Cosmic Information, The Cosmological Constant and The Amplitude of Primordial Perturbations
Cosmic Information, The Cosmological Constant and The Amplitude of Primordial Perturbations
Cosmic Information, The Cosmological Constant and The Amplitude of Primordial Perturbations
Institute for Astronomy, ETH Zurich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27, CH-8093 Zurich,
A unique feature of gravity is its ability to control the information ac-
cessible to any specific observer. We quantify the notion of cosmic infor-
mation (CosmIn) for an eternal observer in the universe. Demanding the
finiteness of CosmIn requires the universe to have a late-time accelerated
expansion. Combining the introduction of CosmIn with generic features
of the quantum structure of spacetime (e.g., the holographic principle),
we present a holistic model for cosmology. We show that (i) the numeri-
cal value of the cosmological constant, as well as (ii) the amplitude of the
primordial, scale invariant, perturbation spectrum can be determined in
terms of a single free parameter, which specifies the energy scale at which
the universe makes a transition from a pre-geometric phase to the classical
phase. For a specific value of the parameter, we obtain the correct results
for both (i) and (ii). This formalism also shows that the quantum grav-
itational information content of spacetime can be tested using precision
It is now well established that information is a physical entity [1] and the
flow of information has concrete physical consequences. The fact that gravity
controls the amount of spacetime information accessible to a given observer,
suggests that one can acquire deeper insights into spacetime dynamics through
its information content. The concept of information, being a common ingredient
in both classical and quantum regimes, can thus be used to provide a link
between the descriptions of spacetime in these two domains.
The key difficulty in formulating this connection lies in quantifying the
amount of spacetime information. While this is indeed difficult for a general
spacetime, we show that it is possible to introduce a natural definition of infor-
mation content in the context of cosmological spacetimes (CosmIn) and use it
to link the quantum and classical phases of the universe. Moreover, we shall see
that this information paradigm allows us to determine both, (i) the numerical
value of the cosmological constant and (ii) the amplitude of the primordial, scale
invariant, power spectrum of perturbations, thus providing a holistic descrption
of cosmology.
In any Friedmann model, the proper length-scales (say, the wavelengths of
the modes of a field) scale as (a) a and can cross the proper Hubble ra-
dius H 1 (a) = (a/a)
as the universe evolves. The number of modes dN
located in the comoving Hubble volume VH (a) = (4/3)(aH)3 , which have
comoving wave numbers in the range d3 k, is given by dN = VH (a)d3 k/(2)3
VH (a)dVk /(2)3 where dVk = 4k 2 dk. A mode with a comoving wave number
k crosses the Hubble radius when k = k(a) aH(a). So, the modes with wave
numbers between k and k + dk, where dk = [d(aH)/da] da, cross the Hubble
radius during the interval (a, a+ da). We define the information associated with
modes which cross the Hubble radius during any interval a1 < a < a2 by
Z a2
VH (a) dVk [k(a)] 2 h1
N (a2 , a1 ) = 3
da = ln (1)
a1 (2) da 3 h2
ln a
0000000000000000000000 edge of the
- dominated
comoving 1111111111111111111111
0000000000000000000000 visible universe
0000000000000000000000 x(a)
Hubble radius
[aH(a)] 1 0000000000000000000000
a (3)
(1) (2)
matter dominated
aeq 0000000000000000000000
1111111111111111111111 radiation
classical phase
1111111111111111111111 dominated
aQG 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
pre-geometric (QG) phase
1111111111111111111111 ln Lco
xQG x
On the other hand, if x(, aQG ) is finite, then the size of the cosmic space which
the eternal observer can access on the surface a = aQG will be finite, and there
is an information horizon. From Eq. (2), it is easy to see that if the universe was
populated by sources which satisfy ( + 3p) > 0 for all a > aQG , then x (aQG )
is divergent. In fact, as long as ( + 3p) > 0 asymptotically (i.e., as a ),
then x(, a) is divergent for all a. On the other hand, an accelerated phase,
due to ( + 3p) < 0 for all a > a will ensure that x (aQG ) is also finite.
The simplest way to ensure that ( + 3p) < 0 at late times without invoking
untested physics (like e.g., quintessence) is to introduce a non-zero cosmological
constant, with energy density . The expansion of such a universe, for a > aQG ,
is driven by the energy density of matter m a3 , radiation R a4 and
the cosmological constant . Defining the density eq 4m (a)/3R (a) which is
a constant independent of a, we can model the universe as a dynamical system
described by three densities: (QG , eq , ).
Figure 1 shows the behaviour of the comoving Hubble radius h(a) H 1 (a)/a
(green line) and x (a) (red line) schematically (i.e., not to scale) for such a uni-
verse. The comoving Hubble radius increases during the radiation dominated
(h a) and matter dominated (h a1/2 ) phases and decreases (h a1 ) in the
cosmological constant dominated phase. The turn-around occurs at the epoch
a = a . The classical description loses its relevance at a = aQG ; this limit is
shown as a horizontal (black) line at a = aQG .
Somewhat surprisingly, the functional form of x (a) has not attracted the
attention it deserves. We see that during the phase dominated by the cosmo-
logical constant, x (a) decreases as 1/a. But at earlier times, x (a) remains
very nearly constant (changing only by a factor 3 when a changes by nearly a
factor 3000). The signals travel a finite comoving distance x x (0) during
the entire history, 0 < t < of the universe [3].
Observations indicate that eq = [0.86 0.09 eV]4 and = [(2.26 0.05)
10 3
eV]4 . The theoretical status of these numerical values of eq and
are very different. The value of eq depends on the nature and abundance
of dark matter and baryons relative to photons and in principle can be
determined from high-energy physics. But, as is well-known, we do not have
any theoretical basis to determine which is considered a major challenge in
theoretical physics.
However, in our approach, the value of is determined by the value of
N (a , aQG ) Ic . The calculation of Ic is completely straightforward but a bit
tedious. (See Appendix C of [4] for details.) The final result is given by:
" #
k1 (2 eq )1/12
2 2 r
Ic = ln = ln k2 1 (3)
where k1 = (31/2 /21/3 )(8/3)1/4 2.34, k2 = 21/3 /33/2 0.24 and r aQG x .
Inverting the first equality in Eq. (3), we can express the cosmological constant
in terms of Ic , , eq as:
4 4 3 1
L P = exp (9Ic ) (4)
27 8 6 (eq L4P )1/2
As claimed earlier, the non-zero value of the cosmological constant is related to
the finite value of Ic . The fact that even an eternal observer can only access a
finite amount of information (quantified in terms of the number of modes which
cross the Hubble radius) implies that the cosmological constant is non-zero; we
see that 0 when Ic and vice-versa. We also see from Eq. (3) that
except for a numerical factor k2 = O(1), the argument of the logarithm in Ic is
the ratio r /HQG , relating the finite value of the proper size of the information
horizon, r , to the finiteness of Ic . The region of cosmic visibility on the a = aQG
surface, r , is finite but large (compared to HQG 1
) when exp(3Ic /2) is finite but
If Ic is known from an independent consideration, Eq. (4) will determine
the numerical value of the cosmological constant in terms of (eq , QG ). To
have an independent handle on Ic , we consider some well-established results
which are fairly independent of the choice of model of quantum gravity. One
such result is that the effective dimension of the quantum-corrected spacetime
becomes D = 2 close to Planck scales, independent of the original D. This
result was obtained, in a fairly model-independent manner (using a renormalized
quantum effective metric) in Ref. [5]. Similar results have been established
earlier by several authors (for a sample, see e.g., [6]) in a number of approaches
to quantum gravity. This, in turn, implies that [5, 7] the unit of information
associated with a quantum gravitational 2-sphere of radius LP can be taken to
be IQG = 4L2P /L2P = 4. With this consideration, Ic = 4 and we obtain
4 4 3 1
exp 36 2
L P = (5)
27 8 6 (eq L4P )1/2
Given the scale EQG = 1 EP at which classical geometry arises from quantum
pre-geometry, the above equation determines . At this stage, we can also
reverse the argument and use the observed value of to determine the factor
. Using the result L4P = (1.14 0.09) 10123 and eq L4P = (2.41 1.01)
10113 , we find that = (6.2 0.3) 103 making EQG close to the GUTs scale.
These results therefore suggest that quantum gravitational effects persist for a
larger range of energies than naively anticipated.
Remarkably, there is an independent way of estimating by calculating the
amplitude of primordial perturbations in terms of , and comparing it with
the observations. In the above scenario, the matter fields inherit the primor-
dial, pre-geometric quantum fluctuations at a = aQG . There are two ways of
estimating the resultant amplitude and spectral characteristics of the density
fluctuations thus generated: One conservative procedure is to quantize a field in
the Friedmann universe, by decomposing it into different Fourier modes, each
labeled by the comoving wave number k. This will reduce the problem to that
of a bunch of (time-dependent) oscillators each labeled by k. A given oscillator
starts in its ground state when the quantum of (proper) energy associated with
this mode, ~k/a, is equal to EQG . (This is, of course, different from choosing
the Bunch-Davies vacuum for the field, as is often done in inflationary models;
see e.g., [8] for a discussion). The calculation of quantum fluctuations is com-
pletely straightforward and closely parallels the corresponding analyses for the
inflationary universe. (See, for e.g. [8, 9]). The final result is given by
1/2 r 1/2
k 3 P (k) 4 3w1/2 (6w + 5)
c1 0.19c1
A= = = (6)
2 2 3 4(3w + 5)2
for w = 1/3, where c1 is a numerical factor of order unity whose exact value can
be determined by more detailed analysis.1 Using the value of determined from
Eq. (5), we find that Atheory = 3.05c1 105 which has to be compared with
the observed value Aobs 4.69 105 . We see that the results are remarkably
consistent with c1 = 1.54 = O(1).
A more speculative and exciting possibility is to generate the perturba-
tions directly from the quantum pre-geometric phase [10]. This uses the fact
that if the pre-geometric phase obeys holographic equipartition [7], it can be
modeled as a thermal system with energy E ATc where Tc EQG = EPl /
is the critical temperature at which the quantum to classical transition occurs
and A R2 is the area of the boundary. Such a system has a specific heat
C A R2 leading to energy fluctuations E 2
= CT 2 A R2 . This,
in turn, leads to perturbations in the energy density = E/V such that
2 = E2
/V 2 E2
/R6 . It can be shown that this will lead (see Ref. [10] for
details; for similar ideas, see e.g., Ref. [11]) to a scale invariant spectrum with
A Tc /EPl 1 . We see that the observed result for A is again obtained
when O(1) 104 . In this analysis, we thus have a clear identification of
a transition from the pre-geometric phase to geometric phase occurring at the
energy scale 1 EPl , with consistent results.
We will now elaborate on some of the ingredients which have gone into the
results, which emphasize the underlying logical structure of the framework.
1 This can be obtained, for example, from eq.(16) of Ref. [8], taking care of the fact that
We consider a universe which makes a transition from a quantum, pre-
geometric phase to the classical geometric description at a = aQG when the
characteristic energy scale is EQG 1 EPl . Our aim is to connect the quan-
tum and classical phases using the concept of information accessible to an eternal
observer. To explore such a paradigm based on cosmic information, we first have
to define it. We define the relevant quantity, Ic , using the result in Eq. (1), as
the number of length scales which enter the Hubble radius during the history
of the universe.
Demanding that Ic should be finite requires the Hubble radius to have a
maximum at some a = a so that Ic N (a , aQG ) is finite. We should have
( + 3p) = 0 at a = a , followed by a phase of accelerated expansion when
( + 3p) < 0. If we do not introduce any exotic, untested physics, then the
simplest model exhibiting ( + 3p) < 0 at late times is the one with a non-zero
cosmological constant. So we are led to a model with matter, radiation and a
cosmological constant and no other exotic forms of matter, either in the early
phase or at the late stages of evolution. We then relate, purely algebraically,
(i.e., without any additional assumptions) the Ic to [see Eq. (4)] with 0
when Ic and vice-versa. This connects the information content to the
cosmological constant. The model is also capable of generating scale invariant
primordial perturbations with an amplitude A 1 . This has been worked
out in two different but viable scenarios, one fairly conservative [8] and the other
more speculative [10]. The choice of 104 leads to the correct value for both
A and L4P .
It is known from standard inflationary calculations that A Einf /EPl where
Einf is the energy scale of inflation. It is therefore expected that 1 104
gives the correct amplitude for the perturbations. But the key new discovery is
that the same value of leads to the precise, observed value of the cosmological
constant. That is, we determine two quantities A and L4P neither of which
can be determined from first principles in conventional cosmology from a
single parameter . There is no a priori reason why a specific value for should
lead to the correct, observed values for both A and L4P . This is the strongest
argument in favour of this scenario.
Another way of expressing this key result is to note that
k1 (2 eq )1/12
Ic = ln = 4[1 + O(103 )] (7)
when has the value determined by the observed amplitude of the primordial
spectrum. The fact that the specific combination of parameters defining Ic has
a simple value equal to 4 (to the accuracy of one part in a thousand!) cries
out for an explanation. This result is naturally obtained by identifying Ic with
the information accessible to the eternal observer and 4 with the quantum
gravitational unit of information. (Note that we do not fix and EQG =
1 EPl such that Eq. (7) holds; instead can be determined from Eq. (6).)
In the standard approach to theories of gravity interacting with matter fields,
varying the metric tensor leads to the gravitational field equations in the form
Gab = Tab (where Gab is proportional to the Einstein tensor in general rela-
tivity, but could be a more complicated tensor in a general theory like, e.g., the
Lanczos-Lovelock models). This field equation is clearly not invariant under
the addition of a constant to the matter Lagrangian. This is equivalent to the
introduction of a cosmological constant (if it was not present originally), or a
change in its numerical value. Therefore, in such an approach, any physical
principle to determine the value of the cosmological constant is dubious. The
cosmological constant problem can thus be solved only if the gravitational field
equations are made invariant under the addition of a constant to the matter La-
grangian, but their solutions permit an inclusion of the cosmological constant.
This is accomplished naturally in the emergent gravity paradigm, in which the
field equations of gravity are invariant under the addition of a constant to the
matter Lagrangian. It can be shown that the cosmological constant arises as
an integration constant in the solutions. It is possible to reformulate the GR
(and in fact, also its extension to the Lanczos-Lovelock models), using the
emergent gravity paradigm. A new physical principle is therefore required to fix
the numerical value of the integration constant, i.e. the cosmological constant.
This is exactly what is achieved in this paper and furthermore, connects the
value of the cosmological constant to cosmic information and the amplitude of
primordial perturbations. This issue has been addressed extensively in several
previous papers on the emergent gravity paradigm; see for e.g., Ref. [4, 7].
Our approach does not invoke inflation in the standard manner with inflaton
fields. Conventional cosmology requires the inflationary paradigm only to pro-
duce a scale invariant primordial spectrum [12]. The other problems which
inflation is supposed to solve cannot be considered sufficient motivation for
inflation. (For example, the quantum correlations in the pre-geometric phase
can solve the conventional horizon problem in this approach.) In fact, the gen-
eration of the primordial spectrum in the models mentioned above [10, 8] uses
a single parameter to predict the spectrum which is conceptually superior to
the plethora of models with various fine-tuned potentials V () for the inflaton
fields. The details of these (and similar) models need to be worked out fur-
ther (e.g., as regards the tensor-to-scalar ratio, taking QG effects into account
[14]) to provide a more complete picture; but these initial results are extremely
This work makes three distinct improvements on our earlier work [4, 15] link-
ing CosmIn and the cosmological constant: (i) We do not require an inflationary
model or its energy scale. Instead, we obtain the results from a model involving
minimal assumptions about the quantum to classical transition of the universe
[16]. (ii) We show that both the cosmological constant and the amplitude of
the perturbation spectrum can arise naturally in such a model. (iii) We provide
a quantum gravitational motivation for using the area (4) of a unit 2-sphere,
rather than the area of a unit D-sphere, as the quantum of information based
on Ref.[5] and others [6].
The results here bring to center-stage the notion of spacetime information
and its role in gravitational dynamics, already seen in several other contexts [7].
It also strengthens the viewpoint, suggested in Refs. [7, 17], that the universe
should not be treated as a particular solution to the gravitational field equations
but instead, be approached as a special dynamical system.
Finally we emphasise that all our results follow from one single definition (of
N (a2 , a1 ) in Eq. (1)) and the postulate N (a , aQG ) = 4 where N (a , aQG ), is
the total (maximum) number of modes which enter the Hubble radius from the
time the universe made a transition to classicality (aQG ) up to the epoch a ,
until when the modes continue to enter the Hubble radius. Given this single
assumption and the fact that 4 is finite, it follows that N (a , aQG ) as well
as a have to be finite. This, in turn, requires a turn around in the Hubble
radius and leads to a late time acceleration phase. Computing N (a , aQG )
for a universe with radiation, matter and the cosmological constant, and using
N (a , aQG ) = 4, we obtain Eq. (5) of the paper. Previous work cited [8, 10]
leads to Eq. (6) of the paper. We find that we can satisfy Eq. (5) and Eq. (6)
with a single value of , which is the main result of the paper. So, given a single
assumption (viz., N (a , aQG ) = 4), we can derive all the key conclusions
of the paper. Further, the validity of Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) from observations
tells us that this assumption is indeed true (to the accuracy of one part in a
thousand, as mentioned in Eq. (7)). Obviously, we need to understand how
the postulate N (a , aQG ) = 4 using the definition of N (a , aQG ), based on
counting the modes by d3 x d3 k/(2)3 , relates to other notions of information
used in quantum gravity. It appears that cosmology requires a specific approach
to quantum information. We hope future work on QG and emergent gravity will
throw light on this.
Acknowledgements: The research work of TP is partially supported by the
J.C. Bose research grant of DST, India. The research of HP is supported by the
Tomalla Foundation.
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that quantum gravitational effects can have a long tail. The transition
could be sudden (e.g. like a phase transition) or gradual, and in the latter
case 1 EPl is equivalent to the effective scale at which the transition can
be approximated as a sudden occurrence.
[3] This quantity x (0) x (aQG ) can be expressed in terms of an elliptic
integral. For ( /eq )1/4 2.62 103 , we find that aeq H x = 9.99
104 which is the maximum comoving distance we can ever probe. We
have already probed a fraction 0.74 of this today.
[4] T. Padmanabhan and H. Padmanabhan (2014), Int. Jour. Mod. Phys. D
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[8] S. Hollands and R. M. Wald (2002), Gen. Rel. Grav. 34, 2043
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Zeldovich spectrum. Harrison derived this spectrum in an often cited
[13] but rarely read paper using quantum gravitational considerations
decades before inflation was invented. Clearly, observational support for
a scale invariant spectrum does not prove the existence of a conventional
inflationary phase.