Solar Sizer
Solar Sizer
Solar Sizer
To find each worksheet, look at the tabs on the bottom left portion of
this Excel file
On the Load worksheet:
* Enter your name in the Customer Name box
* Fill out the cells for Quantity, Watts, Hrs/Day, and Days/Week for the Appliance
* The categories listed are examples only, you can add your own appliances as
needed and ignore ones on the load sheet you don't need.
* If you don't have a category, set the Quantity to 0
* You may need to look on the bottom, back or elsewhere of your appliances to find
the Watts info.
* You may need to change the Watts that are provided on the Load worksheet.
* After you complete your worksheet, do a File-Save As and save it as your last
On the Design worksheet:
* There is no need to fill out anything, except maybe your name on the Design
What to do when you are finished filling out the form:
* Email this completed file to us at
SolarSizer Xcel, Version 1.9 Customer Name:
2007 by SolarRay, Inc. Yellow Boxes are for your input
2 slices/ day
Hi Effeciency
LOAD = 4648 Watt-Hours per Day
EFFICIENCY ESTIMATES Battery Average Efficiency 0.88 5282
(See Instruction File) Inverter Average Efficiency 0.92 5741
Wiring & Distribution Efficiency 0.98 5858
Energy to Be Generated 5858
Days of Energy Storage 4 At Maximum Depth of Discharge 0.8
Batt Capacity at Low-Temp 1
Requires Battery Bank of 1220
Battery amp-hr rating 250 Required number of batteries = 19.5
Battery nom. Voltage 6 Proposed number of batteries = 12
for a Battery Bank of 750
Proposed Days of Storage 2.5
Battery Charger Amps (rated) 70 Load Generator to 0.9 0.75
Trace DC Charging Effeciency 0.5 Minimum Generator Rating = 2.5
Generator Running Time per Week (with proposed array)
when peak sun per day is 4.5 Hours -- Generator Must Run 20.1
when peak sun per day is 1 Hours -- Generator Must Run 19.4
Solar Ray
PO Box 2228
Taos, NM 87571
(505) 737-9553