First51 5

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First 5/1-5

Objective (I Can) Blooms Level/Rigor

-read rhythm patterns -Remember
-sing SML patterns -Understand
-add instruments to enhance a song -Apply
-perform an ostinato -Analyze
-create an ostinato
-sing with a good tone

Key Questions Assessment of Learning

-How does solfege relate to music? -Observe moving to pulse
-What is the timbre of the music? -Small group high and low voices
-How do we identify dynamics? -Observe students leading rhythm and movement
-What does contour tell us about the music? -listen to students sing sol/mi pattern

Hook/Building Background
-Follow Me
-Good News (Sung)

Direct Instruction (I DO) Guided Practice (We DO) Independent Practice (You DO)
1. Rhythm Cards

2. Sol/Mi/La
Sing patterns

3. All Around the Buttercup

Review Song
Add xylophone part
4. Higglety, Pigglety Pop Ask students to choose a
Speak Through Text unpitched instrument to play
Discuss the Poem Perform
Challenge while teacher
speaks another part 4. Higglety, Pigglety Pop
Teach part 2 Class performs in 2 parts

5. Little Red Caboose

Create an ostinato to go with
the song

Lesson Closure
Hey Goodbye Song
-line-up procedure (practice as needed)

Key Vocabulary
High vs low
Steady Beat
Quarter Note (TA)
Sound vs Silence
Loud vs soft
Eighth Note (TiTi)

Friday Station
1. Listening Station-Tubby the Tuba
2. Rhyming Words-white boards
3. Rhythm patterns with instruments
4. Meet with Mrs. Harkema-Rhythm Assessment/practice solfege
5. Computer-game

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