Collage Art Activity Rubric
Collage Art Activity Rubric
Collage Art Activity Rubric
Few (1 to 3) spelling, Information supports the solution Format is appropriate for the
Has application of critical thinking grammatical, or punctuation to the challenge or question content
that is apparent errors Presentation captures audience
3 Has clear goal that is related to Good use of vocabulary and attention
the topic word choice Presentation is organized with 1 -2
Is accurate Made 1 2 mistakes of labeling mistakes
some parts
Has no clear goal Minimal (3 to 5) spelling, Project has a focus but might stray Format does not suit the content
Has some factual errors or grammatical, or punctuation from it at times Presentation does not capture
inconsistencies errors Information loosely supports the audience attention
2 Low-level use of vocabulary solution Presentation is loosely organized
and word choice
Labeled more than 3 4 parts
Has no apparent application of More than 5 spelling, Content is unfocused Presentation appears sloppy and/or
critical thinking grammatical, or punctuation Information does not support the unfinished
Has no clear goal errors solution to the challenge or Format does not enhance content
Has significant factual errors, Poor use of vocabulary and question Presentation has no clear
misconceptions, or word choice Information has no apparent organization
misinterpretations Did not label the parts of plant pattern
correctly, or did not label them
at all