SSPC Pa-Guide 4 (2004)

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SSPC-PA Guide 4
November 1, 1982
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings


Guide to Maintenance Repainting with Oil Base or Alkyd Painting Systems

1. Scope 4. Surface Condition and Preparation

1.1 This Guide covers the steps necessary for the repainting 4.1 SURFACE CONDITION: The surface condition of the
of steel structures previously painted with oil base, alkyd, or previously painted steel substrate should be classied and re-
other conventional oleoresinous paint systems with the same painted in accordance with the applicable section of Table 1.
generic paint system as the existing one. It is recognized that in any maintenance painting project,
the structure or equipment to be repainted may have areas
1.2 When special paint systems such as zinc-rich, epoxy, where the condition of the old paint work varies. In these cases
or urethane are involved, spot tests may be necessary and each particular section of the area to be repainted should then
the instructions of the manufacturer should be followed. be recoated in accordance with the applicable section of Table 1.

1.3 The amount of maintenance cleaning and painting is 4.2 SURFACE PREPARATION: The SSPC SurfacePrepa-
determined by the need for corrosion protection and appearance ration Specications should be followed as in Table 1, or with
and should be described in the procurement documents. the mutual agreement of both owner and contractor, another
set of surface preparation criteria may be established.
2. Description
5. Paints
2.1 This Guide outlines the components of a complete
maintenance repainting system. A standard system consists of 5.1 PAINT SYSTEMS: The wash primer (if any), primer,
surface preparation and repainting according to the guidelines intermediate, and nish coat should be the same as those
presented in Table 1. specied in the original paint system. Alternatively, a paint
having the same generic type of vehicle as in the original
3. Referenced Standards painting may be used. Some other compatible paint system
may be used if mutually agreed upon between the owner and
3.1 SSPC AND JOINT STANDARDS : contractor.

PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance 5.2 COMPATIBILITYSPOT TEST: If the composition

Painting of Steel of the original paint system is unknown, a spot test should be
PA 2 Measurement of Dry Coating Thick- made to determine the compatibility of the new system with the
ness with Magnetic Gages old, and should include: assuring the adhesion of the present
PA Guide 3 A Guide to Safety in Paint Applica- system to the substrate; applying proposed painting system;
tion and observing for adhesion, lifting, bleeding, or other evidence
SP 1 Solvent Cleaning of incompatibility.
SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning
SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning 6. Paint Application
VIS 2 Standard Method of Evaluating
Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel
6.1 PAINT APPLICATION: Painting should be performed
in accordance with Table 1 and the requirements of SSPC-PA
1, "Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel."
6.2 TOUCH-UP PAINTING: After cleaning the previously
painted steel surfaces, those areas with bare steel exposed
D 610 Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted
should be spot primed in accordance with the "Field Painting"
Steel Surfaces
Section of SSPC-PA 1.
D 3359 Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test

SSPC-PA Guide 4
November 1, 1982
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004



NON-DETERIORATED 10-8 Solvent clean (SSPC-SP 1) entire repaint

(0 to 0.1% rust) area, and spot prime, if necessary. If required
Paint almost intact; some primer may to maintain lm thickness or continuity, spot
show, rust covers less than 0.1% of apply nish coat, then apply 1.5-2.0 mils
the surface. (36-51 micrometers) of nish coat over entire
repaint area.

SLIGHTLY TO MODERATELY 8-6 Spot clean (minimum SSPC-SP 2, hand

DETERIORATED: tool cleaning) entire repaint area, and spot
(0.1 to 1% rust) prime. If required to maintain minimum lm
Finished coat somewhat weathered; thickness or continuity, spot apply nish coat,
primer may show slight staining or then apply 1.5-2.0 mils (38-51 micrometers)
blistering; after stains are wiped off, less of nish coat over entire repaint area.
than 1% of area shows rust, blistering,
loose mill scale, or loose paint lm.

DETERIORATED: 6-4 Spot clean (minimum SSPC-SP 2, hand

(1 to 5% rust) cleaning) entire repaint area, feather edges
Paint thoroughly weathered, blistered, and spot prime. If required to maintain lm
or stained, up to 10% of surface is thickness or continuity, spot appIy nish coat,
covered with rust, rust blisters, hard then apply 1.5-2.0 mils (38-51 micrometers)
scale or loose paint lm, very little pit- of nsh coat over entire repaint area.
ting visible.

SEVERELY DETERIORATED 4-1 Spot clean (minimum SSPC-SP 6, com-

(10 to 50% rust) mercial blast cleaning) entire repaint area,
Large portion of surface is covered with feather edges and spot prime. If required
rust, pits, nodules, and non-adherent to maintain lm thickness or continuity, spot
paint. Pitting is visible. apply nish coat, then apply 1.5-2.0 mils
(38-51 micrometers) of nish coat over
entire repaint area.

TOTALLY DETERIORATED 1-0 Clean (minimum SSPC-SP 6, commercial

(over 50% rust) blast cleaning) entire repaint area and apply
primer, intermediate, and nish coats over
entire repaint area.

*See SSPC-VIS 2 for pictorial representation of rust classication. Area percents illustrated here are representative only.

SSPC-PA Guide 4
November 1, 1982
Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004


less than the following as measured in accordance with SSPC
PA 2, "Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic 8.1 INSPECTION AND REPAIR: It is most desirable to
Gages"the total dry lm thickness at any point should not be maintain paint systems by a scheduled inspection and repair
less than 5.5 mils (140 micrometers). This means that areas of procedure. In this manner, the life of the coating is prolonged
cleaned bare steel will require 1.5-2.0 mils (38-51 micrometers) through preventive maintenance which includes spot cleaning
of primer, 1.5-2.0 mils (38-51 micrometers) of intermediate and spot painting when necessary. Although it is impossible to
coat, and 1.5-2.0 mils (38-51 micrometers) of nish coat. set down specic rules that should govern the repainting inter-
vals or time, Table 1 is a summation of current good practice.
7. Disclaimer Since the deterioration of paint is not uniform over an entire
structure, the engineer in charge must use his own discretion
7.1 This guide is designed to describe, review, or analyze in the application of such standard practices.
new or improved technology and does not meet the denition
of a standard as dened by SSPC. A guide differs from a stan- 8.2 MAINTENANCE PAINTING: In maintenance painting
dard in that it is not suitable for referencing in aspecication it is not ordinarily intended that sound, adherent old paint be
or procurement document. removed unless it is excessively thick or brittle or is incompatible
with the new paint. It is essential, however, that the removal of
7.2 While every precaution is taken to ensure that all infor- deteriorated paint be carried back around the edges of the spot
mation furnished in SSPC guides is as accurate, complete, or area until an area of completely intact and adherent paint
and useful as possible, SSPC cannot assume responsibility lm, with no rust or blisters underneath, is attained. Testing
nor incur any obligation resulting from the use of any materials, should be in accordance with ASTM D 3359. Edges of tightly
coatings, or methods described herein, or of the guide itself. adhered paint remaining around the area to be recoated must
be feathered, so that the repainted surface will have a smooth
7.3 This guide does not attempt to address problems appearance.
concerning safety associated with its use. The user of this
guide, as well as the user of all products or practices described 8.3 PREFERRED REPAINTING PROCEDURE: The pre-
herein, is responsible for instituting appropriate health and safety ferred repainting procedure is to spot clean only the deteriorated
practices and for ensuring compliance with all governmental areas and apply a coat of rust inhibitive primer followed by an
regulations. intermediate coat to build those areas back to a satisfactory
level. Then apply an overall nish coat to the entire structure
or repainted area.


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