College of Education before spend-
ing several years studying at Chicago State
The Films ofWilliam Alexander University. He moved to Washington, D.C:,
where he ran a radio show inferviewing
The early pioneers of the black documen- blacks in government and generally cover-
tary, like George Broome and Peter P.Jones, ing the social life of the African American
were dedicated men with a mission. They middle class in the nations capital.

Like Moss, Alexanders career was deeply 250 newsreels. This collection has survived,
affected by his work with the Office of War and was recently purchased from a private
Information during World War II. Headed collector by the Columbia Broadcasting
by Elmer Davis, OWI played a key role in System(CBS).
boosting Negro morale around the coun- After the war, in 1945, Alexander moved
try through press releases sent out to black to New York taking with him a wealth of
newspapers. Planning and carrying out this experience and contacts acquired in his
effort was the work of a group of men some- work for OWI. There he established the
times known as the Black Brain Trust who Associated Film Producers of Negro Motion
fed the black press with stories and pictures. Pictures, Inc., and started producing short
In addition to Alexander, information spe- musical films and features for theatri-
cialist and chief of the black press section, cal release. Like Edward Lewis, Alexander
the group included William Bryant, an leased these shorts to theaters. He then
organization analyst attached to the Bureau found a new market for his work, taking
of Intelligence, and Charles Austen, staff three-to-five minute performance segments
cartoonist. from the shorts and selling them as sound-
Recognizing the power of film, ies that played in coin-operated jukeboxes in
Alexanders group at OWI went beyond the restaurants, bars, andcafes.
print media and formed a production com- These short performance pieces had
pany. In an interview given after the war, very simple stories or plot lines. They were
Alexander explained it thisway: cheap to produce and easy to sell, accord-
ing to Haryette Miller Barton, Alexanders
We were very concerned about the production assistant and one of the few
morale of minority groups African American women working in
whatever that meant. They worked the film industry behind the camera. She
in war industries, but when people explains:
went to the cinema, it looked like a
white mans war. We formed the All Mr. Alexanders shorts were some-
American Newsreel Company and times made just to give a group of
used to take OSS film crews and musicians work, making up the
shoot stuff all over the world. One of story as they went along or using the
the most interesting stories was on lyrics of a song for plot. Sometimes
Willa Brown Coffee, the second black we shot in donated spacesa barber
woman aviator (Bessie Coleman was shop after hours or on a Sunday. But
the first). She trained all the instruc- for top performers like Billy Eckstine
tors for the black 99th Pursuit and his band, the Sweet Hearts
Squadron at her Coffee School of Rhythm, and Dizzy Gillespies
of Aeronautics outside Chicago. band, we worked with larger bud-
Although the releases were made in a gets, in a studio with a hired union
government agency, the documenta- (usually white) crew. Soundies and
ries were privately filmed. Two of our shorts were quick, easy to set up,
shorts were on blacks in the Army and required little or no costuming.
and Navy: The Highest Tradition, nar- The plus wasthey helped to pay
rated by Fredric March, and Call to the rent and salaries.47
Duty, narrated by Walter Huston.46
In 1950 Alexander moved to London
The All American Newsreel Company, under and established the Blue Nile Production
Alexanders direction, produced more than Company. With London as his base he
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 593

traveled to Africa where he produced a series was also recognized by the government of
of documentaries for and about the newly Singapore.)48
independent countries of the Sub-Sahara. The films Alexander produced between
These films, many commissioned by indi- the mid-1950s and 1973 constitute a size-
vidual states, reflected life after indepen- able body of work. Despite the awards
dence and were used for public relations he received abroad, his contribution as
purposes and to record the historic changes filmmaker and visionary at a critical junc-
that were taking place. ture in Africas history has yet to be fully
Alexanders films reflected life in the acknowledged at home. Scholars have yet
newly emerging African nations. The docu- to address key questions about his work.
mentaries were used by individual states for What contributions did his documenta-
public relations purposes and to record the ries make to each nations development?
historic changes that were taking place. He How was his perspective and approach
often worked with heads of state, and in two influenced by the heads of state who hired
cases took on an official capacity:Alexander him, including such leaders and think-
became the official film producer for the ers as Skou Tour, Julius Nyerere, Jomo
Republic of Liberia, and subsequently Kenyatta, Gamal Abdul Nasser, and Lopold
served in the same post for the government Senghor? Answers to some of these ques-
of Ethiopia. The documentaries produced by tions must await the recovery of Alexanders
Alexander in these capacities received criti- historically important footage of the African
cal acclaim around the world. The Village of independence movements, shot inside the
Hope, about a leper colony in Liberia, won former colonies. This footage would provide
a prize for the Best Short Film at the 1964 an invaluable resource for historians and
Cannes Film Festival. At the Venice Film film scholars alike.
Festival the following year, Alexander won a
prize for his Portrait of Ethiopia, and in 1967
he received the United Nations Award at the
International Festival in Madrid for Wealth Bridging theGenerations
Alexander spent nearly 18years working Alexander remained active into the early
in Africa and Europe. Relatively little of the 1970s, when he undertook an ambitious
work he produced during the African period project to produce a film version of William
has surfaced so far. The scope of his work is Bradford Huies novel, The Klansman. He
well documented, however. acquired the screen rights to the novel
Alexander filmed some of the first confer- and then, according to the Paramount
ences of the Organization of African States. Pictures press biography, traveled more
He helped bring television equipment to than 300,000 miles to acquire financial
Liberia and Ethiopia, and assisted in devel- backing ($4.5 million), engage a top direc-
oping TV programming in those coun- tor and crew, and attract a cast that included
tries. He received awards or decorations Richard Burton, Lee Marvin, O.J. Simpson,
from heads of states in all of the 22 coun- and Lola Falana. His expansive filmmaking
tries where he worked, including Liberia, career bridged a gap between the first gener-
Ethiopia, the Sudan, Morocco, the United ation of black documentary filmmakers that
Arab Republic, Zaire, Kenya, Senegal, had all but disappeared by the 1950s, and a
Ghana, Algeria, Malagasy, Dahomey, Togo, new generation of more strident, indepen-
Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Zambia, dent voices that emerged in the 1960s and
French Congo, the Ivory Coast, Guinea, and helped to shape and record the civil rights
the General African Republic. (His work struggle.

In the tradition of Peter P.Jones, Jennie explored.49 The recovery of information

Toussaint Welcome, Addison N. Scurlock, about individual photographers and film-
and other pioneers of black documen- makers may help to expand and clarify
tary filmmaking, these new chroniclers of what is known about early motion picture
African American history and culture used technology. And more filmmakers need to
film to capture events as they were happen- be rescued from anonymity: what names
ing, and to empower their community by might we attach to footage of African
offering a deeper, stronger sense of its own American soldiers in battle during the First
identity and history, and ultimately to effect World War? Or in Cuba during the Spanish
change. Their call to action helped to break American War?50 A great deal of footage
the iron circle of segregation, racism, and remains to be found. Many early filmmak-
containment, and to bring about a new era ing efforts are no doubt lost forever, but the
of race consciousness and renewal. While whereabouts of later films are more puz-
the media brought film clips and sound zling. Where, for example, are the missing
bites of the revolution in the streets to a documentaries of William Alexander?
national audience, African American film- To be sure, current documentary tech-
makers challenged viewers with a fuller, niques and approaches are light years
more textured sense of black culture and away from those of the early pioneers, but
history, providing a context for the scenes of for the most part, todays black filmmak-
protest that were appearing more and more ers share the commitments of their fore-
often on the eveningnews. runners: recording the highs and lows
Today, as one generation reaches out of ordinary folk, as well as extraordinary
to the next, the list of African American moments in black history and culture as
filmmakers is steadily growing. Foremost seen from within. From the 1910 Tuskegee
among them is William Greaves, who footage to Joness marching bands and regi-
became executive producer of the pub- ments to Alexanders newsreels, to todays
lic affairs program Black Journal in 1969. commentarieseach has contributed to
Greavess work in network television cre- bringing to life the great canvas of African
ated crucial new outlets for black documen- American experience.
tarians. He helped to usher in a new era
of filmmaking not only through his own
work, but also through his efforts to men- Notes
tor and support other filmmakers. William
1. Nicholas Lemann, The Promised Land: The Great
Miles, Louis Massiah, St. Clair Bourne, Julie Black Migration and How It Changed America (New
Dash, Stan Lathan, Michelle Parkerson, York: Knopf, 1991).
Yvonne Smith, Stanley Nelson, Carroll 2. Ibid.
3. Thomas L. Johnson and Philip C. Dunn, eds., A True
Parrott Blue, Gil Noble, Henry Hampton, Likeness: The Black South of Richard Samuel Roberts,
Charles Hobson, S. Pearl Sharp, Carol 19201936 (Columbia, S.C.: Bruccoli Clark; and
Munday Lawrence, Orlando Bagwell, Ayoka Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill,
1986), 107.
Chenzira, and (the late) Jackie Shearer and 4. See Negro History Week, February 10, 1935, 15.
Toni Cade Bambarathese documentar- 5. The 1910 census listed 3,257 white photographers.
ians, and many others, are helping to light 6. Jeanne Moutoussamy-Ashe, Viewfinders:Black
Women Photographers (NewYork:Dodd,
our way into the next century. Mead,1986).
Looking ahead, many challenges await 7. Carlton Moss interview conducted by Pearl Bowser,
not only filmmakers, but also film histori- 1987; Carlton Moss interview for Midnight Ramble,
conducted by Pearl Bowser and Saundra Sharp1991.
ans. Many questions remain unanswered. 8. Chicago Whip, July 16,1921.
Photographers contributions in the cen- 9. Sherman H.Dudley, Robert T.Motts, and others
turys early decades have yet to be fully contributed to the development of a circuit
Pioneers of Black DocumentaryFilm 595

 f theaters for black vaudeville and films. Sherman

o 18. Booker T.Washingtons Great Industrial School at
Dudley owned several theaters which were part of Tuskegee, Alabama, shown on February 3, 1910
the substructure already in place for race movies. (NewYork Age); ATrip to Tuskegee (NewYork
Showmen with packaged material worked the Age, August 11, 1910); A Tuskegee Pilgrimage (Reol
churches and lodge halls and set up tent shows. Productions, 1922); Tuskegee Finds a Way Out
Before 1910, C.E. Hawk was exhibiting footage of (Crusader Films,1923).
the famous black Ninth Cavalry in the Inaugural 19. NewYork Age, January 10,1910.
Parade being applauded by President Theodore 20. Henry T.Sampson, Blacks in Black and White:
Roosevelt. The Ninth Cavalry served in Cuba under ASource Book on Black Films (Metuchen,
Roosevelt during the Spanish American War. N.J.:Scarecrow Press, 1995),584.
Who shot the footage? Where did Hawk purchase 21. Apersonal note about A Day at Tuskegee. Reflecting
this and other films he traveled with? Were black on the history of the black documentary, seemingly
camera operators among the groups of freelance small and prosaic in its beginnings, the author is
photographers selling to distributors or showmen struck by the tenacity of details so familiar they
before 1910? These are among the questions that seem like only yesterdaya part of my immediate
remain unanswered. experience and not incidents nearly a century
10. Noble Johnson, African American actor and old. In the early 1970s, Iwas invited to Tuskegee
founder of Lincoln Motion Pictures, played in Institute by the South Carolina Arts Council. At
one such serial, Bulls Eye, produced by the Lubin that time, there were still hints of the architectural
Company. The black press advertised this serial grandeur described in reviews of thefilm.
as if Johnson were the star instead of white actor 22. Chicago Defender, May1914.
Eddie Polo. Johnson was under contract with the 23. The Freeman, an Illustrated Colored Newspaper, April
Lubin Company and ultimately had to choose 1, 1916. Jones probably designed this ad himself.
between his own company and a steady job with The ad indicates the Dawn of Truth had been a
a Hollywood studio. He chose Hollywood and part of the special movie spectacle in 1915, the year
a career that rewarded him with more than one before this announcement of the availability of
hundred character roles in mainstream cinema. the film for bookings. It is also conceivable, based
11. Footage in the Jackson, Mississippi, Archives about on the dates in the ad, that in 1914 the films were
1940. The theater marquee displayed the race shown first abroad in South America and Brazil.
movie Gods Step Children, an Oscar Micheaux film. Sampson refers to this as newsreel coverage of the
12. Chicago Defender, September 22, 1923. August 21September 16, 1915, celebration.
13. Deep South Showman Versie Lee 24. Ibid.
Lawrence:AReflection Book (NewYork:Carlton 25. Ibid.
Press, 1962). Henry Sampson in Blacks in Black 26. Ibid.
and White, p.2, cites touring black companies 27. Ibid.
and showmen before 1910 exhibiting films for 28. Anita Bush starred in two black silent
black audiences in schools, parks, and churches, Westerns:The Crimson Skull (1921) and The
including C.E. Hawks Electrical Display of Life Bull-Dogger (1923). She is credited with founding
Motion Pictures (1905) and Roystons Chicago one of the first African American dramatic stock
Moving Picture Show (as early as1899.) companies, The Anita Bush Stock Company, in
14. Chicago Defender, December 31,1910. 1915, which included such notable actors as Dooley
15. Ibid. Wilson, Charles Gilpin, Andrew Bishop, and
16. David Levering Lewis, W. E. B. Du Bois: Biography Carlotta Freeman.
of a Race, 18681919 (New York: Henry Holt and 29. See photographs of unknown camera operators
Company, 1993), 301. in Johnson and Dunn, A True Likeness, 90; and on
17. The Brownsville raid occurred in 1905 when a the set of an outdoor stage on Wisconsin-Ebony
group of black soldiers was accused of starting a Pictures promotional/stock offering material,
gunfight and shooting up the town. Soldiers in George P. Johnson Collection.
the famous black 25th Texas Regiment, though 30. Sampson, Blacks in Black and White,184.
innocent, were summarily discharged by order 31. Harry Grant, the George P.Johnson Collection,
of President Theodore Roosevelt, without a trial University of California Archives, Los Angeles.
or court martial. This was the same regiment 32. Sampson, Blacks in Black andWhite.
that had fought with Roosevelt in Cuba in the 33. Chicago Defender, July 26,1913.
taking of San Juan Hill. Now, by his order, its 34. Ibid.
members were disgraced and discharged from the 35. The Negro News Reel, 1923, produced by William
military without pay or benefits. The President, Herman, The Negro Rice Farmer, 1921. Dunbar Film
who had claimed to be a friend of the Negro and and Theatrical Company documentary:Negroes at
Washington, refused to rescind the order even work in the rice fields in Louisiana.
though he knew the regiment was innocent. 36. This Is Our War: Selected Stories of Six War
Roosevelts popularity among African American CorrespondentsSix Who Were Sent Overseas by the
voters was further eroded after the bloody riot in Afro-American Newspapers (Baltimore, Washington,
Atlanta in 1906. Federal troops had been sent in by Philadelphia, Richmond, and Newark: The
Rooseveltsorder. Afro-American Company, 1945). Introduction
by Carl Murphy (Baltimore: The Afro-American 48. Based on an interview conducted by William
Company, December 15, 1944), 7. Greaves with William Alexander a week before
37. Sampson, Blacks in Black and White,588. Alexanders death on November 20, 1991. William
38. George P.Johnson interview conducted by Pearl Greaves starred in Alexanders The Fight Never
Bowser, Los Angeles,1969. Ends (1947) and Souls of Sin (1949).
39. NewYork Age, May 24,1919. 49. Examples of unanswered questions include:Who
40. Afro-American, March1939. might have used Macbeths daylight screen?
41. Handbill for Loews Victoria and Loews 116th What year was it invented? Did showmen such as
Street theater, January 59,1938. Royston, Hawks, or Professor A.A. Moncret, who
42. St. Clair T. Bourne telephone interview conducted were exhibiting moving pictures before 1910, show
by Pearl Bowser, September 11, 1997. their programs in parks as well as churches and
43. This Is Our War,7. schools?
44. St. Clair T.Bourne telephone interview. 50. Henry Sampson attributes images from the war
45. By Line, biography of William Alexander. in Cuba to Lubin Ceneographs, which a black
46. Newspaper article provided by Harryette Miller company, Roystons Chicago Moving Picture Show,
Barton, undated. included in its tour of Virginias black churches,
47. Harryette Miller Barton interview conducted by schools, etc. See Sampson, Blacks in Black and
Pearl Bowser,1990. White, 2nd ed.,2.

Cultural Context and Intentionality(1990)

For more than twenty-five years a new cin- agit-prop, captured the explosive energy
ema has been developing in Latin America, of the national student movement. From
carving out spaces for itself even under Argentina, a mammoth four-hour film in
the most inimical circumstances, a cin- three parts, La hora de los hornos (The Hour
ema devoted to the denunciation of misery of the Furnaces, 1968), made by Fernando
and the celebration of protest. When these Solanas and Octavio Getino, described by
diverse films first began to arrive in Europe its makers as an act of liberation, caused
and North America in the 1960s, they chal- a sensation at its European premiere in
lenged many of the norms of established Pesaro, Italy. From Colombia, Chircales
film narrative, unequivocally announcing (Brickmakers) by Jorge Silva and Marta
the existence of a new avant-garde in world Rodrguez, extended ethnography into sys-
cinema: Nelson Pereira dos Santos and tematic political analysis.
Glauber Rocha in Brazil, Toms Gutirrez These were only isolated examples of
Alea and Humberto Sols in Cuba, Miguel a growing mass of films and filmmakers
Littn in Chile, Jorge Sanjins in Bolivia, throughout Latin America. In this burgeon-
and many others. ing movement that would become known
Among these films were several as the New Latin American Cinema, docu-
eye-opening documentaries. From Cuba, a mentary held a central position. Part of
number of explosive short films by Santiago the originality of numerous fiction films
Alvarezamong them Now (1965) and LBJ derived from their incorporation of docu-
(1968), with their biting satire and sense of mentary techniques and styles.
urgencyseemed to reinvent the concept of The question has been asked whether
agit-prop. From Uruguay Mario Handlers all this activity really amounts to an artistic
Me gustan los estudiantes (I Like Students, movement, whether these characteristics
1967), another modest masterpiece of are concrete and specific enough to give a

sense of unity to the extremely diverse ways The historical moment of the Cuban revo-
in which they are employed. This is a ques- lution was also, by coincidence, a period of
tion, however, as much about the forms of aesthetic revolution in documentary cin-
cultural development in Latin America as ema. Within the space of a few years, 16mm,
about cinema per se. First of all, not all artis- previously regarded as a substandard format
tic movements have the same kind of logic. like 8mm or half-inch video today, became
There are significant differences among, for viable. Technical developments, inspired
example, impressionism, fauvism, futur- by the needs of space technology as well
ism, surrealism, and so forth. Second, we as television, stimulated the production of
should not assume that artistic movements high-quality 16mm cameras light enough to
work the same way in Latin America, Africa, be raised on the shoulder and equipped with
or Asia. Is it not possible that the basic con- fast lenses and film stocks that reduced or
cepts of cultural history enlisted to identify even eliminated the need for artificial light-
broad cultural movements like Renaissance ing. Portable tape recorders and improved
humanism, classicism, or modernism are microphones provided synchronous sound,
quintessentially European? allowing the sound technician a mobility
The New Latin American Cinema, commensurate to that of the camera opera-
whether or not it is thought of as a move- tor. No longer forced to shoot with bulky
ment, certainly possesses a bewildering 35mm equipment that restricted them to
diversity of styles and forms. Cuban film- studios or prepared locations, documenta-
makers are given to observe that the idea rists felt as if reborn. New-style documentary
of socialist realism is an empty one if it filmmakers sprung up on both sides of the
can be taken to include both a Bondarchuk Atlantic. In Europe the style became known
and a Tarkovsky. What should we say of the as cinema verit, in the United States as
contrast between Rocha and dos Santos, or direct cinema.
Sanjins and Antonio Equino, his former [. . .]
cameraman? Or between the vastly differ- It would be natural to suppose that the
ent works of other directors? What do Latin Cubans eagerly took up the revolution
American filmmakers mean by the New in documentary occurring at the same
Latin American Cinema, a term they them- moment as their own political and social
selves often greet with suspicion? Is it, per- revolution. Watching the documentaries of
haps a piece of bravura? the revolutions early years, however, one
The paradigmatic role of documentary rapidly discovers that this was not the case.
cinema can shed light on these complex Sometimes, indeed, the styles and forms of
questions. Nowhere can documentarys cinema verit are most noticeable by virtue
importance be observed more vividly than of their absence. One reason is that the first
in Cuba. As a kind of testing laboratory for task of the new film institute, ICAIC, was
the New Latin American Cinema, Cuba has to set up operations in 35mm. By the time
produced the most fascinating and contra- this was accomplished, the U.S. blockade
dictory findings. Before the 1959 revolution, had been imposed and there were no longer
Cuba had been a leading Latin American funds available for developing 16mm. One
producer of commercial radio and televi- is tempted to ask, would it have been any
sion and a leading consumer of Hollywood different if there had been? Examination of
movies. The chronic absence or distortion the evidence both on and off screen leads to
of images of national life in films before the conclusion that it wouldnot.1
1959 helps explain why documentary would
carry such weight in Cubas postrevolution- The rapid expansion of ICAICs documen-
ary film production. tary output, from four films in 1959 to
Rediscovering Documentary 599

twenty-one the following year and forty in Using thirty-three categories, they made a
1965, makes it a hopeless task to attempt simple count of the numbers in nine broad
to survey these films individually without thematic groups, and arrived at the follow-
looking for a way to categorize them. This ing percentages:
exercise is fraught with the most thorny
working-class themes (tematica
problems. Any system of classification is
liable to backfire, through imposing a con-
artistic or cultural topics:20.38
ceptual scheme foreign to the material it is
international topics:15.25
trying to classify. Caution therefore urges
didactic topics:13.45
that we look first at systems of classification
educational topics:7.35
the Cubans themselves have employed.
historical topics:6.38
In an interview published in 1971, Julio
Garca Espinosa was asked how nonfic-
problems in the construction of
tion output was classified.2 He cited four socialist society:4.02
categories: popularizing documentaries other:3.19
(documentales de divulgacin), scientific sub-
jects for popular consumption, newsreels, This kind of typology, though it seems
and cartoons. These divisions correspond to offer a fair guide to the range of sub-
to the way production in ICAIC was orga- jects treated by Cuban documentary, is not
nized. The first is a general category; the a satisfactory classification system because
second refers to specifically didactic films. it gives no idea of stylistic variety. Certain
(A department for didactic documenta- films elude confinement to a single cat-
ries was set up in 1960, and though the egory; many films fall under one heading or
catalogue classification under this heading another only ambiguously or incompletely.
came to an end in 1970, the types of films it Themes that are less often treated are not
included continued to be made. There was necessarily less important. Finally, some
also a series entitled Popular Encyclopedia films reveal the extent of their importance
for which thirty-one films were produced only over time, like the modest six-minute
during 19611962.)3 The last two categories montage experiment made by Santiago
refer to the departments of newsreel and Alvarez in 1965 called Now, widely regarded
animation headed by Santiago Alvarez and as a classic of social protest.
Juan Padrn, respectively, which continued Another question raised by this classifi-
to function as separate units within ICAIC cation system involves defining exactly what
through the 1980s because their specific a didactic film is. Within a set of terms refer-
organizational requirements remained ring to subject areas, the category seems
distinct. anomalous, for it delimits not so much
Clearly these categories do not have any subject as treatment. It really belongs to
great aesthetic relevance. It would be more a different set of terms altogether, the set
useful to look for a system of classification which rather than dealing with subject mat-
according to subject or theme, which might ter, identifies the intention with which the
at least tell us something about the relative film is made. Though it does not constitute
weight the Cubans have given to different a systematic classification scheme, the cat-
fields of interest and could also serve as a egorization of documentary according to
starting point for more detailed analysis. intention represents the way documentary
A group of students under Mario Piedra, is thought of in Latin America, because it
using ICAICs own Cuban-assembled com- arises directly from the conditions under
puter, have analyzed the institutes docu- which filmmakers at the receiving end of
mentary output over the years 19591982.4 imperialism have to operate. These terms

are far more aesthetically compelling than your friends while not quite deceiving your
the previous schema. In addition to cine enemies.) Propaganda and didacticism
didctico, they include: are usually considered incompatible. Every
revolutionary aesthetic finds this a false
cine celebrativocelebrationalcinema
and mendacious antinomy. Revolutionary
cine de combatethe combatfilm
propaganda is the creative use of demon-
cine denunciathe protestfilm
stration and example to teach revolutionary
cine encuestainvestigative documentary
principles, and of dialectical argument to
cine ensayothe filmessay
cine reportajereportage (overlaps with
mobilize intelligence toward self-liberation.
cine encuesta)
It seeksand when it hits its target it
cine rescatefilms that rescue aspects of getsan active not a passive response from
national or regional history or culture the spectator. As the Argentinian filmmak-
cine testimoniothe testimonialfilm ers Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino
put it, Revolutionary cinema does not illus-
This list is neither exhaustive nor definitive. trate, document or establish a situation pas-
There is no single source from which it is sively; it attempts instead to intervene in
drawn. These are only the most frequently that situation as a way of providing impetus
used of a series of terms that occur across towards its correction.5 There is obviously
the whole range of literature about Cuban a didactic element in this, but theres a dif-
and radical Latin American film, writings ference: the aim of teaching is not imme-
that express the preoccupations and objec- diately to inspire action, but to impart the
tives of the New Latin American Cinema means for the acquisition of more and
movement. They can be found in film jour- better knowledge upon which action may
nals from several countries, including Peru be premised. Accordingly, theres a practi-
(Hablemos de Cine), Venezuela (Cine al Da), cal difference in revolutionary aesthetics,
Chile (Primer Plano), Mexico (Octubre), and too, between the propaganda film and the
Cuba (Cine Cubano), to cite only the most didacticfilm.
important. Ten years before Solanas and Getino
The distinctive feature of all the terms made The Hour of the Furnaces, another
listed is precisely their intentional character. Argentinian, Fernando Birri, set up the film
They indicate a variety of purposes:to teach, school at the Universidad del Litoral in his
to offer testimony, to denounce, to investi- native Santa Fe. He based the idea of the
gate, to bring history alive, to celebrate revo- kind of cinema he was aiming for on two
lutionary achievement, to provide space for main sources: Italian neorealism, and the
reflection, to report, to express solidarity, to idea of the social documentary associated
militate for a cause. These are all needs of with John Grierson. Both precedents are
revolutionary struggle, both before and after conventionally dominated by a naive real-
the conquest of power, when they become ist aesthetic, so it is not surprising to find
part of the process of consolidating, deepen- Colombian filmmaker Jorge Silva saying in
ing, and extending the revolution. an interview a few years later, At the incep-
An unsympathetic critic from the metrop- tion of the militant film movement, it was
olis would quite likely dismiss the entire list said that the essential thing was simply to
with a single term:propaganda. Bourgeois capture reality and nothing more, and to
ideologies have always equated propaganda make reality manifest. Afterwards this for-
with mere rhetoric, the selective use of mulation began to seem insufficient.6
evidence to persuade. (Or, as a Cambridge However, it was not as if Birri or anyone
professor once put it, a branch of the art of else involved meant these paradigms to be
lying which consists in very nearly deceiving accepted uncritically. The way Birri saw it,
Rediscovering Documentary 601

to apply the humanistic ideas behind neo- Eduardo Maldonado, founder in 1969 of
realism and the social documentary to the a group which took the term itself as its
context of underdevelopment immediately name: Grupo Cine Testimonio. According
gave them a dialectical edge. In an inter- to Maldonado, cine testimonio is concerned
view in Cine Cubano in 1963, he explained to put cinema at the service of social groups
the function of the documentary in Latin which lack access to the means of mass
America by means of a play on the word communication, in order to make their
underdevelopmentin Spanish, subdesar- point of view public. In the process, he says,
rollo. In opposition to the false images of the film collaborates in the concientizacin
Latin American commercial cinema, doc- of the group concerned. At the same time,
umentary was called to present an image the filmmakers awareness is directed
of authentic reality as it was and could not towards the process of the film. The process
in all conscience otherwise be shown. It of shooting becomes one of investigation
would thus bear critical witness by show- and discovery which reaches, he believes, its
ing itself to be a subreality (subrealidad), final and highest stage in the editing. The
that is to say, a reality suppressed and full film thus embodies the aesthetic approach
of misfortune. In doing this, says Birri, it to concientizacin.8
denies it [reality as conventionally depicted]. The style which attracted Maldonado as
It disowns it, judges it, criticises it, dissects most appropriate to these purposes was
it:because it shows things as they irrefut- that of direct cinema. Were not interested
ably are, not as we would like them to be in propagandistic documentary work, he
(or how they would have us, in good or bad said, because we find it very boring. Nor
faith, believe that they are). At the same are we interested in fictional filmmaking
time, as a balance to this function of nega- with big stars and big screens. Instead, what
tion, realist cinema fulfills another, one of were after is a kind of direct cinema, a way
affirming the positive values in the soci- of making films quickly like cinema verit,
ety:the values of the people, their reserves which seeks to film events in the flesh, with
of strength, their labours, their joys, their the people who are the protagonists of real
struggles, their dreams. Hence the motiva- occurrences. This type of cinema tries to
tion and the consequence of the social doc- penetrate reality, to find the internal and
umentary, says Birri, is knowledge of reality external contradictions in order finally to
and the grasp of awareness of ittoma de discover the meaning behind things. He
conciencia in Spanish, prise de conscience in continues:
French. (What Brecht wanted his theater to
be.) Birri summarizes: Problematic: The Observation and analysis are the
change from sub-life to life. In practical basis for this kind of film making,
terms: To place oneself in front of the both as the means of capturing
reality with a camera and film this reality, reality and of finding the particular
film it critically, film underdevelopment dialectical interpretation in each
with a popular optic. Otherwise, you get instance.
a cinema that becomes the accomplice of We do not wish to impose our
underdevelopment, which is to say, a sub- blueprints or mental categories on
cinema (subcine, like subdesarrollo).7 reality. To do this would only mean
[] that our films would become tracts.
Cine testimonio, or testimonial cinema, And that would be meaningless
is another central category, one with two when compared to the standards of
distinct strands. One of them is well rep- truth and interpretation to which
resented by the Mexican documentarist the people being filmed are exposed.

The basis of our films is our documentarist Vctor Casaus has traced
personal testimony, so we have to this testimonial genre through Cuban
respect what people think about journalists of the 1930s, particularly Pablo
their own circumstances. Do we de la Torriente Brau.10 Numerous writers
want to know how the subjects of of the 1970s and 1980sthe Argentinian
the film live and how they think? Rodolfo Walsh, the Salvadorean Roque
Then we have to let the facts speak Dalton, the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano,
for themselves.9 the Nicaraguan Omar Cabezascontinue
to cultivate thegenre.
Although Maldonado falls back into the Filmmakers have also developed their
language of empirical subjectivism, its not own testimonial subgenres, according to
as if these ideas are those of naive realism Casaus. The ICAIC newsreel was the first
any more than Birris, only that the formu- of these because its character as a week-by-
lation is careless. At the same time, it may week chronicle is not a simple piecemeal
appear that in distancing the aims of the record of the events but, under the guidance
group from propaganda and in disparag- of Santiago Alvarez, became their interpre-
ing the film-tract, Maldonado is explaining tative analysis. It is obviously essential to
the position of filmmakers who were not the idea of the testimonial that it convey a
party militants. There are, however, a good sense of lived history. This means, in cin-
many filmmakers in Latin America who, ema, that the camera is not to be a passive
though they are indeed party militants, witness. The newsreel learned how to insert
would substantially agree with Maldonado. itself into the events it recorded by breaking
They would agree with the search for a dia- the conventional structure of the newsreel
lectical interpretation of reality, with the form and converting itself into a laboratory
reluctance to impose alien blueprints and for the development of filmic language. This
mental categories on the popular classes, influenced the whole field of documentary,
and with the need to respect what people with its already obvious affinities to testimo-
think about their own circumstances. nial literature.
Above all, Latin American filmmakers Casaus specifies four characteristics of
from across a broad spectrum of political cine testimonio: first, rapid and flexible film-
affiliations would agree that in confront- ing of unfolding reality without subjecting
ing the ruling elite, a film has to struggle it to a preplanned narrative mise-en-scne;
against standards of truth that are no truth second, choosing themes of broad national
atall. importance; third, employing an audacious
The other strand of cine testimonio is lit- and intuitive style of montage, of which the
erary in origin and particularly strong in outstanding exponent is Santiago Alvarez;
Cuba. The earliest paradigms are found in and last, using directly filmed interviews
the literatura de campaa (campaign lit- both for the narrative functions they are
erature) of the nineteenth-century Cuban able to fulfill and because they provide the
wars of independence: the memoirs, means of bringing popular speech to the
chronicles, and diaries of Mximo Gmez, screen. (This was the last of Casauss four
Manuel de Cspedes, Jos Mart, and oth- principles actually to be incorporated into
ers. These are the accounts of participants the Cuban documentary, since the Cubans
writing in the heat and haste of events, initially lacked the technical capacity for
aware of their necessarily partial but privi- direct sound filming.)
leged perspective. Che Guevara followed What Casaus seems to be arguing is
the same imperatives in his accounts of the that the vocation of documentary is tes-
Cuban revolutionary war in the 1950s and timonial, though in a sense this is an
the Bolivian campaign of the 1960s. Cuban a priori argument that cannot explain
Rediscovering Documentary 603

the different kinds of film which have if it didnt succeed in its primary func-
appeared. At the same time, the Cubans tion, which is instruction (in the broadest
have given a great deal of thought to the sense). This theme was taken up in a paper
question of cine didctico, a form that presented jointly to the National Congress
becomes particularly important after a rev- of Culture and Education in 1971 by Jorge
olution reaches power. What changes in Fraga, Estrella Pantn, and Julio Garca
cinema with the accession to power is not Espinosa, Toward a Definition of the
just that militant filmmakers are no lon- Didactic Documentary.12
ger forced to work clandestinely or semi- The authors discuss the idea of the didac-
clandestinely, but that the whole emphasis tic documentary in light of the preoccupa-
of their art is altered. The tasks for which tions that had been animating their work
films are intended qualitatively shift, and over the previous decade. Their line of argu-
nowhere is this more marked than in the ment is itself eminently didactic. Much of
scope that opens up for didactic cinema. what they say is philosophically grounded
As Pastor Vega explained in an article dat- in the analysis of commodity fetishism
ing from 1970 entitled Didactic Cinema and alienation, but they appeal in equal
and Tactics, when ICAIC set up a didac- measure to more accessible concepts and
tic films department in 1960, dealing with ideas. They argue that a cultural heritage
a whole range of scientific and technical distorted by imperialism produces a way of
subjects, not all the necessary conditions thinking that perceives things in a dissoci-
for such a project existed, but it wasnt ated way, that sees things only as results,
possible to wait for them;the demands without grasping the processes that cre-
of a revolution which alters the dynamic ate them. Underdeveloped thinking comes
of history in all its dimensions leave no to be ruled by a sense of contingency and
alternative.11 ICAIC recognized that it fatalism, which harkens back to the magical
was necessary to create a whole new batch (but the magical now shorn of most of its
of filmmakers without having the time to previous cultural legitimacy). They observe,
give them proper training. They would After twelve years of revolution, we still
have to learn on the job, jumping in at the find examples of this way of thinking even
deep end. The didactic film has to become in our own communications media, mostly
didactic in more ways than one; the films modelled after the tendency to exalt results
would educate their makers in the process and omit the process which led up to those
of attempting to educate their audiences. results.13
What the filmmaker has to learn takes But, they continue, cinema possesses
on a double aspectthere is the subject the very qualities needed not only to com-
on which the film is to be made, and at municate knowledge and skills effectively,
the same time, learning how to make this but also to educate for a rational, concrete,
kind of film. Formally speaking, these are and dialectical way of thinkingbecause it
two separate functions, but in the circum- is capable of reproducing reality in motion
stances they get completely intertwined. and therefore of demonstrating processes
Cine didctico thus becomes a paradigm and, further, because its capable of reveal-
for new ways of thinking aboutfilm. ing relationships between elements that
The new documentary becomes the come from the most dissimilar conditions
essential training ground in Cuban cinema of time and place. Utilitarian concep-
because the filmmaker has to learn to treat tions of the didactic documentary limit its
reality by engaging with the people the film potential: the result is sterile and ahistori-
is for. Cine didctico teaches that the value cal. Capitalist cinema conventionally deals
of communication is of paramount concern with the problem of the genres dryness by
because the film would achieve nothing adding enticements to the treatment of the

film, sugar-coating the pilla technique new aesthetic category in which the artist
known from advertising as the snare. and the pedagoguemeet.
Advertising appeals to stimuli which have []
nothing to do with the nature of the prod-
uct in order to create more demand for it
or stimulate the consumers interest: sex, Notes
desire for recognition and prestige, fear of
feelings of inferiorityanything apart from 1. The reasons for this are examined at length in the
book from which these paragraphs are taken. In
concrete demonstration of the actual prop- the paragraphs that follow, Ipresent some of the
erties of the object. This mentality that findings.
thinks only in terms of selling becomes 2. Julio Garca Espinosa, El cine documental
cubano, Pensamiento crtico, no. 40 (July
all-pervasive, and everything, including 1970),8187.
ideas and feelings, is reduced to bundles of 3. Today films for strictly educational use are made
exchange values. To fall in with all this was primarily by the film section of the Ministry of
Education, while a range of military instructional
obviously hardly acceptable. The didactic films and television programs are made by the film
documentary, they argue, must break once section of the armed forces.
and for all with this retrogressive tradi- 4. Mario Piedra, El documental cubano a mil
carcteres por minuto, Cine cubano, no. 108
tion; it must link itself with the urgency of (1984),4349.
its subjects and themes. The formal tech- 5. Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino, Hacia
niques employed must be derived from un tercer cine, Tricontinental, no. 13 (October
1969); rpt. in Solanas and Getino, Cine, cultura
the theme and put at its service. Its the old y descolonizacin (Mexico City: Siglo Veintiuno
moral demand for unity between form and Editores, 1973). An English translation by Michael
content.14 Chanan and Julianne Burton, Towards a Third
Pastor Vegas account of the didactic Cinema, appears in Twenty-Five Years of the New
Latin American Cinema, ed. Chanan (London:
film has the same moral emphasis, and British Film Institute and Channel Four Television,
his arguments are similarly built on an 1983), pp. 1727.
historical materialist analysis. The socio- 6. Interview with Jorge Silva and Marta Rodrguez
by Andrs Caicedo and Luis Ospina, Ojo al cine,
economic transformation created by the no.1 (1974), 3543. An excerpted translation
revolution, he explains, has propelled the appears in Cinema and Social Change in Latin
newly literate peasant from the Middle America:Conversations with Filmmakers, ed. Julianne
Burton (Austin:University of Texas Press,1986).
Ages into the second half of the twenti- 7. Cinema and Underdevelopment, An Interview
eth century where he becomes an opera- with Fernando Birri, Cine cubano, nos. 4244
tor of tractors and agricultural machinery. (1963), 1321; translated in Twenty-Five Years of the
New Latin American Cinema, ed. Chanan, pp.912.
This accelerated passage through mul- 8. Interview with Eduardo Maldonado by Andrs
tiple stages of development involved in de Luna and Susana Chaurand, Otro cine, no.6
the sudden acquisition of the products of (AprilJune 1976); unpublished translation by
Julianne Burton.
modern science and technology, requires 9. Ibid.
a qualitative leap in the process of mass 10. Victor Casaus, El gnero testimonio en
education. The didactic film must be el cine cubano, Cine cubano, no. 101 (1982),
transformed accordingly, throwing off the 11. Pastor Vega, El documental didctico y
molds of the form as it originated in the la tctica, Pensamiento crtico, no. 42 (July 1970),
developed countries and going in search of 99103.
12. Fraga, Pantn, Garca Espinosa, El cine didctico,
the originality that arises from very differ- Cine cubano, nos. 6970, translated as Toward a
ent socialist patterns of development. The Definition of the Didactic Documentary, in Latin
filmmaker must acquire new perspectives American Film Makers and the Third Cinema, ed.
Zuzana Pick (Ottawa:Carleton University Film
and seek a different filmic language than Studies Program, 1978), p.200.
the archetypes of the documentary tradi- 13. Ibid., p.206.
tion. The didactic film must be seen as a 14. Ibid.

NOT 6, BUT 5
An Interview with Santiago Alvarez(1975)

[] to recruit leftist people and talk about social

Q:Wed like to begin with a little personal problems.
history about yourselfwhat you did before the Before that, in 1939, Ilived in the United
Revolution, how you came to work in the cin- States, working as a dishwasher and work-
ema, andsoon. ing in the coal mines in Pennsylvania. It
A:Before the Revolution Iwas just a film was here in the United States that Istarted
buff, just a spectator like any other spectator to become politically conscious and when
from any other part of the world. Ibelonged Iwent back to Cuba Ibecame a communist.
to a cultural society Nuestro Tiempo [Our American imperialism is the greatest pro-
Times], which had a cine-club where we moter of communism in the world. In fact, it
saw and theoretically discussed the film was my experiences here that form the roots
classics. Other comrades who today work of NOW, my film against racial discrimina-
at ICAICAlfredo Guevara, Julio Garcia tion in the U.S. That film grew directly out
Espinosa, Tomas Gutierrez Aleaalso of my experiences here. It all came back to
belonged to that cine-club. We also screened me one day when Iwas listening to a song
some of the classic revolutionary films from called Now sung by Lena Horneits a
the Soviet Union. There was a distributor melody based on an old Hebrew song by
of Soviet films for Cuba and Mexico and an anonymous author. When I started to
we used to rent them and show them in a work on the film at ICAIC, that background,
small movie house on Sunday mornings. that experience, helped meI used all the
We would get together to show the films hate I had felt against discrimination and
and discuss them but it was also a pretext brutality.

I really started learning about the cinema formal sense but the content was revolu-
in 1959. After the revolution when the film tionary. After we had completed about 20 of
institute was createdit was the first law them, we started to look for new, expressive
about cultural matters that Fidel signedI cinematic forms for the newsreel.
started making a newsreel of the first trip As for Dziga Vertov, that is a question Im
that President Dorticos made throughout asked in every interview but Imust say that
Latin America. That was the first issue of there is absolutely no influence of Vertov in
ICAICs Noticiero Latinoamericano. The my films. In fact, when Ifirst started mak-
day that the Moviola arrived at ICAIC so we ing films Ihadnt seen any films by Vertov.
could do the work it was a cause for celebra- It is true that the reality Vertov experienced
tion. It was a Moviola with only a viewing is similar to the one we have experienced
screen and no sound head, but Istill have it and it is this reality, perhaps, which is the
and work with it. Every piece of equipment common denominator of ourfilms.
then, like the little pins where you hang the In this regard, Ithink it is important to
takes in the editing room, was something point out the importance of the Revolution
new for us. We had all talked about the cin- as a powerful motivating force for usthe
ema but we didnt know how to make it. revolutionary process in Cuba has been
Behind all our ignorance about equipment, the main inspirational muse of all our
though, there was a tremendous desire to work. Before the Revolution there was no
move ahead, to fight the reactionary capital- cinematic expression in Cuba. Every four
ist newsreels that were still being made and or five years a North American producer
disseminating counter-revolutionary propa- would come to the country and make a
ganda during that period inCuba. psuedo-folkloric or musical film, utilizing
In 195960 there were still three news- exotic elements of our culture in a superfi-
reels in CubaEl Nacional, El Noticiero cial manner. Sometimes they would use a
America, and one more, I cant remember few Cuban technicians, maybe borrowed
the namewhich were transmitting news from the TV studios, but only a few. So in
in a subversive, counter-revolutionary way order for us to begin making films there
about what was happening in Cuba. This had to be a revolutionary will, a revolution-
was when Manuel Urrutia was President ary inspiration.
of Cuba. At that time, the Revolution hadnt In other words, I became a film-maker,
stabilized its power yet, there were still and other comrades in Cuba became pro-
conflicts going on, there was much mass fessionally involved in things they never
agitation, the people were restless, and the thought they would do, because the revo-
right was putting the Revolution in peril. It lutionary will and the social needs forced us
was then that we decided at ICAIC that we to become what we did. The people in the
had to create a revolutionary newsreel that Sierra Maestra or on the Granma expedi-
would promote the revolutionary policies tion had never been professional soldiers,
and counteract the influence of the reaction- had never studied in a military academy
ary newsreels. like West Point, and yet they won against
Q: As time went on, was there any notice- an institutional army with North American
able evolution in the style of the newsreels? It advisors schooled in military theory. The
seems to me that there are a lot of similari- guerilla isnt a professional soldier but
ties between your films and those of the Soviet someone compelled by a desire to smash an
film-maker, Dziga Vertov. unjust structure, motivated by a revolution-
A: Actually, the first newsreels that we ary will which enables him to take up a gun
made were influenced by traditional news- and learn how to use it. No one is born a rev-
reels. They were not revolutionary in a olutionary, it is the needs of society which
An Interview with Santiago Alvarez 607

makes revolutionaries. Likewise, Ididnt go at it and look at it and look at it. And Iam
to any school to learn cinema, I became a meticulous, I even choose the exact frame
film-maker by making films. Before I had where I want to cutfive frames are five,
only fooled around with a 16mm camera frames, not six, but five. Then, while Iam
like any amateur but Iwas possessed of this looking at the footage and doing the editing,
revolutionary will. Ithink anyone can make I start thinking about editing the sound.
filmsthe only problem is to have the moti- When I transfer to mag-track, Im still
vation, like any other activity. doing the editing of the sequences because
I dont think one is born a creator, one Im searching for the music at the same
becomes a creator. The creative element can time that Im doing the montage. When Im
be found in every human being and in any listening to the sound Im thinking about
professionengineer, pilot, lawyer, truck the structure of the sequence and when
driver, whatever. In any human being there Im editing the image Im always thinking
is this creative element and it is circum- of what sound will go with it. As Im put-
stances, the world one lives in, that stimu- ting it together and it begins to take on a
lates or frustrates this element. How many certain rhythm, Ithink about what effects,
young people before the Revolution in Cuba what sound, what music, will go with that
were frustrated because the society they image. 50% of the value of a film is in the
lived in didnt give them the means or the soundtrack.
chance to become what they wanted? And Q: A controversial topic in political film
how many frustrated minds there must be circles these days is whether or not new, revo-
here, how many creative minds that are lutionary forms are needed to express revolu-
working in radio and TV and who are not tionary content. That is, some people say it is
able to produce what they want? How many absolutely impossible to make a revolutionary
frustrations there must be accumulated! or radical film that employs traditional narra-
[. . .] tive techniques. What has been the experience
Q:When making a film, what are your rela- of Cuban film-makers in this regard?
tions to other members of thecrew? A: A good example is a recent film, El
A: In the newsreel department we have Hombre de Maisinicu, which has been a
a group of cameramen and I have worked big success. It is a film which tells the
with all of them but there are a few Ihave story of people from the Ministry of the
worked with many times and, when circum- Interior who infiltrate behind the lines of
stances permit, Iprefer to work with one of the counter-revolutionaries and it is a film
the cameramen Iknow and getalong best which has, let us say, a conventional struc-
with. I think teamwork, collective work, is ture. But the success of this film tells us
very important. Many times Ihave worked that we dont always have to use new forms
with two to five cameramen at onetime. to express revolutionary values, we can use
The part of making a film Ilike best is the traditional techniques to do it. Traditional
editing. My work in the editing room is com- cultural elements have a value at a certain
pletely different from that of the other com- point; we dont have to catalog or label and
rades at ICAIC. Many times editors dont say that the conventional can never be used.
want to work with me because theyre used Innovation results from making tradi-
to having an easy time with directors who tional forms valuable, by revitalizing them.
just supervise and let them do the work. But Methods of construction in our country, for
Ido all the work myselfI myself break up example, employ both traditional methods
the material, Idont let the assistant editor and new methods and by mixing the two we
do it, Imyself hang up the takes in order to obtain revolutionary results. Likewise, the
see what each sequence is all about. Ilook Beatles have innovated and revolutionized

music by using traditional elements, imported. So we have to set priorities in

they have been great innovators of the our film production. Our goals for 1974,
traditional. for instance, consisted of 8 feature films, 41
Q: How successful have Cuban film-makers documentaries, 52 newsreels and 10 anima-
been in improving public taste? Do Cuban tion films. By comparison, Japan produces
audiences still prefer entertainment films to 500 films per year. We do everything, the
political films? shooting, the sound, everything except the
A: We are the public, film-makers are lab work. By May or June of 1975, however,
the public. We start from the basis that we well have our own color lab installed in
belong to the social reality of our country, Cuba and it will be one of the best labs in
we are not foreigners, we are part of the peo- Latin America.
ple and our films grow out of a shared real- [. . .]
ity. If we thought we were a privileged group Q: Are there many women film-makers
above the people, then we would probably inCuba?
make films that communicated only with a A: We dont have many women
minority or an elite group. But we are not a film-makers but there are some who work
group of poets producing abstract or bizarre as film editors and in the labs. Its not that
poetry. One can only be a revolutionary art- weve planned it this way, its just that women
ist by being with the people and by commu- film-makers havent appeared. There are
nicating withthem. four or five young women students now at
It has been a challenge for us but we ICAIC and maybe theyll become directors.
have been successful to some extent in Q: In conclusion, any thoughts about the
breaking public movie-going habits. Due to future?
the influence of capitalism, even in social- A: I think that in 20 years the cinema
ist countries, it has always been the custom is going to disappear, there will be another
to show documentaries only as supple- technology to replace it. There will be new
mentary material with a feature-length fic- developments in electronic techniques
tion film with actors as the main attraction. which will completely change the tradi-
But we have been able to show documenta- tional method of making films, not only in
ries as the main attraction in theatres. For Cuba but everywhere. Technology is going
example, De America Soy Hijo which lasts to absolutely change everything and the
3 hours and 15 minutes and which features means of communicationfor the painter,
as its main character Fidel on a trip, was the musician, the film-makerwill change
released simultaneously in 7 theatres and radically.
there were still long lines of people and they I think the individualistic conception
had full houses for two months. Another of art will change completely and we will
documentary Y el Cielo Fue Tomado por no longer continue the practice of the
Asalto, which lasts 2 hours and 8 minutes, museum or private exhibition of art works
was similarly successful. as we do now. The creators, the artists in
[. . .] society, will put their energies into mak-
Q:How many directors are there atICAIC? ing not just one painting but into creating
A: Unfortunately, we dont have many mass art works, into beautifying shoes,
film directors in Cuba. We are limited by homes, factories, everything, the total envi-
our lack of resourceswe dont have many ronment. It will be an anti-individualistic
cameras or much sound equipment or big conception of artistic creation where
labs. Everything thats related to film in everything will be for the benefit of all
Cuba, from grease pencils to raw stock, is humanity.

Groping in the Dark(2002*)

The 1998 Yamagata International Docu to the late Ogawa Shinsuke from the 1960s
mentary Film Festival featured a major ret- until Ogawas death in 1992 and has since
rospective of Japanese documentary films become a director in his own right. Kawase
from the 1980s and 1990s. This was the had recently returned from the Cannes
last installment in a biennial series that International Film Festival, where her first
painstakingly covered the one-hundred-year feature (shot, incidentally, by Ogawas cam-
history of nonfiction filmmaking in Japan. eraman Tamura Masaki) surprised every-
Previous retrospectives confidently dis- one by taking a special jury prize. The
played a national heritage and its sure but mediaof which a sizable contingent sat
steady growth, but the title of the 1998 edi- at Kawases feet in Yamagatawas calling
tion suggested a less than optimistic atti- the Cannes coup for Suzaku [Moe no suzaku]
tude: The Groping in the Dark: Japanese an indication that a new generation of film-
Documentary in the 1980s and Beyond makers had attained international recogni-
[Nihon Dokyumentar no Mosaku: 1980 tion and that Japanese cinema had entered a
Nendai Ik]. Nowhere was the cautious new era. This claim has far more to do with
uncertainty more evident than in the Japans anxiety about its place in global cul-
accompanying symposium. On the stage tural production than with any sense of film
were four filmmakers representing vari- history. However, as Ihope to demonstrate,
ous generations in Japanese film history. it is right on the mark, at least from a cer-
In the middle sat Kanai Katsu (who started tain perspective.
filming in the 1960s) and Ise Shinichi The seating arrangement at Yamagata
(from the 1980s). On either end were was a piece of history writing in and of
Iizuka Toshio (1960) and Kawase Naomi itself. It did not take long before the gen-
(1990s). Iizuka served as assistant director erational structure bared itself onstage.
*Revised 2015.

Any groping that evening would be and passionate engagement of the Japanese
between those on either end of the plat- documentary world of the 1960s?
form. Iizuka and Kawase would have it This essay provisionally accepts Fukuda
out over the question posed by moderator and Yamanes periodization. Following
Yamane Sadao, one of Japans finest crit- the filmmaking of the 1960s and early
ics. Taking a cue from Fukuda Katsuhiko 1970s, which was spectacular in both qual-
(an exOgawa Productions member who ity and quantity, something did happen,
stayed in Sanrizuka after the collective left), and the Japanese documentary went into
Yamane suggested that in the mid-1970s a steady decline. At the very least, all his-
something happened that transformed torians accept that the sheer number of
Japanese documentary, leaving it in its stirring, creative documentaries in that
present, seemingly precarious state. As in earlier period was unprecedented, that
any serious discussion of documentary in the present situation pales in comparison,
Japan, the words shutai (subject) and taish and that the popular support that made
(object) constantly came up. They are rarely, these documentaries possible in the first
if ever, defined, yet they are repeated like place has evaporated. And how ironic that
the mantra of postwar documentary; func- of all the art forms to experience decay in
tionally they generally demarcate historical the 1980s bubble economyin the age of
articulations of difference to construct a jhshihonshugi (information capitalism)
periodization for postwar documentary. The documentary would lose its confidence and
artists onstage quickly staked out the terri- end up groping in the critical darkness for
tory. Iizuka laid out the generally accepted a toehold in Yamagata at the close of the
view that the filmmakers of the 1960s and 1990s. Few films today are as compelling or
early 1970s had a political commitment and as daring as the prodigious work straddling
took their engagement with the world seri- the year 1970. Todays films and videos in
ously. They assumed a subject (shutai) that Japan represent a turn to the self, a move-
was thoroughly social, one that required ment that appears strikingly similar to
visible expression on film and at the same developments in Euro-American film and
time acknowledged its delicate relationship video making. However, the latter is rigor-
to the object (taish) of the filming. Younger ously political and theoretically informed,
filmmakers, argued Iizuka (in an obvious while its Japanese counterpart documents
critical swipe at Kawase), are too wrapped the self from a vaguely apolitical place. That
up in their own little world. They focus on is to say, the intertwining histories of docu-
either themselves or their family without mentary and its conceptualization largely
reference to society, without engaging any took their own course in Japan. They
political position or social stance. Kawase developed with relative autonomy vis--vis
responded defensively, though perhaps Euro-American nonfiction film. Japanese
not convincingly, that her own documenta- writers and directors were aware of vrit,
ries about her aunt and the search for her direct cinema, third cinema, and devel-
lost father had the kind of social resonance opments in the Western avant-garde but
Iizuka claimed for his own work. In the remained resistant to slavish imitation. As
end the two offered only implicit criticism will soon become clear, this independence
of each other. For all the groping, which has been a correlate of the vigor of ongo-
included contributions from the floor by ing debates in the field, the innovation of
Tsuchimoto Noriaki (the Minamata Series) the filmmakers, and the perception that the
and Fukuda, almost everyone felt they had local social and political stakes were high.
been left in the dark, especially on the ques- Tracking the transformations in debates
tion, What happened to the exhilaration over shutaisei (subjectivity), this essay will
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 611

grope for the something that did happen, Leftist activists, particularly those aligned
the thing that seems to divide the film- with the Japan Communist Party, gravi-
making group shooting other groups and tated toward the documentary form, which
the camera-toting individual document- became a powerful force within the orga-
ing the self, the public and the private, the nizations devoted to documentary and the
shutai and its taishthe 1960s and the educational film. Like their predecessors
presentday. in the prewar and wartime eras, these left-
ist filmmakers were strongly attracted to
the possibility of a medium based on an
indexical representation of the public arena;
The Fifties: through this newly democratized apparatus
Problematizing Realism they intended to construct an alternative
space of the nation, one capable of moving
As a form of filmmaking, documentary has people in everysense.
been attractive to persons at both ends of the The critical push came from a rebel-
political spectrum since the 1920s. This, one lious, certainly audacious young film-
can argue, is due to several qualities specific maker named Matsumoto Toshio, whose
to the medium. First, by the early years of the contributions to the critical discourse
Shwa era the infrastructure for the movies were as influential as his filmmaking. He
had developed sufficiently enough to allow started publishing missives and manifes-
quick distribution of images to masses of tos, contributing to a critical turbulence
people scattered across vast distances. This that would shake the foundations of the
gave cinema an easy national, even interna- film world in the next decade. Matsumoto
tional (colonial) reach. Afurther reason lies and others critiqued the approaches of
in the indexical quality of cinematic repre- old and renovated documentary practice
sentation. The on-screen image is an index by turning the term shutai against the
in the Piercian sense, like a fingerprint or grain. We must approach the translation
a thermometer. It possesses a striking spa- of shutai with considerable caution. Its
tial and temporal immediacy to its indexed meaning varies depending on the context
object, a quality that documentary filmmak- of the utterance or inscription. Every field
ing uses to set itself far apart from the fictive treats it differently, making any easy cor-
film. Exploiting this seemingly privileged respondence to the English word subject,
link to reality, filmmakers with a sense of a tricky word itself, impossible. The term
social commitment developed an arsenal shutai appeared in film theory of the pre-
of rhetorical devices to move those newly war period in essays by philosophers such
formed masses of moviegoers. These spe- as Nakai Masakazu and in debates over
cial qualities were initially evident to film- the scientific or artistic merits of non-
makers involved in primary education and fiction film. However, it was during the
the proletarian culture movement in the Occupation that it entered film discourse
late 1920s and early 1930s. However, these in an engaged way and apparently then
two tendenciespedagogy and sociopo- toed the Japan Communist Party (JCP)
litical enlightenmentconverged as Japan line. Film critics borrowed the terms of
went to war; at the same time differences the debate over war responsibility raging
between left and right became increas- within the left and transposed them to the
ingly ambiguous. However, with the end film world.1 However, in the December
of the conflict, independence for filmmak- 1957 issue of Kaih, the newsletter of the
ers meant new possibilities for deploying Kyiku Eiga Sakka Kykai (Association
cinema as an oppositional force in society. of Education Filmmakers), the primary

organization of nonfiction filmmakers the work of filmmakers whose careers

that was decidedly leftist, Matsumoto pub- straddled1945.
lished On the Subject of the Filmmaker
[Sakka no Shutai to Iu Koto]. It was the On the one hand, we use film pro-
first essay in a decade-long series of politi- duction as a weapon of citizens
cal and aesthetic critiques by Matsumoto. movementsin other words, we
It also stood as a declaration of genera- widely disseminated the idea of mak-
tional difference. Matsumoto began this ing film belonging to the people, and
initial dispatch with the followingwords: the results from this experience have
been epochal. It is also extremely
During the war, [documentary meaningful that we have uncovered
filmmakers] uncritically produced this route for making works featur-
films collaborating with the war, ing independent planning and inde-
changing course because of abso- pendent expression. Moreover, for
lutely external power and transi- artists in particular, the experience
tively switching directions without gained from this period has been
any serious internal criticism. In precious. The majority of artists,
that period of political promotion through the pursuit of both realism
they quickly and hysterically, in and a creative method, were certainly
the manner of a fast-spreading dis- able to accumulate practice.3
ease among children, engaged in a
biased practice that subordinated art However, it was precisely this continu-
to politics. Lacking principles, they ing commitment to realism that bothered
subsequently adapted to the PR film Matsumoto, partly because of its continuity
industry in a period of retreat. Here, with wartime approaches to documentary
consistent from start to finish, there but also because of the suppression of the
are only slavish craftsmen lacking artists subjectivity that it implied. A cine-
subjectivity. One might say that, matic style that presents itself as a privileged
from the beginning, there were no referential representation of the lived world
artistshere.2 ultimately rests on a set of conventions.
These conventional constructions hide the
The furor that followed the publication work demanded by realist styles, and this
of On the Subject of the Filmmaker con- amounts to a suppression of the subjec-
tributed to the shake-up of the organization. tive procedures at the heart of filmmaking.
The members changed their name from For Matsumoto this was both irrespon-
Kyiku Eiga Sakka Kykai to Kiroku Eiga sible and dangerous because it inevitably
Sakka Kykai (Association of Documentary involves a veiling of politics as well. The
Filmmakers), indicating a broadening realist agenda of nonfiction filmmaking
of practice, and established Kiroku Eiga for the people hid an authoritarianism
[Documentary film] as their monthly jour- Matsumoto associated with a Stalinism at
nal. This would become their movement the heart of the JCP. He vigorously attacked
magazine, the site where the conceptu- these older leftist filmmakers in a series of
alization of the future of documentary articles, the most famous of which was an
would be worked out. Matsumotos criti- essay on Alain Resnaiss Guernica. This was
cism was the lightning rod for a backlash a short documentary on the Picasso paint-
led by the organizations leader, Yoshimi ing, and in thisboth the film and the
Tai. In a series of articles published in the paintingMatsumoto found traces of what
first three issues of Kiroku Eiga he defended he believed to be missing in Japanesefilms:
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 613

Internal consciousness is the deci- surrealism. For example, Security Treaty is

sive disengagement of the subject a collage film combining found footage,
and the external world of today, the documentary imagery, photographs, and
idolatry of the relationship between drawings related to the 1960 security treaty
the two. It is the consciousness estab- between Japan and the United States.
lished upon recognition of the col- Rather than simply presenting the images
lapse of the classical human image. in a matter-of-fact fashion (as you would see
Naturalists should bear in mind that in a television documentary, for example),
capitalist alienation exists, more Matsumoto mutilated still photographs of
than anywhere, in the process of Japans leaders and literally spit on the pro-
materializing ones internal self and jected, moving image of a U.S.soldier and
dismantling the subject. When they a prostitute. This was aggressiveiy experi-
rely easily on the outer world without mental filmmaking that politicized film
an awareness of their own internal style itseif. It caused an uproar.
world, then they cannot but grasp By early 1959 the power on the edito-
matter itself through attributes and rial board of Kiroku Eiga had shifted to
atmosphere. They end up drying up Matsumoto and his supporters, most nota-
their imaginative power and devel- bly Noda Shinkichi. They began publishing
oping a pattern of helpless emotion. work by strong writers outside the organi-
The documentarists who capture zation, creating alliances with intellectuals
the taish with an unemotional eye
in other fields who opposed the Stalinist
cannot gain a total grasp of reality
mainstream of the left. These contributors
without using an inner document
included Sat Tadao, Hanada Kiyoteru,
as a medium. Sharply confronted
Uriu Tadao, and others. This was a turning
with avant-garde art, to which at first
point for documentary in Japan. The field
giance they have no connection, they
was experiencing a growth as explosive as
fail to aim for a higher realism as an
that of the late 1930s. In 1959 documentary
opportunity to negate the self. This
is because of the artists own lack of
short production was about to surpass 900
subject-consciousness.4 films a year, marking a growth of nearly
500percent over the course of the decade.5
Made-for-television education productions
Attacking the highly lauded realism of constituted another 900 films a year, up
1950s Golden Age cinema by advancing from none at the beginning of the 1950s.6
a theoretical critique grounded in sub- Within this healthy industry Matsumotos
ject relations, this declaration is a kind pressure to innovate, through both critical
of statement of principles for the emerg- attacks and artistic examples, met massive
ing battle between Old and New Left film- institutional weight and its inertia from
makers. When Matsumotos writings were those working within established organiza-
collected in Eiz no Hakken, they quickly tions. The ultimate solution for reformers
became a bible for the new cohort of art- was independencewhatever that might
ists. Matsumoto supported his written cri- come to mean in1960.
tiques with some fascinating filmmaking.
In works such as Poem of Stones [Ishi no
uta] (1959) and Security Treaty [Anpo jyaku] The So-Called Sixties
(1960) he blurred any easy distinction
between documentary and the avant-garde, This decade, so extraordinary in so many
bringing the realism of nonfiction film societies across the globe, represents
together with moments of shocking ten years marked by public passion, the

spectacle of governments struggling to and philosopher Hanada Kiyoteru, as well

contain their peoples energies, and the as contributions from high-profile filmmak-
shifts in consciousness that lead to new ers such as Teshigawara Hiroshi, shima
approaches to artistic expression. In Japan Nagisa, Atsugi Taka, Kuroki Kazuo, and
historians have the convenient bookends Yoshida Yoshishige.
of the treaty renewals, but for The critical buttressing of their filmmak-
our purposes we must place the sixties ing remained the debate over subjectivity.
in scare quotes. The (early) 1970s are also This term initially entered film discourse
the sixtiesafter all, that was when some- during the Occupation. Marxism in gen-
thing happened. The second Anpo was not eral engaged in a lengthy and complicated
an ending. debate over its meaning in the context of
Documentary film is one of the most war responsibility. Matsumoto, Noda, and
fascinating artistic fields because of the others attempted to turn the vocabulary in a
claims it makes to represent our world. new direction, apparently ignoring previous
Its easy alliance with centers of power and debates in their assertion of new definitions.
its national, even global reach make it a This is one of the most striking aspects of
crucial ground for contestation in times this discourse: its fragmentary quality and
of pressure. Within this complex of forces lack of development. Writers freely changed
bearing down on the cinema was precisely the character of subjectivity, switching con-
where Matsumoto and company positioned texts with little regard to previous incarna-
themselves in the late 1950s. By their rea- tions, within or outsideJapan.
soning, the realism espoused by the older Directors Masumura Yasuz and shima
generation of filmmakers was a sham. It Nagisa, for example, were discussing shuta-
was deeply implicated in the propaganda of isei in articles about feature film. However,
the government and the public relations of this seems strikingly disconnected from
industry; it was a specious realism aligned what was going on in documentary cir-
with oppressive forms of power. The edito- cles. One of the few links between main-
rial board of Kiroku Eiga announced a new stream fiction filmmaking and nonfiction
direction for their efforts in 1960, a recon- discourses is shimas What Is a Shot?
figuration premised on three intertwin- [Shotto to wa nanika?] in the November
ing agendas: (1) the logical interrogation 1960 issue of Kiroku Eiga. shima argues
(ronrika) of the relation of the setting and for a recognition of authorial subjectivity
the filmmakers subjectivity, (2) the logi- built into the temporal limits of the shot.7
cal interrogation of representation and the Most other writers emphasized montage
filmmakers subjectivity, and finally (3) the when thinking about authorial interven-
logical interrogation of the deep correspon- tion in filmmaking (in fact, Kiroku Eiga
dence between subject/setting and subject/ had published a special issue on editing
representation. Upon these three pillars just months earlier). Matsumoto worked in
they would attempt to revolutionize nonfic- similar territory, but his activities signaled
tion film. At the seventh general assembly the direction the documentary discourse
in December 1960 they changed their name would take in the 1960s. In what is prob-
to Kiroku Eiga Sakka Kykai, sloughing off ably the most intriguing of his articles, he
the word education and emphasizing their drew on psychoanalysis and Freuds essay
identity as documentarists. In 1961 their on the uncanny (unheimlich). Record of
journal cover was printed in color, and they the Hidden World [Kakusareta sekai no
began thinking about selling Kiroku Eiga kiroku] was published in the June 1960
on newsstands, thanks to thoughtful writ- issue of Kiroku Eiga. Here Matsumoto
ing by authors such as film critic Sat Tadao attempted to turn the debate surrounding
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 615

documentary toward the very existence of expressed the transformation that the non-
the mono (thing) recorded by the filmmaker: fiction film was undertaking. It signaled a
new emphasis on the taish in the debate
The existence of the taish is, finally, on shutaisei. This part of the equation was
nothing other than a heimlich (inti- largely missing from previous theoriza-
mate) thing. There, the estranged tion. Its significance lies in the conceptu-
facts of reality are suppressed by the alization of the documentary image as a
stereotypes of everyday conscious- document of a relationship between the film-
ness and become heimlich (con- maker and the object; this latter term is usu-
cealed) things. Rather, precisely ally referred to as the subject of the film
because of that, the existence of in English-language film criticism. This
the taishwhat could be thought would have wide-ranging effects on docu-
of as everyday consciousness or as mentary practice in the following decades.
the law of causalityis powerfully At the same time, Matsumotos impulse to
negated by the non-everyday, hid- draw on psychoanalysis would also prove
den reality that our consciousness important, if only because the move went
still cannot grasp. It is overturned nowhere. It meant a discourse on subjectiv-
by the world reproduced [utsusu in ity that did not take into account the most
hiragana, thus it could mean remove important and richest body of thought
or film and/or project] as something exploring the contours of the human mind.
nonexistent in our everyday con- The implications of this omission were
sciousness. When this happens, multiple and varied. The fact that various
our consciousness, touched for the writers and artists did not share a common
first time by that kind of reality we language and conceptual framework meant
have never experienced directly, the shutaiseiron would inevitably splinter
dismantles its balance with the out- into many directions at once. From the dis-
side world. We take it as strange, or tance afforded by time we can look back and
as an unheimlich (unearthly) thing.8 see a seemingly endless variety of positions,
with people deploying words like shutai
It was with the untapped energy of the and taish to significantly different ends.
hidden world that we must resist the very Without the substantial buttressing from an
structures that hide, that oppress through external body of theory, there was no need
veiling apparatuses like cinematic realism. or pressure to engage in pointed arguments
Thus while feature filmmakers like shima to advance a common line of thought. This
and Masumura were concerned with the dearth of structure enabled a popular con-
subjective expression of the artist in fic- ception of shutaiseiron to circulate in the
tion forms, as a documentarist Matsumoto documentary worlda malleable version
naturally wanted to account for the existen- that ironically may have been more produc-
tial force of the real people he was dealing tive than a high theory comprehensible
with. While Matsumoto never developed primarily to specialists. Most importantly,
these ideas further in print and no one else we might speculate that the fact that psycho-
picked up where he left off, his 1960 essay analysis was so swiftly raised and dropped
held the promise of inserting psychoanaly- from the equation would contribute to the
sis into the debate. It is both surprising and something that happened in the 1970s. But
unfortunate that this was another route we would be getting ahead of ourselves.
abandoned. As with so many endeavors grouped
While the specifics of Matsumotos around the pivot of the 1960 Anpo, Kiroku
essay went undeveloped, we can see how it Eiga began losing energy in the first few

years of the decade. The organization was ambitions that would soon intersect with
dismantled in March 1964 but quickly other pressures.
reformed in June as Eiz Geijutsu (Image Working within an industrial context
Arts), a group of some eighty members forced the filmmakers to aestheticize the
that suffered some of the same structural human-made, industrial spaces created
problems as the previous organization. An by the high-growth economy. But rid-
atomization of individual interests inter- ing the coattails of the spectacular rise of
fered with any attempt at sustained debate. economic power proved problematic for
The focus widened with the introduction this group of filmmakers because of their
of the Euro-American avant-garde by indi- sympathies with those social elements
viduals such as Iimura Takahiko, who wrote bringing capital and government under
about what was happening on the NewYork critique. While Iwanami filmmakers made
film scene. In one sense the dissipation industrial-strength commercials for some
of the group had to do with the success of of the most corrupt, polluting corporations
the members. Their issues became nor- in Japan, social movements of every sort
malized, so they no longer felt a need for were taking to the streets. Chafing under the
organization. weight of these contradictions, the mem-
Indeed, the production side was get- bers of the Blue Group abandoned Iwanami
ting interesting, thanks in large part to for a politicized, independent documentary.
the legacy of Iwanami Productions. In the Kuroki left in 1961; Tsuchimoto, Higashi,
1950s the film department quickly became and Ogawa went independent in 1964. They
a hotbed of creative filmmaking in the wake helped pioneer a new independent cinema
of Hanis innovations. Building room to aligned with the New Left, joining others
maneuver within the structure of what was such as Noda, Matsumoto, and shima
essentially a public relations firm, Iwanami Nagisa. Compared with where they had
allowed its filmmakers the (relative) free- learned their craft, the former Blue Group
dom to stretch the limits of the public rela- members located their independent practice
tions (PR) film. Within this atmosphere a in the most contrary space imaginable:the
group coalesced in 1961 to explore these student movement. Higashi made films in
conventional boundaries of the spon- U.S.-occupied Okinawa. Ogawa shot Sea of
sored documentary. Its membership reads Youth [Seishun no umi] (1966), a documen-
like a roster of the best directors and cin- tary about the dilemma of correspondence
ematographers in Japan:Ogawa Shinsuke, students and their contentious relation-
Tsuchimoto Noriaki, Kuroki Kazuo, ship with the school administrationat
Higashi Yichi, Tamura Masaki, Suzuki the same school where he had made a PR
Tatsuo, and others. Calling themselves the film for Iwanami some years before. He fol-
Blue Group (Ao no Kai), they regularly per- lowed this with Forest of Pressure [Assatsu no
formed experiments, read and discussed mori] (1967), which described the noisy pro-
criticism and theory, and previewed cuts of tests at Takaseki University from behind the
their film projects for feedback. They would barricades. That same year Ogawa directed
gather at a bar, drink, eat, and hold intense a documentary about the massive protests
discussions through the night. Their efforts that attempted to interrupt Prime Minister
brought the PR film to unusually spectacu- Satos departure for the United States:Report
lar levels, deploying interesting montage, from Haneda [Gennin hkpku: Haneda ts
narration, and even 35mm cinemascope no kiroku] (1967). Ogawa also produced
color photography. Nevertheless their sub- Tsuchimotos radical film Prehistory of the
ject matter was restricted to steel factories Partisan Party [Paruchizan zenshi] (1969),
and construction sitesa limit on their which detailed the inner workings of the
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 617

ultraradical student group that had taken exhibited them, are more relevant to our
over a building at Kyoto University. All of concerns. His constant innovation points
these films rejected the rhetoric of objec- to new modes of nonfiction filmmaking,
tive reportage used by the television news and this involved nothing less than carv-
documentary to veil its alliance with the ing out local, public spaces that resonated
government and big business. Ogawa and with the struggles and latent contradictions
Tsuchimotos films documented the thrill of of other localities, or of the nation itself.
independence, of crossing barricade lines For example, villagers in any part of Japan
and taking sides. This bold move attracted easily could identify with films about the
the burgeoning student movement, making farmers face-off with the central govern-
the filmmakers cultural heroes on the left. ment. Later Ogawa would attempt to create
At this stage the radical students formed a nationwide network of offices that would
both their subject matter and their audi- exhibit independent documentaries while
ences, which made their next move appear producing and sharing their own films on
quite ambitious. In 1965 Tsuchimoto went local problems. While these are later devel-
to Kyushu and started a series of films on opments, key features of Ogawas creative
mercury poisoning in the villages ringing manipulation of the nonfiction image are
Minamata Bay; Ogawa moved his operation evidentearly.
to a village outside Tokyo where the gov- After the release of Report from Haneda in
ernment was attempting to evict farmers 1968, Ogawas group took the name Ogawa
for a new international airport. The films Productions and could finally be described
made in these new sitesTsuchimotos as a collective. The crew had started to live
Minamata Series and Ogawas Sanrizuka together part time and work together, and
Seriesremain monuments of postwar they slowly began extending their collabo-
Japanese cinema. ration to the people being filmed as well.
Their filmmaking was swept up in larger In 1968 they moved to the construction
political movements, electrifying audi- site of the airport, taking over a house in
ences and inspiring considerable debate Sanrizuka and turning it into their home
on the role of cinema in society. The films base. In all they produced seven films
were produced through a combination of over nine years, a total of twelve and a half
rental fees, donations, and loans from labor hours of film that views the power of the
unions and individuals. Once completed, state through farmers eyes. The filmmak-
they were shown across Japan in both urban ers lived with the farmers and made films
and rural areas, in labor union meetings, while fighting for their cause. They were
citizen movements, independent theaters, not alone. Perceived as one more abusive
universities, and even a surprising number government project, this time with connec-
of high schools. The filmmakers themselves tions to the war in Vietnam, the airport plan
would often travel across the countryside, attracted the attention of the student move-
film under arm, and arrange screenings ment and other political groups committed
anywhere they could. For obvious reasons to environmental and social causes. The
the films were never shown in regular construction site became a war zone with
movie theaters or on broadcast television. the addition of these groups, and this fig-
Of the two, the Sanrizuka Series is the ured into how Ogawa Pro approached their
more innovative and theoretically inter- subject matter. The camera crews modified
esting, despite the fact that Tsuchimoto their equipment to withstand abuse, and
was and remains the intellectual leader of they themselves wore helmets and protec-
Japanese documentary. However, Ogawas tive gear. Judging from the hand-to-hand
films, as well as the way he produced and combat shown in the films, they needed

such precautions. At one point camera- the farmers reflect upon their situation.
man tsu Kshir and Matsumoto Takeaki Winter in Sanrizuka opens with the image of
were even arrested, an incident caught on farmers stubbornly sitting in front of a mas-
film in Summer in Sanrizuka [Nihon kaih sive bulldozer. Shot over a six-month period
sensen:Sanrizuka no natsu] (1968). after the airport authorities began breaking
Ogawa Pros first films reflected the will- ground, it shows the growing fear of the
ingness of the filmmakers to sacrifice body farmers as their fields come under attack.
and freedom. The fights over fallow fields During the skirmishes many farmers are
were massive and violent. The police out- arrested. At the same time the filmmakers
numbered the farmers and put up an intimi- also stop to listen to and record the farmers
dating front in their riot gear and helicopters. own thoughts about what they were experi-
The collective shot the first film from April encing. Put simply, the relationship between
to July 1968 as survey teams investigated the filmmaker and taish was undergoing a sub-
lands protected by riot police. In this initial tle but deep transformation. The Three-Day
stage the farmers watched the soil of their War in Narita uses a similar structure, the
livelihood mapped out as a prelude to being difference being that it was a creditless, agit-
obliterated. For the first time they found prop cinetract shot over the course of three
themselves confronting raw state powera days. As the forced survey pushed into its
police force fully armedwhile the farmers final phase, the farmers and students under-
themselves had little more than rocks and took a massive attempt to obstruct its prog-
sticks. By this time the students had arrived ress. This film records those days of combat
in Sanrizuka with various factions of the between twenty-five hundred protesters
student movement who perceived the bat- and sixty-five hundred riot police. School
tleground of rice paddies and fallow fields had even been let out so that children could
as a new, pure, political landscape on which participate. Nevertheless, as cameraman
to confront the state. Summer in Sanrizuka Tamura Masaki often recalls, Ogawa began
is rough in both photography and editing sending the crews out with instructions to
and focuses on the confrontations between shoot butterflies in long, thirty-second takes
airport employees, their police escorts, and in the midst of a massive social struggle.
protesters. Ogawa called it an action film Such unusual instructions indicate the new
along the lines of a John Ford western, with path Ogawa Pro was embarkingon.
the epic proportions of a violent confron- Their next effort, Sanrizuka: Peasants of
tation between representatives of national the Second Fortress [Sanrizuka: Dai ni toride no
power and local residents fighting for their hitobito] (1971), marks a turning point hinted
ancestral landsbut with the documentary at in the previous years filmsone signifi-
difference. cant for both Ogawa Pro and Japanese docu-
In July and October 1970 Ogawa Pro mentary film. The determination displayed
released two more films from Sanrizuka. by both sides was escalating the struggle
Winter in Sanrizuka [Nihon kaih into civil-war-like proportions. The farm-
sensen: Sanrizuka] and The Three-Day War ers and their entire families built fortresses
in Narita [Sanrizuka:Daisanji kysei sokury that they defended with bamboo spears.
soshi ts] have significant similarities to Students pitched Molotov cocktails from
and differences from the collectives ear- behind the walls. Out in the fields various
lier films. Both films have the spectacle of groupsfrom the student-led Zengakuren
peasants battling the repressive apparatuses to housewives associationslined up and
of the state, as seen in the first film of the battled police. The violence the filmmak-
series. However, these scenes of violence ers captured was shocking. Of course by
begin to alternate with sequences in which now the fights were regularly captured by
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 619

television news crews, but these filmmak- cameras tour the tunnels, their guide stops
ers kept their distance and remained behind at a small hole designed for ventilation.
the police lines in every sense. Ogawas After briefly describing how it works, the
crews, now led by former Blue Group cin- farmer holds a candle up to the hole:See,
ematographer Tamura Masaki, traversed when I put the flame near the hole, the
the barricades freely and literally dove into fresh air nearly blows it out. He repeats
the clashes. The spectacle had grown to epic this action for several minutes. The point is
scale, a standoff between a reported twenty clear the first time, after which the typical
thousand protesters facing thirty thou- documentarist would cut to the next scene;
sand police. Some of the scenes are heart but this ventilation hole is important to the
wrenching; women confront a long wall of farmers. It allows them to survive under the
riot police, grab their shields, and scream, earth, and Ogawa refuses to interrupt the
Cant you see youre killing us? What would demonstration. This is paradigmatic of a
your mothers think?!? When police storm new attitude toward documentary forming
the fortresses, they beat people and rip away within Ogawa Pro. It becomes the predomi-
mothers and children who have chained nant stance in the rest of theirwork.
themselves to their trees. Moreover, this approach became gener-
Amid this cinematic spectacle, familiar alized throughout the discourse on docu-
from previous films but now considerably mentary, in part because Ogawa Pro was
larger and more violent, something very dif- closely watched by everyone interested
ferent is going on. In Peasants of the Second in the relationship between film and poli-
Fortress there are occasional moments when tics. For example, in 1969 a group of film-
the action of the film grinds to a halt and makers including Oshima, Wakamatsu,
people simply talk. While the students Matsumoto, and Adachi Masao helped
were once Ogawas focus, they now haunt bring back Eiga Hihy, once an important
the background of the film. They appear forum for film theory in the era surround-
only occasionally to clash with mobs of riot ing the previous Anpo. The writers of the
police. In their stead the farmers take center new Eiga Hihy attempted to theorize the
stage, and in the most awkward style. Their contours of a movement cinema (und
speech is halting, filled with pauses and rep- no eiga). To this end they resurrected the
etition. Where the typical filmmaker would shutaiseiron, although with apparently lit-
search out the most articulate conversations tle regard for the actual genealogy of the
and speakers (usually male leaders) and give term. (Indeed, they also had little sense of
them voice, Ogawa photographed unexcep- their own history, since the theorists of the
tional discussions and strategy sessions Proletarian film movement [Prokino] laid
in long takes. The breaks, silences, side- the groundwork for a movement cinema
tracks, and repetitions were left untouched in the early 1930s but are not mentioned.)
by editing. As the farmers comprehension For example, in a typical debate from 1970
of their own situation deepened, so did the writers discuss the complex relationship
Ogawa Pros understanding of the farm- between the conscious subject, image,
ers themselves. This is particularly evident and conditions. The image came to be
in one scene shot under the earth. One of perceived as a record stamped by the asser-
the strategies of the farmers was to burrow tive hand of the filmmakerthat conscious,
undergroundunder their groundand active subjectin the midst of the volatile
build catacombs of basements under their conditions of the world. This world hid
fortresses. Groups would rotate duty, living enemies and was structured by powerful
in the tunnels to make eviction and con- institutions handed down from the past. As
struction impossible. When the Ogawa Pro the new Eiga Hihy group saw it, the quality

of that relationship had implications for a of arrest after three policemen are killed. All
politicized aesthetics. In the next few years of this is shown in a series of calm, lengthy
the writing on Ogawa Pro and Tsuchimoto sequence shots. This approach starts from
developed such ideas, focusing on the the position of the filmed object and ends
nature of shutai/taish relations. It must be there, too. It is described variously as let-
said that while we can certainly find conti- ting the taish enter the shutai, going with
nuity with earlier discourses on nonfiction the taish, betting on or depending on
filmmaking, the new discussions about the taish, or becoming wrapped up in the
shutaisei have none of the rigor or intertwin- taish. Suzuki Shiryasu, who will soon
ing engagement typical of other moments figure prominently in this developing story,
in film theory. They reintroduce a protean described this approach in the following
shutaiseiron, the very vagueness of which manner:
may have made it more aesthetically pro-
ductive in actual practice. For example, we I think that symbiosis (kyseikan),
sense only distant echoes of Matsumotos as a goal or aim for the documen-
Eiz no Hakken when shima Nagisa tary, first came into parlance with
writes that Ogawas method returns to Tsuchimoto.The filmmaker tries
the original intention of documentary, real- to take in and accept all the troubles,
izing the principle of documentary. What the conflicts, really the whole exis-
are the principles and original intention of tence of the object being filmed.
documentary? First it is a love toward the Thats fundamentally different
object documented, a strong admiration from the Western style of filmmak-
and attachment, and it is carrying this first ing. In the West, the object is never
principle over a long period of time. Nearly anything more than an element of
all the films considered masterpieces fulfill the work, a particular work that is
these two conditions.9 being made by a given filmmaker
By the early 1970s it was hard not to for him- or herself. Ithink you can
describe the films of Ogawa and Tsuchimoto, also see the effects of the Japanese
indeed of most independent documentary attempts at a symbiotic relation-
filmmakers as well, in these rather vague ship in the way the objects of the
terms. In 1973 these tendencies arrived at film are treated, or in the way the
their natural conclusion with Ogawas Heta director refers to them. For exam-
Village [Heta Buraku]. Now the protests had ple, Tsuchimoto doesnt call those
faded into the films background, and the suffering from Minamata disease
world of the villagers became the exclusive simply kanja (victim), but he adds
focus. In incredibly long takes the peasants the polite suffix -san: Kanja-san
discuss their everyday life and the ancient (victim-san). Ogawa refers to the
history of the village. In terms of style farmers in his films with the honor-
Heta Village is the inverse of the rough, ific expression nmin no katagata.
action-packed Summer in Narita. The air- They elevate the object of the film to
port struggle remains, but our access to it their own level, or are treating the
is mediated entirely by its traces on village relationship with their objects and
life and the villagers consciousness. Now the objects themselves with a degree
the axis of the film is situated completely, of respect.10
deeply within the world of the villagers. The
elders are disturbed when their communal By way of contrast, Western theory since
graveyard falls into the hands of the airport the poststructuralist intervention has theo-
authorities; the young people share their fear rized the documentary in terms of subject
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 621

and representation, putting the referent also made documentaries. Cultural critic
(taish) in brackets and only reticently dis- Ikui Eik points out that it is more appro-
cussing it. This is to say, Western documen- priate to think of the cinema underground
tary film theory focuses on the relationship of the 1960s and early 1970s as function-
of signified and signifier raked by the sub- ing well above ground. This is a measure
jectivities of producer and spectators. of their success in carving out a space for
Japanese theoretical and popular dis- public discourse unmediated by state and
courses do not suffer from this linguistic capitala place like a park, where strang-
confusion between subject and object. In ers could meet and shake up one anothers
post-1960 film theory and filmmaking it worlds. In the case of these filmmakers this
is precisely the relationship between the public exchange occurred within a dynamic
subject and the referent that produces the between the local, regional, and national
sign. Where the American filmmaker cre- levels.
ates a sign from a referent in the world, the Ogawa Pro was far more aggressive at
Japanese filmmakers intimate interaction constituting an alternative sphere for pub-
with the referent leaves a signifying trace lic discourse. Beginning with their inde-
we call a documentary film. It is a subtle but pendence from Iwanami they were forced
decisive difference in emphasis that one can to distribute their films alone. Their own
find in virtually every discussion of nonfic- records, which include distribution sched-
tion film in Japan, a difference one would ules and reports filled out at the screenings,
have difficulty articulating with the critical reveal that in the late 1960s and early 1970s
tools of contemporary documentary theory their films were shown virtually every day of
outside Japan.11 the week somewhere in Japan. When a film
Furthermore, it is significant that this was new, the members themselves would
orientation to production also informs organize screenings by traveling across the
Japanese filmmakers often remarkable countryside with their prints and posters.
approaches to distribution and exhibition. Ogawa would give them only enough money
Tsuchimoto and Ogawa worked to elevate to go to a region, where they would move
local struggles onto the national public from one village or town to another, show-
stage. At the same time they attempted to ing the films wherever they could. When
negotiate a borderline between public and people found out they were from Ogawa
private spheres, territory generally mapped Pro, they were always offered somewhere to
out by the state and by capital on their own stay for free in village halls or dormrooms.
terms. In the high-growth economy after Most of the screenings, however, were
the Occupation, public space increasingly organized at the local level. Rental prints
became privatized and nationalized. In the went to unions, universities, and citizens
film industry a handful of heavily capitalized movements of every kind. A surprising
studios controlled mainstream spaces for number of the screenings were organized
cinema production and exhibition. Thus by high school students and teachers. At
mainstream theatersthose deceptive each screening the organizers would do
places that pose as public spaceswould their best to collect donations to send back
not touch the work of dissident filmmak- to Ogawa Pro with the rental receipts and
ers. As one kind of media the movie the- profits from selling posters and programs.
ater could provide an arena for shaking These showings were often accompanied by
the hegemony of the keiretsu system, as the speeches, songs, and cat calls when police
short-lived New Wave attempted to do at came on-screen. The members also began
Shochiku Studios. Significantly, these fea- to transform the spaces where they showed
ture filmmakers went independent; many their films, staging photo and art exhibitions

in the lobbies. They displayed a famous pho- As Tsuchimoto and Ogawa were
tographers images of Sanrizuka or student approaching the pinnacles of their careers,
art projects about the airport struggles, the quite a few other filmmakers were also pro-
equipment the film was shot with, or even a ducing fine films: Yamatani Tetsuos Living:
portrait of every villager (mixed in with the Twenty-five Years after the Mass Suicide on
film collective). They decked the entrance- Tokashiki Island, Okinawa [Ikiru: Okinawa
ways with bamboo and agitprop banners, Tokashikijima shdan jiketsu kara nijgonen]
and there were always discussions after the (1971) and Miyako (1974); Hara Masatos
films. Eventually they codified their network First Emperor [Hatsukuni Shirasumera no
into branch offices in Tohoku, Hokkaido, Mikoto] (1973); the NDU collectives Onikko:
Kansai, and Kyushu. While acting as dis- A Record of the Struggle of Youth Laborers
tribution hubs for the Sanrizuka films, [Onikko: Tatakau seinenrdsha no kiroku]
the branches were to engage local issues (1970) and Motoshinkakurannu (1971);
through production of their own documen- Jnouchi Motoharus Going Down into
taries. The public envisioned by Ogawa Pro Shinjuku Station [Chika ni oriru Shinjuku
was a collection of localities connected by Suteshon] (1974); Yamamura Nobukis Tokyo
cinema, not a homogenized national space Chrome Desert [Tokyo kuromu sabaku] (1978);
based on a collective defense, an imperial and Haneda Sumikos My View of the Cherry
symbol system, or a corporate network of Tree with Grey Blossoms [Usuzumi no sakura]
production and consumption. (1978).
But something happened. It is, however, in retrospect that we see
these filmmakers peaking because we know
what followed. After the efflorescence of
the early 1970s, the conditions of the docu-
Something Happened mentary slumped, or at least the conditions
the filmmakers aspired to were slipping
In the early 1970s documentary was peak- into the impossible. In the next few years
ing. The National Film Center held major most of these filmmakers migrated to tele-
retrospectives of pre- and postwar docu- vision and PR film or simply took up unre-
mentary in 1973 and 1974. The leaders of lated careers. Others settled into academia.
documentary filmmaking were producing Higashi and Kuroki basically became fea-
the finest films of their careers. Ogawa Pro ture film directors, apparently giving up on
released Heta Village in 1973. Tsuchimoto documentary, even though they continue
made two master works in the same year; to appear in public forums on the subject.
Shiranui Sea [Shiranuikai] (1975) was prob- The filmmakers who attempted to remain
ably his best film. His interview techniques independent struggled and quickly lost
with the victims of Minamata disease were their artistic and political edge, while their
by this time refined into a powerful tool. He audiences disappeared. While Tsuchimoto
patiently listened to them talk about their moved to smaller, less ambitious projects,
joys and anxieties, often with the seathat he always engaged politically controversial
source of life and harbinger of deathas subjects, such as Hiroshima, Afghanistan,
sparkling backdrop. He revisited familiar and a few other Minamata-related topics;
personalities from previous films in the but none of these films are as compelling or
series and traveled to far-off islands where innovative as his previous work. Ogawa Pro
new victims are still being discovered. began transforming during the production
Shiranui Sea was Tsuchimotos last attempt of Heta Village. In 1972 the Tohoku branch
at a comprehensive survey of the Minamata dissolved; then in rapid order the Hokkaido
situation. and Kansai branches followed suit. The
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 623

Kyushu branch survived until 1975, but by relationships out for the world to see.
then Ogawa Pro had left Sanrizuka. The dis- Having left his rather abusive wife (Takeda
tribution of Heta Village had been the most Miyuki) and taken up with a new woman
creative to that point, with projection teams, (Kobayashi Sachiko, his present wife and
tickets made of branded wood, decorated producer), Hara decides to make a film to, as
theaters, lobby exhibitions, and the like. he explains in the opening voice-over, come
Nevertheless, the collective found it difficult to terms with his ex. This indulgence in the
to attract audiences. The times were clearly personal, this extremely public exposure of
changing. The airport was nearing comple- the private, proved earth shaking in the con-
tion, and the student movement was in dis- text of a documentary world whose values
array. In northern Japan, however, a local were formed by films like Heta Village and
culture movement came out in droves for the Minamata Series.
the film and then issued an invitation. If the Haras emergence was followed by the
collective moved to Yamagata, they could arrival of Suzuki, an NHK television camera-
borrow a house and some land to make man and prominent poet. Considering this
riceand films. The members accepted, combination of vocations it should not be
but they produced only two major films in surprising that the contradictions between
the next fifteen years. Granted they were producing corporate and personal represen-
spectacularly good films, but by the time of tations proved stifling. Inspired by Jonas
Ogawas death in 1992 the Ogawa Pro col- Mekas, Suzuki began producing diary films.
lective had dwindled to a handful of people His Impressions of a Sunset [Nichibotsu no
(the only longtime members were producer insh] (1974) and the 320-minute Harvesting
Fuseya Hiroo; Ogawas wife, Shiraishi Yko; Shadows of Grass [Kusa no kage o karu] (1977)
and Iizuka Toshio). recorded the mundane events of daily life,
Amid the apparent dissolution of the the details of the physical spaces he moved
support structures of the documentary through, and his fetishistic fascination with
world, two figures arrived on the scene to the camera.
signal what would become a new direc- Thus the early to mid-1970s seem to
tion, a path Japanese documentary has fol- constitute a break, with new filmmak-
lowed to the present day. Hara Kazuo and ers rejecting the dominant conception of
Suzuki Shiryasu are the pioneers of what documentary practice in which films were
has come to be called private film (puraibeto produced within organizations of people,
firumu) in Japan, a new production mode whether collectives, companies, political
based on the solitary work of a singular film- parties, or the military. However, to per-
making subject. In this thoroughly artisanal ceive this shift only as a break would con-
mode, the lone filmmaker oversees the ini- ceal important continuities that can help
tial conceptualization, the photography, the us answer the question, What happened?
editing, and even the distribution of his or Hara and Suzuki are the most important
her work. It is significant that the term pri- figures in this narrative for more than their
vate filmused as it is to signify a histori- timing. Both are simultaneously fascinated
cal differenceimplicitly posits the work of and repulsed by the collective approach to
Ogawa and Tsuchimoto as public film. And filmmaking represented by Ogawa and
once again the shutai/taish dyad maps this Tsuchimoto, yet they still locate them-
transformation. selves in that territory through their films,
Hara burst onto the documentary scene writings, lectures, and interviews. Indeed,
in 1974 with Extreme Private Eros: Love Song they can hardly avoid this since they both
1974 [Kyokushiteki erosu: Renka 1974] (1974). have a strong historical consciousness, a
The film lays the filmmakers personal sense of where they have come from or an

identification with a long-running docu- often seen as epitomizing the private film,
mentary heritage within the context of their it is far better to see them as transitional fig-
own national cinema. ures with feet in bothcamps.
Moreover, both Hara and Suzuki have At their best these Japanese documenta-
continued to place their work within the rists who mine the self for subject matter
discourse of shutaisei. We have already seen can create moving portraits of emotional life.
signs of this in a quote from Suzuki, but it Kawase Naomis Embracing [Nitsutsumarete]
is easy to find Hara speaking the same lan- (1992) is an 8mm record of her traumatic
guage. For example, in an interview with search for a father who abandoned her;
Laura Marks at the Flaherty Seminar, Hara it is a beautifully crafted film that ends
described his approach in familiar terms on a deeply moving note when she finally
that are difficult to gauge without contextu- decides to phone her father. But most of
alization in the Japanese postwar discourse these films and videos disappoint. On the
on nonfiction filmmaking:As a filmmaker opposite end of the spectrum of quality are
Itry to understand what Iwant to do, not so the so-called self-nudes, which are produced
much by confronting my object, but by trying exclusively by young women who turn the
to become empty inside myself and letting camera on their own bodies. Examples
my object enter me. The object becomes my include Kamioka Fumies Sunday Evening
opponent and Ibecome the receiver of the [Nichiybi no ygata] (1992); Wada Junkos
opponents action and development.12 Claustromania [Heisho shikosho] (1993) and
Readers unfamiliar with the previous Peach Baby Oil [Momoiro no bebi oiru] (1995);
discourses on subjectivity in documentary and Utagawa Keikos Water in My Ears [Mimi
will key in on words like confronting and no naka no mizu] (1993). This has been done
opponent (or possibly make comparisons to in Western video art, but the Japanese vari-
a Zen-like emptying of the self). However, ety has little of the self-conscious inquiry
Hara is actually staking out territory in rela- into problems of representation as does, for
tion to and within the theoretical heritage example, early video art such as Birthday
that has been handed down to him. This Suit: Complete with Scars and Defects (1975).
complex relationship to the past is also what There is something ironic about the
sets Hara and Suzuki apart from the general moniker private film, considering that even
turn to the individual that they helped cre- such a film is, by design, meant for public
ate. If we use the shutai/taish pair to sketch viewing. Probably anything named private
the shape of this shift, we could say that if implies a specularization of itself, as in
the previous generation of documentarists Haras Extreme Private Eros. However, quite
strove to go with or sympathize with the unlike Hara, what we have here is a retreat
taish, the new generation of documenta- from the world, leaving the moving image
rists folded the taish into the shutai. This a singular conduit connecting the private
is to say, the shutai became the taish. The self with a vague, inscrutable public. In the
subject matter now centers on the self or 1990s the vector originally taken by Haras
the family and often with very personal con- and Suzukis rejection of collective film prac-
cerns and obsessions. More often than not tice intersected with the culture of the otaku.
the private film lacks any significant engage- The stereotypical image of this 1990s icon
ment with others outside the family and is the dysfunctional cyborg youth, safely
reveals a reticence to set out into the public ensconced in the wired bedroom where
world like the previous generation. Many of all social communication becomes medi-
these young filmmakers, particularly those ated through electronic gear such as fax
emerging in the 1990s, were students of machines, computers, and phone networks.
Hara and Suzuki. Thus while the two are This turn inward is topologically equivalent
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 625

to the artists of the private film who too Pro and Hara is particularly impressive.
often cut themselves off from social connec- So why the sense of devolution? Why the
tion and interaction, that referential stuff need to grope at Yamagata near the end
of the documentary form. The shutaiseiron of the 1990s? Perhaps it is nothing more
Matsumoto initiated cannot hope to account than a premature millennialism. In any
for the subjectivity of an otaku, a measure of case, panel members could not produce an
the historical specificity of this theory and adequate answer to Yamanes query, What
perhaps its philosophical poverty. happened?
Onstage at the Yamagata Film Festival, So I would like to hazard a guessor
Ogawa Pros Iizuka Toshio directed this very two. First, of course, the New Left energy
critique at Kawase Naomi, the de facto rep- and its student movement dissolved. Just
resentative of the private film. She insisted as clear for the case of Ogawa Pro is the
vigorously that her films did have the completion of Narita Airport. Since these
shakaisei (sociality) Iizuka felt was missing. citizen and student movements constituted
I have suggested this is probably the case; both the audience and the source for pro-
however, Iizuka does have a point. Private duction monies for the movement filmmak-
films are often creative works, but they ers, reliable new venues and fund-raising
nearly always disappoint in terms of con- sources have yet to emerge in the wake of
ceptualization. The artists seem unable to the 1970s. We could also chalk up the cur-
articulate what they are doing or to compre- rent situation to the hyperconsumerism of
hend the political and social implications of late capitalism, which does after all encour-
their work in representing the world. They age self-absorption and retreat from the
present a politics of public exposure strik- social imperatives of the 1950s to 1970s.
ingly naive about the relationship between However, do we not also find some form
subjectivity and representation; theirs is a of that capitalism and consumerism in, for
politics devoid of politics. Like Hara, they example, the United States? Perhaps it is an
are standing at the front door of the public even more intense variety than Japans in
world with countless people and issues to NewYork, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and
engage; unlike Hara, who chooses to move other centers of the U.S.personal documen-
through that public space as an individual, tary. Clearly the most succinct response to
the private filmmakers only retreat to the Yamane is, Its overdetermined. However,
family rooms and bedrooms. Iwould like to suggest a less obvious expla-
So what did happen to documentary rep- nation for what happened.
resentations of the world in the mid-1970s? As we have seen, there has historically
been a productive relationship between
film criticism, theory, and practice, a rela-
tion traceable back to the 1910s. However,
What Happened this relationship also seemed to unravel at
the same time that documentary declined.
Since the 1970s there has been no shortage Comparison to the U.S.situation is instruc-
of brilliant films available for inspiration. tive. At the same time the independent
The best work from around the world is film world in Japan experienced its shift,
regularly shown at forums such as Image film theory and criticism in the West took a
Forum, Scan Gallery, and various muse- turn that would ultimately provide the theo-
ums, festivals, and minitheaters across retical ground for the Western work about
Japan. The generation that seemed to fall subjectivity and identity politics. This is
apart in the early 1970s managed the occa- the innovation brought by feminist theory.
sional film. In fact, the latter work of Ogawa In the post-1968 scene, as semiotic and

Marxist applications of nonfilmic theoreti- struggle for legitimacy. Or that the women
cal discourse began to play out, feminism in the Ogawa Pro collective were restricted
provided the field for the poststructuralist to supporting roles like shopping and
synthesis of thinkers as diverse as Marx, doing housework. Or that Kawase is virtu-
Freud, Jacques Lacan, Ferdinand Saussure, ally the only aspiring young female director
Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault. to work in 35mm. Many of the most pow-
These developments coincided with our erful women in the Japanese film world
problematic moment in Japan. In 1972, are in programming and distribution of
the year Ogawa Pros branch offices started primarily independent work (Nakano Rie
closing, Women and Film began publishing of Pandora, Kamiyama Katsue of Image
and major womens film festivals were held Forum, Kitano Etsuko of the National Film
in NewYork and Edinburgh. Laura Mulvey Center, and Ono Seiko and Fujioka Asako of
presented Visual Pleasure and Narrative the Yamagata International Documentary
Cinema in 1973, the year Heta Village Film Festival).
was released, publishing it the year of The point of this comparison has not
Shiranui Sea (1975). Audiences were watch- been to imperiously suggest that femi-
ing Impressions of a Sunset when the first nism was a necessary or naturaland
issue of Camera Obscura came out in 1976. thus missingstage in the development
This feminist synthesis of poststructural- of Japanese film (although the film worlds
ist theory has been remarkably productive imperviousness to it has had material impli-
for film theory and constitutes a complex, cations for women interested in careers in
long-running debate continuing into the film). Rather, this comparison reveals a
present. More recent inquiries into identity deep, dogged authoritarianism, patriar-
politics, in both print and moving image, chal in inclination, that carried over from
owe much to feminism if only because it the Old to the New Left. Reflecting on his
enabled a shift from discussions about posi- generations deep antagonism for the older
tive images/negative images to questions independent filmmakers, Ogawas camera-
about the apparatus of representation itself. man Tamura Masaki suggests, You dont
In Japan, however, while Japanese attack someone so harshly unless you are
feminism proved a potent agent for social very close. Why else would you care? How
reform and protest on many fronts, the else would you establish your difference?
discussions occurring in the film world In retrospect it would appear that the crit-
did not respond to the feminist chal- ics of the Old Left, though honestly attempt-
lenge. Although Japanese filmmakers and ing to renovate the relationship between art
theorists paid close attention to Jean-Luc and politics, never substantially rethought
Godards Dziga Vertov Group and the social politics. Indeed, if we look at the way
Third Cinema theories from Latin America Ogawa Productions actually functioned, it
of the same era, Mulveys article was not was obviously an autarchy. For all the rheto-
translated until 1997, and then by a scholar ric about collective production, there was a
trained at a school. Japanese film crystal-clear hierarchy with Ogawa Shinsuke
semiotics was generally emptied of politics in the unquestioned seat of power. Those
and never served as the petri dish for the who could not keep up with the debate were
cross-fertilization of diverse theories or swiftly purged. This structure may also be
for keeping theory socially and politically seen as an analog of the nation-state itself.
engaged. Considering this, it should come The authoritarianism that all these factors
as no surprise that a self-consciously femi- point to may have left Japanese critical
nist film and videomaker such as Idemitsu theory and documentary filmmaking of the
Mako always faced severe criticism in her early 1970s an inflexible discourse incapable
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 627

of meeting the challenges of a social world his film was non-pori (no-policy) because
undergoing massive change. he was a third-generation Korean living in
Furthermore, this authoritarianism used Japan. In other words, he refused to per-
its own historical prestige to disallow other ceive his own work as political in any sense.
conceptualizations and theorizations of When I mentioned this conversation to
power and politics. The legacy of the move- Hara Kazuo, who was at Yamagata for an
ment politics generation hamstrings both event centered on mentoring young film-
itself and the artists following in its wake. makers, he shook his head and compared it
For example, one of the most interesting to an allergic reaction. Matsues conflation
documentaries at the end of the twentieth of policy and politics, his fervent desire to
century was Matsue Tetsuakis private film avoid looking political, and his inability to
Annyong-Kimchi, which premiered at the acknowledge the politicalness of his own
1999 Yamagata International Documentary doing reveal the depth to which the earlier
Film Festival. It is, not surprisingly, about generation has impoverished younger film-
his own family. However, what sets this makers. They set the terms, which have
apart from other private productions is the not been transformed along with the social
fact that Matsue films from the point of view world. By irrevocably linking political docu-
of a third-generation Korean living in Japan, mentary to movement cinema, they have
and he therefore has a relationship to Korea problematized movement through public
very different from that of either his parents space and contact with the otherthe very
or his grandfather. The energy driving this foundation of documentary itself.13
charming films production is Matsues feel-
ing of guilt for not being a good grandson
to his first-generation grandfather. Along
the way he maps out the identities of the HistoriographicCaveat
different generations vis--vis home: one
aunt living in the United States has left both Up to this point Ihave focused on the gen-
Korea and Japan behind, another aunt seems erational differences represented onstage
split between Korea and Japan, his grand- at Yamagata by Iizuka and Kawase Naomi.
mother thoroughly identifies with Korea, However, it is crucial not to neglect the fact
and he and his sister basically consider that there were two other filmmakers on
themselves Japanese. But what of his grand- that stage, Ise Shinichi and Kanai Katsu.
father? He remains a cipher that pushes the Ise makes very fine, very conventional doc-
film along because he seemed to suppress umentaries; Kanai is known for his wildly
his Korean heritage all the way to the grave experimental films that also have a docu-
(which has the Matsue name on it). In the mentary touch. As the other two filmmak-
course of filmmaking, Matsue nervously ers argued over Yamanes provocation about
decides to reveal his racial difference to his the generational split on group versus indi-
best friends, who do not know his real roots, vidual, Ise and Kanai looked on, slightly
and shoot the scene with a hidden camera. puzzled, wondering what it had to do with
They respond, Yeah, so what? Of course them. They said as much. Their existence
Matsues film is profoundly political, rang- cannot be accounted for in this topology
ing deftly across subjects such as genera- of self and other. They point to two large
tion gaps, North versus South Korea, World areas of practice, the conventional docu-
War II, forced labor, racial discrimination, mentary, often made for television, and the
imperialism, national and racial identity, avant-garde, that are largely excluded from
immigration, and exile. However, over long the Japanese historiography of postwar
conversations Matsue firmly asserted that nonfiction film in Japan. In other words,

what we have here in these discourses sur- and they recently released their first docu-
rounding shutaisei is a historical narration mentary film project, My Mishima [Watashi
that suppresses vast areas of practice while no Mishima] (1999).14 As part of this ongo-
offering a powerful explanation for others ing investigation of Japanese cinema,
with more prestige. Cinema Juku has undertaken a long-term
This essay has presented the strong ver- study of and possible book project about
sion of postwar Japanese documentary his- Ogawa Pro. Hara senses that the future
tory, but this rhetorical strength is precisely for artists of the documentary lies in the
what makes it useful for present-day observ- interstices between the individual and the
ers. If such tropes of discourse thin out our collective, between fiction and documen-
sense of history, they are also unavoidable tary, between the extremely private and the
because they attained such cogent powers extremely public.
of explanation and affect. Produced here by
the pressures of postwar politics, they pro-
vide a measure for the filmmaking identity. Notes
The artists that emerged in the late 1950s 1. J.Victor Koschmann provides a useful sketch of this
and 1960s transformed their art in reaction larger debate in Revolution and Subjectivity in Postwar
to the authoritarianism of both the war and Japan (Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1996).
Joanne Izbicki writes about the situation within
the high-growth economy. They searched film circles in Scorched Cityscapes and Silver
for a form of representation that did not Screens:Negotiating Defeat and Democracy through
involve an imperial or technocratic signifi- Cinema in Occupied Japan (Ph.D.diss., Cornell
cation that overpowered and dominated the 2. Quoted in Matsumoto Toshio, Kiroku Eiga
referential world. In theory, and especially no oboegaki [Documentary Film memo], Eiga
in practice, they accomplished what appears Hihy, March 1971, 95. By transitively switching
directions Matsumoto is referring to tenk. This
to be a radical democratization of the rela- is often translated as ideological apostasy and refers
tionship between shutai and taish. Often to the great numbers of left-leaning intellectuals,
inserting an equals sign between the words artists, and activists in the 1930s whofor a
wide variety of reasonscaved in to political
film and movement, they started with the pressure and renounced their political positions.
assumption that such a public art formso Some filmmakers who underwent tenk gave up
easily reproduced and presented to masses filmmaking, but most became the producers of
wartime propaganda films. They also formed the
of strangerswas so rooted in the world generation of postwar documentarists Matsumotos
that it could not but affect the world. Clearly, generation attacked.
it possessed the power to complicate a pub- 3. Ibid.,96.
4. Matsumoto Toshio, Zenei kiroku eigaron
lic sphere. [On avant-garde film], in Eiz no Hakken
That there are lessons to be learned that [Discovering the image] (Tokyo: Sanichi Shob,
are concealed in this story is Hara Kazuos 1963), 54.
5. Data from Eikyo, quoted in Tanaka Junichiro,
sense as well. Recently he signaled a turn Nihon kyiku eiga no hattatsu-shi [History of
from the private film by forming a nascent the development of Japanese education film]
collective of his own. His office bustles (Tokyo:Kagysha, 1977),227.
6. Ibid.,248.
with the energy of young people who have 7. shima Nagisa, Shotto to wa nanika? Kiroku Eiga
gathered around him. Together they con- 3, no. II (November 1960):68 Also see shima
duct miniseminars Hara calls Cinema Juku Nagisa, Sakka no suijaku:Watakushi no kiroku
eigaron [The weakness of the auteur:My theory
(which could be translated as cinema cram
of documentary film], Kiroku Eiga 3, no. 5 (May
schools). These are short courses held in 1960)2628
various parts of Japan to investigate his- 8. Matsumoto Toshio, Kakusareta sekai no kiroku, in
torical and aesthetic questions like the ones Eiz no Hakken,86.
9. shima Nagisa, Ogawa Shinsuke:Ts to
raised in this essay. Visitors include famous datsuraku [Ogawa Shinsuke:Struggle and loss],
directors, cinematographers, and actors, Eiga Hihy, December 1970,17.
The Postwar DocumentaryTrace 629

10. Ab Mark Nornes, Documentarists of Japan:An of personal identity, sexuality, and the body
Interview with Suzuki Shiryasu, Documentary do engage the central problematics of their
Box II, April 1993,1415. generations relationship between self and
11. This is not to suggest that subjectivity in other. His readings have convinced me there is
Euro-American film is complex while in Japan it an impulse to break out of the private spaces
is simple. The conceptualization of subjectivity and recognize how the public penetrates the
in Japanese film theory is what is problematic. private (something Ibelieve Imissed on my own
One reason for the difference has to do with the viewings because my taste has been constructed
filmmaking itself, which was conceptualizing by both the Japanese movement cinema and the
documentary practice and the relationship between Euro-American documentary). At the same time,
filmmaker and filmed along different lines. he also shows how that impulse is consistently
Another has to do with the lack of serious, critical checked, precisely the dynamic Iam examining
engagement between all the scholars, critics, and in this article.
filmmakers deploying the ideas. Thus there was 14. Hara premiered this film at the 1999 Yamagata
consensus on the meaning of terms such as shutai, International Documentary Film Festival. The
taish, shutaisei, and thelike. event featured the work of Cinema Juku and Full
12. Laura Marks,Naked Truths:Hara Kazuos Shot, a youthful documentary collective from
Iconoclastic Obsessions, Independent 15, no. 10 Taiwan. It was a fascinating scene. The Taiwanese
(1992):26. filmmakers criticized the Japanese for being too
13. One factor in my coming to this conclusion nostalgic for a nonproblematic past and avoiding
was Aaron Gerows presentation The Image of any political aspects of their subject (people
the Self:Women Personal Filmmakers in the leaving rural Japan for life in the big city). Hara
Early Nineties (Japanese Women Filmmakers continually expressed his frustration with his own
Conference, 5 October 2000, University of students over the issues discussed in this essay.
Colorado, Boulder). Gerows reading of the Both sides struggled to understand each other, and
1990s personal film by women filmmakersthe the missing ingredient seemed to be a historical
self-nudes in particularfinds a hint of critique consciousness that could help explain their
within the form. While granting they may different conceptions of self and other, individual
lack complexity, he suggests their explorations and the world, private and public.


[Tanya Neufeld:] Why have your films always $500,000 today. It becomes one of the
been political in nature? costliest documentaries ever made. It was a
[Emile de Antonio:] I have always looked repudiation of the tradition of dissent and
upon documentary as belonging to poli- of such films as The Plow That Broke the
tics as much as to art. Those documentary Plains, made in the days of the New Deal,
films which have survived, which have had that questioned the rape of our country.
meaning, which have been artistically inter- Thats what The Plow That Broke the Plains is
esting, have been political. These include about, the creation of the dust bowl. It was
Eisensteins reconstructions, the work of how the insane and insulting abuse of the
Shub and Vertov, and the documentaries earth created an emptiness in the center of
made by Americans in the thirties, such as America that forced people to go westward.
The Plow That Broke the Plains and The River. But Louisiana Story is finally an accommo-
In 1948, Robert Flaherty made his dation between the oil map and the people
last film, Louisiana Story. It was the first of thebayou.
American documentary film to be shown When you make a film like Louisiana
in theaters after World War II until Point Story, the film of a young Cajun boy con-
of Order. Iwould like to attack Flaherty and fronted by the drilling rigs in Louisiana,
the principles of his work, and Louisiana and youve been commissioned to make
Story is exactly the opposite of everything this film by an oil company, you are already
that I have aspired to do in filmin the compromised. One of the reasons this film
way it was made, in intention, and the played so widely is because Humble Oil
way it was financed. Louisiana Story was gave it away to theaters all over the country.
financed by a $285,000 grant from Humble Each time we look at anything, we change
Oil Company. $285,000 in 1948 is like it. Seen today, Flaherty seems to stand for
An Interview with Emile de Antonio 631

shallow aestheticism, a search for the arti- put on by the state in a state-operated and
ficially exotic. Flahertys staged conflicts state-trained theater. In our time, the film
between man and nature were, in the first documentary is the art of opposition. My
place, false, and in the second place, because films have been against the chief assump-
of the brilliant execution and personal devo- tions of the American state, and I think my
tion, they deflected documentary into hope- films have succeeded in making a new kind
less and unrewarding motions. The enemy of art form in film out of political material.
out there isnt ice or the sea, but man. The This is precisely the problem that inter-
Flaherty line leads directly to cinema verit. ested me. My films were made alone, out-
Aline dead, blank, andempty. side the structure, opposed to the structure,
At the time of Louisiana Story we were opposed to specific activities of the United
already in the Cold War, which is what my States government. When you put my films
life in film is all about, including Painters together, they constitute the history of the
Painting. What you had in that period was United States in the days of the Cold War.
silence. The silent fifties. But the fifties Point of Order deals with witch-hunts in
werent silent on the part of the United the broadest sense, and with McCarthyism,
States government. The government in which was the dominant idea of domestic
its various forms produced Richard Nixon politics in the United States in the fifties.
and the House Un-American Activities Rush to Judgment is not about the death of
Committee; it produced Joseph McCarthy; it President Kennedy, nothing could interest
produced a thousand films through the U.S. me less. Nothing could bore me more than
Information Agency supporting Korea and those USIA films like Years of Lightning, Day
the Cold War. What you had was silence on of Drums with Kennedys coffin and weep-
the part of the people. There were very few ing Jackie. What was of interest to me was
documentary films, mainly those made by the suppression of evidence and the eleva-
television, which were links of sausage, not tion of the police to a superpower within the
films. Most of them sought after that illu- United States. That was the consequence
sory conceptobjectivitywhich is pure of the death of Kennedy. The FBI and the
bullshit and in reality means no offense to Secret Service and the Dallas police had at
advertisers. the very least been remiss. They were cov-
[Tanya Neufeld:] Do you feel that the ered up by a government commission of
politically oriented film can serve an essen- most august people. The film I made was
tial function to the community in much the out of outrage at the police and judicial con-
same way that an annual theater festival in spiracy. One result of the Warren Report is
fifth-century Athens combined politics, reli- that we are now living in a form of police
gion, and entertainment into a single integral state. In the Year of the Pig is a cry of outrage
communityevent? against our war in Vietnam. After Kent State
[Emile de Antonio:] The theater of and Cambodia, Istopped work on Painters
Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides is Painting to make Millhouse.
essentially a theater of celebration. Even Millhouse is historical in approach. It
including the disharmony within the begins with Nixons career and traces it
Athenian state, from what we know of it, throughout as comedy, as satire. Nixon is
and I have the most serious doubts about the Tartuffe of the Cold War from its begin-
the validity of history as an idea, but from nings to its most refined development in
what we know of it, it always took place at 1972. One of the things that happened from
a certain time of year under the auspices of 1945 to 1970, the years covered in Painters
the state. So even if Euripides was thought of Painting, is that the United States, in some
as a subversive, the plays were nonetheless curious way, for the first time confronting

the whole problem of abstraction, produced where are the guys twenty-five years old? I
a new kind of painting. It was the painting dont see them.
with which Igrew up. Iknew a good many Arent there more people making art today
of the artists personally, and it introduced than ever before?
me to a problem which lay in the back of Thats right, but most of it is not good
my mind as Iwas doing all my other films, art. And this is the key to the whole thing,
which is the relationship between art and quality. One of the reasons I made Painters
politics. Painting is that I was alive in the middle
The inconsistency of having left-wing of this extraordinary period which was
politics, as Ido, and liking the paintings of a kind of rush of talent, of ambition, of
Jackson Pollock, Jasper Johns, and Frank energy. Abstract expressionism, when
Stella, is not to me contradictory. The film Rauschenberg and Johns came on the scene,
is largely supportive of what Iconsider the was exhausted. The second-generation
chief lines of American painting from 1945 abstract expressionists were for the most
to the present in the days of the Cold War. part very, very second-generation. One night
This is painting that is apolitical, that is con- I was playing poker with several of them in
cerned with painting, not with politics. This East Hampton and they were saying, What
is painting that was concerned with paint, are you doing going around with people like
canvas, and objects. There seems to be an Johns and Rauschenberg? Are you some
apparent schizophrenic separation between sort of fucking anarchist? Theyre not art-
what Iwas doing on the one hand and what ists, theyre antiart. I said, Precisely, that
these people were doing on the other. Its is the point.
a question I raise myself and there is no Im not equating art with fashion. There
answertoit. was a compression of energy, one thing fol-
Could the art of the forties, fifties, and sixties
lowing another, but it stoppedby the time
have been produced without the political and
economic structure that supportedit? you get to Stella and Poons, itsover.
Thats the key question that has been I think that one of the reasons Artforum
worrying me all these years. This is why is in such a coy, arty, and academic way
I go out of my way in Painters Painting to searching out all kinds of crap in film is
separate the painters from the collectors, that most of the filmmakers you are deal-
the dealers, and the people who create the ing with are failed painters or filmmakers
market, although they are an intrinsic part who think like painters or aspire to a paint-
of the world. ing scene. People like Hollis Frampton
What do you see for the future of painting? and the people who seem to amuse Annette
One of the reasons Artforum is writing Michelson and film fleas like Jonas Mekas
so much about film is that the fantastic are essentially failed painters. They were
movement that was going on in American choked off and cast aside into the develop-
painting has come to an end. I think the ment of another art form and came to film
thing that worries the best young painters out of desperation. They are the tail end,
we have, like Stella, is that there is nobody and they have all the same feeling toward
behind them. They dont hear that herd of visual material that the painters had who
hoofbeats, that compression that you had succeeded in their art. They tried to trans-
with abstract expressionism followed by late their failure on canvas into some
Johns and Rauschenberg, followed by Stella kind of cinematic existence; what they do
and Noland, followed by pop art, all these doesnt work in film. When Jasper Johns
ideas, movements, ferments, one right paints letters its art; Hollis Framptons A,
after the other, bang, bang, bang. Suddenly, B, C, D film is something else. The idea
An Interview with Emile de Antonio 633

of literally transposing exhausted painting wanted it in the words of the people who did
ideas into film is a boring idea and most of it, rather than making a film about it, and
the people doing this are painters manqus. I wanted to define who did it in the widest
These are the people who seem to interest possible sense. The film includes the pro-
art critics, which is one of the reasons why moters, the dealers, the collectors, as well as
art magazines are devoting so much time the people who make the art.
to this sort of work. An issue of Artforum It is perfectly obvious that when you
on Brakhage! have a man like Barnett Newman who was
What of the young artists today who are so extraordinarily articulate, whose work
putting their energies into other media such as I happen to like tremendously, who had
videotape, Conceptual art,etc.? such a sense of the pertinent anecdote,
When I began work on Painters Painting and was able to tie that pertinent anecdote
I went to Henry Geldzahler and got permis- to a genuine point in the development of
sion to film his show American Painting his art and to abstract art in America, you
19401970 at the Metropolitan Museum. tend to use more of Barney than you do
The camera crew and I spent ten nights of many others in the film. This suggests
there filming those canvases. Nobody will one of the limitations in the kind of film
ever film those works again. Nobody will Imadeyou were in a sense trapped by the
ever again bring together such a collec- projective capacity of those you film. There
tion. First of all, modern painting is much is an extraordinary sweet expressiveness
more fragile than the old masterpieces. A about de Kooning; theres a steely passion
Rembrandt holds up much better than a in Stella; theres a fantastic ability to artic-
Rauschenberg. They were painted with ulate and an intellectuality in Newman;
better paint on better canvas. Then there theres an iron, logical precision, and a gift
are the present-day problems of shipping for speech, in Jasper Johns which are over-
and insurance. Henrys intuition behind whelming. So you tend to be more inter-
the choice of time span for his show was ested in them because you are dealing with
similar to mine for Painters Painting. No films as well as painting.
matter how many good paintings these art- Would you have included more artists in
ists go on to make, the original source of Painters Painting if time had allowed?
that information is finished for me. The I made the film as long as I wanted it.
younger artists are into nonpainting activ- One thing about making the films I make is
ity, which I regard as another world that is that Im not responsible to anybody. I could
not necessarily a new world or an interest- have made the film eight hours long if I had
ing world. Conceptual art is a symbol of wanted to.
exhaustion. I find that there is no written overall his-
What motivated you to make Painters tory of the art of this period which covers
Painting? the field as thoroughly as Painters Painting.
As much as I distrust history, I live in it As I read the written history of American
and I work in it. One of the things I wanted Painting in the twentieth century, I find
to do in Painters Painting was to make some- remarkable shallowness that is highly jour-
thing, rather than doing a film about it as nalistic rather than revealing.
TV does it. TV uses a narrator to explain it, In Painters Painting, was the end result
to tell you what it was about. I wanted to similar to your original intent?
make a film which would be a thing in itself, One of the reasons the film works is
which would reflect what happened in those that most of the painters are articulate peo-
twenty-five years in which I lived, what I ple. One thing about the birth of abstract
thought was important, what generated it. I expressionism, one thing about beginning

at the bottom, being born in despair with- How old were you when you made your
out acceptance the way modern American firstfilm?
painting began, is that it created verbal I was forty years old when I started work
expressiveness as defense. It forced an artist on my first film, Point of Order, twelve years
to become a theorist to defend his position. ago. Before that my life had been a sort of
This is one reason artists, particularly like stew. How does an intellectual survive when
Newman, became brilliant at rhetoric. A he doesnt have anything that he really
question I asked during the interviews was, wants to do?
How old were you when you had your first The first job Ihad after Igot out of col-
one-man show? Willem de Kooning was lege was as a translator, then as a longshore-
forty-four, Barnett Newman was forty-five. man in Baltimore, and then into the army.
Hans Hofmann was over sixty. Painters of After the army Iwent to graduate school at
the next generation were having their first Columbia and was a barge captain at the
shows in their twenties. same time. Abarge captain is the only job
Do you feel that the decline in the quality for an unemployed intellectual because you
of art is due to the partial elimination of the have absolutely nothing to do. Iused to read
struggle, since there is now more money, more all day and get paid for it. But Iwas bored by
galleries, more public and private support than everything.
ever before? I saw an ad in the paper once that said
The struggle was eliminated by the Wanted:economist with graduate degree,
time Stella and Johns appeared. There are so Icalled up and said, Im an economist.
more galleries, but the successful galleries All they did was check to see that I had a
throughout the country are selling the work degree, but not in what subject.
of these same artists. Then Itaught at the College of William
A big point of argument between Phil and Mary and at CCNY [City College of
Leider and myself was that he thought that New York]. But that was never a com-
Earthworks and Conceptual art had a spe- pletely engrossing activity. The interesting
cial social meaning. Originally, I did an problem in teaching was to teach some-
interview with Phil about that but decided to thing for the first time, when you werent
substitute a later interview in the film. For sure of the material yourself, when you
me their social meaning was negative. had to get up on your tightrope, and some-
I wasnt interested in Smithsons Spiral thing about the excitement of that made
Jetty. Some post-Stella artists were tired of you a good teacher. The second time it was
the whole gallery setup, which they consid- alreadyflat.
ered bourgeois and proprietary, and they After teaching Iflopped around into dif-
were trying to move their art out of the gal- ferent things and then I became a combi-
leries. They started by having exhibits in nation peddler and idea man. It was very
their studios, which was not very different uninspiring but lucrative. I put people
really than having an exhibit in a gallery. together who werent very logical together.
They still put up the pictures and had some- My first relationship with Andy Warhol
body come in and buy them. Some people was commercial. I got him a job painting
will argue that the artists who moved art a Puerto Rican theater in Spanish Harlem.
out into the landscape, like Michael Heizer Andy went to the theater owner and told
and Robert Smithson, destroyed the buying him to paint it Puerto Rican colors, pink and
and selling concept. How? You still had to gaudy. The man did and Andy got a fee for
have a patron:you had to go back and have saying that and Itook a piece of Andys fee.
a Holy Roman Catholic Church pay the bill It was kind of a joke. Iwas always astounded
or a BobScull. at how silly businesspeople were. At that
An Interview with Emile de Antonio 635

time Inever went to the movies, Ireally dis- money and when youre forty you retire.
liked the medium. Igambled with my life. Ispent all my time
What finally got you interested in making doing all the things that people who wanted
afilm? to retire hoped to do when they retired, but
I saw a film in 195859 which had a great didnt have the energy to do. I knew a lot
deal to do with the art world called Pull My of women, drank a lot, played very hard.
Daisy. There was a new spirit in the airwe Thats what Idid when Iwas young. When
were emerging from the 50s and there was Ireached middle age Istarted working very
a new questioning that meshed with my hard, nonstop. Right now Im in a state
own mood. Id been a radical at the age of of exhaustion and boredom. So Im about
sixteen, then I became quiet. Pull My Daisy to strike out in a new direction. Its not
was shot by Alfred Leslie and Robert Frank. the subject alone, its not the fact that Ive
Allen Ginsberg and Larry Rivers were in looked upon documentary as a way to right
it. It was the most brilliant text that Jack wrong, as a way to cry out against injustice,
Kerouac had ever done. I liked the film as a way to attack the social system:Istill
because it was a very grubby little film, very feel that all those problems remain and that
cheaply made. It was a very alive film and it films should be made about them. But Ive
had a great sense of black and white which I done everything Ican. Icant say anything
liked. I was suddenly looking at films, look- else with force in the documentary that
ing at films I should have seen before, and I Ihavent said before.
was excited by them. This is something that happens to every-
What motivated you to make Point one in every art form. What are you going
ofOrder? to do next? You cant fall back on earlier
There was a hole, something that had ideas. Theyre boring. The crack of that
to be filled. Dan Talbot and I talked about whip is very loud indeed and it prevents you
his problem of getting new films to show from goingback.
in his theater. He hadnt at that time been Richard Roud, whom I call Richard
able to procure all the old films and start the Rude, the director of the New York Film
great classic series that he did. So originally Festival, thought Point of Order was very
he had the idea of taking the footage from good but not a film. It was just far enough
the Army-McCarthy hearings and showing ahead of its time that a festival direc-
it at his theater. Thats the point at which tor was too blind to see it. Dan Talbots
suddenly something went click in my head, New Yorker is a better festival than Roud
which was No. We shouldnt do thatwe ever promoted.
should make a film. It should be an imposi- A film is anything that goes through a
tion of order over chaos. It should be some- projector. Id been saying that for ten years
thing different. before I read it in Artforum. I heard it in
Did you have any training in filmmaking defense of a film by Peter Kubelka in which
atall? he simply ran white leader through the pro-
No. Id never seen a piece of film, Id jector. My definition of film is anything that
never seen an editing machine. I started passes through a projector and produces a
from scratch. Its a brutal way to learn filmic response in people. It doesnt mat-
things, but a very good way to find out every- ter where the material comes from. But the
thing for yourself. audience is partofit.
The sociological aspect of all this that Point of Order was shot with two abso-
I find entertaining is that my life is a lutely fixed cameras. Its lucky that all Ihad
reversal of the American Dream, which is to work with was those two fixed cameras
that you work your ass off to make a lot of grinding away remorselessly for 188 hours.

The film worked better because there were All my films are collage films and Ive
no tricks in it. It was stripped down to wondered if there was any relationship
where it really mattered. The aesthetics in between what Iwas doing and the fact that
that film was the politics, it was the char- Idid know these painters who were doing
acter, it was the tone and the voice, it was collage before Iever made films. Millhouse
America. Thats what film is about, not is cut from millions of options; its the
beautifulshots. marriage of all kinds of elements. I use
What interests me more than anything collage in film to make a political point
else in film is structure. The Army-McCarthy because its a shorthand to the truth of the
hearings themselves were untrue, as the documents.
historical present usually is. What Idid was Is there anyone today making films that, in
make them true because what appeared to your opinion, are superior or significant?
be the truth, that which actually happened, Not too many. One of the great prob-
included all the efforts to sweep it under lems of being an American is that you are
the rug, included that weaselly little ending driven mad by all the technical garbage that
in which everyone wanted to run away and goes on around you, and you become inor-
not acknowledge what had been let loose in dinately impressed with the significance
the land. When I changed it all around, it of technique and technical things. Lots of
became not only a new kind of documen- people have gone that route.
tary, but also thetruth. What about Andy Warholsfilms?
Will you define structure? What Andy was doing, which nobody
The Swedes in reviewing Millhouse picked up on, was reproducing the whole
said it was the best portrait of a statesman history of film from the beginning. His first
since Charlie Chaplins The Great Dictator. films were silent; Andy didnt know how to
I think its different than fiction, but it is use sound. He didnt know how to deal with
made up in a sense. What I wanted to do motion. His films were static. One of his
in Millhouse was to create a portrait of a first films was Sleepabout a guy lying on
political figure, to make it very clear that a couch. Another was a transvestite eating
I wasnt being objective, to make Nixon as a banana. It was exactly like the beginning
round as he could be on film, to make him of film. Then Andy learned how to move
as round as a figure in Molire, to have cer- the camera, so you got a little more action.
tain sympathy for him, to understand this Then he learned how to do sync sound.
poor boy from the lower middle classes Although Andy didnt do much of this
with the burning desire and energy to have himself, there would be no Warhol films
the whole piece of cake. Who wanted to eat without Warhol. Without Andy, I doubt if
the whole thing and got to eat the whole the people around him could exist. Andy
thing no matter how many Asian peasants is the organizing force and intelligence.
were to die for it. Everybody who wrote Whether he actually handles the camera
about it missed the Horatio Alger struc- himself isnt important. As he has moved
ture. Millhouse starts with Nixon in 1962, closer to conventional film, the films are
defeated for the governorship of California, less interesting.
after already losing a shot at the presi- I was the subject of a film by Warhol so
dency. To put that together in such a way Isaw him work, what Icould remember of
on film, the Vietnam War and everything it. He made a seventy-minute film of me
else, and not to make it strictly chronologi- getting drunk. Idrank a quart of whiskey
cal but to have theme and subthemeits in twenty minutesthats very hard to do
a wholly different experience in documen- and stay alive. Inoticed his technique was
tary. Structure is all. primitive (this was early in his film life). It
An Interview with Emile de Antonio 637

was refreshing. That Look, Ma, no hands to our culture or to English culture at this
aspect of Andys work was always the most point, and its so dim in the past. Hitler is
interesting part of his work, whether it dead and buried. But to talk about the assas-
was in painting or in film. Again, it was sination of John F.Kennedy in Dallas right
the necessary and proper rebellion against now is still dangerous.
the million-handed Hollywood monster. Are your films being rereleasednow?
How else could you begin except the way Yes. The American Film Institute did a
Andy began or the way Ibegan, if you were retrospective of my films two years ago and
going to make serious films? He didnt cut since that time different countries have
anything. His films were just rolls of film been doing it, the Swedes, the Danes, the
spliced together. It was like he invented Finns, the Norwegians, now the University
cutting as Porter and Griffith did. Andy of Wisconsin. No film of mine has ever been
got it reduced to a pre-modern minimum. on television in the United States in its orig-
What you saw in his life, taking place inal version. Every film of mine has played
about every three months, was the whole television in Holland, Belgium, Sweden,
history of film being redone. England, West Germany, and at the com-
What sort of material do you consider to be mercial rates.
documents for yourfilms?
My films are made with documents,
whether I film the document or whether the
document exists. The structure, the tech- Annette Michelson replies
nique, everything else is invented. There are
no actors employed. It is, of course, because Emile de Antonios
An aspect of all this that I find inter- work in film has so many qualities of inter-
esting is the films of mine that have been est and of urgency that we are pleased to
commercial failures, like Rush to Judgment, have him speak for us on film-making, and
1966, which was the first film that began because of them, as well, that we are dis-
with a collage of events, newsreels, and couraged by his lack of interest in his lack of
interviews. Afilm that Ireally dislike, The sympathy with, those younger men, work-
Sorrow and the Pity, is an absolute imita- ing in considerable difficulty, who might
tion of my film, and is financially one of be regarded as his fellows in independence
the most successful documentaries ever and integrity. The impulse behind the gla-
made. Rush to Judgment was seen in France cial and categorical rejection no doubt spurs
by all the people in the film world. It had the assumption that ones own concerns
a run there before it ran here, and it was are serious, while those of ones interlocu-
the first film made like that. The Sorrow tor take place on the level of irresponsible
and the Pity is the same film, sentimentally amusement.
done and badly structured. Its more senti- Inscribed within de Antonios hostility
mental for NewYorkers because it empha- toward Artforums present concern with
sizes the Jewish question under the Nazis, film are questions about films relation to
and because were already nostalgic about painting and to other fine arts, to the tra-
Hitler, World War II, and the Resistance. dition we know as modernist, the manner
Also it doesnt offend anybody. Its very in which film solicits our particular critical
safe to talk about the Resistance and to take and theoretical attention. As to the question
the mealymouthed position Anthony Eden of iconographic sources, no one would take
does in that film. A liberal film. Its easy seriously the double claim that Jasper Johns
to get up and talk about the fall of France, use of numbers and letters derived from
or the Resistance, because its all so alien Cubist sources and could be, therefore, no

more than derivative. So Hollis Framptons and body art, the esthetic syn-
use of the alphabet in a major filmic work, drome of that ancient, obstinate
Zorns Lemma, has a function, structural, malady, philosophical dualism.
semantic, that can simply not begin to The critical task is going to be
be accounted for by the very loose, lazy redefined by those for whom both
rhetoric of de Antonios art-historical free reading and writing serve the
associations. medium, by those, above all, in
The real, by no means academic question whom cinematic consciousness
of the nature of current filmic aspirations has been heightened by the disci-
and their relation to older art, has already plined readjustment of the percep-
been posed, in a more than tentative man- tive processes which film requires
ner, in the first of our special issues devoted of artist and audience. New critics
to film (Artforum, September 1971). Because are demanding a situation in which
that issue is now out of print, I offer the fol- that cinematic consciousness can
lowing excerpts from its foreword: develop with a rigor no totally dis-
joined from generosity. It is time for
This present issue of Artforum is, a transvaluation of values; only then
then, designed to evokelargely will conventions perpetuated in the
through the work of younger disingenuous rhetoric of intellectual
criticsfor some of the artists, crit- pathos and personal coquetry be
ics, and their audiences who com- dissolved.
pose a visually literate public here
and abroad, the urgency of recog- Artforums increasing concern with film-
nition for an achievement whose making and film criticism in its most
importance will eventually be seen advanced aspects quite naturally elicits
as comparable to that of American pained reactions for those with vested inter-
painting in the 1950s and onwards. ests in the art of the recent past, just as it
That achievement is radically tends to provoke discomfort in those official
indebted to the disciplined energy, and largely journalistic film-critical milieus
generosity and prescience of men who have responded with enthusiasm to
like Jonas Mekasa statement de Antonios own work. Thus, the recent
which is no sooner made than it attempt to examine through a comparative
forces remembrance that there is study of Eisenstein and Brakhage the mon-
indeed none likehim. tage tradition upon which de Antonio is
Advanced film-making in this largely dependent, was designed to call into
country demands to be studied in question a number of historical, formal,
relation to the growing constriction theoretical conventions. We shall continue
of pictorial and sculptural energies in this direction, directing our attention
and the inflation of an economy to areas of film still waiting their inscrip-
which has reactivated, through the tion into critical discourseand to those
desperate polarity of conceptual ill-served by a rhetoric now outworn.

D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 8 3 )

It is worth insisting that the strategies and a supposedly authoritative yet often pre-
styles deployed in documentary, like those sumptuous off-screen narration. In many
of narrative film, change; they have a his- cases this narration effectively dominated
tory. And they have changed for much the the visuals, though it could be, in films like
same reasons: the dominant modes of Night Mail or Listen to Britain, poetic and
expository discourse change; the arena of evocative.
ideological contestation shifts. The com- After World War II, the Griersonian
fortably accepted realism of one generation mode fell into disfavor (for reasons I will
seems like artifice to the next. New strate- come back to later) and it has little con-
gies must constantly be fabricated to repre- temporary currencyexcept for television
sent things as they are and still others to news, game and talk shows, ads and docu-
contest this very representation. mentary specials.
In the history of documentary we can Its successor, cinma vrit, promised
identify at least four major styles, each with an increase in the reality effect with its
distinctive formal and ideological qualities.1 directness, immediacy, and impression of
In this article Ipropose to examine the limi- capturing untampered events in the every-
tations and strengths of these strategies, day lives of particular people. Films like
with particular attention to one that is both Chronicle of a Summer, Le Joli Mai, Lonely
the newest and in some ways the oldest of Boy, Back-Breaking Leaf, Primary and The
themall.2 Chair built on the new technical possibili-
ties offered by portable cameras and sound
The direct-address style of the Griersonian recorders which could produce synchro-
tradition (or, in its most excessive form, the nous dialogue under location conditions.
March of Times voice of God) was the first In pure cinma vrit films, the style seeks
thoroughly worked-out mode of documen- to become transparent in the same mode
tary. As befitted a school whose purposes as the classical Hollywood stylecapturing
were overwhelmingly didactic, it employed people in action, and letting the viewer

come to conclusions about them unaided by I do not intend to argue that self-reflexive
any implicit or explicit commentary. documentary represents a pinnacle or solu-
Sometimes mesmerizing, frequently tion in any ultimate sense. It is, however,
perplexing, such films seldom offered the in the process of evolving alternatives that
sense of history, context or perspective that seem, in our present historical context, less
viewers seek. And so in the past decade we obviously problematic than the strategies of
have seen a third style which incorporates commentary, vrit, or the interview. These
direct address (characters or narrator speak- new forms may, like their predecessors,
ing directly to the viewer), usually in the come to seem more natural or even real-
form of the interview. In a host of political istic for a time. But the success of every
and feminist films, witness-participants form breeds its own overthrow: it limits,
step before the camera to tell their story. omits, disavows, represses (as well as rep-
Sometimes profoundly revealing, some- resents). In time, new necessities bring new
times fragmented and incomplete, such formal inventions.
films have provided the central model for
contemporary documentary. But as a strat- As suggested above, in the evolution of
egy and a form, the interview-oriented film documentary the contestation among forms
has problems of itsown. has centered on the question of voice. By
More recently, a fourth phase seems voice I mean something narrower than
to have begun, with films moving toward style: that which conveys to us a sense of
more complex forms where epistemological a texts social point of view, of how it is
and aesthetic assumptions become more speaking to us and how it is organizing
visible. These new self-reflexive documen- the materials it is presenting to us. In this
taries mix observational passages with sense voice is not restricted to any one
interviews, the voice-over of the film-maker code or feature such as dialogue or spoken
with intertitles, making patently clear what commentary. Voice is perhaps akin to that
has been implicit all along: documentaries intangible, moir-like pattern formed by the
always were forms of re-presentation, never unique interaction of all a films codes, and
clear windows onto reality; the film-maker it applies to all modes of documentary.
was always a participant-witness and an
active fabricator of meaning, a producer of Far too many contemporary film-makers
cinematic discourse rather than a neutral or appear to have lost their voice. Politically,
all-knowing reporter of the way things truly they forfeit their own voice for that of others
are. (usually characters recruited to the film and
Ironically, film theory has been of little interviewed). Formally, they disavow the
help in this recent evolution, despite the complexities of voice, and discourse, for the
enormous contribution of recent theory to apparent simplicities of faithful observation
questions of the production of meaning in or respectful representation, the treacherous
narrative forms. In documentary the most simplicities of an unquestioned empiricism
advanced, modernist work draws its inspi- (the world and its truths exist; they need
ration less from post-structuralist models only be dusted off and reported). Many doc-
of discourse than from the working pro- umentarists would appear to believe what
cedures of documentation and validation fiction film-makers only feign to believe,
practiced by ethnographic film-makers. or openly question: that film-making cre-
And as far as the influence of film history ates an objective representation of the way
goes, the figure of Dziga Vertov now looms things really are. Such documentaries use
much larger than those of either Flaherty or the magical template of verisimilitude with-
Grierson. out the story tellers open resort to artifice.
The Voice of Documentary 641

Very few seem prepared to admit through conscience in the face of institutional con-
the very tissue and texture of their work that straint, that re-writes historical process as
all film-making is a form of discourse fab- the expression of an indomitable human
ricating its effects, impressions, and point essence whatever the circumstance. But
ofview. these strategies, complex and subtle like
Yet it especially behooves the documen- those of realist fiction, tend to ascribe to the
tary film-maker to acknowledge what she/he historical material itself meanings that in
is actually doing. Not in order to be accepted fact are an effect of the films style or voice,
as modernist for the sake of being modern- just as fictions strategies invite us to believe
ist, but to fashion documentaries that may that life is like the imaginary world inhab-
more closely correspond to a contemporary ited by its characters.
understanding of our position within the A pre-credit sequence of training exer-
world so that effective political/formal strat- cises which follows three women volun-
egies for describing and challenging that teers ends with a freeze-frame and iris-in
position can emerge. Strategies and tech- to isolate the face of each woman. Similar
niques for doing so already exist. In docu- to classic Hollywood-style vignettes used
mentary they seem to derive most directly to identify key actors, this sequence inau-
from The Man with a Movie Camera and gurates a set of strategies that links Soldier
Chronicle of a Summer and are vividly exem- Girls with a large part of American cinma
plified in David and Judith MacDougalls vrit (Primary, Salesman, An American
Turkana trilogy (Lorangs Way, Wedding Family, the Middletown Series). It is charac-
Camels, A Wife Among Wives). But before terized by a romantic individualism and a
discussing this tendency further, we should dramatic, fiction-like structure, but employ-
first examine the strengths and limitations ing found stories rather than the wholly
of cinma vrit and the interview-based invented ones of Hollywood. Scenes in
film. They are well-represented by two which Private Hall oversees punishment
recent and highly successful films: Soldier for Private Alvarez and in which the women
Girls and Rosie the Riveter. recruits are awakened and prepare their
Soldier Girls presents a contemporary beds for Drill Sergeant Abings inspection
situation: basic army training as experi- prompt an impression of looking in on a
enced by women volunteers. Purely indirect world unmarked by our, or the cameras,
or observational, Soldier Girls provides no act of gazing. And those rare moments in
spoken commentary, no interviews or titles, which the camera or person behind it is
and like Fred Wisemans films, it arouses acknowledged certify more forcefully that
considerable controversy about its point other moments of pure observation cap-
of view. One viewer at Filmex interjected, ture the social presentation of self we too
How on earth did they get the Army to let would have witnessed had we actually been
them make such an incredibly anti-Army there to see for ourselves. When Soldier
film? What struck that viewer as power- Girls narrative-like tale culminates in a
ful criticism, though, may strike another shattering moment of character revelation,
as an honest portrayal of the tough-minded it seems to be a happy coincidence of dra-
discipline necessary to learn to defend one- matic structure and historical events unfold-
self, to survive in harsh environments, to ing. In as extraordinary an epiphany as any
kill. As in Wisemans films, organizational in all of vrit, tough-minded Drill Sergeant
strategies establish a preferred readingin Abing breaks down and confesses to Private
this case, one that favors the personal over Hall how much of his own humanity and
the political, that seeks out and celebrates soul has been destroyed by his experi-
the irruptions of individual feeling and ence in Vietnam. By such means, the film

transcends the social and political catego- actually hear is the voice of the text, even
ries which it shows but refuses to name. when that voice tries to efface itself.
Instead of the personal becoming political, This is not only a matter of semiotics
the political becomes personal. but of historical process. Those who con-
We never hear the voice of the film-maker fer meaning (individuals, social classes, the
or a narrator trying to persuade us of this media and other institutions) exist within
romantic humanism. Instead, the films history itself rather than at the periphery,
structure relies heavily on classical narra- looking in like gods. Hence, paradoxically,
tive procedures, among them: (1) a chro- self-referentiality is an inevitable communi-
nology of apparent causality which reveals cational category. Aclass cannot be a mem-
how each of the three women recruits ber of itself, the law of logical typing tells
resolves the conflict between a sense of us, and yet in human communication this
her own individuality and army discipline; law is necessarily violated. Those who con-
(2)shots organized into dramatically revela- fer meaning are themselves members of the
tory scenes that only acknowledge the cam- class of conferred meanings (history). For
era as participant-observer near the films a film to fail to acknowledge this and pre-
end, when one of the recruits embraces the tend to omnisciencewhether by voice-of-
film-makers as she leaves the training base, God commentary or by claims of objective
discharged for her failure to fit in; and knowledgeis to deny its own complicity
(3) excellent performances from characters with a production of knowledge that rests
who play themselves without any inhibit- on no firmer bedrock than the very act of
ing self-consciousness. (The phenomenon production. (What then becomes vital are
of filming individuals who play themselves the assumptions, values, and purposes
in a manner strongly reminiscent of the motivating this production, the underpin-
performances of professional actors in fic- nings which some modernist strategies
tion could be the subject of an extended attempt to make more clear.)4
study in its own right.) These procedures Observational documentary appears
allow purely observational documentaries to leave the driving to us. No one tells us
to asymptotically narrow the gap between about the sights we pass or what they mean.
a fabricated realism and the apparent cap- Even those obvious marks of documen-
ture of reality itself which so fascinated tary textualitymuddy sound, blurred or
AndrBazin. racked focus, the grainy, poorly lit figures of
This gap may also be looked at as a gap social actors caught on the runfunction
between evidence and argument.3 One paradoxically. Their presence testifies to an
of the peculiar fascinations of film is pre- apparently more basic absence: such films
cisely that it so easily conflates the two. sacrifice conventional, polished artistic
Documentary displays a tension arising expression in order to bring back, as best
from the attempt to make statements about they can, the actual texture of history in
life which are quite general, while necessar- the making. If the camera gyrates wildly or
ily using sounds and images that bear the ceases functioning, this is not an expression
inescapable trace of their particular histori- of personal style. It is a signifier of personal
cal origins. These sounds and images come danger, as in Harlan County, U. S. A, or even
to function as signs; they bear meaning, death, as in the street scene from The Battle
though the meaning is not really inherent of Chile when the camera man records the
in them but rather conferred upon them moment of his owndeath.
by their function within the text as a whole. This shift from artistic expressiveness
We may think we hear history or reality to historical revelation contributes might-
speaking to us through a film, but what we ily to the phenomenological effect of the
The Voice of Documentary 643

observational film. Soldier Girls, They Call And where observational cinema shifts
Us Misfits, its sequel, A Respectable Life, from an individual to an institutional focus,
and Fred Wisemans most recent film, and from a metonymic narrative model to a
Models, propose revelations about the real metaphoric one, as in the highly innovative
not as a result of direct argument, but on work of Fred Wiseman, there may still be
the basis of inferences we draw from his- only a weak sense of constructed meaning,
torical evidence itself. For example, Stefan of a textual voice addressing us. Avigorous,
Jarls remarkable film, They Call Us Misfits, active and retroactive reading is necessary
contains a purely observational scene of its before we can hear the voice of the textual
two 17-year-old misfitswho have left home system as a level distinct from the sounds
for a life of booze, drugs and a good time and images of the evidence it adduces, while
in Stockholmgetting up in the morning. questions of adequacy remain. Wisemans
Kenta washes his long hair, dries it, and sense of context and of meaning as a func-
then meticulously combs every hair into tion of the text itself remains weak, too eas-
place. Stoffe doesnt bother with his hair at ily engulfed by the fascination that allows us
all. Instead, he boils water and then makes to mistake film for reality, the impression of
tea by pouring it over a tea bag that is still the real for the experience of it. The risk of
inside its paper wrapper! We rejoin the boys reading Soldier Girls or Wisemans Models
in A Respectable Life, shot ten years later, and like a Rorshach test may require stronger
learn that Stoffe has nearly died on three counter-measures than the subtleties their
occasions from heroin overdoses whereas complex editing and mise-en-scne provide.
Kenta has sworn off hard drugs and begun
a career of sorts as a singer. At this point Prompted, it would seem, by these limita-
we may retroactively grant a denser tissue tions to cinma vrit or observational cin-
of meaning to those little morning rituals ema, many film-makers during the past
recorded a decade earlier. If so, we take them decade have reinstituted direct address. For
as evidence of historical determinations the most part this has meant social actors
rather than artistic visioneven though addressing us in interviews rather than a
they are only available to us as a result of return to the voice-of-authority evidenced by
textual strategies. More generally, the aural a narrator. Rosie the Riveter, for example, tells
and visual evidence of what ten years of us about the blatant hypocrisy with which
hard living do to the alert, mischievous women were recruited to the factories and
appearance of two boysthe ruddy skin, assembly lines during World War II. A series
the dark, extinguished eyes, the slurred and of five women witnesses tell us how they
garbled speech, especially of Stoffebear were denied the respect granted men, told
meaning precisely because the films invite to put up with hazardous conditions like
retroactive comparison. The films produce a man, paid less, and pitted against one
the structure in which facts themselves another racially. Rosie makes short shrift of
take on meaning precisely because they the noble icon of the woman worker as seen
belong to a coherent series of differences. in forties newsreels. Those films celebrated
Yet, though powerful, this construction of her heroic contribution to the great effort to
differences remains insufficient. Asimplis- preserve the free world from fascist dicta-
tic line of historical progression prevails, torship. Rosie destroys this myth of deeply
centered as it is in Soldier Girls on the trope appreciated, fully rewarded contribution
of romantic individualism. (Instead of the without in any way undercutting the genu-
Great Man theory we have the Unfortunate ine fortitude, courage, and political aware-
Victim theory of historyinadequate, but ness of women who experienced continual
compellingly presented.) frustration in their struggles for dignified

working conditions and a permanent place on oral history to reconstruct the past places
in the American labor force. Rosie the Riveter within what is probably the
Using interviews, but no commenta- predominant mode of documentary film-
tor, together with a weave of compilation making todayfilms built around a string
footage as images of illustration, director of interviewswhere we also find A Wives
Connie Field tells a story many of us may Tale, With Babies and Banners, Controlling
think weve heard, only to realize weve Interest, The Day After Trinity, The Trials of
never heard the whole of it before. Alger Hiss, Rape, Word is Out, P4W: Prison
The organization of the film depends for Women, Not a Love Story, Nuove Frontieras
heavily on its set of extensive interviews (Looking for Better Dreams), and The Wobblies.
with former Rosies. Their selection fol- This reinstitution of direct address
lows the direct-cinema tradition of film- through the interview has successfully
ing ordinary people. But Rosie the Riveter avoided some of the central problems of
broadens that tradition, as Union Maids, voice-over narration, namely authorita-
The Wobblies and With Babies and Banners tive omniscience or didactic reductionism.
have also done, to retrieve the memory of an There is no longer the dubious claim that
invisible (suppressed more than forgot- things are as the film presents them, orga-
ten) history of labor struggle. The five inter- nized by the commentary of an all-knowing
viewees remember a past the films inserted subject. Such attempts to stand above his-
historical images reconstruct but in coun- tory and explain it create a Paradox. Any
terpoint: their recollection of adversity and attempt by a speaker to vouch for his or
struggle contrasts with old newsreels of her own validity reminds us of the Cretan
women doing their part cheerfully. paradox: Epimenides was a Cretan who
This strategy complicates the voice of the said, Cretans always lie. Was Epimenides
film in an interesting way. It adds a contem- telling the truth? The nagging sense of a
porary, personal resonance to the historical, self-referential claim that cant be proven
compilation footage without challenging reaches greatest intensity with the most
the assumptions of that footage explicitly, as forceful assertions, which may be why view-
a voice-over commentary might do. We our- ers are often most suspicious of what an
selves become engaged in determining how apparently omniscient Voice of Authority
the women witnesses counterpoint these asserts most fervently. The emergence of
historical documents as well as how they so many recent documentaries built around
articulate their own present and past con- strings of interviews strikes me as a strate-
sciousness in political, ethical, and feminist gic response to the recognition that neither
dimensions. can events speak for themselves nor can a
We are encouraged to believe that single voice speak with ultimate authority.
these voices carry less the authority of his- Interviews diffuse authority. Agap remains
torical judgment than that of personal between the voice of a social actor recruited
testimonythey are, after all, the words to the film and the voice of thefilm.
of apparently ordinary women remem- Not compelled to vouch for their own
bering the past. As in many films that validity, the voices of interviewees may
advance issues raised by the womens well arouse less suspicion. Yet a larger,
movement, there is an emphasis on indi- constraining voice may remain to provide,
vidual but politically significant experience. or withhold, validation. In The Sad Song of
Rosie demonstrates the power of the act of Yellow Skin, The Wilmar 8, Harlan County,
namingthe ability to find the words that U.S.A, Not a Love Story, or Who Killed the
render the personal political. This reliance Fourth Ward?, among others, the literal
The Voice of Documentary 645

voice of the film-maker enters into dialogue last few years. The text not only appears to
but without the self-validating, authorita- lack a voice or perspective of its own, the
tive tone of a previous tradition. (These perspective of its character-witnesses is
are also voices without the self-reflexive patently inadequate.
quality found in Vertovs, Rouchs or the
MacDougalls work.) Diary-like and uncer- In documentary, when the voice of the text
tain in Yellow Skin; often directed toward disappears behind characters who speak to
the women strikers as though by a fellow us, we confront a specific strategy of no less
participant and observer in Wilmar 8 and ideological importance than its equivalent
Harlan County; sharing personal reactions in fiction films. When we no longer sense
to pornography with a companion in Not that a governing voice actively provides
a Love Story; and adopting a mock ironic or withholds the imprimatur of veracity
tone reminiscent of Peter Falks Columbo according to its own purposes and assump-
in Fourth Wardthese voices of potentially tions, its own canons of validation, we may
imaginary assurance instead share doubts also sense the return of the paradox and
and emotional reactions with other charac- suspicion interviews should help us escape:
ters and us. As a result they seem to refuse the word of witnesses, uncritically accepted,
a privileged position in relation to other must provide its own validation. Meanwhile,
characters. Of course, these less assertive the film becomes a rubber stamp. To vary-
authorial voices remain complicit with the ing degree this diminution of a governing
controlling voice of the textual system itself, voice occurs through parts of Word is Out,
but the effect upon a viewer is distinctly The Wobblies, With Babies and Banners, and
different. Prison for Women. The sense of a hierarchy
of voices becomes lost.5 Ideally this hierar-
Still, interviews pose problems. Their occur- chy would uphold correct logical typing at
rence is remarkably widespreadfrom one level (the voice of the text remains of
The Hour of the Wolf to The MacNeil/Lehrer a higher, controlling type than the voices of
Report and from Housing Problems (1935) to interviewees) without denying the inevitable
Harlan County, U.S.A. The greatest prob- collapse of logical types at another (the voice
lem, at least in recent documentary, has of the text is not above history but part of the
been to retain that sense of a gap between very historical process upon which it confers
the voice of interviewees and the voice of meaning). But at present a less complex and
the text as a whole. It is most obviously a less adequate sidetracking of paradox pre-
problem when the interviewees display vails. The film says, in effect, Interviewees
conceptual inadequacy on the issue but never lie. Interviewees say, What I am tell-
remain unchallenged by the film. The Day ing you is the truth. We then ask, Is the
After Trinity, for example, traces Robert F. interviewee telling the truth? but find no
Oppenheimers career but restricts itself to acknowledgement in the film of the possi-
a Great Man theory of history. The string of bility, let alone the necessity, of entertaining
interviews clearly identify Oppenheimers this question as one inescapable in all com-
role in the race to build the nuclear bomb, munication and signifcation.
and his equivocations, but it never places As much as anyone, Emile de Antonio,
the bomb or Oppenheimer within that who pioneered the use of interviews and
larger constellation of government policies compilation footage to organize complex
and political calculations that determined historical arguments without a narrator,
its specific use or continuing threateven has also provided clear signposts for avoid-
though the interviews took place in the ing the inherent dangers of interviews.

Unfortunately, most of the film-makers of the Pig, for example, constructs perspec-
adopting his basic approach have failed to tive and historical understanding, and does
heed them. so right before oureyes.
De Antonio demonstrates a sophisti- We see and hear, for example, US gov-
cated understanding of the category of the ernment spokesmen explaining their strat-
personal. He does not invariably accept the egy and conception of the Communist
word of witnesses, nor does he adopt rhe- menace, whereas we do not see and hear
torical strategies (Great Man theories, for Ho Chi Minh explain his strategy and
example) that limit historical understand- vision. Instead, an interviewee, Paul Mus,
ing to the personal. Something exceeds this introduces us to Ho Chi Minh descriptively
category, and in Point of Order, In the Year while de Antonios cutaways to Vietnamese
of the Pig, Millhouse: A White Comedy, and countryside evoke an affiliation between Ho
Underground, among others, this excess is and his land and people that is absent from
carried by a distinct textual voice that clearly the words and images of American spokes-
judges the validity of what witnesses say. men. Ho remains an uncontained figure
Just as the voice of John Huston in The whose full meaning must be conferred, and
Battle of San Pietro contests one line of argu- inferred, from available materials as they
ment with another (that of General Mark are brought together by de Antonio. Such
Clark, who claims the costs of battle were construction is a textual, and cinematic, act
not excessive, with that of Huston, who sug- evident in the choice of supporting or ironic
gests they were), so the textual voice of de images to accompany interviews, in the
Antonio contests and places the statements actual juxtaposition of interviews, and even
made by its embedded interviews, but with- in the still images that form a pre-credit
out speaking to us directly. (In de Antonio sequence inasmuch as they unmistakably
and in his followers, there is no narrator, refer to the American Civil War (an anal-
only the direct address of witnesses.) ogy sharply at odds with US government
This contestation is not simply the accounts of Communist invasion). By juxta-
express support of some witnesses over oth- posing silhouettes of Civil War soldiers with
ers, for left against right. It is a systematic GIs in Vietnam, the pre-credit sequence
effect of placement that retains the gaps obliquely but clearly offers an interpreta-
between levels of different logical type. De tion for the events we are about to see.
Antonios overall expository strategy in In De Antonio does not subordinate his own
the Year of the Pig, for example, makes it clear voice to the way things are, to the sounds
that no one witness tells the whole truth. De and images that are evidence of war. He
Antonios voice (unspoken but controlling) acknowledges that the meaning of these
makes witnesses contend with one another images must be conferred upon them and
to yield a point of view more distinctive to goes about doing so in a readily understood
the film than to any of its witnesses (since though indirect manner.
it includes this very strategy of contention). De Antonios hierarchy of levels and
(Similarly, the unspoken voice of The Atomic reservation of ultimate validation to the
Cafeevident in the extraordinarily skillful highest level (the textual system or film
editing of government nuclear weapons as a whole) differs radically from other
propaganda films from the fiftiesgoverns approaches. John Lowenthals The Trials of
a preferred reading of the footage it com- Alger Hiss, for example, is a totally subservi-
piles.) But particularly in de Antonios work, ent endorsement of Hisss legalistic strate-
different points of view appear. History is gies. Similarly, Hollywood on Trial shows no
not a monolith, its density and outline given independence from the perhaps politically
from the outset. On the contrary, In the Year expedient but disingenuous line adopted by
The Voice of Documentary 647

the Hollywood 10 over thirty years agothat of events; he insists on the activity of fix-
HUACs pattern of subpoenas to friendly ing meaning, but it is meaning that does,
and unfriendly witnesses primarily threat- finally, appear to reside out there rather
ened the civil liberties of ordinary citizens than insisting on the activity of producing
(though it certainly did so) rather than pos- that fix from which meaning itself derives.
ing a more specific threat to the CPUSA and There are lessons here we would think de
American left (where it clearly did the great- Antonios successors would be quick to learn.
est damage). By contrast, even in Painters But, most frequently, they have not. The
Painting and Underground, where de interview remains a problem. Subjectivity,
Antonio seems unusually close to validating consciousness, argumentative form and
uncritically what interviewees say, the subtle voice remain unquestioned in documen-
voice of his mise-en-scne preserves the gap, tary theory and practice. Often, film-makers
conveying a strong sense of the distance simply choose to interview characters with
between the sensibilities or politics of those whom they agree. Aweaker sense of skep-
interviewed and those of the larger public to ticism, a diminished self-awareness of the
whom they speak. film-maker as producer of meaning or his-
De Antonios films produce a world of tory prevails, yielding a flatter, less dialec-
dense complexity: they embody a sense of tical sense of history and a simpler, more
constraint and over-determination. Not idealized sense of character. Characters
everyone can be believed. Not everything threaten to emerge as starsflashpoints of
is true. Characters do not emerge as the inspiring, and imaginary, coherence contra-
autonomous shapers of a personal destiny. dictory to their ostensible status as ordinary
De Antonio proposes ways and means by people.7
which to reconstruct the past dialectically, These problems emerge in three of the
as Fred Wiseman reconstructs the pres- best history films we have (and in the pio-
ent dialectically.6 Rather than appearing neering gay film, Word is Out), undermin-
to collapse itself into the consciousness ing their great importance on other levels.
of character witnesses, the film retains an Union Maids, With Babies and Banners,
independent consciousness, a voice of its and The Wobblies flounder on the axis of
own. The films own consciousness (sur- personal respect and historical recall. The
rogate for ours) probes, remembers, sub- films simply suppose that things were as
stantiates, doubts. It questions and believes, the participant-witnesses recall them, and
including itself. It assumes the voice of lest we doubt, the film-makers respectfully
personal consciousness at the same time find images of illustration to substantiate
as it examines the very category of the per- the claim. (The resonance set up in Rosie the
sonal. Neither omniscient deity nor obedi- Riveter between interviews and compilation
ent mouthpiece, de Antonios rhetorical footage establishes a perceptible sense of
voice seduces us by embodying those quali- a textual voice that makes this film a more
ties of insight, skepticism, judgment and sophisticated, though not self-reflexive, ver-
independence we would like to appropri- sion of the interview-based documentary.)
ate for our own. Nonetheless, though he is What characters omit to say, so do these
closer to a modernist, self-reflexive strategy films, most noticeably regarding the role of
than any other documentary film-maker in the CPUSA in Union Maids and With Babies
Americawith the possible exception of and Banners. Banners, for example, contains
the more experimental feminist film-maker, one instance when a witness mentions
Jo Ann Elamde Antonio remains clearly the helpful knowledge she gained from
apart from this tendency. He is more a Communist Party members. Immediately,
Newtonian than an Einsteinian observer though, the film cuts to unrelated footage of

a violent attack on workers by a goon squad. pattern); and (3)the surrounding historical
It is as if the textual voice, rather than pro- context, including the viewing event itself,
vide independent assessment, must go so which the textual voice cannot success-
far as to find diversionary material to off- fully rise above or fully control. The film is
set presumably harmful comments by wit- thus a simulacrum or external trace of the
nesses themselves! production of meaning we undertake our-
These films naively endorse limited, selves every day, every moment. We see not
selective recall. The tactic flattens witnesses an image of imaginary unchanging coher-
into a series of imaginary puppets conform- ence, magically represented on a screen,
ing to a line. Their recall becomes distin- but the evidence of an historically rooted
guishable more by differences in force of act of making things meaningful compa-
personality than by differences in perspec- rable to our own historically situated acts of
tive. Backgrounds loaded with iconographic comprehension.
meanings transform witnesses further into With de Antonios films, The Atomic
stereotypes (shipyards, farms, union halls Cafe, Rape, or Rosie the Riveter the active
abound, or for the gays and lesbians in Word counter-pointing of the text reminds us
is Out, bedrooms and the bucolic out-of- that its meaning is produced. This fore-
doors). We sense a great relief when char- grounding of an active production of mean-
acters step out of these closed, iconographic ing by a textual system may also heighten
frames and into more open-ended ones, but our conscious sense of self as something
such release usually occurs only at the end also produced by codes that extend beyond
of the films where it also signals the achieve- ourselves. An exaggerated claim, perhaps,
ment of expository closureanother kind but still suggestive of the difference in
of frame. We return to the simple claim, effect of different documentary strategies
Things were as these witnesses describe and an indication of the importance of the
them, why contest them?a claim which self-reflexive strategy itself.
is a dissimulation and a disservice to both Self-reflexiveness can easily lead to an
film theory and political praxis. On the con- endless regression. It can prove highly
trary, as de Antonio and Wiseman demon- appealing to an intelligentsia more inter-
strate quite differently, Things signify, but ested in good form than in social change.
only if we make them comprehensible.8 Yet interest in self-reflexive forms is not
Documentaries with a more sophisti- purely an academic question. Cinma vrit
cated grasp of the historical realm establish and its variants sought to address certain
a preferred reading by a textual system that limitations in the voice-of-god tradition. The
asserts its own voice in contrast to the voices interview-oriented film sought to address
it recruits or observes. Such films confront limitations apparent in the bulk of cinma
us with an alternative to our own hypoth- vrit, and the self-reflexive documentary
eses about what kind of things populate addresses the limitations of assuming that
the world, what relations they sustain, and subjectivity and both the social and textual
what meanings they bear for us. The film positioning of the self (as film-maker or
operates as an autonomous whole, as we viewer) are ultimately not problematic.
do. It is greater than its parts and orches- Modernist thought in general chal-
trates them: (1) the recruited voices, the lenges this assumption. A few documen-
recruited sounds and images; (2)the textual tary film-makers, going as far back as
voice spoken by the style of the film as a Dziga Vertov and certainly including Jean
whole (how its multiplicity of codes, includ- Rouch, and the hard-to-categorize Jean-Luc
ing those pertaining to recruited voices are Godard, adopt the basic epistemological
orchestrated into a singular, controlling assumption in their work that knowledge
The Voice of Documentary 649

and the position of the self in relation to 8 or In the Year of the Pig. (This contrasts
the mediator of knowledge, a given text, with The Wobblies, Union Maids and With
are socially and formally constructed and Babies and Banners where the questions to
should be shown to be so. Rather than invit- which participant witnesses respond are
ing paralysis before a centerless labyrinth, not heard.) Sometimes these queries invite
however, such a perspective restores the characters to reflect on events we observe in
dialectic between self and other: neither detail, like the dowry arrangements them-
the out there nor the in here contains selves. On these occasions they introduce a
its own inherent meaning. The process of vivid level of self-reflexiveness into the char-
constructing meaning overshadows con- acters performance as well as into the films
structed meanings. And at a time when structure, something that is impossible in
modernist experimentation is old-hat interview-based films that give us no sense
within the avant-garde and a fair amount of a characters present but only use his or
of fiction film-making, it remains almost her words as testimony about the past.
totally unheard of among documentary Wedding Camels also makes frequent use
film-makers, especially in North America. of intertitles which mark off one scene from
It is not political documentarists who have another to develop a mosaic structure that
been the leading innovators. Instead it is a necessarily admits to its own lack of com-
handful of ethnographic film-makers like pleteness even as individual facets appear to
Timothy Asch (The Ax Fight), John Marshall exhaust a given encounter. This sense of both
(N!ai) and David and Judith MacDougall incompleteness and exhaustion, as well as
who, in their meditations on scientific the radical shift of perceptual space involved
method and visual communication, have in going from apparently three-dimensional
done the most provocative experimentation. images to two-dimensional graphics that
Take the MacDougalls Wedding Camels comment on or frame the image, gener-
(part of the Turkana trilogy), for example. ates a strong sense of a hierarchical and
The film, set in Northern Kenya, explores self-referential ordering.
the preparations for a Turkana wedding in For example, in one scene Naingoro, sis-
day-to-day detail. It mixes direct and indirect ter to the brides mother, says, Our daugh-
address to form a complex whole made up of ters are not our own. They are born to be
two levels of historical referenceevidence given out. The implicit lack of complete-
and argumentand two levels of textual ness to individual identity apart from social
structureobservation and exposition. exchange then receives elaboration through
Though Wedding Camels is frequently an interview sequence with Akai, the bride.
observational and very strongly rooted in The film poses questions by means of inter-
the texture of everyday life, the film-makers titles and sandwiches Akais responses,
presence receives far more frequent briefly, between them. One intertitle, for
acknowledgment than it does in Soldier example, phrases its question more or
Girls, or Wisemans films, or most other less as follows, We asked Akai whether a
observational work. Lorang, the brides Turkana woman chooses her husband or
father and central figure in the dowry if her parents choose for her. Such phras-
negotiations, says at one point, with clear ing brings the film-makers intervention
acknowledgment of the film-makers pres- strongly into the foreground.
ence, They [Europeans] never marry our The structure of this passage suggests
daughters. They always hold back their ani- some of the virtues of a hybrid style: the
mals. At other moments we hear David titles serve as another indicator of a tex-
MacDougall ask questions of Lorang or oth- tual voice apart from that of the characters
ers off-camera much as we do in The Wilmar represented. They also differ from most

documentary titles which, since the silent challenge still haunting us, considering the
days of Nanook, have worked like a graphic limitations of most interview-based films.
voice of authority. In Wedding Camels the Changes in documentary strategy bear
titles, in their mock-interactive structure, a complex relation to history. Self-reflexive
remain closely aligned with the particulars strategies seem to have a particularly com-
of person and place rather than appearing plex historical relation to documentary form
to issue from an omniscient consciousness. since they are far less peculiar to it than the
They show clear awareness of how a particu- voice-of-god, cinma vrit or interview-based
lar meaning is being produced by a particu- strategies. Although they have been avail-
lar act of intervention. This is not presented able to documentary (as to narrative) since
as a grand revelation but as a simple truth the teens, they have never been as popular
that is only remarkable for its rarity in docu- in North America as in Europe or in other
mentary film. These particular titles also dis- regions (save among an avant-garde). Why
play both a wry sense of humor and a clear they have recently made an effective appear-
perception of the meaning an individuals ance within the documentary domain is
marriage has for him or her as well as for a matter requiring further exploration.
others (a vital means of countering, among Isuspect we are dealing with more than a
other things, the temptation of an ethnocen- reaction to the limitations of the currently
tric reading or judgment). By violating the dominant interview-based farm. Large cul-
coherence of a social actors diegetic space, tural preferences concerning the voicing of
intertitles also lessen the tendency for the dramatic as well as documentary material
interviewee to inflate to the proportions of seem to be changing. In any event, the most
a star-witness. By acting self-reflexively such recent appearances of self-reflexive strate-
strategies call the status of the interview gies correspond very clearly to deficiencies
itself into question and diminish its tacit in attempts to translate highly ideological,
claim to tell the whole truth. Other signify- written anthropological practices into a pro-
ing choices, which function like Brechtian scriptive agenda for a visual anthropology
distancing devices, would include the sep- (neutrality, descriptiveness, objectivity, just
arate spaces of image and intertitle for the facts and so on). It is very heartening to
question/response; the highly structured see that the realm of the possible for docu-
and abbreviated question/answer format; mentary film has now expanded to include
the close up, portrait-like framing of a social strategies of reflexivity that may eventually
actor that pries her away from a matrix of serve political as well as scientificends.
on-going activities or a stereotypical back-
ground, and the clear acknowledgment that
such fabrications exist to serve the purposes Notes
of the film rather than to capture an unaf- 1. Many of the distinctive characteristics of documentary
fected reality. are examined broadly in Ideology and the Image
Though modest in tone, Wedding Camels (Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 1981), pp.
170284. Here Ishall concentrate on more recent
demonstrates a structural sophistication films and some of the particular problems theypose.
well beyond that of almost any other docu- 2. Films referred to in the article or instrumental
mentary film work today. Whether its mod- in formulating the issues of self-reflexive
documentary form include: The Atomic Cafe (USA,
ernist strategies can be yoked to a more
Kevin Rafferty, Jayne Loader, Pierce Rafferty, 1982),
explicitly political perspective (without Controlling Interest (USA, SF Newsreel, 1978), The
restricting itself to the small avant-garde Day After Trinity (USA, Jon Else, 1980), Harlan
audience that exists for the Godards and County, U.S.A (USA, Barbara Kopple, 1976),
Hollywood on Trial (USA, David Halpern, Jr.,
Chantal Akermans), is less a question than a 1976), Models (USA, Fred Wiseman, 1981), Nuove
Frontiera (Looking for Better Dreams) (Switzerland,
The Voice of Documentary 651

Remo Legnazzi, 1981), On Company Business (USA, In many ways, this problem of moving from refusal
Allan Francovich, 1981), P4W: Prison for Women to affirmation, from protest at the way things are to
(Canada, Janice Cole, Holly Dale, 1981), Rape (USA, the construction of durable alternatives, is precisely
JoAnn Elam, 1977), A Respectable Life (Sweden, the problem of the American left. Modernist
Stefan Jarl, 1980), Rosie the Riveter (USA, Connie strategies have something to contribute to the
Field, 1980); The Sad Song of Yellow Skin (Canada, resolution of this problem.
NFBMichael Rubbo, 1970), Soldier Girls (USA, 5. After completing this article, Iread Jeffrey
Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill, 1981); They Call Youdelmans Narration, Invention and History
Us Misfits (Sweden, Jan Lindquist, Stefan Jarl, c. (Cineaste, 12:2, pp.815) which makes a similar
1969), Not a Love Story (Canada, NFBBonnie point with a somewhat different set of examples.
Klein, 1981, The Trials of Alger Hiss (USA, John His discussion of imaginative, lyrical uses of
Lowenthal, 1980), Union Maids (USA, Jim Klein, commentary in the thirties and forties is particularly
Julia Reichert, Miles Mogulescu, 1976), Who Killed instructive.
the Fourth Ward? (USA, James Blue, 1978), The 6. Details of de Antonios approach are explored in
Wilmar 8 (USA, Lee Grant, 1980), With Babies Tom Waughs Emile de Antonio and the New
and Banners (USA, Womens Labor History Film Documentary of the Seventies, Jump Cut, no. 10/11
Project, 1978), A Wives Tale (Canada, Sophie (1976), pp. 3339 and of Wisemans in my Ideology
Bissonnette, Martin Duckworth, Joyce Rock, 1980), and the Image, pp.208236.
The Wobblies (USA, Stuart Bird, Deborah Shaffer, 7. An informative discussion of the contradiction
1979), Word is Out (USA, Mariposa Collective, between character witnesses with unusual
1977). abilities and the rhetorical attempt to make them
3. Perhaps the farthest extremes of evidence signifiers of ordinary workers, particularly in Union
and argument occur with pornography and Maids, occur in Noel Kings Recent Political
propaganda:what would pornography be without DocumentaryNotes on Union Maids and Harlan
its evidence, what would propaganda be without its County, USA, Screen, vol. 22, no. 2 (1981), pp. 718.
arguments? 8. In this vein, Noel King comments So in the case
4. Without models of documentary strategy that invite of these documentaries (Union Maids, With Babies
us to reflect on the construction of social reality, and Banners, Harlan County, U.S.A) we might notice
we have only a corrective act of negation (this is the way a discourse of morals or ethics suppresses
not reality, it is neither omniscient nor objective) one of politics and the way a discourse of a subjects
rather than an affirmative act of comprehension individual responsibility suppresses any notion of a
(this is a text, these are its assumptions, this is the discourse on the social and linguistic formation of
meaning it produces). The lack of an invitation to subjects (Recent Political Documentary, p.11).
assume a positive stance handicaps us in our efforts But we might also say, as the film-makers seem
to understand the position we occupy; refusing to, This is how the participants saw their struggle
a position proffered to us is far from affirming a and it is well-worth preserving even though we
position we actively construct. It is similar to the may wish they did not do so slavishly. There is a
difference between refusing to buy the messages difference between criticizing films because they
conveyed by advertising, at least entirely, while still fail to demonstrate the theoretical sophistication of
lacking any alternative non-fetishistic presentation certain analytic methodologies and criticizing them
of commodities that can help us gain a different because their textual organization is inadequate to
purchase on their relative use- and exchange-value. the phenomena they describe.


T W O L AW S F R O M A U S T R A L I A ,
The Recent Past and the Challenging Future of
Ethnographic Film(1983)

Recently, a new documentary film dealing word quite literally and rigorously) by two
with Australian Aboriginal peoples and white Australian film-makers, Alessandro
their historical struggles to preserve (or Cavadini and Carolyn Strachan, and the
win back) their traditional lands has been Borroloola Aboriginal community from
screened in the US, mostly on the West the remote Gulf of Carpentaria region of
Coast but also in New York City, where Australias Northern Territory.
it was presented in October at the 1982 The questions raised by Two Laws will
Margaret Mead Film Festival. Completed have to be taken seriously in ethnographic
in 1981, Two Laws is a feature-length docu- film circles, and elsewhere as well, if for no
mentary that succeeds both in being infor- other reason (but there are others) than the
mative and in undercutting many of our fact that this is a film, unlike 99.9% of eth-
expectations regarding ethnographic films nographic films,1 in which the traditional
in particular, and documentary films in (or tribal) peoples themselves collectively
general. controlled the decision-making processes of
Already hailed in Australia, where its sub- what to film and how to film iteven down
ject matterAboriginal land rightsis con- to what lens to use on the camera. That the
sidered politically controversial, Two Laws results, cinematically, look so different from
was nominated for (although it did not win) what we are accustomed to seeing in even
the Australian Film Institutes 1982 award the best ethnographic films up to now,
for best documentary. At a running time certainly causes us to sit up and take notice,
of two hours and ten minutes, Two Laws is and to raise questions (and doubts) about
an ambitious, complex, problematic film how ethnographic film-makers have been
that was made collectively (and I mean this proceeding.
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 653

International Ethnographic Film At the 1978 conference, power was cer-

Conference 1978, Canberra, tainly very much at issue. Indeed, it was
Australia even placed on the official agenda by the
conference convenors, David and Judith
In addition to raising important questions, MacDougalleminent ethnographic film-
Two Laws may also provide at least a ten- makers themselves, and resident directors
tative answer to a question posed in 1978 of the Film Unit of the Australian Institute
at the International Ethnographic Film of Aboriginal Studies, which hosted the
Conference, which I attended, in Canberra, conference. Sympathetic with Aboriginal
Australia. This conference was a major event peoples increasingly vociferous demands
in ethnographic film circles; it had strong to be provided access to the media and to
participation fromand reverberations the means of film and television production,
amongAustralias Aboriginal peoples; and the MacDougalls had scheduled a session
several of the individuals who subsequently in the conference agenda to explore these
went on to collaborate on the film Two Laws issues. However, the amount of time allot-
participated in this conference; so it seems ted was not considered sufficient by many
important to offer, by way of background, a invited participants, who requested, and
summary of the way various issues in eth- were granted, a session on these issues,
nographic film were discussed at this lively which was scheduled for the final day of the
and seminal conference. conference.
One conference participant, Roger Before that final day, the struggle for
Sandall (himself an ethnographic power was carried out in the territory staked
film-maker in Australia) reported in Sight out by Colin Youngthat of rival documen-
and Sound (Autumn 1978) on the remark- tary film methodologies. As the conferences
able and volatile mix of people gathered senior statesman, Young presented the
from around the globe at this conferencea opening salvo, offering his own summary
mix that included not only ethnographic of documentary film history. Young spoke
film-makers and anthropologists but also, of the accomplishments, but mainly of the
for a change, various representatives of the dangers and limitations of the Grierson
traditional peoples the ethnographers usu- approach (too polemical and didactic); of
ally study. Of course, most conferences, as the virtues of the Flaherty approach (he got
Colin Young (who featured prominently close to his subjects); of the fundamental
in this one) has recently pointed out, are flaws in Robert Gardners filmic strategies
really about power. Young, head of Britains in Dead Birds (he tells us on the sound
National Film School, puts the issues track information not substantiated by the
thisway: image); and of the refreshingly participa-
tory filmic strategies of Jean Rouch (in
Go to most conferences and the Turou et Bitti the film-maker almost func-
subject, no matter what is on the tions as the combustion element in a ritual
agenda, is power. Which method- leading to trance).
ology is going to win out? People In addition, Young turned over the
invest in their methods to the exclu- podium briefly to Timothy Asch, who
sion of others. The method defines delivered homage to John Marshall for
you, and you it. If I criticize your his longstanding dedication to filming the
method Iharm you. Its a way of say- !Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari. (Asch, a
ing that Idont like you.Supporters former associate of Marshalls, has gone
of a methodology are racist with on to make a number of important films
respect to all others.2 on the Yanomamo of the Orinoco Basin in

collaboration with anthropologist Napoleon known the MacDougalls as close friends

Chagnon.) Finally, Young also spoke of the for about twenty years; and I have known
breakthroughs made in the early sixties by Colin Young (through the MacDougalls)
the practitioners, mostly French, Canadian nearly as long. Friendship notwithstand-
and American, of cinma vrit. ing, I would have no hesitation in picking
All this could be taken as uncontroversial the MacDougalls films (from their first, To
documentary film history; but there was Live With Herds, right up to their latest films
also a tendentious side to Youngs presenta- dealing with Australian Aboriginal peoples)
tion. As he toted up the assets and liabilities as representing the best of contemporary
of each documentary approach, Young wove tendencies in ethnographic film. However,
a clearly discernible thread of apparent his- I must take issue with Colin Young on
torical progress into the chaotic fabric of one point, because I am not convinced
documentary film history, in such a way (nor was Iat the 1978 conference) that the
that, in his account, it would seem to reach complex filmic strategies employed by the
some at-least-for-the-present optimum real- MacDougalls are done justice by the term
ization of its potential (and, implicitly, of observational cinema. (I shall deal with
its realist vocation) in the contemporary these issues in the following section of this
methodology of what Young calls observa- essay.)
tional cinema. Where Youngs historical survey of docu-
This approach consists of a refined mentary film at the conference is concerned,
version of cinma vrits ability to use Bill Nichols pointed out in his remarks to
light-weight, unobtrusive equipment and a the conference that while Youngs presen-
minimal crew (often only two persons) to tation had been interesting as a personal
film long takes in synchronous sound of the account of how Young, and presumably
ordinary interactions and conversations of others, had found their own path through
people going about their regular daily lives. the thicket of documentary methodologies,
It is demonstrated, Young asserted, in the the thicket itself had not really been cleared
films of David and Judith MacDougall as for cultivation on solid theoretical ground;
well as in the Vermont Conversations series and the discussions were strangely devoid
by Hancock and DiGioia (and in their film of recourse to recent developments in film
Naim and Jabar for the Faces of Change theory, communications theory or anthro-
project), and in Roger Graefs studies of pology itself.
decision-making for the two British televi- Indeed, it became clear in ensuing
sion series, The Space Between Words and days that what was being presented was a
Decision. low-keyed, disarmingly attractive yet ten-
As Colin Young would be the first to dentious version of both the history and the
admit, there is a decidedly incestuous cast present situation of ethnographic filmas
to the lineup he proposes under the rubric seen by proponents of one particular school
of observational cinema. The MacDougalls, of documentary methodology. The morn-
Hancock and DiGioia all got their start in ing after Youngs opening presentation,
film as students in the ethnographic film the mantle was passed to James Blue, a
program started by Young (and Walter long-time friend and associate of both Young
Goldschmidt) at UCLA in the late sixties. and the MacDougalls, who announced that
Of course, the community of film-makers, his contribution would be to demonstrate in
anthropologists, and other scholars involved more detail, and with specific illustrations,
in the world of ethnographic film is a fairly the general line set out by Youngs opening
small community in any case. We have all talk. Blues presentation emphasized the
known one another from way back. I have virtues of Robert Flahertys filmic strategies,
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 655

exemplified by a seal-hunting sequence allegedly arid and inhospitable soil of the

from Flahertys Nanook, which was pro- Aran Islands. Showing us the very same
jected side-by-side with a sequence (also rugged, rocky terrain that Flaherty had
showing seal-hunting) from Asen Balikcis filmed, Stoney then makes a small pan with
Netsilik Eskimo series offilms. his camera to show that with this simple
Blues argument was that Balikci, camera movement one can see the lush, fer-
although one of our contemporary ethno- tile agricultural land-holdings that were in
graphic filmmakers, had reverted to an older, Flahertys day and still are in the hands of a
anachronistic and more didactic style of few absentee landlords. The richest of these,
shooting and editing ethnographic film. Stoney observes, had in fact turned over his
Blues comparison of the two sequences was baronial house, the largest on the islands,
all to the favor of Flaherty, who was credited to the Flahertys, where the film-maker and
with simply letting the action unfold in his wife Frances had enjoyed a quasi-feudal
front of the camera instead of breaking the relationship to the impoverished Islanders
action up into different edited pieces shot during theirstay.
from different camera angles. Such revelations as these had made
The only troubleand Blue, sensing this, their points with the conference audience.
got off to an awkward and somewhat ner- In Flahertys retreat from the realities of
vous startwas that the mornings audience the contemporary situation in favor of a
wasnt ready to buy this praise of Flaherty, highly romanticized vision of ways of life
at least partly because the previous evenings no longer practiced, many conference par-
conference event had turned into a tumul- ticipants saw a betrayal of documentary
tuous debate touched off by a screening of films mission to show it like it is. Small
Flahertys 1934 film Man of Aran, followed by wonder, then, that James Blue (whose sub-
George Stoneys just-completed documen- sequent death in 1980 is a loss to us all)
tary exploration of Robert Flahertys Man of met with such resistance when he valiantly
Aran: How The Myth Was Made. Stoneys went ahead with his presentation of the
film, while appreciative of Flahertys genius virtues of Flahertys filmic strategies. He
for poetic imagery, had popped the lid off all prefaced his remarks with an account of
the distortions and omissions in Flahertys how he too, like others in the audience, had
highly romanticized depiction of life on the been influenced by his years studying film
Aran Islands off Ireland. in the heady political milieu of Paris; how
Many in the audience at the conferences he too had gone through a phase of politi-
premire screening of Stoneys revelatory doc- cization during which he sought to root
umentary had been incensed at what they now out all traces of fascist film style from
saw to be Flahertys falsification of the life he his film-making repertory; and how he too
had purported to be documenting. Particularly had wanted, indeed still wanted, to make
troublesome was Flahertys total lack of inter- films that were politically constructive. But
est in the actual sociopolitical affairs of the gradually he had discovered, he told us, that
Islanders, who, in his film, are represented Flahertys way of letting the camera simply
by only three peoplesignificantly, a nuclear observe what was happening had seemed
family of man, wife and sonwhose highly to him the most honest and direct way to
romanticized struggle for survival in an awe- get at the larger truth and complexity of a
somely inhospitable Nature becomes the situation.
whole picture. It was all very affably, albeit defensively
On this issue Stoneys film effectively put by Blue; and there was much to consider
documents how distortedand politically in what he said. And yet, to many in the
skewedis Flahertys depiction of the audience, Blues championing of Flaherty,

and his treatment of his own politicized or the romantic. This came out very
phase as if it were merely a childhood stage strongly at the Canberra Conference.
one outgrew, smacked of an attempt to take There is an explicit lack of theorising
the edge off any politically activist approach about the politics of going into and
to documentary film-making. At least this disrupting a community, or taking
is how it was read by many of the young information and images from one
Australian documentary film-makers pres- society to be exploited by another.3
ent, who also construed it as a pitch to tone
down the political element in their films to Moreover, there were problems, many of
make them more acceptable to the potential us at the conference felt, with the argument
television market, which, according to both James Blue developed in his comparison of
Young and Blue, was ready to open its doors the Flaherty and Balikci footage. To present
to ethnographicfilm. an alternative view, I pointed out that one
The possibility of television distribution, could argue that Balikcis way of breaking a
however, was perceived by the Australians complicated process (of seal-hunting) into
to be the proverbial carrot held out in front different shots taken from different camera
of the horse who allows himself to be fitted angles at least had the merits of (1)revealing
with blinders. The modest success in Great details of the action that might not be visible
Britain of Brian Mosers Disappearing or noticed from one single camera position;
World series of ethnographic films for and, (2)openly acknowledging the filmmak-
Granada Television was hardly persuasive, ing processof selecting camera angles,
especially when Granadas representatives of shooting, of editing, the same
to the Canberra Conference acknowledged time as it explored the Eskimos process
that very few of the Disappearing World of seal-hunting. In short, Balikcis filmic
films had taken up in any way the vital politi- strategies (including his avoidance of omni-
cal issues of why so many (but not all) tribal scient narration on the sound track) could
or traditional societies are in danger of dis- be credited with being both process-oriented
appearing in todaysworld. and self-reflexive.
To many conference participants, the By contrast, Iobserved, Flahertys filmic
singleminded emphasis on an obser- strategies in the seal-hunting sequence
vational camera-style (coupled with an from Nanook could be seen as mystify-
apparent insensitivity to the political ing the processes both of seal-hunting
dynamics of ethnographic film-making) and of filming. Flaherty sets up his cam-
began to wear very thin; and a current of era in advance at a small hole in the ice
reaction set in against the house style towards which Nanook is seen to make
proposed by Young and Blue. Filmmakers his way from the distant background, as
Cavadini and Strachan, for example, later if searching the ice-flow for telltale signs
expressed their frustration with the apoliti- of the presence of a seals airhole. Thus,
cal approach that dominated the early days in effect, Flaherty gives the camera the
of the conference. classic, privileged narrators point of
view that impliesbut does not openly
Weve been amazed at the way eth- acknowledgethe godlike omniscience
nographic film-makers deny that of the film-maker while reinforcing the
their films are political. This denial seemingly unimpeachable authority of
is enforced by a claim that the the information provided by the image.
camera in particular is neutral and Such an impression of reality was espe-
observational; but what is in fact cially problematic, Iargued, in the case of
produced are visions of the exotic Flaherty. After all, in Nanook as in Man of
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 657

Aran, the apparent reality being filmed under the prospective title, Who Killed
is an extremely contrived re-enactment Observational Cinema?
of ways of life that were never quite as This is the question I alluded to at the
romantic as Flaherty makes them out to beginning of this articlethe question
be, and which are not, in any case, the to which the 1981 film Two Laws provides
ways of life of the contemporary people he at least a tentative answer. Of course, one
is actually filming. film, even such a probing and forceful film
Moreover, even if the viewer does not as Two Laws, does not by itself bring about
notice that Flahertys camera has been set the imminent demise of observational
up in advance at the very spot Nanook even- cinema. Nor would I wish for its demise.
tually discovers, there is ample evidence I am confident that there will continue to
to tip off the fact that this entire sequence be a place (or, rather, certain types of eth-
is staged for the camera. At Flahertys urg- nographic and documentary situations)
ing, no doubt, Nanook hams up his dem- where the filmic strategies associated with
onstration of the process of spearing a seal observational cinema will still be fruit-
through the breathing hole in the ice. In fully employed. However, what Two Laws
fact, the scene is turned into slapstick com- may be instrumental in laying to rest is a
edy, with Nanook ostensibly being tugged notion of observational cinema as a panacea
this way and that by the not yet visible seal that could cure all the infirmities of ethno-
beneath the ice. Finally, when the seal is graphic or documentary film-making.
ultimately hauled up through the ice, it is []
so obviously long-deadand apparently
frozen solidthat the entire sequence
becomes ridiculous.
At the Canberra conference, the appear- Two Laws:The Theory and
ance of the dead seal was greeted with Practice ofEthnographicFilm
great hoots of laughter. Jokes were made
of the observational style of filming a Having voiced their demands loud and clear
frozen-seal hunt. Soon nearly everyone at the 1978 Canberra Conference, and hav-
was taking pot shots at observational ing obtained from the Institute of Aboriginal
cinema and at Flahertywith Blue and Studies a strengthened commitment to pro-
Young still valiantly attempting to defend ceed faster in providing Aboriginal peoples
their position. Finally, the session was access to equipment and to film-making
adjourned, but many participants kept instruction, Australias Aboriginal peoples
right on arguing the issues, moving in for also intensified their efforts to enlist some of
the kill, wielding their small personal tape Australias white documentary film-makers
recorders like weapons as they endeavored to work with the black communities in
to pin down, for the record, their respec- making films that would express rather than
tive antagonists. At this point, the event merely observe Aboriginal culture. Many
was laughingly dubbed the battle of the Aboriginal communities initiated requests
tape recordersa battle of ritual warfare for films to be made, and many of these
enacted by a strange and exotic tribe of requests were directed to David and Judith
academics and media professionals. In MacDougall in their roles as Director and
a verbal play on the title of James Blues Assistant Director of the Film Unit of the
own latest film, Who Killed The Fourth Institute of Aboriginal Studies.
Ward? (about redevelopment in Houston, Already heavily involved in making a
Texas), it was jocularly suggested that series of films requested by the Aurukun
a sequel to the conference be planned, Aboriginal community (which has been in

the center of Australias most controversial and Strachan arranged evening screenings
political struggles over land rights, mining of films dealing with land rights issues, the
rights, and conflicts of federal and state next morning there would be a formal meet-
jurisdiction), the MacDougalls and their ing, according to Aboriginal law, where the
staff simply couldnt handle all the requests community would collectively discuss the
for films coming from various Aboriginal previous nights films, debate their strengths
communities. and weaknesses, and explore their potential
However, the Borroloola people were use, to them and to their film, of this or that
determined that they wanted to make a film stylistic approach. Gradually, in this way,
dealing with the history of their commu- the community collectively planned what it
nity. Leo Finlay had seen Protected, a film wanted to film and how it wanted to filmit.
on the Palm Island Aboriginal community Cavadini and Strachan gradually
made collectively by two white Australian realized that this traditional collective
film-makers, Alessandro Cavadini and decision-making process was itself a fun-
Carolyn Strachan, in collaboration with damental feature of Aboriginal law, that
the Palm Island community. Protected was leaders were only ceremonial figures;
a very impressive film; so Leo Finlay paid and that correlatively, the formal commu-
a visit to Cavadini and Strachan in Sydney nity meeting could provide the structural
and asked them for help in making a film base of the film. Once this was decided, it
on the Borroloola community. Cavadini became obvious how these formal meet-
and Strachan accepted the invitation, ings were to be filmed. As Cavadini and
went to Borroloola, and spent the first two Strachan explainit,
months traveling from one Aboriginal set-
tlement or camp to another, learning their Because there isnt any television
proper skin or kinship relation within the and few films had been seen, the
Borroloola Aboriginal society, and discuss- people were unfamiliar with the
ing what sort of film the Aboriginal peoples whole of Western film culture,
wanted to make. so their ideas came largely from
From the beginning, it was clear what Aboriginal structure. For instance,
the general outline of the film was to be. when we got down to filming there
The Borroloola community wanted to pro- was automatically only one position
vide a historical background to their insis- for the camera and one position for
tence that their Aboriginal system of law the sound recordistbecause every-
was, in fact, just thata system of law one has their place in a highly struc-
which regulated their interactions with one tured spatial arrangement. Men sit
another and with land and property. This in one position, women in another,
was important, they felt, because prelimi- and each individual sits with partic-
nary hearings in land rights cases during ular relatives. So the determinations
the seventies had demonstrated that white had to do with the tribal structure
judges tended to discount Aboriginal land into which the film fitted as opposed
claims based on Aboriginal tradition when- to being outsideit.4
ever they were in conflict with land claims
based on leases, titles and contracts recog- Moreover, as Cavadini and Strachan point
nized by whitelaw. out, not only camera and sound positions
Even before commencing filming, were engendered by Aboriginal sense of law
Cavadini and Strachan found that the Aborig and structure, but also even the choice of
inal sense of law pervaded everything the what lens to use on the camera was engen-
Borroloola community did. When Cavadini dered thisway.
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 659

During those first two months we especially as this event is recalledand

did do a number of tests to try out reenactedby people who participated in it,
different ideas, and the choice was there is a sense in which the present com-
made to shoot the entire film with a munitys effort to grasp an understanding
wide-angle lens. It was the one that of their past is far more important than a
people responded to and liked. With reconstituting of the past. As Cavadini and
a wide-angle lens you can include Strachan explainit,
much more in the shot than with a
standard lens, but its not so appro- The way Aboriginal people approach
priate for close-ups. If someone history is very different from the
wants to make a statement, oth- way we see history as located firmly
ers have to be present to make that in the past. People talk about history
statement possibleto confirm or in the present tense, use the first
contradict it. Sometimes there was person, employ dialogue, re-enact
disagreement between people but events. In everyday life people tell
its presented as a group discussion stories that happened yesterday or
as opposed to one individual being happened one hundred years ago.6
the authority.5
The task of re-telling the pastspecifically,
The title, it was decided, should be Two the events of 1933, as characteristic of
Laws; and the film should begin with a shot those timesis carried out in a complex,
of a formal meeting where Leo Finlay intro- sophisticated combination of oral history
duces Cavadini and Strachan by saying sim- (story-telling) and re-enactment plus ana-
ply I think you know these two, Alessandro lytical commentary on both the telling and
and Carolyn; theyre going to help us make the acting-out of history. Moreover, the
a film, and its our film so lets make a good re-enactment includes its own self-reflexive
film. The camera, with its wide-angle lens, component of analysis, for the re-enactment
pans right to left across the seated com- is presented in a way that emphasizes the
munity at the formal meeting, men on one group process of play-acting. Aboriginal
side, women on another; and as the camera community members sit in rows on the
completes its pan we even see the sound ground as the camera pans or tracks to
recordista woman, Carolynin her des- pause as each one introduces himself by
ignated place alongside the Borroloola saying my name is X, and Im playing the
women. part of Dollyor Doris andsoon.
The film overall is divided into four parts, Furthermore, although they filmed
arranged chronologically (although with enough re-enactment footage to comprise
some overlaps) into sections called Police a 90-minute drama film, the Borroloola
Times, Welfare Times, Struggle for Our community decided not to go that route,
Land, and Living with Two Laws. Police preferring, for political reasons, to empha-
Times deals with the situation in the thir- size the overall context of events rather than
ties, a period still vividly remembered by the events themselves. Finally, the 1933
a few older members of the Borroloola eventsa forced march of Aboriginal peo-
community but largely unknown by most ples who were rounded up by one Constable
younger community members, who only Stott, who beat them into a forced confes-
learned of these times and events in the pro- sion of killing and eating a bullock (steer)
cess of making thefilm. owned by a white rancherwere judged too
Although Police Times focuses on brutal in their depiction of violence to be
one particular event that happened in 1933, used in the finished film. So it was decided

Figure80.1 Shooting the Police Times section of Two Laws. Screen capture fromDVD.

instead to emphasize the acting-out strategy, chance now to recall and act out what they
to film stylized and symbolic expressions of have experienced. This is most evident in the
the violence enacted upon Aboriginal peo- second part, Welfare Times, where a group
ples. Thus, there are scenes where the white of Aboriginal women discuss with a white
actor playing Constable Stott symbolically woman how the latter should play her part as
lowers his stick slowly across the back of an a welfare administrator. Rehearsing a scene
Aboriginal man instead of bashing him with where the Aboriginal women have to pres-
it, or slowly applies his stick first to one side ent themselves for inspection, they coach the
of an Aboriginal woman then to the other to white woman on the lines the welfare admin-
indicate the brutal beating which resulted istrator should speak. Running through the
in her death. And, in another scene, an old scene, the welfare woman speaks her lines
Aboriginal man describes how he was beaten in an impressively convincing way; and the
across the back, first one way then another; Aboriginal women remark, Yes, thats just
then he grabs a stick and proceeds to dem- the way they would talk to us; and we would
onstrate how he was beaten by bashing a tree just stand there and look down at our feet,
first this way then another. Finally, he says, not daring to speak aword.
I was forced to confess. Yep, Itold him, I But immediately after this remark there is
ate that bullock, ate the whole thing! a cut to another take of this same scene, with
The Aboriginal peoples sense of humor the Aboriginal women presenting them-
is evident in many moments of Two Laws, as selves for inspection and the white woman
they laugh in retrospect about what they had saying Good morning, have you all washed
to endure in the past and as they revel in the today? If youre nice and clean and if your
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 661

children are nice and clean then youll get a looking directly into the camera, Which
pretty dress for being good girls. And youll means that they wanted us to be like white
get clothes for the children too. But if youre people.
not clean or if your hair is untidy then youll While assimilation was certainly the
not get anything until youve fixed yourself Australian governments long-term plan for
up properly. And here, in this take, the the Aboriginal population (paralleling the US
Aboriginal women are shown laughing at government position on Native Americans), at
the whole scene, dramatizing, in effect, both least as important was the short-term urgency
what used to happen to them and the distance of getting the Aboriginal peoples out of the
they have come in asserting themselves. way of the white mining interests that wanted
The welfare system, as they see it, was access to the countrys vast mineral deposits.
blatantly assimilationist. By way of introduc- In Two Laws, the Borroloola Aboriginal com-
ing Welfare Times, one Aboriginal woman munity recountsand re-enactshow they
reads a passage from the Governments were suddenly told that their welfare station
submission to the Land Claims Court, and the entire Aboriginal community would
which reads as follows:The year 1953 was have to move to Robinson River, several
the beginning of the Welfare Ordinance. hours away by truck. There was no consulta-
Its aim was to direct and encourage the tion involved; they were just told to pack their
re-establishment of the Aborigenes, that things, and a government truck was provided
they would eventually be assimilated as to carry them and their possessions. Only
an integral part of the Australian commu- later did they find out that large mining inter-
nity. To which, the Aboriginal woman adds, ests had obtained a lease on huge tracts of

Figure80.2 Shooting the Welfare Times section of Two Laws. Screen capture fromDVD.

land around Borroloola and had insisted on communal land tenureas opposed to pri-
the Aboriginal communitys removal to make vate propertyhad been spelled out more
way for the vast Mt. Isa Mines operations. explicitly. Apparently this is exactly what
The notion of two different legal con- happens when the finished film is shown
cepts of land tenure (one black, one white) to audiences of other Aboriginal commu-
is best brought out by the third part of the nities throughout Australia: they actually
film, Struggle for Our Land. Interestingly, leap to their feet at this moment in the film
there is one sequence in this section which and start discussing loudly exactly what
is filmed utilizing what might be called an they would have said to that white laborer.
observational approach. It involves a conver- And even within the film we see the way
sation between a white Australian laborer (a the film-making process offers material for
recent immigrant from Yugoslavia) and an further work and reflection, as we later see
Aboriginal man who is protesting that the several Aboriginal women activists listen-
white laborer, by razing hundreds of trees ing, with ear phones, to the sound tape of
along a dirt roadway, has both diminished that particular conversationwhich stirs
the Aboriginal food supply (they eat the fruit them to compose a letter offering their
of this particular tree) and, more impor- response to the white laborer. In short,
tantly, desecrated a sacred site which had even the observational sequence is clearly
been entrusted, ceremonially, to his particu- and firmly placed in the overall context of
lar custodianship, or djunkai. a process initiated and carried through by
The conversation is filmed in synch sound the Aboriginal community themselvesa
and long takes, and since both men are speak- process that involves them in making a film
ing English, there is no need for subtitling in the first place because they are above all
of dialogue. The white laborer questions the involved in a political struggle to retainor
black mans ability to prove his ownership to regaintheir traditionalland.
of the land. Do you have a title to the land? Keeping the political context in mind,
he asks. The Aboriginal man responds that the Aboriginal community is able to incor-
when the white men came they just took the porate into Two Laws some footage of tra-
land and didnt bother with titles. The white ditional rituals and ceremonial dances, but
laborer then retorts that land wasnt always in such a way that does not allow this mate-
just taken, that sometimes blacks actually rial to fall into the trap of the exoticwhere
sold land to the whites. Can you prove, he the Aboriginal is depicted as the mysterious
asks, that your father, or his father, didnt other. Instead, by delaying any treatment of
sell that land to the whites? ritual until the fourth and final part of Two
Pausing for a moment, the white laborer Laws, and by including footage of rituals
then continues, And if that land was sold involving some of the men, and, especially,
to the whites, then what would happen some of the women we have come to know
now if the government or the land claims somewhat through the first three parts of
court decided to give that land back to the the film, the Aboriginal community is able
blacks? Who would pay back the money to to provide the audience with a sense of the
the whites that they had originally paid the inter-relatedness of all these activities and of
blacks for that land? The Aboriginal man their articulation within the overall context
reflects on these questions for several min- of their ongoing lives and struggles.
utes, then shakes his head stoically, observ- All in all, the film Two Laws is a break-
ing that Youre still just thinking in white through of major significance in ethno-
peoples terms about allthis. graphic film. It may not provide the kind
The point is well taken, although it of drama and action we are used to in
would be nice if the Aboriginal terms of the cinema, even in the observational
Two Laws from Australia, One White, OneBlack 663

cinema; but it provides much more impor- sub-cultures (Navajo Indians, lower-class urban
black children), given some rudimentary training
tant things. Above all, Two Laws provides with film equipment, might be able to express, in
the ethnographic subjectsin this case, original and indigenous imagery, certain essential
the Australian Aboriginal community of characteristics of their cultures. The work with
Navajos by Sol Worth and John Adair resulted in a
Borroloolathe opportunity to express number of short pieces (of several minutes duration)
what they want to express about their lives of subject-generated film-imagery, only one
and their culture and their struggles, and to example of which was thought to express genuinely
Navajo imagery. Similar results were obtained
express all this in filmic terms of their own in work with lower-class urban black children by
choosing. In doing so, they may have made Richard Chalfen.
that disappearing world a bit more visible 2. Colin Young, MacDougall Conversations, Royal
and audible again, to the benefit of allofus. Anthropological Institute News, June1982.
3. Quoted from an interview with Cavadini and
Strachan conducted by Charles Merewether and
Lesley Stern, published in Filmnews, Sydney
Notes Filmmakers Cooperative, April 1982,p.8.
4. Quoted from Cavadini and Strachan interview cited
in footnote 3 above,p.9.
1. There have been a few experiments set up by white 5. Ibid.,p.9.
American academics to investigate whether minority 6. Ibid.,p.9.


Historically the cinematic image of the Lives offers a cynical, candid glimpse into
homosexual, which has only come into focus the S&M/motorcycle/leather faction of
within the last decade, has consistently suf- the macho gay world; and Shirley Clarkes
fered from stereotypical distortion, derision, feature-length interview with a black male
and condescension. As minority members prostitute, Portrait of Jason, conveys an
who have never been in control of their pub- unsparing, albeit unpleasant confessional
lic image, gays have witnessed in narrative vision.
fiction film an almost systematic attempt Diverse and positive images of gay per-
to devalue, while giving token recognition sons were not forthcoming for two basic
to, their lives and feelings. If television reasons. In spite of the clarion call of Out
responds on occasion with a sympathetic of the Closets by liberationists, large seg-
episode, movies are largely content with lib- ments of the gay populace feared any sort
eral notions of obvious fairies for humor- of public exposure that might mean loss of
ous relief, or worse, unhappy psychopathic jobs, friends and/or family support. Simply
villains, reinforcing ignorance and preju- getting an openly gay woman or man to
dice among what Christopher Isherwood appear before a camera was a primary dif-
terms the heterosexual dictatorship. ficulty. And secondly, the difficulties in
In the field of documentary or financing a nonsensational (noncommer-
cinma-vrit, where the index of reality is cial) treatment of the subject was virtually
somewhat more reliable, and where we at insurmountable.
least have the advantage of experiencing The first work reflecting the otherwise
not actors impersonating gay types, but extremely vocal politics of Gay Liberation
the real thing, isolated examples failed to was a highly professional student pro-
have any significant impact. In The Queen, duction, Some of Your Best Friends by Ken
Frank Simon penetrates behind the facade Robinson of the University of Southern
of male drags participating in a beauty con- California. Employing a cinma-vrit
test, while at another extreme, Rosa von format, Robinson captured the spirited
Praunheims It Is Not the Homosexual Who genesis of the movement in New York
is Not Perverse but the Society in Which He and Los Angeles, interviewing up-front
Review of Word is Out 665

participants about feelings and experiences of interviews with diverse individuals. In

of oppression and freedom. Especially spite of two years of perseverence, Adair
memorable is a Los Angeles man walk- discovered foundations were unrespon-
ing through Griffith Park, relating how sive to such a project and finally resorted,
he was entrapped by a local vice officer like the makers of Gay USA, to private
and his plans to defend himself in a court and individual investors. He joined forces
trial (which he subsequently won). A gay with his sister Nancy, assistant camera-
contingent is seen confronting a psychiat- man Andrew Brown, sound editor Veronica
ric convention, challenging its oppressive Selver, New York film-maker Lucy Massie
advocacy of aversion therapy with a rous- Phenix, and Rob Epstein, and the Mariposa
ing debate. Representatives of a NewYork Film Group came into existence. With the
homophile organization are shrouded in expansion of the group came the decision
shadow to protect their identity while the to enlarge the scope of the work. What had
bright, shining faces of the street folk proj- begun as a modest presentation of posi-
ect pride, prominently including women as tive role models for gay people became a
well asmen. much larger sampling of the vast range of
Six years were to pass, however, before Americas gay population.
other gay film-makers were to significantly Every attempt was made to engage
take up the direct-cinema approach begun film-makers and participants in a collective
by Robinson. Though financial support was expression, decentralizing all procedures
still virtually nonexistent for pro-gay films, from shooting to editing. In preparation,
the rising tide of anti-gay propaganda, spear- the members pre-interviewed 200 per-
headed by Anita Bryants Bible-thumping sons from varied sections of the country
crusade, provoked social consciousness and on videotape. The team then collectively
a revitalization of a movement throughout viewed this material and selected 26
the land. Ahighly sophisticated quality gay women and men whom they returned to
news medium began to unite divergent film. As Teresa Kennett notes in The Reel
forces into political cohesiveness and at Thing, certain ground rules were agreed
the same time the awareness of a need to on by the Mariposa Group. The setting
communicate prompted socially conscious for every interview was worked out very
film-makers to action. Their efforts resulted carefully between subject and film-maker.
in two unique and exceptional human docu- Choice of location and props
ments, Gay USA and Word is Out:Stories of photographs, pets, clothing, etc.was
Some of Our Lives. Both films employ the made on the basis not only of what looked
interview as a fundamental technique but good visually, but of what was meaningful
their production circumstances and organi- to the interviewee. Making the subject feel
zation of material differ distinctly in spite of at ease was of utmost importance; to this
occasional parallels. end a stationary camera setup was decided
In 1975, Peter Adair, then a producer for upon, thus eliminating any extra distrac-
San Franciscos KQED, had become dissat- tion. And since whoever operated the cam-
isfied with the quality of his work there. I era also conducted the interview (usually
felt that I needed to make films that were with only one other person on sound) it
of value to meIwanted to get into some was possible to develop real unbroken
sort of social film-making. I started with communication between interviewer and
the issue that concerned me mostthat interviewee. In addition to the interview
was rights for gay people. He envisioned material, several hours of vrit footage
a short film to be used as a teaching aid were filmed, depicting working and liv-
for college and professional groups, made ing situations of the subjects, and songs

performed by Trish Nugent and the gay composition, and dynamic center, it is an
rock band BuenaVista. isolated unit that only marginally relates to
Four of the Mariposa Group spent over a the other units that make up the framework.
year editing various cuts down from approx- In addition to the gay musicians, who are
imately 50 hours of material. From time to seen at random intervals in studio and in
time cuts were screened for predominantly concert performances, three sequences devi-
gay audiences, with responses solicited in ate significantly from the armchair-interview
questionnaire form. Thus, the larger com- format, giving a much-needed variation in
munity was able to participate in determin- the cinematic space. Elsa Gidlow, 79, the
ing the actual final content of the film. In eldest member of the cast, is seen talking
this process it soon became evident that the with three young women in her Northern
large amount of cutaway material detracted California home about lesbian politics and
from rather than amplified the succession her feelings about appearing in the film.
of interviews, and in the final 135-minute Suddenly, for the first time we see the faces
version, its presence is minimal. And this of interviewer(s) and interviewee in the
undoubtedly accounts for the strength of same space, engaged in a conversational
the films emotional and psychological exchange, while the hand-held camera freely
impact, as well as for its structural and con- moves from face to face. Similarly, after we
ceptual weaknesses. have become familiar with a blond lesbian
Word is Out is divided into three broad named Whitey, who lives in a Northern
sections; The Early Years, Growing California cabin, we see an early morning
Up, and From Now On. The rather excursion in which she and her friends saw
vague nature of these arbitrary categories off a section of a giant tree that is threaten-
becomes evident as each section unravels, ing her domicile. The operation, shot from
prefaced by an introductory montage of the a variety of angles, is successful and audi-
personalities included in each segment. ences invariably cheer and applaud this
Although the interviewees have been care- rustic interlude. Following interviews sepa-
fully chosen to display a richly diverse and rately and together with lesbian mothers
contrasting series of views and lifestyles, no Pam Jackson and Rusty Millington, we see
apparent structural pattern emerges in the a beautifully filmed sequence in which the
editing scheme. Individual interviews are two women play touch football with Rustys
broken up and reappear from time to time, children on a beach and serve a picnic sup-
often being used in more than one section, per, during which one of the children is
as remarks seem generally relevant to the interviewed. Other cutaway material, such
broad category. as the films self-proclaimed drag queen,
The static stationary camera angle is Tede Mathews, frolicking with children at
consistently a frontal medium-close to a playground, or the middle-aged couple
close shot, giving the impression of a talk- Harry Hay and John Burnside picking ber-
ing portrait in which the subject directly ries together in the countryside, displays
addresses the camera/audience, creating a charm that is more poignant than their
an intimate, engrossing and often emotion- speech.
ally charged rapport between subject and In spite of its diversity of ethnic and
viewer. However, in a film of a two-hour-plus sexual types, it would be a mistake to draw
duration, variety and contrast are essential anything other than superficial sociologi-
to retain the viewers interest, regardless cal arguments from Word is Out, which
of how riveting the interview material is is only a bare suggestion of the variety of
assumed to be. In the final analysis, though gay lifestyles. Brooklyn professor Betty
each individual shot has its own mood, Powell, one of the films most articulate
Review of Word is Out 667

speakers, emphasizes, for instance, that movement. Her assertion that lesbians
she should not be taken as in any sense and gay men have a great deal to offer in
representative of black lesbian feminists terms of restructuring the world culture,
(though she is in fact the only one to is more fully articulated by Sally Gearhart,
appear in thefilm). who asserts that all humans are born with
Nevertheless, certain patterns begin to a bisexual potential, but from the moment
emerge in the selection of material that they are born they are made half-persons
assert a strongly middle-class value struc- by societys strict programming of appro-
ture. The large number of stable couples priate gender behavior and attitudes. Gays
suggests an ideal of traditional matrimonial tend, on the other hand, more toward a
bliss. Only one character speaks up for the natural balance of male and female in one
single, casual-sex status that characterizes person. This is, of course, an ideal and the
vast numbers of gay people. Although only films inclusion of stereotypical dykes such
one speaker, a vice-president of a NewYork as Pat Bond (who quaintly classifies her-
corporation, defines himself as a conserva- self as femme) and effeminate men like
tive (I feel that radicals are necessary and Roger Harkenrider (who honestly admits to
I feel that we are necessary) the majority archetypal faggoty behavior) suggests the
of persons interviewed can be categorized infinite complexity of sexual role-playing in
as politically conservative, especially those the gay world. On the other hand, there are
whose formative years preceded the six- typically male models present in Donald
ties and Gay Liberation. Comedienne Pat Hackett, a black truck driver, and female
Bond, a middle-aged ex-WAC who talks of models in Linda Marco, a pretty, former
communal, role-defined lesbian life in post- American dream daughter, both of whom
war years and recounts the terrors of the came out from heterosexual marriages
Armys inquisition during the McCarthy (another significant pattern in the cast).
period (which resulted in 500 dishonorable It is also interesting to note that while the
discharges) is nevertheless nostalgic about films most cogent intellectual arguments
the past. Although she sees the necessity of come from women, its strongest emotional
gays coming out publicly now and finding a moments emerge from men. Probably the
new sense of identity, she misses the butch/ most memorable is George Mendenhalls
femme role dichotomy and the secrecy of tearful reminiscence of a male opera singer
the Little Orphan Annie decoding society named Jos encouraging men in a gay bar
in her earlyyears. to sing God Save Us Nellie Queens in the
The films final section, From Now On, fifties when San Francisco police merci-
tends to focus on the more radical dimen- lessly harrassed gays. More deeply touching
sion of gay politics and its most eloquent is the confession of young David Gillon:In
and persuasive arguments are presented high school thought Iwas just one of those
by lesbian feminists Betty Powell and Sally people who could never love anybody. When
Gearhart. Powell, who is a member of the I fell in love with Henry, it meant I had
National Gay Task Force, tells of coming out incredibly deep emotionsit meant I was
of a heterosexual marriage and realizing human.
her love for a woman through the womens []

D O C U M E N TA R Y F I L M ( 1 9 7 8 )

Feminist documentary filmmaking is a cinematically and politically, to explore such

cinematic genre congruent with a politi- differences would be beyond the scope of
cal movement, the contemporary womens this article.3 Here I shall describe the emer-
movement.1 One of that movements key gence of the Feminist documentary as a
forms of organization is the affinity group. In genre, the aesthetics, use, and importance
the late 1960s and early 1970s in the United of this genre, and its relation to the move-
States, womens consciousness-raising ment from which it spranga discussion
groups, reading groups, and task-oriented important to any consideration of the aes-
groups were emerging from and often thetics of political films.
superseded the organizations of the anti- Many of the first Feminist documen-
war New Left. Women who had learned taries used a simple format to present
filmmaking in the antiwar movement and to audiences (presumably composed
previously uncommitted women film- primarily of women) a picture of the
makers began to make self-consciously ordinary details of womens lives, their
Feminist films, and other women began to thoughtstold directly by the protagonists
learn filmmaking specifically to contribute to the cameraand their frustrated but
to the movement.2 The films these people sometimes successful attempts to enter
made came out of the same ethos as the and deal with the public world of work
consciousness-raising groups and had the and power. Among these films, which
same goals. now have a wide circulation in libraries
Clearly the cinematic sophistication and and schools, are Growing Up Female by
quality of political analysis vary from film Julia Reichert and Jim Klein, Janies Janie
to film, but aside from an in-depth dis- by Geri Ashur, and The Womans Film by
cussion of Self Health, which I value both the women of San Francisco Newsreel.
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 669

Other films dealing with women talking And if the Feminist filmmakers delib-
about their lives include Kate Millets Three erately used a traditional realist docu-
Lives, Joyce Chopras Joyce at 34, Donna mentary structure, it is because they saw
Deitchs Woman to Woman, and Deborah making these films as an urgent public act
Schaffer and Bonnie Friedmans Chris and wished to enter the 16mm circuit of
and Bernie. Some films deal with pride in educational films especially through librar-
the acquisition of skills, such as Bonnie ies, schools, churches, unions, and YWCAs
Friedmans film about a girls track team, to bring Feminist analysis to many women
The Flashettes, or Michelle Citrons study it might otherwise neverreach.
of her sister learning the concert violin Biography, simplicity, trust between
from a woman teacher, Parthenogenesis. woman filmmaker and woman sub-
Others have more political analysis and ject, a linear narrative structure, little
are often collective productions that pro- self-consciousness about the flexibility of
vide a Feminist analysis of womens expe- the cinematic mediumthese are what
rience with the following: (a) prison (Like characterize the Feminist documentaries of
a Rose by Tomato Productions, Were Alive the 1970s. The films form and their wide-
by California Institute for Women Video spread use raise certain questions. Why
and UCLA Womens Film Workshop); are they patterned in so similar a way?
(b) the health care system (Self Health by Why are these films the first ones thought
San Francisco Womens Health Collective, of whenever a group of women decide they
Taking Our Bodies Back by Margaret want to start learning something about
Lazarus, Renner Wunderlich, and Joan women and set up showings in churches,
Fink, The Chicago Maternity Center Story public libraries, high schools, Girl Scout
by Kartemquin Films, and Healthcaring by meetings, union caucuses, or rallies for
Denise Bostrom and Jane Warrenbrand); the ERA? Why do activists in the womens
and (c)rape (Rape by JoAnnElam). movement use the same films over and
It is no coincidence that films about over again? What is the films appeal?
working-class women show their subjects These films often show women in the
as the most confident and militant about private sphere getting together to define/
their rights in the public sector, and their redefine their experiences and to elaborate
willingness to fight for those rights. Yet a strategy for making inroads on the public
even these films, from Madeline Andersons sphere. Either the filmmaker senses that
I Am Somebody to Barbara Kopples Harlan it is socially necessary to name womens
County, U.S.A, focus on problems of identity experience, or women together within the
in the private spherehow one strike- film do so, or a strong woman is filmed
leaders husband views her union orga- who shares her stance with the filmmaker
nizing unenthusiastically, or how miners and, by extension, with the women who
wives reach a new solidarity only by over- see the film. Conversations in these films
coming sexual suspicions and jealousies. are not merely examples of female intro-
As Feminist films explicitly demand that spection; the filmmakers choose not to
a new space be opened up for women in explore the corners of womens psyches
womens terms, the collective and social (as in Romantic art). Rather, the womens
act of Feminist filmmaking has often led to very redefining of experience is intended to
entirely new demands in the areas of health challenge all the previously accepted indi-
care, welfare, poverty programs, work, and ces of male superiority and of womens
law (especially rape), and in the cultural supposedly natural roles. Womens per-
sphere proper in the areas of art, education, sonal explorations establish a structure for
and the mass media. social and psychological change and are

filmed specifically to combat patriarchy. fact that all the women discuss together
The filmmakers and her subjects intent their feelings about and experiences with
is political. Yet the films very strength, the their bodies and their sexuality, and that
emphasis on the experiential, can some- they very naturally look at and feel each oth-
times be a political limitation, especially ers bodies. To gain knowledge by looking
when the film limits itself to the individual at and feeling each other is acknowledged
and offers little or no analysis of sense of perhaps for the first time as womansright.
collective process leading to social change.4 Such a film attacks both the artistic and
medical tradition of viewing womens bod-
ies. These traditions, as well as the mass
medias use of womens image to sell con-
Example: Self Health sumer goods, have robbed most women
of a real knowledge of both their own and
Among Feminist documentaries, Self other womens bodies. Furthermore, many
Health is an exemplary film in terms of its women have little personal sense of right-
cinematic style, the knowledge it conveys, fully possessing their own bodies, little
and the self-confidence and understanding sense of whats normal for themselves
it gives women about themselves. The film physically, and little sense of what sexuality
presents women in a group situation, col- on their terms or on womens terms in gen-
lectively learning to do vaginal self-exams eral mightmean.
with a speculum, breast exams, and vaginal Toward the end of the film, one of the
bimanual exams. Such groups have been women puts on a rubber glove to demon-
conducted over the past five or six years strate how to do a bimanual vaginal exam.
by women who are part of an informal The subject is a woman lying on a table
self-help or self-health movement in in a sunny room with a flowered pillow
the United States; sometimes their work is under head and a green fern near her. The
connected with the home-birth movement teacher inserts two lubricated fingers into
and sometimes with pregnancy testing and the vagina and pushes up underneath the
abortion referral services. As the health care cervix. First she shows the woman being
industry grows like a mushroom under examined and then the other women gath-
capitalism, the general North American ered around the table, how to press down
public has become more and more aware hard on the abdomen to ascertain the size
of the poor quality of the expensive ser- and location of the uterus and then the
vices offered to them. The women in the ovaries. Why does it always hurt when the
self-health movement form part of a large, doctor does it? they ask. They also express
often informally constituted radical move- surprise about the size and location of the
ment to improve health care delivery for the uterus (about the size of a walnut) and
masses of people instead of for anelite. the ovaries (feels like a Mexican jumping
The place where such a self-health ses- bean).
sion takes place is usually someones home Women watching the film usually find
or a womens center, rather than a medical this information about the uterus com-
clinic. In the film Self Health, the locale is pletely new. Medical textbook drawings have
a sunny apartment or informal womens traditionally shown the uterus as big and
meeting place. Although we see two women near the navel, with large fallopian tubes
giving most of the explanations and demon- winding around prominent ovaries. The cli-
strations, no one is distinguished as nurse toris, until Masters and Johnsons studies,
or doctor. As important to the film as the was not taught in medical school as wom-
conveying of anatomical information is the ens organ of sexual sensation. Although
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 671

I was raised in a doctors family, I faced There was like this miners cap
similar ignorance, for I learned only three sticking up, and finally I said, OK.
years agoafter having a vaginal cyst cau- I have to deal with this some way,
terized without any local anesthesiawhat and I just took the curtain and tore
was to me a startling fact, that the vagina it off and threw it into the garbage
has relatively little sensation because there can. It really blew his mind. He
are few nerve endings there. Why, women said, You know, I never thought
are asking, has such ignorance about how ominous it is to see the head
womens sexuality been promoted in our of this person, and this part of you
societyespecially since both pornography divided, not yours.
and modern medicine pretend to be so lib-
eral about sex? That so much of the basic physical infor-
Doctors, male lovers, photographers, mation conveyed by the film is very new for
artists, and filmmakers have taken wom- women viewers (e.g., the film lets us see
ans nude body as their turf, especially the cervix and the os, or the normal seba-
as an object of study. John Berger, in his ceous secretion from the nipple) indicates
film series and book, Ways of Seeing, has just how colonized a space womens bodies
described the tradition of female nudity in still are. Self Health goes a long way toward
oil painting and the presentation of wom- reconquering thatspace.
ens bodies in advertising. He understands Cinematically, the film is character-
how the fact that women are an object of ized by its presentation of women in a
vision, a sight, has affected womens view collective situation sharing new knowl-
of themselves: women constantly survey edge about their physical sexuality. About
themselves to judge how they appear, to fifteen young women are gathered in a
try to gain some kind of control over how friendly, mundane environment rather
they might be treated in a circumscribed, than in a clinical white office where the
patriarchalworld. woman patient is completely isolated from
her ordinary social context. As the group
In the art-form of the European does breast self-examinations together,
nude, the painters and spectator- they sit around in a circle in what might
owners were usually men, the per- be a living room; hanging on the wall we
sons treated as objects, women. see a Toulouse-Lautrec reproduction of a
The essential way of seeing women, woman. Warm brown-red and pink tones
the essential use of which images predominate. As the women remove their
are put, has not changed.5 tops, we notice them as individualssome
with rings and other jewels, some with
In the film Self Health, one of the instruc- glasses, many with different hairstyles. The
tors relates how she attacked the deperson- group is young, they look like students or
alization a woman feels when her body is young working-women in flowered peas-
an object, especially as she experienced it ant blouses and dresses, shirts and jeans.
during a gynecologicalexam: In sum, the colors and the mise-en-scne
create a sense of warmth, intimacy, and
This summer I went to have the friendliness.
regular pap smear and pelvic exam. Even more important to the mise-en-scne
As soon as I got into the stirrups, is the womens collectivity. Women look at
the whole feeling came back. I and touch each other; they all see their own
really remembered it and felt com- sexual organs and those of others, probably
pletely vulnerable and terrified. for the first time. They learn the variety of

physical types and the range of normality and each other how each of us is unique
in sexual organs in look, color, texture, and and the sameWe see it as reclaiming
feel. The fact that almost any woman would lost territory that belonged to our doctors,
feel shy and embarrassed about doing such our husbands, everyone but us. As the
an overt exploration is mitigated by these title comes on, we hear the excited voices
womens doing it in a group where every- of women speaking all at once, a device
one feels the same way. The women realize also used at the end of the film over the
that their fears and doubts about their bod- credits. The voices of discovery, talking in
ies do not originate from their individual a simultaneous outburst or sharing obser-
situation as much as from womens physi- vations, needs and experiencesthese are
cal and psychological colonization under the tension-breaking devices, the part of the
patriarchy. Too often, women have expe- film that an audience unfamiliar with such
rienced as degrading getting contracep- a situation first identifies with. And these
tion information, having a gynecological voices imply an outburst of discussion that
exam, and having a baby. Certainly at those cannot be contained, that begs to be contin-
moments, womens ignorance about their ued after the film isseen.
bodies was rarely dispelled. But this collec- In an early sequence, a woman lying on a
tive process gives them the self-confidence table is surrounded by other women as she
to demand answers from doctors face to talks about and demonstrates the external
face and to demand a different kind of genitalia, using her own body as a model.
health care overall. That such a film does Various women talk here about their sense
not provide an institutional analysis of the of being at a distance from their own sexual
health-care industry, as does The Chicago parts, of feeling squeamish about them.
Maternity Center Story, limits how much Alternating shots show close ups of the
this one film can achieve in directly pro- demonstration of faces looking intently
moting a different kind of health care for at what they are being shown. When the
women; yet, because of the wide range of woman on the table demonstrates the use
discussion and kinds of challenges to the of the speculum and inserts it into her
established order it encourages women to vagina, one womans voice exclaims, Oh,
formulate, it is useful in a wide range of God! which elicits nervous laughter in the
womens struggles. audience and expresses the groups ten-
Visually and in terms of its overall struc- sion. As the woman inserts the speculum
ture, the film moves as far away as you can and shines the light inside it, the camera
get from pornography, yet the cinematog- cuts to another angle and zooms in to show
raphy also captures that kind of nervous her cervix and its opening, the os, that
tension and excitement of discovery which which the doctor always examines but
the women themselves undoubtedly felt. which we never see. Laughter and sounds
The film opens on a close up of naked of excitement are heard as the onlooking
skin, the surface moving to the rhythm of women comment and ask questions about
a womans breathing; there is a pan to a what theysee.
breast and a shot of either pubic or axillary After this sequence, a high-angle long
hair in close up. As it starts out, the film shot shows three women lying on the
could be porn. For most women audience floor against pillows and sleeping bags
members, the initial sequence provides propped up against the wall. Their legs are
a moment of tensionDo we dare to or spread apart and they are all doing vaginal
want to look at this? The voice over assures self-exams with speculum, flashlight, and
us of what we want to hear: Were learn- mirror. Apan shot shows the whole group of
ing from our bodies, teaching ourselves women on the floor, lined up along the wall,
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 673

doing the same thing with some women have an amazing spontaneity and lack of
looking at or helping each other. Amixture self-consciousness about the camera, par-
of voices exclaim and comment on what they ticularly given the close range at which the
see, especially on the variety and unique- filming was done.
ness of the genitalia. This sequence is a first Self-health groups and this film itself
in narrative cinema. It decolonizes womens both function in an explicitly political way.
sexuality. Women occupy the whole space of Reclaiming the lost territory of womens
the frame as subjects in a collective act of bodies and health care is a personal act that
mutual, tangible self-exploration. As one of has a strong effect on womens identity,
my students said of this sequence, It has emotional life, and sense of control. This
none of the Wow! of Candid Camera and film also directly attacks the medical estab-
none of the distance of medical or so-called lishment. Women who see the film imme-
sex education films. Particularly in this one diately want to talk about two thingssex
section of Self Health, women filmmakers education and health caremainly in terms
have found a way to show and define wom- of what patriarchal societylacks.
ens sexuality on their termsnot with the In one sense, the film is utopian. It shows
thrill of possession and not with objectifica- a new, collective form of women learn-
tion, but with the excitement of coming to ing together. It would be an ideal film, for
knowledge. example, to show in high schools. But when
Later, as the film shows the women I showed the film on the university level
doing breast self-exams together, they and to womens studies classes and to film stu-
we notice and let ourselves deliberately dents, both sets of students agreed that the
look at the variety of womens breasts. The idea of such a collective form of learning
women themselves feel each others breasts about sexuality would have been viewed as
to learn what normal breast tissue is like. pornography in their high schools by the
Although the Cancer Society promotes teachers, the school boards, and many of
breast self-examination, womens breast the parents. In cinematic terms, the films
tissue is fibrous and also varies with the vision of womens sexuality, of their being
menstrual cycle and the individual. As a total subjects to one another and to the audi-
result, women often do not know what is ence, is also utopian. Womens very physical
normal or what a lump might be. Adoc- presence is defined here in womens terms,
tor can spot such phenomena from having collectively. And some might ask, in refer-
had the opportunity to feel many womens ring to documentary film alone, why havent
breasts. Why should such knowledge not these images and these concepts of womens
be made available to, or seized by, women united physical and intellectual selves been
themselves? presented by filmmakers before?
The anatomy lesson, the sharing of feel-
ings, and the learning about others are all
part of the self-health experience and all
have equal importance in the film. Close- Feminist Documentaries and the
ups demonstrate specific examination Consciousness-RaisingGroup
techniques or show individuals talking and
listening; long shots convey the sense of Cinma vrit documentary filmmaking
a communal experience in the self-health had features that made it an attractive and
group. No woman is filmed as an object; useful mode of artistic and political expres-
everyone is a subject who combines and sion for women learning filmmaking in
presents physical, emotional, intellectual, the late 1960s. It not only demanded less
and political selves. The women filmed mastery of the medium than Hollywood

or experimental film, but also the very analogue of the structure and function of the
documentary recording of womens real consciouness-raising group. Furthermore,
environments. Their stories immediately it indicates to the filmmaker a certain rea-
established and valorized a new order of son to be making the film, a certain relation
cinematic iconography, connotations, and to her subject matter and to the medium,
range of subject matter in the portrayal of and a certain sense of the function of the
womens lives. Furthermore, contemporary film once released. The narrative deep struc-
Feminist filmmakers, often making bio- ture sets the filmmaker in a mutual, non-
graphical or autobiographical films, have hierarchical relation with her subject (such
used cinma vrit in a new and different filming is not seen as the male artists act
way. They often identify personally with of seizing the subject and then present-
their subjects. Their relation to that subject ing ones creation) and indicates what she
while filming often is collaborative, with hopes her relation to her audience willbe.7
both subject and filmmaker sharing the The major political tool of the con-
political goals of the project. The Feminist temporary womens movement has
documentarist uses the film medium to been the consciousness-raising group.
convey a new and heightened sense of Self-consciously, a group of about a dozen
what woman means or can mean in our women would reevaluate any and all areas
societythis new sense of female identity of their past experiences in terms of how
being expressed both through the subjects that experience defined or illuminated what
story and through the tangible details of the it meant to be a woman in our culture. It
subjects milieu. was an act of naming previously unarticu-
Yet why do so many Feminist filmmak- lated knowledge, of seeing that knowledge
ers choose to film the same thing? Film as political (i.e., as a way of beginning to
after film shows a woman telling her story change power relations), and of understand-
to the camera. It is usually a woman strug- ing that the power of this knowledge was
gling to deal with the public world. It seems that it was arrived at collectively. This collec-
that these Feminist documentarists just tive process served to break down a sense of
plug in different speakers and show a cer- guilt for ones own problems and provided
tain variation in milieuespecially in class a sense of mutual support and of the col-
termsfrom the aristocratic home of Nana, lectives united strength and potential for
Mom, and Me by Amalie Rothschild to the action. It was and is a political act carried
union organizers photos of their younger out in the private sphere.
days in Union Maids by Julia Reichert and Initially, there is a healing in the very
Jim Klein. In fact, the Feminist documen- act of naming and understanding womens
taries have as a narrative structure a pattern general oppression in collectively creating
that is as satisfying for activists in the con- this new knowledge and identity. Then,
temporary womens movement to watch as the group usually elaborates specific strate-
it is for women just wanting to learn more gies to make inroads on, help its individual
about women. That is, these films evince a members enter, and change power rela-
consistent organization of narrative materi- tions in the public sphere. They may, for
als that functions much like a deep struc- example, discuss tactics for helping one of
ture, the details of the individual womens their members to say no to making coffee
lives providing the surface structure of at work or to demand that the department
these films.6 hire a woman in an executive position. They
Such an organization serves a spe- may strive to get gynecological services at
cific social and psychological function at a school clinic. They may help a member
this juncture in history. It is the artistic of the group insist at work that no more
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 675

clerical staff be hired and that all women relating to each other are disdained, so too
be upgraded, which would mean that every- their forms of resistance in that sphere tend
one in the office do both writing and typ- to go unnoticed and unvalorized in a world
ing. But consciousness-raising groups where the hegemonic male culture, the
cannot be idealized as revolutionary struc- public culture, has established the socially
tures. Their problems have been well ana- acknowledged rules, appropriated wom-
lyzed by women who have used them and ens bodies, and institutionalized the modes
learned how much more organization and of discourse, especially through the Church,
economic power is needed to make major education, literature, the medical profes-
changes in the public sphere.8 sion, the law, and thestate.
In many waysfor Feminists and all the Because womens identity is shaped
rest of the women in the United Statesthe and sustained in a sphere where men are
private sector of society is uniquely wom- largely absent, and because girls grow up in
ens space. In that private space, the home, an emotional continuum with their moth-
women of my mothers generation were ers and the other women in their intimate
systematically robbed of their sense of environment (unlike a boys Oedipal devel-
being the possessors of their own bodies. opment), their emotional ties are deep to
Throughout patriarchy, women have been other women.10 Women have tradition-
mens possession and the reflection of ally constantly consulted with each other
mens desires in the sexual act, especially about domestic matters. One of the func-
in marriage. Mothers are the child-bearers tions of the consciousness-raising group
and self-sacrificers, which is the constant of the contemporary womens movement
theme of soap operas and domestic melo- is to use an older form of subcultural resis-
dramas in film. The sense of self for women tance, womens conversation, in a new
under capitalism has traditionally had to way. There is a knowledge that is already
come from their children, their house, their there about domestic life, but it has not
jewelry, and their clothes. All the physical, necessarily been spoken in uncolonized,
peripheral extensions of themselves that women-identified terms. Womens art,
theyve been allowed to possess has been especially the Feminist documentary films,
a mock analog of the real patriarchal posses- like consciousness-raising groups, strive to
sion of themselves, their families, and the find a new way of speaking about what we
sources of economic power that they and have collectively known to be really there in
their families have had to dependon.9 the domestic sphere and to wrest back our
In testimony to the psychological con- identity there in womensterms.
dition of living out ones life in a state of
mental colonization and in a sphere where
ones labor is not valorized socially by either
a salary or public power, many womens A Shift inIconography
narratives are about identity, madness, and
the fluidity or fragmentation of womans Much has been lost in womens iconography
ego. Yet the very act of writing a diary, of as it has been purveyed in films, advertising,
writing poems, or of consulting a neighbor and television. We have, in fact, maintained
woman about how to getalong when times a rich photographic history of women over
are hardall these are testimonies to the the last hundred years, yet this source is not
struggle women wage to create a language, tapped in its richness and variety in patriar-
to formulate a stable sense of self, and to chal narrative film. For example, the women
survive economic dependency on men. that Dorothea Lange photographed do not
Just as womens domestic labor and way of speak to us either visually or verbally in

mainstream cinema. In the United States presumed moral strength of the mother,
in the early 1900s, many strikes were led regained through an alliance with a good
by workingwomen dressed in their best wife. The home is out of history; cinematic
clothes and striding down city streets arm heroes go out into the public sphere to do
in arm. Why did that iconography getlost? whatever it is that makes them thehero.
In the cinematic portrayal of contempo- Connotative elements in cinemahere
rary life, we must question how the details the connotative aspect of films portrayal
of childrearing, womens crafts, and wom- of the domestic sphereare shaped both
ens intellectual endeavors are or are not according to a films narrative and to what
presented in films, news, or ads. We rarely people already know and have seen and
see media images that match the variety of experienced.12 What the elements of the
clothes that women wear in daily life, wom- domestic sphere suggest is already conven-
ens varieties of weight and age and tone tionalized, already thought about before
of voice or accent, and womens varieties it gets in a film. But traditional filmmak-
of gesture according to their mood and the ing has drawn very narrowly even from
specific moment in their lives. The patriar- the pool of conventional knowledge about
chal visual iconography of female figures in domesticlife.
film includes the following; mother, child, One of the self-appointed tasks of contem-
virago, granny (variant: old maid), ingenue, porary Feminist art is to articulate, expand,
good wife, and siren. Good wives are blonde, and comment on womens own subcultural
sirens dark haired; erotically eligible figures codification of the connotations of those
of both sexes are slender and not yet old. An visual elements and icons familiar to them
occasional comic figure escapes the classi- in their private sphere. Thus, painter Judy
fication by body type. Womens gestures in Chicago paints cunt flowers, and other
cinema are rigidly codified, and womens artists, notably sculptors, have elaborated
mise-en-scne predetermined by the conno- sculptures or artifacts of paper crafts, sew-
tative requirements of a previously estab- ing, quilting, feathers, enclosed spaces and
lished narrative scheme. cubicles, and family photos, such materi-
There are both psychological and eco- als being used for the suggestive value they
nomic reasons why the domestic world is bear from the domestic sphere.
devalued in our culture.11 It is rarely seen For Feminist writers and filmmakers,
or interpreted by hegemonic patriarchal autobiography and biography provide an
culture for what it is and contains, and its essential tool for looking in a self-conscious
elements are named and defined primarily way at womens subculture, their role in
within the context of a seemingly powerless or exclusion from the public sphere, their
womens subculture. The domestic sphere, fantasy life, their sense of embeddedness
except in melodrama, is rarely depicted in in a certain object world. In other words,
film as an interesting place or the locus of they become the way both back and forward
socially significant, multiple, interpersonal toward naming and describing what woman
relationships. Rather, the domestic sphere really is, in that political and artistic act that
is the place where a woman is possessed Adrienne Rich calls diving into the wreck.
and a man possesses a woman, a mans Feminist films look at familiar wom-
castle, a place that the woman clings to. ens elements to define them in a new,
Feature films often judge the woman in the uncolonized way. Among the connota-
home as narrow, as having a stance morally tive elements to which Feminist docu-
inferior to the male protagonists commit- mentaries draw our attention and give an
ment to public duty; or home may become added complexity are the visual cues that
the projection backward to the security and define womanliness in film. The women
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 677

characters gestures, clothes, age, weight, have clearly valorized their subjects words
sexual preference, race, class, embedded- and edited their discourse. In all the
ness in a specific social milieu elicit our Feminist documentaries, the sound track,
reflection on both the specificity of the usually told in the subjects own words,
subjects and our own lives, and on the serves the function of rephrasing, criticiz-
difference between these cinematic repre- ing, or articulating for the first time the
sentations and those of dominant cinema. rules of the game as they have been and as
As a result of these films, a much broader they should be for women.
range of and more forceful and complex The sound track of the Feminist docu-
women characters now engage our inter- mentary film often consists almost entirely
est as cinematic subjects, and they are of womens self-conscious, heightened,
shown doing a wider range of activities in intellectual discussion of role and sexual
greater detail than ever before in narrative politics. The film gives voice to that which
cinema. The biographical documentary had in the media been spoken for women by
serves as a critique of and antidote to past patriarchy. Received notions about women
cinematic depictions of womens lives and give way to an outpouring of real desires,
womensspace. contradictions, decisions, and social analy-
In the film Self Health, two whole areas ses. After I showed Kate Millets Three
of visual imagery are challenged:the por- Lives to an introductory film class in 1972,
trayal of womens sexuality and nudity, a woman student came up to me gratefully
and health care. Domestic space in this after class and commented, Ill bet thats
film becomes the locus for a collective the first time a lot of those guys have had
coming to knowledge about womens bod- to sit and listen uninterruptedly to women
ies and simultaneously the locus for a new talking for ninety minutes. I wonder what
kind of health care delivery. The Chicago it means to them to listen to women with-
Maternity Center Story, contrasting home out having the chance to butt in and have
delivery with hospital care, valorizes the theirsay.
same iconic contrasts:health care at home More than what it means for men to lis-
is more human. ten to womens self-consciously told sto-
ries, what has it meant for us women in
the course of the contemporary womens
Talking Heads/New Rules oftheGame movementwhat have we learned? We
have learned what our sexuality is, how
The visual portrayal of the women in mothers can hate and need and love their
Feminist documentaries is often criticized children, how we can tell a boss or a lover
for its transparency (films capturing reality) or a friend or a sexist fool off, how Its
or for the visual dullness of talking heads. not our fault, and where our personal
Yet the stories that the filmed women tell struggles are located in and contribute
are not just slices of experience. These to and are supported by the larger forces
stories serve a function aesthetically in that define our historical period. These
reorganizing women viewers expectations films both depict and encourage a politi-
derived from patriarchal narratives and in cized conversation among women; and
initiating a critique of those narratives. The in these films, the self-conscious act of
female figures talking to us on the screen in telling ones story as a woman in a politi-
Janies Janie, Joyce at 34, Union Maids, Three cized yet personal way gives the older tool
Lives, The Womans Film, and Were Alive are of womens subcultural resistance, con-
not just characters whom we encounter as versation, a new social force as a tool for
real-life individuals. Rather, the filmmakers liberation.

Contribution toPublic Struggle a video transfer of a conversation she taped

with rape victims one night in one of the
The Feminist documentaries speak to womens apartment. The womens conver-
working women, encourage them in their sation forms the sound track of the film,
public struggles, and broaden their hori- and Elam both heightens and comments
zons to make demands in other spheres as wittily on their points by repeating some
well. To define structures of patriarchy is as of their lines in the intertitles. The film is
important to women workers as to define an angry one that elaborates a whole new
structures of capitalism. An existential or film style adequate to treating the subject
gut-level militancy becomes refined by a of rape with neither titillation nor pathos.
political movement that offers an analysis The women filmed are impassioned and
of and provides a way for seeing both the intellectual. They are discussing their
parameters and details of the struggle as experiences with the groups support and
a whole. Yet because of male competitive- within the security of domestic space; most
ness, agressiveness and bluff are not skills of them are political activists in organiza-
women learn as children (and many women tions against rape, and all saw the making
do not, necessarily want to learn these tactics of this film as an explicitly public act. The
as adults either); the womens movement Feminist documentary films articulate a
seeks to create new structures to facilitate vision, in part being realized now, of what
womens entry into the public sphere of the shift in relations in the public sphere
work and power, and to make that public would be and how power would be enacted
sphere one they would want to inhabit. if women were to gain and use power in a
Clearly, the powerless will want power, Feministway.
especially once they specifically define the The Feminist documentaries represent
ways they have systematically been robbed a use of, yet a shift in, the aesthetics of
of it. But women also want to imagine cinma vrit due to the filmmakers close
what that power would be if executed in a identification with their subjects, partici-
form commensurate with Feminist goals. pation in the womens movement, and
Although it is seemingly filmed in domestic sense of the films intended effect. The
space, Self Health is a powerful public docu- structure of the consciousness-raising
ment in the model for sex education and the group becomes the deep structure
vision of collective, community control that repeated over and over in these films.
it presents. And its sense of women together, Within such a narrative structure, either
coming to (creating, seizing) knowledge is a single woman tells her story to the film-
subversive. As one of my women students maker or a group of women are filmed
said, in a single-sex discussion we had after sharing experiences in a politicized way.
the film and which became an outpouring of They are filmed in domestic space, and
womens concerns, My mother is a liberal their words serve to redefine that space in
and thinks children and adolescents should a new, woman-identified way. Either the
have sex education. But where shed accept stance of the people filmed or the stance of
a film showing a nurse or doctor examining the film as a whole reflects a commitment
a woman, shed be horrified to see this one to changing the public sphere as well; and
where women are doing it in a group. for this reason, these filmmakers have
JoAnn Elams Rape represents perhaps used an accessible documentary form.
a new trend in Feminist documentaries.13 In the surface structure of the films, a
Coming out of an experimental film tradi- new iconography of womens bodies and
tion, Elam uses both Brechtian intertitles womens space emerges that implicitly
and a symbolic iconography intercut with challenges the general visual depiction
Political Aesthetics of Feminist DocumentaryFilm 679

of women in capitalist society, perhaps in 5. John Berger, Ways of Seeing (NewYork:The Viking
Press, 1973), pp.6364.
many socialist ones, too. The sound tracks 6. Such an idea loosely derives from the work of
have womens voices speaking continu- Claude Lvi-Strauss in Structural Anthropology,
ously; and the films appeal lies not only in trans. C.Jacobson and B.G. Schoepf (Garden City,
N.Y.:Doubleday Anchor,1967).
having strong women tell about their lives 7. Cinma vrit films in the United States made by
but even more in our hearing and hav- male filmmakers are characized precisely by
ing demonstrated that some women have the films ironic distance from the subject and the
filmmakers presentation of his vision of the
deliberately altered the rules of the game subject as his creation. Films by Frederick
of sexual politics. All cinma vrit is not Wiseman, Richard Leacock, David Pennebaker,
the same, and much of the current discus- Tom Palazzolo, and the Haysles brothers fall in
sion of and attack on cinematic realism this category.
8. For an extended discussion of consciousness-
dismisses the kind of documentary film raising groups, see Jo Freeman, The Politics of
style that most people are used to. If one Womens Liberation (New York: David McKay,
looks closely at the relation of this politi- 1975).
9. For a consideration of these issueswomens
cized genre to the movement it is most dispossession, their loss of a sense of self,
intimately related to, we can see how both and their role in the domestic spheresee the
the exigencies and forms of organization following:Susan Brown miller. Against Our
Will:Men, Women, and Rape (NewYork:Bantam,
of an ongoing political movement can 1975); TiGrace Atkinson, The Institution of Sexual
affect the aesthetics of documentary film. Intercourse, Amazon Odyssey (NewYork:Links
Books, 1971); Charles Kleinhans, Notes on
Melodrama and the Family under Capitalism
(contains useful bibliography). Film Reader,
Notes No. 3 (1978); Laura Mulvey, Douglas Sirk and
Melodrama, and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, Minelll
and Melodrama, The Australian Journal of Film
1. This article is part of a book-length project on the Theory, No. 3 (1977).
presentation of womens bodies and womens space 10. Nancy Chodorow, Mothering, Object-Relations
in contemporary documentaryfilm. and the Female Oedipal Configuration, Feminist
2. Many of the Feminist documentaries (I have given Studies, 4, No. 1, (February 1978); Family
only a representative list of them) are described Structure and Feminine Personality, Woman,
briefly in Linda Artels and Susan Wengrafs Positive Culture and Society, Michelle Rosaldo and Lois
Images:Non-Sexist Films for Young People (San Lamphere, eds. (Stanford:Stanford University
Francisco:Booklegger Press, 1976). Interviews with Press, 1974); Oedipal Assymetries and
Feminist filmmakers often appear alongside reviews Heterosexual Knots, Social Problems, 23, No. 4
of their films in JumpCut. (April1976).
3. Experimental filmmaking techniques or an 11. Sheila Rowbotham, Womans Consciousness,
innovative stretching of the cinma vrit form Mans World (Baltimore:Penguin, 1973); Eli
are particularly well used in JoAnn Elams Rape, Zaretsky, Capitalism, the Family, and Personal Life
Michelle Citrons Parthenogenesis, and the collectively (NewYork:Harper, 1976); Juliet Mitchell, Womans
produced Were Alive. Estate (NewYork:Pantheon,1971).
4. An activist in health care struggles criticizes 12. Lesage, S/Z and Rules of the Game, Jump Cut, No.
the political analyses offered in Feminist health 12/13 (1976).
care films in Marcia Rothenbergs Good Vibes 13. This discussion is drawn from a paper on the
vs. Preventive Medicine:Healthcaring From our film Rape, which Idelivered at the 1978 Purdue
End of the Speculum, Jump Cut, No. 17 (April, Conference on Film Studies and which will be
1978),p.3. published in a forth-coming issue of JumpCut.

D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 8 3 )

Over the past decade, a large number of monolithically do this); while in the second,
womens independent films have been pro- the focus is on how the institutional context
duced internationally; they reflect a wide of a films production and reception affect
variety of styles and genres (from realism to the way the spectator reads the film.
animation, from the non-narrative abstract In structuring my discussion around
film to fiction films), a broad range of sub- the issues of strategies for bringing about
jects, and a wide spectrum of ideological change, Irealize that Iam entering the slip-
perspectives. Women interested in bringing pery terrain where theory and practice over-
about change, however (I reserve the word lap. This is dangerous on two levels:there is
feminist for such women), have been first the danger of alienating both theorists
involved in the question of strategies in two and those involved in practice; and second,
important ways: first, ever since the pub- there is the danger of slippage of terms as
lication in 1973 of Claire Johnstons essay, one moves from one discourse to another.
Womens Cinema as Counter-Cinema, But in the case of feminism in particu-
filmmakers and critics have been involved in lar the bridging of discourses seems cru-
an often heated debate about the most effec- cial: feminism, as it has always defined
tive strategies to be used within film texts; itself historically, is a social and political
second, and more recently, they have been movement; it has risen out of the realm of
concerned with the question of strategies of the social, that is, out of womens dissatis-
production, exhibition, and distribution of faction with their political and social posi-
independent feminist films. Both of these tioning. It is thus particularly inappropriate
involve the positioning of the spectator, but for feminist thought to remain locked into a
in the first, focus is on how a text positions theoretical discourse unrelated to practice.
the spectator (if, indeed, we agree that texts This is not to say that feminists should not
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 681

develop theoryfar from it. For if theory by means of an innocent camera, for fem-
needs a practice to which it relates, practice inist cinema to be effective, she argued, it
without theory is equallyempty. must be a counter-cinema.
In this first part of the essay, concerned
with the debate about the most effective cin- Any revolutionary must challenge
ematic strategies, I will first, demonstrate the depiction of reality; it is not
that the attack on womens realist docu- enough to discuss the oppression of
mentary was part of an attack on realism in women within the text of the film;
general and that it involved a related attack the language of the cinema/depic-
on essentialism, or the assumption that tion of reality must also be inter-
there existed a specific female power in the rogated, so that a break between
body of individual women. Second, I will ideology and text is affected.1
discuss two well-known early womens
documentaries in order to show that these Feminist filmmakers, that is, must con-
criticisms have a certain validity while at the front within their films the accepted rep-
same time exploring some of the problems resentations of reality so as to expose their
with the theory out of which the criticisms falseness. Realism as a style is unable to
emerge; and finally, Iwill analyze and eval- change consciousness because it does not
uate some alternative cinematic strategies depart from the forms that embody the
that arose specifically out of the theoretical old consciousness. Thus, prevailing realist
problems with realism. codesof camera, lighting, sound, editing,
In the second (shorter) part of the essay, mise-en-scnemust be abandoned and the
Iwill deal with the strategies of production, cinematic apparatus used in a new way so
exhibition and reception, and raise a num- as to challenge audiences expectations and
ber of questions about work that needs to assumptions about life.
be done as we look back at the enterprise of Noel King argues something very simi-
the last decadean enterprise that reveals lar in a recent Screen article on two political
a shift from the essentially didactic and feminist documentariesUnion Maids and
propagandistic strategies of early activists Harlan County U.S.A. (which belong in the
and bourgeois feminists, to the focus on category of historical/retrospective films).
signifying practices, that is, on representa- He elaborates on points that Johnston,
tion and the cinematic apparatus, which are given her brief essay, was unable to develop,
now seen as crucial concerns in any effort to and attempts to read these documentaries
bring about change. against the grain, to refuse the reading it is
the work of their textual systems to secure.2
In doing this, he is applying the same criti-
cal categories that have been used to decode
PartI Hollywood films, making essentially no dis-
tinction between the realist techniques used
First, the objection against realism and in the classical Hollywood tradition and
cinema verit: In her essay, Claire Johnston those being used in the new feminist docu-
argued that cinema verit or the cinema of mentary. (He is here building on work done
non-intervention, was dangerous for femi- by Stephen Neale on the 30s Populist films
nists since it used a realist aesthetic devel- and Nazi propaganda films.)3 King points,
oped specifically out of Capitalist notions of for example, to the way the films strate-
representation. Verit films do not break the gies work to suppress any discourse on the
illusion of realism. Since the truth of our social construction of the subjects being
oppression cannot be captured on celluloid interviewed in the interests of asserting

the individuals responsibility for bringing conventions of populist cultural history that
about change through a moral insight into depicts its own strategies and practices, and
injustice: which does not provide a complete, unified
representation of class and collectivity.7
In this sense, the politics in Union The second overall objection to womens
Maids might be termed a redemp- realist films is summarized by the charge
tive politics: that is to saya sys- of essentialism. In their discussion of sev-
tem where questions of individual eral textual strategies employed by women
responsibility are paramount. It artists, Sandy Flitterman and Judith Barry
is a politics articulated by textual argue that female creators of all kinds must
mechanisms which fix the individ- avoid claiming a specific female power
ual subject as responsible, as either which could find expression if allowed to
fulfilling, or not fulfilling a morally be explored freely. They realize that the
given imperative and this in turn impulse toward this notion is understand-
results in a notion of triumph or able for the way it seeks to reinforce satis-
guilt.4 faction in being a woman in a culture that
does the opposite8 and to encourage soli-
Second, he talks of the films strategies as darity amongst women through emotional
essentially narrative ones:they use, he says appeal. But, they argue, this form of femi-
a series of sub-forms of narratives:biogra- nist art harbors a danger by not taking into
phy, autobiography and popular narrative account the social contradictions involved
history. These, King shows, all follow a in femininity. They suggest that a more
cause-effect relationship, the origin always theoretically informed art can contribute to
containing the end. Through the linking enduring changes by addressing itself to
of archival footage, the anecdotal reminis- structural and deep-seated causes of wom-
cences constructed in the interviews, and ens oppression rather than its effects. A
the bridging voice-over narration (spoken radical feminist art would include an under-
by the three women) talking about America standing of how women are constructed
in the 1930s, Union Maids produces a dis- through social practices in culture.9 They
course of continuity which results not in argue ultimately for an aesthetic designed
the past but in the effect of the past.5 What to subvert the production of woman as
King is ultimately objecting to is the way commodity, much as Claire Johnston had
the narrative in Union Maids and Harlan earlier stated that to be feminist, a cinema
County U.S.A. produces a syntagmatic flow had to be a counter-cinema.
of events, an easy diachronic progression Before analyzing the validity of these posi-
which ensures a working out of all prob- tions on realist womens documentaries,
lems, guarantees an increase in knowledge it is important to understand the theoreti-
on the readers part, promises containment cal sources for such arguments. Although
and completion.6 This kind of suturing is, Russian Formalism and Brecht had some
of course, the traditional device of the clas- place in their development, by far the most
sic Hollywood film in its arm to smooth important influence on new film criticism
over possible contradictions, incoherences, generally came from the fields of semiology,
and eruptions that might reflect a reality far structuralism and psychoanalysis as they
less ordered, coherent, or continuous than were developed in France in the 50s and
Hollywood wants to admit or to know. Like 60s by writers such as Lvi-Strauss, Lacan,
Claire Johnston, King concludes by assert- Metz, Barthes, Kristeva and Althusser. They
ing the necessity of creating a different found their way into British film criticism
type of text, one that resists the rhetorical in the 70s and shortly afterwards, into the
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 683

work of American graduate students who The immediate influence was primarily
studied at the French Cinema School orga- the British Free Cinema movement and the
nized in part by Metz and Bellour. The com- work of the National Film Board of Canada,
bined influence of the French and British but the French New Wave was also impor-
film theory produced a new body of theory tant. Particularly influential for womens
in America that has far-reaching implica- documentaries, in the midst of this com-
tions in relation to the underlying view of plex interaction affecting film generally, was
the human subject and of women in society, the work of the American Newsreel collec-
as is evident from the attack on realism. tive, started in 1962 and largely inspired by
[] Norm Fruchter after working in England.
Realism as an artistic style is designed Newsreels aims (partly influenced by
to perpetuate this illusion of a stable world; Vertovs weekly newsreel of events from the
and within realism it is of course the verit War front) were explicitly propagandistic; i.e.
documentary that seems most confidently to publicize the many political events that
a window through which(the) world is 60s radicals were involved in, including
clearly visible, and where the signifiers civil rights, community organizing, black
appear to point directly and confidently to power, the Vietnam movement, strikes and
the signifieds.10 The realist aesthetic semi- sit-ins, the take-over of educational institu-
ologists were in opposition to was developed tions, and finally, the womens movement.
in the post-war period, stimulated in part by They used the, by this time familiar, verit
the Italian neo-realist movement. Theorists techniques (that originated in the French
Kracauer and Bazin argued for the cinema New Wave) of fast film stock (with its grey,
as the redemption of physical reality, and grainy tones), handheld camera, interviews,
for the belief that realist techniques allowed voice-over (not necessarily commentary),
us to perceive actuality for ourselves, unme- editing both for shock effect and to develop
diated by the distortions produced through a specific interpretation of political events.
other cinematic techniques. The realism Made on a very low budget, and in a collec-
outside of the commercial cinema, stimu- tive mode, the films are necessarily rough,
lated by World War II, whether documen- often sloppy: but this reflects merely the
tary or fiction, took as its aim the capturing overriding aim not to produce aesthetic
on film of the daily experiences of ordinary objects but to create powerful organizing
people. Directors saw their closer relation- tools. It is precisely their validity as organiz-
ship to lived experience as arising from (a) ing tools that the new theory questions. For
their use of working class people and issues according to the theory, the films draw on
for their subjects (i.e. this class, and its codes that cannot change consciousness.
concerns, are somehow more real than This is expressed most strongly by Eileen
the middle classes); (b) their basing of McGarry in her article on Documentary,
their films on real life rather than fictional Realism and Womens Cinema. She points
events; (c) their use of on-location shooting out that long before the filmmakers arrive
rather than artificial studio sets: (d) finally, at the scene, reality itself is coded first in
their use of cinematic techniques, such as the infrastructure of the social formation
the long-take, which were assumed to pre- (human economic practice) and secondly
vent the meddling with actuality that was by the superstructure of politics and ideol-
characteristic, in their view, with montage. ogy.11 The filmmaker, then, is not dealing
The first independent womens films with reality, but with that which has become
that I will discuss situated themselves the pro-filmic event: that which exists and
essentially in the kind of realist tradition happens in front of the camera.12 She
which is anathema to the semiologists. argues that to ignore the manner in which

the dominant ideology and cinematic tradi- the degree to which some of the semiologi-
tions encode the pro-filmic event is to hide cal theoretical criticisms are indeed valid,
the fact that reality is selected and altered and the degree to which they are clearly
by the presence of the film workers, and the inadequate: (a) to explain concrete differ-
demands of the equipment.13 ences between the films in terms of their
While this is true to a certain extent (obvi- ideology: (b) in terms of the conception of
ously any screen image is the result of a the cinematic apparatus; so that fiction and
great deal of selection, both in terms of what documentary are seen as essentially the
footage to show, which shot to place next to same; (c) in terms of the conception of the
which, the angle and distance from the sub- positioning of the spectator as fixed, by
ject, what words to use, etc.), as we will see, the codes of the signifying practices.
the documentarist neither has total control First, let me summarize the degree to
over the referent nor is she totally controlled which this criticism of realism is valid for
by signifiying practices. Paradoxically, what aspects of both Joyce at 34 and Janies Janie.
she does have more control over is precisely To begin with, the cinematic strategies of
ideology. For I cannot even begin a discus- both films are indeed such as to establish an
sion of the films without differentiating them unwelcome imbalance between author and
according to ideological perspectivei.e. spectator. The authors in each case assume
their feminist politicsand this is a dis- the position of the one in possession of
tinction that the theory does not allow for, knowledge, while the spectators are forced
given its high level of abstraction. All the into the position of passive consumers of
early films used the same cinematic strate- this knowledge. The filmic processes leave
gies, but the ends to which these strategies us with no work to do, so that we sit pas-
were directed fell into two broad camps: sively and receive the message in the first
there were first, films like the pioneering film about how marriage, family, and career
Newsreels Womans Film that exhibited a can together function harmoniously, and in
clear leftist-activist politics; and films like the second, about how, with some determi-
Reichert/Kleins Growing Up Female that nation, a woman on welfare can organize
reflected a more liberal-bourgeois stance, her community for needed changes. There
showing how sex-roles in our society were is a classic resolution in each case, since
clearly demarcated so as to privilege men, both heroines arrive at some destination,
but not analysing the underlying reasons leaving us with a sense of completion, as
for gender-typing or dealing with class and though there were nothing left for ustodo.
economic relations. The Newsreel film Second, the direct mode of address in
aimed to raise consciousness explicitly and both films encourages us to relate to the
exclusively on the matter of exploitation of images of Joyce and Janie as real women,
working-class women by a capitalist sys- as if we could know them. Yet, in fact both
tem geared to support private enterprise, figures are constructed in the film by the
and the accumulation of individual wealth; processes of camera, lighting, sound, edit-
while the second film urged women to try ing. They have no other ontological status
to free themselves from the sex-roles that than that of representations.
limited their opportunities for a rich, ful- Third, the reason we do not realize that
filling, challenging, individual life. Yet, the each female figure is a representation is
cinematic devices in the two films were that, neither film draws attention to itself as
identical. film, or makes us aware that we are watch-
Let us now look at two early films, Joyce ing a film. Neither film, thus, breaks our
at 34 and Janies Janie (made shortly after usual habits of passive viewing in the com-
those already mentioned) in order to assess mercial cinema.
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 685

Fourth, underlying all of the above is the comfortably reassuring world where the sig-
key notion of the unified self that character- nifiers respond to an apparently solid signi-
izes pre-semiological thought. Both Joyce fied. And as representation, Joyce does not
and Janie, as subjects, are seen in the auto- in herself threaten accepted norms, while
biographical mode, as having essences that her unusually handsome husband adds a
have persisted through time and whose gloss to Joyces environment which, in any
personal growth or change is autonomous, case, fits the bourgeois model of commer-
outside the influence of social structures, cial representations.
economic relations, or psychoanalytic laws. The structure of Joyce at 34, thus, per-
The use of both home movies and old pho- petuates the bourgeois illusions of the pos-
tographs is crucial as a device that estab- sibility of the individual to effect change
lishes continuity through time and that and of the individuals transcendence of the
reflects the fiction-making urge that, as symbolic and other social institutions in
Metz and Heath have shown, pervades even which he/she lives. In fact, reading the film
the documentary. Used as unproblematic against the grain, one can see how Joyce is
representations, the past images function to very much at the mercy of the structures
seal individual change instead of providing that shaped her! Janies Janie, on the other
evidence of the way women and their bod- hand, shows a woman who is aware of the
ies are constructed by the signifying prac- economic and class structures that formed
tices of both the social and psychological her and who has made a deliberate, and
institutions in which they are embedded. decisive, break with those structures. She
(Interestingly enough, this construction speaks of her awareness of her position as
makes a main theme in Michelle Citrons Other to the two men in her lifefather and
Daughter Rite [1978] where the slowing husbandwithout blaming them person-
down of home movies enables us to see that ally for the oppression she suffered at their
the representations are far from an inno- hands. They are also victims of the symbolic
cent recording, that the process of making organization of things.
the movies in itself functions to construct Second, Janies image itself violates
the place for the female children.) normal codes. As a working class figure
But this is as far as the similarities in the (one that is rarely treated without conde-
realist mode go; the differences rise out of scension in visual representation or with-
the different relationship to class issues on out being seen as co-optable by reform or
the part of the filmmakers. In Joyce at 34, all charityas are the figures in Griersons and
mention of class and of economic relations Jennings work), who speaks roughly and
is suppressed, so that we are never allowed is not elegantly turned out, Janies image
to focus on the privileged situation that Joyce is subversive. As an unabashedly militant,
enjoys with her freelancing writer husband determined woman who is ready to fight,
(he can be at home much of the time) nor Janie resists dominant female placing.
the support of her comfortably middle-class Third, in contrast to Joyce at 34, the tra-
parents. The cinematic strategies here work ditional apparatus of the gaze does not
to suture over conflicts and contradictions come into play in Janies Janie. Janie is not
as in a Hollywood film. Joyces voice-over, placed as object of the male look (although
with its metaphysic of presence keeps the she cannot avoid the look of the camera or
spectator believing in Joyce as a person. It of the male audience). Within the diegesis,
guides us and makes coherent what would she is never looked upon by men or set up
otherwise be a disoriented, disconnected, for their gaze as in commercial cinema.
chaotic world, a series of shots with no nec- Finally, the cinematic strategies are not
essary connection. Her voice alone makes a as boringly realist as are those in Joyce at34.

There are soft superimpositions (Janies know to exist, and the kinds of events that
face in the kitchen window superimposed we know to be possible, on the basis of an
on the street and house outside), darkly-lit empirical knowledge of nature and natures
shots (to suggest Janies loneliness before laws);14 and if the Romantic critics who fol-
starting community organizing, a poignant lowed went wrong in asserting a privileged
music track, odd angles of filming, and poetic discourse that reflected not external
suggestive shots of washing blowing in the reality but the spontaneous overflow of feel-
wind. There is, thus, a nice before and ings (i.e. the poets mind as it transformed,
after division. This is a realist film which, by intense emotional excitement, external
given its parameters, manages to achieve nature and put forth images, that corre-
much both ideologically and visually. sponded to nothing outside of the poet);15
This comparison of Joyce at 34 and Janies then semiology goes wrong (in some appli-
Janie has, I think, shown that while criti- cations) in conceiving of art and life as
cisms of the realist verit film are to a degree equally constructed by the signifying prac-
entirely valid, their monolithic, abstract tices that define and limit each sphere.
formulation is a problem. When one looks The documentary filmmakers were mis-
closely at individual realist films, one real- guided in returning to the eighteenth-century
izes the weakness of the large generaliza- notion of art as capable of simply imitat-
tions. Realist films, that is, are far more ing life, as if through a transparent glass,
heterogenous and complex in their strate- and in believing that representation could
gies than the theoretical critique can allow affect behaviour directly (i.e. that an image
for. We need a theory that will permit/accept of a poor woman would immediately bring
different positionings toward class and eco- political awareness of the need to distribute
nomic issues in the realist mode, and that, wealth more fairly). But there are problems
while not mitigating any of the semiologi- also in making the signifier material in the
cal problems, especially around the overall sense that it is all there is to know. Discussing
positioning of the spectator as passive recip- semiology in relation to Marxism, Terry
ient of knowledge, at least grants a limited Eagleton points out the dangers of this
area of resistance to hegemonic codes in way of seeing for a Marxist view of history.
certain examples of the form. History evaporates in the new scheme; since
It is at this point important to explore the the signified can never be grasped, we can-
implications of the position from which the not talk about our reality as human subjects.
critique of realism emerged, particularly in But, as he goes on to show, more than the
relation first, to the concept of the human signified is at stake:It is also, he says, a
subject in society as well as in film (i.e. is question of the referent (i.e. social actuality),
the theory of knowledge underlying the which we all long ago bracketed out of being.
objection to realism valid?); and second, in In rematerializing the sign, we are in immi-
relation to the theory of the cinematic appa- nent danger of dematerializing its referent;
ratus, and the way that it functions. a linguistic materialism gradually reverts
First, realism is objected to because itself into a linguistic idealism.16
semiology denies that there is any knowable Eagleton no doubt overstates the case
reality outside discourse, that is, outside sig- when he talks about sliding away from
nifying practices. If the eighteenth-century the referent, since neither Saussure nor
neo-classical critics went wrong in demand- Althusser denied that there was a referent.
ing that the discrepancy between poetry But it is true that while semiologists talk
and reality be eliminated (i.e. in asking about the eruption of the real (i.e. acci-
that poetry imitate the external world as it dents, death, revolution), on a daily basis
is, keeping to the kinds of objects that we they see life as dominated by the prevailing
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 687

signifying practices of a culture, i.e., as taken simply as a cinematic style that can be
refracted through those discourses which used in different genres (i.e. documentary
define reality for people. While I have or fictional), realism does not insist on any
no quarrel with this concern with the dis- special relation to the social formation.18 As
courses which define and limit our notions Metz has noted, it is the impression of real-
of reality and agree that these discourses ity experienced by the spectatorthe feel-
are essentially controlled by the classes that ing that we are witnessing an almost real
are in power, it seems important to allow for spectacle. that causes the problems.19 It
a level of experience that differs from dis- is, Metz continues, the fact that films have
course, or that is not only discourse. Where the appeal of presence and of a proximity
semiology and post-structuralism are most that strikes the masses and fills the movie
useful is in finally ridding us of the notion theaters.20
of a privileged aesthetic discoursea notion In fact, as Metz goes on to show, the
that has only perpetuated a hampering dual- crucial difference is not between cin-
ism between art and science (broadly con- ematic modes (illusion of realism versus
ceived). But if we want to create art that will anti-illusionism), but between an event in
bring about change in the quality of peoples the here and now, and a narrated event. As
daily lives in the social formation, we need soon as we have the process of telling, the
a theory that takes account of the level now real is unrealized (or the unreal is realized,
usually referred to scornfully as naively as he sometimes puts it).21 Thus, even the
materialistic.17 documentary or the live television coverage,
But before leaving the attack on realism in narrating the event creates the distance
as a cinematic strategy, Iwant to deal briefly that affects unrealization. Realism, Metz
with two assumptions about the cinematic notes, is not reality.[it] affects the orga-
apparatus that appear in the theory. First, nization of the contents, not narration as a
how valid is it to apply the same criticism status.22
to realist practices used in the commercial, Thus, despite the fact that documentary
narrative cinema and to those used in the and fiction films begin with different mate-
independent documentary form? I would rial (the one actors in a studio, the other
rather loosen up the theory, and argue that actual people in their environment), once
the same realist signifying practices can this material becomes a strip of film to
indeed be used for different ends, as we be edited as the author wishes, to be con-
have already seen in comparing Janies Janie structed in whatever way he/she wishes,
and Joyce at 34. Realism in the commercial the difference almost evaporates. Both fic-
cinema may indeed be a form analogous to tion and non-fiction tend to create fiction,
the nineteenth century novel, in which a as weve seenoften in the family romance
class-bound, bourgeois notion of the world mode. And indeed, if we go along with
is made to seem natural and unproblem- McGarry, we have seen that even before the
atic. But Janies Janie is not An Unmarried filming starts, the pro-filmic event is heavily
Woman; while Joyce at 34 does come close to coded by the cultural assumptions people
the form as used in Mazurskyswork. bring to the process of making a film. So
Johnstons and Kings attack on realism the documentary ends up as much a nar-
is confused by their assumption that the rative in a certain sense, as an explicitly
realist cinematic mode in itself raises prob- fiction film. Working from the opposite
lems about the relation of representation direction, in addition, one can argue (as has
to lived experience. The problems reside Michael Ryan) that all fiction films are really
rather in either the filmmakers or the audi- documentaries in that all of us watching
ences assumptions about this relation. But know, on one level, that everything has been

enacted, that we are watching a star playing each case are different and each film-type
at being someone, at actions manipulated has certain dangers, certain advantages.
in a studio to look like real events.23 Second, as regards the spectator: audi-
Yet, on two fundamental levels, one ences are clearly positioned differently in
that affects the filmmakers and one that fictional and in documentary films, as may
involves the spectator, documentary and fic- be seen from the betrayal spectators experi-
tion are different. As regards the filmmak- ence in films like Mitchell Blocks No Lies
ers, there is clearly a degree more control or Michelle Citrons more recent Daughter
in the fiction film than in the documen- Rite. In both cases, the directors use verit
tary. Documentary filmmaking may per- techniques, deluding us into thinking we
mit more or less control depending on the are watching non-actors while in fact at the
project (i.e. a retrospective film, relying on end we learn that everything was scripted,
real footage, allows more reconstruction of with actors playing the roles. The anger that
actual events through montage in the man- audiences experience must mean that a dif-
ner of narrative films), than, say, does a ferent identification process takes place in
documentary about a demonstration when the two situations, and this may well have
the filmmakers on the scene have little idea implications for calculating the ultimate
of how things will work out.) But what hap- effect on the spectator.
pens in fiction is only controlled if one is Any discussion of these effects must,
working within certain genres, or within unfortunately, be entirely speculative, given
institutions, like Hollywood, that permit the lack of reliable research into this area.
only certain things to happen. Otherwise, If I may descend into totally non-scientific
fiction has the potential for representing evidence for a moment, some responses
imaginative possibility(e.g. models for by students lead me to believe that its true
change)once the Oedipal mode is broken. (as Mulvey has argued) that the identifica-
My aim in asserting a difference between tion with stars in a fiction film involves a
fiction and documentary from the per- return to the world of the Imaginary (i.e.
spective of the filmmakers is to avoid the some evocation of an ego-ideal that, in
unsatisfactory alternatives of (1) a fixed, Lacans system, predated the entry into
binary opposition between fiction and docu- the Symbolic); whereas the documentary
mentary; or (2) annihilating all difference involves a relating to images that is analo-
through the assertion that all cinematic dis- gous to, i.e. not the same as (this was the
course is controlled by the same signifying error of the neo-classical movement) the
practices that define and limit what can be way we respond to people in our daily lives.
represented. While Metzs broad distinction Although on one level the documentary
between an event and a narrated event obvi- realist strategies do indeed construct the
ously holds, it works only on a very abstract spectator as passive recipient of the knowl-
and general level. In fact, we need to make edge the authors hold, on another level,
distinctions between different genres in the the spectator may be making judgements
narrated category, recognizing that there about the screen-image woman that indeed
is a broad spectrum of film typesfrom have to do with the codes of signifying prac-
narrations limited by their reliance (to a tice, but which result from the sociological
degree) on the physical world, to those that and political positioning of the spectator,
use everyday logic but construct their envi- i.e. his/her class, race, gender, educational
ronments, to those that use the supernatu- background, as this affects experiences with
ral (what Metz calls a non-human logic). signification.24 For instance, some students
The problems that the filmmakers face in react quite hostilely to Janie, criticizing the
way she treats her children (she is too rough
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 689

on them, she does not dress them well, she contemporary system of relationships (par-
does not love them enough, she does not ticularly the relationship of the individual
educate them properly); some may object to to language and the other social structures
the way she looks, to the fact that she wears in which he/she lives) is nevertheless inad-
a wig or dyes her hair different colors,etc. equate when applied to a practice intent
Two things may be happening here: a upon bringing about concrete change in the
Barthesian answer is that the spectator daily lives of women.25
is applying to the screen image the codes []
through which we learn to perceive reality The exposing of the decentered, prob-
in the outside world; but in addition, the lematic self through semiology and psy-
spectator may be resisting being presented choanalysis (I am not now questioning its
with an unconventional image, one which validity) has not been followed by sufficient
violates his/her expectations, given com- study of its political and social implica-
mercial representations. In other words, tions. So much concern has been given to
much more may be taking place as people undermining bourgeois modes of thought
watch such documentaries than we know and perception that we have failed to con-
about (the representations may bore, shock, sider the problem of where this leaves us.
please, or inform, depending on the class, Women critics and filmmakers have been
race and background of the spectator), but placed in a position of negativityin strat-
an active response is being evoked, one that egies subverting rather than positing. The
has potential for (a) challenging assump- dangers of undermining the notion of the
tions about what we expect from cinema unified self and of a world of essences are
and (b) adding to what we know about the relativism and despair.
world. At this point, then, we must use what
However, as specific organizing strate- we have learned in the past ten years to
gies, the films may very well not work. If move theoretically beyond deconstruction
semiologists were wrong in denying that to reconstruction. While it is essential for
realism can produce an effect leading to feminist film critics to examine signifying
change, then leftist-activists were wrong processes carefully in order to understand
in assuming that merely showing some- the way in which women have been con-
thing is an argument in its own right. The structed in language and in film, it is equally
authors of Janies Janie evidently assumed important not to lose sight of the material
that any spectator would automatically side world in which we live, and in which our
with Janie because they had set her up as a oppression takes concrete, often painful,
figure to be admired, presented her change forms. We need films that will show us
as an exemplary one. They did not seem how, having once mastered (i.e. understood
aware of the possibility that Janie as image fully) the existing discourses that oppress
would appear in another light than Janie as us, we stand in a different position in rela-
the real woman they knew, and thus would tion to those discourses. Knowledge is, in
be shocked by the kinds of readings my that sense, power. We need to know how
studentsgave. to manipulate the recognized, dominating,
[] discourses so as to begin to free ourselves
I have tried to show that the debate about through rather than beyond them (for what
realism is in some sense a false debate, is there beyond?).
premised first on an unnecessarily rigid It should be clear that Iam far from advo-
theory about the relationship between form cating a return to realism as the best or only
and content; and second on a theory of viable cinematic strategy for bringing about
knowledge which, while it illuminates our change, and it should also be clear that Iam

excited by (and have in fact been one of the Total independent cinematic practice is a
main promoters of) the new theory-films. utopian myth.
On the level of theory, I am arguing for a Let me substantiate this last statement by
less dogmatic approach to cinematic prac- looking briefly at some of the contradictions
tice, one that would allow directors to see which have dominated alternate practices of
realism as a possible mode, given that we all kinds during the very years when critics
now know more about the way it operates, have been debating cinematic strategy:
are aware of its limitations, and understand
it as a system of representation, not truth. a) Filmmakers have had to rely for funding
And meanwhile theorists should continue on the very system they oppose;
to push the limits of cinematic practice, to b) In the case of the anti-illusionist films,
see what different techniques canyield. directors have been using cinematic
strategies that are difficult for the
majority of people raised on narrative and
commercial films;
PartII c) Having made the films, directors have not
had any mechanism for the distribution
I want to turn, finally, to the strategies of and exhibition of their films on a large
reception, the importance of which has scale (screenings have been by necessity
become increasingly evident. The problem limited to small art cinemas in a few
is that the debate that I have followed has large cities and to college campuses. It is
taken place mainly on an abstract, theo- important to note that things are rather
retical level, divorced from the concrete different, and slightly better in Europe).
situation of production, exhibition, and d) The culminating contradiction is that
reception. We have been so concerned with filmmakers whose whole purpose was to
figuring out the correct theoretical posi- change peoples ways of seeing, believing
tion, the correct strategies theoretically, and behaving, have only been able to
that we have forgotten to pay attention first, reach an audience already committed to
to the way subjects receive (read) films; their values.
and second, to the contexts of production
and reception, particularly as these affect Thus critics (hopefully increasingly together
what films can be made and how films are with independent filmmakers) need to dis-
read.26 cuss cinematic strategies not only in terms
That criticism is finally turning to of the most correct theory, but also in rela-
this area may be seen from a reading of tion to the contradictions outlined above. We
recent articles in Screen, and elsewhere27 have to re-examine together (as a unit, that is)
as well as Willemen/McPherson in British our theory, our cinematic strategies and the
Independence which looks back at the 30s strategies of reception as they affect the way
in order to discover how production, exhi- a film is read. But even before doing this,
bition and distribution practices shaped, or we need to look carefully at the economic
influenced, certain documentary forms.28 base for film production and at the possible
Although it is hard to grasp the implica- influence that funding agencies have had on
tions of practices as one is living them, the very shape of alternate practice.
the Willemen/McPherson book shows the []
importance of attempting to understand It is essential for both feminist film the-
the ways in which apparently independent orists and feminist filmmakers to focus on
practice is in fact formed by the social insti- these central questions if we are to move
tutions in which it is inevitably embedded. beyond the impasse that I think we have
Theories and Strategies of Feminist Documentary 691

reached after ten years of intensive, var- 15. Ibid., Chapters V and VI on the development of the
Romantic theory of poetry.
ied, and exciting work. We must begin to 16. Terry Eagleton, Aesthetics and Politics, New Left
create institutions in which feminist theo- Review No. 107 (Jan.-Feb., 1978),p.22.
rists and filmmakers can work together for 17. What I have in mind here is the danger of a theory
that ignores the need for emotional identification
the mutual benefit of both groups. As Ive with people suffering oppression. We may be able
shown, at least in Britain, an apparently to explain the situation of a strike, for example,
beneficial collaboration between filmmak- in terms of dominant versus minority discourses:
the dominant discourse in the factory is that of the
ers and theorists has resulted in a group owners who construct the position of the workers
of interesting and innovative films. Such to suit their (the bosses) own interests. One of
a collaboration is just beginning over the few reactions to domination available to the
here (cf., for example, Michelle Citrons oppressed group is that of striking, although it is
clear that this position is very much a defensive
Daughter Rite, which shows the influence one, constructed by the dominant discourse and
of the new theories on her filmmaking causing the workers themselves a lot of hardship.
practice in her attempt to bridge the gap The workers, thus, are on a basic material level
in need of support (food, clothing), and on the
between the early realist-verit films and psychological level, in need of emotional support.
the new anti-illusionist ones). Such col- The level of abstraction on which the theory
laboration will, I think, produce some functions often makes it seem as if these other
levels are unimportant or not worth mentioning.
interesting work in the near future. Let us That Metz is one of the few critics who retains
use what we have learned from the work constant awareness of the level of the social
of the past decade to overcome divisions formation is evident not only in his discussion of
realism in Film Language (see below), but also in an
between filmmakers and film theorists, interview in Discourse (paradoxically, his statements
and between people with differing theo- here prompted Noel Kings article referred to
retical conceptions in each group, so that above), where he supports the naively realist
documentary, like Harlan County U.S.A. Asked
we can challenge and change dominant if he thinks a documentary of a strike could be
discourses and secure ourselves a power- misleading insofar as it assumes that knowledge
ful and permanent voice. is unproblematic, and on the surface, replies
Metz: If the film has a very precise, political and
immediate aim; if the filmmakers shoot a film
Notes in order to support given strikewhat could I
say? Of course, its o.k. Talking specifically about
1. Claire Johnston, Womens Cinema as Counter- Harlan County, Metz continues:
Cinema, in Johnston, ed., Notes onWomens It is the kind of film that has nothing really
Cinema (SEFT:London, 1973)p.28. new on the level of primary/secondary identi-
2. Noel King, Recent Political DocumentaryNotes fication, but its a very good filmIt is unfair,
on Union Maids and Harlan County, USA, Screen, in a sense, to call a film into question on terms
Vol. 22, No. 2 (1981),p.9. which are not within the filmmakers purpose.
3. Cf. Steve Neale, Propaganda, Screen, Vol. 18, No. 3 She intended tosupport the strike and she
(1977),p.25. did it. Its a marvelous film and Isupportit.
4. King, op. cit.,p.12.
5. Ibid.,p.5. The Cinematic Apparatus as Social
6. Ibid.,p.17. InstitutionAn Interview with Christian
7. Ibid.,p.18. Metz, in Discourse, No. 1 (Fall, 1979),p.30.
8. Sandy Flitterman and Judith Barry, Textual 18. Cf. Dana Polan, Discourses of Rationality and the
Strategies: The Politics of Art Making, Screen, Vol. Rationality of Discourse in Avant-Garde Political
21, No. 2 (Summer, 1980), p. 37. Film Culture, Ohio University Film Conference,
9. Ibid.,p.36. April,1982.
10. Ibid., p.143. 19. Christian Metz, Film Language:ASemiotics of the
11. Eileen McGarry, Documentary Realism and Cinema. Trans. Michael Taylor. (NewYork:Oxford
Womens Cinema, in Women in Film Vol. 2, No. 7 University Press, 1974),p.4.
(Summer, 1975), p. 50. 20. Ibid.,p.5.
12. Ibid.,p.50, 21. Ibid.,p.22.
13. Ibid.,p.51. 22. Ibid., pp.2122.
14. M.H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp. Romantic 23. Cf. Michael Ryan, Militant Documentary: Mai 68
Theory and the Critical Tradition (London: Oxford Par Lui, in Cin-tracts, No. 7/8.
University Press, 1953), p. 267. The whole of this 24. For further discussion of this problem, see
chapter (10) explores the issues of truth to nature. Gledhill, op. cit., pp.469-473.
25. For a full discussion of realist theories of Statements, Millennium Film Journal, Vol. 1, No.
knowledge and society, together with a critique 2 (Spring/Summer, 1978), pp. 2937; Steve Neale,
of Althusserian theories, see Terry Lovell, Oppositional Exhibition: Notes and Problems,
Pictures of Reality (London:The British Film Screen, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1980), pp. 4556; Michael
Institute,1980). OPray, Authorship and Independent Film
26. Julia Lesage began to think about problems of Exhibition, Screen, Vol. 21, No. 2 (Summer 1980),
production, exhibition and distribution in a pp. 7378; Susan Clayton and Jonathan Curling,
1974 article, Feminist Film Criticism:Theory Feminist History and The Song of the Shirt,
and Practice, Women and Film, Vol. 1, Nos. Camera Obscura, No. 7 (Spring, 1981), pp. 111127;
5-6, pp.1220; and in general the journal Jump and their On Authorship, Screen, Vol. 20, No. 1
Cut focussed more than others on matters of (Spring 1979), pp. 3561; John Caughie, Because I
the social and political context for feminist am King and Independent Cinema, Screen, Vol. 21,
films. Julia Lesages article is reprinted in No. 4 (1980/81), pp. 918; Steve Neale, Art Cinema
slightly revised version in Patricia Erens, ed., as Institution, Screen, Vol. 22, No. 1 (1981),
Sexual Stratagems:The World of Women in Film pp. 1141.
(NewYork:Horizon Press, 1979) pp. 156167. 28. Don Macpherson, ed. Traditions of Independence
27. Cf. for example, Marc Karlin, et al. Problems (London: British Film Institute, 1980); cf.
of Independent Cinema, Screen, Vol. 21, No. especially, Claire Johnston Independence
4 (1980/81), pp. 1943; John Hill, Ideology, and the ThirtiesIdeologies in History: An
Economy and British Cinema, in Ideology and Introduction, pp. 923; and Annette Kuhn,
Cultural Production, Michael Barrett, et al., eds. British Documentary in the 1930s and
(London: Billings and Sons, Ltd., 1979); Anthony IndependenceRecontextualizing a Film
McCall and Andrew Tyndall, Sixteen Working Movement, pp. 2435.

A Personal Experience with Theatrical

Let me assume that Im speaking basically of another filmmaker, Jerry Bruck, Jr. He
to the kind of filmmaker who makes a film had gone through approximately the same
because its one that he or she needs and process one year before with his excellent
wants desperately to make (it will become documentary I. F. Stones Weekly, and he
obvious very soon that my remarks do not had developed certain techniques and ideas.
apply to filmmakers who make a prod- He advised me and encouraged me; and
uct because it has a defined market and, when I was ready to quit, he was there to
therefore, will surely generate a great deal remind me why I had undertaken this proj-
of money). In essence, my theatrical experi- ect in the first place. I often forgot because
ence has beenthis: of sheer exhaustion. It was his plan and
I took a good, entertaining, one-hour, his techniquea technique that he had
color documentary about a woman sym- developedso I will defer to him for most
phony orchestra conductor and tried to get of the technical explanations about how to
a good theatrical run for it in as many cities do it. What I can tell you are the reasons why
as possible. Ive only done it once, so Im I did it and suggest that some of them might
hardly an expert, Idont recommend it for apply to other filmmakers and other films.
every documentary or for every filmmaker This I have learned: no product finds its
since it required and truly brought out in market and is successful in that market with-
me the most compulsive aspects of my per- out being pushed or shoved or promoted or
sonality. It took six full months out of my publicized or sold by somebody. Hits dont
life, and I dont regret a minute of it; but just happen in any field. The success of
Ialso dont think it would work for all films Antonia had a great deal to do with Jerry and
or for all people. myself going out there and doing that inten-
Whatever intelligence there was in my sive six months of work. Im not saying
campaign had a lot to do with the support that the film would have been unsuccessful
*Revised 2015.

without that work, but it would have had the both in this country and in the European
normal (very limited) educational distribu- market. So much for television.
tion that most documentaries get, instead of The non-theatrical distributors were
the national attention and excitement that also bubbling over with excitement when
drew all shapes, sizes, and varieties of audi- they saw it. I would estimate that four out
ences to the theater, to church auditoriums, of five major companies whom I dealt with
to classrooms, and to their television sets to reminded me to be sure to get in touch
see this film. It just wouldnt have happened with them if I ever cut a 26-minute ver-
if I hadnt done the work myself, and it is sion. But they were unwilling to take on the
my sincere belief that there is no one, pro- hour-long film. They told me that there was
fessional, or otherwise, who could have or a problem with programming it, since it
would have done the same job for this film.1 was a 60-minute film and most classroom
In the summer of 1973, Judy Collins (who sessions were 40 minutes. The couple of
co-directed the film with me) and Iwere sit- distributors who were interested in the film
ting around New York with this perfectly were offering very little: no advances, no
wonderful, one-hour documentary which promotion, no particular skill in distribut-
nobody wanted. No one had ever heard of ing this kind of film, and the average 25%
Antonia Brico and, in fact, thats what most of the gross, which would mean that a film
people said to me when Iwent to them for like Antonia would have to gross about
help:No one has ever heard of herhow $240,000 before production costs would
can we put it on television? or How can be paid back. These distributors also offered
I put it in a theater? No ones ever heard next-to-nothing in the way of hope for prof-
of Antonia Brico! The film had cost about its. Somehow, none of that seemed like
$60,000, and had been made with the enough.
vague illusion that if you created something Thats the main reason why I got involved
good enough, that wasnt politically or sexu- in the theatrical effort. The idea was to make
ally offensive to anyone, you could sell it the film a hot enough property so that I
to commercial television and at least make could make a better deal with non-theatrical
your costs back that way. To us it seemed distributors and with television. The idea
that the rest of the distribution, whatever was to make it special through the the-
that was going to beand we didnt think atrical distribution so that it would be
about it very oftenwould just flow from well-reviewed, talked about everywhere as
that commercial television sale. As it turned new and original, and so that we could cre-
out, it just wasntso.2 ate an image of the film that would make it
Judy and I had wonderful connections in demand, a must-see film. Then, I could
in the networks and were able to get in go out and do an outrageously wonderful
and see people, but it took two months to job in the non-theatrical market. Basically,
find out that commercial television doesnt it worked. The success of Antonia in all
buy any independent product. Everywhere other market areasincluding print sales,
I went, producers and vice-presidents in community and educational rentals, large,
charge of this and that told me they loved paid-admission show dates, and U.S. and
it. Sometimes they cried during the screen- international televisionwas all made pos-
ing and sometimes they asked if they could sible by the outstanding pedigree the film
borrow the print because they thought acquired during its theatrical runs.
their wives should see it. But, they said, it Looking back now, Ican cite a few other
was impossible to program it. (I am still good reasons to try it. The incredible experi-
searching for a definition of that word.) And ence Iacquired as a businesswoman Inow
that turned out to be a constant problem consider to be basic dues paid for the rest
PayingDues 695

of my life as an independent filmmaker enormously and the cause of women musi-

and a woman. What Ilearned about dealing cians in general. Antonia emerged from all
with business people, making deals, when of this with a rather full second career. Shes
to give, when not to give, is essentialnot conducting all over the country again, and
just for making films but for lifeas far Idont think much of that would have hap-
as Im concerned. Idont see how you can pened without the special attention the film
be an independent filmmaker without that got in theatrical realms.
knowledge or some of that experience, and The other big reason for getting involved
I encourage everyone to get as much of in the theatrical mess is ego, and that Ifound
that experience as they can. Its a real world has been really important. The experience
out there, and Ididnt know about it. Ifeel of watching your own film actually run in
much more capable of taking care of myself a theaterwell, there is nothing like it, nor
now, having survived and succeeded in that any better place for a film to communicate
deadlyarena. best with its audience. Theres something
Theres another major reason why Igot about the lights going out, a very big screen,
involved in the theatrical distribution to the a good sound system, people whove come
extent that Idid. Judy and Ihad made what because theyve heard about the film, and
was considered essentially a womans film, who hire baby-sitters, park their cars, and
or at least it seemed to be a film that womens pay money to go into that theater that makes
groups wanted to see. Alot of them needed their viewing experience much better than
a product that they could use for fundrais- anywhere else. The film is better received
ing events, whether for a lesbian newspaper and the excitement level is higher; theres
or for an Episcopal womens auxiliary that a communication among the audience. As
was trying to raise money for scholarships. a result, the ideas and emotions that youve
There was a movement to plug my film into, put in the film are communicated best in
and I did a lot of opening night, theatrical that theatrical situation. Beyond all that, its
benefits with groups likethese. beautiful just to see your name up there in
The groups were able to make serious lights, and this is really important. If youre
money for their effort with a class product going to go out and spend the next year rais-
and a good image, and Igot my share from ing money to make your next film, and the
the major promotion effort these women year after that making it, youre going to
were able to do in their own communi- need every minute of that glory and every
ties, which I could never have pulled off minute of that excitement to go out and do
from NewYork City. They would go out and itagain.
hustle and put up posters in places where For all of the above reasons (none of
I couldnt have gotten to, and they could which were too consciously formulated at
get me on local television and radio shows. the outset), Isought my low-cost, high-yield,
They could make the media contacts Icould smash hit, NewYork opening and subse-
have never made from my home base. Ifind quent runs. The Whitney Museums New
it unlikely that any traditional non-theatrical American Filmmakers series provided that
distributor would have sought out or gotten opportunity in manyways:
deeply involved with groups like these, and
Iconsider that it was a very important part 1. They offer the filmmaker a real run.
of my distribution campaign. The Whitney offered me two full weeks
I also cared very much about the sub- with three shows a day. You need a
ject of the film, Antonia Brico. Without successful run so that you can get real
going into great detail, I think the theatri- box-office and attendance figures to
cal distribution of this film helped Antonia convince theater bookers that your film

will draw on a continuous basis. Flashy, The Whitney sold out three and four shows
one-night premieres, like the NewYork a day for two weeks, which was exactly what
Film Festival, can be terrific for getting Jerry Bruck (with I. F. Stones Weekly) and
press (although reviews of our lesser I needed to move into the first theatrical
films often get buried under the mountain situation.3
of articles about important films in the With only a weeks interruption in the
same festival), but these one-nighters run (and even that week was detrimen-
dont provide the realistic evidence tal and should have been avoided), we
that your film can generate word-of- opened our double bill at the Quad Theater
mouth and keep people coming, which in Greenwich Village. The Quad is a
is the basic ingredient of a successful four-screen, multiple theater which is help-
financialrun. ful for a film like Antonia, because audiences
2. The timing with the Whitney was perfect. at the other three films notice that your film
We opened in early September, two weeks is there; so it becomes a kind of advertis-
before the New York Film Festival started, ing which you cant get any other way. The
so that local and national critics werent theater is in Greenwich Village which was
swamped with other work and had space also an intelligent choice because it was very
in their newspapers and magazines to
close to New York University and also to the
print their reviews of Antonia.
kind of downtown people who might be
3. The Whitney had some money in its
looking for something unusual and would
budget for paid advertising. In fact,
take a chance on two documentaries.
Antonia was designated to open the Fall
Our theater was small, about 250 seats,
series and, as a result, got more paid
which was also a good idea. First, because
space in the Village Voice and The New
its cheaper than a large house (and you
York Times than most other films in
know from the outset that you could never
the series. The Whitney also had a staff
fill a theater that has 600 or 700 seats). It
person at that time, Terry Kemper, who
had maintained excellent relationships
always feels better for you, for the exhibitor,
with the press. He was a blessing. Terry and for the audience to be in a full house in
and I coordinated our contacts and ran a small theater than in a half-empty house
two major press screenings and many in a large theater. I should also mention
individual ones for those critics with that the management and owner of the
special needs. We provoked, and we Quad had an unusual associate in the per-
prodded, and we pushed our materials son of Mort Hoch, who runs the advertis-
around to every radio, TV, newspaper, and ing agency that has the Quads account. He
magazine film critic in the cityfrom is an adventurer par excellence with years
Time Magazine and The Today Show of experience in the biz. Idedicate this to
all the way down to the 40 or 50 college Mort. It was he who convinced the Quads
newspapers and radio stations in the New owners to take a chance on our two films.
York area. Without that first run, the whole theatrical
thing would never have gotten started.
And on it went. We did six pretty
These were the important elements. decent weeks at the Quad, trailed off
Because of the coordinated reviews and badly through two more terrible ones, but
appearances on radio and television, managed to convince Larry Jackson, of
Antonia burst upon the New York scene in the Orson Welles Cinema in Cambridge,
September of 1974 looking like it had a lot of Massachusetts, to give us a try, where
energy and money behind it, and that kept a Antonia eventually ran 15 weeks with a
lot of people talking about it for a long time. half-hour short by Elliott Erwitt, Beauty
PayingDues 697

Knows No Pain. A year from then, Antonia Ed. note: Following its theatrical run, the
had played in theaters in about 20 cities, producers of Antonia signed a contract
mostly on the East and West Coasts with with a commercial distribution company for
varying lengths of time and with varying non-theatrical release of the film.
financial success. We never lost money
(Los Angeles was the worst, but even there
we came out with $87, and Boston was Notes
the bestabout $10,000 net profit for the 1. In 1973, Jerry Bruck had pioneered theatrical
filmmakers). distribution with his excellent 60-minute, 16mm
documentary, I. F. Stones Weekly. In 1974, seeking a
Each situation was different, but each second run for his film, we paired up Antonia and
was the same in that it required exhaust- I. F. Stones Weekly to make a two hour program.
ing, 20-hours-a-day, 8-days-a-week energy, Then he taught me all he had learned: how to cut
a deal with an exhibitor; how to make newspaper
and each paid back with gratifying audience ads and posters; how to produce a 1/4-inch tape of
response, excruciating lessons in business sound bites for radio interviews and 16mm film
and pain, and hundreds of high-profit, paid clips for TV interviews. (Of course this was way
admission, non-theatrical bookings. I cal- before 3/4-inch videotape and way, way before the
internet or anything digital.)
culate very roughly that the gross for both 2. Previously, distribution of independently-made
films in the theatrical situations was about documentaries consisted only of print sales to
$30,000, and that the costs were about public and university libraries, college classroom
rentals, and sometimes broadcast on European
$8,500. The profit was there, although television networks (rarely on American public
it wasnt huge; but beyond that, the effort television and never on American commercial
was well worth it in that Antonia has done networks).
3. Antonia was reviewed in The New York Times, The
exceedingly well in all other market areas. I New Yorker, New York, Time, Newsday, New York Post,
have no regrets. Village Voice, Cue, and Variety.

A B L A C K AVA N T - G A R D E ?
Notes onBlack Audio Film Collective and

One of the crucial things about media education in Britain is that youre involved in
very Eurocentric theories, and if you have any sort of Black consciousness you begin
to wonder where there might be room for your experience within these theories. In
Roland Barthes Mythologies, one of the key texts for students of semiology, the only
reference to anybody Black is to the soldier on the cover of Paris Match. The very super-
ficial critique of colonialism found in such texts really isnt enough.
As we began to think about images and about our politics, we realized that the
history of independent film and Black images was pretty dry politically speaking. And
political films were also really dry stylistically, mostly straight documentary. And there
is always the problem that there hasnt been much space for Black filmmakers in
Britain. In terms of political film also, there wasnt much room for pleasure.

Martina Attille, Sankofa1

In the winter of 1986, two films from to find their way to commercial ven-
the British workshops opened at down- ues, what made these runs even more
town Londons Metro Cinema. 2 One was unusual was that the films, The Passion
a multilayered dramatic feature, and the of Remembrance (1986) and Handsworth
other a nonnarrative, impressionistic Songs (1986), were produced by the
documentaryformats usually consid- London-based Black workshops Sankofa
ered to be too difficult for the theatri- and Black Audio Film Collective. Those
cal market. While it was highly unusual theatrical screenings were firsts for local
for low budget experimental films Black film collectives, and are one of the
A Black Avant-Garde? 699

many signs that the Black workshops are closely to the laws that regulate them than
effecting radical changes in British inde- their white counterparts.
pendent cinema.3 As filmmakers and media activists,
Sankofa and Black Audios intervention Sankofa and Black Audio question Black
in British media institutions seems to have representation in British media from main-
touched several raw nerves. Their insistence stream television to such bastions of liberal
on shifting the terms of avant-garde film enlightenment as the British Film Institute
theory and practice to include an ongoing (BFI), and academic film journals such as
engagement with the politics of race sets Screen and Framework. They are interrogat-
them apart from longstanding traditions of ing radical film theorys cursory treatment
documentary realism in British and Black of race-related issues, and subverting the all
film cultures. Black Audios Handsworth too familiar division of independent film
Songs is a collage of reflections on the labor between first-world avant-garde and
race riots that have shaken Thatcherite third-worldist activism. Sankofa and Black
England, and the inadequacy of all institu- Audio are also concerned with mainstream
tional explanations of themparticularly images of Black identity, preconceived
those of the mass media. The filmmak- notions of Black entertainment, and the
ers weave archival footage with reportage, terminology and mythologies they inherit
interior monologue, and evocative music from the 60s-based cultural nationalism
to create a gracefully orchestrated panop- that remains allied with a realist tradition.
oly of signs and sounds that evoke Black Sankofas reflections on the psychosexual
British experiences. Sankofas The Passion dynamics and differences within Black British
of Remembrance is the story of Maggie communities, and Black Audios deconstruc-
Baptiste, a young woman grappling with tion of British colonial and postcolonial his-
the problematic legacy of a Black radical- toriography are groundbreaking attempts to
ism that foreclosed discussion of sexual render racial identities as effects of social and
politics and with the differences between political formations and processes, to repre-
her vision of the world and that of her fam- sent Black identities as products of diasporic
ily and friends. Public and private memory history. While these workshops are not the
reverberate through interconnected stories first or only Black filmmakers in Britain, they
that take different forms: dramatic nar- are among the first Black British film artists
rative, allegorical monologues, and film to recast the question of Black cultures rela-
withinfilm. tions to modernity as an inextricably aes-
Critical attention to Handsworth and thetic and politicalissue.
Passion has outstripped the response to Although racism is not a problem spe-
other workshop films of the same scale. The cific to Britain, the English version has its
films are at the center of polemical debates own immediate history. The existence of the
in the mainstream and Black popular press Black British workshops and the nature of
that often do little more than bespeak criti- their production are due to the 1981 Brixton
cal assumptions about which filmic strate- riots and the institutional responses that
gies are appropriate for Blacks. At its best, gave the filmmakers access to funding.5
institutional recognition takes the form The newly established workshops provided
of the John Grierson Award, which Black the infrastructure that, combined with
Audio received in 1987 for Handsworth racially sensitive cultural policies, created
Songs; the more common version, how- conditions for them to explore and ques-
ever, is the constant scrutiny to which the tion theoretical issues. Though the chro-
entire Black workshop sector is subjected.4 nologies of events that inform Passion and
All the Black workshops contend that they Handsworth Songs are specific to Britain,
must conform much more consistently and institutionalized racism, its attitudes,

arguments and historical trajectories are Given the two Black workshops stress
not. In addition to institutionalized racism, on how multiple histories shape their pres-
we in America share the legacy of cultural ence/present, it is appropriate to begin by
nationalism, its ahistorical logic, anachro- outlining events that led to their practice.
nistic terms, and the scleroticizing dan- Sankofas and Black Audios members are
ger of separatism. The U.S. psycho-social first-generation immigrants, largely from
dilemma of belonging, which harshly West Indian families that arrived in Britain
affects people of color, might be offset in the 1950s and 60s. The combination of
slightly by melting pot myths and a longer an expanding post-World War II economy
history of Black American presence. But in England, changing immigration laws and
the massive influx of peoples from Latin chronic economic hardship in newly inde-
America and the Caribbean since World pendent colonies resulted in rapid growth of
War II (not to mention the abundance of the British-based Black population into the
mixed-race Americans) is both evidence of mid-70s, when economic decline and strin-
a similar plurality of Black cultures here gent immigration policies began to close the
and a symptom of the U.S. neocolonialist doors. Most of the first generation of Black
projects. The contemporary U.S.situation, British subjects reached adolescence in the
then, exceeds any monolithic discourse on 70s, with little hope for decent employment,
race, calling for strategic recognition and a minimal political voice, and virtually no
articulation of a plurality of racial differ- access to media. This atmosphere of dispair
ences. The British use of black as a politi- and foreboding was sensitively portrayed by
cal term for all U.K. residents of African, Black British independent pioneer Horace
Afro-Caribbean, and Asian origin expresses Ove in his first feature, Pressure (1975), focus-
a common social, political, and economic ing on the frustrations of Black youth, and
experience of race that cuts across original later addressed by Menelik Shabazz in his
cultures, and works against politically devi- 1982 feature Burning An Illusion.
sive moves that would fragment them into Britain in the last years of the Labor gov-
more easily controlled ethnic minorities. ernment before Margaret Thatcher saw the
As mainstream American media constitute rise of neofascist groups and racially moti-
new markets by race (the heralding of the vated attacks against Afro-Caribbean and
new Hispanic moviegoer with the opening Asian peoples, coupled with changes in
of La Bamba is one recent example) and as policing tactics now aimed at containing the
critical reflection on media culture hovers Black population. Public gatherings within
around the question of colonialism, treat- the Black community, such as carnivals, were
ing it at times as if it were a phenomenon increasingly perceived and constituted as
that exists elsewherewe must con- sites of criminality.6 The Brixton riots of 1981
tinue a systematic, ongoing analysis of the were not the first violent response by Blacks
homogenizing tendencies of both the mass to their situation, but the ensuing spread of
media and post-structuralism, as well as civil disturbances throughout the country
the contrived segregation of post- and neo- generated enough fear and media coverage
colonial subjects into folklorically infused, to prevent the explosive situation from being
ahistorical, ethnic groups. Recognizing ignored by the government. Despite statis-
nationalitys problematic relationship to tics indicating that the Brixton riots resulted
the diasporic phenomenon, I will, in this in the arrests of more whites than Blacks,
article, examine the work of Black Audio the mass media and adjunct power mecha-
and Sankofa as an instance in the develop- nisms had already succeeded in constituting
ment of a necessarily international critical a new Black Threat, with a new Black, male
study of race and representation. youth as its archetypal protagonist.
A Black Avant-Garde? 701

The independents and the Association industry had developed not only in the non-
of Cinematograph Television and Allied profit cultural institutions, but in academia
Technicians (ACTT) directed many of their as well. Those theoretical debates on colo-
efforts toward the establishment of Channel nialism and postcolonialism, in which Black
4 as a commissioning resource and television Audio and Sankofa actively participate, draw
outlet for British films.7 Its charter affirms the extensively on the work of Homi Bhabha,
channels commitment to multicultural pro- Stuart Hall, and Paul Gilroy.10 Bhabhas writ-
gramming. Those interest groups lobbying, ings combines a Lacanian perspective on the
together with support from Channel 4 and linguistic construction of subjectivity, with
the BFI, also led to the Workshop Declaration Fanons investigations of racism as a complex
of 1981, giving nonprofit media-production psychic effect of colonial history.11 These ideas
units with at least four salaried members the provide a theoretical framework from which
right to be franchised and eligible for produc- to investigate the unconscious dimensions of
tion and operating monies as nonprofit com- the colonial legacy, to understand racism as
panies. Workshops are expected to engage a dialectical encounter in which victim and
in ongoing interaction with their local com- oppressor internalize aspects of the other, at
munities through educational programs and both the level of the individual and the social.
training, and at the same time produce inno- Passions concern with sexual conserva-
vative media that could not be found in the tism in contemporary Black communities
commercial sector. and Handsworths poignant resurrection of
1981 was also a crucial year for the Greater the 50s immigrants innocent faith in the
London Council (GLC), as the beginning of motherland resonate with these psychologi-
its governing Labor partys six year effort at cal dilemmas in an expressive manner that
social engineering through politically pro- transcends didactic illustration. They suggest
gressive cultural policy.8 This project ended alternatives to predominant forms of repre-
with Thatchers abolishing the council by sentation that posit the colonized as helpless
decree in 1986. A race relations unit and victim (the liberal view) or as salvagable only
Ethnic Minorities Committee were insti- through a return to an original precolonial
tuted largely in response to the 1981 riots identity (the underlying assumption of cul-
and sociological studies that followed. tural nationalism). They also undermine the
Within the Ethnic Minorities Committee liberal assumption that racism is an aberration
was the Black Arts Division, which, under from democratic ideals of the nation-state, by
the supervision of Parminder Vir, slated bringing out their historical inextricability.
monies for Black cultural activity, particu- In other words, the development of capital-
larly those areas such as film and video that ism and the rise of the British Empire were
had previously been inaccessible due to contingent on colonial exploitation and
high costs. The future members of Sankofa racismthe colonial fantasy, as Bhabha puts
and Black Audio had, at this time, just itis nationalisms unconscious, its dialec-
completed their academic and technical tical negation. Black Audios stunning reas-
trainingSankofas members were primar- semblage of archival images from the British
ily from arts- and communications-theory colonial pantheonExpeditions (1983)is a
backgrounds, and Black Audios members critical reinterpretation of the fantasies that
had studied sociology.9 Funding from orga- give rise to both the imperial project and its
nizations such as the GLC and local bor- documentation.
ough councils financed their first works and Also influential to Sankofas and Black
made them eligible for workshop status. Audios aesthetics are the writings of Paul
By the time Sankofa and Black Audio Gilroy and Stuart Hall. The two social
began to work collectively, a race-relations theorists bring Foucauldian methods of

institutional critique to the issue of race with which they collude. From this new
and the constitution of the Black subject. angle, maps become measurements of both
In their analyses of racisms many mecha- distance and domination, and placid por-
nisms and manifestations, they are acutely traits take on a sinister cast. As a majestic
sensative to the significance of the media male voice claiming that Blacks dont know
and image production as means of trans- who they are or what they are, repeats over
mitting ideas about nationality and nation- and over, it becomes a stutter-like symbol
alist prejudice.12 Gilroys interpretations of for the speakers own incapacity to compre-
Black British culture (particularly music) as hend the Others identity. Ambient sounds
a synthesis of modern technologically influ- and manipulated voices resonate forcefully,
enced aesthetics and Black oral traditions unearthing the deep structural meanings
theorize cultural dynamics in the Black that bind the signs together. Expeditions is
diaspora, significantly shifting the terms a decidely antirealist document; instead its
of contemporary debates on postmodern makers struggle with every possible formal
eclecticism. While Hall employs Gramscian means of achieving a vision both poetically
theories of hegemony to comprehend the allusive and lucidly interpretive.
complex power relations between institu- Sankofas Territories also uses formal
tions and the resistance of specific groups, experimentation as a means of decentering
he is particularly sensitive to the danger of thematic and structural traditions. Their
imputing radicalism to all forms of popular first collectively produced film was made
expression, tempering widespread tenden- after founding member Isaac Juliens video
cies of cultural nationalism to project resis- documentary, Who Killed Colin Roach?
tance as a leitmotif onto all popular history. (1983) about the mysterious death of a
The character Maggies search for new ways Black male youtha case similar to that
of approaching past and present desires of American grafittist Michael Stewart.
in Passion evokes the condition these writ- It is a self-conscious return to the most
ers address. Like them, she seeks a more visible Afro-Caribbean stereotypethe
nuanced political vocabulary to approach a carnivalexamining its places and dis-
range of subjective and collective concerns. placements within British society. Charting
Before Maggies passions, and the intensification of policing practices
Handsworths songs, however, came the over three decades, Territories represents
two workshops earlier, more esoteric carnival as a barometer of institutional atti-
endeavors: Black Audios Expeditions and tudes. Interconnected with these political
Sankofas Territories (1985). Expeditions is a and historical developments is a critique
two-part tape/slide show, subheaded Signs of of ethnographic representations of carni-
Empire and Images of Nationality, in which val, which reify it as a sign of original cul-
archeological metaphors organize an aes- ture, masking its evolving sociopolitical
theticized, ideologically charged enquiry. significance. The two strategies bespeak
Drawing on images from high colonial the colonialist presupposition that carnival,
portraiture, ethnographic photography, and as an archetype of Black expression, is by
contemporary reportage, Black Audio uses nature eruptive (savage) and erotic (danger-
them as raw materials in a choreographed ously pleasurable and potentially explosive),
audiovisual performance. Over images of and therefore calls for order imposed from
the past are inscribed philosophical phrases without. The films second half, a surreal
of the present. Between images of present collage of gay couples dancing over riots,
conflict are expeditions that open onto bobbies and burning flags, is a formal ren-
a past seen through the representational dering of that very threat of chaos, a site of
genres that elide the violence of the orders excess that mocks attempts at discursive
A Black Avant-Garde? 703

and institutional control. The film, however, form of social work, or rather that aestheti-
not unlike the carnivalesque, is somewhat cally self-conscious film practice is too high-
limited by its own idiom, falling back on brow and superfluous.14
an all too familiar avant-garde conflation Clearly, there are also economic imper-
of all forms of realism and narrative to add atives operating here. As many more
strength to its counternarratives assertions. established British independents gain inter-
This issue, however, was not central national acclaim, arguments in support of
to the films critical reception in Britain. a more commercially viable product gain
Like Expeditions, Territories was deemed momentum. And for the burgeoning collec-
by many to be too intellectual and inac- tives, the production costs of dramatic nar-
cessible. According to the filmmakers, the rative are prohibitive. But the problem for
doubts about both works often came from the workshops remains that the combined
white media producers who had surfaced effect of the arguments is to restrict the
after a decade of immersion in structural- space they need to develop a critical voice
ist stylistics with a zealous new concern and vision, to experiment with a variety of
for the popular. Also participating were ready-made materials and discourses in
proponents of the positive image thesis order to tell stories of our experiences in a
who argue that positive representation of way that took into account the rhythm and
Black characters is the answer to racist mis- mood of that experience.15
representation. They faulted the two work- Confronting the positive image as a
shops for, in a sense, missing the point. The problem rather than a given and defining
ironic result of this sort of social engineer- relations to trends beyond the traditional
ing is that, despite its sensitivity to media parameters of black communities are
and its attempts to create new spaces, it issues that figure prominently in The Passion
imposes limitations that eschew any psy- of Remembrance. Its dialogues are filled with
chological complexity. As Julian Henriques questions about the images of Black iden-
puts it in his article, Realism and the New tity that surround the characters and inform
Language, their behavior. The allegorical Black radical
woman rebukes the allegorical radical Black
The danger of this type of approach man for the latent sexism in his Black Power
is that it denies the role of art alto- ideology; Maggie and her family evaluate
gether. Rather than appreciating the Black couples on a prime-time TV game
works of art as the products of vari- show; she and her brother attack one anoth-
ous traditions and techniques with ers visions of political struggle; Maggie
their own distinct language, art and faces her peers accusations that her interest
the media are reduced to a brand of in sexuality and sympathy for gay rights are
political rhetoric.13 not really Black concerns. Contradictions
between self-image and prescribed images,
What is at stake in all these arguments, between desired ones and painful ones, are
and what explains Sankofas and Black repeated in the films different generic sites,
Audios notoriety is that their works implic- or levels. In the dramatic narrative devoted
itly disrupt assumptions about what kinds of to the Baptiste family, identity conflicts are
films the workshops should make and about articulated as generational and cultural. The
what constitutes a proper reflection of the immigrant fathers skills are no longer appli-
underrepresented communities from which cable in the labor market. As if to protect
they speak. As BFI Ethnic Affairs Advisor himself, he holds onto an outdated image
Jim Pines put it, the overriding assumption of both England and the West Indies, while
of the debates is that Black filmmaking is a his sons grass-roots radicalism fossilizes

into romantic nostalgia. When Maggie and dizzily into a school yard, holding for sev-
her friend get ready for a night on the town, eral seconds on childrens faces, nearly dis-
the conflicts between the mens world view torting them. This dreamlike movement is
and Maggies are beautifully underscored by repeated in the filmed installations of fam-
vivid intercutting of calypso and pop music. ily portraits, wedding pictures and nursery
Indeed, what stands out most in Passion school scenes, which, combined with clips
is the soundtrack, rich in music, poetic from dances and other festivities, become
excerpts and charged verbal exchange. At images of the happy past that are a pre-
times the filmmakers rely a bit too heav- cious part of the Black immigrants col-
ily on dialogue to carry the films ideas, lective memory. Juxtaposed against the
rather than exploiting the possibilities of its violence and frustrations of the pres-
visual material. But even if Passion suffers ent, these happy memories brim over
at moments from a lack of formal cohesive- with pathos, but they are also set against
ness, its intellectual strength comes from its other images from the past which betray
insistence on the multiplicity of elements their innocence. Newsreel images high-
and images that shape Black consciousness. light the earnestness and timidity of the
Perspicacity of this sort appeared to be immigrants, while voice-overs belie the
beyond the capacities of mainstream doc- hostile attitudes expressed at their arrival.
umentation of the 1985 Handsworth and The film depicts how a Black Threat was
Broadwater Farm riots.16 In response to perceived to be transforming the needs
this conceptual lacunae came Black Audios of British industry into the desires of an
first film, Handsworth Songs, which shatters unwanted foreign mass. These judge-
the reductivism of previous media cover- mental voices are confronted by newer
age. Countering the desire of the nameless ones, which offer no direct explanations
journalist for a riot story is the films most or responses. Refining the style they
often quoted line, There are no stories in developed in Expeditions, the filmmakers
the riots, only the ghosts of other stories. achieve such an integration of image and
In the place of monological explication are sound that the voices seem as if to arise
delicately interwoven visual fragments from from within the scenes. We hear poems,
the past and present, evoking larger his- letters, an eye witness account of Cynthia
tories and myths. Among the images are Jarretts death by her daughter, introspec-
familiar scenes from previous riots, such tive reflections, which together create
as the attack of nearly a dozen policemen a voice-over marked by lyrical intimacy
on one fleeing dreadlocked youth from the rather than omnipresence. That sense of
Brixton uprisings. With the shots of news intimacy shines throughout both Passion
clips, they remind us that by the time of the of Remembrance and Handsworth Songs.
1985 riots, an established and limited visual Rarely do such formally self-conscious
vocabulary about Blacks in Britain was in projects express comparable sympathetic
place. These references to a riot iconog- bonds with their characters, maintaining a
raphy form the synchronic dimension of delicate balance between a critique of lib-
Black Audios poetic analysis of the repre- eral humanism and a compassion for the
sentation of racial events. spiritual integrity of their subjects.
The film uses archival cut-aways to Some British critics have attempted to
reveal an uneasy relationship between identify specific avant-garde influences in
camera and subject. At one point, an Asian Sankofa and Black Audios works, citing
woman turns, after having been followed Sergei Eisenstein and Jean-Luc Godard
by the camera, and swings her handbag as predecessors. While these assertions
at the lens; at another, the camera swoops have doubtlessly helped to legitimate the
A Black Avant-Garde? 705

filmmakers in the eyes of some, Sankofa Our task was to find a structure and a
and Black Audios direct concern with cur- form which would allow us the space
rent media trends and with rethinking to deconstruct the hegemonic voice
Black aesthetics compel us to look else- of the British TV newsreels. That
where. The two groups, while well schooled was absolutely crucial if we were to
in Eurocentric avant-garde cinema, are sur- succeed in articulating those spa-
rounded by and acutely aware of popular cial and temporal states of belong-
media forms. They can draw on the expe- ing and displacement differently. In
riences of a cultural environment in which order to bring emotions, uncertain-
musical performance can function as a lab- ties and anxieties alive we had to
oratory for experimenting with ready made poeticize that which was captured
technologically (re)produced materials.17 through the lenses of the BBC and
They also produce films in an environment other newsreel unitsby poeticizing
where television is the archetypical view- every image we were able to succeed
ing experience. The fast-pace editing and in recasting the binary of myth and
nonnarrative structures found in advertis- history, of imagination and experien-
ing and music videonot to mention the tial states of occasional violence.19
effect of frequently flipping channelshave
already sensitized television audiences to Sankofa and Black Audio speak from
unconventional representation, upsetting Britain, with a clear focus on the condi-
the hegemony of the classic realisttext. tions of racism in a country where their
The filmmakers are also concerned with right to full participation in civic society is
how to develop an aesthetic from diasporic more obviously complicated by legal ques-
experiences common to Black peoples. tions of citizenship. Given our own immi-
This involves rethinking the relationship gration dilemmas and chronic inequities
between a common language and a people, of Black American participation in the
between ideas of history and nation. Paul political process, however, parallels are far
Gilroy has pointed out that modern con- from contrived. The Black British filmmak-
cepts of national identity and culture have ers are keenly aware of their spiritual kin-
invoked a German philosophical tradi- ship with Black American cultures, though
tion which associates a true people with their actual connections are primarily tex-
a place.18 Access to historical identity as a tual. They clearly see themselves as heirs
people with a common voice is bound to the to developments that have roots in this
idea of a singular written language and of country, evidenced by Handsworthss poi-
place. Yet centuries of capitalist and colo- gnant passage devoted to Malcolm Xs visit
nial development have literally displaced to Birmingham, and Sankofas acknowl-
Black populations. Their cultures have edgement that their critique of sexual poli-
evolved through synthesis with others as tics in Black communities draws on Black
much as through preservation and resis- American feminist writings of the 70s and
tance, forging an ongoing dialectic of lin- 80s. The same GLC policy-makers who
guistic and cultural transmutation. While funded their first works also organized Black
Iam wary of labelling this process a kind of Cinema exhibitions, introducing audiences
proto-postmodernism, I cannot avoid not- to the cinematic endeavors of Julia Dash
ing the formal resemblances. What seems and Ayoka Chenzira, Haile Gerima, and
more important than ascribing terms to dia- Charles Burnett.
sporic cultural dynamics is to be aware of Nonetheless, there are certain distinc-
the ways in which Black Audio and Sankofa tions between the American and British
have taken this dynamic into account. conditions for Black independents.

Institutional structures such as the work- Notes

shops and ACTT grant-aided division, while
1. Martina Attille, interview with the author, in
far from ideal, do not work against notions Young, British and Black:The Sankofa Film and
of shared interests the way that Americas Video Collective, Black Film Review 3, no. 1 (Winter
individualized, project-specific funding pro- 1986-87),p.12.
2. The Metro Cinema occupies a place analogous to
cedures can. And competition with the more that of the Film Forum in NewYorkCity.
monied, auterist ventures of Britains more 3. Menelik Shabazz was the first Black British
mainstream independents is a far cry from independent filmmaker to screen his film
commercially in London. Burning An Illusion opened
the economic and philosophic chasms that in1982.
divide marginalized independent experi- 4. Ihave chosen to limit my discussion of the Black
ments from high-budget production in the workshops to Black Audio and Sankofa because
of the debates around them and their filmic
U.S. But Britain specifically, and Western strategies set them apart from the rest of the Black
Europe in general, is involved in a larger workshop sector. Other Black workshops in England
postcolonial crisis that has forced them are:Cardiff, Macro, Star, Retake, and Ceddo. The
last two are also London based, and Iconducted
to rethink national and cultural identity; interviews with their members as part of my
the dilemmas touched on by Black Audio, research. Ishould mention here that Ceddo also
Sankofa and others are part of that crisis. produced a documentary about racially motivated
riots, entitled The Peoples Account (1986). It was
Theirs is a poetics of an era in which racial, commissioned by Channel 4, but has not yet been
cultural, and political transitions intersect. aired, due to an unresolved conflict involving
It is no surprise then, that their works con- Channel 4 and the Independent Broadcasting
Authority (IBA). The IBA found the original version
tain references to sources as varied as Ralph of the documentary unacceptable for its accusations
Ellison and Louis Althusser, June Jordan against the British state, even after Channel 4
and Jean-Luc Godard, Edward Braithwaite lawyers had submitted requests for minor changes
and C.L.R. James. On this very sensitive and had them attended to. When Iwas conducting
research for this article last summer, the IBA was
point Imust insist that this is not a rejection insisting on a balancing program to accompany the
of the goals of Black consciousness. This documentary, and on the right to cancel the airing
eclecticism, aimed at theorizing the speci- of both if they did not approve of the balancing
ficity of race, reflects the mixed cultural, his- 5 . Although there had been outbreaks of violence
torical, and intellectual heritage that shapes in the 70s and earlier in protest of harassment
life in the Black diaspora. The sad truth is by police and right-wing groups, and in
protest of the states strategic neglect of racial
that many Blacks must live that bicultural- injustice, the riots that took place in 1981 mark a
ism, while few others seek to do so. If domi- watershed moment in the history of British race
nant cultures relation to Black cultures is relations. The first disturbances in Britain were
immediately related to the suspicious deaths
to go beyond tokenism, exoticizing fascina- of three Black youths. But what began in the
tion or racial violence, the complexities and Brixton area of London spread to urban ghettos
differences which these film artists address in most of the industrial centers of London,
lasting an entire summer. The scale of the
must be understood. Sankofa, Black Audio protests, as Imention later in the article, made it
and many other Black media producers in impossible for the government and the media to
Britain are mapping out new terrains in a ignore the situation. Sociological investigations
into the conditions of Blacks in Britain, such as
struggle for recognition and understanding. the Scarman Report, were a direct governmental
I would like to thank the following indi- response to these events. The cultural policies
viduals for their invaluable assistance in of the GLC and new attention to race in
many British cultural institutions were other
providing information for this article:Julian responses.
Henriques, Parminder Vir, June Givanni, Fred 6. For an in-depth discussion of this, see Paul Gilroy,
DAguiar, Colin McCabe, Jim Pines, Stephen There Aint No Black in the Union Jack: The Cultural
Politics of Race and Nation (London: Century
Philip, Dhianaraj Chetti, and of course, the Hutchinson Ltd., 1987), chap. 3; also Cecil Gutzmore,
filmmakers of Sankofa Film/Video Collective Capital, Black Youth and Crime in Race & Class
and Black Audio Film Collective. XXV, no. 2 (Autumn 1983), pp. 1330; and Lee
A Black Avant-Garde? 707

Bridges, Policing the Urban Wasteland in the same American essayists, particularly
issue, pp. 3148. June Jordan.
7. Channel 4 started broadcasting in 1982. It is 11. For more about Bhabhas relation to Lacan
government subsidized but funded by a number and Fanon, see Of Mimicry and Man: The
of sources, including advertising and subscription Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse, in October,
payments. When it was set up it was supposed to no. 28 (Spring 1984), pp. 118124. Also see Frantz
commission and air a variety of voices, including Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks, Charles Lam
ethnic minorities, the independent filmmaking Markman, trans. (New York: Grove Press, 1967).
sector, foreign programming, and nontraditional 12. See Gilroy, There Aint No Black in the Union Jack,
formats. The actual percentage of airtime and and The Empire Strikes Back (London: Hutchinson,
monies allocated to the independent sector has 1982).
been exaggerated in the U.S. Most of what would 13. Julian Henriques, Realism and the New
be considered innovative programming is shown Language, Artrage, no. 13 (Summer 1986),
on two one-hour weekly slots (Eleventh Hour and pp.3237.
People to People) at off-peakhours. 14. Jim Pines, interview with the author, London,
8. For an in-depth discussion of this, see Franco July1987.
Bianchini, GLC R.I.P.:Cultural Policies in 1 5. Attille, Young, British and Black,p.14.
London, 19811986, in New Formations (Summer 16. In 1985, riots in Handsworth and Broadwater Farm
1987), pp. 103117. were set off by the deaths of Cynthia Jarrett and
9. Sociology departments in the more progressive Cheryl Groce. Police entered the Jarrett home and
British Polytechnics (such as Portsmouth, began to question Ms. Jarrett, who suffered from
Middlesex, and South Bank) have a quite different a heart condition and began to feel ill when she
course of study from their American counterparts. was questioned. The police did not respond to the
Theory and Research Methods are distinct oncoming heart attack. She died shortly thereafter.
branches of study, and it was within the theory Ms. Groce was shot by police who were supposedly
rubric that Black Audio members John Akomfrah, searching for someone else. The Broadwater Farm
Reese Auguiste, Lina Gopaul, and Avril Johnson riot gained infamy from the killing of a policeman
encountered the critical writings that would later by rioters on the firstnight.
inform their creativework. 17. See Gilroy, There Aint No Black in the Union Jack,
10. This list is not exhaustive. The work of chap. 5.
Birminghams Center for Contemporary Cultural 18. Ibid., chap.6,p.69.
Studies and Londons Institute for Race Relations 19. Handsworth Songs: Some Background Notes,
is also extremely important. The filmmakers an unpublished paper by the Black Audio Film
are also interested in the work of many Black Collective, 1987,p.4.

AIDS and Alternative Video Practices(1990)

AIDS is a war. Perhaps it didnt have representations. While the mass

to bewell never know. AIDS is a medias response to the health crisis
plague of government indifference, has been anything but uniform, the
medical negligence and right-wing results have nevertheless (in spite
opportunism. AIDS is an epidemic of good intentions) been lethal. In
of sexual intolerance. Like most stark contrast, a subculture of alter-
wars, AIDS has been turned into nate media is fighting back. From
megabucks by the multinational the front lines of the battlefield, art-
media industry, who exploit para- ists, community activists, and cable
noia and ignorance with every new producers have launched a coun-
cover story and in-depth report. teroffensive against such deadly
Like most wars, AIDS was made discourses.
into a war by those who consider
that whole (disenfranchised) sectors These unsubtle words are excerpted from
of the population are expendable. the program notes I wrote for a six-night
Like most wars, these same oppor- exhibition of AIDS tapes1 by independent
tunists shed public tears for the tens producers and artists, that was presented
of thousands of those dead (whose in Toronto in October, 1988.2 These words
dignity they irrevocably deny). Like express polemically and schematically an
most wars, these same opportunists opposition common to left cultural criti-
ignore the needs of the hundreds cism, an opposition that (ex)poses the lies
of thousands who are fighting to of the commercial mass media against the
stayalive. truth of oppositional media practices.3
These are unsubtle words, They claim that alternate media can be used
because AIDS is a war, not only of by the people to transform society. As
politics and medicine, but also of media critic Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Strategic Compromises 709

says, The open secret of the electronic 1. Cable access talk shows addressing such
media, the decisive political factor is topics as discrimination experienced by
their mobilizing power.4 These words serve PLWAs (persons living with AIDS) and
to place the groundswell of independent vid- lesbian efforts againstAIDS
eotapes addressing AIDS shown in the exhi- 2. Documents of performances and plays
bition within a rich history of social change addressingAIDS
media and the committed documentary,5 3. Documentary (memorial) portraits of
one that dates back to the Bolshevik revolu- PLWAs, most of whom had died by the
tion, one that has born witness to the many time the tapes were completed
other wars for social justice. 4. Experimental works by artists
Polemically insisting on the vitality of deconstructing mass media hysteria,
these tapes as effective weapons for social liesand omissions
change, such simplifications are perhaps 5. Educational tapes on transmission of
defensible in activist terms. However, such and protection against the HIV virus,
optimistic expressions end up erasing the designed for specific community
complexities and contradictions of how audiences (women, Blacks, Latinos,
such tapes are produced and experienced, youth, prisoners), often commissioned by
creating the illusion of a unified, uncom-
6. Documentaries portraying the vast range
plicated field of alternate media. But when
of AIDS service organizations and support
each tape is examined in depth (interrogat-
groups that have sprung up around the
ing the varied representational practices
used, the funding sources that shaped its
7. Safer-sex tapes, that adapt the conventions
script, the type of community it came out
of porn to teach their bi (bisexual),
of and/or is intended for, etc.), it becomes
straight, and gay audiences the
clear that easy generalizations about the
eroticization of safersex
praxis of such AIDS tapes (and indeed, of
8. Activist tapes, which document the
any social change media) are elusive, to say demonstrations and protests of an
theleast. increasingly militant AIDS activist
Media producers are dangerously closer movement
to the belly of their particular beast (the film 9. Agrowing handful of tapes for PLWAs,
industry) than other visual artists. Caught outlining issues of alternate treatments
between two mythologies (that of the art- for HIV infection and AIDS-related
ist, whose individual vision is supposed diseases
remain pure, unfettered by responsibility
to audience, and that of the commercial
film/TV producer, whose hierarchical yet Such categories are immediately suspect.
collaborative industrial production mode For instance, which of these tapes would
constantly compromises vision in favor not be educational, given that they all seek
of reaching the audience) they must care to comment on some aspect of the AIDS
about both vision and audience. They crisis? What definition of activist are we
therefore learn the necessity of strategic usingare activist tapes defined solely by
compromises. the inclusion of street demo footage? What
Over the past year, Ive previewed 150 constitutes enough formal innovation to
AIDS tapes (for the exhibition and also for qualify for the moniker experimental?
a sixty-minute compilation of clips from Certainly useful to programmers orga-
AIDS tapes for Deep Dish TV, an alter- nizing screenings, these expedient catego-
nate satellite network).6 They included the ries nevertheless do little to elaborate the
following: complexity of the work they seek to contain.

Generalizations about how these tapes dif- on issues like the homeless or Nicaragua.
fer from mass media offerings similarly After all, a NewYork Times reporter rarely
collapse when put to the test. For instance, hangs out with a Sandinista or a street per-
its often claimed that independent tapes son, but they may well have a friend of a
address issues that the mainstream media friend who hasAIDS.
has generally ignored or misrepresented. However relatively horrendous main-
However, any survey of network television stream media representations continue to
AIDS coverage in the past year (dramas, be, they are always moving, attempting to
sitcom episodes, documentaries, news keep pace with the shifts (both reactionary
updates) must conclude that the dominant and progressive) in dominant and opposi-
media shift and shimmy much faster than tional discourses of AIDS, be they scientific,
any media critique can allow. Compare bureaucratic, governmental, or grassroots.
the appalling morbid sentimentality of the Any theory of the mass media that sees such
made-for-TV melodrama An Early Frost AIDS representations as monolithic misses
(1986), chronicling the return-of-the-dying- the daily contradictions and slippages.
yuppie-fag-prodigal-son-to-the-bosom-of- However, its not overstating the case to
his-impossibly-middle-class-family with the note that the dominant representational cli-
(relatively) more sophisticated recent offer- chs the networks and studios cling to for
ing The Ryan White Story (1986), based on dear life (the suffocating conventions of dra-
Americas favorite PWA, the working-class mas and sitcoms, documentaries and news
kid from Kokomo who successfully fought updates) severely contain, indeed cripple,
to attend school and is cheating the the sort of messages that are allowed to
AIDS-is-always-fatal prophecy five years be broadcast. Information must be linear.
after his diagnosis. (All right, the show was Narratives must have closure. Authority must
appalling in its own rightbut its repre- be constituted by an expert. Television
sentational practices reflected a very dif- always speaks about AIDS from its mythi-
ferent agenda than its predecessor, with its cal outside position of objectivityeven
story focused on the struggle of a PLWA its so-called sensitive dramas about gay
to combat discrimination and live a full PWAs somehow always manage to erase
self-determinedlife.) any sense of being inside a community. Its
News coverage similarly has been perhaps here that the greatest claims can be
transformed in some instances, primar- made for an us versus them position, if
ily through the efforts of the AIDS activ- one maintains that what most characterizes
ist movement, who have created new news independent media production is their con-
through demonstrations, successfully fident insiders vernacular, and the formal
zapped mass media offenders for journal- challenges that such a perspective suggests.
istic AIDS crimes such as irresponsible However, the range of the independent
reporting, and also worked to educate tapes previewed includes many that embrace
reporters and editors about issues that have conventional representational practices.
been ignored or suppressed. Some cling to tried-and-true methods of
One material reason that the mass documentary authority. Others prioritize
media have been somewhat respon- education of a target group with inevi-
sive, and that some AIDS representa- table simplifications and distortions. Some
tions have not remained as hysterical embrace formal tropes that are embarrass-
and fear-mongering as they once were, is ingly clichd (didactic, too sentimental, you
that some of their producers have person- name it). These users of mainstream conven-
ally been affected by the epidemic, much tions are sometimes motivated by a desire
more so that their counterparts workings to be politically effective, to communicate
Strategic Compromises 711

to as broad an audience as possible through media (and certainly for the majority of
the reassuring use of familiar construc- these AIDS producers), it is a central issue.
tions. In other cases, the producers thought- Tape after tape exhibits the active desire to
lessly reproduce these conventions because communicate its particular urgent mes-
they have no gripe with the mainstream and sage. These dozens of dozens of produc-
its messagestheir independence is more ers continue to negotiate (sometimes
determined for them by the lack of a CBS consciously, sometimes unconsciously) a
freelance contract. host of contradictory agendas. Form, for
Similarly, many of the tapes were made instance: Deconstructive strategies may
in collaboration with AIDS service orga- capture the terrifying ambience of the AIDS
nizations, reflecting to a greater or lesser culture we live in better than traditional
degree the politics of the sponsor. What realist practices, but will they alienate/
does this do to notions of independence? mystify the intended audience? Politics:An
Artists choosing work this way have done activist script may be appropriate, but will
so for diverse reasonssometimes as a the local AIDS committee (for whom the
political choice, deciding to be answerable tape is intended) feel threatened by such
to/ engaged with their community; and rhetoric and not use it? Focus:Connecting
sometimes as a straight commission that various issues (like AIDS homophobia,
pays the rent. How do such material condi- AIDS sexism, and AIDS racism) may seem
tions impact on questions of autonomy, of vital, yet will it make the tape too broad, too
intentionality? general, so it ends up simply being a token
Contemporary media critics, especially (Trotskyist) shopping list of progressive
those engaged in the post-structuralist/ fem- issues? Funding:Will the state arts council
inist/semiotic/psychoanalytic debates con support a didactic documentary? Will the
cerning theories of representation, have Red Cross support an esoteric arts tape?
rightly insisted that all film/video construc- Guilt:Should Icontinue to produce experi-
tions are texts that speak on several simul- mental works that win awards on the arts
taneous levels. Regardless of the producers circuit but never reach the AIDS commu-
stated intentions, these texts are dependent nity, or should I be responsible and throw
more on the codes and conventions (the sig- all my efforts into a collective, community
nifying practices) they utilize and the social cable access AIDS show? And so on.This
context determining their reception by an continual jousting with that many-headed
audience. For instance, a producer may set hydra called effectiveness is paramount
out to make an AIDS education tape that in this AIDS war. How do we commu-
speaks sympathetically to gay teenagers in nicate our (very varied) agendas without
their own language. However, the conven- being marginalized, and on whose terms?
tions she or he may adopt may reproduce How do our efforts intervene and interrupt
typical pedagogical authority (lecturing) dominant discourses? How do we prevent
which the target teens would probably our tapes from being neutralized and recon-
reject. Similarly, any typical classroom situ- tained within a complacent statusquo?
ation has so much homophobia built into it Compromise is a term that the left righ-
that a closeted gay teenager might end up teously (indeed religiously) rejects. Yet
feeling vulnerable and threatened by such a the strategic compromises outlined above
screening, and be forced to reject it publicly (always difficult, never completely satisfac-
through peer pressure. tory) are exactly the ones that makes these
As a result, intentionality is commonly a AIDS tapes so vital, so exciting. In order to
discredited concept in media criticism, yet pursue this theme, Ive constructed the fol-
for any video artist making social change lowing case studies which schematically

juxtapose pairs of tapes that superficially for activists working on issues of AIDS and
share similar subjects. In some cases, representation.8
Ihave talked with the producers at length; While most of these tapes talk down to
in others, Im making assumptions based kids in a traditional pedagogical fashion, Til
on brief conversations and the tapes them- Death Do Us Part attempts to subvert this
selves. In all cases, due to lack of space, Ive condescension by turning over the means of
simplified and generalized some aspects of production to youth themselves. Or at least,
the productions. halfway. This twenty-minute film is adapted
from the Washington-based Black Youth
Theatre Ensembles collectively-produced
play about AIDS. A freewheeling mix of rap,
Til Death Do Us Part skits, gospel, and dramatic scenarios sketch
and AnotherMan out the social impact of AIDS, as written
and performed by a talented group of teen-
In a culture where school prayer is more agers. On paper it sounds terrific. The fact
acceptable than sex education, its not sur- that its also one of the only productions to
prising that the plenitude of AIDS tapes target Black audiences makes it even more
for youth are having a hard time finding promising, given the fact that twenty-five
an audience.7 That is, theres megabucks in percent of all PLWAs in the U.S. are Black
the AIDS education marketevery school and Latino.
board wants an AIDS tape. They just want The rap songs are vibrant: This is
it to say what they believe about AIDS. Its Alvin on the mike, when I talk I talk it
also not surprising that the tapes have been right.So take my advice and have safe
organized around one agenda: prevention. sex, dont share needlesyeah, I think
Prevention, of course, is the cornerstone of thats best. Their take-offs on TV ads,
the Reagan/Bush administrations recent satirizing the commodification of sex (edi-
and begrudging response to AIDS, which ble underwear, toothpaste for added sex
has criminally ignored every other aspect appeal) are humorous. An all-too-familiar
of the health crisis. In other words, it is implicit message begins to assert itself,
assumed that todays youth have no interest however. The (bad) sexual marketplace has
in how teenagers cope with having AIDS, perverted the (good) institution of sexual
no interest in the politics of medicine, no love within marriageand when you suc-
interest in the interconnections between cumb to its sinful pleasures, the result is
health care and poverty.The political and AIDS. In a similar conflation, a mimed
social are erased, leaving only the personal: needle-sharing scene (again, premised
how to protect yourself. It should go with- on selfish pleasure) results in retribution.
out saying that this is vital information that Thus, sex and drugs cause AIDS. The last
every youth must get (and is still not get- half revolves around an embarrassingly cli-
ting). It should also go without saying that chd representation of Death, voraciously
prevention agendas run the gamut from seducing and claiming the entire cast,
naive appeals for celibacy, to murderously including a gratuitous baby doll wrapped
inaccurate endorsements of monogamy, in a blanket. Despite the rap songs realis-
to nonjudgmental advice on condoms and tic advice, the overall message is distinctly
cleaning your needles. An excellent cri- Catholic:sin will condemn you to the ever-
tique of several of these tapes appeared in lasting fires ofhell.
AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism I showed the tape to several members of
(issue 43 of the theoretical journal October), the Toronto-based Black CAP (Coalition for
which has become a veritable red book AIDS Prevention), who reluctantly admitted
Strategic Compromises 713

they couldnt use it in their outreach to the minutes takes aim at the politics of AIDS
Black community. Beyond the offensive and scores a bulls eye. Like Til Death Do Us
moralism and scare tactics, it never once Part, it was collectively written by a group
mentions gay men oryouth. of youth. However in this case there was
Its unclear how excerpted the film no adult supervision, and they directed,
is from the original production, and who produced, and edited it themselves (okay,
made the editorial choicesfilmmaker some of them were in their twenties).
Ginny Durrin or the Theatre Ensemble Variously called the Mr. Tim Collective or
(who have the script credit). I suspect the Anarchist Queer Collective, an ad hoc
that what happened is an all-too-common group of straight/bi/gay punks-about-town,
problem: that in putting the piece they recruited friends at a local Toronto
together, dominant political agendas (from art college and co-op post production facil-
facilitators, TV, educators, authorities) ity to help out with the technical aspects,
were internalized and reproduced by the and produced it on a three-figure budget.
Ensemble. Many media projects, attempt- Scenes of straight and gay interracial cou-
ing to empower the disenfranchised by ples under the bed covers are superimposed
giving them the means of production, with the directives: Use a condom and
have run into the same problemsthose Use your imagination. Two punks make
enfranchised end up denying their own out in a bus shelter, framed by one of the
experiences, their own authority, and say forbidding just-say-no-type city-sponsored
instead what they think people (usually the AIDS info posters. Jerry Falwell is shown
facilitators) want them to say. And they are spewing forth some sort of homophobic
certainly sincere, to the point of not recog- gibberish; his image is frozen and a super-
nizing their complicity in this hegemonic imposed condom is pulled over his head. A
process. woman talks about how Canadian customs
At the same time, such an analysis runs routinely censors lists of safer-sex practices
the risk of extreme condescension, sug- featured in American gay magazines. The
gesting that the theatre group capitulated song which unites these disparate elements
completely to the demands of dominant ide- is upbeat, celebratory, and decidedly defiant.
ologies. Looking at it another way, the tape Used in a classroom setting, this tape
is a good example of compromised strate- could instigate far-reaching discussions
gies going way too far. Perhaps the ensem- about safer-sex practices, homophobia, and
ble were consciously calculating what they youth sexuality. Two predictable blockades
thought they could get away with, not only will prevent this in all but the most exem-
with their authorities, but also with their plary circumstances. School boards have
peers. Queer content or realistic drug never been remotely interested in indepen-
scenarios might jeopardize both their fund- dent art tapes, especially those that use the
ing and their image. As a result, Til Death word fuck (once) and that adopt a freely
Do Us Part (despite its moments of street associative, nonprescriptive (and there-
smarts) comes off like a wannabe Cosby fore threatening) form. Secondly, even
episode.9 Politics are erased, poverty and if Another Man ever finds its way into a
AIDS are ignored, and ultimately the Bush/ classroom, all sorts of students, socialized
Reagan agenda is validated by the very peo- by a homophobic and conformist culture,
ple (Black youth) that could arguably suffer could easily turn against such queer anar-
the most from the administrations murder- chy, especially if the teacher was unsym-
ous policies. pathetic to the tape and the issues raised.
In stark contrast Another Man is a lively By remaining true to its origins, the tape
safe-sex music video that in five short will be kept out of the schoolyard, where

Figure86.1 Another Man (Youth Against Monsterz, 1988). Screen capture from digitalfile.

it is needed most. However, it is enjoying exceptions) has summarily denied them.

an active distribution life on the art circuit Moreover, because these tributes are often
and through various AIDS distribution requiems, they perform a vital pedagogi-
projects. cal function, implicitly teaching audiences
a language for processing loss that our
death-phobic culture has denied most of
Chuck Solomon: Coming us. Diametrically opposed to the broadcast
of Age and Danny obituaries for deceased celebrities which
coldly isolate the individual according to
The mass media has allowed PLWAs (with outstanding achievements, these portraits
few exceptions) several severely proscribed capture the subtler details that matter most
roles, as Simon Watney has noted: the to friends, families, and lovers.
self-hating queer dying pitifully in a hos- Chuck Solomon: Coming of Age is per-
pital bed, abandoned by the world; the dan- haps typical of this genre of tapes, produced
gerous carrier whose irresponsibility is mostly within the gay community. Initially
hysterically condemned; and the innocent conceived simply as a document of Chucks
victim (usually a child or woman) who was fortieth birthday party by independent pro-
infected by a transfusion or carrier.10 ducers Wendy Dallas and Marc Huestis, the
tape cuts back and forth between the caba-
Alternate portrait tapes of PWAs consti- ret performances and moving interviews
tute a significant political statement unto with the performersChucks collabora-
themselves, endowing their subjects with tors and friends. The founder of Theatre
a dignity that the mainstream (with a few Rhinoceros, San Franciscos premiere gay
Strategic Compromises 715

Figure86.2 Another Man (Youth Against Monsterz, 1988). Screen capture from digitalfile.

theater company, Solomon himself speaks sentimental tribute, even though it tends to
with vitality of his life and work, and the elevate him to the status of gay sainthood.
difficulty of coping with the AIDS-related I cant quibble with the urgent collec-
deaths of both his lover and brother. The tive need we all have to honor our dead,
huge outpouring of love and affection from especially in a culture that cant deal with
the 350 assembled is extremely moving, as death. However, is it perhaps unfair that
is Solomons invitation to them all to attend Solomon should be singled out for such
his fiftieth birthday party. He died nine a tribute when so many of the other
monthslater. 60,000-plus AIDS-related deaths passed
Executed from within the close personal unheralded? Doesnt this tribute have a
networks of Solomons life, this is more responsibility to condemn the government
an intimate home-movie tribute than an and medical establishment for allowing
objective (and therefore distanced) por- Solomon and the others to die from their
trait. While this captures the inside of a homophobic neglect? Obviously no one
community beautifully, it also means there tape can bear the burden of everything
are no warts showing. Bitterness, fear, and that needs to be said, and these are ques-
anger are all absent, despite the fact that he tions that the culture, as much as the tape,
was one of San Franciscos more outspoken must answer. By insisting on its roots as
activists. Capturing his warmth, wit, and dig- a home movie, a celebration of this alter-
nity, the tape memorializes the legacy he left nate family supporting one another, the
to the citys theater community. Its impos- tape is somewhat vindicated in its tight
sible not to be moved by this unabashedly focus and sincerity, and has found an

appreciative audience throughout the gay simply a fact, the way he and so many oth-
community.11 It has also enjoyed success ers lived and continue to live. A recurring
in Europe, where it has been broadcast on disco punctuation: Im standing on the
British and Spanish TV, but so far PBS has outside of the inside where Iwant to be.
refused to air it. Huestis thinks the prob- Stashu recounts the time they were in the
lem is that its too gay. That PBS feels studio together, taking slides of Dannys
threatened by this incredibly sweet and lesions, and they touchedsomething
innocent portrait of Solomon is shocking, happenedagain, with the subtlest of ges-
but no surprise when you consider their tures and the most specific of stories, desire
appalling track record on both AIDS and is reintroduced, into a story where tradi-
gay issues.12 tionally it is assumed that automatic celi-
A far more demanding experimental bacy accompanies the HIV seropositive test
tape, Danny, has so far remained margin- result.
alized on the video art circuit. Structured These fragments never editorialize,
as an impressionistic requiem, it recon- either in sentimental or political terms,
structs a sketchy portrait of an unapologeti- and it is this refusal that has prompted
cally flagrant disco queen through layers some unease among some straight and
of slides, landscapes and processed imag- gay viewers. They would seem to prefer
ery. Originally Danny and producer Stashu a more streamlined narrative, where the
Kybartas had planned to collaborate on a dirty ambivalences of the gay ghetto
tape about his experiences with Kaposis were sanitarily summed up by a safe, pre-
sarcoma, a disfiguring cancer that some- scriptive conclusion. If Solomon becomes
times accompanies AIDS. However, he a saint, Danny remains a Judas, betraying
became sick, and moved back to his par- the respectable gay community (wher-
ents home in Ohio, where he died. The tape ever that is) with hiskiss.
pieces back together the fragments of what Coming of Age chose to compromise
they did shoot (mostly slides), organized by the complexity of Solomons life, in part
Kybartass voice-over, which speaks directly because it was made as a collaboration
to the deadDanny. with himnot only as a celebration of
Of all the portrait tapes Ive seen, this is his achievements and his community, but
one of the only ones that refuses to make a also as a way he could make a record of
narrative out of the subjects life. It refuses his thanks. Danny started as a collabora-
to justify choices, to explain Dannys life- tion between subject and producer, and
style, to make effects have causes. No became Kybartas complicated response to
attempt is made by either man to sum up, the untimely death of his friend, thereby
to make sense of, to understand AIDS or compromising its potential for a broad,
death. Instead, glimpses of a gay lifestyle popular audience. Both choices grew out
that is now almost taboo in terms of repre- of the specific lives (and deaths) of their
sentation are offered, with a refusal of any- title subjects, demonstrating a formal,
thing approaching moralism. political, and personal responsiveness that
Danny at one point catalogues a typical the mainstream media (with its unshake-
weekend in his heyday: the beach, the dis- able conventions) finds impossible. Both
cos, the packaging of his crotch in button-fly Danny and Coming of Age, as disparate as
jeans for a night out, the drugs, the sex, the they are, speak from direct gay experience,
cruising. Tinged with nostalgia, this brief without apology and without generaliza-
reminiscence subverts the traditional judg- tion. It is in their specific words, of sor-
ment of such hedonism. His lifestyle, far row, confusion, and tribute, that we begin
from being the cause of his illness, was to find ourown.
Strategic Compromises 717

Testing the Limits and Fighting for Whats not apparent on the first viewing
Our Lives is the careful and calculated progression
of issues, leading viewers through a com-
Collectively produced and released in 1987, plicated analytic framework that insists on
Testing the Limits signaled a definitive turn- connections but doesnt foreclose them.
ing point in representations of AIDS resis- The tape is disturbing because it refuses to
tance. Born out of the crucible of the early explain anything thoroughly, at least by
ACT UP meetings (AIDS Coalition To the conventions of broadcast TV. Instead,
Unleash Power, a group dedicated to fight its rapid succession of issues and agendas,
for the social, medical and political rights speakers and crowds, delivers an effective
of PLWAs), the tape is a freewheeling col- and incendiary message: Where are you
lage capturing various battlefields in the in this war? By refusing to contain any
AIDS war. In its fast-packed twenty-eight one issue through closure, Testing the Limits
minutes, it explicitly attempts a rewriting forces viewers to position themselves, pic-
of AIDS agendas, insisting on an analysis turing themselves finally (however uncom-
that refuses to patiently explain or pacify. fortably) in the midst of this groundswell.
Having no time for polite requests, it pas- Fighting for Our Lives, by Ellen Seidler
sionately demands. and Patrick Dunah, operates from the oppo-
The speaking subjects are often on the site end of the formal spectrum. Adopting
street, in the middle of demonstrations, the tried-and-true conventions of broad-
shouting to be heard above the chants. cast documentaries, it sets out to capture
A rapid-fire progression of AIDS activist the range of San Franciscos response to
issues is sketched out: testing; quarantine; the AIDS crisis. Linda Hunt (of The Year
educating drug users to clean their works; of Living Dangerously fame) serves as inter-
the politics of safer sex education for target pretive BBC-type narrator, conferring a dis-
audiences; condemnations of the quieting respectability on the subject. In
care system; demands for the immediate fact, the documentarys tone is at distinct
release of promising treatments and drugs odds with its content. It talks frankly from
for PLWAs; and denunciations of how rac- within the gay community about political
ism, sexism, homophobia and poverty have tensions between AIDS service groups, the
shaped official responses to the AIDS crisis. vital role of lesbians in AIDS work, and the
Several formal strategies make Testing racism that has characterized funding and
the Limits distinct from solidarity tapes of hindered the vital outreach that needs to be
other struggles. For starters, the tapes pur- done in the citys Black and Latino commu-
posefully rough look and rapid-fire pace nities. While this narrative acknowledges
make for a breathless viewing experience, some contradictions, it alsoby its very
much faster than most activist documen- formmust erase or streamline others.
taries. Secondly, the collective foregrounds For instance, there is an interview with
their active participation in the movement, Randy Shilts, the conservative and contro-
both through their intimate camera angles versial gay author of the bestselling And the
and their rapport with their subjects. One Band Played On, an extremely egotistical
quibble: there is an unfortunate reliance and partisan version of the epidemics his-
throughout on New York Times headlines tory that equally blames the government,
to prove or illustrate verbal points the medical establishment, and the gay
made, despite the fact that the tape explic- movement for the health crisis. Shilts is
itly condemns mainstream coverage of the allowed to speak objectively about the clo-
epidemic. This contradiction is never ade- sure of the gay baths, despite his hysterical
quately addressed. anti-sex views on the subject.13

We are presented with the story of San An opposite argument can also be made.
Franciscos response to the AIDS crisis. We Testing the Limits should be broadcast all
are introduced to some of the issues and over the country, precisely because it will
efforts, which are then recontained and upset and not pacify. It has in fact since
summed up in a neat package at the sto- been broadcast on WNET, the PBS affiliate
rys conclusion. Linda Hunt assures us that in NewYork. AIDS is very upsetting and very
they are fighting for their lives, and the they presentarguably (polemically), any docu-
is very important. An inevitable result of mentary that isnt as upsetting as the crisis is
such representational practices, it means we shouldnt be broadcast. Secondly, there is a
are never implicated, never involved, except large audience desperate for these very taboo
as voyeurs. images of activismgays and straights of all
This very palatable form allowed it to be ages and races who would be immensely
broadcast as part of a series of AIDS tapes empowered and politicized by such incendi-
on KCET (the Los Angeles PBS affiliate) ary representations. Conservative gay men
while Testing the Limits was rejected, despite should feel threatened, and should be shaken
intensive lobbying efforts on the part of the out of their complacency. Thirdly, broadcast
programmer. Now (and Im not necessar- distribution is hardly the ultimate outlet.
ily playing devils advocate):Does this make Community screenings around the country
Fighting for Our Lives more subversive (and may not deliver the same numbers, but their
hence more effective) than the latter, since social status as communal events makes
its reassuring form probably encouraged for another vital sort of effectiveness. At
straight suburban viewers to watch it, and a recent Toronto AIDS forum, organized
therefore see the gay community portrayed by AIDS Action Now, Testing the Limits
(however voyeuristically) with some degree began the evening, followed by speakers on
of subtlety and dynamism? Testing the a variety of subjects. In the ensuing public
Limits would no doubt alienate those same discussion, audience members repeatedly
viewersits passionate militancy would be referred to the tape:I really agree with what
all too easily dismissed, and switched off. that woman said about dental dams. It
Indeed, depressingly large sectors of the became clear that for much of the audience,
gay community would probably respond the tape constituted the same direct author-
in the same way. The thousands of white, ity as the live speakers, addressing issues
middle-class gay men who have achieved that would otherwise not have been raised.
some measure of comfort and security
would no doubt feel even more threat-
ened than their straight counterparts by
the tapes images of a multiracial grass- Effectiveness and Strategic
roots movement that has taken to the Compromise
streets, because the tape implicates them
directly. In contrast, Linda Hunt implicitly This recurring question of effectiveness is
reassures her viewers that sit-ins are only obviously and most importantly contextual,
one option in a menu of choices, that all dependent not just on audiences and their
efforts are equally important. Her reassur- politics, but also on their response to media
ing mediation (compromising important form. For instance, youth may intuitively
political issues in the process) has perhaps respond more positively to the anarchic
spurred many apolitical gays and straights sensibility of Another Man, than the conven-
to get involved in a nonradical AIDS service tional histrionics of Til Death Do Us Part.
organizationand whos going to say thats However, conditioned to validate didactic
a badthing? object lessons in what to think (especially
Strategic Compromises 719

around issues of gender roles and sexual of seductive media tactics to sell their radi-
preference), they might (at least, in front of cal political agendas, and succeeded in rein-
their peers) claim to prefer the conservative venting how we imagine representations
politics of the latter. Gay audiences addicted of safer sex and activism respectively. Til
to Dynasty are no doubt more comfortable Death Do Us Part and Fighting for Our Lives
with the sentimental narrative of Coming of prioritized conventional moralism and con-
Age than the disjunctive subtexts of Danny. ventional documentary values respectively
AIDS organizers, even those involved in in an effort to reach larger audiences, and
the issues that ACT UP champions, have ended up selling out their subjectswhich
at times complained that Testing the Limits in turn accounts for their relative distribu-
is too fragmented, too inconclusive, that it tion success.
doesnt tell a story, and have programmed The desperate need for alternare AIDS
something more conventional (like Fighting media images remains as pressing today
for Our Lives) instead. as it was in 1981. Whole subjects and issues
Each of the above choices, opting for the have still not been addressed. At the same
reassuring tape over the demanding one, time, the rich and energetic video subcul-
presumes that audiences prefer to be pas- ture has laid a firm foundation for (hope-
sively entertained instead of challenged. fully) hundreds of new tapes. Each of these
This condescending truism is rampant in artists will in turn have to negotiate their
production and distribution circles (partly own set of strategic compromises, each
because of conservatism, partly because it interrogating their own aesthetic and politi-
contains a grain of truth), and AIDS art- cal responses to this question of effective-
ists who want to reach audiences take it ness. Our critical response must be even
very seriously. Two contradictory polem- more tough and flexible, responding in
ics express the poles of this debate: AIDS detail to the particular context that each tape
is a war, theres no time for artsy debates comes from, refusing the temptation of
about formal issues. We have to make clear, any single programmatic prescription. Like
effective propaganda that reaches as many current wisdom concerning treatments for
people as possible! versus AIDS is a war, HIV infection and the opportunistic dis-
not just of medicine and politics but of eases that can accompany AIDS, we must
representationswe must reject dominant recognize that this representational war will
media discourses and forms in favor of a only be won when we select and combine,
radical new vocabulary that deconstructs appropriate to each case and context, a vari-
their agendas and reconstructsours! ety of cures.
Most artists, consciously or uncon-
sciously, negotiate their way between these
two positions, attempting to meet audi- Notes
ences halfway. Each of the six tapes in these 1. For a complete list of alternate tapes and films on
case studies made a series of strategic AIDS, contact:The Media Network, 121 Fulton St.,
compromises, negotiating the difficult ter- NewYork, NY 10038 (212-619-3455).
2. Throughout this essay Iwill sometimes use tapes
rain of effectiveness in six different ways, and video as a short form for speaking about both
each according to their particular context. video and filma bit of revenge against decades of
Danny and Chuck Solomon: Coming of Age thoughtless critics who say film when they mean
both video and film. This festival of twenty-five
prioritized the very personal voices of their tapes was presented at ASpace, 183 Bathurst St.,
subjects over other concerns, and ended up Toronto, Canada M5T 2R7 (416-363-3227). Amodest
making works that speak to audiences who program is available.
3. For an excellent critique of representations of
never knew the title characters. Another Man AIDS in the mass media, see:Simon Watney,
and Testing the Limits used inventive versions Policing Desire:Pornography, AIDS and the
Media (Minneapolis:University of Minnesota How to Have Promiscuity in an Epidemic, in
Press,1987). AIDS: Cultural Analysis, Cultural Activism, October,
4. Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Constituents issue 43 (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1987), 109, 237.
of a Theory of the Media, Video Culture 9. The HIV Anti-Body Test for the Black Community,
(Rochester:Visual Studies Workshop, 1986),97. designed as an educational tape for
5. Phrase coined by Tom Waugh. See Tom Waugh, ed., anonymous HIV test sites in San Franciscos
Show Us Life (Metuchen:Scarecrow Press, 1984),xiv. Black community, similarly uses a dramatic
6. This 60-minute compilation, Angry Initiatives, Defiant form, but its content is completely
Strategies, was one of sixteen weekly specials satellite nonjudgmental about both sex and drugs.
delivered to over 300 cable access stations around the The information is clear and engaging, the spring of 1988. Other subjects included especially when it stresses the politics of
Central America, Latino images, and disarmament. testingunfortunately, it too assumes a straight
For more information:Deep Dish TV, 339 Lafayette audience, and never once mentions gaysex.
St., NewYork, NY 10012 (212-420-9045). 10. Simon Watney, Common Knowledge, Art and
7. AIDS education tapes for youth audiences include: Crisis:AIDS and the Gay Politic, High Performance,
AIDS in Your School, The AIDS Movie, AIDS-Wise, issue 36 (Los Angeles:1986),44.
No Lies, AIDS: Answers for Young People, AIDS: Can 11. Huestis and Dallas organized a forty-two-city
I Get It?, AIDS: Changing the Rule, AIDS: Everything tour of the film and four others in the summer
You and Your Family Need to Know, AIDS: Questions of 1988, accompanying the already legendary
and Answers, AIDS: The Classroom Conflict, AIDS: Names Project, a quilt commemorating those who
The Facts of Life, All of Us and AIDS, Condom havedied.
Education in Grad Schools, Sex, Drugs & AIDS. The 1 2. Gevet, Pictures of Sickness, 11112.
list goes on and on. 13. For a summation of Shiltss conservative, anti-sex
8. See especially: Martha Gever, Pictures of Sickness: views, see Crimp, Promiscuity in an Epidemic,
Stuart Marshalls Bright Eyes, and Douglas Crimp, October, 238246.


Reflections, Revisions, and Returns


Who knows if Shoah is good foryou?

J. Hoberman, Shoah:The Being of Nothingness

Different dates define the epoch covered late 1980s, a badge of authenticity and seri-
in this section, which takes its title from ousness among filmmakers in parts of the
a remark by filmmaker Errol Morris, a world where the vrit styles had once been
leading figure of what could be called a the mark of independence and innovation.
post-modern documentary cinema. 1989, (The universality of this stylistic code is a
the year that Morriss crucial film The Thin subject of debate in section seven as well,
Blue Line gained wide public and critical where a number of selections examine local
attention, would be one suitable place to and continental variations, beyond North
begin. As he demonstrates in his interview America and Western Europe, on the ideals
with the magazine Cineaste, Morris defied of spontaneity, immediacy, and directness.)
conventional wisdom about non-fiction The Thin Blue Line and other blockbuster
filmmaking. In The Thin Blue Line, Morris documentaries of the next several years
reinvested traditional, even obsolete, meth- made a controversial splash, the impact of
ods with currency and curiosity. In a man- which was amplified when they were passed
ner that was soon imitated widely, Morris over for Academy Awards, despite their suc-
embraced cinematic artifice, incorporating cess with audiences and critics.
techniques of performance, of cinematog- This popular phenomenon had its paral-
raphy and mise-en-scne, of musical scoring, lel in the academic realm: at the end of the
and of editing that were anathema to the 1980s, scholars were not only making their
reportorial ethos of cinma vrit, the obser- peace with the notion that documentary
vational style that remained, even in the film might be (as Robert Sklar presciently
724Truth Not Guaranteed

observed) more artifice than artifact, but made photographs, moving images,
systematically applying methods borrowed and audiotape seem like irrefutable
from literary studies and the semiotic analy- testimony from past and present reality
sis of fiction film to prove that documentary (a concerned aired in and around
film had a poetics, a narrative structure, films by Trinh T.Minh-ha, Claude
and a set of genre conventions, just like any Lanzmann, and Michael Moore,
expressive language a writer or artist might among others in this period, and by
use. In fact, the academic subfield of docu- such prominent American critics as
mentary film studies that emerges in the Vivian Sobchack, Michael Renov, Linda
1990s follows patterns identified by Sklar a Williams, and Paul Arthur);
decade and a half prior, in his 1975 review the priority of staged over unstaged
of two notable books on what he called the action, a lingering effect of the
documentary motive in mass communica- fascination with direct cinema
tions media, William Stotts Documentary that was challenged by film- and
Expression and Thirties America (1973) and video-makers who, like Morris and
Erik Barnouws Documentary: A History of Moore, or the Berkeley-based scholar
the Non-Fiction Film (1974). Sklar was him- and artist Marlon Riggs, incorporated
self a professional historian in 1975he had performance and choreography into
not yet moved to the department of Cinema what would otherwise have been
Studies at New York Universityand his traditionally journalistic or investigative
interest in these two important studies of documentary; likewise, theorists like
documentary media is galvanized by their Thomas Waugh challenged critical
attention to artifice, in both senses: mak- readers to recall the other times and
ing and faking. Stotts and Barnouws are places in which acting to play oneself,
among the first book-length works of criti- in Waughs terms, was a perfectly
cism to concentrate, at the scale of an entire acceptable documentary technique;
documentary culture, on the lengths to the documentary value of publicness,
which producers and audiences will go in objectivity, and disinterestedness,
crafting the suspension of disbelief that leading to the thorough interrogation
had, for decades, made documentary film a by both filmmakers and critics of
popular and effective form of history, social what Philip Brian Harper called the
research, and civic advocacy. subjective position in documentary,
Although Stott and Barnouw might not as well as the mainstreaming of
have intended to do so, their books helped what was once (by Jonas Mekas and
establish a comprehensive revaluation of others) called a diary film, and the
documentary films first principles and revelation on very public screens of
of what Sklar called its service of truth, a deeply personal and self-interested
rethinking of documentary privileges, pri- material: a development foreseen by
orities, and protocols, by critics and practi- Sklar in his closing distinction between
tioners alike, that continues to this day. The documentaries and documents, and
topics of this reconsideration included: elaborated here in apologia for the
personal essay, auto-ethnography and
documentary ethics, and the moral home video by Mekas, Chick Strand,
economies of reform-minded and Marsha and Devin Orgeron;
filmmaking (a problem Brian Winston the very ideaperhaps fundamental
encapsulates as the tradition of the to the documentary motive itselfof
victim in social documentary); documentary as a way of being serious
documentary evidence, or the about the world and its problems,
ontological nature of recordings that rather than, as Waugh put it, playing
Introduction to SectionVI 725

with the real:if narrative, staging, oriented filmmakers and film distribu-
and spectacle made a return to tors in the 1980s and 1990sseemed to
documentary, so too did the generic be a faith losing its true believers, a nave
structures and pleasures of comedy and old-fashioned hobby in an ironic and
and drama. As Paula Rabinowitz endlessly reflexive age. On the other hand,
argues here in writing about popular forms of reality-based art and entertainment
laborist documentaries, even topics as were proliferating. By the late 1990s, it
grim as the class struggle could serve seemed that one could not step into a multi-
as material for melodrama in films no plex theater, turn on a television, or enter an
less properly documentary because art gallery without confronting something
they inflamed the emotions of both that resembled, at least superficially, one
their characters and their viewers. of the many styles of documentary that had
graced a page, stage or screen over the past
Viewed in historical or historiographic hundred years. On the one hand, the study
termsthat is, as a story about the past of documentary filmwhich had, for a long
built from a collection of cultural high time, consisted mainly of either comprehen-
points, or as a way to understand how that sive theories about the entire enterprise of
story got writtenthis section might be documentary or the criticism of individual
confusing, since the reader will find in it films, the accuracy of their representation,
ideas about documentary that contradict and their contextual effectswas starting to
each other, or that seem to retard the proj- look like any other field of research:increas-
ect of getting inexorably closer to essential ingly sophisticated, generating more, and
truths about society, the self, or nature. more specialized, research, publications,
Sometimes the work being done by writers conferences, classes, and students. On the
in this section looks like a retooling of doc- other hand, making a documentary has
umentary film, a return to the origins of the never seemed to require so little qualifica-
artform with the aim of keeping it relevant. tion: widely distributed access and nearly
Sometimes it seems more like a rejection of compulsory uptake of personal sound and
the very idea of documentary film. One can image communication and recording tech-
hear these competing tendencies in what nologies, and the networks of distribution
Errol Morris has to say about his ideals and on which their data travels, has seemed to
his methods in Truth Not Guaranteed, make it easier for inhabitants of consumer
as well as in the dialogue with Claude societieswhich now nearly blanket the
Lanzmann, Site and Speech: An Interview globeto record ones own life, commu-
with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah, and nity, or culture. At times it feels like everyone
in J. Hobermans two reflections on Shoah, is making a documentary. (Perhaps you are
one of which defends the film against a making one rightnow.)
viciously skeptical review by his New York For the student of documentary film his-
colleague Pauline Kael. By contrast with tory, it can be difficult to reconcile these
Kaels stubbornly literal approach to Shoah, dichotomies. Is it more correct to say that,
Hobermans position is quintessentially in this post-modern age, documentary as we
post-modern: Shoah tells a profound truth have known it is being reinvented or becom-
about the Holocaust because of what it ing obsolete? Does the vast menu from
doesnt and cant show, and because of the which filmmakers can today choose a style
pictures this absence generates in the head or technology to film the real make it easier
of the viewer, not because of actual pictures or harder for viewers to credit a recording
the viewer confronts on the screen. with authenticity? When the document
On the one hand, documentarya term appears everywhere, what makes the docu-
that fell into disfavor among commercially- mentary continue to matter?

Artifice in the Service of Truth(1975)

Erik Barnouw. Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1974. vii + 332pp. Illustrations, afterword, source notes, bibliogra-
phy, and index. $10.95.
William Stott. Documentary Expression and Thirties America. NewYork: Oxford University
Press, 1973. xvi + 361pp. Illustrations, bibliography, and index. $12.50.

The revival of historical studies One frequently voiced view holds that the
on popular culture and mass com- products of mass communication and mass
munications presents scholars with consumption are mirrors which accurately
the opportunityand the complex reflect their culture, or artifacts, repre-
challengeof integrating a broad sentative cultural documents which may
range of nontraditional evidence into be studied as objects-in-themselves, with-
their field of vision. Television and out reference to the circumstances of their
radio programs, motion pictures, production. The two studies under review
photographs, advertisements, oral serve, in separate ways, as useful correctives
testimony, design in furnishings and to that inadequate perspective. They focus
clothes: these are among the docu- on what may be called the documentary
ments taking a place alongside the motive in mass communications media, and
book, newspaper, private letter, pro- they suggest paradoxically that in nonfiction
bate record, census tract. Large claims communicationas in fictionthe opera-
have been made for what such material tive word may not be artifact but artifice. The
can reveal about the culture that pro- urge to document is the urge to tell the truth,
duced them, yet there exists no clear to present a vision of reality, yet opinions dif-
consensus, and little theoretical explo- fer as to what is true or real. We are accus-
ration, on how they may be studied tomed to taking such differences into account
and understood. in studying written and oral evidence, but
Artifice in the Service of Truth 727

less practiced with the still or moving picture existence, unimagined at least by the audi-
document. These studies make clear that the ence to which it is addressed, to persuade
visual document, far from being a mirror or and convince, to serve as catalyst for social
artifact to be interpreted by the scholar, itself amelioration or change. In a confusing way,
comprises an interpretation. Therein lies its the social document ends up in Stotts lan-
principal methodological challenge. guage as more human than the human
William Stott describes his book as a work document. It is also synonymous with pro-
both of mass communications theory and of paganda, though in suggesting the similiar-
cultural history, and it is as the latter that his- ity between a neutral term and one which we
torians will primarily appreciate it. In many normally use invidiously, Stott knows he risks
respects it serves as a model of a new cul- our condemning social documentary simply
tural history emerging from the grid where as falsehood.
intellectual and social history, literary and Indeed the basic ambiguity in documen-
art criticism, and American Studies overlap tary lies in distinguishing the false from the
and intersect: in its transcendence of the true. Radio was the paradigmatic medium of
high culture/popular culture conflict and documentary in the 1930s for Stott, because
its capacity to move with assurance across it combined what he describes as the two
the spectrum of communications and the methods of documentarythe direct and
arts, taking in, among other subjects, radio, the vicarious, the unmediated experience
photography, reportage, social science field and the interpretative commentaryand
work, fiction, and ballet; in the sensitiv- often in simultaneous juxtaposition. You
ity and penetration of its analysis of cul- could hear the sounds of warfare, but you
tural productions at all levels of intention needed the correspondents voice to tell you
and accomplishment; in the breadth of its which were bombs, which antiaircraft shells.
curiosity and interest, its ability in some Would it have produced the same emotions
measure to comprehend American society if you knew the sounds were studio sound
and culture, in Raymond Williamss term, as effects? Many of us as children avidly fol-
a whole way of life; above all in its grasp of lowed baseball on radio, knowing full well
technique (particularly in photography), of the sounds came not from the ballpark but
the processes whereby choices are made and were created in the studio from Western
effects created. Union wire reports. Thousands of listeners
What enables Stott to unite American believed soap opera characters were as real
society and culture of the 1930s within a as Edward R. Murrow, and the panic cre-
single field of vision is his conviction that ated by Orson Welless War of the Worlds is
the documentary genre played a pervasive legendary. The form of the medium made its
role in cultural expression during the period. communication seem real even when it was
He devotes fully a fifth of his text to defining not. Perhaps the crucial aspect is the willing-
what documentary is, though his generally ness of audiences to believe, or suspend dis-
helpful discussion sometimes bogs down belief, attitudes which change with time and
in a blurring of nomenclature. Thus he is at technology.
pains to distinguish between two different Stott is at his best in explicating the truth
kinds of documentary, the human and the and falsity of photographs. Perhaps we tend
social: the human document is essentially to think that photographs are more real
a factual report (for example, an account of a and trustworthy than written descriptions,
natural disaster which evokes feelings such because they are direct rather than vicari-
as awe or pity in the observer); the social ous documentsits a picture, thats what
document is deliberately intended to pro- the thing looks like. But Stott shows us
voke specific feelings about an unimagined the photographers mediating presence at
728Truth Not Guaranteed

work:selecting the angle and lighting, pos- in the 1930s, for Stott, is Let Us Now Praise
ing the subject, choosing one negative from Famous MenJames Agees text and Walker
among many, cropping the print, all steps Evanss photographs on the lives of three
which impose the photographers interpre- Alabama sharecropper families. The books
tation of the subject on the viewer. Arthur task, as Agee said in another context, was to
Rothstein, a Farm Security Administration perceive the aesthetic reality within the actual
photographer, embroiled the FSA in contro- worldto show the beauty that was in the
versy when a Republican newspaper accused sharecroppers lives and not merely in the
him of faking a drought photograph by cre- eyes of their beholders. The art of Agee and
ating a scene of a steer skull on parched Evans does not merely culminate, it explodes
ground (for details on the episode see F.Jack social documentary. That the world can be
Hurley, Portrait of a Decade:Roy Stryker and improved and yet must be celebrated as it
the Development of Documentary Photography is are contradictions, Stott concludes. The
in the Thirties [1972], pp. 8692). Stotts beginning of maturity may be the recogni-
point, however, is that no photograph can tion that both are true (p.314). Fine as these
escape being in some sense a manipulation. words are, they do not say whether both
Ultimately Stotts attitude toward docu- enterprises can be combined in a singleact.
mentary is a reflection of the genres ambig- Stotts bias toward art is evident from
uous nature. He is clearly sympathetic with the fact that his cultural history is almost
the documentary impulse to portray the entirely cultural criticism. He is interested
unimagined existence of the poor and in the cultural product and the aesthetic
neglected in American society, yet he is strategies and social motives of its creator.
skeptical of the results in the depression The social and cultural relations of the peo-
decade, both as expression and as social ple who make cultural productions occupy
policy. On the one hand, the instrumental him hardly at all. This gap ultimately makes
purpose of social documentary led its practi- his book less than a fully satisfactory model
tioners in the 1930s to adopt stock language for the new cultural history. The men and
and portray formulaic experience, the better women whose works he studies were with
to achieve a desired response from audi- few exceptions employees of the federal
ences; the result is a vast body of books, arti- government or of private corporations; only
cles, photographs, and other documents of with Agee and Evans are the implications
historical interest, but lacking lasting merit. of such facts explored. The constraints and
On the other hand, the very act of calling demands of employers, the commercial as
attention to unimagined existences could well as the social motive, the pressures of
be turned, as Stott says, from criticism to the social and economic context are essen-
celebration, an homage to the common tial aspects of cultural communication. The
man, the lowly, the obscure, as sources of new cultural history needs to be aware not
the vital energy and unifying cement of only of the process of cultural creation but
American democracy. Stotts book debunks also of the process of cultural production.
the documentary as it pays tributetoit. That artistry, though a necessary standard,
For Stott himself is impelled by an instru- is by itself an insufficient one for cultural
mental motive: Whether certain ways [to analysis of mass communications is made
describe actuality and the socially disadvan- clear by the example of Robert Flahertys
taged] arent ultimately betteris a question famous documentary film Louisiana Story
that haunts these pages, he writes (p. 144, (1948), as Erik Barnouw presents it in his
his italics). And he finds an answer which survey of the nonfiction film. This film, on
itself is ambiguous in the way that art is. oil exploration in the Louisiana bayous, the
The classic work of documentary expression last in Flahertys distinguished career as an
Artifice in the Service of Truth 729

independent filmmaker, was financed by for Stott, is a genre able to open our eyes
the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey to worlds available to us but, for one reason
at a cost of more than a quarter of a mil- or another, not perceived (p. 3). Because
lion dollars. Yet the company did not inter- film presents more complex technical and
fere in production, gave Flaherty ownership aesthetic problems than most of the media
and distribution rights, and insisted that its Stott discusses, Barnouw makes even more
name not be mentioned in screen credits. clear how central a role artifice plays in ful-
Why such corporate altruism? The filling the documentaryaim.
answer, Barnouw suggests, is that the com- Again it is a question of how much audi-
pany recognized that the pervading aes- ences are willing to suspend disbelief. In the
thetic of Flahertys films would serve its early days of cinema, film companies faked
own interestsand more effectively as art films of Spanish-American war scenes and
than as public relations. In Nanook of the the San Francisco earthquake. Staged actions,
North (1922), Moana (1926), Man of Aran or miniature sets, may have provided view-
(1934), and other documentaries Flaherty ers with scenes more accurately fulfilling
had shown people of traditional cultures, their expectations of events than the actual
Eskimos, Samoans, Aran Islanders, liv- events themselves. Some of the famous
ing in intimate relation with the forces of War Department Why We Fight documenta-
nature. Standard Oil, Barnouw writes, ries used footage from Hollywood features.
could expect that Flaherty would make Hollywood, moreover, had accustomed view-
precisely the kind of film he had always ers to a rich variety of simultaneous per-
made, and of which Louisiana Story became spectives in film constructioncuts from
another example:an expression of his love medium shots to close-ups, reverse shots
for the unspoiled wilderness and its life. showing first one viewpoint, then its oppo-
By focusing on thisand de-emphasizing site. To achieve similar effects documentary
oilthe film had the message: have no filmmakers often had to re-enact scenes,
fear, the wilderness is safe. This became with the cooperation of the subjects, or if
in subsequent yearsdespite oil slicks in that was not possible, with actors. Voice-over
bayou, stream, and sea, or perhaps because narration, sound track music, special
of themthe recurring theme of countless effectsall contributed to make the motion
oil-sponsored films and television com- picture documentary a vicarious, mediated,
mercials (pp.21819). Here is art that cel- interpreted experience of the actual. Henry
ebrates the world as it is and yet says it can Luce described The March of Time newsreel
be improvedand the beginning of matu- style as fakery in allegiance to the truth.
rity is to explore, as Barnouw does, the cir- The tradition of tolerance for manipu-
cumstances of its production.1 lation in nonfiction films made it easier
One learns very little about art in for audiences to accept the rapid rise of
Barnouws book. In a text of under 300 corporate-sponsored films to dominate
pages, densely illustrated by stills and pho- the documentary field in the United States
tographs, he surveys the world history of after World War II. Barnouw is at his
nonfiction films from the 1890s to the pres- most trenchant in discussing this trend.
ent, and skims over scores of films and film- The decline of short (as well as feature)
makers with no more than a few sentences film production in Hollywood, the emerg-
for most. Of necessity it is a superficial book ing practice of selling television time to
but it is also often a shrewd one. Barnouw sponsors, the new ideological needs of
organizes his theme within the larger multinational corporations, the purge of
framework of political, economic, and tech- dissident viewpoints from the communi-
nological change. Documentary for him, as cations media through blacklists, all these
730Truth Not Guaranteed

factors combined to concentrate produc- sound could be directly recorded. Indeed

tion of documentary films in the hands of there was no longer a need for interpre-
business corporations and the major net- tation or mediation at all: equipment is
works. Cold War political and economic simple enough that anyone can learn to
perspectives dominated the visual mass operate it. Some filmmakers put cameras
media more completely than any other in the hands of the people they were film-
form of communicationand in 1959 the ing and gave them a chance to record their
networks adopted a policy of rejecting any own vision of their lives. It is premature to
documentary footage produced outside guess how widespread such use of visual
their news departments that was likely media may become, but historians may
to be opinion-influencing. Barnouw yet have available visual documents that,
shows how this network policy, along whatever artifice they contain, are unme-
with vigorous United States government diated by outside interpreters:documents,
efforts to keep foreign-made documentary not documentaries.
films from entering the country, deprived
American audiences of significant infor-
mation about the Indochinawar.
The technical innovations that corpora
tions fostered, however, helped to break
their control over documentary p
roduction. 1. The idea that Flahertys art would serve the companys
interest came from Roy Stryker, who joined the public
Small 16mm cameras, videotape porta relations staff of Standard Oil in 1943 after resigning
packs, portable sound recorders made as head of the FSA historical section, where he had
possible new kinds of immediacy and directed the famous New Deal efforts in documentary
photography. See Arthur Calder-Marshall, The Innocent
authenticity in documentary filmmaking. Eye: The Life of Robert J. Flaberty (London: W. H. Allen
There was no longer a need for voice-over & Co., 1963), Pelican edition, p. 211; and F. Jack Hurley,
narrations or studio sound effects or reen- Portrait of a Decade: Roy Stryker and the Development of
Documentary Photography in the Thirties (Baton Raton:
acted scenes when the moving camera Louisiana State University Press, 1972),
could be part of the action, when every pp. 17072.


I first began studying anthropology seri- them by documentation. We were idealistic

ously at the University of California at and humanistic. We thought that our work
Berkeley in the mid-Fifties. Iwas captivated would be used as a reference in intelligent
by the idea of learning about people differ- and humane decision-making on the part of
ent from ourselves, living in small cohesive the policy-makers having authority over the
cultures which appeared to be stable in com- people in the cultures that we studied.
parison with our own. Agrowing civil rights Of course this didnt happen. Doors were
movement made my generation aware of not opened to us, and usually there was no
the necessity of learning about other cul- policy-making except that of economic, tech-
tures which were disappearing. The field of nical and material progress. Acculturation
anthropology was the most popular social became like a giant glacier, uncontrollable,
science because we believed that through unceasing and unchangeable, picking up
the study of other cultures we would learn and dropping people and their traditions,
something valuable about the human con- mixing them up almost at random, mov-
dition. The information we gathered would ing them from their land, slaughtering
potentially lead to understanding and them and gouging out huge wounds, for-
problem-solving in terms of dealing with the ever unmendable. The cultures changed so
rapid acculturation of indigenous cultures, much that they melted one into the other
and would also give us insights into prob- to form a gigantic stew of faceless men and
lems in our own changing society. With the women. The lives of individuals existing in
knowledge that these small cultures were remote and alien cultures became unim-
being destroyed by the tide of nationalistic portant to most people in view of unsolvable
and technological societies, we were anx- world problems, technological progress and
ious to get out into the field and assume our the question of our own survival.
role as scientific observers in order to study, In the Fifties we thought there was a pos-
analyze and preserve our knowledge about sibility of easing the acculturation process
732Truth Not Guaranteed

for the people we studied and loved, and and enthusiasm leading to new discover-
that we could both adhere to the ethics of ies. Anthropologists believed that they had
our profession and act upon the dictates of found their techniques and methodology,
our hearts as private people. We were naive closed themselves up and called themselves
and felt the fervor of thecall. scientists. Safe and secure in their university
I loved anthropology. I loved reading positions, they allowed the field to become
about the cultures and various approaches stagnant and dry. No longer were they the
to study, and the possibility of doing some- mavericks, the crazy people who spent years
thing really meaningful beyond the study, in the field trying to sort out the wealth of
beyond the documentation. Most of all, information they encountered for the joy of
I was thrilled at the chance of getting to it, the love of it. Their method became one
know these people on their own terms, of of getting into and out of the field as rapidly
getting to know them as human beings. But as possible in order to come back, organize
the ethnographies were very disappoint- their material and publish it.
ing. It was only rarely that the people of I was at the point in my life where I had
the culture came to life because they were to make a decision about how I wanted to
not presented as reachable and accessible use my creative energies. I left anthropol-
human beings. I thought that perhaps in ogy because I could see that it was a dead
graduate school Iwould somehow be given end and became involved in the avantgarde
the golden key to unlock the door into their film movement. I wanted to make personal
inner lives and feelings so that I could experimental films. In order to learn film
understand their culture in depth. Iwanted techniques, I entered UCLA as a graduate
to know what it was like for Balinese danc- student in film. Even though I thought of
ers to prepare and go into a trance, what it myself by that time as a film artist using
meant to them personally. Iwanted to know the film medium as an art form, I still
and feel what it was like for a young girl to was involved in anthropology, and when I
approach and pass through fertility rites. learned that the university was offering an
With the material Iwas given, Icould easily ethnographic film program, I enrolled in the
imagine the ceremonies as a general event, classes and began watching ethnographic
but what was it like to be a part of it? How films. I sat in the dark squirming with
did the people feel about it? What part did it anger and frustration. With very few excep-
play in their lives? What were their dreams tions these films present the people with the
and fears? What did they talkabout? same lack of involvement and insensitivity
I wasnt given the key and after a year as the ethnographies, like animals in a zoo,
in graduate school became disenchanted like cultures prepared on a slide for observa-
because anthropologists really didnt pay tion under a microscope, with an invisible
much attention to the heart and soul of a shield placed between them and the viewer
culture which is manifested in the people by the anthropologist. The films are made
themselves. Anthropology, after all, is the with cold indifference to living, breathing
study of Homo-sapiens. To leave the indi- people. They are fragmented and abstract
viduals out as they contribute to, take from because they rarely show the whole person,
and function in their culture negates the the individual relating within his society.
whole idea of anthropology. More and more They present people as masses, unfathom-
I felt that the profession was mainly a battle able as individuals and as lacking in dimen-
between the inflated egos, the insensitive, sion as puppets in a Javanese shadow play.
inflexible personalities, the rigid perspec- People are shown participating in the cul-
tives and sensibilities of the anthropolo- ture, usually in a super-event, as one of
gists themselves. There was no excitement many clones.
Notes on Ethnographic Film by a FilmArtist 733

Just as Idoubt that an alien would learn I wonder which is more scientific, pre-
much about the complexities of our culture senting all the information or withholding
by seeing the ritual of a Christmas Mass on some? Iwonder which is more important to
film, Idoubt if we really learn much in depth the anthropologists, science or the human
when we see a ritual from another culture, beings they swore above all else to protect?
even though we are able to relate it to other The anthropologist always presents them
events and various social structures within from his own perspective, never from their
the culture. We need to be able to relate to perspective. This is neither honest nor sci-
the individuals involved in the event. We get entific. The people can reveal their culture
no feeling for the culture because we are in new and exciting ways if only they are
given no clues to the actual lives and inner allowed to speak for themselves. What can
thoughts of the people. These films arent we learn about a culture from the texture
objective, truthful or holistic because they of the lives of human beings, the way they
make everyone seem the same. In a scien- move through their culture, the way they
tific attempt to present what is perceived relate and react on a daily basis with their
only by what the anthropologist sees, all family, friends and colleagues? What can
nuances, sensibilities, aesthetics, emotions we learn from the casual way that their
and human drama in the culture are lost. tools are arranged and the rhythm of their
Insights into their art of living, uniqueness bodies as they use them, what they do with
of spirit, complex variety of motivations and their hands during leisure at home or while
individual actions and reactions are impos- discussing a planned ritual with their age
sible. It is the people of a culture rather than group, how they relate to their children,
how many hops in a dance step or how they how feelings of affection or dislike are
weave their baskets that will leave the big- manifested?
gest, darkest, most barren and mourned In a novel, we are forced to make up the
empty space in our world when the culture images of the people and their environ-
is forever losttous. ment. We form a mental picture from the
In the written ethnography the inner life clues given in the description by the author.
is studied in terms of generalities and never We make an image in our minds, invent
in individual terms. This is one way to learn an entire landscape and the physical/psy-
how the entire culture is structured and chological being of the characters and take
works within its environment. But film is ourselves there. As we read the entire novel,
another ballgame because it is a medium of these images keep flashing across our minds
intimacy and immediacy, and we are able for and form our own private spectacular film.
the first time to see and feel the culture and If we read the book again years later, we
its people and relate to them. But anthro- form the same images, and it is like visiting
pologists have used film in the same way a place we once knew very well, reacquaint-
and to the same ends that they use the writ- ing ourselves with familiar places, things
ten material, and thus they have restricted and people. The ethnography does not let us
their field of study, passing by the richness relate to people, places and things, because
in individual human experience in favor of in the need to be scientific, the anthropolo-
mass behavior patterns and a sort of gen- gist often neglects giving us the description
eralized personality that we must assume to put us there and practically never gives us
holds true for all individuals in the society clues so that we can imagine what it is like to
because we are not told otherwise. This is be there, what it is like to be a member of the
a separatist and racial presentation. Much society. Im not saying that the ethnography
information is lost because it is ignored and should read like a novel, but I dont think
a one-sided picture isshown. that the anthropologists role is merely to
734Truth Not Guaranteed

give us a dry run-down of the culture; it is to Anthropologists have been reluctant to

give life to it aswell. deal with the inner person in film because
When we are presented with a film, they havent yet accepted the techniques,
we are no longer expected to form our already discovered by film artists, to pres-
own images; we are presented with the ent it in such a way that would be acceptable
actual places with people moving through under scientific scrutiny. Anthropologists
them, things with people handling and see film as a way to emphasize parts of a
using them, and the people themselves mov- written ethnography as a restatement of it.
ing in space and time, behaving and relating They do not understand that film can open
and going about their daily lives. By look- doorways to knowledge and discovery as a
ing at a film we can relate to the place and way to present material that cannot be pre-
things. But in most ethnographic films, the sented some way in the ethnography with a
people are presented in groups, acting out a few photographs. Film is a four-dimensional
ritual as a massfaceless, nameless, all the medium. It makes people bigger than life
same, all appearing to act and react in the and there is no way to avoid this. Why
same manner. We see events that happen not use it? It can go around, and we have
only once in a while in the culture, and not learned, as we learned as infants to make
what goes on daily. Even when a few people the upside down image in our retinas seem
are separated out, we only get to see them right side up, to perceive the dimension on
in the most formal or fragmented behav- a flat surface, the screen. Afilm also has the
ior as it pertains to the event, and we know fourth dimension of time. It can be made
nothing else about them, except what the to distort and curve time by editing and can
anthropologist chooses to tell us. Rarely are be complicated by the ability to show actual
their own words used, even in translation. time and compressed time in the same
An uncaring and uninvolved voice of a nar- film. Things are not only omitted in time,
rator tells us what is going on. The films are but several things happening at once have
like textbooks and not true film documents to be shown in a continuum. Just as we
of apeople. have learned to see the third dimension
Where are the people in these films? of depth, we have learned as movie-goers
To leave out the spirit of the people pres- to deal with film time. We have learned
ents a thin tapestry of the culture, easy to to see film time and place it in real time in
rent, lacking in strength and depth. Iwant our minds. A closeup of someone talking
to know really what it is like to be a breath- and then a cut to another person reacting is
ing, talking, moving, emotional, relating easily understood as happening at the same
individual in the society. The films lack time. Added to this is the sound, which can
intimacy, dimension, heart and soul and be related one to one with the picture or
most of all they are artless. The people are presented in counterpoint or fugue with the
presented as bit actors in a culture play. An information conveyed by theimage.
alien interpretation is superimposed over The language of film is easily understood
the lives of the people. The films only show by intelligent people who go to the movies.
what the anthropology feels is important to Ethnographic filmmakers should not hesi-
show, not what the people feels important tate to use cinematic techniques because
to their lives. And the only way to find what they think they are not presenting events
is really important is to let them speak for in context. If presented correctly, the viewer
themselves. How much are we missing? can put events in context. When there is a
How much by their silence and indiffer- choice in ethnographic filmmaking between
ence are anthropologist contributing to the ethnographicness and artfulness many
destruction of humans and their cultures? anthropologists feel that ethnographic
Notes on Ethnographic Film by a FilmArtist 735

consideration must come first and art must role of anthropologists to present a film that
be sacrificed. I cant imagine a situation the audience can relateto.
where one must make a choice. It is always Who reads an ethnography? With rare
possible to present material artfully. exceptions they are read only by anthropol-
The above mentioned physical attri- ogy students and professors. Who sees a film
butes are the basis for the development about other cultures? Usually a much larger
of the language of the film medium. But group with varied motivations sees them.
there are also psychological aspects, the Even more would see them if the films were
ability to put us there. Film is an immedi- better, more artful, more interesting and
ate, intimate and revealing tool in terms more informative. No one Ihave ever met,
of trying to understand human experi- anthropologist or not, has really liked most
ence. But anthropologists are unwilling ethnographic films. Not only have they not
to use it to full potential. No closeups liked them, but they feel that the films con-
please, they say. It is not the normal way vey very little important information and
of seeing. But it is normal for an infant to contribute very little to the understanding
be close to the face of the mother, normal of the cultures involved. Anthropologists as
for a lover to be close to the body of the filmmakers have been miserable failures.
beloved, normal to face a friend eye-to-eye My conclusion is to take the cameras out of
a foot away and talk intimately and nor- the hands of the anthropologists and let art-
mal for that person to see only the face ists make thefilms.
of the friend and not his or her own face. My approach to ethnographic film has
No fragments of movement, they say. been liberal and radical in terms of the
But it is normal for a child sitting beside accepted methods of anthropology. I pre-
women grinding corn to see only their fer to assume that the written ethnography
hand movements, normal to catch frag- can stand by itself as a general outline of
ments of the costume of the person danc- the culture. It provides the cultural context;
ing next to you out of the corner of your Ithink that film should be used on another
eye, normal to see only the flank of a cow level to explore new ways for gathering
when you are milking her. Maybe it is information through the individuals who
normal for the anthropologist to be so far live their lives in the culture. Ilike to make
removed, but not for the people living in films about one person or one family or two
the culture. No small talk, they say. It people from two cultures in an accultura-
doesnt go anywhere. What do the people tion process. In examining personal lives in
talk about in ordinary situations? Who detail, Iam able to get a microscopic view of
knows? We havent beentold. one of the threads that make up the tapes-
To see a film, the viewer sits in a dark- try of the whole culture. With several films,
ened room, a captive audience for its dura- I begin to see how the threads are woven
tion. There is little possibility of making the together, how they split apart and how they
projector go back and show a part of the film are mended.
over again. All information must be assimi- I wonder if there isnt such a thing as
lated in one or two viewings. As images too much preparation for the field, if there
flow and sounds weave in and out, we react arent too many preconceptions of what
immediately to the visual and audio infor- to look for and how to limit and present
mation and try to relate to the people in the information. Iwant to feel like Bronislaw
film. While watching ethnographic films, Malinowski must have felt when he went
we are frustrated and bored because we can- into the field, free, open to anything, not
not relate. Anthropologists dont see a need knowing what to expect or what would
for their audiences to relate, or that it is the be found or how to present it once it was
736Truth Not Guaranteed

found. Too much preparation for an artist is keen. Good artists want and need to be
limits the eye, tires the mind, puts bound- hit hard with their own experience and
aries on perception and worst of all dimin- that of others, and they can accept it
ishes the possibility to be open to new and without judging it. With a little help they
different revelations. Idont want to know can focus their observations in an objec-
too much beforehand about the film Im tive way without making their own social
going to make. My films evolve in the statements. Their expert knowledge of the
field. I try not to have too many precon- tools and techniques of film, their height-
ceptions of what Iam going to show in the ened perceptibility, awareness and cre-
film or the kinds of events Ill film. Once ative processes can get them beyond the
in the field, Iam then able to go after the place where ethnographers stop, where
very best that is presented to me, and Iam they cant imagine going. Ethnographic
not blinded to what is really important films can and should be works of art, sym-
by a preconceived notion of what will be phonies about the fabric of a people, cel-
important. Artists are recorders of life and ebrations of the tenacity and uniqueness
their perception of the human condition of the human spirit.

A Lecture on Reminiscences of a Journey
to Lithuania (1972)

Reminiscences falls into the form of a note- in touch with my camera, so that when the
book, or a diary, a form into which most of my day would come when Ill have time, then
later work seems to fall. Idid not come to this Iwould make a realfilm.
form by calculation but from desperation. The second week after I arrived here in
During the last fifteen years Igot so entan- 1949, Iborrowed some money from people
gled with the independently made film that Iknew who came before me, and Ibought
Ididnt have any time left for myself, for my my first Bolex. I started practising, film-
own film-makingbetween Film-Makers ing, and I thought I was learning. Around
Cooperative, Film-Makers Cinematheque, 1961 or 1962 I looked for the first time at
Film Culture magazine, and now Anthology all the footage that Ihad collected during all
Film Archives. I mean, I didnt have any that time. As Iwas looking at that old foot-
long stretches of time to prepare a script, age, I noticed that there were various con-
then to take months to shoot, then to edit, nections in it. The footage that I thought
etc. Ihad only bits of time which allowed me was totally disconnected suddenly began
to shoot only bits of film. All my personal to look like a notebook with many uniting
work became like notes. Ithought Ishould threads, even in that unorganized shape.
do whatever Ican today, because if Idont, One thing that struck me was that there
Imay not find any other free time for weeks. were things in this footage that kept coming
If Ican film one minuteI film one min- back again and again. I thought that each
ute. If I can film ten secondsI film ten time Ifilmed something different, Ifilmed
seconds. I take what I can, from despera- completely something else. But it wasnt so.
tion. But for a long time Ididnt look at the It wasnt always something else. I kept
footage Iwas collecting that way. Ithought coming back to the same subjects, the same
what I was actually doing was practising. images or image sources. Like, for example,
I was preparing myself, or trying to keep the snow. There is practically no snow in
738Truth Not Guaranteed

New York; all my New York notebooks are in the evening, and which is a reflective
filled with snow. Or trees. How many trees process, and the filmed diary. In my film
do you see in the streets of New York? As diary, I thought, I was doing something
I was studying this footage and thinking different:Iwas capturing life, bits of it, as
about it, Ibecame conscious of the form of a it happens. But Irealized very soon that it
diary film and, of course, this began to affect wasnt that different at all. When Iam film-
my way of filming, my style. And in a sense ing, I am also reflecting. I was thinking
it helped me to gain some peace of mind. that I was only reacting to the actual real-
Isaid to myself:Fine, very fineif Idont ity. I do not have much control over real-
have time to devote six or seven months to ity at all, and everything is determined by
making a film, Iwont break my heart about my memory, my past. So that this direct
it; Ill film short notes, from day to day, filming becomes also a mode of reflection.
everyday. Same way, Icame to realize, that writing a
I have thought about other forms of diary is not merely reflecting, looking back.
diary, in other arts. When you write a diary, Your day, as it comes back to you during
for example, you sit down, in the evening, the moment of writing, is measured, sorted
by yourself, and you reflect upon your day, out, accepted, refused, and re-evaluated by
you look back. But in the filming, in keep- what and how one is at the moment when
ing a notebook with the camera, the main one writes it all down. Its all happening
challenge became how to react with the again, and what one writes down is more
camera right now, as its happening; how true to what one is when one writes than
to react to it in such a way that the footage to the events and emotions of the day that
would reflect what I feel that very moment. are past and gone. Therefore, I no longer
If I choose to film a certain detail, as I go see such big differences between a writ-
through my life, there must be good rea- ten diary and the filmed diary, as far as the
sons why I single out this specific detail processesgo.
from thousands of other details. Be it in By the time I decided to look at my ten
the park, or in the street, or in a gathering years of early footage, I had used up three
of friendsthere are reasons why I choose Bolexes. That was a time when the libera-
to film a certain detail. I thought that I was tion of the independent film-maker was
keeping a quite objective diary of my life taking place, when the attitudes to filming
in New York. But my friends who saw the were changing radically. Like many others,
first edition of Diaries, Notes, & Sketches during the years 19501960, I wanted to be a
(Walden), said to me: But this is not my real film-maker and make real films, and
New York! My New York is different. In be a professional film-maker. I was very
your New York Id like to live. But my New much caught in the inherited film-making
York is bleak, depressing. Its then that conventions. I was always carrying a tripod.
I began to see that, really, I was not keeping But then I looked through all my foot-
an objective notebook. When I started look- age, and I said: The park scene, and the
ing at my film diaries again, I noticed that city scene, and the treeits all there, on
they contained everything that New York filmbut its not what I saw the moment I
didnt have.It was the opposite from was filming it! The image is there, but there
what I originally thought I was doing. is something very essential missing. I got
In truth, I am filming my childhood, not the surface, but I missed the essence.
New York. Its a fantasy New Yorkfiction. At that time Ibegan to understand that
I realized something else. At first what was missing from my footage was
Ithought that there was a basic difference myself: my attitude, my thoughts, my feel-
between the written diary which one writes ings the moment Iwas looking at the reality
The DiaryFilm 739

that Iwas filming. That reality, that specific they represent, and I begin to look at them,
detail, in the first place, attracted my atten- I begin to respond to this or that detail. Of
tion because of my memories, my past. course, the mind is not a computer. But still,
I singled out that specific detail with my it works something like a computer, and
total being, with my total past. The chal- everything that falls in, is measured, corre-
lenge now is to capture that reality, that sponds to the memories, to the realities that
detail, that very objective physical fragment have been registered in the brain, or wher-
of reality as closely as possible to how my ever, and its all very real.
Self is seeing it. Of course, what I faced The tree in the street is reality. But here,
was the old problem of all artists:to merge I singled it out, I eliminated all the other
Reality and Self, to come up with the third reality surrounding it, and Ipicked up only
thing. Ihad to liberate the camera from the that specific tree. And I filmed it. And if
tripod, and to embrace all the subjective I now begin to look through my footage,
film-making techniques and procedures that Ihave collected, Ihave a collection of
that were either already available, or were many such singled-out details, and in each
just coming into existence. It was an accep- case they fell in, Ididnt seek them out, they
tance and recognition of the achievements chose me, and I reacted to them, for very
of the avant-garde film of the last fifty years. personal reasons, and thats why they all tie
It affected my exposures, movements, the in together, for me, for one or another rea-
pacing, everything. I had to throw out the son. They all mean something to me, even
academic notions of normal exposure, if Idont understand why. My film is a real-
normal movement, or normal and proper ity that is sorted out through me by way of
this and normal and proper that. I had to this very complex process, and, of course,
put myself into it, to merge myself with to one who can read it, this footage tells
the reality Iwas filming, to put myself into a lot about meactually, more about me
it indirectly, by means of pacing, lighting, than about the city in which Ifilm this foot-
exposures, movements. age:you dont see the city, you see only these
Before we go further, Id like to say singled-out details. Therefore, if one knows
something about this thing of reality. how to read them, even if one doesnt see
RealityNew York is there, its real. The me speaking or walking, one can tell every-
street is there. The snow is falling. I dont thing about me. As far as the city goes, of
know how, but its there. It leads its own life, course, you could say something also about
of course. Same with Lithuania. So, now, I the city, from my Diariesbut only indi-
come into the picture. And with the camera. rectly. Still, Iwalk through this actual, repre-
As I walk with my camera, something falls sentational reality, and these images are all
into my eyes. When I walk through the city, records of actual reality, even if only in frag-
I dont lead my eyes consciously from that ments. No matter how I film, fast or slow,
to that or that. Rather, I walk and my eyes how Iexpose, the film represents a certain
are like open windows, and I see things, the actual, historical period. But as a group of
things fall in. If I hear a sound, of course, images, it tells more about my own subjec-
I look towards the direction of the sound. tive reality, or you can call it my objective
The ear becomes active, and it directs the reality, than any other reality.
eye; the eye is searching for that thing that I used the process of elimination, cutting
makes that noise. But most of the time out parts that didnt work, the badly writ-
things keep falling inimages, smells, ten parts, and leaving in those parts that
sounds, and they are being sorted out in my worked, practically without any changes.
head. Some things that fall in strike some Which means I was not editing the indi-
notes maybe with their color, with what vidual sequences. I left in those parts
740Truth Not Guaranteed

which, I felt, captured something, meant different film, or destroy the footage in the
something to me, and didnt offend me process.
technically and formally. Even if some parts I have shifted the time sequence only on
caught something of essence but bothered a few occasions. In Reminiscences I kept the
me formally, Ithrew them out. Ihave this time sequence. In Diaries, Notes, & Sketches
joke, that Rimbaud had Illuminations, and (Walden) in a few places, when I had two
Ihave only eliminations. long sketches side by side, I pushed one of
I spend much time figuring out, trying them further in time, or back in time, for
out how this detail or that one, this note or structural reasons.
this sketch works in the totality of the reel. Those of you who have seen the first edi-
It was a lesser problem in Reminiscences, tion of Diaries, Notes, & Sketches (Walden),
but with Diaries, Notes, & Sketches (Walden) and now Reminiscences, will see the differ-
I really had to work hard and long. After ence between the two. The basis of Walden
you sit for two hours, watching a movie, is the single frame. There is a lot of density
its important what comes during the third there. And when I was going to Lithuania
hour. The question of repetition comes in. I thought I would bring back material in
Sometimes I have to eliminate even parts the same style. But, somehow, when I
which I like, because too much of some- was there, I just couldnt work in the style
thing is too much. In this case, in the case of Walden, there. The longer I stayed in
of Reminiscences, the editing was very fast. Lithuania the more it changed me, and
Hans Brecht of Norddeutscher Television it pulled me into a completely different
helped me to pay for the film stock and style. There were feelings, states, faces
Bolex in return for the rights to show it that I couldnt treat too abstractly. Certain
on German television. But then I came realities can be presented in cinema only
back, and I completely forgot about Hans through certain durations of images. Each
Brecht. And he forgot about me. But then, subject, each reality, each emotion affects
on Christmas day he called me. Is it ready? the style in which you film. The style that I
I need it on January twentieth. January used in Reminiscences wasnt the most per-
twentieth? Why didnt you tell me this ear- fect style for it. It is a compromise style.
lier? I went to my editing table and I stared Ill explain why. For instance, I made one
at it. After I came back from Lithuania, I bad mistake which Ill never make again.
kept thinking: How am I going to edit it? My third Bolex died just before I had to go
This footage was very very close to me. I had on this trip. I had fixed it several times, but
no perspective to it of any kind. And even this time I just couldnt fix it any more. So
now, today, I have little perspective to it. I I bought a new Bolex. The Lithuanian foot-
had about twice as much footage as you age was the first footage that I shot with
see in the film. So now I stood there and I this new Bolex. But even if two Bolexes
said to myself: Fine, very fine. This emer- were totally identical, just the very fact that
gency will help me to make decisions. For you never held the new one in your hands
two or three days I didnt touch the footage, effects you. You have to get used to every
I thought about the form, the structure of new camera so that during the filming it
the film. Once I decided upon the struc- responds to you, and you know its weak-
ture, I just spliced it, very fast, in one day. nesses and its caprices. Because, later,
I knew that this was the only way I could when I started filming, I discovered that
come to grips with this footage: by working my new Bolex wasnt identical with the
with it totally mechanically. Another way old one at all. It was, actually, defective,
would have been to work very very long on never kept a constant speed. I set it on 24
it, and either to come up with a completely frames, and after three or four shots its
The DiaryFilm 741

on 32 frames. You have constantly to look Iknew that although the images recorded
at the speed meter, because the speeds by these technicians, following my instruc-
of frames-per-second affect the lighting, tions, would have been better profes-
exposure. And when I finally realized that sionally, they would have destroyed the
there was no way of fixing it or locking very subject I was going after. When you
itI decided to accept it and incorporate go home, for the first time in twenty-five
the defect as one of the stylistic devices, years, you know, somehow, that the official
to use the changes of light as structural film crews just do not belong there. Thus
means. Ichose my Bolex. My filming had to remain
As soon as I noticed that the speeds totally private, personal, and unprofes-
were changing constantly (especially when sional. For instance, Inever checked my
Ifilmed in short takes, brief spurts) Iknew lens opening before taking a shot. I took
that Iwouldnt be able to control the expo- my chances. Iknew that the truth will have
sures. I dont exactly mean that I wanted to hang on and around all those imperfec-
to have normal, balanced lighting. No, tions. The truth which Icaught, whatever
Idont believe in that. But Ican work within Icaught, had to hang on me and my Bolex.
my irregularities, within my style of clash- When you shoot with a Bolex, you hold it
ing light values, only when Ihave complete somewhere, not exactly where your brain
control, or at least normal control over my is, a little bit lower, and not exactly where
tools. But here that control was slipping. your heart isits slightly higher.And
The only way to control it was to embrace it then, you wind the spring up, you give it
and use it as part of my way of filming. To an artificial life.You live continuously,
use the over-exposures as punctuations; to within the situation, in one time con-
use them in order to reveal reality in, liter- tinuum, but you shoot only in spurts, as
ally, a different light; to use them in order much as the spring allows.You inter-
to imbue reality with a certain distance; to rupt your filmed reality constantly.You
compound reality. resume it again.
When Iwent to Lithuania, Iwas offered []
a team of cameramen, and cameras, and ([Robert Flaherty] International Film
I could have used them. But I didnt. Seminar, August 26, 1972)

O F D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 9 3 )

Poetics will have to study not the already existing literary forms but, starting from
them, a sum of possible forms:what literature can be rather than whatitis.

Tzvetan Todorov
Poetics and Criticism1

I dont have aesthetic objectives. Ihave aesthetic means at my disposal, which are nec-
essary for me to be able to say what Iwant to say about the things Isee. And the thing
Isee is something outside of myselfalways.

Look to the Things AroundYou2

The notion of poetics has been a contested do; its opening lines set forth as the field
one from the beginning. Indeed, Aristotles of inquiry [t]he art of poetic composition
founding treatise, the starting point for in general and its various species, the func-
all subsequent studies in the West, has tion and effect of each of them.3 According
long been understood as a defense against to Lubomr Doleel, Occidental poetics has
Platos banishment of the poets from his since evolved through several stages: the
Republic. With a rigor and systematicity logical (inaugurated by Aristotles divination
that has tended to characterize the myriad of the universal essences of poetic art), the
efforts that followed, Aristotles Poetics set morphological (the Romantic/organic model
out to show what poetry is and what it can issuing from Goethes analytical focus on
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 743

the structure, the formation and the trans- considerations.7 The most ambitious projects
formations of organic bodies4), and the for a scientific criticism have sought to ban-
semiotic (from the Prague School through ish interpretation outright, a task not so easily
the structuralism of Barthes and Todorov, accomplished. Todorov has argued that pure
the study of literary communication within descriptionthe hallmark of science as objec-
a general science of signs).5 tive discoursecan only be what Derrida
[. . .] The attitude of inquiry provided by a has called a theoretical fiction: One of
poetics is particularly apropos for the docu- the dreams of positivism in the human sci-
mentary insofar as poetics has, as we shall see, ences is the distinction, even the opposition,
occupied an unstable position at the juncture between interpretationsubjective, vulner-
of science and aesthetics, structure and value, able, ultimately arbitraryand description, a
truth and beauty. Documentary film is itself the certain and definitve activity.8 It is important
site of much equivocation around similar axes to recognize the limits of a method borrowed
given nonfictions too-frequently-presumed from the natural sciences applied to aesthetic
debt to the signified at the expense of the signi- forms. It is equally essential that a new poet-
fiers play. It is the film of fact, nonfiction, ics acknowledges the historical effects of the
the realm of information and exposition rather valorization of science within the humanities.
than diegetic employment or imaginationin In Roland Barthess The Return of the
short, at a remove from the creative core of the Poetician, a 1972 paean to the work of
cinematic art. I shall be at pains to contradict Gerard Genette, a description/interpreta-
these inherited strictures by way of an analysis tion dichotomy (and implicit hierarchy) is
of documentarys constitutive modalitiesits assumed: When he [sic] sits down in front
conditions of existenceto more fully artic- of the literary work, the poetician does not
ulate a sense of documentarys discursive ask himself: What does this mean? Where
field and function, aesthetic as well as does this come from? What does it connect
expository. I will argue that four modalities to? But, more simply and more arduously:
are constitutive of documentary. How is this made?9 This heuristic angle to
It is an analysis that must be specula- the study of aesthetic formsthe atten-
tive. For if, as Tzvetan Todorov has claimed, tion to the simple and arduousbears
poetics is still in its early stages, even a much-remarked upon resemblance to
after 2500years, these initial efforts toward the inductive methods of science.10 Poetics,
a poetics of the documentary can be little frequently understood to be the science of
more than first steps. It will be necessary literature, might, thus, be seen as an intrin-
first to trace a preliminary genealogy of sically chiasmatic site of inquiry. Coleridges
poetics to situate its most recent, hybrid organicist formulation of the poem as that
manifestations in the social and human sci- species of composition which is opposed to
ences, then to attend, in broad strokes, to an works of science by proposing for its imme-
elaboration of the discursive modalities of diate object pleasure, not truth would sug-
the documentary in film and video.6 gest poetics as the science of anti-science.11
To risk a poetics of documentary is to up
the stakes yet again, since it is commonly
supposed that the aim and effect of docu-
The Question ofScience mentary practices must be (to return to the
Coleridgean opposition) truth and only sec-
Since Aristotle, poeticians have been intent ondarily, if at all, pleasure. A documentary
on minimizing the mingling of normative poetics would, thus, be the science of a sci-
or even interpretive aims with descriptive entistic anti-science! [. . .]
744Truth Not Guaranteed

In what follows I shall attempt to out- us to remain equally attentive to the sharp-
line some fundamental principles govern- ening of the conceptual tools required to
ing function and effect for documentary enhance the development of a viable film
work in film and video within an historical culture for the documentary.
frame through an examination of discursive
modality. This effort, though preliminary,
will essay the parameters and potentialities
of documentary discourse with the ultimate The Four Fundamental Tendencies
goal the enrichment of the documentary ofDocumentary
film, that least discussed and explored of
cinematic realms. Astunted popular aware- What I wish to consider here in the
ness of the breadth and dynamism of the context of a nascent poetics of the
documentary past, the scarcity of distribu- documentarythose principles of construc-
tion outlets for the independent documen- tion, function, and effect specific to nonfic-
tarist and the relative critical neglect of tion film and videoconcerns what I take
nonfiction forms have combined to ham- to be the four fundamental tendencies or
per the growth and development of the rhetorical/aesthetic functions attributable
documentary.12 to documentary practice.14 These catego-
All of which contributes to the relative ries are not intended to be exclusive or air-
impoverishment of a documentary film cul- tight; the friction, overlapseven mutual
ture, an energized climate of ideas and cre- determinationdiscernible among them
ative activities fueled by debate and public testify to the richness and historical vari-
participation. Such an environment may ability of nonfiction forms in the visual arts.
once have existed in the Soviet Union in the At some moments and in the work of cer-
twenties or in this country during the late tain practitioners, one or another of these
thirties or early sixties. But, with the con- characteristics has frequently been over- or
solidation and economic streamlining of under-favored. Istate the four tendencies in
commercial television networks (with their the active voice appropriate to their role in a
preference for reality programming over poesis, an active making:
even in-house documentary) and the vir-
tual lockout of the independent from public 1. to record, reveal, or preserve
television series formats such as Frontline, 2. to persuade or promote
such an environment exists no more. While 3. to analyze or interrogate
recent Congressional action creating an 4. to express.
Independent Television Service to support
and showcase the work of independent pro- I do not intend to suggest that the most
ducers resulted from the concerted lobbying meritorious work necessarily strikes an
efforts of a coalition of independent produc- ideal balance among these tendencies or
ers, educators, and concerned citizenry, even integrates them in a particular way.
those gains are being seriously threatened Rather Ihope to show the constitutive char-
by conservative forces in the Congress. acter of each, the creative and rhetorical
Indeed, the very survival of independently possibilities engendered by these several
produced, state-supported art in the United modalities. My not-so-hidden agenda is
States remains in question, a circumstance to point to and perhaps valorize certain of
best illustrated by the continuing drama sur- the less-frequently explored documentary
rounding the National Endowment of the tendencies in the hopes of furthering the
Arts.13 If political activism is to remain pos- kind of basic research in the arts that
sible in the early nineties, then it behooves makes for better culture just as surely as it
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 745

does better science. This notion of basic One of the crucial texts for a discussion
research is fundamental to a poetics of any of the desire underpinning the documen-
sort. In the case of documentary, however, tary impulse must surely be Andr Bazins
there has been little research of any sort classic The Ontology of the Photographic
which can shed light on the governing dis- Image. As the essay reaches its affective
cursive conditions which give rise to what crescendo, any notion of the images asymp-
is branded nonfiction. It is to be hoped totic relationship to the real is discarded in
that the interrogation of these several docu- favor of an account by which the indexical
mentary modalities can begin to dislodge sign becomes identical to the referent. In
the sense of historical inevitability attached the following pronouncement, one feels the
to whatever (im)balance may obtain within force of desire (historical? authorial?) as it
the field of current practices (e.g., the rhe- transforms a discussion about the ontologi-
torical function overshadowing the ana- cal status of the photographic image into a
lytical) in order to engage with the wider statement about semiosis itself.
potential, repressed but available.
Only a photographic lens can give
us the kind of image of the object
that is capable of satisfying the
The Four Functions deep need man has to substitute
asModalities ofDesire for it something more than a mere
approximation, a kind of decal or
These four functions operate as modalities transfer. The photographic image
of desire, impulsions which fuel documen- is the object itself, the object freed
tary discourse. As such, the record/reveal/ from the conditions of time and
preserve mode might be understood as the space that govern it. No matter how
mimetic drive common to all of cinema, fuzzy, distorted, or discolored, no
intensified by the documentary signifiers matter how lacking in documentary
ontological statusits presumed power to value the image may be, it shares,
capture the imponderable movement of by virtue of the very process of its
the real. Writing in the late 1930s, Hans becoming, the being of the model of
Richter described the historical demand for which it is the reproduction; it is the
filmic preservation with great eloquence: model.17
Our age demands the documented fact.
The modern reproductive technology of Bazins position moves beyond the construc-
the cinematograph was uniquely respon- tion of a scene of absolute self-presence for
sive to the need for factual sustenance. the documentary sign, suggesting instead
The camera created a reservoir of human an outright immateriality arising from its
observation in the simplest possible way.15 utter absorption by the historical referent.18
As early as 1901, the cinema was recruited There are, to be sure, historical contingen-
to the service of cultural preservation with cies which temper any claims for modali-
Baldwin Spencers filming of aboriginal cer- ties of desire as eternal or innate. The
emonies.16 Anthropology, in its zeal for the documentative drive may be transhistorical,
salvaging of endangered authenticities [a but it is far from being untouched by history.
trope which has drawn fire from many quar- While Bazin may have alerted us to such cat-
ters of [The Totalizing Quest For Meaning, egorical matters as a photographic ontology,
chapter 5 of Theorizing Documentary, ed. he was also attentive to the variable effects
Michael Renov], has seized upon the cam- which history exercises over audiences
era eye as a faithful ally. and their responses to filmic expression.
746Truth Not Guaranteed

In his Cinema and Exploration, Bazin or social goals. We may advisedly asso-
discusses the relative merits of some films ciate certain historical personages with
which take up the visual reconstruction of this tendency of the documentary film
scientific expeditions. His preference is for (e.g., John Griersons camera hammer-
a film such as Kon-Tiki (Thor Heyerdahls ing rather than mirroring society). But
documentation of a 4500-mile sea voyage) the promotional impulseselling prod-
in which only a very little footagepoorly ucts or values, rallying support for social
shot, frequently underexposed 16mm blown movements, or solidifying subcultural
up to 35mmprovides an authoritative ren- identitiesis a crucial documentative
dering of experience: For it remains true instinct to which nonfiction film and
that this film is not made up only of what video continue to respond.
we seeits faults are equally witness to its We might say that the analyze or inter-
authenticity. The missing documents are rogate mode is a response to cognitive
the negative imprints of the expeditionits requirements, an extension of the psy-
inscription chiselled deep.19 This predi- chological activities which, according to
lection for the real at any cost is rendered Constructivist psychologists, allow humans
historical in Bazins account: Since World to organize sensory data, make inferences,
War II we have witnessed a definite retum and construct schemata.22 While much
to documentary authenticity.Today the attention has been given the role of per-
public demands that what it sees shall be ceptual and cognitive processes in story
believable, a faith that can be tested by the comprehension, relatively little has been
other media of information, namely, radio, written on a documentary-based heuristics
books, and the daily press.the prevalence of cognition or analytics. As Bill Nichols
of objective reporting following World War has argued, Frederick Wisemans films
II defined once and for all what it is that we (to name a notable example) deploy the
require from such reports.20 Four decades codes of actions and enigmas that usually
laterin the wake of countless TV ads pose and subsequently resolve puzzles
which trade on their documentary look or mysteries by means of the characters
(shaky camera, grainy black-and-white) activities.23 Moreover, these documentary
the technically flawed depiction of a pur- presentations imply a theory of the events
ported reality no longer suffices as visual they describe by virtue of a sophisticated
guarantee of authenticity. It is simply structuring of the profilmic into an overall
understood as yet another artifice. I would ensemble Nichols describes as mosaic
thus argue that while the instinct for cul- (each sequence, a semiautonomous, tem-
tural self-preservation remains constant, porally explicit unit in itself, contributing
the markers of documentary authenticity to an overall but non-narrative depiction
are historically variable. of the filmed institution). In this instance,
As for the category of promotion and the organizational strategy bears with it an
persuasion, one might understand the epistemological agenda, for such a schema
rhetorical function of film as a facilita- of filmed segments assumes that social
tor of desire in its most rationalist aspect. events have multiple causes and must be
Given Aristotles fundamental insight on analyzed as webs of interconnecting influ-
the necessity of rhetorical proofs to effect ences and patterns.24 This parameter of
change (Before some audiences not even documentary discourse is thus tied up with
the possession of the exactest knowledge deep-seated cognitive functions as well as a
will make it easy for what we say to pro- strictly informational imperative; the docu-
duce conviction21), persuasive techniques mentary film addresses issues of seeing
are a prerequisite for achieving personal and knowing in a manner quite apart from
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 747

its more frequently discussed fictional taxonomy. Indeed, any poetics of value,
counterpart. despite the explanatory power it might
The last of the four documentary tenden- mobilize through an elaboration of concep-
cies encompasses the aesthetic function. It tually discrete modalities, must be willing
has frequently been presumed that the cre- to acknowledge transgressiveness as the
ation of beautiful forms and documentarys very condition of textual potency. As desire
task of historical representation are alto- is put into play, documentary discourse may
gether irreconcilable. Near the beginning of realize historical discursivity through and
Of Great Events and Ordinary People (1979), against pleasurable surface, may engage
Raoul Ruiz quotes Grierson to that effect. in self-reflection in the service of moral sua-
Grierson says:The trouble with realism is sion. As metacritical paradigms, the four
that it deals not in beauty but in truth. It functions of the documentary text may be
then becomes the work of the film to con- provisionally discrete; as specific textual
found that pronouncement, to produce a operations, they rarelyare.
pleasure of the text capable of merging
intellectual inquiry and aestheticvalue.
The pitting of truth against beauty
I. To Record, Reveal, or Preserve
is the product of a regrettable (Western)
dualism that accounts for the rift between This is perhaps the most elemental of
science and art, mind and body. Raymond documentary functions, familiar since the
Williams traces the hardening of the art/ Lumires actualits, traceable to the pho-
science distinction to the 18th century, the tographic antecedent. The emphasis here
moment at which experience (i.e., feeling is on the replication of the historical real,
and inner life) began to be defined against the creation of a second-order reality cut to
experiment.25 Hans Richters account of cin- the measure of our desireto cheat death,
ematic development offers an illustration of stop time, restore loss. Here, ethnography
the effects of this presumed binarism and and the home movie meet insofar as both
its contribution to a kind of documentary seek what Roland Barthes has termed that
anti-aesthetic: It became clear that a fact rather terrible thing which is there in every
did not really remain a fact if it appeared photograph:the return of the dead.27
in too beautiful a light. The accent shifted, Documentary has most often been moti-
for a beautiful image could not normally vated by the wish to exploit the cameras
be obtained except at the expense of its close- revelatory powers, an impulse only rarely
ness to reality. Something essential had to be coupled with an acknowledgment of the
suppressed in order to provide a beautiful processes through which the real is transfig-
appearance [emphasis added].26 And yet, ured. At times, as with Flaherty, the desire
despite the limitations of these presump- to retain the trace of the fleeting or already
tions, it will become clear that the aesthetic absent phenomenon has led the nonfiction
function has maintained an historically artist to supplement behavior or event-in-
specific relationship with the documentary history with its imagined counterpartthe
since the Lumires. traditional walrus hunt of the Inuit which
It now remains to work through each of was restaged for the camera, for example.28
the four modalities of the documentary in An interesting format to consider in this
some detail and through recourse to specific regard is the electronic or filmed diary (e.g.,
texts in order to trace the contours of a poet- the work of Jonas Mekas, George Kuchar,
ics of documentary. What becomes immedi- Lynn Hershman, or Vanalyne Green) which
ately clear is the extent to which individual reflects on the lived experience of the artist.
works slip the traces of any circumscribed In the case of these four artists, the interest
748Truth Not Guaranteed

lies not so much in recovering time past or Our attempts to fix on celluloid what
in simply chronicling daily lifethere is lies before the cameraourselves or mem-
little illusion of a pristine retrievalas in bers of other culturesare fragile if not
seizing the opportunity to rework experience altogether insincere efforts. Always issues
at the level of sound and image. Whether it of selection intrude (which angle, take,
is Mekass street scenes of New York with camera stock will best serve); the results are
his world-weary narration voiced-over from indeed mediated, the result of multiple inter-
many years remove or Hershmans image ventions that necessarily come between the
overlays which couple self-portraiture with cinematic sign (what we see on the screen)
archival footage of concentration camp sur- and its referent (what existed in the world).29
vivors, these diary efforts exceed the bounds It is not only the ethnographic film that
of self-preservation. depends so crucially on this fabled ability
The duplication of the world, even of what of the moving image form to preserve the
we know most intimatelyourselvescan fleeting moment. Think only of the myriad
never be unproblematic. We know as much history films so popular in the seventies and
from the writings of Michel de Montaigne, eighties that offered revisionist versions
16th-century man of letters, who writes of of the Wobblies or riveting Rosies. These
his attempt to portray not being but pass- pieces were predicated on the necessity of
ing. Throughout three volumes of Essays, offering corrective visions, alternatives to
Montaigne remains vigilant to the flux the dominant historical discourse which
which constitutes us all. He writes near had scanted the struggles of labor, women,
the beginning of his Of Repentance the underclasses, and the marginalized. All
(III:2, 610): The world is but a perennial too frequently, however, the interest in the
movement. All things in it are in con- visual documentinterview footage inter-
stant motionthe earth, the rock of the cut with archival materialoutpaced the
Caucasus, the pyramids of Egyptboth historians obligation to interrogate rather
with the common motion and with their than simply serve up the visible evidence.
own. Stability itself is nothing but a more These were honest, warm, sometimes char-
languid motion. It does not take a post- ismatic people much like ourselves or (even
structuralist to divine the inadequacy of more troubling) as we wished we could
reflection theories of art, those positions be.30 The kinds of emotional investments
which would have us believe that mime- and narrative enticements which keep us
sis (even as photographic representation) riveted to our seats during the melodramas
means producing simulacra which are the of the silver screen were thus mobilized.
equivalent of their historical counter-parts. Problems arose when historical analysis,
Signifying systems bear with them the mindful of contradiction and complexity
weight of their own history and materiality; within and across documents (e.g., compet-
Freud reminds us that even language, the ing versions of texts or social phenomena
most insubstantial of signifying systems, as well as questions raised by translation
has a material existence in the uncon- from one language or vernacular usage to
scious. When watching the most verit of another), was displaced by anecdote and
films, we should recall, with Magritte, that personal memory.
this too is not a pipe. Given the truth claim But public history cannot simply be
which persists within documentary dis- an aggregate of private histories strung
course as a defining condition (what you together or nimbly intercut. These oral
see and hear is of the world), the collapse histories remain valuable for their ability
of sign and historical referent is a matter of to bring to public notice the submerged
particular concern. accounts of people and social movements.
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 749

But their favoring of preservation over treatment of the documentary image in

interrogation detracts from their power as Camera Lucida, Tagg argues that the indexi-
vehicles of understanding. Delegating the cal character of the photograph can guaran-
enunciative function to a series of interview tee nothing.
subjects cannot, in the end, bolster a truth
claim for historical discourse; the enuncia- At every stage, chance effects, pur-
tor, the one who voices the text, is the film poseful interventions, choices and
or videomaker functioning as historiogra- variations produce meaning, what-
pher. Although a thorough discussion of the ever skill is applied and whatever
self-reflexive gesture cannot be undertaken division of labour the process is
here, it is worth citing Roland Barthess inci- subject to. This is not the inflection
sive pronouncements on the discursive sta- of a prior (though irretrievable)
tus of all documentative utterances: reality, as Barthes would have us
believe, but the production of a new
At the level of discourse, objectiv- and specific reality.The photo-
ity, or the absence of any clues to graph is not a magical emanation
the narrator, turns out to be a par- but a material product of a mate-
ticular form of fiction, the result of rial apparatus set to work in spe-
what might be called the referential cific contexts, by specific forces, for
illusion, where the historian tries to more or less defined purposes. It
give the impression that the refer- requires, therefore, not an alchemy
ent is speaking for itself. This illu- but a history.That a photograph
sion is not confined to historical can come to stand as evidence, for
discourse: novelists galore, in the example, rests not on a natural
days of realism, considered them- or existential fact, but on a social,
selves objective because they had semiotic process. It will be a
suppressed all traces of the I in their central argument of this book that
text. Nowadays linguistics and psy- what Barthes calls evidential force
choanalysis unite to make us much is a complex historical outcome
more lucid towards such ascetic and is exercised by photographs
modes of utterance:we know that the only within certain institutional
absence of a sign can be significant practices and within particular his-
too.Historical discourse does not torical relations.The very idea
follow reality, it only signifies it; it of what constitutes evidence has a
asserts at every moment: this hap- history.The problem is histori-
pened, but the meaning conveyed is cal, not existential.32
only that someone is making that

Art historian John Tagg has written what II. To Persuade or Promote
may be the definitive account of the his- We would do well at this stage of the argu-
torically contingent character of docu- ment to review a crucial condition of this
mentary representation as evidence (the study, namely, the paradoxical mutuality
preservational condition, par excellence) of the four documentary functions. For
in his introductory essay to The Burden although I am attempting to distinguish
of Representation: Essays on Photographies among the several modalities of the docu-
and Histories. Taking as his starting point mentary, the better to understand their effec-
a critique of Barthess blissfully personal tivity, such an effort must fail if a discrete
750Truth Not Guaranteed

separability is posed. Over the years, efforts veridical stamp of documentarys indexical
have been made to map the nonfiction fir- sign-status, itself a condition of the record/
mament through recourse to generic label- preserve mode understood as the first docu-
ing (e.g., the social documentary), the mentary function. Nor can we reasonably
determination of documentary types whose suppose that the expressive domain is alto-
exemplars are meant to embody particular gether separable from a discussion of per-
attributes (e.g., a social change orientation). suasive powers. So, in fact, these paradigms
In such instances, one soon runs head-on of a documentary poetics, though capable
into the logical paradox of all genre designa- of mobilizing explanatory powerat the
tions best described by Derrida in his The level of metacriticismalong a vertical axis
Law of Genre:In the code of set theories, of historically precise meaning, are never,
if Imay use it at least figuratively, Iwould in fact, encountered vertically. There is no
speak of a sort of participation without ontological purity atstake.
belonginga taking part in without being Persuasion is the dominant trope for
part of, without having membership in a nonfiction films in the tradition of John
set. Derrida further challenges the stability Grierson, the man alleged to have first
of boundaries erected in the name ofgenre. coined the term documentary. Polemicist
and social activist, Grierson left his mark
And suppose for a moment that it on the film cultures of Britain, Canada, the
were impossible not to mix genres. United State, indeed the world. For this son
What if there were, lodged within of a Calvinist minister, the screen was a pul-
the heart of the law itself, a law of pit, the film a hammer to be used in shap-
impurity or a principie of contami- ing the destiny of nations. The promotional
nation? And suppose the condition urgency which characterized the work of
for the possibility of the law were the Britains Empire Marketing Board under
a priori of a counterlaw, an axiom of Griersons tutelage in the thirties [e.g.,
impossibility that would confound Night Mail (1936), Housing Problems (1935)]
its sense, order, and reason?33 has been equaled both before and since in
many state-supported contexts, ranging
How can we account for a sluice gate of from Dziga Vertovs exuberant Man With a
nomination capable of exclusion (the setting Movie Camera (1929) in the Soviet Union to
of limits) yet infinitely susceptible to expan- Cuban Santiago Alvarezs formal as well as
sion? How are we to understand a designa- political radicalism in such works as Now!
tion of difference that remains viable only (1965) and 79 Springtimes of Ho Chi Minh
on condition of its potentiality for the vio- (1969).
lation of its closure (the genre asdynamic As was the case with the preservational
or transformational)? What is the precise modality, documentary persuasion must be
principle of difference that thus obtains? understood as an effect of history within
Such, at least, are Derridas musings on precise discursive conditions. Tagg has
the simultaneous purity and impurity of written that the effectiveness of much New
genres status. In the present instance, the Deal photography as a tool for mobilizing
positing of the efficacy of a nominal isola- popular support for governmental policy
tion of functional difference exists concur- can only be accounted for within a broadly
rently with an equally insistent claim for the drawn context of historical forces.
mutual interpenetration of regimes at the
level of the textual instance. For, of course, The very years in which the liberal,
one crucial parameter of persuasion in doc- statist measures of the New Deal
umentary could not occur were it not for the were being enacted and fought for,
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 751

witnessed a crucial historical ren- Harvest of Shame just as the handicapped vet-
dezvous of means, rhetoric and eran interviewed in Hearts and Minds moves
social strategy. Only in this con- us more deeply than could all the bona fide
juncture could the documentary experts. The documentary truth claim
mode take on its particular force, (which says, at the very least: Believe me,
command identification, and exert a Im of the world) is the baseline of persua-
power, not as the evocation of a pris- sion for all of nonfiction, from propaganda
tine truth but as a politically mobi- to rockdoc.
lized rhetoric of Truth, a strategy One could argue for the relative merits
of signification, a cultural interven- of, say, emotional versus demonstrative
tion aimed at resealing social unity proofsphotographs of the suffering ver-
and structures of belief at a time of sus expert witnesses. Certainly ethical con-
far-reaching crisis and conflict.34 siderations arise within the context of such
a discussion; yet Iam not concerned here to
While persuasion is most frequently identi- weigh the value or appropriateness of any
fied with projects exhibiting a singularity of particular persuasive approach. More to the
purpose and tonethe stridency of Frank point for me is the claim that the persua-
Capras Why We Fight series from the World sive or promotional modality is intrinsic to
War II years or Leni Riefenstahls infamous all documentary forms and demands to be
paean to National Socialism, Triumph of considered in relation to the other rhetori-
the Willwe would do well to consider the cal/aesthetic functions.
greater diversity of the promotional impe-
tus and the complexity of its presentational
forms. Do we not, after all, in the instance
III. To Analyze or Interrogate
of Alain Resnaiss Night and Fog, find our-
selves persuaded (moved toward a certain Analysis, in this context, can be considered
comprehension of the incommensurable) as the cerebral reflex of the record/reveal/
through the starkness of Resnaiss iconic preserve modality; it is revelation inter-
choices (a mountain of eyeglasses), the rogated. Too few documentarists share
poetic character of Jean Cayrols writing, the critical attitude held by anthropologist
or the stateliness of the cameras inexora- Clifford Geertz when he writes: I have
ble tracking across and through time and never gotten anywhere near to the bottom
space? Expressivitythe modulated play of of anything I have ever written about.
the documentary signifier here isolated as Cultural analysis is intrinsically incomplete.
the fourth documentary functioncan give And, worse than that, the more deeply it
rise to persuasion as the concrete instantia- goes the less complete it is.35 If this is true
tion of the signified (rhetorical figures, logi- for the scholar able to devote years to field-
cal proofs, the structuration of argument at work, how much truer might this be for the
the level of sound and image). media artist whose in-depth explorations
In his Ideology and the Image, Bill Nichols of topics must be contoured to the require-
recalls for us the Aristotelian triad of ments of the cultural marketplace and a
proofs operative in the documentary: ethi- capital-intensive mode of production?
cal, emotional, and demonstrative. We This documentary impetus transforms
can be persuaded by the ethical status of the unacknowledged questions that lie
the filmmaker or interview subject, by the beneath all nonfictional forms into potential
tug of heartstrings, or by a barrage of bar subject matter: that is, on what basis does
graphs. Edward R.Murrows very presence the spectator invest belief in the representa-
accounted for much of the social impact of tion, what are the codes which ensure that
752Truth Not Guaranteed

belief, what material processes are involved Much has been said about empower-
in the production of this spectacle of the ment in recent years. The bottom line is
real and to what extent are these processes that the artwork should encourage inquiry,
to be rendered visible or knowable to the offer space for judgment, and provide the
spectator?36 While many of these questions tools for evaluation and further actionin
are familiar from the debates around reflex- short, encourage an active response. The
ivity and the so-called Brechtian cinema, film or videotape that considers its own pro-
applicable to fiction and nonfiction alike cesses rather than seals over every gap of a
(the films of Vertov, Godard, and Straub/ never-seamless discourse is more likely to
Huillet have most frequently inspired these engender the healthy skepticism that begets
debates), their urgency is particularly great knowledge, offering itself as amodel.
for documentary works, which can be said Allow me to offer a few exemplary
to bear a direct, ontological tie to the real. instances of the analytical impulse in the
That is, every documentary claims for itself documentary film. In the sound era, the
an anchorage in history; the referent of the breach between image and its audio coun-
nonfiction sign is meant to be a piece of the terpart has rarely been acknowledged; syn-
world (albeit a privileged because a visible chronized sound, narration, or music is
and/or audible one) and, thus, was once meant to reinforce or fuse with the image
available to experience in the everyday. rather than question its status. Such is not
The analytical documentary is likely to the case with Night and Fog with its airy
acknowledge that mediational structures pizzicatti accompanying the most oppres-
are formative rather than mere embellish- sive imagery of Holocaust atrocities; affec-
ments. In The Man with a Movie Camera, tive counterpoint underscores the horror.
the flow of images is repeatedly arrested Chris Markers Letter From Siberia (1958)
or reframed as the filmic fact is revealed to is another departure from the norm. The
be a labor-intensive social process which connotative power of nonlinguistic audial
engages cameramen, editors, projectionists, elements (music, vocal inflection) is con-
musicians, and audience members. Motion firmed by the repetition of an otherwise
pictures are represented as photographic banal sequence; the sequencing of images
images in motion, variable as to their pro- and the narration remain unchanged while
jected speed, duration, or screen direc- the accompanying music and tonal val-
tion: galloping horses are capable of being ues of the narrating voice create differing
halted mid-stride, water can run upstream, semantic effects. Every viewer is forced to
smiling children can be transformed into confront the malleability of meaning and
bits of celluloid to be inspected at the edi- the ideological impact of authorial or sty-
tor Svilovas work bench. This is not to say listic choices that typically go unnoticed. In
that every documentary must reinvent the Jean-Marie Straub and Danielle Huillets
wheel or leave in the occasional slate to Introduction to An Accompaniment for a
remind the audience that this is, after all, Cinematographic Scene (1972), a musical
only a film. What is being suggested here is composition, Arnold Schoenbergs Opus
that presentation is not automatically inter- 34, is illustrated by the recitation of
rogation and that the latter can be a valuable Schoenbergs correspondence as well as by
ingredient for any nonfiction piece. Brecht his drawings, photographs (of the composer
polemicized that arts real success could be and of slain Paris Communards), archival
measured by its ability to activate its audi- footage of American bombing runs over
ence. The flow of communication always Vietnam, and the imaging of a newspaper
ought to be reversible; the teacher ever will- clipping about the release of accused Nazi
ing to become the pupil. concentration camp architects. Aprocess of
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 753

interrogation is thus undertaken through varying degrees to the powers of expressiv-

the layering and resonance of heterogeneous ity in the service of historical representation.
elements. Schoenbergs music, the work of The artfulness of the work as a function of
a self-professed apolitical artist, becomes its purely photographic properties was now
the expressive vehicle for an outrage whose allied with the possibilities of editing to cre-
moral and intellectual dimensions exceed ate explosive effectscerebral as well as
the parochial bounds of politics proper. visceral. The early films of the documentary
Yet the collective coherence of the filmic polemicist Joris Ivens [The Bridge (1928),
elements remains to be constructed by a Rain (1929)] evidence the attraction felt for
thinking audience. The analytical impulse the cinemas aesthetic potential, even for
is not so much enacted by the filmmakers those motivated by strong political beliefs.
as encouraged for the viewer. And yet, the historical fact of a repression
In a culture that valorizes consumption of the formal or expressive domain within
and the disposable culture responsive to the documentary tradition is inescapable.
that imperativeit may well be crucial for Such a circumstance arises, however, more
documentarists to consider the stakes of from an institutionalization of the art/sci-
an intervention: to challenge and activate ence opposition than from an inherent limi-
audiences even in the process of instruction tation. By way of visible proof and case study,
or entertainment. In this regard, analysis we might consider the photographic work of
remains the documentarists most crucial Paul Strand in whom a dual emphasis, per-
support. haps along the very lines of the experience/
experiment division posed by Williams, was
always distinguishable. Attention was paid to
the inexhaustible subject matter of the world
IV. To Express
around him (What exists outside the artist
The expressive is the aesthetic function that is much more important than his imagina-
has consistently been undervalued within tion. The world outside is inexhaustible.37),
the nonfiction domain; it is, nevertheless, but equally to its organization by the artist.
amply represented in the history of the doc- A palpable tension can thus be said to ani-
umentary enterprise. While the Lumiress mate Strands work in both film and photog-
actualities may have set the stage for non- raphy, arising from seemingly irreconcilable
fiction films emphasis on the signified, an requirements: for objectivityan attitude
historically conditioned taste for dynamic toward his subject matter which his one-time
if not pictorialist photographic composi- mentor Alfred Stieglitz termed brutally
tion accounts for the diagonal verve of the directand, with an equal level of insis-
train stations rendering at la Ciotat. Most tence, for the free play of the subjectiveself.
sources agree that Robert Flaherty was the The work of Paul Strand reminds us that
documentary films first poet as well as itin- the documenting eye is necessarily trans-
erant ethnographer. Flahertys expressivity formational in a thousand ways; Strands
was verbal as well as imagistic in origin; mutations of the visible world simply
to the compositions in depth of trackless foreground the singularity of his vision as
snowscapes in Nanook of the North (1922), against the familiarity of his object source.
one must consider as well the flare for poetic Under scrutiny, the Griersonian definition
language (the sun a brass ball in the sky). of documentarythe creative treatment of
The cycle of city symphony films of the actualityappears to be a kind of oxymoron,
1920s [The Man with a Movie Camera, Berlin: the site of an irreconcilable union between
Symphony of a Great City (1927), A Propos invention on the one hand and mechanical
de Nice (1930)] declared their allegiance in reproduction on the other. And, as with the
754Truth Not Guaranteed

figure of the oxymoron in its literary con- inverse operation; distance is replaced by
text, this collision can be the occasion of an proximity. An unexpected display of scale
explosive, often poetic effect. So much can here alters a realist detail into a textural field
be said, at least, for the work of Paul Strand. intensified by the play between the natural
Take, for example, certain of Strands (the swirl of grain) and the man-made (the
early photographs from 1915 or 1916 horizontals and verticals of carpentry). It is,
(AbstractionBowls, Connecticut, 1915 in fact, the photographic artists discovery of
and White Fence, 1916) in which every- the unanticipatedhis ability to unleash the
day objects or landscapes are naturally visual epiphanythat wrenches the image
lit and composed for the camera in such free of its purely preservational moorings.
a way as to urge their reception as wholly As a study of Strands work and that of other
constructed artifacts, sculptural or collaged. accomplished documentary artists reveals,
Strand here enforces a kind of retinal ten- there need be no exclusionary relations
sion between the two-dimensional image between documentation and artfulness.
surface (forcefully restated by the aggres- It is important to expand the received
sive frontality of the white picket fence) and boundaries of the documentary form to con-
the three-dimensionality implied by chiar- sider work traditionally regarded as of the
oscuro or deep-focus photography. There is, avant-garde. Films such as Stan Brakhages
at the same moment, a tension of another Pittsburgh Trilogy (three films made in
sort that arises in our apperception of such the early seventiesone shot in a morgue,
compositionsthat which is occasioned another in a hospital, the third from the
by a clash between a perceived sense of the back seat of a police car) or Peter Kubelkas
everyday (objects or vistas that one might Unsere Afrikareise share with mainstream
encounter casually) and of the wholly for- documentary a commitment to the repre-
mal ensemble (that which has been taken sentation of the historical real. Significantly,
causally, fabricated, for its aesthetic value). the focus of pieces such as these typically
Consider further in this regard Strands remains the impression of the world on
treatment of architectural motifs, tightly the artists sensorium and his or her inter-
framed or nestled in a landscape of com- pretation of that datum (Brakhages trem-
peting geometrical and tonal motifs. Is ulous handheld camera as he witnesses
it simply a special case that allows what open-heart surgery in Deus Ex) or the radi-
might be termed the competent reader cal reworking of the documentary mate-
of the photograph to see Mondrian with rial to create sound/image relationships
and against the documentary image in one unavailable in nature (Kubelkas synch
instance (Basque Facade, Arbonnes in the event). For indeed, the realm of filmic
Pyrennes, 1951) or, in another, a dazzling nonfiction is a continuum along which
white arrow pointed heavenward rather can be ranged work of great expressive
than a simple frame structure in a cluster of variabilityfrom that which attends little to
other dwellings (White Shed, the Gasp, the vehicle of expression (the not-so-distant
1929)? One of Strands truly emblem- apotheosis of cinema veritsurveillance
atic images, his rendering of Wall Street technologymight serve as the limit case)
shot from the steps of the Subtreasury to that which emphasizes the filtering of
Building, transforms the fact of scalethe the represented object through the eye and
monumentality of the Morgan Building mind of the artist. Manny Karchkeimers
and its darkened windows looming over Stations of the Elevated, for instance, is a
insect-sized humansinto a moral state- film about NewYork subways and the graf-
ment. The close-up of the latch of a door fiti that covers them that includes not a sin-
in Vermont, made in 1944, performs an gle spoken word. It is the composition of
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 755

images and their orchestration in relation the documentary through the elabora-
to a dynamic jazz score that accounts for tion of four discursive functionsthose
the films effectiveness. of preservation, persuasion, analysis, and
That a work undertaking some manner expressivityI have hoped to introduce
of historical documentation renders that into these considerations a measure of crit-
representation in a challenging or innova- ical stringency capable of encompassing
tive manner should in no way disqualify it historical and political determinations. By a
as nonfiction because the question of expres- progressive focus on first one then another
sivity is, in all events, a matter of degree. All of what I take to be the most fundamen-
such renderings require a series of authorial tal functions of documentary discourse,
choices, none neutral, some of which may I have attempted to judge their historical
appear more artful or purely expressive contingency, textual efficacy, and mutually
than others. There can be little doubt that our defining character. Such a study is neces-
critical valuations and categories (artful doc- sarily open-ended and demands extension
umentary or documentary art) depend on in several directions, not the least of which
various protocols of reading which are his- might be the evaluation of the specific
torically conditioned. Moreover, the ability to effects of video rather than film practices
evoke emotional response or induce pleasure within each of the functional categories.
in the spectator by formal means, to generate As a writer and teacher, I benefit from
lyric power through shadings of sound and work which challenges my critical precon-
image in a manner exclusive of verbaliza- ceptions and takes the occasional risk. It is
tion, or to engage with the musical or poetic my hope that the practitioner can likewise
qualities of language itself must not be seen draw upon my research as a basis for an
as mere distractions from the main event. ongoing process of self-examination and
Documentary culture is clearly the worse for boundary-testing. For in the cultural context
such aesthetic straitjacketing. Indeed, the in which lively debate gives way entirely to
communicative aim is frequently enhanced survival techniques or business as usual, all
by attention to the expressive dimension; pay a price. If a vital, self-sustaining docu-
the artful film or tape can be said to utilize mentary film culture is, indeed, our shared
more effectively the potentialities of its cho- goal, we cannot afford tofail.
sen medium to convey ideas and feelings. In
the end, the aesthetic function can never be
wholly divorced from the didactic one insofar Acknowledgment
as the aim remains pleasurable learning.
An earlier version of this essay was delivered
as the keynote address to the Twelfth Annual
Conclusion Ohio University Conference in November
1990. I am grateful to Bill Nichols, Chuck
I have, in these remarks, attempted to Wolfe, and Edward Branigan for their care-
sketch out the epistemological, rhetori- ful reading and for suggestions which have
cal, and aesthetic terrain within which the greatly benefited thistext.
documentary enterprise has historically
arisen. My purpose has been to clarify
and enrichto clarify certain key issues
implicit to our shared pursuits in order 1. Tzvetan Todorov, The Poetics of Prose, trans. Richard
to enrich the critical and creative activi- Howard (Ithaca:Cornell University Press, 1977),33.
2. Quoted in Calvin Tomkins, Look to the Things
ties that arise out of that commitment. Around You, The NewYorker, 16 September
By invoking the model of a poetics for 1974,90.
756Truth Not Guaranteed
3. Aristotle, Poetics, trans. Gerald F.Else (Ann Arbor: mean that, in the manner of Todorov, there is no
The University of Michigan Press, 1967),4,15. description without interpretation (thus, all science
4. Lubomr Doleel, Occidental Poetics:Tradition and is, to a degree, artful) or simply that literary
Progress (Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press, studies is capable of being undertaken with the
1990),56. rigor of science (thus, some aesthetic inquiry is the
5. Despite the historical limitations of Doleels epistemological equal of science). The statement
account of the evolution of Occidental poetics could also be understood as a statement about
he ends in 1945, prior to the postwar effloration Barthess own intellectual history, his journey from
of inquiry in Francethe book offers a useful the painstaking semiological treatises of the 1960s
periodization of poetics in the West and a sense of to the essayistic writings of the late 1970s. The art/
the rich ancestry of contemporary manifestations. science split has certainly been the subject of much
6. Iwill insist on including video in the discussion debate (see, for example, the classic exposition
of documentary film even while noting that the of the problem in C.P. Snows Two Cultures or
two media forms are irreducibly distinct. It is my Raymond Williams entry on science in Keywords).
sense that the four modalities of documentary Of all branches of aesthetic inquiry, poetics
discourse traced here obtain for both film and confronts the question most vigorously.
video but manifest themselves differently and 10. From Coleridges Biographia Literaria (1817), as
within distinguishable historical contexts. One brief cited in Doleel (87).
example must suffice by way of illustration. It might 11. It is gratifying to note that the critical tide is
be said that video has emerged as a discursive field now beginning to turn; judging by the number
with a particular relationship to preservation, the and quality of recent conference presentations
first documentary function. Videotape was developed and books recently completed or underway,
in 1956 as a storage system for an electronic signal considerably more attention now seems to be
and has been deeply enmeshed with surveillance accorded nonfiction work. But in relative terms,
technologies ever since. For unlike the Lumires theoretical considerations of the documentary lag
cinematic apparatus which, from the first, could far behind.
double as a camera and a projector, televisiona 12. Much has been written about the uncertain status
medium of transmission dating to the 1930s and of the peer panel review process for NEA grants
earlierrequired another technology to effectuate in the spring and summer of 1992. Under the
the preservation of the sounds and images it leadership of a Bush appointee, Anne-Imelda
produced. Video is, among other things, televisions Radice, the National Endowment of the Arts has
preservational other. On purely historical grounds, rescinded a handful of grants for art works whose
it would simply be a mistake to conceptualize the subject matter was deemed erotic.
preservational dimension of documentary video as 13. Long after fashioning this fourfold typology for
identical to that of its filmic counterpart. The case documentary discursivity (which has evolved in
could be made in similar ways for each of the four my teaching over a decade), Inoted the possible
modalities of documentary discursivity for video. relationship to Hayden Whites discussion of
Such a working through is much deserved but must the four master tropes (metaphor, metonymy,
await another occasion. synecdoche, irony) which reappear in critical
7. Tzvetan Todorov, Introduction to Poetics, trans. thought from Freud to Piaget to E.P. Thompson.
Richard Howard (Minneapolis: University of White attributes to Vico the notion that this
Minnestoa Press, 1981), 45. Todorov does not diataxis of discourse not only mirrored the
entirely discount the possibility that there could be a processes of consciousness but in fact underlay
substantive separation of interpretation and science and informed all efforts of human beings to
(hence, poetics) because the latter is neither entirely endow their world with meaning [Hayden White,
descriptive nor interpretive but instead works for Tropics of Discourse:Essays in Cultural Criticism
the establishment of general laws of which this (Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,
particular text is the product (6). Todorov does not 1978),5].
so much critique science (as the scholars dream 14. Hans Richter, The Struggle for the Film, trans.
discourse) as indemnify it against its potential Ben Brewster (NewYork:St. Martins Press,
detractors. That critique will be Foucaults. 1986),4244.
8. Roland Barthes, The Return of the Poetician, 15. Karl G.Heider, Ethnographic Film (Austin:
The Rustle of Language, trans. Richard Howard University of Texas Press, 1976),19.
(Berkeley:University of California Press, 1989),172. 16. Andr Bazin, The Ontology of the Photographic
9. Barthes position in the question of the separability Image, What Is Cinema?, trans. Hugh Gray
of interpretation and description is, as ever, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967), 14.
complex. In his 1977Inaugural Lecture at the 17. Some years later, Derrida reminded us that all
College de France, Barthes argued that, in regard writing places memory and forgetfulness in
to the presumed opposition between the sciences tension. The creation of a documentary image
and letters, it is possible that this opposition will may be a memorializing gesture but it equally
appear one day to be a historical myth [A Barthes implies an acknowledgment of the radical alterity
Reader, ed. Susan Sontag (NewYork:Hill and Wang, of the sign, defined as the place where the
1982),464], The statement is equivocal:It could completely other is announced as suchwithout
Toward a Poetics of Documentary 757

any simplicity, any identity, any resemblance to truth in cinema suggests that the erosion of
or continuityin that which is not it [Jacques referentials associated with the postmodern
Derrida, Of Grammatology, trans. Gayatri is being resisted in some quarters with great
Chakravorty Spivak (Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins intensity.
University Press, 1974),47]. Writing is at once 28. See Michael Renov, Re-Thinking Documentary:
mnemotechnique and the power of forgetting Toward a Taxonomy of Mediation, Wide Angle,Vol.
(Derrida, Of Grammatology,24]. From this 8, Nos. 3 and 4, 1986,7177.
perspective, one might say that the documentative 29. For a detailed discussion of the psychosocial
desire responds both to the pleasure principle and dynamic engaged through an idealization of the
its beyond. other in documentary film practices, see my
18. Andre Bazin, What Is Cinema?, trans. HughGray Imaging the Other: Representations of Vietnam
(Berkeley:University of California Press, in Sixties Political Documentary, From Hanoi to
1967),162. Hollywood: The Vietnam War in American Film,
19. Ibid., 155,158. Linda Dittmar and Gene Michand, eds. (New
20. Aristotle, Rhetoric, trans. W.Rhys Roberts (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1990),
York: Random House, 1954),22. 255268.
21. For a brief account of the cognitivist paradigm 30. Roland Barthes, Historical Discourse,
and its relation to matters of filmic narration, see Introduction to Structuralism, ed. Michael Lane
David Bordwell, Narration in the Fiction Film (NewYork:Basic Books, Inc., 1970), 149,154.
(Madison, WI:University of Wisconsin Press, 31. John Tagg, The Burden of Representation:Essays
1985), 2947. See, generally, Bordwells A Case on Photographies and Histories (Amherst:The
for Cognitivism in a special issue of Iris devoted University of Massachusetts Press, 1988),35.
to Cinema and Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 5, No. 32. Jacques Derrida, The Law of Genre, Glyph 7
2 (1989),1140. (Spring 1980),204.
22. Bill Nichols, Ideology and the Image:Social 33. Tagg, The Burden of Representation,13.
Representation in the Cinema and Other Media 34. Clifford Geertz, Thick Description:Toward an
(Bloomington:Indiana University Press, Interpretive Theory of Culture, The Interpretation
1981),210. of Cultures (NewYork:Basic Books, 1973),29.
23. Ibid., 211212. 35. My discussion of the analyze/interrogate
24. Raymond Williams, Keywords:AVocabulary modality would suggest that documentary
of Culture and Society (London:Flamingo, interrogation necessarily entails reflexivity.
1976),278. This is certainly not the case as any retum to
25. Richter, The Struggle for the Film,46. the historical roots of the analytical impulse of
26. Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida, trans. Richard documentary cinema will testify. Whether one
Howard (NewYork:Hill and Wang, 1981),9. considers the earliest Muybridge experiments
27. The threshold of audience acceptance for in animal locomotion, Vertovs belief in the
documentary reconstruction or reenactment perfectibility of the kino eye, or the interrogation
remains volatile; it is dependent both on historical of visible action in Timothy Aschs The Ax
moment and subject matter. Preenactments Fight which essays social-scientific explanation
(visions of what could be, presented in a over simple description, it is clear that the
documentary format) have proven to be most interrogation (here distinguished from the
controversial when the future vision they offer is observation) of social reality via camera and
apocalyptic. Both Peter Watkins The War Game recorder has been one of the documentarists
(1966) and Ed Zwicks SpecialBulletin (1983)two chief concerns. My own preference is to focus
films about nuclear disasterproved plausible on instances of the analytical function which
enough for contemporary audiences to foster include an additional metacritical level of
political battles (the BBC refused to screen interrogation insofar as they, in taking their own
Watkinss film as planned) or public dismay (the discursive operations as a crucial component of
media coverage following the Special Bulletin analysis, provide an ideal model for study. This
broadcast offered testimony to the panic caused is not to suggest that the analytical impulse in
despite the disclaimers which accompanied the documentary is excluded from all but the most
broadcast). The controversies which swirl around reflexive instances. Rather, it is my sense that
the question of documentary reconstruction/ the reflexive text constitutes a kind of limit case
reenactmentpost-enactmentsseem or crisis of documentary analytics which can
inescapable insofar as they address a core issue for illustrate the functional grouping most vividly.
all documentaryveracity. Most attacks against The 36. See Earl Miners Comparative Poetics: An
Thin Blue Line or Roger and Me, for example, have Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature
been based upon the presumption that authorial (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990),
liberties taken toward the presentation of the particularly his introductory chapter, Comparative
facts have vitiated the films possible claims to Poetics (1233). Quoted in Calvin Tomkins, Look
authenticity. (Question:Can documentary truth to the Things Around You, The New Yorker, 16
ever afford to be stylized?) The popular attachment September 1974, 45.


In the quest for a scientific use of film, Seeing is believing. The formula, dear to
there is, typically, a tendency to validate cer- both fictional and factual films, assumes
tain technical strategies, in order to ensure that cinemas role remains that of hyp-
the defense of the ideological neutrality of notizing and propagandizing. The more
the image. The purposeful, object-oriented sophisticated the recording technology, the
camera eye does not allow any filmed event closer to the real the film practice is said to
to simply be fortuitous. Everything must be be. (Documentary) films that appeal to the
bathed with meaning. Translated or scien- objective, scientific mind are those eager to
tifically interpreted. Contrary to what many tie cinematic language to scientific rigor.
writers on documentary films have said, With the development of an increasing,
the striving for verisimilitude and for that unobtrusive technology, the human eye is
authentic contact with lived reality is expected to identify with the camera eye and
precisely that which links factual (direct its mechanical neutrality. The filmmaker/
and concrete according to another clas- camera-operator should either remain as
sification) films to studio-made films and absent as possible from the work, masking
blurs their line of distinction. Both types thereby the constructed meaning under the
perpetuate the myth of cinematic natu- appearance of the naturally given meaning,
ralness, even though one tries its best to or appear in person in the film so as to guar-
imitate life while the other claims to dupli- antee the authenticity of the observation.
cate it. THIS IS HOW IT IS. Or was. The Such a boldness or a concession (depend-
unfolding scene is captured, not only by an ing on how you interpret it) denotes less a
individual, but also by a mechanical device. need to acknowledge the subjectivity of an
The mechanical bears testimony to its true individuals point of view (if it does, it is
existence and is a guarantee of objectivity. bound to be a very simplistic way to solve
Mechanical Eye, Electronic Ear and the Lure of Authenticity 759

the problem), than a desire to marry imper- Filming supposes as much premeditation as
sonal observation and personal participa- submission. Intentionally unintentionalthen?
tion. This happy synthesis of the universal
The fools are interesting people, a film says.
scientific and the personal humanist is
And i look outside. Cant do without rest.
thought to result in a greater humanity and
Cant the fools be fools too?
at the same time a greater objectivity. In the
progression toward Truth, it seems clear We all see differently. How can it be
that one can only gain, never lose. First, other wise when images no longer illut-
conform to scientific demands, then show strate words and words no longer explain
scientists are also human beings. The order images? Which progression? Which
is irreversible. And the ideology adopted is folding?
no other than that of capturing the move-
ment (objects) of life or restituting it (them) The cineaste still selects the framing, light-
in a raw manner, and revealing the authen- ing (be it natural or artificial), focus, speed,
tic reality by a neutral camera as well as a but s/he should follow validated technical
neutral cineaste, whose role is to interfere/ strategies and avoid all montageregarded
participate as little as possible, therefore to as an artfice likely to compromise the
hide technologically as much as feasible. authenticity of the work. The question at
Human interventions in the filming and issue is that of greater or lesser falsification.
editing process are carried out scientifi- Although the selection and treatment of the
cally and reduced to a minimum. material being filmed already indicate the
side s/he chooses (with its ideological bias
Some call it Documentary. i call it No and constraints), lesser falsificationsuch
Art, No Experiment, No Fiction, No as editing in the camera [sic] or exposing
Documentary. To say something, no cuts as black spaces in the structure of
thing, and allow reality to enter. Capture the filmoften implies no falsification. At
me. This, i feel, is no surrender. Contraries least, this is what one senses through many
meet and mate and i work best at the lim- documentary filmmakers discourse and
its of all categories. what their works connote. For despite their
denial of conventional notions of objectiv-
Reassemblage. From silences to silences, ity and contempt for romantic naturalism,
the fragile essence of each fragment they continue to ask: how can we be more
sparks across the screen, subsides and objective? better capture the essence? see
takes flight. Almost there, halfnamed. them as they see each other? and let them
speak for themselves? Among the validated
There is no hidden unity to be grasped. strategies that reflect such a yearning and
Yours. Perhaps a plural moment of meeting state of mind are: the long take, hand-held
or a single significant note, on the run. To camera, sync sound (authentic sound)
seize it as substance is to mistake the foot- overlaid with omniscient commentary (the
prints made by the shoes for the shoes them- human science rationale), wide-angle lens,
selves. To fix it as pure moment pure note is and anti-aestheticism (the natural versus
to restore it to thevoid. the beautiful, or the real/native versus the
fictional/foreign). To value the long take as
The nature of many questions asked leads ines- an attempt at eliminating distortions is, in
capably to intention-oriented answers . On the a way, to say that life is a continuous pro-
frontline, every single intervention on my side cess with no ruptures, no blanks, no black-
has its reason of being. True. But the truth of outs. The longer, the truer. Hollywoodian
reason is not necessarily the reality of the lived. montage also aims at the same: building
760Truth Not Guaranteed

up the illusion of continuity and immortal- without blinking. And i often take back
ity. For death strolls between images and what ive just shown, for i wish i had made
what advanced technology holds out to us a better choice. How do you go about fram-
are the prospects of longer and longer life. ing life? We linger on, believing everything
The fusing of real time and film time may we show is worth showing. Worth?
denote an intent to challenge the codes of
cinematic tricks as well as a rigor in work- Emphasis, here again, is laid on coherence
ing with limitations. But the long take is of cinematic space, not on discontinuity (the
rarely used as a principle of construction hand-held camera can be used precisely to
in itself, involving not only the length but deny and shatter that coherence). The travel-
also the quality and structure of the shot. In ling shot gives the image a touch of authen-
most cases, it is defended on the grounds of ticity:the movements of the person filming
its temporal realism, and the goal pursued and those of the camera intermingle, even
remains chiefly that of preventing reality though nothing in the result yielded seems
from being falsely interpreted or deformed to suggest a radical departure from the
through the removal of expressive editing conventional realist account of an action.
techniques. The same may be said of the Walking about with the camera does provide
hand-held camera. the camera operator with greater freedom
of movement, hence greater ability to catch
What self expression? i mis-express people either unaware or acting naturally,
myself more than it mis-expresses me. that is to say while they are still alive. The
Impresses itself on me. Until it enters. camera changes situations, especially when
Penetrates. Ensnares. Now i see and hear it remains static on a tripod, and when the
myself decensoring. operator has to move from one observa-
tion post to another. But what so often goes
Jump cuts; jerky, unfinished, insignifi- unchallenged herein the tripod as well as
cant pans; split faces, bodies, actions, hand-held camerais the assumed need
events; rhythms, rhythmized images, to offer several views of the same subject/
slightly off the beat, discord; irregular object from different angles, to follow or cir-
colors, vibrant, saturated or too bright; cle him/her/it; and the exigency for an iden-
framing and reframing, hesitations; tification between the cameras eye and the
sentences on sentences, looped phrases, spectators eye, as well as for a perfect bal-
snatches of conversations, cuts, broken ance between the movements of the cam-
lines, words; repetitions; silences; chas- era/operator and those of the subjects being
ing camera; squatting position; a look filmed. Omniscience.The synchronous
for a look; questions, returned ques- recording of image and sound further rein-
tions; silences. forces the authentic contact with the lived and
For many of us, the best way to be neutral living reality. Given the present state of tech-
and objective is to copy reality meticulously. nology, the use of sync sound has become
Repeated. almost mandatory in all factual films. So has
the practice of translating and subtitling the
Discontinuity begins with non- cleavages. words of the informants. There is a certain
Inside/outside, personal/impersonal, veneration for the real sound of the film (an
subjectivity/objectivity. electronic sound that is often spoken of as
if it is real life sound) and for the oral tes-
They cant do without cleavages. i always timony of the people filmed. There is also a
blink when i look. Yet they pretend to gaze tendeney to apprehend language exclusively
at it for you ten minutes, half an hour as Meaning. IT HAS TO MAKE SENSE. WE
Mechanical Eye, Electronic Ear and the Lure of Authenticity 761

WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY THINK for its ability to reduce false interpretations
AND HOW THEY FEEL. Making a film on/ and is particularly valued by filmmakers
about the others consists of allowing them concerned with, for example, indigenous
paternalistically to speak for themselves peoples complex kinship structures and
and, since this proves insufficient in most their notions of the community, the group
cases, of completing their speech with the or the family. This time, the creed is: the
insertion of a commentary that will objec- wider, the truer. Closeups are too partial;
tively describe/interpret the images accord- the camera that focuses on an individual or
ing to a scientific-humanistic rationale. a group proves to be heavily biased, for it
fails to relate that persons or that groups
Thats not imposing, thats sharing. i fre- activities to those of their kin. So goes the
quently accept similar formulas some- reasoning, as if a larger frame (one that con-
times, i think, i should hes-i-tatemore. tains more) is less of a frame, as if the wide
angle does not, like the closeup, cut off life.
Breaking rules still refers torules. Moreover, the wide angle is known to distort
images.Thus, when it is used exclusively and
On the lookout for messages that unquestionably throughout a film, even in
may be wrested from the objects of instances where there is only one person in
observation. front of the camera, it involuntarily deforms
the figures of the subjects, giving the spec-
Music is the opium of cinema. tator the impression of looking constantly
through an aquarium. Some filmmakers will
Why not put in some naturalsounds instead of not hesitate to answer to this that the aes-
silences? someoneasks. thetic quality of the visuals is of secondary
importance. No Art here. A beautiful shot
Images. Not only images, but images and is apt to lie, while a bad shot is a guaran-
words that defy words and commentary. tee of authenticity, one that loses in attrac-
tiveness but gains in truth. Which truth,
A sliding relation between ear and eye. finally? And which reality, when life
Repetitions are never identical. and art are perceived dualistically as two
mutually exclusive poles? When dead, shal-
Language as voice and musicgrain, tone, low, un-imag-inative images are validated
inflections, pauses, silences, repetitionsgoes on pretext of their capturing life directly?
underground. Instead, people from remote It is, perhaps, precisely the claim to catch
parts of the world are made accesible through life in its motion and show it as it is that
dubbing/subtitling, transformed into has led a great number of documentar-
English-speaking elements and brought into ians not only to present bad shots, but
conformity with a definite mentality. This also to make us believe that life is as dull
is astutely called giving voiceliterally as the images they project on the screen.
meaning that those who are/need to be Beauty for beautys sake sounds hope-
given an opportunity to speak up never had lessly sterile in todays context of filmmak-
a voice before. Without their benefactors, ing. However, between a film that is not
they are bound to remain non-admitted, slickthat is to say not concerned with aes-
non-incorporated, therefore, unheard. theticism per seone that wallows in natu-
One of the strategies that has been gain- ral romanticism, and one that mechanically
ing ground in ethnographic cinema is the or lifelessly records the seen, there are dif-
extensive if not exclusive use of the wide ferences. And differences, I believe, never
angle. Here again, the wide angle is favored offer two absolute oppositions.
762Truth Not Guaranteed

To say nothing, no thing and shut that more to Life than analogy and accu-
spinning verbaltop. mulation of thereal.
Or shatter that outer, inner speech, which
fills in every time space, allowing me to A fiction of security.
exist as a crystallizedI. When i spoke about relationships i was
immediately asked: between what?
Hear with that mechanical eye and i have always thought within what?
seewith that electronic ear. The text is For between can be endless, starting
not meant to duplicate or strengthen the from you are me camera/filmmaker/
verisimilitude of the images. It can, at spectator/events/persons filmed/images/
best, strip them of their usual chatter. sound/silence/music/language/color/
The tyranny of the camera goes un-
challenged. Instead of alleviating it and The very effort will killit.
acknowledging it, many declare it arro-
gant and walk on unpressured. They only speak their own language and
when they hear foreign soundsno language
Surely, there is more to Art than the to their earthey walk off warily, saying:
straightness of lines and the perfection Its not deep enough, we havent learned
of images. Similarly, there must be anything.

D O C U M E N TA R Y ( 1 9 8 8 * )

You know this film (Children at School) was made in 1937. The other thing is that
this film shows up the appalling conditions in the schools in Britain in 1937 which
are identical with the ones which came out on television the night before last:over-
crowded classes, schoolrooms falling down, and so on. Its the same story. That is
really terrible, isntit?

Basil Wright,1974

One Documentary found its subject in the first

decade of sound, and by the late thirties the
A. J.Liebling once remarked that it was dif- now familiar parade of those of the disad-
ficult for the cub reporter to remember that vantaged whose deviance was sufficiently
his (or her) great story was somebody elses interesting to attract and hold our atten-
disastrous fire. Much the same could be tion had been established. It was not yet
said of the impulse to social amelioration, dominant and World War II was to distract
which is a central element in Griersons from its importance, but it was there. Each
rhetoric and which, therefore, has become successive generation of socially concerned
over this past half-century a major part film-makers since the war has found, on
of the great documentary tradition. both sides of the Atlantic, in housing and

*Revised 2015.
764Truth Not Guaranteed

education, labor and nutrition, health and there be for continuing to make such films
welfare an unflagging source of material. and tapes? Griersons purpose was clearly
For the most prestigious publicly funded enunciated: To command, and cumula-
documentarist as well as the least effec- tively command, the mind of a generation.
tive of local news teams, the victim of soci- The documentary film was conceived and
ety is ready and waiting to be the medias developed as an instrument of public use.2
victimtoo. There was nothing, though, in this ambition
This victim, however, does not figure (shared by the entire documentary move-
much in the theoretical or public discussion ment) to be the propagandists for a better
of documentary. There an agenda has been and more just society which would inevita-
set which concentrates on issues of trans- bly lead to the constant, repetitive, and ulti-
parency and narratology, on the morality of mately pointless exposure of the same set
mediation and reconstruction, on the devel- of social problems on the televisions of the
opment of style, and on the effects of new West night after night. How this came to be
equipment. The people whose co-operation the case is the subject of thispaper.
is crucial to documentarists have as little The Griersonian tradition cannot be con-
place in that discussion as they do (usu- tained by referencing the practice of one
ally) in the making of the films and tapes small group of British film-makers during
in which they star. Indeed documenta- two decades of activity. For good or ill, it is
rists by and large take an aggrieved view here assumed, that Griersons direct and
of this issue, should it be raised. Frederick indirect influence have affected documen-
Wiseman: tary film production worldwide. In particu-
lar, it is suggested that in North America the
Sometimes after films are completed influence has been strong and obvious, both
people feel retrospectively that they as to the institutional framework seen to be
had a right of censorship, but there appropriate for documentary production
are never any written documents to and in the topics documentarists choose to
support that view. Icouldnt make a make films about. Thus the argument of
film which gave somebody else the this paper will criss-cross the Atlantic. First
right to control the final print.1 a crucial shift in the documentary subject
will be isolated as having taken place in
Wisemans attitude is, I would argue, the Britain in the mid-thirties. This, the dis-
typical one. Interference of any kind is a covery of the victim of society as a suit-
clear breach of the film-makers freedom able subject, raises a number of essentially
of speech and, as such, is to be resisted. ethical questions for Grierson and his suc-
But given the tradition of the victim, cessors, questions which confront contem-
the filmmakers freedoms often seem like porary documentary practice on both sides
nothing so much as abridgements of the of the Atlantic. These will be addressed in
rights of their subjects, rights which, for the third section below. Since there is little
all that they are less than well defined, debate in documentary circles about the
are nevertheless of importance in a free implications of these practices in the final
society. sections we shall turn to the courts for guid-
The persistence of the social problems ance, situating these ethical questions in
that these texts are, at a fundamental level, the traditions of the common law and its
supposed to be ameliorating is never dis- approaches to the issue of privacy. Most of
cussed. But if it is the case that housing our evidence here comes from the United
problems are unaffected by fifty years of States, so we will conclude by concentrat-
documentary effort, what justification can ing, perforce, on American legal precedents.
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 765

But we shall begin half a century ago in the job, lecturing on philosophy at the Durham
U.K., confident in the belief that Griersons University outpost in Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
practice has directly influenced contempo- allowed him time to work, and work seri-
rary film-makers in many countries, includ- ously, in that citys slums.8
ing the U.S.; and that it is his benchmarks In its day, the social attitude of Griersons
which have been established for all subse- colleagues was genuine and to be expected;
quent documentary work both in film and and their achievement on the screen was not
television for the entire English-speaking inconsiderable. Grierson claims that the
world and beyond. workers portraits in Industrial Britain were
cheered in the West End of London. The
strange fact was that the West End had never
seen workmens portraits beforecertainly
Two not on the screen.9

From 1929 to 1937 Grierson synthesised [The films] were revolutionary because
two distinct elements. Firstly he focused they were putting on the screen for
the general social concern of his time into the first time in British filmsand
a program of state-supported film-making. very nearly in world filmsa work-
Such were conditions during the Great ingmans face and a workingmans
Depression that even on the Right in Britain hands and the way the worker lived
the need for measures of state intervention and worked. Its very hard with tele-
in many fields was accepted. Indeed the gen- vision nowadays and everything, to
eration of young Conservatives whose politi- realise how revolutionary this was,
cal philosophy was formed at this time were that British films, as such, were pho-
exactly those post-war leaders who agreed tographed plays, that any working
to the Welfare State and thereby established class people in British films were
the consensus which is only now being the comics.10
destroyed. I mention this simply because it
is easy to treat the group around Grierson as This emerging iconography, a contrast to
dilettantes. (Wright speaks of his slight pri- the parade of Noel Coward servants that was
vate income3; Rotha writes of his parents as the norm, did not, at first, concentrate on
far from well-off who, nevertheless, man- the lower classes as victims.
aged to send him to thirteen private schools On the contrary, the second element influ-
in as many years4; Watt states: I came encing the movement ensured that this would
from a normal middle-class background. not be the case. Robert Flahertys powerful
My father was a member of Parliament.5) example moved the desire to document the
To modern eyes the films they made, virtu- realities of working life into the realm of the
ally all of them stilted and condescending, poetic. Flaherty was responsible for Industrial
tend to reinforce the unfortunate impres- Britain although the film was finished by
sion that, as a group, they were nothing but Grierson (and ruined by the distributor who
poseurs, clutching their double firsts from added the West End voice and overblown
Cambridge. There is no reason, though, commentary). Griersons group admired
to doubt the sincerity of their impulse to Flahertys approach enormously. Their pri-
get the British workmen on the screen or mary aesthetic allegiance was the Soviet silent
indeed to help the working class in other cinema which meshed well with their social-
ways.6 To start with we were left wing to ist rhetoric, but they were also susceptible
a man. Not many of us were communists, to Flahertys poeticism despite the fact that
but we were all socialists.7 Griersons first it eschewed the social responsibilities they
766Truth Not Guaranteed

embraced. Grierson was dismissive of what about it. But you dont do something
he called Flahertys emphasis of man against unless you feel some sort of empa-
the sky, preferring films of industrial and thy and concern with the problem,
social function, where man is more likely to and the cold commentary voice
be in the bowels of the earth.11 doesnt really excite you very much.13

There wasnt any serious attempt at The competition between Griersons line
characterisation of the kind you find and the splinter group was short-lived.
in Flaherty because we regarded this Griersons attempt to reconstruct the land-
as a bit romantic. We were all pretty scape of industrial Britain in terms of
serious-minded chaps then, you know, Flahertys exoticism (and Eisensteins edit-
and we believed, like the Russians, ing methods) withered on thevine.
that you should use individuals in
your film in a not exactly dehuman- We worked together [explains
ized way but a sort of symbolicway.12 Grierson] and produced a kind of film
that gave great promise of very high
Edgar Anstey encapsulates the groups view, development of the poetic documen-
but nevertheless Flahertys insistence on tary. But for some reason or another,
using the individual as the centerpiece of there has been no great develop-
his narratives was to prove as seductive as ment of that in recent times. Ithink
the poeticism of his camera style. Flahertys its partly because we ourselves got
contribution to the notion of the documen- caught up in social propaganda. We
tary (the individual as subject and the roman- ourselves got caught up in the prob-
tic style) when mixed with Griesons (social lems of housing and health, the ques-
concern and propaganda) leads directly to tion of pollution (we were on to that
privileging victims as subject matter. For long ago). We got on to the social
the working class can be heroes only in the problems of the world, and we our-
abstract sense that Anstey describes. selves deviated from the poetic line.14

The early school of documentary Grierson is being a little self-serving here

was divorced from people. It showed for the group as a whole did not get on
people in a problem, but you never to the social problems of the time and,
got to know them, and you never in fact, it split apart on the issue. Arthur
felt they were talking to each other. Calder-Marshall, ever the most perceptive of
You never heard how they felt and Griersons contemporary critics, summed
thought and spoke to each other, up the problem. Commenting on the fail-
relaxed. You were looking from a ure of the unit to document the
high point of view at them.13 unrest of postal workers, hewrote:

Examining the individual worker, given the Mr. Grierson is not paid to tell the
predelictions of these filmmakers, meant truth but to make more people
moving from the heroic to the alienated. use the parcel post. Mr. Grierson
Hence victims, and the emergence of a may like to talk about social educa-
sub-school of film-makerswho tion surpliced in self-importance
and social benignity. Other people
wanted to lay on what the problems may like hearing him. But even if it
were for Britain so that we should sounds like a sermon, a sales talk is
see and learn and do something a sales talk.15
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 767

Griersons autocratic grip on documentary used a shipworker to do the commentary on

production in Britain was loosened and the Shipyard but for synchronous sound it was
serious-minded chaps established a mea- necessary to go into the studio, building sets
sure of distance and independence from and duplicating all the procedures of the fic-
him. What is more significant is that they tion film. It is no accident that the first of
also established the way forward, a way that their synchronous sound productions was
the poets themselves came to in a few years. BBC:The Voice of Britain, for the locations
Rotha, partly because of personality were studios, albeit designed for radio. In
clashes but more on principle, had quit to Night Mail technological limitations meant
set up his own unit. Now Anstey and Elton, all the train interiors being shot on a sound
although still disciples, also left. In the films stage. The desire to add the workers voice
these men made in the mid-thirties can be to an authentic location image was easier to
plotted the shift from worker-as-hero to announce than to achieve.
worker-as-victim. But Housing Problems was much more
In Shipyard, a typical Griersonian project than an early solution to a major techni-
about the building of a ship, Rotha (com- cal problem. In making the film, Elton and
missioned by the shipping line and work- Anstey had rethought much of the artistic
ing for a subsidiary of Gaumont-British) rhetoric that Grierson had imported from
injected an understanding of how the ship- Flaherty. Anstey:
builders would be once more idle when the
work was completed. Out of material col- Nobody had thought of the idea
lected on his journeys to and from the yard, which we had of letting slum dwell-
he also made, for the electricity generating ers simply talk for themselves, make
industry, Face of Britain which, inter alia, their own film. we felt that the
contained the first material on the slums camera must remain sort of four
of the industrial heartland. That same year, feet above the ground and dead on,
1935, Elton was making Workers and Jobs, a because it wasnt our film.17
film with synchronous sound about Labour
Exchanges for the Ministry of Labour. With Because Elton and Anstey eschewed the
Anstey he worked on the crucial Housing usual proprietary artistic attitude, the people
Problems for the gas industry. This too in Housing Problems are all named, allowed
employed synchronoussound. the dignity of their best clothes and the
In Housing Problems, Cockney slum luxury of their own words (albeit somewhat
dwellers address the camera directly to expli- stiltedly expressed for the gentlemen of the
cate the living conditions the film depicts. production unit). Of course, this claim of
This was the first time that the working non-intervention (it wasnt our film) can-
class had been interviewed on film in situ. not be taken too seriously, since the inter-
Giving them a voice by obtaining location viewees were chosen and coached by the
sound with the bulky studio optical record- team and the results edited without consul-
ing systems of the day was an exercise in tation. But it did represent a new theme in
technological audacity as great as any in the groups thinking about the function of
the history of the cinema. Sound had come the documentary director, one which was
slowly. In 1934 Grierson was promising, If unfortunately not to be heard again for
we are showing workmen at work, we get the three decades.
workmen to do their own commentary, with What was immediately influential was
idiom and accent complete. It makes for Ansteys view of his interviewees. Instead
intimacy and authenticity, and nothing we of heroic representatives of the proletariat,
could do would be half as good.16 Rotha had he thought of them but as poor, suffering
768Truth Not Guaranteed

charactersvictims. The films were produced, by the early sixties, the currently
moving in topic from romanticized work dominant style of crisis structure docu-
through unemployment to the realities of mentary. Robert Drew, whose position in
domestic conditions. these developments is not unlike Griersons
In the years to come Ansteys view of thirty years before, describes the goal of
his role, that of enabler rather than creator, such work:
and the courtesies he afforded his inter-
viewees would disappear. The victim would What makes us different from other
stand revealed as the central subject of the reporting and other documentary
documentary, anonymous and pathetic, film-making, is that in each of these
and the director of victim documentaries stories there is a time when a man
would be as much of an artist as any other comes against moments of ten-
film-maker. sion, and pressure, and revelation,
Before the war, Anstey was to make and decision. Its these moments
Enough to Eat about malnutrition and that interest us most. Where we dif-
for March of Time he was to cover a bit- fer from TV and press is that were
ter strike in the Welsh coal fieldsrather predicated on being there when
than the titanic miner at work who was things are happening to people that
the earlier icon of the industry. Watt was count.18
to do a number of exposs for March of
Time on the scandal of church tithes and But where the direct cinema practitioners
the riches of football pools (a soccer-based turned out to be the same was in their
commercial lottery) promoters. Wright, choice of the people they would witness in
the most poetic of them all, made Children such situations. Of course, they could and
at School. did observe presidents and movie tycoons
It is with some justice that these men but, as in the thirties, the more fruitful
claim that all current documentary practice strand turned out to be not the powerful but
can be traced back to their activities in the the powerless. And, more than that, direct
thirties. The most potent of their legacies, cinema gave the victim tradition the tech-
however, is this tradition of the victim. nology that allowed a degree of intrusion
Factual television cements the tradi- into ordinary peoples lives which was not
tion into place. It affords a way of appar- previously possible.
ently dealing with the world while, as Direct cinema and cinma vrit were the
Calder-Marshall said of Griersons Drifters, outcome of a concerted effort, culminating
running away from its social meaning. in the late fifties, to develop a particular
For it substitutes empathy for analysis, it technologya lightweight, hand-holdable,
privileges effect over cause, and it, there- synchronous sound film camera. The
fore, seldom results in any spin-offs in the demand for this had come directly out
real worldthat is, actions taken in society of the Griersonian experience, where any
as a result of the program to ameliorate the sort of synchronous shooting required
conditions depicted. So although the major- enormous intervention, if not reconstruc-
ity of television documentaries and news tion, on the part of the film-makers. In the
features deal with victims, normally as types years after the war it seemed to many that
of deviance, such treatment scarcely dimin- without such portable equipment, docu-
ishes the number of victims left in the world mentary film would never deliver on its
as potential subjects. promise to offer un- (or minimally) medi-
Independent documentary production ated pictures of reality. It can be argued
is in like case. The rise of direct cinema that this was entirely the wrong agenda
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 769

because reconstruction was not the real result in the close-up emerging at the
issue, since mediation occurs in far sub- dominant shot in the documentary.
tler and more or less unavoidable ways (There was an early period when the
whatever the techniques used. The argu- direct cinema style encouraged the use of a
ment was nevertheless deployed and the wide-angle lens to simplify focusing prob-
equipment developed. lems. This lens has been largely abandoned
Television had already begun to use because the variable shot size possible with
16mm for news gathering purposes, forc- the zoom lens better serves the needs of
ing the creation of ever more sensitive film transparent editing. It also avoids distor-
stocks. The equipment the industry used for tions, again serving the needs of transpar-
this work formed the basis of the direct cin- ency. And, because it is much more difficult
ema experiments. In turn, the broadcasters to use than a wide-angle, the mysterium of
took up the adaptations the direct cinema the camerapersons craft is more effectively
practitioners made and thereby created a maintained.)
market for the manufacture of custom- The documentary tradition begins with
designed self-blimped cameras and hi-fidelity the individual heroic Inuit, against the sky
battery-driven tape recorders. The possibil- in long shot. Currently it most often dis-
ity of events being more important than were plays the private inadequacies of the urban
the processes of filming them now existed under-class, in the bowels of the earth in
for the first time. No door, especially the close-up. The line that enabled this to hap-
door behind which the disadvantaged were pen can be traced from Flahertys exotic
to be found, need or could be closed to the individuals, through Griersons romanti-
film-makers. cized and heroic workers to Ansteys vic-
Aesthetic as well as technical trends tims caught in Drews crisis structures.
also favored the victim as subject. It is The line was an easy one to follow because
received opinion that television demands technological developments, journalistic
close-ups, but it is no part of profession- predelictions, and ideological imperatives
alisation, in my experience, to stress any all played a role in facilitating it.
such thing. The industry tends to avoid But there is one major concomitant prob-
the big scene because of the expense lem involved in the emergence of the victim
such shots involve rather than because tradition which has never received the atten-
they are considered unreadable by the tion it demands. By choosing victims, docu-
audience, which, palpably, they are not. mentarists abandoned the part supposedly
A number of other factors lead to the played by those who comment publicly on
close-upagainst light backgrounds, society (the watchdogs of the guardians of
receiver tubes (for at least twenty years power). Instead, in almost any documentary
after the war) tended to over-modulate situation, they are always the more powerful
and reduce all darker areas to silhou- partner. The moral and ethical implications
ette. By moving into the face this could of this development are not only ignored;
be avoided. The very small eyepieces of they are dismissed as infringements of
16mm reflex cameras (and, latterly, light- film-makers freedoms.
weight video equipment) again encour-
age the close-up as being more easily
focused than longer shots. The preva-
lence of the 10:1 zoom lens, which can Three
only be properly focused at the long (i.e.
close-up) end of its range, has the same A monstrous, giant, smouldering
effect. All these technological constraints slagheap towering over a shabby
770Truth Not Guaranteed

street of slum houses, hovels While I was waiting outside with

fallen into ruin with one lavatory the film crew a truck pulled up
for fifty persons. But inhabited. in front of us and a burly guy clam-
Rent for a house was 25 shil- bered out and started yelling, What
lings per week. All the property the hell are you guys doing here.
belonged to the company that Youre trespassing, and get the hell
owned the mine. Few men were in off my property. This was Chudiak,
work. Iwatched the rent collectors president of the farmers co-op, but
at their disgusting job; wringing a Ididnt know it at the time and had
few shillings from women some to figure out, first, who is this guy;
of whose men were bloodying second, what do Isay to prevent the
hands and shoulders in the earth whole show from disappearing then
hundreds of feet below where we and there; third, how can Iprevent
stood, or standing on the street him from learning what Im really
corners. From some petty cash doing but still tell him a sufficient
Ihad with me, Ipaid the rent for amount so that I wont feel forever
some families and bought beer guilty of having lied; and fourth,
in the pub for some of the min- how can I keep the trust of the
ers. It gave me pleasure that the migrants, the crew chief, and gain
profits of Gaumont-British should the confidence of this guy, all at the
be so used. How I justified it in same time.21
my accounts when I got back to
London is neither remembered A film-makers lot is clearly not a happy
nor important. So this was Britain onebut it is, arguably, less unhappy than
in the 1930s. 19 that of the migrant workers, the subjects
of the above documentary. Film-makers do
Rotha went to the village of East Shottom worry about lyingto exploiting farmers
in Durham because J. B. Priestley had or the like. This sort of worry can be traced
reported on it in a series of newspaper back to the thirties. Watt described conning
articles which became the book English vicars while making his March of Time about
Journey. This perfectly describes the nor- church tithes:
mal relationship between the print and
audio-visual media, but I quote the diary Being film people, wed take advan-
because it is one of the few references to tage. We used to go to sweet vicars
a film-makers relationship with a subject living in a twenty room house and
that I can find in the literature on docu- with a congregation of ten, mostly
mentary film. For instance Joris Ivens, the old women. And Id say, What
most overtly political of the great docu- a beautiful house and beautiful
mentarists, in his memoir of four decades church. May I photograph? Of
of film-making (The Camera and I) details course, I was showing that he was
only one non-unidimensional relation- living in this enormous house and
ship.20 Normally film-makers regard con- having ten parishioners. The church
tact with their subjects as too uninteresting was very annoyed about the whole
to report. In consequence the literature thing, but it was just what March of
tends to contain only references to what Time wanted.22
are considered deviant encounters, usually
where the film-maker has to resort to sub- With all due respect to these film-makers,
terfuge to get the material needed. such worries are easy. They reveal the
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 771

film-maker in a traditional journalistic role Beyond the illegal there is the danger-
as protector of the powerless and fearless ous. Flaherty paid the men of Aran 5 to
confronter of the powerful. The more vexed risk their lives by taking a canoe out into
moral issue is raised not by the need to a heavy sea. (There is some quite infuriat-
misrepresent oneself before the farmer but ingly stupid comment about this sequence
rather by the necessity of remaining silent, suggesting that the men were in no danger
as to the reality of their situation, in the pres- because of the peculiarities of the waters
ence of the migrant workers. It is not the round Aran. Any who believe this have sim-
fabrication of intention for the vicar but the ply failed to look at the film.) Or there can be
easy assumption that the film-maker and more specific danger as in a student project
the film production company know better which took a man recovering from compul-
than the church established what the soci- sive gambling to the track to see how well
ety best needs. And it is these issues that are he was doing and to provide the film with
not addressed. There are film-makers who a climax.
bring a high-degree of sensitivity to their A more unexpected problem arises when
work. In the seventies, some like George the subject desires media exposure, as in
Stoney, actively began exploring other roles a BBC documentary about an exhibitionist
for themselves. Others created what almost trans-sexual shot in the most voyeuristic
amounted to a subclass of films in which manner consistent with public exhibition.
the documentarist dealt with their own fam- In another British television film, Sixty
ilies, as in Best Boy. It is, though, our con- Seconds of Hatred, a mans murder of his
tention that these were exceptions and that wife was examined. Iwas invited to screen
the potential for documentarists they repre- the movie, on the eve of transmission, and
sent is still attenuated. The victim tradition found, also among the critics, the murderer
dominates. and the teenage son of the marriage who
The victim tradition makes it all too easy was a child when the crime was commit-
to itemize, almost at random, a wide range ted. There was no doubt that the man was
of problems. eager to relive the incident; but, beyond a
First, when dealing with the powerless careful decision not to include him in the
what does the legally required consent film, nobody had further considered what
mean? Since for most people the conse- such a public retelling of the tale might do
quences of media exposure are unknown, to theboy.
how can one be expected to evaluate such These are not, in my view, abstract con-
consequences? For some people, as with the cerns affecting only the subjects of docu-
mentally ill in Wisemans banned Titicut mentaries. The problems also redound
Follies, there is a question of whether or not to the filmmakers. In a British television
consent can be given in any circumstances. documentary, Goodbye, Longfellow Road, the
The same would apply to the male child film crew documented a womans descent
prostitutes appearing in the videotape Third into pneumonia. The crew interviewed the
Avenue, Only the Strong Survive. doctor as he was rushing her stretcher to
In this same text is raised a second ques- the ambulance and ascertained that it was
tion, that of complicity. The crew recon- indeed the result of her living in a hovel
structed a car heist and then filmed one that had caused her condition. As a televi-
of the protagonists in prison subsequent sion producer, Iwould find it extremely dif-
to another robbery of the same kind. All ficult to comfort myself with the thought
films about deviant activities place the that I had contributed to the publics right
film-makers in, at best, quasi-accessory to know when Icould have, for a pittance,
positions. provided my victim with a roof, however
772Truth Not Guaranteed

temporary. Of course, Iwould have needed The courts over the years, according to
another subject for myfilm. the account given by Pember in Privacy and
Other problems arise from the fact that the Press, were to take the basic view that any
these texts have extended and perhaps filmed event, if not reconstructed, was pro-
nearly indefinite lives. Paul, the failed tected by the First Amendment.24
salesman in the Maysles film of that The only line of exceptions to this arose,
name, is constantly exposed as such wher- both for films and the press, out of a series
ever documentary film classes are taught of decisions about the unauthorized use of
or Maysles retrospectives are held. The images in advertisements, the earliest being
anonymous Midwestern boy who spews heard in the English Court of Chancery in
his heart up as a result of a drug overdose 1888. By 1903, NewYork State had a privacy
in Wisemans Hospital, spews away every statute on the books specifically limited to
time the film is screened. Should it be such unauthorized uses for advertising or
played in the community where he is now, trade purposes. The courts were to be very
one hopes, a stable and respectable citizen restrictive in defining trade purposes and
there is nothing he can do about it. For the again and again privacy actions failed if the
film is not a lie; is not maliciously designed commerce involved was simply the com-
to bring him into either hatred, ridicule, or merce of the news business, whatever the
contempt; and, therefore, he has no action medium. In such cases the conflict is seen
for libel. And the film was taken with his as being between the publics right to know
consent, presumably obtained subsequent and the private citizens right to privacy, and
to his recovery. the former normally prevails.
And this consent is, indeed, all that the The courts were happy to distinguish
law requires. The question must be asked, between advertising and news; and the
is it enough? The answer is to be culled above exceptions were based upon the dis-
largely from American experience. tinction. For, despite the terminology used,
the cases turn on some sense of property,
upon the idea that another should not profit
directly out of the use of ones image. Other
Four arguments have been advanced suggest-
ing that persons should be protected from
In 1909 two steamships collided in Long exploitation by the news media because they
Island Sound. On board one of them, a are private individuals. These have been, by
radio operator, John R. Binns, successfully and large, as unsuccessful as the attempts to
(and for the first time anywhere) used his extend the concept of commercial exploita-
machine to call for help. As a result of his tion. The idea of the public man goes back
C.D.Q. only six of the seventeen hundred to 1893 and was extended in the twenties.25
passengers on board drowned. Binns was The right to privacy was then defined as:
a hero. The Vitagraph Company, after the
fashion of the day, made a documentary The right to live ones life in seclu-
about the incident, entirely reconstructed sion, without being subjected to
and using an actor to impersonate Binns. unwarranted and undesired public-
Binns, the actor, was shown as lounging ity. In short it is the right to be left
about and winking at the passengers at the alone There are times, however,
moment of the collision. Binns, the hero, when one, whether willing or not,
suednot only for libel but also for invasion becomes an actor in an occurrence
of privacy. He won on both counts. But the of public or general interest. When
privacy decision was to prove exceptional.23 this takes place he emerges from his
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 773

seclusion, and it is not an invasion me when the film was finished, with
of his right of privacy to publish his most of the trouble starting two or
photograph with an account of such three months after the superinten-
occurrence.26 dent and the attorney general had
seen the film.32
One can become an involuntary public fig-
ure by giving birth to a child at twelve years Wiseman, in this interview, claims this was
of age, being held hostage by a gunman, the first time in American constitutional
having ones skirts blown above ones head history whereby publication of any sort
in public.27 And becoming an involuntary which has not been judged to be obscene has
public figure was no temporary thing. A boy been banned from public viewing. Rather
prodigy could not prevent the press pursu- it was the first time that an injunction was
ing him and removing the cloak of obscurity obtained on the grounds that there was a
he had sought.28 Neither, since the common failure to obtain consent outside of advertis-
law has never acknowledged distress as a ing. The case, although therefore important,
ground of action, could parents prevent the still does not acknowledge the existence of
publication of pictures of the dead bodies of a right of privacy in any well-defined way.
their children.29 Nor can the victims of rape, It joins Binns and Vitagraph Co. among the
for the same reason, keep their names from few precedents which go against the inter-
the media, unless statute orders otherwise, ests of the press and which, almost all, turn
which it does in some states. on consent issues.
Consent, equally, has never been devel- One understands and sympathizes
oped as a concept, except that it was with the emotions stirred by the First
deemed to be unobtainable from minors. In Amendment, but it is an eighteenth-century
Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Wiseman device addressing eighteenth-century situ-
it was further held that consent was not ations. Insisting that what was conceived
obtained from the participants in the film of as a virtual private right should attach to
Titicut Follies. Of the sixty-two mental any legal entity in the society however large;
patients seen in the film, most were not insisting that no technological advance in
competent to sign releases and only twelve communications has affected the basic
such forms were completed.30 (The need essence of privacy and reputation; insist-
for written consent had been established ing that these freedoms are so fragile only
in a case where CBS was successfully sued a domino-theory approach can protect
by a person who was represented in a dra- themall of these things must be aban-
matic reconstruction of a real-life incident doned if the real dangers of the late twentieth
which had been made with his consent and century are to be faced. The point is that, tra-
advice but without written permission.31) ditionally, media have been considered as not
Wisemans account of the Titicut Follies case just the representatives of the general public
is in rather different terms: but the general public itself. Such a view,
while understandable in eighteenth-century
I had permission from the super- terms, fails to distinguish present-day reali-
intendent. I had permission from ties where the media are far from being
the commissioner of correction. the general public but are instead a special
Ihad an advisory opinion from the interest dominated by an oligopolistically
attorney general of Massachusetts, arranged group of international conglom-
and Ihad the strong support of the erates. The commonly held view that the
then lieutenant governor. However, freedoms of expression demanded by such
some of these men turned against entities must be protected because identical
774Truth Not Guaranteed

individual freedoms will be at stake if they enlightened decision. This latter

are not is, Iwould submit, simply false. The element requires that before accep-
individuals right of free speech is now sepa- tance of an affirmative decision
rated from the medias right of the same by the experimental subject there
name by an abyss of technology. They can should be made known to him the
and should be treated differently. nature, duration and purpose of the
experiment; the method and means
by which it is to be conducted; all
Five inconveniences and hazards rea-
sonably to be expected; and the
effects upon his health or person
For film and video-makers caught in the
which may possibly come from his
Griersonian tradition of seeking social ame-
participation in the experiment.33
lioriation through the documentation of
societies victims, the law, given the ampli-
Substitute film for experiment and
fication of message possible with current
experimental in the above and a fair defi-
technologies, allows too much latitude.
nition of a film-makers duty of care results.
Documentarists, by and large, do not libel
Film-makers will argue that this would
and, by and large, do not steal images.
massively reduce access to subjects. So be
Yet they are working with people who, in
it. Since the fifty-year parade of the halt and
matters of information, are normally their
the lame has patently done more good to the
inferiorswho know less than they do
documentarists than it has to the victims,
about the ramifications of the film-making
I see no cause to mourn a diminution of
these texts.
Instead of the crude consent we now
have, more refined consideration would
be needed. Such refinements already exist Notes
in the area of medical and social-science
1. A. Rosenthal, New Documentary in Action (Los
research procedures developed, mainly Angeles:Univ. of California Press, 1971),71.
without the pressure of law, by many pro- 2. H. F.Hardy (ed.), Grierson on Documentary
fessional bodies. Among the most compre- (London:Faber, 1979), 48,188.
3. E. Sussex, The Rise and Fall of British Documentary
hensive of these was the Nuremburg Code. (Los Angeles:Univ. of California Press, 1975),21.
4. P. Rotha, Documentary Diary (NewYork:Hill &
Wang, 1973),1.
The voluntary consent of the 5. Sussex, Rise and Fall,29.
6. Rotha, Documentary Diary,49.
human subject is absolutely essen- 7. Sussex, Rise and Fall,77.
tial. This means that the person 8. Hardy (ed.), Grierson on Documentary,29.
involved should have legal capacity 9. Ibid.,77.
to give consent; should be so situ- 10. Sussex, Rise and Fall,76.
11. Hardy (ed.), Grierson on Documentary,64.
ated as to be able to exercise the free 12. Sussex, Rise and Fall,18.
power of choice, without the inter- 13. Ibid.,76.
vention of any element of force, 14. Ibid.,79.
15. A. Calder-Marshall, The Changing Scene (London:
fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, Chapman and Hall,1937).
or other ulterior form of constraint 16. The G.P.O. Gets Sound in Cinema Quarterly,
or coercion; and should have suf- London,1934.
17. Sussex, Rise and Fall,62.
ficient knowledge and comprehen-
18. In S. Mamber, Cinma Vrit in America
sion of the elements of the subject (Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press, 1974),118.
matter involved as to enable him 19. Rotha, Documentary Diary,104.
to make an understanding and
Tradition of the Victim in Griersonian Documentary 775

20. (NewYork:International Publishers, 1974), 27. Meetze v.AP, 95 S.E. 2nd 606 (1956).
193204. 28. Sidis v.NewYorker 133 Fed. 2nd 806 (1940).
21. Rosenthal, New Documentary in Action,108. 29. Kelly v.Post Publishing Co., 327 Mass. 275 (1951).
22. Sussex, Rise and Fall,89. 30. Pember op. cit., 224 etseq.
23. Binns v.Vitagraph Co., 210 N.Y. 51 (1913). 31. Durgom v.CBS, 214 NYS 2nd 1008 (1961).
24. (Seattle:Washington University Press,1972). 32. Rosenthal, New Documentary in Action, 68 etseq.
25. Corliss v.E. W.Waler and Co. Fed. Rep.280 33. In P. D.Reynolds, Ethics and Social Science
(1894). Research (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall,
26. Jones v.Herald Post Co., 230 Ky. 227 (1929). 1982),143.

The Being of Nothingness (198586)

Claude Lanzmanns Shoah is not simply the and that is why any work that today wants
most ambitious film ever attempted on the to render justice to the Holocaust must take
extermination of the Jews; its a work that as its first principle the fracturing of chro-
treats the problem of representation so scru- nology, Lanzmann has written. Although
pulously it could have been inspired by the Shoah is structured by internal corrobo-
Old Testament injunction against graven rations, in the end you have to supply the
images. The Holocaust is unique in that connections yourself. This film throws you
it creates a circle of flames around itself, upon your own resources. It compels you to
a limit which cannot be crossed because imagine the unimaginable.
a certain absolute horror cannot be trans- Length aside, Shoah is notable for
mitted, Lanzmann wrote in a 1979 essay, the rigor of Lanzmanns method: the
ostensibly about the mini-series Holocaust. eschewing of archival footage and narra-
Pretending to cross that line is a grave tion in favor of contemporary landscapes
transgression. and long interviews (shown mainly in
Shoah, which takes its title from the real time) with those who, in one form
Hebrew word for annihilation, doesnt or another, experienced the Holocaust.
cross that line, it defines it. For much of its The film had to be made from traces
nine and a half hours, the film seems form- of traces of traces, Lanzmann told one
less and repetitive. Moving back and forth interviewer. Like the Swedish Chaim
from the general to the specific, circling Rumkowski and the Jews of Lodz or the
around certain themes, Shoah overwhelms Hungarian Package Tour, two recent
the audience with details. For those who documentaries with less global perspec-
demand linear progression, Lanzmanns tives on the war against the Jews, Shoah
method may seem perversethe films embodies a powerful and principled
development is not a temporal one. The six restraint. Like Syberbergs Hitler, a Film
million Jews did not die in their own time, from Germany, it refuses to reconstruct
Shoah: The Being of Nothingness 777

the past, thus thwarting a conventional personal detritus that still constitute the soil
response and directing one to the source of Auschwitz.
of ones own fascination. What binds these landscapes together
Lanzmann, however, is scarcely as the- are the trains that chug through Europe
atrical as Syberberg. In some respects, bound for Poland and the east. Lanzmann
his strategy resembles that employed by even managed to find an engineer who
Jean-Marie Straub and Danile Huillet. drove the Jewish transports. One of the
The Straubs 1976 Fortini-Cani, for films recurring images is that of a train
example, punctuates readings by the crossing the Polish countryside or pull-
Italian-Jewish-Communist poet Franco ing up in Treblinka station, with this very
Fortini with long ruminations upon syl- engineer, now wizened and bony as some
van vistas where, 30-odd years earlier, the medieval Death, looking back towards
Nazis massacred a group of Italian parti- his invisible freight. In the argument of
sans. Lanzmann shares the same convic- Shoah, these trains underscore the extent of
tion that the past surrounds us, that history bureaucratic organization needed to com-
is inscribed (if only through its erasure) mit genocide, the blatant obviousness of the
on the present. In his Holocaust piece, he transports, and, finally, the existential terror
approvingly quotes the philosopher Emil of the journey. While the Jews were system-
Fackenheim: The European Jews massa- atically deprived of water, the railroad crew
cred are not just of the past, they are the was plied with drink. Through a translator,
presence of an absence. This is why, while the former engineer tells Lanzmann the
the vast Auschwitz complex has come to run was so harrowing the Germans were
epitomize the Nazi death machine, Shoah forced to pay a bonus in vodka. He drank
emphasizes Treblinkaa camp built solely every drop he got because without liquor
to exterminate Jews, a back-countrysite he couldnt stand the stench, the translator
razed and plowed under by the Nazis them- explains. They even bought more liquor on
selves in an attempt to conceal all physical theirown
evidence of 800,000 murders. If landscapes give Shoah its weight, inter-
The landscapes in Shoah are no less tran- views provide its drama. Over and against
quil than those of Fortini-Cani, but they are these images of present-day Poland and
haunted beyond the minds capacity to take Germany is the testimony of witnesses rang-
them in: Piney woods and marshy fields ing from Jewish survivors to Polish onlook-
cover mass graves, a brackish lake is silted ers to Nazi commandants. But the film is as
with the ashes of hundreds of thousands of filled with silence as with talk. Nine hours
victims. The camera gazes at the overgrown worth of subtitles barely make a comfortably
railroad tracks, end of the line, site of a margined 200-page book. Pauses, hesita-
ramp where a quarter of a million Jews were tions, are often more eloquent than words.
unloaded then hurried along with whips to The evident torment with which Jan Karski,
their doom; it considers the postcard town a onetime courier for the Polish govern-
of Chelmno where, one day after Pearl ment, recalls two clandestine tours of the
Harbor, the first Jews were gassed in mobile Warsaw Ghetto carries an expressive charge
vans, using engine exhaust. What can be far beyond his pained halting description.
more peaceful than the ruins of Birkenaus Indeed, his face gray with agony, Karski
snow-covered cremos and gas chambers? breaks down and bolts off camera before he
Of course, not every vista is so scenic. can evenstart.
In one unforgettable camera movement, Moreover, words are belied by expres-
Lanzmann slowly pans down to the brown sions. Among the most scandalous aspects
winter grass covering the rusty spoons and of Shoah are Lanzmanns interviews with
778Truth Not Guaranteed

the Polish residents of Chelmno and demonstrates that genocideby which the
Treblinka. Although there are exceptions, Nazis proposed to have the Jewish vanish
their blandly volunteered memories and without a traceposed incredible logisti-
perfunctorily offered concern (it was sad cal difficulties, solvable only by a modern,
to watchnothing to be cheery about) mobilized bureaucracy. It is here that the
are almost more damning than the casual language of problem-solving takes on a hal-
anti-Semitism (all Poland was in the Jews lucinative unreality. Suchomel allows that
hands) the interviewer has little difficulty at its peak, Treblinka processed 12,000 to
in provoking. Real malice only surfaces in 15,000 Jews each day (we had to spend half
tales of fat foreign Jews dressed in white the night at it), a train-load of victims going
shirts riding to their death in passenger up the funnel in two or three hours. Unlike
cars where they could drink and walk at Auschwitz, prisoners at Treblinka were
around and even play cards. Wed gesture gassed with engine exhaust. Auschwitz was
that theyd be killed, one peasant adds, a factory! Suchomel explains. Treblinka
passing his finger across his throat in dem- was a primitive but efficient production line
onstration. His buddies assent, as if this of death.
macabre signal was itself an act of guerrilla You watch this in a state of moral
warfare directed at the Germans. nausea so strong it makes your head
If the sequence induces the unbearable swim. Nor does Lanzmann ease you into
mental image of trains run by drunken the flow. Shoah opens at the site of the
crews, packed to overflowing with a dazed, Chelmno death camp, with one of the films
weeping human cargo, careening through few narrative voice-overs observing that of
a countryside areek with the stench of gas the 400,000 Jews who were sent there only
and burning bodies, jeered at by peasants two survived. (Later we meet them.) The
standing by the tracks, this and more are films second part begins with another sort
corroborated by the surviving Jews:Most of horror, Suchomel singing the Treblinka
of the people, not only the majority, but anthem:
99 per cent of the Polish people when they
saw the train going throughwe looked Looking squarely ahead, brave and
really like animals in that wagon, just our joyous,
eyes looked outsidethey were laugh- At theworld,
ing, they had a joy, because they took the The squads march towork.
Jewish peopleaway. All that matters to us now is Treblinka.
As for the Nazis, its hard to know which It is our destiny.
is worse, the pathetic evasions of the avun- Thats why weve become one with
cular Franz Grassler, onetime deputy com- Treblinka
missioner of the Warsaw Ghetto, insisting In no time atall.
that the Jews knew more about the final We know only the word of our
solution than did their jailers, or the affa- commander,
ble, expansive Franz Suchomel, an SS We know only obedience andduty,
Unterscharfhrer at Treblinka, expressing a We want to serve, to go on serving,
grotesque camaraderie with the people he Until a little luck ends itall.
was killing. Among other things, Shoah pre- Hurray!
cisely details the means by which the Jews
were compelled to participate in their own Each morning, he explains, the newly
destruction. Meanwhile, the testimony of arrived Jews selected for slave labor were
Suchomel and others, such as the former taught the song:By evening they had to be
head of Reich Railways Department 33, able to sing along with it. (Even now Icant
Shoah: The Being of Nothingness 779

get this idiotic martial melody out of my minimizes acts of individual heroismto
head. In Jean-Franois Steiners Treblinka, it have been a Jew in Hitlers Europe was to
is reported that, after the days work, Jewish have had the most appalling kind of hero-
laborers were compelled to stand at atten- ism thrust upon you. I began drinking
tion and repeat these words for hoursas after the war, the grim, noble-looking
well as sing the anthem as they marched.) Itzhak Zuckerman, second-in-command
Lanzmanns most detailed inter- of the Warsaw Ghettos Jewish Combat
views are with former members of the Organization, tells Lanzmann. It was very
Sondercommandothe Jews who were difficult. Claude, you asked for my impres-
kept alive at Treblinka and Auschwitz to sion. If you could lick my heart, it would
stoke the annihilation machine. We were poisonyou.
the workers in the Treblinka factory, and our People have been asking me, with a guilty
lives depended on the whole manufacturing curiosity I can well understand, whether
process, that is, the slaughtering process at Shoah really has to be seen. Asense of moral
Treblinka, one explains. Only the naive or obligation is unavoidably attached to such a
the pitiless can call them collaborators. In a film. Who knows if Shoah is good for you?
sense, these men hyperbolize the dilemma (One hopes, probably in vain, that review-
of Jewish survivors in generalit is one of ers will declare a moratorium on the already
the Holocausts cruelties that every Jew who debased currency of movie-ad hype.) There
survived is somehow tainted. One woman were many times during the screening that
who managed to weather the war hiding in Iregarded it as a chore and yet, weeks later,
Berlin describes her feelings on the day that Ifind myself still mulling over landscapes,
the last Jews in the city were rounded up for facial expressions, vocal inflectionsthe
deportation: I felt very guilty that I didnt very stuff of cinemaand even wanting to
go myself and Itried to escape fate that the see it again. The published text can in no
others could not escape. There was no more way substitute for the film itself; the text
warmth around, no more soul [only] this of Shoah can only be experienced on the
feeling of being terribly alone. What made screen. On the other hand, the book is quite
us do this? To escape [the] fate that was really helpful in grasping Lanzmanns structure.
our destiny or the destiny of our people. For, if at first, Shoah seems porous and
Aterrible fate, an absolute isolation are ideas inflated, this is a film that expands in ones
that recur in Shoah again andagain. memory, its intricate cross-references and
If the Nazis are all too human, the sur- monumental form only gradually becoming
vivors are as mysterious as extraterrestrials. apparent. One resists regarding Shoah as
What is one to make of the urbane, ironic artand, as artful as it is, one should.
Rudolf Vrba smiling as he describes clean- This movie transfixes you, it numbs you,
ing the bodies out of the gas chamber, or and finallywith infinite solicitudeit
the beseeching eyes of Filip Mller, survivor scars you. There are moments when you
of five liquidations of the Auschwitz spe- simply cant bear to look at another human
cial detail? (His relentless discoursean being; Shoah is something that you experi-
account of undressing corpses, shoveling ence alone. (If it teaches us anything, its the
them into the cremo, witnessing the last meaning of the word inconsolable.) The
moments of thousands of Jews, some know- film ends in Israelas it has towith a
ing, some notis delivered in a tone of per- member of the Jewish Combat Organization
petual amazement, as though always for the describing his fantasy, while searching the
first time:It was like a blow on the head, as empty ruins of the Warsaw Ghetto, of being
if Id been stunned.) Unlike other accounts the last Jew. (After he finishes comes a
of the Holocaust, Shoah deliberately coda of trains implacably rollingon)
780Truth Not Guaranteed

Leaving the theater, you may recall one are susceptible to a nostalgic appetite for
survivors account of a secret mission out eternal veritiescooking up the past into
of the Ghetto to Aryan Warsaw:We sud- a digestible narrative complete with end-
denly emerged into a street in broad day- ing. With the exception of the Syberberg
light, stunned to find ourselves among film, Shoah is the only one of these to refuse
normal people. [It was as if ] wed come this closure and rethink the problem of
from another planet. The horror of it is, representation.
that planet isours. That so advanced and lucid a film-
maker as Ernie Gehr would independently
develop strategies parallel to Shoahs (with
I first heard the bitter pun theres no busi- his recent SignalGermany on the Air) is
ness like shoah business while working a kind of backhanded acknowledgment of
at YIVO, an institution almost exclusively Lanzmanns formal intelligence. Theres a
staffed by Holocaust survivors or their chil- sensemainly in its use of real time and
dren. The joke acknowledged the seemingly existential dramain which Shoah has as
limitless appetite for Holocaust materials, much in common with The Chelsea Girls
mainly as fund-raising tools within the as The Sorrow and the Pity. Its even closer
Jewish community, but also as a source of to Jean-Marie Straub and Danile Huillets
identityeven a perverse ethnic prideas History Lessons, in which the camera dra-
well as the antidote to the fascination with matizes the search for historical verity
Nazism. by circling around a central absence, and
The joke also observes that nothing in their Fortini-Cani or Too Early, Too Late,
this world is beyond recuperation. Elie both of which interrogate now-peaceful
Wiesel has dedicated himself to keeping the landscapes, the sites of past atrocities,
Holocaust pure, so to speak, and untrivial- for what a believer might call the silence
ized. In doing so, his insistence has become ofGod.
so official and automatic that he himself has Documentary is a tricky concept, made
become a mass-culture clichthe gaunt, even more so by celluloid halls of mir-
tragic-eyed Holocaust survivor. On the rors like The Atomic Caf and One Mans
surface, Claude Lanzmanns Shoah would Warfilms that document earlier films.
seem to be another candidate for this sort Archival footage carries its own baggage.
of recuperation. But the films nine-and-a- But although Shoah is largely oral history,
half-hour length, among other things, Lanzmanns eschewal of illustration trig-
helps it to resist easy assimilation despite gers a primitive response to the photo-
the extravagant reviews I quoted several graphic image. Looking at a photograph,
weeksago. one sees through the composition and
Shoah is the latest example of an epic imagines what has been pictured. Hence,
genre, born with The Sorrow and the Pity, but Lanzmanns fanatical attention to detail;
also including the TV miniseries Holocaust this is a film which can only unfold in the
and The Winds of War, Fassbinders Berlin minds eye. The question that underlies
Alexanderplatz, Edgar Reitzs Heimat, and Shoah is, how did the Holocaust happen?
Syberbergs Our Hitler, which attempts Lanzmann sets out to answer this both
to elevate memory to the level of myth (or in terms of practical logistics and human
antimyth), to lay bare the central event of sensations. How was it done, how did
the century before it vanishes from living itfeel?
history. Whether confronting the events of Much of what has been written about
World War II or the origin of barbarism in Shoah glosses over the films provocations
the heart of western civilization, these films its repetitions, its absences, its Talmudic
Shoah: The Being of Nothingness 781

system of cross-references. Review after which Ive heard expressed in conversation

review contains a flash of recognition but, until Kaels piece, hadnt seen surface
to experience the Holocaust onscreen in the press. Basically, this critique involves
is still, on some level, to experience the the notions that Lanzmann treated the
Holocaustfollowed by a movement to put Polish peasants unfairly and that his aggres-
the film at arms length. If this isnt the best sive interviewing techniques violate the
film of 1985, what does that category mean? boundaries of propriety.
one well-known TV critic asked his partner. The charge that the film is anti-Polish
(What does that category mean? Less than a was leveled by the Polish government soon
month later, he answered his own question after Shoah opened in Paris. (Later tactics
with The Color Purple, an altogether more shifted and the film was acquired by Polish
upbeat film about brutality and oppression.) TV, which followed telecast excerpts with
In light of the extravagant praise Shoah has a round-table denunciation of Lanzmann
received, Pauline Kaels notorious negative and, according to a report published in
appraisal in The NewYorkerwhich report- Variety, the suggestion that the film was
edly held her copy several weeks before fictional.) The basis for this is Lanzmanns
tacking it onto the December 30 reviews of interviews with the peasants who lived near
Out of Africa and The Color Purplewould the death camps at Chelmno and Treblinka.
seem particularly nervy. But Kaels response These eyewitnesses express various degrees
is something more complex than a personal of ordinary anti-Semitism, more an indica-
distaste. tion of indifference than hatred, a cultural
If The New Yorkers review has con- climate rather than an ideology, but no less
vinced some people that Shoah isnt worth startling for that. One would have imagined
seeing, one could also sense a backlash that the extermination of their Jewish neigh-
at the meeting of the National Society bors would have left a more thoughtful
of Film Critics this year. Shoah was not residue. In this, Shoah reveals a syndrome
above criticism after all. Sitting through touched on in Now After All These Years,
it may even have been, as Kael suggested, a West German documentary about a town
a form of self-punishment. There was a that had once been half Jewish. The older
free-floating embarrassment among some inhabitants remembered the Third Reich as
of Lanzmanns partisans, complemented by an embarrassing drunken spree in which
a revisionist line that the films significance otherwise good people acted as perhaps they
was historical (or documentary) rather than shouldnt have, but that was a long time ago,
cinematic, and even by a certain amount of and in any case, theyd been punished for
open hostility. During the three ballots nec- it by the war; there seemed to be no empa-
essary to arrive at a best picture, Shoah was thy for the Nazis victims, as though the
always in the running (it finished fourth). centuries-long Jewish presence in Germany
At strategic intervals throughout the pro- was transitorycertainly no greatloss.
cess, one critic kept petulently pointing out While Shoah documents that anti-Semitic
that we would be voting a best documentary attitudes persist in the very place where mil-
while, during the voting for that category lions of Jews were sent, as the Nazis put
(which Shoah easily won), another gaggle of it, up the chimney, it has been observed
reviewers indicated their disdain by osten- that Lanzmann interviews only one Pole
tatiously casting ballots for Pee-Wees Big who seems to have helped the Jews. But
Adventure. just as the subject of the film is the Jews
If there has been very little written so far who were exterminated, not the handful
about Shoah from a formal point of view, who survived (hence the absence of escape
there has been an undercurrent of criticism stories), Shoah necessarily focuses on
782Truth Not Guaranteed

prevailing attitudes rather than exceptional The essential question here is one of
deeds. (In her recently published When identification. If one doesnt identify with
Light Pierced the Darkness: Christian Rescue the Jews in Shoah, one is left with the
of Jews in Nazi-Occupied Poland, Nechama Polesstand-ins for the rest of the world,
Tec points out that the Polish Gentiles most which was not, after all, unduly preoccupied
apt to risk their lives to help Jews were with the fate of European Jewry at the hands
almost invariablyalbeit in wildly different of the Nazis. Indeed, in its structure Shoah
waysextraordinary, nonconforming indi- encourages the viewer to identify with the
viduals, and, in group terms, peasants were victims. As Timothy Garton Ash wrote in
the class least likely to offer assistance. The NewYork Review of Books in a piece thats
Anyone familiar with the history of extremely well-informed on precisely the
pre-World War II Poland knows that, dur- issue of Polish anti-Semitism and Shoahs
ing the 1930s, traditional anti-Semitism was representation of it:This deadly repetition,
elevated to a quasi-official policy. Anyone this exhaustion, this having to sit through it,
familiar with the history of postwar Poland is an essential part of Lanzmanns creation.
knows that 1968 saw a quasi-sanctioned He deliberately uses the dictatorial powers
anti-Semitic campaign resulting in the emi- of the director to lock you in a cattle wagon
gration of some 30,000 remaining Polish and send you for nine and a half hours
Jews (most of them assimilated, many of down the line to Auschwitz. (The implica-
them Communists). And anyone who fol- tions of this can return in the least-expected
lowed developments during the 18months of contexts. Watching the latest, sub-Spielberg
Solidarity is aware thateven in the absence remake of King Solomons Minesa succes-
of a Jewish communityanti-Semitic rheto- sion of death-defying, exhilaratingly nar-
ric surfaced in both the union and the party. row escapesI was suddenly reminded of
Yet, according to Variety, representatives of Shoah, a film about death in which, over and
Polish TV collected the peasants interviewed over, no one ever escapes.)
and had them confess that they were paid This may contribute to the objections
by Lanzmann to make up their anti-Semitic Ive heard about Lanzmann himself, his
remarks. arrogance and self-indulgence. Yes, he
Kael is only a few steps behind this asser- is single-minded, relentless, and some-
tion that Shoah is a fabrication. In one of times abrasive. So are many filmmakers,
the most remarkable passages in her review, but Lanzmann has the guts to show him-
she implies that, eager to seize on signs self thus on the screenits necessary to
of ignorance and prejudice, Lanzmann his method. (Marcel Ophulswho called
is somehow responsible for what he has Shoah the greatest documentary on con-
uncovered. Obviously the Polish authorities temporary history ever madewrites, for
were embarrassed that Lanzmann could a Jewish filmmaker to ingratiate himself in
stand outside a church in which, 40-odd this particular context would have been akin
years before, the town Jews were rounded to the frantic, laughable, and eventually
up, beaten, and then transported to nearby unsuccessful attempts of so many of our
gas chambers, and find a large crowd of wor- elders to blend into the landscape.)
shipers ready to characterize that event as When people refer to Lanzmann as
punishment for the Jews murder of Christ. tasteless or pushy, as a fetishist or a ghoul,
But why would an American critic find this who do they really mean? In the wake of
excessive, even phonyan attempt to con Bitburg, it should be evident that Jews,
the audience with, as Kael puts it, Woody Jewish suffering, Jewish moral indigna-
Allens convention of village idiots? (And tion are no longer fashionable. On the
why, one might well ask, Woody Allen?) contrary. You can read the boredom in
Shoah: The Being of Nothingness 783

Richard Corlisss glib lead in Time: Why Both charges blame the victim; both have
is this holocaust different from all other a dialectical engagement with what could
holocausts? Although Corliss eventually be termed the Gentile worlds indifference.
gets around to fashioning a sort of answer Dwelling on the minutiae of genocide, the
to the question, his first suggestion is nexus of events (includingdoes one really
that the distinguishing factor may simply have to say it?European anti-Semitism)
be publicityin raw nightmare num- that made the Final Solution possible,
bers, the Nazi extermination of the Jews Shoah is the most ambitious attempt ever
ranks below the Soviet Unions system- to make the extermination of the Jews tan-
atic starvation of the rebellious Ukraine gible. For Lanzmann, the Holocaust was
in 193233 [10million by Stalins count] an impossible, perhaps incomprehensible
Typically, Kael is a lot more blunt. Shoah eventrequiring time and effort and a mul-
is a long moan, she wrotes. Its saying titude of facts to begin to understand it. For
Weve always been oppressed, and well be Kael, his entire enterprise can be reduced
oppressed again. to a Jews pointing a finger at the Gentile
If Kael misses Lanzmanns carefully con- world and crying, You low-lifesyou want
structed point about the uniqueness of the to killus!
Holocaust (in Jewish as well as world history), Given her contempt for Shoahs lack of
her profoundly hostile reactionperceiving moral complexity, the coarseness of Kaels
the film as a stand-in for paranoid Jews wal- own formulations are astonishing. If you
lowing in self-pitysuggests a view of the set him loose, she writes of Lanzmann,
Holocaust I believe more widespread than he could probably find anti-Semitism
generally acknowledged. On one hand, the anywhere. Imagine, he actually found
Jews are faulted for passively going to their anti-Semitism at Treblinka. Who knows, if
doom; on the other, for making themselves hes not tied up again, he might even find it
tiresome by refusing to shut up about it. in The NewYorker.

An Interview with Claude Lanzmann
about Shoah(1985)

Claude Lanzmann: I have already said 1. To See and toKnow

many things about Shoah, but I would very
much like to talk about it as a film. Certain Cahiers: How did the project come about?
people have irritated me a lot: it is as if, From what startingpoint?
having discovered things that took place C. Lanzmann: Ibegan by reading, for a year,
yesterday, they are so over-whelmed by the every book of history that I could find on
horror that they develop a kind of sacred the subject, everything to be found by going
and religious attitude toward it and do not through the archivesthe written archives,
see the film itself. One has to understand not the photo archives. And Iassessed the
why and how this horror is transmitted. extent of my ignorance. Today Jews who
In truth, I myself have difficulty in speak- do not want to go see the film say, We
ing about this because I can talk about it know all about this. They make me laugh.
only in a circular fashion, as the film itself They know nothing; they know only one
is constructed that way, and it remains in thing: that six million Jews were killed,
many respects opaque and mysterious. I thats all. That is not interesting!
will explain Shoah, using examples from I did not know at all how Iwas going to
Shoah, in a book I will write. Above all to proceed. Iwas obliged to make up budgets
tell the story of these ten years, in truth in order to get the money, and they always
more than ten years since I began to work asked me, What is your conception [of the
on it in 1974.
An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah 785

film]? That was the most absurd ques- will see nothing, you will understand noth-
tion: I did not have any conception. I knew ing. In the same way, if you know with-
that there would not be any archival mate- out having been there, you will also not
rials in it. Ihad some personal obsessions, understand anything. It therefore requires
and Iknew from the very moment Ibegan a combination of the two. That is why the
that it would be difficult to make me let go issue of the site is so important. I did not
of it. But the question about my concep- make an idealist film; it is not a film with
tion was an abstract question, a historians grand metaphysical or theological reflec-
question, one that was meaningless. Ithere- tions about why all this happened to the
fore began by accumulating a great deal of Jews, why they killed them. This is a film
bookish, theoretical knowledge. Afterward, from the ground up, a topographical film, a
armed with this knowledge that was not geographicalfilm.
my own, this secondhand knowledge, and
Cahiers: Yes, there are very precise notions of
quaking a bit, I started to look for, to seek
place, for example what the Nazi says about
out witnesses. And Idid not want just any
the narrow passageway at Treblinka,2 and at
witnesses. There are many deportees. There
the same time an absence of traces.
are swarms of them, as an anti-Semite would
say. But Iwanted very specific typesthose C. Lanzmann: Thats where I made the
who had been in the very charnel houses of film. The sites I saw were disfigured,
the extermination, direct witnesses of the effaced. They were non-sites of memory
death of their people:the people of the spe- [non-lieux de mmoire].3 The places no lon-
cial squads.1 Ibegan to meetthem. ger resembled what they had been. Ihad
I was like someone who has little tal- shots (for example, those of Treblinka).
ent for dancing but who takes lessonsas And Ihad models (for example, the plas-
Idid twenty years agoand then tries and ter model of the people descending into
does not make it. There is an absolute the gas chamber). Itherefore made a film
gap between the bookish knowledge I had with the landscapes of today, with the
acquired and what these people told me. present-day shots and models. A film in
I understood nothing. First of all, it was which one moves from a shot of a contem-
difficult getting them to speak. Not that porary landscape, from a speech sound-
they refused to speak. Some were crazy ing over a contemporary landscape, to
and incapable of conveying anything. They the model of a gas chamber, which often
had lived through experiences so extreme imbues it with an extraordinary power, and
that they could not communicate anything. which is derived from the extreme inter-
The first time I saw Srebnik, the survivor nal sense of urgency Ifelt to understand
of Chelmno, who was thirteen during the and to imagine it all. These extremely
periodthese were very young peoplehe detailed questions make the film power-
gave me an account that was so extraordi- ful andvital.
narily confused that I understood nothing Cahiers: The film was made from a will to
at all. He had lived through so much hor- know and to communicate, all the while know-
ror that it had destroyed him. I therefore ing that there will always be a partthat
proceeded by trial and error. I went to the C. Lanzmann: cannot be conveyed.
places, alone, and Iperceived that one had Absolutely! That is why the American series
to combine things. One must know and see, Holocaust was rubbish in every respect.4
and one must see in order to know. These Fictionalizing such a history is the most
two aspects cant be separated. If you go to serious sort of transgression: it shows the
Auschwitz without knowing anything about Jews entering the gas chambers, arm in
Auschwitz and the history of the camp, you arm, stoically, as if they were Romans. Its
786Truth Not Guaranteed

Socrates drinking the hemlock. These are period between 1933 and 1939, during
idealist images that permit all kinds of reas- which the Jews in Germany were perse-
suring identifications. Shoah, however, is cuted, not killed, but persecuted. There
anything but reassuring. are photographs: of Nazis burning books,
Cahiers: Whats very powerful about the of the Storm Troopers, of Kristallnacht in
film is how it was made in the face of its own 1938. And suddenly the war. One no lon-
impossibility. ger knew anything about the people under
German control; they were cut off from
C. Lanzmann: Thats a very accurate observa-
the world. For this period there are two or
tion about the film, because Istarted precisely
three little propaganda films shot by the
with the impossibility of recounting this his-
Nazis themselves, the PKthe Propaganda
tory. I placed this impossibility at the very
Companies of the German army and the
beginning of my work. When I started the
[Nazi] partyin the Warsaw Ghetto, where
film, Ihad to deal with, on the one hand, the
they had opened phony cabarets and forced
disappearance of the traces:there was noth-
the women to wear makeup, where they
ing at all, sheer nothingness, and I had to
staged scenes in order to show that life was
make a film on the basis of this nothingness.
all right and that the Jews were hedonists.
And on the other hand, with the impossibil-
Other than this and some photographs
ity of telling this story even by the survivors
of the Warsaw cemetery with handcarts
themselves; the impossibility of speaking,
transporting the cadavers, there is nothing.
the difficultywhich can be seen throughout
About the extermination strictly speaking
the filmof giving birth to and the impossi-
there is nothing. For a very simple reason:it
bility of naming it:its unnameable character.
was categorically forbidden. The Nazis
That is why I had so much trouble finding
kept the extermination secret, so much
a title. Over the years, Ithought of different
so that Himmler formed a special squad,
titles. Ihad one that Iliked a lot but it was a
Commando 1005, composed of young Jews
bit abstract:Site and Speech. There was a pro-
selected because they were sturdier than the
visional title that Idid not come upon myself
others from among the death convoys that
because the film did not have one, but Iwas
arrived. They made them open the trenches
obliged to name it for the CNC:5 Death in
and erect gigantic pyres that burned for
the Fields. Iremember when Ifirst said that
days, as the film says, in order to make the
Iwas going to tackle this project, a very dear
traces disappear. The problem of getting rid
friend who is now dead, Gershom Scholem
of the traces was therefore crucial in every
in Jerusalema great Kabbalistsaid, It
is impossible to make this film. He even
believed to a certain extent that it should not The only thing Ifoundand Ireally saw
be made. And in truth, yes, it was impossible everythingwas a little film lasting a min-
and highly improbable to produce it and to ute and a half by a German soldier named
succeed in doingso. Wiener (whom Ilocated and spoke to). It is
the execution of Jews at Liepaja in Latvia.
In it one seesit is silenta truck arrive, a
group of Jews get out and run to an antitank
2. The Absence ofArchives ditch, where they are shot by a machine
gun. It is nothing at all. Like such a film,
Cahiers: Was the absence of archival images Nazi images of the ghetto (that have since
foreseen from the beginning? been combined with all kinds of sauces; one
C. Lanzmann: What do we have as archi- always sees the same ones without any indi-
val material? There are two periods. The cation that they are propaganda images) are
An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah 787

not intended to say anything; in a certain difficultywhich meant that the interviews
sense, one sees such things every day. Icall had to be very long, much longer than those
these images without imagination. They in the filmwas that the people had trou-
are just images that have nopower. ble speaking. One can see this in the scene
There were therefore no archival images. with the barber who cut the hair of women
And even if there had been some, I dont arriving at the gas chamber. At the start, his
much like montages of archival images. discourse is sort of neutral and flat. He com-
I dont like the voice-over commenting on municates things, but he does so poorly
the images or photographs as if it were the first of all because it was very painful for
voice of institutionalized knowledge. One him and he only conveyed things intellectu-
can say whatever one wants, the voice-over ally. He evaded my questions. When I said to
imposes a knowledge that does not surge him, What was your first impression when
directly from what one sees; and one does you saw all these naked women and chil-
not have the right to explain to the spectator dren coming for the first time? he turned
what he must understand. The structure of away and did not respond. It became inter-
a film must itself determine its own intel- esting the moment when, in the second part
ligibility. That is why I knew and decided of the interview, he repeated the same thing
very early on that there would be no archival but in a different way, when I placed him in
documents in the film. Ihave them:Ihave a the situation and said to him, How did you
mass of photos that come from the Institute do it? Imitate the gestures that you made.
for the Second World War in Warsaw. He grabbed his customers hair (whose hair
They do not mean anything. One had to would have been cut long before if the bar-
make a film from life, exclusively in the ber had really been cutting his hair, since the
presenttense. scene lasts twenty minutes!). And from this
moment on, truth became incarnate, and as
Cahiers: Exactly, the film is made entirely of
he relived the scene, his knowledge became
words and gestures around a kind of blind spot
carnal. It is a film about the incarnation of
that is the absence of the images it speaksabout.
truth. Thats a cinematic scene. Because in
C. Lanzmann: Absolutely. But as a result, reality he wasnt a barber any longer: he was
it is more thoroughly evocative and power- retired. I rented a hairdressing salon and
ful than everything else. It so happens that told him, Were going to shoot there. I
I have met people who are convinced they found him in New York and I filmed him
saw images in the film, ones they halluci- in Israel because he had left New York and
nated. The film forces the imagination to now lived there. I knew that it would be dif-
work. Someone wrote to me and, moreover, ficult and I wanted to place him once again
did so magnificently:It was the first time in a situation where his gestures would be
Iheard the cry of an infant in a gas cham- identical. Every expression of feeling dem-
ber. That is how powerfully the sensation onstrates something, and conversely, every
was evoked by thewords. proof of this sort is itself a form of emotion.
Cahiers: How were the interviews one sees in
the film produced? Over what length oftime?
C. Lanzmann: There are three kinds of 3. To Frame Is toExcavate
characters in the film: the Jews, the Nazis,
and the witnesses (the Poles). Insofar as
the Nazis are concerned, that is a story in Cahiers:Mise-en-scne therefore plays a role.
itself. The presence of each Nazi in the film That means that truth cannot emerge from
is a miracle. For the others, the primary archival images, but from restaging.
788Truth Not Guaranteed

C. Lanzmann: There are a lot of staged anything but the reality before me. I went
scenes in the film. It is not a documentary. back there and filmed the stones like a
The locomotive at Treblinka is my locomo- madman.
tive. I rented it at Polish Railways, which Cahiers: About the train: there was also the
was not so easy to do, just as it was not a idea of having the driver play his former role
simple matter to insert it into the traffic and to make the terrifying gesture of cutting his
schedule. throat. Ihad the impression that he did so on
Cahiers: Exactly. In the structure of the film hisown.
there are pivotal elements: images of trains, C. Lanzmann: Exactly. I found him by
of freight trains. There is the idea of retracing chance. It was in winter, in Treblinka. Night
not only the gestures but also the routes, the had already fallen, and Iwas going around
journeys. the farms looking for witnesses. It was
C. Lanzmann: Iwanted to do so at all cost. the first time that I had come to Poland.
Treblinka is a triage station:there are trains, At the beginning, I did not want to come.
the boxcarsthe same onesare there, and I thought much like one of the women in
its shocking to see them. I filmed them the film who, when I asked her, Havent
from top to bottom; Igot up into the trains you ever returned to Poland? responded,
and we filmed, filmed without exactly know- What would I see there? Nothing is left.
ing what Iwas going to do with the material. I thought that the destruction of Judaism
Cahiers: You even filmed from the interior of in Eastern Europe was like the destruction
the boxcars, from the point of view of the Jews of a forest. Once a forest is destroyed, the
arriving in Treblinka. You crossed the line with climatic conditions are altered for kilome-
a very violent cinematicact. ters around. I said to myself that Poland
is a non-site of memory and that this his-
C. Lanzmann: Its one of the things that
tory had been diasporized, that one could
I have trouble understanding today. It was
recount it anywherein Paris, NewYork, or
the middle of winter. Isaid, Lets get into
Corfu. Poland had become a sort of eye of
the boxcar and film the sign for Treblinka.
the hurricane where Icould notgo.
The distance between past and present was
abolished, and everything became real for Then Iarrived at Treblinka, and Isaw the
me. The real is opaque; it is the true con- camp and these symbolic commemorative
figuration of the impossible. What does it stones. Idiscovered that there was a train sta-
mean to film reality? Making images from tion and a village called Treblinka. The sign
reality is to dig holes in reality. Framing a for Treblinka on the road, the very act of
scene involves excavating it. The problem of naming it, was an incredible shock for me.
the image is to create a hollow space within Suddenly, it all became true. These places
a full image. Ihad another terrible time at have become so charged with horror that they
Birkenau: the cameraman trembled as he have become legendary. Right then and
executed a handheld tracking shot while there I went beyond my theoretical knowl-
descending the steps into the crematorium, edge of the legends that could exist only in my
and he fell and smashed his face. I reshot own imagination, and into a confrontation
what he had done. I was petrified by the with the real. In going to the farms, Inoticed
truth and the pain. The first time Iwent to that when given the opportunity, the Poles
Treblinka, I did not yet have in my head a began to speak about this history as a kind of
conception of the film and Isaid to myself, legendary experience. Iperceived that it was
Whats the point of filming all this? Then, very alive in their consciousness, that scars
since I am not very imaginative and have had not yet formed. They spoke to me about
little gift for fictionalizing, Icould not shoot the conductor of a locomotive. Iarrived at his
An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah 789

house at ten oclock at night, at a farm 10 kilo- in this passageway, that they drove them on
meters from Treblinka, where he lived with with lashes of thewhip.
his wife. There were crucifixes all around. He
But to return to this idea of drilling [ for
received me with an extreme gentleness, he
truth], of archaeology, and of its importance
hid nothing from me, and Iset about speak-
for the editing:there is a tracking shot in a car
ing with him without giving everything away
through the little village of Wlodawa where
in advance.
the guy, very gently and quietly, explains
Cahiers: Have you always adopted such an that there was a Jewish home here, and over
approach: so as not to give away in advance there a Jewish shop. Ihad to be satisfied with
what is to go on in front of the camera? this. And one day, during my second Polish
C. Lanzmann: Absolutely. When I had the campaign, while going to Chelmno Isaw a
locomotive and came back to film him, Isaid sign:Grabw. Ihad read in Poliakovs book6
to him, You are to get up into the locomo- the letter of the rabbi of Grabw that Iread
tive and we are going to film the arrival at in the film. Istopped and Idecided to return
Treblinka. Isaid nothing else. We arrived at to film there. This scene seemed to come
the station; he was there, leaning out, and on from a real Western:the wooden houses, the
his own, he made this unbelievable gesture types of people sitting on their front door-
at his throat while looking at the imaginary steps, the women looking out from behind
boxcars (behind the locomotive, of course, the curtains. The fact that I arrived there
there were no boxcars). Compared to this with a camera and a team must have made
image, archival photographs become unbear- me look something like a lawman coming
able. This image has become what is true. to demand justice. They experienced it that
Subsequently, when I filmed the peasants, way. In comparison with Wlodawa, where
they all made this gesture, which they said was the guy took me around and showed me the
a warning, but it was really a sadistic gesture. Jewish houses, it was the same story, except
that here I questioned those who lived in
Cahiers:Did you ask that theydoso?
the houses: I got into greater depth. And
C. Lanzmann: It was a collective gesture. the old medieval Christian anti-Semitism of
Iinduced them to make it and they did so the Polish peasants became blatant. If Ihad
voluntarily. We learn about it via a detour, by placed this scene at the beginning, the film
returning to the survivor, Glazar, who wit- would have been polemical, violent, aggres-
nessed itthey had made it to himand to sive, but such things needed to be discov-
other Polish witnesses who made the ges- ered gradually.
ture. At this moment everything becomes
clear: the film is based on corroboration, Cahiers: That is also what differentiates the
hence its length: the truth is constantly staging from the reassuring mise-en-scne
attested to at different levels; one must dig of Holocaust.
for it. At the same time, correspondences C. Lanzmann:Yes. Shoah is a fiction rooted
emerge because I always posed the same in reality [fiction du rel], which is something
questions. The circularity of the film is entirely different.
derived from the obsessional character of
my questions, my personal obsessions:the
cold, the fear of the East (the West for me is
human; the East scares the hell out of me). 4. The Paradox ofCharacter
Ibecame aware that Iasked everyone these
questions: about the cold, always the cold, Cahiers: The first sentenceit is writtenin
the idea that these people waited for death the film is:The action begins and further
790Truth Not Guaranteed

on, a subtitle describes one of the people inter- burned them in immense pits. This guy
viewed as the next character, that is, in arrived there from a ghetto. You can imag-
fictionalterms. ine the shock. Terrifying. When I found
C. Lanzmann: Fictional, yes, or theatrical. It him, he was a butcher in a little town in
is as if saying, by order of appearance on Israel. He was the most taciturn, the most
stage. silent man I have ever known. I came to
see him many times and we spoke about
Cahiers: Yes, even while refusing a fiction
present-day matters. I finally dragged out
of the Holocaust variety, you describe a
of him that the only thing he really liked
person who is there, in front of us, who has
to do was to go to the seashore and fish.
experienced certain events, as if he were a
I also like to fish, and I said to myself,
When Icome back to film him, Iwill take
C. Lanzmann: They are the protagonists of a fishing pole and well go fishing together
thefilm. and try to talk. Icould not do so because
Cahiers:The characters of History? he was dead before I could return. But it
C. Lanzmann: Yes, not the characters in a was precisely through such a maneuver, by
reconstruction [of the past], because the fishing together today, above all because it
film is not one, but in a certain way these no longer involved remembering, that he
people had to be transformed into actors. would have become a character.
They recount their own history. But just The barber also became a charac-
retelling it is not enough.They had to act it ter because he was no longer a barber.
out, that is, they had to give themselves over The simple fact of filming in the pres-
[irralisent]toit. ent allows these people to pass from the
Thats what defines imagination: it status of witnesses to History to that of
de-realizes. Thats what the entire paradox actors. When I conducted the interview
of the actor is about. They have to be put into with Filip Mller, who tells the story of
a certain state of mind but also into a certain the massacre of the Czech family camp
physical disposition. Not in order to make in the second part of the film, it was very
them speak, but so that their speech can difficult. At first he did not want to speak.
suddenly communicate, become charged Ifilmed with him over the course of three
with an extra dimension. days, and presenting the discussion as
The film is not made out of memories, it occurred was out of the question. But
I knew that right away. Memory horrifies I edited his words, his voice, setting
me: recollections are weak. The film is them over the contemporary landscapes,
the abolition of all distance between past constantly moving back and forth from
and present; I relive this history in the synch-sound to voice-over. When I used
present. One sees memories every day on voice-over, the difficulty was to preserve
television:the guys with ties behind their the interior rhythm of the voice even as
desks who talk about things. Nothing is I refined it. The transition from on- to
more annoying. It is through staging that off-screen sound is fundamental to the
they become characters. I found a guy film: the voice exists over the landscape
from the Sonderkommando at Auschwitz, a and they reinforce each other. The land-
Hungarian Jew who arrived there in 1944 scape lends the words an entirely differ-
and who was immediately led to the cre- ent dimension, and the words reanimate
matorium at a moment when there was a the landscape.With Filip Mller Idid not
glut of traffic since they had to kill 450,000 stage anything; it was impossible:Iplaced
Jews in two and a half months, and instead him on his sofa and began to film. But the
of burning the Jews in the ovens, they staging is created by the editing.
An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah 791

5. Montage:The Method was said:5,000 or 6,000 pages of text. And

and ItsObject Ihad to learn the images. Ibegan by shut-
ting myself up for a month in a house with
Cahiers: Did you know very quickly that the one of the women who worked with me, and
film would be solong? then with the principal editor in order to
develop a tentative structure. Iconstructed
C. Lanzmann: I did not know how much
a film of four and a half hours exclusively
time Iwould need to do it, but very quickly
about Chelmno. Now, the film had to be a
it seemed to me that it would be no less
structure encompassing everything. At the
than six hours long. There were content
same time, all these attempts and mistakes
requirementsthere were some funda-
were a way to learn the material: I had to
mental things that Ihad to sayand formal
go through this process. After Iconstructed
requirements, architectural considerations
the first half hour, the form emerged and
that made it so long. It could have been lon-
hinted at the rest that was virtually present.
ger: I shot 350 hours of footage. Of these
But Ihad to make progress, to go forward.
350 hours, roughly speaking, about 100 had
The construction is a symphonic construc-
to be jettisoned:silent shots, the beginnings
tion with themes that are initiated and then
of the interviews, things that were ruined.
shift at pivotal moments that Iwill tell about
But there were also magnificent things. It
in the book. These led me to make a lot of
broke my heart not to use them in the edit-
progress. For example, the history of the
ing, yet at the same time, not so much. The
Jewish cemetery at Auschwitz:two million
film took shape as Imade it, and an under-
Jews were killed there, and the only thing
lying form shaped all that followed. Even if
that remains is the cemetery of the Jews
it was something very important, abandon-
who formerly lived there. All the attempts at
ing some things did not make me suffer too
theoretical constructions were absurd and
much, since the general architecture com-
failed. I did not immediately come upon
pelled me to do so. Iwas absolutely driven
the idea to end the first film by returning
crazy during the editing by problems of
to the beginning, with the first survivor of
length. Isaid to myself, If its too long, who
Chelmno, or to put the ghetto at the end.
will go to see it? I was reluctant to make
I was obliged to make the film with what
three films, each three hours long, since
Ihad:there were wonderful scenes that con-
Isaid to myself, No, the film is round, a cir-
stituted pivot points around which Ihad to
cular film, and it must end as it began. The
construct the filmfor example, the mas-
end of the first film is a gas van traveling, a
sacre of the family camp when Filip Mller
contemporary Saurer7 van. And the second
breaks down and cries. It is a major story
film ends the same way, except that it is no
because it incarnates what for me are a lot of
longer a van but atrain.
fundamental issues: knowledge and igno-
Cahiers:How did the architecture of the film rance, deceit, violence, resistance. The same
emerge from the enormous quantity of material for the ghetto:Ihad this Pole8 who visited it
youhad? and Ihad to integrate this part. When Isay
C. Lanzmann: That was terrifying. It took five that Iconstructed the film with what Ihad,
and a half years to edit. It was like being on this means that the film is not a product or
the north face of a peak and having to invent derivative of the Holocaust; it is not a histor-
a way up, to devise a route to the top. Ihad ical film:it is a sort of original event, since
to invent both the method and the object. Ifilmed it in the present and Imyself had to
Ihad first of all to internalize this immense construct it with traces of traces, with what
amount of material. Istarted by deciphering was powerful in what Ihad shot. The struc-
and typing all the speeches, everything that ture is rooted in several complicated logics.
792Truth Not Guaranteed

The difficulty was that there is no conces- living people who had not yet been killed. It
sive proposition in cinema:you cannot say is a parenthesis in the logic of the film, but
although. You can say that in a book, via a it is very important that it does not come
detour in a sentence, but if you want to say immediately after the fat guys statements. It
it in a film, what you want to insert imme- was also important to place the ghetto at the
diately becomes a kind of absolute, killing end, after one knows how radical and total
what precedes it and determining what will death was, in order to show that the logic of
follow. the ghettos, where one starved to death, was
Cahiers:That becomes a major proposition. part of the extermination process.
C. Lanzmann: Yes, and Iconfronted this dif- There was another reason: in order for
ficulty during the entire time it took to edit. there to be a tragedy, and also in order for
Ihad to preserve the general architecture of there to be suspense, you have to know the
the film and, once the sequence was edited, end at the beginning. You have to know what
I had to reproject everything that preceded will happen, all the while having the feeling
it to see how it connected. At times Idiscov- that this should not happen. Thats what
ered that the sequence was too linear, that it Sartre called the defeatist tone in American
became boring or intolerable, and that Ihad crime films like Double Indemnity9 after the
to interrupt it by inserting something else. war. The structure was also dictated by ques-
For example, when I questioned the peas- tions of morality. Idid not have the right to
ants at Treblinka, I asked the fat guythis bring about a meeting between characters.
guy was a pigif he remembered the first It was out of the question that the Nazis
convoy of Jews coming from Warsaw on the would meet with the Jewsnot that Iwould
22nd of July 1942. He said that he remem- have gotten them to meet physically, which
bered it very well and then forgot that we would have been more than obscene, but
were speaking about the first convoy and even that Iwould make them meet through
placed it in the routine course of the exter- the editing. These are not former combat-
mination, among the convoys that he saw ants who meet forty years later on televi-
arrive every day. And, moreover, there is the sion for a virile handshake. That is why the
guy from the station at Sobibor who speaks first Nazi enters only after two hours have
of the silence (the ideal silence) after the gone by. No one encounters anyone else in
arrival of the first convoy. Logically, Ishould the film. Neither do Jews and Poles, except
have placed it at the end. Itried to do so but the survivor of Chelmno.10 At the church he
the difference between the manner of the is there, silent; he understands everything
two mens accounts was too large: they did and he is terrorized by them, as he was as
not come together at all. The fat guy put him- a child. And then he is alone in the forest
self into the logic of routine while the other, clearing. He is split:he does not even meet
by his comment about the silence, suddenly himself.
became conscious of having been a witness
Cahiers: How did you think about the audi-
to an unprecedented event. He takes on this
ence and the extent of its knowledge when you
almost legendary tone Iwas speaking about
were constntcting thefilm?
a moment ago. Iwas keen that he be in the
film, but Idid not know where to put him. C. Lanzmann: Thats a real question, and
It was only further on that I placed him, one that increasingly imposed itself since
after listening to the Nazis who explained I refused all commentary. The film is
the urgency of beginning the extermination, absolutely historically rigorous. You can
the fact that there were too many bodies they say to me, You have not dealt with this
did not know what to do with and too many or that. I know. But one cannot take me
An Interview with Claude Lanzmann about Shoah 793

to task. There are a thousand things that 2. This passageway was also known as the Schlauch
or Himmelfahrtsweg and is discussed in Shoah by
Idealt with and filmed but did not edit into Suchomel, a German guard at Treblinka, as well as
the film. And there are some things that by former prisoners Abraham Bomba and Richard
I did not deal with for the simple reason Glazar.Tr.
3. Lanzmann is referring to the famous collective
that, in certain cases, the destruction suc- historical project on national memorial sites in
ceeded and there are entire episodes where France, Les Lieuxde mmoire, edited by the French
there is no one, not a single witness, noth- historian Pierre Nora (Paris:ditions Gallimard,
ing. But it is an important question:What 4. The television series Holocaust, written by Gerald
does the audience know? What does it Greene and directed by Marvin Chomsky, aired
not know? Up to what point may one pre- in 1978 in the United States and provoked an
serve the mystery? Finally Isaid to myself enormous response in West Germany and other
European countries.Tr.
that I did not have to say everything, that 5. Le Centre National de la Cinmatographie.Tr.
people ought to ask questions. The film is 6. French historian Lon Poliakov wrote Brviaire de
made so that the people continue to work la haine:le IIIe Reich et les Juifs, preface by Franois
Mauriac (Paris:Calmann-Lvy, 1951), among many
at itduring the screening, but also after- other books.Tr.
ward. The massacre of the family camp 7. The German firm Saurer made the gas vans used
(why did they keep them for six months in Chelmno and elsewhere.Tr.
8. Lanzmann is referring to Jan Karski, a courier of
before killing them?), even if one roughly the Polish Underground Army who was charged by
knows the reasons, remains mysterious. Jewish leaders in the Warsaw Ghetto to report his
One must preserve the mystery and make eyewitness accounts of ghetto conditions and the
facts of the extermination camps when, in late 1942,
the imagination work:one does not have to Karski managed to travel clandestinely to the West.
explain everything. His discussions with Churchill, Eden, Roosevelt, and
Frankfurter, among others, proved fruitless. These
are recounted in his classic Story of a Secret State
(Boston:Houghton Mifflin, 1944), pp.32off.Tr.
Notes 9. Directed by the German Jewish refugee Billy
Wilder and released in the United States in 1944,
1. Lanzmann is referring to the so-called Double Indemnity starred Fred MacMurray, Barbara
Sonderkommandos, composed of Jewish prisoners Stanwyck, and Edward G.Robinson.Tr.
who were forced to operate the crematoria, instruct 10. Lanzmann is referring to Simon Srebnik, the boy
the victims about the showers, then clear and singer of Chelmno, the first survivor we meet in
incinerate the bodies, etc.Tr. Shoah.Tr.

Truth, History, and the New Documentary(1993)

The August 12th, 1990 Arts and Leisure sec- Jameson has described the cultural logic
tion of The New York Times carried a lead of postmodernism as a new depthless-
article with a rather arresting photograph ness, which finds its prolongation both in
of Franklin Roosevelt flanked by Winston contemporary theory and in a whole new
Churchill and Groucho Marx. Standing culture of the image or the simulacrum
behind them was a taut-faced Sylvester (Jameson, 1984, 58). To Jameson, the effect
Stallone in his Rambo garb. The photo of this image culture is a weakening of his-
illustrated the major point of the accompa- toricity. Lamenting the loss of the grand
nying article by Andy Grundberg: that the narratives of modernity, which he believes
photographand by implication the mov- once made possible the political actions
ing picture as wellis no longer, as Oliver of individuals representing the interests
Wendell Holmes once put it, a mirror with of social classes, Jameson argues that it
a memory illustrating the visual truth of no longer seems possible to represent the
objects, persons, and events but a manipu- real interests of a people or a class against
lated construction. In an era of electronic the ultimate ground of social and economic
and computer-generated images, the cam- determinations.
era, the article sensationally proclaims, can While not all theorists of postmodernity
lie. are as disturbed as Jameson by the apparent
In this photo, the anachronistic flatten- loss of the referent, by the undecidabilities
ing out of historical referents, the trivial- of representation accompanied by an appar-
ization of history itself, with the popular ent paralysis of the will to change, many
culture icons of Groucho and Rambo rub- theorists do share a sense that the enlighten-
bing up against Roosevelt and Churchill, ment projects of truth and reason are defini-
serves almost as a caricature of the state of tively over. And if representations, whether
representation some critics have chosen to visual or verbal, no longer refer to a truth or
call postmodern. In a key statement, Fredric referent out there, as Trinh T.Minh-ha has
Mirrors without Memories 795

put it, for us in here (Trinh, 83), then we deluge, it is still the moving image that
seem to be plunged into a permanent state has the power to move audiences to a new
of the self-reflexive crisis of representation. appreciation of previously unknowntruth.
What was once a mirror with a memory In a recent book on postwar West
can now only reflect another mirror. German cinema and its representations of
Perhaps because so much faith was once that countrys past, Anton Kaes has written
placed in the ability of the camera to reflect that [T]he sheer mass of historical images
objective truths of some fundamental social transmitted by todays media weakens
referentoften construed by the socially rel- the link between public memory and per-
evant documentary film as records of injus- sonal experience. The past is in danger of
tice or exploitation of powerless common becoming a rapidly expanding collection of
peoplethe loss of faith in the objectivity of images, easily retrievable but isolated from
the image seems to point, nihilistically, like time and space, available in an etemal pres-
the impossible memory of the meeting of ent by pushing a button on the remote con-
the fictional Rambo and the real Roosevelt, trol. History thus retums foreveras film
to the brute and cynical disregard of ulti- (Kaes, 198). Recently, the example of history
mate truths. that has been most insistently returning as
Yet at the very same time, as any televi- film to American viewers is the assassina-
sion viewer and moviegoer knows, we also tion of John F. Kennedy as simulated by
exist in an era in which there is a remark- film-maker OliverStone.
able hunger for documentary images of the Stones JFK might seem a good example
real. These images proliferate in the vrit of Jamesons and Kaess worst-case scenarios
of on-the-scene cops programs in which the of the ultimate loss of historical truth amid
camera eye merges with the eye of the law the postmodern hall of mirrors. While laud-
to observe the violence citizens do to one ably obsessed with exposing the manifest
another. Violence becomes the very emblem contradictions of the Warren Commissions
of the real in these programs. Interestingly, official version of the Kennedy assassina-
violent trauma has become the emblem of tion, Stones film has been severely criti-
the real in the new vrit genre of the inde- cized for constructing a countermyth to
pendent amateur video, which, in the case the Warren Commissions explanation of
of George Hollidays tape of the Rodney what happened. Indeed, Stones images
King beating by L.A. police, functioned to offer a kind of tragic counter-part to the
contradict the eye of the law and to inter- comic mlange of the New York Times photo
vene in the cops official version of Kings of Groucho and Roosevelt. Integrating his
arrest. This home video might be taken to own reconstruction of the assassination
represent the other side of the postmod- with the famous Zapruder film, whose
ern distrust of the image: here the camera objective reflection of the event is offered
tells the truth in a remarkable moment of as the narrative (if not the legal) clincher in
cinema vrit which then becomes valuable Jim Garrisons argument against the lone
(though not conclusive) evidence in accusa- assassin theory, Stone mixes Zapruders real
tions against the L.A. Police Departments vrit with his own simulated vrit to con-
discriminatory violence against minority struct a grandiose paranoid countermyth of
offenders. a vast conspiracy by Lyndon Johnson, the
The contradictions are rich: on the one C.I.A., and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to carry
hand the postmodern deluge of images out a coup dtat. With Little hard evidence
seems to suggest that there can be no a pri- to back him up, Stone would seem to be a
ori truth of the referent to which the image perfect symptom of a postmodern negativ-
refers; on the other hand, in this same ity and nihilism toward truth, as if to say:
796Truth Not Guaranteed

We know the Warren Commission made general audiences, who now line up for
up a story, well, heres another even more documentaries as eagerly as for fiction
dramatic and entertaining story. Since we films; second, their willingness to tackle
cant know the truth, lets make up a grand often grim, historically complex subjects.
paranoid fiction. Errol Morriss The Thin Blue Line (1987),
It is not my purpose here to attack Oliver about the murder of a police officer and the
Stones remarkably effective deployment of near execution of the wrong man, Michael
paranoia and megalomania; the press has Moores Roger and Me (1989), about the dire
already done a thorough job of debunking effects of General Motors plant closings,
his unlikely fiction of a Kennedy who was and Ken Burns 11-hour The Civil War (1990),
about to end the Cold War and withdraw (watched on PBS by 39million Americans)
from Vietnam.1 What interests me how- were especially popular documentaries
ever, is the positive side of this megalo- about uncommonly serious political and
mania: Stones belief that it is possible to social realities. Even more difficult and chal-
intervene in the process by which truth is lenging, though not quite as popular, were
constructed; his very real accomplishment Our Hitler (Hans-Jrgen Syberberg, 1980),
in shaking up public perception of an offi- Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1985), Hotel
cial truth that closed down, rather than Terminus:The Life and Times of KlausBarbie
opened up, investigation; his acute aware- (Marcel Ophuls, 1987)and Who Killed Vincent
ness of how images enter into the produc- Chin? (Chris Choy and Renee Tajima, 1988).
tion of knowledge. However much Stone And in 1991 the list of both critically suc-
may finally betray the spirit of his own cessful and popular documentary features
investigation into the multiple, contingent, not nominated for Academy AwardsParis
and constructed nature of the representa- Is Burning (Jennie Livingston), Hearts of
tion of history by asking us to believe in too Darkness:AFilmmakers Apocalypse (Fax Bahr
tidy a conspiracy, his JFK needs to be taken and George Hickenlooper), 35 Up (Michael
seriously for its renewal of interest in one Apted), Truth or Dare (Alex Keshishian)
of the major traumas of our countryspast. was viewed by many as an embarrassment
So rather than berate Stone, Iwould like to the Academy. Village Voice critic Amy
to contrast this multimillion-dollar histori- Taubin notes that 1991 was a year in which
cal fiction film borrowing many aspects of four or five documentaries made it onto the
the form of documentary to what we might Variety charts; documentaries now mattered
call the low-budget postmodern documen- in a new way (Taubin,62).
tary borrowing many features of the fiction Though diverse, all the above works par-
film. My goal in what follows is to get beyond ticipate in a new hunger for reality on the
the much remarked self-reflexivity and part of a public seemingly saturated with
flamboyant auteurism of these documen- Hollywood fiction. Jennie Livingston, direc-
taries, which might seem, Rashomon-like, tor of Paris Is Burning, the remarkably popu-
to abandon the pursuit of truth, to what lar documentary about gay drag subcultures
seems to me their remarkable engagement in New York, notes that the out-of-touch
with a newer, more contingent, relative, documentaries honored by the Academy all
postmodern trutha truth which, far from share an old-fashioned earnestness toward
being abandoned, still operates powerfully their subjects, while the new, more popular
as the receding horizon of the documentary documentaries share a more ironic stance
tradition. toward theirs. Coincident with the hunger
When we survey the field of recent docu- for documentary truth is the clear sense
mentary films two things stand out: first, that this truth is subject to manipulation
their unprecedented popularity among and construction by docu-auteurs who,
Mirrors without Memories 797

whether on camera (Lanzmann in Shoah, realism for studied, often slow-motion,

Michael Moore in Roger and Me) or behind, and highly expressionistic reenactments of
are forcefully calling the shots.2 different witnesses versions of the mur-
It is this paradox of the intrusive manip- der to the tune of Philip Glasss hypnotic
ulation of documentary truth, combined score. Like a great many recent documen-
with a serious quest to reveal some ultimate taries obsessed with traumatic events of
truths, that I would like to isolate within a the past, The Thin Blue Line is self-reflexive.
subset of the above films. What interests me Like many of these new documentaries, it
particularly is the way a special few of these is acutely aware that the individuals whose
documentaries handle the problem of figur- lives are caught up in events are not so much
ing traumatic historical truths inaccessible self- coherent and consistent identities as
to representation by any simple or single they are actors in competing narratives. As
mirror with a memory, and how this mir- in Roger and Me, Shoah, and, to a certain
ror nevertheless operates in complicated extent, Who Killed Vincent Chin?, the docu-
and indirect refractions. For while trau- mentarians role in constructing and staging
matic events of the past are not available for these competing narratives thus becomes
representation by any simple or single mir- paramount.3 In place of the self-obscuring
ror with a memoryin the vrit sense of voyeur of vrit realism, we encounter, in
capturing events as they happenthey do these and other films, a new presence in the
constitute a multifaceted receding horizon persona of the documentarian.
which these films powerfully evoke. For example, in one scene, David Harris,
I would like to offer Errol Morriss The the charming young accuser whose testi-
Thin Blue Line as a prime example of this mony placed Randall Adams on death row
postmodern documentary approach to the and who has been giving his side of the
trauma of an inaccessible past because of story in alternate sections of the film from
its spectacular success in intervening in Adams, scratches his head while recount-
the truths known about this past. Morriss ing an unimportant incident from his past.
film was instrumental in exonerating a In this small gesture, Morris dramatically
man wrongfully accused of murder. In reveals information withheld until this
1976, Dallas police officer Robert Wood moment: Harriss hands are handcuffed.
was murdered, apparently by a 28-year-old He, like Adams, is in prison. The interviews
drifter named Randall Adams. Like Stones with him are now subject to reinterpreta-
JFK, The Thin Blue Line is a film about a tion since, as we soon learn, he, too, stands
November murder in Dallas. Like JFK, the accused of murder. For he has committed
film argues that the wrong man was set up a senseless murder not unlike the one he
by a state conspiracy with an interest in con- accused Adams of committing. At this cli-
victing an easy scapegoat rather than pros- mactic moment Morris finally brings in
ecuting the real murderer. The filmthe the hard evidence against Harris previously
true story of Randall Adams, the man con- withheld: he is a violent psychopath who
victed of the murder of Officer Wood, and invaded a mans house, murdered him,
his accuser David Harris, the young hitch- and abducted his girlfriend. On top of this
hiker whom Adams picked up the night Morris adds the local cops attempt to explain
of the murderends with Harriss cryptic Harriss personal pathology; in the end we
but dramatic confession to the murder in a hear Harriss own near-confessionin an
phone conversation with Errol Morris. audio interviewto the murder for which
Stylistically, The Thin Blue Line has been Adams has been convicted. Thus Morris
most remarked for its film-noirish beauty, captures a truth, elicits a confession, in the
its apparent abandonment of cinma-vrit best vrit tradition, but only in the context
798Truth Not Guaranteed

of a film that is manifestly staged and tem- present. In contrast, the man found inno-
porally manipulated by the docu-auteur. cent by the film remains a cipher, we leam
It would seem that in Morriss abandon- almost nothing of his past, and this lack of
ment of voyeuristic objectivity he achieves knowledge appears necessary to the investi-
something more useful to the produc- gation of the official lies. What Morris does,
tion of truth. His interviews get the inter- in effect, is partially close down the repre-
ested parties talking in a special way. In a sentation of Adams own story, the accumu-
key statement in defense of his intrusive, lation of narratives from his past, in order
self-reflexive style, Morris has attacked the to show how convenient a scapegoat he was
hallowed tradition of cinma vrit: There to the overdetermining pasts of all the other
is no reason why documentaries cant be false witnesses. Thus, instead of using fic-
as personal as fiction filmmaking and bear tionalizing techniques to show us the truth
the imprint of those who made them. Truth of what happened, Morris scrupulously
isnt guaranteed by style or expression. It sticks to stylized and silent docudrama
isnt guaranteed by anything (Morris, 17). reenactments that show only what each wit-
The personal in this statement has been ness claims happened.
taken to refer to the personal, self-reflexive In contrast, we might consider Oliver
style of the docu-auteur: Morriss hypnotic Stones very different use of docudrama
pace, Glasss music, the vivid colors and reenactments to reveal the truth of the
slow motion of the multiple reenactments. existence of several assassins and the plot
Yet the interviews too bear this personal that orchestrated their activity, in the mur-
imprint of the auteur. Each person who der of JFK. Stone has Garrison introduce
speaks to the camera in The Thin Blue Line the Zapruder film in the trial of Clay Shaw
does so in a confessional, talking-cure as hallowed vrit evidence that there had
mode. James Shamus has pointed out that to be more than one assassin. Garrisons
this rambling, free-associating discourse examination of the magic bullets trajec-
ultimately collides with, and is sacrificed to, tory does a fine dramatic job of challenging
the juridical narrative producing the truth of the official version of the lone assassin. But
who, finally, is guilty. And Charles Musser in his zealous pursuit of the truth of who
also points out that what is sacrificed is the dunnit, Stone matches the vrit style of
psychological complexity of the man the the Zapruder film with a vrit simulation
film finds innocent. Thus the film foregoes which, although hypothesis, has none of
investigation into what Adams might have the stylized, hypothetical visual marking of
been up to that night taking a 16-year-old Morriss simulations and which therefore
hitchhiker to a drive-in movie.4 commands a greater component of belief.
Morris gives us some truths and with- Morris, on the other hand, working in a doc-
holds others. His approach to truth is alto- umentary form that now eschews vrit as a
gether strategic. Truth exists for Morris style, stylizes his hypothetical reenactments
because lies exist; if lies are to be exposed, and never offers any of them as an image of
truths must be strategically deployed against what actually happened.
them. His strategy in the pursuit of this In the discussions surrounding the
relative, hierarchized, and contingent truth truth claims of many contemporary docu-
is thus to find guilty those speakers whom mentaries, attention has centered upon
he draws most deeply into the explorations the self-reflexive challenge to once hal-
of their past. Harris, the prosecutor Mulder, lowed techniques of vrit. It has become
the false witness Emily Miller, all cozy up an axiom of the new documentary that
to the camera to remember incidents from films cannot reveal the truth of events, but
their past which serve to indict them in the only the ideologies and consciousness that
Mirrors without Memories 799

construct competing truthsthe fictional to a remarkable awareness of the conditions

master narratives by which we make sense under which it is possible to intervene in the
of events. Yet too often this way of thinking political and cultural construction of truths
has led to a forgetting of the way in which which, while not guaranteed, nevertheless
these films still are, as Stones film isnt, matter as the narratives by which we live. To
documentariesfilms with a special inter- better explain this point Iwould like to fur-
est in the relation to the real, the truths ther consider the confessional, talking-cure
which matter in peoples lives but which strategy of The Thin Blue Line as it relates
cannot be transparently represented. to Claude Lanzmanns Shoah. While I am
One reason for this forgetting has been aware of the incommensurability of a film
the erection of a too simple dichotomy about the state of Texass near-execution of
between, on the one hand, a nave faith in an innocent man with the German states
the truth of what the documentary image achieved extermination of six million,
revealsvrits discredited claim to captur- I want to pursue the comparison because
ing events while they happenand on the both films are, in very different ways, strik-
other, the embrace of fictional manipula- ing examples of postmodern documentaries
tion. Of course, even in its heyday no one whose passionate desire is to intervene in
ever fully believed in an absolute truth of the construction of truths whose totality is
cinma vrit. There are, moreover, many ultimately unfathomable.
gradations of fictionalized manipulation In both of these films, the truth of the
ranging from the controversial manipu- past is traumatic, violent, and unrepresent-
lation of temporal sequence in Michael able in images. It is obscured by official
Moores Roger and Me to Errol Morriss lies masking the responsibility of indi-
scrupulous reconstructions of the subjec- vidual agents in a gross miscarriage of
tive truths of events as viewed from many justice. We may recall that Jamesons argu-
different points of view. ment about the postmodern is that it is a
Truth is not guaranteed and cannot be loss of a sense of history, of a collective or
transparently reflected by a mirror with a individual past, and the knowledge of how
memory, yet some kinds of partial and con- the past determines the present: the past
tingent truths are nevertheless the always as referent finds itself gradually brack-
receding goal of the documentary tradition. eted, and then effaced altogether, leaving
Instead of careening between idealistic faith us with nothing but texts (Jameson, 1984,
in documentary truth and cynical recourse 64). That so many well-known and popu-
to fiction, we do better to define documen- lar documentary films have taken up the
tary not as an essence of truth but as a set of task of remembering the pastindeed
strategies designed to choose from among that so much popular debate about the
a horizon of relative and contingent truths. truth of the past has been engendered by
The advantage, and the difficulty, of the defi- both fiction and documentary films about
nition is that it holds on to the concept of the pastcould therefore be attributed to
the realindeed of a real at alleven in another of Jamesons points about the post-
the face of tendencies to assimilate docu- modern condition:the intensified nostalgia
mentary entirely into the rules and norms for a past that is alreadylost.
of fiction. However, I would argue instead that, cer-
As The Thin Blue Line shows, the recogni- tainly in these two films and partially in a
tion that documentary access to this real is range of others, the postmodern suspicion
strategic and contingent does not require a of over-abundant images of an unfolding,
retreat to a Rashomon universe of undecid- present real (vrits commitment to film
abilities. This recognition can lead, rather, it as it happens) has contributed not to
800Truth Not Guaranteed

new fictionalizations but to paradoxically a past the knowledge of which will produce
new historicizations. These historicizations new truths of guilt and innocence in the
are fascinated by an inaccessible, ever reced- present. Randall Adams is now free at least
ing, yet newly important past which does partly because of the evidence of Morriss
have depth.5 History, in Jamesons sense of film; the Holocaust comes alive not as some
traces of the past, of an absent cause which alien horror foreign to all humanity but
hurts (Jameson, 1981, 102), would seem, as something that is, perhaps for the first
almost by definition, to be inaccessible to the time on film, understandable as an abso-
vrit documentary form aimed at captur- lutely banal incremental logic and logistics
ing action in its unfolding. The recourse to of train schedules and human silence. The
talking-heads interviews, to people remem- past events examined in these films are not
bering the pastwhether the collective his- offered as complete, totalizable, apprehen-
tory of a nation or city, the personal history sible. They are fragments, pieces of the past
of individuals, or the criminal event which invoked by memory, not unitary represent-
crucially determines the presentis, in able truths but, as Freud once referred to the
these anti-vrit documentaries, an attempt psychic mechanism of memory, a palimp-
to overturn this commitment to realisti- sest, described succinctly by Mary Ann
cally record life as it is in favor of a deeper Doane as the sum total of its rewritings
investigation of how it became as it is. through time. The event remembered is
Thus, while there is very little running never whole, never fully represented, never
after the action, there is considerable provo- isolated in the past alone but only accessible
cation of action. Even though Morris and through a memory which resides, as Doane
Lanzmann have certainly done their leg- has put it, in the reverberations between
work to pursue actors in the events they events (Doane, 58).
are concerned to represent, their preferred This image of the palimpsest of memory
technique is to set up a situation in which seems a particularly apt evocation of how
the action will come to them. In these privi- these two films approach the problem of
leged moments of vrit (for there finally are representing the inaccessible trauma of the
moments of relative vrit) the past repeats. past. When Errol Morris fictionally reen-
We thus see the power of the past not sim- acts the murder of Officer Wood as differ-
ply by dramatizing it, or reenacting it, or ently remembered by David Harris, Randall
talking about it obsessively (though these Adams, the officers partner, and the vari-
films do all this), but finally by finding its ous witnesses who claimed to have seen the
traces, in repetitions and resistances, in the murder, he turns his film into a temporally
present. It is thus the contextualization of elaborated palimpsest, discrediting some
the present with the past that is the most versions more than others but refusing
effective representational strategy in these to ever fix one as the truth. It is precisely
two remarkable films. Morriss refusal to fix the final truth, to go
Each of these documentaries digs on seeking reverberations and repetitions
toward an impossible archeology, pick- that, Iargue, gives this film its exceptional
ing at the scabs of lies which have covered power oftruth.
over the inaccessible originary event. The This strategic and relative truth is often a
film-makers ask questions, probe circum- by-product of other investigations into many
stances, draw maps, interview historians, stories of self-justification and reverberating
witnesses, jurors, judges, police, bureau- memories told to the camera. For example,
crats, and survivors. These diverse investiga- Morris never set out to tell the story of
tory processes augment the single method Randall Adams innocence. He was inter-
of the vrit camera. They seek to uncover ested initially in the story of Dr. Death,
Mirrors without Memories 801

the psychiatrist whose testimony about the contingent truths in favor of a unitary, para-
sanity of numerous accused murderers had noid view of history.
resulted in a remarkable number of death The argument between Moore and
sentences. It would seem that the more Jacobson seems to be about where docu-
directly and singlemindedly a film pursues mentarians should draw the line in manip-
a single truth, the less chance it has of pro- ulating the historical sequence of their
ducing the kind of reverberations between material. But rather than determining
events that will effect meaning in the pres- appropriate strategies for the representa-
ent. This is the problem with Roger and Me tion of the meaning of events, the argument
and, to stretch matters, even with JFK: both becomes a question of a commitment to
go after a single target too narrowly, oppos- objectivity versus a commitment to fiction.
ing a singular (fictionalized) truth to a sin- Moore says, in effect, that his first commit-
gular officiallie. ment is to entertain and that this entertain-
The much publicized argument between ment is faithful to the essence of the history.
Harlan Jacobson and Michael Moore regard- But Moore betrays the cause and effect
ing the imposition of a false chronology in reverberation between events by this reor-
Moores documentary about the closing of dering. The real lesson of this debate would
General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan, seem to be that Moore did not trust his audi-
is an example. At stake in this argument ence to learn about the past in any other
is whether Moores documentation of the way than through the vrit capture of it. He
decline of the city of Flint in the wake of assumed that if he didnt have footage from
the plant closing entailed an obligation to the historical period prior to his filming in
represent events in the sequence in which Flint he couldnt show it. But the choice
they actually occurred. Jacobson argues neednt be, as Moore implies, between bor-
that Moore betrays his journalist/docu- ing, laborious fact and entertaining fiction
mentarians commitment to the objective true to the essence, but not the detail, of
portrayal of historical fact when he implies historical events. The opposition poses a
that events that occurred prior to the major false contrast between a nave faith in the
layoffs at the plant were the effect of these documentary truth of photographic and
layoffs. Others have criticized Moores filmic images and the cynical awareness of
self-promoting placement of himself at the fictional manipulation.
center of thefilm.6 What animates Morris and Lanzmann,
In response, Moore argues that as a resi- by contrast, is not the opposition between
dent of Flint he has a place in the film and absolute truth and absolute fiction but the
should not attempt to play the role of objec- awareness of the final inaccessibility of a
tive observer but of partisan investigator. moment of crime, violence, trauma, irre-
This point is quite credible and consistent trievably located in the past. Through the
with the postmodern awareness that there is curiosity, ingenuity, irony, and obsessive-
no objective observation of truth but always ness of obtrusive investigators, Morris
an interested participation in its construc- and Lanzmann do not so much represent
tion. But when he argues that his documen- this past as they reactivate it in images of
tary is in essence true to what happened the present. This is their distinctive post-
to Flint in the 1980s, only that these events modern feature as documentarians. For in
are told with a narrative style that omits revealing the fabrications, the myths, the
details and condenses events of a decade frequent moments of scapegoating when
into a palatable movie (Jacobson, 22), easy fictional explanations of trauma, vio-
Moore behaves too much like Oliver Stone, lence, crime were substituted for more
abandoning the commitment to multiple difficult ones, these documentaries do not
802Truth Not Guaranteed

simply play off truth against lie, nor do they [Lanzmann] He thinks the Jews expiated
play off one fabrication against another; the death of Christ?
rather, they show how lies function as par- [The first? Pole] He doesnt think so, or
tial truths to both the agents and witnesses even that Christ sought revenge. He
of historys trauma. didnt say that. The rabbi said it. It was
For example, in one of the most dis- Gods will, thatsall!
cussed moments of Shoah, Lanzmann [Lanzmann, referring to an untranslated
stages a scene of homecoming in Chelmno, comment] Whatd shesay?
Poland, by Simon Srebnik, a Polish Jew [A Polish woman] So Pilate washed his
who had, as a child, worked in the death hands and said:Christ is innocent,
camp near that town, running errands for and he sent Barabbas. But the Jews
the Nazis and forced to sing while doing so. cried out:Let his blood fall on our
Now, many years later, in the present tense heads!
of Lanzmanns film, the elderly yet still vig- [Another Pole] Thats all; now you know!
orous Srebnik is surrounded on the steps (Shoah,100).7
of the Catholic church by an even older,
friendly group of Poles who remembered As critic Shoshana Felman has pointed out,
him as a child in chains who sang by the this scene on the church steps in Chelmno
river. They are happy he has survived and shows the Poles replacing one memory
returned to visit. But as Lanzmann asks of their own witness of the persecution
them how much they knew and understood of the Jews with another (false) memory,
about the fate of the Jews who were car- an auto-mystification, produced by Mr.
ried away from the church in gas vans, the Kantarowski, of the Jews willing accep-
group engages in a kind of free association tance of their persecution as scapegoats for
to explain the unexplainable. the death of Christ. This fantasy, meant to
assuage the Poles guilt for their complicity
in the extermination of the Jews, actually
[Lanzmann] Why do they think all this
happened to theJews?
repeats the Poles crime of the past in the
[A Pole] Because they were the richest!
Many Poles were also exterminated. Felman argues that the strategy of
Even priests. Lanzmanns film is not to challenge this
[Another Pole] Mr. Kantarowski will tell us false testimony but to dramatize its effects:
what a friend told him. It happened in we see Simon Srebnik suddenly silenced
Myndjewyce, near Warsaw. among the chatty Poles, whose victim he
[Lanzmann]Goon. becomes all over again. Thus the film does
[Mr. Kantarowski] The Jews there were not so much give us a memory as an action,
gathered in a square. The rabbi asked here and now, of the Poles silencing and
an SS man:Can Italk to them? The crucifixion of Srebnik, whom they obliterate
SS man said yes. So the rabbi said and forget even as he stands in their midst
that around two thousand years ago (Felman, 120128).
the Jews condemned the innocent It is this repetition in the present of the
Christ to death. And when they did crime of the past that is key to the documen-
that, they cried out:Let his blood fall tary process of Lanzmanns film. Success,
on our heads and on our sons heads. in the films terms, is the ability not only
The rabbi told them:Perhaps the to assign guilt in the past, to reveal and fix
time has come for that, so let us do a truth of the day-to-day operation of the
nothing, let us go, let us do as were machinery of extermination, but also to
asked. deepen the understanding of the many ways
Mirrors without Memories 803

in which the Holocaust continues to live in Toward the end, after Morris has amassed
the present. The truth of the Holocaust thus a great deal of evidence attesting to the false
does not exist in any totalizing narrative, witness born by three people who testified
but only, as Felman notes and Lanzmann to seeing Randall Adams in the car with
shows, as a collection of fragments. While David Harris, but before playing the audio
the process of scapegoating, of achieving tape in which Harris all but confesses to the
premature narrative closure by assigning crime, the film takes a different turnaway
guilt to convenient victims, is illuminated, from the events of November and into the
the events of the pastin this case the total- childhood of David Harris. The film thus
ity of the Holocaustregister not in any moves both forward and back in time: to
fixed moment of past or present but rather, events following and preceding the night of
as in Freuds description of the palimpsest, November, 1976, when the police officer was
as the sum total of its rewritings through shot. Moving forward, we learn of a murder,
time, not in a single event but in the rever- in which David broke into the home of a man
berations between. who had, he felt, stolen his girlfriend. When
It is important in the above example to the man defended himself, David shot him.
note that while cinma vrit is deployed This repetition of wanton violence is the
in this scene on the steps, as well as in the clincher in the films case against David.
interviews throughout the film, this form But instead of stopping there, the film goes
of vrit no longer has a fetish function of back in time aswell.
demanding belief as the whole. In place of a A kindly, baby-faced cop from Davids
truth that is guaranteed, the vrit of catch- home town, who has told us much of
ing events as they happen is here embedded Davids story already, searches for the
in a history, placed in relation to the past, cause of his behavior and hits upon a child-
given a new power, not of absolute truth but hood trauma: a four-year-old brother who
of repetition. drowned when David was only three. Morris
Although it is a very different sort then cuts to David speaking of this inci-
of documentary dealing with a trauma dent:My Dad was supposed to be watching
whose horror cannot be compared to the us. I guess that might have been some
Holocaust, Errol Morriss The Thin Blue kind of traumatic experience for me.
Line also offers its own rich palimpsest Iguess Ireminded him it was hardfor
of reverberations between events. At the me to get any acceptance from him after
beginning of the film, convicted mur- that. Alot of the things Idid as a young
derer Randall Adams mulls over the fate- kid was an attempt to get back athim.
ful events of the night of 1976 when he In itself, this getting-back-at-the-father
ran out of gas, was picked up by David motive is something of a clich for explain-
Harris, went to a drive-in movie, refused ing violent male behavior. But coupled as
to allow Harris to come home with him, it is with the final confession scene in
and later found himself accused of killing which Harris repeats this getting-back-at-
a cop with a gun that Harris had stolen. He the-father motive in his relation to Adams,
muses:Why did Imeet this kid? Why did the explanation gains resonance, expos-
Irun out of gas? But it happened, it hap- ing another layer in the palimpsest of the
pened. The film probes this Why? And past. As we watch the tape recording of
its discovery out of the past is not sim- this last unfilmed interview play, we hear
ply some fate-laden accident but, rather, a Morris ask Harris if he thinks Adams is a
reverberation between events that reaches pretty unlucky fellow? Harris answers,
much further back into the past than that Definitely, specifying the nature of this
cold November night in Dallas. bad luck:Like Itold you a while ago about
804Truth Not Guaranteed

the guy who didnt have no place to stay if proclaims the innocence of the man he has
hed had a place to stay, hed never had no personally condemned, patiently explaining
place to go, right? Morris decodes this ques- the process of scapegoating that the Dallas
tion with his own rephrasing, continuing county legal system has so obligingly helped
to speak of Harris in the third person:You him accomplish. Cinma vrit in both these
mean if hed stayed at the hotel that night films is an important vehicle of documen-
this never would have happened? (That is, tary truth. We witness in the present an
if Adams had invited Harris into his hotel event of simultaneous confession and con-
to stay with him as Harris had indicated demnation on the part of historical actors
earlier in the film he expected, then Harris who repeat their crimes from the past.
would not have committed the murder he Individual guilt is both palpably manifest
later pinned on Adams.) Harris:Good pos- and viewed in a larger context of personal
sibility, good possibility. You ever hear and social history. For even as we catch
of the proverbial scapegoat? There prob- David Harris and the Poles of Chelmno in
ably been thousands of innocent people the act of scapegoating innocent victims
convicted. for crimes they have not committed, these
Morris presses: What do you think acts are revealed as part of larger processes,
about whether hes innocent? Harris:Im reverberating with the past.
sure he is. Morris again:How can you be I think it is important to hold on to this
sure? Harris:Im the one who knows. idea of truth as a fragmentary shard, perhaps
After all was said and done it was pretty especially at the moment we as a culture
unbelievable. Ive always thought if you have begun to realize, along with Morris,
could say why theres a reason that Randall and along with the supposed depthlessness
Adams is in jail it might be because he of our postmodern condition, that it is not
didnt have a place for somebody to stay that guaranteed. For some form of truth is the
helped him that night. It might be the only always receding goal of documentary film.
reason why hes at where hesat. But the truth figured by documentary cannot
What emerges forcefully in this be a simple unmasking or reflection. It is a
near-confession is much more than the careful construction, an intervention in the
clinching evidence in Morriss portrait of politics and the semiotics of representation.
a gross miscarriage of justice. For in not An overly simplified dichotomy between
simply probing the wrong man story, in truth and fiction is at the root of our difficulty
probing the reverberations between events in thinking about the truth in documentary.
of David Harriss personal history, Morriss The choice is not between two entirely sepa-
film discovers an underlying layer in the rate regimes of truth and fiction. The choice,
palimpsest of the past:how the older Randall rather, is in strategies of fiction for the
Adams played an unwitting role in the psy- approach to relative truths. Documentary is
chic history of the 16-year-old David Harris, not fiction and should not be conflated with
a role which repeated an earlier trauma in it. But documentary can and should use all
Harriss life:of the father who rejected him, the strategies of fictional construction to get
whose approval he could not win, and upon at truths. What we see in The Thin Blue Line
whom David then revenged himself. and Shoah, and to some degree in the other
Harriss revealing comments do more documentaries Ihave mentioned, is an inter-
than clinch his guilt. Like the Poles who sur- est in constructing truths to dispel pernicious
round Srebnik on the steps of the church fictions, even though these truths are only
and proclaim pity for the innocent child who relative and contingent. While never abso-
suffered so much even as they repeat the lute and never fixed, this under-construction,
crime of scapegoating Jews, so David Harris fragmented horizon of truth is one important
Mirrors without Memories 805

means of combating the pernicious scape- 3. In this article I will not discuss Who Killed Vincent
Chin? or Roger and Me at much length. Although
goating fictions that can put the wrong man both of these films resemble The Thin Blue Line and
on death row and enable the extermination Shoah in their urge to reveal truths about crimes, I
of a whole people. do not believe these films succeeded as spectacularly
as Lanzmanns and Morriss in respecting the
The lesson that Iwould like to draw from complexity of these truths. In Vincent Chin, the
these two exemplary postmodern docu- truth pursued is the racial motives animating Roger
mentaries is thus not at all that postmod- Ebans, a disgruntled, unemployed auto worker who
killed Vincent Chin in a fight following a brawl in
ern representation inevitably succumbs to a a strip joint. Ebans was convicted of manslaughter
depthlessness of the simulacrum, or that it but only paid a small fine. He was then acquitted
gives up on truth to wallow in the undecid- of a subsequent civil rights charge that failed to
abilities of representation. The lesson, rather, convince a jury of his racial motives. The film,
however, convincingly pursues evidence that Ebans
is that there can be historical depth to the animosity towards Chin was motivated by his anger
notion of truthnot the depth of unearthing at the Japanese for stealing jobs from Americans
a coherent and unitary past, but the depth of (Ebans assumed Chin was Japanese). In recounting
the two trials, the story of the Justice for Vincent
the pasts reverberation with the present. If Committee, and the suffering of Vincents mother,
the authoritative means to the truth of the the film attempts to retry the case showing evidence
past does not exist, if photographs and mov- of Ebans racial motives.
Film-makers Choy and Tajima gamble that
ing images are not mirrors with memories, if their camera will capture, in interviews with
they are more, as Baudrillard has suggested, Ebans, what the civil rights case did not capture
like a hall of mirrors, then our best response for the jury:the racist attitudes that motivated
the crime. They seek, in a way, what all of these
to this crisis of representation might be to documentaries seek:evidence of the truth of
do what Lanzmann and Morris do:to deploy past events through their repetition in the
the many facets of these mirrors to reveal present. This is also, in a more satirical vein,
what Michael Moore seeks when he repeatedly
the seduction oflies. attempts to interview the elusive Roger Smith,
head of General Motors, about the layoffs in Flint,
Michigan:Smiths avoidance of Moore repeats
Acknowledgment this avoidance of responsibility toward the town
of Flint. This is also what Claude Lanzmann seeks
I owe thanks to Anne Friedberg, Mark when he interviews the ex-Nazis and witnesses of
the Holocaust, and it is what Errol Morris seeks
Poster, Nancy Salzer, Marita Sturken, when he interviews David Harris, the boy who
Charles Musser, James Shamus, B. Ruby put Randall Adams on death row. Each of these
Rich, and Marianne Hirsch for helping me, films succeeds in its goal to a certain extent. But
the singlemindedness of Vincent Chins pursuit of
one way or another, to formulate the ideas the singular truth of Ebans guilt, and his cultures
in this article. I also thank my colleagues resentment of Asians, limits the film. Since Ebans
on the Film Quarterly editorial board, never does show himself in the present to be a
blatant racist, but only an insensitive working-class
whose friendly criticisms Ihave not entirely guy, the film interestingly fails on its own terms,
answered. though it is eloquent testimony to the pain and
suffering of the scapegoated Chins mother.
4. Shamus, Musser, and Idelivered papers on The
Notes Thin Blue Line at a panel devoted to the film at a
conference sponsored by NewYork University,
1. See, for example: Janet Maslin, Oliver Stone The State of Representation:Representation and
Manipulates His Puppet, The New York Times the State, October 2628, 1990. B.Ruby Rich was
(Sunday, January 5, 1992), p. 13; Twisted History, a respondent. Mussers paper argued the point,
Newsweek (December 23,1991), pp. 4654; Alexander seconded by Richs comments, that the prosecution
Cockbum, J.F.K. and J.F.K., The Nation (January and the police saw Adams as a homosexual. Their
613, 1992), pp. 68. eagerness to prosecute Adams, rather than the
2. Livingstons own film is an excellent example of underage Harris, seems to have much to do with
the irony she cites, not so much in her directorial this perception, entirely suppressed by thefilm.
attitude toward her subjectdrag-queen ball 5. Consider, for example, the way Ross McElwees
competitionsbut in her subjects attitudes toward Shermans March, on one level a narcissistic
the construction of the illusion of gender. self-portrait of an eccentric Southerners rambling
806Truth Not Guaranteed
attempts to discover his identity while traveling de Shoah:le film de Claude Lanzmann.
through the South, also plays off against the Paris:EditionsBelin.
historical General Shermans devastating march. Grundberg, Andy. 1990. Ask It No Questions: The
Or consider the way Ken Burns The Civil War is as Camera Can Lie. The New York Times, Arts and
much about what the Civil War is to us today as it is Leisure. Sunday, August 12, pp. 1, 29.
about the objective truth of thepast. Jacobson, Harlan. 1989. Michael and Me. Film
6. Laurence Jarvik, for example, argued that Moores Comment, vol. 25, no. 6 (NovemberDecember),
self-portrayal of himself as a nave, quixotic pp. 1626.
rebel with a mike is not an authentic image but Jameson, Fredric, 1984. Postmodernism or the
one Moore has promoted as a fiction (quoted in Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. New Left
Tajima,30). Review 146 (JulyAugust).
7. Ihave quoted this dialogue from the published version ______. 1981 .The Political Unconscious:Narrative as
of the Shoah script but Ihave added the attribution a Socially Symbolic Act. Ithaca, N.Y.:Cornell
of who is speaking in brackets. It is important to UniversityPress.
note, however, that the script is a condensation of Kaes, Anton. 1989. From Hitler to Heimat:The
a prolonged scene that appears to be constructed Return of History as Film. Cambridge:Harvard
out of two different interviews with Lanzmann, the UniversityPress.
Poles, and Simon Srebnik before the church. In the Lanzmann, Claude. 1985. Shoah:An Oral History of the
first segment, Mr. Kantarowski is not present; in the Holocaust. NewYork:Pantheon.
second he is. When the old woman says So Pilate Lyotard, Jean-Franois. 1984. The Postmodern Condition:
washed his hands Mr.Kantarowski makes the AReport on Knowledge. Minneapolis:University of
gesture of washing hishands. MinnesotaPress.
Morris, Errol. 1989. Truth Not Guaranteed:An
Interview with Errol Morris. Cineaste 17,
WorksCited Musser, Charles. 1990. Unpublished paper. Film
Truth:From Kino Pravda to Who Killed Vincent
Baudrillard, Jean. 1988. Simulacra and Simulations. Chin? and The Thin BlueLine.
In Mark Poster, ed., Jean Baudrillard:Selected Shamus, James. 1990. Unpublished paper. Optioning
Writings. Stanford, CA:Stanford UniversityPress. Time:Writing The Thin BlueLine.
Doane, Mary Ann. 1990. Remembering Women: Tajima, Renee. 1990. The Perils of Popularity. The
Physical and Historical Constructions in Film Independent (June).
Theory. In E. Ann Kaplan, ed., Psychoanalysis and Taubin, Amy. 1992. Oscars Docudrama. The Village
Cinema. NewYork:Routledge. Voice. March 31,p.62.
Felman, Shoshana. 1990. A LAge du temoignage: Trinh T., Minh-ha. 1990. Documentary Is/Not a Name
Shoah de Claude Lanzmann. In Au sujet October 52 (Spring), pp.7798.

An Interview with Errol Morris(1989)

Errol Morris performs two jobs in his documen- controversial documentary, it has received very
tary film The Thin Blue Line:as a filmmaker little negative publicity. Its kind of disappoint-
who injects a personal, unorthodox style into ing, really. said Morris. I thought the film
the work and as offscreen detective who ends would have created some degree of antagonism.
up influencing events. The detective role is not That makes me suspicious. Can it really be
unusual for him, because he has done investi- any good? Errol Morris was interviewed for
gative work in the past. Before he could support Cineaste by PeterBates.
himself as a filmmaker, he worked as a Wall
Cineaste: What has happened in the Randall
Street private eye, investigating cases involving
Adams case since the release of The Thin Blue
bonds and government securities.
Morris did not intend to make The Thin
Blue Line. He slipped into it inadvertently, Errol Morris: Adate was set in Dallas state
while trying to develop a completely different court to hear arguments on why the 1977
film about self-deception and violence. He is trial should be disallowed. Of course these
now back working on that film, a pastiche hearings have happened before. The previ-
of several stories whose characters include ous one lasted two years and the only thing
Dr. Grigson (the psychiatrist in the Adams we proved was that the judge should have
case), a lion tamer, scientists working on disallowed himself from the case. This case
animal behavior, etc. He is also concurrently has a lot of layers; its still an ongoing inves-
working on another project, a film about a dog tigation. Were uncovering new facts all the
accused of murder. time. David Harriss cellmate recently came
With minimal advertising, the film opened forward and said that Harris confessed
nationwide to favorable reviews (includ- the crime repeatedly to him. Together they
ing one in the Dallas Times Herald). For a called Adams the unlucky fucker. Harriss
808Truth Not Guaranteed

mother produced a letter he wrote from about my motives for doing this thing, and
death row, indicating he was responsible for they probably wondered if I shared their
the murder. She turned it over to Adamss conviction that Adams was guilty.
defense attorneys, and Iguess that produced Cineaste: For example, the police officers?
a rift between mother and son. There is no
Morris: Possibly. Of course, Ididnt indicate
doubt that Randall Adams didnt receive a
my opinion one way or another. Ilet them
fair trial. They concocted evidence by edit-
all speak and tell me what they believed in
ing testimony, suppressing significant doc-
their ownwords.
uments; really, manufacturing a case that
didntexist. Cineaste: Are they any documentary filmmak-
ers for whom you feel an affinity? People from
Cineaste: Why didnt you put Doug Mulder,
whom youve learned things?
the district attorney in this case, onfilm?
Morris: Well, Frederick Wiseman, the
Morris: Ididnt put him on film because the
king of misanthropic cinema. Hes pro-
interview with him was boring. He didnt
duced an extraordinary body of work.
say anything interesting. He refused to
I like his films because they embody
speak of the details of the case, preferring
something of his own vision or ideas;
instead to speak in generalities. He was
theyre very personal and idiosyncratic.
beyond cautious: he was non-responsive.
His content interests me, even though
Also, Iinterviewed him at an early stage in
his style is the polar opposite of mine.
the filming, at a time when Ididnt have that
All of my films break with the basic
much information about the role he had
tenets of cinma-vrit: No handheld
played attrial.
camera or shooting with available light,
Cineaste: You couldnt even get a damning no no running after the action, no trying to
comment fromhim? remain as unobtrusive as possible.
Morris: Idont put that kind of stuff in my Quite the opposite, I try to be as obtru-
film. Theres no attempt to catch people sive as possible. All my interviews are
in lies, to get them to sweat nervously in staged for the camera with the same light-
response to a difficult question. ing and poses. I believe cinma-vrit set
Cineaste: What kind of resistance did you meet back documentary filmmaking twenty or
while filming The Thin BlueLine? thirty years. It sees documentary filmmak-
ing as a sub-species of journalism. My films
Morris: I met resistance everywhere, all
are a return to an older idea of how films
along the way. I found that generally peo-
should be put together, more than journal-
ple were not necessarily enthusiastic about
ism rather than less. Theres no reason why
appearing on film. Alot of them didnt even
documentaries cant be as personal as fic-
want to talk about this case. It took a lot of
tion filmmaking and bear the imprint of
coaxing and cajoling to get them to agree to
those who made them. Truth isnt guaran-
appear. That was the hardest part. Once they
teed by style or expression. It isnt guaran-
agreed, most people enjoyed talking into the
teed by anything.
I admire some documentaries created
Cineaste: Did you find similar reasons for by directors more known for their other
their reluctance? work, like Herzog, Bunuel. Herzog pro-
Morris: Not really. Maybe a lot of them duced Land of Silence and Darkness (1971),
knew they had somehow been involved in The Great Ecstacy of the Sculptor Steiner
a miscarriage of justice, but I dont think (1974), Fata Morgana (1970); Bunuel, Land
so. There could have been some suspicion Without Bread (1932). I cant name many
Truth Not Guaranteed 809

documentary filmmakers today whose films system failed because of the people prac-
have this sort of individual imprint. ticing it. People who broke the rules, sup-
pressed evidence, put perjured evidence on
Cineaste: Music plays an important role in
the stand. They broke the rules, because
The Thin Blue Line. Why did you choose to
somehow they felt that the end justified
use Philip Glasssmusic?
the means, that if Randall Adams was truly
Morris: I had used portions of his guilty, then its okay; whatever we did was
previously-recorded music in the editing of justified. After all, we helped put a cop killer
this film. It worked so well, Ithought, why in the electric chair. The only trouble is they
not hire Philip Glass? Commission him to had the wrongman.
write an original score. I think it gives the
Cineaste: What impressions do you want your
film an underlying feeling of inexorability,
audiences to leavewith?
of inevitability, which is part of the film noir
aspect of the story. You know, theres a chance Morris: Well, outrage, thats certainly one of
meeting on a roadway and its the beginning them. It is hard to feel that Randall Adams
of a headlong trip to the Texas Department of was not denied a fair trial in 1977 and not to
Corrections Eastham Unit. No matter what have serious questions, even on the simplest
Randall Adams did, he got further entan- level, about the reliability of the prosecutions
gled. This feeling of doom and desperation eyewitness testimony. I dont think anyone
is underlined by Glasss music. Ive been told could come away from the movie and feel that
that it is the best use of his music in anyfilm. their three surprise eyewitnessesEmily and
R. L. Miller, and Michael Randallhave any
Cineaste: Do you think this particular case
credibility at all. I sometimes think of them
is emblematic of the American Justice sys-
as evil clowns [laughs]. You know. R. L. Miller
tem? Are there many other such cases still
has seen the film. I was told that afterwards
he was so afraid to show his face, he had to
Morris: Most of the people in jail are guilty. slink out of the theater.
I interviewed thirty-five inmates who had Id also like to give the impression that
been sentenced to death and I believe our perch in life is not as secure as we might
they were all guiltywith the exception of like to think. I want people to feel, it hap-
Randall Adams. My film is not an argument pened to him, it could happen to me. Its
for the innocence of people in jail, nor a about slipping through the cracks, being
story about how the American justice sys- incorrectly observed by the people around
tem produces unfair convictions and puts you (or not at all), and getting caught in
the wrong people in jail. Im not in a posi- some gigantic lie from which there is no
tion to make any sweeping generalization escape. The scary part is that our desire to
about American justice and Iwouldntdoit. seek the truth is a lot weaker than our desire
The Thin Blue Line is a story about how to tell ourselves what we want to hear, to
easy it is to deceive ourselves that we have perpetuate our own beliefs. The truth is not
some privileged access to the truth. It is like that, its not something that comes to us
a story about how the American justice at our convenience.

MICHAEL & ME(1989)

[] lawsuits, not the least of which was Bob

When I started making appointments with Eubanks). And hadatit.
Moorewho was crazed with making per- []
sonal appearances and cutting a distribution [Jacobson:] Since you have shown your film
deal in the most dizzying round of talks any in Toronto, and now NewYork, what has been
independent filmmaker has ever undertaken Roger Smiths response todate?
(culminating in a deal with Warners for some [Moore:] First week it was no comment,
$3 million for all rights and requiring it to buy the second week it was a one paragraph pre-
four houses for evicted families plus give away pared statement. Which was We have no
20,000 tickets to the unemployed)I was comment.
hardly surprised when either he, or I for that The third week he came out and said,
matter, broke the dates. Sometimes Michael I havent seen the film but I know I dont
wouldnt show up, sometimes Id show up like it. The fourth week they went on a p.r.
too late to accomplish an interview inside the binge and had an early opening of this engi-
hour he had cut me. Once, he met me on the neering center inFlint.
steps of St. Patricks Cathedralalong with The Great Lakes Technological Centre.
his mom and two associatesand wanted Right, which does not create one new
them along for the interview over lunch. job in the city of Flint. It merely transfers
Well, we had a nice lunch. Around the Film a thousand engineers from Detroit toFlint.
Comment basement, our dance became And then Smith said.
known as Michael & Me. We have no empty facilities in Flint.
Michael always called me, always stayed Because they tore it down [laughs]. Although
in touch. Eventually, we sat down one night its still not a true statement. There are three
in the office of his lawyers (who were busy empty or semi-empty factories, [including]
not only doing the deal but thinking their one where one of the two lines has been
way through the thicket of threatened mothballed.
Michael&Me 811

Would you call it a manipulation of the Or longer?

facts...? Its all connected, everything is con-
I call it a lie. Just a lie. Its printed as fact nected. There were terrible depressions in
because the media generally accepts what a the 50s and 60s in those plants.
corporation says as fact. It accepts what the Net loss of 32,000 jobs since1974.
government says as fact:Unemployment is Right, give or take a couple thousand.
at five percent; its printed that way, as fact. In the November 86 reduction, a total of
Michael Moore says it cost $160,000 to make something like 10,0000.
his movie, the article reads According to Roughly.
Moore ; or Moore claims; or Moore How far back was AutoWorld a discussion?
says that his movie cost him $160,000. A couple of years before maybe, Ithink.
Theyre even opening up AutoWorld for six I dont know. The first I heard of it was
weekends at the holidays to coincide with the probably, oh, the year before 83 they
opening of the film there. Idont know why announced it and started buildingit.
they think that is a smart p.r. move; itll just If Isaid that it went back in the discussion
reinforce my point and the point of themovie. as far as 1970, would that make sense toyou?
Whichis? No. I wouldnt know that. I know what
Which is how ridiculous it was to build they say, that Harding Mott said at one time
this thing in the middle of the devastated he was watching TV, and they were bury-
area and think that a million tourists a year ing a car, and he got all upset and wanted
were going to come. See, people could only to build some monument to the automobile
go on my word or on the few images Igive that would set the country right about the
of it in the film. Now, theyll actually be able contribution of the GM automobile. Iwasnt
to see this monstrosity. privy to any discussions back in1970.
Lets talk about that. When did it open There was money put into it for architecture
originally? and design as early as 78 and 79, through
Auto World opened July 4,1984. a combination of UDAG grants, the Mott
And it closed? Foundation and CRI?
Ahh, it closed January 6,1985. Is thattrue?
And theHyatt? I never heard of it in 1978. Inever heard
The Hyatt opened in 1982, Ithink. of it until just a year or two before it actually
And did not closebut. opened.
Hasnt closed. Its up forsale. Lets take one or two possible scenarios with
The underwriter foreclosed. respect to that whole development: it was not
Foreclosed,right. developed piece by piece but as a concept, a
And Water Street Pavilion openedwhen? unity. AutoWorld was meant to bring in, as
Water Street opened December of 1985. you said, a million tourists a year supported by
And just recently last week it was announced a hotel and a place to spend money at the retail
that all the stores would be closed and level, Water Street Pavilion.
turned into offices. Or so theyhope. No, there was never a plan that had all
The truck plant in Flint was shutwhen? three of those things connected.
May of1987. Granted, Flint was totally in a stranglehold
And Fisher#1? by GM, but when GM began relocating, or lay-
December of1987. ing off by attrition or outright in the late 60s,
And there were a total of eleven plants that was this three-part complex a legitimate gov-
wereidled. ernment response tohelp?
Whats happened to the plant has taken No, you cant take away jobs that are pay-
place over a ten-year period. ing people a decent wage, where they can
812Truth Not Guaranteed

buy a home, a car and raise a family, and I dont thinkso.

replace them with minimum wagejobs. Why?
Who builtthem? I just dont think so. I think its a docu-
Auto workers did not build these ment about a town that died in the 1980s,
buildings. and this is what happened.
Why was that not a localissue? I think thats true. And I think that it is
Well, thats a good question. In fact, they incredibly powerful and makes itspoint.
hired a contractor to come in from Indiana. Good.
They brought in people from out of state. It is unquestionably true that you made a
People who were laid off were not given jobs film about a town that died in the 1980s, a
to build these things. town that was in one companys hip pocket,
[] just like all of the towns that have ever been in
If AutoWorld opened up in 84, and it was one companys hip pocket back to the railroads
preceded by the Hyatt in 82, these things had which built company shacks and company
to be on the planning stage under Democratic stores. But I think that its also useful to address
administrations before. the question of the sequencing.
No. What would you rather have me do?
How do you open something up in1982 Should Ihave maybe begun the movie with a
You can open up a hotel pretty quick. Roger Smith or GM announcement of 1979
You dont need years of planningthats or 1980 for the first round of layoffs that
bullshit. I dont know why you want to devastated the town, which then led to start-
get into UDAG, the Mott Foundation, or ing these projects, after which maybe things
CRI. Idont know what this has to do with pick up a little bit in the mid 80s, and then
themovie. boom in 86 theres another announcement,
The impression that one has from the movie and then tell that wholestory?
is that there was a single felling blow, directed Where now there are Son of AutoWorld
at Fisher Plant #1, which cut loose 30,000 and the Great Lakes Technology Centre and
people from employment, resulting in immedi- all these things I call Dance Bands on the
ate and massive devastation to which the local Titanic, the diversions, the distractions, the
government responded with fantasy projects. things that are used to tell the town See,
There is no mention that those projects existed were gonna come back, things are going to
on the boards back to 1970. maybe/maybe get better? Then its a three hour movie. Its
not; back to 1978 maybe/maybe not; but a movie, you know; you cant do everything.
certainly no mention that they opened up, ran Iwas true to what happened. Everything that
their course, and closed prior to the cutbacks happened in the movie happened. It hap-
which form the spine of yourmovie. pened in the same order that it happened
Right. Well, first of all the movie never throughout the 80s. If you want to nit-pick
says that 30,000 jobs that this one on some of those specific things, finebut.
announcement eliminated 30,000 jobs in Its not a nit-pick, and Ill tell you why Idont
Flint. The movie is about essentially what think its a nit-pick. You call it a movie; it has
has happened to this town during the 1980s. the form of documentary. We all know that doc-
I wasnt filming in 1982 so everything umentaries have points of view . . . what goes
that happened happened. As far as Im con- into the documentary, even down to the camera
cerned, a period of seven or eight years angle, has a bias. But we expect that what we
is pretty immediate and pretty devastating. are seeing there happened, in the way in which
You may be right in spirit but youre playing it happened, in the way in which we are told it
fast and loose with sequencewhich viewers happened. We all know the doubt that arises
dont understand is happening. and the actions that come from the reporting
Michael&Me 813

of an event in which the sequence is screwed I dont think that you should be angry with
around with. You and Iare both old enough to me when I question your methodologyits
remember the Gulf of Tonkinwe were told by going to come up sooner or laterbecause you
a president that we had been attacked. are dealing with peoples perception of truth.
Thats an insulting thing to say. Thats You and Iare both journaliststhats the only
really insulting. Thats an insulting compar- thing that we take into the marketplace. Thats
ison. What that lie of Johnsons did to this why you function as a co-equal to RogerSmith.
country, to people in our generation, people Okay, so you can say that the chronology
we know that died. Thats really insulting, skips around a bit. Thats why I dont use
Harlan. dates in the film. Ijust didnt want to [deal
Im sorry you feel thatway. with] how to compact eight years into the
Yeah, well, I dont think you are sorry. two-and-a-half years that we were filming.
Think of a different example of how you So Idont say, Well, this opened in 86,
have to sometimes deal with chronology and but that happened in 87. The point is that
order, when you are trying to make amovie. at the end of the Carter administration fac-
Are we talking about a fiction film or a tories started to close, and jobs started to be
documentary? eliminated. You would be happy if Ihad said
Then why didnt Ideal with the Japanese? in broadcast voice In 1979 If Ihad said
Why didnt Ideal with the oil embargo? Why something likethat.
didnt I deal with all the other factors that I think you could have established that with
arent in the movie? Did Itell a true story by an insert or a crawl, that there wasnt a sin-
not telling those parts of thestory? gleblow.
Youve bought into their bullshit, to their As far as Im concerned, everything that
lie about UDAG grants in 78. took place in the 80s was a single blow. We
I havent bought any.... are talking about an 80-year history of this
Yeah, you have. The whole basis of your company and during the Reagan years this
argument here with me is that you have was a single blow. If youre using the Gulf
bought these things asfact. of Tonkin as a metaphor, then youre really
I didnt talk to Roger Smith. Roger Smith hung up with this.
wouldnt talktome. Thats what happens when one manipulates
No, Im talking about the people of Flint sequence and thats the core credibility of the
that you talked to. This bullshit about 1970 documentary.
is total bullshit. Idont know where you got All art, listen, every piece of journalism
that, thats a Mott Foundation lie. Thats manipulates sequence and things. Just the
Harding Mott sitting in his chair watching fact that you edit, that certain things get
a TV show. It was an 80s response to the taken out or put back in. Thats just a ridicu-
declining auto industry in Flint. Tell me lous statement.
why you think Hyatt, AutoWorld, and Water It goes back to the issue of the belief in the
Street werebuilt? integrity of the information.
I came here to ask you that, because youre Uh-huh, yeah,sure.
probably a far better observer of the local scene Do you see a problem with the inclusion of
thanIam. the Reverend Schuller footage, which happened
They were built for the very reasons in 1982, and the impression you give that it was
Istated in the film:as the layoffs began in done post-1986?
the late 70s and early 80s, the city turned I didnt say it was done post-1986. It
toward these goofy ideas as a means to happened during the same decade, when
divert public attention from the realissue. after thousands of people were laid off, they
[] brought in Reverend Schuller.
814Truth Not Guaranteed

You are trying to hold me to a different An entertaining movie like Sophies

standard than you would another film as if Choice.
Iwere writing some kind of college essay. Like Sophies Choice?
No, I hold you to documentary film An entertaining movie like any Charlie
standards. Chaplin film that dealt with social com-
Because you see this primarily as a mentary, the problems of the day, but
documentary. also [let] a lot of people laugh a little bit,
Its not in any category Iknow as fiction. [and did] not numb them, [did] not totally
Its not fiction. But what if we say its a doc- depressthem.
umentary told with a narrative style. Itried to Do you think that the response to Chaplins
tell a documentary in a way they dont usually little dictator was that people were supposed to
get told. The reason why people dont watch go home and laugh about Hitler tossing the
documentaries is they are so bogged down globe up into the air and playing with it? Or
with Now in 1980 then in 82 five thou- do you think that it was meant to galvanize
sand were called back in 84 ten thousand public opinion?
were laid off but then in 86 three thou- Its not one or the other. You cant sepa-
sand were called back but later in 86 ten rate them. People can not be galvanized
thousand more were laid off. If you want to without being allowed to laugh and to feel
tell the Flint story, theres the Flintstory. the humanityofit.
Im not against documentaries having a We do want to laugh, we do want to feel the
bias. They dont have to remain objective. humanity. But I cant believe that you would
We are not talking about objectivity. We separate yourself from the political content of
are talking about a style that you dont seem your ownfilm.
tolike. No, youre trying to say its a political
Lets go to where this leads. If GM has manifesto, or whatever.
sold out America, how do you see the 90s? Im trying to get from you how you seeit.
Well, Ihope that people will respond. In How do you seeit?
what way? [Maybe] politically. That your film is essentially an extraor-
Is that what you wanted from thefilm? dinarily angry film that uses humor cou-
Yeah. pled with angerthose two qualities do go
To galvanize people? togetherabout the political selling-out of the
Yeah. Well, thats asking a lot from a film. working class of America. [You] mean to lay the
But maybe people could think about it just platform for a basis of thinking about govern-
a little bit, you know, instead of just pass- mental and corporate actions that says Stop!
ing it by when they see the unemployment Stop right here. That is the reaction that went
figures in the newspapers or the line in to sleep in the 70s and 80s, and it was not the
the TVnews. reaction that you and Igrew up with in the 60s.
Do you think that your film functions as a Maybe its where were headed in the90s
political manifesto? Well, that would benice.
No, not really. I know where Ilive. Ilive in the United
Do you think of it as a documentary? States of America okay? Anation thats
No, Ithink of it as a movie, an entertain- been numbed. Whatever happens is going
ing movie. to happen with just a few people. Iguess you
Thats beingcoy. can say that is the course of most history
No, I dont think so. Its an enter- Idont see people rising up to march in the
taining movie that hopefully will get streets.
people to think a little bit about what is []
An entertaining movie likeK-9?

Notes on Performance in Documentary(1990)

In 1940, Joris Ivens, in the midst of finish- become the central figures in your
ing Power and the Land for Pare Lorentzs group, creating problems that tem-
U.S. Film Service, wrote an essay on porarily force all the other problems
Collaboration in Documentary. It was out of your consciousness.
time to summarize much of what he had Our farm film presented mate-
learned in the first fifteen years of his rial that seemed to demand
career. Much of the resulting manual of re-enactments. In choosing the
the classical documentary concerns the people who were to play the roles
challenge of working with nonprofessional (of themselvesthe farmer as the
subjects in re-enactment, one of docu- farmer, his sons as the farmers
mentarys wide variety of styles. As a sons, etc.), the first visual impres-
lead-in to my reflection on the presence of sion is very important. Casting has
performance within the documentary film its own difficulties too. Afather and
tradition, it is worth excerpting this text at a son may work well separately, but
length: not at all well when theyre together
in a scene. To get close enough to
these people, to work with them,
We come to the problem that the director must be sensitive to
has attracted and sometimes baffled these relationships. In general,
us for many years: the handling of I feel a knowledge of psychology is
non-actors. In re-enacting a situation demanded of every member of the
with a group of extremely pleasant group, for all must watch and sense
persons, who for your purposes have delicate situations.
become actors, the danger of letting The writer must employ his
them do what they like, of falling imagination to manipulate the real
back on pleasant, easy naturalism, personal characteristics of the new
is even greater. And as your loca- actorssearching them with seem-
tion work progresses, the non-actors ingly careless observations. He
816Truth Not Guaranteed

must learn thereby, for example that the cameras ability to break up the
the farmer takes a special pride in action into useful close-ups.
the sharpness of his tool blades, and The cameraman has to under-
therefore suggest a toolshed scene stand the special difficulties in work-
which will make use of that fact. ing with non-actors (What good is
The key to this approach, I think, all this fooling with lights?) to ren-
is that a real person, acting to play der the length of time during light
himself, will be more expressive and camera adjustment tolerable to
if his actions are based on his real the non-actor. Idont believe in hav-
characteristics. ing long conferences before takes,
My experience has been that while the non-actor waits. Keep dis-
directives to non-actors who are cussions away from him. He begins
playing together would usually be to feel that these long, visible, but
given them separately, so that a cer- inaudible conversations are about
tain amount of unrehearsed reaction himself and his actingand he is
can be counted upon. To get natural usually right. We learned to use a
reactions we played tricks similar to code. Whenever a cameraman said,
those Pudovkin has recorded, and after a shot, Very good Iknew he
some of them worked. For exam- meant, Its not so hot, try some
ple: the father was filmed receiv- otherway.
ing a notification from the dairy The surest way to avoid loss of
that his milk is sour; he expected to time with re-takes is to know and
unfold and pretend to read a blank anticipate the real movements of the
piece of paper. But he read instead man, to catch the regular rhythm of
a startling message from me, com- his normal action (which is far from
plaining about his sour milk in no re-enactment). The whole action
uncertainterms. should be watched (away from the
In general my method was to give camera) before breaking it up for
precise directions to these non-actors filming. And the breaking up, and
but not to do it for themsimply covering shots, should absolutely
to tell them what has to be done. include beginnings of an action,
The farmer will have his special way endings of an action, and the places
of doing it, whether it is entering where the worker restsnot just
a room or moving a chair, and it is other angles of the most exciting sec-
usually a very goodway. tions of his movement. Thus you get
I have come to believe it is best material for good human editing.
to have as few retakes as possible. Overcoming self-consciousness is
Repetition seems to have a dead- of course the greatest problem with
ening effect on the non-actor. If the non-actor, no matter what his
rehearsals are necessary, allow some background. If you work for months
time to elapse between rehears- with the same group of persons, you
als, and shooting. Use yourself can gradually expect to find more
or anybody as stand-insto keep consciousness of themselves as
the non-actor from exhaustion actors. They become more flexible
or self-consciousness. On the and adaptable and greater demands
other hand, if the period of film- can be made of them. They can even
ing a re-enactment is short or very be taught something of the films
rushed, there can be less care in technique. When the father in the
humoring him, depending more on farm film couldnt understand why
Acting to Play Oneself 817

he had to repeat an action more in documentary because it challenges the

than once while the camera was common understanding. It reveals how
shifted about, I took him to see a basic the ingredients of performance and
Cagney movie at the local theatre direction are within the documentary
and pointed out how an action in a traditioncertainly within the classical
finished film was made out of long documentary as reflected in this 1940 docu-
shots, medium shots and close-ups. ment, but also, as I will argue, in the mod-
From then on he understood our ern vrit and post-vrit documentary as
continuity problems and gave very well.
useful assistance in this way. But For Ivens and his generation, the notion
I dont think it wise to show them of performance as an element of docu-
their own rushes. I waited until mentary filmmaking was something to be
the last few days before showing taken for granted. Towards the end of the
our farm family themselves on the thirties, as documentarists yearned to get
screen. out of the basements and into the theaters,
I advise not to fool with a mans semi-fictive characterization, or personal-
professional pride. Dont ask a ization, as Ivens called it, seemed to be the
farmer to milk an empty cow, even means for the documentary to attain artistic
though its just for a close-up of the maturity and mass audiences. Social actors,2
farmers face. He fights such an idea real people, became documentary film per-
because to him it is falseuntil he
formers, playing themselves and their social
has been with the film group for a
roles before the camera.
The decades prevailing notion of docu-
Even as simple a rule as Dont
mentary performance is reflected most in
look at the camera is bound up
Ivens terminology with its echoes of nar-
with the man himself. But this is
rative studio-based filmmaking: roles,
such a basic necessity for the quality
re-take, continuity, covering shots,
of your film that you must enforce
the rule even though it hurts youto.1
rehearsals, casting, etc. His directing
techniques, significantly, are borrowed
from Pudovkin, a director notable for his
Ivens goes on to illustrate this last point
work with professional dramatic actors.
with an anecdote from his Chinese shoot a
Documentary performers act in much the
few years earlier (The Four Hundred Million)
same way as their dramatic counterparts
where he had had to force himself to impose
except that they are cast for their social rep-
the rule of not looking at the camera on trau-
resentativity as well as for their cinematic
matized stretcher-bearers in a battlescene.
qualities, and their roles are composites
of their own social roles and the dramatic
requirements of thefilm.
Acting Naturally inthe Ivens term natural indicates a prob-
Classical Documentary lematical concept and practice for the
classical (pre-vrit) documentarist. By
Documentary film, in everyday common- naturalism Ivens means a cinematogra-
sense parlance, implies the absence of phy characterized not by content value
elements of performance, acting, stag- (a concept he uses elsewhere in the article)
ing, directing, etc., criteria which presum- but by a spontaneous textural or behav-
ably distinguish the documentary form ioral quality, a quality which the later vrit
from the narrative fiction film. Ivens text generation would transform into an aes-
helps focus a discussion of performance thetic gospel. But he also refers to acting
818Truth Not Guaranteed

naturally, in reference to not looking at sibling photographywe shall call pre-

the camera, the code of illusion by which sentational performance.
both extras, such as the Chinese stretcher Although posing, the presentational con-
bearers, and principal (non-) actors should vention of acknowledging the camera, never
perform unawareness of the camera. This became the standard convention in clas-
clearly artificial code of acting naturally is sical documentary cinema, it did become
so rooted in our cinematic culture, then as an important secondary variant of docu-
now, that Ivens posits it unquestioningly mentary cinematic practice, particularly in
as a basic axiom of quality cinema. The the sound era. Whereas Flahertys silent
vrit school, in its American observational Nanook was depicted performing presenta-
incarnation (Leacock, Wiseman), would tionally a few timesposing for the camera
share this axiom with Ivens and his genera- with a grin or a lookhe for the most part
tion however much they would repudiate performed naturalistically, acting or rep-
the didacticism of the principie of content resenting his daily life for the camera with-
value. out explicitly acknowledging its presence.
But the concept and the practice of Moana similarly displayed some engaging
acting naturally are far more complex moments of presentationa subject dis-
than either generation realized, and the playing a captured tortoise to the camera,
familiar concepts of representational for examplebut by and large Flaherty suc-
and presentational discourse are of ceeded in getting his Samoan social actors
some help. Let us use representational to perform according to the codes of repre-
to refer to Ivens acting naturally, the sentation. By the time of his later features,
documentary code of narrative illusion Man of Aran and Louisiana Story, Flaherty
borrowed from the dominant fiction cin- was following the codes of representation
ema. When subjects perform not looking obsessivelyto the extent that they become
at the camera, when they represent their abstract mytho-narrative meditations on
lives or roles, the image looks natural, as exotic landscapes rather than social narra-
if the camera were invisible, as if the sub- tives rooted in the daily cultural contexts of
ject were unaware of being filmed. This those landscapes inhabitants. These latter
performance convention is by no means films are no longer able to bear, for con-
inherent in the documentary mode. temporary eyes at least, the slightest preten-
Certainly, in documentary still photog- sion to ethnographic veracity, nor even, my
raphy it is considerably less unanimous, students would say, the least claim to the
for from August Sander to the Farm documentary mantle at alla point whose
Security Administration to Diane Arbus, significance Iwill take uplater.
from Wilhelm von Gloeden to Robert Not all sound documentarists followed
Mapplethorpe, the convention of posing Flahertys lead. During the sound era, the
is much more the dominant tradition. In countercurrent of presentational perfor-
contrast, the convention of representation mance in fact became quite visibleor
as found in, say, Henri Cartier-Bresson, rather audible. Inspired in part by radio,
(whose influence on the cinema-vrit is aural presentational conventions like the
of course not without interest), informs a interview, the monologue, even choral
vigorous but secondary counter-current. speech, were experimented with in the thir-
The convention of performing an aware- ties by Vertov, by Griersons British school,
ness of the camera rather than a non- by Frontier Films, and even by Flaherty
awareness, of presenting oneself explicitly himself in his project for the U.S. Film
for the camerathe convention the docu- Service (slightly later than Ivens), The
mentary cinema absorbed from its elder Land. Traumatized by the devastation he
Acting to Play Oneself 819

discovered in his own backyard on this the cumbersome sound technology of the
latter project, Flaherty somehow let go of day much further than the Americans in
the representational style hed perfected the direction of both presentational and
on Aran. Prominent in the film are curi- representational performances, achieving
ous silent/non-sync variations of aural pre- unintentional self-parody with the latter in
sentational performances as well as several Night Mail and groundbreaking revelation
moments of silent presentational posing with the former in the legendary interviews
clearly inspired by Flahertys fellow Federal and monologues of Housing Problems. In
employees in the still photography busi- the Soviet context, such experimentation
ness. For his part, Ivens was accustomed of appeared even earlier. As early as 1931, the
course to representing far more traumatic only Soviet documentarist of the sound
devastation than nonelectrified farming in period whose work is available in the West,
Ohio, as his Chinese anecdote reminds us. Dziga Vertov, incorporated short produc-
In Power and the Land, then, his representa- tion pledges delivered as monologues by
tional skills were thus honed to their finest shock workers in Enthusiasm, the film
point, and the performances that spurred that must be considered his manifesto of
the writings excerpted at the outset of this the possibilities of documentary sound,
article became milestones in documentary despite the stilted and self-conscious effect
representation. of these first attempts. Three years later,
It is interesting that the two traditions Three Songs of Lenin offered vivid and per-
intersect in the career of a single editor, sonalized portraits of Soviet citizens by vir-
Helen van Dongen. Ivens long-time col- tue of a more developed use of monologue
laborator and a principal pioneer in the performances:two of the portraits feature a
perfection of representational documentary woman shock worker who shyly describes
editing, Van Dongen edited both The Land how she averted an accident with some
and Power and the Land. Ihave always found concrete tubs in a construction project,
odd her complaint about the staged quality and a woman Kolkhoz worker who chats
of Flahertys most intricate representational with amazing informality and dramatic
scene, in which a black farmhand moves gestures about the role of women on her
about a deserted plantation and rings the farm. The possibility of Vertovs influence
plantation bell. In practice, Van Dongen on his Western European counterparts is a
sculpted this scene with all the represen- strong one since the Grierson group knew
tational precision and smoothness which hiswork.
she had just brought to Power and the Land Yet, despite the inspiration occasioned by
and would later bring to Louisiana Story.3 Griersons rat-plagued housewife holding
Flahertys uncharacteristic posing shots, forth to the camera, and by Vertovs vivid
however, were never brought up in her pub- portraits, the presentational style predomi-
lished notes about the editing, though they nated only in the documentary vernacular
clearly disturbed the seamless continuum of the commercial newsreel (as later in its
that was Van Dongens professional pride. descendent, television journalism), or in
The FSA-style posing shots she treated with specialized forms like the still rare campaign
an anomalous awkwardness, cutting them film (such as Renoirs La Vie est Nous,
off with abrupt, haunting fadeouts before which incorporates Party oratory along with
the intrinsic rhythm of the shot and the a range of representational sketches). Ivens
dynamic of the spectators encounter with representational style of naturalistic acting
the performers are fulfilled. and mise-en-scne was never edged from its
As for Flahertys and Ivens British con- hegemony within the hybrid repertory of the
temporaries (and admirers), they pushed so-called artistic documentary of the period.
820Truth Not Guaranteed

In summary, now that we have returned thirty years later during the heyday of vrit.
to Ivens, performancethe self-expression During the Second World War (Fires Were
of documentary subjects for the camera in Started), and especially during the post-
collaboration with filmmaker/directorwas war decade, the representational conven-
the basic ingredient of the classical docu- tion evolved so much that the resulting
mentary. Most directors relied principally docudrama format (Quiet One, Strange
on naturalistic, representational perfor- Victory, Mental Mechanisms Series) seemed
mance style borrowed from fiction, which the unanimous style on the eve of the vrit
some varied from time to time with presen- breakthrough, although voiceover narra-
tational elements akin to the conventions of tions by subjects sometimes superimposed
still photography and radio. The difference a presentational patina (Paul Tomkowicz
between representation and presentation is Street-Railway Switchman, All My Babies) on
not that one uses performance and the other representational films from those years.
doesnt, but that the former disavows and The first wave of vrit or direct technol-
hides its performance components through ogy, cresting in the early sixties, continued
such conventions as not looking at the cam- the representational mode of performance.
era, whereas the latter openly acknowledges At the same time, vrit radically revised its
and exploits its performance components. execution. The new technology was often
This difference must be explored. able to dispense with mise-en-scne, though
not with performance, to follow an event
or performance without setting it up.
While much of the studio paraphernalia
Presenting Versus Representing of rehearsals and retakes, etc. was no lon-
ger necessary, the code of not looking at the
The distinction between representational camera, whether implicit or explicit, was
and presentational performance is a very still in forceat least in the United States.
useful one for looking diachronically at doc- The classical American vrit filmmakers
umentary history. The pendulum of fashion systematically snipped out all looks at the
and usage has swung back and forth between camera in order to preserve the representa-
the two conventions, from one period to tional illusion. It didnt matter that even the
another, from one culture to another, and most noninterventionist camera instigated
from the margin to the mainstream within palpable performance on the part of sub-
one particular period and culture. I have jects, tacitly understood and enacted as part
already mentioned, for example, that pre- of the representational code: has anyone
sentational performance became visible, seen hospital workers or high school teach-
though not predominant, during the latter ers as conscientious, flamboyant, and down-
half of the thirties, during the first maturity right cinematic as those who performed
of the sound documentary. At the same time their daily jobs for Wiseman? The subject
proponents of the predominant representa- in a Wiseman film, consenting to continue
tional element of the periods hybrid form daily activity, to act naturally, and to perform
often went even further than Ivens in avail- the pretense that there is no camera or crew,
ing themselves of the resources of fictional consenting to show the putative audience
cinema: the use of studio sets (Night Mail) his or her life, is performing at a most basic
and professional actors (Native Land) dur- level. The pretense, the disavowal of perfor-
ing the thirties as a means of both overcom- mance on the part of filmmakers, editors,
ing technological difficulties and deepening and subjects is at the heart of the basic con-
social perspective did not attract any notice tradiction of cinma-vritthe contradic-
at the time, but would become anathema tion between the aspiration to observational
Acting to Play Oneself 821

objectivity and its actual subjectively rep- (If You Love This Planet), and clergy (Marjoe).
resentational artifice. Small wonder that In this group of films, special scrutiny is
the best moments in Wiseman often usually given to the dialectic of public and
involve highly histrionic individuals such private, the subjects identity expressed by
as Hospitals black schizophrenic hustler, means of an onstage-offstage intercutting.
fighting the system for his self-reliance The genre offers as one of the pleasures of
while flirting with the camera operator, or the text the deciphering of borders between
the bad-tripping art student, who waxes social performance, film performance, and
melodramatic indeed (I dont want to die) so-called private behavior, and the discovery
amid the floods of vomit and the most atten- that the borders are both culturally encoded
tive audience he has ever had. These social and imaginary.
actors become such memorable film actors
because their clearly inscribed awareness of
the camera amplifies their performance and Interviews andBeyond
transcends the representational pretense of
vrit observation. Now, of course, within North American
Small wonder also that two important documentary, we have been back in a phase
genres of vrit have outshone Wisemans since the early seventies where presenta-
cold observational eye in the marketplace tional forms of performance are very much
to this day, genres that by their subject mat- in vogue. The seventies revived the inter-
ter bypass and compensate for vrits dis- view in the documentary, thanks largely to
avowal of performance: the feminists, the New Left, and such indi-
(1) films whose crews have or establish vidual pioneers as Emile de Antonio. The
intimate relationships with subjects, such eighties have witnessed a flourishing wave
as Warrendale, Grey Gardens, Harlan County of hybrid experimentation with these pre-
U.S.A., Best Boy, Soldier Girls, Seventeen, sentational modes as well as with styliza-
leading to on-camera performances that tions of representational modes, including
are clearly enabled by, addressed to, and dramatization, a wave that has been termed,
improvised enactments of that relationship, not surprisingly, post-documentary.4 The
despite token adherence to the dont look at current repertory includes a whole spec-
the camera code;and trum of performance elements, usually
(2) films about subjects whose extra-filmic incorporated within hybrid works, as often
social role consists of public performance, as not alongside vestiges of earlier styles,
including entertainers (Jane, Burroughs, from voice-of-God direct address narration,
Comedian, Eye of the Mask), musicians (from to observational vrit, to interview/compila-
Lonely Boy to Woodstock and Stop Making Sense tion conventions of the seventies.
via Antonia:APortrait of the Woman), pros- []
titutes (Chicken Ranch, Hookers on Davie), A timely intervention by Bill Nichols has
politicians (Primary, Milhouse, The Right pointed out a central problem of authority
Candidate for Rosedale), transsexual people and voice arising from the seventies cur-
(The Queens, What Sex Am I?, Hookers on rent of interview films, namely those mostly
Davie), sexual performers (Not a Love Story, historiographical projects reacting against
Striptease), guerillas (Underground, When the vrit discourses, building on the de Antonio
Mountains Tremble), bodybuilders (Pumping model, and addressing Feminist or New Left
Iron I and II), artists (Painters Painting, constituencies.5 The model is very familiar:
Portrait of the ArtistAs an Old Lady), teach- representative subjects offer interview per-
ers (High School), street kids (Streetwise), formances of personal reminiscences or
salespeople (Salesman, The Store), crusaders present experiences that figure large in a
822Truth Not Guaranteed

documentary investigation of a politically and de Antonios worksin which the

apt topic. Nichols criticism is directed at self-reflexive contextualization of interviews
those documentaries in which the author- allows the filmmakers analytic perspective
ity of the filmmaker is diffused through, to complement and coexist with, without
or uncritically hidden behind, the voices of drowning out, the voices of subjects. The
the subjects. The best known example of disappearance of the voice derives less from
this risk is New Day Films Union Maids, the interview format than from a lack of
in which the evasions and nostalgias of the focus in conceptualization, research, and
subjects oral histories become the liabilities goals, or from a self-censorship triggered
of the film as a whole. Interviews diffuse by Public Broadcasting or NFB or NEH
authority. Nichols argues, funding. It has also derived from a fuzzy
and sentimental populism leading to what
A gap remains between the voice of Jeffrey Youdelman has described as an abdi-
a social actor recruited to the film cation of political leadership on the part
and the voice of the film. The of media intellectuals, and to the absence
greatest problem has been to retain of historical contextualization with which
that sense of a gap between the both Youdelman and Chuck Kleinhans have
voice of interviewees and the voice taxed The War at Home.6 Ethics also enters
of the text as a whole [In The into the picture, whether it is a question of
Day After Trinity,] the text not only responsibility to the subject or to the specta-
appears to lack a voice or perspec- tor. The latter is certainly not served by the
tive of its own, the perspective of its camouflage of the terms of the construction
character-witnesses is patently inad- of the discourse: does the spectator not have
equate the voice of the text disap- the right to know who is speaking, what the
pears behind characters who speak authors political relationship to the speaker
to us we no longer sense that a is, and how, to whom, and to what end the
governing voice actively provides or film is addressed?
withholds the imprimatur of verac- Nichols diagnoses this latter problem
ity according to its own purposes by focusing on corrective self-reflexive ten-
and assumptions, its own canons dencies in some of the best recent films.
of validation the film becomes a However, it is more pertinent to this article
rubber stamp. The sense of hier- to focus on evolving performance styles
archy of voices becomeslost. in the same work, particularly on the very
promising excursions into the presenta-
The problem of the disappearing voice, tional mode (which in any case have much
however, is not intrinsic to the interview in common with Nichols prescription of
performance modeit may just as well be self-reflexivity). For the most visible and
a condition of state funding for most of the innovative pattern in the current decade is
films in question. In any case, it would be in fact the expansion of performance input
extremely foolish to disparage the tremen- by social actors which goes beyond the oral
dous advances in popular social history and history format of the seventies to experiment
the political enfranchisement enabled by with dramatic performance modes, both
the interview genre, nor to disallow film- presentational and representational. The
makers choices to mute their individual new visibility of dramatized and semific-
voices in favor of providing a forum for tional performance components constitutes
voices that have been suppressed, forgot- a reaction against the string-of-interview
ten, or denied media access. Nichols points orthodoxy. Dramatization is clearly a useful
to several filmssuch as Rosie the Riveter means of fleshing out the gaps left by the
Acting to Play Oneself 823

interview format, gaps of a technical or ideo- away from the sixties: the small amount of
logical nature, or gaps due simply to uncon- work still appearing in an unadulterated
trollable factors (as in Michael, a Gay Son, in vrit style (Middletown, The Store) seems
which a very tense coming out encounter purist indeed, even classical, and reminds
with the protagonists hostile family is con- us that the sixties are no longer the defini-
veyed through fictionalized role-playing). It tive crucible for todays documentarists, but
is not surprising that the new dramatized more and more just another period style
documentaries, (or docudramas, as they available for postmodern recycling. On the
are called in some quarters, misleadingly other hand, the new work looks back in a
I think, since the term is used most com- very vivid way to the years of the Popular
monly and aptly for fictionalized reconstruc- Front, in particular to the wide variety of
tions like the United States television films styles that characterized such late-thirties
The Missiles of October or The Atlanta Child hybrid films as Spanish Earth and Native
Murders)7 may be divided like all their fore- Land.
bears into: (a) those whose emphasis or con- It is not surprising that the thirties are
text is presentational (In the King of Prussia, evoked more than any other period by the
Far from Poland, The Kid Who Couldnt present work. For Ivens and his contempo-
Miss, Two Laws, Not Crazy Like You Think, raries were no strangers to several contex-
Quel Numro/What Numberin fact films tual conditions that have influenced todays
Nichols would call self-reflexive) and (b) alignment of a hybrid performance-based
those whose primary address is representa- documentary style with an atmosphere of
tional (Michael, a Gay Son, What You Take increasing political polarization and crisis,
for Granted, Journal Inachev, Democracy on and of cultural attrition:
Trial, the historical episodes of When the (1) Economic factors may have been
Mountains Tremble, Le Dernier Glacier, Caff predominant: after the late seventies and
Italia, The Masculine Mystique). Needless the arts funding crisis of the Reagan-
to say, the new expansion of the repertory Thatcher-Mulroney era, very few indepen-
into the terrain of dramatization has greatly dents other than Wiseman, the National
multiplied the importance of performance Film Board, and a handful of TV-funded art-
in documentary as a whole and greatly ists have been able to afford the high-ratio
expanded the opportunities for social actors budget of representational vrit (except per-
to perform their lives in every format haps in video). Sustaining representational
from semifictional improvisation to didactic illusion is too expensive for the austerity of
sketches. the eighties, and presentational elements
The eclecticism of the expanded hybrid offer filmmakers and subjects alike more
repertory sharpens our sense of our bear- control over the pro-filmic event and the
ings in relation to our documentary past. budget. In the pre-war period, for similar
One useful observation is that the more pre- reasons, it was no accident that it was with
sentational of these new formats is most in the (relatively) luxurious state-supplied bud-
keeping with the traditional documentary get of Power and the Land that Ivens left
genius for incorporating the presence and behind the off-the-cuff hybridity of his ear-
performance of social actors into the cine- lier films for the graceful representational
matic text. The more representational films coherence of that film.
seem inclined more towards a long tradi- (2) The fact that the new presentational
tion of docu-flavoured fiction (de Sica/ performance modes were pioneered by
Rossellini, Cassavetes, McBride, Loach/ political filmmakers, whether feminists or
Garnett). From another point of view, the other progressives, is highly pertinent. In
new repertory removes us yet another step this regard, weve arrived once more back
824Truth Not Guaranteed

at Ivens, the Old Left grandfather of New Performance and Collaboration

Left political documentarists and their con-
temporaries. For Ivens, the proto-vrit style Collaboration in Documentary: Ivens
that he called easy naturalism precluded title is more than just a literal description of
the organized communication of content the relationship engendered by the mise-en-
value, that is, the psychological dynamic scne of subject performance by filmmaker.
or atmospheric texturing obscured the Collaboration also embodies a perennial
social text. Social documentarists genera- ideal of the documentary tradition, the goal
tions later came independently to the same of a changed, democratized relationship
conclusion: pure representational vrit between artist and subject. The subject
was often a medium of aestheticist psy- s performance for the camera becomes a
chologism that by itself often precluded the collaboration, a stake in and a contribu-
political explorations that such filmmakers tion to the authorship of the work of art.
sought to produce. Performance becomes a gauge of the ethi-
(3) Other factors in the post-vrit con- cal and political accountability of the film-
figuration must not be discounted, though makers relationship with subject.
they are decidedly minor. First, the critical Although Ivens respect for the integrity
acceptance of the presentational perfor- of his cast is obvious, his distance from the
mance style was encouraged by the cur- democratic ideal of collaborative perfor-
rency of Brechtian theory in film culture mance is problematical. He admits quite
persisting since 1968. There may also have openly to manipulating and tricking his
occurred a certain cross-fertilization with performers into performing, and of keep-
a presentational counter-tradition outside ing them in the dark as to film techniques
of Anglo-Saxon culture that predates the and as to the results of their own perfor-
current phenomenon by a whole genera- mance. These less-than-egalitarian terms of
tion. This tradition, originating in France the collaboration were necessary, he claims
(Rouch and Marker) and in Quebec (Pierre (not unlike some Method director who has
Perrault and a national documentary tradi- terrorized his leading lady) to preserve ele-
tion known as le direct), has never had ments of freshness in the performance.
any commitment to representational illu- Unwittingly, Ivens points to an ethical liabil-
sion. Since the late fifties, this tradition ity of the representational mode during its
has accumulated a rich repertory of pre- classical phase, a problem which surfaces
sentational elements, elevating verbal and perhaps even more acutely in the work of
interactional performances to a degree Ivens contemporary, Flaherty.
of exceptional expressiveness. Although I mentioned earlier the dichotomy in
Rouch is a household word among docu- Flahertys work between his two silent eth-
mentarists (and Perrault would be were nographic features with their presentational
he from Paris rather than Montreal), this elements and his later mytho-narrative fea-
possible cross-fertilization remains a sub- tures based exclusively on representational
ject for future research since the cross- performances. The issue of collaboration
linguistic circulation of this cinema has seems to be the crux of this dichotomy.
been greatly hampered by its privileging of The absence of presentational elements in
speech and oral culture. Finally, the post- Man of Aran and Louisiana Story is surely
modernist absorption and recycling of an index of the films minimization of
the presentational television vernacular is the input of the subjects and of their vir-
surely as important as it is hard to quantify tual embargo on the cultural textures and
as an element of the new post-documen- social realities of the Aran (West Irish) and
tary performance style. Cajun communities respectively. It is true
Acting to Play Oneself 825

that in both films rudimentary voice-tracks an artist who wished to share creative and
gently ruffle the surface of the seamless political control with subjects/social actors.
representational unity: in the former, the Whereas vrit had by and large retained the
performers improvise semi-synchronized Flahertian mystique of authorial control,
dialogue-commentary over the edited film, the presentational modes of the New Left
and in the latter, Flahertys voice-over com- and the womens movement dissipated that
mentary is interpolated by a few awkward and mystique and permitted varying degrees of
static direct sound sequences of an exposi- subject input into the finished documen-
tory nature. But the verbal performances of tary, of subject responsibility for his or
the actors in either case do not constitute a her image and speech. The ideal to which
qualitative heightening of their collabora- such filmmakers subscribed, to greater or
tive inputespecially in Louisiana, with the lesser degree, was of the documentarist as
heavily scripted and heavily rehearsed feel resource person, technician or facilitator,
of the dialogue. The representational web and of the subject-performer as real steward
is ultimately as intact as the hegemony of of creative responsibility.
authorial vision and control over ethno- Such a prescriptive distinction between
graphic mission and subject input. The the political and ethical advantages of a spe-
legendary contribution of Nanook to the cific formal strategy of course runs the risk
film that bears his name is by now a distant of aesthetic idealism and political naivete,
memory and inoperativeideal. not to mention a technological fallacy: the
A decade after Louisiana, the introduc- power of the filmmaker is such that ulti-
tion of direct sound technology into the doc- mately no strategy is the automatic guaran-
umentary arena transformed the potential tee of collaborative process. Even the most
for subject collaboration as surely as it trans- presentational, collaborative performance is
formed the nature of subject performance. subject to ethical abuse in the editing room
Vrit, as I have stated, failed to push this or exhibition context. Ultimately, the cre-
potential as far as it would go by retaining the ative and political accountability of the artist
representational mode of documentary per- is clearly the final guarantor against political
formance. By the time the vrit movement and ethical abuses. However, this caveat hav-
had consolidated direct sound as the every- ing been registered, a concluding glimpse
day vocabulary of the documentary, grass- at two recent Canadian documentaries that
roots political movements were beginning focus on a similar subject clarifies the politi-
to arise to profit from the hitherto untapped cal dimension of the distinction between
political potential of the new apparatus. The presentational and representational modes
New Left of the late sixties, and especially that I would like to insist on as a general
the womens movement a few years later, guideline to the artists accountability to
embraced speech and intercommunication subject performance and collaboration.
as a political process, favored participatory Bonnie Kleins National Film Board of
and collaborative cultural forms, and privi- Canada feature, Not a Love Story, A Film
leged oral history as an essential means of about Pornography, and Kay Armatages
political and cultural empowerment. It is independent short, Striptease, consider
not surprising then that their documen- aspects of the sex industry through pre-
tary cinema featured presentational perfor- dominantly representational and presen-
mance elements ranging from the simple tational approaches respectively. With Not
interview and group discussion formats8 of a Love Story, the relationship between the
the early years to the more complex formats on-screen filmmaker persona, embarked
I have listed. Incorporating vocal perfor- on her voyage of discovery of the porno-
mances into a film was a crucial strategy for graphic night, and her guide, ex-stripper
826Truth Not Guaranteed

Linda Lee Tracy, is conveyed representa- Armatages Striptease has surprisingly

tionally through traditional vrit. Much of more clarity and complexity than Not a
the criticism of the film centered on the Love Story despite its infinitely more mod-
manipulative appearance of this relation- est means:strippers and other sex industry
ship between artist and collaborator. The workers present themselves in interviews
narrative thread of the relationship includes and monologues, and present their work
two sex performance interludes set in rep- in erotic dance-performances constructed
resentational frames (Tracy as stripper on solely for the camera (in Prostitute, at the
location in a Montreal club, Tracy as cen- other end of the scale, they perform semific-
terfold model in the studio of a Hustler tional dramatizations within a self-reflexive
photographer) and an ultimate conversion narrative, collaboratively scripted, to
denouement, in which filmmaker and strip- a similar effect). In Striptease, the sex
per discuss the latters re(-)formed vision of industry is not validated, but its workers
her past and future. This thread is intercut are: subject-generated performance, sharp-
with interviews with feminist authorities ened by its presentational mode, ensures
on the subject. Caught up in the emotional that the dignity and subjectivity of the sub-
charge of the subject, the audience may not jects are respected along with their right to
notice that the distribution of representa- present themselves, to define their images
tional and presentational roles in the film and their lives. As for the problem of voy-
follows a certain hierarchy. The sex worker, eurism, Isuspect that the visual pleasure of
Tracy, is caught in a representational role, the spectator is compromised by the explicit
performing her ongoing life in the service aura of control that characterizes the sex-
of the film, while the recruited intellectuals ual performance. It is no coincidence that
perform their role of analysis and polem- Armatage enables glimpses of a collective
ics within the presentational interview for- political solution (unionization) that makes
mats. It is not difficult to conclude that the Kleins ambiguous individual moral solu-
democratic ideals of feminism are being tion all the more superficial.
sacrificed in the processare sex workers
themselves less entitled than intellectuals
to verbalize directly about the sex indus-
try? Furthermore, the specter of voyeurism Voice and First-Person
and visual pleasure is unavoidably raised Performance
by the strong construction of observational
discourse in Tracys two principal scenes of Not a Love Story has been criticized also
sexual performance, with their assault on for the autobiographical presence within
conventional notions of tact and their ines- the diegesis of author Bonnie Klein. The
capable flirtation with the pornographic first-person performance seemed ineffec-
discourse that is the target of the film. To tual in terms of cinematic charisma presum-
compare the Hustler posing session, for ably, but more importantly in terms also of
example, with its scandalous aura of brutal- the issue of authorial voice. As Nichols puts
ity and complicity (the female photographer it, such authorial presence lacks both the
applies pussy juice before the take), with, self-validating, authoritative tone of a pre-
say, the similar scenes from the improvised vious [voice-of-God] tradition and seem[s]
but fictional Prostitute, where the sexual per- to refuse a privileged position in relation to
formance scenes are lucid, controlled, and other characters.9 Submitting both to the
self-reflexive, demonstrates the clear short- authoritative testimony of the stellar lineup
comings of representational vrit in the of expert witnesses and to the grandstand-
domain of sexual politics. ing of her representational protagonist
Acting to Play Oneself 827

Tracy, the diegetic Klein serves rather as a media workerbut these are beyond the
timid, inconclusive, perhaps faux-naif guide scope of this paper and are receiving due
throughout the pornographic nightmare. critical attention.10
Similar problems are arguably posed by the
whole tradition of autobiographical perfor-
mance, from the first-person narrations of
Flaherty (The Land) and John Huston (The Conclusion: The Right
Battle of San Pietro) in the forties to the toPlay Oneself
Me-Decades self-presentations of every-
one from Werner Herzog (La Soufrire) to I have offered a historical overview of the
Michael Rubbo (Waiting for Fidel, etc.). It presence of performance in documentary.
seems to me that the first-person format too I have discerned alternating and simulta-
often limits social-issue documentary to the neous impulses toward presentational and
exploratory phase, pegs it at the level of polit- representational performance throughout
ical evasion, bewildering empiricism, and the documentary tradition, then briefly
individual moral or metaphysical flounder- engaged the current debate about voice
ing. Even where it is rigorously self-reflexive, in political documentary, and finally only
as with Jill Godmilow, the personal is per- touched on the distinct subcategory of
haps shown to be political, but the political autobiographical performance. All of this
often fails to rise above the personal level. has led to a global assertion of the special
While the first-person performance does aptness of the presentational mode in the
undeniably provide a manageable dramatic present context, alongside both an insis-
entry to the enormously complex subjects tence on the continuing relevance of the
of pornography, solidarity (Far from Poland), interview format of oral history popular-
and the Holocaust (Dark Lullabies, Shoah), it ized in the seventies and an enthusiastic
does not necessarily serve the political dis- welcoming of the current experimentation
section of these subjects. It may be argued with hybrid performance modes, includ-
that the strategy seems best suited for prop- ing dramatization. Subject performance,
erly individual, autobiographical subjects affirmed and enriched as a presentational
such as intrafamily relationships (Best Boy, element of documentary film, remains a
Coming Home), or for the feminist genre means by which the most committed of
that connects individual socialization to documentary filmmakers can aspire to
broader political forces (Daughter Rite, Joyce the realization of their democratic ideals.
at 34, Home Movie). Collaboration between artist and subject,
Ultimately, while the problems of autho- as elaborated by Joris Ivens at the end of
rial voice can be addressed in part by the the thirties, remains a meaningful politi-
strategy of first-person performance, and cal ideal as well as an artistic strategy, but
while authorial presence can signal a refresh- the terms he set out have been somewhat
ingly self-reflexive honesty, more often than transformed. Acting to play oneself is
not the authorial performancewhether still the key, but, Dont look at the cam-
representational in such films as Not a Love era is replaced by, Look at the camera
Story, or presentational and self-reflexive as a basic necessity of documentary col-
in such films as Far from Polandraises laboration. In the same decade, Walter
as many issues as it solves. In any case, a Benjamin spoke of modern mans legiti-
whole range of other questions are raised mate claim to be reproduced;11 might
by autobiographical performance in we not add that the individual has now
documentaryfrom ethics to narcissism established the claim also to construct that
to the demographic representativity of the reproduction, the right to play oneself?
828Truth Not Guaranteed

Notes NFB productions:a TV-movie style fictionalized

reconstruction (Canadas Sweetheart:The
Saga of Hal C.Banks) anarchival compilation
1. This text excerpted from the periodical Films, vol. interpolated with cabaret-style theatrical
1, no.2 (Spring 1940), pp.3042, appears in a sketches (The Kid Who Couldnt Miss), several
later modified form in Ivens autobiographical The documentarles incorporating fictional episodes
Camera and I (NewYork and Berlin:International (Mourir ATue-Tete, Le Dernier Glacier, Passiflora),
Publishers, 1968), pp. 187206. and a scripted fiction feature constructed on
2. The term social actors designating real-life improvisational performances by nonprofessional
characters playing their own social roles in nonfiction actors (Ninety Days). Cf., the authors Thunder
film and presumably having an extratextual over the Docudrama:Symposium Highlights
autonomy has been standard usage in documentary NFBs World-Class Role, Cinema Canada, no.128
studies since Bill Nichols influential Ideology and the (March 1986),p.26.
Image: Social Representation in the Cinema and Other 8. Julia Lesage has often discussed the importance
Media (Bloomington, Ind., 1981) cf., pp. 18185. of consciousness raising as a deep structure of
3. Helen van Dongen, Robert J.Flaherty, 18841951, feminist discourse in documentary, most recently
Film Quarterly, vol. XVIII, no. 4 (Summer in Feminist Documentary:Aesthetics and Politics, in
1965),p.4. Waugh, op. cit., pp.22351.
4. See for example Geoff Pevere, Projections: 9. Nichols, op. cit., p.265.
Assessing Canadas Films of 85, The Canadian 10. See for example a recent installment of the
Forum, vol. LXV, no. 755 (March 1986), p. 39. ongoing discussion of autobiographical
5. Bill Nichols, The Voice of Documentary, Film documentary:David Schwartz, First Person
Quarterly, vol. 36, no. 3 (Spring 1983); rpt. in Singular:Autobiography in Film, The Independent,
Nichols, ed., Movies and Methods, Volume II vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 1215. The author of one of
(Berkeley, 1985), pp.2656. the most elaborate studies of documentary
6. Jeffrey Youdelman, Narration, Invention,and autobiography is John Stuart Katz, e.g., Katz,
History: A Documentary Dilemma, Cineaste, ed., Autobiography:Film/Video/Photography
vol. XII, no. 2, 1982, pp. 815; Chuck Kleinhans, (Toronto:Art Gallery of Ontario, 1978). Katzs
Forms, Politics, Makers, and Contexts: more recent work and much other material
Basic Issues for a Theory of Radical Political relevant to this article appears in Larry Gross
Documentary, in Thomas Waugh, ed., Show and Jay Ruby, eds., Image Ethics:The Moral and
Us Life: Toward a History and Aesthetics of the Legal Rights of Subjects in Documentary Film and
Committed Documentary (Metuchen, N.J.: Television (Philadelphia,1988).
Scarecrow Press, 1984), pp. 31842. 11. Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of
7. For example, the scope of a 1986 McGill University Mechanical Reproduction, in Hannah Arendt, ed.,
symposium on docudrama included a range of Illuminations (NewYork:1969), p.232.

The Subjective Position
of Documentary Video(1995)

It is probably true that, in the United States component of standard broadcast television,
at least, the museum is the cultural institu- usually in the context of picture failure:We
tion that has been most directly challenged have temporarily lost the video portion of
by the video art of the last thirty years. From our broadcast, an announcer would intone
the early installations of Nam June Paik over a test pattern or station-identification
and Peter Campus, which disrupted con- screen; please stand by. In this sense video
ventional ideas of what media were suitable was neither a specific artistic medium nor a
for gallery display, to the narrative pieces of particular representational genre; and while
such artists as Cecilia Condit, which have it was always implicitly paired with the audio
raised the slightly different question of what portion of the television broadcast, the latter
representational modes might be featured was also clearly subordinated to it because it
in exhibition, serious videowork has con- was, after all, specifically the video element
sistently interrogated the criteria by which that made television what itwas.
the museum defines art, if only so that Of course, to invoke what television was
it could, paradoxically, itself accede to that (or is) is to suggest that broadcast TV, no
privileged status.1 less than the museum itself, constitutes a
The work of Marlon Riggs, on the other relatively discrete culture characterized not
hand, is less self-consciously concerned only by the manifestation of various distinc-
with the parameters of art than with the tive features, but, conversely, by the exclu-
bounds of video in a more conventional sion of certain elements whose eventual
sense. Prior to the emergence of video as admission to the realm must figure as a
a high-art mediumand before the term significant intervention. Museum and tele-
itself became synonymous with MTVs vision cultures, varying as they do, will reg-
pop-music film shortsvideo was most ister such interventions in different ways.
widely invoked in its function as the visual As the citation of an extensive electronic
830Truth Not Guaranteed

infrastructure, for instance, the video instal- in pursuing PBS distribution as it did about
lation jars in the museum context precisely the degree to which Riggss work itself
because it contrasts with the latters tradi- challenged televisions generic bound-
tional investment in an art defined by indi- aries; at the same time, however, those
vidualized craft and signature technique. risksstemming from PBSs reliance on
Broadcast television, on the other hand, the government-funded Corporation for
is actually constituted through its extensive Public Broadcasting and the tenuousness
range and predicated on installation, and any of congressional support for the latter since
effective challenge to its norms will thus the Reagan-Bush erasuggest the extent to
register not primarily as art, but as an which Riggs troubled broadcast convention,
innovation in the programming that defines seen as implicitly under attack in the pre-
the televisual project. Begun as a version of sentation of hiswork.
standard television documentary, Riggss There is very little, if any, indication of
work can be understood as precisely such such a challenge in Riggss first profes-
an innovation. sional feature documentary, Ethnic Notions
One reason for this is that most of Riggss (Figure100.1), which was produced in asso-
work has actually been presented in national ciation with public television station KQED
telecast. Three of his four feature-length in San Francisco. This work, which examines
productions have been shown by PBS, the caricature of black people in U.S.popu-
though the controversy surrounding one of lar culture of the late nineteenth and early
the broadcasts seems to have indicated as twentieth centuries, presents a standard set
much about the risks taken by videomakers of contemporary talking-head interviews

Figure100.1 Ethnic Notions (Marlon Riggs, 1987). Screen capture fromDVD.

MarlonRiggs 831

with expert commentators (cultural critic time, the authoritative significances of that
Barbara Christian, performance historian structurederived largely from the dual
and choreographer Leni Sloan, historian factors of the talking-head interview format
George Fredrickson, among others) intercut and the unenhanced visual presentation of
with historical stills and film footage docu- the historical materialswork to dissemble
menting the cultural stereotyping under con- the questionable character of the judgment
sideration. In both its format and its fairly itself; for, even granting that racist repre-
conventional liberal-pluralist critique, Ethnic sentations can foster racist sentiment, the
Notions largely exemplifies the mode of doc- complexities of representation are such
umentary exploration long familiar to PBS that it is altogether unclear exactly how they
audiences. Still, its subject matter is striking, mightdoso.
incorporating materials whose blatant rac- It is not at all necessary that such video
ism is so alien in the late twentieth century work as this, with its evident documen-
as to startle greatly most viewers. Ranging tary function, present, for the sake of that
from product names and mascots like Aunt function, a fully substantiated cultural
Jemima, Uncle Remus, and Nigger Head; analysis, as opposed to Ethnic Notions
through such household items as caricature properly hypothetical proposition. There
cookie jars, pickaninny joke cards, and is, however, a formal tension in the piece
Parker Brothers Ten Little Niggers game; to that raises the question of whether it best
entertainments like vaudevillian minstrelsy, represents the type of sociocultural inter-
the films Birth of a Nation and The Jazz rogation that the medium can sustain. It
Singer, and a cartoon featuring Bugs Bunny is the tension between the generalized seat
and Elmer Fudd performing in blackface, the of authorityrepresented by the interview
objects of Ethnic Notions immediate critique sequences in Ethnic Notionsand such nec-
are many and varied, indicating the depth essary and powerful speculative judgment
and pervasiveness of U.S. cultural racism. as that which the piece asserts regarding the
The point of Riggss piece, however, is not effects of racist caricature. Precisely because
merely to expose the widespread invocation the strength of such judgment lies sub-
of offensive stereotype, but, beyond this, to stantially in its speculative characterso
suggest such invocations detrimental conse- alien a quality amid the classic instances of
quences. In a strikingly didactic concluding talking-head reportage that imbue the form
sequence, boldface intertitles declare that with its authoritative significanceits most
the artifacts examined in the video confirm productive figuration would seem to be
popular ideas of blacks as ugly, savage, and one that questioned, rather than depended
happy in servitude. Christian sums up the upon, traditional modes for the assertion of
effect of racist caricature in household knick- cultural authority.
knacks in the statement that gives the piece This point becomes clearer, perhaps, when
its name, asserting that stereotyping notions we consider another standard element of
in the home lead to derogatory notions in documentary television that Ethnic Notions
themind. incorporatesthe narrative voice-over. This
The forthrightness of this proclama- featureprovided by African American actor
tion comprises a critical element of Riggss Esther Rolle, and running almost without inter-
larger videographic project. Specifically, in ruption throughout the productionenhances
presenting such unabashed judgment as the authoritative effect of the piece in a way
to the social effect of racist artifacts, the similar to that of the experts pronounce-
piece veers from the putative norms of cul- ments: seemingly emanating from the
tural documentary to which it otherwise experience of overarching surveillance that
adheres in its formal structure. At the same it imaginatively conjures up, the voice-over
832Truth Not Guaranteed

formally bespeaks an apparently omniscient Thus, not only do the star and the producer
perspective from which the work can make of the 1960s sitcom JuliaDiahann Carroll
proclamations that are consequently registered and Hal Kanterdiscuss the import of the
as general and universal. This generality and show in its historical moment, but Rolle (an
universality are quickly problematized, how- interviewee in this video, rather than the nar-
ever, within the first few minutes of the piece, rator) recounts her own reaction to the pro-
when the narratorwhose voice easily regis- gram during its run. Similarly, Carroll and
ters as black even if it isnt recognized as that producer Steve Bochco speak of the impact
of Rolleinvokes the meaning in our lives of on them, as viewers, of Nat King Coles
the various racist caricatures collected in our short-lived variety show of the late 1950s.
homes during the period under examination. By the same token, cultural commentators
These invocations, which occur amid claims Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and Patricia Turner
as to the onetime currency of such caricatures not only analyze the significances of such
throughout the country, seem meant to con- programs as Good Times and The Cosby Show,
note a genericized American citizenry; but but they also recall their personal responses
the narrators discernible blackness, coupled to television appearances by blacks during
with the fact that it is specifically caricatures the relatively recent period when these were
of blacks that are under consideration, render still rare. In other words, the judgments
such a reference problematic at best, and this made in Color Adjustment, rather than seem-
in a way that confusesrather than produc- ing to issue from a putative neutral zone
tively complicatingthe subjective position of conjured in the relation between expert tes-
thework. timony and omniscient narration, are clearly
By the time of his follow-up to Ethnic grounded in the subjective experiences and
Notionsthe 1991 piece Color Adjustment, the considered deliberations of those chosen
which focuses specifically on images of by Riggs to undertake the cultural criticism
blacks in U.S.television from the mid-1940s implicated in thepiece.
through the 1980sRiggs seemed to have Second, Riggs does not shy away in Color
become much more certain of exactly how Adjustment from positing the video itself as
the subjectivities informing the work could representing a subjective viewpointa spe-
best be formally engaged. While the two vid- cifically African American perspective. Most
eos share basic elements of structure and pointedly, while Ethnic Notions deploys a
format, they differ significantly in the ways voice-over narrative whose conjuration of
they use those elements to establish criti- generalized universality runs athwart
cal perspective; two points in particular are the evidently interested character of the
noteworthy. producing subject, the narration for Color
First of all, though Color Adjustment main- Adjustment, supplied by Ruby Dee, unequiv-
tains the focus on individual authorities that ocally references its invocations of a collec-
characterizes Ethnic Notions, its interviewees tive we to a specifically African American
represent many more types of authority than constituency from which the guiding sub-
are admitted in the earlier work. Indeed, not jectivity of the video itself clearly emerges.
only does Color Adjustment temper the cre- Color Adjustment differs significantly, then,
dentialed academicism that it reprises from from its forerunner. Like the earlier work,
Ethnic Notions with the different (yet equally it oversimplifies the relation between rep-
professionalized) considerations of television resentation and social fact, suggesting, for
actors, directors, and producers, but it also instance, that The Cosby Show of the 1980s
supplements the professional assessments and early 1990s affirmed the ideology of the
of all the interviewees with their personal Reagan-Bush era without considering how
reflections on blacks televisual depictions. it might also have challenged Reaganist
MarlonRiggs 833

thinking. This aside, however, the later Untied incorporates two fundamental revi-
piece represents a much more confident sions in documentary subjectivity, which
and sophisticated engagement with issues it posits together in such a way as to con-
of critical subjectivity than is evident in the fer that subjectivity with a potency rarely
earlier one, which suggests that the five found in the genre. On the one hand,
years separating the two works was a period Riggs himself appears in the piece as a
of profound development in Riggss theory full participant in (and often the guiding
of video production. consciousness behind) the performances
What happened during that period, of presented on tape; on the other hand,
course, is that Riggs produced Tongues those same performances are profoundly
Untied (Figure 100.2), the piece for which collective, not only being executed by an
he is probably most widely known, and as a ensemble of black gay men, as I have
result of which he became pegged as a con- already indicated, but incorporating the
troversial figure. Representing the complete creative work (music, prose reflections,
abandonment of the conventional documen- verse poetry) of such men, in addition to
tary technique in which he was trained and that of Riggs, as primary materials. Thus
that he adapted in Ethnic Notions, Tongues Tongues Untied, insofar as it admits of
Untied can be considered specifically a medi- Riggss own meditative reflections (on,
tation on the life experiences of gay-identified among other things, his childhood sexu-
African American men at the time of the ality, his experience of racism from white
works production. Insofar as it depicts those gay men, his HIV-positive status), veers
lived experiences, Tongues Untied is no less from conventional documentary into cre-
documentary, in the broad sense of the ative expression. At the same time, by
term, than Riggss more conventional early incorporating the imaginative contribu-
piece. The modes of that figuration, however, tions of men other than Riggs, the work
are very different from the ways that Ethnic extends beyond narrowly personal individ-
Notions registers the import of the material ualism. Finally, inasmuch as all the con-
that it engages. tributions are based on the reality of lived
For instance, there are no conventional experience, the piece remains as factual
interview scenes in Tongues Untied. Rather, as traditional documentary itself.
the work presents an array of short ensem- This expansive amalgam of documentary
ble performances, monologues, poetry and expressive modes and of individual and
readings, and musical presentations inter- collective voices is Tongues Untieds most
woven with footage documenting various notable achievement, in light of which the
moments in the lives of black gay men. debate over the videos celebration of homo-
There is no unitary thesis in the work, eroticism (cited by numerous PBS affili-
but several interrelated thematic lines run ates across the country as sufficient reason
throughout, addressing black gay mens not to air the show) appears as the grossest
alienation from much of African American Philistinism.2 It is Riggss expert realization
society (I cannot go home as who Iam, of such polyvalent subjectivity, moreover,
one refrain line declares), the need for that carries over from Tongues Untied back
black gay men to break silence regarding to the more recognizable documentary for-
their sexuality (referenced in the title of mat of Color Adjustment in1991.
the piece), and the urgency of black mens Not that Riggs did not continue to work
loving support for one another (signaled in the more expansive mode that Tongues
in the videos effective slogan:Black men Untied exemplifies. The short 1990 piece
loving black men is the revolutionary act). Affirmations combines three sections
Furtherand most significantlyTongues in a whole that achieves the same type
834Truth Not Guaranteed

Figure100.2 Tongues Untied (Marlon Riggs, 1989). Screen capture fromDVD.

of complexity as the longer 1989 work. mode Riggs developed in Tongues Untied.
Segueing from a monologic coming-out Perhaps because the question of what con-
story by black gay writer Reginald T.Jackson, stitutes blackness is so big, however (the
to footage of the group Gay Men of African video zips at breakneck speed through con-
Descent marching in a Harlem African siderations of religion, skin color politics,
American Freedom Day parade, to various sexuality, gender difference, and class strati-
black gay mens recitationsover reprised fication, to name just a few of the issues it
march footage and a freedom song sound tackles), Black Is Black Aint is less success-
trackof their wishes for the future, ful than Tongues Untied, as a videographic
Affirmations recapitulates the synthesizing piece. Based loosely on a metaphorical con-
effect of Tongues Untied in such a way as to ceptualization of African American life as a
become its effective codabrief, eloquent, type of gumbo, the work closes by consid-
eminently moving. ering what constitutes the roux that binds
The 1995 release Black Is Black together the disparate ingredients of black-
Aintleft unfinished by Riggs at the time ness. It settles on no answer to this ques-
of his AIDS-related death in April 1994 tion, and the video itself similarly lacks a
and completed by his colleagues Nicole unifying element. This could have been pro-
Atkinson and Christiane Badgleytakes vided by the leitmotif footagemuch of it
on the overwhelming topic of black iden- intensely movingof Riggs in his hospital
tity itself, which, with its myriad contradic- bed during one of his final illnesses, reflect-
tions and overdeterminations, is in many ing on his life, his work, his coming death,
ways perfectly suited for the expansive his blackness. This personal experience of
MarlonRiggs 835

AIDS is never collectivized, however, in Notes

the way that the individual histories pre-
1. For documentation of the work of Nam June Paik,
sented in Tongues Untied are, resulting in a see Toni Stooss and Thomas Kellein, eds., Nam June
less fully realized work than one imagines Paik:Video TimeVideo Space (NewYork:Harry
Riggs envisioned when he first conceived N.Abrams, 1993); for Peter Campus, see his
Video-Installationen, Foto-Installationen, Fotos,
the piece. Videobanden, exh. cat. (Cologne:Klnischer
It is a testament to the level of Riggss Kunstverein, 1979). On Cecilia Condit, see
accomplishment that his own work pro- Patricia Mellencamp, Uncanny Feminism, in
Indiscretions:Avant-Garde Film, Video, and Feminism
vides the best standard against which this (Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 1990),
last project can be measured. His interven- 12639.
tions in the definition of documentary video 2. For a contemporaneous account of the
controversy, see Frank J. Prial, TV Film about
have altered not only our sense of what Gay Black Men Is under Attack, The New York
constitutes viable television broadcast, but Times, June 25, 1991, C13. For commentary about
the terms of what counts as creative devel- it, see John J. OConnor, Critics Notebook:
Counting Casualties of Attacks on PBS, The New
opment in that traditional realm of video York Times, August 6, 1991, C11.

The Sentimental Contract of American
Labor Films(2002)

Do not ask me to write of the strike and much to the literary genre of reportage,
the terror. I am on a battlefield. But especially as practiced in the 1930s by com-
I hunch over the typewriter and behind mitted journalists and worker correspon-
the smoke, the days whirl, confused as dents. This form collapses distinctions
dreams, declared the young Tillie Lerner between reader and participant by plac-
(Olsen) during the 1934 San Francisco gen- ing the observer/writer in the midst of the
eral strike.1 In this classic example of report- action as it happens; and because the two
age, the division between observation and poles are clearly markedyou either are a
participation, between fact and fantasy, has union man or a thugsentiment lodges
broken down. I am on a battlefield, not on the side of labor. Florence Reece and
merely as a war correspondent but as one of the other balladeers could march and sing,
the combatants. In Florence Reeces ballad but writers eventually left the line to tell the
trumpeting the news of the 1934 Kentucky story. By leaving the line, the writer momen-
coal strikes in bloody Harlan County, one tarily escaped the conflict, confusing her
must decide Which Side Are You On?:if class allegiance; however, an either/or situa-
you go to Harlan County/there is no neu- tion demands that both reporter and reader
tral there, youll either be a union man/or must choose sides within a dichotomous
a thug for J.H. Blair.2 The labor struggles class structure. In reportage, documenters
of the 1930s had clearly defined battle lines, serve not only to witness, but to fight, like
and everyone sympathetic to workers knew Frederick Douglass, who stresses that his
which side was right; yet the engaged writer, indoctrination into the hell of slavery
knowing she was on a battlefield, was left began when he recognized his role as a wit-
behind the smoke confused as dreams ness and a participant and ended only after
by her double dutyto march and to type. he battled the overseer Covey, vowing never
Contemporary labor documentaries owe to be whippedagain.
Melodrama/MaleDrama 837

During the 1930s, many writers forged and political crisis. Because it opens the
these sentimental contracts as they journeyed way for tears, reportage treads a fine politi-
in search of the trouble befalling a nation cal line, locating sentiment in the house
suffering through extreme economic crisis.3 oflabor.
In many ways, reportage mediated thefemi- Sentimentality emerges in eighteenth-
nized stance of the novelistwhether male century England under curious and contra-
or female, the writer was viewed by the dictory conditions. On the one hand, dis-
Left as effete, bourgeoisand that of the cussions about the proper use of tears were
hard-boiled reporter, as tough masculine linked to a long history of antirational con-
worker, because these writers did not sim- servatism, starting with the embarrassingly
ply report from the sidelines; they put their sentimentalized male philosophers, such as
bodies on the line. In modern times, radi- Edmund Burke, resisting the Enlightenment
cal intellectuals often have romanticized the revolutions in France. Claudia Johnson
industrial worker as the authentic vehicle of argues persuasively that the welfare of
revolution. Moving into workers homes to the nation and the tearfulness of private
march with them became a standard activity citizensactual as well as fictionalwere
of radical journalists following the strikes in understood in the 1790s to be urgently inter-
coal, rubber, and steel during the 1930s. For connected.6 I would add that this was no
instance, in 1934, a young Smith College less true of the 1990s. On the other hand,
graduate, Harriet Woodbridge, writing as the rise of the bourgeois state required a
Lauren Gilfillan, traveled to the coal fields break with the teary-eyed men who main-
of western Pennsylvania to report on the tained a chivalric honor unnecessary under
strikes there. She entered the struggle only a new democratic regime. Mens tears are
to be reminded that she was an outsider. I throwbacks to an era when the spectacle
Went to Pit College described her position as of men crying could be understood as part
radical journalist within a mining commu- of the workings of an aristocratic order of
nity, riven by rival unions, political enmity, sentimentality [under which] the prestige
class conflict, and racial, ethnic, and reli- of suffering belongs to men (17). Within
gious divisions, which at least coalesced the culture of middle-class sensibilities,
around a mutual suspicion of outsiders, women became the vessels of feelings. The
especially those sporting linen dresses. new forms of gendered subjectivity develop-
Her book, widely reviewed and often ing within bourgeois culture, feminist liter-
denounced as sentimental tripe and a melo- ary historians such as Nancy Armstrong,
dramatic portrayal of middle-class feminine Cathy Davidson, and Jane Tompkins argue,
thrill-seeking, was also praised for a willing- require the cultural work of womens sen-
ness to bare herself as a voyeur and explore timentality to establish the modern subject,
these class confusions, as it provided a a being drenched in emotion and encased
vivid portrait of a community torn apart by in privacy during the age of revolution and
labor strife.4 Reportage, in no way content after. Sentiment became private because its
simply to depict facts, risked sentimental- public expression threatened social order.
ity, according to Georg Lukcs, because it According to Raymond Williams, what
does indeed appeal to our feelings, both in Burke resisted was the incursion of the ratio-
its depiction of the facts and in the call to nal state into zones previously cordoned off
action.5 Too much investment in one side as civil society. Emotions publicly displayed
of the battle, too much detail, a fetishistic by citizens of a democracy led to the fright-
portrayal of the victims of capitalism, ening spectacle of mobs and masses in the
however, got in the way of clear-sighted sci- streets.7 Bourgeois culture thus contained
entific analyses of the prevailing economic sentimentality within womens domain.
838Truth Not Guaranteed

Its leakage into the methods of science Studies of Modern Men and Machines,
appropriate to journalism,8 especially in the offers a vision of labor poles apart from
service of that most melodramatic public his earlier images of children dwarfed by
stagingthe strikethreatened to undo massive looms. This volume carefully inte-
political authority. That would seem a good grates the male body into the machinery of
thing if ones goals, like those of the liter- modern construction (many of the images
ary radicals of the 1930s, were to overthrow are from Hines on-location photographs of
a failed capitalism. the Empire State Building rising from the
However, in the rhetoric of both the Left streets of Manhattan as it was built). The
and modernism, bourgeois culture as a scale of the masculine body establishes the
whole had taken on the sentimentalized size of the machine it works. Some of the
characteristics of feminized, aristocratic men of courage, skill, daring and imagi-
decadencean image repeated in IWW nation are heroes, says Hine paraphras-
iconography, socialist cartoons, Thorsten ing Marx in his introduction, the spirit of
Veblens Theory of the Leisure Class, commu- industry. Heroes because cities do not
nist pamphlets, modernist manifestoes, and build themselves; machines do not make
even in Teddy Roosevelts speeches.9 Only the machines. [R]eal men make and direct
heroic workers (or modernist poets, but thats them.11 Hine shoots individual men inti-
another story) standing shoulder-to-shoulder mately curled over and around their tools,
in solidarity could break with sentimentality but he also provides a vision of collective
and usher in a new world. The working stiff, labor in shots showing how modern work
like the freelancing detective and the mobile requires cooperation among many men
femme fatale, offers a tough resistance to the on the job.12 This highly erotic, actually
decay of modern life. This picture of mascu- homoerotic, vision of men and machinery
line triumph had its own sentimental logic became a staple of documentary, culmi-
that also dates from the eighteenth century. nating in Robert Flahertys 1948 Louisiana
The first great tribune of the industrial pro- Story, where the arrival of the enormous oil
letariat, William Cobbett, declared, accord- derrick moves the young boy to explore the
ing to Raymond Williams, collective action world of machinery as he had once covered
to be a movement of the peoples own, a the natural landscape. The boy, embraced
concerted response to the masters [who] (literally) by this all-male world, ultimately
combine against them; leaving them barely integrates nature and machine and his body
able to feed themselves and their families in the penultimate shot as he curls himself
(Culture and Society, 3, 17). If a strike provides around the christmas tree, the capped oil
a stirring, emotionally-saturated, political pipes, left standing in the bayou. Flahertys
tableau, its visual economy owing much to film was hardly a left-wing celebration of
melodrama, where the forces of good and machinery and labor; Standard Oil footed
evil are decisively separate, that is because the bill for this fantasy, as Flaherty
since the late eighteenth century, the work- referred to it.
ing class has been cast in heroic and victim- Hines 1932 photographs initiated a visual
ized poses.10 rhetoric of sentimentality that cloaked work-
In twentieth-century America, the most ers bodies and gigantic machinery in a cel-
powerful icons of this dual image of the ebration of the collective labors required
working class have been found within the to build America. In this, his images
traditions of the documentary photogra- were visual updates of Melvilles ecstatic
phy inaugurated by Lewis Hine. Hines whale-rendering scenes in Moby-Dick. This
1932 childrens book, a photographic record new sentimentality contrasted with Hines
called Men at Work, subtitled Photographic earlier portraits of Americas working
Melodrama/MaleDrama 839

victims suffering under capitalisms brutal-

ity. The recourse to sentiment among labors
documenters is tied to confusing gender
codes, which have historically dictated who
can and who cannot cry, and to conflicting
class and national allegiances, which also
involve delegating the proper expression
of sentiment. Modern national allegiance
requires tearsone need only watch any
athletic segment or any commercial dur-
ing NBCs broadcast of the 1996 or 2000
Olympics to get a shorthand lesson in the
centrality of tears to national identity. We
watch as athletes cry in victory or sob in
defeat; we cry with them at home, our liv-
ing rooms linked mysteriously through the
flowing tears. Like nations, class formations,
precisely because they require imaginative
communities linked through ideas and sen-
timents, resemble these emotion-laden fan-
tasies. Class codings can be made invisible Figure101.1 Primary Accumulation: The
with proper grooming and elocution, so says Expropriation Whereby the Countryfolk Were
Henry Higgins to Elizabeth Doolittle in My Divorced From the Land, in Hugo Gellert, Karl
Fair Lady, because unlike sexual or racial dif- Marx Capital in Lithographs (New York: Ray
ferences, they are not inscribed on the bodies Long & Richard R. Smith, 1934).
surfaces. For this reason, class is a slippery
analytic category, even among feminists oth-
erwise sensitive to nuanced gender, sexual, of figuring class conflict through gendered
and racial differences. In the differing views discourses of sentimentality.13 Roger & Me,
of Burke and Cobbett, workers combined, ever ironic about documentary, General
either sinisterly as a mass or rationally as Motors, and government policies that favor
a class, in response to the workings of the corporate greed over human need, can-
capitalist state, a state formed in the inter- not escape its heritage. In the 1930s, Hugo
ests of one class, the bourgeoisie, in part by Gellert, a cartoonist for the left-wing journal
cordoning off sentiment. This is also why New Masses, illustrated a selection of writ-
the rhetoric of sentimentalityso crucial to ings from Karl Marxs Capital with his draw-
modern national and class formationsstill ings of solidly muscled workers.14 The butt
circulates within labor documentaries, even of in-jokes within the Left, these heroic fig-
those questioning the form of documentary ments of radical imagination were fantasies
itself. of excessive virility.15 Astrong working class
could overcome both the crisis of capital-
ism and the malaise the lost generation was
suffering after the First World War. Aheavy
Roger & Me(n) load to bearmaking the revolution and
saving American masculinity at oncethis
In differing ways, Michael Moores Roger & construction of the manly worker occluded
Me (1989) and Barbara Kopples American a vision of the working-class woman, who,
Dream (1990) tap this long-standing tradition in Gellerts drawings, bulge with hefts of
840Truth Not Guaranteed

target the lavish lifestyles of the rich and

infamous of Flint, Michigan, and feature
chiffon-dressed women sounding like Marie
Antoinette before the revolution. The one
exceptionthe lonely rabbit breeder whose
uncanny pragmatism (pets or meat) seems
demented at best, vicious at worstclearly
survives outside the economy of contempo-
rary American late capitalist relations. She
is a holdover from another era and another
place, perhaps the mountains of Kentucky
from which many autoworkers migrated
during and after the Second World War,
like a character out of Harriet Arnows 1954
novel, The Dollmaker, devastated by city life
and industrial work discipline.16 Moore is
drawn to this odd woman; she reappears as
the star of his short sequel, Pets or Meat:The
Return to Flint (1993), which also aired on
PBS stations.17
Figure101.2 The Working Day: Struggle For Sentimentality requires a hero, just as
a Normal Working Day; Laws to Enforce the melodrama demands clearly defined sides.
Extension of the Working Day, Passed From Moore is a contemporary (anti-)hero, a
the Middle of the Fourteenth to the End of the goofy guy who has shed his class origins
Seventeenth Century, in Hugo Gellert, Karl Marx just barely because his skills lie in intel-
Capital in Lithographs (New York: Ray Long & lectual laborthe production of words and
Richard R. Smith, 1934). imagesnot the backbreaking assembly
work of his fathers generation.18 His film
unveils an anti-aesthetics of failure in con-
muscle and a muscled breast nourishing temporary documentary,19 an absence that
her buffed-out baby boy, the kind of revolu- looms large in this story of contemporary
tionary girl celebrated in proletarian poems labor: no strikes; no men at work. What
by such forgotten poets as H.H. Lewis. By Roger & Me finds instead is lack:the lack of
contrast the bourgeoisie was a feminized union militancy; the lack of work, as thou-
and decadent class: corpulent men stuffed sands of autoworkers have been laid off; the
into top hats and tails, like the banker on the lack of industry, as plants close and move
Monopoly game, sucking the vitality from their operations overseas. Flint, Michigan,
the labor of others; or desiccated spinsters stands as an emblem of militant union
whose dried up lives were doomed to dis- organizing; site of the 1936 sit-down strike,
appear once the new working-class family the most effective use of the strategy in
took possession of its rightfulplace. American history, whose stirring images of
It was a ludicrous picture then, when men curled amid their tools and machinery
at least a quarter of the work force was asleep on the shop floor galvanized genera-
female. In the 1980s, it should have been tions of organizers. Josephine Herbst had
trotted out only as parody; yet Roger & Me caught this scene, connecting it to the rise
returns to these stock types with a straight of the worker-writer, when she closes her
face to cast its saga of deindustrializa- 1939 novel, Rope of Gold, with a striking
tion. Almost all the scenes with women autoworker penning his autobiography.20
Melodrama/MaleDrama 841

As a fantasy melding industry with aes- the back of a carriage, unknowingly leads a
thetics, like a bridge girder or a poured demonstration of protesting workers only to
concrete dam, this quintessential modern- find himself beaten and jailed by the police.
ist figurean idle worker sprawled across Instead, Moore finds his postmodern
the plant floor recording the details of the worker-tramp in Ben Hamper, a contempo-
strike for the Daily Workerhas no place in rary Midwestern worker-writer, in the tradi-
a deindustrializing economy. Even the sit- tion of Jack Conroy, the rivethead whose
down strike is ineffective against plant clo- column had previously appeared in Moores
sures. The story has shifted elsewhere to the alternative newspaper, The Flint Voice, now
corporate and financial boardrooms where a novelist. Hamper explains, while aim-
the flows of capital not productivity (which lessly shooting hoops, that he was laid off
requires bodies) are key to profits. with a medical disability because he had
Without the bodies of workers at their cracked up on the shop floor. He feels like a
machines or the masses on the picket line, fraud compared to the women he met in the
Moores saga comes down to a lone quest hospitalsuicidal and depressedwhose
for an elusive figure, General Motors CEO mental illnesses were somehow more real,
Roger Smith. Smiths continual absence is caused as they were by domestic, personal
one more hole in the fabric of American troubles. The public world of work is not
industry; a boss can no longer be embodied supposed to cause mental breakdowns, but
either. The rotund cigar-smoking capital- without the masses to provide a collective
ist who lorded over a semifeudal indus- shelter for the worker, his psyche becomes
trial valley has also been displaced.21 For as fragile as a housewifes.23 Moore empa-
example, in the new world order of virtual thizes with his high-school buddy; they
strikebreaking, to combat striking unions at share history, each with a middle-aged,
Detroits two largest newspapers, The Detroit working-class inelegance that has no place,
News and The Detroit Free Press no longer despite their new roles as intellectuals, cir-
needed to hire thugs. They set up home culating language and images.24
pages on the World Wide Web denouncing Moores film, picked up and distributed
union tactics on the picket lines and prais- by Time-Warner, sparked a major debate
ing those who cross the lines, including sto- within corporate boardrooms and across
ries about the terrific food served to those business and industry pages;25 his wry
who show up for work.22 Moore fails to get humor showed up GM as callous, the Flint
close to the real bossRoger Smithso he Chamber of Commerce and Mayors Office
goes for the cheap shot, the vacuous country in the pockets of GM, and a citizenry suffer-
club wives of Chevys middle managers who ing from delusions and privation so extreme
declare Flint a wonderful city and wonder that recovery appears unlikely.26 Moreover,
why everyone is complaining. his decision to tamper with history, revis-
If the CEO cannot be located, neither can ing chronology to suit his narrative, caused
the worker; he is neither on the picket line a minor stir.27 Moores recourse to staged
nor on the assembly line. Charlie Chaplins melodramaplacing Ronald Reagan in
working-tramp represented the modern Flint in the midst of the shut downgave
anti-hero of labordwarfed by the machine, ammunition to GM, which wanted to defuse
encompassed by the masses. The counter- the films effects.28 But Moores manipula-
part to the Tramps incorporation into the tions came from a long tradition of docu-
machine of capital is Chaplins wonderful mentary filmmaking. As he remarked:
overhead crane shot, which offers a visual With nonfiction, you have no idea when
joke on working-class unity as the Tramp, you go out to shoot whats going to hap-
after picking up a red flag that has fallen off pen, and you have to figure it all out once
842Truth Not Guaranteed

youre in the editing room.29 Dziga Vertovs as overly humanistic; perhaps deindustrial-
scissors cutting celluloid in The Man With ization forces another cinema as much as
a Movie Camera had foregrounded the edit- another politics.
ing process as crucial to Kino-Pravdaa job American Dream begins with shots of
requiring the hands of his female assistant the hog kill room, which Kopple was able
editor, Yelizaveta Svilova. With absenceno to film with a hidden camera by posing as a
jobs, no organization, no bossas capital New York high-school student doing a
flows elsewhere and workers sit idle, its cen- report on the meat industry. The process of
tral feature, Moores postmodern portrait of turning pigs into bacon is dangerous and
labor still rests on the prehistory of modern disgusting work; the work site and work
male workers melodramas, embodied by process, which are not central to the films
the two forcesRoger, endlessly beyond the story, focusing as it does on the intrica-
camera, and M(oor)e, endlessly performing cies of local and international organizing,
for it.30 bargaining, and the strike and its after-
math, establishes the source of the action.
If the establishing shot of the typing pool
on the bottom floor of the Pacific All-Risk
Spams Home Insurance Company in Double Indemnity
reminds us of the repetitive boredom of
American Dream follows Kopples magis- white-collar office work that contributes to
terial view of worker solidarity in Harlan film noir, the assembly line at Hormel pres-
County, U.S.A. (1976) with a darker vision ents pure horror and exploitation. In the
of the contradictions and complexities of brief encapsulated history the film provides,
contemporary union organizing in the we hear Reagans off-the-cuff remark
heartland. Despite the ostensibly ami- about the economy: Im prepared to tell
able atmosphere of Garrison Keillors you its a hell of a mess. Jesse Jackson
Lake Wobegone, Austin, Minnesotas, then tells a packed crowd in 1986, [W]hat
Hormel plant, and the efforts of meat pack- Selma was to the civil rights movement,
ers at Local P-9 of the United Food and Austin is to the movement for workers
Commercial Workers (UFCW) to maintain rights. The scene shifts two years earlier
union solidarity, American Dream presents and follows two men past a playground
a wretched scene. Anticipating the grue- where children swing and climb and slide
someness of Fargo, it lends bloody Harlan to the front door of a large house where
County a nostalgic glow. Kopples com- the wife of a Hormel executive lectures the
plex gesture in American Dream traces the men to be grateful they now receive $8.75
present conditions for union militancy an hour:When we were your age she
in a typically Midwestern industryhog begins, but the men cut her off:Give us a
processingduring this era of multina- fair shake, like you got. Although a town
tional corporate flight; its story of the mul- like Austin represses its class structure, vis-
tiple forces working at odds complicates the ible evidence lies everywhere. In Austin,
melodrama of union men vs. scabs staged 22,000 people live in a little world by our-
in Harlan County, U.S.A. The 198485 selves, Hormel counsel Nyberg explains,
strike against the Hormel plant drama- echoing the boosterism found at the towns
tized how the arena has been complicated border: Enjoy Austin, where the good life
with a proliferating cast whose allegiances is here to stay. To some extent this civic
and identities are not so easily coded as hype rings true; as the Hormel promotional
good or bad. This corrective seems in part film Kopple inserts into hers outlines, the
a response to critiques of her earlier film social contract the corporation struck with
Melodrama/MaleDrama 843

its workers decades ago guaranteed good unions around the country even after the
wages, lifetime benefits, and profit sharing. AFL-CIO, Americas central union organi-
But the ragged years of recession, corporate zation, discourages its affiliates from offer-
mergers, and wholesale assault on unions ing solidarity; they keep showing up at the
fostered by Reagans administration have picket lines even after the National Guard
taken their toll. Let us live in our house, has been called out and some local mem-
pleads one woman stuffing envelops at bers defy the strike. Playing out against the
the union hall, our $32,000 house. The bleak snow-covered landscape is the new
company that makes that quintessential American dream of community and fam-
American product, Spam, staple of United ily and their fracture, with brother turned
States Army K-rations during World War II, against brother, another civil war with the
now expresses the mood of the industry, inevitable result.31
as CEO Knowlton declares; despite record Kopples fascination with grand melo-
29.5million dollar profits in 1984, Hormel dramatic historical epics owes as much to
workers receive a 23percent wagecut. D.W. Griffith as the fragile voice of Hazel
Thus the stage is set for the nightmare Dickenss ballads in Harlan County, U.S.A.;
to unfold; a dark romance Kopple scripts but in Austin the heroes are less pure
around the struggle of a new family, as and villains less obvious, if more devious.
the striking P-9ers describe their changed Unlike the coal miners strike in Kentucky,
relationships to each other and to their for- where you either are a union man or a thug
merly paternalistic employer, to come to for D.H. Blair, the complexities of fighting
terms with the betrayal by the new father, on three frontsagainst the corporation,
Jay Hormel, son of the corporation founder against the state, and against the unions
who instituted the social consciousness of internationalcomplicate the dichoto-
the company. But the real battle in Kopples mized narration of melodrama. However,
eyes involves a conflict waged by outsid- this multiplying set of powerful forces allied
ers, distant cousins arriving to contest against the tiny P-9 local does not automati-
the companys will: on the one hand, Ray cally call up greater sympathy for the strik-
Rodgers, New Yorker and vegetarian head ers. Instead, those who gave up and crossed
of Corporate Campaign whose successful the picket line in the face of community
national boycott of J.P. Stevens Co. finally censure invoke the rhetoric of sentimen-
resulted in union recognition in many tality. Shedding tears is central to the labor
southern textile plants; and, on the other, documentaryLawrence Joness martyred
Lewie Andersen, hard-bitten vice-president body and his mothers wailing marked the
of UFCW, former hog butcher and tough turning point for the United Mine Workers
negotiator, who has finally accepted the in Harlan County, U.S.A.but in American
UFCWs strategy of across-the-board con- Dream it is the scabs who mourn them-
tracts to bring up the wage floor in nonunion selves as outcasts. The question is: Do we
meat-packing plants. These giants battle on care about these cryingmen?
a grand scale for the hearts and minds of American Dream had its public debut
the P-9ers; their personalities are so char- in Minneapolis (following its premiere
ismatic that they seem to be determining in Austin) as a fundraiser for the Pittston
the action, sweeping the quieter, restrained miners strike. The stage was crowded with
Minnesotans along with them. Yet the Kopple, Senator Paul Wellstone, author of
determination of the strikers and their fami- the Replacement Worker Bill barring the
lies is the real story:they keep on with the hiring of permanent replacements for strik-
strike even after P-9 has been decertified by ers, and striking miners from Pittstown,
the UFCW; they keep gaining support from West Virginia, as well as the remaining
844Truth Not Guaranteed

striking P-9ers, still out of work yet offering collapse. Kopple manipulates the codes of
donations to the strikers in West Virginia. sentimentality to the point that our tears
The entire audience was moved to tears by seem to merge the viewer with the scabs
the spectacle of solidarity, suggesting that and against the strikers.
Kopples interpretation of the dream came This direction comes in part because the
from a textured vision of class in contem- situation in Austin, unlike that in Harlan
porary America as deeply contradictory and County, is multiply fractured. Kopple may
overdetermined. Many local union activists just be doing her job as a documentary
and P-9 supporters, however, condemned filmmaker by presenting a comprehensive
the film; they felt it to be a betrayal for failing picture of strikers, scabs, and international
to capture the culture that grew during the representatives; or she may be paying a
strike. Her conclusions question P-9s tac- debt to the many locals and internationals
tics, even blame them for losing the strike; that contributed funding for the film; or
but evidence to the contrary remained on she may be attempting to enter the action,
the cutting room floor. (Actually unused much as she did in Harlan County, at the
footage for American Dream is housed in picket line, by witnessing the sense of
University of Wisconsins archives.) The emptiness and hostility of those who break
picture is complicated because the politics ranks. In Kentucky, her presence at the
is complex, but also because the profound daily sunrise revivals became a factor in
shift in the economy has dislodged the the escalating violence during the strike. At
melodramatic form of this battlefield and times it appeared that Kopples crew egged
its representation. on the scabs and company goons; at others,
An inheritance from the CPUSAs 1930s the camera clearly helped avert violence.
Popular Front attempt to meld communists In Austin, when she shows the scabbing
(overwhelmingly urban and immigrant P-9ers (the P-10ers, as they were derisively
and Jewish) into the People, the sentimen- called) crying as they decide to cross their
tal invocation of family, movement, unions picket line, Kopple would seem to
community, and culture can insidiously be siding with their unpopular decision.
repress conflicts and differences within Yet the scene is filled with bathos, its emo-
Americas class and racial structure. In tional timbre highly suspect as the men cry
1938, General Secretary of the CPUSA Earl on cue about how hard it is when you cant
Browder outlined The Peoples Front as a pro- feed your family. Their tears are supposed to
gram whose first consideration in promot- elicit our sympathy; but clearly their actions
ing new forces is to find native Americans do not. Which side are we, the viewers, sup-
to lead its organizations, because the posed tobeon?
Communist Party was destined to carry on Unlike me, most critics of the filmsuch
and complete the work begun by Tom Paine, as Peter Rachleff, who wrote Hard-Pressed
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and in the Heartland in part to counter Kopples
Abraham Lincoln.32 To an extent, Harlan Academy Awardwinning portrait of the
County, U.S.A. participated in this archaic Hormel strikeconsider Kopple a sell-out
aesthetic, as Jesse Lemisch calls it,33 and because she provides a forum for these
Kopple received a series of critiques for her men, who from the first worked hand-in-
conventional portrayal of social events hand with the UFCW leadership to under-
from a position of knowledge available to mine the strike and now run the trusteeship
the outsider.34 The postmodern condition of union that replaced P-9.35 Rachleff refers to
labor in the 1980s demanded another sort of the local treasurer, John Williams, as her
story; Kopple responds by exaggerating the star because he gets so much screen time
rhetoric of sentimentality until its claims to anguish over his actions.36 Maintaining a
Melodrama/MaleDrama 845

nostalgia for working-class authenticity and systemseither Corporate Campaign

community characteristic of Americas Left (Hardy Green) or Twin Cities Support for
since the Popular Front, Rachleff fails to P-9 (Peter Rachleff); Kopple remained an
register the squeamishly maudlin and trite outsider. Falling for the charismatic Lewie
picture being painted. Kopple is relying on Andersen, she failed to see the transforma-
the left-wing conventions of picturing the tive effects the strike had on the lives of the
scab as feminized (a scab, like a thug, is not union members and their families as she
a union man) that would seem to reinforce had in Harlan County. This transformation
Rachleffs position, but the mens tears are from alienated labor to a movement cul-
powerful visual cues calling forth audience ture requires the creation of the alternative
sympathies. So the picture is confusing, but prefigurative institutions through which
this seems to be precisely the point:in the working people can galvanize into a collec-
era of deindustrialization, it is not so easy tive agent for social and economic change.38
to distinguish the union man from thescab. To understand this process, outsiders need
While the strikers are presented as full of to get inside the homes, churches, and
convictionperhaps a bit nave in their faith meeting halls of the strikers, but Kopples
in Ray Rodgersthey are still proud and up-close-and-personal moments more
angry folks, even if their militance includes often come between her and the P-10ers or
media-savvy campaigns. The scabs snivel Andersen. Rachleff provides a prehistory of
about their lost manhood and the betrayal P-9 through analyses of its earlier incarna-
they feel:they hate to cross a line; the union tion in a consumer and producer union,
has driven them to it. Lewie Andersen may which had achieved wall-to-wall unioniza-
steal the screen with his hard-nosed cyni- tion in Austin during the 1930s, establishing
cism about P-9, but the UFCW comes off the base for the militancy and solidarity of
as retrograde and suspect, especially after the 198485 strike, the first against Hormel
UFCW President Wynn storms into a meet- in fifty-two years. The two books also
ing shouting that he will make the P-9 local explain the changes in the meat-packing
sign the contract: [A] ll it takes is a few industry as a whole since the 1970s and in
good men, oh and some women too, he the contracts at Hormel that led Hormel to
nods to the little lady there with the cam- slash wages by 23 percent after promising
era. Perhaps because Kopples style is so to maintain them. What had been a locally
consistently illusionisticshe appears to owned, paternalistic company in a homog-
offer a pure vision of the struggle in Harlan enous town in southern Minnesota became
County and a balanced version of the strike a lean and mean corporation with national
in Austinthe excesses in American Dream and international subsidiaries linked to
dont read as critique; but I think they other major corporations during the era of
shouldnot necessarily of the P-10ers but mergers and buy-outs. Kopple fails to give
of the aesthetics and politics lodged in the this kind of background from the point of
sentimental itself as much as in the para- view of Austin; instead of letting the strik-
dox of union politics in deindustrializing ers speak, as she had in Harlan, where
America. old-timers recounted the bloody days of the
Although correcting Kopples film served 1930s strikes for her through memories,
as one impetus for both of the book-length songs, and photographs, she leaves it to
accounts of the Hormel strike, neither does Andersen to fill in the background.
more than mention Kopples presence in Rachleff accuses Kopple of turning the
Austin.37 Her authority is implicitly chal- P-9ers into victims rather than seeing
lenged by the reports of these partisan them as victimized by the collusion of busi-
insiders who were active in the support ness unionism, state and local police, and
846Truth Not Guaranteed

corporate conglomerates, all working in of the events have turned on the familial
tandem to destroy a renegade local that had make-up of the town, its work force, and its
taken on enormous symbolic significance in organizations, the act of scabbing is more
the antiunion climate of Reagans America. than a betrayal of a lifetime of working-class
Yet the only ones to appear as victims, in the upbringing and consciousness; it is also a
classic melodramatic sense, are the P-10ers divorce, a disownment, a severance of all
who sob before the camera after deciding family ties. These men have placed them-
to cross their unions picket line: A person selves outside the gates of the city when they
takes a lot of pride in being a breadwinner, reenter the factory gates. Their overly melo-
says Ron Bergstrom. Since the eighteenth dramatic responses to their own acts fail
century, sentimentality, argues Robert to exculpate them however: they may have
Markley, has served as a theatrics of vir- been forced by circumstances to return, yet
tue for the display of feminized emotions; the circumstances are outdated, based on
within the sentimental, the passive victim an ideal of the male breadwinner providing
is always female, and it is up to the sensi- fully for his family. In both working-class
tive male to sympathize with her.39 This is and middle-class American homes, the
a class politics of bourgeois affects, thus family wage has failed to provide adequately
hardly the virile profile of labor militancy since the 1970s. These men are victims as
so crucial to left-wing romance; the P-10ers much of a pass vision of masculinity as
vamp as hero(in)es. Kopple positions her of an outmoded form of unionism that is
camera with the men who do cross the line apparently ineffective against vicious corpo-
and, with them, gets barraged with insults rations, although they do all right for them-
from neighbors, friends, even brothers, selves. Lewie Andersen has predicted from
such as R. G. Bergstrom, who is a firm sup- the start that the P-9 strike will fail, and it
porter of the strike. He lives outside Austin appearsthough not so clearly in the film
on a 4 -acre farm with his wife and three as in the written accounts of the strikethat
kids and explains that he goes to the picket the UFCW has actually worked to ensure
line to watch his brother cross it as much as failure, in part by courting these few dissi-
to perform strike duty. R. G.s brother, Ron dent critics of the Corporate Campaign. In
Bergstrom, by contrast, has accepted the a reversal of fortune reminiscent of melo-
logic of Hormel and 1980s corporate con- drama, these men assume leadership of the
cessions for workers: If you want a job, local after it is put into trusteeship.
he tells Kopple, youre going to have to If the P-10ers are pathetic, even bathetic,
take it. Ron Bergstrom becomes one of the the P-9ers occasionally appear misguided.
original seven local members to return to Lacking strategy, lacking a program, they
work after twenty weeks on strike. In a tell- are a bit too smitten with the New Age
ing scene later on, these seven watch them- self-esteem assertiveness-training mental-
selves crossing the picket line and being ity that Ray Rodgers trumpets with quota-
jeered on the television news that evening: tions from Bruce Springsteen. Yet when
The minute we crossed that line, remarks one of the women leaves the war depart-
one, we left them, left that organization. ment (the office in the union hall for strike
committee meetings) after a meeting with
Lewie Andersen, she explains, I want a
union for the 1980s. The strikers are trying
PoliticalTears to explain to Andersen that something more
than wages is at stake in this strike. In part,
Because the union itself, Hormels poli- they have bought Ray Rodgerss theory that
cies, and the subsequent reconstructions traditional organizing tactics are ineffective
Melodrama/MaleDrama 847

under current corporate structures with each refuses to produce these documents
easy flows of capital allowing quick relo- of identity. The camera watches as he turns
cation. Unions must use intensive media his pick-up truck around and leaves, avert-
campaigns to dishonor companies by tar- ing violence. When a miners wife pulls
geting investors and stockholders. More a revolver from her bodice, she directly
important, however, is the alteration of the addresses the camera, daring her viewers
communitys social fabric. P-9 President to judge how violence escalates. The media
Jim Guyette and many others describe how contribute to its eruption, heightening the
the union hall became a fun place to be rhetoric and action of the strikers, even as it
where people did what they liked to do, may rein in its actual expression. The cam-
fixing cars, carpentry, cooking, in an infor- eras presence sometimes provokes con-
mal bartering economy set up during the frontation and violence, as when the armed
strike. Vying for the power inherent in its thugs single out the camera as if it were a
sentimental invocation, they claim that a body to be beaten. Like the infamous scene
whole new family was formed through in The Battle of Chile, in which camera-
their union activism. This is especially true man Leonardo Henricksen filmed his own
of the womens support network, which murder at the hands of Pinochets army,
both Hardy and Rachleff contend accounts this scene suggests that despite a legacy of
for the widespread movement culture bloody confrontations, the filmmakers pres-
P-9 was able to create. That Austin is an ence may be provoking violence. However,
extremely homogenous and insular small Lawrence Joness death occurs off-screen,
town with a paternalistic company that sta- leaving us to wonder whether he might still
bly employed generations contributed to be alive if the crew had ventured out that
the ease with which a new family could morning. Instead, Kopple films the emotion
be formed within and through the union, of the funeral, lingering on Joness mothers
but it also explains the sense of betrayal anguished cries, tracking her collapsing
the Hormel workers felt at the concessions body as it is carried from the church. The
demanded of them by both the company and raw feeling spilling out inappropriately for
the UFCW, which set the stage for ruptur- public consumption accentuates the keenly
ing Local P-9. But this (womens) story does divided world of victimsstrikersand
not grab Kopple as it did in Harlan County; tyrantsmine owners and their goons.
shes watching the men cry thistime. Watching Harlan County, U.S.A. still
This feel of intimacy is a modern fea- moves me to tears, despite my recognition
ture characterizing both oral history and of the discourses of sentimentality at work;
documentary. Kopple had moved in with the carved worn-down faces of the old tim-
the miners families in Harlan County. Her ers and the incredible youth and poverty of
attendance at meetings and on the picket the others, the violence and fear, the haunt-
lines and road blocks happened because ing ballads pull at the heart strings just
of her connections with the strikers, even as any tearjerker out of Hollywood might.
though she came from the outside. The Yet the tough talking women, the humor-
presence of her camera became central to ous encounter between the miner picket-
some of the action that happened. When ing the Wall Street offices of Brooksides
Kopple is asked by the coal company thug parent corporation and the New York City
for her press pass after she comes up to him cop comparing benefits, wages, and work-
with camera and tape recorder to ascertain ing conditions, the old minersblack and
his opinion of the strike, she turns the ques- whitesuffering from black lung joking
tion on him, demanding to see his identi- that, although when they entered the mines
fication. They come to a testy truce, after each day they were different colors, when
848Truth Not Guaranteed

they left they were all soul brothers tem- even as he lyricized the perfect symmetry
per the pathos with humor. It gives Harlan of the tenants housing he found in Hale
County, U.S.A. the feel of solidarity. The County, Alabama, in Let Us Now Praise
escalating crisis and its violence are offset Famous Men.40 Nothing of the sort exists
by the heady sense of power gained through in Austin, a tidy middle American town of
collective actions. The sheer brutality of the postwar tract housing. The spirit of pos-
labor miners perform pales compared to the sibility following the democratization of
degree to which companies will go to keep the United Mine Workers is also missing
workers from improving their lives. In the from American Dream. It seems the dream
United States, in the mid-1970s, citizens of solidarity is over tooanother casualty
who worked full time in a major industry of Reaganomics. If Moore undermined the
still lived without plumbing, without heat, heroic male worker through satire, Kopple
in rickety shacks. Mines are not metaphors finished off his image as the one who will
for hell; they are hell. Despite her obvious lead us from the brutality of capitalism
differences as a young, single New York Jew through united movements of militant sol-
with a camera, she entered the privacy of idarity. The American dream of the 1930s
the miners lives. Unlike Lauren Gilfillans Left, that the male working class holds the
more ambivalent attempt in 1934, Kopples keys to revolution, rests on modernist eco-
move had opened a hidden world of exploi- nomic relations and their melodramatic
tation to public view and garnered tremen- stagings. It served as the background for
dous support for the mineworkers. A strike the dilemmas of the noir hero caught in a
still looked noble in 1976, especially when it cruel and overdetermined world ruled by
was clear which side one was on. rank corruption and uncontrollable desire.
American Dream, unlike Harlan County, The film noirs of the 1940s and 1950s
slips the veil of sentimentality over the appeared as cynical antidotes to both the
wrong faces. When Peter Rachleff refers melodramatic romance of the 1930s work-
to the P-10ers as the stars of Kopples ing stiff and the nostalgic portrait of the
film, is it because they get too much 1930s migrant mother. But the power of
screen time? Or is it because they get to genre is such that labors sentimental con-
explain their decision more fully than tract persists. Kopple undercuts the rheto-
those who remain on the line? Or because ric of the labor documentary by thoroughly
in their explanation, they resort to emo- inscribing the sentimental. Obsessively
tional outbursts of tears, rather than the observing the contract to the letter, she
anger expressed by R. G. Bergstrom at his uses mens tears against their modern ori-
brothers betrayal, and so appear conven- gins to tell a postmodern tale still unfold-
tionally sympathetic? Kopples grim tone, ing around us.
set early in the film and accentuated by the
bleak, blanc noir, Minnesota winterscapes
of Austin, the tacky interiors of meeting Notes
rooms and negotiating suites in hotels, the 1. Tillie Lerner, The Strike, Partisan Review 1
gruesome images from inside the Hormel (November 1936). Reprinted in Charlotte Nekola
plant, offer none of the elevating and alle- and Paula Rabinowitz, eds., Writing Red:An
Anthology of American Women Writers, 19301940
viating humor, hope, warmth, or sarcasm
(NewYork:The Feminist Press, 1987),245.
that occasionally lightened Harlan County, 2. Florence Reece, Which Side Are You On?, in
U.S.A. The miners pineboard shacks Nekola and Rabinowitz, Writing Red,182.
nestled in the hollows of West Virginia 3. See Ruth McKenney, Industrial Valley (1939; reprint,
Ithaca:Cornell University Press, 1992; Martha
conveyed the picturesque, aestheticizing Gellhorn, The Trouble Ive Seen (NewYork:William
poverty in a way that James Agee deplored, Morrow, 1936); Lallah Davidson, South of Joplin
Melodrama/MaleDrama 849

(NewYork:W. W.Norton, 1939); and selections in 11. Lewis W.Hine, Men At Work:PhotographicStudies
WritingRed. of Modern Men and Machines (1932) (NewYork:
4. Lauren Gilfillan, I Went to Pit College (NewYork: Dover Publications, Inc.,1977).
Literary Guild, 1934). For a detailed discussion 12. Terry Smith, Making the Modern:Industry, Art and
of this book, see Paula Rabinowitz, Labor and Design in America (Chicago:University of Chicago
Desire:Womens Revolutionary Fiction in Depresion Press, 1993), analyzes the way in which 1930s
America (Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina celebrations of machines enabled the rise of a
Press, 1991), chapter4. corporate state. See also Michael Szalay, New Deal
5. Georg Lukcs, Reportage or Portrayal? [1932] in Modernism:American Literature and the Invention of
Rodney Livingstone, ed., Essays on Realism, trans. the Welfare State (Durham, N.C.:Duke University
David Fernbach (Cambridge, Mass.:MIT Press, Press, 2000). Left-wing filmmakers, such as Leo
1981),49. Hurwitz, however, celebrated the machine itself,
6. Claudia L.Johnson, Equivocal Beings:Politics, as an instrument for the transformation of labor
Gender and Sentimentality in the 1790s: and material into what people need. Michael and
Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen Jill Klein, Native Land:An Interview with Leo
(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1995),2. Hurwitz, Cineaste 6 (1974):7. The aesthetics of
7. See Raymond Williams, Culture and Society: streamlining, Raymond Loewy, one of its most
17801950 (1953; reprint, NewYork:Columbia creative designers, told Life, meant that society
University Press, 1983),312. could be industrialized without becoming ugly.
8 Lukcs, Reportage or Portrayal?,50. Quoted in Jane N.Law, Designing the Dream,
9. On the complicated refusal of femininity in in Fania Weingartner, ed., Streamlining America,
the rejection by modernism of sentimentality, (Dearborn, Mich.:Henry Ford Museum and
seeRey Chow, Women and Chinese Modernity: Greenfield Village, 1986),21.
The Politics of Reading Between East and West 13. See Joan W.Scotts critique of Gareth Stedman
(Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press, 1991), Joness reading of the Chartists political claims
and Suzanne Clark, Sentimental Modernism:Women in The Language of Classin Gender and the Politics
Writers and the Revolution of the Word of History (NewYork:Columbia University Press,
(Bloomington:Indiana University Press, 1991). On 1988); Elizabeth Faue, Community of Suffering and
the gendered iconography of the Left, see Rebecca Struggle on womens organizing during the 1930s
Zurier, Art for the Masses:ARadical Magazine Minneapolis Truckers Strike, and Rabinowitz,
and its Graphics, 19111917 (Philadelphia:Temple Labor and Desire on the gendered iconography of
University Press, 1988); Barbara Melosh, class in proletarian novels of the1930s.
Engendering Culture:Manhood and Womanhood 14. Hugo Gellert, Karl Marxs Capital in Lithographs
in New Deal Theater and Art (Washington, (NewYork:Ray Long and Richard Smith,1934).
D.C.:Smithsonian Institute Press, 1991); Elizabeth 15. But there is some truth to it. In an interview
Faue, Community of Suffering and Struggle:Men, with Carol Brightman, Mary, Still Contrary, The
Women and Labor in Minneapolis, 19151945 (Chapel Nation (May 19, 1984): 61120, Mary McCarthy
Hill:University of North Carolina Press,1991). describes the faces of the men in the Gdansk
10. For critical analyses of melodrama as a debased shipyard as familiar, like those of the workers
form that allowed marginalized peoples, especially in this country she watched picket the great
women and the working class, a popular industries during her youth in the 1930s; their
platform for resistance within generic and social supple muscles and slender figures assuming
containment, see Martha Vicinus, Helpless the heroic poses Hine pictured. Those young
and Unfriended:Nineteenth-Century Domestic workers [in Solidarity], she says, Ive never
Melodrama, New Literary History 13 (Autumn 1981); seen such handsome men. You know, we
Jackie Byars, All That Hollywood Allows:Re-Reading havent had a worker in this country that looked
Gender in 1950s Melodrama (Chapel Hill:University like that in fifty years. The bodies of 1930s
of North Carolina Press, 1991); Christine Gledhill, American workers photographed by Hine have
The Melodramatic Field:An Investigation, in Renaissance proportions in stark contrast to
Home Is Where the Heart Is:Studies in Melodrama the physiques of late twentieth-century workers
and the Womans Film (London:British Film pictured by Milton Rogovin, in Rogovin and
Institute, 1987); Lynn Hunt, The Family Romance Michael Frisch, Portraits in Steel (Ithaca, N.Y.:
of the French Revolution (Berkeley:University Cornell University Press, 1993). However,
of California Press, 1992); Ien Ang, Watching brawny, heroic, manly men are back, as
Dallas:Soap Opera and the Melodramatic heroes since September 11, 2001, according to
Imagination (London:Routledge, 1989); Michael Patricia Leigh Brown, Heavy Lifting Required:
Denning Mechanic Accents:Dime Novels and The Return of Manly Men, The New York Times,
Working-ClassCulture in America (London:Verso, News of the Week in Review (October 28, 2001),
1987). The standard theoretical work on the 5. Brown quotes conservative social critic
mechanics of melodrama is Peter Brooks, The Camille Paglias echo of Mary McCarthy: I cant
Melodramatic Imagination:Balzac, Henry James, help noticing how robustly, dreamily masculine
Melodrama and the Mode of Excess (New Haven, the faces of the firefighters are. These are
Conn.:Yale University Press,1976). working-class men, stoical, patriotic.
850Truth Not Guaranteed
16. See Harriet Arnow, The Dollmaker (1954; reprint, Is Using the Web to Block Unions Effort to
NewYork:Avon Books, 1972). This story had been a Organize, The New York Times, November 29,
staple of 1930s proletarian fiction. The many novels 2000, C12. At the same time, however, organizing
about the Gastonia, North Carolina, strike centered efforts have been carried out in cyberspace. In
on the transition from folk culture to a culture of 1996, the University Faculty Alliance and the
capitalist exploitation and the especially difficult AAUP at the University of Minnesota successfully
time women, as repositories of family lore and fought a Board of Regents effort to revise
tradition, had adjusting to the changes. See Joseph the tenure code by effectively using e-mail to
Urgo, Proletarian Literature and Feminism:The communicate with the more than three thousand
Gastonia Novels and Feminist Protest, Minnesota faculty members.
Review 24 (Spring 1985):6484. 23. See Ben Hamper, Rivethead:Tales from the
17. While the Corporation for Public Broadcasting has Assembly Line (NewYork:Warner Books, 1992),
been a primary funder for many documentaries, for a full accounting of Hampers fascinating
including those investigating class relations in gendering of mental illnesses. Thanks toCarol
America, its audience is decidedly middle class. In Mason for bringing this to my attention.
Pets or Meat, Moore may have been working out The effects of unemployment are among the
a certain ambivalence toward PBS, which funded most devastating chronicles of work life in
his films but which does not bring the working late twentieth-century America. The stories
class of this country into its network. [T]hey of displaced workers are full of alcoholism,
dont ever seem to speak to people like us. Jay depression, suicide, abuse, and so forth. The
Bobbin, Moore Moves Nation to Fox, Glens Falls alienation of labor Marx detailed seems even more
Post-Star, July 20, 1995, D8. exacerbated by the loss of self accompanying loss
18. Speaking of TV Nation, Moore comments, [I]ts of work. See the interviews in Portraits of Steel
very bizarre and rare that a group of people such conducted by oral historian Michael Frisch for
as me and my friends would be able to come moving accounts of the psychic wreckage caused
from Flint, Mich., and have a network TV show. by plant closures.
Bobbin,D8. 24. Jay Bobbin, columnist for the Tribune Media
19. Paul Arthur, Jargons of Authenticity (Three Services, quotes Moores remarks on one
American Moments), in Michael Renov, ed., of a series of really wonderful ironies that
Theorizing Documentary (NewYork:Routledge, his television show, TV Nation, which often
1993),104. scrutinized corporate America, aired in 1994
20. This is Douglas Wixsons name for those on NBC, moved in 1995 to Fox, owned by
Midwestern proletariat authors, such as Jack international media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch,
Conroy, who came out of the working class, see The CEO of the News Corporation, which owns Fox
Worker-Writer in the Midwest (Urbana:University among many other tabloids. Glens Falls Post-Star
of Illinois Press, 1993). In the late 1920s, Mike July 20, 1995,D8.
Golds editorials in the New Masses often called 25. Warner Acquires Roger Docu for World
for a new movement of worker-correspondents to Distribution, Variety 337 (November 1, 1989):12.
Tell us your story in the form of a letter. 26. See Chester Burger, What Michael Didnt Say
Write as you talk. Write. Michael Gold, A Letter About Roger, Public Relations Journals 46 (April
to Workers Art Groups, New Masses 5 (September 1990):4042; Susan Duffy, The Real Villain in
1929):16. Roger & Me? Big Business, Business Week (January
21. In Industrial Valley, her reportage novel about the 8, 1990):4245; David C.Smith, Michael &
United Rubber-workers Union strike in Akron, Roger:GM Critics Film Makes No Pretense
Ohio, McKenney remarks on the geography of the at Fairness, Wards Auto World 25 (November
company town in which the heights are reserved 1989):5.
for the ruling families, with managers situated 27. See Carl Plantinga, Roger and History and Irony
midway between them and the vast working-class and Me, Michigan Academician 24 (Spring 1992):
neighborhoods spread around the plants in the 51120; and Carley Cohan and Gary Crowdus,
valley. Reflections on Roger & Me, Michael Moore and
22. Walter R. Baranger, On Line, Management His Critics, Cineaste 17:4 (1990): 2530.
Also on Picket Line, The New York Times, July 28. This controversy was played out in the pages of The
24, 1995, D6. This tactic has been employed New York Times among other widely read national
as well by cyberspace corporations: a section media venues and took on new life after it was
on Amazon[.com]s internal Web site gives learned that the film was not nominated for an
supervisors antiunion material to pass on to academy award:on January 19, 1990, D.P. Levin
employees and alerts managers of tell-tale reported that Maker of Documentary That Attacks
warning signs that a union is trying to organize. GM Alienates His Allies, C12; then on February
Be wary of hushed conversations when you 1, 1990, Richard Bernstein asked Roger & Me:
approach which have not occurred before and Documentary? Satire? Or Both?, C20; on March
small group huddles breaking up in silence 2, 1990, D.Bensman contributed an op-ed piece
on the approach of the supervisor. Steven stating:Roger & Me:Narrow, Simplistic, Wrong,
Greenhouse, A33; on March 26, 1990, V.J. Dimidjian responded
Melodrama/MaleDrama 851

in a letter to the editor, Roger & Me, A16. In the 35. Peter Rachleff, review of American Dream, The Oral
midst of this, Newsweek asked Will GM Retaliate? History Review 20 (Spring/Fall 1992):9496.
(February 26, 1990):4. 36. Peter Rachleff, Hardpressed in the Heartland
29. Bobbin, Moore Moves Nation to Fox,D8. (Boston:South End Press, 1993), details the
30. In The Family Romance of the French Revolution history of the UFCW in Austin, as well as offers
(Berkeley:University of California Press, 1993), a completely different picture of the effects of
historian Lynn Hunt argues that melodrama the P-9 strike for the U.S.labor movement.
was a key factor in the decision to behead royalty Alabor historian at Macalester College in St.
because this popular theatrical form securely Paul, Minnesota, Rachleff was instrumental in
differentiated between the righteous and evil ones, establishing the Twin Cities Support for P-9.
and applauded ridding the stage of evil power. Rachleff alerted me to the footage stored in
Moore is hardly advocating Rogers death; but Wisconsins archives. (Personal communication,
his ability to collapse the situation into a struggle April 21, 1996). Tim Leland, business agent for
between himself and his adversaryricher, more the building trades union in Minnesota, voiced
powerful, more deceitfulrecalls thisplot. a great deal of criticism of the P-9ers, echoing
31. Of course, the title American Dream refers to Andersen that the strike was hopelessly doomed
the postWorld War II promise, which film noir and thus resulted in hundreds of Hormel
undercuts and exposes, made to the white working workers in Austin and Owatonna, Minn., losing
class of a home, a car, a stable job, and so forth earned their jobs. (Personal interview, November
at the expense of militant unions and through the 10,1994).
build-up of a militarized federal budget. But Ialso 37. Rachleffs book is one of the two; the other is Hardy
think that because of the way the film portrays family Green, On Strike at Hormel:The Struggle for a
conflicts, it is not entirely wrong to sit Freud before Democratic Labor Movement (Philadelphia:Temple
this dream and put his analytic powers towork. University Press,1990).
32. Earl Browder, The Peoples Front (NewYork: 38. See Wini Breines, Community and Organization
International Publishers, 1938), 56,235. in the New Left, 19621968:The Great Refusal
33. For a devastating critique of the vestiges of Popular (NewYork:Praeger; South Hadley, Mass.:J.
Front culture lurking within left-wing expressions F.Bergin, 1982), on the 1960s movements
of solidarity with the working class, see Jesse adoption of this model for organizing. Iwill take
Lemisch, I Dreamed ISaw MTV Last Night, The this up at length in c hapter8.
Nation (October 18, 1986):cover, 37476. 39. Robert Markley, Sentimentality as
34. Anthony McCall and Andrew Tyndal, Sixteen Performance:Shaftesbury, Sterne and the
Working Statements, Millennium Film Journal 1 Theatrics of Virtue, in Felicity Nussbaum and
(Spring/Summer 1978), 36. See also Noel King, Laura Brown, eds., The New Eighteenth Century
Recent Political Documentary:Notes on Union (NewYork:Methuen, 1987), 21112.
Maids and Harlan County, USA, Screen 22, no. 2 40. James Agee and Walker Evans, Let Us Now Praise
(1981):718. Famous Men (Boston:Houghton-Mifflin,1941).

FA M I L I A L P U R S U I T S ,
Documentaries after the Age of Home Video (2007)

I think its going to be very interesting to see what happens with this digital genera-
tion of parents who have recorded their kids every footstep. People can just go back
to the data bank and see exactly how little Jimmy spooned his peas into his mouth at
age four. Therell be a recordofit.

Ross McElwee, quoted in Lawrence F. Rhu,

Home Movies and Personal Documentaries

Since the 1990s a significant number employs footage that was taken by and of
of documentaries have been produced the documentary subject(s). In so doing,
that rely heavily upon primary footage the documentary director assumes the
taken by the subject(s) of the documen- role of editor and interpreter of a prere-
taries over the course of their purport- corded, personal moving image archive
edly predocumentary lives. In films like that has already been edited, always con-
Tarnation (Jonathan Caouette, 2003) the ceptually and sometimes literally. This
films subject and director are the same. extensive use of home movieshome
More often, as in Capturing the Friedmans videos would be the more accurate term
(Andrew Jarecki, 2003) and Grizzly Man in most recent casessignals a shift in
(Werner Herzog,2005), the films director recent documentary production, one that
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 853

compels us to consider the implications autobiographical video material performs,

of using home videos as narrational and then, a kind of secondary editorial role in
illustrative tools, as conduits to history which relevant video footage is assembled
and memory.1 The representational and before the commercial cinematic product is
ethical ramifications of this recent spate even undertaken.
of documentaries that rely on home McElwees observations above also
video have yet to be assessed. What fol- point, however obliquely, to a central con-
lows considers these issues by focusing cern arising in these films with regard to
on the current generation of obsessive the state of the American family. Where
self-documentarians and the 35mm, he envisions a generation of parents with
feature-length, theatrically released doc- a data bank of video material document-
umentary films that have been made, at ing their childrens lives, these recent
least partly, out of their autobiographical films suggest a shift away from parents
video records. as the producers of photographic records
A close but selective engagement with to children as videographers who often
the aforementioned early-twenty-first-century take parents and parenthood as their sub-
films will aid in our understanding ofthis jects.2 Considered alongside each other, the
phenomenon of lives lived seemingly in films investigated here present a provoca-
preparation for documentary exploration. tively destabilized image of the contempo-
As McElwee seems to suggest in the epi- rary American family and its organizing
graph above, the prevalence, ease, and structure:from the nuclear (Capturing the
affordability of home video equipment Friedmans), to the extended and re-created
have made it possible for people to cre- (Tarnation), to the families we choose
ate an expansive library of moving image or invent (Grizzly Man).3 This article,
material with which to illustrate their lives. then, is also an attempt to confront a the-
Personal memory is made tangibleit is, matic convergence around the subject of
in essence, authorizedwhen a visual familyboth literal and constructed, tra-
record appears to substantiate it. However, ditional and alternativein these at first
as we suggest, the availability of these video seemingly disparate documentaries. The
records also informs the shape and scope quest to understand or to achieve a sense
of the histories and memories these docu- of family pervades, indeed motivates, all
mentaries represent. In other words, home of the amateur videographers examined
videographers have already made a pre- here. The availability of these precon-
emptive directorial intervention by virtue of ceived video materials also facilitates the
their representational decisions, inclusions narration of the domestically centered
as well as exclusions, and these decisions melodramas unfolding within each subse-
impact the nature of the documentaries quently constructed documentary.
that employ this footage. The home video Where home movies have been charac-
cameras presence not only affects the terized as providing highly selective, ide-
moment of recording (perhaps especially alized glimpses of family life, as Patricia
so when the subjects document them- Zimmermann and Richard Chalfen dem-
selves) but also provides seemingly irre- onstrate in their respective studies, home
placeable evidence of that moment. These videos, particularly as they operate in these
moments are, of course, partly dictated by three films, provide an archival represen-
the videographers intentions, which guide tation that goes beyond the iconography
the expenditure and focus of the primary of picture-perfect birthday parties and
video footage. The documentary film- Christmas mornings. This is not to make a
maker working with extant biographical or technologically determinist argument, for
854Truth Not Guaranteed

clearly there are important cultural, ideo- years after it published its evaluative crite-
logical, and individual reasons for the video ria, it is worth taking a moment to consider
revelations we encounter in these documen- the public/private nature of home movies
taries. It is, however, crucial to acknowledge and the way this concept has shifted in the
that the technology of the video age, which home video age. By the post World War II
facilitates the core content of these recent era, home movie making was a significant
documentaries, also makes possible some hobby for American families, especially
of these historically unconventional repre- for those experiencing the nations overall
sentational tendencies. In Theres No Place prosperity. Marketing strategies employed
Like Home Video, James Moran, who pains- by major equipment producers as resources
takingly lays out his theoretical rejection of (equipment as well as film) were made avail-
essentialist arguments about medium spec- able again in the postwar period pitched
ificity, argues that home video continues home movies as the ideal tool for parents
a tradition of ideal family representation seeking to document their family and their
(xiv). As the following pages demonstrate, children in particular, a message that reso-
we are less certain about this contention. nated with the baby boom generation.4
Though no less performative, no less the Working within the predetermined
product of authorial invention and inten- limits of three minutes worth of 8mm
tion, the home videos used in these three or Super 8mm, this generation of home
documentaries expose the family in vari- filmmaker required adequate lighting for
ous states of decay and dissolution, captur- proper film exposure (especially indoors)
ing the antithesis of domestic harmony in and incurred the additional expense and
sometimes astonishingly clinical detail and wait-time involved in film processing.
in a fashion that undoes the myth of ideal As home movie scholars such as Patricia
family representation associated with Zimmermann and Richard Chalfen have
home movies. What follows, then, focuses indicated, this resulted in a necessarily
on the circulation and status of home video selective filmmaking practice typical of the
images in recent documentary practice, prevideo age. These particular, technologi-
which first requires some consideration of cally rooted challenges were eradicated after
the foundational, material object central to the proliferation of home video technology,
each of these documentaries:home videos. which surfaced in earnest during the 1980s,
became more affordable over the course
of the next decade, required no process-
ing, was forgiving in less-than-ideal light-
From Home Movies ing conditions, and eventually benefited
toHomeVideos from user-friendly home computer editing
programs.5 By the 1980s and 1990s the
In our lexicon a mediocre movie is one that skillsindeed, even the resourcesneeded
only your family can enjoy. Agood movie to film and edit no longer appeared the
can entertain an audience that doesnt exclusive province of adults, the former
know the actors. gatekeepers of the family iconography.
Roy Pinney, Better Home Movies, in Even kids could use a video camera, and
Parents Magazine, May 1955 a new generation of videographers was
able to move outside of the parentally con-
Although it is unlikely that Parents Magazine trolled patterns that dominated the home
could have predicted the way that home movie age.6 We find evidence of this shift
movies would be seen by mass audiences in the documentaries under discussion
in the context of documentaries made fifty here, which support our claim that home
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 855

videography lends itself to capturing the comparatively enormous capacity of video,

family in ways that are not consonant with all of which conspired to allow a new gen-
earlier conventions of home filmmaking, eration of videographers to venture beyond
earlier conventions, in fact, that occasion- the conventions established during the ama-
ally appear, often by way of contrast, in these teur film era (xv).8 This is not to argue that
recent documentary films. home video changed the nature of the fam-
This is a significant change, for it begins ily but rather that home video made posible
to speak to the often unruly, invasive, and a new, seemingly more completeor at
subversive nature of the home video foot- least more complexand perhaps more
age surfacing in this crop of recent docu- critical way of capturing the family. Moran
mentaries. Discussing the climate for home explains:
movie making in the 1950s, Zimmermann
contends that with leisure-time expan- The basic differences of operation
sion, the nuclear familys most important [between film and video] will pre-
recreation was itself. Home movies con- cipitate differences of production
scripted togetherness, family harmony, and reception, which in turn may
children, and travel into a performance of extend home videos range of con-
familialism [H]ome movies preserved tent and space for interpretation
and evoked a residual social formation of beyond the limitations of home
families as important cultural and social movies. [R] ather than expose
agents through idealizing, indeed wor- random moments from everyday
shipping, its cloistered interactions (133). life, which would require a much
Zimmermanns thesis is supported not greater financial investment, home
only by surviving home movie footage but moviemakers generally film only
also by several decades of industrial and the highlighted moments of ritual
hobbyist publications focused squarely on events wherein participants could
the family as an idealized amateur cin- be posed and conventions controlled
ematic subject. Three-minute memories in advance of shooting.(41)
were created to capture moments of social
and familial value, depicting an almost Moran gets to the core of some cru-
always positive conception of family and cial material facts: videotape was not only
community.7 cheap but also rerecordable, and the time,
The video age carries over some of the cost, and inconvenience of processing had
same rhetoric (early video manuals hardly become, in the video age, the hurdles of a
advise operators to waste tape and still bygone era. Moran is right to point to these
instruct users in the basics of good compo- differences, as he is to tread carefully when
sition), but the mechanics of the situation suggesting the degree of influence these
are fundamentally different, a selling point technological changes inspired in the realm
not lost on home video users. Although of representation. What we mean to sug-
James Moran patently rejects a techno- gest in the following pages, then, is that
logically determinist argument, which these videographic records, marked by the
confers upon a medium some autono- tendencies and possibilities weve been
mous and immanent force of inevitable discussing, offer both a representational
social change, when he turns to defining gift and an equally important challenge for
the differences between film and video he the documentary director opting to work
inevitably encounters those material differ- with these primary materials. An aware-
ences:affordability, ease of use, widespread ness of the different layers of representa-
availability, and, perhaps most critically, the tion and indeed of argumentation at work
856Truth Not Guaranteed

herethe initial videographed moments This notion of constantly wanting to

and the selective use of these moments in capture reality as much as humanly
the documentary that enfolds and recon- possible is a kind of neurosis. Its
textualizes this footagesuggests the ways also one thats perhaps more perva-
in which authorship is complicated by this sive than it ever has been. We have a
recent generation of mainstream feature proliferation of readily available dig-
documentaries. ital, and now computer-based and
Video footage in Tarnation, Capturing web-based technology, where mak-
the Friedmans, and, in a different fashion, ing movies has become much easier
Grizzly Man functions to unprotect the fam- than writing a novel or a poem. Now,
ily, thereby challenging the domestic ide- technically speaking, almost any-
alization prevalent in the representational body can make a movie. Its interest-
tropes of the prevideo age. Togetherness ing to think about the pathological
is not abandoned by this generation; rather, aspects of this addiction to filming,
it is problematized, largely for its frustrat- this desire to interact with reality by
ing elusiveness. Moran insightfully argues filming it. (Rhu10)
that home video reveals that families have
always been more complex and contradic- Indeed, the pervasive mediation of expe-
tory than home movies have generally por- rience McElwee identifies and, to some
trayed them [representing] the fuller range degree, participates in has produced a gen-
of domestic ideologies already present in eration of individuals whose every move
the culture, well before the arrival of home might be captured on film (though less fre-
video (43). The medium does not, in other quently now) or video and shared via easy-to-
words, determine the message so much as execute duplication on VHS or DVD as well
it allows the message to be recorded and as via the Internet (think of portals such as
revealed. Indeed, the films under discus- Cell phones with moving and
sion here capture and accentuate the gaps still photographic capabilities can store and
that Zimmermann suggests lurked in the transmit these documents of the moment,
off-screen space of a previous generations fostering a kind of pandocumentary culture
moving documents. These fissures, present for whom the recorded event has become a
in and sometimes the focus of the original dominant form of communication.
materials, are made visible by the initial Indeed, by returning to the epigraph with
representational decisions made by these which we began this section we might posit
particular videographers and are thereby that this recent documentary activity enacts
accessible to the documentary director both an inversion as well as a confirmation
working with these initial renderings. of Parents Magazines formula for judging
Paul Arthur has described this phenom- the mediocrity or goodness of a home movie.
enon as the revenge of the home movie This trilogy of films could hardly be enjoy-
(Feel the Pain 47), claiming that in an age able for the families depicted in them,
when practically no one is outside the media divulging as they do so many elements of
loop, every life is understood as intrinsi- trauma, embarrassment, and untoward
cally a production-in-the-making whose frankness, precisely that whichat least
idioms are shaped by a spectrum of docu- until fairly recentlyhas been consid-
mentary practices from eyewitness news to ered the province of the private and not
cell phone cameras to candid sex videos the public sphere. However, we must also
(Extreme Makeover 19).9 Ross McElwee acknowledge that the allure of these films
offers the following, related diagnosis of partly hinges on their promise of a glimpse
this state of affairs: beyond the surface, an invitation to see the
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 857

unlovely elements typically concealed by charged with child molestation. The film
the curtain drawn on private lives, and that employs a number of media in the telling
these elements are made visible especially of its story: contemporary footage shot by
through the documentary directors use of Jareckis crew, news footage, home mov-
primary home video footage. These docu- ies (which introduce us to the members
mentaries function as not just introductions of the Friedman family under the credit
to but intrusions, however welcome, into sequence), and home videos (shot largely
the lives of these unfamiliar actors, to use by one of the Friedman sons, David). In
Parents Magazines language; these intru- fact, the film is as much about access and
sions, however, are made possible by the recording as it is about anything (one need
video footage that the films subjects have, only think of the films multivalent title),
willingly or unknowingly, provided. from the fact that the first time cameras are
permitted in a Nassau County courtroom is
for the Friedmans indictment, to the eldest
son Davids decision to get a video camera
Fly inthe Face: at a certain point in all of this chaos to docu-
Capturing theFriedmans ment the unraveling of his own family and
of himself.
All of the films under consideration here The use of home movies and videos in
turn to the idea of self-documentation Capturing the Friedmans supports the repre-
because of something happening within the sentational dichotomy discussed above. The
domestic universe, and all parade an array home movies in Capturing the Friedmansof
of disharmonies that are antithetical to the birthday parties, children growing upare
self-representation of family in the pre- typical of the genre:their visual register of
video age. Of these three films, Capturing cheerful familial togetherness offers a stark
the Friedmans is the least reliant on home contrast to the contemporary images of this
video for its overall visual content. In it the family captured by the video camera. Only
creation of home video footage is inspired Jareckis editorial intervention in this home
by a dramatic familial rupture; in fact, the movie footageboth in terms of juxtaposi-
presence of the home video camera and tion and narrationresignifies the seem-
its primary operator are motivated by and ingly innocent home movie images. At
may even play a role in the further distur- one such moment, an interview with Elaine
bance of the already-fragile Friedman fam- Friedman is intercut with home movie foot-
ily. Whereas fly-on-the-wall cinematography age and still images of herself with one
became the hallmark of the direct cinema of her babies, as she explains, I wasnt
movement, home video in Capturing the the most well balanced person myself.
Friedmans might better be understood in Jareckis editorial act hereadding Elaines
terms of its fly-in-the-face politics, as both present-day commentary to the otherwise
the video camera and its operator harass, innocuous home movie footagequestions
provoke, and interrogate those on the receiv- the otherwise innocent image, implicitly
ing end of itsgaze. casting some blame on the mother for the
Directed by Andrew Jarecki, who came current state of the family.
upon the Friedmans saga while making a Casting blame on Elaine Freidman is also
short documentary about clown entertain- the driving force behind the home video
ers in New York City, the film tells the story footage taken, primarily by David, during
of a Long Island family whose lives are Arnolds and Jesses trials and convictions.
radically disrupted when the father, Arnold, Indeed, it seems as if Davids home video is
and one of the sons, Jesse, are arrested and made with the aim of proclaimingperhaps
858Truth Not Guaranteed

Figure102.1 Home video footage in Capturing the Friedmans (Andrew Jarecki, 2003). Screen
capture fromDVD.

somehow provinghis fathers innocence family performs at least partly in response

and his mothers monstrosity. Paul Arthur to David and his cameras often-combative
discusses the scene in which the sons presence.
argue about their fathers innocence and Davids videography presents us with
mothers culpability, writing that it pres- footage of two important familial meals,
ents the hideous flipside of those picnic-y a Thanksgiving dinner and a Passover
exhibitions of middle-class satisfaction that Seder. An unusual presence at the dining
predominate home movies of an earlier table, the camera appears to be autore-
period (True Confessions 5). While this cording from a stationary position just
is certainly true, more important is the fact behind one of the chairs at the table,
that Davids videography enables a certain capturing at one point an ongoing argu-
interpretation of the family and its dynam- ment as Arnold interrupts to declare what
ics that is, at times, both provocative and has, for the films audience, become obvi-
sensational. As the recorder of these home ous:Things are deteriorating here. That
video segments, David is aggressive, if not video is uniquely capable of rolling long
outwardly hostile, especially toward his enough to capture the deterioration is key,
mother. At several points he harangues his as is Davids position as director. Davids
father about his mother, telling Arnold that privileged access to this ostensibly private
he doesnt trust her. When he is on-camera moment, the tacit trust between the cin-
David often seems on the verge of becom- ematographer and his subjects, renders
ing unhinged. Arnold, on the other hand, this scene of communal consumption
usually appears overwhelmed by the video and eruption all the more shocking for
camera, sometimes staring away from its its exposure, for its unprotecting affect on
gaze or blankly out at the audience that was, the already-fragile family structure. David
at that point, only his son. Davids desire to provides Jarecki with an infrequently
envisionand, one may presume, to even- realized view of intimate family life at a
tually presenthis family in this fashion is critical moment of crisis. This shift from
articulated by these moments in which the celebration to crisis as a motivating factor
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 859

for the home videographer, a shift that is go fuck yourselves because youre full of
also marked by a move away from the cam- shit.
era as portrait-producer to live-action Davids definition of privacy is curi-
video-journal, suggests the pivot between ous here. Clearly, Jarecki could not have
the film and videoage. obtained this footage without Davids assis-
Lauren Rabinovitz has noted the degree tance, alerting us to either the seemingly
to which documentary vrit seeks the spon- disingenuous nature of Davids videoed pri-
taneous outburst that reveals the private vacy claim or the impermanence of the idea
person behind its public face. If emotions of privacy in the video age. What purpose
are real then film-makers must move in does this declarationor its absenceserve
with their subjects, must see them every day (both David Friedman and Andrew Jarecki)?
at home to know them (136). Davids vid- And why does David anticipate an audi-
eography makes this seamless inhabiting of ence, instructing them to turn the video off?
the Friedman universe possible; he and his There are, we would argue, no private situa-
camera are both an integrated part of this tions in the presence of the video camera. In
domestic scene and an affecting element. the context of videography, privacy is always
When Elaine begs to find out why nobody a shifting conceptualization, one that can
in the family supports her, Arnold tries to easily be invalidated. Davids interrogational
quiet the yelling family, however ineffec- techniques, evidenced elsewhere in the film,
tually, and the scene devolves into chaos. seem to support the cameras deprivatizing
At moments such as this one has to won- capacities, even when he locates himself on
der how much this display of disharmony the receivingend.
was inspired by Davids desire to capture This scene also raises a larger ethical
and perhaps to provoke just this kind of question, which will come to the fore in our
domesticscene. discussion of Grizzly Man: what boundaries
Jareckis use of this video footage also might exist for the home videographer, and
begins to demonstrate the ways that con- how, if at all, do they extend to the documen-
temporary self-documenters can shape their tary filmmaker? Does Davids presumably
own eventual third-person presentations. exhibitionist desiresto share this footage,
David Friedman, for instance, provided to entertain an audience by clowning, or
Jarecki with seemingly intimate footage he to tell his familys storymake him a mas-
took of himself in 1988, his video diary as ochistic subject in need of protection from
the film terms it. Jarecki uses this footage at himself? His willingness to display himself
two key moments, the first of which finds at his most abject suggests, at minimum, a
David, at a point fairly early in the film, real insincerity to the idea of privacy in the
presenting a monologue in his underwear. modern media age. But there is also the
Preceded by a video blue screen with a play larger question concerning Jareckis deci-
icon in the lower left side of the frame, this sion to convey such a moment to a com-
scene alerts us to the complexity of both the mercial moviegoing audience. Why record
Friedmans home video record and Jareckis a moment if not to share it with others?
film: [sighs] Well, this is private, so if youre And, more critically, to what end might this
not me then you really shouldnt be watch- sharing be put? To some degree, of course,
ing this because this is supposed to be a pri- Jareckis film offers a possible answer by
vate situation between me and me. This is involving the viewer in the drama of the
between me now and me of the future, so Friedman family but ultimately refusing to
turn it off, dont watch this, this is private. take a clear stand on Arnolds or Jesses guilt
If youre the fucking oh god, the cops. If or innocence. Intimacy, in other words, is
youre the fucking cops go fuck yourselves, Jareckis goal, and his film seeks proximity
860Truth Not Guaranteed

more than it does any notion of truth or jus- segments, to use video to reconnect the dis-
tice. Davids suggestion that the footage is solved family. The layers of performance
private, in other words, is used by Jarecki in Caouettes film, however, are even more
as a deliberately placed teaser, drawing the complex.
spectator into this immensely intimateview.
Toward the end of the film, David offers
two explanations for his introduction of the
video camera into his family at this particu- A Self-Made Man inthe
lar moment in their history. At one point Video Age:Tarnation
he says, Maybe Ishot the videotape so that
I wouldnt have to remember it myself, Though interestingly performative them-
and later, in response to video footage of selves, one of the defining characteristics
Jesse clowning around on the courthouse of the Friedman family is their fathers
steps on the day of his plea bargain, David highly mediated and much publicized
claims, I think it was about distracting our- desire to look, perhaps inappropriately.
selves. There is a valid point to be made Video intrudes rather late in the familys
regarding the cameras ability to enable dis- history, tipping the group in the direction
tance at moments of problematic proxim- of their divided destiny and providing a
ity (one thinks of Margaret Bourke-Whites highly charged document of this process.
well-known articulation of this in the con- Jonathan Caouettes Tarnation is guided by
text of her concentration camp liberation another, though certainly related, impulse.
photography at the close of World War II). Motivated more by a need to show (as
Davids footage, in spite of his words to the opposed to the need to see, although the
contrary, functions differently. Bringing two concepts are linked), the footage at the
himself, the camera, and the disavowed but center of Tarnation is clinically exhibition-
always implied viewer closer to the trauma, ist, helmed by a lifelong filmmaker oper-
Davids video acts effectively disturb the var- ating under the assumption that his own
ious parts of the familial unit, factionalizing cathartic self-exhibition will be as healing
the group and, perhaps as a consequence, to those around him as it has been to him.
the audience as well. Although joking about Like David Friedmans lens, Caouettes is
Davids close-ups at one point, Arnolds similarly drawn to the recording of familial
statement, I feel like Im being dissected crises.
here, seems especially to apply to Elaine, We might situate Tarnation within Jim
who at one point is shown getting angry Lanes category of the self-portrait docu-
about being videotaped. Elaine seems cog- mentary, which directly confronts the sta-
nizant of the fact, as she implies in an inter- tus of individuality in its attempt to show
view with Jareckis crew, that what David others why the self is the way it is (120).
and her other sons really wanted was to The film, whose legendary microbudget
capture her on video proclaiming her hus- of around two hundred dollars and iMovie
bands innocence, something she refuses to provenance provided plenty of marketing
do. Aggressive, confrontational, and propa- fodder for its post-Sundance life, consists
gandistic at the microscopic level, Davids largely of a dizzying imagistic and sonic
videography teases out familial chaos in montage primarily captured by Jonathan
search of an affirmation of his own beliefs. Caouette of himself and of his family:home
Where Jareckis film obliquely examines the movies, video, news footage, photographs,
video cameras implication within a family and answering machine and tape record-
about to disintegrate, Jonathan Caouettes ings. Caouette bills himself in the credit
Tarnation purports, especially in its later sequence as editor, producer, and director
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 861

(in this order), and his long-term obses- and Rosemary. Like his mother, Jonathan
sive self-documenting combined with his would also attempt suicide and be hospital-
often quite poetic, avant-garde use of this ized on a number of occasions. But where
footage results in a complex and haunt- Renees life is depicted as a haphazard col-
ing portrait of a familyone far from the lection of barely successful attempts to sur-
traditional, nuclear family of Capturing the vive, Caouette depicts himself as struggling
Friedmansthat seems to exist almost in to create order in the chaos of his situation.
spite of itself. In fact, it is hard at times to Throughout the film Jonathan exhibits an
draw the line in this film between the home unusual awareness regarding the perfor-
videographer and the documentary film- mative nature of video documentation and
maker. In some ways, the commercial film uses this knowledge to reinvent himself.
were watching has been in production since In fact, the first sustained video segment
Caouette first got access to a video camera.10 in Tarnation is of Jonathan at age eleven,
Tarnation is a necessarily narcissistic ven- apparently taping himself. Jonathan per-
ture, although Caouettes decision to display forms this scene in the guise of a lower-class
his family and his own life in this fashion woman, wearing make-up and a headscarf.
might lead us to understand this narcissism She speaks in a heavy southern accent
as a kind of therapeutic response to insta- about her traumatic family life leading up
bility and disorder, especially of the mental to the moment she killed her abusive hus-
variety.11 band, theatrically gesturing while talking
Where Capturing the Friedmans uses with tears in her eyes as if appearing on a
home video that was itself produced to daytime television talk show. At this early
document and perhaps even to exacerbate point in the film, Caouette seems to be
ruptures in the family structure, Tarnation offering a kind of lesson on his modus ope-
employs home video in a palpably desper- randi. Jonathan, already aware that he can
ate attempt to understand and, ostensibly transform himself on video, is here escap-
at least, to heal. Indeed, Jonathans (first ing from his all-too-immediate surround-
names refer to the characters in the film, ings (faint voices are heard occasionally in
although this gets complicated at times) the background throughout the scene), if
video footage seems motivated by a desire only momentarily.
to create a space away from the instability This scene and several others like it
of his family; to document their eccentrici- throughout the film affirm the degree to
ties, their varying degrees of self-awareness; which the self might be both performed
and to try to understand how and why his and transformed, a nice and perhaps nec-
family turned out the way it did. One might essary fantasy for someone surrounded by
argue that the film we know as Tarnation considerable unhappiness and confusion.
is the culmination of Jonathans lifelong Jonathans recording impulse, pulled as it is
attempt to understand, aestheticize, and both toward the fictional and the factual,
find his own place within this unconven- is also a critical response to a generation of
tional family. Jonathans footage, in other familial silence and denial. Jonathan nur-
words, appears to be organized around an tures the urge to perform in all of his family
attempt at resolution. members (even Rosemary is asked to do her
Caouette, whose mother, Renee, sus- Bette Davis imitation after shes suffered a
tained an injury as a child that led to years stroke), but this is especially evident in foot-
of shock therapy and hospitalizations, age featuring Renee. Renee at various points
explainsentirely in intertitlesthat he pretends to be wearing Elizabeth Taylors
was raised in and out of often-abusive foster old earrings, to be talking to someone non-
care as well as by his grandparents, Adolph existent on a new phone, as well as to dance
862Truth Not Guaranteed

(throughout) and lip-synch (another recur- tragic, postoverdose performance is this

rent mode of performance employed both films climax.
by her and by Jonathan). However, Renee Renees lack of self-awareness in this
also seems to lack the awareness exhibited scene is painful to watch, in part because
by Jonathan in the sequence just discussed. it seems that her performance is encour-
What becomes clear over the course of the aged by the presence of her sons camera.
film is that Caouette is curating these per- Elsewhere in the film Renee demonstrates
formances, allowing the subjectespecially significant resistance to being in front of
himselfto escape into actorly moments. the camera when it appears to seek the
Theatricality seems to be a kind of substitu- truth, which has become impossible for
tion for a painfully absent sense of normal- Renee to bear. On a visit to NewYork, Renee
ity, which the film never makes mention of is interviewed by Jonathan about her past.
but which seems always to be the elusive This is the first time Caouette includes foot-
referent. Outrageous as they often are, these age of this nature, rather than the heavily
unsettling performances also remind us of edited glimpses at Renees more playful,
a previous generations attempts to display if disturbing, behavior. Here Renee talks
and perform its normality before the home about being abused as a child by Adolph
movie camera. and Rosemary, saying earnestly that she
Renee seems, for the most part, com- hopes she didnt bring over any of the
fortable with this mode of interaction with abuse to my children. When Jonathan asks
the video camera; she typically exhibits a her about her childhood accident, however,
gleeful abandon whenever she gets the she gets up from the seat in which she is
chance to perform in these situations, being interviewed. Caouette cuts to another
sometimes to our embarrassment. Indeed, question he asks her about being hospital-
at a point late in the filmafter Renee has ized, and Renee again gets upset and walks
overdosed on lithium and returned to her away from the camera. After spinning his
fathers disheveled Texas homeCaouette camera around the room, Jonathan shoots
provides his audience with an excruciat- her from a distance as he tries to bring her
ing long take of one of these performances back into the interview, pleading talk to
gone wrong. Renee, who no longer seems me as he zooms in on Renee, who seeks
to be simply playing along in an effort to refuge in the other room. Caouette then
please her camera-obsessed son, appears cuts to footage of Renee, presumably hav-
to have lost touch with reality. She rambles, ing returned to the conversation, talking
sings nonsense songs about pumpkins and about Jonathans biological father. Again,
dolls, straightens pillows, picks up props Renee walks away, scolding Jonathan for
to play with, laughs hysterically, and seems bringing up the past on camera, refusing
trapped in this off-kilter performative to participate not in the conversation per
mode. With her father glimpsed occasion- se but in the recording of the conversation.
ally in the deep field sitting at a table and Jonathans response to Renees refusals is
ignoring her entirely, Renee is revealed frankly self-interested:Please help me with
here as damaged, probably irreparably. my stupid film. Id like to find out a few
Caouettes decision to subject viewers to a things about myself,too.
significant duration of this unedited foot- While purportedly intent upon investi-
age, unlike earlier moments, which are gating the history of his mothers neurosis,
always presented in a montage of other the film ends up exposing Jonathans, sug-
images, suggests his desire to create of gesting throughout that video has become
this collection of sounds and images some- his primary way of knowing, interacting,
thing approximating a narrative: Renees understanding, and finding out. It is not
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 863

just home video but video intendednow hes just had about his mother. Like the other
perhaps even producedfor public con- performative footage in which Jonathan pre-
sumption. Fed up with the interrogation, tends to be someone other than he is (such as
Renee tells Jonathan, quite coherently, quite the southern murderess discussed above),
logically, We can talk, Jon, we dont need this seems a highly staged and unspontane-
it on film. The act of filming or of being ous re-creation of something that might have
filmed, watching films, and quoting films happened without the cameras presence.
has overtaken familial interactions for Here Jonathan seems to be trying to order his
Jonathan. Realizing this or not, the most 2002 life in a way that his actual home life
painful moments in the film find Jonathan never was. The shot is perfectly framed and
attempting to impose this inanimate surro- timed; it is narratively sensible. Caouette is
gate family member on his literal family. effectively creating a new family history for
We would argue, then, that like the video himself, one characterized by stability and
footage used in Capturing the Friedmans, order even in the midst of the inescapable
home video footage in Tarnation repre- chaos of his past. More critically, this and the
sents an attempt by the videographer to films other staged momentscaptured on
control and order the family. Jonathan, video, viewable ad infinitum, capable of being
recognizing the disorder that surrounds reorganized, edited, enhancedbecome tan-
him, attempts to aestheticize it, to (in the gible, consumable, comprehensible objects.
clinical language the film rehearses) deper- This is true for the viewer, certainly, but more
sonalize it. Nowhere is this more evident critically for Jonathan, for whom the domes-
than in the literal reunion Jonathan stages tic images captured seem to make little
between his mother, his father, and him- sense prior to the act of capturing and order-
self. Renee is restless and uncomfortable ing them.
in this scene of domestic rehabilitation; This pattern is repeated at the end of
she repeatedly gets up and walks out of Tarnation, during which a camera seems
the frame. At this point it becomes clear always to be waiting for Jonathan to
that Jonathan has decided to live his life appear. There is a shot of a video camera
on camera. The cameras intrusion on this that Jonathan is preparing to shoot him-
reunion (as the intertitle tells us, It was self with, making it certain that at least
the first time all three had been together two cameras are being employed to cap-
in 30 years) is palpable; there is no ture this moment. Jonathan tells us that
illusion that everyone is acting as they he has closed himself in a bathroom at
would without their knowledge of its pres- 5:00 AM, takes things off the walls behind
ence. Renees occasional discomfortboth him, and confesses that he wanted this
here and in the interrogation scene just scene to kind of be in the dark like it was
discussedreminds us that Jonathans when I was younger with the light, and the
desire to record might also interfere with suns about to come up so I have to hurry
his other family members desires not to up and do this. This formal stagingan
be recorded. attempt to re-create the mood of the past
The opening and closing of the film offer at the moment of the films closure, even
a curious framework for the extensive visual Jonathans verbal acknowledgment that
archive that exists in between. In the open- he is creating a sceneis a fascinating
ing sequence, shot in March 2002 in New glimpse into the directors process. His
York, Caouette assembles footage of his reliance upon video to maintain or imitate
partner, David, coming into their apartment, self-awareness reminds us of the degree to
turning off a snowy television, and waking up which even these acts can be performed
Jonathan, who begins to talk about a dream and controlled.
864Truth Not Guaranteed

In this fashion, Jonathans on-camera a man whose quest for an alternative fam-
monologue in this scene resonates oddly ily sets him filming. Unlike Caouette, how-
with the earlier weepy disclosures of the ever, Treadwell is not afforded the luxury of
characters he inhabited in his teenage role finalcut.
playing. With tears in his eyes he swears
and states, I dont ever want to turn out like
my mother and Im scared because, um,
when I was little and she was my age that Any idiot could make a film
Iam now, which is 31, um, she seemed a lot outofit:GrizzlyMan
better than she does now. Ilove my mother
so much, as fucked up as it is. Icant escape Werner Herzogs Grizzly Man, which at
her. She lives inside me; shes in my hair; first seems to share little with the more
shes behind my eyes; shes under my skin; overtly domestic narratives of Capturing
shes downstairs [Jonathan laughs]. Here the Friedmans and Tarnation, ends up being
Jonathan moves toward the camera, saying, equally about both family and the desire to
I cant do this, and presumably turns it document its instability.12 In place of a tra-
off, concluding in a fashion that pinpoints ditional family, however, in Grizzly Man we
most painfully the real subject of and moti- find Timothy Treadwells admittedly eccen-
vation for his project. The curious and at tric, substitutive attempts to create a family
times frustrating textual overload of the outside the species. James Moran has con-
films first halfwhich consists largely of a vincingly argued, In our contemporary era
constant barrage of titles that try to narrate, of families we choose, for whom traditions
however insufficiently, his mothers early and conventions may be in continual flux,
life, accompanied by a rapidly moving, at the home mode [of videotaping] offers an
times repetitive swarm of still and moving important tool for tracing common roots no
imagesis answered by this comparatively longer nourished only by blood (60). Along
minimalist monologue. In trying to unlock these lines, Grizzly Man is about a man
the mystery of his mothers fate Jonathan who constructsboth through deed and
seems frustrated by the lack of comprehen- through videoan alternative family out of
sible images and information, the revelatory the bears and foxes he tries to protect in the
magic footage that might answer his ques- Alaskan wilderness. Similar to both David
tions. At least partly, Jonathan appears care- Friedman and Jonathan Caouettes video
ful not to repeat this state of affairs in his footage, Treadwells is focused on familial
own life story. To record is to control, or at crisis, though here the crisis expresses itself
least to attemptto. in the shape of Treadwells apparent isola-
Capturing it all on video; re-creating tion from this and all human communities
what was not caught; inventing scenarios and his problematic attempts to situate him-
for the camera; cataloging, organizing, self as not only the author of his surrogate
restructuring, and ultimately sharing this family but also its patriarch and protector.
footageJonathan, who is everywhere in Though video allows Treadwell the liberty to
the film worried about his genetic history, shoot for hours upon end (much of the foot-
ensures that his own mental processes will age Herzog uses might best be thought of as
be documented, will be caught on video. Treadwells outtakes), of particular inter-
Walking delicately along the line separat- est are his desperate attempts to capture the
ing self-obsession and self-confirmation, illusion of harmony he has assembled for
Caouettes footage shares much in common himself in the wilderness.
with Timothy Treadwells. Werner Herzogs Treadwell lived among the grizzlies in
Grizzly Man similarly documents the life of the Alaskan wilderness for part of each
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 865

year, worked as an activist on their behalf, foreground, remaining in the frame while
recorded his experiences, and gave class- he narrates. This compositional tendency
room lectures based upon them. When he indicates the shifting nature of Treadwells
and a female companion, Amie Huguenard, purported subject, which is as much the
were killed by a bear in 2003, he left behind bears as it is himself. Treadwell also seems
an extraordinary video record of his expe- willingperhaps eagerto make himself
riences (over one hundred hours of video vulnerable, reaching out toward a bear or
footage, according to Herzog), which consti- coming just close enough that he has
tutes a large part of Grizzly Man. Although to assert himself in order to escape from
Herzog is no doubt being cagey when he harm. He documents these moments of
claims that any idiot could make a film from borderline danger, it seems, in large part
this exceptional footage, his point is well to suggest his privileged status among the
taken: as a director, Herzog is working with bears, whom he affectionately refers to by
another filmmakers material, something name throughout thefilm.
that he freely acknowledges, functioning in If Treadwell isnt quite the fly on the wall
large part as an editor of what Treadwell had he imagines, neither is Herzog, despite his
already chosen to record.13 temporal distance from the original moment
Although living among the grizzlies of Treadwells videography (Herzog came to
might seem an invasive approach to pro- the project after Treadwells death). Herzog
tecting and studying the species, Treadwell does not refrain from entering the world of
considered himself an integrated part of Grizzly Man at a number of points in the
their community. The opening sequence of film, both visually and through voice-over
Grizzly Man, in fact, addresses this element narration. Herzog offers his interpretations
of Treadwells life, showing self-taken video throughout, inserting himself and his ideas
footage of Treadwell explaining his process: into what has already been captured on
I am like a fly on the wall, observing, non- video prior to his involvement in the proj-
committal, noninvasive in any way. This is ect. Herzog is perpetually aware of these
a curious fantasy, a rehearsal of the language insinuative decisions, beginning the film
of vrit that runs counter to the evidence by crediting Treadwell with shooting all of
his footage provides. Direct address and the footage in an act of citation that suggests
direct involvement are Treadwells preferred the degree to which Herzog wants to fore-
modes, constituting a significant portion of ground the parasitic elements inherent in
the video program he created in which he a project of this nature. Herzog appears to
attempts to make an argument about his deeply admire what Treadwell has achieved
relationship with his animal family, not in his videography, interrupting Treadwells
merely his observation of their activity. story on occasion to praise his composi-
Treadwell defines himself as different, tional choices and accidentally magical
as loving these bears enough to do it right. moments. Herzogs passions, which find
His self-perceived exceptionalism emerges expression throughout his storied career,
both in his visual methodology and ver- also run toward the apparently acciden-
bally. At one point he dares his imaginary tal. His is a sort of home movie aesthetic,
spectator to try to do what he does; his rhe- and elsewhere he has stated, in a manner
torical response: You will die here. You strangely appropriate to our concerns here,
will fuckin die here. They will get you. that there is no independent cinema, with
Treadwells favorite composition affirms the exception of the home movie made
his self-perceived connection to the bears. for the family album (Cronin 202). Never
In it, the bears are in the deep (and some- entirely public or private, Treadwells foot-
times not-so-deep) field and he is in the age complicates the definition of home video
866Truth Not Guaranteed

by focusing on his own attempts to reorga- might be the most transgressive moment
nize the very concept of a symbolic home in in his footage, Treadwell marvels over a
the wilderness.14 fresh pile of bear feces first feeling the heat
The relationship between the public and from it and then touching it while saying
private elements of Treadwells footage, how amazing it is to commune with some-
especially as it is filtered through Herzogs thing that was just inside one of his bears.
intervention, resonates with the other films I know it may seem weird that I touched
under discussion here. Clearly, Treadwell her poop, Treadwell says. But to whom is
understood some of this footage as having Treadwell speaking? And why did Herzog
a potential for eventual public consump- deem these moments essential to the tell-
tion. Herzog tells us that Treadwell often ing of Treadwellsstory?
repeated takes, some up to fifteen times, If Treadwell often treats the camera as if
and he provides us with some of these it was a confidante, interspersing his poten-
duplicate stagings where we see Treadwell tially public recordings with footage he
redoing a scene to make it more adven- surely never imagined would reach the pub-
turesome, exciting, or professional. Herzog lic, then we also have to ask why he left the
also includes footage of Treadwell at one camera running on occasions that seem to
point commenting that this stuff could defy the logic of self-documentation in the
be cut into a show later on. Much of context of the public image he was attempt-
Treadwells footage, then, is inherently dif- ing to construct. Like David Friedmans
ferent from what we think of as home video, video diary and Jonathan Caouettes life-
and not just because Treadwells home is long self-documenting project, Treadwell
an unconventional one. Rather, it is also seems to be seeking a dialogue with him-
conceived of as a presentation of Treadwells self. He might have been more directorially
performances, as a document meant to rep- selective, less revealing, but instead opts to
resent his bear family and his relationship undergo a kind of self-scrutinizing record
with them to the outsideworld. keeping that transcends the heroic, public
It is worth considering, then, the ethi- self he was simultaneously constructing.
cal implications of Herzogs use of some of Treadwell, like the subjects of the previ-
the more private moments of Treadwells ous films under investigation here, seems
footage. Treadwell, who made many of to lose track of his existence outside of the
these trips alone, often appears to treat the cameras presence, needing it as a witness
camera as a companion, a family member, to these intimate moments, even the flawed
occasionally even as a god. Early in the moments with his unconventional, inter-
film Herzog gives the viewer a glimpse of species family, moments not entirely unlike
this relationship, showing Treadwell goof- those we witness in Capturing the Friedmans
ily interacting with the camera: Give it to and Tarnation.
me baby, thats what Im talking about. The relationship between Treadwell as the
Elsewhere he converses with the camera maker of his own documentary image, how-
about his fears of being hurt by a bear; won- ever dualistic, and Herzog as the distributor
ders why he cant develop long-term rela- of that image is equally fascinating. Herzog
tionships with women; curses out a fox who clearly feels an obligation to Treadwell and
has stolen his hat (wheres that fucking hat, his vision of himself, even as he explains
that hat is so friggin valuable for this trip); his take on Treadwells self-delusions to his
rants about the Park Service; and ruminates films audience and includes moments that
on the existence of God, speaking directly undermine Treadwells vision of himself.
to the camera (thank you), as if it was the Treadwells death and Herzogs handling of
deity he sought to convene with. In what it bring these representational and ethical
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 867

issues to the foreground. When Treadwell of the gruesomeness of Timothys and

and Amie are attacked by a bear (they will Amies deaths. This kind of detailAll of
die during the attack), Treadwell is unable to a sudden the intensity of Amies screaming
remove the lens cap on his camera, leaving reached a new height. These horrifying
only an audio recording. Unlike the rest of screams were punctuated by Timothy say-
the film, then, there is no visual counterpart ing, Go away, leave me, all the
for this part of Treadwells story. Herzog more surprising given Herzogs earlier pro-
first introduces us to the sound portion of hibition. His decision to absent this audio
the videotape when he interviews the coro- from his film and yet to spin around it like
ner, who narrates what is on the tape:We the center of a whirlpool creates a spectacle
can hear the sounds of Amie screaming, out of that which he refuses to include.
etc. The coroner acts as an interpreter of the Who is Herzog protecting here? His audi-
recording, distancing the films audience ence? Jewel? Treadwell? The bears? It is also
from the original content and offering his worth remembering that Herzog offers this
take on the attack:it occurred quickly, and prohibitionthat neither Jewel nor, it turns
Amie was faithful and brave, staying with out, his audience will hear this tapewhile
Timothy while they tried to fend off the bear also emphasizing his privileged access both
for a full six minutes. to it and to the photographs that he chooses
Herzog ends this scene by backing the not to show. It is, we might argue, the ele-
camera away from the coroner but does not phant in his ownfilm.
otherwise articulate his own interpretation All of this has to do, more or less, with the
of or feelings about the tape, this snuff film politicized idea of the gaze and its auditory
sans image. The second time Grizzly Man counterpart. Bill Nichols, in Representing
addresses the subject of the imageless video, Reality, suggests:
immediately following this scene, Herzog
enters the visual landscape of the film for Mulveys concern with the erotici-
the first time, appearing on camera with zation of the gaze and the gender
Jewel, a friend of Treadwell who is in posses- hierarchy that classic (Hollywood)
sion of this audio remnant. On-screen with narrative imposes does not translate
headphones, Herzog listens to the tape that directly into the terms and condi-
Jewel has never allowed herself to hear. He tions of documentary production.
is shot from behind, in profile, holding his (Although it is hardly alien either.)
eyes as he selectively narrates what he hears. The institutional discourse of docu-
He then stops, choked up, and we get a shot mentary does not support it, the
of Jewel with tears in her eyes, inspired by structure of documentary texts does
what she can only imagine. Herzog tells her, not reward it, and the audience
Jewel, you must never listen to this and expectations do not revolve around
you must never look at the photos that Ive it. Voyeurism, fetishism, and narcis-
seen at the coroners office You should sism are present but seldom occupy
destroy it [the tape] because it will be the the central position they have in
white elephant in your room all yourlife. classic narrative.(76)15
As if to confer the recording of Treadwells
death with the official status of the repressed, Nicholss project in the early 1990s was to
this tape surfaces for a third time toward the acknowledge what had been a dominant
end of the film when Herzog returns us to critical discourse in film studies, one he felt
footage of the coroner describing the audio- needed to be retooled when applied to docu-
tape. The coroners descriptions are more mentary practice. Quoting Mulvey and then
explicit here, giving the spectator a sense reshaping her logic to fit what he takes to
868Truth Not Guaranteed

be the largely different enterprise of docu- authenticity, these at times starkly exposed
mentary production and reception, Nichols moments of self-revelation are moments
presents us with terms appropriate to our twice chosen, first at the moment of filming
present investigation:One way to give fur- and again at the moment of editing. In the
ther consideration to this shift in problemat- context of a discussion about autobiograph-
ics from narrative to documentary would be ical film and video, Michael Renov argues
to address the specific qualities of the docu- that if memory is, like history, always revi-
mentary gaze and its object of desire: the sion, translation, the gap between experi-
world it brings into sight(77). ence (the moment of filming) and secondary
Herzog, perhaps more obviously than revision (the moment of editing) produces
our other filmmakers but very much in an ineradicably split diaristic subject (The
keeping with their course as well, frustrates Subject in History 6). Within the context
Nicholss suggestion by concentrating atten- of the documentary films under investiga-
tion around that which is not shown, the tion here, the referent of the split is dou-
world both he and Treadwell refuse or are bly significant. Using Caouettes borrowed
unable to bring into sight. In Grizzly Man psychoanalytic language, we are certainly
that world includes both the taboo foot- faced here with a range of depersonalized
age (refused at Herzogs much-discussed subjects. We are also faced, however, with a
discretion) and, perhaps even more criti- range of defamiliarized families. In both
cally, the world (familial, social, roman- cases the critical rupture seems to occur
tic) beyond that which Treadwell had somewhere in the gap between the desire to
created for himself (ignored, we are led to represent and record and the desire to con-
believe, at Treadwells own videographic tain and control. In the video age memory
discretion). This absence becomes a criti- appears to come cheaply. Family, these films
cal trigger for spectatorial desire, casting argue, doesnot.
Treadwells none-too-romantic solitary exis-
tence in relief and marking his failed patri-
archal dominion over the bears as a tragic Notes
response to a similarly failed familial exis- 1. In suggesting that this is a new trend, we are
tence. Herzogs decision to flirt with the also quite aware that there is a significant history
of cinematic self-documentation that precedes
ethical boundaries he has imposed upon this current generation of home videocentric
himself reminds us of the degree to which documentaries. There is, of course, a legacy of
Nicholss trifectavoyeurism, fetishism, self-documentation to be found in home movies
themselves; in avant-garde cinema, especially the
and narcissismhas become, in recent work of Jonas Mekas and Stan Brakhage; as well
years, not just a central but an essential part as in documentary filmmaking. For more on this
of the documentary project. This is all the history see Lane; see also Chalfen, whose Snapshot
Versions of Life was written on the precipice of
more the case in films centering on home
the shift from home movies being primarily shot
video footage, which is so suited to bring- on film to home movies being primarily shot on
ing the most personal, and vulnerable, of video. In addition to the experimental films made
worlds into sight. by Mekas and Brakhage, Chalfen briefly discusses
a group of 1970s films that exemplify an earlier
The unseen, the unavailable, the burst of activity involving the use of home movies:
unfilmed are equally critical elements within Sandy Wilsons Growing Up at Paradise (1977),
Jareckis and Caouettes films. All three of Frederick Beckers Heroes (1974), Barry Levines
Procession (1978), Victor Faccintos Sweet and Sour
these films make plain that, as raw mate- (1976), Jerome Hills Family Portrait (1971), Martha
rial, personal video footage imposes certain Coolidges Old-Fashioned Woman (1976), Jan
representational boundaries upon the docu- Oxenbergs Home Movie (1973), Alfred Guzzettis
Family Portrait Sittings (1975), Amalie Rothschilds
mentary filmmaker, even as it opens up oth- Nana, Mama, and Me (1974), and Don and Sue
ers. Bearing the video age imprimatur of Rundstroms Uprooted! AJapanese American Familys
Familial Pursuits, EditorialActs 869

Experience (1978). Renov addresses the related idea Michael Moores Roger and Me (1989) (Feel the
of the essayistic, autobiographical film in The Pain 4750).
Subject in History. 10. This is simplifying things somewhat, since
2. The case of Grizzly Man is more complicated, since Caouette uses video, film, and still photography
the film does not concern a conventional human throughout.
family (except the one its protagonist absents 11. Bonastia posits that a number of recent films,
himself from) but rather a man and his surrogate Tarnation among them, function as exercises in
animal family, as will be discussed in the final self-help more than as expressions of artistic
section of thisessay. vision with the intention of connecting with
3. The phrase families we choose, coined by Kath an audience (20). Although we dont agree
Weston, is used by Moran in Theres No Place Like with the latter part of Bonastias assertion, it
Home Video to address the fact that the nuclear seems true that Caouette, David Friedman,
family has increasingly diminished statistically and, as we shall see in Grizzly Man, Timothy
over the last three decades, replaced by alternatives Treadwell all find the act of filming themselves
ranging from single parenthood and gay marriage and their families on video to be cathartic, a
to families we choose among relatives, friends, and form of self-administered therapy. Bonastia, a
colleagues (xvii). sociologist, has concerns about this tendency
4. For more on this see Zimmermann (11242). both in documentary filmmaking and in the
Zimmermann notes that in the 1950s there were recent flood of memoirs (22), positing that the
even home movie editing services, which would urge to share your every musing with the world
transform the jumble of unconnected frames into is contagious(24).
a coherent and interesting story of a familys life 12. The quote in the subhead is from Werner Herzog,
(127). Originally published by Harry Kursch and talking about the process of working with Timothy
Harold Mehling, Your Life on Film:Ralph Eno, Treadwells footage for the making of Grizzly Man
Amateur Editor, American Mercury (November (Garcia16).
1956):69. 13. Joe Bini, in fact, edited Grizzly Man and has
5. Zimmermann cites a number of trade and popular worked with Herzog on a number of films. We
publications that attest to some of the essential intend the idea of editing to be understood here in
differences between home movies and home videos. a conceptual fashion as much as a literalone.
Drukker trots out a list of pros and cons in his 14. Moran makes a point about the conception of
essay The Video Difference. At the time video family and home that is relevant here:While
equipment was still clunky and pricey, but videotape usually thought of as geographic, home may be
was dirt cheap and reusable, requiring no photographic as well, unconfined to a specific
development and allowing you to record for hours place, but transportable within the space of
as opposed to three minutes at a time (Drukker 90). imagination(61).
In the early 1980s complaints were still circulating 15. See also Mulvey. In The Subject of Documentary
about battery power and editing capabilities for video Renov critically reconsiders the terms of
technology, but these issues would be resolved over Nicholss argument by attempting to articulate
the course of the next decade. documentarys own erotic patterns of desire.
6. Adam Shell and Darren Steins Put the Camera on
Me (2003) supports this thesis about the shift toward
children as the producers of home video. However,
the emphasis in this documentary is on the degree WorksCited
to which these kids, guided by their precocious Arthur, Paul. Extreme Makeover:The Changing Face
leader, created alternative videographic worlds for of Documentary. Cineaste 30.3 (2005):1823.
themselves, some of which would be shared with ________. Feel the Pain. Film Comment 40.5
their parents and some of which seemed to be for (2004):4750.
their own consumption. ________. True Confessions, Sort Of. Cineaste 28.4
7. For more on this see Zimmermann; shediscusses (2003):47.
the degree to which images of family, children, Bonastia, Christopher. Is Documentary the New
and travel coalesced into the ideology of Memoir? ASociologists View from the Couch.
togetherness(135). Independent:AMagazine for Video and Filmmakers
8. Moran discusses the differences between film and 28.10 (2005):2024.
video throughout his first three chapters, especially Bourke-White, Margaret. Portrait of Myself.
pages4042. NewYork:Simon and Schuster,1963.
9. The phrase revenge of the home movie is used Chalfen, Richard. Snapshot Versions of Life. Bowling
in a discussion of explicitly autobiographical Green:Popular P,1987.
documentaries such as Tarnation. Elsewhere Cronin, Paul, ed. Herzog on Herzog. NewYork:Faber
Arthur notes that the phenomenon of directors and Faber,2002.
intentionally and regularly appearing in their own Drukker, Leendert. The Video Difference:Taping vs.
documentaries is also relatively recent, dating back Filming. Popular Photography. May 1981:9091,
to Ross McElwees Shermans March (1986) and 19192.
870Truth Not Guaranteed
Garcia, Maria. Grizzly Tale:Werner Herzog Chronicles Rabinovitz, Lauren. They Must Be Represented: The
Life of Ill-Fated Naturalist. Film Journal Politics of Documentary. NewYork:Verso, 1994.
International 108.8 (2005):1416. Renov, Michael. The Subject in History:The New
Lane, Jim. The Autobiographical Documentary in Autobiography in Film and Video. Afterimage 17.1
America. Madison:U of Wisconsin P,2002. (1989):47.
Moran, James. Theres No Place Like Home Video. ________. The Subject of Documentary. Minneapolis:U
Minneapolis:U of Minnesota P,2002. of Minnesota P,2004.
Mulvey, Laura. Visual Pleasure and Narrative Rhu, Lawrence F. Home Movies and Personal
Cinema. Movies and Methods, vol. 2. Ed. Bill Documentaries, an Interview with Ross
Nichols. Berkeley:U of California P,1985. McElwee. Cineaste 29.3 (2004):612.
Nichols, Bill. Representing Reality. Bloomington:Indiana Zimmermann, Patricia. Reel Families:ASocial
UP,1991. History of Amateur Film. Bloomington:Indiana
Pinney, Roy. Better Home Movies. Parents Magazine UP,1995.
May 1955: 126.

10 Propositions on Death, Representation, and

Always concerned with the subversive represented and made significant for us
capacity of cinema to show us what we may through the medium and tropes of docu-
not wish to see, critic Amos Vogel has fre- mentary film. Such a phenomenology of
quently commented on the mediums ten- representation attempts to describe, the-
dency to avert its eyes before the sight of matize, and interpret death as it appears
actual death. He writes: on the screen and is experienced by us as
indexically real, rather than iconically or
Now that sex is available to us symbolically fictive. As well, given that rep-
in hard-core porno films, death resentation is the object of its scrutiny (and,
remains the one last taboo in cinema. indeed, the means of its description), such
However ubiquitous death iswe all a phenomenology is necessarily culturally
ultimately suffer from itit calls into informed and historicized. It is not transcen-
question the social order and its value dentally removed from the cultural and his-
systems; it attacks our mad scramble torical situation in which it was carried out.
for power, our simplistic rationalism My essays aim, therefore, is less to arrive
and our unacknowledged, child-like at universal, essential, and proscriptive
belief in immortality.1 categories, than to address the thickness
of one particular mode of visual representa-
Death, Vogel suggests, possesses a fero- tion as it richly and radically entails a crucial
cious reality which exceeds attempts to aspect of human existence and our present
repress it or culturally contain it. Indeed, attitudes in the sight of it. To that end, after
semiotically speaking, we can say that death a general historical situation of death and its
presents a special problem in representation. representation in our culture, Iwill pose ten
What follows is best identified as a propositions as a way to focus on and semi-
semiotic phenomenology of death as it is otically describe some of the problematic
872Truth Not Guaranteed

relations which exist between death and its the home and bedroom to a regulated hos-
cinematic representation. Further, thema- pital room or mortuary where the dying and
tizing and interpreting these relations will the dead could be overseen by profession-
lead to an exploration of the ethical stances als and overlooked by family and com-
which existentially (but always also cultur- munity. Removed from sight and common
ally and historically) ground certain codes experience, from a site integral with cultural
of documentary vision in its specular activity, natural death in our culture became,
engagement with death anddying. Aris tells us, a technical phenomenon,
one dissected, cut to bits by a series of little
steps, which finally makes it impossible to
Historicizing Death know which step was the real death, the one
and Representation in which consciousness was lost, or the one
in which breathing stopped.3 If impossible
Let us first consider the particular threat to prevent, natural death became possible to
death presents to representation in our cur- efface.
rent culture. Its present force has been suc- Given the public disappearance of
cinctly historicized in Philippe Aris Western natural death, and concurrently the increas-
Attitudes toward Death.2 Aris takes us from ing public emphasis on sexuality, our
the Middle Ages to the present, pointing 20th-century culture has rejected what
out how the social significance of death and Aris calls the 19th centurys eloquent
dying has radically changed over the cen- decor of death.4 Breaking with the excesses
turies. Initially a social and public event, of Romanticism and the sexual prudery of
death has become an anti-social and private the Victorians, and opting for the social
experienceall the more shocking when we goal of a prosaic collective happiness,
are publicly confronted with the sight of it. 20th-century culture finds poetic and aris-
Aris charts a course from the public space tocratic expressions of melancholy nostal-
of the Medieval bedchamber and a natural, gia repugnant and embarrassing.5 Such
tamed and socially speakable event to the excess untinged with the slightest irony is
private and anti-social space of the individ- seen as self-indulgent, even masturbatory.
ual bedroom, wherefrom the 16th through There is no need for it when its cause is
the 18th centurythe parallel paroxysms of displaced from public sight. Thus, as Aris
sex and death condense to form a major concludes (paralleling Amos Vogels words
iconography, one which stresses the undo- which began this essay), death has become
mesticated and irrational behavior of the a taboo and in the twentieth century
body as culturally disruptive. it has replaced sex as the principal forbid-
[] den subject. Citing social anthropologist
Experiences and attitudes changed in Geoffrey Gorers influential 1955 article The
the 20th century. Encounters with natural Pornography of Death, Aris summarizes:
death became less common. Natural death
became less naturalon the one hand, The more society was liberated from
less part of daily life, and on the other, more the Victorian constraints concern-
attributed to foreign causes that had exotic ing sex, the more it rejected things
medical names. Increasingly institutional- having to do with death. Along with
ized, medicalized, and technologized, natu- the interdict appears the transgres-
ral death was displaced not in elaborate sion: the mixture of eroticism and
representation, but in physical space. The death so sought after from the six-
event of death was moved from its site in teenth to the eighteenth century
Inscribing EthicalSpace 873

reappears in our sadistic literature The Semiotics ofDeath

and in violent death in our dailylife.6
Thus, in our present culture, we have limited
The point to be emphasized here is that representations of death. Ataboo subject, it
by removing the event of natural death titillates us in our fictions as a pornogra-
from everyday sight so that its exoticism phy of death while it remains unnatural
and strangeness continue intact, and and unnamable in our real social rela-
by diminishing, making shameful, and tions, and in those forms of representation
rejecting the excessive displacements which most indexically point to those social
of death found in the social representa- relations. Indeed, if, as Vogel suggests, the
tions of the 19th century, 20th-century ferocious reality of death in our present
Western culture has effectively made culture calls into question our social order
natural death a taboo subject for public and its value systems, then it also radically
discourse and severely limited the con- calls into question that cultures semiotic
ditions for its representation. Removing systems. That is, the event of death as it is
natural death from public space and dis- perceived in our culture points to and inter-
course leaves only violent death in pub- rogates the very limits of representation in
lic sites and conversation. This leads to all its present formsincluding, of course,
Gorers pornography of deaththat is, the cinematic.
representation obsessed with and limited Certainly, death is not the only ferocious
to the sensational activity of a body-object reality to make the camera avert its gaze or
abstracted from the latters simultaneous despair of representing the existential real-
existence as a sensing and intentional ity of both human and social being. Vogel
body-subject. points out in his Film as a Subversive Art
[] that the periodic transformation of mat-
If anything, our exposure to violent death ter from one state into another continues
has increased since Gorer wrote his essay in to evoke all the superstitious alarms and
1955. Assassinations, snipings, mass mur- taboos of pre-history.8 These superstitions
ders, civil violence, terrorismall bring and taboos, many of them cross-cultural, all
death into public sight and mark its signifi- have to do with the ultimately uncontrollable
cant representation as violent. As Lawrence and therefore mysterious and often fright-
Langer points out in his The Age of Atrocity, ening semiosis of the body. Difficult to con-
death in our current culture is generally tain in cultural vision, such acts of human
regarded as a sudden and discontinuous bodily transformation include excretion,
experience, as always inappropriate, as sexual union, and birth, as well as the event
an atrocity.7 It is in our cinematic fictions of death. In addition, the visual taboos sur-
that sudden, discontinuous, violent, rounding these transformations of the ani-
inappropriate, and atrocious deaths mate body often extend to those particular
find their current representation. Safely bodily signs which indexically point to and
contained by narrative, in iconic and sym- foreground the essential mystery of bodily
bolic signs and structures, they titillate and being and nonbeing. For example, always
offer a mediated view which softens their in some way treated as sacredeither
threat and real ferocity. Our documentary through the observance of ritual or ritual
films, on the other hand, avoid the repre- nonobservancethe deformed living body
sentation of death. Indexical in code and and the human corpse serve as radical signs
function, they observe the social taboos sur- of human matter transformed from one
rounding real death and generally avoid state into another. The body is thus the
874Truth Not Guaranteed

primary indexical sign of what Langer calls 1. The representation of the event of death
the universal dilemma of dealing with is an indexical sign of that which is always in
ones creaturelinessof living critically excess of representation, and beyond the lim-
and self-consciously while so vulnerable to its of coding and culture:Death confounds all
the physical cruelties of men, nature, and codes. That is, we do not see death on the
science.9 screen, nor understand its visible momen-
Nonetheless, of all transformations of the tum or contours. While being can be visibly
lived body in our culture, the event of death represented in its inscription of intentional
seems particularly privileged in its threat behavior (the having of being concretely
to representation. Indeed, it so challenges articulated in a visible world), nonbeing is
our notion of representation that it seems not visible. It lies over the threshold of vis-
unrepresentable. Birth in our culture, for ibility and representation. Thus, it can only
example, involves a bodily transformation be pointed to, the terminus of its indexical
which interrogates conventional systems of sign forever off-screen, forever out of sight.
representation with its radical originality, Within the technological culture we inhabit,
but it also affirmatively signifies an entrance the cinematic representation of death is
into conventional culture, into social order inscribed and understood as a techni-
and value systems, into a representable cal phenomenon rather than a lived-body
world and a world of representation. Birth, experience. What Aris says of death in
for us (and possibly for all cultures), is the our current culture holds true and is paral-
sign to begin all signs. Death, however, is lel to its indexical representation. The clas-
a sign that ends all signs. In our culture, it sic structure of the dissection of death
is perceived as the last, the ultimate act of into a series of little steps which finally
semiosis. It is always original, unconven- make it impossible to know which step was
tional, and shocking, its event always simul- the real death is paralleled by the record-
taneously representing both the process of ing of death by the film moving through
sign production and the end of representa- camera and projector in twenty-four little
tion. Thus, while birth and death are each steps per second. The classic proof of
processes and representations of liminal the excess of death over its indexical repre-
moments of bodily transformation which sentation was the fascination exerted by the
threaten the stability of cultural codes and Zapruder film of John Kennedys assassina-
conventions with their radical originality, in tion; played again and again, slowed down,
our present culture death is the more sub- stopped frame by frame, the momentum
versive transformation of thetwo. of death escaped each moment of its repre-
Hence, we come to my ten propositions sentation. Indeed, in Report, Bruce Conner
about death and its current cinematic rep- loops this footage and, through repetition,
resentation. Each proposition, while cer- ironically comments upon (among other
tainly open to argument, is offered as a focal things) the impossibility of our really see-
point for thought about the significance and ing Kennedys death. This excess of death
signification of death in our cinematic cul- over visibility and representation is felt most
ture. Thus, all the propositions are limited acutely in our encounter with images which
in their claims, even as they are couched in are primarily indexical. Fictive death primar-
assertive language, and may, in fact, con- ily represented by iconic and symbolic signs
tain descriptive force which crosses cul- does not move us to inspect it, to seek out
tural boundaries. Additionally, their focus is a visibility we feelin seeing itit lacks.
primarily on the nature and experience of Even without the slow motion ballet of death
indexical representation. made paradigmatic by Sam Peckinpah in
Inscribing EthicalSpace 875

The Wild Bunch, fictive death is experienced But as an object, the corpse is also
as visible. Referring significantly only to alienated from human being. It may have
themselves, representations of death in fic- been a subject, but it is not now a sub-
tion film tend to satisfy usindeed, in some ject. Thus, as John Fraser points out in
films, to sate us, or to overwhelm us so that his Violence in the Arts, the very thing
we cover our eyes rather than strain to see. that cries out for the deepest sympathy
Thus, while death is generally experienced serves in some measure to inhibit that
in fiction films as representable and often sympathy, namely the conversion of the
excessively visible, in documentary films it is sufferers into monsters.10 Our sympa-
experienced as confounding representation, thy for the subject who was is mitigated
as exceeding visibility. by our alienation from the object that
2. It is the visible mortification of or vio- is. We are not dead and cannot imagine
lence to the existential, intentional, and what it would be like to be so (that is,
representable lived-body which stands as the to not be). Thus, the corpse becomes
index of dying, and the visible cessation of an object for scrutiny, a way of releasing
the bodys intentional behavior which stands and fulfilling our natural curiosity about
as the index of death. Dying and death, a taboo cultural object. We are fascinated
particularly in documentary film, cannot and fearful, filled with what Vogel indi-
be represented and made visible on the cates is the thrilling guilt of the voyeur/
screen with an exactitude experienced transgressor (to see what one has no right
as fullness. The transformation of a to see), coupled with the fear of punish-
being into nonbeing, its location at what ment. How delicious when it does not
T.S. Eliot in Burnt Norton describes come and the forbidden image can con-
as the still point of the turning world tinue to be viewed.11
where being is neither flesh nor flesh- The corpse visibly provides the prem-
less, is only perceptible by way of con- ises for visual reflection upon being and
trast with what is representable. That is, not-being, between the subjective lived-body
the moment of death can only be rep- and the body-object. But it does not neces-
resented in a visible and vigorous con- sarily so quicken us in our own lived-bodies
trast between two states of the physical as does the active inscription of the process
body: the body as lived-body, intentional of mortification on another lived-body. The
and animatedand the body as corpse, as corpse as a body-object is physically passive,
flesh unintended, inanimate, static. semiotically impassive. It can be offered to
In this regard, the corpse is not so much a devouring scrutiny, or embalmed with the
an indexical sign of death as it is of the richest symbolism. It can be used, offering
dead. It signifies not a process of transfor- no resistance to the willful viewereither
mation, but a thing. This is not to say that filmmaker or spectator. And, as Fraser
we do not respond to the sight of a corpse pointsout:
on the screen, but rather that we respond
to it always as other than we are, as an In general, passivity does not
object. Thus, the corpse is not perceived invite empathy. What does invite
as a subjectalthough it confronts us and it is anything that permits one
reminds us of subjectivity and its objective to see the other as an agent.
limits. [] The corpse, then, exists with two of the most important factors
paradoxical semiotic force. It is a significant making for empathy are a sense of
bodily sign of the body which has no power the individual as engaged in work,
to signify. It engages our sympathy as an and a sense of the physicality of
object which is an index of a subject whowas. the body.12
876Truth Not Guaranteed

Although the corpse is the most physical violent death is now a fact of our imag-
of bodies, it is so because it is just a physi- inative existence, crowding out the
cal body. It does not work; it is not lived. serene metaphors. More recently
As such, death cannot be inscribed upon the mushroom cloud has been dis-
it in an activity of transformation that sig- placed in our national conscious-
nifies the passage between being and not ness by a personal act of aggression
being, between the being of a body-subject gradually approaching the status of
and merely objective existence. Thus, it is metaphorassassination.13
the lived body which is the primary signa-
tory field for indexically signifying dying Consider how, in our cinematic cul-
and death, while the corpse is the primary ture, violence gives death a perceptible
iconic and symbolic sign for the dead. From form, and signifies its ultimate violation
this need to signify the active transformation of the lived-body. The objectively visible,
that death visits upon the physical body as a usually externally caused, and violent end
representation of a vigorously perceived con- to animate and intentional activity is par-
trast between two extreme states of visible ticularly and personally shocking seen on
existence, a third proposition emerges. the screenfor the film medium, in its
3. The most effective cinematic signifier of inherent representation and presentation
death in our present culture is violent action of movement is life-giving, life-sustaining,
inscribed on the visible lived-body. This prop- and life-affirming. Thus, the violent ces-
osition is perhaps the most controversial sation of movement and animation in a
thus far. Although it is descriptive rather lived-body subject visibly and spatially
than prescriptive, it still moves us to an emphasizes the temporal contrast between
ethical response. For if we abhor violence animate and inanimatebetween the liv-
and its rupture of both the social and fleshly ing and the dead. It visually transforms the
fabric of culture and individual human life, cinematic present into a visible past tense,
it is difficult to acknowledge that it is the and an embodied subject into a body-object.
best signifier of death in visual representa- In relation to this transformation, a fourth
tion. However, as has been earlier indicated, proposition is suggested.
our present cultures primary relationship 4. The most effective cinematic representa-
to death is one marked by the now natural tion of death in our present cinematic culture
unnaturalness of violence. Given our cur- is inscribed on the lived-body in action that is
rent social relations to the event of death abrupt. Ironically, although we have little
(the visible presence of death as externally to actually do with natural death in our
and violently caused and the structur- current culture, the idea of natural death
ing absence of natural death), it is hardly is comforting insofar as it is perceived
surprising that violent action is the most as gradual and easeful. For example, the
effective sign-vehicle to signify the transfor- notion of dying in ones sleep significantly
mation of being to not-being. The sign func- returns us to the bedchamber and a tame
tion of violence is aptly described by Langer: death, one not usually associated with pain
or bodily humiliation. The latter, insup-
In an age of private violence and portably subversive of our cultures myth
public slaughter, which threatens to of process as progress, has led to the spa-
make atrocity socially respectable, tial displacement of lived-bodies undergo-
inappropriate death has become an ing the process of decay. As Aris notes, by
issue which we can no longer con- the late Middle Ages, decomposition of the
sider an aberration from the nor- body has become the sign of Mans failure,
mal rhythms of experience. Sudden but by our time, that failure has become
Inscribing EthicalSpace 877

transformed into something shamefully the animated body into an inanimate corpse
personal.14 Except in the case of the sudden, denies formal reason and connotatively
fatal heart attack, we do not customarily signs the irrationality, arbitrariness, and
think of natural death in the binary terms unfairness of death. Abruptness is itself a
that violence inscribes. Indeed, the analogic structure of what we perceive as violence,
qualities of natural death mark not the sud- and it may well be that, in our present cul-
den end to the bodys representation, nor a ture, both abruptness and violence best
single dramatically significant moment of articulate death so that its binary marking
bodily transformation. Rather, they mark a of existence can be felt viscerally and per-
process. The slow and primarily impercep- sonally by those who view its signs. Indeed,
tible transformation of the animate into the it could be said that the analogic representa-
inanimate, of the lived-body into a corpse, tion and dure of dying on the screen serves
does not signify our more usual contem- as a sign of a third-person deathwhereas
porary experience of death as a break, a the abrupt binary representation of death
rupture. Rather, natural death sets up its through a violently sudden transformation
own expectations and fulfills them over a signs a first-person death and can be appre-
perceived dure. In regard to its visual rep- ciated, to at least some extent, as mine
resentation, it exists in temporal equiva- because it always appears untimely. In A
lence to the present-tense process of the Very Easy Death, Simone de Beauvoir writes:
film medium, marking little or no contrast
between movement and stillness, between
There is no such thing as a natural
presence as an embodied being and a
death: nothing that happens to a
merely present body. Visualized as a gradual man is ever natural, since his pres-
rather than abrupt process, then, the trans- ence calls the world into question.
formation of animate subject into inani- All men must die:but for every man
mate object does not so much represent his death is an accident and, even if
dying and death as it does the living of the he knows it and consents to it, an
process of dying. Thus, referring to Michael unjustifiable violation.17
Roemers Dying (which documents three
people dying of various forms of cancer
and interviews with the widow of a fourth), Beauvoirs existential assertions are, of
reviewers can truthfully tell us:Theirs is a course, situated historically and socially
lesson about living, or shock it will, not in 20th-century experience, one domi-
because it is painful to watch but because nated by images of massive discontinuity
it isnt. it is an unabashed plea for death and upheaval. Robert Jay Lifton more par-
as ritual.15 These comments echo Ernest ticularly locates the emergence of attitudes
Beckers in The Denial of Death, when, after toward death as accident and violation
asking Are images of dying and farewell as in the social discontinuities and upheav-
deep as the real feeling that one has abso- als caused by the wars we have experi-
lutely no power to oppose death?, he points enced since the early part of the century.
out that disease and dying are still living He tells us: Without a cultural context in
processes in which one is engaged. But to which life has continuity and boundaries,
fade away, leave a gap in the world, disap- death seems premature whenever it comes.
pear into oblivionthat is quite another Whatever the age and circumstances, it is
matter.16 always untimely.18 Thus, abruptness cor-
Abruptness does not allow for the tem- related with violence most effectively serves
poral experience of process, ritual, formal to signify death in our time. As Langer
analgesics. The abrupt transformation of putsit:
878Truth Not Guaranteed

Atrocity, with its emphasis on the the representation seems to demand ethi-
grotesqueness of abrupt and violent cal justification. Thus, when death is rep-
death, intensifies mans latent appre- resented as fictive rather than real, when
hension that dying is an unmanage- its signs are structured and stressed so as
able event; it erodes cultures carefully to function iconically and symbolically, it
nurtured positions for withstanding is understood that only the simulacrum of
this threat, and leaves man with the a visual taboo is being violated. However,
options of terror or awareness.19 when death is represented as real, when
its signs are structured and inflected so
Linked with atrocity, violence, abruptness, it as to function indexically, a visual taboo is
is no wonder that in todays culture, death violated, and the representation must find
has replaced sex as a visualtaboo. ways to justify the violation.
The subversive action death performs Narrative, then, only plays with visual
upon and in culture and visual representa- taboo, containing death in a range of formal
tion, its excess and its primary articulation and ritual simulations, and also often boldly
as violence on a lived-body subject, in part viewing it with unethical and prurient inter-
explains the particular ethical problems its est, as if, thus simulated, it simply doesnt
event poses for the cinema. If death is kept count. The audience generally responds
from cultural sight except when it violently in kind. That is, it is less ethically squea-
breaks into a public site, how is a visual mish about looking at narrative death, and
medium to deal with its representation also less stringent in its judgment of the
without breaking a cultural taboo? Here films objective curiosity. Documentary,
Langer is apposite (as he quotes from Avery on the other hand, unable to play in the
Wisemans On Death and Denying): fields of simulation, tends to avoid the visu-
ally tabooin most instances constituting
Men are reluctant to speak about its dread and violent images of the dying
death because words have a primi- and the dead accidentally, or at personal
tive equivalence with the underly- risk to the filmmakers. Caught so nearly
ing reality to which they allude. To unawares, or facing his or her own mor-
speak about real death, therefore, tality, the filmmaker and camera are less
as opposed to death in the abstract, vulnerable to possible charges of prurience,
puts us in the role of someone who of unethical behavior, from an audience
violates a taboo.20 who morally judges their represented gaze
at death as an inscription of their humanity
In the cinema, it seems the narrative rep- and moral responsiveness to a social world
resentation of death is experienced as shared by filmmaker and audience.
a visualization in the abstract, whereas Perhaps this reluctance to face judgment
the documentary representation of death accounts for why, according toVogel,
seems experienced as a visualization of
the real. Therefore, although primar- there are so few film records of indi-
ily expressed in the limited tropes and viduals dying of natural causes; it
obsessions which Gorer identifies as por- is rather war deaths or executions
nographic, the excessive visual attention that have been caught on film. Even
lavished on violent death in the narrative these are rarely shown except on
film seems culturally toleratedif often ceremonial occasions at which an
criticized. Conversely, documentary film audience gathers in guilt, remorse,
is marked by an excessive visual avoidance or solemn, ineffectual vows never to
of death, and when death is represented, forget.21
Inscribing EthicalSpace 879

Certainly, as we have seen, what is here Such signs of the filmmakers situation
called natural death is the least natural are, for example, inscribed in and visibly
and commonplace in the public sight of represented by the cameras stability or
our culture. Thus, we are less able to deal movement in relation to the situation which
with it, to encounter it. Its very temporal- it perceives, in the framing of the object of
ity is threatening. Gradual, natural death its vision, in the distance that separates it
allows time and space for the ill-mannered from the event, in the persistence or reluc-
stare to develop and objectify the dying. tance of its gaze. And, as discussed previ-
The filmmakers ethical relation to the ously, because death always so forcefully
event of death, the function of his or her exceeds and subverts its indexical represen-
look, is open to slow scrutiny. Thus, as the tation, it is the act of dealing with its exorbi-
filmmaker watches the dying, we watch tance by means of human and technological
the filmmaker watching, and judge the vision that documentary cinema most fully
nature and quality of his or her interest. documents, most effectively represents.
Less potentially problematic, the abrupt- Thus, those visual signifiers which make
ness of, for example, a war death or an death seemingly visible on the screen most
assassination leaves no time or space for significantly signify the manner in which
the stare, either the filmmakers or our the immediate viewerthe filmmaker
own. Alternatively, the incredibly pain- with cameraphysically mediates his or
ful anticipatory gaze which waits for and her own confrontation with death, the way
records an execution is, however horrific, s/he ethically inhabits a social world, visu-
always partially sanctioned by its political ally behaves in it and charges it with a
service, either for or against the execution- moral meaning visible to others. As well,
ers. These observations lead to the next such signifiers are the means by which
propositions. the mediate viewerthe spectator of the
5. The visible representation of vision inscribes filmimmediately and ethically inhabits
sight as moral insight; as well, sight visibly the theater and visually behaves in it. (Do
inscribes its own concrete situationor sitein we shrink in our seats or lean forward? Do
a social world which incites its visual activity.22 we cover our eyesor peek through the
In the indexical representations of documen- frame of our fingers? Do we stare at the
tary, the very act of vision which makes the vision before us or watch from the corners
representation of death possible is itself sub- of oureyes?)
ject to moral scrutiny. The vision must visibly 6. Before the event of an unsimulated death,
respond to the fact that it has broken a visual the viewers very act of looking is ethically
taboo and looked at death. It must justify its charged and is, itself, the object of ethical judg-
cultural transgression and make the justifi- ment when it is viewed: The viewer is held
cation itself visible. Thus, although perhaps ethically responsible for his or her visible visual
once spontaneously responsive to contingent response. The cinematic signs of the act of
situations, the visual behavior made visible viewing death provide the bases upon which
in documented visions of death has come to the spectator judges not only the filmmak-
inscribe itself in relatively conventional ways ers ethical behavior in response to death,
so as to justify its vision. It has, to a certain but also his or her own ethical response to
extent, become codifiedcommuting, as the visible visual activity represented on the
codes do, an existential confrontation with screen. Two viewers are ethically implicated
an excessive event into a morally framed in their relations with the viewed event, be
vision that marks and contains not only a vis- it the event of death or the event of the film
ible death, but also the visible situation of the which makes death visible. Thus, respon-
filmmaker. sibility for the representation of death by
880Truth Not Guaranteed

means of the inscribed vision of cinema lies is visually made of. Narrative death draws
with both filmmaker and spectator. the camera to its representation. Narrative
It is the codification of visual behavior films inspect death in detail, with the casual
as it acts to circumscribe the sight of death observation of realism, with undisguised
and bear (bare) its traces that allows both prurient interest, or with formal reverence,
filmmaker and spectator to overcome, or the latter ritualized in slow motion or stately
at least to circumvent, the transgression montage rhythms. For reasons previously
of what in our present culture is a visual suggested, death in our narrative films is a
taboo. It allows both filmmaker and specta- commonplacerather than taboovisual
tor to view deaths ferocious reality, if not event. The emotions we feel as viewers in
from a comfortable position, then from an the face of it, the values we risk in looking
ethical one. Such codification inscribes in at it, the ethical significance we find in our
the film text what Roger Poole in Towards encounter with it, differ in kind as well as
Deep Subjectivity has called an ethical degree from the way we respond to death in
spacethat is, the visible representation or the documentary.
sign of the viewerss subjective, lived, and These differences are problematized in
moral relationship with the viewed.23 Thus, the film that generated this inquiry: Jean
even though documentary often represents Renoirs classic humanist narrative, Rules
death in visual activity initiated less by con- of the Game. There are two instances of
scious moral concerns than by the technical death in the film, and although both are
necessity and specific contingencies of the seemingly homogenized by their equiva-
pro-filmic event, this activity has been codi- lent mode of cinematic representation and
fied and used to inscribe the text within the their mutual containment in a single narra-
contours of an ethical viewing. This activity tives boundaries, each differs radically and
constitutes a moral conduct:the convention- problematically from the other. The first to
ally agreed upon manner and means by die in the film is a rabbit. The second is a
which a visually taboo, excessive, and essen- human character. Ihave chosen my words
tially unrepresentable event can be viewed, here so as to make the point that the rab-
contained, pointed to, and opened to a scru- bit is not perceived by us solely as a char-
tiny that is culturally sanctioned. acter in the narrative. Rather, it dies in the
At this point, the difference between service of the narrative and for the fiction.
the documentary and narrative representa- On the other hand, the human character
tion of death must be readdressed. I have who dies does so only in the fiction. Even
already made some distinctions between the though they eventually survive the actor,
sign-functions of both genres; documentary both his character and the narrative are
is primarily indexical, narrative primarily immediately survived by him. We cannot,
iconic and symbolic. As well, it has been however, say the same of the rabbit. What
observed that the criteria for ethical vision is important to note here is that the knowl-
in narrative are not commonly so stringent edge which informs our distinction between
as they are for documentary. There appears the fate of the actor and rabbit is primarily
to be more ethical room in the iconic and extra-cinematic and intertextual. That is, the
symbolic space of the imagined than in cinema-specific codes of representation are
the indexical space of the looked at. (This the same for both actor and rabbit, and each
is not to say that narrative vision does not of their deaths serves a similar function in
also have to meet at least a certain minimum the narrative. Nonetheless, a distinction
set of ethical criteria to find cultural sanc- is made between them. Indeed, the tex-
tion.) Thus, physical mortification, violence, tual moment of the rabbits death gains its
and death are much the stuff that narrative particular force from a cultural knowledge
Inscribing EthicalSpace 881

which contextualizes and exceeds the repre- narrative representation, to an extratextual

sentations sign-function as narrative. This referent executed not only by, but also for,
brings us to the next proposition. the representation. The rabbits death vio-
7. The intertextuality provided by cultural lently, abruptly, punctuates narrative space
knowledge contextualizes and informs any with documentary space.
textual representation of death. That is, a Documentary space is thus of a different
sign-function is only so functional within a order than narrative space which confines
text as it is not challenged or subverted by itself to the screen, or, at most, extends
extra-textual knowledge. Watching Rules of off-screen into an imagined world. Its con-
the Game, we know that it is easier to kill a stitution, however, is dependent upon an
rabbit than to teach it to play dead. We also extra-textual knowledge which contextual-
know it is easier to teach a man to play dead izes the sign-functions of the representa-
than to kill him. What is meant by easier tion within a social world and an ethical
in the ethical context of our culture and framework. (This, indeed, is a process prob-
the economic context of cinema is faster, lematized by the titillating ambiguity of the
cheaper, and less morally problematic. snuff film in which signs of death tease
Rabbits are slow learners, bad actors, and the viewer by offering themselves as indexi-
their lives expendable. Afilmmaker will not cal against the context of a known and pow-
be sent to jail for killing even the cutest rab- erful extra-textual interdict which suggests
bit, but he may lose his life for killing even that the signs must really be iconic and
the worstactor. symbolic. The great moral problem which
Cultural and ethical knowledge contex- must emerge in watching such a repre-
tualizes both deaths in Renoirs films, and sentation and making a judgment regard-
momentarily fractures the classical coher- ing its sign-functions also tests the ground
ence of its narrative representation, intro- between documentary and narrative space.)
ducing the off-screen and unrepresented The world into which documentary space
space in which the viewer lives, acts, and extends and to which its indexical significa-
makes distinctions as an ethical social tion points is perceived as the concrete and
being. Thus, watching Rules of the Game, inter-subjective world of the viewer. That
we knowabove and beyond cinematic is, as much as documentary space points
codesthat Andr Jureaus murder is off-screen to the viewers world, it is a space
merely represented, while the rabbits death also pointed to by the viewer who rec-
is both represented and presented. The ognizes and grasps that space as, in some
senselessness and shock generated by the way, contiguous with his or her own. There
earnest young aviators death make narra- is an existentialand thus particularly
tive sense and satisfy, rather than surprise ethicalbond between documentary space
and subvert, narrative expectations. His and the space inhabited by the viewer.
death is not merely contained by the codes 8. Documentary space is indexically consti-
governing the narrative, but is, in fact, con- tuted as the perceived conjunction of the view-
stituted and determined by them. The rab- ers life-world and the visible space represented
bits death, however, exceeds the narrative in the text; the agency of this conjunction is the
code which communicates it. It ruptures viewers gaze, informed by cultural and ethical
and interrogates the boundaries of narrative knowledge, and inscribed as ethical and sub-
representation. It thus has a ferocious real- jective action. Given that the constitution of
ity which the characters death does not. It documentary space, to whatever degree it
stands as an indexical sign in an otherwise may be conventionally constructed, is finally
iconic/symbolic representation. That is, it dependent not merely upon codes of textual
functions to point beyond its function as a representation, but also upon extra-textual
882Truth Not Guaranteed

knowledge and judgment, the viewer (both watching the event of death is not more
as filmmaker and spectator) bears particu- important than preventingit.
lar subjective responsibility for the action
marked byand inhis or her vision.
Thus, even that vision which inscribes its
action as objective is judged on its ethical DocumentaryEthics
appropriateness in the context of the event
at which itgazes. To meet these two conditions which attest
9. Documentary space is constituted and to the ethical behavior of the filmmaker
inscribed as ethical space; it is the objectively encountering the event of death, five
visible totalization of subjective visual respon- forms of visual activity emerge across
siveness and responsibility toward a world a wide range of documentary films and
shared with other human subjects. The vision raw footage. Each is constituted in visible
inscribed in and as documentary space is behavior which is encoded in the represen-
therefore never seen as a space alternative to tation to signify the particular embodied
or transcendental to the viewers life-world. situation of the filmmaker, and thus his
As well, it reflexively points to a lived-body or her capacity to affect the events before
occupying concrete space and shaping it the camera lens. These visual forms can
with others in concrete social relations be thematized as the accidental gaze, the
which describe a moral structure. Vision helpless gaze, the endangered gaze,
is both subjectively situated and objectively the interventional gaze, and the ethical
visible to the ethical scrutiny and judgment or humane stare. In addition, there is a
of other embodied and intentional view- sixth visual form which is ethically ambigu-
ing subjects who are to use Alfred Schutzs ous and suspect, presenting problems in
terms, consociates, contemporaries, or judgment to both filmmaker and specta-
predecessors.24 tor alike. This form, unsure of its ethical
10. While death itself confounds and exceeds grounding and allegiance, can be called the
its indexical representation in documentary professionalgaze.
space, the viewers ethical behavoir does not. Inscribed as the least ethically suspect
Whether by necessity, accident, or design, in its encounter with the event of death, the
the documentary filmmaker represents accidental gaze is cinematically coded in
and thus encodeshis or her act of vision as marks of technical and physical unpre-
a sign of an ethical stance toward the event of paredness. The film gives visual evidence
death s/he witnesses. Given, however, that that death was not the filmmakers initial
our present culture has made death visually object of scrutiny, that it happened before
taboo, has attempted to remove it from pub- the camera suddenly, randomly, and unex-
lic sight and sites, how may the filmmaker pectedly, surprising the filmmakers vision
visually confront its event and visibly rep- and disallowing any possibility of complic-
resent it so that the representation is justi- ity or intervention. Unpreparedness is sig-
fiable in its viewing of the forbidden? It nified by the cameras unselective vision
seems that in all cases, the inscription of the in relation to the death, by its concep-
filmmakers visual activity must visibly indi- tual and often literal oversight: its lack
cate that it is in no way party to the death it of focus and attention on the fatal spot
views (again, the immorality of the snuff and event, its intentional interest clearly
film comes to mind here). As well, it must located elsewhere. Examples of the acci-
visibly indicate that its visual activity in no dental gaze include, at one extreme, the
way substitutes for a possible intervention previously mentioned amateur Zapruder
in the event, that is, it must indicate that footage of the Dallas motorcade in which
Inscribing EthicalSpace 883

JFK was assassinated, and at the other, fixity of a stare, but rather covers the figured
a film like the Maysles Gimme Shelter, space as if to shift its attention:panning as
which unwittingly films a murder at the if to seek visual escape, zooming out as well
Rolling Stones concert in Altamont. In the as in toward the event, contextualizing the
latter film, although the death is seen, the event of death in a space which absolves
spectator (and the camera) literally has no the gazer from active intervention. This
insight into it, doesnt know where to look marked visual movement and discomfort is
in the huge crowd it sees, until the film to be distinguished from both the humane
inspects its own footage to find the death stare and the ethically ambiguous profes-
for itself and for us. In both of these rep- sional gaze, both of which will be described
resentations, the breaking of visual taboo shortly.
is cinematically coded as unintentional. The endangered gaze, as differenti-
Indeed, the wonder and fascination gener- ated from the helpless gaze, is coded
ated by such films is that a death happens, in terms not of distance but of proximity
is visible, and yet is somehow not seen, to the events of violence and death. It is
that it is attended to by the camera rather inscribed by signs which indexically and
than by the filmmaker or spectator. Thus, reflexively point to the mortal danger faced
there is a desire to stop-frame the film so by the filmmaker, point to a physical and
as to see the death attentively, intention- embodied presence behind the camera
ally, as if that would somehow make the and present at the scene. The representa-
representation clearer, its signification tion is marked by the relative instability of
more precise. This, in fact, is what is done its framingthe camera shaken, for exam-
in the Maysles film and with the Zapruder ple, by nearby explosions, or hand-held
footage; in both instances, viewing and over rough terrain (pointing, of course,
reviewing the film increases our focus to a concrete body, to a vulnerable human
and direction, but never finally overcomes operator). Endangered vision is frequently
the accidental oversight of the immediate obstructed, marking its need for protec-
visual encounter with mortality (and the tion, inscribing its fragile yet concerned
excess of the death over its representation). relation to the horrors of mortality it
The helpless gaze before death is grasps. Parts of vehicles and buildings,
coded in marks of technical and physical foliage, rubble, and the like partially hide
distance from the event. The distance may the object of vision, but also hide, while
be extremely greatin which case physical indexically pointing to, the filmmaker as
intervention on the part of the filmmaker the mortal subject of vision. Thus, look-
is visibly perceived as impossible. In some ing at death with an endangered gaze is
other instances, particularly when the death an ethical tradeoff for breaking a visual
is a legal execution, the filmmaker may be taboo:the filmmaker inscribes the risk to
technically and physically closer to it, but is his own life as s/he represents the death
legislatively distanced and prevented from of another.
intervening. Distance, and the helplessness In his Theory of the Film, Bla Balzs
it confers, are signified not only by the long discusses the endangered gaze in relation
shot, but by the frequent use of the zoom to war documentaries dedicated to camera-
lens. The death is brought closer in view and men killed during the films shooting. He
attention, but not in actual physical proxim- writes:
ity. Additionally, although the gaze is often
stable (that is, technically fixed on a tripod so This fate of the creative artist isa
that the frame is not marked by abrupt phys- new phenomenon in cultural his-
ical agitation), it does not maintain the cool tory and is specific to filmart.
884Truth Not Guaranteed

This presentation of reality by means overturned and the cameraman

of motion pictures differs essentially killed, while the automatic mecha-
from all other modes of presentation nism ranon.
in that the reality being presented is Yes, it is a new form of conscious-
not yet completed; it is itself still in ness that was born out of the union
the making while the presentation of man and camera. For as long as
is being prepared. The creative art- these men do not lose conscious-
istis present at the happening ness, their eye looks through the
itself and participatesinit. lens and reports and renders con-
The cameraman is himself in scious their situation.
the dangerous situation we see in The internal processes of
his shot and is by no means certain presence of mind and observa-
that he will survive the birth of his tion are here projected outwards
picture. Until the strip has been run into the bodily action of operating
to its end we cannot know whether the camera. The psychological
it will be completed at all. It is this process is invertedthe camera-
tangible being-present that gives the man does not shoot as long as he is
documentary the peculiar tension conscioushe is conscious as long
no other art can produce.25 as he is shooting.26

This personal peril, so long as it is visibly Thus, it is the visible image which inscribes
encoded in the film, absolves the filmmaker the loss of the human intentional behavior
from seeking out and gazing at the death of which informs it, vision becoming ran-
others. dom in relation to its objects and fading
The rarest, and usually the most poi- toblack.
gnant, ethical representation of a visual The act of looking at death may also be
encounter with death is the interven- performed not as a gaze, but as a humane
tional gaze. Moving beyond the endan- stare. The humane stare struggles to
gered gaze, it literally comes out of hiding; encode itself subjectively; for, as men-
its vision is confrontive. It is more than tioned earlier, the fixed look tends to objec-
visually active in its engagement with tify that at which it gazes, and announces
the event at which it looks. It is often its technical and human readiness to
marked with the urgent physical activity break a cultural taboo, to accept with-
of the camera, and often the filmmakers out blinking or flinching the event of
voiceusually repressed or suppressed death which occurs before it. Thus, depen-
adds spatial and physical dimension to dent upon the events nature, the humane
the inscription of bodily presence and stare takes one of two forms. It may fix
involvement. In its extreme instance, the itself as shock and disbelief, its gaze hyp-
interventional gaze represents not only the notized by the horror it observes. Atrocity
death of another, but also its own. Balzs usually generates this response as exem-
describes the breaking off of a sequence in plified in the famous footage of a South
a French documentary (similar to one in Vietnamese officer executing a suspected
The Battle of Chile): North Vietnamese terrorist in the middle
of a Saigon street. In a sense, the frozen
It darkens and the camera wobbles. quality of the stare, the bodily paralysis
It is like an eye glazing in death. The and inertia it represents, suggests a rec-
director did not cut out this spoilt ognition that there is no tolerable point of
bitit shows where the camera was view from which to gaze at such a death.
Inscribing EthicalSpace 885

The humane stare may settle, rather than The possibility of planned exploitation of
fix, itself, engaging its gaze with the gaze human beings, of ghoulishness, of a cold
of human others, inscribing the intimacy voyeurism, is belied by the dying subjects
and respect and sympathy it feels with openness to the probity of the gaze, by a
those who die in its vision. The rare doc- collaboration with its interest, by a fre-
umenting of gradual death usually gen- quent address to the stare which inscribes
erates this responseexemplified most the off-screen presence and intimate accep-
comfortingly by the aforementioned film, tance of the filmmaker. In a regression
Dying. Here, there is complicity between from the social conditions of death in the
the filmmaker and the dying subject who 20th century as noted by Aris, the bed-
has invited the former to watch and chamber again becomes a space for public
unblinkingly record the subjects death ceremony, a space organized, in part, by
(which the filmmaker cannot prevent). the dying subject. Under the dying per-
What is stared at is a ritual organized by sons self-direction, the filmmakers stare
the dying person himself, one who pre- becomes ethically simplified. Death occurs
sides over it and knows its protocol.27 before the latters gaze in a ceremonial
In both instances of the humane stare, manner, yes, but with no theatrics, with no
however, the image is inscribed by the mark great show of emotion.28
of a steady camera, placed in a generally These are the inscriptions of documen-
measured distance from its visual object, tary vision signified as ethical in the face
and by smooth technical and physical activ- of death, an event which charges the act
ity. When zooms occur, they are controlled of looking at it with moral significance.
and steady. Vision is purposefully framed There is, however, yet another visual
and clearly focused. However, what seems form which addresses death, one which
most of interest about the humane stare is problematically straddles the already
that its identification as such is so depen- relatively ambiguous border that sepa-
dent upon the nature of the death before rates ethical from unethical activity. This
it. That is, the spectators judgment about problematic form is the professional
the stares humanity is determined by the gaze. It is always in the service of two
magnitude or quality of the event which masters, each with differing, but equally
prompts it. Shock, paralysis, and dis- arguable, ethical claims on the film-
belief cannot be ascribed to the film- makers vision. An article in TV Guide
makers every fixed gazefor example, to concisely popularizes the issue on its
the stare that watched a young man ignite title page. Headed by the announcement
a match and set fire to himself to protest Reporters Dilemma, bold letters ask
unemployment. Although the event was SAVE A LIFE OR GET THE STORY?
horrific, it was comprehensible in human Asmaller insert sums up:The cameras
terms and, as well, the filmmakers might whirringsomeones in troubleand
have prevented it. The frozen an hypno- TV journalists must decide where their
tized gaze is generated by the incredibly duty lies.29 The article, which begins by
inhumane and incomprehensible, by a referring to the aforementioned invita-
disbelief that what one is seeing is exis- tional self-immolation of a young man
tentially possible. Representation is trans- protesting unemployment goes on to
fixed, at a loss in the presence of such an ask the crucial ethical question which is
excessive referent. posed but never answered in the footage
In the ascription of humanity to the of such events:When the values of good
stare which inspects gradual death, how- journalism and humanitarianism collide,
ever, the event invites human interest. what should a journalistdo?30
886Truth Not Guaranteed

The entire piece, somewhat sensation- objective, indelibly marks the inscriptions
ally but also appropriately, presents the of the professional gaze with their own
voices of filmmakers and their employers problematic ethical perspective in the face
in ambiguous but revealing debate which of both human mortality and visualtaboo.
can be thematized as one about ethical In sum, the physical and social event of
responsibility to the human moment or death in our culture poses a moral ques-
to the forging of historical consciousness. tion to vision and challenges representa-
One filmmaker (indeed, the one whose tion. What eventually gets on the screen
Vietnam footage mentioned earlier did and is judged by those of us who view it in
contribute to altering American percep- the audience is the visible constitution and
tions about the nature of the war) tells us inscription of an ethical space which sub-
his professional philosophy: I always tends both filmmaker and spectator alike. It
disregarded the events that I was cover- is a space which takes on the contours of the
ing. I was there just to record events, not events which occur within it and the actions
to think about them.31 Another says:You which make it visible. It is both a space of
have to remove your feelings as a human immediate encounter and mediate action.
being when youre shooting something Within the constraints of this present explo-
gruesome. You have to psych yourself up to ration, Ihave focused on the radical origins
cover the news and turn off your personal and articulations of this space. I have not,
feelings.32 Alternatively, an ABC offi- however, addressed its secondary articula-
cial cautiously suggests: Journalists are tions, those entailed in the editorial prac-
observers, not participants. But where life tices of filmmaking which take the original
is at stake, there may be an exception.33 and visible representations of violence and
Another journalist is much stronger: I death and further contain them in what may
have always maintained that the journalist be called a secondary and reflective ethi-
owes his duty to humanity. When theres cal vision. Afew comments would seem to
a conflict between being a journalist and be in order, at the very least to suggest the
a human being, Ill always hope Ill be a additional complexity and dimension of the
human being. Its a grave error for reporters issues in question.
to set themselves aside from humanity.34 Certainly, the least shaped and struc-
If it is visibly inscribed at all then (the tured films of death are experienced as the
camera not abandoned completely or most immediate and shocking in terms of
turned to the service of the earlier-described a directly visceral, unprepared, and unin-
interventional gaze), the professional gaze tellectual confrontation with the abrupt
is marked by ethical ambiguity, by techni- violence which currently signifies human
cal and machine-like competence in the face mortality in our culture. These films are
of an event which seems to call for further often not even considered documenta-
and human response. You dont show your ries, but seem to exist in some realer
tripod when youre a professional, says (i.e., more indexical) state as documents.
Fred Friendly. By being a good Samaritan, The Zapruder footage, the Vietnamese
we get in the way of our lenses. It makes being shot in the headto quote W.H.
it impossible for us to do our job well. We Auden: These are events which arouse
blur the image of the job were trying to such simple and obvious emotionspoetic
do:explain complex issues.35 The concern comment is impossible.36 While this may
for getting a clear and unobstructed image, be an exaggeration or, more precisely,
and the belief that it is possible to strip that need specific elaboration, we do experi-
image, that representation, of human bias ence single-shot and raw footage as
and perspective and ethicality so that it is representing the event of death more
Inscribing EthicalSpace 887

immediately:as unshaped, uncooked (to There can be no flaccid action, no

use a pertinent metaphor from structural- action which is not immediately
ism). No ritual or art intervenes. However, imbued with an ethical ballast,
once that footage is incorporated into a filled in from our point of view in
shaped film, or merely juxtaposed with the world of perspectives.Acts in
other footage, although the intellectual space are embodied intentions.37
impact of the death may be enhanced and its
significance enlarged with rational, poetic, The event of death may finally exceed and
symbolic meaning, such shaping will also confound all indexical representation and
be in some ways always reductive. Thus, the documentary codings, but it also generates
raw footage of the Vietnamese street execu- the most visible and morally charged acts of
tion incorporated into Peter Daviss Hearts visual representation.
and Minds gains an ironic dimension as it
is juxtaposed with other images, but it also
loses the force of its essential and violent Notes
unspeakability and partially submits to the 1. Amos Vogel, Grim Death, Film Comment 16, No.
containments of form. The most shaped 2 (March-April 1980), p. 78.
and structured films of death tend to be 2. Philippe Aris, Western Attitudes toward Death:
From the Middle Ages to the Present, trans. Patricia
poetic elegies which speak less of the deaths M. Ranum (Baltimore: The John Hopkins
they contain than of deaths unspeakability. University Press, 1974).
They aestheticize the space that exists as 3. Ibid., pp.8889.
4. Ibid., p.106.
visual silence. Moving us less viscerally 5. Ibid., pp.9394.
and directly than the raw footage, they 6. Ibid.,p.93.
move us emotionally by removing us from 7. Lawrence L.Langer, The Age of Atrocity:Death in
Modern Literature (Boston:Beacon Press, 1978), pp.
such direct contact. Death becomes the xiixiii.
object of mediated contemplation in such 8. Amos Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art (NewYork:
films as Georges Franjus powerful Blood of Random House, 1974), p.263.
the Beasts and Alain Resnais Night and Fog. 9. Langer,p.63.
10. John Fraser, Violence in the Arts (London:
Their contemplation of death is ritually Cambridge University Press, 1974),p.59.
formalized as a moral consideration of the 11. Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art, p.201.
mortal conditions of the body, of the fragil- 12. Fraser,p.61.
13. Langer,p.6.
ity of life, of the end of representation that 14. Aris, pp.3946.
death represents. 15. David Dempsey, The Dying Speak For Themselves
The conjunction of death, representa- on a TV Special, The NewYork Times, 25 April 1976,
Section 2,p.29.
tion, and documentary foregrounds what is 16. Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death (NewYork: The
true of all vision as it engages a world and Free Press, 1973), p.104.
others. Certainly, this is because death in 17. Simone de Beauvoir, A Very Easy Death, trans.
Patrick OBrien (NewYork: Warner Paperback
our culture is among the least expressible Library, 1973), p.123.
and least malleable of subjects available to 18. Robert Jay Lifton and Eric Olson, Living and Dying
a filmmaker. Any intentional camera angle (NewYork: Praeger, 1974),p.28.
19. Langer,p.64.
or camera movement or editorial juxtaposi- 20. Langer, pp.1415. Langer cites from Avery Weisman,
tion will comment upon what is essentially On Dying and Denying: APsychiatric Study of Terminality
a moment of unspeakable transforma- (NewYork: Behavioral Press, 1972), pp.16,26.
21. Vogel, Film as a Subversive Art, p.266.
tion and chaos, and will inscribe it in an 22. These four homonymic terms were inspired by
act of human vision which makes visible Larry Crawford in Looking, Film, Painting: The
a moral insight. As Roger Poole forcefully Tricksters In Site/In Sight/Insight/Incite, Wide
Angle 5, No. 3 (1983),6469.
888Truth Not Guaranteed
23. Roger Poole, Towards Deep Subjectivity (London: 29. Howard Polskin, Save a Life or Get the Story? TV
The Penguin Press,1972). Guide, 23 July 1983,p.4.
24. Alfred Schutz, The Phenomenology of the Social 30. Ibid.,p.5.
World, trans. George Walsh & Frederick Lehnert 31. Ibid.,p.6.
(Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 32. Ibid.
1967), pp. 163214. 33. Ibid.
25. Bla Balzs, Theory of the Film: Character 34. Ibid.
and Growth of a New Art, trans. Edith Bone 35. Ibid.,p.8.
(NewYork: Dover Publications, 1970), 36. W.H. Auden quoted in William Stott, Documentary
pp. 170171. Expression in Thirties America (NewYork: Oxford
26. Ibid., pp.171172. University Press, 1973),p.13.
27. Aris,p.11. 37. Poole,p.6.
28. Ibid., pp.1213.


By now it is, or should be, standard wis- sponsorship in the late thirties and the
dom that documentaries and Hollywood surge of cinema verit-activated theatrical
narratives do not issue from separate and features in the late sixtiesexhibit fea-
pristine worlds but have over the course tures crucial to any popular contestation
of their histories maintained a tangled of the regime of studio fiction.2 The unex-
reciprocityby turns technological, the- pected notoriety around a cluster of non-
matic, politicalin which each has, in fiction films released in the last few years
part, defined its purview through cultural provides an occasion to reexamine con-
myths of what the other is not.1 Predictably, sistent dynamics in documentarys des-
the results of this interpenetration have ultory vision of mainstream intervention
historically been neither constant nor and the claims of heightened epistemic
symmetrical. Whether approached as authority which undergird that vision.3 If
cohesive movements, as nexuses of formal the territory consigned to documentary
practice, ideological weapons, or vehicles historiography has often resembled a fro-
of the status quo, American documenta- zen tundra, the search for noncontingent
ries have never marshalled a serious chal- templates is a project akin to Nanooks
lenge to the hegemony of fiction film in igloo:a half-built shelter maintaining the
the representation of social reality. And illusion of closure yet exposed to all the
this is so despite the demonstrable status elements.
of nonfiction genres in popular literature A number of factors tend to con-
and television. verge during documentarys interludes
However, two prominent moments of high visibility. Technological break-
of documentary productionNew Deal throughs such as sound recording or the
890Truth Not Guaranteed

lightweight sync-sound rig open produc- and the intramural valorization, via alle-
tion processes to new representational gories of production, of documentary as
options. Reception garnered by individual an alternative and politically progressive
filmsThe River (1937), Monterey Pop cinematic program. My assumption is
(1967), Roger and Me (1989)stimulate that regardless of the events or person-
public interest and with it a climate for alities presented, or the ideological forces
viable distribution. There is as well the with which films are alignedalmost
cyclical revival of debate over the moral exclusively, the undulations of American
probity of dominant film practices, their liberalismcommercial documentaries
escapism or sensationalism or irrele- enact polemical dialogues both with pre-
vance to glaring social problems. At the vious nonfiction styles and with reign-
height of the Depression, in the cauldron ing codes of dominant cinema. Further,
of late sixties rebellion, and in the throes succeeding styles tend to repudiate the
of Reagans disastrous economic poli- methods of earlier periods from the same
cies, joumalistic assaults on Hollywoods perspective of realist epistemology attend-
irresponsibility have directed normally ing the nineteenth-century bourgeois nov-
myopic media attention to nonfictions els attempt to use language to get beyond
promise of greater verisimilitude.4 This language, the absolute desire to discover
translates into the traditional notion that a truth untainted by institutional forms of
documentary flourishes in the midst of rhetoric.6 Or as Brian Winston suggests of
crisis. The crisis scenario, however, must the cinematic conventions inevitably aris-
be ballasted by recognition that moments ing from this effort:The need for struc-
of prominence are also co-extensive with ture implicitly contradicts the notion of
major consolidations in the motion pic- unstructured reality and documentary
ture industries. Social documentaries of movements are sustained by ignoring
the 1930s developed within and against the this contradiction.7 Each new contender
growing strength of Hollywoods major will generate recognizable, perhaps even
studio monopolies. Direct cinema and its self-conscious, figures through which to
theatrical offshoots emerged with the sov- signify the spontaneous, the anticonven-
ereignty of prime-time television, while tional, the refusal of mediating process.
the recent wave of documentary releases Analyzing structures and visual patterns
follows the precipitous rise of home video in New Deal and direct cinema documen-
and cable TV and is contemporaneous taries requires that certain established crit-
with an onslaught of reality-based pro- ical axioms be jettisoned; principally, that
gramming.5 In each case, transient cul- films of the thirties offer a totally unprob-
tural leverage has been fueled by, and lematized declaration of authoritytextual
in tum amplifies, other nonfiction dis- as well as socialand that direct cinema,
courses found in literary, art, theatrical, since it expunges any hint of metaphor
advertising, and other arenas. and pattern,8 is uniquely and univer-
This chapter is concerned with several sally descriptive (rather than prescriptive).
interlocking elements of mainstream doc- Against this backdrop, recent works can
umentary as situated at particular histori- be construed as acknowledging false
cal junctures: the formal embedding of claims implicit in earlier styles while fash-
truth claims, guarantees of authenticity, ioning determinate conventions under a
and hierarchies of knowledge; the imaging contemporary rubric of decentered sub-
or textual projection of technology in rela- jectivity and the inadequacy of cinemas
tion to issues of social power and authority; cognitivetools.
Jargons of Authenticity 891

Pluralism, Technocracy, by a unifying theme and narrational logic.

and Naturalization The City is the most conspicuous example
although The River marks a similar prefer-
Who shall be master, things ormen? ence for mixed materials; for instance, the
TheCity sandwiching of original footage with maps,
archival shots, intertitles, and other graph-
Technics can by itself promote authoritari- ics presented over a soundtrack combining
anism as well as liberty, scarcity as well as original music and voice-overs with diegetic
abundance, the extension as well as the voices or sound effects. The division in The
abolition oftoil. City into semiautonomous sections has
Herbert Marcuse9 prompted critiques that cite a crucial weak-
ness [in] placement and tone.10 In this view,
Freighted with unprecedented cultural the film loses focus and sacrifices potency
significance, The Plow That Broke the Plains due to insufficient structural balance, stylis-
(1936), The River, The City (1939), and a few tic unity, or transparency. Its claims to truth,
other sponsored documentaries were honed therefore, are vitiated.
by the imperatives of two historical condi- The problem with this reproach is it
tions:widespread mobilization of nonfiction discounts the role of aesthetic alterity in
practices as instruments in the expression establishing preeminence over competing
and propagation of liberal democratic social modes of realism. A brief gloss of The Citys
philosophy; and the increased validity of non- ordering principles confirms the impres-
fiction production under terms of economic sion of disparity as it invites other possible
scarcity. Like its European counterparts, readings. Sections vary in length from two
American social documentaries conspired in minutes to over fifteen minutes. Visually,
a public belief that it was advantageous to the opening Colonial sequence is charac-
address pressing needs through a discourse terized by static long shots, even lighting,
purporting to offer the highest quotient of lyrical tracking, and panning movements
immediacy, responsiveness, clarity, and and circular object motifs. By contrast, the
verisimilitude. Such epithets were com- megalopolis section features jarring rhyth-
monly ascribed by politicians and journalists mic montage, extreme camera angles, dislo-
to a variety of remedial government activi- cations of scale, and the absence of eyeline
ties from FDRs Fireside Chats to the WPA matches. The concluding Green Belt sec-
State Guides. Similar virtues were located tion employs narrativized editing of action,
in the popular reception of radio, weekly a profusion of centered medium shots, and
news magazines, political theater as living wipes and other soft transitions. In addition,
newspaper, and the first versions of public the music track, while developing a con-
opinionpolls. sistent set of melodic phrases and motifs,
The embodiment of approved political dominates during the megalopolis section
values as properties of filmic structure and but retreats to the background in favor of
iconography directs an understanding of spoken narration for the Green Belt seg-
how this truncated film movement served ment. The voice-over itself frequently shifts
as an armature of New Deal policy and in tone, tense, and mode of address, juxta-
ideological contestation while advancing a posing a hortatory second-person with first-
heuristic model of progressive cinema. An and third-person plural comments.
initial strategy can be referred to as stylistic The polemical thrust of successive tropes
fragmentation and multiplicity, a concate- is readily apparent. Depersonalization in
nation of discrete segments containing dis- the metropolis is figured as a disorient-
parate visual and aural cues yet bracketed ing clash of graphic elements, whereas the
892Truth Not Guaranteed

humanizing appeal of the planned commu- discontinuity, that havoc of pictorial

nity is reified in familiar Hollywood con- sensations, just the truth of what the
ventions of spatio-temporal harmony and documentary mind saw before it in
continuity. The alleviation of urban disorder the thirties?11
by social engineering is argued verbally and From this perspective, formal ele-
demonstrated visually. Spoken narration is ments appear immiscible because
not the sole or leading repository of the films they are ordered by extenal and
message, as many contend. Visual meta- unmanipulated properties of daily
phor and pastiche may prompt abstract ideas life. Like instances of literary pro-
not readily conveyed by verbal speech while duction such as Dos Passoss U.S.A.
serving other channels of argumentation. trilogy or the theatrical wave of liv-
As the reflexive index of a politically ratified ing newspapers, The City (and to
method of production, stylistic heterogeneity a lesser degree The River, And So
inscribes a discontinuous, multiple process They Live [1940]) displays hetero-
of creativity onto the films surface. Shot in geneity and imbalance as realist
different locations by different cameramen, tropes, as more concerted obeisance
written and edited in successive stages by to the textures of lived reality, and,
a loose-knit groupa necessary expedient in The City, as a demonstration of
for documentaries of the periodThe City the unequal parameters of urban
invokes, through its structure, a signifier of growth anddecay.
plural authorship, a trope of individual free-
dom embedded within a unifying consensus Undoubtedly, cinematic provenance
of social directives. for this mixed presentation derives from
Admittedly, the films overarching analy- the newsreel.12 Despite the newsreels alli-
sis cum solution is unfrayed by this symbolic ance with conservative Republican politics,
plurality. Yet the lodging of presentational its professed spontaneity helped legitimize
authority in a foregrounded play of dif- an essaylike discursivity, lending The City a
ference metaphorically links the process cloak of provisionality and openendedness
of productionand by extension that of belied by the vehemence of its verbal brief.
viewingto the social remedies proposed. Yet, if social documentaries tapped the well
That is, the rationalized urban planning of authenticity inherent in the newsreel tradi-
advocated by the film reconstitutes gemein- tion, they also maintained a requisite distance
schaft concepts of individual autonomy in from it through the absorption of avant-garde
contradistinction to then-rampant conserva- impulses pioneered by Cavalcanti, Ruttmann,
tive attacks on the states purported authori- Leger, and especially by Soviet cinema. As
tarian suppression of individual (municipal, Grierson himself was quick to note, empha-
state, regional) liberties. sis on the creative treatment of reality works
Additionally, the texts refusal to sub- to blunt the charge of propaganda.13 Truth
sume formal gaps and disparities proffers and Beauty exist in inverse proportion to
in its historical context a higher guarantee one another. The former can be signified
of verisimilitude. As Alfred Kazin remarked through a negation of classical codes, while
of Christopher Isherwoods contemporane- the latter acts to counter assertions of politi-
ous Berlin Stories: cal manipulation. This tightrope of rhetori-
cal artifice and directness toiled to ensure
If the accumulation of visual scenes filmic fidelity as well as relative autonomy.
seemed only a collection of mutu- The precedent of Soviet cinema offered
ally repellent particles, as Emerson other weapons for an aesthetic arsenal.
said of his sentences, was not that A matter of frequent debate in thirties
Jargons of Authenticity 893

documentary circles, Soviet films were programs: Good (i.e., natural) tools placed
admired for their experimental rigor and in the hands of benevolent craftsmen.
challenged on grounds of political ser- Marcuse observesin an essay written
vitude. Along with montage editing and just two years after The City and indebted
themes such as the mass hero, American to that films philosophical mentor, Lewis
documentaries imported for their own Mumford:
purposes the self-conscious thematization
of industrial technology exemplified in the Technology, as a mode of produc-
work of Dziga Vertov. Given the tenor of tion, as the totality of instruments,
New Deal politics, it is no surprise that devices and contrivances which
films uncritically valorized the role of tech- characterize the machine age is thus
nology in progressive social change: for at the same time a mode of organiz-
instance, The River espouses benefits of ing and perpetuating (or changing)
hydroelectric dams, while Power and the social relationships, a manifestation
Land (1940) lobbies for agricultural mod- of prevalent thought and behavior
ernization. Yet, the bureaucratic machin- patterns, an instrument for control
ery required to rationally implant and and domination.14
control mechanical devices posed a more
serious representational dilemma. Liberal Although Marcuses critique is directed at
documentaries were faced with the unen- the technocratic rationalization of fascist
viable task of reconciling the idea of cen- regimes, it is equally pertinent to New Deal
tralized government power to viewers fed advocacy of social engineering. He defends
on obdurate tenets of individualism, free the concept of a democratically consti-
enterprise, and states rights. Patterns of tuted public bureaucracy, but perceives
machine imagery took on a pivotal role in the danger in policies underwritten by the
this partisan polemic. natural law of, say, Frederick Taylors sci-
With direct support from government entific theories of industrial management.
agencies or indirect support from liberal Technology can never be merely a neutral
foundations, documentaries were virtually (natural) framework of social organization.
obliged to show the historical advance of Simply stated, Marcuses position is that
capitalist technology and the social relations machines produce or enforce their own
it enforced as a natural process:organic, not debased axioms of human need in social
simply dependent on but co-extensive with formations that grant them a paramount
the utilization of natural resources. There is role in the alleviation of oppression.
a central myth rehearsed iconographically Unable or unwilling, due to constraints
and augmented by spoken narration that of sponsorship or mass appeal, to directly
goes something like this. In an Edenic, pre- confront the contradictions of a capitalist
industrialized past there existed a balance political economy, documentaries visual-
between man and nature, between indi- ize power as an abstraction. They routinely
vidual and communal sustenance. Without conflate idealist properties of advanced
intended malice (to say nothing of class technology, human and natural resources,
interest), uncontrolled economic growth and centralized planning. The linchpin in
upset the balance. Although growth is inher- this metaphoric equation is the fusing of
ently beneficial, a lack of rationalized limits technologyas reified image of federal
produces aberrations such as floods, eco- policywith elements such as water, fores-
logical pillage, and uninhabitable cities. The tation, crop growth, and other forms of nat-
founding harmony can be restored by judi- ural productivity. Bureaucratic solutions are
cious application of technology in federal thus figured as technological interventions
894Truth Not Guaranteed

equipped with the stamp of natural process. communal harvesting of crops. Displacing
It takes a river to harness a river. Further, conflict, competition, capitalisms distorted
it was ideologically useful to represent lib- human license onto images of cooperation,
eral remedies as a return to rather than a sponsored documentaries enlist montage
divergence from a prelapsarian unity of not as the dialectical forum imagined by
nature, society, and individual. Real and Soviet filmmakers but as a device for recon-
imagined threats to New Deal philosophy by ciling otherwise troubling discrepancies of
entrenched conservative interests were rhe- wealth and privilege.16
torically vanquished or deflected through A final plank in the documentary agenda
association of the New Deal with a version ties images of technology to the apparatus
of history placing it as the culmination of an of film production via the argument over
authentic, innate process. control of resources. The narrator of The
Urban overcrowding, like the flooding City challenges: You decide. Both are real,
of the Mississippi or the deracination of both are possible. We the citizen-viewers
the environment, are excesses of ineluc- can retain the excesses of the present sys-
table socioeconomic development. Central tem of fulfilling human needs or choose
government acts to refocus not the social what is arguably the next historical stage.
ends but the techniques. If the river of There the question Who shall be master,
American historical development overflows things or men? generates the answer: At
its banks and creates human misery, then last man will take over. What is meant by
the well-oiled machine of New Deal policy man is open to several readings. Given the
can step in to resolve privation, restore the polemical stance taken against Hollywood
course. The narrator at the end of The City by documentarists of the period,17 the studio
tells us a different day begins. This new system with its assembly-line manufacture
day, the implementation of federal controls, and its profit motive are, by implication,
the promise of a New City, is given symbolic aligned with the uncontrolled forces of
expression in images of children at play. The private industry and urban growth. Given
rebirth of gemeinschaft society is exem- models such as The Man with the Movie
plified by kids sliding down a playground Camera (1929) and Legers Ballet Mecanique
chute, an image then compared with the (1924), the identification between machin-
rush of water over a sluicecreating a ery and the mechanics of film production is
small visual epiphany melding machine, an inclusive means of celebrating the libera-
childhood, and nature. Cities and forces tory potential of advanced technology.
that govern their growth are confected as If the charge against American capital-
organic shapes: A small housing tract and ism in thirties documentaries, meager as it
an urban street scene are match cut to the is, concerns a lack of regulation, the failure
vertical profile of forests; the NewYork sky- to employ resources to spread enough ben-
line is rhymed in a single composition with efit to enough people, the same complaint
a field of weeds.15 was lodged against Hollywood. The era of a
In The River, the Roosevelt administration variegated market stocked by small corpo-
is described implicitly as a formal mirror of rate competitors was over; the major studios
the Mississippi, its branches and tributaries exerted sovereign control through vertical
stretching across the nations continental integration, the star system, and stream-
limits, offering cohesion to the disorderly lined narrative formulas. If documentaries
flow of regional and local conflicts. Similarly, argued the best method for regulating indus-
in Power and the Land, the collective pur- trial/natural resourcesthe efflorescence of
chase of electrical power through the Rural private capital or federal controlsthe same
Electrification Project is analogized to the choice might apply to cinema as industry
Jargons of Authenticity 895

and social institution. Intent on challenging by resistance to the same common enemy,
the domination of fiction film and infused Hollywood, yet was as vehemently opposed
with a heady faith in the cinema apparatus to the methods of The City and its cohort.
as a progressive instrument for change, An extensive body of interviews conducted
engaged artists welcomed government in the late sixties and early seventies forms a
and foundation sponsorship as the prom- collective text that remains the best theoreti-
ise of an alternative system of production. cal account of direct cinema. Aset of shared
Funding was inadequate and precarious at assumptions precipitate around issues of
best; yet by consciously aligning their fate technology, immediacy, and mediation;
with New Deal policy, filmmakers acted out disputes surface over ethical procedures
of both civic responsibility and self-interest. and, particularly, the chimera of objectivity.
A majority of creative personnel on these There is, however, general agreement that
films received their training during the New Deal documentaries and films share a
early thirties in radical newsreel and agit- premeditated, even authoritarian, vision of
prop groups such as the Film and Photo social representation that is no longer ten-
League. They had grown disenchanted with able. The verbal articulation, in Stephen
limitations on production and distribution Mambers phrase, of an uncontrolled cin-
and sought a wider audience and a larger ema is rife with a familiar privileging of
aesthetic vehicle through which to partici- phenomenal experience over artifice accom-
pate in the struggle for social change.18 panied, as in realist doctrines of the previ-
Despite justifiable misgivings over spon- ous century, by abject denials of fixed tropes
sorship, liberal-left documentarists hoped or rhetorical structuration. Without invok-
to build a third term of film production, ing the spectre of a cinema verit political
one which retained the human-scaled unconscious, it is possible to locate in the
collaborative ethos of their former radi- denial of conventionality a textual crisis
cal projects while enhancing the ability to of authority, a twinned symptom of ful-
affect public opinion. The modest popular some speech and reticence, an ambivalence
success of The River and The City created toward what has been called the documen-
a tiny aperture through which a challenge tary voice.20
to Hollywoods stranglehold could be envi- Much has already been written in reproof
sioned. Promotion of New Deal ideology of the movements idealist faith in neutral,
provided a foundation from which to alle- noninterventionist recording and edito-
gorize the role of documentary in a natural- rial reconstruction. In its ad hoc polemics,
ized landscape of cinema. an ethical imperative weds the sync-sound
rig to an aesthetic of unscripted, handheld
long takes ordered solely by response to pro-
filmic stimuli. Thomas Waugh correctly
Performance, Authority, and
scores the fetishization of the image and
DirectCinema suggests it is driven by a gospel of inar-
ticulacy.21 Bill Nichols similarly disdains
The period is charged with its stupid issue- the magical template of verisimilitude
lessness as with an explosive. fashioned to disguise the work of stan-
Erich Auerbach19
dard continuities and rhetorical effects.22
Unquestionably, refinements in lightweight
Thirty years removed from the Great camera and sound equipment increased
Depression, a new generation of docu- speed, mobility, and representational pur-
mentarists forged a loose-knit coalition view as it simplified the process of produc-
whose aesthetic philosophy was primed tion. However, an almost transcendant faith
896Truth Not Guaranteed

in equipment defers intentionality as it cre- abstract and, by extension, the holistic

ates, in the minds of many filmmakers, a (image or human presence) over the frag-
virtual metaphysics of presence. mentary. By 1960, Robert Drew was pro-
In pragmatic terms, all traditional a pri- moting a style that would allow filmmakers
ori activities, such as research, scripting, to stop talking and let the action within
rehearsal, and various posteriori stages, such the frame tell the story.24 Numerous state-
as narration, musical scoring, and analytical ments follow Drews lead by connecting
editing, are either eliminated or collapsed the freedom (Richard Leacocks term)
onto the moment of recording. The crucial, afforded by the apparatus with the refusal
if not the only, labor takes place in the con- of didacticism or manipulative meaning
frontation of camera/sound operator and in any form. D.A. Pennebaker takes solace
event or social actor. An analogous moment in not having to label events,25 whereas
of focus occurs as spectators apprehend Wiseman wants to avoid the temptation to
the image on the screen. Spontaneous, alea- formalize meaning as a series of ratio-
tory signification caught in the synapse of nal statements.26 The implied aversion to
recording is unsealed in its phenomenal language in its ordering, or depleting, of
freshness during the act of reception. As sensory impressions is a pervasiveand
Frederick Wiseman putsit: quite powerfulfacet of the antiauthoritar-
ian program of sixties countercultural and
political opposition.27
The way I try to make a documen-
A lesson gleaned from the triumphs
tary is that theres no separation
between the audience watching the and limitations of thirties activism was an
film and the events in the film. Its abiding mistrust of top-down solutionsat
like the business of getting rid of the its political extremes a mistrust of social
proscenium arch in the theater23 theory tout courtexpressed in cinema as
a complete abandonment of extratextual
appeals to authority, the refusal of history
Behind the curtain of such verbal posi- as causal explanation, and the disavowal of
tioning stands a tableau of glaring contra- preconceived agendas and concrete social
dictions in which the dynamics of pure prescriptions. Albert Maysles provides a
observation are undercut by textual mark- striking summary:I dont see frankly, try-
ers guaranteeing the same order of truth ing to make a film to create better under-
enacted in the partisan structures of thirties standing. Our motivations for making
films. Albeit in a different register, direct films arent intellectual ones.28 Wiseman
cinema inscribes self-validating diegetic avers: I personally have a horror of pro-
figures invested with the movements own ducing propaganda to fit any kind of ide-
philosophical qualities. There is as well a ology other than my own view.29 This
corresponding reciprocity between filmic horror is quite palpable, it undergirds
rhetoric and the context of liberal ideological the movements entire aesthetic philoso-
discourse, now in decline rather than ascen- phy. Just as Wiseman doubts the capac-
dency. Direct cinema is as much a product ity to motivate people to large-scale social
of and participant in a popular discourse of change,30 he and his cohort envision the
social renovation as its predecessor. production process as a form of value-free
The cornerstone of direct cinemas rejec- research (a term employed by several
tion of previous approaches is voice-over makers) in which the goal is, as Wiseman
narration, engendering the contrary again phrases it, to find out what my own
demand to show instead of tell; a pref- attitude is towards the material thats the
erence for the particular instance over the subject of my film.31
Jargons of Authenticity 897

It is possible to extrapolate from these which they are presented. As Nel Carroll
statements the wish to exchange one brand points out, liberal doctrine of the period
of social science methodology for another. was transposed cinematically as a space
Sponsored documentaries display an obvi- where multiple viewpoints were enter-
ous debt to reformist sociology, particularly tained, a Bazinian principle of perceptual
the Chicago School and related theorists freedom adduced as an expressive emblem
such as Mumford. Direct cinema, many of of egalitarianism.36 In the arena of circula-
whose adherents came from social science tion, a stance of noncontrol neatly attached
and physical science backgrounds, adopts itself to the demands of the FCCs Fairness
methodological as well as ethical principles Doctrine by which controversial issues
which mirror data-based empirical methods were to be presented devoid of untruthful
aligned with a corporate liberal fixation on partisanship.37
disinterested science.32 Documentarys One function then of direct cinemas
version of pure observation intersects a soci- intense specificity is to deny not only the
ology of the status quo in which social ineq- onus of explanation but potential disagree-
uities are simultaneously privatized and ment, relegating knowledge claims to an
made an object of nonapprobatory study. intersubjective plane, Leacocks one mans
The filmic project becomes, in Wisemans truth. If part of documentarys continual
words, a natural history of American life need to guarantee fidelity to the Real entails
all the more valuable because it refuses to a sign of openness or plurality, direct cin-
take sides, cast blame, or offer solutions.33 ema attempts to displace the New Deals
The finished works can then be understood formal tropes of heterogeneity onto presum-
as unanalyzed data, the accretions of a ably symmetrical, equivalent acts of record-
statistical survey, with filmmakers cast ing and reception (the myth of filmmaker
in the role of field workers with a camera as naive viewer). Whereas in an earlier
instead of a notebook.34 period, argumentative mastery or the ability
Unlike earlier documentaries in which to coherently assemble fragments of reality
the presentation of evidence, argument, and signaled an objective reckoning of histori-
scenic displays of collective social transfor- cal process, here nonclosure or simplicity
mation govern formal construction, direct of design are equated with unbiased access
cinema insists on decontextualization. or a multiple consciousness of opposing
Because its findings are unfalsifiable, it perspectives.38
cedes to itself an imminent freedom from In league with the movements confusion
contradiction. Whereas thirties films were of textual authority with the authoritar-
construed as overburdened by the gen- ian, there is a linkage between the privileg-
eral, direct cinema hews to the particular, ing of technology as a marker of neutrality
refraining from classifying individuals as and the assertion of individual over tech-
types or social interactions as symptomatic nocratic or collective social solutions.
of any larger pattern (although titles such as Resisting general propositions as a frame-
Salesman, Showman, High School, and Law work through which to understand soci-
and Order suggest otherwise). Judgment is ety, the personal is mobilized not, in the
thrust in the lap, or mind, of the individual jargon of sixties counterculture, as politi-
spectator. Makers and supporters alike sub- cal but, to borrow Erich Auerbachs won-
scribe to traditional realist metaphors35 in derful description of Flaubert, as charged
claiming a more active, more pluralistic, with an explosive issuelessness. Visually
democratic spectatorship arising from as well as philosophically, direct cinema is
the ambiguity of (in theory) unassimilated predisposed toward intimacy, physical prox-
scenes and/or the lack of mediation through imity, an isolated focus on personality
898Truth Not Guaranteed

struggling for self definition in a web of people. Yet it is not simply Kennedy, Nehru,
institutional pressures. This is, in essence, Jane Fonda, Marion Brando, and the Beatles
the master narrative at the heart of Robert who are shown navigating among predict-
Drews celebrated crisis structure. If one able role-playing, humanizing improvi-
could isolate for thirties films the most char- sation, and breakdown. It is also racecar
acteristic image category, it would probably driver Eddie Sachs, the salesmen who ped-
be groups of people in exterior long shots. dle bibles door-to-door, guards and inmates
In direct cinemas brief commercial foray of in Titicut Follies (1967), and teachers and
the late sixties, the typical configuration is administrators in High School (1968). Due
most likely an interior facial close-up. to self-imposed methodological constraints
This formal shift, determined in part and the positive program proclaimed for
by technological advances, social science spontaneous observation, direct cinema vir-
allegiances, and enveloping humanist tually required preestablished identities or
discourses, can be retraced at several tex- role expectations behind which filmmakers
tual levels. Whereas thirties documentary could mask their intervention and against
expressed the quotidian through contrastive which they could define a heightened
editingas a shared, historically grounded authenticity and insight into character.40
conditiondirect cinema constructs every- Significantly, the existential locus of
day life as a temporally distended preserve performance provides implicit justifica-
of idiosyncratic behavior. Refitting a cin- tion for the cameras presence. Far from
ematic construct of duration, the long take, exhibiting the flux of spontaneous behav-
to the expression of personhood, immedi- ior, what occurs on direct cinemas make-
acy and authenticity are signaled by tropes shift stage is already mediated, learned,
of uneventfulness within the image, by in greater or lesser degree intended for
awkward gaps and silences, the seemingly visual/auditory consumption. Compare the
haphazard trajectories of handheld move- self-conscious, direct-address routines
ments. This visual array conforms to what of even an inexperienced performer such
Roland Barthes locates in literature as the as the young female English teacher in
realistic effect, grounded in the adumbra- High School to the indirect and cognitively
tion of non-signifying detail; events, ges- unsettling images of share croppers cab-
tures, objects seemingly absolved of coded ins in The River. For various reasons, the
meaning.39 In direct cinema, social history latter sequence required the imposition of
is transposed into a kind of portraiture; dra- fourth-wall theatrical conventions of invis-
matization of social process replaced by dra- ibility, in context a protective shield for
matization of the camera recording process. social actors and an inadvertent sign of the
The value of concerted action as theme and cameras estrangement. A constant theme
formal logic gives way to stasis, the individ- of direct cinema is the blurring and remap-
ual entrapped by circumstance, as a mea- ping of lines between mandated roles and
sure of commitment to the present. autonomous expressions of personal iden-
Extrapolated from interviews and films, tity. Designation of celebrity helps maintain
this schema helps to illuminate direct cin- the fiction that camera observation is part of
emas central and obsessive attachment to a natural landscape of behavior.41 Whether
subjects under public scrutiny, to perform- the camera is addressed directly or buffered
ers in one guise or another, as it clarifies the by a profilmic audience or interrogator, it
movements agenda of self-realization. In is there because of an inherent complicity
the early Drew Associates Living Camera by which ones image or personal iden-
productions, network broadcasting dictated tity is a mutual construct of performer and
a concentration on famous or newsworthy receiver.
Jargons of Authenticity 899

It is of little consequence whether a profilmic. In Titicut Follies, guards are more

subject is filmed in a public, semipub- than willingwhen they are not engaged
lic, or intimate setting. In films such in singing, telling jokes, and reciting
as Meet Marlon Brando (1965) and Dont anecdotesto perform their mentally
Look Back (1966), the narrating posture deranged charges, eliciting for the cam-
of image and sound maintains a seem- era the most antic, disoriented routines
ingly discreet neutrality hinged precisely which are set against literal stage acts.
on diegetic figures such as newspaper and Wiseman elaborates parallels between
magazine reporters who ask the questions guards and inmates, sane and insane, as
and conduct the interviews eschewed by he extends a theatrical metaphor in mul-
filmmakers on ethicoaesthetic grounds. tiple scenes of public performance:His
Thus, an unspoken drive to reveal through follies include inmates singing, danc-
verbal language a hidden or more truth- ing, delivering long speeches, and playing
ful facet of personality is projected onto musical instruments.43 In Wisemans and
others. These unwitting go-betweens, in Leacocks films, the gesture of zooming
their misguided fealty to rational speech from medium shot to close-up serves as
as benchmark of communication (in formal correlative of the desire to delve
contrast to direct cinemas faith in the into inner, psychological states while
unfettered image) elicit patently uncon- clinging to a facade of unguided attention.
vincing responses, confirming the pro- Acute interest in performance leads,
bity of an observational style. What can finally, to another source of anxiety over the
be known of an individual and his or problematic of power and textual author-
her social surround emanates from the ity. Just as social actors are recruited for
compact of behavioral freedom from arti- their ability or failure to direct their own
fice struck between camera and subject. images, the filmmaking process is often
Foregrounding of performance can thus allegorizedthrough the mediation of a
paradoxically defuse it as a threat to its performeras a techno-physical contest
claims for truth.42 In Dont Look Back, and/or an existential quest. An inkling
Bob Dylan dismisses a reporters attempt of this self-serving stake in performance
to encode meaning in language: The appears when filmmakers criticize their
truth? The truth is a plain picture of a previous work or the work of a colleague
tramp vomiting into the sewer. on grounds of failing to relinquish enough
Separate films or directorial choices control over meaningcommiting the
pose diverse enactments of this structuring error of, say, creating a metaphoric rela-
relationship. In privatized settings such tion through editing or visually isolating a
as the working class homes in Salesman potentially symbolic object.44 At the same
(1969), the films ostensible objectsthe time, they freely endorse intricate means
door-to-door vendorsbecome surrogates by which to suppress the viewers per-
in the interviewing process, drawing out ception of spatiotemporal discontinuity.
intimate details of clients lives in the From this perspective, if one could com-
course of their sales pitch. The interac- mand the equipment and physically nego-
tions of salesman and client are brack- tiate the field with absolute fluidity and
eted, placed in quotes, by recognition of perceptual acumen, the breach between
(and endless dialogue about) performance life and representation might be healed.
skills: an example of how direct cinema Recording becomes an arena of personal
often subcontracts the task of interven- testing on both sides of the camera.
tion, sometimes commentary and analy- David Maysles speaks of raw material
sis, to central or peripheral players in the that doesnt want to be shaped; Leacock
900Truth Not Guaranteed

and Pennebaker refer to challenges and a remarkable example of recordersubject

confrontations arising from the record- interaction as a contest of skill and wit. It
ing situation.45 constitutes a kind of inventory of possible
Direct cinemas stipulation of trans- hurdles and small triumphs registered in
parency and noncontrol as a paradigm of the act of filming. According to Stephen
authenticity is at once futile and disingenu- Mamber, the film is an almost open admis-
ous. Even at a technological level, the search sion of failure,47 yet, from another angle,
for a degree-zero mode of recording is end- it allows unique access to a powerful sub-
less. Just as documentarists in the sixties text in the movement as a whole. Leacock
criticized the ponderous production meth- and soundman Greg Shuker admit that
ods of thirties films, Joel DeMott and Jeff the decision to include extensive voice-over
Kreines rebuke direct cinema for its reli- commentary, as well as visual references
ance on three-personcrews: to the recording process, stemmed from
the producers desire to pump up audience
Shooting one-person restores the interest in footage that ultimately fell short
possibility of kinship. The film- of the convulsive drama suggested in the
maker doesnt carry on with his opening narration: It was a time of fore-
people in front of his subjects. boding in India; of war, invasion, signs in
The dichotomy those labels reveal, the heavens.
in the filmmaker himself, is gone As Nehru calmly conducts quotidian
along with the crew. The film- affairs of state, the filmmakers fabricate
maker becomes another human a crisis of production. They strike a bar-
being in the room.46 gain with the Prime Minister: He would
ignore our presence; we for our part would
The next step might be remote control or do nothing to interfere with what was going
implanted mini-cams, roboverit. Clearly, onask no questions, simply observe.
the bone of contention here is not neutral- The progress of the film turns on which
ity but mastery:how to realize the ideal per- party will best serve the bargain. Actually,
formance for image/sound recorders in the subject seems to have little trouble
the theatricalized role of pure observer. keeping his end, but the filmmakers lurch
There are in fact plenty of textual models, and stumble, barely able to refrain from
in particular the grace-under-pressure probing interview questions they mutter
narrative spun for direct cinemas ros- behind the scenes. Shuker gets his equip-
ter of artists, sports heroes, politicians, ment caught in a moving jeep transport-
and commonplace eccentrics. Among ing Nehru from a frenzied rally and his
the most concise declarations occurs in agile escape from danger is duly recorded
Man Who Dances: Edward Villella (1970) and applauded in voice-over. The added
as the dancerchoreographer states commentary reproduces a running phe-
in direct address his perfect vision nomenological report on the filming pro-
of a great performance. It is easy, cess:I decide to move my mike in closer;
smoothlinearpossessing fresh- Nehru sees something and Ipan over to
ness, honesty quickness, lightness see what it is; Now Nehru has noticed us,
in short the very qualities of structure and a slip on his side of the bargain; With my
camera-handling most cherished by direct camera still moving Im trying to force my
cinema practitioners. way forward. From an almost Godardian
Nehru (1962), made for television by prologuewhere the camera equipment
Drew Associates in advance of the commer- is introduced directly to the viewerto a
cial flowering of documentary features, is jitterbug performed by camera and feisty
Jargons of Authenticity 901

dog at a family dinner, Nehru exposes anxi- to Brechts prescriptions for epic theater,
ety about not only seeing but identifying yet adopts a familiar recourse to claims of
with, and being seen by, the object of the renewed fidelity to theReal:
cameras detached gaze. The agreement,
or more accurately the complicity, inher-
In the sequence-shot, reality is
ent in documentarys social intervention is
revealed according to parameters
here centered and calibrated in its, often
that appear to be rather more its
comic, vicissitudes.
own, and less invented, than is the
Leacock and Shuker discover a diegetic
case in narrative situations codified
trope for their own professed cinematic phi-
by classical editing.49
losophy, the Indian concept of darsham:an
aura of intense but impersonal and unob-
trusive witnessing. Nehru is said to embody In his formulation, the sequence shot is an
this state and so, by extension, do the film- ideal format for a kind of research from
makers. Yet the textual evidence symptom- which the fortuitous, aleatory and acci-
atically suggests a founding ambivalence dental elements find room to expand
that is played out in an improvised sce- naturally.50
nario of presence and absence, where the In a similar vein, Jean-Louis Comolli,
supposed baggage of a shaping (analytic, in an article that confusingly melds
polemical, authoritative) ego is tactically related strategies in documentary and the
withdrawn only to be reinvested in the per- French New Wave, notes how an empha-
formative treatment of exemplary person- sis on theatrical performance can endow
alities. The movements rhetoric is bonded reality with a new lease of meaning and
to its public figures in a mutual validation coherenceits truth reinforced by and
of agency, the inscription of vocational because of this detour through the ficti-
competenceor, in Wisemans institutional tious.51 He proposes that direct cinema
critiques, malfeasance. has inherent political value because it
The assertion that direct cinema utilizes circumvents a triple ideological depen-
its social actors as a relay for or projection dency:capital-intensive production, specta-
of its own cinematic programencoding cle, and rhetorical convention. It seems to
specific political and ideological assump- me that this is hardly an improvement on
tions (including the reification of a patently the idealist assertions made by filmmakers
masculinist performance ethos)can be on behalf of a heightened authenticity. In
placed within sporadic efforts to re-read effect, this approach disdains documen-
the movements contradictions under a tarys fiction of truth only to install some-
rubric of modernist reflexivity.48 However, thing like the truth of fiction.
in several notable appraisals, failure to Against a backdrop of repeated calls
acknowledge the hardening of figura- for a more overt, discontinuous, and
tion into tropic patterns results in much demystifying set of nonfiction film prac-
the same metaphysical morass opened tices52 and following more than a decade
by the filmmakers own ad hoc theoriz- of political documentaries mixing inter-
ing. The conventional nature of direct views with archival footageThe Murder
cinema is denied by Gianfranco Bettetini, of Fred Hampton (1971), Hearts and Minds
for instance, when he revalues the docu- (1974), Union Maids (1976), With Babies and
mentary sequence shot as foregrounding Banners (1977)some recent mainstream
processes by which scenes are manu- films attempt to revitalize previous prac-
factured. He compares an inferred con- tices through a cultural discourse befitting
structedness of mobile-camera long takes the postmodern moment.53
902Truth Not Guaranteed

Gilding theAshes:Toward impact of earlier styles. Errol Morris says

anAesthetics ofFailure bluntly:

My success seemed dependent on the fail- I believe cinema verit set back
ure of others. documentary filmmaking twenty or
TonyBuba thirty years. It sees documentary as a
Lightning Over Braddock sub-species of journalism. Theres
no reason why documentaries cant
be as personal as fiction filmmaking
There is currently more popular interest in and bear the imprint of those who
nonfiction cinema than at any time since the made them. Truth isnt guaranteed
late sixties. This renewal has been spurred by style or expression. It isnt guar-
by, among other factors, wholesale incorpo- anteed by anything.54
ration of verit techniques in TV advertis-
ing, the continuing strength of nonfiction If Morris and company dismiss one type of
genres in the publishing industry, and the formal truth claim, their films are organized
onslaught of prime-time dramatic and news around a set of strategies in which authority
series such as Americas Most Wanted and and verisimilitude are rhetorically embed-
Cops which deploy an array of fictional ded in a negative register of denial, mockery,
and direct cinema strategies around tabloid and collapse. By inference, the social ideals
stories. What the recent body of theatrical of bureaucratic control in New Deal films,
filmsShermans March (1987), Lightning or spontaneous individual performance in
Over Braddock (1988), Roger and Me (1989), direct cinema, are no longer able to support
Driving Me Crazy (1990), and The Thin Blue an edifice of documentarytruth.
Line (1990)shares with other cultural Indeed, the prospect for completion
phenomena is a perhaps unprecedented of a straightforward documentary project
degree of hybridization. Materials, tech- of any stripe may be under interrogation.
niques, and modes of address are bor- In each case cited aboveand in Demon
rowed not only from earlier documentary Lover Diary (1980), a cogent if little known
styles but from the American avant-garde anticipation of the current stylefailure to
and from Hollywood as well. Voice-over adequately represent the person, event, or
narration, found footage, interviews, reen- social situation stated as the films explicit
actments, and printed texts mingle in a task functions as an inverted guarantee of
pastiche that implicitly rejects the boundary authenticity. The new works are textual par-
distinctions of prior filmic modes. However, asites, fragments or residues of other works
unlike related media and literary practices, which for one reason or another became
the new documentarys most salient quality impossible to realize.55 One ramification of
is an explicit centering of the filmmaking postmodern aesthetics, precipitated in part
process and a heavily ironized inscription by the anti-metaphysical bent of poststruc-
of the filmmaker as (unstable) subject, an turalist theory, is that certain types of artistic
anti-hero for ourtimes. mastery are culturally suspect. The epis-
As a group the new films do not mani- temic ambition to speak from a totalizing
fest, or not yet, the coherent polemics, social framework of knowledge about some fully
ambit, or ideological fealties which define intelligible reality is anathema. The pro-
New Deal or direct cinema documentaries scription of unified subjectivity is perhaps
as part of a movement. In occasional inter- especially severe for (politically conscious)
views or writings, filmmakers predictably white male filmmakers working at the mar-
denounce the aesthetic assumptions and gins of mass culture. Although it is too soon
Jargons of Authenticity 903

to make any decisive judgment, it is tempt- mechanisms of internal validation which

ing to posit a documentary aesthetics of are as immunized against contradiction as
failure that grafts a protean cultural agenda direct cinemas allegories of performance.
onto traditional problems of authority.56 Thirties social documentaries annex
Operating under sanctions of what did cinematic authority in iconographic identi-
not happenan interview with General fication with industrial technology and the
Motors Chairman Roger Smith; an account of power of central government symbolized
General Shermans attack on the Confederacy; in this motif, and direct cinema exhibits
a collection of filmic portraits of a depressed diegetic figures as mirrors for an ideal of
steel town; a behind-the-scenes promotional filmic performance. The new films affirm
trailer for a Broadway musicalfilmmakers a vested, and ultimately naturalized, stake
assume an active presence as diegetic char- in the inadequacy of any representational
acters and/or voice-over narrators (either system to capture lived reality. Shermans
spontaneous with the flow of recording or March starts with a brief invocation of com-
indirect). This presence is marked by a stud- mon materials out of which historical docu-
ied self-deprecatory distance and a resultant mentaries are fashioned:maps, still photos,
celebration of formal disjuncture and disori- voice-over recitation of facts. It veers quickly
entation. The displacement of textual (non) into a diaristic account of the filmmakers
authority into the profilmic allows as well a journey south and his visits with family and
return of analytic commentary, discursive friends. Acounterthematic is proposed:A
sequencing, and associative or metaphoric meditation on the possibility of Romantic
editing patterns while maintaining some love in the South during an era of nuclear
of direct cinemas myth of immediacy. weapons proliferation. Although there are
Operating under this libertarian ethos, it occasional metonymic connections among
is required that filmmakers peel away the Sherman, romance, and weaponry, what
off-screen cloak of anonymity and, emerg- ensues is scarcely a meditation. In short
ing into the light, make light of their power order, even the ancillary focus becomes a
and dominion. front for the work of self-absorbed discon-
At once recognizing and missing the nection, the externalized crisis of making a
point entirely, Gary Crowdus remarks that commitment.
Roger and Me might have acquired a little At one point, director Ross McElwees
more political bite if it had focused a little sister tells him, You have an instant rap-
more on Roger and somewhat less on port with people because you have a cam-
Me.57 In truth, it is precisely Moores con- era. Indeed, the documentary camera is a
fection of an ineffectual, uncertain journal- derisive, but unmistakably useful, weapon
istic self that lends an Everyman quality to and defensive shield. Most of McElwees
his social analysis. The assertion in all of filmed adventures revolve around anti-
these films of the recorders central, albeit quated, silly projections of masculinity. He
amusingly out-of-control, position in the frequently compares himself to Sherman
representational process is reminiscent of (even donning a Civil War uniform in one
Jean Rouchs cinema verit self-implication shot), yet stresses his inability to conquer
in Chronicle of a Summer (1961) and other any of the targets, female or filmic, in his
films. But a willingness to actually take path. At a Scottish picnic, he watches pas-
apart and examine the conventions by sively as men compete in various events
which authority is inscribedas opposed to of strength and virility. A succession of
making sport of themis largely absent.58 aspiring performers are interviewed: the
As distinct from Rouchs work, an unre- women as potential love objects, the men
alized or impossible project disguises as alter egos or distorted versions of his
904Truth Not Guaranteed

own doubts and desires. A Burt Reynolds Once again ironic citations of misconnec-
impersonator, and then Reynolds himself, tion and confusion pile up as the measure
are simultaneously addressed and chided of a heightened authenticity. In a humorous
as embodiments of assertive qualities he prelude devoted to Moores childhood per-
ambivalentlylacks. ceptions of General Motors, he states:My
McElwee has qualms about the digres- heroes were people who got out of Flint.
sion from the Sherman project: I keep He then relates a painful professional expe-
thinking I should return to my original rience in San Francisco where, after los-
planbut I cant stop filming Pat; its all ing a job as a magazine editor (California
very confusingI cant figure out what to and I were a mismatch), he returns to
do next. He imagines a sort of creeping Michigan in the same sort of rented truck
psychosexual despair that is then echoed in featured in later scenes of laidoff work-
myriad malfunctions. The car breaks down; ers. His new job as filmmaker is consis-
he forgets to turn on the tape recorder for tently identified with the conditions of the
an important encounter; an amusement (often eccentric) unemployed workers; and
park train ride runs into technical difficul- it is predicated on their mutual failure to
ties; he cannot frame or adequately follow make the system work. Like the ex-worker
certain subjects with the camera. Constant who breeds rabbits to sell as either meat or
self-effacement and irresolution assume pets, the filmmaker demonstrates impro-
the shape of a dramatic device, intended to visatory skill by seeming to readjust the
minimize and deflect the grotesque ambi- shape of his movie as he goes along. That
tion of finding a love life through cinema is, unlike Roger and Mes corporate neme-
verit interaction. What the device certifies sis, the film text cannot be constructed like
through negative mastery is finally the sin- an assembly-line product. Moores social
cerity and truth of the filmmakers obser- solidarity is grounded in a trope of techni-
vations about himself, women, and social cal awkwardness, a feigned inadequacy and
attitudes. In a telling twist of the traditional victimization defined against the ruthless
realist promotion of a styleless style, instrumentality of General Motorsand, by
Shermans March parades a narrative of extension, Hollywood.
introspective abasement as the very sign of Stalking the aloof chairman, he invents
unvarnished reflection. fake identities:My friends and Idecided to
Despite profound differences in approach pose as a TV crew from Toledo. Iwasnt
and aspiration, Roger and Me steers an analo- sure what a TV crew from Toledo looked like
gous course. Here, the ostensible, unrealized but apparently the ruse worked. Just then,
goal is modest and politically pointed: trap- Moore and his crew are unceremoniously
ping GMs Roger Smith into a spontane- escorted from the building. Found foot-
ous reckoning of the disastrous human age from Hollywood movies and industrial
effects of his corporate policies. This sce- advertisements are cobbled together with
nario is not doomed from the outset. Unlike interviews and observational sequences
McElwee, Moore is at pains to demonstrate while popular songs (for example, the Beach
good faith in meeting his announced goal. Boys Wouldnt It Be Nice) impose a flat
There is a gradual awareness, however, that irony over scenes of economic privation.
the desired interview would be unilluminat- Prevented from obtaining access to GM
ing and ambiguous. Lacking the requisite headquarters, Moore typically remarks: I
subjectrecorder complicity, the filmmaker was getting the big blow-off once again.
redirects his failure to engage Smith as proof Smiths refusal of contact is dramatized
of his own honorable political sympathies directly and also displaced onto other forms
and of corporate Americas malfeasance. of technical miscarriage. A Nightline
Jargons of Authenticity 905

broadcast from Flint is cancelled when directors interpersonal ties with the fea-
the engineering truck is stolen. Various tured characters, all unemployed denizens
schemes to rejuvenate the local economy of Braddock. They seem, in turn, autono-
end in collapse. Officials issuing on-screen mous subjects and willing conspirators
corporate excuses or cheery prognostica- earning a modest payday before the camera;
tions are later fired. When Moore invades yet, in sequences with cranky Sweet Sal
the annual GM stockholders meeting to Carulo, a feeling of genuine antagonism
confront Smith face-to-face, his microphone creeps in. At an early stage, Buba informs
is turned off. Atextual array of breakdowns us that the project planned as Lightning
and exposed limitations presents the film- Over Braddock is under constant revision
making process as a series of inadequate and that the original scheme of a sweeping
gestures at empowerment by which fidelity portrait of the town must be abandoned.
to the Real is simultaneously derided as a Toward the end, we are told that grant
goal and instated. money ran out before many sequences were
Parallels between documentary process finished. The screen goes black (as it does
and productive (and nonproductive) labor at several points), then forges ahead with
are even more extensive and politically inci- new ideas and ambitionsincluding blow-
sive in Lightning Over Braddock. Buttressed ing up (which?) Lightning into 35mm for
by the same autobiographical impulse mass distribution and other partially real-
found in Shermans March and Roger and ized projects such as a steel mill musical.
Me, the film interweaves personal history Buba says he is unclear about what he is
with social history toward a highly subjec- doing and inserts demands by collaborators
tive account of the depleted fortunes of a that he simply quit. Later, he renounces
Pennsylvania milltown. It opens on a TV his commitment to social documentary alto-
interview with Tony Buba, whose previous gether and plots to sell out to Hollywood,
films on the local economy garnered (for a vocation for which the fictional sequences
himself and for Braddock) some useful pub- are to presumably serve as advertisement.
licity. This gambit leads to a recapitulation An anarchic pattern of technical strug-
in direct speech, voice-over exposition, and gle, breakdown, and recuperation is directly
film excerpts, of Bubas college life and ini- linked to economic conditions. The film
tiation into documentary filming. Shifting both demonstrates and refuses the real
easily between tenses, levels of presenta- irony that as the layoffs increase, his for-
tion, and epistemic frameworks, the film tunes rise. Yet power is thwarted by vivid
issues a kind of metadiscourse that under- limitations. Buba exploits the inability to
cuts every spontaneous gesture and sincere use sound for a performance of Jumping
mimetic intention. Jack Flash by a worker scrounging cash
Present as a muted concern in other films, as a club entertainer; rights to the song
here the intricate slippage in roles from cost $15,000 three times the per capita
recorder to social actor to scripted fictional income of a Braddock resident. Hey,
character to commentator provides a struc- he reminds us, this isnt a Hollywood
turing logic formalized in an extreme con- feature were making here. The singers
catenation of materials. There are collisions silently moving lipslike the failed busi-
of video footage and film fragments shot ness ventures of another figure, Jimmy
in different gauges; actual and faked inter- Ray, and the unfathomable acting career
views and observational sequences; enacted of Sweet Salbinds film and subject in
flashbacks and ramshackle Hollywood fan- a concordance of nonfulfillment. And here,
tasies such as the local staging of Ghandis as elsewhere, it is exactly the open admis-
assassination. One can never be sure of the sion of, indeed a central obsession with,
906Truth Not Guaranteed

inadequacy emblazoned by formal disjunc- a space in which meaning remains fasci-

tion and underwritten by dramatic displays nated by what escapes and exceeds itat
of nontotalized knowledgepatriarchal least partially tested by recent filmic prac-
mastery in disarraywhich performs tice. One explanation for this unexpected
the labor of signifying authenticity and convergence lies in the popular translation
documentarytruth. in multiple fora of poststructuralisms cri-
In a recent essay, filmmakertheorist tique of Western metaphysics. For instance,
Trinh Minh-ha, following a cogent dis- the unavoidable multiplicity of subjecthood
section of documentary myths of veri- and the constructedness of historical truth
similitude, proposes a new nonfiction prop up recent controversies over multicul-
epistemology based on challenging filmic tural education in the United States and the
patterns of authority rather than merely ramifications of the film JFK (1991).
replacing one unacknowledged source of It is doubly ironic, then, that the strate-
authority with another: gies found in these fashionable, mainstream
postmodern documentaries remain wedded
To compose is not always synonymous to the same principles of authenticity, if
with ordering-so-as-to-persuade, and not the same rhetorical codings, as earlier
to give theMeaning can therefore styles. As Ihope is now apparent, Roger and
be political only when it does not let Me and its ilk substitute reflexive abnega-
itself be easily stabilized, and when tion for New Deal and direct cinema para-
it does not rely on a single source digms of authority. There have been, and
of authority but, rather empties or will continue to be, versions of the quest for
decentralizesit.59 documentary truth which develop different
orders of structuration or manage to obvi-
She advocates a practice in which the sub- ate the most self-contradictory tensions in
ject is constantly in process, where docu- the opposition of lived reality and tropes of
mentary displays its own formal properties presentation. The three moments of pro-
or its own constitution as work and where duction considered here are yoked in a for-
the expression of identity or subjective mal tradition that defines itself according to
agency is one inwhich both Hollywood fictional codes and compet-
ing documentary styles. Despite affinities,
the self vacillates and loses its assur- the individual movements are embedded
ance. The paradox of such a process in and determined by particular historical
lies in its fundamental instability; an and cultural assumptions about appropri-
instability that brings forth the dis- ate expressions of truth, and by corollary
order inherent in every order.60 discourses that shape available options for
representing social reality.
Trinhs prescriptions are nuanced and Technology and its imbrication with
ardently progressive. And she intends her power is thematized in each instance
remarks for, and produces her own work according to the changing political dynam-
within, a cinematic order largely uncon- ics of liberalism: in the first, iconographic
strained by commercial demands for topi- identification with industrial technology
cality, familiarity, and identification. She and its ability to rectify social affliction; in
would thus appear to have little interest or the second, an incorporation and masking
faith in the transformation of mainstream of the apparatus as an extension of individ-
cinematic genres. Keeping this in mind, ual cognitive acuity and physical skill; and
it is odd to find her notionsof defeating in recent films, disavowal or technical pro-
the establishment of totality by creating ficiency as guarantee of non-omniscience
Jargons of Authenticity 907

and metaphoric link with disenfranchised Notes

profilmic subjects. Thus, the role of autho-
1. The imbrication of documentary and fiction modes
rial agency in its manifest relation to tech- is a formidable topic but, contrary to indications,
nology moves from a stance of partisan it is not central to my concerns. Nonetheless, what
intervention to one of neutral, transparent Ihave in mind ranges from fiction films recourse to
extratextual authority (e.g., the opening of Psycho),
observation to a slippery ambivalence in direct incorporation of nonfiction footage (as in
which the instrument of cinema is a neces- Reds) to the miming of formal strategies such as
sarily visible but confoundingly inadequate direct cinemas handheld sequence shots (Medium
Cool); on the other side of the ledger, documentaries
mediator. from Flaherty on adapt coherence effects of
Finally, all three sketch implicit cine- continuity editing. Parker Tyler, in a 1949 essay,
matic programs for an exemplary nonfic- lays a critical foundation for further discussion
[in The Documentary Tradition, ed. Lewis Jacobs
tion treatment of reality. Each construes (NewYork:Hopkinson and Blake, 1971), 251266].
its values and functions in opposition to Inote a tendency among recent commentators
Hollywood domination while adhering to to discuss nonfictions signs of transparency as
mirroring those of the classical Hollywood. See, for
certain of that institutions most ingrained example:Jeanne Hall, Realism as Style in Cinema
effects of knowledge, coherence, and clo- Verite:ACritical Analysis of Primary, Cinema
sure. In a sense, what succeeding docu- Journal Vol. 30, No. 4 (1991), 29; Bill Nichols, The
Voice of Documentary, Movies and Methods Vol. II,
mentary styles refuse of the formulas of ed. Bill Nichols (Berkeley:University of California,
narrative fiction bespeak their designated 1985), 260; E. Ann Kaplan, Theories and Strategies
areas of social impact. Sponsored docu- of the Feminist Documentary, Millennium Film
Journal, 12 (198283), 81. Nel Carroll assails the
mentaries of the thirties eschew the estab- blurring of fiction/documentary distinctions in
lishing of strong individualized characters From Real to Reel:Entangled in Nonfiction Film,
and the attendent possibility of viewer Philosophic Exchange 14 (1983),515.
2. It should be clear that by challenge Imean the
identification while providing familiar rather nebulous arena of cultural perception, not
cues for dramatic expectation and closure. box-office. The quite different economic desiderata
Direct cinema and, with some readjust- of TV, however, make parity a plausible condition.
ment, recent films withhold or actively As to the scope of impact, direct cinema, at the apex
of its commercial success in 19671968, circulated
undermine closure and distendif not more than a dozen features with varying degrees of
abolishprospects for dramatic develop- mass appeal, including Dont Look Back, Monterey
ment while offering compensation in the Pop, Warrendale, The Endless Summer, Portrait of
Jason, AFace of War, Rush to Judgement, and Years of
form of diegetic intimacy with sympathetic Lightning, Day ofDrums.
characters (including the filmmakers 3. An objection can be raised that my easy periodization
themselves). It is highly unlikely that the performed suppresses the reality of continual
diachronic shifts and that an account of such shifts is
realist windmills of authority and transpar- especially crucial to the historicization of nonstudio
ency against which American documen- modes. Asimilar objection is that isolation of
taries have been tilting for fifty years will American films masks a complex interdetermination
with European documentary (to say nothing
suddenly disappear or be demolished by of Neo-Realist and New Wave movements). In
postmodern allegories. The quiddity of the response, my aim is to establish continuities among
form will, for better or worse, continue to movements often addressed as antipodal. And
that while recognizing the mesh of transnational
pivot on historically specific legitimations and transgeneric exchanges, it is useful to see how
of authenticity. primary allegiances in social documentaries are
welded to discourses of national self-interest.
4. The case for heightened effectivityinnonfiction
I wish to thank Amy Taubin, Dana Polan, cultural production during the thirtiesisdiscussed
lvone Margulies, and members of the at length in William Stott, Documentary
Columbia University Seminar of Cinema and Representation and Thirties America
(NewYork:Oxford University, 1973) 65141.
Interdisciplinary Interpretation for their valu- John Hallowell, in Fact and Fiction (Chapel
able comments during the preparation of this Hill:University of North Carolina, 1977), sketches a
chapter. confluence of social anxieties and cultural
908Truth Not Guaranteed
demands as contributory to the revaluation of 19. Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, trans. Willard Trask
nonfiction and rise of New Joumalism during (Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,
the sixties. That periods manifold critique of 1953),491.
Hollywood and the centrality of TVs war reporting 20. Bill Nichols, The Voice of Documentary,261.
were two obvious conditions of possibility for 21. Thomas Waugh, Beyond Verit:Emile de Antonio
commercial documentary. and the New Documentary of the Seventies,
5. TV Guide (November 9, 1991; p. 3) reported that Movies and Methods Vol. II, 242, 235, respectively.
the fall 1991 roster of prime-time series included 22. Nichols, The Voice of Documentary, p.261. See
eighteen news and nonfiction hybrids, a fivefold also Hall, Realism as Style in Cinema Verite, for
increase from 1989. Relations between theatrical a rehearsal of related objections.
documentaries and their enveloping industrial 23. Thomas R.Atkins, Frederick Wiseman
contexts is a forceful, if gnarled, topic somewhat (NewYork:Monarch Books, 1976),44.
tangential to this essay. 24. Cited in Robert C.Allen and Douglas Gomery,
6. George Levine, The Realist Imagination Film History:Theory and Practice (NewYork:Knopf,
(Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1981),12. 1985),224.
7. Brian Winston, Documentary:IThink We are in 25. G. Roy Levin, Documentary Explorations (Garden
Trouble, New Challenges For Documentary, ed. Alan City, NY:Doubleday, 1971),235.
Rosenthal (Berkeley:University of California Press, 26. Atkins, Frederick Wiseman,43.
1988),21. 27. Anthropologist Victor Turner offers lively discussion
8. Richard M.Barsam, American Direct of the countercultures case against verbal language
Cinema:The Re-presentation of Reality, Persistence in Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors (Ithaca, NY:Cornell
of Vision, Nos. 3/4 (Summer 1986),132. University Press, 1974), 262266. In terms of both
9. Herbert Marcuse, Some Social Implications of film practice and theory, Stan Brakhage exemplifies
Modern Technology, The Essential Frankfort School the American avant-gardes parallel revolt against
Reader, ed. Andrew Arato and Eike Gebhardt socially regulated, hence morally and artistically
(NewYork:Continuum, 1985),139. bankrupt, language.
10. William Alexander, Film on the Left (Princeton, 28. Levin, Documentary Explorations,280.
NJ:Princeton University Press, 1981), 254. In the 29. Atkins, Frederick Wiseman,56.
same section, Alexander cites identical charges by 30. Ibid.,56.
contemporaneous writers such as Richard Griffith 31. Levin, Documentary Explorations,315.
and James Arthur. 32. Allen and Gomery make a similar point in
11. Cited in Stott, Documentary Representation and Film History, pp.233234. For a critique of the
Thirties America,77. empiricism sweeping the American academy in the
12. It should be recalled that at the height of their late fifties and early sixties, see Frankfort Institute
popularity newsreels were not only a staple of film for Social Research, Aspects of Sociology, trans. John
exhibition, there were theaters devoted entirely to Viertel (Boston:Beacon Press,1956).
the showing of nonfiction short subjects. 33. Atkins, Frederick Wiseman,29.
13. Among several versions of Griersons cagey 34. Stephen Mamber, Cinema Verite in America
equivocation, see Forsyth Hardy, ed., Grierson on (Cambridge, MA:MIT Press, 1974), 221, 152, 3,
Documentary (NewYork:Praeger, 1971), 237248. respectively.
14. Marcuse, Some Social Implications of Modern 35. Early pronouncements on the ethical superiority
Technology,138. of the nineteenth-century realist novel by Taine,
15. Similar iconographic patterns of naturalization Saint-Beuve, George Eliot, and others mobilize
are found in British films of the same period such nearly identical aestheticpolitical metaphors. See
as Night Mail (1936), Housing Problems (1935), George J.Beckers Documents of Modern Literary
and The Line to the Tschierva Hut (1937) in which, Realism (Princeton, NJ:Princeton University
for instance, a locomotive is compared both Press,1963).
metonymically and through editing to clouds, 36. Carroll, From Real to Reel,23.
mountain tops, flights of birds,etc. 37. Allen and Gomery, Film History,231.
16. This notion of montage as reconciliation is taken 38. Atkins, Frederick Wiseman, p.4. In Telling the
from William Guynn excellent essay, Politics of Truth (Ithaca, NY:Cornell University Press, 1986),
British Documentary, Jump Cut 8 (MarchApril Barbara Foley describes the changing historical
1975), 27. Asimilar tendency to use Soviet-style character of literary mimesis and rehearses
montage as an instrument of conceptual blurring orthodox arguments for the separation of factual
is displayed in Riefenstahls The Triumph of the Will and fictional literature on the basis on nonclosure
(1934). versus closure, correspondence rather than
17. There are numerous examples from every point on coherence, and so on (7484).
the political compass. Griersons influential stance 39. Roland Barthes, The Realistic Effect, trans.
can be found in Hardy, Grierson on Documentary, Gerald Mead, Film Reader 3 (1978), 133135.
146147. 40. Two types of resistance to the lure of celebrity are
18. For an overview of the development of radical evident in direct cinema:Wisemans diffused focus
documentary groups in the early thirties, see on institutional roles as opposed to individual
Alexander, Film on the Left,3113. identity; and the poignant noncompliance in the
Jargons of Authenticity 909

recorderactor agreement in Happy Mothers Day of periodization. Unquestionably, documentaries

(1963). of the past few years owe a considerable debt
41. Mamber, in Cinema Verite in America, recognizes to the methodological break of the seventies
the importance of public personality to direct discussed in Waugh, Beyond Verite, and
cinema but draws a rather different set of in Nichols,The Voice of Documentary
conclusions; see pp.90 and183. (pp.268271). Nonetheless, my feeling is that
42. Michael Renov, Re-Thinking Documentary, Wide recent work is no more comfortable with the
Angle Vol. 8, No. 3/4 (1986),73. rhetorical certainties of seventies films than
43. Wiseman traces his horror at the Bridgewater they are with those of direct cinema. More to
mental hospital to field trips taken with his law the point, the group of films Icite avoid the
students. It should be pointed out that 1967 self-valorizing tactics whose historical pattern
was a ripe year for the trope of mental illness as Ichart.
political theater/performance with, to cite two 54. Cited in Carl Plantinga, The Mirror Framed:
examples, Peter Brooks wildly popular staging ACase for Expression in Documentary, Wide
of Peter Weiss Marat/Sade and psychiatrist R.D. Angle, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1991), 51. In a related show of
Laings bestselling book The Politics of Experience defiance, Michael Moore claims that his intention
(NY:Ballantine, 1967), on madness as a liberatory in Roger and Me was never to make a straight
response to modernlife. documentary and has little sympathy with
44. For examples of this occasionally humorous classical conventions:Harlan Jacobson, Michael
internecine critique, see Levin, Documentary and Me, Film Comment, Vol. 25, No. 6 (November
Explorations, 219,285. 1989),24.
45. Ibid., 277, 182183, 198, respectively. 55. The Thin Blue Line is slightly different; the set of
46. Cited in David Schwartz, Documentary Meets images for which it is a self-conscious substitute
the Avant-Garde, Independent America:New Film is not another film but the actual murder it
19781988 (Astoria, NY:American Museum of the kaleidoscopically reenacts.
Moving Image, 1988),28. 56. It is unclear to me whether the tropes ascribed
47. Mamber, Cinema Verite in America,85. to recent films have broader application. That
48. Two alternative, and Ithink largely compatible, said, Iintrepidly adduce a brief art review by
readings of direct cinemas textual legitimation Kim Levin in The Village Voice (February 4,
are provided by Hall, Realism as Style in Cinema 1992; p.71):Curator Ralph Rugoff explores
Verite (pp.3839) and Allen and Gomery, Film the new aesthetic of the hopelessly pathetic in
History (235). Both concern the manner in which this display of deliberately shabby, awkward,
TV documentaries of the early sixties embed direct flawed, idiotic or otherwise impaired art objects.
demonstrations or hints of their own superiority Sad, funny, inept, and absolutely right for right
over competing cinematic or joumalistic types of now. Among the artists included in the show
representation. were Mike Kelley, Jeffrey Vallance, Cady Noland,
49. Gianfranco Bettetini, Realism and the Cinema, ed. and JimShaw.
Christopher Williams (London:Routledge and 57. Gary Crowdus, Reflections on Roger and
Kegan Paul, 1980), 222223. Me:Michael Moore and his Critics, Cineaste, Vol.
50. Ibid. 17, No. 4 (1990),30.
51. Jean-Louis Comolli, Realism and the Cinema,226. 58. Iwant to stress a divergence between the recent
52. For a selection of demands for the revision documentary style and the venerable history of
of documentary along materially reflexive what might be called anti-documentaries, from
lines, seeKaplan, Theories and Strategies Bunuel to Straub/Huillet to Welles and Ruiz.
of the Feminist Documentary, (p.80), The brittle irony found in the new American
Renov, Re-Thinking Documentary (p.75), revival does little to subvert the naturalness of
Nichols, The Voice of Documentary (p.263), documentarys dispositif.
and Jay Ruby, TheImage Mirrored, New 59. Trinh T.Minh-ha, Documentary Is/Not a Name,
Challenges for Documentary, ed. Alan Rosenthal October, Vol. 52 (Spring 1990),89.
(Berkeley:University of California Press, 60. Ibid., 95. She argues against superficial modernist
1988),6477. gestures of reflexivity, exposure of the apparatus
53. The mention here of an intervening group of or anti-illusionist markers of materiality, endorsed
films posing an alternative to direct cinema may somewhat ambiguously by Jay Ruby in The Image
seem a bit misleading, raising a further problem Mirrored and other essays.

Transnational and Transmedial Crossings


The Chinese filmmaker and producer Wu documentaries that would also cir-
Wenguang, one of the foremost names in culate widely.
international documentary at the turn of
the last century, helps us chart the distance But a trip to the United States in 1997 and
that documentary has traveled over the a long visit with the independent filmmaker
course of this anthology when he narrates Frederick Wiseman at his home convinced
a series of important professional discover- Wu that he was on the wrong track, and
ies, revelations no less significant for their that new video technologies that were then
source in banal personal rituals, in his essay starting to reach consumers around the
DV: Individual Filmmaking. Wuwho globe might offer a way out of his rut. From
has gained prominence on the national that point on, as Wu tells it, he not only left
and world stage in the past two decades as behind the idea that film was the essential
a leader of the Chinese digital video docu- documentary medium, but left behind as
mentary movementfound himself, in the well his notion of what a documentary film
early 1990s, at a crossroads. At that time, was, and how to make one. Where he would
he writes, once pursue like a hunter, a single aim,
he now let himself ramble, following his
I was surrounded by a group of camera. And it frequently took him into the
people using the medium of film wilderness:
to make documentaries, reasoning
that only in this way could a work Getting up in the mornings, Id pull
be considered a professional docu- on my shoes, walk out of the tent,
mentary film. Once I started and take a piss in the wilderness,
thinking this way I began to disdain the air incomparably clear and fresh
video; I then had excellent reason and perfectly silent. Ayoung roadie
to lie around in bed and talk about would be squatting not far off, taking
how, once I found the money, Id a shit; wed greet each other:Youre
make one of those soul-stirring up. At times like these, Beijing
914 Documentary Transformed

felt really far away. All that modern a politics of place by refusing, and refut-
artreally faraway. ing, the leveling effects of the no-history,
no-nation, no-place phenomenon promoted
The metrics Wu uses to measure his by globalized exhibition and market cir-
independencehis distance from the city, cuits.2 On a parallel critical track, Rachel
from the art world, from other people and Gabara, writing about the mode of autobi-
their bodieswould hardly have been rea- ography in African documentary, suggests
sonable, or even imaginable, as ways for that the idea of the individual central to this
an earlier generation of filmmakers to map centuries-old literary practice is not a uni-
out a future for documentary. It would not versal principle, and does not translate into
have occurred to Joris Ivens, or many of the African cinematic dialects quite so easily.
filmmakers inspired by the example he set For the authors and artists collected in this
with his long career, to compose a mani- final section, the imperative to deconstruct
festo for the documentary avant-garde that the documentary and its aesthetic, ideo-
rejected urban life, professionalism, and the logical, and critical premises means various
institutions of modern art. Professional things.
documentary filmmaker was not an occu- This is not to say that documentary
pational category in the 1930s, and is still studies of non-Western others oper-
about as reliable a career path as profes- ate as merely personal, local knowledge,
sional explorer or professional magician. reducible to untheorized empiricism.
Nor would Ivens sponsors in industry, party One can see and hear the effects of unset-
political movements, or the agencies of the tled continental intellectual and cultural
welfare state have had much interest in a histories in biographical and autobio-
filmmaker who proposed to locate the inde- graphical documentary by filmmakers in
pendent spirit of documentary at a make- the African diaspora, like the British
shift toilet in the woods of rural Chinaor, multi-disciplinary artist Isaac Julien and
for that matter, at the home of a comfort- the masterful French-Cameroonian essay-
ably bourgeois filmmaker from Boston. But ist Jean-Marie Teno. Juliens video por-
Wus perverse method for finding a literally trait of Frantz Fanon, Frantz Fanon: Black
grass-roots position from which to declare Skin, White Mask (1996)a film which
documentary independenceby being rig- polymorphously embodies the subjective
orously personal, and submitting physically position Phillip Brian Harper describes,
to the technological apparatusis none- in the previous section, in the work of
theless consistent with at least one credo Marlon Riggsthreads a path between
of the documentary filmmaker: rethink memoir, historical legend, psychoanalytic
received wisdom. Or, to use critical jargon: theory, and fantasy to give Fanons life
deconstruct. and thought an appropriately queer form,
Describing the work of political docu- one we might call un-documentary. Teno
mentarists in India, filming the ruins of similarly uses the basic tools of documen-
sectarian violence fostered by a neo-fascist tary recording to reframe and look awry at
religious state, Geeta Kapur asks us to notice some well-trodden terrain. In Writing On
an unstated correspondence between the Walls, Teno searches for metaphors for
deconstructed technology of the video- the culture of African documentary video
medium and what is now perceived and in the neighborhoods of Ouagadougou
debated to be the already disassembled overlooked by visitors to that city who
nation.1 Artists like Amar Kanwar exem- come just to see the official selections at
plify, Kapur argues, a new kind of political FESPACO, the Pan-African film festival.
documentary practice, one that advances Along with other filmmakers represented
Introduction to SectionVII 915

in this section, these artists operate in what bureaucrats pretending that they are not
some would call a transnational space of producing napalm. Self-criticism is often
documentary.3 Like their work, which can central to this work, which contests mod-
be playful, complex, and obscure, these ern myths of progressliberal democratic
artists are hard to pin down, and for some universalism and financial-technological
of them the term filmmaker no longer globalizationwhile complicating the
seems singularly appropriate: many work, national and individual identities on which
often quite literally, in an off-the-wall oppositional filmmakers might once have
way, installing serial or multiple versions relied for their counter-histories and alter-
of a project on television, in art galler- native truths.
ies or on the internet. A member of the One could argue, of course, that docu-
post-socialist generation of Chinese doc- mentary film has always operated at in the
umentary artists Chris Berry discusses in borderlands between fiction and nonfic-
Getting Real, Wang Bing, makes films tion, theory and history, art and politics;
so long and slowhis 2008 film Crude but Teno, Julien, Wu, Kanwar and many
Oil runs fourteen hoursthat very few other documentary makers do so now
venues where they might otherwise have with a heightened sensitivity to the mobile
found audiences will or can show them, character of the (self-)image, and to all the
and very few viewers who have encoun- ways identity has been set adrift from its
tered them can be said to have fully seen foundations. And these developments are
them. Some, like the well-known director not limited to inhabitants of otherThird,
Werner Herzog, whom Barbara Klinger non-Western, diasporicplaces. We are
discusses in an essay on the documentary just as likely to see the sovereign self pixi-
frontiers brought into view by 3D, use new lated in the documentary work of film-
technologies to unfold very old problems makers from overdeveloped nation-states
of realism, ones that date back to the earli- like Germany, the United States or
est gallery walls. Like Wu, who has largely Israel, where filmmakers like Herzog,
given up making his own films to promote Farocki, Godmilow, Michael Moore, and
community-based video documentation, Avi Mograbi have applied techniques of
some eschew the notion of individual abstraction, satire, self-parody, and digi-
authorship for documentary. (Some liter- tal dispersion to challenge the integrity of
ally take pains to deform themselves and imperial consciousness. Though we have
transform their identities through the traveled some distance from the concep-
documentary process, like the documen- tion of the documentary film with which
tary prankster Morgan Spurlock, who we began this anthology, we find ourselves
gains weight and makes himself sick on again forming the question occasioned its
a month-long diet of fast food in Supersize beginnings: what do we know from pic-
Me (2004), or the masochists of MTVs tures that move andtalk?
Jackass series of programs and films.)
In What Farocki Taught (1998), the film
she discusses here with Harun Farocki, Notes
Jennifer Horne, and me, Jill Godmilow
1. Geeta Kapur, Tracking: The Politics of Place,
simply remakes an earlier film by Farocki in Experiments With Truth, ed. Mark Nash
against the Vietnam War, producing the (Philadelphia: Fabric Workshop and Museum,
uncanny situation of an American docu- 2004), 109.
mentary film in which American actors 2. Kapur, Tracking: The Politics of Place, 105.
3. See, for instance, John Hess and Patricia Zimmer
in the 1990s playing German actors from mann, Transnational Documentaries: A Manifesto,
the 1960s playing American scientists and Afterimage 24, no. 4 (January/February 1997): 1014.


An Interview with Harun Farocki
and Jill Godmilow(1998)

The questions were posed and answered by Q:Harun Farocki, tell us about the context
e-mail and fax; Harun Farocki responded in which you were working when you made
from Berlin and Berkeley, CA, where he InextinguishableFire.
lives and works; Jill Godmilow, who teaches
at the University of Notre Dame, responded Farocki: In 1968 I, along with seventeen
from NewYork City. This seemed appropri- others, fled the film academy in West
ate, given the feeling of spatial and temporal Berlin. We were engaged in a constant
dislocation that pervades Inextinguishable political struggle with the directors of the
Fire, Farockis 1969 film about the academy and in May of 1968, we occupied
research and development of napalm, and the academy. We even renamed it Dziga
Godmilows 1998 remake, What Farocki Vertov Academy. This happened concur-
Taught. We asked both filmmakers to dis- rently with a nation-wide campaign against
cuss the historical and cultural context of welfare laws. Not only that but my daugh-
the filmshow politics shaped their aes- ters had just been born and I had to earn
thetics, and vice versa. (Farockis responses moneyto make films that werent simply
were translated from the German by Anne exercises. In our circles at that time collec-
Bilek.) tivity meant a lot and it was almost a crime
An Interview with Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow 917

Figure106.1 What Farocki Taught (Jill Godmilow, 1998). Screen capture fromDVD.

if the impetus for a film came from a single some criticisms of the technical quality
person. Probably for this reason I sought out of the film but otherwise the reaction was
an area in which no one other than myself positive. Although one newspaper wrote
worked. I called it the agitation of technical that Iwould achieve nothing with the film,
expertise. I appointed myself Propaganda the writer mentioned that one could achieve
Minister for Engineers. something with a film and that even the aim
(das Anliegen) of the filmmaker may be jus-
Q: Inextinguishable Fire is about the
tifiable. The film was shown several times
American production of the deadly chemi-
on television in Germany and I received
cal weapon napalm. Why did you choose
continued encouragement, especially from
napalm rather than one of the other weap-
people who had up until then found the
ons used during the war in Vietnam?
student movement to be nonsense. Only
Farocki: Auschwitz has become the sym- recently did it occur to me that the film
bol for all concentration camps because so spoke of Hiroshima and Vietnam, but didnt
many types of camps were collected into one mention Auschwitz. It had to do with the
and because there were survivors who could participation of the scientists and technical
tell their stories. In the Vietnam war there people in the crime; and the fact that the
were many terrible weapons. The herbicides Nazi concentration camps were highly orga-
that were used to poison the water did not nized factories of death. My omission made
show their effects until years later. Napalm me think that the terrible war the United
is a pre-modern weapon. Napalm stirs the States waged in Vietnam not only horri-
imagination because it reminds us of when fied the Germans, but unburdened them as
wars had a ritual and magical aspect. wellwe are not the only barbarians.
The film and television industry in
Q: How was Inextinguishable Fire received
Germany recognized that my film was dif-
upon its initial release?
ferent than what they had made. There was
Farocki: In the fall of 1969 I showed the a short period in which I was invited to a
film at a festival in Mannheim. There were screening of Inextinguishable Fire by studio
918 Documentary Transformed

producers. They treated me as if I could have been possible to put out a video version
teach them something! But that didnt last of Farockis film, but who would see it? So
very long, and soon it was impossible to few people in this country know his work. It
make such a film. Many people in the politi- seemed obvious that the gesture of the per-
cal movement were devotees of Socialist fect replica, in color and in English, would
Realism and found my punk aesthetic draw attention to Inextinguishable Fire and
unbearable. I believe that the ugliness of Farockis work in general, and ithas.
the pictures taken with an extreme 10.5mm I should add that it was also an oppor-
wide angle lens let loose more horror than tunity to extend certain theoretical ques-
the scenes of the burning of a deadrat. tions about the original and the copy, the
real and the fake (how they are the same or
Q: Jill Godmilow, to the extent that What
not, how the two are valued differently) into
Farocki Taught is about the Vietnam War,
non-fiction cinema, a practice that takes
why remake a film about Vietnam now?
authenticity and actuality for its pedigree.
Why change thetitle?
In that way, Inever set out to make a film
Godmilow: If you dont want anymore about wars, or weapons. Isaw a film in 1991
Vietnams, you have to understand how that Iwished Ihad seen many years before.
Vietnam came aboutactually, and materi- Inextinguishable Fire was very provocative in
ally. Farockis film offered significant infor- terms of non-fiction strategies because it suc-
mation. He shows how the war was made in cessfully circumvented, and simultaneously
the laboratories of Dow Chemical and how marked out all of the classical documentary
the people participated in the war. The struc- dilemmas and offered some solutions. It is
ture of labor relationships at the research a film that is useful to non-filmmakers and
corporations of America is one good place to filmmakers alike. I wanted to show it to
look at the Vietnam war, and by projection, everybody because Ifelt that in this country
a good place to look for the source of all the what is called the left-liberal documentary
pollutants, poisons, waste products, useless is unexamined and out of touch. But it was
products and wasted labor we live withtoday. impossible to start showing Farockis film
after I first viewed it in 1991. There is only
Q: What Farocki Taught doesnt follow the
one print left and he is not well known. So
most typical approach to the remake. How
I remade Farockis film, copied it exactly,
did you decide to remake the film without
thinking that maybe this somewhat outland-
significantly changing or updatingit?
ish, perhaps obscene, gesture of replication
Godmilow: The idea was to show would bring some attention to it. So its
Farockis film itself, its precision and its accurate to say that Iset out to make a film
exact, deadly, logical structure, the largest about Farockis filmmaking.
meaning-making system in the film. To add
to or change it would not have been to the Q: Dow is a company fresh in the minds
point. It was that simple Iwanted to call of many women as a producer of silicone
attention to what Farocki had done, then, breast implants. Did you consider broad-
and to the plain fact that we should have ening Farockis critique to incorporate,
been able to see his film back then and learn so to speak, bodies of women? Is the end
from it. Structures of distribution made it of Inextinguishable Fire, where we are pre-
hard then, and in some ways even harder sented with the potential coalition of the
now. How many 29-year-old German docu- (male) factory workers and the (male) stu-
mentaries are playing at the Film Forum in dents, a place where the question of gender
NewYork, on public television or in college in oppositional politics might have been
film series today? None. Certainly it might added to thefilm?
An Interview with Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow 919

Godmilow:Yes, for a second Ithought about the news have the appearance of stock foot-
that, but just for a second. There was a defen- age:theyre scratched, spliced and otherwise
sive, slightly self-conscious moment when it marked as used. At the same time, this is
seemed Ihad to make this film more mine, the only actuality footage in Inextinguishable
by adding a particular feminist perspec- Fire, and perhaps the only documentary
tive, or updating it. Finally I shook off the reference to the Vietnam War. How does
compulsion and decided that my job was this footage work in terms of the reality
to re-make the film, exactly. My film speaks effect of thefilm?
about film history by producing a perfect
Farocki:That was really the founding idea of
replica of an antique object but leaving it,
my film:in the evenings there are pictures
hopefully, an intact and complete artifact,
on TV that have the taste of the real and the
but also a new, useful and available object.
true. What we dont understand, however, is
Because of this, critics sometimes refer to
how we consume these pictures. Our own
my film as an homage. Certainly it can be
life, our own experience, doesnt appear to
seen that way, but that wasnt thepoint.
be presentable to us. We see images from
Secondly, Farockis film was not about
the war in Vietnam, but what binds us to
getting Dow, as many American anti-war
these images? We see people suffer, and as
documentaries were. Dow itself, that nasty
emotional beings, we can empathize with
corporation in Midland, Michigan, simply
the victims. But what we cant understand
stands injust as the actors stand infor
from these images is that we also are or
any/every research corporation. Moving on
could be the perpetrators.
to breast implants was not the point. The
point was to understand the structures of Godmilow: Farockis use of that series of
capitalism that produce both napalm and nineteen very short shots of newsreel foot-
breast implants, as well as useful building age is one of the things I like most in his
materials and useful pesticides. However, film. First, it was bold and brave of him to
Idid update it a little; not in the replica of dare to include actuality footage in a film
Farockis film, but in the epilogue. whose whole premise is that you cant
understand napalmthat is, take it in with
Q: You appear before the camera yourself all its weight and meaningby looking
answering questions about the relationship at newsreel footage from the war. In his
between Farockis critique and yours, which film, Farocki asks the audience: How can
had to be updated. we show you the use of napalm in action?
Godmilow: The concept of the military- First youll close your eyes to the pictures,
industrial establishment as the generator of all then to the memory, then to the facts, then
corporate evil had to be revised, since so much youll close your eyes to the whole story. If
has changed since 1969. In the full-tilt trans- we show you napalm burns, well hurt your
national corporate mode we are in today one feelings. If we hurt your feelings, youll feel
has to identify other sites of production. In fact, weve tried out napalm on you and at your
Ichose to identify a site of consumptionthe expense. We can give you but a weak show
huge discount stores like K-Mart and Best of napalms effects. I disagree with Farocki
Buyto point out the place where we all par- here. In newsreel footage of the war, you
ticipate in the production cycle. The poisons, can only find excitement: the pornography
and the wasted labor that produce them, are of war, the horror-show. Audiences dont
dispersed now, and available to everybody. turn away from it or feel any guilt; rather,
we seem programmed to enjoy that kind
Q: The images we see on the television of horror by other kinds of experiences in
screens when the Dow employees watch the cinema.
920 Documentary Transformed

But when Farocki uses Vietnam newsreel of the shots I found were in color and some
material, he doesnt produce pornography. in black and white (the war years marked the
He does something extraordinary, drain- period of transition). I converted all the color
ing the shots of excitement by running this shots to black and white on Avid to make
very formal sequence of newsreel shots them consistent with each other. I should
that seem to mark off the progression of have done the reverse, painted in the black
daily destruction. First there are two shots and white shots, because now, as a series of
of generals walking around and a shot of black and white newsreel shots on a tele-
a jeep passing by. Then there is an explo- vision in a color film, they are marked too
sion and fire, bare trees; and children are much as historical, made archival by their
seen praying. A bomber swoops down on difference from the rest of the color film. In
a village, helicopters land and peasants Inextinguishable Fire they exist concurrently
flee. Two quick shots of napalm burns on with the rest of the black and white film. In
human skin and then suddenly youre look- my film, they end up being too much about
ing at the shot of the burned rat again, and that war then, and dont sit well enough in
the tweezers are tugging at the scar. Farocki the present tense of the films diagetic plane.
is connecting the dots. The shots are the
dots: taking the napalm burns back to the Q:So Inextinguishable Fire and What Farocki
lab and to the people who discovered that a Taught should not necessarily be classified
polystyrene developed for rubber shoe soles as documentaryfilms?
was the perfect ingredient to get napalm to Farocki:At the time Imade the film Ifound
stick to human skin. The sequence is also documentaries very suspicious. Because
a formal review or prod to remember how Marxism teaches us that historys laws of
we watched the war, night after night, on effect are invisible, that what is evident is
television, not to reproduce that experience untrue. (In any case, the truth must reveal
but to remind us of our experience watch- itself in revolution, kind of the way it is with
ing it. Farocki shows the aforementioned God.) For this reason I wanted above all
sequence twice in the film. The Dow scien- else to portray the construction of thought
tists need to watch TV to study the results or ideas the way a photo montage does.
of their work in the field, that is, in the rice Today Im more interested in less obvious
paddies of Vietnam. Thats how the two constructions.
newsreel sequences are rationalized in the
film. The blond chemist has said earlier, Godmilow: The word documentary is
What works in experiments wont always problematic for me. Everybody thinks they
work in reality. Then she watches the news know what they mean by it but I dont. Its
on the television to see if itdoes. a term that masks or clouds the realities of
I made a mistake in making What Farocki film experience, seeming to deny that fic-
Taught that I now regret. I asked Farocki tion can tell useful sober truths and affirm-
if somehow the cut newsreel sequence ing that documentary can do nothing but.
had survived the intervening twenty-nine When I teach documentary, I use a substi-
years. It had not. So I had to reproduce the tute term, films of edification, because I
sequence as perfectly as I could by going think the best way to describe this group of
through maybe thirty or forty videotape films is by their stance. All non-fiction films
documentaries about Vietnam, looking for claim to edify. (Whether they do or not is
matching shots. (I found all but one: I faked another matter.)
the two children crossing themselves with But as I say in What Farocki Taught, we
the children of a friend, a Chinese restau- need another term, a sub-category of the edi-
rant owner in South Bend, Indiana). Some fying film, for Farockis Inextinguishable Fire
An Interview with Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow 921

and others like it. Clearly its not bourgeois better way than just to stand up and say
melodrama, but its strategies also put it out- them. Because I could never have per-
side the domain of the documentary as its formed that much text in one take, I broke
practiced and understood in this country. In my thoughts up into a series of questions
my film Icall it agit-prop:Inextinguishable and answers. I was pretty sure I could
Fire has a clear political analysis that it puts answer questions on camera. I had my pro-
forward very directly. The film is punctu- duction manager ask the questions. Later
ated by inter-titles that speak direct political I re-dubbed the questions with a very flat,
statements to the viewer about what to do. It youngish studenty kind of voice to mark
takes responsibility for its thesis, something the pedagogical nature of the sequence.
99% of documentaries neverdo. A collaborator of mine, Gloria Jean
Masciarotte, thought some of my answers
Q:The Kodachrome also distinguishes your
were a little high-handed, so I interrupted
film from a traditional documentarylook.
my answers here and there with black
Godmilow: Well, I thought of my replica- film, which gave me time to explain what
tion or re-enactment of Farockis film as I really meant by what I was saying. At
a period piece, so I had to find costumes, first I was fearful of how I would appear
sets and props from the late 60s. I even by doing thisperhaps lacking in author-
asked the male actors to let their sideburns ity, or just silly. Now I like the correc-
grow if the character they were duplicating tionsthey seem to critique the viewers
had long sideburns in Farockis film. But expectations of finding perfect expression
how to get a period look to the filmmaking and clarity of meaning in the performance
itself? The obvious choice was to replicate of an on-camera author. But also because
the film in black and white, but that pre- it was scary. I went ahead. In my experi-
sented a dilemma:Idisagree with the film ence, thats been the source of everything
convention of using black and white to rep- fresh Ive had to say in my films. Far From
resent the historical, Schindlers List-style. Poland (1984) was much scariermaking
And I wanted to clearly separate Farockis a film about current events in Poland with-
black and white film from mine. I looked out going there. What would legitimate my
for a color way to go and ended up pick- right to speak about such things, except
ing Kodachrome, one of the reversal stocks vrit footage from Poland? A friend said,
from the 60s and 70s, to get the right feel make a film called Far From Poland. With
and look. There was also a technical and weak knees and nightmares I tried it.
economic reason:Iplanned to superimpose Everything was different, everything had
certain scenes from Inextinguishable Fire to be reinvented, and those are the most
onto my color scenes. That is much cheaper interesting things about the film. I think
to do with reversal than with color nega- that you have to put yourself in the face of
tive stocks, because you can avoid making big problems to make something worth
expensive optical negatives. looking at in art, or you cant invent any-
thing at all. Thats how filmmaking goes
Q: You talk in front of the camera in your
for mesolving real problems as fearlessly
film. What does it mean to you to appear in
and as well as you can.
front of the lens as you do in the self-reflexive
Q: Inextinguishable Fire is a film that is
Godmilow: Perhaps its for lack of a better clearly quite critical of the military-industrial
idea, but there were some thingssimple complex and of a specific corporate entity
things, I hopethat I wanted to say about within that complex. The film also raises
Farockis film and I couldnt think of a questions about the place or role of cinema
922 Documentary Transformed

in capitalism, as a technology of reproduc- endlessly reproduced into hundreds of cop-

tion, and also as a product. ies, all of which could be running simul-
taneously in front of audiences watching
Farocki: I wasnt very critical of technology
it on sixty-foot screens, and listening to it
in this film. However, the scene at the end
through huge speakers all over the world.
with the vacuum cleaner and the machine
This is advanced capitalist production of
guns expresses something like if the pro-
the highest order. You have to be morally
ducers could control production, the world
responsible, and conscious of the experi-
would be saved. A democracy of production
ence you produce when you make a film.
could end the production of weaponry. Not
only that, the film calls into question how Q:You are talking about ethical limits.
people should appear in films. I am stylisti-
Godmilow: Yes, one could argue that the
cally indebted to the early Brecht: his idea of
crew and cast had all read the script of my
man is man. It has to do with the fact that
film before they signed on to the project,
Man himself is not that great, he is the raw
whereas most of the scientists and engi-
material to be constructed. Both Brecht, in
neers who developed napalm could not have
his play on British colonialism, and I, in my
known what would come of their labors.
film on Vietnam, abhor the abuses that took
And one can say that the two products oper-
place, but we also find that there are possibil-
ate very differently in the material world.
ities hiding in those situations. Look at how
Serious cultural productsand a good film
Marxists talk about industry: its terrible at
is one of theseare objects of contempla-
the moment, but you cant go back anyway,
tion. You cant wear them, or eat them or kill
so you might as well develop it further. By
anybody with themat least not directly.
the way, it was the producer who was afraid
They are for perception only, designed to
that the film would look too much like a bad
open minds. (They can close minds too, and
film and not like an intentional deviation. I
misrepresent, and raise violent emotions
had each dialogue dubbed. We did that with
and stupid fears that result in destruction.)
very long loops so that the tone was never
Napalm, on the other hand, was designed
quite synchronized.
only to produce fear and terror, to drive
Godmilow: Certainly film is an industrial- Vietnamese peasants from their villages
ized process, although less so the small into American camps where they could be
independent production with a crew of watched, controlled, and supposedly pro-
six and a budget of $10,000 than a major tected from their oppressors, the Vietcong.
motion picture with a crew of 200 and a
Q: Is Inextinguishable Fire addressed to a
budget of $600 million. I remember being
national public or an internationalone?
in France, in about the third week of produc-
tion on Waiting for the Moon [Godmilows Farocki: I believe that the film appeals to
1987 feature about Gertrude Stein and Alice anyone who saw the pictures from Vietnam
B. Toklas]. One day I looked around at the on television every night. It has to do with
crew of forty-five and was struck by the dis- the lifestyle, with consumerism and with
heartening thought that filmmaking was the the people in North America and Europe
ultimate capitalist process. I was squeezing above all. It was never really meant as a
labor out of forty-five people for six weeks, criticism of the U.S. We criticized political
and the juice out of $950,000 of materials and economic powerjust as we did our
and goods, all of which would flow through own government. West Germany didnt
me and my ideas to end up spread on a participate in the Vietnam war, but the poli-
thin piece of celluloid with sprocket holes, ticians and most of the media vehemently
weighing about forty pounds, that could be supported the U.S. Even Chancellor Willy
An Interview with Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow 923

Brandt expressly advocated the U.S. in the Itried to get performances from these folks
war. In this sense we were international- that matched Farockis dubbed speech. Its
ists, since the war was the opposition. We hard even for professional actors to dis-
tried to make the war ourissue. avow emotional values when theyre speak-
ing lines like these. My actors, after lots of
Godmilow: Because Inextinguishable Fire
coaching and rehearsals, did well enough,
speaks to its German audience very ratio-
but the complete alienation effect was
nally about a specific war they are not
not there, perhaps simply because of the
responsible for, it creates an unusual space
effect of sync sound. Actors opened their
for American audienceswho are or were
mouths and perfectly synchronized speech
responsible for the warto watch it with
came out. They became people and lost
some distance, exactly because they are not
the aspect of just standing-in for others.
the designated audience of the film. Ithink
So in the end, I dubbed all the on-camera
some of this space (and perhaps the unusual
dialogue, as Farocki had done, and made
frisson generated by watching German actors
sure that the dubbed speech appeared to be
take American roles) is lost for American
dubbed, often slipping it a frame or two to
audiences in What Farocki Taught, because
move it out of sync just enough to achieve
of the translation into English and the use
the right effect.
of American performers. Yet Id argue that
What Farocki Taught speaks to an interna- Q: The issue of place seems important to
tional audience as well because of the anal- both Inextinguishable Fire and What Farocki
ysis it offers, which is pertinent to people Taught. Did you think that what you were
in any industrialized country in the world, doing was an attempt to have viewers
whether they are engaged in a war ornot. understand their own social, historical or
Q: What sorts of directions did you give geographical place differently?
your actors? Farocki: The issue is interesting and has
Farocki:Iwas constantly telling them:Dont often occupied my daydreams. How unjust
do it that way, not that way! Separate the plot it is that some people are at the right place at
from the words! Separate the acting from the right time and others arenot.
your showmanship! They didnt under-
Godmilow:Ideologically, Ithink the first loca-
stand me. The resistance to my directions
tion you have to occupy, in order to oppose
was at any rate occasionally very interest-
national policy, is an understanding of where
ing. I made two feature-length films with
your own labor goes. Who uses it and what is
actors:Between Two Wars in 1977 and Before
it used for? You have to cut through misinfor-
Your EyesVietnam in 1981. The actors once
mation, as do the students, who are sure the
again rebelled and I understood that not
vacuum cleaner plant they work in is making
only did they not understand me, but Ialso
automatic weapons for the Portuguese, and
didnt have enough to say. You can only
the self-inflation, as does the female chem-
develop this kind of acting method over a
ist, who asks, Im a chemistwhat should
period of years with a theater companyits
Ido? Then you have to move your labor out
as difficult as learning Chinese mask the-
of a system that produces napalm, or even, if
ater or Javanesedance.
you are a university professor, out of misin-
Godmilow: I used non-actorsmostly formation itself. So yes, its always an individ-
friends and university colleagues, as did ual matter first, requiring self-alienation from
Farockito play the parts. When Iwas shoot- systems of thought and production. The film
ing, I wasnt sure whether or not I would actively encourages audiences to think about
eventually dub all the films speeches, so their ownlabor.

David Achkar and African Autobiographical
Documentary (2003*)

David Achkars 1991 film Allah Tantou examine recent theories of genre within
[Gods will] contains autobiographical, three academic fieldsliterary history and
biographical and historical (both national theory (including the study of autobiogra-
and international) layers and first, second phy), African and postcolonial studies, and
and third-person narratives.1 Documentary film history and theory (including the study
material, including photographs, news- of documentary). I will read the film for
papers, newsreels, and home movies, is two generic aspects that scholars in these
combined with fictional reenactments as domains have deemed theoretically impos-
Achkar slips back and forth between per- sible, as an African autobiography and
sonal and historical narrative, telling a piece as an autobiographical film, focusing on
of the history of a postcolonial West African Achkars use of different voices and visual
nation through the story of his father, evidence of the past in his fragmented revi-
Marof Achkar, ambassador of newly inde- sion of history.
pendent Guinea to the United Nations until I have chosen a single film as the subject
his imprisonment in 1968 by President of this essay, yet Allah Tantou is representa-
Skou Tours government. Achkars film tive of a group of 1990s francophone West
not only mixes genres, but interrogates African films that are innovative personal as
its genres and genre itself, exploring the well as historical documentaries.2 I do not
nature of historical narrative, the relation- wish to argue, however, for the presence
ship of autobiography to biography and of of a new genre epitomized by this film, but
both to history. Allah Tantou provides us rather hope to create space within autobiog-
with a new vantage point from which to raphy for works of self-presentation from

*Revised 2015.
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 925

many regions of the world and in different the impasse of autobiography by insisting
media. European and North American aca- that their work differed from traditional
demics have excluded, as we shall see, both life-stories, replacing autobiography with
African autobiography and autobiographical terms such as new autobiography, autofic-
film from the genre of autobiography. More tion, romanesque, autobiographique, auto-
strikingly, both have also been proscribed by biographics, pseudo-autobiography, and
theorists of a revolutionary African cinema, fictography.
working against Hollywood and European I would like to investigate what hap-
art films in the tradition of 1960s Latin pens when we do not inherently recog-
American political Third Cinema. Alastair nize autobiography, when a text is not
Fowler proposed that we think about genres just new or pseudo-autobiography,
as not classes but families, whose individ- but from a different narrative tradition
ual members are related in various ways, and in a different form. I will not, how-
without necessarily having any single fea- ever, subdivide new from old autobi-
ture shared in common by all.3 After exam- ography nor further qualify or yet again
ining the arguments behind the exclusion rename the genre. Derridas now famous
of a work such as Allah Tantou from the cat- counter-law of genre reminds us that
egory of autobiography, Iwill show what we just as a conception of genre must always
gain when we add it to the family. exist, genres cannot ever have been other
The genre of autobiography has been than mixed: A text cannot belong to no
a troubled one in the West at least since genre. Every text participates in one or
Rousseau, yet its difficulties threatened to several genres, there is no genreless text;
become overwhelming during the second half there is always some genre and always
of the twentieth century as we learned that some genres, yet this participation is never
the author is dead, the self is hopelessly (or a belonging. Marking itself with genre,
hopefully) fragmentary, and autobiography a text demarcates itself.5
is therefore uncomfortably indistinguishable Autobiography is always a locus of con-
from fiction. Critical discussions of autobiog- tact among many genres, at once represen-
raphy in the 1970s tended to rely nonetheless tation and invention, non-fiction and fiction,
on the inherent recognizability of the mem- in the present and in the past and in the
bers of the genre. Philippe Lejeune, perhaps first and third persons. Much contemporary
the most prolific of all theorists of autobiog- art, whether fiction or non-fiction, exhibits
raphy, asserted the impossibility of autobio- what Ihab Hassan has called a postmodern
graphical hybrids that would be difficult to hybridization of genres,6 and Allah Tantou
classifyautobiography is not a question will be no exception. Achkars film marks
of degree; it is all or nothing.4 Amultitude itself off as autobiography, biography, docu-
of debates about the autobiographicalness of mentary, historical and fictional narrative,
various texts, however, belies both of these participating in genres on all sides of the
assertions. To add to the confusion, many conventional boundaries of autobiography,
of the same European and North American but most importantly forcing the specta-
writers of fiction and theory who had pro- tor to reflect upon these boundaries them-
claimed either the end or the impossibility of selves. It is a postmodern film in the sense
autobiography, including virtually all of the that, to quote Thomas Beebee, the effect
French New Novelists, Roland Barthes, and that many identify as postmodern is pro-
Jacques Derrida, went on in the 1980s and duced by defeating the generic expectations
90s to write their autobiographies. These of the reader.7 An African autobiographical
unexpected autobiographers and their liter- film, however, bears a particular and very
ary critics sought to extract themselves from peculiar burden of generic expectation.
926 Documentary Transformed

Avrom Fleishman has noted, using the texts necessarily project a political dimen-
examples of Arabic, Japanese, and Chinese sion in the form of national allegory: the
texts, that a viewpoint he calls Autobiogra story of the private individual destiny is always
phy as a Distinctive Phenomenon of an allegory of the embattled situation of the
Western Culture relies on the invention public third-world culture and society.12 Olney
of various reasons to exclude the many and calls all African texts autobiographies and
varied examples of non-Western self-writing Jameson calls them all national allegories,
from the genre of autobiography.8 And, in but both in fact argue the impossibility of
fact, non-African theorists have consistently African self-writing.
denied Africans the privilege of autobiogra- The same contrast between the Western
phy, of telling individual stories. In 1956, in individual and the African collective reap-
a widely-read article that marked the begin- pears in theoretical discussions about the
ning of a renewed critical interest in the study nature of African film, more specifically
of autobiography, Georges Gusdorf claimed a revolutionary and anticolonial African
that the concept of individual identity was Third Cinema. Clyde Taylor strictly opposes
uniquely Western, expresse[d]a concern the Cartesian I think, therefore I am to
particular to Western man,andthat there- the Xhosa proverb A person is a person
fore authentic non-Western auto biog only because of other people and char-
raphy was impossible.9 Paul John Eakin has acterizes African Cinema as a hero-less
also maintained, thirty years after Gusdorf narrative.13 Tahar Cheriaa states that the
and without much additional explanation, main character in African films is always
that the very idea of African autobiography the group, the collective, and that is what
sounds paradoxical, and so itis.10 is essential,14 while Elizabeth Malkmus
In the early 1970s, James Olney claimed, and Roy Armes agree that there can be no
following Gusdorfs lead, that African auto- individual hero in African cinema since
biography is less as an individual phenom- an emphasis on a broad issue (such as the
enon than a social one, since an African anti-colonial struggle) as the primary set of
subject, as opposed to a Western one, is a narrative shifts focus away from the
not individually, but rather socially deter- individual (who would be helpless in such
mined.11 Olney, who in his extensive work a struggle) to the collectivity (which alone
on Western autobiography always affirmed has the potential to embody power or to
the existence of a generic boundary between offer viable resistance).15 If an individual
autobiography and fiction, argued that African life cannot be narrated, whether
in Africa autobiography and fiction were in fiction or non-fiction, in fictional or
one and the same. The novels of Nigerian documentary film, then neither biography
Chinua Achebe were something like a nor autobiography, neither biographical
supra-personal, multi-generational auto- film nor autobiographical film, can exist.
biography of the Ibo people and Malian Teshome Gabriel, one of the foremost
Yambo Ouologuems Bound to Violence was theorists of African cinema, does allow for
a symbolic autobiography of the entire autobiographical film, although he curi-
continent and community of Africa. (TA ously rejoins Olney by excluding the pos-
17) Either Africans cannot write autobiog- sibility of individual autobiographical film.
raphy (or biography), since they cannot He warns that:I do not mean autobiogra-
write about an individual as distinct from a phy in its usual Western sense of a narra-
collective, or they can only write collective tive by and about a single subject. Rather,
autobiography, even when they say they are I am speaking of a multi-generational
writing fiction. [] Fredric Jameson has and trans-individual autobiography, i.e.
similarly maintained that all third-world a symbolic autobiography where the
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 927

collective subject is the focus (perhaps specific autobiographical film as opposed

hetero-biography).16 It is quite astonish- to the entire body of work of a filmmaker.
ing to discover so many differently situ- Nor, more importantly, can we distinguish
ated theorists in agreement that there is between a fictional film about a filmmaker
no place for postcolonial narration in or making a film, such as Truffauts Day for
of the singular, at the same time that we Night or Federico Fellinis 8 1/2, and a docu-
find a group of African filmmakers who mentary in which a filmmaker attempts to
disagree, mixing autobiography and biog- recount his or herlife.
raphy, articulating the individual, the per- These distinctions were made by
sonal, the singular, the first person, into Elizabeth Bruss and Philippe Lejeune in
history. Furthermore, despite their efforts articles about autobiographical film pub-
to reject Western cinematic models and lished in the 1980s, yet both declared its
theories, the above theorists of African impossibility based on the untranslatability
film in fact continue a Western tradition of of the concept of autobiography from writ-
denying the possibility of personal history ten to filmic narrative. Bruss argued not
in filmicform. only that autobiographical film cannot exist,
The study of film was on its way to estab- but that its existence would threaten the
lishing itself as an academic discipline existence of autobiography altogether: If
toward the end of the 1950s when Gusdorfs film and video do come to replace writing
essay renewed critical interest in the genre as our chief means of recording, inform-
of autobiography. It is surprising then, that ing, and entertaining, and if (as I hope to
the question of autobiographical docu- show) there is no real cinematic equivalent
mentary film has rarely been addressed. for autobiography, then the autobiographi-
The earliest reference I have located to a cal act as we have known it for the past
first-person voice in film appears in a 1947 four hundred years could indeed become
article by Jean-Pierre Chartier, in which he more and more recondite, and eventually
discusses not autobiographical film but extinct.20 Lejeune began his brief consider-
first-person narration, which he calls inte- ation of autobiographical film with a series
rior monologue, in fiction film.17 The only of questions: Can the I express itself in
discussions of autobiography and film the cinema? Can a film be autobiographical?
in the 1950s and 60s grew out of French Why not? But is it the same thing as when
auteur theory. In a 1959 review of Franois we speak of literary autobiography? Is
Truffauts 400 Blows in Cahiers du cinma, autobiography possible in the cinema?21
for example, Fereydoun Hoveyda asserted He ultimately, like Bruss, answered in the
that every film is in some sense auto- negative, since It is not possible to be on
biographical. For better or for worse, film both sides of the camera at the same time,
absorbs and reflects the personality of the in front of it and behind it (CA8).
auteur.18 Annette Insdorf similarly pointed Several scholars of film have hinted at
to filmic allusions within Truffauts entire other ways of thinking about autobiogra-
oeuvre, not claiming any one of Truffauts phy in film, which will allow me to begin
films as an autobiography but judging that my reading of Allah Tantou. In his analysis
many characters, themes, techniques, of avant-garde diary films from the 1960s
and structures are intimate reflections of and 70s, P. Adams Sitney drew a parallel,
Franois Truffaut.19 Arguing, like Hoveyda rather than Bruss and Lejeunes stark con-
(and much like Olney about African texts), trast, between literary and filmic autobiog-
that every film is in some sense an auto- raphy. Sitney maintained, remembering
biography of its auteur, Insdorf leaves us instead of trying to forget the difficulties of
with no framework for the analysis of a self-narration in writing, that filmmakers
928 Documentary Transformed

resemble the literary autobiographers who Moreover, scholars have overwhelmingly

dwell upon, and find their most powerful chosen to study the genre film rather than
and enigmatic metaphors for, the very apo- the ways in which ideas of genre circulate in
rias, the contradictions, the gaps, the fail- film. Grants comprehensive bibliography
ures involved in trying to make language (or is thus divided into the following generic
film) substitute for experience and mem- subsections: comedy films, crime films,
ory.22 Michael Renov, who has been inter- disaster films, epic films, erotic films, film
ested in films that construct subjectivity noir, gangster films, horror films, melo-
as a site of instabilityflux, drift, perpetual drama, musical films, science fiction films,
revisionrather than coherence, reminds sports films, war films, western films, and
us that artifice is a necessary component of miscellaneous. Judith Hess Wright limits
autobiographical narration in any medium.23 herself to the western, science fiction, hor-
Jim Lane notes that the autobiographical ror, and gangster films.27 These categories
documentary always contains at least two are of very little use to the study of African
voices, always bears the mark of personal, film, especially of African documentary.
actual events and a consciousness that bears Williams suggests that we classify cine-
witness to, and forms an opinion about, matic texts within only three, more broadly
these events through documentary repre- construed genresnarrative film, experi-
sentation.24 Filmic autobiography, with its mental/avant-garde film, and documentary
material, visible split between director or (the second two of which have no place at all
filmer and actor or filmed self bemoaned in Grants long list)that would accommo-
by Bruss and Lejeune, troubles our conven- date a wider range of films from all over the
tional notions of coherent identity and pro- world (RGC 121). But even this system will
vides us with new forms in which to explore not provide an easy place for Achkars film,
and represent fragmented subjectivity. which contains aspects of allthree.
No analytic framework has been estab- Allah Tantou begins with a dedication in
lished, however, for a study of autobiograph- white letters against a black background
ical film. Very little work has been done on To my father, and to all of the prisoners of
genre in film in general, and what has been Camp Boiro and elsewherefollowed by
done has been surprisingly limited. Alan 8mm home movie footage of a family deco-
Williams pointed out almost twenty years rating their Christmas tree. These images,
ago that virtually all critical studies of filmic which then shift to footage of a father pick-
genre have dealt exclusively with North ing up and holding his young son, are
American films.25 This is still the case, not accompanied by David Achkars first-person
only for the considerations of autobiography voice-over, stating that Many sons admire
and film above but also for the essays col- their fathers. I hardly knew my father.
lected in Nick Brownes Refiguring American What Iknow of him, Iknow from what my
Film Genres, those in the second edition mother or his friends have told me. But also
of Barry Keith Grants Film Genre Reader, from what he wrote to us. The title credits
for Steve Neales Genre, and Rick Altmans to the film quickly follow, over an image of
recent Film/Genre.26 All of the genre catego- a man writing while sitting on the floor of a
ries discussed by these critics are therefore prison cell. We gather from the credits and
derived from North American film history, subsequent narration that this is an actor,
and most often from Hollywood studio Michel Montanary, playing the role of the
films. Canonical Western European films filmmakers father Marof Achkar, who died
occasionally make a brief appearance, but in 1971, and that the boy in the home movies
the Latin American, East Asian, and African is his son David. The next images are of the
cinemas are notably absent from the debate. letters that Marof Achkar wrote to his family
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 929

from prison, which are then replaced by of African autobiography, and tells it in
more 8mm footage, now of a government filmic form, challenging the impossibility
ceremony. We hear another voice-over, but of autobiographicalfilm.
this time it is Marof Achkar, that is to say, Marof Achkars voice-over continues
the actor playing the role of David Achkars as Achkar cuts to another scene, during
father, who speaks in the first person and in which Montanary is sitting on a stool in
the present tense.28 He tells us of the heros an large, empty cell. As the camera circles
welcome he received upon his return from over Achkars head, we learn that it has
abroad, just before his arrest and imprison- been 197days since my arrest on October
ment at Camp Boiro during one of Skou 17, 1968, and that he still does not know
Tours purges of his own government. the charges brought against him by a spe-
Achkar then cuts from the 8mm footage cial court, composed of President Skou
to a series of photographs of Marof Achkar Tours friends and family. As the voice-over
in his official capacity at the U.N. and progresses, the reenactment images are
newspaper headlines from articles about replaced by 8mm documentary footage of
him: Achkar Calling Tune, That New crowds cheering at the side of a road, wel-
African Bombshell, Africas Clark Gable coming Marof Achkar home. Achkars
Warns Denmark. voice-over is then replaced by that of the
I have as yet described only the first three filmmaker, who accompanies more home
minutes of Allah Tantou, but the fragmented movie footage with it is here in Coyah, a
and polyphonic nature of this unconven- village fifty-four kilometers from Conakry,
tional documentary is already evident. that you were born. Achkar then jumps to
David Achkar, Marof Achkars son, speaks the beginning of his fathers political career:
in a first-person autobiographical voice-over
in the film, sometimes addressing the spec- 1958. Guinea, your country, led by
tator and at other times addressing his Skou Tour, your president, says
father. Marof Achkar also uses the first no to the constitution proposed
person, both in voice-overs and in diegetic by General de Gaulle, becoming
dialogue within the scenes that reenact the first independent francophone
his time in prison. Third-person narration African country. Skou Tour
within David Achkars voice-over and the becomes a myth, Africas providen-
incorporated newsreel footage is occasion- tial man. A singer and dancer with
ally joined to the two first-person voices. the Ballets Africains, you, like so
These layered voices together narrate the many others, put yourself at the ser-
story of Marof Achkars political career:the vice of your country and begin a bril-
son provides both personal and historical liant career at theU.N.
information; the father tells his personal
and political experiences and realizations Speaking to us of his father, he at the same
while in prison, from the inside; the news- time speaks to his father, apostrophizes
papers and newsreels document his politi- him, bringing him to life in and by means
cal life prior to his imprisonment, from of hisfilm.
the outside. Achkar combines elements of Achkar further traces his fathers political
the fictional narrative, the experimental/ trajectory via newsreel footage of him speak-
avant-garde, and the documentary genres, ing about human rights in South Africa
in a film that forces us to question our pre- in his role as ambassador to the United
conceptions about genre. He tells an auto- Nations. The narrator of the newsreel iden-
biographical and biographical story of two tifies Achkar Marof, of Guinea, chairman
individuals, challenging the impossibility of the United Nations Special Committee
930 Documentary Transformed

on the policies of apartheid in South Africa, recording of reality; Achkar explained that
and provides information both about apart- I shot [the film] with my cousin. He doesnt
heid in South Africa and the ways in which really look like my fatherhes my moth-
the U.N.was working against it, mentioning ers nephew. He didnt even see the home
a special meeting of this U.N.committee in movies.30 At the same time, however, the
Stockholm. The members of the commit- transitions back from reenactment to foot-
tee, including Marof Achkar, are listed for age clearly marked as documentary remind
us as we see footage of him shaking hands us that Marof Achkar and his son David had
with other dignitaries in Sweden. Achkar off-camera lives. The film rejects generic
then cuts abruptly to a reenactment scene categorization either as only documentary
showing Marof Achkar asleep on the floor or only fiction.
of his prison cell. This strategy of juxtapo- The mainstream documentary tradi-
sition emphasizes the cruel shock of Marof tion has been one of coherent third-person
Achkars fall from international renown narration (the infamous voice of God)
to miserable isolation and imprisonment. rather than of Achkars fragmented first
Achkar stresses the irony of his fathers person. When Achkar went to Amnesty
transition from investigator of human International and requested funding to
rights violations in apartheid South Africa finish his film, they said I shouldnt have
to political prisoner of the black African gov- made a film about my father. I thought
ernment of his own country. that was nonsense (MH 112). An Amnesty
David Achkar reflexively manipulates, human rights film should speak in the third
then, the multiple visual media, still and person and not the first, about a group or
moving pictures, documentary evidence collective and not an individual, and espe-
and fictional reenactments, that make cially not about a member of ones family.
up Allah Tantou. He links the different Bill Nichols has pointed out that, accord-
image-fragments that make up his narrative ing to convention, subjectivity, rather than
through both conjunctive and disjunctive enhancing the impact of a documentary,
uses of sound. The dialogue and voice-overs may actually jeopardize its credibility.31
often overlap or bleed over from one type of Hayden White argues that the insertion of
image to another, continuing over a cut, for the first-person voice into historical nar-
example, from a reenactment to 8mm home rative constitutes the difference between
movie footage. This mixing of diegetic levels narration and narrativization, between a
serves various purposes. The conjunction of discourse that openly adopts a perspective
a reenactment voice-over with images from that looks out on the world and reports it
home movies often produces an effect of and a discourse that feigns to make the
focalization as a result of which the footage world speak itself and speak itself as a
seems to constitute the memories of Marof story.32 Both Nichols and White draw on
Achkar. This could function to add depth the work of Roland Barthes, who wrote that
to his character, to make him seem more the objective historian eliminates all traces
lifelike, yet Achkar consistently juxtaposes of an I from his discourse, so that the
the documentary photographs and footage (hi)story seems to recount itself.33 Achkar
of Marof Achkar with the Marof Achkar of does not want history to seem to tell itself,
the reenactments. Since the two quite simply but instead makes us aware of the fact that
look like two different people, it is impossi- it is being told, using not just one but two
ble for the viewer to believe in the charac- first-person voices in his biographical and
ter. 29 No attempt has been made to trick the historical narrative.
spectator into confusing father and actor Achkar complicates conventional docu-
and believing that this is an unmediated mentary narration not just by his use of the
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 931

first person, but also by drawing attention awareness of this reflexivity blocks the cre-
to the fact that any history is a narrative ation of any reality effect in a scene that
(re)construction of the past. We know that could have easily been written and filmed
Marof Achkars words are either drawn to grip the spectator through identification
directly from his letters and prison writ- and suspense.
ings or scripted by his son based on what Marof Achkar then continues, My
his mother and his fathers friends have name is Marof Achkar. Born in 1930 in
told him, but Achkar keeps us off balance, Coyah, son of Moustapha Achkar and
nowhere specifying whether, or when, he Dama Camara. Married, four legitimate
is citing a source as opposed to extrapolat- children, artist, ex-Ambassador. This
ing or imagining. Achkar has imagined and first-person autobiographical narrative is
then reenacted his fathers time in prison followed by the false confession that has
since no documentary images of this period been scripted for him, in which he claims
of his life exist. These reenactments do not to have been part of a French colonial net-
belong to any recognizable filmic genre, are work and a traitor to his country. In another
neither realistically documentary nor realis- reflexive voice-over, Marof Achkar states
tically fictional, and disconcert the spectator. that Its a script, a bad script and Achkar
The camerawork is heavily stylized and does cuts from the reenactment to a series of
not attempt to convey documentary authen- photographs of Marof Achkar in Paris and
ticity; Achkar said that for the mise-en- on a world tour with the Ballets Africains
scene of this drama, Idecided to stay away in the 1950s. These documentary images
from any realism.34 In several of the reen- combine with the preceding scene and
actments, we simultaneously hear Marof the voice-over to inform the spectator that
Achkar participate in dialogue and speak in this, in fact, is what Marof Achkar had
a voice-over and are jolted into remembering been doing in Europe, to remind us once
that the scene, as we are watching and hear- again of the ridiculous nature of the con-
ing it, could not possibly have taken place. cocted confession. Achkar then cuts back
The scenes that recreate Marof Achkars to the prison reenactment scene, to Marof
torture in prison are the starkest of the film; Achkars confession that in 1964, when
we see him hanging on a bar suspended he became Ambassador, he went on the
from the ceiling, hands and feet tied, alone C.I.A.payroll and recruited other Guineans
against a black background that cloaks even to betray their country. He reads that he
the walls of the cell. The most crucial reen- received $10,000 for his treasonous acts, at
actment scene, however, is that of the con- which point his captors stop him and ask
fession that this torture was designed to him to change this sum to $500,000, since
extract. In December of 1969, after seven Its a much more serious sum The
months in prison, Marof Achkar finally People must think that you earned a lot.
learns that the charges against him are of An elderly Imam who has been watching
financial mismanagement and his captors the proceedings tells Marof Achkar to be
type a confession for him to read as they sure to include his participation in Nazi net-
record his statement. They tell him to read works as well. The script, written by those
with convictionYou were an actor. You who imprisoned Achkar and rewritten
know the routine. The spectator knows not by his son for this reenactment, has gone
only that Marof Achkar was an actor and from ridiculous to patently ludicrous. Not
dancer by training, but that Marof Achkar only is Marof Achkars innocence affirmed
is here being played by an actor, as are his without a doubt in the mind of the specta-
captors. These words have been scripted tor, but Tours strategy of deceiving the
by the filmmaker for ironic effect, and our People for their own good is unmasked in
932 Documentary Transformed

all of its hypocrisy. David Achkar sets Allah it is. Nichols has described the reflexive
Tantou as a document against the confes- mode of documentary film, however, as that
sion represented within it, rewriting its in which the representation of the histori-
false rewriting of his fathers political work cal world becomes, itself, the topic of cin-
and commitment. ematic meditation, the filmmaker engages
Nichols observes that another risk of in metacommentary and speaks about
credibility is involved in the use of reenact- the process of representation itself (RR
ments in documentary film; the supposedly 56).37 Whereas conventional documentary
indexical bond between image and reality is realism provides unproblematic access to
ruptured, since the spectator knows that the world, in reflexive documentary real-
what occurred occurred for the camera ist access to the world, the ability to provide
and is thus an imaginary event (RR 21). He persuasive evidence, the possible of indis-
draws on Whites work to remind us, how- putable argument, the unbreakable bond
ever, that this is a false problem, since all his- between an indexical image and that which
tory depends on reenactment; Historyis it representsall these notions prove sus-
always a matter of story telling: our recon- pect (RR 57, 60). In Allah Tantou, Achkar
struction of events must impose meaning uses juxtaposition to teach the spectator
and order on them.35 Written nonfiction also how to read, never telling us what to think
often reenacts, attaching invented dialogue but forcing us to interpret the fragments
to historical accounts, in order to acquire with which we are presented. He refuses to
more, and not less, credibility for its narra- give us what we expect from documentary,
tive. The difference is that writing, unlike never letting the images of history seem to
film, is not burdened with the problem of tell their own story. The films reflexivity
an actual actor who would approximate with- breaks the illusion that classical Hollywood
out being the historical personage (RR 22). cinema maintains by means of invisible
David Achkar not only bears but brandishes editing; Achkar refuses to let the specta-
the burden of the need for a stand-in for tor be drawn into identification with either
his father in his autobiographical documen- character or camera.
tary. As a result of the obvious inauthenticity Allah Tantou makes evident the extent to
of these reenactments, the spectator is never which Marof Achkars life, both as a dancer
allowed to forget that Marof Achkar is not and a politician, was publicly recorded. Yet
and cannot be Marof Achkar, since Marof even with all of this visual evidence, a pub-
Achkar was shot and killed, was permanently lic hero can be rewritten and disgraced or
taken away from his son after suffering for forgotten. How can his son use the images
many years in prison. of his father that have survived him? How
Analyzing suture, the knitting of the can he connect them to resurrect his father
spectator into the film he or she is watch- both for himself and in the public mind and
ing through a process of identification and eye? How can Achkar accomplish the bio-
desire, Kaja Silverman has noted that clas- graphical documentary of a dead mana
sic film narrative works not only to activate man, moreover, that he barely knew? Oliver
the viewers desire and transform one shot Lovesey has claimed that despite the prob-
into a signifier for the next, but to deflect lems with Jamesons formulation of all
attention away from the level of enunciation third-world literature as national allegory,
to that of the fiction.36 Like fiction film, the the genre of the prison diary is one of the
documentary genre has its own narrative defining genres of African literature and
conventions that shift attention away from one of the best examples of national alle-
the level of enunciation in order to convince gory.38 As written by Wole Soyinka, Ngugi
us that it is simply presenting the world as wa Thiongo and Kwame Nkrumah, among
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 933

others, the African prison diary is a reflex- first. Your voice and your personal-
ive genre, which brushes against the grain ity, which had become too strong
of official histories of the prisoners activi- abroad, frightened them. Once the
ties; it rewrites official master narratives of Revolutionary Committee got what it
national history (APD 214). In Allah Tantou, wanted, a signed, recorded, and filed
David Achkar films his fathers prison diary deposition, it could be used at any
for him, in his absence, telling his fathers moment. This was how the regime
untold story and re-establishing his good functioned. No-one was safe fromit.
name against the false confession, part of
Tours master narrative, that had been his We hear overlapping and fragmentary med-
official biography. He then reflects upon itations on the past, present, and future
the link between his fathers story and his of Africa: Illusion, deception, realism,
nations history. Over 8mm footage of Marof efficiency, these are the stages the young
Achkar speaking at a government congress, African diplomat goes through; It is too
Marof Achkars voice-over from his prison early to judge the evolution of democracy
cell continues: in Africa; Marxist theory, which is a left-
ist ideology. Over newsreel footage of
My son. Insults are the weapons Cuba, juxtaposed with footage of African
that remain at the disposition of the women dancing and then footage of Nelson
weak when it seems that nothing Mandela giving a speech, different voices
more is to be gained with a concil- claim that African countries are too weak
iatory attitude. I was so well inte- and too underdeveloped, that Marxism
grated into his regime that I was encourages a cult of personality as evi-
not able to sense what was about to denced by Stalin, Mao, and Castro, that the
happen. Isaw things as if a student; colonized still need their ex-colonizers, that
Icould neither see nor understand colonization was a crime against humanity.
what was hiding behind each of These chaotic theories and images present
their attitudes, each of their words. but do not resolve the dilemmas facing not
Iwill never be so naiveagain. just Guinea, but all postcolonial African
nationsdemocracy versus socialism,
Addressing his son, the father recounts, Christianity versus Islam, tradition versus
from beyond the grave, the realization of modernity.
having participated in a government to In a very real sense, then, Marof Achkars
whose crimes he had been blind. In 8mm story is shown to be a national allegory;
footage from another congress, a ban- his tragedy is not only the tragedy of
ner proclaims that The Revolution is other Guineans, but of innumerable other
Exigency, quoting the title of a poem pub- Africans. We must examine, however, the
lished by Tour in 1978, which begins Let way that David Achkar concludes the story
us resolutely destroy/Any betrayer of the of his fathers odyssey through politics
nation. The filmmaker then reciprocates in the reenactment of his time in prison.
his fathers address in another voice-over: Marof Achkar physically and mentally
deteriorates into blindness and delirium,
Victim of a purge. Every three or considering suicide before reaching a state
four years, politically weak govern- of calm resolve. As he writes in his cell, he
ments that have experienced failures saysthat:
must accuse and condemn some of
their members in order to justify I hope that Iwill learn more, since
themselves. You were among the Ihope to find freedom and personal
934 Documentary Transformed

fulfillment through this ordeal in January 1971. Achkar cuts to white and
I have never felt as free as I do then fades in to the image of a handwritten
now. Of course it is difficult to be in letter signed by Marof Achkar, its last words
prison, but this is only physical sub- Dedicated to my son F.M. David Achkar on
jugation. My mind has never been his tenth birthday. Through the medium of
as free as it is now. Because Iknow film, in another joltingly reflexive moment,
exactly who I am and what I want, David Achkar has allowed his father to pro-
where Iam going and why. Iknow nounce an impossible autobiographical
precisely my ideal. I hope to be statementI was shot. The film ends in a
able to begin everything again very first-person voice passed from son to father;
soon. Iregret having participated in the dedication from son to father that began
this government. the film has reciprocated the one in this last
This personal resolution stands in stark Olney praised those African autobiog-
contrast to the non-resolution of the collage raphies in which the individual presents
of images and quotations that allegorized himself as representative of African expe-
Marof Achkars experience. Marof Achkar rience (TA 37)and Jameson, responding to
has come to certain realizations as an indi- the criticism of Aijaz Ahmad, once again
vidual and not as a participant in a national defined national allegory as the coinci-
collective. David Achkar then takes over the dence of the personal story and the tale of
voice-over, providing most, but not all, of the the tribe.39 Yet neither David nor Marof
last chapter of his fathers story. We learn Achkars history coincides with that of
that, after a pact was signed between Tour Guinea; an essential aspect of the tragic
and Amilcar Cabral, On November 22, death of Achkars father is that his mur-
1970, a commando unit of the Portuguese derer was the leader of Guinea and a hero
army, then involved in a colonial war with of African independence. Marof Achkars
Guinea Bissau, the neighboring country, political trajectory was one of an individual
landed in Conakry to liberate their citizens destroyed in the name of a collective, of a
from Camp Boiro. Marof Achkar was free for Peoples revolution, and his son has used
a few hours but was then easily recaptured a formally reflexive text that combines
because of his blindness. In the following first-person autobiography and biography
years, Tour accused half of his population in the second and third person, to resist
and nine tenths of his government of trea- his fathers erasure from Tours version of
son; there were hangings in Conakry, but Guinean history.
no news of you. We see photographs of Tour himself, moreover, linked what he
other Camp Boiro prisoners, one by one, considered to be an un-African individual-
in silence. In 1971, David Achkar and his ism to an un-socialist realist art: Africa is
mother were sent into exile and in 1984, essentially communocratic. Collective life
after Tours death, the camp was opened and social solidarity provide its customs
following a military coup. Not until 1985 with a humanist basis that many peoples
did Achkar and his mother receive a death could envy Yet who has not observed the
certificate, of which we see a close-up, that progression of personal egoism in the social
stated that Marof Achkar had been shot on circles contaminated by the spirit of the col-
January 26, 1971. The last words of the film, onizers? Who has not heard the defense of
however, are in Marof Achkars voice, the theory of art for arts sake the theory
over 8mm footage of cars traveling along of every man for himself?40 He believed
a dirt road; It was on a morning such as that the cinema should never be anything
this, on a road like this one, that Iwas shot, but an instrument, a means, a tool put to
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 935

the use of the Revolution; it should not cre- of his father and from reenactments based
ate, but rather be an adaptation of what has on the letters, books, and memoirs his father
existed.41 It is therefore not surprising that wrote in prison. By doing so, he has not only
David Achkar would choose to address the continued Marof Achkar, saved him from
relationship between his father as an indi- loubli, but has also been one of the first to
vidual and Tours repressive collectivism in denounce Tours reign of terror in Guinea.
a film that, although not a purely formalist And, at the same time, Achkar has told a story
work of art for arts sake, does reject for- that is his own, saying of Allah Tantou that I
mulaic realism. Yet a tension with regard to felt Iwould only exist once Ihad finished the
the political value of formal experimenta- film (MH 112). Intertwining private story and
tion has pervaded theories of African Third history, the personal and the historical, he has
Cinema. This is evident within the work placed his family at the center of national and
of Teshome Gabriel, who has praised, like international, colonial and postcolonial, his-
Tour, radical content in conventionally real- tory. Filmmaker Raoul Peck has claimed that
ist narrative, claiming that Third Cinema the autobiographical elements of his 1992
film-makers rarely move their camera and documentary, Lumumba:Death of the Prophet,
sets unless the story calls for it (TC 60). were designed to draw the viewer into the
Gabriel has also stated, however, that antico- story.43 Though this may be part of the case,
lonial films try to expand the boundaries of it is also true that Peck, like Achkar, is drawn
cinematic language and devise new stylistic into History by his film, as both have drawn
approaches appropriate to their revolution- History into their stories.
ary goals, that revolutionary filmmakers Achkar has made a film that in some ways
seek the demystification of representa- resembles the introspective avant-garde
tional practices as part of the process of lib- diary films discussed by Sitney, yet unlike
eration.42 Allah Tantou has been open to Jerome Hill and Stan Brakhage he looks
criticism for how it tells its story, both for an outward rather than inward in his reflexive
excessive concern with form and for a focus exploration of personal identity and his-
on the individual. Yet it is Achkars innova- tory. I have stressed the autobiographical
tive style and use of a first-person autobio- aspect of the film, but it is clear that Allah
graphical and biographical voice, his many Tantou is as much biography as autobiogra-
subversions of our generic expectations, phy. I would argue, however, that the bio-
that enable the fashioning of a historical graphical neither dilutes nor destroys the
narrative asserting an African perspective autobiographical. Achkar shows us that
not only on colonization and decoloniza- stories of self and other(s) are necessarily
tion, but on the complications and crimes of interwoven. He structures his film around
African post-independence politics aswell. his relationships to an individual hero, his
In Marof Achkars voice-over following father, whose story is inextricably linked to
his discovery of inner peace while in prison, the stories of the communities and nations
he says that he loves his wife and children and within which both have lived and acted,
that We want to be continued after our chil- achieving an imbrication of the personal
dren. Who wants to be forgotten, afterwards? within the historical without any dissolu-
What can save one from being forgotten? tion or deprecation of the individual. The
Raw documentary evidence is not enough, individual is in fact glorified and memo-
not if it is denied by a dictator or lies hidden in rialized in connection with his role in a
archives, and in any case, no one life can ever be collective struggle. Allah Tantou places an
completely recorded. David Achkar has made emphasis on the individual that cannot and
meaning from a combination of evidence and should not be allegorized away; not only
artifice, from the public documentary images is the personal political, but the political
936 Documentary Transformed

personal. Individual here in no way implies 4. Philippe Lejeune, Le pacte autobiographique (Paris:
Seuil, 1975) 25. My translation.
the stereotypical Enlightenment model of 5. Jacques Derrida, The Law of Genre, trans. Avital
the unitary, coherent subject; the complex Ronell, Glyph 7 (1980):212. Ihave slightly modified
narrative construction of the film precludes Ronells translation.
6. Ihab Hassan, The Postmodern Turn (Ohio State
any risk of such an understanding. Univ. Press, 1987)170.
Both African autobiography and auto- 7. Thomas Beebee, The Ideology of Genre (University
biographical film are not only possible, Park:Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1994)9.
8. Avrom Fleishman, Figures of Autobiography:The
but have much to teach African and Language of Self-Writing in Victorian and Modern
non-African scholars of fictional and docu- England (Berkeley:Univ. of California Press,
mentary literature and film. Declarations of 1983)472.
the impossibility of African autobiography 9. Georges Gusdorf, Conditions and Limits of
Autobiography, Autobiography:Essays Theoretical
deny African writers and filmmakers the and Critical, ed. James Olney (Princeton:Princeton
individuality previously denied them by University Press, 1980)29.
colonial powers. Declarations of the impos- 10. Paul John Eakin, Fictions in Autobiography
(Princeton:Princeton Univ. Press, 1985)200.
sibility of autobiographical film ignore the 11. James Olney, Tell Me Africa (Princeton:Princeton
global proliferation of autobiographical Univ. Press, 1973) viii; hereafter cited in text
films and videos. In order to escape the asTA.
12. Fredric Jameson, Third-World Literature in the
critical impasse that results from a restric- Era of Multinational Capitalism, Social Text 15
tive model of autobiography, we must (1986):69.
instead choose to conceptualize a genre 13. Clyde Taylor, Black Cinema in the Post-aesthetic
Era, Questions of Third Cinema, ed. Jim Pines and
that has flexible and porous borders, one Paul Willemen (London: British Film Institute,
that includes rather than excludes works 1989) 90, 106.
such as Achkars. These new members of 14. Tahar Cheriaa, Le groupe et le hros, Camera
nigra:Le discours du film africain, ed. Victor Bachy
the family of autobiographical texts offer (Paris:LHarmattan, 1984) 109. My translation.
innovative possibilities for the interrela- 15. Elizabeth Malkmus and Roy Armes, Arab and
tion of autobiography, biography, and his- African Film Making (London:Zed Books,
tory, expanding the boundaries of what has 16. Teshome Gabriel, Third Cinema as Guardian of
been considered first-person narration. Popular Memory:Towards a Third Aesthetics,
Allah Tantou, impossible to theorize accord- Questions of Third Cinema 58; hereafter cited in
ing to our existing generic frameworks for 17. Jean-Pierre Chartier, Les films la premire
understanding autobiographical as well as personne et lillusion de ralit au cinma, La
African narratives, shows us our shortcom- revue du cinma 1.4 (1947):32.
18. Fereydoun Hoveyda, The First Person Plural,
ings and dares us to account forit. Cahiers du cinma, the 1950s: Neo-realism, Hollywood,
New Wave, ed. Jim Hillier (Cambridge: Harvard
Notes Univ. Press, 1985) 55.
19. Annette Insdorf, Franois Truffaut
1. Allah Tantou, dir. David Achkar, perf. Michel (NewYork:Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994)173.
Montanary, Archibald Films, 1991. All translations 20. Elizabeth Bruss, Eye for I:Unmaking
mine. Achkar died suddenly in 1998 at the age of Autobiography in Film, Autobiography:Essays
38, having completed a second film, Kiti:Justice in Theoretical and Critical296-7.
Guinea (1996), but leaving a third unfinished. 21. Lejeune, Cinma et autobiographie: problmes de
2. Other examples include Jean-Marie Tenos Africa, vocabulaire, Revue belge du cinma (1986): 78. My
I Will Fleece You and Vacation in the Country (1992 translation; hereafter cited in text as CA.
and 2000, Cameroon), Raoul Pecks Lumumba: 22. P. Adams Sitney, Autobiography in Avant-Garde
Death of the Prophet (1992, Haiti/Congo), Mweze Film, Millenium Film Journal 1.1 (19778): 61.
Nganguras The King, the Cow, and the Banana Tree Jay Ruby has similarly found personal art
(1994,Congo), Samba Flix Ndiayes Letter to Senghor films to be the filmic equivalent of literary
(1997, Senegal), and Abderrahmane Sissakos autobiography. [The Image Mirrored: Reflexivity
Rostov-Luanda (1997, Mauritania). and the Documentary Film, New Challenges for
3. Alastair Fowler, Kinds of Literature (Cambridge: Documentary, ed. Alan Rosenthal (Berkeley: Univ.
Harvard Univ. Press, 1982)41. of California Press, 1988) 72.]
Mixing ImpossibleGenres 937

23. Michael Renov, The Subject in History:The New David Achkar, Visual Anthropology Review 9.2 (Fall
Autobiography in Film and Video, Afterimage 17.1 1993):112; hereafter cited in textasMH.
(1989):5. 31. Bill Nichols, Representing Reality (Bloomington:
24. Jim Lane, Notes on Theory and the Indiana University Press, 1991) 2930; hereafter
Autobiographical Documentary Film in America, cited in textasRR.
Wide Angle 15.3 (1993):32. 32. Hayden White, The Content of the Form
25. Alan Williams, Is a Radical Genre Criticism (Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press,
Possible? Quarterly Review of Film Studies 9.2 1987)2.
(Spring 1984):122; hereafter cited in text asRGC. 33. Roland Barthes, Le discours de lhistoire, (1967)
26. Barry Keith Grant, ed., Film Genre Reader Le bruissement de la langue (Paris:Seuil [Points],
II (Austin:University of Texas Press, 1995); 1984)168. My translation.
Nick Brown, ed., Refiguring American Film 34. Allah Tantou, Le film africain 2 (Mai 1991). My
Genres:History and Theory (Berkeley:Univ. translation.
of California Press, 1998); Steve Neale, Genre 35. Bill Nichols, Blurred Boundaries:Questions of
(London:British Film Institute, 1980); Rick Meaning in Contemporary Culture (Bloomington:
Altman, Film/Genre (London:BFI,1999). Indiana University Press, 1994)32.
27. Judith Hess Wright, Genre Films and the Status 36. Kaja Silverman, The Subject of Semiotics (NewYork,
Quo, Film Genre ReaderII41. 1983), p.214.
28. Iwill use quotation marks when referring to 37. Ukadike has briefly examined Allah Tantou and
David Achkars father as imagined or reenacted Tenos Africa, IWill Fleece You in relation to
in his sons film in order to distinguish between Nichols category of reflexive documentary. See
Marof Achkar as acted by Montanary and the African Cinematic Reality:The Documentary
real Marof Achkar as represented in photographs, Tradition as an Emerging Trend.
newsreels, and home movies. Without a first 38. Oliver Lovesey, The African Prison Diaryas
name, Achkar will always refer to the filmmaker, National Allegory, Nationalism vs.
David Achkar. Internationalism (Tbingen:Stauffenberg, 1996)
29. It is interesting that several critics, including Frank 210; hereafter cited in text asAPD.
Ukadike and Stephen Holden, have incorrectly 39. Fredric Jameson, A Brief Response, Social Text 17
asserted that David Achkar himself is playing (1987):26.
the role of his father, either not noticing or 40. Ahmed Skou Tour, LAfrique en marche, t.X
resisting Achkars reflexive strategy in an overly (Conakry:Imprimerie nationale Patrice Lumumba,
autobiographizing reading of the film. See N. Frank 1967) 520. My translation.
Ukadike, The Other Voices of Documentary: Allah 41. Ahmed Skou Tour, La rvolution culturelle
Tantou and Afrique, je te plumerai, Iris 18 (1995): (Conakry:Imprimerie nationale Patrice Lumumba,
81; Ukadike, African Cinematic Reality: The 1969) 360, 364. My translation.
Documentary Tradition as an Emerging Trend, 42. Teshome Gabriel, Third Cinema in the Third
Research in African Literatures 26.3 (1995): 8896; World:An Aesthetics of Liberation (Ann Arbor:UMI
Stephen Holden, Independence in Africa and Research Press, 1982) 24,95.
Death in High Places, New York Times 30 Sept. 43. Response to a question from the author after a
1992: C18. screening of the film at the Margaret Mead Film
30. Pat Aufderheide, Memory and History in and Video Festival, American Museum of Natural
Subsaharan African Cinema:An Interview with History, November1998.

The Future of African Documentary Cinema(2010)

In following the issues and day-to-day work- This overriding view apparently emerged
ings of a neighbourhood video-club in as most of these first filmsAfrique sur
Ouagadougou, home of the FESPACO and Seine, Contras City, Borom Sarret, to name
capital of African cinema, my latest work, but a fewtook place in urban settings,
Sacred Places, allowed me to question my with characters often playing their real-life
own work as a filmmaker in Africa, and to roles. Moreover, the content of these stories,
consider the direction that cinema is taking on often rooted in the social and political con-
the continent. text of the time, led many people somewhat
Offering a personal reading of both past and disparagingly to equate these films with
present documentary filmmaking in Africa, documentaries, at a time when documen-
this article aims to continue that reflection, tary film had not achieved the levels of pop-
raising one of todays most salient questions: ularity it has gained in recent years with the
that of transmission. As the visionary Abbo films of Michael Moore and other European
reminds us in Sacred Places: In the begin- and American directors.
ning was the word . . . But who is speaking? If realism in African cinema led critics
And to say what to whom? to associate narrative films with documen-
taries at a time when documentary did not
When I arrived in Ouagadougou for my have the appeal of fiction film, who can
first FESPACO in 1983, I was struck by the blame African filmmakers for turning their
intensity and abundance of debates about backs on realistic stories set in African cit-
African film. In the endless discussions to ies to embrace stories set in the imagined
define African cinema and its future, one and idealized village, giving rise to what
of the points that kept coming up was the became referred to as calabash cinema in
impression that the first films by African the Eighties?
filmmakers were either documentary in Along with Idrissa Ouedraogo and his
style or of documentary value. award-winning films Yaaba and Tilai, the
Writing onWalls 939

most striking example of this to my mind is tradition, and specifically the griots narra-
Souleymane Ciss, who first made Den Muso, tive style, Beninese filmmaker Richard de
then went on to make what I consider to be Meideros short film Teke, Hymne au Borgou
one of the masterpieces of African cinema: (1974) paved a path we are still following
Baara. Released in 1978, Baara is a well-crafted many years later.
film that has barely aged and can be seen as Both Mustapha Alassane and Richard de
an example of an African cinema that is both Medeiros shared a legitimate concern:how
challenging and popular. Ciss went on to to find ways to represent African realities in
make Finye, before completing Yeelen, one of an accessible form, incorporating African
African cinemas most mysterious, complex narrative approaches and European aes-
and sophisticated films, bringing him the thetics, but reframing these to serve new
international recognition he deserved and purposes. This strategy worked in other
encouraging him to embark on the strange art forms too, such as the visual arts and
adventure of the film Waati, a multi-headed music in particular, with musicians like
monster that almost sunk his career. Manu Dibango or Fela Anikulapo Kuti and
Before Ciss, the very first wave of Afro jazz. By blending African and Western
African filmmakers had successfully appro- music styles into what would become the
priated the film medium in their efforts to new modern African music, they durably
accompany the social and political strug- changed African music and found a way
gles of the early years of African indepen- to impose it internationally without losing
dence. Their works directly and indirectly theirsouls.
challenged colonial discourse and offered Almost ten years older than me, Samba
African audiences representations that Felix Ndiaye followed in the footsteps of
promoted dignity and gave them the hope, these two pioneering filmmakers, while
strength and confidence to embark on the at the same time developing his own
task of inventing a future in a turbulent and personalstyle.
changing world. Unlike Mustapha Alassanes popular
The Sixties saw the emergence of mas- approach to film, however, the late Samba
ters such as Mustapha Alassane, who went Felix Ndiaye saw himself more as a painter,
from narrative, to documentary, to anima- an artist looking at society, bringing ele-
tion to address issues that were relevant at ments together for everyone to see, irrespec-
that time, and which remain relevant today, tive of whether the majority of the audience
fifty years later. One fully appreciates the tal- was able to read the relevant connections
ent of this man when working, as I currently between them ornot.
am, with young avant-garde filmmakers in Samba felt that cinema could stand only
the US, who still use 16mm today to rein- for what it was, nothing more. This gave
vent, create and propose daring metaphors him the ability, the freedom, to step back
about their lives. In his 1966 film Le Retour and achieve a distance that allowed him to
dun aventurier, Alassane did just that and make films that I considered observational
more in his little village in Niger, creating a and at times even a little bourgeois, as I
parody of the western to brilliantly and met- felt they sometimes lacked political edge at
aphorically address the intrusion of colonial a time when I personally considered this
culture in African societies. This is another crucial in the fight for democracy in Africa.
example of what popular culture can be at In all fairness, Senegal in the Eighties
its best: inventive, funny and relevant to the was in a far better political situation than
contemporary socio-political situation. many other African countries, even if the
By reappropriating ethnographic codes situation has since declined. In April 1984,
and blending them with elements of oral we had a mini civil war in Cameroon; Paul
940 Documentary Transformed

Biya came to power in 1982, and we thought Samba Felix and I often ran into each
that the 25-year-long nightmare of Ahidjo other at film festivals, or in Paris, where we
was over and that the country would move discussed our work avidly. He repeatedly
towards democracy. We were deluding our- told me to pay more attention to the form.
selves, sadly, and we slid deeper and deeper In retrospect, I realize that my work kept
into the mire. It was in this context of a unconsciously answering: forget the form,
totalitarian society that I started and con- as long as I truthfully represent my percep-
tinued to make documentary films. One of tion of African reality without loosing my
the goals I set out to achieve was to decom- audience. Personally, my main concern
plexify life around me and to present the was to improve my filmic structures and
social and political situation in Cameroon make my narration as poetic, funny and
in a comprehensive manner. That is why engaging as possible without compromis-
I choose to narrate my films. In 1992, in ing the content.
Afrique, je te plumerai I adopted first-person Samba studied his classics in film school
narrative for the first time and I have con- and was fascinated by a Dutch filmmaker,
tinued to use it to bring viewers, wherever Johan Van der Keuken, whom we both
they are, to look at the world through my knew. In Berlin in 2000, a year before his
eyes, through the eyes of an African. My lat- death, Van der Keuken told me that he was
est film Sacred Places took me into St Leon, fortunate to have been born in a place where
a neighbourhood of Ouagadougou, the the basic issues of democracy had been
capital of African cinema, to meet Bouba, resolved, and that he was not sure he would
the videoclub operator, Jules-Cesar, the have made the same films if he had been
djembe-maker who sees the djembe as the born in some of the places he had filmed.
ancestor of cinema, and Abbo who writes This was a kind way of acknowledging my
philosophical statements on the neighbour- work, even if it was totally different in its
hood walls for everyone to see. Together, approach to his, and I remain grateful to
these three characters are a metaphor for him forthat.
African film: Jules-Cesar incarnates sound Samba Felix Ndiaye and Johan Van der
and films creative aspects; Bouba the Keuken belong to the family of great film-
image and its constraints; and Abbo is like makers whose empathy for the people in
the filmmaker, writing on the walls of his front of their cameras transpires clearly
neighbourhood, hoping for people to come in their films. They also showed the same
by and read his words. empathy to their peers, and especially their
Many other filmmakers choose to use younger colleagues, for whom their time
first person narrative like Zeka Laplaine in and advice was precious. Their absence will
Kinshasa Palace adding another dimension leave a long and lastingvoid.
of complexity by incorporating themselves Despite the disdain for African documen-
in the film as another fictional character. A tary film that has prevailed up to this date,
way of blurring the boundaries of fictional there are reasons to be cautiously hope-
documentary or an attempt to confuse the ful: 2009 confirmed both the increase in
viewer and leave him wandering where the the number of documentary films produced
truth lies in the story unfolding in front of by first-time filmmakers and the number of
him. The visual presence of self in films as festivals on the African continent dedicated
a narrator and as a character was also pres- to documentary film. At the same time, it
ent in Mahamat Saleh Harouns film Bye also saw European cultural institutes, such
Bye Africa and in Abdherramane Sissakos as The Goethe Institute and the French
La Vie sur terre. Cultural Centers, and organizations, such
Writing onWalls 941

as Africadoc, vying to offer training to young themselves, often taking as examples and
African filmmakers. references the ethnographic images they
This latter situation brought back to are familiar with, rather than the works of
mind the words of one African professor other African filmmakers?
from Cheik Anta Diop University in Dakar, When European organizations such as
whom I met after a screening of Afrique, je te Africadoc claim to be initiating documen-
plumerai. He commented: Your film ends tary filmmaking in Africa, what message do
with the affirmation that education is one of they send to their trainees about the legacy
the solutions for the future of Africa, but the of the pioneering documentary filmmakers
question is, what education? working on the continent beforethem?
Indeed, one of the recurring problems Have African artists and filmmakers
of cinema on the continent is the absence been struggling to introduce elements of
of transmission from one generation to the complexity in the representation of Africa,
next, partly due to the lack of local policies to challenge simplistic and essentializing
to support film. In such a context, film- colonial representations, simply to see the
makers rarely have time for anything other return of a new form of cultural colonization
than their own daily struggle to create and fifty years on, in the name of globalization?
survive. This does not nurture filiations or Despite the situation I have just
long-time collaboration between filmmak- described, there is hope. Amidst the numer-
ers of different generations. Each genera- ous productions flourishing all over the
tion is thus left to fend for itself and each continent, some real talents are emerging
new generation acts like it thinks it has rein- and their works are opening up encourag-
vented thewheel! ing perspectives for the future. Katy Lena
With the exception of a few institutions Ndiaye (Senegal), for example, whose aes-
such as Gaston Kabores Imagine in Burkina thetic approach is a pure pleasure for the
Faso, which offers training to African film- senses, can no doubt be classed as a descen-
makers from all over the continent, todays dant of the director Samba Felix Ndiaye.
training schemes seem to perpetuate a par- Nourished by her solid journalistic back-
adigm not dissimilar to the colonial eras ground and a fearless approach to injustice,
civilizing mission:the globalizing mission. Cameroonian director Oswalde Lewat has
Today, for example, the Goethe Institute successfully managed in her three films to
brings young German filmmakers to Africa remind us all that the fight for democracy
to train African filmmakers, as if there were and change in Africa is still the responsibil-
not enough trained filmmakers on the con- ity of the artist.
tinent to transmit their knowledge to their In South Africa, the new individual
younger peers. Europeans training Africans voices of Khalo Matabene and Dumissani
to look at and represent themselves raises Pakhati are embracing and addressing the
certain questions, especially if one consid- complexity of the new South Africa in auda-
ers many of these teachers lack of aware- cious styles that complement the observa-
ness and sometimes lack of interest in the tional approach of experienced filmmakers
history of the continent, and particularly the such as Francis Webster.
history of African representation. In From a Whisper, a sort of fictional doc-
Isnt it ironic that, fifty years after the first umentary that puts some of the realities
generation of African filmmakers began the facing the African continent at the centre
struggle to challenge and rectify colonial rep- of the creative cinematic process, another
resentations of Africa, Europeans are back impressive woman filmmaker, Kenyan
to train our youth to look at and represent Wanjiri Kanui, took a real eventthe
942 Documentary Transformed

bombing of the American embassyand himself the duty, the responsibility of taking
created fictional characters to address the the kids back to their relatives. At the same
full complexity of Islamic fundamentalism time, Moussas films remain difficult to find
and terrorism. This successful reconcilia- internationally, even if he does screen them
tion of narrative and documentary echoed locally: in a sense, it is as if Moussa were
the approach of pioneering Mustapha writing on walls like Abbo in Sacred Places,
Alassane. as most of us are in our local communities.
Finally, I would like to cite the work of For me, these two points raise the fol-
Moussa Toure, who worked as a techni- lowing key questions, on which Iwould like
cian on many of the classics of African to conclude: can the filmmaker, as an art-
cinema before directing his own 35mm ist, allow him/herself to be defined by oth-
features Toubab-Bi and TGV. In 2000, ers who have the means to manipulate and
Toure took a video camera and started trav- orientate the reading of his/her work, or
elling the continent, shooting Poussire de should he/she be writing on the walls like
ville (2001), a film about street children in Moussa in his neighbourhood, at the risk of
Congo after the war, followed by the poi- not being seen further afield?
gnant Nous sommes nombreuses (2003) on Are those who choose to write meaning-
rape as instrument of war and its conse- ful things on the walls, for their commu-
quences. Moussa Toure has since gone on nities, more likely to survive in the long
to deal with immigration and environmen- run, to make a more lasting impact, than
tal issues in his neighbourhood in Dakar. those who run after the mirage of a global
Moussa Toures work is interesting not recognition?
only for his relatively atypical cinematic Whilst the walls cannot be moved, todays
path from narrative film to documentary; new forms of internet technology do make
his work also raises important ethical ques- it possible to relay those messages, offering
tions. When, while shooting Poussire de a diversity of voices to challenge the stan-
ville, for example, Moussa went looking for dardizing tendencies of globalization. So,
the families of his characters, the street kids, ultimately, the question still remains:what
he was going beyond the habitual role of the messages are we choosing to write on
filmmaker vis--vis his subject by assigning thewalls?

Chinese Documentary, Chinese Postsocialism(2007)

Since 1989 innovative documentary has new understanding of the limits of the
been one of the hallmarks of Chinese film emergent public sphere and the possibili-
and video. Most of the documentary mak- ties of social transformation after, on the
ers associated with this new direction have one hand, the Tiananmen Square massacre
professional backgrounds completely sepa- (or incident, as the regime prefers to call
rate from the Urban or Sixth Generation it) and, on the other, the negative example
of young feature filmmakers. They usually of the former Soviet Unions fragmenta-
shoot on video and come from the world of tion and decline following the transition
television, which has its own training insti- to democracy and capitalism in the 1990s.
tutions and regulations that are apart from In a nutshell, getting real is the condi-
those of film. However, there are also nota- tion of contemporary postsocialist cinema
ble similarities between their works and in China. There is no doubt that these
those of the Urban or Sixth Generation. In two senses of getting real work together
this essay Iexamine the new documentaries as a productive tension, or overdetermin-
within a comparative framework, arguing ing contradiction, that conditions the new
that the new documentary and feature film- Chinese documentary. A more difficult
makers both operate under the imperative question is whether the new documentary
to getreal. participates in the maintenance of Chinese
Getting real has two meanings here. postsocialism or disturbsit.
On the one hand, it indicates the drive to I specify Chinese postsocialism here
represent the real behind both the new for two reasons. First, I wrote this essay
documentaries and the feature films. On out of the conviction that the new docu-
the other hand, it also refers to the slang mentary in China can only be understood
phrase get real, meaning wise up or in this locally specific context. By way of
stop dreaming. In the Peoples Republic comparison, Brnice Reynaud has intro-
since 1989, this has meant developing a duced some of the work considered here in
944 Documentary Transformed

a survey essay that bristles with wonderful existing alternative. In other words, I write
insights and provocations by placing the this essay not with a neo-cold war hope that
work along with a range of other critical China may one day join the free world,
and independent Chinese videos from the but out of a shared interest in the question
period before 1989, from Hong Kong, from of tactical responses to having to work in the
Taiwan, and from the diaspora, including globalizing territory of what de Certeau calls
the United States. Reynaud links this mate- the space of the Other at a time when the
rial with the framework of response to the absence of visible and viable outside space
experience of colonialism and a general threatens the meaningfulness of the very
progressive politics of critical interven- phrase.3
tion.1 While I do not challenge broad (and Who, then, are the new documentary
detailed) takes such as Reynauds, in this makers in the Peoples Republic? What
essay I supplement them with an emphasis characterizes their work, and when did it
on the local specificity that makes indepen- begin? Probably the best-known Chinese
dent documentary distinctive in post-1989 documentary internationally and the one
China. For example, many of the new docu- many would assume initiated the new
mentary makers have drawn upon the cin- documentary form is River Elegy (Heshang,
ema verit of Fred Wiseman and Ogawa a.k.a. Death Song of the River, 1988; dir. Xia
Shinsukes socially engaged documentary Jun). This polemic on cultural isolationism
modes. But beyond the formal similari- and the persistence of feudalism aired on
ties, both the appeal and the significance the national state television network China
of these modes in post-1989 China is quite Central Television (CCTV) in the months
different from that in 1960s United States prior to the 1989 Tiananmen Square mas-
and Japan, as well as that in Taiwan and sacre, and in its wake placed the shows
South Korea, where Ogawas mode has also producers among Chinas most-wanted
been appropriated. fugitives.4 However, although its message
The second reason stems from the fact was challenging, in other ways it followed
that postsocialism is at once a condition existing paradigms. All Chinese documen-
shared across many different countries and taries made prior to 1989 took the form of
experienced in locally specific ways. The the pre-scripted illustrated lecture. For the
term postsocialism has been used col- most part they were known as zhuanti pian
loquially to mean simply after the end of (literally, special topic films) as opposed
socialism. This makes sense in the coun- to newsreels (xinwen pian), which cover a
tries that have appeared after the break-up range of topics in short reports. With the
of the Soviet Union, for instance. In the benefit of hindsight, the criticism is often
Peoples Republic of China, however, post- made that the cultural fever and democ-
socialism has more parallels with Lyotards racy spring of the late eighties were events
postmodernism, where the forms and struc- isolated from ordinary people. And indeed,
tures of the modern (in this case social- the continued use of the illustrated lecture
ism) persist long after faith in the grand format in River Elegy implies that its argu-
narrative that authorizes it has been lost.2 ments are part of disputations among the
Furthermore, the general postsocialist con- governing elite. It belies both the Maoist
dition has also been felt among the forces rhetoric of going down among the people
in the West of what was the Left, where the to learn from them and the newer partici-
fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 has forced the patory rhetoric of democracy, suggesting
remaining diehards to confront not only a that the ordinary people (laobaixing) are not
declining faith in liberal capitalist democ- involved in the process of determining the
racy but also the absence of any actually future of their society but are waiting to be
GettingReal 945

educated about the decisions made above time. The first fades as the immediate pos-
and about them through documentaries sibility of redress and political change also
such as River Elegy and other pedagogical fades. The second increasingly comes to
materials.5 Therefore, River Elegy cannot be mean a focus on ordinary people in China
considered the beginning of new documen- today rather than on the educated elite. The
tary in China; the defining feature of the third undergoes a shift from more experi-
new documentary is a more spontaneous mental to more mainstream modes of
format. spontaneous documentary shot on more
Furthermore, the first Chinese docu- lightweight technology, including digital
mentary to move away from the illustrated video. And the fourth is increasingly imbri-
lecture format and toward spontaneity was cated with television, making it more diffi-
made outside the state-run system. Wu cult to draw lines between independence,
Wenguangs Bumming in Beijing: The Last government direction, and determination
Dreamers (Liulang Beijing, 1990; dir. Wu by the market in a manner following the
Wenguang) was first shown outside China broader social and economic direction of
at the Hong Kong Film Festival in 1991, after postsocialist China, where it is harder and
which it traveled the world. It has, of course, harder to draw a clear line between the state
never been broadcast in China. Bumming In and private enterprise.
Beijing provoked the same excited response To start with the issue of June 4th,
that the feature film Yellow Earth (Huang Bumming in Beijing consists of four vignettes
tudi, 1984, dir. Chen Kaige) did when it about four artists living in Beijing and work-
screened in Hong Kong in 1985.6 Brnice ing, like Wu Wenguang himself, outside
Reynaud speaks of the feeling that a new the state-run system. Shooting began in
chapter of the history of representation mid-1988 and ended in late 1990.9 In the
was being written in front of my eyes.7 film we observe the independent artists
Lu Xinyu, author of The New Documentary difficult living conditions along with their
Film Movement in China, also traces to depression. With one exception, by the end
Yellow Earth the first manifestations of that of the documentary all but one of the artists
movement.8 have married foreigners and are preparing
Four main characteristics, all shared with to leave or have left China.10 Although the
the other new documentaries that began to documentary does not directly address the
appear in China at this time, made Bumming 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and the
in Beijing so striking. These characteristics associated dashing of ideals, it resonates
also provide a framework for comparing the with its absent presence; without any other
film to the new feature filmmaking and for reason offered for the overwhelming atmo-
situating both forms within contemporary sphere of hopelessness and the desire to
Chinese postsocialism. First, the experi- leave the country the Tiananmen event is
ence and memory of June 4th (liusi) 1989 most likely understood as accounting for
is a crucial structuring absence. Second, the both. Indeed, the lack of discussion of the
focus is directly on contemporary city life event may imply that it is too dangerous to
in China among educated people like the mention and thus effectively communicates
documentary makers and the filmmakers the conditions producing the mood of the
themselves. Third, as mentioned above, the interviewees and the documentary itself.
illustrated lecture format is abandoned for The June 4th issue is also the struc-
more spontaneous shooting. And fourth, turing absence at the heart of other rela-
production within the state-owned system tively early new documentaries. Shi Jian,
is eschewed for independent production. who together with his colleagues ran a
All of these characteristics change over documentary-making team known as
946 Documentary Transformed

Structure, Wave, Youth and Cinema (a.k.a. the question of whether or not to go over-
the SWYC Group), is another pioneer of seas. Here it seems important to note that
the new Chinese documentary. The film whereas documentary filmmaking played
I Graduated! (Wo biyele, 1992; dir. SWYC little or no role in the wave of new Chinese
Group) was screened at the Hong Kong cinema associated with the Fifth Generation
International Film Festival in 1993. Also directors in the 1980s, it seems to have been
based on interviews, it focuses on members central to post-1989 cinema, as well as pos-
of the graduating class of Beijing University. sibly to set the tone for feature filmmaking.
There is much handheld camera work, pos- Both the new documentaries and fea-
sibly because, as we see in the film itself, ture films allude to politically sensitive top-
the equipment has to be smuggled onto ics indirectly, as the Fifth Generation also
campus in sports bags. Also, these soon-to- did. But where Fifth Generation films like
graduate students are not at all ebullient. Raise the Red Lantern (Da hong denglong
Instead, they worry about their job assign- gao gao gua, 1991; dir. Zhang Yimou), Yellow
ments and mention other students that they Earth, and Horse Thief (Daoma zei, 1986;
miss.11 Eventually, viewers may recall that Tian Zhuang-zhuang) use historical and/
this campus and this class of students were or geographically remote settings as alle-
very active in the 1989 democracy move- gories for the present, the new documen-
ment. That is why the campus is so strictly taries and feature films focus squarely on
guarded, why they miss friends (shot? contemporary life. This second characteris-
arrested? executed?) and why their futures tic has continued, even after the triggering
are so uncertain. As the documentary devel- event of 1989 receded into the background
ops, the interviewees allude more and more with the passing of time, new economic
to the events that haunt them. In the years growth, and the negative example of demo-
before and after 1989, SWYC also made an cratic change accompanied by social chaos
eight-part series called Tiananmen Square in the former Soviet Union. But where the
(Tiananmen, 1991; dir. SWYC Group), new features have the reputation for focus-
which also was marked by an absence of ing on urban youthearned through fea-
the events of 1989 themselves. An impor- tures ranging from Beijing Bastards (Beijing
tant later documentary film that also seems zazhong, 1991; dir. Zhang Yuan) to Beijing
overdetermined by the taboo on June 4th is Bicycle (Shiqi sui de danche, 2001; dir. Wang
the feature-length documentary The Square Xiaoshuai)the documentaries have diver-
(Guangchang, 1994; dir. Zhang Yuan and sified more within the common focus on
Duan Jinchuan). As a cinema verit por- contemporarylife.
trait of the various daily activities and power Initially, documentaries like Bumming
plays that occur on the stagelike square, no in Beijing and I Graduated! examined the
one in the film addresses the event, pre- lives of young, urban, educated people who
cisely because it is taboo. are similar to the filmmakers themselves.
This structuring absence of June 4th Wu Wenguang continued this trend in,
also lies at the heart of two of the earlier for example, his follow-up to Bumming in
examples of the new feature filmmaking of Beijing, At Home in the World (Sihai rujia,
the 1990s, Red Beads (Xuanlian, 1993; dir. 1995), where he interviews the same sub-
He Jianjun), and The Days (Dongchun de jects in their new homes around the world,
rizi, 1993; dir. Wang Xiaoshuai). The title as well as in 1966, My Time in the Red Guards
of the first film refers to bloodshed, and the (1966, Wo de hongweibing shidai, 1993),
narrative centers on post-traumatic men- where he interviews former Red Guards,
tal illness. The second film, like Bumming including the Fifth Generation filmmaker
in Beijing, focuses on alienated artists and Tian Zhuangzhuang. But other filmmakers
GettingReal 947

have moved out to cover everyday life is clearly deliberate. For example, Diary of
outside of the major cities and as experi- Tai Fu Xiang (Taifuxiang riji, 1998; dir. Lin
enced by more ordinary people, with such Xudong) details the efforts to put owner-
notable examples as Duan Jinchuans tril- ship of a bankrupt state-owned department
ogy of films about Tibet (discussed further store in Shijiazhuang into the hands of its
below); Lu Wangpings video about a trav- employees, including the difficulties that
eling rural opera troupe, The Story of Wang many of those employees have in finding
Laobai (Wang Laobai de gushi, 1996; dir. Lu the funds to invest in this dubious venture.
Wangping); and Wen Pulins various videos Out of Phoenix Bridge (Huidao fenghuang
about his own involvement in contempo- qiao, 1997; dir. Li Hong) follows a group
rary Tibetan Buddhism, such as The Living of young women who as undocumented
Buddha of Kangba (Kangba huofu, 1991), workers from the village of Phoenix Bridge
The Nuns of Minqiong (Minqiongan de nin, in Anhui province have come to Beijing to
1992), The Secret Site of Asceticism (Qingpu, seek employment as maids, a phenomenon
1992; codirected with Duan Jinchuan), and that could not have occurred before the new
Pa-dga Living Buddha (Bajia huofu,1993). mixed economic and social structure. And
The interest of many documentary film- the DV (digital video) documentary Jiang
makers in minority nationalities and the Hu: Life on the Road (Jianghu, 1999; dir.
far-flung border regions of China is a fea- Wu Wenguang), follows the efforts of an
ture shared more with the Fifth Generation entertainment troupe to find forms that will
of feature filmmakers than with the Sixth appeal to the market. This diversification in
or Urban Generation that forms the pri- subject matter means the new documentary
mary framework in which the documenta- is no longer a phenomenon among the edu-
ries are considered here. This link can be cated elite.
traced to the mid-1980s fascination with But even more significant in this broad-
these regions and peoples as some kind of ening of the new documentary is how the
others within China. By virtue of that para- films and videos are made, both stylistically
doxical status, they could express the sense and institutionally, as well as their wide
of alienation and distance from their own appeal. For not only do these new docu-
culture felt by many educated Chinese amid mentaries regularly go down among the
the disillusion of the post-Mao era.12 At this people but they also give (or appear to give)
time, feature filmmakers went to shoot in the ordinary people a direct voice, which
these areas, and many who in the future enables (or appears to enable) them to
would become independent documentary speak directly to other ordinary people and
makers went to visit, live, or work in these resonates with the economic agency that the
areas. For Wen Pulin, Tibet is clearly an development of a market sector gives (or
appealing place of refuge from the failure of appears to give)them.
modern materialist culture, whereas Duan Stylistically, this giving of a voice is cen-
Jinchuan seems to approach life in con- tered in unscripted spontaneity. This was
temporary Tibet as one aspect of life in the also one of the most immediately striking
Peoples Republic as awhole. features of Bumming in Beijing, and of all
In the process of recording scenes of the other new documentaries that have fol-
contemporary Chinese life, many docu- lowed it. In Chinese, the most frequently
mentaries have inevitably also touched used term in publications to describe this
on contemporary Chinese postsocialisms filmmaking mode is on-the-spot realism
turn to the market economy for economic (jishizhuyi). In practice, in terms of docu-
growth under the overall umbrella of the mentary it refers to a spontaneous and
state-run system. In some cases, this effort unscripted quality that is a fundamental
948 Documentary Transformed

and defining characteristic distinguish- which means representational realism. With

ing them from the old scripted realism of the decline of faith in socialism, xianshizhuyi
the special topic documentaries. It is fre- has come into disrepute. Where once it simply
quently accentuated by handheld camera meant realism, these days it seems to carry
work and technical lapses and flaws char- a connotation of fakery or at best reality as the
acteristic of uncontrolled situations. The authorities wish it were. This disrepute has
documentaries often also highlight events prevailed for twenty years now, and indeed the
that conspicuously signify spontaneity and Fifth Generation directors also saw many of
a lack of script. The most obvious example the key characteristics of their work as reclaim-
in Bumming in Beijing would be the ner- ing the real from xianshizhuyi. The use of
vous breakdown suffered on camera by the locations as opposed to sets; of natural light or
painter Zhang Xiaping. In I Graduated! the darkness rather than artificial lights and blue
cracked voices and tears of the interviewees filters; and of unknown actors rather than stars
function in the sameway. are all examples that can be readily observed
This drive to produce a new vision of in foundational Fifth Generation works like
the real is one aspect of the getting real One and Eight (Yige he bage, 1984; dir. Zhang
referred to above. The political significance Junzhao) and Yellow Earth. However, the use of
of this change should not be sidestepped on-the-spot realism or jishizhuyi to describe
by invoking the rhetoric of emerging the new trend of the nineties in feature films
Chinese pluralism (duo-yuanhua), but at also distinguishes it from the art film styliza-
the same time it must be acknowledged tions and historical allegory of much Fifth
that its precise political significance is Generation work, where it pursues instead an
difficult to determine in an environment unadorned contemporary look that is the fic-
where economic liberalization has been tional counterpart of the new documentarys
accompanied by tighter political and ideo- spontaneous style.13
logical control. At a minimum it suggests Deleuzes ideas on the movement-image
the old realism is out of touch with China versus the time-image present perhaps
today and needs to be updated. But it may one framework in which to consider the
also be read as suggesting implicit contes- shift from the more conventional struc-
tation and challenge to the authority and tures of the illustrated lecture format doc-
legitimacy of those associated with the umentaries, socialist realist feature films,
older pedagogical mode, appropriate to a and even some of the more dramatic Fifth
structure where agency and leadership is Generation films, on the one hand, and the
concentrated in the state apparatus and its new documentaries and Sixth or Urban
functionaries. Generation films on the other. For Deleuze,
The same term used to describe the new the movement-image refers to the regime
documentary, jishizhuyi or on-the-spot real- most commonly associated with Hollywood
ism, is often also used to describe the con- studio filmmaking. Here, time appears
temporary urban films made by the younger indirectly as a regime of movement, where
generation of feature filmmakers. However, framing, cutting, and the like follow move-
whereas for documentary makers on-the-spot ment as a marker of change and therefore of
realism is distinguished from the scripted time. The rational, step-by-step logic of the
quality of the old special topic or zhuanti documentary lecture also fits this logic.14 By
films, on-the-spot realism distinguishes contrast, when the rational cause-and-effect
the new features from two older stylistic tra- subtending these linear structures disap-
ditions. One is the realism associated with pears and it becomes less possible to predict
socialist realism, which is expressed in when the cut will come, how the next shot
Chinese using a different term, xianshizhuyi, will be linked to the last, or how long the
GettingReal 949

shot will last, Deleuze believes that a more the certainty of progress is replaced by a
direct access to time as duration opensup.15 contingent life in which characters react
On occasion, this seems like a quest and respond rather than initiate, looking
for some sort of transcendent truth. But for ways to get by rather than having a clear
the prime examples of the cinema of the sense of purpose.
time-image are for Deleuze more histori- Both Duan Jinchuan and Wu Wenguang
cally and socially grounded. They are drawn have told me that their preference for
from European art films, and he links them unscripted work, handheld cameras, and
to the collapse of faith in the grand narratives events that signal spontaneity can be traced
of modernity following Nazism and World back to their encounters with the foreign
War II; the same environment that laid the television crews that started coming to
groundwork for the kind of postmodernity shoot in China at the stations where they
discussed by Lyotard. I have already indi- worked in the eighties. This preference for
cated that the Chinese postsocialist environ- spontaneity also helps to explain why they
ment and culture bear comparison to this and other new documentary makers were
phenomenon. Some of the independent doc- drawn to cinema verit, be it in the French
umentaries and Urban or Sixth Generation interview style associated with Jean Rouch
features also break away from the logic of and his classic film Chronicle of a Summer
the movement-image toward a distended (Chronique dun t, 1961) that is echoed in
form in which shots continue beyond any the interview films of Wu, or the American
movement logic either in the literal sense observational style associated with filmmak-
or in the sense of narrative development. ers such as Fred Wiseman that is evoked in
Both Jia Zhangkes feature films and Wu some of the films of Duan. After some of
Wenguangs documentaries seem to follow the early independent works were screened
this pattern, dwelling on time passing in a in Hong Kong and elsewhere, documen-
seemingly uncontrolled manner. (Perhaps it tary makers such as Wu and Duan were
is not a pure coincidence that Jias second invited to attend Asias leading documen-
feature, Platform (Zhantai, 1999), followed tary film festival at Yamagata. There, in
an entertainment troupe, as does Wus Jiang 1993, a special retrospective of Wisemans
Hu:Life on the Road. Although this sense of work was held. The most direct evidence of
time passing is not the philosophical sense the impact of this event can be seen in two
of duration invoked by Deleuze in refer- films that Duan directed after the Yamagata
ence to the time-image, this distended form festival: The Square (codirected with Zhang
does loosen the structure of the films. The Yuan) and No. 16 Barkhor Street South
relation between shots never becomes com- (Bakuonanjie shiliuhao, 1996), part of his
pletely unpredictable, and although chronol- trilogy of Tibetan works. Both of these films
ogy is followed (in not quite the condition of scrupulously follow Wisemans formula of
what Deleuze calls anyspace-whatever) it pure observational work with no interviews
becomes hard to have a sense of teleology or or arranged scenes, no extra-diegetic music,
progress as interviewees ramble verbally in and complete dependence on editing to
Wus films and characters ramble literally in bring the material together into a coher-
Jias. One loses any sense of knowing when ent whole through mosaic structures.16
a shot will end or exactly what it will cut to, Barkhor Street also followed Wisemans
and this is quite different from the certain well-known interest in social institutions,
sense of progress invoked by the ideologies for the address that gives the film its title is
of modernity, be it driven by the socialist that of the neighborhood office on Barkhor
command economy or the alleged socialist Street in central Lhasa where pilgrims cir-
market economy of the new era. Instead, cumambulate and protestors sometimes
950 Documentary Transformed

gather. Duans own residence of eight complain if the people say things that they
years in Lhasa in the 1980s, and his links do not want tohear.
with local Tibetan audio-visual and cul- Second, these spontaneous documen-
tural groups, put him in a unique position tary techniques seem like an extension of
to carry out this project. The result is also the well-established and very popular local
unique in that it comprises an unscripted genre of reportage literature (baogao wenxue,
record of the workings of the Chinese gov- also known more recently as jishi wenxue).
ernment at the grassroots level and a picture Reportage also derives a certain authority
of daily life in Tibet not written according and ability to withstand censorship from
to the ideological requirements of either its claim to veracity. Although this fact has
Beijing or Dharamsala. For this film, Duan not always exempted reportage writers from
won the 1996 Prix du Rel in France, the trouble with the authorities after publishing
first major international prize awarded to a accounts of events the authorities wish had
Chinese documentary film.17 not happened, it has made reportage a pow-
The appeal of cinema verit and other erful site of resistance within China.19
more spontaneous documentary tech- Third, by giving voice to ordinary people,
niques because of their ability to reclaim spontaneous documentary also taps into the
the authority of realism from the increas- longstanding practice of seeking out a pub-
ingly devalued special topic films can be lic space for airing otherwise unresolved
understood as an example of cultural trans- grievances. Most famously, this practice was
lation. Most theorists of cultural translation co-opted by the communists in the tradition
emphasize incommensurability and the of speaking bitterness (suku), where public
idea that everything is somewhat changed meetings were held after a community was
in the process of translation. Lydia Liu, in liberated and the local poor were encour-
her essay Translingual Practice, recog- aged to speak out about their sufferings at
nizes not only how the direction and impact the hands of the local rich and powerful as a
of translation may be conditioned by power prelude to punishment. This pattern is less
but also the idea that whatever may enter a relevant regarding the spontaneous docu-
culture or society from overseas can only mentaries made by individual filmmakers
be made sense of in terms of the existing and given little circulation within China, but
local cultural conditions and conventions. the spontaneous techniques of the new docu-
She therefore emphasizes the role of local mentary have spread like wildfire. In addition
agency in this process.18 Given this, some to all manner of home movie documentaries
additional local factors should be borne produced by complete amateurs with access
in mind in accounting for the appeal and to digital video cameras and no training or
significance of spontaneous documentary idea of broadcast standardsbut often with
techniques in the nineties. an eye for remarkable materialsthe sponta-
First, in an environment saturated by neous documentary has become a television
institutional and self-censorship, spontane- staple. It appears most famously in magazine
ous documentary techniques have a distinct shows such as Oriental Moment (Dongfang
advantage. For example, it is impossible for shikong) and Life Space (Shenghuo kongjian),
the authorities to require that a script be sub- both aired by the national state-run station
mitted. Also, it is difficult to blame the docu- CCTV, and the successors to these shows,
mentary makers for what subjects say or do but it has also been taken up by all manner
if they are not being told what to say or do of local stations and programs. The resulting
by the documentary maker. Furthermore, if shows have been extremely popular, most
the subjects are the ordinary people revered likely at least in part because of the refreshing
by socialism, it is difficult for the censors to nature of seeing ordinary people speaking
GettingReal 951

relatively openly and without rehearsal.20 of what independence means under con-
However, although there may be no kindly temporary Chinese postsocialist conditions.
Party Secretary uncle (shushu) on-screen In many ways, independent production is
to guide what happens, television broadcast- the film- and video-making equivalent of the
ing does raise issues relating to commercial broader appearance of a market sector of the
sponsorship, television station gatekeep- economy within the overall state-planned
ers who self-censor, and government cen- socialist framework, which is one of the
sorship itself. defining hallmarks of Chinese postsocial-
That brings us finally to the original dis- ism. The market sector is not only licensed
tinguishing characteristic of the new docu- by the state but also as a smaller sector of
mentary; independence. As indicated by the overall socioeconomic structure. It is
the increasing appearance of television pro- thus dependent upon and has to work with
grams that take on many of the character- the state-owned sector regardless of tension,
istics of the early new documentary films, frictions, and disjunctures.
independent production may no longer be The implications of independent status
such a hallmark. But at the beginning of for the documentary makers and for the
both the new documentary and the new feature filmmakers are quite different. Both
feature films of the nineties, this was a very Chinas independent documentary and
notable characteristic. In a country where feature filmmakers resist the label under-
any form of production of anything outside ground and insist that independence does
the state-owned system was for many years not necessarily equate opposition to the
frowned upon as capitalist roading, such state, the Party or the government. However,
independence was very striking indeed. film and television historically have been
Furthermore, it seems that after the many two separate worlds in China, where until
difficult negotiations with the government the mid-nineties each was administered by
censors experienced by feature filmmakers separate offices and thus governed by very
in the late eighties, and the specter of much different regulations. Filmmakers and tele-
tighter control in the wake of the events of vision program makers train in different
1989, the decision to pioneer independent institutes and there are few connections
production was a common and distinguish- between them. While many connections
ing feature of both new documentary and can be seen among the documentary
new feature filmmaking. All the early films makersin codirection, for example, none
that won attention as new documentaries, of them have made feature films. There
such as Bumming in Beijing and I Graduated!, is, however, one notable exception to this
as well as many of the early feature films of pattern. Zhang Yuan is a member of the
the younger Urban Generation of directors, so-called Sixth Generation of feature film-
such as The Days, Beijing Bastards, and Red makers who graduated from Beijing Film
Beads, were made independently. Academy in 1989. But he has also shown
However, what does independence a strong interest in documentary since
mean for documentary makers in postsocial- his first feature, Mama (Mama, 1990)a
ist China? There are two aspects that need to film about the mother of a disabled child,
be addressed to answer this question. First, which includes documentary sequences
there is the difference between independence of interviews with real-life mothers of dis-
for feature filmmakers and for documentary abled children. Although since then Zhang
makers that is the result of their different has continued to make both features and
places in the administrative structures of the documentaries, he is the only one to do
state and the different regulations and laws so,21 and despite similar aesthetic strate-
applying to them. Second, there is the issue gies and thematic interests, feature film
952 Documentary Transformed

and documentary makers are two separate legal interventions against the makers of
groups operating in separate worlds. these independent documentaries. In other
The most serious consequence of this words, unlike their film colleagues, video
concerns the possibility of independent pro- makers can be independent without being
duction in the sense of production outside forced into a position of seeming under-
the state system. When the separate regula- ground or subversive.
tions designed to monitor and control tele- However, this does not mean that the
vision and film production were drawn up new documentary makers feel free to make
many years ago, they could not and did not whatever kinds of films they might like.
envisage the physical and organizational An example of this issue is how the highly
possibility of independent production. The influential mode of production associ-
equipment was too expensive and there was ated with the late Japanese documentary
no independent sector. maker Ogawa Shinsuke has been taken
Within the state-run film system, up in China. The Yamagata International
various proactive and reactive local and Documentary Film Festival was initiated
national censorship regulations have been by Ogawa and his associates, and thus it is
in place at different times, insisting on perhaps not surprising that Ogawas impact
script approval prior to production as well has been felt among the independent
as approval of completed films prior to Chinese documentary makers who have
release. Throughout the nineties, the gov- attended the festival.23 Ogawas filmmak-
ernment has actively intervened to close ing has two main features. First, Ogawa is
any loopholes enabling filmmakers to avoid socially and politically engaged rather than
scrutinyloopholes such as investment a detached observer; possibly his most
from overseas, editing overseas, send- famous films compose the Fortress Narita
ing films to film festivals prior to submit- series (referring to Narita: The Peasants of
ting them for approval for release, and so the Second Fortress [Sanrizuka: Dainitoride
forth. Finally, in July 1996 the government no hitobito,1971]), which were made in the
passed a new film law that explicitly made late sixties and early seventies as part of the
illegal any film production other than that resistance to the forced selling of land for the
done within the state-owned studio sys- building of Tokyos Narita Airport. Second,
tem.22 This means that although would-be he lives and works among his subjects,
independent feature filmmakers might relating to them not as an outsider but as a
not think of themselves as underground or friend and colleague. For the Chinese new
subversive, they have been defined as such documentary makers, being socially and
by the government. politically engaged has never been an option
Within the state-run television system, because such movements are ruthlessly
however, the situation is significantly dif- suppressed in the Peoples Republic. But
ferent. The regulation is of television sta- Ogawas quality of relating to his subjects
tions and what they air, not the production has been shared by the Chinese from the
of materials on video. Furthermore, unlike first. Wu Wenguangs Bumming in Beijing is
film, the production of video materials can about people the filmmaker knows well and
be achieved with ever cheaper and more relates to as friends. Lu Wangping spent a
accessible equipment, so it is not viable year traveling around with the opera troupe
to attempt to gain proactive control over he documents in The Story of Wang Laobai,
video production. In these circumstances, and Li Hong spent two years befriending,
although many new documentaries have living with, and returning home with the
not been aired and may never be aired, so young women whose story she tells in Out
far there have not been any regulatory or of Phoenix Bridge.
GettingReal 953

This apparent self-censorship (conscious This mutual implication of the indepen-

or unconscious) raises the other side of dent documentaries and the state-owned
the question of working independently television sector raises some complex ques-
within postsocialism. Just as the market tions. Put simply, what is the relation of
sector is dependent on the state sector in these documentaries to the state? Are they a
the economy as a whole, the independent challenge or are they complicit? If the rela-
documentary makers cannot operate with- tion is not to be considered in such a binary
out reference to the state sector. Indeed, for way, do they function as a supplement that
the most part they were trained within and changes the system or as a co-opted token
worked within the state-owned television that props it up? These questions are impos-
sector for years. Further, many of them sible to answer in an absolute and generally
continue to do so by making independent applicable way. It is even difficult to give a
documentaries on the side while they earn simple answer in regard to any individual
their income in a television station. Shi film. For example, Crazy English (Fengkuang
Jian of the SWYC Group has been a pow- Yingyu, 1999; dir. Zhang Yuan) is a cinema
erful figure at CCTV all along, where he verit film that follows the celebrity Li Yang
initiated the program Oriental Moment in as he moves along the circuit of his mass
1992. Li Hong made Phoenix Bridge while English-teaching rallies. Mixing peda-
moonlighting from CCTV and by borrow- gogy and demagogy, Li yells out in English
ing station equipment.24 Even those who, nationalistic business slogans about making
like Duan Jinchuan, have set up their own money and outdoing the West, which the
independent production companies con- crowd then yells back at him in response.
tinue to depend on the state-owned sector Li has been accepted by the authorities as
to some degree because there are no pri- a patriotic paradigm, and it seems that they
vately owned television stations in China also have accepted Zhangs film as a eulogy
and thus no other way to air their works. to this popular national hero. However, as
Duan studied at the Beijing Broadcasting I watched the film I could not avoid think-
Institute and then went to work at Lhasa ing that Lis mass teachings seemed deeply
Television Station for eight years in the demagogic like perverse postsocialist muta-
1980s before returning to Beijing. Even tions of Mao rallies. Given the use of the
though all of his films in the 1990s were cinema verit mode, it is difficult if not
made independently, the main investor impossible to detect the filmmakers own
in No. 16 Barkor Street South was CCTV attitude.
(which at the time of my last inquiry had Questions surrounding television broad-
not yet aired it) with a Tibetan company casting illustrate how difficult it is to make
as a smaller financial partner. And the clear-cut judgments about these issues. We
boom in television programming featur- need to ask if the television documentaries
ing the new documentary styles has given really do provide a voice for the ordinary
the new documentary makers opportuni- people to speak back to power. Or does the
ties for work that they have not passed up. fact that they are made within conditions of
Lin Xudongs Diary of Tai Fu Xiang and Lu government control and censorship mean
Wangpings The Story of Wang Laobai were that actually they act as a way of fooling the
both made for CCTV. In addition, Jiang people into speaking their minds, or of get-
Yue of The Other Bank has since made a ting good information about public opinion
video for CCTV called A River Is Stilled for the government whose own officials
(Jingzhi de He, 1998) about the building of ordinary people would be wary of? And if
the Three Gorges dam from the perspec- the latter is true, is this necessarily a bad
tive of the workers on the project. thing? Does it promote positive government
954 Documentary Transformed

change or prop up the existing system and 7 . Reynaud, New Visions/New Chinas,235.
8. Lu Xinyu, Zhongguo Xin Jilupian Yundong [The
its problems? New Documentary Film Movement in China]
Many more difficult questions can be (Shanghai:Shanghai Wenyi Chubanshe, 2003).
posed as such, but the fundamentally Ithank Professor Lu for sharing her ideas and
parts of her manuscript withme.
unstable, tense, and ambivalent Gramscian 9. Wu Wenguang, Bumming in BeijingTheLast
hegemony that is postsocialism makes it Dreamers, in The Twentieth Hong Kong
impossible to provide definitive answers. International Film Festival, ed. Urban Council
(Hong Kong:Urban Council, 1996),130.
Instead, only future developments and 10. The remaining subject, a theater directorcalled
more research will determine how this Mou Sen, was the focus of another early
period and these documentary makers are documentary, The Other Bank (Bian, 1995)by Jiang
seen in hindsight as contributors to a strug- Yue. The video follows Mou Sens eponymous
workshop, which attracts youngsters from around
gle for gradual transformation from within the country but neglects to offer any practical
or to the containment of tensions that later help beyond the experience of the modernist
surfaced. and experimental workshop itself. Lu Xinyu
opens her book with an extended discussion of
this film, which she sees as representative of
the fall away from utopianism and self-criticism
Notes among the former avant-garde at the heart of new
1. Brnice Reynaud, New Visions/New Chinas: 11. Regarding job assignments, at this time students
Video-Art, Documentation, and the Chinese were on graduation still assigned work by thestate.
Modernity in Question, in Resolutions:Contemporary 12. For different opinions on this phenomenon
Video Practices, ed. Michael Renov and Erika in feature filmmaking, see Chris Berry, Race
Suderburg (Minneapolis:University of Minnesota (Minzu): Chinese Film and the Politics of
Press, 1996), 22957. Nationalism, Cinema Journal 31, no. 2 (1992):
2. For further discussion of the different uses of the 4558; Hu Ke, The Relationship between
term in the Chinese context and why Idraw on the Minority Nationalities and the Han in the
Lyotard as opposed to some of the other usages, see Cinema, in Chinese National Minorities Films
Chris Berry, Seeking Truth from Fiction:Feature [Lun Zhongguo shaoshu minzu dianying], ed.
Films as Historiography in Dengs China, Film Gao Honghu et al. (Beijing: China Film Press
History 7, no.1 (1995):95. [Zhongguo Dianying Chubanshe], 1997), 20511;
3. Michel de Certeau, The Practice of EverydayLife Zhang Yingjin, From Minority Film to Minority
(Berkeley:University of California Press, Discourse: Questions of Nationhood and
1984),3637. Ethnicity in Chinese Cinema, in Transnational
4. Su Xiaokang and Wang Luxiang, Deathsong of Chinese Cinemas: Identity, Nationhood, Gender, ed.
the River:AReaders Guide to the Chinese TV Sheldon Hsiao-Peng Lu (Honolulu: University
Series Heshang, trans. Richard W.Bodman of Hawaii Press, 1997), 81104; Dru C. Gladney,
and P. Wan (Ithaca, N.Y.:East Asia Program, Representing Nationality in China: Refiguring
Cornell University, 1991). Currently residing in Majority/Minority Identities, Journal of Asian
the United States, Su has recently published his Studies 53, no. 1 (1994): 92123; Esther C. M. Yau,
memoirs, A History of Misfortune, trans. Zhu Hong Is China the End of Hermeneutics? Or, Political
(NewYork:Knopf,2001). and Cultural Usage of Non-Han Women in
5. Many of the essays composing the Chinese debate Mainland Chinese Films, Discourse 11, no. 2 (1989):
about River Elegy have been translated into English and 11538; and Stephanie Donald, Women Reading
published in Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 24, Chinese Films: Between Orientalism and Silence,
no.4, and 25, no.1 (1992). For a critical analysis of the Screen 36, no. 4 (1995): 32540.
documentarys argument, see Jing Wang, Heshang 13. Here, Ihave noted the mimetic realist qualities
and the Paradoxes of the Chinese Enlightenment, in found in some Fifth Generation films. For an
High Culture Fever:Politics, Aesthetics, and Ideology in interpretation that sees the non-mimetic qualities
Dengs China (Berkeley:University of California Press, of these films as a form of expressive realism
1996), 11836. (or xieshizhuyi) also distinct from socialist
6. According to Tony Rayns, the occasion, which he realisms representational realism or xianshizhuyi,
finds tempting to date as the birth of the New see Chris Berry and Mary Ann Farquhar,
Chinese Cinema, was received with something Post-Socialist Strategies:An Analysis of Yellow
like collective rapture (Chinese Vocabulary:An Earth and Black Cannon Incident, in Cinematic
Introduction to King of the Children and the New Landscapes:Observations on the Visual Arts and
Chinese Cinema, in King of the Children and the Cinema of China and Japan, ed. Linda C.Ehrlich
New Chinese Cinema, ed. Chen Kaige and Tony and David Desser (Austin:University of Texas
Rayns (London:Faber and Faber, 1989),1. Press, 1994), 81116.
GettingReal 955

14. Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 1: The Movement Image, 20. In addition to the spontaneous documentaries,
trans. Hugh Tomlinson (Minneapolis: University of nationalistic documentaries the special topic
Minnesota Press, 1986). zhuanti mode have also found new audiences on
15. Gilles Deleuze, Cinema 2: The Time Image, trans. television even in the movie theaters, where in 1996
Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta (Minneapolis: the film Test of Strength about the Korean War, known
University of Minnesota Press, 1989). in China as the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and
16. As Bill Nichols notes:In a conventional mosaic, Aid Korea, was an unprecedented box office hit in
the tesserae (facets) merge to yield a coherent the cities. See Ye Lou, Popular Docmentary Films,
whole when seen from a distance The tesserae Beijing Review 41, no. 26 (1998):2829.
or sequences of a Wiseman film are already 21. For a more detailed discussion of Zhang Yuans
coherent and do not merge into one impression films focused on East Palace, West Palace, see
or one narrative tale so much as supplement each Chris Berry, East Palace, West Palace:Staging Gay
other. The whole of a mosaic is almost invariably Life in China, Jump Cut, no. 42 (1998):8489.
embedded in a larger architectural whole but such 22. Although some may object to the statementthat
a larger whole is absent in Wisemans case the fewer films than ever are made directly by the
films offer little overt acknowledgment that the studios, my understanding at the time of this
institutions under study directly relate to a larger writing is that the law requires that, at least
social context (Nichols, Frederick Wisemans nominally, films are made within the studio system
Documentaries:Theory and Structure, in Ideology and in conformity with the attendant censorship
and the Image [Bloomington:University of Indiana practices. This often involves buying a studio
Press, 1981], 211). Much the same could be said of logo (mai yige changbiao) or paying a studio a fee
Duansfilm. nominal supervision.
17. For more on Duan, The Square, and No. 16 Barkhor 23. Barbara Hammers documentary Devotion:AFilm
Street, see Chris Berry, Interview with Duan about Ogawa Productions (2000) not only gives a
Jinchuan, Metro 113/114 (1998):8889. useful background to Ogawa but also features his
18. Lydia H.Liu, Translingual Practice:The Discourse footage of foreign documentary makers listening to
of Individualism between China and the West, the great Ogawa expound during a lecture. Among
positions 1, no. 1 (1993):16093. the attentive listeners is Wu Wenguang. Also
19. On reportage as resistance, see Yingjin Zhang, noteworthy is the decision made by Ogawas widow
Narrative, Ideology, Subjectivity:Defining a to invite the Chinese Fifth Generation feature
Subversive Discourse in Chinese Reportage, in filmmaker Peng Xiaolian to finish his final work,
Politics, Ideology and Literary Discourse in Modern Manzan Benigaki, which was shown at the 2001
China:Theoretical Interventions and Cultural Yamagata festival.
Studies, ed. Liu Kang and Xiaobing Tang (Durham, 24. Chris Berry, Crossing the Wall, Dox, no.13
N.C.:Duke University 1993), 21142. (1997):1415.

Individual Filmmaking(2006)

Two years ago, in May 1999, in a place in what I discovered about the lower rungs
Shanxi Province called Guxian, I spent or that kind of thing; instead, Id like to talk
some time with a traveling performance about how the feel of this project was totally
troupe called the Far & Wide Song and different from the very professional kind
Dance Troupe. This was a group of itinerant of documentary filmmaking I had done
entertainers that traveled around from place before. With this project I just carried the
to place, performing under the big tent they DV camera around with me like a pen and
carted around with them. The boss, a fifty- hung out with the members of the troupe.
ish man named Liu, came from a small vil- Every day my ears were filled with the rough
lage in the Pingdingshan region of Henan sounds of Henan dialect; in the evenings,
Province. His two sons, their girlfriends, lying on the stage under the big tent, Iwas
and some of his nieces and nephews were surrounded by the sleeping forms of the
all in the troupe. Counting all the actors and roadies, and the air was filled with the stink
crewmembers, there were probably around of feet and the smells of the wilderness
thirty people, all of them around twenty years while the stars glittered through the holes
old and most of them from rural Henan. Id and cracks in the tents roof. Getting up in
been spending time with this group since the mornings, Id pull on my shoes, walk
the previous year; I had first met them out of the tent, and take a piss in the wilder-
when they were performing on the streets ness, the air incomparably clear and fresh
outside the South Fourth Ring Road in and perfectly silent. Ayoung roadie would
Beijing. Ever since then Ihad been tagging be squatting not far off, taking a shit; wed
along with them from time to time as they greet each other:Youre up. At times like
performed in suburban Beijing and Hebei these, Beijing felt really far away. All that
and Shanxi provinces, filming them with modern artreally faraway.
a small digital video camera. Here I dont Before that, for me documentary film-
want to talk about what material Ifilmed or making wasnt such a casual, individual
DV:Individual Filmmaking 957

activity. It was the kind of thing that involved the right way to go, but other people who
a bunch of people carrying big machines on thought this way were already having prob-
their shouldersvery conspicuous, even lems. So I decided to stop completely and
from a long way off. But in 1995, after Ifin- do nothing at all. Then in 1997 Ispent some
ished At Home in the World (Sihai Wei Jia), time in the United States. During that trip
Ifelt Ihad some serious problems. The prob- I spent two weeks in Boston, in Frederick
lems were not just with that film itself; Ifelt Wisemans studio. Of all the documentary
that all my documentaries were caught in filmmakers of that generation, Wiseman is
a fundamental dilemma. This dilemma was the one I respect the most. For more than
that, on the one hand, in making documen- thirty years he has been using his own
taries Iwas working from individual moti- unique style to document all different levels
vations: I would shoot whatever I wanted of American society. And hes made a film
and do whatever Iwanted with what Ishot, every year without interruptionsomething
rather than conforming to the dictates of unheard of not only in the United States but
television or distribution networks. But on anywhere in the world. While all the other
the other hand, the filming and produc- documentary filmmakers in the world talk
tion techniques Iwas using were the usual about how incomparably difficult it is to
ones, techniques that required money. At make documentaries, there is this guy just
the very least, before even beginning to film making them, one after another. Ifound this
you had to have a little money to rent the really puzzling. In the space of two weeks,
camera equipment. But the resulting films I didnt manage to solve this puzzle, but
usually had very little commercial appeal. I did discover the source of my problems.
This approach, of taking money to play During that time Wiseman and Ispent day
with ideas, meant that even the people who and night together in his Boston home. In
were interested in giving you money soon the daytime Isat behind him in his studio
stopped daring to play along with you, and as he worked at the editing board cutting
your own wallet was never thick enough to his new film Belfast, Maine, and occasion-
support you, so it was hard to sustain for ally he would turn around and chat briefly
long. Then Ithought that maybe use film, with me. In the evenings we would make
not video was the way to go. At that time dinner together at his house, talking while
Iwas surrounded by a group of people talk- we ate, and then after dinner we would usu-
ing about using the medium of film to make ally take a walk for an hour or so. The next
documentaries, reasoning that only in this morning at nine, when I was just getting
way could a work be considered a profes- up, Wiseman would already be in the stu-
sional documentary film. Iwas an enthusi- dio. Most of the time our conversations had
ast of this approach, and my experiences at nothing to do with documentary filmmak-
film festivals had led me privately to feel that ing; we talked about family, friends, hobbies,
using film instead of video would also allow what kinds of novels we liked, and so on,
me access to more competitions, awards, art but as Icame one step closer to understand-
house cinemas, and distribution networks. ing the simple, everyday life of this giant in
Once Istarted thinking this way Ibegan to the world of documentary filmmaking, Ifelt
disdain video; Ithen had excellent reason to that what Isaw in Wiseman resembled an
lie around in bed and talk about how, once author far more than any of the film people
I found the money, Id make one of those I was familiar with. This discovery came
soul-stirring documentaries that would also upon me suddenly one day as Isat behind
circulate widely. him, watching him spooling back and forth
This was my way of thinking in 1995. through foot after foot of film, like he always
At the time I felt that this was perhaps did. I believe this was the most important
958 Documentary Transformed

discovery I made in the four years I have a substandard performance license. Iwas
known this man: not some easily learned there for the whole thing (though of course
documentary approach or technique, but I couldnt film any of it), and I was also
the spirit hidden behind this approach. Its questioned as to what I was doing. The
impossible to articulate what this spirit is; it two answers I could come up withIm
can only be intuited. The most direct way to making a documentary film and Im an
express this intuition is:now Iknow what it authorsounded strange even to me, and
is that Imost sorelylack. did nothing to dispel the suspicions of my
Through the years that Ive been getting interrogator. Three days later, everything
to know documentary film two people have that had been confiscated from the tent was
directly inspired me in this way. The first returned to the troupe; they loaded it all onto
was Japans Ogawa Shinsuke, who, in the the truck and moved to another small town,
course of film screenings and discussions reassembled the tent and the stage, and the
in his studio in 1991, led me to understand sound of music and singing once again filled
that documentary should not be simply the air. That day, in order to celebrate and
about film or artit should have a direct because the troupe members hadnt seen a
relationship with the reality that we live in piece of meat in days (the wok had gone all
every day, a relationship with social work. rusty), Iwent to the butchers shop in town
From this it follows that one person mak- and bought ten catties of pork, came back,
ing a documentary film is not important; picked up a ladle, and cooked up a big wok-
what is important is many people working ful of my specialty, hongshao braised pork.
together for its sake. In 1997 in Wisemans The cook stove was right next to the stage
studio I discovered that there is no direct where a performance was in full swing, so
relationship between the word indepen- the aroma of braised pork wafted out into an
dent and video or film; it is a way of life, atmosphere already full of song and dance.
something that runs in your veins. I was Everyone backstage crowded around the
very fortunate that, soon after Imade these stove; as the actors finished their parts and
discoveries, small digital video recorders came offstage they made straight for the
became available; or perhaps it was that the wok, and when it was their turn to go back
changes I had undergone had primed me onstage they went directly from stove-side to
to be able to grasp almost immediately the center stage; the songs being sung onstage
advantages of this format. Then Itook one were echoed back offstage. It really felt like a
in my hands and followed it, allowing it to festival; everyone was in high spirits. In my
change me into the way Iam today:Ihave right hand Iheld the ladle and in my left the
abandoned the notions of themes and plot- DV camera, kidding around and randomly
lines, abandoned the idea of pursuing, like recording stuff; after awhile someone else
a hunter, a single aim; instead, I ramble took the camera, and then countless hands
around by myself, minicam in hand, dis- snatched it back and forth, everyone filming
tancing myself ever more from professional eachother.
filmmakers. Its been two years since then, and there
Sometimes Iask myself exactly what it is are a lot of people and things Ive forgot-
that I am doing. Other people ask me this ten, but those days Ispent with the troupe
question too. Once in a small town in Shanxi stay with me. Now, even though the film
Province, the troupe was accused of per- Jianghu: Life on the Road and the book
forming obscene material. The local police Report from the Jianghu (Jianghu Baogao)
closed down the big tent, hauled the boss are long since done and published, I still
and all the actors down to the station for cant leave the big tent. What I mean is
questioning, and then fined them for having that Im no longer able to disappear from
DV:Individual Filmmaking 959

the scene as soon as the filming is done, multimedia material Ive made for theater
like the professional documentary film- or dance performances. Of course most of
maker I used to be. I cant stop myself it consists of paragraphs or fragments of
from keeping in touch with members of everyday life, which may not have any con-
the troupe. Some of them have left the nection to great plots or profound meanings,
troupe and joined other troupes, and some and will forever be just a series of digital
new people have joined. From time to time frames and sounds recorded on tape; but it
Igo stay with them in the tent or in their is all still a part of my diary of images.
home villages, and each time Igo Ibring Id like to talk a bit now about the editing
along my DV camera, filming now and of my films. To match my style of DV film-
again as the mood strikes. Idont know if ing, Ive set up an individual non-linear
this material will ever be used, and at the workstation that is actually just a regular
moment Im not particularly worried about personal computer with a video card and a
it. Im just following my own sensibilities. big hard drive. It cost a total of 20,000 RMB
Following life itself. [approximately U.S. $2,500], but it allows
In the three years since I began filming me to work comfortably and freely at home.
Jianghu Ive roamed around in other places Just five steps from bed to computer edit-
with my DV camera as well. Ihave two DV ing boardthat pretty well describes how
cameras, one big and one small. The big one personal my approach to filmmaking is.
is a Canon XL-1, with interchangeable lenses, Iam very happy not to have anything to do
and the small one is a Sony 100E Handycam; with the kind of post-production that goes
which one I use depends on the environ- on in editing rooms, and not to have a voice
ment and what I want to film. One after from behind me telling me to do this or not
another people and events enter my lens. to dothat.
I dont go looking for them with the idea Having removed myself from the usual
of making a film; they just naturally hap- orbit of a bunch of people eating, drink-
pen in the course of my life. For example, a ing and working together for a film, Ive
young guy from rural Shandong brought me become an individual with a DV camera,
a script he wrote about his struggles to ful- filming as Iplease whatever happens to be
fill his dreams of becoming a filmmaker in in my line of vision, whether or not it has
Beijing, wanting me to make it into a film. anything to do with a theme; Ithen edit
Ididnt make his film; what Idid do was fol- the material as Iplease, cutting out what-
low him around with my DV camera as he ever is irrelevant to my own intentions; and
talked to all kinds of production companies, finally, when the film is finished, Ihave a
investors, and directors, which ended up few screenings and discussions in uni-
drawing out all kinds of people and issues versities, bars, film festivals, libraries and
related to film. For another example, Ivideo- so on. Because this approach doesnt cost
taped the wedding of some friends of mine much money I dont really care whether
from Shanghai that later developed into the or not it turns a profit. Maybe this is what
possibility of a poignant love story. An art is meant by individual filmmaking. The
exhibit, a rock concert, a dinner party with result of this way of doing things is that
friends, a stroll down the streetall kinds of Ive moved farther and farther away from
people and events crowd together onto the professionalism, television, film festival
DV tapes, entirely without theme, intention, competitions and awards, but I find that
or plot. After two or three years, maybe some Ive moved closer and closer to myself, my
of this material could be worked into a long own inner world. As a result, Ihave finally
film, some of it could make a ten-minute come to understand that independent
short, some of it might be worked into filmmaking and free cinema are not
960 Documentary Transformed

just stances that can be achieved through hot air. So today, when talking about my
manifestoes or position statements or relationship to documentary film, I can
the attitude that one or two films can sus- only speak about DV. Ialso must say that
tain you for the rest of your life. Given the I want to thank DV: it was DV that saved
investigative and commercial impera- me, that allowed me to maintain the kind
tives that filmmakers are surrounded by of personal relationship to documentary
these days, if Iboast emptily about inde- filmmaking I have today, and made it far
pendence, you can be sure that its just more than just a status.

Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11(2004)

Since the American release of Fahrenheit the upcoming American elections was of
9/11, Michael Moore has been hailed by the course rife but there was also an opportunity
left as the new Tom Paine, denounced by his to discuss its esthetic strengths and weak-
right-wing opponents as the incarnation of nesses in a relatively dispassionate fashion.
Joseph Goebbels and Leni Riefenstahl, and On its home turf, as op-ed columnists who
compared by film critics to such disparate rarely comment on movies chimed in with
figures as Sergei Eisenstein and Kenneth their often stale takes, Fahrenheit became
Anger. Moore has become a lightning rod for a full-fledged media event with both sup-
hyperbolic praise and disgust, and the vigor- porters and naysayers assuming a virtually
ous, and unusually vehement, responses to take-no-prisoners attitude as the actual film
his bracingly sardonic anti-Bush salvo are became a mere pretext for sets of liberal or
probably as much aligned with the polar- conservative talking points.
ization produced by this unsavory admin- The assault on Moores film from assorted
istrations invasion and occupation of Iraq attack dogs at Fox, MSNBC, and David
as with the persona of itsto invoke the Horowitzs website
ubiquitous and perhaps inevitable clich has only been instructive for letting us
controversial director. For those of us who know that these pundits dont believe that
initially viewed the film at Cannes with their bte noire has made a documentary;
nary a Bush supporter in sight, the even- after all, it has a point of view, is less neu-
tual Palme dor winner was one film (and tral than a National Geographic special, and
one documentary, if the many other nonfic- might well be propaganda. Unwittingly
tion films screened out of competition are throwing decades of documentary his-
included) among many; speculation con- tory down the collective memory hole, Joe
cerning Fahrenheits potential to influence Scarborough, Bill OReilly, and their cohorts
962 Documentary Transformed

inadvertently demonstrate the necessity of the refusal of Moores critics to acknowl-

some sort of antidote to the noxious spin edge that his wildly popular meld of humor,
and outright lies disseminated by the Bush media critique, and anti-Establishment
Administration over the last three-and-a- ire implicitly skewers the self-delusions of
half years. (Listeners to New Yorks NPR many esthetes (I dont exclude myself) who
station, WNYC, were also treated to a film tend to equate popular appeal with selling
professors startling revelation that we out. To wit, while Fahrenheit is arguably
should be wary of Moores cinematic sleight the most straightforward and rhetorically
of hand since voice-over commentary can effective film the Big Guy has yet made, the
transform an audiences perceptions of source of its considerable verve as ad hoc
meticulously edited imagesGee, hold the political rabble-rousingas well as its spo-
presses!) As the pseudonymous Vern, radic annoyancescan be traced to a clever
an on-line, self-proclaimed outlaw critic, fusion of the documentary-essay tradition
fulminated, If the American news media (a genre that, from the erudite radicalism
had been doing their job, there would be of Chris Marker and the muckraking of
nothing new to report. So you fucks in the Emile de Antonio to the kitschier realm of
media, stop complaining about this movie. The Atomic Caf, has often employed found
Its your fault it even exists. footage for didactic purposes) with a host of
However highly leftists might esteem other nonfiction genres: adversarial cam-
Noam Chomsky, Robert McChesney, paign commercials as well as the newer,
Alexander Cockburn, and other eviscera- even less intellectually respectable terrain of
tors of the mainstream media, these main- rock videos and reality television.
stays of Z and The Nation have beenif not Moores own forays into political
precisely preaching to the converted on pranksterismTV Nation and The Awful
all occasionsinstructing a much smaller Truthwere pioneering attempts to wed
audience than the populist Moore. As a political satire and Reality TV. Afaint echo
popularizer, Moore compresses and synthe- of Moores fondness for ambushing the
sizes a large chunk of research and invec- complacent and powerful can even be dis-
tive that surfaced in the alternative press cerned in the thoroughly apolitical Punkd,
as well as a hit parade of post-9/11 best a show that refuses, according to the MTV
sellersGreg Palasts painstaking inven- website to kiss major celebrity butt.
tory of official deceit in Florida before and NewYork magazine went as far to compare
after the 2000 election, journalist Ahmed Fahrenheits urge to underline its jabs at
Rashids incisive history of the Talibans rise Dubya with a steady barrage of rock tunes to
to power, Craig Ungers insistence on cast- Pop Up Video and the wall-to-wall music that
ing a cold eye on the affinities between the provides commentary on Jessica Simpson
House of Saud and the House of Bush, as and Nick Lacheys marital entanglements
well as the contributions of lesser Internet during the MTV mega-hit Newlyweds: Nick
luminaries featured in postings on, among and Jessica. As an entertainer who is now
others,,, and part of pop culture himself, Moores
CounterPunch. decision to deployif youll excuse the
Its easy to empathize with left-of-center phraseany means necessary to construct
critics who are distraught that their lack his arguments has undoubtedly alienated
of enthusiasm for Moores shameless some on the left as well as the right. Even
self-infatuation and freewheeling polemi- while Moores argument is unified by com-
cal style will be falsely construed as de facto mon motifs and an overweening hostility
conservatism. On the other hand, theres to Bush, his minions, and the rationale and
something slightly prissy and myopic in conduct for the invasion and occupation
Weapon of Mass Instruction 963

of Iraq, its stylistic eclecticism no doubt chronicles Jeb Bushs spectacular success
accounts for the elderly historian (and for- in purging 57,000 people from the Florida
mer Vogue film critic) Arthur Schlesinger, voter roles (the majority guilty of being
Jr.s observation that Fahrenheit could have Black), Who Gives a Shit? Once the brou-
been more effective if it had any percep- haha of 2000 subsided, few outside of the
tible structure and the general uneasiness usual dissident organs appeared to give a
some viewers have had with the documen- shit; it is the great merit of this prelude to
tarys sudden shifts in tone. It has become Moores scathing assessment of the Bush
commonplace to praise a film by, say, Mike presidency that a largely quiescent elector-
Leigh or Atom Egoyan for its effective oscil- ate now has the opportunity to share the
lations between humor and pathos. Moores black representatives agony. Perhaps Gores
analogous alternation of righteous outrage stone-faced repose during this mournful
with concerted smarminess has neverthe- sessionone that he presides over in his
less proved irksome as well as unsettling capacity as President of the Senateis the
for many who feel reluctant to jump on the most infuriatingly paradoxical moment in
Fahrenheit bandwagon. the film. His seeming obliviousness to his
That being said, this lavishly praised own fate nearly confirms many disgruntled
(and vigorously maligned) movies precred- voters conclusion that, after waging a lack-
its sequence is probably the most accom- luster, thoroughly uninspired campaign,
plished, even moving piece of filmmaking the Vice President almost deserved to lose.
in Moores corpus. The plangent tone of Once the credits unfurl, the politi-
the opening sequence, recapitulating the cal vaudeville for which Fahrenheit has
2000 election debacle in Jeb Bushs Florida, been both celebrated and reviled, kicks
is uncharacteristically lyrical (Jeff Gibbss in. Some dainty souls insist that the satel-
creepily resonant, Philip Glass-like music lite news feeds of Republican luminar-
certainly helps) for Moore, and (dare I say ies acting foolish when they believed the
it?) almost approaches the spirit of Markers cameras were offthe decidedly nauseat-
rueful ironies. Given the now-common ing sight of neoconservative honcho Paul
propensity to divide recent American his- Wolfowitz garnishing his comb with saliva
tory into a far from Edenic but nevertheless and President Bushs almost Pee Wee
more normal pre-9/11 phase and a politi- Hermanish eye-rollingare undignified
cally and morally hellish postlapsarian post- cheap shots. Nevertheless, without drawing
9/11 era, Moores voice-over proclaiming, any hyperbolic comparisons, its clear that
Was it all just a dream?, as Ben Affleck, satiristsfrom Jonathan Swift to the prac-
Robert De Niro, and Stevie Wonder cel- titioners of political cabaret in Munich and
ebrate a chimerical Gore victory, succinctly Berlin during the Twenties, as well as the
sums up the chasm between then and now. bravura comic riffs of Mort Sahl and Lenny
After the mood turns increasingly sour, Bruce during the Cold War Fiftieshave
the sadly ineffectual efforts of members always relished the detonation of cannily
of the House of Representatives, includ- aimed, no doubt necessary, cheap shots.
ing many members of the Congressional Moore is a lesser, more erratic wit than
Black Caucus, to recruit at least one sena- Bruce, and certainly Swift, but left-liberal
tor to prevent certification of a Bush victory, whining about cheap shots goes a long way
reminds even readers of The Nation and to demonstrate why the loyal, or perhaps
regular visitors to that some craven, opposition is often derided as ridic-
slices of history have been skillfully bur- ulously genteel.
ied. Greg Palast titled the introduction to Fahrenheits by-now-legendary chroni-
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, which cle of the seven, seemingly interminable
964 Documentary Transformed

minutes during which Bush continued to by the Republican talking heads who are
read My Pet Goat (or, according to a Talk of eager to yell conspiracy theoryas if the
the Town piece in The New Yorker, The Pet case formulated by Moore was somehow
Goat) to a second-grade class in Sarasota, akin to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion or
Florida, while Americans endured the an old John Birch Society pamphlet. In fact,
shock of attacks on the World Trade Center Moores delineation of the special relation-
and the Pentagon, has even been dismissed ship between the Bushes and the Saudi
as a facile satirical jape (that might even Royal family (culled from sources such
enrage those vacillating undecided vot- as Unger and Rashids books and refash-
ers in swing states) by an assortment of ioning its modus operandi from the first
nominally liberal columnists. Yet perhaps chapter of Moores own Dude, Wheres My
no other footage of our hapless leader bet- Country?) has the salutary result of at least
ter conveys his status as a befuddled, clue- providing a provisional dossier of ways in
less cipher who is powerless, and literally which the current administrations for-
voiceless, without his handlers. Admittedly, eign policy might well be compromised
a few of Moores other comic interludes and sullied by a convoluted web of invest-
resemble throwaway sketches on an off ments and murky alliances. Unfortunately,
night of Late Night With David Letterman. the breathless Cooks Tour of Bush pres
An attempt to skewer the ineffectuality of willingness to shill for the Carlyle Group,
the Bushites half-hearted efforts to root with its well-documented links to the
out al Qaeda in Afghanistan is tepidly lam- bin Laden family (which resembles the
pooned with a Bonanza parody featuring Cliff Notes version of Exposed: The Carlyle
Blair, Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld as less Group, a documentary produced by the
glamorous incarnations of the Cartwright Dutch television network VPRO, available
family. Similarly, the much-vaunted, if in on-lineat
fact ragtag Coalition of the Willing is paro- article3995.htm) and the amusing tidbit,
died with ludicrous stock footage deriding familiar to readers of Ungers book, that
the minuscule troops proffered by Palau the Bush family christened Prince Bandar,
and Romania, while managing to omit the the Saudi ambassador to the U.S., Bandar
pivotal participation of Great Britain, for Bush, personify the weaknesses of Moores
the sake of a few less than hearty laughs. scattershot indictment.
Still, there are times when Moores blend of It is not that the barrage of accusations
rock-video esthetics and smart-ass humor arent rooted in tangible research or that
hits its target brilliantly; as Bushs notori- most of us cant help but relish Moores
ous military records come on the screen, loaded rhetorical question to a GW deeply
for example, a few bars of Eric Claptons indebted to his Saudi pals: Whos your
Cocaine are heard on the sound track. The daddy? Its more to the point that our glee-
allusion is so fleeting and apt that it seems ful schadenfreude is not complemented by
nearly subliminal. even a sketchy account of how the Bush fam-
By now, few readers will have to be ilys sordid history mirrors the systemic rot
informed that the extended sequence prob- of American foreign policy that, far from sui
ing the Bush familys economic ties with generis, began in earnest with the blunders
Saudi Arabia has elicited more overwrought of the Reagan and Clinton Administrations.
carping from Moore haters than any other Steve Coll, for example, in his magisterial
aspect of the film. While the films accre- Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA,
tion of accusations is occasionally poorly Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, From the Soviet
focused, this can be attributed to an entirely Invasion to September 10, 2001, gloomily
different set of problems than those raised concludes that both Reagan and Clinton
Weapon of Mass Instruction 965

typically coddled undemocratic and cor- Cold War by other means in another his-
rupt Muslim governments, even as these torical context; as Robert Fisk pointed out a
countries frustrated middle classes looked year after the war broke out, Condoleezza
increasingly to conservative interpreta- Rice, Bushs specialist on threats and terror,
tions of Islam for social values and politi- warned us about a mushroom cloudthe
cal ideas. In this way America unnecessarily Russian version, presumably, rather than
made easier, to at least a small extent, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
work of al-Qaeda. Colls assiduous inven- At the end of the revised edition of his
tory of American hubris dovetails nicely classic study, The First Casualty: The War
with Chalmers Johnsons concept of Correspondent as Hero and Myth-Maker
blow-backthe unintended conse- from the Crimea to Kosovo, Phillip Knightley
quences of the U.S.s international activi- muses that, in an era where TV viewers
ties that have been kept secret from the decry images of bomb victims and battle
American people. casualties as too upsetting, its likely that
Moore prefers to focus on intriguing spin doctors, propagandists, and military
minutiae such as the probable allure of commanders will find further justification
a proposed trans-Afghan pipeline spear- for managing the media in wartime and that
headed by Unocal and Hallibuton for the Gulf and Kosovo will become the pat-
Cheney and Bush, who appeared rela- tern for all future wars. In certain respects,
tively unperturbed by Osama bin Laden Moores focus on the Iraqi invasion and
or al Qaeda and obsessed by the phantom occupation in the latter half of Fahrenheit
threat of Saddam Husseins Iraq. Perversely 9/11 is a conscious attempt to counteract
enough, Rumsfeld himself was on smash- most journalists escape from responsibil-
ing terms with Hussein during the Reagan ity as they willingly agree to be muzzled
Administration, a fact driven home by a 1983 by the White House and the Pentagon. Its
photograph of the two men that Moore clev- true that the shock cuts employed to con-
erly inserts into the film as Bush assumes trast the official consensus on Iraq with the
the demeanor of a dazed rabbit during his carnage and collateral damage that have
awkward sojourn at the Sarasota elementary gone unreported represent the triumph of
school. Yet, while acknowledging that a film sledgehammer editing. Sadly, the use of a
made for a mass audience cannot include subtler approach would probably have been
the cinematic equivalent of footnotes and ineffective in an era when a leisurely pace
appendices or rival the book-length analy- is equated with boredom. For this reason,
ses of Coll and Johnson, it might have the images of heavy metal-crazed airmen
been nice for audiences to have known that preparing their targets, the juxtaposition
Rumsfelds newfound rage towards an old of a traumatized Iraqi woman surveying
friend was complemented, and reinforced, the destruction of her home with Britney
by Wolfowitz and fellow neocon Richard Spearss air-headed support for Bush, and
Perles support for both the Likud Partys the clash between Rumsfelds homage to
attack on Palestinian rights and their belief humane antipersonnel weapons and the
that the goals of the Israeli far right could actual damage they inflict are unsubtle but
be best facilitated by regime change in Iraq. effective jabs at the somnolent U.S. media.
Or we could have had an indication that the Some of Moores critics, including some
neoconservatives, among them Rumsfeld liberals, have chastised him for suppos-
and Wolfowitz, who urged President edly emphasizing American misconduct
Clinton to wage preventive war against at the expense of any mention of Saddam
Hussein in 1998 view the current conflagra- Husseins crimes. But, even if many of us dis-
tion as something of a continuation of the agreed with, say, Paul Bermans provisional
966 Documentary Transformed

support of the war, there is nothing in dissidents of Peace Fresno become infil-
Fahrenheit 9/11 that is not congruent with trated by a police spy, and the odd tale of a
his challenge in the June 28, 2004 issue bodybuilder whose denunciation of Bush
of The New Republic: to rage at Saddam and inspires a fellow gym rat to report him to
other enemies, and at the same time, to rage the FBI, provide a cautionary glimpse of the
in a somewhat different register at Bush, creeping authoritarianism that has marked
and to keep those two responses in propor- the post 9/11 era. (The absence of any dis-
tion to one another. Of course, while it is cussion of how a large number of Muslims,
uncertain whether Berman would consider especially those granted temporary visas,
Fahrenheits rage against Bush appropriately have been detained and harassed by U.S.
Solomonic, Moores strategic emphasis on immigration authorities is one of the films
American transgressions is once more glaring omissions. Fortunately, a string
intended to offset the cheerleading for a war of documentaries that almost form a new
that has gone terribly awry in ways that were subgenre are tackling this much-ignored
predicted by commentators with more pre- scandal. These films are at least partially
science than the staff of The New Republic. designed as grass-roots activist tools.1)
The films footage of Katie Couric gushing In order to offset this mood of gloom,
over Navy SEALs (who apparently rock), Moore offers us several moving conver-
and Dan Rather pledging eternal allegiance sion narratives. Sgt. Abdul Henderson of
to any wars his country might engage in, the Marine Corps announces that he wont
reflect the jingoistic distortion of patrio- return to Iraq; a once devoutly Republican
tism that has infected this country during veteran announces hell campaign for
the current administrations reign of error. the Democrats. The films portrait of Lila
Footage obtained by Moore depicting sex- Lipscomb of Flint, Michigan, however,
ual and verbal abuse of Iraqis by American might well be a pivotal sequence for those
soldiers that is startlingly reminiscent of almost mythic undecided voters who are
the shocking revelations from Abu Ghraib so beloved by panelists on Sunday morning
is preceded by his pronouncement that political chat shows. Moores working-class
immoral behavior breeds more immoral roots notwithstanding, his work has occa-
behavior. This sequence is a more powerful sionally treated so-called ordinary people
admonishment of Berman and Christopher with grating condescension (e.g., the comic
Hitchenss hawkish rhetoric than any verbal relief of The Rabbit Lady in Roger & Me
argument: the superficial altruism of the and Pets or Meat). Lipscomb, who describes
prowar camp is countered by evidence that her family as part of the backbone of
the U.S. has not set an example for Iraqis America, is far from a figure of fun. A
oppressed for years by Hussein but instead self-described conservative Democrat who
mimics the regime it excoriates. once had nothing but contempt for antiwar
If the Fourth Estate is cheerfully com- protestors, Lipscombs account of her sons
plicit with its own silencing, it is no sur- death in a helicopter accident in Iraq report-
prise that the bulk of the public proved edly brought tears to Moores eyes. Facile
equally happy to embrace, to the extent that irony does not rear its head at all when the
they were even aware of them, the most newly antiwar Lipscomb and the burly film-
repressive provisions of the U.S.A.-Patriot maker agree that the U.S. is a great coun-
Act. Moores cagey interview with Rep. John try. Without attempting overly strained
Conyers highlights the world-weariness comparisons, the mood is slightly reminis-
that plagues even the best-intentioned poli- cent of a near-forgotten time in American
ticians, and Fahrenheits slightly tongue-in- history during the Popular Front when
cheek chronicle of how the unthreatening patriotism was a left-wing priority as well
Weapon of Mass Instruction 967

as a right-wing shibboleth, of a moment in has nothing but respect for the poor, black,
American popular culture when a conserva- and disenfranchised Americans who serve
tive populist director such as Frank Capra in the military without asking for any favors
and a left-wing populist screenwriter such in return.
as Sidney Buchman could join forces on a It is an open secret (exhaustively
movie as wonderfully contradictory as Mr. researched in David L. Robbs Operation
Smith Goes to Washington (1939)the con- Hollywood: How the Pentagon Shapes and
vergence of cornball, but thoroughly ear- Censors the Movies, Prometheus Books,
nest, patriotism with anguished disdain 2004) that the American military brass
for political malfeasance. Moore also drops routinely vets scripts of Hollywood films
his smart-alecky faade when confront- in return for access to their equipment and
ing the problems of African Americans. personnel. Tributes to a glamorized mili-
Whether detailing the predatory tactics of tary elite are often the result; Tony Scotts
military recruiters eager to recruit black Tom Cruise vehicle, Top Gun (1986), is one
youth threatened with unemployment, the of the archetypal examples. Robb quotes
Flint kids who compare their devastated Taylor Hackfords observation that [pro-
neighborhood with bomb-scarred Iraq, or ducer] Don [Simpson] got huge coopera-
the moral crisis plaguing Sgt. Henderson, tion from the Department of Defense for
Moore is never less than completely empa- Top Gun He made a lot of money on Top
thetic when depicting the raw deal dealt Gun, and he made it the way the military
Americas African American citizens. wanted it. He told them it would show off
The film is also attuned to affinities their planes and show their guys as dashing
between the overt injuries of class and the young men. In a rather pathetic attempt to
indignities of racism. In a sequence lead- duplicate the Hollywood panache of his idol
ing up to the recruiters search for likely Ronald Reagan, Bush arrived in Top Gun
prospects, a working-class resident of Flint regalia on the USS Abraham Lincoln during
remarks that he once wrote G.W. Bush a rather premature 2003 victory celebration
about his communitys plight and, unsur- that Moore derides as a hubris-laden party
prisingly, never heard back. Towards the on a boat. The once-AWOL Bush assum-
end of the film, in one of the most revelatory ing the mantle of Tom Cruiseand subse-
archival clips unearthed by Moore, Bush quently forced to live down a banner reading
tells a well-heeled audience of Republican Mission Accomplished that became a
donors that while some people call you the conspicuous part of the photo-opis the
elite, I call you my base. And, as we know, polar opposite of the Flint youths captured
members of this base can easily exempt by Moores camera (certainly not part of the
themselves from wars that they expect the Presidents base) who consider the mili-
less fortunate members of society to fight tary their ticket out of unemployment and
on their behalf. One of the many anti- hopelessness.
Moore web sites ( The Irish stand-up comic Dylan Moran
charges the supposedly duplicitous direc- maintains that G.W. Bush is bad for come-
tor with unfair and inconsistent attacks dians: the President always gets to the
on the U.S. armed forces, a theme appar- punch lines first and the poor comics feel
ent in many of the impromptu conserva- that theyre picking on the slowest kid in the
tive blogs which have mushroomed in the class. The Bush portrayed as a charming, if
wake of Fahrenheits box-office success. What dimwitted, frat boy in Alexandra Pelosis
the angry bloggers fail to mention is that HBO documentary Journeys with George
Moore, although quite willing to mock the comes off in Fahrenheit as a man with a
pretensions of the military establishment, malicious sense of humor that reveals
968 Documentary Transformed

his profound sense of entitlement. The States seems inexplicably intent on provid-
now-notorious satellite feed of the President ing future enemies with enough grievances
initially denouncing terrorist killers and to do us considerable damage. Johnson
then instructing reporters to admire his can only ascribe this irrationality to the
golf swing (Now, watch this drive.) might ideal of an imperial New Rome endorsed
be as intrinsically unfair as some of the by Bush and his neoconservative cronies.
films critics maintain. But it is an unfair- By portraying Bush primarily as a buffoon
ness that has its origins in a deep sense of (while conveniently ignoring his born-again
outrage towards Bushs own unfairness and Christian missionary zeal),2 Moores movie
general incompetence. In fact, many of us obviously focuses on individual villainy
who found The Fog of Wars supposed fair- rather than the entire spectrum of reasons
ness exasperating find ourselves pleased by that have brought us to our current crisis.
a documentary that doesnt mince words. Nevertheless, he does a brilliant job in strip-
Fahrenheit may be an on-target guided ping the wannabe emperor (and, by exten-
missile aimed at Bush, but each viewer sion, the all-too-real empire) of his/its new
must nevertheless formulate an interpre- clothes.
tation of its multifaceted agenda. As a case Given the opportunity to design the ideal
in point, a predictably hostile reviewer in artist to satirize the current administrations
National Review takes Moore to task for sup- mendacity, we would probably request
posedly implying (with the inclusion of a some currently unrealizable combination of
fragment from a Halliburton promotional Brecht, Eisenstein, Chaplin, Georg Grosz,
film) that the war is being fought solely for and Goya. Michael Moore is, alas, all we
the sake of Dick Cheneys favorite corpora- have and he is good enough, and perhaps
tion. But Fahrenheit, however unnuanced at all we really deserve, for these dark times.
times, never reduces the outbreak of war to In any case, David Denbys strange asser-
a single cause (even though economic pri- tion that Moore has never known how to
orities loom large) and never denies that change anyones politics seems patently
wars have multiple causes. It would be silly false. If my anecdotal, thoroughly unscien-
to ignore the spectacularly obvious fact that tific findings have any merit, Fahrenheit is
the U.S. wants hegemony in the Middle East stirring up debate (of an often quite fero-
in order to control its oil reserves. The hor- cious variety) at dinner parties, multiplexes,
rible duplicity of the Iraq invasion recalls office water coolers, and public meetings.
Brechts argument in Mother Courage and Whether you love, loath, or feel ambivalent
Her Children that war is a continuation about Michael Moore, its obvious that more
of business by other means, making the than a few minds have been changed.
human virtues fatal to those who exercise
them. Corporate greed is, without doubt,
an important component of Bushs military Notes
folly, but there are countless other ideologi-
cal reasons for his administrations endorse- 1. Among the most notable of these documentaries are
Persons of Interest (distributed by First Run/Icarus
ment of preventive war. Films,, Point of Attack (The Cinema
Chalmers Johnsons recent book, The Guild,, Out of Status
Sorrows of Empire: Militarism, Secrecy, and (, Lest We Forget, and Everything
is Gonna Be Alright.
the End of the Republic, makes the claim that 2. William Karels less playful, but in certain
the war in Iraq is irrational in terms of any respects more informative, Le monde selon Bush
cost-benefit analysis given the widespread (The World According to Bush, 2004), explores the
right-wing radicalism of neocons such as Perle and
political unrest [in the Middle East] and a Wolfowitz, as well as the Presidents affection for
strong revival of militant Islam, the United fundamentalist Christianity.

Three Short Ruminations on Ideology
in the Nature Film(2006*)

A few months ago I saw a film on TV, one of the Nova series, I think, about spiders.
Ive never see anything more fascinating, or more visual. How can you possibly ignore
such work? Im delighted its there, and Ive always wanted to show it. And its always
worked very well, in terms of audiences.


Probably no substantial dimension of film Wildlife Films (2000), currently the defini-
history that is so widely admired by a pub- tive exploration of American wildlife cin-
lic audience and so frequently utilized in ema; and the beautiful book on the French
academic contexts has been so thoroughly nature-film pioneer, Jean Painlev, Science
ignored by film critics, historians, and Is Fiction: The Films of Jean Painlev (2000),
theorists as the nature film (or, to use the edited by Andy Masaki Bellows and Marina
current, more widely accepted term, the McDougall, with Brigitte Berg, are the
wildlife film): those films and videos that exceptions that prove the rule. Until the
purport to reveal the lives of other species.2 appearance of these books, there had been
Indeed, the recent appearance of Gregg a dearth of writing about nature film, at
Mitmans Reel Nature: Americas Romance least within the annals of American film
with Wildlife on Film (1999); Derek Bouss scholarship.3 My guess is that while their

*Revised 2015.
970 Documentary Transformed

colleagues in the sciences may show nature with the many dimensions of the evolving
films, most academic film studies profes- environmental crisis. Of course it is true, as
sionals barely consider nature film a part Nichols suggests, that nature films (science
of film history. There are few better indica- films in general) have historically pretended
tions of the educationally counterproduc- to objectivity. There are a variety of reasons
tive gap between the humanities and the for this. Since science is our cultural attempt
sciences. to find out what aspects of the physical
While one can hope that the three vol- world can be known through observation
umes mentioned abovealong with the and experimentation (that is, those aspects
remarkable recent successes of Winged of the physical world that are verifiable
Migration (Jacques Cluzaud and Jacques regardless of ideology or belief), it is hardly
Perrin, 2001), Deep Blue (Andy Byatt and surprising that scientific films have an aura
Alastair Fothergill, 2003), and especially of objectivity that is confirmed by the cin-
March of the Penguins (Luc Jacquet, 2005) emas ability to make indexical, seemingly
will instigate further exploration and exhi- objective, records of sensory phenomena.
bition of this neglected genre, the general But the moment a nature filmmaker begins
attitude of film historians and scholars cur- to construct a particular film, there is no
rently makes such a revival less than certain. escaping point of view: filmmakers must
The obvious location for serious thinking choose what to show us and determine a
about the nature film, at least within aca- filmic structure that exhibits a particular set
demic film studies, would seem to be within of conclusions, whether they are those of an
the history and theory of documentary film. individual scientist, a group of scientists, or
In fact, in the popular mind, few forms of science-interested laypeople. The presump-
filmmaking are more obvious instances of tion of objectivity in science film is simply a
documentary than the nature film. But his- particular instance of the aura of objectivity
torians of documentary routinely ignore the that documentary nearly always carries with
nature film, for reasons articulated by Bill it, and which, as Nichols has so often made
Nichols.4 For Nichols, the capacity of the clear in other contexts, must be qualified
photographic image to generate indexical by the point of view that is explicit/implicit
representations of the world makes it valu- within any specific documentary.
able for scientific imaging, but cinemas A second reason for the widely held posi-
very usefulness to science depends heav- tion that nature films are not really docu-
ily on minimizing the degree to which the mentaries, and therefore not worth serious
image, be it a fingerprint or X-ray, exhibits investigation within a film studies context, is
any sense of perspective or point of view historical, in at least two senses. First, until
distinctive to its individual maker. A strict Mitman and Bous, no American scholar had
code of objectivity, or institutional perspec- described a history of nature film or made
tive, applies. The voice of science demands an attempt to identify its pivotal moments
silence, or near silence, from documentar- and landmark contributions; even the valu-
ian or photographer.5 Since documentary able chronology of the wildlife film Bous
requires a voice of its own, according includes in Wildlife Films is limited in signifi-
to Nicholsvoice of its own meaning cant ways.7 It is hard to take a genre seriously
a clear or at least identifiable ideological if one has no sense of it as a genreand espe-
positionnature film is by definition not cially since nature films are rarely exhibited
part of documentary history.6 as instances of an evolving history. Second,
There are several problems with this posi- since research into natural phenomena, and
tion, and they grow increasingly evident the other species in particular, is ongoing, and
more fully modern society comes to terms since it is in the nature of new research to
Up Close and Political 971

make previous research outmoded, nature of the Komodo dragon, and Martin and
films that may have seemed state-of-the-art at Osa Johnsons Trailing African Wild Animals
one point can seem outdated in a few years. (1923) and Simba (1927).9 And, of course,
This tendency is exacerbated by the fact that exotic animals play pivotal roles in such
a good many nature films, especially those early proto- or pseudo-ethnographic docu-
designed for use in primary and secondary mentaries as Robert Flahertys Nanook of the
schools, use strategies that may seem edu- North (1921) and Moana (1926), and Ernest
cational to one generation, but hopelessly Schoedsack and Meriam C. Coopers Grass
corny to the next:Bruce Conners recycling of (1925) and Chang (1927). The mythic version
material from outdated educational films in of these early films is, of course, King Kong
surreal montages (e.g., Mongoloid, 1978)has (1933), produced by Cooper and Schoedsack
the impact it does because those older educa- and based on their own and others adven-
tional films now seem to reveal more about tures filming in the wild.10
the absurdities of their era than about scien- While the early films about hunting exotic
tific information. wild animals and the symbiotic relationships
This essay makes no pretense of provid- between non-industrialized peoples and ani-
ing anything like a definitive sense of the mals provoked, and continue to provoke,
nature film. I hope, however, that it use- widespread debate about what is science and
fully references a few of the important his- what is showmanship, there were also, at least
torical contributions to the genre as a way from the 1910s on, attempts to use cinema to
of foregrounding some of the issues raised focus on the life cycles of other species, apart
in nature films and some aspects of their from their interaction with human society.
value in a film studies context. The nature Two particularly significant contributions
film has, of course, a long prehistory and to this history are the series of short films
history that arguably begin with the dawn of made by Jean Painlev, beginning with The
the photographic motion picture: Eadweard Octopus (La Pieuvre) in 1928 and concluding
Muybridges breakthrough animal loco- with Acera, or the Witches Dance (Acra, ou le
motion photographs and Zoopraxiscope bal des sorcires) in 1972; and the Walt Disney
demonstrations and Etienne-Jules Mareys Studios True-Life Adventures (in particular,
chronophotographs used a variety of ani- those directed by James Algar), beginning
mal species as their primary subject mat- with Seal Island (1948), Beaver Valley (1950),
ter. During the first decades of film history, and Natures Half Acre (1951), and culminat-
there was a minor tradition of animal fight ing in a series of features, including the
films that included A Fight Between Spider commercial breakthroughs The Living Desert
and Scorpion (Biograph, 1900) and A Fight (1953) and The Vanishing Prairie (1954). The
Between Wild Animals (Kalem, 1912).8 Films Painlev films and the Disney films could
about wildlife, especially hunting films, were hardly be more different, especially in their
important early contributions to the devel- exemplification of two very different atti-
opment of the cinema audience. Roosevelt in tudes with regard to the representation of
Africa (1910), shot by Cherry Kearton during other species in cinema.
Theodore Roosevelts African expedition
in 1909, and the more melodramatic and
popular fictionalized version of Roosevelts Disney versus Painlev
hunting adventures, Hunting Big Game in
Africa (1909) by Colonel Selig, instigated Painlevs pioneering efforts to demon-
a genre of bring em back alive films strate the potential of cinema in scientific
that included Paul Raineys African Hunt experiment and to establish the nature film
(1912), William Douglas Burdens footage as a form that combines good science with
972 Documentary Transformed

entertainment and aesthetic awareness pre- filmallowed this new Disney product to
cede Disneys True-Life Adventure films by be a financial success. While Bambi cost
two decades. In the United States there is $2 million, and lost $1 million during its
almost no awareness of Painlevs contribu- first run, The Vanishing Desert cost around
tions, while the Disney films are not only $350,000, and grossed $4million.12
well known, but were formative for several Furthermore, the True-Life Adventure
generations of American childrenand films were, like the animations, dura-
important for a good many adults as well. ble: neither the animations nor the nature
Independent filmmaker Nathaniel Dorsky, films aged as quickly as most live-action
for example, counts the early True-Life films tend to. Over the decades, the Disney
Adventures as one of the primary influ- animated features have done quite well
ences on hiswork: and continue to be successful in re-release.
While the nature films fell prey to changing
I had started to make films with an science and an evolving social awareness
8mm camera when I was around (the opening narration of The Vanishing
ten or eleven. Iwas very influenced Prairie, for example, is patronizing to
by the Disney True-Life Adventure Native America in ways that have come to
series, like Beaver Valley and Natures seem quite problematic), they too endured
Half Acre. They were the first time to become popular television entertain-
Isaw, for instance, flowers growing ment during the years when Disney was a
in time-lapsevery photographic major force in television programming. The
films, held together with music and True-Life Adventures were also inevitable
narration. Both films went through parts of school libraries across the country
the four seasons, and for some rea- during the decades when school districts
son, Iwas very taken with that.11 routinely bought 16mm prints of educa-
tional films. Several of the feature-length
I do not remember precisely when or where True-Life Adventures can still be found in
I first saw the early True-Life Adventures, video rental outlets.
but such characteristic elements as Winston The popularity of the Disney films was
Hiblers narrating voice, the use of an ani- the result of their combination of first-rate
mated paint brush to introduce films, and nature photography with forms of narra-
the overall tenor remain deeply familiar arti- tive entertainment developed by the Disney
facts of childhood. Studio during the decades that preceded the
Disney began producing wildlife films as release of Seal Island. True, Disney nature
a way of dealing with the financial problems photographers were sent into the field with-
created by the high cost of animation. While out a script and were supposed to capture
the series of animated features the Disney the most interesting imagery they could
studio released during the 1940s were, and find, and ideally, according to James Algar,
remain, immensely popularPinocchio those unexpected and unpredictable hap-
(1940), Fantasia (1940), Bambi (1942), Song penings that cannot possibly be written into
of the South (1946), and Cinderella (1949) a story ahead of time.13 But Disney made
were the five most popular films of that sure that the films that developed out of this
decade, according to the 2005 New York cinematic research were as carefully con-
Times Almanacthe considerable cost of structed and entertainment-driven as any
these features made them, at first, economi- film produced by a Hollywood studio. While
cally tenuous at best. During this financially the Disney nature films may have seemed
strained moment, the comparatively low to their first audiences as devoid of poli-
cost of a nature filmeven a feature nature tics or ideology as the early Silly Symphony
Up Close and Political 973

cartoons, these films promoted not only calfs first attempts to nurse. Then its on
particular attitudes toward family life and to a passage on prong-horned antelope and
gender, but a deep complacency about the big-horned sheep; then to a long segment
history of Manifest Destiny and modern about a mother mountain lion caring for
middle-class life. Indeed, for all their charm and training her cubs; then to a complex
and beauty, the True-Life Adventures can passage focusing primarily on a community
seem as ideologically motivated as Animal of prairie dogs and their amusing attempts
Farm to a contemporary viewer. to deal with interlopers (including a mother
In The Vanishing Prairie, as in so many coyote searching for food for her pups and
Disney films, the focus is on the nuclear a male badger who meets a female and
family, especially on the bond between falls in love). The climax of The Vanishing
mothers and children and on moments Prairie is a sequence that begins with buf-
within the lives of animals that seem to falo in mating season (no actual mating
mirror middle-class American mores (and is shown), followed by a lightning storm
in one way or another confirm the gender that starts a prairie fire, which is put out by
politics of the time). The film begins with heavy rain and a flood. The well-known and
birds migratingbeautiful shots that ret- much-imitated finale takes us to mountains
rospectively seem like premonitions of Fly in winter, where male big-horned sheep bat-
Away Home (Carroll Ballard, 1996) and tle to the music of The Anvil Chorus. The
Winged Migration (Jacques Perrin, 2002). It film concludes with the narrators assur-
then moves through various avian courtship ance that Nature preserves her own and
rituals and focuses on an amusing moment teaches them how to cope with time and the
in the domestic life of a pair of grebes: a unaccountable ways of man. Mankind, in
piebilled grebe father looks after grebe eggs turn, beginning to understand Natures pat-
while the mother grebe is searching for food tern, is helping her to replenish and rebuild
for several chicks. He does not see that one so that the vanishing pageant of the past
of the eggs has gotten caught in his feathers may become the enduring pageant of the
and inadvertently moves it out of the nest future.
when he steps out. The narrator comments, It is, of course, a pageant that Disney
Like most males, hes rather careless about provides in The Vanishing Prairie, The Living
domestic chores! and then mouths the Desert, and in the other True-Life Adventure
thoughts of the mother grebe when she films. In the completed films, we are sutured
returns: Well, thats typical! Perhaps if he into the Disney vision by the continual pres-
had to lay these eggs, hed be more careful. ence of the narrator; by the music, which is
I declare, these husbandsalways leaving carefully and continuously synched with the
things for someone else to pick up! The action so as to create particular, interpretive
fact that the male grebe is tending to the cinematic moods; and by the films visual
children and the female grebe is out looking and textual framing of the adventures of
for food runs counter to white middle-class the animals. Not only do these films cre-
gender roles in the 1950s, but the possible ate animal characters that are meant to
impact of this moment is quickly sup- lure children, mothers, and fathers into
pressed in favor of humorous banter that emotional identification in much the same
locates the grebes within conventional fam- way as Disneys animated features do, but
ily patterns.14 individual sequences are often fabricated
A sequence of amusing mating rituals to suggest that the animals, like the spec-
among grouse leads to a passage on buf- tators in the theater, are interested observ-
falo, punctuated by the birth of a buffalo ers of what is occurring onscreen. In The
calf, the mothers care of the calf, and the Living Desert an owl watches a burrowing
974 Documentary Transformed

snake, a courtship ritual of tarantulas, and a concerns, Painlevs nature films were an
scorpion mating dance. And, when ground attempt to demonstrate the value of cinema
squirrel Skinny, the kid from across the for science (a highly controversial idea for
way, confronts a Gila monster and chases French scientists of the 1920s), and to pro-
it away by kicking sand in its eyes, the duce both good science and good cinema.15
heroic exploits of the little guy are watched In a sense, the pageantry of the Disney films
and admired by the neighborhood ground reflects their origins in the studio system:
squirrels, who realize they have underesti- many of the True-Life Adventures were elab-
mated Skinny (at the end of the sequence, orate feature-length extravaganzas, produced
Skinny rides off into the sunset on the within a hierarchical studio system involving
back of a desert tortoise). In other words, many people. The Painlev films are gener-
in these filmsas in any other Hollywood ally eight to fifteen minutes long, and were
melodramawe enjoy the pleasure of gaz- relatively humble productions, often col-
ing at the private lives of characters we can laborations with Painlevs wife, Genevive
identify with, and we share the characters Hamon, in which Painlevworking with
gazes at eachother. technology he himself invented for filming
Originally, the True-Life Adventures pro- underwaterdid his own cinematography
vided a new, exotic form of entertainment or worked with a single cameraperson (usu-
(after half a century, at least judging from a ally either Andre Ramond or Eli Lotar). Like
recent class on the history of documentary the Disney films, Painlevs nature films
Itaught at Bard College, the entertainment were shot in 35mm and were shown in
value of The Living Desert is still consider- public theaters. Indeed, one of these films,
able for film students); they combined the The Seahorse (LHippocampe, 1934) was suc-
conventional pleasures of entertainment cessful enough to support a spin-off: a line
film with sense that the audience was learn- of seahorse jewelry designed by Hamon
ing something. Of course, the True-Life and displayed in chic boutiques alongside
Adventures create an expanded sense of aquariums filled with live sea-horses.16 But
the animals that inhabit particular regions, The Seahorse was the only Painlev nature
combined with an emotional residue of film to break even (and, unfortunately, the
pleasant nostalgia for the innocent past profits from the seahorse jewelry were sto-
and an implicit acceptance of the inevi- len). Painlev was, throughout his life, more
table progress of civilization. The True-Life a scientist and educator than a capitalist, and
Adventures may have created in their first his energies were generally directed toward
audiences a greater awareness of the natu- the promotion of science films as an educa-
ral environment, but it was an awareness tional tool.
qualified by a deep complacency. The nat- Not surprisingly, given their production
ural world is valuable and admirable, the process and purpose, the scope and underly-
Disney films suggest, precisely to the degree ing ideology of the Painlev nature films are
it can be understood to reflect and confirm very different from the Disney films. The
the ideology of contemporary American second of Painlevs Ten Commandments
middle-class familylife. for filmmakers is You will refuse to direct a
When one comes to the Painlev films film if your convictions are not expressed.17
having first experienced the Disney nature Each Painlev film tends to focus on a sin-
films as a formative childhood influence, it gle organism, usually a single sea creature.
is difficult not to feel that they are transfor- Each film presents, clearly and concisely,
mative, at least in terms of what we assume the crucial moments in the life cycle of the
a nature film can be. While the True-Life chosen organism, often acknowledging that
Adventures were instigated by financial this particular organism might not at first
Up Close and Political 975

seem worthy of being the focus of a film. through France and the rest of Europe and
In general, Painlevs commitment is to the making available a wide variety of forms of
wonder and the beauty of organisms that cinema not regularly screened in commer-
some would consider beneath our notice cial theaters. Through cin-club activity, he
(the sea urchin, for instance, or the acera, became close friends with Jean Vigo and in
a tiny mollusk). And he is drawn to organ- 1927 he finished his own short Surrealist
isms, or aspects of organisms, that some film, Methuselah, which is particularly remi-
would find disgusting: the South American niscent of Ren Clairs Entracte (1924).19
vampire bat in The Vampire (Le Vampire, Painlevs engagement with Surrealism
1945), for example, and the love life of the would continue; for example, he supplied
cephalopod, horrifying animal in The Love the remarkable text for the narration of
Life of the Octopus (Les Amours de la pieuvre, Georges Franjus The Blood of the Beasts (Le
1965). Though the body of each film offers Sang des btes,1949).
in-close examinations of the organisms, The defiance of social conven-
Painlev often makes clear how the organ- tion implicit in Painlevs early move-
ism he has chosen to focus on relates to ment between the worlds of science and
human societyin a simple practical sense. Surrealism is frequently evident in his
The Vampire, for example, begins with a brief nature films, especially in his (usually
reminder of the pervasiveness of vampires implicit, but clearly evident) reasons for
in our imaginations and in the artsa shot focusing on particular organisms. While
from Murnaus Nosferatu (1922) is included; the Disney nature films focus on animals
and Shrimp Stories (Histoires des crevettes) whose activities can be seen as analogous
begins with imagery of men and women to, or sentimentally reminiscent of, the
fishing for shrimp in ocean shallows. activities of the largely middle-class fami-
While the True-Life Adventures tend to lies who were their primary audience,
be live-action confirmations of attitudes and Painlevs choices often seem, at least in
ideas evident in Disneys early animated fea- part, a function of the ways in which par-
tures and cartoons, the Painlev films can be ticular organisms offer a challenge to con-
seen, at least in part, as related to Painlevs ventional societal assumptions and values.
interest in art, particularly Surrealism. For example, in an unpublished conver-
Painlev (the son of distinguished math- sation with Brigitte Berg, Painlev makes
ematician and onetime French prime min- clear that one of the reasons for his early
ister Paul Painlev) studied mathematics, choice of the seahorse as subject was the
then medicine, then biology and zoology. way the male and female seahorses collab-
In 1923, at the age of 21, he coauthored orate on child-raising:the female lays her
a scientific paper with one of his profes- eggs in the males abdominal pouch; once
sors and presented it to the Acadmie des the eggs are fertilized, the male nourishes
Sciences. In 1924, he graduated from the the eggs and, in time, gives birth to the
Sorbonne with a degree in physics, chem- baby seahorses. As Painlev explained to
istry, and biology. By the time he finished Berg, The seahorse was for me a splendid
university, he had become fascinated with way of promoting the kindness and virtue
the then-thriving French avant-garde art of the father while at the same time under-
scene in Paris. Soon, he was friendly with lining the necessity of the mother. In other
a number of the Surrealists; he was one words, Iwanted to re-establish the balance
of the publishers of, and a contributor to, between male and female.20 Rather than
the single issue of the journal Surralisme.18 using the seahorses to reconfirm conven-
Painlev also became involved with the tional middle-class American family pat-
cin-club movement that was sweeping terns, Painlev uses his cinematic report
976 Documentary Transformed

on seahorses to do what he sees as progres- the film seems to have been closely related
sive gender politics; he wants us to learn to his hatred of Nazism: the bat, which
not only about, but from this strangefish. could be a scourge to its animal and human
Painlevs interest in the acera mollusks neighbors, was, like the Nazis, a brown
in Acera, or the Witches Dance seems to have pest. Near the end of The Vampire, Painlev
two motivations: one of them obvious and reveals the salute of the vampire: When
the other more subtle. Of obvious inter- I was finishing the film, I noticed how the
est is the aceras way of finding a mate; as vampire bat extends its wing before going
suggested by the films title, the acera do a to sleep. I thought it looked like the Nazi
kind of ballet, during which the cloaks that Heil-Hitler salute.21 In this instance, the
encircle their bodies fly open, evoking tutus. bat is used overtly as a political metaphor in
Asubstantial portion of the film is devoted a way that is not particularly characteristic of
to shots of this dance, which is fascinating Painlevs workthough, as usual, the film
and lovelyand reminiscent of moments is good science.
from Oskar Fischinger films and Disneys Throughout his career, Painlev was pri-
Fantasia (1940). But once the acera have marily committed to the creation of first-rate
found mates, we learn that their means of science films and the development of audi-
sexual reproduction could not be further ences for these and other forms of cinema
from anything implied in a Disney film:each that might energize and inform the public.
acera is bisexual and can function sexually as Soon after the war, he became president of
either male or female, or, as is demonstrated the French Federation of Cin-Clubs, and
in Acera, or the Witches Dance, simultane- continued to promote the use of cinema as
ously as male and female. At one point, we a way of popularizing science through his
see a chain of five acera in which each of the work with the Institute of Scientific Cinema
three middle partners fertilizes the eggs of (which he started in 1930) and by helping
another while, at the same time, having its to found the International Association of
own eggs fertilized. For Painlev, the beauty Science Films. He was also among the first
of the acera does not depend on the way it science filmmakers to work with televi-
mimics conventional Western assumptions sion and, in time, would experiment with
about sexual morality. One can only imag- new video techniques. While for Disney
ine the repercussions this lovely film would the nature film was one small part in the
have if it were shown in high-school biology construction of an empire, for Painlev,
classes in the United Statestoday. filmmaking always remained a means of
The Vampire, the best-known Painlev democratizing scientific research and of
film (at least in this country), makes its poli- using cinema to work across theoretical and
tics more specific and more overt. During the cultural distinctions to share information
German occupation of France, Painlev was about our remarkably complex, sometimes
a persona non grata for a variety of reasons terrifying, but always wondrousworld.
(including the help he gave refugees from []
Fascism to obtain work visas and French cit-
izenship), and spent those years in hiding.
Soon after the German occupation of France,
he escaped to Spain underwater by using the The Natural World asParallel
diving gear he had invented. Just before the Universe:A Divided World (1948)
war, Painlev had seen, for the first time, the and Microcosmos(1996)
Brazilian vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus),
and had begun work on what would become One of the problems with the failure of
The Vampire. His interest in the creature and academic film studies to seriously explore
Up Close and Political 977

the nature film is that even landmarks snug little house on the edge of the forest,
in the genre have gotten lost, sometimes civilization takes on new meanings. The
in instances when such a loss was easily music of Bach suggests the sublimation of
avoidable. A particularly good example is primitive instincts through art and mans
Swedish director Arne Sucksdorffs remark- creation.23
able short, A Divided World. During the post- Much of the impact of A Divided World
war explosion of the film society movement comes from Sucksdorffs recognition that
in the United States, the Sucksdorff film the two parts of our divided world are in
was celebrated. It was shown at Cinema 16, very close proximity, that indeed they exist
accompanied by program notes written by in virtually the same place and time. In
distinguished critic Arthur Knight. During A Divided World, one world is visually the
the following decades, when libraries were background of the other and vice versa, and
buying 16mm films, many acquired A the Bach fantasia and the sounds of nature
Divided World. In recent years, however, as interweave throughout the film. While the
many academics have abandoned 16mm, action in A Divided World is reminiscent of
these collections have been disbanded, and the Disney True-Life Adventures the impact
many of what were considered film classics of the film is very different from these other
a generation ago are no longer available films, in large part because of Sucksdorffs
to audiences. This seems particularly the way of combining reality and fantasy.
case with nature films, including A Divided It is a fundamental trope of the nature
World, which is no longer in distribution in film that long shots of real landscapes are
the United States.22 used to cover up the fact that the close
A Divided World begins with an organ- shots of animal or insect life are fabricated
ist playing a Bach fantasia as we see shots within carefully controlled environments.24
of a marsh and a snowy forest lit by a full While the kinds of events we see are cer-
moon. A small church, cemetery, and sev- tainly part of the real existence of the crea-
eral houses in a small village are visible; tures depicted, the particular depictions are
then the camera slowly moves back into constructed, either by setting up a situation
the snow-covered forest, where we see the that would be impractical to wait for or by
eyes of a distant owl. The music becomes creatively editing events. Both methods are
subdued and the night cries of animals and used in A DividedWorld.
birds become audible. A tiny white weasel However, while the animals and actions
is eating the carcass of a bird, but runs and in A Divided World are clearly realand,
hides from a fox that eats what remains. as in most nature films, are made reason-
Awhite rabbit is seen running through the ably convincing through the careful con-
woods (the church is seen in the distance trol of mini-environments and creative
at one point) as wind blows through the editingthe scintillating, gorgeously lit
trees, making eerie shadows on the snow. long shots of farm and woods and the
The eyes of the owl are again seen in the dis- close-ups of the animals (all of which are
tance. The owl then flies across the woods beautiful specimens, seemingly unmarked
and confronts the fox, which has apparently by life in the wild) create an aura of fan-
killed the rabbit. While the weasel watches, tasy. As a result, the film seems more a par-
staying carefully out of reach, the owl and able than an exercise in stark realism. The
fox battle over the carcass. The owl flies off houses and church appear to be models.
with the carcass, and the fox is seen nurs- No people are ever visible, though smoke
ing an injured paw. At the end of the film, is coming out of the chimney during the
Arthur Knight suggested in his program final shot of the farmhouse. This is a
notes, when the camera turns back to the fairy-tale town. Ultimately, the two levels of
978 Documentary Transformed

Sucksdorffs divided world re-contextualize films produced by National Geographic

each other, each making the other seem for television use a more masculine
less solid, less complete, less real. The approach that works to create a sense of
ambiguity of the film is confirmed by what the nitty-gritty reality of the cycle of pre-
is perhaps the most obvious deviation from dation, mating, and death. The National
the conventional nature film in A Divided Geographic approach can cause the crea-
World: Sucksdorffs refusal of direct com- tures depicted to seem the enemies of
mentary or explanation. There is neither civilized human life. See for example,
text nor narration, and the result is a Sonoran Desert, A Violent Eden (1997, part
sense that both human nature and non- of the National Geographic series Worlds
human nature are beautiful and powerful Last Great Places), which can create a sense
mysteries. that the remarkable environment of the
A related approach is evident in the Sonoran Desert is to be avoided, or at least
remarkable French feature Microcosmos, Le that the suburbanization of the expand-
peuple de lherbe (The People of the Grass), ing population of Arizona is probably a
by Claude Nuridsany and Marie Prennou. good thing. In Microcosmos Nuridsany and
In making Microcosmos, Nuridsany and Prennou carefully avoid the traditional
Prennou were at great pains to combine reliance on narration. Microcosmos uses
science and art as a means of avoiding some only two brief passages of narration dur-
of the implications of more conventional ing its 80 minutes (both spoken by Kristin
nature films. According to Prennou, We Scott Thomas, in the English version of the
try to engage the imagination of the specta- film; and by Jacques Perrin in the French
tor. We tell the story of this world as if it were version). Each is an attempt to provide a
an opera, not simple biology. We are right in mood unusual for a naturefilm.
the middle of art and science; we put these During the prcis, we move from airplane
two fields togetherpeople have a tendency shots of cloudscapes down to a helicopter
to separate them.25 As is true in A Divided shot of a meadow and then into the meadow
World (and in some of the Painlev films as grass via microscopic cinematography that
well), in Microcosmos the focus is not on a makes the grass stems look like tree trunks.
distant, exotic, vanishing Last Great Place, We hear the first of the two passages of nar-
but on dimensions of the everyday world ration, read as if they were poetry:
we normally ignore:in this case the life of A meadow in early morning,
insects in a meadow during the summer.26 somewhere onearth.
Like Sucksdorff, Nuridsany and Prennou Hidden here is a world as vast as
do not pretend to explain what they show ourown,
us, but rather, confront us with the essential Where the weeds are impenetrable
mystery, beauty, and wonder of our natural jungles,
surroundings. The stones are mountains,
In general, the tendency of most nature And even the smallest pond becomes
documentaries since the Disney True-Life anocean.
Adventures has been to rely on narration Time passes differentlyhere.
to provide one or another form of general An hour is likeaday;
context for the various life forms depicted. A day is like a season;
In most cases this is not scientific com- And the passing of a season is a
mentary, but a kind of emotional contex- lifetime.
tualization. The Disney films promote a But to observe this world, we must
kind of amused, nuclear-family-oriented fall silentnow
detachment, whereas the many nature and listen to its murmurs.
Up Close and Political 979

And the filmmakers do fall silent, until (in some cases with equipment designed by
nearly the end of thefilm. the filmmakers) is presented at appropri-
Nuridsany and Prennous decision to ate moments during the daily cycle. It is,
back away from words and to allow what they of course, one of the inherent properties
show us to speak for itself reflects their con- of theatrical cinema that the combination
fidence in both their subject matter and their of camera and projector magnifies what-
cinematic skills in communicating what ever is shot, and in this particular instance,
they feel about the world they are depicting. cinematic magnification powerfully ampli-
For Nuridsany and Prennou, the natural fies the stunning micro-photography by
world is an awesomenot fearfulplace. Nuridsany, Prennou, Hugues Ryffel, and
As Prennou explains, Insects are so often Thierry Machado. What is most notable
portrayed as little robots who are always about Microcosmos, however, is that the
killing each other, like [in] science fiction directors chose to focus not on exotic
movies. To us they are like mythological creatures we are relatively unacquainted
creatures, creatures of great beauty.27 This with, but on astonishing traits of common
attitude is evident in the choices of both insects, many of which are usually consid-
narrator and narration. Scott Thomass ered as pests.
soft-spoken voice is a far cry from the usual One of the early sequences in the film
authoritative male voice-of-god narrator, as follows a ladybug crawling on a stem where
is the language of the brief bits of narration, ants are tending to a colony of aphids. The
which are poetically evocative. ants repel the ladybug, which goes on its way,
Of course, in Microcosmos, as in most and we watch as the ants harvest the honey-
nature films, music and sound effects func- dew the aphids are producing.29 The clarity
tion as indirect forms of narration. In gen- of this imagery needs no narration, allowing
eral, Nuridsany and Prennou use various us to confront the astonishing spectacle of
combinations of sound effects (including one insect species domesticating another,
what Ipresume are insect sounds recorded protecting it, and caring tenderly for it.
and played back at various speeds) with one In another of the films most remarkable
of several forms of music (the sound design sequences, two snails are apparently having
of the film is by Laurent Quaglio; the origi- sex. They are filmed in gorgeous, extended,
nal music by Bruno Coulais). At times, it glistening visuals that are accompanied by
is not entirely clear whether a sound is a operatic music. The visual beauty and the
sound effect or a musical imitation of insect operatic track seem perfectly matched. The
sounds; at others, imagery is accompanied films final sequence powerfully confirms
by orchestral, sometimes operatic music. the filmmakers tendency to invest the mun-
The mood created by the sound effects dane with deep significance: after the sec-
and music depends on the particular sub- ond passage of narration, an insectmost
ject matter, but the filmmakers are at great viewers, Iwould guess, are not clear at first
pains to avoid using music that might con- what insect this might beemerges from
firm conventional clichs about insects water and undergoes several astonishing
being creepy anddirty. and beautiful transformations to the accom-
Microcosmos offers a considerable variety paniment of orchestral music. At the climax
of insect life encountered during a typical of the passage, we realize that the amazing
summer day, which begins with early morn- process weve witnessed was the growth of a
ing and ends, after an evening rainstorm, common mosquito.
with night.28 Imagery of insects (and in one While visual beauty is an aspect of many
instance, a pheasant) grounded in fifteen nature films (the True-Life Adventures are
years of research and three years of shooting full of beautiful shots), in Microcosmos the
980 Documentary Transformed

filmmakers are at considerable pains to we could imagine/And yet almost beneath

confirm their respect for the insect world our notice, as they explain in the narra-
by consistently creating lovely visual com- tion that leads into the final sequence of
positions and using a sumptuous palette of Microcosmos. The life forms they reveal to us
color. But often it is the mythical dimension have clearly adapted to life as successfully as
of the people of the grass that seems to we have, and precisely in a neighborhood
determine the directors decision to include they share with human beings. The mes-
the images they choose. The sequence of sage here is not one of fear and disgust, but
a dung beetle pushing its ball along the one of empathy, respect, and appreciation.
ground, only to have it get stuck on a thorn, One final conjecture In her video The
and then struggling to free the ball until it Head of a Pin (2004), independent film/
can once again continue on its way is posi- videomaker Su Friedrich intercuts between
tively Sisyphusian; the pheasant that attacks wide shots documenting a vacation near
the ant colony, seen sometimes from inside the Delaware River in northern New Jersey
the anthill, is reminiscent of many mytho- (Friedrich and several others are staying in
logical giants from the Cyclops to King a small cabin and walk to the river to enjoy
Kong; and the emergence of the mosquito at swimming and picnicking) and in-close
the end of the film evokes, as Prennou has shots of a spider subduing and wrapping
indicated, the mythological Venus, rising a wasp that has gotten caught in its web.31
out of the water.30 Indeed, it is this mytho- During the shots of the spider and mayfly,
logical character of the world of insect life the vacationers discuss the strange, grisly
that justifies the loving attention the film- spectacle. At one point, they admit to each
makers dedicated to the film. Like some of other that what we know about Nature
Painlevs films, Microcosmos is as much would fit on the head of a pin. Near the
interested in what we can learn from the end of the video, the final in-close shot of
activities that take place in its underworld the spider and the now entangled wasp con-
as it is in what we can learn aboutthem. cludes when the camera pulls back and up,
The implication of the National revealing that this tiny saga of predation
Geographic series title Worlds Last Great has been occurring underneath the kitchen
Places is that the subjects of these films table in the cabin. As in A Divided World, we
are among the few remaining edenic wil- see that what can seem to be two different
derness environments on earthedenic worlds are simply two aspects of the same
meaning, apparently, not interfered with space; but whereas Sucksdorff emphasizes
by humanity. And yet, to maintain what is the differences between two mysterious
essentially a fantasy, director Sean Morris realms, Friedrichs concluding gesture sug-
needed to go to great lengths to hide the gests that there is a relationship between
human presence in the Sonoran des- what happens below the table and what
ert (some of Sonoran Desert was shot on occurs on top of it:both spiders and humans
the grounds of the Desert Museum, now live by means of the periodic exploitation of
Arizonas second biggest tourist attraction, other life forms. Intelligence lies in recog-
drawing nearly half a million visitors each nizing the intricate relationships between
year). Nuridsany and Prennou, on the what may at first seem separate worlds.
other hand, do not participate in the kind of In the present context, The Head of a Pin
romantic fantasy promoted by Morris and can serve as a metaphor for the gap that has
National Geographic. They are interested in formed between the humanities and the
using cinema to rediscover the complexity sciences in the current American academic
of the real life that surrounds us, to alert us environment. While educators generally rec-
to an astonishing world, Beyond anything ognize that anything like a sensible liberal
Up Close and Political 981

arts education requires experiences with political consciousness, and for definitive
both the sciences and the humanities, the theoretical solutions to complex social ques-
tendency for many faculty and students is tions. Obviously, the humanities and the
to see one of these areas as primary and the sciences need each other more than they
other as, for all practical purposes, a strange, sometimes realize, and the wide world of
hidden world. This gap has produced one of cinema, including the long history of films
the more remarkable paradoxes of modern devoted to depictions of the natural world,
intellectual life:the seemingly contradictory remains one of those dimensions of culture
nature of recent conclusions/discoveries in that may yet help us come to terms with this
the humanities and in the sciences. interdependence.
The major conclusion of many scholars
working across the humanities during recent
decades has been that the categories that Notes
earlier generations assumed were biological
givensgender, race, sexual preference, even 1. Amos Vogel on programming science films, in
Scott MacDonald, An Interview with Amos Vogel,
individual identity itselfare in fact social Cinema 16:Documents Toward a History of the Film
constructions. Our ways of understanding Society (Philadelphia, PA:Temple University Press,
the world around us and of coming to terms 2002),49.
2. In this particular context, Iprefer nature film to
with one another are not biologically intrinsic wildlife film because wildlife film has come
to usnot essential dimensions of usbut to refer primarily to films about relatively large,
rather the social fabrications of postmodern terrestrial animals, whereas nature film more
comfortably includes the lives of insects and sea
capitalism. On the other hand, one of the organisms, aswell.
most remarkable conclusions of many schol- 3. There is also Oliver Gayckens A Drama Unites
ars working in the sciences during recent Them in a Fight to the Death:Some Remarks
on the Flourishing of a Cinema of Scientific
decades is that our DNA charts our physi- Vernacularization in France, 19091914, Historical
cal being from the moment of conception. Journal of Film, Radio and Television, vol. 22, no. 3
This DNA mapping is so distinct for each of (August 2002):35374. Gayckens discussion of
early French scientific films produced by the clair,
us that anyone with the right tools to read it Path, and Gaumont studios, especially the clair
can distinguish each human individual from series called Scientia, is very useful. Gaycken
every other, and various classes of humans discusses the distinction between films made in
the service of scientific experimentation and films
from each other, on the basis of even the of scientific vernacularization:that is, films that
tiniest molecule of the human body, living attempted to make scientific investigations and
or dead. In other words, however much our ideas available to a more general audience; and he
examines a number of films involving insects and
socialization constructs predictable, conven- animals doing battle with one another in ways that
tional, often problematic patterns of action are early instances of some of the trends discussed
and thought, there is an essential identity in thisessay.
within eachofus. 4. Lewis Jacobs seminal anthology The Documentary
Tradition:From Nanook to Woodstock
Of course, I recognize that I am over- (NewYork:Hopkinson and Blake, 1971) includes
simplifying very complex issues, but Ican- Arthur Knights brief discussion of Arne Sucksdorff,
not help but wonder whether the tendency Swedens Arne Sucksdorff, which mentions
Struggle for Survival (1944), Sucksdorffs study of bird
on the part of the first generation of aca- life on a Baltic Island; and Bosley Crowthers review,
demic film teachers and scholars to ignore Cousteaus The Silent World (1956). Erik Barnouws
the history of cinema devoted to scientific Documentary:AHistory of the Non-Fiction Film
(NewYork:Oxford University Press, 1993) devotes
exploration and explanation might be, at a single paragraph to the nature film (21012), in
least in part, a reflection of a repressed fear which the early Disney True-Life Adventures and
of confronting those dimensions of the Jacques-Yves Cousteaus film work are mentioned.
But none of the recent anthologies focusing on
physical world around us that might frus- documentary so much as mentions this dimension
trate our desire for an unambiguous, stable of documentary history.
982 Documentary Transformed
Derek Bouss first chapter includes an extensive particularly focus on wildlife but does create a
consideration of the ways in which wildlife films sense of the seasonal cycle (as represented by
correspond and fail to correspond to conventional weather, plant life, and human activity) as an event
understandings of documentary. In general, Bous worth contemplating in cinema.
sees the wildlife film as a genre separate from what 12. Mitman, 11114.
we usually call documentary. See Derek Bous, 13. Algar, in an interview with Gregg Mitman, in
Wildlife Films (Philadelphia, PA:University of Mitman,119.
Pennsylvania Press, 2000). I, however, consider 14. Bous suggests that wildlife films may entail an
the films Idiscuss here documentaries; for me, ever greater potential [than Hollywood features]
Jean Painlevs definition has been particularly for naturalizing ideological valuesfor example,
useful:a documentary is any film that documents by finding in nature the predominance of the
real phenomena or their honest and justified nuclear family, or the values of hard work, industry,
reconstruction in order to consciously increase and deferred gratification. Indeed, because wildlife
human knowledge through rational or emotional films are about nature, there may be an ever
means and to expose problems and offer solutions greater commitment than in Hollywood films to
from an economic, social, or cultural point of making things appear natural (Bous,18).
view. Painlev, in Castration du documentaire, 15. Brigitte Berg explains that when Painlevs
Cahiers du cinma (March 1951); reprinted in Andy early research film, The Sticklebacks Egg: From
Masaki Bellows, etal., eds., Science Is Fiction:The Fertilization to Hatching (LOeuf dpinoche: De la
Films of Jean Painlev (San Francisco, CA:Brico fecundation lclosion, 1927), was screened for
Press, 2000),39. scientists at the Academie des Sciences in 1928,
5. Bill Nichols, Introduction to Documentary it was met with skepticism and outrage: One
(Bloomington, IN:Indiana University Press, scientist, infuriated, stormed out, declaring:
2001),85. Cinema is not to be taken seriously! Brigitte
6. Im sure Nichols would agree that the films Berg, Contradictory Forces: Jean Painlev,
Idiscuss in this essay are more fully documentary 19021989, in Bellows, 17.
than the strictly scientific use of cinema to collect 16. Berg,25.
data, which is his focus in the lines Ive quoted. 17. Painlevs Ten Commandments were written
Nevertheless, the position he enunciates does, in 1948 for a program called Poets of the
Ithink, confirm the broad tendency not to take the Documentary, and are reprinted in Bellows,
nature film seriously as cinema. If Ihave stretched 159. Commandment FourYou will seek reality
Nichols position beyond what is fair, Iapologize without aestheticism or ideological apparatus
tohim. suggests that what Painlev means by convictions
7. Both Gregg Mitman and Bous focus primarily on in his second commandment is not political
American wildlife films, and both tend to exclude convictions in the contemporary sense, but
films that focus on insects and sea organisms. convictions that develop from an exploration of
8. Gaycken,368. natural reality from an unbiased position.
9. Mitman provides a useful overview of the evolution 18. Painlevs contribution to Surralisme was a bit
of the bring em back alive film in Reel Nature of prose that may well be coherent biology, but
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999), reads like Surrealist fantasy. The piece begins,
chapters 2 and 3. The plasmodium of the Myxomycetes is so
10. The nature film was also an early staple of the sweet; the eyeless Prorhynchus has the dull color
cin-club movement that swept Europe and the of the born-blind, and its proboscis stuffed with
United Kingdom in the 1920s and 1930s. For zoochlorellae solicits the oxygen of the Frontoniella
example, at its third public presentation, December antypyretica; he carries his pharynx in a rosette, a
20, 1925, the London Film Society began the Film locomotive requirement, horned, stupid, and not at
Society Bionomica Series focusing on animal and all calcareous. The entire contribution is included
insect life. Throughout the Film Societys 14-year in Bellows,117.
run, nature films were regularly part of diverse 19. Several of Painlevs films are available on a
programs that also included avantgarde works, DVD from Les Documents Cinmatographiques
revived classics, instructional films, animations, ( title is Jean Painlev, Compilation
documentaries of all sorts, and narrative no.1 (it includes eight films:Les Amours de la
entertainments from around the world. See the pieuvre, Oursins (Sea Urchins, 1954), Comment
London Film Societys The Film Society Programs, naissent des mduses (How Some Jellyfish Are
19251939 (NewYork:Arno Press,1972). Born, 1960), Hyas et stenorinques (Hyas and
11. Dorsky, in Scott MacDonald, Sacred Speed:An Stenorhynchus, 1929), LHippocampe, Cristaux
Interview with Nathaniel Dorsky, Film Quarterly, liquides (Liquid Crystals, 1978), Acra, ou le bal des
vol. 54, no. 4 (Summer 2001):211. Dorskys Hours scorcires, and Histoires des crevettes.
for Jerome (shot in the late 1960s and edited in 20. Berg,23.
1982)seems particularly indebted to the True-Life 21. Ibid.,33.
Adventures. Dorskys film takes the viewer 22. Ihave a decent 16mm print of A Divided World
through a year spent in NewYork City and at a only because a public library in northern
lakeside retreat in northern New Jersey. He doesnt Minnesota gave away its collection of 16mm
Up Close and Political 983

films. The original film is in 35mm, prints instancebut, at least in the films Ive seen, he
of which are sometimes available through usually chose to explore the lives of organisms
the Swedish Film Institute in NewYork City that most of us would normally consider beneath
(212-583-2584). Over the years Ihave often our notice.
presented Cinema 16 shows at colleges, 27. Prennou interview.
universities, and other organizations interested 28. Because narrative development, especially
in film history, and the nature films that Cinema controllable narrative development leading
16 audiences saw and admired have consistently to climax, is difficult to find, or even to
been the hardest to locate. orchestrate, in nature films, it is common for
23. Quoted in MacDonald, Cinema 16,144. longer nature films to include either fires or
24. As Gaycken explains, even in the earliest nature dramatic rainstorms, or bothoften just where
films, the movement from long shot of real a commercial dramatic feature would present its
environment to close-up of fabricated environment climax.
is deployed in order to enhance the believability 29. Aphids suck the sugars produced by plants, but
of the ethological fiction that the observations are cannot digest all of what they imbibe. They release
of animals in their natural habitats. He describes some of it through their anuses in the form of
a number of such instances, pointing out that liquid honeydew that is eaten byants.
match-on-action shots are the primary tool for 30. Prennou interview.
accomplishing this illusion(364). 31. Ive not been able to determine whether the insect
25. Prennou, in an interview with Charles Wright, is a wasp (Bracnidae or Ichneumnidae) or a
in stem sawfly (Cphidae). Thanks to Dr.William
documents/00443388htm. H.Gotwald, Jr., Professor of Biology at Utica
26. Of course, sometimes Painlev did choose to College for his assistance in narrowing down the
focus on exotic creaturesThe Vampire, for possibilities.


Jos Padilhas 2002 film Bus 174 brings had, in print at least, discouraged me from
the resources of vigilance and clarity to reading. Echographies of Television, more or
the medium of television. Focusing on the less a series of transcripts of filmed inter-
hijacking of a bus in Rio de Janeiro on June views between Bernard Stiegler and Jacques
12, 2000 (Valentines Day in Brazil), Bus 174 Derrida, despite Spigels warning about its
sets into motion an analysis of the incident discussion of the waning of the TV object,
or situation as it was seen widely on live helped me to think about the effects of televi-
television in order to understand its constel- sion liveness alongside a number of themes
lation of rage, fear, poverty, and despair: all that preoccupied Derrida in his writings
among the elements cut or occluded from over the past decade or so: justice (versus
televisions frame. This is a film that makes law or right), the archive, hospitality, democ-
a fierce argument against Anglo-American racy to come, and so on.1 Ithink his insights
strains of individualism in documentary from those interviews about media and on
cinema (exemplified in subsequent years film, as it were, can guide a reading of Bus
by the bad and the good, both Morgan 174, a film that might be seen to invoke a
Spurlocks indulgent Supersize Me [2004] number of these themes, if obliquely. Since
and Jonathan Caouettes riveting Tarnation Derridas work on and around visuality
[2003]) and an argument in favor of a form remains, as Spigel rightly points out, largely
capable of complicated social understand- untested in the domain of film and media
ing. I therefore understand the film as a studies, we have in Bus 174 an opportunity
type of pedagogy: an essay on the future of to explore this nexus. We inherit a begin-
cinema and on the limits of representation. ning from Derrida, an archive (what Akira
In what follows I put the film into con- Lippit calls a virtual archive on the subjects
versation with the work of Jacques Derrida, of visibility and invisibility) to buildupon.2
whose passing in 2004 sent me to a book Bus 174 investigates the production of
of his that television scholar Lynn Spigel hypervisibility. On that June day cameras
Bus 174 and the Living Present 985

swarmed into the Jardim Botnico neigh- streets filled with homeless and penniless
borhood, where a public city bus had come kids everywhere. Its a cold floor, we hear
to a stop after a hijackers robbery attempt. over images of those streets. Can I talk
The bus remained there for what would about my dreams? If these words travel in
eventually total four and a half hours. Vivo global circuits, and they do immediately by
(live) television feeds, date-stamped and way of television itself as well as via DVD
time-coded, showed several different angles and other formats, Bus 174 remains vigilant
of the stationary bus from a relative long about its national location as it probes the
shot, while camera operators from news- failed state institutions (law, social service,
papers and television approached the bus penal, educational, media) that can pro-
from virtually every possible trajectory on vide no justice for its young citizens such
the ground. Glare from the windows of as the hijacker, Sandro Nasciemento. The
the bus prevented unmediated access to street as nation as locus of mediatized vio-
the events involving the hostages unfold- lence: this is the films opening gesture,
ing within. Racking their focus in order to one it continues through the motif of aeri-
frame events through partially opened win- als that anchor our vision to those socially
dows, the television camera operators, later and nationally marked streets. By contrast
lodged directly adjacent to the bus, trained to the U.S. medias use of aerials both to
their lenses nonetheless on every part of the foreground the power of the cameras to
buss anatomy: the number and destination perform surveillance and to render space
on its front banner, the door (through which generic, Padilha rewrites the geography of
all transactions would take place), the driv- Rio in insistently socialterms.
ers seat and steering wheel, the seats row In order to mount a critique of its own
by row. Amidst the crowds of the initially conditions of possibility, then, Bus 174 draws
unsecured scene, the cameras offered com- upon the resources of documentary. How to
plete spatial coverage and consistent orien- make sense of this televised drama of the
tation according to the broadcast ideals of hijacker and the hostages? Its mise-en-scne
transparency, reportage, and information. and its actors, especially its protagonist? Its
Throughout the bus-passenger hostage cri- frame and its out-of-frame, its context, its
sis the people of Brazil stopped to watch iterability (possibility of repetition with a
what was importantly a national drama, one difference)? What of such drama can be rep-
that earned the highest television ratings of resented, and what of its violence remains
the year. stubbornly unrepresentable? What of this
The film is aware of the borders and event makes it timely, newsworthy of
contours of the nation-state, contradictorily being selected from the noninfinite mass
represented as a tourist oasis (the beaches of events of its time or of its moment?3
of Copacabana) and as a coagulated favela These are the questions Padilha raises, and
(slum). It begins, in fact, with a beauti- it behooves us to note that he poses them
ful (majestic, awe-inspiring) aerial shot of largely through conventional documentary
Rio that ultimately cedes to lower altitude filmic strategies, including talking head
visuals of the slums out of which come the interviews and an expository treatment of
street kids who speak the films first words the storys main constituents (the police, the
(an index of the esteem or care in which hijacker, the hostages, and so on). His most
Padilha holds them). Bus 174 is a story, startling innovation comes in his treatment
from its very first moment, about Brazil of the televisual material, an element Joo
and particularly its dense cities that breed Luis Viera tells me is important to much
invisibility, about kids who come from Brazilian cinema after Hector Babencos
somewhere but are going nowhere, about Pixote (1981).4
986 Documentary Transformed

Padilha frames television, then, as a equivalence between the time of an event

national medium, but he also draws atten- and the time of its transmission (and now,
tion to its mediatized effects and functions with the capacity for time shifting via TiVo
beyond or beside it. First, Padilha fore- and DVD recorders, the time of its recep-
grounds how television acts as a witness, tion), the more television seems to insist
one that shapes what it incessantly records, upon the ideology of liveness (the immedi-
and, second, how television functions as ate, the direct, the spontaneous, the true).
a conduit that also codifies performances A circuit of meanings therefore lodges in
of power. To the extent that his film (here the idea of the live, conflating an ideologi-
meant as an interrogation of media effects) cal claim for lack of mediation with a denial
answers the televisual image, it seeks to of death with a boastful sense of a technical
make visible a prior dramatization that tele- feat of presence. Or, to put it slightly differ-
vision acts as though it records. In other ently, the live both describes the actuality
words, the life of Sandro Nasciemento, all of a convergence between global capital and
of that which led him to that bus and into digital technology and the ideological effect
the situation constituted as an event, can- of that convergence, which is to mystify
not enter the televisual frame. It is a life the conditions of its own emergence and
marked by the trauma of witnessing his hegemony. Much television scholarship on
mothers murder as she was butchered in the topic of liveness has subsequently been
front of him at the age of six. It is a life spent devoted to Derridas descriptions ad infi-
on the streets, narcotized by addiction and nitum of the interventions through which
hardened by the experience of prison. The the live is produced as an effect.6 Chief
reality, what Derrida might have called the among these interventions is the mere dec-
artifactuality, of his situation on bus 174 is laration that it is so, whether through time
that of an actor with only one role to play:a coding, announcements from anchors on
man who will be dead. This begs the ques- location, or graphic assertions.7
tion, How do we mine the effect of liveness Bus 174 advances a different relationship
to understand this occluded drama of death to televisual liveness than ideology critique.
within the living present? Sandro Nasciemento, the film insists over
and over again, is but one among many;
Bus 174 is not a film about an individual
We should never forget that this live is who became a protagonist but about the
not an absolute live but only a live effect mediated and mediatized effects of social
[un effet de direct], an allegation of live. invisibility and anonymity multiplied a
Whatever the apparent immediacy of the
thousandfold. To speak about those effects,
transmission or broadcast, it negotiates
however, is never to lose sight of his singu-
with choices, with framing, with selectivity.
larity as well as hisloss.
Bernard Stiegler and Jacques Derrida,
One touchtone for that multiplication
Echographies of Television
is the massacre at Candelbria Church in
downtown Rio, where police killed seven
Deconstructing Liveness street children (who first approached their
car anticipating nighttime soup). Sandro
Derrida repeats what television scholars was one of the sixty-two children sleeping
have known since Jane Feuers essay, The at the church that evening who survived the
Concept of Live Television: Ontology as assault, and he invokes this prior incident
Ideology, noticed it in 1983.5 Recall that and its ghosts to his national audience as he
Feuers essay argues that the less that tele- waves his gun on bus 174:Brazil, check this
vision is a live medium in the sense of an out. I was at Candelbria. This is serious
Bus 174 and the Living Present 987

shit. My little friends were murdered by him. Former and current street children
cowards. populate Bus 174 in intimate and proxi-
The social worker Yvonne Bezerra de mate interviews, reminding the viewer of
Mello, herself a mediatized construction, two things:first, that the films construc-
asks on-screen, as though it had been the tion of the idea of the multitude takes
stuff of dreams or films, Who could imag- place at the level of the production process
ine that thered be a massacre downtown? as much as at the level of its meaning and,
Downtown, where business and tourism second, that the living and the dead popu-
mingled in the shadow of a Catholic church, late this live moment.
seemed an impossible location for police to This movie is also a morgue. The return
slaughter children? She summarizes the on a different stage, then, requires a type
fate of the sixty-two survivors: thirty-two of paying attention to the phantoms even as
were subsequently murdered, several disap- they are conjured away through mediation.
peared, and the remaining group survives How to restore the dignity of singularity to
precariously, marked with the distress of those who have been rendered marginal and
having witnessed the massacre and having anonymous? How to recognize the event as
survived continuing violence at the hands of whollyother?
Brazils police. Many street kids will have died since their
But the incident on the bus is not the images were captured, just as Fernando
same event as Candelbria, just as the mul- Ramos Da Silva, star of Babencos Pixote,
tiplication of deaths does not liquidate the was murdered after his only leading role. In
specificity ofeach: the end, this is and isnt a movie. Its living
present is accessible through the image of
The questionor the demandof the dead. You think that this is a movie?
the phantom is the question and the Sandro yells from the bus. This aint no
demand of the future and of justice fuckin movie! This aint no action movie.
as well. We confuse the analogous This is serious shit. Sandros moment
with the identical:Exactly the same on the bus fuses contradictory positions
thing is repeating itself, exactly together regarding the politics of visibility.
the same thing. No, a phantoms If he appears, becomes the protagonist, ren-
return is, each time, another differ- ders visible the lives of the street kids who
ent return, on a different stage, in long for social recognition (as the sociolo-
new conditions to which we must gist interviewed for the film alleges), that
always pay the closest attention gesture is doubly illusory. All those people
if we dont want to say or do just around the bus were worried about us, rec-
anything.8 ollects one of the hostages. Not about him.
It was him against everybody. If the lenses
To recognize Sandros psychobiography is trained upon his toweled head seemed to
to grant the specificity of his experience, guarantee his life, the moment they could
including the trauma of his mothers no longer access the action he would be suf-
murder, which he incessantly repeats, focated, as he is at the end of the ordeal at
but it is also to locate him within a wider the hands of the incompetent and aggres-
social world upon which Bus 174 dwells sive police. And if the movie that is Bus 174
in order to refuse the personalization of presents Sandro in the living present, the
social antagonisms. The same way [glue film nonetheless bears death within itself
addiction] fucks him up, it fucks up lots and divides itself between its life and its
of other kids, Coelho, a former street afterlife, without which there would be no
kid, explains. Many of them are just like image, no recording.
988 Documentary Transformed

Yvonne Bezerra de Mello insists that effects of the same rhythms of neolib-
the incident is not a movie for a different eralism and globalization. The gift he
reason: If he were really that violent, he offers is a multilayered vision of a future
wouldnt only have shot the hostages but to come, democracy to come, justice. Its
the people around the bus. People would vehicle is a vigilant and clear assessment
have died like in American films. That is, of the living present.
if Sandro were a character in a Hollywood
film, he would be the pathologized crimi-
nal of North American fantasies rather than Notes
the frightened street kid with no options,
no recognition, no future. Here the coun-
1. Lynn Spigel, TVs Next Season? Cinema Journal 45,
terlogic to visibility obtains:Sandro cannot no. 1 (Fall 2005):85.
be rendered visible within the image reper- 2. Akira Lippit, The Derrida That ILove, Grey Room
toires of dominant media. To do so would 20 (Summer 2005):85.
3. Bernard Stiegler and Jacques Derrida,Echographies
only be to repeat the gesture of the televi- of Television, trans. Jennifer Bajorek (Cambridge:
sion footage in its claims to transparency, Polity Press,2002).
spontaneity, direct access. 4. Personal conversation, Vancouver, B.C.,March
Within these binds there is no easy 5. Jane Feuer, The Concept of Live Television:
answer, no set of filmic or media strate- Ontology as Ideology, in Regarding Television:
gies to counterbalance the social effects Critical Approaches:An Anthology, ed. E. Ann
Kaplan (Frederick, Md.:University Presses of
of globalization and neoliberalism or America,1983).
to demystify, as Jacqui Alexander puts 6. See Jerome Bourdon, Live Television Is Still
it, the states will to represent itself as Alive, Media, Culture & Society 22, no. 5: 53156;
Sean Cubitt, Timeshift (London: Routledge, 1991);
disinterested, neutered, or otherwise John Ellis, Seeing Things (London: IB Tauris,
benign. 9 Part of his agenda embraces 2000); as well as the discussion in performance
radical cinematic traditions that seek studies inaugurated by Peggy Phelan in Unmarked:
The Politics of Performance (London: Routledge,
to defamiliarize those institutions that 1993) and continued in Philip Auslander, Liveness:
collude in the society of control, from Performance in a Mediatized Culture (London:
Hour of the Furnaces (Octavio Getino and Routledge, 1999).
Fernando Solanas, 1968) to Performing 7. See Reality Squared:Televisual Discourse on the Real,
ed. James Friedman (New Brunswick, N.J.:Rutgers
the Border (Ursula Biemann, 1999). In University Press,2002).
his serious treatment of the live televi- 8. Derrida in Stiegler and Derrida, Echographies,24.
sion feed, however, Padilha treads upon 9. M. Jacqui Alexander, Pedagogies of Crossing:
Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory, and
new ground in the denaturalization of the the Sacred (Durham, N.C.:Duke University Press,
mediatized spaces that are themselves 2005),23.

Meditations on 3D (2012)

By mid-summer 2011, having earned more 3D filmmaking in an artistic manner. Even

than $5 million in domestic box-office those who typically object to 3D as a gim-
receipts in the United States, Werner mick (such as critic Roger Ebert) argued
Herzogs Cave of Forgotten Dreams had that Herzogs documentary justifiably
become a major success in the world of employed this technology. Arough consen-
independently produced documentaries. sus emerged that Cave not only had to be
The film also received largely positive, even seen in 3D to be truly appreciated, but that
ecstatic, reviews. Many critics and blog- it was one of the best 3D films yet to appear.
gers were awestruck by the glimpses the At first glance, we can discern the factors
film afforded of the oldest known art in the that contributed to the must-see-in-3D
world. Created at least 32,000 years ago, status of Cave of Forgotten Dreams. The film
the Chauvet Cave paintings in the south of earned some immediate credibility as an
France feature impressively well-preserved arthouse documentary made by a renowned
drawings of late Paleolithic Age horses, German filmmaker and released during
bison, rhinoceroses, panthers, lions, and a summer season otherwise rife with 3D
more. Herzog, the director of other docu- blockbusters, including Thor, Pirates of the
mentaries shot in extraordinary places, such Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and Harry
as Antarctica in Encounters at the End of the Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. While
World (2007), had managed to gain access Herzogs film was shown in commercial
to an otherwise restricted space, closed to theater chains in 2D and 3D, it was also
the public and to all but a small number of screened at the few U.S. arthouses with 3D
specialists since its discovery in1994. capabilities (such as the IFC Center in New
Along with exhibiting excitement about York City and the place where I first saw
the subject matter, favorable reviews hailed the film, the IU Cinema in Bloomington,
Cave of Forgotten Dreams as one of the few Indiana), enhancing its boutique aura.
films to use the contemporary rebirth of Moreover, Cave not only focused on a real-life
990 Documentary Transformed

marvel rather than a CGI-manufactured (notably in the scene featuring an alleg-

landscape, it was shot in 3D. By compari- edly irradiated albino crocodile). Yet, this
son, most 3D live-action films last summer iconoclasm materializes more subtly in the
were converted in post-production and thus blurring of boundaries between these seem-
considered as fake 3D. Herzog enhanced ingly opposed categories. As boundaries are
Caves 3D credentials when he asserted that crossed, Cave becomes more closely associ-
3D digital cameras were necessary to truly ated with the phantasms of contemporary
render the paintings as they cascade across 3D extravaganzas than initial appearances
the cave walls uneven surfaces. The protru- would suggest. At the same time, the films
sions and recesses required a technology musings distinguish it as an ambitiously
that could capture the dimensionality of the self-reflexive take on 3D and image-making
paintings and the experience of seeing them more broadly.
in their habitat. Identifying style as dictated
by subject matter and environment, Herzog
distinguished Cave as an organic deploy-
ment of the technology, offering a clear Nature, Spectacle, andStyle
rationale for its use. Given his remarks in
interviews that he was only persuaded to use As Cave opens, Herzog dramatizes 3Ds
3D upon seeing the cave, the film emerged ability to render spatial depth and sheer
more emphatically as a special case. expanse. The film begins with a forward
Together these factors characterize Cave as tracking shot, in deep focus, of a field near
indie counter-programming that was pro- the cave. The camera movement is con-
duced in 3D out of creative necessity. The film tinuous but it is neither smooth nor invis-
appears as an authentic, naturalistic, and legit- ible. With extravagant motions, the camera
imate use of the technologyespecially as travels from just above ground level to over
opposed to fake 3D blockbustersthat appear the treetops until it reveals the Ardeche
to exploit the technology as acash cow in the River and natural bridge, the Pont dArc,
construction of artificial worlds. However, a landscape near the Chauvet Cave. This
Caves relationship to 3D ismore paradoxical breathtaking shot is achieved by Skybot,
and interesting than such contrasts suggest. an innovative remote-controlled aerial
In fact, Herzogs film is as much about 3D as device with attached camera that, in a sin-
it is about its archaeologicalsite. gle take, mimics tracking, crane, and heli-
The films core premises offer a provoca- copter shots. The films second scene uses
tive test for this technology. Herzog uses the same apparatus to show the mountain
ultramodern cameras to shoot the oldest pathway travelled by the Chauvet Caves
known art in the world, while deploying original discoverers. As the prelude unfurls,
3Ds ability to promote a sense of depth the audience is treated to more deep focus
and expansiveness in the context of often in the darkened cave interior where light
extremely cramped quarters. In the course issues from a lamp held by a figure in the
of this test Cave meditates, through its style background. When the lamp is moved, the
and themes, on issues central to 3D cin- rest of the cave is momentarily illuminated,
ema:the relationship between natural space showing stalactites and stalagmites along
and spectacle, realism and fantasy, art and its shimmering calcite surfaces. Composer
science, and, ultimately, old and new media. Ernst Reijsegers choral score accompa-
Herzogs customary iconoclasm, aimed at nies these opening shots and, as it does
challenging documentary cinemas associa- throughout the film, unambiguously indi-
tion with sobriety and truth by introducing cates the sacrality of this spacea common
elements of the fantastic, is on full view trope of Herzogs landscape documentaries
Cave ofForgotten Dreams 991

(see Eric Ames, Herzog, Landscape, and from handheld panels trace the walls con-
Documentary, Cinema Journal, winter tours, bringing out the undulating surfaces
2009, 6162). that give the pictured animals additional
In only a few moments, Herzog has sig- dimensionality and life. The importance of
naled a theme and an aesthetic. Space and the restless camera to the subject matter
spatial dimensionality are among his key and the 3D experience is evident even in the
concerns. The film will continue to alter- films presentation of a digital map of the
nate between exterior vistas and the caves cave. The map could be presented as a static
claustrophobic interiors as visual coun- model. Instead, as the black-and-white digi-
terpoints, while presenting both as spa- tized image appears, the camera elegantly
ciously as possible through deep focus and rushes through and around it, display-
traveling shots. In either case, as we shall ing the minute details of the caves oblong
see, the stylistic choices of deep-focus cin- shape. Through such methods, Cave opens
ematography (which presents foreground, closed spaces to expansiveview.
middle ground, and background in focus) Because of their ability to convey dimen-
and a dynamically mobile camera help to sionality, deep focus and a roving camera
wed spectacular natural phenomena to the are gold standards of 3D filmmaking, of
spectacle of space. Spectaclethe dazzling, achieving 3Dness. Herzog employs these
awe-inspiring nature of the imageis techniques more consistently than most
pointedly produced by a synergy between live-action 3D filmmakers, who often default
subject matter, visual style, and filmmusic. to shallow focus in dialogue scenes (where
In its ability to clearly display multiple only the front plane of action is crystal clear)
planes of action, deep focus maximizes the to privilege narrative elements and to exploit
potentialities of 3D as a technology and an the star charisma of actors. Cave portrays
experience. The mobile camera also height- comparable scenestalking heads inter-
ens the illusion of 3D. When it tracks in or views with scientists and scholars (among
out, or traces space in other ways, it explicitly them, archaeologists, paleontologists,
limns dimensionality. Camera movements geologists, and art historians)through
that call attention to their own visibility bet- deep focus, using it even in such ordinary
ter accentuate the viewers awareness of the moments. While Herzog as documentar-
recession or progression of space or of its ian opts for longer takes over the rapid edit-
sheer magnitude. The films vertiginous aer- ing schemes of todays narrative films, the
ial shots, moving us into and out of the vast penetrating, swooping, operatic camera
environment surrounding the cave, most is de rigueur in 2D and 3D blockbusters.
vividly invest in the spatial effects of cam- This is particularly true in scenes that pres-
era mobility. But Herzogs commitment to ent magnificent set piecesfor example,
a conspicuously active camera also extends the exterior establishing shots of Thors
to handheld shooting. While his camera is Hall of Asgard or Harry Potters Hogwarts
not always on the move, the restricted cir- under siege. Granting such differences, in
cumstances of filming in the cave (Herzog its use of deep focus and dynamic camera,
and a skeleton crew had to maneuver on a Cave joins a family of 3D films more overtly
two-foot walkway) and the desire to make invested in spectacle and links tendencies
the most of 3D, encourage handheld travel- in both documentary and fiction cinemas.
ing and panning shots. These techniques The interplay between naturalistic space
provide the vicarious experience of cave and spectacle with respect to Caves stylistic
exploration as the crew makes its way into repertoire has more extensive foundations
the caves interior. When Herzog and crew and implications. Deep focus, dynamically
film the paintings, the camera and the light mobile camera, aerial shots, sustained
992 Documentary Transformed

takes, and interviewsand the nature docu- pre-Avatar (2009) Aliens of the Deep 3D
mentary itself as genrehave multiple lega- (2005) are among IMAX documentaries
cies. Some of these elements are linked to that offer a heady combination of pedagogi-
cinematic realism. In his writing on Orson cal instruction/history, vicarious adventure,
Welles, Andr Bazin famously identified and tourisman adrenaline rush based on
deep focus and long takes as defining cin- camera-induced kinesis, and worlds oth-
emas ability to preserve the space and time erwise often difficult to see. While Cave of
in front of the camera. As the handheld Forgotten Dreams features only a few aerial
camera appears to give spontaneous, unme- scenes, it shares this pervasive combination
diated access to its subjects, it too has long of fact and sensation. Producers and exhibi-
been related to a realist aesthetic. Herzogs tors of nature documentaries, such as IMAX,
film draws on these associations to give us the Discovery Channel, and the History
the sense that we are there in the Chauvet Channel (part of History Films, one of
Cave. Upon closer inspection, though, we Caves production companies), bank on this
can see that Caves 3D effects exploit the convergence. Cave is rooted in such contem-
double impact of realism and spectacle that porary trends of documentary filmmaking.
such shooting styles have always engen- They, in turn, date back to cinemas earliest
dered. Well before 3D deployed deep focus years, when the actualities of the Lumire
and a volatile camera, these techniques were brothers depended on the eye-catching
affiliated with cinematic spectacle. Citizen novelty of cinema as a new technology (see
Kanes (1941) deep-focus moments or Touch Tom Gunning, The Cinema of Attraction,
of Evils (1958) legendary opening crane in Film and Theory, ed. Robert Stam and
shot and long take convey the majesty and Toby Miller, Blackwell Publishing, 2000).
exhilaration of highly self-conscious pre- Herzogs use of 3D explicitly reminds us
sentations of space. Similarly, the handheld that there is no naturalism without specta-
cameras unstable image calls attention to cle and that this spectacle and its pleasures
itself and to how subject and space appear. have long derived from the techniques and
The aerial shot is more obviously related technologies on display.
to spectacle. Because of its impressive flex-
ibility as an all-in-one mobile technology,
Caves Skybot both alludes to and sur-
passes the crane, helicopter, and airplane Science, Art, and Fantasy
shots that have been mainstays of filming
aloft. As I have mentioned, dazzling aerial The related tension between realism and
shots are conventions of contemporary 2D fantasy materializes explicitly, among other
and 3D films; they are also key elements places, in Herzogs discussions of science
of IMAX nature documentaries. The early and art. Without science, of course, noth-
IMAX film, To Fly (1976), makes explicit ing could be known about the paintings.
just how central aerial photography is to Conversely, without the scientists own cre-
providing a sensational optic onto the world ative activities, this knowledge could not
and a roller-coaster-like ride for audiences. proceed beyond brute fact. Herzogs inter-
IMAX film titles further indicate that natu- views with the scientists, while showcasing
ral wonders are inherently sites of history their knowledge, often emphasize this latter
and adventure that will be revealed as such point; he shows the scientists drawing, dia-
by a daringly exploratory camera. Grand gramming, and acting out the past as a kind
Canyon:The Hidden Secrets (1984), Into the of theater (as when Director of the Chauvet
Deep 3D (1994), Everest (1998), Journey into Cave Research Project, Jean-Michel Geneste,
Amazing Caves (2001), and James Camerons demonstrates how Paleolithic peoples used
Cave ofForgotten Dreams 993

spears). Scientists, it turns out, are also story several of the beasts have been drawn with
tellers. To make sense of this distant and double the number of legs, indicating that
therefore abstract past, they must generate the cave painters sought a graphic means
stories about the painters and their times. of suggesting movement. Herzog describes
Pursuing the artistic dimensions of scien- this early desire to capture movement as a
tific practice, Herzog poses questions to the kind of proto-cinema:through the play of
scientists designed to bring out the presence light and shadow and proliferating legs, the
of imagination, fantasy, and even obsession impulses behind prehistoric image-making
in their experiences of the cave. For exam- forecast cinema.
ple, the site so vividly invades archaeologist More broadly, Herzog contends that fig-
Julien Monneys dreams that he must end uration lies at the heart of the artsboth
his visits. When Monney mentions that he prehistoric and modern. In Cave, he asks
was once a circus performer, Herzog asks whether the birth of the modern soul began
if he was a lion tamera humorous aside with the urge to represent the world through
that momentarily suggests the coexistence creative means. As testimony to this, the
in this person of death-defying performer film is a virtual compendium of types of fig-
and scientist. uration that reproduce or enshrine aspects
As this exchange intimates, Herzog of the world. Besides the cave drawings that
considers the scientists in Cave, as he did portray prehistoric animals and a female
those in Encounters at the End of the World, figure, Herzogs camera shows skeletal
as fellow questers in extraordinary circum- remains, footprints, and the wall scratches
stances. They too must abide by the French of cave bears; a painters palm prints; cave
governments rules of restricted access to sculptures in the form of stalagmites and
the cave, designed to conserve its fragile stalactites; ancient museum sculptures; a
environment. Hence, in an era when sci- spear; a flute, and so on. Contemporary acts
ence and art seem antipathetic, Herzog of figuration include the scientists draw-
demonstrates their close affiliation. Cave ings of the cave, the laser-scanned map, and
subtly portrays a romance between science the 3D digital camera as it appears in the
and art and the fluid ways in which one frame and records its subject matter.
depends on the other. Since 3D films tend However, as the Chauvet Cave inevita-
to expose the relation between technology/ bly invokes Platos Cave, Herzog rejects
science and art that subtends all filmmak- Platos definition of these shadows as
ing, Herzogs exploration of the intersection deceptive phantoms. It is their mysteries,
between the two reflects on his own enter- rather than their realities, that are compel-
prise aswell. ling. (Herzogs surprise cut to Fred Astaires
In his narration, Herzog provides a gene- Shadow Dance from Swing Time [1936],
alogy of the arts that defines their evolu- wherein the shadows assume a life of their
tion as driven, in part, by a desire to better own, suggests where the directors fascina-
approximate reality (again, at least initially, tions lie.) Of the Paleolithic painters, Herzog
recalling Bazin). Herzog remarks that the inquires, Do they dream, do they cry at
crews lights on the cave walls must have night, what are their hopes, what are their
similar effects to the Paleolithic painters families? No matter what its commitments
torchlights. Both sources provide the vis- to verisimilitude, art fuels speculation about
ibility necessary for producing images; both subjectivity and the phantasmagoric that
also seem to animate these images. The no amount of factfinding or replication of
Paleolithic torches are, then, antecedents to the real can fully address. As we have seen,
the flickering effects of animation and cin- Herzog is equally attentive to the fantasti-
ema as they reproduce movement. In fact, cal elements of science, showing us how its
994 Documentary Transformed

investigation of the past is not so different the film, then, Herzog need not explicitly
from his own: each attempt to re-present describe the cave as an enchanted world
the past through technologies animated by of the imaginary or, in interviews, as a
the imagination. fairy tale universe (Herzog Doc Brings
The films 3D qualities play no small Prehistoric Paintings to Life,
part in blurring the boundaries between He has already indicated, through mul-
the binaries that course through the film. tiple means, the elusive and enigmatic
Because it adds a missing dimension to inner life that defines this place of forgot-
cinema that ostensibly brings it closer to ten dreams.
verisimilitudebut only through an illu-
sion of that dimension3D is already a
technology that defies easy categoriza-
tion. At one level, 3Ds inherent illusion- New Media and Self-Reflexivity
ism influences the films overall canvas.
Whether we are aloft or entering the cave In keeping with Caves interplay of para-
via a moving camera, Caves evocative 3D doxes, the very characteristics that indicate
cinematography tends to turn everything its membership in a family of 3D films also
into spectacle: the caves interiors, paint- point to its especially noteworthy status in
ings, interviewees, landscapes, and the film- this cinematic milieu. Through the gaze
makers themselves. Like the Chauvet Caves of its 3D camera on Paleolithic-era paint-
shimmering calcite deposits, even inter- ings and modes of figuration from the past,
viewees in talking-head segments are radi- and through its employment of established
ant, insofar as 3D creates an aura around elements of cinematic style, Cave shows
its objects. While critics complain about the time and again how intimately and intri-
diorama effect in converted films (in which cately new media are wedded to the old.
characters or elements in the foreground The film is one of the most vivid recent
are inadequately integrated into the space), confirmations we havealong with Martin
a degree of spatial inconsistency in true Scorseses 3D Hugo (2011), a film that revis-
3D conveys a related sense of unreality. Cave its the life and work of film pioneer Georges
thus produces a visual spectacle associated Mlisof Jay David Bolter and Richard
with 3D more generally through the tech- Gruisins contention in Remediation (MIT
nologys spectral effects. Press, 2000) about new media: that they
At another level, Caves complication inevitably repurpose older media, function-
of simple distinctions between its binary ing in a constant dialectic with what came
themes creates an equally potent editorial. before. The uniqueness of a new media text
The tension that runs through such dis- lies not in its radical break from tradition,
tinctions informs the films pleasures and but in its particular strategies of appropri-
impact. Ultimately, though, the synergies ating existing media(50).
between luminous 3D, devotional music, Herzogs 3D experiment earns a unique
arresting cinematic techniques, and depic- status by virtue of its extensive and
tions of science and art as inflamed by thoughtful self-reflexivity. Through the
the imagination, suggest once again that couplets that animate its aesthetic enter-
the tendency toward the sensational and prise, Cave explicitly confronts matters
the mythological assumes precedence. essential to understanding 3D as a contem-
The cave becomes a fantasy-scape after porary mode of expression and experience.
all which, while lacking big-budget CGI, It meditates impressively upon issues that
invokes a kingdom as spectacular as are continually negotiated in 3D film-
those presented in 3D blockbusters. In making today: its competing capacities
Cave ofForgotten Dreams 995

to enhance cinemas verisimilitude and dimension of reflection. Of his own arthouse

tendency toward spectacle; its use in both venture, dance film Pina (2011), fellow German
documentaries and fantasy-oriented films; director Wim Wenders has remarked that,
its complicated existence as a scientific, 3D really thrives on spacethe 3D camera
technological, and artistic instrument; and loves infinity, the horizon (Wim Wenders
its dependence for subject matter and style Explores New Dimensions With Pina,
on interactions with old media and their If this is
conventions. true, then Herzogs film plays a fascinating
Given that 3D is still very much a work in game with the 3D optic, as Cave advances on
progress in terms of technical refinement, and recedes dramatically from this horizon,
cinema aesthetics, and audience reception, exploring what can be seen, what is difficult
Herzogs testing of the most expansive of tech- to see, and what remains beyond technologys
nologies in a confined space creates another ability to reveal.

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Politics of Postcolonial Nationalism, 3265. Newreels, Movie Journal, The Village Voice, April
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Painlev, Jean. The Castration of Documentary. In Documentary: A Paper Presented to the First
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with Brigitte Berg, and translated by Jeanine edited by and translated by Zuzana Pick,
Herman, 14856. San Francisco: Brico Press, 199207. Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1978.
2000. Originally published in French as La Republished by permission of Zuzana Pick.
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Brico Press and Birgitte Berg. no. 2 (Winter 19681969): 4348. Republished
Cocteau, Jean. On Blood of the Beasts. Translated by by permission of University of California
Tami Williams. Originally published in French in Press.
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Review 1, no. 2 (Summer 1957): 5152. Republished Frederick Wiseman, in The Civil Liberties Review
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The NewYorker. 12539. Princeton: Princeton University Press,
Morin, Edgar. Chronicle of a Film. Translated by 1998. 12539. Revised and expanded from original
Anny Ewing and Steven Feld. Studies in Visual publication in Principles of Visual Anthropology,
Communication 11, no. 1 (Winter 1985): 429. edited by Paul Hockings (The Hague: Mouton De
Originally published in French in in Chronique Gruyter, 1975). Republished by permission of De
d'un t (Paris: Interspectacles, Domaine Cinma, Gruyter.
1962). Republished by permission of Edgar Morin. Kael, Pauline. Beyond Pirandello. The Current
Rosenbaum, Jonathan. Radical Humanism and the Cinema. The NewYorker, December 19, 1970.
Coexistence of Film and Poetry in The House Republished by permission of Curtis Brown, Ltd.
is Black. Goodbye Cinema, Hello Cinephilia: on behalf of the estate of PaulineKael.
1000 Permissions Acknowledgments
Bowser, Pearl. Pioneers of Black Documentary Film. Audio Film Collective, 722. Buffalo: Hallwalls/
In Struggles for Representation: African American Contemporary Arts Center, 1988. Republished by
Documentary Film and Video, edited by Phyllis R. permission of Coco Fusco.
Klotman and Janet K. Cutler, 133. Bloomington: Greyson, John. Strategic Compromises: AIDS and
Indiana University Press, 1999. Republished by Alternative Video Practices. In Reimaging
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Alvarez, Santiago, with Cineaste editors. 5 Frames permission of The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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Santiago Alvarez. Cineaste 6, no. 4 (Spring 1975): Artist. Wide Angle 2, no. 3 (Spring 1978): 4451.
1621. Republished by permission of Cineaste. Republished by permission of Wide Angle.
Nornes, Ab Mark. The Postwar Documentary Trace: Mekas, Jonas. The Diary Film (A Lecture on
Groping in the Dark. Revised version. Originally Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania). In The
published in Positions 10, no. 1 (Spring 2002): Avant-Garde Film: A Reader of Theory and Criticism,
3977. Republished by permission of Duke edited by P. Adams Sitney, 19098. New York:
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de Antonio, Emile, with Tanya Neufeld. An Interview P. Adams Sitney.
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A Reader, edited by Douglas Kellner and Dan Theorizing Documentary, edited by Michael Renov,
Streible, 10212. Minneapolis: University of 1236. New York: Routledge, 1993. Republished
Minnesota Press, 2000. Originally published in by permission of Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
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permission of Artforum. and the Lure of Authenticity. Wide Angle 6,
Michelson, Annette. Reply to de Antonio. Artforum 11, no. 2 (Summer 1984): 5863. Republished by
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of Artforum. Winston, Brian. The Tradition of the Victim in
Nichols, Bill. The Voice of Documentary. Film Griersonian Documentary. Revised version.
Quarterly 36, no. 3 (Spring 1983): 1730. Originally published in Image Ethics: The Moral Rights
Republished by permission of University of of Subjects in Photographs, Film, and Television, edited
California Press. by Larry Gross, John Stuart Katz, and Jay Ruby, 3457.
MacBean, James Roy. Two Laws from Australia, One New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
White, One Black: The Recent Past and the Hoberman, J. Shoah: The Being of Nothingness. In
Challenging Future of Ethnographic Film. Film Vulgar Modernism: Writing on Movies and Other
Quarterly 36, no. 3 (Winter 1983): 3043. Reprinted Media, 218222. Philadelphia: Temple University
by permission of University of California Press. Press, 1991. Republished by permission of J.
Atwell, Lee. Review of Word is Out. Originally published Hoberman.
as review of Word is Out and Gay U.S.A., in Lanzmann, Claude, with Marc Chevrie and Herv Le
Film Quarterly 32, no. 2 (Winter 197879): Roux. Site and Speech: An Interview with Claude
5057. Reprinted by permission of University of Lanzmann about Shoah. In Claude Lanzmanns
California Press. Shoah: Key Essays, edited and translated by Stuart
Lesage, Julia. The Political Aesthetics of the Feminist Liebman, 3749. New York: Oxford University
Documentary Film. Quarterly Review of Film Press, 2007. Originally published as Le lieu et la
Studies 3, no. 4 (Fall 1978): 50723. Republished by parole: Entretien avec Claude Lanzmann ralis
permission of Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. par Marc Chevrie et Herv Le Roux, in Cahiers du
Kaplan, E. Ann. Theories and Strategies of the cinma 374 (JulyAugust 1985).
Feminist Documentary. Millennium Film Journal Williams, Linda. Mirrors without Memories:
12 (Fall-Winter 19821983): 4467. Republished by Truth, History, and the New Documentary.
permission of Elizabeth Kaplan. Film Quarterly 46, no. 3 (Spring 1993): 921.
Godmilow, Jill. Paying Dues: A Personal Experience Republished by permission of University of
with Theatrical Distribution. Revised version. California Press.
Originally published in 16mm Distribution. Morris, Errol, with Peter Bates. Truth Not Guaranteed:
Compiled by Judith Trojan and Nadine Covert, An Interview with Errol Morris. Cineaste 17, no.
9195. New York: Educational Film Library 1 (1989): 1617. Republished by permission of
Association, 1977. Republished by permission of Cineaste.
Jill Godmilow. Moore, Michael, with Harlan Jacobson. Michael &
Fusco, Coco. A Black Avant-Garde? Notes on Black Me. Film Comment 25, no. 6 (NovDec 1989):
Audio Film Collective and Sankofa. In Young, 1626. Republished by permission of Harlan
British, and Black: The Work of Sankofa and Black Jacobson.
Permissions Acknowledgments 1001

Waugh, Thomas. Acting to Play Oneself: Notes on Documentary. Revised version. Originally
Performance in Documentary. In Making Visible published in New Literary History 34, no. 2 (Spring
the Invisible: An Anthology of Original Essays on Film 2003): 33152. Republished by permission of The
Acting, edited by Carole Zucker, 6491. Metuchen, Johns Hopkins University Press.
NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1990. Republished by Teno, Jean-Marie. Writing on Walls: The Future
permission of The Scarecrow Press. of African Documentary Cinema. In Through
Harper, Phillip Brian. Marlon Riggs: The Subjective African Eyes: Conversations with the Directors,
Position of Documentary Video. Art Journal Vol. 2, edited by Mahen Bonetti and Morgan
54, no. 4 (Winter 1995): 6972. Republished by Seag, 8992. New York: African Film Festival,
permission of Phillip Brian Harper. 2011.
Rabinowitz, Paula. Melodrama/Male Drama: The Berry, Chris. Getting Real: Chinese Documentary,
Sentimental Contract of American Labor Chinese Postsocialism. In The Urban Generation:
Films. In Black & White & Noir: Americas Chinese Cinema and Society at the Turn of the
Pulp Modernism, 121141. New York: Columbia Twenty-first Century, 11534. Durham, NC:
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Orgeron, Marsha, and Devin Orgeron. Familial Wu Wenguang. DV: Individual Filmmaking.
Pursuits, Editorial Acts: Documentaries after the Translated by Cathryn Clayton. Cinema
Age of Home Video. The Velvet Light Trap 60 Journal 36, no. 1 (Fall 2006): 136140.
(Fall 2007): 4762. Republished by permission of Republished by permission of University of
University of Texas Press. Texas Press.
Sobchack, Vivian. Inscribing Ethical Space: 10 Porton, Richard. Weapon of Mass Instruction:
Propositions on Death, Representation, and Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11. Cineaste
Documentary. Quarterly Review of Film Studies 29, no. 4 (Fall 2004): 37. Republished by
9, no. 4 (Fall 1984): 283300. Republished by permission of Cineaste.
permission of Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. MacDonald, Scott. Up Close and Political: Three
Arthur, Paul. Jargons of Authenticity (Three American Short Ruminations on Ideology in the Nature
Moments). In Theorizing Documentary, edited Film. Revised version. Originally published in
by Michael Renov, 10834. New York: Routledge, Film Quarterly 59, no. 3 (Spring 2006): 421.
1993. Republished by permission of Taylor and Republished by the permission of University of
Francis Group, LLC. California Press.
Farocki, Harun, and Jill Godmilow, with Jennifer Horne Villarejo, Amy. Bus 174 and the Living Present.
and Jonathan Kahana. A Perfect Replica: An Cinema Journal 46, no. 1 (Fall 2006): 11520.
Interview with Harun Farocki and Jill Godmilow. Republished by the permission of University of
Translated by Anne Bilek. Afterimage 26, no. 3 Texas Press.
(NovemberDecember 1998): 1214. Republished Klinger, Barbara. Cave of Forgotten Dreams: Meditations
by permission of Afterimage. on 3D. Film Quarterly 65, no. 3 (Spring 2012):
Gabara, Rachel. Mixing Impossible Genres: 3843. Republished by permission of University
David Achkar and African Autobiographical of California Press.

Abbas, K. A.,387 Alassane, Moustapha, 484, 939,942 American Civil Liberties Union
ABC Africa, 475476 Alea, Toms Gutirrez, 597,605 (ACLU),564
A, B, C, D, 632633 Alexander, William, 278, 591594, American Dream, 839, 842848, 851
Acera, or the Witches' Dance (Acra, 596,908 American Family, An, 45, 526528,641
ou le bal des sorcires), 971,976 All American Newsreels,590 American Federation of Labor
Achkar, David, Allah Tantou, 924936 Call to Duty, A, 591,592 and Congress of Industrial
Ackerman, C.Fred,30 Highest Tradition, The,592 Organizations (AFL-CIO),843
Acquired Immune Deficiency Portrait of Ethiopia,593 American Film Institute, 411, 413,
Syndrome (AIDS), 708720, Village of Hope, The,593 416,637
834835 Wealth in Wood,593 American Game Trails,23
Adachi Masao,619 Algar,James American Road, The,366
Adams, Ansel, 234,235 Beaver Valley, 971,972 Americans All,343
Adams, William P., Power and the Living Desert, The, 971, 973974 America's Disinherited,236
Land,269 Nature's Half Acre, 971,972 Amsterdam Workshop, 54,5960
Advance of the Kansas Volunteers at Seal Island, 971,972 Anarchist Queer Collective, Another
Caloocan,4041 True-Life Adventures, 971976 Man, 711715, 718719
Adventure Girl,269 Vanishing Prairie, The, 971974 Ancient Faces, Modern Faces,437
Adventures of a Ten-Mark Note, Aliens of the Deep 3D,992 Anderson, Lindsay
The (Die Abenteuer eines Allah Tantou, 924936 Every Day Except Christmas, 443,
Zehnmarkscheins), 142143 All American Newsreel 443f,444
Adventures on the New Frontier, Company,592 on Listen to Britain, 352,
506,507 Call to Duty, 591,592 354355,364
Affirmations, 833834 Highest Tradition, The,592 on Momma Don't Allow,444
Africadoc,941 All American Newsreels,590 on Nice Time,444
Africa, IWill Fleece You (Afrique, je te Allen, Frederick Lewis, Only on O Dreamland,444
plumerai), 936, 937, 940,941 Yesterday,456 on Together,444
Africa Speaks to You,436 Allen, Robert, on Primary, 508509 Anderson, Madeline, I Am
Afrique sur Seine,938 All My Babies,820 Somebody,669
Afro-American Film Company,586 All-Russian Elder Kalinin,167 Anderson Watkins Film Company,
Agee, James, 325, 326,340 All-Union Creative Conference A Day at Tuskegee,583
on Iowa Jima newsreels, 328329 of Workers in Soviet And So They Live,892
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Cinematography, 148149 Angry Initiatives, Defiant Strategies,720
728,848 Altman, Rick, 1625,513 Animal Farm,972
on Negro Soldier, The,340 Alvarez, Santiago, 532, 597, 599, Animated Weekly,24
on San Pietro, 330331 602, 605608 Anita Bush Stock Company,595
Agency for Foreign Intelligence and LBJ,597 Anniversary of the Revolution,167
Propaganda,408 Now!, 597, 599, 605,750 Annyong-Kimchi,627
Agit Train of the Central Party, 79 Springtimes of Ho Chi Another Man, 711715, 718719
The,167 Minh,750 Anpo joyaku. See SecurityTreaty
Ahmad, Aijaz,934 American Biograph,2930, 238 Anstey, Edgar, 226, 766, 767,769
AIDS Coalition To Unleash Power Execution By Hanging,31 Enough to Eat?, 315, 317,768
(ACT UP), 717,719 Fight Between Spider and Housing Problems, 226, 315, 317,
Air Corps, Memphis Belle,340 Scorpion,A,971 441, 645, 750, 767768,819
Akeley, Carl,22 American Broadcasting Company on Listen to Britain, 352, 354,359
Alaska-Siberian Expedition, The,23 (ABC), 445, 509, 522, 886 March of Time,768
Antonia:APortrait of the Woman, Badsey, Stephen, 113114 Beijing Bicycle,946
693697,821 Bahr, Fax, Hearts of Darkness: Bei unseren Helden an
Antonioni, Michelangelo, Zabriskie AFilmmaker's Apocalypse,796 der Somme. See
Point,574 Balzs, Bla, 178179, 543, With our Heroes at theSomme
Ao no Kai. See BlueGroup 883884 Belfast, Maine,957
Apted, Michael, 35 Up,796 Die Abenteuer eines Belitt, Ben, 229, 243,246
Arab, The (DeMille),94 Zehnmarkscheins, 142143 Bellows, Andy Masaki, Science
Arab, The (Ingram),94 on People on Sunday,147 is Fiction:The Films of Jean
Argos Films,463 on Scott and Shackleton's films, Painlev,969
Armatage, Kay, Striptease, 821, 110111 Benegal, Shyam,387
825826 Balikci, Asen, 655, 656657 Benjamin, Walter, 157, 162, 439,
Armes, Roy,926 Ballard, Carroll,412 534, 537, 540,827
Army Film Centre (AFC),386 Fly Away Home,973 Berg, Brigitte, Science is Fiction:The
Arnoldi, E.,188 Ballet Mcanique, 220,894 Films of Jean Painlev,969
Arsenal, The,178 Bambi,972 Berlin Alexanderplatz,780
Arthur, Paul, 853856, 889907 Bandits of Mexico, The,22 Berlin Stories,892
Artistic Life (Zhizn iskusstva) Barbarous Mexico,24 Berlin, the Symphony of a Great
Artists United for Gay Rights, Gay Barker, EdwinL.,22 City (Berlin, die Symphonie
USA,665 Barker's World Picture einer Grossstadt), 143147,
Asch, Timothy, 653654 Stories,22 179, 220222, 232, 235236,
Ax Fight, The, 649,757 Barnouw, Erik, 99, 103, 278, 279, 244245,357
Ashur, Geri, Janie's Jane, 668, 677, 523,724 Berlin workers' film society, 178179
684689 Documentary:AHistory of the Berry, Chris, 915, 943955
Asphalt,146 Non-Fiction Film, 14, 401, 724, Besley, J.Campbell,23
Assatsu no mori. See Forest of 728730,981 Best Boy, 770, 771, 821,827
Pressure on Louisiana Story, 728729 Best Democracy Money Can Buy,
Associated Film Producers of Negro Barnum, P. T.,3536 The, 962,963
Motion Pictures, Inc.,592 Barry, Judith,682 Bettetini, Gianfranco,901
Association of Cinematograph Barthes, Roland, 353, 514, 542, 682, Between Two Wars,923
Television and Allied 743, 747, 749, 756, 898, 925, Bhavnani,Mohan
Technicians (ACTT), 701,706 930,937 Keddah,385
Association of Documentary Mythologies,698 MysoreGem of India,385
Filmmakers (Japan),612 Return of the Poetician, Private Life of a Silkworm,
Association of Documentary Film The,743 The,386
Producers (USA),321 Basic Training,558 Wrestling,385
Association of Education Basse, Wilfried Biemann, Ursula, Performing the
Filmmakers (Japan), 611612 Deutschland von Gestern und Border,988
At Home in the World, 946,957 Heute,146 Bim,436
Atkinson, Nicole, Black Is ... Black Markt am Wittenbergplatz,146 Biography of a Bookie Joint,454
Ain't, 834835 Battey, C. M.,578 Biography of a Missile,453
Atlanta Child Murders, The,823 Battle and Fall of Przemysl, The,24 Bird, Stuart, The Wobblies, 644,
Atomic Caf, The, 646, 648, 650, Battle at Tsaritsyn,167 645, 647, 649,651
780,962 Battle of Chile, The, 642, 847,884 Birri, Fernando, 600601
Atop of the World in Motion,23 Battle of Midway, The, 265, Birthday Suit:Complete with Scars
Atsugi Taka,614 269270, 272276, 278,279 and Defects,624
At the Winter Sea-Ice Camp, Battle of San Pietro, The. See Birth of a Nation, The, 328,831
Part3,566 SanPietro Biscuit Eater, The,336
Atwell, Lee, on Word is Out, 531, Battle of the Ancre and the Advance of Bissonnette, Sophie, A Wives
664667 the Tanks, 119, 121, 128,131 Tale,644
Au pays du scalp. See In the Land of Battle of the Somme, 15, 113132 Bitzer, William (Billy),30
Headhunters Battleship Potemkin, 143, 175, 179, Birth of a Nation, The,328
Ax Fight, The, 649,757 222,490 Black Audio Film Collective, 532,
Battles of a Nation, The,24 698707
Baara,939 Bazin, Andr, 153, 158, 491, Expeditions, 701704
Babenco, Hector, Pixote, 985,987 498499, 505, 510511, 642, Handsworth Songs, 698699,
Babies and Banners, With, 644, 645, 683, 745746, 756, 897, 704705
647, 649,901 992993 Black CAP (Coalition for AIDS
Baboona, 102,269 on Why We Fight, 325, 348351 Prevention),712
Back-Breaking Leaf, The, 494495, BBC:The Voice of Britain,767 Black Gold, The,391
499,639 Beauty Knows No Pain, 696697 Black Journal,594
Back to the Old Farm,22 Beaver Valley, 971,972 Blacks, The, 483484
Badgley, Christiane, Black Is ... Before Your EyesVietnam,923 Blackstone, Oswell, 244,333
Black Ain't, 834835 Beijing Bastards, 946,951 Bleiman, Mikhail, 187188
Index 1005

Blinkhorn, Albert,23 Bridge, The, 137, 174180, Bus 174, 984988

Blitzstein, Marc, 235, 236,246 192195,753 Bush, Anita, 585,595
Native Land,241 Brighton project,5253 Bull-Dogger, The,595
Spanish Earth, The,271 Brik, Lily, 185, 188189 Crimson Skull, The,595
Valley Town, 241242 Glass Eye, The, 188189 Business of Health:Medicine,
Block, Mitchell, No Lies,688 Brik, Osip, 183, 185, 188189,191 Money and Politics, The
Blood and Fire,499 Bring 'Em Back Alive,269 453454
Blood of the Beasts, The (Le Sang Britain:Blood, Sweat, and Tears Butler, The,586
des btes), 432, 439440, Plus Twenty,446 Byatt, Andy, Deep Blue,970
887,975 British Broadcasting Corporation
Bloody City,435 (BBC), 357, 399,705 Caesar and Cleopatra,348
Blue Group (Ao no Kai),616 British Film Institute (BFI), 45, Caff Italia,823
Blue, James, 277, 326, 406419, 699, 701,703 Calder-Marshall, Arthur
504,506 Experimental Fund,444 on Drifters, 222,768
Colombian trilogy, 406419 British Newsreel,317 on Flaherty,730
Evil Wind Out, 413416 British North America Act,379 on Grierson, 766767
Few Notes on Our Food British Topical Committee for California Institute for Women
Problem,A,419 War,122 Video, We're Alive, 669,
on Flaherty and Nanook, 654657 Britton, Andrew, on Listen to 677,679
Letter From Colombia, A, Britain, 352,360 Call of the Wild, The,35
413414,416 Brody, Brandon,260 Call to Duty, A, 591,592
Olive Trees of Justice, The,413 Bronx Morning,A,237 Cameron, James, Aliens of the Deep
School at Rincon Santo, The, Broome, George W.,591 3D,992
414417 Day at Tuskegee, A, 581583, Campus, Peter, 829,835
on War Game, The, 5, 420428 588,595 Canada Carries On,376
Who Killed the Fourth Ward?, Broomfield, Nick, Soldier Girls, Canadian Film Committee,374
644645, 651,657 641643, 649, 651,821 Canadian Government,381
Blue Nile Production Company, Browning, Irving,260 Canadian Government Motion
592593 Browning, Tod, Freaks,475 Picture Bureau,369
Boat Leaving Harbour, A,4547 Brownlow, Kevin,99 Canadian Legion, Lest We Forget,
Bobker, Lee, Peabody Coal Bruce, Robert C., My Country,85 268,968
Company, 366367 Bruck, Jerry, Jr., I. F.Stone's Weekly, Canadian Pacific Railway,381
Boltyansky, Grigori,186 693, 696,697 Candid-Eye group, 495, 497498
Bombay:The Story of Seven Isles,386 Bruckner, August, Symphony of the Cannes Film Festival,413
Bond, R., Today We Live,227 Virgin Forest,436 Fahrenheit 9/11,961
Bonitzer, Pascal, 266267,277 Bruss, Elizabeth, 927928 Suzaku (Moe no suzaku),609
Bonus March, 239240 Buba, Tony, Lightning Over Village of Hope, The,593
Book of Nature, The,22 Braddock, 902, 905906 Caouette, Jonathan, 866, 868,869
Bordwell, David, 1617,238 Buck, Frank, 551554 Tarnation, 5, 852, 853, 856,
Borneo,269 Adventure Girl,269 860864, 866, 869,984
Borom Street,938 Bring 'Em Back Alive,269 Capital,152
Borroloola Aboriginal community, Buckland, Frank F., American Game Capra, Frank, 333, 334335,
Two Laws, 533, 652663,823 Trails,23 407,967
Bostrom, Denise, Healthcaring,669 Buck, Marilyn, 551552 It Happened One Night,333
Bound for Haj,393 Buffalo Bill's Wild West, 7,3237 Lost Horizon,333
Bourke-White, Margaret,860 Bull-Dogger, The,595 Meet John Doe,333
Eyes on Russia,269 Bumming in Beijing:The Last Mr. Deeds Goes to Town,333
Bowles, Paul,236 Dreamers (Liulang Beijing), Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,
Brady, Matthew,30 945948, 951, 952,954 275, 279, 333, 334,967
Brakhage, Stan, 159, 633, 868, Buuel, Luis, 416, 484, 535, Negro Soldier, The, 332347
908,935 808,909 Prelude to War, 333,344
Deus Ex,754 L'Age d'or, 201202, 205, 213,538 Tunisian Victory,269
Pittsburgh Trilogy,754 Land Without Bread (Las Hurdes), War Department films, 333,
Branigan, Edward, 266, 277, 137, 199214, 500,808 334335
279280 Un Chien andalou, 201, 203, Why We Fight, 269, 325, 333, 340,
Bray Pictures, Rambling 205,213 346, 348351, 729,751
Reporter,278 Burden, William Douglas,971 You Can't Take It with You,333
Brazil:The Rude Awakening,446 Burial of the Hogon, The,482 Captain Besley Expedition, The,23
Breakers, 192,194 Burnham Beeches,57 Captain F.E. Kleinschmidt's Arctic
Bressan, Arthur, Jr., Gay USA,665 Burning An Illusion,700 Hunt,23
Brewster, Ben,54 Burns, Ken, The Civil War, Capture of a Sea Elephant and
Brick and Mirror, 473,474 796,806 Hunting Wild Game in the
Brickmakers (Chircales),597 Burroughs,821 South Pacific Islands, The,23
Capture of the Biddle Brothers and Chircales. See Brickmakers Cocorico, Monsieur Poulet, 482,
Mrs. Soffel, The,42 Chopra, Joyce, Joyce at 34, 525, 669, 486488
Capture of the Trenches at 677, 684687,827 Cocteau, Jean, 328,432
Candaba,4142 Choy, Chris (Christine), Who on Blood of the Beasts, 439440
Capturing the Friedmans, 852, 853, Killed Vincent Chin?, 796, Cody, William F., 7,3237
856861, 863,866 797,805 Cognitivist paradigm,757
Cargo from Jamaica,223 Chris and Bernie,669 Cole, Janice, P4W:Prison for
Carmen,175 Chronicle of a Summer (Chronique Women, 644, 645,651
Carroll, Diahann, Julia,832 d'un t), 461472, 478481, Collins, Judy, Antonia:APortrait of
Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 495497, 486, 567, 639, 641, 903,949 the Woman, 693697,821
500,818 Chrysler Corporation,320 Colonial Empire Marketing Board,
Case of Mr. Critic, The,390 History and Romance of Men of Africa,317
Cassavetes, John,823 Transportation,318 Color Adjustment, 832833
Cavadini, Alessandro, 652,656 In Tune With Tomorrow,319 Colored America on Parade, 589590
Protected,658 Chuck Solomon:Coming of Age, Colored Champions of Sports, The,
Two Laws, 533, 652663,823 714716,719 589590
Cavalcanti, Alberto, 267, 279,892 Churchill, Joan, Soldier Girls, Color Purple, The,781
Rien Que Les Heures, 143,220 641643, 649, 651,821 Columbia Broadcasting System
We Live in Two Worlds,227 Cinderella,972 (CBS), 271, 279, 592,711, 773
Cave of Forgotten Dreams, 989995 Cinema Bureau of the International Columbia Pictures, Lest We Forget,
CBS. See Columbia Broadcasting Union of Revolutionary 268,968
System (CBS) Theatre,248 Columbia Theater,2728
C.B.S. Reports, 445460 Cinema Crafters of Comedian,821
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Philadelphia,238 Comerford, J.E.,22
407,535 Cinematic Design,236 Coming Home,827
Centre National de la Cine-Pravda, 186, 187, 190191,432 Comment naissent des mduses. See
Cinmatographie (CNC), Circle Dance,71 How Some Jellyfish AreBorn
463,786 Circular Loom,438 Committee on Cooperation in
Chaim Rumkowski and the Jews of Ciss, Souleymane,939 Canadian Citizenship (CCCC),
Lodz, 776777 Baara,939 374,377
Chair, The,639 Den Muso,939 Committee on Public
Chalfen, Richard, 853, 854, Finye,939 Information,408
868869 Waati,939 Communist Party USA
Chaliand, Grard,543 Yeelen,939 (CPUSA),647
Chang, 101, 104, 217,971 Citizen Kane, 268,992 People's Front, The,844
Channel 4, 701, 706,707 Citron, Michelle Comolli, Jean-Louis,901
Chapayev,189 Daughter Rite, 685, 688, 691,827 Computer-generated imagery
Chaplin, Charles, 91, 814,841 Parthenogenesis, 669,679 (CGI), 990,994
Carmen,175 City of Gold,368 Condit, Cecilia, 829,835
Gold Rush, The,105 City, The, 234236, 239, 240, 314, Congorilla, 102,269
Great Dictator, The, 144, 636,814 321, 891895 Congress of the Photographic Societies
Charles Besler Company,21 Civilization and its Discontents,202 at Neuville-sur-Sane,4445
Chartier, Jean-Pierre, 927,936 Civil Liberties Union of Connection, The,502
Chautauqua circuit,1718 Massachusetts (CLUM),564 Connelly, Marc, The Negro Soldier,
Chelsea Girls, The,780 Civil War, The, 796,806 335336
Chen Kaige, Yellow Earth, 945, Clair, Ren,157 Conner,Bruce
946,948 Entr'acte,975 Mongoloid,971
Cheney Brothers Company, 140141 Paris Qui Dort, 157158,328 Report,874
Chicago Maternity Center Story, The, Clarke, Shirley,243 Contemporary Historians, Inc.,
669, 672,677 Connection, The,502 The Spanish Earth, 240, 241,
Chicken Ranch,821 Cool World, The,502 261265, 270272, 275, 278,
Chika ni oriru Shinjuku Suteshon. Portrait of Jason, A, 664,907 279, 315,823
See Going Down into Claustromania (Heisho Continental Film Company,6466
Shinjuku Station shikosho),624 Contras' City,938
Children at School, 227, 315, Cleary, J.F., American Game Controlling Interest,644
763,768 Trails,23 Cool World, The,502
Children Were Watching, The, Cleaves, Howard,22 Cooper, Merian C.,93107
506507 Clore, Leon,444 Chang, 101, 104, 217,971
China Central Television (CCTV), Close-Up,473 Golden Prince,95
944, 950,953 Close-Up!,445 Grass:ANation's Battle for Life,
Oriental Moment, 950,951 Cluzaud, Jacques, Winged 93108,971
China Express,156 Migration, 970,973 King Kong, 104,971
China Strikes Back,241 Coal Face,316 Copland, Aaron,235
Index 1007

Corner, John,1 Davis, Peter, Hearts and Minds, 751, Depository of Historical
Corral,368 887,901 Cinematography,4851
Cosby Show, The,832 Davis, Richard Harding,38 Depue, OscarB.,18
Courtship,474 Dawn of Commerce, The,22 de Rochemont, Louis,268
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 437,981 Dawn of Plenty, The,22 Derrida, Jacques, 750, 756757,
Silent World, The,981 Dawn of Power, The,22 984,986
Covert, Catherine L.,268 Dawn of Truth, The, 583, 584585 Der Zeppelin-angriff auf England,60
Cow, The,473 Day After Trinity, The, 644, 645, Deserter, 223224
Crawford, Merritt,260 650,822 Desert Victory,129
Crazy English,953 Day and a Night with Our Life de Sica, Vittorio,823
Crazy Ray, The, 157158,328 Savers,A,22 Destination India,395
Crimson Skull, The,595 Day at Tuskegee, A, 581583, 588,595 Deus Ex,754
Cripps, Thomas, on The Negro Day for Night,927 Deutschland von Gestern und Heute,146
Soldier, 332347 Day in Birmingham,A,580 Devotion:AFilm about Ogawa
Crisis,241 Day in the Life of an English Coal Productions,955
Crisis:Behind a Presidential Miner, A,5758 de Wawrin, Marquis, In the Land of
Commitment,516 Day in the Magic City,A,578 Headhunters,436
Crisp, Donald, Battle of Midway, Days, The, 946,951 Diaries, Notes, & Sketches,738
The, 272274,280 Day with the Tenth Cavalry at Diary for Timothy, A, 352, 353, 354,
Cristaux liquides. See Liquid Crystals Fort Huachaca, Arizona, A, 362,441
Crown Film Unit, 352, 353, 441,442 580,588 Diary of a Harlem Family, 590591
Crude Oil,915 Dead Birds,653 Diary of Anne Frank, The,412
Cruise, Tom, Top Gun,967 De America Soy Hijo,608 Diary of Tai Fu Xiang, 947,953
C. V.Whitney Productions,107 de Antonio, Emile, 243, 505506, Dick, Sheldon, Men and Dust,
Cuba-El Nacional,606 521, 532, 633638, 645647, 240,241
Cuban Institute of 821,962 Dickson, W.K.L.,30
Cinematographic Art and In the Year of the Pig, 631, Biography in Battle, The,
Industry (ICAIC), 598599, 646,649 3940,43
602, 603, 605608 on Louisiana Story, 630631 Die Abenteuer eines Zehnmarkscheins.
De America Soy Hijo,608 Millhouse:AWhite Comedy, 631, See The Adventures of a Ten-
El Hombre de Maisinicu, 636, 646,821 Mark Note
607608 Painters Painting, 631634, Die Melodie der Welt. See Melody of
Y El Cielo Fue Tomado por 647,821 theWorld
Asalto,608 on Plow That Broke the Plains, Die Wunder der Films,180
Culbert, David, on The Negro The,630 Die Wunder der Welt. See Miracles of
Soldier, 332347 Point of Order, 631, 634636,646 the Universe
Culture et Rcolte des Pommes on River, The,630 DiGioia,Herb
Washington,57 Rush to Judgment, 631,637 Naim and Jabar,654
Curtis, Edward S.,6466 on Sleep,636 Vermont Conversations,654
In the Land of the Headhunters, on Sorrow and the Pity, The,637 Digital video (DV), 947, 956960
1415, 6768,7080 Weather Underground, 646,647 Dilly Dallying,390
In the Land of the War Canoes, Death in the Afternoon,272 Disappearing World,656
6971, 7475,7880 Death Song of a River, 944,954 Disney, Walt, 218, 319, 344, 418, 437.
Decision,654 See also Walt Disney Studios
Dale, Holly, P4W:Prison for Women, Decision for Chemistry,366 Circarama system,410
644, 645,651 Deep Blue,970 Little Corner of the Earth, The,437
Dallas, Wendy, Chuck Defiant Ones, The,343 Mickey's Surprise Party,319
Solomon:Coming of Age, Deitch, Donna, Woman to Ditmars, RaymondL.,22
714716, 719,720 Woman,669 Divided World, A, 977978, 980,
Danny, 716,719 Dekeukeleire, Charles, Ancient 982983
Dark Lullabies,827 Faces, Modern Faces,437 Dobbs, BeverlyB.,23
Darwell,Jane Deleuze, Gilles, 947949,955 Doctor Mabuse,175
Battle of Midway, The, 272276, de Meideros, Richard, Teke, Hymne Documentary:AHistory of the
279,280 au Borgou,939 Non-Fiction Film, 728730
Grapes of Wrath, The,274 DeMille, Cecil B., 266,418 Documentary Expression and Thirties
Daudet, Alphonse, Arab, The,94 America, 726728
Port-Tarascon,436 Land of Liberty, 317318 Documentary Producer, The,136
Daughter Rite, 685, 688, 691,827 Democracy in Action,401 Doleel, Lubomr, 742743,756
Dauman, Anatole, 463464 Demon Lover Diary,902 Domitor conference,53,62
Chronicle of a Summer, 461472, DeMott, Joel,900 Don't Look Back, 522, 899,907
478481, 486, 567, 639, 641, Den Muso,939 Dorsky, Nathaniel,972
903,949 Department of Agriculture,313 Hours for Jerome,982
Davis, Elmer,592 Henry Browne, Farmer, 333334 on True-Life Adventures, 972,982
dos Santos, Nelson Pereira, Capture of the Trenches at Enzensberger, Hans Magnus,
597,598 Candaba,4142 708,709
Double Indemnity, 792,842 Electrocuting an Elephant,31 Epstein, Jean,173
D'ou Viennent les Faux Cheveux,58 Execution of Czolgosz, The,31,42 Fall of the House of Usher, The,
Dovzhenko, Alexander, 147, 150, Execution of Mary Queen of Scots, 151,161
169,476 The,31 Equino, Antonio,598
Zvenigora,161 Filipinos Retreat from Trenches,41 Ermler, Fridrikh,260
Dowler, Kevin,369 Skirmish of Rough Riders,38 Erwitt, Elliott, Beauty Knows No
Drew Associates (Drew, Robert), Teasing the Snakes,71 Pain, 696697
493, 495, 499, 503509, 514, US Infantry Supported by Rough Esakia, L.,185
520523, 768, 896,897 Riders at El Caney,3738 Espinosa, Julio Garca, 532,605
Adventures on the New Frontier, Educational Film Guide for 1945, Essene,566
506,507 The,342 Eternal Triangle, The,490
Children Were Watching, The, Eiga Hihy, 619620 Ethnic Notions, 830833
506507 8 1/2,927 European War Pictures,24
Crisis:Behind a Presidential Eisenstein, Sergei, 137, 149, 158, Evans, Gary,368
Commitment,516 161, 169, 175, 177178, 191, Evans-Pritchard, Edward,568
Living Camera,898 258260, 355, 385, 490, 505, Evans, Walker, 496, 497, 518,728
Nehru, 900901 535, 630, 638,704 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men,
On the Pole, 507,520 Battleship Potemkin, 143, 175, 179, 728,851
Primary, 433, 494, 503525, 624, 222,490 Everest,992
639, 641,821 Ivan the Terrible,175 Every Day Except Christmas,
X-Pilot,507 on Man with the Movie Camera, 443,444
Yanki No!, 506,507 The,151 Everything is Gonna Be Alright,968
Drifters, 222,768 Moscow Film School,254 Evil Wind Out, 413416
Driving Me Crazy,902 October:Ten Days That Shook the Execution by Hanging,31
Druick, Zo, 326, 368380 World, 178,250 Execution of Czolgosz, The,31,42
Drukker, Leendert,869 Romance Sentimentale,224 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots,
Dry Leaves,391 Strike, 156, 175,539 The,31
Duan Jinchuan, 947, 949, 953,955 Thunder Over Mexico,224 Expeditions, 701704
No. 16 Barkhor Street South, Eiz Geijutsu,616 Experimental Cinema, 235, 238,245
949950,953 Ekstase,224 Extreme Private Eros:Love Song
Secret Site of Asceticism, The,947 Eksteins, Modris, 114115 1974 (Kyokushiteki erosu:Renka
Square, The, 946,949 Elam, Jo Ann, Rape, 644, 648, 651, 1974), 623,624
Du Bois, W. E. B.,582 669, 678,679 Eye of the Mask,821
Duckworth, Martin, A Wives El Bruto,213 Eyes on Russia,269
Tale,644 Electrocuting an Elephant,31
Dudley, Sherman H., 594595 Eleventh Year, The,154 f.64, Group, 234235,245
Dunah, Patrick, Fighting for Our El Hombre de Maisinicu, 607608 Faces of Change,654
Lives, 717719 Ellis, Jack C.,326 Fackenheim, Emil,777
Dunbar Film and Theatrical El Noticiero America,606 Fahrenheit 9/11, 961968
Company, The Negro Rice Else, Jon, Day After Trinity, The, Faith, The,393
Farmer,595 644, 645, 650,822 Fall of Kiev, The,94
Dunbar Films, Monumental Elton, Arthur, 226,767 Fall of Pompei, The,32
Pictures Corporation,586 Housing Problems, 226, Fall of the City, The,272
Durbar in Kinemacolor,23 315, 317, 441, 645, 750, Fall of the House of Usher, The,
Durrin, Ginny, 'Til Death Do Us 767768,819 151,161
Part, 710713, 718719 Springs,317 Fall of the Romanov Dynasty, The
Dying, 877,885 Transfer of Power, The,317 (Padenie dinastii Romanovykh),
Workers and Jobs,767 176178, 182183,187
Eagleton, Terry, 686687 Embracing (Nitsutsumarete),624 Famous Players-Lasky Corporation,
Eakin, Paul John, 926,936 Emmer, Luciano, Earthly 101, 104105
Early Frost, An,710 Paradise,437 Fanon, Frantz, 498,914
Earth,217 Empire Marketing Board (EMB), Fantasia, 972,976
Earthly Paradise,437 246, 317, 372374, 381,750 Far from Poland, 823,827
clair, 480, 488,981 Emshwiller, Ed, 407,412 Farm Security Administration
Eddie Sacks,494 Encounters at the End of the World, (FSA), 518, 728,819
Edison Manufacturing Co., 22, 30, 989,993 Farocki, Harun, 915, 916923
3738,4042, 46 End of Century Newsreel,502 Inextinguishable Fire, 916923
Advance of the Kansas Volunteers End of Saint Petersburg, The,250 Between Two Wars,923
at Caloocan,4041 Enough to Eat?, 315, 317,768 Before Your EyesVietnam,923
Capture of the Biddle Brothers and Enthusiasm, 153, 169,819 Farrell, Lowerll,107
Mrs. Soffel, The,42 Entr'acte,975 Farrokhzad, Forough
Index 1009

House Is Black, The, 432, 473477 Finye,939 400, 000, 000, The (The Four
Sea, The,474 Fire,A,474 Hundred Million), 315,817
View of Water and Fire, The,474 Fires Were Started, 352, 353, 441,820 400 Blows,927
Water and Heat,474 First Emperor (Hatsukuni Fowler, Alastair,925
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, Berlin Shirasumera no Mikoto),622 Fox Broadcasting Company,961
Alexanderplatz,780 Fischinger, Oskar,976 TV Nation, 850,851
Federal Communications Five Cities of June, The, 409, Fox Europe, 142,143
Commission (FCC),897 412413,418 Die Abenteuer eines
Fellini, Federico, 8 1/2,927 Flaherty, Robert, 3, 7, 13, 16, 53, Zehnmarkscheins, 142143
Few Notes on Our Food Problem, A, 7677, 8892, 135136, Foy, Bryan, The Strange Case of Tom
416,419 219220, 231, 244, 385, Mooney,241
Field, Connie, Rosie the Riveter, 641, 654656, 753, 769, 824825 Frampton, Hollis,632
643644, 647,648 Industrial Britain, 765766 A, B, C, D, 632633
Fields, Mary, Secrets of Life,317 Land, The, 241, 269, 818819,827 Zorns Lemma,638
Fight Between Spider and Louisiana Story, 630631, 637, Franju, George
Scorpion,A,971 728730, 818, 819, Blood of the Beasts, The, 432,
Fight Between Wild Animals,A,971 824813,838 439440, 887,975
Fight for Life, The, 236, 242, Man of Aran, 242, 655, 657, 729, Htel des invalides,436
246,269 771, 818,824 Franken, Mannus,192
Fighting for Our Lives, 717719 Moana, 3, 62, 8688, 217, 219, Breakers, 192,194
Filipinos Retreat from Trenches,41 242, 384, 729, 818,971 Rain, 192195
Film Advisory Board (FAB, India), Nanook of the North, 3, 78, 1315, Frank, Robert, 243,499
385386 60, 7677, 79, 8388, 100, 101, Pull My Daisy,635
He's in the Navy,385 105, 220, 242, 463, 490, 491, Frantsisson, Boris,170
Industrial India,385 650, 655657, 729, 753, 818, Freaks,475
Planes of Hindustan, The,385 825, 889,971 Frederick Douglass Film Company,
Women of India,385 Tabu, 88,219 Heroic Negro Soldiers of the
Film and Photo League (FPL), 137, White Shadows of the South Seas, World War,588
234, 235, 237238, 248251, 88,219 French Cultural Centers,940
260,895 Flashettes, The,669 French Federation of Cin
Filmfront,238 Fleishman, Avrom, 926,936 Clubs,976
Film-Makers Cooperative,502 Flitterman, Sandy,682 Freund, Karl,142
Films Division of India, 383402 Fly Away Home,973 Berlin, die Symphonie einer
Black Gold, The,391 Fog of War, The,968 Grossstadt, 143147, 179,
Bound for Haj,393 Follett, RichardE.,22 220222, 232, 235236,
Case of Mr. Critic, The,390 Fonda,Henry 244245,357
Democracy in Action,401 Battle of Midway, The, 272276, Die Abenteuer eines
Destination India,395 279,280 Zehnmarkscheins, 142143
Dilly Dallying,390 Grapes of Wrath, The,274 Friberg, Conrad, Halsted Street,237
Dry Leaves,391 Footsteps of Capt. Kidd, The,24 Friedman, Bonnie
Faith, The,393 Ford, John, 262, 354, 407,618 Chris and Bernie,669
Grow Hybrid Maize,401 Battle of Midway, The, 265, Flashettes, The,669
Ideal Citizen,401 269270, 272276, Friedman, David,866
Kisan,392 278,279 Friedrich, Su, The Head of a Pin,
Magic Moments,401 How Green Was My Valley,274 243, 980981,983
Mitrata Ki Yatra,401 Iron Horse, The,105 Friendly, Fred, 445460
Muslim Festival in Secular Ford Massacre,241 Biography of a Bookie
India,A,393 Ford Motor Company Joint,454
My Land My Dreams,401 American Road, The,366 Biography of a Missile,453
National Anthem-cum-Flag,392 Every Day Except Christmas,444 Brazil:The Rude
Our Regulated Markets,391 Forest of Pressure (Assatsu no Awakening,446
Out of the Blue,401 mori),616 Britain:Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Phosphate for Plenty,392 For the Honor of the 8th Illinois Plus Twenty,446
Rabindranath Tagore, 391,401 Regiment, 584, 586,587 Business of Health:Medicine,
Road to Freedom, The,395 Fortini-Cani, 777,780 Money and Politics, The,
Symbol of Progress,A,391 Forward, Soviet! (Shagai, Sovet!), 453454
Taj Mahal,395 169, 182183 C.B.S. Reports, 458459
Vadya Vrinda,401 Foster Photoplay Company,586 Footprints in the Sands of
Where the Desert Blooms,391 Butler, The,586 Time,456
Your Contribution,392 Pullman Porter, The,586 Harvest of Shame, 453454,
Fink, Joan, Taking Our Bodies YWCA Parade,586 457,751
Back,669 Fothergill, Alastair, Deep Blue,970 Howard K.Smith, 450, 451,
Finlay, Leo,658 Foucault, Michel, 369,402 459460
Friendly, Fred (Cont.) Gilbert, JohnP.,22 Great Way, The, 185186
I Can Hear It Now,456 Gilfillan, Lauren, I Went to Pit Great White Silence, The,76
Keeper of the Rules: Congressman College, 837, 848,849 Greaves, William, 412,596
Smith and the New Frontier, Gimme Shelter, 433, 533, Black Journal,594
The,453 571575,883 Greed,105
See It Now, 446, 456458 Glass Eye, The (Steklyannyi glaz), Green Pastures,335
Small World,458 188189 Green, Vanalyne,747
Population Explosion, The,453 GM. See General Motors(GM) Grey Gardens,821
Twentieth Century, The,447 Godard, Jean-Luc, 488, 505506, Greyson, John, 533, 708720
Water Famine, The,446 535, 540, 541, 626, 648, 704, Grierson, John, 3, 5, 6, 1314,
Who Said That?,456 706,752 5354, 5960, 136, 137,
Who Speaks for Birmingham?, La Chinoise,540 215228, 230, 243, 267, 312,
453454,459 One Plus One,573 351, 354, 359360, 370373,
Who Speaks for the South?, Godmilow, Jill, 533, 827,915 374375, 382, 384, 385, 411,
450,453 Antonia:APortrait of the Woman, 441, 443, 639, 746, 747,
Why Man in Space?, 446447 693697,821 750, 753754, 764, 769, 818,
Year of the Polaris, The, 446, What Farocki Taught, 916923 819, 892. See also National
449,453 God's Step Children,579 FilmBoard
From a Whisper, 941942 Goethe Institute, The, 940,941 BBC:The Voice of Britain,767
From Renoir to Picasso, 437438 Going Down into Shinjuku Station on Berlin, the Symphony of a Great
Frontier College,377 (Chika ni oriru Shinjuku City, 220222,357
Frontier Films, 234,818 Suteshon),622 Cargo from Jamaica,223
History and Romance of Goldberg, Jack, 343,347 on Deserter, 223224
Transportation,318 on Negro Soldier, The,341 Drifters, 222,768
Fruchter, Norm, 551,552 We've Come a Long, Long Way, on Earth,217
Fukoka Asako,626 341,346 on Flaherty, 8892, 136, 219220
Fukuda Katsuhiko,610 Golden Prince,95 Granton Trawler,223
Fumie, Kamioka, Sunday Gold Rush, The,105 Industrial Britain, 765766
Evening,624 Goldschmidt, Walter, 566,654 on Moana, 62, 8687,217
Futter, Walter, Africa Speaks to Golestan, Ebrahim, 474475 National Film Board,
You,436 Brick and Mirror, 473, 474,477 373375,382
Fire,A,474 newsreels, 217218
Gabara, Rachel, 914, 924937 Goodbye, Longfellow Road, 771772 on Potemkin,222
Gabriel, Teshome, 926, 934,936 Good Neighbors,316 on Romance Sentimentale,224
Garbage,554 Good Times,832 Shipyard, 316,767
Gardner, Robert Gordon, Colin,369 on Thunder Over Mexico,224
Dead Birds,653 Gorgeous Elks Parade,583 on Today We Live,227
Hunters, The, 462, 463,472 Goskinokalendar,168 on Turksib,217
Gasnier, Louis, Kismet,94 Gow,268 on Voyage au Congo,217
Gasp Cod Fisherman,376 Graef, Robert on Workers and Jobs,767
Gaumont,981 Decision,654 Griffith, D. W., 8081,230
Gay Divorce, The,437 Space Between Words, The,654 Birth of a Nation, The, 328,831
Gay USA,665 Granada Television,656 Intolerance,348
Geertz, Clifford,751 Grand Canyon:The Hidden Isn't Life Wonderful?,142
Gehr, Ernie, SignalGermany on the Secrets,992 Grizzly Man, 5, 852, 853, 856,
Air,780 Grand Feature Film Company,24 864869
General Electric Company,140 Grant, Lawrence,23 Group f.64, 234235,245
General Motors (GM), 318, 320, 811, Grant, Lee, The Wilmar 8, Group Theatre,252
812, 841, 904,905 644645,649 Grow Hybrid Maize,401
Genet, Jean, The Blacks, 483484 Granton Trawler,223 Growing Up Female, 668,684
Gennin hokpku:Haneda toso no Graphic Films,444 Grune, Karl,145
kiroku. See Report fromHaneda Gras, Enrico, Earthly Paradise,437 Street, The,145
German Retreat and the Battle of Grass:ANation's Battle for Life, Grupo Cine Testimonio,601
Arras, The,119 93108,971 Guernica, 612613
German Side of the War, The,24 Great Dictator, The, 636,814 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?,343
Getino, Ottavio, 534, 600,604 Great Ecstacy of the Sculptor Steiner, Guevara, Alfredo,605
Hour of the Furnaces, The, 531532, The,808 Guggenheim, Charles, 407,412
534544, 597,988 Greater London Council (GLC), 701, Gunning,Tom,3
Gheyssar,473 705,706 Gusdorf, Georges, 926, 927,936
Gibbons, Floyd, With Byrd at the Greatest Story Ever Told, The,412
South Pole,278 Great Italian-Austrian Struggle,22 H2O, 234,236
Gilbert, Craig, An American Family, Great Road, The, 176178 Hacker, Leonard, Cinematic
526528,641 Great Train Robbery, The,71 Design,236
Index 1011

Haesaert, Paul, From Renoir to Hell of the Virgin Forest, The,436 Histoires des crevettes. See Shrimp
Picasso, 437438 Hell's Holiday,268 Stories
Halpern, David, Jr., Hollywood on Hemingway, Ernest Historie National Baptist
Trial,647 Death in the Afternoon,272 Convention,583
Halsted Street,237 Spain in Flames,272 History and Romance of
Hammer, Barbara, Devotion:AFilm Spanish Earth, The, 240, 241, Transportation,318
about Ogawa Productions,955 261265, 270272, 275, 278, History Lessons,780
Hancock,David 279, 315,823 History of the Civil War,167
Naim and Jabar,654 Sun Also Rises, The,272 History of the Great European
Vermont Conversations,654 Haneda Sumiko, My View of War,24
Hanada Kiyoteru,613 the Cherry Tree with Grey History of the Worlds Greatest War,
Handler, Mario, Me gustan los Blossoms,622 The,24
estudiantes,597 Henricksen, Leonardo, The Battle of Hitchens, Gordon,418
Hands,241 Chile,847 Hitler, Adolph, Triumph of the Will,
Handsworth Songs, 698699,704 Henry Browne, Farmer, 333334 281310, 360, 571, 751,908
Happily Ever After,316 Herman, William, The Negro News Hitler, a Film from Germany (a.k.a.
Happy Mother's Day, 499,909 Reel,595 Our Hitler), 776777, 780, 796
Hara Kazuo, 623625 Heroic Negro Soldiers of the World HIV Anti-Body Test for the Black
Extreme Private Eros:Love Song War,588 Community, The,720
1974, 623,624 Herschensohn, Bruce, 412,418 Hock, Winton,107
My Mishima, 628,629 Five Cities of June, The, 409, Hoefler, Paul, Africa Speaks to
Hara Masato, First Emperor,622 412413,418 You,436
Haripura Congress Session, The,385 John F.KennedyYears of Holbrook, Josiah,17
Harlan County, U.S.A., 642, Lightning, Day of Drums, 413, Holden, Stephen,937
644645, 669, 681682, 821, 418,631 Holliday, George,795
842, 843845, 847848 President, The, 413, 418419 Hollywood on Trial,647
Harleston, Elise Forrest, 577578 Hershman, Lynn,747 Hollywood Writers' Mobilization,
Haroun, Mahamat Saleh, Bye Bye Herzog, Werner,5,915 The Negro Soldier,341
Africa,940 Cave of Forgotten Dreams, Holm, Bill,70
Harrison, Marguerite E.,93107 989995 Holmes, E.Burton, 1718, 24,2728
Grass:ANation's Battle for Life, Encounters at the End of the World, Holmes, Oliver Wendell,2930
93108,971 989,993 Holocaust, 780,785
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Great Ecstacy of the Sculptor Home for Life,572
2, 989, 991992 Steiner, The,808 Home Movie,827
Harvesting Shadows of Grass (Kusa Grizzly Man, 5, 852, 853, 856, Home of the Brave,343
no kage o karu), 623,625 864869 Homesteader, The,579
Harvest of Shame, 453454, Land of Silence and Darkness,808 Homosexual is Not Perverse but the
457,751 La Soufrire,827 Society which Produces Him,
Hatsukuni Shirasumera no Mikoto. He's in the Navy,385 The,664
See First Emperor Heston, Charlton,266 Hong Kong Film Festival,945
Havorille, Aloid, This is Heta Village (Heta Buraku), 619, Hookers on Davie,821
America,278 622623,626 Hoppla! Wir leben,179
Hawk, C. E.,595 Heyerdahl, Thor, Kon Tiki,746 Horizons (Horizontes),413
Haynes Photoplay,586 Hickenlooper, George, Hearts Horne, Jennifer, 326,915923
Head of a Pin, The, 243, of Darkness:AFilmmaker's Horse Thief,946
980981,983 Apocalypse,796 Hospital, 772,821
Healthcaring,669 Higashi Yichi, 616,622 Htel des invalides,436
Heap O Livin,316 Highest Tradition, The,592 Hotel Terminus:The Life and Times
Hearst Metrotone, 412413 High School, 556560, 821, of Klaus Barbie,796
News of the Day, 412413 897,898 Hour of the Furnaces, The (La
Heart Disease,315 Highway 66,241 Hora de los Hornos), 531532,
Heart of Spain, 240241 Higson, Andrew,355 534544, 597,988
Hearts and Minds, 751, 887,901 Hiley, Nicholas, 60,115 Hour of the Wolf,645
Hearts of Darkness:AFilmmaker's Hillier, Jim, on Listen to Britain, 353, Hours for Jerome,982
Apocalypse,796 354355, 363,364 Household Finance Corporation
Heath, Stephen,308 Hill, Jerome,935 Happily Ever After,316
He Jianjun, Red Beads, 946,951 Hine, Lewis, 237, 838839 Heap O Livin,316
Heimat,780 Men At Work:Photographic House Is Black, The, 432, 473477
Heisho shikosho. See Claustromania Studies of Modern Men and House Un-American Activities
Heisler, Stuart,336 Machines, 838839, 849,850 Committee (HUAC),647
Biscuit Eater, The,336 Hirlekar, K. S.,384 Housing Problems, 226, 315, 317, 441,
Negro Soldier, The, 332347 Hirschensohn, Bruce,407 645, 750, 767768,819
Heller, Edmund,23 Histoire du Soldat Inconnu,178 Howe, Lyman,24
How Green Was My Valley,274 Independent Broadcasting Iwanami Productions,616
How Some Jellyfish Are Born (Comment Authority (IBA),706 I Was a 90-Pound Weakling,499
naissent des mduses),982 Indian Affairs Branch of Immigration I Went to Pit College, 837, 848,849
Huang tudi,945 and Citizenship,378
Huestis, Marc, Chuck Indian News Parade (INP),386 Jack London's Adventures in the
Solomon:Coming of Age, Indians, Our Brothers,436 South Seas,23
714716, 719,720 Indiens du Canada,378 Jacobs, Lewis, 62, 235, 238, 241,
Huillet, Danile, 752, 777,909 Industrial Britain, 316, 765766 243246, 278,279
Fortini-Cani, 777,780 Industrial India,385 Jacquet, Luc, March of the
History Lessons,780 Inextinguishable Fire, 916923 Penguins,970
Introduction to An Inflation, 179180 Jaguar,481
Accompaniment for a Information Films of India Jameson, Fredric, 926, 934,
Cinematographic Scene, (IFI),386 936,937
752753 Ingram, Rex, The Arab,94 Jane, 495,821
Too Early, Too Late,780 Insdorf, Annette, 927,936 Jane Fonda,494
Hunters, The, 462, 463,472 In Search of Lincoln,411 Janie's Janie, 668, 677, 684689
Hunting Big Game in Africa,971 Institute of Scientific Cinema,976 Japan Communist Party (JCP),
Hurwitz, Leo, 234, 238, Instructional Steamer'Red 611,612
249255,849 Star,'167 Jarecki, Andrew,5,868
Native Land, 234, 236, 240, International Association of Science Capturing the Friedmans, 5, 852,
820,823 Films,976 853, 856861, 863,866
Plow that Broke the Plains, The, International Ethnographic Film Jarl, Stefan
234, 236, 240, 269, 277, 315, Conference,653 Respectable Life,A,643
321, 333, 630, 820,891 International Motion Picture They Call Us Misfits,643
on Strand,246 Service,411 Jazz Singer, The,831
Huston, John, 330331,407 In the Amazon Jungles with the Jennings, Humphrey, 267, 326,
Battle of San Pietro, The, 646,827 Captain Besley Expedition,23 352364,441
Hyas and Stenorhynchus (Hyas et In the King of Prussia,823 Diary for Timothy,A,353
stenorinques),982 In the Land of the Headhunters (Au Fires Were Started,353
pays du scalp), 1415, 6768, Listen to Britain,353
Iampolsky, Mikhail,4, 182190 7080,436 Spare Time,432
I Am Somebody,669 In the Land of the War Canoes, Jersey, William C., A Time for
I Can Hear It Now,456 6971, 7475,7880 Burning,571
Ideal Citizen,401 In the National Interest,368 Jetty of Zonguldac, The,438
Ideology and Image,751 In the Year of the Pig, 631, 646,649 JFK, 795797, 801802,906
I. F.Stone's Weekly, 693, 696,697 Intolerance,348 Jiang Hu:Life on the Road, 947,
If You Love This Planet,821 Into the Deep 3D,992 949, 958959
Igloo,268 Introduction to An Accompaniment JiangYue
I Graduated!, 946, 948,951 for a Cinematographic Scene, Other Bank, The, 953,954
Iimura Takahiko,616 752753 River Is Stilled,A,953
Ikiru:Okinawa Tokashikijima Intruder in the Dust,343 Jia Zhangke,949
shudan jiketsu kara nijugonen. In Tune With Tomorrow,319 Platform,949
See Living:Twenty-five Years Iowa Jima newsreels, 328329 John F.KennedyYears of Lightning,
after the Mass Suicide Iron Horse, The,105 Day of Drums, 413, 418,631
on Tokashiki Island, Okinawas Ise Shin'ichi, 609,627 Johnson, Martin and Osa, 23, 76,
Ikui Eik,621 Isherwood, Christopher, on Berlin 102,103
I Like Students(Me gustan los Stories,892 Baboona, 102,269
estudiantes),597 Ishi no uta. See Poem ofStones Borneo,269
Ill Tell the World,316 Isn't Life Wonderful?,142 Congorilla, 102,269
Image Arts (Japan),616 It Happened One Night,333 Simba, 102,971
Imagine,941 Ivens, Joris, 136137, 178, 196198, Trailing African Wild Animals,971
IMAXfilms 230, 237, 246, 535, 770, Johnson, Noble,595
Aliens of the Deep 3D,992 815820, 823824,914 Johnston, Claire, 680682,687
Into the Deep 3D,992 Breakers, 192,194 Jones, D. B.,368
Everest,992 Bridge, The, 137, 192195,753 Jones, Peter P., 577, 583585, 591,
To Fly,992 Collaboration in Documentary, 594. See also Peter P.Jones
Grand Canyon:The Hidden 815817 PhotoplayLtd.
Secrets,992 Power and the Land, 236, 241, Slacker, The,585
Journey into Amazing Caves,992 269, 815, 819, 823, 893,894 Jnouchi Motoharu, Going Down
Imperial Film Company,385 Rain, 137, 192195,753 into Shinjuku Station,622
Imperial Relations Trust, 373374 Spanish Earth, The, 240, 241, Journal Inachev,823
Impressions of a Sunset (Nichibotsu 261265, 270272, 275, 278, Journey into Amazing Caves,992
no insho), 623,626 279, 315,823 Journeys with George, 967968
Index 1013

Joyce at 34, 669, 677, 684687,827 King, Noel, 680682,687 Kyokushiteki erosu: Renka 1974.
Julia,832 King Kong, 104,971 See Extreme Private Eros:
Julien, Isaac, 914,915 King, the Cow, and the Banana Tree, Love Song1974
Who Killed Colin Roach?,702 The,936
Junko,Wada King Visits His Armies in the Great La Bamba,700
Claustromani,624 Advance, The,119 La Chute de la Maison Usher, 151,161
Peach Baby Oil,624 Kinochestvo, 171173 Lady Chatterly's Lover,470
Juvenile Court, 559, 560561 Kino-Eye (Kino-Glaz), 153156, Lady Mackenzies Big Game
159160, 168, 186, 232,432 Pictures,23
Kael, Pauline Kino-eye group, 144145, 232,531 L'Age d'or, 201202, 205, 213,538
on Gimme Shelter, 433, 533, 571575 Kinonedelia, 163167,170 La Fdration Internationale des
on Shoah, 725, 781,782 Kinopravda, 155, 163164, Archives du Film (FIAF),52
Kael, William, Le monde selon 167169,432 La Franaise et l'amour,463
Bush,968 Kinshasa Palace,940 La Hora de los Hornos. See Hour of
Kahana, Jonathan, xiiixiv, 1315, Kiroku Eiga, 612614 the Furnaces
135137, 325327, 431433, Kiroku Eiga Sakka Kykai, 612, Lambert, Gavin, on Listen to Britain,
531533, 723725, 913923 614616 355,364
Kahn, Albert,58,63 Kisan,392 Lambeth Boys, The,462
Kaltenborn, Hans,279 Kismet,94 Lamorisse, Albert, Bim,436
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Kitano Etsuko,626 Land, The, 241, 269, 818819,827
275,279 Klein, Bonnie, Not a Love Land of Liberty, 317318
Kamiyama Katsue,626 Story:AFilm about Land of Silence and Darkness,808
Kanai Katsu,609 Pornography, 644, 645, 651, Land of the Chuvash, The (Strana
Kanai Katsue,627 821, 825827 Chuvashii),189
Kanter, Hal, Julia,832 Klein,Jim Land Without Bread (Las Hurdes or
Kanwar, Amar, 914,915 Growing Up Female, 668,684 Terre sans pan), 137, 199214,
Kaplan, E.Ann,533 Union Maids, 644, 647, 649, 651, 500,808
Kapur, Geeta,914 674, 677, 681682, 822,901 Lane, Jim, 928,937
Karchkeimer, Manny, Stations of the Kleinhans, Chuck, on War at Home, Lange, Dorothea,675
Elevated, 754755 The,822 Lang, Fritz, 7576,81
Kartemquin Films, The Chicago Kleinschmidt, FrankE.,23 Langmuir, Irving, Surface
Maternity Center Story, 669, Kline, Herbert,260 Chemistry,315
672,677 Heart of Spain, 240241 Lanzmann, Claude, 724,725
Kaufman, Mikhail, 152, 166, 170, Klinger, Barbara, 915, 989995 on Holocaust,776
184,191 Koenig, Wolf, Lonely Boy, 495, 498, Shoah, 776793, 796, 797,
Moscow,189 639,821 799803
Kawase Naomi, 609610, 625627 Kji Wakamatsu,619 La Pieuvre. See Octopus,The
Embracing,624 Kon Tiki,746 Laplaine, Zeka, Kinshasa
Suzaku (Moe no suzaku),609 Kopaline, Ilya,170 Palace,940
Kazar, Gadget,260 Kopple, Barbara La Prada, Malcolm, Rambling
Kazin, Alfred,892 American Dream, 839, Reporter,278
Kazuo, Kuroki, 614, 616,622 842848,851 La pyramide humaine, 465,488
Kearton, Cherry, Roosevelt in Africa,971 Harlan County, U.S.A., 642, La Rgle du jeu,513
Keddah,385 644645, 669, 681682, 821, Larner, Stevan, 413414
Keedick, Lee,22 842, 843845, 847848 Evil Wind Out, 413416
Keeper of the Rules:Congressman Korlevich, Vladimir,189 Few Notes on Our Food Problem,
Smith and the New Frontier, Kozloff, Sarah, 275,279 A, 416,419
The,457 Kracauer, Siegfried, 137, 142147, Letter From Colombia, A,
Kensal House,315 179180,683 413414,416
Keshishian, Alex, Madonna:Truth Kramer, Robert, 552555 School at Rincon Santo, The,
or Dare,796 Kreines, Jeff,900 414417
Kiarostami, Abbas, 473, 474475 Kriemhild's Revenge,76 LArroseur arros,4647
ABC Africa, 475476 Kroitor, Roman, Lonely Boy, 495, Las Hurdes. See Land WithoutBread
Close-Up,473 498, 639,821 Lasky, Jesse,101
Taste of Cherry,474 Kubelka, Peter, Unsere Afrikareise, La Soufrire,827
Wind Will Carry, The,476 635,754 Last Laugh, The,105
Kid, The,490 Kuchar, George,747 La symphonie paysanne,462
Kid Who Couldn't Miss, The,823 Kuhn, Annette, 309 La terre tremble,461
Kimiai, Massoud, Gheyssar,473 Kuleshov, Lev, 150, 169, 175, 184,254 La Vie sur terre,940
Kimiavi, Parviz, The Mongols,473 Kunuk, Zacharias,79 Law and Order, 557, 558, 572,897
King,Allan Kusa no kage o karu. See Harvesting Lawrence, Theodore,313
Married Couple,A,566 Shadows ofGrass Lazarus, Margaret, Taking Our
Warrendale, 566, 821,907 Kyiku Eiga Sakka Kykai, 611612 Bodies Back,669
LBJ,597 on Man with the Movie Camera, Fight for Life, The, 236, 242,
Leach, Jim, 326, 352365, 441,820 The, 151152 246,269
Leacock, Richard (Ricky), 277, 432, People of the Cumberland,269 New Deal documentaries, 234,
490491, 504506, 521, 567, Steiner's letter to, 258260 235, 236, 238,241
818, 896, 897, 899900 LHippocampe. See The Seahorse Plow that Broke the Plains, The,
on Don't Look Back, 522,899 Life in Harlem,589 234, 236, 240, 269, 315, 321,
on Drew Associates, 521522 Life of General Villa, The,24 333, 630,891
Happy Mother's Day,909 Life Space,950 River, The, 235, 242, 243, 269,
Jane,495 Lightning Over Braddock, 902, 315, 333, 630, 890895,898
Primary, 433, 494, 503525, 624, 905906 Los Angeles Film and Photo
639, 641,821 Lights,437 League, The Strange Case of
Leadership and the Negro Li Hong, Out of Phoenix Bridge, Tom Mooney,241
Soldier,335 947, 952953 Losey, Joseph, Pete Roleum and His
Learning Tree, The,590 Like a Rose,669 Cousins,319
Le Djeuner de bb,46 Lincoln Jubilee,583 Los Olvidados,213
Le Dernier Glacier,823 Lincoln Motion Picture Company, Lost Horizon,333
Leenhardt, Roger,349 586,595 Louisiana Story, 367, 630631,
Le farrebique,462 Day with the Tenth Cavalry at Fort 728730, 818819, 824825,838
Left Front of the Arts (LEF), 183, 185, Huachaca, Arizona,A,588 Lourdes,462
187189 Trooper of Company K, 587588 Love Life of the Octopus, The (Les
Glass Eye, The,189 Lindquist, Jan, They Call Us Amours de la pieuvre),975
Land of the Chuvash, The,189 Misfits,643 Lovesey, Oliver, 932,937
Lger, Fernand, 231232, 244,892 Line to the Tschierva Hut he,908 Lowenthal, John, The Trials of Alger
Ballet Mcanique, 220,894 L'invention du monde,436 Hiss, 644,646
Legnazzi, Remo, Looking for Better Lion Hunters, The,483 Lumire brothers, 4447, 54, 55,
Dreams,644 Lippmann, Walter, 371373, 63, 166, 348,441, 747, 753,
Lejeune, Philippe, 927928,936 406, 449451 756, 992
Le Joli mai,639 Liquid Crystals (Cristaux Boat Leaving Harbour, A,4547
Lemberg, Alexandre,164 liquides),982 LArroseur arros,4647
Le monde selon Bush,968 Listen to Britain, 352365, 441,639 Workers Leaving the Lumire
Lerner, Irving, 234,244 Littn, Miguel,597 Factory, 4447,348
Place to Live,A,269 Little Corner of Lu Wangping, The Story of Wang
Lesage, Julia, 533, 668679,828 the Earth, The,437 Laobai, 655, 947, 952,953
Les Amours de la pieuvre. See The Liulang Beijing. See Lumumba:Death of the Prophet,
Love Life of the Octopus Bumming in Beijing: 935,936
Le Sang des btes. See Blood of the The Last Dreamers
Beasts,The Living:Twenty-five Years after MacDougall, David and Judith, 416,
Les archives de la plante,58 the Mass Suicide on 565570, 645, 649, 653655,
Les enfants nous parlent,462 Tokashiki Island, Okinawa 657658
Leslie, Alfred, Pull My Daisy,635 (Ikiru:Okinawa Tokashikijima To Live With Herds, 566,654
Les matres fous. See The Mad shudan jiketsu kara Lorang's Way,641
Masters nijugonen),622 Wedding Camels, 641, 649650
Lest We Forget, 268,968 Living Buddha of Kangha, The,947 Wife Among Wives,A,641
Letter From Colombia, A, Living Desert, The, 971, 973974 Macfadden Publications, Ill Tell the
413414,416 Livingston, Jennie, Paris is Burning, World,316
Letter From Siberia,752 796,805 Mackenzie Arctic Expeditions, Sir
Letter to Senghor,936 LOeuf dpinoche: William,83
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, 728, De la fecundation lclosion. Mackenzie, Kent,412
848,851 See The Sticklebacks Egg: Mackenzie, Lady Grace,23
Le Vampire. See Vampire,The From Fertilization to Hatching MacLeish, Archibald,261
Lvi-Strauss, Claude, 353, Londen in Oorlogstijd,60 Fall of the City, The,272
364,679 London, Jack,35 Panic,272
Le voleur de bicyclette,461 Londoners, The, 315,316 MacNee, Graha,268
Lewis, Edward, 589590 Lonely Boy, 495, 498, 639,821 MacNeil/Lehrer Report, The,645
Colored Champions of Sports and Looking for Better Dreams (Nuove Maddow, Ben, 229, 241,267
Colored America on Parade, Frontieras),644 Mad Masters, The (Les matres fous),
589590 Lorang's Way,641 462, 482484
Life in Harlem,589 Lorentz, Pare, 6, 137, 256, 258, 267, Madonna:Truth or Dare,796
Lewis, JohnL.,21 314,385 Magic City, The,580
Leyda, Jay, 162,234 City, The, 234236, 239, 240, 314, Magic Moments,401
Bridge, The, 137, 174181, 321, 891895 Magic Motion Picture Company,579
192195,753 Collaboration in Documentary, Making Christmas Crackers,57,61
Bronx Morning,A,237 815817 Making of Citizens, The,371
Index 1015

Maldonado, Eduardo, 601602 Maysles, Albert, 504, 505,896 Messrs. Barlow and Jones Ltd.,57
Malinowski, Bronislaw,568 Primary, 433, 494, 503525, 624, Methuselah,975
Malins, Geoffrey, 117120,130 639, 641,821 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),
Malkmus, Elizabeth,926 Maysles, Albert and David,533 272, 278,395
Mamber, Stephen, 493, 495, 499, Gimme Shelter, 433, 571575,883 Metz, Christian, 687,688
504, 505, 895, 908,909 Salesman, 571572, 641, 772, 821, Mexican War Pictures,24
on Nehru,900 897899 Meyers, Sidney
on Primary, 508, 510511, 514,518 Maysles, David, 522,899 Decision for Chemistry,366
Manchester and Bolton,57 Mazursky, Paul,687 People of the Cumberland,269
Manhatta, 234,235 McAllister, Stewart,353 Michael, a Gay Son,823
Manifeste du surralisme,199 McCann, Richard Dyer, 411412 Micheaux, Oscar, 589,591
Man of Aran, 242, 655, 657, 729, McConnell, Philip,314 God's Step Children,579
771, 818,824 McDougall, Marina, Science is Homesteader, The,579
Manufacture of Walking Sticks,57 Fiction:The Films of Jean Michelson, Annette, 137, 148162,
Man Who Dances:Edward Villella,900 Painlev,969 632, 637638
Man with the Movie Camera, The, McDowell (MacDowell), Edward Mickey's Surprise Party,319
144145, 148161, 167, 191, 232, Burton,1820 Microcosmos, Le peuple de lherbe. See
250, 357, 538, 641, 750, 752, McDowell, J. B.,120 The People of theGrass
753,894 McElwee, Ross, 852, 853,856 Middletown, 641,823
March, Frederic,261 Sherman's March, 805, 869, 901, Milestone Film and Video, 104105,
March, The,413 903905,906 107,108
March International des McGarry, Eileen, 683684 Miller, Lewis,17
Programmes et Equipments de McGuinness, James Kevin,272 Millet, Kate, Three Lives, 669,677
Tlvision,506 McKaye, Steele,33 Millhouse:AWhite Comedy, 631,
March of the Penguins,970 McLaren, Norman,368 636,646
March of Time, The, 242, 264, 268, 272, Mead, Margaret, 416,433 Million Dollar Productions,589
343, 386, 509, 639, 729, 768,770 on American Family, An, 5, 9, Millions of Us,241
Heart Disease,315 526528 Mimi no naka no mizu. See Water in
Men of Medicine,315 Mechanical Principles,234 MyEars
Marey, Etienne-Jules, 44,971 Meet John Doe,333 Minamata Series, 616617
Margaret Mead Film Festival,652 Meet Marlon Brando,899 Ministry of Information and
Mariposa Film Group,665 Me gustan los estudiantes. See I Like Broadcasting (India), 383,396
Word is Out:Stories of Some of Students Miracles of the Universe (Die Wunder
Our Lives, 531, 644, 645, 647, Mehrjui, Dariush, The Cow,473 der Welt), 146,180
664667 Meisel, Edmund Missiles of October, The,823
Marjoe,821 Berlin, die Symphonie einer Mitrata Ki Yatra,401
Marker, Chris, 181, 243, 416, 824, Grossstadt,143 Miyako,622
962,963 Potemkin,143 Moana, 3, 62, 8688, 217, 219, 242,
Letter From Siberia,752 Mekas, Jonas, 8, 148, 432, 501502, 384, 729, 818,971
Markt am Wittenbergplatz. See Street 638, 724,747 Models,643
Markets inBerlin on Reminiscences of a Journey to Mograbi, Avi,915
Married Couple,A,566 Lithuania, 737741 Moholy-Nagy, Lzl, 231,244
Marshall, John,653 on Walden:Diaries, Notes, & Moi, un Noir, 484,486
Hunters, The, 462, 463,472 Sketches, 738,740 Moments without Proper Names,591
N!ai, 648,649 Mlis, Georges, 8, 31, 46, Momma Don't Allow,444
Martin, Marcel, on Histoire du 7576,994 Momoiro no bebi oiru. See Peach
Soldat Inconnu,178 Voyage dans la lune,7576 BabyOil
Masculine Mystique, The,823 Melody of the World (Die Melodie der Mongoloid,971
Massey-Harris Company, Ltd.,381 Welt),179 Mongols, The,473
Mass Observation,355 Memphis Belle,340 Monsanto Company, Decision for
Massot, Claude,79 Men and Dust, 240,241 Chemistry,366
Masumura Yasuz,614 Men At Work:Photographic Studies Monterey Pop,890, 907
Matabene, Khalo,941 of Modern Men and Machines, Monument for the Third
Matsue Tetsuaki, 838839, 849,850 International, The, 153154
Annyong-Kimchi,627 Men Make Steel,319 Moore, Michael, 806, 850851,
Matsumoto Takeaki,618 Men of Africa,317 915,938
Mayakovsky, Vladimir,540 Men of Lunenberg,376 Fahrenheit 9/11, 961968
Mayer,Carl Men of Medicine,315 Pets or Meat:The Return to Flint,
Berlin, die Symphonie einer Menschen am Sonntag. See People 840,966
Grossstadt, 143147, 179, onSunday Roger & Me, 757, 796, 797,
220222, 232, 235236, Mental Mechanisms Series,820 799, 801802, 805, 810814,
244245,357 Mercey, Arch,230 839842, 850851, 869, 890,
Tartuffe,143 Merriam, Charles, 370373 902906, 909,966
Moran, James, 855, 864,869 N!ai, 648,649 Nations at War, The,22
Theres No Place Like Home Naim and Jabar,654 Native Land, 234, 236, 240242,
Video,854 Nakai Masakazu,611 820,823
Morin, Edgar, 106, 432, 472,565 Nakano Rie,626 Nature Friends Photo-Group in
Chronicle of a Summer, 461472, Nana, Mom, and Me,674 NewYork,246
478481, 486, 488, 567, 639, Nanook of the North, 3, 78, 1315, Nature's Half Acre, 971,972
641, 903,949 60, 7677, 79, 8388, 100, 101, National Broadcasting Company
Morris, Errol, 725, 807809,902 105, 220, 242, 463, 490, 491, (NBC), 278279, 445,509,
Thin Blue Line, The, 723, 757, 650, 655657, 729, 753, 818, 839, 850
796800, 807809, 902,909 825, 889,971 TV Nation,850
on Wiseman,808 Nanook Revisited,79 National Endowment for the
Morris, Peter,368 Narita:The Peasants of the Second Humanities (NEH),822
Moscow (Moskva),189 Fortress, 618619,655 N.B.C. White Paper, 445,455
Moscow Film School,254 National American Lyceum,17 Ndiaye, Katy Lena,941
Moss, Carlton, 578,590 National Anthem-cum-Flag,392 Ndiaye, Samba Flix, 939941
Negro Soldier, The, 336343,591 National Archives and Records Letter to Senghor,936
Motion Picture Service, 407, 409, Administration (NARA), Teke, Hymne au Borgou,939
411,413 407,410 NDU Collective
Motoshinkakurannu,622 National Association for the Motoshinkakurannu,622
Mound Bayou, MS:ANegro City Advancement of Colored Onikko:ARecord of the Struggle of
Built by a Former Slave,583 People (NAACP), 333, 335, 340, Youth Laborers,622
Moussinac, Leon,247 341, 342,343 Neale, Steve, 281310, 681,928
Moutoussamy-Ashe, Jeanne,577 Negro Soldier, The, 333, 341342 'Neath Poland's Harvest Skies,94
MPO Productions, The American National Child Labor Neely, F.Tennyson,2223
Road,366 Committee,237 Negro Colleges in Wartime,333
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town,333 National Council of Social Service, The Negro Marches On, Inc.,341
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 275, Today We Live,227 Negro News Reel, The,595
279, 333, 334,967 National Endowment of the Arts, Negro Rice Farmer, The,595
Mr. Tim Collective, Another Man, 744,756 Negro Soldier, The, 326, 332347,591
711715, 718719 National Film Alliance,260 Negro Soldiers Fighting for Uncle
Mulvey, Laura, 688,867 National Film Board (Canada), 326, Sam,583
Mumford, Lewis, 233234, 243, 368381, 683,822, 828 Nehru, 900901
893,897 Canada Carries On,376 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 391, 393, 398,
Murder of Fred Hampton, The,901 Courtship,474 400, 402403, 405
Murnau,F.W. Frontier College,377 Neighbours,368
Last Laugh, The,105 Gasp Cod Fisherman,376 Neotechnic Age,243
Nosferatu,975 Making of Citizens, The,371 Newcomers, The,377
Tabu, 88,219 Men of Lunenberg,376 New Day,A,315
Murrow, Edward R.,451 Newcomers, The,377 New Day Films, Union Maids,
Biography of a Missile,453 No Longer Vanishing/Indiens du 644, 647, 649, 651, 674, 677,
Harvest of Shame, 453454, Canada,378 681682, 822,901
457,751 On a Day Off,379 New Economic Policies (NEP),
See it Now, 446, 456458 Passport to Canada,376 166,175
USIA, 408412 Peoples of the Maritimes,376 Newlyweds:Nick and Jessica,962
Museum of Modern Art, 60,105 Prairie Profile, 375376 New Objectivity,142
Museum of Modern Art Film Threshold:The Immigrant Meets News of the Day, 412413
Department, 54, 106107, 148, the School,378 Newsreels, 24, 174, 182186, 550555
228, 243, 246,342 National Film Board (Canada), StudioB Cuba-El Nacional,606
Muslim Festival in Secular India,A,393 Candid-Eye group, 495, 497498 El Noticiero America,606
Musser, Charles, xiiixviii, 3, 14, 15, City of Gold,368 Grierson on, 217218
60, 62,798 Corral,368 Iowa Jima, 328329
Mutual Weekly,24 Neighbours,368 Mekas on, 501502
Muybridge, Eadweard, 44, 757,971 Paul Tomkowicz:Street-railway NewYork Newsreel, 552553
My Country,85 Switchman, 368, 377,820 San Francisco Newsreel, 551552
My Fair Lady,839 Romance of Transportation in New Theatre,238
My Land My Dreams,401 Canada, The,368 NewYork Film Festival,696
My Mishima (Watashi no Mishima), National Film Center (Japan),622 NewYork Newsreel, 552553
628,629 National Geographic Next Voice You Hear, The,277
MysoreGem of India,385 Sonoran Desert, AViolent Eden, Ngangura, Mweze, The King, the
My Time in the Red Guards,946 978,980 Cow, and the Banana Tree,936
My View of the Cherry Tree with World's Last Great Places, 978,980 Nice Time, 444,462
Grey Blossoms (Usuzumi no National Negro Business League Nichibotsu no insho. See Impressions
sakura),622 (NNBL), 577, 579, 581,586 of aSunset
Index 1017

Nichiybi no ygata. See Sunday Of Great Events and Ordinary Oursins. See Sea Urchins
Evening People,747 Out of Phoenix Bridge, 947, 952953
Nichols, Bill, 265, 276277, Ogawa, Shinsuke, 609, 616, 626, Out of the Blue,401
504505, 521, 525, 639651, 944, 952, 958. See also Ogawa Ove, Horace, Pressure,700
654, 746, 821823, 826, Productions
867868, 869, 895, 908, Forest of Pressure,616 P4W:Prison for Women, 644,
909, 928, 932, 937, 955, Narita:The Peasants of the Second 645,651
970,982 Fortress, 618619,655 Package Tour, 776777
Ideology and Image,751 Prehistory of the Partisan Party, Padenie dinastii Romanovykh. See
on Listen to Britain, 355,364 616617 The Fall of the Romanov Dynasty
on Wiseman,746 Report from Haneda, 616,617 Pa-dga' Living Budha,947
Nichols, Dudley,272 Sanrizuka Series,617 Padilha, Jos, Bus 174, 984988
Niebelungen films,7576 Sea of Youth,616 Padrn, Juan,599
Night and Fog (Nuit et Brouillard), Ogawa Productions, 532, 617623, Paik, Nam June, 829,835
432, 751, 752,887 625626,955 Painlev, Jean, 5, 327, 431, 434438,
Night Mail, The, 227228, 353, 441, Heta Village, 619, 622623,626 971, 974976, 978, 980,982
639, 750, 767, 818820,908 Narita:The Peasants of the Second Acera, or the Witches' Dance,
Nihon kaiho sensen:Sanrizuka. See Fortress, 618619,655 971,976
Winter in Sanrizuka Report from Haneda, 616,626 Love Life of the Octopus, The,975
Nihon kaiho sensen:Sanrizuka Sanrizuka:Peasants of the Second Octopus, The,971
no natsu. See Fortress, 618619,655 Seahorse, The, 974976
Summer in Sanrizuka Summer in Sanrizuka,618 Shrimp Stories,975
Nitsutsumarete. See Embracing Three-Day War in Narita, The,618 Sticklebacks Egg:From
No. 16 Barkhor Street South, Winter in Sanrizuka,618 Fertilization to Hatching,
949950,953 Olive Trees of Justice, The,413 The,982
Noda Shinkichi, 613,616 Olney, James, 926,934 Vampire, The, 975, 976,983
No Longer Vanishing/Indiens du On a Day Off,379 Painters Painting, 631634,
Canada,378 One and Eight,947 647,821
Noriaki, Tsuchimoto, 616,617 One Man's War,780 Pakhati, Dumissani,941
Minamata Series, 610,617 One Plus One,573 Palast, Greg, The Best Democracy
Shiranui Sea, 622,626 Onikko:ARecord of the Money Can Buy, 962,963
North American Indian, The,7273 Struggle of Youth Laborers Paley, William,30,38
Not a Love Story:AFilm about (Onikko:Tatakau seinenrodosha Panafrican Film and Television
Pornography, 644, 821, no kiroku),622 Festival of Ouagadougou
825827 Only the Strong Survive,771 (FESPACO), 914,938
Not Crazy Like You Think,823 Only Yesterday,456 Panic,272
Nous sommes nombreuses,942 Ono Seiko,626 Paramount Pictures
Now!, 597, 599, 605,750 On the Belgian Battlefield,24 Grass:ANation's Battle for Life,
Now After All These Years,781 On the Bowery,462 104105
Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey, on Listen to On the Firing Line with the Iowa Jima newsreel, 328329
Britain, 360,362 Germans,2425 Paris is Burning, 796,805
Nugent, Frank S., 267268 On the Pole, 507,520 Paris Qui Dort, 157158
Nuit et Brouillard. See Night andFog On the Spanish Main,24 Park, Robert, 370,372
Nuns of Minqiong, The,947 On to Cuba,584 Parks, Gordon, 590591
Nuove Frontieras. See Looking for Ophuls, Marcel Diary of a Harlem Family, 590591
BetterDreams Hotel Terminus:The Life and Learning Tree, The,590
Nuremburg Code,773 Times of Klaus Barbie,796 Moments without Proper
Nuridsany, Claude, Microcosmos, Le on Shoah,782 Names,591
peuple de l'herbe, 978980 Orgeron, Marsha and Devin, 5, 724, Parthenogenesis, 669,679
Nykino, 234, 235,258 852869 Paruchizan zenshi. See Prehistory of
Pie in the Sky,242 Oriental Moment, 950,951 the PartisanParty
World Today, The,242 Orphan Film Symposium,407 Pascal, Gabriel, Caesar and
Osborn, General Frederick H.,334 Cleopatra,348
Objects, Things,253 shima Nagisa, 614, 615, 616,619 Passion of Remembrance, The,
October:Ten Days That Shook the Other Bank, The, 953,954 698699, 703704
World, 178,250 tsu Kshir,618 Passion play pictures,21
Octopus, The (La Pieuvre),971 Ouedraogo, Idrissa Passport to Canada,376
O Dreamland,444 Tilai,938 Patek, Alfred,22
Office of Strategic Services Field Yaaba,938 Path, 24, 31, 248, 502,981
Photo Unit,272 Our Country at Peace,22 Pathy, P. V.,384
Office of War Information (OWI), Our Hitler. See Hitler, a Film from Paul J.Rainey's African Hunt, 23,971
345, 346, 347, 590,592 Germany Paul Tomkowicz:Street-railway
Negro Soldier, The, 340,342 Our Regulated Markets,391 Switchman, 368, 377,820
Peabody Coal Company,367 Peters, Paul,260 Private Life of a Silkworm, The,386
Peabody Museum Film Center Petit Petit,478 Progress of the Negro:Facts from
(Harvard), The Hunters, 462, Pets or Meat:The Return to Flint, Farm, Factory, and Fireside,583
463,472 840,966 Promised Land,576
Peach Baby Oil (Momoiro no bebi Phosphate for Plenty,392 Propos de Nice,A,753
oiru),624 Pichel, Irving Prostitute,826
Peck, Arthur K.,2122 Battle of Midway, The, Protected,658
Peck, Raoul, Lumumba:Death of the 272275,279 Protocols of the Elders of Zion,
Prophet, 935,936 How Green Was My Valley,274 The,964
Peckinpah, Sam, The Wild Bunch, Piedra, Mario,599 Public Broadcasting Service(PBS)
874875 Pie in the Sky, 242,260 American Family, An, 526528
Pelosi, Alexandra, Journeys with Pilgrimage of Liberty,411 Chuck Solomon:Coming of Age,
George, 967968 Pillsbury, ArthurC.,22 715716
Pennebaker, D. A., 505, 506, 522, Pina,995 Civil War, The, 796,806
896, 899900 Pinocchio,972 Marlon Riggs documentaries,
Don't Look Back, 433, 522,899 Piotrovsky, Adrian,188 829835
Jane,495 Pirate Haunts,24 Pets or Meat:The Return to Flint,
Primary, 433, 494, 503525, 624, Pittsburgh Survey,237 840,850
639, 641,821 Pittsburgh Trilogy,754 Public relations (PR) film, 612,
People of the Cumberland, 241, Pixote, 985,987 616,622
242,269 Place to Live,A,269 Pudovkin, Vsevelod, 149150, 169,
People of the Grass, The Planes of Hindustan, The,385 175, 253255, 490,817
(Microcosmos, Le peuple de Plantinga, Carl, 277, 279, Storm Over Asia,254
lherbe), 978980 850,909 Pulin,Wen
People on Sunday (Menschen am Platform,949 Living Buddha of Kangha,
Sonntag), 146147,234 Platt, David, 233,238 The,947
People's Account, The,706 Plow that Broke the Plains, The, 234, Nuns of Minqiong, The,947
People's Films:APolitical History 236, 240, 269, 315, 321, 333, Pa-dga' Living Budha,947
of U.S. Government Motion 630,891 Secret Site of Asceticism, The,947
Pictures, The, 411412 Poem of Stones (Ishi no uta),613 Pullman Porter, The,586
People's Front, The,844 Point of Attack,968 Pull My Daisy,635
Peoples of the Maritimes,376 Point of Order, 631, 634636,646 Pumping Iron,821
People with AIDS (PWAs), 710,714 Ponting, Herbert,76 Pumping Iron II:The Women,821
Prennou, Marie, Microcosmos, Le Poole, Frederick,21 Put the Camera on Me,869
peuple de l'herbe, 978980 Poole, Roger,887
Perrault, Pierre,824 Towards Deep Subjectivity,880 Quaggiq,79
Perrin, Jacques,978 Population Explosion, The,453 Quart, Leonard, on Listen to Britain,
Winged Migration, 970,973 Portrait of a Young Man, 234,235 360,364
Persons Living with AIDS (PLWAs), Portrait of Ethiopia,593 Queens, The, 664,821
709, 710, 712, 714,717 Portrait of Jason, 664,907 Quel Numro What Number,823
Persons of Interest,968 Portrait of the ArtistAs an Old Quiet One,820
Pertsov, Viktor, 187,191 Lady,821 Quimby, George,70
Pete Roleum and His Cousins,319 Port-Tarascon,436 Quinn, Gordon, Home for Life,572
Peter P.Jones Photoplay Ltd., Postal Special, The, 227228
583585 Potamkin, Harry, 238, 244246 Rabindrananth Tagore, 391,401
Dawn of Truth, The, 583, 584585 on Berlin,245 Rachleff, Peter, 844, 848,851
Gorgeous Elks Parade,583 on Schub,244 Raiguel, George Earlie,21
Historic National Baptist Workers Films,246 Rain, 137, 192195,753
Convention,583 Potamkin Film School,250 Rainey, PaulJ.,23
For the Honor of the 8th Illinois Poussire de ville,942 Rainey's African Hunt,23
Regiment, 584, 586,587 Power and the Land, 236, 241, 269, Rambling Reporter,278
Lincoln Jubilee,583 815, 819, 823, 893,894 Rangos,217
Mound Bayou, MS:ANegro City Prairie Profile, 375376 Rank, J.Arthur, Caesar and
Built by a Former Slave,583 Pratzner, Wesley,325 Cleopatra,348
Negro Soldiers Fighting for Uncle Prehistory of the Partisan Party Rape, 644, 648, 651, 669, 678,679
Sam,583 (Paruchizan zenshi), 616617 Raymond, Alan and Susan,
On to Cuba,584 Prelude to War, 333,344 An American Family, 45,
Prime Factors in the Re-birth of a Prescott, F.M.,37 526528,641
Nation,583 President, The, 413, 418419 Ray, Satyajit,387
Progress of the Negro:Facts from Pressure,700 Reanimation of the Organism,437
Farm, Factory, and Fireside,583 Price, Clarence,21 Rebirth of a Nation, 584585
Rebirth of a Nation, 584585 Primary, 433, 494, 503525, 624, Red Beads, 946,951
Tuskegee and Its Builder,583 639, 641,821 Redes. See Wave,The
Index 1019

Redpath Chautauqua Collection,25 Rodakiewicz, Henwar Rund um die Liebe, 146,180

Redpath, James,17 City, The, 234236, 239, 240, 314, Rush to Judgment, 631,637
Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 1720,25 321, 891895 Ruskin, John,568
Reeves, Nicholas,129 Portrait of a Young Man, 234,235 Russian Battlefields,24
Reichert,Julia Rodrguez, Marta, Chircales,597 Russia of Nikolai II and Lev Tolstoy,
Growing Up Female, 668,684 Roemer, Michael, Dying, 877,885 The, 177178
Union Maids, 644, 647, 649, 651, Roger & Me, 757, 796, 797, 799, Ruttmann, Walter, 232,892
674, 677, 681682, 822,901 801802, 805, 810814, Berlin, die Symphonie einer
Reiner, Rob, This is Spinal Tap,522 839842, 850851, 869, 890, Grossstadt, 143147, 179, 220222,
Reis, Irving,271 902906, 909,966 232, 235236, 244245,357
Fall of the City, The,272 Romance of Transportation in Die Melodie der Welt,179
Spanish Earth, The,278 Canada, The,368 Hoppla! Wir leben,179
Reitz, Edgar, Heimat,780 Romance Sentimentale,224 Ryan White Story, The,710
Remington, Frederic,39 Roosevelt in Africa,971
Reminiscences of a Journey to Rosie the Riveter, 641, 643644, Sacred Places, 940,942
Lithuania, 737741 647, 648,822 Sad Song of Yellow Skin, The, 644645
Renaud's Thater Optique,44 Ross, Karen, 551554 Saeed-Vafa, Mehrnaz,473
Renoir, Jean, 200,491 Rossellini, Roberto, 490, 552,823 Salesman, 571572, 641, 772, 821,
La Vie est nous, 819,825 Rostov-Luanda,936 897899
Rules of the Game, The, 214, 880881 Rotha, Paul, 143, 224, 226228, Saless, Sohrab Shahid, A Simple
Toni,214 230, 267, 385, 400, 765, Event,473
Renov, Michael, 724, 742755, 767,770 Salisbury, Edward A., 2324,95
868869, 928,937 Children at School, 227, 315, 763,768 Gow,268
Report from Haneda (Gennin Face of Britain,767 Salsbury, Nate,33
hokpku:Haneda toso no kiroku), Housing Problems, 226, 315, 317, Sandall, Roger,653
616,617 441, 645, 750, 767768,819 Sanders, Terry and Denis,412
Rescue of the Stefansson Arctic Night Mail, The, 227228, Sands of Death,437
Expedition,23 353, 441, 639, 750, 767, San Francisco Newsreel, 551552
Resnais, Alain, 437, 535,538 818820,908 Controlling Interest,644
Guernica, 437, 612613 on Ruttman,144 Woman's Film, The, 668,677
Night and Fog, 432, 751, 752,887 Shipyard, 316,767 San Francisco Women's Collective,
Respectable Life,A,643 Today We Live,227 Self Health, 668673, 677,678
Return of the Poetician, The, 743,756 Rother, Rainer,116 Sanjins, Jorge, 597,598
Return to Life,315 Rothschild, Amalie, Nana, Mom, Sankofa, 532, 698707
Reynaud, Brnice, 943944,954 and Me,674 Passion of Remembrance, The,
Richter, Hans, 234, 745,747 Rouch, Jean, 461467, 478489, 698699, 703704
Inflation, 179180 505506, 648,824 Territories, 702703
Riefenstahl, Leni, 137,533 Burial of the Hogon, The,482 San Pietro, 330331, 646,827
Triumph of the Will, 281310, 360, Chronicle of a Summer, 461472, Sanrizuka:Daisanji kyosei
571, 751,908 478481, 486, 488, 567, 639, sokuryo soshi toso. See
Rien Que Les Heures, 143,220 641, 903,949 The Three-Day War inNarita
Riggs, Marlon, 243, 724, 829835 Cocorico, Monsieur Poulet, 482, Sanrizuka:Peasants of the Second
Affirmations, 833834 486488 Fortress (Sanrizuka:Dai ni
Black Is ... Black Ain't, 834835 Jaguar,481 toride no hitobito), 618619,655
Color Adjustment, 832833 La pyramide humaine, 465,488 Sanrizuka Series,617
Ethnic Notions, 830833 Les matres fous, 462, 482484 Sat Tadao,613
Tongues Untied, 833835 Lion Hunters, The,483 Saving of Bill Blewitt, The,316
Right Candidate for Rosedale, Moi, un Noir, 484,486 Scarlett, Robert Dyball,21
The,821 On the Bowery,462 Schaffer, Deborah, Chris and
Riis, Jacob,237 Petit Petit,478 Bernie,669
River, The, 235, 242, 243, 269, 315, Tourou et Bitti,653 Schapiro, Meyer,214
333, 630, 890895,898 Rouquier, George Schievelbusch, Wolfgang,3839
River Elegy, 944945,954 Le farrebique,462 Schoedsack, Ernest B.,93107
River Is Stilled,A,953 Lourdes,462 To the Aid of Poland,94
Road to Freedom, The,395 Rowan, Carl T.,413 Chang, 101, 104, 217,971
Robert Flahertys Man of Aran:How Roy, Srirupa, 327, 383405 Fall of Kiev, The,94
The Myth Was Made,655 Rubbo, Michael Golden Prince,95
Robert Frost,411 Sad Song of Yellow Skin, The, Grass:ANation's Battle for Life,
Robinson Crusoe,213 644645 93108,971
Robinson, Ken, Some of Your Best Waiting for Fidel,827 King Kong, 104,971
Friends,664 Ruiz, Raoul, Of Great Events and 'Neath Poland's Harvest Skies,94
Rocha, Glauber, 535, 597,598 Ordinary People,747 Rango,217
Rock, Joyce, A Wives Tale,644 Rules of the Game, The, 214, 880881 Shepherds of Tatra,94
School,315 Impression of a Sunset, 623,625 Smither, Roger,115
School at Rincon Santo, The, 413417 Shklovsky, Viktor, 182184, 187, 188, Social Science Research Council
Schub, Esfir. See Shub, Esther 190191 (SSRC) (USA),334
(Schub, Esfir) on Fall of the Romanov Dynasty, Society for the Study of the Theory
Schulz, Jane,21 The,187 of Poetic Language (OPOYaZ),
Science is Fiction:The Films of Jean on Forward, Soviet!, 169, 182183 29,183
Painlev,969 Shoah, 725, 776783, 796, 797, Solanas, Fernando,600
Scorsese, Martin, 3D Hugo,994 799804, 806,827 Hour of the Furnaces, The, 531532,
Scott, Ewing, Igloo,268 Lanzmann on, 784793 534544, 597,988
Scott, James, 392, 398400,401 Shochiku Studios,621 Sols, Humberto,597
Scott, Joan Wallach,9 Showman,897 Soldier Girls, 641643, 649, 651,821
Scott, Robert Falcon, 110111 Shrimp Stories (Histoires des Some of Your Best Friends,664
Scott, Tony, Top Gun,967 crevettes),975 Song of Ceylon, 316,441
Scream of Shrapnel at San Juan Hill, Shub, Esther (Schub, Esfir), xviii, Song of the South,972
Cuba,39 14, 137, 174178, 180, 182186, Sonoran Desert, AViolent Eden,
Scurlock, Addison N.,594 191, 244, 630 978,980
Sea, The,474 Doctor Mabuse, 175 Sorenson, E.Richard,567
Seahorse, The (LHippocampe), Fall of the Romanov Dynasty, Sorrow and the Pity, The, 637,780
974976 The, 176178, 182183, 187 Sovkino Studio, 175176
Seal Island, 971,972 Great Road, The, 176178 Space Between Words, The,654
Sea of Youth (Seishun no umi),616 Great Way, The, 185186 Spain,177
Sea Urchins (Oursins),982 Russia of Nikolai II and Lev Spanish Earth, The, 240, 241,
Secret Site of Asceticism, The,947 Tolstoy, The, 177178 261265, 270272, 275, 278,
Secrets of Life,317 Spain, 177 279, 315,823
Secrets of Nature,218 Today, 177, 410 Spare Time,432
Security Treaty (Anpo joyaku),613 Wings of a Serf, 175 Spencer, Baldwin,745
See It Now, 446, 456458 Shuftan, Eugen, Menschen am Spooks Run Wild,343
Seeler, Moritz, Menschen am Sonntag, 146147 Springs,317
Sonntag, 146147 Siegried,76 Spurlock, Morgan, Supersize Me,
Seidler, Ellen, Fighting for Our Lives, SignalGermany on the Air,780 915,984
717719 Sihai Wei Jia, 946,957 Spy, The,437
Seishun no umi. See Sea ofYouth Silent World, The,981 Square, The, 946,949
Self Health, 668673, 677,678 Silva, Jorge,600 Stam, Robert,535
Selig, Colonel, Hunting Big Game in Chircales,597 Standard Oil Company of New
Africa,971 Silverman, Kaja, 932,937 Jersey, and Louisiana Story,
Seltzer, Leo, 407,412 Simba, 102,971 367, 630631, 728730, 818,
Selznick Film Laboratories,585 Simon, Frank, The Queen, 664,821 819, 824825,838
Sen, Mrinal,387 Simple Event,A,473 Stations of the Elevated, 754755
Serum to Wyndham,315 Simpson, Don, Top Gun,967 Stefansson, Vilhjalmur,23
Seventeen,821 Siodmak, Robert, Menschen am Stein, Darren, Put the Camera on
79 Springtimes of Ho Chi Minh,750 Sonntag, 146147 Me,869
Shabazz, Menelik,706 Sir William Mackenzie Arctic Steiner, Jean-Franois,
Burning An Illusion,700 Expeditions,83 Treblinka,779
Shackleton, Ernest Henry, 110111 Sissako, Abderrahmane Steiner, Ralph, 235, 245, 250,
Shadow, The,272 La Vie sur terre,940 252255, 258260,313
Shadow On the Land,316 Rostov-Luanda,936 City, The, 234236, 239, 240, 314,
Shaffer, Deborah, The Wobblies, Sitney, P.Adams, 148, 927,936 321, 891895
644, 645, 647, 649,651 Sixth Part of the Earth (a.k.a. H2O, 234,236
Shagai, Sovet!. See Forward, Soviet! Sixth Part of the World), 166, Hands,241
Shamberg, Morton,232 167,190 Mechanical Principles,234
Sheeler, Charles, 138140,232 Sixty Seconds of Hatred,771 Plow that Broke the Plains, The,
Manhatta, 234,235 Skirmish of Rough Riders,38 234, 236, 240, 269, 315, 321,
Shell, Adam, Put the Camera on Sklar, George,260 333, 630,891
Me,869 Sklar, Robert, 344, 723724, Surf and Seaweed,234
Shelton, Turner,411 726730 Steklyannyi glaz. See Glass Eye,The
Shepherds of Tatra,94 Slacker, The,585 Stephens, A.W.,21
Sherman's March, 805, 869, 901, Small World,458 Stevens, George, Jr., 411413,
903905,906 Smith, Allan,379 416419
Shi Jian, 945946,953 Smith, Howard K., 450, 451, Diary of Anne Frank, The,412
Shipyard, 316,767 459460 Greatest Story Ever Told, The,412
Shiranui Sea (Shiranuikai), 622,626 Smith, Percy, Secrets of Life,317 Stewart, Hugh, Tunisian
Harvesting Shadows of Grass, Smith, W.S., Heroic Negro Soldiers Victory,269
623,625 of the World War,588 Stewart, Potter,1
Index 1021

Sticklebacks Egg:From Fertilization Streetwise,821 Teno, Jean-Marie, 914915, 938942

to Hatching, The (LOeuf Strike, 156, 175,539 Africa, IWill Fleece You (Afrique,
dpinoche:De la fecundation Striptease, 821, 825826 je te plumerai), 936, 937,
lclosion),982 Structure, Wave, Youth and Cinema 940,941
Stiegler, Bernard, 984,986 (SWYC Group), 945946,953 Sacred Places, 940,942
Stieglitz, Alfred, 232233, 496,753 I Graduated!, 946, 948,951 Vacation in the Country,936
Manhatta, 234,235 Square, The, 946,949 Terre sans pan. See Land
Stoddard, JohnL.,17 Tiananmen Square,946 WithoutBread
Stone, Oliver, JFK, 795797, Struggle for Survival,981 Territories, 702703
801802,906 Studio B, National Film Board. See Teshigawara Hiroshi,614
Stoney, George, 326327, National Film Board (Canada), Testing the Limits, 717719
366367,771 StudioB Test of Strength,955
Robert Flahertys Man of Submarine Warfare,22 TGV,942
Aran:How The Myth Was Subramaniam, K.,385 Theatre Collective school,252
Made,655 Sucksdorff, Arne,981 Theatre Ensemble, 'Til Death Do Us
Stop Making Sense,821 Divided World, A, 977978, 980, Part, 710713, 718719
Storck, Henri,178 982983 Theres No Place Like Home
Ancient Faces, Modern Faces,437 Struggle for Survival,981 Video,854
Histoire du Soldat Inconnu,178 Sukhdev,387 They Call Us Misfits,643, 651
La symphonie paysanne,462 Summer in Sanrizuka (Nihon Thief of Baghdad, The, 105,161
Store, The, 821,823 kaiho sensen:Sanrizuka no Thin Blue Line, The, 723, 757,
Storm Over Asia,254 natsu),618 796800, 807809, 902,909
Storm Warning,343 Sun Also Rises, The,272 Third Avenue,771
Story of Lucky Strike, The,319 Sunday Evening (Nichiybi no Third Studio of Goskino,175
Story of Wang Laobai, The, 655, ygata),624 35 Up,796
947,953 Supersize Me, 915,984 This is America,278
Stott, William Surface Chemistry,315 This is Spinal Tap,522
Documentary Expression and Surf and Seaweed,234 Thomas, Lowell,268
Thirties America, 724, Survey,237 Thompson, Kristin, 1617,521
726728,907 Survey Graphic,237 Thomson, David, on Listen to
on Let Us Now Praise Famous Susan Starr,494 Britain,363
Men,728 Suzuki Shiryasu, 620, 623624 Thor, Pirates of the Caribbean:On
Strachan, Carolyn, 652,656 Suzuki Tatsuo,616 Stranger Tides, 989,991
Protected,658 Sweet, Timothy,31 Three-Day War in Narita, The
Two Laws, 533, 652663,823 Swing Time, 993994 (Sanrizuka:Daisanji kyosei
Strana Chuvashii. See The Land of Syberberg, Hans-Jrgen sokuryo soshi toso),618
the Chuvash Hitler, a Film from Germany 3D Hugo,994
Strand, Chick, 724, 731736 (a.k.a. Our Hitler), 776777, Three Lives, 669,677
Strand, Paul, 138140, 232233, 780, 796 Three Songs of Lenin,819
242, 245, 258260, 496, 742, Symbol of Progress,A,391 Threshold:The Immigrant Meets the
753,754 Symphony of the Virgin Forest,436 School,378
Manhatta, 234,235 Thunder Over Mexico,224
Native Land, 234, 236, 240242, Tabu, 88,219 Tiananmen Square,946
820,823 Tagg, John, 749750 Tian Zhuang-zhuang, Horse
Plow that Broke the Plains, The, Tajima,Renee Thief,946
234, 236, 240, 269, 315, 321, Who Killed Vincent Chin?, 796, Tilai,938
333, 630,891 797,805 'Til Death Do Us Part, 710713,
Redes, 234,235 Taj Mahal,395 718719
Strange Case of Tom Mooney, Taking Our Bodies Back,669 Time for Burning,A,571
The,241 Taming the Jungle,267 Tiss, Eduard, 149, 150,170
Strange Victory,820 Tamura Masaki, 616,626 Titicut Follies, 559, 561564, 771773,
Strasberg, Leo, 252255 Tarnation, 5, 852, 853, 856, 898, 899,909
Straub, Jean-Marie,752 860864, 866, 869,984 Today, 177,410
Fortini-Cani, 777,780 Tartuffe,143 Today We Live,227
History Lessons,780 Taste of Cherry,474 Todorov, Tzvetan, 742, 743,756
Introduction to An Tatlin, Vladimir, 153154 To Fly,992
Accompaniment for a Taylor, Clyde, 926,936 Together,444
Cinematographic Scene, Teamwork, 342,343 Tokyo Chrome Desert (Tokyo kuromu
752753 Teasing the Snakes,71 sabaku),622
Too Early, Too Late,780 Teke, Hymne au Borgou,939 To Live With Herds, 566,654
Street, The,145 Temaner, Gerald, Home for Life,572 Toller, Ernst, Hoppla! Wir leben,179
Street Markets in Berlin (Markt am Ten Days That Shook the World,250 Tomato Productions, Like a
Wittenbergplatz),146 Tendulkar, D. G.,384 Rose,669
Tongues Untied, 833835 Ullmer, Edgar, Menschen am Power and the Land, 236, 241,
Too Early, Too Late,780 Sonntag, 146147 269, 815, 819, 823, 893,894
Top Gun,967 Ulysses,152 US Infantry Supported by Rough
Top Hat,437 Un Chien andalou, 201, 203, Riders at El Caney,3738
Toshio, Iizuka, 609610, 623, 205,213 U.S. Information and Educational
625,627 Underground,821 Exchange Act, 408,409
Toshio, Matsumoto, 611616, Unearthing of the Remains of Sergei U.S. Maritime Commission, Good
619,628 Radonezhskogo, The,167 Neighbors,316
Poem of Stones,613 Underground, 646,647 Usuzumi no sakura. See My View
Security Treaty,613 Union Maids, 644, 647, 649, 651, of the Cherry Tree with Grey
To the Aid of Poland,94 674, 677, 681682, 822,901 Blossoms
Toubab-Bi,942 United Food and Commercial Utagawa Keiko, Water in My
Touch of Evil,992 Workers (UFCW), 842, 843, Ears,624
Tourbillon de Paris,437 844, 845, 846,847
Toure, Moussa United Nations Educational, Vacation in the Country,936
Nous sommes nombreuses,942 Scientific and Cultural Vadya Vrinda,401
Poussire de ville,942 Organization (UNESCO), Valley Town, 241242,269
TGV,942 384,400 Vampire, The (Le Vampire), 975,
Toubab-Bi,942 United Negro Improvement 976,983
Towards Deep Subjectivity,880 Association (UNIA), Van der Keuken, Johan,940
Trachtenberg, Alan,30 579580,586 Van der Zee, James,580
Trader Horn,437 United States Information Agency Van Dongen, Helen, 181, 272,819
Tragedy of the Street,146 (USIA, USIS), 406413, 631 Land, The, 241, 269, 818819,827
Trailing African Wild Animals,971 Evil Wind Out, 413416 Louisiana Story, 367, 630631,
Transfer of Power, The,317 Few Notes on Our Food Problem, 728730, 818, 819, 824825,838
Trauberg, Leonid, China A, 416,419 Power and the Land, 236, 241,
Express,156 Five Cities of June, The, 409, 269, 815, 819, 823, 893,894
Treblinka,779 412413,418 Spain in Flames,272
Tretyakov, Sergei, 184186 International Motion Picture Van Dyke, Willard, 235,
Trial of Miranov, The,167 Service,411 256257,267
Trials of Alger Hiss, The, 644,646 James Blue films, 407, 413417 City, The, 234236, 239, 240, 314,
Trinh, T.Minh-ha, 73, 758762, (See also Blue,James) 321, 891895
794795,906 John F.KennedyYears of Hands,241
Triumph of the Will, 281310, 326, Lightning, Day of Drums, 413, National Rifle Association,366
360, 571, 751,908 418,631 River, The, 235, 242, 243, 269,
Trooper of Company K, 587588 In Search of Lincoln,411 315, 333, 630, 890895,898
True Glory, The,129 Letter From Colombia, A, Trader Horn,436
True-Life Adventures, 971978, 413414,416 Valley Town,269
981,982 March, The,413 White Shadows of the South Seas,
Truffaut, Franois Motion Picture Service, 407, 88,219
Day for Night,927 409, 411,413 Vanishing Prairie, The, 971974
400 Blows,927 Murrow, Edward R., 408412 Vanishing Race, The,72
Tunisian Victory,269 National Archives and Records Van Voorhis, Westbrook,268
Turbulent Timber,218 Administration,410 Vardac, Nicholas,33
Turin, Victor,232 Pilgrimage of Liberty,411 Vasiliev, Sergei, 149,189
Turksib,217 President, The, 413, 418419 Chapayev,189
Turou et Bitti,653 Robert Frost,411 Vaughan, Dai, 4447,78
Turpin Film Company,586 School at Rincon Santo, The, Vega, Pastor,604
Tuskegee and Its Builder,583 414417 Venice Film Festival
TV Nation,850 Stevens, 411412 Portrait of Ethiopia,593
Twentieth Century, The,447 Voice of America, 407,410 Wealth in Wood,593
Twentieth Century-Fox, 328,335 Universal Pictures, Igloo,268 Vermont Conversations,654
Battle of Midway, The, 270,279 University of California, Los Verne, Jules,313
Two Laws, 533, 652663,823 Angeles (UCLA), 104, 654,669 Vernietiging Britse Schepen,60
Unmarried Woman, An,687 Vertov, Dziga, xiv, 136137, 144145,
UCLA Women's Film Workshop, Unpromised Land, 137, 199214,809 148161, 163173, 182184, 232,
We're Alive, 669, 677,679 Unsere Afrikareise,754 350, 432, 461, 466, 471472, 505,
Ufa (UFA), 145,437 Urazov, Izmail,183 531, 535, 606, 630, 640, 645, 648,
Berlin workers' film society, Uriu Tadao,613 683, 752, 757, 818819,893, 916
178179 U.S. Army Military Intelligence Agit Train of the Central Party,
Die Wunder der Welt, 146,180 Division (MID),95 The,167
Turbulent Timber,218 U.S. Film Service,318 All-Russian Elder Kalinin,167
Ukadike, Frank,937 Land, The, 241, 269, 818819,827 Anniversary of the Revolution,167
Index 1023

Battle at Tsaritsyn,167 Wang Xiaoshuai Whipper's Reel Negro News,586

Eleventh Year, The,154 Beijing Bicycle,946 White, Hayden, 756, 928,932
Enthusiasm, 153, 169,819 Days, The, 946,951 White Shadows of the South Seas,
Forward, Soviet! (Shagai, Soviet!), Wanjiri Kanui, From a Whisper, 88,219
169, 182183 941942 Whitney Museum, New American
Goskinokalendar,168 War Activities Committee (WAC), Filmmakers, 695696
History of the Civil War,167 337,346 Who Killed Colin Roach?,702
Instructional Steamer 'Red Negro Soldier, The, 340341 Who Killed the Fourth Ward?,
Star,'167 War at Home, The,822 644645, 651,657
Kinochestvo, 171173 Ward, Frank,260 Who Killed Vincent Chin?, 796,
Kino-Eye (Kino-Glaz), 153156, War Game, The, 5, 420428 797,805
168,232 Warhol, Andy, 634636 Who Said That?,456
Kinonedelia, 163167,170 War of the Worlds, The, 24,727 Who Speaks for Birmingham?,
Kinopravda, 163164, 167169 Warrenbrand, Jane, 453454,459
Man with the Movie Camera, The, Healthcaring,669 Who Speaks for the South?,
144145, 148161, 167, 191, 232, Warrendale, 566, 821,907 450,453
250, 357, 538, 641, 750, 752, Warring Millions, The,25 Why Man in Space?, 446447
753,842, 894 Washington, Booker T., A Day at Why We Fight, 269, 325, 333, 340,
on Paris Qui Dort,157 Tuskegee, 581583, 588,595 346, 348351, 729,751
Sixth Part of the Earth, 166,167 Watashi no Mishima. See My Wife Among Wives,A,641
Three Songs of Lenin,819 Mishima Wild Bunch, The,875
Trial of Miranov, The,167 Watch on the Ruhr,458 Wilder, Billy, Menschen am Sonntag,
Unearthing of the Remains of Water and Heat,474 146147
Sergei Radonezhskogo, The,167 Water Famine, The,446 Wilding Pictures,313
WE:Variant of a Manifesto, Water in My Ears (Mimi no naka no Wild Life of America in Film,24
169, 171173 mizu),624 Williams, Alan, 928,937
Victor George Galleries,584 Watkins, Peter, The War Game, 5, Williams, Raymond,747
View of Water and Fire, The,474 420428,757 Willis-Thomas, Deborah,577
Vigo, Jean, Methuselah,975 Watt, Harry, 765,770 Wilmar 8, The, 644645,649
Village of Hope, The,593 Night Mail, The, 227228, Wilson, EdwardL.,17
Vincent, John Heyl,17 353, 441, 639, 750, 767, Winds of War, The,780
Virginian, The,35 818820,908 Wind Will Carry, The,476
Vogel, Amos, 871873, 875, 878, Waugh, Thomas, 271, 504505, 521, Winged Migration, 970,973
969,981 523524, 720, 724, 895,909 Wings of a Serf,175
Voice of America, 407,410 Wave, The (Redes), 234,235 Winston, Brian, 521, 525, 724,
Voice of Time, The,270 WE:Variant of a Manifesto, 169, 763-775,890
von Stroheim, Erich, Greed,105 171173 Winter in Sanrizuka (Nihon kaiho
Vorkapich, Slavko, Millions of Wealth in Wood,593 sensen:Sanrizuka),618
Us,241 Webster, Francis,941 Wiseman, Frederick, 505, 532,
Voyage dans la lune,7576 Wedding Camels, 641, 649650 556564, 641, 649, 746, 764,
Welcome, Ernest Toussaint,587 808, 818, 820821, 823, 896,
Waati,939 Doing Their Bit,587 899, 908909, 913, 944, 949,
Waiting for Fidel,827 Welcome, Jennie Louise, 577,594 955, 957958
Walden:Diaries, Notes, & Sketches, Doing Their Bit,587 Basic Training,558
738,740 We Live in Two Worlds,227 Belfast, Maine,957
Walker Manufacturing Welles, Orson, 266,992 Essene,566
Company,580 Citizen Kane, 268,992 High School, 556560, 821,
Walsh, Raoul, Thief of Baghdad, Spanish Earth, The,272 897,898
105,161 Touch of Evil,992 Hospital, 772,821
Walt Disney Studios, 971974 War of the Worlds,727 Juvenile Court, 559, 560561
Bambi,972 Wellman, William A., The Next Law and Order, 557, 558, 572,897
Beaver Valley, 971,972 Voice You Hear,277 Models,643
Cinderella,972 Wenders, Wim, Pina,995 Titicut Follies, 559, 561564,
Fantasia, 972,976 We're Alive, 669, 677,679 771773, 898, 899,909
Little Corner of the Earth, The,437 Weston, Edward, 235,245 Wister, Owen,35
Living Desert, The, 971, 973974 We've Come a Long, Long Way,341 With Babies and Banners, 644, 645,
Nature's Half Acre, 971,972 Wexler, Haskell,412 647, 649,901
Pinocchio,972 What Farocki Taught,915 With Byrd at the South Pole,278
Seal Island, 971,972 What Sex Am I?,821 With our Heroes at the Somme
Song of the South,972 What You Take for Granted,823 (Bei unseren Helden an der
True-Life Adventures, 971978,981 When the Mountains Tremble, Somme),116
Vanishing Prairie, The, 971974 821,823 With the German Army,22
Wang Bing, Crude Oil,915 Where the Desert Blooms,391 Wives Tale,A,644
Wobblies, The, 644, 645, 647, Bumming in Beijing:The Last on War at Home, The,822
649,748 Dreamers, 945948, 951, 952,954 Young, Colin, 653654
Wolfe, Charles,54, 62, 135, Jiang Hu:Life on the Road, 947, Young, Donald,335
229246, 264280 949, 958959 Young, Robert, At the Winter Sea-Ice
Womans Film, The, 668, 677,684 My Time in the Red Guards,946 Camp, Part3,566
Woman to Woman,669 Your Contribution,392
Women and Film,626 Wyman, Paul D., Taming the Youth Against Monsterz, Another
Women of India,385 Jungle,267 Man, 711715, 718719
Women's Labor History Film Project, Xia Jun, Death Song of the River, Youth Pride and Achievement of
With Babies and Banners, 644, 944,954 Colored People of Atlanta,
645, 647, 649,901 X-Pilot,507 Georgia,578
Wonder Pictures,22 Xudong, Lin, Diary of Tai Fu Xiang, YWCA Parade,586
Woodstock,821 947,953
Woolfe, Bruce,218 Zabriskie Point,574
Secrets of Nature,218 Yamagata International Zhang Yimou, Raise the Red
Word is Out:Stories of Some of Documentary Film Festival, Lantern,946
Our Lives, 531, 644, 645, 647, 609610, 625, 626, Zhang Yuang, 951952,955
665667 949,952 Beijing Bastards, 946,951
Words and Pictures,214 Annyong-Kimchi,627 Crazy English,953
Workers and Jobs,767 Manzan Benigaki,955 Mama,951
Workers Film and Photo League My Mishima, 628,629 Square, The, 946,949
(WFPL), 137, 234, 237238, Yamamura Nobuki, Tokyo Chrome Zanuck, Darryl F., 262,335
248251, 260,895 Desert,622 Zapruder, Abraham, 795, 798, 874,
Workers Leaving the Lumire Factory, Yamane Sadao,610 882, 883,886
4447,348 Yamatani Tetsuo Zavattini, Cesare,552
Works Progress Administration Living:Twenty-five Years after Zhang Junzhao, One and
(WPA), 241,891 the Mass Suicide on Tokashiki Eight,948
World According to Bush, The,968 Island, Okinawa,622 Zhemchuzhny, Vitali,188
World's Last Great Places, 978,980 Miyako,622 Glass Eye, The, 188189
World Today, The,242 Yampolsky, Mikhail. See Iampolsky, Zhizn iskusstva. See ArtisticLife
Wrestling,385 Mikhail Zil, Paul, Bombay:The Story of Seven
Wright, Basil, 227,765 Yanki No!, 506,507 Isles,386
Cargo from Jamaica,223 Year of the Polaris, The, 446, Zimbacca, Michel, L'invention du
Children at School, 227, 315, 449,453 monde,436
763,768 Yeelen,939 Zimmermann, Patricia,
Night Mail, 227228, 353, 441, Y El Cielo Fue Tomado por 853855,869
639, 750, 767, 818820,908 Asalto,608 Zinnemann, Fred, Menschen am
Wunderlich, Renner, Taking Our Yellow Earth, 945, 946,948 Sonntag, 146147,234
Bodies Back,669 Yoshida Yoshishige,614 Zoopraxiscope,971
Wu Wenguang, 913914, 949, 954, You Can't Take It with You,333 Zorns Lemma,638
956960 Youdelman, Jeffrey, 265, 277, Zvenigora,161
At Home in the World, 946,957 651,822 Zwerin, Charlotte, 571

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