VPIT Status and Activity Report For May 2017

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Vice President for Information Technology

Status and Activity Report for May 2017

Prepared by Timothy M. Chester, Vice President for Information Technology (VPIT)

Announcements for Faculty and Staff Meetings

ArchPass Duo to be Required for Using vLab: Beginning May 5, students, faculty and
staff accessing UGAs virtual computer lab, called vLab, from non-lab devices will be
required to log in with ArchPass Duo, UGAs phone-based two-factor authentication
service. Non-lab devices includes personal laptops, phones, classroom podiums, iMac and
Mac Pro machines at the Miller Learning Center, and computer work stations. Requiring
ArchPass Duo to access vLab will provide an extra layer of security for users and the
campus network. ArchPass Duo offers users multiple methods for receiving passcodes and
authenticating into systems. You can authenticate with a phone call, SMS text message or
through the Duo app on a smartphone or tablet. Users can enroll via the self-service portal
on the ArchPass Duo website at archpass.uga.edu/enroll. Most computers in the MLC and
University Housing will not require ArchPass Duo for vLab access. For more information
about ArchPass Duo, please visit archpass.uga.edu.

Self-Service Guest Wireless Network to be Piloted: This summer, EITS will pilot a new
self-service guest wireless network called the UGA-Visitors WiFi network. Once on
campus, visitors may complete a brief self-registration process in order to get a username
and password. Visitors must provide their name, valid email address, and agree to UGA's
computer use policy in order to be given a temporary username and password. The
existing guest wireless network, Welcome to UGA, will continue to be available to guests
by contacting the EITS Help Desk for a username and password. Guest wireless network
access is intended for temporary, short-term use by visitors. Additional information about
the pilot of the new guest wireless network will be available soon. For more information,
please contact Mike Lucas at mlucas@uga.edu.

Support for Academic and Administrative Computing

User and Supervisor Verifications Completed for FY17 Audit: In preparation for the
annual financial state audit for FY17, EITS completed a verification of all user accounts on
the mainframe, Banner and IDM systems. This audit involved asking users to verify the
need for the access they have for each system, and supervisors reviewing and deciding to
approve or deny this access for employees under their purview. The deadline for users and
managers to complete this process was April 28. Users who did not respond will have their
access to these systems revoked May 8. Data custodians will complete additional review of
the data in May. For more information about the user verification process, please contact
Lynn Wilson at llatimer@uga.edu.

OneSource Public Forum on Budgeting, Demo Days Coming Soon: A public forum on
budgeting is scheduled for June 15. This is an opportunity to learn more about the future
of budget planning and forecasting, annual budget setting, and the budget control process.
Demo Days are scheduled for Summer 2017. This will be an opportunity for campus to get
a sneak peek of the new PeopleSoft system. Please contact UGAs OneSource team
(onesource@uga.edu) if you have questions about these upcoming events. For more
information about OneSource, please visit onesource.uga.edu.

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OneSource Videos and Resources Available on Website: An introduction video to the

OneSource project, along with Chart of Accounts Comparison, Chart of Accounts
Definitions and Chart of Accounts Department ID are now available on the OneSource
website at https://onesource.uga.edu/videos/overview/. The Resource page is also now
available and offers documents, presentations, reference materials and frequently asked
questions on specific topics: https://onesource.uga.edu/resources/. If you were not able to
attend a presentation or would like to access past materials, you can find them all here.
Additional topics will be added throughout the project. For more information on
OneSource, please visit onesource.uga.edu.

OneSource Unit Plans Due May 15: Departmental Systems Master Spreadsheet, Chart of
Accounts Implementation and HR Reporting Structure templates are due by Monday, May
15. Office hours are available for assistance on all of these templates in Room 138 of the
Tate Student Center on the following dates: Friday, May 5, at 2:00 p.m.; and, Friday, May
12, at 3:00 p.m. For more information, visit the OneSource website at onesource.uga.edu.

Data Reporting and Analytics

OIR Website to be Relaunched: UGAs Office of Institutional Research will relaunch its
website, which will feature data visualization, in the summer. The new site was initially
planned to be released in the spring. OIR manages the Universitys institutional data in
order to support institutional management, operations, decision-making, and planning
functions. The current website is using a legacy system to manage institutional data. The
relaunched OIR site (oir.uga.edu) will have a new look and feel, along with additional
functionality that uses data visualization. This effort is streamlining legacy OIR resources
in a cohesive online tool thats modern, efficient and presents institutional data using a
self-service method of data visualization. The new site will make it easier for visitors to
understand complex patterns and concepts by using data visualization. Portions of the
OIR site are limited to UGA faculty and staff access with a MyID. Data on the new website
will be organized by key University areas: Admissions, enrollment, degrees conferred,
academic information, student-related information, and faculty and staff information. For
more information, please contact Paul Klute at pklute@uga.edu.

Support for Research

New GACRC training opportunities available: There are new training opportunities
available for researchers interested in using the Georgia Advanced Computing Resource
Centers high-performance computer clusters. The GACRC will host two interactive
question and answer sessions May 3 and May 17, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., in Room C128 of
the Davison Life Sciences Building. These walk-in Q&A sessions are open to anyone
interested in learning more about the GACRC; registration is not required. In addition,
training on the z-cluster has been discontinued, as no new z-cluster accounts are being
created. For a complete list of training opportunities, visit gacrc.uga.edu/training. For
more information on the GACRC, please contact Dr. Guy Cormier at gcormier@uga.edu.

Did You Know?

There are two new print kiosks on campus which have the new University of Georgia logo.
They are located in Myers Hall, on the first floor near Room 195AA, and in Creswell Hall,

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on the first floor near Room 195H. EITS anticipates there to be around 50 wepa print
kiosks total on campus. For a list of print kiosk locations, visit printkiosk.uga.edu.

University of Georgia students, faculty, and staff, as well as interested others, may subscribe to
this monthly report by sending an email to listserv@listserv.uga.edu with the phrase subscribe
vpit-news as the body of the message.

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