PEACE Paper 2015 UPHT Rev Final
PEACE Paper 2015 UPHT Rev Final
PEACE Paper 2015 UPHT Rev Final
AFTA, begin in 2015, there is only single market and production base
within five elements, which are: free flowing goods, free service, free
investment, free capital and free competent workers. One of the infrastructure
that affects economic growth is electrical energy infrastructures, especially
power plant. In order to answer PLN mandate and succeed 35 GW power
plant, PJB should be prepared. In 2015 work meeting, BOD (Board of Director)
has been socialize PJBs strategies to seize the opportunity in 35 GW power
SWOT analysis of the UPHT in order to deal with AFTA already done.
There are 8 recommended programe based on MiniMax SWOT Matrix. Six
programs are on progress: Participation in HAPUA, cooperation with PJBS,
improve English proficiency, human resource planning, improving compliance
of standardization/regulation and improve man powers skills. Two programs is
recommendation for headquarter: strengthen PJBs branding and create
services company joint venture.
1. Background
Figure 1.GDP and Electric Power Consumption(Source:world bank)
2. Closer look from electricity supply, there are imbalance between supply and
demand of electricity supplies.
Figure 3.Quality of electricity supply range(Source:
Better Infrastructure will brings economic growth. One of the
infrastructure that affects economic growth is electrical energy infrastructures,
especially power plant. Targeted investment in infrastructure can reduce
production cost, improve economic growth and stimulate competitiveness.
Talking about electricity business and AFTA not only talking about
Indonesias electricity readiness to face this free trade agreement, but also
talking about how PJB will read power station business opportunity across
ASEAN. Those electricity condition can be seen as an opportunity and threat
for PJB. Common question which show up lately is what about PJB readiness
towards AFTA.
seize 35 GW power plants has been increasing year by year. To support PJBs
strategy in 35 GW power plants, UPHT should mapping its own Strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. By this SWOT analysis map, UPHT will
generate several work programs for pursuing AFTA and increase
2. Objective
3. Discussion
3.1.SWOT Analysis
3.2. PJB (PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali / Java baliGenCo) Road Map
Existing(2015) GROWTH Existing(2023)
1. Business Integrated Power Company*) Donwstream up Energy Company*)
to Upstream
1. PLN (Majority) 1. PLN (Majority)
2. Market GROWTH AREA 2. IPP ( Majority)
2. IPP (Minority)
3. International (Minority)
To succeed PJBs Road map, strategies toward 35 GW and AFTA,
UPHT as PJBs maintenance service unit should also participate. One of
PJBs road map targets by 2023 is increasing its power plant capacity,
to achieve this targetbesides making the new ones; PJB should also
maintain its existing power plant. That will be maintenance services
unit jobs, especially UPHT and UPHB.
External Threats maximize (S) minimize minimize (W) minimize
(T) (T)
1. More competitors, 6. Improving compliance 8. Create services company
less market share with international joint venture with OEM
2. some of competitor
standardization and companies
are afiliate
company of power 7. Improve man powers
plant of OEM skills/knowledge
especially in specific
subject of power plant
maintenance with
training and certificate
expertize program
Now days, PJBs subsidiary whose doing commercial
maintenance projects is PT PJB Services. Upon power plan
increasing, man power needs will also increasing. Lack of man
power in PJB Services can be supported by UPHTs man power.
This join commitment also including talent planning. It means
UPHTs young engineer can be deliver into UPHT and PJB
Services projects. Figure 5 shows the number of personnel
assigned to the PJBS project and in 2014 UPHT assigned 73
personnel. PJB and PJB Services man power availability can be
optimize by resource leveling, so that idle resource can be
3.3.4. Coordinate with the Headquarter for HR Planning
N Employe
Division Chart Position Requirement
o es Deficit
1 Mechanic 43 49 6
2Electric 23 34 11
3 t 17 36 19
3.3.5. Strengthen PJBs Branding to the Society to
Attract Competence People to Join PJB
disseminate knowledge about everyday trouble shooting and
knowledge transfer between employees.
Knowledge sharing in UPHT can be as Community of
Practice and Peer Group Discussion. The number of title of
knowledge sharing can be seen on the table 2. UPHT on 2014
conduct training 78 program and 2015 propose 148 programof
training and certification.
4. Conclusion
SWOT analysis of the UPHT in order to deal with AFTA already done.
There are 8 recommended programs based on MiniMax SWOT Matrix. Six
programs are on progress: participation in HAPUA, cooperation with PJBS,
improvesEnglish proficiency, human resource planning, and improving
compliance of standardization/regulation and improves man powers skills.Two
programsare recommendation for headquarter: strengthen PJBs branding and
create services company joint venture.