Colombia PSE Case Study Long ENG Jan 2015
Colombia PSE Case Study Long ENG Jan 2015
Colombia PSE Case Study Long ENG Jan 2015
A L L I A N C E Empowering People Through Electronic Payments
January 2015
Colombias Online
E-Payments Platform:
Private Sector Innovation
Inspired by Government Vision
Shifting payment of salaries, social welfare and relief payments, payments to suppliers, and remittances from
cash to electronic has the potential to improve the lives of low-income people, particularly women, while
giving governments, the private sector, and the development community a more transparent, time- and cost-
efficient, and often safer means of making and receiving payments.
2. Collaborates with program partners to mobilize available technical expertise and resources to identify
and implement the most effective approach to make the transition from cash to electronic payments; and
3. Conducts research, documents good practices, and produces knowledge products to address the barriers
to adoption and to drive the effective shift from cash to electronic payments globally.
BTCAs Development Results Focused Research Programme (DRFRP) accelerates the generation and
dissemination of knowledge and tools for stakeholders transitioning part of their payments from cash to
electronic. The DRFRP has three components: 1) Readiness diagnostics, which compile existing data on the
volumes, values, and payment means for each kind of payment made by governments, the private sector,
and development community partners, and assess a countrys readiness to replace cash payments with
electronic payments; 2) Case studies of on-going shifts; and 3) Toolkits to provide practical steps for BTCA
stakeholders to plan, measure, and implement shifts.
The DRFRP is managed, on behalf of BTCA, by a consortium led by Bankable Frontier Associates, a Boston-
based consulting firm, with advice from experts from the World Bank Payments Group and the CGAP
Technology Team, as well as local research staff.
BTCA Case Study No.3
A L L I A N C E Empowering People Through Electronic Payments
January 2015
Colombias Online
E-Payments Platform:
Private Sector Innovation
Inspired by Government Vision
The lead authors of this case study are Beatriz Marulanda and Mariana Paredes for Marulanda
Consultores, which is part of the Bankable Frontier Associates-led consortium responsible for the
Better Than Cash Alliances Development Results Focused Research Programme.
We are grateful to ACH Colombia for making this research possible and appreciate its support and
that provided by all those interviewed for sharing information and discussing different perspectives
that helped us understand the achievements and the challenges faced in this project.
All photos Marulanda Consultores, except: see directly on photos.
Cover photo: Konstantin Chagin /
ii COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
I INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1
II PSE DEFINED............................................................................................................... 5
III CREATION OF PSE...................................................................................................... 9
3.1 Governments policy push......................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Limits of card payment usage................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Financial sector initiative........................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 The government again steps in to push............................................................................................14
3.5 Merchants and billers emerge as major PSE users.......................................................................18
VI LESSONS LEARNED.................................................................................................. 33
6.1 For government............................................................................................................................................33
6.2 For providers and businesses................................................................................................................35
Annexes.............................................................................................................................. 36
ANNEX A: LIST OF ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................36
ANNEX B: INTERVIEWEES.................................................................................................................................37
Note: Content and data in this document are based on information gathered during the fourth
quarter of 2013, and therefore represent data prior to this date.
iv COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
Andresr /
1 Introduction
2 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
4 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
2 PSE defined
PSE is a payment platform that banks, and to which almost all banks
enables consumers to pay bills and are connected.
make purchases online by taking them
from the merchant or billers website As Figure 2 below shows, when
to the banks website, so that they a user visits the website of a
can debit their own bank accounts government agency or a merchant
and credit the seller or billers bank or biller7 (Steps 1 and 2), PSE routes
account at the same moment. PSE her (Step 3) to her banks website
is owned and operated by ACH (not necessarily the merchants
Colombia, the electronic payments bank) using encrypted channels and
clearing house owned by Colombian digital certificates, where she logs
in and authorizes a payment of the 8), which deposits the funds in the
amount already defined (Step 4). merchants account (Step 9).8
Her bank uses its specific security
arrangements to authenticate her as PSE payments are so-called push
a client and verifies that the funds transactions, meaning the user
are available in her account (Step 5). initiates and authorizes the instruction
The user is returned to the merchants directly. This is different from pull
website (Step 6) to finalize the transactions, such as a payment card
purchase (Step 7); and the funds are or direct debit, where the merchant
routed from the users bank, via ACH uses the buyers card payment details
transfer, to the merchants bank (Step to complete the payment or the user
6 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
8 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
3 Creation of PSE
Due to the initial lack of response Figure 4 below shows the events
from the private sector, the central leading to ACH Colombias formation.
Automatic Collection Service (SAP) was created as an ACH ACH S.A. was created resulting from the
business unit within Servibanca. First electronic transfer to go agreement of all networks. Together with SAP, November: ACH
through. ACH Colombia started. and each network's ACH there were 3 ACHs. Colombia as it is
today was born.
Servibanca ATM network develops Banks started considering using only one payment
Servirecaudo for small banks: network: Red Colombia. Aimed at merging all payment Decision to merge into one ACH.
businesses sent tapes with networks existing at the time. Lack of agreement impaired Ownership agreements
information of bill collection. the merge. including 10% max ownership.
Banco de la Repblica
Disagreements with largest banks led to them creating another
reaches out to banks to set up
ACH which was to be called 4G. Even though all the investments
a private ACH.
were made, it never got to start operations.
10 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
25.00 Debit purchases
No. of Transactions
Debit withdrawals
13.24 Credit purchases
10.00 9.13 Credit withdrawals
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
At the time, each public entity at the competition. Ultimately these banks
federal level used different banks, decided that achieving scale required
so any solution to the Gobierno en interoperability, and they accepted
Lnea mandate would rely on the and supported the PSE initiative.
interoperability long promoted by
the government, in the face of strong Low Internet penetration has been
market concentration (four banks a barrier, too, but penetration more
controlled 57% of deposits in 2000) than doubled from 21.8% in 2007 to
that would otherwise encourage 48.9% in 2012.19
closed-loop intra-bank systems.
Some banks had already developed 3.2 L
imits of card payment
Web-based payment solutions, which usage
were not interoperable, to facilitate Whereas in other contexts, debit
online payments at merchants that and credit cards have played a
were corporate accountholders. substantial role in fulfilling mandates
Lack of interoperability made these like Gobierno en Lnea, in Colombia
closed-loop systems very difficult to card usage has been rather modest,
sell to businesses since customers although it is increasing. As Figure
had to be clients of the same bank. 5 shows, the main use of debit
Still, the predominantly large banks cards in Colombia has been for
behind these systems would see cash withdrawals, not purchases,
any new interoperable approach as in common with most emerging
markets. Credit cards are used for saw a clear business opportunity to
purchases only slightly more than are build on ACH Colombias existing
debit cards. infrastructure and develop an online
e-payment system that would meet the
This relatively low usage for purchases governments needs without having to
is despite the fact that debit cards per pay card franchises fees. The banks
capita in Colombia increased 2.4 times were also afraid the government would
between 2001 and 2012 (from 0.44 look elsewhere for a solution like it
to 0.91), and credit cards per capita had done by developing CENIT while
increased 5 times in the same time the banks stalled on ACH Colombia
period, from 0.05 to 0.27, ending 2012 and this approach was indeed
with 28.6 million total active cards contemplated at the government level,
in the market. An important factor
according to interviews.
limiting credit and debit card usage
for Internet purchases has been the Solving the challenges posed by
unwillingness of individuals to enter the requirements of the new model
their cards information on a merchants took nearly three years (2001-2003)
website for security reasons.21 Being of discussions within the banking
directed to a banks website, as PSE sector. These negotiations were
does, is perceived as more secure. For helped by the sectors experience
businesses, card usage is hindered by with the merger that led to ACH
the low penetration of corporate credit Colombia and the 1990s negotiations
and debit cards. on interoperability between the
two low-value payment operators
A still greater barrier to card usage (originally owned by different
and indeed to usage of all electronic banks), one exclusively working for
payment methods in Colombia is the Visa, Credibanco, and the other one
low level of financial inclusion. Colombia operating for MasterCard, Redeban.
has made impressive improvements:
The number of people with an account To get ideas for PSEs design, ACH
at a formal financial institution increased Colombia staff looked at similar
from 15.7 million in 2009 to 21.1 million initiatives in Brazil and travelled
in 2013 (over half the adult population); there to meet with a software
but only 42% of adults have active company that had helped a local
savings accounts. 22
bank design a service for online
purchases. Based on the basic
3.3 Financial sector initiative concept of a Web service provider,
In this context, the banks, through beginning in 2004 ACH Colombia
ACH Colombia, sought to create a new worked with its own technology
electronic platform. The banking sector provider to design a custom
12 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
14 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
In the social security system in Colombia, private and public providers coexist under government
The pension system was reformed in the mid-1990s. Today, a private savings model (based on individual
savings accounts and managed by five funds) coexists with a public solidarity fund, and workers are
allowed to choose between them. Health social security was reformed in 2002 and allows private and
public providers, called Empresas Promotoras de Salud (EPS), to operate as insurers; workers can choose
between 24 of these providers. In addition, employers have to contribute to professional risk insurance
(they can choose between 10 insurance companies).
Until 2006, employers had to fill out one form per provider and pay each one independently, which could
mean processing 10-15 forms and payments each month for all types of social security contributions.
Payments had to be made through institutions (mainly banks) approved to collect social security
contributions, as well as the low-value payment systems.
By mid-2008, once the PILA unified format was implemented, 390,000 social security contributions were
processed in electronic form; by 2012 that had increased to 2.2 million unified formats (called planillas)
every month, which represent the contributions of 9.2 million workers.
16 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
monthly VUCE transactions are now payments waned (aside from the
made through PSE. As of 2014, 99% of partnership of PILA and PSE),
all VUCE transactions were electronic banks and ACH Colombia identified
using PSE. the potential for using PSE in
e-commerce transactions.32
Though payments to government
agencies (person- or business-to- Hosting service providers33 and
government, P2G or B2G) other e-payment gateways, called
than PILA were the impetus for the pasarelas,34 played an important
creation of PSE, these services were role in accelerating merchants
hampered by a lack of consistency and adoption of PSE. Web-hosting
persistence from the government. companies helped businesses with
a diversity of e-commerce services,
3.5 Merchants and billers from hosting an information-only
emerge as major PSE users website, to more complex services,
As the public sectors interest such as billing administration
in promoting online electronic and database management, and
18 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
20 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
PSE transactions / ACH
8.0% Volume
6.0% Value
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Source: ACH Colombia
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
4.1 P
ayments to merchants in 2013 for the first time there were
are increasing more more payments to businesses.
quickly than payments to
8,000,000 By value, though, social security
In PSEs early days, social security contributions still make up the
contributions were the predominant biggest share. PSE transactions
# transactions
payment 5,000,000
type over the system. totaled US$35.4 billion as of 2013, of
Though those payments, and which PILA represents about 70%,
to government agencies, down from 95% in 2008.
continue 2,000,000
to grow in volume, payments
to private1,000,000
businesses make up an Part of the slowing growth in
increasing share-of PSEs transactions. payments to government using
By the end of 2012, business 2009 2010 2011
PSE can 2012 by 2013
be explained the
transactions nearly equaled social level of complexity. For example,
PILA Government
security contributions by volume, and the Federal Tax Administration
22 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
# transactions
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
PILA Government
Source: ACH Colombia
24 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
4.3 B
anks offering e-payment Not all banks have developed
services to save costs their own platforms to deliver
To make a profit from their PSE these services; some use hosting
services and to increase usage of PSE companies, as they have faced
by their corporate clients, many banks difficulties of their own in interfacing
have developed special products, with PSE.
According to banks interviewed
Web-hosting services: ACH for this case, in comparison to
Colombia manages websites other bill collection mechanisms
offered by some banks, linking available in the financial system,
the banks website to the PSE has the lowest cost from
businesss website. According to the banks point of view: When a
those interviewed, this kind of banks corporate client accepts
service may cost US$94 a month a bill payment in cash through
plus US$0.52 to US$0.63 per the banks branch network, each
transaction. 39
transaction may cost the bank
US$1.30, whereas the cost to
E-payment gateways (pasarelas): the bank of a client using PSE
Some banks offer websites to allow ranges from US$0.30 to US$0.40.
different businesses to sell their For banks, PSE reduces the use
goods and services or even collect of branches. Some banks are
bills, using PSE. For example, beginning to use PSE themselves,
Banco de Occidente, BBVA, and in their role as billers for loan
Colpatria offer websites that allow repayments from their debtors.41
their clients to receive payments
using PSE from any bank, without Not surprisingly, PSE transactions
the need to even have individual are concentrated in a few big
websites. 40
banks. Bank 1 (individual bank
names have been withheld at the
Including PSEs link on businesses request of ACH Colombia) is clearly
websites: For this service, the dominant player. The top two
businesses pay a fixed fee per banks accounted for almost 68% of
transaction to the bank, most total transactions as of 2013, which
often in the case of bill collection, corresponds to their dominance
though sometimes the agreement of the market for bank deposits:
includes leaving funds in the bank Combined, these two also had
for a certain period of time (called 66% of the total deposits (savings
reciprocidad in Spanish). accounts and checking accounts).
26 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
Bank 7, 3.0%
Bank 6, 2.8% 10.5%
Bank 5, 3.5%
Bank 4, 5.1%
Bank 1, 54.9%
Bank 3, 6.5%
Bank 2,
4.4 H
osting services and using PSE both for sales and bill
e-payment gateways are collection. Since 2009, the number
also playing a greater role of businesses using Web-hosting
PSE transactions through Web- services to make PSE transactions
hosting service providers and has increased almost five times: As
e-payment gateways have been of 2013, 39% of businesses (private
increasing in importance: By the end and public) using PSE relied on
of 2013, 24.9% of PSE transactions hosting and other e-payment service
were initiated using Web-hosting providers.
companies while e-payment
gateways, provided mainly by five Web-hosting and e-payment
banks and companies, 42
accounted gateways charge businesses a fixed
for almost 6% of PSE transactions. value plus fees per transaction
that may decrease as value per
As discussed above, Web-hosting transaction increases. Fixed fees
services have greatly helped charged by one of the pasarelas
increase the number of companies interviewed for this case are
35.0% 2,500
30.0% 2,000
25.0% 1,319
3.2% 5.3%
15.0% 642
1.5% 24.9% 464
10.0% 0.7% 500
15.7% 18.2%
5.0% -
6.5% 9.0%
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Source: ACH Colombia
Hostings Gateways
28 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
5 Challenges relevant
to other contexts
The above sections have described methods for bill collection, it is not
the outcomes particular to the clear that PSEs fee structure is
Colombian context. Policymakers properly incentivizing merchants and
and providers in other countries, bill collectors to accept payments
however, are likely to face challenges with PSE, which could slow its
in planning and implementation growth rate in the future. (Recall
similar to those faced by ACH the discussion of PSEs fixed per-
Colombias PSE project. transaction rate for bill collection,
particularly affecting low-value bills,
One of these challenges is certain where a US$5.20 bill could carry a
to be the technical complexity in fee of US$0.50.)
connecting a wide variety of bank
payment platforms to one central This may explain why overall
system. These challenges also average transaction size using PSE
apply to merchants (especially has remained around US$1,908
smaller ones), for whom managing well above the values that would
and upgrading technology can displace the most common cash
be difficult and expensive, often transaction.43 And PSE may not
requiring an outside hosting service. compete with cards in all cases,
either; checks are the most likely
Even though fees were set on par alternative for utility bills and tax
with those for cards and other payments.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
30 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
32 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
6 Lessons learned
A long-term policy commitment can spur financial service
providers to develop effective, efficient payment products.
The Colombian government was a constant presence in the development
of ACH Colombia in general and PSE specifically. When the push toward
e-government flagged on the policy side, it was taken up by the payment
regulators. The creation of PSE was driven in part by banks fear of losing out in
the market for electronic payments, although the central bank was itself a direct
advocate and supporter of clearing houses as a bank-driven solution.
A consistent policy from the government is key in sending the private sector
(merchants and banks) a clear message that it will maintain the conditions
necessary to justify long-term investments in new e-payment instruments and
systems. The Colombian case also shows the need to involve all levels of the
public sector, especially local governments, to promote the scale necessary for
long-term sustainability of electronic payments.
This consistency broke down in Colombia. The government did not fully enforce
its rule ordering all public institutions to use electronic payment systems to collect
taxes, so public sector agencies were left at liberty to make different kinds of
arrangements and negotiate individually with each bank, disrupting the main
concept of a successful e-payment system, multi-bank, multi-client.
Government mandates can be effective in driving usage of
electronic payments.
Requiring the public sector to accept only electronic payments also serves
the purpose of forcing the general public to adopt e-payments. Because at the
outset, all social security payments were to be made electronically, the PILA
policy forced people and businesses to start making e-payments and was vital
in spreading awareness of PSE. However, not all people had bank accounts or
Internet access, and not all of those who did knew how to use online payments
systems. Though the Ministry of Health had to pull back from the electronic
mandate and create another option within the electronic PILA that allowed people
to make payments in cash, the majority of payments had to be electronic.45
Many of the providers and users interviewed for this case said that, despite the
relatively modest values involved, linking PILA to PSE was an important factor in
promoting electronic payments because it built consumer trust in the system and
instilled payment habits that could be applied to new services offered through
PSE. Customer confidence, combined with the addition of new services, has
enabled PSE to increase not only in absolute terms but also to represent a higher
proportion of total transactions made by ACH Colombia: Starting from 4% in 2007,
by 2012 it represented 12% of total transactions cleared through the switch.
Building confidence has been one of the key factors in the governments push
to use PSE and other e-payment mechanisms. In addition, all the technological
mechanisms that had been developed over the years to avoid mistakes and
address discrepancies have had a positive demonstration effect on day-to-day
e-payment users.
This kind of platform can be leveraged to promote electronic
payments, once a financial inclusion strategy is in place.
PSE usage is limited to those with bank accounts. To further expand usage,
and deepen the systems benefits, the government must have an active financial
inclusion strategy that helps overcome limits on access to, and usage of, financial
products. The financial inclusion strategy needs to address and tackle the reasons
why usage of financial products remains low, deterring or preventing people from
using e-payments. This issue is now identified as part of the Colombian financial
inclusion strategy.46
PSEs ultimate barrier is reaching customers without bank accounts. Some banks
and businesses are trying to overcome this by issuing electronic invoices that can
be paid later in a branch. Obviously this is a half-measure and eventually involves
cash, but at least it can serve as a vehicle to inform people about electronic
34 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
payment mechanisms. Even people with accounts are not all willing to use
electronic mechanisms. Introducing PSE to customers not using PILA (employees
whose contributions to social security system are made by their employers) has
been quite difficult.
The interface between PSE and its merchant users is not easy for
banks to develop and offer alone.
Hosting-service providers linking businesses to PSE were vital to the
development and consolidation of the system by helping banks overcome the
technical problem of connecting to PSE. Government, businesses, and even banks
found this kind of service very useful to avoid using their own scarce internal
resources and manpower to develop and update something they dont see as a
core business. As those interviewed mentioned, in the absence of these providers,
it would have been much more difficult for PSE to gain traction with businesses.
The business model needs to incentivize usage by merchants
for both high- and low-value payments.
PSE was designed to facilitate payments of both purchases and bills
payment streams that entail different payment behaviors, average values,
and processes. The fee structure has to allow for both types of transactions.
It is not clear how the business case for users of PSE will evolve and how they will
perceive and stimulate the usage of PSE compared with card payments in card-
not-present transactions. The initial decision by the members of ACH Colombia to
recreate the card sectors business model may need to change. With PSE, after all,
the banks do not have to pay franchise fees to the card networks, so the end-user
cost could be lower.
Potentially opposing interests have to be reconciled.
Finally, the case of PSE shows that the success of an interoperable
e-payment system depends on a deep understanding of all the interests
and market positions of providers and users alike. This is needed to reach
agreements that allow for the alignment of often conflicting interests around the
general benefit of having an e-payment system that reduces costs and increases
efficiency for the market and consumers.
Automated Clearing house
Banco de la Repblica
Interactive Voice Response
Online Bill Presentment and Electronic Payment
Planilla Integrada de Liquidacin de Aportes
Point of Sale
Pagos Seguros en Lnea
36 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
End Notes
1 BTCA country diagnostic of Colombia, 2013. 13 Founded as an independent private company in November 2000 as
a result of the merging of 2 former private small ACHs. Today it has
2 In Colombia there is no explicit legal framework for payments, 17 shareholders and 19 users including banks, some cooperatives,
but since 2005 all low payment systems (defined as payment and trust fund companies. The 6 largest banks own 60% of shares
platforms which interconnect more than 3 financial institutions and and 40% is distributed among the other shareholders.
undertake transactions of less than a daily average of US$ 1,800
million) are regulated by the Ministry of Finance and supervised 14 The SIIF process involves different stages: All the federal institutions
by the Financial Superintendence (Decree 1400 de 2005). Specific have to upload their detailed budget and each time they have
regulations on operational risk and AML are applicable for this type to pay, they need to validate the expenditure and ask for the
of institution. funds indicating the account of the recipient (they have 500,000
registered accounts). When authorized, payments are ordered
3 Better Than Cash Alliance (2012), The Journey Toward Cash Lite, by the Treasury and are processed through the accounts at the
available at Central Bank through CENIT-ACH to the accounts of providers or
BetterThanCashAlliance-JourneyTowardCashLite.pdf. beneficiaries at the banking institutions. SIIF has databases needed
to identify the bank account for each intended individual payee.
4 As the case study explains, these payments are mostly business-to-
business: employers making government-mandated social security
contributions on behalf of their employees to private social security 15 Law 298, 1996.
operators. dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&form_busqueda=leyes#LPHit1.
5 See 16 Included all 170 institutions at the Federal level. Decree
2806, 2000.
6 G: Government. B: Business (non-financial private sector). P: Person dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&form_busqueda=decretos.
(individuals). D: Development community partner. For further
explanation of the payment grid, see The Journey Toward Cash Lite. 17 Conpes Document 3072, February 2000.
12 The Ministry of Finance continues to use CENIT in part because it 26 Decree 3667, 2004.
gets a preferential rate for transactions (US$ 0.08), lower than would dll?f=templates&fn=default.htm&form_busqueda=decretos.
have been possible if it depended only on the private ACH.
38 COLOMBIAS ONLINE E-PAYMENTS PLATFORM: Private Sector Innovation Inspired by Government Vision
27 For example, one challenge was to decide who would administer and 35 In all cases, the business wanting to use PSE has to be acquired, by
save, in a centralized form, the information of all the contributions a bank as well, to be able to receive payments.
and payments. It was decided that the Central Bank would use its
ACH platform, CENIT, to process and store the information. 36 Interviews with companies suggest that developing a platform in-
house may cost US$3,000- US$5,000 up front, and would require
28 Other social security constant upgrading.
information operators designed similar electronic platforms. To date,
there are eight electronic platforms that end up in PSE payments 37 The annual inflation rate was 4.3% during the same period.
and ACH transfers.
38 Interview with the president of the Colombian E-commerce
29 There are six social security subsystems whose contributions have Chamber, El Universal, December 24 2013.
to be made using PILA: health, pension funds, severance funds,
insurance, family compensation funds, being the most important. 39 This is the case for example, of a hosting service that specializes in
30 Though the PILA system was meant to be totally electronic, the
government had to design a mechanism (PILA asistida) for people 40
without accounts in the banking sector, allowing them to use the
electronic PILA to calculate the contribution, but ending up paying
in cash in a branch. AgreementCategory.aspx.
31 The Doing Business Report for 2014 41 For example, Colpatria is already using PSE to collect all loan
recognizes Colombias VUCE as an example of a Trade Single payments, including credit cards.
Windows with Singapore, and Azerbaijan. (p. 62 and 63).
42 Red Multibanca Colpatria, Pagosonline, Portal Zona Pagos Bbva,
32 The regulatory environment by this time was clear. In 1999 Law 527 Banco Comercial Av Villas, and Mercadolibre Colombia S.A.
regulated access and the use of data messages, e-commerce, and
electronic signatures, defining the entities allowed to certify their 43 According to a Com Score survey, 35% of Colombian online
validity. The regulations main objective was to set an adequate shoppers spent between US$500 and US$1,000 online while 34%
legal framework allowing e-commerce development within a safe exceeded these amounts.
environment. This kind of framework was key to the development of commerce-incremente-sus-ventas-gracias-a-internet/.
e-commerce schemes.
33 Hosting services help businesses connect their webpage to PSE, can commerce-report-for-latinamerica-2012.
host the webpage, or can merely provide service to link them. In any
case, transactions occur between each business and PSE directly,
45 All businesses with more than 30 employees are required to pay
and the resources of each payment are credited to the businesses
electronically. Smaller businesses and independent workers are
banks immediately.
34 Pasarelas or e-payment gateways, are aggregators that interconnect
46 Colombias new financial inclusion strategy has emphasized
onto its own platform many businesses and from there link to PSE.
electronic payments and transfers as a focus for the next four
Transactions are undertaken on behalf of each pasarela, which
years. See
negotiates merchant discounts taking advantage of volume offered
to its acquiring bank. Funds are transferred to each establishment
several days after the purchase is confirmed, depending on the
A L L I A N C E Empowering People Through Electronic Payments