Field Journal 2 PDF
Field Journal 2 PDF
Field Journal 2 PDF
Ellie Stillman
2. Describe your classroom. What grade level(s) and content are taught?
What are the demographics of your classroom? If you have ELL learners,
special education students, gifted students, what services are provided
for these students?
I was in a seventh-grade advanced algebra classroom. Mrs. Jerdon
also taught one period of regular algebra, however I was not there
during this period. The math department decided to switch its content
this year, first teaching algebra, and then moving into geometry,
versus in previous years it was geometry then algebra. Mrs. Jerdon
liked this switch, but it also caused some issue in terms of student
learning. Many of the concepts were harder for her students to grasp
without the previous geometry knowledge. However, she believes this
slight struggle will be worth it in the end, as geometry will be more
meaningful. I completely agree, as I personally went through algebra
before I went through geometry, and it made the value of shapes
much easier to understand and the concepts held more meaning. This
struggle, however, was very interesting to observe as it varied
between her classes. Her second period seemed to grasp the material
much better than her third period. I saw this when I graded their
exams, as second period was all As and third had anywhere from an
A+ to a D. Mrs. Jerdon did not have an exact explanation for this,
however in EDT 246, Dr. Howard said it may be because many
students schedules are based around band. Regardless, it seems odd
there would be such a large difference is her classes. One could not
say it is because of race, as all the students I observed were white.
There were no ELLs and none of her students had visible disabilities or
paras present. I also know that Eaton Middle School does not have a
Gifted and Talented program. In my own opinion, after what I have
learned in the field block classes, as well as comparison in observation,
I believe there are some students who should have additional
assistance in Mrs. Jerdons class, as well as students who should be in
a Gifted and Talented program. Overall, Mrs. Jerdon set up a hard-
working, functional classroom that pushed the students to the best of
their abilities. While these abilities were in a wide range, all her
students worked hard and seemed to enjoy their class.
2. What are you most proud of about yourself? This is not something that you own (like
clothes or a bike), but something about you (like a personality trait, talent or
Last year in fifth grade got student of the month thing they hand out at the end of the
4. What are your favorite things to do for fun? What makes them your favorite?
Go outside and rides bikes with my friends and play videogames. Because I get to spend
time with my friends and videogames are a good way to pass time.
7. What do you wish you could learn about in school that they do not teach you?
Cursive. Most definitely cursive. Because it would be easier to write. (rapid response)
8. What do you wish your teacher(s) knew about people your age?
That its hard to keep organized and stuff. And its hard to pay attention in class.
Especially in science we have a science binder and it has different places where things
have to go and it must be in order. I like talking to people at my table.
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
No school. Just a lot of things they teach. There are things you know and then there are
thing you arent going to use.
Student Interviews
MS FS Age: 12
2. What are you most proud of about yourself? This is not something that you own (like
clothes or a bike), but something about you (like a personality trait, talent or
Keeping good grades mainly. I usually have As and Bs.
4. What are your favorite things to do for fun? What makes them your favorite?
Hang out with my friends, be on my phone, and work on cheerleading. My or their
houses, go to the movies. Snapchat, social media. School cheerleader, basketball,
football, and competition.
7. What do you wish you could learn about in school that they do not teach you?
How to deal with problems outside of school- like kids who are going through different
things and you dont know what to say or act towards them. They kinda go over it, but
not a lot.
8. What do you wish your teacher(s) knew about people your age?
That sometimes we have a lot of things outside of school and through school that we are
always having things to do, and sometimes you cant get your work done and its a lot to
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
To have less arguments about small stuff. Everyone having so much to say about
Student Interviews
MS FS Age: 13
2. What are you most proud of about yourself? This is not something that you own (like
clothes or a bike), but something about you (like a personality trait, talent or
Sports. Made the team, football and basketball.
4. What are your favorite things to do for fun? What makes them your favorite?
Play sports, videogames sometimes. Cause basketball is my favorite sport I go out and
shoot sometimes.
7. What do you wish you could learn about in school that they do not teach you?
I dont know.
8. What do you wish your teacher(s) knew about people your age?
Just that some classes arent students favorites.
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Drug free. It would be a better place.
Student Interviews
MS FS Age: 12
2. What are you most proud of about yourself? This is not something that you own (like
clothes or a bike), but something about you (like a personality trait, talent or
I have good grades. Always had good grades.
4. What are your favorite things to do for fun? What makes them your favorite?
Soccer and skating. I like soccer because I like kicking things and I like skating because
its fun.
7. What do you wish you could learn about in school that they do not teach you?
8. What do you wish your teacher(s) knew about people your age?
That we have other things to do than homework.
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I dont know.
Student Interviews
MS FS Age: 12
2. What are you most proud of about yourself? This is not something that you own (like
clothes or a bike), but something about you (like a personality trait, talent or
I always keep my grades up; I never really get an F or a D on my report cards.
4. What are your favorite things to do for fun? What makes them your favorite?
I love to be outside because I have activities to do outside. Yesterday my sister and I
went into the woods and built forts. I like to play with my sister a lot.
7. What do you wish you could learn about in school that they do not teach you?
Really nothing.
8. What do you wish your teacher(s) knew about people your age?
That its hard sometimes when they explain things. Sometimes they get mad at you
when you ask questions but you really need help when you ask a lot of questions.
9. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
I really wanted nothing to die, everything to die for the rest of the universe.
Student Interview Analysis
Sports Go outside
Brown, D.F., & Knowles, T. (2014). What Every Middle School Teacher Should Know (3rd ed.).
Ohio Department of Educations Office of Curriculum and Assessment and the Office for
Ohio Standards for Educators. (2012). Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession.