2014 Fall
Plan: Secondary Education Major
- - - - - Test Credits - - - - - Plan: Chemistry Double Major
Advanced Placement Test (Test Date: 2013-06-01 Score: 4.00)
BIO 100 Biology 4.00 T Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
BIO 200 4.00 T CHY 251 Organic Chemistry I 3.00 3.00 C- 5.010
CHY 253 Organic Chemistry Lab I 2.00 2.00 C 4.000
Total Test Credits: 8.00 EDB 202 Educ in a Multicul Society 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
ERS 102 Environmental Geology of ME 4.00 4.00 A- 14.680
Total Transfer Credits: 8.00 PSY 100 General Psychology 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
Term GPA: 3.179 GPA Hours: 15.00 Term Totals: 15.00 15.00 47.690
- - - - - Beginning of Undergraduate Record - - - - -
2015 Spring
2013 Fall Plan: Secondary Education Major
Plan: Chemical Engineering Major
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
CHY 252 Organic Chemistry II 3.00 3.00 D+ 3.990
CHB 111 Intro Chem Eng & Bioengine I 2.00 2.00 A 8.000
EDB 221 Educational Psychology 3.00 3.00 A- 11.010
CHY 121 Intro to Chemistry 3.00 3.00 A 12.000 MAT 228 Calculus III 4.00 4.00 C+ 9.320
CHY 123 Intro to Chemistry Lab 1.00 1.00 A- 3.670 MAT 232 Prin Statistical Inference 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
ECO 120 Principles of Microeconomics 3.00 3.00 C- 5.010 PSY 224 Psychology of Adolescence 3.00 3.00 B+ 9.990
MAT 126 Calculus I 4.00 4.00 C+ 9.320
PHY 121 Phy Eng & Physical Sci I 4.00 4.00 C 8.000 Term GPA: 2.707 GPA Hours: 16.00 Term Totals: 16.00 16.00 43.310
Term GPA: 2.706 GPA Hours: 17.00 Term Totals: 17.00 17.00 46.000
2015 Fall
Plan: Secondary Education Major
2014 Spring
Plan: Secondary Education Major Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
Plan: Chemistry Double Major
CHY 471 Physical Chemistry I 3.00 3.00 A- 11.010
EHD 204 Teach & Assess Student Learn 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
Course Description Attempted Earned Grade Points
HTY 211 Maine & the Sea 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
CHY 122 Molecular Basis Chem Change 3.00 3.00 A 12.000 MUL 101 Art of Listen Mus:Elements 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
CHY 124 Mol Basis Chem Change Lab 1.00 1.00 A 4.000 SED 302 Adapt Instr Std W/Disabil 3.00 3.00 B+ 9.990
ENG 101 College Composition 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
MAT 127 Calculus II 4.00 0.00 D+ 0.000 Term GPA: 3.400 GPA Hours: 15.00 Term Totals: 15.00 15.00 51.000
Repeated: Course Credit and GPA removed
PHY 122 Phy Eng & Physical Sci II 4.00 4.00 C- 6.680
2016 Spring
Term GPA: 2.880 GPA Hours: 11.00 Term Totals: 15.00 11.00 31.680 Plan: Secondary Education Major
2016 Fall
Plan: Secondary Education Major
CHY 461 Adv Inorganic Chemistry I 3.00 3.00 B 9.000
EHD 301 Support Pos Behav & Acad Achv 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
EHD 400 Field Observation 2.00 2.00 B+ 6.660
Course Topic: Secondary Science
ESC 452 Tch Science in Secondary Sch 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
FSN 121 Brewing with Food Science 3.00 3.00 A 12.000
Term GPA: 3.690 GPA Hours: 14.00 Term Totals: 14.00 14.00 51.660
Dean's List
2017 Spring
Plan: Secondary Education Major
EHD 491 Full-Day Std Tch (Sec) 12.00 0.00 0.000
EHD 498 Seminar for Interns 3.00 0.00 0.000
Term GPA: 0.000 GPA Hours: 0.00 Term Totals: 15.00 0.00 0.000
Cum GPA: 3.186 GPA Hours: 104.00 Cum Totals: 123.00 112.00 331.340