Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus
NURS 3421
Medical Surgical Nursing I
Fall 2017
Course Instructors:
Shuntel Coleman BSN, RN
Megan Francis BSN, RN
Course Hours: 3 Lecture 3 Lab
Meeting Times:
Tuesdays 9:00-12:00
Course Instructors:
Course Description
This course focuses on the application of nursing concepts and skills in complex nursing
situations utilizing holistic care. Students will develop critical thinking, clinical judgement, and
skills related to patient-centered care, patient safety, and evidence-based practice.
Course Objectives
1) Integrate the use of the nursing process, demonstrate professional behavior in the
clinical setting, and establish evidence-based practice and skills
2) Synthesize concepts of nursing care, critical thinking, nursing judgement, and clinical
decision-making as a foundation for nursing practice.
3) Develop a sense of holistic care in the patient centered environment.
4) Analyze the relationships among different disease pathways, their clinical
presentation, and apply nursing knowledge to develop a detailed patient care plan
incorporating evidence-based practice.
5) Students will demonstrate professional and therapeutic communication in various
clinical settings.
Course Schedule
Computerize testing will take place in the testing center during class time; you will have
90minutes to complete 50 multiple choice exam questions. You will be able to receive
immediate feedback following completion of exam with questions missed and rationale. Time
may be scheduled to review the exam by setting up a meeting during office hours or by
Course Evaluation
Students are expected to attend all class and exams. If you are unable to attend a class or
exam due to an excused absence, it is the students responsibility to contact their instructor prior
to scheduled meeting time to explore alternative options. Failure to comply will result in a 0
grade for the exam. Examples of excused absences include dire personal or family emergency,
personal grave illness, hospitalization of the student or an immediate family member, or death of
an immediate family member. You are allowed to miss 2 classroom days. In the event of
unusual circumstances, the Course Coordinator and Director of Undergraduate Nursing
Programs will review and/or approve an excused absence.
Late assignments
Students who submit assignments after the due date will have 5 points deducted each day that
the assignment is late.
Grading Elements
Clinical Activities
Written Assignments
Classroom Activities
Attendance 5%
Quizzes 10%
Exam 1 15%
Exam 2 15%
Exam 3 15%
Total 100%
The student must have an average of 75 or above on all course material in order to pass this
course. The BSN Nursing Program in accordance with policy uses the following numerical scale
when computing grades (Policy 6.3)
A= 90-100
B= 80-90
F=74.99 or below
Disability Services
If you have a disability that requires an accommodation in this class, you will need to
communicate those needs to your instructor and the Department of Disability Services so that
those accommodations can be meet.
Academic Integrity