Sci - Weather

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Science: Our Weather, Patterns in the sky

Learning Area(s) Science & Art Year(s) 1,2


AC Science : Year 1
From Foundation to Year 2, students learn that observations can be organised to reveal
patterns, and that these patterns can be used to make predictions about phenomena. In
Year 1, students infer simple cause-and-effect relationships from their observations and
experiences, and begin to link events and phenomena with observable effects. They
observe changes that can be large or small and happen quickly or slowly. They explore
the properties of familiar objects and phenomena, identifying similarities and differences.
Students begin to value counting as a means of comparing observations, and are
introduced to ways of organising their observations.

AC Science : Year 2
From Foundation to Year 2, students learn that observations can be organised to reveal
patterns, and that these patterns can be used to make predictions about phenomena. In
Year 2, students describe the components of simple systems, such as stationary objects
subjected to pushes or pulls, or combinations of materials, and show how objects and
materials interact through direct manipulation. They observe patterns of growth and
change in living things, and describe patterns and make predictions. They explore the use
of resources from Earth and are introduced to the idea of the flow of matter when
considering how water is used. They use counting and informal measurements to make
and compare observations and begin to recognise that organising these observations in
tables makes it easier to show patterns.

Unit Focus

The focus of this unit is to look at the weather and discuss the different impacts
that this has on everyday life. Students will discuss, observe and record weather
in their own environment and explore in an attempt to understand how it
impacts people and places. Students will use a variety of science skill such as
discussing, illustrating, observing, predicting, testing, experimenting and posing
questions. This unit is integrated with both Art and Aboriginal topics to give
students a broad understanding of weather in their world.

Stage 1: Desired Results

Transfer of knowledge

Understand that weather affects daily life

Understand the ways that different weather impacts people and places

Understandings Key Inquiry Questions

We use different weather How can I describe what the

information and forecasts to predict weather is like each day?
the weather and to help make
decisions about the things that we
do. How can I use weather information
to predict the weather?
Different types of seasons and
weather conditions affect people
and places. How does different types of weather
affect myself and others?

Weather is the day to day conditions

of a place and is part of our What different types of clouds are
environment. there?

Knowledge Skills

The different weather seasons and Making predictions about the

how these affect what we wear and weather
Describing weather using words and
How to describe the weather using symbols
correct terminology
Observing and recording changes in
How to demonstrate the weather the sky
using weather symbols
Posing and responding to questions
How to make judgements on the about the weather
weather based on observations
Use illustrations to represent

Curriculum Goals

AC Science : Year 1 : ACSHE021 Nature and development of science: Science involves
asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events
AC Science : Year 1 : ACSSU019 Earth and space sciences: Observable changes occur in
the sky and landscape
AC Science : Year 2 : ACSHE034 Nature and development of science: Science involves
asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events
AC Science : Year 1 : ACSIS024 Questioning and predicting: Respond to and pose
questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events
AC Science : Year 1 : identify and collect data, information and evidence
AC Science : Year 1 : ACSIS027 Processing and analysing data and information: Use a
range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables
AC Science : Year 1 : pose questions and make predictions
AC Science : Year 1 : communicate scientific ideas, data, information and evidence, using
terminology, illustrations or representations
AC Science : Year 2 : ACSIS040 Processing and analysing data and information: Use a
range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables
AC Science : Year 2 : ACSIS214 Processing and analysing data and information: Through
discussion, compare observations with predictions
AC Science : Year 2 : identify and collect data, information and evidence
Other Goals:
ACARA General Capabilities
GC41 analyse information logically and make reasoned judgments
GC40 generate and develop ideas and possibilities
GC35 pose insightful and purposeful questions

Stage 2: Assessment evidence

Task Task description Criteria

1 Weather Journal Ability to pose questions about

Students will keep their own weather the weather
journal, which will include key
investigations, questions and Observe and collect information
observations about the weather.
about the weather
What is weather
Weather symbols
Interpret results from weather
Observing weather
Graph information
Cloud study

Make predictions

Stage 3: Lesson Sequence

Lesson Description

Lesson Weather words and introduction

1. Brainstorm: what do we know about weather?

2. Discuss science weather journal with students

3. First journal page: What I know about weather & What I

want to know about weather

4. Weather pictures: look at various pictures of different

environments. Students discuss the weather.

5. Weather word wall- as a class we will make a word wall

Lesson Weather symbols

1. Discussion- what is a symbol? Where did we see symbols?
What type of symbols is there?

2. Interactive: As a class make weather scenes


3. Discuss the pictures used- explain symbols

4. Students draw their own weather symbols- split page up

and draw different symbols

5. Interactive : Discuss symbols


6. Discuss our favourite weather

Lesson Watching the sky

1. Discuss: Why might we watch the weather? Why is it

2. Draw table as class- discuss weather today. Record the

weather for a week: writing and drawing the weather.
3. Weather exploration: Class to take pictures and make
predictions of the weather, walk around outside.
4. Discuss: words to describe the weather- cold, hot
5. Weather forecasts interactive- as a class
( - experience the weather)
6. Pose questions about the weather

Follow up- discuss weather and graph results

Lesson Weather Temperature

1. Discuss: What is temperature? What does it tell us?

2. Video: Watch a weather report video- discuss the words and


3. How do we read the temperature? Game:


4. Students will be making own thermometer and judging the

weather based on outside walk.

5. Discuss and share- create class thermometer display with

word wall.

Lesson Weather Seasons

1. Create chart in journal- looks like, feels like. Discuss this as a
2. Look at pictures on GeoGuessr- students to complete table in
small groups

3. Discuss the seasons- super simple songs about weather

4. Look at trees in the different seasons- note down colours and

what happens to the leaves

5. Discuss clothing and weather that is needed for different


6. Interactive: Seasons sequencer:


Lesson Clouds
1. Discuss: How do you describe what a cloud is?
2. What I think a cloud is made of- science journal
3. Watch Cloud video (see resource list)
4. Cloud experiment: Cloud in a jar: Teachers Pay teachers
Activity (See resources)
5. Write investigation and results up in science journal
Lesson Cloud Study
1. Discuss that there are different types of clouds

2. Ask students if they have noticed different ways that clouds

can form and what they look like

3. Look at the different types of clouds and draw them. We will

create an art piece for the 4 different types of clouds.

4. Cloud types interactive


5. Over the week we will observe, record and discuss the cloud

Integrated Art Lessons

Aborigin Aboriginal Story Maps
Symbols 1. Look at story maps- what do you think the symbols mean?
2. Aboriginal Seasons

3. Use symbols to make up stories as a class

4. Crayon Art: Students to create their own Aboriginal story map

Aborigin Aboriginal Seasons Art

Seasons 1. Aboriginal areas exploration:

2. Talk about our seasons. Look at Aboriginal seasons

3. Seasonal Art

Rainbow Rainbow & Colour focus

& Art Colour chart & Wheel

Warm/cool colours

Rainbow art pieces

Rainbow craft

Puddle art

Weather themed pieces

The Arts Curriculum Connections

Visual Arts F-2
AC Visual Arts : F-2 : ACAVAM106 : Explore experiences, observations and imagination
to create visual artworks and design, including considering ideas in artworks by Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander artists.

AC Visual Arts : F-2 : ACAVAM107: Use and experiment with different materials,
techniques, technologies and processes to make artworks.

AC Visual Arts : F-2 : ACAVAM108 : Create and display artworks to communicate ideas
to an audience.

Websites/ Resources

Resource Website

Connections world-2012/resources/weather_in_my_world_comp.pdf
Weather in our

TES iBoard Weather

Resources Reporter-75

Whiteboard stage-1-weather.html

Weather symbols


Weather activities

and experiments Activities-experiments-crafts-writing-and-more-729684

Super Simple

songs: Hows the
weather today

Primary weather

teaching resources storyCode=6069073&s_cid=RESads_weather
Global Education
Weather and where and-where-we-live-f-2.html
we live

Science Weather

Seasons videos

ABC splash

weather video rain
is coming

Seasons Activities


Different types of

weather pitation.shtml

Cloud Video

Clouds explained

Cloud Interactive

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