SahajVidya Merged
SahajVidya Merged
SahajVidya Merged
So whatever pleases your Spirit, is used in the Puja is to be
given; By showing light to God what we do is we worship light
within us the light element gets enlightened within us. The light
element is here on the Agnya. When you do Aarti or when you put
light before God when you show light to God, the light element
within you gets enlightened (800927)
In simple Indian villages, people try to be nice, congenial, good
how by understanding auspiciousness an auspicious presence is
soothing, comforting, absorbing, beautiful and this how do you
develop you should do little Aarti to my photograph is a good
idea (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 4 Sep 2003
Abraham Lincoln
Who said, in America, that truly democratic government should
be 'Of the people, For the people, By the people' (MME); A
Realised Soul, who gave great ideas to the world (890611); In
America, it was not the women but Abraham Lincoln, who fought
for the liberation of women (830321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Sahaja Yoga is not just to pass energy through you - you have to
absorb to assimilate it and transform yourselves. You have to
transform completely within yourselves (800127.2); Absorbing
means when one's faith starts encompassing what I say
absorbing not criticising not repelling back but absorbing it.
Absorption is the only way to grow and what is the mouth of
Absorption is Nirvichara when you do not think about it;
Absorption is only possible when you have faith and the whole
thing goes into you you just go on sucking it like a child (800518);
How to suck just become thoughtless it will go in try to
become thoughtless, and you'll imbibe. The thoughts are coming
from ego just tell them 'be humble' and they'll disappear
I have already given you a very long lecture or speech as you call
it some reactions were very good, and some could absorb it very
well but some, they said, were sleeping. Now these things happen
because of negativity and you have to fight your negativity
because negativity is a thing that asks questions - and when I am
talking, I am telling the truth the Absolute Truth - but, it asks
questions and it reflects. When it starts reflecting, nothing goes
in the head because, you are left with the 'past' sentence and
the 'present', you are not with it. So the whole thing boils down to
something like an escape and you sleep off. Now I tried my level
best to put you onto your conscious mind because you have to be
conscious you have to be alert. Unless and until you are
conscious, you cannot ascend any abnormal person cannot
ascend you have to normalise yourself (860504)
So many of you had abnormalities which were brought out and
thrown away and many have been cleansed but now, if there are
some still lingering in you, you must work it out you cannot go on
justifying. Normally, a negative person attracts a negative
personality so if you have such a negativity of any kind within
you, you should never sit next to a negative person never go near
such a person keep away but stick onto a positive person
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Absorption
So those who have really felt 'one' with the lecture, without any
questioning, should know that they are doing well their reaction
was good they absorbed what I said they took everything
inside but those who were questioning, reflecting, should know
that they have ego whilst those who were dozing out should know
that they are left sided. Those who went off to sleep who were
struggling at that time may not have understood. It's a very
difficult and a subtle subject but those who have been like that
should look after themselves should find out. One thing they can
do is to put a candle near their left Swadisthan, a little far and
put one candle before the photograph and put left hand towards
the photograph, and right hand on Mother Earth it works and
the candle at the back should be kept little far away because it
makes sound, it goes this way, and that way it burns. Those who
have been taking drugs, not LSD, but other drugs, the drowsy
people who feel sleepy, whose brains are destroyed by drugs all
those people can benefit a lot by this do it every day (860504); I
would say that this lecture must be listened to, again and again
and to be taken in not to be questioned not to be questioned
to be taken in to be absorbed (860504)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on SYogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk - Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk - Milan/Delhi University address
Will give you a wonderful discretion over your ego. Whatever
goes wrong it's alright accept it. Supposing you are lost on
the way you should not think like all other people but think
'why? Hanumana must have brought me here for some purpose'
accept it accept the situation. When you accept the situation,
you are playing into the hands of the Deities who are guiding
you (880710)
If somebody has complained that you are hot tempered
accept it just accept it is a great thing that there is
somebody who tells you that. If somebody says you are miserly
accept it so we must change. If you don't want to change
you'd better leave that's the main point (810904)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 24 Jun 2003
So those who believe that they have to be they have to be very
accurate must know that your accuracy will be challenged by the
Divine Power - there has to be lot of relaxed and a mobile
temperament a person should have. If you are absolutely lethargic,
lenient, dishevelled, we can say absolutely confused you are not
in the centre and on the contrary if you are very strict, like a
rock of Gibraltar and like a big Hitler-like behaviour you should
be in time everybody must have proper steps must walk
properly thats not being Sahaj thats not being Sahaj (890709)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
890709 Importance of friendship - Melun, France good 45
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Acetylcholine and Adrenalin, the 2 substances in the body
that act arbitrarily, either augmenting or relaxing - and cannot
be fully explained (800629); These two chemicals in the body,
which behave in a different way, sometimes augmenting and
sometimes relaxing, which doctors cannot explain. But they are
honest people, so they say we don't understand (890814.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.2 Short Introductory talk - see 890814 good 20
-800629 How prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill - see 800630 good 20
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Aches and Pains
In Sahaja Yoga, when you get Self Realisation in the
beginning may not be but little later on you start yourself
feeling the 'pangs of sin' and also of the sinful people so you
avoid the company of sinful people you have to if you remain in
the company of sinful people then you get headaches you get
Agnya catching and you get all kinds of complications and you
want to run away from that place you can't bear it. Best way to
strengthen yourself is to be together as Sahaja Yogis you
must attend the programs or when there is a collective Aarti
or Puja or Meditation (770126.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861227 Brahmapuri - see 861221 good 5
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Adi Kundalini
The Power of God Almighty, is the Adi Kundalini, or Adi Shakti,
who is immeasurable, indestructible, the Brahma Shakti, who does
everything, who is All Pervading (830128); The Kundalini of the
Adi Shakti (960609); The reflection of the Adi Kundalini, i.e. the
Kundalini of the Adi Shakti, is the Kundalini within us (960609)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
960609 You dissolve into the Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella good 50
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Adi Shakti
The Feminine, Pure Desire Power of God Almighty; The Pure
Love and Compassion of God Almighty, which does all the work of
Creation (930606; 950910); Who destroys the evil forces to
save Her children from negativity; Who is Saptashringi (meaning
the 7 peaks at Sahastrara), and who gives rise to the 3 Shaktis
Mahakali (Comforting), Mahasaraswati (Counselling), Mahalakshmi
(Redeeming and Awakening), and also to Amba, the Kundalini; Who
is Parashakti, beyond all these powers, the Power of Sadashiva,
of God Almighty (900923; 890524); Who is reflected in totality
as Mahakali, who then when She desires, divides and produces
the 2 other powers of Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi (890619),
and with these arise the three: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha.
These three types of powers always play on the chakras. The
female is the power, and the male is the kinetic power (850901)
The power 'She' is the power, and 'She' is called as Shakti
'She' is the power. So 'He' is the God Almighty and his power
is a 'She' the Holy Ghostthe Divine Power of God is Love
which has got one is the Creative power and another is the
power of Desire. First he must have desire and then he
creates so, he has the power of Desire then he has the power
of Creativity and also he has a third power which gives us
Sustainance and Evolution so this third power is more
important because that gives us this Ascent also. This is the
manifestation of the Holy Ghost, which is the power of God
Almighty which is the power of his Divine Love (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Adi Shakti
The Devi, the Goddess (891008.1); Who integrates and unites
everything (890524); Who first created Shri Ganesha, the
source of wisdom and innocence - the Eternal Child (970600);
Whose son is Shri Ganesha, and who made us in the same way
that She created Ganesha - without the Father, on Her own
(860907); The Power of God's Grace, and who is also Adi Maya,
and had to assume ego so that She could create, firstly by
creating the three powers (850528); First the Desire Power on
the left side is created, then the action power (unless there is
desire there cannot be action), and then the interaction of these
two produces the third power, of evolution, whilst the Adi Shakti
remains as the Residual Power, after creating these other three.
So the fourth power is the Kundalini, which is the reflection of
the Adi Shakti in human beings (850528); The Primordial Mother,
the Adi Shakti came 12000 years back in more than 1000
Incarnations, to protect Her children, the devotees, from those
negative forces, that were trying to destroy them (790530)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) - see 860725 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation - Los Angeles good 45
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
930606 Shri Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella good 55
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Adi Shankaracharya
Who was such a learned man (790200.1), who wrote Viveka
Chudamani, and Saundarya Lahari (in which every couplet is a
mantra in Praise of the Mother) (910002; 821219), and who said
that only through the Grace of the Mother, we can get Realisation
(830129), and the basis for whose writings is the Kundalini
(790530); In the 6th century Adi Shankara Charya has described
it (810511)
He is the one who has exposed the whole thing, in the 6th
century the knowledge was a secret knowledge before that a
guarded knowledge for very few. Then Kabira and Nanaka and all
these people came up the greatest work was done in Maharashtra
by the nine Nathas the Primordial Masters and also from the
Punjab to find out what was the Kundalini (790608.1)
Who has said 'it works out through the Grace of the Mother'
and who wrote 'the Praise of the Mother, that's all' he said
'nothing more is needed' (790200.1); Who calls the cool breeze of
the Holy Ghost as Chaitanya Lahari, or Saundarya Lahari, or
Ananda Lahari. Who also says 'Saleelum Saleelum', meaning that a
cool breeze starts flowing (791203); Who with Kabira was one of
the Incarnations of the Disciple Principle (790530)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Adogati is the downward movement (860224); Descent; To go
down is easy; Human awareness grows downwards, in the
opposite direction to the Divine. First we reach Nabhi (from our
starting point of Bhavasagara) where we start consuming,
through attacking and overpowering other peoples and other
countries, by imperialism etc like Columbus and also by digging
out and consuming Mother Earth. Then we reach Swadisthan,
where we see and go to the stars etc to no avail - we have to go
within. Finally we reach Mooladhara, where we become depraved
and perverted, with funny ideas about sex. This is decadence
and with one step we are in Hell. On the other hand if we try to
go up, without going by Mahalakshmi we end up at the Heart
and start giving our heart to this person, that person get into
romance and once again we go down (860303)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
- end - 26 Apr 2003
Acetylcholine and Adrenalin, the 2 substances in the body
that act arbitrarily, either augmenting or relaxing - and cannot
be fully explained (800629); These two chemicals in the body,
which behave in a different way, sometimes augmenting and
sometimes relaxing, which doctors cannot explain. But they are
honest people, so they say we don't understand (890814.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.2 Short Introductory talk - see 890814 good 20
-800629 How prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill - see 800630 good 20
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Is one of the things that is against one's Dharma, and can spoil
the void area in the stomach (781005); In the Old Testament, it is
written "Thou shalt not commit adultery", but Christ has made it
even subtler, because he is at Agnya controlling the eyes, and so
he said "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes" (920209); The
relationship of a daughter, of a sister, of a mother is a very pure
relationship; If we put our attention onto Mother Earth, if we look
at the green of Mother Earth, then we will be saved from the
errors of adultery of looking at others' sisters, wives or
daughters (850901); Adultery is a general word, and means
impurity - when there is innocence, there is no impurity
(850000.1); One has to try to get very pure eyes thou shalt not
have adulterous eyes this is what we have to follow all of us
and our attention has to be alright for that this Raksha Bandhan
is a very good thing (860818)
It is not permitted to have adulterous life in any religion
whatsoever because adulterous life brings forth all kinds of
problems for the sex for spoiling the last chakra - people can
become impotent or, over exited or could become suffering
from all the troubles of this centre for which you know the
diseases so one has to lead a very clean wonderful married life.
When I say this in the west, people really dont like it but I am
your Mother I have to tell you the truth. Whatever you have
done is done finished doesnt matter but now you should come
to your sanity because there are all these horrible satanic
diseases waiting just to work it out (821008)
When you put your eyes on somebody who belongs to someone
else, then you are thieving. In the registration office, it is said
that you are the wife of such and such then your husband is the
owner or you are the owner of your husband I mean this
relationship is between the two but if some sort of a relationship
is to be established like a thief then you do it secretly you
cannot do it openly it is not registered anywhere you
understand my point (791202.3)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Adultery
There's a negativity we can call it Adharma which is fighting
so you stand on your Dharma unless and until you are dharmic,
you cannot have any achievements in Sahaja Yoga. I have seen
people who are say abroad and they have funny ideas and they
will come and tell 'Mother, I have a wife, but I am in love with
another woman so what should I do' I said 'you get out
thats all just get out' or the wife might say 'Mother, I am
having relations with another man and what should I do' I said
'you get out thats all you get out of Sahaja Yoga you are no
good for Sahaja Yoga and Sahaja Yoga is no good for you
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 2 Apr 2003
Advaitha means 'one personality' completely integrated
(830204); This is Advaitha where you become 'one' - all the
religions teach Advaitha means 'where there is not the other'
Anand you become 'one' with that with the whole ocean. A drop
becomes the ocean all the powers of the ocean are there for the
drop thats what it is. There are some who say 'we believe in
Dvaitha' why 'we dont want to get lost' I mean you are not
lost you become the whole but they want to keep that small
limitation you see and what is that small limitation they want to
keep it's called as Mr e-g-o which is a myth (800721)
All the Incarnations who came, were part of the Sahastrara,
part of the Brahmachaitanya, of the Adi Shakti, and when they
came, they gave Realisation to some very good people, who then
got dissolved in the ocean of love, and were then lost into that.
Just as the drop dissolves in the ocean, so they took to Mona, to
silence they disappeared (870503.1); Kabir said "when the drop
becomes the ocean, what can you say, you are lost, you are no more
there, you are finished" (870408)
The drop Has to become the Ocean (890611); When the drop
becomes the Ocean, then it doesn't think it is a drop it thinks it
is a part of the Ocean. In the same way, once you grow up, you
become very collective; Like a painter has a brush and is nicely
painting - it's the painter that's painting. But if the brush starts
thinking I am the one who is painting, it's stupidity (980706)
We are all collective we have to know everything among each
other and we have to live like one family, all over the world. Once
you develop that kind of a love for everyone, then you will be
surprised, you have become a great personality - that means the
drop becomes the ocean (960716)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Advaitha
When working or when we are doing any action, we should
develop the witness state, and indulge into work in thoughtless
awareness, saying 'I am not doing it' (800517.2); Separate
yourself from yourself become the Spirit identify with the
Spirit and tell off the ego-self. Address yourself, your ego-self,
as though you are Mataji talking, and tell yourself off; Know that
your 'drop' (i.e. 'you') has fallen into the ocean, and thus has
become the ocean - but don't forget the first step (i.e. the drop
falling into the ocean) (800517.2); When the attention goes to the
Spirit, then you become Gunatit, beyond the gunas, Kalatit, beyond
time, and Dharmatit, beyond dharma, and then you become like the
'drop' in the ocean (980321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 27 Apr 2003
The essence of aesthetics, and of beauty is variety (890527);
When the aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy, you do not
want to possess it even if you do want to possess it, it would
be just to enjoy it and give it away to somebody else. When you
develop your witness state this will come to you, that you will
not keep things to yourself, but you would like to give and
share sharing that is the time you should know, you have
become a witness, because you are enjoying (800927)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Need not be said aloud, when someone is being given
Realisation can be said in the heart (830127); Firstly remove
the shoes (you can keep the socks on), and place feet
separately, because they are two different powers, onto
Mother Earth the reason is this Mother Earth has the power
to help us a lot and to suck in all our problems. Sit straight, in
a relaxed and comfortable way (821008; 821007; 840410)
Keep the L hand all the time on your lap because the desire
is constant and then we will be going from one centre to
another with the R hand on the left hand side only to all the
centres we'll be tackling just to help the ascent of the
Kundalini to flow slowly in the central path of our ascent
(840622; 821008; 821007) and now close the eyes, because
the attention will be attracted inside (821008; 821007) - if you
keep your eyes open the Kundalini won't rise above this centre
(Agnya - Ed). This is absolutely the other way round in
hypnosis they hypnotise through your eyes so keep your eyes
shut and just be relaxed and dont worry about others
(821008; 821007); Before closing your eyes see that there's
nothing hanging on your neck very heavy or something tight
here or you can little bit loosen your knots would be better
because Kundalini has to rise (821007); Also remove any
spectacles, because this can help with the eyesight. In this way
we will know how to all the time raise our own Kundalini
(871116); At the start you can say: "Mother it is my pure desire
to be the Spirit" (830127); Then at the chakras, starting at the
heart, repeat the following, with left hand towards Shri Mataji,
and the right hand on the left hand side, at each chakra as
1. Heart: Here resides your Spirit, so you have to ask the
question, to me in your heart 3 times:
"Mother, am I the Spirit?"
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Affirmations
2. Upper part of the abdomen or stomach: This is the
centre of your mastery over this power of Love, or Divine
Vibrations. Press it hard, and ask the question, in your heart, 3
"Mother if I am the Spirit am I my own Master am I my
own guru?"
3. Lower part of the abdomen: This is the centre of Pure
Knowledge, absolute and pure which gets the knowledge about
the roots and the knowledge how to work out this Divine Power
the laws that are Divine. Here I respect your freedom I
cannot force you to have the Pure Knowledge - you have to say
that you want it. So here you have to humbly ask, 6 times:
"Mother, please give me the Shuddha Vidya, the Pure
Now the Kundalini starts rising She knows that you want it.
And now, to facilitate Her movement, we go back to the higher
4. Upper part of the abdomen or stomach: Press it and say
with confidence, 10 times:
"Mother, I am my own Master" (871116; 840410); At Nabhi: 'I
am my own master, or I am my own Guru' (821008)
This will correct, if you have been dominated or misguided in
your spirituality.
5. Heart: Here resides the Spirit. So here you say, 12 times:
"Mother, I am the Spirit"
Have confidence in yourself. We have to know that the Divine is
the Ocean of Love and Compassion, but above all it is the Ocean
of Forgiveness, and we cannot commit any mistakes which the
Divine cannot forgive. So please forgive yourself fully and
move your hand to
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Affirmations
6. Corner of the neck and shoulder from the front on
the left hand side. Put your hand and hold it tight: This centre
catches when you feel guilty. What guilt can you commit which
cannot be forgiven by the powers of God he is the ocean of
love of compassion of forgiveness so now turn your head to
the right, and in full confidence say, 16 times:
"Mother, I am not guilty at all"
Be pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are about to
enter the Kingdom of God. You have to love yourself, and
respect yourself.
7. Forehead, across: Press both the sides. This is the
centre of forgiveness and this is the greatest blessing you
have that when you forgive others, nobody dare harm you. So
here you say, from your heart 7 times or 11 times just say it
"Mother, I forgive everyone" (871116; 840410; 821008)
You might say it is difficult - but it is a myth. Whether you
forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. But if you do
not forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Is not important
how many times - press it on both the sides.
8. Back of the head: And move your head upwards. Here for
your own satisfaction only, without feeling guilty, but in a very
pleasant manner, say:
"Oh Divine, if I have made any mistakes, please forgive me"
9. Fontanelle bone area: Stretch your hand fully, pushing
back your fingers, and put the centre of your palm on top of the
Fontanelle bone area which is called as Talu and press it
hard, and move it very slowly clockwise, the scalp 7 times. Bend
the head a little. Mother cannot force the Self Realisation upon
you - She respects your freedom you have to ask for it. So
please say in a humble way 7 times:
"Mother, please give me my Self Realisation"
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Affirmations
10. Now take down the hand, and open your eyes slowly, and
watch Shri Mataji (or the photo), without thinking. Now put
right hand towards the Mother and slowly put your left hand
above the head about 4 or 5 inches now dont think that is
the main point is and see if you can feel any cool breeze -
some people get it very high (871116; 840410) first it will be a
hot air coming in doesnt matter but slowly you will find a
cool breeze coming it's very subtle (821008; 840410); Now
the left hand towards Shri Mataji, and right hand above the
head, and see. Then put the right towards Shri Mataji and see
11. Now raise both the hands towards the sky, and push back
your head, and ask the question (any of the following) 3 times:
"Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?";
"Mother, is this the Brahma Shakti?"
"Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love?"
Now put both hands down, towards our Mother when you feel
in the hands a little cool breeze (871116)
People of the west are aggressive towards the cultures of
others. Aggression whether given or taken, both are equally wrong
(790422); So aggressiveness must be given up by men. Also,
because they are Sahaja Yogis now, they have to take to feminine
qualities and not of fighting; And if women fight they are not
women, you see (830821)
If we try to overpower the matter, getting overactive with it or
being over-efficient, then our ego develops, and we go into
violence because if you produce more, then you have to be violent
about it otherwise you do not know how to sell it you become
sort of an aggressive businessman (800927)
The question of domination, whether of the woman dominating
the man, or the man dominating the woman, is absolutely out of
the question in Sahaja Yoga. There is going to be no domination of
any kind, but one has to see that the left side is on the left side,
and the right side is on the right side, and should not start
demanding what the other side has got, like the men wanting to
have children, or the women wanting to grow beards and
moustaches (871230.1)
So on both the sides, of men or women, we have to understand,
that if you are a man, and if you are dominating man, it's alright
but if you are a woman, and if you are dominating, then it's a
difficult thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure because you have lost
your quality of being a woman at least you have to be a woman to
begin with. Now the men when they are dominating, they have to
understand that they have to be compassion to be kind to be
considerate but never subservient never subservient (830821)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 -19871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
800927 19800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
830821 19830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
- end - 14 Sep 2002
Agnya Chakra
The Agnya is the 'gate' the space between the ego and
superego and has 2 petals. The 2 petals govern a) the pineal body,
which stores all the conditionings as superego, and b) the pituitary
body, which creates the ego; The centre controlled by Christ, who is
the Incarnation of Shri Ganesha, and is also known as Mahavishnu,
whereby the two balloons of ego and superego (conditioning) get
sucked in, creating the space for the Kundalini to pass. Agnya means
'to order', or also 'obedience'; The Agnya chakra where, at the front
we forgive everyone and at the back we ask for forgiveness
where we have to say 'if we have made any mistake oh God forgive
us' these are the two sides of the Agnya chakra.
The Ego the balloon at the upper end of the right side channel or
Pingala Nadi, that gets bloated as a result of those things that make
us feel happy, the balloon at the left temple, and round to the front
of the head, that gets sucked in, and reduced when we forgive, and
thereby creates a space for the Kundalini to pass; The ego covers
the heart, and is to be surrendered; The biggest problem; The main
problem; That is quite happy to hurt others, and allows you to do
things which are inhuman, and can get inflated by any sort of
achievement or recognition.
Ego can project in any direction: a) if forwards, it tries to
overpower, or dominate others, b) if to the right side, it becomes
Supraconscious, and starts seeing things which are absurd, foolish,
stupid, c) if to the left side, it starts seeing yourself as a big man, a
very great personality, as a big Christ d) if backwards, that is the
very dangerous one, when people become gurus, which are ruining
others, though they have lots of defects in themselves, and they try
to pull others into this horrible stuff - is called as absolutely Naraka.
The Superego which stores all the conditionings the balloon at the
upper end of our left side channel or Ida Nadi, at the right temple,
and round to the back of the head, that gets bloated as a result of
those things that make us unhappy. Conditionings are those things,
that without finding out the truth about them, you have just
accepted them as they are so if you can find out the truth about
these things, you will give them up you may; When it is conditioning,
1 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Agnya Chakra
you are in doubts, with this kind of a fear that 'I shouldn't do like
this' 'I shouldn't do like that' 'this is not allowed' 'that is not
allowed' that is the conditioning part of it, and can be of many
types; We are conditioned by blind faith, and superstitions by the
different religions we are born into by the Nationality we acquire
when we are born; We have so many conditionings, and we have come
here (India - Ed), to get out of them first of all our comforts;
Conditioning has to go has to be reduced as much as possible;
Conditionings kill joy, and must be cleaned out.
With conditionings you develop a superego, by which you can be a
person who is very frightened, who takes aggression from others,
who is very subdued, over subdued you run away from your duties
you escape from things lots of things are there if you are
overdeveloped on the left side.
One thing is very important is the humility you should be a
humble person not think that you are something special or
some sort of a self important person once you think you are
important, then you are not part and parcel of the whole how
can one part be so important if you start thinking like that,
anywhere in your journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say you
are not in the Sahaja Vasta, the Sahaja State.
If we say 'Not I but the Divine that is doing it', or 'I am
not doing anything', then the ego does not come up, and we
become humble; Those who are humble who are kind will
attract more Sahaja Yogis so it is important to change your
temperament. If you try to show off, nobody is going to be
impressed by you if you think you are something very great,
nobody is going to look at you. Be very humble, kind, generous
also very joyous. If you are really doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness
can come no trouble can come it is a fact try to understand.
2 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Agnya Chakra
We have certain powers and these powers increase, when we
humble down. They do not increase with arrogance with
arrogance one can only become stupid that's the only end of
arrogance. So with humility, one should know that now you belong
to Sahaja Culture, and Sahaja Culture is that of humility if you
are not humble, then you have not yet achieved your Sahaja Yoga.
We should understand that how light pervades Sahaja Yoga so
much and you see the light everywhere so the first element which
is light you can say and the subtlety of the light is radiance for
example a person who gets Realisation has a face which is very
radiant so radiance is the subtlety of light and so this radiance
starts showing on your face starts expressing itself and with that
radiance, people get impressed. This radiance is to be understood is
the subtle of the light, of which we are made.
Light is governed by Lord Jesus Christ and is the highest of
elements. Light has an effect it shows the things that are correct
and makes us understand all the dimensions of worldly things and
ultimately when enlightened by the Spirit, then you start seeing
other dimensions also, which sometimes make you laugh or smile or
cry also; Is absolutely detached. Look after your light, otherwise it
will extinguish. When it is established, others will see the light on
your face. The light of love never burns, but dissolves all that is bad,
turns away from what is wrong, has patience, and expels the
darkness, within and without; The light of love is so soothing, so
sweet, so beautiful, so enamouring, so abounding of purity of
relationships, of understanding; If you are the light in the darkness,
you have to be brilliant and not dark and you have to give light in
the darkness to the dark and not take the dark upon yourself.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Problems with Agnya
There are only 2 problems: Left and Right. If it is a right side
problem, just beat with shoes. If it is a left side problem, give
bandhan, or burn name etc., but do not try to help a person directly -
if you face a person and say 'I'm trying to help you', this is wrong, is
ignorance. If you try to sympathise, then you are in trouble. Concern
is the point - your attention is active, and acts - with no involvement
that is compassion. You have to cleanse your attention for that have
attention that is silent, witnessing, not involved, but is dynamic - it
The ego is responsible for our funny behaviour towards others. The
problem with ego is that people do not find it out til they really
suffer badly, because the ego is something that doesn't give trouble
to the individual, so much as it does to the society.
Ego can result from many useless things, including money,
intelligence, etc., and has absolutely wrong ideas about one's value.
Ego people try to do everything through intelligence are such a
drag, and boring, and is very prevalent in the West. With ego, see
what makes you happy, see what you plan about life; Ego lets us think
that 'we' can do this or that which lets us say cutting and hurtful
things, without regard for others. Ego ends in stupidity, and
foolishness, because we forget about God, and also about our
relationship with the whole; It is complete ignorance about yourself
that gives you this ego; In simple words, this ego is nothing but
absolutely wrong ideas about one's own value, by which you think that
'I am everything' - what are we we cannot even sprout a seed.
In India, nobody thinks 'I am right' - nobody thinks like that. Once
you start thinking 'I am right, and that person is wrong, I am doing
alright, he's wrong' finished. The worst thing that can happen to
human beings is ego the worst thing. Possession is better at least
you feel the pinch of it but ego you never feel the pinch you never
feel there is ego in you and you feel you are the most correct
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Problems with Agnya
If you try to overpower matter, getting overactive with matter,
making everything properly, over efficient with the matter, then
your ego develops, and when your ego develops, you go into violence -
because if you produce more, you have to be violent about it
otherwise you do not know how to sell it. You become a sort of an
aggressive businessman, or country, which tries to overpower other
nations with their material advancement you become materialistic
and such people have no heart they are just dried up the only
thing they understand is money, money, money.
Then the right side is the Collective Supraconscious is the
future where we indulge too much into the future and plan too
much, and we are aggressive about it then all the ambitious people,
who 'lived in the future' are there. Hitler used this power to entice
people to influence the people and he used those who are dead on
the right hand side means the Supraconscious people and when
these Supraconscious people jumped onto them, they also started to
become ambitious and absolutely heartless people they were so
heartless you can't imagine. If you read the lives of some of these
people, they were not so heartless to begin with, they were not
they were good, free, affectionate people. So suddenly, how did they
become so devilish, and so destructive the thing is, they are no
more there there is something else acting such people can become
dynamic for the time being may look dynamic but afterwards, it is
too much a load to carry and they become like cabbages like the
other side people.
When the Supraconscious spirits come in you become over
ambitious you start getting ideas how to organise how to do
this how to - there are some scientists who have died and who
never were satisfied with the progress that they made so they
come and give you ideas it's all Supraconscious.
Now how to overcome higher attachments which is also in a very
subtle way is ego like there are attachments that I should write a
book on Sahaja Yoga or I should paint something for Sahaja Yoga
or I must earn for Sahaja Yoga I must do this for Sahaja Yoga so
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Problems with Agnya
this is also is ego that I should be the leader of Sahaja Yoga.
Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is not good you feel
hurt if Mother says this is good you feel happy that means you are
still at a very subtler state of ego, where you think that whatever
you say should be approved by me. That is something is very subtle
we do not understand, that if Mother is not approving of it, there
must be basic Divine reason otherwise why should I not approve of
it. We must know that it's all the work of God, and we are just
channels in the hands of God.
Then is the Superego which stores our conditionings, our fears,
dangers, worries, and which may result from what we have read or
experienced; Through which we run away, we avoid, we are
frightened; That may result from things that we have accepted
without finding out the truth about them, from wrong Gurus, from
conditionings, from childhood, and from religions etc. To see your
superego, see what affects you very much, what makes you unhappy.
Now supposing you are too much trying 'oh God help me do
this' then you can get possessed, because you are not yet
connected with God and once you get possessed that means that
some other spirit can come in and such a spirit, when it comes into
you, it can really make you mad. This kind of thing happens to people
who go on the left hand side'. When you enter into the Collective
Subconscious any one of these spirits can catch hold of you and
once they catch hold of you, you are liable for any of these diseases.
Especially, I have seen if there's a possessed person of course
they become mad they get epilepsy all these are possessed people.
Epilepsy can be cured all such mental problems, depression can be
cured it's not difficult at all but one must know that if you are
possessed, you must really work it out and see to it that it goes
away from you and you become your 'Self'.
Left side people might have some sort of a baddha in them, in the
sense that they are possessed by someone. Of course some are
possessed by right side also not that only the left side is
possessed but from the right side also they are possessed. Left
side possessions are of a peculiar type, because they give you pains in
3 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Problems with Agnya
the body. The right sided person doesn't get pains himself, he gives
pains to others. Possession which comes from following wrong
gurus dead spirits existing within a person, such as a dead male
spirit existing within a girl who all the time wants to dress as a man,
or a big drunkard spirit in a young person who wants all the time to
drink whisky neat. These types come from the Subconscious areas.
Then from the Supraconscious areas come the Hitler types, the
despots; When I tell to some people, they'll say 'I know Mother I
know I do that'. Then why do you do it that means you are
possessed you are a possessed person. That you know this is wrong
still you are doing it then you are a possessed person. Then it's
better you beat yourself with shoes.
Multiple Sclerosisa disease of the left side so far I have seen
three cases in England, which have been cured by Sahaja Yoga and
all of them had either the wife or husband possessed; When the left
Nabhi combines with either the left Agnya or the left Swadisthan,
then you can become vulnerable to blood cancer.
The proteins 58 and 52 which come from this 'unknown area
within us' the Collective Subconscious they enter into us and
trigger cancer. Now whatever is dead, is on the left hand side so
what they are actually talking about is possession that such a
thing enters our being and then triggers cancer.
Correcting the Agnya Chakra
You can find out in a second whether you are on a conditioning
side or not if the left side is catching, then you are conditioned,
and may suffer from pains etc. If the right side is catching, then you
are on an ego trip, and may have health problems. Or you may be
wobbly; If you use any one of these powers, superego and ego, too
much then the other one gets frozen.
Balance is needed for our ascent; First put the left hand towards
the Mother, or towards the Photo, and the right hand towards
Mother Earth, then put the left hand up, and the right hand towards
the Mother; If you don't have a balance, you'll just get vibrations in
one hand; If you feel vibrations equally in both hands, this means
that you are in balance, that you are balanced; If there is a disparity,
then adjust it by giving a bandhan.
We can steady the Agnya, by soothing the eyes - by looking at
the green grass, or by looking at the ground (instead of always
looking at every man or at every woman, which only leads to wobbly
By showing light to God what we do is we worship light within
us the light element gets enlightened within us. The light element is
here on the Agnya. When you do Aarti or when you put light before
God when you show light to God, the light element within you gets
If someone is saying something about you, and it is not true, then
what is there to feel bad about? If they are telling lies, there is
nothing to be frightened of if they are telling the truth, then you
should be thankful - it may be something bad, but it is a good thing -
if it is true, it is good for my ego, but if it is untrue, then what is so
important? Then we don't get upset, we are not bothered what
others say and others will see that dignity. What is new that is
coming in, is to be nurtured - is the Joy that dignified, majestic
beauty within ourselves.
Christ has given us the greatest weapon that we must forgive.
It is such a practical thing, to forgive. If we just forgive then that
person doesn't exist anymore the person doesn't trouble us
anymore nor is he in our attention. Just to forgive is the simplest
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Agnya Chakra
thing to do, and the highest thing to do, to get relief from the
worldly or mental tortures that we get; Forgive everyone even if
they have harmed you just forgive them because by remembering
that, you are miserable for nothing at all; At the Agnya chakra,
where we forgive everyone and at the back where we have to say
'if we have made any mistake oh God forgive us' these are the two
sides of the Agnya chakra.
You all the time try to forgive others that's the best way to
work it out but no, we try to forgive ourselves all the time, and not
to forgive others - everything we do the other way round. We don't
forgive others, we forgive ourselves this is the worst thing that we
can do; Do not forgive yourselves forgive others then you will
become gurus.
If you see somebody who you dont like, or who has been harsh to
you, or cruel to you you get annoyed disturbed - at that time say
'I forgive' you have to say 'I forgive' if there is disturbance.
As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts, and
the Kundalini rises.
When we forgive, we do not imbibe within ourselves, the very
thing (e.g. cruelty etc.), which required that forgiveness and then
also, we do not suffer - when we forgive; First thing is very
important is forgiveness how this forgiveness comes in, is by
forgetting the past. If there is forgiveness you'll be surprised
you'll feel very relieved and your married life will be very happy.
The best way to be with your Spirit, is to forgive because then
your thoughts will go away and the less you think, the faster you
move with your Realisation do not argue it out, or think it out, but
just try to become you have to become; If you see any thoughts
coming in you should say 'I forgive' is a very big mantra and the
thoughts will stop.
A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character by his
righteousness by his behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi
should be extremely peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing up
and down upset are not Sahaja Yogis.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Agnya Chakra
Watch me continuously, without blinking without any pressure
on the eyes attention on Sahastrara you can do it without
blinking. This is physical we have worked out our attention and on
our Agnya.
Now if you have left Agnya that means there is a possession on
it somehow; What is the mantra for this for back Agnya is
Mahaganesha Mahabhairava correct.
If there is a possession, then this can be corrected by sitting in
the Sun - bhoots do not like the Sun, and will run away.
If there is ego problem it is better to sit in the moonlight, but if
there is a problem of crying, better not to look at Moon, but better
to see the Sun.
People who are possessed get exposed in Shri Mataji's Presence,
because there is light, and in the light negativity gets exposed. That
is the danger that going in the light you get exposed. Some people
who are otherwise normal in Sahaja Yoga also but once they come
before Shri Mataji, they just stand, and something goes wrong with
them - because there is lot of negativity within them.
The Superego gets sucked in and reduces, when the Agnya
chakra is awakened, and we ask for forgiveness, without feeling
guilty and can be resolved by taking responsibility.
If left Agnya is catching put your hand on your heart just
assert 'Mother I am the Spirit'.
The mantra for the superego is 'Hum'.
Light is used to correct a left sided person - but for people who
are right sided, the light is not going to help much like if you put
the light before the photo, for those who are ego oriented it is not
going to work out; Right sided people should not use any light at all
they should not sit in the Sun they should sit in the moonlight.
If they have a problem with the Agnya, they should use a candle
at the back if their eyesight is getting weak, or is short-sighted;
Behind he has to be given light his back Agnya is not alright tell
them to give light on his back Agnya; Even the Kundalini should be
raised with the light try to use the light or the lamp of the ghee.
3 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Agnya Chakra
If we can see our ego working, then we can get rid of it - not to
fight the ego, but to surrender it - is the only way to get rid of it;
Make your ego be challenged not to get into temper try that your
ego doesnt react that can be achieved very easily if you try in the
mirror, look at yourself, and laugh at yourself make fun of yourself.
If you have right side problems, then you have to say 'I
forgive' the mantra is 'I forgive everyone'; Can be resolved by
rejecting the feeling of being 'in charge'.
'Pulling one's ears', and asking for forgiveness, can help to
reduce the ego.
The mantra for ego is 'Kshum', or the Mahatahankara mantra.
If we say 'Not I but the Divine that is doing it', or 'I am not
doing anything', then the ego does not come up and we become
If we have ego, we should raise the left side, and put it to the
right side there's no other way out you have to work it out with
your hands.
Lord's Prayer works to reduce or stop our thoughts, when said
as a mantra. Is the Mantra for the Agnya chakra, the sixth chakra.
The mantra of the 6th chakra is our Lord's Prayer, but the Bija
mantra is Hum Kshum.
Also 'I forgive' has the same effect, as does the Nirvichara
Mantra, or the Mahatahankara Mantra.
To stop your thoughts, first say Ganesha Mantra, then the Lord's
Prayer, or "I forgive", or Nirvichara mantra (3 times), followed by
Mahatahankara mantra (3 times), and then raise the left side 7 times
to get balance - each as necessary until thoughtlessness is achieved.
This right and left side movement has to finish you have to be
in the centre, and to come in the centre the best thing is to
meditate about 10 minutes in the night and about 5 minutes in the
morning. Some people do not meditate then they cannot grow. The
way you can grow is only through meditation and understanding.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Agnya Chakra - Aspect or Deity
Where the two chiasma cross at that point, the Deity is our Lord
Jesus Christ he is in the centre itself of this Agnya outside he is
represented in front in the centre as Kartikeya and at the back
is represented as Shri Ganesha and he has eleven destroying
powers the Ekadesha Rudra; The centre controlled by Christ, who is
the Incarnation of Shri Ganesha, and is also known as Mahavishnu,
whereby the two balloons of ego and superego (conditioning) get
sucked in, creating the space for the Kundalini to pass.
Christ who came 2000 years back, the greatest Incarnation, the
Son of God, the Innocence, who came to this Earth to give the
knowledge of the Eternal Life, so we might ascend. Who sits at the
'Gate' to the Limbic area the 1000 petalled Sahastrara; Who came
to show that Spirit is eternal; The Son of God, who was crucified.
Who cannot be killed or destroyed, who never dies, who passes
through death; Who is nothing but Chaitanya, just made of
vibrations, and that is why He was resurrected, and also how He
walked on the water.
Christ was nothing but Pranava, this integrating power, this great
power which has all the powers in it the Iccha Shakti the Prana
Shakti and the Dharma Shakti all these put together he was
nothing but energy; He was the only one that had no earth element in
him. He was the All Pervading Power; He was Omkara, the incarnation
of Innocence, who led such a pure, Holy and auspicious life; Who was
the incarnation of Tapasya, whose essence was Tapasya, and who was
a sinless personality. Whose power was Omkar, was Pranava; The
'Principle' and 'Support', the 'Essence' of Creation Who is the
support of all the Universe.
Who talked of Ascent and Resurrection; The Son of the Trinity,
God Almighty being the Father, and the Holy Ghost being the
Primordial Mother; Who resides at the Optic Thalamus, on the
Agnya, and sucks in the ego and superego - the mantra for the Agnya,
the sixth chakra, is the Lord's Prayer, but the Bija mantra is Hum
Kshum; Who was named after Shri Krishna who was the Father and
was thus called Christ, because in Indian language he is called Krista
Krishna means the one who has sown the seed.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Agnya Chakra - Aspect or Deity
Christ, who is the Incarnation of Shri Ganesha who in his
destroying incarnation known as Mahavishnu, or Kalki, is situated on
our foreheads, and is coming for the Last Judgement, when every
human being is going to be sorted out but those who have got
Realisation will enter into the Kingdom of God.
Who has taken the sins of human beings upon himself. He was the
'lamb' of the sacrifice. He drove the 'spirits' into the pigs, and
showed that we should have nothing to do with the dead with the
'spirits'; Who controls all the 3 powers. By one power he controls the
superego, the devils, the spirits if the cross is shown, the spirits
run away. He controls the ego, and he controls the dharma, by which
he makes us rise.
Christ forgave those who attacked him, but he would not have
forgiven anyone who attacked the Mother, the Holy Ghost, the Adi
Shakti; Who includes in His Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us'; Christ has
given us the greatest weapon that we must forgive. It is such a
practical thing, to forgive. If we just forgive then that person
doesn't exist anymore the person doesn't trouble us anymore nor
is he in our attention. Just to forgive is the simplest thing to do, and
the highest thing to do, to get relief from the worldly or mental
tortures that we get; Forgive everyone even if they have harmed
you just forgive them because by remembering that, you are
miserable for nothing at all; At the Agnya chakra, where we forgive
everyone and at the back where we have to say 'if we have made
any mistake oh God forgive us' these are the two sides of the
Agnya chakra.
Christ stood for morality and about him also in these modern
times they are saying all kinds of filthy things they cannot
understand a character which is moral to this extent we have gone
you do whatever you like as long as you go to church and confess,
then you are alright these are the absurdities of modern religions
every religion has problems and the worst I feel, is when you have
the support of the world as your leader then how can you tolerate
such an immoral life such immorality when you follow the example
of Christ - he is Shri Ganesha.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Agnya Chakra - Aspect or Deity
Now at the Agnya where Christ resides if your eyes are impure,
full of lust and greed, then you are against Christ. If your eyes are
clean and pure, then only you can enjoy the love of God otherwise
you cannot and also the love of another Sahaja Yogi or Yogini you
can only enjoy in completeness if your eyes are clean just imagine
but if you have roving eyes, and all sorts of things I dont see how
you can call yourself Christians you cannot. Those who are following
Christ have to have absolutely a moral life thats a compulsion of
the inner being on you that you enjoy your morality and above all
your clean eyes. First of all see that you have pure love in your eyes.
Now pure love cannot have lust and greed in it these 2 things have
to drop out from your mind completely.
Buddha the Enlightened One; Buddha comes from "Bodha" which
means "to know"; Who was born at the same time as Christ, and
Mahavira, and all 3 are at the same level in the Virata's forehead
who was a human being, but who achieved Godliness, as did also
Mahavira; Buddha became very tired and lay down under a Banyan
tree we call it the Ashwata and spontaneous awakening of the
Kundalini took place, and he got his Realisation he felt the Cool
Breeze and started talking about it. He thought that because he had
given up everything that is why he had got it it was a mistake I
would say or a misunderstanding.
Mahavira a king who gave up everything, to become ascetic
(sanyasi), and upon whom Jainism is founded. Who controls the whole
of the left side; St Michael; Who has described Hell the best, where
there are worms, mosquitoes etc. In England, William Blake is the
same thing.
Agnya Chakra - Summary
Chakra: Agnya
Deity: Christ, Mahavishnu, Buddha, Mahavira
Physical: Pineal (Superego), Pituitary (Ego), Optic Chiasma
Functions: Ego, Superego, Conditionings, Happiness, Unhappiness
Qualities: Forgiveness, Thoughtless Awareness, Morality,
Humility, Innocence
Catch: L. Conditionings, Slave of Comforts, Subdued, Fears,
Dangers, Worries
R. Domination, Hurt others, Ambition, Aggression,
Heartless, Inflated by Achievements or Recognition
Diseases: L. Possession (Subconscious), Cancer, Epilepsy, Madness,
R. Possession (Supraconscious)
Treatments: Look at Green Grass or Ground, Meditate,
L. Bandhan, Burn Name, Light, Ghee Lamp, Sunlight, Candle,
Take Responsibility, Ask Forgiveness, Raise the Right Side
R. Shoebeat, Forgive, Moonlight, Laugh at Yourself,
Pulling Ears & Asking Forgiveness, Raise the Left Side
Affirmations: L. Oh Divine, if I have made any mistakes, please forgive me.
Mother I am the Spirit
R. Mother, I forgive everyone
Mantras: Lord's Prayer, Nirvichara,
L. Mahaganesha, Mahabhairava, Mahavira, Hum,
Ask Forgiveness
R. Buddha, Mahatahankara, Kshum, I Forgive, Not I Not I
Petals: Two
Elements: Light, Radiance
Position: Optic Chiasma, Ring Finger
Symbol: Cross
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 28 Jul 2003
Name of Shri Radha, meaning the giver of Joy (890814.1), the
one who gives joy pure joy (970823.1); This The essence of Shri
Krishna was Madhuria is the sweetness and Radha who was his
energy, was known for Ahlada Dayini, means the one who is joy
giving. Ahlada is even more than joy you see joy can be very
general word, but Ahlada means bubbling of joy. The bubbling of
joy that is her power and she was the power of Shri Krishna.
When you meet a friend you know how you feel like just taking
him to your heart just embracing dont know what to do with
that and sometimes it's so much that you feel like beating
beating yourself and beating the friend that sort of joy is
Ahlada Dayini. That is Radha. So today the power of joy we have
to worship today the power of joy and this power of joy which
is Ahlada Dayini with the idea that now we are praying that our
heart should be opened by Shiva and once our heart is open, it
will be expressed by the power of Shri Radha and Shri Krishna.
This is the combination today. Let us have this way that is a
combination of heart opening through Vishuddhi we are
expressing it like some people, specially women when they are
over joyous they start weeping and crying - thats Ahlada
Ahladadayini Shakti has to come within us which means when
we meet another person in the collectivity, the other person
should feel happy with you (970823.1); The message of Shri
Krishna is to show 'that' love, which is Ahladadayini to show
your maximum love not to show your pity but love which is
Ahladadayini (970823.1); What you talk what you say to others
if it is not Ahladadayini keep quiet - if you talk sweetly what's
the harm (970823.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Prdial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
890709 Importance of friendship - Melun, France good 45
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Copper is responsible for Aids, and comes from Zambia. It is
carried by monkeys, though they do not suffer from Aids
(890725); One of the symptoms of Aids is a bad Hamsa. It is
important to put ghee in the nose to correct a bad Hamsa,
otherwise, there will remain a susceptibility to Aids (870503.1)
Sahaja Yoga has one problem in the West that people don't
want to hear that you should be moral they find it very
difficult but it's a fundamental thing that we have to be moral
people. Now they are seeing the results of it that they have got
AIDS they have got all these diseases all these troubles -
from that they are learning that our Mooladhara should be
alright (890617.1); The biggest sin of modern times, which is
immorality, the 'Sin against the Mother', produces cancer which
is also heat producing, and is also called the 'Sin against the
Goddess' and results in psychosomatic, or physical diseases, such
as Aids, cancer etc with delayed punishment (941009;
830113.2); The Centre Heart invariably catches in people with
Aids (890801)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'tn) good 60
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
881221; 850502
- end - 12 Jun 2003
One who has everything but behaves like a beggar, with no
Lakshmi principle (910003); Means when you have money, and you
don't have the qualities of a person who should have money you
become very miserly you don't want to give any money to anyone
and if you give it, you give it to false gurus, and wrong people -
this is Alakshmi the behaviour becomes very arrogant (971102);
Means, that at that time when you are punished you will be
surprised you will become bankrupt you will have no money you
will be exposed you may be in jail (010321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 24 Apr 2003
Alcohol was not intended for us to drink, but was provided for
us as a polish. Gin is good for polishing diamonds. However if we
drink it, then our liver suffers, being also polished, and so
preventing the transfer of the heat into the blood. The result is
that we become hot tempered and angry. We also can become
confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol, which is against our
attention (810328); Alcohol was denounced by all the Primordial
Masters (810330) is that which is drunk by those who are not
the Devas (970600)
Alcohol is the rotten wine - you have to rot it for days
together, and the more rotten it is then it is regarded as
something very expensive - it is repulsive (871225); At the time
of Christ, wine was never fermented, or alcoholic, but was simply,
as it still is today in some places, unfermented grape juice
(810328); Alcoholic drinks cannot be created instantly - they
have to rot and rot - the more they rot, the 'better' they are
(951224); Wine is the rotten grape juice, absolutely rotten it
just smells like rotten cork. The wine has to be 100 years old
certified that's the best (920621)
The worst for Lakshmi Principle is drinking is alcohol - they
say in India, that a bottle comes from one side, and the Lakshmi
runs away from the other. Sahaja Yogis don't need to drink
they give up drinking and thus the Lakshmi Principle can be
established much more easily (960716); Our attention, our
awareness, is based in the stomach, in the void, and can be
spoiled by drinking alcohol (781005); Lakshmi will disappear with
certain things: alcohol, baddha or 'possession' (860921.1;
871024); On this side at right Nabhi we can get problems with
the liver, resulting from drinking alcohol, leading to anger and
hot temper (810328); The Nabhi can be upset by alcohol, drugs
and some medicines also (810328)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Alcohol
We have had terrible alcoholics, who could not give up and
they have given up we had people who have taken drugs they
have given up without difficulty. There are higher vices, and
bigger vices which people have given up and some vices which
one cannot mention, that people have given up and this happens
when your attention goes to your Spirit automatically your
detachment works out means your attention has felt definitely
that 'oneness' with Reality otherwise why are you getting
detached but for that it is essential that your attention should
be on your Spirit (781002)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
Alertness is very important complete alertness, that we should
keep our attention purely for the sustainance of our pure desire
(821219); We have to be extremely witnessing in a full way very
alert, extremely alert and witnessing ourselves what are we
doing then only we reach the completion of our Realisation.
Unless and until you reach the completion of your Realisation you
can never be masters of your attention, you can never be the
enjoyer of your joy, and you can never know the truth fully
If you are not aware enough, not alert enough, then you must
know that you need 'real' correction you must assert yourself,
work it out, tell your leader 'there is something wrong with me,
and please correct me' (871230.1); Some people go on lingering
about, very lethargic, with very slow movements as if they have
taken some sort of drugs. But see how the Indians are very alert,
especially the Maharashtrians this alertness you have to
achieve you have to work it out in a very quick and a very smart
way. Alertness is very important (871224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Who lived about 200 years BC, and who was very much
respected in India, because after he invaded India, he left again
without taking away anything, unlike others (890524)
Alexander the Great invaded India after Buddha was born
and he went with the idea of conquering the whole of India. He
was a very powerful man but God did not want that, perhaps, and
so he was defeated and one king, called Puru imprisoned him. Now
Alexander was married to an Indian lady and it was the day of
Raksha Bandhan the Rakhi full moon so she was a clever lady
and so she sent one thread on a small little plate, covered with
some nice cloth to the King Puru in his court. So the king had to
wear it because that was the day of Raksha Bandhan and that
day, anybody who sends you this thread, you become the brother.
So then he asked 'who is my sister'. So they said 'she is the
wife of Alexander. The king got very upset about it because a
sister's husband is something very great in India. So he rushed to
jail and fell straight on his knees, and begged his pardon and was
so apologetic that Alexander could not understand the whole
thing. He then brought Alexander back and put him on his throne.
So Alexander started looking at him and said 'I can't
understand this'. So then he went to his house with so many things
that the king had given him jewellery saris clothes horses
elephants and when he reached home, he found his wife there
smiling. So she explained 'this is the day of Raksha Bandhan
and when this thread was tied to him he became my brother and
he had to release you' (870513; 860818)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good -
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Allah ho Akbar
Is said with fingers in our ears for the correction of the
Vishuddhi Chakra (820711); Mohammed taught the saying of 'Allah
ho Akbar', with fingers in the ears, because the fingers used are
those that are linked to the Deity of Vishnu, and because the
Deity of Shri Krishna becomes Akbar (830202); To clear out most
of your problems about Vishuddhi you have to put your fingers
into your ears, and say 'Allah ho Akbar' 16 times put your head
back. There is also the mantra of Radha Krishna, or Vitthala but
'Allah ho Akbar' has two things in it first is of course the
Vishuddhi but then also the collectivity and is for when
there is the problem of saying aggressive words, of sarcastic
language, of all kinds of things that breaks the collectivity for
the problem where when you speak, you hurt others (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
- end - 25 Mar 2003
Allergies of the skin can be the result of a lethargic liver,
resulting from a left side imbalance of the Swadisthan Chakra
(840313); Imbalances of the Left Swadisthan can result in
lethargic organs, resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver),
nervous problems, cancer and leukaemia (840313); Diseases that
may result from lethargic organs, include: cirrhosis; rashes;
allergies etc (830131); A lethargic liver gives you allergies all
kinds of allergies come to people through their lethargic livers
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
Chakras affected: Left Swadisthan
- end - 9 Sep 2002
All Pervading Power
Holy Ghost, in the Bible (830208); Universal Unconscious
(811004); Brahmachaitanya (870503.1); The Nirakar, Ruh or
Paramchaitanya (980320); Brahma the All Pervading Power of
God (840622)
This All Pervading Power of love is the complete totality of
Reality and the Reality is so efficient it is so efficient, it never
fails. It's such a tremendous we can call intertwined process
which we cannot even imagine with this human understanding how
it controls how it works. And it's at your disposal wherever
you go the connection is maintained it's like a governor
travelling, you see, and the security travels with him so they are
all around not only with me, but with you also they know you are
the one they have to look after. They won't look after anybody
else they won't do anything for anybody else but for you
people. Now try to understand the self esteem part. You are
Sahaja Yogis you are such special people that this Divine Power,
wherever you may be whether you are sleeping walking sitting
under a tree or in your house wherever you are this
connection is maintained. You don't have to say anything you
don't have to command request nothing it is at your disposal
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
830208 India and West, Delhi [+ 30 mins Q&A] good 50
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 25 May 2003
Alzheimer's Disease
If a person is extremely aggressive, and torturing people
then when he gets old, his brain deviates and then only, that
bad stuff starts working. Then the person who is suffering is not
aware of it, and you cannot cure it, but if you get your
Realisation in your lifetime, then you become absolutely peaceful,
within yourself, and such diseases cannot touch you (980705)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
A very famous religious place in the Himalayas (980712), where
a drop of water falls on a particular area and creates a Linga
plus another drop falls on another side, and creates Shri
Ganesha (840902), and where a guru lived in his ashram - in those
ancient times, these gurus never used to leave their 'seat', called
as their 'Takya' (980712)
When so many people were going to Ambarnath, and so many
people got killed, Pakistan said 'see, they should not have gone to
this Ambarnath it's a false place what it's proved is that it's
not a Holy place' but when the Haaj thing took place, they had
nothing to say they did not know how to explain the dying there
of so many people. Now what is Mother Earth suggesting that by
going to these places, Holy places they are really Holy places no
doubt that you are not doing any spiritual ascent you are not
achieving anything, by going to these places - which are really
Holy that cannot be challenged they are Holy places (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Krodh, which starts from the liver but is expressed through
the Vishuddhi. The face becomes red, the eyes become red, and
from the mouth all kinds of horrible things are said. The whole
expression is so different, when you are angry. So this anger is
to be seen where it is the liver; To master it you have to face
yourself clearly. Krodh is the worst enemy, according to Shri
Krishna (910001); Some people have a habit of showing anger
with the eyes and the angry eyes are another dangerous thing
to do with your eyes because they can become mesmeric
Anger is the worst thing that we have some people are proud
of their anger - anger is a sign of complete stupidity there's no
need to get angry with anyone. You don't solve the problem by
anger you spoil yourself you ruin your own nature you spoil the
whole situation. If anything happens that angers you, settle down
and see for yourself why is it wrong, why is it disturbing you
your seeing itself will help this problem to be solved (980510)
Not to bear anger within you it comes from your liver. You
may not even show anger but inside is anger so just take it
out clear it out the liver! If you go on accumulating anger, and
bearing it up it also burns your liver if you show it off it
burns others' livers. So best is to take it out say take a pillow
and hit it hard or which ever way take it out (810904)
The only time when you should really be angry when you
cannot tolerate anything against your Mother or Sahaja Yoga
and one can get into a tremendous temper so to say that a
Realised Soul should not get into a temper is a wrong thing
then, the anger is spontaneous. But you need not do anything I
can look after myself - but the reaction is correct the reaction
is correct (880921; 770215); Ganesha if he gets angry be
afraid of him he is innocent like a child but he can get into a
terrible temper (770215)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Anger
What you have to do when you start feeling anything anger
against say some very devilish guru supposing then you build it
up in yourself, and that built up anger within you will neutralise
that. You need not say it out loud you need not talk about it
but that built up anger will little bit trouble you also because it
has a little bit reaction but when it is released it will have an
effect and such a person cannot stand a Sahaja Yogi (850310)
In Hindi language, we can never translate 'I hate you' we
never say like that because to hate somebody is sinful
(971225); Hatred can be only washed away by pure love
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems like Angina,
Spondylitis sometimes people lose their voices completely
sometimes they have all the time coughing (860823); Vishuddhi
may catch when we feel guilty, and prevent the Kundalini from
rising above it, and which may result in spondylitis or angina
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
- end - 28 May 2003
The failure to eat and is linked to the patient's father (or
husband) and possibly too attached to, or not treated well by
him (811005); Can end up very skinny for what to look
attractive? It's not attractive really - you just look like a T.B.
patient (830131)
We have to eat our food. Nowadays, there is a fashion of
becoming thin, or whatever you may call it and so many diseases
have developed because women want to eat little. It's not the
aim of life to only look after your body body is not the only
important thing. What is important is your Spirit (971005)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
Called 'Ganas' in Sanskrit, they are under the control of the
sternum bone, by which they are produced, and fight off
'attacks', or diseases. Ultimately under the control of the
'Centre Heart' chakra (MME) where til the age of twelve
years, we develop our antibodies which later on in life go into
the whole body into the circulation and fight our diseases
and to fight our emotions (790722); The Ganas those who are
controlled by Shri Ganesha i.e. Sahaja Yogis and also the
antibodies (950910; 910001)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
Do not show compassion to the bad people. You must know that
those who are good are good, and those who are not, are horrid
because they are basically horrid they are evil they are evil
geniuses. We should not be sympathetic towards them at all
those who are evil are evil. They are anti-God, anti Christ they
are our enemies we have nothing to do with them. We must
discriminate between good and bad if you cannot do that, then
you will be in trouble (871220)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri see 871220 good 20
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Any Direction
The mobility of our movement is so great I would say 360
degrees because you are stationed in the centre, in your spirit.
You can move any way you like, as long as you are centred in your
spirit. But this is an important point which we need that we are
centred in our spirit and whatever movement we do as long as
we are centred in our spirit is necessary for our growth for the
growth of the collective (850310)
You shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed
into any direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and
that I am Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become
better you have seen it now dont worry about anything just
know that I am the Adi Shakti that all the powers of Gods and
Goddesses and all that are within me and they 'are' within me
and they are all looking after. But if that recognition is not there
they are not going to recognise you either (911013)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Aortic Plexus
There is one centre, called the Swadisthan which manifests the
aortic plexus within us (890801); This second subtle centre the
Swadisthan (810928) via control of the Aortic plexus
(870500) controls the liver, pancreas, spleen, uterus (810928)
and part of the intestines and kidneys (870500), and also the
ovaries (840313), and also converts fat cells in the stomach for
the use of the brain (811005); Now when you are thinking, the
cells of the brain are replaced every minute by the fat that is in
your stomach by this centre of Swadisthan in the gross
expressed as this Aortic Plexus (821008) and so if the control of
the Swadisthan is diverted away from the organs to the
provision of fat cells for the use of the brain this can then
result in diseases such as blood cancer, and diabetes from
unhealthy spleen or pancreas respectively (890801; 870500;
811005); This centre has six sub plexuses (840708)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 9 Sep 2002
You have to be clean and tidily dressed, because if it's not so,
it will attract all the baddhas into you. You must keep yourself
clean and neat so these baddhas should not enter (830121)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed, Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall see 780619 good 40
780619 Difference between East and West, Caxton Hall
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 6 May 2003
Is a sign of tomfoolery, not leading to knowledge, but to ego.
Western Countries are all ego oriented (781218); Don't argue with
anyone, or react, but just witness the play (951224); In the West,
we have a tendency to argue out everything - always finding
arguments, reasons for not doing something, for not accepting
solutions to problems: 'yes but this may happen, or that may
happen'. In Sahaja Yoga, whatever one says, or thinks, or desires,
gets connected, and acts - so be very careful (910728)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 7 Apr 2003
A problem of the right Vishuddhi (850901); We have certain
powers and these powers increase, when we humble down - they do
not increase with arrogance with arrogance one can only become
stupid that's the only end of arrogance. So with humility, one
should know that now you belong to Sahaja Culture, and Sahaja
Culture is that of humility if you are not humble, then you have not
yet achieved your Sahaja Yoga (880921); Shri Ganesha gives power
to overcome arrogance. Shri Ganesha's is a silent power that acts is
dynamic (860907)
You see this arrogance and rudeness comes to us because we have
no Sankoch. The delicacy of understanding not to say something in
such a way that you touch the wrong side of a person is Sankoch.
That Sankoch, that understanding comes if you love someone and
understand (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 22 Apr 2003
Gout or arthritis (791009.1) is a left side problem (830209);
Arthritis or pain in the joints may be development by those
people who are in the 'centre', if they do not give vibrations
(830209); Is absolutely curable in Sahaja Yoga, and is because of
too much vibrations. Is cured by putting one hand on the
affected area and the other outside, when all will be going out
into the atmosphere (791009.1); Can be cured by taking the help
of the Mother Earth - ask the Mother Earth to take away the
problem (821008)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 29 Dec 2002
Art is such that it should stop your thoughts, yet in the West,
art is such that it creates thought, and also in the West it is now
starting to show much that is filth. The art that we appreciate
should be that art which gives vibrations (811103); All the great
paintings, all the great creative works of the world have
vibrations only those that have vibrations have been sustained by
time - otherwise all other things, are destroyed by Nature
(830113); Italians are known for their art they make beautiful
things (971004)
Criticism of art for example by people who themselves do not
know how to even draw one pencil line properly, leave alone
painting anything has killed so many artists. Art has something to
do with your heart, and not with your brain. An artist produces
something for his joy but if he has to think 'what people will
say' 'that he will be criticised by everyone' then as a result of
that something absolutely absurd grows, without any subtle
expression and which is today appreciated (890423)
Once you start 'thinking', then there's a barrier between the
Spirit and you - in any art or in any deftness that's how the
creativity, the spontaneity is finished by thinking. So do
everything in silence in thoughtless awareness that's the main
point (800907)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Is only possible through Kundalini awakening (830129); Your
Kundalini has all the powers to make you the highest of highest.
There are no limits but you must have confidence in yourself, and
confidence in Sahaja Yoga and sincerity (860706); There is a
common belief, that once we get Realisation we should be perfect - it
is not so, we have to work it out - to sustain our Sahaja Yoga. We
must not take it for granted (790507); Once you ascend, the whole
Cosmos can look after your problems but first you must ascend into
the Kingdom of God that is the main point is (880921)
Some people come, get their Realisation and just enjoy for 5 or 6
weeks, or months or maybe hours, and then go back again to the
same. At the very beginning, ego and superego get sucked in, but
then they come back again. But when you start giving this Divine
Power to others, you start gradually deepening into your own being,
and feeling your source of Joy - life becomes full of Joy and
happiness (790507) Our level has to come up, we have to go higher.
But Sahaja Yoga is such a cosmopolitan thing - there are from the
worst to the best, all together. Those on the periphery are a
problem. But we have to see that those on the periphery are brought
in properly, so that they don't go out of Sahaja Yoga. Everybody has
to come up to minimum standards at least, so they are not sieved out
There's no discipline I'm told, of getting up early in the morning
and doing meditation - what are you doing how are you going to
grow you have to meditate - that's the only way you can do it
those who do not meditate will become superficial they'll not
achieve they'll create problems: if they are right sided, they'll
become Supraconscious, they'll become bhoots if they are left
sided, they'll be thrown out. You can see it in the Cistine Chapel you
see Christ throwing them out, one by one. Just listening to me is not
sufficient it must grow actualisation of the growth of the thing is
needed do you follow that (850629)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ascent
Everybody is ascending individually whatever is your relationship
to someone, you are not responsible for their ascent, you cannot help
them for their ascent. Only Mother's Grace, and their own desire,
their own efforts to give up all that is 3-dimensional, will help
(760330); It is important to realise that we should respect Shri
Ganesha within us the innocence, the chastity that is the first
step towards our ascent (860803)
If you are here to gain lots of ascending steps you have to have
your eyes upwards and not downwards you must see what steps
there are you have to climb up those steps and with those steps
where do you enter I will tell you in that beautiful garden
fragrant garden of your Self which is so beautiful. Instead of
that if you are lost in the mire of the world, as so many are lost
then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga. Give up those nonsensical
ideas try to take to Spirituality pure Spirituality - purity is the
word purity you must have and that purity within, you can easily
establish with Sahaja Yoga (010321)
So one has to be all the time ascending. Ascent has to be
achieved and that ascent is only possible when we start giving up all
these ties and tags that we have these ties and tags keep us down
so get over that (850310)
The first step is to hold on to innocence, to chastity. The second
step is to move into dharma, to aesthetics, then on to generosity, and
then to 'becoming what we stand for' i.e. no hypocrisy (860305); We
move into dharma, by consuming that which is wrong, by meditation
and prayer. Then, at the heart, our emotions become compassion,
which is benevolent, Hita. Then we rise to the stage where we are in
the 'public', and we circulate and talk about the decadence of
society. Here we remember that we are part and parcel of Mother's
body, and therefore we must keep our body and thoughts 'ok' - pure
and sensible, so that we do not trouble our Mother (860305)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ascent
We then move up to 'tapa', where we sacrifice, without feeling
the sacrifice work without feeling it as a sacrifice - it is the most
satisfying thing, when we enjoy these sacrifices. At the brain where
are the roots, where is the truth, we become humble, respectable,
loving, forgiving and joyful (860305)
If you fritter away your attention without chastity, it spreads
out with no form, no shape - but if you delimit it, then you become
higher and higher, and you can rise higher in you spiritual life
(850901); Only those who correct their left Vishuddhi, by being in
the centre and not feeling guilty, and by watching themselves, facing
themselves, giving themselves shocks and correcting themselves, only
those will ascend (850901); Balance is needed for your ascent
(830512); If you do not try to ascend, then you will remain at the
same stage even when you grow old (850000.1)
The only way one can ascend in Sahaja Yoga is through putting
the roots down allow the roots to grow - unless and until the roots
grow, the tree cannot grow. In the subtle system it's the other way
round the roots are in the head and you have to nourish by
becoming thoughtless by not making the cells to think, by resting
them by peace within. You have to work it out here in your head it
has to go into your awareness how? by meditation (850629)
You'll be surprised it's like climbing a big you can say a
mountain but, when you have reached the peak you can see
everything very well and you feel so satisfied that you are at the
peak. So that climbing part even some of you have to do it it is
alright there is no problem you can do it. You must have respect
for yourself love yourself and understanding, that you have to
reach the peak peak of the mountain (000507) And once you have
reached the peak of the mountain you will know you are there and
then you start showering all your love and affection - everything
flows down the mountain. If that is the life for you, it's the greatest
type of life forget all other people who are supposed to be great
forget them you are much higher than them because
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ascent
you are already chiselled like a diamond with the Sahaj style of
life which is very satisfying also which is very much absolutely
peace giving. It gives you joy peace capabilities so many things
that you cannot count like the thousand petals of your Sahastrara
which are enlightened. This is such a tremendous area once you are
in the thousand petals. From there people have gained all the
knowledge about science all the great discoveries are from there
First see how humble we are that is your decoration your
beauty. You should have self esteem and with that you will become
humble you'll become very loving. So you have your love which is
pure, without any lust or greed in it. Secondly you are blessed with
peace you are absolutely at peace with yourself and you will be
amazed with peace, wisdom will come in you will be regarded as the
wisest man, the wisest woman because you are at peace with
yourself. Only in peace you can discover the truth you can discover
every solution that you want to you become very wise and sensible
person outstandingly great. Then you have joy you enjoy
everything every company every incident every scene. Every
happening in your life you know how to enjoy (000507)
Once you have got your Realisation and once you have become
'one' with the Divine then there is no question of your going down
unless and until you yourself want to go down. It's very remarkable
how you get this and after that you dont lose it of course, first
you must grow and for that you have to meditate but this
meditation, once you do it the whole being itself gets so
enlightened, and so beautiful, that you dont want to change it you
want to be there and enjoy it for ever (000507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ascent
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual - mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802(Video)
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
830129 Swadisthan Chakra - Delhi (was: False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830512 How to talk to new people - Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Too much regulation of ashrams is not allowed you are all
independent, free Sahaja Yogis (881221); In ashrams we have to
be responsible like people never put off the lights. There is a
switch, which should be for 'off' as well as 'on' it's not only for
putting 'on'; Then we should not waste food we have no business
to waste food that's why you never have money; You have to eat
that food with some prayer bless that food, thank God that you
have got that food then the satisfaction comes in better
(850421); Ashrams you can pay for but not your Realisation
The Ashram is under the control of Shri Rama and to get rid
of an Ashram problem is to remember Shri Rama because he is
the embodiment of all the good qualities in a man like Sankoch
you see there is a Sankoch. Not sort of to go to somebody's
house and then to start demanding this and that. You should
be worried how far to go with a person how far to talk to a
person how far to go with your wife with your children you
see all that is Sankoch. Sankoch means restraint in a wise
way enlightened restraint how far to go is the question (0.0012)
Those people who live in the ashrams are better off always than
the people who live alone always they will always have better
results than the people who live alone. Maybe they live alone
because they want to have a little private life but their privacy
is not going to help them at all the more you live together
reside together enjoy together there will be greater chances
of your advancement the more you will try to make yourself
private or try to get out of it whatever explanation you may
give God understands very well and there's a big problem for
you. You should enjoy more the company of Sahaja Yogis, than your
own private company in the dingy room of yours. That is one thing
you can judge yourself the judgement is your own (860823)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham [length of talk?] good 35
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
Aspect of the One God, e.g. Witness Aspect, the Mother,
Creator, Sustainer, Master etc.; The Deities (831001); Mother: I
am Krishna I am Mataji I am Christ so much so 'One' that
you cannot imagine how much oneness is there such a union exists
The Aspects that take forms are definite Aspects of God the
Witness Aspect of God doesn't take any incarnation on this
Earth so only incarnations are taken by those that are certain
Aspects of God like, the Primordial Mother is the Power of God
the Divine Power of God that's the Aspect. Then, we can say
the Creator has taken twice, a form then the Sustainer, the one
who gives us sustainance, evolution, has taken at least ten forms
these are Incarnations. Then the Primordial Master has taken ten
forms basically but there are many forms the Primordial Master
has taken. Then some powers of the Mother of the Universe, have
also taken forms so like that certain Aspects take forms
which help our evolution - that's what the Deities are (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
- end - 7 Jun 2003
May result if your right heart is catching (820402), also
sometimes centre heart (820402), and is completely curable in
Sahaja Yoga (890801); May develop in a right sided person
It is possible to get asthma if you are a bad husband, or have a
wife who is a shrew, or if you are a bad father, or if your father
is not kind to you, or even if you haven't forgiven your father
(890801); May result when there is a problem in the relationship
with the patient's father (811005), or if your fatherhood is
wrong if it is challenged or if you do not respect your father.
Even supposing your father has died very early in his life, and he
has left a mark of unhappiness in your heart, or insecurity then
also that will be catching because that means he is still
hovering around you then you have to tell your father that 'I'm
alright you take your birth you take your Realisation' like
that we have cured the asthma of people who have been
suffering from 25 years (790608.2)
The qualities of the father are at the right Heart chakra
(820711) the subtle centre controlled by Shri Rama, the ideal
King and Father (810829) where resides the quality of
fatherhood the qualities of husband and father and where one
can develop asthma, if either the person is a bad father or
husband or if that person has a bad husband or father
relationship (890801); This centre may catch if the father has
died and does not want to leave, or if the father is unkind to the
son, or if the son is unkind to the father, or the father is cruel,
dejected or lost etc. This may result in asthma. To cure it put
the hand on this centre and say mantra to awaken the
fatherhood (820711)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Asthma
So we have a Sahaja Yoga tradition also in which when we speak
to each other we have that Sankoch within us of Shri Rama. If
you dont have that Sankoch you get right heart and that right
heart is very dangerous thing in a country like England where the
climate is so bad because it gives you a horrible thing called
Asthma. So this Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas, means
the boundaries of your relationships (820402)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Right Heart
The Satanic (MME), or evil forces, that are here to demolish
the Kingdom of God, and that build up in order to drag down
the Seeker, who is about to enter the Kingdom of God. They are
very subtle, and come as 'God-men' and 'God-women', in the
garb of religion, and enter into the minds of thousands of
seekers, into the egos and superegos of the seekers, and are to
be fought (800630)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800630 What happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall - see 800630 good 25
800630 What is happening in other Locas/Howprove existence of God
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Beyond (980321); The state that is to be achieved if you are to
become the Guru, where you go 'beyond', where you do what is to
be done, without paying attention to it, where you are indifferent
to the body. In this state you can be angry with someone one
moment, and the next moment it is forgotten. The state where
someone who is not a good man will tremble before you where a
man who is a liar, or has cheated others, will lose his tongue or a
person who has adulterous eyes, with no control over the mind as
far as men and women are concerned, will have shaking in the eyes.
Some will shake very much. All will be exposed before the light of
a Satguru. When you reach this state, you don't have to do
anything about it, or fight them - they just start shaking and
jumping. Even if you lift your eyes, they get into problems
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 7 Jun 2003
If you are attached, you just get worries and problems your
life becomes miserable but if you become detached, then
nature takes over and you feel extremely relaxed if you are
detached, then everything works out very well (950625);
Attachments are so many, like attachments to wives, and to
children, to possessions, positions, and to jobs. Many have fallen
out (of Sahaja Yoga - Ed) because of their 'wives attachments',
and so many will fall out if they have attachments to their
children. All the children of the world, who are Sahaja Yogis,
are your children you have to look after all the children
So far we had our physical problems, which are solved -
physical needs, comforts cannot dominate us any more thats a
good state we have reached which is also very difficult for
people. Normally people are very fussy they are worried about
worldly things about possessions material problems (850310)
Then the second subtler attachment is to our emotional side
like my mother, my brother, sister, wife, children and we go on
bothering Sahaja Yoga for that (850310)
Now how to overcome higher attachments like there are
attachments that I should write a book on Sahaja Yoga or I
should paint something for Sahaja Yoga or I must earn for
Sahaja Yoga I must do this for Sahaja Yoga this is also in a
very subtle way is ego that I should be the leader of Sahaja
Yoga. Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is not
good you feel hurt if Mother says this is good you feel happy
that means you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where
you think that whatever you say should be approved by me. That
is something is very subtle we do not understand, that if
Mother is not approving of it
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attachments
Sahajvidya Attachments
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Chitta; The whole of the canvas of your being (800526);
Enlightened attention has a nature which is very transitory
and when this is happening you have to steady yourself with
meditation, with hearing the enlightened talks, with seeing the
good things of life without thinking about them, and by seeing
the goodness of others and then you start seeing the goodness
of yourself also (861221)
Where is your attention is the point. If your attention is on
the correction and nourishment of yourself and of others, then
you are first of all a Sahaja Yogi, and once you rise above the
gravitational force of materialism, then you could be called as
the Guru (860706)
Then you should not pay attention to nonsensical things, but
try to put your attention while walking or anywhere, on the
Mother Earth. If there are thoughts coming just you see that
you stop the thoughts; And you can't afford to have wobbly
eyes in Sahaja Yoga that's very wrong. If that happens, try to
put down your eyes, because these eyes cannot allow your Kun-
dalini to rise (871224); People have their attention here and
there attracting people it is one of the ways we allow our
attention to fritter away this attention has to be brought
under control. When it happens, just point your eyes down, keep
your eyes down (871219)
The liver looks after your attention and those who have
liver problems, their attention is horrid when they walk they
dont walk straight but their eyes are going this way that
way their attention is wobbly because of a bad liver
(820514); Our attention, our awareness, is based in the stom-
ach, in the void, and can be spoiled by drinking alcohol, reading
bad books, following wrong or bad Gurus, fanaticism, identifica-
tion with one religion to the exclusion of others, by
materialism (781005); Attention also works through the eyes
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
We should cleanse our attention, so that it is silent, witness-
ing, not involved, but dynamic (870408); Improve your attention
by meditation, by thinking of good things, witnessing, seeing
beautiful things all round, and not reacting too much. The deep
penetrating attention of concern will solve all problems
(870408); We can use vibrated water to improve the attention,
by drinking it so that it works on the void area (781005)
Care needs to be taken, because the time may come when the
Mother's attention may recede, and then we will just drop out
(790422), but if anybody comes into Mother's attention, then
you have to accept that person (801116)
Attention should be on our Hearts, on the Self, the Spirit
(800613); Ideally to be kept on the Divine at all times, what-
ever our activity, just like the boy flying his kite, or the lady
carrying the pitcher of water on her head (900923); Stabilise
your attention on the Feet of God, by Bhakti, by surrendering,
by worship, singing songs - settling yourself at the Lotus Feet
of God (800613); In Puja, whatever pleases your Spirit, is
used is to be given when you give honey then your attention
gets enlightened (800927)
The attention has to be congenial to the Spirit. The Spirit is
a sensitive thing, and if the attention is not congenial to the
Spirit, then the Spirit doesn't shine. So steady the attention
by balancing the eyes, the thoughts, the desires (801116); If
your attention is turned somehow towards your Spirit, then
what happens is that you become the Power of the Spirit, and
the power of the Spirit is the highest power that you can think
of. The Spirit is the one that loves, unconditionally - it just
flows. It is also the source of Peace, and of Joy, and is the
source also, of Truth (980320); When the attention goes to the
Spirit, then you become Gunatit, beyond the gunas, Kalatit,
beyond time, and Dharmatit, beyond dharma, and then you
become like the 'drop' in the ocean (980321)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
There are various states of attention:
1. Cunning attention. The worst attention, when we see from a
cunning angle, to see what advantage we can take, what money
we can save etc. A calculating mind is a destructive mind - and
ego oriented people are extremely calculating. The so-called
positive people those who are self indulgent are mostly mis-
erly - attention should not be on saving worldly things, but it is
attention itself that must be saved. Ask the question, 'where is
my attention?' The most important thing in Sahaja Yoga is to
save your attention - Chitta Nirodh. We save our attention
through concentration, watching the Photo of the Mother is the
best. When we are concentrating in Sahaja Yoga, absolutely
fully in Sahaja Yoga, then we are controlling then we are
saving, our attention (830723.3)
2. Negative attention. That which is always on disasters, mis-
ery, and mishaps. Those who read newspapers every morning will
have this type of attention. All newspaper people have that kind
of attention - in a sinister way, they feel happy that there is a
disaster. Attention is in finding disasters. Absurd. Or they feel
hurt at the slightest touch are very frightened people, crying
and weeping. There's nothing to be frightened of anyone.
Because someone is going to say some harsh words, that's why
you don't want to do something - such compromising people.
There is no compromise in Sahaja Yoga (830723.3)
3. Stupid and idiotic attention. In India, they have one word
for both - the Moorkhas. The stupid ones derive from the first
or the cunning types, whilst the idiotic ones are from the emo-
tional second types. This is the worst type, saying all sorts of
stupid things all the time, and can be very boring. Psychologists
refer to them by various names and include schizophrenics,
idiots, the stupid, donkeys etc. They talk, talk, talk quite
irrelevantly, and they are always friends of the cunning. These
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
two go hand in hand - the cunning wants to befool someone, and
the fool wants to be fooled. Best is to keep quiet, listen to
others, and preserve attention for cleansing, and don't say
things which are stupid (830723.3)
4. Stuck attention. This is a concentrated attention - those
who work well, are organised, but have a very immobile atten-
tion like rubber, are very parched, cannot be creative of joy,
but get stuck onto something. This stuck attention is of no use
in Sahaja Yoga (830723.3)
5. Another concentrated type is the one which is intense, deep,
penetrative - because they have a living mind, not the dead
parched mind - they penetrate (830723.3); This penetration of
attention has to be seen for example if you look at some
tree, then just watch it with love see what the tree is talking
to you what is she saying or, if you are looking at a mountain,
then just talk to the mountain, and see what the mountain is
saying to you - put your attention in completely on one thing
and see for yourself that will help you a lot.
But if you have an attention which is all the time watching
this and watching that this, that if you go on changing your
attention all the time inside is finished because you see the
attention gets broken. Criticising is another way you miss out
on attention lots of attention goes to this. Thirdly could be
the self importance is the worst thing in that you do not
think anything is important you just go on, looking after your
self importance. There are so many ways but the best way is
to learn how to handle your own attention and how to handle
other people thats very important how you deal with people
is very important for a Sahaja Yogi (000507)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
The subject of Sahaja Yoga requires maximum penetration
because Sahaja Yoga is learned through experience, and
through nothing else. You have to experience, and then believe
into it. Those who have penetrating intelligence, penetrating
love and emotions, penetrating movement of the understanding,
they experience and learn experience and learn. They don't
let the mind play on them the mind's experiences of the past
no rather they think 'every day I have to take a new experi-
ence which must be sustained within me' (830723.3)
Sahaja Yoga experiences are the good conditionings. To get
these 'best' experiences, the first condition is of Rutumbhara
Pragnya, where you should be of that level that you get these
experiences - otherwise you will be mundane type of person all
of the time. This penetration starts with your meditation, and
the 'Samadhi seed' sprouting and manifesting the new dimen-
sion. This sort of attention, one has to develop by watching the
attention - Chitta Nirodh (830723.3)
As you watch your money as you watch the road when driv-
ing or your child when growing or the beauty of your wife
or the care of your husband all these put together - in this
way you watch yourself, your attention. Where is it going,
where is it lagging behind, what is happening to my attention.
Such people have no problems. When you want to do something,
it becomes dynamic, you can work it out, there are no problems
If there is a problem which you are facing all the time, then
know that there is a problem with you, that there is something
wrong with the instrument, and it has to be corrected. We have
had experiences of things working out, of many miracles hap-
pening before our eyes - but still the attention has not settled
down with these new experiences. Still the old experiences and
identifications continue - the filth of that is still on your being.
Change everything, become a fresh new person. You are
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
blooming out as a flower, and then as a tree - assume your
position as a Sahaja Yogi (830723.3); So this attention must be
brought round - you judge yourself, where is your attention.
And what is the 'measure is to keep the Mother pleased,
because She is the attention. If She is pleased, then we have
done the job. She cannot be pleased by mundane things, but
only by our ascent (830723.3)
Our attention should not be on material things is not a very
good idea to have attention on material things because these
things spoil the joy of everything - if you have to spend on
someone say some friends are coming or something then you
should be happy to do that. Instead of that if you start
counting your pennies it is joyless. Generosity is the most
enjoyable thing I think. War does one good thing sometimes
that people get out of the materialistic attitude. Lots of bad
things are there but this one thing I have seen when the war
shakes a man he thinks 'what's the value of all these things
I've been fighting for'. But if you get Niraananda after that
you dont want to have any joy from material gains from mate-
rial things you just do not want (850502)
Attention should be all the time inside. Like when you are
walking on the road, people have a habit of seeing this seeing
that and like that the attention gets frittered away. What
you should do is to see about 3 or 4 feet at most from the
ground, and not above because there you can see all the beau-
tiful children, the flowers, everything there is nothing very
beautiful above that and also, if possible, to fix your atten-
tion so the attention becomes concentrated, and you feel very
relaxed and relieved of too much of wobbling of your eyes
eyes are very important (880921)
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
As far as possible, keep your attention straight, or on the
Mother Earth if you can control your attention, you can over-
come your material domination. Now best thing is to put your
attention to your Spirit if you start putting your attention to
the Spirit, the sweetness of the Spirit itself will make the
whole thing very sweet and beautiful. The attention should be
on the Spirit even when you are 'getting ready', keep the
attention on the Spirit. If you then develop your witness
state from attention, you become the knowledge the truth
Now how do you raise the Kundalini we can raise it with the
attention but it should not be done, because others should
'know' that something has been done because people, unless
and until they see something being done to them they are not
going to believe so you have to raise the Kundalini with your
hands and you can see that as far as the hand moves, the
Kundalini moves and you can feel it within your spine (810511)
Chitta Nirodh
The saving of one's attention, which is done through concentra-
tion - best is to watch Mother's Photo. When we are
concentrating in Sahaja Yoga, absolutely fully in Sahaja Yoga,
then we are controlling, we are saving our attention (830723.3)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Attention
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-861221 Chalmala Welcome Address - see 861221 good 5
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
861221 Six Puja Talks - India 1986/87
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
First of all your attitude has to be alright in Sahaja Yoga I see
that people who don't have good attitudes can never progress
doesn't matter if your vibrations are bad doesn't matter theyll
be alright so you should see how much collective you are how
much you help each other how much you are kind to each other
this is very important to introspect and find out more than
anything else (950625)
The attitude of a Sahaja Yogi towards a non Sahaja Yogi should
be of helping of supporting of sharing but I must warn you,
there are some Sahaja Yogis who will try to have their own party
they are very power oriented they will have an exclusive party
it is a very dangerous sign it is a cancer - everything should be
collective. Anybody who does that kind of thing, you should know is
a possessed person and you will be harmed if you follow such a
person. We are all collective we have to know everything among
each other and we have to live like one family, all over the world.
Once you develop that kind of a love for everyone, then you will be
surprised, you have become a great personality - that means the
drop becomes the ocean (960716)
In the realm of God, we have to be meaningful to him not that
he should be meaningful to us. We should change our attitude
towards him we should say what have we done for God then
you will get ideas what is to be done how to work it out (850310)
To substantiate your purity to be fragrant with your purity
your attention should be on the other side. Now you are not facing
the Mother you are sitting with the Mother facing the whole
world so the whole attitude will change. The attitude should be
what can I give how can I give what is my mistake in giving I
have to be more alert where is my attention what am I doing
what is my responsibility. You must desire that you should be
pure pure desire that you should be the Spirit. Then your
responsibility to Sahaja Yoga what is your responsibility to
Sahaja Yoga which is the work of God that has started and
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Attitude
you are my hands. You have to do the work of God you have to
fight the anti-God elements the satanic elements. You are not
responsible for your families any more. Now the forces are
gathering in such a way that the sorting out will start. Your
responsibility to yourself is to be the Spirit is to understand
Mother better to understand this mechanism within you how
this mechanism works out everything how to become a Guru
yourself to be a dignified and a glorified personality to be a
respectable person and not a cheap personality. Every one of you
is worth the whole Universe if you want to rise to that height
to that magnitude it is within you to prosper (821219)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 6 May 2003
If you feel attracted for any man think that 'that' man has
a bhoot, and I also have a bhoot only the bhoots attract
bhoots it's as simple as that it's only the bhoots attract
(810904); Why to make your body that attractive to every man,
spoiling his attention, and your attention what is the need
the whole idea is wrong (780000)
Entities are being exchanged in flirtations, and result in
wobbly eyes, and also are the cause of those 'attractions' that
we cannot explain or understand (781218); In a very gross way,
we see that people are attracted towards others through the
body element. Any body attraction can enslave you, and cannot
give you freedom. It will give you habits for your body
enslavement, and will enslave you to your Guru. The other
attractions are for food, greed, and lust - materialism at it's
worst. Once you start getting used to it, you become enslaved
and not a Guru (860706)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
780000.01 Talk on Easter 78
780000.02 How to meditate, Seminar Talk
780000.04 God & Creation, Caxton Hall Public Program
780000.05 Public Meeting Talk No 1, Caxton Hall
780000.06 Public Meeting Talk No 2, Caxton Hall
780000.07 Ego, Superego & Subconscious, Finchley Ashram
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (1st 15 mins poor, later improves) not good 70
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
- end - 29 Dec 2002
They are very precious, and should be respected. Should be pur-
chased, and not borrowed (890808); Everyone should have one
tape each. Some people take one for the centre, and all listen, and
that's it or one tape for the whole country. No, we must have
one tape each - sit down and listen again and again with pencil
and paper, and see what I am saying. Every tape should be with
you; Why some Sahaja Yogis don't have tapes if we can get them
free we would like to have. But, if we try to save money money
tries to save itself - there is a mutual understanding (890611)
You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja
Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be
seen found out what is said about health what is said about
children because I spontaneously say things and if you can sort
it out you will know so many things I mean if you sit down and do
a study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many little
little things that are so important for life. You can clarify it can
note it down that this Mother said about these things it will be
very good for us to sort it out this way what point is to be noted
down in different headings can put different different headings,
and jot it down. Mother has said so Mother has said so what-
ever is not on the tape you should not listen to whatever is on
tape is authentic whatever is recorded already should be ac-
cepted (890725)
There are so many things I have said, there are so many lec-
tures that I would like you to hear. These are beautiful precious
lectures, which people in other countries use them while travelling
long distances, and also otherwise for meditation so many are
working it out that way. So if you really are interested in your
Self, in your ascent to be one with the whole, to be in the King-
dom of God, then please take these tapes, listen to them, medi-
tate on them meditation will become very much easier (980706);
After listening to my lectures, you just go into meditation actu-
ally my lectures are not to be understood by your brains, but by
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Audiotapes
your Kundalini and through your heart. So it doesn't matter if
you don't remember something it's alright but it will come
handy whenever you want to use it some words or sentences you
will not know from where it is coming it's all recorded (880921)
I think all of you should buy one tape recorder each, because
you see that is one way of growing because a Sahaja Yogi told
me that when he started listening to them his English improved
tremendously and he said 'the vibrations are coming from
them and I started growing' so it's a very good idea to have
tapes and in your spare time put them on and listen to them. It's
a very good thing and helps a lot - that will really mature you very
much I think a very good idea (801019); Some tapes from Swit-
zerland 1980 and earlier are tremendous (801019)
We record Mother's Vibrations and superimpose Mother's Lec-
ture on that, so that it has double effect (791009.1)
Meditation, and listening to the enlightened talks, are two of
the ways that one can use to steady the attention, which has a
very transitory nature (861221)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-861221 Chalmala Welcome Address - see 861221 good 5
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
791009.1 Maintaining the purity of Sahaja Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
861221 Six Puja Talks - India 1986/87
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 18 Jun 2003
The power of Shri Ganesha, and which is the magnet within
Mother Earth, and within you, and which is Pure Love (860907);
Try to develop your purity and holiness, and a powerful holiness
and a powerful auspiciousness, which does not get contaminated
but fights whatever is anti-God, whatever is anti-Christ (821226);
The Chaitanya, which exists in the atoms and molecules as
vibrations, which expresses itself in the plant kingdom as 'life
force' and which is expressed in the animals where it binds
them, is expressed in human beings as auspiciousness, and
ultimately as Holiness (870102)
Sahajvidya Auspiciousness
that the shape is the shape how the Shakti moves how the
power moves always like this elliptical like if I love this
person, the vibrations will go like this and embrace her and then
will come back but it can be 360 degrees it moves. The whole
creation took place by the movement of the Shakti like this. Now
when you have a shape or a form or a kind of an assemblage of
certain factors in a particular material could be could be a
particular tree could be a human being then you find from that
person - only the Realised Souls can feel - vibrations coming.
Whatever emits vibrations is auspicious and auspiciousness is the
quality by which we emit vibrations (800721)
Now you all know that there's something about Stonehenge but
what these are the stones which have come out of Mother
Earth which are emitting vibrations and the covering of that
has been done later on some people did not understand how these
stones came out one after another so they must have covered it
up but if they were Saints they would have said that these
stones have vibrations (800721)
Sahajvidya Auspiciousness
resist but gradually they also get used to it same with dogs
they can feel a man who is a Realised Soul who is not they can
even feel an evil person they are very sensitive. A dog can always
feel a Saint even a mad dog can be controlled by a Saint. This
feeling of auspiciousness can be felt from the heart not from
the brain not from the ego or superego (800721)
Now Blake the one who is the poet you have really I would
say after Shakespeare. I wonder if Shakespeare was one man, or
many people put together but Blake was the poet you had the
greatest of all I would say. There were so many others also
Wordsworth was another you can see those who talk of
charming things of pleasant things and beautiful things are the
poets not these garbage cleaners. What is wrong with us that we
cannot make out between the stink and the fragrance.
Auspiciousness is the way we emit our fragrance to others
Take a coconut for example put it the other way round you
won't get vibrations if you put it this way, the coconut coming up,
you will get more vibrations. There are certain coconuts who give
very good vibrations and some give horrible ones (800721)
Now how the brain is connected with the Spirit. Your heart has
the Spirit, the light and the heart has also got seven auras
around it which get enlightened by the Spirit it's a very
instantaneous or you can say simultaneous happening. But, before
that when the Kundalini rises there are the seven centres
represented on the seven seats in our brain all the Sahaja Yogis
know where they are. So when these centres are enlightened the
auras start shining in the heart. And 'this' centre is actually the
seat of the Spirit the Spirit has moved from there and has gone
to the heart thats why in childhood you'll find there's an
opening here it's a very soft bone called as the Fontanelle Bone,
the Talu because the Spirit comes out from there and is settled
on the heart. You know Spirit also comes out in the night
sometimes goes round and sees it's so (800721)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Auspiciousness
Sahajvidya Auspiciousness
Is an innate quality of a personality, where a person rejects all
that is unholy, all that is inauspicious; The first thing that God
created on this Earth was Shri Ganesha, because he could emit
Holiness; It is said that without Holiness, you cannot work out
anything in every walk of life Holiness was the most important
part that was to be looked after. For Sahaja Yogis, the most
important thing is to lead a very holy life innocence gives you
that Holiness (870102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870102 Ganapatipule - see 861221 - 10
-821226 Lord Jesus - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas from India) good 15
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 9 Sep 2002
You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort of an
authority which you can use, and every mantra that you will say will
be awakened even if you are not yet out of your possessions, still
you will work it out still you can raise the Kundalini of others
and nothing will go wrong with the person whose Kundalini you are
raising to that purity it is (791111); You have no authority to take
any mantra unless and until you are a Realised Soul (771121)
Of course you have killed many of them this is the minimum
power you have. If you coin a 'Mardini' mantra with anyone
finished. You see it is like this 'I' am entitled you see I am the
one who has killed all of them so I am entitled I've got the title
you see if you take my name my title they are finished off
there all their powers are dropping (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
- end - 21 Jun 2003
Autonomic Nervous System
The Autonomic Nervous System is that 'self governing'
nervous system, comprising the left and right Sympathetic, and
the central Parasympathetic nervous systems (840731); The
Parasympathetic is that part of the nervous system in the
central channel, the Sushumna Nadi (810928) which gives the
balance (870500); Which brings things back to normal relaxes
and nourishes after the Sympathetics have initially responded to
an emergency; Is formed by loops from the left and right
Sympathetics, and wherever these loops meet, are formed energy
centres known as the Chakras (MME)
Autonomic Nervous System, means there is something which is
beyond something 'auto' if the scientists give this name we
have to accept it is auto they cannot explain we have to accept
it is auto that there is something like auto that controls the
three Autonomic Systems (771024.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 9 Sep 2002
A powerful, highly evolved Realised Soul who is a Master, e.g.
Shakespeare (840708); They only need to sleep just 4 hours, and
then are working - either meditating, or working with their hands.
We have to be very busy people, because we are now employed by
God (821101); A person who has gone beyond all human destructive
habits Avadhuta is a very high quality Yogi (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 13 Jun 2003
Human awareness grows downwards, in the opposite direction
to the Divine. The 'roots' are in the brain; Descent, known as
Adogati, is easy, whilst ascent is called Urdwagati. With
descent we move through Nabhi and Swadisthan, to Mooladhara
where we develop depraved and perverted ideas, leading to
decadence (860303)
Shri Krishna said, thousands of years back that the human
awareness, the Chaitana, grows downwards and the roots of
the Chaitana or awareness, is in the brain. In our Sahaja Yoga,
we consider three chakras as the lower chakras, or centres
the Nabhi the Swadisthan and the Mooladhara. First one is
the Nabhi Chakra, where a person starts seeking food,
shelter, all life's necessities and either he can go upwards or
downwards. The essence of this centre is Swaha, meaning the
consumption. So all those people who started developing
started consuming. Then they went to the second chakra, the
Swadisthan where they started entering into space that is
Antariksha and tried to find out what is on the Moon what is
on Jupiter. Now the third awareness has grown into the
Mooladhara and so the attention went to this horrid thing
called sex and in the west, people have become nothing but
sex points. I've seen it everywhere that just filth exists.
With this downward movement what do we expect people to be
- they have to be violent. If you make them worse than animals
what will happen they have to be cruel, despotic and after
this the next step is Hell Nagasaki or anything (860224)
So, how to go upward - all the great Saints, and Incarnations,
and Prophets have said that 'you have to be born again' Christ
has said it Mohammed Saab has said 'at the time of
resurrection, your hands will speak' Jung has said that 'you
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Awareness
have to become Collectively Conscious' - and so with Sahaja
Yoga the Kundalini rises and takes us to our Yoga. Yoga
means that the Kundalini, the power that is within us, which is
of Pure Desire should rise and should meet the Divine the
All Pervading Power which is doing all the living work (860224)
Only with Realisation it starts, and what a jump it is from
the first awareness, where it is just a desire (800518)
In the second state you see the desire being fulfilled but
all these subtle things are mixed up within you - you do feel
the chakras and their problems, but again you start analysing
them the biggest problem in the West is they start analysing.
So what you have to do is to at least believe yes you are
giving Realisation (800518)
This is where you must have faith this faith that you have
got Realisation through Sahaja Yoga that it's a tremendous
power that there is All Pervading Power which is absolutely
dynamic that you have that power flowing through you that
you are giving Realisation and that your Mother is something
special. The power of faith is the greatest becoming power it
is beyond analysis, beyond thought so the surrendering
starts. Then your awareness rises higher, and these small little
little things which have become subtler, start departing from
you. This is the third state, where your three gunas you can
see, but they do not affect you you see the catching, but now
you don't say catching, you say 'recording' you think you are
an instrument, and you are just recording. To rise up to this
third state, the only way is complete faith, and one of the
things about faith is protocol. Faith is the 'recognition' it is
only going to work out by how much faith you have. This faith
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Awareness
then starts encompassing also what Shri Mataji says, means
absorbing not criticising not repelling but absorbing. And
the mouth of absorption is Nirvichara - where you do not think
about it (800518)
Sahaja Yoga is a real becoming, ripening, maturing, living
process, and how it is going to work out is not through books,
by sitting and reading, but by the photograph. And the
photograph, if you think that it is 'representing' Shri Mataji
then you are not expressing it fully it has 'all' the elements
in it - moreover, it is a reproduction no doubt but a
reproduction of reality 'it is quite me because my attention
is there.' You should keep one photograph with you all the time
- respect it. Have that understanding that 'that's Mother with
us' - you'll be amazed how things work out. So the third state
comes in when you start seeing all this, recording it (800518)
Then the fourth state, called Turya-desha, comes in, when
you dominate the three gunas, you control all the elements. At
this stage you just say and it works. The fifth is when in the
Turya state, you have matured properly, and you do not have to
say or determine anything, but it just works. Then you handle
the whole situation sitting down here sitting down here you
know each and everything. Then not only you have mastered it,
but you can enter into it. These states are not so clear cut
they mingle with each other they are mixtures. Finally in the
seventh state you just are your being there is sufficient
All these seven states you can reach, because Shri Mataji
stands beyond them all, and She has come down to the first
state and She is trying to pull us up. If we do not drag Her
down, She can pull us up very fast but if we do not desire,
She'll not do it if we do not want it, She'll not do it so the
only request is not to drag Her down. If you have still your
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Awareness
attention onto something else, then you drag down the effort
of the person who is trying to take you out so try to
disentangle yourselves drop your loads alright (800518)
Now do not try to fix up yourself at this stage or that stage.
When you grow, it will happen to you allow it to grow. If your
Kundalini is weak, try to sustain it feed you Kundalini with the
desire of becoming neutralise all other desires with one
desire before you say something, think of it what are you
saying are you saying of one desire (800518)
Adogati is the downward movement (860224); Descent; To go
down is easy; Human awareness grows downwards, away from
the Divine. First we reach Nabhi (from our starting point of
Bhavasagara) where we start consuming, through attacking
and overpowering other peoples and other countries, by
imperialism etc like Columbus and also by digging out and
consuming Mother Earth. Then we reach Swadisthan, where we
see and go to the stars etc to no avail - we have to go within.
Finally we reach Mooladhara, where we become depraved and
perverted, with funny ideas about sex. This is decadence and
with one step we are in Hell. On the other hand if we try to go
up, without going by Mahalakshmi we end up at the heart and
start giving our heart to this person, that person get into
romance and once again we go down (860303)
Shri Krishna has said that this is a tree which is upside down
- the roots are upwards, and the leaves are outwards; When we
are dealing with our roots, we have to be in the centre, in the
core our attention not entangled with other things, with
outside things (830107)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Awareness
The Shuparnaka ideas that come from the decadence that we
have gone through, have no relevance to our ascent and
because we have come up (ascended - Ed), we can see the
decadence of society. So we have to show our good behaviour,
our good dress, and our good conduct the beauty that has
developed within ourselves and that we belong to a society
which has ascended, and that the decadence is over now
Ascent. The first step upwards, from our starting point in
Bhavasagara, takes us to the heart, and here we 'see with
innocence and chastity' - then we expand the heart with
compassion. Urdwagati is only possible through the Kundalini
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
-830107 Ganesha Puja - Rahuri - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 20
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
- end - 9 Sep 2002
Awe does not have 'understanding' in it (860706); That 'awe'
for God that is necessary to keep your Kalki alright; That fear of
God that if you do wrong, He is there with His wrath, and that He
is a wrathful God when you have that awe for God, and you know
that He is All Pervading, and He is All Powerful; He has powers to
raise us to that stage of higher being He is the most
compassionate God, the most compassionate Father that we can
think of but in the same way He has a wrath, and when that
wrath falls upon you, be very very careful (790928)
You are in a way in awe about God there is awe not I would
say fear, because fear is all dispelled there is no more fear for
you but you have awe for God that's he's God Almighty
(920229); There should be awe and respect for the Mother, which
is guarded by the left Vishuddhi (850901); As a Mother, Shri
Mataji has to warn us, that be careful about the wrath of your
Father, because if He comes on you with that wrath, nobody can
stop it nobody can stop it - and the compassion of your Mother
will not be listened to. But if you do something 'for' Him, or for
your own 'being' in your Self Realisation, you will be placed in the
highest position. The most important thing is to know where are
you as far as God is concerned (790928)
Mother's Presence
When I am away I am not gone - I am much more here when
I am not here you will see (801205)
People who are with Mother go into left Vishuddhi very fast,
because they lack in protocol. To be with Mother is a blessing
no doubt, but also one has to be very very careful, that you do
not cross the protocols (850901)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Awe
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation should be allowed develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate, better quality but incomplete]
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
Mothers Presence
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
801205 Marriage & Collectivity, Chelsham Road poor 20
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
Something with my photo a badge if you can wear it and
people ask you 'who is this person' you can start talking - you
have to talk that is the only way we can spread Sahaja Yoga.
Of course you can have your programs you can get people you
can give them Realisation, this that but to talk about it is
important so the atmosphere is created in the atmosphere it
will be and this is going to help us a lot if it is in the
atmosphere, people will know that there is something like this
coming up (880921)
What I have seen that we are very shy shy about Sahaja
Yoga we are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga - you have to
do it you should start talking openly about it if I was shy like
you, Sahaja Yoga would not have spread. One should not feel shy
about Sahaja Yoga otherwise what happens that it just melts
away with you dont feel shy you should talk about it wear
the badge with the badge people will ask you questions 'who is
this one' then you talk to them any way you like, you should
expose yourself and that will work out better (000507)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Balance is needed for our ascent (830512); First put the left
hand towards the Mother, or towards the Photo, and the right
hand out, then put the left hand up, and the right hand towards
the Mother (791118); If you don't have a balance, you'll just get
vibrations in one hand (830512); If you feel vibrations equally in
both hands, this means that you are in balance, that you are
balanced (830202); If there is a disparity, then adjust it by giving
a bandhan (811103)
You are not only a physical being you are also an emotional
being. If you pay too much attention to your physical side, you can
become a dry personality absolutely. Such a person gets heart
troubles because the spirit resides in the heart, and if you are
too much physical, then the heart goes out - you must pay
attention to your spirit. So you are not only a physical being you
are also a mental being you are an emotional being and, a
spiritual being all these must be integrated and there should be
a complete balance (821008)
You can find out in a second whether you are on a conditioning
side or not if the left side is catching, then you are conditioned,
and may suffer from pains etc. If the right side is catching, then
you are on an ego trip, and may have health problems. Or you may
be wobbly (800517.1); If you use any one of these powers,
superego and ego, too much then the other one gets frozen
If we are feeling sleepy, or lazy then put Right to Left 7
times, with the Right hand, whilst watching Mother, or it can be
done also with the Photo (821101); Those who have left hand
problems means who have left side problems should raise their
right all of you (800721); If the right hand is burning but not
the left hand that is when a person is right sided, being an
intellectual or futuristic person (830512), the left side subtle
system is raised and taken over to the right side by movement
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Balance
of the right hand, to bring the system into balance (830121); If
we have ego, we should raise the left side, and put it to the right
side there's no other way out you have to work it out with your
hands (830121)
To get into the centre, to achieve balance, first we move out of
the left side to the right side, and from there to the centre. If
you are feeling lethargic, are unable to get up, or are feeling
sleepy or not alert, plan what you will do and get into action. Even
doing Puja is a good idea. Then when you are into action, in order
to get into the centre, just watch everything, just witness say to
yourself that you are not doing it (800517.2)
The right side is like an accelerator, whilst the left side is like
the brake. So if the Mooladhara is not in control, if the brake is
not alright, then the accelerator cannot be controlled. So we
should work very hard so that our Mooladhara is brought round
and is put right, and our brake is established. Then whatever work
you do for Sahaja Yoga, you will not get into ego practices. It is
especially important in the West, where the idea of auspiciousness
and holiness is being destroyed (890423)
Some people are negative in the sense that they are on the left
hand side, and some people are negative because they are on the
right hand side. Some times these combinations work very well.
When a dominating man tries to dominate a left hand person, they
are great friends because one dominates and the other takes
domination. As soon as the left hand person comes on the centre
or tries to come to the right, the dominating one starts clashing
then they are the worst of enemies. It happens like that so be on
the alert (800927)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Balance
Now a person who is on the left should try to come in the
centre and in the same way a person who is on the right side
should come to the centre. Now how do you do it a person who is
on the right side should try to become friendly with the left sided
person, and the left hand side person should try to be friendly
with the right sided person. So what is the give and take in this.
The right sided person will be a better organiser maybe maybe
not at least will be a better orator, or may be a better sort of a
leader may not be you can't say he may be the one who will
suggest things and who will bring out things who will say 'I'll do
this sort of thing maybe'. The left hand person will be frightened,
but will be humble, loving, more affectionate he'll be much more
at the command of others. This one will be commanding and the
other will be receiving the commands (800927)
Now how do we solve the problem of this mixture. The one who
is very much on the ego side should try to obey the person who is
on the left side, and the left sided should try to command more on
the right hand person and it should be accepted it should be
mutually understood there should be a contract alright I am
the ego oriented person, and you are the superego oriented, now
let us do one thing you try to dominate me, and I'll try to obey
you it will work out (800927)
But it is rather difficult to get a left sided person here (UK)
there are very few some were left sided, but when it came to
ego they were worse than anybody else. But, you can have a left
sided person and let him dominate til he develops his ego he's
alright if he develops, then he should stop it but with complete
understanding, watching yourself how you develop, how far you
go a play should go on. But if you are identifying with yourself
that I am always right, or nobody's right, then nothing can work
out. So the best way to do this sort of thing is 'alright you
order, and I'll do' 'let you organise and we'll do it you tell us
how to do it'. Let us decide to improve ourselves, and not to feel
bad about it we have to improve a lot (800927)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Balance
The job of a guru is to give balance to others if you have the
Guru Principle within you, you get into balance automatically
(920719); A guru is not ascetic by nature but he's so detached,
that he's ascetic he may be a king or a beggar or maybe a big
personality or just an ordinary person but if he's a guru, then in
every state, he's in complete balance nothing can disturb him
and he can never go into imbalance (920719)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802(Video)
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford/Northampton - see 821007 Good
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get Med'tn, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 5
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (was: A New Age has started) Not good 80
811103 You must grow fast in Sahaja Yoga, Brahman Crt [Fr.] good 75
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830512 How to talk to new people - Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
Let us put ourselves into bandhan after raising our Kundalini
raise it attention on your Sahastrara dont close your eyes
push back your head one! again! sit straight take it up on
your head two! three! (Shri Mataji raises the Kundalini three
times, and ties three times at the last raising - Ed). Now put the
bandhan (Shri Mataji starts with the right hand level with, and
outside the left hip, and moves this hand upwards, outside the
outline of the body, over the top of the head and down the right
side, to the level of, and outside the right hip, describing a
horseshoe shape, and then returns along the same path to the
starting point - Ed) one! two do it properly systematically
three all of us should do it properly four five try to wait
as I am doing it (Shri Mataji does it steadily and slowly - Ed)
six seven. Still we have not done it properly we all should do it
in one rhythm let's do it again one slowly twowith
attention on Sahastrara three how do I do it four five
good six attention on Sahastrara seven rising? Let's have
the last binding (Shri Mataji raises the Kundalini one last time -
Ed) ha now see clear tremendous (850504)
Solve all problems with one bandhan - it works but, you should
be in full connection with the Divine (951224) a bandhan puts
the Chaitanya into action (890808); For left side problems, give
a bandhan, or burn your name (870408); In the morning time, you
have to give yourself a bandhan and when you are going out
don't go out without giving yourself a bandhan (880921); When
you put on a bandhan, how long it will last depends on your
intensity after some time you dont need any bandhan (.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Bandhan
If you sit down anywhere, say in a music program, and you
suddenly start giving a bandhan it's madness or you start
raising your Kundalini it's stupid. It should not be done that
way. You have to sit with dignity, with understanding others are
watching you (871224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
T ape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent, Poona - see 871213 good 30
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Glass bangles that are made in Belgium, and worn by the
Goddess, the Mother. Also when worn by the ladies, brings a
delicacy of movement, suggesting to the men that there are
ladies around (860921.1)
It's for the right hand side chakra here, alright there's a
chakra here to protect your right Vishuddhi it is kept here so
your language is sweet when you speak you see you make that
beautiful sound it makes such a delicate feeling women around
you see you know that she's there to look after you she
loves you and it's a purity about it she loves her husband in
that way and the rest of them is pure relationship and so
that's why you have to wear it (790609.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen not good 45
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Is through Sahastrara, not through Agnya (811005); Is when the
cool breeze is felt coming out the top of the head (840702); Is
the raising of the Kundalini, and the breaking of the Sahastrara
The Kundalini, when it reaches the top of the head you find a
cool breeze coming out of your head and thats called as
Chaitanya Lahari thats called as Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost.
When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he meant this he
didnt mean the way we do baptism, to just call somebody, put
some water on the head, and say 'oh you're baptised' thats just
a drama. Baptism is a living process (821007); The Cool Breeze is
all around us and we can start feeling in our hands when the
Kundalini emerges from the top of the head if our Vishuddhi
centre is alright. This is what Christ meant by 'to be born again'
and not to just call some people and say 'alright, now we will have
some baptism' (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 27 Mar 2003
Basics of Sahaja Yoga
The first basic of Sahaja Yoga is that we have to become the
Spirit - Sahaja Yoga gives us experiences so then we believe
into it so we have faith, enlightened faith. We then steady our
attention, we balance it using our 'will'; By keeping our
attention integrated with our being (not with our ego), discretion
comes in we develop immunity from all kinds of baddha, from all
types of people (801116)
The quality of Spirit is collectivity, and collectivity is the
beginning of Sahaja Yoga, and so collectivity has to be with the
Sahaja Yogis. Know that you are Realised Souls, and assume your
powers. Know that you are different, and others are others
they are not the same as you are (801116)
Realise, and recognise that there has to be something
tremendous that it was necessary to have someone like the Adi
Shakti, the Mother, to do this tremendous task, and that it was
necessary for us to be with Her, to help. We have to stand by
the Mother we are cells in Her Body (801116)
Meditation and also a little bit of taking bandhan, even now
today is necessary I think, when you go out because still Kali
Yuga is working it's own plans, and Satya Yuga is trying to come
up (980510)
Those who want to grow, should meditate every day, whatever
time you may come home maybe in the morning, maybe in the
evening any time but you will know that you are meditating,
when you can get into thoughtless awareness (980510)
To cleanse yourself and to put yourself right, is of course a
very important duty of every Sahaja Yogi you should not be
identified with those problems that you have, but try to face
them and cure them (871213); This is our way of life is to keep
ourselves cleansed this is bathing ourselves. All those things
which are filthy within us take them out (800907)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Basics of Sahaja Yoga
Our behaviour should be very decent and decorous so that all
the vibrations that are flowing through us, which are Holy
vibrations, auspicious vibrations, should not be spoiled by our
ego or any such nonsense which has no relevance to our ascent
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 25 Nov 2002
If you take a bath with cold water, you can never catch cold
because the temperature is the same. If you have to take a hot
water bath, take it in the night, or at the time when you can go
off into your bed. You should never take your bath in the open,
or with the window open, with hot water if you do, sure shot you
will get a temperature; In England, if you take a hot bath and go
out immediately you can get cancer of the lungs (881221) in
the UK, bathing is better doneWater
at night before retiring, to avoid
problems due to the cold climate (820710)
In the River Ganges, the water is absolutely freezing cold but
people get into it slowly slowly they slip into it, and when you
come out your cheeks are red like apples it's so very cold. But
nothing happens, nobody catches cold or anything. So in the
running water is the cleanest, and where you can get into cold
water (881221)
Bathroom addiction is too much in English people I have seen
they are very bathroom conscious though they do not take
baths one should just form such habits that within 10 minutes
you should be out from the bathroom; You should take a bath at
a time when you will have one hour before going out; So use
water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times is very
essential to get your vibrations alright you must wash your
hands (800927); Before Puja, you must take your bath (800927);
Some people go without bathing the body, for months together
then you have no respect for yourself (781002)
Laziness is not a very good thing, and for that I think early in
the morning, 4 o'clock, if you take a bath, you won't feel lazy the
whole day if you can try that all day you'll feel very
energetic but you must do it early in the morning, because after
that you must spend at least 2 hours in the house then there
won't be any problem (891203)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Bathing
Water is used to cool and clear the right side subtle system
(830121); If we stand in the sea, and ask that all our problems be
taken away, then the whole thing will be sucked away (800609);
Water can feel the Divinity it gets exited, and starts pouring
out it's love in a bubbly manner (861225)
You must always use water, as much as possible for washing,
when you go for your morning ablutions water must be used
paper is a very dirty and unhygienic habit but even if you use
paper, you must use water after it it's very important that all
the time, the water should be used as much as possible for
Sahaja Yogis it is a very very important thing (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The exuberance of the heart; The essence of beauty and
aesthetics is variety (851128; 890527); Beauty and
auspiciousness go hand in hand they are not two things
because beauty is a thing that gives joy to your Spirit, and
auspiciousness is the same, which gives joy to your Spirit - all
other beauty is no beauty (800927); These flowers when you give
it to me, they give you two things. Flowers are very important if
they are beautiful, then they give to Swadisthan if they are
fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara. Now think of it you are
doing it to improve your chakras (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 30
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The Beetle & the Lotus
The beetle with all kinds of thorns on it's body comes to
the lotus to collect some honey but the lotus accepts it
invites. The lotus is very happy to have this beetle and the
beetle sleeps inside the lotus so the lotus gives the bed for it
to sleep and all the fragrance of the lotus for that beetle.
Then in the morning, the beetle gets his honey and then flies
away (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
- end - 14 Sep 2002
Our behaviour should henceforth be such that we do not show
any symptoms like that of Shuparnaka, who tried to entice men, and
that we should behave in a manner that we are Sahaja Yogis. Our
behaviour should be very decent and decorous so that all the
vibrations that are flowing through us, which are Holy vibrations,
auspicious vibrations, should not be spoiled by our ego or our
Shuparnaka ideas, or any such nonsense, which has no relevance to
our ascent. All this comes from the decadence that we have gone
through. And because we have come up, we can see, the decadence
of society (850000.2)
You should live like normal people like dignified people nothing
of indignity, childishness or joker-like, clownish or outstandingly
funny all these dresses should not be worn. You should be
properly dressed, in a way that you have a 'presence' (800927)
Some people shave their heads and all that nonsense to
become spiritually awakened to be reborn - if by that you are
going to be reborn then what about the sheep which is shaved
every year twice he should be the most spiritual thing. In the
same way we think we wear some kind of a dress, and say that
we are ascetics and by that we become spiritually awakened - with
1 you can change the colour of a dress. By changing dresses, or by
colouring dresses if by doing these things you can get even one
seed sprouted, I would go in for it but when it comes to sprouting
the seed we dont do all these things. When it comes to our own
sprouting we have to leave it to God. So how do we leave it to
God we should be leading a life of temperance we should not get
to extreme behaviour in life but to temperate life and then the
time comes when a person who is authorised to do this to give this
light comes in this world and it can be done (790722)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 14 Sep 2002
Together with Holland represents the left Nabhi, with Belgium
as the speedometer - should not be too fast, nor too slow, but in
the centre (860921.2); The responsibility of Belgians is the Peace,
while that of Holland is Justice (860921.2); Whilst it is
understood that Sahaja Yogis have a universal nature, those of
Belgium should be inculcating all the qualities of peace and justice
within themselves. There has to be justice, but justice is not to be
demanded. As soon as we start asking for justice, there is no
peace. So we should not ask for justice - we should do justice, to
ourselves and to others, and we should be peaceful to ourselves
and to others (860921.2); If the principle of these two countries
starts working properly, they can bring peace to the whole world
In Belgium are found great painters, and much creativity
(860921.2), and Belgium has one speciality, of creating glass
bangles for the Mother, thus providing a beautiful and delicate
musical accompaniment to the movements of the Goddess
(860921.1); Belgians are simple and good people, neutral by nature
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
There is a common belief, that once we get Realisation we should
be perfect - it is not so, we have to work it out - to sustain our
Sahaja Yoga. We must not take it for granted. Some people come,
get their Realisation and just enjoy for 5 or 6 weeks, or months or
maybe hours, and then go back again to the same. At the very
beginning, ego and superego get sucked in, but then they come
back again. But when you start giving this Divine Power to others,
you start gradually deepening into your own being, and feeling your
source of Joy - life becomes full of Joy and happiness (790507);
Believing into something is blindness, and has led us into complete
exploitation - you cannot organise God (790530)
A person who does not believe in God, could be better than
someone who blindly believes in God (790530)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
- end - 17 Jun 2003
It is you who have to gain something out of me (830723.3); It is
such a mutual thing between us, I can't live without you, and you
can't live without me - it is so mutual. But from one side it is 100%
benevolent. Whether I get angry with you, whether I scold you, or
pamper you, whether I say 'don't do that' or 'don't come very
close to me, keep away', anything that I do like that is
benevolent to you! And the benevolence to me is only one - that
you should be emancipated, that you should gain something out of
Me, that you should prosper out of Me (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
- end - 9 May 2003
Worship (811005); Devotion (0.0011); The way of seeking,
practised by those on the left side, as opposed to those on the
right side who tried to master the elements, and those in the
centre who took the evolutionary path (790530); Practised by
those who were gently dedicated to God, who asked the help of
God, through organising dedications and worships, called Pujas
Bhakti is only possible if you have faith that's the thing is
the faith which is challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid and
horrible people the intellectuals also by science and this
church, and that church. So your faith has to be absolutely
absolutely untarnishable so when this faith in God is absolutely
established within you that there is God Almighty he's
Almighty and that I am the messenger of that God just this
understanding, when it becomes absolutely formed in you then
you are in Guru Pada (920719)
Bhakti also is inbuilt is born in you if you were not seeking
God, you would not have come to me so that is also in you if you
were not seekers of knowledge you would not have come to me.
If you were not working it out, Karma Yoga, if you were not you
would not have come to me - that you are coming to me, is itself a
Karma (0.0012)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The ocean of illusion, the Void, the area around the Nabhi,
enlightened by the ten principles of mastery, the ten great
Primordial Masters, who have been born again and again on this
earth; When it is fully enlightened, we become automatically
righteous (MME); The area defined by the Swadisthan, around the
Nabhi, but not connected to any chakra (890723); In which there
is no rationality, only hunger, for firstly food, and for primitive
things, then for sex life, for women, for men, then for power, for
money, and ultimately for Spiritual satisfaction. When the
Spiritual seeking starts, we do not know why we are seeking
(781005); The essence of Bhavasagara is Swaha (860303)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy - see 890723 good 30
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy (2 talks) - xxx
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 13 Apr 2003
The dead people who have died, who hang around and cause
problems (810829; 900811.1), and can cause lunacy (890806);
Who exist around the churches, because of the dead bodies
buried there (820711); The dead Souls who are still attached to
something maybe to children to the house to drinking
habits maybe to something nonsensical that still hang around,
and they are the one's who trouble us who bother us too much.
They can be in groups they can be many of different types
they could be with a very bad Subconscious activity or could be
with Supraconscious also; Now some difficulties that you face,
which cannot be solved, could be coming from these dead Souls.
So the best way to get rid of them is to develop a detached
attitude towards life (950625)
There is a difference between a Baddha and a Bhoot a
Baddha is an obstruction which can prevent us from feeling
the vibrations (790616), and if present, can be seen as doubled
up loops in the cells, under the microscope (890725); A Baddha is
a 'hindrance' and is always on an organ or a centre, and if it
moves, does so in response to the Kundalini or to your fingers.
Bhoots move arbitrarily, here and there, to left and to right, and
are not controlled by the movement of your fingers. One moves
arbitrarily moves on it's own, whilst the other is in your
control you are taking it out yourself (800517.2) Baddhas can
be burned off by the fire, by the flame, and are to be seen as
the flickering of the flame (781005) while bhoots are also
burned with the candle and may go pop, pop, pop - and that's
why the candle has to be put (920209)
To remove a bhoot without getting it into yourself, firstly of
course, put yourself into bandhan. Then there are different ways
according to the different bhoots. When dealing with someone
who is possessed, you should take an aggressive stance, take a
higher position, go with great force on that person. There should
be no compromise. Tell him to "Sit Down!". Then ask questions
to ascertain the nature of the problem (800517.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Bhoots
1. Guru Bhoots - After putting yourself in bandhan, ask if he
has gone to any guru find out which one. Ask if he still believes
in that guru. If he does, do not say 'sorry', but say 'we cannot
help you, go away'. But if he says 'yes I have a problem, I am in
trouble, I am possessed etc.', then you can continue, by asking
the name of his guru, what is his mantra, how many years he has
been with his guru etc. then you will know what is the mantra to
use. If it is a guru problem, then say the Adi Guru mantra for
the Void. Tell him to say the mantra, or to ask the question of
the Photo the Kundalini will respond. Keep the Photo in front of
your face like a mask - don't allow yourself to be exposed. If you
know the name of the guru you know the mantra to be used
like Narakasura Mardini, Mahishasura Mardini, or Sarva Asura
Mardini. Then best is to give vibrated salt with water to drink.
Tell him that it is very difficult, that it is one of the most
horrible ones we have ever known, that it is going to take time,
that it is necessary to work hard to get rid of it, but that it will
be alright - and do not hurry it up it will take time. These guru
bhoots can be very dangerous (800517.2)
2. Another type is the one that makes a person blind, even
though their eyes are open and normal to look at. The left
Swadisthan will be catching. There are 2 types of blindness here
- it could be a bhoot, or it could be diabetes, or it could be a
combination of both. Ask if he has diabetes. If he does not have
diabetes, then it is definitely a bhoot. To cure this, take a Photo
of the Hands, and put a candle in front of that, and ask the
person to see if he can see the light - you will be amazed,
gradually he will be able to see the light, and then gradually he
will see the Hand. The candle alone will not work, but if you can
see the Hands with the light, then this is extremely good for the
eyes. It is possible that when frightened, as when a house is on
fire for example, that at that time a bhoot may jump in, causing
the blindness - but eyes burned out by a fire cannot remain open,
whereas the eyes in a blindness caused by a bhoot, can
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Bhoots
Bhoots get up to all sorts of tricks. Even you might find a
garland coming out of the Goddess (a statue - Ed), and you think
'Oh what a miracle' - but it is a bhoot (790530); If you feel
attracted for any man think that 'that man' has a bhoot, and I
also have a bhoot only the bhoots attract bhoots it's as simple
as that it's only the bhoots that attract (810904)
If you start putting your eyes onto something and
concentrating on it, your eyes might become mesmeric means
bhoots will start coming out of your eyes. First of all you catch
bhoots in your eyes they settle down there and then they will
be falling on other people as bhoots it's a very very dangerous
thing to go on looking at something continuously with
concentration (860823)
It would be a good idea to start using a little oil for the
head in the night as Sahaja Yogis, you should better use
some nice coconut oil, and rub on your head nicely, in the night
and in the morning after all it doesnt show much and comb
your hair in a proper way. If your dresses and your hair are
like bhoots then the bhoots will take over, thinking 'oh, this is
a bhoot sitting down here better take hold of that bhoot' so
dress up in a way that you shouldnt have hair on your forehead
at all keep it straight make it nice and have absolutely clean
foreheads (860504)
Those who do not meditate will become superficial they'll not
achieve they'll create problems if they are right sided, they'll
become Supraconscious, they'll become bhoots if they are left
sided, they'll be thrown out (850629); Sometimes our Mother
shouts at us just once She shouts - immediately all the bhoots
run away (830113); We accept correction because we want our
ascent (871016)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Bhoots
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara - Derby good 90
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk - Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk - Milan/Delhi University address
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita - Lac Noir
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3min music Intro] good 40
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
- end - 6 May 2003
Confusion (MME); The most interesting thing that the Mother
has put in you is Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, 'Bhranti' Rupena
Samstitha she puts you into Delusion, because sometimes the
children cannot understand, unless and until they face delusion. So
she allows you to go wrong to a point where you discover you are
lost this is the Mahamaya part. Now, the delusions that we have
we have the delusion of ego in men that they are very
powerful that they can do as they like and are not going to be
punished for it - for women, too, they behave in the same manner.
This is a delusion that the Mother has given into us, for us to find
out that we are in the wrong - Bhranti, the delusion is beyond
the mind (971005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 17 Jun 2003
An ancient Astrologer, the founder of astrology, who wrote
Bhrugu Sangita, and Nadigranth (870513; MME), and who
predicted these times, when the Kundalini would rise easily and
there would be no need for hospitals (870513, MME); Who wrote
the Nadigranth before the Bhrugu Sangita, all about the coming
Incarnation (0.0006), some 12-14000 years back (830302), and
that it will happen Sahaja he used the word 'Sahaja'. But the
best part of it he said that these people will not take to Sahaja
this is the best part (0.0006); It was written in Sanskrit, and had
to be translated and brought up to date (830302), which was done
by Bujandar, who was another guru, and who tried to bring it to
modern terminology (830128; 0.0006), and he calculated that it
would start in 1970, and Shri Mataji's work did start in 1970
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
0.0006 Brighton after Public meeting poor
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 4 Jun 2003
Bija Mantras
The sounds made by the Kundalini, when she rises and passes
through the different chakras; The basis of the Devanagari
language, used by the Devas (790000.1); The sounds are as
follows: At Mooladhara, there are 4 and include: 'Sh' 'Ss' 'Ts'
and possibly 'W'; At Swadisthan there are 6 and include: 'M' 'Y'
'L' 'LL'; At Nabhi, there are 10 and include: 'D' 'Dh' 'P'; At the
Heart, there are 12 and include: 'Ch' 'Sh' 'J' 'Jh' 'Ng' 'T' 'Th';
At Vishuddhi, there are 16 and include: 'A' 'Aa' 'i' 'ii' 'U' 'Uu'
'R' 'L' 'Lulu' 'E' 'Ai' 'O' 'Au' 'Um' 'Ahah'; At Agnya, there are 2
and are: 'Ha' 'Ksha'; At Sahastrara, no sound is made by the
passage of the Kundalini, and one becomes thoughtless. When all
are sounded together, and passed through the body, the sound
comes out as AUM - just as the 7 'colours' all together make
'white' (790000.1); The few words before each chapter in the
Koran, which are not understood, are Bija mantras (830202)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790000.1 Bija Mantras and Shaktis on Kundalini - Ashley Gdns good 40
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Bindu Sindur Kumkum
In your house when you go take a part of the Bindu from
here some red mark and spread there in the room just
sprinkle it all over you will be alright. Put a candle to the
photograph and all that go on chanting my name whenever
there is a problem, just chant my name (791015); Bindu, meansa
dot you can say (981216)
This red mark is very important because then you don't catch
any bhoots it has to be worn in the Bible it is written, that
there will be a mark on their heads but we are frightened of
society how to wear a mark (880710); Red is the colour of
Mooladhara (811005)
Kumkum (840902) worn by Indian Ladies to indicate their
married status, along with the Mangala Sutra (950910); I have to
use this red [on the Agnya chakra - Ed] because red colour
frightens the evil (830302); Even if you put Sindur, or
something it will do it will work out. We have very simple
methods this red powder that you have seen you have to just
sprinkle it around finished you see (790608.2)
Red Lead Oxide which is extremely cold Lead Oxide is a
very cool thing and can be used to balance the heat or the
effects of heat so we call it in Sanskrit language is called as
Sindhura and in Marathi as Shindura Lead Oxide though...
people say causes cancer but it is the Lead Oxide which is very
cold it can cool you down so much that you can go to the left
side and cancer is a psychosomatic disease and that might be
the reason it might cause, in a very far fetched way we can say it
can cause cancer because if it is too cold and all that, then you
go to the left side and there you can catch the viruses by which
you can get into troubles so the same Lead Oxide is alright for
people who are very right sided for them if it is put on their
Agnya it cools them down they are cooled down their anger
goes down their temper goes down and it's a very good thing
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Bindu Sindur Kumkum
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - 'The Elements' Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
Today 60th birthday of Mother was celebrated with great
joy but according to Indian method, it's the 61st because the
day I was born that also was a birthday that was a 'real'
birthday so they call it 61 (830321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
- end - 27 Dec 2002
Loss of eyesight could be due to two things only it could be due
to diabetes, or to some possession (811006); A person whose eyes
are open, but he cannot see is affected by the Subconscious and
Collective Subconscious, from where the spirits attack (830209) a
left side disease (800517.2); One type of bhoot is the one that
makes a person blind, even though their eyes are open and normal to
look at. The left Swadisthan will be catching. There are 2 types of
blindness here - it could be a bhoot, or it could be diabetes, or it
could be a combination of both. Ask if he has diabetes. If he does
not have diabetes, then it is definitely a bhoot. To cure this, take a
Photo of the Hands, and put a candle in front of that, and ask the
person to see if he can see the light - you will be amazed, gradually
he will be able to see the light, and then gradually he will see the
Hand. The candle alone will not work, but if you can see the Hands
with the light, then this is extremely good for the eyes and for
the blindness caused by bhoots. It is possible that when frightened,
as when a house is on fire for example, that at that time a bhoot
may jump in, causing the blindness - but eyes burned out by a fire
cannot remain open, whereas the eyes in a blindness caused by a
bhoot, can (800517.2)
Loss of eyesight could be due to diabetes (811006); Diabetes is
a common disease of modern times, and doctors cannot cure it, but
we can cure it no doubt. Diabetes is caused because there is one
centre, called the Swadisthan which manifests the aortic plexus
within us, and which looks after the pancreas, spleen, kidneys and
liver, (790720) but also looks after the production of fat cells for
the use of the brain (890801); Now when you are thinking, the
cells of the brain are replaced every minute by the fat that is in
your stomach by this centre of Swadisthan (821008) and so if
the control of the Swadisthan is diverted away from the organs
to the provision of fat cells for the brain this can result in
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Blindness
diseases such as... diabetes from an unhealthy... pancreas (890801;
870500; 811005); You see why you develop diabetes and then as
a result of diabetes, you develop bad eyes the reason is that in
diabetes, the fats are not consumed properly and they are not
supplied sufficiently to the brain to the optic lobes. The brain is
made of fat cells and that is why you get these troubles if the
fat cells can be used for the eyes then there is no problem
(840214); Butter is important for the Swadisthan, which converts it
for the use of the brain cells (811005); Without carbohydrates,
fats and butter cannot be retained by the body (830202)
If you have to give Realisation to people who are blind who are
deaf and dumb you should use the photograph, and put a light
before that. Tell them there is a photo and to put right hand or
left hand towards the photo depending on and at the back, if
they cannot speak, then you should have one light and make a
bandhan with that light, on the back of the thing if they are
blind if they cannot hear with the ears (0.0012)
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's
fashionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty
eyes onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes
because such people easily can become blind. Such people may have
trouble of the eyes specially reddening of the eyes can come to
such people very much (860823); Hair Colouring can lead to
blindness (870500)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Blindness
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Blood Cancer - Leukaemia
The condition that can result when we start living at a fast pace,
and become hectic, and are all the time thinking. The spleen, which is
the speedometer of the body, and which gives us the rhythm of life,
gets into problem, because the Swadisthan is unable to cope, along
with all the other things that it has to do, and so the spleen starts
producing too many blood cells, and this then results in blood cancer
Which happens because of spleen. Spleen is very important that it
is the centre of peace the one who doesnt have a proper spleen
cannot be a peaceful person. The simple thing is when we eat our
food if at the time we are eating we are also reading the
newspaper or, if we get onto a bicycle with a sandwich in our hand
is even worse and we are rushing to work and, we get so frantic -
and so if we are eating our food in such a hurry, and in such
franticness then we are out to get trouble with the spleen and we
can get blood cancer and among young people is very common. Now if
the mother or the father is of that temperament the children
might be born with blood cancer (820514); Best not to read
newspapers in the morning time, because we can get upset, and the
spleen then works overtime to produce red corpuscles we get in a
rush to get to work and so we may end up with leukaemia, or heart
attacks; Leukaemia may also result if the Gruhalakshmi is ruined
A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is
responsible for the whole world affairs in this myth develops his
ego to a great extent, by which his left side suffers too much and
then he develops all the problems of the left side in the organs
(811006); When the left Nabhi combines with either the left Agnya
or the left Swadisthan, then you can become vulnerable to blood
cancer (860921.2); A disease which can result from a malfunctioning
spleen, caused by a right side imbalance of the Swadisthan Chakra
(840313); Can also result from a left side imbalance of this chakra
(840313), if we follow wrong gurus (830129)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Blood Cancer/Leukaemia
One has to know also, when you are pregnant, how to treat your
children, how to be looking after your foetus. One has to know all
these things these are very important basic things which we do not
know; Now the children get it, because the mother is like that the
mother must be a speedy lady. You see, the mother has an influence
on the child isn't it the blood of the mother goes with the child
and that blood carries the message thats how the child gets it
and thats very difficult to cure also. Imagine you pay no respect to
your pregnancy what will happen if the mother is so speedy, the
child gets it (821008); Mothers who are hectic by nature, very
anxious to do this, to do that, and are also very hectic with their
children, can give blood cancer to their unborn children, whilst they
are still pregnant (860921.2); Many cases of blood cancer have been
cured but that is not our job - it happens spontaneously as a by-
product of Kundalini awakening (820514)
Leukaemia is caused more by speedy people not so much by people
who are futuristic, but more by people who are speedy because the
spleen acts for our emergencies. When you are thinking the cells of
the brain are replaced every minute by the fat that is in your
stomach, by this centre of Swadisthan (821008) so the control of
the Swadisthan is diverted away from the organs, to the provision of
fat cells thus resulting in diseases such as blood cancer, and
diabetes (890801; 870500) so then this spleen loses it's control
completely and it starts producing additional blood cells more and
more blood cells and when they become too much, they start
growing on their own. But it can easily be cured because when you
put your hand on the spleen, if you are a Realised Soul, the energy
flows and the spleen settles down, because it gets new vitality it
gets the wisdom from these vibrations because this is the energy
which thinks, cooperates, organises, sorts out and when given to
this spleen, it becomes wiser it rests it becomes silent. Also if you
give the person the balance with your hands you can make the
person much more relaxed, much more silent that is how you can
cure (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Blood Cancer/Leukaemia
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston ( A New Age has started) Not good 80
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
One of the sins against the Father (941009); If you start
'telling' others, and talking about it too much, then the power
that you have got, will all be disappearing gradually (830113)
There may be some in Sahaja Yoga today who think they are
great Sahaja Yogis, big people but maybe they are not and
those who do not think that they are anything great that they
want to increase and improve their shakti they may be the people
who are occupying very high places. So, under these
circumstances one should never boast and should not have
wrong, false estimation about oneself that is the way you can
preserve your powers much better, of your Vishuddhi (800127.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
- end - 22 Apr 2003
The showing off of the body is a subtle type of prostitution
(790422); This body is the temple you should look after this
body (980705)
The body of a human being is a temple of God but this
temple has to be enlightened, and has to be auspicious - you
have to clear and clean your being completely, so it is a
beautiful temple for God to reside in (800927); You must
respect your body if God has to enter into your being your
temple has to be corrected you must respect your body. Then
also, your mental being is going to be corrected if you have
any mental problems, any psychosomatic problems, they will be
corrected naturally, because the mind that is going to receive
the knowledge of God has to be alright. And you are going to be
emotionally absolutely stabilised, cooled down in pure love
You have to train your body supposing your body cannot sleep
on the ground make your body sleep lets see what happens
this is the tapasya this is the penance through which the
Sahaja Yogis have to go, that they make their body their slave
if your body tries to be funny better tell the body 'you behave
yourself what do you mean why can't you do this' (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
Born Again
We have been born again, and again, from amoeba til this stage,
where we have reached the stage called as human beings. Now we
are told that we have to be 'born again' - only at this stage, it has
to come into our consciousness. In all the other stages, it was
never felt how you are to be born again - this feeling that you
have to seek something comes from the Unconscious - because you
are to be born again (791203)
This is what Christ meant by 'to be born again' when the
Kundalini emerges from the top of the head and we start feeling
in our hands the Cool Breeze that is all around us - if our
Vishuddhi centre is alright - and not to just call some people and
say 'alright, now we will have some baptism' (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
- end - 6 Apr 2003
Born Realised
Those who are born realised people, still have to become Sahaja
Yogis if they want to know how to raise the Kundalini. Without
coming into Sahaja Yoga they cannot be effective (791202.2)
Born Realised are the people who were 'Realised' long time
back before they were born in this lifetime so they clear out
much faster than you do because they have done the clearing
before also. They normally do not take to all the perversions, and
all the temptations that you take to and they are very different
type of people they are unique and cynical because when they
are born, they find the rest of them are going the other way and
because they dont know how to deal with the others, and deal
with the situation, they become cynical and they have their own
ideas and maybe these Born Realised may develop their ego also
quite a lot. Normally they do not take to temptations normally
but if they go to it, they will see to it that they have it fully
while you people have a very great capacity for one thing that
because you know your Realisation, it happened when you were
aware of it so you understand the value of it and so the value
of Realisation is much greater for a Sahaja Yogi than for a Born
Realised Soul.
Some Born Realised also may understand, but they are more
individualistic they are not so much collective as you people are.
Secondly, because you have gone through that in this lifetime and
in your own memory, all the wrong things you have done, you are
more compassionate and understanding for other people who have
got these things while those who are Realised people do not have
much of that patience for others, and they have their own way of
doing things. But if they come to Sahaja Yoga, they could be very
dynamic, and very great no doubt but, they will not take to
Sahaja Yoga easily, because they think 'we are alright - why
should we accept anything else now' because they are satisfied
people. But they cannot help the humanity unless and until they
learn the thing.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Born Realised
And they lack that companionship with me. Because I have
given you Realisation, you feel me much more than they do.
Supposing a child has not seen the mother then the child cannot
have that feeling for a mother, as you people can have so this is
the greatest thing that you have got but if the Born Realised
also try to stick onto Sahaja Yoga, they will also develop the same
feeling and then the joy starts pouring in because you start
seeing how your Mother looks after you, at every moment how
she creates play and how she creates magic (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
- end - 17 Jun 2003
[After the 108 Names had been said by Sahaja Yogis] 'All of
you bend down let me see everybody's Kundalini put your
hands little away from each other bend fully put your head
down on the knees move your knees downward backwards a
little yes that's a better idea to raise your back' (800518)
Seen in a dream as yourself bowing to your son, for example,
symbolically means that you should respect your son who is a
great soul (811004)
There are only two things which do not want to bend before
God one is a bhoot or another is the ego. Surrender means
your ego your superego your bhoots (860707.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
- end - 15 Jul 2014
The Paramchaitanya, the Divine Love of God, which runs this
whole Universe (980705); The All Pervading Power of Brahma-
chaitanya is beyond our senses - so how is it that we are now
feeling it on our senses? Previously, when all the Incarnations
came on this Earth, they were part of this Brahmachaitanya, and
they gave Realisation to some very good people - who then got
dissolved into that ocean of love and got lost into that. For us
something special has happened. The whole ocean of
Brahmachaitanya has taken the form of a 'cloud', that is the Adi
Shakti, and that has come on this Earth to shower the Chaitanya
on us, to enrich, to nurture and develop us, by manifesting the
love in such a manner that we have entered into the body of the
Adi Shakti. We are like a cell in the body of the Adi Shakti - like a
pitcher that is in the River Ganges. Our personality is dissolved -
yet despite that we feel the Brahmachaitanya through our senses,
and we can give Realisation to others but we are in the body of
the Adi Shakti. As long as we are in the body of the Adi Shakti we
can do all that (870503.1)
This is the greatest thing that has happened - the whole of the
Sahastrara has opened out, with all the 7 Peetas of all the Deities,
who are just part and parcel of it. The whole of it has come in the
form of your Mother, who is humble, who is deceptive, illusive, who
is Mahamaya - it is the greatest thing that could happen to human
beings, and to the whole Universe (870503.1)
First we have to understand that there are certain limitations
which we have to observe. Mother has taken us into Her Body. A
foreign thing has gone into Her Body, to be nurtured - but if we
become troublesome, then we will be thrown out. She cannot bear
it. Some people are extremely troublesome - they do not meditate,
they have their own ideas about meditation, they do not develop
themselves, they do not mature, they live in the past or the future
- such people are extremely troublesome (870503.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Brahmachaitanya
Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid or idiotic people, or for
those who indulge in things that are not Sahaj - such people will
slowly lose their vibrations, will disappear, will fall sick and have
problems. This is not a warning, but a request, because we are in
the body of the Adi Shakti, and She has to bear it, and suffer a
lot. It's a funny type of a crucifixion, where every moment you are
hanged onto a cross by anyone who wants to do it. Sahaja Yogis
have all the laws in their hands to torture Her Life, to trouble Her
if they want to. But they have also such a capacity, such a calibre,
such a potential that they can reside in Her Heart for ever
The All Pervading Divine Power (MME, 891203); Nothing but
Vibrations, but with everything within it (890808); Cool Breeze of
the Holy Ghost, the All Pervading Power of God's Love; The Ruh;
Rutumbhara (MME); Is absolute Love that knows, understands,
co-ordinates and works out everything (970600); This is the time
when Paramchaitanya has gone into action. Everything is being
done just to convince you about Sahaja Yoga - things which are
absolutely impossible (951224); The Paramchaitanya itself is your
Guru (850629); The Nirakar (980320); Which runs this whole
Universe (980705)
If sometimes you are in trouble then know that you are not
leaving things into the hands of Paramchaitanya if you leave
things into the hands of Paramchaitanya, then they will work out
very well (970823.1); It's very interesting how everything in this
world moves according to the desire of the Paramchaitanya it's
very surprising (970823.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Brahmachaitanya
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S.Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-891203 Farewell talk - Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja - Australia - see 870503 good 45
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good -
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
MME Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji
Brahma Nadi
The innermost, central part of the Sushumna Nadi or Central
Channel (801027); The Sukshma Nadi (781005); The Soul within us
When you get your Realisation the Kundalini rises, and passes
through the Brahma Nadi and pierces the Fontanelle Bone Area,
which is called as Brahmarandra and you become one, with the All
Pervading Power. And what is the sign is Saleelum Saleelum the
Cool Breeze which starts flowing the Vibrations start flowing
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
- end - 11 May 2003
All Pervading Power of God's Love (910505); The Cosmic
Consciousness (860706); The Aspect of God that creates
(910002); The 3 Powers of Brahma are of Creation, Existence and
Sustainance. Brahma is Absolute, and cannot be compared. The
'Brahma Principle' is the pulsating power of Brahma, is
represented as Ohm, the Amen, is the foetus of Divine Power,
which divides into the three channels, and which permeates,
pulsates, and nourishes, but is detached. Brahma can be in seed
form, with no movement, no manifestation (780911); Brahma is the
vibrating force you see Brahma Ohm the Vibrating force
(781002); There is no temple of Brahma, except in Pushka
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-780911 Brahma Principle - see 780911 good 45
780911 Brahma Principle/Evolution
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
- end - 27 Mar 2003
The area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head
(910505) the Fontanelle bone area, through which passes the
Kundalini, linking the human awareness to the All Pervading Power
of Divine Love (MME) is at the point where the Heart chakra is,
so there is a direct connection with the Heart chakra (830204);
This is the hole through which the Kundalini pierces (840622); You
are so built that the Brahmarandra is also your heart (821219)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Brahma Shakti
Now, you are Sahaja Yogis and you have to remember that
God's 'all powers' are with you but only thing you have to be
'with Him' - the powers are with you but they are not going to
run after you I mean, if you want to wriggle out of it, what can
the powers do (860707.2)
Now I'll tell you the secret you are 'in' the Brahma Shakti
and this Brahma Shakti is the Vibrations that you feel it has all
the creative powers it has all the destructive powers it has all
the evolutionary powers it has 'all' the powers, we can say. These
Vibrations are the Brahma Shakti and they exist in every
matter whether dead or alive. They are different types of
vibrations, equal and unequal and these vibrations in the
molecules act (860707.2)
So this Brahma Shakti is everywhere it penetrates into
everything and, if you believe in God, it acts in everything but
it's not blind belief first you have to be perfect Sahaja Yogis
then you are 'one' with the Brahma Shakti and then you can
control everything and you do not waste your energy in
controlling nonsensical things. But, whenever necessary, it works
it acts (860707.2)
So you'll have experiences in life one by one and you will be
amazed, how things work out and then you will realise that you
are not an ordinary Sahaja Yogi. Whatever you have committed
wrong in the past or whatever you used to think of the future
the present becomes Divine and that Divine present is the ocean
of joy of which you are the part and parcel just enjoy that.
Then you dont think about who is the enjoyer and who is the
creator you just become the existence existence is the
present. That is how it works out then you lose all words all
thoughts all feelings which are emotional type and absolutely
silent confidence, you drink like nectar of life (860707.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The roots of our awareness are in the brain (860305); Truth is
perceived in the brain. When the Kundalini enlightens the brain, we
start seeing the truth (830204); The brain when it is not nourished
by the heart is very dangerous, is ruthless. Conversely, if there is
heart only and no rationality, we can become dangerous to ourselves,
lethargic and indulgent into wrong things (890611); All our brain
activity goes against pure intelligence; Our thinking can make us so
bumptious, so ego oriented, so impure (830113)
If there's a tradition of dharma then what happens that the
fat cells in our stomach get the experience get charmed with the
sense of virtue, of righteousness, of goodness, of innocence and so
you use that power to enlighten your brain, which surrounds actually
as auras your heart. But if that is not so it's like a dead another
cell going in the head and then experiences in dirty things in doing
something that is destructive (850310)
In the brain, we have got all those seats of the Gods and they are
the seats because they are the causal of these so first the causal
is created and then the Deities so the causal of Brahmadeva is
Hirenyagarbha. The causal one's are here in our brain. At the back
here is actually Mahaganesha just in the centre point it is the
minutest point and around him moves Mahabhairava and around
this is Hirenyagarbha this is Swadisthana. Swadisthan is divided
into two parts left and right both are Hirenyagarbha at the
back here. Now in front in the centre here is Kartikeya - Christ is in
the centre itself, where the optic chiasma is - but here outside is
Kartikeya, who is the protector of Christ and around Kartikeya
moves Mahahanumana and around that moves the Ekadesha Rudra.
Now what is Ekadesha Rudra let us see one by one Buddha
Mahavira Christ Mahabhairava Mahaganesha Kartikeya
Mahahanumana Hirenyagarbha Lakshmi Vishnu/Narayana Shiva
Parvati Shiva Shakti. Why Shiva and Parvati two are to be taken
because Shiva is the Guru and Parvati is the Shakti (810904)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Brain
When the Kundalini rises there are the seven centres
represented on the seven seats in our brain all the Sahaja Yogis
know where they are. So when these centres are enlightened the
auras start shining in the heart. And 'this' centre is actually the seat
of the Spirit - the Spirit has moved from there and has gone to the
heart. Ultimately, when this centre which is the centre of the heart
here, in Sahastrara, this point when this gets enlightened, then the
Spirit also gets enlightened fully and then these auras become
doubly shining. Then what happens then we are ruled by our hearts
rather than by our brains. And the more you depend on your
vibratory awareness the more you use your heart, your Spirit, not
your brain. The more you use your brain again you go down because
it is taken over now by the Spirit. But if you can just leave it to
your heart to work it out and dont think because you are in
thoughtless awareness after Realisation. And if you try to maintain
that state pay attention to your heart let your Spirit emit itself
so that it clears out completely the confusion of the brain and
everything then you'll be amazed that you cannot lose your
vibrations you cannot lose your Realisation (800721)
Krishna is the brain Shiva is the heart and Brahmadeva is the
liver. Now what is the faculty of this brain is that the tree of life,
of evolution, grows downwards as they say and this tree is growing
downwards, of awareness, from the brain but if you have to go to
the roots, you have to ascend and that ascent you have achieved
now you have gone to the roots of your brain where all your roots
all your nerves are enlightened where your brain is enlightened you
are an enlightened person (860823)
We should cover the head in winter time, so that there is no
freezing of the brain covering is to be occasional, not all the time
if it is too tight, you can get bad circulation; Also to avoid sitting in
the Sun, so the brain does not get melted (830204); Butter is
important for the Swadisthan which converts it for the use of the
brain cells (811005); Those who use their right side too much use
their brain too much their heart fails - a lunatic's heart never
fails those who use their heart too much the brain fails (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Brain
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is caused by insecurity in women which results
when the husband is unfaithful (810829), or has roving eyes
(820711); If motherhood in a woman is challenged, by her husband
flirting with other women, she can develop breast cancer (890801;
820711); The centre of security if it is blocked you get
problems like breast problems and things like that and also
breathing sometimes is the sense of security. There is a Deity
there the Deity which is the Mother of the Universe you have
to awaken her if she is awakened, you dont have these
problems it's very simple (810511)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Heart
- end - 10 Nov 2002
Best way to balance the nadis at Hamsa, is by breathing exercise:
breath in through one nostril, hold the breath for a while, then let it
go out through the other. Now breath in through that nostril, hold
for a while, then let it go through the first one again. Do this three
times only, and very slowly (800517.2)
In meditation you pay attention to your heart or emotions try
thinking of your Mother watch your breathing, slowing it, reducing
by pausing at the end of each in and out breath, as if stopping it, but
no exertion about it and then raise your Kundalini. Finally say
Sahastrara Mantra 3 times, and go into meditation. Once this has
been done, you go into meditation (791118; 0.0001); Quieten
yourselves within - you can stop your thoughts through controlling
the breathing (811103)
If the centre of security if it is blocked you get problems like
breast problems and things like that and also breathing sometimes
- is the sense of security. There is a Deity there the Deity which is
the Mother of the Universe you have to awaken her if she is
awakened, you dont have these problems it's very simple (810511)
A problem that people who are in the 'centre' may develop, is low
breathing, and low blood pressure, because of parasympathetic
activity and when they are fighting the anti-God activities, they
might feel tired but again they improve, and they feel alright
A new idea has come, that you should not eat any salt and sugar
just imagine salt is so important for our breathing, and sugar is so
important for our combustion (871213)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
Chakras affected: Hamsa; Centre Channel
- end - 14 Sep 2002
Brother/Sister Relationship
When a lady says she has a male friend, it's not a Mariada; You
cannot have friendship between men and women you cannot
it's absolutely absurd; A brother and a sister are never friends
they don't talk much (850901); Vishnumaya will see to it that
husband and wife sit together (850901)
A pure relationship must exist between brother and sister
supposing a brother and sister are walking, they won't look at
each other will they will they be watching each other no!
When your brother and sister relationship goes off you get into
troubles very much into troubles. To get rid of all the lust from
our eyes, we are celebrating this beautiful auspicious day of
Raksha Bandhan (860818)
When you are very good brothers and sisters, first of all your
left Vishuddhi improves - we get this left Vishuddhi, because we
don't have proper brother and sister relationship it's not that
we should have our 'own' sister but 'any' woman who is a Sahaja
Yogini is your sister except for your own wife. Unless and until
we develop that pure feeling within ourselves, we cannot work out
Sahaja Yoga I know it's rather difficult to digest but it's a
fact (860818); Your 'kith and kin' are Sahaja Yogis they are
your brothers and they are your sisters (860818); Your
'relations' are Sahaja Yogis no other. You are born on this tree
of life, whilst they (your earthly relatives - Ed) are not so we
cannot identify with them (871220)
No Sahaja Yogi is going to marry another Sahaja Yogi you are
all brothers and sisters nobody should come to me, and tell me
'I want to marry this or that' if I say you marry, that's
different but you don't come to me, and tell me 'I've fallen in
love with another Sahaja Yogi' (810904); If you feel attracted
for any man think that that man has a bhoot, and I also have a
bhoot only the bhoots attract bhoots it's as simple as that
it's only the bhoots attract (810904)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Brother/Sister Relationship
Any man who is older than you any girl should not talk to him
much but if they are younger than you then they are your
brothers. Any man that is older than your husband, you need not
talk to him but with younger people you can you must have
innocence about it. You are all brothers and sisters no more
romanticism now you are not going to marry each other
dedicate yourself to your Sahaja Yoga (810904); No unmarried
girl has to go with an unmarried man it's not done in Sahaja
Yoga (810904)
Suppose there is a man coming in a taxi alone, or say, in a lift
alone I would not enter into that thing I would not why
should you be so friendly with anyone they're very common like
this, I've seen. Suddenly a woman will come up and speak to
someone some man will come up and talk to me it's so rude I
don't know him what is there to talk (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-860818 Raksha Bandhan - Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
The Enlightened One; Buddha comes from "Bodha" which means
"to know" (MME); Who never talked about God, because he knew
that people would immediately start claiming to be God (890801);
Who talked of Atma Sakshatkar, and not about God (830202);
Who was born at the same time as Christ, and Mahavira, and all 3
are at the same level in the Virata's forehead (951224); Who is
part of the Ekadesha Rudra (810904)
Who was a human being, but who achieved Godliness, as did also
Mahavira (800609); Who was not married and who died very
early - he had to take a Sanyasa because of his work (821008);
Who died because he ate raw pork (820711); Who together with
Mahavira, were the Disciple Principles, born also to Sita, as Luv
and Kush, and later as Adi Shankaracharya and Kabira, and also
to Fatimabi as Hassan and Hussein - they are both based here
in your head in your brain (790530; 770215)
Buddha became very tired and lay down under a Banyan tree
we call it the Ashwata and spontaneous awakening of the
Kundalini took place, and he got his Realisation he felt the Cool
Breeze and started talking about it. He thought that because he
had given up everything that is why he had got it it was a mistake
I would say or a misunderstanding (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good -
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good -
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor -
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
000902 Press Conference, Genova poor 0
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 7 Apr 2003
Acharya Kakar Bujandar (820130), who translated and brought
to modern language the predictions made by Bhrigumuni, in his
Nadigranth, written in Sanskrit 12-14000 years back (830128;
830302); Who lived in Karnataka in India, and who foretold much
about Sahaja Yoga, and about the coming and the Powers of Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi. Who also made predictions about a 3rd
World War, and how it will be averted, and how science will
ultimately prove the existence of God (820130), and who also
made prediction about Sahaja Yoga starting around 1970 - which it
did (830128)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 4 Jun 2003
The whole forehead, if it is covered by bumps, then you must
know that the Kalki chakra is out of order, and if the Kalki chakra
is out of order, then all the fingers start burning, on the hands
and on the palms and sometimes even in the body, you get
terrible burning. Kalki stays on our forehead, and when the chakra
of Kalki is caught up, the whole of Moordha, on top goes out of
order, the whole head becomes a blocket. Such people do not allow
Kundalini to rise above Hamsa. If you put your forehead before
wrong gurus, or also, if there is too much thinking, both can create
a problem. A person's Kalki chakra catching means he might be
down with a horrible disease like cancer or leprosy etc. or he may
be about to collapse into some sort of a calamity (790928)
You see, how Kundalini clears your head you can see the
difference now just now so later on you will know you see
how many bumps here and there the head is not even but as
you will grow, you will be amazed, how your head will be very even
and you won't feel any bumps or anything. You all had (791009.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality, not complete]
791009.2 Maintaining the purity of S Yoga + working on new people good
- end - 20 May 2003
Burn Name
For left side problems, give a bandhan, or burn your name
(870408); Write down the name and burn it (790608.2);
Yesterday one of the girls was feeling the left Nabhi was very
much all over and she said 'now I will remove it' and she
brought pieces of paper. She said 'now they are all passing into
this paper' actually while doing that, she was giving bandhan to
it she was using her own vibrations around it she was binding
and then she took them and she said now put them in the fire
and they burnt it and everybody felt better it's so fantastic
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 9 May 2003
If we try to overpower the matter, getting overactive with it or
being over efficient, then our ego develops, and we go into
violence because if you produce more, then you have to be violent
about it otherwise you do not know how to sell it you become
sort of an aggressive businessman (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Butter is needed for the Vishuddhi and can be taken on a hot
drink or with soup or you can take a little ghee or butter on top
of a cup of hot water when it lines the epithelial cells of the
throat and trachea - it soothes down all your sites Krishna is
soothed by that. Is also good for sinus problems, and can be
administered warm with a dropper, to the inside of the nose for
3 to 4 days, where it lines the inner dry and cracked
membranes butter is softening in it's effect (810330; 830202;
850502); Shri Krishna is very fond of butter (810330)
Now, in 'collectivity', the Krishna Principle plus the principle of
Guru are mixed. So, when he becomes the Guru, then collectivity
starts when the principles of these two get integrated, then
the collectivity starts and as a result of that you get
discretion. So to improve the discretion part we take vibrated
ghee or butter, which is heated up and put it in the nose. But
before that we gargle with salt which represents the Guru
principle (850502)
Is also important for the Swadisthan, which converts it for the
use of the brain cells (811005); Without carbohydrates, fats and
butter cannot be retained by the body (830202); Butter contains
Vits A and D, and is good for the Vishuddhi (850806; 830202)
Vit. D is especially important for producing strong bones
Ghee and butter can be eaten by those people who are in the
'centre', who are suffering from a drying up of their body
liquids, or of their peritoneum, from fighting the anti-God
elements too much. Also it can be rubbed onto the fingers and
hands, to soothe them down, because the heat from the other
people also can make them dried up (830209)
- Ja i Shri Ma t a ji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Butter
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
Chakras affected: Vishuddhi; Swadisthan
By the Way
If you see, the rate at which we are moving is not proper we
have to be much faster we have to go much ahead, and we have
to create much more Sahaja Yogis through our consistent very
intensive effortbut it is a side issue a 'by the way' Sahaja
Yoga is 'by the way' and this is why we are failing in our
responsibilities (970525); You have to become very sensitive to
the needs of the world if you fail, the whole thing will fail for
ever. So the need for you is to spread Sahaja Yoga, because this
love is not only for you but is to be enjoyed by as many as
possible in the whole world so we have to go all out every
where every corner we have to shout to tell loudly, what is
the time in which we are living. Nobody but 'you' can do it you
can 'do' it because you are children of the Adi Shakti
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 25 Nov 2002
You have to be of a 'calibre' to be a Sahaja Yogi I do not want
beggars to be my children (830209); For Puja, we should not have
people who are not at least in Nirvichara means if they still think
that Sahaja Yoga will not suit me, and all that we dont want
such mediocres they should not come nothing will work out with
them absolutely. If they have to come to the Puja they must
know that you have to be of a calibre otherwise please dont
come (850504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa, Vienna good 50
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Cancer is nothing but an imbalance the overactivity of the
Sympathetic Nervous System. If you can control the Parasym-
pathetic you can neutralise, and completely you can cure cancer
but we are not here to cure people we are here for our ascent
(771024.1); The disease of cancer cannot be cured except by
Sahaja Yoga. The reason is that the power that we have got
stored within us is very limited, and this power is used through our
sympathetic system. When this power gets exhausted, the cells in
that system start going on their own - like as in a broken home,
the child starts running amok, so these cells start going amok,
they overgrow and malignancy sets in. Now this cancer can be
corrected if you can pour that energy, the energy of the All
Pervading Power into the patient and then this power is all the
time flowing in you, and you do not have any problem of that power
exhausting (790720)
Cancer is caused, mostly which I have seen, in people who are
left sided (821008) by the left side extreme behaviour of people
(820514) not so much in people who are right sided, who are
aggressive but those who are emotionally disturbed get this
trouble (821008) and can be cured if you can bring such an
extreme thing into the centre (820514); So far I havent seen one
patient of cancer who has not been emotionally very much
inclined so it's more a case of emotional disturbance. Now when
you find that a person has a cancer on the hands you find that all
these fingers (all fingers of left hand - Ed) are burning some-
times even these fingers (fingers on both the hands - Ed) start
burning. If you put your hands toward a person who is suffering
from cancer, all your fingers start burning (left and right hands -
Ed) and you start burning here and here (indicating the area on
the outer part of the palms, at the base of all fingers, on both
left and right hands - Ed). Also you may start feeling a throbbing
here (indicating the solar plexus area - Ed) of course throbbing
doesnt mean that a person has cancer, but it's one of the
symptoms (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Cancer
Now, how cancer is caused. Anything we do to extremes any
emergency, is taken over by these two sides because they
manifest the sympathetic nervous system they act for our
sympathetic nervous system, whenever there is an emergency.
Now a 'centre' is formed by the coming together from the
left and the right, (indicating the left and right channels coming
together, to form a single central channel Ed) and this
(indicating the resulting central channel Ed) is the one through
which the Medulla Oblongata passes the Spinal Cord this is
the Spinal Cord. So what happens that the cells that are
supported by a 'centre', here, for example when there is a pull
on the right side or the left side too much, on the sympathetic
nervous system, then this connection breaks out like that
(indicating the separation of the single channel into it's left and
right component channels Ed) when it breaks out, the connec-
tion of the 'centre', which is supplying the energy, with the
'whole', is broken. When the connection with the 'whole' is
broken, there's no coordination left there's no control left so
the cells become on their own what we call malignant they
start going on their own. The cells start pressing all other
organs and sometimes may pass into the blood and go to other
areas also. So these are aggressive cells malignant cells are on
their own we cannot control them. By some chance if you could
bring them back in connection with the whole cancer can be
cured it is as simple as that. When the Kundalini rises, she
awakens this centre and when this centre is awakened, it just
comes back to normal the person becomes normal thats how
cancer can be cured it's very simple (821008)
A left side disease, caused by among other things, bowing to
wrong people (840731), and which can lead to Ekadesha Rudra
problems (830129); Attacks come from an area built within us
since our creation, the far left side (840313); Protein 58 and 52
which triggers this happening of cancer within us, and which
enters into us comes from some 'unknown area' which they call
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Cancer
it 'which exists within us since our creation' I call it as
Collective Subconscious. Whatever is dead is on the left hand
side so they are actually talking of possession a possession of
a dead spirit or something that means that such a thing enters
our being and triggers cancer (821007); The cells lose connection
with the whole, start acting on their own, and become malignant
but can be cured by the Chaitanya, flowing through Sahaja Yogis,
and which is containing the emotional, physical, mental and
evolutionary elements, which when applied to a faulty chakra,
causes it to return to normal (840313)
Breast cancer can result from insecurity caused by the
husband's flirting, or if he has roving eyes (820711); Also
cruelty, and hurting others can result in cancers (820711); Can
be cured by Sahaja Yoga, and those who do Sahaja Yoga will
never get Cancer (790507); Cancer can only be cured through
your Realisation no other way out if you are Realised, you
should not get cancer, if you know how to keep yourself in the
centre (800102); The biggest sin of modern times, the sin
against the Mother, produces cancer, which is also heat
producing (830113.2); All cancer patients give heat (810524)
The way you expose your body to the Sun is also very wrong
you'll develop skin cancer. You shouldn't burn your skin so much
it's not a good thing you know (790200.1)
Collectively I can cure cancer, if you are more if you are clear
people but your channels are so full of problems that nothing
flows through you. If you get yourselves cleared out, collectively
I can stop cancer spreading because if you spread more
vibrations, what happens is that the left and right side in the
Virat becomes clearer, and the attacks from the left and right
side which creates cancer and all these horrible diseases will be
cancelled, because they will be less (800927); I can stop the
happening of cancer completely, if I have 21000 Sahaja Yogis
Leprosy I can control cancer already I am controlling (800927)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Cancer
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
Chakras affected: Sympathetics; Left Side
Without carbohydrates, fats and butter cannot be retained by
the body (830202) - butter is important for the Swadisthan,
which converts it for the use of the brain cells (811005);
Carbohydrates are foods that are left sided, and are used to
correct a right sided person (830121) but are eaten by left
sided Tamasic people too much because left side is hydrogen
and carbon comes from Ganesha, also on the left hand side
Food can be used to assist in correcting an imbalance in the
subtle system, by using more carbohydrates, or vegetarian type
foods, and avoiding too much proteins, for a person who is too
much on the right side, or the converse for a person who is too
much on the left side (830121); A right side person, is one who
eats proteins and meats (830131), who is the thinner type of
person, and for whom it is prescribed, in India, to eat more
carbohydrates (840906) whilst a left side person is one who
eats carbohydrates (830131), and is a fatter type of person
(840906) they are the people who eat too much of
carbohydrates (830209)
We should eat food according to our needs. In general, in the
West one should take more to vegetarian foods (830131); Those
who are right sided should take to foods which are left sided i.e.
carbohydrates, and should become partly vegetarian, and should
eat things at the most like chickens, but not fishes or sea food,
because they are all hot (830121)
All extreme behaviour from left and right creates problems of
Hamsa - like if you eat some fruit then after that you should
not take water. You should take water after some
carbohydrates you can take a biscuit or bread something like
that to dry up your throat, and then take water (.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Carbohydrates
Now, heat and cold for example to take coffee, and then
take water is absolutely wrong. Water if you take, then gradually
heat it up and take coffee last and then dont take water til
you have taken some carbohydrates. I mean this is what it is is
the heat and the cold the combination of the heat and the cold
should be understood (.0011)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
- end - 1 Jan 2003
Carbon is tetravalent (810829), and represents the centre of
the periodic table. Is associated with the Mooladhara chakra,
which represents the stage when life itself started (790616);
From carbon, amino acids were produced (860907); Carbon
ignited the living process in matter, which was followed by the
different Incarnations of the Nabhi centre (790530); Evolution
is from the carbon stage, and amoeba stage through the fish and
reptile stages, to the present day, at Sahastrara (830129;
790616); It is still going on - this is not the end. So far, it is
spontaneous (781115); Carbon gives you life - without carbon, you
cannot get life (830302); Mother Earth created the Carbon.
Through the effect of electricity, carbon got attached to
Hydrogen and Oxygen, and so produced amino acids, and so Prana
started, which ultimately produced the mind and the brain, and
when we become Realised, becomes the Pranava (850528) Carbon
comes from Ganesha on the left side (830209)
If you see the carbon from the left, you see on the right
side, Omkara, Aum written if you see from the right to the
left, you see it as Swastika if you see from down below,
upwards, you see it as a Cross - and now they have verified it,
have experimented, and the scientists have found out and have
declared that it is so. So that aspect, of 'Omkara', which is
within us is the right side but the left side is the 'Swastika',
which is a very sensitive instrument. If you use the right way,
clockwise, it works for construction but if you use it in the
anticlockwise manner, then it is destructive (890617.1); The
carbon atom when you take a picture with a spectrograph from
the left side, looks like an Ohm and from the other side looks
like a Swastika (860707.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Carbon
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
Cardiac Plexus
The Centre Heart the centre of security and confidence
(MME) the fourth Chakra, controlled by Jagadamba (810829)
manifests in the gross as the cardiac plexus (830302); The
Mother of the Universe who gives security, and controls the
sternum and antibody production (811005) controls our immune
system (MME) where til the age of twelve years, we develop our
antibodies which later on in life go into the whole body into the
circulation and fight our diseases and to fight our emotions
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Caste System
A system in India, originally based according to achievements,
and not on birth as it is nowadays, and which later came into being
following the incorrect editing of the Gita. It is not consistent to
say that Vyasa, the illegitimate son of a fisherwoman, who wrote
the Gita, would say that caste was according to birth (900818);
Originally it was according to the nature, or aptitude of a person
(MME); Is the greatest cancer you could think of for such a Divine
country as India is the greatest curse (880106)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
- end - 30 May 2003
We can feel catches on the fingers, as heat on the fingers,
instead of cool all over the fingers denote the chakras. After
Realisation it is also possible to feel like 'pins and needles' on the
hands. If there is a problem on the centres it can be cured
(791203); When there is an obstructed chakra, for example the
2nd or 3rd chakra, then you can see the pulsation of the Kundalini
with your naked eyes you can see (790720); People who are
caught up in your groups please don't call them for Pujas. They
should be kept back they will be helped much more if they don't
come to the Puja (880105); We may become caught up sometimes
when we go on 'holidays' or if we take to 'sunning' too much
Now when you are facing the photograph, just to check up
yourself, humble down yourself first of all, like a person who
wants to perfect himself and try to find out what is wrong with
you. Humble down means to bring down your attention to your
heart don't think. Now see what chakras are catching you need
not judge 'why' you are catching that's not important for us. It
is catching alright so you don't go on a trip of thinking
(800907); In the third state of becoming, we see these things,
these catches, but they do not affect us - we do not call it
catching we say we are just recording like we are an instrument
Now say Agnya is catching one doesnt feel bad about it you
are not attached to your chakras but to your Atma so, as the
Atma, you say 'oh, my this chakra is caught that chakra is
caught' a concern these chakras are out of gear. So one need
not go to the doctor you can diagnose yourself but you will not
diagnose the way the doctors do but you will say 'these chakras
are caught up the left or the right' (770215)
If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not
catch anything, because all these entities and all these material
problems that come into you, come when you are involved in those
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Catching
3-Dimensions - of your emotional, physical and mental being
(760330); If you are having compassion for others then you dont
catch - you catch because you dont have compassion - a mother
never gets a disease from her child she'll never get a disease
from her child it's a fact. In the same way when you really
'love' you'll never catch anything (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880105 Bondages we have - G'pule - see 871220 good 20
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
- end - 7 Jun 2003
The 'causal' which is the 5 Koshas or auras of the 5 elements,
i.e. the essence of the 5 elements, and the way they are placed in
you, and which gives you your own identity, your own particularity
that is the causal. The causal of the 5 elements, plus the Spirit
put together makes the Soul, the Jivatma. This causal acts on the
chakras and through the chakras, on the other, the grosser side.
So from the subtlest, the Spirit to the subtler, the Soul to the
subtle, the chakras to the gross, the body (860725)
In the brain, we have got all those seats of the Gods and they
are the seats because they are the causal of these so first the
causal is created and then the Deities (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860725 Soul & Spirit, Volterra (+ Mahalakshmi Med'n) see 860725 poor 25
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
860725 Informal Talks - 1986/85 (various)
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Why do you go to any cemetery, I dont understand as it is,
you just get caught up when you are going to any cemetery. It's
very wrong to go to any cemetery whatsoever and to go to
somebody who is an evil influence, anywhere or to a
concentration camp or to the S.S. is very dangerous (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
Sahajvidya - Central Nervous System
When the Kundalini touches the Spirit the light of the Spirit
spreads in the central nervous system but only the chitta part
the outer part is the chitta part means the attention part. At
that stage, when the Kundalini opens the Brahmarandhra at that
time you feel the vibrations from your own hands and from the
another person also because you become collectively conscious
collectively conscious only because out of Sat Chit Ananda, you
just touch the Chit point so you start feeling your Chitta
becoming the Chitta of the collective consciousness and then you
can feel another person's Kundalini you can feel it on the fingers,
what is happening which chakras are catching you can diagnose
yourself so you just feel the Chitta part, not the Ananda part
In modern times many seekers of truth are born it's a special
category of people born in these modern times which sees
beyond tries to find something beyond what they can perceive
through their sense organs. The truth as we see is through our
sense organs whatever we perceive through our sense organs,
whatever is communicated to us through our central nervous
system we accept as truth and we should accept that only as
truth and not something that is told to us or which we have
read in books or which we can project our mind to and can think
about (840622) that doesnt mean that I deny any one of the
Scriptures or anything that you have known so far. All the
scriptures which are true scriptures have said one thing that to
know the truth, you are to be born again (840622); To know
something means to experience it to be there. It has to be 'felt'
on your central nervous system (820710)
Sahajvidya - Central Nervous System
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Central Path
The central path of our ascent along which the Kundalini ascends
(840622); Our Kundalini has risen without effort, and without
thinking, and has changed us so much - try to support her and keep
the central path clean (871016)
The central path the evolutionary path of our ascent, of our
evolution, in which there are the seekers, those who were
searching, under the guidance of some Gurus who were Realised
Souls of a very high level and also the Incarnations, the aspects
of God that descended on this Earth to protect, to save the
devotees of God. This movement was kept at first extremely
secretive, so that the negative forces would not be able to organise
their attacks, but much later, after Shri Krishna, and even after
Christ, it came into the light. Before that, the knowledge of 'the
Incarnations that were to come' was kept a closely guarded secret
- until the coming of Christ, which was in fact declared by the
prophets, long before his advent (790530)
All over the world, the three types of movement were going on
the right side movement that led to the discoveries of the
scientists the left side movement of the devotees and the
central movement with the people like Moses and Abraham. This
middle movement of evolution today has reached it's peak, because
all the Incarnations have arrived now, and have done their job
within you, and have occupied their position within you in your
awareness, on the different centres. Now the blossom time has
come, where evolution has to be en-masse - you are to be born again
- 'I am talking of Eternal Life' (790530)
The central path of Sushumna, is for people who are in the
'centre' who have their proper understanding and have got their
wisdom. These people are extremely generous generosity is the
only way you can express your love for others all your material
wealth has no meaning, unless and until you show generosity for the
people but it should be quiet and silent (830209); These people
cannot retain their food if they eat at a place where the food is
not good, or properly vibrated either they'll vomit or they'll have
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Central Path
diarrhoea. They are extremely wise and tactful they know how to
deal with people are extremely diplomatic. Their whole attitude is
to clean themselves to keep clean to keep alright to get more
and more people to this great work of Realisation. They never show
off they are not in front they don't want to show their face
they are quiet I know who they are but they are dynamic they
work it out only when they have to construct something important,
they'll come and see me. I know the way they work it out
extremely silent, and beautiful gracious people they are (830209)
They can sometimes get into temper, which is necessary, if they
are to protect the protocol of their Mother, or could be of Sahaja
Yoga, or of God. Normally they are very quiet and silent people
their presence is blissful they are auspicious. They never think of
making money out of God never they are so truthful. They are
more on the fatter side because they have gas in their body lots
of gas the Prana Shakti enters the Sushumna, and creates the
gaseous body. The gaseous body is not heavy it's very light they
walk fast they are active but to look at they look plump (830209)
The Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So
how can you do away with one of them one is the road another is
the destination. So I hope you understand how important it is that
your centres should be corrected your road should be alright
that your Sushumna should be cleared because we are
Madyamargis we have to go by the centre by the central path
til you reach your Talubhag where sits Sadashiva. So keep your
road, the Madyamarga clean and let the Kundalini pass through it.
When the Kundalini will pass through it you will be amazed that
the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path and reaching at
the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Central Path
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
People who are in the centre not the two extremes of the left
side or the right side are easily absorbed into Sahaja Yoga. Also
those who are less complicated, or are simple hearted as in the
villages are very easily absorbed by Sahaja Yoga and they take
to it without difficulty (790928); One should never go to extremes
in anything - only in the middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be
worked out (830131)
The central path of Sushumna, is for people who are in the
'centre' who have their proper understanding and have got their
wisdom. These people are extremely generous generosity is the
only way you can express your love for others all your material
wealth has no meaning, unless and until you show generosity for the
people but it should be quiet and silent (830209); These people
cannot retain their food if they eat at a place where the food is
not good, or properly vibrated either they'll vomit or they'll have
diarrhoea. They are extremely wise and tactful they know how to
deal with people are extremely diplomatic. Their whole attitude is
to clean themselves to keep clean to keep alright to get more
and more people to this great work of Realisation. They never show
off they are not in front they don't want to show their face
they are quiet I know who they are but they are dynamic they
work it out only when they have to construct something important,
they'll come and see me. I know the way they work it out
extremely silent, and beautiful gracious people they are (830209)
They can sometimes get into temper, which is necessary, if they
are to protect the protocol of their Mother, or could be of Sahaja
Yoga, or of God. Normally they are very quiet and silent people
their presence is blissful they are auspicious. They never think of
making money out of God never they are so truthful. They are
more on the fatter side because they have gas in their body lots
of gas the Prana Shakti enters the Sushumna, and creates the
gaseous body. The gaseous body is not heavy it's very light they
walk fast they are active but to look at they look plump (830209)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Centred
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
The chakras, which are placed either in the spinal cord or in the
brain, and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They give rise to
the gross centres outside. The Mooladhara chakra is below the
Kundalini and alone is not pierced by the Kundalini when she rises
The centres are shown on the hand the seven centres on the
right hand the five fingers, and six and seven they deal with
your physical, and your intelligence, your mental side and also with
your future. On the left side we also have the seven centres
Now a 'centre' is formed by the coming together from the
left and the right, (indicating the left and right channels coming
together, to form a single central channel - Ed) and this
(indicating the resulting central channel - Ed) is the one through
which the Medulla Oblongata passes the Spinal Cord this is the
Spinal Cord (821008)
The 'centres' are like 'silent tongues of flames' especially the
centre at the top - I'll appear before you like tongues of flames'
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
- end - 11 May 2003
Centrifugal Force
That force acting in Sahaja Yoga Collectivity, which once you try
to go to anything extraordinary, or try to do something better, or
something exceptional and try to show off, or in any way you try
to come out from the whole, then you just go off like a tangent,
and in such a big way, that you are amazed how you are left out
and such people go out of circulation (800907)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Centripetal Force
Try to keep to the centripetal force, where you are in the
centre moving along in the centre, where all this 'relativity' will
go away that you have to be unique, that you are some higher soul
or something - all that is nonsense. Tell your mind 'be humble'
and keep to this centripetal force (800907)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 1 Jan 2003
Chaitanya Lahari Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost (830128);
Vibrations (790616); The term used by Adi Shankaracharya
(791203); The cool breeze coming out of your head thats
called as Chaitanya Lahari thats called as Cool Breeze of the
Holy Ghost. When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he
meant this he didnt mean the way we do baptism, to just call
somebody, put some water on the head, and say 'oh you're
baptised' thats just a drama. Baptism is a living process
(821007); The Cool Breeze is all around us and we can start
feeling in our hands when the Kundalini emerges from the top
of the head if our Vishuddhi centre is alright. This is what
Christ meant by 'to be born again' and not to just call some
people and say 'alright, now we will have some baptism'
Appears like small commas, and which change into either small
Swastikas (symbols of Innocence, nourishing our left side), or
Omkara (symbol of our doing, or awareness, and nourishing our
right side) (910505; 840718) which knows everything
(900807); The Chaitanya, contains emotional, physical, mental
and evolutionary elements, and when it flows through Sahaja
Yogis, and is applied to a faulty chakra, it causes it to return to
normal (840313)
Solve all problems with one bandhan - it works but, you should
be in full connection with the Divine (951224) a bandhan puts
the Chaitanya into action (890808); For left side problems, give
a bandhan, or burn your name (870408); In the morning time, you
have to give yourself a bandhan and when you are going out
don't go out without giving yourself a bandhan (880921); When
you put on a bandhan, how long it will last depends on your
intensity after some time you dont need any bandhan (.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Chaitanya
The very first thing God created on this Earth was Shri
Ganesha, because he could emit Holiness. He exists as
Chaitanya in the atoms and molecules, as vibrations, symmetric
and asymmetric. These vibrations later on start expressing
themselves in the plant kingdom as 'life force', and you see how
they are kept under a bondage it's all under control. And then
it is expressed in the animals, where it binds them that's why
they are called as 'Pashus', meaning 'under bondage'. But in
human beings, it is expressed as auspiciousness, and ultimately
as Holiness (870114)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-870114.2 Dhumal's House, Rahuri - see 870111 good 20
-870114.1 Sankranti, Farewell - see 861221 (6 Puja Talks) Not good 15
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp Experience] good 55
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
900807 Raksha Bandhan Puja - Los Angeles good 50
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
951224 Christmas Puja, G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The Chakras
The chakras, are placed either in the spinal cord or in the brain,
and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They give rise to the gross
centres outside. The Mooladhara chakra is below the Kundalini and
alone is not pierced by the Kundalini when she rises (791203)
The Kundalini is settled down in the Triangular Bone down below
there in the end of the spinal cord that is a sacred place and is
waiting there to arise (800102); This Kundalini this residual
force which rises, passes through all the chakras and enters into
the subtle being that we are by which we get connected to each
other (790618); When the Kundalini has awakened, and the whole
central nervous system is enlightened that new awareness that
arises Collective Consciousness allows us to feel what is
happening to the chakras of ourselves and of others (840702)
The mechanism that is placed within you is placed inside your
spinal cord, except for the last chakra, which is red in colour, and
which is outside and which controls the pelvic plexus within you
is the most important chakra which emits innocence. The Deity
sitting on it is Shri Ganesha who represents the stage between
animals and man. At every point, at every chakra he bestows on
you the blessings of his innocence (771121); The hidden power of
Shri Ganesha is left Vishuddhi, and is acting like chastity, through
the left Vishuddhi; Chastity is the basis of all the chakras if left
Vishuddhi catches, all the left chakras become weak (850901)
The Adi Shakti who is reflected in totality as Mahakali, who
then when She desires, divides and produces the 2 other powers of
Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi (890619), and with these arise the
three: Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha - these three types of powers
always play on the chakras. The female is the power, and the male is
the kinetic power (850901)
The centres are shown on the hand the seven centres on the
right hand the five fingers, and six and seven they deal with your
physical, and your intelligence, your mental side and also with your
future. On the left side we also have the seven centres (890617.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
Now a 'centre' is formed by the coming together from the
left and the right, (indicating the left and right channels coming
together, to form a single central channel) and this (indicating
the resulting central channel) is the one through which the
Medulla Oblongata passes the Spinal Cord this is the Spinal
Cord (821008); The Parasympathetic is that part of the nervous
system in the central channel, the Sushumna Nadi (810928) which
gives the balance (870500) which brings things back to normal
relaxes and nourishes after the sympathetics have initially
responded to an emergency; Is formed by loops from the left and
right sympathetics, and wherever these loops meet, are formed
energy centres known as the Chakras (MME); Is part of the
Autonomic Nervous System that 'self governing' nervous system,
comprising the left and right sympathetic, and the central
parasympathetic nervous systems (840731)
The subtle energy centres, found in the main behind the nerve
plexuses, along the length of the three channels, the Ida, Pingala
and Sushumna Nadis, and which are made from the different
'elements', and connected to each of which is a different aspect
of the Divine (840702) - the chakras where these Deities are
residing (790609.3); Which are like the milestones, placed within
us (790616), representing our growth in the evolutionary process
(800809); There are 7 basic centres but 11 otherwise that we
deal with not more than that because it's too much of a
headache though there are more (790608.1)
The first 6 chakras are represented in the Sahastrara, at their
respective peetas or seats, along the mid line, starting at the back
with the Mooladhara, surrounded by the Swadisthan, and then
followed by the Nabhi, Heart, Vishuddhi, and finally the Agnya. All
6 combine to make the 7th, the Sahastrara, which is a hollow
space. On the sides are 1000 nadis, which when enlightened look
like gentle flames burning, in all the 7 colours, and which finally
integrate to become a crystal clear flame. In transverse section,
the appearance is like that of petals (830204); The 'centres' are
like 'silent tongues of flames' especially the centre at the top -
I'll appear before you like tongues of flames' (821008)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
The five elements create the 6 chakras within you the chakras
are created out of these 5 elements, and they give us a support to
have the Deities an Asana, a seat for the Deities to come in
(800927); But the basic point is that all the great Incarnations
who came on this Earth, exist within us on all these centres
If you have too much of one element in you, you have to reduce
it. For example, if you have too much of light in your head, means
you are egoistical or if there is too much air in your body then
you have to use this air that is outside, to take away the surplus.
All the five elements that have created these centres, can be
corrected, manoeuvred, adjusted, balanced, put into complete
coordination and integration by the techniques of Sahaja Yoga
In our Sahaja Yoga, we consider three chakras as the lower
chakras, or centres the Nabhi the Swadisthan and the
Mooladhara. Now Shri Krishna said, thousands of years back that
the human awareness, the Chaitana, grows downwards and the
roots of the Chaitana or awareness, are in the brain. So now the
first one of these three is the Nabhi Chakra, where a person
starts seeking food, shelter, all life's necessities and either he
can go upwards or downwards. The essence of this centre is
Swaha, meaning the consumption. So all those people who started
developing started consuming. Then they went to the second
chakra, the Swadisthan where they started entering into space
that is Antariksha and tried to find out what is on the Moon
what is on Jupiter. Now the third awareness has grown into the
Mooladhara and so the attention went to this horrid thing called
sex and in the west, people have become nothing but sex points.
I've seen it everywhere that just filth exists. With this
downward movement what do we expect people to be - they have
to be violent. If you make them worse than animals what will
happen they have to be cruel, despotic and after this the next
step is Hell Nagasaki or anything (860224)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
I have known of people who were caught up with Left Vishuddhi
and have become devilish by nature devilish they have gone out
of Sahaja Yoga they have criticised Sahaja Yoga they have
tried to trouble me a lot so dont think that if Vishuddhi is
spoiled there's nothing so special about it - it can be a very
dangerous centre. Of course Heart, Agnya and Vishuddhi these
three centres one has to guard against so at the Vishuddhi
chakra one has to be extremely careful (860823)
Disease is the exhaustion on all the centres - because they are
the underlying forces of all the plexuses that we have - when they
get exhausted, the plexuses get exhausted then we develop
diseases physical, mental and emotional (790608.1); If there is
sickness, it means that there is something wrong - if one is
working for God, then one must be healthy (790416); There will be
no problems with health, if the centres are cleared (790507)
We have limited energies, and can get into maladies, if we go to
right or to left too much. All problems are due to bad centres.
Problems, whether physical, mental, emotional, social, or material
are due to bad centres, but which are cured by Kundalini (871023)
Now you are not to use your thinking for correcting your
chakras - you cannot think about it and sort it out. What you can
do is put bandhans, or you can give yourself a balance with your
hands you have to move your hands and not your brains alright.
In your hand it is flowing whether you are catching or not
catching, it is flowing from your hand it is there the flow from
your hand is there little bit is always there (800907); Sahaja
Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the Spiritual
level, which is much higher than the mental level. Some people still
live on the mental level, and try to solve problems on that level,
and that's why all these problems start coming up. So what we
have to do is to understand how to correct our chakras. If you
have certain chakras catching, try to improve your chakras with
the photograph with all due respect to the photograph it is only
the photograph that is going to work it out (830121)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
We have got different mantras for different chakras if one
chakra is catching, then you work on that chakra only, and develop
your mantras on that. For example, if you want to say something
for your heart, first of all you must ask forgiveness from God,
because your attention has not been so much as it should have
been, on the Spirit. Or if you have done any mistakes, ask for
forgiveness. Now you have to ask from your heart whatever you
have to say, say it from your heart (800907)
Worry and frustration with yourself when you start identifying
with your instrument not being in proper condition then there is
going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself, at your
mechanism that is out of order. If your chakras are spoilt, you can
solve it - there are so many methods. You are not the chakras, or
the different channels you are the awareness the power the
Kundalini (760330)
Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth some are
sucked by the flame can be the flame can be the fire the Sun
also sucks in the sky also depends on what centres you have in
problem on what problems you have alright. But on the whole,
the Mother Earth is the most gracious thing she helps the
maximum I think (821008)
The Kundalini is settled down in the Triangular Bone down
below there in the end of the spinal cord that is a sacred
place and is waiting there to arise (800102); This Kundalini this
residual force which rises, passes through all the chakras and
enters into the subtle being that we are by which we get
connected to each other. You all are like, say, pearls and there is
a string going through you but you cannot feel the string - you
are on the pearl you attention is on the pearl. So supposing by
any chance it happens it's a happening your attention goes on
the string, then you can pass into everybody (790618); When the
Kundalini has awakened, and the whole central nervous system is
enlightened that new awareness that arises Collective
Consciousness allows us to feel what is happening to the chakras
of ourselves and of others (840702)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
In Puja, all your Chakras will be awakened it's a very deep
experience so come with an open mind keep yourself open with
a receptive mind and don't talk in the morning too much just
take your breakfast and come with a calm mind (831001); Puja
works very well, because it satisfies lots of demands of past
habits - that you feel that you are doing something about it; The
Rishis and Munis have found out how to please the Deities, how to
please the Mother. When you praise someone from the heart, that
means that you are accepting it, and that is the time that the
chakras start creating a force, by which you are thrown into the
Realm of God. These methods of Puja, Prayer and Mantras have
been found out by great Masters of Sahaja Yoga and these
methods make my Body to vibrate, they extract the essence from
my Body. It makes the Infinite release itself through this Finite
Being and it works works very well (760330)
You know that after Puja, I get a little tired, because if you
cannot receive it, that force I want to sleep and get rid of that
additional vibrations into Sushupti by entering into the Infinite
state. That means that when you are doing Puja, receive it also -
be in thoughtless awareness when you are doing Puja, completely
concentrated and receiving. But people are talking, are moving
about - that is the time the nectar is oozing out you just receive
it at that time, with full devotion. If you feel the vibrations of my
chakras at that time you will realise that even the minute small
little wheels in my body are moving at different speeds and
different dimensions and I don't know how to explain but it
creates a melody and you have to receive it and it is a melody
individually suitable for every individual and when you recive it
it triggers in you that state of infinity. So at that time of Puja
you must know that all your attention should be in reception
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
Whatever pleases your Spirit is used in the Puja is to be
given when you do for God, the blessings come to you you are
blessed; It's a very subtle thing to understand to move from
gross to Spirit this is the thing by which you move because
first you enlighten your chakras then by enlightening your
chakras your Deities get happy, Prasanna by making the Deities
happy, you get a passage for the Kundalini to pass through and by
making the passage for the Kundalini, the Kundalini goes up and
then your attention starts becoming one with the Spirit. It is step
by step you move, from matter to subtler matter, from subtler
matter to your chakras, from chakras to Deities, from Deities to
the Spirit. Then Spirit enjoys itself so there, you do not have to
do anything. That's why these things were prescribed people
could not see this linkage they thought why should we give
anything to God after all it is all His own. You have reached a
stage where you have to detach yourself from matter (800927)
Before you stands someone who has control over all the centres,
over all the powers, who is All Powerful. How much advantage you
have taken of that is the important thing; We have come here at a
very important time. Historically this is a very important time, and
when we are with our Mother is the most important time, of that
important time - we should take full advantage of that in the real
sense of the word. Those who are wise take the best advantage,
which is the growth within; In Mother's Presence, in India, people
become more protocolish, whilst in England people start taking
advantage, making fun, joking - you cannot. You cannot be
frivolous, or shallow with somebody so intense (830723.3)
We should listen to the Mother, in the form of whom, the whole
of the Brahmachaitanya has come, to shower us with the
Chaitanya, to enrich us, to nurture us, to develop us. She is the
Master of the Sahastrara, the Master of all the chakras. But She
is beyond the Sahastrara - much beyond. Such is the situation
that we must listen to whatever She says, and we should obey Her
(870503.1); There are certain problems that arise sometimes
when we don't listen to the Mother (880101)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
7 7 Cont'd ...
Sahajvidya The Chakras
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880101 A sinless life - G'pule - see 871213 good 5
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 6 May 2003
We have to change very much we have to transform
ourselves into a new style of thinking. It is very very
important are we depending on Him or on our own old ways
(791015); 'Changing' is the sign of life. Like a little root has got
a very little, small, tiny cell at the end of it, which is very
discrete, and it changes it's course according to the way it can
penetrate into the Mother Earth. If there is a big boulder, it
goes round and round and round to create a bondage for it later
on, for the tree to stand up. Then it goes into all various areas
in a proper manner, which ever way is the best and 'Sahaj', in
the same way is a living process, and whatever works out, has
to be worked out in that manner. We have to be prepared for
everything in a very sweet and enjoyable manner (880103); So
we must change. If you don't want to change you'd better
leave that's the main point (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
-791015 How Realisation develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Sahaja Yogis are channels for the working of the
Paramchaitanya, in giving Self Realisation to people, who are
seeking the truth (970316), and have to be strong (800630); You
are transmitters. Everywhere that you are sitting in meditation,
you are transmitting vibrations - do you know that. Think of love,
think of the whole country, think of the whole world at that time.
You are transmitters of these waves of love, and love will flow
from you (791015)
These vibrations have to flow through you you are the
channels. If you do not keep yourselves clean and humble and meek
about it, it doesn't work out (800927); You do not think that you
are ordinary, otherwise I would never have chosen you but you
have no recognition of yourself also as you have no recognition of
me you have to recognise yourselves and respect yourselves. Do
not respect material things - respect yourself first of all and
the matter within you (800927)
Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is not good you
feel hurt if Mother says this is good you feel happy that means
you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where you think that
whatever you say should be approved by me. That is something is
very subtle we do not understand, that if Mother is not approving
of it, there must be basic Divine reason otherwise why should I
not approve of it. We must know that it's all the work of God, and
we are just channels in the hands of God (850310)
What is most joy giving to me was creating Sahaja Yogis and
listening and talking to them the way they were so sweet, and so
kind and so respectful. All this helped me so much and I must
thank you for that. With your support your help and your
understanding, I could achieve it. If I could achieve it on my own,
I would never have asked for this help of yours but you are just
like my hands just like my eyes and I need you very much.
Without you I cannot do it it's like channelising unless and until
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Channels
you are channels, what's the use of being Adi Shakti or anything
else. If there's electrical movement, you need channels
otherwise it's a static thing. In the same way, I felt always that I
needed more and more channels. So I thank you very much again
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-800630 What happening other Locas, Caxton Hall - see 800630 good 25
-791015 How Realisation develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
800630 What is happening in other Locas/Howprove existence of God
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 16 Sep 2002
The practice of innocence is chastity. It is the foundation of
all dharmas, and works in you as Gauri, as Kundalini, and gives you
the Mariadas. The sense of chastity is completely lacking in the
West. You must respect your chastity, which is the Vishnumaya
power, the Gauri power, the pure virgin, and it is protected by
Shri Vishnumaya. The essence of religious life, of righteous life,
of Sahaja Yoga life is chastity - without a sense of chastity, you
cannot have dharma; Moral chastity comes before material
chastity. But whether you do money cheating in Sahaja Yoga, or
you cheat morally, the result is the same - the left Vishuddhi
catches the whole problem will start from there (850901)
Chastity is the basis of all the chakras if left Vishuddhi
catches, all the left chakras become weak (850901); The hidden
power of Shri Ganesha is left Vishuddhi, and is acting like
chastity, through the left Vishuddhi; Is to be established not by
giving bandhans, or taking vibrations from the Mother and then
getting lost, but by correcting yourself morning til evening, and
facing yourself, and not feeling guilty; Interest in another sex all
the time is not a sign of chastity (850901); Vishnumaya will see
that husband and wife sit together (850901); In some
countries, they think that chastity is only for the women, and not
for men it's very wrong it is meant for both of them (930721)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
Chakras affected: Left Vishuddhi
- end - 1 Jan 2003
One of the sins against the Father (MME); Some people think
by their talks they can cheat you but actually they are cheating
themselves. All such people who cheat others by sweet talks, by
artificial talks or by some manoeuvring go to such a horrible
state in this Kali Yuga especially they are cursed, and they get
exposed and people know about them that these are the greatest
liars ever known. Now the times are coming when all such people
will be exposed very much more than they have ever been
exposed so be careful not to think that you can cheat in Sahaja
Yoga especially you cannot cheat. Those who try to cheat,
sometimes think that we can befool Mother we can somehow or
other carry on if you sit in front of Mother, she won't know what
we are up to it's not so I may not say I may use my discretion
not to say I may allow you to have a long way but be careful do
not come into my illusions I am very elusive. When I play my
illusions, you will suddenly find yourself in a very difficult
situation and then you will say 'Mother why am I in this
situation' (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 22 Mar 2003
The way that cheese was discovered there was a big snowfall
and some milk had been left in a cave, and it was forgotten about.
The summer came and the milk became rotten and then more and
more rotten. Then, somebody went there and found it and so
they took it and they called it cheese; In India, 'cheese' is an
Urdu word which means some 'very special thing', and in music
they use it for some special composition 'cheese'. Such rotten
things we are eating and the smell I tell you if you take that
cheese you cannot smell anything rotten because it's all that
dirty smell that you are used to (920621)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 27 Dec 2002
Child Deaths
There are so many children who die in the bed just like
that they don't know how they die and people can also die like
that just in the bed. What happens these Astral people and
the Mediums and the Clairvoyant women start calling the
spirits and she might get the spirit of that child who is
sleeping and then the child is dead because the Spirit cannot
find it's way so many children die like that. All these
Supraconscious activities can be very dangerous because they
are heartless they have no feeling the spirits on the right
side have no feeling (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
- end - 1 Jan 2003
Sahaja Yoga should be in the centre. There is a difference
between childish and childlike you can be innocent like a child,
but you're matured and both the things make a special dignified
personality of such a person. All these things come from this Right
side power, when you use it properly. Unless and until you have this
established, you cannot impress other people by your behaviour.
Other people, new people who come to you should see this
majesty this royalty within you which you are enjoying as a
blessing from God Almighty (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
- end - 2 Apr 2003
The children are produced and cared for by the wife, the
shakti or power of the family, who has all the qualities of
motherhood; It is important not to quarrel before the children,
nor to say "I hate you", nor to chastise the children, but to give
them dignity, by providing them with a 'nest' in which to grow.
They depend on the mother for love and guidance. If the wife
starts competing with the husband, then the children and family
suffer (810328); When dealing with your children you should sit
down together and discuss with each other, how we are going to
improve the children, and never have 'two views'. Never support
your child if he is doing wrong, and if any Sahaja Yogi says that
'this is wrong', then you should take notice of that (871230.1)
We should not hold on to our children in the presence of
others, but should let them be with others; In India, parents
give their children to sleep with their relatives, not with
themselves. The psychology is that the child gets used to
another man, or another woman while they are innocent. So
the relationship of innocence is developed, and nobody feels
anything funny if somebody touches you, later on; Let the
children be with other people don't have fears they will love
you much more; Overprotected children are very dangerously
placed, because they have no immunity for anything (850421);
Ladies in the ashram, should not sit in one's own room with the
child, but should do work (of the ashram - Ed), and let their
children play with the others (850421)
It is natural to be collective for a child to mix up with
others, to talk to others if you don't allow the child to do,
then he becomes perverted he has problems. So give them a
better life, a better situation, a better education and a better
discipline, because you are equipped don't give them what
'you' had. The amount of discipline they have is coming from
you how far you are disciplined. They know that you are
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Children
depending on them, that you can't exist without them they
have this idea, so they don't listen to you. But if they know that
they will lose your love if they don't behave, they will be
alright they are very intelligent (850421); So, dealing with
children always make yourself an example and part and parcel
of that advice; There is one thing I tell you they can give up
everything but not your love. If they know you love them
they will not accept anything that will make you not love not
love 'them' this is for definite (970823.1)
The same dharma is for your children that you bring up your
children, not troubling them too much but into a free life let
them use their wisdom. Sometimes I know, children go astray,
and try to follow wrong things then you must correct you
must tell them it's your duty and that correction should be
in a Sahaj way (970823.1); Don't be harsh with them you see,
children should not be 'made' to do something they
themselves will start doing after some time when they see
you doing but don't spoil them that's the point is - we must
see the discretion about it. Encourage them to be generous to
be sharing to be compassionate to be kind to others. But, if
they are rude, or if they are harsh, or you find they are
quarrelling then you can slap them it's alright yes you have
to for 5 yrs you have to do that in case, I mean it's not a
religious duty! (880921); Children must be disciplined, and made
to feel the vibrations (850421); Children must also meditate
otherwise they'll become difficult children force them to
meditate they must meditate if the children don't meditate
they'll have troubles they'll be very troublesome children so
try to make them meditatealright (891203)
They should be made collective and very strong on their
Mooladharas. You should be alert to the children's vibrations
try to find out what's wrong with them. For example, if you find
a child that's misbehaving, don't 'go on' all the time with him
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Children
call the child once make the child sit down, and talk to the
child that you should do like this (850421); Cruelty to children
may result in the children getting weak hearts (820711); Little
children should respect their elders, calling them Auntie or
Uncle and not only by their first name (850421); The
relationship must be established in childhood like Aunty or
Uncle or even Mr - little children should never call older people
by their first names that's not done (850421)
It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's
womb he selects the face the colour everything. With his
magnetic power he manages to attract the right type of genes
he does all such important things for you all the time busy
never rests so full of joy and hard work (840902); They are
special children given to you as a trust they are not 'your'
children they are the Adi Shakti's children; So too much
hugging etc. is not necessary - try this more on others'
children, and less on your own (850421); All the children of the
world are your children - you are the parents of all the
children you have to look after all the children (890423)
Some children have beautiful attention, and some don't have
it is not always the blame of the parents, but of course partly
they are responsible. At this age if their attention is not good,
at what age are they going to improve. Parents pamper them,
spoil them then the children can't have good attention
(880106); Children in the West never sit quietly they must go
out and make a big noise - yet in India, the children sit so
quietly (830107); In India, you find children absolutely keeping
quiet because the mother takes up responsibility to train her
child. Yesterday also they were running about here the reason
is the mother doesnt take responsibility, as a mother, to see
the children are properly brought up (971005); During the
Mother's speech, children who make noise should not be there,
or should be near the door, so they can go out (830725)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Children
Children, if they are not massaged fully, they become very
restless (840902); So it is important to understand how to give
all the comfort to the child, and look after the child but don't
spoil the child (840902)
There are so many very great Saints who want to be born, and
the Divine Mother wants only such people to be married by Her,
who will bear such good children. But we spoil our children, we
ruin them to us they become 'our' children and not the
children of the Adi Shakti. Then such children stand out
because they're absolutely spoiled, they are aggressive, very
naughty, troublesome and possessed. You should think 'we are
just here to create these children for Sahaja Yoga', and 'these
are Mother's children we are just looking after them'. Then
the detachment will come. Sometimes you have to scold them,
you have to put them right, you have to talk to them and tell
them 'you are Sahaja Yogis and you are great people!'
(871230.1); You have to load them with dignity load them with
praises so that they settle down (850502)
I am so very happy to see so many children here all are
beautiful Born Realised, and very sweet things and we should
really know that between ten and fifteen years, you will see the
force that is coming up and they will correct you theyll
remove all your complications. So allow them to grow allow them
to be grown up Sahaja Yogis and you will see the difference
how sensible they are how beautiful they are. Support them
help them understand them (950625)
For all the parents who have children Sahaja Yoga children
have to be extremely well disciplined your children must know
how to behave themselves they must know how to answer how
much they must talk. Do not spoil them with presents give them
presents at the right time and tell them how they should
behave you have to discipline your children this is your duty.
No child should be allowed to answer the parents back if they
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Children
answer back, give them 2 slaps thats allowed teach them to
be respectful if you do not teach them, they will be
disrespectful to other people and other people will smack
them, and then you won't like but they have every right to
smack if a child misbehaves (801205)
You have to tell them how to behave sit down with them for
one hour and talk to them not in the presence of others tell
them they are like Queens and Kings put self esteem in them,
so they behave themselves. It's no use spoiling your children -
here they will see something on the TV and you get it for them
- no you must tell 'no' what you want is not what the TV tells
you but what you need is this and keep it. If they break the
toys, and all that, tell them 'if you are breaking toys you are
not going to get it keep it properly arrange them' let them
organise this is how you train. Respect is the thing - we do not
respect our possessions we just indulge into them we throw
our clothes here and there and thats why the children, when
they grow up, they have no discipline and they throw all 'their'
clothes (801205)
Another habit children must form is to get up early in the
morning. The parents must get up in the morning give them
baths get them ready give them tea. If the children do not
do that, it is because of the parents parents must be ideal
about it. So the whole responsibility of spoiling the children is
with the parents and nobody else - even the Sahaja Yogis
should not spoil the children. You have to tell your children til
they are 16 years of age everything that is good, righteous,
how to behave and how to live you have to otherwise they
become vagabonds and they think 'oh we can do whatever we
like'. Of course you should never pay for children's work if
they work, they are working for themselves it is a very bad
habit to pay them for doing some work all this training must
be given to them (801205)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Children
Too much of interest in children is also not allowed that all
the time to run after the children because once they know
they are dominating you, theyll sit on your head. Gradually they
will learn. You see, children are still not human beings either
you make them human beings or you make them devils is in
your hands. You should not be unkind by any chance but you
should not be in any way dominated by them it's not the
parents who should take instructions from their children
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primord'l Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-891203 Farewell talk - Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-830107 Ganesha Puja - Rahuri - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 20
801205 Marriage & Collectivity, Chelsham Road poor 20
810328 Nabhi talk - Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation, B'ham good 35
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Normally people get constipation if you don't take chillies
Indians never suffer from this disease, because they have always
a little chillies in their food. A little chillies is alright you can
develop a little taste for chillies it's alright. It cleanses you,
and it has vitamin C also in it, so it's quite good for colds and
things (881207); A bull if it sits anywhere, it's impossible to
raise it. In India they have some very drastic measures for
that they burn some chillies, red chillies and put that smoke
into the nose of the bull otherwise you try anything, it won't
rise it will just settle itself nicely on the ground (791111)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The so-called intellect of human beings it cheats it gives you
escapes all the time the intellect is working by saying.. 'oh this
may be good that may be good' but the real good it never sees
it's a trick of the ego you see choices ego likes choices you
see 'this is good this is bad this I dont like this this' - all
'I' business should be given up 'we' should come in not 'I'
thats how intellect will go away. The most intelligent person is the
one who knows that our intellect is just an ego trip this is the
sign of Pure Intelligence of Pure Understanding that the heart
is the ruler there resides the Spirit which is the most intelligent
thing within us and the inspiration of the Spirit is the
manifestation of the Pure Intellect of God and what I told you
today is the Intellect of the Heart but of the brain zero
(820402); We have to enter into God's Kingdom in complete
freedom - the choice is between ego and wisdom (790416)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Whose Avatar is Christ, who was born into very poor
circumstances, in a manger, showing that there is no need to have
money or property in order to be impressive on people. Yet the
Christians are those who are the most self indulgent people, slaves
of 'money' and 'watches' (951224), and who will seek the best bed
for themselves, or the best house, and will not tolerate any small
thing, but will start shouting so low minded (821226); Who,
although Christ includes in His Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive us our
trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us', none-
the-less are full of hatred and of ego, and cannot ask for
forgiveness (951224)
Who misunderstand the message of Christ, thinking that the
message is of the crucifixion, while it in fact is of the
resurrection (951224); Who don't want to talk about the
Counsellor but about the last Kalki just to frighten the people so
they will stick on (0.0005)
Those born into the Christian Religion, think that Christ is their
own, that He resides in their pockets, but on the contrary it is the
other way round He has nothing to do with them, and is against
them, who have not 'lived' like Christians, and are not in the real
sense people who follow Christ - "You will be calling me 'Christ,
Christ' and I will not know you" (821226)
It is the Christians who have all the dead bodies in the
churches. They also are interested in dead things, like
clairvoyants, mediums. It is very dangerous to go near these
things and may lead to cancers, epilepsy, heart attacks, accidents,
financial ruin etc. (810330); In Christ's life there is nothing that
could be pointed out as a sin, nothing of an ambiguous nature, but
Christianity is just the opposite (871225); In Christianity they
had no place for Mary (830821) and on top of that, in
Christianity ordination is not given to the women (830821)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Christians
It is important for Sahaja Yogis from the West to stand up
and to make your lives pure to make yourselves pure it is for
Sahaja Yogis to bring back the glory of Christ, to bring back the
dharma of Christ, to reflect the great image of Christ - who could
be a better ideal than Jesus Christ (871225); We have to 'be' like
Christ, and rise higher and higher into that realm which Christ has
created for us, the limbic area, which is the Kingdom of God
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-821226 Lord Jesus - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas from India) good 15
0.0005 Airport Talk poor
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Who came 2000 years back, the greatest Incarnation, the Son of
God, the Innocence, who came to this Earth to give the knowledge of
the Eternal Life, so we might ascend. Who sits at the 'Gate' to the
Limbic area the 1000 petalled Sahastrara (790530); Who is the
Spirit (810330); Who came to show that Spirit is eternal (810330);
Whose name is derived from Krishna (811006); The Son of God, who
was crucified (890801), the Immaculate Conception (870513); Who
cannot be killed or destroyed, who never dies, who passes through
death (820711); Who is nothing but Chaitanya (920419), just made of
vibrations, and that is why He was resurrected, and also how He
walked on the water (821226)
Christ was nothing but Pranava, this integrating power, this great
power which has all the powers in it the Iccha Shakti the Prana
Shakti and the Dharma Shakti all these put together he was
nothing but energy (811006); He was the only one that had no earth
element in him (811006)
He was the All Pervading Power (810829); He is the 'Gate'
(871225); He was Omkara (810829), the incarnation of Innocence
(781115), who led such a pure, Holy and auspicious life (821226); Who
was the incarnation of Tapasya, whose essence was Tapasya, and who
was a sinless personality. Whose power was Omkar, was Pranava
(871225); The 'Principle' and 'Support', the 'Essence' of Creation,
the 'Omkara', the 'First Sound'. Who is the support of all the
Universe (781218); Who resides in the Sun (820125)
Also known as Mahavishnu, and who is the incarnation of Shri
Ganesha (830129); Who talked of Ascent and Resurrection (830202);
The Avatara for the Christians (830202); The Son of the Trinity,
God Almighty being the Father, and the Holy Ghost being the
Primordial Mother (871023); Who resides at the Optic Thalamus
(781218), on the Agnya, and sucks in the ego and superego - the
mantra for the Agnya, the sixth chakra, is the Lord's Prayer
(810926; 811006), but the Bija mantra is Hum Kshum (811006); Who
was named after Shri Krishna who was the Father and was thus
called Christ, because in Indian language he is called Krista Krishna
means the one who has sown the seed (811006)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Christ
Who as the very powerful personality of the Ekadesha Rudra,
allowed himself to be crucified (850408); In the brain in front in
the centre here, is Kartikeya - Christ is in the centre itself, where
the optic chiasma is - but here outside is Kartikeya, who is the
protector of Christ and around Kartikeya moves Mahahanumana
and each is part of the Ekadesha Rudra (810904); Who in his
destroying incarnation known as Mahavishnu, or Kalki, is situated on
our foreheads, and is coming for the Last Judgement, when every
human being is going to be sorted out (790928) but those who have
got Realisation will enter into the Kingdom of God (811006); He has 11
destructive powers, with which He is going to come back (810926)
Who has taken the sins of human beings upon himself. He was the
'lamb' of the sacrifice. He drove the 'spirits' into the pigs, and
showed that we should have nothing to do with the dead with the
'spirits' (810330); Who controls all the 3 powers. By one power he
controls the superego, the devils, the spirits if the cross is shown,
the spirits run away. He controls the ego, and he controls the
dharma, by which he makes us rise (810330)
Who said "You must be born again", and "What is flesh is born of
the flesh, what is Spirit is born of the Spirit" (850510); Who said "I
am the door" (820711),'I am the Path I am the Light' (791111); Who
said "You will be calling me 'Christ, Christ' and I will not recognise
you" (821226), and "Those who are not against me are with me"
(820711), and who also said , 'Know Thyself' (951224), and 'Thou
shalt not have adulterous eyes' (860907); Who washed the feet of
His disciples (800927); Who converted the water into wine (871225)
- at the time of Christ, wine was never fermented, or alcoholic, but
was simply, as it still is today in some places, unfermented grape
juice (810328) alcohol is the rotten wine (871225)
Of whom Markendeya said 12-14000 years back, that he would be
so humble and that he would be the 9th among 10 Incarnations
(811006); His Mother was the Mahalakshmi, the central power of
sustainance, pure sustainance, pure holiness, pure innocence such a
powerful woman she was very powerful (811006)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Christ
Who was born in Jerusalem (810330) at 12 o'clock in the night
while I am born 12 o'clock in the day time (971230) into very poor
circumstances, in a manger, to show that there is no need to have
money or property to be impressive on people (951224); Who, when
he was born, a star came up and thats how the King Herod came to
know about him and you know the story, what happened. If you are
born with any striking signs, the negativity immediately finds you out
(800505); Who was not attached to material things who never
bothered with the small things of life. He lived as a carpenter's son,
in a very uncomfortable place, where there were are all kinds of nails,
and instruments, and filled with wood, on which He slept (821226);
Who, it is said went to Kashmir in India, and met King Shalivahana,
and was advised by him to return and tell the people about Nirmala
Tattwa, the pure principle of Life. This He did, and 3 years later
was crucified (951224); Whose public life was limited to 3 years
only (850000.1)
Christ forgave those who attacked him, but he would not have
forgiven anyone who attacked the Mother (871023), the Holy Ghost,
the Adi Shakti (790928); Who includes in His Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive
us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us'
(951224); Who was the first incarnation to declare himself, which he
did as a small child in the temple after reading from the scriptures
on a Sunday, saying to the multitude that he was the Advent, the
Incarnation who was the Saviour (791202.1)
If you read the story of the birth of Shri Ganesha and then you
proceed on, you'll be surprised it's written that it was called as
Brahmanda means the egg of the Brahma, that came into exist-
ence and half of it became Mahavishnu, means the Christ and half
of it remained as Shri Ganesha; If you see Christ, he always used
these 2 fingers no other Incarnation has used these 2 fingers this
is Vishuddhi, and this is Nabhi that means he is talking of his
father, who was the Nabhi King, Shri Vishnu and his Incarnation as
Shri Krishna. So he is indicating that they are my father. How clearly
he does that why not have some other Mudras, other style of
holding the fingers always these 2 fingers meaning my father,
the one who was Vishnu, and who was Shri Krishna (000423)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Christ
Then in the life of Shri Krishna, they say Mahavishnu will be your
son. All these things are not put together as I am telling you but
separately but if you have proper understanding, you can
understand the connection that Christ was the son of Shri Vishnu
and Shri Krishna and was blessed that 'you will be the support of
the whole Universe' the support, the Adhara of the whole Universe.
Now the one half is Shri Ganesha, who is the support in a way it
supports the Kundalini it looks after the Kundalini it looks after
the chastity of the Mother and the another one which is expressed
is Jesus Christ, who is the support of the whole Universe so
naturally it has to be the moral basis as he is a part and parcel of
Shri Ganesha it's the moral basis of human beings the moral
basis will be supported and which is missing in the lives of
Christianity (000423)
Christ stood for morality and about him also in these modern
times they are saying all kinds of filthy things they cannot
understand a character which is moral to this extent we have gone
you do whatever you like as long as you go to church and confess,
then you are alright these are the absurdities of modern religions
every religion has problems and the worst I feel, is when you have
the support of the world as your leader then how can you tolerate
such an immoral life such immorality when you follow the example
of Christ - he is Shri Ganesha (000423)
Now at the Agnya where Christ resides if your eyes are impure,
full of lust and greed, then you are against Christ. If your eyes are
clean and pure, then only you can enjoy the love of God otherwise
you cannot and also the love of another Sahaja Yogi or Yogini you
can only enjoy in completeness if your eyes are clean just imagine
but if you have roving eyes, and all sorts of things I dont see how
you can call yourself Christians you cannot. Those who are following
Christ have to have absolutely a moral life thats a compulsion of
the inner being on you that you enjoy your morality and above all
your clean eyes. First of all see that you have pure love in your eyes.
Now pure love cannot have lust and greed in it these 2 things have
to drop out from your mind completely (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Christ
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971230 Evening before Shakti Puja, Kale good 5
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-850510 Becoming the Light Within, Hampstead - see 840313 good 35
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-821226 Lord Jesus - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas from India) good 15
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [Mother's Declaration] see 791202.1 good 20
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
920419 Easter Puja, Magliano, Rome good 65
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
The antibodies called 'Ganas' in Sanskrit are under the con-
trol of the sternum bone, by which they are produced, and fight
off 'attacks', or diseases are ultimately under the control of
the 'Centre Heart' chakra (MME) where til the age of twelve
years, we develop our antibodies which later on in life go into
the whole body into the 'Circulation' and fight our diseases
and fight our emotions (790722)
It's so absurd I just can't understand the women the way
they dress up I'm surprised this is the best way to get sick.
They wear such big heels this modern generation in the West
they are going to develop such terrible diseases their legs will
become swollen up not only varicose veins such big heels they
wear. God has created you with such care what are you doing to
yourself - little heels are alright but to have heels of this
height this is the best way to spoil all your nerves and circula-
tion (.0011)
We should cover the head in winter time, so that there is no
freezing of the brain covering is to be occasional, not all the
time if it is too tight, you can get bad circulation; Also to avoid
sitting in the Sun, so the brain does not get melted (830204)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Cirrhosis of the liver a disease of the right side system
(830209) which can result from a right side imbalance of the
Swadisthan chakra (840313); Diseases that may result from
lethargic organs, include: cirrhosis; rashes; allergies etc
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
Chakras affected: Right Side
- end - 24 Jun 2003
To cleanse yourself and to put yourself right is of course a very
important duty of every Sahaja Yogi. You should not be identified
with those problems that you have, but try to face them and cure
them. It is creditable for all of you very much, that despite all the
complications, and all the kinds of brain washing, all the book
reading, all the so called seeking and all that nonsense that one has
gone through, that you have come out of it (871213)
But you do not understand your responsibility what you are
doing by not paying attention to your cleaning by not paying
attention to your spiritual growth, you are not helping me at all
because these vibrations do not flow out they have to flow
through you you are the channels. If you do not keep yourselves
clean and humble and meek about it, it doesn't work out (800927);
How much it is necessary for you to rise above your lower self one
should understand that and not to indulge into nonsense that you
are doing you have to work hard for that even if you have to get
up in the morning, you have to get up and do it. You should
understand your responsibility that's the main point is (800927)
This is our way of life is to keep ourselves cleansed this is
bathing ourselves. All those things which are filthy within us take
them out. All those who have to be Sahaja Yogis, and have to live in
ashrams, have to soak their feet every night, and have to meditate
- because your egos pass from each other it's contamination
complete contamination try to humble down (800907)
Some people don't do anything and they're supposed to be
Sahaja Yogis. Some people do not even soak their feet in water do
not even meditate I do not know how they are Sahaja Yogis I
just cannot understand. Everyday you must soak your feet in
water every morning you must beat yourself with shoes if you
have the chance, you should do it that's how you cleanse that's a
part (800907); Use water as much as you can wash your hands 10
times is very essential to get your vibrations alright you must
wash your hands (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Cleansing
Some think that whatever we do, we are Sahaja Yogis - you do
not become Sahaja Yogis at all those who do not meditate. You
see, Sahaja Yogis are to be decided by the Divine not by you.
If you are genuine, if you are simple, God knows you are
alright you will be there - if you are not, He will throw you out
Now for Sahaja Yogis as I say there should be no ritual
ritualistic things always make you absolutely dead there
should not be like early in the morning you start with a
mantra and go on repeating mantra like a mechanical thing
it's absolutely paying no respect to the Deity. But in a proper
way whichever Deity you want to awaken think of that Deity,
try to cleanse it, with all the understanding and deliberations
with respect with a protocol and not just to take somebody's
name and just go on chanting any mantra you feel it's not a
mechanical thing. Sahaja Yoga is a thing which has to come from
the heart it is heart felt if you do not do it from your heart
it has no meaning (810511)
You may carry on like that, but you'll find after some time
you have lost your vibrations you have lost the cool breeze
because heart doesnt like mechanical things every day it does
new things it never sticks onto habits it never sticks on the
same routine of things it's bubbling every day with new
appearances and so the mechanical things that you do deaden
this power of Saraswati one has to do it with complete love
towards yourself and toward others with complete esteem of
your being and others (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Clearing Out
You are not to use your thinking for correcting your chakras - you
cannot think about it and sort it out. What you can do is put
bandhans, or you can give yourself a balance with your hands you
have to move your hands and not your brains alright. In your hand it
is flowing whether you are catching or not catching, it is flowing
from your hand it is there the flow from your hand is there little
bit is always there (800907)
Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the
Spiritual level, which is much higher than the mental level. Some
people still live on the mental level, and try to solve problems on that
level, and that's why all these problems start coming up. If you have
certain chakras catching, try to improve your chakras with the
photograph with all due respect to the photograph it is only the
photograph that is going to work it out (830121)
You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort of an
authority which you can use, and every mantra that you will say will
be awakened even if you are not yet out of your possessions, still
you will work it out still you can raise the Kundalini of others and
nothing will go wrong with the person whose Kundalini you are
raising to that purity it is (791111)
One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most western
people is the heart you have to purify your heart by looking at the
photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother
understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart the heart
has to be clean absolutely surrendered and we must try to put the
Mother before everything else. You have to work it through your
heart, and not your brain (830121)
Now we have got different mantras for different chakras if one
chakra is catching, then you work on that chakra only, and develop
your mantras on that. For example, if you want to say something for
your heart, first of all you must ask forgiveness from God, because
your attention has not been so much as it should have been, on the
Spirit. Or if you have done any mistakes, ask for forgiveness. Now
you have to ask from your heart whatever you have to say, say it
from your heart (800907)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Clearing Out
When you are saying the mantra, put your attention without
thought to that particular chakra but if you are thinking, then you
are again catching the heart much more. By thinking, the right side
gets overactive, the ego develops and engulfs the heart. So by
'thinking' how to correct the ego, the worse you become - then you
are fighting it. So we have to give a balance bring down your ego
with your hands. Not mentally you resolve it, but through your
vibrations and mantras mantras are very important for Sahaja
Yogis; For ego you say 'Mother you are our ego we don't do
anything you do everything' - if you say like that, it will work out
otherwise it will not; Be humble be humble in your heart. What you
have to surrender is your ego means your thinking; If you are
thinking, open your eyes, and say 'I forgive, I forgive' even if you
take my name, it's sufficient (800907)
Now when you are facing the photograph, just to check up yourself,
humble down yourself first of all, like a person who wants to perfect
himself and try to find out what is wrong with you. Humble down
means to bring down your attention to your heart don't think. Now
see what chakras are catching you need not judge 'why' you are
catching that's not important for us. It is catching alright so you
don't go on a trip of thinking; Once you start 'thinking', then there's
a barrier between the Spirit and you - in any art or in any deftness,
that's how the creativity, the spontaneity is finished by thinking. So
do everything in silence in thoughtless awareness that's the main
point. Try at least to see my face without thinking my face itself
makes you thoughtless on the photograph you can watch my face
without thinking and it will work out. Silence your mind (800907)
Then in meditation, you should say 'Mother, make me the Spirit'
'I am the Spirit Mother I am the Spirit' you start seeing through
the eyes of the Spirit everything then you do not feel bad you
laugh at yourself make fun of yourself you enjoy yourself joke
with yourself and the whole thing becomes a joke. In the privacy of
your rooms you can do all these things, you can work it out. If you
have to rub or to massage, you can use oil, or even powder to reduce
the friction. You can use lemons, water, light, ether (Akasha), the
sea all these things you can use to cleanse yourself (800907)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Clearing Out
Once you start facing yourself through the Spirit, you won't be so
frightened and you will be amazed that really you are beautiful and
all these things will drop out. The best way to be with your Spirit is
to forgive, because then your thoughts will go away. The less you
think, the faster you move with your Realisation do not argue it
out just try to become you have to become; Don't think then the
inspiration will come to you from within, and when the inspiration will
be coming, then you'll find that it will be very different, it will be
very beautiful (800907)
Diarrhoea and also vomiting it's clearing out that's good for you.
It's the drugs and bad Gurus that spoil the void, and when you come
to Sahaja Yoga, it comes out in this way let it be. After Puja if it is
happening, it is very good it should happen after Puja (881221);
Ajwain dhuni is a very good thing it just clears you out completely
(881221); If you see the bhoots sitting there, just get rid of them.
It is very simple just tell them 'in the name of Shri Mataji get
out'(Sic) alright. But when you say that 'in the name', what is the
strength of your faith in that name (800518)
Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth some are
sucked by the flame can be the flame can be the fire the Sun
also sucks in the sky also depends on what centres you have in
problem on what problems you have alright. But on the whole, the
Mother Earth is the most gracious thing she helps the maximum I
think (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
791111 Meaning of Yoga - Dollis Hill good 50
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
- end - 6 May 2003
Clearing Right Side
If you find that your right side is hot, what you do is put your
right side towards the photograph, and your left side up towards
the ether the ether takes away the heat. But what actually
happens is that your right side gets the vibrations, and the heat is
pushed towards your left and passes out into the ether. Now this
heat comes from too much futuristic living and this heat has to
go away. For that, there are various things we have to use, but
mainly for right sided people, they should not use any light at all
they should not sit in the Sun but should sit in the moonlight.
They should read some poetry and should tie up their watches,
and not look at time and they should allow time to pass. And
should just become very sort of emotional people and should sing
songs of bhakti. They should not do Hatha Yoga - there are many
things they should not do (880921)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 24 Apr 2003
Is like the head in structure, consisting of hair on the outside,
with, as we progress inwards, a hard nut layer, a black covering,
then the white shell of coconut, and then the space containing the
water or liquid. Also called Shriphala, meaning the fruit of the
power that is 'Shri', i.e. of the right side power (830204); The
Coconut trees around the sea all bend towards the sea, because
the sea has given them that speciality. All have that respect, that
humility towards the sea (850901)
Take a coconut put it the other way round you won't get
vibrations if you put it this way, the coconut coming up, you will
get more vibrations. There are certain coconuts who give very
good vibrations and some give horrible ones (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Coffee just stops diarrhoea, but it's not very sensible to give a
shock to your system coffee is not a curative, it just stops
diarrhoea (881221); Dahi used in the night, won't be good in
the morning is alright But buttermilk is better than Dahi it's
much more soothing there's nothing like it (for diarrhoea - Ed);
There is also something called 'Electrol' that you can get (in India
- Ed) (881221)
Now, heat and cold for example - to take coffee, and then take
water is absolutely wrong. Water if you take, then gradually heat it
up and take coffee last and then dont take water til you have
taken some carbohydrates. I mean this is what it is is the heat
and the cold the combination of the heat and the cold should be
understood (.0011); Supposing you have taken coffee then after
that you cannot take anything cold; So if you're taking ice cream
first take the ice cream, then take a biscuit, then take some water,
then take a biscuit, and then you can take something hot. Now
supposing you are taking something hot, and you have to take water
also, then take 3 biscuits (881221; 0.0011)
In England they eat so much of cold foods that I am amazed
the amount of ice western people eat, we can't understand.
Indiscriminately theyll take ice cream and after that theyll take
coffee or after coffee theyll take ice cream before eating ice
theyll have hot thats the worst of all. Food also we should not
eat immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling food you should
not eat. I dont know why such devilish ideas are coming - let your
juices flow out to digest it and then eat it otherwise you'll burn
your tongue your palate burn everything. So best is to keep a
tepid understanding of food also so water should not be very hot
food should not be very hot (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 27 Dec 2002
The cold is a disease (also hay fever) of London and England,
due to less resistance no immunity, because of lack of calcium
within us. If proper care is taken in childhood, with adequate
vitamins A and D, with massaging with cod liver oil or olive oil,
and with proper sunning, then we would get colds less. It is a
Vishuddhi problem (800517.2); A little chillies is alright you can
develop a little taste for chillies it's alright. It cleanses you,
and it has vitamin C also in it, so it's quite good for colds and
things (881207)
The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing and has to be
worked on, on a material level only and is where you get
troubles like sinus, colds and coughs, and all that and can result
from the drying up of the nose because of the use of central
heating. Now what you are doing actually is to neglect certain
laws of nature likein London, or anywhere it's all heated up
inside the rooms too much it is it's very dry we all know that
in England we have to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some
water or something, or fill a tub in the bath and keep it open so
there is humidity in the room (.0011)
Coughing may be due to drying epithelial cells of the throat -
ghee may be used to correct this, by putting a few drops onto
hot water or milk, and taking it - it will spread over the epithelial
cells. The ghee can be kept in a small bottle, which may be
heated in hot water prior to use (870408); May also be due to
negativity which can move arbitrarily, and can be cured by
gargling or by the Mantra "Allah ho Akbar" said 16 times by
dhuni and by care with some foods (830113.2); Alsoyou are not
used to the dust, and that's another reason you get coughing.
When you come out of the processions (in India - Ed) you just
gargle with a little warm water, or even ordinary water, so the
dust will come out (881221)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Colds
Coughs and colds are a left side problem and indicate emotional
problems in girls, crying, whilst in men coughing or sneezing for
no reason at all - coughing and sneezing to show our pitiable
condition. To cure the cold, look into your emotional life. If there
is too much attachment to mother or father, and if they
misbehave, or do something so that the child feels hurt, then he
may get colds. Any attachment that makes you foolish, or
hankering after someone, creates similar troubles, especially with
the 'Romeos'. It can be corrected by getting proper
understanding, that we are just trustees of our children, that we
should be detached, and not get these romantic feelings. On the
other side, if we move to the right side more, we get dry feelings,
a dry throat - we cannot speak (800517.2)
Flowing colds, characterised by sneezing, running nose, and hay
fever are due to the liver producing heat (870408); The liver
gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi (830202);
Sneezing is nothing but the right Vishuddhi opening out
(790609.3); Those who have got flowing colds must know that they
are liver patients they should put some ice on their livers. Also
they should put their left hand on their liver, and their right hand
toward the photograph, and in the water, salt it's a right side
those who are sneezing, or feeling hay fever, or flowing of cold
just try to treat your liver and you'll be alright (871224)
Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems like
Angina, Spondylitis sometimes people lose their voices
completely sometimes they have all the time coughing. Above all
is the centre of discrimination, which only comes when you are
free people. Til you are biased til you have your own concepts,
you cannot be discrete and thats the one point where one must
understand that to achieve your complete freedom, you have to
get your Vishuddhi chakra cleared out. First and foremost is you
must speak in a sweet manner, not artificially, but sweetly speak
in a manner that another person likes it Satyam Vade Priyam
Vade speak the truth dont tell the lies (860823)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Colds
It is important to wear a vest under the shirt, especially in
warm weather, to prevent catching colds, particularly after
perspiring (780619); Radha Krishna is the mantra for the
Vishuddhi and is for where there are problems of ears, nose
and throat or where you get bad colds or where you get your
attention diverted (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall - see 780619 good 40
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
Chakras affected: Vishuddhi; Hamsa ; Emotions; Liver
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Collective Consciousness
That new awareness that arises once the Kundalini has
awakened, and the whole central nervous system is enlightened,
and which allows us to feel what is happening to the chakras of
ourselves and of others (840702); Collectively enlightened
awareness (830129); When we can cure others are connected to
others (790616); You become collectively conscious that means,
in your central nervous system, you start feeling others in
yourself it's a becoming (821007)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
- end - 27 Mar 2003
Collective Subconscious
The area on the far left of our being, containing all that is dead
since our creation whatever has gone out of our evolutionary
process all those big big animals all are there within us and
also from which proteins 58/56 invade our being, causing cancer
(811005; 831001); Which is a very dangerous zone. If you go to a
guru who practices the left side, or take to clairvoyance, i.e. to
someone who uses dead spirits, then you can get all sorts of
diseases including cancer (830302)
When you enter into the Collective Subconscious any one of
these spirits these busy bodies can catch hold of you and once
they catch hold of you, you are liable for any of these diseases.
Especially, I have seen if there's a possessed person of course
they become mad they get epilepsy all these are possessed
people. Epilepsy can be cured all such mental problems,
depression can be cured it's not difficult at all but one must
know that if you are possessed, you must really work it out and
see to it that it goes away from you and you become your Self.
Multiple Sclerosis a disease of the left side so far I have seen
three cases in England, which have been cured by Sahaja Yoga
and all of them had either the wife or husband possessed
These dead spirits they can enter into your being and they
are the ones who give you this power of dowsing you see that you
start knowing there is water because there are some spirits in
you which can do it, you see. ESP and all those things, come from
the same source. There could also be some on the right hand side
the Supraconscious ones, which are very aggressive - Hitler used
them. He is the one who used these Supraconscious people these
very aggressive people and enticed the poor German people and
made them so aggressive (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Collective Subconscious
These two areas the Collective Subconscious, and the
Collective Supraconscious are to be avoided. For example if you
see some Gods and Goddesses around me, that is not good
because you are seeing the left side, the past. What you have to
be is in the centre in the present. So all these things come to
you from some busy bodies that they enter into your being even
these people who cure these Spiritualists thats very
dangerous. All these are taking you to a realm which is not your
own it is somebody else who is acting. Even a thing like
acupuncture can be very dangerous because acupuncture uses
whatever energy is within you, of the sympathetics - this is the
energy which is all the time flowing, when you get connected to
the mains all the time it's flowing within you (821008)
So there are three areas, which are very dangerous where we
should not enter into the Supraconscious the Subconscious
and down below is the Hell (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
- end - 20 May 2003
Collective Supraconscious
That area on the far right of our being (870512), from where
one can get possessed by ambitious spirits, e.g. Gauguin (811005);
There could be some some of these busy bodies these dead
spirits which can catch hold of you and can enter into your
being on the right hand side the Supraconscious ones, which are
very aggressive - Hitler used them. He is the one who used these
Supraconscious people these very aggressive people and enticed
the poor German people and made them so aggressive (821008)
These two areas the Collective Subconscious, and the
Collective Supraconscious are to be avoided. For example
somebody sees auras around me I would say he should not it's
not proper because then you are on the right side but if you
see some Gods and Goddesses around me, that also is not good
because you are seeing the left side, the past. What you have to
be is in the centre in the present. So all these things come to
you from some busy bodies that they enter into your being even
these people who cure these Spiritualists thats very
dangerous. All these are taking you to a realm which is not your
own it is somebody else who is acting. Even a thing like
acupuncture can be very dangerous because acupuncture uses
whatever energy is within you, of the sympathetics - this is the
energy which is all the time flowing, when you get connected to
the mains all the time it's flowing within you (821008)
So there are three areas, which are very dangerous where we
should not enter into the Supraconscious the Subconscious
and down below is the Hell (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870512 Public Programme - Melbourne (+Q&A 35 mins) see 870512 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
870512 Public programme, Melbourne/Mothers Day Picnic
- end - 20 May 2003
It is necessary to meet collectively every day to avoid problems
only in collectivity maturity starts - it is a living process. If we are
not collective, we will disappear one day. It is like a tree, where
everything belonging to that tree grows - if a leaf separates off, it
dies - we have to stick onto the tree. In winter, leaves fall, because
a little bark forms a barrier in between, and they fall off. The same
thing happens in Sahaja Yoga, when we do not accept the principles
of Sahaja Yoga - we put a barrier. So we have to open ourselves up
to suck the sap - give up the ego and superego, our conditionings,
and ideas of before and so we surrender. This does not help the
tree, but it helps you. Pure intelligence gives you that sense, to do
this. Then all the blessings start to come (871016); We must come
to the Collective, otherwise there is the possibility of getting lost
Today is the day to make a big determination that you will start
enjoying your collective spirit which was opened on 5th May 1970
everything for the collectivity then the enjoyment will be
maximum you will never feel that you have sacrificed anything. But
still you are more identified with your own enjoyments and your
own ideas of enjoyment you still do not enjoy that collective
spirit you still like in companionship in company with each
other you enjoy it more like people who are not in Sahaja Yoga
very low grade just want to take advantage and have a nice time
and all that that type of people are not going to make much mark
for us. You all must be connected to God individually so that you
are all connected among yourselves (800505)
The best way to strengthen yourself is to be together as Sahaja
Yogis you must attend the programs, when there is a collective
Aarti or Puja or Meditation. When you collect together
something happens to you if you sit at home, and do something
nothing works out much. Anywhere when there are people sitting
together in meditation, Sahaja Yoga itself manifests because it is
a collective phenomena. There is a mathematics about it and
Sahaja Yoga works out after actually there are more than seven
people (770126.1)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
You have to be the whole, you have to be in the centre. Tell your
mind 'be humble' and all this relativity will go away, that you have
to be unique, that you are some higher soul or something - all that is
nonsense. Try to keep to the centripetal force, where you are in the
centre moving along in the centre. But, there is also a centrifugal
force acting, and once you try to go to anything extraordinary, try
to do something better, or something exceptional and try to show
off, or in any way you try to come out from the whole, then you just
go like a tangent, and in such a big way that you are amazed how you
are left out and such people go out of circulation (800907); Not to
be collective, itself is a negativity (890617.1)
Now, in 'collectivity', the Krishna Principle plus the principle of
Guru are mixed. So, when he becomes the Guru, then collectivity
starts when the principles of these two get integrated, then the
collectivity starts and as a result of that you get Discretion. Now
Shri Krishna is very fond of butter so to improve the discretion
part we take vibrated ghee or butter, which is heated up and put
it in the nose. But before that we gargle with salt which
represents the Guru principle (850502)
Collectivity is not to 'force' people to come to Sahaja Yoga once
they come to Sahaja Yoga they will know the joy of life and you
don't have to tell them anything nothing has to be told just
silently it will work and they will feel your love you see love is
something so great it not only helps others it also helps you
(970823.1); Collectivity is the beginning of Sahaja Yoga - Sahaja
Yoga is not meant for individuals (801116); If there is a problem in
one part, or in one individual, then there is a problem for the whole,
for the collectivity. If there is a problem for the collectivity, for
the whole, then it will reflect on you (890611); When collectivity is
disturbed, the centres that catch are Vishuddhi and Sahastrara,
and if it goes beyond a certain level, then you catch on the heart,
and if Agnya, left or right join in, then you develop Ekadesha Rudra
(801116); The greatest law of Sahaja Yoga is that it is a collective
happening (880103)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
Collectivity is the work of Adi Shakti only, because it exists at
Sahastrara. If we cannot be collective, or enjoy collectivity, then
there is something wrong with us. Avoid criticising each other
(900923); We are cells in the Mother's body - Mother has
awakened us. If we are sick, then Mother is sick in the sense that
She liberates more vibrations and She feels sick with that, if we
cannot take those vibrations - 'when you take vibrations I feel very
happy' (801116)
We have to be in the collective at the slightest provocation,
people become non-collective if they cannot have rapport with
other Sahaja Yogis cannot talk to other Sahaja Yogis cannot live
with other Sahaja Yogis then there is something wrong with
them they must understand that there's something wrong with
them, and nothing wrong with others. I know of a Sahaja Yogi who
came and told me that 'Mother they are very unkind to me they
are very suspicious of me they do this and do that' nothing of
the kind it was his own mind that was working like that, and giving
him ideas against other Sahaja Yogis. So, never criticise your
brothers and sisters if you have to criticise, criticise yourself.
Best is to criticise yourself, and see for yourself what's wrong with
you that you cannot fit into the collective (860818)
The tongue is first of all for saying things which are sweet and
beautiful let us find out what sweet things we are going to say to
people not expressing 'our' views, like 'I like it I like that' or 'I
want that', but on the contrary 'do you like this' 'would you
enjoy this' so the language should be directed towards others
showing interest and concern. The voice Should be melodious, and
the language should be controlled. If we can control our tongue,
80% of collectivity we will achieve (850502)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
Collectivity will make you grow if we try to separate off, then
we may drop off; Our house may be separate, but each house must
be for all Sahaja Yogis - any visiting Sahaja Yogi must feel that he
is the owner of that house (871024); Nobody should arbitrarily
decide, but should consult the collective, especially the leader to
find out if whatever you have thought of is alright. One may commit
lots of mistakes, if you start behaving arbitrarily (880103); The
Spirit is the collective being, is absolutely one with the collective
You have to understand how the collective phenomenon works
out. If there is a Realised Soul then he is surrounded by two or
three Divine (word unclear) but in certain cases, when there is a
Realised Soul, and he is not yet say, that good say for example if
he smokes then there could be only one, following such a man
mostly there's at least minimum of one. So every Realised Soul has
got some people with him. But if somebody for a short time
does something mad actually very bad then all of them might
depart for the time being but they again come back to him. Now
when such a man is struggling to have an experience if there is
another positive person a very positive person comes in and he
may be having more people with him so he may be able to spare
some of his people to prop up this man. Those people who just
innocently commit mistakes, or something like that and they are
very active in Sahaja Yoga, and are good people - and they may also
find it difficult, hard sometimes to overcome their habits - so they
must know at that time, that if they go to another Sahaja Yogi, who
does not have this particular habit say, of taking the snuff
then the other person's guides, who are hovering on him, can help
this man much more so than the another man, who is about to take
a snuff - and if you go next to him and his have already departed
then they take away all the three that you had. But they do not
enter into your psyche but they bring about a cosmic change
around (770126.1)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
But supposing a person is suffering from bhoota-baddha or he
has been to some gurus so the guru will also fix some entities with
that fellow into his psyche. Now when this one is trying to do
something bad then he will be supported by another bhoota-
walla the fraternity works very fast there will be no freedom in
him he will just go like a magnet he will be attracted towards
that person who has a bhoota-baddha immediately and he'll
become weak (770126.1)
Now what is the difference the difference is very great in
the first case you have to choose to be in the company of a Sahaja
Yogi who does not have these habits for example a hot tempered
fellow when he gets into hot temper can think of somebody who
is very silent by temperament or, a man who is so silent that he
can't say anything though he is mad about it when his Mother is
insulted then, if he thinks of someone who would not tolerate this
stuff then immediately he will get the power (770126.1)
But you find that so many Sahaja Yogis get attracted to
negativity just like that they don't know how they get interested
into that - but to positivity they have to exert themselves. That's
why I tell people do not keep combination with people who have
the same weakness but you will find always, friendship is there -
say there are two Sahaja Yogis who talk ill of Sahaja Yoga, morning
til evening finding faults with Sahaja Yoga they will combine
together they make good company you see. It is better to have
diverse company, so that you supplement each other better than
to be attracted towards people who are of the same nature. Like
somebody who is a show-off you see he must say something to
show off all the time now another show-off should run away from
him he should sit with a person who is a shy person - this is very
different style from that of the negative people because in
negativity, two negatives must join together nicely to become
real negative. But in Sahaja Yoga, two opposites must meet to be
good Sahaja Yogis - but this must be done in complete freedom in
complete understanding (770126.1)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
What is the knack, then of being a good Sahaja Yogi in one word,
that you can understand one small thing is to be responsible if
you are a responsible Sahaja Yogi you will find your own way if
you are not, you will go to doom because if you are responsible
then only God is going to give you more (770126.1)
Now the collectivity part of it is very important anybody who
cannot be collective is not yet a Sahaja Yogi collective in the
sense that anybody who cannot live with other Sahaja Yogis who
tries to find fault with someone all the time who wants to run
away, with his wife or with her husband and stay somewhere else
who wants to get out is not a person who is collective. You have to
be collective and to be collective means at every collective
program you should be there you should always meet collectively
meditate collectively and find ways and methods of being
collective (860823)
There are so many evil forces which are all the time trying to
attack collectivity first they will attack the leaders then they
have their sly methods of going around and talking something here
and there in the ears to create some sort of a politics. All such
people will be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga as there is a centrifugal
and a centripetal force both acting equal and opposite. Anybody
who goes against collectivity who sticks to their bhoots to their
negativity will have to get out of Sahaja Yoga (860823)
It is to be remembered that to be collective, is to be joyous is
to be progressive to be going further. You have got your
Realisation remember this now you have entered into the
Kingdom of God into the Kingdom of Virat where you are part and
parcel of a Collective Being you are not alone you cannot be
singled out you cannot separate yourself you have become part
and parcel of that collectivity and that Virat is going to look after
you going to nourish you going to do everything that is necessary
for your spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, even financial
development. But if you try to cut it short if you try to block the
collectivity or try to make problems for, or even if you try just to
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
get out of the collectivity then that is not our work. This is to be
understood fully, in every way possible you should know that
collectivity is not only for your advancement not only for your
development not only for 'your' achievements it's the
achievement of the whole humanity the purpose of your creation is
fulfilled by that (860823)
Those people who live in the ashrams are better off always than
the people who live alone always they will always have better
results than the people who live alone. Maybe they live alone
because they want to have a little private life but their privacy is
not going to help them at all the more you live together reside
together enjoy together there will be greater chances of your
advancement the more you will try to make yourself private or
try to get out of it whatever explanation you may give God
understands very well and there's a big problem for you. You
should enjoy more the company of Sahaja Yogis, than your own
private company in the dingy room of yours. That is one thing you
can judge yourself the judgement is your own (860823)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Collectivity
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primord'l Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella. see 970823 good 65
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860818 Raksha Bandhan - Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita - Lac Noir
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
Comfort enslaves (830131); Comfort has ruined you you must
understand - these are terrible conditionings. You must try to be a
little uncomfortable. This conditioning has to be reduced as much
as possible (821231); With right sided people, the brain is so
wobbly that you just can't bear any discomfort a slight
discomfort in the body makes you very very upset (0.0011); We
don't worry about physical comforts, but about Spiritual comforts
(960505); The so-called comforts are nothing but the enslavement
of your Spirit get out of it it's a nonsense (830104)
When your attention is on the Spirit, then you don't feel the
discomfort of nature, or of worldly things; That is the first sign
when a Sahaja Yogi starts complaining about comforts, that is the
first sign that he is not a Sahaja Yogi as yet (861225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-830104 Stop Complaining - see 830104.1 good 35
-821231 Ganesha Puja - Kolapur - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
830104.1 Stop Complaining/How to Proceed - Sholapur/Vaitarna - xxx
830104.2 Address to the Sholapur IMA - Sholapur good 35
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The Kundalini is nourished by pure love and compassion, and by
avoiding involvement into any relationships (920621); She is your
Mother, the source of all love and compassion full of kindness,
and forgives all you have done (790616); The Kundalini of Sahaja
Yogis is made of love, pure love. The pure love has only pure
desire is to love love everyone equally (920621)
What we often think of as compassion is actually nothing but
sympathy, and gets us nowhere (850408); Sympathy will only bring
you in trouble; When your attention is active, and acts with no
involvement then that is compassion. You have to cleanse your
attention for that and have attention that is silent, witnessing,
not involved, but is dynamic - it works. So 'concern' is the point
(870408); It should be benevolent for one's Hita (860305);
Compassion is Joy giving; The Spirit is the ocean of compassion -
open your heart to others (821101)
If you are having compassion for others then you dont catch -
you catch because you dont have compassion - a mother never
gets a disease from her child she'll never get a disease from her
child it's a fact. In the same way when you really 'love' you'll
never catch anything (0.0011)
Do not show compassion to the bad people. You must know that
those who are good are good, and those who are not are horrid
because they are basically horrid they are evil they are evil
geniuses. We should not be sympathetic towards them at all
those who are evil are evil. They are anti God, anti Christ they
are our enemies we have nothing to do with them. We must
discriminate between good and bad if you cannot do that, then
you will be in trouble (871220)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Compassion
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
They have competition of ego lots of competitions like beauty
competitions this that all these things actually give the person
ego and others also run after they think I should be like that
so it's very deadening. In the heart of hearts we like humble people
and if we want others to like us, we should be also very humble
(001225); In India many sensible people opposed a beauty
competition there because it's like selling your body, and making
money. If you get money by selling your body it's prostitution you
are not supposed to sell your body but, you should dress up well - so
one has to have respect for the body (971005)
Competition and jealousy should be brought round there should be
competition between the one that you 'were' and what you 'are'
your 'present' should go faster, and faster leaving this 'past'
behind as much as you can. There should be no competition between
Sahaja Yogis in acquisition or in shouting, screaming and being harsh
to others let us have competition in compassion, in mildness, in
sweetness, in beautiful behaviour who is more cultured more
gentlemanly who is deeper. The competition between women and
men must be stopped women must have their own place and men
must have their own place. So the competition should end in sharing
We have to compete in getting up earlier, in finishing our bath
earlier, in putting everything neatly. All of you should put everything
neatly be smart, be quick. Then you should not pay attention to
nonsensical things, but try to put your attention while walking or
anywhere, on the Mother Earth. If there are thoughts coming, just
you see that you stop the thoughts and you can't afford to have
wobbly eyes in Sahaja Yoga that's very wrong. If that happens, try
to put down your eyes, because these eyes cannot allow your Kundalini
to rise (871224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 7 Apr 2003
Men and women are complimentary; Like the left hand must have
also the right hand it's like that it's all one sum total together.
But if you see how complimentary powers work like left side is
complimentary to the right side but they cannot be the same
they have to be opposite otherwise how are they complimentary.
So one should respect the wives and the wives should respect
the husbands because they are complimentary (950625)
It is better to have diverse company, so that you supplement
each other better than to be attracted towards people who are
of the same nature. Like somebody who is a show-off you see he
must say something to show off all the time now another show-
off should run away from him he should sit with a person who is a
shy person - this is very different style from that of the negative
people because in negativity, two negatives must join together
nicely to become real negative. But in Sahaja Yoga, two opposites
must meet to be good Sahaja Yogis - but this must be done in
complete freedom in complete understanding (770126.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 20 Jun 2003
To remove a bhoot without getting it into yourself, firstly of
course, put yourself into bandhan. Then there are different ways
according to the different bhoots. When dealing with someone
who is possessed, you should take an aggressive stance, take a
higher position, go with great force on that person. There should
be no compromise. Tell him to "Sit Down!" Then ask questions to
ascertain the nature of the problem. After putting yourself in
bandhan, ask if he has gone to any guru find out which one. Ask if
he still believes in that guru. If he does, do not say 'sorry', but
say 'we cannot help you, go away'. But if he says 'yes I have a
problem, I am in trouble, I am possessed etc.', then you can
continue, by asking the name of his guru, what is his mantra, how
many years he has been with his guru etc. then you will know
what is the mantra to use (800517.2)
There's nothing to be frightened of anyone. Because someone
is going to say some harsh words, that's why you don't want to do
something - such compromising people. There is no compromise in
Sahaja Yoga (830723.3); In Sahaja Yoga, we respect the leaders -
though they may not be perfect. They must know how to correct
others, because sometimes we need it, and we accept that,
because we want our ascent. Leaders should be kind,
compassionate and good, but not to compromise with nonsense and
laziness; The first thing that we get into in Sahaja Yoga is
laziness - do not compromise with laziness (871016)
There are all kinds of things that you have got from your past
and you must try to get out of it otherwise you cannot rise high.
A person who is not innocent, cannot worship Shri Ganesha those
who are not innocent, play 'games', try tricks, gossip, indulge in
filth he cuts them out. Innocence is a very sharp thing it does
not have any compromise which you can see in the life of Christ.
With his trunk, Ganesha throws people out he sees for a while,
and if people remain still half baked, they are thrown out of
Sahaja Yoga. Innocence gives you complete sincerity, and Ganesha
is the judge and he is the one who throws you out on the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Compromise
periphery like a tangent you get out of Sahaja Yoga and then
you go down and down and down and you may develop horrible
diseases of the Mooladhara chakra (840902); Half-baked those
who compromise with the Devil, and speak of God (820711)
Shiva tolerates a lot of nonsense, because he is fond of
forgiving and Vishnu tries to play, or to punish, or to kill but
Ganesh Tattwa has no compromise of any kind, and when Christ is
going to come in the Ekadesha form there will be no compromise,
no Mataji, no crying, no argument, nothing Shri Ganesha himself
will throw people into Hell so be careful on that (840902)
Kalki is devoid of any compassion. There are 11 Rudras, 11
destructive, destroying powers absolutely settled in him which
are guarding the beauty of Sahaja Yoga. Anybody who tries to play
around with Sahaja Yoga is harmed very badly. Don't try to
trouble anybody who is a Saintly person, a good person nor to
play tricks with the Divine because Kalki is already on! Be careful
about it because once this power comes on you, you will not know
how to hide yourself. Not only to Sahaja Yogis, but this I am
telling to the whole world today - be careful don't take it easy,
and do not compromise with nonsensical people - stick onto the
'Right'. The day is very near when Kalki is going to come. Be
careful. Do not try to harm others, or take advantage of others,
and do not show off your own powers, because once this
destruction will start in your life, you won't know how to stop it
The Kundalini is the one that thinks the one that understands
the one that loves you, and knows each and everything about you in
this life and the life before. She is absolute dharma, absolute
righteousness, absolute purity the ideal-most personality that
you could think of, which doesn't tolerate any nonsense,
falsehood, or untruth. She's Nirmala She's pure - purity
personified. She doesn't accept any compromise and She is
within you see how beautiful you are. She is not afraid of
anyone cannot be enticed, enchanted or tempted by anything
and She loves, but Her love is that pure that nothing is higher
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Compromise
for Her than Her own love. She never reconciles to anything, and
She is the one who gives you your Self Realisation. So we have to
find out methods of pleasing Her what makes Her so unhappy
why doesn't She want to rise we have to find out the means and
methods (791111)
So it is essential that you take up Sahaja Yoga in the most
dedicated manner, and give up all these things that make you
compromise, and make you a horribly mixed up person. Only Sahaja
Yoga is going to cleanse you, and make you an absolutely positive
person. This is the only way (790928)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop -
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 11 Mar 2003
If you start putting your eyes onto something and concentrating
on it, your eyes might become mesmeric means bhoots will start
coming out of your eyes. First of all you catch bhoots in your
eyes they settle down there and then they will be falling on
other people as bhoots it's a very very dangerous thing to go on
looking at something continuously with concentration (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 5 Apr 2003
When trying to help another, it is no good going to that person,
and saying 'I am trying to help you' - that is wrong, is ignorance.
Sympathy will only bring you in trouble. So 'concern' is the point.
Your attention is active, and acts with no involvement that is
compassion. You have to cleanse your attention for that, and have
attention that is silent, witnessing, not involved, but is dynamic -
it works (870408)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Are those things, that without finding out the truth about them,
you have just accepted them as they are so if you can find out
the truth about these things, you will give them up you may
(800517.1); When it is conditioning, you are in doubts, with this
kind of a fear that 'I shouldn't do like this' 'I shouldn't do like
that' 'this is not allowed' 'that is not allowed' that is the
conditioning part of it, and can be of many types (980510); We are
conditioned by blind faith, and superstitions (830129) by the
different religions we are born into by the Nationality we
acquire when we are born (890619); We have so many
conditionings, and we have come here (India - Ed), to get out of
them first of all our comforts; Conditioning has to go has to be
reduced as much as possible (821231); Conditionings kill joy, and
must be cleaned out (960505)
With conditionings you develop a superego, by which you can be a
person who is very frightened, who takes aggression from others,
who is very subdued, over subdued you run away from your
duties you escape from things lots of things are there if you
are overdeveloped on the left side (800809)
Give up all superstitions, fanaticisms, and fears nothing can
harm us now: no stars, no science, nor time of birth, none of these
can affect us now all Astrology, horoscopes, karma, palmistry,
biorhythms, love affairs, fears of love affairs, all are finished
now. All expectations are finished. Now is only Love is Joy.
Whatever is gone, is gone is finished - the leaves that fall from
the tree don't rise again, and get attached to the tree; What is
new that is coming in, is to be nurtured - is the Joy that
dignified, majestic beauty within ourselves. Then we don't get
upset, we are not bothered what others say and others will see
that dignity (800517.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Conditionings
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-821231 Ganesha Puja - Kolapur - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
That which gives a greater urge to seek (840731); When the
confusion is there when the Saints are attacked, the aggressor
can be removed but, the Saints become mixed up, or confused
with those negative forces in which it is very difficult to make
him see the light. But you have seen the situation very well and
the subtler you grow, the subtler they become and they start
giving you ideas which are so negative. But you cannot see them.
So the problem today is very delicate - there are no absolute
Saints there are no absolute bad people such a mixture a
confusion - that is what this Kali yuga is these modern times are.
The only way to get rid of them is to surrender thats the only
way there is no other way out because when you surrender the
spirits, the negativity, the satanic forces just disappear. They
have no interest in a person who is surrendered to God. They
cannot surrender. If they surrender theyll also become Saints.
All the time to think 'what are my catches what are my
negativities' is not going to help you just surrender all these
ideas that are coming to you and you will find that all absurd
ideas will run away. This is the easiest way to get rid of your
problems is just to surrender (801019)
'Realisation' is that you become 'one' with the Absolute you
know the Absolute once you know the Absolute, then only you can
know the Relative. Unless and until you know the Absolute, you are
in confusion because everything is relative and that is why
nobody knows what is really right, and what is not. So you have to
have an 'Absolute Point' like, you have 'One Metre' in Paris,
which is a fixed thing so when you say it is ten metres, then it is
ten times of that metre which is in Paris. But because we have not
found our Absolute, we are in confusion and so the first thing is,
that we must find our Absolute and the Absolute is the Spirit
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Confusion
The Spirit is existing creating waves it vibrates without any
percussion. For example to make a sound I have to clap my
hand, one to another or, supposing a stone thrown in a pond
has to hit the water to create that pattern of waves but the
Spirit just without any percussion, it creates. It is said that
Spirit is Nisbund it is not a thing that goes into percussion it
doesnt create this Bundana. For example, I am sitting here you
can feel my vibrations the waves are coming without any
percussion it just emits. In the same way your Spirit. Maybe
you feel it when you touch it, through your Kundalini when it is
awakened but when it is connected to your attention then your
attention receives those waves without percussion which flow in
your hands as Chaitanya Lahari, as these waves and because it is
coming from the Absolute, you get a complete answer about the
Absolute, from this (791009.1.1)
First is Yoga means the Unity, or as called in Sanskrit, Yukti
of your attention, called as Jiva and your Spirit, called as Shiva.
These two must meet unless and until they meet, you cannot
reach your Absolute or Aapar, in Sanskrit so then there is no
Paraspara means there is nothing Relative about it - it's an
absolute thing. Then, you get your Kshema means your well-being,
after Yoga and then you gradually start maturing and once you
mature, understandingly, properly then you have to keep a
certain amount of Suchitta, purity. If you do not keep that
Suchitta that purity within yourself, and that truthfulness about
it, you won't progress that fast it is for you to do it if you do
not do it, you are the loser (791009.1.1)
Now when the maturity starts also, in the beginning, some people
are quite confused if they are able to get out of it then they
can establish themselves. But if they cannot if they still remain
in the same confusion then, they can be lost and they can never
get out of it. This confusion has to be fought has to be faced
has to be seen. This confusion comes because of conditionings you
have had lots of conditionings you have had you have had lots of
brain washing also you have had physical problems mental
problems and also the atmosphere and all kinds of other
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Confusion
things that have spoilt your instrument but because of your
Kundalini awakening, your chakras get enlightenment and through
this enlightenment you can see everything and you start
correcting yourself and rising higher and higher (791009.1.1)
Some people achieve maturity much faster than others despite
the fact that they may have been ruined by many but still they
do it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what we call
Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the power of
Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and comes from
your heart absolutely from your heart then it works much
faster. Once you put your heart to it, everything will work out
well because the whole force is coming from your heart because
in the heart resides the Spirit. So the only judging point is 'am I
doing it from my heart or am I doing it superficially'
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
- end - 17 Jun 2003
So how much he (Hanumana) gives us I mean we can say if
Ganesha gives us the wisdom then he (Hanumana) gives us the
power to think and he protects us also that we should not think
of bad things that is we can say that if Ganesha gives us the
wisdom then Shri Hanumana gives us the conscience. I hope you
understand the difference between the two if wisdom is there
you do not need conscience so much because you are wise, you
know what is good what is bad but conscience is needed in a
personality where he is to be controlled and that control comes
from Shri Hanumana which is the conscience in the human being.
Now this conscience which is in Shri Hanumana is the subtle form
of him which gives us in Sanskrit is called as Sat(a)Sat
Vivekabuddhi Sat means truth Asat means untruth and Viveka
means discrimination and Buddhi means intelligence so
intelligence to discriminate between truth and untruth is given to
us by Shri Hanumana (900831)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Now see what is the situation of a man, as a masculine effect on
the development of consciousness as manliness was expressed,
we have developed science, we have developed all this knowledge
all those things which are outside. Now everything is ready now
the feminine nature has to rise now. Now everything is ready, it
has to just spark all the chakras are ready now awaken the
Kundalini (830821)
The consciousness of human beings, not only men but women
also is moving more towards the feminine expression of life it is
time for the motherly qualities to develop. Even a man, when he
becomes motherly he only, becomes a great man (830821); So
now in you the motherhood must take over rather than the
fatherhood; The quality of a woman as a mother is the power,
most important to ignite Sahaja Yoga (830821)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
- end - 9 May 2003
May develop in a right sided person (830209); Normally people
get constipation if you don't take chillies Indians never suffer
from this disease, because they have always a little chillies in
their food. A little chillies is alright you can develop a little
taste for chillies it's alright. It cleanses you, and it has vitamin
C also in it, so it's quite good for colds and things (881207)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Some people are negative in the sense that they are on the left
hand side, and some people are negative because they are on the
right hand side. Some times these combinations work very well.
When a dominating man tries to dominate a left hand person, they
are great friends because one dominates and the other takes
domination. As soon as the left hand person comes on the centre
or tries to come to the right, the dominating one starts clashing
then they are the worst of enemies. It happens like that so be on
the alert (800927)
Now a person who is on the left should try to come in the
centre and in the same way a person who is on the right side
should come to the centre. Now how do you do it a person who is
on the right side should try to become friendly with the left sided
person, and the left hand side person should try to be friendly
with the right sided person. So what is the give and take in this.
The right sided person will be a better organiser maybe maybe
not at least will be a better orator, or may be a better sort of a
leader may not be you can't say he may be the one who will
suggest things and who will bring out things who will say 'I'll do
this sort of thing maybe'. The left hand person will be frightened,
but will be humble, loving, more affectionate he'll be much more
at the command of others. This one will be commanding and the
other will be receiving the commands (800927)
Now how do we solve the problem of this mixture. The one who
is very much on the ego side should try to obey the person who is
on the left side, and the left sided should try to command more on
the right hand person and it should be accepted it should be
mutually understood there should be a contract alright I am
the ego oriented person, and you are the superego oriented, now
let us do one thing you try to dominate me, and I'll try to obey
you it will work out (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Contract
But it is rather difficult to get a left sided person here (UK)
there are very few some were left sided, but when it came to
ego they were worse than anybody else. But, you can have a left
sided person and let him dominate til he develops his ego he's
alright if he develops, then he should stop it but with complete
understanding, watching yourself how you develop, how far you
go a play should go on. But if you are identifying with yourself
that I am always right, or nobody's right, then nothing can work
out. So the best way to do this sort of thing is 'alright you
order, and I'll do' 'let you organise and we'll do it you tell us
how to do it'. Let us decide to improve ourselves, and not to feel
bad about it we have to improve a lot (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 27 Apr 2003
We should vibrate our food - the food should carry love, be
cooked with love, and be eaten with love, with kind words. It is
better to avoid hotel food, which is not cooked with love
(830131); Don't think about yourself think of others think
what others like; It is such a joy-giving thing to cook for
others. The Principle of Lakshmi is only enjoyed, when you share
with others we have to learn to share. Sharing of your things is
an extremely joy giving thing that is how all of us have to live
sharing things (960716)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
- end - 22 Apr 2003
Cool Breeze
Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, the All Pervading Power of
God's Love; The Ruh; The Paramchaitanya; Rutumbhara (MME);
Cool Breeze of the Adi Shakti, of the Primordial Kundalini
(840313); The Cool Breeze is all around us and we can start
feeling it in our hands (821008), when the Kundalini pierces the
Fontanelle bone area (800613), and emerges from the top of the
head if our Vishuddhi centre is alright (821008); You find a cool
breeze coming out of your head and thats called as Chaitanya
Lahari thats called as Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost (821007);
This is what Christ meant by 'to be born again' and not to just
call some people and say 'alright, now we will have some baptism'
(821008); What is the subtle of Air is this Cool Breeze that
you get (981216)
It is coolbecause the All Pervading Power is felt like that
when your Spirit is enlightened. It is existing everywhere but
you never felt it before you start feeling it when your Spirit is
awakened (810524); Is very temperate it's not a thing that is
freezingly cold if it is freezingly cold, that means left side.
Cool breeze is actually never 'very cold' it's not freezing. It
could be hot with some people it could be very cool because of
their problems but if you are a normal person, you feel a cooler
sensation it is slightly less than your body temperature it's
not so very cooling as to freeze you - if it is hot, there is
something wrong with you (810524)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Cool Breeze
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
MME Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji
The Vishuddhi looks after the cooling function - the liver gives
heat, whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi. If the Vishuddhi is
good, then there is a bloom on the face, a glow, a sparkle in the
eyes (830202); Vishuddhi chakra looks after so many things,
especially your skin, your eyes people who have bad Vishuddhi can
have all kinds of funny troubles with their skin of course it has
to do with your liver, but skin is the way it shines the way it
glows depends on how you smile how you look at the world. Many
people have a habit of smiling for nothing at all especially women
I have seen they just smile stupidly thats not proper one
should not be stupid stupidity is against Shri Krishna (860823)
The Moon represents the Atma the cooling capacity - you are
all on the right side so you ask for the Moon ask for the Spirit
(.0011); A right sided person has all the elements which give heat
you can say the light and the fire so to correct it, light is not
going to help very much. What is going to work out is the Mother
Earth and the water element which is cooling even ice is very
helpful to people who are right sided. So all cooling effects should
be used for correcting your right sidedness. The same with food
those who are right sided should take to foods which are left
sided i.e. carbohydrates, and should become partly vegetarian, and
should eat things at the most like chickens, but not fishes or sea
food, because they are all hot (830121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Copper is responsible for Aids, and comes from Zambia. It is
carried by monkeys, though they do not suffer from Aids; Copper
also is important in humans to prevent gout (890725); Copper
should not be used for holding Amrut, as it is poisonous and will
normally lead to illness (890527)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Correcting Left Side
It is the side of our conditionings, attachments, and habits.
These problems can be destroyed by Shri Bhairava, who controls
this channel, and also can be cured by putting left hand to the
Photo, and the right hand on Mother Earth (890806); The right
side subtle system is raised and taken over to the left side, by
movement of the right hand, to bring system into balance
(830121), and done if we are feeling sleepy, or lazy - then put
Right to Left 7 times, with the Right hand, whilst watching
Mother, or it can be done also with the Photo (821101)
A left sided person (someone who is too much in the left side),
cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity, and can be very negative, and
depressive, finding problems everywhere, but it can be cured by
putting left hand to the Photo, or to the Mother, and the right
hand on Mother Earth (890806)
Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands maybe some
of you if so, you can just throw it away or those who are
feeling the left hand hot, please put your right hand on the heart
The left side is to be cleared through the light. Light is put
before the photograph left hand towards the photograph right
hand on the Mother Earth so the left hand gets the light, and
the light passes through, and the negativity of the left side
passes through the right hand which is on the Mother Earth so
the Mother Earth is the one who sucks in all these negative forces
of the left side (880921)
Left sided people should use the light or the fire to correct
their left side (830121); Those who are left sided who have left
side problems, should use as much as possible a good ghee lamp
and see me through the flame. A candle is nice to look at but I
don't think that wax is so good (840214)
To correct a left side catch, we can keep our eyes focused on
the ground, or use the Mahakali or Ida Nadi Swamini mantras, or
the Surya mantra (800517.2); For left side problems, give bandhan
or burn your name (870408); If the left hand is shaking, put the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correcting Left Side
right hand on your heart (whilst taking vibrations - Ed) (830302);
Left sided people should beware of grouping with others who are
like minded (890806), should not do exercises which are forward
bending (840313), and may be helped by eating more nitrogenous
foods, i.e. proteins (840313; 830121)
To get into the centre, to achieve balance, first we move out of
the left side to the right side, and from there to the centre. If you
are feeling lethargic, are unable to get up, or are feeling sleepy or
not alert, plan what you will do and get into action. Even doing Puja
is a good idea. Then when you are into action, in order to get into
the centre, just watch everything, just witness say to yourself
that you are not doing it (800517.2)
Clear your Mooladharas (830104); If you are in Maharashtra, and
you have any problem of Mooladhara, then if you sit down on the
ground, and put your left hand towards the photo and the right
hand on the Mother Earth, and say the Shri Ganesha mantra, or the
Atharvasheersha, your left side will be cured means the left
Swadisthan first of all. So if you take vibrations on the left side,
then you clear out your Mooladhara in such a manner that the
problems of Mooladhara are solved. Of course Mother Earth is
everywhere, but this you can't do anywhere else 'that' good
because this is a special place for Mooladhara chakra, where it
clears you very much, and fills you with holiness and auspiciousness.
So try to sit on the ground as much as you can, and try to meditate
with your left hand towards the Sun and the right hand on the
Mother Earth (881207); Cures also include, watching the Mother
without blinking (830113.2)
These flowers when you give them to me, they give you two things
- flowers are very important if they are beautiful, then they give
to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara.
Now think of it you are doing it to improve your chakras (800927)
Problems of the stomach area are helped by taking vibrated salt,
which absorbs all that is mobile for left side problems take salt
(781005); Proteins are useful for correcting an imbalance, where
the person is too much on the left side of the subtle system
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correcting Left Side
The heart can be opened out by Sahaja Yoga, by one thing by
saying 'Mother, come in my heart' just say it 12 times it works
To correct the left Vishuddhi, put left hand towards the Mother,
(or the photo), and right hand on Mother Earth, give a bandhan to
the left Vishuddhi, and say in your heart: "Mother I am not guilty".
But these become rituals if you do not say it from your heart
(860305; 850901); On left Vishuddhi point Mother says She fails
it is for us to do it. Forget the past - now you belong to a new
family, a Holy family - people who are saints are sitting here, and
amongst them you are (850901)
If you tell someone he is catching left Vishuddhi, he will become
even worse - what a vicious circle it is. So how to correct it, how to
break the vicious circle, is to face it tell yourself 'No! I have done
this today tomorrow I am going to do it No! Stop it now! Stop!' -
give yourself shocks. If you have done something wrong, punish
yourself, for example by not doing something that you would like to
do normally (850901); So we have to correct the instrument now if
you think you are the electricity, you can correct it, but if you think
you are the instrument you can never correct it (800907)
With the Hamsa if the problem is from the left side, then this
may be corrected by keeping the eyes focused on the ground, or by
using Ida Nadi Swamini, or Mahakali mantras, or the Surya mantra
(800517.2); Problems can include shooting headaches on one side, or
sinus problems, and may result from being overloaded with decision
making. Avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour (MME); Also may
result from dry conditions in home or workplace, and can be
corrected by the use of ghee or oil in the nose - just one drop in
each nostril, morning and evening (841005; 870408)
Now if you have left Agnya that means there is a possession on
it somehow; What is the mantra for this for back Agnya is
Mahaganesha Mahabhairava correct (810904); Also 'Hum' is a
mantra which sends the message: 'don't be afraid' 'I am' - 'Hum'
drives out fear, and invokes the help of the Divine, and is used to
correct Superego problems of fear, feeling subordinated, worries,
conditionings (781218); If they have a problem with the Agnya, they
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correcting Left Side
should use a candle at the back if their eyesight is getting weak,
or is short-sighted (830209); At the back we ask for forgiveness
(890801), where we have to say 'if we have made any mistake oh
God forgive us' (790722); Light is used on the back Agnya light
has to be given if the back Agnya is not alright (950625)
This right and left side movement has to finish you have to be
in the centre, and to come in the centre the best thing is to
meditate about 10 minutes in the night and about 5 minutes in the
morning. Some people do not meditate then they cannot grow. The
way you can grow is only through meditation and understanding
The cure for problems with Ekadesha Rudra is to give up wrong
ideas, and wrong Gurus, and by accepting that Sahaja Yoga is the
only way; Beat with shoes (830204; 840916; 970316); If you bow
before any wrong guru you catch your Ekadesha Rudra (810904);
To neutralise a guru, who has been a bad guru you have to
surrender to the Real Guru - if your guru is a real guru then you
surrender to the Mother of your real guru because your real guru
is also surrendered to this - she is the Mother of all the Gurus of
all the Prophets of all the Incarnations. She exists and after
her only Parabrahma is (810904)
We have to be on guard to see what is closing the Sahastrara
(960505); To keep Sahastrara absolutely clear cut, we must listen
to whatever I have told you, and obey it, as absolutely an ordained
thing. To keep the Sahastrara clean is to open your heart if your
hearts are not open, how will I fill it up with my love open your
hearts to your fellow Yogis and Yoginis (870503.1); To catch the
Sahastrara is a very serious thing you might develop Ekadesha
with that, and you'll be in trouble the reason is when you are a
Sahaja Yogi you have to recognise me that's the condition if
you do not, you will develop this Ekadesha, and I tell you then it is
not possible to allow this Kundalini to come up know that this
Realisation was given by me and nobody else (830209); I can
write a chapter, like a book, on Sahastrara because that's my
place I know it so well (811006)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correcting Right Side
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-941105.1 Diwali Puja, Istanbul - see 941105 good 35
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja - Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) - see 860725 good 10
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802(Video)
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-791118 Where stand in S.Y./How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor, then good) not good 75
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840718 Chiswick Town Hall, [33 mins Q&A + partial Experience] good 55
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation - Los Angeles good 45
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
Source :
Correcting by the Mother is for our Hita, for our own good, is
said for our Hita - is 'said', in love not 'done' (830202); The
problem is that when I say something, no-one thinks that I am
saying about 'you' each person. You immediately start shifting
your mind to other persons, finding fault with other people
(821219); Sometimes our Mother shouts at us just once She
shouts - immediately all the bhoots run away (830113)
We accept correction, because we want our ascent. Leaders
should know how to correct others, because sometimes we need
it - they should be kind, compassionate and good, but should not
compromise with nonsense, and laziness (871016)
Left Vishuddhi is to be corrected by us ourselves, by facing it
and telling ourselves 'No stop it now', and by giving ourselves
shocks, or punishments; Chastity is to be established not by
giving bandhans, or by taking vibrations from the Mother and
then getting lost, but by we ourselves correcting ourselves
morning til evening and facing ourselves and not feeling guilty
Use your right Vishuddhi to shout at yourself: 'Now will you
please stop talking all this nonsense stop showing-off'
(830113); Our attitude should be the Sahaja Yoga attitude is
we should correct ourselves, instead of correcting others you
should not try to correct others (840214); You cannot correct
others, you can only correct yourself - try to discriminate to
see where you are going wrong (801116)
Without asking, you are not to fix my program anywhere
without taking my permission if you ever try to do such tricks
with me, I'll put you right. You know I have all the powers to
correct you so don't take liberties with me anymore I'm
telling you I'm warning you. Try to understand (850629)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correction
It is you who have to gain something out of Me (830723.3);
Whether I get angry with you, whether I scold you, or pamper
you, whether I say "don't do that" or "don't come very close
to me keep away", anything that I do like that is benevolent
to you (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia, see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara, Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 24 Jun 2003
Cosmic Consciousness
Which is the Highest of Highest, which is the Param Tattwa, the
Principle of all the Principles, and controls all the principles of all
the 5 elements (860706); The One that creates, co-ordinates,
plans into all the details, the One that loves through it's creation,
through it's expression, is that Cosmic Consciousness, the Brahma.
We are part and parcel of that - we are not only in it, we can
handle it, regulate it, use it and work it out. When we are in this
state, we are the Guru (860706)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
- end - 26 Mar 2003
Whatever the past of your country is you'd better study it, and
know for yourself that you have to be just different. All these
things are to be studied, and understood, that what we have to do
for our country, is to get out of it completely, first of all - like the
lotus out of the mire to rise higher than the rest of them to give
them a proper lead. If you are the light in the darkness, you have to
be brilliant and not dark and you have to give light in the dark-
ness to the dark and not take the dark upon yourself (840902)
Like if your country has been cunning, then you should be inno-
cent if you come from the romantic clan, you have to be extremely
pure. Some are comfort loving they should get out of that some
are pleasure loving some are tempted with women, and men, and
drinking and all that you should completely give up and come out of
it. There are deeper sins we have of cunningness, of aggressiveness,
of slyness; If your country is racist, then you have to become abso-
lutely a person completely integrated (840902)
I feel the whole West suffers from one simple disease that is
they do not know how to respect anyone with their ego, they want
to judge everyone, and condemn everyone so get out of it, and tell
yourself 'I don't know anything' (840902)
One has to understand that now we have come out of all manmade
things like manmade countries. We do not belong to America, or
England, or India we belong to the Kingdom of God. In the Univer-
sal Country we have come now we've become Universal Beings
Shiva tolerates a lot of nonsense, because he is fond of forgiving
and Vishnu tries to play, or to punish, or to kill but Ganesh Tattwa
has no compromise of any kind, and when Christ is going to come in
the Ekadesha Rudra form there will be no compromise, no Mataji,
no crying, no argument, nothing Shri Ganesha himself will throw
people into Hell so be careful on that (840902)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 28 May 2003
We are the people. We are not to be afraid of any society we
have to come out of it we have to teach them 'whatever is
good, we are going to do whether you like it or not' that's the
sign of a Saint. For Sahaja Yogis, it is very important to have
that courage within themselves (880710)
Shivaji Maharaj was a very brave person and once you have
this, you will not deter from doing anything that is important
you will not go round and round but you will know how to find
the solution, and how to work it out. This will happen to you, if
you really know yourself you will have such powers of courage -
you will not be daredevil, but with wisdom. Courage and wisdom
you will have your Spirit will give you lots of wisdom and lots of
courage. There's no struggle and no fight just standing with
courage and doing whatever is right and that is possible
because you have now the connection with the Almighty you
have the connection with the Paramchaitanya and that will work
out everything (010321); God is Almighty he can do anything
and now you have become the messenger of that. God Almighty
gives you all the strength, all the courage and also, his
compassion his love his attention, and his understanding
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Strong things like 'Crack' which have within them sulphur
dioxide, which does not go anywhere, but just rushes into the
limbic area, has a strong affect on the Sahastrara. The limbic
area is a hollow space having within it cells sensitive to joy and
happiness. These cells now become numb, and so ordinary music
cannot be heard - it becomes necessary to shout and scream,
but as soon as the Kundalini enters the limbic area, She soothes
it down (890801)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Sahastrara
- end - 24 Jun 2003
The reflection of God Almighty (861221); That manifestation of
God Almighty, which alternates with, and when it ends, recedes
into itself and becomes the sleeping state of God Almighty, the
Parabrahma. The two states alternate, with no beginning and no
end (810829)
The Act of Creation is done by the Mother, the Adi Shakti
(950910); When the Adi Shakti created this Universe, and
Sadashiva was watching, the first thing She created was
Innocence, which was embodied as Shri Ganesha, and was called as
Omkar. This protected all the creation, and penetrated into all
that is matter, which matter acts according to it's inbuilt nature
(860907); The whole Universe, the whole Creation is part and
parcel of one organic being (791203)
In the Puranas it is described that there were Avataras of Shri
Vishnu on this Earth, who one by one gave the lead for the
evolution. Ultimately, this now is the situation, at Sahastrara
where I had to come at this stage the main job is to give
Realisation to raise your Kundalini in a very large scale; God
created this Universe to see His image. Now He wants to see His
beautiful image in you people (861223)
Adi Shakti is the entire power of Sadashiva, of God Almighty
and He cannot do anything without Her powers She first created
Kundalini in Mother Earth itself, and then She created Shri
Ganesha out of Mother Earth so the Mother Earth becomes very
important for us if we do not know how to respect Mother Earth,
we do not know how to respect ourselves; The expression of Adi
Shakti within us is the Kundalini, and within the Mother Earth is
expressed in different places, different countries, in different
cities as the manifestation of chakras. So the reflection of the
Adi Shakti as Kundalini, was first on the Mother Earth. Kundalini
is a wee part of the Adi Shakti is the pure desire of Adi
Shakti. So Adi Shakti is the complete desire of Sadashiva, and Adi
Kundalini is the complete desire of Adi Shakti (970525)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Creation
Inside the Mother Earth, the Kundalini came up in such a way,
that it cooled down the inner part of the Mother Earth as much as
it could, and then it manifested on the surface as different
chakras. So it is a tremendous similarity that we have with the
Virata, the Mother Earth and the human beings if all of them are
reflected by the Adi Kundalini, then there has to be a great
connection between them. This Kundalini passed through different
centres in the Mother Earth and ultimately broke through
Kailasha and in Kailasha you'll see tremendous vibrations flowing
out (970525); All the movements of Mother Earth are controlled
by this inner Kundalini, which is the reflection of Adi Shakti. The
gravity that it has also is the manifestation of the Kundalini of
the Mother Earth (970525)
Now see how Mother Earth herself was created. First the
movement of the energy started flowing now this is a combined
energy alright then this energy went round and round and round
and when it consolidated, there was a big bang. When this big bang
took place now this is the manly work I should say, in a way,
manly style, because still the Mother Earth is not produced so
then these little fragments again went round and round and with
the momentum they became roundish out of them the Mother
Earth was selected. On the Mother Earth, out of the water came
the life the carbon came in and a human being was created.
Then 'man' went round and improved the societies, or whatever
was possible, with their ego and, finished now now they have
done their job you see now they are on dole you can say. Now
the womb or we can say the Kundalini, which has been waiting all
these years was resting waiting for that time we call it the
blossom time has come. At that time the Kundalini has to rise and
ignite in such a way that the completion of the whole work takes
place it's simple do you understand now? (830821)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Creation
The Mother Earth was created by the power of the Sun, and at
first was created as a big ball of gas, which later became a thick
mass of energy. The Earth was very hot, and so was taken closer
to the Moon to cool down, and so became frozen and covered in
ice. (The Moon had already been created and was very far away
from the Sun, and so was very cool). The Earth was then taken
back towards the Sun so that the ice melted and water was
created, and the Earth was then placed in the centre, so that Life
could be produced. It was all done - it did not just happen, it was
all done. The energy on the right, which created the Universe,
produced the physical part i.e. the electromagnetic force. Mother
Earth created the Carbon. Through the effect of electricity,
carbon got attached to Hydrogen and Oxygen, and so produced
amino acids, and so Prana started, which ultimately produced the
mind and the brain, and when we become Realised, becomes the
Pranava (850528)
When Mother Earth was created, as a symbol of motherhood
then also many Shri Ganeshas were created in the Universe in
the Cosmos that which is called as Mars is a Shri Ganesha; Now
India is the microscopic form of the whole Mother Earth, and in
the triangle of Maharashtra, we have got 8 Ganeshas which are
manifesting vibrations and they were recognised by the great
Saints of Maharashtra (840902)
The simple village people must have realised the importance of
this mountain - thousands and millions of years back, where the
Himalayas now stand, it was first a large ocean. The Himalayas
started coming out of that ocean the Mother Earth was pushed
on the sides and the Mother Earth started giving folds to her
sari, you can say. At certain points, it rose up to a point, becoming
like a Shri Ganesha but then still more folds started coming up,
much later when the human brain started developing it's ego
another land joined it in such a manner that it formed an apex
the superego was pushed in and was brought to the climax. This
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Creation
synchronises with the human brain, because the whole Universe is
represented in our body as well the central axis of the Mother
Earth acted as the spinal cord. Again there was a big push, onto all
the mountains which were to be created as Shri Ganesha, and they
got into their final forms. At the other end of this range must be
the highest mountain Mont Blanc. So the Himalayas were brought
up to a point only the Ganeshas to a certain height not too
much. So on the right hand side, the ego went you see the
expression in Mont Blanc. At the other end, was created another
Ganesha, near Darjeeling (840902)
Now the ocean is the Father, and the Mother Earth is your
Mother but when the Mother Earth becomes a mountain, she is
called as the Father. The reason is that at that height, she can
catch the Father on top of her head as snow or as rain. That is
how the Mother becomes the Father and so she can perform the
complete function of a father and a mother in that state only,
Gauri as the daughter of the mountains, conceived Shri Ganesha
without the help of the father immaculate (840902); The purity
of the snow is 100% and that covers the Mother Earth gives
the formation of innocence. All the filth and dirt that goes into
the ocean, is clarified by the Sun, which is also Shri Ganesha, and
is brought on top of the hills and mountains to cover it (840902)
To Ganesha it's a big problem to exist in a country which
doesn't worship it that has no sense of respect (840902); We
are so closely related to Mother Earth the Mother Earth, and
the Atmosphere react to our behaviour to how we live (970823.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Creation
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella good 65
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-861221 Chalmala Welcome Address - see 861221 good 5
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
861221 Six Puja Talks - India 1986/87
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
Swadisthan is the centre of aesthetics and creativity, which
manifests in such forms as music and poetry. Also the centre of
Pure Knowledge (890801); Burva (860303); The basis of all the
creativity of Shri Saraswati is love - if there is no love, then there
is no creativity. All the great creative works of the world have
vibrations, and only those that have vibrations have been sustained
by time (830113); The fire ceremony which is the right hand side
religious work because it is just creativity by which you create
auspiciousness by your exciting the Deities on the right hand
side (790608.2);
The right side power is the power of Creativity of Saraswati;
Whatever we desire, we create (800102) the side of creativity,
and of thinking (781115); Once you start 'thinking', then there's a
barrier between the Spirit and you - in any art or in any deftness
that's how the creativity, the spontaneity is finished by thinking.
So do everything in silence in thoughtless awareness that's the
main point (800907)
Also this power looks after the body, the 5 elements within us.
These two powers within us one which caters for our psyche, and
the other for our creativity are coordinated, looked after,
supported by the central power, which we call as the power of
Mahalakshmi which also gives us our nature as a human being and
is the evolutionary power (800102)
The power 'She' is the power, and 'She' is called as Shakti
'She' is the power. So 'He' is the God Almighty and his power is a
'She' the Holy Ghostthe Divine Power of God is Love which
has got one is the Creative power and another is the power of
Desire. First he must have desire and then he creates so, he has
the power of Desire then he has the power of Creativity and also
he has a third power which gives us Sustainance and Evolution so
this third power is more important because that gives us this
Ascent also. This is the manifestation of the Holy Ghost, which is
the power of God Almighty which is the power of his Divine Love
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Creativity
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
To have the house of a man who is your critic next to you so
that you know your defects so you correct yourself is the wise
attitude like a mirror - you should thank such a man, that he's
criticising you (800517.1); If you accept such a situation, in which
you say alright if this is such that what is said is the truth, then
it is very much better for my ego and if it is not the truth, then
what is so important this attitude in Sahaja Yoga will help you
very much. It is a very wise attitude towards oneself, and you'll be
surprised that as you grow with this attitude, you won't be so
easily hurt by what people say to you you'll not be bothered.
Your self esteem should be such that nothing should make you
unhappy it's all a drama going on (800517.1); If somebody has
complained that you are hot tempered accept it just accept it
is a great thing that there is somebody who tells you that. If
somebody says you are miserly accept it so we must change. If
you don't want to change you'd better leave that's the main
point (810904)
You must know that you should never challenge anybody who's
organising never (830104); Instead of criticising another we
should put attention onto another who has done something, with
love, and thereby get an understanding of that person - identify
with that person instead of judging. Who are we to judge or to
criticise (960505); We are constantly bombarded with criticism
always there is the fear that someone may criticise - it doesn't
matter what they say it makes no difference (910728); So, to
criticise is not the way you can enjoy love (970823.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Criticism
Criticism of art for example by people who themselves do not
know how to even draw one pencil line properly, leave alone
painting anything has killed so many artists. Then everybody
who is painting, has to think 'what people will say' and as a
result of that something absolutely absurd grows, without any
subtle expression - it is because of our ego which suppresses all
spontaneous living growth of our thought art and life and
where nobody can express anything; It is through our Agnya that
we judge (890423)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primord'l Taboos, S. Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-830104 Stop Complaining - see 830104.1 good 35
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation.. becoming) good 50
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
830104.1 Stop Complaining/How to Proceed - Sholapur/Vaitarna
830104.2 Address to the Sholapur IMA - Sholapur good 35
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 24 Jun 2003
It's like butter is made out of we call it 'curd' - so, they
churn it when they churn it what happens some butter comes
out and the rest remains as buttermilk. To separate it, they put
a big lump of butter in that curd, and then they churn it now all
the butter gets around that big lump, and it gathers into a bigger
lump you see. But, there are some particles of butter which are
left behind - if they do not stick to this big lump of butter, they
are thrown away with the buttermilk. So those who do not come
up to Sahaja Yoga, who are not up to the mark, will be all thrown
out no doubt that is a fact you have to come up to the mark.
And you should not worry about those you should have no
attachment for such people (810524); In the milk when you put
lime or lemon it starts separating into water and curd
(770215); The buttermilk is much better than Dahi, it's much
more soothing (for diarrhoea - Ed) (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Now you have got curative powers you know that you can
cure people but you do not get into that mess because there,
Mahamaya plays her part if I find you are getting into your
head the idea that you are very much getting involved into for
example your brother-in-law's father-in-law's mother-in-
law then I'll stop it or you'll get into trouble. If you start
making money out of it I'll stop it. I do many things, by which I
just stop it and then you cannot have that power in you on the
contrary you suffer quite a lot because you do not know how to
protect yourself from all these bad things. So, before you start
curing others, you first cure yourself fully (800127.2)
Also you can use my photograph for curing other people. So,
one should not bother about all these things one should keep
completely detached about it. So do not cure anyone if you have
to cure people, then you please give them the photograph and ask
someone to work on them. You have got the power to handle my
photograph give it to others (800127.2)
Curing in Sahaja Yoga occurs only as a 'by-product' of getting
Self Realisation (820710); What is important is that if you are
curing, know that 'you' are not curing it is the Divine Power
that is curing 'you' are not doing anything is best to be like
that. I feel the same way I am doing nothing I'm Nishkriya,
doing nothing but I'm not lazy - you should be active, but all
your activity should be coming from the Divine Power of Love
(971225); Curing is the work of Kundalini when she rises, and is
because in you, God is going to manifest (800609); We should not
get into the curing part, and our attention should not be too
much on that, because this will lead to our being troubled with
spirits and getting into problems (791009.1)
The disease of cancer cannot be cured except by Sahaja Yoga.
Now cancer can be corrected if you can pour that energy, the
energy of the All Pervading Power into the patient and then this
power is all the time flowing in him (790720); When the Kundalini
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Curing
rises, she awakens these centres and when these centres are
awakened, they just come back to normal the person becomes
normal thats how cancer can be cured it's very simple
(821008); Cancer can be cured by the Chaitanya, flowing through
Sahaja Yogis, and which is containing the emotional, physical,
mental and evolutionary elements, which when applied to a faulty
chakra, causes it to return to normal (840313); By some chance
if you could bring the 'centres' back in connection with the
whole cancer can be cured it is as simple as that (821008)
Sahajvidya - Curing
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-840313 Intro talk, 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford, see 821007(Video) Good
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791009.1 Maintain purity of Sahaja Yoga/Where stand in S. Yoga
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S. Yogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
- end - 27 Dec 2002
Dahi used in the night, won't be good in the morning is
alright. But buttermilk is better than Dahi it's much more
soothing there's nothing like it (for diarrhoea - Ed); There is
also something called 'Electrol' that you can get (in India - Ed)
In Puja the ingredients that were used were firstly very
little ghee, followed by honey, yoghurt, milk, and sugar (850310)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 10 Sep 2002
When you die, the Spirit does not die - Christ came to show,
that Spirit is eternal (810330); Resurrection is the message of
Christ's life the Spirit cannot be killed by anyone it is
eternal and he had to prove it. To prove it, there had to be
somebody here on this Earth to come in, with a body, to act like
a human being, to live like a human being, and to go through the
drama of death. To show that he overcomes death that he
resurrects himself he had to die, and he had to be resurrected
(811006); This was the true message of Christ (811005), the
reason for the crucifixion, that Christ had to undergo (871023)
Death is like changing clothes - the part that is earth and
water falls off and you remain, as you are (831001); When we
die, one of the 5 Koshas or cocoons of the body, which is the
'matter', falls off then the water cocoon also falls off and
the Soul remains with the Spirit and the Kundalini also
(811006); It is the Soul which lines the spinal cord (950625)
and is comprised of elements of Fire, Air, Ether plus Spirit and
Kundalini. At death the earth and water elements die (810921);
Sometimes when people die or are about to die and they come
back to life they always say that they pass through some sort
of a tunnel - some have a black tunnel some have a bright
tunnel some have a light tunnel - this is what is the Soul which
is within us, which starts going up and with that our attention
goes, and we feel we are passing through a tunnel. These Souls
you can see in the sky hanging around with seven loops. You
can see them only after Realisation not before that. So this
Soul guides you and it has brought you to Sahaja Yoga (950625)
Anyone who is born, is going to die - that is the system; Two
people never die together, and if you cry for the one who has
gone, then he will get no peace, he may just be hovering there, or
be in limbo, waiting for you to come there. Better to say 'o.k. I'm
alright, you go get your Realisation just as I have got it'
(870408); Death does not exist in the Divine language. Those who
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Death
are dead can be reborn. But death can be used for punishing
people, for destroying them, for taking them away from the
scene - that's what Mother Earth does (860803); A Sahaja Yogi
should never be afraid of death, because if he dies, it is only
going to be another life where he rests for a while, and then
comes back with greater enthusiasm, with greater energy
When a person dies, then his Soul comes out and his Spirit
also guides him so we call it a 'dead soul' like that they hang
in the air sometimes. When they are Realised Souls, they need
not they become one with the Divine and whenever they want,
they can always be born again. But these Souls who are still
attached to something maybe to children to the house to
drinking habits maybe something nonsensical still hang around,
and they are the one's who trouble us who bother us too much.
They can be in groups they can be many of different types
they could be with a very bad subconscious activity or could be
with Supraconscious also. Now some difficulties that you face,
which cannot be solved, could be coming from these dead Souls.
So the best way to get rid of them is to develop a detached
attitude towards life (950625)
Now against abortion I am not if a woman is suffering, let
her have an abortion the one who is living is more important
than those who are not living. If somebody wants to have an
abortion that child can be born again according to us nobody
dies permanently. In Sahaja Yoga, we have divorce and we also
have abortion. It is important to understand that these are all
taboos which are there but not for people who have to get out
of their troubles you have to have it. But to be very frank we
don't have to do abortions it is achieved by Paramchaitanya it
knows what is to be done and how to achieve it (970823.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Death
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810921 Shri Mataji in America, NY day 2 (Nice Q&A) good 35
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
Human awareness moves downwards away from the Divine, and
eventually reaches Mooladhara, where we may become depraved
and perverted, with funny ideas about sex. This is decadence,
and with one more step we are in Hell (860303)
The Shuparnaka ideas that come from the decadence that we
have gone through, have no relevance to our ascent and because
we have come up (ascended - Ed), we can see the decadence of
society. So we have to show our good behaviour, our good dress,
and our good conduct the beauty that has developed within
ourselves and that we belong to a society which has ascended,
and that the decadence is over now (850000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
- end - 27 Dec 2002
Many people say that they can decide on vibrations, and they
have decided certain things on vibrations, but they commit
mistakes that means that they have not yet grown up to that
state where they can decide on vibrations. Nobody should
arbitrarily decide, but should consult the collective, especially the
leader to find out, if whatever you have thought of is alright. One
may commit lots of mistakes, if you start behaving arbitrarily. The
greatest law of Sahaja Yoga is that it is a collective happening
The whole Cosmos is trying to help you you see you don't have
to do much effort, to think about it what should I choose
whether I should take this or whether I should take that the
only thing you have to do is just to see for yourself, that you are
watching and you are seeing an opportunity coming to you and
allow the opportunity to appear before you it does. You don't
have to deliberately bother your head, what to take, what to do
it will just be there you will be amazed, how it works; It's a
question of how far you are surrendered how far you have gone
with the Divine (880921)
Problems with Hamsa can include shooting headaches on one
side, or sinus problems, and may result from being overloaded with
decision making. Avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour (MME)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
- end - 30 Apr 2003
1. "Today is the day I declare that I am the One who has to save
the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who is the
Mother of all the mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the
Shakti, the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth, to give
it's meaning to itself, to this creation, to human beings and I am
sure through My Love and Patience and My Powers I am going to
achieve it (791202.1)
I was the One who was born again and again. But now in my
complete form and complete powers, I have come on this Earth, not
only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation,
but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the Joy, the Bliss
that your Father wants to bestow upon you" (791202.1)
These words are to be kept within the bounds of Sahaja Yogis
only for the time being and today is the day of Guru Puja, not my
Puja, but your Puja as Gurus. I anoint all of you as Gurus, and today
I will tell you what I have bestowed upon you, and what great
powers you already have within you (791202.1)
Among you there are people who have still not been able to
recognise my announcement will work it out within them the
recognition. Without recognition you cannot see the play without
the play you cannot have confidence within yourself without
confidence you cannot become the Guru without becoming Guru
you cannot help others without helping others you are not going to
be in any way happy. So to break the chain is very easy but to
build the chain one after another is what you have to do. This is
what you were all wanting to be. So be confident and be joyous and
be happy that all my Powers will protect you, my Love will nourish
you, and my Nature will fill you with Peace and Joy May God Bless
You (791202.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Declaration
2. First of all you have to know you are prophets and you must
know that I am the Holy Ghost I am the Adi Shakti I am the
one who has come on this Earth for the first time in this form, to
do this tremendous task. The more you'll understand this, the
better it would be I knew I'll have to say that openly one day
but now it is for you people who have to prove it that I am that
Because I have said now, I am the Holy Ghost everybody seems
to be 'over happy', and joyous - I have told you whatever was
needed for your counselling I have taught you how to redeem
others, and comfort them you know everything now just become
masters in this art forgetting your past you are all great people,
all of you. Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy
Ghost and I have come for this special time that this is the
resurrection time (830321)
3. I see people when I talk to them they start talking to me little
frivolously not with that depth not with that feeling that I am
Mahamaya. Then some of them even answer me explanations. Of
course this freedom I have given you deliberately but you must
understand that you have to talk to me in a way that you would talk
to Adi Shakti is very important (911013)
Then how you behave is very important you should not be
artificial or superficial but best is to put your hand on your
heart both the hands and just try to feel your Mother is Adi
Shakti she has created all this Universe she has created all this
world and she is for your protection - as soon as I come to know
about your problems, my attention can work it out. All this
protection is given to you because you are seekers of truth and
the truth is that I am the Adi Shakti Incarnated. Once this truth
becomes one with your self, there's nothing to fear because all
the Deities know this fact they know about this Incarnation very
well theyll do anything to substantiate your belief in every way
my photographs in the sky they are so anxious. They are behind
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Declaration
the stage before the stage all sides of the stage listening to
me feeling very happy that I am telling you the truth. But the way
they recognise the way they act they never disobey. If you
behave in the same manner, you are completely protected from all
these problems I have told you about (911013)
Once you have recognised, you will have no fear from anyone and
the more you show that recognition, the more you realise it, you get
higher and higher not only spiritually, but every way, mentally,
socially, economically, politically is very remarkable that not only
that you recognise me as a Mother who loves you very much but a
Mother who is powerful to protect you (911013)
So just behind this recognition is all the powers but if you are
doubting still half way this that, then things won't be alright. You
shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed into any
direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and that I am
Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become better you
have seen it now dont worry about anything just know that I am
the Adi Shakti that all the Powers of Gods and Goddesses and all
that are within me and they 'are' within me and they are all
looking after. But if that recognition is not there they are not
going to recognise you either (911013); Supposing I correct you
sometimes instead of feeling sad, you should see that how
fortunate I am that Adi Shakti herself is correcting me she is
taking interest in me how fortunate I am to be born at this time,
to be with her in her great work (911013)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [Mother's Declaration] - see 791202.1 good 20
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
- end - 4 Jun 2003
Shri Ganesha's complete dedication is to the Mother is not to
any other thing not to any other Deity - he goes to all of them
he respects all of them, through the understanding of the
Mother. But some people cannot do that they still stick on to
some sort of Deity some sort of ideology then they are not
fully in connection with me - and that is what he is that he is
just in connection with his Mother. To him, She is everything
She is the source of knowledge She is the source of joy She
is the source of truth he doesn't have to look anywhere else.
Now it looks very egoistical to say these things in modern times
but you can understand that if you have to gain anything if you
have to achieve any knowledge within if you have to ascend
higher then you have to learn from Shri Ganesha what he
does and what is his relationship with his Mother (930721)
Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri
Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other
God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother a complete
dedication and complete obedience to Mother I mean sort of,
he is made out of that obedience complete love and affection
for the Mother he doesnt argue he doesnt question he
doesnt do anything and thats how these powers are in him the
maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you
are sadly mistaken you have to keep me pleased is a fact so
please dont try to displease me I may not say anything, because
outwardly I dont say anything but your powers will be reduced
So many have worked for Sahaja Yoga with such dedication,
without even being aware of how hard they have worked, or how
much they have done, and without getting any material gain out
of it. This dedication is directed by the Divine (900100)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Dedication
So it is essential to take to Sahaja Yoga, in the most dedicated
manner. And this is the only thing that we can give to our friends
and relatives, and to all the world around. I am here to help you,
to work for you day and night, and I'll spare no effort to help
you and do everything that is possible to make you alright, to
pass this examination of Last Judgement. But you have to co-
operate with me, and have to go headlong about it, and devote
most of your time for Sahaja Yoga, and for imbibing all that is
great and noble (790928); When the whole world is going to be
destroyed completely, it is very important that you 'cling' on to
the thing that is going to save you with 'complete might' and
'complete faith' (820731)
Even in Puja when I see people doing Puja I know how far they
are dedicated because the way they do it with caution, with
care, with awe, with understanding everything is so beautiful
but if somebody is doing just a ritual thing, I get a fright like
theyll do my Puja alright mechanically but some people may
not even do any Puja but they sit before the photograph and
talk to me heart to heart without saying anything but to put
it in the heart for some people is very difficult (850310)
Do you do whatever is told to you - you have to obey if you
are not obedient, then you cannot become a guru because if you
cannot obey, how can others obey you. This obedience is not for
any personal gain of the guru not at all but for your gain only,
for your education, for your ascent. If such a view is taken, then
you start getting all the qualities of a guru (980712); There are
certain problems that arise sometimes, when you don't listen to
the Mother (880101)
Sahajvidya Dedication
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-880101 A sinless life - G'pule - see 871213 good 5
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja - Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-820731 Dedication through Medtn, Cheltenham - see 820731(Video)
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini Kalki Shakti/How Realisation should be allowed develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate, better quality not complete]
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
820731 Dedication through Meditation, Cheltenham good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
If you start respecting your attention then gradually you
develop a deftness for Sahaja Yoga but so many people, when
they get Realised, they hardly come a second time and even if
they come a second time, they do not develop the feeling of
vibrations they still go on being busy with their day to day work
wasting their time on things which do not give you the subtler
feelings so the subtleness, the deftness of the art of Sahaja
does not develop. For example, a person who is over-read as soon
as he gets his Realisation, he starts tallying it with what he has
read this makes his attention again wasted. As it is, his attention
has been fixed by these conventional ideas some of them are
correct some are incorrect some are absolutely false some
are useless some are only because they wanted to make money
so they published some trash. As soon as you get Realisation you
go back to your own gross awareness and start tallying this
'subtle' with the 'gross' - you again start losing the vibrations.
You are not to fix your attention but you have to make your
attention subtler and subtler (770126.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Aspects of God Almighty, that keep the Divine informed
regarding the conduct of the disciples (900923), and exist on
every Chakra (820711); If you please others, your Deities will be
very happy because they are all one within each of you
because they are all related to each other and they feel unhappy
when you try to be unkind to each other (800927)
Now for Sahaja Yogis as I say there should be no ritual
ritualistic things always make you absolutely dead like early in
the morning you start with a mantra and go on repeating mantra
like a mechanical thing it's absolutely paying no respect to the
Deity. But in a proper way whichever Deity you want to awaken
think of that Deity, try to cleanse it, with all the understanding
and deliberations with respect with a protocol and not just to
take somebody's name and just go on chanting any mantra you
feel it's not a mechanical thing. Sahaja Yoga is a thing which has
to come from the heart it is heart felt if you do not do it from
your heart it has no meaning (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end - 4 Jun 2003
A left sided person (someone who is too much in the left side),
cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity, and can be very negative,
and depressive, finding problems everywhere, but it can be cured
by putting left hand to the Photo, or to the Mother, and the
right hand on Mother Earth (890806); It is Shri Bhairava who is
the greatest disciple of Shri Mahakali, and who kills all the Rak-
shasas (900912) who exists on the left or moon channel, and
acts to cool us down, who destroys negativity, bhoots, attach-
ments, habits, conditionings, depressiveness and prevents the
doing of wrong things (890806; 770215); When you are infested
with negativity, with depression, with the attacks of the super-
ego, then you have to say 'I am'' I am going to fight you'
You shouldn't try to judge yourself just gradually rise,
appreciate yourself and gradually you rise, and settle down on
the position that you have achieved. Instead of that, you feel
very diffident, and very much depressed, if you start judging. If
you all the time start judging yourself, this will not help you be
self assured (920719); Do you suddenly get nervous sometimes
or distressed depressed. You do get nervous and depressed
sometimes then you shouldn't go, in the night, out alone not
good to travel at night at least to walk around after say 10
o'clock (790609.3)
After Realisation, we should become universal, and not get
engulfed with our 'Signs' but they do give us a particular colour
in the whole cosmos; They should not create discord. The Spirit
is not bound by any 'Signs', or by the 'Stars' - our progress
depends on our own desire to be the Spirit, and should not de-
pend on our star signs, which can lead to ego orientation or
depression (811103)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Depression
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
Chakras affected: Left Side
With depth, we start thinking of others around us, then of the
world, and not only of ourselves (890725); There is a common
belief, that once we get Realisation we should be perfect - it is
not so, we have to work it out - to sustain our Sahaja Yoga. We
must not take it for granted. Some people come, get their
Realisation and just enjoy for 5 or 6 weeks, or months or maybe
hours, and then go back again to the same. At the very beginning,
ego and superego get sucked in, but then they come back again.
But when you start giving this Divine Power to others, you start
gradually deepening into your own being, and feeling your source of
Joy - life becomes full of Joy and happiness (790507)
The depth of a Sahaja Yogi is to be measured by the way he
keeps joyous and happy. A Sahaja Yogi may not be a 'real' Sahaja
Yogi it only depends on if you are joyous if you are anxious to
give Realisation to others and you want to share your
Realisation and you just dont want to keep it to yourself if that
is not your condition, then you are still not a full Sahaja Yogi
Those who are humble who are kind will attract more Sahaja
Yogis so it is important to change your temperament. If you try
to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you if you think
you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be
very humble, kind, generous also very joyous. If you are really
doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come no trouble can come it
is a fact try to understand (001231)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Descent - Adogati
Adogati is the downward movement (860224); Descent; To go
down is easy; Human awareness grows downwards, in the opposite
direction to the Divine. First we reach 'Nabhi' (from our start-
ing point of Bhavasagara) where we start consuming, through
attacking and overpowering other peoples and other countries, by
imperialism etc like Columbus and also by digging out and
consuming Mother Earth. Then we reach 'Swadisthan', where we
see and go to the stars etc to no avail - we have to go within.
Finally we reach 'Mooladhara', where we become depraved and
perverted, with funny ideas about sex. This is decadence and
with one step we are in Hell. On the other hand if we try to go
up, without going by Mahalakshmi we end up at the 'Heart'
and start giving our heart to this person, that person get into
romance and once again we go down (860303)
The Shuparnaka ideas that come from the decadence that we
have gone through, have no relevance to our ascent and because
we have come up (ascended - Ed), we can see the decadence of
society. So we have to show our good behaviour, our good dress,
and our good conduct the beauty that has developed within
ourselves and that we belong to a society which has ascended,
and that the decadence is over now (850000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
- end - 27 Dec 2002
The entrepreneurs are busy pampering our egos, giving us
fashions, hair fashions, clothes, too many choices over simple
things like what I will have for breakfast etc. We should not
become enslaved by any entrepreneurs - wear what is sensible
(910728); These designers they make the money befooling
everybody they take out some idea, and sell it for a high price
and if you are a fool, you go and buy that. They are exploiting
you (971004); All this designing is based on your stupid ego,
which makes you buy all these things to show off your ego so
try to be humble (971004); It's nothing but you are playing into
the hands of these entrepreneurs. Once you have established
what you require what is the style you require finished then
you must grow inside, and not outside (960710); Fashion is
madness (971005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 27 Dec 2002
If we do not have an intense desire to ascend, then we cannot
ascend. In morning meditation, we must say what is our desire,
what is our goal, whilst taking the name of Shri Ganesha - all
activity must be surrendered for this goal - this desire may be
curbed through the cocoon of 'my-ness' that develops after
Realisation, when as a result, we can become half hearted in our
ascent (890619)
Some people achieve maturity much faster than others despite
the fact that they may have been ruined by many but still they
do it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what we call
Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the power of
Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and comes from
your heart absolutely from your heart then it works much
faster. Once you put your heart to it, everything will work out
well because the whole force is coming from your heart because
in the heart resides the Spirit. So the only judging point is 'am I
doing it from my heart or am I doing it superficially' (791009.1)
First thing is to develop the Mahakali Power, and destroy all the
nonsense that is impeding or blocking us just I don't want it.
Then keep attention on the destination (890619); Your desire
should be pure (890619); When all external desires dim out, and
the real desire to be one with the Almighty remains, then the
Kundalini can rise spontaneously. It has happened to very few
people - Buddha and Mahavira were human beings, but who
achieved Godliness (800609)
Not by facing yourself do you get rid of the desires, but
through wisdom (800609); The desires that we get may be for our
relatives for them to get Realisation or to be cured - it is
important to witness them to see them as you would see anybody
else and don't force Sahaja Yoga on any one of your relatives
and don't force them on Shri Mataji; Then you start thinking of
the problems of your country alright give me the map of your
country finished that's more than sufficient (821219)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Desire
Desire comes from your heart, and you are so built that the
Brahmarandra is also your heart. Try to open your heart by
projecting it. Your outlook should be how much have I contributed
to this (821219)
You should have only one intense desire within yourself have I
become the Spirit, have I achieved my ultimate, have I risen
above the worldly desires... purify yourself; The desire that you
have leave it then, once you are purified, that area will be
covered through your attention it's very interesting. When you
get over it, then only, you can throw light but if you are inside,
your light is hidden, there is no light emitted. Rise above that
desire. Every time you get a desire, you rise above it so your
light is emitted on that wider problem that you are facing, that
you think should be solved by your Mother (821219)
You have to do only one thing, is to become the Spirit, that's
all is a simple thing. Then to substantiate your purity, your
attention should be on the 'other' side - now you are not facing
the Mother, you are sitting with the Mother, facing the whole
world the whole attitude will change. The attitude should be,
what can I give, how can I give, what is my mistake in giving I
have to be more alert, where is my attention, what am I doing,
what is my responsibility (821219)
Without desire this Universe would not have been created; The
desire of God is the one that is the Holy Ghost, the All Pervading
Power, the Kundalini within you. The Kundalini has only one desire
is to be the Spirit, and anything else if you desire, the Kundalini
doesn't rise (821219); The desire to 'rise higher' creates the
bridge of Sushumna across the void, within us, and so allows the
Kundalini to pass (860921.1)
I am desireless because the Divine Power is working for me
everything I don't have to desire it knows. I don't desire
anything but you have to desire you have to pray you have to
ask and the wider you become, your prayers will be wider
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Desire
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
- Jai Shri Mataji -
If you leave things to the Divine Power and believe in it, then
everything works out for your good and if it does not, you
must know that it is your destiny. You must accept you must
learn to accept, because whatever you have fixed up for
yourself, as something very great, is not. So what is the
greatest thing you have to achieve is your detachment then
you become Gunatit (980712); You should not insist on time and
timings whatever comes, Sahaja, accept it (760330)
Acceptance will give you a wonderful discretion over your ego.
Whatever goes wrong it's alright accept it. Supposing you
are lost on the way you should not think like all other people
but think 'why Hanumana must have brought me here for
some purpose' accept it accept the situation. When you
accept the situation, you are playing into the hands of the
Deities who are guiding you (880710)
If somebody has complained that you are hot tempered
accept it just accept it is a great thing that there is
somebody who tells you that. If somebody says you are miserly
accept it so we must change. If you don't want to change
you'd better leave that's the main point (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, 2nd talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Will come from inside, not from outside (810928); In any
construction, there has also to be destruction. If there is
something that is trying to destroy your construction, then you
have to destroy that. We should desire to destroy that which
obstructs our ascent - be prepared to destroy. When a flower
becomes a fruit, the flower is destroyed. Fix your goal, and do not
be distracted, or deviated, otherwise you will not arrive. Our
destination and our desire should be to ascend (890619)
Kalki is devoid of any compassion. There are 11 Rudras, 11
destructive, destroying powers absolutely settled in him which
are guarding the beauty of Sahaja Yoga. Anybody who tries to play
around with Sahaja Yoga is harmed very badly. Don't try to trouble
anybody who is a Saintly person, a good person nor to play tricks
with the Divine. Because Kalki is already on! Be careful about it
because once this power comes on you, you will not know how to
hide yourself. Not only to Sahaja Yogis, but this I am telling to the
whole world today - be careful! Don't take it easy, and do not
compromise with nonsensical people - stick onto the 'Right'. The
day is very near when Kalki is going to come. Be careful. Do not try
to harm others, or take advantage of others, and do not show off
your own powers, because once this destruction will start in your
life, you won't know how to stop it (790928)
The coming Incarnation is Shri Kalki, who is blemishless, who
cannot be blemished - anyone who tries to, will be destroyed. He
will come to do the last sorting out. There will be no-one to talk to
you or to listen to you nothing of the sort. He is coming for the
harvest, the last cutting. The time remaining is very short, so
better get yourself in the proper shape - and then let him come.
He is coming with 11 powers known as Ekadesha Rudra, all placed in
the head of the Primordial Being, and he will be manifesting all
these in such a tremendous manner, that you would not know how
people will be destroyed, and the destruction will be of the worst
type you have ever seen. So that's why you try to mature, become
the fruits, and be in the Kingdom of God alright (790530)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Destruction
This destruction has already started, and is going with full
speed I think all over through the so many things that are
happening. We have got hurricanes storms earthquakes many
accidents and so many destructive things are working out which
are the outcome of Kalki incarnation. But at the same time, there
is another work going on, of the same incarnation is the
resurrection of the people such people can never be hurt
nothing can happen to them they will always be saved because
they are under the protection of their Mother (000206)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation allowed develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY day 5 good 80
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Develop detachment but not to be irresponsible; Detachment is
from within when we are 'not bothered' and is to be seen in
generosity (821101); It comes when our attention gets fixed up with
our Spirit, and we drop out other unimportant things. Our Spirit is
everything to us. A detached person is a loving person (800727);
You are at a stage where you have to detach yourself from matter
When Sahastrara is open, you learn one thing detachment it
just happens, that you get detached you see everyone you
watch you know you are close to but you are a detached
person it is a state of mind that you achieve when your Sahastrara
is open in that state you are dealing with people, with problems,
with situations but you are not involved in it there is no
involvement. The greatest thing about this detachment is that you
are not affected (980510)
Unless and until you develop detachment, the deeper powers of
Mahalakshmi do not come up for example, even in the smaller
things, like having connection with me even that one is to be a
detached thing even to say Aarti or to do something to come
forward, that 'I' have to do it even to invite me to dinner or any
small thing, that 'I' should do it is also an attachment if it works
out, well and good if it does not work out, well and good. You must
say that 'Mother, you come' but if I cannot come, there should
not be the slightest feeling of unhappiness but should be
accepted. This detachment has to be developed for your
Mahalakshmi power then, you go beyond (800127.2)
This feeling that you have, that only if you 'feel' for another
person you can help them, is a kind of an attachment it doesn't
help. So to have detachment in no way means that you do not feel
for the other person you do feel you feel the agony of that
person, the trouble of that person, of the whole society sometimes,
and of the whole country but that feeling is so detached, that the
All Pervading Power takes over (980510)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Detachment
First we must have full faith in the ability of this All Pervading
Power as soon as you are detached, you say 'you do it' finished
once you say that, the whole thing changes completely, because you
transfer all your responsibilities, all your problems to this Divine
Power, which is so powerful, which is so capable, which can work out
anything (980510); But whenever you think that 'you' are going to
solve this problem, 'you' are going to do it, then alright the Divine
Power says 'alright, try your luck' but if you can really put this
problem to the Divine Power, it will work out (980510)
You should not get stuck into anything if you are detached, then
everything works out very well. But if you are attached, you just get
worries and problems your life becomes miserable but if you
become detached, then nature takes over and you feel extremely
relaxed (950625); This detachment, you can just practice that
you can see yourself in the mirror and know that you are not this
reflection that you see but that you are much more than this
reflection is (950625)
So if you develop a detachment through thoughtless awareness
God will take over he will do your work you should have faith in
God that he's Almighty he does everything he looks after
everything why should we worry this is a very good way of life
is not to worry. You have gone beyond now beyond time beyond
the three gunas beyond thought so whatever you have been
doing, through your thought waves, and your mind you stop it. So
one should be prepared to surrender completely absolutely to
the Will of God (950625)
Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon SYogis how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead - (include: Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 4 Jan 2003
The phonetic language used by the Devas, based on the Bija
Mantras, the sounds made by the Kundalini when She rises and
passes through the different chakras (790000.1); On the
Vishuddhi chakra we have to pay full attention it has all the 16
vowels of the devanagari script emitting out of the sound of the
shakti, the Kundalini, that is passing through it so all the vowels
are heard on this chakra. Without the vowels in the devanagari,
you cannot write anything vowels are the sustainance are the
power that supports every consonant so it's important that our
vowels have to be fully nourished and respected (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
790000.1 Bija Mantras and Shaktis on Kundalini - Ashley Gdns good 40
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 20 Jun 2003
The Devi
The Devi the Goddess the Adi Shakti (891008.1); The Mantra
for the Devi, for the Adi Shakti is "Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri
Nirmala Devi Namoh Namaha", and may sometimes be said in this
short form. It is said in this short form, in order to establish the
Mother as the Devi. It may be said 7 times (791009.1); The
Kavach is the bandhan or protection of the Mother, the Devi
(920000); The photo of the Devi's Feet is the strongest for
correcting problems (841005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
920000 Diwali Puja, Rumania
- end - 10 Nov 2002
Righteousness (960910); Religion (850806); The central energy or
power (810330); Dharma gives you the balance, the establishment
into proper behaviour, into proper understanding, into proper living,
but it doesn't give you the completion of your journey (871219); We
have a dharma of a wife, of a husband, of a member of society all of
them have their own dharmas. Shri Krishna says 'leave them leave
them to me, and I'll manage' this we have to learn is to say that
it is the Divine Power which will solve our problems. This is for human
beings a very difficult state, and this state can only be achieved
through meditation (980510)
There are ten dharmas, the Ten Commandments, in the Void area
within us, looked after by the ten Primordial Masters. It is our
'attitude towards others', other people, their things, their wives,
daughters etc. This is all 'related to others' is dharma is
completely without rationality, is simply to be accepted. Fanaticism is
against dharma (781005)
As I have said many a times there are ten valencies that human
beings have got but apart from that, there are many dharmas. Like
the first dharma is your love for humanity. But you start with Shri
dharma, the dharma of the woman, how she should live get married
look after her children and what should be her behaviour. Then
there is Patni dharma, the wife's dharma, and how she looks nice if
she gives up her dharma, then she is a prostitute. Then is Pati
dharma, how should be a husband, how should he behave towards his
family, how he should pay attention to his wife, to the whole entire
family, the whole you can say 'Pariwar' all the relations and
everyone that is his dharma. Beyond that is the Satya dharma, how
much he sticks to truth. Then is the dharma of Creativity and then
we have also of politics, Rajkara dharma. Now we also have Rashtra
dharma is that of your country when you have to fight for your
country you should but you should not be aggressive on another
country it's not right to dominate other countries nor you should
bring bad name to your country it's very important (971102)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Dharma
When we are enlightened, we automatically become dharmic. If
someone drinks some water that has been vibrated, that person also
becomes dharmic. In the West, we observe five of these dharmas,
and in India are observed the other five - so we each are lacking
some (781005); The five left side dharmas are corrected by taking
vibrated salt, and the five right side dharmas are corrected by
taking vibrated sugar (781005)
If there's a tradition of dharma then what happens that the
fat cells in our stomach get the experience get charmed with the
sense of virtue, of righteousness, of goodness, of innocence. Also,
with the Kundalini awakening your dharma is 'built in' - and your
cells are charmed by that and so you use that power to enlighten
your brain, which surrounds actually as auras your heart. But if that
is not so it's like a dead another cell going in the head and then
experiences in dirty things in doing something that is destructive
Adharmic things would include such things as cabarets, adultery,
undignified behaviour, alcohol, wrong Gurus, reading bad books,
fanaticism, denouncing religions, materialism etc. (781005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
871219 Complete your Realisation, India
960910 What State you have to reach, Diwali, Lisbon, Portugal good 55
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 13 Apr 2003
Dharma Yuda
Means the war of religion but not the way people are fighting
it. Our Dharma Yuda is that we are standing on dharma and
dharma means not religion, but it is 'Vishwa Nirmala Dharma'.
There's a negativity we can call it Adharma, which is fighting so
you stand on your Dharma unless and until you are dharmic, you
cannot have any achievements in Sahaja Yoga (010321)
There is a war going on between the Divine, and the Satanic
Forces (known as Devils, Rakshasas, Asuras) who have come in the
garb of religion, as the false gurus, the so called God-men and
God-women, to demolish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of
human beings. And this at the time when we are about to achieve
our ultimate goal - to enter the Kingdom of God. These Satanic
forces have gone into the minds of the seekers. We cannot see
them, or understand just how dangerous they are. But we have to
fight them, and for this we must be courageous and cheerful, wise
and centred, without feelings of guilt - full of enthusiasm and
valour (800630); We are on a warpath. There is no time to waste
on holidays, family etc. - ask for wisdom (850408); We fight not
with a sword, but with a shield (860305); Today the war is within
ourselves, not without we are not realising how it is building up
within ourselves for example cancer is the physical war within
ourselves (800809)
You have to do the work of God, you have to fight the anti-God
elements, the satanic elements now, the forces are gathering in
such a way that the sorting out will start. You are not responsible
for your families any more. Your responsibility is to yourself, to be
the Spirit your responsibility is to Sahaja Yoga, is to understand
Mother better, is to understand this mechanism within you, how it
works out everything, to understand how to become the Guru
yourself, how to be a dignified and a glorified personality, to be a
respectable person, and not a cheap personality. Everyone of you
is worth the whole Universe - if you want to rise to that height, to
that magnitude, it is within you to prosper - but those people who
still want to live on a very low level cannot (821219)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Dharma Yuda
In these modern times you must know that all these evil things
are also lingering in your heads little bit, here and there. So the
Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have to realise that all these
things are surrounding us and these evil forces are also there.
There are some within us some are without so it looks to be a
very difficult task but it's not because one condition, if you can
understand is that you have to recognise me. I know, I'm
Mahamaya I'm really very clever at it but I'm truthful but
still I'm Mahamaya so to recognise me what should we do if we
recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing is the
simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are not
collective then know that something wrong with you if you are
collective if you are enjoying the collective, then you should know
that you are clean no blemish is there you are absolutely alright
Now the second part of this Mahamaya business I had to be
very close to you I had to be extremely close to talk to you to
have a rapport to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga to
make you absolutely aware of yourself. This had to be done and
with all these complications within your mind within your heart
within your body I had to work it out. To come close in the real
form would have been very dangerous so one had to be a
Mahamaya. But despite that, if you could recognise me to
understand me that I am Divine Personality an Incarnation
thats all the Deities want. Then theyll look after you in every way
So the problem today is very delicate - there are no absolute
Saints there are no absolute bad people such a mixture a
confusion - that is what this Kali Yuga is these modern times are.
The only way to get rid of them is to surrender thats the only
way there is no other way out because when you surrender the
spirits, the negativity, the satanic forces just disappear. They
have no interest in a person who is surrendered to God. They
cannot surrender. If they surrender theyll also become Saints.
All the time to think 'what are my catches what are my
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Dharma Yuda
negativities' is not going to help you just surrender all these
ideas that are coming to you and you will find that all absurd
ideas will run away. This is the easiest way to get rid of your
problems is just to surrender (801019)
The growth will only come when the surrendering comes and
one has to know that the powers are tremendous it is beyond
your conception outwardly you cannot understand. Under such
circumstances the best thing is to surrender yourself - now what
do you surrender is your ego and your superego (801019); You
have to receive the Blessings and to receive the Blessings, you
have to just surrender it is so simple the easiest way to solve
all your problems is to surrender just say 'I surrender' for
Realised Souls, this should be their mantra (801019)
Also, as you are Realised Souls, all the Divine forces all the
Divine Deities all the Eternal Beings, Chirenjivas all the Angels
and Ganas all of them are looking after you but they know one
thing those who are surrendered and those who are not. You
just surrender the problem and you will be surprised the
answer will come in such a miracle. Just surrender do not take
any responsibility upon yourself just surrender because how
far can 'you' go in the solution up to your rationality beyond
that you are your Spirit and the Spirit is connected to the
Divine so best is to surrender (801019)
In a prediction from an astrologer Bhrigumuni, it is said that
there might be a third world war but that the great incarnation
who is also predicted, will interfere; There is a danger of a third
world war, and it is inevitable, but it may be avoided, if people
develop love for each other with this Mahayoga (820130)
Because of the atom bomb, which is very protective, nobody can
think of having a big war now. Even the cold war will gradually
stop, when they are fed up (830113); War does one good thing
sometimes that people get out of the materialistic attitude. Lots
of bad things are there but this one thing I have seen when the
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Dharma Yuda
war shakes a man he thinks 'what's the value of all these things
I've been fighting for'. But if you get Niraananda after that you
dont want to have any joy from material gains from material
things you just do not want (850502)
War is absolutely like madness even animals won't fight like
that you are even worse than animals when you think of war and
killing each other this should not be done, and it has to be
stopped completely. Nobody has right to kill anybody unless and
until he is attacked (000423)
So now you have become dharmatit means you have entered
into the Kingdom of God into the Virata's conditions and
there your condition is such, your state is such that you are
dharma if you try to do Adharma, you suffer if you try to do
wrong you suffer I dont have to tell you to be righteous
there's no need I dont have to tell you to tell the truth or
dont steal I dont have to tell you all these things. You will
follow Christ or Krishna automatically sahaj. You become
the dharma of Virat now what is the dharma of the Virat of
Shri Krishna is collectivity (860823)
When the attention goes to the Spirit, you become
Dharmatit, that is beyond dharma, beyond your human nature -
whatever you do is religious whatever is your endeavour, it is
religious, is done in a religious manner. Dharma becomes part
and parcel of you - you just don't do wrong things, and you
don't have to follow any disciplines of dharma (980321)
Lacking in righteousness, or dharma (800727; 781005);
Mother Earth can punish us if we do adharmic things - for
example earthquakes, hurricanes etc. (790422); Adharmic
things would include such things as cabarets, adultery,
undignified behaviour, alcohol, wrong Gurus, reading bad books,
fanaticism, denouncing religions, materialism etc. (781005)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Dharma Yuda
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia, see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-800630 What is happening other Locas, Caxton Hall, see 800630 good 25
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead - (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Diabetes is a common disease of modern times, and doctors
cannot cure it, but we can cure it no doubt. Diabetes is caused
because there is one centre, called the Swadisthan which
manifests the aortic plexus within us, and which looks after the
pancreas, spleen, kidneys and liver (790720), but also looks after
the production of fat cells for the use of the brain (890801);
Now when you are thinking, the cells of the brain are replaced
every minute by the fat that is in your stomach by this centre
of Swadisthan (821008); Then when you start planning too
much, or thinking too much this Swadisthan is given such a lot of
work, that it stops supplying energy to the pancreas. Control of
the Swadisthan is di-verted away from the organs to the
provision of fat cells for the brain and as a result we get
diabetes from an unhealthy pancreas; But if you could give a
balance to that centre by giving power to it, you can cure
diabetes very easily (790720; 890801; 870500; 811005)
You see why you develop diabetes and then as a result of
diabetes, you develop bad eyes the reason is that in diabetes,
the fats are not consumed properly and they are not supplied
sufficiently to the brain to the optic lobes. The brain is made
of fat cells and that is why you get these troubles - if the fat
cells can be used for the eyes then there is no problem
(840214); Butter is important for the Swadisthan, which
converts it for the use of the brain cells (811005); Without
carbohydrates, fats and butter cannot be retained by the body
Loss of eyesight could be due to two things only it could be
due to diabetes, or to some possession (811006); A person whose
eyes are open, but he cannot see is affected by the Subcon-
scious and Collective Subconscious, from where the spirits
attack (830209) is a left side disease (800517.2) - one type of
bhoot is the one that makes a person blind, even though their
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Diabetes
eyes are open and normal to look at the left Swadisthan will be
catching. There are 2 types of blindness here - it could be a
bhoot, or it could be diabetes, or it could be a combination of
both. Ask if he has diabetes. If he does not have diabetes, then
it is definitely a bhoot (800517.2)
A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is
responsible for the whole world affairs in this myth develops
his ego to a great extent he uses his right side Swadisthan too
much and because of that there is an effect on the left hand
side Nabhi the left Nabhi catches and then he develops all the
problems of the left side in the organs so you neglect your
wife you become harsh to her are unkind to her your left
side starts becoming weak and makes your spleen and pancreas
very weak and that's why you get diabetes; First of all the
Swadisthan can't look after the liver, so you develop a liver.
Then on the left hand side it is absolutely useless, so you develop
diabetes. Diabetes is caused by over thinking absolutely.
Diabetes is not caused by sugar by any chance, I can tell you of
course you should not take too much also, I mean too much of
everything is wrong but you must take sugar it's important for
your liver (811006; 890801; 790609.3)
If you want to solve your problem of diabetes, you have to
develop your thoughtless awareness, which you get when Christ is
awakened within you. Diabetes is absolutely curable through
Sahaja Yoga (811006); Sahaja Yoga can cure diabetes by giving
you a balance it's a question of balance (790609.3); People who
lead a very temperate life, do not suffer from such a disease like
diabetes (790720; 890801); Also can be the result of working
too hard, for material, physical things (790507) or, if we are
hectic, and run about too much, we can get heart attacks,
leukaemia, liver problems, diabetes etc. (830131); A disease of
the right side (830209)
Sahajvidya - Diabetes
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Right Swadisthan; Left Nabhi
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Should not make you weak. Diarrhoea is important sometimes to
cleanse you out it's important; It is alright because it is a
parasympathetic activity it's cleansing you see; Some of you have
had some Gurus, and that's why also the void acts very fast it
must be the first time of visiting (to India - Ed), and then with this
Guru trouble, the void must be showing off; Diarrhoea, if you get it
20 times, that's sick; With diarrhoea and also vomiting it's the
drugs, and bad Gurus, and things, that spoil your void, and when you
come to Sahaja Yoga it comes out in this way. Let it be, it's better;
After Puja if it's happening, it's very good it should happen after
Puja (881221); Is a left side problem (830209)
Dahi used in the night, won't be good in the morning is alright
but buttermilk is better than Dahi it's much more soothing
there's nothing like it; Coffee just stops it, but it's not very
sensible to give a shock to your system coffee is not a curative, it
just stops diarrhoea but it's better to let it be cleansed out
unless and until you are absolutely very weak. There is also
something called 'Electrol' that you can get (in India - Ed) (881221)
For those who are in the centre, their main disease is in their
excretion and their all kinds of vomiting if they eat at a place
where they should not have eaten or if they eat a wrong type of
food or a wrong type of liquid they have to immediately go and
vacate it either they'll vomit, or they'll have diarrhoea (830209)
Ajwain Dhuni you all should have it, it's a very good thing,
ajwain. Also those who are having diarrhoea can have it, it's
alright it just clears you out completely; Mango juice is not so
good for people who have diarrhoea - the Indians know that it's
very hot, and creates heat in the stomach, though it's very tasty;
Milk can give you diarrhoea; You people take too much tea it's
very injurious for the intestines so much tea is very wrong plus
milk with it milk gives you diarrhoea. Limit your tea taking or if
you have to take many cups of tea, see that it is a very light tea.
Water should be increased more of water, less of tea; If you see
how much our Mother takes tea She may even take 10 cups just
to please us, but no sugar and no milk (881221)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Diarrhoea
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
Chakras affected: Left Side; Void
It's not such an emphasis on diet, that you should eat this or,
only by dieting supposing you are a liver patient so we give you
some sanctified or vibrated sugar to eat white sugar. Now
doctors will say 'dont take white sugar' but we have cured so
many people of liver troubles also migraines and this and
that and so many problems of allergies are to be cured. Now for
that, of course, we say for about a month you just don't eat
some fats you see thats alright but paying too much attention
to eat this or eat that health foodthis food that food,
thats not good it's too much attention diverted to food but
you should know the basics that if this is the problem with you
then what you should eat thats all so it's not such an
emphasis on diet, that you should eat this or only by dieting
Also we dont use any herbs or anything we at most can
sanctify some water, or salt, or sugar these basic things, thats
all we dont use any herbs or anything thats not needed now
any more (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
- end - 10 Sep 2002
If we do not practice whatever we have, then we lose it and
become diffident. And then we don't practice and again we lose
it, and we become like any ordinary human being (811103); When a
Guru does not feel the vibrations properly, he becomes diffident
about giving Realisation. Realisation has to be given, but it should
not be done with diffidence (860706)
What I have seen that we are very shy shy about Sahaja
Yoga we are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga - you have to
do it you should start talking openly about it if I was shy like
you, Sahaja Yoga would not have spread. One should not feel shy
about Sahaja Yoga otherwise what happens that it just melts
away with you dont feel shy you should talk about it wear
the badge with the badge people will ask you questions 'who is
this one' then you talk to them any way you like, you should
expose yourself and that will work out better (000507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 10 Sep 2002
The Nabhi looks after our digestion on the physical level it
also looks after our balance, our ten commandments, which are
given to us by the Primordial Masters and through this centre
we evolve (790722); At the level of right Nabhi, right sided
people may have problems of digestion (830209)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
Chakras affected: Right Side; Nabhi
Sahaja Yoga should be in the centre. There is a difference
between childish and childlike you can be innocent like a child,
but you're matured and both the things make a special dignified
personality of such a person. All these things come from this Right
side power, when you use it properly. Unless and until you have this
established, you cannot impress other people by your behaviour.
Other people, new people who come to you should see this
majesty this royalty within you which you are enjoying as a
blessing from God Almighty (810511)
Live with your dignity cheapish things, frivolous things, useless
things should not be there (860504); We have to understand our
own dignity, and the first thing is to understand that Sahaja Yogis
are the ones that God has chosen. When you are chosen the first,
you must also realise that you are the foundations - you have to be
strong and forbearing. Sahaja Yogis are the first lamps that
are going to enlighten other lamps in the world (760330);
Pratishta (800102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 20 Ap r 2003
The essence of diplomacy is the benevolence, of the whole of
humanity (890814.1); The essence of diplomacy is to put an absurd
condition, and befool a person so that when he reaches the point,
and understands that it's absurd then he gives it up otherwise
he will not (810330); Shri Krishna the Incarnation of Divine
Diplomacy (811005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Dirty Diseases
You will be amazed that in the western countries, the
percentage of impotent people is so high unbelievably it is like
that they talk so much about sex and do 'other' things it's
all talking so much of impotency is settled in these western
countries and the diseases, the dirty diseases which are
caused by these indiscriminate sex activities are so much that
they have to be guarded against (791202.3); I told this is all
wrong that you are doing it will have a very bad effect it's not
natural. If promiscuousness is good then why does it give
diseases if it is natural then why does it give you problems
simple question - there's a kind of an ego that we can do it - but
why fight with the Nature (870500)
What is sex any Tom, Dick or Harry can do sex are you now
sex points if you do it in a wrong way you will have diseases
you will have impotency no children will be born to you if you
misuse it (790200.1)
It is not permitted to have adulterous life in any religion
whatsoever because adulterous life brings forth all kinds of
problems for the sex for spoiling the last chakra - people can
become impotent or, over exited or could become suffering
from all the troubles of this centre for which you know the
diseases so one has to lead a very clean wonderful married life.
When I say this in the west, people really dont like it but I am
your Mother I have to tell you the truth. Whatever you have
done is done finished doesnt matter but now you should
come to your sanity because there are all these horrible satanic
diseases waiting just to work it out (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk, Australia - see 870503
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Disciple Principle
The Primordial Disciple Principle within us is there so that we
can receive the dharma, and when we do, it then becomes the Guru
Principle. The Disciple Principle is represented by the Sun and the
Moon, and presided over by Shri Buddha and Mahavira. Is within
the Void area (781005)
These two disciple elements, were first born to Shri Ram and
Shri Sita, as Luv and Kush. They were born many times after that,
as Buddha and Mahavira, as Adi Shankaracharya and Kabira, as
Hassan and Hussein - the grandsons of the Prophet. They have
been incarnating, saying to the people, that 'this is extreme, leave
it and come again in the centre, be in the centre be the perfect
disciple' (790530)
The disciples are the conveyance of the Guru (811103); The
disciple has to have a strict discipline, if he is to become the Guru
(840906); Before now, disciples remained as disciples, and there
was no need to grow so as to become Gurus. Now it is different,
and it is necessary to know, to learn what to do. There are 16
stages to cross, to become the Guru (821101)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Sahaja discipline is that which is done for the benevolence of
another's and one's own ascent (890814.1); You should not be
strict, or discipline too much in the ashrams because you are
Realised Souls; The Spirit gives the light and so you can see so
clearly and so can discipline yourselves (980321); You have to be
your own Guru this means that you have to be strict with
'yourself' (910728); After Realisation you have to be disciplined
people (850629)
And now, what is the subtle point of the right side is
discipline not the artificial military or regimented discipline but
the inner discipline - is the good behaviour like what time you get
up in the morning how we greet the morning that special time,
when the Sun throws it's real rays of Divinity. By discipline, I
mean a certain amount of respect for yourself like, not to
jabber too much or like, some people go without bathing the
body, for months together or if say, you like to see pornographic
books then you have no respect for yourself (781002)
Without doing anything without saying anything, you got your
Realisation you got it Sahaj in a very simple manner you didn't
do anything about it absolutely Sahaj so you have no business to
be harsh, horrible, hot tempered or strict gurus. But it crawls up,
I have seen sometimes quite a lot of military business starts in
Sahaja Yoga also that cannot be no disciplining is needed. The
way we deal with others is by kindness sweetness concern
that's what your Mother has given concern (920719)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 27 Dec 2002
So it comes to the discretion how to use your Ida Nadi and Pingala
Nadi and discretion to understand what is good and what is bad
what is good for you what is benevolent what is good for the
collective what is good for your ascent (880710)
Intelligence cannot give you discretion as far as the conditioning is
concerned discretion of the Ida Nadi is Intuition if you develop
that discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you
develop Intuition and Intuition is nothing but is the help of the
Ganas which are surrounding you if you learn to take help from the
Ganas, you can become very intuitive. Of the whole of Sahaja Yoga, I
would say 50% of that is based on intuition and for that you have to
develop a proper sense of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha is Ganapati the
master the chief of all the Ganas - so the Ganas give you intuition
Then, acceptance will give you a wonderful discretion over your ego.
Whatever goes wrong it's alright accept it. Supposing you are lost
on the way you should not think like all other people but think
why Hanumana must have brought me here for some purpose
accept it accept the situation. When you accept the situation, you
are playing into the hands of the Deities who are guiding you
And above all, the vibrations part, which you have to see if you do
something and if the vibrations are going down, then of course
'I'm a Sahaja Yogi to me vibrations are my ascent' - is the most
important thing. So to develop discretion on the right hand side, you
have to know your goals, your destination you must know on what
path you are standing where you are brought where are you
today you are not like other people. That kind of a discretion you
develop within yourself for that you need pure intelligence (880710)
On one side we have the help of Shri Krishna, to give us the
discretion and on the other we have Christ in between is placed
this Hamsa. So we have two great Incarnations within us, who are the
embodiment of discretion Shri Krishna who looks after the
conditioning side of it and Christ who looks after the ego side of
it (880710)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Discretion
Now for Sahaja Yogis, it is important to understand that they have
to work out their discretion in a manner that they develop their
intuition I would say the first part would be the intuition try
experiment but, going to extremes of everything is wrong in Sahaja
Yoga you have to do everything in moderation like putting your
attention to nonsensical things makes your vibrations absolutely
disappear so with discretion you must have common sense practical
sense (880710)
To improve the discretion we take vibrated ghee or butter, which
is heated up and put it in the nose. But before that we gargle with
salt which represents the Guru principle because when the
principles of Shri Krishna plus the principle of Guru are mixed the
two get integrated, and then the collectivity starts and as a result
of that you get Discretion (850502)
Discretion is higher than debating (830512) if you want your
Spirit to be happy, if you want to keep your attention happy, then
keep the attention integrated with your 'being', not with your ego
this is where discretion comes in; Also you have your vibrations there
to teach you discretion better check yourself, and nobody else
Now one has to learn the Mariadas means the boundaries of
your relationships. Shri Rama is known for his boundaries he doesnt
cross the limit in everything discretion of the heart should be
there. Now there is no word for discretion of the heart in English
language which is Mariada discretion of the heart is how far to
go (820402)
Those people who are obedient to me are very powerful Sahaja
Yogis you know that and those who are not, go down very fast. I
have seen those who are disobedient, who dont listen to me, who are
rude to me, who do not understand the protocol go down very much
in Sahaja Yoga because what is lacking in you is the discretion, the
Mariada how far to go. You have to be powerful people and the
power of a person increases by putting Mariadas - supposing you have
wheat, and you spread it, it will spread all over and anybody, birds will
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Discretion
come and eat it up it will be finished. But if you put it in a sack, it
will have a weight it will have a size it will rise in height is
useful and it will have respect. But the thing that is all spread all
over will never be respected. Nothing works out without Mariadas
you have to keep your Mariadas. All our ideas of freedom are to be
bound by Mariadas if the freedom has no Mariadas, it is
abandonment it is a nonsense it is not going to help (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Sahaja Yogis are Realised Souls, are knowledgeable. You are
different to others. Not to put down or discard anyone, but to
know that they are not the same as you are. They have to become
like you they can become like you. They are not your enemies
they can come to this side but, they are not the same as you are.
This must come into you so that collectivity becomes strong. So
discretion is very important. One of the very great basics for our
growth is to discriminate. Trust Sahaja Yogis a Sahaja Yogi is
your brother, your sister, your companion, is everything (801116)
We must discriminate between good and bad if you cannot do
that, then you will be in trouble; Do not sympathise with negative
people. Negative people will always sit together, and egoists will
also sit together, because they can talk to each other better. Be
careful be on the watch out where are we sitting between the
negatives or the over positives where are we we have to be in
the centre we must discriminate and find out what is happening
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
- end - 26 Apr 2003
Many new diseases started in the last 25 years (i.e. since around
the middle of the 20th century) (830127); Sickness comes if there
is something wrong in the 'Principle', that builds up the human
being. Basically there are two principles which affect the body, and
the third principle affects the evolution - the first principle of the
left sided if it is in danger then we develop lots of diseases due to
lethargic organs but the right sided people have a very overactive
personality, and have overactive organs (830209)
Disease is the exhaustion on all the centres - because they are
the underlying forces of all the plexuses that we have - when they
get exhausted, the plexuses get exhausted then we develop
diseases physical, mental and emotional (790608.1); If there is
sickness, it means that there is something wrong - if one is working
for God, then one must be healthy (790416); There will be no
problems with health, if the centres are cleared (790507)
Doctors only know the physical side of human beings. So the
problem you have doctors will say there is nothing wrong with you
until it manifests it's physical side so if there is any problem we
will know first and doctors will know much later - maybe it will be
so difficult that they may not be able to do anything about it
(810511); There are many doctors in Sahaja Yoga, and they have
seen with their own experiences that many patients who were
supposed to be incurable are cured. Many drug addicts got right
overnight, without paying for it, and without taking any medicines
just through their own power of Kundalini (980705)
I found there were people who got cured of many diseases but
most of them got lost. Some of them, who were drug addicts gave
up drug addiction drinking, also they gave up and smoking they
gave up. I never said a word, that you give up this, or give up that -
I knew that once the Kundalini rises, they will automatically give
up and it happened. And thats how people became so clean, so
beautiful, and started enjoying their life. Christ cured twenty one
people I dont know how many thousands have been cured by
Sahaja Yoga (000507)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Disease
The antibodies called 'Ganas' in Sanskrit are under the control
of the sternum bone, by which they are produced, and fight off
'attacks', or diseases are ultimately under the control of the
'Centre Heart' chakra (MME) where til the age of twelve years,
we develop our antibodies which later on in life go into the whole
body into the circulation and fight our diseases and fight our
emotions (790722); If you are having compassion for others then
you dont catch - you catch because you dont have compassion. A
mother never gets a disease from her child she'll never get a
disease from her child it's a fact. In the same way when you
really 'love' you'll never catch anything (.0011)
In Russia, the scientists are very open hearted the scientists at
the time of Stalin, were all arrested, and whilst in confinement they
developed the subtler side, and discovered about the auras that
human beings have, and from these auras that you could diagnose
their diseases. One scientist there has said that he has proved it,
that you have to go to a physical vacuum state, which Jung has
described as thoughtless awareness, for Reality to be understood
The left sided person, the Tamoguni get lots of psychosomatic
diseases (980712); Imbalances of the Left Swadisthan can result in
lethargic organs, resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver), nervous
problems, cancer and leukaemia (840313); A lethargic liver gives you
allergies all kinds of allergies come to people through their
lethargic livers (830209); Diseases that may result from lethargic
organs, include: cirrhosis; rashes; allergies etc (830131); Organs can
be lethargic if we eat too much carbohydrate type of food - in
which case, we should take more proteins. There is no harm in
taking meat (830131); Those who have lethargic temperament have
a left side imbalance, develop clots in their blood, and low blood
pressure and these clots can cause paralysis on the left hand
side (830209; 830129)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Disease
Left side diseases include: emotional problems and misery,
fearfulness and nervousness, schizophrenia, colds, diarrhoea,
lethargic hearts, swellings in the body, gout, troubles of the joints,
lethargic livers resulting in allergies, blindness with the eyes open,
cancer, muscular dystrophy, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis, tuber-
culosis, blood clots, paralysis caused by blood clots, low blood
pressure (830209); Sinus is a left side problem (800517.2)
The Collective Subconscious is a very dangerous zone. If you go
to a guru who practices the left side, or take to clairvoyance, i.e. to
someone who uses dead spirits, then you can get all sorts of
diseases including cancer (830302); Tantrikas which is the misuse
of the Kundalini (920621) and are those who control dead spirits
are very bad, and lead to incurable diseases (830129)
When you enter into the Collective Subconscious any one of
these spirits these busy bodies can catch hold of you and once
they catch hold of you, you are liable for any of these diseases.
Especially, I have seen if there's a possessed person of course
they become mad they get epilepsy all these are possessed
people. Epilepsy can be cured all such mental problems, depres-
sion can be cured it's not difficult at all but one must know
that if you are possessed, you must really work it out and see to it
that it goes away from you and that you become your Self.
Multiple Sclerosisa disease of the left side so far I have seen
three cases in England, which have been cured by Sahaja Yoga and
all of them had either the wife or husband possessed (821008)
Those who go headlong into wrong paths may suffer from funny
heart troubles, palpitations, insomnia, vomiting, giddiness, irrelevant
talking etc. It is very serious to go to wrong gurus (830204);
Amongst their followers, diseases like cancers, leukaemia, psycho-
somatic problems, madness, can occur, and can lead to Ekadesha
Rudra problems (830129); The jumping from one Guru to another
and which has disturbed the Kundalini, is very wrong. All these
Gurus give diseases, like cancers, and the Kundalini gets damaged.
Even the private parts get damaged by these Gurus (790530); Guru
shopping is a fashion is nothing deep is a fashion (860707.1)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Disease
Sahaja Yoga has one problem in the West that people don't want
to hear that you should be moral they find it very difficult but
it's a fundamental thing that we have to be moral people. Now they
are seeing the results of it that they have got AIDS they have
got all these diseases all these troubles - from that they are
learning that our Mooladhara should be alright (890617.1); A catch
at the left Mooladhara is a very dangerous thing (850806); All
incurable diseases come from disturbances in the Mooladhara - e.g.
myelitis, cancers, schizophrenia etc. Diseases that can result from
Mooladhara problems include: multiple sclerosis; muscular dystro-
phy; some cancers; some schizophrenias; Aids and some stupidity
(900828; 860907)
Sin against the Mother the problem in the West is an insult to
the Mother Power of God (830131) the biggest sin of modern
times which is immorality, and which produces cancer which is also
heat producing, and is also called the 'Sin against the Goddess'.
Results in psychosomatic, or physical diseases, such as Aids, cancer
etc with delayed punishment (941009; 830113.2); Such things as
perverted sex habits, alcohol, drugs, internal stress from anxiety
or fear of oppression (MME); Is not difficult for you to get out of
it. Attention is to be kept pure. If the attention is not pure, then
there will always be attacks by any nonsensical thing which has no
meaning in your ascent (821219)
Organs can be Active type, if we eat too much protein type food -
in which case we should take more of vegetarian foods (830131);
Supposing you are a right sided person, then what happens to you
you become overactive. Overactivity gives you fatigue gives you all
kinds of diseases such a person is very speedy he cannot sit in
one place for two minutes, all the time jumping, and he creates
problems for himself and his family. This is Rajoguna. The Rajoguni
has an opinion of his own about everything he goes on forcing it
onto others. But if you see his own life, he is a complete misery he
cannot carry on with people he cannot talk to people, and there is
a very big gap between himself, his Spirit, and his being (980712);
On a full moon day, we are overactive, even in the sleep state. As
the moon grows, the activity starts, in the night also (821101)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Disease
When ego develops too much, you become Ekadesha Rudra
problem (800907), and is one of the greatest hurdles to the
Kundalini entering the Sahastrara (830204); Problems with
Ekadesha Rudra (if we think I am OK, I can look after myself, I
don't believe in God), and which come from Right side of void with
right side diseases like heart attacks. The cure for problems with
Ekadesha Rudra is to give up wrong ideas, and wrong Gurus, and by
accepting that Sahaja Yoga is the only way; Beat with shoes
(830204; 840916; 970316)
Right side diseases include: aggressive ego, hot tempered and
obnoxious, overtalkativeness in old age, overactive hearts,
palpitations, asthma, constipation, cirrhosis of the liver, unhealthy
skin which is sallow, diabetes, leukaemia, kidney problems, high
blood pressure, uterus troubles, barrenness in women, digestive
troubles, paralysis caused by brain damage and overdevelopment of
Mr ego (830209); Heart Attack can result from too much right
side activity (870500)
I feel the whole West suffers from one simple disease that is
they do not know how to respect anyone with their ego, they want
to judge everyone, and condemn everyone so get out of it, and tell
yourself 'I don't know anything' - don't think that you know every-
thing respect each and every person not for what he has read, or
what he has learnt, but because he is a great Soul; Respect every
Sahaja Yogi from your heart, because they are made in the form of
Shri Ganesha - we'll not make fun of them we'll not laugh at them
- as long as they're in Sahaja Yoga, we have to respect (840902)
For those who are in the centre, their main disease is in their
excretion and their all kinds of vomiting if they eat at a place
where they should not have eaten or if they eat a wrong type of
food or a wrong type of liquid they have to immediately go and
vacate it either they'll vomit, or they'll have diarrhoea. Other
problems they may develop include: swellings on the body, arthritis
or pain in the joints, low breathing, low blood pressure, temporary
tiredness, throat troubles, drying up of the liquid in the body,
headaches and pressures on the sides of the head, all these from
fighting the negativity in the persons they are with (830209)
5 5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Disease
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 mins Q&A good 50
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella - video says 941008] good 55
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Divine Force
The All Pervading Power that has brought us to Sahaja Yoga, to
our Mother. Automatically we are pushed into, or brought to that
point, by some sort of Divine Force, which worked it out, which is
Sahaj. We may not realise it, but think how you came to Sahaj
how I got this (980320)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Divine Plan
The 'abode' of Kundalini is called as Mooladhara, and is
represented in the Universe as this Mother Earth, and in the
Puja is represented as the Kumbha (830821); Today, in this
modern Sahaja Yoga, we are actually at the level of Mother
Earth because as they say, it is the age of Aquarius and
Aquarius is the same as the Kumbha is the Mother Earth
Also the consciousness of human beings, not only men but
divine Plan
women also is moving more towards the feminine expression of
life today we have to understand that it is time for the
motherly qualities to develop. Even a man, when he becomes
motherly he only, becomes a great man (830821); So the
quality of a woman as a mother she is the power is most
important to ignite Sahaja Yoga (830821); Now how she ignites,
I'll tell you (830821)
Say there is a zero it has no meaning - in the same way God
Almighty has no meaning til you put some sort of a 1 or 2
before it it's a zero it has an existence, but it has no
capacity, or power to express itself so it's a zero. Like that
we should say, the masculine growth is a zero (830821);
Another analogy is like the high power lines going over your
head til this high power thing is not connected to the earth, it
has no meaning at all (830821)
Now in a woman, the womb of a woman if it expresses the
Kundalini in the gross that means the Mother Earth is also like
the womb. Now what does the womb do - it receives the
sperm which is just a frivolous act of man, or you can say, just
his aggression and she then nourishes it, looks after it,
corrects it and allows it to grow not in an aggressive way, but
in a very compassionate and a sensible way, til it is expelled out
of the womb when it is grown up. This is what today's Sahaja
Yoga is that now the Mother Earth is the one who is
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Divine Plan
symbolised within you as the Mooladhara is symbolised as the
Adi Shakti here, sitting down before you to nourish you to
make you grow into new personalities into mature personalities
- this concept we must understand. So the women of the West
must understand that the nonsensical ideas that they have
taken from men, must be completely discarded they have to
become women first they have to be like this Mother Earth
who allows you to do what you like with her (830821)
So on both the sides of men or women, we have to
understand if you are a man, and if you are a dominating man,
it's alright but if you are a woman, and if you are dominating,
then it's a difficult thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure you have
lost your quality of being a woman at least you have to be a
woman to begin with. Now the men have to be compassion, kind,
considerate never subservient never subservient. The women
have to be great, large, receptive, receiving and nourishing. So
a woman must try to be a woman, and a man must try to be a
man (830821)
Now see what is the situation of a man, as a masculine effect
on the development of consciousness. As manliness was
expressed, we have developed science, we have developed all
this knowledge all those things which are outside. Now
everything is ready now the feminine nature has to rise now.
Now everything is ready, it has to just spark all the chakras
are ready now awaken the Kundalini. Kundalini is as important
as the other chakras are so now awaken the Kundalini (830821)
You have to become one with the whole and to do this, you
should try to give up your individualistic attitudes the
attention is now on the upbringing of the child within you the
spirit which you have to nourish, through the Kundalini - where
is the time for other nonsensical things. So now in you,
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Divine Plan
the motherhood must take over rather than the fatherhood
the attitude should be like a mother towards the child which
you have got now with you. Those who are absolutely useless will
be thrown away gradually that's what Mother does they can
be thrown away you don't have to worry about such people
but you must worry about the whole you have to take up
responsibility those who do not, are not the people who have
yet matured their child the spirit (830821)
We must assume our own nature, in all dignity, and in all
pride not to feel in any way lower down. The whole preparation
has been made for this Aquarian Age to come in to bring in the
Kundalini upward and to make the whole thing work out in
such a way that the left and right meet and you all become
ignited enlightened (830821)
Now see how Mother Earth herself was created. First the
movement of the energy started flowing now this is a
combined energy alright then this energy went round and
round and round and when it consolidated, there was a big
bang. When this big bang took place - now this is the manly
work I should say, in a way, manly style, because still the
Mother Earth is not produced - so then these little fragments
again went round and round and with the momentum they
became roundish out of them the Mother Earth was selected.
On the Mother Earth, out of the water came the life the
carbon came in and a human being was created. Then 'man'
went round and improved the societies, or whatever was
possible, with their ego and, finished now now they have done
their job you see now they are on dole you can say. Now the
womb or we can say the Kundalini, which has been waiting all
these years, was resting, waiting for that time. We call it the
blossom time has come at that time the Kundalini has to rise
and ignite in such a way that the completion of the whole work
takes place it's simple do you understand now? (830821)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Divine Plan
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Divine Power
You must have full faith in the ability of this All Pervading Power
- as soon as you are detached, and you say 'you' do it finished
once you say that, the whole thing changes completely, because you
transfer all your responsibilities, all your problems to this Divine
Power, which is so powerful, which is so capable, which can work out
anything (980510); But whenever you think that 'you' are going to
solve this problem, 'you' are going to do it, then alright the Divine
Power says 'alright, try your luck' but if you can really put this
problem to the Divine Power, it will work out (980510)
You must believe that there is Divine Power it thinks,
understands, it organises above all it loves you. This Divine Power
has to be understood that it is now your own, and that you are in
the realm of this Divine Power, where you won't have any problems
whatsoever if you leave things to the Divine Power, it will all work
out. It is something to be understood very well that the power
within you what you have understands and understands you also.
It is in a way a power which is your own power, but you cannot
control it. It knows about you whenever you are falling when you
are doing wrong - the same power which protects and loves you like
a mother, will correct you and bring you to the right path (980712)
I can't understand people using their rationality to understand
Sahaja Yoga how can you understand this great power with your
limited rationality. I can explain to an ant about your politics but I
cannot tell you how this Divine Power works. I was asked one day to
what extent it goes to what dimensions it is infinite you cannot
calculate if you put two mirrors facing each other, and put some
object in between, you cannot calculate how many reflections you
will get. Even that you see but you cannot calculate and here
I'm talking about something that does all that which creates all
this. You cannot calculate all the molecules and the atoms of one
element but I'm talking about somebody who has created them
and who in every molecule pulsates (800721)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Divine Power
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
Doctors only know the physical side of human beings. So the
problem you have doctors will say there is nothing wrong with
you until it manifests it's physical side so if there is any
problem we will know first and doctors will know much later -
maybe it will be so difficult that they may not be able to do
anything about it (810511)
There are many doctors in Sahaja Yoga, and they have seen with
their own experiences that many patients who were supposed to
be incurable are cured. Many drug addicts got right overnight,
without paying for it, and without taking any medicines just
through their own power of Kundalini (980705)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 30 Apr 2003
The question of domination, whether of the woman dominating
the man, or the man dominating the woman, is absolutely out of
the question in Sahaja Yoga. There is going to be no domination
of any kind, but one has to see that the left side is on the left
side, and the right side is on the right side, and should not start
demanding what the other side has got, like the men wanting to
have children, or the women wanting to grow beards and
moustaches (871230.1)
So on both the sides, of men or women, we have to understand,
that if you are a man, and if you are dominating man, it's alright
but if you are a woman, and if you are dominating, then it's a
difficult thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure because you have lost
your quality of being a woman at least you have to be a woman
to begin with. Now the men when they are dominating, they have
to understand that they have to be compassion to be kind to
be considerate but never subservient never subservient
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
- end - 28 Jun 2003
A negative activity which can lead to, or result in cowardice
(891008.1); There is no time for you to doubt anything. Do not
waste your time. If you are still doubting, it is better to give up
On one side we have the doubting people and on the other side,
the fanatics - those who try to adhere more and more, to the
teachings, had to become fanatics. So these two types one
doubting another fanatic both had not known God both had
not achieved Reality and they criticised each other because
both of them did not know what truth was (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
- end - 27 Mar 2003
The reason why we have dreams is that the Unconscious within
us, the Atma or the Kundalini is trying to guide us to the right
path - and this it does through dreams. But these are
misunderstood, because we are confused. When we are sleeping we
go to the depth of the Sushupti level, and there touch the
Unconscious, but when we come out, we touch our Subconscious or
maybe the Supraconscious, and this confuses whatever experience
we may have had at the Sushupti level, with other things
connected to our sub or Supraconscious, and we don't remember,
or don't understand, and we forget it. A Realised Soul goes to the
Sushupti and sees exactly what he has to know (830203)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830203 Agnya Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 22 mins) good 55
- end - 17 Jun 2003
In Sahaja Yoga we have to be particular about how we dress
up that our dress should be decent, dignified, and decorous
that should in no way show our vulgarity we should look after
our chastity and our morality which is meant for both women
and men not only in dress, but even in day to day life it is
important (930721); Now your clothes, because you are Saints
are very important you are not vagabonds, or tramps, you are
not on the streets you have to wear dignified dress. I have told
everyone of you that wear something dignified, not undignified
it has to be majestic because you are saints now selected by
God so the dress need not be absurd or something funny, but
should give you dignity. See the vibrations of a dress wear your
country's dress. You need not wear somebody else's dress, but
the interest should be that it gives you a dignity and a sense of
respectability. It is to preserve your respect that you are to
wear a dress that is the utility of a dress (800927); At random
we buy things we buy clothes. If you can, use your vibratory
awareness to buy your things to see what you should buy, what
would look nice - because beauty and auspiciousness go hand in
hand they are not 'two things' (800927)
All things that are in us if they are auspicious, we'll have a
'presence' wherever we'll stand, people will know we have a
presence this presence is a blessing of the 'matter' to us. So
you must respect matter in the sense, what clothes you wear -
throwing clothes on the ground, throwing here and there, living
like a donkey, like a pigsty is not the way a Sahaja Yogi should
live he has to be orderly, he has to respect his clothes. But it
should not be that you respect your clothes so much that you
throw away 'others' clothes they are Sahaja Yogis also you
have to respect each other, because you are all Saints (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Clothes
It's very natural to be a person of dharma small children
mostly have it for example, children feel very shy to take out
their clothes in the presence of others they feel shy. You
should be shy and humble and respect your body it's very
important in these modern times when exposure of the body is
regarded as a great achievement of women. It's absolutely
absurd that men should be attracted to women and women
should be attracted to men and on the road - this adharma is
the worst it's a curse. All these limited types of attractions
end up in troubles. Whatever is not good for you, you should not
do I don't have to tell you that you don't do this, or you don't
do that (970823.1)
Fashion is madness (971005); You see the fashion is to expose
the knees it's very dangerous, because you can get both the
Nabhis in this cold weather or hot weather either you catch
the right Nabhi, or the left Nabhi and what is there in the
knees, to expose. So for Sahaja Yogis it is important that they
must decide 'now, that's all finished no more' (960710);
People wear dresses which are above the knee but the knees
are very important chakras you should keep them closed
otherwise you will have knee trouble; Also, you shouldn't wear
sleeveless dress there are two very important chakras if you
expose them then you'll have problems (970823.1); I find on
the streets, women walking with very short clothes with that,
what will happen your Nabhi chakra will be caught up and you
will have problems with money (960716)
It's so absurd I just can't understand like in England, it is
so very cold in Scotland even worse but people dont wear
anything when they sleep I mean thats easiest way to get sick
they dont wear undershirts. Then the most fashionable dresses
are the dresses where you cannot see any cloth anywhere I
mean, it's all missing. The women the way they dress up I'm
surprised this is the best way to get sick. They wear such big
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Clothes
heels this modern generation in the West they are going to
develop such terrible diseases their legs will become swollen
up not only varicose veins such big heels they wear. God has
created you with such care what are you doing to yourself -
little heels are alright but to have heels of this height this is
the best way to spoil all your nerves and circulation (.0011)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 27 Dec 2002
Poor people drink much more than the rich people do
(800927); It goes against one's awareness Mohammed warned
against drinking (830131); The worst for Lakshmi Principle is
drinking is alcohol - they say in India, that a bottle comes
from one side, and the Lakshmi runs away from the other.
Sahaja Yogis don't need to drink they give up drinking and
thus the Lakshmi Principle can be established much more easily
The Mother never says 'don't drink', but you yourself, after
Realisation just give it up, because you start feeling the Joy
(790507); I never tell 'don't drink' you go ahead have
cancer then come to me. Have your liver absolutely shattered
be a drunken fellow then you come to me. When Realisation
takes place immediately the priorities change absolutely
you'll be amazed. Then they say 'Mother we can't drink' I
said what happens they say 'we vomit'; You see if you get
the nectar of life, then you don't run after frivolous things
useless things (790608.1)
Alcohol was not intended for us to drink, but was provided
for us as a polish. Gin is good for polishing diamonds. However if
we drink it, then our liver suffers, being also polished, and so
preventing the transfer of the heat into the blood. The result
is that we become hot tempered and angry. We also can become
confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol, which is against our
attention (810328); Alcohol was denounced by all the Primordial
Masters (810330) is that which is drunk by those who are not
the Devas (970600); Alcohol is the rotten wine - you have to
rot it for days together, and the more rotten it is then it is
regarded as something very expensive (871225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Drinking
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
Chakras affected: Nabhi
The Drop
The drop has to become the Ocean (890611); When the drop
becomes the Ocean, then it doesn't think it is a drop it thinks it
is a part of the Ocean. In the same way, once you grow up, you
become very collective; Like a painter has a brush and is nicely
painting - it's the painter that's painting. But if the brush starts
thinking I am the one who is painting, it's stupidity (980706)
All the Incarnations who came, were part of the Sahastrara,
part of the Brahmachaitanya, of the Adi Shakti, and when they
came, they gave Realisation to some very good people, who then
got dissolved in the ocean of love, and were then lost into that.
Just as the drop dissolves in the ocean, so they took to Mona, to
silence they disappeared (870503.1); Kabir said "when the drop
becomes the ocean, what can you say, you are lost, you are no more
there, you are finished" (870408)
We are all collective we have to know everything among each
other and we have to live like one family, all over the world. Once
you develop that kind of a love for everyone, then you will be
surprised, you have become a great personality - that means the
drop becomes the ocean (960716)
Advaitha means 'one personality' completely integrated
(830204); This is Advaitha where you become 'one' - all the
religions teach Advaitha means 'where there is not the other'
Anand you become 'one' with that with the whole ocean. A drop
becomes the ocean all the powers of the ocean are there for the
drop thats what it is. There are some who say 'we believe in
Dvaitha' why 'we dont want to get lost' I mean you are not
lost you become the whole but they want to keep that small
limitation you see and what is that small limitation they want to
keep it's called as Mr e-g-o which is a myth (800721)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Drop
When working or when we are doing any action, we should
develop the witness state, and indulge into work in thoughtless
awareness, saying 'I am not doing it' (800517.2); Separate
yourself from yourself become the Spirit identify with the
Spirit and tell off the ego-self. Address yourself, your ego-self,
as though you are Mataji talking, and tell yourself off; Know that
your 'drop' (i.e. 'you') has fallen into the ocean, and thus has
become the ocean - but don't forget the first step (i.e. the drop
falling into the ocean) (800517.2); When the attention goes to the
Spirit, then you become Gunatit, beyond the gunas, Kalatit, beyond
time, and Dharmatit, beyond dharma, and then you become like the
'drop' in the ocean (980321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Drugs can be right sided or left sided LSD and all these, take
you to the right Supraconscious areas where you can see the
auras and things like that where you start seeing things, and
becomes disintegrated (821007; 811005) and the left side stuff is
like Hashish which make you miserable afterwards you laugh and
laugh, and then you become emotional - all these things are
imaginary they are not Reality Reality is in the centre is in the
present (821007)
Cocaine is a right sided drug 15 million people are taking
cocaine, in America; People taking cocaine can be cured (850528);
Strong things like 'Crack' which have within them sulphur dioxide,
which does not go anywhere, but just rushes into the limbic area,
has a strong affect on the Sahastrara. The limbic area is a hollow
space having within it cells sensitive to joy and happiness. These
cells now become numb, and so ordinary music cannot be heard - it
becomes necessary to shout and scream, but as soon as the
Kundalini enters the limbic area, She soothes it down (890801)
Wherever they are using all kinds of black magic, and producing
all kinds of drugs if you do all these things to harm people, then
Mother Earth gets into volcanic conditions and volcanoes start
bursting out (860803); In places where there may be all sorts of
black magic, or drugs or witchcraft, or false gurus or all kinds of
devilish things, then the Mother Earth gets into volcanic conditions,
and her anger can be so great, that she can destroy thousands of
miles; The eruptions harm collectively, and sometimes some innocent
people are also killed in that (860803)
The modern curses in the West are worse (than the ones in India
- Ed) because they are not 'troublesome' at all on the contrary
they show as if you are on top of the world, as if you are very
successful, and your attitude is 'what's wrong'; The industrial
revolution has already cursed us we are eating food from tins our
milk is from hybrid animals we have divorce, drugs then our job
or our business is the most important for us, and also things like
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Drugs
putting colour in your hair, sitting in the Sun burning your skin,
behaving indecently, indecorously - that seems to be the modern
thing. What's wrong nothing is wrong, just you go to hell that's
all just take 2 running jumps and go to hell but leave Sahaja Yoga
(880106); In England, all the seekers are lost by drugs, hippyism
all such nonsense (980510)
Diarrhoea should not make you weak. Diarrhoea is important
sometimes to cleanse you out it's important; It is alright
because it is a parasympathetic activity it's cleansing you see;
With diarrhoea and also vomiting it's clearing out that's good
for you it's the drugs, and bad Gurus, and things, that spoil your
void, and when you come to Sahaja Yoga it comes out in this way.
Let it be, it's better; After Puja if it's happening, it's very good
it should happen after Puja (881221); Can be cured by saying:
"Mother, You are my Guru" (800727), or by saying the mantra for
the Adi Guru (800517.2); Like drinking too much is against
dharma taking drugs telling lies about other people stealing
killing somebody are against dharma all these 10 commandments.
So when you try to disobey them and go on disobeying all the
time then it works that way so be careful about your dharma
Many have given up drugs when they got Realisation (790507); I
found there were people who got cured of many diseases but most
of them got lost. Some of them, who were drug addicts gave up
drug addiction drinking, also they gave up and smoking they gave
up. I never said a word, that you give up this, or give up that - I
knew that once the Kundalini rises, they will automatically give up
and it happened. And thats how people became so clean, so
beautiful, and started enjoying their life. Christ cured twenty one
people I dont know how many thousands have been cured by
Sahaja Yoga (000507)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Drugs
There are many doctors in Sahaja Yoga, and they have seen with
their own experiences that many patients who were supposed to be
incurable are cured. Many drug addicts got right overnight, without
paying for it, and without taking any medicines just through their
own power of Kundalini (980705); There are no 'don'ts' in Sahaja
Yoga - there is no need to say 'don't take drugs' etc.
Automatically they drop out (e.g. drinks, drugs, prostitution etc.)
(980320); We don't say "don't", because half the people will run
away but it just happens to you. And you save money because you
are not wasting it on anything, because there are no drugs no
smoking and no drinking (980705)
The Nabhi can be upset by alcohol, drugs and some medicines also.
In the centre of this chakra is the Lakshmi, by which we have
balance, and a sense of satisfaction, and exert no pressure on
others. The Lotus is the symbol of this centre, being pink (the
symbol of love), fragrant, soft and receptive to all that is harsh and
crude (810328); In the Supraconscious, they saw so many things
they saw the chakras they saw Vishnu Garuda you can see
stars you can know about stars about astrology by going to the
right side. In the Supraconscious you can see lots of things
because the Supraconscious area is made of all the elements. But
most of them just took to drugs and they went to that area,
where they saw lights, eyes and this and that. Also even dowsing,
for water comes from the same but you get possessed and then
you are nowhere you are not yourself it's somebody else
One thing they can do is to put a candle near their left
Swadisthan, a little far and put one candle before the
photograph and put left hand towards the photograph, and right
hand on Mother Earth it works and the candle at the back should
be kept little far away because it makes sound, it goes this way, and
that way it burns. Those who have been taking drugs, not LSD, but
other drugs, the drowsy people who feel sleepy, whose brains are
destroyed by drugs all those people can benefit a lot by this do
it every day (860504)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Drugs
When people take drugs, what they are doing they are seeking
the truth. As you start taking any drug, it creates a habit, and this
habit is created by the left side channel and to make this habit
any habit, alright the one who is suffering from these habits has
to be empowered and that power is only possible when we become
the Spirit (890617.2); You develop habits on the left side all your
habits should be under your control. The habits we have formed
through drugs, from drinking are very dangerous habits. Also people
have their attention here and there, attracting people is one of
the ways we allow our attention to fritter away this attention has
to be brought under control. When it happens, just point your eyes
down, keep your eyes down (871219)
Habits come to us like, we cannot sit on the ground these
habits should be got rid of but for that you shouldnt waste your
energy getting rid of these habits on the contrary, if you put your
attention to your Spirit to what you have achieved to where you
are gradually you will find your habits will drop out. Like we have
had terrible alcoholics, who could not give up and they have given
up we had people who have taken drugs they have given up
without difficulty. There are higher vices, and bigger vices which
people have given up and some vices which one cannot mention,
that people have given up and this happens when your attention
goes to your Spirit automatically your detachment works out
means your attention has felt definitely that 'oneness' with
Reality otherwise why are you getting detached but for that it is
essential that your attention should be on your Spirit (781002)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Drugs
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Chakras affected: Right side or Left side; Void; Nabhi; Swadisthan
- end - 22 Apr 2003
A drop or two of ghee in each nostril, twice a day, will help the
Hamsa, and correct a bad Hamsa, which can result from dryness
in the home and at the workplace (870408); Dryness of the
throat, may be due to psychological tricks, like 'I'll not talk to
her, or I'll not speak'. This type of behaviour can lead to a
dryness (800517.2)
People who are in the 'centre' may suffer from the drying up
of the liquid in the body, if they have to fight the anti-God
elements very much so a kind of dryness can develop in their
peritoneum that's why it's nice for them to eat some ghee or
butter. They must rub their fingers and hands with ghee or
butter to soothe it down, because the heat from the other
people can make them dried up (830209)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Dust Particle
Shri Mataji wrote a poem in Her childhood, called
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Dwapar Yuga
The Yuga or 'Age' when Krishna came (820402); The second Age
in the cycle of Yugas or Ages, each of thousands of years in
length, when people start to lose some of the great qualities that
they had during the first or Golden Age, and leading to Kali Yuga,
the Modern Times characterised by Confusion and Conflict (MME)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Twice born (860125; 830302); One who has known Brahma, is
Self Realised, is genuinely twice born. The Sanskrit name given
both to birds (born first as the egg, and then as the bird), and
also to Realised Souls (born first as humans, and then as Realised
Souls) (890801)
In Sanskrit the word for a bird is Dwijaha means 'born again'
and also for a Brahmin, who is born again but those who call
themselves Brahmins are not Brahmins they just call themselves
Brahmins. Those who say that they are born again should feel the
All Pervading Power of God around them if they cannot feel it,
they are not born again. So all this self certification, self
deception, and deception of others is just a money making process
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
860125 Interview in Madras [1st half better quality] not good 85
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 5 Apr 2003
We have to be very busy people, because we are now employed
by God (821101); So much dynamism and so much humility what a
combination, and that's what you have to manifest; The more you
work the more you assert yourself you'll find that humility
and obedience are the only things that will help you carry out
your work and you'll become humbler and humbler (890423);
Dynamism is going to impress be alert and dynamic, and work it
out. The justification for doing nothing is very clever: "oh our
ego will come up" - is very clever (890611)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Mohammed taught the saying of 'Allah ho Akbar', with fingers in
the ears, because the fingers used are those that are linked to
the Deity of Vishnu, and because the Deity of Shri Krishna
becomes Akbar (830202); Allah ho Akbar is said with fingers in
our ears for the correction of the Vishuddhi Chakra (820711)
To clear out most of your problems about Vishuddhi you have
to put your fingers into your ears, and say 'Allah ho Akbar' 16
times put your head back. 'Allah ho Akbar' has two things in it
first is of course the Vishuddhi but then also the collectivity
and is for when there is the problem of saying aggressive
words, of sarcastic language, of all kinds of things that breaks the
collectivity for the problem where when you speak, you hurt
others (850502); There is also the mantra of Radha Krishna, or
Vitthala and is for where there are problems of ears, nose and
throat or where you get bad colds or where you get your
attention diverted (850502)
Olive oil can be placed in the ears to prevent drying out
(870408); Oil is the one that helps you in your ears, if you can
put some olive oil, heated up with one garlic piece in it that's
very good for the ears. So the oil is the one that keeps your
Vishuddhi alright (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 20 May 2003
Earth Ground - Clay
Mother Earth is created out of the 5 elements: Earth, Fire,
Air, Water, and Ether (781005), and is used to clear the subtle
system (830121) Mother Earth sucks all our problems (800609);
If you sit down on the ground, and put your left hand towards
the photo, or the Sun, and the right hand on the Mother Earth,
and say the Shri Ganesha mantra, or the Atharvasheersha, your
left side will be cured - if you take vibrations on the left side,
then you clear out your Mooladhara in such a manner that the
problems of Mooladhara are solved. So try to sit on the ground
as much as you can (881207), and clear your Mooladharas
(830104); Is also used for correcting the right side (830121)
Now this principle of Mother Earth works the subtle
because it's a Mother and that gives you all the nourishment
and makes you grow healthy. And this is how this subtlety
works, of the Mother Earth she is the one who is the giver of
birth to all these flowers, and all these trees but she also plays
a big part in us and she is our Mother (981216); And so many
subtle things of this Mother Earth come into us and one of
them is gravity and so a person becomes very attractive not in
the physical sense but in the spiritual sense. Such a person
attracts others they feel attracted and they feel something
special is about this person this is one of the qualities of
Mother Earth. If she had not kept us attracted we would have
fallen off, with her movement. Also, other qualities of the
Mother Earth start manifesting within us and we become very
extremely, tolerant and a patient person. Look at the Mother
Earth, how much she tolerates our nonsense how many wrong
things we do against her but still she tolerates (981216)
Sitting on the ground, cross legged, is the best for Self
Realisation (900811.2); To clear the Mooladhara, try to sit on the
ground as much as you can and try to meditate with your left
hand towards the Sun and the right hand on the Mother Earth,
especially in Maharashtra, which is a special place for the
Mooladhara chakra (881207)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Earth - Ground - Clay
I like you people because you are sitting on the ground it's
very good for meditation if you can sit on the Mother Earth, it
will be extremely good, because the special quality of the Mother
Earth which also I have unfortunately, is that I suck your
problems she too sucks your problems, and when she sucks your
problems, you get rid of them without any difficulty. If you cannot
say sit on the ground, then you take a stone, or some marble, or
something which is natural, on which you should try to sit. But if
you sit on the plastic and do your meditation I don't know what is
going to help you the plastic? That's why I request you always to
use natural things natural things can absorb your problems very
well (970525)
Here in India we use the clay, to clean our hands, because the
clay here is very good just use the clay nicely and clean your
hands - it's very important (881221); Also you can put the clay on
the stomach to take out the temperature it's a natural way
The soil the clay of Maharashtra every particle is vibrated
it is a very important thing the vibrated clay from Maharashtra
I myself went, before the Puja, to select it so that they could
give it as a present to you. It's a very important thing a very
great thing thats the most important thing you are taking from
here. All other things are of a utility of a very gross nature
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
- end - 5 Jan 2003
This destruction has already started, and is going with full
speed I think all over through the so many things that are
happening. We have got hurricanes storms earthquakes many
accidents and so many destructive things are working out
which are the outcome of Kalki incarnation. But at the same time,
there is another work going on, of the same incarnation is the
resurrection of the people such people can never be hurt
nothing can happen to them they will always be saved because
they are under the protection of their Mother (000206)
The Mother Earth is so innocent whether you are good or
bad, she gives you fruits she looks after you of course up to a
point after that she may bring forth some sort of calamity, like
an earthquake or something (930721); Human beings have been so
stupid to exploit her to the maximum not only that but she
bears lots of nonsense upon herself but then a time comes
where she becomes explosive she starts consuming people in-
side her then you see the earthquakes, the droughts, this and
that people get engulfed (830821)
Mother Earth feels so elated to see her manifestation into
these beautiful green trees. She is the one who changes all the
seasons. Rutumbhara means the attention which changes the
seasons. All the seasons are created by her just to please us. Yet
what do we do to please her - we exhaust her, torture her, we
take out everything from her, pollute her, do all sorts of nonsen-
sical things and then she gets angry. Then we get volcanoes,
earthquakes, and get all types of things happening (830723.3)
Why we are suffering in this beautiful planet is because we do
not respect what we have to respect the most - Mother Earth is
to be respected meaning that whatever is created on this
Mother Earth by the movement of the Earth, by the sea, by all
the elements, has to be respected. So to respect the Mother
Earth, people do Bhoomi Puja because if she is not being
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Earthquakes
respected, maybe there could be an earthquake which means
that the Mother Earth understands, knows and acts. It acts in
such a manner that human beings don't understand why such
things happen the understanding of Mother Earth about Saints
is very great she knows who is a Saint she knows the feet of a
Saint. So we should not curse the Mother Earth for any mishaps
on this earth if people are saintly, they will always be protected
by Mother Earth she will always try to give them whatever they
want (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Easter Egg
Represents the second birth Self Realisation (840731); Is linked
to that which is written in the Devi Mahatmyam, where it is said that
the Goddess created Mahavishnu out of an egg, suggesting the idea
of the second birth (810330); Radha, in the Vaikuntha stage, created
this great personality of the 'Son of God' the greatest of all this
Mahavishnu who incarnated on this Earth as our Lord Jesus Christ.
She created him like an egg, out of which one half was kept as the
seed, as Shri Ganesha, as the Spirit and the other half was created
as Jesus Christ. See the symbolism of Easter like an egg people
knew about it somehow why do we have Easter Eggs. The egg was
nothing but the egg of the Divine Power, which had to manifest this
Divine Power on this Earth (811006)
On Easter Day we give an egg it has the same symbolism that we
are the 'egg' and we have to become the bird. So just now, at this
stage when we are human beings, we are just limited like an egg to
grow up to a point where you can become the bird. A bird is first
born as an egg and then it grows and matures and then suddenly it
becomes a bird and that is the parallel of Realisation (820514)
We offer eggs during Easter but what is the meaning of offering
eggs why should we offer an egg first of all because the egg can
go into a transformation it can become a small chick it can be born
again it has that capacity so when you get this egg as a symbol of
Easter, it means that 'you' can become a different person, a
reformed person a great spiritual person you can become. Secondly,
if you read the story of the birth of Shri Ganesha and then you
proceed on, you'll be surprised it's written that it was called as
Brahmanda means the egg of the Brahma, that came into
existence and half of it became Mahavishnu, means the Christ and
half of it remained as Shri Ganesha (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Easter Egg
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
Too much of eating is very common in this country (England -
Ed) you all should have fixed portions. Too much eating is very
bad not eating is bad but little eating is good (810904); For
the Hamsa avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour (MME);
One has to be a normal person, eating the right proportions of
proteins, carbohydrates and fat (830209); When you eat, you
dont understand that this tongue belongs to a Sahaja Yogi you
shouldnt hanker after anything like if somebody likes tea, he'll
go on taking 15 cups thats no good or if he's fond of one sort
of food, he won't take another food. Thinking too much about
food all the time asking for food and organising food all the
time that spoils your Vishuddhi very badly (800127.2)
With eating also there are problems: We can test the tongue,
by going on a bland horrible diet, just to test the tongue. Is food
important? Is the tongue fussy about food? Does it start
watering? To overcome these problems, starve yourself, reduce
what you eat by half - your intestines will go down. But don't
think about food. This 'starving' is for Westerners, because the
people of the East already do regular fasting. For them the
correction is to eat. Best day for starving is Thursday, the
Guru's day - and to start with a day (821101)
When we are eating our food if at that time we are also
reading the newspaper or, if say we get onto a bicycle with a
sandwich in our hand which is even worse and we are rushing
to work and, we get so frantic - then in this way if we are
eating our food in such a hurry, and in such franticness then we
are out to get trouble with the spleen and we can get blood
cancer and among young people is very common. Now if the
mother or the father is of that temperament the children
might be born with blood cancer; Many cases of blood cancer
have been cured but that is not our job - it happens
spontaneously as a by-product of Kundalini awakening (820514)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Eating
Once you have used your hands for eating, or your spoon for
eating if it has touched your lips it is Jhutha whatever is
like that is not to be eaten once you have eaten something, or
touched something with your lips, it is finished, in India. In
India, they are very particular about this. In Marathi, it's called
Urtha, and in Sanskrit it's Utistha. So whatever is like that is
not eaten (840118)
Normally one should never eat anything that is kept overnight
but now they have got fridges so you can keep it for two days,
three days at the most (971102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Yesterday we had somebody who had very bad eczema all his
hands were absolutely charred and horrible both the hands
and I asked him to put his hands towards me maybe he might
have been cured only by putting his hands but I had to make
the mark of cross and swastika on his hands and it cleared
out. So he saw me doing something otherwise 'oh it might
have been a coincidence' (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
You cannot put in any effort to achieve a living thing like Self
Realisation, which is spontaneous (811005), but effort is needed
later on to maintain it (840702); It is necessary to put in an
effort after Realisation, not before. Before, you cannot do it but
after Realisation you have to look after yourself to look after
your being (800809)
People who are mediocre think that gradually they will be
alright, and that they'll come up but I would suggest that you
should make all out effort to become strong Sahaja Yogis
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
- end - 30 Apr 2003
The balloon at the upper end of the right side channel or Pingala
Nadi, that gets bloated as a result of those things that make us
feel happy (831001), the balloon at the left temple, and round to
the front of the head, that gets sucked in, and reduced when we
forgive, and thereby creates a space for the Kundalini to pass
(890801); The ego is responsible for our funny behaviour towards
others. The problem with ego is that people do not find it out til
they really suffer badly, because the ego is something that
doesn't give trouble to the individual, so much as it does to the
society (800809)
If we can see our ego working, then we can get rid of it - not to
fight the ego, but to surrender it - is the only way to get rid of it
(791118); Make your ego be challenged not to get into temper
try that your ego doesnt react that can be achieved very easily
if you try in the mirror, look at yourself, and laugh at yourself
make fun of yourself (860504); The ego covers the heart, and is
to be surrendered (850528); The biggest problem (850806); The
main problem (791118); That is quite happy to hurt others, and
allows you to do things which are inhuman, and can get inflated by
any sort of achievement or recognition (MME/p176)
Ego can result from many useless things, including money,
intelligence, etc., and has absolutely wrong ideas about one's value.
Ego people try to do everything through intelligence - are such a
drag, and boring, and is very prevalent in the West. With ego, see
what makes you happy, see what you plan about life (800517.1);
Which lets us think that 'We' can do this or that (840702);
Which lets us say cutting and hurtful things, without regard for
others. Ego ends in stupidity, and foolishness, because we forget
about God, and also about our relationship with the 'whole'
(781218); It is complete ignorance about yourself that gives you
this ego (800517.1); In simple words, this ego is nothing but
absolutely wrong ideas about one's own value, by which you think
that 'I am everything' - what are we we cannot even sprout a
seed (800517.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Ego
If you try to overpower matter, getting overactive with matter,
making everything properly, over efficient with the matter, then
your ego develops, and when your ego develops, you go into
violence - because if you produce more, you have to be violent
about it otherwise you do not know how to sell it. You become a
sort of an aggressive businessman, or country, which tries to
overpower other nations with their material advancement you
become materialistic and such people have no heart they are just
dried up the only thing they understand is money, money money
In India, nobody thinks 'I am right' - nobody thinks like that.
Once you start thinking 'I am right, and that person is wrong, I
am doing alright, he's wrong' finished. The worst thing that can
happen to human beings is ego the worst thing. Possession is
better at least you feel the pinch of it but ego you never feel
the pinch you never feel there is ego in you and you feel you are
the most correct person (800927)
The ego part, that I must overpower everybody, I must get this
I must be able to rule everyone (980510) if you have right side
problems, then you have to say 'I forgive' (811006); Can be
resolved by rejecting the feeling of being 'in charge' (941105.1);
'Pulling one's ears', and asking for forgiveness, can help to reduce
the ego (781218); The mantra for the ego is 'Kshum' (781218), or
the Mahatahankara mantra (791118); If we say 'Not I but the
Divine that is doing it', or 'I am not doing anything', then the
ego does not come up and we become humble (960505); If we
have ego, we should raise the left side, and put it to the right
side there's no other way out you have to work it out with your
hands (830121)
Ego can project in any direction: a) if forwards, it tries to
overpower, or dominate others, b) if to the right side, it becomes
Supraconscious, and starts seeing things which are absurd,
foolish, stupid, c) if to the left side, it starts seeing yourself as a
big man, a very great personality, as a big Christ d) if backwards,
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Ego
that is the very dangerous one, when people become gurus, which
are ruining others, though they have lots of defects in
themselves, and they try to pull others into this horrible stuff - is
called as absolutely Naraka (830113)
Now how to overcome higher attachments which is also in a
very subtle way is ego like there are attachments that I should
write a book on Sahaja Yoga or I should paint something for
Sahaja Yoga or I must earn for Sahaja Yoga I must do this for
Sahaja Yoga this is also is ego that I should be the leader of
Sahaja Yoga. Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is not
good you feel hurt if Mother says this is good you feel happy
that means you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where you
think that whatever you say should be approved by me. That is
something is very subtle we do not understand, that if Mother is
not approving of it, there must be basic Divine reason otherwise
why should I not approve of it. We must know that it's all the
work of God, and we are just channels in the hands of God
- Jai Shri Mataji -
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Ego
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-941105.1 Diwali Puja, Istanbul - see 941105 good 35
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'tn) good 60
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 6 Apr 2003
Ekadesha Rudra
The 11 Destroying Powers: firstly a) the 5 on the Left side of
the head (if we think I am ok, I can look after myself, I don't
believe in God), and which come from Right side of the void, with
right side diseases like heart attacks, and secondly b) the 5 on
the Right side of the head (if we bow to wrong Gurus, submit to
wrong ideas), and which come from Left side of the void, with
incurable diseases like cancer, and c) the 11th is the Virat/Vishnu
in the centre; The 11 destructive powers of Shiva; All these
powers are in one Deity or Personality, that of Mahavishnu, or
Christ. The cure for problems with Ekadesha Rudra is to give up
wrong ideas, and wrong Gurus, and by accepting that Sahaja Yoga
is the only way; Beat with shoes (830204; 840916; 970316)
The 11 powers include the powers from: Ganesha; Bhairava;
Hirenyagarbha (the collective Brahmadeva); Kartikeya; Hanumana;
Mahavishnu (Christ); Buddha; Mahavira; Shiva/Parvati;
Sadashiva/Adi Shakti; and Virata. The powers of Eka Desha Rudra
can be destroyed by misidentifications (830204; 840916;
970316), and may form a ridge across the upper part of the
forehead (820711; 840622); When ego develops too much, you
become Ekadesha Rudra problem (800907); Eka Desha Rudra
disorders also come from touching the feet of wrong gurus all the
time, and when they begin to set in, the 11 powers of destruction
go against you (830129); Is one of the greatest hurdles to the
Kundalini entering the Sahastrara, and comes from Void, and
covers the Medha, the plate of the brain, so the Kundalini cannot
enter into the Limbic area (830204)
Ekadesha Rudra is on your forehead if you bow before any
wrong guru you catch your Ekadesha Rudra (810904); To
neutralise a guru, who has been a bad guru you have to
surrender to the Real Guru - if your guru is a real guru then you
surrender to the Mother of your real guru because your real
guru is also surrendered to this - so all the gurus are to be
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Ekadesha Rudra
surrendered at the Lotus Feet of your Mother. Christ is a real
guru he is. The Christ you know of is to be also surrendered at
the Lotus Feet of your Mother because he is also my son
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha all of them are my sons Adi Shakti
created all of them She is the Mother of all the Gurus of all
the Prophets of all the Incarnations. She exists and after her
only Parabrahma is (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor -
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
- end - 12 Ap r 2003
Electromagnetic Force
The energy of the right side, which created the Universe, and
produced the physical part of Creation. The electromagnetic force
became Prana, and later when we become Realised, it becomes
Pranava (850528)
These communications that we have loudspeakers TV radio
all these things where we catch onto the ether is all the
blessings of Hanumana and are available to people who are right
sided only the right sided discover these things of the space
like cordless telephones or telegraphs where we dont use any
wires. So without any connection through the ether he can manage.
Wherever you see the electromagnetic forces working it is worked
through Hanumana's blessings he creates electromagnetic
forces. So now we can see that as Ganesha has got the Magnetic
force in him he is the Magnet then we can say that the
Electromagnetic is the one which we call as Hanumana's force on
the material side of it (900831)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
- end - 19 Oct 2003
The 5 elements, earth, fire, air, water, ether (781005), await
your asking, your orders. All the Angels await - you just have to
ask their help. That is what a mantra is, the awakened calling,
the authority applied with the word, and which awakens all these
forces. Just ask the fire to take away your problems - it takes
away. Ask the sea to take away - the whole thing is sucked in, and
then the Mother Earth also sucks all the problems (800609);
Water Light every element can feel the Divinity. All these
elements are within us. The highest of all is Light, and is
governed by Lord Jesus Christ. Light has an effect Light shows
things that are correct (861225)
Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth some are
sucked by the flame can be the flame can be the fire the
Sun also sucks in the sky also depends on what centres you
have in problem on what problems you have alright. But on the
whole, the Mother Earth is the most gracious thing she helps
the maximum I think (821008)
The power of love acts on the 5 elements - it can settle the
pollution problems it can help you with your programs, your
ventures, your meetings anything that you want to do (980706)
Matter is made out of 5 elements the 5 elements have made
this body of ours and are on the right side of the human being.
These 5 elements either push you towards the left side or they
pull you towards the right side (800927); These 5 elements
create the 6 chakras within you the chakras are created out of
these 5 elements, and they give us a support to have the
Deities an Asana, a seat for the Deities to come in (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Elements
If you have too much of one element in you, you have to reduce
it. For example, if you have too much of light in your head, means
you are egoistical or if there is too much air in your body then
you have to use this air that is outside, to take away the surplus.
All the five elements that have created these centres, can be
corrected, manoeuvred, adjusted, balanced, put into complete
coordination and integration by the techniques of Sahaja Yoga
We are made of 5 elements so when you get your awakening
when the Kundalini reaches the Sahastrara and opens out your
Fontanelle Bone Area you become 'one' with the Divine Power
and the Divine Power itself starts flowing through you a
connection is established. Now when this Shakti starts flowing
through you then what happens the subtle part we should
understand is like this that these 5 elements we are made of
gradually start breaking into the subtler form of which they are
made (981216)
So as it is said in the Bible, that 'the Word is God' now
what is this Word is a silent, we can say a silent
commandment but from that Word comes according to Indian
Philosophy is another thing that we call as Bindu or we can say
the Word becomes Naad, a sound and then it becomes the
Bindu, means, one small dot you can say and then from this dot
you see, all these 5 elements start coming, one after another
The first element that comes out is Light and we should
understand that how light pervades Sahaja Yoga so much and
you see the light everywhere so the first element which is light
you can say and the subtlety of the light is radiance for
example a person who gets Realisation has a face which is very
radiant so radiance is the subtlety of light and so this
radiance starts showing on your face starts expressing itself
and with that radiance, people get
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Elements
impressed and they start thinking something special about this
personality which has radiance. Now we have seen my
photographs also many a times you will find lots of light
around that is nothing but the light in me which is giving
radiance because the light becomes subtler. So this is the
subtle growth within you that takes place your faces also start
shining they too have radiance a kind of different complexion.
This radiance is to be understood is the subtle of the light, of
which we are made (981216)
Then after this, from the light, comes the second thing, which
we call as Vayu in Sanskrit meaning the Air. So the air that we
have, which is this gross air what is the subtle of air is this
Cool Breeze that you get. So this Cool Breeze is the second
thing, that you get subtler and subtler when your growth
takes place, all these subtle things start expressing themselves
Then comes Water Pani and what is the subtle of water is
I mean which makes the skin the hard skin, soft the skin
becomes soft this is another sign of a Realised Soul. But then a
person, who is a Realised Soul becomes very soft, very delicate
when he talks to somebody, in his voice there is warmth or I
should say in your dealings with others you should be like the
water which is mobile which is cooling soothing cleansing.
So this also becomes a part and parcel of your being, once you
become a Realised Soul (981216)
Then you have another thing we call it as Agni means the
Fire. So you also have fire but it is a very silent fire it
doesnt burn anybody but it burns all the wrong things within
you whatever wrong things you have, it burns and it burns the
wrong things in other people also. For example a person comes
with a great anger towards you what happens, that this anger
becomes cooled down with the fire that is there. Moreover, a
Realised Soul cannot get burnt the fire cannot
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Elements
burn the burning cannot come to him it is very important to
understand also if you are doing something wrong, it may burn
you but if you are a good Sahaja Yogi and I should say a
perfect Sahaja Yogi, fire will never burn you. We have an
example of Sitaji that she went into the fire nothing burnt
her. So this is what one has to understand that once you get to
the subtleties of the fire, and the water both of them,
become sort of Divine. For example, the water which you touch
which you drink in which you put your hand that water
becomes vibrated means the subtlety of the water comes in it
the coolness the curing power also comes in that water
Then lastly is the Mother Earth it is most important is the
Mother Earth. There's a photograph, taken in Russia, where the
Kundalini is in the Mother Earth clearly it is there. Then, for
example, I have seen flowers, if you keep them in my room, they
bloom they can become very big never people have seen such
big flowers I am doing nothing I am just sitting there and
what happens to the flowers. You see now there is this
principle of Mother Earth works the subtle because it's a
mother and that gives you all the nourishment and makes you
grow healthy. And this is how this subtlety works, of the
Mother Earth she is the one who is the giver of birth to all
these flowers, and all these trees but she also plays a big part
in us and she is our Mother (981216)
And so many subtle things of this Mother Earth come into us
and one of them is gravity and so a person becomes very
attractive not in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense.
Such a person attracts others they feel attracted and they
feel something special is about this person this is one of the
qualities of Mother Earth. If she had not kept us
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Elements
attracted we would have fallen off, with her movement. Also,
other qualities of the Mother Earth start manifesting within us
and we become very extremely, tolerant and a patient person
but if you are hot tempered and all that, then that Mother Earth
principle has not expressed in you. Look at the Mother Earth,
how much she tolerates our nonsense how many wrong things we
do against her but still she tolerates. Shri Ganesha's quality is
to tolerate to begin with up to a point he tolerates and in
the same way, we too become extremely tolerant and forgiving
is the minimum of minimum that should happen to all Sahaja Yogis
who have vibrations (981216)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford, see 821007(Video) Good
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 5 Jan 2003
The 4 lines or methods that we can dedicate ourselves along for
our emancipation, are Meditation, Puja, Prayer, and the most
important, the greatest advancement is done by your giving
giving the 'Universal' through your universal being (760330);
Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of all the humanity. It's not
for one country, another country it's not for one person, another
person it's for the whole humanity (980706)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Those people who use the right side too much, can become very
imbalanced they do not see to the left hand side they do not
see that they have an emotional being also within them, which is
being starved, and they freeze the left side, and by that they
get heart attack (790720); If man has no emotional feelings, no
love, then he is not complete (951224)
If we are emotional types, where family is everything, we can
become crazy because others do not reciprocate (830131); The
emotions that we have should have no guilt in it. So not to use all
words that show our guilt, but rather words that show our
humility (850901)
Cancer is caused, mostly which I have seen, in people who are
left sided not so much in people who are right sided, who are
aggressive but those who are emotionally disturbed get this
trouble. So far I havent seen one patient of cancer who has not
been emotionally very much inclined so it's more a case of
emotional disturbance (821008)
The cold is a left side problem, and indicates emotional
problems in girls, crying, whilst in men coughing or sneezing for
no reason at all - coughing and sneezing to show our pitiable
condition. To cure the cold, look into your emotional life. If
there is too much attachment to mother or father, and if they
misbehave, or do something so that the child feels hurt, then he
may get colds. Any attachment that makes you foolish, or
hankering after someone, creates similar troubles, especially
with the 'Romeos'. It can be corrected by getting proper
understanding, that we are just trustees of our children, that we
should be detached, and not get these romantic feelings. On the
other side, if we move to the right side more, we get dry
feelings, a dry throat - we cannot speak (800517.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Emotions
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
What is the role of England in the whole Cosmos? We are
specially born in this place for a particular type of special work we
have to do, as an instrument of the Divine not doing yourself
something, but as an instrument. Like a painter has a brush and is
nicely painting - it's the painter that's painting. But if the brush
starts thinking I am the one who is painting, it's stupidity; When
the drop becomes the Ocean, then it doesn't think it is a drop it
thinks it is a part of the Ocean. In the same way, once you grow up,
you become very collective (980706)
England is the heart of the whole Universe (840731; 800721) of
the world whatever happens in England gets known all over the
world (800721) from here everything circulates (800809); Is
Sadashiva's Country (850806), which has to become Jerusalem
(801027); Only Blake has told of Jerusalem he could see that
vision he was that sensitive the way he has described, talked of
the glory of this country. All this inertia, this lethargy that is
settling into this country is because of our foolishness, and
stupidity. You are the most dynamic people in your spiritual work
you can be very very dynamic. You are the ones who are going to
throw away all the shackles of nonsense and you are the ones who
are going to recreate a beautiful arena for the whole world that's
why I'm here. I've been here for 6 years and again I am here for
6 years perhaps I hope so. I hope something substantial will be
done in all the parts, where the English who are my children who
are the Saints of the past, who are born in this country and will
receive this and settle into it, and not waste your energy in the
ego as your forefathers did they just wasted their life (800809)
I was happy to learn that the great poet of this country, Blake
had prophesised about me and it's so beautifully done that he
said that England is going to be the Jerusalem means that this is
going to be the pilgrimage the venue has shifted. He has said that
the furnace will be burning in Surrey Heath, where I came first
and then he mentioned Lambeth Vale, where we have got our
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - England
Ashram where the foundations will be laid - we have laid the
foundations and that Jerusalem is going to be in England not in
India and you are the people responsible for this Jerusalem
(801019) that which England, the Heart of the Universe, must
become where people will come to worship (820710)
Only Blake has told of Jerusalem he could see that vision he
was that sensitive the way he has described, talked of the glory
of this country (England Ed). All this inertia, this lethargy that is
settling into this country is because of our foolishness, and
stupidity. You are the most dynamic people in your spiritual work
you can be very very dynamic. You are the ones who are going to
throw away all the shackles of nonsense and you are the ones who
are going to recreate a beautiful arena for the whole world that's
why I'm here. I've been here for 6 years and again I am here for
6 years perhaps I hope so. I hope something substantial will be
done in all the parts, where the English who are my children who
are the Saints of the past, who are born in this country and will
receive this and settle into it, and not waste your energy in the
ego as your forefathers did - they just wasted their life (800809)
The English are very conditioned people (850408), and are very
frightened people (810330); England has to make great effort, has
to be more open, and giving because we are in the Heart and
there has to be circulation. Not to be insular (860305); When I say
English I mean all the English people, not Wales or anything
different (810802); The English, or British, have to realise that
these quarrels of Ireland and Scotland all will finish off, because
it is working on wrong grounds it is not proper. We are all one, not
only in this country, but in all the countries we are all one
In England, all the seekers are lost by drugs, hippyism all such
nonsense (980510); Comfort is one thing for the English to avoid
completely especially, bathroom addiction is too much in English
people I have seen they are very bathroom conscious. One should
just form such habits, that within 10 minutes you should be out
from the bathroom (800927)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - England
Groupism is a very bad characteristic, especially of the English
they always form a group wherever they go and it's so
troublesome sometimes. This kind of false superiority is not going
to help us we must face ourselves. It's false so we should never
form a group just mix up with other people talk to everyone
(891203); English have to learn to love (0.0011); Englishmen are
very good husbands no doubt but they are like cabbages
sometimes that part I don't like. One should understand that as a
husband you have to get things corrected (950625)
In England, I've worked the most. In India, I've not worked so
hard. And all the efforts I've put in, in England is because England
is very important is the heart and the heart should not fail. We
have to sustain it we have to humble down. We always say to
humble down in your heart (840214)
Please try to learn the English language, because I cannot learn 14
languages (871219); English language is not a very soft language it'
a very humorous language, but the humour sometimes cuts you out
that's the defect of the language (920209); The English language
has one very good quality that they can laugh at themselves the
language has found out ways and methods of how to laugh at
yourself that's something beautiful about English language
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - England
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead - see 820514 good 15
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 6 May 2003
The capacity of enjoyment only comes when your Sahastrara is
absolutely open otherwise the capacity to enjoy is much less. But
after getting to Sahaja Yoga, you'll stop all these activities, and
leave it to your Sahastrara to work it out and it works out you
dont have to rush you dont have to be so competent you dont
have to write down everything you dont have to think of planning
everything because everything works out and it works out
beautifully. The only thing that one has to do is to accept whatever
is happening for our good even in small small things (930508)
Today is the day to make a big determination that you will start
enjoying your collective spirit which was opened on 5th May 1970
everything for the collectivity then the enjoyment will be
maximum you will never feel that you have sacrificed anything. But
still you are more identified with your own enjoyments and your
own ideas of enjoyment you still do not enjoy that collective
spirit you still like in companionship in company with each
other you enjoy it more like people who are not in Sahaja Yoga
very low grade just want to take advantage and have a nice time
and all that that type of people are not going to make much mark
for us. You all must be connected to God individually so that you
are all connected among yourselves (800505)
If we don't want to enjoy what we have, and we want to have
something else, then we can never be happy - we have to enjoy what
we have. This is how the laws of economics work, by making you feel
you want more and more. After Sahaja Yoga these economic laws
should no longer work only the Divine Laws (860921.2)
The husband should enjoy his own wife, and not the wives of
others - this is a stupid thing your wife or husband, like also your
family etc. is your own, your 'part and parcel'; Whatever your
virtues are, enjoy those virtues. Those who enjoy their virtues are
great men, and don't feel unhappy, but are proud of their virtues
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Self Realisation (831001); That process which occurs as the
Kundalini is awakened, and rises to unite with the All Pervading
Power and which first works on the physical being then the
mental followed by the emotional and finally the Spiritual being
The heart has got seven auras around it which get enlightened
by the Spirit it's a very instantaneous or you can say
simultaneous happening. But, before that when the Kundalini
rises there are the seven centres represented on the seven
seats in our brain all the Sahaja Yogis know where they are. So
when these centres are enlightened the auras start shining in
the heart. And 'this' centre is actually the seat of the Spirit the
Spirit has moved from there and has gone to the heart thats
why in childhood you'll find there's an opening here it's a very
soft bone called as the Fontanelle Bone, the Talu because the
Spirit comes out from there and is settled on the heart. You know
Spirit also comes out in the night sometimes goes round and
sees it's so (800721)
So when the Kundalini rises first these centres get
enlightened here then in the brain then the auras in the heart
start getting enlightened ultimately, when this centre which is
the centre of the heart here, in Sahastrara, this point when this
gets enlightened, then the Spirit also gets enlightened fully and
then these auras become doubly shining then the auspiciousness
in many dimensions starts expressing itself. But to keep that light
on one has to keep the Kundalini over here (800721)
Then what happens then we are ruled by our hearts rather
than by our brains. And the more you depend on your vibratory
awareness the more you use your heart, your Spirit, not your
brain. The more you use your brain again you go down because it
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Enlightenment
is taken over now by the Spirit. But if you can just leave it to
your heart to work it out and dont think because you are in
thoughtless awareness after Realisation. And if you try to
maintain that state pay attention to your heart let your Spirit
emit itself so that it clears out completely the confusion of the
brain and everything then you'll be amazed that you cannot lose
your vibrations you cannot lose your Realisation (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The entrepreneurs are busy pampering our egos, giving us
fashions, hair fashions, clothes, too many choices over simple
things like what I will have for breakfast etc. We should not
become enslaved by any entrepreneurs - wear what is sensible
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
The result of possession (790616); When you enter into the
Collective Subconscious any one of these spirits these busy
bodies can catch hold of you and once they catch hold of you, you
are liable for any of these diseases. Especially, I have seen if
there's a possessed person of course they become mad they get
epilepsy all these are possessed people. Epilepsy can be cured all
such mental problems, depression can be cured it's not difficult
at all but one must know that if you are possessed, you must really
work it out and see to it that it goes away from you and you
become your Self. Multiple Sclerosisa disease of the left side so
far I have seen three cases in England, which have been cured by
Sahaja Yoga and all of them had either the wife or husband
possessed (821008)
These people suffer from epilepsy, who follow this horrible False
Guru business - they pay for becoming mad (830302); It is very
dangerous to go near things that deal with the dead, and may
result in cancers, epilepsy, heart attacks, accidents, financial ruin
etc. (810330); People who go to the left side can see a lot of things
- it is very common, and is very dangerous. You should not deal with
that area (830302)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 5 Jan 2003
Epithelial Cells
Butter is needed for the Vishuddhi and if the throat is
drying up, and there is coughing can be taken on a hot drink or
w ith soup or you can take a little ghee or butter on top of a
cup of on hot milk or hot w aterw hen it lines the epithelial
cells of the throat and trachea - it soothes dow n all your
sites Krishna is soothed by that. Is also good for sinus
problems, and can be administered w arm w ith a dropper, to
the inside of the nose for 3 to 4 days one drop in each
nostril, morning and evening w here it lines the inner dry and
cracked membranes butter is softening in it's effect
(810330; 830202; 850502; 870408); The ghee can be kept in
a small bottle, w hich may be heated in hot w ater prior to use
(870408); To keep Vishuddhi OK, w e can do the follow ing
eat the butter take it on hot w ater, so that it lines the
epithelial cells, and clean throats every morning by gargling;
Protect the throat from cold conditions, and if w e speak,
speak of Sahaja Y oga (830202)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
Chakras affected: Vishuddhi
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Akasha. The 5th element, through which all collective work is
done. If a Realised Soul puts attention on something, then it gets
done, through the ether. Miracles are also done through the ether
(781005); The sky is Ether is Shri Krishna's nature (860823)
When clearing the right side by putting the right hand towards
the photograph what happens is that your right hand gets the
vibrations and the heat is pushed towards your left and passes
out of your left hand into the ether (880921)
The subtle of the ether that we have is under the command of
Shri Hanumana he is the one who is the Lord of this ether the
subtle of the ether or the causal of the ether. All the
communications that you find, like we have within ourselves of the
ductless glands like pituitary is using ductless glands is through
Hanumana's movement because he can go into a Nirakar he can
go into a formless state. Also these communications that we have
loudspeakers TV radio all these things where we catch onto
the ether is all the blessings of Hanumana and are available to
people who are right sided only the right sided discover these
things of the space like cordless telephones or telegraphs where
we dont use any wires. So without any connection through the
ether he can manage. Wherever you see the electromagnetic
forces working it is worked through Hanumana's blessings he
creates electromagnetic forces. So now we can see that as
Ganesha has got the Magnetic force in him he is the Magnet
then we can say that the Electromagnetic is the one which we call
as Hanumana's force on the material side of it (900831)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ether
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
That which definitely exists, and comes often in the garb of
the Divine, and which is to be fought. Which gives disease and
problems which results in torture and crooked behaviour.
Which is often more powerful in these days than the desire of
man to rise above it. The time now is to decide 'that' which
you want (840702)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Evolution is from the carbon stage, and amoeba stage through
the fish and reptile stages, to the present day, at Sahastrara
(830129; 790616); It is still going on - this is not the end. So
far, it is spontaneous (781115); Evolution takes place only
through your seeking when you start seeking something then
only, you evolve (831001)
We must think why we have evolved from amoeba to this
stage, as a human being. Now if you are evolved, there must be
some purpose there must be some method that God must have
placed within us so what is that thing within us is the
Kundalini, this residual force, which is placed in the triangular
bone, which rises, passes through all the chakras, and pierces
through the brain and enters into the subtle being that we
are by which we get connected to each other. You all are like,
say, pearls and there is a string going through you but you
cannot feel the string - you are on the pearl you attention is
on the pearl. So supposing by any chance it happens it's a
happening your attention goes on the string, then you can pass
into everybody. In the same way, the Collective Consciousness is
established within you it's a happening which has been
promised long time back by all the Religions, and all the
Scriptures (790618)
To transform ourselves, there has to be some evolution - you
have to become collectively conscious. It is an actualisation
within yourself it is a living process it takes place
spontaneously. First of all, in evolution, there has been one
leader we can call them as archetypes you can say. Such a
person can decode the information of symbols and everything,
and can help others without taking any money. If we are
dealing with the living process of evolution, we have to know
that in spiritual life, whatever is going to happen, must relate
to the scriptures to all the scriptures must relate to them
not to just one scripture, like the Holy Bible, or the Holy
Koran but to all of them (860707.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Evolution
It's like butter is made out of we call it 'curd' - so, they
churn it when they churn it what happens some butter
comes out and the rest remains as buttermilk. To separate it,
they put a big lump of butter in that curd, and then they churn
it now all the butter gets around that big lump, and it gathers
into a bigger lump you see. But, there are some particles of
butter which are left behind - if they do not stick to this big
lump of butter, they are thrown away with the buttermilk. So
those who do not come up to Sahaja Yoga, who are not up to the
mark, will be all thrown out no doubt that is a fact you have
to come up to the mark. And you should not worry about those
you should have no attachment for such people (810524)
They have to come in Sahaja Yoga or they will go out of
circulation absolutely you see Sahaja Yoga doesnt accept it
rejects more than it accepts it is a judgement going on. You
can talk to them, because they are Realised you can give them
bandhans work on them they are the people in whom you
could be interested but they have to work it out they are
lost otherwise (810524)
Today is the time for people to become the Spirit - this is
the blessing of the 'Blossom Time' and people have to become
the Spirit. This is an essential step today, to become the Spirit.
This is an evolutionary process. All the religions have talked
about it. Without it you cannot achieve the Peace, the Joy, the
Love but first you have to forgive (980320)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Sahaja Yoga is learned through experience, and through
nothing else - you have to experience, and then believe into it.
Those who have penetrating intelligence, penetrating love and
emotions, penetrating movement of the understanding, they
experience and learn experience and learn. This is the process
of the penetrating type of concentrated attention. The
experiences of Sahaja Yoga are the good conditionings, and to
get these 'best' experiences, the first condition is of
Rutumbhara Pragnya, where we have to be of that level that we
get these experiences otherwise we will be mundane type of
person all of the time and this starts with our meditation, and
with the Samadhi 'seed', sprouting into the new dimension
We have had experiences of things working out, of many
miracles happening before our eyes, but still it can happen that
our attention has not settled down with these experiences. Old
experiences and identifications continue - the filth of that is
still on our being. Change everything - become a fresh new person
- assume your position, as a Sahaja Yogi (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, pt 3 Assume your position, Lodge Hill good 65
- end - 28 Jun 2003
When we get our Kundalini rising for the first time, it is never
like an explosive feeling, and should not be confused with this,
which is in fact something quite different with this there are
never any vibrations, but on the contrary, there is heat. With
Kundalini awakening there are vibrations, and never this type of
explosive stuff. These two things should never be confused
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790314 Early Sahaja Yogi experiences - Sahaja Yogis and Mother
Chakras affected: Sympathetics
- end - 28 Jun 2003
People who are possessed get exposed in Mother's presence,
because there is light, and in the light, negativity gets exposed.
That is the danger that going in the light you get exposed. Some
people who are otherwise normal in Sahaja Yoga also but once
they come before me, they just stand, and something goes wrong
with them - because there is lot of negativity within them
Some people who are hypocritical, or who have wrong intentions,
or who are negative and lethargic, or have lost their awareness,
also can get exposed. Now if you are not aware enough, not alert
enough, then you must know that you need 'real' correction you
must assert yourself, work it out, tell your leader 'there is
something wrong with me and please correct me' (871230.1)
How can you have all these nonsensical ideas for money and for
power I just dont understand. Of course we need money for
work for everything but there is no need to run after it, or
hanker after it. I am surprised even after so many years of my
hard work there are still some people working out some stupid
stuff and they should know that they'll be exposed in no time -
this is the year of exposure absolutely. If you have no love for
Sahaja Yoga if you have no love for your Mother you'll run
after those nonsensical things and make some mess of yourself
if you want to destroy yourself, you can go to some other fields
but not in Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga, you have to be really
dedicated and honest - you should enjoy your honesty you should
enjoy your love your generosity everything (010321)
You'll be exposed no doubt but then, where will you go what
will be your position. After coming to the Paradise of Love if you
are still bothered about these nonsensical things then you will
jump very fast into the Hell I can see that very clearly. This is
the year of exposure and be very careful. Nobody will be spared
this year what to do though it's my birthday, I have to tell
you it won't keep quiet. You know there are certain powers which
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Exposure
flow and different different years I find a different type of
power starts flowing and this is the time when 'Power for
Exposure' is going to be there. Whether you are a leader or if
you are not if you are making anything dishonest, you will be
exposed and you will be rightly punished. Sahaja Yoga might not
punish you but there are so many ways that this power works out.
The first thing is what we call Alakshmi means, at that time
when you are punished, you will be surprised you will become
bankrupt you will have no money you will be exposed you may
be in jail. So though it is a very auspicious day I must tell you not
to be inauspicious (010321)
First and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has to be
absolutely honest he has not come here to make money or to
make power but he has come to rise into the new, beautiful world
that we are creating. What is the quality that you have imbibed in
Sahaja Yoga, except that you have started some business, or
something like that it is very sad but there are people who are
still ruined in the mud of all these things. You have overcome so
many things I know you have achieved so many things I know
which is not possible humanly impossible things you have done
you have got over all this nonsense but still there are some
people among you, who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense. I
want you all to be my decorations in the whole world they should
see that you are my children and that you are of such values
such great understandings. You are my children I have really
worked for you in the sense every minute every moment of my
life, I have thought of you. I wanted to work it out in such a
beautiful manner that you become really good people ideal
people special people with understanding (010321)
The Kundalini will do what is needed to correct you up to a
point she will do and afterwards when she finds it is not possible
to correct you then I dont know what will happen - if you try to
behave like a very ordinary useless person then you cannot stay
in Sahaja Yoga you will be thrown out (010321)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Exposure
On this auspicious day, I have to request you to be auspicious
not to do anything inauspicious - they call it protocol. There are
small small things which show you are auspicious very very minute
subtle things that shows you are auspicious which you dont have
to learn automatically, spontaneously it comes and you enjoy
your auspiciousness because you are holy because you are
Nirmal and you enjoy that quality within you. Then you have to
show that you have grown up in Sahaja Yoga that you are very
deep and you are a very senior person. I have seen some little
children also they are so grown up, and so sensible. But if you are
still running after nonsensical things if you are still full of lust
and greed, then better you leave Sahaja Yoga and find some
other area where you can do that. It is something surprising how
people do not understand their position in Sahaja Yoga your
growth has been on the whole very good I know there are many
people who are wonderful Sahaja Yogis who are really great
Sahaja Yogis and they have every right to call themselves Sahaja
Yogis or Maha Yogis but that is only possible, and perceptible if
you really grow up inside and your Spirit shines like crystal clear
ocean of love (010321)
A person who is frightful who is very strict who talks very
rudely is not a Sahaja Yogi no way but the one who looks out
cares loves and is very generous is the real Sahaja Yogi. You
are people of special qualities and those qualities must be shown in
your life. I have never put any restrictions on you do what you
like whatever way you want to do it, you can do it I have never
been bothering even about money or anything but that is a
testing ground where you are standing. Some people are still at a
very elementary stage I know I know I have not told them
because I know this is the year theyll all be exposed, no doubt.
Then what is the use of doing something in which you'll be
exposed and that the whole world of Sahaja Yoga will look at you
as a criminal or as a person who doesnt need any respect
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Exposure
If you are here to gain lots of ascending steps you have to
have your eyes upwards and not downwards you must see what
steps there are you have to climb up those steps and with those
steps where do you enter I will tell you in that beautiful
garden fragrant garden of your Self which is so beautiful.
Instead of that if you are lost in the mire of the world, as so
many are lost then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga. Give up
those nonsensical ideas try to take to Spirituality pure
Spirituality - purity is the word purity you must have and that
purity within, you can easily easily establish with Sahaja Yoga
Your witness state has to improve witness state has to be
projected so much that this conditioning and ego of reaction will
finish off you will have no more reaction but you will just
witness and the knowledge that is 'real', comes always always
through witnessing. If you do not know how to witness, then
whatever knowledge you have, is nothing but through your ego or
through your conditionings it is not Absolute Knowledge so to
get to Absolute Knowledge about anything, what you have to do is
to reach the point of Absoluteness where you are absolutely
clean, pure, Nirmal. Now dont condemn yourself if you have some
defects there have to be you are human beings but all these
defects, with your power of spirituality, you can overcome. For
that what have you to do first is introspection trying to find
out you separate yourself with your Spirit and say 'hello Mr
how are you' start with that 'hello what are you up to' and
you start seeing yourself outside and eradicating, removing all
that is not yourself (010321)
Self is absolutely self satisfied it does not need anything to
satisfy itself it is satisfaction personified it just sees
watches witnesses it knows. And you dont have to tell or to
express too much it is self-expressing if if you are a clean
person if your desires are clean and that you just have pure
desire to ascend. So again I have to talk about Kundalini that you
must have a Kundalini completely establishing itself within you
completely expressing within you and enlightening your Self
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Exposure
such a Kundalini should be there and only possible if you do not
put hurdles in her growth - if you allow it to grow it grows and it
works out. I see sometimes when you are overjoyed, you dance and
sing thats something really very good but all the time your
Spirit should dance, at the smallest things at a little thing that
is made say something artistic that you see a gesture of
kindness a gesture of gratitude you feel it - that depth of
feeling (010321)
Shivaji Maharaj he was a great soul who had such great
principles and such a beautifying life in his language in his
attitude, and everything. With all that he was a very brave person.
Once you have this, you will not deter from doing anything that is
important you will not go round and round but you will know how
to find the solution, and how to work it out. This will happen to
you, if you really know yourself you will have such powers of
courage - you will not be daredevil, but with wisdom - courage and
wisdom you will have your Spirit will give you lots of wisdom and
lots of courage. There's no struggle and no fight just standing
with courage and doing whatever is right and that is possible
because you have now the connection with the Almighty you have
the connection with the Paramchaitanya and that will work out
everything (010321)
Dharma Yuda means the war of religion but not the way people
are fighting it. Our Dharma Yuda is that we are standing on
dharma and dharma means not religion, but it is Vishwa Nirmala
Dharma. There's a negativity we can call it Adharma which is
fighting so you stand on your Dharma unless and until you are
dharmic, you cannot have any achievements in Sahaja Yoga. I have
seen people who are say abroad and they have funny ideas and
they will come and tell 'Mother, I have a wife, but I am in love
with another woman so what should I do' I said 'you get out
thats all just get out' or the wife might say 'Mother, I am
having relations with another man and what should I do' I said
'you get out thats all you get out of Sahaja Yoga you are no
good for Sahaja Yoga and Sahaja Yoga is no good for you
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Exposure
Also in say (a country - Ed) they have problem of dishonesty
they have become so corrupt I can't believe it. I was there
years back, and had never heard of corruption now they have
become so corrupt and that also enters into Sahaja Yoga - they
will be just found out and will be punished not by me, by you but
by their own Kundalini. So every country has it's own speciality, as
far as doing something wrong. We are not here to do anything
wrong we are not going to express ourselves as wrong people
but we are here to prove that we are perfect we are wonderful
people. I think all of you understand me that today I am little
worried about people who are dragging Sahaja Yoga downwards
and they should understand that I understand everything and
when theyll be harmed, they should not blame me for that it is
obvious that they are nowhere near Sahaja Yoga Sahaja Yoga
purifies you every day - you see one experience you see one
person or some events and it purifies you thats the sign
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 28 Jun 2003
'Extremes' are against the Divine - for example, saying the
mantra, or taking the name of Shri Rama once only, with feeling,
is sufficient (830129); One should never go to extremes in any-
thing - only in the middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be worked
out (830131); Going to extremes is not Sahaja Yoga style ascent
is (850310); Too much of anything is not good (830302)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 10 Sep 2002
Must be steady in meditation (811005); Eyes must be pure and
loving. Soothe the eyes, by looking at the green grass, by looking at
the ground, instead of always looking at every man or at every
woman; Entities can enter into the eyes, as in 'flirting'; 80% of
attention is through the eyes, so it is very important to protect
the eyes. Nervousness can be cured if our eyes are pure - the eyes
express the whole of our being (781218)
One has to try to get very pure eyes thou shalt not have
adulterous eyes this is what we have to follow all of us and our
attention has to be alright for that this Raksha Bandhan is a very
good thing. This attention goes out with many other things also
like aggressiveness can be possessiveness but the main thing is
this that if you do not have lust in your eye, then 50% you are
alright and half 50% is greed for which you have to work on the
Nabhi chakra for which we will work it out on Diwali day (860818);
Without even our knowledge, our eyes are turned to things that are
very gross, and which take us downwards (850000.1)
If the eyes are flickering before Mother, or before Her Photo,
when they are closed, then this is indicative of a problem, and the
eyes should then be kept open (791203); Keep your eyes open I
am sitting here where are you going to meditate meditate on
me keep your eyes open just keep your eyes open (850504);
When I am speaking you should not keep your eyes closed but
when you are meditating you can close your eyes (.0012)
Another thing is when taking Realisation you have to keep your
eyes shut if you keep your eyes open the Kundalini won't rise
above this centre (Agnya - Ed). This is absolutely the other way
round in hypnosis they hypnotise through your eyes so keep your
eyes shut and just be relaxed and dont worry about others
(821008; 821007); We have to close our eyes because the eyes
take our attention outside whilst the attention is going to be
sucked, inside (790722); Beforehand see that there's nothing
hanging on your neck very heavy or something tight here or you
can little bit loosen your knots would be better because Kundalini
has to rise (821007)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Eyes
The eyes are dilated when the Kundalini rises, and sparkle all
the time. Respect the eyes and give up all that is impure in the
mind. With a glance of the eyes, you can give Realisation, can raise
the Kundalini, can bring peace and joy into others. There is a big
difference between the eyes of a Realised Soul and someone who
is not yet realised (781218) there is a sparkle in the eyes, when
Shri Ganesha is awakened, and there is no lust or greed but a
glance can purify thousands (860907); As Realised Souls, you now
have got a 'glint', a kind of light in the eye and that light shows
that you are Realised Souls. But to keep it up, you have to look at
things which are not anti-God, which are not dirty, which are not
filthy which are not against Sahaja Religion Sahaja Culture. If
you can manage that, it is going to help you a lot (880921)
Steady your eyes put your eyes on the Mother Earth and put
rose water and netranjan and all that in the eyes and also use
the light all the time those who are left sided should use as
much as possible, the lamp, lights and things like that I hope you
all have got these things in the house good ghee lamps should be
burnt for people who have left side problems and see me through
these lights not through the electrical lights - I don't think wax
is so good but you can get ghee very easily in England use that
ghee, and put your eye onto the photograph through that light
I'm sure it will work out (840214)
Ghee is very good for the eyes, you see you see, why you
develop diabetes, and then as a result of diabetes, you develop
bad eyes the reason is that the fats are not consumed properly,
and the fat for the brain and for the eyes is not supplied
sufficiently (840214)
Now eyes are very important and eyes in a way are very much
looked after by Vishuddhi because the muscles of the eyes are
looked after by Vishuddhi (860823); The Vishuddhi controls the
outside of the eyes and also the balls of the eyes (790722)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Eyes
You must have noticed that there are some people who come to
me their eyes go on like this those who are keeping the eyes
open all the time are having Supraconscious bhoots and those
who are flickering their eyes are having the Subconscious bhoots
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's
fashionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty
eyes onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes
because such people easily can become blind. Such people may have
trouble of the eyes specially reddening of the eyes can come to
such people very much (860823)
So one has to be careful to keep the eyes very pure the eyes
of a Yogeshwara who was Shri Krishna. He played with Radha - he
married 5 women who were the 5 elements - 16000 women he
married they were his 16000 powers but he was Yogeshwara
he had no lust in his eyes, in his mind about that at all he was
beyond that he had no lust in his eyes about these women that he
had. Of course I dont expect you to be Shri Krishna but you
have your wife those who do not have wives, must look forward
to a wife that you'll get a wife and think of a wife who will be
your own, so that your eyes will not fall on every woman (860823)
Some people have a habit of showing anger with the eyes and
the angry eyes are another dangerous thing to do with your eyes
because they can become mesmeric. If you start putting your eyes
onto something and concentrating on it, your eyes might become
mesmeric means bhoots will start coming out of your eyes. First
of all you catch bhoots in your eyes they settle down there and
then they will be falling on other people as bhoots it's a very
very dangerous thing to go on looking at something continuously
with concentration (860823)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Eyes
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa, Vienna good 50
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- Jai Shri Mataji -
A person who gets Realisation has a face which is very radiant
and radiance is the 'subtlety' of light so the first element, which
is light you can say and the subtlety of the light is radiance and
so this radiance starts showing on your face starts expressing
itself and with that radiance, people get impressed and they
start thinking something special about this personality which has
radiance. Now we have seen my photographs also many a times you
will find lots of light around that is nothing but the light in me
which is giving radiance because the light becomes subtler. So this
is the subtle growth within you that takes place your faces also
start shining they too have radiance a kind of different
complexion. This radiance is to be understood is the subtle of the
light, of which we are made (981216)
Light is absolutely detached. Look after your light, otherwise it
will extinguish. When it is established, others will see the light on
your face. The light of love never burns, but dissolves all that is
bad, turns away from what is wrong, has patience, and expels the
darkness, within and without (871024)
When you are responsible, you will be amazed you will drop out
most of your habits automatically. Once you take the
responsibility of Sahaja Yoga on your shoulders immediately all
the dimensions of your new life will open out knowledge will pour
into you a new style of understanding will develop the subtleties
of life will open out before you the joy will pour onto you you will
feel as if the Ganges is flowing over your Sahastrara but you have
to be responsible. Responsible also means that others should be
given a chance and when you start leading a responsible Sahaja
Yogi life thousands of evolved Souls will hang around you you'll
have a different light on your face you will be amazed when you
speak, you will be amazed at how you are speaking how things are
happening how things are working out. You are very few people on
the stage - behind the stage there are thousands. The sense of
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Face
responsibility can only come through your freedom this is the
problem of Sahaja Yoga. So in Sahaja Yoga we have to be
responsible (770126.1); Ultimately our own lives, our own faces will
convince of the truth, that the Divine is there (800629)
Joy expresses in your eyes, in your faces, in the atmosphere, in
nature it cannot be expressed in words and this is what we all
have to achieve, and for that we have to know that we are not going
to bow down to anything that puts our attention into shackles.
Mother has freed us let us spread our wings (880106)
So do everything in silence in thoughtless awareness that's the
main point. Try at least to see my face without thinking my face
itself makes you thoughtless on the photograph you can watch my
face without thinking and it will work out. Silence your mind
(800907); We also should watch Mother without thinking (800609);
A Photo of the Face will not work to correct the grosser problems -
for that a Photo of the Feet works much better. The Face is for
the seekers (800517.2); "My face is such a funny thing, that if you
watch it for a long time, you will have no thoughts today it
happened, I went to the tailor, and he just looked at me, and he
didn't know what he was doing. My husband said 'Is he stunned or
what?' " (800609)
The face is controlled by the Vishuddhi chakra (790722); The
Vishuddhi controls the lymphatic system, ears, outside of the
eyes, nose, neck (811004; 810330), throat, face (820711) and teeth
(880710) and all the mastoid muscles, the tongue, the cheeks and
also the balls of the eyes (790722); The Vishuddhi looks after the
cooling function - the liver gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by
Vishuddhi. If the Vishuddhi is good, then there is a bloom on the
face, a glow, a sparkle in the eyes (830202)
It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's
womb he selects the face the colour everything. With his
magnetic power he manages to attract the right type of genes he
does all such important things for you all the time busy never
rests so full of joy and hard work (840902)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Face
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-800629 How do we prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill, see 800630 good 20
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
We must have faith not blind faith, but that based on
experience (811103) because you have seen it (800518); Sahaja
Yoga gives you experiences, and then you believe into it and
that is open, enlightened faith. This is the real faith no
conjecture no just talking about it - in actual life, you see these
things happening (801116); This is the faith that you have got
Realisation through Sahaja Yoga that it's a tremendous power
that there is All Pervading Power which is absolutely dynamic
that you have that power flowing through you that you are
giving Realisation and that your Mother is something special
(800518); Is not a blind faith (891008.1), but an enlightened
faith (950320.1); A spiritual state of one's being, when you are
part and parcel of Reality, when nothing can affect you (961020);
Shraddha (891008.1; 950320.1; 961020)
To develop this faith, you have to first of all tell yourself
rationally clearly 'don't you see this is happening can't you
see it is rising can't you understand' think how wonderful it
is how great it is; The power of faith is the greatest becoming
power it is beyond analysis, beyond thought your awareness
rises higher, and these small little, little things which have
become subtler, start departing from you. This is the third state
of awareness; Faith is the 'recognition' it is only going to work
out by how much faith you have. This faith then starts
encompassing also what I say means absorbing not criticising
not repelling back but absorbing (800518)
Bhakti is only possible if you have faith that's the thing is
the faith which is challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid
and horrible people the intellectuals also by science and by
this and that church. So your faith has to be absolutely
absolutely untarnishable so when this faith in God is absolutely
established within you that there is God Almighty he's
Almighty and that I am the messenger of that God just this
understanding, when it becomes absolutely formed in you then
you are in Guru Pada (920719)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Faith
Today, we must remember one thing that we must have
complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the power of God
Almighty complete faith (920719)
The protocol of these photographs is important, to start
developing that faith. Keep one photograph with you all the time,
respect it Mother's attention is there. And have that
understanding that, 'that's Mother with us' you'll be amazed
how things work out; All of you require more faith and more
faith and more faith so the faith is going to work it out
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- end - 6 May 2003
False Gurus
Those who are Rakshasas, sinful people (801027); Who are
criminals, are anti-God, anti-Christ people, who hanker after
money who must be given up (830129); People who say that they
are representing God or who say that they are God or say that
they have the powers of God should be able to connect you to God
- if they cannot connect you to God, then they are absolutely
useless (790530); There are so many now who have come to
misguide you. They are taking money for misguiding you, for giving
you sins. They are nicely booking you up for a trip to hell - they
themselves are nicely booked there. People feel very hurt when I
say about them but they are not gurus, they are Rakshasas
(790928); They are able to spread fast because they are not part
of a living process (870516)
Mostly these gurus look after your purses or your wives maybe.
Their lives are blackened by their ill deeds they are evil people,
devils some of them born again to test your intelligence. They may
come as anything but they are evil doers of the worst types. Not
only that they will go to Hell, but that all the disciples of theirs will
go to Hell (870513)
Those who go headlong into wrong paths may suffer from funny
heart troubles, palpitations, insomnia, vomiting, giddiness, irrelevant
talking etc. It is very serious to go to wrong gurus (830204);
Amongst their followers, diseases like cancers, leukaemia, psycho-
somatic problems, madness, can occur, and can lead to Ekadesha
Rudra problems (830129)
They are to be beaten with shoes (791118); Mantras for false
Gurus include "Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini" (791203), and "Sarva
Asura Mardini" (800517.2); Those who have been to any gurus
should put their right hand on their heart, because your Spirit is
your Guru who resides in your heart (830302)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - False Gurus
What I'm asking you your mantra for because once you give up
your mantra, you give up your misidentifications. Why I asked
you I would like to see how much you are still identified with him
(a false guru - Ed) if you are still identified with him, I cannot do
anything about it because evil is evil, and good is good (790618)
these mantras are the names of devils (790618)
What you have to do when you start feeling anything anger
against say some very devilish guru supposing then you build it up
in yourself, and that built up anger within you will neutralise that.
You need not say it out loud you need not talk about it but that
built up anger will little bit trouble you also because it has little
bit reaction but when it is released it will have an effect and
such a person cannot stand a Sahaja Yogi (850310)
Together with household matters, the family is the concern of
the Left Nabhi, the Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the family. If
the wife starts to compete with the husband, then the family
and children suffer; The most important role of the wife is to
produce and care for the children; The family is the most
important basis of a healthy society - if the family is destroyed,
then all society is destroyed; The family is the nest, for the
children to be able to grow up with dignity (810328)
All these relations, such as brother, mother, father, sister
mean such a lot to you because you have chosen them. When you
were born, you chose your father, your mother everyone you
chose all of them that's how family is very important (790618);
The 'Principle' or 'Essence' of the family, and of the marriage,
of the household, is the child, for whom all is created (781218)
Your 'kith and kin' are Sahaja Yogis they are your brothers
and they are your sisters (860818); Your 'relations' are Sahaja
Yogis no other. You are born on this tree of life, whilst they
(your earthly relatives - Ed) are not so we cannot identify with
them (871220)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-860818 Raksha Bandhan - Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
810328 Nabhi talk - Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Fanaticism is against dharma, as for example the denouncing
of religions other than one's own; There is only one God, but
many Aspects; Religions are like the flowers on one tree,
nurtured by the same sap (781005); Fanaticism comes from the
word 'finite', we should say. When you go into infinity, how can
you have fanaticism - in fanaticism, you 'finite' yourselves I
am this I am this - that is 'clubbing' actually it is nothing
but ordinary clubbing like we have 'clubs', like somebody
puts the tableware on the left side is one of the clubs
another puts on the right side is another club it's just like
stupid clubbing, thats all (860707.1); It is the fanaticism that
makes you so much upset (.0005) it is not religion - it is a
disease (790507); Fanatics say one thing, and do something
other (860303); All fanatics are on the right hand side
(810928); Fanaticism identification with one religion to the
exclusion of others can spoil our attention our awareness
which is based in the stomach (751005)
The Solar Plexus which is the outer manifestation of the
Nabhi chakra (790722) looks after all the viscera of the
stomach physically - and mentally it looks after other things
like with any extremism, it gets caught up or with any
fanaticism, or for example starving, fasting, or eating too
much (790618)
Give up all superstitions, fanaticisms, and fears nothing can
harm us now whatever is gone, is gone is finished - the leaves
that fall from the tree don't rise again, and get attached to
the tree; What is new that is coming in, is to be nurtured - is
the Joy that dignified, majestic beauty within ourselves. Then
we don't get upset, we are not bothered what others say and
others will see that dignity (800517.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Fanaticism
On one side we have the doubting people people who are
doubting (800505) a negative activity which can lead to, or
result in cowardice (891008.1); There is no time for you to
doubt anything. Do not waste your time. If you are still
doubting, it is better to give up (760330); On the other side
the fanatics - those who try to adhere more and more, to the
teachings, had to become fanatics (800505); The 'real' Religion
in man collapsed Religion is a continuous living process within,
which is our sustainance it's like a ladder, on which we climb,
step by step but not leaving the ladder. So these two types
one doubting another fanatic both had not known God both
had not achieved Reality and they criticised each other
because both of them did not know what truth was (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
Chakras affected: Right Side; Nabhi
- end - 3 Mar 2003
Certain habits that we acquire are mostly because of fashion
and one bad habit we have got is not to say 'no' to anyone how to
say 'no' you see like somebody is smoking or drinking and he
forces us so we say oh alright (770126.2); The problem is we
are still rising out of this human bondage to a higher life of
Realisation and we have to realise that we have to give up all
these shackles all these horrible things within us. Your brothers,
sisters, your father, mother, husband, everybody they try to pull
you down if they are drinking, theyll say 'come along, you better
have something to drink you're not social you're useless not
up-to-date' that's how a fashion starts. In Sahaja Yoga you are
free from all this nonsense free from money bondage this is
very important. Then we have such a collective sense of accepting
nonsense that has to be dropped off especially in America also
in England like becoming primitive or becoming slaves of fashion
(970823.1); Fashion is madness (971005)
Materialism takes away everything that is beautiful, that is good
within you is a kind of befooling that is going on, is a horrible
stuff, and makes a person absolutely shameless. For example with
fashion, what is the need to run after fashions just because
someone wants to make some money (870503.1); No use also
going to the sea, making your body brown and then suffering
from cancer of the skin this kind of stupidity is also very much
fashionable (970823.1); Guru shopping is a fashion is nothing
deep is a fashion (860707.1) seeking is a fashion in the West
but is also genuine in many (790507)
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's
fashionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty
eyes onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes
because such people easily can become blind. Such people may have
trouble of the eyes specially reddening of the eyes can come to
such people very much (860823); Hair Colouring can also lead to
blindness (870500)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Fashionable
First and foremost thing for a Sahaja Yogi is he must have
introspection he must watch himself if he changes because
some fashion has come or because some people have suppressed
him or just asked him to or just to please people of cheap
values, then he cannot be a guru. He has to station himself
properly on the values of Sahaja Yoga (980712)
You say it is a fashion to be guilty. What are you guilty about I
dont understand what sin can you commit that God's Love cannot
cure he's an ocean of love (790722); What's the use to feel
guilty. If you feel guilty, this left side Vishuddhi gets caught up.
One must know that God is the ocean of compassion he is the
ocean of love and he is the ocean of forgiveness (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 3 Mar 2003
The entrepreneurs are busy pampering our egos, giving us
fashions, hair fashions, clothes, too many choices over simple things
like what I will have for breakfast etc. We should not become
enslaved by any entrepreneurs - wear what is sensible (910728);
These designers they make the money befooling everybody
they befool people so much they take out some idea, and sell it for
a high price and if you are a fool, you go and buy that (971004);
All this designing is based on your stupid ego, which makes you buy
all these things to show off your ego so try to be humble
(971004); It's nothing but you are playing into the hands of these
entrepreneurs. Once you have established what you require what
is the style you require finished then you must grow inside, and
not outside (960710)
We have to eat our food. Nowadays, there is a fashion of
becoming thin, or whatever you may call it and so many diseases
have developed because women want to eat little. It's not the aim
of life to only look after your body body is not the only important
thing. What is important is your Spirit (971005)
First and foremost thing for a Sahaja Yogi is he must have
introspection he must watch himself if he changes because some
fashion has come or because some people have suppressed him or
just asked him to or just to please people of cheap values, then he
cannot be a guru. He has to station himself properly on the values
of Sahaja Yoga (980712)
In Sahaja Yoga we have to be particular about how we dress up
that our dress should be decent, dignified, and decorous that
should in no way show our vulgarity we should look after our
chastity and our morality which is meant for both women and
men not only in dress, but even in day to day life it is important
(930721); At random we buy things we buy clothes. If you can, use
your vibratory awareness to buy your things to see what you
should buy, what would look nice - because beauty and
auspiciousness go hand in hand they are not 'two things' (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Fashion
Now your clothes, because you are Saints are very important you
are not vagabonds, or tramps, you are not on the streets you have
to wear dignified dress. I have told everyone of you that wear
something dignified, not undignified it has to be majestic because
you are saints now selected by God so the dress need not be
absurd or something funny, but should give you dignity. See the
vibrations of a dress wear your country's dress. You need not wear
somebody else's dress, but the interest should be that it gives you a
dignity and a sense of respectability. It is to preserve your respect
that you are to wear a dress that is the utility of a dress (800927)
Fashion is madness (971005); You see the fashion is to expose the
knees it's very dangerous, because you can get both the Nabhis in
this cold weather or hot weather either you catch the right
Nabhi, or the left Nabhi and what is there in the knees, to expose.
So for Sahaja Yogis it is important that they must decide 'now,
that's all finished no more' (960710); People wear dresses which
are above the knee but the knees are very important chakras you
should keep them closed otherwise you will have knee trouble;
Also, you shouldn't wear sleeveless dress there are two very
important chakras if you expose them then you'll have problems
(970823.1); I find on the streets, women walking with very short
clothes with that, what will happen your Nabhi chakra will be
caught up and you will have problems with money (960716)
It's so absurd I just can't understand like in England, it is so
very cold in Scotland even worse but people dont wear anything
when they sleep I mean thats easiest way to get sick they dont
wear undershirts. Then the most fashionable dresses are the
dresses where you cannot see any cloth anywhere I mean, it's all
missing. The women the way they dress up I'm surprised this is
the best way to get sick. They wear such big heels this modern
generation in the West they are going to develop such terrible
diseases their legs will become swollen up not only varicose veins
such big heels they wear. God has created you with such care what
are you doing to yourself - little heels are alright but to have heels
of this height this is the best way to spoil all your nerves and
circulation (.0011)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Fashion
It's very natural to be a person of dharma small children mostly
have it for example, children feel very shy to take out their
clothes in the presence of others they feel shy. You should be
shy and humble and respect your body it's very important in
these modern times when exposure of the body is regarded as a
great achievement of women. It's absolutely absurd that men
should be attracted to women and women should be attracted to
men and on the road - this adharma is the worst it's a curse. All
these limited types of attractions end up in troubles. Whatever is
not good for you, you should not do I don't have to tell you that
you don't do this, or you don't do that (970823.1)
All things that are in us if they are auspicious, we'll have a
'Presence' wherever we'll stand, people will know we have a
presence this presence is a blessing of the 'matter' to us. So you
must respect matter in the sense, what clothes you wear -
throwing clothes on the ground, throwing here and there, living like
a donkey, like a pigsty is not the way a Sahaja Yogi should live he
has to be orderly, he has to respect his clothes. But it should not
be that you respect your clothes so much that you throw away
'others' clothes they are Sahaja Yogis also you have to respect
each other, because you are all Saints (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 29 Dec 2002
To overcome problems, with your tongue and food you can
starve yourself, reduce what you eat by half - your intestines
will go down. But don't think about food; This starving is for
Westerners, because the people of the East already do regular
fasting. For them the correction is to eat. Best day for starving
is Thursday, the Guru's day - and to start with a day (821101)
Why does anyone want to fast in the name of God? There is no
need to fast - it is not liked by the Mother. Be normal people do
not torture yourselves, or starve yourselves. Starving oneself is
left sided, whilst pampering oneself or overeating is right sided
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
- end - 3 Mar 2003
Fat Cells
Diabetes is a common disease of modern times, and doctors
cannot cure it, but we can cure it no doubt. Diabetes is caused
because there is one centre, called the Swadisthan which
manifests the aortic plexus within us, and which looks after the
pancreas, spleen, kidneys and liver, (790720) but also looks after
the production of fat cells for the brain (890801); You see why
you develop diabetes and then as a result of diabetes, you
develop bad eyes the reason is that in diabetes, the fats are
not consumed properly and they are not supplied sufficiently to
the brain to the optic lobes. The brain is made of fat cells and
that is why you get these troubles if the fat cells can be used
for the eyes then there is no problem (840214); Butter is
important for the Swadisthan, which converts it for the use of
the brain cells (811005); Without carbohydrates, fats and butter
cannot be retained by the body (830202)
The Swadisthan the second subtle centre, which is actually
the third centre arising from the Nabhi as on a stalk (810928)
controls the liver, pancreas, spleen, uterus (810928) and part of
the intestines and kidneys (870500), and also the ovaries
(840313), via control of the Aortic plexus (870500), and
converts fat cells in the stomach for the use of the brain
(811005); Now when you are thinking, the cells of the brain are
replaced every minute by the fat that is in your stomach by
this centre of Swadisthan in the gross expressed as the Aortic
Plexus (821008) and so if the control of the Swadisthan is
diverted away from the organs to the provision of fat cells
for the use of the brain this can then result in diseases such as
blood cancer, and diabetes from unhealthy spleen or pancreas
respectively (890801; 870500; 811005)
Now if there's a tradition of dharma then what happens
that the fat cells in our stomach get the experience get
charmed with the sense of virtue, of righteousness, of goodness,
of innocence. Also, with the Kundalini awakening your dharma is
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Fat Cells
'built in' - and your cells are charmed by that and so you use
that power to enlighten your brain, which surrounds actually as
auras your heart. But if that is not so it's like a dead another
cell going in the head and then experiences in dirty things in
doing something that is destructive (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Swadisthan
- end - 11 Sep 2002
The qualities of the father are at the right Heart chakra. This
centre may catch if the father has died and does not want to
leave, or if the father is unkind to the son, or if the son is unkind
to the father, or the father is cruel, dejected or lost etc. This
may result in asthma. To cure it put the hand on this centre and
say mantra to awaken the fatherhood (820711)
The 'Father' aspect of God, or Allah, does not do anything
but witnesses the play of His 'Power', the Holy Ghost, the
Mother, and is reflected in our hearts as the Spirit (830302);
The father's centres are on the right hand, that part of the
palm at the base of the fingers and thumb (820701)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820701 The Subtle Body, B'ham - see 820701(Video) 35
820701 The Subtle Body, B'ham / M'dhara, Sw'disthan, Nabhi & Void, Berby
Chakras affected: Right Heart
- end - 11 Sep 2002
That which binds our heart is fear, fear because maybe we
have been tortured or troubled by somebody in the past and so
our heart is closed, or perhaps we have frightened others and so
we are fearful that they may do the same to us. Aggressiveness
is malignant and creates a cancer, and then we start reacting.
There should be no reaction to anything, and no aggression
(870503.1); Sahaja Yoga is a yoga in which fear doesn't play any
part (980712)
In the West, everybody is afraid of everyone, even the chil-
dren are afraid to hug their parents there is no expression of
love - there should be no fear, no insecurity (910728); Give up all
that you call as fear all kinds of fear we have. These are all left
sided things what a left sided man has to know is, that he is
now an enlightened soul, and no-one can touch him leave alone
destroy him. Those who will try, will in a very interesting manner
be finished not destroyed, but in a very jocular manner you'll
laugh at that, and enjoy the way things are working out (920621);
Every 'Negative' should be afraid of you - even your presence
can frighten them (811103)
The fear sometimes comes, that I will be putting up my ego if I
do something - that if we assert something or other as right,
then we will get ego. Know that you are a Realised Soul, start
respecting yourself, and you will not fall into the trap of ego
'how can I behave like this' then a kind of dignity develops, and
we feel shy of doing something stupid (910728); Tell yourself 'I
am a Realised Soul, nothing can make me unhappy, nothing can
befool me', and believe it in your heart, let it settle down on your
intelligence, and your fears will all disappear, just like that
(800517.1); Once you start facing yourself through your Spirit,
you won't be so frightened it is because you don't want to face
yourself that you all the time are in that mood of fear (800907);
Whatever is against the Spirit is sin even fear is a sin (830512)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Fear
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
When someone is being given Realisation remove the shoes, that
is important remove the shoes so no pressure is on the feet and
nothing between the feet and Mother Earth, and also as sign of
respect (you can keep the socks on) and place feet separately
put the feet straight on the ground, and apart because they are
two different powers, onto Mother Earth. The reason is this
Mother Earth has the power to help us a lot and to suck in all our
problems. Sit straight, in a relaxed and comfortable way with
hands on the lap. Put the Photo with light (a candle) before it and
put both hands to the Photo [or to Shri Mataji - Ed] and close
the eyes (821008; 821007; 840410; 790530; 790000.2; 791009.1;
830127; 871023)
The understanding of Mother Earth about Saints is very great
she knows who is a Saint she knows the feet of a Saint. That's
why so many things were created - like Moses he went to the sea,
and the Mother Earth came up for them to walk through it was for
Moses, and his saintliness, that the Mother Earth came up and
helped. In the same way, when Rama was building a big bridge
between Lanka and India, Mother Earth came up as a bridge. So we
should not curse the Mother Earth for any mishaps on this earth
if people are saintly, they will always be protected by Mother
Earth she will always try to give them whatever they want
Early in the morning, when we get up, and we put our foot on her,
we should say 'oh Mother, please forgive us because we are
touching you with our feet' (860803); Mother Earth sucks all our
problems (800609); She sucks in your negativity when you stand on
her with bare feet, respecting her and asking her to suck your
negativity, with a light in front of you in front of my photograph
(860803); Mother Earth is the one who sucks all these negative
forces of the left hand side (880921)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Feet
Then everyone must soak their feet daily, and must do daily
meditation. For correcting your right side, use the Mother Earth or
water or even ice or also carbohydrate or vegetarian types of
foods if we have ego, what we should do is raise the left side, and
put it to the right side there's no other way out you have to use
your hands; For left side, use light or fire or nitrogenous foods i.e.
proteins (830121)
The simplest way is I mean we have found this that after
Realisation, if you go for seven days treatment with soaking feet
before my photograph, it works out. Then you start establishing
your auspiciousness and once you have established it then you
dont lose it very easily. Afterwards when you become very strong,
you dont mind working on anyone whatsoever (800721); This is our
way of life is to keep ourselves cleansed this is bathing ourselves.
All those things which are filthy within us take them out. All those
who have to be Sahaja Yogis, and have to live in ashrams, have to
soak their feet every night, and have to meditate - because your
egos pass from each other it's contamination complete
contamination try to humble down (800907)
Some people don't do anything and they're supposed to be
Sahaja Yogis. Some people do not even soak their feet in water do
not even meditate I do not know how they are Sahaja Yogis I just
cannot understand. Everyday you must soak your feet in water
every morning you must beat yourself with shoes if you have the
chance, you should do it that's how you cleanse that's a part
Footsoaking is a technique used daily for clearing the subtle
system (830121), and for only 10 minutes, you have to sit, but with
full heart (830204), and is done with salt in water (830129);
Everyone must have a regular sitting in the water every day that's
important. You have to soak your feet in the water, because the
water is the ocean (830121); Sit with both your hands towards the
photograph, and put both the feet in the water, with little bit of
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Feet
salt in it, for about 5 or 10 minutes. You must allow the vibrations
to clear you out then wipe your feet, and put the water properly
into some disposal, and then sit down for meditation. If you can do
that every day, even 10 minutes is more than sufficient you don't
have to do anything in an extreme manner (880921)
In terms of Protocol, our feet should not be placed towards the
Divine (811004)... towards the Mother (830129); Putting your feet
towards somebody is an insult. It is a custom everywhere in the
whole world. If you have lost your traditions, it doesn't mean that
there were 'no traditions'. The sense of respect has come to us
from inside, not from outside it's not rationality it has come to
us from our Unconscious. Nowhere in the world you will find
anybody putting up their feet before anyone whom you respect
it's not a sign of respect. Say my photograph is there, or I am
there, now you respect me isn't it then you would not like to sit
with the feet towards (791015)
Especially for Sahaja Yogis, no-one should be allowed to touch
your feet as a guru - it is a very dangerous thing, and you could go
out of Sahaja Yoga as a result (830725); Eka Desha Rudra
disorders also come from touching the feet of wrong gurus all the
time, and when they begin to set in, the 11 powers of destruction go
against you (830129)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Feet
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 minsQ&A good 50
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
840410.1 Porchester Hall poor 20
840410.2 Porchester Hall/South Bank Polytechnic, London
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
The fingers are connected to the different chakras (790616); All
these seven centres are reflected in our fingers and our hands
(790720); Mohammed said that 'your hands will speak', meaning
that on your hands, on your finger tips you will feel your own
defects, when the Judgement Time comes (871023); If the Sahaja
Yogis try to do something wrong, then they know they are doing
wrong on their finger tips or we can ask them to get out of
Sahaja Yoga but that seems to be the worst punishment for
Sahaja Yogis they dont like why because they feel 'we are
separated from Reality' all the blessings of the Reality are lost
to them (000423); Ghee and Butter can be rubbed onto the
fingers and hands, to soothe them down, because the heat from the
other people can make them dried up (830209)
Now when you find that a person has a cancer on the hands you
find that all these fingers (all fingers of left hand - Ed) are
burning sometimes even these fingers (fingers on both the hands
- Ed) start burning. If you put your hands toward a person who is
suffering from cancer, all your fingers start burning (left and right
hands - Ed) and you start burning here and here (indicating the
area on the outer part of the palms, at the base of all fingers, on
both left and right hands - Ed). Also you may start feeling a
throbbing here (indicating the solar plexus area - Ed) of course
throbbing doesnt mean that a person has cancer, but it's one of
the symptoms (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Fire Candle - Flame
Then you have Fire we call it as Agni but it is a very silent
fire it doesnt burn anybody but it burns all the wrong things
within you whatever wrong things you have, it burns and it
burns the wrong things in other people also. Moreover, a Realised
Soul cannot get burnt the fire cannot burn the burning cannot
come to him it is very important to understand also if you are
doing something wrong, it may burn you but if you are a good
Sahaja Yogi and I should say a perfect Sahaja Yogi, fire will
never burn you. We have an example of Sitaji that she went into
the fire nothing burnt her (981216)
An enlightened flame will burn off any impurity, anything that is
unwanted in a person - fire is a purifier (781005); Used with the
candle to clear the left side subtle system (830121); Is the quality
of the right side (781005); Just ask the fire to take away your
problems it takes away (800609); Fire burns, and gives light - it
also cooks, and nourishes others. You are the fire and the light,
and the controller of the two, and the choice to be either. Better
start to be the light (811103)
If the flame of a candle starts flickering in front of the Photo,
this is alright, and means that there is a problem, and that it is
being corrected by the Photo (810328); Baddhas can be burned
off by the fire, by the flame, and are to be seen as the flickering
of the flame (781005), while bhoots are also burned with the
candle and may go pop, pop, pop - and that's why the candle has
to be put (920209); Behind he has to be given light his back
Agnya is not alright tell them to give light on his back Agnya
(950625); If they have a problem with the Agnya, they should use
a candle at the back if their eyesight is getting weak, or is
shortsighted (830209); By using a candle in a certain way, we have
cured blood cancer (890617.2)
For a person who is left sided, a good ghee lamp should be
burnt and then to see me through that. A candle is nice to look
at but I don't think that wax is so good (840214)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Fire, Candle, Flame
Those who went off to sleep who were struggling at that time
of my lecture may not have understood. It's a very difficult and
a subtle subject but those who have been like that should look
after themselves should find out. One thing they can do is to put
a candle near their left Swadisthan, a little far and put one
candle before the photograph and put left hand towards the
photograph, and right hand on Mother Earth it works and the
candle at the back should be kept little far away because it makes
sound, it goes this way, and that way it burns. Those who have
been taking drugs, not LSD, but other drugs, the drowsy people
who feel sleepy, whose brains are destroyed by drugs all those
people can benefit a lot by this do it every day (860504)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
- end - 6 May 2003
Roving Eyes if present, in the husband then this may result
firstly in insecurity in the wife which then leads to breast
cancer (820711); When we develop the left Vishuddhi very
strongly, and if we have a bad Agnya, or if there are eyes which
are roving, then this left Vishuddhi causes a lot of trouble
If you 'feel attracted' for any man think that 'that man has
a bhoot, and I also have a bhoot' only the bhoots attract
bhoots it's as simple as that it's only the bhoots attract
(810904); Why to make your body that attractive to every man,
spoiling his attention, and your attention what is the need the
whole idea is wrong (780000)
Entities are being exchanged in flirtations, and result in
wobbly eyes, and also are the cause of those 'attractions' that
we cannot explain or understand (781218); In a very gross way,
we see that people are attracted towards others through the
body element. Any body attraction can enslave you, and cannot
give you freedom. It will give you habits for your body
enslavement, and will enslave you to your Guru. The other
attractions are for food, greed, and lust - materialism at it's
worst. Once you start getting used to it, you become enslaved
and not a Guru (860706)
Those who still have those problems that they want to sleep
with other women and they want to do all these things who
are, on a subtle level, quite on the verge of collapse they should
give up Sahaja Yoga. Best is to leave us alone we can't have
such useless people so they should give up Sahaja Yoga, and
dont trouble us. So all those who are still like that, who are
trying to have relations with other women having their eyes on
other women like that and also all the women like that all
should give up Sahaja Yoga and should spare us (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Flirting
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
780000.01 Talk on Easter 78
780000.02 How to meditate, Seminar Talk
780000.04 God & Creation, Caxton Hall Public Program
780000.05 Public Meeting Talk No 1, Caxton Hall
780000.06 Public Meeting Talk No 2, Caxton Hall
780000.07 Ego, Superego & Subconscious, Finchley Ashram
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 3 Mar 2003
That which can best be given to the Adi shakti (810328); The
essence of the flower is it's fragrance (811103); Now we must
understand that when you give me flowers you are asking for
'flowers for your life' (850502)
Supposing we give a flower to God after all it's God's own
creation 'what' are we giving when you give flowers, Mooladhara
gets enlightened; These flowers when you give to me, they give you
two things flowers are very important - if they are beautiful, then
they give to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your
Mooladhara. Now think of it you are doing it to improve your
chakras (800927)
If you are going to see the Mother then go to the market, get
proper flowers and give them to Her - anything that I find on the
road, should I take it any junk I get some flowers I get some
bright flowers should I no have you given a thought the thought
which comes from the heart, and starts thinking what should I give
to Mother, when I am going to see Her - what you do is to go round
to see a flower for me there's a thought the thought creates
the feeling that I have to give a flower to Mother now where will
I find the best flower (840118)
What pleases Mother very simple things. Very simple things
please her like flowers but how much attention you have put to
it that we have to give a flower to Mother. Now what flowers she
likes she likes fragrant flowers from where we should get the
fragrant flowers it's very simple the shop be on the lookout
there must be some shop with fragrant flowers the whole
direction changes you see, you become beautifully attached to
me and I have to gain nothing out of it but by your attaching
yourself to me 'you' gain something. You have to think that if we
have to attach ourselves to Mother, we must put our attention
completely, entirely to it - it's not what you give me is important
it is how much heart you put into it (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Flowers
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810328 Nabhi talk - Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
811103 You grow fast in S. Yoga, Brahman Crt [Fr. translation] good 75
840118 Spontaneous talk - Vaitarna not good 35
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
Fontanelle Bone Area
Area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head
(910505); Brahmarandhra (840708); The seat of the Spirit is
here, on top of your head, where is the fontanelle bone area but
Spirit resides in the heart actually. Spirit is the reflection of God
Almighty it is the collective being which resides in your heart
When you get your Realisation the Kundalini rises, and passes
through the Brahma Nadi and pierces the Fontanelle Bone Area,
which is called as Brahmarandhra and you become one, with the
All Pervading Power. And what is the sign the Cool Breeze which
starts flowing the Vibrations start flowing (800102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
- end - 27 Mar 2003
There should not be so much attention on food (830131); When
you eat, you dont understand that this tongue belongs to a Sahaja
Yogi you shouldnt hanker after anything like if somebody likes
tea, he'll go on taking 15 cups thats no good or if he's fond of
one sort of food, he won't take another food. Thinking too much
about food all the time asking for food and organising food all
the time that spoils your Vishuddhi very badly (800127.2); We
should vibrate our food - the food should carry love, be cooked
with love, and be eaten with love, with kind words; It is better to
avoid hotel food, which is not cooked with love (830131)
Food can be used to assist in correcting an imbalance in the
subtle system, by using more carbohydrates, or vegetarian type
foods, and avoiding too much proteins, for a person who is too
much on the right side, or the converse for a person who is too
much on the left side (830121); We should eat food according to
our needs. In general, in the West one should take more to
vegetarian foods (830131); Those who are right sided should take
to foods which are left sided i.e. carbohydrates, and should
become partly vegetarian, and should eat things at the most like
chickens, but not fishes or sea food, because they are all hot
You have to eat that food with some prayer bless that food,
thank God that you have got that food then the satisfaction
comes in better (850421); A Sahaja Yogi eats thinking as a
human being, it is his duty to eat, that's all and not for taste
not for greed not for showing off in a very simple manner he
eats (960716)
Indian food is a heavy food it's not so light as English food, or
Western food, which is very light, easy to digest. But Indian food
is not, and that is why we are asked to dance, and to have some
exercise, like a little walking so we can digest it. Indians also have
this fondness to feed you they are very anxious to feed you, but
don't fall a trap to that you should say no no no they
themselves don't eat so much (881221)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Food
And don't buy any food on the road or anything and eat
there so that your stomach is kept well, and you enjoy the
best of health (in India - Ed) (881207); A little chillies will help
you, because normally people get constipation if you don't take
chillies (881207)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon S Yogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham, good 35
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1, India
- end - 3 Mar 2003
Technique used daily for clearing the subtle system (830121),
and for only 10 minutes, you have to sit, but with full heart
(830204), and is done with salt in water (830129); Everyone must
have a regular sitting in the water every day that's important.
You have to soak your feet in the water, because the water is the
ocean (830121)
The simplest way is I mean we have found this that after
Realisation, if you go for seven days treatment with soaking feet
before my photograph, it works out. Then you start establishing
your auspiciousness and once you have established it then you
dont lose it very easily. Afterwards when you become very strong,
you dont mind working on anyone whatsoever (800721)
Everyday you must soak your feet in water if you have the
chance, do it because that is how you cleanse. I was amazed that
some people just don't soak their feet don't do anything and
they're supposed to be Sahaja Yogis. This is our way of life is to
keep ourselves cleansed this is bathing ourselves; All those who
have to be Sahaja Yogis, who have to live in ashrams, have to soak
their feet every night and have to meditate (800907); Sit with
both your hands towards the photograph, and put both the feet in
the water, with little bit of salt in it, for about 5 or 10 minutes.
You must allow the vibrations to clear you out then wipe your
feet, and put the water properly into some disposal, and then sit
down for meditation. If you can do that every day, even 10
minutes is more than sufficient you don't have to do anything in
an extreme manner (880921)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi ("False Gurus, & Conditionings") good 70
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Ekadesha Rudra is on your forehead if you bow before any
wrong guru you catch your Ekadesha Rudra (810904); Christ
who in his destroying incarnation known as Mahavishnu, or Kalki, is
situated on our foreheads, and is coming for the Last Judgement,
when every human being is going to be sorted out (790928) but
those who have got Realisation will enter into the Kingdom of God
(811006); He has 11 destructive powers, with which He is going to
come back (810926); The 11 powers include the powers from:
Ganesha; Bhairava; Hirenyagarbha (the collective Brahmadeva);
Kartikeya; Hanumana; Mahavishnu (Christ); Buddha; Mahavira;
Shiva/Parvati; Sadashiva/Adi Shakti; and Virata. The powers of
Eka Desha Rudra can be destroyed by misidentifications (830204;
840916; 970316), and may form a ridge across the upper part
of the forehead (820711; 840622)
Kalki is an abbreviation of Nishkalanka, and has the same
meaning as Mother's name, Nirmala, and means 'spotlessly clean' -
without any spots on it. This Incarnation has been described in the
Puranas, as coming on this Earth on a 'white horse' in a place
called Shambhalkul. Bhala means 'forehead', and 'shambhala'
means 'at that stage', so it means that Kalki is situated on your
Bhala, your forehead. Here he is going to be born. This is the real
meaning of Shambhalkul (790928)
Kalki stays on our forehead, and when the chakra of Kalki is
caught up, the whole of Moordha, on top goes out of order, the
whole head becomes a blocket. Such people do not allow Kundalini
to rise above Hamsa. If you put your forehead before wrong
gurus, or also, if there is too much thinking, both can create a
problem. The whole forehead, if it is covered by bumps, then you
must know that the Kalki chakra is out of order, and if the Kalki
chakra is out of order, then all the fingers start burning, on the
hands and on the palms, and sometimes even in the body, you get
terrible burning. A person's Kalki chakra catching means he might
be down with a horrible disease like cancer or leprosy etc. or he
may be about to collapse into some sort of a calamity (790928)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Forehead
It would be a good idea to start using a little oil for the head
in the night as Sahaja Yogis, you should better use some nice
coconut oil, and rub on your head nicely, in the night and in the
morning after all it doesnt show much and comb your hair in a
proper way. If your dresses and your hair are like bhoots then
the bhoots will take over, thinking 'oh, this is a bhoot sitting
down here better take hold of that bhoot' so dress up in a
way that you shouldnt have hair on your forehead at all keep it
straight make it nice and have absolutely clean foreheads
Buddha was born at the same time as Christ, and Mahavira, and
all 3 are at the same level in the Virata's forehead (951224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Christ has given us the greatest weapon that we must forgive.
It is such a practical thing, to forgive. If we just forgive then
that person doesn't exist anymore the person doesn't trouble us
anymore nor is he in our attention. Just to forgive is the
simplest thing to do, and the highest thing to do, to get relief
from the worldly or mental tortures that we get (861225); Forgive
everyone even if they have harmed you just forgive them
because by remembering that, you are miserable for nothing at all
(810511); At the Agnya chakra, where we forgive everyone and at
the back where we have to say 'if we have made any mistake
oh God forgive us' these are the two sides of the Agnya chakra
If you see somebody who you dont like, or who has been harsh
to you, or cruel to you you get annoyed disturbed - at that
time say 'I forgive' you have to say 'I forgive' if there is
disturbance. A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character by his
righteousness by his behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi
should be extremely peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing
up and down upset are not Sahaja Yogis (850310)
As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts, and
the Kundalini rises (920621); When we forgive, we do not imbibe
within ourselves, the very thing (e.g. cruelty etc.), which required
that forgiveness and then also, we do not suffer - when we
forgive (860305); First thing is very important is forgiveness
how this forgiveness comes in, is by forgetting the past. If there
is forgiveness you'll be surprised you'll feel very relieved and
your married life will be very happy (970823.1)
The best way to be with your Spirit, is to forgive because then
your thoughts will go away and the less you think, the faster you
move with your Realisation do not argue it out, or think it out,
but just try to become you have to become (800907); If you see
any thoughts coming in you should say 'I forgive' is a very big
mantra and the thoughts will stop (880921)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Forgiveness
You all the time try to forgive others that's the best way to
work it out but no, we try to forgive ourselves all the time, and
not to forgive others - everything we do the other way round. We
don't forgive others, we forgive ourselves this is the worst thing
that we can do (850629); Do not forgive yourselves forgive
others then you will become gurus (850629) Christ has given us
the greatest weapon that we must forgive. It is such a practical
thing, to forgive. If we just forgive then that person doesn't
exist anymore the person doesn't trouble us anymore nor is he
in our attention. Just to forgive is the simplest thing to do, and
the highest thing to do, to get relief from the worldly or mental
tortures that we get (861225); Forgive everyone even if they
have harmed you just forgive them because by remembering
that, you are miserable for nothing at all (810511); At the Agnya
chakra, where we forgive everyone and at the back where we
have to say 'if we have made any mistake oh God forgive us'
these are the two sides of the Agnya chakra (790722)
If you see somebody who you dont like, or who has been harsh
to you, or cruel to you you get annoyed disturbed - at that
time say 'I forgive' you have to say 'I forgive' if there is
disturbance. A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character by his
righteousness by his behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi
should be extremely peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing
up and down upset are not Sahaja Yogis (850310)
As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts, and
the Kundalini rises (920621); When we forgive, we do not imbibe
within ourselves, the very thing (e.g. cruelty etc.), which required
that forgiveness and then also, we do not suffer - when we
forgive (860305); First thing is very important is forgiveness
how this forgiveness comes in, is by forgetting the past. If there
is forgiveness you'll be surprised you'll feel very relieved and
your married life will be very happy (970823.1)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Forgiveness
The best way to be with your Spirit, is to forgive because then
your thoughts will go away and the less you think, the faster you
move with your Realisation do not argue it out, or think it out, but
just try to become you have to become (800907); If you see any
thoughts coming in you should say 'I forgive' is a very big
mantra and the thoughts will stop (880921)
You all the time try to forgive others that's the best way to
work it out but no, we try to forgive ourselves all the time, and
not to forgive others - everything we do the other way round. We
don't forgive others, we forgive ourselves this is the worst thing
that we can do (850629); Do not forgive yourselves forgive
others then you will become gurus (850629)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Prim'dl Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Nirakar the Formless God (950910); The All Pervading Power,
or Paramchaitanya (980320); God Almighty himself you can say
is Formless and then he can take a Form that's not difficult
to take a form. You can say that now what is the form of the
flame nothing but when it is in the lamp it has a form. So we
can say that the Formless becomes the Form and the Form
becomes the Formless (831001); Nirguna (871016); Formless, like
the Vibrations, or Chaitanya (871016)
Rutumbhara Pragnya is the new state made possible by our
Mother, and which results from maturing into the third Samadhi
state of meditation, and in which we see and feel, and experience
everywhere, the manifestation of that Deity, the object of our
worship, in everything that we do, and in all that we experience
in our life (830723.1) the One who looks after the seasons
(920719); The Power of the Adi Shakti, that does all the
creation (960609); All happens according to the Rutumbhara
Pragnya (830725)
It exists in the Divine, the capacity to manifest it's love, to
show that you are Saints, that you are the chosen ones of God -
but you must accept that situation first. But if you behave like
all other normal people, it will never happen. Know that you are
Saints, chosen and given birth by the Adi Shakti, the 'Form' and
the 'Formless.' So this Pragnya is going to manifest, is
manifesting every moment - be prepared, be happy, welcome it
and accept that you are there (830723.1)
Dhyana the first of the three steps in meditation, in which
we put our attention towards the object of our worship; We are
fortunate, in that the 'Formless' has become 'Form' for us. So
we can concentrate and think of some Deity, or of some point
(for Nirakar), or of Nirakar itself; For a non-Realised Soul, it is
just a mental projection, but once you are a Realised Soul, you
just have to think of Dhyana - on whom you are going to
concentrate or meditate (830723.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Formless
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
960609 You dissolve into the Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella good 50
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
Some people have a habit of coming forward too much all the
time to be in the publicto be there all the time - tell yourself
'there's no need this is not the way it's not sahaj why are you
going forward all the time why are you trying to show off if you
are called, better go'. Ok is done is done dont worry about
it but next time 'why did I do it alright, next time I'm not
going to do it (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Each human being has been given freedom for his further
evolution but with this freedom, he can spoil the manifestation
of God. So we must have wisdom about it. Now in that freedom
you must understand what is glorious for you when you
understand that, then you tell yourself that I have to become
something more that's why God has done all this only thing I
have to do is to completely co-ordinate, co-operate and
surrender to His will so that I become, and in that surrendering
you do the greatest thing, because by that you do not interfere
with His work (800517.1)
I think people must take it more seriously about the whole
thing and should understand it and learn it - we are Gurus. The
main thing is that we do not take any money you see so people
think, you see 'that we are not bound that we are absolutely
free to come and go' but this freedom sometimes makes a
person a little superficial or sometimes a little frivolous but,
this is so precious so invaluable that you cannot charge any
money for this knowledge (821008)
The Divine looks after you it has all the powers. Only one
power it does not have, is to control you if you want to ruin
yourself, it gives you freedom, complete freedom that's why
you must curb down that freedom, and respect the Divine Power
(980510); Freedom is only given to human beings (951224), and is
given by God. If we choose wrongly, then we cannot blame God
(790616); A humble person is a free person, free to be humble,
to be kindly, to be gentle, to be compassionate. And only a person
who is not guilty will be really humble (850901)
I have never forced you to do anything; If you want to stay in
Sahaja Yoga, alright if you don't want to stay in Sahaja Yoga,
you can go; I have told many a times that you have all freedom to
choose whichever person you like and you can always say 'no
Mother, I don't want' you have all freedom if you don't want
to get married alright if you want to get marriedalright
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Freedom
You see freedom is different and abandonment is different
these are two things one must understand. Say there is a kite in
your hand alright then it is in your hand but if you allow the
kite to fly wherever it likes it is abandonment. So the freedom is
that in which you can manage to manoeuvre it to man it to take it
the way you like thats freedom then you are free but if you
baselessly you are roaming about then this is abandonment for
which there is always a punishment; Like you will be amazed that in
the western countries, the percentage of impotent people is so
high unbelievably it is like that they talk so much about sex and
do 'other' things it's all talking so much of impotency is settled
in these western countries and the diseases, the dirty diseases
which are caused by these indiscriminate sex activities are so
much that they have to be guarded against (791202.3)
You see if somebody says 'give me the freedom to put both my
hands into the electricity socket' is this freedom. And I dont
understand what is the freedom they enjoy like this because then,
there is jealousy - you cannot go about with many girls, because
there is jealousy you cannot go about with many boys, because
there can be murders. You see why people murder their ego is
hurt nobody says 'alright you go ahead, have a boyfriend I am
very happy' - no-one likes it it hurts. They do it secretly they
cannot do it openly (791202.3)
If it is freedom, it should be open why is there secrecy about it.
Theyll hide from the man with whom they are connected, and just
do it secretly this is not good they are deceiving themselves
and they are deceiving another person. Deception this is not
freedom. When you put your eyes on somebody who belongs to
someone else, then you are thieving. In the registration office, it is
said that you are the wife of such and such then your husband
is the owner or you are the owner of your husband I mean this
relationship is between the two but if some sort of a relationship
is to be established like a thief then you do it secretly it is not
registered anywhere you understand my point otherwise, they
become absolutely shameless abandoned (791202.3)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Freedom
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk - Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester /1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
Freud was a horrible psychologist who was treating all kinds of
abnormal people he never treated normal people and he got
possessed by them. He himself was a very abnormal person who
had many abnormal relationships and he had a very bad death
he was very anxious, always taking pills and he died of a terrible
cancer in a very wretched condition (790608.1)
An Austrian, and also a Jew, who attacked Christians with his
perverted ideas (950820); Who propounded wrong ideas, and
taught immorality (MME/p177); Who misled people into becoming
'sex-points', and who died of cancer (820711); A Satanic
influence, one of three, the others being one in architecture, and
one in music (830127)
Who brought theories to challenge Vishnumaya to have all
sorts of funny relationships - if there is any such relationship
between brothers and sisters, then for 7 generations the family
suffers from terrible diseases (850901); Sex addiction starts at
the Mooladhara, and takes the person to the subconscious, and to
the superego (820711)
He could not prosper here in Germany people didn't listen to
him but when he went to America, he got all the support. And he
prospered because he opposed completely the idea of leading a
chaste life and he started the whole theory on very demeaning
principles and people accepted them. Then the same Germans,
Austrians, Europeans accepted Freud blindfolded because
somehow, when it comes from America, it becomes collective
whatever comes from America, becomes collective and if it is
poison, it spreads very fast, and it really paralyses the whole
world (930721)
So now we have to be wise, and see what is destroying us what
is destroying our inner being. For Sahaja Yogis it is very
important because if they can hold it with their wisdom, and
firm faith in Sahaja Yoga after some time the whole thing can
subside and this is what has to happen actually to the world
otherwise they can be blown off also - if they are not rightly
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Freud
placed if they are not grounded. If they are not fixed to their
own enlightened faith of Sahaja Yoga, they can be blown off with
this wind, which is there to torture to destroy the whole world.
So the responsibility of Sahaja Yogis is very important that
their Ganesha principle is alright if it is not alright then the
whole Sahaja Yoga movement can collapse (930721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 min Q&A good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq - xxx
950820 America and False Freedom, Krishna Puja - Cabella good 45
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Friendship is to have a friend - if we have worries, we always tell
to our friends. Even if you are a leader, you are a friend of the
people. Friendship is such that you could share your secrets you
could share your problems you do that with me and why not with
each other is a question of understanding that Sahaja Yogis are all
really friends to each other. I think relationship of friendship is
even higher than any other relationship we could think of, because
there is nothing to be gained out of our friendship it never
ceases and you just enjoy the friendship, thats all. When you can
pull each others legs sometimes you could be joking with another
person, making fun of another person is alright is friendship. A
friend is the one who is always for no rhyme or reason concerned
with his friend (890709)
Before Sahaja Yoga you could have only one friend or at the most
two three meant a crowd cannot have three persons as your
friends but in Sahaja Yoga we are all friends pure friendship
friendship of a very beautiful nature that you enjoy the joy of
another person in vibrations you do. This is how I have to tell you
that we have to be friends we have to share enjoy sharing
there's no seriousness about it - how can you be serious with your
friends just relaxed, enjoying each others company even if you
have to argue, argue doesnt matter even if you have a different
view it's alright but you should not try to impose yourself on your
friend nor your friend should try to impose but try to
understand each other. Thats how we are going to learn such a lot
from each other (890709)
So you have friends in India you have friends everywhere you
have friends now in South America everywhere you have friends -
you just go with my badge finished. Oh, theyll all jump for you
theyll do anything for you. So this friendship just think of it in
this world we have thousands and thousands of friends everywhere
we go and this is what we have to know within ourselves that we
have to be ourselves very very friendly type very friendly -
there's an openness between one friend and another friend
there's no tension there's no formality and a reliance so much
so that you can talk to them about what you want what is your
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Friendship
need and what problems you have. You have to feel that friendship
and you'll feel very proud that you have so many friends and real
friends. You'll be feeling a thing as if you are a great personality
that you have so many friends in this world (890709)
You are not alone you are all friends to each other and the
greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after
you and doing everything for you. If you have that kind of a
relaxed beautiful alertness within you, you are going to enjoy life
you are going to enjoy Sahaja Yoga and you are going to get many
many more people in Sahaja Yoga (890709)
You cannot have friendship between men and women you cannot -
it's absolutely absurd (850901); A brother and a sister are never
friends, they don't talk much - but at the time of difficulties, of
Mariadas, of consulting about something dear to the family then it
is, that the sister comes in (850901); No unmarried girl has to go
with an unmarried man it's not done in Sahaja Yoga (810904);
Suppose there is a man coming in a taxi alone, or say, in a lift alone
I would not enter into that thing I would not why should you be
so friendly with anyone they're very common like this, I've seen.
Suddenly a woman will come up and speak to someone some man will
come up and talk to me it's so rude I don't know him what is
there to talk (810904); Vishnumaya will see to it that husband and
wife sit together (850901)
In India it is said that if someone's pin is in your house, you
should look after it for eternity but if 'your diamond' is lost with
somebody, you should never ask for it it is not good manners.
What is more valuable, is not the diamond it is the relationship
the friendship (870503.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
890709 Importance of friendship - Melun, France good 45
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Full Speed
The mobility of our movement is so great I would say 360
degrees because you are stationed in the centre, in your spirit.
You can move any way you like, as long as you are centred in your
spirit. But this is an important point which we need that we are
centred in our spirit and whatever movement we do as long as
we are centred in our spirit is necessary for our growth for
the growth of the collective (850310)
You shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed
into any direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and
that I am Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become
better you have seen it now dont worry about anything just
know that I am the Adi Shakti that all the powers of Gods and
Goddesses and all that are within me and they 'are' within
me and they are all looking after. But if that recognition is not
there they are not going to recognise you either (911013)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
- end - 11 Sep 2002
It's very easy to make fun of people, for small things, here and
there but when we start making fun of others, we also become a
target of fun (.0011); The men must respect the women and
respect their great qualities and they should not make fun of
their wives all the time - I've seen if that is done, then women
stoop down to the same level. I can't understand how men can
use their intelligence in such a stupid manner because she is the
mother of your children - if you make fun of her, the children
will also make fun of her. Of course, she has to respect you,
because she receives her authority from you but also you must
maintain her authority you must keep her in proper shape
What is the idea of our fun, is also very funny because the
fun is 'how we give up our respectability' - like the students
who moved a girl's car and put another like it, in it's place, all
the time laughing and joking. How can such foolish fun make you
happy this is stupidity wasting your time idiocity but behind
it is something sinister (800809)
Make your ego be challenged not to get into temper try that
your ego doesnt react that can be achieved very easily if you
try in the mirror, look at yourself, and laugh at yourself make
fun of yourself (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971231.2 New Years Puja, Kale - see 971225.2
-971231.1 Shakti Puja, Kalwe - see 971225.1 good 10
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 3 Mar 2003
The 'past' is finished, whilst the 'future' doesn't exist - so
enjoy the 'present' which is the 'Reality' (980321); Just as you
can challenge your past so you can even challenge your future.
For example, if say you think to telephone someone then you
think 'oh perhaps he may not be there' - but why dont you just
telephone and so you telephone and the fellow is just there. So,
that kind of a mind always tries to find problems because it
doesnt want to solve it it starts quarrelling with itself all the
time and at the end of the day you find all of them sitting
down exhausted doing nothing whatsoever all exhausted
fighting with oneself (860707.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 7 Ap r 2003
The right side - as you know we are all very futuristic by
temperament. Now this futuristic-ness cannot be cured by telling
'oh now, dont think' or 'now you stop planning' you just can't
do it you can't help it you have to do that kind of planning and
you find that all these plans fail because these plans are not
related to the plans of the Divine. The Divine has some other
plans and you have some other plans and they never combine
together and thats how you find all your plans fail and you are
just frustrated you dont understand how it has happened - for
your understanding one has to know that there is a Divine Power
and we are made human beings to feel that Divine Power to
manoeuvre that Divine Power and thus enjoy the Bliss of Divinity
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
- end - 7 Apr 2003
Ganapati is Shri Ganesha, King of all Ganas (860907), and who has
got a trunk you see and we call as Ganapati who actually incarnated
as Christ on the Earth later on (831001); Ganesha is Ganapati the
master chief of all the Ganas (880710); The brother of Ganapati
is Kartikeya (961221)
Ganapatipule is the place where Shri Ganesha becomes
Mahaganesha, and where he is surrounded by the Father Principle,
the Guru Principle the sea the ocean - the Indian Ocean. That is,
here he becomes the Guru (850000.1); In Ganapatipule, Shri Ganesha
is in it's complete matured form then, our eyes become pure,
powerful, and Divine (850000.1); Ganapatipule is a very important
place for Sahaja Yoga (871230.1)
Discretion of the Ida Nadi is Intuition if you develop that
discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you develop
Intuition and Intuition is nothing but is the help of the Ganas which
are surrounding you if you learn to take help from the Ganas, you
can become very intuitive. Of the whole of Sahaja Yoga, I would say
50% of that is based on intuition and for that you have to develop a
proper sense of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha is Ganapati the master the
chief of all the Ganas - so the Ganas give you intuition (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 26 Apr 2003
Ganapatipule is a very important place for Sahaja Yoga
(871230.1) is the place where Shri Ganesha becomes
Mahaganesha, and where he is surrounded by the Father
Principle, the Guru Principle the sea the ocean the Indian
Ocean. That is, here he becomes the Guru (850000.1); In
Ganapatipule, Shri Ganesha is in it's complete matured form
then, our eyes become pure, powerful, and Divine (850000.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
- end - 30 May 2003
The Ganas those who are controlled by Shri Ganesha i.e.
Sahaja Yogis and also the antibodies (950910; 910001); The
antibodies called 'Ganas' in Sanskrit are under the control of
the sternum bone, by which they are produced, and fight off
'attacks', or diseases are ultimately under the control of the
'Centre Heart' chakra (MME)
The Ganas are in Sadashiva's Country, England, and are very
active beings (850806); Are on the left side (890524); On the
left side we have the Ganas, and on the right side we have the
Angels (890423); Ganapati is Shri Ganesha, King of all Ganas
(860907), and who has got a trunk you see and whom we call as
Ganapati who actually incarnated as Christ on the Earth later on
Intuition is nothing but is the help of the Ganas which are
surrounding you if you learn to take help from the Ganas, you can
become very intuitive. Of the whole of Sahaja Yoga, I would say
50% of that is based on intuition and for that you have to
develop a proper sense of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha is Ganapati the
master the chief of all the Ganas - so the Ganas give you
intuition (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Nov 2002
Shri Ganesha
The first created Deity, who controls the Mooladhara chakra below
the Kundalini, and guards the gates of Hell (811005); He whose
qualities include Wisdom (970600), Auspiciousness, Holiness, Purity,
Innocence and Vibrations. The first to be worshipped. He controls all
the Ganas, the antibodies (950910, 910001); Who exists as
Chaitanya who exists in the atoms and molecules, as vibrations
symmetric and asymmetric (870114); Who catches the essence of
everything (811103)
Shri Ganesha he is sitting on all the chakraswithout him nothing
can work out, because he is the one who is Holiness (911231); We
should think what qualities we have got from him of great chastity
great purity also of wisdom our wisdom is something very innate
thing and it comes through our maturity. So this maturity can only
come through the proper attention to your Kundalini to fixing up
your Kundalini with the All Pervading Power. This has to be done
through regular meditation it's not a ritual but it should be done
whenever you feel like it and after some time you'll find that you
are all the time in meditation you dont have to even meditate but
you are in meditation (911231)
Shri Ganesha is covered with Lead Oxide with a red Lead Oxide
which is extremely cold. Lead Oxide is a very cool thing that Lead
Oxide is used to cover all his body to balance the heat that he has
or the effects of heat he has so we call it in Sanskrit language is
called as Sindur and in Marathi as Shindura so he's always covered
with that colour, Sindur colour (900831)
Ganesha the embodiment of innocence, is as a child, the
embodiment of childhood, with the head and trunk of an elephant
(790507), the wisest animal, with no ego or superego, and whose
Kundalini is on his stomach (910915; 860907); Who has the mouse as
his Vahana (811103); Who has 4 hands (860907); Is the power of all
Deities, and is found on all chakras; Who took his birth as Christ, and
has the quality of magnetism attraction and repulsion in people, and
migration in birds. Who is very powerful, yet playful, but gets very
angry with anyone who is against his Mother. Holds a 'hunter' in his
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Ganesha
hand, as did Christ (900828); Was the son of Radha and Krishna, and
became Lord Jesus Christ - so Christ was the son of Shri Krishna
when Ganesha was first made, he was the son of Parvati alone
On the Mooladhara Chakra resides the Deity of Shri Ganesha, who
is the embodiment of innocence and who incarnated on this Earth as
Jesus Christ and who is the highest, the purest Incarnation the
reason is because his body was also made of the Principle of Brahma
means the Principle of Divine Power that's why his body was
resurrected (790618); Brahma tattwa, in the form of Ganesha, and
incarnated as Jesus Christ (780911)
The Deity of Shri Ganesha who represents the stage between
animals and man whose head is that of the animal showing an
animal does not have an egoand that a man is different from an
animal that the animal is innocent that he doesnt know what is
sin that is why he is innocent. He is innocence personified and he
incarnated too on this Earth as Lord Jesus Christ. He is made of
that essence of Divine Nature of God, that we call as Parama
Tattwa the highest essence of God his body is made out of that
and that is the reason he could resurrect. At every point, at every
chakra he bestows on you the blessings of his innocence (771121)
If we have a strong Mooladhara, then the Mahakali power is the
strongest within us. All her powers are actually expressed in Omkara,
which is Shri Ganesha, and this Shri Ganesha power within us
represents the complete love of Mahakali, and all the powers of
destroying the evil forces (890617.1)
When Shri Ganesha is awakened, we have a sparkle in the eyes, no
lust or greed, but a powerful glance that can purify thousands. The
Kundalini cannot move without the permission of Shri Ganesha. He is
Sahaj, creates spontaneity, he removes all obstacles, he creates all
miracles, gives joy of eating, tells how to build up pure relationships,
emits all kinds of fragrance, gives power to overcome arrogance. Shri
Ganesha's is a silent power that acts is dynamic (860907)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Ganesha
Who through the Pelvic plexus, controls the excretory functions,
as well as the sex, and is like the lotus in the mud. We thus have to
be correct in our ideas about sex (790507); Ganeshas powers are all
expressed through left Vishuddhi (850901); The left side starts and
ends with Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha has only basic one quality
that he's completely surrendered to his Mother. He does not know
any other God he does not even know his Father. He only knows his
Mother. He is completely surrendered to Her (821219) Shri
Ganesha worships our Mother (850629) he knows 'just to keep the
Mother pleased' (860907); The Eternal Child, the giver of wisdom,
the epitome of respect for the Mother, the most powerful of all
Deities. Shri Ganesha tattwa is in vibrated water. He it is who brings
natural disasters as punishments for collective wrongdoings (890808)
It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's
womb he selects the face the colour everything. With his
magnetic power, he manages to attract the right type of genes he
does all such important things for you all the time busy he never
rests so full of joy and hard work (840902)
The whole of Europe, America and England they have lost faith in
Shri Ganesha nor do they care for his powers or his blessings as a
result, all his blessings are not on these countries (930721); The
first, and the highest blessing, of Shri Ganesha is Wisdom - those
people who have got wisdom are very lucky people a person is wise
who does not only know what is right and wrong, but also he knows
very well his own power, not to do something wrong he just does not
do it; When Shri Ganesha is insulted, complete blockage takes place
in a human being I think he becomes an idiot but this wisdom can
be easily brought back, if we awaken the Kundalini. Without his help,
Kundalini cannot be awakened, and if Shri Ganesha knows that
Kundalini is to be awakened, he forgives everything forgets
everything and comes to assist you at every chakra, he is there to
support you (930721)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Ganesha
The another power that Ganesha has, is he generates innocence
within us - we respect our innocence our chastity and a lifestyle
which is decent and decorous this is the reason why in Sahaja Yoga
we have to be particular about how we dress up that our dress
should be decent, dignified, and should in no way show our
vulgarity we should look after our chastity and our morality
which is meant for both women and men not only in dress, but even
in day to day life, it is important (930721)
The hidden power of Shri Ganesha is left Vishuddhi, and is acting
like chastity, through the left Vishuddhi; Is to be established not by
giving bandhans, or taking vibrations from the Mother and then
getting lost, but by correcting yourself morning til evening, and
facing yourself, and not feeling guilty; Interest in another sex all the
time is not a sign of chastity (850901); In some countries, they think
that chastity is only for the women, and not for men it's very
wrong it is meant for both of them (930721)
The third quality, which I am saying today is that a person who is
innocent should have no fear because God looks after innocent
people they are always protected if anybody tries to harm the
innocent, God protects them. In the whole history, you will find that
wherever children have been killed, or where innocence has been
attacked, the whole society has revolted against it this revolt
comes from Shri Ganesha's power that he can definitely create a
feeling of detest for people who try to be unkind to children
The Mother Earth is so innocent whether you are good or bad,
she gives you fruits she looks after you of course up to a point
after that she may bring forth some sort of calamity, like an
earthquake or something. In Los Angeles area they are generating
all these funny ideas about insulting Shri Ganesha within us also
America seems to be quite in danger as far as Nature is concerned
the reason is that from America, all these ideas ooze out and people
accept them blindfolded (930721)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Ganesha
So the responsibility of Sahaja Yogis is very important that their
Ganesha Principle should be alright if it is not alright, then the
whole of Sahaja Yoga movement can collapse. For ladies and for men,
I have to make a humble request, that they should try to put their
Shri Ganesha in a respectable position in their lifestyle that it
should be the highest the most important (930721)
In the Sahaja Yoga system, if we say that Ganesha is the one who
gives us he's the Aadyaksha, means he is the I call him as the
Chancellor of the University he is the one who gives our degree to
us now you have crossed this chakra that chakra that
chakraand he helps us to know that what state we are in. So
Ganesha gives us say Nirvichara Samadhi which can call it as
Thoughtless Awareness and Nirvikalpa Samadhi he gives all that
and also he gives us Joy but the understanding that this is good,
that this is for our benevolence, the mental understanding comes to
us from Shri Hanumana and it's very important for western people
because it has to be mental otherwise they won't understand. If it
is not mental they cannot come into Abstract it has to be mental
and so the mental understanding of whether it is good or bad is given
to us by Shri Hanumana (900831)
There are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha that he is a child he
is very playful he's very interesting and extremely humble and
despite his weight, he's very lightweight, because he can sit on a
small little mouse. He doesn't try to show off and his Vahana is the
smallest creature which can really crawl a mouse. Shri Ganesha
always tries to please his Mother he knows what his Mother will
like he has complete dedication to the Mother. If you have to gain
anything to achieve any knowledge within to ascend higher then
you have to learn from Shri Ganesha what he does and what is his
relationship with his Mother. The most matured Deity is Shri
Ganesha (930721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Ganesha
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-911231 Kalwe - see 911215 not good 5
-910915 Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella - see 910915 good 45
-870114.2 Dhumal's House, Rahuri - see 870111 good 20
-870114.1 Sankranti, Farewell - see 861221 (6 Puja Talks) Not good 15
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-780911 Brahma Principle - see 780911 good 45
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
780911 Brahma Principle/Evolution
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
821224 Christmas Eve Talk/Celebrations - Poona (plus Q & A) good 35
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
910915 Shri Ganesha/Sahastrara Pujas - Cabella/Ischina
950910 Ganesha Puja - Cabella (The value of Innocence) good 65
Ganesha's Powers
The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest
power on Earth this is the power of Shri Ganesha it is only
he can do this job, that you people are doing today and that
power is 'Raising the Kundalini'. No-one so far in the history of
spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time,
as you people are doing it moves under your fingers it is
absolutely Shri Ganesha's power which is given to you. At the
time when you are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up
in any one of your chakras, or you have any problem even if you
are a little bit possessed even if you are not such a good
Sahaja Yogi even if you are not that much surrendered to
Mataji even if you dont have much sense of obligation about
Sahaja Yoga still the Kundalini rises under your fingers. This
Ganesha Shakti is given to you by Shri Ganesha himself, within
you to give you the confidence that you can raise the
Kundalini but not the feeling that 'you' are raising the
Kundalini - if you go on, without surrendering yourself to Sahaja
Yoga after some time you will lose this power very fast
Another power which you have got you may notice it that
at that time when the Kundalini rises there will be no
obstruction of any kind whatever may be the obstructions
around say there's a possessed person next door, he would not
obstruct you at 'that' time in your family there may be a
person who is a negative person, but if you are raising the
Kundalini, then at that moment he will be kept quiet. At that
time, when you are moving your hand on the Kundalini, is the
greatest power you are using at that time there will be no
obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever even by
mistake (800127.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ganesha's Powers
Then another power you have got when you are raising the
Kundalini, that at that time you will be completely attracting
the attention of the other person within like a magnet by
which you should understand that you can raise the Kundalini
whenever you feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going
on all sorts of problems going on or any such thing
happening at that time your attention will not be distracted
and the attention of the person who is taking the Realisation
from you will not be attracted by outside things at that time,
when you are raising the Kundalini. That means you can give
Realisation at any time (800127.2)
Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti
that no baser feelings will rise within you no impure feelings
about the person whom you are giving Realisation even if you
are a possessed person maybe before and after but not
during these dirty feelings will not come to you
automatically. Also you will be absolutely satisfied even if you
are hungry, you will not feel the hunger or any physical need
at the time when you are giving Realisation there will be no
distraction of any kind. You won't do anything that is
undignified because you are being blessed with dignity you
will never joke you'll never make fun you'll not be frivolous
automatically. These are your supporting powers all these five
powers I have described are very few of the thousands of
others but they are the five powers of Shri Ganesha
Ganesha's fifth power is the power of wisdom and that
whatever he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down - even
that power, you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini,
you talk to the person in such a manner that only that which is
wisdom and also you write or show him figures, automatically,
which are right even if you dont remember your figures,
theyll come out right (800127.2)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ganesha's Powers
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 11 Sep 2002
For throat, gargling is a very good thing with salt, every night.
Gargling is something is a must for all the Sahaja Yogis is a
must (0.0012); Is to be done every morning, using salt, as a
treatment for Vishuddhi (830202; 810330), with a little warm
water (881221); To keep Vishuddhi ok, we can do the following
eat the butter take it on hot water, so that it lines the epithelial
cells, and clean throats every morning by gargling (0.0012)
Cough May also be due to negativity which can move arbitrarily,
and can be cured by gargling or by the Mantra "Allah ho Akbar"
said 16 times by dhuni and by care with some foods (830113.2);
Alsoyou are not used to the dust, and that's another reason you
get coughing. When you come out of the processions (in India - Ed)
you just gargle with a little warm water, or even ordinary water,
so the dust will come out (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'tn) good 60
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-931224 Talk about Marriages, To Bridegrooms, G'pule - see 931224 poor 20
-881211 Detachment, Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
931224 India Tour 93/94 - tape 3 [G'pule; G'pule]
- end - 30 May 2003
If you can tolerate it, you can have some garlic garlic is very
good if you can manage in the night before sleeping if you
could have one part of the garlic it would be a good idea
(0.0012); Those who are strict vegetarians, who don't eat even
garlic and don't eat even onions, are very vulnerable to the left
side business and on top of that, if they go to a guru who is left
sided, they are even worse. One has to be a normal person, eating
the right proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fat left
sided people have to be very very careful and not to just assert
themselves on that point (830209)
In your ears, if you can put some olive oil, little bit heated up
with garlic in it that's very good for the ears (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
- end - 3 Mar 2003
By generosity we nourish our hearts. When we give, try to feel that
we are giving what God has given (821101); By generosity the
circulation starts, and you solve your material problems. If only one
door is open, no fresh air will come in - but if you open another door,
then you will see, there is circulation of air (860921.1); This 'giving'
is the most beautiful thing that Sahaja Yogis can do (881226); The
greatest advancement for your emancipation is done by your 'giving'.
Among us there are people who have given a lot, and by that they
have achieved a lot too. You have to give, talk about it, spread it, and
bring more people to get this - otherwise they will be left out of the
evolutionary process (760330)
The central path of Sushumna, is for people who are in the
'centre' who have their proper understanding and have got their
wisdom. These people are extremely generous generosity is the only
way you can express your love for others all your material wealth
has no meaning, unless and until you show generosity for the people
but it should be quiet and silent (830209); In Sahaja Yoga, as you
grow from one to another, there are different types of Anandas
and when you see your generosity you get Shivaananda (850502)
With the Nabhi chakra, we enjoy our generosity in giving to others
(890801) - regarding money, it is a very punya giving thing to donate,
to be generous so that it helps others to develop themselves in
Sahaja Yoga. This generosity will always help you (881217); When the
aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy you do not want to
possess it even if you want to possess it, it would be just to enjoy it
and give it away to somebody else. When you develop your witness
state, this will come to you that you will not keep things to yourself,
but you would like to give and share. Sharing that is the time you
should know, you have become a witness because you are enjoying
(800927); Sharing of your things is an extremely joy giving thing
that is how all of us have to live sharing things. Don't think about
yourself think of others think what others like; It is such a joy-
giving thing to cook for others. So the Principle of Lakshmi is only
enjoyed, when you share with others we have to learn to share
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Generosity
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-881217 Punyas, Poona - see 881217 good 30
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
881217 How we do earn our punyas, Dec 88/2 - India
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 20 Ap r 2003
It is Shri Ganesha who creates the child within the mother's
womb he selects the face the colour everything. With his
magnetic power he manages to attract the right type of genes
he does all such important things for you all the time busy
never rests so full of joy and hard work (840902); In Sahaja
Yoga, genes can change (960505), when we become the Spirit
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Ghee, and also butter, can be used to correct problems with the
Hamsa Chakra. May also use oil (841005); Put one drop in each
nostril, morning and evening. Also may be used to correct drying
epithelial cells of the throat, by putting a few drops onto hot water
or milk, and taking it (870408); Have a small bottle of ghee, which
can be warmed in hot water, prior to use, maybe under the tap
(870408); One of the symptoms of Aids is a bad Hamsa. It is
important to put ghee in the nose to correct a bad Hamsa,
otherwise, there will remain a susceptibility to Aids (870503.1)
Those who are left sided, should use as much as possible the lamp,
lights and things like that I hope you all have got these things in
the house a good ghee lamp should be burnt for people who have
left side problems and then see me through those lights not
through the electrical lights you can get ghee very easily in
England use that ghee, and put your eye onto the photograph
through that light I'm sure it will work out; Even the Kundalini
should be raised with that light (840214); In the lamp, the Ghee
represents the mild and soft Love of the heart, and it burns to give
soothing light of love to others (871024)
Ghee is also very good for the eyes you see why you develop
diabetes, and then as a result of diabetes, you develop bad eyes is
that the fats are not consumed properly and the fat for the brain
and for the eyes is not supplied sufficiently (840214)
Ghee and butter can be eaten by those people who are in the
'centre', who are suffering from a drying up of their body liquids,
or of their peritoneum, from fighting the anti-God elements too
much. Also it can be rubbed onto the fingers and hands, to soothe
them down, because the heat from the other people also can make
them dried up (830209); Satwoguni is the centred person who
eats honey, ghee, Channa, lean meat (830131)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ghee
In Puja the ingredients that were used were firstly very little
ghee, followed by honey, yoghurt, milk, and sugar (850310); Shri
Krishna is very fond of ghee or butter so when you rub my Feet
with say butter, your Vishuddhi will improve 'you' know that
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
- end - 7 May 2003
It is a wrong idea that we have to become like a pauper and give
everything to God but if you give just a little bit then He gives a
hundred times more. That is why you have to give a very 'wee' bit
to God (861225)
After getting Realisation, you emit, you give, and you enjoy
giving more than taking (980706); This 'giving' is the most
beautiful thing that Sahaja Yogis can do (881226); The greatest
advancement for your emancipation is done by your giving giving
the universal through your 'universal' being. Among us there are
people who have given a lot, and by that they have achieved a lot
too. You have to give, talk about it, spread it, and bring more
people to get this - otherwise they will be left out of the
evolutionary process (760330)
When the aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy you do not
want to possess it even if you want to possess it, it would be just
to enjoy it and give it away to somebody else. When you develop
your witness state this will come to you that you will not keep
things to yourself, but you would like to give and share sharing
that is the time you should know you have become a witness,
because you are enjoying (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881226 Value systems - G'pule - see 881217 good 10
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Giving Realisation
Can only happen in the body, and only in humans, not animals
(810921); Is beyond the mind (970600); After Realisation, nothing
against Christ or Ganesha will be tolerated (860907)
'What is to be done to be Realised' was the first question
people asked when they were not Realised 'what should we do
Mother, to get Realised' and I had to tell them 'nothing just
spread your hands towards me and it will work out' it does it
works out that way. Now after Realisation, you have to do
something again the question comes in 'what should we do for
this what is the technique'. The trouble with Sahaja Yogis, as they
are today, is they are all technocrats it is better they should
forget about techniques, and worry more about spontaneity (0.0011)
How to give it to others:
Put the Photo with light (a candle) before it (790000.2), remove
shoes, so no pressure is on the feet and nothing between feet and
Mother Earth, and also as sign of respect. Put both hands to the
Photo [or to Shri Mataji - Ed] close the eyes, feet straight on the
ground, and apart, sit comfortably with hands on the lap (830127);
You have to keep your eyes shut if you keep your eyes open the
Kundalini won't rise above this centre (Agnya - Ed). This is
absolutely the other way round in hypnosis they hypnotise through
your eyes so keep your eyes shut and just be relaxed and dont
worry about others (821008; 821007); Before closing your eyes
see that there's nothing hanging on your neck very heavy or
something tight here or you can little bit loosen your knots would
be better because Kundalini has to rise (821007); Let the
attention go loose, leave it alone, you don't have to do anything -
then it will work out (791009.1); Raise the Kundalini from behind,
and from down below (790000.2) - left hand steady, and right hand
rotating around it, up, forward, down, back, and repeat, as move
upwards, and tie knot above the head. Do this 3 times, and on the
last time tie 3 knots. Start feeling the Cool Breeze (830127)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Giving Realisation
There is no hard and fast rule - but you should be comfortable so
that the attention does not go on this or that thing on a chair or
on the ground, both are alright. It is the simplest of all things is
the easiest thing - you are born to get it, it is your right -
something has to happen. It is the living work of God (790416)
Remove your shoes, that is important (790530), and put the feet
straight on the ground, because we use Mother Earth to take away
some of the problems (791009.1); The process takes just 10
minutes, the journey is very small, from sacrum bone to Fontanelle
bone, just 3 to 4 feet, that's all (871023); Also at the chakras,
starting at the heart with left hand towards Shri Mataji, and the
right hand on the left side, at the respective chakras you can say
the Affirmations (871116)
You don't know what joy you get when you give Realisation to
somebody the most joyful moment is when you give Realisation to
somebody just try it try once and you'll enjoy it and then you'll
want more and more and more (970525); Even when you say 'Mother
are you the Holy Ghost', it works out it gives you Realisation
(800927); When you are giving Realisation to another person
'your' Kundalini is doing the job poor thing, she is raising this
fellow's Kundalini, you see whatever it is (0.0012); If you raise
their Kundalini gradually theyll come but you see they have to
be aware of their Realisation that is a compulsion (791202.3)
Sahajvidya Giving Realisation
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
790416 Living work of God - Easter - Putney good 45
790530 A Higher Life a World of Bliss and Joy, Caxton Hall good 55
791009.1 Maintaining the purity of S Yoga/Where stand in S Yoga
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810921 Shri Mataji in America, NY day 2 (Nice Q&A) good 35
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God] good 50
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
871116 Porchester Hall [+20 min Affirmations - good] good 30
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Universal Personalities
One has to understand that now we have come out of all man-
made things like man-made countries - we do not belong to
America or to England or to India we belong to the Kingdom of
God. In the Universal Country we have come now we have become
Universal Beings and as that we don't have any of these dividing
factors, which divide human beings such as race, or any higher or
lower caste this is no more there. We have entered into the
Universal Pure Religion, and we should be proud of it; We have
certain powers and these powers increase, when we humble down
- they do not increase with arrogance with arrogance one can
only become stupid that's the only end of arrogance. So with
humility, one should know that now you belong to Sahaja Culture,
and Sahaja Culture is that of humility if you are not humble, then
you have not yet achieved your Sahaja Yoga (880921); You are all
universal personalities you have to be that great. You don't
belong to any country - just to make it convenient you see, Shri
Mataji uses the name of the country (881221)
Global Personality
Which develops when you start seeing the problem of every
country, of every Nation but when you see, you don't see like
other people, who might like to use it for their own purpose
maybe for media, for something - what you want is to see that the
problems are solved. Your powers are so great with this kind of a
mind, which is dominated completely by the Divine Power. Many
problems can be solved on a universal level, if you are a global
person. What happens is, you become a vehicle, or like a channel
for this Divine Power to act, because you are a purely global
personality, not attached to this, attached to that, but a pure
Sahaja personality, which can be used by the Divine Power very
easily (980510)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Goal, Aim (purpose) in life
To become the Spirit; To get Realisation; To get Atma-
Sakshatkar (830208, 830204); To ascend and help others to
ascend by introspection and seeing ourselves by meditation and
not seeing the defects of others by being collective (871016);
Shri Krishna taught that the lower goal is to be given up for the
higher goal (830202)
We are made human beings to feel that Divine Power to
manoeuvre that Divine Power and thus enjoy the Bliss of Divinity
(820514); We have been manifested to achieve our own powers
(790616) to be vehicles of God's Powers (831001); The creation
has to know it's Creator (820710); Try to become cheerful, blissful,
happy, dignified, sensible sweet (800927)
You are specially made by God specially chosen by God to be
human beings and you are here with a very great purpose. The
first purpose of God is that you should become the vehicles of
God's powers completely so that he flows through you that he
flows into the atmosphere into the Universe to make it a Divine
Place. The second purpose that God has prepared you now to
settle into His Kingdom that's your right to be there (831001)
One should try to be careful and alert about oneself, and not
depend on any other person for help in this, but should try to
completely consolidate one's own being into the Kingdom of God,
and to occupy the highest seat in the Heart of God Almighty
(790928); This is a very precious time, which should not be lost. All
our lives we have done jobs, earning money, marrying, having
children and dying. This time let us do something special, for which
this whole Universe was created - and open the gates of Heaven for
the rest of the people (791015)
In the realm of God, we have to be meaningful to him not that
he should be meaningful to us. We should change our attitude
towards him we should say what have we done for God then you
will get ideas what is to be done how to work it out (850310); To
substantiate your purity to be fragrant with your purity your
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Goal, Aim (purpose) in life
attention should be on the other side. Now you are not facing the
Mother you are sitting with the Mother facing the whole world
so the whole attitude will change. The attitude should be what can
I give how can I give what is my mistake in giving I have to be
more alert where is my attention what am I doing what is my
responsibility. You must desire that you should be pure pure
desire that you should be the Spirit. Then your responsibility to
Sahaja Yoga. What is your responsibility to Sahaja Yoga which is
the work of God which has started and you are my hands. You have
to do the work of God you have to fight the anti-God elements
the satanic elements. You are not responsible for your families any
more. Now the forces are gathering in such a way that the sorting
out will start. Your responsibility to yourself is to be the Spirit is
to understand Mother better to understand this mechanism within
you how this mechanism works out everything how to become a
Guru yourself to be a dignified and a glorified personality to be a
respectable person and not a cheap personality. Every one of you
is worth the whole Universe if you want to rise to that height to
that magnitude it is within you to prosper (821219)
So now we have to be wise, and see what is destroying us what is
destroying our inner being. For Sahaja Yogis it is very important
because if they can hold it with their wisdom, and firm faith in
Sahaja Yoga after some time the whole thing can subside and
this is what has to happen actually to the world otherwise they
can be blown off also - if they are not rightly placed if they are
not grounded. If they are not fixed to their own enlightened faith
of Sahaja Yoga, they can be blown off with this wind, which is there
to torture to destroy the whole world. So the responsibility of
Sahaja Yogis is very important that their Ganesha principle is
alright if it is not alright then the whole Sahaja Yoga movement
can collapse (930721)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Goal, Aim (purpose) in life
Our idea is that by God's Grace we are so many and if we want
we can transform the whole world we can bring peace, joy and
bliss to this world bliss and joy for this we have to have our
balance, our ascent and then the desire to fly into the whole
Universe. How to do it you can find out yourself it's not
difficult how can I do it face yourself find out about yourself
dont justify yourself dont be miserable you have to be joyous,
happy, balanced, well behaved, sober. Outwardly it will show,
whatever is inward - all your dignity will express if there is
dignity. So all these things can be built from inside out not from
outside in. So lets work it out that way then things will be very
easy, because now you have a state where you are separated from
yourself. So that is the state of Nirvikalpa, where you are not
attached to anything you have no diseases you have no troubles
you are above everything you do not try to complicate things for
me you do not try to say things more than me you just take it a
hint is sufficient Mother said so, alright. But another bad habit
some people have is to say 'Mother said so, so this is so' use
your discretion how can Mother say. If she has said something
there must be something in it we must understand (850310)
Only Blake has told of Jerusalem he could see that vision he
was that sensitive the way he has described, talked of the glory
of this country (England Ed). All this inertia, this lethargy that is
settling into this country is because of our foolishness, and
stupidity. You are the most dynamic people in your spiritual work
you can be very very dynamic. You are the ones who are going to
throw away all the shackles of nonsense and you are the ones who
are going to recreate a beautiful arena for the whole world that's
why I'm here. I've been here for 6 years and again I am here for
6 years perhaps I hope so. I hope something substantial will be
done in all the parts, where the English who are my children who
are the Saints of the past, who are born in this country and will
receive this and settle into it, and not waste your energy in the
ego as your forefathers did - they just wasted their life (800809)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Goal, Aim (purpose) in life
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830208 India and West, Delhi [+ 30 mins Q&A] good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 7 May 2003
God Almighty
Sadashiva; Raheem; Pawarvikar; Niranjan; Nirahamkar etc.
(830204); The Father of the Trinity, Christ being the Son, and
the Holy Ghost being the Primordial Mother (871023); When
Parabrahma first awakens, Adi Shakti and Sadashiva (God
Almighty) arise, and it is the Adi Shakti that is the desire power
of God Almighty, and which does all the creation (850528); The
power 'She' is the power, and 'She' is called as Shakti 'She' is
the power. So 'He' is the God Almighty and his power is a 'She'
the Holy Ghostthe Divine Power of God is Love which has got
one is the Creative power and another is the power of Desire.
First He must have desire and then He creates so, He has the
power of Desire then He has the power of Creativity and also
He has a third power which gives us Sustainance and Evolution
so this third power is more important because that gives us this
Ascent also. This is the manifestation of the Holy Ghost, which is
the power of God Almighty which is the power of his Divine Love
God Almighty himself you can say is Formless and then he can
take a Form that's not difficult to take a form. You can say
that now what is the form of the flame nothing but when it is in
the lamp it has a form. So we can say that the Formless becomes
the Form and the Form becomes the Formless (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
- end - 28 Jun 2003
The Goddess
The Goddess is always as a Mother (830821) the Devi, the
Adi Shakti; She can be extremely cruel and harsh, yet also can
be extremely gentle and mild (891008.1); If you are living in the
Kingdom of God, and when the Goddess of that Kingdom
arrives you have to be there (850629)
This Havan is a very good thing for reciting the names of the
Goddess her eyes are given by fire and in that light in that
fire in the name of the Goddess we awaken our Deities within
us and burn away all that is wrong in these particular chakras
which invoke those powers so with devotion and understanding
you have to do it because you are really privileged people
today be proud of that, and do with that devotion all these
things we should do it in full devotion. I think very few people
can put into the fire but you can all do symbolically and how
many names do you want to say do 108 it's better (801019)
In the olden days when the Goddess had to fight the
Rakshasas, the Rakshasas were not involved in human beings as
such they didnt become Gurus or anything. And so now we find
, in Kali Yuga they have gone into the brains of the Sadhakas
of their devotees. It's very difficult to remove them and once
they go into the brains of the Sadhakas then the Sadhakas
become of course possessed they suffer they have all kinds
of problems - but despite that they stick on to that person,
because they are mesmerised. Main thing is that in this Kali
Yuga there are so many Sadhakas they are running helter and
skelter they are running all over, trying to find out some way
of finding the truth (911209)
Once I went to meet a real guru he was a very horrid fellow
otherwise but for me, he has tremendous regard so he
started talking to me as you would talk to a Goddess. He
said'you are God with your power, why don't you change
these worldly people a little bit' I said 'that is what is the
problem I have given them freedom I've said alright this
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Goddess
freedom is given to you you can choose to get transformed or
not I cannot force' he said 'but God Almighty you are you
can do anything' I said 'I can do everything, but I do not
want to do certain things and one of them is to take away the
freedom from them that is their freedom to choose'. So he
was quarrelling with me about this I said 'your concern is
alright, and I understand, because you are a guru but when I
am God, supposing then my style is different I can't be like
you'. He said 'that's true you can't be like me' (920719)
He was talking to me only, as if I am God standing before him.
And then he told all the disciples you see you praise you
praise the Lord you praise Her because God is fond of
praise' I said 'really' he said 'yes if you praise the Lord,
then he gives you everything I have seen that I always praise
him whenever I want something to be done, I just praise him
and he does it for me'. So I said 'it's true I must accept you
cannot get to Mother, unless and until you are really bhakti
from your heart it's already sort of a built in restriction
what can you do if you don't have bhakti, you cannot get to
Mother no you cannot you cannot get to God but if you have
bhakti, then you can get to Mother it is written Bhakti
Gamya' (920719)
As you know I am the Goddess and the Goddess is supposed
to wear, I dont know how many ornaments, just to adorn her
chakras. I have lots of ornaments myself, of my own but only
for Puja, I wear ornaments. I dont wear though I am supposed
to wear lots why? Because it may not be that alright it may
be dignified, but may not be that alright to wear all those
things all the time but I am supposed to wear like I am
supposed to wear many more things on the hand here, rings
and on the Feet everything all the time gold though I
dont do it (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Goddess
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-911209 Bangalore Puja - see 911206.2
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead see 820514 good 15
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk - Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk - Milan/Delhi University address
911209 Public Program, Bangalore good 15
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
God Realisation
Beyond Nirvikalpa is God Realisation and there are three
stages to that also. God Realisation is the state in which are
Gautama Buddha and Mahavira who were born as human beings
but today they are like Incarnations and they show what
human beings can rise up to (770215); That stage of Realisation,
where is developed the capacity to control the elements
The power of Vishnumaya is the most powerful thing that a
human being can have, is the most auspicious thing - you become
a holy personality - and it is one of the ways of getting God
Realisation; If you have to go towards God's Realisation, first
establish your sense of chastity and humility (850901)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Will of God
Now in your freedom you must understand what is glorious
for you then you tell yourself that I have to become
something more and the only thing I have to do is to
completely coordinate, cooperate and surrender to His Will so
that I become. In that surrendering you do the greatest thing,
because by that you do not interfere with His work you do not
obstruct the Will of God. He wants to give you the highest
which you cannot achieve for yourself it is His gift to you
We should not determine ourselves, what we should do - the
Spirit uses us, and if something does not work out, then we
should not be upset about it. Everything is arranged and planned
- if you are to do something, it will work out (960505); When
something that you want doesn't work out, then you should
accept it as the Will of God - that it is what He desires, that it
is the Desire of God; Now you are one with His Desires. You are
here to communicate the Desires of God, to the whole world. At
this stage, if you start having your own desires and ideas about
yourself, then when will you become the Desire of God (760330)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Which is always shining, is untarnishable, yet when covered by
mud it doesn't shine - you have to wash it, clean it, and rub it
nicely so that it shines. Gold, before it came into it's own state
of gold, was mixed with so many other things so it had to be
heated up, melted away, sieved out and so many processes before
it became gold. Then, secondly, the gold has to be kept shining,
and thirdly, it has to get a part in the crown of your Mother, so
it can never be tarnished. Likewise, in Guru tattwa, it is from the
basics that you have to start (860706); Pure gold is good for
vibrations (.0011)
A young girl in India, who is not yet married could not dress
up with gold and all that they're not supposed to - only after
marriage it's only for the married girls (790609.3)
As you know I am the Goddess and the Goddess is supposed
to wear, I dont know how many ornaments, just to adorn her
chakras. I have lots of ornaments myself, of my own but only
for Puja, I wear ornaments. I dont wear though I am supposed
to wear lots why? Because it may not be that alright it may be
dignified, but may not be that alright to wear all those things all
the time but I am supposed to wear like I am supposed to
wear many more things on the hand here, rings and on the feet
everything all the time gold though I dont do it (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Realised Soul (900811.2), who courageously reduced East-West
tensions, by disarmament, and also who introduced Glasnost
(Openness), and Perestroika (Restructuring), giving more freedom
to the people (900000)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900000 State of the Planet / Water Music good 30
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
- end - 28 Jun 2003
The women have another bad habit is to gossip about this
person criticise that person it is a very bad habit of women,
to gossip. I never pay heed to anyone who gossips and I dont
like a person who gossips cheaply, frivolously talking about
others (860504); Talking ill about anyone, complaining about
anyone to me will spoil your Vishuddhi - if there's some sense
if I ask then is alright but all the time talking ill about each
other will spoil your Vishuddhi. If possible try to talk good
about others, always - by telling good about another person, you
will help yourself and another person. When you judge others
you should know that you are judged by God it is 'His'
judgement which is going to decide how far you are
(800127.2); A principle of Gandhi was 'never to listen to
nonsensical gossip - never to listen to any criticism'. What is
the use what do you gain by repeating to another why to see
something wrong with others (980320)
Those who are not innocent, play 'games', try tricks, gossip,
indulge in filth Shri Ganesha cuts them out he sees for a
while, and if people remain still half baked, they are thrown out
of Sahaja Yoga. Ego is anti-innocence and that's why this kind
of a nonsensical gossip people do which I can't understand so
filthy (840902)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed.. S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
840902 Ganesha Puja talk - Switzerland [French translation] good 55
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 11 Sep 2002
The Grace of God which starts to descend and flow into the Ida
and Pingala Nadis, once the Kundalini has risen and become one
with the All Pervading Power. Which first goes to the Nabhi, a
great sucker of this Divine Grace, and then to the Swadisthan
(801027); When the Grace comes all the body, all the chakras
open up and also the Agnya opens up (830209)
So far, human beings received the Blessings of God
individually, as Grace and they received their Self Realisation
individually, one by one. The method for individual Realisation was
just the opposite of the collective first they had to establish
their dharma cleanse themselves fully desiring all the time for
their salvation as we call it Ishwara Pranidana thinking of God
asking for his Grace and acting in a scrupulously dharmic way, to
keep themselves pure controlling their minds, their desires and
their actions and then only, the Grace of Mother gave them
Realisation (800505)
It is the Grace of God that must be sought for and somebody's
Grace you cannot force it you cannot demand it. You cannot say
that I am such and such, and the Grace should come to me no it
may not come to you at all even you may be the highest priest of
the Church of England, you may not get the Grace of God you
have to ask for it you have to be humble (790000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
The gravity of the Mother Earth, superficially may be seen as a
thing that acts on our body to keep it on the ground. Also there is a
load of a big atmosphere on our heads, plus the Mother Earth has
the gravity to pull us towards herself (860706); The gravity that
Mother Earth has, also is the manifestation of the Kundalini of the
Mother Earth (970525)
The 'Guru' means the thing which is higher or stronger than the
gravity of the Mother Earth. We have to rise above the
gravitational force of materialism, which is today's religion
everywhere, whatever they may call it (860706); You have to have a
gravity of your own, which is not bound by the gravity of the Mother
Earth (860706)
This gravity point within us comes very natural to human beings,
and is to be maintained. If children are told about their gravity,
about their dignity, about their greatness, they will immediately
develop it with great pride (920209); This gravity gives you a kind
of an attraction, and gravity means that you are not disturbed easily
by any turmoil or anything. It means that you are standing on the
centre you see everything, don't get disturbed, don't get tempted,
are self contented, don't ask for anything, don't need anything,
don't take revenge but forgive (920209); You don't run after
someone who has done wrong you just stand there, and your
standing there itself is sufficient to frighten others, and to destroy
others, because you are standing at a point where you cannot be
destroyed (920209)
Anything that has weight, gravitates automatically; It is
impossible to fight gravity; That gravity is the integration of your
shraddha, your dedication and your surrender without that gravity
you cannot nourish yourself you cannot grow. Just imagine, the
roots go towards the gravity, and when they are nourished. then
only, the tree rises above (850629)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Gravity
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
An inner defect in a human being he becomes greedy because
he has deviated from dharma he thinks he can get pleasure out
of things - he cannot and he goes on accumulating and buying
this and that - joy is much more in giving to others (971004);
Greed has no Mariadas (971004); To get rid of this greed try
to give to others, and see the joy (971004) for whom should I
buy if you train your mind along these lines, not for yourself,
but for others, then you'll be amazed this greed will run away,
and you'll have joy. If giving is there, then this greed goes away,
and you get what you want. It's surprising so far with all
these miracles that you don't understand that whatever we
need will be provided for but you must 'need' it (971004)
If you don't have greed, you get what you want but if you
have greed, God makes you dance; If you don't ask for anything,
if you don't desire for anything you get what you need
whatever 'you need', you get. Better try to develop a
detachment if it's there, well and good if it's not there,
doesn't matter (971004)
It is the greed, the terrible greed in man, that creates the
problems (980320) is one of the biggest enemies or problems
of today (970600) but if he learns to be satisfied,
automatically the greed drops out (980320); If you don't have
satisfaction, then any amount of Lakshmi cannot help you then
one becomes greedy - you have something, but you want to have
more and more and more. For that one develops all kinds of
methods, and measures and then you can have a very bad
Mafia (960716); For greed you have to work on the Nabhi
chakra and for which we will work it out on Diwali day (860818)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end -1 27 Apr 2003
We should not form into groups groupism is a very bad
characteristic especially of the English it's so troublesome
sometimes. We should never form a group just mix up with
other people talk to everyone (891203); Is a problem which
crops up sometimes which is very dangerous like somebody
has a habit of forming a group against the leader (950625)
In fanaticism, you 'finite' yourselves I am this I am this -
that is 'clubbing' actually it is nothing but ordinary clubbing
like we have clubs like somebody puts the tableware on the left
side is one of the clubs another puts on the right side is
another club it's just like stupid clubbing, thats all. Fanaticism
comes from the word 'finite', we should say - when you go into
infinity, how can you have fanaticism (860707.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk - Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
- end - 11 Sep 2002
Those who want to grow should meditate every day, whatever
time you may come home maybe in the morning maybe in the
evening any time but you will know that you are meditating,
when you can get into thoughtless awareness your reaction will
be zero you look at something you'll just look at it, you won't
react because you are thoughtless you won't react. When that
reaction is not there, then everything you'll be surprised is
Divine (980510)
Some people achieve maturity much faster than others
despite the fact that they may have been ruined by many but
still they do it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what
we call Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the
power of Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and
comes from your heart absolutely from your heart then it
works much faster. Once you put your heart to it, everything
will work out well because the whole force is coming from your
heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. So the only
judging point is 'am I doing it from my heart or am I doing
it superficially' (791009.1)
It is because our attention is 'outside' that our growth is
slow (791015); People who are mediocre think that gradually
they will be alright, and that they'll come up but I would
suggest that you should make all out effort to become strong
Sahaja Yogis (871219); Achieving Self Realisation is not the end
of it, it's just the sprouting, the beginning - you have to let it
grow (791015)
I think all of you should buy one tape-recorder each, because
you see that is one way of growing because a Sahaja Yogi
told me that when he started listening to them his English
improved tremendously and he said 'the vibrations are
coming from them and I started growing' so it's a very good
idea to have tapes and in your spare time put them on and
listen to them. It's a very good thing and helps a lot - that will
really mature you very much I think a very good idea (801019)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Growth
You have to show that you have grown up in Sahaja Yoga that
you are very deep and you are a very senior person. I have
seen some little children also they are so grown up, and so
sensible. But if you are still running after nonsensical things if
you are still full of lust and greed, then better you leave Sahaja
Yoga and find some other area where you can do that. It is
something surprising how people do not understand their
position in Sahaja Yoga; Your growth has been on the whole very
good I know there are many people who are wonderful Sahaja
Yogis who are really great Sahaja Yogis and they have every
right to call themselves Sahaja Yogis or Maha Yogis but that
is only possible, and perceptible if you really grow up inside
and your Spirit shines like crystal clear ocean of love (010321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 30 Apr 2003
We should bear no grudge to anyone how can you bear grudge
to anyone we have to be forgiving (920209); If you are grudging
type, all the time if you think, I haven't got this, I haven't got
that, then you can never enjoy whatever you have. Thankfulness is
the way to Joy there's no other way (790000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
- end - 28 Jun 2003
One of nine Lakshmis is the Gruhalakshmi, is the housewife
(960716) the Goddess of the household - the wife. In our subtle
system, is on the left Nabhi (810926); The wife is the shakti of
the family, and is the strongest point, and bears all the
angularities of the husband. She is equal to but not similar to the
husband, both being important to a balanced family life. A good
balanced family is basic to a good society (8103280); A woman's
job is to be the Gruhalakshmi, to be auspicious, kind, soft-natured,
and to produce a warm house to care for the Nabhi of everyone
of the family to give vibrations to the food (830131); The
Gruhalakshmi is the most powerful shakti - she is the power of
tremendous love, compassion and forgiveness (860921.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Feelings of guilt are an escape, which can be corrected by
facing up to and dealing with the situation (830121); People in the
West all the time are feeling guilty, for no reason at all, and not
knowing why - is a horrible thing, and is caused by the Bible
teaching that we are born sinners, which is nonsense (820711),
feeling guilty for something which is just an illusion (861221)
and may also be caused by psychologists (820711) and is one of
the main reasons for the left Vishuddhi catching for the left
Vishuddhi getting into problems (810330), and may lead to
spondylitis to thyroid to pain in the heart all kinds of
troubles is the worst disease of the West (821008; 820711)
Psychologists have the worst Agnyas (781218), and catch on
left Swadisthan (790507), and they may be one of the causes of
people generally feeling guilty all the time for no reason at all.
Freud was a perverted man who misled people into becoming
'sex-points'. On the contrary, Jung, after Realisation, was a good
psychologist (820711); This false guru Narakasura he makes it
even more substantial, by putting guilt into your mind that 'if
you don't do 'this', then 'that' will happen' the fear side of it
(790608.2; 790609.3)
If you have been immoral, you get left Vishuddhi is the
basics then there is the sister relationship then the guilt that
is built in the Subconscious - if you become immoral in the
Subconscious the guilt is built in. The guilt is a subconscious
action is what you call the conditioning in the left. It could be
from your previous lives also it could be that you have said
something very filthy which you do not remember; Do not worry
what guilt you have now forget it detach yourself the one
that has committed a mistake is your ego, not you you are pure
you are the Spirit. So don't condemn yourself for that and do
not tax your minds we are not psychoanalysts at all (800907)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guilt
The hidden power of Shri Ganesha is the left Vishuddhi... is
acting like chastity, through the left Vishuddhi; Is to be
established not by giving bandhans, or taking vibrations from the
Mother and then getting lost, but by correcting yourself morning
til evening, and facing yourself, and not feeling guilty; Interest
in another sex all the time is not a sign of chastity (850901); To
correct the left Vishuddhi, put left hand towards the Mother,
(or the photo), and right hand on Mother Earth, give a bandhan
to the left Vishuddhi, and say in your heart: "Mother I am not
guilty". But these become rituals if you do not say it from your
heart (860305; 850901). Only those who correct their left
Vishuddhi, by being in the centre and not feeling guilty, and by
watching themselves, facing themselves, giving themselves
shocks and correcting themselves, only those will ascend
(850901); On left Vishuddhi point Mother says She fails it is
for us to do it. Forget the past - now you belong to a new family,
a Holy family - people who are saints are sitting here, and
amongst them you are (850901)
Left Vishuddhi gives all kinds of social problems (801116);
Problems start when we get confused about 'sisters'
relationships, or the pure relationships like those of our mother.
Confusion with relationships with other men, other women, or no
understanding of men and women relationships, lead to guilt,
because we know it is wrong (810330); Then we get problems
from feeling guilty, like 'I should not have said that' or 'I
should not have gone there' for this we should say 'Mother I
am not guilty' (810330); Vishuddhi may catch when we feel
guilty, and prevent the Kundalini from rising above it, and which
may result in spondylitis or angina (900811.2)
A person who escapes into left Vishuddhi because he feels
guilty, becomes very sensitive it is a very difficult situation.
You say anything to that person, and he feels more guilty - it is a
very bad situation with left Vishuddhi people (850901); You have
to be angry with yourself when you do wrong things and not to
feel guilty angry with yourself when you feel guilty anger
against yourself, and not against others (830321)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guilt
Sorry is a very difficult word for western Sahaja Yogis, and
also for some Indians; That Indians never feel guilty, is a good
idea but they never say sorry - if God says it is wrong, then it
is wrong - to err is human to forgive is Divine - but you have to
know that you have erred (850901)
Here, where we feel guilty works our self confidence our
faith in God that he forgives us (790722); You say it is a fashion
to be guilty what are you guilty about, I dont understand what
sin can you commit that God's Love cannot cure he's an ocean
of love (790722); What's the use to feel guilty - if you feel
guilty, this left side Vishuddhi gets caught up. One must know
that God is the ocean of compassion he is the ocean of love
and he is the ocean of forgiveness (821008)
Only a person who is not guilty will be really humble because
guilty people are aggressive, are sarcastic etc; A humble person
is a free person, free to be humble, to be kindly, to be gentle, to
be compassionate - that sort of Sahaja Yogis you have to be.
When people meet you, they will be impressed (850901); We
should not use all such words that show our guilt, but rather
words that show our humility and emotions that you have should
have no guilt in it (850901)
I have put so many guilty people in my left Vishuddhi, that my
ears are getting blocked, trying to clear them out. If you can
clear out our guilt, my ears will be opened out, my trouble will go
away. So please I request you, to keep our left Vishuddhis
alright don't feel guilty (850901); The mantra for left
Vishuddhi, is "Mother, I am not guilty", said 16 times (820711)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guilt
There is a war going on between the Divine, and the Satanic
Forces (known as Devils, Rakshasas, Asuras) who have come in
the garb of religion, as the false gurus, the so called God-men
and God-women, to demolish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of
human beings. And this at the time when we are about to achieve
our ultimate goal - to enter the Kingdom of God. These Satanic
forces have gone into the minds of the seekers. We cannot see
them, or understand just how dangerous they are. But we have to
fight them, and for this we must be courageous and cheerful,
wise and centred, without feelings of guilt - full of enthusiasm
and valour (800630)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861221 Chalmala Welcome Address - see 861221 good 5
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800630 What is happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall - see 800630 good 25
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
861221 Six Puja Talks - India 1986/87
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
960915 Without Innocence, you cannot enjoy, Ganesha Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 11 Mar 2003
When the attention goes to the Spirit, it just happens that you
become Gunatit, and are no more concerned with your own
conveniences, or comforts. You just go beyond all these three
gunas which have been dominating you, like the Tamoguna,
Rajoguna and Satwoguna. Now you don't want to see whether you
are right sided, or left sided or centred - you are a Sahaja Yogi,
and a Sahaja Yogi is beyond all these things, you are Gunatit
(980321) beyond the three gunas (800526)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 13 Jun 2003
Guru Nanak
One of the incarnations of the Primordial Guru, or Master, who all
said to lead a moral life (800727) and came to establish balance
(840718) and teach the code of life, morality, in preparation for our
ascent. Born in the month of November (851128), at midnight
(821101), in the Punjab (840906); Who is the same as Mohammed
(830131); A Satguru (830209) who was a married man (771024.3);
All the great Saints of India were married and had children except
for some people like Buddha, who died very early he had to take a
Sanyasa because of his work. Then we had Kabira, Nanaka all of
them were married people (821008)
Who had control over the elements - when he put his hand on a
rock, water started to come out (821101); Who lived in India, and
talked of the 2nd birth and the need to be born again (791203); In
Sikhism, Guru Nanak (820711) warned against smoking (870500), and
drinking (820711)
In Nanaka's time, Sikhism came in formed often from the eldest
sons of Hindu families and so started a warrior class, which ended
up by having wars between Hindus and Muslims (790530; MME)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
771024.3 Caxton Hall tape 3 poor
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Guru Pada
For Guru Pada you have to have, in Sahaja Yoga, complete
humility natural humility natural balance this is what Christ
has taught us (971225); Is a state, not a status, because a status
is external and can be bestowed upon anybody by anyone but a
'state' means the innate being has evolved to that level that
you become a master is a state that is achieved (920719)
Now how do we achieve that. Firstly in meditation you can
become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this increases,
that we are without thought for that we have the Nirvichara
mantra. Then you start seeing that witnessing without thinking.
This first state is very important the witness state, the Sakshi.
As you become the witness, your gravity starts expressing itself
the whole thing will become extremely dignified and majestic it
will just manifest by itself and you get a magnetic personality.
With our gravity, what we do is touch that depth within us which
can carry the Divine Power the most substantial thing in your
lives is this Divine Power; You never feel the weight of this Divine
Power but if your channel is not clean, then this Divine Power
cannot flow properly it cannot manifest (920719)
So what is needed for a guru is self esteem and to achieve this
we have to introspect and know that I am a Realised Soul I
have powers. Nobody has these powers. But somehow in Sahaja
Yoga, you are not self conscious of it that I am a guru I am
something special I am on the shores of truth. So at that time, a
kind of silence will come within you and this silence will make you
really powerful. When you are in that silence you are in the
silence of the Cosmos and this silence of the Cosmos works for
you so if you become silent within yourself, then know that you
are sitting in the Kingdom of God. This silence is the sign that you
are definitely definitely you are in contact with the Divine the
complete totality of Reality this All Pervading Power. It is at
your disposal - wherever you go, the connection is maintained. It is
at your disposal. And a guru is so detached. And he's in
complete balance - nothing can disturb him nothing can dominate
him no more he is afraid a fearlessness comes into him and
nothing can tempt him (920719)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Guru Pada
Don't try to judge yourself but gradually rise, and appreciate
yourself and settle down on the position you have achieved. So
then, assume your powers when you start assuming, all baddhas
will run away and you will be surprised. The knowledge is so
subtle, and so great but with all this knowledge you bend down,
like the tree, which is laden with fruit, bends down. This simplicity
and humility gives you that special edge which can pierce into any
heart but believe that you are one with that great power, which
is God Almighty (920719)
Then praise the Lord because God is fond of praise if you
praise the Lord, then he gives you everything it's true. You
cannot get to Mother, unless and until you are really bhakti from
your heart but if you have bhakti, then you can get to Mother it
is written Bhakti Gamya. So your faith has to be absolutely
untarnishable. So when this faith in God is absolutely established
within you, that there is God Almighty that he's Almighty and
that 'I am the messenger of that God' just this understanding,
when it becomes absolutely formed in you, then you are in Guru
Pada. But we have to remember one thing that we must have
complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the powers of God
Almighty complete faith (920719)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-920725 Mahakali Durga Puja, France - see 920704 Not good 30
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe
- end - 28 Jun 2003
The Paramchaitanya itself is your Guru. You are facing someone
who has all the Powers you know that. The word 'Guru' comes from
the word 'Gravity' unless you become good disciples, how are you
going to become Gurus? (850629); The guru is a very hard
taskmaster he doesn't allow any liberties to be taken, but a
Mother is very kindly (850629); Our Guru is our Mother, the
Supreme Guru (800727); You have to respect your Guru surrender
to your Guru. It is said that the guru is Paramchaitanya, but it is
the Paramchaitanya itself who is your guru (850629); The Adi
Shakti is the Source of all the Gurus (800727); You are living in the
Kingdom of God and when the Goddess of that Kingdom arrives,
you have to be there (850629)
Shiva is the Guru Parvati is the Shakti. Shiva is to be taken as
Guru Shiva is the one who is our Guru he is our Spirit (810904);
Guru means a person who is full of Guru Twakashun is weight is
the gravity (810904); The conveyance of the Guru is the dog. The
quality of a dog is that he loves his master he'll give his life for
his master he'll not sleep til he sees his master return back any
time (850629)
The Guru has gravity, weight of character, dignity, is caring of
others, and avoids anger, temper, cheap behaviour (800727); The
job of a guru is to give balance to others if you have the Guru
Principle within you, you get into balance automatically (920719);
You have to be your own Guru means that you have to be strict
with 'yourself' (910728); A Guru has to be creative, creating new
Sahaja Yogis out of ordinary people (890723); A guru has to be
higher than others, humbler, kinder, sweeter, loving, compassionate,
joyous, cheerful - it should be evident on your face (800613); The
guru has himself to accept all the challenges, everything to go
through it, to work it out, to cleanse himself, to see for himself
how far he has reached. When you come to Reality, you have to be
satisfied with yourself then comes the confidence that's how
the authority comes in (860706); The Guru within will be awakened
if we are very strict with ourselves (830725)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guru
Anything that has weight, gravitates automatically; It is
impossible to fight gravity; That gravity is the integration of your
shraddha, your dedication and your surrender without that gravity
you cannot nourish yourself you cannot grow. Just imagine, the
roots go towards the gravity, and when they are nourished then
only, the tree rises above (850629)
All the Gurus, all the Prophets are in the Void, are in the stomach
(790720); The 10 Incarnations of the Adi Guru are Moses,
Mohammed, Abraham, Guru Nanak, Raja Janaka, Socrates,
Confucius, Shirdi Sai Nath (800727; 851128), Lao-Tzu (840906;
860706) and Zoroaster (MME); Nath means the Guru Guru is the
Lord of the Vidya (791202.4); Green is the colour of the Guru
(840317); Most Gurus were born at midnight (821101), and all the
Gurus had control over the elements (821101); Dattatreya is the
Primordial Master or Guru, and is the innocence of the three
powers, of Shiva (existence power), Brahma (creative power) and
Vishnu (evolutionary power) (790530)
The Guru is the best, the highest that God has created - he just
imparts the power by which you become one with God, and is not
interested in having planes and cars etc. (790530); Any Guru who is
interested in women or sex, is not a real Guru, but is an anti-Guru
(790530), and causes a catch in the void area (800727); The Guru
Principle does all the miracles, and leads the seekers to the
Incarnations (840906)
A good Guru is that person who attracts you towards himself, but
who is also above the gravity of the Mother Earth, beyond these
bodily attractions or other attractions of a gross nature, which
enslave you and cannot give you freedom. Once you rise above the
gravitational force of materialism, then you could be called as the
Guru. A Guru 'shines' before the disciples. When you have
something dirty, it doesn't shine you have to wash it, clean it and
rub it nicely so that it shines; The Guru has to suffer the most -
that's how he can command. He has to be the example of austerity,
of detachment that's how he is going to get respect (860706)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guru
The word 'guru' comes from 'the one which is magnetic', 'the
person who is magnetic' the one which attracts the attention of
the seekers, is the guru. Also it means 'heaviness', or you can say a
person who is very steady, or who is very deep, who has the
knowledge, and can act like a Mother Earth. This power of
magnetism of Mother Earth is the power that makes us stand
properly on our legs, when it is rotating at such a tremendous speed
- that we are still attached is only because she has gravity. This
gravity has to be in a guru it means a kind of serious
understanding of oneself and one's own responsibilities so a guru
has to be very steady. In these modern times, people are very
mobile, all the time agitated with small things happening here and
there they get disturbed they meet people who are not of any
quality, and they get disturbed because of deficiencies in their
gravity. A person who has gravity doesn't get depressed, neither
excited, nor overly enthusiastic nor is he sad or unhappy so he is
in the centre of his being. First and foremost thing for a Sahaja
Yogi is he must have introspection he must watch himself if he
changes because some fashion has come or because some people
have suppressed him or just asked him to or just to please people
of cheap values, then he cannot be a guru. He has to station himself
properly on the values of Sahaja Yoga (980712)
If you bow before any wrong guru you catch your Ekadesha
Rudra Ekadesha Rudra is on your forehead (810904); To
neutralise a guru who has been a bad guru you have to surrender
to the Real Guru if your guru is a real guru then you surrender to
the Mother of your real guru because your real guru is also
surrendered to this - so all the gurus are to be surrendered at the
Lotus Feet of your Mother. Christ is a real guru he is. The Christ
you know of is to be also surrendered at the Lotus Feet of your
Mother because he is also my son Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha all
of them are my sons Adi Shakti created all of them She is the
Mother of all the Gurus of all the Prophets of all the
Incarnations. She exists and after her only Parabrahma is
(810904); Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara, Guru
Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmaye Shri Guruve Namah (810904)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guru
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy - see 890723 good 30
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
840317 Holi Celebration - Delhi good 45
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy (2 talks)
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Guru Puja
In the Puranas, it is stated that Adi Guru Dattatreya
worshipped the Mother along the banks of the River Thamasa, or
Thamsa, which is the same as the River Thames. So he came and
worshipped here; The Druids at Stonehenge, also had their origins
at that time, in this great country of Shiva, or the Spirit; So the
Guru Pujas here give a great background of awakening of the Guru
Principle - and that is why so many Guru Pujas were held in
England, in London, where also the Thamsa is the place of
Tamoguna, where the 'left sided' presided since long, and the
people were emotional and worshipful (830725)
You have to come to Guru Puja no question Guru Puja is the
one Puja you cannot miss even if you miss Sahastrara Puja it's
alright but Guru Puja is very important at any cost you have to
come for Guru Puja. Guru Puja is extremely effective (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Guru Tattwa
The Principle of Mastery (800727), which is expressed in the
void (851128), and distributed into 10 petals (830127); The
Ekadesha Rudra starts with the Void when your ten dharmas are
in trouble. So it starts with Void on the 'left' side when you
have been dominated in your Guru Tattwa in the Void the left
side Guru Tattwa comes when going to wrong gurus, and wrong
things is the left side Guru Tattwa. Problems with 'right' side
Guru Tattwa in the Void come, if you think you are a great guru,
of if you have tried to dominate others by your 'magnetism' or
whatever it is, or tried to do something like that then your right
side can be caught up right side Guru Tattwa (.0012)
When you are dealing with 'left' side Guru Tattwa means, when
you have had other gurus you have to say 'I am my own guru' it
solves the problem. If you have 'right' side, you have to say
'Mother you are my guru' for the time being - sometimes it can
be quite harmful, if I say 'all the time' you have to go on saying
So the 5 on the right, and the 5 on the left can be solved. Now
what is the 11th one is the Spirit is the Atma for that you
have to say 'I am the Spirit' you have to become the Spirit
When the Ekadesha Rudra becomes very strong on the physical
level, it can become horrible troubles with the body like cancer.
Actually cancer can be felt on the stomach you can feel the lub-
dub on the stomach itself. If it is at the Nabhi place you can
feel the pulse, fast. Diseases like cancer any destroying
diseases can start, which are very very fatal because Ekadesha
Rudra is the destroying power the essence of destroying power.
If it starts working on one side it can spread to the other side
also so your Guru Tattwa must be respected. Even in Sahaja
Yoga, if you just look after yourself, and dont worry about
others then also your Guru Tattwa can be in trouble (.0012)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Guru Tattwa
Now Guru Tattwa is also balanced by Nabhi. So actually,
originally it starts with left and right Nabhi to begin with so
subtle it is. If you start making money individually, as a guru or if
you give money to somebody who is a guru if it is to a wrong
person if for a wrong purpose you spend your money then you
catch or if somebody wants to make money out of Sahaja Yoga
for example finished (.0012)
Like drinking too much is against dharma taking drugs telling
lies about other people stealing killing somebody are against
dharma all these 10 commandments. So when you try to disobey
them and go on disobeying all the time then it works that way
so be careful about your dharma (.0012)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 minsQ&A good 50
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Haaji what Muslims become when they go to Mecca, and come
back from there finished. Why did Mohammed Saab who was so
much against stone worshipping why did he ask people to go round
that black square stone what was the purpose thats also just a
stone so why. This stone was a Swayambhu and it's mentioned in
the Indian Scriptures that there is Macceshwarshiva. We have
Shivas everywhere in India there are 12 Jyoti Lingas you can
verify on your vibrations same with this black stone and so the
people have to go round to achieve Shiva's Blessings but it
became a ritual and nobody could go further than that ritual
For Haaj, so many people went, and so many were killed some
went to Ambarnath and they were killed because they were not
saints just ritualistic people, going for a ritual, which in the
discretion of the Mother Earth was of no avail, of no advantage to
them. These people had been going to Haaj all the time, and there
was a stampede with 32000 people being injured, and troubled and
killed now what is Mother Earth suggesting that going to these
places, Holy places they are really Holy places no doubt that
you are not doing any spiritual ascent you are not achieving
anything, by going to these places - which are really Holy that
cannot be challenged they are Holy places (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Habits are created by the left side channel and to make these
habits alright the one who is suffering from these habits has
to be empowered and that power is only possible when we become
the Spirit (890617.2); You develop habits on the left side all
your habits should be under your control. The habits we have
formed through drugs, from drinking are very dangerous habits.
Also people have their attention here and there, attracting
people is one of the ways we allow our attention to fritter away
this attention has to be brought under control. When it happens,
just point your eyes down, keep your eyes down (871219)
Many habits come from the Nabhi, and after Self Realisation,
many of these habits start to drop out automatically (801027);
Certain habits that we acquire are mostly because of fashion
and one bad habit we have got is not to say 'no' to anyone how to
say 'no' you see like somebody is smoking or drinking and he
forces us so we say oh alright (770126.2); But another bad
habit some people have is to say 'Mother said so, so this is so'
use your discretion, how can Mother say; If she has said
something there must be something in it we must understand
Habits come to us like, we cannot sit on the ground these
habits should be got rid of but for that you shouldnt waste your
energy getting rid of these habits on the contrary, if you put
your attention to your Spirit to what you have achieved to
where you are gradually you will find your habits will drop out.
Like we have had terrible alcoholics, who could not give up and
they have given up we had people who have taken drugs they
have given up without difficulty. There are higher vices, and
bigger vices which people have given up and some vices which one
cannot mention, that people have given up and this happens when
your attention goes to your Spirit automatically your detachment
works out means your attention has felt definitely that 'oneness'
with Reality otherwise why are you getting detached but for
that it is essential that your attention should be on your Spirit
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Habits
The expression of love is very spontaneous but for that
spontaneity to come, you must get rid of your habits otherwise
you can never become spontaneous (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
Hair Colouring
Some people now are colouring their heads and I found that
some of them are becoming blind. So I said why are you doing it
they said 'what's wrong' - why do you want to colour your hair it
will make you blind. We are human beings we have got cells here
(top of the head - Ed) which absorb paints and that can go onto
our nerves can go also onto our other centres (870500)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk, Australia - see 870503
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
- end - 27 Oct 2003
We lose our hair very fast, because we don't use oil as we
should starting with the hair at the Sahastrara (910728); Hair is
to be oiled properly lot of oil should be used, before say
Saturday or something, so that when you have your bath, you clear
out your oil completely. You get 'conditioners' here is a good
idea but in India we use oil. You can use conditioners if you want,
but make the hair smooth with it and then you must do with
your own hands a nice massage or one Sahaja Yogi can do for
another a nice massage for the head. You will be surprised that
your head will be very clear. You can give a massage on the head
and also on the backbone, and the Vishuddhi chakra it will give a
better feeling (850502)
It would be a good idea to start using a little oil for the head
in the night as Sahaja Yogis, you should better use some nice
coconut oil, and rub on your head nicely, in the night and in the
morning after all it doesnt show much and comb your hair in a
proper way. If your dresses and your hair are like bhoots then
the bhoots will take over, thinking 'oh, this is a bhoot sitting
down here better take hold of that bhoot' so dress up in a
way that you shouldnt have hair on your forehead at all keep it
straight make it nice and have absolutely clean foreheads
So before you start getting bald, better try putting some oil on
your head thats one very important thing, Sahaja Yogis have to
do you can take vibrated oil if you like and I think olive oil is
good but better than olive oil, I find, is coconut oil it is better
for the growth of the hair (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 12 Sep 2002
Hamsa Chakra
The Hamsa chakra, which is part of the Vishuddhi, is
represented by Canada, and is situated between the eyebrows,
and has qualities of discretion and discrimination; Also called the
Lambica chakra; The Hamsa is made of two types of discretion
where to see 'I am' and where to see 'you are' and for every
human being, the 'you' is the Divine; In everything you will find
there are two sides which way you move is your discretion;
Hamsa means Pranava or discrimination you can say.
At Hamsa, both the Ida and Pingala nadis, the Tha and Ha of
Hatha Yoga, come together and cross over, below the Agnya. It
is the wedding place between your left and your right, the left
being the woman, the right being the man - they must be in
balance, being equal, though not similar.
Discretion of the Ida Nadi is Intuition if you develop that
discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you
develop Intuition and Intuition is nothing but is the help of the
Ganas which are surrounding you if you learn to take help from
the Ganas, you can become very intuitive. Of the whole of Sahaja
Yoga, I would say 50% of that is based on intuition and for that
you have to develop a proper sense of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha is
Ganapati the master the chief of all the Ganas - so the Ganas
give you intuition.
Acceptance will give you a wonderful discretion over your ego.
Whatever goes wrong it's alright accept it. Supposing you are
lost on the way you should not think like all other people but
think 'why? Hanumana must have brought me here for some
purpose' accept it accept the situation. When you accept the
situation, you are playing into the hands of the Deities who are
guiding you. If somebody has complained that you are hot
tempered accept it just accept it is a great thing that there
is somebody who tells you that. If somebody says you are
miserly accept it so we must change. If you don't want to
change you'd better leave that's the main point.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Hamsa Chakra
'Extremes' are against the Divine - for example, saying the
mantra, or taking the name of Shri Rama once only, with feeling,
is sufficient; One should never go to extremes in anything - only
in the middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be worked out; Going to
extremes is not Sahaja Yoga style ascent is; Too much of
anything is not good.
The whole Cosmos is trying to help you you see you don't have
to do much effort, to think about it what should I choose
whether I should take this or whether I should take that the
only thing you have to do is just to see for yourself, that you
are watching and you are seeing an opportunity coming to you
and allow the opportunity to appear before you it does. You
don't have to deliberately bother your head, what to take, what
to do it will just be there you will be amazed, how it works;
It's a question of how far you are surrendered how far you
have gone with the Divine.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Problems with Hamsa
The Hamsa chakra is where you get troubles like sinus,
colds and coughs, and all that and can result from the drying
up of the nose because of the use of central heating and may
result from dry conditions in home or workplace; Now what you
are doing actually is to neglect certain laws of nature likein
London, or anywhere it's all heated up inside the rooms, too
much it is it's very dry we all know that in England we have
to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some water or
something, or fill a tub in the bath and keep it open so there
is humidity in the room. Problems can include shooting
headaches on one side, or sinus problems, and may result from
being overloaded with decision making. One of the symptoms of
Aids is a bad Hamsa.
Now, heat and cold for example to take coffee, and then
take water is absolutely wrong. Water if you take, then
gradually heat it up and take coffee last and then dont take
water til you have taken some carbohydrates. I mean this is
what it is is the heat and the cold the combination of the
heat and the cold should be understood.
discriminate between hot and cold. Food also we should not eat
immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling food you should
not eat - let your juices flow out to digest it and then eat it
otherwise you'll burn your tongue your palate burn
everything. So best is to keep a tepid understanding of food
also so water should not be very hot food should not be very
Indians, Maharashtrians especially, take a Kaduk bath means
with very hot water this is an absolutely wrong idea. Normally
a cold bath is best but if not possible, then take a tepid
water. This will solve one of the problems that you do not
expose yourself to too much cold or heat - the temperature is
kept the same as the room temperature.
Correcting the Hamsa Chakra
The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing and has to be worked on,
on a material level only and is where you get troubles like sinus,
colds and coughs, and all that and can result from the drying up of
the nose because of the use of central heating. Now what you are
doing actually is to neglect certain laws of nature likein London,
or anywhere it's all heated up inside the rooms too much it is it's
very dry we all know that in England we have to have a humidifier
isn't it. Just leave some water or something, or fill a tub in the bath
and keep it open so there is humidity in the room.
Also may result from dry conditions in home or workplace, and can
be corrected by the use of ghee or oil in the nose - just one drop in
each nostril, morning and evening Butter is also good for sinus
problems, and can be administered warm with a dropper, to the inside
of the nose for 3 to 4 days, where it lines the inner dry and cracked
membranes butter is softening in it's effect; It is important to put
ghee in the nose to correct a bad Hamsa, otherwise, there will remain
a susceptibility to Aids.
Also for Hamsa chakra it's important not to kiss people I think
kissing must be given up, because in kissing, you do allow the germs of
another person in Sahaja Yoga it's alright but that doesn't mean
you go crazy with the kissing. The more you start expressing your
love by all these gestures, the less it is, inside. So to do it
superficially anything too much has to be avoided in your
discretion but avoiding extremes avoiding too much outward
expression, again can create another indiscretion.
Best way to balance the nadis at Hamsa, is by breathing exercise:
breath in through one nostril, hold the breath for a while, then let it
go out through the other. Now breath in through that nostril, hold
for a while then let it go through the first one again. Do this three
times only, and very slowly.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Hamsa Chakra
Inhalers are also very good. The best is the 'neti' where you fill
with water to below the spout, add 2 to 3 drops of whatever you get
for inhaling, and then put (the spout - Ed) into one nostril and allow it
to go in, breathing in through the other nostril. This clears (the
Hamsa - Ed) and is a very good thing. Do this every night before
sleeping for 3 to 4 days, and you will be absolutely cleared out.
Imbalance comes from imbalance in our temperament, where one
(person - Ed) starts dominating the other. Avoid eating anything that
is sharp or sour; With the Hamsa if the problem is from the left
side, then this may be corrected by keeping the eyes focused on the
ground, or by using Ida Nadi Swamini, or Mahakali mantras, or the
Surya mantra. The mantra for the Hamsa is: Hamsa Chakra Swamini,
3 times; Other mantras for the Hamsa chakra include Pranava, and
Omkara (especially for T.M. people).
Hot and cold is a very important thing one has to know. You should
never take a bath with hot water in the open, or with the window
open if you do, sure shot you will get a temperature. If you have to
take a hot water bath, take it in the night, or at the time when you
can go off into your bed; But if you take a bath with cold water, you
can never catch cold, because the temperature is the same nobody
catches cold or anything so in running water is the cleanest, and
where you can get into cold water; Normally a cold bath is best
but if not possible, then take a tepid water.
This will solve one of the problems that you do not expose yourself to
too much cold or heat.
In India, the custom is to eat very hot food garam garam kha so
garam they are really garam people. In England they eat so much of
cold foods that I am amazed the amount of ice western people eat,
we can't understand.
We dont understand how to discriminate between hot and cold.
Food also we should not eat immediately from the oven, sizzling
sizzling food you should not eat. So best is to keep a tepid
understanding of food also so water should not be very hot food
should not be very hot.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Hamsa Chakra
Another precaution you have to take is that when you are sitting in
the Sun, sometimes your head gets very heated up, and then
immediately if you go and get cold water, definitely you will get sick -
no doubt about it. So if you are sitting in the Sun, immediately you
should never, never, never take any water, til you have eaten
something sweet take some sugar, or jagari, or a biscuit or
something even if you are very thirsty you should not take it; If
these little precautions have been taken, then nothing should happen
to Sahaja Yogis if we get sick then our Mother gets sick that's
what the problem is.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Hamsa Chakra - Summary
Chakra: Hamsa or Lambica
Deity: Hamsa Chakra Swamini
Physical: Nose, Sinuses
Qualities: Discretion, Discrimination, Pranava,
L. Intuition
R. Acceptance
Catch: Extreme Behaviour, Dry Conditions,
Too Hot or Cold, Sharp or Sour foods
Diseases: Headaches, Sinus, Coughs, Colds
Treatments: Ghee, Oil or Butter in the nose, Breathing Exercise,
Inhalers, Neti, Reduce Kissing, Use humidifiers,
Avoid Extremes, Avoid Sharp or Sour Foods,
Avoid Hot & Cold extremes, Look at ground
Mantras: Hamsa Chakra Swamini, Pranava, and Omkara
L. Ida Nadi Swamini, or Mahakali mantras,
or the Surya mantra
R. Chandra
Position: Between the eyebrows
Country: Canada
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Date/Ref Title Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-791202.4 Guru Puja Pt 4, Ganeshs 113 Names, Dollis Hill, see 791202.2 not good
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
790000.1 Bija Mantras and Shaktis on Kundalini - Ashley Gdns good 40
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 30 Apr 2003
Hamsa Treatment
The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing and has to be
worked on, on a material level only and is where you get
troubles like sinus, colds and coughs, and all that and can result
from the drying up of the nose because of the use of central
heating. Indians, Maharashtrians especially, take a Kaduk bath
means with very hot water this is an absolutely wrong idea.
Normally a cold bath is best but if not possible, then take a
tepid water. This will solve one of the problems that you do not
expose yourself to too much cold or heat - the temperature is
kept the same as the room temperature. People have died of
their lung cancer, because they can't get out of 'their' bad habit
of taking bath every morning. I call it bad habit for Indians, not
for the English because they take their bath, and then
immediately are going out to work. So take your bath at 4 o'clock
in the morning, stay in the house and get used to the climate, and
then go out or take your bath in the night (.0011)
All extreme behaviour from left and right creates problems of
Hamsa like if you eat some fruit then after that you should
not take water. You should take water after some
carbohydrates but not anything fried. After taking anything
fried you should not take water - you can take a biscuit or
bread something like that to dry up your throat, and then take
water (.0011)
Now, heat and cold for example to take coffee, and then
take water is absolutely wrong. Water if you take, then gradually
heat it up and take coffee last and then dont take water til
you have taken some carbohydrates. I mean this is what it is is
the heat and the cold the combination of the heat and the cold
should be understood (.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hamsa Treatment
Now what you are doing actually is to neglect certain laws of
nature likein London, or anywhere it's all heated up inside
the rooms, too much it is it's very dry we all know that in
England we have to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some
water or something, or fill a tub in the bath and keep it open so
there is humidity in the room. To compensate for all that what
one can do is to take some water with little little salt in it
little salt is a good idea but that should not be very hot or very
cold, but should be tepid and take it in the nose I would say
after brushing your teeth. Take it in thrice, and thrice you take
it out by that you'll clear out your sinuses you will make it
humid (.0011)
In India, the custom is to eat very hot food garam garam
kha so garam they are really garam people. In England they
eat so much of cold foods that I am amazed the amount of ice
western people eat, we can't understand. Indiscriminately theyll
take ice cream and after that theyll take coffee or after
coffee theyll take ice cream before eating ice theyll have hot
thats the worst of all. We dont understand how to
discriminate between hot and cold. Food also we should not eat
immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling food you should not
eat. I dont know why such devilish ideas are coming - let your
juices flow out to digest it and then eat it otherwise you'll
burn your tongue your palate burn everything. So best is to
keep a tepid understanding of food also so water should not be
very hot food should not be very hot (.0011)
Colds cause most people to catch on Hamsa. If the problem is
from the 'left' side, then this may be corrected by keeping the
eyes focused on the ground, or by using Ida Nadi Swamini, or
Mahakali mantras, or the Surya mantra; If it is the 'right' side
catching, or if it is the liver, then we can use the name of
Chandra, which will cool it down (800517.2)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hamsa Treatment
Problems can include shooting headaches on one side, or sinus
problems, and may result from being overloaded with decision
making. Avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour (MME); Also
may result from dry conditions in home or workplace, and can be
corrected by the use of ghee or oil in the nose - just one drop in
each nostril, morning and evening (841005; 870408); Butter is
also good for sinus problems, and can be administered warm with
a dropper, to the inside of the nose for 3 to 4 days, where it
lines the inner dry and cracked membranes butter is softening
in it's effect (810330; 830202; 850502)
Now, in 'collectivity', the Krishna Principle plus the principle of
Guru are mixed. So, when he becomes the Guru, then collectivity
starts when the principles of these two get integrated, then
the collectivity starts and as a result of that you get
Discretion. So to improve the discretion part we take vibrated
ghee or butter, which is heated up and put it in the nose. But
before that we gargle with salt which represents the Guru
principle (850502)
Best way to balance the nadis at Hamsa, is by breathing
exercise: breath in through one nostril, hold the breath for a
while, then let it go out through the other. Now breath in
through that nostril, hold for a while then let it go through the
first one again. Do this three times only, and very slowly.
Inhalers are also very good. The best is the 'neti' where you fill
with water to below the spout, add 2 to 3 drops of whatever you
get for inhaling, and then put (the spout - Ed) into one nostril
and allow it to go in, breathing in through the other nostril. This
clears (the Hamsa - Ed) and is a very good thing. Do this every
night before sleeping for 3 to 4 days, and you will be absolutely
cleared out. Imbalance comes from imbalance in our
temperament, where one (person - Ed) starts dominating the
other (800517.2)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hamsa Treatment
Putting ghee in the nose is a very simple yet a very important
thing, to correct a bad hamsa. One of the symptoms of Aids is a
bad Hamsa. It is important to put ghee in the nose to correct a
bad Hamsa, otherwise, there will remain a susceptibility to Aids
(870503.1); For treatment of Hamsa, which is more on the
physical side - it's outside that's why - it has to be more on the
physical side so either we use ghee and all that as you know
but also for Hamsa chakra it's important not to kiss people I
think kissing must be given up, because in kissing, you do allow
the germs of another person in Sahaja Yoga it's alright but
that doesn't mean you go crazy with the kissing. The more you
start expressing your love by all these gestures, the less it is,
inside. So to do it superficially anything too much has to be
avoided in your discretion but avoiding extremes avoiding too
much outward expression, again can create another indiscretion
The mantra for the Hamsa is: Twamewa Sakshat Hamsa Chakra
Swamini Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah, 3
times (800517.2); Other mantras for the Hamsa chakra include
Pranava, and Omkara (791009.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Apr 2003
Handmade things are auspicious; If you can get handmade
things there is nothing like it (800927); Sahaja Yogis should try
to encourage handicrafts I cannot understand how you can go
and buy this rubbish of plastic all these useless things. You need
not have many things you can have few things, but something
handmade supposing you get a dress, there should be some
handmade embroidery or something put on it, so some labour is put
into that. From the Mother Earth, they make very nice
terracotta it is such a beautiful thing - it's so soothing it's so
good it smells so well (971004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
- end - 4 Sep 2003
Namaste is a better idea, because to shake hands with every
sort of a person you catch from everyone but, it's a custom
Some Indians, when they shake your hand, they do it with such
heart it is done with love, but (in some other cases - Ed) it's
horrid they pass such bad vibrations that you just don't want
to do it. The gesture is the same one is done outside like a lip
service the other is done from the heart (840118)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881211 Detachment, Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
- end - 4 Mar 2003
Hands Left or Right
In Sahaja Yoga, we regard the left hand as the minus hand, and
the right hand as the plus hand. Whatever you may do with the
left hand, you are sucking in, whilst with the right hand you are
giving out (800517.2)
The left hand is the hand of desire, and is extended towards
the source of vibrations, to receive (840622); Right hand is the
hand of action, and is placed on the various chakras, on the left
side of the body, during the process of Kundalini Awakening
(840622); To get vibrations in the left hand, ask the question:
"Is Shri Mataji the Holy Ghost?" (870516)
Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands maybe some
of you if so, you can just throw it away or those who are
feeling the left hand hot, please put your right hand on the
heart those who are feeling hot in the right hand, then you put
your left hand on the liver just below the ribs and right hand
towards me (790524)
In the Devi, the Left Hand is the Hand by which She gives
the Hand of Generosity (801027) while the Right Hand is the
Hand with which She gives Protection (801027)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Seeking & Rationality good 40
Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
Establishing Foundations, Auckland [+PP video set 5/2] good 20
- end - 12 Sep 2002
In Sahaja Yoga, we must work with the hands - we cannot work
it out by thinking; Raise the Kundalini more and more with the
hands, and you will feel more. Only the hands can do it; We must
feel vibrations in the hands, or if there is a problem, feel in the
places of the chakras, and later feel in the brain (830202); All
these seven centres are reflected in our fingers and in our hands
(790720); From the hands the energy flows. With these hands we
can feel the All Pervading Power, we can manoeuvre it, manage it,
organise it. We feel that we become Part and Parcel of the Whole
(871023); In your hand it is flowing whether you are catching or
not catching, it is flowing from your hand it is there the flow
from your hand is there little bit is always there (800907)
In Sahaja Yoga, we regard the left hand as the minus hand, and
the right hand as the plus hand. Whatever you may do with the
left hand, you are sucking in, whilst with the right hand you are
giving out. So as an example, if you want to correct a liver which is
overheated, you put the left hand on the liver, and the right hand
outside, and then you are taking the heat from the liver, and
giving it out with the right hand (800517.2)
Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands maybe some
of you if so, you can just throw it away or those who are
feeling the left hand hot, please put your right hand on the heart
those who are feeling hot in the right hand, then you put your left
hand on the liver just below the ribs and right hand towards me
In the hands is he feeling just rub your hands a little bit give
a little water in the hands like this [Shri Mataji gives her glass
of vibrated water to hand around Ed] pour it because what is
happening is there is too much heat on the right hand just put
it in the hand and let them rub a little bit everyone you can give
a little bit just rub it rub it hard on the finger tips
especially see now you may blow it also on the hands very
hot alright see now is it cool alright good (840622)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hands
The left hand is the hand of desire, and is extended towards
the source of vibrations, to receive (840622); To get vibrations in
the left hand, ask the question: "Is Shri Mataji the Holy Ghost?"
(870516); The right hand is the hand of action, and is placed on
the various chakras, on the left side of the body, during the
process of Kundalini Awakening (840622); If you are catching on a
chakra or centre, just put your hand there - don't feel condemned
about it. All is made easy and simple - but it is difficult for a
sophisticated man to become that simple children are very simple
Watch your hands, to see if they are shaking, or if there is heat
on one of the hands. If the left hand is shaking, put the right
hand on your heart. If the right hand is shaking, put the left hand
on your stomach - with the right hand towards Mother (830302);
Now if we have ego, what we should do is raise the left side, and
put it to the right side there's no other way out you have to
use your hands (830121)
A Photo of the Hands, with a candle in front, is very good for
the eyes, and for the blindness caused by bhoots (800517.2); Now
in Sahaja Yoga it is proved now when you rub my feet, 'you' feel
better, not me you rub my hands, 'you' feel better when you
fall at my feet, 'you' feel better (800927)
Mohammed said that 'your hands will speak', meaning that on
your hands, on your finger tips you will feel your own defects
when the Judgement Time comes (871023); To get your vibrations
alright you must wash your hands use water as much as you can
wash your hands 10 times is very essential (800927); Ghee and
butter can be rubbed onto the fingers and hands, to soothe them
down, because the heat from the other people can make them
dried up (830209)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hands
Now how do you raise the Kundalini we can raise it with the
attention but it should not be done, because others should
'know' that something has been done because people, unless and
until they see something being done to them they are not going to
believe so you have to raise the Kundalini with your hands and
you can see that as far as the hand moves, the Kundalini moves
and you can feel it within your spine (810511); Move on his head 3
times [indicating with hand above the head, fingers down,
rotating clockwise, and rising upwards] bring it up no no other
way round clockwise (840622)
Yesterday we had somebody who had very bad eczema all his
hands were absolutely charred and horrible both the hands and
I asked him to put his hands towards me maybe he might have
been cured only by putting his hands but I had to make the mark
of cross and swastika on his hands and it cleared out. So he saw
me doing something otherwise 'oh it might have been a
coincidence' (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
870516 Establishing Foundations, Auckland [+PP video set 5/2] good 20
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
- end3- 7 May 2003
Hanumana is a great character in our being and he runs all the way
from Swadisthan to your brain and supplies all necessary guidance
in our futuristic planning or in our mental activities he gives
guidance and protection. Hanumana is an eternal child because he
was like a monkey and was used to run the right side of human
beings. He has to control the Sun that the Sun in people, if there
is too much then he must try to control it and make it cooler or
smoother. Hanumana is very anxious to do the work of Shri Rama,
who is a character full of balance the benevolent king which
Socrates described and he needed somebody with him all the
time and Hanumana was created for this purpose. He had 9
siddhis, Navadha siddhis which are like this that he could
become big he could become so heavy that nobody could lift him
he could become so Sukshma, so subtle that nobody could see him
there are 9 siddhis that he has got so a person who has got right
side too much in him, he controls him with these 9 siddhis (900831);
Hanumana is running on our Pingala Nadi all the time - what he does
is to spoil our plans. If we run on the Pingala Nadi, instead of him
then he side-tracks all our plans all the time - and that's how our
planning fails; He who tries to control the ego (890423)
Now how will he control a man who is running very fast in his
life what he does is to control his movement in such a way that
he has to put down his speed he makes his feet very heavy or
his hands very heavy so he cannot work very much with his
hands so he can give a tremendous kind of lethargic heaviness to
a person who is very right sided. He has got another very
interesting siddhi is that he can extend his tail to any extent,
and can handle people with his tail. If he wants he can make a
mountain of his tail and sit on that. Then he can fly in the air he
doesnt have any wings but he can fly in the air he can become
so big that the amount of air he displaces has much more weight
than his own weight just the same principle as Archimedes and
so his body starts floating in the air. By flying in the air, he can
carry messages from one to another through the ether (900831)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hanumana
The subtle of the ether that we have is under the command of
Shri Hanumana he is the one who is the Lord of this ether the
subtle of the ether or the causal of the ether. All the
communications that you find, like we have within ourselves of the
ductless glands like pituitary is using ductless glands is through
Hanumana's movement because he can go into a Nirakar he can
go into a formless state. Also these communications that we have
loudspeakers TV radio all these things where we catch onto
the ether is all the blessings of Hanumana and are available to
people who are right sided - only the right sided discover these
things of the space like cordless telephones or telegraphs where
we dont use any wires. So without any connection through the
ether he can manage. Wherever you see the electromagnetic
forces working it is worked through Hanumana's blessings - he
creates electromagnetic forces. So now we can see that as
Ganesha has got the Magnetic force in him he is the Magnet
then we can say that the Electromagnetic is the one which we call
as Hanumana's force on the material side of it (900831)
So how much he gives us I mean we can say if Ganesha gives us
the wisdom then he (Hanumana) gives us the power to think and
he protects us also that we should not think of bad things that is
we can say that if Ganesha gives us the wisdom then Shri
Hanumana gives us the conscience. I hope you understand the
difference between the two if wisdom is there you do not need
conscience so much because you are wise, you know what is good
what is bad but conscience is needed in a personality where he is
to be controlled and that control comes from Shri Hanumana
which is the conscience in the human being. Now this conscience
which is in Shri Hanumana is the subtle form of him which gives us
in Sanskrit is called as Sat(a)Sat Vivekabuddhi Sat means truth
Asat means untruth and Viveka means discrimination and Buddhi
means intelligence so intelligence to discriminate between truth
and untruth is given to us by Shri Hanumana (900831)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hanumana
In the Sahaja Yoga system, if we say that Ganesha is the one
who gives us he's the Aadyaksha, means he is the I call him as
the Chancellor of the University he is the one who gives our
degree to us now you have crossed this chakra that chakra
that chakraand he helps us to know that what state we are in. So
Ganesha give us say Nirvichara Samadhi which we can call it as
Thoughtless Awareness and Nirvikalpa Samadhi he gives all
that and also he gives us Joy but the understanding that this is
good, that this is for our benevolence, the mental understanding
comes to us from Shri Hanumana and it's very important for
western people because it has to be mental otherwise they
won't understand. If it is not mental they cannot come into
Abstract it has to be mental and so the mental understanding
of whether it is good or bad is given to us by Shri Hanumana
Germany being a country which is very much I should say an
essence of right side it's important to get the protector of right
side here worshipped but in all that Vivekabuddhi in that
discrimination, he knows one thing that he's absolutely
subservient to Shri Rama (890423)... is devoted to Shri Rama
(830107); Now what is Shri Rama Shri Rama is the Benevolent
King he works for the benevolence and Shri Rama himself is a
formal king like Sankocha we call it. Shri Rama is the one who will
not push forward himself he keeps back he's very balanced
he's a very poised person so the Hanumana , he's the one whos
always anxious to do the work of Shri Rama always (900831);
Another great quality of Hanumana was that he was very alert, and
he was beyond time. Everything he did very fast. When Rama
wanted a herb, called Sanjeevani, Hanumana brought the whole
mountain, rather than waste time searching for the herb. We
should be quick witted our attention should be on the job what
are we doing about it not to put attention onto the obstructions,
but to just start it. Everything will be synchronised properly you
just start doing it. But if you behave like human beings, first
planning it, then cancelling it it's not going to work out (890423)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hanumana
Hanumana tells... you have to be surrendered to God Almighty and
not to anybody else or to your Guru, like Rama otherwise you are
not to be surrendered to anybody else. Hanumana's whole thing is
to antidote your overactivity to antidote your too much thinking
your ego. He is the one who makes fun of egoistical people so it is
the job of Hanumana to protect you from egoistical people (900831)
I am your Mother I am your Guru now as a Guru my main
concern is that you should learn all about Sahaja Yoga you should
become experts of Sahaja Yoga and you should become yourself
the gurus this is the only concern I have... but for that complete
surrender is required then only you can learn what is the way you
will handle Sahaja Yoga. Now even this surrendering is done by Shri
Hanumana he is the one who teaches you how to surrender or
makes you surrender because egoistical people dont surrender -
then he puts some sort of hurdle or some sort of miracles or some
tricks by which then a disciple surrenders himself to the Guru. So
not that he's only surrendered, but he makes others also to be
surrendered because only because of ego you cannot surrender
so he is the one who fights your ego, and he puts it down and makes
you surrender. Right side if it is to be perfectly enjoyed, then you
should be completely surrendered to your Guru, as if you are the
servant of your Guru whatever you have to do for that Guru you
have to do it (900831)
Now he is the one who protects also all the Deities he
protects. Now there is a difference between Shri Ganesha and
him Shri Ganesha gives Energy Shakti but the one who protects
is Shri Hanumana (900831)
Hanumana is nobody else but Gabriel, the Angel (770215); He
was born as an angel, and he has great powers and capacities, which
he has the right to use, and which he uses amusingly. Hanumana, as
Gabriel, had to go and tell Maria though she was a virgin that
there's a child who is an Incarnation, the Saviour who is going to
be born to her - he had to do it, so he did it. The 'carrying out of
the order' is his nature, is built within him (890423); He is an angel
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hanumana
as you know according to the Bible that he is the Angel called
Gabriel... is the one who brought the message to Maria. My first
name is Nirmala, means Immaculata and surname is Salve. Maria
has to do quite a lot with Hanumana all her life that means Maria
is Mahalakshmi Mahalakshmi being Sita, then Radha so Hanumana
has to be there to serve. Many things which you call miracles are
done by Shri Hanumana he is the one who is the doer of miracles
he does miracles also to show how foolish you are because he is on
the right side you see he goes to the ego side. There are so many
aspects of Hanumana for example his body like Siva is covered
with Geru is a kind of a red coloured stone, which is very very
hot and supposing with the cold sometimes you develop those
rashes so if you put Geru those rashes are or you get bhoota-
baddha sometimes some sort of skin diseases which are cured
with Geru because it is the one which is very hot, and it soothes
you down (900831)
On the contrary Shri Ganesha is covered with Lead Oxide with a
red Lead Oxide which is extremely cold. Lead Oxide is a very cool
thing that Lead Oxide is used to cover all his body to balance the
heat that he has or the effects of heat he has so we call it in
Sanskrit language is called as Sindhura and in Marathi as
Shindura so he's always covered with that colour, Sindhur colour.
Lead Oxide though, people say causes cancer but it is the Lead
Oxide which is very cold it can cool you down so much that you can
go to the left side and cancer is a psychosomatic disease and
that might be the reason it might cause, in a very far fetched way
we can say it can cause cancer because if it is too cold and all
that, then you go to the left side and there you can catch the
viruses by which you can get into troubles so the same Lead Oxide
is alright for people who are very right sided for them if it is put
on their Agnya it cools them down they are cooled down their
anger goes down their temper goes down and it's a very good
thing. So he is the one who cures our anger he is the one who
cures our hastiness, our speediness our aggressiveness he is the
one who does it (900831)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hanumana
He (Hanumana) played a trick on Hitler how he was using Shri
Ganesha as a symbol so a Swastika was made in a clockwise
manner then Hanumana played a trick what he did he made the
stencil which they were using for making the Swastika, he made it
in such a way that they said we should use the other side as soon
as they used the other side, Hanumana's trick they started using
Ganesha from the other side then came Ganesha he is a Deity
Shri Ganesha is the eldest and he is the Deity but Hanumana is
an Angel so as soon as the trick was played, then both of them
put together stopped Hitler from winning this is how the trick
was played (900831)
He is the one who goes like a torrential rain or can go like a
speedy tempest and destroy things so he works out all these
things through his electromagnetic forces so all the matter
'all' the matter is under his control and he's the one who
creates rain for you he creates breeze for you he's the one
who does all these things, just to have a proper Puja to have a
proper meeting everything he works out so beautifully and
nobody even knows that it's Shri Hanumana who has done it - we
should thank Shri Hanumana all the time (900831)
He was always a very majestic Angel and he is not a Sanyasi
type of a person he's not ascetic. Normally right sided people
are ascetic will have everything simple so the other way round
Hanumana is not this. Hanumana likes beauty he likes
decorativeness and makes people non-ascetic and then he is a
monkey (900831)
Tuesday is the day when Hanumana has to work (821101)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830107 Ganesha Puja - Rahuri - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 20
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
900831 Hanumana Puja - Germany good 45
- end - 30 Sep 2003
Happiness and unhappiness are the shadows of ego and superego.
Nothing should make you unhappy, and nothing should befool you.
Tell yourself 'nothing should pamper me and nothing can hurt me'.
This way we overcome the ego and superego, and with this
enlightened intelligence, we gain in wisdom (800517.1); If we don't
want to enjoy what we have, and we want to have something else,
then we can never be happy - we have to enjoy what we have
(860921.2); The greatest happiness, the greatest joy is in giving
Realisation to others; Unless and until you share your joy with
others, you will not be happy (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Date/Ref Title Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Drugs can be right sided or left sided the left side stuff is
like Hashish which make you miserable afterwards you laugh
and laugh, and then you become emotional LSD and all these,
take you to the right where you can see the auras and things
like that - all these things are imaginary they are not Reality
Reality is in the centre is in the present (821007)
One thing you can do is to put a candle near the left
Swadisthan, a little far and put one candle before the
photograph and put left hand towards the photograph, and
right hand on Mother Earth it works and the candle at the
back should be kept little far away because it makes sound, it
goes this way, and that way it burns. Those who have been
taking drugs, not LSD, but other drugs, the drowsy people who
feel sleepy, whose brains are destroyed by drugs all those
people can benefit a lot by this do it every day (860504)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
Chakras affected: Left Side
- end - 4 Mar 2003
Hassan & Hussein
Who were the grandsons of the Prophet of Mohammed Saab
born to Fatimabi and who were the two Incarnations of the
Disciple Principle, first born to Sita as Luv and Kush (790530;
811006; 770215), and also as Buddha and Mahavira (790530)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Hatha Yoga
Modern Hatha Yoga is a misnomer (791111); The genuine
complete Hatha Yoga has 8 paths, but the modern Hatha Yoga is
simply a set of exercises (811005); Was introduced by Patanjali
originally, but was brought to the West around the late 50's, and
is effective in losing weight but you will get problems, because
the left side is neglected, leading to dryness, and to left heart
catching (780619); The main thing with Hatha Yoga, is there is
no talk of compassion so only physically you'll improve (960710)
Hatha Yoga is only a wee part of it - we too, do Hatha Yoga,
but only after Realisation, and then only according to the
Kundalini movement. Otherwise it is like taking all the medicines
without discrimination (830302)
Patanjali who introduced Hatha Yoga on this Earth, a very
difficult Yoga, because only very few people could do it very
few people achieved it. Also it was to be done before the age of
20-25 years, and for years together, under a Realised Soul
when you led a very celibate life, in the jungles (780000;
790720); What Patanjali has written which is a very ancient
book is that you have to achieve the truth on your central
nervous system through your Atma Sakshatkar meaning the
experience of your Spirit (840622)
The few things that we are doing, called Asanas, have a very
big significance no doubt, but it is to be used with a proper
understanding. For example, they are to keep your particular
centres in your being alright but if you do not know what are
the centres, or you do not know what is wrong with you what
exercise are you going to take you might be harming yourself -
we do not take the whole medicinal shop just to cure the one
disease and if there is 'no' disease, what's the need to take
such a strenuous thing as Hatha Yoga (790720)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Hatha Yoga
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall see 780619 good 40
780000.01 Talk on Easter 78
780000.02 How to meditate, Seminar Talk
780000.04 God & Creation, Caxton Hall Public Program
780000.05 Public Meeting Talk No 1, Caxton Hall
780000.06 Public Meeting Talk No 2, Caxton Hall
780000.07 Ego, Superego & Subconscious, Finchley Ashram
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Also 'Havana' in which the Vishnu tattwa is evoked (900818);
This Havan is a very good thing for reciting the names of the
Goddess her eyes are given by fire and in that light in that
fire in the name of the Goddess we awaken our Deities within
us and burn away all that is wrong in these particular chakras
which invoke those powers. So with devotion and understanding
you have to do it because you are really privileged people today
be proud of that, and do with that devotion all these things we
should do it in full devotion. I think very few people can put in the
fire but you can all do symbolically and how many names do you
want to say do 108 it's better (801019)
When you do the Havan, it is a Yagnya and it was very much in
vogue at the time of Rama and means 'by which you know' Gnya
means to know Yagnya and this is done where you use Swaha as
the word means you use the principle of fire to burn off all that
is wrong in you Swaha and you awaken it by taking the different
names of God and they used to do Yagnyas at that time. On the
left side of course people started the worshipping of God and the
dedication to God, and all those things that is Bhakta but
mainly what they did before Rama was the Yagnyas the Vedas
with which they prayed to different elements (820402)
So as a child Rama was studying with a very great saint called
Vasistha, who had an ashram where Rama and his brothers studied.
He had the capacity to kill a demon with only one arrow it's
called Ekabahn one arrow was sufficient of Shri Rama and he
was a small child, say 7 or 8 years of age and people were
surprised how he could do it. So these Yagnyas were created to
awaken, evoke the Deity inside the spinal cord actually and they
used to sit down and do all these Havanas the way we do it. At
that time the Rakshasas would come and try to spoil the Yagnyas
which are to be done with pure heart and with cleanliness and
purity and should not be insulted there is a protocol about it.
Rama as a child would go and protect them from the demons. The
demons would take some sort of a funny form and come like
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Havan
invisible creatures and put some bones of animals and things like
that in the Yagnya to spoil it. The early life of Rama, you see how
as a child he showed an amount of expertise in bow and arrow
and how to make out a Rama statue, is to see if there is bow and
arrow. So his coming on this earth gave us the development of the
right side and so the Yagnya is also on the right side (820402);
Is a right sided activity (850528)
The fire ceremony which is the right hand side religious work
because it is just creativity by which you create auspiciousness
by your exciting the Deities on the right hand side (790608.2);
Yagnya is this one in which the fire everything burns off and
gives auspiciousness (791202.4); Ashwamedhi is a kind of Yagnya
a ceremony performed in Rama's time (771121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
- end - 30 Sep 2003
People who are in the 'centre' may develop a headache, with
people who are very much caught up on the right Agnya it's
important at this time to give a bandhan to yourself, and to the
other person who is very egoistical and don't listen to them
just close your ears, and the other person will stop talking. Also
they might develop some pressures on both sides of the head, as
the Kundalini sometimes, when it cannot rush upwards, is
obstructed at the Agnya and you can feel the pressure on the
brain plate. At that time, try to bring the Grace on top of the
sympathetic system bring it down and stand on the Mother
Earth, and ask her to suck it, so the Kundalini's pressure is
reduced. Problems that may develop include headaches and
pressures on the sides of the head - all these from fighting the
negativity in the persons they are with (830209); When the
Grace comes, all the chakras open up if they have a problem
with the Agnya, they should use a candle at the back if their
eyesight is getting weak, or is shortsighted (830209)
In Sahaja Yoga, when you get Self Realisation in the
beginning may not be but little later on you start yourself
feeling the 'pangs of sin' and also of the sinful people so you
avoid the company of sinful people - you have to if you remain in
the company of sinful people then you get headaches you get
Agnya catching and you get all kinds of complications and you
want to run away from that place you can't bear it. Best way to
strengthen yourself is to be together as Sahaja Yogis you
must attend the programs or when there is a collective Aarti
or Puja or Meditation (770126.1)
Problems with Hamsa can include shooting headaches on one
side, or sinus problems, and may result from being overloaded
with decision making. Avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour
(MME); Also may result from dry conditions in home or work-
place, and can be corrected by the use of ghee or oil in the nose
- just one drop in each nostril, morning and evening (841005;
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Headaches
The Vishuddhi can catch, if we feel 'too responsible', and can
result in tensions and headaches - the remedy is to witness, and
realise that everything is done by the Divine (890801); We have
cured so many people of liver troubles also migraines with
vibrated sugar white sugar (821008)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Chakras affected: Agnya; Hamsa; Vishuddhi
- end - 4 Mar 2003
We should cover the head in winter time, so that there is no
freezing of the brain covering is to be occasional, not all the
time - if it is too tight, you can get bad circulation; Also to avoid
sitting in the Sun, so the brain does not get melted (830204);
Some people go on shaking their heads continuously to say 'yes',
to show that they are understanding, when I am talking to them -
it is a very big ego business, and also it is a big right Vishuddhi
problem. If you go on like that, your Vishuddhi can never be
improved. You have to be very careful with your neck you should
not move your neck too much, or shrug your shoulders or your
hands too much (871230.1)
The head is like the coconut in structure, with the outer hair,
followed by the hard nut layer, then the black covering, a white
layer as in the coconut, and finally the space containing the
water or liquid (830204)
It would be a good idea to start using a little oil for the
head in the night as Sahaja Yogis, you should better use
some nice coconut oil, and rub on your head nicely, in the night
and in the morning after all it doesnt show much and comb
your hair in a proper way. If your dresses and your hair are
like bhoots then the bhoots will take over, thinking 'oh, this is
a bhoot sitting down here better take hold of that bhoot' so
dress up in a way that you shouldnt have hair on your forehead
at all keep it straight make it nice and have absolutely clean
foreheads (860504)
So before you start getting bald, better try putting some oil
on your head thats one very important thing, Sahaja Yogis have
to do you can take vibrated oil if you like and I think olive oil
is good but better than olive oil, I find, is coconut oil it is
better for the growth of the hair. But sometimes you can also
put almond oil is also good for you because if you have any
problems that you feel exhausted, your nerves need attention,
you are a nervous type of person, then almond oil is good for you
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Head
You see, how Kundalini clears your head you can see the
difference now just now so later on you will know you see
how many bumps here and there the head is not even but as
you will grow, you will be amazed, how your head will be very
even and you won't feel any bumps or anything - you all had
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
791009.2 Maintaining purity of Sahaja Yoga + working on new people good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 11 Mar 2003
There could be two types of curing people. One could be those
who get powers of the Collective Subconscious they can cure a
person with left side problems and those who get from the
Collective Supraconscious they can cure more the physical side -
both can cure, partly, depending on where is the problem (810524)
Take the case of the Collective Subconscious people. In India,
we have people called Mantrikas they are the people who go to
funeral pyres, and also to the cemeteries and they try to capture
the dead spirits these are the sly type of dead spirits and they
control them. They are the so-called 'social workers', sometimes
or 'busybodies', trying to 'help' others in the category of
Chaturvarnas, also called Vishudras, who believe in serving others
they dont want to die they want to stick on they are the
servant class they are absolutely servile they like to be beaten
up and ill treated a horrid type of existence they like to have
they are timid, afraid. Somebody who is suffering from a mental
problem can be cured if he goes to one of these Mantrikas -
they just tell (to the dead spirits - Ed) that 'you just get out
now' we'll put somebody else in your place and send you to some
other place - so, they are the 'mediators', or the 'liaison officers'
The second case is the Supraconscious fellow like this 'late
Doctor international bhoots he has. So all the great doctors, all
the great lawyers, all the great scientists the engineers and
architects all these great Supraconscious people, very
ambitious Hitler and all such warriors all such people gather on
the right hand side. So he, being a doctor, met all his friends
there and they said now, lets start this clinic. Now this Dr, who
died his bhoots attacked a man an ordinary soldier fighting in
Vietnam and told him to go to this Drs son and to tell him to
start this thing. So this man went to the son and told him that
'your father is within me' and he went into a trance and told
1 Cont'd...
Note Dr 'x' = Dr Lang
Sahajvidya - Healers
him some 'secret things' and so the son had to believe and he
started the clinic for him. And all the bhoot doctors, international,
were helping this particular doctor to act anywhere they wanted -
so it was established on the Collective Supraconscious (810524)
So you can be cured absolutely for a year or so but then
there are these 'spirits' within you maybe ten or eleven of them
and you can't bear them. So this kind of curing also can take place
from the Supraconscious. Supposing there is an architect if he
goes to one of these people he can get an architect who is dead
upon himself. This man who was a 'Ripper' and all that was himself
possessed by some ripper who died - you see, you have to have that
inclination no doubt you have to have that weakness within you
otherwise it won't work out (810524)
If it has something to do with the physical side, the
Supraconscious can help you if it has to do with something on the
mental side, then the Subconscious people can help you but they
help you very temporarily and then they come back fourfold
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
There will be no problems with health, if the centres are cleared
(790507); There are many doctors in Sahaja Yoga, and they have
seen with their own experiences that many patients who were
supposed to be incurable are cured. Many drug addicts got right
overnight, without paying for it, and without taking any medicines
just through their own power of Kundalini (980705)
Doctors only know the physical side of human beings. So the
problem you have doctors will say there is nothing wrong with
you until it manifests it's physical side so if there is any
problem we will know first and doctors will know much later -
maybe it will be so difficult that they may not be able to do
anything about it (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Heart Chakra
The Heart chakra the fourth centre behind the sternum bone
in the spinal cord controlled by Jagadamba, the Mother of the
Universe who gives security, and controls the sternum and
antibody production. The antibodies called 'Ganas' in Sanskrit
fight off 'attacks', or diseases and are ultimately under the
control of the 'Centre Heart' chakra where til the age of twelve
years, we develop our antibodies and which later on in life go into
the whole body into the circulation and fight our diseases and
fight our emotions. The centre of security and confidence which
manifests in the gross as the cardiac plexus.
On the right heart reside the qualities of fatherhood the
qualities of husband and father controlled by Shri Rama, the
ideal King and Father. The brother relationship is also
represented in the right heart. On the left Heart reside the
qualities of the essence of motherhood of our own mother.
The area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head the
Brahmarandhra or Fontanelle bone area, through which passes
the Kundalini, linking the human awareness to the All Pervading
Power of Divine Love is at the point where the Heart chakra is.
So there is a direct connection with the Heart chakra. This is the
hole through which the Kundalini pierces - you are so built that
your Brahmarandhra is also your heart.
Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, which resides in the
heart actually but the seat of the Spirit is here, on top of your
head, where is the fontanelle bone area but it resides in the
heart it is the collective being. This left heart centre controls
the heart itself which is the abode of Shiva of the Spirit. Your
heart has the Spirit, the light and has also got seven auras
around it which get enlightened by the Spirit when the
Kundalini rises. When these seven centres represented in the
brain are enlightened the auras start shining in the heart. And
'this' centre situated at the centre of the Sahastrara which is
1 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heart Chakra
actually the 'seat' of the Spirit of the heart is connected with
the brain. The Spirit has moved from there and has gone to the
heart thats why in childhood you'll find there's an opening
here it's a very soft bone called as the Fontanelle Bone, the
Talu because the Spirit comes out from there and is settled on
the heart. Ultimately, when this centre which is the centre of the
heart here, in Sahastrara, this point when this gets enlightened,
then the Spirit also gets enlightened fully and then these auras
become doubly shining then the auspiciousness in many
dimensions starts expressing itself. But to keep that light on one
has to keep the Kundalini over here.
Then what happens then we are ruled by our hearts rather
than by our brains and then the more you depend on your
vibratory awareness the more you use your heart, and your
Spirit, and not your brain. The more you use your brain again you
go down because it is taken over now by the Spirit. But if you
can just leave it to your heart to work it out pay attention to
your heart let your Spirit emit itself.
The Heart of the Universe is represented by England; The
importance of the heart is maximum from the heart everything
circulates. In England, I've worked the most. In India, I've not
worked so hard. And all the efforts I've put in, in England is
because England is very important is the heart and the heart
should not fail. We have to sustain it we have to humble down.
We always say to humble down in your heart.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Problems with Heart Chakra
One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most western
people is the heart you have to purify your heart by looking at
the photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother
understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart the
heart has to be clean absolutely surrendered and we must try
to put the Mother before everything else. You have to work it
through your heart, and not your brain.
That which binds our heart is fear, fear because maybe we have
been tortured or troubled by somebody in the past and so our
heart is closed, or perhaps we have frightened others and so we
are fearful that they may do the same to us. Aggressiveness is
malignant and creates a cancer, and then we start reacting. There
should be no reaction to anything, and no aggression.
The left heart chakra controls the heart itself, and can get
caught up when we exert too much, physically and mentally. Too
much hard work may lead to heart catching. Such people can get
fatal heart attacks. Also in danger of heart attacks are the
vulgar, crooked, cunning and vile of nature. Left Heart catching
means going against God, against the Spirit, being materialistic,
egoistical and also may mean too much drinking.
Mothers should give children freedom and dignity. If our mother
is fanatic, or a disciplinarian, or if a person is frightened by his
mother in childhood, or if a person is a bad mother this can lead
to problems of the left heart. If motherhood in a woman is
challenged, by her husband flirting with other women, she can
develop breast cancer.
Asthma may result if your right heart is catching also
sometimes centre heart, and is completely curable in Sahaja Yoga.
At right heart one can develop asthma, if either the person is a
bad father or husband or if that person has a bad husband or
father relationship or even if you haven't forgiven your father.
This centre may catch if the father has died and does not want to
leave, or if supposing your father has died very early in his life
1 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Problems with Heart Chakra
and he has left a mark of unhappiness in your heart, or insecurity -
because that means he is still hovering around you. It is also
possible to get asthma if you have a wife who is a shrew. At the
right heart, right sided people may have a very bad time with
their children with their parents or with their wives.
Palpitations is from an overactive heart that develops in
right sided people in which the heart pumps fast and
palpitations may take place. This may come to those who go
headlong into wrong paths and to wrong gurus.
If you pay too much attention to your physical side, you can
become a dry personality absolutely. Such a person gets heart
troubles because the spirit resides in the heart, and if you are
too much physical, then the heart goes out - you must pay
attention to your spirit. So you are not only a physical being you
are also a mental being you are an emotional being and, a
spiritual being all these must be integrated and there should be
a complete balance. One has to work, but work should not be put
at the top of our priorities. If we work too hard, we may catch on
the heart. Too much of hard work is not good. Work is not
important - we will not have this after some time.
The Modern Hatha Yoga is a misnomer and is simply a set of
exercises which are effective in losing weight but, you will get
problems, because the left side is neglected, leading to dryness,
and to left heart catching. The main thing with Hatha Yoga, is
there is no talk of compassion so only physically you'll improve -
all Hatha Yogis have a problem.
The Sankoch of Shri Rama if you dont have within you you can
get right heart so this Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas,
means the boundaries of your relationships. The delicacy of
understanding. You see this arrogance and rudeness comes to us
because we have no Sankoch. That Sankoch, that understanding
comes if you love someone and understand.
Invariably, centre heart catches in people with Aids (890801)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Correcting the Heart Chakra
every moment. Every moment has an ocean of Joy in it but
to start it, you must thank whatever you have got. Thankfulness
is the way to Joy there's no other way - we get everything, but
we never thank judging type we are - today is the day of
thanking; Thankfulness, if you do not have, you'll never enjoy
what you have whatever you have got whatever God has given
you out of His Grace out of His compassion out of His love.
We do not know how to thank Him you see this is the point
have we thanked Him every moment of our life. When you thank
Him, the waves of Joy will rise within you.
If you dont have that Sankoch of Shri Rama you get right
heart. So this Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas, means
the boundaries of dharma of your relationships the discretion
of the heart. Sankoch means restraint in a wise way
enlightened restraint how far to go with a person is the
question. Not to say something in such a way that you touch the
wrong side of a person is Sankoch.
Rama was on the right side of the heart means the heart
put to activity do you understand that. When you are in the
'left heart' thats your sincerity your 'heart felt' thing but
the heart felt thing how many of you are really putting that to
action absolutely into action. Without that your Rama's tattwa
cannot be improved. Rama's tattwa is only improved when you put
all the things into action thats exactly what Shri Rama did.
To cure problems of asthma put the hand on the heart and
say mantra to awaken the fatherhood. If the father is still
hovering around you then you have to tell your father that 'I'm
alright you take your birth you take your Realisation'. Like
that we have cured the asthma of people who have been
suffering from 25 years.
To correct a centre heart problem, hold your breath, not
with great force, but ordinarily, hold for a while then exhale - 3
times, and use the mantra for Jagadamba.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Heart Chakra - Aspect or Deity
Jagadamba the Mother of the Universe, residing in the
centre heart part of Adi Shakti, the Desire Power of God
first incarnated 14000 years back, and whose qualities include
security, and who controls the sternum bone and antibody
production, and who incarnates many times to kill and destroy
the evil forces, the Rakshasas, or devilish people. The
Primordial Mother who is Mahalakshmi, who is the Protector,
and who kills all the demons and devils both inside you and
without, and is called as Jagadamba, the Mother of the
The Deity on the right heart, with qualities of the ideal
father and husband Shri Rama the ideal, benevolent King is
the embodiment of all the good qualities in a man. Shri Rama
being Sankochi means he's a man full of Grace. Shri Rama was
known to be a very formal person Sankoch that he would go
to any extent to bear upon himself the problems, than to tell
others to do something this is one of the greatest qualities of
Shri Rama that he would not order anyone do anything for him.
The softness of Shri Rama goes to the extremes which I call
the Sankoch. There's no word in English language because you
have 'formality' which is a very insipid word to describe
Sankoch it's an action 'formality of the heart' in action you
Shri Shiva resides in our heart is unlimited compassion,
and whose Shakti is Shri Parvati. Shiva the Destroyer, is
Innocence personified who beautifies, and gives joy. He who
puts lights into Mother's Photos, who creates aesthetics, makes
the vibrations; Who can neutralise poisons. Who gives Sat Chit
Anand; Who gives longevity and who teaches, by receding from
the heart. Shiva is the Guru Parvati is the Shakti. Shiva is to
be taken as Guru Shiva is the one who is our Guru he is our
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Heart Chakra - Aspect or Deity
The Unity of your attention, called as Jiva and your Spirit,
called as Shiva is the Yoga. These two must meet unless and
until they meet, you cannot reach your Absolute. What we
should do is first of all establish our own Shiva Principle is the
principle of joy principle of love and principle of truth I
should say.
Now Vishnu is there his power is there for you to rise up to
the Shiva Principle one is supplementary for another you
cannot reach Shiva without Vishnu and you cannot stick to
Shiva's Principle, if you have not understood Vishnu's Principle.
Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi and she is
the Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through
the channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary
process. So how can you do away with one of them one is the
road another is the destination.
Heart Chakra - Summary
Chakra: Heart or Anahata
Deity: Shiva Parvati (L) ; Durga; Jagadamba (C)
Shri Sita Rama (R)
Physical: The Heart; Sternum Bone;
Cardiac Plexus
Functions: Circulation; Immunity
Qualities: Love; Compassion; Sincerity; Joy;
Motherhood; Benevolence
Security; Confidence; Fearlessness; Protection
Husband/Brother/Father relationships; Sankoch;
Mariadas; Caring
Catch: Fear; Materialism; Overactivity;
Cunning; Vulgar; Vile; Thinking; Heavy drinking;
Arrogance/Rudeness; Flirting;
Diseases: Heart Attack; Asthma; Aids;
Breast Cancer
Treatments: Inhale, hold breath, exhale 3 times
repeating Jagadamba; Care for others;
Recognise the Mother;
Learn Mariadas & practice Sankoch;
Affirmations: Mother please come in my heart;
I am the Spirit
Mantras: Use the Deity Name
Petals: Twelve
Position: Little Fingers; Centre of Sahastrara;
Behind the sternum bone.
Country: England
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Sahajvidya Heart Attack
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
Chakras affected: Right Side
Centre Heart
The Heart centre, the fourth centre behind the sternum bone in
the spinal cord, and in which the 'lub-dub' sound in the heart is
produced without percussion (MME); The Kundalini, when it
reaches the top of the head, you can feel the lub-dub of a heart
Kabira has said 'at the top of your head, you can feel Anahata'
Anahata is the sound of the heart you can feel it it has to
happen (821007)
The area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head
(910505) the Fontanelle bone area, through which passes the
Kundalini, linking the human awareness to the All Pervading Power
of Divine Love (MME) is at the point where the Heart chakra is,
so there is a direct connection with the Heart chakra (830204);
This is the hole through which the Kundalini pierces (840622)
you are so built that your Brahmarandhra is also your heart. Try
to open your heart by projecting it (821219)
The fourth Chakra, controlled by Jagadamba (810829), the
Mother of the Universe and who gives security, and controls the
sternum and antibody production (811005); The antibodies called
'Ganas' in Sanskrit are under the control of the sternum bone,
by which they are produced, and fight off 'attacks', or diseases
are ultimately under the control of the 'Centre Heart' chakra
(MME) where til the age of twelve years, we develop our
antibodies which later on in life go into the whole body into the
circulation and fight our diseases and fight our emotions
(790722); The 'centre heart' controls our immune system (MME),
and manifests in the gross as the cardiac plexus (830302); The
centre of security and confidence (MME)
Invariably, this centre catches in people with Aids (890801);
Asthma may also sometimes result if your centre heart is
catching (820402) and is completely curable in Sahaja Yoga
(890801); To correct a centre heart problem, hold your breath,
not with great force, but ordinarily, hold for a while then exhale -
3 times, and use the mantra for Jagadamba (791118)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Centre Heart
Jagadamba first incarnated 14000 years back, whose quality
includes security, and who controls the sternum bone and antibody
production, and who incarnates many times to kill and destroy the
evil forces, the Rakshasas, or devilish people; The Mother of the
Universe residing in the centre heart; Part of Adi Shakti, the
Desire Power of God (941009; 810829; 811005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 8 Nov 2002
Right Heart
Where resides the quality of fatherhood the qualities of
husband and father (890801); The qualities of the father are at
the right Heart chakra (820711) the subtle centre controlled
by Shri Rama, the ideal King and Father (810829); Sankoch of Shri
Rama. If you dont have that Sankoch you get right heart. So this
Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas, means the boundaries of
your relationships (820402); The discretion of the heart
(820402); The boundaries of dharma (900818), that are restored
by the Kundalini (920621); Also the brother relationship is
represented in the right heart (790618)
Shri Rama, the ideal King and Father (810829); Rama the ideal,
benevolent King - 8000 years back (811005), and more than 2000
years before Shri Krishna (970600); The Deity on the right heart,
with qualities of the ideal father and husband (811005); Shri
Rama is the embodiment of all the good qualities in a man
One can develop asthma, if either the person is a bad father or
husband or if that person has a bad husband or father
relationship (890801); This centre may catch if the father has
died and does not want to leave, or if the father is unkind to the
son, or if the son is unkind to the father, or the father is cruel,
dejected or lost etc. This may then result in asthma. To cure it
put the hand on this centre and say mantra to awaken the
fatherhood (820711); It may also be catching if, supposing your
father has died very early in his life, and he has left a mark of
unhappiness in your heart, or insecurity - because that means he is
still hovering around you. Then you have to tell your father that
'I'm alright you take your birth you take your Realisation'. Like
that we have cured the asthma of people who have been suffering
from 25 years (790608.2); Asthma may result if your right heart
is catching also sometimes centre heart (820402), and is
completely curable in Sahaja Yoga (890801); At the right heart,
right sided people may have a very bad time with their children
with their parents or with their wives (830209)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Right Heart
It is possible to get asthma if you are a bad husband, or have a
wife who is a shrew, or if you are a bad father, or if your father is
not kind to you, or even if you haven't forgiven your father
Palpitations an overactive heart that develops in right sided
people in which the heart pumps fast and palpitations may take
place (830209); Those who go headlong into wrong paths may
suffer from funny heart troubles, palpitations, insomnia, vomiting,
giddiness, irrelevant talking etc. It is very serious to go to wrong
gurus (830204)
So we have a Sahaja Yoga tradition also in which when we speak
to each other we have that Sankoch within us of Shri Rama. If you
dont have that Sankoch you get right heart. So this Sankoch one
has to learn the Mariadas, means the boundaries of your
relationships (820402); You see there is a Sankoch means
restraint in a wise way enlightened restraint how far to go
with a person is the question (.0012); Not to say something in
such a way that you touch the wrong side of a person is Sankoch.
The delicacy of understanding. You see this arrogance and
rudeness comes to us because we have no Sankoch. That Sankoch,
that understanding comes if you love someone and understand
Shri Rama being Sankochi means he's a man full of Grace
(850000.2); Shri Rama was known to be a very formal person
Sankoch that he would go to any extent to bear upon himself the
problems, than to tell others to do something this is one of the
greatest qualities of Shri Rama that he would not order anyone
do anything for him. The softness of Shri Rama goes to the
extremes which I call the Sankoch (871004; 861223); There's no
word in English language because you have 'formality' which is a
very insipid word to describe Sankoch it's an action 'formality
of the heart' in action you see (820402)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Right Heart
Rama was on the right side of the heart means the heart put
to activity do you understand that. When you are in the 'left
heart' thats your sincerity your 'heart felt' thing but the
heart felt thing how many of you are really putting that to
action absolutely into action. Without that your Rama's tattwa
cannot be improved. Rama's tattwa is only improved when you put
all the things into action thats exactly what Shri Rama did
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
871004 Dasshera Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 8 Nov 2002
The Heart
The Heart centre, the fourth centre behind the sternum bone in
the spinal cord, and in which the 'lub-dub' sound in the heart is
produced without percussion (MME); The Kundalini, when it
reaches the top of the head, you can feel the lub-dub of a heart
Kabira has said 'at the top of your head, you can feel Anahata'
Anahata is the sound of the heart you can feel it it has to
happen (821007)
The area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head
(910505) the Fontanelle bone area, through which passes the
Kundalini, linking the human awareness to the All Pervading Power
of Divine Love (MME) is at the point where the Heart chakra is,
so there is a direct connection with the Heart chakra (830204);
This is the hole through which the Kundalini pierces (840622)
you are so built that your Brahmarandra is also your heart. Try to
open your heart by projecting it (821219)
The left Heart where resides the qualities of our own mother -
if our mother is fanatic, or a disciplinarian, this can lead to
problems of the left heart. Mothers should give children freedom
and dignity (820711); Where resides the quality of the essence of
motherhood left heart catches if a person is frightened by his
mother in childhood, or if a person is a bad mother (810829);
'Left Heart' is connected to our worldly mother (MME); If
motherhood is challenged by, for example the husband's infidelity,
breast cancer can develop (890801); The 'mother relationship' is
represented in the heart (790618)
This centre controls the heart itself, and can get caught up
when we exert too much, physically and mentally and also drink
heavily. Such people can get fatal heart attacks. Also in danger of
heart attacks are the vulgar, crooked, cunning and vile of nature
(MME); Too much hard work may lead to heart catching (780619);
Left Heart catching means going against God, against the Spirit,
being materialistic, egoistical and also may mean too much drinking
(791202.2); Thoughts can cover the heart (850806); The heart
itself is the abode of Shiva of the Spirit (910002)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
The Heart of the Universe is represented by England; The
importance of the heart is maximum (840702) from heart
everything circulates; The heart is represented in the head at
Brahmarandra put Mother in your heart and raise to the
Sahastrara; We are in our Mother's Heart, and are circulating in
Her Body (850806); In England, I've worked the most. In India,
I've not worked so hard. And all the efforts I've put in, in
England is because England is very important is the heart and
the heart should not fail. We have to sustain it we have to
humble down. We always say to humble down in your heart
Your heart has the Spirit, the light and has also got seven
auras around it which get enlightened by the Spirit it's a very
instantaneous or you can say simultaneous happening. But, before
that when the Kundalini rises there are the seven centres
represented on the seven seats in our brain all the Sahaja Yogis
know where they are. So when these centres are enlightened the
auras start shining in the heart. And 'this' centre is actually the
'seat' of the Spirit (800721) of the heart situated at the
centre of the Sahastrara and is connected with the brain
(910505); The Spirit has moved from there and has gone to the
heart thats why in childhood you'll find there's an opening
here it's a very soft bone called as the Fontanelle Bone, the
Talu because the Spirit comes out from there and is settled on
the heart (800721)
So when the Kundalini rises first these centres get
enlightened then in the brain then the auras in the heart start
getting enlightened ultimately, when this centre which is the
centre of the heart here, in Sahastrara, this point when this
gets enlightened, then the Spirit also gets enlightened fully and
then these auras become doubly shining then the auspiciousness
in many dimensions starts expressing itself. But to keep that light
on one has to keep the Kundalini over here (800721)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
Then what happens then we are ruled by our hearts rather
than by our brains and then the more you depend on your
vibratory awareness the more you use your heart, and your
Spirit, and not your brain. The more you use your brain again you
go down because it is taken over now by the Spirit. But if you
can just leave it to your heart to work it out and dont think
because now you are in thoughtless awareness after Realisation.
And if you try to maintain that state pay attention to your
heart let your Spirit emit itself so that it clears out completely
the confusion of the brain and everything then you'll be amazed
that you cannot lose your vibrations you cannot lose your
Realisation (800721)
The brain when it is not nourished by the heart is very
dangerous, is ruthless. Conversely, if there is heart only and no
rationality, we can become dangerous to ourselves, lethargic and
indulgent into wrong things (890611); All our brain activity goes
against pure intelligence; Our thinking can make us so bumptious,
so ego oriented, so impure (830113)
We have to train our heart in Sahaja Yoga, and to train our
heart in Sahaja Yoga, one has to know that it is enveloped either
by ego or superego. The limbic area actually represents the heart
(830121); Those who use their right side too much use their
brain too much their heart fails while those who use their
heart too much the brain fails (821008); Reality is achieved
through the heart not the brain (910728); The ego covers the
heart, and is to be surrendered (850528); If left Agnya is
catching put your hand on your heart just assert 'Mother I
am the Spirit' (840622)
To keep the Sahastrara clean is to open your heart if your
hearts are not open, how will I fill it up with my love open your
hearts to your fellow Yogis and Yoginis; To keep Sahastrara
absolutely clear cut, we must listen to whatever I have told you,
and obey it, as absolutely an ordained thing (870503.1); We have
to be on guard to see what is closing the Sahastrara (960505)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
Recognition of our Mother, is the mental activity of the Heart.
Develop it by introspection and meditation, developing those waves
of gratitude, love, oneness and Joy (910505); Surrendering just
means you open your heart to accept Mother's Love give up this
ego, that's all, and it will work out; "I am trying to push myself
into your hearts, and I'll definitely settle down there" (821219)
Now the 3 powers of Adi Shakti work in you. One gives you
longevity and a clear-cut idea about your desires if your desires
are 'right', all your desires are fulfilled by this power all your
desires all - but first one should know that your desires
should be 'right' for example why do you want what is the
purpose are you sure about it if your desires are clear-cut,
then they will be fulfilled absolutely one hundred percent. That
power you can achieve only by putting your bandhan on your heart
whatever desire you have you say it, and put it on your heart
means you are asking from your heart seven times you just give
it a bandhan, and the work will be done but dont use it for
nonsensical things because if you use it for nonsensical things,
this power will go away use it for something special of a higher
level (800127.2)
In order to mature so that we may become one with the
Absolute, we have to maintain a certain amount of Suchitta,
purity, within ourselves. We have to fight the confusion - it has to
be faced and seen. Confusion comes from conditionings, brain
washings, physical and mental problems, and from the atmosphere
etc. Some people achieve maturity much faster than others
despite the fact that they may have been ruined by many but
still they do it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what we
call Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the
power of Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and
comes from your heart absolutely from your heart then it
works much faster. Once you put your heart to it, everything will
work out well because the whole force is coming from your
heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. So the only
judging point is 'am I doing it from my heart or am I doing it
superficially' (791009.1)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
At this moment, my children my Sahaja Yogis are at that level
that they can completely open their hearts without any fear. It's
a very different stage you have reached now just assume your
powers know that you are that just open your heart. Material
problems are not difficult to be solved physical problems also.
Give up that fear which is placed within you, in your experiences.
Now this is a new experience, of a new life, where your energies
come from the Spirit which is love - in one word it is love and in
3 words, it is Truth it is Attention and it is Joy all put
together, it is Love when you mix them up, it becomes love and
that is what you have. So, love is the strongest thing and the
sweetest thing. It's such a beautiful combination and the one
who has the wisdom, that subtle wisdom, can only achieve it
If you pay too much attention to your physical side, you can
become a dry personality absolutely. Such a person gets heart
troubles because the spirit resides in the heart, and if you are
too much physical, then the heart goes out - you must pay
attention to your spirit. So you are not only a physical being you
are also a mental being you are an emotional being and, a
spiritual being all these must be integrated and there should be
a complete balance (821008)
Modern Hatha Yoga is a misnomer (791111) and is simply a set
of exercises (811005); It was brought to the West around the
late 50's, and is effective in losing weight but you will get
problems, because the left side is neglected, leading to dryness,
and to left heart catching (780619); The main thing with Hatha
Yoga, is there is no talk of compassion so only physically you'll
improve (960710) all Hatha Yogis have a problem (780000)
One has to work, but work should not be put at the top of our
priorities (800613); If we work too hard, we may catch on the
heart (780619); Too much of hard work is not good (780000);
Work is not important - we will not have this after some time
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
That which binds our heart is fear, fear because maybe we have
been tortured or troubled by somebody in the past and so our
heart is closed, or perhaps we have frightened others and so we
are fearful that they may do the same to us. Aggressiveness is
malignant and creates a cancer, and then we start reacting. There
should be no reaction to anything, and no aggression (870503.1);
If motherhood in a woman is challenged, by her husband flirting
with other women, she can develop breast cancer (890801)
One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most western
people is the heart you have to purify your heart by looking at
the photograph and putting all loving feelings about your Mother
understanding Her work and putting Her into your heart the
heart has to be clean absolutely surrendered and we must try
to put the Mother before everything else. You have to work it
through your heart, and not your brain (830121)
Now we have got different mantras for different chakras if
one chakra is catching, then you work on that chakra only, and
develop your mantras on that. Supposing you have to say something
for your heart, a mantra first of all you must ask forgiveness
from God, because your attention has not been so much as it
should have been, on the Spirit. Now you ask for forgiveness from
your heart it should not be ritualistic, but it should be from your
heart and not to think about it, but put your hand towards it
direct the vibrations but don't think at that time that is the
most important thing; Humble down yourself means to bring down
your attention to your heart don't think (800907)
When you are saying the mantra, put your attention without
thought to that particular chakra but if you are thinking, then
you are again catching the heart much more. By thinking, the right
side gets overactive, the ego develops and engulfs the heart. So
by 'thinking' how to correct the ego, the worse you become - then
you are fighting it. So we have to give a balance bring down your
ego with your hands. Not mentally you resolve it, but through
your vibrations and mantras mantras are very important for
Sahaja Yogis; For ego you say 'Mother you are our ego we don't
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
do anything you do everything' - if you say like that, it will work
out otherwise it will not; Be humble be humble in your heart.
What you have to surrender is your ego means your thinking; If
you are thinking, open your eyes, and say 'I forgive, I forgive'
even if you take my name, it's sufficient (800907)
Now when you are facing the photograph, just to check up
yourself, humble down yourself first of all, like a person who
wants to perfect himself and try to find out what is wrong with
you. Humble down means to bring down your attention to your
heart don't think. Now see what chakras are catching you need
not judge 'why' you are catching that's not important for us. It
is catching alright so you don't go on a trip of thinking; Once
you start 'thinking', then there's a barrier between the Spirit and
you - in any art or in any deftness, that's how the creativity, the
spontaneity is finished by thinking. So do everything in silence
in thoughtless awareness that's the main point. Try at least to
see my face without thinking my face itself makes you
thoughtless on the photograph you can watch my face without
thinking and it will work out. Silence your mind (800907)
Now for Sahaja Yogis as I say there should be no ritual
ritualistic things always make you absolutely dead there should
not be like early in the morning you start with a mantra and go
on repeating mantra like a mechanical thing it's absolutely paying
no respect to the Deity. But in a proper way whichever Deity you
want to awaken think of that Deity, try to cleanse it, with all the
understanding and deliberations with respect with a protocol
and not just to take somebody's name and just go on chanting any
mantra you feel it's not a mechanical thing. Sahaja Yoga is a
thing which has to come from the heart it is heart felt if you
do not do it from your heart it has no meaning (810511)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
Then how you behave is very important you should not be
artificial or superficial but best is to put your hand on your
heart both the hands and just try to feel your Mother is Adi
Shakti she has created all this Universe she has created all
this world and she is for your protection - as soon as I come to
know about your problems, my attention can work it out. All this
protection is given to you because you are seekers of truth and
the truth is that I am the Adi Shakti Incarnated. Once this truth
becomes one with your self, there's nothing to fear because all
the Deities know this fact they know about this Incarnation very
well theyll do anything to substantiate your belief in every way
my photographs in the sky they are so anxious. They are behind
the stage before the stage all sides of the stage listening to
me feeling very happy that I am telling you the truth. But the
way they recognise the way they act they never disobey. If you
behave in the same manner, you are completely protected from all
these problems I have told you about (911013)
Then praise the Lord because God is fond of praise if you
praise the Lord, then he gives you everything it's true. You
cannot get to Mother, unless and until you are really bhakti from
your heart but if you have bhakti, then you can get to Mother it
is written Bhakti Gamya. So your faith has to be absolutely
untarnishable. So when this faith in God is absolutely established
within you, that there is God Almighty that he's Almighty and
that 'I am the messenger of that God' just this understanding,
when it becomes absolutely formed in you, then you are in Guru
Pada. But we have to remember one thing that we must have
complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the powers of God
Almighty complete faith (920719)
Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, which resides in the
heart actually but the seat of the Spirit is here, on top of your
head, where is the fontanelle bone area but it resides in the
heart it is the collective being (821007); The greatest thing He
has given us, is Realisation and the 'way of Sahaja'. Look into
8 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
your heart, and humble down and thank every moment - that is
the key to start the Joy out of every moment. Every moment has
an ocean of Joy in it but to start it, you must thank whatever
you have got. Thankfulness is the way to Joy there's no other
way - we get everything, but we never thank judging type we are
- today is the day of thanking; Thankfulness, if you do not have,
you'll never enjoy what you have whatever you have got
whatever God has given you out of His Grace out of His
compassion out of His love. We do not know how to thank Him
you see this is the point have we thanked Him every moment of
our life. When you thank Him, the waves of Joy will rise within you
The heart can be opened out by Sahaja Yoga by one thing by
saying 'Mother, come in my heart' just say it 12 times it works;
And for the brain, you can say it 7 times it works - I am available
to you (880921)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall - see 780619 good 40
780000.01 Talk on Easter 78
780000.02 How to meditate, Seminar Talk
780000.04 God & Creation, Caxton Hall Public Program
9 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Heart
Heat - Burning
When felt on the fingers, is an indication of something wrong
on the centres, and is indicative of a catch (791203); When the
Kalki chakra is caught up, all your fingers start burning on the
hands, the palms, sometimes even in the body you get a terrible
burning (790928); Burning or tingling (790608.2); We can feel
catches on the fingers, as heat on the fingers, instead of cool all
over the fingers denote the chakras. After Realisation it is also
possible to feel like 'pins and needles' on the hands - if there is
a problem on the centres it can be cured (791203)
The biggest sin of modern times, which is immorality, the 'Sin
against the Mother', produces cancer which is also heat
producing, and is also called the 'Sin against the Goddess' and
results in psychosomatic, or physical diseases, such as Aids,
cancer etc with delayed punishment (941009; 830113.2); All
cancer patients give heat (810524)
Many wrong books have been written about Kundalini, saying
that you will start jumping, or get heat or burning etc. This is all
wrong, is satanic, and is written by people with wrong motives.
The first Deity of Holiness sits at the triangular bone, and shows
his temper by giving bad experiences to those who have
experimented with the Kundalini in a wrong way, and has punished
them as a result (800609)
Now when you find that a person has a cancer on the hands
you find that all these fingers (all fingers of left hand - Ed) are
burning sometimes even these fingers (fingers on both the
hands - Ed) start burning. If you put your hands toward a person
who is suffering from cancer, all your fingers start burning (left
and right hands - Ed) and you start burning here and here
(indicating the area on the outer part of the palms, at the base
of all fingers, on both left and right hands - Ed). Also you may
start feeling a throbbing here (indicating the solar plexus area -
Ed) of course throbbing doesnt mean that a person has cancer,
but it's one of the symptoms. So far I havent seen one patient
of cancer who has not been emotionally very much inclined so
it's more a case of emotional disturbance (821008)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
If you find that your right side is hot, what you do is put your
right side towards the photograph, and your left side up towards
the ether the ether takes away the heat. But what actually
happens is that your right side gets the vibrations, and the heat
is pushed towards your left and passes out into the ether. Now
this heat comes from too much futuristic living and this heat
has to go away. For that, there are various things we have to use,
but mainly for right sided people, they should not use any light at
all they should not sit in the Sun but should sit in the
moonlight. They should read some poetry and should tie up their
watches, and not look at time and they should allow time to
pass and should just become very sort of emotional people and
should sing songs of bhakti. They should not do Hatha Yoga -
there are many things they should not do (880921); The Moon
represents the Atma the cooling capacity - you are all on the
right side so you ask for the Moon ask for the Spirit (.0011)
A right sided person has all the elements which give heat you
can say the light and the fire so to correct it, light is not going
to help very much. What is going to work out is the Mother Earth
and the water element which is cooling even ice is very helpful
to people who are right sided. So all cooling effects should be
used for correcting your right sidedness. The same with food
those who are right sided should take to foods which are left
sided i.e. carbohydrates, and should become partly vegetarian,
and should eat things at the most like chickens, but not fishes or
sea food, because they are all hot (830121); For problems of the
right side of the stomach area take sugar - 5 of the dharmas
are helped by salt, and 5 are helped by sugar (781005); Mango
juice is not so good for people who have diarrhoea - the Indians
know that it's very hot, and creates heat in the stomach,
though it's very tasty (881221); Fish is a strongly heat
producing food, to be avoided by persons who are too much on
the right side of the subtle system. Also sea foods in general
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands maybe some
of you if so, you can just throw it away or those who are
feeling the 'left' hand hot, please put your right hand on the
heart those who are feeling hot in the 'right' hand, then you
put your left hand on the liver just below the ribs and right
hand towards me (790524); If the right hand is burning but not
the left hand that is when a person is right sided, being an
intellectual or futuristic person (830512), the left side subtle
system is raised and taken over to the right side, by movement
of the right hand, to bring the system into balance (830121); If
we have ego, we should raise the left side, and put it to the right
side there's no other way out you have to work it out with
your hands (830121); In vibrational terms hot is not good is
caught up (820711)
In Sahaja Yoga, we regard the left hand as the minus hand, and
the right hand as the plus hand. Whatever you may do with the
left hand, you are sucking in, whilst with the right hand you are
giving out. So as an example, if you want to correct a liver which
is overheated, you put the left hand on the liver, and the right
hand outside, and then you are taking the heat from the liver,
and giving it out with the right hand (800517.2); To clear the
liver, it is no good trying to use the fire element (directly - Ed),
because it would be adding fire to fire - so if you want to use the
fire, then you must take out heat from the liver with the left
hand, and give it to the fire with the right hand (800517.2)
Now this liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons
from the body as heat and the heat in the body is to be
conveyed to the blood and that has to be taken out of the
body maybe as perspiration or in other forms. But what
happens is that when this liver is out of gear it cannot pass this
heat into the blood stream and the heat remains in the body
and you become heated up and that makes all these problems
for you. Those people who have bad liver feel a little heat when
the Kundalini rises but you can definitely cure your liver no
doubt about it (820514)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
We also can become confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol,
which is against our attention. Alcohol was not intended for us to
drink, but was provided for us as a polish. Gin is good for polishing
diamonds. However if we drink it, then our liver suffers, being also
polished, and so preventing the transfer of heat into the blood.
The result is that we become hot tempered and angry (810328);
Flowing colds, characterised by sneezing, running nose, and hay
fever are due to the liver producing heat (870408); The liver
gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi (830202)
Another precaution you have to take is that when you are sitting
in the Sun, sometimes your head gets very heated up, and then
immediately if you go and get cold water, definitely you will get
sick - no doubt about it. So if you are sitting in the Sun,
immediately you should never, never, never take any water, til you
have eaten something sweet take some sugar, or jagari, or a
biscuit or something even if you are very thirsty you should not
take it; If these little precautions have been taken, then nothing
should happen to Sahaja Yogis if we get sick then our Mother
gets sick that's what the problem is (881221)
Hamsa chakra is a very material thing and has to be worked on,
on a material level only and is where you get troubles like sinus,
colds and coughs, and all that and can result from the drying up
of the nose because of the use of central heating. Indians,
Maharashtrians especially, take a Kaduk bath means with very
hot water this is an absolutely wrong idea. Normally a cold bath
is best but if not possible, then take a tepid water. This will
solve one of the problems that you do not expose yourself to too
much cold or heat - the temperature is kept the same as the room
temperature. People have died of their lung cancer, because they
can't get out of 'their' bad habit of taking bath every morning. I
call it bad habit for Indians, not for the English because they
take their bath, and then immediately are going out to work. So
take your bath at 4 o'clock in the morning, stay in the house and
get used to the climate, and then go out or take your bath in the
night (.0011)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
Now, heat and cold for example - to take coffee, and then take
water is absolutely wrong. Water if you take, then gradually heat
it up and take coffee last and then dont take water til you have
taken some carbohydrates. I mean this is what it is is the heat
and the cold the combination of the heat and the cold should be
understood; Supposing you have taken coffee then after that you
cannot take anything cold; So if you're taking ice cream first
take the ice cream, then take a biscuit, then take some water,
then take a biscuit, and then you can take something hot. Now
supposing you are taking something hot, and you have to take
water also, then take 3 biscuits (881221; 0.0011)
In England they eat so much of cold foods that I am amazed
the amount of ice western people eat, we can't understand.
Indiscriminately theyll take ice cream and after that theyll take
coffee or after coffee theyll take ice cream before eating ice
theyll have hot thats the worst of all. We dont understand how
to discriminate between hot and cold. Food also we should not eat
immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling food you should not
eat. I dont know why such devilish ideas are coming - let your
juices flow out to digest it and then eat it otherwise you'll burn
your tongue your palate burn everything. So best is to keep a
tepid understanding of food also so water should not be very
hot food should not be very hot (0.0011)
Left Side is the side which is cool, and needs heat (800517.2)
whilst the Right Side or Sun channel (811005) is the side which is
hot and needs cooling down (800517.2); The Vishuddhi looks
after the cooling function - the liver gives heat, whilst the cooling
is done by Vishuddhi. If the Vishuddhi is good, then there is a
bloom on the face, a glow, a sparkle in the eyes (830202)
A Realised Soul if he goes in a place, which is not to be seen
or to a guru or somebody like that immediately he will feel
heated up and if he doesnt run away if he still goes on and on
he will lose his vibrations and he'll become just like the other
person (770215)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
People who are in the 'centre' may suffer from the drying up of
the liquid in the body, if they have to fight the anti-God elements
very much so a kind of dryness can develop in their peritoneum
that's why it's nice for them to eat some ghee or butter. They
must rub their fingers and hands with ghee or butter to soothe
it down, because the heat from the other people can make them
dried up (830209)
When the Kundalini enters the limbic area, the lotus opens, and
looks like flames but with no heat, but extremely cooling and
soothing (960505); The catalyst that causes the Kundalini to rise
- the identity of which is easy to find out: simply to ask the
question, and see the answer on the flow of vibrations (cool flow
to confirm absence of or heat to deny); Ask questions of the
Primordial Mother (840702)
Now how will you know that these vibrations are telling you the
truth it's very simple if you understand the common sense of
'relativity' like bring two mad people, absolutely certified as
mad and two sane people now you put your hands towards the
people who are mad you will get horrible burning maybe in the
whole hand on the left hand side. You get maybe ten cases like
that. Now you ask the question 'is there God' and you start
getting Cool Breeze flowing into you or 'is this power All
Pervading' you start getting Cool Breeze flowing into you. That
is how you find out which is the truth (800721)
Moreover, a Realised Soul cannot get burnt the fire cannot
burn the burning cannot come to him it is very important to
understand also if you are doing something wrong, it may burn
you but if you are a good Sahaja Yogi and I should say a
perfect Sahaja Yogi, fire will never burn you. We have an
example of Sitaji that she went into the fire nothing burnt
her. So this is what one has to understand that once you get to
the subtleties of the fire, and the water both of them,
become sort of Divine (981216)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Heat/Burning
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella - video says 941008] good 55
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
References Hell
There are three areas, which are very dangerous where we
should not enter into the Supraconscious the Subconscious
and down below is the Hell (831001); It is a reality (870513); It
is the easiest thing to go to Hell - you don't have to do anything,
or make any effort for it (830204); That exists all around us; Is
a bottomless pit (790507); The area that exists down below this
last chakra is the Hell absolute Hell (831001); Is described
the best by Mahavira, and where there are worms, mosquitoes
etc. (850000.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 12 Sep 2002
High Blood Pressure
Is a right side complication associated with the kidneys,
which can arise from a right side imbalance of the Swadisthan
(840313; 821008), when we are working too much; To cure this
problem, take the Photo, and raise Left to Right (firstly 108
times, then 21 times, then 7 times), and do footsoaking, with salt
in the water. Raise left, and bring Grace to the right (830129);
Right sided people are vulnerable to kidney troubles (830209);
Supposing he is suffering from high blood pressure and other
things like that, he has to take to food which will he should
stop eating meats and things like that so he balances (830308)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
830129 Swadisthan Chakra - Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830308 1/2 Hour Intro talk - Melbourne (plus Q & A-25 mins) good 30
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Where is the Sahastrara, and where exists Sadashiva, at
Kailasha (830725); The Himalayas are regarded as the real abode
of Sadashiva, and which is 'on top'. But the Sahastrara part,
which is the limbic area, should be near Nasik at Sapta Shringi,
because we have got 3 coils settled here, and as Sapta Shringi
has come out of Mother Earth, this is the place where we can say
resides the Sahastrara. Then the 'on top' are the Himalayas, and
the Himalayas are beyond the Sahastrara (850000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
- end - 28 May 2003
Is a phonetic language it has a sound and that sound gives
that vibratory effect. You try to learn it. My mother tongue is
Marathi but I speak Hindi because after all, I know the
importance of it. You can know our own, one National language
there's no harm in it little bit of Hindi language if you learn, its
a good thing (770215)
I'll be happy if you could learn Hindi language best is to learn
Hindi that too a good Hindi, not Sanskritised, but a day-to-day
Hindi because I feel better if you all understand what I am
saying it's not difficult, because you are all Sahaja Yogis - you
can learn Hindi in no time. It's not because Hindi is my language
it is not it's Marathi but Marathi is very difficult - I dont
think you can learn Marathi it's very precise but Hindi, you
should it is very easy. You must know one thing that in Hindi
language, there is 'Adub' means modesty and respect but
more than respect a style of saying things not in Urdu, but in
Hindi, of day-to-day talking there's respect, and a way to
address others. All this will give you a kind of a more flexible
vehicle to express your love (971225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
- end - 20 Jun 2003
The religion in India, which is not exclusive has no
'organisation' and does not have 'one' book to follow and which
accepts all saints, whether Hindu or Muslim. The word was coined
originally by Alexander the Great, who crossed the river Sindhu to
come to India but unable to properly pronounce the word, it
became 'Indhu' and thus Hindu, to mean the name of the religion
that Indians followed. From Hindu, we get Hindustan, the name for
India, according to English usage but which became India after
Independence (MME); Hindu books include the Gita, and the Vedas
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Mahabrahmadeva and Mahasaraswati (900811.1); The collective
Brahmadeva (840916); Is the causal of Brahmadeva first the
causal is created then the Deity; In the brain at the back
here is actually Mahaganesha just in the centre point it is the
minutest point and around him moves Mahabhairava and around
this is Hirenyagarbha this is Swadisthana. Swadisthan is
divided into two parts left and right both are Hirenyagarbha
(810904); Is part of the Ekadesha Rudra (810904); The 11
powers of the Ekadesha Rudra include the powers from:
Ganesha; Bhairava; Hirenyagarbha (the collective Brahmadeva);
Kartikeya; Hanumana; Mahavishnu (Christ); Buddha; Mahavira;
Shiva/Parvati; Sadashiva/Adi Shakti; and Virata (830204; 840916;
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada good 40
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
- end - 12 May 2003
The well-being of the Spirit (810802); Whatever is good for the
Spirit (840708), for the benevolence of the Spirit (890814); Was
established by Shri Krishna (830202); Whatever is Hitam for your
Atma, must be true so although it may not be Priya may not be
liked, may not be pleasing, just now after some time it becomes
Priya because you realise what you have got out of it (770215;
790618; 870816.1)
Correcting by the Mother is for our Hita, for our own good, is
said for our Hita - is 'said' in love not done (830202); The
problem is that when I say something, no-one thinks that I am
saying about 'you' each person. You immediately start shifting
your mind to other persons, finding fault with other people
(821219); Sometimes our Mother shouts at us just once She
shouts - immediately all the bhoots run away (830113); We accept
correction, because we want our ascent (871016); It should be
benevolent for one's Hita (860305)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-870816.1 Talk prior Krishna Puja, St Quentin, see 870816 [+French] good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 7 May 2003
There could also be some of these busy bodies on the right
hand side - Hitler used them - some of these dead spirits, who can
catch hold of you they can enter into your being the
Supraconscious ones, which are very aggressive. Hitler is the one
who used these Supraconscious people these very aggressive
people and enticed the poor German people and made them so
aggressive (821008)
Who took 9 years to build himself up, and who started
destroying people (980320); Who killed so many people, yet never
realised he was doing something wrong. Ultimately he killed
himself because he was afraid he'd be caught not that he
repented (980705)
These two areas the Collective Subconscious, and the Collective
Supraconscious are to be avoided (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Is an innate quality of a personality, where a person rejects all
that is unholy, all that is inauspicious; The first thing that God
created on this Earth was Shri Ganesha, because he could emit
Holiness; It is said that without Holiness, you cannot work out
anything in every walk of life Holiness was the most important
part that was to be looked after. For Sahaja Yogis, the most
important thing is to lead a very holy life innocence gives you
that Holiness (870102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870102 Ganapatipule - see 861221 - 10
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Together with Belgium, represents the left Nabhi (860921.2);
The responsibility of Holland is the Justice (860921.2); There has
to be justice, but justice is not to be demanded. As soon as we
start asking for justice, there is no peace. So we should not ask
for justice - we should do justice to ourselves and to others
and we should be peaceful to ourselves and to others (860921.2);
If the principle of these two countries starts working properly,
they can bring peace to the whole world (860921.2); In Holland is
found beautiful Delftware, beautiful porcelain (860921.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Hollow Personality
That short-cut or short circuit to achieving our ascent, when
we allow the Divine Love to flow through us (781115); First you
have to empty yourself if you are already filled with these
ideas these age old ideas and you are still carrying on with
them how can the Divine be filled. If there's a pot already full
of water or anything you cannot fill it so you have to empty
yourself empty your mind - it's possible through Sahaja Yoga, if
you can take your Kundalini beyond Agnya chakra by not react-
ing (001231)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
- end - 12 Sep 2002
The Holy Ghost
All Pervading Power, of God's Love; The Mother in the Trinity
(831001); The Adi Shakti (840708); The Primordial Mother
(851128); Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost, The Ruh; The
Paramchaitanya; Rutumbhara (MME)
The 'Power' of God, who does all the Divine Play, and which is
witnessed by the Father aspect of God; In the Bible, it is a
mystery, because the Mother of Christ was the Holy Ghost, and
it was thought that if attention goes to Her, She will be killed -
and then Christ who had 11 destroying powers would have
destroyed the whole world. So that is why they never said
anything about the Mother - who is Mahalakshmi, who is the
Power of Ascent, who is the Protector, and who kills all the
demons and devils both inside you and without, and is called as
Jagadamba, the Mother of the Universe (830302); Who eats
the bhoots (890423), and who is the Kundalini within you
The power 'She' is the power, and 'She' is called as Shakti
'She' is the power. So 'He' is the God Almighty and his power
is a 'She' the Holy Ghostthe Divine Power of God is Love
which has got one is the Creative power and another is the
power of Desire. First he must have desire and then he
creates so, he has the power of Desire then he has the
power of Creativity and also he has a third power which gives
us Sustainance and Evolution so this third power is more
important because that gives us this Ascent also. This is the
manifestation of the Holy Ghost, which is the power of God
Almighty which is the power of his Divine Love (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Holy Ghost
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830208 India and West, Delhi [+ 30 mins Q&A] good 50
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [+ 40 mins Q&A] good 40
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana, Margate good 45
We have to be very honest in Sahaja Yoga (830204); Dishonesty
is one of the sins against the Father (MME); If we are honest with
Sahaja Yoga and with our seeking, then we do not know 'how' the
Divine looks after us (830204)
In Sahaja Yoga, you have to be really dedicated and honest - you
should enjoy your honesty you should enjoy your love your gen-
erosity everything. First and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is
that he has to be absolutely honest he has not come here to make
money or to make power but he has come to rise into the new,
beautiful world that we are creating. You have overcome so many
things I know you have achieved so many things I know which is
not possible humanly impossible things you have done you have
got over all this nonsense but still there are some people among
you, who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense (010321)
Also in say (a place - Ed) they have problem of dishonesty they
are dishonest people this is our special temperament I think we
are very corrupt people (this place - Ed) has become so corrupt
I can't believe it. I was here (some years - Ed) back, and we had
never heard of corruption now they have become so corrupt and
that also enters into Sahaja Yoga - they will be just found out and
will be punished not by me, by you but by their own Kundalini. So
every country has it's own speciality, as far as doing something
wrong. We are not here to do anything wrong we are not going to
express ourselves as wrong people but we are here to prove that
we are perfect we are wonderful people. I think all of you under-
stand me that today I am little worried about people who are
dragging Sahaja Yoga downwards and they should understand
that I understand everything and when theyll be harmed, they
should not blame me for that it is obvious that they are nowhere
near Sahaja Yoga (010321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end1- 4 Mar 2003
In Puja the ingredients that were used were firstly
very little ghee, followed by honey, yoghurt, milk, and
sugar (850310) - whatever pleases your Spirit, is used
is to be given when you give honey then your attention
gets enlightened (800927); Satwoguni is the centred
person who eats honey, ghee, Channa, lean meat (830131)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 12 Sep 2002
Is auspicious do you know that in modern times the symbol of
Sahaja Yoga is a horseshoe shape it has many meanings but why
that shape is auspicious people did not know. People do not know
why one thing is auspicious and another thing is not auspicious.
Now this has been in England for years people were using
horseshoe as an auspicious thing and it is 100% the shape of a
horseshoe emits vibrations you can see for yourself the shape
is the shape how the Shakti moves how the power moves always
like this elliptical like if I love this person, the vibrations will
go like this and embrace her and then will come back but it can
be 360 degrees it moves. The whole creation took place by the
movement of the Shakti like this (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Hot & Cold
Hot and cold is a very important thing one has to know. You
should never take a bath with hot water in the open, or with the
window open if you do, sure shot you will get a temperature. If
you have to take a hot water bath, take it in the night, or at the
time when you can go off into your bed; But if you take a bath
with cold water, you can never catch cold, because the
temperature is the same; In England, if you take a hot bath and
go out immediately you can get cancer of the lungs (881221) in
the UK, bathing is better done at night before retiring, to avoid
problems due to the cold climate (820710); Don't take a hot bath
in the open always get into cold water cold is always good
(881221); In the River Ganges, the water is absolutely freezing
cold but people get into it slowly, slowly they slip into it, and
when you come out your cheeks are red like apples it's so very
cold. But nothing happens, nobody catches cold or anything so in
running water is the cleanest, and where you can get into cold
water (881221)
Indians, Maharashtrians especially, take a Kaduk bath means
with very hot water this is an absolutely wrong idea. Normally a
cold bath is best but if not possible, then take a tepid water.
This will solve one of the problems that you do not expose
yourself to too much cold or heat - the temperature is kept the
same as the room temperature. People have died of their lung
cancer, because they can't get out of 'their' bad habit of taking
bath every morning. I call it bad habit for Indians, not for the
English because they take their bath, and then immediately are
going out to work. So take your bath at 4 o'clock in the morning,
stay in the house and get used to the climate, and then go out
or take your bath in the night (.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hot and cold
Bathroom addiction is too much in English people I have seen
they are very bathroom conscious though they do not take
baths one should just form such habits that within 10 minutes
you should be out from the bathroom; You should take a bath
at a time when you will have one hour before going out; So use
water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times is very
essential to get your vibrations alright you must wash your
hands (800927); Before Puja, you must take your bath
(800927); Some people go without bathing the body, for months
together then you have no respect for yourself (781002)
Laziness is not a very good thing, and for that I think early
in the morning, 4 o'clock, if you take a bath, you won't feel lazy
the whole day if you can try that all day you'll feel very
energetic but you must do it early in the morning, because
after that you must spend at least 2 hours in the house then
there won't be any problem (891203)
In India, the custom is to eat very hot food garam garam kha
so garam they are really garam people. In England they eat so
much of cold foods that I am amazed the amount of ice western
people eat, we can't understand. Indiscriminately theyll take ice
cream and after that theyll take coffee or after coffee theyll
take ice cream before eating ice theyll have hot thats the
worst of all. We dont understand how to discriminate between
hot and cold. Food also we should not eat immediately from the
oven, sizzling sizzling food you should not eat. I dont know why
such devilish ideas are coming - let your juices flow out to digest
it and then eat it otherwise you'll burn your tongue your
palate burn everything. So best is to keep a tepid understanding
of food also so water should not be very hot food should not be
very hot (.0011)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hot and cold
Or supposing you have taken coffee then after that you cannot
take anything cold; So if you're taking ice cream first take the
ice cream, then take a biscuit, then take some water, then take a
biscuit, and then you can take something hot. Now supposing you
are taking something hot, and you have to take water also, then
take 3 biscuits (881221; .0011)
Another precaution you have to take is that when you are sitting
in the Sun, sometimes your head gets very heated up, and then
immediately if you go and get cold water, definitely you will get
sick - no doubt about it. So if you are sitting in the Sun,
immediately you should never, never, never take any water, til you
have eaten something sweet take some sugar, or jagari, or a
biscuit or something even if you are very thirsty you should not
take it; If these little precautions have been taken, then nothing
should happen to Sahaja Yogis if we get sick then our Mother
gets sick that's what the problem is (881221)
We should cover the head in winter time, so that there is no
freezing of the brain covering is to be occasional, not all the
time if it is too tight, you can get bad circulation; Also to avoid
sitting in the Sun, so the brain does not get melted (830204);
Protect the throat from cold conditions, and if we speak, speak of
Sahaja Yoga (830202)
Fashion is madness (971005); You see the fashion is to expose
the knees it's very dangerous, because you can get both the
Nabhis in this cold weather or hot weather either you catch
the right Nabhi, or the left Nabhi and what is there in the
knees, to expose. So for Sahaja Yogis it is important that they
must decide 'now, that's all finished no more' (960710); It's so
absurd I just can't understand like in England, it is so very
cold in Scotland even worse but people dont wear anything
when they sleep I mean thats easiest way to get sick they dont
wear undershirts. Then the most fashionable dresses are the
dresses where you cannot see any cloth anywhere I mean, it's all
missing. The women the way they dress up I'm surprised this
is the best way to get sick (.0011)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hot and cold
In vibrational terms hot is not good is caught up (820711);
The 'Cool breeze' could be hot with some people because of
their problems - if it is hot, there is something wrong with you
(810524); Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands
maybe some of you if so, you can just throw it away or those
who are feeling the left hand hot, please put your right hand on
the heart those who are feeling hot in the right hand, then you
put your left hand on the liver just below the ribs and right
hand towards me (790524)
'Cool breeze' is not a thing that is freezingly cold if it is
freezingly cold, that means 'left side'. Cool breeze is actually
never 'very cold' it's not freezing. It could be hot with some
people it could be very cool because of their problems but if
you are a normal person, you feel a cooler sensation it is slightly
less than your body temperature it's not so very cooling as to
freeze you. If it is hot, there is something wrong with you
A Realised Soul if he goes in a place, which is not to be seen
or to a guru or somebody like that immediately he will feel
heated up and if he doesnt run away if he still goes on and on
he will lose his vibrations and he'll become just like the other
person (770215)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void see 820701(Video)
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
end - 10 Apr 2003
Hotel Food
Some people stay in a hotel or lodge or something, and think no
end of themselves - they are not enjoying. But a Sahaja Yogi can
sleep anywhere, can live anywhere (980321); It is better to
avoid food, which is not cooked with love; We should vibrate our
food - the food should carry love, be cooked with love, and be
eaten with love, with kind words (830131)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Hot Tempered
A hot tempered fellow when he gets into hot temper
should think of somebody who is very silent by temperament.
Or, a man who is so silent that, he can't say anything
although he is angry about it when his Mother is insulted
then, if he thinks of someone who would not tolerate this
stuff then immediately he will get the power. So you have to
choose to be in the company of a Sahaja Yogi who does not have
the same habits (770126.1)
In Sahaja Yoga, you are not allowed, at all, this asceticism
you have to be loving, affectionate, kind and 'disciplined' - I
must say this because when you are loving, you go out of
bounds sometimes because you have no discipline of Sahaja
Yoga. Loving doesnt mean that you become like Romeo-Juliet
doesnt mean that. You must have your balance, through your
discipline - if you have no discipline you can never be a good
Sahaja Yogi (971225); Without doing anything without saying
anything, you got your Realisationyou got it Sahaj in a very
simple manner you didn't do anything about it absolutely
Sahaj so you have no business to be harsh, horrible, hot
tempered or strict gurus. But it crawls up, I have seen
sometimes quite a lot of military business starts in Sahaja
Yoga also that cannot be no disciplining is needed. The way
we deal with others is by kindness sweetness concern
that's what your Mother has given concern (920719)
Now liver trouble is another thing you yourself do not feel
others know you are liverish the way you are hot tempered
the way you are fussy the way you snarl at people the way
you are never satisfied with anything the way you criticise
others all this is liverish. Such liverish people are never happy
with themselves. The liver looks after your attention and
those who have liver problems, their attention is horrid when
they walk they dont walk straight but their eyes are going
this way that way their attention is wobbly because of a
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hot Tempered
bad liver (820514); Alcohol was not intended for us to drink,
but was provided for us as a polish. Gin is good for polishing
diamonds. However if we drink it, then our liver suffers, being
also polished, and so preventing the transfer of the heat into
the blood. The result is that we become hot tempered and
angry. We also can become confused and wobbly when we drink
alcohol, which is against our attention (810328)
If somebody has complained that you are hot tempered
accept it just accept it is a great thing that there is
somebody who tells you that. If somebody says you are miserly
accept it so we must change. If you don't want to change
you'd better leave that's the main point (810904); If you are
hot-tempered, alright go and beat yourself with shoes but if
you are not, then you need not you must know what you are
first of all introspect then accordingly, you should work it out
Right sided people have a very very overactive personality
and become very hot tempered and obnoxious and can be so
cruel. Such a man aggressively destroys others the images of
others pulls them down criticises others jumps on them he
can be hot tempered can be absolutely demonic - Hitler is the
example. These people who eat too much of proteins all the
time, meat, and heavy foods they develop muscular capacities
too much. They will be very quarrelsome and aggressive snappy
and sharp in their language; They look brilliant, and consider
themselves to be very intelligent but actually they are stupid
people; Now he may not look mentally upset but when he grows
old, he will just talk he'll go on talking so much so egotistical
that he just goes on talking he doesn't allow anybody to speak.
This is very injurious to a proper social life (830209); Any
person who leads a life of asceticism of a severe type, like
Vishwamitra, or Durwasa these people become so hot
tempered, that you cannot talk to them they are very snappy
their language is very sharp (830209)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Hot Tempered
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
Chakras affected: Right Side
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Together with household matters, the family is the concern of the
Left Nabhi, the Gruhalakshmi the Goddess of the family and of
the household. The most important role of the wife is to produce and
care for the children; The family is the most important basis of a
healthy society - if the family is destroyed, then all society is
destroyed; The family is the nest, for the children to be able to grow
up with dignity (810328)
The Left Nabhi reflects our relationship with our wife (850806),
the qualities of family, and of the household; The centre of the
Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the household. Men and women are
equal, but not similar, both being important for a balanced family life.
If the woman starts trying to compete with the man, then the family
and children suffer. The wife is the shakti, the strongest point of
the family and has to bear the angularities of the husband (810328);
One of nine Lakshmis is the Gruhalakshmi, is the housewife
(960716) the Goddess of the household - the wife. In our subtle
system, is on the left Nabhi (810926); The 'Principle' or 'Essence' of
the family, and of the marriage, of the household, is the child, for
whom all is created (781218; 871225)
The ladies have to be very good housewives, to be the
Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the household. In India, the housewife
is a very powerful institution, and regarded as the highest. It does
not mean that you have to keep the house very clean. It means that
you have to be very open-hearted, loving and devoted personalities.
The Gruhalakshmi is the power of tremendous love, compassion and
forgiveness. The ladies have to be very dharmic and chaste, innocent
by nature, and not cunning or crafty (860921.2)
In India, the wife gets up long before the husband, and does all the
preparation of the food etc., and then sits down with him and fans
him as he eats so giving him a rhythm for the whole day and so he
does not get hectic. She does not discuss horrible things in the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Household
morning, but creates a feeling of peace in the household. She does so
by absorbing. She is a very mature person, and sees the futility of
unnecessarily arguing. She is so powerful that she does not take, but
just gives. Where the women are respectable, and respected, there
reside the Deities (860921.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 21 Apr 2003
The ladies have to be very good housewives, to be the
Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the household. In India, the
housewife is a very powerful institution, and regarded as the
highest. It does not mean that you have to keep the house very
clean. It means that you have to be very open-hearted, loving and
devoted personalities. The Gruhalakshmi is the power of
tremendous love, compassion and forgiveness. The ladies have to
be very dharmic and chaste, innocent by nature, and not cunning or
crafty (860921.2); In India, every housewife must wear her
ornaments you see it's auspicious she cannot go about without
ornaments (790609.3)
In India, the wife gets up long before the husband, and does all
the preparation of the food etc., and then sits down with him and
fans him as he eats so giving him a rhythm for the whole day
and so he does not get hectic. She does not discuss horrible
things in the morning, but creates a feeling of peace in the
household. She does so by absorbing. She is a very mature person,
and sees the futility of unnecessarily arguing. She is so powerful
that she does not take, but just gives. Where the women are
respectable, and respected, there reside the Deities (860921.2)
One of nine Lakshmis is the Gruhalakshmi, is the housewife
(960716) the Goddess of the household - the wife. In our subtle
system, is on the left Nabhi (810926); The wife is the shakti of
the family, and is the strongest point, and bears all the
angularities of the husband. She is equal to but not similar to the
husband, both being important to a balanced family life. A good
balanced family is basic to a good society (8103280); A woman's
job is to be the Gruhalakshmi, to be auspicious, kind, soft-natured,
and to produce a warm house to care for the Nabhi of everyone
of the family to give vibrations to the food (830131); The
Gruhalakshmi is the most powerful shakti - she is the power of
tremendous love, compassion and forgiveness (860921.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Housewife
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Hugging & Kissing
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
840118 Spontaneous talk - Vaitarna not good 35
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 7 May 2003
Human Beings
Humans are set aside from animals by reason of their possessing
among other things, qualities and attributes such as ego,
appreciation of cleanliness, beauty, feelings of guilt (820710),
ability to think of God or of abstract things (790616), and have 10
valencies, where animals have only 9 (840622); In Yoga, there are
at least 11 - the 11th integrates you with the religion. We get
identified with righteousness, compassion, perseverance and
detachment, and start to enjoy the doing for doing's sake, the
loving for loving's sake, start to enjoy our loving capacity, our
forgiveness, generosity - we enjoy all these great qualities
(871016); You must know that neither you are British, nor Indians,
nor anything you are just human beings (800517.1)
The strife and strain which is on human beings is perhaps
because they are not yet worthy of God's Blessings still, as God
has created them, He tries to do His utmost to see that human
beings are kept comfortably alright on this Mother Earth (871213)
We are all made the same way, but with variety - e.g. we all cry,
laugh, chew the same way (830202); Others are human beings, you
are not you are not human beings any more you are Sahaja Yogis
- it's a different race. All over the world this race has to come
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
- end - 28 May 2003
Human Nature
Humans are set aside from animals by reason of their
possessing, among other things, qualities and attributes such as
ego, appreciation of cleanliness, beauty, feelings of guilt
(820710), ability to think of God or of abstract things
(790616) and have 10 valencies, where animals have only 9
(840622); In Yoga, there are at least 11 - the 11th integrates
you with the religion. We get identified with righteousness,
compassion, perseverance and detachment, and start to enjoy
the doing for doing's sake, the loving for loving's sake, start to
enjoy our loving capacity, our forgiveness, generosity - we enjoy
all these great qualities (871016); You must know that neither
you are British, nor Indians, nor anything you are just human
beings (800517.1)
The strife and strain which is on human beings is perhaps
because they are not yet worthy of God's Blessings still, as
God has created them, He tries to do His utmost to see that
human beings are kept comfortably alright on this Mother Earth
We are all made the same way, but with variety - e.g. we all
cry, laugh, chew the same way (830202); Others are human
beings, you are not you are not human beings any more you
are Sahaja Yogis - it's a different race. All over the world this
race has to come (801116)
To be materialistic is your nature because you have started
with it but it is also human nature to ascend and which way
you go is the thing the ladder can take you up or it can bring
you down - if you are to go up, then your eyes should be upwards
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Human Nature
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
The basic seeking power is humility if you think you know
everything, you cannot humble down and you cannot seek. Even if
you seek, you dont want to follow anybody else's path you'll have
your 'own' path you'll do whatever 'you' want to do (000507);
One thing is very important is the humility you should be a
humble person not think that you are something special or some
sort of a self important person once you think you are important,
then you are not part and parcel of the whole how can one part
be so important if you start thinking like that, anywhere in your
journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say you are not in the Sahaja
Vasta, the Sahaja State (000507)
Humility is one of the criteria of a Sahaja Yogi a person who
doesnt have humility cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi so this
humility will give you a more permanent state by which you will not
react you just watch and thats how the new state, a witness
state comes into you. When you become the witness you are in
the present and you just watch and enjoy the enjoyment of all
the creation is not within your mind when you are thinking so one
has to learn that we should not react. But today's problem is that
all human beings are very good at reacting reaction is a basic
principle of today's life. You are all Sahaja Yogis and what you
have to do is to understand why this ego is coming in my head
what have I done who am I once you go on asking such
questions, this ego will disappear. In Sahaj culture we have a
proper training for getting rid of ego you can yourself
introspect see why you behave like this try to see what is this
Mr Ego doing within your head. Of course the mantra of Christ is
the best but when you are doing this mantra, you should be in a
very humble state what am I after all who am I look at so
many stars look at so many beautiful things who am I what
have I done why should I be so egoistical (001225)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Humility
Those who are humble who are kind will attract more Sahaja
Yogis so it is important to change your temperament. If you try
to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you if you think
you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be
very humble, kind, generous also very joyous. If you are really
doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come no trouble can come it
is a fact try to understand (001231)
Those who are humble can only become friendly with each other,
can share their problems with each other. So humility can only
help you to articulate, to have rapport with your friends. But
humility should not be sympathetic - it is a detached quality, that
does not get attached to any person (850901)
Only a person who is not guilty will be really humble, because
guilty people are aggressive are sarcastic; A humble person is a
free person, free to be humble, to be kindly, to be gentle, to be
compassionate - that sort of Sahaja Yogis you have to be. When
people meet you, they will be impressed; Humility doesn't have any
subservience, and is very different to compassion. Humility is a
very human quality, is a special quality only the bhaktas have. It is
such a beautiful quality of taking the showers of Bliss, and a
person who cannot take, is so lonely. Such a person cannot get
companionship with anyone (850901)
Humility is never expressed in the Western life on the
contrary, they despise the people who are humble (871225); Those
who are humble will get to the Kingdom of Heaven, not the
arrogant the humble have a right to be joyous this is
'surrendering' (871024); If we say 'Not I but the Divine that is
doing it', or 'I am not doing anything', then the ego does not
come up, and we become humble (960505)
We have certain powers and these powers increase, when we
humble down - they do not increase with arrogance with arrogance
one can only become stupid that's the only end of arrogance. So
with humility, one should know that now you belong to Sahaja
Culture, and Sahaja Culture is that of humility if you are not
humble, then you have not yet achieved your Sahaja Yoga (880921)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Humility
Moreover, the person who has Lakshmi, has to be a very humble
man. The temperament should not be of a very serious type but
should be very mirthful and he doesn't show off by a big car
and this and that (960716)
Now when you are facing the photograph, just to check up
yourself, humble down yourself first of all, like a person who
wants to perfect himself and try to find out what is wrong with
you. Humble down means to bring down your attention to your
heart don't think (800907)
Humility is such a guard for you of course sometimes people
will take advantage of humble people it doesn't matter as long
as you haven't lost your humility everything is alright. But people
lose their humility, when others try to trouble them and that's
one thing one should not lose - if you have to keep connection with
the Divine, you have to be humble there's no other way. If you
have to get something out of the Divine, you have to be humble
people through arrogance you will not get it through aggression
you will not get it. Some people also feel that 'I love Mother'
but that love is to be expressed through complete humility
that's the only way that's the only channel through which you
can approach me there's no way out (850901)
There is only one category which should not have humility that
is the Incarnations. I cannot have humility, I cannot humble down
myself - I am not supposed to do it. No Incarnation was humble
they cannot because they have no guilt. I act as a very humble
person, but to be frank I have no humility of any kind within me
(850901); An Incarnation comes down, in complete humility, not to
be humiliated, but to make you understand that an Incarnation has
come all the way, for your emancipation and for your spiritual
growth then you should, with great surrendering, and with great
humility should accept it (790000.2)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Humility
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Y ears Puja, Kal we - see 001225.2 not good 25
-001225 Christmas Puja, G'pul e - see 001225.2
-960716 M ahal akshmi Puja, M oscow - see 960710 good 40
-871225 Tapasy as - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-871024 Light of Love, Diwal i - see 871024 good 25
-850901 Vishnumay a Puja, Wimbl edon - see 850901 good 50
-790000.2 2nd Tal k - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri M ataji working on new peopl e good 55
800907 How to know where y ou are - Chel sham R oad good 120
850901 Vishnumay a Puja/ Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbl edon/ Brompton Sq
871024 Light of l ove, Diwal i/ Press Interview, M il an
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New Y ork good 35
960505 We must feel responsibl e, Sahastrara, Cabel l a good 55
000507 30 y ears of Sahaja Y oga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabel l a Good
001225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipul e good 20
001225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pul e/ New Y ears Eve Puja, Kal e
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Be congenial take a joke from others. If others are joking with
you you should not get angry take a joke be a sport. The
English language has one very good quality that they can laugh at
themselves the language has found out ways and methods of how
to laugh at yourself that's something beautiful about English
language (800927)
Sweetness Madhuria... a quality of Shri Krishna, in the way he
spoke to and communicated with people (910001; 900811.1) - one
has to imbibe within oneself the sweetness if you are sweet, you
are filled with humour, you do not hurt others, and you are not
hurt either. Anything can be done with sweetness (880103)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
900811.1 Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The 'Hum' sound the survival instinct, makes us feel or think
"I am". 'Hum' sends the message: 'don't be afraid' 'I am'
'Hum' drives out fear, and invokes the help of the Divine, and is
used to correct Superego problems of fear, feeling subordinated,
worries, conditionings. 'Hum' is a mantra (781218); When it is
conditioning, you are in doubts, with this kind of fear 'I
shouldn't do like this' 'I shouldn't do like that' 'this is not
allowed' 'that is not allowed' that is the conditioning part of it,
and can be of many types (980510); When you are infested with
negativity, with depression, with the attacks of the superego,
then you have to say 'I am'' I am going to fight you' (811006)
Means 'I am' not the ego part, but the 'hum' to understand
that I am a Yogi and I know so many things, which normally
people do not know the discretion of the right side is 'hum' and
the discretion of the left side is 'tsa' which means 'you are' it
comes from the left side - and for every human being, the 'you' is
the Divine (880710); The right side indiscretion comes from the
ego manifestation of people this ego is hum this ego when it is
used properly, then it's discretion (880710)
For example, the ladies don't have courage to wear the saris
outside why sometimes, doesn't matter - as Indians can wear
your dresses, you can wear saris also or, the men won't wear
Indian dress outside a little 'hum' is needed (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 12 Sep 2002
Hydrogen is from the left side, as opposed to Oxygen which is
from the right side (850528); Left side is hydrogen and
carbon comes from Ganesha, also on the left hand side (830209)
Mother Earth created the Carbon. Through the effect of
electricity, carbon got attached to Hydrogen and Oxygen, and so
produced amino acids, and so Prana started, which ultimately
produced the mind and the brain, and when we become Realised,
becomes the Pranava (850528)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
- end - 12 Sep 2002
Personal cleanliness is very important. After going to the toilet,
you should use water all the time it's very important the western
style is very dirty is a very dirty style of living not to use the wa-
ter it's very unhygienic also. That's why you find in the West,
most of the people are sick they do not wash their hands properly;
You have to remember to wash your hands after coming out of the
toilet, before food (881221)
This 'paper' business is the dirtiest you are so much used to
that smell, that you don't feel it the smell is too much in the hands
and the sensitivity is lost. There is no need to put scent or anything,
but with the soap here in India we use the clay, because the clay
here is very good just use the clay nicely and clean your hands, it's
very important. This is something you (in the West - Ed) are very
negligent about - you have to be very careful. We (the Indians - Ed)
cannot live without it even if we go to some place, and there is
nothing available, and we have to use the paper sometimes, even in
England, then we come home immediately and have a bath (881221)
You must always use water, as much as possible for washing,
when you go for your morning ablutions water must be used paper
is a very dirty and unhygienic habit but even if you use paper, you
must use water after it it's very important that all the time, the
water should be used as much as possible for Sahaja Yogis it is a
very very important thing (860504)
Also, from our childhood we are taught, that we must wash our
hands at least 10 times a day; And we do not eat too much raw food
also that's another good thing and then there is no question of
things falling into it (881221); So use water as much as you can
wash your hands 10 times is very essential to get your vibrations
alright you must wash your hands (800927)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk - Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk - Milan/Delhi University address
1 4 Mar 2003
Ice Cream
Now, heat and cold for example - the combination of the heat
and the cold should be understood (.0011); Supposing you have
taken coffee then after that you cannot take anything cold; So
if you're taking ice cream first take the ice cream, then take a
biscuit, then take some water, then take a biscuit, and then you
can take something hot. Now supposing you are taking something
hot, and you have to take water also, then take 3 biscuits
(881221; 0.0011)
In England they eat so much of cold foods that I am amazed
the amount of ice western people eat, we can't understand.
Indiscriminately theyll take ice cream and after that theyll
take coffee or after coffee theyll take ice cream before
eating ice theyll have hot thats the worst of all. We dont
understand how to discriminate between hot and cold. Food also
we should not eat immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling
food you should not eat. I dont know why such devilish ideas are
coming - let your juices flow out to digest it and then eat it
otherwise you'll burn your tongue your palate burn everything.
So best is to keep a tepid understanding of food also so water
should not be very hot food should not be very hot (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Those who have got flowing colds must know that they are liver
patients they should put some ice on their livers. Also they
should put their left hand on their liver, and their right hand
toward the photograph, and in the water, salt it's right side
those who are sneezing, or feeling hay fever, or flowing of cold
just try to treat your liver and you'll be alright (871224)
A right sided person has all the elements which give heat you
can say the light and the fire so to correct it, light is not going
to help very much. What is going to work out is the Mother Earth
and the water element which is cooling even ice is very helpful
to people who are right sided. So all cooling effects should be
used for correcting your right sidedness. The same with food
those who are right sided should take to foods which are left
sided i.e. carbohydrates, and should become partly vegetarian,
and should eat things at the most like chickens, but not fishes or
sea food, because they are all hot (830121)
Now if we have ego, what we should do is raise the left side,
and put it to the right side there's no other way out you have
to use your hands; Then everyone must soak their feet daily, and
must do daily meditation. For correcting your right side, use the
Mother Earth or water or even ice or also carbohydrate or
vegetarian types of foods. For left side, use light or fire or
nitrogenous foods i.e. proteins (830121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Ida Nadi
The left or moon channel (tha in Hatha yoga); Left sympathetic
nervous system, having the power of desire, operating through our
emotions. Beyond is the Subconscious, and then the Collective
Subconscious (811005); On which are found Shri Bhairava and
Chandrama (890806); Also called as Chandra Nadi (800809); The
channel for our existence and the activity of our emotional life
the left side and which also gives you your subconscious area
where whatever you are listening to me now, goes into that
On the left hand side of this mechanism, there are 7 stratas
on the right hand side, there are 7 stratas down below there are
7 stratas and on top, there are 7 stratas. The left hand side
channel, called the Ida channel, represents the Subconscious mind
within you you listen to me through your conscious mind and put
it back into the Subconscious mind all your experiences go into
the Subconscious that is the limit of 'your' subconscious of
present beyond that is your subconscious of previous lives and
beyond that is the Collective Subconscious (771121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
- end - 30 Ap r 2003
The ideal is Christ; It is for you people to bring back the glory
of Christ, to bring back the dharma of Christ, to reflect the great
image of Christ. Who could be a better ideal than Jesus Christ.
Whatever he had to do, he did with such grace and beauty
It is very easy to condemn an ideal life, but to attain that life is
very difficult, and some people because they cannot attain it, try
to condemn it so that they feel they are no way less than those
great lives (871213)
All these ideals are created everywhere in the world by the
Divine Power, and people look at them and think that these great
lives are beautiful though they have suffered a lot. These ideals
are very important for human society, otherwise they will have no
absolute measure to find out what is right and what is wrong
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
- end - 17 Jun 2003
A person's attention may have been fixed by conventional
ideas. Some of them are correct some are incorrect some are
absolutely false some are useless some are only because they
wanted to make money so they published some trash. Now, as
soon as you get Realisation you go back to your own gross
awareness and start tallying this 'subtle' with the gross - and
you again start losing the vibrations. You are not to fix your
attention but you have to make your attention subtler and
subtler (770126.2)
Brilliant ideas may come, if one's attention is constantly involved
with experiences of Sahaja Yoga - which can be encouraged by the
practice of keeping two diaries, one for everyday experiences, and
the other for special things that happen or occur (800517.2)
An ego oriented person has another very big problem that he
asserts his ideas above everything else. So always such a man
because he's stupid and idiotic the idiotic ideas survive and
because of these idiotic ideas, every planning that is done by such
people is a failure. A stupid man is a very big problem to the whole
society, though he never realises it he thinks 'I have managed
the show' I am the most successful person (830209)
A new idea has come, that you should not eat any salt and
sugar just imagine salt is so important for our breathing, and
sugar is so important for our combustion (871213)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
- end - 27 Apr 2003
We have to drop out our identifications with the past
(830723.1); The whole purpose is lost when you start identifying
with whatever was hanging on to you. So now you should say 'now
finished done now I'm another person 'that person' who was
there is dead, and finished, and gone I'm a different person' -
this is the place where you must have faith (800518)
If we put our attention on a person with love, we get an
understanding of that person. We should identify with a person
who has done something, instead of finding faults or problems
see what is good in others (960505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 27 Jun 2003
Idiotic Ideas
A person's attention may have been fixed by conventional
ideas some of them are correct some are incorrect some are
absolutely false some are useless some are only because they
wanted to make money so they published some trash. Now as
soon as you get Realisation you go back to your own gross
awareness and start tallying this 'subtle' with the gross - and
you again start losing the vibrations. You are not to fix your
attention but you have to make your attention subtler and
subtler (770126.2)
An ego oriented person has another very big problem that he
asserts his ideas above everything else. So always such a man
because he's stupid and idiotic the idiotic ideas survive and
because of these idiotic ideas, every planning that is done by such
people is a failure. A stupid man is a very big problem to the whole
society, though he never realises it he thinks 'I have managed
the show' I am the most successful person (830209)
A new idea has come, that you should not eat any salt and
sugar just imagine salt is so important for our breathing, and
sugar is so important for our combustion (871213)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
- end - 27 Apr 2003
If you do not feel vibrations equally in both hands, then there is
no balance. If there are no vibrations on the right side, or if the
right side is heavy, or hot, then this means that you are right sided.
Also, if there are more vibrations on the left side, and none on the
right side, this also means that you are right sided. If the left side
is numb, this also means right sided. However, if it is the other way
round, then you are left sided (830202); Some of you might start
feeling hot in the hands maybe some of you if so, you can just
throw it away or those who are feeling the left hand hot, please
put your right hand on the heart those who are feeling hot in the
right hand, then you put your left hand on the liver just below the
ribs and right hand towards me (790524)
The right side can be easily corrected it shows outside people
dont like it such a person is criticised everybody says he's
egoistical and such a person goes 'out'. But the left sided person,
you see he's very pitiable and you have very great pity for such a
person and you sympathise and you get lost with that person.
They are more dangerous and difficult to be cured very difficult
This right and left side movement has to finish you have to be in
the centre, and to come in the centre the best thing is to
meditate about 10 minutes in the night and about 5 minutes in the
morning. Some people do not meditate then they cannot grow. The
way you can grow is only through meditation and understanding
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 9 May 2003
We face so many problems, all kinds of problems, in all sorts of
surroundings, and in this way we are able to develop immunity to
these horribly negative people that are all around. If we were
excluded from all this, we would not develop the immunity which
we should have (791009.1); I will give you such tests and things,
by which you will come in contact with them see them and get
out of it - without any harm being done to you. It is necessary
you have to touch them, you have to go near them I know you
can. I give such tests only to people about whom I am sure that
they will come out (801116)
London has it's own problems like other places have their
own, but are different. Bombay is like the roots, whereas Delhi is
like the branches. London is like the fruits or the flowers, but is
very vulnerable, because of it's position and because so many
problems, all kinds of problems are facing us of developing
immunity to all sorts of surroundings. If we were excluded from
all this, we would not develop the immunity which we should have,
because there are some horribly negative people here. So it is
best to develop a group as a whole, and to develop good bonds
amongst the group, and to go on enlarging that group as a whole -
this is the best way to be protected - it is working out
(791009.1); If suddenly a negative force comes in to trouble
you so what otherwise how will you know what you are. If
there is no darkness, how will you know you are the light
When we are doing work of some kind, and others do not
appreciate it, or do not join in, or they maybe spoil it, then the
normal thing is to react by going back into Tamoguna. We should
regard work as a training for developing our immunity, and do it
with detachment, and with enjoyment, and by so doing get into
the Satwoguna in the centre (800517.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Immunity
We should not hold on to our children in the presence of
others, but should let them be with others; In India, parents
give their children to sleep with their relatives, not with
themselves. The psychology is that the child gets used to
another man, or another woman while they are innocent. So the
relationship of innocence is developed, and nobody feels anything
funny if somebody touches you, later on; Let the children be with
other people don't have fears they will love you much more;
Overprotected children are very dangerously placed, because
they have no immunity for anything (850421)
The cold is a disease (also hay fever) of London and England,
due to less resistance no immunity, because of lack of calcium
within us. If proper care is taken in childhood, with adequate
vitamins A and D, with massaging with cod liver oil or olive oil,
and with proper sunning, then we would get colds less. It is a
Vishuddhi problem (800517.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation, B'ham good 35
961020 Navaratri Puja, 'Be aware of your own state', Cabella good 55
- end - 30 Sep 2002
You will be amazed that in the western countries, the percent-
age of impotent people is so high unbelievably it is like that
they talk so much about sex and do 'other' things it's all
talking so much of impotency is settled in these western
countries and the diseases, the dirty diseases which are caused
by these indiscriminate sex activities are so much that they have
to be guarded against (791202.3); What is sex any Tom, Dick or
Harry can do sex are you now sex points if you do it in a wrong
way you will have diseases you will have impotency no children
will be born to you if you misuse it (790200.1); Men are the
extroverts, whilst the women are the introverts. Men can become
homosexual or impotent with aggressive women, who try always
to compete with the men (850528); In America, women speak too
much, whilst the husbands keep quiet. Women should not speak;
When they try to compete with the men, they make the men
'homosexual'. Aggressive women do not behave like women and
make the men impotent (850528)
All these people who came on this Earth said that you lead a
clean life and a sensible married life it is not permitted to have
adulterous life in any religion whatsoever because adulterous life
brings forth all kinds of problems for the sex for spoiling the
last chakra - people can become impotent or, over exited or
could become suffering from all the troubles of this centre for
which you know the diseases so one has to lead a very clean
wonderful married life. Marriage is supported and sanctioned by
the collective it is sanctioned by God Almighty so, that kind of
a life, that kind of a sexual life, is a sensible one one should not
get a shock out of it. When I say this in the west, people really
dont like it but I am your Mother I have to tell you the truth.
Whatever you have done is done finished doesnt matter but
now you should come to your sanity because there are all these
horrible satanic diseases waiting just to work it out (821008)
1 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya - Impotency
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
God incarnated to give impetus to our evolution, to give the lead
in evolution (781115); All the Incarnations who came on this earth
were part of the Sahastrara, of the Brahmachaitanya, of the Adi
Shakti (870503.1); Incarnations take all the problems upon
themselves, and also they fight the evil, but they don't suffer
(890423); All these worldly things are just a drama for these
Incarnations (830725)
Incarnations never commit sins (871225); Whatever an
Incarnation does, is dharma - if they kill someone, hit someone, it
is dharma - nothing they do is wrong. They are Absolute, are
immaculate if they cheat, deceive, it's perfectly alright - for the
higher goal, the lower goal is given up, e.g. to protect one's
country, it is ok to slay someone, because it is for the higher goal.
Every movement of an Incarnation has a ripple in it, which is for
the good. There is not even a moment, where it is such that it is
not good for the world. An An Incarnation is the enjoyer of
everything the work of William Blake and of Michaelangelo was
done for the Incarnation to see (830725)
There is only one category which should not have humility that
is the Incarnations. I cannot have humility, I cannot humble down
myself - I am not supposed to do it. No Incarnation was humble
they cannot because they have no guilt. I act as a very humble
person, but to be frank I have no humility of any kind within me
(850901); If you have to keep connection with the Divine, you have
to be humble there's no other way. It is like a plug and a socket:
a plug has to be a plug, and a socket has to be a socket. In the
same way, if you have to get something out of the Divine, you have
to be humble people. Humility is the only way, the only channel
through which you can approach me there's no way out (850901)
Today long time back Christ declared to the multitude that he
was the Advent who was the Saviour. Before this no Incarnation
said publicly that they were an Incarnation. At the time of Christ
it was necessary to say otherwise people would not have
understood (791202.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Incarnations
I never said about myself because it was felt that human beings
had now achieved a new dimension of ego, even worse than at the
time of Christ human beings had lost all contact with Reality
they were identified with artificiality and to accept such a great
Reality is going to be impossible for them that is why I never
said a word about myself til of course some Saints told about me.
Somehow the possessed people also told about me and also people
started wondering that how the most difficult thing of Kundalini
awakening takes place with that speed in the presence of Mataji.
So through rational understanding people reached the point that
Mataji has to be something exceptional because nowhere in the
scriptures is written down anywhere that such an Incarnation
came on this Earth, whose mere glance, even thought, can raise
the Kundalini (791202.1)
Many Saints who are away from the madding crowd sitting in the
jungles on the Himalayas all know about it because their
awareness is at a point where they understand. They understand
more than you do because you are still children newly born
they are grown up (791202.1)
"But today is the day I declare that I am the One who has to
save the humanity. I declare I am the One who is Adi Shakti, who
is the Mother of all the mothers, who is the Primordial Mother,
the Shakti, the Desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth,
to give it's meaning to itself, to this creation, to human beings
and I am sure through My Love and Patience and My Powers I
am going to achieve it (791202.1)
I was the One who was born again and again. But now in my
complete form and complete powers, I have come on this Earth,
not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their
emancipation, but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the
Joy, the Bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon you"
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Incarnations
These words are to be kept within the bounds of Sahaja Yogis
only for the time being and today is the day of Guru Puja, not my
Puja, but your Puja as Gurus. I anoint all of you as Gurus, and
today I will tell you what I have bestowed upon you, and what
great powers you already have within you (791202.1)
Among you there are people who have still not been able to
recognise my announcement will work it out within them the
recognition. Without recognition you cannot see the play without
the play you cannot have confidence within yourself without
confidence you cannot become the Guru without becoming Guru
you cannot help others without helping others you are not going
to be in any way happy. So to break the chain is very easy but to
build the chain one after another is what you have to do. This is
what you were all wanting to be. So be confident and be joyous and
be happy that all my Powers will protect you, my Love will nourish
you, and my Nature will fill you with Peace and Joy May God Bless
You (791202.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 good 20
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill [Mother's Declaration]
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
- end - 4 Jun 2003
Indian Customs
Indians pamper the son-in-law, or the daughter-in-law it's done
in India to create better relationships it's a custom be
careful It doesn't mean that you are God, or that you are in
superlative condition. Please be careful, when you are marrying
Indians - you will find that the parents will pamper you will look
after you all kinds of things they will do but still one has to
understand that it's just a custom, and you should not feel
pampered, but on the contrary you should just feel blissful about
it. But when it is done suddenly they go off, and they think no
end of themselves (881211)
At the time when garlands are given, you are not supposed to
garland yourself it's regarded as absolutely unmannerly
somebody else has to garland you. Any man cannot garland a lady
because only the husband has the right so 'anyone' won't
garland. A son can garland the mother but 'any' man cannot
garland any lady who is of a younger age, or who is not yet
married, and even if married she has to be an old woman. Even if
the leaders here are garlanded, they immediately take out their
garlands except the Gods I mean I can carry my garland, but I
also take it out is based on logic (881211)
Once you have used your hands for eating, or your spoon for
eating if it has touched your lips it is Jhutha whatever is like
that is not to be eaten once you have eaten something, or
touched something with your lips, it is finished, in India. In India,
they are very particular about this. In Marathi, it's called Urtha,
and in Sanskrit it's Utistha. So whatever is like that is not eaten
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881211 Detachment, Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
- end - 30 May 2003
India has something magical about it, that it transforms people -
come to India if you can. Those who can come monetarily, should
not find excuses not to come, like 'oh I am not ready' come with
full force, not half heartedly. Do not play into the tricks of your
mind (871016); If you are going to India, it is best to enter by the
villages (790416)
Indian women, the way they are humble, are chaste - one has to
learn. Of course there are many who are not also (850901);
Women are very powerful in India and women don't think much in
India they are on 'intuition' more (790608.2); In India, women
and men all respect their chastity very much (850901), but there
is a problem that the women are not much respected (980321);
India may be poor in terms of money, but is not so poor in
Spirituality (980320), yet the people in India are not seeking as
you people are seeking. This is their big problem, because they
think that they know everything about God and they don't have to
bother, while you (foreigners - Ed) are really seekers of truth no
doubt about it (881203); In India, there are many Chief Justices
who are Sahaja Yogis (790416)
Don't get impressed by the 'intellectuals' of India they're
neither intellectuals nor are they Sahaja Yogis be careful
(840214); In the north, the Indians are more interested in
politics, though it is much reduced now, and they do not like to
hear anything against anyone - and that is a good thing. In the
South, including Maharashtra, they are more ritualistic. Because
of these two things, growth in Sahaja Yoga may be slow (980320);
In India, in the North, U.P., Bengal, there is more violence, and
there the men's eyes are always wobbling, whereas in the South, it
is more peaceful (840906); In Benares, all sorts of horrible people
live there (790416); Because of the English involvement in the
formulating of the laws in India, there are no laws prohibiting
Black Magic there. It is because of this that it is not possible to
catch the false gurus there (790416)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - India
In India, birthdays are according to the days of the moon
(840906); Indians are too much hospitable (850000.2), and they
have this fondness to feed you they are very anxious to feed
you. But don't fall a trap to that you should say no no no they
themselves don't eat so much (881221); People in India are very
conditioned people, because they are traditionally made (880106);
When a man's first wife dies, then he may keep a hair or
something that's an Indian nonsense yes it's wrong never to
keep anything they know that (791111)
The first and greatest curse on Indians is this thing of
'relationships', supporting some relative who is no good for Sahaja
Yoga and the second is the caste system, which is the greatest
cancer you could think of for such a Divine country like this
(880106); India is a country of great punyas, and that is why there
are powers which will look after the protection of this country,
and this country will gradually rise (820130); India is the
microscopic form of the whole Mother Earth (840902), and in
Maharashtra is the Kundalini of the Universe (830127)
In India, the climate is very congenial for meditation the
climate is so good, that you can live in the jungles with no
problems. From the very beginning, we have had Seers who were
seeking the truth in the jungles. Then this group scattered, and
in different places formed universities, called as Ghotras, and into
these were sent children from the age of five years, where they
were kept like brothers and sisters (890617.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - India
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 min Q&A good 50
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
When you fail in discretion, you find some problems there are
(880710); Sometimes people think 'oh we did a lot at that
time now, we can't do it' then you have failed; Like I heard
that people are saying 'now we have come here, so we'll not go to
Guru Puja it's wrong very wrong you have to come to Guru
Puja no question Guru Puja is the one Puja you cannot miss
even if you miss Sahastrara Puja it's alright but Guru Puja is
very important at any cost you have to come for Guru Puja. Guru
Puja is extremely effective (880710)
There is another way of indiscretion in Sahaja Yoga is that
people start using me. Like supposing somebody is writing a poem
so he'll come to me and he'll say 'please correct my poem'. I'll
correct one poem two poems three poems ten poems then
he will lose the capacity to produce poems - you should not use me
for your own purpose in that manner but in any case you are using
me but with the understanding that Mother is all the time with
me, and is helping me. There's no need to come forward, and jump
on my time and to take my time and to bother me so that I
should feel 'oh God when will I get rid of him'. Or others will
say'Mother, you should come to my house you must take my
child you must meet my husband' so taking attention to what
you call yours, is also indiscretion. Instead of that 'you' put your
attention to 'me', instead of taking my attention to you it's a
very delicate line of discretion but once you know you are
discreet you cannot be indiscreet even if you want to be and
that is what is the ascent path. Some people have a habit of
dominating me like I'm talking, theyll talk in-between if I am
saying something, they will come forward then I'll play tricks I
am good at playing tricks but I'm very discreet. It's alright my
discretion plays the tricks because if I'm direct, you won't like
it so better be discreet and play tricks (880710)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Indiscretion
There's a method of expressing 'thank you', and you go on
saying 'thank you, thank you' just a lip service but many people
in many countries don't say 'thank you' at all but they're very
grateful inside the 'grateful' is inside it creates a depth that
is necessary. So to do it superficially anything too much has to
be avoided in your discretion. But avoiding extremes avoiding too
much outward expression again can create another indiscretion
like the English they just don't speak it's artificial (880710)
For Hamsa chakra it's important not to kiss people I think
kissing must be given up, because in kissing, you do allow the germs
of another person in Sahaja Yoga it's alright but that doesn't
mean you go crazy with the kissing. The more you start expressing
your love by all these gestures, the less it is, inside (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 17 Jun 2003
As long as you try to be individualistic, you cannot be a good Sahaja
Yogi you have to become one with the whole - we have to face
ourselves for that very important it is especially in the West
(830821); Individualism is against the spirit of the 'whole' (920229);
When you are surrendered, there is no question of individualism
those people who think of any kind of individualism are going to go
out of the circulation of Sahaja Yoga (810904)
I must warn you, there are some Sahaja Yogis who will try to have
their 'own' party they are very power oriented they will have an
exclusive party it is a very dangerous sign it is a cancer -
everything should be collective. Anybody who does that kind of thing,
you should know is a possessed person and you will be harmed if you
follow such a person. We are all collective we have to know
everything among each other and we have to live like one family, all
over the world. Once you develop that kind of a love for everyone,
then you will be surprised, you have become a great personality - that
means the drop becomes the ocean (960716)
People start thinking 'we can be on our own, we can start working
it out on our own' they think 'our relationship is with Mother
direct'. Nothing can be worked out on your own; I would suggest
that if the information that you are writing is for Sahaja Yogis,
first thing that you should say is that 'they cannot work it out on
their own - Mother only loves those who love each other and
anybody who thinks 'I can work it out on my own, I have a special
relationship with Mother' should know that they are going out' this
sentence, you put first (810524)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
- end - 24 Apr 2003
It is not important to say 'I like this I like that' no! - that
'I' which likes, is nothing but ego and keeps you out of the
enjoyment, which is Reality which is the 'real' (000507); 'I dont
like it' - who are you I have seen people with very poor
knowledge, who are just knowing little bit here and there and
very critical of others I dont know the reason why it is so but
maybe they think no end of themselves (000507)
We should now say 'We' - all the Sahaja Yogis together, or 'this
Johnny' using of course our own name. In this way we speak in the
3rd person, where we become the witness not involved but
detached (821101); This 'I' word must go away that is what
meditation is - where you are no more 'I' (760330)
With superego, all the time there is fear danger crying and
weeping sort of people while on the other side are people who
act have ego - ego on the one side and superego on the other -
and when they close down we become like the shell of an egg we
are closed we have an 'I-ness' we become Mr 'So-and-So'
(821008) when ego and superego close over the Fontanelle bone
area and the individual becomes isolated (810928)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 27 Mar 2003
The first quality of creation, and one of the qualities of Shri
Ganesha (811005), and cannot be destroyed, and which gives us
real strength (890801); Is the source of Joy; Is expressed as
our 'Morality' (960915), as chastity. The practice of innocence is
chastity, which gives us the Mariadas, and which is the
foundation of all dharmas (850901); Innocence remains intact up
to the stage of animals, who don't know they are committing any
sin, or breaking any laws a tiger who eats a cow, or an elephant
who tramples a human being still remains innocent (860907); God
looks after all those who are innocent (951224)
One of the powers that Ganesha has is he generates
innocence within us - we respect our innocence our chastity
and a lifestyle which is decent and decorous. This is the reason
why in Sahaja Yoga we have to be particular about how we dress
up that our dress should be decent, dignified, and should in no
way show our vulgarity - we should look after our chastity and
our morality which is meant for both women and men not only
in dress, but even in day to day life, it is important (930721)
If you are not innocent, you cannot have respect so innocence
has to be developed, to have that respect. In innocence, you
don't think that you are the wisest of all, and make everybody
look a fool nor do you laugh at others, and make fun of them
nor do you 'play games', and put people down. But what I've
seen even coming to Sahaja Yoga this is the worst part of it
I have seen people who play games, after coming to Sahaja Yoga
they gossip and say all kinds of wrong things which I have
never said before so many kinds of things I hear that I am
amazed how Sahaja Yogis are such creators of gossips. Ego is
anti-innocence and that's why this kind of a nonsensical gossip
people do which I can't understand so filthy (840902)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Innocence
There are all kinds of things that you have got from your past
and you must try to get out of it otherwise you cannot rise
high. A person who is not innocent, cannot worship Shri Ganesha
those who are not innocent, play 'games', try tricks, gossip,
indulge in filth he cuts them out. Innocence is a very sharp
thing it does not have any compromise which you can see in the
life of Christ. With his trunk, Ganesha throws people out he
sees for a while, and if people remain still half baked, they are
thrown out of Sahaja Yoga. Innocence gives you complete
sincerity, and Ganesha is the judge and he is the one who
throws you out on the periphery like a tangent you get out of
Sahaja Yoga and then you go down and down and down and you
may develop horrible diseases of the Mooladhara chakra
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
840902 Ganesha Puja talk - Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
960915 Without Innocence you cannot enjoy, Ganesh Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 30 Sep 2002
That which is coming to us, which is 'new' - and is very different
to the 'thoughts' that we have. First these inspirations come to
us, in 'light and shade', and then are 'moulded by us into
language'. They come from inside then we are spontaneous,
inspirational. It is not like normal thinking, which is very
superficial, and which is the interaction between thoughts and
action, action and reaction (781218)
Reduce your arguments to the minimum and minimum and
don't think then the inspiration will come to you from within, and
when the inspiration will be coming, then you'll find that it will be
very different it will be very beautiful (800907)
Go on telling your mind that 'this is not this is not this is
not...' any thought that comes to your mind you go on telling 'this
is not not this not this not this...' then the inspiration starts
coming. You see what I feel people are not inspired they have
got fear, on one side or else they go into an ego trip (820402);
So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying
'not this thought' then you will be a deep Sahaja Yogi because
intellect is nothing so-called intellect is nothing only God has
Intelligence. The most intelligent person is the one who knows
that our intellect is just an ego trip this is the sign of Pure
Intelligence of Pure Understanding that the heart is the ruler
there resides the Spirit which is the most intelligent thing within
us and the inspiration of the Spirit is the manifestation of the
Pure Intellect of God and what I told you today is the Intellect
of the Heart but of the brain zero (820402); But then what is
the use of the brain why not have only heart you see would be
alright but the brain is the one which acts. Heart is the
inspiration but the brain acts on it it's communicating but the
inspiration, the source is the heart is the Spirit again connect
yourself to the Spirit. Whatever you have to say, relate it to the
Spirit not to anything else (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References: ( Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins )
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (1st 15 mins poor quality, later improving) not good 75
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham 1Road good 70
Sahajvidya 30 Sep 2003
God wants to use us as His instruments, for the flow of His
pure universal love (790416) - that Mother is doing everything
is correct in a way but, you are the instruments. So the source
may be there, but the instrument is the one which delivers the
goods, and like Hanumana, you are the instruments, and you have
to work you have to do the job; If you think that I am
doing this, then finished. But if you know that it is done by
the Divine, that the Paramchaitanya is doing everything, and
that I am just an instrument, then the humility will be there
and you'll be an effective instrument (890423)
What is the role of England in the whole Cosmos? We are
specially born in this place for a particular type of special work
we have to do, as an instrument of the Divine not doing
yourself something, but as an instrument. Like a painter has a
brush and is nicely painting - it's the painter that's painting.
But if the brush starts thinking I am the one who is painting,
it's stupidity; When the drop becomes the Ocean, then it
doesn't think it is a drop it thinks it is a part of the Ocean. In
the same way, once you grow up, you become very collective
You do not think that you are ordinary, otherwise I would
never have chosen you but you have no recognition of yourself
also as you have no recognition of me you have to recognise
yourselves and respect yourselves. Do not respect material
things - respect yourself first of all and the matter within you
In the third state of becoming, we see these things, these
catches, but they do not affect us then we do not call it
catching we say we are recording like we are an instrument,
and we are just recording (800518)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Instruments
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790416 Living work of God - Easter - Putney good 45
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
The essence of Sahastrara (830204) when all the aspect of
our being Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual are in one
accord (870513); You are not only a physical being you are also an
emotional being. If you pay too much attention to your physical
side, you can become a dry personality absolutely. Such a person
gets heart troubles because the spirit resides in the heart, and
if you are too much physical, then the heart goes out - you must
pay attention to your spirit. So you are not only a physical being
you are also a mental being you are an emotional being and, a
spiritual being all these must be integrated and there should be
a complete balance (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 27 Mar 2003
If the right hand is burning but not the left hand that is when
a person is right sided, being an intellectual or futuristic person
(830512), the left side subtle system is raised and taken over to
the right side by movement of the right hand, to bring the
system into balance (830121); If we have ego, we should raise the
left side, and put it to the right side there's no other way out
you have to work it out with your hands (830121)
The right side sympathetic nervous system the right side
channel, in our subtle system is the power of action, that acts
through the 5 elements (810928; 831001); The Sun channel, which
works for our physical and intellectual activities (MME)
So this intellect, which is now being enlightened, Prabuddha
you must use it in a subtler way. As we are all technocrats, we are
right sided we are very right sided people all the Sahaja Yogis
today are 99.9% are right sided even in India and this
movement towards the right side is overdone. So now to bring
Sahaja Yogis to normalcy, is to bring them to the left side. Under
these circumstances, one has to think of those people who really
love God - there is bhakti there is devotion. They dont think
they dont worry they are blindly following God - you have to
develop that shraddha that faith that love. Start with your
heart just give up talking about it just start feeling your heart
- not your mouth so much as your heart (0.0011)
Bhakti worship (811005) devotion (0.0011) is only possible if
you have faith that's the thing is the faith which is
challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid and horrible people
the intellectuals also by science and by this church, and that
church. So your faith has to be absolutely absolutely
untarnishable so when this faith in God is absolutely established
within you that there is God Almighty he's Almighty and that
I am the messenger of that God just this understanding, when it
becomes absolutely formed in you then you are in Guru Pada
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Intellectual
Don't get impressed by the 'intellectuals' of India they're
neither intellectuals nor are they Sahaja Yogis be careful
(840214); Indian music is understood by westerners at the
spiritual level, not intellectually (830202)
Go on telling your mind that 'this is not this is not this is
not...' any thought that comes to your mind you go on telling 'this
is not not this not this not this...' then the inspiration starts
coming. You see what I feel people are not inspired they have
got fear, on one side or else they go into an ego trip (820402);
So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying
'not this thought' then you will be a deep Sahaja Yogi because
intellect is nothing so-called intellect is nothing only God has
Intelligence. What is intellect all those things are good for
nothing only service to your Mother is the best ask your
intellect 'is it serving my Mother' (820402)
The so-called intellect of human beings it cheats it gives you
escapes all the time the intellect is working by saying.. 'oh this
may be good that may be good' but the real good it never sees
it's a trick of the ego you see choices ego likes choices you
see 'this is good this is bad this I dont like this this' - all
'I' business should be given up 'we' should come in not 'I'
thats how intellect will go away. The most intelligent person is the
one who knows that our intellect is just an ego trip this is the
sign of Pure Intelligence of Pure Understanding that the heart
is the ruler there resides the Spirit which is the most intelligent
thing within us and the inspiration of the Spirit is the
manifestation of the Pure Intellect of God and what I told you
today is the Intellect of the Heart but of the brain zero
(820402); But then what is the use of the brain why not have
only heart you see would be alright but the brain is the one which
acts. Heart is the inspiration but the brain acts on it it's
communicating but the inspiration, the source is the heart is
the Spirit again connect yourself to the Spirit. Whatever you
have to say, relate it to the Spirit not to anything else (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Intellectual
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
If it is your intelligence that is creating your ego that you
think you have a very great IQ, then it is better to bring it down a
little (800517.1); We should tell our intelligence 3 things: 'I am a
Realised Soul' 'Nothing can make me unhappy' and 'Nothing can
befool me'. We have to believe it in our hearts, not in our brains.
If we can do these things, and they settle down on our
intelligence, then the Divine will see to the rest of it, and we will
become very loving and considerate persons. 'Nothing should
pamper me, and nothing should make me unhappy nobody can hurt
me'. Think that we have our Mother with us, and She is breaking
all our granthis - we have only to make sure we don't create more
granthis, knots (800517.1); Anybody who is intelligent, cannot have
much money it is a fact it doesnt go hand in hand. A person who
is a worshipper of Saraswati, doesnt get so much Lakshmi always
you will find (.0011)
If this enlightened intelligence comes into us, this is wisdom.
That they are laughing at me, someone is dominating me, or making
fun of me - all these fears will disappear, just like that. You are a
flower, and you are fragrant, and the fragrance is blowing, and
many bees are going to come to you - that's what you are, tell
yourself like that, bring your intelligence to that level, not too
high, nor too low, but in the centre, and everything can be solved
in no time (800517.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
- end - 7 Apr 2003
If we do not have an intense desire to ascend, then we cannot
ascend. In morning meditation, we must say what is our desire,
what is our goal, whilst taking the name of Shri Ganesha - all
activity must be surrendered for this goal. This desire however
may be curbed through the cocoon of 'my-ness' that develops
after Realisation, when as a result, we can become half hearted in
our ascent (890619); If you see, the rate at which we are moving
is not proper we have to be much faster we have to go much
ahead, and we have to create much more Sahaja Yogis through our
consistent very intensive effortbut it is a side issue a 'by the
way' Sahaja Yoga is 'by the way' and this is why we are failing
in our responsibilities (970525)
To deal with Reality it must be done with intensity even love
must be intense otherwise you are just befooling yourself
playing games it leads you nowhere (791202.3); You should have
only one intense desire within yourself have I become the Spirit,
have I achieved my ultimate, have I risen above the worldly
desires. Purify yourself the desire that you have leave it then,
once you are purified, that area will be covered through your
attention it's very interesting. When you get over it, then only,
you can throw light. Rise above that desire. Every time you get a
desire, you rise above it so your light is emitted on that wider
problem that you are facing, that you think should be solved by
your Mother (821219)
We have come here at a very important time. Historically this is
a very important time, and when we are with our Mother is the
most important time, of that important time - we should take full
advantage of that in the real sense of the word. Those who are
wise take the best advantage, which is the growth within; Before
you stands someone who has control over all the centres, over all
the powers, who is All Powerful. How much advantage you have
taken of that is the important thing; In Mother's Presence, in
India, people become more protocolish, whilst in England people
start taking advantage, making fun, joking - you cannot. You cannot
be frivolous, or shallow with somebody so intense (830723.3)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Intensity
The concentrated type of attention is the one which is
intense, deep, penetrative - because they have a living mind, not
the dead parched mind - they penetrate (830723.3); This
penetration of attention has to be seen for example if you
look at some tree, then just watch it with love see what the
tree is talking to you what is she saying or, if you are looking
at a mountain, then just talk to the mountain, and see what the
mountain is saying to you - put your attention in completely on
one thing and see for yourself that will help you a lot
(000507); When you put on a bandhan, how long it will last
depends on your intensity after some time you dont need any
bandhan (.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 30 Sep 2002
We should do a lot of introspection, to find out 'what is wrong
with me' can I sleep on the grass can I sit on the stone can I
sleep any time, keep awake anytime am I seeking the comfort of
the body is my attention on my body, or on my Spirit we have to
be strict with ourselves, we have to be our own gurus (910728); It
is important that Sahaja Yogis have to do introspection inward
introspection is inward looking why am I thinking what am I
thinking what is the need to think you will become Nirvichara
(971005); It is very important to do, so as to overcome the two
hurdles of Agnya (951224); What is wrong with my personality it
comes from the surroundings and the ideas that others have
been putting into our heads - what matters, is what 'I' think, not
what others think (910728)
Now dont condemn yourself if you have some defects there
have to be you are human beings but all these defects, with
your power of spirituality, you can overcome. For that what have
you to do first is introspection trying to find out. You separate
yourself with your Spirit and say 'hello Mr how are you'
start with that 'hello what are you up to' and you start seeing
yourself outside and eradicating, removing all that is not
yourself (010321)
The fear comes, that I will be putting up my ego - that if we
assert something or other as right, then we will get ego; Know
that you are a Realised Soul, start respecting yourself, and you
will not fall into the trap of ego 'how can I behave like this'.
Then a kind of dignity develops, and we feel shy of doing
something stupid (910728); We must have a complete attention
towards our weaknesses, and not towards our achievements
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Introspection
If you are hot-tempered, alright go and beat yourself with
shoes but if you are not, then you need not you must know what
you are first of all introspect then accordingly, you should work
it out (971225); Without introspection you will not know you will
never remember what you have done wrong, nor will you think of
what you have to do right but that is only possible if you go on
improving yourself (980712)
For your ascent, it is necessary that you should introspect try
to find out what you have been doing. Are you an absolutely
humble person do you do whatever is told to you are you a fussy
person do you worry about time are you a detached person are
you bound by one of the gunas, left or right or are you all the
time like a pendulum moving from left to right, right to left do
you worry about what food you should eat, when you should eat, or
whom you should please (980712)
In the light of the spirit you can see, how you are doing wrong.
The Spirit is like a mirror, where you can see yourself clearly, and
you start changing yourself and then there's no introspection
needed. When you have your Spirit awakened, you can watch
yourself you can see for yourself, clearly, as soon as you become
a developed or evolved Sahaja Yogi and that's one point one
should see if it has happened to you. If you can see something
wrong with you if you can find out what sort of defects you
have if you can detach yourself from those defects, and if you
can understand that all these attachments and defects and habits
are pulling you down - then only you can leave them but that only
happens when you have this mirror of your Self shining through
Your own development, your own connection, your own position in
Sahaja Yoga will say what you are whatever others may say
doesn't matter what you say about yourself, truly, truthfully is
the Reality, and you must face yourself all the time (980712)
- Jai Shri Mataji
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Introspection
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Discretion of the Ida Nadi is Intuition if you develop that
discretion within you, through your meditative powers, you develop
Intuition and Intuition is nothing but is the help of the Ganas
which are surrounding you if you learn to take help from the
Ganas, you can become very intuitive. Of the whole of Sahaja
Yoga, I would say 50% of that is based on intuition and for that
you have to develop a proper sense of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha is
Ganapati the master the chief of all the Ganas - so the Ganas
give you intuition (880710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 26 Apr 2003
An extremely moral religion, that opposes the permissive and
self indulgent culture of the West, but which is causing problems
in so doing (941105.2); The Muslims are against Christians more -
also against the Jews - but the Christians they are against be-
cause they think this Christian religion gives complete freedom to
do what you like their women go nude they wear very scanty
dresses and the women are like prostitutes (970823.2)
Islamic people believe that chastity is only for the women, and
not for men it's very wrong it is meant for both of them. If the
men try to force the women to be chaste, and they themselves are
not, then the women will 'not' be chaste they may appear to be
chaste they may try to be, out of fear but if they get a
chance they will because they see the men they think 'what's
wrong' if they can do it, why not we do it. So the whole society
has to take to a very decent life, and very decorous, dignified
lifestyle. Otherwise a kind of insecurity starts working among men
and women and a too much complicated life starts (930721)
In the Koran, it is written that Islam means 'surrender to the
Divine' (870408; MME), surrender your ego and your bad condi-
tionings (881217), and also that 'unless you are connected to God,
all that is written here has no meaning', that it has no meaning
before Self Realisation (870408; MME) Islam means surrender
Mohammed talked more about the Resurrection time than the
Doomsday, but Muslims are using more the Doomsday the same
with Christians just to frighten the people so they will stick on
(0.0005); Today, Islam is spreading very fast (840906)
This Koran was written 40 years after the death of Mohammed
Saab. It is said that at the time of your Kiyama, [pron: Keeyama]
means Resurrection Time that your hands will speak that you
should feel the vibrations on your finger tips. I would say those
who are really Muslims who are surrendered and those who have
been selected to be higher people belonging to the God's Realm
must have hands that can speak otherwise they are not Muslims
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Islam
so it's compulsory that for every Muslim if he thinks he is a
Muslim that he should feel the vibrations. His hands must speak
at the time of Resurrection, Kiyama not the Kayama these two
words are confused in the minds of people many people do not
understand the difference. One is when the Resurrection Time
comes in Kiyama and the other is when your destruction comes
in Kayama. So those people who can verify about themselves
and about others through the vibrations on their hands or
through their finger tips are the Muslims according to the Ko-
ran but nobody has told them this they dont know. To them is
alright if you go to Mecca, and come back from there you become
a Hajji finished (000423)
There's another question one should ask which is very impor-
tant why Mohammed Saab who was so much against stone wor-
shipping why he asked people to go round that black square
stone what was the purpose thats also just a stone so why.
This stone was a Swayambhuand it's mentioned in the Indian
Scriptures that there is Macceshwarshiva. We have Shivas every-
where in India there are 12 Jyoti Lingas you can verify on your
vibrations same with this black stone and so the people have to
go round to achieve Shiva's Blessings but it became a ritual and
nobody could go further than that ritual (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-941105.2 2nd Diwali talk, Istanbul, see 941105 [+ award to Ma] good 25
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-881217 Punyas, Poona - see 881217 good 30
0.0005 Airport Talk poor
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
881217 How we do earn our punyas-Dec 88/2 - India
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 1 Jun 2003
The Lakshmi Tattwa of the Italians has become the
Mahalakshmi Tattwa. The Italians have been a rich source of art,
music and all sorts of creativity. They are rich in heart, simple
hearted and dignified (860921.1); The soul, the essence of all the
elements of Europe is here (i.e. Italy - Ed); Italy is a very rich
place it has everything in it, and they are very rich hearted
people (860725); Are very humble people (871024); Italians are
known for their art they make beautiful things but they have to
pay so much taxation (971004); The 3 problems of Italy, the
Mafia, violence, and poverty are now reduced (860921.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-860725 Soul & Spirit, Volterra (+Mahalakshmi Med'ns) see 860725 poor 25
860725 Informal Talks - 1986/85 (various)
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
- end - 18 Jun 2003
Jagadamba first incarnated 14000 years back and whose
qualities include security and who incarnates many times to kill
and destroy the evil forces, the Rakshasas, or devilish people;
Mother of the Universe residing in the centre heart; Part of Adi
Shakti, the Desire Power of God (941009; 810829; 811005);
The Centre Heart the centre of security and confidence
(MME) the fourth Chakra, controlled by Jagadamba (810829)
manifests in the gross as the cardiac plexus (830302); The
Mother of the Universe who gives security, and controls the
sternum and antibody production (811005) controls our immune
system (MME) where til the age of twelve years, we develop our
antibodies which later on in life go into the whole body into the
circulation and fight our diseases and to fight our emotions
The 'Power' of God, who does all the Divine Play, and which is
witnessed by the Father aspect of God; In the Bible, it is a
mystery, because the Mother of Christ was the Holy Ghost, and it
was thought that if attention goes to Her, She will be killed - and
then Christ who had 11 destroying powers would have destroyed
the whole world. So that is why they never said anything about the
Mother - who is Mahalakshmi, who is the Power of Ascent, who is
the Protector, and who kills all the demons and devils both inside
you and without, and is called as Jagadamba, the Mother of the
Universe (830302);
The seekers are trying to get out of the Ocean of Illusion, and
the Mother is there to protect, guide, counsel and to bring them
out of that illusion (830302); To correct a centre heart problem,
hold your breath, not with great force, but ordinarily, hold for a
while then exhale - 3 times, and use the mantra for Jagadamba
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Jagadamba
Jagadamba Prasanna that is the Mother is very happy - so
you must just find out what will make Mother happy. When you do
something, just weigh it out will she be happy if we do like this
if we talk like this and say like this will she be happy - very
simple that's a good judging point. Don't do what 'you' want to
do and what 'you' like that's a wrong style absolutely wrong
but you must do what I would like you to do and that is what it
should be Mataji Prasanna. This is a sort of a certificate with
me that Mataji Prasanna so do everything with that
permission (770126.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Nov 2002
Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is 'not good'
you feel hurt if Mother says this is 'good' you feel happy that
means you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where you
think that whatever you say should be approved by me. That is
something is very subtle we do not understand, that if Mother is
not approving of it, there must be basic Divine reason
otherwise why should I not approve of it. We must know that it's
all the work of God, and we are just channels in the hands of God
Jealousy one of the biggest enemies or problems of today
(970600); You cannot go about with many girls because then
there is jealousy I dont understand what is the freedom they
enjoy like this because then there is jealousy - you cannot go
about with many boys, because there can be murders. You see
why people murder their ego is hurt nobody says 'alright you
go ahead, have a boyfriend I am very happy' - nobody likes it
it hurts so they do it secretly they cannot do it openly
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
I was happy to learn that the great poet of this country, Blake
had prophesised about me and it's so beautifully done that he
said that England is going to be the Jerusalem means that this is
going to be the pilgrimage the venue has shifted. He has said
that the furnace will be burning in Surrey Heath, where I came
first and then he mentioned Lambeth Vale, where we have got
our Ashram where the foundations will be laid - we have laid the
foundations - and that Jerusalem is going to be in England not in
India and you are the people responsible for this Jerusalem
(801019); That which England, the Heart of the Universe, must
become where people will come to worship (820710)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
- end - 28 May 2003
Or Jesu, from Je/Knowing and Su/Auspicious. Yeshoda (811006);
The name Jesus comes from Yeshoda, also written Jeshoda, who
was the foster mother of Shri Krishna. The short form of
Jeshoda or Jesoda is 'Jesu', which is used in Hebrew, whilst in
India, it is Yesu. There is a confusion between the two sounds of
'J' and 'Y' (810330)
The name Jesus comes, because Radha wanted to name him after
Krishna's foster mother, Yeshoda or Jeshoda, whom she loved
very much - the short form of Jesoda is Yesu or Jesu, and in
India, Christ is also called as Jesu from there the name Jesus
has come. The name Jesu is very important, and comes from Je,
meaning in Sanskrit, to know, the knowledge, or the one who
knows, and Su, meaning auspicious, or which brings auspiciousness,
which brings blessings so Jesu means the one who knows how to
bring auspiciousness to this Earth (811006)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
- end - 4 Jun 2003
John the Baptist
When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he meant when
the Kundalini rises and reaches the top of the head and you
find a cool breeze coming out of your head and which is called as
Chaitanya Lahari as Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost and you can
feel this cool breeze coming out of your head. He didnt mean the
way we do baptism, to just call somebody put some water on the
head, and say 'oh you're baptised' thats just a drama. Baptism
is a living process (821007)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
The Vishuddhi looks after the joints (790618); Troubles with
the joints, is a left side problem (830209)
Arthritis or pain in the joints may be development by those
people who are in the 'centre', if they do not give vibrations
(830209); Is absolutely curable in Sahaja Yoga, and is because of
too much vibrations. Is cured by putting one hand on the
affected area and the other outside, when all will be going out
into the atmosphere (791009.1); Can be cured by taking the help
of the Mother Earth - ask the Mother Earth to take away the
problem (821008)
For those who are in the centre, their main disease is in their
excretion and their all kinds of vomiting if they eat at a place
where they should not have eaten or if they eat a wrong type of
food or a wrong type of liquid they have to immediately go and
vacate it either they'll vomit, or they'll have diarrhoea but
other problems they may develop include: swellings on the body,
arthritis or pain in the joints, low breathing, low blood pressure,
temporary tiredness, throat troubles, drying up of the liquid in
the body, headaches and pressures on the sides of the head, all
these from fighting the negativity in the persons they are with
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Ahlada (970823.1); Joy comes out of the love that we have for
each other, and for God and for the Mother (890725); It is a
blessing of the Kingdom of God, that we get drenched in that Joy,
which has no duality, like happiness and unhappiness. That Joy is
sufficient - to be drenched in that Joy alone (871024), the Joy of
the witness state (840708); Joy is single, is absolute - when you
are in joy, you are at a state where there is no movement you are
just there. It is that dignified, majestic beauty within ourselves,
which we have to nurture when we don't get upset are not
bothered by what others say (800517.1); When you start giving
this Divine Power to others, you start gradually deepening into
your own being, and feeling your own source of Joy - life becomes
full of Joy and happiness (790507); Sharing of your things is an
extremely joy giving thing that is how all of us have to live
sharing things we have to learn to share (960716)
You see how the nature acts how the nature helps just look at
the nature how subservient it is it enjoys that the nature is
so subservient why what is the need because it gets the
blessings the beauty of wholesomeness of doing something for
the whole. The quality of wholesomeness, when it is experienced
within ourselves, then only that joy comes in (850310)
Thankfulness is the way to Joy there's no other way - we get
everything, but we never thank judging type we are - today is the
day of thanking; Thankfulness, if you do not have, you'll never
enjoy what you have whatever you have got whatever God has
given you out of His Grace out of His compassion out of His
love. We do not know how to thank Him you see this is the point
have we thanked Him every moment of our life. When you thank
Him, the waves of Joy will rise within you. The greatest thing He
has given us, is Realisation and the way of Sahaja. Look into your
heart, and humble down and thank every moment - that is the
key to start the Joy, out of every moment every moment has an
ocean of Joy in it but to start it, you must thank whatever you
have got (790000.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Joy
Joy cannot be expressed in words it expresses in your eyes, in
your faces, in the atmosphere, in nature. This is what we all have
to achieve, and for that we have to know that we are not going to
bow down to anything that puts our attention into shackles. Mother
has freed us let us spread our wings (880106); When your atten-
tion goes to the Spirit, joy starts bubbling in your life. No mental
activity can take you there - only by Kundalini awakening is it possi-
ble (980320); Joy is so fulfilling the joy of the Spirit is much
more than the joy of any worldly comforts (881207); Is possible
only with innocence, the source of all Joy (960915); We are all
enlightened we are all Nirmalites in everything that you see, you
feel the joy pouring in you can't understand how it is you see
something that you see every day, and there is joy (850502)
The limbic area is a hollow space between the Agnya and the
Fontanelle bone area, having within it cells sensitive to joy and
happiness, and which gets soothed down by the Kundalini (890801);
Everything is to increase our enjoyment even our ascent is to
increase our enjoyment our sensitivity to joy (881211); So far you
see, at human level, one feels only the pains or pressures on the
nerves but never the Ananda. But after Realisation only, your
nerves start feeling the joy (850502); Once you have reached the
shores of joy then you should not give it up for anything
because it is your choice whether you want joy, or you want
unhappiness (860707.2)
It is good to be able to laugh at yourself and then problems will
start to drop out (781005); Getting frustrated and unhappy with
yourself is the worst thing then there is going to be a problem.
You have to laugh at yourself, laugh at your mechanism that is out
of order (760330); When you start seeing through the eyes of the
Spirit, then you do not feel bad you laugh at yourself, make fun
of yourself and then you enjoy yourself, joke with yourself and
the whole thing becomes a joke (800907); Learn to laugh at
yourself that is the best way to enjoy yourself (970823.1); In
laughter and in all playful things lies the truth (800721)
3 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya Joy
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-881211 Detachment - Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt1 (Preparation Becoming) good 50
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
960915 Without Innocence you cannot enjoy, Ganesh Puja, Cabella good 60
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
C. G. Jung who described the 'Unconscious' as the source and
matrix of all great creative ideas, as the basis of all Reality. Who
rebelled against Freud, and his perverted ideas (MME); Who
proved the universality of symbols coming from the Unconscious -
the same symbols, wherever we may be (800629); Who said that
you have to become collectively conscious (870408)
Who was one of the greatest psychologists ever born, and who
opposed Freud who was a very abnormal person who died of
cancer. Jung however was a great man who got his Realisation in
his old age, and when he died, he was looking like a flower. He did
many experiments with people, with their dreams, and he
established that there was a Force beyond us, which he called the
Universal Unconscious because it is not in our conscious mind
and which he said was a motherly force which is guiding you, in
your dreams. He also said that human awareness will reach a point,
where man will be thoughtlessly aware (790608.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800629 How prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill, see 800630 good 20
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 1 Jun 2003
The sense of justice comes from a special quality of left Nabhi.
Justice is that you do not harm the innocent. This is the basic
point, the basis of law - law is for the protection of innocence. A
person who believes in justice has to be a very courageous man.
There has to be justice, but justice is not to be demanded. As
soon as we start asking for justice, there is no peace. So we
should not ask for justice - we should do justice, to ourselves and
to others, and we should be peaceful to ourselves and to others.
The responsibility of Belgians is Peace, whilst that of the people
of Holland is Justice - they are interdependent, and both qualities
must act. The World High Court exists to give Justice (860921.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Who with Adi Shankaracharya, was one of the Incarnations of
the Disciple Principle (790530); Who lived in the 16th century
(830302); Who said "when the drop becomes the ocean, what can
you say, you are lost, you are no more there, you are finished"
(870408); Who was a Satguru (830209), a great Realised Soul, in
India (771024.1), and who was a married man (771024.3); All the
great Saints of India were married and had children except for
some people like Buddha, who died very early he had to take a
Sanyasa because of his work. Then we had Kabira, Nanaka all of
them were married people (821008)
Who belonged to a Muslim family but who realising that Islam
was not going to give him what he wanted knowledge of his Self
waited at the banks of the River Ganges, in Benares for a
Realised Soul, called Swami Ramanand. There he caught hold of
the Saint's feet and asked him for initiation for Self
Realisation. The other people objected and said 'Sir, he is an
orphan brought up in a Muslim family he'll not accept anything
that looks like it is from Hindu Religion' but Swami Ramanand
immediately agreed as he could see a great seeker there. Kabir
became a great Saint is accepted by Hindus and Muslims
because he had that power of wisdom to go to a man, not
belonging to his religion, who might not have accepted him but he
knew also through his wisdom, that this man is the one who will
love him (930721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
771024.3 Caxton Hall tape 3 poor
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
end - 1 Jun 2003
Indians, Maharashtrians especially, take a Kaduk bath means
with very hot water this is an absolutely wrong idea. Normally a
cold bath is best but if not possible, then take a tepid water.
This will solve one of the problems that you do not expose
yourself to too much cold or heat - the temperature is kept the
same as the room temperature. People have died of their lung
cancer, because they can't get out of 'their' bad habit of taking
bath every morning. I call it bad habit for Indians, not for the
English because they take their bath, and then immediately are
going out to work. So take your bath at 4 o'clock in the morning,
stay in the house and get used to the climate, and then go out or
take your bath in the night (.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
- end - 10 Apr 2003
Kali Yuga
The Yuga when there is no righteousness (790530) this age
which is passing - into Satya Yuga (900619); This is the Ghor Kali
Yuga, means these modern times are the worst times for human
beings - all sorts of things are happening, that have never
happened before. The worst times have come, and we can at any
time fall prey to it is a fact (980706); The Modern Times, the
Age of Confusion and Conflict, when people reach the lowest point
of Spiritual and Moral Development in the cycle of Yugas or Ages,
each of thousands of years in length - the worst part of which
commenced in the first quarter of the 20th century. This was
followed by the first stirrings of the transitional Age of Krita
Yuga, starting to manifest around the 1970's (MME); The time
when I came was Kali Yuga but now today the time is of Krita
Yuga the Yuga where work will be done this is the time where
work will be done (820402); One of the signs of Kali Yuga, is that
men wear the dresses of women, and women wear the dresses of
men yes really it is the sign (840829.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-900619 Adi Kundalini Puja - Austria - see 900616 good 30
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
840829.2 Pre-Marriage Talk, part 2 - Switzerland good
900000 State of the Planet / Water Music good 30
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 28 May 2003
Kalki is an abbreviation of Nishkalanka, and has the same meaning
as Mother's name, Nirmala, and means 'spotlessly clean' - without
any spots on it. This Incarnation has been described in the Puranas,
as coming on this Earth on a 'white horse' in a place called
Shambhalkul. Bhala means 'forehead', and 'shambhala' means 'at
that stage', so it means that Kalki is situated on your Bhala, your
forehead. Here he is going to be born. This is the real meaning of
Shambhalkul; In between Jesus Christ, and his destroying
incarnation of Mahavishnu, called as Kalki, there is a time given to
human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into the
Kingdom of God, and which is called in the Bible the 'Last
Judgement'. All those who have an aspiration to enter into the
Kingdom of God are born in these modern times. This is the most
important time, because Sahaja Yoga is the 'Last Judgement'. It is
fantastic to hear this, but it is a fact and it is the truth (790928)
Between getting our Realisation and getting into the Kingdom of
God, we can falter very much. Sahaja Yoga gives all the freedom
whether to fall or to come up. If you try to impress on others,
after coming to Sahaja Yoga, that you are very great, or that you
have achieved this, you have achieved that, then all this nonsense is
a very great offence, and you are punished for that. This is the
power of Kalki, which is working secretly behind Sahaja Yoga Kalki
is devoid of any compassion (790928)
There are 11 Rudras, 11 destructive, destroying powers absolutely
settled in him, which are guarding the beauty of Sahaja Yoga.
Anybody who tries to play around with Sahaja Yoga is harmed very
badly. Don't try to trouble anybody who is a Saintly person, a good
person, nor to play tricks with the Divine. Because Kalki is already
on! Be careful about it because once this power comes on you, you
will not know how to hide yourself. Not only to Sahaja Yogis, but
this I am telling to the whole world today - be careful! Don't take it
easy, and do not compromise with nonsensical people - stick onto
the 'Right'. The day is very near when Kalki is going to come. Be
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Kalki
careful. Do not try to harm others, or take advantage of others,
and do not show off your own powers, because once this destruction
will start in your life, you won't know how to stop it (790928)
This is the time of cleansing - that is why I am here, as Nirmala,
to cleanse you; Whatever is wrong is wrong - whether today,
tomorrow, yesterday or a thousand years back. Whatever is wrong
for your dharma, for your sustainance, is wrong. 'What's wrong
with this with that' - this question will be answered by Kalki only!
Then you will have no time to repent, or to ask the question, 'what's
wrong' you will be chopped off - that is what Kalki Incarnation is
He is going to come on a white horse as they say. It is a
tremendous thing that is going to work out. Every human being is
going to be sorted out. Nobody can then claim - everything is being
advertised, is being published (790928)
There are so many who have come to misguide you. They are
taking money for misguiding you, for giving you sins - they are nicely
booking you up for a trip to hell. They themselves are nicely booked
there, and when I say about them, people feel very hurt, that why
should Mataji talk against these gurus - they are not gurus, they
are Rakshasas. The Rakshasas which the Devi killed thousands of
years back, are back in the seat again, but the problem is very
different at the present moment. Try to understand. The problem
of this Kali Yuga is that there is no hard and fast rule, as to say
who is a purely negative and who is a purely positive person
So many Rakshasas have entered into your brain - you side with so
many people who are wrong, who are doing wrong things, in the name
of politics, religion, in the name of progress or education etc. Once
you have sided with them, they are in your brain, they are within
you, and when they are within you, how to destroy them? You may
be a good person, but you may be destroyed, because of having
them within your heads (790928)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Kalki
So it is essential to take to Sahaja Yoga, in the most dedicated
manner. And this is the only thing that we can give to our friends
and relatives, and to all the world around. I am here to help you, to
work for you day and night, and I'll spare no effort to help you
and do everything that is possible to make you alright, to pass this
examination of Last Judgement. But you have to co-operate with
me, and have to go headlong about it, and devote most of your time
for Sahaja Yoga, and for imbibing all that is great and noble
Kalki stays on our forehead, and when the chakra of Kalki is
caught up, the whole of Moordha, on top goes out of order, the
whole head becomes a blocket. Such people do not allow Kundalini to
rise above Hamsa. If you put your forehead before wrong gurus, or
also, if there is too much thinking, both can create a problem. The
whole forehead, if it is covered by bumps, then you must know that
the Kalki chakra is out of order, and if the Kalki chakra is out of
order, then all the fingers start burning, on the hands and on the
palms, and sometimes even in the body, you get terrible burning. A
person's Kalki chakra catching means he might be down with a
horrible disease like cancer or leprosy etc. or he may be about to
collapse into some sort of a calamity (790928)
To keep your Kalki alright, you must have that 'Awe' for God -
that He is a wrathful God, that if we do wrong He is there with
His wrath that He is 'All Pervading' He is 'All Powerful'; He has
powers to raise us to this stage of higher being He is the most
compassionate Father that we can think of but in the same way,
He has a wrath, and that wrath when it falls on you be very very
careful (790928)
As a Mother, I have to warn you to be careful about the wrath of
your Father, because if He comes upon you with that wrath, nobody
can stop it, nobody can stop it and the compassion of the Mother
also will not be listened to. Please do not do anything that is wrong;
But, if you do anything 'for' Him, or for your own 'being' in your
Self Realisation you will be placed in the highest position. The most
important thing where are you, as far as God is concerned
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Kalki
The Maitreya, the coming Christ who will come on a white horse
(820711); The coming Incarnation is Shri Kalki, who is blemishless,
cannot be blemished - anyone who tries to, will be destroyed. He
will come to do the last sorting out. There will be no-one to talk to
you, or to listen to you, nothing of the sort. He is coming for the
harvest, the last cutting. The time remaining is very short, so
better get yourself in the proper shape - and then let him come. He
is coming with 11 powers known as Ekadesha Rudra, all placed in the
head of the Primordial Being, and he will be manifesting all these in
such a tremendous manner, that you would not know how people will
be destroyed, and the destruction will be of the worst type you
have ever seen. So that's why you try to mature, become the fruits,
and be in the Kingdom of God alright (790530)
This destruction has already started, and is going with full speed
I think all over through the so many things that are happening. We
have got hurricanes storms earthquakes many accidents and
so many destructive things are working out which are the outcome
of Kalki incarnation. But at the same time, there is another work
going on, of the same incarnation is the resurrection of the
people such people can never be hurt nothing can happen to
them they will always be saved because they are under the
protection of their Mother (000206)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
- end - 12 May 2003
Karma is on the superego side, where we start thinking, or
worrying 'have we made bad or good karmas?' etc. (830129); But
it is the ego that does the karmas, by for example accumulating
filth it is only our egos that do the karmas (790616; 790608.2);
Ego is the result of your karmas and superego is the result of
your conditionings, or your Bhakti unless and until you have
Bhakti, you won't take any conditioning upon yourself (0.0012);
The Karmas are nothing but what we do, and what we think we
have done so when we feel bad about the things we have done,
then they go into the left side and when we feel happy about
them, they go into the right side all these are your Karmas,
whether right or wrong. So what happens is when your Kundalini
reaches this point of Christ then he sucks in these two pouches
these two balloons come down your ego is sucked in your
superego is sucked in so, there is no question of Karmas (831001)
Akarma is when we do something, but don't feel that we are
doing it - are not conscious of it. All living work is Akarma, like the
Mother Earth sprouting a seed, or like when we are giving
Realisation, or raising the Kundalini - we don't think whether we
are doing it correctly, we just go ahead and do it. The same
applies when we become good speakers - we think that Mother is
doing it (871016)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Kartikeya is the brother of Ganapati (961221), and was also
Gyaneshwara (961221); He has the peacock as his Vahana (811103);
In the brain, we have got all those seats of the Gods and they
are the seats because they are the causal of these so first the
causal is created and then the Deities. Now in front in the
centre here is Kartikeya - Christ is in the centre itself, where the
optic chiasma is - but here outside is Kartikeya, who is the
protector of Christ and around Kartikeya moves Mahahanumana
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
- end - 12 May 2003
Organs in the body, controlled by the Swadisthan, which when
they malfunction may result in high blood pressure (870500);
Right sided people are vulnerable to kidney troubles (830209)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
Kingdom of God
Is placed within us it is not without. It is the limbic area that
surrounds your ego and superego (811006); You don't have to
worry too much about things it will all come your way because
you have now entered the Kingdom of God everything is looked
after you can't imagine how small small things it works out
(880921); You can control everything because after all you have
entered into the Kingdom of God anything is possible it is God
he's Almighty he can do anything (880921); The Kingdom of God,
which is the Sahastrara is the 1000 petalled lotus that round
place called as limbic area in the gross level (810511)
Thats a very subtle thing that we do not understand that in
the realm of God, those who enter only can be initiated not those
who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have to be
the citizen of God's Kingdom so unless and until we give them
Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled
(850310); You are living in the Kingdom of God, and when the
Goddess of that Kingdom arrives, you have to be there (850629)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 28 Jun 2003
For Hamsa chakra it's important not to kiss people I think
kissing must be given up, because in kissing, you do allow the
germs of another person in Sahaja Yoga it's alright but that
doesn't mean you go crazy with the kissing; The more you start
expressing your love by all these gestures the less it is, inside.
So to do it superficially anything too much has to be avoided
in your discretion but avoiding extremes avoiding too much
outward expression, again can create another indiscretion
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
Chakras affected: Hamsa
- end - 30 Sep 2002
The name in the Koran, for the 'Resurrection Time', also known
as the 'Last Judgement' in the Bible (MME; 000902); The
Judgement Time (871023), described by Mohammed, who said 'at
the time of Kiyama [pron: Keeyama] the Last Judgement your
hands will speak', 'your hands will give witness against you',
meaning that on your finger tips, you will feel your own defects
on the 5 fingers, plus 2 others on (the palms - Ed) of the hand, are
the 7 centres (871023; 821008; 980705)
At the time of your Kiyama your hands will speak at the time
of Kiyama not the Kayama these 2 words are confused in the
minds of people many people do not understand the difference.
One is when the Resurrection Time comes in Kiyama and the
other is when your destruction comes in Kayama (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
000902 Press Conference, Genova poor
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Fashion is madness (971005); You see the fashion is to expose
the knees it's very dangerous, because you can get both the
Nabhis in this cold weather or hot weather either you
catch the right Nabhi, or the left Nabhi and what is there in
the knees, to expose. So for Sahaja Yogis it is important that
they must decide 'now, that's all finished no more' (960710);
People wear dresses which are above the knee but the knees
are very important chakras you should keep them closed
otherwise you will have knee trouble; Also, you shouldn't wear
sleeveless dress there are two very important chakras if you
expose them then you'll have problems (970823.1); I find on
the streets, women walking with very short clothes with that,
what will happen your Nabhi chakra will be caught up and you
will have problems with money (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella good 65
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 30 Sep 2002
You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja
Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be
seen found out what is said about health what is said about
children because I spontaneously say things and if you can sort
it out you will know so many things I mean if you sit down and do
a study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many little
little things that are so important for life. You can clarify it can
note it down that this Mother said about these things it will be
very good for us to sort it out this way what point is to be noted
down in different headings can put different different headings,
and jot it down. Mother has said so Mother has said so
whatever is not on the tape you should not listen to whatever is
on tape is authentic whatever is recorded already should be
accepted (890725)
We should have the desire to have the complete knowledge of
Sahaja Yoga, and should never feel satisfied on that point "my
heart must have that knowledge" - we know through the brain, but
the knowledge should be in the heart (910728); We should be able
to answer any questions (850408) but don't think that you know
everything (840902)
With wisdom you have grown and gradually I have told you of
many things but I didn't talk of many things like the Genesis
like the beginning of our life how we came because I don't want
you to get into any discussion. Whatever you can verify on your
vibrations, becomes your knowledge that is what is gradually told
to you. You should not indulge into those books and things, which
talk of the origin of the Earth, and the origin of this and that
because your mind will be diverted you will take to knowledge
which may not be knowledge. What you have to know is very
simple is what are you you are the Spirit and the light of the
Spirit will tell you everything gradually as much as you can bear
it it will not tell you something that you cannot bear (930721)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Knowledge
The knowledge is so subtle, so great and of such a high
degree but you never feel bloated up with ego - no with all this
knowledge, you bend down like the tree, which is laden with fruit,
bends down and that simplicity, that humility gives you the
special edge which can pierce into any heart. But, believe that
you are 'one' with that great power, which is God Almighty
(920719); So with only one word the word of 'love' all the
rest of knowledge is useless (810524)
If you do not know how to witness, then whatever knowledge you
have, is nothing but through your ego or through your
conditionings it is not absolute knowledge so to get to absolute
knowledge about anything, what you have to do is to reach the
point of Absoluteness where you are absolutely clean, pure,
Nirmal. Now dont condemn yourself if you have some defects
there have to be you are human beings but all these defects,
with your power of spirituality, you can overcome (010321)
At the first centre of innocence when God created human
beings he gave them freedom and he said alright you be on
your own but keep your innocence dont run towards so called
'knowledge' the knowledge of what is this matter what is
that who is God all these things keep innocent. If you had
maintained that innocence with your freedom intact, there would
have been no problem at all. But in the curiosity of human beings,
when they had freedom, they consulted the Satanic Forces and
the so-called 'Book of Knowledge' started opening out. So
whatever we have got the knowledge is Avidya is not
knowledge is non-knowledge because by knowing this, you do not
know the 'value' about a thing. For example if you know there is
gravity in the matter, you can say there is gravity you know just,
there is gravity it's just a statement of fact but you can't say
'why' you cannot explain why it is there so it is not a complete
knowledge of a thing (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Knowledge
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin, see 930919.1 good 35
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford, see 821007(Video) Good
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
840902 Ganesha Puja talk - Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Shri Krishna
The complete incarnation of the Primordial Being, the Virata,
who has the Samhara Shakti (Power to kill) and whose weapon is
the discus (811005); Who is the Father (811006); The Incarnation
of Divine Diplomacy (811005) Shri Vishnu (900818); Who is the
Brain of the Virata; Who is Shri Kubera, the God of Wealth
(960929); Who is Yogeshwara absolutely detached (910002);
Who is a Brahmachari (830725); Who is the incarnation of
Narayana, Shri Vishnu, the Preserver and also known as Leeladhara
(890814.1); The Virata, Akbar (830129); The Avatara for the
Hindus (830131); The Giver of Yoga. The Ishwara of Yoga
Yogeshwara (830202); Who incarnated 10 times, including as a
fish, as Rama, as Purashurama and ultimately manifests as the
Virata, the brain of God Almighty (890611; 790616); Who gives
you the feeling of 'the whole' you start feeling that you are part
of the whole because he is the whole he is the Primordial Virata
Who came about 6000 years back (810330; 810511), more than
2000 years after Shri Ram, and who talked of freedom and the
enjoyment of life (970600); Who was a Kshatriya, as was Shri
Rama (790200.1); Who was born at midnight (821101); Who had
16000 Powers, and whose 5 wives were His Queens, the 5
Elements (830725; 910002); Whose essence is sweetness,
Madhuria, and whose consort Shri Radha is Ahladadayini, the giver
of Joy (900811.1); and whose qualities include Collectivity, and
Responsibility (960929), and who is absolutely detached (910002),
the witness (810328), and is the expert of drama he creates it,
acts in it, and is also the spectator (910001); Who controls the
vocal cords (890814.1), the teeth, and gums (820125), and who is
very fond of butter (810330); Who is black (860823)
Who told only Arjuna of his Divinity, just before he was to start
the war (791202.1); Who said 'Unless and until you love each
other, I do not exist within you' - all the countries of the world
have to love each other (861227); Who said 'the one who can
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Krishna
'see', can only see what's the use of talking to the blind'
(800809); Who introduced the ideas of the Rakhi, of Holi and of
Leela (Divine Play), and who killed many Rakshasas, including
Khamsa (950820), and Putana (790928); Those who worship Shri
Krishna become brainy people, but without ego - egoless
intelligence, or pure intelligence (890814.1)
Shri Krishna was born in a jail, where his mother had been sent
by her brother Khamsa, a Rakshasa, because it was foretold that
the killer of the Khamsa, would be born to his own sister, and
would be her 8th child. So each child born to her was killed. When
Shri Krishna was born, his father took him from the jail, and
carried him in a basket across the River Yamuna, to Gokul, and left
him there with Yeshoda. Then Yeshoda's child, a girl, was taken
back to the jail and put in the place of Shri Krishna. So Khamsa
found the child and tried to kill her. As she was hurled by Khamsa,
she rose up and announced that 'the killer of Khamsa is alive'
(810330); The lightning, (a part of the power of Shri Krishna), was
taken out by him, and became Krishna's sister, Vishnumaya the
child who Khamsa tried to kill (850901)
Whose power was Radha, meaning the one that sustains the
energy. In India, when taking the name of Krishna. one says Radha
first, taking the energy before the Deity (811006); Krishna means
the one who has sown the seed (811006); Who when he was a child
of 4 years, played mischief, had fun with the Gopis, but who when
he was the King in Dwarika, heard the call of his sister Draupadi
who was troubled by Duryodhana when he was trying to take her
sari, and he came on Garuda, the Condor with his four weapons to
save the chastity of his sister (811006); Whose weapons were
Shanka, Chakra, Gada and Padmi (811006)
Shri Krishna resides in our Vishuddhi chakra in the centre he
resides as Shri Krishna and on the left hand side his power,
Vishnumaya, his sister resides there he resides as Gopala, as the
one who lived in Gokul and played as a child. On the right hand side
he resides as the king who ruled in Dwarika the king, Shri
Krishna. These are the three sides of our Vishuddhi (860823)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Krishna
Now the greatest freewill comes from Vishuddhi chakra and
thats why they call him Yogeshwara - he is the Ishwara of yoga.
The establishment of yoga is possible when you completely
surrender yourself to Shri Krishna means what means all your
balances will be established you go into complete balance and
that balance is complete because Vishnu who is the Incarnation for
sustaining the dharma who is responsible for giving you the
balance becomes complete in the form of Shri Krishna. Thats why
he said 'you leave all the dharmas surrender all of them to me'
so all the dharmas, if you put at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna,
means if you follow his ideas, then all your dharmas are balanced.
There are so many dharmas pati dharma patni dharma rashtra
dharma but he says forget all the dharmas surrender them to
me that is at Vishuddhi. It means that it all gets sublimated it all
gets complete because he is the Collective Being he is the Virat
because he is the integrated form of all the dharmas and he is the
Virat in our brain he represents our brain. When this Virat in us is
awakened fully we automatically become dharma ourselves
So now you have become dharmatit means you have entered into
the Kingdom of God into the Virata's conditions and there your
condition is such, your state is such that you are dharma if you try
to do adharma, you suffer if you try to do wrong you suffer I
dont have to tell you to be righteous there's no need I dont
have to tell you to tell the truth or dont steal I dont have to
tell you all these things. You will follow Christ or Krishna
automatically sahaj. You become the dharma of Virat now what is
the dharma of the Virat of Shri Krishna is collectivity (860823)
Krishna is the brain Shiva is the heart and Brahmadeva is the
liver. Now what is the faculty of this brain is that the tree of
life, of evolution, grows downwards as they say and this tree is
growing downwards, of awareness, from the brain but if you have
to go to the roots, you have to ascend and that ascent you have
achieved now you have gone to the roots of your brain where all
your roots all your nerves are enlightened where your brain is
enlightened you are an enlightened person (860823)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Krishna
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-861227 Brahmapuri - see 861221 good 5
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [Declaration] see 791202.1 good 20
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja - Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
950820 America and False Freedom, Krishna Puja - Cabella good 45
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Krita Yuga
The Yuga where work will be done - the present day (820402),
when you have to pay for what you have done wrong (920725); The
Age of Transformation and Actualisation of Spiritual Experience,
that follows Kali Yuga and leads to Satya Yuga, the Golden Age
each Yuga or Age thousands of years in length in the cycle of
Yugas or Ages; When all falsehood, dishonesty, corruption, false
teachers, will be exposed, and when wrong doing has to be paid
for, but also when there is the possibility for transformation and
fulfilment for those who follow the path of Spirituality (MME),
when everything is perfected (840718); The new age of active
Divinity (820130), the time when the Divine will start acting
(0.0006); The time when I came was Kali Yuga but now today
the time is of Krita Yuga the Yuga where work will be done this
is the time where work will be done (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0006 Brighton after Public meeting poor
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
- end - 28 May 2003
Well-being (830131); Krishna has said Yoga Kshema Wahamya
Hum translated this means: "First you get your Yoga, then you
get your well-being" (840708) - when you get your yoga, when you
are connected to God, then only I give you your well-being. Your
well-being is done through Yoga - that means that unless and until
you are a citizen of God's Kingdom, you are not given these
benedictions (790530) that you first get your Yoga first get
your Realisation and then I'll look after your well-being he said
it clearly. The Divine looks after you so well, you can't imagine
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
- end - 20 Apr 2003
'Kshum' is the mantra for the Ego side, where there is the
problem resulting from dominating others, and is corrected by
humbling down, and forgiving others, and also by asking for
forgiveness. The ego ends in stupidity, and foolishness, because
we forget about God, and about our relationship with the whole
(781218); If you have right side problems, then you have to say 'I
forgive' (811006)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Kundalini Ascent
Keep the L hand all the time on your lap because the desire is
constant and then we will be going from one centre to another
with the R hand on the left hand side only to all the centres we'll
be tackling just to help the ascent of the Kundalini to flow slowly
in the central path of our ascent (840622; 821008; 821007) and
now close the eyes, because the attention will be attracted inside -
if you keep your eyes open the Kundalini won't rise above this
centre (Agnya - Ed) (821008; 821007)
The Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So
how can you do away with one of them one is the road another is
the destination. So I hope you understand how important it is that
your centres should be corrected your road should be alright
that your Sushumna should be cleared because we are
Madyamargis we have to go by the centre by the central path
til you reach your Talubhag where sits Sadashiva. So keep your
road, the Madyamarga clean and let the Kundalini pass through it.
When the Kundalini will pass through it you will be amazed that
the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path and reaching at
the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
Our Kundalini has risen without effort, and without thinking, and
has changed us so much - try to support her and keep the central
path clean (871016); The central path of our ascent along which
the Kundalini ascends (840622); The Kundalini sometimes dances
(900105); May be nourished with pure Love and Compassion, and
avoiding involvement into any relationships (920621); When all
external desires dim out, and the real desire to be one with the
Almighty remains, then the Kundalini can rise spontaneously. It has
happened to very few people - Buddha and Mahavira were human
beings, but who achieved Godliness (800609)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Kundalini Ascent
Without desire this Universe would not have been created; The
desire of God is the one that is the Holy Ghost, the All Pervading
Power, the Kundalini within you. The Kundalini has only one desire
is to be the Spirit, and anything else if you desire, the Kundalini
doesn't rise (821219); The desire to 'rise higher' creates the
bridge of Sushumna across the void, within us, and so allows the
Kundalini to pass (860921.1)
This Kundalini exists and there are 7 centres within us which
manifest outside, in the gross, all the plexuses that the doctors
know of. When you get your Realisation the Kundalini rises, and
passes through the Brahma Nadi and pierces the Fontanelle Bone
Area, which is called as Brahmarandra and you become one, with
the All Pervading Power. And what is the sign is Saleelum
Saleelum the Cool Breeze which starts flowing the Vibrations
start flowing. When they are emitted, these 5 fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6 and 7 these are the 7 centres in the hands, on the sympathetic
nervous system they get enlightened and you start feeling in
others and in yourself your inner being you start feeling what is
the matter with another person's chakras and centres which are
the undercurrent of all the problems physical, mental, emotional,
financial, economic, political every problem. These are the
undercurrents which you start feeling within yourself, because
it's Self Realisation and in another person also because your
Collective Consciousness is being awakened. You become
'Collectively Conscious' is the point I am trying to make it's not
lecturing it's no brain wash you become. Now you must settle
down with it but it requires a calibre (800102)
In a Mahalakshmi Temple in Kolapur, there is sung a song with
the words, requesting the Kundalini, Amba, to rise. Surprisingly it is
in the Sushumna Nadi, the channel of Mahalakshmi, that the
Kundalini actually rises (871024)
Sahajvidya - Kundalini Ascent
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
Kundalini Awakening
Is an evolutionary step (840708), and is the only way to get
Self Realisation, because that is how we are made - there is no
other way out (830302); Also the Kundalini has one very special
power of knowing the Mother, Shri Adi Shakti even the Photo
(870816.2); When She rises, She enters the Limbic area, after
penetrating the 6 chakras, and there enlightens the 7 Peetas or
seats of the 7 chakras (830204)
The invitation to the Kundalini enters via the fingers, and goes
down the two side channels, the two nadis, and informs the Deity
on the Mooladhara Chakra, Shri Ganesha, who awakens and
informs the Kundalini, which is sitting in the triangular bone in
3 coils (791203); The awakening of the Kundalini is not felt
just the calm it will just shoot off, giving you thoughtless
awareness (790507); The Kundalini shoots off, but also spreads
in the head, trickles down, and relaxes the sympathetics,
enlightens and enlarges the centres, enlarges the parasympa-
thetic, and makes the Kundalini rise even more - all by reflex
action of the Kundalini itself (870816.2)
When the Kundalini crosses the door of Agnya chakra then
you get into the state of thoughtless awareness but at this
state, to leave the Kundalini is not a good thing because the
Kundalini can start moving to this side or to that side can go to
the Supraconscious or to the Subconscious where they can get
into the Siddhis so at that state, I would not like to leave your
Kundalini I am very anxious always that it should come out of
the Brahmarandhra at that state, you start getting the
Vibrations (770215)
It is very simple to understand like when the Sun rises, the
Sun's rays fall onto the fruit and the fruit has got built-in
mechanism within it, or the seed has got built-in mechanism
within it which just starts. In the same way you have got built-
in mechanism within you and maybe I am authorised for that it
works out in my Presence (790720)
1 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya Kundalini Awakening
I have something to do with your Kundalini very much and
she knows me very well so much so, as soon as she sees me, she
is up there so happy. And the first impact is so great you feel
it she rises with such a thumping joy but again you go back to
your crutches because you are identified with them (791111)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870816.2 Krishna Puja, St Quentin, Paris see 870816 [+French] good 60
-830302 Public Talk, Perth see 830301 (Q&A, Qual. not good) good 35
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791111 Meaning of Yoga - Dollis Hill good 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [+ 40 mins Q&A] good 40
- end - 8 Mar 2003
A Sanskrit word (840622; 821008) the Kundalini within you, is
your own individual Mother, who brings you to the Kingdom of
Heaven (860305; 860706); Your own individual mother and which
is the residual power and has not yet manifested and what is this
power is the ultimate Desire to be one with the All Pervading
Divine (821007); The pure Primordial Desire to be one with God, or
the Spirit; The Residual Power of Pure Desire the Reflection of
the Holy Ghost, or All Pervading Power of God's Love, which enters
the foetus at 2 months age your own Holy Mother (810926); The
reflection of the Adi Kundalini, i.e. the Kundalini of the Adi Shakti,
is the Kundalini within us (960609); Is Gauri (900828); Is Mahakali
(900912); The Devi (891008.1); Which cannot be destroyed, and
knows everything about us. Which will never give you problems, and
is waiting for the moment to give you Self Realisation (890801);
Who is your Mother, the source of all that love and compassion, full
of kindness, and forgives all that you have done (790616)
The Kundalini is the Residual force after creating the whole
thing the whole body it remains just the same there she is
the power that is 'your' Mother your own Mother she is the
complete Subconscious or you can say the complete Mahakali
power that you have. She has recorded all the small small things you
have done all the wrong things you have done and she sits there
waiting so we say she is sleeping but she is recording
everything and she is waiting there. She knows whatever you have
done and she knows what you desire she is your loving Mother
she is settled down in the Triangular Bone down below there in the
end of the spinal cord that is a sacred place and she is waiting
there to arise. You have the most special thing within you, hidden
which is the source of all the Joy all the Peace all the Knowledge.
You have to have authority, to raise the Kundalini it's not an easy
thing to raise the Kundalini one must have an authority from God
and that authority is within (800102)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Kundalini
There is a Divine Power very subtle which is surrounding us
and by this awakening of Kundalini we get connected to that Divine
Power by which you know all about your body your centres.
Kundalini is your individual mother and she knows everything about
you and she gives you your second birth (000902)
Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi and she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So
how can you do away with one of them one is the road another is
the destination. So I hope you understand how important it is that
your centres should be corrected your road should be alright
that your Sushumna should be cleared because we are
Madyamargis we have to go by the centre by the central path
til you reach your Talubhag where sits Sadashiva. So keep your
road, the Madyamarga clean and let the Kundalini pass through it.
When the Kundalini will pass through it you will be amazed that
the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path and reaching at
the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
The Kundalini is aware, it understands, thinks, loves, and
organises - when it comes up, and it pierces your fontanelle bone
you can feel the baptism. When it pierces, and enters into the first
strata of the Superconscious, the first thing that happens is you
become 'one' with the Collective Being and you start feeling from
your hands a cool breeze flowing vibrations cool vibrations
called by Shankaracharya as Saundarya Lahari (771121)
The Kundalini, when it reaches the top of the head, you can feel
the lub-dub of a heart Kabira has said 'at the top of your head,
you can feel Anahata' Anahata is the sound of the heart you can
feel it it has to happen. Then, suddenly you find that it stops and
when it stops you find a cool breeze coming out of your head and
thats called as Chaitanya Lahari thats called as Cool Breeze of
the Holy Ghost and you can feel the cool breeze coming out of
your head. When John the Baptist talked about baptism, he meant
this he didnt mean the way we do baptism, to just call somebody,
put some water on the head, and say 'oh you're baptised' thats
just a drama. Baptism is a living process (821007)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Kundalini
The 'abode' of Kundalini is called as Mooladhara, and is
represented in the Universe as this Mother Earth, and in the Puja is
represented as the Kumbha (830821); Kundalini resides in the
Sacrum bone in 3 coils (811005), in every human being, in a
dormant state (790616) above the Mooladhara Chakra; 3 coils has
a special coefficient, being also used in watch springs, and if
bisected yields 7 points (810928); Pulsates when obstructed
(840622), and which can be seen with the naked eye (791203);
Which rises in the split of a second like a jet (840702); When
there is a blockage, an obstructed 2nd or 3rd chakra for example,
then you can see the pulsation of the Kundalini with your naked
eyes you can see (790720); The Kundalini is the 'Principle' within
us (781218); The Kundalini cannot move without permission from
Shri Ganesha (860907); Our Kundalini has risen without effort, and
without thinking, and has changed us so much - try to support her
and keep the central path clean (871016); May be nourished with
pure Love and Compassion, and avoiding involvement into any
relationships (920621); The Kundalini sometimes dances (900105)
In the triangular bone the pulsation will start and will rise
higher and if you have a stethoscope you can even feel the beat,
much like you feel the heart beat as it rises and then you find
the portion of the head becomes soft, just like a child's this is
the baptism the rebirth which Shankaracharya has talked about
You can manoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit you can
raise your hand the Kundalini will move you can give it a bandhan
it will go round and round but what about the Spirit you cannot
manoeuvre it you have to bring the Kundalini to look after it you
have to take the Kundalini there to the heart, so that the 'little
offspring' as it is just now, has to be carefully developed and
matured (830821); Even the Kundalini should be raised with the
light try to use the light or the lamp of the ghee (840214)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Kundalini
The Kundalini is the one that thinks the one that understands
the one that loves you, and knows each and everything about you in
this life and the life before. She is absolute dharma, absolute
righteousness, absolute purity the ideal-most personality that you
could think of, which doesn't tolerate any nonsense, falsehood, or
untruth. She's Nirmala She's pure - purity personified. She
doesn't accept any compromise and She is within you see how
beautiful you are. She is not afraid of anyone cannot be enticed,
enchanted or tempted by anything and She loves, but Her love is
that pure that nothing is higher for Her than Her own love. She
never reconciles to anything, and She is the one who gives you your
Self Realisation. So we have to find out methods of pleasing Her
what makes Her so unhappy why doesn't She want to rise we
have to find out the means and methods (791111)
The Kundalini will do what is needed to correct you up to a point
she will do and afterwards when she finds it is not possible to
correct you then I dont know what will happen - if you try to
behave like a very ordinary useless person then you cannot stay in
Sahaja Yoga you will be thrown out (010321); So again I have to
talk about Kundalini that you must have a Kundalini completely
establishing itself within you completely expressing within you
and enlightening your Self. Such a Kundalini should be there and
only possible if you do not put hurdles in her growth - if you allow it
to grow it grows and it works out (010321)
The Kundalini is the 'Desire of God' within you not the desire
'for' God it is the 'Desire of God itself' within you is the
Shakti so when it rises, His Desire is fulfilled in you, and that's
how you get 'your' fulfilment (791111); The Kundalini has only one
desire is to be the Spirit, and anything else if you desire, the
Kundalini doesn't rise (821219); The Kundalini of Sahaja Yogis is
made of love, pure love. Pure love has only pure desire is to love
love everyone equally (920621)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Kundalini
Many wrong books have been written about Kundalini, saying that
you will start jumping, or get heat or burning etc. This is all wrong,
is satanic, and is written by people with wrong motives. The first
Deity of Holiness sits at the triangular bone, and shows his temper
by giving bad experiences to those who have experimented with the
Kundalini in a wrong way, and has punished them as a result. There
must be a proper protocol, and if not, then he is seen in a red or
orange colour, to show his temper (800609)
This power of Kundalini was known all over the world, because it
can be seen in the museums the Kundalini drawn in the triangular
bone, even in Finland. In the Ukraine there are pictures of the
chakras and of the Kundalini. In Bolivia, you find pictures of the
Kundalini, and from ancient Columbia, statues are there, in which
the Kundalini is the main thing (980705); The Kundalini of the
Universe is in Maharashtra, in India (830127)
Yantra is the mechanism is the Kundalini is a living force
within you it exists it is placed for your Realisation is a Holy
mechanism and Tantra means the technique which works out our
Self Realisation and is to be known and understood fully is the
manoeuvring of it the technique of it which came into being but
was a secret science (771121)
If somebody has planted into you that Kundalini can be only risen
through sex he's a Tantrika sex has nothing to do with
Kundalini at all it's a wrong idea she is your mother the
Eternal Mother that you have she knows everything about you
you are the only child she has and she is born again and again with
you how many of you would like to connect your mother with sex
thats the worst thing that you can do to your mother (771024.1;
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Kundalini
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
771024.3 Caxton Hall tape 3 poor
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi ['I'm here plea for God']+25 minQ&A good 50
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
960609 You dissolve into the Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella good 50
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
000902 Press Conference, Genova poor
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 4 Mar 2003
Shri Rama had 2 brothers I mean he had other brothers also
but Bharat and Lakshmana these were 2 brothers they show
the 2 sides of a human being one was Lakshmana he was the
fiery type he couldnt bear anybody misbehaving towards Rama,
even Parashurama a contemporary Incarnation of Shri Rama.
Shesha as they call it, the Serpent which sleeps in the
Bhavasagara on which Shri Vishnu rests the same Shesha had
taken birth as Lakshmana. Now for a western mind to them
snakes are sort of they can't understand why people worship
snakes. You see snakes are like cobra cobra and all that are like
the kings you see they are the kings of the underground and
Shesha is the one who supports the whole Universe so this
Shesha is worshipped, as the cobras are worshipped in many
villages in India even today. You see they dont trouble anyone
sometimes they do but mostly they do not bite a good religious
man. Shesha is the one who is sometimes expressed in Sahaja
Yogis I have seen as anger when you try to be non-protocolish or
when you try to be funny, or you dont behave yourself thats the
Shesha in them that is also sometimes needed - you have to be a
Shesha sometimes because otherwise people will start
misbehaving, and by that they will be harmed not that I will be
harmed, but that they will be harmed (820402)
Who lived with Shri Rama and Shri Sita at Nasik, and whilst
there got very angry with a Rakshasi, the sister of Ravana who
tried to entice him and cut her nose (861223); Shuparnaka a
very ugly woman, who came to entice Rama. Then Lakshmana, the
brother of Shri Rama became very angry with Shuparnaka and cut
her nose and it was in Nasik. Nasika means the nose (871004)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Lakshmana
Who had taken a vow to be a Brahmachari, a celibate man for 14
years, (though he was a married man, and whose wife was in
Ayodya), because it was the only way to kill a demon called
Vegnath, who had run away with his daughter Sulochana
Lakshmana resides on the right side of the stomach, and looks
after the right side and the liver, which gives us the ego part
and which he destroys (861223)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
- end - 30 Sep 2003
The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity (MME), and also of
Health (960716); The Deity of well-being, who is Motherly
(801027) - she is a Mother (860921.1); By which we have balance,
are satisfied. She gives fragrance and comfort and love, and is
soft and receptive to all. She provides a nest in which the
children can grow with dignity (810328); Does not get disturbed
or upset, and watches the enjoyment of those who come to the
warmth of her household (860921.1); She gives protection and
support to others, who are dependent on her - known as Ashreya
Lakshmi has to be gracious (830131), with a gravity, a weight, a
dignity; Lakshmi gives rise to the Mahalakshmi principle, once we
have established ourselves according to the image of Lakshmi
(860921.1); To live according to Lakshmi, we have to give, to be
generous, then to be supportive, helpful to others, then thirdly
to be respectful of others, and to be respectful of others'
property, but especially to be respectful of anything, however
small, that has vibrations (860921.1); Lakshmi will disappear with
certain things: alcohol, baddha or 'possession' (860921.1;
871024); The Lakshmi principle gives us a great sense of
satisfaction if you don't have satisfaction, then any amount of
Lakshmi cannot help you you become greedy you want, more
and more (960716)
The Lakshmi principle resides in the Nabhi chakra. Lakshmi
stands on the lotus (910003), meaning that she does not show
her 'weight'. She has pink lotuses in her hands (860921.1),
symbolising that she is so kind and benevolent, not pressurising
anyone, generous, giving comfort and love. With left hand she
gives, and with the right hand she protects. Lakshmi is born out
of the guru principle (910003) she was born out of the sea
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Lakshmi
Lakshmi has two beautiful pink coloured lotuses in her hands
which symbolises that a person who has money, should have a very
comfortable house which is very inviting - pink colour is for love
and invitation. The beetle with all kinds of thorns on it's body
comes to the lotus to collect some honey but the lotus accepts
it invites. The lotus is very happy to have this beetle and the
beetle sleeps inside the lotus so the lotus gives the bed for it to
sleep and all the fragrance of the lotus for that beetle. Then in
the morning, the beetle gets his honey and then flies away
A person who has Lakshmi, should dress up in a decent manner
women, and men. The wealth that you have, should be seen in your
temperament in your nature in your behaviour in your living.
Moreover, the person who has Lakshmi, has to be a very humble
person. The temperament should not be of a very serious type
but should be very mirthful and one doesn't show off by a big
car and this and that; That doesn't mean that you should become
Sanyasis on the contrary, you should be very well dignified
personalities but there should be detachment (960716)
There are nine Lakshmis one of them is Gruhalakshmi, is the
housewife another is a Rajalakshmi, which is the power of a king,
or a person who is an administrator, or a beaurocrat (960716); If
there is any problem anything suddenly you must become
peaceful within then immediately you will find, the solution will
come to you this is a 'subtle' of the Lakshmi Principle (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
830131 Nabhi Chakra - Delhi good 80
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Steady your eyes put your eyes on the Mother Earth and
put rose water and netranjan and all that in the eyes and also
use the light all the time those who are left sided should use
as much as possible, the lamp, lights and things like that I hope
you all have got these things in the house good ghee lamps
should be burnt for people who have left side problems and see
me through these lights not through the electrical lights and
I don't think wax is so good but you can get ghee very easily in
England use that ghee, and put your eye onto the photograph
through that light I'm sure it will work out. Even the Kundalini
should be raised with that light try to use the light or the lamp
of the ghee (840214)
In the festival of Diwali, meaning 'rows of lights', the lamp has
special significance. The pot or container represents that which
is visible; the Oil represents Compassion; the Wick the Kundalini,
and the Flame represents the Spirit (941105.1); In the lamp, the
Ghee represents the mild and soft Love of the heart, and it
burns to give soothing light of love to others (871024)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-941105.1 Diwali Puja, Istanbul - see 941105 good 35
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
- end - 5 Mar 2003
When we speak, the thought comes before the words, before
the articulation. The thoughts are moulded by us into language
Hindi is not my mother tongue my mother tongue is Marathi
but I speak Hindi because I know the importance of it. I also know
little bit of English so I speak in English also. Marathi is alright
for me Bangla is alright I dont know much of Tamil, or Telagu.
Little bit of Hindi if you learn its a good thing (770215); Please
try to learn the English language, because I cannot learn 14
languages (871219)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Last Judgement
The 'Resurrection Time', known as the 'Last Judgement' in the
Bible, and as Kiyama in the Koran (MME); This is the last
judgement, that all humans have to face (800630) how we are
going to be judged (791009.1); The time has come the Last
Judgement - the levels are changing. Those who have chosen this
path of Divine Love are going higher, and the others who are
negative are going downward they are getting exposed
everywhere they are getting exposed. It's for you to decide
which way you want to move what you want to have (980705);
The time of judgement has come whether you are ready or not
Between Christ and his destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu,
called Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify
themselves. All those who have aspirations to enter into the
Kingdom of God are born at this time - this is the most important
time, because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgement. Our Mother's
love makes it very easy for us to get our Realisation, and the
whole story of the Last Judgement, which looks such a horrifying
experience, has been made very beautiful, tender and delicate,
and doesn't disturb us. But this is the Last Judgement - and we
all are going to be judged, through Sahaja Yoga, whether we can
enter into the Kingdom of God or not (790928)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800630 What happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall - see 800630 good 25
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 30 Sep 2002
It is good to be able to laugh at yourself and then problems will
start to drop out (781005); Getting frustrated and unhappy with
yourself is the worst thing then there is going to be a problem.
You have to laugh at yourself, laugh at your mechanism that is out
of order (760330); When you start seeing through the eyes of the
Spirit, then you do not feel bad you laugh at yourself, make fun
of yourself and then you enjoy yourself, joke with yourself and
the whole thing becomes a joke (800907); Learn to laugh at
yourself that is the best way to enjoy yourself (970823.1); In
laughter and in all playful things lies the truth (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Pr'dial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The first thing that we get into in Sahaja Yoga is laziness - do
not compromise with laziness (871016); Alasya (850806); Krishna
was against laziness. If we are feeling sleepy, or lazy, then put
Right to Left 7 times, with the Right hand, whilst watching
Mother, or it can be done also with the Photo (821101); If we
feel sleepy or anything, then there's something wrong with us if
you feel sleepy, wash your face do something so try to be ac-
tive try to be projecting yourself all the time (891203)
Not to be lazy this is another curse so laziness is not a very
good thing, and for that I think early in the morning, 4 o'clock,
if you take a bath, you won't feel lazy the whole day if you can
try that all day you'll feel very energetic but you must do it
early in the morning, because after that you must spend at least
2 hours in the house then there won't be any problem (891203)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual min
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 30 Sep 2002
I speak through the leaders so you dont question it. If you
question it then there will be a problem you have to stick onto
your leaders. If you start questioning them, then you will be
nowhere no link between you and me. Dont fight with your
leaders dont argue with them. Stick on and support your leaders,
without questioning. Arguing with your leaders giving them
advices please dont do it stop it now - mostly the bhootish
people go on advising and having their own say and they go
against the leaders throughout. Now especially the elderly people
you are more grown up sometimes than the leaders are then you
think you have a right to correct the leaders it is not so. In
Sahaja Yoga, it's not how much you are old but it is how much
you are evolved (860504)
I am connected with them and through them you are
connected but when you deny them, then you fall. I know what to
do with the leaders I choose them I arrange them I organise
them I change them I know what to do. Now you people, do not
challenge it's nothing but your ego once Mother has appointed
somebody, thats it. So keep in his good books try to support
him ask him what does he want what help he needs - the more
you get attached to him get closer to him the more 'you' will
get (860504)
Leadership is a myth a joke in Sahaja Yoga terms (970600);
Will be more effective if it is gentle, if correcting is done not
with anger, but with love. Also it is better to set one's own
patterns, rather than to simply do as others do. Give problems to
others to solve, rather than to solve them oneself. Dignity,
balance, poise, truthfulness, all impress others (860305); One
should not in any way think that they (the leaders - Ed) stand in
between you and your Mother not at all. You all can directly write
to me you can all send me flowers directly (881221)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Leaders
In Sahaja Yoga, we respect the leaders - though they may not
be perfect. Leaders must know how to correct others, because
sometimes we need correction, and we accept that, because we
want our ascent. Leaders should be kind, compassionate and good,
but not to compromise with nonsense and laziness (871016); The
leader has to be very fatherly, and has to be very righteous, and
should not play into the hands of his wife that's one thing for
sure (881221); You must know that you should never challenge
anybody who's organising never (830104)
I would request all the leaders of all the nations, that they
should never side with or support or try to cover up any one of
their protges we can say because by that you are destroying
them you are not helping them at all. There should not be any
sympathy whatsoever for people who are negative. You have to get
after them, get them corrected, tell them off. But what I have
seen sometimes there is a tendency to support a person who is
negative and then that person goes on drifting and ultimately
falls into a trap. See that all these people get corrected,
otherwise your leadership has no meaning. Many leaders are kind,
good and sweet, but that's not sufficient. Sometimes you have to
take things into your hands you have to be responsible; Leaders
have to see how people are behaving, how they are talking to each
other this is one of the most important things a leader has to do
Your leader is alright til it comes to the Mother's point but
when it comes to the Mother's point then you have to protest,
against that leader (850629)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Leaders
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-830104 Stop Complaining - see 830104.1 good 35
830104.1 Stop Complaining/How to Proceed - Sholapur/Vaitarna
830104.2 Address to the Sholapur IMA - Sholapur good 35
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
Leader's Wife
The part that the wife has to play as a leader's wife, she has to
understand that she's just a mother and she has no authority as
the leaders wife (881221)
There are some who may be leaders' wives they may become
extremely dominating. This kind of thing is a sinful thing to do
because you are the wife of the leader you have to behave you
cannot try to hurt people and trouble them because you are the
wife of the leader. The wife of the leader has to behave like a
mother she has to treat all the disciples like a mother and if
supposing the leader is angry or upset with someone she should try
to sooth him down she should try to talk to the other person, and
tell him 'see this you should not do' this is her job not to
dominate others. So if anyone has problems and he cannot talk to
the leader then he'll go to the lady, and tell her and then she can
really bring it down (950625)
I have to say one thing today that we have to decide that if the
leaders dont have wives who are humble who are kind who are
compassionate and who are Gruhalakshmis who are very sweet with
the collective we'll have to cancel the husband as well as the wife
from the leadership. We cannot have leaders who have wives who
are horrid we cannot because the wife of a leader is like a
mother. If the leader has a wife of that kind, it is better he should
withdraw improve his wife do whatever is possible - til she is
alright he should not be the leader is a very important thing
because I have seen such women bring down the men, Sahaja Yoga,
Sahaja Yogis and the whole organisation of God. So one has to be
careful and the women have to understand that if they are the
wives of the leaders, they have to be extremely good, kind,
generous, sharing, looking after, absolutely motherly and should
not tolerate nonsense and should correct when people are doing
wrong. They should not report anyone to their husbands, should not
take over themselves the responsibility of doing things which they
are not supposed to do (871004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References (Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins)
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- Sahajvidya - 19 Oct 2003
Lead Oxide
Shri Ganesha is covered with Lead Oxide with a red Lead
Oxide which is extremely cold. Lead Oxide is a very cool thing
that Lead Oxide is used to cover all his body to balance the heat
that he has or the effects of heat he has so we call it in
Sanskrit language is called as Sindur and in Marathi as Shindura
so he's always covered with that colour, Sindur colour. Lead Oxide
though people say causes cancer but it is the Lead Oxide which
is very cold it can cool you down so much that you can go to the
left side and cancer is a psychosomatic disease and that might
be the reason it might cause, in a very far fetched way we can say
it can cause cancer because if it is too cold and all that, then you
go to the left side and there you can catch the viruses by which
you can get into troubles so the same Lead Oxide is alright for
people who are very right sided for them if it is put on their
Agnya it cools them down they are cooled down their anger goes
down their temper goes down and it's a very good thing
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
- end - 27 Oct 2003
I am your Mother I am your Guru now as a Guru my main
concern is that you should learn all about Sahaja Yoga you
should become experts of Sahaja Yoga and you should become
yourself the gurus this is the only concern I have... but for
that complete surrender is required then only you can learn
what is the way you will handle Sahaja Yoga (900831)
You must learn from the people who have gone ahead and
have faltered if you do not learn from them, then you are not
wise (790618); Sahaja Yoga is learned through experience, and
through nothing else - you have to experience, and then believe
into it. Those who have penetrating intelligence, penetrating
love and emotions, penetrating movement of the understanding,
they experience and learn experience and learn. The
experiences of Sahaja Yoga are the good conditionings, and to
get these 'best' experiences, the first condition is of
Rutumbhara Pragnya, where we have to be of that level that we
get these experiences otherwise we will be mundane type of
person all of the time and this starts with our meditation, and
with the Samadhi 'seed', sprouting into the new dimension
You must all individually also work it out that you study
Sahaja Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said
can be seen found out what is said about health what is said
about children because I spontaneously say things and if you
can sort it out you will know so many things I mean if you sit
down and do a study of these tapes it will help you to find out
so many little little things that are so important for life. You
can clarify it can note it down that this Mother said about
these things it will be very good for us to sort it out this
way what point is to be noted down in different headings can
put different different headings, and jot it down. Mother has
said so Mother has said so whatever is not on the tape you
should not listen to whatever is on tape is authentic
whatever is recorded already should be accepted (890725)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Learning
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 30 Sep 2003
Leaving Sahaja Yoga
Those who are absolute useless, will be thrown away gradually
that's what Mother does they can be thrown away so much far
away, that they'll never return. But you don't have to worry about
such people they will be thrown away. They will be given some
chances some credits will be given some graces but ultimately,
they will be thrown away (830821); You know I have thrown many so-
called important people out of Sahaja Yoga, because they did like
this to dominate others by saying 'this is not good' 'you should
not put your hand there' or 'your feet there' or 'do this and that'
You see Sahaja Yoga doesnt accept - it rejects, more than it
accepts it is a judgement going on you have to work it out. A very
good example of this is the way they make butter out of we call
it 'curd'. So, they churn it when they churn it what happens
some butter comes out and the rest remains as buttermilk. To
separate it, they put a big lump of butter in that curd, and then they
churn it now all the butter gets around that big lump, and it gathers
into a bigger lump you see. But, there are some particles of butter
which are left behind - if they do not stick to this big lump of
butter, they are thrown away with the buttermilk. So those who do
not come up to Sahaja Yoga, who are not up to the mark, will be all
thrown out no doubt that is a fact you have to come up to the
mark. And you should not worry about those you should have no
attachment for such people (810524)
A person who is not innocent, cannot worship Shri Ganesha those
who are not innocent who play 'games' who try tricks gossip
indulge in filth Shri Ganesha cuts them out. He sees for a while, and
if people remain still half baked, they are thrown out of Sahaja Yoga;
Innocence gives you complete sincerity, and Ganesha is the judge
and he is the one who throws you out on the periphery like a
tangent you get out of Sahaja Yoga and then you go down and down
and down and you may develop horrible diseases of the Mooladhara
chakra (840902); Innocence is a very sharp thing it does not have
any compromise (840902)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Leaving Sahaja Yoga
The Kundalini will do what is needed to correct you up to a point
she will do and afterwards when she finds it is not possible to
correct you then I dont know what will happen - if you try to
behave like a very ordinary useless person then you cannot stay in
Sahaja Yoga you will be thrown out (010321)
If you are still running after nonsensical things if you are still full
of lust and greed, then better you leave Sahaja Yoga and find some
other area where you can do that. It is something surprising how
people do not understand their position in Sahaja Yoga. I have seen
people who are say abroad and they have funny ideas and they will
come and tell 'Mother, I have a wife, but I am in love with another
woman so what should I do' I said 'you get out thats all just
get out' or the wife might say 'Mother, I am having relations with
another man and what should I do' I said 'you get out thats
all you get out of Sahaja Yoga you are no good for Sahaja Yoga
and Sahaja Yoga is no good for you (010321)
There are so many evil forces which are all the time trying to
attack collectivity first they will attack the leaders then they
have their sly methods of going around and talking something here
and there in the ears to create some sort of a politics. All such
people will be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga as there is a centrifugal
and a centripetal force both acting equal and opposite. Anybody who
goes against collectivity who sticks to their bhoots to their
negativity will have to get out of Sahaja Yoga (860823)
I have known of people who were caught up with Left Vishuddhi and
have become devilish by nature devilish they have gone out of
Sahaja Yoga they have criticised Sahaja Yoga they have tried to
trouble me a lot so dont think that if Vishuddhi is spoiled there's
nothing so special about it - it can be a very dangerous centre. Of
course Heart, Agnya and Vishuddhi these three centres one has to
guard against so at the Vishuddhi chakra one has to be extremely
careful (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Leaving Sahaja Yoga
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Divine Play, introduced by Shri Krishna (910001) and which
were all full of Madhuria (850502); Fun (890814.1); Sweet drama,
not serious or tense (830202); Krishna is the one who represents
the Madhuria, the sweetness of your character. In little little
things are expressed Madhuria like in poetry or in relating some
events - Krishna's Leelas were all full of Madhuria (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Left sided
If there are no vibrations on the left side, or if the left side is
heavy, or hot, then this means that you are left sided. Also, if
there are more vibrations on the right side, and none on the left
side, this also means that you are left sided. If the right side is
numb, this also means left sided (830202); If the left side is
catching this means we are conditioned, and with a left side catch,
we may suffer with pains etc. (800517.1)
A left sided person (someone who is too much in the left side),
cannot enjoy the fun of collectivity, and can be very negative, and
depressive, finding problems everywhere, but it can be cured by
putting left hand to the Photo, or to the Mother, and the right hand
on Mother Earth (890806); If we are feeling sleepy, or lazy, then
put Right to Left 7 times, with the Right hand, whilst watching
Mother, or it can be done also with the Photo (821101); If the left
side or back Agnya is strong, then we sleep, but if it is the front
Agnya, then we don't sleep. We should be in the centre, with Christ
- alert every second (821101); Those who have left hand problems
means who have left side problems should raise their right all of
you (800721); Left sided very left sided put his Right to the
Left very Left sided gentleman very emotional put him Right to
the Left Right to the Left now is he alright (840622)
To correct a left side catch, we can keep our eyes focused on the
ground, or use the Mahakali or Ida Nadi Swamini mantras, or the
Surya mantra (800517.2); For left side problems, give bandhan or
burn your name (870408); If the left hand is shaking, put the right
hand on your heart (whilst taking vibrations - Ed) (830302); Left
sided people should beware of grouping with others who are like
minded (890806), should not do exercises which are forward
bending (840313), and may be helped by eating more nitrogenous
foods, i.e. proteins (840313; 830121); Left sided people should use
the light or the fire to correct their left side (830121); Those who
are left sided who have left side problems, should use as much as
possible a good ghee lamp and see me through the flame. A candle
is nice to look at but I don't think that wax is so good (840214)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Left sided
To get into the centre, to achieve balance, first we move out of
the left side to the right side, and from there to the centre. If you
are feeling lethargic, are unable to get up, or are feeling sleepy or
not alert, plan what you will do and get into action. Even doing Puja
is a good idea. Then when you are into action, in order to get into
the centre, just watch everything, just witness say to yourself
that you are not doing it (800517.2)
The left sided person, a Tamoguni, is afraid of darkness
everything he is afraid of he becomes a very crooked person he
always tries to trouble people in a very crooked manner, not openly
(980712) the sly types (800526) while the right sided man is
openly a Hitler. Tamogunis get lots of psychosomatic diseases
(980712); The left hand side people are the people who are docile,
who bear up lots of things from others, cry and weep, and all the
time are 'on the losers end'. Such people have lethargic organs
heart, liver, intestines plus they may have some sort of baddha in
them, in the sense that they are possessed by someone (880921)
Imbalances of the Left Swadisthan can result in lethargic organs,
resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver), nervous problems, cancer
and leukaemia (840313); A lethargic liver gives you allergies all
kinds of allergies come to people through their lethargic livers
(830209); Diseases that may result from lethargic organs, include:
cirrhosis; rashes; allergies etc (830131); Organs can be lethargic if
we eat too much carbohydrate type of food - in which case, we
should take more proteins. There is no harm in taking meat
(830131); Those who have lethargic temperament have a left side
imbalance, develop clots in their blood, and low blood pressure and
these clots can cause paralysis on the left hand side (830209;
Left side diseases include: emotional problems and misery,
fearfulness and nervousness, schizophrenia, colds, diarrhoea,
lethargic hearts, swellings in the body, gout, troubles of the joints,
lethargic livers resulting in allergies, blindness with the eyes open,
cancer, muscular dystrophy, osteomyelitis, poliomyelitis,
tuberculosis, blood clots, paralysis caused by blood clots, low blood
pressure (830209); Sinus is a left side problem (800517.2)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Left sided
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Left Side
The left or moon channel (tha in Hatha yoga); Left sympathetic
nervous system, having the power of desire, operating through our
emotions. Beyond is the Subconscious, and then the Collective
Subconscious (811005); Is the side which is cool, and needs heat
(800517.2); The side of our emotions, the past, our conditionings,
the superego. In Indian tradition, is the side of Tamoguna
(840313); Blue in colour becoming black; Becomes frozen
(800526); The side of our existence power, but which can also
destroy (781115); The side of darkness, and the past, the
Tamoguna (800517.2)
It is the side of our conditionings, attachments, and habits.
These problems can be destroyed by Shri Bhairava, who controls
this channel, and also can be cured by putting left hand to the
Photo, and the right hand on Mother Earth (890806); Fumes from
the activity on the left side collect in the balloon of superego,
which together with those from the right side collected in the
ego, cause us to be cut off or separated, from the main (790616)
Attachment to anti-God people can give serious problems, such
as Leukaemia, nervous troubles, cancer, heart attacks etc.
Those who have left hand problems means who have left side
problems should raise their right all of you (800721); The right
side subtle system raised and taken over to the left side, by
movement of the right hand, to bring system into balance
(830121), and done if we are feeling sleepy, or lazy then put
Right to Left 7 times, with the Right hand, whilst watching
Mother, or it can be done also with the Photo (821101); Left
sided very left sided put his Right to the Left very Left sided
gentleman very emotional put him Right to the Left Right to
the Left now is he alright (840622)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Left Side
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
The leprosy parasite is so gross, that it eats petrol they
thrive on petrol (800927); Leprosy I can control (800927)
Kalki stays on our forehead, and when the chakra of Kalki is
caught up, the whole of Moordha, on top goes out of order, the
whole head becomes a blocket. A person's Kalki chakra catching
means he might be down with a horrible disease like cancer or
leprosy etc. or he may be about to collapse into some sort of a
calamity. Such people do not allow Kundalini to rise above Hamsa.
If you put your forehead before wrong gurus, or also, if there is
too much thinking, both can create a problem. The whole
forehead, if it is covered by bumps, then you must know that the
Kalki chakra is out of order, and if the Kalki chakra is out of
order, then all the fingers start burning, on the hands and on the
palms, and sometimes even in the body, you get terrible burning
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
Chakras affected: Kalki
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Lethargic Organs
Imbalances of the Left Swadisthan can result in lethargic
organs, resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver), nervous
problems, cancer and leukaemia (840313); A lethargic liver gives
you allergies all kinds of allergies come to people through
their lethargic livers (830209); Those who have lethargic
temperament have a left side imbalance, develop clots in their
blood, and low blood pressure and these clots can cause
paralysis on the left hand side (830209; 830129); The left
hand side people are the people who are docile, who bear up
lots of things from others, cry and weep, and all the time are
'on the losers end'. Such people have lethargic organs heart,
liver, intestines plus they may have some sort of baddha in
them, in the sense that they are possessed by someone
(880921); Osteomyelitis Poliomyelitis come from the left
side lethargic diseases (830209); Diseases that may result
from lethargic organs, include: cirrhosis; rashes; allergies etc.
Organs can be lethargic if we eat too much carbohydrate type
of food - in which case, we should take more proteins. There is
no harm in taking meat (830131); Left sided people should take
salt more, and with salt they can solve many problems, because
salt gives them a personality a composure, by which they can
express themselves, in a way that is dignified and not lethargic
Sickness comes if there is something wrong in the 'Principle',
that builds up the human being. Basically there are two
principles which affect the body, and the third principle
affects the evolution - the first principle of the left sided if
it is in danger then we develop lots of diseases due to lethargic
organs but the right sided people have a very overactive
personality, and have overactive organs (830209)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lethargic Organs
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
Chakras affected: Left Side
Lethargy is a satanic force because it stops your progress
and is to be avoided. To get out of it, one has to be alert about
it how it crawls onto you. Shri Krishna has put the worst vice in
the whole world as Alasya, lethargy. It is the main problem of
England. First lethargy comes in, and because of lethargy we get
into vices, and then also just to avoid this lethargy we can go to
the right side too much so according to Shri Krishna,
everything starts with lethargy (800927); Whatever is lethargy
is anti Christ, is anti God, is anti Mataji try to become cheerful,
blissful, happy, dignified, sensible, sweet (800927)
We deceive ourselves you see when I am talking, you listen to
me and you think that 'oh Mother is talking very sweetly,
beautifully' finished! but nothing goes inside why because
of lethargy. Lethargy is a barrier it doesn't allow me to go
inside you it's a barrier it's a very sweet thing, which smiles
just you think 'oh Mother's saying something very nice' - it's
very great it gives you happiness and all that but it doesn't go
inside you do not imbibe. And when I tell to some people, they'll
say 'I know Mother I know I do that'. Then why do you do it
that means you are possessed you are a possessed person. That
you know this is wrong still you are doing it then you are a
possessed person. Then it's better you beat yourself with shoes
Some people go on lingering about, very lethargic, with very
slow movements as if they have taken some sort of drugs. But
see how the Indians are very alert, especially the
Maharashtrians this alertness you have to achieve you have to
work it out in a very quick and a very smart way. Alertness is
very important (871224)
Imbalances of the Left Swadisthan can result in lethargic
organs, resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver), nervous
problems, cancer and leukaemia (840313); A lethargic liver gives
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lethargy
you allergies all kinds of allergies come to people through their
lethargic livers (830209); Diseases that may result from
lethargic organs, include: cirrhosis; rashes; allergies etc
(830131); Osteomyelitis Poliomyelitis come from the left
side lethargic diseases (830209); Organs can be lethargic if we
eat too much carbohydrate type of food - in which case, we
should take more proteins. There is no harm in taking meat
(830131); Those who have lethargic temperament have a left
side imbalance, develop clots in their blood, and low blood
pressure and these clots can cause paralysis on the left hand
side (830209; 830129)
Left side diseases include: emotional problems and misery,
fearfulness and nervousness, schizophrenia, colds, diarrhoea,
lethargic hearts, swellings in the body, gout, troubles of the
joints, lethargic livers resulting in allergies, blindness with the
eyes open, cancer, muscular dystrophy, osteomyelitis,
poliomyelitis, tuberculosis, blood clots, paralysis caused by blood
clots, low blood pressure (830209)
Paralysis There are two types of paralysis one is caused by
too much ego the other by superego. Those who have lethargic
temperament develop clots in their blood and these clots
cause the paralysis, and is also on the left hand side. The other
one is caused by the damage to the brain, on the right side, by
the overdevelopment of Mr ego within you; Mainly the people get
it on the right side (830209)
Sickness comes if there is something wrong in the 'Principle',
that builds up the human being. Basically there are two principles
which affect the body, and the third principle affects the
evolution - the first principle of the left sided, or Iccha Shakti,
or the desire power, if it is in danger then we develop lots of
diseases due to lethargic organs but the right sided people
have a very overactive personality, and have overactive organs
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lethargy
To get into the centre, to achieve balance, first we move out
of the left side to the right side, and from there to the centre.
If you are feeling lethargic, are unable to get up, or are feeling
sleepy or not alert, plan what you will do and get into action. Even
doing Puja is a good idea. This action takes us into the right side.
Then when you are into action, in order to get into the centre,
just watch everything, just witness say to yourself that you are
not doing it (800517.2)
The left hand side people are the people who are docile, who
bear up lots of things from others, cry and weep, and all the time
are 'on the losers end'. Such people have lethargic organs
heart, liver, intestines plus they may have some sort of baddha
in them, in the sense that they are possessed by someone
(880921); Left sided people should take salt more, and with salt
they can solve many problems, because salt gives them a
personality a composure, by which they can express themselves,
in a way that is dignified and not lethargic (830121)
The left side is the Tamasic side, is the side where darkness is
affecting people those people who live in too much darkness, or
in the past, or in a sly way in a hidden way are introverts are
extremely cautious are afraid of people do not talk much who
avoid meeting people are nervous will not have self
confidence will be running away from the public will hibernate
in the house and also they become schizophrenic; Who in their
Spiritual ascent, take to Bhakti more who work through their
emotions. They take domination from others they suffer they
sacrifice. They eat imbalanced food as far as proteins are
concerned, and in proteins, are so weak, that they might suffer
from lethargic muscles in every way (830209)
Matter is made out of 5 elements, the 5 elements that have
made this body of ours and they are on the right side of the
human being. These 5 elements either push you towards the left
side or they pull you towards the right side. Now when you start
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lethargy
using the matter, gradually you become lethargic you become a
slave to it it becomes a habit the comfort enslaves you.
Secondly, if you try to overpower the matter, getting overactive
with matter, making everything properly, over-efficient with the
matter, then your ego develops, and when your ego develops, you
go into violence. You become a sort of an aggressive businessman
or country, which tries to overpower other nations with their
material advancement you become materialistic and such people
have no heart they are just dried up the only thing they
understand is money (800927); The brain when it is not
nourished by the heart is very dangerous, is ruthless. Conversely,
if there is heart only and no rationality, we can become
dangerous to ourselves, lethargic and indulgent into wrong things
Only Blake has told of Jerusalem he could see that vision he
was that sensitive the way he has described, talked of the
glory of this country (England Ed). All this inertia, this lethargy
that is settling into this country is because of our foolishness,
and stupidity. You are the most dynamic people in your spiritual
work you can be very very dynamic. You are the ones who are
going to throw away all the shackles of nonsense and you are
the ones who are going to recreate a beautiful arena for the
whole world that's why I'm here. I've been here for 6 years
and again I am here for 6 years perhaps I hope so. I hope
something substantial will be done in all the parts, where the
English who are my children who are the Saints of the past, who
are born in this country and will receive this and settle into it,
and not waste your energy in the ego as your forefathers did -
they just wasted their life (800809)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lethargy
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
Contains all 5 elements: ether, sound, light, water and also
earth, when it goes into friction (900811.1); Is part of the power
of Shri Krishna, and which he took out, and said 'you become my
sister, Vishnumaya, and every time they start to misbehave, you
work it out' (850901; 900811.1); Lightning is one of those
things that understands everything. If someone's house is
struck by lightning there must be something wrong with him
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
900811.1 Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
- end - 30 Sep 2002
The highest of elements is Light, and is governed by Lord
Jesus Christ. Light has an effect it shows the things that are
correct and makes us understand all the dimensions of worldly
things and ultimately when enlightened by the Spirit, then you
start seeing other dimensions also, which sometimes make you
laugh or smile or cry also (861225); Is absolutely detached.
Look after your light, otherwise it will extinguish. When it is
established, others will see the light on your face. The light of
love never burns, but dissolves all that is bad, turns away from
what is wrong, has patience, and expels the darkness, within and
without (871024); The light of love is so soothing, so sweet, so
beautiful, so enamouring, so abounding of purity of
relationships, of understanding (830113); If you are the light in
the darkness, you have to be brilliant and not dark and you
have to give light in the darkness to the dark and not take the
dark upon yourself (840902)
We should understand that how light pervades Sahaja Yoga so
much and you see the light everywhere so the first element
which is light you can say and the subtlety of the light is
radiance for example a person who gets Realisation has a face
which is very radiant so radiance is the subtlety of light and
so this radiance starts showing on your face starts expressing
itself and with that radiance, people get impressed. This
radiance is to be understood is the subtle of the light, of which
we are made (981216)
Whatever pleases your Spirit is used in the Puja is to be
given; By showing light to God what we do is we worship light
within us the light element gets enlightened within us. The light
element is here on the Agnya. When you do Aarti or when you put
light before God when you show light to God, the light element
within you gets enlightened (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Light
The light which you are carrying, is very different from this
ordinary light, which doesn't understand, doesn't think. Now the
light which you are carrying, is the light which understands,
which thinks and it gives you that much of light, whatever you
can bear it will be absolutely in relation to what you can
understand (930721)
Light is used to correct a left sided person - but for people
who are right sided, the light is not going to help much like if
you put the light before the photo, for those who are ego
oriented it is not going to work out (830121); Right sided people
should not use any light at all they should not sit in the Sun
they should sit in the moonlight (880921)
People who have moved out to the Supraconscious areas can
see me as light they see all the five elements they see me as a
waterfall or as an iceberg - they start seeing the Tanmatra or
you can say the causal essence of the elements (770215)
If they have a problem with the Agnya, they should use a
candle at the back if their eyesight is getting weak, or is short-
sighted (830209); Behind he has to be given light his back
Agnya is not alright tell them to give light on his back Agnya
(950625); Even the Kundalini should be raised with the light try
to use the light or the lamp of the ghee (840214)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Light
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara, Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30min medn) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
840902 Ganesha Puja talk - Switzerland [French translation] good 55
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
- end - 5 Mar 2003
Likes and Dislikes
These are all mental activities (850528); These words have to
go from Sahaja Yoga 'I like this' and 'I don't like that' so it is
very important to drop these - who are you to like or not like
Self Centeredness comes to us, because we think 'this is our
right' 'everything belongs to us'. How much we trouble others,
make their lives miserable we go on demanding things 'I don't
like this' 'I don't like' - we should not say like this, because it
hurts people, and it takes away the pride of a person (980321)
If you see somebody who you dont like, or who has been harsh
to you, or cruel to you you get annoyed disturbed - at that
time say 'I forgive' you have to say 'I forgive' if there is
disturbance. A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character by his
righteousness by his behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi
should be extremely peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing
up and down upset are not Sahaja Yogis (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Limbic Area
Limbic area is that area which the Kundalini enters, when She
passes through the Agnya Chakra that area of the Kingdom of
God within us (820711), between the Agnya and the Fontanelle
bone area (910505) and which is affected by strong things like
'Crack' which have within them sulphur dioxide, which does not go
anywhere, but just rushes into the limbic area. This limbic area is
a hollow space, having within it cells sensitive to joy and happiness.
These cells now become numb, and so ordinary music cannot be
heard - it becomes necessary to shout and scream. As soon as the
Kundalini enters the limbic area, She soothes it down. We feel the
Cool Breeze, when the Kundalini comes out of the top, at the
Sahastrara (890801)
Christ who came 2000 years back, the greatest Incarnation,
the Son of God, the Innocence, who came to this Earth to give the
knowledge of the Eternal Life, so we might ascend sits at the
'Gate' to the Limbic area (790530); We have to 'be' like Christ,
and rise higher and higher into that realm which Christ has
created for us, the limbic area, which is the Kingdom of God
(821226) which is placed within us it is not without. It is the
limbic area that surrounds your ego and superego (811006) is the
Sahastrara is the 1000 petalled lotus that round place called as
limbic area in the gross level (810511) and which actually
represents the heart (830121)
The Kundalini (790720) when She rises, enters the Limbic
area, after penetrating the 6 chakras, and there enlightens the 7
Peetas or seats of the 7 chakras (830204); The Peetas for each
chakra are placed along the mid-line of the Limbic area, starting
at the back of the head with the Mooladhara, then around it the
Swadisthan, then proceeding along the mid-line next is the Nabhi,
followed by Heart, Vishuddhi, and finally Agnya. All these 6
combine to make the 7th (830204)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Limbic Area
So in us is placed the germinating force is all built in it's like
a computer absolutely a living computer. Within us is placed
through our evolution, one by one, step by step - all these
points have been properly put down in our backbone in our
brain and in the limbic area absolutely in a perfect manner
and only thing that one has to do is surrender is to accept it
When the Kundalini enters the limbic area, the lotus opens, and
looks like flames but with no heat, but extremely cooling and
soothing (960505); There are 1000 petals to this centre, the
1000 petal lotus, with silent flames of all colours looking like
petals, peace giving and beautiful. We feel the Cool Breeze in the
hands, when the Kundalini comes out of the Sahastrara, at the
Fontanelle bone area, and joins with the All Pervading Power
Thoughtless Awareness is the first thing that is established,
when the Kundalini rises, and we get our Self Realisation, when
we stop in the 'Present' moment. The state that exists when the
Kundalini passes the sixth chakra, the Agnya chakra (890801)
and enters into the Limbic area (770215); As soon as the
Kundalini passes Agnya, there is no thought, we are in
thoughtless awareness (781218)
Eka Desha Rudra is one of the greatest hurdles to the
Kundalini entering the Sahastrara, and comes from Void, and
covers the Medha, the plate of the brain, so the Kundalini cannot
enter into the Limbic area (830204)
Sahajvidya - Limbic Area
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821226 Lord Jesus - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas from India) good 15
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 28 Jun 2003
We use something very simple which is the living lime, and we
put our vibrations into that. Then we put them near the head of
the patient, and they suck the negativity of the person. You have
seen one little boy who would run all over the place, and would
not sit down even for a minute he was possessed he was hor-
rid now he's a sensible boy, he's started going to school he's
started speaking so all these things happen with the lime. So you
vibrate these limes and you put them under the pillow (781002)
These limes have a speciality to suck in the vibrations and to
contain them because they are living and they have a coefficient
- by which they suck in these vibrations and they throw these
vibrations whenever it is necessary. It's not the limes that do it,
but it is the vibrations that are contained in them, that do it
Just like you create a battery the battery cannot do anything
but if you put the battery near some point, then it starts work-
ing because it is inside. In the same way, we really make it into a
battery then when they are near the heads of the people, these
limes you see, they are doing nothing but these vibrations come
out and they start working it out you dont have to tell them
they understand much more than you do and they know how to
find ways to extract the negativity (781002)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Now liver trouble is another thing you yourself do not feel
others know you are liverish the way you are hot tempered the
way you are fussy the way you snarl at people the way you are
never satisfied with anything the way you criticise others all
this is liverish. Such liverish people are never happy with
themselves. The liver looks after your attention and those who
have liver problems, their attention is horrid when they walk
they dont walk straight but their eyes are going this way that
way their attention is wobbly because of a bad liver (820514)
Now this liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons
from the body as heat and the heat in the body is to be
conveyed to the blood and that has to be taken out of the body
maybe as perspiration or in other forms. But what happens is
that when this liver is out of gear it cannot pass this heat into
the blood stream and the heat remains in the body and you
become heated up and that makes all these problems for you.
Those people who have bad liver feel a little heat when the
Kundalini rises but you can definitely cure your liver no doubt
about it (820514)
Liverish people are all angry people they dont know they are
they think they are very sweet but they are very irritated
then, when they realise they just keep quiet dont talk much
and they keep all irritation within themselves. So the whole thing
then explodes. English people are like that. If English are angry
then save yourself. But normally they control their tongue too
much control control control and then. So best thing is if
you get into anger you should go out, and take out your anger
say whatever you want out loud and finish it off or take a
pillow, and hit it (.0012)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
- end - 30 Sep 2002
The Liver is controlled by the Swadisthan Chakra, as also are
the spleen, pancreas, kidneys and part of the intestines
(890801); The liver is the giver of your attention (980706); Now
liver trouble is another thing you yourself do not feel others
know you are liverish the way you are hot tempered the way
you are fussy the way you snarl at people the way you are
never satisfied with anything the way you criticise others all
this is liverish. Such liverish people are never happy with them-
selves. The liver looks after your attention and those who have
liver problems, their attention is horrid when they walk they
dont walk straight but their eyes are going this way that
way their attention is wobbly because of a bad liver (820514)
Liverish people are all angry people they dont know they are
they think they are very sweet but they are very irritated
then, when they realise they just keep quiet dont talk much
and they keep all irritation within themselves. So the whole thing
then explodes. English people are like that. If English are angry
then save yourself. But normally they control their tongue too
much control control control and then. So best thing is if
you get into anger you should go out, and take out your anger
say whatever you want out loud and finish it off or take a
pillow, and hit it (.0012)
Anger Krodh, starts from the liver but is expressed through
the Vishuddhi. The face becomes red, the eyes become red, and
from the mouth all kinds of horrible things are said. The whole
expression is so different, when you are angry. So this anger is
to be seen where it is the 'liver'; To master it you have to
face yourself clearly. Krodh is the worst enemy, according to
Shri Krishna (910001)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Liver
Not to bear anger within you it comes from your liver. You
may not even show anger but inside is anger so just take it
out clear it out the liver. If you go on accumulating anger, and
bearing it up it burns your liver if you show it off it burns
others' livers. So best is to take it out say, take a pillow and
hit it hard or which ever way take it out (810904)
Now a person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks
he is responsible for the whole world affairs in this myth
develops his ego to a great extent he uses his right side
Swadisthan too much by which his left side suffers too much
and then he develops all the problems of the left side in the
organs. First of all the Swadisthan can't look after the liver, so
he develops a liver (811006; 890801; 790609.3); Over-thinking
gives you liver (791118); If we are hectic, and run about too
much, we can also get liver problems, diabetes etc. (830131);
The liver gives us the ego part - Lakshmana looks after the liver,
and destroys the ego (861223)
Now this liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons
from the body as heat and the heat in the body is to be con-
veyed to the blood and that has to be taken out of the body
maybe as perspiration or in other forms. But what happens is
that when this liver is out of gear it cannot pass this heat into
the blood stream and the heat remains in the body and you
become heated up and that makes all these problems for you.
Those people who have bad liver feel a little heat when the Kun-
dalini rises but you can definitely cure your liver no doubt
about it (820514)
Some of you might start feeling hot in the hands maybe some
of you if so, you can just throw it away or those who are
feeling the 'left' hand hot, please put your right hand on the
heart those who are feeling hot in the 'right' hand, then you
put your left hand on the liver just below the ribs and right
hand towards me (790524)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Liver
In Sahaja Yoga, we regard the left hand as the minus hand, and
the right hand as the plus hand. Whatever you may do with the
left hand, you are sucking in, whilst with the right hand you are
giving out. So as an example, if you want to correct a liver which
is overheated, you put the left hand on the liver, and the right
hand outside, and then you are taking the heat from the liver,
and giving it out with the right hand (800517.2); To clear the
liver, it is no good trying to use the fire element (directly - Ed),
because it would be adding fire to fire - so if you want to use the
fire, then you must take out heat from the liver with the left
hand, and give it to the fire with the right hand (800517.2)
Supposing you are a liver patient so we give you some sancti-
fied or vibrated sugar to eat white sugar. Now doctors will say
'dont take white sugar' but we have cured so many people of
liver troubles also migraines and this and that and so many
problems of allergies are to be cured. Now for that, of course,
we say for about a month you just don't eat some fats you see
thats alright (821008); Those who are liver patients can take
sugar, but otherwise you should not take too much sugar
(881221); Sugar is so important for our combustion (871213); You
must take sugar it's important for the liver (811006); The liver
is called 'liver', because it is connected with life (870408);
Also Channa is good to eat if you have a liver problem (811103)
The left hand side people are the people who have lethargic
organs heart, liver, intestines (880921); Allergies of the skin
can be the result of a lethargic liver, resulting from a left side
imbalance of the Swadisthan Chakra (840313); A lethargic liver
gives you allergies all kinds of allergies come to people through
their lethargic livers (830209); Right side diseases include: cir-
rhosis of the liver, unhealthy skin which is sallow (830209)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Liver
Flowing colds, characterised by sneezing, running nose, and hay
fever are due to the liver producing heat (870408); The liver
gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi (830202);
Those who have got flowing colds must know that they are liver
patients they should put some ice on their livers. Also they
should put their left hand on their liver, and their right hand
toward the photograph, and in the water, salt it's a right side -
those who are sneezing, or feeling hay fever, or flowing of cold
just try to treat your liver and you'll be alright (871224)
Alcohol was not intended for us to drink, but was provided
for us as a polish. Gin is good for polishing diamonds. However if
we drink it, then our liver suffers, being also polished, and so
preventing the transfer of the heat into the blood. The result is
that we become hot tempered and angry. We also can become
confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol, which is against our
attention (810328); I never tell 'don't drink' you go ahead
have cancer then come to me. Have your liver absolutely shat-
tered be a drunken fellow then you come to me (790608.1)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Liver
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
Chakras affected: Swadisthan; Right Side; Left Side
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Lord's Prayer
Works to reduce or stop our thoughts, when said as a mantra.
Also 'I forgive' has the same effect, as does the Nirvichara
Mantra, or the Mahatahankara Mantra (0.0001); Is the Mantra for
the Agnya chakra, the sixth chakra (820711; 810926; 811006); The
mantra of the 6th chakra is our Lord's Prayer, but the Bija mantra
is Hum Kshum (811006)
To stop your thoughts, first say Ganesha Mantra, then the
Lord's Prayer, or "I forgive", or Nirvichara mantra (3 times),
followed by Mahatahankara mantra (3 times), and then raise the
left side 7 times to get balance - each as necessary until
thoughtlessness is achieved (791118; 0.0001)
Christians who, although Christ includes in His Lord's Prayer:
'Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass
against us', none-the-less are full of hatred and of ego, and cannot
ask for forgiveness (951224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791118 Where stand in S.Y./How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
0.0001 Shri Mataji on Meditation [B side: Ma Blowing into 'mike'] not good 20
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Loss of Realisation
Realisation can be lost you see, it's like this when you become
a human being, you are born as a human child, alright but
supposing the child is put in the company of foxes then the child
grows like a fox then it does not have the human awareness, it
has the foxes awareness. In the same way, you become Realised
when you have jumped into another superhuman awareness but if
you do not allow it to grow properly - you see it has to grow
otherwise it won't be manifesting itself. And thats how it can be
lost in the sense that you have to be born again and again it can
come up. It is lost in many intellectuals it's a big problem. Also
Realisation can be lost say if say, after Realisation, you dont
feel like drinking much or something, and you try to force
yourself and try to become a bad person, again and again then
the Kundalini may not rise and thats how, though there will be an
opening but Kundalini won't rise at all it can happen I have
known many (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Lotus Feet
To neutralise a guru, who has been a bad guru you have to
surrender to the Real Guru - if your guru is a real guru then you
surrender to the Mother of your real guru because your real guru
is also surrendered to this - so all the gurus are to be surrendered
at the Lotus Feet of your Mother. Christ is a real guru he is. The
Christ you know of is to be also surrendered at the Lotus Feet of
your Mother because he is also my son Brahma, Vishnu,
Mahesha all of them are my sons Adi Shakti created all of them
she is the Mother of all the Gurus of all the Prophets of all the
Incarnations. She exists and after her only Parabrahma is
As you know I am the Goddess and the Goddess is supposed to
wear, I dont know how many ornaments, just to adorn her chakras.
I have lots of ornaments myself, of my own but only for Puja, I
wear ornaments. I dont wear though I am supposed to wear lots
why? Because it may not be that alright it may be dignified, but
may not be that alright to wear all those things all the time but I
am supposed to wear like I am supposed to wear many more things
on the hand here, rings and on the Feet everything all the
time gold though I dont do it (860504)
All these Photos that you have separately have meaning - the
Hands with a candle, are very good for the eyes, and for the
blindness caused by bhoots, whilst the Feet are very good for the
grosser problems, and especially for the ego and also the superego
they will correct the Supraconscious, and will go to the grossest
point - the Feet are tremendous we also sometimes should watch
the Feet (800517.2); The Vibrations are more at the Feet
(890527); The photo of the Devi's Feet is the strongest for
correcting problems (841005) they are very powerful for
physical problems they are better (800609); A Photo of the Face
will not work to correct the grosser problems - for that a Photo of
the Feet works much better. The Face is for the seekers
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lotus Feet
Now in Sahaja Yoga it is proved now when you rub my Feet, 'you'
feel better, not me you rub my hands, 'you' feel better when you
fall at my Feet 'you' feel better. So when you do for God, the
blessings come to you you are blessed. Whatever is the problem
with you, you give to God to solve also whatever satisfies you, you
give to God the satisfaction comes to you; Then other things are
used ghee is used, for Shri Krishna is very fond of ghee or
butter so when you rub my Feet with say butter, your Vishuddhi
will improve 'you' know that. Not mine I have no problem I have
only one problem that you are within me, and when you have a
problem, I have a problem because these vibrations have to go to
you so I prepare vibrations here as an antidote and they have to
flow (800927)
For Puja, you should not get people who are of mediocre nature,
because to bear up Puja is very difficult people have not yet
understood the value of my Being, of my Feet, of my Hands they
cannot they do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody,
because he's your friend, or brother or sister it's wrong you are
spoiling the chances of that poor person because it's too much for
him he cannot bear it it's meant for very few people (800505)
What we call the Amrut that which is drunk by the Devas the
Ambrosia (970600) means the Ambrose of my Feet, is not meant
for everyone also the Blessings of the Puja are not meant for
everyone so try to avoid people who are not yet fully equipped.
First they will start doubting or there will be a problem with the
protocol it's a very great privilege to be here and this privilege
cannot be granted to every person. This is a very great privilege
that I am telling you all these things that I am telling you that
'sincerity is the key of your Self Realisation' it's a privilege I'm
giving you the key. Understand what a privilege it is for you to be
here what fortune what reward, for what you have done how
many lives have been rewarded by being here. This will help you to
do Puja in a more sincere manner (800505)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lotus Feet
Yoga means the union of our attention with the Feet of the
Divine Mother, who alone gives Moksha, or Self Realisation
(900923); Stabilise your attention on the Feet of God, by Bhakti,
by surrendering, by worship, singing songs - settling yourself at the
Lotus Feet of God (800613)
Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi and she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So
keep your road, the Madyamarga clean and let the Kundalini pass
through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it you will be
amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path
and reaching at the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
Mother's Prayer
Mother please come in my heart;
Let me clean my heart so that you are there;
Put your Feet into my heart;
Let your Feet be worshipped in my heart;
Let me not be in delusion;
Take me away from illusions;
Keep me in Reality;
Take away the sheen of superficiality;
Let me enjoy your Feet in my heart;
Let me see your Feet in my heart (841005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end
3 - 7 Jun 2003
Is the sign of beauty, and upon which Shri Lakshmi stands
(910003); The lotus is regarded as a Holy flower in India, being
pink in colour (the colour of love), and which is born out of mud,
and kills bad smells with it's fragrance. Inside it is soft, and is
welcoming and receptive to all horrid angularities of any visiting
beetles, that are then held comfortably. A person with Lakshmi
tattwa, has such a temperament (810328); Lotuses grow easily
from seed, and can grow in quite cold weather. Should try see if
it can grow - it may grow (811103)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
Love is the only way that Sahaja Yoga is going to spread, no
other way. Love is a source of energy that makes things grow - it
is a living energy the water of pure love that is to be given to
another, so that he comes closer to Reality (910728) Reality is
achieved through the heart not the brain (910728)
When dealing with people, do so with love (791015); The Spirit is
the one that loves, unconditionally - it just flows. It is the source
of Love, Peace and Joy love is the solution (980320); The magnet
of Shri Ganesha is Pure Love, and when it is awakened in you,
people will start running towards your ashrams, instead of running
away (860907); Love is the most powerful thing (790507); The
expression of love is very spontaneous but for that spontaneity
to come, you must get rid of your habits otherwise you can never
become spontaneous (850310)
Pure love without any expectations - Nirvaj (910003); Avyaj, or
Divine love, which loves for love's sake, and which enjoys that love
- it just flows. Even when it corrects you, it corrects in love
(791015); The ultimate love is pure, unattached, unlimited love -
when we dissolve into the Ocean of Divine Love (910003);
Attached love is the death of love (920209); We should feel the
same towards everyone, with no 'special' person, no No2, or
No3 etc. (910728); Pure Love is of the Spirit (890723); When
we feel the power of love, then everything vibrates (871106.1)
Nobody should think they love me more than anybody else I
know the one who loves me - the one who loves others, is the one
who really loves me. What you say to your brothers and sisters is
the most important thing - Sahaja Yoga will never work, if you do
not hyp
look after that side. How you behave towards your wife
towards your husband your brothers and sisters that is the
most important thing. You know I have thrown many so-called
important people out of Sahaja Yoga, because they did like this
to dominate others by saying 'this is not good' 'you should not
put your hand there' or 'your feet there' or 'do this and that'
(810524); Mother loves those who love each other (810524)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Love
Some people also feel that 'I love Mother' but that love is to
be expressed through complete humility that's the only way
that's the only channel through which you can approach me
there's no way out (850901)
God is the Ocean of Love, of Forgiveness, and of Compassion
(830127); God is spontaneity itself His Love is spontaneous
(790616); Love is the universal energy, is so pure, so purifying, so
joy giving. God wants to use us as His instruments, for the flow of
His Love (790416); Truth, Attention and Joy, when combined give
Love (820125); The most important thing that God has to give us
is His Love, His connection with us, His Kingdom, His Powers we
have just to accept the subtleties that take us to the realms of
Joy and Collectivity (800609); Love is the basis of all this
creation. God has created this world, this Universe only because
He loved, and He wants to bestow this blessing on you, because He
loves you (791015); The basis of all creativity of Saraswati is love
- if there is no love, there is no creativity (830113)
The Kundalini is nourished by pure love and compassion, and by
avoiding involvement into any relationships (920621); She is your
Mother, the source of all love and compassion full of kindness,
and forgives all you have done (790616); The Kundalini of Sahaja
Yogis is made of love, pure love. The pure love has only pure
desire is to love love everyone equally (920621); The
Paramchaitanya is Absolute Love, that knows, understands, co-
ordinates and works out everything; This is the time when
Paramchaitanya has gone into action (970600; 951224)
Everywhere you are sitting in meditation, you are transmitting
vibrations - do you know that. Think of love, think of the whole
country, think of the whole world at that time. You are
transmitters of these waves of love, and love will flow from you
(791015); The message of Shri Krishna is to show 'that love'
which is Ahladadayini to show your maximum love not to show
your pity but love which is Ahladadayini (970823.1); What you
talk what you say to others if it is not Ahladadayini keep quiet
- if you talk sweetly what's the harm (970823.1)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Love
There are so many ways of expressing your love try to be nice
talk to one another give some presents give sometimes flowers;
Try to find out the likes and dislikes of a person do not do things
that people do not like it's better not to do it what's the use
if relationships are spoiled not to do these things. My husband
doesn't like me to put flowers in my hair - in Maharashtra it's the
custom for married ladies to do it but if he doesn't like, why to
do it (800927)
Don't do anything that people do not like you to do try to avoid
it it creates problems try to do something that pleases others.
If you please others, your Deities will be very happy because
they are all one within each of you because they are all related
to each other and they feel unhappy when you try to be unkind to
each other because they are one (800927)
What is love is hard to describe you can only enjoy it (0.0011);
What do we do when we love what are the signs and symptoms. I
dont know, in the West, if that glimpse of love is also there or
not but you can see it in this country still (India - Ed); Say, a
mother for example, if her child is sick she will not sleep a wink
she will not. She will not think of her comfort of what time she
slept or got up she won't think of her food nothing. She will
just want that her son will be alright she will have no desire left,
but to see that her son is cured (0.0011)
The love of husband and wife is a very special sort of love, with
no adultery nor adulterous eyes (820711); In Sahaj Dharma, the
husband/wife relationship should be really romantic should be
really beautiful but it is not no, we talk of love, and all that
but very rarely people fall in love, and carry on with it it's a
blessing if you really get that kind of a feeling but mostly it is a
curse. So to fall in love is very good but that doesn't mean that
you forget that you are a Sahaja Yogi (970823.1)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Love
When you are married you must love your wife spend time
with her. She is the one who is your companion she is the one who
should be consulted and you must be with her and that should
be your greatest joy in life as far as the material side is
concerned (790609.3); Man doesn't want a wife to be on the
horse, and beating with a whip why has he married for the
happiness, for the joy, for the sweetness of a woman. It's a very
important thing you have to love you have to take your husband
into your heart first this is your duty (971004); If you have love
for someone, you won't see the bad points never - you'll always
see the good points of that person (950625)
In the lamp, the Ghee represents the mild and soft Love of the
heart, and it burns to give soothing light of love to others
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Love
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy - see 890723 good 30
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia. see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall see 790928 good 30
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara - Derby good 90
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara, Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min medn) good 60
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God] good 50
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
871106.1 Materialism, Shri Ganesha Puja - Spain [+ translation] good 55
890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy (2 talks)
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 7 May 2003
Low Blood Pressure
Is a left side complications (821008; 830209); Those who have
lethargic temperament have a left side imbalance, develop clots
in their blood, and low blood pressure and these clots can cause
paralysis on the left hand side (830209; 830129)
A problem that people in the 'centre' may develop is low
breathing, and low blood pressure, because of parasympathetic
activity and when they are fighting the anti-God activities, they
might feel tired but again they improve, and they feel alright
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
830129 Swadisthan Chakra - Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Lower Chakras
In our Sahaja Yoga, we consider three chakras as the lower
chakras, or centres the Nabhi the Swadisthan and the
Mooladhara. First one is the Nabhi Chakra, where a person starts
seeking food, shelter, all life's necessities and either he can go
upwards or downwards. The essence of this centre is Swaha,
meaning the consumption. So all those people who started
developing started consuming. Then they went to the second
chakra, the Swadisthan where they started entering into space
that is Antariksha and tried to find out what is on the Moon
what is on Jupiter. Now the third awareness has grown into the
Mooladhara and so the attention went to this horrid thing called
sex and in the west, people have become nothing but sex points.
I've seen it everywhere that just filth exists (860224)
With this downward movement what do we expect people to be
- they have to be violent. If you make them worse than animals
what will happen they have to be cruel, despotic and after this
the next step is Hell Nagasaki or anything. So, how to go
upward - all the great Saints, and Incarnations, and Prophets have
said that 'you have to be born again' - and so with Sahaja Yoga
the Kundalini rises and takes us to our Yoga. Yoga means that the
Kundalini, the power that is within us, which is of Pure Desire
should rise and should meet the Divine the All Pervading
Power which is doing all the living work (860224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
- end - 11 May 2003
Drugs can be right sided or left sided LSD and all these,
take you to the right where you can see the auras and things
like that and the left side stuff is like Hashish which make
you miserable afterwards you laugh and laugh, and then you
become emotional - all these things are imaginary they are not
reality reality is in the centre is in the present (821007);
LSD sends the user to the right side, Supraconscious areas,
where he starts seeing things, and becomes disintegrated
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
Chakras affected: Right Side
- end - 30 Sep 2002
Bad, or ill luck comes by many things you see but once you
are Realised, the Angels help you really you won't believe
just you get over ill luck. It's a very different situation there
are many people, who are here, who will say how they are helped
by God but our idea of luck changes like we dont want to be a
millionaire or anything - we get a satisfied temperament. But
first of all, you should be a citizen of God's Kingdom isn't it
then, he looks after you (821007)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Lung Cancer
People have died of their lung cancer, because they can't get
out of 'their' bad habit of taking a Kaduk bath means with very
hot water every morning. I call it bad habit for Indians, not for
the English because they take their bath, and then immediately
are going out to work this is an absolutely wrong idea. Normally a
cold bath is best but if not possible, then take a tepid water.
This will solve one of the problems that you do not expose
yourself to too much cold or heat - the temperature is kept the
same as the room temperature. So take your bath at 4 o'clock in
the morning, stay in the house and get used to the climate, and
then go out or take your bath in the night (.0011); In England, if
you take a hot bath and go out immediately you can get cancer of
the lungs (881221) in the UK, bathing is better done at night
before retiring, to avoid problems due to the cold climate
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
- end - 10 Apr 2003
One has to try to get very pure eyes thou shalt not have
adulterous eyes this is what we have to follow all of us and
our attention has to be alright for that this Raksha Bandhan is
a very good thing. This attention goes out with many other things
also like aggressiveness can be possessiveness but the main
thing is this that if you do not have lust in your eye, then 50%
you are alright and half 50% is greed for which you have to
work on the Nabhi chakra and for which we will work it out on
Diwali day (860818)
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's
fashionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty
eyes onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your
eyes because such people easily can become blind. Such people
may have trouble of the eyes specially reddening of the eyes
can come to such people very much (860823)
So one has to be careful to keep the eyes very pure the eyes
of a Yogeshwara who was Shri Krishna. He played with Radha -
he married 5 women who were the 5 elements - 16000 women he
married they were his 16000 powers but he was Yogeshwara
he had no lust in his eyes, in his mind about that at all he was
beyond that he had no lust in his eyes about these women that
he had. Of course I dont expect you to be Shri Krishna but you
have your wife those who do not have wives, must look forward
to a wife that we'll get a wife and think of a wife who will be
your own, so that your eyes will not fall onto every woman
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Lust
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860818 Raksha Bandhan - Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
Chakras affected: Agnya
Luv & Kush
Sons of Shri Rama (900616); The two great disciple elements,
born firstly to Shri Ram and Shri Sita, and then later as Buddha
and Mahavira, as Adi Shankaracharya and Kabira, and then to
Fatimabi as Hassan and Hussein. They were teaching people to
leave the extremes and to come in the centre - to be the perfect
disciples (790530; 770215)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-900616 Mahavira Puja, Spain see 900616 good 30
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
900616 Shri Mahavira/Adi Kundalini - Spain/Austria
- end - 4 Jun 2003
That black square stone which was a Swayambhu and it's
mentioned in the Indian Scriptures that there is
Macceshwarshiva that Mohammed Saab who was so much against
stone worshipping asked people to go round. We have Shivas
everywhere in India there are 12 Jyoti Lingas you can verify on
your vibrations same with this black stone and so the people
have to go round to achieve Shiva's Blessings but it became a
ritual and nobody could go further than that ritual (000423)
What is it about Mecca Mecca is Macceshwarshiva it's a
Shiva why did Mohammed Saab ask people to worship a stone he
didn't believe in stones he was against all kinds of idol worship
then why did he say this black stone which is there has to be
worshipped what was the reason because he could feel the
vibrations he could feel that it's a Swayambhu. So all the
Muslims like mad are going there by going there nobody has
improved because by going to Mecca it's just a kind of a ritual
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 1 Jun 2003
It's a kind of a very sweet relationship a sweet rapport between
each other thinking of what sweet things we can do for each other
the little little things you know. Even a small thing like early in the
morning you get up, you find another person is sleeping on one side,
his blanket is on another side, his pillow on another so you just put
his head on the pillow and cover him with the blanket that's a
mother's job not out of fear, but out of sheer love. Like, even if
it's cold, and buttons are open, you can button up a person he'll like
it little little things you know. Women have very little sweet things
which they do, which make men very happy but women have lost now
that sense - not the fighting, but thinking of what sweet things we
can do for each other. And also sometimes teasing, is alright
sometimes tickling, is alright a kind of a sweet rapport between
each other even the feeling that we can do this, is a master's job
it's a master's job. The one who is a 'master' can do it those who
are not, will not be able to they will again come back to hurt
ultimately they will end up with hurting, or fighting, or coming to
blows but those who are masters will be so beautifully doing the
whole job. It's a kind of a very sweet relationship it's called
Madhuria without any lust, without any money business, anything
just a sweet relationship and the joy would be bubbling and all
these perversions, all these things will drop out (830821)
Sweetness, a quality of Shri Krishna, in the way he spoke to and
communicated with people (910001; 900811.1); One has to imbibe
within oneself the sweetness if you are sweet, you are filled with
humour, you do not hurt others, and you are not hurt either. Anything
can be done with sweetness (880103)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Madhuria
Olive oil can be used for a massage on the Vishuddhi, as well as the
head and backbone. When you touch somebody with oil, you see, the
Krishna tattwa acts because Krishna is the one who represents the
Madhuria, the sweetness of your character. In little little things are
expressed Madhuria like in poetry or in relating some events -
Krishna's Leelas were all full of Madhuria it's like a sport it's like
a sport (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
- end - 25 Mar 2003
A mad man never gets a heart attack surprisingly in a mental
hospital you never need a cardiogram they never get a heart
attack a person who is mad, using his heart more his left side,
his emotions more his heart should go out but no his brain
goes out can you imagine and the one who uses his brain his
heart goes out. This is the balance created by Nature in us. See
how cleverly the Nature is trying to guide us into the centre
'dont go to the extremes keep to the centre keep to the
centre' then when you are absolutely in the centre, then you
get your evolution very quickly (820514); Those who use their
right side too much use their brain too much their heart fails
- whilst those who use their heart too much the brain fails
(821008); A lunatic's heart never fails (821008)
Madness can result if we follow wrong gurus (830129) and can
lead to Ekadesha Rudra problems (830129); Mad people have
been cured by Sahaja Yoga, because the darkness of the
Subconscious and the Supraconscious goes away, and becomes
enlightened (790507); Lunatics who come before the pure Divine
Vibrations also shake (820711)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus & Conditionings) good 70
- end - 10 Mar 2003
The quality of magnetism, (attraction and repulsion in people,
and migration in birds), is found in Shri Ganesha (900828); The
power of Shri Ganesha is auspiciousness, is the magnet within
Mother Earth, and within you (860907); Many fishes have an
actual magnet within them. A person who has Ganesha awakened
within, becomes magnetic, and attracts the steel not the
dried leaves. When this magnet is awakened in you, you will be
amazed, people will start running towards your ashrams instead
of running away. This magnet is 'Pure Love', that does not
depend on anything, except on itself. It spreads by it's own
nature - does not want or expect anything, but spreads all over
and enlightens other's hearts - that is why they are attracted.
With Shri Mataji, when the huge crowds come and are very still
and quiet for a long time, it is the magnet that is working; The
magnets are intact in children that is why we like children and
are attracted to them (860907)
Certain places we say are very Holy and how they have
discovered that these places are Holy is because of magnetic
forces - these magnetic forces in England were crossing each
other at a place called Oxted, where we lived (970525)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 7 May 2003
Mahabhairava is the mantra for back Agnya as is also
Mahaganesha (810904); In the brain, we have got all those seats
of the Gods and they are the seats because they are the causal
of these so first the causal is created and then the Deities.
The causal one's are here in our brain. At the back here is
actually Mahaganesha just in the centre point it is the minutest
point and around him moves Mahabhairava and around this is
Hirenyagarbha (810904)
Now if you have left Agnya that means there is a possession on
it somehow; What is the mantra for this for back Agnya is
Mahaganesha Mahabhairava correct (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
- end - 12 May 2003
Ganapatipule is a very important place for Sahaja Yoga (871230.1)
is the place where Shri Ganesha becomes Mahaganesha, and where he
is surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle the sea
the ocean - the Indian Ocean. That is, here he becomes the Guru
(850000.1); In Ganapatipule, Shri Ganesha is in it's complete matured
form then, our eyes become pure, powerful, and Divine (850000.1)
Mahaganesha is Shri Ganesha as he exists in the brain (860504);
Is the mantra for back Agnya as is also Mahabhairava (810904); In
the brain, we have got all those seats of the Gods and they are the
seats because they are the causal of these so first the causal is
created and then the Deities so the causal of Brahmadeva is
Hirenyagarbha. The causal one's are here in our brain. At the back
here is actually Mahaganesha just in the centre point it is the
minutest point and around him moves Mahabhairava and around
this is Hirenyagarbha this is Swadisthana. Swadisthan is divided
into two parts left and right both are Hirenyagarbha at the
back here. Now in front in the centre here is Kartikeya - Christ is in
the centre itself, where the optic chiasma is - but here outside is
Kartikeya, who is the protector of Christ and around Kartikeya
moves Mahahanumana and around that moves the Ekadesha Rudra.
Now what is Ekadesha Rudra let us see one by one Buddha
Mahavira Christ Mahabhairava Mahaganesha Kartikeya
Mahahanumana Hirenyagarbha Lakshmi Vishnu/Narayana Shiva
Parvati Shiva Shakti. Why Shiva and Parvati two are to be taken
because Shiva is the Guru and Parvati is the Shakti (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 26 Apr 2003
Is the reflection in totality of the Adi Shakti and in the potential
stage, is Mahakali, but then, when She desires to act, She then
divides to produce two other Powers, those of Mahasaraswati, and
Mahalakshmi; Is the Desire Power of God Almighty (890619); Is the
Comforting Aspect (890524); Eim is the name the short form of
Mahakali (790609.3); The 1st Goddess, from whom emanate
Mahasaraswati and Mahalakshmi, and who establishes Shri Ganesha.
Who creates within us desires (hunger, need to be loved, need to
acquire), who tests us through creating illusions, who punishes,
relaxes us, gives us sleep, shows solutions in dreams, protects us
and gives sense of decency, chastity, shame (930000)
Full of joy, yet also the slayer of evil. She selects your partner,
gives you that feeling for your spouse. Her greatest disciple is
Bhairava. She is the Lord of all the bhoots (900912); She destroys
all that is obstructing us, gives us comfort of the Spirit so that we
can live anywhere, comforts our bodies so that diseases are
destroyed, and we feel younger and more energetic, and also gives
us the highest boon, that of Joy - Joy of every kind (890619)
If we have a strong Mooladhara, then the Mahakali power is the
strongest within us. All her powers are actually expressed in
Omkara, which is Shri Ganesha, and this Shri Ganesha power within
us represents the complete love of Mahakali, and all the powers of
destroying the evil forces (890617.1); Mahakali power gives you
memory the power of memory (890617.1)
Some people achieve maturity much faster than others despite
the fact that they may have been ruined by many but still they do
it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what we call
Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the power of
Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and comes from
your heart absolutely from your heart then it works much faster.
Once you put your heart to it, everything will work out well
because the whole force is coming from your heart because in the
heart resides the Spirit. So the only judging point is 'am I doing it
from my heart or am I doing it superficially' (791009.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahakali
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
791115 Significance of Brighton
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
Mahakali's Powers
Now the 3 powers of Adi Shakti work in you. One gives you
longevity and a clear-cut idea about your desires if your desires
are 'right', all your desires are fulfilled by this power all your
desires all - but first one should know that your desires
should be 'right' for example why do you want what is the
purpose are you sure about it if your desires are clear-cut,
then they will be fulfilled absolutely one hundred percent. That
power you can achieve only by putting your bandhan on your heart
whatever desire you have you say it, and put it on your heart
means you are asking from your heart seven times you just give
it a bandhan, and the work will be done but dont use it for
nonsensical things because if you use it for nonsensical things,
this power will go away use it for something special of a higher
level (800127.2)
By this first power, which is the Adi Shakti's power or
Mahakali's power you get all the love of all the people around
everybody will feel magnetically attracted towards you and you
will be always guided by great souls, and angels. If you come
across anybody who is meeting an accident, you will stop that man
from going that way if you are in an accident, everybody will be
saved you will seldom have an accident if you have it, you won't
be hurt much amazing all these powers come to you because you
are the children of Adi Shakti.
The whole universe of the subtle, Divine Power is looking after
you individually you're all marked the mark is on you you are
bearing the mark and they are looking after you. So this power
of desiring is the power that protects you in all the ways that
are possible. It guides you looks after you gives you peace and
gives you tremendous faith in Sahaja Yoga. Ultimately you become
filled with joy of Sahaja Yoga and you dont like anything else but
Sahaja Yoga to you everything is Sahaja Yoga.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahakali's Powers
But sometimes you know, we are identified with our ego and we
think our ego is Sahaja Yoga many a times I have seen it. Sahaja
Yoga should be separated from that ego and brought in our day-
to-day lives when we are meeting each other talking to each
other that joy we should see one ripple falling and another
rising, and another falling as you see in the sea. This power is
within you and it is working all the time that you are loved and
looked after (800127.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 20 Jun 2003
The third, the Sustainance, or Evolution Power of God (791115);
That emanates from the Adi Shakti (900923); The Redeeming Power
(890524); Reem is the name the short form of Mahalakshmi
(790609.3); That resides in the Sushumna channel, and acts as a
balancing power, first at the Nabhi chakra (830131); Which enlarges
the central channel for the Kundalini's ascent, and guides the
Kundalini to those chakras in need (960910); The Spiritual Principle,
whose 5 Incarnations are: Sita; Radha; Mother Mary; Fatima, and Shri
Mataji (910003); Mahalakshmi is a very Gracious Lady (830131);
Christ's Mother was Mahalakshmi, the central power of sustainance,
pure sustainance, pure holiness, pure innocence such a powerful
woman she was very powerful (811006)
The Mahalakshmi tattwa is that you start thinking only about your
spirit. When you have become absolutely satisfied with the material
wealth, then you start coming to the spirit; Not to worry about what
is happening around you, but worry what is happening inside, and build
up your Mahalakshmi Principle. Then you will have no problems at all,
and through you, Mahalakshmi herself will work to fill your countries
with great bounties & great joys (860921.1)
In a Mahalakshmi Temple in Kolapur, there is sung a song with the
words, requesting the Kundalini, Amba, to rise. Surprisingly it is in the
Sushumna Nadi, the channel of Mahalakshmi, that the Kundalini
actually rises (871024); Mahalakshmi is worshipped on a Thursday, as
it is the essence of the Guru Principle (861227)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahalakshmi
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-861227 Brahmapuri - see 861221 good 5
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
791115 Significance of Brighton
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
960910 What State you have to reach, Diwali, Lisbon, Portugal good 55
Mahalakshmi's Powers
By the middle power you will give Realisation to people you will
be able to tell and correct the chakras this is all by your
centre power. By this power only, you have a very great power over
your Will if you decide that you are going to be like this you will
be if you want to be a happy person you will be the
transformation will be at your hand you can transform yourself
without any difficulty if you use the central power of
Mahalakshmi. Of course you will get better jobs, better money,
prospects but not too much of it so much so that you will feel
very much satisfied about it so that your attention is more in the
centre (800127.2)
All other powers of Mahalakshmi you will achieve later on but
for that, your Sushumna has to be cleaned very much and for
that you have to develop detachment in life. Unless and until you
develop detachment, the deeper powers of Mahalakshmi do not
come up for example, even in the smaller things, like having
connection with me even that one is to be a detached thing
even to say Aarti or to do something to come forward, that 'I'
have to do it even to invite me to dinner or any small thing, that
'I' should do it is also an attachment if it works out, well and
good if it does not work out, well and good. You must say that
'Mother, you come' but if I cannot come, there should not be the
slightest feeling of unhappiness but should be accepted. This
detachment has to be developed for your Mahalakshmi power
then, you go beyond (800127.2)
Your timing will be worked out absolutely correctly you
wouldnt have to see the time there will be time which will be
your own whenever you will go, you will find everything worked
out well. So to preserve this power of time, you must not hurry up
too much you should not be slaves of watches just let it go do
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahalakshmi's Powers
not have any obstinacy about anything just doesnt matter if it
is ten o'clock alright if not, ten fifteen, doesnt matter just
allow yourself to be drifted with the flow of Sahaja Yoga. If it
works out, well and good if it does not well and good just keep
it like that then only you will be surprised how this Mahalakshmi
power improves and the blessings of this power are tremendous
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 20 Jun 2003
One of Shri Mataji's names, meaning 'Who is Illusive'; "I am
illusive no doubt. But I'm illusive just to judge you" (820731);
Not easy to find out (800727); The Great Illusion - Mother is a
great illusion (800609); It is not easy to understand me on one
side, of course, I am Divine no doubt on the other side I'm
very human even in a film, if I see somebody suffering, I start
crying I can't bear it; I made myself extremely human and
this Divinity of mine also it's just Sahaj. I've done nothing -
I've been like this I am like this. I've not achieved anything
if I have achieved anything it's the understanding of human
beings (920229)
I am such a camouflage how are you going to judge me I am
prideless, egoless, actionless I am Mahamaya. I am too simple
too sincere there is no sign I am mundane, ordinary but
extraordinary of the ordinary I am. This is the thing that
people do not understand, but you have felt the vibrations and
Realisation through Me. I must be something. Put your attention
like this, to understand. There must be a tremendous thing
inside this body - it cannot be possible otherwise (801116)
So far Krishna, Christ, Rama, all of them nobody gave Self
Realisation to people. They had other powers Samhara Shakti,
Krishna had - he could kill anybody. I have also these powers
built in but obviously I am a simple, ordinary, mundane type of
an Indian Lady finished! Christ had the power to get himself
crucified, and to resurrect also - I too have these powers, but
I am not going to do all that. Why are they not used because
the main attention is to raise the Kundalini, and for that these
powers are not required (801116)
I am going to be just like you, all my life. I am going to get
old I'll be just like you - I am not going to do anything
outside. Just realise and recognise that there has to be
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mahamaya
something tremendous It was necessary to have someone like
that to do this tremendous task and it was necessary for you
to be born, to be with Me to help. I know those who are with
Me - they will stand by Me throughout. You have to stand by Me
So the Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have to realise
that these evil forces are also there. There are some within
us some are without so it looks to be a very difficult task
but it's not because one condition, if you can understand is
that you have to recognise me. I know, I'm Mahamaya I'm
really very clever at it but I'm truthful but still I'm
Mahamaya so to recognise me what should we do if we
recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing is the
simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are
not collective then know that something wrong with you if
you are collective if you are enjoying the collective, then you
should know that you are clean no blemish is there you are
absolutely alright. (911013)
Now the second part of this Mahamaya business I had to be
very close to you I had to be extremely close to talk to you
to have a rapport to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga to
make you absolutely aware of yourself. This had to be done
and with all these complications within your mind within your
heart within your body I had to work it out. To come close in
the real form would have been very dangerous so one had to
be a Mahamaya. But despite that, if you could recognise me to
understand me that I am Divine Personality an Incarnation
thats all the Deities want. Then theyll look after you in every
way theyll give you all the powers all the satisfaction all
the protection that you want. This is the condition which for a
rational mind is very difficult to understand that how can Adi
Shakti be in one body how can the infinite become finite.
Human beings cannot do that. God can do it he is God after all
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mahamaya
I see people when I talk to them they start talking to me
little frivolously not with that depth not with that feeling
that I am Mahamaya. Then some of them even answer me
explanations. Of course this freedom I have given you
deliberately but you must understand that you have to talk to
me in a way that you would talk to Adi Shakti is very important
So just behind this recognition is all the powers but if you
are doubting still half way this that, then things won't be
alright. You shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full
speed into any direction, knowing one thing that you are my
child, and that I am Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible
will become better you have seen it now dont worry about
anything just know that I am the Adi Shakti that all the
powers of Gods and Goddesses and all that are within me and
they 'are' within me and they are all looking after. But if that
recognition is not there they are not going to recognise you
either (911013)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820731 Dedication through Med'n, Cheltenham - see 820731(Video)
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead - (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
801116 New Age, Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
820731 Dedication through Meditation, Cheltenham good 60
911013 Navaratri Puja, Cabella good 25
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
- end - 1 Oct 2002
A country, a State in central India, where the Ganesha principle
is very strong, because there are 8 Ganeshas (881207; 821219),
which are manifesting vibrations, and which were recognised by
the great Saints of Maharashtra (840902), and which have come
out of the Mother Earth, and all 3 Powers represented by Mother
Earth are here Mahakali, Mahalakshmi and Mahasaraswati so
the whole place is very much vibrated. So if you are in
Maharashtra, and you have any problem of Mooladhara, then if you
sit down on the ground, and put your left hand towards the photo
and the right hand on the Mother Earth, and say the Shri Ganesha
mantra, or the Atharvasheersha, your left side will be cured
means the left Swadisthan first of all. So if you take vibrations on
the left side, then you clear out your Mooladhara in such a manner
that the problems of Mooladhara are solved. Of course Mother
Earth is everywhere, but this you can't do anywhere else 'that'
good because this is a special place for Mooladhara chakra,
where it clears you very much, and fills you with holiness and
auspiciousness. So try to sit on the ground as much as you can, and
try to meditate with your left hand towards the Sun and the right
hand on the Mother Earth (881207)
In the triangle of Maharashtra (840902) is the Kundalini of the
Universe (830127), and there are 12 Jyoti Lingas in Maharashtra
of which there are 10 complete and two that are half one of the
complete ones is at Nasik (830118); 3 Peetas are there (830118);
Where many Saints were born (961221); Where lived the Gurus:
Adi Nath, Machindranath, Goraknath (790530)
In Maharashtra there is a special quality (830118) where the
people are very simple hearted, open hearted, loving and
affectionate people and are very generous (881207); In the South,
including Maharashtra, they are more ritualistic, and because of
this, growth in Sahaja Yoga may be slow (980320)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Maharashtra
We have come here to get out of our conditionings - we have so
many conditionings, firstly of comfort these are terrible
conditionings. Teach your body to be a little uncomfortable.
Maharashtra Tour is going to be a little spartan - that is the way
your conditionings drop out (821231); When we are touring, we are
also internally moving (861227); You come to this country not to
enjoy the comforts of the West, but the comforts of the Spirit
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-861227 Brahmapuri - see 861221 good 5
-830118 Ganesha Puja - Nasik - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821231 Ganesha Puja - Kolapur - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 mins Q&A good 50
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 30 May 2003
The second, the Action Power of God (791115), manifested by
Mahabrahmadeva, called as Hirenyagarbha (900811.1), that
emanates from the Adi Shakti (900923); The right side creative
power, the power of thinking of our mental and physical effort
(791203); The Adi Shakti with the force of Mahasaraswati,
created the whole Universe and in that she created this world
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
791115 Significance of Brighton
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada good 40
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end - 10 May 2003
Mahasaraswati's Powers
Now by your second power, you will automatically meet people
who are learned, and who are Sahaja you will also read books
which are Sahaja even if you have to read some 'other' books,
you will be able to know that 'this' is not correct, and 'this' is
correct and by that you will enrich your mind when you will
start speaking, people would be amazed that those who have
never spoken would be speaking very well those who have never
known poetry will be writing poetry. Lots of things will happen on
the field of art also those who did not know art, will do
marvellously in art (800127.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 20 Jun 2003
The one true ego, that of God Almighty (830113); Said by
Mother: "I am Mahatahankara I am the Ego really I am the one
who does I am the Ahankara. The difference between you and me
is only this, that you don't do anything, and you think you are
doing, where I am doing everything, and I am not bothered"
(790314); The mantra for ego (791118)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
790314 Early Sahaja Yogi experiences - Sahaja Yogis and Mother
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'tn) good 60
- end - 6 Apr 2003
Mahatma Gandhi
A great Realised Soul, who believed in one Universal Religion, which
encompasses all the principles of the great religions of the world
(MME), who greatly respected Shri Mataji, when She stayed at his
ashram while She was a little girl (900811.1); Mahatma means larger
Spirit (851128); One of Gandhi's principles was never to listen to any
nonsensical gossip, never to listen to any criticism of anybody
(980320); Gandhiji's ashram was a simple place but very well done a
simple house and very comfortable & very beautiful (800927)
I was with Mahatma Gandhi as a child because he liked me very
much he used to call me Nepali, because I have a 'Nepali face' and
he used to talk with me as if he's talking to his grandmother
sometimes he was extremely sweet person to children strict with
himself and straight with others with elderly people (831001)
Mahatma Gandhi used to say 'what is the non-violence of the
weak' 'the weak has to be non-violent' 'but the non-violence of the
powerful is the sign of the real non-violence'. Those who are
confident of their powers why should they aggress others they
just stand. Those who are violent, angry, hot tempered, jump at
everyone, torture everyone, trouble everyone are the people who are
very weak charactered (sic) their character is weak thats the sign
of a person who is either possessed and under the influence of the
possession, or he's too weak and he's possessed by his anger because
he doesnt have that much power to bear anything. The one who has
the power to bear is the powerful the one who does not have any
power to bear, I can't bear I dont like - such a person is a useless
thing for this earth. So the power of a person lies in bearing things
how much you can bear how much you can undergo without feeling it
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
- end - 30 Sep 2003
A king who gave up everything, to become ascetic (sanyasi), and
upon whom Jainism is founded. Who controls the whole of the left
side; St Michael (900616); Who never talked about God (890801),
but who talked about Hell, where people can go (830202); Who
was born at the same time as Christ, and Buddha, and all three are
at the same level in the Virata's forehead (951224); Who was a
human being, but who achieved Godliness, as did also Lord Buddha
(800609); Who together with Buddha, were the Disciple
Principles, born also to Sita, as Luv and Kush, and later as Adi
Shankaracharya and Kabira, and also to Fatimabi as Hassan and
Hussein - they are both based here in your head in your brain
(790530; 770215); Who is part of the Ekadesha Rudra (810904);
Who has described Hell the best, where there are worms,
mosquitoes etc. In England, William Blake is the same thing
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-900616 Mahavira Puja, Spain, see 900616 good 30
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
900616 Shri Mahavira/Adi Kundalini - Spain/Austria
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
- end - 31 Mar 2003
Christ (900811.2), who is the Incarnation of Shri Ganesha, is also
known as Mahavishnu (830129); Christ who in his destroying
incarnation known as Mahavishnu, or Kalki, is situated on our
foreheads, and is coming for the Last Judgement, when every human
being is going to be sorted out (790928) but those who have got
Realisation will enter into the Kingdom of God (811006); He has 11
destructive powers, with which He is going to come back (810926)
The 11 destructive powers of Shiva... all these powers are in one
Deity or Personality, that of Mahavishnu, or Christ (830204; 840916;
970316); The 11 powers include the powers from: Ganesha; Bhairava;
Hirenyagarbha (the collective Brahmadeva); Kartikeya; Hanumana;
Mahavishnu (Christ); Buddha; Mahavira; Shiva/Parvati; Sadashiva/Adi
Shakti; and Virata. The powers of Eka Desha Rudra can be destroyed
by misidentifications (830204; 840916; 970316), and may form a
ridge across the upper part of the forehead (820711; 840622);
The cure for problems with Ekadesha Rudra is to give up wrong ideas,
and wrong Gurus, and by accepting that Sahaja Yoga is the only way;
Beat with shoes (830204; 840916; 970316)
Kalki is an abbreviation of Nishkalanka, and has the same meaning
as Mother's name, Nirmala, and means 'spotlessly clean' - without
any spots on it. Nishkalanka is shortened to become 'Kalki', who is
the coming Incarnation, also called Mahavishnu. This Incarnation has
been described in the Puranas, as coming on this Earth on a 'white
horse' in a place called Shambhalkul. Bhala means 'forehead', and
'shambhala' means 'at that stage', so it means that Kalki is situated
on your Bhala, your forehead. Here he is going to be born. This is the
real meaning of Shambhalkul; In between Jesus Christ, and his
destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu, called as Kalki, there is a time
given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into
the Kingdom of God, and which is called in the Bible the 'Last
Judgement'. All those who have an aspiration to enter into the
Kingdom of God are born in these modern times. This is the most
important time, because Sahaja Yoga is the 'Last Judgement'. It is
fantastic to hear this, but it is a fact and it is the truth (790928)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahavishnu
It is in the Devi Purana the ancient Indian scripture of the
Goddess, the Goddess Purana, wherein is described Christ, who is
called as Mahavishnu (811006) and it is written in the Devi
Mahatmyam, where it is said that the Goddess created Mahavishnu
out of an egg, suggesting the idea of the second birth (810330)
If you read the story of the birth of Shri Ganesha and then you
proceed on, you'll be surprised it's written that it was called as
Brahmanda means the egg of the Brahma, that came into
existence and half of it became Mahavishnu, means the Christ and
half of it remained as Shri Ganesha (000423)
Radha, in the Vaikuntha stage, created this great personality of
the Son of God the greatest of all the Adhara the Support of
the Universe this Mahavishnu who incarnated on this Earth as our
Lord Jesus Christ. She created him like an egg, out of which one half
was kept as the seed, as Shri Ganesha, as the Spirit and the other
half was created as Jesus Christ - see the symbolism of Easter like
an egg people knew about it somehow why do we have Easter Eggs.
The whole egg was nothing but the egg of the Divine Power, which
had to manifest this Divine Power on this Earth; Radha is nobody else
but Mother Mary herself she is Mahalakshmi (811006)
And then it is said that when Mahavishnu came out, he started
crying for his father just think of it he was asking for his father.
Now if you see Christ, he always used these 2 fingers no other
Incarnation has used these 2 fingers this is Vishuddhi, and this is
Nabhi that means he is talking of his father, who was the Nabhi
king, Shri Vishnu and his Incarnation as Shri Krishna. So he is
indicating that they are my father. How clearly he does that why
not have some other Mudras, other style of holding the fingers
always these 2 fingers meaning my father, the one who was
Vishnu, and who was Shri Krishna (000423)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mahavishnu
Then in the life of Shri Krishna, they say Mahavishnu will be your
son. All these things are not put together as I am telling you but
separately but if you have proper understanding, you can
understand the connection that Christ was the son of Shri Vishnu
and Shri Krishna and was blessed that 'you will be the support of
the whole Universe' the support, the Adhara of the whole Universe.
Now the one half is Shri Ganesha, who is the support in a way it
supports the Kundalini it looks after the Kundalini it looks after
the chastity of the Mother and the another one which is expressed
is Jesus Christ, who is the support of the whole Universe so
naturally it has to be the moral basis as he is a part and parcel of
Shri Ganesha it's the moral basis of human beings the moral
basis will be supported and which is missing in the lives of
Christianity (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Mahishasura, the false guru (904167); Who puts people into
illusion (303028); This is all jugglery you should see these
people who materialise what have they given you they have to
give you something eternal. If they talk of God God is not
going to give you diamonds which God has given diamonds to
people have you heard of anyone (310018); People who follow
such a person, have difficulty getting their Realisation
(710238) and then these people get heart attacks. If
somebody is a Godly person he'll give you something that
nobody can give that's your Spirit (303028)
Why should you give your ornaments. (A lady Ed) she said
'what can I do there's somebody in me who tells me 'this is
all dust and all should be given'' that's how it is that's how
he manages. These are not powers these are spirits doing
this what is so great you see we must think about it use
your brains. But Indians are very materialistic you see if
somebody gives them a diamond ring 'oh that's great' but
I'm surprised why not give to the chauffeur why not solve all
the problems (906097.3)
The mantra for this False Guru is Mahishasura Mardini
You can be innocent like a child, but you're matured and both
the things make a special dignified personality of such a person.
All these things come from this Right side power, when you use it
properly. Unless and until you have this established, you cannot
impress other people by your behaviour. Other people, new people
who come to you should see this majesty this royalty within you
which you are enjoying as a blessing from God Almighty (810511);
Live with your dignity cheapish things, frivolous things, useless
things should not be there (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 21 Apr 2003
A mantra is the awakened calling, with which we ask the help of
all the Angels the calling which has meaning. The authority applied
with the word, and with which we can awaken all these forces within
us - they are so tremendous (800609); Mantras should open your
chakras, otherwise they have no meaning. They should be used
properly, at key points, with great respect, and with great
understanding (800127.2), and can be said in either Sanskrit or in
English (840708); That power of the word that expresses the
Spirit (840422); The left Vishuddhi must be ok if we wish to say
mantras (830202); When taking the name, of Shri Krishna, it is
taken as Radha Krishna the energy before the Deity (811006)
Mantras may take the form of 'Om Twamewa Sakshat (Shri Mata)
Namoh Namah', so it will be short, as when saying 108 names
(800518), or 'Om Twamewa Sakshat (Hamsa Chakra Swamini)
Sakshat Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Namoh Namah', and may be said
3 times, as when said for a particular chakra (800517.2); Every
word spoken by the Mother is a Mantra, every word chosen for it's
effect (850806)
You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort of an
authority which you can use, and every mantra that you will say will
be awakened even if you are not yet out of your possessions, still
you will work it out still you can raise the Kundalini of others and
nothing will go wrong with the person whose Kundalini you are
raising to that purity it is (791111); You have no authority to take
any mantra unless and until you are a Realised Soul (771121)
If you coin a 'Mardini' mantra with anyone finished. You see it is
like this 'I' am entitled you see I am the one who has killed all of
them so I am entitled I've got the title you see if you take my
name title they are finished off there all their powers are
dropping; Of course you have killed many of them this is the
minimum power you have. (791202.3)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mantras
If it is a guru problem, then say the Adi Guru mantra for the
Void. Tell him to say the mantra. If you know the name of the guru
you know the mantra to be used like Narakasura Mardini
Mahishasura Mardini, or Sarva Asura Mardini. Then best is to give
vibrated salt with water to drink (800517.2); Mantras for false
Gurus include "Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini" (791203), and "Sarva
Asura Mardini" (800517.2); Those who have been to any gurus
should put their right hand on their heart, because your Spirit is
your Guru who resides in your heart (830302)
What I'm asking you your mantra for because once you give up
your mantra, you give up your misidentifications. Why I asked you
I would like to see how much you are still identified with him (a
false guru - Ed) if you are still identified with him, I cannot do
anything about it because evil is evil, and good is good (790618)
these mantras are the names of devils (790618)
When we are meditating, and there is a problem, we say the
mantra for that problem (791118); We have got different mantras
for different chakras if one chakra is catching, then you work on
that chakra only, and develop your mantras on that; Now you have
to ask from your heart whatever you have to say, say it from your
heart; When you are saying the mantra, put your attention without
thought to that particular chakra but if you are thinking, then you
are again catching the heart - by thinking the right side gets
overactive, the ego develops and engulfs the heart. Mantras are
very important for Sahaja Yogis (800907); Mantras are to give
'strength' to your Deities of course the Deities are very
powerful but 'strength' meaning the vehicle, which is carrying
the Deity becomes stronger (850502)
Now for Sahaja Yogis as I say there should be no ritual
ritualistic things always make you absolutely dead like early in the
morning you start with a mantra and go on repeating mantra like a
mechanical thing it's absolutely paying no respect to the Deity.
But in a proper way whichever Deity you want to awaken think of
that Deity, try to cleanse it, with all the understanding and
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mantras
deliberations with respect with a protocol and not just to take
somebody's name and just go on chanting any mantra you feel it's
not a mechanical thing. Sahaja Yoga is a thing which has to come
from the heart it is heart felt if you do not do it from your
heart it has no meaning (810511)
You may carry on like that, but you'll find after some time you
have lost your vibrations you have lost the cool breeze because
heart doesnt like mechanical things every day it does new things
it never sticks onto habits it never sticks on the same routine of
things it's bubbling every day with new appearances one has to
do it with complete love towards yourself and toward others with
complete esteem of your being and others (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
791111 Meaning of Yoga - Dollis Hill good 50
800127.2 Powers bestowed on SYogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840422 Forgiveness, Easter, Temple of All Faiths
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1, Chelsham Road not good 95
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2, Chelsham Road not good 50
The boundaries of your relationships; The discretion of the
heart (820402); The boundaries of dharma (900818), that are
restored by the Kundalini (920621); Chastity, the practice of
innocence in you, gives you the Mariadas, the limits. It is the
sister in the family, who gives to the brothers the Mariadas, how
far to go (850901); Vishnumaya will see to it that husband and
wife sit together (850901)
When a lady says she has a male friend, it's not a Mariada; You
cannot have friendship between men and women you cannot it's
absolutely absurd; A brother and a sister are never friends they
don't talk much (850901); A pure relationship must exist between
brother and sister supposing a brother and sister are walking,
they won't look at each other will they will they be watching each
other no! When your brother and sister relationship goes off
you get into troubles very much into troubles (860818); When you
are very good brothers and sisters, first of all your left Vishuddhi
improves - we get this left Vishuddhi, because we don't have proper
brother and sister relationship. It's not that we should have our
'own' sister but 'any' woman who is a Sahaja Yogini is your sister
except for your own wife. Unless and until we develop that pure
feeling within ourselves, we cannot work out Sahaja Yoga I know
it's rather difficult to digest but it's a fact (860818)
Anything that you want to use like the computer also should
have it's Mariadas don't go beyond it (971004); The Kundalini
rises in it's own Mariada. It brings back your Mariadas. You are
human beings, don't live like animals even worse than animals
you have no right to do that. God has not created you to be sub-
human, but to be super-human (920621)
Now you have to love all the seekers of the world they have
done wrong they have done all kinds of ego trips they have done
all kinds of mistakes but your Mother loves them and you have
to love them. If they have to be corrected, I'll do that you just
dont do that way that they feel hurt. So we have a Sahaja Yoga
tradition also in which when we speak to each other, we have that
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mariadas
Sankoch within us of Shri Ram and if you dont have that
Sankoch you get right heart and that right heart is a very
dangerous thing in the country like England where the climate is so
bad because it gives you the horrible thing called Asthma. So
this Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas means the
boundaries of your relationships. Shri Rama is known for his
boundaries he doesnt cross the limit in everything discretion
of the heart should be there. Now there is no word for discretion
of the heart in English language which is Mariada discretion of
the heart is how far to go (820402)
Those people who are obedient to me are very powerful Sahaja
Yogis you know that and those who are not, go down very fast. I
have seen those who are disobedient, who dont listen to me, who
are rude to me, who do not understand the protocol go down very
much in Sahaja Yoga because what is lacking in you is the
discretion, the Mariada how far to go. You have to be powerful
people and the power of a person increases by putting Mariadas -
supposing you have wheat, and you spread it, it will spread all over
and anybody, birds will come and eat it up it will be finished. But
if you put it in a sack, it will have a weight it will have a size it
will rise in height is useful and it will have respect. But the
thing that is all spread all over will never be respected. Nothing
works out without Mariadas you have to keep your Mariadas. All
our ideas of freedom are to be bound by Mariadas if the
freedom has no Mariadas, it is abandonment it is a nonsense it
is not going to help (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja - Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
- end - 1 Oct 2003
Getting into Sahaja Yoga marriage is very different from any
other marriage (891203); Is decided by Mahakali, and for the
purpose of creating the Mariadas (900912); Marriage is not the
end, but the means to be balanced (890619) without marriage, a
balance is not established (790530); It is not a serious problem,
as long as we keep the 'ideal' with 'ourself', and do not try to
impose that on our partner; Let the wife be a wife, and the
husband be a husband - but the wife should not be the husband
nor the husband be the wife (800517.2)
All these people who came on this Earth said that you lead a
clean life and a sensible married life it is not permitted to have
adulterous life in any religion whatsoever because adulterous life
brings forth all kinds of problems for the sex for spoiling the
last chakra - people can become impotent or, over exited or
could become suffering from all the troubles of this centre for
which you know the diseases so one has to lead a very clean
wonderful married life. Marriage is supported and sanctioned by
the collective it is sanctioned by God Almighty so, that kind of
a life, that kind of a sexual life, is a sensible one one should not
get a shock out of it. When I say this in the west, people really
dont like it but I am your Mother I have to tell you the truth.
Whatever you have done is done finished doesnt matter but
now you should come to your sanity because there are all these
horrible satanic diseases waiting just to work it out. All the great
Saints of India were married and had children except for some
people like Buddha, who died very early he had to take a Sanyasa
because of his work. Then we had Kabira, Nanaka all of them
were married people (821008)
The marriage system has been in existence since long before
Christ, Abraham or Moses, and is sanctified blessed by society.
When Man raised his voice against this natural life of sanity, he
started getting all kinds of diseases - if it is natural to lead the
life that people do, why do they get all kinds of diseases. If it is
natural to be married to 10 people, why do we get jealousies - we
should be happy (860907)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
The marriage is to have children, not to be Romeo and Juliet -
children that are born to Sahaja Yogis will be Realised Souls look
after them, don't spoil them (800517.2); The 'Principle' or
'Essence' of the family, and of the marriage, of the household, is
the child, for whom all is created (781218)
At Hamsa the left and the right meet - is the wedding place
between your left and right. If they are not in balance, there will
be a problem. They are equal, but not similar. Left is left, right is
right; The functions of a wife, the wife should do first, the
functions of a husband a husband should do first. The secondary
functions can then be shared. But it is not possible that a wife
goes to work, and a husband starts producing children - you cannot
do it, and to be a mother is the most important thing (800517.2)
Men and women have to be men and women in Sahaja Yoga they
cannot be unisex, they cannot thats very important the man has
to protect the wife, and give her all the security that is needed
and the woman has to nourish the husband, and give him all the love
and affection. So here we are entering into a new life where you
have a companion of your own she'll be your 'wife' not because
she's in Sahaja Yoga that you have married her but because she's
your wife so try to prove it to her that you love her very much
and that she is 'your' wife and that all that you have, is for her
that is very important in the very beginning of it (931224.1)
It is important that a woman should be docile and sensible in
marriage (871230.1); The woman has to dress up properly - she
represents the colour and beauty of creation. She is a shy thing,
and must understand what sort of husband she has. She has to be
the model wife, enjoying whatever virtues she has; The husband
should enjoy his wife, and not the wives of others - this is a stupid
thing (860921.2)
The men are more formal types, more concerned with formal
relationships, and always looking at their watches; Men should not
be aggressive to their wives, whilst the women should never try to
aggress the men in the presence of others - in the bedroom is al-
right; Your husband is your husband, and he is like that (860921.2)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
After marriage, some of the people just get lost and this is
the worst type of thing that can happen to you they get into
their honeymoon mood all their romantic ideas come back they
get just lost you are marrying here for Sahaja Yoga don't
forget it; Your marriage is for your ascent (891203); In
marriages, we have to decide that we are getting married
because we have to do Sahaja Yoga. Romanticism, when they get
married, where they go crazy with each other, and forget Sahaja
Yoga, forget Mother and forget God, is of no use in Sahaja Yoga.
There is no need to rush into honeymoon (871230.1)
We notice that Mother has married us given us good
husbands good wives that we are enjoying our married life but
thats not the end of it - this is just the beginning just the start.
And if you get attached too much to it, then you have lost the
point the marriage is an instrument which is to be used which is
to be completely understood for the purpose of enlightening
others. So first thing is that Sahaja Yoga is our aim is our
dharma is our beingthat is the main thing all the rest of the
things come later. So supposing then you find your wife or your
husband is getting materialistic better to depart tell them no
we cannot. You see for me this is important marriage is just a
means to an end but the end is different. So we can give up this
means and we can get another means and this is to be
understood in it's true colours if your marriage doesnt give you
progress in your spiritual life, better to give it up and thats
what I've been telling everyone about it how to get over their
emotional problems (850310)
So marriage should not be the prime thing it's supportive
what is the prime thing is the Kundalini (891203); Marriage is
secondary, and is spontaneous - it cannot be organised. There are
so many very great Saints who want to be born, and the Divine
Mother wants only such people to be married by Her, who will bear
such good children. But we spoil our children, forgetting that they
are the children of the Adi Shakti (871230.1)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
Now supposing a Sahaja Yogi has married another Sahaja Yogi
take a position like that now my desire is that they should
develop a complete understanding of each other, love for each
other but also a love for Sahaja Yoga and for others - this is
the only way we can justify marriage in Sahaja Yoga otherwise,
why should they marry. But it doesn't happen like that. What
happens is first they are married, then either they will quarrel
or they will ask for divorce. If that doesn't happen, luckily
because it's so easy to get married in Sahaja Yoga, you know
then they start having their own family, their own home then
they again become very very small very limited did you come to
Sahaja Yoga for that. Try and find out where you can go and talk
about it and do something good to others, and help them
somehow to rise above this common existence of misery,
unhappiness and destruction the time is very short (970525)
Of course if somebody's horrible, I'm not going to ask you to
continue with that it's alright to finish it but you must know
where to finish; It's very surprising that people do not want to
finish off with the problems they facebut they are very anxious
to have a divorce it's surprising. In India, we don't have anybody
falling in love we don't know that part but we have very good
marriages, and we have lots of children no problem; So you must
understand your position, especially the ladies in the West. There
is a trick of the trade and if they don't know the trick of the
trade, they can never be successful in marriage don't try to be
men (891203)
I have told many a times that you have all freedom to choose
whichever person you like and you can always say 'no Mother, I
don't want' you have all freedom if you don't want to get
married alright if you want to get marriedalright (891203);
You may not 'fall into love' you may not it may not be and it's
not necessary because those who fall in love also rise into
divorces so best thing is to have a balanced idea about marriage.
You see marriage cannot be decided, like you are 'Romeo and
Juliet' - it's practical it should be based on rock so you won't
lose your balance. If you understand that point, then the marriage
4 4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
will be successful but if you try to think of romanticism and all
that, it just breaks at the same time it's not some kind of
asceticism but you lead a nice healthy married life, in a very
friendly manner in every way (891203)
You must know how to handle your wife how to handle
yourself how to handle your tempers that's one of the tests in
Sahaja Yoga (891203); Not to quarrel or to fight but to love
each other, to understand each other with the 'same' love, that
you are feeling as 'their love' it's the best thing, to know that
you are loved for me that is the highest when you see the other
person also loves you, then it's tremendous; But it's private it's
not public on the street in the airport or anywhere it's very
private the more private you make it, the better it is and the
more you try to express it outside, it's going to be dangerous
There are so many ways of expressing your love try to be nice
talk to one another give some presents give sometimes flowers;
Try to find out the likes and dislikes of a person do not do things
that people do not like it's better not to do it what's the use.
If relationships are spoiled not to do these things; My husband
doesn't like me to put flowers in my hair in Maharashtra it's the
custom for married ladies to do it but if he doesn't like, why to
do it. Don't do anything that people do not like you to do try to
avoid it it creates problems try to do something that pleases
others. If you please others, your Deities will be very happy
because they are all one within each of you because they are all
related to each other and they feel unhappy when you try to be
unkind to each other because they are one (800927)
When you are marrying Indians, please be careful, because you
will find that the parents will pamper you all kinds of things
they'll do but one has to understand that it's just a custom and
it doesn't mean that you are God or that you are in superlative
condition (881211)
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
Any Sahaja Yogi who comes to your house or anyone especially
Indian women you will find, they will look after the guest very
well and then there is some sort of what they call a jealousy
comes up absurd Indian women will not have anyone else as
their husbands but their own so dont have these funny ideas. So
dont have any doubts about your wives same with the wives this
will make your life very much more happy and confident - if you
have any problems, write to me privately you need not give them
to your leaders, but you can directly write to me if you really
have a problem (931224.1)
So on both the sides of men or women, we have to understand
if you are a man, and if you are a dominating man, it's alright but
if you are a woman, and if you are dominating, then it's a difficult
thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure you have lost your quality of being
a woman at least you have to be a woman to begin with. Now the
men have to be compassion, kind, considerate never subservient
never subservient. The women have to be great, large, receptive,
receiving and nourishing. So a woman must try to be a woman, and
a man must try to be a man (830821); If you marry, live like an
ideal Sahaja Yogi (970823.1)
In Sahaj Dharma, the husband/wife relationship should be really
romantic should be really beautiful but it is not no, we talk of
love, and all that but very rarely people fall in love, and carry on
with it it's a blessing if you really get that kind of a feeling but
mostly it is a curse. So to fall in love is very good but that
doesn't mean that you forget that you are a Sahaja Yogi
(970823.1); Man doesn't want a wife to be on the horse, and
beating with a whip why has he married for the happiness, for
the joy, for the sweetness of a woman (971004)
The same dharma is for your children that you bring up your
children, not troubling them too much but into a free life let
them use their wisdom. Sometimes I know, children go astray, and
try to follow wrong things then you must correct you must tell
them it's your duty and that correction should be in a Sahaj
way (970823.1)
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
No restrictions should be put on the wife or the husband why
did you talk to her you should not have said why did you do
this you should sit with me all these things are not there
(810904); Marriage is a mission in life it's very sweet to be a
wife and a mother. For small small things, if you are going to
fight alright, then better not marry in Sahaja Yoga because you
tarnish the name of Sahaja Yoga, which has given you Realisation.
So you must know how to manage your marriages (950625)
Any man that is older than your husband, you need not talk to
him but with younger people you can you must have innocence
about it. You are all brothers and sisters no more romanticism
now you are not going to marry each other dedicate yourself to
your Sahaja Yoga (810904); No Sahaja Yogi is going to marry
another Sahaja Yogi you are all brothers and sisters nobody
should come to me, and tell me 'I want to marry this or that' if I
say you marry, that's different but you don't come to me, and
tell me 'I've fallen in love with another Sahaja Yogi' (810904);
Men and women after 45 or 50 to still go on thinking of
marriages is too much but even at 60 I really get fed up so
this is not the way. What is a marriage some people are seeking
their husband all their life when are you going to seek your real
one that is your spirit (850310)
You are marrying under Sahaja Yoga you are not marrying in a
way the others marry and thats why we must understand that
collectivity comes first but, you must love each other. The wife
has to keep her husband pleased if she does not get her husband
pleased if he's not easily pleased, still he should be made to be
pleased though he may be the most difficult man. It's the art of
a woman, is the beauty of the woman how she manages her
husband because she's there for that kind of a job and if she
cannot do that, then she is failing in that part (801205)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
Sometimes the husband wants that he should have the company
alright, give him the company as much as possible but you should
also know that unless and until your husband gives you the
authority, you are no-one with others because it is he who has
given you the authority to talk to others if he says 'no, you have
to be with me all the time' then you cannot say no there's a
right to have your company. So one must understand and strike a
balance do not do anything to the extremes we have to be very
normal people (801205)
Ladies should try to be more ladylike and men, have to be
men like I said just now, you have to follow the man that has to
be it looks decent you see for a man to be ahead of you, and a
woman to be behind - she's the shakti she's the shakti behind
the husband and she need not walk in front and show off and
argue with him and put him down. To be a woman is a very big
thing your Mother is a woman you know how great it is to be a
woman because women have such powers. So the two roles of men
and women, is like the flower and the fragrance which is
higher the flower or the fragrance if there is no flower there
is no fragrance but without the fragrance, what is a flower or
beauty it's so much inseparable the fragrance, the beauty and
the flower in the same way, the flower shows but who is the
beauty and who is the fragrance is the wife. That is how it
should be and then only people will respect you and your
husband thats the way it works out very easy (801205)
And there's nothing like domination who can dominate your
spirit nobody but in the society the man has to do all the
outside work, and he's the kinetic person and you are the
potential energy so the woman has to listen to man because she
preserves her energy much more by that and there is nothing
like domination on the contrary it's such a domination on the
man, that he just can't exist without you - he comes back home
straight from the work thats how you should control your
husband is a control of love. As I control you with love, 'you'
should control with love (801205)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
8 8 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Marriage
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
-881211 Detachment, Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
801205 Marriage & Collectivity, Chelsham Road poor 20
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840829.1 Pre-Marriage talk, part 1 - Switzerland good
840829.2 Pre-Marriage Talk, part 2 - Switzerland good
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
Marriage System
In Sahaja Yoga basically we have used the system of India,
because it is a very joyous style of marriage it's not a very
serious occasion but we have changed it for our use for our own
purpose. In this marriage we have avoided all that was funnily
introduced or all other useless rituals, which were no good but
keeping all the delicate points, that give a little sweetness to the
temperament of the people and a feeling of involvement to
everyone. In India, everybody thinks marriage is a very auspicious
thing, and everybody must help everybody must be involved.
Sahaja Yoga style marriage doesn't have any tension. All of us
have to be very generous and giving and we should try to give
whatever we have to help them out not necessarily money but in
every way we should try to give them because marriage day is a
very important day (840829.1)
In Sahaja Yoga marriage we have a father a mother and a
sister of the bride. Now you must offer your services. The
fathers all married people if you have got your wives they can
join you if you don't have, doesn't matter. Now everyone of you
should take someone as your daughter and you should know the
name of the girl who is your daughter. Now the job of the father
is very important first he has to find out the husband also he
has to give to the girl the sari, saag, ornaments, and decorations
to the bride but not the Mangala sutra. But first ceremony is of
haldi now I must tell you, be careful on this these things are to
be given after the haldi is over. You see, the haldi will be applied
to the girls then they'll have a bath outside somewhere there's
a hose, and with hot water then they'll go inside in their dressing
gowns in their rooms, where they'll rest for a while, if they want
to and then they can have a bath and get ready so when they
are ready for it, then these things will be given by the father
(840829.2); The haldi will also be sent over and applied to the
boys. Then all of you should have lunch separately the girls
here and the boys there then after that you're not supposed to
see each other alright (840829.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Marriage System
The Mangala Sutra is to be kept in the pocket and is to be
given when the marriage time comes in. Now the complete set
you write it down a sari, a blouse, a petticoat, a saag for the
neck now the ornaments for the head a golden headdress and
for the nose for the hands and for the feet. Then the bangles
one Mundawari we call it Mundawari and these are the toe
rings, for the Vishuddhi chakra. Except for the Mangala Sutra,
everything is to be given to the girl. Now all the brides must see
if the things are alright or not the father and the bride
Now this is to be pasted on the hand you should take two
each it has to be done either tonight or tomorrow morning
those who can do tonight, nothing like it the mothers or the
sisters must do this job for the brides there are some big and
some small it is for a small hand this one is just attach it to
the hand and they can be re-used, in case they are not sufficient
So this is all to make you beautiful ladies you see, and to feel
proud of your being a lady, you see all this is done for that and
the lady is specially dressed - actually the men look like little bit
like buffoons but women look very sensible in marriage, I tell
you so one should not try to compete with men in marriage,
alright (840829.2); For the boys, we should have some unmarried
boys for them to be best men for the bridegrooms; For the
grooms there are dhotis, kurtas, topis and a cap (840829.2)
One should sit down with the full idea, that now you're
marrying in Sahaja Yoga and the responsibility is much more on
a girl than on a boy and one must know that in Sahaja Yoga,
marriage is for a special purpose, that we have to have Realised
Souls as our children so we have to behave ourselves from the
very first day it's complete integration of heart, mind and
liver you love the person, marry the person, and live with that
person not to marry someone, and think of somebody else that
nonsense doesn't exist in Sahaja Yoga that's not a sign of
Sahaja Yoga at all alright (840829.2)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Marriage System
The condition of India is that the girl has to accept her
husband if she does not accept, we cannot force marriages.
Thats why the first ceremony we'll be having is where theyll be
garlanding you by garlanding you, they suggest that they are
accepting you (931224.1); First the bride the girl has to
garland means she accepts him it is Indian tradition that the
girl has to accept you cannot force it on her then if she has
accepted, then the boy should garland that means he has also
accepted. This is the first step and then in the second step you
all have to go and sit for the fire ceremony. Now the bride and
bridegroom should go and sit near the fire with the girl on the
right side of the boy boy and girl facing the fire but on the
other side facing me and the parents should join them (931228)
Once you are married the girls may not be able to move
immediately from their various places, because of visa problems
but dont give them money to be sent to their families that is not
allowed in Sahaja Yoga. Girls should not send money to their
parents and trouble their husbands for that that is not
allowed 'sometimes' if you want to send is alright but should
not give any money for sending it to the relations of your wife
otherwise it will become a money oriented marriage, and people
would marry because they can extract some money (931224.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
840829.1 Pre-Marriage talk, part 1 - Switzerland good
840829.2 Pre-Marriage Talk, part 2 - Switzerland good
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Married Life
We have to prove to the world that marriage is a Divine
Institution and by this Divine Institution, if you have been put
together, it's also a Divine Plan and through this Divine Plan,
many things are going to work out (931224)
First thing we have to know that this marriage ceremony that
we have organized with a purpose and the first purpose is that
we regard marriage as very essential for Sahaja Yoga. Now why
marriage is important is because marriage is like a big Yagnya
like a big Tapasya, you can call it or is a great experience how
to achieve a balance how to become a witness and how to
become the Spirit is important (931228)
Now the first and foremost thing you have to know is that he is
your husband and nobody else nobody is more important than
him. You see, men are very easy to be controlled if you can make
them feel they are the most important people for you then you
can manage them very well. The first and foremost ambition or
idea should be that I'll make my married life extremely happy
because if the married life is happy, you will be happy. Now men
have a habit sometimes of losing their temper doesnt matter
thats their habit so you shouldnt immediately become the same
type but you can little bit in a womanly way, try to put your
sweet device of smiling in it or laughing it out somehow but
not to make it serious it's very important (931228)
So how to handle the men, especially your husbands is an art
and that art you will achieve gradually but if you start finding
fault with the men then you are finished. You must say that 'you
are the best' thats the way you have to deal with them not
that you are befooling them, because you say this but because
you love and love is the basis between you and him nothing
else not money not what you have got for him or he for you
nothing of the kind. Love is something which you can express also
through matter sometimes by giving some nice presents or nice
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Married Life
food or something but the most important thing is your heart -
you should not cheat in any way you should not be hypocritical
or try to do something that is not pure (931228)
So, in Sahaja Yoga, the purpose of these marriages is to have
you connected internationally so you all transcend all the
barriers of your nationality barriers of racialism of caste of
so much of materialism so you should not compare your husband
with anyone he is your husband and you shouldnt expect too
much of him. So try to understand not to boss your husband or
try to put him right or do things. I have seen some ladies who
are extremely tense tense type they can never give joy they
are themselves not in joy how can they give joy so the tension
should not be there at all of any kind be relaxed you are the
other side of Sahaja Yoga, which gives peace joy and
nourishment and also complete tranquillity in the family, you are
responsible for tranquillity even if the husband is angry (931228)
First feed your children, your husband and then you eat
yourself because that is the job of a woman like a man should
go earn a living do what he wants to do job and all that but
the woman has to really look after the husband look after the
family everything. So the only thing you have to do is to love
them with a clean heart and all the time forgive and let them
'know' that "she is the only one I have, in the whole world"
apart from the Holy Mother (931228)
Most important thing is you should not talk about your past at
all because past is finished. Now you are Sahaja Yogis you are
Realised Souls so you dont have to say a word about your past.
Even if your husband starts talking, you just stop and tell him
'we are to live in the present, dont tell us about your past just
forget the past, and live in the present' because in the present
resides the Reality and the Reality is the Ocean of Joy (931228)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Married Life
You should not nag him for anything. Supposing he doesnt like
some things you shouldnt do it whatever he doesnt like small
things you know. Also you must understand how you have to take to
the style of life of your husband. Women should be entertaining
they should not mind if somebody comes to stay, or live with
them on the contrary, they should be happy they are able to look
after someone who is a Sahaja Yogi. So for Sahaja Yogis, you must
keep always your heart open your house open. It is the
responsibility of the women to make their marriage happy
depends on their intelligence, and on their dedication to Sahaja
Yoga it's their responsibility. And if you see in a wider sense, the
responsibility of making a good society is that of a woman even if
she has to suffer, she can like this Mother Earth, she can suffer
anything she never feels she suffers, she is so great. You are
the shaktis so as shaktis if you have to suffer you dont mind
and what you have to feel is that we are responsible for making
our society a perfect society thats our responsibility. All your
greed all your ambitions everything should be directed
towards making a very very happy married life (931228)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
931224 Talk about Marriages, To Bridegrooms, G'pule - see 931224 poor 20
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Mary Magdalene
When Mary Magdalene was anointing Christ's Feet with oil, and
someone suggests that she would be better to sell the oil and get
some money, Christ replies 'The poor are with you always, but I
am with you for a short while' - emphasising the importance of the
Divinity (790416)
When Mary Magdalene was being stoned, Christ stood before
her now Christ was an Incarnation of truth, and he had nothing
to do with a prostitute he had no relationship with her
whatsoever, but he stood before her and said to the people,
'those who have not committed any sin can throw stones at me!'
and nobody would - such courage and such understanding of
righteous behaviour, starts shining in your character (870513;
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
840807 Bath Public Programme (+Q&A 30 mins/Experience 20 mins) good 30
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Mother Mary, the third incarnation of the Mahalakshmi Principle
(910003); She was the Goddess (871225); Mahalakshmi the
Spiritual Principle, whose 5 Incarnations are: Sita; Radha; Mother
Mary; Fatima, and Shri Mataji (910003); Mahalakshmi is a very
Gracious Lady (830131); Christ's Mother was Mahalakshmi, the
central power of sustainance, pure sustainance, pure holiness, pure
innocence such a powerful woman she was very powerful
(811006); Radha is nobody else but Mother Mary herself (811006);
The name Mary, as also Maria, comes from the word 'marine'
It was Hanumana as Gabriel, who went to Mary who was a young
virgin, to tell her that a child, an Incarnation, the Saviour, was to
be born to her (890423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
- end - 5 Apr 2003
You all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga and for
becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing
meditation introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga practices.
You have to meditate collectively whenever there is collective
meditation, you must join that. With collective meditation you
get alright all your problems are solved if you go to collective
meditation regularly I promise you (001231)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
- end - 12 Jun 2003
We have to rise above the gravitational force of materialism,
which is today's religion everywhere, whatever they may call it
whether it is communism or capitalism, or democracy or
demonocracy, whether it is Christianity, or Hinduism or Islam or
any other nonsense - all of that is nothing but materialism in it's
all absurd forms. Kundalini is the only thing that can take you,
like the stalk of the lotus, out of this mud of materialism; All
materialists are egoistical, racists - they are robbers and
plunderers. They go to other countries and settle down nicely,
robbers and plunderers, and extracting the wealth of another.
All this can become very 'sophisticated' and 'beautified' - we
have to fight that, but to do that we have to get out of it
completely (860706)
Because we come from matter, it is easy to go back to matter,
to materialism, to primitiveness; All beauty drops out if we take
to materialism but materialism will drop out, when we see
ourselves in collectivity; Matter divides us from each other
(870408); Materialism takes away everything that is beautiful,
that is good within you is a kind of befooling that is going on, is
a horrible stuff, and makes a person absolutely shameless. For
example with fashion, what is the need to run after fashions
just because someone wants to make some money (870503.1);
Thinking is another style of materialism, is a subtle materialism
get rid of it (830104); Materialism is a problem of the left Nabhi
(830107); Is absolutely against dharma because it creates all
kinds of peoples Mafias cheats (971004); When we have
become the matter, nothing can stir us but some sort of a shock,
and that is why we go for this kind of literature which is
shocking, which we call as sensational (870513)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Materialism
In India it is said that if someone's pin is in your house, you
should look after it for eternity, but if your diamond is lost with
somebody, you should never ask for it it is not good manners.
What is more valuable, is not the diamond it is the
relationship the friendship (870503.1)
People who are materialistic have no heart they are just
dried up the only thing they understand is money, money
money. So too much attachment to money is also materialistic
as is also the waste of money but the mismanagement of money
is the worst of all (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-830107 Ganesha Puja, Rahuri see 830113.1 (5 Pujas in India) good 20
-830104 Stop Complaining - see 830104.1 good 35
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830104.1 Stop Complaining/How to Proceed - Sholapur/Vaitarna
830104.2 Address to the Sholapur IMA - Sholapur good 35
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
- end - 10 Mar 2003
After Realisation, if you are still identified with matter, then
your Realisation slows down matter is absolutely secondary
matter which is gross is of no meaning. Subtle matter is alright
for us it's important like the light which is burning the
water that is in the ocean the open sky or, the Mother Earth
which in certain places in India, is very much sucking your
material identifications (800927)
We should give up the engulfing, enclosing, entombing
influence of matter; All ideas about 'sophistication', our
'standing in society', how we relate to politics, economics, etc. -
all can tie us down to that tomb of matter. We belong to the
category of Spirit, which can rise above all tombs (850408)
Matter is made out of 5 elements, the 5 elements that have
made this body of ours and they are on the right side of the
human being. These 5 elements either push you towards the left
side or they pull you towards the right side. Now when you start
using the matter, gradually you become lethargic you become a
slave to it it becomes a habit the comfort enslaves you.
Secondly, if you try to overpower the matter, getting
overactive with matter, making everything properly, over-
efficient with the matter, then your ego develops, and when
your ego develops, you go into violence - because if you produce
more, you have to be violent about it otherwise you do not
know how to sell it. You become a sort of an aggressive
businessman or country, which tries to overpower other nations
with their material advancement you become materialistic and
such people have no heart they are just dried up the only
thing they understand is money, money money. So too much
attachment to money is also materialistic as is also the waste
of money but the mismanagement of money is the worst of all
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Matter
So matter has been identified with us, we have been using it,
living with it and that's why it is easy for us to get back into
the same circle of matter we pay attention to it, get into it
Now if I say do not pay attention to it, then we go into another
side we jump into vices vices of uncleanliness, of filth, dirt,
mismanagement so from one extreme to another extreme you
go (800927)
So to be materialistic is your nature because you have
started with it but it is also human nature to ascend and
which way you go is the thing the ladder can take you up or it
can bring you down if you are to go up, then your eyes should
be upwards (800927)
When you are using the matter, see the auspiciousness of it
see the auspiciousness of the things that you are using. At
random we buy things we buy clothes. If you could use your
vibratory awareness to buy your things, to see what you should
buy, what would look nice because beauty and auspiciousness
go hand in hand they are not 'two' things (800927)
The value of matter is in aesthetics, artistic things - which
we can give to others (860305); If matter does not have
aesthetics, then it is gross (830113); Expresses love, when
given to another (900912); When the aesthetics of matter
starts giving you joy you do not want to possess it even if
you want to possess it it would be just to enjoy it and give it
away to somebody else. When you develop your witness state,
this will come to you that you will not keep things to yourself,
but you would like to give and share. Sharing that is the time
you should know you have become a witness because you are
enjoying (800927)
You are at a stage where you have to detach yourself from
matter (800927); The essence of Puja is how to overcome our
material grossness; We must know that matter is given to us by
God everything belongs to God; So why do we give to God
after all God doesn't need anything. But God is the enjoyer
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Matter
the enjoyer is God in you when God is there, that enjoys
that is the Spirit. So whatever pleases your Spirit is used in
the Puja is to be given; Supposing we give a flower to God
after all it is God's own creation what are we giving. These
flowers when you give it to me, they give you two things.
Flowers are very important if they are beautiful, then they
give to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your
Mooladhara. Now think of it you are doing it to improve your
chakras (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja - Le Raincy good 50
- end - 10 Mar 2003
In order to mature so that we may become one with the
Absolute, we have to maintain a certain amount of Suchitta,
purity, within ourselves. We have to fight the confusion - it has
to be faced and seen. Confusion comes from conditionings, brain
washings, physical and mental problems, and from the
atmosphere etc. Some people achieve maturity much faster than
others despite the fact that they may have been ruined by
many but still they do it. What makes it very quick is the left
side, what we call Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha
Shakti the power of Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very
strong, and comes from your heart absolutely from your heart
then it works much faster. Once you put your heart to it,
everything will work out well because the whole force is coming
from your heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. So the
only judging point is 'am I doing it from my heart or am I
doing it superficially' (791009.1)
Maturity has nothing to do with age, or colour with creed or
caste - it is a state which one can reach at any time. Even a child
could be that (850000.1); You have to show that you have grown
up in Sahaja Yoga that you are very deep and you are a very
senior person. I have seen some little children also they are so
grown up, and so sensible. But if you are still running after
nonsensical things if you are still full of lust and greed, then
better you leave Sahaja Yoga and find some other area where
you can do that (010321)
It is something surprising how people do not understand their
position in Sahaja Yoga. Your growth has been on the whole very
good I know there are many people who are wonderful Sahaja
Yogis who are really great Sahaja Yogis and they have every
right to call themselves Sahaja Yogis or Maha Yogis but that
is only possible, and perceptible if you really grow up inside and
your Spirit shines like crystal clear ocean of love (010321)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Maturity
I think all of you should buy one tape-recorder each, because
you see that is one way of growing because a Sahaja Yogi told
me that when he started listening to them his English improved
tremendously and he said 'the vibrations are coming from
them and I started growing' so it's a very good idea to have
tapes and in your spare time put them on and listen to them.
It's a very good thing and helps a lot - that will really mature you
very much I think a very good idea (801019)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead - see 820514 good 15
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga - xxx
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Organs can be lethargic if we eat too much carbohydrate type
of food - in which case, we should take more proteins. There is
no harm in taking meat Guru Nanak ate meat, Lord Buddha ate
meat. It is best not to eat meat from animals larger than
yourself, because it can cause problems with the teeth and not
cows, especially Indian cows (830131)
Food can be used to assist in correcting an imbalance in the
subtle system, by using more carbohydrates, or vegetarian type
foods, and avoiding too much proteins, for a person who is too
much on the right side, or the converse for a person who is too
much on the left side (830121); A right side person, is one who
eats proteins and meats (830131), who is the thinner type of
person, and for whom it is prescribed, in India, to eat more
carbohydrates (840906) whilst a left side person is one who
eats carbohydrates (830131), and is a fatter type of person
(840906) they are the people who eat too much of
carbohydrates (830209); The right sided are those people who
eat too much of proteins all the time, meat, and heavy foods
Satwoguni is the central of the three types of people, the
Trigunas (840906) is the centred person who eats honey, ghee,
Channa, lean meat (830131)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Mediocre People
People who are mediocre think that gradually they will be
alright, and that they'll come up but I would suggest that you
should make all out effort to become strong Sahaja Yogis
For Puja, you should not get people who are of mediocre nature,
because to bear up Puja is very difficult people have not yet
understood the value of my Being, of my Feet, of my Hands they
cannot they do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody,
because he's your friend, or brother or sister it's wrong you
are spoiling the chances of that poor person because it's too
much for him he cannot bear it it's meant for very few people
(800505); For Puja, we should not have people who are not at least
in Nirvichara means if they still think that Sahaja Yoga will not
suit me, and all that we dont want such mediocres they should
not come nothing will work out with them absolutely. If they
have to come to the Puja they must know that you have to be of
a calibre otherwise please dont come (850504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
- end - 30 Apr 2003
You all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga and for
becoming masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing
meditation introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga practices.
You have to meditate collectively whenever there is collective
meditation, you must join that. With collective meditation you
get alright all your problems are solved if you go to collective
meditation regularly I promise you (001231)
Meditation is the most Sahaja method (760330); Is nothing but
surrendering - is 'complete' surrendering (820731); Is very
important, in order to achieve faith in oneself (961020); It is not
necessary that you should sit for meditation for 3 to 4 hours
(880105), but is to be done regularly, daily (830121), 10 minutes
morning and evening (870513); This right and left side movement
has to finish you have to be in the centre, and to come in the
centre the best thing is to meditate about 10 minutes in the
night and about 5 minutes in the morning; Some people do not
meditate then they cannot grow the way you can grow is only
through meditation and understanding (980706); Meditation is the
medicine (850806), and is very important, in order to achieve
faith in oneself (961020)
Meditation is for you to go deep down into yourself to achieve
all that your Sahastrara wants to give you. To achieve that height
of detachment, of understanding, is only possible through
meditation. What happens in meditation is that your awareness
crosses over Agnya goes above, and is now stationed in
Sahastrara, in thoughtless awareness. Then the Reality of
Sahastrara, the beauty of Sahastrara starts pouring in your own
character, your own temperament. Unless and until you meditate -
not meditate just to get well, or just to feel that you must
meditate - but meditation is important for all of you, that you
develop your Sahastrara in such a manner that you imbibe the
beauty of your Sahastrara. If you don't use your Sahastrara in
this way, after some time you will find Sahastrara will close down
you will have no vibrations, and you will have no understanding of
yourself so it's a very important thing to meditate (980510)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Meditation
Meditation is the only way you can enrich yourself with the
beauty of Reality there's no other way to rise into the realm of
Divinity (980510); You must have seen, when people get their
Realisation when I am there, they come to the programs for a
while, and then they drop out the reason is that they have not
meditated. So you have to promise me that you will meditate every
night, every evening, maybe in the morning also whenever it is
possible, if you can go into meditative mood, you are in contact
with this Divine Power. Then whatever is good for you, for your
society, for your country all is done by this Divine Power you
don't have to overpower the Divine Power, you don't have to
order, you don't have to ask just if you meditate, you are 'one'
with this All Pervading Power. Unless and until your Sahastrara is
open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you
cannot! Maybe you might get some money, you might get some
jobs, this and that, but your own development is only possible when
you meditate, and your Sahastrara is fully open (980510)
When you meditate you are in silence, you are in thoughtless
awareness then the growth of awareness takes place, and then it
opens out but, if you are 'thinking' - it is like a lake, and the lake
is completely in a turmoil then nothing can grow. But supposing it
is silent, then lotuses can grow anything can grow. In the same
way, if your mind is agitated and your growth is not yet fully
expressing itself then it is such a vicious circle that you are
agitated then your growth is hindered again you are agitated
and then your growth is again hindered. So the best way is to take
to meditation when you do, this turmoil will settle down and
when it will settle down, your growth will take place (880921)
Once you have got your Realisation and once you have become
'one' with the Divine then there is no question of your going
down unless and until you yourself want to go down. It's very
remarkable how you get this and after that you dont lose it of
course, first you must grow and for that you have to meditate
but this meditation, once you do it the whole being itself gets so
enlightened, and so beautiful, that you dont want to change it
you want to be there and enjoy it for ever (000507)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Meditation
In meditation you can become thoughtless for a short time -
this short time should go on increasing, that you are without
thought. But human beings cannot understand that anything can
happen spontaneously so in Sahaja Yoga we have something very
simple the mantra, Nirvichara. So now you watch anything, saying
the mantra for Nirvichara, then you'll start seeing that
witnessing that without thinking - we become the witness, the
Sakshi (920719)
Those who have diffidence about themselves, cannot do
anything, but those who are surrendered, and those who think
that they can do it, 'can' manage all this transfer of their power
to the Divine Power. It's like, if you have a car, you don't push it
you just sit in it and use it in the same way, if you have this
great power around you, if your Sahastrara is completely
submerged in it, then you'll be amazed how things will work out for
yourself. One thing obstructing Sahastrara is the movement of
your Agnya into thoughts because a human being reacts to
everything, to this, to that, and the thoughts are coming because
of that, your attention cannot cross over Agnya - one should see
what sorts of thoughts are coming you have to condemn yourself
sometimes. You have to say 'what nonsense' 'what have I been
doing' 'what is the matter with me' 'how can I do all that'.
Once you start doing all that, these thoughts will start
disappearing (980510); I know immediately a person who
meditates, and I know who does not meditate (980712)
We have a dharma of a wife, of a husband, of a member of
society all of them have their own dharmas. Shri Krishna says
'leave them leave them to me, and I'll manage' this we have to
learn is to say that it is the Divine Power which will solve our
problems. This is for human beings a very difficult state, and this
state can only be achieved through meditation. I am not saying
that you go on meditating for hours together, not necessary, but
with full faith in yourself and in the Divine Power if you work it
out, I'm sure it's not difficult to rise to that state of
consciousness (980510)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Meditation
First bath/wash, then sit down don't speak watch the Photo,
stop your thoughts, and go into meditation. To stop your thoughts,
first say Ganesha Mantra, then the Lord's Prayer, or "I forgive",
or Nirvichara mantra (3 times), followed by Mahatahankara mantra
(3 times), and then raise the left side 7 times to get balance -
each as necessary until thoughtlessness is achieved. Then: "I
surrender this thing", and put love, put your Guru in the core of
your heart, and bow to that, humble down at the Feet of your Guru
- ask for the necessary atmosphere for meditation. Pay attention
to your heart or emotions try thinking of your Mother watch
your breathing, slowing it, reducing by pausing at the end of each
in and out breath, as if stopping it, but no exertion about it and
then raise your Kundalini. Finally say Sahastrara Mantra 3 times,
and go into meditation. Once this has been done, you go into
meditation; This is like cleansing, and is called as Nyasa. If there
is any other obstruction you can also say for that. Find out what is
your problem, where is the Kundalini stopping - you can feel it
within yourself, or if not within yourself you can feel it on your
fingers (791118; 0.0001)
We cannot 'meditate' we can only be 'in' Meditation. When we
say we are going to meditate, it has no meaning - we have to be 'in
meditation'; When we are moving in the three dimensions of our
life, i.e. the emotional, physical and mental, we are not inside
ourselves. But when we are inside, we are in thoughtless awareness -
then also we are everywhere, because there we are in contact with
the Principle, with the Shakti, the Power that permeates into every
particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion, into
every planning and thinking of the whole world, and into all the
elements that have created this beautiful Earth. When you are 'in
meditation' you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness.
There the Unconscious itself will take charge of you - you will start
moving with the force of Atit. The Unconscious is going to work it
out, is going to take you there, where it wants you to go. Try to
keep to thoughtless awareness as much as you can - that is when
you are in the Kingdom of God, and His people, His arrangements,
His Consciousness is going to look after you (760330)
4 4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Meditation
If you are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal
changes, drops out, dissolves and becomes non-existent. You have
to enjoy the strength of Eternity, the strength of Divine Love,
the strength of the universal being that you are - this is what
meditation is. So when Sahaja Yogis ask what should we do for
meditation be in thoughtless awareness, that's all - don't 'do'
anything. But we are used to one thing that is that we must 'do'
something about it. Meditation is the most Sahaja method this
'I-ness' has to go away - that is what meditation is where you
are no more 'I', but it is 'You' (760330); There is only one
problem, and that is that although you are 'there', still your
attention is involved with outside that is the only defect. Then
'how to remove' once you say 'how to remove', that means you
have created the 3 dimensional involvement. You are not to
remove it is there! If your attention is outside, I would have
said 'no, your attention has to go inside', but your attention is
there. Myself, I would just feel where I am that's all (760330)
When I am sitting here keep your eyes open where are you
going to meditate meditate on me keep your eyes open just
keep your eyes open (850504)
Sit in Meditation, improve your Antar Yoga, make your state of
thoughtlessness wider and wider, but not to be done superficially -
put your whole heart in it (830204); Those who don't meditate
have no depth, and the Agnya will be full of thought. If there are
no aspirations, as far as the Spiritual side is concerned, then it
would be better to leave (951224); Quieten yourselves within -
you can stop your thoughts through controlling the breathing
Meditation is a very general word there are three steps for
meditation: Dhyana, Dharna and Samadhi - but in Sahaja Yoga we
got all 3 in a bundle, we avoided everything else and got the
Samadhi part. Dhyana is the seeking part, where you put your
attention towards the object of your worship. Then Dharna is
where you put all your effort, concentrate all your effort, so your
attention is continuously on your Deity, til your attention becomes
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Meditation
one with that Deity. When these mature, the 3rd state of
Samadhi comes in. In this state you see your Deity in everything
you do, and in everything that happens around you (830723.1)
Now we must meditate also after Puja, because my vibrations
you do not suck in without meditation, I have seen. If you have
sincerity about it, really you will suck all my vibrations. Tell your
mind not to ask questions or to misbehave but to suck the
vibrations clearly. This is for your own nourishment for your own
growth for your own enjoyment (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-880105 Bondages we have - G'pule - see 871220 good 20
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-820731 Dedication through Med'n - Cheltenham - see 820731(Video)
-791118 How get into Meditation, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
811103 You must grow fast in Sahaja Yoga, Brahman Crt [Fr. +] good 75
820731 Dedication through Meditation - Cheltenham good 60
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 95
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 50
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
961020 Navaratri Puja, 'Be aware of your own state', Cabella good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Sahajvidya 27 Apr 2003
Spiritualism, Mediums, Clairvoyance
Spiritualism practising w ith dead spirits, nothing but
spirits (820711); Looks harmless, but in fact is very harmful,
putting possessions into you (791203) all these things come
to you from some busybodies that they enter into your
being all these are taking you to a realm w hich is not your
ow n it is somebody else w ho is acting (821008)
Clairvoyance is not a very great thing. People w ho go to
the left side can see a lot of things - it is very common, and
is very dangerous. Y ou should not deal w ith that area
(830302); It is very dangerous to go near things like this
that deal w ith the dead, and may result in cancers, epilepsy,
heart attacks, accidents, financial ruin etc. (810330)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 min) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford see 821007(Video) Good
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara - Derby good 90
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Medulla Oblongata
The Spinal Cord - now a 'centre' is formed by the coming
together from the left and the right, (indicating the left and
right channels coming together, to form a single central channel
Ed) and this (indicating the resulting central channel Ed) is
the one through which the Medulla Oblongata passes the Spinal
Cord this is the Spinal Cord (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Men of God
You are the men and women of God. You have to be prepared to
take this banner of the New Age, of transforming Sahaja Yoga
into Maha Yoga. You are the channels (801116); You do not think
that you are ordinary, otherwise I would never have chosen you
but you have no recognition of yourself also, as you have no
recognition of me - you have to recognise yourselves and respect
yourselves. Do not respect material things - respect yourself
first of all and the matter within you (800927); There is a
special category of people who are born in these modern times
they are a very special category those who are 'seekers' they
are a special category, and Blake has called them as 'men of God'
(821007); We are in the Kingdom of God we are the Men of
God, as described by William Blake none of us belong to any
country we are an international religion (881207)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
811004 Becoming the Truth, Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1
- end - 1 Oct 2002
Are the extroverts, whilst the women are the introverts. Men
can become homosexual or impotent with aggressive women, who
try always to compete with the men (850528); Man is important,
because without men, women have no meaning (800517.2); Men
must respect their chastity. Interest in another sex all the time
is not a sign of chastity - it's horrid, you become stupid. Some
men know so much about what women use, perfumes etc. what's
the use are you slaves of women or what. You are men live like
men (850901)
So on both the sides, of men or women, we have to understand,
that if you are a man, and if you are dominating man, it's alright
but if you are a woman, and if you are dominating, then it's a
difficult thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure. Now the men when they
are dominating, they have to understand that they have to be
compassion to be kind to be considerate but never
subservient never subservient (830821)
So aggressiveness must be given up by men. Also, because they
are Sahaja Yogis now, they have to take to feminine qualities
and not of fighting; And if women fight they are not women, you
see (830821)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Mental Activity
Recognition of our Mother, is the mental activity of the Heart.
Develop it by introspection and meditation, developing those waves
of gratitude, love, oneness and Joy (910505); When your attention
goes to the Spirit, joy starts bubbling in your life. No mental
activity can take you there - only by Kundalini awakening is it
possible (980320)
Mentally you cannot understand Sahaja Yoga you cannot don't
try to rationalise it (790608.2); Right side activity: too much
mental activity, which develops the ego (790616); Mental activity
is contra-indicated for any form of Sahaj or Spiritual activity, or
for one's ascent, or for the expression of love or compassion
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
950917 Patriotism and Modernism, Shakti Devi Puja - Moscow good 75
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 7 Apr 2003
Some people have a habit of showing anger with the eyes
and the angry eyes are another dangerous thing to do with your
eyes because they can become mesmeric. If you start putting
your eyes onto something and concentrating on it, your eyes
might become mesmeric means bhoots will start coming out of
your eyes. First of all you catch bhoots in your eyes they
settle down there and then they will be falling on other people
as bhoots it's a very very dangerous thing to go on looking at
something continuously with concentration (860823)
If you think too much and you think of the future and you
plan out everything you start becoming sometimes possessed
and then you become a person who is very cocksure very high
handed all are suffering from this possession from the right
side. Especially people who are very austere type extremely
fanatical type they enter into this area, and get possessed by
these spirits and then they become very powerful because
right side is physical and mental they can be very powerful
people, in the sense that they can mesmerise people into the
ideas that they are higher people like Hitler did he did it
with this Supraconscious. All such people are troublesome to
others (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
Chakras affected: Right Side
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Realised Soul, who painted the ceiling in the Cistine Chapel
(831001), depicting our Modern Times, and in which Christ at the
Agnya chakra, is throwing people to left and right, whilst others
are being saved (830128; 871023); He has done a great justice to
the image of Christ, standing there with a Lambodhara, a big
stomach (811006)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
- end - 1 Jun 2003
The industrial revolution has already cursed us we are eating
food from tins our milk is from hybrid animals we have
divorce, drugs (880106); Hybrid foods, such as seeds, milk, and
animals, confuse the brain and are not beneficial. Better to take
ordinary seeds etc. and give vibrated water, to get better
results (871106.1)
In India the cow is regarded as a very humble animal. It gives
it's milk, it provides everything, and it doesn't attack anyone
(850901); In the milk when you put lime or lemon it starts
separating into water and curd (770215); In Puja the
ingredients that were used were firstly very little ghee,
followed by honey, yoghurt, milk, and sugar (850310)
You people take too much tea it's very injurious for the
intestines so much tea is very wrong plus milk with it milk
gives you diarrhoea. Limit your tea taking or if you have to take
many cups of tea, see that it is a very light tea. If you see how
much our Mother takes tea She may even take 10 cups just to
please us, but no sugar and no milk (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871106.1 Materialism, Shri Ganesha Puja - Spain [+ translation] good 55
- end - 1 Oct 2002
Manassa, the result of our conditionings, the superego
(830302); The Spirit is beyond the mind (830512); The mind is
limited, alright so whatever the mind does is limited so
something has to happen to us which is beyond the control of the
mind so, if you go beyond mind, it has to be something extra-
ordinary it should be something different. The limited and
unlimited are two different dimensions (810524)
The left hand side channel, called the Ida channel, represents
the Subconscious mind within you you listen to me through your
conscious mind and put it back into the Subconscious mind all
your experiences go into the Subconscious that is the limit of
'your' subconscious of present beyond that is your subconscious
of previous lives and beyond that is the Collective Subconscious.
When you listen to me your conscious mind receives it at this
moment and then there is a pre-conscious mind which takes it to
the Subconscious. This pre-conscious mind is on the right hand
side just now, the pre-conscious mind is the future that you are
thinking about beyond that is the Supraconscious mind where
all the ideas about future, that you have had before many lives
those ideas are there and beyond that is the Collective
Supraconscious (771121)
On top of the head is the Superconscious mind, which is the
subtle mind is the Eternal Mind the Unconscious into which you
have to go also in 7 stratas (771121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
- end - 1 Oct 2002
Have become so commonplace, that the word has lost it's
meaning (890808); Those things that are miracles for us, but
not so for the Mother (830129); So many miracles have taken
place so many people have been cured, no doubt but that
doesnt mean 'you' have done it dont get into the trap of ego
thats most dangerous (971225)
That are the Nature of God (840731); It is Shri Ganesha who
creates the miracles (860907); Miracles are done by the angels,
and they try to convince you that 'you are one of us' (890423);
Occur through the workings in the ether element (781005);
Also, as you are Realised Souls, all the Divine forces all the
Divine Deities all the Eternal Beings, Chirenjivas all the
Angels and Ganas all of them are looking after you but they
know one thing those who are surrendered and those who are
not. You just surrender any problem and you will be surprised
the answer will come in such a miracle. Just surrender do not
take any responsibility upon yourself just surrender
because how far can 'you' go in the solution up to your
rationality beyond that you are your Spirit and the Spirit is
connected to the Divine so best is to surrender (801019)
We have had experiences of things working out, of many
miracles happening before our eyes, but still it can happen that
our attention has not settled down with these experiences. Old
experiences and identifications continue - the filth of that is
still on our being. Change everything - become a fresh new
person - assume your position, as a Sahaja Yogi (830723.3)
Now the time has come for us to publish our miracles that
have taken place - all of you have had some experience of
miracles so I have to request you to send as soon as possible,
written in English or Marathi (980712)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Miracles
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
What I'm asking you your mantra for because once you give
up your mantra, you give up your misidentifications. Why I asked
you I would like to see how much you are still identified with
him (a false guru - Ed) if you are still identified with him, I
cannot do anything about it because evil is evil, and good is good
(790618) these mantras are the names of devils (790618)
We must give up all misidentifications (790422); Overcome
misidentifications like our 'religion' and 'nationality' (800727);
The powers of Eka Desha Rudra can be destroyed by misidentifi-
cations (830204; 840916; 970316)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
840916 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Rome, Italy good 60
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
- end - 25 Nov 2002
One of the incarnations of the Primordial Guru, or Master
(800727); Who is the same as Guru Nanak (830131); Born in the
month of November, and who died by poisoning (900818); Hazerat
Mohammed (MME), who spoke of Abraham, Moses, Christ and about
the Mother of Christ, with respect, and who therefore did not speak
of an exclusive religion of Islam (MME); Who taught the saying of
'Allah ho Akbar', with fingers in the ears, because the fingers used
are those that are linked to the Deity of Vishnu, and because the
Deity of Shri Krishna becomes Akbar (830202)
Who supported the institution of marriage, and because there were
few men at that time, and many women, advocated with the collective
sanction, the taking of more than one wife, so that the women were
protected, by existing within the marriage system (820711); Who
warned against drinking (820711); Who said, in the Koran, "At the
time of resurrection, your hands will speak" (840708; 830129)
Who said 'I am the last prophet' - to frighten the people, so that
they would take to living a dharmic life (790530); Who came back as
Nanaka, and who said 'Hindus and Muslims are the same people,
following the same religion - why are you fighting among yourselves?'
(790530); Whose grandsons were Hassan and Hussein, the two
Incarnations of the Disciple Principle (790530), and whose daughter
was Fatima, who herself was the Holy Ghost (811006)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Is not of interest to the Divine, is not understood by God. We
cannot pay for God (830129); If anybody says you have to pay, know
that it is a falsehood it's some sort of a black magic (890617.2);
One cannot charge for Realisation (790616); Ashrams you can pay
for but not your Realisation (831001); You don't have to pay is the
main thing one should understand. Like you don't pay for your
breathing or for you digestion - in the same way, for your ascent to a
new life, for the breakthrough of your evolution, you don't have to
pay. As soon as you understand this point, you'll be amazed that
you'll give up all the nonsensical people (980705)
The main thing is that we do not take any money you see so people
think, you see 'that we are not bound that we are absolutely free
to come and go' but this freedom sometimes makes a person a little
superficial or sometimes a little frivolous but, I think people must
take it more seriously about the whole thing and should understand
it and learn it - we are Gurus. This is so precious so invaluable
that you cannot charge any money for this knowledge (821008)
One's attitude toward money may affect the Nabhi, and can spread
to all the Void, and may ultimately go to the Ekadesha Rudra, e.g. if
we avoid paying that which should be paid, like that which is due for
food or travel etc., or if we make money out of Sahaja Yoga, or do
not give the due amount. If we play tricks, then we may fall in our
awareness, and may get all sorts of troubles. Is one of the sins
against the Father (830204); If we hanker after money too much,
then we may have no Gruhalakshmi (830131) money takes us away
from God (830131); Your ego, if it comes say out of money and
material things, it is better you give up some material things not to
God, but to somebody else (800517.1)
Money making should not be the aim of life because we have seen
that people who have money are not very happy or peaceful people it
doesn't give you that peace and joy (890617.2); Right sided people,
at the level of Nabhi, may have money, but they can never enjoy that
money (830209); People that are extremely ego oriented, become
very miserly extremely so money oriented they spend all their
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Money
money on themselves and not on others even when it is their due,
they will try to save which we see among so many even in Sahaja
Yoga that they have to pay something but they will not pay they
want it even free, whatever it is, for which people are paying. These
money oriented people are horrifyingly, surprisingly are rich
there's nothing like generosity in them (830209)
The more you are worried about money, the worse it gets
(830209); To get after money, means you get very much in the
clutches of money so what is the solution to get rid of this greed, is
to try and give it to others and see the joy (971004); Money is such
a lure for human beings, that it kills all sense of decency, of higher
values, everything (971102)
How can you have all these nonsensical ideas for money and for
power I just dont understand. Of course we need money for work
for everything but there is no need to run after it, or hanker after
it. I am surprised even after so many years of my hard work there
are still some people working out some stupid stuff and they should
know that they'll be exposed in no time - this is the year of
exposure absolutely (010321)
First and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi is that he has to be
absolutely honest he has not come here to make money or to make
power but he has come to rise into the new, beautiful world that we
are creating. What is the quality that you have imbibed in Sahaja
Yoga, except that you have started some business, or something like
that it is very sad but there are people who are still ruined in the
mud of all these things. You have overcome so many things I know
you have achieved so many things I know which is not possible
humanly impossible things you have done you have got over all this
nonsense but still there are some people among you, who still are in
the stinking mud of nonsense (010321)
People who are materialistic have no heart they are just dried
up and the only thing they understand is money money money. So
too much attachment to money is also materialistic as is also the
waste of money but the mismanagement of money is the worst of all
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Money
Do your jobs have money money is needed for this work you
have to earn you have to give money. Some are not even willing to
give 10 such people with them where am I going to do Sahaja
Yoga in a subtler way, for your own betterment you have to give
money. For solving this problem you have to give me rice you put it
in my sari (800927)
We should not save money where it concerns Self Realisation
organising (830209); If we try to save money, money tries to save
itself - is a mutual understanding; Is like having only one door open -
there is no air. But if we open a second door, there is circulation
(890611); We should save money, for Sahaja Yoga, for Ashrams, for
the future (821101); If we can get tapes free, we would like to have
some people take one for the centre, and all listen, and that's it no,
we must have one tape each sit down and listen again and again
every tape should be with you (890611)
Now to a poor person, if you give something, they go into
imbalances for example, my husband, what he did was to increase
the pay of his drivers they started getting 1000 Rupees which was
a very big amount. Within 6 months, their wives came to me they
said it was a wrong thing that he did our husbands have got keeps
now they have started drinking they have started not giving any
money to us. So to poor people, if you give them more money, they do
not know how to use it - they will be drinking poor people drink much
more than the rich people - so they have to be trained how to use
money (800927)
If you are a good Sahaja Yogi, you dont have to worry about money
(971225); All the Saints have spent their own money, all over the
world to spread Sahaja Yoga - how much money have you spent of
your own to spread Sahaja Yoga. I have spent thousands, you know
that very well, on you people even the Puja money that I get every
month I use it for buying some silver things for you - it should not be
for you it's for me I should say but I do it. Every Saint used to
spend money whatever they had, they used that money to spread
Sahaja Yoga (850629); It's a shameful thing that a Guru has to
spend for you (830209)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Money
In India, we have many Swayambhus, created by the Kundalini, and
which are really worshipped. I have been to most of them, and I was
surprised that most of the Pujaris were suffering from some sort of
serious disease, like one was paralysed. When they asked why they
were suffering like that, I said because you are just making money
you can't make money out of God - if you don't want to serve God,
you don't stay here but if you want to serve God then, you can
stay here, but don't make money out of it. It's very common, I have
seen those people who make money, get paralysis (970525)
Now when you are married the girls may not be able to move
immediately from their various places, because of visa problems but
dont give them money to be sent to their families that is not
allowed in Sahaja Yoga. Girls should not send money to their parents
and trouble their husbands for that that is not allowed
'sometimes' if you want to send is alright but should not give any
money for sending it to the relations of your wife otherwise it will
become a money oriented marriage, and people would marry because
they can extract some money (931224.1)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Money
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Mooladhara Chakra
The first centre or chakra, below the Kundalini, and means
'support of the root' from Moola/root (the Kundalini), and
Dhara/support and is controlled by the Deity of Shri Ganesha,
whose qualities include innocence and wisdom, and who later
incarnates as Lord Jesus Christ. The power of Shri Ganesha is
auspiciousness, is the magnet within Mother Earth, and within us.
Sahajvidya Mooladhara Chakra
Sahajvidya Mooladhara Chakra
Problems with Mooladhara
A catch (constriction or malfunction) at the left Mooladhara is
a very dangerous thing. All incurable diseases come from
disturbances in the Mooladhara - e.g. myelitis, cancers etc.
Diseases that can result from Mooladhara problems include:
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, some cancers, some
schizophrenias, aids and some stupidity.
These flowers when you give them to me, they give you two
things - flowers are very important if they are beautiful, then
they give to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your
Mooladhara. Now think of it you are doing it to improve your
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Problems with Mooladhara
Mooladhara - Aspect or Deity
On the Mooladhara Chakra resides the Deity of Shri Ganesha,
who is the embodiment of innocence who represents the stage
between animals and man whose head is that of the animal
showing that he doesnt know what is sin because an animal
does not have ego and that the animal is innocent that is why he
is innocent. He is innocence personified.
Mooladhara, Aspect or Deity
If you are very spontaneous, immediately you will know what the
other fellow is trying to do, or say, or to communicate to you you
don't need much thinking about it, because you can absorb even
the thought of another person. Absorb doesn't mean that you
take the bad thing of a person, but it's like a sieving out you
absorb what another person is saying, and sieve it out.
Mooladhara, Aspect or Deity
Mooladhara - Summary
Chakra: Mooladhara
Deity: Shri Ganesha
Physical Level: Pelvic Plexus, Prostate Gland
Functions: Excretion, Sex, Reproduction, & Kundalini ascent
Qualities: Innocence, Purity, Wisdom, Magnetism,
Auspiciousness, Sense of Holiness, Humility,
Eternal childhood, Playfulness, Spontaneity,
Sahaj, Dedication to Mother.
Cause/Catch: Misuse of sex
Diseases: All incurable disease e.g. myelitis, cancers,
multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, some
cancers, some schizophrenias, aids and some
stupidity. Also too much catching from negativity.
Treatments: Sit on ground. Put Left hand towards Sun or Photo and
Right hand on Mother Earth & say Shri Ganesha mantra
or Atharvasheersha.
Give fragrant flowers to the Mother. Footsoaking.
Establish purity of relationships. Respect others.
Try to be decent & decorous in your lifestyle, and
dress in a decent and dignified way.
Look after your morality & chastity for men
and for women. Refrain from gossip.
Watch Shri Mataji without blinking.
Mantras: Deity name
Petals: Four
Colour: Red
Element: Earth, Carbon
Symbol: Clockwise Swastika
Position: At back of head in the centre point
Country: Australia
The first centre or chakra, below the Kundalini, and means
'support of the root, or Kundalini' (from Moola/root;
Dhara/support), and controlled by the Deity of Shri Ganesha,
whose qualities include innocence and wisdom, and who later
incarnates as Christ (811005); The power of Shri Ganesha is
auspiciousness, is the magnet within Mother Earth, and within us
The mechanism that is placed within you is placed inside your
spinal cord, except for the last chakra, which is red in colour, and
which is outside and which controls the pelvic plexus within you
is the most important chakra which emits innocence. The Deity
sitting on it is Shri Ganesha who represents the stage between
animals and man and, the head is that of the animal showing an
animal does not have an ego that a man is different from an
animal that the animal is innocent that he doesnt know what is
sin that is why he is innocent. He is innocence personified and
he incarnated too on this Earth as Lord Jesus Christ. He is made
of that essence of Divine Nature of God, that we call as Parama
Tattwa the highest essence of God his body is made out of
that and that is the reason he could resurrect. At every point, at
every chakra he bestows on you the blessings of his innocence
The lowest centre is the centre that manifests our pelvic
plexus and which has four sub-plexuses has four petals one of
these sub-plexuses is for sex one is for reproduction and the
topmost one is for controlling the Kundalini's movement. Now this
chakra is below the Kundalini, because here resides our innocence
(790722); Which controls through it's 4 petals or sub-plexuses
the excretory, sex and reproductive functions of the body. Red in
colour (811005); Associated with the pelvic plexus, and with the
element 'carbon' (790616); Whose essence is innocence (860305)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mooladhara
Is the Earth principle, and whose creative principle is the
Kundalini (900114); Represents the earth element, the matter, the
material side, and gives rise to the pelvic plexus. Is situated below
the Kundalini, and the Kundalini therefore does not pass through
this chakra when she rises, and so sex has nothing to do with
Kundalini awakening (791203)
A catch at the left Mooladhara is a very dangerous thing
(850806); All incurable diseases come from disturbances in the
Mooladhara - e.g. myelitis, cancers, schizophrenia etc. (860907);
Diseases that can result from Mooladhara problems include:
multiple sclerosis; muscular dystrophy; some cancers; some
schizophrenias; Aids and some stupidity (900828)
Clear your Mooladharas (830104); If you are in Maharashtra,
and you have any problem of Mooladhara, then if you sit down on
the ground, and put your left hand towards the photo and the
right hand on the Mother Earth, and say the Shri Ganesha mantra,
or the Atharvasheersha, your left side will be cured means the
left Swadisthan first of all. So if you take vibrations on the left
side, then you clear out your Mooladhara in such a manner that the
problems of Mooladhara are solved. Of course Mother Earth is
everywhere, but this you can't do anywhere else that good
because this is a special place for Mooladhara chakra, where it
clears you very much, and fills you with holiness and
auspiciousness. So try to sit on the ground as much as you can, and
try to meditate with your left hand towards the Sun and the right
hand on the Mother Earth (881207); Cures also include, watching
the Mother without blinking (830113.2)
If we do not put attention to our Mooladhara chakra, then our
powers become very weak, and we start catching from negativity
much more those who have good Mooladhara do not catch so fast.
If we have a strong Mooladhara, then the Mahakali power is the
strongest within us (890617.1); These flowers when you give them
to me, they give you two things - flowers are very important if
they are beautiful, then they give to Swadisthan if they are
fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara. Now think of it you are
doing it to improve your chakras (800927)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mooladhara
Sahaja Yoga has one problem in the West that people don't
want to hear that you should be moral they find it very
difficult but it's a fundamental thing that we have to be moral
people. Now they are seeing the results of it that they have got
AIDS they have got all these diseases all these troubles - from
that they are learning that our Mooladhara should be alright
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-900114 Sun of S Yoga has risen to it's Zenith, Bombay - see 900101 good 5
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-830104 Stop Complaining - see 830104.1 good 35
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830104.1 Stop Complaining/How to Proceed - Sholapur/Vaitarna
830104.2 Address to the Sholapur IMA - Sholapur good 35
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
- end - 28 Jul 2003
The Moon Channel is the Ida Nadi, or left sympathetic nervous
system (811005); The Moon governs the heart, and is on the left
side of our subtle system (781115); Moonlight is used to correct
a right side problem - if there is a problem of the right side,
better to sit in the Moonlight (800517.2); Right sided people
should not sit in the Sun they should sit in the Moonlight
(880921); The Moon represents the Atma the cooling capacity.
You are all on the right side so you ask for the Moon ask for
the Spirit (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 10 May 2003
The 'code of conduct' (861128); The expression of innocence
(960915); If you have been immoral, you get the left Vishuddhi
catch this is the basics. If you become immoral, in the
Subconscious the guilt is built in (800907)
Sahaja Yoga has one problem in the West that people don't
want to hear that you should be moral they find it very
difficult but it's a fundamental thing that we have to be moral
people. Now they are seeing the results of it that they have got
AIDS they have got all these diseases all these troubles - from
that they are learning that our Mooladhara should be alright
The practice of innocence is chastity. It is the foundation of all
dharmas, and works in you as Gauri, as Kundalini, and gives you the
Mariadas. The sense of chastity is completely lacking in the West.
You must respect your chastity, which is the Vishnumaya power,
the Gauri power, the pure virgin, and it is protected by Shri
Vishnumaya. The essence of religious life, of righteous life, of
Sahaja Yoga life is chastity - without a sense of chastity, you
cannot have dharma; Moral chastity comes before material
chastity. But whether you do money cheating in Sahaja Yoga, or
you cheat morally, the result is the same - the left Vishuddhi
catches the whole problem will start from there (850901)
The 'sin against the Mother' is the problem in the West is an
insult to the Mother Power of God (830131) the biggest sin of
modern times which is immorality, and which produces cancer
which is also heat producing, and is also called the 'Sin against the
Goddess'. Results in psychosomatic, or physical diseases, such as
Aids, cancer etc with delayed punishment (941009; 830113.2); Is
not difficult for you to get out of it. Attention is to be kept pure.
If the attention is not pure, then there will always be attacks by
any nonsensical thing which has no meaning in your ascent (821219)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Morality
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
960915 Without Innocence, you cannot enjoy, Ganesha Puja, Cabella good 60
One of the incarnations of the Primordial Guru, or Master
(800727); Who resides in the Void area (821008); Who talked to
those who were self-indulgent (890524), degraded, degenerated,
and decadent people, and who then made the laws for the Jews
(860303); From these laws, the Shariyat Laws were derived, and
which were taken over by the Muslims, and which should be for
the westerners (890524); Who warned against drinking (820711)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Mother Earth
Also called as Dhara, meaning the one which is the sustainance
itself, because she sustains us on her we live. This Mother Earth
is revolving with a tremendous speed and, but for her gravity we
would not have existed here. She moves in a spiral around the Sun,
which is itself moving up and down; She understands, thinks, co-
ordinates, and creates. She is the creator of the body of Shri
Ganesha, and is represented within us as Kundalini (860803)
Early in the morning, when we get up, and we put our foot on her,
we should say 'oh Mother, please forgive us because we are
touching you with our feet' (860803); Mother Earth sucks all our
problems (800609); She sucks in your negativity when you stand
on her with bare feet, respecting her and asking her to suck your
negativity, with a light in front of you in front of my photograph
(860803); Mother Earth is the one who sucks all these negative
forces of the left hand side (880921)
Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth some are
sucked by the flame can be the flame can be the fire the Sun
also sucks in the sky also depends on what centres you have in
problem on what problems you have alright. But on the whole,
the Mother Earth is the most gracious thing she helps the
maximum I think (821008)
She creates these beautiful fruits for us to eat, the trees for
us to make furniture and to make nice houses, the green grass for
us to soothe our nerves. She carries so many rivers and so many
huge big oceans on her being. Such a great thing she is. Yet we
exploit her indiscriminately then the reactions are set in the
beautiful cycle of nature is broken by our aggressive attitude.
Then the ether starts acting and we get acid rains. And when she
gets upset, we get volcanic eruptions (860803)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mother Earth
The Mother Earth is so innocent whether you are good or bad,
she gives you fruits she looks after you of course up to a
point after that she may bring forth some sort of calamity, like
an earthquake or something (930721); We are so closely related to
Mother Earth the Mother Earth, and the Atmosphere react to
our behaviour to how we live (970823.1); Human beings have been
so stupid to exploit her to the maximum not only that but she
bears lots of nonsense upon herself but then a time comes where
she becomes explosive she starts consuming people inside her
then you see the earthquakes, the droughts, this and that people
get engulfed (830821)
In places like Mexico, and Columbia, and also Los Angeles, and all
these places on the western coast of America, where there may
be all sorts of black magic, or drugs or witchcraft, or false gurus
or all kinds of devilish things, then the Mother Earth gets into
volcanic conditions, and her anger can be so great, that she can
destroy thousands of miles; The eruptions harm collectively, and
sometimes some innocent people are also killed in that (860803)
There are ravines, rivers, mountains, different undulations and
varieties just to create beauty; She has not created all these
nations. It is we who have divided her into parts like this is my
country; Mother Earth uses her matter to give joy to others if
we also use her to give joy to others, we have followed in her path
The Mother Earth was created by the power of the Sun, and at
first was created as a big ball of gas, which later became a thick
mass of energy. The Earth was very hot, and so was taken closer
to the Moon to cool down, and so became frozen and covered in
ice. (The Moon had already been created and was very far away
from the Sun, and so was very cool). The Earth was then taken
back towards the Sun so that the ice melted and water was
created, and the Earth was then placed in the centre, so that Life
could be produced. It was all done - it did not just happen, it was
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mother Earth
all done. The energy on the right, which created the Universe,
produced the physical part i.e. the electromagnetic force. Mother
Earth created the Carbon. Through the effect of electricity,
carbon got attached to Hydrogen and Oxygen, and so produced
amino acids, and so Prana started, which ultimately produced the
mind and the brain, and when we become Realised, becomes the
Pranava (850528)
Mother Earth feels so elated to see her manifestation into
these beautiful green trees. She is the one who changes all the
seasons. Rutumbhara means the attention which changes the
seasons. All the seasons are created by her just to please us. Yet
what do we do to please her - we exhaust her, torture her, we
take out everything from her, pollute her, do all sorts of
nonsensical things and then she gets angry. Then we get
volcanoes, earthquakes, and get all types of things happening
The essence of the Mother Earth is the Kundalini within us
(860803); She is created out of the 5 elements: earth, fire, air,
water, ether (781005), and is used to clear the subtle system
(830121); Subtle matter is important for us like the light which
is burning the water that is in the ocean the open sky or, the
Mother Earth which in certain places in India, is very much
sucking our material identifications (800927)
Now the ocean is the Father and the Mother Earth is your
Mother but when the Mother Earth becomes a mountain, she is
called as the Father the reason is she, at that height, can catch
the Father on top of her head as snow or as rain. That is how the
Mother becomes the Father, and so she can perform the complete
function of a Father and a Mother (840902)
Why we are suffering in this beautiful planet is because we do
not respect what we have to respect the most - Mother Earth is
to be respected meaning that whatever is created on this
Mother Earth by the movement of the Earth, by the sea, by all
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Mother Earth
the elements, has to be respected. So to respect the Mother
Earth, people do Bhoomi Puja because if she is not being
respected, maybe there could be an earthquake which means
that the Mother Earth understands, knows and acts. It acts in
such a manner that human beings don't understand why such
things happen the understanding of Mother Earth about Saints is
very great she knows who is a Saint she knows the feet of a
Saint. That's why so many things were created - like Moses he
went to the sea, and the Mother Earth came up for them to walk
through it was for Moses, and his saintliness, that the Mother
Earth came up and helped. In the same way, when Rama was
building a big bridge between Lanka and India, Mother Earth came
up as a bridge. So we should not curse the Mother Earth for any
mishaps on this earth if people are saintly, they will always be
protected by Mother Earth she will always try to give them
whatever they want (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella good 65
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 28 May 2003
Is the highest position that a woman can reach (820711); Is
the beauty of a woman (840906); The children are produced and
cared for by the wife, the shakti or power of the family, who has
all the qualities of motherhood; They depend on the mother for
love and guidance. If the wife starts competing with the
husband, then the children and family suffer (810328)
The relationship of a mother is a very pure relationship
(850901); The mother's position is very different she will go on
struggling and fighting for her child she'll fight it out to the
last, to see that the child gets all the benefits and this
patience, this love, this forgiveness is innately built in a mother
her attitude is very different just she does it because she is a
mother (980510); The 'mother relationship' is represented in
the heart (790618)
If motherhood in a woman is challenged, by her husband
flirting with other women, she can develop breast cancer
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 1 Oct 2002
The consciousness of human beings, not only men but women
also is moving more towards the feminine expression of life
and today we have to understand that it is the time for the
motherly qualities to develop even a man, when he becomes
motherly he only becomes a great man. So now in you the
motherhood must take over rather than the fatherhood; The
quality of a woman as a mother is the power, most important to
ignite Sahaja Yoga (830821)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Mother's Body
The problem of this Adi Shakti is this that I decided that I
will have all of you enter into my body absorb all of you it's a
very dangerous game I know but I did it. So with you all your
problems have gone into me all your troubles also have gone into
me you see, it's like the ocean into which you have been put you
are cleansed but what about the ocean. The ocean has got still
your problems things lingering and they are very troublesome
So the best thing would be for you to cleanse yourself
cleansing is very important through introspection doesn't mean
thinking but meditation. To be kind to me, if you could try to be
really good Sahaja Yogis - not to show off not business like not
only thinking type not argumentative not criticising others. If
you try to meditate every day 10-15 mins I tell you, my health
will be first class. I am sure you are all very sensible people, and
you'll understand that your Mother shouldn't suffer (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Mother's Health
I have put so many guilty people in my left Vishuddhi, that my
ears are getting blocked, trying to clear them out. If you can
clear out our guilt, my ears will be opened out, my trouble will
go away. So please I request you, to keep our left Vishuddhis
alright don't feel guilty (850901)
The problem of this Adi Shakti is this that I decided that I
will have all of you enter into my body absorb all of you it's a
very dangerous game I know but I did it. So with you all your
problems have gone into me all your troubles also have gone
into me you see, it's like the ocean into which you have been
put you are cleansed but what about the ocean. The ocean
has got still your problems things lingering and they are very
troublesome (970525)
So the best thing would be for you to cleanse yourself
cleansing is very important through introspection doesn't
mean thinking but meditation. To be kind to me, if you could
try to be really good Sahaja Yogis - not to show off not
business like not only thinking type not argumentative not
criticising others. If you try to meditate every day 10-15 mins
I tell you, my health will be first class. I am sure you are all
very sensible people, and you'll understand that your Mother
shouldn't suffer (970525)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 10 Mar 2003
Mother's Kundalini
In the centre people enjoy just the love of their Mother
like Shri Ganesha does just think how your Mother loves you
finished can you if you really believe in Her in Sahaja Yoga
these two things should solve the problem no more thinking
just think how much your Mother loves that means you are
jumping onto my Kundalini and when you jump onto my
Kundalini then there is no thought. When you think that how
much your Mother loves you you are jumping onto my
Kundalini and that time there is no thought. Complete silence
will exist once you come on my Kundalini - but not through your
mental projection, but through your meditative spontaneous
experience it's very joy giving just feel the joy of that
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830107 Ganesha Puja, Rahuri, see 830113.1 (5 Pujas in India) good 20
- end - 13 Jun 2003
Mother's Life
So far, human beings received the Blessings of God
individually, as Grace and they received their Self Realisation
individually, one by one. The method for individual Realisation was
just the opposite of the collective first they had to establish
their dharma cleanse themselves fully desiring all the time for
their salvation as we call it Ishwara Pranidana thinking of God
asking for his Grace and acting in a scrupulously dharmic way, to
keep themselves pure controlling their minds, their desires and
their actions and then only, the Grace of Mother gave them
Realisation (800505)
This pattern was on for some time and those who got
Realisation did lots of wonderful things to prepare for Sahaja
Yoga. They were in every field of life but very few and unique
for example, in India, and in many other places in ancient times
they discovered the unique gifts of the Mother Earth what you
call as Swayambhus those stones or stone images, which were
thrown out by the Mother Earth, and discovered by these Saints.
They put shrines there, and they worshipped them and by this
they made these images vibrate more and also to vibrate that
area. All over the world, there are such stones but only the
Saints could discover them (800505)
Then they established the importance of virtue in life and how
it can give you health, wealth and prosperity which is glorified
and not which is degrading. They established schools and
Universities especially in India, where even today the families
carry the name of that University as their Ghotra and the
families belonging to one Ghotra cannot marry. They prepared
young children, educated them that they led a very dharmic life
enjoyed their married life fully and matured in such a manner
that they got their Realisation and lived a life of complete
enjoyment. And thus they, by their example, distracted the
attention of the people which was outside, to inner deeper values
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Life
All this permeated a kind of confidence in God, Religion and a
very balanced life - they have really done a great job of building
the scaffolding of the huge, great building of Sahaja Yoga
which is going to come now. Their desire to establish Dharma was
so great, that the complete Divine force of Mahakali was working
through them and they put it to action with such understanding
and such wisdom. Great scriptures were written by them and for
thousands of years, they were the guiding light for people
Only in the modern times we should say about one thousand
years or so people started doubting them. Before that people
used to doubt themselves that we are not good enough - but
there was no doubting about the Incarnations. All this started
toppling down, with the ego developing and the superego
challenging - confusion started coming into the minds of people
they were influenced by many Satanic forces around, and played
into their hands and they started doubting those great Realised
People, and all these great Scriptures.
So on one side we have the doubting people and on the other
side, the fanatics - those who try to adhere more and more, to the
teachings, had to become fanatics. The 'real' Religion in man
collapsed Religion is a continuous living process within, which is
our sustainance it's like a ladder, on which we climb, step by
step but not leaving the ladder. So these two types one
doubting another fanatic both had not known God both had
not achieved Reality and they criticised each other because
both of them did not know what truth was (800505)
I took my birth at a point where this confusion had started
showing it's results even on a physical plane. When I started
looking around, I was amazed how ignorance had made people nave
- though formerly people had this much understanding, this much
sensitivity to know, what is right and what is wrong - in this
confused situation, I was born. I knew I was to open the
Sahastrara so I started my work, after my first shocks
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Life
I decided not to talk about it to anyone and to lead a very
normal life of a very ordinary person not to be very striking
because like Christ, when he was born, a star came up thats how
the King Herod came to know about him and you know the story,
what happened. If you are born with any striking signs, the
negativity immediately finds you out. As it is, it found me out and
just after the fifteenth day of my birth there was a very big
accident as you know (800505)
I had to really work very very hard to enter into your being to
find out first of all your basic problems and then the
different permutations and combinations and then these were
also capped by other identifications like the society in which you
were born like the nation in which you were born like the ideas
that were there. All these things became much more important
than the original universal being within you and every individual
had taken a very odd funny awkward type of a shape, which I
didnt know how to reduce by which they could start their growth
It was a very hard work nights after nights I used to work
while leading a very ordinary life of a very normal person. I used
to behave like a very simple ordinary student and show all my
ignorance about things but sometimes you know, truth has an
awkward habit of slipping out and it used to show itself. One of
the biggest problems of human beings, I found was family life
and thats why I married I wanted to study what are the
problems of family life and so I started facing these problems as
if they were my own and then other problems like political,
economic and all these problems also because they became so
important for human beings but which are of absolutely artificial
value. A sort of a human behaviour science I had to study for
years (800505)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Life
And then as you reach a point where all the knots are opened
out and one knot is still left which is to be opened out and
that was done on 5th May 1970. Then the collective phenomenon
started working and the greatest of these was that the Shri
Chakra, being on this Earth, could be felt through your fingers
this was never before so - nobody felt the vibrations on the
fingers as such but they felt it within themselves. Now, because
the Sahastrara of the Universe was opened out, everybody
started feeling the vibrations around them with their own hands
now the fingers could feel the vibrations that means the
sensitivity of the Divine which was in the chakras spread out to
the periphery to such an extent that a human being could feel it
on the fingers this was fantastic (800505)
So my job was to move from the centre to the periphery and
whatever are the obstacles I met, I had to clear them out, one
after another. But then, I must say that, Sahaja Yoga when it
started working out I was given very great workers, tools of
Sahaja Yoga who took it upon themselves, as their own
responsibility and they really worked very hard with me very
few but they did. The rest of them can be divided into many
categories some came for their own treatments, or something
like that, of a very low level or some, when they got their
Realisation, they brought all their sick relations to me then some
came for their financial and all sorts of mental problems and
some came for their family and spiritual problems but the ones
who took it up as their own responsibility, that this is what they
have to do, this is their life, this is what their complete meaning
is they put entirely their attention to it they worked it out,
whatever was possible on their own level (800505)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Life
So today we have to understand that we really need those
brave people and those people who feel responsible. It is a very
important virtue of Sahaja Yogis. The main thing is what are you
doing for Sahaja Yoga what you can do how far you can go how
you are going to work it out. In every walk of life those who
really work it out as a great responsibility upon themselves are
the ones who will be given more and more powers, and chances
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
- end - 18 Jun 2003
Mother's Permission
Without asking, you are not to fix my program anywhere
without taking my permission if you ever try to do such tricks
with me, I'll put you right. You know I have all the powers to
correct you so don't take liberties with me anymore I'm
telling you I'm warning you. Try to understand (850629)
The people who are in the 'centre' are quiet and silent
people they never show off nor are they in front only when
they have to construct something important, they'll come and
see me (830209); Those people who have ego, never realise they
have ego with their ego they do all kinds of nonsensical things
- without asking me they have done something and it's so
destructive to Sahaja Yoga. If you want to do anything, you
must tell me beforehand you must consult me you must talk
to me because I know what is happening at least ask me. You
can write to me you can telephone too at least I am there to
tell you (971225)
If Mother says 'this is not good' you feel hurt if Mother
says 'this is good' you feel happy that means you are still at a
very subtler state of ego, where you think that whatever you
say should be approved by me. That is something is very subtle
we do not understand, that if Mother is not approving of it,
there must be basic Divine reason otherwise why should I not
approve of it. We must know that it's all the work of God, and
we are just channels in the hands of God (850310)
You cannot condemn anyone without telling me you have to
tell me dont worry that this will disturb me or anything, but
you should ask me I know about everyone maybe I've not met
that person, but I can feel the vibrations. You can write to me
many people just telephone thats not the way you must write
to me, because I read each and every letter but all nonsensical
letters you shouldnt write also, to waste my time and you
can ask on my photograph (971225)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Permission
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850629 Guru Puja, Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kale
- Jai Shri Mataji
Mother please come in my heart
Let me clean my heart so that you are there
Put your Feet into my heart
Let your Feet be worshipped in my heart
Let me not be in delusion
Take me away from illusions
Keep me in Reality
Take away the sheen of superficiality
Let me enjoy your Feet in my heart
Let me see your Feet in my heart
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
Mothers Presence
When I am away I am not gone - I am much more here when I
am not here you will see (801205)
People who are with Mother go into left Vishuddhi very fast,
because they lack in protocol. To be with Mother is a blessing no
doubt, but also one has to be very very careful, that you do not
cross the protocols (850901)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
801205 Marriage & Collectivity, Chelsham Road poor 20
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
- end - 26 Ap r 2003
Mother's Vision
Why did Mother work so hard and want so many Sahaja Yogis
why what is the need. The need is like this I have so much love
that I have to channelise it if I don't, I'll suffocate I can't love
myself so this love has to spread and for that I have to have you
people, who can take this love to others, and make them happy. This
is a kind of a Vision I have you are specially chosen for this kind
of thing. Now how far you understand your importance is a
different point - for your emancipation, you meditate, alright but
if you are not channelising the love, the Divine Love, what is the use
Now supposing I repair something very nicely I repair this
'mike' I put it right everything, and I don't speak, what's the
use of having it otherwise you have been very selfish I would say
that you have had a nice time and you have not given to others.
This is the reason why Sahaja Yoga sometimes fails to create a
proper balanced personality in a human being (970525); Now
supposing a Sahaja Yogi has married another Sahaja Yogi take a
position like that now my desire is that they should develop a
complete understanding of each other, love for each other but
also a love for Sahaja Yoga and for others - this is the only way
we can justify marriage in Sahaja Yoga otherwise, why should they
marry (970525)
If you see, the rate at which we are moving is not proper we
have to be much faster we have to go much ahead, and we have to
create much more Sahaja Yogis through our consistent very
intensive effort. But it is a side issue a 'by the way' Sahaja Yoga
is 'by the way' and this is why we are failing in our responsibilities
(970525); You have to become very sensitive to the needs of the
world if you fail, the whole thing will fail for ever. So the need for
you is to spread Sahaja Yoga, because this love is not only for you
but is to be enjoyed by as many as possible in the whole world so
we have to go all out every where every corner we have to
shout to tell loudly what is the time in which we are living.
Nobody but 'you' can do it you can 'do' it because you are
children of the Adi Shakti (970525)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Vision
But again and again, I have to tell you that the work has to be
done with a faster speed and we have to get more people into
Sahaja Yoga. It's rather difficult for me to say something
forcefully that's not my nature you know I can't get into
tempers, and cannot get angry and I cannot forcefully say
something to you but if you fail, then only thing will be that
you have failed me completely it means that nothing less than
that. I would request all of you to take a vow today that you will
spread Sahaja Yoga and that you will talk about Sahaja Yoga,
know about Sahaja Yoga - there are many who don't know
anything (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 7 May 2003
Mother's Words
When Mother is talking, we should think "Mother is talking to
ME" or "about ME" (860305); It's not for anyone else I am saying
I am saying it for each one of you (871224); Now my talks should
not be a waste again, please listen to me I'm addressing to you
all of you remember that. Do not think that I'm addressing to
somebody else it is to you all (850629); We should listen to the
Mother, in the form of whom, the whole of the Brahmachaitanya
has come, to shower us with the Chaitanya, to enrich us, to nurture
us, to develop us. She is the Master of Sahastrara, the Master of
all the chakras. But She is beyond the Sahastrara - much beyond.
Such is the situation that we must listen to whatever She says, and
we should obey Her (870503.1); Anything that Mother tells us, we
should not take, or do to extreme (830204); There are certain
problems that arise sometimes when we don't listen to Mother
In general Mother has to tell us things which we should
understand is for our good, for our enjoyment. Everything is to
increase our enjoyment even our ascent is to increase our
enjoyment our sensitivity to joy (881211); Whatever Mother says
has to be just listened to that's all. Mother says to you things
which should not hurt you in any way, and you should not take it that
seriously but understand that next time we should not (881211)
You must all individually also work it out that you study Sahaja
Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said can be
seen found out what is said about health what is said about
children because I spontaneously say things and if you can sort it
out you will know so many things I mean if you sit down and do a
study of these tapes it will help you to find out so many little little
things that are so important for life. You can clarify it can note it
down that this Mother said about these things it will be very
good for us to sort it out this way what point is to be noted down
in different headings can put different different headings, and
jot it down. Mother has said 'so' Mother has said 'so' whatever
is not on the tape you should not listen to whatever is on tape is
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Words
authentic whatever is recorded already should be accepted
(890725); We must have one tape each - sit down and listen again
and again - with pencil and paper, and see what I am saying. Every
tape should be with you (890611)
After listening to my lectures, you just go into meditation
actually my lectures are not to be understood by your brains, but by
your Kundalini and through your heart. So it doesn't matter if you
don't remember something it's alright but it will come handy
whenever you want to use it some words or sentences you will not
know from where it is coming it's all recorded (880921); We
record Mother's Vibrations and superimpose Mother's Lecture on
that, so that it has double effect (791009.1)
Whatever I have said, say, in the beginning of Sahaja Yoga is
not different, but it's all rudimentary - what I have said in this
Guru Puja I would not have said in the beginning would I have. So
the 'awareness' also, has to rise to understand it, you see this is
very important (860707.2); When I say the truth, you get the
vibrations so you can find out the truth so, if I am telling the
truth or not, you can find out. But, is it possible that when I am
speaking here, you dont feel the vibrations if you are not getting
the vibrations always it is wrong with you, not with me. So how to
find out whether I am telling the truth or not that is Mahamaya
it's just a play you see just fun (860707.2)
Now you people dont misunderstand me so much as you used to
but still you do things which should not be done. To understand that
whatever I tell you is for your ascent, you need a kind of a state of
mind which is a detached mind. The detached mind is visible very
clear-cut in a person that he's neither very emotionally attached
and he's not very physically attached but he sees that the
progress of himself and of the society is the point like the cell
knows it has to progress for the betterment of the tree but it has
innate wisdom to do it in such a way that it never harms itself and
does not harm the tree. So the progress of a mind which one should
develop, has to be such that you should move with a balance with a
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Mother's Words
witness state and see for yourself how far you should go and
how far you should not go. Going to extremes is not Sahaja Yoga
style ascent is (850310)
Recently they found out the books written by Thomas, the
disciple of Christ who was coming to India. On his way he went to
Egypt.. and there he wrote the treatise and he put in a big
earthen vessel or perhaps it was a metallic thing and it was
discovered 42 years back. The people whom he considered to be
authorised Christians he calls as Gnostics Gna means to know. He
has written to know and to have the personal experience is the
only way to follow Christ clearly. Not only that but he said that God
Almighty who is so kind why will he ask you to suffer so he
challenges all the Christian principles of suffering. In the same way
in all the Religions people have diverted from the right path and
have come to the wrong path and are indulging into self created
Religions which have no relationship with Reality or with the
incarnations those who started the Religions or who gave the
ideas of Religions I hope you won't do that to me because you
are Gnostic people you are the ones who know who have had Self
Realisation (871219)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-881211 Detachment - Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
-880101 A sinless life - G'pule - see 871213 good 5
-871224 We are here for our ascent, Poona - see 871213 good 30
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja - Australia - see 870503 good 45
-860707.2 Vienna Ashram address, Melichargasse, see 860707 good
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850310 Public Prog. Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in SYoga
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 7 May 2003
The Mother
The Holy Ghost, in the Trinity (831001); The Kundalini; Who
nourishes, is compassion, love, forbearing (831001); She who wants
that you have your Self Realisation, but if you do not want it, then
She is not bothered. She who does not take anything from you,
only gives (780911); Who is worshipped by Shri Ganesha (850629);
Who is a very ancient personality (790530); Who says She does
not do anything, it just emits, it just flows, it works (790616)
Who has patience, love, understanding who comforts, counsels
who saves the people, transforms them, and gives them their
second birth (871023); Who has come to tell us the truth, not to
please us or to please our ego, but to comfort us (810330); Sahaja
Yogis can get all Mother's Powers; As a Mother, Shri Mataji wants
to give everything to Sahaja Yogis. The greatest joy for a Mother
is to see Her son or daughter grow up like Her (980320); The
Mother power is to protect our innocence (850901)
We have to be careful, and not say any indecent things to the
Mother, nor to use bad words (790416); Care needs to exercised,
because the time may come when the Mother's attention may
recede, and then we will just drop out (790422); She who is to be
revered (830128)
It is not easy to understand me on one side, of course, I am
Divine no doubt on the other side I'm very human even in a film,
if I see somebody suffering, I start crying I can't bear it; I
made myself extremely human and this Divinity of mine also it's
just Sahaj. I've done nothing - I've been like this I am like this.
I've not achieved anything if I have achieved anything it's the
understanding of human beings (920229); Only for those who are
my children, I come on this Earth not for those who are not I
have nothing to do with them; I did try to save you as the
prodigal son has to be saved (850629)
In every country there has been a manifestation of the Mother
Principle, and it has been depicted and said but later on it was
taken over by people who didn't want to talk about the Mother,
because they couldn't justify themselves the way they were
behaving (980510)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Mother
Mother's Love
Think of how your Mother loves you, who is your Mother if
you really believe in Her, in Sahaja Yoga. These two things should
solve your problems - no more thinking. Just think how much your
Mother loves - when you think how much your Mother loves you,
you are jumping onto Her Kundalini, and at that time when you
jump onto Mother's Kundalini, then there is no thought (830107)
Complete silence will exist once you come onto Mother's
Kundalini - but not through your mental projection, but through
your meditative spontaneous experience - just feel the joy of
that. Just think how much your Mother loves you, and then you are
jumping onto Her Kundalini (830107)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-830107 Ganesha Puja - Rahuri - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 20
-780911 Brahma Principle - see 780911 good 45
780911 Brahma Principle/Evolution
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Multiple Sclerosis
A disease of the left side so far I have seen three cases in
England, which have been cured by Sahaja Yoga and all of them
had either the wife or husband possessed (821008) and which
can result from Mooladhara problems (900828; 860907)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
Chakras affected: Mooladhara; Left Side
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Murmuring Souls
Christ has said of those who gossip 'beware of murmuring
souls' first of all their attention is not alright their
attention is here and there and they start talking about
things they start creating problems and they somehow like to
destroy your Realisation they want that you should not achieve
what you are achieving, because 'they' cannot achieve it so
they talk to you in a manner that you start doubting yourself,
and Sahaja Yoga. Or else, they start talking about others, and
try to create a problem for you. For that I would say that
nobody should talk to anyone about 'others'. So, anybody starts
talking ill of another person, just tell that person to 'shut
up' 'I don't want to hear anything against anyone if you have
to say anything, go and tell the leader' (880921)
Never justify any defects - all defects will run away as soon
as you decide that you are going to face yourself. Also not to go
near a person who talks negatively, but to go near those who are
positive (791202.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill. see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 1 Oct 2002
Muscular Dystrophy
In which the muscles become very weak gradually, and which
comes from the left side a left side disease (830209) and
which can result from Mooladhara problems (900828; 860907)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
Chakras affected: Mooladhara; Left Side
- end - 1 Oct 2002
Indian music comes from complete Divinity (871218), and is
elevating to all - the effect in Sahaja Yoga is tremendous. If a
Sahaja Yogi sings, it acts like a mantra on the being of the Holy
Mother (830131); Has come out of God's love for us in India, is
based on AUM, and is scientific. Music is meant to be in praise of
God (830202); I can communicate to you, better through music. I'm
working on you all the time (880105)
Indian music is understood by westerners at the spiritual level,
not intellectually (830202); Never before, western people have
enjoyed music in this manner, as you have enjoyed this Indian
music will unite the whole world one day if we keep to the pure
knowledge of Indian music (880107); We have to have music,
because music is so wonderful - we have to please the Deities, and
when there is music and songs, then they respond and the vibrations
from the Mother are much more (791118)
Music has a way of carrying these Divine Vibrations on it but the
music has to be Divine also. The music which is erotic or something
very base or related to something very ugly, doesn't work out
but if it is a proper music, of a proper type, then it communicates
but that discretion only comes after Realisation. In India, classical
music is very very deep it is a very difficult thing and is played
spontaneously and is a very difficult thing even to understand, and
to appreciate but when these people get Realisation they enjoy it
so much just automatically. So what you enjoy there is the
vibrations you feel the cool vibrations and you start enjoying it
they soothe you down. Music which is congenial, carries the waves
of vibrations (890617.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Music
You have to love everyone try to make everyone happy thats
why I like music, because through music you can spread vibrations
is a very good media of spreading vibrations, of loving vibrations
but those who are musicians have to be loving people not hot-
tempered, not showing off, not thinking too much of themselves
There is a very good book, that Arun Apte has written, that you
all should buy so you'll understand about Indian music. All those
musicians, who were singing western song was alright but what
was missing in that was melody it's not melodious like, little bit
you sing then you shout then you bring it down then they think
that they have to sing through their heart express their feeling
of their heart artificially they want to produce that effect
there is no need. To sing in parts there's no melody in it there's
no flow in it. Russian songs, though they are folk songs, they're very
melodious but don't worry, Americans are invading that part also
they are having all this horrible music there (971004)
Now the music means it should please you it should give you more
entertainment not to make you unhappy or sad if you have all
these feelings, then you should try to say 'yes there is a problem,
but I'll get over it' because you are a Sahaja Yogi you have to
show the victory the victorious nature of yours, in your music.
Even the orchestras they go kya kya kya but Indian orchestras
are melodious so the difference is very great (971004)
So I would request all the musicians, who are singing words must
be clear cut, and the melody must be there. Now in Indian Ragas,
there is melody, but words are not important so you enjoy the
tune and everything whether you know the language or not doesn't
matter. So when you can combine melody with western music, you'll
see how different it will be. And this book will teach you this is a
very good book which you should have and which you should
understand that how music can cure you. I'm sure, if Indian
musicians take to western music, it will be much better than
western music as it is (971004)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Music
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-880107 Brotherly love - G'pule - see 871220 good 15
-880105 Bondages we have - G'pule - see 871220 good 20
-871218 Kabira - Aurangabad - see 871213 good 5
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get Med'n, DollisHill see 791009.1 good 45
830131 Nabhi Chakra - Delhi good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
971004 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale
Sahaja Yogis must learn to lead a life of the collective, not
talking of 'my' or 'mine', 'this is my child' etc. - this should go
away. We do so by saying 'Mother, it's all yours'. It is not
dangerous - She will not take anything. Say 'Mother it is all yours'
to start it 'It's all yours, I am yours, my heart is yours, all my
things are yours, my life is yours'. Saying like this is a mantra for
the Sahastrara (870503.1)
The Deity of Sahastrara is a very simple person, and is pleased
with very little actions not much is needed to please the Deity of
Sahastrara (870503.1); There's no question of Sahastrara
catching if you have a large heart, and to keep the Sahastrara
open, just develop that sense, that wisdom that nobody's mine
everybody belongs to God. This 'my' has to drop out, which is a
very subtle thing and that is why the Sahastrara catches love
everyone equally (920621)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 27 Mar 2003
Nabhi Chakra
A very important centre, the 3rd centre though actually it is the
2nd centre, giving rise to the Swadisthan, as at the end of a stalk;
The navel centre, responsible for our seeking, firstly for food and
shelter, then for other things like power, and eventually for the
Spirit, and for our evolution til the present time; The Nabhi looks
after our digestion on the physical level it also looks after our
balance, our ten commandments, which are given to us by the
Primordial Masters and through this centre we evolve.
Has 10 sub-plexuses, or petals; In the gross, it manifests as the
Solar Plexus and which controls all the organs in the stomach area;
looks after all the viscera of the stomach, physically and mentally it
looks after other things like with any extremism, it gets caught up
or with any fanaticism, or for example starving, fasting, or eating
too much; Linked to water on one side and to fire on the other, with
10 valencies that give us our innate religion; With this chakra, we
enjoy our generosity in giving to others; Also we give to others, who
are dependent on us, protection and not chastisement, leading to
dignity, in the upbringing of our children.
The Nabhi is very individualistic is everybody's personal thing; In
the centre of this chakra is the Lakshmi, by which we have balance,
and a sense of satisfaction, and exert no pressure on others. The
Lotus is the symbol of this centre, being pink (the symbol of love),
fragrant, soft and receptive to all that is harsh and crude; Greece is
the centre of the Nabhi of the Universe; Left Nabhi is represented
by Holland and Belgium.
Krishna has said 'Yoga Kshema Wahamya Hum' "First you get your
Yoga, then you get your well-being" - when you get your yoga, when
you are connected to God, then only I give you your well-being. He
said it clearly. The Divine looks after you so well, you can't imagine.
In the West, people do not believe in Yoga, whilst in the East, people
do not believe in the Kshema; Kshema or well-being; The Goddess of
Wealth and Prosperity, and also of Health who is the Deity of well-
being, who is Motherly is Lakshmi.
1 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Nabhi Chakra
We have to rise above the gravitational force of materialism, which
is today's religion everywhere, whatever they may call it whether it
is communism or capitalism, or democracy or demonocracy - all of
that is nothing but materialism in it's all absurd forms. Kundalini is
the only thing that can take you, like the stalk of the lotus, out of
this mud of materialism - we have to get out of it completely.
Materialism is a problem of the left Nabhi.
Greed is an inner defect in a human being that he thinks he can
get pleasure out of things he cannot and he goes on accumulating
and buying this and that - joy is much more in giving to others; It is
the greed, the terrible greed in man, that creates the problems is
one of the biggest enemies or problems of today but if he learns to
be satisfied, automatically the greed drops out; Greed has no
Mariadas; To get rid of this greed try to give to others, and see
the joy; If you don't have greed, you get what you want but if you
have greed, God makes you dance; If you don't ask for anything, if
you don't desire for anything you get what you need whatever 'you
need', you get. Better try to develop a detachment if it's there,
well and good if it's not there, doesn't matter; For greed you have
to work on the Nabhi chakra.
If you have Lakshmi Principle in you, you will feel extremely
satisfied with everything that is materialistic if you have
something, well and good if you don't have, well and good. We have
to be satisfied with what we have and we should express our love by
giving something, whatever it is, to the needy person. I have seen
myself I find it difficult to buy anything for myself - if it's
expensive, I think I should not buy; Without satisfaction, you cannot
have compassion you have to be satisfied Souls then your
compassion will act. Now try to see that you don't 'want' anything
any more now, lets give we've had enough of it that's very
important to understand - give to others your friends it's very
touching you know.
With the Nabhi chakra, we enjoy our generosity in giving to others.
This generosity will always help you and by generosity we nourish
our hearts. When we give, try to feel that we are giving what God has
given; By generosity the circulation starts, and you solve your
2 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Nabhi Chakra
material problems. Sharing of your things is an extremely joy giving
thing that is how all of us have to live sharing things. Don't think
about yourself think of others think what others like; It is such a
joy-giving thing to cook for others. So the Principle of Lakshmi is
only enjoyed, when you share with others we have to learn to share;
Lakshmi gives protection and support to others, who are dependent
on her - known as Ashreya; That system in India, where in each
family there exist some who are dependent on the others.
Today is the time for people to become the Spirit - this is the
blessing of the 'Blossom Time' as Shri Mataji calls it, and people
have to become the Spirit. This is an essential step today, to become
the Spirit. This is an evolutionary process. All the religions have
talked about it. Without it you cannot achieve the Peace, the Joy,
the Love but first you have to forgive.
Evolution is from the carbon stage, and amoeba stage through the
fish and reptile stages, to the present day, at Sahastrara; It is still
going on - this is not the end. So far, it is spontaneous; Evolution
takes place only through your seeking when you start seeking
something then only, you evolve. Seeking is a fashion in the West,
but is also genuine in many; The people in India are not seeking as you
people are seeking. This is their big problem, because they think that
they know everything about God and they don't have to bother, while
you are really seekers of truth no doubt about it.
The basic seeking power is humility if you think you know
everything, you cannot humble down and you cannot seek. Even if
you seek, you dont want to follow anybody else's path you'll have
your 'own' path you'll do whatever 'you' want to do; Starts with
seeking firstly for food, and for primitive things, then for sex life,
for women, for men, then for power, for money, and ultimately for
Spiritual satisfaction - when the Spiritual seeking starts we do not
know, why we are seeking.
You all have to become masters in Sahaja Yoga and for becoming
masters in Sahaja Yoga I am sure you are doing meditation
introspection and all kinds of Sahaja Yoga practices. You have to
3 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Nabhi Chakra
meditate collectively whenever there is collective meditation, you
must join that. With collective meditation you get alright all your
problems are solved if you go regularly I promise you.
The Left Nabhi is the centre of our Mastery and also reflects
our relationship with our wife, the qualities of family, and of the
household; The sense of justice comes from a special quality of left
Nabhi. Justice is that you do not harm the innocent this is the basic
point, the basis of law - law is for the protection of the innocents.
The wife is the Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the household, the
most important and the most powerful part of the family. She is
equal to but not similar to the husband, and if she starts competing
with the husband, then the family and the children suffer. Her most
important role is to produce the fruit of the family, the children.
She is the shakti, the power of the family, the motherhood, and
bears all and is to be respected, and is also to be respectable.
Without a healthy family basis, all society will be destroyed.
It is the responsibility of women to make their marriage happy
depends on their intelligence, and on their dedication to Sahaja
Yoga it's their responsibility. And if you see in a wider sense, the
responsibility of making a good society is that of a woman even if
she has to suffer, she can like this Mother Earth, she can suffer
anything she never feels she suffers, she is so great.
At right Nabhi is the centre of Rajalakshmi. The giver of wealth
and money, though this brings no satisfaction. All your wealth and
everything has no meaning unless and until you show generosity for
the people but it should be quiet, and absolutely silent. One's
attitude toward money may affect the Nabhi, and can spread to all
the Void, and may ultimately go to the Ekadesha Rudra, If we play
tricks, then we may fall in our awareness, and may get all sorts of
troubles. Is one of the sins against the Father; If we hanker after
money too much, then we may have no Gruhalakshmi. Money takes us
away from God; If you are a good Sahaja Yogi, you dont have to
worry about money.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
If you excite the right side Swadisthan say if you are a big
thinker, a big planner then what happens, your left Nabhi
catches there is an effect on the left hand side Nabhi and
you get diabetes you neglect your wife you become harsh to
her are unkind to her your left side starts becoming weak
and makes your spleen and pancreas very weak and that's why
you get diabetes; It is very important for men that their left
Nabhi should be alright because theyll get diabetes kidney
troubles become harsh husbands very dry people and they
won't be able to have sex life.
Sahajvidya Problems of & Correcting Nabhi
Nabhi Chakra - Aspect or Deity
In the Nabhi resides Shri Vishnu or Narayana whose Shakti is
Lakshmi, and who ascends into Mahalakshmi; The Father principle;
Shri Vishnu, who incarnated as Shri Krishna, and who is the Preserver
of this Creation and of Dharma; That aspect of God that is
responsible for our Evolution and our Ascent; The Principle that kills,
and teaches by playing tricks; Whose conveyance is the Condor. The
evolutionary aspects of God, who incarnated many times since way
back, e.g. as Dolphin, Tortoise, Quadruped, Short Man, Big Man
(Pacedon), and as Shri Ram; Who has incarnated 10 times, and who
incarnated in his complete form as Shri Krishna, and becomes the
Virat who creates wisdom.
Between successive Incarnations of Shri Vishnu at each of which
Incarnations an evolutionary step was initiated is a Yuga or Age a
period of time thousands of years long, that recur in a cyclic or
spiral progression: the first or Golden age the second or Dwapara
Yuga the Modern times (Kali Yuga) the low point and then Krita
Yuga leading to Satya Yuga and finally the Golden Age once more.
Now Vishnu is there his power is there for you to rise up to the
Shiva Principle one is supplementary for another you cannot reach
Shiva without Vishnu and you cannot stick to Shiva's Principle, if
you have not understood Vishnu's Principle. Kundalini itself rises
through the Sushumna Nadi and she is the Principle, she is the
Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the channel that is made by
Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So how can you do away with
one of them one is the road another is the destination.
So I hope you understand how important it is that your centres
should be corrected your road should be alright that your
Sushumna should be cleared because we are Madyamargis we have
to go by the centre by the central path til you reach your
Talubhag where sits Sadashiva. When these two powers meet or
when you reach Shiva Principle through the Vishnu Principle, then you
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Nabhi Chakra - Aspect or Deity
realise that these two powers are so complimentary and so much
related to each other there's no difference in a way between the
two powers. So keep your road, the Madyamarga clean and let the
Kundalini pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it
you will be amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the
Vishnu path and reaching at the Lotus Feet of Shri Shiva.
So the Lakshmi principle resides in the Nabhi chakra the Goddess
of Wealth and Prosperity, and of Health the Deity of well-being,
who is Motherly. By which we have balance, are satisfied. Lakshmi
stands on the lotus, meaning that she does not show her 'weight'.
Lakshmi is born out of the guru principle she was born out of the
sea. Lakshmi has to be gracious, with a gravity, a weight, a dignity; To
live according to Lakshmi, we have to give, to be generous, then to be
supportive, helpful to others, then thirdly to be respectful of others,
and to be respectful of others' property, but especially to be
respectful of anything, however small, that has vibrations.
She gives fragrance and comfort and love, and is soft and receptive
to all. She provides a nest in which the children can grow with
dignity; Does not get disturbed or upset, and watches the enjoyment
of those who come to the warmth of her household; She gives
protection and support to others, who are dependent on her - known
as Ashreya; She has pink lotuses in her hands, symbolising that she is
so kind and benevolent, not pressurising anyone, generous, giving
comfort and love. With left hand she gives, and with right hand she
A person who has Lakshmi, should dress up in a decent manner
women, and men. The wealth that you have, should be seen in your
temperament in your nature in your behaviour in your living.
Moreover, the person who has Lakshmi, has to be a very humble
person. The temperament should not be of a very serious type but
should be very mirthful and one doesn't show off but should be
very well dignified personalities there should be detachment.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Nabhi Chakra - Aspect or Deity
There are nine Lakshmis one of them is Gruhalakshmi, is the
housewife another is a Rajalakshmi, which is the power of a king, or
a person who is an administrator, or a beaurocrat that gives us the
power to rule over people, but which may lead to arrogance or
authoritarianism, in extremes. Also the provider of the blessings of
wealth and money. Behaving with dignity, as would a king, and
providing solutions to problems.
Lakshmana resides on the right side of the stomach, and looks
after the right side and the liver, which gives us the ego part and
which he destroys. One of Shri Rama's brothers, and who was a fiery
type, being an incarnation of Shri Shesha the serpent who sleeps in
the Bhavasagara.
Nabhi Chakra - Summary
Chakra: Nabhi or Manipura
Deity: C. Lakshmi, Vishnu, Narayana
L. Gruhalakshmi
R. Rajalakshmi, Lakshmana, Shesha
Physical: Solar Plexus, Navel, Spleen & Pancreas, Liver,
All organs in Stomach Area
Functions: Well-being
Qualities: Seeking, Evolution, Balance, Generosity, Ashreya,
Protection, Satisfaction, Well-being/Kshema,
L. Mastery, Wife Relationship, Family, Household,
Justice, Peace
R. Wealth & Money
Catch: Individualism, Drugs, Some Medicines
L. Materialism, Greed, Fasting, Hashish
Woman competing with the Man
R. Alcohol, Arrogance, LSD, Cocaine, Overeating,
Fanaticism, Money minded
Diseases: L. Diabetes, Kidney troubles, Leukaemia,
Harsh Husbands, No Sex Life
R. Digestion Problems, Anger & Hot Temper
Treatments: Generosity, Giving
L. Vibrated Salt
R. Vibrated Sugar
Affirmations: L. I am my own master, or I am my own Guru
Mantras: Deity Name
Petals: Ten
Elements: Water & Fire
Position: Solar Plexus/Navel, Middle Finger
Symbol: Lotus
Country: L. Belgium, Holland C. Greece
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Nabhi Right
The centre of Rajalakshmi, by which we may rule over people,
and may lead to arrogance or authoritarianism in extremes, and
may not be liked by others. The giver of wealth and money,
though this brings no satisfaction (810328) they may have
money, but they can never enjoy that money or can never think
of a life which is comfortable (830209); On this side, we can get
problems with the liver, resulting from drinking alcohol, leading
to anger and hot temper (810328); At the level of right Nabhi,
right sided people may have problems of digestion (830209)
Problems can be corrected by the use of vibrated sugar
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Name of a book written by the first great astrologer,
Bhrigumuni, in which he made clear predictions about these
Modern Times (MME), and about the coming Incarnation
(0.0006), saying some 12-14000 years back, that Mother's work
would start in 1970, which it did. This book was written in
Sanskrit, and had to be translated (830302) a Marathi
translation of it (820130) was first shown to Mother in
Sholapur in 1982 (830302)
An ancient Astrologer, the founder of astrology, who wrote
Bhrugu Sangita, and Nadigranth (870513; MME), and who
predicted these times, when the Kundalini would rise easily and
there would be no need for hospitals (870513, MME); Who
wrote the Nadigranth before the Bhrugu Sangita, all about the
coming Incarnation (0.0006), some 12-14000 years back
(830302), and that it will happen Sahaja he used the word
'Sahaja'. But the best part of it he said that these people will
not take to Sahaja this is the best part (0.0006); It was
written in Sanskrit, and had to be translated and brought up to
date (830302), which was done by Bujander, who was another
guru, and who tried to bring it to modern terminology (830128;
0.0006), and he calculated that it would start in 1970, and Shri
Mataji's work did start in 1970 (830302)
Acharya Kakar Bujandar (820130), who translated and
brought to modern language the predictions made by
Bhrigumuni, in his Nadigranth, written in Sanskrit 12-14000
years back (830128; 830302); Who lived in Karnataka in India,
and who foretold much about Sahaja Yoga, and about the coming
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Nadigranth
and the Powers of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Who also made
predictions about a 3rd World War, and how it will be averted,
and how science will ultimately prove the existence of God
(820130), and who also made prediction about Sahaja Yoga
starting around 1970 - which it did (830128)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
-830302 Public Lecture - Perth - see 830301 good 35
.0006 Brighton after Public meeting poor
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji
- end - 18 Jun 2003
[108 Names - given by Shri Mataji to be read by the Sahaja
Yogis - Ed] you take like this 'Om Twamewa Sakshat Shri
Mata' finished so it will be short 'Namoh Namah' 'Om
Twamewa Sakshat Shri Mata Namoh Namah' (800518)
This Havan is a very good thing for reciting the names of the
Goddess her eyes are given by fire and in that light in that
fire in the name of the Goddess we awaken our Deities within
us and burn away all that is wrong in these particular chakras
which invoke those powers so with devotion and understanding
you have to do it because you are really privileged people today
be proud of that, and do with that devotion all these things we
should do it in full devotion. I think very few people can put in the
fire but you can all do symbolically and how many names do you
want to say do 108 it's better (801019)
The Names
Shri Mata,
Shri Maharajni,
Shri Deva Karya Sumudyata,
Shri Akula,
Shri Vishnu Granthi Vibhedini,
Shri Bhavani,
Shri Bhakti Priya,
Shri Bhakti Gamya,
Shri Sharma Dayini,
Shri Niradhara,
Shri Niranjana,
Shri Nirlepa,
Shri Nirmala,
Shri Nitya,
Shri Nishkalanka,
Shri Nirakara,
Shri Nirakula,
Shri Nirguna,
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Names
Shri Nishkala,
Shri Nishkama,
Shri Nirupaplava,
Shri Nitya Mukta,
Shri Nirvikara,
Shri Nirashraya,
Shri Nirantara,
Shri Nishkarana,
Shri Nirupadhi
Shri Nirishwara,
Shri Niraga,
Shri Nirmada,
Shri Nishchinta,
Shri Nirahamkara,
Shri Nirmoha,
Shri Nirmama,
Shri Nirpapa,
Shri Nissamshaya,
Shri Nirbhava,
Shri Nirvikalpa,
Shri Nirabadha
Shri Nirnasha,
Shri Nishkriya,
Shri Nishparigraha,
Shri Nistula,
Shri Nilachikura,
Shri Nirapaya,
Shri Niratyaya,
Shri Sukhaprada,
Shri Sandra Karuna,
Shri Mahadevi,
Shri Maha Puja,
Shri Maha Pataka Nashini,
Shri Maha Shakti,
Shri Mahamaya,
Shri Maharati
Shri Vishvarupa,
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Names
Shri Padmasana,
Shri Bhagawati,
Shri Rakshakari,
Shri Rakshasagni,
Shri Parameshwari,
Shri Nitya Yauvana,
Shri Punya Labhya,
Shri Achintya Rupa,
Shri Parashakti,
Shri Gurumurti,
Shri Adi Shakti,
Shri Yogada,
Shri Ekakini,
Shri Sukharadya,
Shri Shobhana Sulabha Gati,
Shri Satchitaananda Rupini,
Shri Lajja,
Shri Shubhakari,
Shri Chandika,
Shri Trigunatmika,
Shri Mahati,
Shri Prana Rupini,
Shri Paramanu,
Shri Pashahantri,
Shri Vira Mata,
Shri Gambhira,
Shri Garvita,
Shri Kshipra Prasadini,
Shri Sudha Shruti,
Shri Dharmadhara,
Shri Vishwagrasa,
Shri Swasta,
Shri Swabhava Madura,
Shri Dhira Samarchita,
Shri Paramodara,
Shri Shashwati,
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Names
Shri Lokatita,
Shri Shamatmika,
Shri Leela Vinodini,
Shri Sadashiva,
Shri Pushti,
Shri Chandra Nibha,
Shri Ravi Prakhya,
Shri Pavanakriti,
Shri Vishwa Garbha,
Shri Chitshakti,
Shri Vishwasakshini,
Shri Vimala,
Shri Varada,
Shri Vilasini,
Shri Vijaya,
Shri Vandaru Jana Vatsala,
Shri Sahaja Yoga Dayini (800518)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
- end - 27 Jun 2003
The false guru Narakasura who gives epilepsy and nonsense
mantras (110048; 110058); Now this horrible fellow Narakasura
has worked on the Swadisthan that's why he's more dangerous
because of the Supraconscious. So what he does is to find a
place where he can excite Brahma. Now there is no temple of
Brahma, except at Pushka so the best way to upset him is to do
unauthorised Yagnyas, the fire ceremony. The fire ceremony is
the right hand side religious work because it is just creativity,
by which you create auspiciousness by your exciting the Deities on
the right hand side. Then there is Krishna who gives you the
feeling of the 'whole' so Krishna is disturbed by taking his
name also there is the power of the Mother so he wants to
exploit that also so he gives you mantras like Eim, Reem, Kleem
these are the short forms of the three powers Mahakali,
Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati so he displeases all these Deities,
and overpowers your areas, your chakras where these Deities are
residing actually he breaks them (906087.2; 906097.3)
What he does he uses the sympathetic system he says 'you
take this mantra' you go on taking the mantra so by doing all
that effort, first of all you get a right Vishuddhi so this right
Vishuddhi gets spoiled your right side is unauthorised you have
no business to do it so you get right Vishuddhi. Then possibly
your left Vishuddhi is spoiled because it is unauthorised and
thirdly he makes it even more substantial, by putting guilt into
your mind that if you don't do 'this', then 'that' will happen
the fear side of it. Now you are saying the mantra putting
attention to your heart so all the negative forces are drawn
there. Then if it is only Krishna's mantra that he gives, then only
one chakra is spoiled but spoiled nicely. After spoiling that he
is also interested in other chakras being spoiled so he gives you
another mantra like a mantra of Shri then your right side is
caught up with that then a bhoot is put a spirit is put he puts
his own people there (906087.2; 906097.3)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Narakasura
So he works more on the right hand side when these
Supraconscious spirits are brought in, you become overambitious
you start getting ideas how to organise how to do this how to
and that's how you are so good at spreading this Narakasura
'Meditation business'. There are some of the scientists who have
died who didn't have sufficient satisfaction with their success
and so they come, and give you ideas so this whole thing starts
working for the right hand side it's all Supraconscious work he
does (906087.2; 906097.3)
But when he tries he also thinks of 'Eim' this is the left hand
side so it's a hotchpotch he does. Now for you he's tried this
'austerity' trick he says you must lead a very austere life, and
all that - give your purse to me, give your property to me and also
your wife you see - one of the greatest sins is to be interested
in the wife of another; Also the Gruhalakshmi power, he has
tried to tackle on the left hand side of the Nabhi because if
you excite the right Swadisthan, your left Nabhi catches. You see
if you are a big thinker or a planner what happens is you get
diabetes. Also it is important for men that their left Nabhi
should be alright because they'll get kidney troubles theyll
become harsh husbands very dry people and won't be able to
have a sex life; So by exciting your right Swadisthan, he has
spoilt your left Nabhi not through any power or knowledge he
does not enter your chakras but he has achieved it because it
happens like that just by spoiling you by putting you on an ego
trip - he has become guru of your ambitions. He is an evil genius
that's what he is he has debased you completely (906097.3)
Fourteen thousand years back, Narakasura was killed but
they repeat themselves 'after' two thousand years they come
back sometimes and he might have taken any one of these
horrible people like Rasputin must have been one of them
might have been a king Richard the third you see (906087.3);
He is everything that is evil he is doing it with deliberations, and
understanding and there's a complete scheming that's going on
there (906087.2)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Narakasura
These people suffer from epilepsy, who follow this horrible
(Narakasura 'Meditation business' Ed) they pay for becoming
mad (303028); These boys by them saying their mantras, they
were cutting out all the sensitivities within them. Their mantras
which they said were secret are a conditioning on them which
have to be removed. This secrecy business can be only with thugs
and mafia and things like that because they are afraid of the
statutes of God of His laws that's why it is a secret (008098)
Narakasura Mardini means the slayer of Narakasura
(110048) and is the name used in a mantra to take out a
possession caused by the Narakasura bhoot (005178.2); Thats
how we have treated all the (Narakasura Meditation Ed) people
for 5 minutes you have to sit there - they put in spirits and they
have to go out - one hand has to be outside left hand towards me
and right hand outside but dont cross (the hands - Ed)
A place in Maharashtra in India, which is one of the most
ancient of places (861223), and is the meeting place of various
Holy things that have happened during different periods; Is
situated near a river (830118), the Godawari River (850000.2);
The place where many Saints came and did tapas - Nasik area is
the Tapoguni, the land of tapas, of tapasyas is a very auspicious
land (850000.2)
The place where Shri Sita lived for so many years, and also Shri
Rama and Shri Lakshmana, and where is one of the 12 Jyoti Lingas.
Also near Nasik (830118), on the way to Dhulia (850000.2), is the
Saptashringi, an ancient shrine that emits vibrations for miles
around (830118)
The place where the sister of Ravana (861223), Shuparnaka
(850000.2), came to entice first Shri Rama, and then Lakshmana.
Shri Lakshmana got very angry because his chastity was being
challenged and he cut her nose (of whose beauty she was very
proud), in order to destroy the 'ego' of her beauty. The place was
then called Nasik, which comes from Nasika, the Sanskrit word
for 'nose' (861223); The place where noses can be cut (850000.2)
Nasik is so vibrated, because Rama, Sita and Lakshmana were
here, but it is also a place where lots of negativity has gathered -
people in the name of God, priests, started their shops here is
one of the 'shopping centres' of the Gurus (861223)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
-830118 Ganesha Puja - Nasik - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Nath means the Guru and is the Lord of the Vidya (791202.4);
Primordial Master; The greatest work done on Kundalini was done
in Maharashtra, where the nine Nathas, the Primordial Masters
worked and also they came from the Punjab. There was a big
rapport between Punjab and Maharashtra, and they went into the
forests and meditated, and religiously tried to find out what was
the Kundalini what was the force what was the seed within us
the germinating force that is going to give us this (Realisation -
Ed) (790608.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.4 Guru Puja Pt 4, Ganesh 113 Names, Dollis Hill, see 791202.2 not good
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
- end - 27 Jun 2003
If you cannot sit on the ground, then you take a stone, or some
marble, or something which is natural, on which you should try to
sit. But if you sit on the plastic and do your meditation I don't
know what is going to help you the plastic? That's why I
request you always to use natural things. Natural things can
absorb your problems very well (970525); Plastic is to be
avoided, wherever possible, especially in Pujas (900923)
The artificiality of life the superficiality of the protocols
of how you eat your food keep your spoons, knives all these
sophistications gives you a tremendous pressure it gives a
tremendous pressure on the mind (840118) things like wearing
tail coats, that do not fit, for those special occasions or having
every sort of special cutlery or types of drinking glasses for
each occasion (890619)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Natural Things
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
840118 Spontaneous talk - Vaitarna not good 35
- end - 2 Oct 2002
The whole of Nature is enlightened, and when we see the
Rutumbhara Pragnya expressing itself - for Sahaja Yogis - we are
amazed how things work out suddenly, automatically. Then we feel
the oneness with Nature, and the Nature feels the oneness with us.
The Divine itself is expressing through Nature, the various
happenings, the love, the protection, the attention that the Divine
is feeling. People don't know how it happens - which happens when
we are in the state of Samadhi (830723.1); Nature is always with
you will always help you will be kind (850000.2)
You see these big big trees (coconut trees - Ed) that are on top
of your heads as long as you are sitting here no fruit will fall upon
you. It's not because I am here, but because this Mother Earth
knows that there are such great Saints sitting here, and she is not
going to disturb (871213)
You see how the nature acts how the nature helps just look at
the nature how subservient it is it enjoys that the nature is so
subservient why what is the need because it gets the
blessings the beauty of wholesomeness of doing something for
the whole. The quality of wholesomeness, when it is experienced
within ourselves, then only that joy comes in (850310)
In the nature one goes absolutely thoughtless see how collective
they are every leaf is allowed to get the Sun every leaf. How do
they work it out in such a beautiful manner because they are
under the complete control of the Divine even the animals are.
That's why they are called as Pashu means they are under the
complete Pash Pash is the complete control of the Divine. Shiva is
called as Pashupati he is the one who looks after all this. All this is
created for human beings which human beings don't understand
is for their use not for abuse but for their use; They have no
problems how they keep to the cycle it's a global cycle. First
the sap rises then it gives what is needed for every part of the
tree then whatever is left over, it can go into the atmosphere or
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Nature
it can go down. So it doesn't get stuck into one place you should
not get stuck into anything if you are detached, then everything
works out very well. But if you are attached, you just get worries
and problems your life becomes miserable but if you become
detached, then nature takes over and you feel extremely relaxed
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 28 May 2003
The 9 days and nights, when the Goddess fights the demons and
saves the children from negativity (900923); There were 9 times
when the major Incarnations of the Mother of the Universe were
manifested with a purpose to protect her bhaktas her
disciples her children. This was a binding love she could not
escape it Mother's love is binding and she has to manifest it.
This protection in the modern times has become very
complicated first of all, in the mind, in the life style, in the
society of good human beings of righteous human beings fear of
the wrong things has entered like they are afraid say of their
priests their churches their temples their mosques but they
are not afraid of God they dont believe in God God Almighty,
who is a wrathful God (911013)
As soon as you are born, you are born into some sort of a brand
you are this, or you are that. So the first brand is of the religion
to which you belong you can't avoid it so that very simple,
gullible, good people, believers of God, developed this kind of a
fear which was put into their heads by these people, that if you
dont pay money to us if you dont come to the confessions if you
dont tolerate our nonsense God will be angry with you. In some
religions they believe there is no sin in drinking or in marrying
many women or in a caste system. All is anti God absolutely anti
God activity perpetuated into the society by these people who are
supposed to be in charge of religion. So the first protection Mother
had to render is from this conditioning (911013)
The second one is that of country either you belong to this
country or to that country. These days every country is competing
with each other in all kinds of corruption, mafia every country
whether democratic or anything there is a kind of mafia working
everywhere. The so called laws also are only for people who are
simple, gullible, pure citizens and not for the people who put those
laws on them. They take bribes and all kinds of things but still
they are supposed to be in charge of law doing all kinds of illegal
things. So this is the second type of fear that is in the minds of
modern time (911013)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Navaratri
Then the third thing was the war wars after wars came in so
many people developed a kind of a fear about war and as a reaction
they developed a kind of a stupid ego and they are becoming very
aggressive people. Then comes the fear of race racialism. Now I'm
told that neo-nazism is taking it's own course this is another area
which is very dangerous (911013)
Now in the minds of seekers - they have been to many gurus
they have read all kinds of books but they are seekers after all
and so it has to be excused. So thats why they develop lots of
problems, not only in their bodies but also in their brains. It's a
very delicate thing. For them now the guru has become the last
word you cannot say anything against the guru - when they start
suffering, then they may accept but, if you want to take out that
guru it's very delicate and they might be hurt it's a very
delicate operation (911013)
Then the modern society the less said the better the norms of
modern society are given to us by people who are characterless
like Freud who had no sense of morality or by drunkards. But if
you see the abandonment of our value system comes through
drinking. These days everybody can be a drunkard and there's no
shame about it. With that drinking, our value system started
dropping down and people have accepted now that the normal thing
is abandonment (911013)
Formerly the parents used to support a person if he would take
to God to a righteous life or to something higher - if they saw
these qualities in the child they used to be happy. But these days
it's the other way round the parents dont like it. To fight the
parents also is a big problem so this kind of a fear is also there
that my mother, or father should not know. You can say from all
sides the fear is burning, like flames and we are now here, in the
Kali Yuga and have started Sahaja Yoga (911013)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Navaratri
So the way we have to work out our protection has to be mutual
the Mother of course is there to protect you all the time her
powers are there to protect you but surprisingly in the modern
times there's one condition which has to be fulfilled because in
those days good were good, and evil were evil there was no
mixing so once they asked for the Goddess, they accepted her
she came in her real form and she worked it out. But in these
modern times you must know that all these evil things are also
lingering in your heads little bit, here and there (911013)
People are extremely superficial they are prone to the mass
attitudes, fashions, things like that their personality is not that
much developed as that of those bhaktas, who knew they were
right who knew they were righteous that whatever they were
doing was correct. So the Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have
to realise that all these things are surrounding us and these evil
forces are also there. There are some within us some are without
so it looks to be a very difficult task but it's not because one
condition, if you can understand is that you have to recognise me.
I know, I'm Mahamaya I'm really very clever at it but I'm
truthful but still I'm Mahamaya so to recognise me what should
we do if we recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing
is the simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are
not collective then know that something wrong with you if you
are collective if you are enjoying the collective, then you should
know that you are clean no blemish is there you are absolutely
alright (911013)
Now the second part of this Mahamaya business I had to be
very close to you I had to be extremely close to talk to you to
have a rapport to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga to make
you absolutely aware of yourself. This had to be done and with all
these complications within your mind within your heart within
your body I had to work it out. To come close in the real form
would have been very dangerous so one had to be a Mahamaya. But
despite that, if you could recognise me to understand me that I
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Navaratri
am Divine Personality an Incarnation thats all the Deities want.
Then theyll look after you in every way theyll give you all the
powers all the satisfaction all the protection that you want. This
is the condition which for a rational mind is very difficult to
understand that how can Adi Shakti be in one body how can the
infinite become finite. Human beings cannot do that. God can do it
he is God after all (911013)
I see people when I talk to them they start talking to me little
frivolously not with that depth not with that feeling that I am
Mahamaya. Then some of them even answer me explanations. Of
course this freedom I have given you deliberately but you must
understand that you have to talk to me in a way that you would talk
to Adi Shakti is very important (911013)
Then how you behave is very important you should not be
artificial or superficial but best is to put your hand on your
heart both the hands and just try to feel your Mother is Adi
Shakti she has created all this Universe she has created all this
world and she is for your protection - as soon as I come to know
about your problems, my attention can work it out. All this
protection is given to you because you are seekers of truth and
the truth is that I am the Adi Shakti incarnated. Once this truth
becomes one with your self, there's nothing to fear because all
the Deities know this fact they know about this Incarnation very
well theyll do anything to substantiate your belief in every way
my photographs in the sky they are so anxious. They are behind
the stage before the stage all sides of the stage listening to
me feeling very happy that I am telling you the truth. But the way
they recognise the way they act they never disobey. If you
behave in the same manner, you are completely protected from all
these problems I have told you about. Once you have recognised,
you will have no fear from anyone and the more you show that
recognition, the more you realise it, you get higher and higher not
only spiritually, but every way, mentally, socially, economically,
politically is very remarkable that not only that you recognise me
as a Mother who loves you very much but a Mother who is powerful
to protect you (911013)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Navaratri
Supposing I correct you sometimes instead of feeling sad, you
should see that how fortunate I am that Adi Shakti herself is
correcting me she is taking interest in me how fortunate I am
to be born at this time, to be with her in her great work (911013)
So just behind this recognition is all the powers but if you are
doubting still half way this that, then things won't be alright. You
shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed into any
direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and that I am
Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become better you
have seen it now dont worry about anything just know that I am
the Adi Shakti that all the powers of Gods and Goddesses and all
that are within me and they 'are' within me and they are all
looking after. But if that recognition is not there they are not
going to recognise you either (911013)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
- end - 12 Mar 2003
You have to be very careful with your neck. You should not
move your neck too much, or shrug your shoulders too much, or
your hands too much whilst talking, because this spoils your
Vishuddhi completely (871230.1); The Vishuddhi controls the
neck (790722)
The movement of the neck as you have seen in all
international life if you see everybody has practically the
same even those who do not hear or do not understand your
language you can nod like this, say no like this and everybody
understands that this is yes or no. But too much of nodding is
not a good sign you just have to say 'alright' or 'I understand'
thats all you have to use your voice instead of nodding like
this all the time is very bad for the Vishuddhi chakra
When someone is being given Realisation 'before closing
your eyes see that there's nothing hanging on your neck very
heavy or something tight here or you can little bit loosen
your knots would be better because Kundalini has to rise'
(830127; 821007)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
830127 Spiritual Roots, Delhi [I'm here plea for God]+25 minsQ&A good 50
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 2 Oct 2002
The Neem trees that grow xx in India, are very good for
driving out all the baddhas. It has a very bitter taste and the
baddhas run away from it. They are very oxygen creating plants,
and we use them as toothbrushes. One twig is taken and chewed
into, and then we go on cleaning our teeth with it for an hour or
so and go on while talking to people - you have to chew it very
well. So the teeth are kept very well; Also if you have scabies or
any skin trouble, then boil the water with this and take a bath.
It's a very bitter thing if you don't allow the water to go in
your mouth, then it's perfectly alright it's very good it's a
very medicinal thing. It's called as Neem (881207)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
881207 Mooladhara, Aurangabad.mp3 good
- end - 3rd Oct 2014
Sahajvidya - Negative Person
The one who is very much on the ego side should try to obey the
person who is on the left side, and the left sided should try to
command more on the right hand person and it should be
accepted it should be mutually understood there should be a
contract alright I am the ego oriented person, and you are the
superego oriented, now let us do one thing you try to dominate
me, and I'll try to obey you it will work out. But it is rather
difficult to find a left sided person here (UK) there are very
few some were left sided, but when it came to ego they were
worse than anybody else. But, you can have a left sided person
and let him dominate til he develops his ego he's alright if he
develops, then he should stop it but with complete
understanding, watching yourself how you develop, how far you
go a play should go on. But if you are identifying with yourself
that I am always right, or nobody's right, then nothing can work
out. So the best way to do this sort of thing is alright you order,
and I'll do let you organise and we'll do it you tell us how to do
it. Let us decide to improve ourselves, and not to feel bad about
it we have to improve a lot (800927)
So many Sahaja Yogis get attracted to negativity just like
that they don't know how they get interested into it but to
positivity they have to exert themselves. That's why I tell
people do not keep combination with people who have the same
weakness but you will find always, friendship is there. Say there
are two Sahaja Yogis who talk ill of Sahaja Yoga, morning til
evening finding faults with Sahaja Yoga they will combine
together they make good company you see. It is better to have
diverse company, so that you supplement each other better than
to be attracted towards people who are of the same nature. Like
somebody who is a show-off you see he must say something to
show off all the time now another show-off should run away from
him he should sit with a person who is a shy person. This is very
different style from that of the negative people because in
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Negative Person
negativity, two negatives must join together nicely to become
real negative. But in Sahaja Yoga, two opposites must meet to be
good Sahaja Yogis - but this must be done in complete freedom
in complete understanding (770126.1)
If a negative person comes into Sahaja Yoga, then he must
improve, or get out. But when matured, then a Sahaja Yogi must
keep and assert that maturity (871024)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage - Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-860725 Soul & Spirit, Volterra (+ M'lakshmi Med'n) see 860725 poor 25
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3, Lodge Hill good 65
860725 Informal Talks - 1986/85 (various)
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
That which causes great problems to the seeker, and can be
in the form of 'dead Souls', which can be seen in the sky as 7
loops. If these dead souls were, in their lives, attached to
material things they hang around, attempting to express their
desires within the Seeker. Best way to get rid of these
troublesome souls is complete detachment (950625); The
negative forces are very strong, and are working at you all the
time (870408); Even not to be collective, itself is a negativity
There are so many evil forces which are all the time trying to
attack collectivity first they will attack the leaders then
they have their sly methods of going around and talking
something here and there in the ears to create some sort of
a politics. All such people will be thrown out of Sahaja Yoga as
there is a centrifugal and a centripetal force both acting
equal and opposite. Anybody who goes against collectivity who
sticks to their bhoots to their negativity will have to get out
of Sahaja Yoga (860823)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita - Lac Noir
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver & Vancouver Public Prog good 15
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
- end - 2 Oct 2002
Can result from too much thinking, and can be soothed down by
placing the left hand on the centre of the stomach, and the right
hand towards the Mother (801027); Nervous problems can also
result from a left side imbalance of the Swadisthan Chakra
(840313) a left side disease (830209); Attachment to anti-God
people can give serious problems, such as Leukaemia, nervous
troubles, cancer, heart attacks etc. (840313)
Do you suddenly get nervous sometimes or distressed
depressed. You do get nervous and depressed sometimes then you
shouldn't go, in the night, out alone not good to travel at night
at least to walk around after say 10 o'clock (790609.3); But
sometimes you can also put almond oil on your head is also good
for you because if you have any problems that you feel
exhausted, your nerves need attention, you are a nervous type of
person, then almond oil is good for you (860504)
Today I found one gentleman who was just shaking before me
like all the time so he said why am I shaking before you I said
because your nerves are out you are a nervous person thats why
you are shaking I have to steady them, otherwise the Kundalini
won't rise, and you won't feel the Cool Breeze because the
Kundalini is now attending to those nerve centres which are
absolutely overdone (830308)
Eyes must be pure and loving. Soothe the eyes, by looking at the
green grass, by looking at the ground, instead of always looking at
every man or at every woman; Entities can enter into the eyes, as
in 'flirting'; 80% of attention is through the eyes, so it is very
important to protect the eyes. Nervousness can be cured if our
eyes are pure. The eyes express the whole of our being (781218);
The green grass is created by Mother Earth to soothe our nerves
The women the way they dress up I'm surprised this is the
best way to get sick. They wear such big heels this modern
generation in the West they are going to develop such terrible
diseases their legs will become swollen up not only varicose
veins such big heels they wear. God has created you with such
care what are you doing to yourself - little heels are alright but
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Nervousness
to have heels of this height this is the best way to spoil all your
nerves and circulation (0.0011)
Some people now are colouring their heads and I found that
some of them are becoming blind. So I said why are you doing it
they said 'what's wrong' - why do you want to colour your hair it
will make you blind. We are human beings we have got cells here
(top of the head - Ed) which absorb paints and that can go onto our
nerves can go also onto our other centres (870500)
The limbic area is a hollow space between the Agnya and the
Fontanelle bone area, having within it cells sensitive to joy and
happiness, and which gets soothed down by the Kundalini (890801);
So far you see, at human level, one feels only the pains or
pressures on the nerves but never the Ananda. But after
Realisation only, your nerves start feeling the joy (850502); Once
you have reached the shores of joy then you should not give it up
for anything because it is your choice whether you want joy, or
you want unhappiness (860707.2); Everything is to increase our
enjoyment even our ascent is to increase our enjoyment our
sensitivity to joy (881211)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881211 Detachment, Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
-870500.1 Untitled talk, Australia - see 870503
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830308 1/2 Hour Intro talk - Melbourne (plus Q & A-25 mins) good 30
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 2 27 Oct 2003
A vessel with a spout, used for correcting the Hamsa chakra.
You fill it with water to below the spout, add 2 to 3 drops of
whatever you get for inhaling, and then put (the spout - Ed) into
one nostril and allow it to go in, breathing in through the other
nostril. This clears (the Hamsa - Ed) and is a very good thing. Do
this every night before sleeping for 3 to 4 days, and you will be
absolutely cleared out (800517.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
- end - 28 Jun 2003
New People
For new people, you have to raise the Kundalini, but don't leave
it half way raise the Kundalini so that it pierces the Sahastrara
then, the Kundalini will work it out. One of the reasons that new
people don't come back is that you have left it half done there is
no connection still established; It is no good talking to them it is
not a question of conviction, but is a question of 'happening', of
'becoming' which is important. The simple thing is that we have to
make everyone 'feel' the All Pervading Power of God to begin with
- unless and until they have felt it, we are not to accept them as
Realised Souls - they have to feel it! (830512); You should not
show interest in people who have no interest in the photograph if
they are not interested in the photograph just forget that
person you see thats the best way (791202.3)
How to approach and explain to new people what has happened,
so they appreciate it's true significance: Give them Realisation
and confirm that they feel the cool in the hands. Then ask them:
You did not get this by thinking or analysis? No You did not have
it before? No So you cannot explain? No So something has
happened that is beyond your thinking power is a higher power
than your thinking is a power much higher than you. So if it is a
higher power, then you have to put down your thinking. Not to
mention thougtless awareness, which they will think is primitive.
Do it with confidence (791202.2)
For people who have come for the first time, to Puja, they don't
understand so well they start analysing. But if they could sit
without analysing, as they did when they got their Realisation, all
their Deities within them will be strengthened and they will feel
better - you don't have to do anything whatsoever you have just
to be quiet, and see it with understanding, so you don't get into
analysis of it just sit and feel the flow of vibrations you'll be
alright (850421)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - New People
In the realm of God, those who enter only, can be initiated not
those who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have
to be the citizen of God's Kingdom so unless and until we give
them Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled
thats a very subtle thing that we do not understand (850310)
Those who are humble who are kind will attract more Sahaja
Yogis so it is important to change your temperament. If you try
to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you if you think
you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be
very humble, kind, generous also very joyous. If you are really
doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come no trouble can come it
is a fact try to understand (001231)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation, B'ham good 35
- end - 18 Jun 2003
Best not to read newspapers in the morning time, because we can
get upset, and the spleen then works overtime to produce red
corpuscles we get in a rush to get to work and so we may end up
with leukaemia, or heart attacks; Leukaemia may also result if the
Gruhalakshmi is ruined (830131); In India the newspapers are,
thank God, censored. They don't have dirty women's Photos and
other dirty things in them (860921.2)
All newspaper people have that type of attention, which is
always in seeking disasters, or misery or mishaps. In a sinister way
they feel happy that there is a disaster. Those who read
newspapers every morning will also have this kind of attention
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Nirmala-Ananda; The Joy at Sahastrara, which is called as
Niraananda, since long, since ancient times - is called as Nirmala
Ananda or Niraananda. It is the joy that you enjoy 'even' when you
get crucified. That joy, you enjoy even when you are poisoned
(820731); Only joy, and which we develop through thoughtless
awareness, by being collective (900912); In Niraananda, if challenged
we are not affected (850806); Total joy, Niraananda (860705)
At Sahastrara, one feels Niraananda and the Joy of Nira. Nira is
my name. Niraananda means Kewalam sheer - Ananda Kewalam is
Niraananda sheer sheer joy nothing but joy Niraananda
(850502); Niraananda where there is complete joy where there is
no happiness and unhappiness - these are qualities of the ego and
superego (850502)
In Sahaja Yoga, as you grow from one to another, there are
different types of Anandas. Like when you see the Spirit you get
an Ananda called Swaananda that means you feel your Spirit your
'Self' and you feel very happy. Then when you give Realisation to
others, you get Paraananda, joy of others. When you get the
enjoyment of well-being in health and are materially alright, and
everything in Santosha, in complete satisfaction, then it's
Brahmaananda. Like that you start feeling higher and higher joys
within yourself because your nerves start opening to new
dimensions. So you can say that at Krishna level, you get
Krishnaananda where you get the sweetness, the Madhuria and
when you see your generosity, then you get Shivaananda and when
you are with children, you get Ganeshaananda and that can be
described all those can be described - but Niraananda cannot be
described because it's Mahamaya's joy. All these joys put
together is Niraananda (850502)
So there is no place for ego and superego at all - the complete
Sahastrara is opened out and nothing but the complete rapport is
established with the Divine. And there is a pouring of light all the
time in the headand the light going back - that you have seen in my
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Niraananda
photographs - as if the Sahastrara becomes like a sucking child
from the Universal Mother sucking the joy inside and it is again
reflecting back. It would be like the waves reach the shores and
again they go back and then they form a pattern. Now the joy out
of that pattern, how can you describe. The only thing about
Niraananda is that you have Mahamaya so close and so far away
thats a speciality - complete thoughtless there's silence there
complete silence you dont think just silence you cannot put into
words anymore because the words break with the force of the
Ananda they cannot hold it alright (850502)
So far you see at human level one feels only the pains or
pressures on the nerves but never the Ananda. But after
Realisation only, your nerves start feeling the joy (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860705 Pre Guru Puja talk, Gmunden - see 860706 good 25
-820731 Dedication through Meditation, Cheltenham, see 820731(Video)
820731 Dedication through Meditation - Cheltenham good 60
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy good 50
- end - 26 Mar 2003
God Almighty himself you can say is Formless and then he can
take a Form that's not difficult to take a form. You can say
that now what is the form of the flame nothing but when it is in
the lamp it has a form. So we can say that the Formless becomes
the Form and the Form becomes the Formless (831001); Nirguna
(871016); Formless, like the Vibrations, or Chaitanya (871016)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 27 Jun 2003
Nirmala Vidya
Is the science of the Divine Laws, which you must know how to
manage, because the Living Reality is your Power (811103); If
you are catching on a chakra or centre, just put your hand there
- don't feel condemned about it. All is made easy and simple,
but it is difficult for a sophisticated man to become that
simple children are very simple (811103)
We are here to be Nirmalites, to fight all that is wrong, to
stand for right and to emancipate the whole humanity (880103);
We are all enlightened we are all Nirmalites in everything
you see, you feel the joy pouring in you can't understand how -
you see something that you see every day, and there is joy
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Nirmala Vidya
Completely without any mala, or mire (820731); Pure
(850806); Clean (880106); The same as Nishkalanka, meaning
spotlessly clean; This is the time of cleansing - that is why I am
here, as Nirmala, to cleanse you (790928)
Nirmala Tattwa
The principle of cleansing (MME); Pure Principle of life
Pure, as in Shuddha Vidya, Pure Knowledge (840708)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
-820731 Dedication through Meditation - Cheltenham - see 820731(Video)
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation should be allowed develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate, better quality but incomplete]
811103 You must grow fast in Sahaja Yoga, Brahman Crt [+French] good 75
820731 Dedication through Meditation - Cheltenham good 60
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 95
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 50
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 12 Mar 2003
Thoughtless Awareness the first thing that is established,
when the Kundalini rises, and we get our Self Realisation, when
we stop in the 'Present' moment. The state that exists when
the Kundalini passes the sixth chakra, the Agnya chakra
(890801) and enters into the Limbic area (770215); As soon as
the Kundalini passes Agnya, there is no thought, we are in
thoughtless awareness (781218); Nirvichara (770215)
Nirvichara is a blessing from our Mother when we do the
things that She tells us, then She blesses us (790314); That
state of mind, where there is no thought but you are aware
(770215); To rise from Nirvichara to Nirvikalpa takes time for
some people it takes more time for some, it takes less time
it depends on the preparation of a person also on previous
lives good deeds this life's understanding so many things
are there so it takes time (880921)
When you are in thoughtless awareness, then you are in
contact with the Principle, the Shakti, the Power that
permeates into every particle that is matter, into every
thought that is emotion, into every planning and thinking of the
whole world - you permeate into all the elements that have
created this beautiful Earth. When you are in meditation, you
must allow yourself to be in thoughtless awareness, because it
is then that you are in the Kingdom of God; If you give
vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything,
because all the entities that enter into you, all these material
problems that come into you, come when you are in those 3-
Dimensions - of the emotional, physical and mental being
Those who want to grow should meditate every day, whatever
time you may come home maybe in the morning maybe in the
eveningany time but you will know that you are meditating,
when you can get into thoughtless awarenessyour reaction will
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Nirvichara
be zero you look at something you'll just look at it, you won't
react because you are thoughtless you won't react. When that
'reaction' is not there, then everything you'll be surprised is
Divine. Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are
'one' with the Divine so much so that the Divine takes over
every activity, every moment of your life, and looks after you
you feel completely secured, 'one', with the Divine and enjoy
the blessings of the Divine (980510)
Thoughtless Awareness, the term defined by Jung, where you
go beyond the thinking mind, and is also the state described by
the Russian Scientists as the Physical Vacuum State, needed to
see or feel 'Reality' (980705; 980706); If you cannot become
thoughtless, pray to me 'forgive me for what I have done and
forgive those who have done harm' (750209)
After some time, when you have really become a Sahaja Yogi,
you just close your eyes and then you find you are in that
blissful state, where you get rid of all problems, all worrying
things, and you just become silent, thoughtlessly aware
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
-750209 Prayer by Shri Mataji - see 760330 not good 5
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
781218 Agnya - Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 75
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 2 Oct 2002
Doubtless awareness (811007), which state arrives when we
see all the Miracles and Blessings showering upon us by the
Divine, and we have no more doubts any more (870513) about
Sahaja Yoga, or about our Mother (830204); Is not rational;
When there is no Vikalpa (790616); Doubtless enlightened
awareness (790422)
At the Nirvikalpa state the collective consciousness
becomes very subtle at that state you can understand the
very deep significance of something the Reality starts
becoming clearer you start understanding the working of the
Kundalini. In Nirvikalpa, you need not put your hands towards a
person you know where it is what is happening - you have no
doubts mastery starts. Such people are very satisfied people
they do not grumble about small things they live in a big way
they have no time for outside gross things such people are the
ones who are going to create a pillar for Sahaja Yoga. They
cannot tolerate anything against your Mother or Sahaja Yoga
and they can get into a tremendous temper if somebody tries
to do something like that. After Nirvikalpa, the Ganesha
becomes really Jagrut and such a person is beyond temptation.
Once you get into the Nirvikalpa state the Ananda starts
working also your consciousness becomes that Ananda and at
that stage, the complete Realisation takes place and then you
can control everything; Now beyond that is God Realisation
and there are three stages to that also but just now, I have
told you the Sat Chit Ananda state (770215)
To get to Nirvikalpa, you have to really dedicate yourself
fully all of us can achieve that state of Nirvikalpa - and in
that state, there is just progression (850504); In the
Samadhi state, first is the thoughtless awareness as you know
called Nirvichara Samadhi and then into the other state called
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Nirvikalpa
as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is doubtless awareness is two
states Sirvikalpa and Nirvikalpa. Most of the Sahaja Yogis now
are on the Sirvikalpa, not yet at the Nirvikalpa and to rise up
to the Nirvikalpa we must understand that we have to do little
more about it (850310)
Sahajvidya Nirvikalpa
Now how to overcome higher attachments like there are
attachments that I should write a book on Sahaja Yoga or I
should paint something or I must earn or I must do this for
Sahaja Yoga this is also in a very subtle way is ego that I
should be the leader of Sahaja Yoga. Then there are
jealousies if Mother says this is not good you feel hurt if
Mother says this is good you feel happy that means you are
still at a very subtler state of ego, where you think that
whatever you say should be approved by me. That is something
is very subtle we do not understand that if Mother is not
approving of it, there must be basic Divine reason otherwise
why should I not approve of it. We must know that it's all the
work of God, and we are just channels in the hands of God
Now you have a state where you are separated from yourself
so that is the state of Nirvikalpa, where you are not attached
to anything you have no diseases you have no troubles you
are above everything you do not try to complicate things for
me you do not try to say things more than me you just take
it a hint is sufficient Mother said so alright (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney see 850310.1 good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
811007 Spirit (Sat Chit Ananda) - Houston good 65
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 2 Oct 2002
Kalki is an abbreviation of Nishkalanka, which means same as my
name is which is Nirmala means spotlessly clean without any
spots on it. In between Jesus Christ and his destroying
incarnation of Mahavishnu, called as Kalki, there is a time given to
human beings to rectify themselves for them to enter into the
Kingdom of God which in the Bible is called as the Last
Judgement (790928)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
- end - 12 May 2003
Left sided people may be helped by eating more nitrogenous
foods, i.e. proteins and foods like that (840313; 830121)
For left side, use light or fire or nitrogenous foods i.e.
proteins; Now if we have ego, what we should do is raise the left
side, and put it to the right side there's no other way out you
have to use your hands; Then everyone must soak their feet
daily, and must do daily meditation. For correcting your right
side, use the Mother Earth or water or even ice or also
carbohydrate or vegetarian types of foods (830121)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
- end - 12 Mar 2003
Noble Ideas
It is essential to take to Sahaja Yoga, in the most dedicated
manner. And this is the only thing that we can give to our friends
and relatives, and to all the world around. I am here to help you,
to work for you day and night, and I'll spare no effort to help
you and do everything that is possible to make you alright, to
pass this examination of Last Judgement. But you have to co-
operate with me, and have to go headlong about it, and devote
most of your time for Sahaja Yoga, and for imbibing all that is
great and noble (790928)
America the Vishuddhi of the Universe - with qualities of
responsibility, democracy, freedom, discretion, and noble ideas
(811004; 831001) is the place of Shri Krishna, of the Virat
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
- end - 27 Apr 2003
Mahatma Gandhi used to say 'what is the non-violence of the
weak' 'the weak has to be non-violent' 'but the non-violence of
the powerful is the sign of the real non-violence'. Those who are
confident of their powers why should they aggress others they
just stand. Those who are violent, angry, hot tempered, jump at
everyone, torture everyone, trouble everyone are the people who
are very weak charactered their character is weak thats the
sign of a person who is either possessed and under the influence
of the possession, or he's too weak and he's possessed by his
anger because he doesnt have that much power to bear anything.
The one who has the power to bear is the powerful the one who
does not have any power to bear, I can't bear I dont like - such
a person is a useless thing for this earth. So the power of a
person lies in bearing things how much you can bear how much
you can undergo without feeling it (871004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
You should live like normal people like dignified people nothing
of indignity, childishness or joker-like, clownish or outstandingly
funny all these 'dresses' should not be worn. You should be
properly dressed, in a way that you have a 'presence' (800927);
People dont understand what is normal everybody seems to be
abnormal or subnormal in modern times even the psychologists
can't define what is 'normal' is. Normal is that which is
auspicious (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 27 Jun 2003
A drop or two of ghee in each nostril, twice a day, will help
the Hamsa, and correct a bad Hamsa, which can result from
dryness in the home and at the workplace (870408); Butter is
also good for sinus problems, and can be administered warm
with a dropper, to the inside of the nose for 3 to 4 days, where
it lines the inner dry and cracked membranes butter is
softening in it's effect (810330; 830202; 850502); The nose
represents the ego (861223) and is controlled by the
Vishuddhi (790722)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 2 Oct 2002
Not This
Before meditation and after meditation try to keep quiet for a
while and if there are thoughts, then you have to say 'not this'
'not this' 'not this' (871224)
Go on telling your mind that 'this is not this is not this is
not...' any thought that comes to your mind you go on telling 'this
is not not this not this not this...' then the inspiration starts
coming. You see what I feel people are not inspired they have
got fear, on one side or else they go into an ego trip (820402);
So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying
'not this thought' then you will be a deep Sahaja Yogi because
intellect is nothing so-called intellect is nothing only God has
Intelligence. What is intellect all those things are good for
nothing only service to your Mother is the best ask your
intellect 'is it serving my Mother'. The so-called intellect of
human beings it cheats it gives you escapes all the time the
intellect is working by saying.. 'oh this may be good that may be
good' but the real good it never sees it's a trick of the ego you
see choices ego likes choices you see 'this is good this is
bad this I dont like this this' - all 'I' business should be
given up 'we' should come in not 'I' thats how intellect will go
away (820402)
The most intelligent person is the one who knows that our
intellect is just an ego trip this is the sign of Pure Intelligence
of Pure Understanding that the heart is the ruler there resides
the Spirit which is the most intelligent thing within us and the
inspiration of the Spirit is the manifestation of the Pure Intellect
of God and what I told you today is the Intellect of the Heart
but of the brain zero (820402); But then what is the use of the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Not This
brain why not have only heart you see would be alright but the
brain is the one which acts. Heart is the inspiration but the
brain acts on it it's communicating but the inspiration, the
source is the heart is the Spirit again connect yourself to the
Spirit. Whatever you have to say, relate it to the Spirit not to
anything else (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
There are certain problems that arise sometimes, when you
don't listen to the Mother (880101); Do you do whatever is told
to you you have to obey if you are not obedient, then you
cannot become a guru because if you cannot obey, how can
others obey you. This obedience is not for any personal gain of
the guru not at all but for your gain only, for your education,
for your ascent. If such a view is taken, then you start getting
all the qualities of a guru (980712)
Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri
Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other
God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother a complete
dedication and complete obedience to Mother I mean sort of,
he is made out of that obedience complete love and affection
for the Mother he doesnt argue he doesnt question he
doesnt do anything and thats how these powers are in him the
maximum. If you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you
are sadly mistaken you have to keep me pleased is a fact so
please dont try to displease me I may not say anything, because
outwardly I dont say anything but your powers will be reduced
Those people who are obedient to me are very powerful Sahaja
Yogis you know that and those who are not, go down very fast.
I have seen those who are disobedient, who dont listen to me,
who are rude to me, who do not understand the protocol go
down very much in Sahaja Yoga because what is lacking in you is
the discretion, the Mariada how far to go. You have to be
powerful people and the power of a person increases by putting
Mariadas - supposing you have wheat, and you spread it, it will
spread all over and anybody, birds will come and eat it up it will
be finished. But if you put it in a sack, it will have a weight it
will have a size it will rise in height is useful and it will have
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Obedience
respect. But the thing that is all spread all over will never be
respected. Nothing works out without Mariadas you have to
keep your Mariadas. All our ideas of freedom are to be bound by
Mariadas if the freedom has no Mariadas, it is abandonment it
is a nonsense it is not going to help (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880101 A sinless life - G'pule - see 871213 good 5
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon S Yogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 30 Sep 2003
If there are no events or mishaps, then you cannot see the
surmounting quality of the Divine if the surmounting quality of
the Divine has to be seen, we have to see the obstructions
(881211); If suddenly a negative force comes in to trouble you
so what otherwise how will you know what you are. If there is
no darkness, how will you know you are the light (961020)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881211 Detachment - Rahuri - see 881207 good 25
961020 Navaratri Puja, 'Be aware of your own state', Cabella good 55
Olive oil can be used for a massage on the Vishuddhi, as well as
the head and backbone. When you touch somebody with oil, you
see, the Krishna tattwa acts because Krishna is the one who
represents the Madhuria, the sweetness of your character. In
little little things are expressed Madhuria like in poetry or in
relating some events. Krishna's Leelas were all full of Madhuria
it's like a sport it's like a sport (850502)
Oil is useful for correcting a bad Hamsa Chakra, by putting it
into the nose (841005), and olive oil can also be placed in the ears
to prevent drying out (870408); So oil is the one that helps you
in your ears, if you can put some olive oil, heated up with one
garlic piece in it that's very good for the ears. So the oil is the
one that keeps your Vishuddhi alright (850502)
Oil is to be put on your heads at least once a week that will
keep your heads cool. And also before taking a bath, use some oil
for rubbing on your hands or on your body (881221); To be applied
to the hair before a head bath (900811.2); You must put oil on
your head at least on Saturday put sufficient oil, and then wash
your head - but you will not do that, and then, you start losing
your hair. Why not do something where it is needed, to look after
yourself also (971005); We lose our hair very fast, because we
don't use oil as we should - starting with the hair at the
Sahastrara (910728)
It would be a good idea to start using a little oil for the head
in the night as Sahaja Yogis, you should better use some nice
coconut oil, and rub on your head nicely, in the night and in the
morning after all it doesnt show much and comb your hair in a
proper way. If your dresses and your hair are like bhoots then
the bhoots will take over, thinking 'oh, this is a bhoot sitting
down here better take hold of that bhoot' so dress up in a
way that you shouldnt have hair on your forehead at all keep it
straight make it nice and have absolutely clean foreheads
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Oil
So before you start getting bald, better try putting some oil on
your head thats one very important thing, Sahaja Yogis have to
do you can take vibrated oil if you like and I think olive oil is
good but better than olive oil, I find, is coconut oil it is better
for the growth of the hair. But sometimes you can also put almond
oil is also good for you because if you have any problems that
you feel exhausted, your nerves need attention, you are a nervous
type of person, then almond oil is good for you (860504)
People who have teeth which are troubling them, must look after
them. It's no good just going to the dentist simple thing is to use
some olive oil and some salt rub it on your gums nicely every day
before sleeping that will keep your teeth alright. You will be
amazed that til today, I have not been to any dentist (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 10 Apr 2003
The first created sound, the Word (810829); Symbol of our
doing, or awareness (910505); A.U.M. (960609); Created when
Sadashiva and Adi Shakti separated, to form the Creation, and
that contains
255 the 'causal' of all the elements on the right side,
248 235
the power of emotions on the left side, and the power of ascent
in the centre (900828); That contains the three powers
The sound produced when all the Bija mantras on all the
chakras (made when the Kundalini passes through each chakra),
are sounded at the same time and passed through the body -
Aum. At Sahastrara, no sound is made by the passage of the
Kundalini, and one becomes thoughtless (790000.1); Is one
aspect of Shri Ganesha; Is the vibratory awareness that flows
everywhere (890619); Christ was Omkara (891203)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk - Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-890619 Ascent, Mahakali Puja - San Diego - see 890611 good 25
790000.1 Bija Mantras and Shaktis on Kundalini - Ashley Gdns good 40
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
960609 You dissolve into Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella good 50
960915 Without Innocence you can't enjoy, Ganesh Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 2 Oct 2002
You are part and parcel of one single human being and that is your
Mother (871230.1); You should be 'one' with myself, than with
yourself in the sense that the Self that is within you, is me
(881203); Shiva and Shakti are 'one' just like the Sun and the
Sunlight - if there is no light in the Sun, the Sun is no good (971005)
We must learn to be 'one' if after your Realisation, if you don't
understand this message, that we all have to be one, one single unit,
one single body if we cannot 'be' if you are identified with other
things then there is no way that you have grown that you have
matured (980510)
When you are 'one' with the Divine Power, you just feel 'I am not
doing anything' just like the paintbrush in the hand of the artist,
which never thinks it is doing anything that it is the artist who is
doing everything - and who is the artist is the Divine Power, which
loves you, which cares for you, which looks after you, which
absolutely is identified with you. If you are one with the Divine, it
looks after you it has all the powers. Only one power it does not
have, is to control you if you want to ruin yourself, it gives you
freedom, complete freedom that's why you must curb down that
freedom, and respect the Divine Power (980510)
The Kundalini when she comes up, and pierces your fontanelle
bone you can feel the baptism. When it pierces, and enters into the
first strata of the Superconscious, the first thing that happens is
you become 'one' with the Collective Being and you start feeling
from your hands a cool breeze flowing vibrations cool vibrations
called by Shankaracharya as Saundarya Lahari (771121); Once you
have got your Realisation and once you have become 'one' with the
Divine then there is no question of your going down unless and
until you yourself want to go down. It's very remarkable how you get
this and after that you dont lose it of course, first you must
grow and for that you have to meditate but this meditation, once
you do it the whole being itself gets so enlightened, and so
beautiful, that you dont want to change it you want to be there and
enjoy it for ever (000507)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - One
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881203 Ascent - Vaitarna - see 881207 not good 15
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Optic Chiasma
The Agnya chakra, controlled by Christ at the crossing point of
the optic chiasma, is the very important 'gate' which is the space
between the ego and superego (810330); The centre between the
optic chiasma, where the two optic nerves meet that is the point
they call the third eye, and that is a very important point, and is
the point of Christ. This is the point where you see this red mark
(790720); Christ is in the centre itself, where the optic chiasma is
(810904); Christ also known as Mahavishnu, and who is the
incarnation of Shri Ganesha (830129) resides at the Optic
Thalamus (781218), on the Agnya, and sucks in the ego and
superego (810926; 811006)
Shri Ganesha becomes Maha Ganesha in the Virata, that is the
brain. That means that it is the 'seat' of Shri Ganesha, from
where he governs the principle of innocence. It is placed at the
back of the head, in the region of the optic thalamus, or optic
lobe, and is the giver of innocence to the eyes (850000.1); You
see why you develop diabetes and then as a result of diabetes,
you develop bad eyes the reason is that in diabetes, the fats are
not consumed properly and they are not supplied sufficiently to
the brain to the optic lobes. The brain is made of fat cells and
that is why you get these troubles if the fat cells can be used
for the eyes then there is no problem (840214)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
840214 Shri Mataji talks to the English - Bordi poor 75
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
- end - 2 Oct 2002
The greatest happiness, the greatest joy is in giving Realisation
to others; Unless and until you share your joy with others, you will
not be happy (960716); Sharing of your things is an extremely joy
giving thing that is how all of us have to live sharing things.
Don't think about yourself think of others think what others
like; It is such a joy-giving thing to cook for others. So the
Principle of Lakshmi is only enjoyed, when you share with others
we have to learn to share (960716)
It's no use having identification with people who are not Sahaja
Yogis they may be anything no use because you are at a
different level they are at a different level either try to raise
them or have nothing to do with them because they will pull you
down. They will not see your light they have no eyes to see no
ears to hear no feelings of it. You shouldnt bother with them. If
they come to Sahaja Yoga, well and good otherwise in no way
are they related to you. How will you relate Sahaja Yoga to them
how will you explain anything to them it's going to be impossible
to talk to these people. So what I have to tell you today is that
our family is in Sahaja Yoga (001231)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
- end - 21 Apr 2003
Right sided people have a very very overactive personality. Such a
person eats too much of proteins all the time, meat and receives
a blessing of ego. Such a man aggressively destroys others the
images of others pulls them down criticises others jumps on
them he can be hot tempered can be absolutely demonic - Hitler
is the example. These people who eat too much meat, and heavy
foods they develop muscular capacities too much. They will be very
quarrelsome and aggressive snappy and sharp in their language;
They look brilliant, and consider themselves to be very intelligent
but actually they are stupid people; They may have a bad time with
their children with their parents with their wives. They may have
money, but they can never enjoy that money, or think of living a life
which is comfortable; Those who indulge too much into life and so-
called 'enjoy life' and waste their time in drinking, and being with
women and all that they all can be ruined not only by money, but
by their very bad health (830209)
Sickness comes if there is something wrong in the 'Principle',
that builds up the human being. Basically there are two principles
which affect the body, and the third principle affects the evolution
- the first principle of the left sided if it is in danger then we
develop lots of diseases due to lethargic organs but the right
sided people have a very overactive personality, and have overactive
organs (830209); Fumes from the activity on the right side collect
in the balloon of ego, which together with those from the left side
collected in the superego, cause us to be cut off or separated, from
the main (790616)
Organs can be Active type, if we eat too much protein type of
food - in which case we should take more of vegetarian foods
(830131); Right side diseases include: aggressive ego, hot tempered
and obnoxious, overtalkativeness in old age, overactive hearts,
palpitations, asthma, constipation, cirrhosis of the liver, unhealthy
skin which is sallow, diabetes, leukaemia, kidney problems, high
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Overactivity
blood pressure, uterus troubles, barrenness in women, digestive
troubles, paralysis caused by brain damage and overdevelopment of
Mr ego (830209); Heart Attack can result from too much right
side activity (870500); On a full moon day, we are overactive, even
in the sleep state. As the moon grows, the activity starts, in the
night also (821101)
Supposing you are a right sided person, then what happens to
you you become overactive. Overactivity gives you fatigue gives
you all kinds of diseases such a person is very speedy he cannot
sit in one place for two minutes, all the time jumping, and he
creates problems for himself and his family. This is Rajoguna. The
Rajoguni has an opinion of his own about everything he goes on
forcing it onto others. But if you see his own life, he is a complete
misery he cannot carry on with people he cannot talk to people,
and there is a very big gap between himself, his Spirit, and his
being (980712)
If you try to overpower the matter, getting overactive with
matter, making everything properly, over-efficient with the matter,
then your ego develops, and when your ego develops, you go into
violence. You become a sort of an aggressive businessman or
country, which tries to overpower other nations with their material
advancement you become materialistic and such people have no
heart they are just dried up the only thing they understand is
money (800927); Physically and mentally we are overactive
specially in the society where we are supposed to be 'developed' -
we develop through using this Right hand side power of action
By thinking, the right side gets overactive, the ego develops and
engulfs the heart. So by 'thinking' how to correct the ego, the
worse you become - then you are fighting it. So we have to give a
balance bring down your ego with your hands. Not mentally you
resolve it, but through your vibrations and mantras mantras are
very important for Sahaja Yogis; For ego you say 'Mother you are
our ego we don't do anything you do everything' - if you say like
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Overactivity
that, it will work out otherwise it will not; Be humble be humble
in your heart. What you have to surrender is your ego means your
thinking; If you are thinking, open your eyes, and say 'I forgive, I
forgive' even if you take my name, it's sufficient (800907);
Mental activity is contra-indicated for any form of Sahaj or
Spiritual activity, or for one's ascent, or for the expression of love
or compassion (950917)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
950917 Patriotism and Modernism, Shakti Devi Puja - Moscow good 75
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 7 May 2003
Oxygen is from the right side, as opposed to Hydrogen, which
is from the left side (850528); Mother Earth created the
Carbon. Through the effect of electricity, carbon got attached
to Hydrogen and Oxygen, and so produced amino acids, and so
Prana started, which ultimately produced the mind and the brain,
and when we become Realised, becomes the Pranava (850528)
The Neem trees that grow in India, are very good for driving
out all the baddhas. It has a very bitter taste and the baddhas
run away from it. They are very oxygen creating plants, and we
use them as toothbrushes. Also if you have scabies or any skin
trouble, then boil the water with this and take a bath. It's a
very bitter thing if you don't allow the water to go in your
mouth, then it's perfectly alright it's very good it's a very
medicinal thing. It's called as Neem (881207)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 2 Oct 2002
An overactive heart that develops in right sided people in
which the heart pumps fast and palpitations may take place
(830209); Those who go headlong into wrong paths may suffer
from funny heart troubles, palpitations, insomnia, vomiting,
giddiness, irrelevant talking etc it is very serious to go to
wrong gurus (830204)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Other people pamper you because they want to take advantage
of you so theyll pamper you theyll say 'this is very great you
are very great' and you just get enamoured and get lost. In
these modern times everybody is conscious of their ego and in
the way they are coming in the newspapers and magazines I
would feel shy to be there because it's so much expression of
your ego nothing else. They have competition of ego lots of
competitions like beauty competitions this that all these
things actually give the person ego and others also run after
they think I should be like that so it's very deadening. In the
heart of hearts we like humble people and if we want others to
like us, we should be also very humble (001225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001225 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 001225.2
001225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule good 20
001225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Years Eve Puja, Kale
- end - 6 Apr 2003
That organ in the body, controlled by the Swadisthan, which
when it malfunctions may result in diabetes (870500);
Represented by Austria and Holland. The organ that makes the
sugar, and is under the control of the left Nabhi (860921.2)
If you excite the right side Swadisthan your left Nabhi
catches. Say if you are a big thinker, a big planner then what
happens, you get diabetes because you are using your right
side Swadisthan too much and because of that there is an
effect on the left hand side Nabhi your left side starts
becoming weak and makes your spleen and pancreas very weak
and that's why you get diabetes (790609.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
Chakras affected: Right Swadisthan; Left Nabhi
- end - 3 Oct 2002
That form of God Almighty, when all Creation has merged
together into the one sleeping state; When creation commences, it
does so on the periphery, with God Almighty remaining in the
centre, dividing into Sadashiva and Adi Shakti, who nonetheless
remain in unison (810829); The Absolute Silence, in the beginning
(791115); Also Paramabrahma (810829)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
791115 Significance of Brighton
- end - 18 Jun 2003
There are two types of paralysis one is caused by too much
ego the other by superego. Those who have lethargic
temperament develop clots in their blood and these clots
cause the paralysis, and is also on the left hand side. The other
one is caused by the damage to the brain, on the right side, by
the overdevelopment of Mr ego within you; Mainly the people get
it on the right side (830209)
In India, we have many Swayambhus, created by the Kundalini,
and which are really worshipped. I have been to most of them,
and was surprised that most of the Pujaris were suffering from
some sort of serious disease, like one was a paralysed fellow.
When they asked why are we suffering like this, I said because
you are just making money you can't make money out of God - if
you don't want to serve God, you don't stay here but if you
want to serve God then, you can stay here, but don't make
money out of it. It's very common, I have seen those people
who make money, get paralysis (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 13 Mar 2003
Parama Tattwa
Which is the Highest of Highest, which is the Param Tattwa, the
Principle of all the Principles, and controls all the principles of all
the 5 elements (860706); The One that creates, co-ordinates,
plans into all the details, the One that loves through it's creation,
through it's expression, is that Cosmic Consciousness, the Brahma.
We are part and parcel of that - we are not only in it, we can
handle it, regulate it, use it and work it out. When we are in this
state, we are the Guru (860706)
The Deity of Shri Ganesha is innocence personified and he
incarnated too on this Earth as Lord Jesus Christ and is made
of that essence of Divine Nature of God, that we call as Parama
Tattwa the highest essence of God his body is made out of
that and that is the reason he could resurrect. At every point, at
every chakra he bestows on you the blessings of his innocence
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
- end - 27 Mar 2003
The All Pervading Divine Power (MME, 891203); Nothing but
Vibrations, but with everything within it (890808); Cool Breeze of
the Holy Ghost, the All Pervading Power of God's Love; The Ruh;
Rutumbhara (MME); Is absolute Love that knows, understands,
co-ordinates and works out everything (970600); This is the time
when Paramchaitanya has gone into action. Everything is being
done just to convince you about Sahaja Yoga - things which are
absolutely impossible (951224); The Paramchaitanya itself is your
Guru (850629); The Nirakar (980320); Which runs this whole
Universe (980705)
If sometimes you are in trouble then know that you are not
leaving things into the hands of Paramchaitanya if you leave
things into the hands of Paramchaitanya, then they will work out
very well (970823.1); It's very interesting how everything in this
world moves according to the desire of the Paramchaitanya it's
very surprising (970823.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Prim'l Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good -
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 27 Mar 2003
That part of the nervous system in the central channel, the
Sushumna Nadi (810928) which gives the balance (87000);
Which brings things back to normal relaxes and nourishes
after the sympathetics have initially responded to an
emergency; Is formed by loops from the left and right
sympathetics, and wherever these loops meet, are formed
energy centres known as Chakras (MME); Is part of the
Autonomic Nervous System that 'self governing' nervous
system, comprising the left and right sympathetic, and the
central parasympathetic nervous systems (840731)
It is the Soul which lines the spinal cord which looks after
everything even before Realisation which looks after the
Parasympathetic nervous system little, little things, you know,
it looks after just it tries to keep us on the right path gives
us a conscience and that makes us think about the truth and
to seek the truth to know there's something wrong with
society. So this Soul guides you and it has brought you to
Sahaja Yoga (950625)
A problem that people who are in the 'centre' may develop, is
low breathing, and low blood pressure, because of
parasympathetic activity and when they are fighting the anti-
God activities, they might feel tired but again they improve,
and they feel alright (830209); Cancer is nothing but an
imbalance the overactivity of the Sympathetic Nervous
System. If you can control the Parasympathetic you can
neutralise, and completely you can cure cancer but we are not
here to cure people we are here for our ascent (771024.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Parasympathetic
Diarrhoea is important sometimes to cleanse you out it's
important; It is alright because it is a parasympathetic
activity it's cleansing you see; Some of you have had some
Gurus, and that's why also the void acts very fast and then
with this Guru trouble, the void must be showing off; With
diarrhoea and also vomiting it's the drugs, and bad Gurus, and
things, that spoil your void, and when you come to Sahaja Yoga
it comes out in this way. Let it be, it's better; After Puja if it's
happening, it's very good it should happen after Puja (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 3 Oct 2002
Part & Parcel
You must know within yourselves, that you are part and parcel of
the whole process - though you have your own freedom, this freedom
is also part and parcel of the same process you are not separated
from God you do not have any 'separate entity' you are part and
parcel of that whole process alright. So to think that you have to
decide something about it is also wrong you are in the same
machinery, brought to this stage when you are given freedom for
your further evolution (800517.1); From the hands the energy flows.
With these hands we can feel the All Pervading Power, we can
manoeuvre it, manage it, organise it. We feel that we become Part
and Parcel of the Whole (871023)
One thing is very important is the humility you should be a
humble person not think that you are something special or some
sort of a self important person once you think you are important,
then you are not part and parcel of the whole how can one part be
so important if you start thinking like that, anywhere in your
journey of Sahaja Yoga, then I must say you are not in the Sahaja
Vasta, the Sahaja State (000507)
Then some people who are not yet understanding the importance of
'becoming', who do not know that they have to grow, become again
useless, good-for-nothing. If you people get your Realisation, all the
global problems can be solved, like the pollution problems get settled
down. The power of love can settle pollution problems because it also
acts on the 5 elements. It works in such a manner that should in
every way encourage you, help you work out your programs, your
ventures, your meetings anything that you want to do. It's worked
out in such a beautiful manner. You become the master no doubt, but
you don't have the arrogance or anger of a master. We are part and
parcel of the whole - it is all interwoven. It is not mental it is what
you experience all the time. You don't have to worry it will all work
out even in small small things (980706)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Part & Parcel
In Sahaja Yoga the truth is exposed gradually (831001); The
truth is very simple it is so very simple that you are the part and
parcel of the whole and you have to feel the whole that is what
you are seeking (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Chakras affected: Vishuddhi
- end - 26 Apr 2003
The 'past' is finished, whilst the 'future' doesn't exist so enjoy
the 'present', which is the Reality (980321); The past is to be
forgotten - is very important to forget the past - no explanations
about your mother your father things that have happened now
you belong to this family, which is a Holy family of Saints. Among
'them' you are sitting (850901)
Most important thing is you should not talk about your past at all
because past is finished. Now you are Sahaja Yogis you are Realised
Souls so you dont have to say a word about your past. Even if your
husband starts talking, you just stop and tell him 'we are to live in
the present, dont tell us about your past just forget the past, and
live in the present' because in the present resides the Reality and
the Reality is the Ocean of Joy (931228)
When you reach a certain stage, you should not allow anything of
the past to come back you have to challenge the past it's
finished nothing like that. But if you get afraid or worried, then
you have not reached the point. If you keep a distance nothing can
touch you. Your Mother will sometimes test you on that. She will
sometimes remind you of that and see what happens to you. Why
should you worry about things that you are not, any more - if you are
the bird, why should you worry about the egg, which used to smell so
badly. So have confidence within yourself. So that's how you
challenge the past and you can also challenge your future. Like, if
you think to telephone someone then you think 'oh, perhaps he may
not be there' but why dont you just telephone - and so you
telephone and the fellow is just there. The mind that finds
problems, always does so because it doesnt want to solve it and at
the end of the day they sit down exhausted (850505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850505 Sahastrara day Puja, Vienna good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 11 Apr 2003
Is the responsibility of Belgians, while that of Holland is
Justice, and if the principle of these two countries starts working
properly together, they can bring peace to the whole world
(860921.2); The Spirit is the source of Peace - you become like a
witness, and see the whole drama, like a joke. It's nothing so
serious to be worried about, it all works out (980320); If there is
any problem anything suddenly you must become peaceful
within then immediately you will find, the solution will come to
you this is a subtle of the Lakshmi Principle (960716)
The Spleen is the centre of peace the one who doesnt have a
proper spleen cannot be a peaceful person. When we are eating our
food if at the time we are eating we are also say reading the
newspaper or, if say we get onto a bicycle with a sandwich in our
hand is even worse and we are rushing to work and, we become
so frantic then we are out to get trouble with the spleen and
we can get blood cancer (820514)
If you see somebody who you dont like, or who has been harsh
to you, or cruel to you you get annoyed disturbed - at that
time say 'I forgive' you have to say 'I forgive' if there is
disturbance. A Sahaja Yogi is to be known by his character by his
righteousness by his behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi
should be extremely peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing
up and down upset are not Sahaja Yogis (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Pelvic Plexus
Mooladhara the lowest centre is the centre that manifests
our pelvic plexus and which has four sub-plexuses has four
petals one of these sub-plexuses is for sex one is for
reproduction and the topmost one is for controlling the
Kundalini's movement. Now this chakra is below the Kundalini,
because here resides our innocence (790722); Which controls
through it's 4 petals or sub-plexuses the excretory, sex and
reproductive functions of the body. Red in colour (811005);
Represents the earth element, the matter, the material side, and
gives rise to the pelvic plexus. Is situated below the Kundalini, and
the Kundalini therefore does not pass through this chakra when
she rises, and so sex has nothing to do with Kundalini awakening
(791203); Whose essence is innocence (860305)
The mechanism that is placed within you is placed inside your
spinal cord, except for the last chakra, which is red in colour, and
which is outside and which controls the pelvic plexus within you
is the most important chakra which emits innocence. The Deity
sitting on it is Shri Ganesha who represents the stage between
animals and man. At every point, at every chakra he bestows on
you the blessings of his innocence (771121) who through the
Pelvic plexus, controls the excretory functions, as well as the sex,
and is like the lotus in the mud. We thus have to be correct in our
ideas about sex (790507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
- end - 3 Oct 2002
Ghee and butter can be eaten by those people who are in the
'centre', who are suffering from a drying up of their body
liquids, or of their peritoneum, from fighting the anti-God
elements too much. Also it can be rubbed onto the fingers and
hands, to soothe them down, because the heat from the other
people also can make them dried up (830209)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Those who still have those problems that they want to sleep
with other women and they want to do all these things who
are, on a subtle level, quite on the verge of collapse they
should give up Sahaja Yoga. Best is to leave us alone we can't
have such useless people so they should give up Sahaja Yoga,
and dont trouble us. So all those who are still like that, who are
trying to have relations with other women having their eyes on
other women like that and also all the women like that all
should give up Sahaja Yoga and should spare us (860504)
An unnatural behaviour which results in diseases and problems
for mankind (870500); Which will never lead you to God, but to
Hell - thank goodness there has been a film showing the
diseases that you get by a promiscuous life (830512)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
- end - 3 Oct 2002
If anyone perspires, this means that the heart is weak, that the
left side is weak, or that they may get too much cool vibrations.
To correct this, when working with the fire, you should put the
right hand on the heart, and left hand (to the fire - Ed)
This liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons from
the body as heat and the heat in the body is to be conveyed to
the blood and that has to be taken out of the body maybe as
perspiration or in other forms. But what happens is that when
this liver is out of gear it cannot pass this heat into the blood
stream and the heat remains in the body and you become
heated up and that makes all these problems for you. Those
people who have bad liver feel a little heat when the Kundalini
rises but you can definitely cure your liver no doubt about it
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
- end - 7 Jun 2003
It is only in the lifetime of the Adi Shakti, that the
Photographs have started it's more than a representation "its
quite me because my attention is there my Photograph has got
My Desire also in it" (900811.2); The photograph has so many
elements in it - it has the light, water and earth elements in it it
has also air element, because if the air is not alright you cannot
get a photo and it has ether element because a photo you can
transmit (800518); Only with the Photograph will Sahaja Yoga be
worked out (830121)
Our Mother's photograph is very auspicious you don't put it on
the ground nor do you trample over it auspicious matters
which are important matters, must be kept at a higher level always
(800927); The protocol of the photo is important (800518) it has
a coefficient, and emits vibrations (900811.2); Keep one
Photograph with you all the time in your pocket respect it with
the understanding that 'that is Mother who is with us' - you'll
be amazed how things work out (800518)
All these Photos that you have separately have meaning - the
Hands, with a candle, are very good for the eyes, and for the
blindness caused by bhoots, whilst the Feet are very good for the
grosser problems, and especially for the ego and also the
superego they will correct the Supraconscious, and will go to the
grossest point - the Feet are tremendous we also sometimes
should watch the Feet (800517.2); The photo of the Devi's Feet is
the strongest for correcting problems (841005)
A Photo of the Face will not work to correct the grosser
problems - for that a Photo of the Feet works much better. The
Face is for the seekers (800517.2); "My face is such a funny
thing, that if you watch it for a long time, you will have no
thoughts today it happened, I went to the tailor, and he just
looked at me, and he didn't know what he was doing. My husband
said 'Is he stunned or what?'" (800609); We also should watch
Mother without thinking (800609)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Photograph
Also you can use my photograph for curing other people. So, one
should not bother about all these things one should keep
completely detached about it. So do not cure anyone if you have
to cure people, then you please give them the photograph and ask
someone to work on them. You have got the power to handle my
photograph give it to others (800127.2)
If a candle starts flickering in front of the Photo, this is
alright, meaning that there is something wrong and it is being
corrected by the Photo (810328); When working on someone who
has a possession, by for example a false guru bhoot, it is
important not to allow oneself to be exposed to the same bhoots,
by keeping a Photo in front of your face, like a mask - in addition
of course to putting oneself into bandhan (800517.2); You should
not show interest in people who have no interest in the
photograph if they are not interested in the photograph just
forget that person you see thats the best way (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
-791202.4 Guru Puja Pt 4, Ganesh 113 Names, Dollis Hill - see 791202.2 not good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [Mother's Declaration] - see 791202.1 good 20
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon SYogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
- end - 7 May 2003
Best way to take out the anger within you is to, say take a
pillow and hit it hard or which ever way take it out not to
bear anger within you - it comes from your liver. You may not even
show anger but inside is anger so just take it out clear it out
the liver. If you go on accumulating anger, and bearing it up it
burns your liver - if you show it off it burns others' livers. So
best is to take it out (810904)
A pillow is alright (to sit on - Ed), as long as it is not made of
nylon (830302)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) - see sub good 160
- end - 27 Jun 2003
Pineal Body
Animals do not have much idea of the future - only their left
side is developed so much so that the pineal body, which is in
the brain, and which controls the left side is more developed in
animals than in human beings (800809); It stores all the
conditionings as superego, is controlled by one of the petals of
the Agnya chakra - whilst it is the pituitary body, which creates
the ego (830129)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
- end - 3 Oct 2002
Pingala Nadi
The right side channel, in our subtle system (831001); Right side
sympathetic nervous system; The power of action, that acts
through the 5 elements (810928); The Sun channel, which works
for our physical and intellectual activities (MME); In Indian
tradition, is the Rajoguna. The side of our mental and physical
activity, the future, our planning, the ego (840313), and of our
creative being (790200.1); The side on which is found Shri
Hanumana (890423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
- end - 30 Apr 2003
You'll be surprised it's like climbing a big you can say a
mountain but, when you have reached the peak you can see
everything very well and you feel so satisfied that you are at
the peak. So that climbing part even some of you have to do
it it is alright there is no problem you can do it. You must
have respect for yourself love yourself and understanding
that you have to reach the peak peak of the mountain (000507)
And once you have reached the peak of the mountain you will
know you are there and then you start showering all your love
and affection - everything flows down the mountain. If that is
the life for you, it's the greatest type of life forget all other
people who are supposed to be great forget them you are
much higher than them because you are already chiselled like a
diamond with the Sahaj style of life which is very satisfying
also which is very much absolutely peace giving. It gives you joy
peace capabilities so many things that you cannot count like
the thousand petals of your Sahastrara which are enlightened.
This is such a tremendous area once you are in the thousand
petals. From there people have gained all the knowledge about
science all the great discoveries are from there (000507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 3 Oct 2002
There are so many pitfalls for a Sahaja Yogi: (760330)
*Any involvement with each other in any relationship whatsoever
you should know that this is not going to help anyone attain their
individual ascent. Everybody is ascending individually. Whatever the
relationship, whether that of son, brother, wife, friend you are
not responsible for their ascent. Only Mother's Grace, or their own
desire, their own efforts to give up all that is 3-dimensional, will
help them (760330)
*Feelings of disgust with oneself if you go on clinging to it, you
are conditioning yourself. This means that you are not in
thoughtless awareness, but are making the past a solid mass on your
head. In the 'present', everything which is not eternal, is fleeting.
We have to understand our own dignity - all over the world, there
are so many people, yet in Sahaja Yoga there are very very few, and
when you are chosen the first, you must also realise that you are
the foundations you have to be strong and forbearing (760330)
*We are used to one thing, and that is the idea that 'we' must
'do' something about it but meditation is the most Sahaja method.
Sometimes we feel that we have to reach a certain place or that
we must get this thing done and it is not done like that
sometimes by mistake, what we want is not done - we must accept it
as the Will of God that it is what He desires (760330)
*Worry and frustration with yourself when you start identifying
with your instrument not being in proper condition then there is
going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself, at your
mechanism that is out of order. If your chakras are spoilt, you can
solve it - there are so many methods. You are not the chakras, or
the different channels you are the awareness the power the
Kundalini (760330)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Pitfalls
*Then also a problem with a Sahaja Yogi may be that even though
he 'is there', his attention is still involved with 'outside'. Then 'how
to remove' - once you say 'how to remove', you have created the 3-
dimensional involvement. You are not to remove - it is there. Myself,
I would just feel, where I am that's all (760330)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
Pituitary Body
The pituitary body, which creates the ego, is controlled by one
of the petals of the Agnya chakra (830129) whilst the pineal
body stores all the conditionings as the superego (830129)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
- end - 18 Jun 2003
Hanumana is running on our Pingala Nadi all the time, and what
he does is to spoil our plans. If we run on the Pingala Nadi
instead of him, then he side-tracks all our plans all the time -
and that's how our planning fails (890423); If you plan too
much, the plans will fail. But if you just see the plan of God, and
fit your plans into that, that is the way to be successful in your
plans (790720)
As you know we are all very futuristic by temperament. Now
this futuristic-ness cannot be cured by telling 'oh now, dont
think' or 'now you stop planning' you just can't do it you
can't help it you have to do that kind of planning and you find
that all these plans fail because these plans are not related to
the plans of the Divine the Divine has some other plans and
you have some other plans and they never combine together
and thats how you find all your plans fail and you are just
frustrated you dont understand how it has happened. For your
understanding one has to know that there is a Divine Power
and we are made human beings to feel that Divine Power to
manoeuvre that Divine Power and thus enjoy the Bliss of
Divinity (820514)
When you start planning too much, the Swadisthan chakra is
given too much work, and so stops supplying energy to the
pancreas, and as a result we get diabetes (790720)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
- end - 3 Oct 2002
To be avoided, wherever possible, especially in Pujas (900923);
If you cannot sit on the ground, then you take a stone, or some
marble, or something which is natural, on which you should try to
sit. But if you sit on the plastic and do your meditation I don't
know what is going to help you the plastic? That's why I request
you always to use natural things. Natural things can absorb your
problems very well (970525); I cannot understand how you can go
and buy this rubbish of plastic all these useless things (971004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Playing Games
Those who are not innocent, play 'games', try tricks, gossip,
indulge in filth Shri Ganesha cuts them out Ganesha is the
judge and he is the one who throws you out on the periphery
like a tangent you get out of Sahaja Yoga and then you go down
and down and down (840902); In innocence you do not 'play
games', and put people down nor do you laugh at others, and
make fun of them nor do you think that you are the wisest of
all, and make everybody look a fool but what I've seen even
coming to Sahaja Yoga this is the worst part of it I have seen
people who play games, after coming to Sahaja Yoga they
gossip and say all kinds of wrong things (840902); Dont play
games with me innocence can be very powerful also dont play
games with me (850504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840902 Ganesha Puja talk, Switzerland [French translation] good 55
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa, Vienna good 50
- end - 3 Oct 2002
Politics may slow one's growth in Sahaja Yoga (980320);
What is permanent is your Spirit that's the most powerful
thing that's the real power you have got and when that is the
power, the person who has that power, is the greatest
Capitalist and that Capitalist becomes the complete Communist
also, because he must give otherwise he does not enjoy. So the
whole Capitalism becomes Communism and Communism becomes
Capitalism that is, inside (831001)
Today's politicians are just making money (0.0011); Politics is
nothing but a compromise and tomorrow, if Hitler comes in
they will go and garland him just to give a balance. They
compromise with evil with wrongdoers and compromise at any
cost just to have an election. Sometimes you start decrying
democracy it becomes demonocracy. This is the politics of the
gutters, I feel the way it is it's very low level everything is
so low level. I feel that it's all such filth that this fungus like
growth has come up. I really dont know what to say about them
you should just dissociate from them. We are different people
altogether we are flowers (850502)
So we have to create out of Sahaja Yogis great politicians. It
has been predicted that if Sahaja Yoga does not spread, then
3rd world war will be inevitable people will suffer a lot with 3rd
world war. It is possible to avoid it if people take to Sahaja Yoga
in a big number but if they do not, there will be a 3rd world
war... and the effect of that will harm people so much that
ultimately it is the Sahaja Yogis who will be called for a
conference and not the diplomats - the Sahaja Yogis will be
consulted and they will decide what is to be done for the world
and they will become the rulers of tomorrow's world. So we must
have full idea how to be rulers like Shri Ram. It's a very big
task... it's a great task... and sometimes you might think 'how can
Mother expect us to do it' but I think you are the people who
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Politics
are chosen for it and you have to get to it and work it out.
So we have to train up ourselves to be first good rulers of
ourselves and then rulers of others through your heart not
through your mind. Go on telling your mind that 'this is not this
is not this is not...' any thought that comes to your mind you go
on telling 'this is not not this not this not this...' then the
inspiration starts coming. You see what I feel people are not
inspired they have got fear, on one side or else they go into an
ego trip (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 19 Oct 2003
If say, you like to see pornographic books then, you have no
respect for yourself (781002); In (a national newspaper - Ed)
they have tried to describe the prostitutes in a very horrid
way absolutely nude they have shown these women - in (that
country - Ed), pornography is not allowed. So this is a way of
having a pornography and that in a place where people just
dont go I mean it's regarded as such an inauspicious place if
somebody has to go there, theyll come and have a bath very
horrible (810524)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
- end - 13 Mar 2003
Possession (Negativity)
Which comes from following wrong gurus (830129); Dead spirits
existing within a person, such as a dead male spirit existing within
a girl who all the time wants to dress as a man, or a big drunkard
spirit in a young person who wants all the time to drink whisky
neat. These types come from the Subconscious areas. Then from
the supraconscious areas come the Hitler types, the despots
(820711); When I tell to some people, they'll say 'I know Mother
I know I do that'. Then why do you do it that means you are pos-
sessed you are a possessed person. That you know this is wrong
still you are doing it then you are a possessed person. Then it's
better you beat yourself with shoes (800927)
Left side people might have some sort of a baddha in them, in
the sense that they are possessed by someone. Of course some
are possessed by right side also not that only the left side is
possessed but from the right side also they are possessed. Left
side possessions are of a peculiar type, because they give you
pains in the body. The right sided person doesn't get pains him-
self, he gives pains to others (880921)
The proteins 58 and 52 which come from this 'unknown area
within us' the Collective Subconscious they enter into us and
trigger cancer. Now whatever is dead, is on the left hand side so
what they are actually talking about is possession that such a
thing enters our being and triggers cancer (821007)
Now supposing you are too much trying 'oh God help me do
this' then you can get possessed, because you are not yet con-
nected with God and once you get possessed that means that
some other spirit can come in and such a spirit, when it comes
into you, it can really make you mad. This kind of thing happens to
people who go on the left hand side (821007)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Possession (Negativity)
When you enter into the Collective Subconscious any one of
these spirits can catch hold of you and once they catch hold of
you, you are liable for any of these diseases. Especially, I have
seen if there's a possessed person of course they become
mad they get epilepsy all these are possessed people. Epilepsy
can be cured all such mental problems, depression can be
cured it's not difficult at all but one must know that if you are
possessed, you must really work it out and see to it that it goes
away from you and you become your 'Self'. Multiple Sclerosisa
disease of the left side so far I have seen three cases in Eng-
land, which have been cured by Sahaja Yoga and all of them had
either the wife or husband possessed (821008)
Then the right side is the Collective Supraconscious is the fu-
ture where we indulge too much into the future and plan too
much, and we are aggressive about it then all the ambitious
people, who 'lived in the future' are there. Hitler used this power
to entice people to influence the people and he used those who
are dead on the right hand side means the Supraconscious peo-
ple and when these Supraconscious people jumped onto them,
they also started to become ambitious and absolutely heartless
people they were so heartless you can't imagine. If you read the
lives of some of these people, they were not so heartless to begin
with, they were not they were good, free, affectionate people.
So suddenly, how did they become so devilish, and so destructive
the thing is, they are no more there there is something else act-
ing such people can become dynamic for the time being may look
dynamic but afterwards, it is too much a load to carry and they
become like cabbages like the other side people (821007)
When the Supraconscious spirits come in you become over am-
bitious you start getting ideas how to organise how to do
this how to (790609.3) there are some scientists who have
died and who never were satisfied with the progress that they
made so they come and give you ideas it's all Supraconscious
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Possession (Negativity)
If there is a possession, then this can be corrected by sitting in
the Sun - bhoots do not like the Sun, and will run away. If there is
ego problem it is better to sit in the moonlight, but if there is a
problem of crying, better not to look at Moon, but better to see
the Sun (800517.2)
People who are possessed get exposed in my Presence, because
there is light, and in the light negativity gets exposed. That is the
danger that going in the light you get exposed. Some people who
are otherwise normal in Sahaja Yoga also but once they come be-
fore me, they just stand, and something goes wrong with them -
because there is lot of negativity within them (871230.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage - Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford, see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S.Yogi) good 90
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara - Derby good 90
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
Chakras affected: Left Side; Right Side
- end - 7 May 2003
We must get our own powers, and not rely on those of our Guru
(830129) for example, the ability to penetrate into a subject and
see immediately what is to be done; We can feel what can be done
to help so many people but also, we should not determine ourselves
what we should do - the Spirit uses us, and if something does not
work out, then we should not be upset about it (960505); We have
the power to transform ourselves, as well as others (811103); You
are so very powerful in collective and also individually whatever
you want you can have it (920229); Whatever you think or want,
you can do - your relation with the Divine is not imaginary, but is
actual, and the Divine is dynamic (811103); God's Power is the
integrated Power of all the powers (800609)
You can cure others, you can give speeches on Sahaja Yoga, you
can know your own problems, you can cure your own parents, your
own surroundings you can clean yourself and others (800518);
You can raise the Kundalini of people, and can give Realisation -
even your thought is powerful, your attention is powerful
(890423); Each person can give Realisation to thousands of
people if he gets out of his 'own ideas', and this can do such a
lot of good to the whole world (980705)
You can feel the vibrations of others there are some who can
control the Rain, Sun, Moon, everything. Some have tremendous
powers of prayers just by praying they have saved the lives of
many people; Your powers are based on love and compassion, and
you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people
(920621); The powers that we have are for Sahaja Yoga, are to
work for Sahaja Yoga - we have to do it (890423)
We have certain powers and these powers increase, when we
humble down - they do not increase with arrogance with
arrogance one can only become stupid that's the only end of
arrogance (880921); If you start telling others, talking about it
too much, then the powers that you have got will be all
disappearing gradually, and you will come down to absolutely lowest
level - so don't try to show-off (830113)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
The first power that you get after Realisation is the greatest
power on Earth this is the power of Shri Ganesha it is only he
can do this job, that you people are doing today and that power
is 'Raising the Kundalini'. No-one so far in the history of
spirituality has ever raised the Kundalini in such a short time, as
you people are doing it moves under your fingers it is absolutely
Shri Ganesha's power which is given to you. At the time when you
are giving Realisation, even if you are caught up in any one of your
chakras, or you have any problem even if you are a little bit
possessed even if you are not such a good Sahaja Yogi even if
you are not that much surrendered to Mataji even if you dont
have much sense of obligation about Sahaja Yoga still the
Kundalini rises under your fingers. This Ganesha Shakti is given to
you by Shri Ganesha himself, within you to give you the
confidence that you can raise the Kundalini but not the feeling
that 'you' are raising the Kundalini - if you go on, without
surrendering yourself to Sahaja Yoga after some time you will
lose this power very fast (800127.2.2)
Another power which you have got you may notice it that at
that time when the Kundalini rises there will be no obstruction of
any kind whatever may be the obstructions around say there's a
possessed person next door, he would not obstruct you at 'that'
time in your family there may be a person who is a negative
person, but if you are raising the Kundalini, then at that moment
he will be kept quiet. At that time, when you are moving your hand
on the Kundalini, is the greatest power you are using at that time
there will be no obstruction on your hand by anyone what so ever
even by mistake (800127.2)
Then another power you have got when you are raising the
Kundalini, that at that time you will be completely attracting the
attention of the other person within like a magnet by which you
should understand that you can raise the Kundalini whenever you
feel like. Supposing there is a lot of noise going on all sorts of
problems going on or any such thing happening at that time your
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
attention will not be distracted and the attention of the person
who is taking the Realisation from you will not be attracted by
outside things at that time, when you are raising the Kundalini.
That means you can give Realisation at any time (800127.2)
Another power you have got, at the time of Kundalini Jagruti
that no baser feelings will rise within you no impure feelings
about the person whom you are giving Realisation even if you are a
possessed person maybe before and after but not during these
dirty feelings will not come to you automatically. Also you will be
absolutely satisfied even if you are hungry, you will not feel the
hunger or any physical need at the time when you are giving
Realisation there will be no distraction of any kind. You won't do
anything that is undignified because you are being blessed with
dignity you will never joke you'll never make fun you'll not be
frivolous automatically. These are your supporting powers all
these five powers I have described are very few of the
thousands of others but they are the five powers of Shri
Ganesha (800127.2)
Ganesha's fifth power is the power of wisdom and that whatever
he knows, he can draw upon it and write it down - even that power,
you have got. When you are raising the Kundalini, you talk to the
person in such a manner only that which is wisdom and also you
write or show him figures, automatically, which are right even if
you dont remember your figures, theyll come out right (800127.2)
Now these powers can be maintained if you try to follow Shri
Ganesha. His foremost quality is that he does not know any other
God or anybody else, higher than his own Mother a complete
dedication and complete obedience to Mother I mean sort of, he
is made out of that obedience complete love and affection for
the Mother he doesnt argue he doesnt question he doesnt do
anything and thats how these powers are in him the maximum. If
you think by arguing with me you are gaining, you are sadly
mistaken you have to keep me pleased is a fact so please dont
try to displease me I may not say anything, because outwardly I
dont say anything but your powers will be reduced (800127.2)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
Now the 3 powers of Adi Shakti work in you. One gives you
longevity and a clear-cut idea about your desires if your desires
are 'right', all your desires are fulfilled by this power all your
desires all but first one should know that your desires
should be 'right' for example why do you want what is the
purpose are you sure about it if your desires are clear-cut,
then they will be fulfilled absolutely one hundred percent. That
power you can achieve only by putting your bandhan on your heart
whatever desire you have you say it, and put it on your heart
means you are asking from your heart seven times you just give
it a bandhan, and the work will be done but dont use it for
nonsensical things because if you use it for nonsensical things,
this power will go away use it for something special of a higher
level (800127.2)
By this first power, which is the Adi Shakti's power or
Mahakali's power you get all the love of all the people around
everybody will feel magnetically attracted towards you and you
will be always guided by great souls, and angels. If you come
across anybody who is meeting an accident, you will stop that man
from going that way if you are in an accident, everybody will be
saved you will seldom have an accident if you have it, you won't
be hurt much amazing all these powers come to you because you
are the children of Adi Shakti. The whole universe of the subtle,
Divine Power is looking after you individually you're all marked
the mark is on you you are bearing the mark and they are
looking after you. So this power of desiring is the power that
protects you in all the ways that are possible (800127.2)
It guides you looks after you gives you peace and gives you
tremendous faith in Sahaja Yoga. Ultimately you become filled
with joy of Sahaja Yoga and you dont like anything else but
Sahaja Yoga to you everything is Sahaja Yoga. But sometimes you
know, we are identified with our ego and we think our ego is
Sahaja Yoga many a times I have seen it. Sahaja Yoga should be
separated from that ego and brought in our day-to-day lives
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
when we are meeting each other talking to each other that
joy we should see one ripple falling and another rising, and
another falling as you see in the sea. This power is within you
and it is working all the time that you are loved and looked after
Now by your second power, you will automatically meet people
who are learned, and who are Sahaja you will also read books
which are Sahaja even if you have to read some 'other' books,
you will be able to know that 'this' is not correct, and 'this' is
correct and by that you will enrich your mind when you will
start speaking, people would be amazed that those who have
never spoken would be speaking very well those who have never
known poetry will be writing poetry. Lots of things will happen on
the field of art also those who did not know art, will do
marvellously in art (800127.2)
By the middle power you will give Realisation to people you will
be able to tell and correct the chakras this is all by your
centre power. By this power only, you have a very great power over
your Will if you decide that you are going to be like this you will
be if you want to be a happy person you will be the
transformation will be at your hand you can transform yourself
without any difficulty if you use the central power of
Mahalakshmi. Of course you will get better jobs, better money,
prospects but not too much of it so much so that you will feel
very much satisfied about it so that your attention is more in the
centre (800127.2)
All other powers of Mahalakshmi you will achieve later on but
for that, your Sushumna has to be cleaned very much and for
that you have to develop detachment in life. Unless and until you
develop detachment, the deeper powers of Mahalakshmi do not
come up for example, even in the smaller things, like having
connection with me even that one is to be a detached thing
even to say Aarti or to do something to come forward, that 'I'
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
have to do it even to invite me to dinner or any small thing, that
'I' should do it is also an attachment if it works out, well and
good if it does not work out, well and good. You must say that
'Mother, you come' but if I cannot come, there should not be the
slightest feeling of unhappiness but should be accepted. This
detachment has to be developed for your Mahalakshmi power
then, you go beyond (800127.2)
Your timing will be worked out absolutely correctly you wouldnt
have to see the time there will be time which will be your own
whenever you will go, you will find everything worked out well. So to
preserve this power of time, you must not hurry up too much you
should not be slaves of watches just let it go do not have any
obstinacy about anything just doesnt matter if it is ten o'clock
alright if not, ten fifteen, doesnt matter just allow yourself to
be drifted with the flow of Sahaja Yoga. If it works out, well and
good if it does not well and good just keep it like that then
only you will be surprised how this Mahalakshmi power improves
and the blessings of this power are tremendous (800127.2)
On Vishuddhi chakra, you have 16000 powers awakened in you
as you are today but when you speak, you dont understand that
when you are speaking, you are a Sahaja Yogi with all these
powers you are speaking when you eat, you dont understand that
this tongue belongs to a Sahaja Yogi you shouldnt hanker after
anything like if somebody likes tea, he'll go on taking 15 cups
thats no good or if he's fond of one sort of food, he won't take
another food. Thinking too much about food all the time asking
for food and organising food all the time that spoils your
Vishuddhi very badly (800127.2)
Then talking ill about anyone, complaining about anyone to me
will spoil your Vishuddhi - if there's some sense if I ask then is
alright but all the time talking ill about each other will spoil your
Vishuddhi. If possible try to talk good about others, always by
telling good about another person, you will help yourself and
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
another person. When you judge others you should know that you
are judged by God it is 'His' judgement which is going to decide
how far you are (800127.2)
There may be some in Sahaja Yoga today who think they are
great Sahaja Yogis, big people but maybe they are not and
those who do not think that they are anything great that they
want to increase and improve their shakti they may be the people
who are occupying very high places. So, under these
circumstances one should never boast and should not have
wrong, false estimation about oneself that is the way you can
preserve your powers much better, of your Vishuddhi (800127.2)
Also I have seen people start discussing me and in a very funny
way they do it I think the best way to deal with the problem is
not to speak about me if you have to speak, then know that it has
to be absolutely positive otherwise you are harming yourself
and you are harming others then you dont blame me for that
So thats how your Vishuddhi Chakra's problems are increasing
and they go on increasing, especially when you try to confuse
yourself and quarrel with yourself and think that Sahaja Yoga
has gained by your coming then you catch on Vishuddhi - 'you'
have gained, not Sahaja. By accepting truth, 'you' are enhanced
'your' position has gone up not the position of the truth. So this
idea, from you head must go, right away that you have any way
obliged Sahaja Yoga or that you have obliged God by coming to
him (800127.2)
So to keep your Vishuddhi alright is the easiest when you keep
yourself in a state of witness and that is possible if you develop
the habit, after Realisation that everything that you do is put into
Nirvichara, into thoughtless awareness. If you start that habit,
you will be amazed your witness state will improve and you will
rise in your being (800127.2)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
It is very important to understand that without transformation
you have no meaning whatever you have been, has been useless
of no good whatever you are transformed, you are of some use.
So, whatever you have been, you do not be identified with that
but whatever you have to be, you try to be that and with this
power you have got, that 'whatever you want, you will be that'. But
some people are so funny that they say that I want to be a
donkey all such silly and foolish people are no good for Sahaja
Yoga (800127.2)
Now you have got curative powers you know that you can cure
people but do not get into that mess because there, Mahamaya
plays her part if I find you are getting into your head the idea
that you are very much getting involved into for example your
brother-in-law's father-in-law's mother-in-law then I'll stop it
or you'll get into trouble. If you start making money out of it I'll
stop it. I do many things, by which I just stop it and then you
cannot have that power in you on the contrary you suffer quite a
lot because you do not know how to protect yourself from all
these bad things. So, before you start curing others, you first
cure yourself fully (800127.2)
Also you can use my photograph for curing other people. So, one
should not bother about all these things one should keep
completely detached about it. So do not cure anyone if you have
to cure people, then you please give them the photograph and ask
someone to work on them. You have got the power to handle my
photograph give it to others (800127.2)
You have lots of powers which normally common people dont
have because I do not tell them many things that I tell you and
thus you are a person of very rare quality and a rare blessing.
Now write it down how many powers you have got. Try to
preserve all your powers. So all of you must improve your quality
individually not criticising others not looking at others but
individually you should understand your capacities and how much
you have given to others and how much you have really
manifested, out of what you have got (800127.2)
8 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Powers
You have control over the Sun over the Moon over the tides
and over the sea, and all those things you have but for that you
have to do little more, which I'll tell you some other time I dont
want you to control all these things and sit down on top of a
hillock, and start showing off. Better thing is, you work it out
first on human beings and then I'll tell you you already have
them awakened, but I havent told you the trick, how to do it
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon SYogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (+ 30 min med'n) good 60
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi ("False Gurus, & Conditionings") good 70
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 13 Mar 2003
Awakened knowledge, the new awareness, Pragnya, which comes
out of meditation, the sustainance of meditation. It is a kind of
fruit ripening, and we start seeing around how the Nature, the
Divine is sweetly playing with us. This state must be achieved by
every Sahaja Yogi because unless and until, minimum of minimum,
you achieve this state, you will still be in a dangerous zone, which
upsets our Mother very much. So we must reach a state, where we
see every day the Blessings of God manifesting - that means you
have entered into the Kingdom of God. This state, all of you must
achieve, all of you should achieve (830723.3)
Now how to achieve this state First of all as Realised Souls, we
should learn to keep in the centre, because ascent is in the centre,
and we should try to meditate in a sustained way, and so achieve
our Samadhi, in which we start feeling the joy and the bliss of
God's blessings, and start saying 'Oh God, what a blessing.' Then
in this state we come to realise that we are the Spirit, and in this
way we develop a complete state of witnessing, with joy; Silence
must be established within and without - we should not joke, or
talk loudly, or move about, or have fun, when in the presence of
our Mother, but should have a proper protocol - it is we who have
to gain something from our Mother - we should try to settle our
attention with that (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
- end - 28 May 2003
Praise the Lord because God is fond of praise if you praise
the Lord, then he gives you everything it's true; You cannot get
to Mother, unless and until you are really bhakti from your
heart but if you have bhakti, then you can get to Mother it is
written Bhakti Gamya (920719)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Vibrations; Christ's power was Omkara, was Pranava; Christ was
nothing but Pranava, just vibrations that he walked on the water
(871225); Christ was nothing but Pranava, this integrating power,
this great power which has all the powers in it the Iccha shakti
the Prana Shakti and the Dharma Shakti all these put
together he was nothing but energy (811006); Pranava, the Aum,
the Sound of the All Pervading Power (811006)
Hamsa means Pranava or discrimination you can say (791202.4)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-791202.4 Guru Puja Pt 4, Ganesh 113 Names, Dollis Hill see 791202.2 not good
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Pleased (891008.1); The Deity of Sahastrara is a very simple
person, and is pleased with very little actions - not much is needed
to please the Deity of Sahastrara - little things make Her happy
(870503.1); You have to keep Prasanna keep the Devi pleased
Jagadamba Prasanna that is the Mother is very happy - so
you must just find out what will make Mother happy. When you do
something, just weigh it out will she be happy if we do like this
if we talk like this and say like this will she be happy - very
simple that's a good judging point. Don't do what 'you' want to
do and what 'you' like that's a wrong style absolutely wrong
but you must do what I would like you to do and that is what it
should be Mataji Prasanna. This is a sort of a certificate with
me that Mataji Prasanna so do everything with that
permission (770126.1)
What pleases Mother very simple things. Very simple things
please her like flowers but how much attention you have put to
it that we have to give a flower to Mother. Now what flowers she
likes she likes fragrant flowers from where we should get the
fragrant flowers it's very simple the shop be on the lookout
there must be some shop with fragrant flowers the whole
direction changes you see, you become beautifully attached to
me and I have to gain nothing out of it but by your attaching
yourself to me you gain something. You have to think that if we
have to attach ourselves to Mother, we must put our attention
completely, entirely to it - it's not what you give me is important
it is how much heart you put into it (850310)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Prasanna
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja - Australia - see 870503 good 45
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
Are said in your hearts with the feeling of complete
surrendering and asking for the Eternal - it will be granted
just ask for that (760330); You must pray to God and ask for
what you want ask for 'complete satisfaction for Joy for
Bliss in my heart', 'give me that Love, that I could love the
whole world', 'cleanse me with this Love'. At any time that
'thought' is coming, you pray, and you will be moving in the wave
of that ocean which is the Unconscious Mind, which starts with
thoughtless awareness. If you cannot become thoughtless, pray
to me 'forgive me for what I have done and forgive those who
have done harm'(750209)
You have so many powers just try one word of prayer from
you is very powerful more powerful than hundreds of prayers
of these people one asking is much more powerful than
thousands of these askings you have never tried try that
you are extremely powerful whatever you desire works out
(920229); One has to only pray for the Spiritual ascent
because as you ascend, you get, all the rest of it. When you do
not ascend you do not get, what is needed that's why there
are problems (830321); You have to eat your food with some
prayer bless that food, thank God that you have got that
food then the satisfaction comes in better (850421)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
-750209 Prayer by Shri Mataji - see 760330 not good 5
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation, B'ham good 40
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
- end - 3 Oct 2002
1. Acharya Kakar Bujandar from Karnataka (820130), translated
and brought to modern language the predictions made by
Bhrigumuni, in his Nadigranth, written in Sanskrit 12-14000 years
back (830128; 830302); They said it will happen Sahaja they
used the word 'Sahaja'; That the complete Brahmachaitanya itself
will embody, and a great Mahayogi like that will be born who will do
all these miracles. And Bujandar brought it to the modern
terminology as to what is the year when this Sahaja will start, and
he calculated correctly 1970. But the best part of it that these
people will not take to Sahaja. This is the best part (0.0006)
It was predicted so clear-cut: That a great Yogi will come on
this Earth in Pisces (Shri Mataji is on the cusp of Pisces and
Aries); That the real change will start from 1970, and by 1980 it
will take it's grip; That the Kali Yuga will start receding back from
1970, and the new age of active Divinity, Krita Yuga will start;
That the Sun will rule in a new way; The axis of the Earth will be
reduced, and the speed of the Earth will be reduced gradually;
That a great Mahayogi will be born, who will be completely
Parabrahma, and will possess all the powers to do or not to do;
That with the new Mahayoga that this Mahayogi will bring in, you
will see with your own eyes, and you'll get in this body in your
lifetime, the Realisation, and you'll get the joy of Realisation; He
also said that with this new method, you won't have to sacrifice
this body as they did before, and that you won't die, or have to go
into Samadhi, but without doing anything they will get their
Realisation; Among millions, one will get Realisation; All the human
race can get over their death by this yoga; You will have to lead a
normal life, be a normal householder not be anything great; That
with this yoga you won't need any hospitals; That just by touching
people this Mahayogi can cure people; That for human beings, old
age will disappear; That they will have a body which is Divine; That
they will not be touched by fire or weapons; That you will be able
to see these subtle things with your own eyes; That this will not
only happen in India but all over the world (820130)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Predictions
He says that they may have to go for a third world war but it
may be avoided, if people develop a love for each other with this
yoga; That this great Incarnation will interfere, and that all the
countries will come together with the understanding of collective
oneness; That in a very big city a conference of all the countries
will be held; That then not the politicians but the yogis will direct
them; That through prayers we'll be able to unite all the
countries; That the Divine Knowledge and the Science will become
one; That with science you will be able to establish the existence
of God and of the Spirit; That you won't have to give up anything
to achieve Brahma; That you will become 'Sahaja' (820130)
In the new yoga system, the administration in the different
countries will be governed by a people who have their own powers
of yoga, depending on their quality as yogis that will be the
determining factor; That they will be able to create a society that
will completely fulfil their desires and their necessities; That
people won't need to have money accumulated; That poverty and
sickness will be finished, and that the society will be healthy and
restful and without anger (820130)
2. It has been predicted that if Sahaja Yoga does not spread,
then 3rd world war will be inevitable people will suffer a lot with
3rd world war. It is possible to avoid it if people take to Sahaja
Yoga in a big number but if they do not, there will be a 3rd world
war... and the effect of that will harm people so much that
ultimately it is the Sahaja Yogis who will be called for a
conference and not the diplomats - the Sahaja Yogis will be
consulted and they will decide what is to be done for the world
and they will become the rulers of tomorrow's world. So we must
have full idea how to be rulers like Shri Ram. It's a very big task...
it's a great task... and sometimes you might think 'how can Mother
expect us to do it' but I think you are the people who are chosen
for it and you have to get to it and work it out. So we have to
train up ourselves to be first good rulers of ourselves and then
rulers of others through your heart not through your mind. Go on
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Predictions
telling your mind that 'this is not this is not this is not...' any
thought that comes to your mind you go on telling 'this is not not
this not this not this...' then the inspiration starts coming. You
see what I feel people are not inspired they have got fear, on
one side or else they go into an ego trip (820402)
3. Gyaneshwara, called Nyaneshwara, in Marathi (961221), and who
was also Kartikeya (961221), foretold the present times, when
people will feel the 'Oneness of the Brahma', when they will
become happy, when problems will go away, when the crookedness
of the 'ill-doing people' will be finished (830129)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
0.0006 Brighton after Public meeting poor
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 19 Oct 2003
While it is the rule that any foreign body introduced into the
human body gets rejected, yet at conception, the foetus is
allowed to form and is not rejected, but retained and nourished
(800629) the whole system works out to nourish it to look
after it to really bother about it very carefully the water is
created around it so that it is not disturbed and every sort of a
care is taken by the body to look after the foetus and when the
foetus is ready, it is thrown out - now who does that we must
ask this question to ourselves sometimes (820514)
The Kundalini within you which is your own individual Mother
the Reflection of the Holy Ghost, or All Pervading Power of
God's Love enters the foetus at 2 months age (810926)
One has to know also, when you are pregnant, how to treat your
children, how to be looking after your foetus. One has to know all
these things these are very important basic things which we do
not know; Now a speedy person is one who moves too much on the
right hand side and leukaemia is caused more by speedy people
not so much by people who are futuristic, but more by people who
are speedy. Now the children get it, because the mother is like
that the mother must be a speedy lady. You see, the mother
has an influence on the child isn't it the blood of the mother
goes with the child and that blood carries the message thats
how the child gets it and thats very difficult to cure also.
Imagine you pay no respect to your pregnancy what will
happen if the mother is so speedy, the child gets it (821008);
Mothers who are hectic by nature, very anxious to do this, to do
that, and are also very hectic with their children, can give blood
cancer to their unborn children, whilst they are still pregnant
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Pregnacy
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-800629 How prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill - see 800630 good 20
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
All things that are in us if they are auspicious, we'll have a
'presence' wherever we'll stand, people will know we have a
presence this presence is a blessing of the 'matter' to us. So
you must respect matter in the sense, what clothes you wear -
throwing clothes on the ground, throwing here and there, living
like a donkey, like a pigsty is not the way a Sahaja Yogi should
live he has to be orderly, he has to respect his clothes. But it
should not be that you respect your clothes so much that you
throw away 'others' clothes they are Sahaja Yogis also you
have to respect each other, because you are all Saints (800927)
When you are speaking you should say it with full
concentration where is your attention. If your attention is on
something else (even if I am talking about the highest things)
you'll be thinking of that something else. That is why our
presence should be such, that nobody's attention is diverted, or
deluded. If your presence is funny, like a joker or a clown or
untidy, everybody's attention will be disturbed. If you are
completely in the 'presence', then wherever you stand, people
will feel there's somebody standing great the respect flows
actually, the respect flows and it is something so remarkable,
that you don't know 'how' people try to help you (800927)
A 'presence' has prudence it understands how to behave in a
particular thing. Presence has it's own balance in the centre
and that 'presence' must be maintained. You are all Saints you
must respect each other you must love each other talk
sweetly to each other (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 3 Oct 2002
The Present
The past is finished, and the future does not exist so, enjoy
the 'Present' (980321); Most important thing is you should not
talk about your past at all because past is finished. Now you are
Sahaja Yogis you are Realised Souls so you dont have to say a
word about your past. Even if your husband starts talking, you just
stop and tell him 'we are to live in the Present, dont tell us
about your past just forget the past, and live in the Present'
because in the present resides the Reality and the Reality is the
Ocean of Joy (931228)
Gyaneshwara called Nyaneshwara, in Marathi who was also
Kartikeya (961221) foretold the present times, when people will
feel the 'Oneness of the Brahma', when they will become happy,
when problems will go away, when the crookedness of the 'ill-doing
people' will be finished (830129); Is the Blossom Time the
present day, when many have to get their Self Realisation
(820710) the time of transformation (790616), when many have
to become the fruits (871023), where evolution has to be en-
masse (790530); Called also the Time of Resurrection, in the
Koran or the Last Judgement, in the Bible (821008)
Evolution is from the carbon stage, and amoeba stage through
the fish and reptile stages, to the present day, at Sahastrara
(830129; 790616) and is still going on - this is not the end. So far,
it is spontaneous (781115); The evolutionary path the Sushumna
Nadi (790200.1) the Central channel, along which the Kundalini
rises (810928), the Channel of Ascent (MME), where we manifest
the present (790616), is for people who are in the centre who
have their proper understanding and have got their wisdom
Vilumba is the small space that exists between two thoughts,
the one of the past and the other of the future, and which may be
expanded when we are in the present, in thoughtless awareness.
We must remember that we are now beyond thought (800609)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Present
When you become the witness you are in the present and you
just watch and enjoy (001225); You become Kalatit, when your
attention goes to the Spirit, and you go beyond time. You are not
bound by time, are not slaves of watches, but enjoy the present -
which is the 'Reality'. It helps a lot to be Kalatit, where you just
enjoy (980321); Reality is in the centre is in the present
(821007); In the present, everything that is not eternal drops out.
If you are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal changes,
drops out, dissolves and becomes non-existent (760330)
So this Brahma Shakti is everywhere it penetrates into
everything and, if you believe in God, it acts in everything but
it's not blind belief first you have to be perfect Sahaja Yogis
then you are 'one' with the Brahma Shakti and then you can
control everything and you do not waste your energy in
controlling nonsensical things. But, whenever necessary, it works
it acts (860707.2); You'll have experiences in life one by one
and you will be amazed, how things work out and then you will
realise that you are not an ordinary Sahaja Yogi. Whatever you
have committed wrong in the past or whatever you used to think
of the future the Present becomes Divine and that Divine
present is the ocean of joy of which you are the part and parcel
just enjoy that. Then you dont think about who is the Enjoyer
and who is the Creator you just become the existence
existence is the present. That is how it works out then you lose
all words all thoughts all feelings which are emotional type and
absolutely silent confidence, you drink like nectar of life
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Present
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001225 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 001225.2 -
-961221 Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi - see 961225 good 10
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
001225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule good 20
001225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Years Eve Puja, Kale
- end - 11 Apr 2003
Previous Lives
In the beginning, Sahaja Yogis asked me 'Mother was I this last
life was I this' - I said 'what's the use you might have been
anything but what are you today, is much higher' try to
understand. You might have been Napoleon you might have been
say one of the kings, or maybe the Queen from somewhere so
what did they raise anybody's Kundalini. Even the disciples of
Christ, even Mohammed Saab's disciples even the Sufisthey
never gave Realisation to anyone Mohammed, Buddha, Christ,
Krishna, Rama they never gave Realisation to anybody nobody
but 'you' can do it (970525)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Our priority should be our ascent (850806); The first priority
must be to allow yourself to be exposed to the Mother's
Presence, and to sit and just listen, and not go off to do some
cooking or other work somewhere. This way we automatically go
into Satwoguna. But if the Mother is not there, we should then
compete in rising higher (800517.2); Anything can be done first
of all you must have the pure desire to become that forget
about everything else (980705)
The most important thing that God has to give us is His Love,
His connection with us, His Kingdom, His Powers - we have just to
accept the subtleties that take us to the realms of Joy and
Collectivity (800609); If we waste our time with other interests,
other priorities, then our progress in Sahaja Yoga will not be so
great (791118); First and foremost, let all be germinated - it is
necessary that everybody must be given Realisation (800609)
Value Systems
We have risen above our human awareness, and our priorities
must change, our value system has to change and if it has not
changed automatically, then we have to little bit deliberately
work it out or else we have to see that we become really the
Spirit. Human endeavour is based on gathering property.
Whether it is communism, or democracy, or socialism, or
anything it is going round and round the point of property
which may be land, or money, or anything. All economic activity
surrounds that one point of property. But as soon as you
become a Realised Soul, you must know that your properties and
your priorities are very different. Your property is your Spirit
and your priorities are where you can manifest your Spirit, or can
feel the Spirit of others (881226)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Priorities
What is the 'value' of a thing the value is not money. If you
want to give something to others then the 'feeling' you have in
your heart is the value and that value is the real Lakshmi
When we decide that we have to do Sahaja Yoga first, and that
all other things are secondary, then only, Sahaja Yoga can be
really established in us. If we are going to waste our time in
thinking about other Sahaja Yogis, and small small things, and
trivial things, then our disintegration is going to be increased
(791118); Once you are Realised, you must establish it's an
essential part of the whole (810511)
There is a common belief, that once we get Realisation we
should be perfect - it is not so, we have to work it out to
sustain our Sahaja Yoga. We must not take it for granted. Some
people come, get their Realisation and just enjoy for 5 or 6
weeks, or months or maybe hours, and then go back again to the
same. At the very beginning, ego and superego get sucked in, but
then they come back again. But when you start giving this Divine
Power to others, you start gradually deepening into your own
being, and feeling your source of Joy - life becomes full of Joy
and happiness (790507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881226 Value systems - G'pule - see 881217 good 10
-791118 Where stand SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 95
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 50
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 3 Oct 2002
It's a very great privilege to be here for Puja and this
privilege cannot be granted to every person. This is a very great
privilege that I am telling you all these things that I am telling
you that 'sincerity is the key of your Self Realisation' it's a
privilege I'm giving you the key. Understand what a privilege it is
for you to be here what fortune what reward, for what you
have done how many lives have been rewarded by being here.
This will help you to do Puja in a more sincere manner. Now we
must meditate also after Puja, because my vibrations you do not
suck in without meditation, I have seen. If you have sincerity
about it, really you will suck all my vibrations. Tell your mind not
to ask questions or to misbehave but to suck the vibrations
clearly. This is for your own nourishment for your own growth
for your own enjoyment (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
- end - 17 Jun 2003
For a problem, the solution is not to have that thing which
gives you problem you can give up anything anything you can
give up, if you know how to detach yourself from that. Either it
will work out or it will not what is in-between where is the
problem I dont understand. Either it will or it will not keep 2
possibilities thats the only 2 possibilities what is the 3rd
possibility that gives you the problem you tell me. Say
somebody owes me money alright so either he will give me or
he may not give me what is the problem. The problem is that
you want to avoid to face the truth and that is to go and face
it if you face it directly, you will be amazed there is no
problem for anything. Say your car fails so it fails get down
and enjoy yourself nicely til somebody comes along and takes
you or if supposing you dont get a lift, alright stay there
overnight what is it no tiger is going to eat you and if the
tiger has to eat you, it will eat where is the problem still I
can't see and in any case nobody dies you will be born again -
if you look at it from that angle, then you'll be surprised most
of the problems do not exist they are like bubbles created
by our own thinking (871004)
If we are experiencing any problem, think of the heart, or of
our Mother, and see the problem solved. We should solve our
problems pragmatically - face it and solve it (800613); I have no
problem - I have only one problem that you are within me, and
when you have a problem, I have a problem because these
vibrations have to go to you so I prepare vibrations here as an
antidote and they have to flow. It's a very subtle thing
All problems are due to bad centres. Problems, whether
physical, mental, emotional, social, or material are due to bad
centres, but which are cured by Kundalini (871023); Our
problems become subtler in us - be alert and dynamic, and work
it out each person! (890611)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Problems
If there is a problem, which you are having all the time, then
know that there is something wrong with you, with the
instrument, which has to be corrected (830723.3); All Sahaja
Yogis have problems, and they have problems because of their
past, and because of their future aspirations, but there are so
many methods for overcoming them (760330); Ego is the main
problem (791118)
There are only 2 problems: Left and Right. If it is a right
side problem, just beat with shoes. If it is a left side problem,
give bandhan, or burn name etc., but do not try to help a person
directly - if you face a person and say 'I'm trying to help you',
this is wrong, is ignorance. If you try to sympathise, then you
are in trouble. Concern is the point - your attention is active,
and acts - with no involvement that is compassion. You have to
cleanse your attention for that have attention that is silent,
witnessing, not involved, but is dynamic - it works (870408); All
the problems have come out of the overgrowth of the
masculinity it's reached such a wretched point now, that it has
to come down (830821)
Sometimes problems are given to us by the Divine, for us to
learn some lessons, to gain some experiences (830723.1);
English have to learn to love (0.0011); Americans have to learn
how to be self respecting (0.0011; 820125)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Problems
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-791118 Where stand in S.Y./How get in Medn, Dollis Hill. see 791009.1 good 45
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
820125 Being Connected to God, Lonavala Seminar
820125.2 What have you got to surrender, Sholapur
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
If we waste our time with other interests, other priorities,
then our progress in Sahaja Yoga will not be so great (791118)
We have to judge ourselves, where is our attention, and what is
the measure of our understanding, what is the measure of our
progress in bringing round our attention. It is very simple - the
Holy Mother has to be pleased, because She is the attention and
if She is pleased, then we have done the job. She is not pleased
by mundane things, but only by our ascent. So we must judge
ourselves on this (830723.3)
It is such a mutual thing between us, I can't live without you,
and you can't live without me - it is so mutual. But from one
side it is one 100% benevolent. Whether I get angry with you,
whether I scold you, or pamper you, whether I say 'don't do
that' or 'don't come very close to me, keep away', anything
that I do like that is benevolent to you. And the benevolence
to me is only one - that you should be emancipated, that you
should gain something out of me, that you should prosper out of
me (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 Lodge Hill good 65
- end - 3 Oct 2002
When the aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy you do not
want to possess it - even if you want to possess it, it would be just
to enjoy it, and give it away to somebody else. When you develop
your witness state this will come to you, that you will not keep
things to yourself, but you would like to give and share. Sharing
that is the time you should know you have become a witness,
because you are enjoying (800927)
There is no need for us to hanker after worldly things they will
hanker after us. You don't have to worry about these things -
what you have to worry about is the Spirit that's the main thing
(861225); To possess something is a headache to possess
someone as a wife or something is another even greater headache
The greatest possession that you have is your Mother (i.e. Shri
Mataji) - through Her, you have your brothers and your sisters
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
- end - 21 Apr 2003
You are completely protected be sure of it. And all your
powers, after Realisation of giving Kundalini awakening of
curing people of talking about Sahaja Yoga or of spreading
it any kind of thing that you want is all granted (801019); You
can go and talk to anyone, whatever you like they can't harm
you - this is a very great protection that you have they cannot
hinder your work (890423); You are guarded all the time the
blessings of protection are all the time with a person who is a
Realised Soul (870513)
Give up all that you call as fear all kinds of fear we have.
These are all left sided things. What a left sided man has to
know is, that he is now an enlightened soul, and no-one can
touch him leave alone destroy him. Those who will try, will in a
very interesting manner be finished not destroyed, but in a
very jocular manner you'll laugh at that, and enjoy the way
things are working out. So that's why you don't need any
destructive powers it will all be done by the All Pervading
Divine Power (920621)
So the way we have to work out our protection has to be
mutual the Mother of course is there to protect you all the
time her powers are there to protect you but surprisingly in
the modern times there's one condition which has to be
fulfilled because in those days good were good, and evil were
evil there was no mixing so once they asked for the Goddess,
they accepted her she came in her real form and she worked
it out. But in these modern times you must know that all these
evil things are also lingering in your heads little bit, here and
there (911013)
So the Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have to realise
that all these things are surrounding us and these evil forces
are also there. There are some within us some are without so
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Protection
Sahajvidya Protection
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-801019 Puja Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead - see 820514 good 15
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 3 Oct 2002
Proteins 56/58
Which invade our being from the areas built within us since our
creation, the Collective Subconscious, causing cancer (811005);
Also protein 52 (821008; 820711); Protein 58 and 52 which
triggers this happening of cancer within us, which enters into us
comes from some 'unknown area' which they call it 'which exists
within us since our creation' I call it as Collective Subconscious.
Whatever is dead is on the left hand side so they are actually
talking of possession a possession of a dead spirit or something
that means that such a thing enters our being and triggers cancer
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
- end - 20 May 2003
Food can be used to assist in correcting an imbalance in the
subtle system, by using more carbohydrates, or vegetarian type
foods, and avoiding too much proteins, for a person who is too
much on the right side, or the converse for a person who is too
much on the left side (830121)
Organs can be Active type, if we eat too much protein type of
food - in which case we should take more of vegetarian foods
(830131) whilst organs can be lethargic if we eat too much
carbohydrate type of food - in which case, we should take more
proteins. There is no harm in taking meat (830131); Proteins are
useful for correcting an imbalance, where the person is too much
on the left side of the subtle system (830121)
Those who are strict vegetarians, who don't eat even garlic
and don't eat even onions, are very vulnerable to the left side
business and on top of that, if they go to a guru who is left
sided, they are even worse. One has to be a normal person, eating
the right proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fat (830209)
A right side person, is the one who eats proteins and meats
(830131), who is the thinner type of person, and for whom it is
prescribed, in India, to eat more carbohydrates (840906) whilst
a left side person is one who eats carbohydrates (830131), and is
a fatter type of person (840906) they are the people who eat
too much of carbohydrates (830209); People who are left sided
should take to more nitrogenous foods, means proteins and foods
like that (830121)
The left side is the Tamasic side, is the side where darkness is
affecting people those people who live in too much darkness, or
in the past, or in a sly way in a hidden way are introverts are
extremely cautious are afraid of people do not talk much who
avoid meeting people are nervous will not have self confidence
will be running away from the public will hibernate in the house
and also they become schizophrenic; They eat imbalanced food as
far as proteins are concerned, and in proteins, are so weak, that
they might suffer from lethargic muscles in every way (830209)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Proteins
Right sided people have a very very overactive personality and
become very hot tempered and obnoxious and can be so cruel.
These people who eat too much of proteins all the time, meat,
and heavy foods they develop muscular capacities too much.
They will be very quarrelsome and aggressive snappy and sharp
in their language; They look brilliant, and consider themselves to
be very intelligent but actually they are stupid people;
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
- end - 3 Oct 2002
The essence of Sahaja Yoga is protocol - if we understand
protocol, we will automatically grow. Know the protocol, ask others,
get their advice, how to improve the protocol, what do we do wrong
(830725); If with faith, we learn protocol we will not feel bad
about it (800518); Now our Mother's photograph is very
auspicious you don't put it on the ground nor do you trample over
it - auspicious matters, which are important matters, must be kept
at a higher level always (800927)
The Divine has it's own protocol if the King, say, has to come to
your house, then you have to go and invite the King the King
doesn't write and ask 'please invite me to your house' does he this
Mr Ego expects that you should be invited by the Divine that the
Divine must go out of the way to fetch you out in simple words,
this ego is nothing but absolutely wrong ideas about one's own value,
by which you think that 'I am everything'. What are we we cannot
even sprout a seed (800517.1)
You know such a lot, that even many Saints do not know but
there's one thing they know that I am that that's one thing you
do not know - they know that. This is a big difference because I
am easily available to you, you do not understand for them I am
great how these Saints have recognised your recognition of me is
poor. If it was not so you would not be shouting in my presence,
quarrelling in my presence you give me headaches you tell me
things which you should not tell me 'he came there he did this'
you should not talk like this to me (800927)
When in the presence of our Mother, we should realise in whose
presence we are, and why we have come. This is not the time to talk
loudly and move about, and have fun - this is a meditative time, we
have come for a very special purpose, to be meditative - silence
must be established within and without; We must know the protocol
part of it what do we say to whom are we talking we cannot
make fun or joke. Mother however may joke with us - we may
sometimes smile, or laugh sometimes, alright - but it has to be done
with a weight. It is being aware of all this, this behaviour, that is
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Protocol
going to help us - it is we who have to gain something, from our
Mother. So we should try to settle our attention with all this
We have come here at a very important time. Historically this is a
very important time, and when we are with our Mother is the most
important time, of that important time - we should take full
advantage of that in the real sense of the word. Those who are
wise take the best advantage, which is the growth within; Before
you stands someone who has control over all the centres, over all
the powers, who is All Powerful. How much advantage you have
taken of that is the important thing; In Mother's Presence, in
India, people become more protocolish, whilst in England people
start taking advantage, making fun, joking - you cannot. You cannot
be frivolous, or shallow with somebody so intense (830723.3)
The people who are in the centre are quiet and silent people
they never show off nor are they in front only when they have to
construct something important, they'll come and see me; They can
sometimes get into temper, which is necessary, if they are to
protect the protocol of their Mother, or could be of Sahaja Yoga,
or of God (830209) is the only time when you should really be
angry then, the anger is spontaneous. But you need not do
anything I can look after myself - but the reaction is correct the
reaction is correct (880921)
One's behaviour and conduct in the presence of the Divine, which
is very important, should be one of dignity yet of sweetness,
correctly attired for the occasion, neat, clean and respecting the
Mariadas. Avoidance of that which may be displeasing, such as
plastics of all kinds in Pujas, and any negative or complaining styles
of behaviour (900923); Not to close one's eyes in the presence of
the Divine, or to place more importance on the Photo than the
actual Incarnation and to handle the Kundalini with respect
(890808); When I am speaking you should not keep your eyes
closed (0.0012); Not to monopolise, or tell the Mother what to do.
Recognise fully, with full humility, who it is that we are facing, and
that the Mother never 'misunderstands' (830204)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Protocol
Whatever Mother says, even if we think it may go wrong, lets just
do it, and see what happens - by experiencing, we will see (830725);
We have to be careful, and not say any indecent things to the
Divine, nor to use any bad words (790416); In terms of Protocol, our
feet should not be placed towards the Divine (811004), towards the
Mother (830129); People who are with the Mother, go into left
Vishuddhi very fast, because they lack in protocol. To be with
Mother is a blessing no doubt, but also one has to be very very
careful, that you do not cross the protocols (850901); Some people
also feel that 'I love Mother' but that love is to be expressed
through complete humility that's the only way that's the only
channel through which you can approach me there's no way out
(850901); Without asking, you are not to fix my program anywhere
without taking my permission if you ever try to do such tricks with
me, I'll put you right. You know I have all the powers to correct
you so don't take liberties with me anymore I'm telling you I'm
warning you. Try to understand (850629); If you don't understand
any protocol, because you are so naive, because you don't know how
to respect, to respect anyone then you better learn it (850629)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
790416 Living work of God - Easter - Putney good 45
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 1 (Preparation Becoming) good 50
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3, Lodge Hill good 65
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, part 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end 3
- 7 May 2003
Psychologists have the worst Agnyas (781218), and catch on left
Swadisthan (790507), and they may be one of the causes of
people generally feeling guilty all the time for no reason at all.
Freud was a perverted man who misled people into becoming 'sex-
points'. On the contrary, Jung, after Realisation, was a good
psychologist (820711); Psychologists only think about the left side,
but they don't know that when you try to do psychoanalysis, you
develop the ego and then you go into an ego trip, which is even
more dangerous than the Subconscious problem (800907)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
- end - 30 Apr 2003
Psychosomatic Problems
May result if we follow wrong gurus (830129); Tamogunis
left sided people get lots of psychosomatic diseases, which
are very dangerous and not curable by human doctors so you
have to take to Sahaja Yoga (980712); The biggest sin of
modern times, which is immorality, the 'Sin against the Mother',
produces cancer which is also heat producing and results in
psychosomatic, or physical diseases, such as Aids, cancer etc
with delayed punishment (941009; 830113.2)
You must respect your body if God has to enter into your
being your temple has to be corrected you must respect your
body. Then also, your mental being is going to be corrected if
you have any mental problems, any psychosomatic problems, they
will be corrected naturally, because the mind that is going to
receive the knowledge of God has to be alright. And you are
going to be emotionally absolutely stabilised, cooled down in
pure love (790200.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
Chakras affected: Left Side
- end - 11 Mar 2012
Public Programs
You must attend the programs when you collect together
something happens to you it is a collective phenomena - Sahaja
Yoga works out, after actually there are more than seven people
(770126.1); Sometimes it shocks me when I see that in big
programs Sahaja Yogis are the last to come all the rest of the
people are there and the Sahaja Yogis are missing (770126.1)
People ask me 'how many times should we attend the
programs' 'how many times should we meditate' every moment
you have to take responsibility of Sahaja Yoga now you have to
become responsible for it, in your own way you have to do it
You sit down anywhere, say it's a music program, and you
suddenly start giving a bandhan it's madness, or you start raising
your Kundalini it's stupid. It should not be done that way. You
have to sit with dignity, with understanding others are watching
you (871224); And there is no need to give bandhan when I am
sitting there what is it I am giving you bandhan all the time
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The dedications and worships of God, that are organized by those
who are gently dedicated to and seek the help of the Divine
(790530); Puja is very important - things are worked out through
Puja (850528); In Puja, the person who is saying the mantras should
not get disturbed (871016); Avoid all use of plastics. Silver is
preferred to all other materials (850806); When I am sitting
here keep your eyes open where are you going to meditate
meditate on me keep your eyes open just keep your eyes open
At the time of Puja, you must try not to think and try to suck my
vibrations more pay more attention to me (871224); New people
are not allowed to attend Pujas, because they do not understand,
and will start analysing. Just sit quietly, and see with
understanding just feel the vibrations, with no thinking - be in
thoughtless awareness, then the Deities within will be strengthened
(850421); Before coming to Puja, don't talk too much, don't discuss
too much (880105); In Puja, all your Chakras will be awakened it's a
very deep experience so come with an open mind keep yourself
open with a receptive mind and don't talk in the morning too
much just take your breakfast and come with a calm mind
For Puja, you should not get people who are of mediocre nature,
because to bear up Puja is very difficult people have not yet
understood the value of my Being, of my Feet, of my Hands they
cannot they do not deserve to be here. So do not get anybody,
because he's your friend, or brother or sister it's wrong you are
spoiling the chances of that poor person because it's too much for
him he cannot bear it it's meant for very few people (800505);
For Puja, we should not have people who are not at least in
Nirvichara means if they still think that Sahaja Yoga will not suit
me, and all that we dont want such mediocres they should not
come nothing will work out with them they are useless people for
me absolutely. If they have to come to the Puja they must know
that you have to be of a calibre otherwise please dont come
11 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Puja
What we call the Amrut, means the Ambrose of my Feet, is not
meant for everyone also the Blessings of the Puja are not meant
for everyone so try to avoid people who are not yet fully equipped.
First they will start doubting or there will be a problem with the
protocol it's a very great privilege to be here and this privilege
cannot be granted to every person. This is a very great privilege
that I am telling you all these things that I am telling you that
'sincerity is the key of your Self Realisation' it's a privilege I'm
giving you the key. Understand what a privilege it is for you to be
here what fortune what reward, for what you have done how
many lives have been rewarded by being here. This will help you to
do Puja in a more sincere manner (800505)
In Puja when I see people doing Puja I know how far they are
dedicated because the way they do it with caution, with care, with
awe, with understanding everything is so beautiful but if
somebody is doing just a ritual thing, I get a fright like theyll do
my Puja alright mechanically but some people may not even do any
Puja but they sit before the photograph and talk to me heart to
heart without saying anything but to put it in the heart for
some people is very difficult (850310)
Puja works very well, because it satisfies lots of demands of past
habits - that you feel that you are doing something about it; The
Rishis and Munis have found out how to please the Deities, how to
please the Mother. When you praise someone from the heart, that
means that you are accepting it, and that is the time that the
chakras start creating a force, by which you are thrown into the
Realm of God. These methods of Puja, Prayer and Mantras have
been found out by great Masters of Sahaja Yoga and the
effortless effort of the Sahaja Yogis makes my Body vibrate
extracts the essence from my Body, I should say. It makes the
Infinite release itself through this Finite Being and it works it
works very well (760330)
2 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya Puja
The essence of Puja is how to overcome our material grossness;
We must know that matter is given to us by God everything
belongs to God; So why do we give to God after all God doesn't
need anything but God is the enjoyer the enjoyer is God in you
when God is there, that enjoys that is the Spirit. So whatever
pleases your Spirit is used in the Puja is to be given; By showing
light to God what we do is we worship light within us the light
element gets enlightened within us. The light element is here on the
Agnya. When you do Aarti or when you put light before God when
you show light to God, the light element within you gets
enlightened; Supposing we give a flower to God after all it's God's
own creation 'what' are we giving (800927); Now we must
understand that when you give me flowers you ask for 'flowers'
for your life and you have to give a 'little' money to me if you
want to have money also it's important not in person but in the
Puja (850502)
When you give flowers, Mooladhara gets enlightened. These
flowers when you give it to me, they give you two things. Flowers
are very important if they are beautiful, then they give to
Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara. Now
think of it you are doing it to improve your chakras; When you get
honey then your attention gets enlightened; Now you give rice to
the Devi rice should be put in her lap now what is a little rice to
a Devi is that by putting rice in you the satisfaction of getting
food that gives satisfaction is enlightened; But it should be done
with dignity and understanding it is for you to get the advantage
Now in Sahaja Yoga it is proved now when you rub my Feet, 'you'
feel better, not me you rub my hands, 'you' feel better when you
fall at my Feet 'you' feel better. So when you do for God, the
blessings come to you you are blessed. Whatever is the problem
with you, you give to God to solve also whatever satisfies you, you
give to God the satisfaction comes to you; Then other things are
used ghee is used, for Shri Krishna is very fond of ghee or
butter so when you rub my Feet with say butter, your Vishuddhi
will improve 'you' know that not mine I have no problem I have
33 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Puja
only one problem that you are within me, and when you have a
problem, I have a problem because these vibrations have to go to
you so I prepare vibrations here as an antidote and they have to
flow (800927)
It's a very subtle thing to understand to move from gross to
Spirit this is the thing by which you move because first you
enlighten your chakras then by enlightening your chakras your
Deities get happy, Prasanna by making the Deities happy, you get a
passage for the Kundalini to pass through and by making the
passage for the Kundalini, the Kundalini goes up and then your
attention starts becoming one with the Spirit. It is step by step
you move, from matter to subtler matter, from subtler matter to
your chakras, from chakras to Deities, from Deities to the Spirit.
Then Spirit enjoys itself so there, you do not have to do anything.
That's why these things were prescribed people could not see this
linkage they thought why should we give anything to God after all
it is all his own - you have reached a stage where you have to detach
yourself from matter (800927)
Before Puja, you must take your bath in the morning don't talk
to anyone be in hushed condition you are in for opening out to
the great power which is going to solve the problems of the world
so you cleanse yourself you wash yourself. You cleanse yourself so
that you get your chakras evolved. It doesn't mean that you take to
Sanyasa or anything you should live like normal people like
dignified people nothing of indignity, childishness or joker-like,
clownish or outstandingly funny all these dresses should not be
worn. You should be properly dressed, in a way that you have a
'presence' (800927)
You know that after Puja, I get a little tired, because if you
cannot receive it, that force I want to sleep and get rid of that
additional vibrations into Sushupti by entering into the Infinite
state. That means that when you are doing Puja, receive it also - be
in thoughtless awareness when you are doing Puja, completely
concentrated and receiving. But people are talking, are moving about
- that is the time the nectar is oozing out you just receive it at
4 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya Puja
that time, with full devotion. If you feel the vibrations of my
chakras at that time you will realise that even the minute small
little wheels in my body are moving at different speeds and
different dimensions and I don't know how to explain but it
creates a melody and you have to receive it and it is a melody
individually suitable for every individual and when you recive it it
triggers in you that state of infinity. So at that time of Puja you
must know that all your attention should be in reception (760330)
Now we must meditate also after Puja, because my vibrations you
do not suck in without meditation, I have seen. If you have sincerity
about it, really you will suck all my vibrations. Tell your mind not to
ask questions or to misbehave but to suck the vibrations clearly.
This is for your own nourishment for your own growth for your
own enjoyment (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880105 Bondages we have - G'pule - see 871220 good 20
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) - see 860725 good 10
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham good 40
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation - Los Angeles good 45
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 95
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 50
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end -5 7 May 2003
We have certain dharmas within us, and these dharmas are to be
observed to get Punyas (881217); Even in Puja, you must try to
help to decorate to organise things you should not act like
guests all the time otherwise how will you get the Punyas
The dharmas are:
1. Firstly to be innocent, and to be a holy person, not to try to
justify anything inauspicious or wrong and to stand by a Sahaja
Yogi when in confrontation with a non Sahaja Yogi, even if the non
Sahaja Yogi is right (881217)
2. Secondly to appreciate and understand the beauty of nature, to
live with nature, not wanting artificial things, and to understand
the creativity of human beings, buying things for enjoyment as
art, and not for their resale value, and which must be auspicious
and holy, not ugly or obscene (881217)
3. Thirdly to be a good householder, and a gentle personality,
respecting each other, respecting your children, your household,
your family (881217)
4. Fourth is to not behave in an illegal manner, but to be law
abiding people, and, regarding money, to be generous to help
others to develop themselves in Sahaja Yoga (881217)
5. Then to have a kind and sensitive heart, never being harsh,
never punishing, or judging others, but being very kind and gentle
with others (881217)
6. Then is the dharma of collectivity we should understand how
to behave, how to carry on in collectivity, how to make everybody
happy never talk ill of others, and never to go to Shri Mataji and
tell ill of others, but to tell good things of others. Best is to
forget and forgive (881217)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Punyas
7. Finally in Sahastrara is to surrender your ego and your
superego, your bad conditionings, without thinking automatically,
spontaneously with a kind of shy bashful understanding about
yourself, which gives you such a beautiful countenance and a
beautiful temperament. Then this understanding of doing things
for Sahaja Yoga, of doing things for others, and enjoying that is
the greatest Punya (881217)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881217 Punyas, Poona - see 881217 good 30
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
881217 How we do earn our punyas-Dec 88/2 - India
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Pure Desire
The pure vibrations of Mahakali Shakti, which is the pure
desire of attaining the Spirit is the real desire all other
desires are like a mirage (821219); The Kundalini is the pure
desire the pure desire that means that all other desires are
impure. There is only one pure desire, and that is the desire to
be one with the Divine, to be one with Brahma, one with God.
This desire to be one with the Divine is the purest and the
highest, and to achieve that what we have to do to achieve
that you have to keep your Mother pleased very simple not
try to be cunning or clever with Mother - She knows everyone
very well - but try to tell yourself that I should try to say
things try to behave in a manner that will please my Mother
Some people achieve maturity much faster than others
despite the fact that they may have been ruined by many but
still they do it. What makes it very quick is the left side, what
we call Mahakali's power or we can call it as Iccha Shakti the
power of Desiring. If the power of Desiring is very strong, and
comes from your heart absolutely from your heart then it
works much faster. Once you put your heart to it, everything
will work out well because the whole force is coming from your
heart because in the heart resides the Spirit. So the only
judging point is 'am I doing it from my heart or am I doing
it superficially' (791009.1)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed, Vaitarna, see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
791009.1 Maintaining purity of SYoga/Where stand in SYoga
821219 1.Mahakali Puja 2.Mahalakshmi Puja - Lonavala/Kolapur
- end - 25 Nov 2002
Pure Intelligence
It is necessary to meet collectively every day to avoid
problems only in collectivity maturity starts - it is a living
process. If we are not collective, we will disappear one day. It is
like a tree, where everything belonging to that tree grows - if a
leaf separates off, it dies - we have to stick onto the tree. In
winter, leaves fall, because a little bark forms a barrier in-
between, and they fall off. The same thing happens in Sahaja
Yoga, when we do not accept the principles of Sahaja Yoga - we
put a barrier. So we have to open ourselves up to suck the sap -
give up the ego and superego, our conditionings, and ideas of
before and so we surrender. This does not help the tree, but it
helps you. Pure intelligence gives you that sense, to do this. Then
all the blessings start to come (871016)
And above all, the vibrations part, which you have to see if you
do something and if the vibrations are going down, then of
course 'I'm a Sahaja Yogi to me vibrations are my ascent' - is
the most important thing. So to develop discretion on the right
hand side, you have to know your goals, your destination you must
know on what path you are standing where you are brought
where are you today you are not like other people - that kind of a
discretion you develop within yourself for that you need pure
intelligence (880710)
Pure Intelligence or Egoless intelligence (890814.1); That
which gives the sense to give up ego and superego, and to
surrender to that collective process, by accepting the principles
of Sahaja Yoga, and thereby growing, and maturing (871016);
Comes from a pure heart (871016); To know what is Asahaj
frivolous nonsense (860305); Those who worship Shri Krishna
become brainy people, but without ego - egoless intelligence, or
pure intelligence (890814.1); All our brain activity goes against
pure intelligence; Our thinking can make us so bumptious, so ego
oriented, so impure (830113)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Pure Intelligence
The most intelligent person is the one who knows that our
intellect is just an ego trip this is the sign of Pure Intelligence
of Pure Understanding that the heart is the ruler there resides
the Spirit which is the most intelligent thing within us and the
inspiration of the Spirit is the manifestation of the Pure Intellect
of God and what I told you today is the Intellect of the Heart
but of the brain zero (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Now purity is a very relative word in modern times people
dont understand even what is normal, leave alone purity
everybody seems to be abnormal or subnormal in modern times
(800721); A pure relationship must exist between brothers and
sisters and of course you have your own wife which is your
private thing (860818); Purity and innocence means chastity -
both physical and mental (900912); It is important for Sahaja
Yogis from the West to stand up, and to make your lives pure,
to make yourselves pure. It is for Sahaja Yogis to bring back
the glory of Christ, to bring back the dharma of Christ, to
reflect the great image of Christ. Who could be a better ideal
than Jesus Christ (871225); Purity you must have and that
purity within you can easily easily establish with Sahaja Yoga
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
900912 Shri Mahakali Puja - Le Raincy good 50
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 13 Mar 2003
To become the Spirit; To get Realisation; To get Atma-
Sakshatkar (830208, 830204); To ascend and help others to
ascend by introspection and seeing ourselves by meditation and
not seeing the defects of others by being collective (871016);
Shri Krishna taught that the lower goal is to be given up for the
higher goal (830202)
We are made human beings to feel that Divine Power to
manoeuvre that Divine Power and thus enjoy the Bliss of Divinity
(820514); We have been manifested to achieve our own powers
(790616) to be vehicles of God's Powers (831001); Try to
become cheerful, blissful, happy, dignified, sensible sweet
You are specially made by God specially chosen by God to be
human beings and you are here with a very great purpose. The
first purpose of God is that you should become the vehicles of
God's powers completely so that he flows through you that he
flows into the atmosphere into the Universe to make it a Divine
Place. The second purpose that God has prepared you now to
settle into His Kingdom that's your right to be there (831001)
One should try to be careful and alert about oneself, and not
depend on any other person for help in this, but should try to
completely consolidate one's own being into the Kingdom of God,
and to occupy the highest seat in the Heart of God Almighty
(790928); This is a very precious time, which should not be lost.
All our lives we have done jobs, earning money, marrying, having
children and dying. This time let us do something special, for
which this whole Universe was created - and open the gates of
Heaven for the rest of the people (791015)
In the realm of God, we have to be meaningful to him not that
he should be meaningful to us. We should change our attitude
towards him we should say what have we done for God then
you will get ideas what is to be done how to work it out
(850310); Creation has to know it's Creator (820710)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Purpose
So now we have to be wise, and see what is destroying us what
is destroying our inner being. For Sahaja Yogis it is very
important because if they can hold it with their wisdom, and
firm faith in Sahaja Yoga after some time the whole thing can
subside and this is what has to happen actually to the world
otherwise they can be blown off also - if they are not rightly
placed if they are not grounded. If they are not fixed to their
own enlightened faith of Sahaja Yoga, they can be blown off with
this wind, which is there to torture to destroy the whole world.
So the responsibility of Sahaja Yogis is very important that
their Ganesha principle is alright if it is not alright then the
whole Sahaja Yoga movement can collapse (930721)
Our idea is that by God's Grace we are so many and if we want
we can transform the whole world we can bring peace, joy and
bliss to this world bliss and joy for this we have to have our
balance, our ascent and then the desire to fly into the whole
Universe. How to do it you can find out yourself it's not
difficult how can I do it face yourself find out about
yourself dont justify yourself dont be miserable you have to
be joyous, happy, balanced, well behaved, sober. Outwardly it will
show, whatever is inward - all your dignity will express if there is
dignity. So all these things can be built from inside out not from
outside in. So lets work it out that way then things will be very
easy, because now you have a state where you are separated from
yourself. So that is the state of Nirvikalpa, where you are not
attached to anything you have no diseases you have no
troubles you are above everything you do not try to complicate
things for me you do not try to say things more than me you
just take it a hint is sufficient Mother said so, alright. If she
has said something there must be something in it we must
understand (850310)
Sahajvidya Purpose
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - see 820701(Video)
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall, see 790928 good 30
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality - incomplete]
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830208 India and West, Delhi [+ 30 mins Q&A] good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
- end - 13 Mar 2003
Queen Victoria
For whom I have such tremendous respect that she built the
Royal Albert Hall in the name of her husband this shows such a
deep reverence a love for her husband and she remained like a
widow when he died. She did so many good things after that in
her seclusion, she became extremely creative but she was a deep
person and her example should be a good example for especially
the women of this country (950625)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 28 Jun 2003
When you meditate you are in silence, you are in thoughtless
awareness then the growth of awareness takes place (880921);
Just be quiet quietude is the best way to ascend. I have said
that there should be thoughtless awareness just do it quietly
your speed will reduce actually it will come to a position where it
is maximum for your quietude quietness within peace within
that's very important. If there is peace, you will grow there is no
other way out (880921); If there is any problem anything
suddenly you must become peaceful within then immediately you
will find, the solution will come to you this is a subtle of the
Lakshmi Principle (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Once you become the universal being, then you realise that this
skin deep complexion makes no difference in the world so you
don't start hating somebody who is darker than you, or who is
fairer than you both ways it works. It's not only the people who
are fair that hate the darker ones, but those who are darker also
hate equally and mutually they believe that they are all
absolutely wrong (920621); Now we have become Universal Beings
and as that we don't have any of these dividing factors, which
divide human beings, such as race, or any higher or lower caste
this is no more there (880921)
Love is not there, if you discard someone because he's black or
he's brown or he's white it's very superficial the American
system somehow or other goes against democracy not only but
against what Abraham Lincoln wanted. If there are the same
colours everywhere, they all will look like military people they
have to have different colours different hues look at the
flowers the trees the different hues in the sky just to make
us happy. What gives us happiness is variety variety is the sign
of beauty if there is no variety, it's so boring I tell you
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Pr'dial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 17 Jun 2003
What you are doing to foreigners here how you treat them
what racialism you have here compared to what we have in India
we have no racialism in India in India you are treated with such
great respect. But if you go to Africa, they will teach you
Africans and West Indies they are on top of you; But to break
the vicious circle try to understand the problems of every
country (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Prim'dl Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-870816.1 Before Krishna Puja, St Quentin, see: 870816 [Fr. Transl'n] good 25
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Raising Kundalini
Now how do you raise the Kundalini we can raise it with the
attention but it should not be done, because others should
'know' that something has been done because people, unless and
until they see something being done to them they are not going
to believe so you have to raise the Kundalini with your hands
and you can see that as far as the hand moves, the Kundalini
moves and you can feel it within your spine (810511); Raise
Kundalini from behind, and from down below: left hand steady,
and right hand rotating, up, forward, down, back, and repeat as
move upwards and tie a knot above the head. Do this 3 times,
and on last time tie 3 knots (790000.2)
Now to raise the Kundalini oneself put your left hand in
front of you and the right hand has to be moved up forward
downward backward in this way you have to move your right
hand in a clockwise manner (round the left hand - Ed) and try to
move it slowly upwards watching the left hand carefully
putting the attention on the left hand and try to raise it now
loosen your arms and give it a twist and tie it above the head.
Now you have to do it 3 times and third time you have to give it
3 knots slowly do it very slowly watching your left hand til
you go upabove the head loosen your shoulders put your head
up and again give it a big twist and tie a knot give 3 knots
Let us put ourselves into bandhan after raising our Kundalini
raise it attention on your Sahastrara dont close your eyes
push back your head one! again! sit straight take it up on
your head two! three! (Shri Mataji raises the Kundalini three
times, and ties three times at the last raising - Ed). Now put the
bandhan (850504)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Raising Kundalini
The left hand is the hand of desire the right hand is the hand
of action please try raise your Kundalini give it a twist give
it a knot and bring it down (the two hands coming down on the
right and left sides) now again now second time take it on
top of your head give it a knot and now put it down (again the
hands come down as before) third time you have to do it three
knots now bring it down (821008; 821007)
If you sit down anywhere, say in a music program, and you
suddenly start giving a bandhan it's madness or you start
raising your Kundalini it's stupid. It should not be done that
way. You have to sit with dignity, with understanding others are
watching you (871224)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
840410.1 Porchester Hall poor 20
840410.2 Porchester Hall/South Bank Polytechnic, London
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
- end - 4 Oct 2002
Raising Left Side
The left side subtle system raised and taken over to the right
side, by movement of the right hand, to bring the system into
balance (830121), and is done when the right hand is burning but
not the left hand that is when a person is right sided, being an
intellectual or futuristic person (830512); If we have ego, we
should raise the left side, and put it to the right side there's no
other way out you have to work it out with your hands (830121)
More Right sided put his Left to the Right for Right sided,
Left to the Right raise Left to the Right what work do you do
some physical thats why Left to the Right no no other way
round because you do physical work too much thats why now
it's better (840622)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
- end - 6 Ap r 2003
Raising Right Side
The right side subtle system raised and taken over to the left
side, by movement of the right hand, to bring system into balance
(830121), and done if we are feeling sleepy, or lazy then put
Right to Left 7 times, with the Right hand, whilst watching
Mother, or it can be done also with the Photo (821101); Left
sided very left sided put his Right to the Left very Left sided
gentleman very emotional put him Right to the Left Right to
the Left now is he alright (840622)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
- end - 22 Apr 2003
Raja Janaka
Who was one of the Incarnations of the Master Principle, the
Primordial Master, or Guru (831001); The father of Sita
(791202.4); Who lived in Bihar, in India, and talked of the 2nd
birth and the need to be born again; At the time of Raja Janaka,
there was only one who got Realisation Nachiketa (790720;
Who was a king yet still he was so detached, that all the Saints
used to go and touch his feet. He had all the luxuries of life he
lived in a palace yet there were thousands of people in the
procession, who were throwing pearls on him. Nachiketa, thinking
he should get a pearl for himself, went to Raja Janaka, and asked
for Self Realisation but Raja Janaka said 'I can give you all my
kingdom, but not Self Realisation because you are possessed by
the idea of money such a person cannot get Self Realisation'
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
- end - 12 Apr 2003
Behaving with dignity, as would a king, and providing solutions to
problems (910003); The Deity of the right Nabhi, that gives us
the power to rule over people, but which may lead to arrogance or
authoritarianism, in extremes. Also the provider of the blessings
of wealth and money (810328); There are nine Lakshmis and one
of them, Rajalakshmi is the power of a king, or a person who is
an administrator, or a beaurocrat (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Raja Yoga
Somebody talks of Raja Yoga, that you cut your tongue, push it
back and by that you can raise the Kundalini it is absurd when
the Kundalini is rising this tongue is little bit pulled inside no
doubt automatically you dont feel it also and is released again
but by cutting the tongue and putting it back, do you think the
Kundalini will rise it's so superficial it's so artificial (830308)
It's all humbug it's all nonsense they have written absolute
nonsense it is thats not Raja Yoga at all. It is written, in
Sanskrit language, that when the Kundalini rises, she becomes
Kriyawati and Gnyanawati and all that means that she becomes
active activity comes into her. So according to Raja Yogis, when
the Kundalini rises you start jumping like a monkey. It is not so
but it means that the activity comes into you that you start
moving the Kundalini of others. Thats how they have formed a
huge big area of so-called Raja Yogis and they say 'this is Raja
Yoga' (791202.3)
So what is Raja Yoga is where the central path of Mahalakshmi
goes into play where the Kundalini rises, and she tries to control
the centres and all the actions of the Parasympathetic is Raja
Yoga (0.0012)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
830308 1/2 Hour Intro talk - Melbourne (plus Q & A-25 mins) good 30
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Right side person, who eats proteins/meats (830131), who is the
thinner type of person, and for whom it is prescribed, in India, to
eat more carbohydrates (840906); Those who want to do
something, or show something, or become something, who want to
compete with others. All this disappears when we become Gunatit
(980321); Rajoguna the right side (800517.2)
In India, medicine is based on the Trigunas, the three types of
people, with the three types of problems: the Tamo, Rajo and
Satwo Gunis, being of the left, right and centre respectively. Each
is treated accordingly, in order to bring them back to a balanced
state (840906)
When the attention goes to the Spirit, it just happens that you
become Gunatit, and are no more concerned with your own
conveniences, or comforts. You just go beyond all these three
gunas which have been dominating you, like the Tamoguna,
Rajoguna and Satwoguna. Now you don't want to see whether you
are right sided, or left sided or centred - you are a Sahaja Yogi,
and a Sahaja Yogi is beyond all these things, you are Gunatit
(980321) beyond the three gunas (800526)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Raksha Bandhan
Celebrates the purity of the brother/sister relationship,
expressed by the relationship of Shri Vishnumaya and Shri
Krishna (900811.1); Which pure relationship is essential in Sahaja
Yoga, and also for one's ascent, and is the Ganesha Principle on
the Vishuddhi Chakra (900807)
An Indian custom, where a lady chooses a brother, and ties a
thread to his wrist, and where there then exists a strong
brother/sister relationship, where each then looks after the
other (870513)
On the day of Rakshabandhan, if anybody sends you this
thread, you have to wear it or if this thread is tied on your
wrist then you become brother and sister it's so important. In
India, a sister's husband is something very great. Now in Sahaja
Yoga, brotherhood is the most important thing that is the
friendliness among ourselves. When you are very good brothers
and sisters, first of all your left Vishuddhi improves - we get
this left Vishuddhi, because we don't have proper brother and
sister relationship it's not that we should have our 'own'
sister but 'any' woman who is a Sahaja Yogini is your sister
except for your own wife. Unless and until we develop that pure
feeling within ourselves, you cannot work out Sahaja Yoga I
know it's rather difficult to digest but it's a fact (860818)
A pure relationship must exist between brother and sister
supposing a brother and sister are walking, they won't look at
each other will they will they be watching each other no!
When your brother and sister relationship goes off you get into
troubles very much into troubles. To get rid of all the lust
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Raksha Bandhan
from our eyes, we are celebrating this beautiful auspicious day
(860818); One has to try to get very pure eyes thou shalt not
have adulterous eyes this is what we have to follow all of us
and our attention has to be alright for that this Raksha
Bandhan is a very good thing (860818)
Now I don't know who you have chosen to be your sister today,
but it should not be just a lip service all your life you have to
remember she's your sister you have to look after her
benevolence, and her good life and she has to bless you and
she has to pray to God that you should be always protected
So what you can do one each everybody should have, and
should tie exchange it. One person should tie to one person
not that everybody ties to one person that's not good. Is to be
tied to the brother only but in North India, they also tie to
their sister so that's here now. So the sister's is on the left
hand and the brother's is on the right hand to the men on the
right side, and to the ladies on the left. Ask each other's
names you must know your brother's names (860818)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
900807 Raksha Bandhan Puja - Los Angeles good 50
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [+3 min music] good 40
- end - 4 Oct 2002
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880105 Bondages we have, G'pule - see 871220 good 20
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Shri Rama
The ideal, benevolent King - 8000 years back (811005), and more
than 2000 years before Shri Krishna (970600); The Deity on the
right heart, with qualities of the ideal father and husband (811005);
Who fought Ravana after whom, men became very strict with their
wives, taking to extreme the example of Shri Rama's life (970600);
Who when he went into exile, went to settle in Maharashtra in Nasik,
with his wife (850000.2); He had two sons who he looked after for a
short time (871004); The king was an Incarnation and also was a
benevolent king. The Seer Valmiki wrote the whole story of Shri
Rama. Rama was born in the dynasty of Surya, the Sun and was born
out of the blessings of Agni, that is the Fire and he was one of the
mildest of Avataras we have ever had (871004)
Shri Ram was crowned as the king on Dassehra day he also killed
Ravana on this day. So after killing Ravana he came to Ayodya with
his wife and he was crowned. So you can imagine how much advanced
people were there at the time of Shri Rama and his kingdom
Shri Ram had the most beautiful wife, of the most venerated
father, Janaka and who was the beloved son of his father but he
was such a humble man (871004); Shri Rama was married to Shri
Sita (890814.1) the first incarnation of the Mahalakshmi principle
(910003) who was rescued from Ravana by Shri Ram (890814.1);
Sita whose father was Raja Janaka (791202.4) lived for so many
years at Nasik, with Shri Rama and Shri Lakshmana (830118); When
Sita left him ultimately in a very mysterious way she just
disappeared in the Mother Earth because Mother Earth had given
her birth, so she disappeared into Mother Earth. Then Shri Rama
became absolutely lost, and he jumped into the river and disappeared
in the water element (871004)
Rama who was a Kshatriya, as was Shri Krishna (790200.1); Rama
who was born on the right side who was 'on' the right side who
'was' the right side - he is the son of Surya everything comes from
the Sun, to him. He asked for the Moon - the Moon represents the
Atma the cooling capacity. You are all on the right side you ask for
the Moon ask for the Spirit (0.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Shri Rama was known to be a very formal person Sankoch that
he would go to any extent to bear upon himself the problems, than to
tell others to do something this is one of the greatest qualities of
Shri Rama that he would not order anyone do anything for him. The
softness of Shri Rama goes to the extremes which I call the
Sankoch (871004; 861223)
Now what is Shri Rama Shri Rama is the Benevolent King he
works for the benevolence and Shri Rama himself is a formal king
like Sankocha we call it. Shri Rama is the one who will not push
forward himself he keeps back he's very balanced he's a very
poised person so the Hanumana , he's the one whos always anxious
to do the work of Shri Rama always. Shri Rama told him 'go and
get the Sanjeevani' Sanjeevani is the kind of herb that was needed
to bring Lakshmana to life he went and brought the whole mountain
with him (900831)
Shri Ramawho was Sankochi, meaning full of Grace (850000.2),
and one of whose qualities was to keep any promise once made
(820402); Who observed the Mariadas or boundaries of dharma, and
who had forgotten his own Divinity (900818) that he was the
evolutionary aspect of God, Shri Vishnu (790530); Who had played
his Maya upon himself, to forget that he was Divine, and so become
the complete human being Mariada Purushotama (791202.1)
Ram is called as Mariada Purushotama means he was the one who
knew how far to go with someone Mariadas how to talk to
someone how to approach someone (871004); Mariada Purushotama
is the one who is highest among all the men with his 'all the
Mariadas' 'all the boundaries'. The boundaries are such that you do
not try to overpower others do not try to take their seats. For
example I've seen those who are aggressive also show up in our
programs they will be the first before me as soon as I open the
gates they will be somewhere there standing they will be the first
in everything thats not being Mariada you should be at the back.
There are leaders you have got they can sit in the front try to be
on the back to be in the background is the most respectable thing
to do. To go forward to jump forward to stand near the door if
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Mother is coming you see as soon as I see the person I say 'oh
back again'. There are some who do Aartis just to show off some
throw flowers to show off they must be the first and somehow or
another they get also the position because of their assertions and
asking - their leaders have to be careful and not to give such duties
to people who really upset me very much because of their
arrogance... and because of their showing off (871004)
As a child Rama was studying with a very great saint called
Vasistha, who had an ashram where Rama and his brothers studied.
He had the capacity to kill a demon with only one arrow it's called
Ekabahn one arrow was sufficient of Shri Rama and he was a small
child, say 7 or 8 years of age and people were surprised how he
could do it (820402); When you do the Havan, it is a Yagnya and it
was very much in vogue at the time of Rama and means 'by which
you know' Gnya means to know Yagnya and this is done where you
use Swaha as the word means you use the principle of fire to burn
off all that is wrong in you Swaha and you awaken it by taking the
different names of God and they used to do Yagnyas at that time.
On the left side of course people started the worshipping of God and
the dedication to God, and all those things that is Bhakta but
mainly what they did before Rama was the Yagnyas the Vedas with
which they prayed to different elements (820402)
So these Yagnyas were created to awaken, evoke the Deity inside
the spinal cord actually and they used to sit down and do all these
Havanas the way we do it. At that time the Rakshasas would come
and try to spoil the Yagnyas which are to be done with pure heart
and with cleanliness and purity and should not be insulted there is
a protocol about it. Rama as a child would go and protect them from
the demons. The demons would take some sort of a funny form and
come like invisible creatures and put some bones of animals and
things like that in the Yagnya to spoil it. The early life of Rama, you
see how as a child he showed an amount of expertise in bow and
arrow and how to make out a Rama statue, is to see if there is bow
and arrow. So his coming on this earth gave us the development of
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
the right side and so the Yagnya is also on the right side. He was
here in Preta Yuga and Krishna came at the time of Dwapar Yuga
and today is the time when I came was Kali Yuga but now today the
time is of Krita Yuga the Yuga where work will be done (820402)
Now he had 2 brothers I mean he had other brothers also but
Bharat and Lakshmana these were 2 brothers they show the 2
sides of a human being one was Lakshmana he was the fiery type
he couldnt bear anybody misbehaving towards Rama, even
Parashurama a contemporary Incarnation of Shri Rama. Shesha as
they call it, the Serpent which sleeps in the Bhavasagara on which
Shri Vishnu rests the same Shesha had taken birth as Lakshmana.
Now for a western mind to them snakes are sort of they can't
understand why people worship snakes. You see snakes are like
cobra cobra and all that are like the kings you see they are the
kings of the underground and Shesha is the one who supports the
whole Universe so this Shesha is worshipped, as the cobras are
worshipped in many villages in India even today. You see they dont
trouble anyone sometimes they do but mostly they do not bite a
good religious man. Shesha is the one who is sometimes expressed in
Sahaja Yogis I have seen as anger when you try to be non-
protocolish or when you try to be funny, or you dont behave
yourself thats the Shesha in them that is also sometimes needed
- you have to be a Shesha sometimes because otherwise people will
start misbehaving, and by that they will be harmed not that I will
be harmed, but that they will be harmed (820402)
The other one is very interesting is that of Bharata the brother
he showed how Shri Rama bestowed the kingdom to him because of
his mother's agitation. Shri Rama's another great quality was once
given, a promise is to be kept this is another quality we have to
have that if you have promised anything, you have to keep it up if
you have said 'I will do this' you must do it (820402)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Now sincerity which is coming from your heart is to be seen and
that's what is Shri Rama's character is. Rama was on the right side
of the heart means the heart put to activity do you understand
that. When you are in the left heart thats your sincerity your
heart felt thing but the heart felt thing what's the use you see.
There are many Sahaja Yogis who really feel this world is horrible
and something must be done Sahaja Yoga must be brought in but
how many of you are really putting that to action absolutely into
action. Without that your Rama's tattwa cannot be improved. Rama's
tattwa is only improved when you put all the things into action thats
exactly what Shri Rama did (820402)
There is another quality of Shri Rama is Sankoch. There's no
word in English language because you have 'formality' which is a
very insipid word to describe Sankoch because there is no
'integration between your heart and formality' but if you can
think of a 'formality of the heart', what do you call that sweet
formality it's an action formality of the heart in action you see.
Not to say something in such a way that you touch the wrong side of
a person is Sankoch. The delicacy of understanding. You see this
arrogance and rudeness comes to us because we have no Sankoch.
That Sankoch, that understanding comes if you love someone and
understand (820402)
Shri Rama is the embodiment of all the good qualities in a man
like Sankoch you see there is a Sankoch like not sort of to go
to somebody's house and then to start demanding this and that
ratheryou should be worried how far to go with a person how
far to talk to a person how far to go with your wife with your
children you see all that is Sankoch means restraint in a wise
way enlightened restraint how far to go is the question (0.0012)
Now you have to love all the seekers of the world they have done
wrong they have done all kinds of ego trips they have done all
kinds of mistakes but your Mother loves them and you have to love
them. If they have to be corrected, I'll do that you just dont do
that way that they feel hurt. So we have a Sahaja Yoga tradition also
in which when we speak to each other, we have that Sankoch within
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
us of Shri Ram and if you dont have that Sankoch you get right
heart and that right heart is a very dangerous thing in the country
like England where the climate is so bad because it gives you the
horrible thing called Asthma. You get Asthma if your right heart is
caught not necessarily that asthma will come only from right heart
can also come from centre heart but if you get right heart, you
definitely get asthma. So this Sankoch one has to learn the
Mariadas means the boundaries of your relationships. Shri Rama is
known for his boundaries he doesnt cross the limit in everything.
Now there is no word for discretion of the heart in English language
which is Mariada discretion of the heart is how far to go (820402)
Those people who are obedient to me are very powerful Sahaja
Yogis you know that and those who are not, go down very fast. I
have seen those who are disobedient, who dont listen to me, who are
rude to me, who do not understand the protocol go down very much
in Sahaja Yoga because what is lacking in you is the discretion, the
Mariada how far to go. You have to be powerful people and the
power of a person increases by putting Mariadas - supposing you have
wheat, and you spread it, it will spread all over and anybody, birds will
come and eat it up it will be finished. But if you put it in a sack, it
will have a weight it will have a size it will rise in height is
useful and it will have respect. But the thing that is all spread all
over will never be respected. Nothing works out without Mariadas
you have to keep your Mariadas. All our ideas of freedom are to be
bound by Mariadas if the freedom has no Mariadas, it is
abandonment it is a nonsense it is not going to help (820402)
The sweetness of Shri Ram the way he used to make people feel
comfortable like I would say an example of an oyster, who gets a
little stone into the body of the shell takes out a kind of shiny
liquid and covers it with that shiny liquid and makes it into a pearl to
be comforted. Now he didn't want his own comfort Shri Ram
wanted to make everyone into a diamond or a pearl, so that the other
person would shine and would look nice (871004); Another character
about him was he was consistent he was never inconsistent like Shri
Krishna Shri Krishna was a diplomat and diplomacy is in being
inconsistent (871004)
6 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Shri Ram is placed on the right hand side of your heart. The right
heart is a very important thing and looks after the whole lungs
both the lungs all the throat the trachea the nose, the inner
part. The outer side is looked after we can say the features are
given by Shri Krishna but the inner part of it is all done by Shri
Rama they are the same, but one acts as the inner, the another acts
as the outer it gives you the ears the inner part Shri Rama does
he gives you the eyes, the inner part of the eyes. Now it's so
important to have the inner part alright it's an example of Shri
Rama he never cared for the outer side or the outer looks of a
person and because he came before Shri Krishna he tried to build
up the inner side of a human being so we can say though he's on the
right heart, he acts through your Hamsa Chakra and partly through
your Vishuddhi Chakra in the inner side of it because Shri Krishna
in the inner side of it is Shri Rama is Shri Vishnu. Water is the main
element of Shri Vishnu so they were all plump people (871004)
Now this man had to give up his wife the society in which he
lived, the state which he ruled had an objection for a wife who had
lived with Ravana and the public started talking about it so as a
good king he just decided his wife should be left for ever and then
he sent her on a beautiful chariot with his Prime Minister and his
brother Lakshmana to the ashram of Valmiki. She was Adi Shakti
graciously she accepted. When she was kept by Ravana, Ravana was
so frightened of her Shakti that he would not he could not touch
her and when Hanuman brought the ring of Shri Rama and
presented to her and he said 'I can easily take you on my back'
she said 'Shri Rama is a brave king he should come himself and
fight and kill this Ravana because he's evil and then I will go with
him'. Ravana was such a horrid fellow he did all kinds of things to
her but she kept calm and quiet, waiting for her husband to come
back can we think of such women in modern times so satisfied with
themselves so much in balance so much full of confidence and
strength this is the message of Sita's life (871004)
7 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
The benevolence of Shri Rama was shown when he started ruling
the people he cared for the needs of the people for him it was
important that the people who he ruled should be happy and joyous
he looked after them with great love. Now Hanumana who is the
Angel Gabriel who is innocence, simplicity and dynamism and whose
whole life was spent in serving Shri Rama was such a dedicated
bhakta of Shri Ram. Hanumana had Navadha Siddhis 9 Siddhis
Anima Gadima Raguma and all sorts of things that he could
become small he could become big he could so many things he
had yet despite all these siddhis and the amount of power he had,
Shri Rama once asked him to go and get a particular kind of herb,
Sanjeevani to rub on the head of Lakshmana who was very sick and
dying. So he went and couldn't find it, so he brought the whole
mountain and gave to Shri Rama. With all that power he was such a
humble person and such a dedicated person. This is the sign of a
powerful Sahaja Yogi anybody who is powerful has to be humble and
non violent (871004)
Shri Rama by his character, by his balance, his peace and his
mildness and his sweetness has shown us how a king should be a
benevolent king and at the same time a very loving husband and a
loving father. He walked down to Maharashtra bare feet to vibrate
the land because Sahaja Yogis will be going one day to Maharashtra
and it has to be a vibrated land. In Ayodya he never took out his
shoes, because he was the king there but when he and Sita both of
them went to Maharashtra they took out their shoes to vibrate it.
On the way he saw a big stone, which was nothing but a lady cursed
to be a stone Ayilia and he made her, just by touching come back
to life (871004)
Shri Rama stands for Pranava is for the vital air that we take in
and that vital air when it gets heated up, we have to know we are not
any more with Shri Ram it has to be the cool air to blow through
your nose and your mouth. When you are angry the nostrils swell up
and the hot air, the hot words and everything hot, the heated eyes
and everything goes up like that and you become ferocious like
Ravana, because you have forgotten the beauty of the nature of Shri
Ram (871004)
8 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Shri Rama represents the fatherhood within us those people who
are not good fathers develop problems of the right Heart also
those people who are not good husbands develop right Heart. This
Right Heart is so important especially in the West where the
climate is so funny and you have to keep inside your rooms and
closed all the time that you get all dried up inside - at that time if
you dont have that sweetness, that warmth, that kindness of Shri
Rama you get the trouble of asthma - so many people die of asthma in
the West. On top of that you fight with your wives, you ill treat
them, you take away their money, you cheat them in their money in
every way you torture them, then it becomes even worse(871004)
Because Sitaji was Shri Lakshmi and because Sitaji was the one
who was the power of Shri Rama so this Lakshmi gets annoyed with
you when you are a bad father or a bad husband thats why the
Gruhalakshmi is very important but the woman has to be the
Gruhalakshmi she should not be a shrew and then the husband is
supposed to be kind to her. The woman has to be the Gruhalakshmi
a beautiful woman with a very sweet nature and talking to her
husband in a very Sankoch manner and also looking after the
children, the family and the guests who come to them (871004)
In case the women have all such qualities which disqualify them
from being Gruhalakshmis of course there's no need to beat, but I
mean to say that what is it that you have to drive out all these
baddhas from your women is very important otherwise if you fail
in this activity of keeping your wives on right lines, you might also get
right Heart and Asthma. Those men who torture their wives have a
very bad heart in the same way those who play into the hands of
their wives also have a very bad heart you have to be in balance. You
are the husband and she is your wife, and both are responsible for
keeping a very good family relationship it's not one sided it's not
the husband only or the wife but both of them (871004)
9 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
So we have to create out of Sahaja Yogis great politicians. It has
been predicted that if Sahaja Yoga does not spread, then 3rd world
war will be inevitable people will suffer a lot with 3rd world war. It
is possible to avoid it if people take to Sahaja Yoga in a big number
but if they do not, there will be a 3rd world war... and the effect of
that will harm people so much that ultimately it is the Sahaja Yogis
who will be called for a conference and not the diplomats - the
Sahaja Yogis will be consulted and they will decide what is to be done
for the world and they will become the rulers of tomorrow's world.
So we must have full idea how to be rulers like Shri Ram. It's a very
big task... it's a great task... and sometimes you might think 'how can
Mother expect us to do it' but I think you are the people who are
chosen for it and you have to get to it and work it out. So we have
to train up ourselves to be first good rulers of ourselves and then
rulers of others through your heart not through your mind. Go on
telling your mind that 'this is not this is not this is not...' any
thought that comes to your mind you go on telling 'this is not not
this not this not this...' then the inspiration starts coming. You see
what I feel people are not inspired they have got fear, on one
side or else they go into an ego trip (820402)
So to stay in the centre, what you have to do is to go on saying 'not
this thought' then you will be a deep Sahaja Yogi because intellect
is nothing so-called intellect is nothing only God has Intelligence.
What is intellect all those things are good for nothing only service
to your Mother is the best ask your intellect 'is it serving my
Mother'. The so-called intellect of human beings it cheats it gives
you escapes all the time the intellect is working by saying.. 'oh this
may be good that may be good' but the real good it never sees
it's a trick of the ego you see choices ego likes choices you see
'this is good this is bad this I dont like this this' - all 'I'
business should be given up 'we' should come in not 'I' thats
how intellect will go away. The most intelligent person is the one who
knows that our intellect is just an ego trip this is the sign of Pure
10 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Rama
Intelligence of Pure Understanding that the heart is the ruler
there resides the Spirit which is the most intelligent thing within
us and the inspiration of the Spirit is the manifestation of the Pure
Intellect of God and what I told you today is the Intellect of the
Heart but of the brain zero (820402); But then what's the use
of the brain why not have only heart you see would be alright but
the brain is the one which acts. Heart is the inspiration but the
brain acts on it it's communicating but the inspiration, the source
is the heart is the Spirit again connect yourself to the Spirit.
Whatever you have to say, relate it to the Spirit not to anything
else (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [HH Declaration] - see 791202.1 good 20
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
871004 Dasshera Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja - Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
Ancient demon, with 10 heads, renowned for running after
women (502269); A Realised Soul, who was spoiled by his mother,
and became a devil (100039); Even after Realisation, Ravana who
had such a weakness for women when he tried to do that again
he fell down and he became a Rakshasa (702157); Who captured
Shri Sita, and who was herself rescued by her husband, Shri Rama
Ravana, a false guru from India (904167); Who makes his
followers jump and shout and scream he makes them behave like
animals, barking like dogs, jumping like frogs, and all sorts of
things (303028); So insecure he is so insecure for him Rolls
Royce means you become now the 'real' guru; It's a funny
situation with these 'seekers' they have paid so much money
now they don't want to disown that's the point. Imagine I mean
he has no aesthetics, he has no knowledge, he doesn't understand
anything I don't know how these people get impressed by him
These tantrikas have no relationship with our ancient
scriptures for example, (Ravana Ed) will never mention any of
our ancient scriptures he has no relationship with any Deities
does he mean to say he has nothing to do with Christ with God
with anyone but only with sex. You people really are you only
sex points. What is sex any Tom, Dick or Harry can do sex but
if you do it in a wrong way you will have diseases you will have
impotency. It's another kind of Hitlerism another kind of
cruelty to human beings you see you will be enticed absolutely
you would not find out you would not know that this is a mistake.
You'll get into it and then you will realise it is a mistake it's a
destruction of your own being - by wars you have destroyed
others by this you will destroy yourself (902007.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Ravana
This also you don't understand that he's playing on your ego
you think you can handle him but he's too cunning for you you
should think, why is it that Indians the Indian Government, are
anxious to oust him if India is the place of wisdom, then why is it
that he's not at all respected in this country. If anybody mentions
his name they think it's inauspicious they think he's an
Incarnation of Ravana the one who fought against Rama a
demon he is 100% he is Ravana I'm sure of it (902007.1)
He is teaching you how to insult your Mother (902007.1); Just
he is telling you to go and do sex like this I cannot understand
how can you ask for a guru like this even a dog and a bitch
knows don't debase yourselves you are the Spirit you are not
sex points. He will lead you to impotency he will destroy you
completely (902007.1); He'll become the guru of melting away
your morality about sex (906097.3)
Even he's trying another trick of this tantrism in which he
says 'you wear this dress' which announces that you are a
detached person and then 'you indulge into everything' you see
the juxtaposition you understand the point if you preach
something and do the juxtaposition of that you do just the
opposite to insult (906097.3)
Try not to react to anything just see the drama (951224);
Make your ego be challenged not to get into temper try that
your ego doesnt react that can be achieved very easily if you
try in the mirror, look at yourself, and laugh at yourself
make fun of yourself (860504); When we are doing work of
some kind, and others do not appreciate it, or do not join in, or
they maybe spoil it, then the normal thing is to react by going
back into Tamoguna. We should regard work as a training for
developing our immunity, and do it with detachment, and with
enjoyment, and by so doing get into the Satwoguna in the centre
Witness state has to be projected so much that this
conditioning and ego of reaction will finish off you will have no
more reaction but you will just witness and the knowledge
that is 'real', comes always always through witnessing. If you
do not know how to witness, then whatever knowledge you have,
is nothing but through your ego or through your conditionings
it is not Absolute Knowledge (010321)
When you can get into thoughtless awareness, your reaction
will be zero you look at something you'll just look at it, you
won't react because you are thoughtless you won't react.
When that reaction is not there then everything, you'll be
surprised, is Divine (980510)
This fault finding actually comes from your brain, which is not
yet enlightened and you cannot enjoy anything because you
react - what is your job is to enjoy enjoy everything and that
enjoyment is the blessing of the Divine even you can enjoy the
turmoil the torture everything if you can see the point,
that nothing can happen to your spirit. In the Sahaja state, you
just see and watch and get the joy out of it (000507)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Reaction
First you have to empty yourself if you are already filled
with these ideas these age old ideas and you are still
carrying on with them how can the Divine be filled. If there's
a pot already full of water or anything you cannot fill it so
you have to empty yourself empty your mind - it's possible
through Sahaja Yoga, if you can take your Kundalini beyond
Agnya chakra by not reacting. Reaction is the worst thing
because reaction comes through your Agnya. It is due to your
conditioning or due to your ego. So some people react because
of their conditioning and some react because of their ego. So
why should we react to anything why dont you enjoy, by not
reacting you just go and see how beautifully they are made
the beautiful flowers just enjoy it some will find some
faults some will but the joy of his creation is there, and you
should be able to see it feel it enjoy and then you are a
Sahaja Yogi otherwise you are not. If you are a reacting type,
you cannot be a Sahaja Yogi (001231)
Most of you have little problems and for most of you it is
the problems of the Agnya chakra that we think as a
reaction to anything outside to everything. This reaction
comes from our conditionings or from our ego egoistical people
are extremely sensitive if you give them something that they
think is not very dignified, they can feel hurt they can feel
hurt for anything because they have a consciousness that they
are something special and one should behave with them and
thats how they get absolutely disturbed if they find anybody in
any way degrading them this comes from ego. The second one
is your conditioning say if you are an Indian now the
conditioning is that a person who comes to meet you should
touch your feet supposing thats your relationship and the
person doesnt touch your feet then you are angry. Anything
like that which is your conditioning gives you an idea that you
are being insulted or you have not been respected then you
feel bad (001225)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Reaction
Humility is one of the criteria of a Sahaja Yogi a person who
doesnt have humility cannot be called a Sahaja Yogi so this
humility will give you a more permanent state by which you will
not react you just watch and thats how the new state, a
witness state comes into you. When you become the witness
you are in the present and you just watch and enjoy the
enjoyment of all the creation is not within your mind when you
are thinking so one has to learn that we should not react. But
today's problem is that all human beings are very good at
reacting reaction is a basic principle of today's life. You are
all Sahaja Yogis and what you have to do is to understand why
this ego is coming in my head what have I done who am I
once you go on asking such questions, this ego will disappear. In
Sahaj culture we have a proper training for getting rid of ego
you can yourself introspect see why you behave like this try
to see what is this Mr Ego doing within your head. Of course
the mantra of Christ is the best but when you are doing this
mantra, you should be in a very humble state what am I after
all who am I look at so many stars look at so many beautiful
things who am I what have I done why should I be so
egoistical (001225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-001225 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 001225.2
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
001225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule good 20
001225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Years Eve Puja, Kale
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 14 Mar 2003
Does not take you to God (830128); If we start reading books,
then we can go down - one of the 'snakes' in the game of 'snakes
and ladders' (830204); Read only books that are supportive of
Realisation, of Sahaja Yoga (870408)
So many people, when they get Realised, they hardly come a
second time and even if they come a second time, they do not
develop the feeling of vibrations they still go on being busy with
their day to day work wasting their time on things which do not
give you the subtler feelings so the subtleness, the deftness of
the art of Sahaja does not develop. For example, a person who is
over-read as soon as he gets his Realisation, he starts tallying it
with what he has read this makes his attention again wasted. As
it is, his attention has been fixed by these conventional ideas
some of them are correct some are incorrect some are
absolutely false some are useless some are only because they
wanted to make money so they published some trash. As soon as
you get Realisation you go back to your own gross awareness
and start tallying this 'subtle' with the 'gross' - you again start
losing the vibrations. You are not to fix your attention but you
have to make your attention subtler and subtler (770126.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-770126.2 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
770126 Bordi Attention [2 talks]
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 1 Jun 2003
The Truth, the Absolute, which has to be felt on your Central
Nervous System (840708); The realm beyond Sahastrara, where
we have to enter (960505); Is achieved through the heart
(910728); Reality is what Reality is it's not a concept; A concept
is not Reality it's just a mental projection (860707.1); To deal
with Reality it must be done with intensity even love must be
intense otherwise you are just befooling yourself playing
games it leads you nowhere (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
- end - 27 Mar 2003
The Recognition of our Mother, is the mental activity of the
Heart. Develop it by introspection and meditation, developing
those waves of gratitude, love, oneness and Joy (910505); Those
who have not yet recognised, though they are Realised, will not be
blessed - they will go round and round. So it is necessary to
recognise She who is presently with us (791202.2)
The time is such that we have to recognise Sahaja Yoga - if we
do not, then the Sahastrara cannot be opened. Recognition is the
only worship in Sahaja Yoga ask the question, of the Deity that
you worship you must know 'Who' you are facing. Recognise in a
full way, with full humility, so that your Realisation sustains
(830204); Without recognition you cannot see the play, and
without seeing the play you cannot have that confidence. Without
confidence you cannot become Gurus, and so cannot help others,
and if you cannot help others, you are not going to be happy. So
this is what you all have to do - this is what you all wanted to be.
So be confident and joyous and be happy (791202.1)
You know such a lot, that even many Saints do not know but
there's one thing they know that I am that - that's one thing you
do not know they know that this is a big difference - because I
am easily available to you, you do not understand for them I am
great how these Saints have recognised. Your recognition of me
is poor. If it was not so you would not be shouting in my presence,
quarrelling in my presence you give me headaches you tell me
things which you should not tell me 'he came there he did
this' you should not talk like this to me (800927)
Do not think that you are ordinary otherwise I would never
have chosen you but you have no recognition of yourself also, as
you have no recognition of me - you have to recognise yourselves
and respect yourselves; Do not respect material things - respect
yourself first of all and the matter within you (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Recognition
Like, once, a Sahaja Yogi told me 'Krishna never gave me
Realisation Rama did not Ganesha did not Shiva did not
Parvati did not Adi Shakti did not give me it was Shri Mataji
Nirmala Devi who has given me Realisation so She's the one I
know.' Unless and until you understand this, all Rama, Shiva,
Brahmadeva, Vishnu everyone is going to get angry with you
because they will not understand. Because you have got your
Realisation still you are denying me means something is wrong -
you might develop Ekadesha that's the beginning of the end.
Taking too much advantage of me is also like this too much
sticking onto me, also you might get this Ekadesha too much
pressurising, you will get it answering me not listening to me - if
you start challenging me, you will catch on Sahastrara and then
don't blame me. Only, in Sahaja Yoga, if you could rise and ascend,
and try to recognise me I will have no problem and you will have
no problem (830209)
If he doesnt accept me, he cannot feel the cool breeze from
me. That means he has to accept me he has to accept me much
more - thats then how he'll get it you see when he'll meet me.
He has to accept me if he doesnt accept me, he cannot get the
cool breeze the Deities know about it. You see they have to
accept me thats the only thing is (791202.3); He's not feeling
on the head on the head you're not feeling you have to have
faith in me also isn't it little bit otherwise you'll not feel in the
head ha better now (840622); If you raise their Kundalini
gradually theyll come but you see they have to be aware of
their Realisation that is a compulsion (791202.3)
If anyone, say your wife, your husband, anybody talks against
Sahaja Yoga close your eyes you are not to hear. Know that I
have given you Realisation and you should not try to challenge
me because God Himself will be against you. You have to keep
Prasanna keep the Devi pleased. Here 'I' am the one you have
to leave things into 'my' hands don't try to play tricks with me.
So as Sahaja Yogis, I have to warn you new people won't
understand this for them it will look like egoistical all that
they won't understand forget it (830209)
2 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Recognition
In these modern times you must know that all these evil things
are also lingering in your heads little bit, here and there. So the
Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have to realise that all these
things are surrounding us and these evil forces are also there.
There are some within us some are without so it looks to be a
very difficult task but it's not because one condition, if you can
understand is that you have to recognise me. I know, I'm
Mahamaya I'm really very clever at it but I'm truthful but
still I'm Mahamaya so to recognise me what should we do if we
recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing is the
simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are not
collective then know that something wrong with you if you are
collective if you are enjoying the collective, then you should know
that you are clean no blemish is there you are absolutely alright
Now the second part of this Mahamaya business I had to be
very close to you I had to be extremely close to talk to you to
have a rapport to tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga to
make you absolutely aware of yourself. This had to be done and
with all these complications within your mind within your heart
within your body I had to work it out. To come close in the real
form would have been very dangerous so one had to be a
Mahamaya. But despite that, if you could recognise me to
understand me that I am Divine Personality an Incarnation
thats all the Deities want. Then theyll look after you in every way
Then how you behave is very important you should not be
artificial or superficial but best is to put your hand on your
heart both the hands and just try to feel your Mother is Adi
Shakti she has created all this Universe she has created all
this world and she is for your protection - as soon as I come to
know about your problems, my attention can work it out. All this
protection is given to you because you are seekers of truth and
the truth is that I am the Adi Shakti Incarnated. Once this truth
becomes one with your self, there's nothing to fear because all
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Recognition
the Deities know this fact they know about this Incarnation very
well theyll do anything to substantiate your belief in every way
my photographs in the sky they are so anxious. They are on all
sides of the stage listening to me feeling very happy that I am
telling you the truth. But the way they recognise the way they
act they never disobey. Once you have recognised, you will have
no fear from anyone and the more you show that recognition, the
more you realise it, you get higher and higher not only spiritually,
but every way, mentally, socially, economically, politically is very
remarkable that not only that you recognise me as a Mother who
loves you very much but a Mother who is powerful to protect you
Supposing I correct you sometimes instead of feeling sad, you
should see that how fortunate I am that Adi Shakti herself is
correcting me she is taking interest in me how fortunate I am
to be born at this time, to be with her in her great work (911013)
So just behind this recognition is all the powers but if you are
doubting still half way this that, then things won't be alright.
You shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed into
any direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and that I
am Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become
better you have seen it now dont worry about anything just
know that I am the Adi Shakti that all the powers of Gods and
Goddesses and all that are within me and they 'are' within me
and they are all looking after. But if that recognition is not there
they are not going to recognise you either (911013)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Recognition
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
-791202.1 Guru Puja/1, Dollis Hill [Mother's Declaration] see 791202.1 good 20
791202.1 Guru Puja/1&2, Dollis Hill
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
Reddening of the Eyes
Krodh, which starts from the liver but is expressed through the
Vishuddhi the face becomes red, the eyes become red, and from
the mouth all kinds of horrible things are said. The whole
expression is so different, when you are angry. So this anger is to
be seen where it is - the liver; To master it you have to face
yourself clearly. Krodh is the worst enemy, according to Shri
Krishna (910001)
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's
fashionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty
eyes onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes
because such people easily can become blind. Such people may have
trouble of the eyes specially reddening of the eyes can come to
such people very much (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
end - 20 May 2003
In relationships, both right and left Vishuddhi, play a very big
part - left Vishuddhi, when we don't understand the purity of
relationships in social life, and the right Vishuddhi, when we are
aggressive or oppressive towards others (801116); The
relationship of a daughter, of a sister, of a mother is a very pure
relationship; If you look at the green of Mother Earth, you will be
saved from these errors of adultery - looking at others' sisters,
others' wives, others' daughters (850901); Vishnumaya will see
that husband and wife sit together (850901)
Your 'kith and kin' are Sahaja Yogis they are your brothers
and they are your sisters (860818); Your 'relations' are Sahaja
Yogis no other. You are born on this tree of life, whilst they
(your earthly relatives - Ed) are not so we cannot identify with
them (871220); These relationships of our father, wife, children
etc. are 'worldly'. For your ascent, it is important first of all to
have no desire to 'create a desire' in your kith and kin this is
especially so in India, where people are too much attached to
family. It doesn't mean that you give up your family, but that you
witness them see them as you would anybody else. Don't force
Sahaja Yoga on any of your relations (821219); Sahaja Yogis are
your 'real' relations (810524)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
- end - 14 Mar 2003
Relationship to Mother
You all can directly write to me you can all send me flowers
directly. Who are these leaders one should not in any way
think that they stand in between you and me not at all; There
should be no barrier between you and me I'll not stand for it
at any cost no barrier between any one of you and me and you
should never feel shy to tell me.. you should always tell me what
your problems are. I'm always available for you for every one
of you each one of you. One should never just decide that
alright Mother may not like I may like or not like is not the
point you have to tell me. I will like it more that you tell me,
than not to tell me and hide things from me. There's no official
relationship between me and you it is a protocol after all but
protocol doesn't mean official (881221)
Anybody who thinks 'I can work it out on my own, I have a
'special relationship' with Mother' should know that they are
'going out' - you cannot work it out on your own (810524)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
- end - 8 May 2003
Has strayed far from the original ideas of it's founders, who
appeared like flowers on the one tree, at different times nourished
by the same sap of Divinity, and that were plucked by humans for
their own use. It is meant to prepare human beings, to make them
worthy for their transformation from their basic tribal condition,
to enlightened complete human beings, conscious of their
connection to God Almighty (900000; 781005)
In all the Religions people have diverted from the right path and
have come to the wrong path and are indulging into self created
Religions which have no relationship with Reality or with the
incarnations (those who started the Religions or who gave the
ideas of Religions) I hope you won't do that to me because you
are Gnostic people you are the ones who know who have had Self
Realisation without Self Realisation you cannot have a complete
personality (871219)
How they form different groups for example, if you get the
essence of the tree the essence, or the sap of the tree goes to
every flower it doesnt discriminate but the flowers are
different. Now what these people have done they have plucked
the flowers, like somebody says 'this is my religion' they plucked
the flower the flowers are dead now so they are carrying on with
dead flowers the religions are dead now but they are flowering
on the same tree. So you see that everything is the same it is just
a manifestation of the same. Like electricity flowing it is giving
you there it is working the air conditioning it is also working out
there but the electricity is the same. You see because you
become the essence but when you see from outside, they look
different. You cannot become fanatic now you cannot even if you
try to be, you cannot because you see the essence is the same
Fanaticism comes from the word 'finite', we should say - when
you go into infinity, how can you have fanaticism. In fanaticism, you
'finite' yourselves I am this I am this that is 'clubbing'
actually it is nothing but ordinary clubbing like we have clubs like
somebody puts the tableware on the left side is one of the clubs
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Religion
another puts on the right side is another club it's just like
stupid clubbing, thats all. So you cannot 'club' out God, or Christ,
or any one of these Incarnations they are all relations of each
other they are all related to each other (860707.1)
On one side we have the doubting people and on the other side,
the fanatics - those who try to adhere more and more, to the
teachings, had to become fanatics. The 'real' Religion in man
collapsed Religion is a continuous living process within, which is our
sustainance it's like a ladder, on which we climb, step by step but
not leaving the ladder. So these two types one doubting
another fanatic both had not known God both had not achieved
Reality and they criticised each other because both of them did
not know what truth was (800505)
Formerly, those people who came on this Earth, tried to teach
people about dharma, to bring them to the central path, to the
straight forward path of ascent. They tried everything, whatever
way they thought was good for a particular community, area or
country they talked about it, and lots of books came out of it. But
instead of these books creating people of a religious and spiritual
and united nature, they created people who were all against each
other - it's an absurd thing, but it happened. So all these books, all
this knowledge was all misused by human beings, just to get their
own power so it was all a power and money oriented game going on
they talk of love, of compassion but it is all for a purpose it's all
a political game sometimes because they all still feel that they
should have power a worldly power so that they can dominate the
whole world and this started working so much in the human mind
that we had lots of wars, killings and all kinds of things. So when all
this subsided, Mother felt that now maybe, opening the Sahastrara
might help people to see the truth (980510)
Now why these religions look so separate because the
integrating point was not there otherwise they are all flowers on
the same tree and they are taken away by people who say 'this is
my religion this is my religion' so they become dead and ugly
that is how the religions are formed you see. But the basic point is
that all the great Incarnations who came on this Earth, exist within
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Religion
us on all these centres (790618); The essence of all religions, if you
go to the essence of it, not to the outside that you see but to the
essence of it, is this that you should seek the Eternal (890617.2)
That which is falsely made is not religion - religion is in your
stomach, is within you (790507); It was meant to stabilise you - the
religion within you (781115) dharma (830202); Religion is simply an
accident of birth which one we are born into - all are related.
There is only one God but who manifests in many Aspects
(810328); In Sahaja Yoga, we respect all the Incarnations all the
prophets and all the Religions in their essence this is something
so great in Sahaja Yoga (971230)
Mohammed talked more about the Resurrection time than the
Doomsday, but Muslims are using more the Doomsday. It is the
same with Christians, who don't want to talk about the Counsellor
but about the last Kalki just to frighten the people so they will
stick on - so it's a business proposition (0.0005); In the name of
religion, so many wrong things have taken place is all anti-religious
activity (871230.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971230 Evening before Shakti Puja, Kale good 5
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871220 Attention on Quality, Rahuri - see 871220 good 20
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
0.0005 Airport Talk poor
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
871220 Attention on quality - India 87/88
900000 State of the Planet / Water Music good 30
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
911013 Navaratri Puja, Cabella good 25
- end - 4 Oct 2002
That which is missing in the UK - the respect for others and
their cultures, and for the Adi Shakti; Respect produces
'thoughtless awareness' because then there is no thought
(890524); In Sahaja Yoga, we respect all the Incarnations all
the prophets and all the Religions in their essence this is
something so great in Sahaja Yoga (971230); Respectful
behaviour towards others, and towards others' things, is part of
the Mahalakshmi Principle. When this dignity, and respect, and
desire to rise higher, manifests in a genuine inner way, then this
helps to build the bridge of the Sushumna over the void, for the
Kundalini to pass properly, which otherwise would continue to get
lost in the void (860921.1)
If you are not innocent, you cannot have respect so innocence
has to be developed, to have that respect (840902); Between
two Sahaja Yogis there should always be tremendous respect
not only respect, but tremendous respect (840118); Why we are
suffering in this beautiful planet, is because we do not respect
what we have to respect the most Mother Earth is to be
respected meaning that whatever is created on this Mother
Earth by the movement of the Earth, by the sea, by all the
elements, has to be respected (970525)
I feel the whole West suffers from one simple disease that
is they do not know how to respect anyone with their ego, they
want to judge everyone, and condemn everyone so get out of it,
and tell yourself 'I don't know anything'; Don't think that you
know everything respect each and every person not for what
he has read, or what he has learnt, but because he is a great
Soul; Respect every Sahaja Yogi from your heart, because they
are made in the form of Shri Ganesha we'll not make fun of
them we'll not laugh at them as long as they're in Sahaja
Yoga, we have to respect (840902)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Respect
Husbands also must respect their wives is very important.
Where women are not respected calamities come in like
Bangladesh is full of calamities, because they don't respect their
women. Pakistan is full of calamities now the wars are going on,
this is going on they don't respect their women. What about
Saudi Arabia always the threat of war what about Iran all
these countries where women are not respected they are in
trouble. But women also must respect themselves not like the
women in the 'west' the way they throw themselves at men
why should you try to attract men all the time why should you
try to be all the time dressed up that they should run after you.
You see this one is a culture which really debases women, to I
don't know what level you are not prostitutes so we should
have our own self respect. We should respect our body respect
our husbands respect our children respect everyone that's
important but also the society, and the family, and the
husband all of them must respect women it's very important
they are complimentary men and women are complimentary
In Hindi language, there is 'Adub' means modesty and
respect but more than respect a style of saying things not in
Urdu, but in Hindi, of day-to-day talking there's respect, and a
way to address others. You can learn Hindi in no time. All this will
give you a kind of a more flexible vehicle to express your love
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971230 Evening before Shakti Puja, Kale good 5
840118 Spontaneous talk - Vaitarna not good 35
840902 Ganesha Puja talk - Switzerland [French translation] good 55
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata - Mechelen not good 45
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
950625 Richmond Park talk - Richmond Not good 45
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
- end - 4 Oct 2002
That we feel very responsible about Sahaja Yoga, pleases Shri
Adi Shakti that we feel we have to spread Sahaja Yoga every-
where responsibility without feeling 'in charge' - we say 'not I,
but the Divine that is doing it', or 'I am not doing anything'
then the ego does not come up, and we become humble (960505)
I think people must take it more seriously about the whole
thing and should understand it and learn it - we are Gurus. The
main thing is that we do not take any money you see so people
think, you see 'that we are not bound that we are absolutely
free to come and go' but this freedom sometimes makes a person
a little superficial or sometimes a little frivolous but, this is so
precious so invaluable that you cannot charge any money for
this knowledge (821008)
You have to take up the responsibility those who do not, are
not the people who are yet matured every type of responsibility
that you can take think of what responsibilities you can take up
(830821); Responsibility is a quality of the Vishuddhi (831001)
that's why most of us have bad Vishuddhis, because we do not
take responsibility and we have to be much much more responsi-
ble than even ordinary government servants are (830821); This
Vishuddhi centre can also catch, if we feel 'too responsible', and
can result in tensions and headaches - the remedy is to witness,
and realise that everything is done by the Divine (890801); We
should also be responsible in the Ashram, switching off electric-
ity, not wasting food, being alert to the vibrations of the children
etc. (850421); Krishna whose qualities include Collectivity, and
Responsibility (960929)
But you do not understand your responsibility. What you are do-
ing you are playing into the hands of satanics by not paying at-
tention to your cleaning. By not paying attention to your spiritual
growth, you are not helping me at all because these vibrations do
not flow out - they have to flow through you you are the chan-
nels. If you do not keep yourselves clean and humble and meek
about it, it doesn't work out (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Responsibility
Start seeing what are the bad things that are being accepted in
your own country, which are very dangerous and detrimental, even
destructive, that have trickled down into your own personality. If
we all see that point very clearly within ourselves (try to note it
down, and watch yourself where is it lurking), I think you will do
the greatest service to your own country, because whatever goes
out of you, goes out of that country (860705)
You have to do the work of God, you have to fight the anti-God
elements, the satanic elements now, the forces are gathering in
such a way that the sorting out will start. You are not responsible
for your families any more. Your responsibility is to yourself, to be
the Spirit your responsibility is to Sahaja Yoga, is to understand
Mother better, is to understand this mechanism within you, how it
works out everything, to understand how to become the Guru
yourself, how to be a dignified and a glorified personality, to be a
respectable person, and not a cheap personality. Everyone of you
is worth the whole Universe - if you want to rise to that height, to
that magnitude, it is within you to prosper - but those people who
still want to live on a very low level cannot (821219)
So now we have to be wise, and see what is destroying us what
is destroying our inner being. For Sahaja Yogis it is very impor-
tant because if they can hold it with their wisdom, and firm
faith in Sahaja Yoga after some time the whole thing can sub-
side and this is what has to happen actually to the world other-
wise they can be blown off also - if they are not rightly placed if
they are not grounded. If they are not fixed to their own enlight-
ened faith of Sahaja Yoga, they can be blown off with this wind,
which is there to torture to destroy the whole world. So the re-
sponsibility of Sahaja Yogis is very important that their Ganesha
principle is alright if it is not alright then the whole Sahaja Yoga
movement can collapse (930721); For ladies and for men, I have to
make a humble request, that they should try to put their Shri Ga-
nesha in a respectable position in their lifestyle that it should be
the highest the most important (930721)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Responsibility
What is the knack, then of being a good Sahaja Yogi in one
word, that you can understand one small thing is to be respon-
sible if you are a responsible Sahaja Yogi you will find your own
way if you are not, you will go to doom because if you are re-
sponsible then only God is going to give you more (770126.1); You
have to give Realisation you have to take responsibility of Sahaja
Yoga now you have to become responsible for it, in your own way.
You have to do it, because you are doing it for the greater good -
the more you think of the greater good it is doing the better it
will be for you (.0011)
When you are responsible, you will be amazed you will drop out
most of your habits automatically. Once you take the responsibil-
ity of Sahaja Yoga on your shoulders immediately all the dimen-
sions of your new life will open out knowledge will pour into you
a new style of understanding will develop the subtleties of life
will open out before you the joy will pour onto you you will feel
as if the Ganges is flowing over your Sahastrara but you have to
be responsible. Responsible also means that others should be given
a chance and when you start leading a responsible Sahaja Yogi
life thousands of evolved Souls will hang around you you'll have
a different light on your face you will be amazed when you
speak, you will be amazed at how you are speaking how things are
happening how things are working out. You are very few people on
the stage behind the stage there are thousands. The sense of
responsibility can only come through your freedom this is the
problem of Sahaja Yoga. Is it that human beings are not that
evolved to be responsible - that they must be dominated by some-
body or driven otherwise they cannot do something responsi-
bly? So in Sahaja Yoga we have to be responsible (770126.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Responsibility
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-860705 Pre Guru Puja talk, Gmunden - see 860706 good 25
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
821219 Mahakali & Mahalakshmi Pujas, Lonavala/Kolapur
830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham [length of talk?] good 40
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
Resurrection is the message of Christ's life the Spirit cannot
be killed by anyone it is eternal and he had to prove it. To prove
it, there had to be somebody here on this Earth to come in, with
a body, to act like a human being, to live like a human being, and to
go through the drama of death. To show that he overcomes
death that he resurrects himself he had to die, and he had to
be resurrected (811006); This was the true message of Christ
(811005), the reason for the crucifixion, that Christ had to
undergo (871023)
Because I have said now, I am the Holy Ghost everybody seems
to be over happy, and joyous - I have told you whatever was
needed for your counselling I have taught you how to redeem
others, and comfort them you know everything now just become
masters in this art forgetting your past you are all great
people, all of you. Declare to all the nations now that I am the
Holy Ghost and I have come for this special time that this is
the resurrection time (830321)
The 'Resurrection time', also known as the 'Last Judgement' in
the Bible, and as Kiyama in the Koran (MME); Mohammed talked
more about the Resurrection time than the Doomsday, but Muslims
are using more the Doomsday. It is the same with Christians, who
don't want to talk about the Counsellor but about the last Kalki
just to frighten the people so they will stick on so it's a business
proposition (.0005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
ape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
0.0005 Airport Talk poor -
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor -
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat - -
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024 - -
- end - 5 Apr 2003
The auspiciousness of sitting for example is have you
Reverence in your mind when you are sitting there should be
reverence are you sitting in a surrendering mood. So again I
tell you auspiciousness is what is within you what you think
about it what is happening to you are you feeling reverence
within you. Auspiciousness is very important for Sahaja Yogis
because all that they do should be auspicious. When you speak,
it should be auspicious (781002)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
- end - 4 Oct 2002
Now you give rice to the Devi rice should be put in her lap
now what is a little rice to a Devi is that by putting rice in you
the satisfaction of getting food that gives satisfaction is
enlightened; But it should be done with dignity and
understanding it is for you to get the advantage (800927)
Do your jobs have money money is needed for this work
you have to earn you have to give money. Some are not even
willing to give 10 such people with them where am I going to
do Sahaja Yoga - in a subtler way, for your own betterment you
have to give money. For solving this problem you have to give me
rice you put it in my sari (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 4 Oct 2002
In India, nobody thinks 'I am right' - nobody thinks like that.
Once you start thinking 'I am right, and that person is wrong, I
am doing alright, he's wrong' finished. The worst thing that can
happen to human beings is ego the worst thing. 'Possession' is
better at least you feel the pinch of it but ego you never feel
the pinch you never feel there is ego in you and you feel you are
the most correct person (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Right Sided
If there are no vibrations on right side, or if right side is heavy,
or hot, then this means that you are right sided. Also, if there are
more vibrations on the left side, and none on the right side, this
also means that you are right sided. If the left side is numb, this
also means right sided (830202; 830512); In an intellectual or
futuristic person, where the right hand is burning, and there is
nothing in the left hand, that means that the right hand is not
getting proper vibrations, so you raise the left to the right
(830512); If we have ego, we should raise the left side, and put it
to the right side there's no other way out you have to work it
out with your hands (830121)
Those who have too much ambition, are extremely ambitious
people and want to win the whole world, want to become something
independent, on their own, malignant and cancerous, and don't want
to keep their relationship to the whole (790928); A right sided
person (someone who is too much on the right side), does not allow
others to enjoy collectivity (890806); Right side catching means we
are on an ego trip, and with right side, we may have health problems
(800517.1); Over-thinking also gives you liver (791118)
More Right sided put his Left to the Right for Right sided,
Left to the Right raise Left to the Right what work do you do
some physical thats why Left to the Right no no other way
round because you do physical work too much thats why now it's
better (840622)
Supposing you are a right sided person, then what happens to
you you become overactive. Overactivity gives you fatigue gives
you all kinds of diseases such a person is very speedy he cannot
sit in one place for two minutes, all the time jumping, and he
creates problems for himself and his family. This is Rajoguna. The
Rajoguni has an opinion of his own about everything he goes on
forcing it onto others. But if you see his own life, he is a complete
misery he cannot carry on with people he cannot talk to people,
and there is a very big gap between himself, his Spirit, and his
being (980712)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Right Sided
Right sided people have a very very overactive personality. Such a
person eats too much of proteins all the time, meat and receives
a blessing of ego. Such a man aggressively destroys others the
images of others pulls them down criticises others jumps on
them he can be hot tempered can be absolutely demonic - Hitler
is the example. These people who eat too much meat, and heavy
foods they develop muscular capacities too much. They will be very
quarrelsome and aggressive snappy and sharp in their language;
They look brilliant, and consider themselves to be very intelligent
but actually they are stupid people; Those who indulge too much
into life and so-called 'enjoy life' and waste their time in
drinking, and being with women and all that they all can be ruined
not only by money, but by their very bad health. They may have a
bad time with their children with their parents with their wives.
They may have money, but they can never enjoy that money, or
think of living a life which is comfortable (830209)
The right sided person becomes very hot tempered and
obnoxious he can be so cruel so troublesome that he would be
really a challenge to the whole family to the whole society, and he
will be very miserable. Now he may not look mentally upset but
when he grows old, he will just talk he'll go on talking so much so
egotistical that he just goes on talking he doesn't allow anybody
to speak. This is very injurious to a proper social life (830209)
An ego oriented person has another very big problem that he
asserts his ideas above everything else. So always such a man
because he's stupid and idiotic the idiotic ideas survive and
because of these idiotic ideas, every planning that is done by such
people is a failure. A stupid man is a very big problem to the whole
society, though he never realises it he thinks 'I have managed the
show' I am the most successful person (830209)
People that are extremely ego oriented, become very miserly
extremely so money oriented they spend all their money on
themselves and not on others. Even when it is their due, they will
try to save which we see among so many even in Sahaja Yoga -
that they have to pay something, but they will not pay they want it
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Right Sided
even free, whatever it is, for which people are paying. These money
oriented people are horrifyingly, surprisingly are rich there's
nothing like generosity in them (830209)
If you think too much and you think of the future and you plan
out everything you start becoming sometimes possessed and then
you become a person who is very cocksure very high handed all
are suffering from this possession from the right side. Especially
people who are very austere type extremely fanatical type they
enter into this area, and get possessed by these spirits and then
they become very powerful because right side is physical and
mental they can be very powerful people, in the sense that they
can mesmerise people into the ideas that they are higher people
like Hitler did he did it with this Supraconscious (831001)
To correct a right side catch, we can use the Chandra mantra
(800517.2); If ego is still there, then raise the left side, to push it
(the ego) back to the right side - with your hand push the left side
higher, and the right side lower, so the ego and superego get into
balance - do it 7 times (791118; 830121); Also as a correction, put
left hand up and right hand towards the Mother, or towards the
Photo (791118); If the right hand is shaking, put the left hand on
your stomach, with your right hand towards [Shri Mataji - Ed]
(830302); For right side problems, beat yourself with shoes
(870408); Right sided people should not do exercises which are
backward bending (840313); Right side activity: too much mental
activity, which develops the ego (790616)
A right sided person has all the elements which give heat you
can say the light and the fire so to correct it, light is not going to
help very much. What is going to work out is the Mother Earth and
the water element which is cooling even ice is very helpful to
people who are right sided. So all cooling effects should be used for
correcting your right sidedness. The same with food those who
are right sided should take to foods which are left sided i.e.
carbohydrates, and should become partly vegetarian, and should eat
things at the most like chickens, but not fishes or sea food,
because they are all hot (830121); If you have right side problems,
then you have to say 'I forgive' (811006)
33 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Right Sided
Lead Oxide is alright for people who are very right sided for
them if it is put on their Agnya it cools them down they are cooled
down their anger goes down their temper goes down and it's a
very good thing; Red Lead Oxide is extremely cold... is a very cool
thing so we call it in Sanskrit language is called as Sindhura and
in Marathi as Shindura (900831)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Right Side
Right side or Sun channel (811005), which works for our physical
and intellectual activities (MME); The right side sympathetic
nervous system (810928), the power of action, that acts through
the 5 elements (810928); Yellow in colour becoming golden, orange
and then red; Becomes heated up, aggressive (800526); Is the
side which is hot and needs cooling down (800517.2); The side of
the Supraconscious (820711); The side of creativity, and of
thinking (781115); In Indian tradition, is the Rajoguna. The side of
our mental and physical activity, the future, our planning, the ego
Fumes from the activity on the right side collect in the balloon
of ego, which together with those from the left side collected in
the superego, cause us to be cut off or separated, from the main
To get into 'balance' from the right side, we do so not with the
left side, but by getting into the centre, by developing the witness
state. We indulge into work in thoughtless awareness, saying 'I am
not doing it' (800517.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
- end - 10 May 2003
A ritualistic nature makes you very constricted, and can be
either very docile or even aggressive, troubling others a lot. For
example a vegetarian must have special utensils etc., and can be
very demanding (980321); Because of ritualism, growth in
Sahaja Yoga can be slow (980320); This ritualism is not allowed
in Sahaja Yoga you must know what you are - first of all
introspect and accordingly you should work it out if you are
hot-tempered, alright go and beat yourself with shoes but if
you are not, then you need not (971225)
Even in Puja when I see people doing Puja I know how far they
are dedicated because the way they do it with caution, with
care, with awe, with understanding everything is so beautiful
but if somebody is doing just a ritual thing, I get a fright like
theyll do my Puja alright mechanically but some people may
not even do any Puja but they sit before the photograph and
talk to me heart to heart without saying anything but to
put it in the heart for some people is very difficult (850310)
Sahajvidya Ritualism
You may carry on like that, but you'll find after some time
you have lost your vibrations you have lost the cool breeze
because heart doesnt like mechanical things every day it does
new things it never sticks onto habits it never sticks on the
same routine of things it's bubbling every day with new
appearances one has to do it with complete love towards
yourself and toward others with complete esteem of your
being and others (810511)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney, see 850310.1 good 25
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 4 Oct 2002
In Sahaj Dharma, the husband/wife relationship should be really
romantic should be really beautiful but it is not no, we talk of
love, and all that but very rarely people fall in love, and carry on
with it it's a blessing if you really get that kind of a feeling but
mostly it is a curse. So to fall in love is very good but that
doesn't mean that you forget that you are a Sahaja Yogi
(970823.1); You may not 'fall into love' you may not it may not
be and it's not necessary because those who fall in love also
rise into divorces so best thing is to have a balanced idea about
marriage. You see marriage cannot be decided, like you are 'Romeo
and Juliet' - it's practical it should be based on rock so you
won't lose your balance. If you understand that point, then the
marriage will be successful but if you try to think of romanticism
and all that, it just breaks at the same time it's not some kind of
asceticism but you lead a nice healthy married life, in a very
friendly manner in every way (891203); The love of husband and
wife is a very special sort of love, with no adultery nor adulterous
eyes (820711); Romanticism is another kind of an emotional
artificiality the next day they go for the divorce you see it's so
artificial (840118)
After marriage, some of the people just get lost and this is
the worst type of thing that can happen to you they get into
their honeymoon mood all their romantic ideas come back they
get just lost you are marrying here for Sahaja Yoga - your
marriage is for your ascent (891203); In marriages, we have to
decide that we are getting married because we have to do
Sahaja Yoga. Romanticism, when they get married, where they go
crazy with each other, and forget Sahaja Yoga, forget Mother and
forget God, is of no use in Sahaja Yoga. There is no need to rush
into honeymoon (871230.1)
No unmarried girl has to go with an unmarried man it's not
done in Sahaja Yoga (810904); No Sahaja Yogi is going to marry
another Sahaja Yogi you are all brothers and sisters nobody
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Romanticism
should come to me, and tell me 'I want to marry this or that' if I
say you marry, that's different but you don't come to me, and
tell me 'I've fallen in love with another Sahaja Yogi' (810904);
If you feel attracted for any man think that that man has a
bhoot, and I also have a bhoot only the bhoots attract bhoots
it's as simple as that it's only the bhoots attract (810904)
Any man who is older than you any girl should not talk to him
much but if they are younger than you then they are your
brothers. Any man that is older than your husband, you need not
talk to him but with younger people you can you must have
innocence about it. You are all brothers and sisters no more
romanticism now you are not going to marry each other
dedicate yourself to your Sahaja Yoga (810904)
Coughs and colds are a left side problem and indicate emotional
problems in girls, crying, whilst in men coughing or sneezing for
no reason at all - coughing and sneezing to show our pitiable
condition. To cure the cold, look into your emotional life. Any
attachment that makes you foolish, or hankering after someone,
creates similar troubles, especially with the 'Romeos'. It can be
corrected by getting proper understanding that we should be
detached, and not get these romantic feelings. On the other side,
if we move to the right side more, we get dry feelings, a dry
throat - we cannot speak (800517.2)
Adogati is the downward movement (860224) descent to go
down is easy; Human awareness grows downwards, in the opposite
direction to the Divine finally we reach 'Mooladhara', where we
become depraved and perverted, with funny ideas about sex. This
is decadence and with one step we are in Hell. On the other hand
if we try to go up, without going by Mahalakshmi we end up at
the 'Heart' and start giving our heart to this person, that
person get into romance and once again we go down (860303)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Romanticism
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see good 65
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Roving Eyes
If present, in the husband then this may result firstly in
insecurity in the wife which then leads to breast cancer
(820711); When we develop the left Vishuddhi very strongly, and
if we have a bad Agnya, or if there are eyes which are roving, then
this left Vishuddhi causes a lot of trouble (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 5 Apr 2003
In Russia, the scientists are very open hearted. At the time of
Stalin they were all arrested, and whilst in confinement they
developed the subtler side, and found out about the auras of human
beings that human beings have auras and from auras you can
diagnose their diseases. One scientist there came forward and
said I've seen your photo and he said he'd proved it you have to
go to a physical vacuum state, which Jung has described as
'thoughtless awareness', for Reality to be understood. The
scientists have said that they have seen the Cosmic Energy emitting
out of my head; They call the All Pervading Power of Divine Love as
the Cosmic Energy they may call it by any name and that it is this
Divine Love of God which is the energy that runs this whole
Universe (980705)
This country is already blessed you have so many things here.
Firstly this country has got such a lot of petrol, and if discoveries
are made, there is much more. Secondly, you have got beautiful
timber and thirdly you've got a lot of tea, good tea. Also you have
diamonds so many things you have. Apart from that, you have so
much of heart. Also gold you have. So all these things are in
abundance in this country. Only thing is, you don't have somebody
who will manage to get to you people - I am sure it will work out
(960716); In Russia they make such beautiful things (950625)
The Russian women are very satisfied souls they want very
little they are not greedy the extremities of communism have
thrown them into that area, where they don't have any sense of
possession they are not the sort of people who are even conscious
of possessing (971004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 28 May 2003
Rutumbhara Pragnya
Is the new state made possible by our Mother, and which results
from maturing into the third Samadhi state of meditation, and in
which we see and feel, and experience everywhere, the manifesta-
tion of that Deity, the object of our worship, in everything that
we do, and in all that we experience in our life (830723.1); The
One who looks after the seasons (920719); The Power of the Adi
Shakti, that does all the creation (960609); All happens according
to the Rutumbhara Pragnya (830725)
It exists in the Divine, the capacity to manifest it's love, to
show that you are Saints, that you are the chosen ones of God -
but you must accept that situation first. But if you behave like all
other normal people, it will never happen. Know that you are
Saints, chosen and given birth by the Adi Shakti, the 'Form' and
the 'Formless.' So this Pragnya is going to manifest, is manifest-
ing every moment - be prepared, be happy, welcome it and accept
that you are there (830723.1)
Rutumbhara is the name of 'Nature' - the whole of Nature is
enlightened. When Rutumbhara Pragnya starts expressing itself
for Sahaja Yogis - for nobody else - you are amazed how things
work out suddenly, automatically. Is a special state where you feel
the oneness with Nature, and the Nature feels the oneness with
you - the Divine itself is expressing through Nature, the various
happenings and incidents, the love, the protection, the attention
that the Divine is feeling. There is no end to it - it just happens
people don't know how it happens is the state of Samadhi. Some
will find objection 'oh no Mother, the shop will be closed no
this won't ' Others will say "Let's see if Mother has said
maybe" (830723.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, pt 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 Lodge Hill good 65
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
960609 Dissolve into the Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella good 50
- end - 28 Jul 2003
Sacrum Bone
Kundalini resides in the Sacrum bone in 3 coils (811005), in
every human being, in a dormant state (790616) above the
Mooladhara Chakra - 3 coils has a special coefficient, being also
used in watch springs, and if bisected yields 7 points (810928);
The Sacrum Bone is the triangular (MME) 'sacred' bone, which
does not burn readily, at the base of the spine (830302;
810928) is a Greek word (821008) meaning that the Greeks
knew that this is a sacred bone (980705)
The process of Giving Realisation takes just 10 minutes, the
journey is very small, from sacrum bone to Fontanelle bone, just
3 to 4 feet, that's all (871023); In the triangular bone the
pulsation will start and will rise higher and if you have a
stethoscope you can even feel the beat, much like you feel the
heart beat (790722)
Sahaja Yoga is the Spontaneous Union of the individual
consciousness with the All Pervading Divine Power, through the
awakening of the residual power of the Kundalini which lies
dormant within all human beings in the triangular bone at the
base of the spine, called the sacrum - the sacred bone (MME)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 5 Oct 2002
God Almighty or Sadashiva, who does not incarnate (810928);
Raheem; Pawarvikar; Niranjan; Nirahamkar (830204); The Father of
the Trinity, Christ being the Son, and the Holy Ghost being the
Primordial Mother (871023); When Parabrahma first awakens, Adi
Shakti and Sadashiva (God Almighty) arise, and it is the Adi Shakti
that is the desire power of God Almighty, and which does all the
creation (850528); Parabrahma is that form of God Almighty,
when all Creation has merged together into the one sleeping state;
When creation commences, it does so on the periphery, with God
Almighty remaining in the centre, dividing into Sadashiva and Adi
Shakti, who nonetheless remain in unison (810829)
The All Powerful Adi Shakti, the Goddess who is the source of
all the Powers, who is beyond all the Powers who is the pure Power
of Sadashiva, of God Almighty, who alone gives Moksha or Self
Realisation, and who destroys the demons to protect and save Her
children from negativity (900923); When the Adi Shakti created
this Universe, and Sadashiva was watching, the first thing She
created was Innocence, which was embodied as Shri Ganesha, and
was called as Omkar (860907) created when Sadashiva and Adi
Shakti separated, to form the Creation, and that contains the
'causal' of all the elements on the right side, the power of emotions
on the left side, and the power of ascent in the centre (900828)
Adi Shakti who is Parashakti, beyond all these powers (900923;
890524) is the entire power of Sadashiva, of God Almighty He
cannot do anything without Her powers She first created
Kundalini in Mother Earth itself, and then She created Shri
Ganesha out of Mother Earth so the Mother Earth becomes very
important for us if we do not know how to respect Mother Earth,
we do not know how to respect ourselves; The expression of Adi
Shakti within us is the Kundalini, and within the Mother Earth is
expressed in different places, in different countries and cities as
the manifestation of chakras. So the reflection of the Adi Shakti
as Kundalini, was first on the Mother Earth. Kundalini is a wee
part of the Adi Shakti is the pure desire of Adi Shakti. So Adi
Shakti is the complete desire of Sadashiva, and Adi Kundalini is the
complete desire of Adi Shakti (970525)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sadashiva
The Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process.
One is the road another is the destination. So I hope you
understand how important it is that your centres should be
corrected your road should be alright that your Sushumna should
be cleared because we are Madyamargis we have to go by the
centre by the central path til you reach your Talubhag where
sits Sadashiva. So keep your road, the Madyamarga clean and let
the Kundalini pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through
it you will be amazed that the same Kundalini is going through
the Vishnu path and reaching at the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
The Himalayas are regarded as the real abode of Sadashiva, and
which is 'on top'. The 'on top' are the Himalayas, and the Himalayas
are beyond the Sahastrara (850000.2) & where exists Sadashiva,
at Kailasha (830725); England is Sadashiva's Country (850806),
which has to become Jerusalem (801027)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871023 Press Interview, Piacenza, Milan - see 871024 good 25
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
871023.1 Press Conference, Xavier's Flat
871023.2 Press Conference, Rotary Club, Piacenza - see also 871024
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
900828 Ganesha Puja - Austria good 30
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
- end - 12 May 2003
Seeker (830128); In the olden days when the Goddess had to
fight the Rakshasas, the Rakshasas were not involved in human
beings as such they didnt become Gurus or anything. And so now
we find , in Kali Yuga they have gone into the brains of the
Sadhakas of their devotees. It's very difficult to remove them
and once they go into the brains of the Sadhakas then the
Sadhakas become of course possessed they suffer they have all
kinds of problems - but despite that they stick on to that person,
because they are mesmerised. Main thing is that in this Kali Yuga
there are so many Sadhakas they are running helter and skelter
they are running all over, trying to find out some way of finding
the truth (911209)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-911209 Bangalore Puja - see 911206.2
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
911209 Public Program, Bangalore good 15
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Sahaja Culture
Where attention is not given to material things, like worrying
about our carpets, or having all the different types of glasses,
or of cutlery. Where we no longer say things like "I hate I
like I don't like I believe in"; Where we appreciate
everything, and especially others. Where we enjoy, and give to
others we speak well of and help each other we care for
others' possessions. Where we compete in loving in being
kind in being humble in doing for others and in saying sweet
things (800613); So with humility, one should know that now you
belong to Sahaja Culture, and Sahaja Culture is that of
humility if you are not humble, then you have not yet achieved
your Sahaja Yoga (880921)
Is a culture of temperance, not of extremes, or of overdoing
anything. The fruits of Sahaja culture should be that we feel
joyous (800613); Where we dress up decently, talk decently,
speak sweet words, are very gentle, dignified personalities, with
no anger or temper. Where we are auspicious, emitting
vibrations that are blissful, and where we are what we stand
for, with no hypocrisy (860305); Where we respect both
ourselves and others, and also respect all that is Godly, or
auspicious, or beautiful, where we are smiling, enjoying
personalities, making others happy (871016)
Sahaja Vasta
The Sahaja State where you know for definite that you are
on the right path you are on the right state of mind and in
which you do not react you just see, and appreciate you just
see it's a drama you just see and watch and get the joy out
of it. So my own effort was to take you into that beautiful
arena of Sahaja where you will be absolutely one with
yourself one with the nature with all the people who are
around you with your own Country and countries. Everywhere
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sahaja Culture
the whole atmosphere, as they say the whole Brahmanda,
becomes part and parcel of you and you're not separated from
that (000507)
Spontaneous; Born with, or Inborn (811004), from Saha/with,
and Ja/born (840313); Is an ancient name (831001); Easy
(840718); Simple (851128); Everything that is living is
spontaneous (851128); Nothing to be 'done' (891008.1);
Meditation is the most Sahaja method (760330); Shri Ganesha
is the one who creates spontaneity, who is Sahaj (860907)
You have got everything in a Sahaj manner and in the same
Sahaj manner, you can give it to others. You got it Sahaj in a
very simple manner you didn't do anything about it absolutely
Sahaj. Without doing anything without saying anything, you got
your Realisation if somebody is coming to you for Realisation,
you must do it in the same manner. So now we are in a Sahaj
style you have to be Sahaj (920719)
Sahaj has a very special meaning spontaneously you do not
have to exert you do not have to go into a penance, or work it
out in a Sahaj way you can do it; Sahaj also means easy
Some people have a habit of coming forward too much all the
time to be in the publicto be there all the time - tell
yourself 'there's no need this is not the way it's not
sahaj why are you going forward all the time why are you
trying to show off if you are called, better go'. Ok is done
is done dont worry about it but next time 'why did I do it
alright, next time I'm not going to do it (850310)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sahaja Culture
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Sahaja Culture
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
871106.1 Materialism, Shri Ganesha Puja - Spain [+ translation] good 55
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
Sahaja Vasta
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840718 Chiswick Town Hall, [+33 mins Q&A + partial Experience] good 55
851128 William Blake - Hammersmith (C100) Not good 60
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Sahaja Vasta
The Sahaja State where you know for definite that you are on
the right path you are on the right state of mind and in which
you do not react you just see, and appreciate you just see it's
a drama you just see and watch and get the joy out of it. So my
own effort was to take you into that beautiful arena of Sahaja
where you will be absolutely one with yourself one with the
nature with all the people who are around you with your own
Country and countries. Everywhere the whole atmosphere, as they
say the whole Brahmanda, becomes part and parcel of you and
you're not separated from that (000507)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Sahaja Yoga
The Spontaneous Union of the individual consciousness with the
All Pervading Divine Power, through the awakening of the residual
power of the Kundalini which lies dormant within all human beings
in the triangular bone at the base of the spine, called the sacrum
- the sacred bone (MME); The innate pure religion within us
(900807); The innate universal religion of Divine Love, which
when enlightened within, produces in the seeker quite
spontaneously, a truly religious, moral, peaceful, compassionate
and powerful, enlightened personality (MME/p175); This Sahaja
Yoga, the communion with the Divine, is your birthright as a
human being (821007); Sahaja Yoga is the union between you and
God (800505)
Is the only way to get Self Realisation there is no other way
out (790616); To be worked out not on the mental level, but on
the spiritual level; Work it out through the heart not the brain
(830121); The culmination, the integration of all the Scriptures,
of all the Deities (840702); Now, en masse, it becomes Maha
Yoga (831001); Is a living process (820710); An aspect of the Adi
Shakti, which works in Collectivity (830113)
Is a living process, just like the sprouting of a seed, and is
therefore God's work - He has to do it (800517.1); Sahaja Yoga
is a very different type of a living process - when you get
Realisation, it starts transforming you, and then others. By your
presence you start transforming other people. First you receive
the light, then you generate the light. With your 'Will' you can
generate Sahaja Yoga to go further (801116)
Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of all the humanity. It's
not for one country, another country it's not for one person,
another person it's for the whole humanity (980706); Sahaja
Yoga is a global movement. There are millions, millions in Russia
and in India we have too, maybe, millions. Also in Austria and in
Italy, people have awakened so why not in England (980705)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sahaja Yoga
Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgement - it is fantastic to hear
this, but it is a fact, it is the truth. Our Mother's love makes it
very easy for us to get our Realisation, and the whole story of
the Last Judgement, which looks such a horrifying experience,
has been made very beautiful, tender and delicate, and doesn't
disturb us. But this is the Last Judgement - and we all are going
to be judged, through Sahaja Yoga, whether we can enter into
the Kingdom of God or not (790928)
Is a precious diamond you cannot give it to every person
they have to come to Sahaja Yoga they have to ask for it they
have to beg for it then only they can get their Realisation. We
don't want quantity we want quality (880710); The essence of
Sahaja Yoga is protocol - if we understand protocol, we will
automatically grow. Know the protocol, ask others, get their
advice, how to improve the protocol, what do we do wrong
Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous system built within us
naturally through nature by which Kundalini Shakti rises and
you become the Spirit. As a result, the Spirit starts manifesting
through your central nervous system and because the Spirit is
the knowledge of the Joy and the Truth and the Attention
you become that means your central nervous system becomes
that capable of knowing that (0.0012)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sahaja Yoga
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia. see 830113.1(5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation should be allowed develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk all chakras [duplicate, better quality not complete]
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara, Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl. 30 min medtn) good 60
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, part 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840702 Hampstead Public Programme - [sound quality very poor] poor 40
851128 William Blake - Hammersmith (C100) Not good 60
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
900807 Raksha Bandhan Puja - Los Angeles good 50
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
MME Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji
- end - 8 May 2003
Sahaja Yogis
Are lights of joy, of compassion, of love (960505); Are there, for
the Adi Shakti to reveal the Truth to the whole world - so it is a
very important role for Sahaja Yogis (850528); In your own way,
when you are doing Sahaja Yoga, there also you have to be a
mother more mother's qualities than the father's qualities that
there is no ambition, there's no competition, there's no jealousy,
nothing just you want your children to come up and to grow into
their spirituality (980510)
First and foremost thing for a Sahaja Yogi is he must have
introspection he must watch himself if he changes because some
fashion has come or because some people have suppressed him or
just asked him to or just to please people of cheap values, then he
cannot be a guru. He has to station himself properly on the values
of Sahaja Yoga (980712)
Sahaja Yogis are Realised Souls, are knowledgeable. You are
different to others. Not to put down or discard anyone, but to know
that they are not the same as you are. They have to become like
you they can become like you. They are not your enemies they
can come to this side but, they are not the same as you are. This
must come into you so that collectivity becomes strong. So
discretion is very important. One of the very great basics for our
growth is to discriminate. Trust Sahaja Yogis a Sahaja Yogi is your
brother, your sister, your companion, is everything (801116)
Sahaja Yogis are channels for the working of the Paramchaitanya,
in giving Self Realisation to people, who are seeking the truth
(970316), and have to be strong (800630); Sahaja Yogis are
definitely connected with the Divine (960505); You are
transmitters. Everywhere that you are sitting in meditation, you are
transmitting vibrations - do you know that. Think of love, think of
the whole country, think of the whole world at that time. You are
transmitters of these waves of love, and love will flow from you
(791015); Sahaja Yogis are unique, there is no parallel never
before existed so no analogies Athula, which cannot be
compared; We are in unison all do the same thing if one gets fish
and chips, all get fish and chips (801116)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sahaja Yogis
We have to understand our own dignity, and the first thing is to
understand that Sahaja Yogis are the ones that God has chosen.
When you are chosen the first, you must also realise that you are
the foundations - you have to be strong and forbearing. Sahaja
Yogis are the first lamps that are going to enlighten other lamps in
the world (760330); Are people who are chosen by God (821219)
Some think that whatever we do, we are Sahaja Yogis - you do not
become Sahaja Yogis at all those who do not meditate. You see,
Sahaja Yogis are to be decided by the Divine not by you. If you are
genuine, if you are simple, God knows you are alright you will be
there - if you are not, He will throw you out (800907)
No Sahaja Yogi is going to marry another Sahaja Yogi you are all
brothers and sisters nobody should come to me, and tell me 'I
want to marry this or that' if I say you marry, that's different
but you don't come to me, and tell me 'I've fallen in love with
another Sahaja Yogi' (810904); When you are very good brothers
and sisters, first of all your left Vishuddhi improves - we get this
left Vishuddhi, because we don't have proper brother and sister
relationship it's not that we should have our 'own' sister but
'any' woman who is a Sahaja Yogini is your sister except for your
own wife. Unless and until we develop that pure feeling within
ourselves, we cannot work out Sahaja Yoga I know it's rather
difficult to digest but it's a fact (860818)
The quality of 'standing for the truth', at any cost, is so easy for
Sahaja Yogis. If you stand for the right, for the righteous, for the
truth, then all kinds of help 'to protect you', will be given (890423);
In Sahaja Yoga, you have to be really dedicated and honest - you
should enjoy your honesty you should enjoy your love your
generosity everything. First and foremost quality of a Sahaja Yogi
is that he has to be absolutely honest he has not come here to
make money or to make power but he has come to rise into the
new, beautiful world that we are creating. You have overcome so
many things I know you have achieved so many things I know
which is not possible humanly impossible things you have done you
have got over all this nonsense but still there are some people
among you, who still are in the stinking mud of nonsense (010321)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sahaja Yogis
No Sahaja Yogi is going to take any money nor anybody is going
to bow to them nor are they going to take any kind of special
attention; A Guru has to suffer the most - that's how he can
command. He has to be the example of austerity, and of
detachment that's how he is going to get respect the quality has
to be that of Gold (860706)
The depth of a Sahaja Yogi is to be measured by the way he
keeps joyous and happy. A Sahaja Yogi may not be a 'real' Sahaja
Yogi it only depends on if you are joyous if you are anxious to
give Realisation to others and you want to share your Realisation
and you just dont want to keep it to yourself if that is not your
condition, then you are still not a full Sahaja Yogi (001231)
When the attention goes to the Spirit, it just happens that you
become Gunatit, and are no more concerned with your own
conveniences, or comforts. You just go beyond all these three gunas
which have been dominating you, like the Tamoguna, Rajoguna and
Satwoguna. Now you don't want to see whether you are right sided,
or left sided or centred - you are a Sahaja Yogi, and a Sahaja Yogi
is beyond all these things, you are Gunatit (980321) beyond the
three gunas (800526)
When your attention is on the Spirit, then you don't feel the
discomfort of nature, or of worldly things; That is the first sign
when a Sahaja Yogi starts complaining about comforts, that is the
first sign that he is not a Sahaja Yogi as yet (861225); A Sahaja
Yogi is to be known by his character by his righteousness by his
behaviour the behaviour of a Sahaja Yogi should be extremely
peaceful Sahaja Yogis who are just rushing up and down upset
are not Sahaja Yogis (850310)
A person who is frightful who is very strict who talks very
rudely is not a Sahaja Yogi no way but the one who looks out
cares loves and is very generous is the real Sahaja Yogi. You are
people of special qualities and those qualities must be shown in your
life. I have never put any restrictions on you do what you like
whatever way you want to do it, you can do it I have never been
bothering even about money or anything but that is a testing
ground where you are standing (010321)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sahaja Yogis
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-860706 Guru Puja, Gmunden - see 860706 good 55
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-800630 What is happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall, see 800630 good 25
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
860706 Guru Puja talk/Pre Puja talk - Gmunden, Austria
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- Jai Shri Mataji -
You have got everything in a Sahaj manner and in the same
Sahaj manner, you can give it to others. You got it Sahaj in a
very simple manner you didn't do anything about it absolutely
Sahaj. Without doing anything without saying anything, you got
your Realisation if somebody is coming to you for Realisation,
you must do it in the same manner. So now we are in a Sahaj
style you have to be Sahaj (920719)
Some people have a habit of coming forward too much all the
time to be in the publicto be there all the time - tell
yourself 'there's no need this is not the way it's not
sahaj why are you going forward all the time why are you
trying to show off if you are called, better go'. Ok is done
is done dont worry about it but next time 'why did I do it
alright, next time I'm not going to do it (850310)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
920229 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Australia good 60
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Sahastrara Chakra
The 7th and last Chakra, opened by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, on
May 5th 1970, in the morning time in India; The topmost chakra is
the brain; Where is the Satya; Whose essence is integration; The
Sahastrara is open in a large hearted person, and catches with a
'my/mine' attitude; Beyond the Sahastrara is the realm, where is
Reality, and into which we have to enter; Nobody has described
Sahastrara except that it has a thousand petals; The Kingdom of
God, which is the Sahastrara is the 1000 petalled lotus that round
place called as limbic area in the gross level. At Sahastrara, no sound
is made by the passage of the Kundalini, and one becomes
thoughtless; In terms of evolution, the Sahastrara is at the stage of
the present day.
The Kundalini when She rises, enters the Limbic area, after
penetrating the 6 chakras, and there enlightens the 7 Peetas or
seats of the 7 chakras. The Peetas for each chakra are placed along
the mid-line of the Limbic area, starting at the back of the head with
the Mooladhara, then around it the Swadisthan, then proceeding
along the mid-line next is the Nabhi, followed by Heart, Vishuddhi,
and finally Agnya. All these 6 combine to make the 7th, the
Sahastrara, which is a hollow space. The limbic area is that area
which the Kundalini enters, when She passes through the Agnya
Chakra that area of the Kingdom of God within us, between the
Agnya and the Fontanelle bone area, and which actually represents
the heart.
On the sides are 1000 nadis, which when enlightened look like
gentle flames burning, but with no heat extremely cooling and
soothing in all the 7 colours, and which finally integrate to become a
crystal clear flame. In transverse section, the appearance is like that
of petals. We feel the Cool Breeze in the hands, when the Kundalini
comes out of the Sahastrara, at the Fontanelle bone area, and joins
with the All Pervading Power.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Sahastrara Chakra
The area of the soft bone at the crown of an infant's head the
Fontanelle bone area, or Brahmarandra through which passes the
Kundalini, linking the human awareness to the All Pervading Power of
Divine Love is at the point where the Heart chakra is, so there is a
direct connection with the Heart chakra; This is the hole through
which the Kundalini pierces; You are so built that the Brahmarandra
is also your heart.
Reality the Truth, the Absolute, which has to be felt on your
Central Nervous System the realm beyond Sahastrara, where we
have to enter is achieved through the heart; Reality is what Reality
is it's not a concept; To deal with Reality it must be done with
intensity even love must be intense otherwise you are just
befooling yourself playing games it leads you nowhere.
Also, as you are Realised Souls, all the Divine forces all the Divine
Deities all of them are looking after you but they know one thing
those who are surrendered and those who are not. You just
surrender the problem and you will be surprised the answer will
come in such a miracle. Just surrender do not take any
responsibility upon yourself just surrender.
When something that you want doesn't work out, then you should
accept it as the Will of God - that it is what He desires, that it is
the Desire of God; Now you are one with His Desires. You are here to
communicate the Desires of God, to the whole world. At this stage, if
you start having your own desires and ideas about yourself, then
when will you become the Desire of God.
Now in your freedom you must understand what is glorious for you
then you tell yourself that I have to become something more and
the only thing I have to do is to completely co-ordinate, co-operate
and surrender to His Will so that I become. In that surrendering
you do the greatest thing, because by that you do not interfere with
His work you do not obstruct the Will of God - He wants to give you
the highest which you cannot achieve for yourself it is His gift to
Problems with Sahastrara
If a Sahaja Yogi finds the Sahastrara catching, he should take a
bath in the sea I think because Sahastrara is my place as you know
and to catch the Sahastrara is a very serious thing he might
develop Ekadesha with that, and he'll be in trouble. The reason is
when you are a Sahaja Yogi you have to recognise me that's the
condition. If you do not, you will develop this Ekadesha, and I tell you
then it is not possible to allow this Kundalini to come up. Eka Desha
Rudra is one of the greatest hurdles to the Kundalini entering the
Sahastrara, and comes from Void, and covers the Medha, the plate of
the brain, so the Kundalini cannot enter into the Limbic area.
The limbic area is affected by strong things like 'Crack' which
have within them sulphur dioxide, which does not go anywhere, but
just rushes into the limbic area. This limbic area is a hollow space,
having within it cells sensitive to joy and happiness. These cells now
become numb, and so ordinary music cannot be heard - it becomes
necessary to shout and scream. As soon as the Kundalini enters the
limbic area, She soothes it down - we feel the Cool Breeze, when the
Kundalini comes out of the top, at the Sahastrara.
Because you have got your Realisation and still you are denying
me means something is wrong - you might develop Ekadesha that's
the beginning of the end. Taking too much advantage of me is also
like this too much sticking onto me, also you might get this
Ekadesha too much pressurising, you will get it answering me not
listening to me - if you start challenging me, you will catch on
Sahastrara and then don't blame me. In Sahaja Yoga, if you could
rise and ascend, and try to recognise me I will have no problem
and you will have no problem. You see they have to accept me thats
the only thing is.
Try to keep this lotus open. Sometimes we fail, because of some
lingering human feelings that remain. These 2 balloons of ego and
superego try to close the Sahastrara. We have to be on guard to see
what is closing the Sahastrara.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya - Problems with Sahastrara
So just behind this recognition is all the powers but if you are
doubting still half way this that, then things won't be alright. You
shouldnt worry about your reputation just go full speed into any
direction, knowing one thing that you are my child, and that I am
Adi Shakti everything that looks horrible will become better you
have seen it now dont worry about anything just know that I am
the Adi Shakti that all the powers of Gods and Goddesses and all
that are within me and they 'are' within me and they are all
looking after. But if that recognition is not there they are not going
to recognise you either.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Correcting the Sahastrara Chakra
The only way to be able to keep the Sahastrara open has to be
complete surrender. Surrendering is the opening of the Sahastrara -
keep it completely open so that the Nirvikalpa is established within
us. The area of the Sahastrara is the realm of God. When the
Brahmarandra opens fully, then the heavens open within yourself; To
keep Sahastrara absolutely clear cut, we must listen to whatever I
have told you, and obey it, as absolutely an ordained thing. To keep
the Sahastrara clean is to open your heart if your hearts are not
open, how will I fill it up with my love open your hearts to your
fellow Yogis and Yoginis. Your quality will be known by how much you
are surrendered to me Christ has said that; 'Mother, the way you
keep it, that way we accept it'.
Now in your freedom you must understand what is glorious for you
then you tell yourself that I have to become something more and
the only thing I have to do is to completely co-ordinate, co-operate
and surrender to His Will so that I become. In that surrendering
you do the greatest thing, because by that you do not interfere with
His work you do not obstruct the Will of God. He wants to give you
the highest which you cannot achieve for yourself it is His gift to
Also, as you are Realised Souls, all the Divine forces all the Divine
Deities all of them are looking after you but they know one thing
those who are surrendered and those who are not. You just
surrender the problem and you will be surprised the answer will
come in such a miracle. Just surrender do not take any
responsibility upon yourself just surrender.
When something that you want doesn't work out, then you should
accept it as the Will of God - that it is what He desires, that it is
the Desire of God; Now you are one with His Desires. You are here to
communicate the Desires of God, to the whole world. At this stage, if
you start having your own desires and ideas about yourself, then
when will you become the Desire of God.
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Sahastrara Chakra
The Recognition of our Mother, is the mental activity of the Heart.
Develop it by introspection and meditation, developing those waves of
gratitude, love, oneness and Joy; Those who have not yet recognised,
though they are Realised, will not be blessed - they will go round and
round. So it is necessary to recognise She who is presently with us.
The time is such that we have to recognise Sahaja Yoga - if we do
not, then the Sahastrara cannot be opened. Recognition is the only
worship in Sahaja Yoga ask the question, of the Deity that you
worship you must know 'Who' you are facing. Recognise in a full
way, with full humility, so that your Realisation sustains.
One condition, if you can understand is that you have to recognise
me. I know, I'm Mahamaya I'm really very clever at it but I'm
truthful but still I'm Mahamaya so to recognise me what should
we do if we recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing is
the simplest thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are not
collective then know that something wrong with you if you are
collective if you are enjoying the collective, then you should know
that you are clean no blemish is there you are absolutely alright.
Once you have recognised, you will have no fear from anyone and
the more you show that recognition, the more you realise it, you get
higher and higher not only spiritually, but every way, mentally,
socially, economically, politically is very remarkable that not only
that you recognise me as a Mother who loves you very much but a
Mother who is powerful to protect you.
To come close in the real form would have been very dangerous so
one had to be a Mahamaya. But despite that, if you could recognise
me to understand me that I am Divine Personality an
Incarnation thats all the Deities want then theyll look after you
in every way.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Sahastrara Chakra - Aspect or Deity
The Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost who has
come to save the humanity, who has incarnated on this Earth to give
it's meaning to itself has come in the Mahamaya form so that the
seekers will not be frightened. The Adi Shakti the Feminine, Pure
Desire Power the Pure Love and Compassion of God Almighty, which
does all the work of Creation who destroys the evil forces to save
Her children from negativity who is Parashakti, beyond all the
powers, the Power of Sadashiva, of God Almighty. The Devi, the
Goddess who integrates and unites everything. The All Pervading
Power, of God's Love the Ruh the Paramchaitanya the
Rutumbhara the 'Power' of God, who does all the Divine Play, and
which is witnessed by the Father aspect of God.
She who first created Shri Ganesha, the source of wisdom and
innocence - the Eternal Child; The Primordial Mother, the Adi Shakti
came 12000 years back in more than 1000 Incarnations, to protect
Her children, the devotees, from those negative forces, that were
trying to destroy them.
The time is such that we have to recognise - if we do not, then the
Sahastrara cannot be opened. Recognition is the only worship in
Sahaja Yoga ask the question, of the Deity that you worship you
must know 'Who' you are facing. Recognise in a full way, with full
humility, so that your Realisation sustains. The Recognition of our
Mother, is the mental activity of the Heart. Develop it by
introspection and meditation, developing those waves of gratitude,
love, oneness and Joy; Those who have not yet recognised, though
they are Realised, will not be blessed - they will go round and round.
So it is necessary to recognise She who is presently with us.
Sahajvidya - Sahastrara
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
790000.1 Bija Mantras and Shaktis on Kundalini - Ashley Gdns good 40
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa, Vienna good 50
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
930606 Shri Adi Shakti Puja - Cabella good 55
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Sai Nath of Shirdi
The last Incarnation of the Primordial Master or Guru, about
100 years back (810928), who was a real prophet, and who talked
of Sahaja Yoga, and who has done a lot of work for me (830302)
If you see how the Brahmins from Hammed Nagar tortured him,
you'd be surprised they brought a snake charmer with a snake to
kill him but he caught hold of the snake, and he talked to the
snake. So the snake went away, and bit the charmer. Then, he was
the one who got up and saved the charmer and said 'now don't do
all this' the charmer said that he would not have, but they had
given him money (790608.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5, good 80
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 8 May 2003
In ancient times the Saints established the importance of
virtue in life and how it can give you health, wealth and
prosperity which is glorified and not which is degrading. They
established schools and Universities especially in India, where
even today the families carry the name of that University as
their Ghotra and the families belonging to one Ghotra cannot
marry. They prepared young children, educated them that they
led a very dharmic life enjoyed their married life fully and
matured in such a manner that they got their Realisation and
lived a life of complete enjoyment. And thus they, by their
example, distracted the attention of the people which was
outside, to inner deeper values (800505)
All this permeated a kind of confidence in God, Religion and a
very balanced life - they have really done a great job of building
the scaffolding of the huge, great building of Sahaja Yoga
which is going to come now. Their desire to establish Dharma was
so great, that the complete Divine force of Mahakali was working
through them and they put it to action with such understanding
and such wisdom. Great scriptures were written by them and for
thousands of years, they were the guiding light for people
In India, a saint is respected above all - higher than any artists
or painters, kings or governments. The highest of all is the saint
(860921.1); We are the people we are not to be afraid of any
society we have to come out of it we have to teach them
whatever is good we are going to do whether you like it or not
that's the sign of a Saint (880710); First and foremost, all the
great Saints have praised their guru for example Gyaneshwara
in India has written a complete chapter about the guru they have
translated it into English, as Preceptor guru is the Preceptor
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Saints
There exists in the Divine the capacity to manifest it's Love, to
show that you are the Saints, you are the chosen ones of God -
through the expression of Rutumbhara Pragnya - but you have to
accept that situation first. But if you behave like any normal
person, it will never happen (830723.1); The Divine cannot make
Saints - Saints are made by their own efforts. Angels are made by
the Divine and are always protected (890423)
The understanding of Mother Earth about Saints is very great
she knows who is a Saint she knows the feet of a Saint. That's
why so many things were created - like Moses he went to the
sea, and the Mother Earth came up for them to walk through it
was for Moses, and his saintliness, that the Mother Earth came up
and helped if people are saintly, they will always be protected by
Mother Earth she will always try to give them whatever they
want (970525)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Saleelum Saleelum
Said by Adi Shankaracharya, meaning that 'a cool breeze starts
flowing' (791203); The Cool Breeze which starts flowing the
Vibrations which start flowing when you get your Realisation
and the Kundalini rises, and passes through the Brahma Nadi and
pierces the Fontanelle Bone Area, which is called as
Brahmarandhra and you become one, with the All Pervading Power
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
- end - 27 Mar 2003
Salt that is vibrated helps with the stomach area, absorbing
all that is mobile. The 5 left side dharmas are helped by taking
vibrated salt. Salt represents the dharma in the void area,
which is the ocean within us (781005); Is the quality of the
Guru (810330); Vibrated salt is the best thing to give with
water for a person to drink, who has a problem of possession by
one of the guru bhoots (800517.2); Is useful for correcting left
side problems of the Nabhi Chakra (830121), and is also used
for gargling (810330); Left sided people should take salt more,
and with salt they can solve many problems, because salt gives
them a personality a composure, by which they can express
themselves, in a way that is dignified and not lethargic
(830121); Salt is so important for our breathing (871213)
People who have teeth which are troubling them, must look
after them. It's no good just going to the dentist simple thing
is to use some olive oil and some salt rub it on your gums nicely
every day before sleeping that will keep your teeth alright.
You will be amazed that til today, I have not been to any
dentist but one thing is there that I brush my teeth quite a
lot. Dont use electrical toothbrushes and all that but use
brushes, or use your fingers. The best way is to rub with salt
and oil is very good for you and allow the whole thing to come
out (860504)
For throat, gargling is a very good thing with salt, every
night. Gargling is something is a must for all the Sahaja
Yogis is a must (.0012); Is to be done every morning, using
salt, as a treatment for Vishuddhi (830202; 810330), with a
little warm water (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Salt
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
Chakras affected: Left Side; Nabhi; Void
From 'Sama'/Enlightened, and 'Dhi'/Awareness or Consciousness
(810926); In older times, where the Yogi would sit for great
periods of time oblivious to all around him but not so now
(820130), and also could be that the Yogi would choose his death,
by taking his Samadhi, as did Nyaneshwara who went into a room
and died (870408)
That state where you start feeling the joy and the bliss of
God's blessings, and start saying 'Oh God what a blessing' At
this time you have to realise 'who am I what am I I am the
Spirit'; After establishing your sustained attention on the
Spirit, you then will develop a complete state of witnessing - with
joy (830723.3); Where your attention is completely drowned into
the experiencing (830107)
The third of three steps in meditation, preceded by Dhyana and
Dharna, and is the state of maturity of our meditation, in which
we see, in whatever we do, the manifestations of the Deity, who is
the object of our worship. So whatever we see or hear or read, or
whatever we do with our eyes, or our nose etc., it is the Deity
whom we worship, who is bringing that to us. It is a kind of
manifestation of that Deity, that comes automatically - if we have
a problem, it must be there to teach us some experience, or some
lesson, and is the manifestation of the Deity itself. We will find
that problems get solved automatically. This new state awakened
in us is called as Rutumbhara Pragnya (830723.1)
In the Samadhi state, first is the thoughtless awareness as you
know called Nirvichara Samadhi and then into the other state
called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi, which is doubtless awareness and
which is 2 states Sirvikalpa and Nirvikalpa. Most of the Sahaja
Yogis now are on the Sirvikalpa, not yet at the Nirvikalpa and to
rise up to the Nirvikalpa we must understand that we have to do
little more about it (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Samadhi
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830107 Ganesha Puja - Rahuri - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 20
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830723.1 Rutumbhara Pragnya, part 1, Lodge Hill Seminar good 25
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position pt 3, Lodge Hill good 65
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
Shri Rama is the embodiment of all the good qualities in a man
like Sankoch you see there is a Sankoch like not sort of to
go to somebody's house and then to start demanding this and
that ratheryou should be worried how far to go with a
person how far to talk to a person how far to go with your
wife with your children you see all that is Sankoch. Sankoch
means restraint in a wise way enlightened restraint how far
to go is the question (0.0012)
Shri Rama being Sankochi means he's a man full of Grace
(850000.2); Shri Rama was known to be a very formal person
Sankoch that he would go to any extent to bear upon himself the
problems, than to tell others to do something this is one of the
greatest qualities of Shri Rama that he would not order anyone
do anything for him. The softness of Shri Rama goes to the
extremes which I call the Sankoch (871004; 861223)
Rama was on the right side of the heart means the heart put
to activity do you understand that. When you are in the left
heart thats your sincerity your heart felt thing but the heart
felt thing what's the use you see. There are many Sahaja Yogis
who really feel this world is horrible and something must be done
Sahaja Yoga must be brought in but how many of you are really
putting that to action absolutely into action. Without that your
Rama's tattwa cannot be improved. Rama's tattwa is only improved
when you put all the things into action thats exactly what Shri
Rama did (820402)
There's no word in English language because you have
'formality' which is a very insipid word to describe Sankoch
because there is no 'integration between your heart and
formality' but if you can think of a 'formality of the heart',
what do you call that sweet formality it's an action formality
of the heart in action you see. Not to say something in such a
way that you touch the wrong side of a person is Sankoch. The
delicacy of understanding. You see this arrogance and rudeness
comes to us because we have no Sankoch. That Sankoch, that
understanding comes if you love someone and understand (820402)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sankoch
Now you have to love all the seekers of the world they have
done wrong they have done all kinds of ego trips they have done
all kinds of mistakes but your Mother loves them and you have
to love them. If they have to be corrected, I'll do that you just
dont do that way that they feel hurt. So we have a Sahaja Yoga
tradition also in which when we speak to each other, we have that
Sankoch within us of Shri Ram and if you dont have that
Sankoch you get right heart and that right heart is a very
dangerous thing in the country like England where the climate is so
bad because it gives you the horrible thing called Asthma. You
get Asthma if your right heart is caught not necessarily that
asthma will come only from right heart can also come from
centre heart but if you get right heart, you definitely get
asthma. So this Sankoch one has to learn the Mariadas means
the boundaries of your relationships. Shri Rama is known for his
boundaries he doesnt cross the limit in everything discretion
of the heart should be there. Now there is no word for discretion
of the heart in English language which is Mariada discretion of
the heart is how far to go (820402)
Those people who are obedient to me are very powerful Sahaja
Yogis you know that and those who are not, go down very fast. I
have seen those who are disobedient, who dont listen to me, who
are rude to me, who do not understand the protocol go down very
much in Sahaja Yoga because what is lacking in you is the
discretion, the Mariada how far to go. You have to be powerful
people and the power of a person increases by putting Mariadas -
supposing you have wheat, and you spread it, it will spread all over
and anybody, birds will come and eat it up it will be finished. But
if you put it in a sack, it will have a weight it will have a size it
will rise in height is useful and it will have respect. But the
thing that is all spread all over will never be respected. Nothing
works out without Mariadas you have to keep your Mariadas. All
our ideas of freedom are to be bound by Mariadas if the
freedom has no Mariadas, it is abandonment it is a nonsense it
is not going to help (820402)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sankoch
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
Chakras affected: Right Heart
Now you should not get upset with these Sanskrit names it has
nothing to do with any particular community they were found out
by Saints who were meditating in India, and they knew Sanskrit
so Sanskrit was used. As science has developed here, so in India a
science of the Kundalini was developed of the germinating
power the residual power within us. This science actually
experimented with the movement of the Kundalini where it
moves the sound it makes and these sounds are different on
the different centres and these sounds have been taken by
those people in the ancient days, as the phonetic sounds for
forming the Sanskrit language and that's why Sanskrit is used
for controlling the Kundalini the movement of Kundalini
(790608.1); These names like 'Ida Nadi' are in Sanskrit. All this
was discovered thousands of years back by Seers, who gave them
a Sanskrit name. Also it has some meaning that these names they
got from the Unconscious so that they are not 'Sanskrit' names,
but are the names 'actually' of those things (800809)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Near Nasik, on the way to Dhulia (850000.2), is the great shrine
of Saptashringi, which has got the seven chakras, of the limbic
area, representing the Sahastrara. Her face and body are
beautifully made and she emits vibrations for miles around. It is a
miraculous place that has come out of Mother Earth, and since
ancient times it has been there. Nobody knows when it first
appeared (830118)
Ancient Swayambhu (830118), representing the 7 peaks (7
chakras) at Sahastrara (900923), in the brain (850000.2); Which
is the Sahastrara of Maharashtra, and of the Universe in a way,
though the Himalayas are regarded as the real abode of
Sadashiva, which is on top. But the Sahastrara part, which is the
limbic area, should be here, because we have got 3 coils settled
here, and as Sapta Shringi has come out of Mother Earth, this is
the place where we can say resides the Sahastrara. Then the 'on
top' is the Himalayas, and the Himalayas are beyond the
Sahastrara; This is the Adi Shakti Herself (850000.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
-830118 Ganesha Puja - Nasik - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas in India) good 10
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end - 28 May 2003
The Saraswati power within us which I have not talked to you
so far, because you are already using it too much. We have 3
powers within us the one power which is... is the Left side
power of desire, the Mahakali power whatever you desire the
desire comes true. After some time you find you do not desire
anything that is not wanted you only desire something that is
good for your spirit, and the spirit of others. The another
power which is enlightened within us is the Right hand side
power the power of action called as Mahasaraswati.
Physically and mentally we are overactive specially in the
society where we are supposed to be 'developed' - we develop
through using this power of action (810511)
Becomes Shri Mahasaraswati and then Shri Vishnumaya.
Saraswati is the Goddess of learning, whilst Mahasaraswati is
the Goddess of knowledge. She has 4 arms, wears white, the
sign of purity, and has in her hands the vina, roses and a book.
She gives the power to understand the subtle meaning behind
the words. Also she gives the power to speak to communicate
by writing and drama (900811.1); She is the sister to Shri
Shiva (850901) She gives us Subuddhi, wisdom (830113); She
also corrects excessive attention to money, and does not
therefore go hand in hand with Shri Lakshmi. Her qualities
include creativity, art, music, communication, comprehension
The basis of all the creativity of Shri Saraswati is love - if
there is no love, then there is no creativity. All the great
creative works of the world have vibrations, and only those that
have vibrations have been sustained by time; The quality of
Saraswati is that she ends up into subtler things. So the
Mother Earth ends up in fragrance, and music ends up in
melody, matter in aesthetics, whilst water becomes the River
Ganges, and air becomes the Vibrations (830113)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Saraswati
You may carry on like that, but you'll find after some time
you have lost your vibrations you have lost the cool breeze
because heart doesnt like mechanical things every day it does
new things it never sticks onto habits it never sticks on the
same routine of things it's bubbling every day with new
appearances and so the mechanical things that you do deaden
this power of Saraswati one has to do it with complete love
towards yourself and toward others with complete esteem of
your being and others (810511)
Sahajvidya Saraswati
The most gruesome of behaviours, which is the essence of the
English character, and comes from left Vishuddhi (850806)
those who never talk straight forwardly, who think that to talk
straight forwardly is stupid, is unintelligent who never
appreciate another person (850901); It's not a sign of good
breeding that you talk sarcastically to others in a sharp
way but if you talk sweetly, what's the harm (970823.1); Some
people will not say straight forwardly, 'I'm sorry' they'll say
in sarcasm in a sarcastic way, so that 'sorry' has no meaning
(800927); Sarcasm can be cured by being straightforward and
speaking sweetly with no more harshness towards others
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Primordial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella good 65
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Sat Chit Ananda
God is Sat Chit Anand (880106) Truth, Attention, Joy, or
together, the Spirit (810928); It is the Joy, and it is the Truth (it
tells you the truth all the time it gives you discretion), and it is
the Chit, the Attention, that acts, that works, that gives you all
the information; The manifestation of the Spirit is Hitakari - it is
benevolent, it gives benevolence to you, and to others also the
second part of it, i.e. what benevolence we have done for others,
is very important (881226)
Sat Chit Ananda these are Sanskrit words is the
Superconsciousness the All Pervading Power; In between the
thoughts is a space, called Vilumba and in that Vilumba if you can
stop then you get to the conscious mind and there the Sat
Chit Ananda is the condition of mind, you can say, or the state of
mind where there is no thought but you are aware Nirvichara.
That is the first stage the first thing that happens when your
Kundalini rises above the Agnya chakra when it enters into the
Limbic area at that time the attention just touches the 'Sat'
point (770215); I am giving you a very slow picture as it happens
but normally the Kundalini shoots off, in most people but in some
it does not; Now when the Kundalini crosses the door of Agnya
chakra then you get into the state of thoughtless awareness
but at this state, to leave the Kundalini is not a good thing
because the Kundalini can start moving to this side or to that
side can go to the Supraconscious or to the Subconscious
where they can get into the Siddhis like they can predict or,
they can see me as light or as a waterfall or as an iceberg, if
they have been to the Supraconscious or if they have been to
the Subconscious they can start seeing things like they see me
as who I was - but at this stage, you just touch the Sat point; So
at that state, I would not like to leave your Kundalini I am very
anxious always that it should come out of the Brahmarandhra at
that state, you start getting the Vibrations (770215)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sat Chit Anand
When the Kundalini touches the Spirit the light of the Spirit
spreads in the central nervous system but only the chitta part
the outer part is the chitta part means the attention part. At
that stage, when the Kundalini opens the Brahmarandhra at that
time you feel the vibrations from your own hands and from the
another person also because you become collectively conscious
collectively conscious only because out of Sat Chit Ananda, you
just touch the Chit point so you start feeling your Chitta
becoming the Chitta of the collective consciousness and then you
can feel another person's Kundalini you can feel it on the fingers,
what is happening which chakras are catching you can diagnose
yourself so you just feel the Chitta part, not the Ananda part
Then at the Nirvikalpa state the collective consciousness
becomes very subtle at that state you can understand the very
deep significance of something the Reality starts becoming
clearer you start understanding the working of the Kundalini. In
Nirvikalpa, you need not put your hands towards a person you
know where it is what is happening - you have no doubts
mastery starts. Such people are very satisfied people they do
not grumble about small things they live in a big way they have
no time for outside gross things such people are the ones who
are going to create a pillar for Sahaja Yoga. They cannot tolerate
anything against your Mother or Sahaja Yoga and they can get
into a tremendous temper if somebody tries to do something like
that. After Nirvikalpa, the Ganesha becomes really Jagrut and
such a person is beyond temptation. Once you get into the
Nirvikalpa state the Ananda starts working also your
consciousness becomes that Ananda and at that stage, the
complete Realisation takes place and then you can control
everything; Now beyond that is God Realisation and there are
three stages to that also but just now, I have told you the Sat
Chit Ananda state (770215)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sat Chit Anand
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881226 Value systems, G'pule - see 881217 good 10
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 good 80
If you have Lakshmi Principle in you, you will feel extremely
satisfied with everything that is materialistic if you have
something, well and good if you don't have, well and good. We
have to be satisfied with what we have and we should express
our love by giving something, whatever it is, to the needy person. I
have seen myself I find it difficult to buy anything for myself -
if it's expensive, I think I should not buy (960716)
Without satisfaction, you cannot have compassion you have to
be satisfied Souls then your compassion will act. Now try to see
that you don't 'want' anything any more now, lets give we've
had enough of it that's very important to understand - give to
others your friends it's very touching you know (960710)
So be satisfied and if you are satisfied, you will really enjoy
your family life. The woman who is not satisfied, always finds
faults with others always is demanding something can never
make a good wife and can never make a good society (971231);
Given to us by the principle of Lakshmi (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971231.2 New Years Puja, Kale - see 971225.2
-971231.1 Shakti Puja, Kalwe - see 971225.1 good 10
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-960710 Airport Talk, Vienna - see 960710 good 40
960710 Airport Talk/Mahalakshmi Puja '96 Vienna/Moscow
- end - 27 Apr 2003
The central of the three types of people, the Trigunas, and who
are characterised by their problem of too much 'gas' (i.e. wind)
(840906); Centred person who eats honey, ghee, Channa, lean meat
(830131); Those who get out of the extreme kinds of behaviour, and
start seeking this also is finished when we become Gunatit
Satwogunis are the people who believe in righteousness but when
they are righteous, they have a contempt for others who are not
righteous so they become aloof they can go to the Himalayas, sit
there and not to meet anybody and just to establish themselves as
a big guru somewhere (980712)
The Satwoguna is the central channel (800517.2), which gives us
the temperature that we have and is lukewarm, as opposed to the
hot right side and the cool left side (800517.2); We should take to
Satwo Guna the Sacred path where we must evolve (781002)
In India, medicine is based on the Trigunas, the three types of
people, with the three types of problems: the Tamo, Rajo and Satwo
Gunis, being of the left, right and centre respectively. Each is
treated accordingly, in order to bring them back to a balanced
state (840906)
When the attention goes to the Spirit, it just happens that you
become Gunatit, and are no more concerned with your own
conveniences, or comforts. You just go beyond all these three gunas
which have been dominating you, like the Tamoguna, Rajoguna and
Satwoguna. Now you don't want to see whether you are right sided,
or left sided or centred - you are a Sahaja Yogi, and a Sahaja Yogi
is beyond all these things, you are Gunatit (980321) beyond the
three gunas (800526)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Satwoguni
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
Satya Yuga
The final Yuga or Age in the cycle of Yugas or Ages, each of
thousands of years in length, when people have emerged from the
preceding Yugas, into their full glory once more. Also called the
Golden Age, and which becomes the first Yuga of the next cycle
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Neem trees that grow in India, are very good for driving
out all the baddhas. It has a very bitter taste and the baddhas
run away from it. If you have scabies or any skin trouble, then
boil the water with this and take a bath. It's a very bitter
thing if you don't allow the water to go in your mouth, then
it's perfectly alright it's very good it's a very medicinal
thing. It's called as Neem (881207)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 5 Oct 2002
A left sided person may become schizophrenic that he
hibernates in the house he becomes like a cabbage (830209);
Schizophrenia a Left side diseases (830209); All incurable
diseases come from disturbances in the Mooladhara - e.g.
myelitis, cancers, schizophrenia etc. (860907)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
Chakras affected: Mooladhara; Left Side
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Is given to us by God, so that we may save time have more time
for our inner life, for meditation (781115); Scientific people deal
only with a wee part of life that which science is is that part
where you are dealing with that which is dead (790720); Which
has done nothing so far, only dead work which has made you ego
oriented (790928); The whole of science is subservient to Sahaja
Yoga (790928); Science is amoral, meaning that it is not bothered
(about morality - Ed), but when it comes to Divine Force, the
science is perfect - you cannot challenge it, and you can easily
verify it; There are many doctors in Sahaja Yoga, and they have
seen with their own experiences that many patients who were
supposed to be incurable are cured, and many drug addicts got
alright overnight without paying for it, and without taking any
medicines, but just they got alright through their own power of
Kundalini (980705)
Science has given us an understanding that there is a power
which we cannot comprehend through our rationality even
Einstein says that 'I could not find the Theory of Relativity in the
laboratory' but that when he was lying down playing with the
soap bubbles, then the whole 'Theory of Relativity' dawned upon
him so whatever knowledge has come to us, has not come through
so-called scientific research, but through the Grace of some
Power. Science cannot explain many things (790608.1)
Science originates from a right side form of seeking, where
mantras and shlokas were recited to excite the elements, to gain
their benediction, and also to gain a control over them. In this
way, 12000 years back in India, there was an advanced technology
of weapons and missiles. In Columbia also, they used a similar right
sided approach, in conjunction with the use of a non-habit forming
intoxicant, that took them into states where they knew there was
something beyond - they kept all the time the assumption that
there was God, and so did not deviate too much. This type of
seeking led to discoveries, coming through the Unconscious,
through which Science has come about (790530)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Science
In Russia, the scientists are very open hearted. At the time of
Stalin they were all arrested, and whilst in confinement they
developed the subtler side, and found out about the auras of
human beings that human beings have auras and from their
auras you can diagnose their diseases; One scientist there came
forward and said I've seen your photo he said he'd proved it
you have to go to a physical vacuum state, which Jung has
described as 'thoughtless awareness', for Reality to be
understood. They have said that they have seen the Cosmic Energy
emitting out of my head; They call the All Pervading Power of
Divine Love as the Cosmic Energy they may call it by any name
and that it is this Divine Love of God which is the energy that runs
this whole Universe (980705)
It is predicted by an astrologer, Bujandar that after the birth
of a great Mahayogi, that Science will establish the existence of
God, that the Divine Knowledge and the Science will become one
When talking to scientists to Nuclear Physicists they must be
told in their own language only and so we can talk to them. They
think that 'physical laws act - there are so many physical laws
which act, in the physics' now 'who has made those laws'! They
see what laws are acting thats what they see but who has made
the laws! Or, we can say 'we have to see where have we reached
when we started discovering science the science has produced
we can say the atomic bomb or the computer but we have not
been able to produce any computer like say a human being' - this is
the second point. But 'by scientific advancement we have
created people who are very imbalanced they are so volcanic so
criminal. Human beings are fighting amongst themselves even the
animals do not fight the way human beings fight. So why has
scientific research gone on towards destructive research why we
always end up like this there must be some reason - that the
controlling point within us is missing'. So there has been no
integrated progress no 'all-sided' progress so we have not
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Science
progressed at all because progress is to be known by how we
relate to each other. 'In any evolutionary process everything
manifests on the central nervous system and so this also
manifests and you really become collectively conscious'
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate, better quality but incomplete]
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
- end - 28 May 2003
What is secret in Nature have you seen anything. See the
ocean, the flowers the best is open absolutely the whole
Brahma, the whole truth is open if it is not open it is not truth.
If it is hidden how can it be the truth. Truth is light it has to
be transparent absolutely clear-cut. This secrecy business can
be only with thugs and mafia and things like that because they
are afraid of the statutes of God of His laws that's why it is
a secret (800809)
You must be open hearted no secretiveness (800927); If it is
freedom, it should be open why is there secrecy about it.
Theyll hide from the man with whom they are connected, and
just do secretly this is not good they are deceiving
themselves and they are deceiving another person. Deception
this is not freedom. When you put your eyes on somebody who
belongs to someone else, then you are thieving (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Breast cancer is caused by insecurity in women which results
when the husband is unfaithful (810829), or has roving eyes
(820711); If motherhood in a woman is challenged, by her husband
flirting with other women, she can develop breast cancer (890801;
820711); The centre of security if it is blocked you get
problems like breast problems and things like that and also
breathing sometimes is the sense of security. There is a Deity
there the Deity which is the Mother of the Universe you have
to awaken her if she is awakened, you dont have these
problems it's very simple (810511)
The Centre Heart the centre of security and confidence
(MME) the fourth Chakra, controlled by Jagadamba (810829)
manifests in the gross as the cardiac plexus (830302); The
Mother of the Universe who gives security, and controls the
sternum and antibody production (811005) controls our immune
system (MME) where til the age of twelve years, we develop our
antibodies which later on in life go into the whole body into the
circulation and fight our diseases and to fight our emotions
(790722); Jagadamba first incarnated 14000 years back and
who incarnates many times to kill and destroy the evil forces, the
Rakshasas, or devilish people; The Mother of the Universe
residing in the centre heart; Part of Adi Shakti, the Desire Power
of God (941009; 810829; 811005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella - [put onto better tape!!][video says 941008] good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 10 Nov 2002
Seeing Things
If you start 'seeing things' that means you are not 'there' - if
say, I am on top of the mountain, then I'm there but if I am
not there if I'm away from the mountain then I can see it. The
more you 'see' something that means you are away from that
(971005); If you see things before Realisation that means you
are a possessed person somebody else is giving you ideas. After
Realisation if you start seeing certain things then it has some
meaning (770215)
A person who has moved out to the Subconscious areas if he
comes to me he can see who I was in my previous life I do not
have to convince him he can be very enamoured by me this
happens to people if they move out onto the left hand side that
is, into the past (770215); If they have moved out to the
Supraconscious areas they can see me as light. They see all the
five elements they may see me as a waterfall or as an iceberg -
they start seeing the Tanmatra or you can say the causal essence
of the elements (770215); There are three areas, which are very
dangerous where we should not enter into the Supraconscious
the Subconscious and down below is the Hell (831001)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 22 Apr 2003
There is a special category of people who are born in these
modern times they are a very special category those who are
'seekers' and Blake has called them as 'men of God' (821007);
Those people who are seeking that which is beyond, that which is
higher, that which is their purpose, their meaning. It starts with
food, power, money but ultimately becomes the seeking for God
(820710); Those who have been seeking for long do not want to
give up their seeking - it is like a habit. Even after they have
found that which they seek, they still continue with their seeking
(791203); We are seekers, we are born as seekers we cannot get
out of it. Seekers are seekers (801116); We are born in this world
to seek we have taken our birth especially at this time to seek
we have been seekers all our lives (790608.1)
In modern times many seekers of truth are born it's a special
category of people born in these modern times which sees
beyond tries to find something beyond what they can perceive
through their sense organs. The truth as we see is through our
sense organs whatever we perceive through our sense organs,
whatever is communicated to us through our central nervous
system we accept as truth and we should accept that only as
truth and not something that is told to us or which we have
read in books or which we can project our mind to and can think
about (840622) - that doesnt mean that I deny any one of the
Scriptures or anything that you have known so far. All the
scriptures which are true scriptures have said one thing that to
know the truth, you are to be born again (840622)
The people who go to Sahaja Yoga meetings are those who have
one thing in common, that they are Seekers - they are seeking
God, Peace, Love (800630); More seekers are born in the West
than in the East, but they have lost their sensitivity to seeking
because of Guru shopping, jumping from one to another. This has
been very wrong, and has disturbed the Kundalini (790530)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Seekers
Thats a very subtle thing that we do not understand that in
the realm of God, those who enter, can only be initiated not
those who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have
to be the citizen of God's Kingdom so unless and until we give
them Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled
Now you have to love all the seekers of the world they have
done wrong they have done all kinds of ego trips they have done
all kinds of mistakes but your Mother loves them and you have
to love them. If they have to be corrected, I'll do that you just
dont do that way that they feel hurt. So we have a Sahaja Yoga
tradition also in which when we speak to each other, we have that
Sankoch within us of Shri Ram and if you dont have that
Sankoch you get right heart and that right heart is a very
dangerous thing in the country like England where the climate is so
bad because it gives you the horrible thing called Asthma. You
get Asthma if your right heart is caught not necessarily that
asthma will come only from right heart can also come from
centre heart but if you get right heart, you definitely get
asthma (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
-800630 What is happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall, see 800630 good 25
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 30 Sep 2003
The basic seeking power is humility if you think you know
everything, you cannot humble down and you cannot seek. Even if
you seek, you dont want to follow anybody else's path you'll have
your 'own' path you'll do whatever 'you' want to do (000507);
Starts with seeking firstly for food, and for primitive things, then
for sex life, for women, for men, then for power, for money, and
ultimately for Spiritual satisfaction - when the Spiritual seeking
starts we do not know, why we are seeking (781005); Forms of
seeking include also: politics, love from one's children etc. (830131);
Our seeking is in the centre, but it is over now (811103; 790616)
Seeking is a fashion in the West, but is also genuine in many
(790507); The people in India are not seeking as you people are
seeking. This is their big problem, because they think that they know
everything about God and they don't have to bother, while you are
really seekers of truth no doubt about it (881203); This is what you
have been seeking isn't it you wanted to change the world do you
know why you wanted that because you have been seekers in
previous lives of very high quality. That's why you have been
seeking alright some mistakes, doesn't matter but don't forget
your calibre and don't stoop down to lower level and you took birth
in this country (England - Ed) feel that confidence (791111)
The by-products of the activity of the 2 side channels, the left and
right sympathetics, form two balloons, of ego and superego, which
close over at the top of the head, and separate us off from the
Divine - and so we start seeking, like a small chick seeks it's mother
when she is hidden from it's view. We are seeking the Spirit, the
Self, that which is beyond, which lies in the heart, and which has to
come into our conscious understanding. This feeling that we have to
seek something, comes from the Unconscious - because we are to be
born again (791203)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Seeking
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881203 Ascent - Vaitarna - see 881207 not good 15
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
791111 Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Self Esteem
What is needed for a guru is self esteem and to achieve it we
have to introspect and to know that 'I am a Realised Soul I
have got powers of love powers of compassion of grasping
things of creativity of giving Realisation to others' - nobody
has these powers. But somehow in Sahaja Yoga, you are not
conscious of it and we should not be because that can give you
ego but we should have self esteem I am a guru I am not an
ordinary person I am on the shores of truth I have to salvage
the people who are blind who are mad and in the most chaotic
conditions that this world is in today. So at that time a kind of a
silence will come into you (920719)
Your self esteem should be such that nothing should make you
unhappy it's all a drama going on; Let these three points settle
down on your intelligence that I am a Realised Soul that
nothing can make me unhappy that nothing can befool me then
you'll be amazed, you'll become a very loving person, extremely
considerate of others it will all work out automatically
Live with your dignity cheapish things, frivolous things,
useless things should not be there (860504); We have to
understand our own dignity, and the first thing is to understand
that Sahaja Yogis are the ones that God has chosen. When you
are chosen the first, you must also realise that you are the
foundations - you have to be strong and forbearing. Sahaja
Yogis are the first lamps that are going to enlighten other
lamps in the world (760330); Pratishta (800102)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Self Esteem
Sahaja Yoga should be in the centre. There is a difference between
childish and childlike you can be innocent like a child, but you're
matured and both the things make a special dignified personality of
such a person. All these things come from this Right side power, when
you use it properly. Unless and until you have this established, you
cannot impress other people by your behaviour. Other people, new
people who come to you should see this majesty this royalty within
you which you are enjoying as a blessing from God Almighty (810511)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Self Esteem
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
920719 Guru Puja, Cabella good 65
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk - Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 Second Sahastrara Talk - Milan/Delhi University address
Self Importance
There may be some in Sahaja Yoga today who think they are
great Sahaja Yogis, big people but maybe they are not and
those who do not think that they are anything great that they
want to increase and improve their shakti they may be the people
who are occupying very high places. So, under these
circumstances one should never boast and should not have
wrong, false estimation about oneself that is the way you can
preserve your powers much better, of your Vishuddhi (800127.2)
So thats how your Vishuddhi Chakra's problems are increasing
and they go on increasing, especially when you try to confuse
yourself and quarrel with yourself and think that Sahaja Yoga
has gained by your coming then you catch on Vishuddhi. 'You'
have gained, not Sahaja. By accepting truth, 'you' are enhanced
'your' position has gone up not the position of the truth. So this
idea, from you head must go, right away that you have any way
obliged Sahaja Yoga or that you have obliged God by coming to
him (800127.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis and how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 17 Jun 2003
The reflection of God Almighty (810829); The Spirit (840708);
Is the one that is in your heart which you 'Realise' means you
know your Self (790524)
Self is absolutely self satisfied it does not need anything to
satisfy itself it is satisfaction personified it just sees
watches witnesses it knows. And you dont have to tell or to
express too much it is self-expressing if if you are a clean
person if your desires are clean and that you just have pure
desire to ascend. So again I have to talk about Kundalini that you
must have a Kundalini completely establishing itself within you
completely expressing within you and enlightening your Self.
Such a Kundalini should be there and only possible if you do not
put hurdles in her growth - if you allow it to grow it grows and it
works out. I see sometimes when you are overjoyed, you dance and
sing thats something really very good but all the time your
Spirit should dance, at the smallest things at a little thing that
is made say something artistic that you see a gesture of
kindness a gesture of gratitude you feel it - that depth of
feeling (010321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Self Realisation
The first stage of Realisation (870513), Moksha, which can be
given by the Goddess, the Divine Mother alone (900923); Which is
beyond the mind (970600); Self Realisation is a simple thing in
very simple words, is the connection of your attention into the
Divine (790524); Here, when you got your Realisation, I conceived
you in my heart, and gave you Realisation through my Sahastrara -
there must be something special about me and about the way it is
done (811006)
The First stage is 'thoughtless awareness' the Second stage is
when Kundalini rises above the Fontanelle bone, and we start giving
to others, and we become collectively aware the Third stage is
doubtless awareness, Nirvikalpa, where it is not rational (790616)
Thats a very subtle thing that we do not understand that in
the realm of God, those who enter, can only be initiated not
those who do not enter. First of all we must know that they have
to be the citizen of God's Kingdom so unless and until we give
them Realisation, take them to that level, they are not entitled
(850310); Getting Realisation is not possible for everyone -
perhaps there is some understanding is needed (860707.1); We
cannot have the whole world to get Self Realisation this is the
Last Judgement at this time, people have to decide what is the
most important thing they have to know themselves. It's not just
having a big number that would help us but really solid Sahaja
Yogis (000507); If you raise their Kundalini gradually theyll
come but you see they have to be aware of their Realisation
that is a compulsion (791202.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Self Realisation
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
870513 Melbourne PP [PP video set 4/5,6] good
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
We have to find out what is our problem, where is the Kundalini
stopping. We can feel it within ourselves - if not within ourselves,
then on our fingers (791118); The cool breeze is all around us and
we can feel it in our hands, if the Vishuddhi centre is alright
(821008); You can feel the Vibrations of others also. Their
problems can show on their vibrations - you can see. If you work on
a person's Vishuddhi which is in problem, then he will start to feel
the vibrations. You may also feel vibrations coming out of the top of
a person's head, but he may even so, still have problems (790416)
When the attention is absolutely 'one' with the Atman, with the
Spirit, then there is a manifestation of Vibrations you start
getting the Cool Breeze in your hands (781002); If you start to
think, you will lose it (791203); Societies which are more 'natural',
have more sensitivity in Spirituality, than those in an artificially,
brainwashed or materialistic atmosphere (790530)
Now how will you know that these vibrations are telling you the
truth it's very simple if you understand the common sense of
'relativity' like bring two mad people, absolutely certified as
mad and two sane people now you put your hands towards the
people who are mad you will get horrible burning maybe in the
whole hand on the left hand side. You get maybe ten cases like
that. Now you ask the question 'is there God' and you start
getting Cool Breeze flowing into you or 'is this power All
Pervading' you start getting Cool Breeze flowing into you. That is
how you find out which is the truth (800721)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get into Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Settling Down
Is very important. What is the need to go to the Moon so many
people are starved what is the need to go to Mars what are you
going to get from there. It is because they formed a habit
first they came to India then to China then to this then to
that they can't sit down they can't settle down in the house
also especially the men. Now in meditation, you have to sit down
in one place. Women have other problems they have no time
they have their friends they have to go shopping to buy things
and fill the house with all kinds of rubbish. They have no time for
anything they're also very adventurous they want to do this to
do that for meditation they have no time. So settling down is
very important. You will be amazed when there is a crisis say in
my family or in Sahaja Yoga immediately I become thoughtless
spontaneously because the problem will be solved by
Paramchaitanya. If you dont depend on Paramchaitanya, it doesnt
help you it doesnt give you any solutions (971005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 17 Jun 2003
There is a sanctity about it. It is meant for a happy married
life and for having children. For leading a very happy and a good
life, you must have a good sex life. In India we never think of
sex, and all this nonsense it's spontaneous we do not read about
it. Sex is a very sacred relationship with your wife when you are
with your wife, you see, you indulge into it that's all (790200.1)
All these people who came on this Earth said that you lead a
clean life and a sensible married life it is not permitted to have
adulterous life in any religion whatsoever because adulterous life
brings forth all kinds of problems for the sex for spoiling the
last chakra - people can become impotent or, over exited or
could become suffering from all the troubles of this centre for
which you know the diseases so one has to lead a very clean
wonderful married life. Marriage is supported and sanctioned by
the collective it is sanctioned by God Almighty so, that kind of
a life, that kind of a sexual life, is a sensible one one should not
get a shock out of it. When I say this in the west, people really
dont like it but I am your Mother I have to tell you the truth.
Whatever you have done is done finished doesnt matter but
now you should come to your sanity because there are all these
horrible satanic diseases waiting just to work it out. All the great
Saints of India were married and had children except for some
people like Buddha, who died very early he had to take a Sanyasa
because of his work. Then we had Kabira, Nanaka all of them
were married people (821008)
If you go towards sex and try to come to God it is absolutely
the wrong thing it is the most dangerous thing - if you go
through sex then you open yourself absolutely to Hell (831001);
Sex plays no part in Kundalini awakening, being a function
controlled by the Mooladhara chakra, situated below the Kundalini
(811005); Is a wholly private function (810928); Interest in the
other sex all the time is not a sign of chastity - it's horrid, it's
ridiculous you become stupid (850901); Any Guru who is
interested in women or sex is not a real Guru, but is an anti-Guru
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sex
If somebody has planted into you that Kundalini can be only
risen through sex he's a Tantrika sex has nothing to do with
Kundalini at all it's a wrong idea she is your mother the
Eternal Mother that you have she knows everything about you
you are the only child she has and she is born again and again
with you how many of you would like to connect your mother with
sex thats the worst thing that you can do to your mother
(771024.1; 771024.3)
What is sex any Tom, Dick or Harry can do sex are you now
sex points if you do it in a wrong way you will have diseases
you will have impotency no children will be born to you if you
misuse it; It's another kind of Hitlerism another kind of cruelty
to human beings, you see you will be enticed absolutely, you
would not find out you would not know, that this is a mistake.
You'll get into it and then you will realise it is a mistake it's a
destruction of your own being. By wars you have destroyed
others by this you will destroy yourself; Alright, I don't say
suppress it that's all nonsense, I agree but this is another
extreme - one is the suppression of sex but the other is even
worse. God is in the centre (790200.1)
Like you will be amazed that in the western countries, the
percentage of impotent people is so high unbelievably it is like
that they talk so much about sex and do 'other' things it's all
talking so much of impotency is settled in these western
countries and the diseases, the dirty diseases which are caused
by these indiscriminate sex activities are so much that they have
to be guarded against (791202.3)
You see if somebody says 'give me the freedom to put both my
hands into the electricity socket' is this freedom. And I dont
understand what is the freedom they enjoy like this because
then, there is jealousy you cannot go about with many girls,
because there is jealousy you cannot go about with many boys,
because there can be murders. You see why people murder their
ego is hurt nobody says 'alright you go ahead, have a boyfriend
I am very happy' - no-one likes it it hurts. They do it secretly
they cannot do it openly (791202.3)
1 2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sex
If it is freedom, it should be open why is there secrecy about
it. Theyll hide from the man with whom they are connected, and
just do it secretly this is not good they are deceiving
themselves and they are deceiving another person. Deception
this is not freedom. When you put your eyes on somebody who
belongs to someone else, then you are thieving. In the registration
office, it is said that you are the wife of such and such then
your husband is the owner or you are the owner of your
husband I mean this relationship is between the two but if
some sort of a relationship is to be established like a thief then
you do it secretly it is not registered anywhere you understand
my point otherwise, they become absolutely shameless
abandoned (791202.3)
The reason that people are so sex oriented, and are so sensitive
to the touch of another so that anybody touches them they get a
funny feeling, is that the 'other' sensations (i.e. the sensations of
relationships with others - Ed) are not developed within them
and that is because you always cuddle your 'own' child - the child
only knows the mother, or the father. As a result of that, what
happens is the child never feels the 'other' sublime relationships,
with 'others'. Then when you grow up, and you suddenly touch
somebody then you cannot see the 'sublime' thing (850421)
In India, people give their children to sleep with their
relatives not with themselves. The psychological reason was that
the child gets used to another man, another woman, whilst they
are innocent so then the relationship of innocence is developed,
and nobody feels anything funny if somebody touches you
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sex
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
771024.3 Caxton Hall tape 3 poor
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham good 35
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja - Wimbledon/Brompton Sq.
Sex Points
Shri Krishna said, thousands of years back that the human
awareness, the Chaitana, grows downwards and the roots of the
Chaitana or awareness, is in the brain. In our Sahaja Yoga, we
consider three chakras as the lower chakras, or centres the
Nabhi the Swadisthan and the Mooladhara. First one is the
Nabhi Chakra, where a person starts seeking food, shelter, all
life's necessities and either he can go upwards or downwards.
The essence of this centre is Swaha, meaning the consumption.
So all those people who started developing started consuming.
Then they went to the second chakra, the Swadisthan where
they started entering into space that is Antariksha and tried
to find out what is on the Moon what is on Jupiter. Now the
third awareness has grown into the Mooladhara and so the
attention went to this horrid thing called sex and in the west,
people have become nothing but sex points. I've seen it every-
where that just filth exists. With this downward movement
what do we expect people to be - they have to be violent. If you
make them worse than animals what will happen they have to
be cruel, despotic and after this the next step is Hell Na-
gasaki or anything (860224)
The Tantrikas in India all these who are nowadays (the False
- Ed) Gurus, were tantrikas once upon a time in the 6th century.
I ask you they think that human beings are nothing but sex
points that they have nothing else, in them. Even an amoeba has
something more than that (790608.1); These tantrikas have no
relationship with our ancient scriptures for example, Ravana will
never mention any of our ancient scriptures he has no relation-
ship with any Deities does he mean to say he has nothing to do
with Christ with God with anyone but only with sex
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sex Points
Ravana is teaching you how to insult your Mother (790200.1);
Just he is telling you to go and do sex like this I cannot under-
stand how can you ask for a guru like this even a dog and a
bitch knows don't debase yourselves you are the Spirit you
are not sex points. He will lead you to impotency he will destroy
you completely (790200.1)
You people really are you only sex points. What is sex any
Tom, Dick or Harry can do sex are you now sex points if you
do it in a wrong way you will have diseases you will have impo-
tency no children will be born to you if you misuse it; It's
another kind of Hitlerism another kind of cruelty to human
beings, you see you will be enticed absolutely, you would not
find out you would not know, that this is a mistake. You'll get
into it and then you will realise it is a mistake it's a destruc-
tion of your own being. By wars you have destroyed others by
this you will destroy yourself; Alright, I don't say suppress it
that's all nonsense, I agree but this is another extreme - one is
the suppression of sex but the other is even worse. God is in
the centre (790200.1)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860224 Delhi University address - see 860504.2 not good 15
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
Chakras affected: Mooladhara
- end - 17 Mar 2003
A great evolved Soul (851128); A Realised Soul, and poet, whose
poetry is not just to read, but to read between the lines, to see
what is being said (980705); Who always praised women (950625);
I wonder if Shakespeare was one man, or many people put
together (800721); Shakespeare was according to me an
Avadhuta means a person who has gone beyond all human
destructive habits Avadhuta is a very high quality Yogi (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 1 Jun 2003
If you are a possessed person, you won't accept that you are
possessed but, the body knows me and when you come before me,
the whole body shakes just like that (791111); If the hands or
body are shaking, then there is a problem, of negativity (820711);
If there is shaking of the hands, open the hands (790507); If the
eyelids are flickering, then keep the eyes open, and look at the
Forehead of the Mother; To reduce the shaking, and soothe the
individual, put the left hand on the centre of the stomach and the
right hand towards Mother (801027); Watch your hands, to see if
they are shaking, or if there is heat on one of the hands. If the
left hand is shaking, put the right hand on your heart. If the right
hand is shaking, put the left hand on your stomach - with the right
hand towards Mother (830302); To see your own vibrations how
are you moving put a paper on your hand, and you'll see it will
start shaking, before my photograph (971225)
When you reach the state of 'Atit', where you go 'beyond', where
you do what is to be done, without paying attention to it, where you
are indifferent to the body, in this state you can be angry with
someone one moment, and the next moment it is forgotten. In this
state, when someone who is not a good man comes before you, he
will tremble before you - a man who is a liar, who has cheated
others, will lose his tongue, a person who has adulterous eyes will,
with no control over the mind as far as men and women are
concerned, will have shaking in his eyes. Some will shake very much.
All will be exposed before the light of a Satguru. When you reach
this state, you don't have to do anything about it, or fight them -
they will just start shaking and jumping. Even if you lift your eyes,
they will get into problems (830725); Lunatics who come before the
pure Divine Vibrations also shake (820711)
Some people go on shaking their heads continuously to show that
they understand to say 'yes' when Mother is talking to you it is
a big ego business, and also is a big right Vishuddhi problem. You
have to be very careful with your neck should not move your neck
too much shrug your shoulders too much whilst talking that
spoils your Vishuddhi completely (871230.1)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Shaking
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill good 50
What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
When the aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy you do not
want to possess it even if you want to possess it, it would be just
to enjoy it and give it away to somebody else. When you develop
your witness state, this will come to you that you will not keep
things to yourself, but you would like to give and share. Sharing
that is the time you should know, you have become a witness
because you are enjoying (800927); Sharing of your things is an
extremely joy giving thing that is how all of us have to live
sharing things. Don't think about yourself think of others think
what others like; It is such a joy-giving thing to cook for others.
So the Principle of Lakshmi is only enjoyed, when you share with
others we have to learn to share (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Shesha as they call it, the Serpent which sleeps in the
Bhavasagara on which Shri Vishnu rests the same Shesha had
taken birth as Lakshmana one of 2 brothers that Shri Rama had
I mean he had other brothers also but Bharat and Lakshmana
these were 2 brothers they show the 2 sides of a human being
and one was Lakshmana he was the fiery type he couldnt bear
anybody misbehaving towards Rama, even Parashurama a
contemporary Incarnation of Shri Rama. Now for a western mind
to them snakes are sort of they can't understand why people
worship snakes. You see snakes are like cobra cobra and all that
are like the kings you see they are the kings of the
underground and Shesha is the one who supports the whole
Universe so this Shesha is worshipped, as the cobras are
worshipped in many villages in India even today. You see they dont
trouble anyone sometimes they do but mostly they do not bite a
good religious man. Shesha is the one who is sometimes expressed
in Sahaja Yogis I have seen as anger when you try to be non-
protocolish or when you try to be funny, or you dont behave
yourself thats the Shesha in them that is also sometimes
needed - you have to be a Shesha sometimes because otherwise
people will start misbehaving, and by that they will be harmed
not that I will be harmed, but that they will be harmed (820402)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
820402 Shri Rama's birthday - Chelsham Road good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Shivaji Maharaj
A great soul who had such great principles and such a
beautifying life in his language in his attitude, and everything.
With all that he was a very brave person. Once you have this, you
will not deter from doing anything that is important you will not
go round and round but you will know how to find the solution,
and how to work it out. This will happen to you, if you really know
yourself you will have such powers of courage - you will not be
daredevil, but with wisdom - courage and wisdom you will have
your Spirit will give you lots of wisdom and lots of courage.
There's no struggle and no fight just standing with courage and
doing whatever is right and that is possible because you have now
the connection with the Almighty you have the connection with
the Paramchaitanya and that will work out everything (010321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Who is unlimited compassion, and whose wife is Shri Parvati
(950226), the sister of Shri Vishnu; Shiva's sister is Shri
Saraswati (850901); Is the Destroyer, is Innocence
personified, who beautifies, and gives joy. He who puts lights
into Mother's Photos, who creates aesthetics, makes the
vibrations; Who resides in our heart (910002); Who can
neutralise poisons (890527); Who gives Sat Chit Anand; Who
gives longevity and who teaches, by receding from the heart
(830211); Shiva is the Guru Parvati is the Shakti. Shiva is to
be taken as Guru Shiva is the one who is our Guru he is our
Spirit (810904); The Unity, or as called in Sanskrit, Yukti of
your attention, called as Jiva and your Spirit, called as Shiva
is the Yoga. These two must meet unless and until they meet,
you cannot reach your Absolute (791009.1); Ham Sakshat Shiva
Parvati (800809)
He is a God who is full of love full of tremendous
compassion but also the another extreme of very destroying
character. His anger, if it starts showing wrath on people of
that character and that type who are trying to create all
kinds of violence, corruption and immoral behaviour all these
criminalities that are going on around us I dont know how
anyone can save from his wrath. He can destroy the whole
world if he gets into a temper (000206)
You must be knowing the story how he went into ecstasy
there was a devil who had taken the form of a child and a
mother cannot kill the child she cannot and she thought she
won't be able to save the world from the wrath of Shiva, if he
sees the whole world destroyed by this devil so she withdrew
from her act of sacrificing the child and it was Shiva who took
over and he just stood on the back of the child, and killed him.
The child was a devil and so he saved the world from the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shiva
Now the problem is how can we the Sahaja Yogis deal with
such people to see that they go out of the circulation of
evolution only solution is to 'Raise the Kundalini'. If you raise
the Kundalini of human beings who are even very bad and 'gone
cases' either they will be destroyed or they will be saved,
and they will become good people. If Sahaja Yogis meditate and
keep themselves in complete peace and also completely
surrendered nothing can happen to them they are always
protected and you all have experiences of that protection
but first you should have faith in yourself and complete
surrendering to Sahaja Yoga (000206)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shiva
Sahajvidya Shiva
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
830211 Mahashivaratri Puja - Delhi good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
950226 How to get detached and ascend, Shivaratri - Sydney good 55
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
Technique, taught by Mohammed, and is used to combat the
ego (970316); Never be proud of your ego beat yourself 108
times shoebeat 108 times (810524); If you feel angry and
aggressive, take a chapel (an Indian term for the footwear that
they wear - Ed) and shoebeat yourself (951224); For right side
problems, beat with shoes (870408); Is to be used for all
fanatics (781005); Every morning you must beat yourself with
shoes if you have a chance, do it that's how you cleanse
that's a part (800907); Beat the false gurus with shoes (791118)
If you start to feel negative, you should go and shoebeat
yourself, or take a pillow and beat it hard (781005); When I tell
to some people, they'll say 'I know Mother I know I do that'.
Then why do you do it that means you are possessed you are a
possessed person. That you know this is wrong still you are
doing it then you are a possessed person. Then it's better you
beat yourself with shoes (800927); After so many years, if you
are possessed, then I think you should beat yourselves every
day 108 times it's a very low grade behaviour (830821)
As far as possible, elders should not be beaten with shoes you
can ask somebody older than them, to beat them with shoes
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-791118 Where stand in SY/How get in Med'n, Dollis Hill see 791009.1 good 45
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
801205 Marriage & Collectivity, Chelsham Road poor 20
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
830821 Mother Earth - Surbiton good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
970316 Power of Rudras and desirelessness, Delhi good 15
- end - 17 Mar 2003
Christ only once went into temper, which he had a right to do
when he saw people selling things in the temple same thing we
have here (Ganapatipule - Ed). If you dont go and buy things from
them, they will be lost but you only go and buy things from there
because you have a habit of shopping; Anywhere people go they
must shop it's a habit shopping they must do. They will not see
the greenery the beauty of the Nature nothing; I never used to
shop but, when I have so many children, then I have to shop but
not the way that every place is for shopping. What is there to
shop here when you have come here for your Spiritual growth - in
Mecca do they have shops. This is the Holier than Holy - why
should you go to these shops I can't understand. I've told them
not to have shops but you people are the ones who encourage
them to make money out of us. Nothing essential to buy there. You
have come to the Holy occasion here you have come for your
worship. As it is we went to Delhi you could have bought there
or at Bombay but not in this place. We cannot make this place
Bombay or Delhi otherwise, why should we come here. Thats why
Christ took a hunter and beat them, who were selling things near
the church (971225)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
- end - 27 Apr 2003
Showing Off
Comes from left Vishuddhi because you want to overcome
your left Vishuddhi, so you do it and then it is added to
(850901); The showing off of the body is a subtle type of
prostitution (790422); If you start talking too much to others,
showing off about the powers that you have got, then these
powers will be disappearing gradually (830113)
Somebody who is a show-off you see he must say something
to show off all the time now another show-off should run away
from him he should sit with a person who is a shy person - this
is very different style from that of the negative people
because in negativity, two negatives must join together nicely
to become real negative. But in Sahaja Yoga, two opposites must
meet to be good Sahaja Yogis - but this must be done in
complete freedom in complete understanding (770126.1)
Some people have a habit of coming forward too much all the
time to be in the publicto be there all the time - tell
yourself 'there's no need this is not the way it's not sahaj
why are you going forward all the time why are you trying to
show off if you are called, better go'. Ok is done is done
dont worry about it but next time 'why did I do it alright,
next time I'm not going to do it (850310); Use your right
Vishuddhi to shout at yourself: 'Now will you please stop talking
all this nonsense stop showing-off' (830113)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq. Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 17 Mar 2003
Shri Chakra
A right side chakra; Right side power (830204); On 5th May
1970 the collective phenomenon started working and the
greatest of these was that the Shri Chakra, being on this Earth,
could be felt through your fingers this was never before so -
nobody felt the vibrations on the fingers as such but they felt it
within themselves. Now, because the Sahastrara of the Universe
was opened out, everybody started feeling the vibrations around
them with their own hands - now the fingers could feel the
vibrations that means the sensitivity of the Divine which was in
the chakras spread out to the periphery to such an extent that a
human being could feel it on the fingers this was fantastic
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
- end - 10 May 2003
Shri Mataji
Born 21st March 1923 (820130), on a Wednesday at 12 o'clock
(890524) in the day time (971230), on the cusp of Pisces and Aries
(820130); Who on Sunday December 2nd 1979, declared Herself to
be the One who is the Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother, who has
come to save the humanity, who has incarnated on this Earth to give
it's meaning to itself (791202.1); Shri Ganesha worships our Mother
Who has come in the Mahamaya form so that the seekers will not
be frightened (890524); Who has come to complete the work of all
the Incarnations that came before (890801); A very ancient
personality, who has no need for any Guru - rather the Primordial
Guru, Dattatreya resides within Her (790530); Whose nature is not
to receive, but to give (791203); Who is like the Mother Earth who
sprouts the seeds (890423); Who came to find out a method, by
which en-masse Realisation can be given (MME); Who says 'I did
not discover it I know it there is no discovery at all I know
everything somehow I know which you should find out about
me how I know - it is a discovery for you but for me it is not
alright (831001)
Who studied in Lahore Medical College because she wanted to
know, in medicine, what people called such and such thing because
she knew all about the body about everything about the complete
Central Nervous System but did not know the vocabulary attached
to it. So she studied there for two years. When the war broke out
she discontinued her studies and then she married Mr C P
Shrivastava. During all this time her only full time work was to
find out about human beings what were the problems they had
how they avoided Reality how they shunned it. Then in 1970, on
the 5th May 'I was a little hesitant at that time I thought I
should wait but certain circumstances made me to open the last
Centre and when I opened the last Centre it started working
with others, on an en-masse scale'. But first she gave Realisation
to one lady who came to her house (831001)
1 Cont'd/...
Sahajvidya Shri Mataji
Who started Her work in 1970 with 1 lady (790616; 980321),
and later worked with 6 people in England for 4 years (790616);
Who came to England in 1973-74 (820711; 851128), and who put the
maximum effort into this land of England (821101), until Her
farewell, when She left England, following the retirement of Mr CP
in 1989 (891203); One of whose homes was on the Twyburn Brook,
mentioned by William Blake (830128); Who was tortured by the
English (in India - Ed), yet spent so much time in England (860305)
where She worked the most 'because England is the heart, and the
heart should not fail' (891203)
Who sleeps very little, in fact who even when She is sleeping, She
is working (821101); Who is not a vegetarian not at all (811006);
Whose every movement and everything is nothing but Vibrations
(800609); The Vibrations are more at the Feet; 'I am a fixed
quantity you must see how far you move towards Me - that depends
on you'; 'Don't worry about Me I am not an ordinary Human Being.
No-one can harm Me No-one can kill Me' (890527); Every word
spoken by the Mother is a Mantra, every word chosen for it's
effect (850806); Here, when you got your Realisation, I conceived
you in my heart, and gave you Realisation through my Sahastrara -
there must be something special about me and about the way it is
done (811006)
I was with Mahatma Gandhi as a child because he liked me very
much he used to call me Nepali, because I have a 'Nepali face'
and he used to talk to me as if he's talking to his grandmother
sometimes he was extremely sweet person to children strict with
himself and straight with others with elderly people (831001;
Who chose Her own earthly father (800517.1); Who had 11
brothers and sisters; Whose mother, who was president of the
Congress in Nagpur and went to jail 5 times who was a very correct
woman would not tolerate any nonsense from her children
(850421); Until May 1989, She did not have Pujas, and did not
normally travel on Wednesdays (890524); Who can't wear any
nylon or anything artificial (971004); Whose interest in money is
zero, but who has never had a problem (980320); I don't know
22 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Shri Mataji
about money, I should say but I am good at mathematics (971004);
Who was at one time, chairman of a 'blind school' (980320)
We have to be careful, and not say any indecent things to the
Mother, nor to use any bad words (790416); Who hates to hear any
criticism of anyone from any of us (800927)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971230 Evening before Shakti Puja, Kale good 5
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850421 Ganesha Puja, Children, B'ham - see 850408 not good 25
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
790416 Living work of God, Easter, Putney good 45
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
850421 Mooladhara + Meditation - B'ham good 35
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end 3- 8 May 2003
The sister of Ravana, who tried to entice Shri Rama, in Nasik
(850000.2); Now-a-days in India any woman who tries to entice
men is called as Shuparnaka (850000.2); Shuparnaka a very ugly
woman, who came to entice Rama. Then Lakshmana, the brother of
Shri Rama became very angry with Shuparnaka and cut her nose
and it was in Nasik. Nasika means the nose (871004)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850000.2 Nasik talk - see 850000.1 good 25
871004 Dassehra Puja/Shri Rama - Les Avants, Switzerland good 70
- end - 19 Oct 2003
We must develop our powers by being silent within (790422); To
be quiet, itself is very great (871224); When you meditate, you
are in silence you are in thoughtless awareness then it is that
the growth of awareness takes place (880921); If there is any
problem anything suddenly you must become peaceful within
then immediately you will find, the solution will come to you this
is a subtle of the Lakshmi Principle (960716)
If there is something that upsets you, or makes you unhappy
try to reach that point, that axis which is just silence, within
you and this silence will make you really powerful because this
silence is not only yours when you are in that silence, you are in
the silence of the Cosmos and the silence of the Cosmos works
for you you are in connection with that Cosmic Power but it's
more than that it's the Divine Power which is working all the
Cosmos so if you become silent within yourself, know that you are
sitting in the Kingdom of God. This silence is the sign that you are
definitely, now, in contact with the Divine you are silent because
the Divine is going to look after everything you don't have to do
anything just keep silent - but not forcefully it's again a state.
So you see, if any turmoil takes place, any problem takes place,
suddenly your attention will jump onto that silence (920719)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
790422 Give up misidentifications, Dollis Hill poor
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Sin against the Father
Is the problem of the East, when we don't believe in an
honest, righteous, virtuous life (830131); Includes thieving,
cheating, deceiving, telling lies, violence, killing (MME), talking
big, boasting, cruelty, harshness - with immediate punishment
(941009); If we indulge in this sort of activity, then the
unfoldment in the brain takes time, because the brain holds the
Father in it, and we may then end up feeling that there is no
time for meditation, or we may take to reading books etc.; We
have to be very honest in Sahaja Yoga (830204)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830131 Nabhi Chakra - Delhi good 80
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Sin against the Mother
The problem in the West - an insult to the Mother Power of
God (830131); The biggest sin of modern times, which is
immorality, the 'Sin against the Mother', produces cancer
which is also heat producing, and is also called the 'Sin against
the Goddess'. Results in psychosomatic, or physical diseases,
such as Aids, cancer etc. - with delayed punishment (941009;
830113.2); Such things as perverted sex habits, alcohol, drugs,
internal stress from anxiety or fear of oppression (MME)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
821219 Mahakali Puja & Mahalakshmi Puja, Lonavala/Kolapur
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min med'n) good 60
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella [video says 941008] good 55
- end - 5 Oct 2002
This is a very great privilege that I am telling you all these
things that I am telling you that 'sincerity is the key of your
Self Realisation' it's a privilege I'm giving you the key.
Understand what a privilege it is for you to be here what
fortune what reward, for what you have done how many lives
have been rewarded by being here. This will help you to do Puja in
a more sincere manner. Now we must meditate also after Puja,
because my vibrations you do not suck in without meditation, I
have seen. If you have sincerity about it, really you will suck all
my vibrations. Tell your mind not to ask questions or to
misbehave but to suck the vibrations clearly. This is for your own
nourishment for your own growth for your own enjoyment
It is easier also it is the best, most enjoyable is to have very
clean chakras. And it comes first of all is sincerity complete
sincerity - are we sincere to ourselves. Sometimes it is
misunderstood people think that if we have to be sincere to
ourselves, we should deny Sahaja Yoga - Sahaja Yoga is the union
between you and God and the sincerity must be full must be
complete. Any kind of insincerity which comes into you is
extremely detrimental. So you must have sincerity about
yourself and then you will start enjoying Sahaja Yoga. It is very
important to create integration within you, because if it is
'sincerity', it is coming from your heart and then your body, your
mind, your intelligence, everything will work hard to fulfil it but
if it is not coming from your heart, it is going to be a superficial
thing. So you try to feel it from your heart thats what it means,
sincerity. Do not depend on anyone, your wife, husband, children,
nothing mother, father it's your own. So you have to work in
such a way that you get complete integration and the driving
force towards integration is sincerity (800505)
The another factor which is important is patience you must
have patience with others because if you dont have patience,
your sincerity will start doubting itself. So you must have
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sincerity
patience and to get patience, you must know what you have been
so far, and where you are. When you will know what you were, you
will have patience with others tremendous patience and by
having patience with others, your sincerity will be all the time
complete by your sincerity you will be completely integrated
Now how the sincerity is to be maintained first we have to
make some determination, Sankalpa, of being sincere then we
have to act, by finding out how do we get insincere on what
points. You'll be amazed, that it's simpler to be sincere, than to
be insincere you dont have to think to be sincere but if you
have to be insincere, you have to think, to plan out, to find out all
the methods, all the loop holes and escapes. And sincerity itself is
rewarding sincerity itself is a reward how it makes you so
beautiful, so dignified and how you start rising in your self
esteem how sincerity is a big force which manifests it's living
dynamism in you and you become a transformed person (800505)
This transformation within you is going to change the whole
world people are going to see that you are no more a confused
person you are not a person who is doubting and neither you are
a fanatic you are not a blind person but you are a person who is
alert, and aware and can see things better than others. The more
alert you become, the more the Divine takes interest but this
alertness is nothing but the enlightenment of your sincerity and
sincerity is the thing that means you are loyal to your Self the
loyalty to your Self is sincerity. Sincerity is my nature I dont
have to strive for it I cannot get out of it. Now if I am your
ideal you should try and imbibe my nature within yourself and
then you'll be amazed how you are connected with me then we all
move like one wave, one being, one personality (800505)
Problems with Hamsa can include shooting headaches on one
side, or sinus problems, and may result from being overloaded with
decision making. Avoid eating anything that is sharp or sour
(MME); Sinus trouble is a left side problem (800517.2) and may
result from dry conditions in home or workplace, and can be
corrected by the use of butter, ghee or oil in the nose. Butter is
good for sinus problems, and can be administered warm with a
dropper, to the inside of the nose just one drop in each nostril,
morning and evening... for 3 to 4 days, when it lines the inner dry
and cracked membranes. Butter is softening in it's effect
(810330; 841005; 870408)
The Hamsa chakra is a very material thing and has to be
worked on, on a material level only and is where you get troubles
like sinus, colds and coughs, and all that and can result from the
drying up of the nose because of the use of central heating.
Now what you are doing actually is to neglect certain laws of
nature likein London, or anywhere it's all heated up inside the
rooms too much it is it's very dry we all know that in England
we have to have a humidifier isn't it. Just leave some water or
something, or fill a tub in the bath and keep it open so there is
humidity in the room (.0011)
What do you say about him he has got a Hamsa chakra tell
him to put his attention here at the top of the head he has sinus
troubles no then Pranayama he must have done sinus then
Hamsa is the one that is catching just at the Hamsa the
Kundalini has gone now put your finger on the Hamsa in between
the eyebrows (840622)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
Chakras affected: Hamsa
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Vishnumaya is the power of the sister in the family, and whose
power is to protect your chastity. The sisters job is not to take
sides, but to show that if you cross the limits of your
brotherliness, there will be lightning - she gives them the
Mariadas, how far to go. The sister relationship is a very pure
one. A brother and a sister are never friends, they don't talk
much - but at the time of difficulties, of Mariadas, of consulting
about something dear to the family then the sister comes in
(850901); The daughter and the sister are innocent is pure
chastity (850901)
When you are very good brothers and sisters, first of all your
left Vishuddhi improves - we get this left Vishuddhi, because we
don't have proper brother and sister relationship it's not that
we should have our 'own' sister but 'any' woman who is a Sahaja
Yogini is your sister except for your own wife. Unless and until
we develop that pure feeling within ourselves, we cannot work out
Sahaja Yoga I know it's rather difficult to digest but it's a
fact (860818)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 17 Mar 2003
How we sit in a program the pose the way we sit is not
important so much but the auspiciousness of sitting is have
you reverence in your mind when you are sitting, there should be
reverence are you sitting in a surrendering mood. So again I tell
you auspiciousness is what is within you what you think about
it what is happening to you are you feeling reverence within you
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
- end - 27 Jun 2003
Six Enemies
Christ came on this Earth with a very great vision because
he wanted to open the Agnya chakra and for that he had to
sacrifice his life and in that he has shown that if you have to
rise above this mundane superficial life you have to in a way
sacrifice sacrifice all your 6 enemies (001225) Anger
Greed Lust Jealousy Vanity and Attachment (860823.2)
First of all the temper or anger replace temper with
compassion secondly which most of you have done, is to
retract your attention from perversion. But still you are
egoistical, i.e. vanity and still people are jealous, competitive
and still you have some lurking materialism and a new thing
that is coming is you are getting attached, to your families
The first one is anger you have to be angry with yourself
when you do wrong things and not to feel guilty, but angry with
yourself for doing wrong things angry with yourself when you
feel guilty anger against yourself, and not against others
Sahajvidya Six Enemies
Vanity must be made into pride you should be proud that you
are Sahaja Yogis. Actually pride is nothing but the expression of
self esteem. Self esteem is very different from ego one is
Reality, the other is complete artificiality. Self esteem will give
you that kind of dynamism which is needed for Sahaja Yoga a
discreet, a wise dynamism; Men should behave like men they
have to lead the society (830321)
Competition and jealousy should be brought round there
should be competition between the one that you 'were' and
what you 'are' your 'present' should go faster, and faster
leaving this 'past' behind as much as you can. There should be no
competition between Sahaja Yogis in acquisition or in shouting,
screaming and being harsh to others let us have competition in
compassion, in mildness, in sweetness, in beautiful behaviour
who is more cultured more gentlemanly who is deeper. The
competition between women and men must be stopped women
must have their own place and men must have their own place.
So the competition should end in sharing (830321)
Materialism should be taken to it's beauty the beauty in
matter you can see in all that is beautiful, the reflection of
God's creative power and the joy that he wanted to emit for
your happiness (830321)
Last of all is the attachment to your children, to your wife,
youryour whatever is mine is not 'I' this 'my' must be given
up instead you should say 'we' is better to address yourself
in the third person as Mr Mrs or Miss then you will see the
joke behind the whole thing you'll know how to laugh at
yourself it will give you that sense of security. You must stand
for your husband or your wife, or for your children, when it is
right but 'obviously' you should not do it 'apparently' you
should not do it (830321)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Six Enemies
So this will overcome the six enemies and make them your
slaves - use them for your purpose then theyll become great
things theyll be your decorations (830321)
In Sanskrit they call it we have 6 enemies Kaam or sexual
perversion... Krodh, anger Mada, pride... Matsara, jealousy...
Doba, greed and Moha, attraction. All these 6 things that we
had in our mind out of our ignorance, our upbringing, our
reading just drops out when the Kundalini rises and you
become one with the Divine they just drop out so you go into
a new realm of Divine construction within you this is the real
resurrection of human beings (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001225 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 001225.2
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
830321 Overcoming the 6 enemies, Ma's 60th B'day Puja, Sydney good 50
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
001225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule good 20
001225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Years Eve Puja, Kalwe
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Skin Troubles
The way you expose your body to the Sun is very wrong you'll
develop skin cancer. You shouldn't burn your skin so much it's
not a good thing you know (790200.1); It is not proper to sit in the
Sun too much. Too much of Sun is not good (830302); No use going
to the sea, making your body brown and then suffering from
cancer of the skin this kind of stupidity is also very much
fashionable (970823.1); Also to avoid sitting in the Sun, so the
brain does not get melted (830204); Right sided people should not
sit in the Sun they should sit in the Moonlight (880921)
Geru is a kind of a red coloured stone, which is very very hot
and supposing with the cold sometimes you develop those rashes
so if you put Geru those rashes are or you get bhoota-baddha
sometimes some sort of skin diseases which are cured with
Geru because it is the one which is very hot, and it soothes you
down (900831)
In Sahaja Yoga marriage there is a custom of applying haldi, a
kind of yellow powder which is very good for the skin - if you
have any sort of problem on the skin any scratching or anything
mosquitoes you are comforted during the wedding time
(840829.1); The Neem trees that grow in India, are very good for
driving out all the baddhas. It has a very bitter taste and the
baddhas run away from it. If you have scabies or any skin trouble,
then boil the water with this and take a bath. It's a very bitter
thing if you don't allow the water to go in your mouth, then it's
perfectly alright it's very good it's a very medicinal thing. It's
called as Neem (881207); Is very important to have cotton fabrics
for young children - artificial fibres are bad for the skin (820711)
Vishuddhi chakra looks after so many things, especially your
skin, your eyes people who have bad Vishuddhi can have all kinds
of funny troubles with their skin of course it has to do with your
liver, but skin is the way it shines the way it glows depends on
how you smile how you look at the world. Many people have a
habit of smiling for nothing at all especially women I have seen
they just smile stupidly thats not proper one should not be
stupid stupidity is against Shri Krishna (860823)
11 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Skin Troubles
Allergies of the skin can be the result of a lethargic liver,
resulting from a left side imbalance of the Swadisthan Chakra
(840313); Skin troubles may develop in a right sided person in
which the skin is sallow (830209)
What is the subtle of water is I mean which makes the skin
the hard skin, soft the skin becomes soft this is another sign
of a Realised Soul. But then a person, who is a Realised Soul
becomes very soft, very delicate when he talks to somebody, in
his voice there is warmth or I should say in your dealings with
others you should be like the water which is mobile which is
cooling soothing cleansing (981216)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840829.1 Pre-Marriage talk, part 1 - Switzerland good
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
Chakras affected: Swadisthan
- end - 27 Oct 2003
Sleeping Off
I have already given you a very long lecture or speech as you
call it some reactions were very good, and some could absorb
it very well but some, they said, were sleeping. Now these
things happen because of negativity and you have to fight your
negativity because negativity is a thing that asks questions -
and when I am talking, I am telling the truth the Absolute
Truth - but, it asks questions and it reflects. When it starts
reflecting, nothing goes in the head because, you are left with
the 'past' sentence and the 'present', you are not with it. So
the whole thing boils down to something like an escape and you
sleep off. Now I tried my level best to put you onto your
conscious mind because you have to be conscious you have to
be alert. Unless and until you are conscious, you cannot ascend
any abnormal person cannot ascend you have to normalise
yourself (860504)
Those who were dozing out should know that they are left
sided. Those who went off to sleep who were struggling at
that time may not have understood. It's a very difficult and a
subtle subject but those who have been like that should look
after themselves should find out. One thing they can do is to
put a candle near their left Swadisthan, a little far and put
one candle before the photograph and put left hand towards
the photograph, and right hand on Mother Earth it works and
the candle at the back should be kept little far away because it
makes sound, it goes this way, and that way it burns. Those
who have been taking drugs, not LSD, but other drugs, the
drowsy people who feel sleepy, whose brains are destroyed by
drugs all those people can benefit a lot by this do it every
day (860504)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 5 Oct 2002
There is no need for more than 6 to 7 hours deep sleep is
sufficient (821101); Mother sleeps very little - 'Even when I sleep,
I am working' (821101); People sometimes sleep off, in Mother's
Presence because they are tired, inside (910728)
There's no need for you to get up at 4 o'clock but in the
beginning it is necessary because you are such slaves to your
sleep because early in the morning you sleep such a lot so just
to overcome that habit of yours of sleeping, of sloth you should
be able to get up at any time that you have to get up. So this is
what it is because you have to train your body supposing your
body cannot sleep on the ground make your body sleep lets see
what happens this is the tapasya this is the penance through
which the Sahaja Yogis have to go, that they make their body
their slave if your body tries to be funny better tell the body
'you behave yourself what do you mean why can't you do this'
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Smoking is bad for the Vishuddhi. If when you feel the urge
for a smoke, you just think of your heart or of Mother, then the
desire for the smoke will go away (800613); You only smoke when
you are bored (790507); The left Vishuddhi can be in problem, if
you smoke (811005); When we smoke, or take tobacco, the left
Vishuddhi catches (850901); Tobacco was meant to be an
insecticide, and was not given to us for smoking. Will eventually
go out of evolution (810328)
Once somebody came to me and said 'Mother, I can't do
without smoking I have to smoke' I said 'Better smoke then
but you can't be a Sahaja Yogi' 'If you are my son you cannot
smoke it looks bad' because a smoking Sahaja Yogi is a funny
caricature, you know he gave up smoking can you imagine
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
800613 Essence within Innocence good 40
800613.2 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford, London
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
Chakras affected: Left Vishuddhi
- end - 26 Apr 2003
One of the incarnations of the Primordial Guru, or Master
(800727); Who lived about 500 years BC, and who talked openly,
but was not understood, and was eventually poisoned. Plato and
Aristotle were his disciples, but who went off their heads
(890524); Every word that Socrates said is absolute truth
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790524 Seeking & Rationality good 40
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
890524 Integration of Athena - Athens, Greece good 45
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Solar Plexus
The Solar Plexus which is the outer manifestation of the Nabhi
chakra (790722) and has 10 sub-plexuses, or petals (840718);
Linked to water on one side and to fire on the other, with 10
valencies that give us our innate religion (890801); It controls all
the organs in the stomach area (790616) looks after all the
viscera of the stomach, physically and mentally it looks after
other things like with any extremism, it gets caught up or with
any fanaticism, or for example starving, fasting, or eating too
much (790618)
Also you may start feeling a throbbing here (indicating the solar
plexus area - Ed) of course throbbing doesnt mean that a person
has cancer, but it's one of the symptoms (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp Experience] good 55
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 17 Mar 2003
Something Wrong
If there is a problem which you are facing all the time, then know
that there is a problem with you, that there is something wrong
with the instrument, and it has to be corrected. We have had
experiences of things working out, of many miracles happening
before our eyes - but still the attention has not settled down with
these new experiences. Still the old experiences and identifications
continue - the filth of that is still on your being. Change everything,
become a fresh new person. You are blooming out as a flower, and
then as a tree - assume your position as a Sahaja Yogi (830723.3)
In the light of the spirit you can see, how you are doing wrong.
The Spirit is like a mirror, where you can see yourself clearly, and
you start changing yourself. When you have your Spirit awakened,
you can watch yourself you can see for yourself, clearly, as soon as
you become a developed or evolved Sahaja Yogi and that's one
point one should see if it has happened to you. If you can see
something wrong with you if you can find out what sort of defects
you have if you can detach yourself from those defects, and if you
can understand that all these attachments and defects and habits
are pulling you down - then only you can leave them but that only
happens when you have this mirror of your Self shining through
In these modern times you must know that all these evil things
are also lingering in your heads little bit, here and there. So the
Sahaja Yogis which are today here, have to realise that all these
things are surrounding us and these evil forces are also there.
There are some within us some are without so it looks to be a
very difficult task but it's not because one condition, if you can
understand is that you have to recognise me. I know, I'm
Mahamaya I'm really very clever at it but I'm truthful but still
I'm Mahamaya so to recognise me what should we do if we
recognise, then you are protected. And the cleansing is the simplest
thing in Sahaja Yoga is to be collective. If you are not collective
then know that something wrong with you if you are collective if
you are enjoying the collective, then you should know that you are
clean no blemish is there you are absolutely alright (911013)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Something Wrong
Now if you are not aware enough, not alert enough, then you must
know that you need 'real' correction you must assert yourself,
work it out, tell your leader 'there is something wrong with me and
please correct me' (871230.1); If we feel sleepy or anything, then
there's something wrong with us if you feel sleepy, wash your
face do something so try to be active try to be projecting
yourself all the time (891203); Not to spend much time on the
mirror if you spend too much time on the mirror then there's
something wrong with you I think personally that it's a kind of a
possession maybe (970823.1); Lightning is one of those things that
understands everything. If someone's house is struck by lightning
there must be something wrong with him (880921)
Collectivity is the work of Adi Shakti only, because it exists at
Sahastrara. If we cannot be collective, or enjoy collectivity, then
there is something wrong with us. Avoid criticising each other
(900923); We have to be in the collective at the slightest
provocation, people become non-collective if they cannot have
rapport with other Sahaja Yogis cannot talk to other Sahaja
Yogis cannot live with other Sahaja Yogis then there is
something wrong with them they must understand that there's
something wrong with them, and nothing wrong with others. I know
of a Sahaja Yogi who came and told me that 'Mother they are very
unkind to me they are very suspicious of me they do this and do
that' nothing of the kind it was his own mind that was working
like that, and giving him ideas against other Sahaja Yogis. So, never
criticise your brothers and sisters if you have to criticise,
criticise yourself. Best is to criticise yourself, and see for yourself
what's wrong with you that you cannot fit into the collective
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Something Wrong
If you think you have been very miserable, you have not been very
comfortable, you have not been able to enjoy, then know that there
is something wrong with you, and not with Sahaja Yoga (871230.1);
In Sahaja Yoga collectivity, nobody is complaining about another
person as such - but if they do, then they realise there is something
wrong with them (980706); The sick mind that we get when we go on
accepting, when someone says there is something wrong with
somebody, who in fact may be quite normal, and we say yes it's
true and it goes into our mind, and makes our mind a sick mind is
extremely dangerous, not to others, but to ourselves (980321); If
new people are not coming, maybe there is something wrong with you
- we have to be smart people, and spartan. We have to be deep and
impressive - change your lifestyles (890611)
'Cool breeze' is not a thing that is freezingly cold if it is
freezingly cold, that means 'left side'. Cool breeze is actually never
'very cold' it's not freezing. It could be hot with some people it
could be very cool because of their problems but if you are a
normal person, you feel a cooler sensation it is slightly less than
your body temperature it's not so very cooling as to freeze you. If
it is hot, there is something wrong with you (810524)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-970823.1 Pr'dial Taboos, S Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella see 970823 good 65
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-871230.1 Marriage, Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
911013 Navaratri Puja - Cabella good 25
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Comprised of elements of Fire, Air, Ether plus Spirit and
Kundalini. At death the earth and water elements die (810921);
That which is the 'Auto' of the autonomous nervous system, and
which controls all the vital functions of our being (MME); Soul is
the Brahmanadi within us, and which is reflected in every cell
(890725); The 'causal' which is the 5 Koshas or auras of the 5
elements, i.e. the essence of the 5 elements and the way they are
arranged in you, plus the Spirit put together makes the Soul, the
Jivatma; The Spirit can move out of the Soul (860725)
That within us which looks after everything even before
Realisation which looks after the Parasympathetic nervous
system little, little things, you know, it looks after just it tries
to keep us on the right path gives us a conscience and that
makes us think about the truth and to seek the truth to know
there's something wrong with society. It is the Soul which lines
the spinal cord. Sometimes when people die or are about to die
and they come back to life they always say that they pass
through some sort of a tunnel - some have a black tunnel some
have a bright tunnel some have a light tunnel - this is what is the
Soul which is within us, which starts going up and with that our
attention goes, and we feel we are passing through a tunnel. These
Souls you can see in the sky hanging around with seven loops.
You can see them only after Realisation not before that. So this
Soul guides you and it has brought you to Sahaja Yoga (950625)
When a person dies, then his Soul comes out and his Spirit also
guides him so we call it a 'dead soul' like that they hang in the
air sometimes. When they are Realised Souls, they need not they
become one with the Divine and whenever they want, they can
always be born again. But these Souls who are still attached to
something maybe to children to the house to drinking habits
maybe something nonsensical still hang around, and they are the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Soul
one's who trouble us who bother us too much. They can be in
groups they can be many of different types they could be
with a very bad subconscious activity or could be with
Supraconscious also. Now some difficulties that you face, which
cannot be solved, could be coming from these dead Souls. So the
best way to get rid of them is to develop a detached attitude
towards life (950625)
Now somebody is very attached to something so what happens
is these Souls, who are trying to find out somebody through whom
they can satisfy their wishes, enter into you into your mind and
then everything goes wrong. Especially with False Gurus you get
this curse upon yourself. All these things have to be corrected
through detachment to things. To what are you attached? Some
people are attached to their children then the children will be
attacked by these Souls. If you are too much attached say to your
money then something will happen and you will lose the money.
So one has to be very detached about everything (950625)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-860725 Soul & Spirit, Volterra (+Mahalakshmi Med'n) see 860725 poor 25
810921 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 2 (Nice Q&A) good 35
860725 Informal Talks - 1986/85 (various)
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
MME=Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 5 Oct 2002
There are many people who said 'Mother we cannot speak, you
know, we have stage fright' - just stand up that's all and
then they started giving lectures Shri Mataji had to stop
them (920621)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 8 May 2003
A speedy person is one who moves too much on the right hand
side leukaemia is caused more by speedy people not so much
by people who are futuristic, but more by people who are
speedy because the spleen acts for our emergencies. When you
are thinking the cells of the brain are replaced every minute
by the fat that is in your stomach, by this centre of Swadisthan
(821008) so the control of the Swadisthan is diverted away
from the organs, to the provision of fat cells thus resulting in
diseases such as blood cancer, and diabetes (890801; 870500)
so then this spleen loses it's control completely and it starts
producing additional blood cells more and more blood cells and
when they become too much, they start growing on their own.
But it can easily be cured because when you put your hand on
the spleen, if you are a Realised Soul, the energy flows and the
spleen settles down, because it gets new vitality it gets the
wisdom from these vibrations because this is the energy which
thinks, cooperates, organises, sorts out and when given to this
spleen, it becomes wiser it rests it becomes silent. Also if you
give the person the balance with your hands you can make the
person much more relaxed, much more silent that is how you can
cure (821008)
People, if they have to go to an airport for example, something
enters into their body they become speedy suddenly
everybody why but it happens like that that's a very modern
disease it was not before. So they start seeing that you are
getting late getting upset - but if you go on worrying like that,
you don't go 'beyond time' (980712)
Now the children get it, because the mother is like that the
mother must be a speedy lady. Today only, a lady told me 'my
child is overactive she's so active that I dont know how to
control it's not a mental case it's a funny situation that she's
overactive' so I said 'what were you doing when you were
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Speediness
pregnant' she told me in the night, she used to work in the
factory, and the whole day she used to work in the house.
Imagine you pay no respect to your pregnancy what will
happen if the mother is so speedy, the child gets it. You see,
the mother has an influence on the child isn't it the blood of
the mother goes with the child and that blood carries the
message thats how the child gets it and thats very difficult
to cure also. One has to know also, when you are pregnant, how to
treat your children, how to be looking after your foetus. One has
to know all these things these are very important basic things
which we do not know (821008)
In a spiritual seeking speed is not felt at all, you see just be
quiet quietude is the best way to ascend your speed will
reduce actually will come to a position where it is maximum for
your quietude (880921)
Destructive things always spread very fast (790608.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
Chakras affected: Swadisthan
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Spinal Cord
The mechanism that is placed within you is placed inside your
spinal cord, except for the last chakra, which is red in colour, and
which is outside and which controls the pelvic plexus within you
is the most important chakra which emits innocence (771121);
The chakras, which are placed either in the spinal cord or in the
brain cannot be seen with the naked eye give rise to the gross
centres outside. The Mooladhara chakra is below the Kundalini and
alone is not pierced by the Kundalini when she rises (791203); The
Kundalini is settled down in the Triangular Bone down below
there in the end of the spinal cord that is a sacred place and
is waiting there to arise (800102)
Now a 'centre' is formed by the coming together from the
left and the right, (indicating the left and right channels coming
together, to form a single central channel Ed) and this
(indicating the resulting central channel Ed) is the one through
which the Medulla Oblongata passes the Spinal Cord this is the
Spinal Cord (821008)
It is the Soul which lines the spinal cord which looks after
everything even before Realisation which looks after the
Parasympathetic nervous system little, little things, you know, it
looks after just it tries to keep us on the right path gives us a
conscience and makes us think about the truth to seek the
truth to know there's something wrong with society (950625)
and is comprised of elements of Fire, Air, Ether plus Spirit and
Kundalini. At death the earth and water elements die (810921)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
810921 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 2 (Nice Q&A) good 35
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 5 Oct 2002
The dead people who have died, who hang around and cause
problems (810829; 900811.1), and can cause lunacy (890806); Who
exist around the churches, because of the dead bodies buried
there (820711); That are the entities that are dealt with in
Spiritualism, Parapsychology, and by the Charismatics (820711); It
was Christ who drove the 'spirits' into the pigs, so showing that
we should have nothing to do with the dead, with the spirits
(810330); If the 'cross' is shown, the 'spirits' run away (810330)
If you go into the Collective Subconscious, some of these
busybodies these dead spirits can catch hold of you they can
enter into your being and they are the ones who give you this
power of dowsing you see that you start knowing there is water
because there are some spirits in you which can do it, you see. ESP
and all those things, come from the same source. There could also
be some on the right hand side the Supraconscious ones, which
are very aggressive - Hitler used them. He is the one who used
these Supraconscious people these very aggressive people and
enticed the poor German people and made them so aggressive
These two areas the Collective Subconscious, and the
Collective Supraconscious are to be avoided. For example
somebody sees auras around me I would say he should not it's
not proper because then you are on the right side but if you
see some Gods and Goddesses around me, that also is not good
because you are seeing the left side, the past. What you have to
be is in the centre in the present. So all these things come to
you from some busybodies that they enter into your being even
these people who cure these Spiritualists. All these are taking
you to a realm which is not your own it is somebody else who is
acting. Even a thing like Acupuncture because acupuncture uses
whatever energy is within you, of the sympathetics - this is the
energy which is all the time flowing, when you get connected to
the mains all the time it's flowing within you (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Spirits
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford, see 821007(Video) Good
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara - Derby good 90
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada good 40
- end - 25 Dec 2002
The Spirit
The reflection of God Almighty (or Sadashiva), in the heart;
The spectator, the 'knower of the field' (810829); Sat/Truth
Chit/Attention Ananda/Joy residing in the heart (810928);
Not seen, but by which we become aware of the Divine, become
aware of our chakras and nadis (961020); That which knows
everything about us that which sees everything sees our own
hands yet is not those hands that which sees all these things,
is us - the Spirit (790616); Which is untarnishable, which
cleanses you and gives you light (840708); The Atma (851128),
which is the source of Absolute Truth and Joy the Spirit which
is important - the rest is zero, is unimportant (821101); It is
beyond the mind (830512)
The mobility of our movement is so great I would say 360
degrees because you are stationed in the centre, in your spirit.
You can move any way you like, as long as you are centred in your
spirit. But this is an important point which we need that we are
centred in our spirit and whatever movement we do as long as
we are centred in our spirit is necessary for our growth for
the growth of the collective (850310); Beauty and auspiciousness
go hand in hand they are not two things because beauty is a
thing that gives joy to your Spirit, and auspiciousness is the
same, which gives joy to your Spirit (800927)
In English, the 'spirit' could be the Atma could be an
alcohol or spirit could be a dead body. So the Atma, the Spirit
has to be found out it is said even by Mohammed Saab he said
you have to become the Pir it is said by Zoroaster by Lau
Tzu also by Zen Buddha and Mahavira have said it everyone
of them has said it the truth that you have to be born again
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Spirit
The Spirit is existing creating waves it vibrates without
any percussion. For example to make a sound I have to clap my
hand, one to another or, supposing a stone thrown in a pond
has to hit the water to create that pattern of waves but the
Spirit just without any percussion, it creates. It is said that
Spirit is Nisbund it is not a thing that goes into percussion it
doesnt create this Bundana. For example, I am sitting here you
can feel my vibrations the waves are coming without any
percussion it just emits - in the same way your Spirit. Maybe
you feel it when you touch it, through your Kundalini when it is
awakened but when it is connected to your attention then your
attention receives those waves without percussion which flow in
your hands as Chaitanya Lahari, as these waves and because it
is coming from the Absolute, you get a complete answer about
the Absolute, from this (791009.1)
What is it makes you believe that you are the pure Spirit. You
are the pure Spirit because whatever is the description of the
pure Spirit, that it is aware of the Divine Power that is how you
are because only through the pure Spirit as your personality,
you can be aware of the All Pervading Power this is written in
all the Shastras, in all the scriptures you know about your own
chakras, your own nadis and you can see yourself very clearly
It is your Spirit which is going to guide you so if you want to
develop the strength of your Spirit you have to listen to it
(891203); You can manoeuvre the Kundalini, but not the Spirit
you can raise your hand the Kundalini will move you can give it
a bandhan it will go round and round but what about the
Spirit you cannot manoeuvre it you have to bring the Kundalini
to look after it you have to take the Kundalini there to the
heart, so that this 'little offspring' just now, has to be carefully
developed and matured (830821); The Spirit cannot be killed by
anyone it is eternal and Christ had to prove it with His
resurrection (811006)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Spirit
Spirit is the solution it is the Collective Being it is the source
of all the vitality of the creativity and of the joy and bliss
(821008); Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, which resides
in the heart actually but the seat of the Spirit is here, on top of
your head, where is the fontanelle bone area but it resides in the
heart it is the collective being (821007; 900811.2) is an
Absolute thing (860707.1)
If we are not worried about the Spirit, then there will be all
sorts of problems - open the heart fully to Sahaja Yoga, to the
Spirit (821101); If your attention is somehow turned towards the
Spirit then what happens to you is that you become the power of
the spirit, and the power of the Spirit is the highest power that
you can think of (980320); The best way to be with your Spirit, is
to forgive because then your thoughts will go away the less you
think and the faster you move with your Realisation - do not
argue it out, or think it out, but just try to become you have to
become (800907); The understanding of the spirit is only possible
for people who have understood the meaning of Lakshmi principle
first of all. Once you are absolutely satisfied with the material
wealth, then you start coming to the spirit (860921.1)
The Self is absolutely self satisfied it does not need anything
to satisfy itself it is satisfaction personified it just sees
watches witnesses it knows. And you dont have to tell or to
express too much it is self-expressing if if you are a clean
person if your desires are clean and that you just have pure
desire to ascend. So again I have to talk about Kundalini that you
must have a Kundalini completely establishing itself within you
completely expressing within you and enlightening your Self.
Such a Kundalini should be there and only possible if you do not
put hurdles in her growth - if you allow it to grow it grows and it
works out. I see sometimes when you are overjoyed, you dance and
sing thats something really very good but all the time your
Spirit should dance, at the smallest things at a little thing that
is made say something artistic that you see a gesture of
kindness a gesture of gratitude you feel it - that depth of
feeling (010321)
3 3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Spirit
The Spirit is a sensitive thing and so that it should shine in
your attention you should know that your attention has to be
congenial to the Spirit. If the attention is not congenial then
the Spirit doesn't shine. So steady the attention by balancing
the eyes, the thoughts, the desires. Keep the attention
integrated with your 'being' not with your ego - this is where
discretion comes in (801116)
The Spirit is the one that loves, unconditionally - it just flows.
Spirit is the source of Love and also of Peace, but also of Joy -
joy starts bubbling in your life. Then also it is the source of
Truth - on your finger tips you will know. The Spirit resides in
you like a Light - it is a light in you. It cannot be destroyed by
any weapon - it lives, and lives for ever (980320); Atma is all the
time giving it cannot receive - that is why it is untarnishable it
is unsurmountable nothing nobody can dominate it it is
'above' (.0011); When our attention goes to something away from
the Spirit, then the problems are there - are you one with your
Spirit. It works because it is in connection with the God
Almighty with the All Pervading Power (980320)
The heart has got seven auras around it which get
enlightened by the Spirit it's a very instantaneous or you can
say simultaneous happening. But, before that when the Kundalini
rises there are the seven centres represented on the seven
seats in our brain all the Sahaja Yogis know where they are. So
when these centres are enlightened the auras start shining in
the heart. And 'this' centre is actually the seat of the Spirit
the Spirit has moved from there and has gone to the heart
thats why in childhood you'll find there's an opening here it's a
very soft bone called as the Fontanelle Bone, the Talu because
the Spirit comes out from there and is settled on the heart. You
know Spirit also comes out in the night sometimes goes round
and sees - it's so (800721)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Spirit
So when the Kundalini rises first these centres get
enlightened here then in the brain then the auras in the heart
start getting enlightened ultimately, when this centre which is
the centre of the heart here, in Sahastrara, this point when
this gets enlightened, then the Spirit also gets enlightened
fully and then these auras become doubly shining then the
auspiciousness in many dimensions starts expressing itself. But
to keep that light on one has to keep the Kundalini over here
Then what happens then we are ruled by our hearts rather
than by our brains. And the more you depend on your vibratory
awareness the more you use your heart, your Spirit, and not
your brain. The more you use your brain again you go down
because it is taken over now by the Spirit. But if you can just
leave it to your heart to work it out and dont think because
you are in thoughtless awareness after Realisation. And if you
try to maintain that state pay attention to your heart let your
Spirit emit itself so that it clears out completely the confusion
of the brain and everything then you'll be amazed that you
cannot lose your vibrations you cannot lose your Realisation
- Jai Shri Mataji -
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya The Spirit
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
840708 To Know the Truth - Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
961020 Navaratri Puja, 'Be aware of your own state', Cabella good 55
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 6 Oct 2002
The spleen the speedometer of the body, which gives us the
rhythm of life. When we start living at a fast pace at a hectic
pace, and are all the time thinking, the Swadisthan is unable to
cope, and the spleen goes out of order, and starts producing too
many blood cells and this then results in blood cancer (890801);
The organ in the body, producing blood corpuscles in response to
emergencies, and under the control of the Swadisthan, and which
when it malfunctions, becomes hectic and may result in blood
cancer (870500)
The Swadisthan the second subtle centre, which is actually the
third centre arising from the Nabhi as on a stalk (810928)
controls the liver, pancreas, spleen, uterus (810928) and part of
the intestines and kidneys (870500), and also the ovaries
(840313), via control of the Aortic plexus (870500), and converts
fat cells in the stomach for the use of the brain (811005); Now
when you are thinking, the cells of the brain are replaced every
minute by the fat that is in your stomach by this centre of
Swadisthan in the gross expressed as the Aortic Plexus
(821008) and so if the control of the Swadisthan is diverted
away from the organs to the provision of fat cells for the
brain this can then result in diseases such as blood cancer, and
diabetes from unhealthy spleen or pancreas respectively (890801;
870500; 811005)
A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is
responsible for the whole world affairs in this myth develops
his ego to a great extent by which his left side suffers too
much and then he develops all the problems of the left side in
the organs (811006); Leukaemia a disease which can result from a
malfunctioning spleen, caused by a right side imbalance of the
Swadisthan Chakra (840313; 870500) can also result from a left
side imbalance of this chakra (840313), if we follow wrong gurus
(830129); People who work too hard for material, physical things,
can catch on left Swadisthan, and can get spleen problems
(790507); Blood Cancer happens because of spleen (820514)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Spleen
If you excite the right side Swadisthan your left Nabhi
catches. Say if you are a big thinker, a big planner then what
happens, you get diabetes because you are using your right side
Swadisthan too much and because of that there is an effect on
the left hand side Nabhi you neglect your wife you become
harsh to her are unkind to her your left side starts becoming
weak and makes your spleen and pancreas very weak (790609.3);
The Left Nabhi controls the two important organs of Spleen and
Pancreas (860921.2) so when the left Nabhi combines with either
the left Agnya or the left Swadisthan, then you can become
vulnerable to blood cancer (860921.2)
Leukaemia is caused more by speedy people not so much by
people who are futuristic, but more by people who are speedy
because the spleen acts for our emergencies. When you are
thinking the cells of the brain are replaced every minute by
the fat cells that are in your stomach, by this centre of
Swadisthan (821008) so the control of the Swadisthan is
diverted from the organs, to the provision of fat cells resulting
in diseases such as blood cancer, and diabetes (890801; 870500)
So then this spleen loses it's control completely and it starts
producing additional blood cells more and more blood cells and
when they become too much, they start growing on their own.
But it can easily be cured because when you put your hand on
the spleen, if you are a Realised Soul, the energy flows and the
spleen settles down, because it gets new vitality it gets the
wisdom from these vibrations because this is the energy which
thinks, cooperates, organises, sorts out and when given to this
spleen, it becomes wiser it rests it becomes silent. Also if you
give the person the balance with your hands you can make the
person much more relaxed, much more silent that is how you can
cure (821008)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Spleen
Spleen is very important is the centre of peace the one who
doesnt have a proper spleen cannot be a peaceful person. The
simple thing is when we eat our food if at the time we are
eating we are also reading the newspaper or, if we get onto a
bicycle with a sandwich in our hand is even worse and we are
rushing to work and, we get so frantic - and so if we are eating
our food in such a hurry, and in such franticness then we are
out to get trouble with the spleen and we can get blood cancer
and among young people is very common. Now if the mother or
the father is of that temperament the children might be born
with blood cancer (820514); Best not to read newspapers in the
morning time, because we can get upset, and the spleen then
works overtime to produce red corpuscles we get in a rush to
get to work and so we may end up with leukaemia, or heart
attacks; Leukaemia may also result if the Gruhalakshmi is ruined
Mothers who are hectic by nature, very anxious to do this, to
do that, and are also very hectic with their children, can give
blood cancer to their unborn children, whilst they are still
pregnant (860921.2); Now the children get it, because the
mother is like that the mother must be a speedy lady. Imagine
you pay no respect to your pregnancy what will happen if the
mother is so speedy, the child gets it. You see, the mother has an
influence on the child isn't it the blood of the mother goes with
the child and that blood carries the message thats how the
child gets it and thats very difficult to cure also. One has to
know also, when you are pregnant, how to treat your children,
how to be looking after your foetus. One has to know all these
things these are very important basic things which we do not
know (821008); Many cases of blood cancer have been cured but
that is not our job - it happens spontaneously as a by-product of
Kundalini awakening (820514)
Anaemia a problem of the spleen (811006)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are, Houston good 70
811006 From Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
Chakras affected: Swadisthan; Nabhi
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Guilt is one of the main reasons for the left Vishuddhi
catching, for the left Vishuddhi getting into problems (810330),
and may lead to spondylitis, or pain in the heart (820711); Feeling
guilty thats the worst disease of the West. By feeling guilty,
you get spondylitis, thyroid, all kinds of troubles (821008)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
Chakras affected: Left Vishuddhi
- end - 28 Jun 2003
Living processes, like the Kundalini awakening, are all
spontaneous (850510); Everything that has happened in this
world, that is living, has been spontaneous even the creation
of this world has been spontaneous (790720); When all external
desires dim out, and the real desire to be one with the Almighty
remains, then the Kundalini can rise spontaneously. It has
happened to very few people - Buddha and Mahavira were human
beings who achieved Godliness (800609)
You cannot put in any effort to achieve a living thing like Self
Realisation, which is spontaneous (811005), but effort is needed
later on to maintain it (840702); It is necessary to put in an
effort after Realisation, not before. Before, you cannot do it
but after Realisation you have to look after yourself to look
after your being (800809)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Spontaneity
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850510 Becoming the Light Within, Hampstead - see 840313 good 35
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
811103 You must grow fast in SY, Brahman Crt [Fr. translation] good 75
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
840702 Hampstead Public Programme - [sound quality very poor] poor 40
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Spreading Sahaja Yoga
Those who are humble who are kind will attract more Sahaja
Yogis so it is important to change your temperament. If you try
to show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you if you think
you are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be
very humble, kind, generous also very joyous. If you are really
doing Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come no trouble can come
it is a fact try to understand (001231)
You should never go to extremes in anything - only in the
middle or centre can Sahaja Yoga be worked out (830131); If
Sahaja Yoga has to spread collectively it is only Love that is
going to work it out no other way we can do it. Love is a source
of energy that makes things grow is a living energy (910728);
Sahaja Yoga is not going to work by advertisement, by the
Photo but by your work, your responsibility in shouldering
Sahaja Yoga to spread and establish it. Dynamism is going to
impress; Running courses, knowledge without love, is not going to
work - rather it should be love, with knowledge (890611)
What I have seen that we are very shy shy about Sahaja
Yoga we are little shy to talk about Sahaja Yoga - you have to
do it you should start talking openly about it if I was shy like
you, Sahaja Yoga would not have spread. One should not feel shy
about Sahaja Yoga otherwise what happens that it just melts
away with you dont feel shy you should talk about it wear
the badge with the badge people will ask you questions 'who is
this one' then you talk to them any way you like, you should
expose yourself and that will work out better (000507); You
should not show interest in people who have no interest in the
photograph if they are not interested in the photograph just
forget that person you see thats the best way (791202.3)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Spreading Sahaja Yoga
If new people are not coming, maybe there is something wrong
with you - we have to be smart people, and spartan. We have to
be deep and impressive - change your lifestyles (890611); A
great understanding has to be within us, that we are growing
within ourselves but if we do not manifest, if we do not show
our qualities, if we do not express it in our life, in our doing, in
the meaning of our life, then Sahaja Yoga is not going to spread
nor is it going to help you much (890423)
We must behave in a very gentle way - to attract others, have
patience (830725); You have to get more and more people - you
won't enjoy unless and until you get more people into it. But keep
your dignity, your poise (801116); When the magnetism of Shri
Ganesha is awakened in you, you will be amazed, that people will
start running towards your ashrams, instead of running away
(860907); We have all kinds of problems in Sahaja Yoga,
especially when we find that people are not so much attracted to
Sahaja Yoga, they are few in number then you feel very bad
about it. But have you tried to meditate on this point, and have
you tried to put this problem to the Divine Power (980510)
You have to do Sahaja Yoga, you have to spread it. You have to
venture, without any fear, collectively and individually, forgetting
as to what will happen - you won't go to jails you will not be
crucified. This is your work you have to do this and nothing
else it is important (890423); You'll have to go to churches to
Universities, and to all such congregations, where they have no
idea about what they can achieve, and tell them without any fear,
without any malice. You can talk to them you should tell them
how we are here to help, for your good not for our good, but
for your good the Kundalini within you will be very happy to help
you, and do the needful for the emancipation of the whole world
(970525); But supposing there are people from one family so
you don't discuss Sahaja Yoga with them - either they will fight
or they will combine to be against Sahaja Yoga (770126.1)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Spreading Sahaja Yoga
The ladies should try they have to stand up in their own
freedom they have to be independent, and should have right
ideas about everything if the ladies come up in that way, Sahaja
Yoga will spread very much. Men are working much more for
Sahaja Yoga than women are I can understand, because they
have family, they have children but the most important thing is
that once you take to active Sahaja Yoga, then your children also
come up well the family's also looked after. After all there is
this Divine Power which looks after all of you you must believe
in this Divine Power (980712)
The women have to go about to give Realisation to others but
men are more active that way, and women are not. Men are
active, but don't meditate women meditate and men do outside
work it's not going to work out so one has to meditate, and
one has to go out to spread Sahaja Yoga both things have to be
done. Supposing now you meditate, and you don't spread Sahaja
Yoga you'll never ascend so if you're not helping to the
collective, the Kundalini says 'alright you are alright as you
are'. The main activity should be have we given Realisation to
others (970525); You don't know what joy you get when you give
Realisation to somebody the most joyful moment is when you
give Realisation to somebody just try it try once and you'll
enjoy it and then you'll want more and more and more (970525)
A new century is starting, and so many things have to happen,
and all of you must decide that you will do this or that
whatever is your understanding is, about spreading Sahaja Yoga,
you should try to do all of you should put your mind to it. If
women can't go out, they can write down something they can
write about their spiritual ascent, or about whatever their
experiences are (980712)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Spreading Sahaja Yoga
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-791202.3 Guru Puja Pt 3, Dollis Hill (Q&A) - see: 791202.2 Poor 0
-770126.1 Bordi Attention - see 770126.1 poor 40
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra - Delhi good 80
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, part 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
- end - 28 Jun 2003
The statutes of Sahaja Yoga, the dharma of a Human Beings:
Not harm anyone; Testify to the Truth; Develop detachment,
where Spirit is everything; Lead a moral life; Not accumulate too
much possessions, but enjoy generosity of giving to others things
that are dharmic; Use natural things, and be 'normal'; Overcome
misidentifications, like our 'religion' and 'nationality' (800727)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
941009 Navaratri Puja, Cabella, [video says 941008] good 55
Chakras affected: Heart
- end - 10 Nov 2002
The Solar Plexus which is the outer manifestation of the Nabhi
chakra (790722) and has 10 sub-plexuses, or petals (840718)
controls all the organs in the stomach area (790616) looks after all
the viscera of the stomach, physically and mentally it looks after
other things like with any extremism, it gets caught up or with any
fanaticism, or for example starving, fasting, or eating too much
The second subtle centre, the Swadisthan which is actually the
third centre arising from the Nabhi as on a stalk (810928) converts
fat cells in the stomach for the use of the brain (811005) but also
controls the liver, pancreas, spleen, uterus (810928) and part of the
intestines and kidneys (870500), and also the ovaries (840313) via
control of the Aortic plexus (870500); Now when you are thinking,
the cells of the brain are replaced every minute by the fat that is
in your stomach by this centre of Swadisthan (821008) and so if
the control of the Swadisthan is diverted away from the organs to
the provision of fat cells for the brain this can result in diseases
such as... diabetes from an unhealthy... pancreas (890801; 870500;
The upper part of the abdomen or stomach is the centre of your
mastery over this power of Love, or Divine Vibrations whilst the
lower part of the abdomen is the centre of Pure Knowledge,
absolute and pure which gets the knowledge about the roots and
the knowledge how to work out this Divine Power the laws that are
Divine (871116; 840410); At Nabhi we say 'I am my own master, I am
my own Guru' this will correct, if you have been dominated or
misguided in your spirituality (871116; 840410; 821008)
If there's a tradition of dharma then what happens that the
fat cells in our stomach get the experience get charmed with the
sense of virtue, of righteousness, of goodness, of innocence and so
you use that power to enlighten your brain, which surrounds actually
as auras your heart. But if that is not so it's like a dead another
cell going in the head and then experiences in dirty things in doing
something that is destructive (850310)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Stomach
Our attention, our awareness, is based in the stomach, in the void,
and can be spoiled by drinking alcohol, reading bad books, following
wrong or bad Gurus, fanaticism, identification with one religion to the
exclusion of others, and by materialism; Adultery is against one's
Dharma, and can spoil the void area in the stomach (781005); We can
become confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol, which is against
our attention (810328); Religion is in your stomach, is within you -
that which is falsely made is not religion (790507)
Your stomach is your Guru (781005); All the Gurus, all the Prophets
are in the Void, are in the stomach (790720) and which catches,
when we have had the wrong type of a guru (800727); Lakshmana
resides on the right side of the stomach, and looks after the right
side and the liver, which gives us the ego part and which he
destroys (861223); The place of the wife, in the subtle system, is on
the left hand side of the stomach, in every human being (781005)
Problems of the stomach area are helped by taking vibrated salt,
which absorbs all that is mobile for left side problems take salt;
For problems of the right side of the stomach area take sugar - 5
of the dharmas are helped by salt, 5 are helped by sugar (781005)
Watch your hands, to see if they are shaking, or if there is heat on
one of the hands. If the left hand is shaking, put the right hand on
your heart. If the right hand is shaking, put the left hand on your
stomach - with the right hand towards Mother (830302); If there is
shaking of the hands, open the hands (790507); If the eyelids are
flickering, then keep the eyes open, and look at the Forehead of the
Mother; To reduce the shaking, and soothe the individual, put the
left hand on the centre of the stomach and the right hand towards
the Mother; Nervousness can result from too much thinking, and
can be soothed down by placing the left hand on the centre of the
stomach, and the right hand towards the Mother (801027)
Water in which the Shri Ganesha Tattwa is enlightened, and which
when applied to for example the eyes or taken into the stomach, it
acts (890808); We can use vibrated water to improve the attention,
by drinking it so that it works on the void area; Water can be
vibrated by Realised Souls, and when taken in by someone, can then
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Stomach
make that person dharmic. If taken in repeatedly, then that person
will not get cancer of the stomach. 'Curing Waters' are vibrated
waters. Given to plants etc. will produce better crops (781005)
When the Ekadesha Rudra becomes very strong on the physical
level, it can become horrible troubles with the body like cancer.
Actually cancer can be felt on the stomach you can feel the lub-dub
on the stomach itself. If it is at the Nabhi place you can feel the
pulse, fast. Diseases like cancer any destroying diseases can start,
which are very very fatal because Ekadesha Rudra is the destroying
power the essence of destroying power. If it starts working on one
side it can spread to the other side also so your Guru Tattwa must
be respected. Even in Sahaja Yoga, if you just look after yourself,
and dont worry about others then also your Guru Tattwa can be in
trouble (0.0012); Also you may start feeling a throbbing here
(indicating the solar plexus area - Ed) of course throbbing doesnt
mean that a person has cancer, but it's one of the symptoms
Too much tea is very dangerous, it's not good for you so limit your
tea taking. Because of this tea, your stomach goes out of order you
cannot sleep it's a wrong thing. You people take too much tea it's
very injurious for the intestines so much tea is very wrong plus
milk with it milk gives you diarrhoea. Limit your tea taking or if
you have to take many cups of tea, see that it is a very light tea. But
this Marathi tea only one cup in the morning is sufficient. So reduce
your intake of tea. Water should be increased more of water, less
of tea; If you see how much our Mother takes tea She may even
take 10 cups just to please us, but no sugar and no milk (881221)
Mango juice is not so good for people who have diarrhoea - the
Indians know that it's very hot, and creates heat in the stomach,
though it's very tasty (881221); And don't buy any food on the road
or anything and eat there so that your stomach is kept well, and you
enjoy the best of health (in India - Ed) (881207)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Stomach
Also you can put the clay on the stomach to take out the
temperature it's a natural way (881221); Here in India we use the
clay, to clean our hands, because the clay here is very good just use
the clay nicely and clean your hands - it's very important (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-861223 Nasik - see 861221 good 15
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840410.1 Porchester Hall poor 20
840410.2 Porchester Hall/South Bank Polytechnic, London
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
871116 Porchester Hall [+20 min Affirmations - good] good 30
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
- end - 8 May 2003
Now you all know that there's something about Stonehenge but
what these are the stones which have come out of Mother
Earth which are emitting vibrations and the covering of that
has been done later on some people did not understand how these
stones came out one after another so they must have covered it
up but if they were Saints they would have said that these
stones have vibrations (800721)
The Druids at Stonehenge had their origin at that time when
Dattatreya was meditating on the banks of the River Thamas, or
Thames in this great country of Shiva, of the Spirit (830725)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
- end - 28 May 2003
A person who is frightful who is very strict who talks very
rudely is not a Sahaja Yogi no way but the one who looks out
cares loves and is very generous is the real Sahaja Yogi. You
are people of special qualities and those qualities must be shown in
your life. I have never put any restrictions on you do what you
like whatever way you want to do it, you can do it I have never
been bothering even about money or anything but that is a
testing ground where you are standing (010321)
There has to be lot of relaxed and a mobile temperament a
person should have. If you are absolutely lethargic, lenient,
dishevelled, we can say absolutely confused you are not in the
centre and on the contrary if you are very strict, like a rock of
Gibraltar and like a big Hitler-like behaviour you should be in
time everybody must have proper steps must walk properly
thats not being Sahaj thats not being Sahaj (890709)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
890709 Importance of friendship - Melun, France good 45
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end - 27 Oct 2003
You must all individually also work it out that you study
Sahaja Yoga in a way. In most of the tapes whatever I have said
can be seen found out what is said about health what is said
about children because I spontaneously say things and if you
can sort it out you will know so many things I mean if you sit
down and do a study of these tapes it will help you to find out
so many little little things that are so important for life. You
can clarify it can note it down that this Mother said about
these things it will be very good for us to sort it out this
way what point is to be noted down in different headings can
put different different headings, and jot it down. Mother has
said so Mother has said so whatever is not on the tape you
should not listen to whatever is on tape is authentic
whatever is recorded already should be accepted (890725)
We should have the desire to have the complete knowledge of
Sahaja Yoga, and should never feel satisfied on that point
(910728), and we should be able to answer any questions
(850408); Everyone should have one tape each. Some people
take one for the centre, and all listen, and that's it or one
tape for the whole country. No, we must have one tape each -
sit down and listen again and again - with pencil and paper, and
see what I am saying. Every tape should be with you (890611)
I am your Mother I am your Guru now as a Guru my main
concern is that you should learn all about Sahaja Yoga you
should become experts of Sahaja Yoga and you should become
yourself the gurus this is the only concern I have... but for
that complete surrender is required then only you can learn
what is the way you will handle Sahaja Yoga (900831)
You must learn from the people who have gone ahead and
have faltered if you do not learn from them, then you are not
wise (790618); Sahaja Yoga is learned through experience, and
through nothing else - you have to experience, and then believe
into it. Those who have penetrating intelligence, penetrating
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Studying
love and emotions, penetrating movement of the
understanding, they experience and learn experience and
learn. The experiences of Sahaja Yoga are the good
conditionings, and to get these 'best' experiences, the first
condition is of Rutumbhara Pragnya, where we have to be of
that level that we get these experiences otherwise we will be
mundane type of person all of the time and this starts with
our meditation, and with the Samadhi 'seed', sprouting into the
new dimension (830723.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890725 Arrival speech - Melicharg - see 890723 good 20
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-850408.2 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850604
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
830723.3 Purnima Seminar, Assume your position, pt 3 - Lodge Hill good 65
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
900831 Hanumana Puja, Germany good 45
910728 Guru Puja, Cabella good 60
- end - 19 Oct 2003
Hair is a natural thing, as is the beard - Christ had a beard,
many Saints had beards. But there are entities, spirits around, and
if they see any odd thing, a little bit abnormal, they can be
attracted, and will jump into you. The same thing applies to any
extremes of dress or any kind of dandiness. We can use this
knowledge by dressing, or combing the hair etc., in a different
way, and in so doing cheating the spirits. For example if we do not
have a beard, then growing one may help, by fooling the spirits
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall, see 780619 good 40
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Area on left side of our being (831001); A person who has moved
out to the Subconscious areas if he comes to me he can see who
I was in my previous life I do not have to convince him he can
be very enamoured by me this happens to people if they move out
onto the left hand side that is, into the past (770215)
The left hand side channel, called the Ida channel, represents
the Subconscious mind within you you listen to me through your
conscious mind and put it back into the Subconscious mind all
your experiences go into the Subconscious that is the limit of
'your' Subconscious of present beyond that is your Subconscious
of previous lives and beyond that is the Collective Subconscious
(771121); When you listen to me your conscious mind receives it
at this moment and there is a pre-conscious mind which takes it
to the Subconscious. This pre-conscious mind is on the right hand
side (771121)
Collective Subconscious
Area on far left of our being, containing all that is dead since our
creation whatever has gone out of our evolutionary process all
those big big animals all are there within us and also from
which proteins 58/56 invade our being, causing cancer (811005;
831001); Which is a very dangerous zone. If you go to a guru who
practices the left side, or take to clairvoyance, i.e. to someone
who uses dead spirits, then you can get all sorts of diseases
including cancer (830302)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Subconscious
These dead spirits they can enter into your being and they
are the ones who give you this power of dowsing you see that you
start knowing there is water because there are some spirits in
you which can do it, you see. ESP and all those things, come from
the same source. There could also be some on the right hand side
the Supraconscious ones, which are very aggressive - Hitler used
them. He is the one who used these Supraconscious people these
very aggressive people and enticed the poor German people and
made them so aggressive (821008)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
Now the men have to be compassion, kind, considerate but
never subservient never subservient. The women have to be
great, large, receptive, receiving and nourishing. So a woman must
try to be a woman, and a man must try to be a man (830821)
Humility doesn't have any subservience, and is very different to
compassion. Humility is a very human quality, is a special quality
only the bhaktas have. It is such a beautiful quality (850901)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
- end - 31 Mar 2003
Subtle Mechanism
In us is placed the germinating force it is all built in it's like a
computer absolutely a living computer. Within us is placed through
our evolution, one by one, step by step all these points which
have been properly put down in our backbone in our brain in the
limbic area absolutely in a perfect manner and only thing that
one has to do is surrender is to accept it (790608.1)
Yantra is the mechanism is the Kundalini is a living force
within you it exists it is placed for your Realisation is a Holy
mechanism and Tantra means the technique which works out our
Self Realisation and is to be known and understood fully is the
manoeuvring of it the technique of it which came into being but
was a secret science (771121)
The mechanism that is placed within you is this beautiful thing
inside, which is placed inside your spinal cord, except for the last
chakra, which is red in colour, and which is outside and which
controls the pelvic plexus within you is the most important
chakra which emits innocence. The Deity sitting on it is Shri
Ganesha who represents the stage between animals and man and,
the head is that of the animal showing that an animal does not
have an ego that a man is different from an animal that the
animal is innocent that he doesnt know what is sin that is why he
is innocent. He is innocence personified and he incarnated too on
this Earth as Lord Jesus Christ. He is made of that essence of
Divine Nature of God, that we call as Parama Tattwa the highest
essence of God his body is made out of that and that is the
reason he could resurrect. At every point, at every chakra he
bestows on you the blessings of his innocence (771121)
On the left hand side of this mechanism, there are 7 stratas on
the right hand side, there are 7 stratas down below there are 7
stratas and on top, there are 7 stratas. The left hand side
channel, called the Ida channel, represents the Subconscious mind
within you you listen to me through your conscious mind and put
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Subtle Mechanism
it back into the Subconscious mind all your experiences go into the
Subconscious that is the limit of 'your' subconscious of present
beyond that is your subconscious of previous lives and beyond that
is the Collective Subconscious (771121)
When you listen to me you have got a conscious mind which
receives it at this moment and there is a pre-conscious mind which
takes it to the Subconscious. This pre-conscious mind is on the
right hand side just now, the pre-conscious mind is the future
that you are thinking about beyond that is the Supraconscious
mind where all the ideas about future, that you have had before
many lives those ideas are there and beyond that is the
Collective Supraconscious (771121)
Down below are the 7 stratas of Hell - Hell exists within us it
is there and there are 7 stratas of that also. On top of the head
is the Superconscious mind, which is the subtle mind is the Eternal
Mind the Unconscious into which you have to go also in 7 stratas
The Kundalini is aware, it understands, thinks, loves, and
organises when it comes up, and it pierces your fontanelle bone
you can feel the baptism. When it pierces, and enters into the first
strata of the Superconscious, the first thing that happens is you
become 'one' with the Collective Being and you start feeling from
your hands a cool breeze flowing vibrations cool vibrations
called by Shankaracharya as Saundarya Lahari (771121)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
- end - 20 Jun 2003
Subtle System
The right side power is the power of Creativity of Saraswati.
Whatever we desire, we create. Also this power looks after the
body, the 5 elements within us. These two powers within us one
which caters for our psyche, and the other for our creativity are
coordinated, looked after, supported by the central power, which
we call as the power of Mahalakshmi which also gives us our nature
as a human being and is the evolutionary power which acts
otherwise how did we evolve. And on this power only by the Grace
of this power, the Kundalini the God incarnates his evolutionary
power incarnates Vishnu incarnates Narayana incarnates on this
Earth to evolve people to the human stage and later on, to the
super-human stage (800102)
The Kundalini is the Residual force after creating the whole
thing the whole body it remains just the same there she is
the power that is 'your' Mother own Mother she is the complete
Subconscious or you can say the complete Mahakali power that you
have. She has recorded all the small small things you have done all
the wrong things you have done and she sits there waiting so we
say she is sleeping but she is recording everything and she is
waiting there. She knows whatever you have done and she knows
what you desire she is your loving Mother she is settled down in
the Triangular Bone down below there in the end of the spinal
cord that is a sacred place and she is waiting there to arise. You
have the most special thing within you, hidden which is the source
of all the Joy all the Peace all the Knowledge. You have to have
authority, to raise the Kundalini it's not an easy thing to raise the
Kundalini one must have an authority from God and that
authority is within (800102)
Now, one may come and ask 'Mother, how will Kundalini solve the
problem of poverty'. Why are you so poor - you are poor because
your Lakshmi power has not been awakened why because you have
insulted it. If you know how to awaken your Lakshmi Tattwa, you can
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Subtle System
be very rich not only rich, but you will become a Lakshmipati in
the sense that you will be satisfied (800102); You can see with
your naked eyes the rising of the Kundalini if you have a
stethoscope, you can feel (800102)
This Kundalini exists and there are 7 centres within us which
manifest outside, in the gross, all the plexuses that the doctors
know of. When you get your Realisation the Kundalini rises, and
passes through the Brahma Nadi and pierces the Fontanelle Bone
Area, which is called as Brahmarandra and you become one, with
the All Pervading Power. And what is the sign is Saleelum
Saleelum the Cool Breeze which starts flowing the Vibrations
start flowing. When they are emitted, these 5 fingers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
6 and 7 these are the 7 centres in the hands, on the sympathetic
nervous system they get enlightened and you start feeling in
others and in yourself your inner being you start feeling what is
the matter with another person's chakras and centres which are
the undercurrent of all the problems physical, mental, emotional,
financial, economic, political every problem. These are the
undercurrents which you start feeling within yourself, because
it's Self Realisation and in another person also because your
Collective Consciousness is being awakened. You become
'Collectively Conscious' is the point I am trying to make it's not
lecturing it's no brain wash you become. Now you must settle
down with it but it requires a calibre (800102)
So I have to, again and again request you, that please, after
getting Realisation also, dont think about it why because by
thinking you cannot get it it is beyond thought. Rationality is
limited you have to go beyond rationality like when I came to
this room I had to give up my car - in the same way if you start
thinking about it it goes away (800102)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall - see 800102 Poor 50
800102 God's Love, Patkar Hall/Deities on various Chakras, Delhi
- end - 20 Jun 2003
The one very great mystery of life is that whatever fantastic
thing that we get, we get it in such a way that we take it for
granted. It's very sweet, how it settles down in us, like a leaf
falling from a tree. In the same way, we take Sahaja Yoga for
granted and that's the best way - i.e. there is no fear, and no
shocks to make us neurotic, or funny people (800609)
Subtler people are the most beautiful, are the most congenial,
the most idealistic, and the most honourable like Christ. The
ideal is Christ always willing to sacrifice, coping with all sorts of
discomforts and problems, not talking about yourself, not worrying
about yourself, not discussing others and judging others but
giving assurances to other people that we are at this level we
will be at a higher level, and all the world has to come up to that
level very positive talking, positive thinking, positive doing in
the way that you can really follow Christ. Whatever he had to do,
he did with such grace and beauty (871225)
Whatever pleases your Spirit is used in the Puja is to be
given when you do for God, the blessings come to you you are
blessed; It's a very subtle thing to understand to move from
gross to Spirit this is the thing by which you move because
first you enlighten your chakras then by enlightening your
chakras your Deities get happy, Prasanna by making the Deities
happy, you get a passage for the Kundalini to pass through and by
making the passage for the Kundalini, the Kundalini goes up and
then your attention starts becoming one with the Spirit. It is step
by step you move, from matter to subtler matter, from subtler
matter to your chakras, from chakras to Deities, from Deities to
the Spirit. Then Spirit enjoys itself so there, you do not have to
do anything. That's why these things were prescribed people
could not see this linkage they thought why should we give
anything to God after all it is all His own. You have reached a
stage where you have to detach yourself from matter (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Subtlety
Subtler things are the simpler things and gross things are the
complicated things (.0011); As you have seen, your hands take the
Kundalini up but you dont see anything, do you it exists it acts
but you dont see. Thats what it is subtle - if you can 'see', it is
not subtle it is gross. I mean, it is so simple whatever is subtle
you dont see finished (.0011); To get to subtler life one has to
get to the Spirit to the subtleties of everything. For example
the clay of Maharashtra every particle is vibrated it is a very
important thing a very great thing I myself went to select it
for them to give as a present to you thats the most important
thing you are taking from here all other things are of a utility of a
very gross nature. I was told they were asked to send it by ship
thats very wrong if it had been silver you would carry it with
you would you send it by ship (.0011)
So to get to subtler things is to understand the subtler value
of everything . It cannot be weighed, or understood through
money. In the West, people buy everything as an investment
everything should be resaleable and this is the curse of that
place. If you start understanding things that have vibrations, then
you will be amazed that the things that are not resaleable at all
you can say are worthless you can call it by all our standards
could be so much useful like one hair of Mohammed Saab or the
Shroud of Christ but that also they are selling now they are
making money out of that also. Thanks to these western people,
everything is saleable (.0011)
So once you start going to the subtler side of physical things
not only aesthetics because aesthetics are also saleable but to
things that cannot be sold they should be the most precious things
for you the most precious energy for you. That which is the most
precious energy for us is the Living Energy. And the sign of a living
energy is that it grows and discards all that is useless for it. It
knows how to work it out. In the same way, a Sahaja Yogi should
know what is important what is unimportant. You are judged
every moment (.0011)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Subtlety
Then there are jealousies if Mother says this is not good you
feel hurt if Mother says this is good you feel happy that means
you are still at a very subtler state of ego, where you think that
whatever you say should be approved by me. That is something is
very subtle we do not understand, that if Mother is not approving
of it, there must be basic Divine reason otherwise why should I
not approve of it. We must know that it's all the work of God, and
we are just channels in the hands of God (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871225 Tapasyas - Poona - see 871219 good 25
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 5 Oct 2002
Sufi means according to Indian understanding, Sufi means
Saf and Saf means clean, pure those who are pure people are
Sufis and in the purity they see nothing but Divine Grace, Divine
Love, Divine Peace they talked of peace only they could not talk
of war. War is absolutely like madness even animals won't fight
like that you are even worse than animals when you think of war
and killing each other this should not be done, and it has to be
stopped completely. Nobody has right to kill anybody unless and
until he is attacked (000423)
There are so many Sufis in Turkey, who are born into Muslim
families. Sufi comes from 'Saf', which means 'cleansing'. They are
very clean people (980706)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Doctors will say you cut down your sugar in general but it's
absurd sugar is very important for liver if you dont take
sugar I dont know what will happen to you you will become like
sticks those people who are right sided, if they dont take sugar
at all, I dont know what's going to happen to them theyll be
very irritable, hot tempered, absolutely stick like people theyll
hit you like a stick you know so a general statement like that is
very dangerous (830308); Carbohydrates are very important for
the body specially if you are thinking too much, if you are a
futuristic person if you are right sided, it is absolutely essen-
tial that you must have sufficient carbohydrates we have
treated so many liver patients with sugar (830308)
Is useful for correcting right side problems of the Nabhi
Chakra; Also to assist in establishing sweetness of talking
(830121); The 5 right side dharmas in the void area are helped
by taking vibrated sugar (781005); Those who are liver patients
can take sugar, but otherwise you should not take too much sugar
(881221); Sugar is so important for our combustion (871213);
Diabetes is not caused by sugar by any chance, I can tell you of
course you should not take too much also, I mean too much of
everything is wrong but you must take sugar it's important for
your liver (811006)
Supposing you are a liver patient so we give you some sancti-
fied or vibrated sugar to eat white sugar. Now doctors will say
'dont take white sugar' but we have cured so many people of
liver troubles also migraines and this and that and so many
problems of allergies are to be cured (821008)
To get the optimum delight of drinking tea, one should take one
spoonful of sugar, not more not less - the same in life, not too
much, not too little (800517.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Sugar
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-871213 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag - see 871213 not good 20
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830308 1/2 Hour Intro talk - Melbourne (plus Q & A-25 mins) good 30
871213 Announcing the New Age - India 87/88
Chakras affected: Nabhi; Void; Right Side
The Sun
Morning time is the time when the Sun is coming the rays are
coming - that is the special time, when the Sun throws it's real
rays of Divinity (781002); The Sun creates time, through light
and day, and dark and night; Is on the right side of the subtle
system (781115); The Sun Channel the Surya Nadi, or right side
sympathetic nervous system (811005), acts through the 5
elements (810928)
If there is a problem of the right side, it is better to use the
Chandrama mantra (800517.2); Moonlight is used to correct a
right side problem - if there is a problem of the right side, better
to sit in the Moonlight (800517.2); Right sided people should not
sit in the Sun they should sit in the Moonlight (880921); The
Moon represents the Atma the cooling capacity. You are all on
the right side so you ask for the Moon ask for the Spirit
The way you expose your body to the Sun is also very wrong
you'll develop skin cancer. You shouldn't burn your skin so much
it's not a good thing you know (790200.1); It is not proper to sit in
the Sun too much. Too much of Sun is not good (830302); Avoid
sitting in the Sun, so the brain does not get melted (830204)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 10 May 2003
That subtle area above the head (810829); That area where we
have to go, where we have to ascend, and where we have to
develop those powers of giving ascent to others (830302); On
top of the head is the Superconscious mind, which is the subtle
mind is the Eternal Mind the Unconscious into which you have
to go also in 7 stratas (771121)
The Kundalini when it comes up, and it pierces your fontanelle
bone you can feel the baptism. When it pierces, and enters into
the first strata of the Superconscious, the first thing that
happens is you become 'one' with the Collective Being and you
start feeling from your hands a cool breeze flowing vibrations
cool vibrations called by Shankaracharya as Saundarya Lahari
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
- end - 5 Oct 2002
The balloon at the upper end of our left side channel or Ida
Nadi (831001), at the right temple, and round to the back of the
head (890801), that gets bloated as a result of those things that
make us unhappy - that stores our conditionings (831001) our
fears, dangers, worries, and which may result from what we have
read or experienced (781218); Through which we run away, we
avoid, we are frightened (811006); That may result from things
that we have accepted without finding out the truth about them,
from wrong Gurus, from conditionings, from childhood, and from
religions etc. To see your superego, see what affects you very
much, what makes you unhappy (800517.1)
If someone is saying something about you, and it is not true,
then what is there to feel bad about? If they are telling lies,
there is nothing to be frightened of if they are telling the truth,
then you should be thankful - it may be something bad, but it is a
good thing - if it is true, it is good for my ego, but if it is untrue,
then what is so important? (800517.1)
Which gets sucked in and reduces, when the Agnya chakra is
awakened, and we ask for forgiveness, without feeling guilty
(890801); Can be resolved by taking responsibility (941105.1); The
mantra for the superego is 'Hum' (781218)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-941105.1 Diwali Puja, Istanbul - see 941105 good 35
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
- end - 31 Mar 2003
Area on right side of our subtle being (810921) where are all
those who are dead, with futuristic ideas mostly they are human
beings, not so much animals so the futuristic people remain on
the right hand side (831001); Also where we start 'seeing things',
and become disintegrated; LSD sends us to right side (811005)
There are Siddhas that people get into like predicting - they
can say that this thing is going to happen if they have moved out
to the Supraconscious areas. Or they can see me as light they
see all the five elements they see me as a waterfall or as an
iceberg - they start seeing the Tanmatra or you can say the
causal essence of the elements (770215)
In the Supraconscious, they saw so many things they saw the
chakras they saw Vishnu Garuda you can see stars you can
know about stars about astrology by going to the right side. In
the Supraconscious you can see lots of things because the
Supraconscious area is made of all the elements. There is another
way is to achieve your Realisation to be a person who is so much
higher above that you can see the future and the past, both
that is different. But most of them just took to drugs and they
went to that area, where they saw lights, eyes and this and that.
Also even dowsing, for water comes from the same but you get
possessed and then you are nowhere you are not yourself it's
somebody else (831001)
Also this Astral travel and all these things are the gift of the
same these are the spirits who are doing it it's very dangerous
to work with these spirits. There are so many children who die in
the bed just like that they don't know how they die and
people can also die like that just in the bed. What happens
these Astral people and the Mediums and the Clairvoyant
women start calling the spirits and she might get the spirit of
that child who is sleeping and then the child is dead because
the Spirit cannot find it's way so many children die like that. All
these Supraconscious activities can be very dangerous because
they are heartless they have no feeling the spirits on the right
side have no feeling (831001)
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Supraconscious
You listen to me through your conscious mind and put it back
into the Subconscious mind all your experiences go into the
Subconscious. When you listen to me your conscious mind
receives it at this moment. But there is also a pre-conscious mind,
which takes it to the Subconscious. This pre-conscious mind is on
the right hand side the pre-conscious mind is the future that you
are thinking about just now beyond that is the Supraconscious
mind where are all the ideas about future, that you have had
before many lives those ideas are there and beyond that is
the Collective Supraconscious (771121)
Collective Supraconscious
That area on the far right of our being (870512), from where one
can get possessed by ambitious spirits, e.g. Gauguin (811005);
There could be some some of these busy bodies these dead
spirits which can catch hold of you and can enter into your
being on the right hand side the Supraconscious ones, which are
very aggressive - Hitler used them. He is the one who used these
Supraconscious people these very aggressive people and enticed
the poor German people and made them so aggressive (821008)
These two areas the Collective Subconscious, and the
Collective Supraconscious are to be avoided. For example
somebody sees auras around me I would say he should not it's
not proper because then you are on the right side but if you
see some Gods and Goddesses around me, that also is not good
because you are seeing the left side, the past. What you have to
be is in the centre in the present. So all these things come to
you from some busy bodies that they enter into your being even
these people who cure these Spiritualists thats very
dangerous. All these are taking you to a realm which is not your
own it is somebody else who is acting. Even a thing like
acupuncture can be very dangerous because acupuncture uses
whatever energy is within you, of the sympathetics - this is the
energy which is all the time flowing, when you get connected to
the mains all the time it's flowing within you (821008)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Supraconscious
So there are three areas, which are very dangerous where we
should not enter into the Supraconscious the Subconscious
and down below is the Hell (831001)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870512 Public Programme, Melbourne (Q&A 35 mins) see 870512 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
810921 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 2 (Nice Q&A) good 35
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
870512 Public programme, Melbourne/Mothers Day Picnic
- end - 28 Jun 2003
This Divine Power is the power of compassion and love which
does everything - but when 'we' take up the responsibility and
when 'we' decide 'we' have to do something and that 'we' are
something try to go against that Divine Power we become stupid
people as we have seen so to leave it in the hands of the Divine
Power and to be just an instrument of that Divine Power is the
way a Sahaja Yogi has to be. The compassion the love of the
Divine Power is so great that it is wisdom complete wisdom. A
person who has no compassion cannot be wise he could be worldly
wise, but he could not be really wise so those who believe that
they have to be they have to be very accurate must know that
your accuracy will be challenged by the Divine Power - there has to
be lot of relaxed and a mobile temperament a person should have.
If you are absolutely lethargic, lenient, dishevelled, we can say
absolutely confused you are not in the centre and on the
contrary if you are very strict, like a rock of Gibraltar and like a
big Hitler-like behaviour you should be in time everybody must
have proper steps must walk properly thats not being Sahaj
thats not being Sahaj (890709)
Now look at all these flowers see one by one see how
beautiful they are every one is different even one leaf of one
flower will not match with another one petal won't match with
another all different but so relaxed creating beauty giving us
so much of joy all different placed in different manner moving
in different manner every one has a different angle but there
is unison there is oneness in them that they all want to give us
joy but with tension you cannot give joy (890709)
So the tension part of it is very common in the West and that
conditioning has come because of certain lifestyles that we have
had. Now there's not going to be a war of Waterloo anymore so
we can say that Waterloo war was won because they reached in
time thats not the thing the war was won because it was to be
won by the Divine Power even if they had reached late they
would have won it. Whatever happens is by the Divine Power so
there is no need to be tense. Then you will say 'alright then let
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Surrender
us sit down, and have a nice time everything will be done by the
Divine Power' - no Divine Power is going to work through your
institutions through your medium so you have to be alert. I
hope you understand what I am trying to say that a person who is
relaxed need not be a person who is lethargic but alert alert
you can be as well as you can be relaxed because you are Sahaja
Yogis (890709)
Surrendering just means you open your heart to accept
Mother's Love give up this ego, that's all, and it will work out; "I
am trying to push myself into your hearts, and I'll definitely
settle down there" (821219); Nothing is surrendered to Mother,
as such She doesn't take anything, nothing goes to Her. Only we
surrender ourselves by leaving all that is not wanted is a
beautifying process (830725); We surrender to God's Will He
knows what is good for us, He is going to give us the highest. We
surrender not our material wealth, nor our intelligence, not our
heart, nor our relationships with others, but something that we
have achieved ourselves our ego and superego. Whatever it is
that feeds our ego, we should bring it down a little. Whatever
conditionings feed our superego, we should find out the truth
about it, and then we may give it up (800517.1)
There are only two things which do not want to bend before
God one is a bhoot or another is the ego. Surrender means your
ego your superego your bhoots (860707.2); One thing one has
to remember to try not to create problems not to create any
stupid things just let God manage everything for you, and handle
it he'll do it very well. So dont be in a weeping condition or in a
dominating condition or a quarrelling condition but be nice and
sweet to each other express your love, fully and well and you
will get it back in full measure (860707.2)
Now in your freedom you must understand what is glorious for
you then you tell yourself that I have to become something
more and the only thing I have to do is to completely co-
ordinate, co-operate and surrender to His Will so that I become.
In that surrendering you do the greatest thing, because by that
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Surrender
you do not interfere with His work you do not obstruct the Will
of God. He wants to give you the highest which you cannot
achieve for yourself it is His gift to you (800517.1)
The way to keep the Sahastrara open, is by surrendering to the
Mother (850504), by leaving things into the hands of the Divine
(891008.1); All is done by the Shakti, not by you 'Thy Will be
done' (830204); Your quality will be known by how much you are
surrendered to me Christ has said that (850629); 'Mother, the
way you keep it, that way we accept it' (821101); Surrender the
ego to your wisdom (781218); What do you surrender is your
nonsensical, idiotic ego (790608.1); That surrendering is to be
achieved if you are going to be a guru (810904)
The whole Cosmos is trying to help you. You don't have to make
much effort like what should I choose whether I should take
this, or that only thing you have to do, is to just see for
yourself that you are watching and you are seeing an
opportunity coming to you and allow the opportunity to appear
before you it does. You don't have to deliberately bother your
head, what to take, what to do it will just be there you will be
amazed, how it works. It's a question of how far you are
surrendered how far you have gone with the Divine it all works
out; You don't have to do deliberations much you don't have to
worry too much about things it will all come your way because
you have now entered the Kingdom of God everything is looked
after you can't imagine how small, small things it works out how
in detail it works out it's very surprising. So when you are
dissolved in that ocean, it is that ocean which takes you up and
down so enjoy, that's all and leave it to the ocean to decide
for you (880921)
So many miracles have taken place so many people have been
cured, no doubt but that doesnt mean 'you' have done it dont
get into the trap of ego thats most dangerous; Surrender your
ego and all your problems can be solved - but as long as there is
ego, this Divine Power doesnt take over (971225)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Surrender
So the problem today is very delicate - there are no absolute
Saints there are no absolute bad people such a mixture a
confusion - that is what this Kali Yuga is these modern times are.
The only way to get rid of them is to surrender thats the only
way there is no other way out because when you surrender the
spirits, the negativity, the satanic forces just disappear. They
have no interest in a person who is surrendered to God. They
cannot surrender. If they surrender theyll also become Saints.
All the time to think 'what are my catches what are my
negativities' is not going to help you just surrender all these
ideas that are coming to you and you will find that all absurd
ideas will run away. This is the easiest way to get rid of your
problems is just to surrender (801019)
The growth will only come when the surrendering comes and
one has to know that the powers are tremendous it is beyond
your conception outwardly you cannot understand. Under such
circumstances the best thing is to surrender yourself - now what
do you surrender is your ego and your superego (801019); You
have to receive the Blessings and to receive the Blessings, you
have to just surrender it is so simple the easiest way to solve
all your problems is to surrender just say 'I surrender' for
Realised Souls, this should be their mantra (801019)
Also, as you are Realised Souls, all the Divine forces all the
Divine Deities all the Eternal Beings, Chirenjivas all the Angels
and Ganas all of them are looking after you but they know one
thing those who are surrendered and those who are not. You
just surrender the problem and you will be surprised the
answer will come in such a miracle. Just surrender do not take
any responsibility upon yourself just surrender because how
far can 'you' go in the solution up to your rationality beyond
that you are your Spirit and the Spirit is connected to the
Divine so best is to surrender (801019)
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Surrender
(While saying the 108 names of the Guru - Ed) we say 'we
surrender everything to you' after that we have to put a Tulsi
leaf, and put the water on it so we put water to see that it goes
away even it's smell everything goes away everything all our
health all our wealth everything that we have we surrender
everything to you it's symbolic like that everything our body
our mind our speech our thoughts our thinking everything
we've surrendered all our work our jobs responsibilities
everything we have surrendered all our estates our wealth our
money everything we have surrendered all our relations all our
connections all our friends all our Nations the whole world
we've surrendered all our education all our reading all our
books all that we have done so far, we have surrendered. I hope
you have heard it, and put it in your head again meditate on
this point: we surrender everything nothing belongs to us. Now
the symbolism is like this you must understand the symbol that
it's just a leaf the last thing left with us is this leaf. Of course
Tulsi represents left Vishuddhi, and also attachment. So now,
when you have it in the hand, it sticks it doesn't fall so you put
water to see that it goes away even it's smell everything goes
away from the hand it's significant of that (850629)
When something that you want doesn't work out, then you
should accept it as the Will of God - that it is what He desires,
that it is the Desire of God; Now you are one with His Desires.
You are here to communicate the Desires of God, to the whole
world. At this stage, if you start having your own desires and ideas
about yourself, then when will you become the Desire of God
- Jai Shri Mataji -
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Surrender
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-891008.1 Destroy those demons within, Margate - see 891008 good 45
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead - see 820514 good 15
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 75
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala & Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolapur
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, part 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
850504 You have to be in Nirvikalpa - Vienna good 50
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890709 Importance of friendship - Melun, France good 45
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
Sushumna Nadi
Central channel, along which the Kundalini rises (810928); The
Channel of Ascent (MME), the evolutionary path (790200.1); Where
we manifest the present (790616); The path of Mahalakshmi
(871024); The central path of Sushumna, is for people who are in
the 'centre' who have their proper understanding and have got
their wisdom. These people are extremely generous generosity is
the only way you can express your love for others all your material
wealth has no meaning, unless and until you show generosity for the
people but it should be quiet and silent (830209) The innermost,
central part of the Sushumna Nadi or Central Channel is the
Brahma Nadi (801027)
The Mahalakshmi Power resides in the Sushumna channel, and
acts as a balancing power, first at the Nabhi chakra (830131); It is
in the Sushumna Nadi, the channel of Mahalakshmi, that the
Kundalini actually rises (871024); Respectful behaviour towards
others, and towards others' things, is part of the Mahalakshmi
Principle. When this dignity, and respect, and desire to rise higher,
manifests in a genuine inner way, then this helps to build the bridge
of the Sushumna over the void, for the Kundalini to pass properly,
which otherwise would continue to get lost in the void (860921.1)
Kundalini itself rises through the Sushumna Nadi and she is the
Principle, she is the Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the
channel that is made by Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So
I hope you understand how important it is that your centres should
be corrected your Sushumna should be cleared because we have
to go by the centre by the central path and let the Kundalini
pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it you will be
amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the Vishnu path
and reaching at the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sushumna Nadi
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871024 Light of Love, Diwali - see 871024 good 25
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
871024 Light of love, Diwali/Press Interview, Milan
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
Swadisthan Chakra
The second subtle centre, which is actually the third centre
arising from the Nabhi as on a stalk, controls the liver, pancreas,
spleen, uterus, and part of the intestines and kidneys, and also the
ovaries, via control of the Aortic plexus. It also converts fat cells
in the stomach for the use of the brain. This centre has six sub
plexuses, and is the centre of aesthetics and creativity, which
manifests in such forms as music and poetry.
Indian music comes from complete Divinity and is elevating to all
- the effect in Sahaja Yoga is tremendous. If a Sahaja Yogi sings,
it acts like a mantra on the being of the Holy Mother. Music has
come out of God's love for us and is meant to be in praise of God.
Shri Mataji can communicate to us, better through music. She is
working on us all the time.
Indian music is understood by westerners at the spiritual level,
not intellectually. Never before, western people have enjoyed
music in this manner, as you have enjoyed this Indian music will
unite the whole world one day if we keep to the pure knowledge
of Indian music. In India, classical music is very deep it is a very
difficult thing and is played spontaneously and is a very
difficult thing even to understand, and to appreciate but when
these people get Realisation they enjoy it so much just
automatically. So what you enjoy there is the vibrations you feel
the cool vibrations and you start enjoying it they soothe you
down. Music which is congenial, carries the waves of vibrations.
We have to have music, because music is so wonderful - we have
to please the Deities, and when there is music and songs, then
they respond and the vibrations from the Mother are much more.
Music has a way of carrying these Divine Vibrations on it but
the music has to be Divine also. The music which is very base or
related to something very ugly, doesn't work out but if it is a
proper music, of a proper type, then it communicates but that
discretion only comes after Realisation.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Swadisthan Chakra
The essence of aesthetics, and of beauty is variety. When the
aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy, you do not want to
possess it even if you do want to possess it, it would be just to
enjoy it and give it away to somebody else that you will not keep
things to yourself, but you would like to give and share.
Art is such that it should stop your thoughts, yet in the West,
art is such that it creates thought, and also in the West it is now
starting to show much that is filth. The art that we appreciate
should be that art which gives vibrations. All the great paintings,
all the great creative works of the world have vibrations only
those that have vibrations have been sustained by time other-
wise all other things, are destroyed by Nature. Art has something
to do with your heart, and not with your brain. An artist produces
something for his joy but, if he has to think what people will
say that he will be criticised by everyone then as a result
something absolutely absurd grows, without any subtle expression.
Once you start 'thinking', then there's a barrier between the
Spirit and you - in any art or in any deftness that's how the
creativity, the spontaneity is finished by thinking. So do every-
thing in silence in thoughtless awareness that's the main point.
On the left side, the Swadisthan has the quality of Pure
Knowledge of the working of the Divine Technique, the Shuddha
Vidya, or Nirmala Vidya. Nirmala Vidya is the science of the Divine
Laws, which you must know how to manage, because the Living
Reality is your Power. If you are catching on a chakra or centre,
just put your hand there - don't feel condemned about it. All is
made easy and simple, but it is difficult for a sophisticated man to
become that simple... children, are very simple.
Problems with Swadisthan
Physically and mentally we are overactive especially in a society
where we are supposed to be developed - we develop through
using this power of action. Problems with this centre can result
from too much thinking, which diverts control of the Swadisthan
away from the organs under it's care, towards the provision of fat
cells for the brain, thus resulting in diseases such as blood cancer,
and diabetes from the resulting unhealthy spleen or pancreas
respectively. When you are thinking, the cells of the brain are
replaced every minute by the fat that is in your stomach, by this
centre of Swadisthan in the gross expressed as the Aortic
Plexus. A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks
he is responsible for the whole of world affairs in this myth
develops his ego to a great extent, by which his left side suffers
too much and then he develops all the problems of the left side
in the organs.
First of all the Swadisthan can't look after the liver, so he
develops a liver. Then on the left hand side it is absolute useless,
so he develops diabetes. If you excite the right side Swadisthan
your left Nabhi catches. Say if you are a big thinker, a big
planner then what happens, you get diabetes because you are
using your right side Swadisthan too much and because of that
there is an effect on the left hand side Nabhi you neglect your
wife you become harsh to her are unkind to her your left side
starts becoming weak and makes your spleen and pancreas very
weak and that's why you get diabetes. Diseases from right side
imbalances, include: cirrhosis of the liver, leukaemia (spleen), high
blood pressure (kidneys), diabetes (pancreas).
When the left Nabhi combines with either the left Agnya or the
left Swadisthan, then you can become vulnerable to blood cancer.
Blood cancer can result when we start living at a fast pace, and we
become hectic, and are all the time thinking. The spleen, which is
the speedometer of the body, and which gives us the rhythm of
life, gets into problem, because the Swadisthan is unable to cope,
along with all the other things that it has to do, and so the spleen
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Problems with Swadisthan
starts producing too many blood cells, and this then results in
blood cancer. With thinking only, you will go mad so don't think,
but develop serenity within you.
People who work too hard for material, or physical things, can
catch on left Swadisthan, and can also get diabetes, and kidney
and spleen problems. Imbalances can result in lethargic organs,
resulting in: allergies of the skin (liver), nervous problems, cancer
and leukaemia. On right side of Swadisthan, if there is a problem,
it may indicate an artist who has overused his creative talents.
Problems with the left Swadisthan indicate possession by some
negativity. People who have died, can hang around and cause
problems, and can cause lunacy. They can exist around the
churches, because of the dead bodies buried there. They are the
entities or spirits (bhoots) that are dealt with in Spiritualism,
Parapsychology, and by Charismatics. The dead Souls who are still
attached to something, and that still hang around, and are the
one's who trouble us who bother us too much. Now some
difficulties that you face, which cannot be solved, could be coming
from these dead Souls. So the best way to get rid of them is to
develop a detached attitude towards life.
Left Swadisthan combined with left Agnya indicate the
influence of an unauthorised or false guru, and inhibits the
movement of the Kundalini. Diseases like cancers, leukaemia,
psychosomatic problems, madness, come from following wrong
gurus, and can lead to Ekadesha Rudra problems.
The False Gurus who are Rakshasas, sinful people who are
criminals, are anti-God, anti-Christ people, who hanker after
money - who must be given up.
People who say that they are representing God, or who say that
they are God, or say that they have the powers of God, should be
able to connect you to God - if they cannot connect you to God,
then they are absolutely useless. There are so many now who have
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Problems with Swadisthan
come to misguide you. They are taking money for misguiding you,
for giving you sins. They are nicely booking you up for a trip to hell
- they themselves are nicely booked there. People feel very hurt
when Shri Mataji says about them, when Shri Mataji talks against
these gurus but they are not gurus, they are Rakshasas. They are
able to spread fast because they are not part of a living process.
Mostly these gurus look after your purses or your wives maybe.
Their lives are blackened by their ill deeds they are evil people,
devils some of them born again to test your intelligence. they
may come as anything but they are evil doers of the worst types.
Not only that they will go to Hell, but that all the disciples of
theirs will go to Hell.
Those who go headlong into wrong paths may suffer from funny
heart troubles, palpitations, insomnia, vomiting, giddiness,
irrelevant talking etc. It is very serious to go to wrong gurus.
Amongst their followers, diseases like cancers, leukaemia,
psychosomatic problems, madness, can occur, and can lead to
Ekadesha Rudra problems. Now this horrible fellow has worked
on the Swadisthan that's why he's more dangerous he works
more on the right hand side and these Supraconscious spirits are
brought in it's all Supraconscious work he does.
What you have to do when you start feeling anything like anger
against say some very devilish guru supposing then you build it up
in yourself and that built up anger within you will neutralise that.
You need not say it out loud you need not talk about it but that
built up anger will little bit trouble you also because it has a
little bit reaction but when it is released it will have an effect
and such a person cannot stand a Sahaja Yogi.
Correcting the Swadisthan
Sit down on the ground, and try to meditate with your left
hand towards the Sun, or towards the photo with a light in
front of it, and the right hand on the Mother Earth, and say
the Shri Ganesha mantra, or the Atharvasheersha. Your left
side will be cured means the left Swadisthan first of all. So
the Mother Earth is the one who sucks in all these negative
forces of the left side, and you get rid of them without any
difficulty. If you cannot say sit on the ground, then you take a
stone, or some marble, or something that is natural, on which
you should try to sit.
The False Gurus are to be beaten with shoes.
Mantras for false Gurus include "Sarva Asatya Guru
Mardini" and "Sarva Asura Mardini".
Those who have been to any gurus should put their right
hand on their heart, because your Spirit is your Guru who
resides in your heart.
Once you give up your False Guru mantra, you give up your
misidentifications - why I asked you I would like to see how
much you are still identified with. If you are still identified
with him, I cannot do anything about it because evil is evil, and
good is good these mantras are the names of devils.
Just say Nirmala Vidya Om Twamewa Sakshat Nirmala
Vidya put the hand on the left Swadisthan and just say
Nirmala Vidya Nirmala is 'pure' Vidya is the 'art' the
'knowledge' 'Pure Knowledge'. After you are Realised, then
you get the knowledge isn't it thats it you are the
embodiment of Pure Knowledge and the technique you see.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Correcting the Swadisthan
To remove a bhoot without getting it into yourself, firstly
of course, put yourself into a protective bandhan. Then there
are different ways according to the different bhoots. When
dealing with someone who is possessed, you should take a higher
position, go with great force on that person. There should be no
compromise. After putting yourself in bandhan, ask the name of
his guru, if it is a guru problem, and then say the Adi Guru
mantra for the Void. If you know the guru name you know the
mantra to be used... like Narakasura Mardini, Mahishasura
Mardini, or Sarva Asura Mardini. Then best is to give vibrated
salt with water to drink. These guru bhoots can be very
Another type is the one that makes a person blind, even
though their eyes are open and normal to look at. The left
Swadisthan will be catching. If he does not have diabetes, then
it is definitely a bhoot. To cure this, take a Photo of Shri
Mataji's Hands, and put a candle in front of that, and ask the
person to see if he can see the light - you will be amazed,
gradually he will be able to see the light, and then gradually he
will see the Hand. The candle alone will not work, but if you can
see Shri Mataji's Hands with the light, then this is extremely
good for the eyes.
Swadisthan - Aspect or Deity
Brahmadeva, and his power, or spouse Saraswati. Saraswati is
the Goddess of learning, whilst Mahasaraswati is the Goddess
of knowledge. She wears white, the sign of purity, and has in
her hands the vina, roses and a book. She gives the power to
understand the subtle meaning behind the words. Also she gives
the power to speak... to communicate by writing... and drama.
Her qualities include creativity, art, music, communication and
comprehension. She gives us Subuddhi, wisdom. She also
corrects excessive attention to money, and does not therefore
go hand in hand with Shri Lakshmi. The second, or the Action
Power of God manifested by Mahabrahmadeva. The right side
creative power, the power of thinking of our mental and
physical effort. The Adi Shakti with the force of
Mahasaraswati, created the whole Universe and in that she
created this world.
Swadisthan Summary
Chakra: Swadisthan
Deity/Aspect: Saraswati Brahmadeva(R)
Nirmala Vidya(L)
Physical Level: Aortic plexus
Functions: Metabolism of fats for use of the brain.
Control of Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, Kidneys,
Uterus, Ovaries, and part of the Intestines
Qualities: Pure Knowledge of Divine Technique (L)
Creativity, Art, Music, Poetry, Aesthetics(R)
Cause/Catch: False gurus, Possession(L)
Too much thinking, planning or physical work. Overuse
of artistic talent(R)
Diseases: Blood Cancer(spleen), Diabetes(pancreas)
Cirrhosis of the liver, High Blood Pressure
(kidneys). Allergies(liver), nervous problems,
possession, lunacy, psychosomatic problems,
madness, epilepsy, palpitations, insomnia,
vomiting, giddiness, irrelevant talking etc.
Treatments: Use candle/flame(L) Lemons/Limes(L)
Mother Earth(L & R) and the water element(R)
Water/Ice(R) Footsoak, Salt(L) Shoebeat(L & R)
Witness. Use hands, bandhans, flowers & Photo.
Affirmations: Mother, please give me the Pure Knowledge(L)
Mantras: Deity name, Nirmala Vidya or Shuddha Vidya(L),
Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini, Sarva Asura
Mardini, Narakasura Mardini, Mahishasura
Mardini etc
Petals: Six
Position: Thumbs. Back of head around Mooladhara
General Advice from Shri Mataji
Now for Sahaja Yogis as I say there should be no ritual
ritualistic things always make you absolutely dead there
should not be like early in the morning you start with a
mantra and go on repeating mantra like a mechanical thing
it's absolutely paying no respect to the Deity. But in a proper
way whichever Deity you want to awaken think of that Deity,
try to cleanse it, with all the understanding and deliberations
with respect with a protocol and not just to take somebody's
name and just go on chanting any mantra you feel it's not a
mechanical thing. Sahaja Yoga is a thing which has to come from
the heart it is heart felt if you do not do it from your heart
it has no meaning.
You may carry on like that, but you'll find after some time
you have lost your vibrations you have lost the cool breeze
because heart doesnt like mechanical things every day it does
new things it never sticks onto habits it never sticks on the
same routine of things it's bubbling every day with new
appearances and so the mechanical things that you do deaden
this power of Saraswati one has to do it with complete love
towards yourself and toward others with complete esteem of
your being and others.
There is a difference between childish and childlike you
can be innocent like a child 'childlike' but you're 'matured'
and both the things make a special dignified personality, of
such a person. All these things come from this Right side power,
when you use it properly. Unless and until you have this
established, you cannot impress other people by your behaviour.
Other people, new people who come to you should see this
majesty this royalty within you which you are enjoying as a
blessing from God Almighty.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya General Advice from Shri Mataji
When you meditate you are in silence, you are in thoughtless
awareness then the growth of awareness takes place, and then
it opens out but if you are 'thinking' - it is like a lake, and
the lake is completely in a turmoil then nothing can grow. But
supposing it is silent, then lotuses can grow anything can grow.
In the same way, if your mind is agitated and your growth is
not yet fully expressing itself then it is such a vicious circle...
that... you are agitated and then your growth is hindered
again you are agitated and then your growth is again hindered.
So the best way is to take to meditation when you do, this
turmoil will settle down and when it will settle down, your
growth will take place.
You are not to use your thinking for correcting your
chakras you have to move your hands and not your brains
alright, and when saying mantras, put your attention without
thought to the particular chakra. Once you start 'thinking',
then there's a barrier between the Spirit and you - in any art
or in any deftness, that's how the creativity, the spontaneity is
finished. So do everything in silence in thoughtless
awareness that's the main point. Try at least, to see my face
without thinking my face itself makes you thoughtless
silence your mind. The best way to be with your Spirit is to
forgive, because then your thoughts will go away the less you
think, the faster you move with your Realisation do not argue
it out just try to become you have to become. Don't think
then the inspiration will come to you from within, and when the
inspiration will be coming, then you'll find that it will be very
different, it will be very beautiful.
Left side of Swadisthan, whose quality is the Pure Knowledge of
the working of the Divine Technique, the Shuddha Vidya (840708)
Problem indicates possession (810928); Left Swadisthan
combined with left Agnya indicate the influence of an
unauthorised guru, and inhibits the movement of the Kundalini.
Diseases like cancers, leukaemia, psychosomatic problems,
madness, come from following wrong gurus, and can lead to
Ekadesha Rudra problems (830129); When the left Nabhi
combines with either the left Agnya or the left Swadisthan, then
you can become vulnerable to blood cancer (860921.2)
A person who thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is
responsible for the whole world affairs in this myth develops
his ego to a great extent, by which his left side suffers too
much and then he develops all the problems of the left side in
the organs. First of all the Swadisthan can't look after the liver,
so he develops a liver. Then on the left hand side it is absolute
useless, so he develops diabetes (811006); People who work too
hard for material, physical things, can catch on left Swadisthan,
and can get diabetes, and kidney and spleen problems (790507);
Imbalances can result in lethargic organs, resulting in: allergies of
the skin (liver), nervous problems, cancer and leukaemia (840313)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi (False Gurus, & Conditionings) good 70
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 26 Jul 2003
The second subtle centre, which is actually the third centre
arising from the Nabhi as on a stalk (810928); It controls the
liver, pancreas, spleen, uterus (810928) and part of the intestines
and kidneys (8705), and also the ovaries (840313), via control of
the Aortic plexus (8705), and converts fat cells in the stomach
for the use of the brain (811005); This centre has six sub
plexuses (840708); Is the centre of aesthetics and creativity,
which manifests in such forms as music and poetry. Also the
centre of Pure Knowledge (890801); Burva (860303)
Problems with this centre can result from too much thinking
which diverts the control of the Swadisthan away from the
organs to the provision of fat cells for the brain, thus resulting
in diseases such as blood cancer, and diabetes from unhealthy
spleen or pancreas respectively (890801; 870500); When you are
thinking, the cells of the brain are replaced every minute by the
fat that is in your stomach, by this centre of Swadisthan in the
gross expressed as the Aortic Plexus (821008); A person who
thinks too much, plans too much, and thinks he is responsible for
the whole world affairs in this myth develops his ego to a great
extent, by which his left side suffers too much and then he
develops all the problems of the left side in the organs. First of
all the Swadisthan can't look after the liver, so he develops a
liver. Then on the left hand side it is absolute useless, so he
develops diabetes (811006)
Flowers, when you give them to me, they give you two things
flowers are very important - if they are beautiful, then they give
to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure your Mooladhara.
Now think of it you are doing it to improve your chakras
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Swadisthan
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk, Australia - see 870503
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40 mins Q&A] good 40
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
If there is a problem, it may indicate an artist who has overused
his creative talents (810928); Diseases from right side
imbalances, include: cirrhosis of the liver, leukaemia (spleen), high
blood pressure (kidneys), diabetes (pancreas) (840313; 870500)
If you excite the right side Swadisthan your left Nabhi
catches. Say if you are a big thinker, a big planner then what
happens, you get diabetes because you are using your right side
Swadisthan too much and because of that there is an effect on
the left hand side Nabhi you neglect your wife you become
harsh to her are unkind to her your left side starts becoming
weak and makes your spleen and pancreas very weak and that's
why you get diabetes (790609.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk, Australia - see 870503
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
- end - 28 Jul 2003
Some other techniques
Light is used to correct a left-sided person - if the flame
of a candle starts flickering in front of the Photo, this is
alright, and means that there is a problem, and that it is being
corrected by the Photo. Defects, or hindrances on the
chakras, (baddhas) can be burned off by the fire, by the
flame, and are to be seen as the flickering of the flame, while
any entities, dead souls, or spirits (bhoots) are also burned
with the candle and may go pop, pop, pop - and that's why the
candle has to be put. An enlightened flame will burn off any
impurity, anything that is unwanted in a person - fire is a
Lemons are important and can be used to cleanse ourselves.
We use something very simple which is the living lime. These
limes have a speciality to suck in the vibrations and to contain
them because they are living and they have a coefficient. So
we put our vibrations into that, and then we put them under
the pillow near the head of the patient, and they suck the
negativity of the person. It's not the limes that do it, but it is
the vibrations that are contained in them, that do it.
For a right-sided person who already has all the elements,
which give heat you can say the light and the fire light is
not going to help very much. So right-sided people should not
use any light at all. What is going to work out for them is the
Mother Earth and the water element which is cooling even ice
is very helpful to people who are right sided. So all cooling
effects should be used for correcting your right sidedness.
They should not sit in the Sun but should sit in the moonlight.
They should read some poetry and should tie up their
watches, and not look at time and they should allow time to
pass. And should just become very sort of emotional people
and should sing songs of bhakti.
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Some other techniques
To get into 'balance' from the right side, we do so by
getting into the centre, by developing the witness state. We
indulge into work in thoughtless awareness, saying 'I am not
doing it'.
If you find that your right side is hot, what you do is put
your right hand towards the photograph, and your left hand up
towards the ether the ether takes away the heat.
Footsoaking is a technique used daily for clearing the
subtle system, and for only 10 minutes, you have to sit, but
with full heart, and is done with salt in water. Everyday you
must soak your feet in water if you have the chance, do it
because that is how you cleanse. You have to soak your feet
every night and have to meditate. Sit with both your hands
towards the photograph, and put both the feet in the water,
with little bit of salt in it, for about 5 or 10 minutes. You must
allow the vibrations to clear you out then wipe your feet, and
put the water properly into some disposal, and then sit down
for meditation. If you can do that every day, even 10 minutes
is more than sufficient.
Salt that is vibrated helps with the stomach area,
absorbing all that is mobile. The 5 left side dharmas are
helped by taking vibrated salt. Salt represents the dharma in
the void area, which is the ocean within us is the quality of
the Guru. Vibrated salt is the best thing to give with water for
a person to drink, who has a problem of possession by one of
the guru bhoots.
A technique, taught by Mohammed, and which is used to
combat the ego never be proud of your ego is to beat
yourself with shoes 108 times. If you feel angry and
aggressive, take a sandal and shoebeat yourself. For right side
problems, beat with shoes. Beat the false gurus with shoes. Is
to be used for all fanatics. Every morning, if you have a chance,
do it that's how you cleanse that's a part.
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Some other techniques
To cleanse yourself and to put yourself right is of course a
very important duty for everyone. You should not be identified
with those problems that you have, but try to face them and
cure them, otherwise these vibrations do not flow out they
have to flow through you you are the channels. If you do not
keep yourselves clean and humble and meek about it, it doesn't
work out. This is our way of life is to keep ourselves
cleansed this is bathing ourselves. All those things which are
filthy within us take them out. You have to soak your feet
every night, and you have to meditate - because your egos pass
from each other it's contamination complete contamination
try to humble down.
Use water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times
is very essential... to get your vibrations alright you must wash
your hands.
You are not to use your thinking for correcting your
chakras - you cannot think about it and sort it out. What you
can do is put bandhans, or you can give yourself a balance
with your hands you have to move your hands and not your
brains alright. In your hand it is flowing whether you are
catching, or not catching it is flowing from your hand it is
there the flow from your hand is there little bit is always
Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the
Spiritual level, which is much higher than the mental level.
Some people still live on the mental level, and try to solve
problems on that level, and that's why all these problems start
coming up. If you have certain chakras catching, try to improve
your chakras with the photograph with all due respect to the
photograph it is only the photograph that is going to work it
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Some other techniques
You can coin your own mantras, because you have some sort
of an authority which you can use, and every mantra that you
will say will be awakened even if you are not yet out of your
possessions, still you will work it out still you can raise the
Kundalini of others and nothing will go wrong with the person
whose Kundalini you are raising to that purity it is.
One chakra overwhelmingly not working alright in most
western people is the heart you have to purify your heart by
looking at the photograph and putting all loving feelings about
your Mother understanding Her work and putting Her into
your heart the heart has to be clean absolutely
surrendered and we must try to put the Mother before
everything else. You have to work it through your heart, and
not your brain.
Flowers, when you give them to me, they give you two
things... flowers are very important - if they are beautiful,
then they give to Swadisthan if they are fragrant, they cure
your Mooladhara. Now think of it you are doing it to improve
your chakras.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Swadisthan Treatments
Butter is needed for use of the brain cells without carbohy-
drates, butter cannot be retained by the body.
Sit on ground, with Left hand to photo, Right hand on Mother
Earth, say Ganesha mantra or Atharvasheersha (clears Left side,
means Left Swadisthan first of all).
Give beautiful flowers to Shri Mataji. Put attention com-
pletely, entirely to it - it's not what you give is important it is
how much heart you put into it.
For Left Swadisthan, put candle near Swadisthan, and another
before the photo, Left hand to photo, Right hand on Mother
Put right hand on Left Swadisthan and say Nirmala Vidya
mantra or Shuddha Vidya mantra.
Shoebeat the False Gurus.
Give up your False Guru mantra. I would like to see how much
you are still identified with him. If you are still identified with
him, I cannot do anything about it because evil is evil, and good is
good these mantras are the names of devils.
Use the Sarva Asatya Guru Mardini and also the Sarva Asura
Mardini mantras.
Those who have been to False Gurus should put their Right
hand on their heart, because your Spirit is your Guru who resides
in your heart.
The symbol of Innocence (910505); Becomes transformed later
into the Cross (961225); This Swastika represents nothing else
but balance. When it starts moving in the right direction, then
constructive work starts, and it works out all that is important
for life. But when it starts the other way round, it works out the
destructive part. These both are in balance if they are not, life
cannot go on (920209)
The 'Swastika' is a very sensitive instrument. If you use it the
right way, clockwise, it works for construction but if you use it
in the anticlockwise manner, then it is destructive. If you use
the Swastika in it's right direction, clockwise in front and
anticlockwise at the back, all negativities are thrown out on the
periphery, and absolutely they cannot enter in but if it is moved
the other way, then anybody can enter in it starts opening
itself to these negative forces. This is exactly what happened in
the West that they had their Mooladhara moving
anticlockwise they went against their own principle of morality
absolutely against Christ, and managed to get all these bhoots
into themselves (890617.1)
The carbon atom when you take a picture with a
spectrograph from the left side, looks like an ohm and from
the other side looks like a swastika. Then how was it that the
swastika was used by Hitler it was because the Llamas knew the
trick they told him about using the swastika because that is
the sign of innocence and so he used the swastika painted with
a stencil. Then the Divine used a trick and so they got
confused and they started painting the swastika from the other
side of the stencil. So the constructive or positive swastika
became a destructive, negative one and they started losing. If
you see Hitler's older, and also later pictures, you'll find that he
has two types of swastika and thats how he lost (860707.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Swastika
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-961225 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 961225 good 60
-920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth - see 920209 good 35
-910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischina, Italy - see 910915 good 40
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
890617.1 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver / Vancouver Public Program good 15
910505 Sahastrara Puja, Ischia, Italy
920209 Ganesha Puja, Perth/Red Hill, Canberra
961225 Christmas/Mahalakshmi Pujas
Created by Mother Earth (800518); In ancient times those who
got Realisation who were very few and unique discovered the
unique gifts of the Mother Earth what you call as Swayambhus
those stones or stone images, which were thrown out by the Mother
Earth, and discovered by these Saints. They put shrines there, and
they worshipped them and by this they made these images vibrate
more and also to vibrate that area. All over the world, there are
such stones but only the Saints could discover them (800505)
A Swayambhu of Shri Bhairava exists in Nepal (890806); In
India, we have many Swayambhus, created by the Kundalini, and
which are really worshipped. I have been to most of them, and was
surprised that most of the Pujaris were suffering from some sort
of serious disease, like one was a paralysed fellow. When they asked
why are we suffering like this, I said because you are just making
money you can't make money out of God - if you don't want to
serve God, you don't stay here but if you want to serve God
then, you can stay here, but don't make money out of it. It's very
common, I have seen those people who make money, get paralysis
Now you all know that there's something about Stonehenge but
what these are the stones which have come out of Mother Earth
which are emitting vibrations and the covering of that has been
done later on some people did not understand how these stones
came out one after another so they must have covered it up but
if they were Saints they would have said that these stones have
vibrations (800721)
Why did Mohammed Saab who was so much against stone
worshipping why did he ask people to go round that black square
stone what was the purpose thats also just a stone so why
this stone was a Swayambhu and it's mentioned in the Indian
Scriptures that there is Macceshwarshiva. We have Shivas
everywhere in India there are 12 Jyoti Lingas you can verify on
your vibrations same with this black stone and so the people have
to go round to achieve Shiva's Blessings but it became a ritual
and nobody could go further than that ritual (000423)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Swayambhu
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800518 Old Arlesford, Winchester - part 3 (The Real Becoming) good 30
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
970525 Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella good
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
If you talk sweetly, then 99% of people will dissolve before you.
One has to learn the trick of talking sweetly to others. First of all
the other person should not know who you are - show that you are
less intelligent than them - with complete humility; Then anger
must be mastered, by facing ourselves (910001)
Try to use language which is extremely sweet it doesnt mean
hypocrisy - you 'want' to love but there is a barrier of your ego
and when your 'light of love' passes through that ego, it gets
calcified it gets ruined it gets spoiled and then you say harsh
words to others. First of all you 'witness' yourself you see, 'trying
to be nasty to others and enjoying that nastiness' - there's a
'Hitler' sitting in your Vishuddhi. Then try to be sweet through
your Vishuddhi chakra. Once you start doing that, you'll develop
your witness state very well. It's very easy to make fun of people,
for small things here and there but when we start making fun of
others, we also become a target of fun (.0011)
Sweetness or Madhuria is a quality of Shri Krishna, in the
way he spoke to and communicated with people (910001; 900811.1);
One has to imbibe within oneself the sweetness if you are sweet,
you are filled with humour, you do not hurt others, and you are not
hurt either. Anything can be done with sweetness (880103)
The voice should be melodious, and the language should be
controlled. If we can control our tongue, 80% of collectivity we
will achieve. Tongue is first of all for saying things which are
sweet and beautiful let us find out what sweet things we are
going to say to people not expressing 'our' views, like 'I like it'
'I like that' or 'I want that', but on the contrary 'do you like
this' 'would you enjoy this' so the language should be directed
towards others showing interest and concern (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
900811.1 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
- end - 17 Mar 2003
Swellings, in the body is a left side problem (830209) but
may also develop on the body, in people who are in the 'centre',
if they have taken too much vibrations first of all they should
find out if they are in the neighbourhood of somebody who is
anti-God, because such swellings are developed when their
vibrations are fighting the anti-God activities of the person
who is with you. Say your wife is negative, then such a swelling
may develop because your vibrations are fighting the woman.
You shouldn't mind that fighting but you should know how to
correct that woman how to put her right. Or the man, if he's
like that, the woman might develop an anti-devil force within
her, which will give her that swelling. Different types of
swellings might appear, with vibrations jetting out with a great
speed (830209)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
Chakras affected: Central Channel
Sympathetic Nervous System
The Sympathetic Nervous System is one of three types of
nervous systems in the human body, and which is for emergencies
(the others being the Parasympathetic and the Central Nervous
Systems), and which has a left and a right side, which act in
opposite directions, being complimentary (MME)
The left and right sympathetic, and the central parasympathetic
nervous systems together comprise that 'self governing'
nervous system the Autonomic Nervous System (840731);
Autonomous Nervous System, means there is something which is
beyond something 'auto' if the scientists give this name we
have to accept it is 'auto' they cannot explain we have to
accept it is auto that there is something like auto that controls
the three Autonomic Systems (771024.1)
The Parasympathetic is that part of the nervous system in the
central channel, the Sushumna Nadi (810928) which gives the
balance (870500); Which brings things back to normal relaxes
and nourishes after the sympathetics have initially responded to
an emergency; Is formed by loops from the left and right
sympathetics, and wherever these loops meet, are formed energy
centres known as the Chakras (MME); Is part of the Autonomic
Nervous System that 'self governing' nervous system, comprising
the left and right sympathetic, and the central parasympathetic
nervous systems (840731)
The left sympathetic nervous system is the left or moon
channel (tha in Hatha yoga) having the power of desire, operating
through our emotions. Beyond is the Subconscious, and then the
Collective Subconscious (811005); On which are found Shri
Bhairava and Chandrama (890806); Also called as Chandra Nadi
(800809); The channel for our existence and the activity of our
emotional life the left side and which also gives you your
subconscious area where whatever you are listening to me now,
goes into that (790200.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sympathetic Nervous System
The right side sympathetic nervous system the right side
channel, in our subtle system is the power of action, that acts
through the 5 elements (810928; 831001); The Sun channel, which
works for our physical and intellectual activities (MME); In Indian
tradition, is the Rajoguna. The side of our mental and physical
activity, the future, our planning, the ego (840313), and of our
creative being (790200.1); The side on which is found Shri
Hanumana (890423)
Now cancer is nothing but an imbalance the overactivity of the
Sympathetic Nervous System. If you can control the
Parasympathetic you can neutralise, and completely you can cure
cancer but we are not here to cure people we are here for our
ascent (771024.1); The disease of cancer cannot be cured except
by Sahaja Yoga. The reason is that the power that we have got
stored within us is very limited, and this power is used through our
sympathetic system. When this power gets exhausted, the cells in
that system start going on their own. So these cells start going
amok, they overgrow and malignancy sets in. Now this cancer can
be corrected if you can pour that energy, the energy of the All
Pervading Power into the patient and then this power is all the
time flowing in you, and you do not have any problem of that power
exhausting (790720)
Anything we do to extremes any emergency, is taken over by
these two sides they act for our sympathetic nervous system,
whenever there is an emergency. Now a 'centre' is formed by
the coming together from the left and the right and when there
is a pull on the right side or the left side too much, on the
sympathetic nervous system, then this connection breaks
(indicating the separation of the single channel into it's left and
right component channels Ed) and when it breaks, the
connection of the 'centre', (which is supplying the energy), with
the 'whole', is broken. When the connection with the 'whole' is
broken, there's no coordination left there's no control left so
the cells become on their own what we call malignant they start
going on their own (821008)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Sympathetic Nervous System
So these are aggressive cells malignant cells are on their
own we cannot control them. By some chance if you could bring
them back in connection with the whole cancer can be cured it
is as simple as that. When the Kundalini rises, she awakens this
'centre' and when this centre is awakened, it just comes back to
normal the person becomes normal thats how cancer can be
cured it's very simple (821008)
Even a thing like acupuncture can be very dangerous because
acupuncture uses whatever energy is within you, of the
sympathetics - this is the energy which is all the time flowing,
when you get connected to the mains all the time it's flowing
within you (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840731 Middlesborough PP [PP video set 4/1,2] good
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890806 Shri Bhairavnath Puja - Garlate, Italy good 25
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 5 Oct 2002
To share the pathos, or to take in the problems of another,
from 'sym'/to share, and 'pathy'/pathos (810926); Sympathy,
which is like, 'if someone dies we cry more than the other one',
does not work - better to have that sympathy that does not get
involved compassion, which just flows - it works (870408); If a
person is a medium of a bhoot, then those who are sympathising
are those who are possessed who sympathise with another
possessed person (801116)
So many Rakshasas have entered into your brains. You side
with so many people who are wrong, who are doing wrong things,
in the name of politics, religion, progress, education etc., and
when you side with them, they are in your brain, and when they
are in your brain, how to destroy them? Give up all these things
that make you a horribly mixed up person, and take to Sahaja
Yoga in the most dedicated manner (790928)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810926 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 3 [+PP video set 2/1,2]
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
- end - 5 Oct 2002
When you talk, just talk about Sahaja Yoga, and nothing else;
Don't talk too much about things specially before meditation and
after meditation try to keep quiet for a while. To be quiet itself
is very great; And also if there are thoughts, then you have to say
'not this' 'not this' 'not this' (871224); Too much talking Is
very bad not talking, is bad but a little talking is good (810904);
And anger must be mastered by facing ourselves (910001)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
800127.2 Powers bestowed on S Yogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
Talking To New People
You should only tell about Sahaja Yoga, or about yourself, not about
Mother. You can say that 'I was like that - even worse'; Tell that
'you are the Spirit', and that anything hanging on will drop off that
it is done by the Kundalini; You cannot argue it out, as it is beyond
human arguments; Handle them with care. Say that don't worry the
inner Joy will give you strength. Establish with love and care be
very forgiving (871009)
Those who are humble who are kind will attract more Sahaja
Yogis so it is important to change your temperament. If you try to
show off, nobody is going to be impressed by you if you think you
are something very great, nobody is going to look at you. Be very
humble, kind, generous also very joyous. If you are really doing
Sahaja Yoga, no sickness can come no trouble can come it is a
fact try to understand (001231)
Best way is to wear something with my photo so people ask 'who is
this person' could be a badge if you can wear it and when people
ask you you can start talking you have to talk that is the only way
we can spread Sahaja Yoga. Of course you can have your programs
you can get people you can give them Realisation, this that but to
talk about it is important so the atmosphere is created. You can tell
them that we have found the truth and it is very simple you can't
pay for it it just works it is spontaneous it's a living process it
is an evolutionary process - you can talk like that not about me, but
about Sahaja Yoga, in an abstract manner (880921)
And it's such a wonderful thing one should do it. All such talks are
going to help us a lot, though I would say those who listen to you may
not get Realisation, but at least in the atmosphere it will be and this
is going to help us a lot if it is in the atmosphere, people will know
that there is something like this coming up (880921)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-001231 New Years Puja, Kalwe - see 001225.2 not good 25
-871009 Mahalakshmi Puja, Belgium - see 871016 good 35
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 18 Jun 2003
A left side person; One who eats carbohydrates (830131), and is a
fatter type of person (840906); One who has got all kinds of
desires of self indulgences, but which disappears when we become
Gunatit (980321); Those who have too much inertia, are sluggish or
have slow moving temperaments, and who when it is exaggerated, can
take to spirits, or alcohol etc. and this can take you away from
Reality, and make you numb (790928); Tamogunis get lots of
psychosomatic diseases (980712); Tamoguna left side (800517.2)
Women have to be left sided, have to be fatter than the men,
because it is the woman who bears the children, and she needs the
fat to sustain them (840906)
In India, medicine is based on the Trigunas, the three types of
people, with the three types of problems: the Tamo, Rajo and Satwo
Gunis, being of the left, right and centre respectively. Each is
treated accordingly, in order to bring them back to a balanced state
When the attention goes to the Spirit, it just happens that you
become Gunatit, and are no more concerned with your own
conveniences, or comforts. You just go beyond all these three gunas
which have been dominating you, like the Tamoguna, Rajoguna and
Satwoguna. Now you don't want to see whether you are right sided,
or left sided or centred - you are a Sahaja Yogi, and a Sahaja Yogi is
beyond all these things, you are Gunatit (980321) beyond the three
gunas (800526)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800526 Attention, Dollis Hill
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980712 To be obedient to the Guru, Cabella
- end - 7 Jun 2003
Misuse of the Kundalini (920621); Those who control dead
spirits, are very bad, and lead to incurable diseases (830129);
Are found in many parts of India, notably Bengal, Bihar, UP,
Kerala, and Madras (790422); The Tantrikas in India they
entered into all kinds of things and the worst thing they
entered into are the Vedas themselves where they declared
even that they said that, the God and the Goddess God and
His Power are sex relationships I ask you they think that
human beings are nothing but sex points that they have
nothing else, in them. Even an amoeba has something more than
that (790608.1)
'So-called Tantrism', came into being, in our country (India -
Ed), since long in ancient times when the gurus were having few
disciples with them and is the opposite of the Real Tantrism
which is Sahaja Yoga of the genuine kind. If Tantrism is to be
considered as the genuine stuff, then it is Sahaja. So these
tantrikas first started their jobs in Rama's time and in the 6th
century, it was at it's height when all other scripture were
thrown into the river, and Tantrism became the scripture of the
day. There was so much freedom that licentiousness to do
whatever you please with that scripture took place in the 6th
century. That was the best breeding time of these horrible people
First the Tantrikas came they were the first and are the
people who use sex for so-called Self Realisation (771121); These
tantrikas have no relationship with our ancient scriptures for
example, (Ravana Ed) will never mention any of our ancient
scriptures he has no relationship with any Deities does he mean
to say he has nothing to do with Christ with God with anyone
but only with sex. You people really are you only sex points
(790200.1); Most of Tantrism has come out of inauspiciousness
Pantheism is nothing but inauspicious mastery (781002)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Tantrikas
Without Kundalini rising, without Realisation, whatever you try
you spoil it. So they went absolutely astray and the whole
thing is aimed at spoiling your Kundalini it's so simple if it is
unauthorised (790608.2); Before the Deity before the Gods, if
you do something extremely inauspicious, you make the attention
of the Gods and all it's protection to get out this is the basis of
all these tantriks (781002) there is no Deity existing there any
more. Then at that point you invite those who are afraid of God I
should say the Spirits they enter in then they start using the
Spirits (790608.2)
They all have different methods. Like (Ravana Ed) what he has
done is they put a Deity, and before that Deity they make a sex
relationship (790608.2; 790609.3); Now this horrible fellow
(Narakasura Ed) has worked on the Swadisthan that's why he's
more dangerous he works more on the right hand side and these
Supraconscious spirits are brought in it's all Supraconscious
work he does (790609.3)
One criteria is sufficient I think to begin with anybody who
takes money is fake. Then second would be those who are
interested in women you see one of the greatest sins is to be
interested in the wife of another. But a guru a person who says
he is something spiritual or even this horrible (Ravana Ed)
he's trying another trick of this tantrism in which he says 'you
wear this dress' which announces that you are a detached
person and then 'you indulge into everything' you see the
juxtaposition you understand the point if you preach something
and do the juxtaposition of that you do just the opposite to
insult (790609.3)
Now whatever experiences you get for example, some people
start just jumping some start shouting some start behaving
like animals and they say 'oh that is what is coming out' - they
feel very bad they get terrible diseases they get into
troubles into pains and all sorts of things and contortions
and they say 'now your subconscious is coming out' - nothing has
to be brought out that's one thing you must know (831001)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Tantrikas
There are so many Tantrikas, who know who I was they are
afraid of me they talk about me they tell about me (770215); I
must be the greatest Tantrika, because I know the mechanism I
can handle it but the Tantrikas of so-called modern times are
horrible people, because they are connecting the Kundalini with
sex (771024.1); If somebody has planted into you that Kundalini
can be only risen through sex he's a Tantrika sex has nothing
to do with Kundalini at all it's a wrong idea she is your
Mother the Eternal Mother that you have she knows everything
about you you are the only child she has and she is born again
and again with you how many of you would like to connect your
mother with sex thats the worst thing that you can do to your
mother (771024.1; 771024.3)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
771024.1 Caxton Hall tape 1 poor
771024.3 Caxton Hall tape 3 poor
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790608.1 Maria's House Tape 1 not good 50
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
830129 Swadisthan Chakra, Delhi ("False Gurus, & Conditionings") good 70
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
- end - 25 Dec 2002
So much of tea is taken in England - in Ganapatipule tea is
taken twice a day at most (890611); To get the optimum delight
of drinking tea, one should take one spoonful of sugar, not more
not less - the same sort of thing applies in life, not too much, not
too little (800517.2); You people take too much tea it's very
injurious for the intestines so much tea is very wrong plus
milk with it milk gives you diarrhoea. Limit your tea taking or
if you have to take many cups of tea, see that it is a very light
tea. But this Marathi tea only one cup in the morning is
sufficient. Too much tea is very dangerous, it's not good for
you so limit your tea taking. Because of this tea, your stomach
goes out of order you cannot sleep it's a wrong thing. So
reduce your intake of tea. Water should be increased more of
water, less of tea; If you see how much our Mother takes tea
She may even take 10 cups just to please us, but no sugar and
no milk (881221)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
- end - 6 Oct 2002
There are many, and include: Meditation; Using the Photo;
Raising left or right side; Using Light and Fire; Candles; Using
Mother Earth and Water or even Ice; Adjusting Food; Use of
Sugar or Salt; Footsoaking; (830121); Shoebeating (800907);
Introspection (910728); Giving Bandhan (870408); Use of
Vibrated Water (781005) etc; In use, give the body different,
different types of treatments - use wisdom (830204); These
things work. We must become experts in Nirmala Vidya (811103);
All techniques in Sahaja Yoga must be learned and mastered
Sahaja Yoga does not work on mental level it works on the
Spiritual level, which is much higher than the mental level. So
what we have to do is to understand how to correct our chakras
if you have certain chakras catching, try to improve your chakras
with the photograph with all due respect to the photograph it
is only the photograph that is going to work it out (830121)
Now if we have ego, what we should do is raise the left side,
and put it to the right side there's no other way out you have
to use your hands; Then everyone must soak their feet daily, and
must do daily meditation. For correcting your right side, use the
Mother Earth or water or even ice or also carbohydrate or
vegetarian types of foods. For left side, use light or fire or
nitrogenous foods i.e. proteins (830121)
Some of the things are sucked by the Mother Earth some are
sucked by the flame can be the flame can be the fire the
Sun also sucks in the sky also depends on what centres you
have in problem on what problems you have alright. But on the
whole, the Mother Earth is the most gracious thing she helps
the maximum I think (821008)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Techniques
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [+French] good 75
830204 Sahastrara - Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis - St.Martins Lane, London good 45
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
The trouble with Sahaja Yogis, as they are today, is that they
are all technocrats it would be better that they should forget
about techniques, and worry more about spontaneity. Too much of
techniques kills spontaneity - a balance has to be struck between
techniques and spontaneity. Firstly, you got your Realisation by
spontaneity Sahaja. Naturally by temperament you are
technocrats - you have to have a technique a Tantra, a
mechanism (0.0011)
How to become subtler is the problem. To attack such a question
from a subtle point of view, you have to first of all know, that you
are a Sahaja Yogi no technique is needed just your vibrations on
this question to begin with - it's very simple the subtler things
are the simpler things gross things are complicated things it's
very simple (0.0011)
So this intellect, which is now being enlightened, Prabuddha
you must use it in a subtler way. As we are all technocrats, we are
right sided we are very right sided people all the Sahaja Yogis
today are 99.9% are right sided even in India and this
movement towards the right side is overdone. So now to bring
Sahaja Yogis to normalcy, is to bring them to the left side. Under
these circumstances, one has to think of those people who really
love God - there is bhakti there is devotion. They dont think
they dont worry they are blindly following God - you have to
develop that shraddha that faith that love. Start with your
heart just give up talking about it just start feeling your
heart not your mouth so much as your heart (0.0011)
What do we do when we love what are the signs and symptoms.
I dont know, in the West, if that glimpse of love is also there or
not but you can see it in this country still (India - Ed). Say, a
mother for example, if her child is sick she will not sleep a wink
she will not. She will not think of her comfort of what time she
slept or got up she won't think of her food nothing. She will
just want that her son will be alright she will have no desire left,
but to see that her son is cured (0.0011)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Technocrats
In Sahaja Yoga you dont have to sacrifice anything and what is
promised is Swaraj, in the real sense is the domain of the Spirit.
Always you get added advantage, in this way or that you are
blessed every moment - count your blessings. And one should start
understanding that these blessings are for us to become more
loving, more generous and sacrificing. The idea that we are
sacrificing, itself is an ego oriented idea what do you sacrifice
what do we have to sacrifice. You have to give Realisation you
have to take responsibility of Sahaja Yoga now you have to
become responsible for it, in your own way. You have to do it,
because you are doing it for the greater good - the more you
think of the greater good it is doing the better it will be for you.
All these are the qualities of the left side the heart the Atma.
Atma is all the time giving it cannot receive - that is why it is
untarnishable it is unsurmountable nothing nobody can
dominate it it is above (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
- end - 17 Jun 2003
People who have teeth which are troubling them, must look
after them. It's no good just going to the dentist simple thing
is to use some olive oil and some salt rub it on your gums nicely
every day before sleeping that will keep your teeth alright. You
will be amazed that til today, I have not been to any dentist
but one thing is there that I brush my teeth quite a lot. Dont
use electrical toothbrushes and all that but use brushes, or use
your fingers. The best way is to rub with salt and oil is very
good for you and allow the whole thing to come out (860504)
The Neem trees that grow in India, are very good for driving
out all the baddhas. It has a very bitter taste and the baddhas
run away from it. They are very oxygen creating plants, and we
use them as toothbrushes. One twig is taken and chewed into,
and then we go on cleaning our teeth with it for an hour or so
and go on while talking to people - you have to chew it very well.
So the teeth are kept very well (881207)
Organs can be lethargic if we eat too much carbohydrate type
of food - in which case, we should take more proteins. There is
no harm in taking meat - it is best not to eat meat from animals
larger than yourself, because it can cause problems with the
teeth and not cows, especially Indian cows (830131); The teeth
are controlled by the Vishuddhi (790722)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 10 Apr 2003
The rising of the Kundalini can happen in the split of a second
if you are really ready. For children it takes no time, but for
elderly people or people who are involved into some extremes, it
might not rise. Like for an athlete or a big tennis player it
doesn't rise because he thinks he's a big tennis player he's a
big man and a great person and so the Kundalini says 'alright
wait for a while you're too great for me', so it doesn't rise.
Also for people who are working very hard, or doing something
too much, the Kundalini doesn't rise (790720)
Most people who are temperate, who are in the centre, who are
not arrogant, who are humble people only for them the Kundalini
rises. People cannot understand why in some very simple ordinary
people who come to me, the Kundalini rises, and when these big
big people come to me, it does not rise. It's a simple thing are
you a human being who has led a normal balanced simple life? If
you are an abnormal person then the Kundalini is not for them
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
- end - 8 May 2003
It is the central channel which gives us the temperature that
we have and is lukewarm, as opposed to the hot right side and the
cool left side (800517.2); You can put the clay on the stomach to
take out the temperature it's a natural way (881221)
Cool Breeze is very temperate it's not a thing that is
freezingly cold if it is freezingly cold, that means left side. Cool
breeze is actually never 'very cold' it's not freezing. It could be
hot with some people it could be very cool because of their
problems but if you are a normal person, you feel a cooler
sensation it is slightly less than your body temperature it's not
so very cooling as to freeze you - if it is hot, there is something
wrong with you (810524); It is cool because the All Pervading
Power is felt like that when your Spirit is enlightened. It is
existing everywhere but you never felt it before you start
feeling it when your Spirit is awakened (810524)
High fever means 104; 100 is no temperature; 101-102 is
alright once in a while. You see temperature is there because of
the heat 102 is nothing it's not much. If it's 104, we start
worrying; Don't take a hot bath in the open always get into cold
water cold is always good (881221)
If you take a bath with hot water in the open, sure shot you will
get a temperature you should never take your bath, in the open
or with the window open, with hot water(881221); If you take a
bath with cold water, you can never catch cold because the
temperature is the same. If you have to take a hot water bath,
take it in the night, or at the time when you can go off into your
bed. In England, if you take a hot bath and go out immediately
you can get cancer of the lungs (881221) in the UK, bathing is
better done at night before retiring, to avoid problems due to the
cold climate (820710)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Temperature
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
Make your ego be challenged not to get into temper try that
your ego doesnt react that can be achieved very easily if you
try in the mirror, look at yourself, and laugh at yourself make
fun of yourself (860504)
The only time when you should really be angry when you
cannot tolerate anything against your Mother or Sahaja Yoga
and one can get into a tremendous temper - so to say that a
Realised Soul should not get into a temper is a wrong thing
then, the anger is spontaneous. But you need not do anything I
can look after myself - but the reaction is correct the reaction
is correct (880921; 770215)
The people who are in the centre are quiet and silent people
they never show off but they can sometimes get into temper,
which is necessary, if they are to protect the protocol of their
Mother, or could be of Sahaja Yoga, or of God (830209)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
- end - 17 Mar 2003
There are lots of temptations, because we are coming from the
human level, lots of temptations like we start dominating others
then this leadership business also comes in some people become
leaders and some start complaining. Everybody has his own role
to play, his own style to work out but it has to be for the
benevolence of the whole, not of the individual, and once you
realise that, you become extremely humble, extremely conducive,
and can articulate in a very beautiful manner with other people
After Nirvikalpa, the Ganesha becomes really Jagrut such a
person is not tempted by women he is not any more nor by
any alcohol or smoking he is beyond temptation. He cannot
tolerate if a woman is made naked or a cabaret sort of thing
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881226 Value systems, G'pule - see 881217 good 10
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Ten Commandments
There are ten dharmas, the Ten Commandments, in the Void area
within us, looked after by the ten Primordial Masters. It is our
'attitude towards others', other people, their things, their wives,
daughters etc. This is all related to 'others' is dharma is
completely without rationality, is simply to be accepted. Fanaticism is
against dharma (781005); The 10 Valencies, Sustainances, Sutras, or
Principles, of human beings, in the void area, whose purpose is to
establish balance, or dharma (811005; 810928); Like drinking too
much is against dharma taking drugs telling lies about other
people stealing killing somebody are against dharma all these 10
commandments. So when you try to disobey them and go on
disobeying all the time then it works that way (0.0012) This
diarrhoea is important sometimes to cleanse you out it's
important; It is alright because it is a parasympathetic activity it's
cleansing you see; With diarrhoea and also vomiting it's clearing
out that's good for you it's the drugs, and bad Gurus, and things,
that spoil your void, and when you come to Sahaja Yoga it comes out
in this way. Let it be, it's better; After Puja if it's happening, it's
very good it should happen after Puja (881221); So be careful about
your dharma (0.0012)
The Nabhi looks after our digestion on the physical level it also
looks after our balance, our ten commandments, which are given to us
by the Primordial Masters and through this centre we evolve
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
- end - 13 Apr 2003
A modern problem (which we try to escape by suicides, alcohol
etc.), in which we have turned our attention towards outside things,
and to outward development and to economics, and have lost the
inner life (781115); The problem with the World today (where there
is in every country everywhere, a very subtle problem that people
do not understand and that exists in this Kali Yuga) is inside the
human being and people are so restless, and full of tension and
anywhere you go, countrywise, you find some sort of a confusion, and
the whole society seems to be in a fear of destruction. The problem
is that our attention is not on the Spirit it is outside where we go
into competition go on becoming 'competent' - we get into so many
struggles, and there is no end to our troubles and woes. But as soon
as we put our attention to the Spirit we find there, amazingly, that
everything works out, and that the Spirit is the source of all Love,
Peace, Joy and Truth. This is an evolutionary process. Today is the
time for people to become the Spirit - this is the blessing of the
'Blossom Time' and people have to become the Spirit. This is an
essential step today, to become the Spirit. This is an evolutionary
process. All the religions have talked about it. Without it you cannot
achieve the Peace, the Joy, the Love but first you have to forgive
Tension which results when the ego on the one side and the
superego on the other when they close down and we become like
an egg shell - we are closed we have an 'I-ness' we become Mr
so-and-so and then when this is accumulated there we feel the
tension. The superego is when we are all the time in fear, in danger,
are crying, weeping sort of people and the other side are people
who act, who have ego. Either we are in 'action', or we are in
'weeping condition', in 'inaction'. This accumulation this tension
mounts up in the head and with this tension, you get all kinds of
complications - with the left side, you might get low blood pressure
and all that and with the right side you might get high blood
pressure. The tension of the head is because either you are worried
or you are planning something you are aggressive or you are taking
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Tension
aggression one of the two. Here Christ plays a very big role in our
lives, because he is placed in that crossing point and when Christ is
awakened these two things are sucked in (821008)
Men take out their tensions on their wives who are the
strongest part of any family and have the capacity to bear and
absorb all this; Husband and wife are equal, though not similar, like
the two wheels of a chariot, both of which are needed to maintain
the proper balance; Men feel they want to be superior, but this
domination of the men is a myth. The women are the real power, the
shakti of the family (810328); I have seen some ladies who are
extremely tense tense type they can never give joy they are
themselves not in joy how can they give joy. So the tension should
not be there at all of any kind. Be relaxed you are the other
side of Sahaja Yoga, which gives peace joy and nourishment and
also complete tranquillity in the family, you are responsible for
tranquillity even if the husband is angry (931228)
The Vishuddhi chakra can catch, if we feel 'too responsible', and
can result in tensions and headaches - the remedy is to witness, and
realise that everything is done by the Divine (890801)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good -
-781115 Evolution - see 780911 good 45
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
- end - 8 May 2003
You know that I know about everyone. So if I ask where is
somebody catching then there are 3 possible replies:
1. I must tell, otherwise Shri Mataji will not know - this is very
2. I know and I must tell - Shri Mataji also knows, and She wants
to test me. I should be careful. At this point, we can make a
mistake: 'left heart is catching, but very mildly' - finished, we get
less marks.
3. You have to tell what you feel - be honest. Shri Mataji will then
correct, if you are unsure or don't know. For example, we may be
unsure whether it is 'ourself' or the other person that we are
We have to pass this test, because tomorrow, we are to be the
gurus. But some people get ego with this, and that is very surprising.
This is all a training period; Children are cock-sure, but grown ups
are not sure (800517.2)
I have never put any restrictions on you do what you like
whatever way you want to do it, you can do it I have never been
bothering even about money or anything but that is a testing
ground where you are standing (010321)
When you reach a certain state, then you should not allow anything
of the past to come back I would even suggest you have to
challenge the past it's finished good for nothing like that but
if you get afraid or worried, then you have not reached the point.
Your Mother will also sometimes test you on that sometimes I may
remind you of some mistakes of yours and then see what happens
to you and then I will know where are my children. Why should you
worry about things which you are not any more now, if you have
become a fully fledged bird, why should you worry about the egg
that used to smell so badly (860707.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860707.2 Address at Vienna Ashram, Melichargasse - see 860707 good
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
- end 1
- 8 May 2003
This is a very great privilege that I am telling you all these
things that I am telling you that 'sincerity is the key of your
Self Realisation'. It's a privilege I'm giving you the key.
Understand what a privilege it is for you to be here at Puja
what fortune what reward, for what you have done how many
lives have been rewarded by being here (800505); Count your
Blessings with thankfulness to God, from your heart and with
Glory and Praise to God then that Bliss comes to you. Without
thankfulness, nothing is going to work out (821101)
The greatest thing He has given us, is Realisation and the
'way of Sahaja'. Look into your heart, and humble down and
thank every moment - that is the key to start the Joy out of
every moment. Every moment has an ocean of Joy in it but to
start it, you must thank whatever you have got. Thankfulness is
the way to Joy there's no other way - we get everything, but
we never thank judging type we are - today is the day of
thanking; Thankfulness, if you do not have, you'll never enjoy
what you have whatever you have got whatever God has given
you out of His Grace out of His compassion out of His love.
We do not know how to thank Him you see this is the point
have we thanked Him every moment of our life. When you thank
Him, the waves of Joy will rise within you (790000.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-790000.2 2nd Talk - see 790200 not good
790000.2 Shri Mataji working on new people good 55
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Thoughts obstruct or prevent the enjoyment of beauty, and
obstruct the attainment of true peace. When the Kundalini
rises, we become thoughtless spontaneously, and the attention
becomes peaceful (840718); Thoughts of the Sublime help us in
our ascent, help us to rise; For others it is the thoughts of the
ridiculous that are important (850806); Our thinking has to go
down first of all (871224); Think nothing but Sahaja Yoga
(821101); Thinking is not allowed in Sahaja Yoga give up this 'I
thought' business (871230.1); Before meditation and after
meditation try to keep quiet for a while and if there are
thoughts, then you have to say 'not this' 'not this' 'not
this' (871224) or, if you are thinking, open your eyes and
watch me (800809)
These thoughts are coming from two angles from ego, and
another from your conditioning and these are so much built up
within you that they don't allow your Agnya to be crossed.
That's why we have two bija mantras, Hum and Kshum (980510);
These two things, conditioning and ego, are in the mind, but it is
important that we should go into thoughtless awareness, and
that thoughtless awareness is the real way that your
Sahastrara can be nourished by the Kundalini. When the
Kundalini cannot pass through, that is why there are the two
bija mantras Hum and Kshum (980510)
Our understanding of Sahaja Yoga is simple if we don't think
about it. How to explain that someone like us can give
Realisation to thousands? How to explain the Photo, the
pictures in the sky? It is beyond our brains, so don't think, just
accept the Joy (871016); We have to be detached from our
thoughts, which is achieved if we know how to forgive others
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Thinking
Normal thinking, is very superficial, and is the interaction
between thoughts and action, action and reaction (781218);
Thinking can make us so bumptious, so ego oriented, so impure
(830113); What does the thinking in your head is your ego, or
your conditioning, and you go on reacting to it all the time. But
after getting Realisation, and after achieving that state, of
thoughtless awareness, you don't react you just watch and
that watching itself is very powerful you are watching silently,
and it is very, very powerful, and it works (980706)
When you are thinking, the cells of the brain are replaced
every minute by the fat that is in your stomach by this
centre of Swadisthan (821008) and so if the control of the
Swadisthan is diverted away from the organs, to the provision
of fat cells this can result in diseases such as blood cancer,
and diabetes (890801; 870500)
You are not to use your thinking for correcting your chakras -
you have to move your hands and not your brains alright, and
when saying mantras, put your attention without thought to the
particular chakra. Once you start 'thinking', then there's a
barrier between the Spirit and you - in any art or in any
deftness, that's how the creativity, the spontaneity is finished.
So do everything in silence in thoughtless awareness that's
the main point; Try at least to see my face without thinking
my face itself makes you thoughtless Silence your mind; The
best way to be with your Spirit is to forgive, because then your
thoughts will go away the less you think, the faster you move
with your Realisation do not argue it out just try to become
you have to become; Don't think then the inspiration will come
to you from within, and when the inspiration will be coming, then
you'll find that it will be very different, it will be very
beautiful (800907)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Thinking
You see, I know what you think all the time real foolish
things nothing sensible; What you have to surrender is your
ego, means your thinking. If you are thinking, open your eyes,
and say 'I forgive, I forgive' even if you take my name, it is
sufficient (800907); If you see any thoughts coming in, you
should say 'I forgive' is a very big mantra and the thoughts
will stop (880921)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871230.1 Marriage - Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-870500.1 Untitled talk - see 870503
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia, 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-821226 Lord Jesus - see 830113.1 - (5 Pujas from India) good 15
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality, then good) 70
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
800907 How to know where you are - Chelsham Road good 120
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L. Mooladhara, Supraconscious, Dhulia (+ 30 min medn) good 60
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33 mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
870500.2 Australia PP [PP video set 5/1] good 35
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
890801 First Know Thy "Self" - Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Thoughtless Awareness
The first thing that is established, when the Kundalini rises, and
we get our Self Realisation, when we stop in the 'Present' moment.
The state that exists when the Kundalini passes the sixth chakra,
the Agnya chakra (890801) and enters into the Limbic area
(770215); As soon as the Kundalini passes Agnya, there is no
thought, we are in thoughtless awareness (781218); Nirvichara
When you are in thoughtless awareness, then you are in contact
with the Principle, the Shakti, the Power that permeates into
every particle that is matter, into every thought that is emotion,
into every planning and thinking of the whole world - you permeate
into all the elements that have created this beautiful Earth. When
you are in meditation, you must allow yourself to be in thoughtless
awareness, because it is then that you are in the Kingdom of God;
If you give vibrations in thoughtless awareness, you will not catch
anything, because all the entities that enter into you, all these
material problems that come into you, come when you are in those
3-Dimensions - of the emotional, physical and mental being
Those who want to grow should meditate every day, whatever
time you may come home maybe in the morning maybe in the
eveningany time but you will know that you are meditating, when
you can get into thoughtless awarenessyour reaction will be
zero you look at something you'll just look at it, you won't react
because you are thoughtless you won't react. When that
'reaction' is not there, then everything you'll be surprised is
Divine. Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are 'one'
with the Divine so much so that the Divine takes over every
activity, every moment of your life, and looks after you you feel
completely secured, 'one', with the Divine and enjoy the
blessings of the Divine (980510)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Thoughtless Awareness
Thoughtless Awareness, the term defined by Jung, where you go
beyond the thinking mind, and is also the state described by the
Russian Scientists as the Physical Vacuum State, needed to see or
feel 'Reality' (980705; 980706); If you cannot become
thoughtless, pray to me 'forgive me for what I have done and
forgive those who have done harm' (750209)
After some time, when you have really become a Sahaja Yogi,
you just close your eyes and then you find you are in that blissful
state, where you get rid of all problems, all worrying things, and
you just become silent, thoughtlessly aware (980706)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
-750209 Prayer by Shri Mataji - see 760330 not good 5
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
770215 Talks about Sat Chit Anand, Delhi poor 65
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980705 Royal Albert Hall 1998 good 50
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 5 Apr 2003
Three Dimensions
When we are moving in the 3-Dimensions of our life, i.e. of our
emotional, physical and mental being, we are not 'inside ourself'.
But when we are 'inside', then we are in thoughtless awareness,
and that is when we are in contact with the Principle, the Shakti,
the Power that permeates into everything and we then are in
meditation, and the Unconscious itself will take charge of us;
When you are giving vibrations to other people, if you give in
thoughtless awareness, you will not catch anything, because all the
entities that enter into you, all these material problems that come
into you, come when you are in those 3-Dimensions. But when you
are on the Eternal Principle, all that is not eternal changes, drops
out, dissolves and becomes non-existent; Only by Mother's Grace,
and by one's own desire, one's own efforts to give up all that is 3
dimensional, are we going to ascend; Once you say 'how to remove
the attention from outside' that means that you have created the
3 dimensional involvement - you are not to remove it is there
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-760330.2 Deities on various Chakras, Delhi - see 800102
-760330.1 Gudi Padwa, Delhi - see 760330 good 30
760330 Gudi Padwa, Delhi/Transformation, Bordi
- end - 17 Jun 2003
If the throat is drying up, and there is coughing, it is best to
put a few drops of ghee on hot milk, hot water, or with soup and
take it - it will spread over the epithelial cells of the throat and
trachea. It soothes down all your sites Krishna is soothed by
that (810330); The ghee can be kept in a small bottle, which may
be heated in hot water prior to use (870408); The throat is
controlled by the Vishuddhi (790722); Shri Krishna is very fond of
butter (810330); butter is softening in it's effect (810330;
830202; 850502)
To keep Vishuddhi OK, we can do the following eat the butter
take it on hot water, so that it lines the epithelial cells, and clean
throats every morning by gargling; For throat, gargling is a very
good thing with salt, every night. Gargling is something is a
must for all the Sahaja Yogis is a must (.0012); Is to be done
every morning, using salt, as a treatment for Vishuddhi (830202;
810330), with a little warm water (881221); Sauces are very
important for use with food to prevent drying of the membranes
of the throat (841005); Protect the throat from cold conditions,
and if we speak, speak of Sahaja Yoga (830202); Shri Krishna is
very fond of ghee or butter so when you rub my feet with say
butter, your Vishuddhi will improve 'you' know that (800927)
Also I find that in Europe, people do not clear their throats
and tongues which is another thing that is very much on left
Vishuddhi and that must be one of the reasons that your left
Vishuddhis are bad. And so, though it is not fashionable here in
the west but it is very important to put your two fingers in the
mouth and rub and clear your tongue in such a way that
everything comes out in the morning is important because that
accumulates and then it rots so this has to be done. Maybe you
think that if you are doing this you will make a noise and all
that doesnt matter you have to clear out your throat and that
is how you'll keep your Vishuddhis very clean (860504)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Throat
Dryness of the throat, may be due to psychological tricks, like
'I'll not talk to her, or I'll not speak'. This type of behaviour can
lead to a dryness (800517.2); If we move to the right side more,
we get dry feelings, a dry throat - we cannot speak (800517.2)
The Vishuddhi controls the lymphatic system, ears, outside of
the eyes, nose, neck (811004; 810330), throat, face (820711) and
teeth (880710) and all the mastoid muscles, the tongue, the
cheeks and also the balls of the eyes (790722); Radha Krishna is
the mantra for the Vishuddhi and is for where there are
problems of ears, nose and throat or where you get bad colds
or where you get your attention diverted (850502)
All extreme behaviour from left and right creates problems of
Hamsa like if you eat anything fried after taking anything
fried you should not take water or after eating fruit you
should not take water - you can take a biscuit or bread
something like that to dry up your throat, and then you can
take water (.0011)
For those who are in the centre, their main disease is in their
excretion and their all kinds of vomiting if they eat at a place
where they should not have eaten or if they eat a wrong type of
food or a wrong type of liquid they have to immediately go and
vacate it either they'll vomit, or they'll have diarrhoea. Other
problems they may develop include: swellings on the body, arthritis
or pain in the joints, low breathing, low blood pressure, temporary
tiredness, throat troubles, drying up of the liquid in the body,
headaches and pressures on the sides of the head, all these from
fighting the negativity in the persons they are with (830209)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Throat
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
841005 Farewell to Mother - Chelsham Road good 50
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
870408 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St.Martins Lane, London good 45
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
- end - 6 Oct 2002
With eating also there are problems: We can test the tongue, by
going on a bland horrible diet, just to test the tongue. Is food
important? Is the tongue fussy about food? Does it start
watering? To overcome these problems, starve yourself, reduce
what you eat by half - your intestines will go down. But don't think
about food. This 'starving' is for Westerners, because the people
of the East already do regular fasting. For them the correction is
to eat. Best day for starving is Thursday, the Guru's day - and to
start with a day (821101); Food also we should not eat
immediately from the oven, sizzling sizzling food you should not
eat. I dont know why such devilish ideas are coming - let your
juices flow out to digest it and then eat it otherwise you'll burn
your tongue your palate burn everything. So best is to keep a
tepid understanding of food also so water should not be very
hot food should not be very hot (0.0011)
When you eat, you dont understand that this tongue belongs to
a Sahaja Yogi you shouldnt hanker after anything like if
somebody likes tea, he'll go on taking 15 cups thats no good or
if he's fond of one sort of food, he won't take another food.
Thinking too much about food all the time asking for food and
organising food all the time that spoils your Vishuddhi very badly
(800127.2); The tongue is controlled by the Vishuddhi (790722)
Also I find that in Europe, people do not clear their throats
and tongues which is another thing that is very much on left
Vishuddhi and that must be one of the reasons that your left
Vishuddhis are bad. And so, though it is not fashionable here in
the west but it is very important to put your two fingers in the
mouth and rub and clear your tongue in such a way that
everything comes out in the morning is important because that
accumulates and then it rots so this has to be done. Maybe you
think that if you are doing this you will make a noise and all
that doesnt matter you have to clear out your throat and that
is how you'll keep your Vishuddhis very clean (860504)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Tongue
The tongue is used in many ways, and has many problems we
speak things to hurt others we go on jabbering we can show how
frivolous we are we are either tongue tied or tongue loose
(821101); Tongue is first of all for saying things which are sweet
and beautiful let us find out what sweet things we are going to
say to people not expressing 'our' views, like 'I like it I like
that' or 'I want that', but on the contrary 'do you like this'
'would you enjoy this' so the language should be directed
towards others showing interest and concern. The voice Should
be melodious, and the language should be controlled. If we can
control our tongue, 80% of collectivity we will achieve (850502)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday - London (C120) good 105
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Butter is needed for the Vishuddhi and can be taken on a hot
drink or with soup or you can take a little ghee or butter on top
of a cup of hot waterwhen it lines the epithelial cells of the
throat and trachea - it soothes down all your sites Krishna is
soothed by that. Is also good for sinus problems, and can be
administered warm with a dropper, to the inside of the nose for
3 to 4 days, where it lines the inner dry and cracked
membranes butter is softening in it's effect (810330; 830202;
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Training the Body
You have to train your body better behave yourself supposing
your body cannot sleep on the ground make your body sleep lets
see what happens this is the tapasya this is the penance
through which the Sahaja Yogis have to go, that they make their
body their slave if your body tries to be funny better tell the
body 'you behave yourself what do you mean why can't you do
this'; There's no need for you to get up at 4 o'clock otherwise
but in the beginning it is necessary because you are such slaves
to your sleep so just to overcome that habit of yours of
sleeping, of sloth you should be able to get up at any time that
you have to get up. So this is what it is (850310)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 17 Jun 2003
Sahaja Yoga is a very different type of a living process - when
you get Realisation, it starts transforming you, and then others. By
your presence you start transforming other people. First you
receive the light, then you generate the light. With your 'will' you
can generate Sahaja Yoga to go further (801116); Sahaja Yoga is
not just to pass energy through us. You have to absorb assimilate
it and transform yourselves and see for yourself, how are you
behaving, how are you feeling about things. Are you taking a new
view of things or not. Progress is slow because we do not want to
transform ourselves - every moment try to see that you transform
yourself - this transformation is going to help you (800127.2); Let
us decide to improve ourselves, and not to feel bad about it we
have to improve a lot (800927)
It is very important to understand that without transformation
you have no meaning whatever you have been, has been useless of
no good whatever you are transformed, you are of some use. So,
whatever you have been, you do not be identified with that but
whatever you have to be, you try to be that and with this power
you have got, that 'whatever you want, you will be that'. But some
people are so funny that they say that I want to be a donkey all
such silly and foolish people are no good for Sahaja Yoga (800127.2)
But even after transformation if you do not want to become
what you have to be for which you have come here you will be
left behind there is a big transformation taking place. In that
transformation also, a 'rising' is taking place there's a big
evolution going on, and those who will not evolve properly will be left
behind this is the last judgement and you'll be judged you'll be
left behind. If you cannot adhere to people who are rising higher
with your weight, you will fall down (971225); To transform
ourselves, there has to be some evolution - you have to become
collectively conscious. It is an actualisation within yourself it is a
living process it takes place spontaneously (860707.1)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Transformation
This transformation within you is going to change the whole
world people are going to see that you are no more a confused
person you are not a person who is doubting and neither you are a
fanatic you are not a blind person but you are a person who is
alert, and aware and can see things better than others. The more
alert you become, the more the Divine takes interest but this
alertness is nothing but the enlightenment of your sincerity and
sincerity is the thing that means you are loyal to your Self the
loyalty to your Self is sincerity. Sincerity is my nature I dont
have to strive for it I cannot get out of it. Now if I am your
ideal you should try and imbibe my nature within yourself and
then you'll be amazed how you are connected with me then we all
move like one wave, one being, one personality (800505)
Our idea is that by God's Grace we are so many and if we want
we can transform the whole world we can bring peace, joy and
bliss to this world bliss and joy for this we have to have our
balance, our ascent and then the desire to fly into the whole
Universe. How to do it you can find out yourself it's not
difficult how can I do it face yourself find out about yourself
dont justify yourself dont be miserable you have to be joyous,
happy, balanced, well behaved, sober. Outwardly it will show,
whatever is inward all your dignity will express, if there is dignity.
So all these things can be built from inside out not from outside
in. So lets work it out that way then things will be very easy,
because now you have a state where you are separated from
yourself so that is the state of Nirvikalpa, where you are not
attached to anything you have no diseases you have no troubles
you are above everything you do not try to complicate things for
me you do not try to say things more than me you just take it a
hint is sufficient Mother said so, alright. But another bad habit
some people have is to say 'Mother said so, so this is so' use
your discretion, how can Mother say - if she has said something
there must be something in it we must understand (850310)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Transformation
We have to change very much we have to transform ourselves
into a new style of thinking. It is very very important are we
depending on Him or on our own old ways (791015); 'Changing' is
the sign of life. Like a little root has got a very little, small, tiny
cell at the end of it, which is very discrete, and it changes it's
course according to the way it can penetrate into the Mother
Earth. If there is a big boulder, it goes round and round and round
to create a bondage for it later on, for the tree to stand up. Then
it goes into all various areas in a proper manner, which ever way is
the best. And 'Sahaj', in the same way is a living process, and
whatever works out, has to be worked out in that manner. We have
to be prepared for everything in a very sweet and enjoyable
manner (880103); So we must change. If you don't want to
change you'd better leave that's the main point (810904)
- Jai Shri Mataji
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
-860707.1 Press conference, Vienna - see 860707 good
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
-791015 How Realisation develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
800127.2 Powers bestowed on SYogis, how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
810904.1 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor
810904.2 Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kale - see sub
- end - 28 Jul 2003
Tree of Awareness
Shri Krishna has said that the Tree of Awareness grows upside
down - that the roots are in the brain and the branches grow
downwards. Those who have gone towards materialism have grown
downwards, whilst those who have gone towards the Divine, have
grown upwards, towards the roots. The main tap-root is innocence,
is Shri Ganesha (850000.1)
Krishna is the brain Shiva is the heart and Brahmadeva is the
liver. Now what is the faculty of this brain is that the tree of
life, of evolution, grows downwards as they say and this tree is
growing downwards, of awareness, from the brain but if you have
to go to the roots, you have to ascend and that ascent you have
achieved now you have gone to the roots of your brain where all
your roots all your nerves are enlightened where your brain is
enlightened you are an enlightened person (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 20 Jun 2003
In India, medicine is based on the Trigunas, the three types of
people, with the three types of problems: the Tamo, Rajo and
Satwo Gunis, being of the left, right and centre respectively. Each
is treated accordingly, in order to bring them back to a balanced
state (840906)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870114.2 Dhumal's House, Rahuri - see 870111 good 20
-870114.1 Sankranti, Farewell - see 861221 (6 Puja Talks) Not good 15
- end - 28 May 2003
That which must be felt (verified - Ed) on your Central Nervous
System (840718); Which can only be revealed to Realised Souls,
because it would otherwise be too much to bear (890801); Truth is
what it is (890801); Is perceived in the brain. When the Kundalini
enlightens the brain, we start seeing the truth (830204); The
truth is that we are the Spirit (980321), and the Spirit is the
source of Truth - on your finger tips you will know. As Mohammed
has said, at the time of Resurrection, 'your hands will speak'
(980320); Truth is the first great quality of the angels - truth is
their life (890423); At the level of Sahastrara, you know the
truth all kinds of illusions, misunderstandings, self imposed
ignorance all disappear, because what you know is the truth.
Truth is not sharp, harsh, or difficult to assimilate, nor it creates
problems between human beings (980510)
Whenever people talked of truth, they used it for a wrong
purpose their own purpose. It's such a common thing with human
beings, that they want to have power over other men (980510);
Now the truth is that this Divine Power is compassion and is love
this is the truth. They say that God is love, God is truth. So the
equation has to be made, that Truth is Love, and Love is Truth
but it is not 'attached' love. It is not truth if you are attached to
somebody - then you never see the bad points of that person. If
you are angry with somebody, then you can never see the good
points of that person. It's a complete detached love, and that love
is extremely powerful because when you project that love to
anyone, you'll be surprised the problems of that person will be
solved his personality will improve everything will work out in a
big way, and his life will be changed. But if you are attached to
anything whatsoever, that attachment itself causes problems, and
doesn't allow Sahaj to grow (980510)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Truth
It is nice to tell the truth alright you must tell the truth
this was said long time back by one of our earliest writers he
said that the truth must be said and you must say something
that is very appealing, which is called as Priya. Then Shri Krishna
came, and people asked him, how do you combine this, because if
you say something that is truthful, we hurt others they may not
like it it may not be Priya. So Shri Krishna said 'Satyam Vade
(tell the truth), Hitam Vade (say something which is for the well-
being of your Spirit), Priyam Vade' (790618)
Many have found out the truth about themselves - that they are
not the body, not the mind or the emotions, not the ego or
conditionings, but, that you are the pure Spirit. When you become
the Spirit, your attention gets enlightened by the Spirit, and this
enlightened attention is so intelligent and as it is connected with
this All Pervading Power, you'll be amazed that whatever you put
your attention to, it just works how you are able to do so many
things which you would never do, and how your personality
becomes very sensible, wise and absolutely in balance. But first
you have to grow to that point - until you become that, you are not
yet empowered fully (980706)
Then some people who are not yet understanding the importance
of 'becoming', who do not know that they have to grow, become
again useless, good-for-nothing. If you people get your Realisation,
all the global problems can be solved, like the pollution problems
get settled down. The power of love can settle pollution problems
because it also acts on the 5 elements. It works in such a manner
that should in every way encourage you, help you work out your
programs, your ventures, your meetings anything that you want
to do. It's worked out in such a beautiful manner. You become the
master no doubt, but you don't have the arrogance or anger of a
master. We are part and parcel of the whole - it is all interwoven.
It is not mental it is what you experience all the time. You don't
have to worry it will all work out even in small small things
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Truth
Every word that the Mother says is the truth (790422); I am
your Mother I am going to tell you the truth I am not going to
tell you 'you go and smoke', and 'do whatever you like' - none of
these gurus ever say that 'you don't smoke' nor do they ever say
'you don't drink' at the most theyll tell you that 'you become
vegetarian' that's the best way of making you people weak
The stronger we are, the more that truth manifests through us.
Every word we say, that we do not say, every thought is known - so
we must purify ourselves, so we can bear the truth. The worst
thing would be that this Divine Love, the attention of God should
go away. Ultimately our own lives, our own faces will convince of
the truth, that the Divine is there (800629); In Sahaja Yoga the
truth is exposed gradually (831001); The truth is very simple it
is so very simple that you are the part and parcel of the whole
and you have to feel the whole that is what you are seeking
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800629 How prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill - see 800630 good 20
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
810511 Lord Jesus, Forgiveness, Caxton Hall not good
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
890423 Archangel Shri Hanumana - Margate good 45
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
980320 Felicitations, Delhi good 55
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
980706 Holland Park School, London 1998 good
- end - 27 Mar 2003
Tuberculosis is a disease of an over-heated left side. Although
the left side is the cool side, if it gets heated up, then diseases
like TB may result (800517.2); Left side diseases include
tuberculosis (800517.2)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
- end - 12 Jun 2003
Tulsi Leaf
(While saying the 108 names of the Guru - Ed) we say 'we
surrender everything to you' after that we have to put a Tulsi
leaf, and put the water on it so we put water to see that it goes
away even it's smell everything goes away everything all our
health all our wealth everything that we have we surrender
everything to you it's symbolic like that everything our
body our mind our speech our thoughts our thinking
everything we've surrendered all our work our jobs
responsibilities everything we have surrendered all our
estates our wealth our money everything we have
surrendered all our relations all our connections all our
friends all our Nations the whole world we've surrendered all
our education all our reading all our books all that we have
done so far, we have surrendered. I hope you have heard it, and
put it in your head again meditate on this point: we surrender
everything nothing belongs to us. Now the symbolism is like
this you must understand the symbol that it's just a leaf the
last thing left with us is this leaf. Of course Tulsi represents
left Vishuddhi, and also attachment. So now, when you have it in
the hand, it sticks it doesn't fall so you put water to see that
it goes away even it's smell everything goes away from the
hand it's significant of that (850629); Nothing is surrendered
to Mother, as such She doesn't take anything, nothing goes to
Her. Only we surrender ourselves by leaving all that is not
wanted is a beautifying process (830725)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830725 Guru Puja, Why in England, pt 4 - Lodge Hill good 50
850629 Guru Puja - Paris (Strong correcting tape) good
- end - 6 Oct 2002
Right sided women are vulnerable to uterus troubles they may
become barren they may not have children at all especially
women who are flirtatious type, and think they are very
beautiful and also if they are having a very active life they
can become completely barren (830209); The uterus is controlled
by the Swadisthan (821008)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 7 Oct 2002
Utistha Jhutha - Urtha
Once you have used your hands for eating, or spoon for eating
if it has touched your lips it is Jhutha whatever is like that is
not to be eaten once you have eaten something, or touched
something with your lips, it is finished, in India. In India, they
are very particular about this. In Marathi, it's called Urtha, and
in Sanskrit it's Utistha. So whatever is like that is not eaten
(840118); In India, nobody eats anything which is touched by
mouth it is something wrong (960716); We dont eat things
eaten by others we call it tushta Utistha is never eaten
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
850310.1 2 Public programmes, Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
- end - 7 Oct 2002
Value Systems
We have risen above our human awareness, and our priorities
must change, our value system has to change and if it has not
changed automatically, then we have to little bit deliberately work
it out or else we have to see that we become really the Spirit.
Human endeavour is based on gathering property. Whether it is
communism, or democracy, or socialism, or anything it is going
round and round the point of property which may be land, or
money, or anything. All economic activity surrounds that one
point of property. But as soon as you become a Realised Soul, you
must know that your properties and your priorities are very
different. Your property is your Spirit and your priorities are
where you can manifest your Spirit, or can feel the Spirit of
others (881226)
What is the 'value' of a thing the value is not money. If you
want to give something to others then the 'feeling' you have in
your heart is the value and that value is the real Lakshmi
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881226 Value systems, G'pule - see 881217 good 10
971102 Lakshmi & the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon good 55
- end - 21 Apr 2003
Is something stupid, and must be watched all the time it is
more apparent in the West, than in the East, because it's so
superficial a life there. Vanity is something like we show off
like in our behaviour, there is more chance in the West because
the whole structure is based superficially on the protocols of
how you eat your food how you keep your spoons, your knives
all these sophistications what kind of a napkin you had which
dinner sets whether it is cheapish or is elaborate or
sophisticated. It's not needed it gives a tremendous pressure
on the mind the artificiality of life gives you a tremendous
pressure (840118)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
840118 Spontaneous talk, Vaitarna not good 35
- end - 7 Oct 2002
Varicose Veins
The women the way they dress up I'm surprised this is the
best way to get sick. They wear such big heels this modern
generation in the West they are going to develop such terrible
diseases their legs will become swollen up not only varicose
veins such big heels they wear. God has created you with such
care what are you doing to yourself - little heels are alright
but to have heels of this height this is the best way to spoil all
your nerves and circulation (.0011); Varicose Veins may be
associated with wearing tight clothing (870503)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-870503.1 Sahastrara Puja, Australia - see 870503 good 45
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
- end - 7 Oct 2002
Vegetarian food is useful for correcting an imbalance in the
subtle system, where the person is too much on the right side of
the subtle system (830121); We should eat food according to our
needs. In general, in the West one should take more to
vegetarian foods (830131); Those who are right sided should
take to foods which are left sided i.e. carbohydrates, and should
become partly vegetarian, and should eat things at the most like
chickens, but not fishes or sea food, because they are all hot
(830121); Organs can be Active type, if we eat too much protein
type of food - in which case we should take more of vegetarian
foods (830131); Vegetarianism or non-vegetarianism, neither
goes against one's awareness - unlike drinking (830131)
Vegetarianism can go to extremes, to the point of caring for
bugs - what are we going to do with bugs? You are not going to
find God by vegetarianism. If you want to be vegetarian, it is o.k.
- but it is not the way to find God (790507); The Jains believe
in vegetarianism to such an extent that they do not want to
destroy the insects so they make a man to get inside a hut and
the bugs must come and bite him and take out his blood and
they pay him lot of money it's a fact even today they do
sometimes in the village they think it's the greatest punya the
greatest religious deed (771121)
Those who are strict vegetarians, who don't eat even garlic
and don't eat even onions, are very vulnerable to the left side
business and on top of that, if they go to a guru who is left
sided, they are even worse. One has to be a normal person, eating
the right proportions of proteins, carbohydrates and fat left
sided people have to be very very careful and not to just assert
themselves on that point (830209); Shri Mataji is not a
vegetarian nor was Shri Krishna nor was Shri Rama; Shri
Krishna could not be, because he had to kill so many people and
you should not be. By becoming vegetarian, you won't reach God
on the contrary you catch on left Nabhi (811006)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vegetarianism
None of these gurus ever say that 'you don't smoke' nor do
they ever say 'you don't drink' at the most theyll tell you that
'you become vegetarian' - that's the best way of making you
people weak (790200.1)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
790507 Sahaja Yoga Introduction good 60
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
- end - 7 Oct 2002
Vibrated Water
Water in which the Shri Ganesha Tattwa is enlightened, and
which when applied to for example the eyes or taken into the
stomach, it acts (890808); We can use vibrated water to improve
the attention, by drinking it so that it works on the void area
(781005); Water can be vibrated by Realised Souls, and when
taken in by someone, can then make that person dharmic. If taken
in repeatedly, then that person will not get cancer of the stomach.
'Curing Waters' are vibrated waters. Given to plants etc. will pro-
duce better crops (781005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
- end - 7 Oct 2002
The very first thing God created on this Earth was Shri
Ganesha, because he could emit Holiness. He exists as Chaitanya
in the atoms and molecules, as vibrations, symmetric and
asymmetric. These vibrations later on start expressing themselves
in the plant kingdom as 'life force', and you see how they are kept
under a bondage it's all under control. And then it is expressed
in the animals, where it binds them that's why they are called as
'Pashus', meaning 'under bondage'. But in human beings, it is
expressed as auspiciousness, and ultimately as Holiness (870114)
Is the feeling or pulsation of the Divine, All Pervading Power of
Love, of the Holy Ghost, within yourself, on the central nervous
system (830210; 830208); Chaitanya Lahari (790616); The flow of
Vibrations is greater at the Feet of the Adi Shakti (890527);
Feels as Cool flow; Cool flow increases for truth, or for that which
is Divine, or stops and even may become hot for that which is
untrue or against the Divine (870516); Is very temperate it's not
a thing that is freezingly cold if it is freezingly cold, that means
'left side'. Cool breeze is actually never 'very cold' it's not
freezing. It could be hot with some people it could be 'very
cool' because of their problems but if you are a normal person,
you feel a cooler sensation it is slightly less than your body
temperature it's not so very cooling as to freeze you - if it is
hot, there is something wrong with you (810524)
Can be seen like small commas (840702); Each particle of
vibration has a sparkle of light in it, and if there are many
vibrations, cameras can catch them (871016); They are tiny points,
going into a half circle, and may combine to form an 'Ohm',
'Cross', or even sometimes 'Chains' (871016); They are very basic
things, that can think very fast, and are very collective, and move
and think the same way, and work out in a silent way (871016); Are
nothing but the principle of Shri Ganesha; The Paramchaitanya is
nothing but Vibrations, but with everything within it (890808)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vibrations
The Chaitanya, contains emotional, physical, mental and evolu-
tionary elements, and when it flows through Sahaja Yogis, and is
applied to a faulty chakra, it causes it to return to normal
Every human being has got these vibrations within him, in the
Spirit but they are only manifested when he gets Realisation
(781002); Now these vibrations are there from the very beginning
of the matter up to the vibrations where you come up to the
human level. In the beginning they just look like electromagnetic
then they look like... more there is emotions in it. Then you go a
little higher and you find these vibrations act they also think
they report. All these vibrations are combined together absolutely
completely in human beings where they manifest gradually, and
they act according to the need of the time they think
cooperate cure relate things report the complete
telecommunications is built in these vibrations so you can cure
people you can raise their Kundalini you can work on people,
sitting down here all these things are possible (781002)
For example Leukaemia which is caused more by speedy
people can easily be cured because when you put your hand on
the spleen, if you are a Realised Soul, the energy flows and the
spleen settles down, because it gets new vitality it gets the
wisdom from these vibrations because this is the energy which
thinks, cooperates, organises, sorts out and when given to this
spleen, it becomes wiser it rests it becomes silent. Also if you
give the person the balance with your hands you can make the
person much more relaxed, much more silent that is how you can
cure (821008)
Now if you do something and if the vibrations are going down,
then of course you have to see 'I'm a Sahaja Yogi to me
vibrations are my ascent' this is the most important thing. For
that you have to know your goals, your destination you must
know on what path you are standing where you are brought
where are you today - you are not like other people. For that you
need pure intelligence (880710)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vibrations
Vibrations are what we feel and are the reflection of the light
of the Spirit, but the Spirit does not vibrate (860725); Vibrations
come as an indication from your Spirit - so the information that is
given is Absolute (860305); We should use our vibratory
awareness all the time - this we forget (800517.1); If you want it
to circulate and flow, then you must open another door of giving
Realisation to others. If you open one door, at Sahastrara it's
not sufficient you have to open another door otherwise it
doesn't flow (891203); To get your vibrations alright you must
wash your hands use water as much as you can wash your hands
10 times is very essential (800927); When the attention is
absolutely one with the Atman, with the Spirit, then there is a
manifestation of Vibrations you start getting the Cool Breeze in
your hands (781002); If you start to think, you will lose it
In people who are in the 'centre' the vibrations may start
flowing too much at any of the chakras when they may develop
may develop I am saying a kind of a suction or emission of
vibrations, depending on the quality of the person who is facing
them. This can be corrected easily, by giving a bandhan and in
case the vibrations are too much, by asking another Sahaja Yogi to
take out the vibrations from a particular chakra and giving them
to the atmosphere (830209)
To Me everything is nothing but Vibrations - all my movements
and everything is nothing but Vibrations (800609); I have only one
problem that you are within me, and when you have a problem, I
have a problem because these vibrations have to go to you so I
prepare vibrations here as an antidote and they have to flow.
It's a very subtle thing (800927); Sometimes the Deities emit too
much of vibrations in Pujas, I have seen but if you cannot bear it,
they don't enter into you - they trouble me but they won't enter
into you (930721); We must meditate also after Puja, because my
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vibrations
vibrations you do not suck in without meditation, I have seen. If
you have sincerity about it, really you will suck all my vibrations.
Tell your mind not to ask questions or to misbehave but to suck
the vibrations clearly. This is for your own nourishment for your
own growth for your own enjoyment (800505)
Reaction to vibrations should be a very humble receptive
reaction (830204); Something quite modest, for example like a
small monkey nut, but which has vibrations, should be valued much
more than a diamond of the same size (860921)
Now how will you know that these vibrations are telling you the
truth it's very simple if you understand the common sense of
'relativity' like bring two mad people, absolutely certified as
mad and two sane people now you put your hands towards the
people who are mad you will get horrible burning maybe in the
whole hand on the left hand side. You get maybe ten cases like
that. Now you ask the question 'is there God' and you start
getting Cool Breeze flowing into you or 'is this power All
Pervading' you start getting Cool Breeze flowing into you. That is
how you find out which is the truth (800721)
Sahajvidya - Vibrations
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-891203 Farewell talk, Shudy camps - see 891008 good 35
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860725 Soul & Spirit, Volterra (+ Mahalakshmi Med'ns) see 860725 poor 25
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-840313 Intro talk - 3 channels, Delhi - see 840313 good 35
-830210 Talks about America - see 830210 poor 40
-821008 We dont have to suffer, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
781002 Knots in the 3 channels, Caxton Hall poor 90
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
791203 When You meet Me - Caxton Hall good 35
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810524 Subconscious, Supraconscious, Chelsham Road not good 70
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
830208 India and West, Delhi [+ 30 mins Q&A] good 50
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
830210 Talks about America/Tales of Shivaji - Delhi
840313 Intro Talks - Delhi and Hampstead
840702 Hampstead Public Programme [sound quality very poor] poor 40
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
860725 Informal Talks - 1986/85 (various)
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
870516 Establishing Foundations, Auckland [+PP video set 5/2] good 20
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
890527 Essence of Self respect, Devi Puja - Istanbul, Turkey good 30
890808 Shri Ganesha Puja - Les Diablerets, France good 45
- end - 7 Oct 2002
The 'sick mind' that we get when we go on accepting, when
someone says there is something wrong with somebody, who in
fact may be quite normal, and we say yes it's true, and it goes
into our mind, and makes our mind a sick mind. It is extremely
dangerous, not to others, but to ourselves (980321)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
- end - 12 Jun 2003
The Macrocosmic Being (900818); The Primordial Vishuddhi
Chakra, and is manifested in the head at the front (810330); The
Primordial Being (830202); Who, with Adi Shakti also, creates the
Universal Awareness of Collectivity within us, and whose Shakti is
called Viratangana (900923); The Brain of Lord God Almighty
(890611); Is the totality (890611); Akbar, the brain in the
Macrocosm (890814.1); Incarnated as Shri Krishna (910001); God
Almighty, you can say the Virat, in which we are born cells in His
Being we are made the same way as the Virat is made. The great
Primordial Being is the Virat (790200.1)
Those who worship Shri Krishna become brainy people, but
without ego - egoless intelligence, or pure intelligence (890814.1);
Shri Ganesha becomes Maha Ganesha in the Virata, that is the
brain. That means that it is the 'seat' of Shri Ganesha, from
where he governs the principle of innocence. It is placed at the
back of the head, in the region of the optic thalamus, or optic
lobe, and is the giver of innocence to the eyes (850000.1)
The establishment of yoga is possible when you completely
surrender yourself to Shri Krishna means what means all your
balances will be established you go into complete balance and
that balance is complete because Vishnu who is the Incarnation
for sustaining the dharma who is responsible for giving you the
balance becomes complete in the form of Shri Krishna he is the
Collective Being he is the Virat because he is the integrated
form of all the dharmas and he is the Virat in our brain he
represents our brain. When this Virat in us is awakened fully we
automatically become dharma ourselves (860823)
So now you have become dharmatit means you have entered
into the Kingdom of God into the Virata's conditions and there
your condition is such, your state is such that you are dharma if
you try to do adharma, you suffer if you try to do wrong you
suffer I dont have to tell you to be righteous there's no need
I dont have to tell you to tell the truth or dont steal I dont
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Virata
have to tell you all these things. You will follow Christ or
Krishna automatically sahaj. You become the dharma of Virat
now what is the dharma of the Virat of Shri Krishna is
collectivity (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-890611 Dynamism and ascent, Connecticut - see 890611 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja - see 850000.1 good 10
-790200.1 Talk to westerners & about negativity - see 790200 poor 65
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks - India
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
890611 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Connecticut, USA
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja - Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Whatever your virtues are, enjoy those virtues. Virtues are
your ornaments, and are not like a noose around your neck.
Those who enjoy their virtues are great men, and don't feel
unhappy, but are proud of their virtues. If you are complaining
about your virtues, better to give them up (860921.2); Virtue
can give you health, wealth and prosperity which is glorified
and not which is degrading (800505)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800505 Sahastrara Day, Dollis Hill Good
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
- end - 29 Jun 2003
Deity of the Left Vishuddhi; Kali (daughter of Mahakali); Sister
of Shri Krishna daughter of Yeshoda, and killed by Khamsa; Was
also Draupadi, when Krishna was King of Dwarika (920000); Has a
pure sister/brother relationship with Shri Krishna, expressed in
the Raksha Bandhan festival; The lightning, which contains all 5
elements who warns (900811.1); The electricity (890814.1)
Vishnumaya is Gauri, the pure virgin, is the power of a sister in a
family, and is there to protect your chastity - the practice of
innocence is chastity. Chastity is the Vishnumaya power (850901);
Vishnumaya will see that husband and wife sit together (850901);
The power of Vishnumaya is the most powerful thing that a human
being can have, is the most auspicious thing - you become a holy
personality - and is one of the ways of getting God Realisation;
Vishnumaya is that part of the Unconscious that has told the Law-
Makers what is 'wrong' (850901)
On the left hand side of this Vishuddhi is Vishnumaya is the
sisterly relationship. When the sister, who is your pure relation, is
not treated as a sister when the attitude of a person towards
women is of indulgence and of lust, then we develop the left
Vishuddhi. When we develop the left Vishuddhi very strongly, and if
we have a bad Agnya, or if there are eyes which are roving, then
this left Vishuddhi causes a lot of trouble (860823)
The practice of innocence is chastity. It is the foundation of all
dharmas, and works in you as Gauri, as Kundalini, and gives you the
Mariadas. The sense of chastity is completely lacking in the West.
You must respect your chastity, which is the Vishnumaya power, the
Gauri power, the pure virgin, and it is protected by Shri
Vishnumaya. The essence of religious life, of righteous life, of
Sahaja Yoga life is chastity - without a sense of chastity, you
cannot have dharma; Moral chastity comes before material chastity.
But whether you do money cheating in Sahaja Yoga, or you cheat
morally, the result is the same - the left Vishuddhi catches the
whole problem will start from there (850901)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishnumaya
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
870516 Establishing Foundations, Auckland [+PP video set 5/2] good 20
900811.1 Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada [3 min music Intro] good 40
920000 Diwali Puja, Rumania
Narayana; The Father principle (830131); That aspect of God that
is responsible for our Evolution (910002) and our Ascent (830211);
Whose sister Parvati, is married to Shiva (850901); The Principle
that kills, and teaches by playing tricks (830211); Whose conveyance
is the Condor, who incarnated many times since way back, e.g. as
Dolphin, Tortoise, Quadruped, Short Man, Big Man (Pacedon), Shri
Ram (811005); Who has incarnated 10 times, and who incarnated in
his complete form as Shri Krishna, and becomes the Virat who
creates wisdom (900818)
Between the successive Incarnations of Shri Vishnu - at each of
which Incarnations, an evolutionary step was initiated is a Yuga or
Age a period of time thousands of years long, that recur in a
cyclic or spiral progression: the first or Golden age, the second or
Dwapara Yuga, Modern times (Kali Yuga) the low point, then Krita
Yuga leading to Satya Yuga and finally the Golden Age once more
Now Vishnu is there his power is there for you to rise up to the
Shiva Principle one is supplementary for another you cannot reach
Shiva without Vishnu and you cannot stick to Shiva's Principle, if
you have not understood Vishnu's Principle. Kundalini itself rises
through the Sushumna Nadi and she is the Principle, she is the
Tattwa of Shiva and she rises through the channel that is made by
Vishnu, out of the evolutionary process. So how can you do away with
one of them one is the road another is the destination (000206)
So I hope you understand how important it is that your centres
should be corrected your road should be alright that your
Sushumna should be cleared because we are Madyamargis we have
to go by the centre by the central path til you reach your
Talubhag where sits Sadashiva. When these two powers meet or
when you reach Shiva Principle through the Vishnu Principle, then you
realise that these two powers are so complimentary and so much
related to each other there's no difference in a way between the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishnu
two powers. So keep your road, the Madyamarga clean and let the
Kundalini pass through it. When the Kundalini will pass through it
you will be amazed that the same Kundalini is going through the
Vishnu path and reaching at the Lotus Feet of Shiva (000206)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
830211 Mahashivaratri Puja - Delhi good 50
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
900818 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich good 55
000206 Shri Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India good 15
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Vishuddhi Chakra
The fifth Chakra, which exists behind the base of the neck, having
16 petals, and manifests outwardly as the Cervical Plexus. It is
associated with the thyroid gland. This chakra is of the greatest
importance, and in terms of evolution, developed to the maximum,
when we raised our heads from the animal to the human stage, and
was the balance between our ego and superego, Ego and Superego
start from here.
Is represented by America, and Saturn (16 planets) and controls
the lymphatic system, ears, outside of the eyes, muscles of the eyes,
nose, neck, throat, tongue, face, cheeks, teeth, and gums and all
the mastoid muscles, Vishuddhi Chakra looks after so many things,
especially your skin, your eyes people who have bad Vishuddhi can
have all kinds of funny troubles with their skin of course it has to
do with your liver, but skin is the way it shines the way it glows
depends on how you smile how you look at the world. If the
Vishuddhi is good, then there is a bloom on the face, a glow, a sparkle
in the eyes, The centre which is absolutely Holy, where everything is
Vishuddhi has a very important role in Sahaja Yoga - it connects to
the Virata, and the Virata communicates through Vishuddhi, The
Vishuddhi looks after the cooling function - the liver gives heat,
whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi.
On left Vishuddhi, works our self confidence our faith in God that
he forgives us, Through the power of the left Vishuddhi, we can
become good speakers, and are able to expose those who are
wrongdoers, Left Vishuddhi should be ok, if we wish to say mantras,
On the left hand side is Vishnumaya is the sisterly relationship.
Other qualities on the Vishuddhi chakra include collective
communication, sweetness in talking, discretion, democracy, freedom,
noble ideas, responsibility and Collectivity.
Responsibility is a quality of the Vishuddhi. You have to take up the
responsibility those who do not, are not the people who are yet
matured every type of responsibility that you can take think of
what responsibilities you can take up. That's why most of us have bad
1 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Vishuddhi Chakra
Vishuddhis, because we do not take responsibility, This Vishuddhi
centre can also catch, if we feel 'too responsible', and can result in
tensions and headaches - the remedy is to witness, and realise that
everything is done by the Divine.
Your responsibility is to yourself, to be the Spirit your
responsibility is to Sahaja Yoga, is to understand Mother better, is
to understand this mechanism within you, how it works out
everything, to understand how to become the Guru yourself, how to
be a dignified and a glorified personality, to be a respectable person,
and not a cheap personality.
Responsible also means that others should be given a chance and
when you start leading a responsible Sahaja Yogi life thousands of
evolved Souls will hang around you you'll have a different light on
your face you will be amazed when you speak, you will be amazed
at how you are speaking how things are happening how things are
working out.
What is the knack, then of being a good Sahaja Yogi in one word,
that you can understand one small thing is to be responsible if
you are a responsible Sahaja Yogi you will find your own way
because if you are responsible then only God is going to give you
more. Give Realisation take responsibility of Sahaja Yoga now you
have to become responsible for it, in your own way. You have to do it,
because you are doing it for the greater good - the more you think of
the greater good it is doing the better it will be for you.
Anywhere when there are people sitting together in meditation,
Sahaja Yoga itself manifests because it is a collective phenomena.
There is a mathematics about it and Sahaja Yoga works out after
actually there are more than seven people. The best way to
strengthen yourself is to be together as Sahaja Yogis attend the
programs, when there is a collective Aarti or Puja or Meditation.
When you collect together something happens to you - if you sit at
home, and do something nothing works out much.
2 Sahajvidya Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Vishuddhi Chakra
Today is the day to make a big determination that you will start
enjoying your collective spirit everything for the collectivity then
the enjoyment will be maximum you will never feel that you have
sacrificed anything. But still you are more identified with your own
enjoyments and your own ideas of enjoyment you still do not enjoy
that collective spirit you still like in companionship in company
with each other you enjoy it more like people who are not in Sahaja
Yoga very low grade just want to take advantage and have a nice
time and all that that type of people are not going to make much
mark for us. You all must be connected to God individually so that
you are all connected among yourselves.
It is necessary to meet collectively every day to avoid problems
only in collectivity maturity starts - it is a living process. If we are
not collective, we will disappear one day. It is like a tree, where
everything belonging to that tree grows - if a leaf separates off, it
dies - we have to stick onto the tree. In winter, leaves fall, because a
little bark forms a barrier in between, and they fall off. The same
thing happens in Sahaja Yoga, when we do not accept the principles
of Sahaja Yoga - we put a barrier. So we have to open ourselves up to
suck the sap - give up the ego and superego, our conditionings, and
ideas of before and so we surrender. This does not help the tree,
but it helps you. Pure intelligence gives you that sense, to do this.
Then all the blessings start to come, We must come to the Collective,
otherwise there is the possibility of getting lost.
Now you have reached to the human level and to rise above the
human level, what you have to do is to seek your complete freedom
and for that Vishuddhi chakra is going to help you a lot. On this
Vishuddhi chakra we have to pay full attention it is such a
complicated chakra.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Problems with Vishuddhi
On the left side if you have been immoral, you get left Vishuddhi
is the basics then there is the sister relationship then the guilt,
Left Vishuddhi gives all kinds of social problems, Problems start when
we get confused about 'sisters' relationships, or the pure
relationships like those of our mother. Confusion with relationships
with other men, other women, or no understanding of men and women
relationships, lead to guilt, because we know it is wrong, On the left
hand side is Vishnumaya is the sisterly relationship. When the
sister, who is your pure relation, is not treated as a sister when the
attitude of a person towards women is of indulgence and of lust, then
we develop the left Vishuddhi. When we develop the left Vishuddhi
very strongly, and if we have a bad Agnya, or if there are eyes which
are roving, then this left Vishuddhi causes a lot of trouble.
Then we get problems from feeling guilty, like 'I should not have
said that' or 'I should not have gone there' For this we should say
'Mother I am not guilty', Also can be in problem, if we smoke,
Problems include sarcasm, shyness, timidity, problems of inferiority
complex, slyness, and people who never talk, are uncollective, fearful
and frightened, and always see negativity in others, Sometimes it may
be that a man is having a bad time with his sister.
Left Vishuddhi may be bad because we have never respected our
chastity, or we have crossed the Mariadas, the limits, or we have
neglected some kind of morality, or we have gone on a wrong path
against the Mother or the Father, or we have said 'No' to the
Mother, The ego reaction hides in left Vishuddhi, is like a kind of a
perverted ego, and will not accept that anyone can be better than me,
Slyness, when it goes down too much, it goes into a perverted sex life.
Left Vishuddhi is the indication of the mistakes, the wrongs, the
sins. Then we start giving explanations, instead of facing it and saying
'I was wrong, People who are with Mother go into left Vishuddhi very
fast, because they are lacking in protocol - as soon as you cross the
limits, left Vishuddhi is created. There should be awe, respect for
your Mother, which is guarded by left Vishuddhi. This is the hidden
power of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha's powers are all expressed through
left Vishuddhi.
1 1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Problems with Vishuddhi
Disturbing and moving about is nothing but the upheaval of the left
Vishuddhi. All this show-off, or disturbing, or trying to be
overpowering, or very forward person, or bumptiousness all these
come from left Vishuddhi, because you want to overcome your left
Vishuddhi so you do it - and then it is added to. The more you try to
overcome it, the more it is added to.
If you tell someone he is catching left Vishuddhi, he will become
even worse - what a vicious circle it is. So how to correct it, how to
break the vicious circle, is to face it tell yourself 'No! I have done
this today tomorrow I am going to do it No! Stop it now! Stop!'.
On centre Vishuddhi there could be problems when we talk
against God, or are against God or collectivity problems with
communication, collectivity, and inability to sing, Also may get into
problem, if we take the responsibility of the whole world upon our
heads. If we take responsibility of everything upon ourselves, then
we have problems on centre Vishuddhi, and can result in tensions and
headaches - the remedy is to witness, and realise that everything is
done by the Divine.
Most of us have bad Vishuddhis, because we do not take
responsibility, If this chakra is spoilt, we take to negativity more
easily, and want special things for ourselves.
On the right side it gives all kinds of political problems, Problems
when we talk too much, too loudly or use our words to intimidate
others, are aggressive, arrogant, or blunt and is counteracted by
Madhuria, sweetness and also by going into Mona, silence, Which may
catch when you say mantras given by False Gurus because of your
right side physical effort and which is unauthorised you have no
business to do it, Sneezing is nothing but the right Vishuddhi opening
out, Problems can include hoarseness or loss of voice. If you take the
name of God in vain, Vishuddhi catches.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya Problems with Vishuddhi
Many people have a habit of smiling for nothing at all especially
women I have seen some of them have such eyes that theyll go on
looking and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty eyes
onto others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes. So one
has to be careful to keep the eyes very pure the eyes of a
Yogeshwara who was Shri Krishna he had no lust in his eyes, he
was beyond that he had no lust in his eyes about these women that
he had.
Some people have a habit of showing anger with the eyes and the
angry eyes are another dangerous thing to do with your eyes
because they can become mesmeric. If you start putting your eyes
onto something and concentrating on it, your eyes might become
mesmeric it's a very very dangerous thing to go on looking at
something continuously with concentration.
Too much of nodding is not a good sign is very bad for the
Vishuddhi chakra. Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems
like Angina, Spondylitis sometimes people lose their voices
completely sometimes they have all the time coughing. Above all is
the centre of discrimination, which only comes when you are free
Some people think by their talks they can cheat you but actually
they are cheating themselves. All such people who cheat others by
sweet talks, by artificial talks or by some manoeuvring get
exposed and people know about them that these are the greatest
liars ever known.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Sahajvidya 25 Mar 2003
Correcting the Vishuddhi Chakra
To keep Vishuddhi ok, we can do the following eat the butter
take it on hot water, and if you drink it, so that it lines the epithelial
cells that soothes down all your sites Krishna is soothed by that.
Krishna is very fond of butter so we can take vibrated ghee or
butter, which is heated up and put it in the nose.
But before that we gargle with salt we clean the throats every
morning by gargling, Clear your throats and tongues is another
thing that is very much on left Vishuddhi and must be one of the
reasons that your left Vishuddhis are bad. Clear your tongues and
throat that is how you'll keep your Vishuddhis very clean.
There's another thing called Primrose oil, that you can get 2 or 3
drops of that, if you can take it in the water, that will also soothe
your Vishuddhi, So oil is the one that helps you in your ears, if you
can put some olive oil, heated up with one garlic piece in it that's
very good for the ears. So the oil is the one that keeps your
Vishuddhi alright.
Olive oil can be used for a massage on the Vishuddhi, as well as the
head and backbone. When you touch somebody with oil, you see, the
Krishna tattwa acts because Krishna is the one who represents the
Madhuria, the sweetness of your character. In little little things are
expressed Madhuria like in poetry or in relating some events -
Krishna's Leelas were all full of Madhuria it's like a sport it's like
a sport. The voice should be melodious, and the language should be
controlled the tongue is first of all for saying things which are
sweet and beautiful try to use language which is extremely sweet.
Protect the throat from cold conditions, and if we speak, speak of
Sahaja Yoga. From very childhood, you should take care of your
Vishuddhi by having something around your neck.
To correct the left Vishuddhi, put left hand towards the Mother or
the photo, and right hand on Mother Earth, give a bandhan to the
left Vishuddhi, and say in your heart: "Mother I am not guilty". But
these become rituals if you do not say it from your heart. Forget the
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Correcting the Vishuddhi Chakra
For right Vishuddhi basil can be taken in tea and can then be
followed by an Ajwain Dhuni treatment and is corrected by
Madhuria, sweetness, and also by going into Mona, silence, There is
also the mantra of Radha Krishna, or Vitthala and is for where
there are problems of ears, nose and throat or where you get bad
colds or where you get your attention diverted.
To clear out most of your problems about Vishuddhi you have to
put your fingers into your ears, and say 'Allah ho Akbar' 16 times is
for when there is the problem of saying aggressive words, of
sarcastic language, of all kinds of things that breaks the collectivity
for the problem where when you speak, you hurt others.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Vishuddhi Chakra - Aspect or Deity
Shri Krishna, the complete incarnation of the Virata, the
Primordial Being, with the witness quality controls this centre,
Shri Krishna resides in our Vishuddhi chakra in the centre he
resides as Shri Krishna and on the left hand side his power,
Vishnumaya, his sister resides there he resides as Gopala, as
the one who lived in Gokul and played as a child. On the right
hand side he resides as the king who ruled in Dwarika the king,
Shri Krishna. Radha Krishna the mantra for the Vishuddhi and
is for where there are problems of ears, nose and throat or
where you get bad colds or where you get your attention
diverted. Vitthala Rukmini is for right Vishuddhi.
Now the greatest freewill comes from Vishuddhi chakra and
thats why they call him Yogeshwara - he is the Ishwara of yoga. The
establishment of yoga is possible when you completely surrender
yourself to Shri Krishna means what means all your balances will
be established you go into complete balance and that balance is
complete because Vishnu who is the Incarnation for sustaining the
dharma who is responsible for giving you the balance becomes
complete in the form of Shri Krishna. He is the Collective Being he
is the Virat. When this Virat in us is awakened fully we
automatically become dharma ourselves now what is the dharma of
the Virat of Shri Krishna is collectivity.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 23 Mar 2003
Here works our self confidence our faith in God that he forgives
us (790722); The centre of self confidence (851128); Controlled by
the Deity of Shri Vishnumaya (850806); Through the power of the
left Vishuddhi, we can become good speakers, and are able to expose
those who are wrongdoers (890814.1); Left Vishuddhi should be ok, if
we wish to say mantras (830202); On the left hand side of the
Vishuddhi Shri Krishna's power, Vishnumaya, his sister resides
there he resides as Gopala, as the one who lived in Gokul and played
as a child (860823)
If you have been immoral, you get left Vishuddhi is the basics
then there is the sister relationship then the guilt that is built in
the Subconscious - if you become immoral, in the Subconscious the
guilt is built in. The guilt is a subconscious action, is what you call the
conditioning in the left. It could be from your previous lives also it
could be that you have said something very filthy which you do not
remember; Do not worry what guilt you have now forget it detach
yourself the one that has committed mistake is your ego, not you
you are pure you are the Spirit. So don't condemn yourself for
that and do not tax your minds we are not psychoanalysts at all
Left Vishuddhi gives all kinds of social problems (801116); Problems
start when we get confused about 'sisters' relationships, or the pure
relationships like those of our mother. Confusion with relationships
with other men, other women, or no understanding of men and women
relationships, lead to guilt, because we know it is wrong (810330);
Vishnumaya will see that husband and wife sit together (850901); On
the left hand side is Vishnumaya is the sisterly relationship. When
the sister, who is your pure relation, is not treated as a sister when
the attitude of a person towards women is of indulgence and of lust,
then we develop the left Vishuddhi. When we develop the left
Vishuddhi very strongly, and if we have a bad Agnya, or if there are
eyes which are roving, then this left Vishuddhi causes a lot of
trouble (860823)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi-Left
Then we get problems from feeling guilty, like 'I should not have
said that' or 'I should not have gone there' For this we should say
'Mother I am not guilty' (810330); Vishuddhi may catch when we
feel guilty, and prevent the Kundalini from rising above it, and which
may result in spondylitis or angina (900811.2); Also can be in problem,
if we smoke (811005); Problems include sarcasm (850806), shyness,
timidity (MME), problems of inferiority complex, slyness (890814.1),
and people who never talk (820711), are uncollective, fearful and
frightened, and always see negativity in others (830202); Sometimes
it may be that a man is having a bad time with his sister (790618)
Left Vishuddhi may be bad because we have never respected our
chastity, or we have crossed the Mariadas, the limits, or we have
neglected some kind of morality, or we have gone on a wrong path
against the Mother or the Father, or we have said 'No' to the
Mother (850901); The ego reaction hides in left Vishuddhi (830202);
Is like a kind of a perverted ego, and will not accept that anyone can
be better than me (850901); Slyness, when it goes down too much, it
goes into a perverted sex life (801116)
Left Vishuddhi is the indication of the mistakes, the wrongs, the
sins. Then we start giving explanations, instead of facing it and saying
'I was wrong, next time I am not going to do it' (850901); Once you
start giving explanations, then left Vishuddhi becomes bloated. Left
Vishuddhi people will always give explanations will always answer
back give sarcasm (850901); We cannot afford to have left
Vishuddhi; People who are with Mother go into left Vishuddhi very
fast, because they are lacking in protocol - as soon as you cross the
limits, left Vishuddhi is created. There should be awe, respect for
your Mother, which is guarded by left Vishuddhi. This is the hidden
power of Shri Ganesha. Ganesha's powers are all expressed through
left Vishuddhi (850901)
Disturbing and moving about is nothing but the upheaval of the left
Vishuddhi. All this show-off, or disturbing, or trying to be
overpowering, or very forward person, or bumptiousness all these
come from left Vishuddhi, because you want to overcome your left
Vishuddhi so you do it - and then it is added to. The more you try to
overcome it, the more it is added to (850901)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi-Left
If you tell someone he is catching left Vishuddhi, he will become
even worse - what a vicious circle it is. So how to correct it, how to
break the vicious circle, is to face it tell yourself 'No! I have done
this today tomorrow I am going to do it No! Stop it now! Stop!' -
give yourself shocks. If you have done something wrong, punish
yourself, for example by not doing something that you would like to
do normally (850901); So we have to correct the instrument. Now if
you think you are the electricity, you can correct it, but if you think
you are the instrument you can never correct it (800907)
To correct the left Vishuddhi, put left hand towards the Mother,
(or the photo), and right hand on Mother Earth, give a bandhan to
the left Vishuddhi, and say in your heart: "Mother I am not guilty".
But these become rituals if you do not say it from your heart
(860305; 850901). On left Vishuddhi point Mother says She fails it
is for us to do it. Forget the past - now you belong to a new family, a
Holy family - people who are saints are sitting here, and amongst
them you are (850901)
Also I find that in Europe, people do not clear their throats and
tongues which is another thing that is very much on left Vishuddhi
and that must be one of the reasons that your left Vishuddhis are
bad. And so, though it is not fashionable here in the west but it is
very important to put your two fingers in the mouth and rub and
clear your tongue in such a way that everything comes out in the
morning is important because that accumulates and then it rots
so this has to be done. Maybe you think that if you are doing this
you will make a noise and all that doesnt matter you have to clear
out your throat and that is how you'll keep your Vishuddhis very
clean (860504)
I have known of people who were caught up with Left Vishuddhi and
have become devilish by nature devilish they have gone out of
Sahaja Yoga they have criticised Sahaja Yoga they have tried to
trouble me a lot so dont think that if Vishuddhi is spoiled there's
nothing so special about it - it can be a very dangerous centre. Of
course Heart, Agnya and Vishuddhi these three centres one has to
guard against because three of them can allow you or can force
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi-Left
you to become one with identification of evil as your own you might
just feel it's nice to be evil you might just feel that it is a great
fun to be evil and you might become evil so at the Vishuddhi
chakra one has to be extremely careful (860823)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Wal den - see 890814 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Tal k, M il an - see 860504.2 not good 55
-860305 Wimbl edon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850901 Vishnumay a Puja, Wimbl edon - see 850901 good 50
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a tal k - informal onl y ] poor 50
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800907 How to know where y ou are - Chel sham R oad good 120
801116 New Age - Pl aw Hatch Seminar good 70
810330 Vishuddhi & Agny a, Sy dney Poor 170
811005 Beauty that y ou are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Del hi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Tal k/ part 1 - Chel sham R oad not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Tal k/ part 2 - Chel sham R oad not good 45
850901 Vishnumay a Puja/ Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbl edon/ Brompton Sq
851128 Wil l iam Bl ake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
860305 Wimbl edon address/ Brompton Square
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja tal k, Al pe M otta, M il an good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Tal k, M il an/ Del hi University address
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ R aksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/ Gita, Lac Noir
900811.2 Canadadesha 1 - Vancouver, Canada good 35
M M E = M eta M odern Era by Shri M ataji Nirmal a Devi
- end - 28 Jul 2003
The fifth Chakra (810829), which exists behind the base of the
neck, having 16 petals, and manifests outwardly as the Cervical
Plexus. It is associated with the thyroid gland. This chakra is of the
greatest importance, and in terms of evolution, developed to the
maximum, when we raised our heads from the animal to the human
stage, and was the balance between our ego and superego (810330);
Ego and Superego start from here (811004); Shri Krishna, the com-
plete incarnation of the Virata, the Primordial Being, with the witness
quality controls this centre (811005); Is represented by America, and
Saturn (16 planets); Controls the lymphatic system, ears, outside of
the eyes, nose, neck (811004; 810330), throat, face (820711) and
teeth (880710) and all the mastoid muscles, the tongue, the cheeks
and also the balls of the eyes (790722)
Vishuddhi has a very important role in Sahaja Yoga - it connects to
the Virata, and the Virata communicates through Vishuddhi
(830202); The Vishuddhi looks after the cooling function - the liver
gives heat, whilst the cooling is done by Vishuddhi. If the Vishuddhi
is good, then there is a bloom on the face, a glow, a sparkle in the
eyes. If you take the name of God in vain, Vishuddhi catches
(830202); The centre which is absolutely Holy, where everything is
absent (810330); At Vishuddhi, are the 16 vowels, the 16 bija man-
tras - also there are 16 sub-chakras, the 16 petals (830202)
Qualities include collective communication (MME), sweetness in
talking (830202); Also the qualities of discretion, democracy, free-
dom, noble ideas, responsibility (831001); That's why most of us have
bad Vishuddhis, because we do not take responsibility and we have
to be much, much, much, more responsible than ordinary government
servants are (830821); This centre can catch, if we feel 'too respon-
sible', and can result in tensions and headaches - the remedy is to
witness, and realise that everything is done by the Divine (890801);
If this chakra is spoilt, we take to negativity more easily, and want
special things for ourselves. If not spoiled, then the hands work
better (830202); When there is 'cold', you feel it on the right hand
is the physical, as I said. On the left hand, if it is then the person
feels guilty mostly he may be Catholic (790608.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi
To keep Vishuddhi OK, we can do the following eat the butter
take it on hot water, so that it lines the epithelial cells, and clean
throats every morning by gargling; Protect the throat from cold con-
ditions, and if we speak, speak of Sahaja Yoga (830202); Shri Krishna
is very fond of ghee or butter so when you rub my Feet with say
butter, your Vishuddhi will improve 'you' know that (800927)
One exercise for Vishuddhi is to put your head on the ground with
your feet on the bed, and to push the body more and more onto the
bed, and to let the weight rest on the Vishuddhi - from this position
you should see the Photo. If it is left Vishuddhi turn the face to the
right, if it is the right Vishuddhi, turn the face to the left whilst
watching the Photo (790422)
Shri Krishna resides in our Vishuddhi chakra in the centre he
resides as Shri Krishna and on the left hand side his power, Vishnu-
maya, his sister resides there he resides as Gopala, as the one who
lived in Gokul and played as a child. On the right hand side he resides
as the king who ruled in Dwarika the king, Shri Krishna. These are
the three sides of our Vishuddhi (860823)
Vishuddhi chakra has a speciality. When human beings raised their
heads upwards from Mother Earth towards the sky - the sky is
Ether is Shri Krishna's nature - then this Vishuddhi chakra devel-
oped into a different dimension and people started developing ego
and superego superego was already developed but the ego devel-
oped in such a way that it started suppressing the superego (860823)
Now you have reached to the human level and to rise above the
human level, what you have to do is to seek your complete freedom
and for that Vishuddhi chakra is going to help you a lot. On this
Vishuddhi chakra we have to pay full attention it is such a compli-
cated chakra it has all the 16 vowels of the devanagari script
emitting out of the sound of the shakti, the Kundalini, that is passing
through it so all the vowels are heard on this chakra. Without the
vowels in the devanagari, you cannot write anything vowels are the
sustainance are the power that supports every consonant so it's
important that our vowels have to be fully nourished and respected
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi
The movement of the neck as you have seen in all international
life if you see everybody has practically the same even those who
do not hear or do not understand your language you can nod like
this, say no like this and everybody understands that this is yes or
no. But too much of nodding is not a good sign you just have to say
'alright' or 'I understand' thats all you have to use your voice
instead of nodding like this all the time is very bad for the Vishud-
dhi chakra (860823)
Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems like Angina,
Spondylitis sometimes people lose their voices completely some-
times they have all the time coughing. Above all is the centre of
discrimination, which only comes when you are free people. Til you are
biased til you have your own concepts, you cannot be discrete and
thats the one point where one must understand that to achieve your
complete freedom, you have to get your Vishuddhi chakra cleared
out. First and foremost is you must speak in a sweet manner, not
artificially, but sweetly speak in a manner that another person likes
it Satyam Vade Priyam Vade speak the truth dont tell the lies
Some people think by their talks they can cheat you but actually
they are cheating themselves. All such people who cheat others by
sweet talks, by artificial talks or by some manoeuvring go to such a
horrible state in this Kali Yuga especially they are cursed, and
they get exposed and people know about them that these are the
greatest liars ever known. Now the times are coming when all such
people will be exposed very much more than they have ever been
exposed so be careful not to think that you can cheat in Sahaja
Yoga especially you cannot cheat. Those who try to cheat, sometimes
think that we can befool Mother we can somehow or other carry
on if you sit in front of Mother, she won't know what we are up to
it's not so I may not say I may use my discretion not to say I
may allow you to have a long way but be careful do not come into
my illusions I am very elusive. When I play my illusions, you will
suddenly find yourself in a very difficult situation and then you will
say 'Mother why am I in this situation' so this is one of the
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi
qualities of Shri Krishna, that he is the one who becomes elusive. In
his elusiveness he exposes people. There are so many stories of Shri
Krishna, in which he has elusively acted to give greater joy to some
people to give nice lessons to some people and sometimes to punish
Vishuddhi Chakra looks after so many things, especially your skin,
your eyes people who have bad Vishuddhi can have all kinds of funny
troubles with their skin of course it has to do with your liver, but
skin is the way it shines the way it glows depends on how you
smile how you look at the world. Many people have a habit of smiling
for nothing at all especially women I have seen they just smile
stupidly thats not proper one should not be stupid stupidity is
against Shri Krishna (860823)
Now eyes are very important and eyes in a way are very much
looked after by Vishuddhi because the muscles of the eyes are
looked after by Vishuddhi. You must have noticed that there are
some people who come to me their eyes go on like this those who
are keeping the eyes open all the time are having Supraconscious
bhoots and those who are flickering their eyes are having the Sub-
conscious bhoots (860823)
Some people have a habit of keeping the eyes in an angle all the
time they never see you straight they think sometimes it's fash-
ionable and some of them have such eyes that theyll go on looking
and pouring their greedy eyes onto others, or their lusty eyes onto
others this is the worst thing you can do to your eyes because
such people easily can become blind. Such people may have trouble of
the eyes specially reddening of the eyes can come to such people
very much (860823)
So one has to be careful to keep the eyes very pure the eyes of a
Yogeshwara who was Shri Krishna. He played with Radha - he mar-
ried 5 women who were the 5 elements - 16000 women he married
they were his 16000 powers but he was Yogeshwara he had no lust
in his eyes, in his mind about that at all he was beyond that he had
no lust in his eyes about these women that he had. Of course I dont
4 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi
expect you to be Shri Krishna but you have your wife those who do
not have wives, must look forward to a wife that we'll get a wife
and think of a wife who will be your own, so that your eyes will not
fall onto every woman (860823)
Some people have a habit of showing anger with the eyes and the
angry eyes are another dangerous thing to do with your eyes be-
cause they can become mesmeric. If you start putting your eyes onto
something and concentrating on it, your eyes might become mes-
meric means bhoots will start coming out of your eyes. First of all
you catch bhoots in your eyes they settle down there and then
they will be falling on other people as bhoots it's a very very dan-
gerous thing to go on looking at something continuously with
concentration (860823)
Now the greatest freewill comes from Vishuddhi chakra and
thats why they call him Yogeshwara - he is the Ishwara of yoga. The
establishment of yoga is possible when you completely surrender
yourself to Shri Krishna means what means all your balances will
be established you go into complete balance and that balance is
complete because Vishnu who is the Incarnation for sustaining the
dharma who is responsible for giving you the balance becomes
complete in the form of Shri Krishna. Thats why he said 'you leave
all the dharmas surrender all of them to me' so all the dharmas, if
you put at the Lotus Feet of Shri Krishna, means if you follow his
ideas, then all your dharmas are balanced. There are so many
dharmas pati dharma patni dharma rashtra dharma but he says
forget all the dharmas surrender them to me that is at Vishuddhi.
It means that it all gets sublimated it all gets complete because
he is the Collective Being he is the Virat because he is the inte-
grated form of all the dharmas and he is the Virat in our brain he
represents our brain. When this Virat in us is awakened fully we
automatically become dharma ourselves (860823)
So now you have become dharmatit means you have entered into
the Kingdom of God into the Virata's conditions and there your
condition is such, your state is such that you are dharma if you try
5 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi
to do adharma, you suffer if you try to do wrong you suffer I
dont have to tell you to be righteous there's no need I dont have
to tell you to tell the truth or dont steal I dont have to tell you
all these things. You will follow Christ or Krishna automatically
sahaj. You become the dharma of Virat now what is the dharma of
the Virat of Shri Krishna is collectivity (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880710.2 Discretion of Hamsa, second talk - see 880710 good 10
-880710.1 Discretion of Hamsa - see 880710 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
790422 Give up misidentifications, Dollis Hill, poor
790608.2 Maria's House Tape 2 poor
790722 Leeds at Jim's House poor 45
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811004 Becoming the Truth - Houston [+PP video set 5/3] good 30
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
880710 Discretion of Hamsa, Munich
890801 First Know Thy "Self", Porchester Hall [+25 min Q&A] Good 50
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 23 Mar 2003
Gives all kinds of political problems (801116); Problems when we
talk too much, too loudly or use our words to intimidate others
(890814.1), are aggressive (MME), arrogant, or blunt and is
counteracted by Madhuria, sweetness (811005) and also by going into
Mona, silence (890814.1); Which may catch when you say mantras
given by False Gurus because of your right side physical effort
and which is unauthorised you have no business to do it; Sneezing is
nothing but the right Vishuddhi opening out (790609.3); Problems can
include hoarseness or loss of voice (MME); Vitthala is associated with
this centre (811005)
For right Vishuddhi you can take basil in tea and then also have an
Ajwain Dhuni (850502); The mantra for right Vishuddhi is Om
Twamewa Sakshat Vitthala Rukmini Sakshat (791009.2); On the right
hand side Shri Krishna resides as the king who ruled in Dwarika the
king, Shri Krishna (860823)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890814.1 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden - see 890814 good 55
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
790609.3 Maria's House Tape 3 poor
791009.2 Maintaining the purity of Sahaja Yoga + working on new people good
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
811005 Beauty that you are - Houston good 70
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 23 Mar 2003
Vishuddhi's Powers
On Vishuddhi chakra, you have 16000 powers awakened in you
as you are today but when you speak, you dont understand that
when you are speaking, you are a Sahaja Yogi with all these
powers you are speaking when you eat, you dont understand that
this tongue belongs to a Sahaja Yogi you shouldnt hanker after
anything like if somebody likes tea, he'll go on taking 15 cups
thats no good or if he's fond of one sort of food, he won't take
another food. Thinking too much about food all the time asking
for food and organising food all the time that spoils your
Vishuddhi very badly (800127.2)
Then talking ill about anyone, complaining about anyone to me
will spoil your Vishuddhi - if there's some sense if I ask then is
alright but all the time talking ill about each other will spoil your
Vishuddhi. If possible try to talk good about others, always by
telling good about another person, you will help yourself and
another person. When you judge others you should know that you
are judged by God it is 'his' judgement which is going to decide
how far you are (800127.2)
There may be some in Sahaja Yoga today who think they are
great Sahaja Yogis, big people but maybe they are not and
those who do not think that they are anything great that they
want to increase and improve their shakti they may be the people
who are occupying very high places. So, under these
circumstances one should never boast and should not have
wrong, false estimation about oneself that is the way you can
preserve your powers much better, of your Vishuddhi (800127.2)
Also I have seen people start discussing me and in a very funny
way they do it I think the best way to deal with the problem is
not to speak about me if you have to speak, then know that it has
to be absolutely positive otherwise you are harming yourself
and you are harming others then you dont blame me for that
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi's Powers
So thats how your Vishuddhi Chakra's problems are increasing
and they go on increasing, especially when you try to confuse
yourself and quarrel with yourself and think that Sahaja Yoga
has gained by your coming then you catch on Vishuddhi. 'You'
have gained, not Sahaja - by accepting truth, 'you' are enhanced
'your' position has gone up not the position of the truth so this
idea, from you head must go, right away that you have any way
obliged Sahaja Yoga or that you have obliged God by coming to
him (800127.2)
So to keep your Vishuddhi alright is the easiest when you keep
yourself in a state of witness and that is possible if you develop
the habit, after Realisation that everything that you do is put into
Nirvichara, into thoughtless awareness. If you start that habit,
you will be amazed your witness state will improve and you will
rise in your being (800127.2)
It is very important to understand that without transformation
you have no meaning whatever you have been, has been useless
of no good whatever you are transformed, you are of some use.
So, whatever you have been, you do not be identified with that
but whatever you have to be, you try to be that and with this
power you have got, that 'whatever you want, you will be that'. But
some people are so funny that they say that I want to be a
donkey all such silly and foolish people are no good for Sahaja
Yoga (800127.2)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon S Yogis & how maintain them, Bordi good 30
- end - 22 Mar 2003
Vishuddhi Treatment
For right Vishuddhi basil can be taken in tea and can then be
followed by an Ajwain Dhuni treatment (850502); There is also the
mantra of Radha Krishna, or Vitthala and is for where there are
problems of ears, nose and throat or where you get bad colds or
where you get your attention diverted (850502)
To clear out most of your problems about Vishuddhi you have to
put your fingers into your ears, and say 'Allah ho Akbar' 16 times
put your head back. 'Allah ho Akbar' has two things in it first is
of course the Vishuddhi but then also the collectivity and is for
when there is the problem of saying aggressive words, of
sarcastic language, of all kinds of things that breaks the
collectivity for the problem where when you speak, you hurt
others (850502); To correct the right Vishuddhi first of all do
not talk stop talking absolutely just stop talking just dont
talk on any subject matter whatsoever take to Mona so the
strain will be less (0.0012)
The voice should be melodious, and the language should be
controlled. If we can control our tongue, 80% of collectivity we will
achieve. Tongue is first of all for saying things which are sweet
and beautiful let us find out what sweet things we are going to say
to people not expressing 'our' views, like 'I like it I like that' or
'I want that', but on the contrary 'do you like this' 'would you
enjoy this' so the language should be directed towards others
showing interest and concern (850502); Try to use language which
is extremely sweet (0.0011)
Another thing one should try is a physical treatment of your
throat is very simple is that you push back your tongue and put
your chin here and try to push back your tongue as much as
possible and hold your breath. Kundalini will move further. First
you have done 'Allah ho Akbar' so you have bent backwards. Now
by doing this you have allowed it to open the other way round
(850502); Lift your tongue and put it back as much as possible
turn it backwards without touching the palate let it feel the
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi Treatment
bliss of Divine on it's tip. Now put your chin down, touching your
(chest - Ed) dont close your eyes in complete surrender put the
chin but dont close your eyes pay attention to your Sahastrara
loosen your hands fully on the sides make them loose sit
straight do not touch the palate now breath in keep the tongue
where it is breath in now raise your stomach, without taking out
the breath upward pushing the air upwards towards the lungs
push your stomach in attention on Sahastrara you start seeing
light through your Sahastrara sort of, the Sahastrara becomes like
eyes. Now leave it leave it now; Now raise your (head - Ed) now put
back your head put the (index - Ed) fingers (in the ears - Ed) put
the attention to your Sahastrara thats all dont say anything no
mantras take your tongue push it back take in your breath push
the stomach thats good. This is physical we have worked out our
attention and on our Vishuddhi (850504)
The left Vishuddhi is still there now put your head more on the
right side loose (tilt the head not turn it - Ed) with attention on
Sahastrara looking at me. Put it loose hands to be loose loosen
it better you feel the Kundalini rising. Now let us put ourselves
into bandhan after raising our Kundalini (850504)
Another thing is that Krishna is very fond of butter. But in
'collectivity', the Krishna Principle plus the principle of Guru are
mixed so, when he becomes the Guru, then collectivity starts when
the principles of these two get integrated, then the collectivity
starts and as a result of that you get Discretion. So to improve the
discretion part we take vibrated ghee or butter, which is heated
up and put it in the nose. But before that we gargle with salt
which represents the Guru principle (850502)
Also you can take a little ghee or butter on top of a cup of hot
water and if you drink it, that soothes down all your sites Krishna
is soothed by that (850502); There's another thing called Primrose
oil, that you can get 2 or 3 drops of that, if you can take it in the
water, that will also soothe your Vishuddhi (850502); So oil is the
one that helps you in your ears, if you can put some olive oil, heated
up with one garlic piece in it that's very good for the ears. So the
oil is the one that keeps your Vishuddhi alright (850502)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Vishuddhi Treatment
Olive oil can be used for a massage on the Vishuddhi, as well as the
head and backbone. When you touch somebody with oil, you see, the
Krishna tattwa acts because Krishna is the one who represents the
Madhuria, the sweetness of your character. In little little things are
expressed Madhuria like in poetry or in relating some events -
Krishna's Leelas were all full of Madhuria it's like a sport it's like
a sport (850502)
From very childhood, you should take care of your Vishuddhi by
having something around your neck (0.0011)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
0.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
0.0012 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 2 good 50
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
850504 Y ou have to be in Nirvikal pa, Vienna good 50
- end - 28 Jul 2003
You must understand the complete vision of Sahaja Yoga it's a
very big thing that you are doing you are not small you are doing
a very great work, because it is the solution of all the humanity
this is the solution of all the problems, whether political, economic
or anything. Not only that, but the more people you have, you will
be surprised that I'll work out much better collectively I can
cure cancer if you are more if you are clear people but your
channels are so full of problems that nothing flows through you. If
you get yourselves cleared out, collectively I can stop cancer
spreading because if you spread more vibrations, what happens is
that the left and right side in the Virat becomes clearer, and the
attacks from the left and right side which creates cancer and all
these horrible diseases will be cancelled, because they will be less
But you do not understand your responsibility what you are
doing you are playing into the hands of satanics by not paying
attention to your cleaning by not paying attention to your
spiritual growth, you are not helping me at all because these
vibrations do not flow out - they have to flow through you you
are the channels. If you do not keep yourselves clean and humble
and meek about it, it doesn't work out. So the localised, limited
problems should be given up and see to the bigger problems that
you will be solving. I can stop the happening of cancer completely,
if I have 21000 Sahaja Yogis Leprosy I can control cancer
already I am controlling (800927)
Right side attacks are also lots of things wars all these wars
and all these things take place because they are invaded from the
right side all these aggressive people like Hitler and all that are
aggressing us. How much it is necessary for you to rise above your
lower self one should understand that, and not to indulge into
the nonsense that you are doing you have to work hard for that
even if you have to get up in the morning, you have to get up and
do it. You should understand your responsibility that's the main
point is (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Vision
People are now busy only doing their jobs working here
thinking how much money you get when do you go to your job
and all that that's not important for us. Now that doesn't mean
you give up your jobs and be a liability on the ashram it doesn't
mean that it means you do your jobs, have money money is
needed for this work you have to earn you have to give money.
Some are not even willing to give 10 such people with them
where am I going to do Sahaja Yoga - in a subtler way, for your
own betterment you have to give money. For solving this problem
you have to give me rice you put it in my sari (800927)
Before Puja you must take your bath in the morning don't talk
to anyone be in hushed condition you are in for opening out to
the great power which is going to solve the problems of the
world. So you wash yourself cleanse yourself so that you get
your chakras evolved; You should live like normal people but a
dignified people, nothing of indignity, of childishness, joker-like
or clownish. All these dresses should not be worn you should be
properly dressed in a way that you have 'presence' (800927)
You know such a lot, that even many Saints do not know but
there's one thing they know that I am that that's one thing
you do not know they know that. This is a big difference
because I am easily available to you, you do not understand for
them I am great. How these Saints have recognised your
recognition of me is poor. If it was not so you would not be
shouting in my presence, quarrelling in my presence you give me
headaches you tell me things which you should not tell me 'he
came there he did this' you should not talk like this to me
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Vision
It is a very big vision I have a very big vision, and that vision
can be done through you people. You do not think that you are
ordinary, otherwise I would never have chosen you but you have
no recognition of yourself also, as you have no recognition of me
you have to recognise yourselves and respect yourselves. Do not
respect material things - respect yourself first of all and the
matter within you (800927)
I see your image in the future also some of you are going to
be very very great and some of you are going to take it up it's
a project launched talk to others you must talk you must be
nice you must be open hearted no secretiveness (800927); Try
to become cheerful, blissful, happy, dignified, sensible sweet
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
- end - 17 Oct 2002
If proper care is taken in childhood, with adequate vitamins A
and D, with massaging with cod liver oil or olive oil, and with
proper sunning, then we would get colds less. The cold is a
disease (also hay fever) of London and England, due to less
resistance no immunity, because of lack of calcium within us. It
is a Vishuddhi problem (800517.2); Butter contains Vits A and D,
and is good for the Vishuddhi (850806; 830202) Vit. D is
especially important for producing strong bones (830202)
A little chillies is alright you can develop a little taste for
chillies it's alright. It cleanses you, and it has vitamin C also in
it, so it's quite good for colds and things. Normally people get
constipation if you don't take chillies Indians never suffer
from this disease, because they have always a little chillies in
their food. A little chillies is alright you can develop a little
taste for chillies it's alright (881207)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
830202 Vishuddhi Chakra - Delhi (+ Q&A: 5 mins) good 80
850806.1 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 1 - Chelsham Road not good 90
850806.2 Lambeth Ashram Talk/part 2 - Chelsham Road not good 45
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
- end - 7 Oct 2002
The Voice should be melodious, and the language should be
controlled. If we can control our tongue, 80% of collectivity we
will achieve. Tongue is first of all for saying things which are
sweet and beautiful let us find out what sweet things we are
going to say to people not expressing 'our' views, like 'I like it
I like that' or 'I want that', but on the contrary 'do you like
this' 'would you enjoy this' so the language should be directed
towards others showing interest and concern (850502)
A person, who is a Realised Soul becomes very soft, very
delicate when he talks to somebody, in his voice there is
warmth or I should say in your dealings with others you should
be like the water which is mobile which is cooling soothing
cleansing. So this also becomes a part and parcel of your being,
once you become a Realised Soul (981216)
Because of Vishuddhi there are so many problems like Angina,
Spondylitis sometimes people lose their voices completely
sometimes they have all the time coughing (860823); Problems of
Right Vishuddhi can include hoarseness or loss of voice (MME);
Too much of nodding is not a good sign you just have to say
'alright' or 'I understand' thats all you have to use your voice
instead of nodding like this all the time is very bad for the
Vishuddhi chakra (860823)
Sometimes our Mother shouts at us just once She shouts -
immediately all the bhoots run away (830113) we accept
correction, because we want our ascent (871016)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Voice
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871016 Mahakali Puja, Germany - see 871016 good 25
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
871016 Mahakali/Mahalakshmi Pujas- Germany/Belgium
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
The Void
Also called the Bhavasagara, or the Ocean of Illusion. The area
defined by the Swadisthan, around the Nabhi, but not connected
to any chakra; It is of the water element, and in the water is the
salt, the salt being the dharma within us; The void is the ocean
within us; The essence of the Bhavasagara or Void is Swaha. The
area around the Nabhi, enlightened by the ten principles of
mastery, the ten great Primordial Masters, who have been born
again and again on this earth. The 10 Incarnations of the Adi
Guru of Dattatreya Moses, Mohammed, Abraham, Guru Nanak,
Raja Janaka, Socrates, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Shirdi Sai Nath, and
Zarathustra, whose purpose was to teach balance, so that we can
ascend; All the Gurus, all the Prophets are in the Void, are in the
stomach, and which catches, when we have had the wrong type of a
guru; In which there is no rationality, only the hunger, the seeking.
There are ten dharmas 10 Valencies, Sustainances, Sutras, or
Principles, of human beings, whose purpose is to establish balance,
or dharma the Ten Commandments, in the Void area within us,
looked after by the ten Primordial Masters. Dharma gives you the
balance, the establishment into proper behaviour, into proper
understanding, into proper living, but it doesn't give you the
completion of your journey; It is our 'attitude towards others',
other people, their things, their wives, daughters etc. This is all
'related to others' is dharma is completely without rationality,
is simply to be accepted; In the West, we observe five of these
dharmas, and in India are observed the other five - so we each are
lacking some.
Whatever your virtues are, enjoy those virtues. Virtues are
your ornaments, and are not like a noose around your neck. Those
who enjoy their virtues are great men, and don't feel unhappy,
but are proud of their virtues. If you are complaining about your
virtues, better to give them up; Virtue can give you health,
wealth and prosperity which is glorified and not which is
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya - The Void
For Guru Pada you have to have, in Sahaja Yoga, complete
humility natural humility natural balance this is what Christ
has taught us; Is a state, not a status is a state that is
achieved. Now how do we achieve that. Firstly in meditation you
can become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this
increases, that we are without thought for that we have the
Nirvichara mantra. Then you start seeing that witnessing
without thinking. This first state is very important the witness
state, the Sakshi. As you become the witness, your gravity starts
expressing itself the whole thing will become extremely
dignified and majestic it will just manifest by itself and you
get a magnetic personality. With our gravity, what we do is touch
that depth within us which can carry the Divine Power the
most substantial thing in your lives is this Divine Power. You
never feel the weight of this Divine Power but if your channel is
not clean, then this Divine Power cannot flow properly it cannot
So what is needed for a guru is self esteem and to achieve
this we have to introspect and know that I am a Realised
Soul I have powers. So at that time, a kind of silence will come
within you and this silence will make you really powerful. When
you are in that silence you are in the silence of the Cosmos
and this silence of the Cosmos works for you so if you become
silent within yourself, then know that you are sitting in the
Kingdom of God. This silence is the sign that you are definitely
definitely you are in contact with the Divine the complete
totality of Reality this All Pervading Power. It is at your
disposal - wherever you go the connection is maintained it is at
your disposal. And a guru is so detached. And he's in complete
balance - nothing can disturb him nothing can dominate him no
more he is afraid a fearlessness comes into him and nothing
can tempt him.
2 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya The Void
Don't try to judge yourself but gradually rise, and appreciate
yourself and settle down on the position you have achieved. So
then, assume your powers when you start assuming, all baddhas
will run away and you will be surprised. The knowledge is so
subtle, and so great but with all this knowledge you bend down,
like the tree, which is laden with fruit, bends down. This
simplicity and humility gives you that special edge which can
pierce into any heart but believe that you are one with that
great power which is God Almighty.
Then praise the Lord because God is fond of praise if you
praise the Lord, then he gives you everything it's true. You
cannot get to Mother, unless and until you are really bhakti from
your heart but if you have bhakti, then you can get to Mother
it is written Bhakti Gamya. So your faith has to be absolutely
untarnishable. So when this faith in God is absolutely established
within you, that there is God Almighty that he's Almighty and
that 'I am the messenger of that God' just this understanding,
when it becomes absolutely formed in you, then you are in Guru
Pada. But we have to remember one thing that we must have
complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the powers of God
Almighty complete faith.
Our Guru is our Mother, the Supreme Guru the Adi Shakti is the
Source of all the Gurus; You are facing someone who has all the
Powers you know that; It is said that the guru is Paramchaitanya,
but it is the Paramchaitanya itself who is your guru; You have to
respect your Guru surrender to your Guru.
The 'Guru' means the thing which is higher or stronger than the
gravity of the Mother Earth. We have to rise above the gravitational
force of materialism, which is today's religion everywhere, whatever
they may call it.
3 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
Sahajvidya The Void
The Guru has gravity, weight of character, dignity, is caring of
others, and avoids anger, temper, cheap behaviour; The job of a guru
is to give balance to others if you have the Guru Principle within
you, you get into balance automatically; You have to be your own
Guru means that you have to be strict with 'yourself'; A Guru has
to be creative, creating new Sahaja Yogis out of ordinary people; A
guru has to be higher than others, humbler, kinder, sweeter, loving,
compassionate, joyous, cheerful - it should be evident on your face.
The word 'guru' comes from 'the one which is magnetic', 'the
person who is magnetic' the one which attracts the attention of the
seekers, is the guru. Also it means a person who is very steady, or
who is very deep, who has the knowledge, and can act like a Mother
Earth. This gravity has to be in a guru it means a kind of serious
understanding of oneself and one's own responsibilities so a guru
has to be very steady.
The Guru is the best, the highest that God has created; A good
Guru is that person who attracts you towards himself, but who is also
above the gravity of the Mother Earth, beyond these bodily
attractions or other attractions of a gross nature, which enslave you
and cannot give you freedom. Once you rise above the gravitational
force of materialism, then you could be called as the Guru. A Guru
'shines' before the disciples. When you have something dirty, it
doesn't shine you have to wash it, clean it and rub it nicely so that
it shines; The Guru has to suffer the most - that's how he can
command. He has to be the example of austerity, of detachment
that's how he is going to get the respect.
Problems with The Void
The Void can be spoilt by drugs and bad Gurus; If you bow
before any wrong guru you catch your Ekadesha Rudra.
Ekadesha Rudra is on your forehead and starts with the Void
when your ten dharmas are in trouble it starts with Void on
the 'left' side when you have been dominated in your Guru
Tattwa. In the Void the left side Guru Tattwa comes when
going to wrong gurus, and wrong things is the left side Guru
Sahajvidya Problems with The Void
Correcting the Void
Void can be cured by saying the mantra for the Adi Guru; To
neutralise a guru who has been a bad guru you have to surrender to
the Real Guru if your guru is a real guru then you surrender to the
Mother of your real guru because your real guru is also surrendered
to this - so all the gurus are to be surrendered at the Lotus Feet of
your Mother. Christ is a real guru he is. The Christ you know of is
to be also surrendered at the Lotus Feet of your Mother because
he is also my son Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha all of them are my
sons Adi Shakti created all of them She is the Mother of all the
Gurus of all the Prophets of all the Incarnations. She exists and
after her only Parabrahma is.
When you are dealing with 'left' side Guru Tattwa means, when
you have had other gurus you have to say 'I am my own guru' it
solves the problem. If you have 'right' side, you have to say 'Mother
you are my guru' for the time being - sometimes it can be quite
harmful, if I say 'all the time' you have to go on saying. So the 5 on
the right, and the 5 on the left can be solved. Now what is the 11th
one is the Spirit is the Atma for that you have to say 'I am the
Spirit' you have to become the Spirit.
Problems of the stomach area are helped by taking vibrated salt,
which absorbs all that is mobile. The five left side dharmas are
corrected by taking vibrated salt, and the five right side dharmas are
corrected by taking vibrated sugar; For left side problems take salt,
for right side take sugar; If someone drinks some water that has
been vibrated, that person becomes dharmic. When we are
enlightened, we automatically become dharmic
This diarrhoea is important sometimes to cleanse you out it's
important; It is alright because it is a parasympathetic activity it's
cleansing you see; With diarrhoea and also vomiting it's clearing
out that's good for you it's the drugs, and bad Gurus, and things,
that spoil your void, and when you come to Sahaja Yoga it comes out
in this way. Let it be, it's better; After Puja if it's happening, it's
very good it should happen after Puja; So be careful about your
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Sahajvidya 19 Apr 2003
The Void - Aspect or Deity
The Primordial Master the Adi Guru Dattatreya.. who never
declared himself to be the Incarnation of the Primordial Master,
which he was was born as the 10 main incarnations, of Moses,
Mohammed, Abraham, Guru Nanaka, Raja Janaka, Socrates,
Confucius, Lao-Tzu, Sai Nath (of Shirdi), and Zoroaster, and who all
said to lead a moral life and who came to establish balance and teach
the code of life, morality, in preparation for our ascent. Dattatreya
was a very tall personality whose wife was a very devoted woman,
and whose birthday is celebrated in December; Your Mother is a
Mahamaya, and She is the Mother of all the Adi Gurus, and She it
was who taught and created all the Adi Gurus.
Moses talked to those who were self-indulgent, degraded,
degenerated, and decadent people, and who then made the laws for
the Jews; From these laws, the Shariyat Laws were derived, and
which were taken over by the Muslims, and which should be for the
westerners; Who warned against drinking.
Mohammed who is the same as Guru Nanak; Born in the month of
November, and who died by poisoning spoke of Abraham, Moses,
Christ and about the Mother of Christ, with respect, and who
therefore did not speak of an exclusive religion of Islam; Who taught
the saying of 'Allah ho Akbar', with fingers in the ears, because the
fingers used are those that are linked to the Deity of Vishnu, and
because the Deity of Shri Krishna becomes Akbar; Who supported
the institution of marriage and who warned against drinking; Who
said, in the Koran, "At the time of resurrection, your hands will
speak" and who said 'I am the last prophet' - to frighten the
people, so that they would take to living a dharmic life; Who came
back as Nanaka, and who said 'Hindus and Muslims are the same
people, following the same religion - why are you fighting among
1 Sah ajvi dy a C o n t ' d. . .
The Void- Aspect or Deity
Guru Nanak Born in the month of November, at midnight, in the
Punjab; Who is the same as Mohammed; A Satguru who was a
married man; All the great Saints of India were married and had
children except for some people like Buddha, who died very early
he had to take a Sanyasa because of his work. Then we had Kabira,
Nanaka all of them were married people; Who had control over the
elements - when he put his hand on a rock, water started to come
out. Who lived in India, and talked of the 2nd birth and the need to
be born again; In Nanaka's time, Sikhism came in formed often
from the eldest sons of Hindu families and so started a warrior
class, which ended up by having wars between Hindus and Muslims; In
Sikhism, Guru Nanak warned against smoking, and drinking.
Raja Janaka the father of Sita; Who lived in Bihar, in India, and
talked of the 2nd birth and the need to be born again; At the time of
Raja Janaka, there was only one who got Realisation Nachiketa.
Raja Janaka was a king yet still he was so detached, that all the
Saints used to go and touch his feet. He had all the luxuries of life
he lived in a palace yet there were thousands of people in the
procession, who were throwing pearls on him. Nachiketa, thinking he
should get a pearl for himself, went to Raja Janaka, and asked for
Self Realisation but Raja Janaka said 'I can give you all my kingdom,
but not Self Realisation because you are possessed by the idea of
money such a person cannot get Self Realisation'.
Socrates lived about 500 years BC, and who talked openly, but
was not understood, and was eventually poisoned. Plato and Aristotle
were his disciples, but who went off their heads; Every word that
Socrates said is absolute truth.
Sai Nath of Shirdi the last Incarnation of the Primordial Master
or Guru, about 100 years back, who was a real prophet, and who
talked of Sahaja Yoga, and did a lot of work for Shri Mataji.
- Jai Shri Mataji -
The Void - Summary
Chakra: Void, Bhavasagara, Ocean of Illusion
Deity: Adi Guru Dattatreya: Moses, Mohammed, Abraham,
Guru Nanak, Raja Janaka, Socrates, Confucius,
Lao Tzu, Shirdi Sai Nath, Zarathustra
Physical: Stomach
Qualities: Hunger/Seeking, Balance, Righteousness, Dharma,
Virtue, Swaha, Proper Behaviour, Gravity, Dignity
Depth, Steadiness
Catch: Lying, Stealing, Killing, Fanaticism, Cabarets,
Adultery, Undignified Behaviour, Alcohol, Bad
Books, Denouncing Religions, Materialism
L. Wrong Gurus, Drugs
R. Feeling you are great Guru, Misuse of Money
Diseases: Ekadesha Rudra, Cancer, Destroying Diseases
Treatments: Vibrated Water
L. Vibrated Salt, Surrender to Real Guru,
R. Vibrated Sugar
Affirmations: L. I am my own guru
R. Mother, You are my Guru
Mantras: Adi Guru Dattatreya
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara,
Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmaye Shri Guruve
Colour: Green
Elements: Water
Position: Area around Nabhi, Circle around outside of palms
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Void
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy - see 890723 good 30
-860303 Brompton Square Address - see 860305 good 15
-830302 Public Lecture, Perth - see 830301 (+Q&A: 10 mins) good 35
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - se 820701(Video)
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 2 (What is a S Yogi) good 90
800727 Guru Puja, Hampstead (incl. Statutes of Sahaja Yoga) good 70
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
830302 False Gurus and Satgurus - Dalkeith (Q & A) good 160
840906 Talk at Gregoire's House - Vienna [German translation] good 65
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
890723 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy (2 talks)
The Mother Earth gets into volcanic condition, and volcanoes
start bursting out when we do all kinds of devilish things, like
black magic, or witchcraft, or start producing drugs to harm
people (860803); As a result of that, Mother Earth erupts, and
this eruption harms collectively, and sometimes some innocent
people are also killed in that. Sometimes her anger can be so
great, that pin-pointedly she can destroy thousands of miles of
earth, destroying many who have been extremely irreligious and
uncollective (860803)
The way children are tortured, butchered and abused it's
amazing that people are not afraid that a big volcano will come
in that case Mother Earth will destroy all human beings that are
behaving like this and she will take all such sweet children into
her lap, and she will reproduce them somewhere else (860803)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
860803 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England good 20
- end - 4 Jan 2003
It's nice to walk a little bit, in the evening time is a good idea.
Leisurely you can walk that will digest your food. Just sitting all
the time, one feels very funny. Walking is the best exercise for all
Sahaja Yogis you all should try to walk a little bit if possible
(880103); People want to go anywhere by motorcar, even if it's
about say 10 meters they don't want to walk - that's how our
health has gone down; If you don't walk - from car what do you
know what do you see nothing you cannot see the Nature; This
walking system is very much out of date now for people people
don't walk (971004)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880103 Patience and sweetness - G'pule - see 871213 good 15
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
971004.2 MUSIC - Evening Program, Cabella
- end - 17 Jun 2003
There is a war going on between the Divine, and the Satanic
Forces (known as Devils, Rakshasas, Asuras) who have come in the
garb of religion, as the false gurus, the so called God-men and
God-women, to demolish the Kingdom of God in the hearts of
human beings. And this at the time when we are about to achieve
our ultimate goal - to enter the Kingdom of God. These Satanic
forces have gone into the minds of the seekers. We cannot see
them, or understand just how dangerous they are. But we have to
fight them, and for this we must be courageous and cheerful, wise
and centred, without feelings of guilt - full of enthusiasm and
valour (800630); We are on a warpath. There is no time to waste
on holidays, family etc. - ask for wisdom (850408); We fight not
with a sword, but with a shield (860305); Today the war is within
ourselves, not without we are not realising how it is building up
within ourselves for example cancer is the physical war within
ourselves (800809)
Because of the atom bomb, which is very protective, nobody can
think of having a big war now. Even the cold war will gradually
stop, when they are fed up (830113); War does one good thing
sometimes that people get out of the materialistic attitude. Lots
of bad things are there but this one thing I have seen when the
war shakes a man he thinks 'what's the value of all these things
I've been fighting for'. But if you get Niraananda after that you
dont want to have any joy from material gains from material
things you just do not want (850502)
In a prediction from an astrologer Bhrigumuni, it is said that
there might be a third world war and it is linked with (a
country's - Ed) aggressive policies but that the great incarnation
who is also predicted, will interfere; There is a danger of a third
world war, and it is inevitable, but it may be avoided, if people
develop love for each other with this Mahayoga (820130)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - War
War is absolutely like madness even animals won't fight like
that you are even worse than animals when you think of war and
killing each other this should not be done, and it has to be
stopped completely. Nobody has right to kill anybody unless and
until he is attacked (000423)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860305 Wimbledon Address - see 860305 good 45
-850408 Easter Puja, Hounslow - see 850408 poor 40
-830113 Saraswati Puja, Dhulia - see 830113.1 (5 Pujas from India) good 25
-800630 What is happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall, see 800630 good 25
800630 What happening in other Locas/How.. prove existence of God
800809 What are we inside - B'ham good 30
820130 Predictions on Sahaja Yoga, Durga Puja, Sholapur good 25
830113.1 Pujas: Saraswati-Jesus-Ganesha - 5 Pujas in India
830113.2 L Mooladhara & Supraconscious, Dhulia (incl 30 min Med'n) good 60
850408 Easter Puja/Ganesha Puja, Children - Hounslow/B'ham
850502 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram good 60
860305 Wimbledon address/Brompton Square
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
- end - 1 Jun 2003
Water is used to cool and clear the right side subtle system
(830121); If we stand in the sea, and ask that all our problems be
taken away, then the whole thing will be sucked away (800609);
Water can feel the Divinity it gets exited, and starts pouring
out it's love in a bubbly manner (861225)
Then water Pani what is the subtle of water is I mean
which makes the skin the hard skin, soft the skin becomes
soft this is another sign of a Realised Soul. But then a person,
who is a Realised Soul becomes very soft, very delicate when he
talks to somebody, in his voice there is warmth or I should say
in your dealings with others you should be like the water
which is mobile which is cooling soothing cleansing. So this
also becomes a part and parcel of your being, once you become a
Realised Soul. Also the water which you touch which you drink
in which you put your hand that water becomes vibrated means
the subtlety of the water comes in it the coolness the curing
power also comes in that water (981216)
In India, don't drink any water anywhere, unless and until you
are sure about it. You should take it from the proper places if
you are thirsty, you can take aerated water (881207); Too much
tea, also is very dangerous, it's not good for you so limit your
tea taking. Because of this tea, your stomach goes out of order
you cannot sleep it's a wrong thing. So reduce your intake of
tea water should be increased more of water, less of tea
You must always use water, as much as possible for washing,
when you go for your morning ablutions water must be used
paper is a very dirty and unhygienic habit but even if you use
paper, you must use water after it it's very important that all
the time, the water should be used as much as possible for
Sahaja Yogis it is a very very important thing (860504); Use
water as much as you can wash your hands 10 times is very
essential to get your vibrations alright you must wash your
hands (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Water
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-881221 Hygiene - Sangli - see 881217 good 45
-881207 Mooladhara - Aurangabad - see 881207 good 30
-861225 Pawana Dam - see 861221 good 10
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-830121 How to proceed - Vaitarna - see 830104.1 - side B good 35
800609 Subtlety Within - Caxton Hall good 50
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
881207 Why do we come to India-Dec 88/1 - India
981216 India Tour '98 - tape 1 - The Elements Not good 20
981216 The Subtle Elements
- Jai Shri Mataji -
All your wealth and everything has no meaning unless and until
you show generosity for the people but it should be quiet, and
absolutely silent (830209); The wealth that you have, should be
seen in your temperament in your nature in your behaviour in
your living. Moreover, the person who has Lakshmi, has to be a
very humble person. The temperament should not be of a very
serious type but should be very mirthful and not to show off
by a big car and this and that; That doesn't mean that you should
become Sanyasis on the contrary, you should be very well
dignified personalities but there should be detachment. A person
who has Lakshmi, should dress up in a decent manner women, and
men (960716)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre, Bombay good 65
- end - 20 Apr 2003
Krishna has said 'Yoga Kshema Wahamya Hum' (790530) "First
you get your Yoga, then you get your well-being" (840708) - when
you get your yoga, when you are connected to God, then only I give
you your well-being. Your well-being is done through Yoga - that
means that unless and until you are a citizen of God's Kingdom, you
are not given these benedictions (790530) that you first get
your Yoga first get your Realisation and then I'll look after
your well-being he said it clearly. The Divine looks after you so
well, you can't imagine (821007)
In the West, people do not believe in Yoga, whilst in the East,
people do not believe in the Kshema (780619); Kshema or well-
being (830131); The Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity (MME), and
also of Health (960716) who is the Deity of well-being, who is
Motherly is Lakshmi (801027)
Hita is the well-being of the Spirit (810802) whatever is good
for the Spirit (840708), for the benevolence of the Spirit
(890814); Shri Krishna said 'Satyam Vade (tell the truth), Hitam
Vade (say something which is for the well-being of your Spirit),
Priyam Vade' (say something that is very appealing) (790618)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall, see 780619 good 40
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
790618 Jim Proctor's House, Leeds [not a talk - informal only] poor 50
801027 What happens after Realisation, Caxton hall good 60
830131 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi good 80
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
The modern curses in the West are worse (than the ones in
India - Ed) because they are not 'troublesome' at all on the
contrary they show as if you are on top of the world, as if you
are very successful, and your attitude is 'what's wrong'; The
industrial revolution has already cursed us we are eating food
from tins our milk is from hybrid animals we have divorce,
drugs then our job or our business is the most important for
us, and also things like putting colour in your hair, sitting in the
Sun burning your skin, behaving indecently, indecorously - that
seems to be the modern thing. What's wrong nothing is
wrong just you go to hell that's all just take 2 running jumps
and go to hell but leave Sahaja Yoga (880106)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Western Problems
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-880106 Swimming in the sky of joy - G'pule - see 871220 good 25
-860705 Pre Guru Puja talk, Gmunden - see 860706 good 25
-821219 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala - see 821219 good 35
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall - see 780619 good 40
.0011 Weekend seminar in Pune, Tape 1 good 180
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
791009.1 Maintaining purity of S Yoga/Where stand in Sahaja Yoga
821219 1. Mahakali Puja 2. Mahalakshmi Puja - Lonavala/Kolapur
900000 State of the Planet / Water Music good 30
910728 Guru Puja - Cabella good 60
980321 75th Birthday Puja, Delhi good 55
The wife is the Gruhalakshmi, the Goddess of the household,
the most important and the most powerful part of the family.
She is equal to but not similar to the husband, and if she starts
competing with the husband, then the family and the children
suffer. Her most important role is to produce the fruit of the
family, the children. She is the shakti, the power of the family,
the motherhood, and bears all and is to be respected, and is
also to be respectable. Without a healthy family basis, all society
will be destroyed (810328)
Of course you have your wife, which is your private thing
there should be something like 'private' in Sahaja Yoga and
that is the only thing that is private for you that you are
husband and wife the rest is all collective (860818); The place
of the wife, in the subtle system, is on the left hand side of the
stomach, in every human being (781005)
Some of the ladies are extremely dominating and stupid -
marriage is honeymoon, as they call it honey is the essence and
moon is the peace. Now if the women are quarrelsome, fighting,
sarcastic, it's absolutely a hell for man. Instead of this, she
should know how to please the husband in a way it's a trick
how to please others. What do we do to our husbands do we try
to please first of all, find out what he likes like my husband, I
would say he said you must wear bangles so all my life I have
worn bangles it pleases him what's the matter little, little
things you do just to please him then he also starts thinking
what should I do for my wife but first it must start from
woman, not from man, because women are responsible for the
society. First you must know how to keep the children pleased,
how to keep your husband pleased. It's not your job to dominate,
at all your job is to neutralise his domination, by simple simple
things (971004)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Wife
Man doesn't want a wife to be on the horse, and beating with a
whip why has he married - for the happiness, for the joy, for
the sweetness of a woman. It's a very important thing because
so many women are thinking they are something great some of
them have some money some of them have jobs but first thing
is to keep the society very happy and to keep your husband
happy is the first job if a woman cannot keep the husband
happy, she's no good for us this is her job this is why she is
married. You have to love you have to take your husband into
your heart first this is your duty (971004)
Now if your wife is dominating try to understand why she
does it what is her problem what's wrong with you that she is
dominating - if you introspect, you'll find that you give very little
time to her it is important that you should give some time, pay
some attention and get some things that she likes. Men should
try to know what a woman likes what she wants (971004)
Women should take an interest, and know what sort of colour
he will like, and this and that and also, public opinion is very
important for men. Men care for public opinion very much, and
you should see that you create a good public opinion in his
presence, so that he'll appreciate you all these are tricks you
see I tell you, men are very simple but you have to understand.
Sometimes they get angry doesn't matter if they are angry
with somebody else, they will come and put it on you - it's
better because if they do anything to others, they'll beat
them. If you understand few things about men, it can work out.
Of course some are very miserable husbands, I know and some
miserable wives for them we have divorce allowed in our Sahaja
Yoga we have divorce for them (971004)
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Wife
Now why I am telling you this because the collective
Gruhalakshmis are not alright like the Swiss women are very
good I agree, but very fond of cleanliness Swiss are mad after
cleanliness you can't talk to them for 5 minutes cleaning,
cleaning very difficult doesn't matter if the house is a little
untidy it's not important this is a subtle type of materialism I
think, that the guest is sitting there, and why are you doing all
these things in her presence but this, western women never
understand. Another thing is you go to somebody's house their
colour scheme is different but western women, as soon as they
enter immediately they will criticise, on the face - so you must
always consider the feelings of others if somebody is wearing a
dress, immediately they will pass a remark a very western idea
some Indian women also, though you will not find good Indian
women doing that immediately they say things which will hurt
this is not the way a woman should go on the contrary, always
praise what's the harm you'll enjoy your sweetness women
have to have a heart a very large heart (971004)
As a wife you are a part of society which you have to not only
create but also to preserve and to advance it's the duty of
women. They don't know what their duty is. Now their 'not duty'
is to work like secretaries or some sort of politicians. Their
main duty is to become a very active member of their society.
Marriage is a mission in life it's very sweet to be a wife, and a
mother (950625)
You should not nag your husband for anything. Supposing he
doesnt like something you shouldnt do it whatever he doesnt
like small things you know. Also you must understand how you
have to take to the 'style of life' of your husband. Women
should be entertaining they should not mind if somebody comes
to stay, or live with them on the contrary, they should be happy
they are able to look after someone who is a Sahaja Yogi. So for
Sahaja Yogis, you must keep always your heart open your house
open (931228)
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Wife
It is the responsibility of the women to make their marriage
happy depends on their intelligence, and on their dedication to
Sahaja Yoga it's their responsibility. And if you see in a wider
sense, the responsibility of making a good society is that of a
woman even if she has to suffer, she can like this Mother
Earth, she can suffer anything she never feels she suffers, she
is so great. You are the shaktis so as shaktis if you have to
suffer, you dont mind and what you have to feel is that we are
responsible for making our society a perfect society thats our
responsibility. All your greed all your ambitions everything
should be directed towards making a very very happy married life
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-860818 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
810328 Nabhi talk - Australia [some noises, + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
971004.1 Nature & Balance, evening before Navaratri, Cabella good
- end - 21 Mar 2003
William Blake
Now Blake the one who is the poet you have really I would
say after Shakespeare. I wonder if Shakespeare was one man, or
many people put together but Blake was the poet you had the
greatest of all I would say. There were so many others also
Wordsworth was another you can see those who talk of
charming things of pleasant things and beautiful things are the
poets not these garbage cleaners. What is wrong with us that we
cannot make out between the stink and the fragrance.
Auspiciousness is the way we emit our fragrance to others
I was happy to learn that the great poet of this country, Blake
had prophesised about me and it's so beautifully done that he
said that England is going to be the Jerusalem means that this is
going to be the pilgrimage the venue has shifted. He has said
that the furnace will be burning in Surrey Heath, where I came
first and then he mentioned Lambeth Vale, where we have got
our Ashram where the foundations will be laid - we have laid the
foundations - and that Jerusalem is going to be in England not in
India and you are the people responsible for this Jerusalem
(801019; 830128)
Only Blake, who was a Realised Soul, has cried of Jerusalem he
could see that vision he was that sensitive the way he has
described, talked of the glory of this country, of England
(800809); Who prophesied much about Sahaja Yoga (810330);
Whose words "become prophets and make others prophets", means
"to know and make others know" (840718); Poet, printer and
prophet, born in London in the month of November, and whose
paintings can be seen at the Tate Gallery in London. An incarnation
of Bhairavnath, and who was St Michael, St George, and also
Markendeya, 12000 years back (851128); A great Seer (820711);
There is a special category of people who are born in these
modern times they are a very special category those who are
'seekers' they are a special category, and Blake has called them
as 'men of God' (821007); The 'Men of God' spoken of by William
Blake are the Sahaja Yogis (821101)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - William Blake
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-801019 Fighting Asuras, Durga Temple, Hampstead, see 820514 good 15
800721 Auspiciousness - Caxton Hall good
801019.3 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
820711 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby good 90
821101 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London (C120) good 105
830128 Introduction to Sahaja Yoga - Delhi good 75
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
851128 William Blake, Hammersmith (C100) Not good
Will Power
With your 'Will' you can generate Sahaja Yoga to go further
(801116); Your 'Will' is very important in Sahaja Yoga. It does
not mean desire. 'Will' means 'desire put into action'. So you
desire then put it into action - you can do it. In Sahaja Yoga,
first you receive the light, and then you generate the light. You
are the light givers and it is going to work out through your will.
So how powerful our will should be how dedicated; It is left to
'our' Will, not the Mother's Will, to work it out (801116)
See how much we have willed that Sahaja Yoga should be
successful and to make it successful, what should we do first
we must understand the basics of Sahaja Yoga second do we
have the qualities by which we sustain those basics (801116)
Try to become the 'Will' of God, and not one's 'own' will - then
Joy will flow (811103) 'yes let my Spirit act'(830204)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
801116 New Age - Plaw Hatch Seminar good 70
811103 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Ct [Fr. translation] good 75
830204 Sahastrara, Delhi (+ Q&A: 10 mins) good 60
- end - 20 Mar 2003
In Hebrew language, 'wine' means the 'juice of the grapes' it
doesnt mean fermented - so Christ converted water into 'that'
wine. You cannot convert water instantaneously into wine wine
has to rot has to smell the more it smells, the better it is
but they think that Christ said 'you must drink' - he never said
that he converted it into 'wine', meaning the taste of the juice
of the grapes (971225); At the time of Christ, wine was never
fermented, or alcoholic, but was simply, as it still is today in
some places, unfermented grape juice (810328)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule - see 971225.2
-971225.1 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule - see 971225.1 good 30
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
920621 Kundalini Puja, Cabella good 55
951224 Christmas Puja - G'pule ("The 7 Awarenesses") good 75
971225.1 Christmas Puja, G'pule/Shakti Puja, Kalwe
971225.2 Christmas Puja, G'pule/New Year Puja, Kalwe - see sub
- end - 20 Mar 2003
Is one of the powers of Shri Ganesha - an innocent person is
the wisest person and a child wiser than an ego oriented person
(860907); Wisdom is higher than intellect (830512); Wisdom is
only possible if one understands the limitations of rationality - if
one is identified with rationality, then wisdom becomes dimmer
and dimmer (790416); In young age, you must try to gather
wisdom it's very important. If you do not gather wisdom in
young age, you can never have wisdom in old age (860818)
The first, and the highest blessing, of Shri Ganesha is Wisdom
- those people who have got wisdom are very lucky people a
person is wise who does not only know what is right and wrong,
but also he knows very well his own power not to do something
wrong he just does not do it (930721)
So now we have to be wise, and see what it is that is
destroying us what is destroying our inner being. For Sahaja
Yogis it is very important because if they can hold it with
their wisdom and firm faith in Sahaja Yoga after some time
the whole thing can subside and this is what has to happen
actually to the world. Otherwise they can be blown off also - if
they are not rightly placed if they are not grounded. If they
are not fixed to their own enlightened faith of Sahaja Yoga, they
can be blown off with this wind, which is there to torture the
whole world to destroy the whole world. So the responsibility
of Sahaja Yogis is very important that their Ganesha principle
is alright if it is not alright then the whole Sahaja Yoga
movement can collapse (930721)
Now we have a very good example of the little cell at the tip of
the root of a tree how it is so wise to avoid whatever is hard
and to take to whatever is soft and to invade the tree into the
soil it has that innate wisdom with which we also are endowed.
Now you people dont misunderstand me so much as you used to
but still you do things which should not be done. To understand
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Wisdom
that whatever I tell you is for your ascent, you need a kind of a
state of mind which is a detached mind. The detached mind is
visible very clear-cut in a person that he's neither very
emotionally attached and he's not very physically attached
but he sees that the progress of himself and of the society is
the point like the cell knows it has to progress for the
betterment of the tree but it has innate wisdom to do it in such
a way that it never harms itself and does not harm the tree. So
the progress of a mind which one should develop, has to be such
that you should move with a balance with a witness state and
see for yourself how far you should go and how far you should
not go. Going to extremes is not Sahaja Yoga style ascent is
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-930721 Source of Wisdom, Ganesha Puja, Berlin - see 930919.1 good 35
-860818 Raksha Bandhan - Hampstead - see 860823.1 good 20
-850310 Public programme, Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802(Video)
790416 Living work of God - Easter - Putney good 45
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead good 25
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
860907 Establishing Shri Ganesha Principle, San Diego good 55
- end - 20 Mar 2003
When working or when we are doing any action, we should
develop the witness state, and indulge into work in thoughtless
awareness, saying 'I am not doing it' (800517.2); Separate
yourself from yourself become the Spirit identify with the
Spirit and tell off the ego-self. Address yourself, your ego-
self, as though you are Mataji talking, and tell yourself off;
Know that your 'drop' (i.e. 'you') has fallen into the ocean, and
thus has become the ocean - but don't forget the first step
(i.e. the drop falling into the ocean) (800517.2); The witness
state is the state of Shri Krishna, of the Virata (800927); Also
that aspect of God Almighty, Sadashiva, who does not incarnate
When the aesthetics of matter starts giving you joy you do
not want to possess it even if you want to possess it, it would
be just to enjoy it and give it away to somebody else. When you
develop your witness state this will come to you, that you will
not keep things to yourself, but you would like to give and
share. Sharing that is the time you should know you have
become a witness, because you are enjoying (800927)
Witnessing is a state - if there is a problem or there's some
calamity, or something suddenly I find I am witnessing the
whole thing like a drama it's a state. But you can develop it,
if you can remember - I mean, at that time people don't
remember - but supposing you see some calamity coming to you
just try to witness the calamity (880921); So to keep your
Vishuddhi alright is the easiest when you keep yourself in a
state of witness and that is possible if you develop the habit,
after Realisation that everything that you do is put into
Nirvichara, into thoughtless awareness. If you start that habit,
you will be amazed your witness state will improve and you
will rise in your being (800127.2)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Witness
Your witness state has to improve witness state has to be
projected so much that this conditioning and ego of reaction
will finish off you will have no more reaction but you will just
witness and the knowledge that is 'real', comes always
always through witnessing. If you do not know how to witness,
then whatever knowledge you have, is nothing but through your
ego or through your conditionings it is not absolute
knowledge so to get to absolute knowledge about anything,
what you have to do is to reach the point of Absoluteness
where you are absolutely clean, pure, Nirmal. Now dont
condemn yourself if you have some defects there have to be
you are human beings but all these defects, with your power
of spirituality, you can overcome (010321)
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-800127.2 Deep Meditation - see 800127.1
800127.2 Powers bestowed upon SYogis how maintain them, Bordi good 30
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
800927 Lethargy - Chelsham Road good 75
810928 Shri Mataji in America, NY, day 5 [+PP video set 2/5,6,7] good 80
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
010321 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi good 50
Wobbly Eyes
Wobbly eyes the movement from ego to superego and back
again between the two (790616); You can find out in a second
whether you are on a conditioning side or not if the left side is
catching, then you are conditioned, and may suffer from pains etc.
If the right side is catching, then you are on an ego trip, and may
have health problems. Or you may be wobbly (800517.1); Attention
should be all the time inside. Like when walking on the road, people
have a habit of seeing this seeing that and like that the
attention gets frittered away. What you should do is to see about
3 or 4 feet at most from the ground, and not above because you
can see all the beautiful children, the flowers, everything there
is nothing very beautiful above that and also, if possible, to fix
your attention so the attention becomes concentrated, and you
feel very relaxed and relieved of too much of wobbling of your
eyes eyes are very important (880921); With right sided people,
the brain is so wobbly that you just can't bear any discomfort a
slight discomfort in the body makes you very very upset (.0011)
You should not pay attention to nonsensical things, but try to
put your attention while walking or anywhere, on the Mother
Earth. If there are thoughts coming, just you see that you stop
the thoughts and you can't afford to have wobbly eyes in Sahaja
Yoga that's very wrong. If that happens, try to put down your
eyes, because these eyes cannot allow your Kundalini to rise
(871224); We can steady the Agnya, by soothing the eyes - by
looking at the green grass, or by looking at the ground (instead of
always looking at every man or at every woman, which only leads to
wobbly eyes) (781218); Attention also works through the eyes
(781005); Entities are being exchanged in flirtations, and result in
wobbly eyes, and also are the cause of those 'attractions' that we
cannot explain or understand (781218)
We also can become confused and wobbly when we drink alcohol,
which is against our attention (810328); Our attention, our
awareness, is based in the stomach, in the void, and can be spoiled
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Wobbly Eyes
by drinking alcohol, reading bad books, following wrong or bad
Gurus, fanaticism, identification with one religion to the exclusion
of others, by materialism (781005)
The liver looks after your attention and those who have liver
problems, their attention is horrid when they walk they dont
walk straight but their eyes are going this way that way their
attention is wobbly because of a bad liver (820514); If there are
thoughts coming, just you see that you stop the thoughts and you
should not pay attention to nonsensical things. You have to have
innocent eyes, without any lust and greed (871224); People have
their attention here and there attracting people it is one of
the ways we allow our attention to fritter away this attention
has to be brought under control. When it happens, just point your
eyes down, keep your eyes down (871219); Ideally our attention is
to be kept on the Divine at all times, whatever our activity, just
like the boy flying his kite, or the lady carrying the pitcher of
water on her head (900923)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
-871219 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad - see 871219 Good 25
-820514 You must become the Spirit - see 820514 good 45
781005 Dharma [+ further 30 mins - Qual. not good] good 40
781218 Agnya, Caxton Hall (first 15 mins poor quality) not good 70
790616 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham not good 55
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
820514 You must become the Spirit/Puja on Fighting Asuras
871219 Complete your Realisation - India
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
Chakras affected: Agnya; Liver
- end - 7 Oct 2002
In a woman, the womb of a woman if it expresses the
Kundalini in the gross that means the Mother Earth is also like
the womb. Now what does the womb do it receives the sperm
which is just a frivolous act of man, or you can say, just his
aggression and she then nourishes it, looks after it, corrects
it and allows it to grow not in an aggressive way, but in a very
compassionate and a sensible way, til it is expelled out of the
womb when it is grown up (830821)
This is what today's Sahaja Yoga is that now the Mother
Earth is the one who is symbolised within you as the Mooladhara
is symbolised as the Adi Shakti here, sitting down before you
to nourish you to make you grow into new personalities into
mature personalities - this concept we must understand. So the
women of the West must understand that the nonsensical ideas
that they have taken from men, must be completely discarded
they have to become women first they have to be like this
Mother Earth who allows you to do what you like with her
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
- end - 7 Oct 2002
In America, women speak too much, whilst the husbands keep
quiet. Women should not speak; When they try to compete with
the men, they make the men 'homosexual'. Aggressive women do
not behave like women and make the men impotent (850528);
Why are you wanting to become like men - you are the powers
behind them (850901); So there is no competition between men
and women, but the style of work is different if you understand
that, then only this kind of revolution will take place and not a
rebellion. Actually women are rebelling against men a nonsense
it is (830821); And if women fight they are not women, you see
Man is the extrovert, whilst women are the introverts, and
they should enjoy their introversion; Women can bear anything,
and are much better off - so why compete with the men. The
most powerful thing is a married woman (850528); The woman is
very important - without her we cannot be here, and cannot be
Realised (800517.2); Where the women are respectable, and
respected, there reside the Deities (860921.2)
'Any' woman who is a Sahaja Yogini is your sister except for
your own wife. Unless and until we develop that pure feeling
within ourselves, you cannot work out Sahaja Yoga I know it's
rather difficult to digest but it's a fact (860818); Where
women are not respected calamities come in like Bangladesh
Pakistan Saudi Arabia Iran (950625); Women have to have
that sense of chastity within themselves, because they are the
powers. Women must look after their chastity (850901); When it
comes to war a woman can become like a Joan of Arc or in
the peace time she is the one who is the creator of peace she
is such a powerful thing (950625)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Women
If you are a woman, and if you are dominating, then it's a
difficult thing for Sahaja Yoga to cure you have lost your
quality of being a woman at least you have to be a woman to
begin with (830821); So the women of the West must understand
that the nonsensical ideas that they have taken from men, must
be completely discarded they have to become women first
(830821); The women have to be great large receptive
receiving and nourishing. It's absolutely wrong to 'tell' the
husband to do something 'do this' 'do that' then you'll lose
completely the power of giving that nourishment of a woman's
love which is the power of a woman. I think it's one of the
biggest problems of the West that men are neither men and
women are not women. So a woman must try to be a woman, and a
man must try to be a man (830821)
The women have another bad habit is to gossip about this
person criticise that person it is a very bad habit of women,
to gossip. I never pay heed to anyone who gossips and I dont
like a person who gossips cheaply, frivolously talking about
others (860504); Talking ill about anyone, complaining about
anyone to me will spoil your Vishuddhi - if there's some sense
if I ask then is alright but all the time talking ill about each
other will spoil your Vishuddhi. If possible try to talk good about
others, always - by telling good about another person, you will
help yourself and another person. When you judge others you
should know that you are judged by God it is 'His' judgement
which is going to decide how far you are (800127.2)
So what is most important is to just love and try to please
others if women can do that, they have achieved that
'womanhood'. All the time telling against somebody to your
husband all the time criticising somebody that's not the way
on the contrary, never tell or complain about anyone unless and
until that person harms you. Always tell something nice that's
the best way. For example somebody comes to tell me about
somebody 'Mother see he did this to me he did that' so I
tell him a lie that's allowed I tell him 'now I don't
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Women
understand how do you say these things about him he was just
praising you all the time for one hour he praised you'
finished really. That's how you can run the family that's how
you can run everyone around and Sahaja Yoga. The first thing
the women must know they have to be compassionate and
loving their main power is in compassion (950625)
You should not nag your husband for anything. Supposing he
doesnt like some things you shouldnt do it whatever he
doesnt like small things you know. Also you must understand
how you have to take to the style of life of your husband. Women
should be entertaining they should not mind if somebody comes
to stay, or live with them on the contrary, they should be happy
they are able to look after someone who is a Sahaja Yogi. So for
Sahaja Yogis, you must keep always your heart open your house
open. It is the responsibility of the women to make their
marriage happy depends on their intelligence, and on their
dedication to Sahaja Yoga it's their responsibility. And if you
see in a wider sense, the responsibility of making a good society
is that of a woman even if she has to suffer, she can like this
Mother Earth, she can suffer anything she never feels she
suffers, she is so great. You are the shaktis so as shaktis if you
have to suffer you dont mind and what you have to feel is that
we are responsible for making our society a perfect society
thats our responsibility. All your greed all your ambitions
everything should be directed towards making a very very happy
married life (931228)
Women have very little sweet things which they do, which make
men very happy but women have lost now that sense - not the
fighting, but thinking of what sweet things we can do for each
other. It's a kind of a very sweet relationship a sweet rapport
between each other thinking of what sweet things we can do
for each other the little little things you know. Even a small
thing like early in the morning you get up, you find another
person is sleeping on one side, his blanket is on another side, his
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Women
pillow on another so you just put his head on the pillow and
cover him with the blanket that's a mother's job not out of
fear, but out of sheer love. Like, even if it's cold, and buttons
are open, you can button up a person he'll like it little little
things you know. And also sometimes teasing, is alright
sometimes tickling, is alright a kind of a sweet rapport between
each other even the feeling that we can do this, is a master's
job it's a master's job. The one who is a 'master' can do it
those who are not, will not be able to they will again come back
to hurt ultimately they will end up with hurting, or fighting, or
coming to blows but those who are masters will be so
beautifully doing the whole job. It's a kind of a very sweet
relationship it's called Madhuria without any lust, without any
money business, anything just a sweet relationship and the joy
would be bubbling and all these perversions, all these things will
drop out (830821)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-931228 Talk to bridegrooms & Shri Gauri Puja, G'pule - see 931224 good 10
-860504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan - see 860504.2 not good 55
-850901 Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon - see 850901 good 50
-850528 Miracles (+ Facing Seeker's questions) see 860725 good 10
800517.2 Old Arlesford, Winchester - pt 2 (What is a Sahaja Yogi) good 90
830821 Mother Earth, Surbiton good 50
850528 Kundalini Power and Creation, Los Angeles good 45
850901 Vishnumaya Puja/Brompton Sq Puja, Wimbledon/Brompton Sq
860504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85
860504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address
860921.1 Mahalakshmi/Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium not good 45
860921.2 Role of Belgium and Holland, Mechelen good 65
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 21 Mar 2003
Working on New People
For new people, you have to raise the Kundalini, but don't leave
it half way raise the Kundalini so that it pierces the Sahastrara
then, the Kundalini will work it out. One of the reasons that new
people don't come back is that you have left it half done there is
no connection, still established; It is no good talking to them it is
not a question of conviction, but is a question of 'happening', of
'becoming' which is important. The simple thing is that we have to
make everyone 'feel' the All Pervading Power of God to begin with
- unless and until they have felt it, we are not to accept them as
Realised Souls - they have to feel it! (830512)
How to approach and explain to new people what has happened,
so they appreciate it's true significance: Give them Realisation
and confirm that they feel the cool in the hands (791202.2);
Ladies can attend to ladies (840622)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-830512 Hampstead - see 840802 (Video)
-791202.2 Guru Puja/2, Dollis Hill - see 791202.1 [incomplete] good 30
791202.2 Guru Puja Pts 3 & 4, Dollis Hill
830512 How to talk to new people, Hampstead [+PP video set 1/2] good 25
840622 South Bank Polytechnic, London good 40
- end - 18 Jun 2003
Worry never gives you any help on the contrary it exhausts
you. This worry is a myth (790720); God Himself is worried about
you He has sent everybody to help you so you don't have to
worry about your money and all other things they will be looked
after you all are being looked after you know that (800517.1)
If you are attached, you just get worries and problems your
life becomes miserable but if you are detached, then everything
works out very well. But when you are thinking we have to do
this we have to do that we have to achieve this and you start
worrying then two things can happen. One is that you will get
confused you will not achieve any results and you will go on
thinking thinking thinking. The second thing that will happen
that you will exhaust yourself completely. But if you are
detached then as Sahaja Yogis, you will be amazed how things
work out. After Self Realisation you should detach yourself by
getting into thoughtless awareness just detach (950625)
You should have faith in God that he's Almighty he does
everything he looks after everything why should we worry - this
is a very good way of life is not to worry. You have gone beyond
now beyond time beyond the three gunas beyond thought so
whatever you have been doing, through your thought waves, and
your mind you stop it. So one should be prepared to surrender
completely absolutely to the Will of God (950625); You should
not worry about anything whatsoever any worry comes in 'you
shut up' just say 'no' don't worry (950625)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
800517.1 Old Arlesford, Winchester, pt 1 (Preparation for Becoming) good 50
950625 Richmond Park talk, Richmond Not good 45
- end - 31 Mar 2003
Wrong Ideas
With an ego oriented person, another very big problem exists
that he asserts his ideas above everything else. So always such a
man because he's stupid and idiotic the idiotic ideas survive
Whatever is wrong is wrong, whether today, tomorrow,
yesterday or a thousand years back. Whatever is wrong for your
dharma, for your sustainance, is wrong; 'What's wrong with
this with that?' this question will be answered by Kalki only -
and then you will not have any time to repent, or to ask 'what's
wrong' (790928)
Now you people dont misunderstand me so much as you used to
but still you do things which should not be done. To understand
that whatever I tell you is for your ascent, you need a kind of a
state of mind which is a detached mind. So the progress of a mind
which one should develop, has to be such that you should move
with a balance with a witness state and see for yourself how
far you should go and how far you should not go. Going to
extremes is not Sahaja Yoga style ascent is (850310)
If the Sahaja Yogis try to do something wrong, then they know
they are doing wrong on their finger tips or we can ask them to
get out of Sahaja Yoga but that seems to be the worst
punishment for Sahaja Yogis they dont like why because they
feel 'we are separated from Reality' all the blessings of the
Reality are lost to them (000423)
In India, nobody thinks 'I am right' - nobody thinks like that.
Once you start thinking 'I am right, and that person is wrong, I
am doing alright, he's wrong' finished. The worst thing that can
happen to human beings is ego the worst thing. 'Possession' is
better at least you feel the pinch of it but ego you never feel
the pinch you never feel there is ego in you and you feel you are
the most correct person (800927)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Wrong Ideas
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-850310 Public programme - Masonic Hall, Sydney - see 850310.1 good 25
-790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti, Bombay - see 790928 good 45
790928 Kundalini/Kalki Shakti/How Realisation.. allowed to develop
790928.2 Kalki/Talk on all chakras [duplicate better quality not complete]
800927 Lethargy, Chelsham Road good 75
830209 Problems of Left, Right and Centre - Bombay good 65
850310.1 2 Public programmes - Sydney
850310.2 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney good 40
000423 Easter Puja, Istanbul, Turkey good 60
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Means 'in all those whom you have created - means mostly the
human beings - 'as what' do you exist, inside the human beings'.
Now just introspect if you have these qualities within you or not
because they are given to you by the Goddess by the Shakti
within you she has done so many things for us already within us
though we are not aware of it. Like Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu,
'Shanti' Rupena Samstitha it's very important that she exists,
within human beings as 'Peace' so this has to be achieved
through your ascent (971005)
Then the second one is Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, Priti Rupena
Samstitha. Priti is the quality of Loving that a human being has
been given but it's not there because human beings have
jealousy but, Sahaja Yogis should not. Out of this jealousy, only
greed comes and because you feel jealous you must compete.
Then Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, 'Kshama' Rupena Samstitha -
Kshama is what you call Forgiveness from the heart. Then for
relaxing she gives you sleep Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, 'Nidra'
Rupena Samstitha (971005)
The most interesting thing that the Mother has put in you is
Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, 'Bhranti' Rupena Samstitha she puts
you into Delusion, because sometimes the children cannot
understand, unless and until they face delusion so she allows you
to go wrong to a point where you discover you are lost this is
the Mahamaya part. Now, the delusions that we have we have the
delusion of ego in men that they are very powerful that they
can do as they like and are not going to be punished for it. For
women, too they behave in the same manner. This is a delusion
that the Mother has given into us, for us to find out that we are
in the wrong. Bhranti, the delusion, is beyond the mind (971005)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya - Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu
Then there is Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu, 'Lajja' Rupena
Samstitha. Lajja is not shyness it's a kind of shame, about your
body that especially for women. In India many sensible people
opposed a beauty competition there because it's like selling your
body, and making money. If you get money by selling your body
it's prostitution you are not supposed to sell your body but, you
should dress up well - so one has to have respect for the body
Today I have made it clear to you, what qualities already are
instilled within you they are there they are not dharmas but
qualities they are just within you. Only thing is you have turned
your attention to something opposite. Otherwise all these qualities
are already instilled within you (971005)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
- end - 25 Dec 2002
Who lived in Gokul, and whose child was taken and put in the jail,
in place of Shri Krishna who had been born there, so that Shri
Krishna could escape the Rakshasa, Khamsa. In this way, he would
be able to fulfil that which was foretold and kill the evil Khamsa
Also called Jesoda, and shortened to Yesu or Jesu, and from
where the name Jesus has come (811006); For a lady the name is
Jesoda, and for a man it is Jesu or Yesu (811006)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
810330 Vishuddhi & Agnya, Sydney Poor 170
811006 Krishna to Christ, Houston (A New Age has started) Not good 80
- end - 4 Jun 2003
Yoga Kshema Wahamya Hum
Translated this means: "First you get your Yoga, then you get
your well-being" (840708); Spoken by Shri Krishna (810328);
Krishna said 'Yoga Kshema Wahamya Hum' that you first get
your Yoga first get your Realisation and then I'll look after
your well-being he said it clearly. The Divine looks after you so
well, you can't imagine (821007); In the West, people do not
believe in Yoga, whilst in the East, people do not believe in the
Kshema (780619)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-821007 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford - see 821007(Video) Good
-780619.2 Working out session - see 780619 not good 0
-780619.1 Yoga Kshema, Western problems, Caxton Hall, see 780619 good 40
780619 Difference between East and West - Caxton Hall
810328 Nabhi talk, Australia [some noises + 15 mins Q&A] good 55
840708 To Know the Truth, Ilford [with 40mins Q&A] good 40
- end - 24 Apr 2003
The union of our attention with the Divine Power (790720),
with the Divine, as in the real Baptism, or Self Realisation
(820710); The union of our attention with the Feet of the
Divine Mother, who alone gives Moksha, or Self Realisation
(900923); Yoga also means Yukti, meaning 'trick' or 'technique
of', as 'the Yukti of yoga' (910001); First is Yoga means the
Unity, or as called in Sanskrit, Yukti of your attention, called
as Jiva and your Spirit, called as Shiva. These two must meet
unless and until they meet, you cannot reach your Absolute
(791009.1); Deftness (840718); Kaushalam (790720); Yoga is a
living process is sahaj (791111); Sahaja Yogis are definitely
connected with the Divine (960505)
All Yogas are really Sahaja otherwise whatever people call
something as yoga is not yoga because union takes place only
spontaneously only through Kundalini awakening - so yoga has
to be Sahaja Yoga (831001); All other Yogas are part and parcel
of Sahaja Yoga they cannot be separated. They have many
types of Yoga. For example, in Kriya Yoga they cut the thread
of the tongue so that they can push the tongue back, and by
tickling with the tip of the tongue they think they will achieve
the raising of the Kundalini but it's the other way round the
effect cannot reach the cause you have to go to the cause, to
come to the effect. Like if something goes wrong at the centre
from where the electricity is coming, then by tickling this here
you cannot cure that over there. When people saw these things
happening to human beings, they formed different types of
methods the different Yogas etc., All are wrong, and all are
right try to understand, it's very simple. After Realisation all
of them are right but before Realisation all of them are
wrong. It's like, before you start the car, if you turn the
wheel you only spoil the car - but once the car has started,
and you know how to drive, then everything is right (791111)
1 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Yoga
We must develop our powers by being silent within (790422); To
be quiet, itself is very great (871224); When you meditate, you
are in silence you are in thoughtless awareness then it is
that the growth of awareness takes place (880921); If there is
any problem anything suddenly you must become peaceful
within then immediately you will find, the solution will come to
you this is a subtle of the Lakshmi Principle (960716)
If there is something that upsets you, or makes you unhappy
try to reach that point, that axis which is just silence, within
you and this silence will make you really powerful because
this silence is not only yours when you are in that silence, you
are in the silence of the Cosmos and the silence of the Cosmos
works for you you are in connection with that Cosmic Power
but it's more than that it's the Divine Power which is working
all the Cosmos so if you become silent within yourself, know
that you are sitting in the Kingdom of God. This silence is the
sign that you are definitely, now, in contact with the Divine
you are silent because the Divine is going to look after
everything you don't have to do anything just keep silent -
but not forcefully it's again a state. So you see, if any turmoil
takes place, any problem takes place, suddenly your attention
will jump onto that silence (920719)
You are part and parcel of one single human being and that
is your Mother (871230.1); You should be 'one' with myself,
than with yourself in the sense that the self that is within
you, is me (881203)
The Kundalini when she comes up, and pierces your
fontanelle bone you can feel the baptism. When it pierces
and enters into the first strata of the Superconscious, the
2 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Yoga
first thing that happens is you become 'one' with the Collective
Being and you start feeling from your hands a cool breeze
flowing vibrations cool vibrations called by Shankaracharya
as Saundarya Lahari (771121)
We must learn to be 'one' if after your Realisation, if you
don't understand this message, that we all have to be one, one
single unit, one single body if we cannot 'be' if you are
identified with other things then there is no way that you
have grown that you have matured (980510)
When you are 'one' with the Divine Power, you just feel 'I
am not doing anything' just like the paintbrush in the hand of
the artist, which never thinks it is doing anything that it is
the artist who is doing everything - and who is the artist is
the Divine Power, which loves you, which cares for you, which
looks after you, which absolutely is identified with you. If you
are one with the Divine, it looks after you it has all the
powers. Only one power it does not have, is to control you if
you want to ruin yourself, it gives you freedom, complete
freedom that's why you must curb down that freedom, and
respect the Divine Power (980510)
Once you have got your Realisation and once you have
become 'one' with the Divine then there is no question of your
going down unless and until you yourself want to go down. It's
very remarkable how you get this and after that you dont lose
it of course, first you must grow and for that you have to
meditate but this meditation, once you do it the whole being
itself gets so enlightened, and so beautiful, that you dont want
to change it you want to be there and enjoy it for ever
Shiva and Shakti are 'one' just like the Sun and the
Sunlight - if there is no light in the Sun, the Sun is no good
3 Cont'd...
Sahajvidya Yoga
Tape References:
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-820710 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi & Void - see 820701(Video)
790720 Cardiff Public Program good 30
791009.1 Maintaining purity of SYoga/Where stand in SYoga
791111 Meaning of Yoga - Dollis Hill good 50
820710 Derby PP [PP video set 4/3,4] good 55
831001 Santa Cruz interview good 45
840718 Chiswick Town Hall [+33 mins Q&A + incomp. Experience] good 55
900923 Navaratri Puja - Geneva, Switzerland good 75
960505 We must feel responsible, Sahastrara, Cabella good 55
-960716 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow - see 960710 good 40
-871224 We are here for our ascent - Poona - see 871213 good 30
880921 Speech at Ammonk Ashram, New York good 35
920719 Guru Puja - Cabella good 65
-881203 Ascent - Vaitarna - see 881207 not good 15
-871230.1 Marriage - Kolapur - see 871219 good 45
771121 Tantrism, Caxton Hall poor 75
971005 The Main Qualities to imbibe, Navaratri, Cabella good 80
980510 Meditation is the only way, Sahastrara, Cabella good 60
000507 30 years of Sahaja Yoga, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Good
Shri Krishna, Shri Vishnu, the Ishwara of Yoga, absolutely
detached (910001); Yogeshwara who was Shri Krishna. He
played with Radha - he married 5 women who were the 5
elements - 16000 women he married they were his 16000
powers but he was Yogeshwara he had no lust in his eyes, in
his mind about that at all he was beyond that he had no lust in
his eyes about these women that he had (860823)
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-860823.3 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir - see 860823.1 good 45
-860823.2 Gita, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 30
-860823.1 Govinda, Lac Noir - see 860823.2 good 25
860823.1 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir/ Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
860823.2 Govinda/Gita, Lac Noir
- end - 22 Mar 2003
An 'Age', a great period of time between the successive
Incarnations of Shri Vishnu - at each of which Incarnations, an
evolutionary step was initiated; Periods of time, thousands of
years long, that recur in a cyclic or spiral progression: the first or
Golden age, the second or Dwapara Yuga, Modern times (Kali Yuga)
the low point, then Krita Yuga leading to Satya Yuga and finally
the Golden Age once more (MME)
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 12 Jun 2003
A religion in Japan, Sahaj (950320.2); Means meditation, and
was started by Vidhitama, the disciple of Lord Buddha who went
to Japan and started Zen, in which he found ways to make people
thoughtlessly aware (MME); There were very few Kashipas,
Realised Souls, in just 6 centuries (790530), yet we have so many
of them here; Sahaja Yoga is nothing else but Zen, simple Zen
- Jai Shri Mataji -
Tape References
Date/Ref - Title - Qual mins
-950320.2 Birthday Puja, Delhi (Talk 2) - see 950320 good 50
-791015 How Realisation should.. develop, Caxton Hall - see 790928 good 30
790530 A Higher Life - A World of Bliss and Joy - Caxton Hall good 55
MME = Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
- end - 1 Jun 2003