Entire Sanctification
Entire Sanctification
Entire Sanctification
A Paper
Presented to
In Partial Fulfillment
December 2014
File 262
During Bible College, I sat under a professor and Pastor who had been largely
influenced by the views of Walvoord and Chafer, who were in turn influenced a fair amount by
perspectives coming out of the Keswick convention. My Pastor had at some point or another also
stumbled upon the life story of Hudson Taylor, and fell in love with it more than any other. As a
result, he taught very heavily on the let go and let God mindset of ceasing the struggle to do
right, and simply rest in the vivifying power of the Holy Spirit, Who wants to manifest the
righteousness of Christ through the believer, if only the believer would let Him do so. For around
a year I raged against his teaching as vain, (both in the sense of proud, and in the sense of
useless, passive, inactivity). After a year of sitting under his teaching, being exposed to Hudson
Taylor, George Muller, and Oswald Chambers, and reflecting on my own deliverance from
particular temptations in my life, I came around to his point of view. I read Scripture in its light. I
taught from its perspective. I preached it when I filled the pulpit or taught the Adult Bible Class.
I didnt have all the wrinkles smoothed out, and I definitely spent a lot of time questioning the
Eventually, I heard of the Keswick Convention, and a few friends and I became
excited at this movement wed managed never to hear of, while knowing of and loving so many
of the exemplary Christians that were influenced by it. Eventually, I read Amy Carmichael who
came out of the Keswick movement, and Miles J. Stanford, another strong supporter. I also
began attending DTS though, and the days are passed when the staff at DTS held common views
with Walvoord, Ryrie, and Chafer whose own views were only slightly divergent from Keswicks
on sanctification. I found a relatively strong disinclination toward the Keswick Convention, and
Ive found myself struggling again to find the biblical balance. In my more recent studies
concerning sanctification, Ive found that one of the most common criticisms of the Keswick
Convention among Evangelicals is the perception that they teach an entire sanctification, or a
perfectionism. This is related also to the crisis language used by some speakers and leaders
associated with Keswick. I would like to use this brief paper as an opportunity to explore Entire
The various proponents of Entire Sanctification feel that the view is clearly taught in
Scripture. They read Matt 5:48, you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect, and 1
Pet 1:15-16, .You shall be holy, for I am holy, and see no reason to lessen the injunctions, or
to make them an abstract concept of holiness. Wesleyan Melvin Dieter, who some would
consider a perfectionist, says, God wants to have (needs to have) a holy people to have
fellowship with, and cites 1 Thess 5:23, Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you
entirelywithout blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Other passages in support of
Perfectionism, or Entire Sanctification, include Eph 4:13; 5:27 and Col 3:10.
Proponents, such as Pascal P. Belew of the Church of the Nazarene will use Romans
6:6, knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might
be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin. They emphasize the word
Belew also references Dr. Daniel Steele as making a strong argument from the tense reading of
the GNT the scriptures dealing with sanctification use the aorist tense, which denotes a
momentary and completed act.3 Steele, Belew, and others apply such an interpretation to
Romans 12:1, present (aorist) your bodies a living and holy sacrifice.4 True proponents of
Entire hold a hard line of distinction between justification (regeneration), sanctification (for
whom Entire is the only type), and glorification. Belew describes them as three crises5 and
Melvin E. Dieter et al., Five Views: on Sanctification, ed. Stanley N. Gundry (Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1987), 31.
Pascal P. Belew, The Case For Entire Sanctification (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1974), 21.
Ibid., 25-26.
Ibid., 30.
Ibid., 11.
points to the baptism of the Holy Spirit as that crisis event.6 Thus, for the true proponent, there is
(though they may make allowance for a growing in holiness after being baptized by the Spirit
into holiness), and there is absolutely no degree to which a person is sanctified at death, with is
John Wesley found, in London alone, 652 persons, whose sanctification he could not
doubt, and each declared that his sanctification was a second crisis and instantaneous.
The second blessing properly so-called, is factual, scriptural, historical, contemporary,
personal, and experiential. Why waste more time? Get the blessing today!7
6:19 and 12:1-2 as making the case for a one time act of consecration to God for service,
alluding back to the OT act of consecration for Temple use. Upon this consecration, the believer
is entirely sanctified, having now attained Christian Perfection, supported by Phil 3:15, Let us
therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude, (cf. Matt. 5:48, 2 Cor 7:1, Heb 6:1; 12:22-
Thus, there are two primary aspects of Entire Sanctification that the rest of
Evangelicals take some issue with. There is the crisis or second blessing which is taught as a
single moment in history when a believer is finally baptized by the Holy Spirit, and there is the
teaching that the newly Spirit-baptized Christian is made perfect, as in sanctified perfectly, which
The main avenue taken in order to disprove both aspects is usually to show the
progressive nature of sanctification portrayed in Scripture and to highlight the verses that portray
the Christian (and sometimes the Holy Spirit) as in a struggle against the sin nature of the
believer. Along the way, most of the verses used by Perfectionists are shown to be far less
Ibid., 24-25.
Ibid., 27.
supportive of the concept than presumed. Briefly, Ill point out that many of the perfection
verses brought to bear by Perfectionists are in contexts which, upon further study, seem to link
becoming perfect with the Second Coming of Jesus. For instance, Col 1:28 is modified by 1:22
which places the event at the Second Coming, and so too with 1 Thess 5:23.8 In other cases, it is
pointed out that at the very least, nowhere is it taught that such perfection (as in Eph 4:13 and
5:27) has to occur before the Second Coming. Colossians 3:10 is also pointed out as speaking of
the new nature as being renewed. The picture there is almost of a positional new man/nature,
In Romans itself, the primary verses used by either side of the issue are chapters 6
and 12, with 8 referenced here and there as well. In the first place, Perfectionists hold to chapter
6 as a sort of Magna Carta of the Soul.10 In it, they find that the believer has died to sin (2),
that our old self was crucifiedthat our body of sin might be [abolished] (6), that the believer
should present (consecrate) yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, and your members
righteousness, resulting in sanctification (19). In essence, these verses help lead the
Perfectionist to the conclusion that the old nature has been completely abolished, or eradicated,
which then lends easily toward this concept of Perfectionism. Lewis Sperry Chafer confronts this
view on a number of levels, one of which is the unceasing conflict by which the Spirit delivers.11
In light of passages like Gal 5:16-17, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of
the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; for these
Dieter et al., 49.
For many more verses and arguments for progressive sanctification, against a crisis, and against
perfection this side of glory, see Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Grand
Rapids: Zondervan, 1994), 749-753.
Dieter et al. 154.
Lewis S. Chafer, He That Is Spiritual: A Classic Study of the Biblical Doctrine of Spirituality (Grand
are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please, it may
indeed be justified to interpret Romans 7 as speaking of the condition of a believer. If such is the
case, than the argument is clear that the nature of sin which gravitates man toward acts of
rebellion is still very much alive and active, and requires man to daily and continually look to the
Spirit and walk in Him. It may even be helpful to speak of the sin nature, or old man as
being positionally dead, just as the believer is said to already be positionally righteous. At that
point, it can be said that while the old nature is dead, it is also dying. This is in direct correlation
to the new nature being new, and yet progressively renewing in Col 3:10.
conjecture, that while Perfectionists use Romans 6:2, they do not properly deal with 6:11, in
which Paul encourages the believer to reckon himself dead to sin. If the sin nature were truly
abolished (i.e. eradicated), than there would be little need for the believer to reckon his sin nature
dead in order to not sin. This is seen also in 8:10 and 11, in which Christ is in the believer, which
has yielded a righteous spirit, and a body still dead because of sin. Verse 11 could be argued to
suggest that a later baptism of the Holy Spirit would then vivify the body also, but nobody does
argue that, not even Perfectionists. This is instead recognized for what it is, as a promise of
glorification at Christs Second Coming. Verses 12-14 wrap it up, expressing that since glorified
life is the end to which the believer looks, then the believer is obligated to live by the Spirit, not
the flesh, progressively putting to death the deeds of the body. This argues for a progressive
sanctification, as opposed to a one-time crisis event at which point the believer becomes a perfect
lover of God. Chapter 6 then, in light of so many other passages which speak to the struggles of a
reckon on the reality of their position as legally/spiritually freed from the dominion of sin as
master. This reckoning is not pictured as a one time event, but a current progressive activity,
(6.11), and the command not to allow sin to rule over the believer is the same (12). Of course, as
widely recognized by modern grammarians, even if the terms were aorist, (as in the consecration
This brings up Romans 12 as well. It has often been argued by crisis seeking
Perfectionists that Romans 12:1, present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, is to be
understood as a once for all action due to the verbs aorist tense. As referenced above, it has been
thoroughly shown that the aorist tense of Greek does not mean once-for-all action, though it is
used in situations in which a writer is speaking of once-for-all action. See Wallaces grammar for
a helpful discussion on the actual use and proper understanding of the aorist tense, which he
describes as offering a snapshot of an event or process as viewed from the outside. This is in
opposition to imperfects or presents which view event and processes from the inside, watching
the action unfold. It is entirely likely that the aorist in 12:1 is an ingressive aorist, and thus
signifies the beginning of a process, or even of a cycle. In such a case, it wouldnt at all be a
once-for-all baptism of the Spirit, but a dedication of a believer to Gods service that will be
repeated again and again as that believers maturity vacillates through the daily struggles of
temptation, and the greater struggle of spiritual drift into complacency. Furthermore, in Romans
12:1, the idea of consecration resulting in sanctification is foreign. Instead, the language
considers that when the believer presents himself to God, it is as a living and holy sacrifice. The
presentation is the sanctification. In the Perfectionist writings, it appears more that when the
believer consecrates himself, or presents himself, or yields himself, then the Holy Spirit baptizes
that believer and from that point on, he experiences Entire Sanctification. Again though, this
passage portrays sanctification more as the act of a believer continually presenting himself in
worship as a sacrifice to the Lord. The next verse continues to portray this ongoing process of
continually not being conformed to the world, and continually, gradually experiencing the
Daniel B. Wallace, Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New Testament
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996), 557.
One of the most interesting aspects of this debate lies in the redefining of pivotal
terms. It creates one of those interesting events within Evangelical Christianity in which
everyone speaks past each other and fails to recognize what their brothers and sisters in Christ
are saying. Such seems to be the case with Perfectionism, as brought out by the writing of Five
Views on Sanctification.
The issue at heart is that those opposed to Perfectionism spend time, at length,
regeneration/salvation, c) sanctification does not end until the believers body is made new in
glorification and d) that there is little to no evidence of a crisis experience in which the believer
is baptized by the Holy Spirit, elevating that believer into a victorious Christian life. While such
efforts are valiant and are to be commended, it must be stated that most Perfectionists argue for
the first three points as well. This becomes clear when reading the Perfectionists carefully,
particularly in works such as Five Views, in which the authors take great care to be properly
The Wesleyan perspective, Pentecostal perspective, and Keswick perspective, have all
been variously charged with teaching both Perfectionism, and crisis experiences. As the books
arguments unfold though, each proponent seems surprised to find that every other contributor
believed that sanctification is past (positional in redemption), present (progressing through the
Christian life), and future (upon glorification). Along with this surprise, came the distinction that
not one of those three views holds that the Christian can be perfect like God is perfect, or like
Christ was perfect, in motives and attitudes as well as in actions. The Keswick position in
particular spent a fair amount of time addressing that they recognize that any falling short of
Gods standards is sin, but that that is not what most Keswick leaders are claiming freedom from
when they say the believer can live victoriously over all sin. They in fact differentiate and say,
For the Wesleyans14, Wesley encouraged them to recognize that a perfected believer
would still experience many accidents, but he refused to call them sins, apparently concerned
that believers would understand such language to afford them a license to greater sins. The
Pentecostal chapter makes very similar distinctions (pointing to Holiness Pentecostals as the
extreme which has taken perfectionism far afield), and all five contributors breathe sighs of
relief. They do of course (and rightly so) take up issue with these three views for lessening the
definition of sin, as well as of perfection. In reality, very few people have ever believed that the
Christian can be sanctified to a point in which he does not sin at all and is as perfect today as he
will be when he is made like Christ in the glorification. That is not to suggest that it is advisable
to redefine terms like perfect and sin in order to support these perspectives, or even that such
wholesale victories over known sins is even the norm. It is to suggest though that interpreters
need to hear each other well when discussing perspectives. Too often, ears are more closed than
Aside from perfectionism and sin, the question of crisis came up a number of times
in Five Views. Similarly, the positions were clarified a little, though not to as satisfactory a
degree as Perfectionism. It was clear that Pentecostals still hold to a crisis experience that is
theologically necessary, and which is necessarily marked by speaking in tongues as the mark
that that Baptism of the Spirit has occurred. For the Keswick perspective, it was made clear that
a crisis experience is believed to be relatively normal, but that it is not theologically necessitated,
so much as experientially necessitated by uncommitted believers. More or less, their view boils
down to a rededication, at which point the Spirit fills a believer (though the believer was
already indwelt upon redemption) with that special strength to deny temptation toward rebellion.
Dieter et all., 155.
Belew, 48.
When pressed, they do agree that the believer can slip back out of that victorious life, and would
then need to be renewed again to a higher degree of sanctity. For the Wesleyans, it seems there is
not suggesting what most of their opponents seem to think they are suggesting. When the
opponents of Perfectionism start hearing the Perfectionists real aim and argument, then the
dialogue can move on to more important aspects, like whether the normal state of the Believer in
this world is really even a consistent victory over willful acts of sin, and if so, how to attain it. In
such a dialogue (which definitely is taking place in some arenas), what place does yielding and
consecration have, and how should the disciplines, and Pauls language of fighting, racing, and
pressing on be incorporated into those acts? Crisis language too needs to be continually, carefully
defined. Surely not many Christians would deny that a crisis moment does arrive for a believer
when God finally breaks him of that big sin that he was holding onto for all those years, refusing
to let go. More than anything, the dialogue needs to point believers to have a true and active hope
toward sanctity and holiness, as well as to highly value a hunger and thirst after righteousness
Belew, Pascal P. The Case For Entire Sanctification. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1974.
Chafer, Lewis S. He That Is Spiritual: A Classic Study of the Biblical Doctrine of Spirituality.
Grand Rapids, Zondervan, 1967.
Belew, 24, 27.
Grudem, Wayne. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Grand Rapids:
Zondervan, 1994.
New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update. LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 1995.
Stanford, Miles J. The Complete Green Letters. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983.
Wallace, Daniel B. Greek Grammar: Beyond the Basics: An Exegetical Syntax of the New
Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.