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Natural Gas Pipelines: "Safety and Risk Management in Highly Populated Areas

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Safety and Risk Management in highly

populated areas

Presentation By
Alok Gurtu- Head Pipeline Integrity
Prashanthi Bhupathi- HSEF

22nd Sep14

Natural Gas is environment friendly and safe to handle

Produces up to 65 percent fewer emissions than coal &

2 25 percent fewer emissions than oil.

Natural Gas is highly inflammable & explosive in nature

If not handled with care

herw Has great potential to cause devastation






Can such incidents be

What we learn from history is that we usually dont

learn from history-Warren Buffet
w safe is safe?

Can we eliminate risk?

Or is question: What is tolerable risk?

Internal targets set?

Government policy?

Regulatory decision?

Community concern?

There may be no single answer to question of How Safe is Safe?

But there are approaches to improve understanding and communicate

w safe is safe?

Risk and safety is all in the eye of beholder

We all know there is no such thing as zero risk, but we want

assurance that we are safe

Risk communications with all stakeholders must be interactive

Each party should commit to:

Increasing knowledge and understanding

Enhancing trust and credibility

Resolving conflict related to ROU, land use , encroachments etc.

k from community perspective

Public definition of risk

Risk = Hazard* x Concern**

*Hazard may be actual or perceived

** Concern may be over safety, environment, fairness, property value,

lack of information, lack of trust

Risk is higher if the harm to people, asset, environment or reputation is

high or there is a concern among the stakeholders over safety
k technical answer

As seen by operators & regulators:

Risk = Probability x Consequence

Risk may be decreased by reducing either likelihood OR the

consequence of failure OR both.
Safety of public and workers

Environmental impact

Upsets and reliability in service

Costs and liability

pes of pipeline threats

Resident Threats (threats

that do not grow over time;
e-Dependent Threats instead they tend to act
when influenced by Time-Independent Threats
eats tending to grow (not influenced by time)
r time) another
condition or failure
ernal Corrosion Manufacturing Human Error
xternal Corrosion Fabrication/Construction Excavation Damage
ress Corrosion Equipment Earth Movement,
acking Outside Force or
pes of pipeline threats

50% Moderate
Low threats threats
(No specific (Mechanical, internal/
measures to be external corrosion,
taken) weather, manfg

High threats Third party damage
Third party activities
Pipelines traverse mostly through public
Is it still possible to manage risks at
vulnerable locations?
h Consequence Areas (HCA) as defined by our
Critical areas/locations near to pipeline where an incident or an
accident has the maximum potential to cause damage to life &

All class 3 & 4 locations as per ASME B31.8

All areas vulnerable to illegal & third party activities

Facilities like hospitals, temples, schools near pipeline.

Crossings location, construction of roads/bridges/dams near pipeline

Any other location, which in the opinion of Area Manager, has a high
risk of damage or failure to pipeline
cation Class based on population

PER SECTION 840.22 AND 840.3 OF ASME B 31.8,

Class I location, one mile section, has less than 10 dwellings,

Class-II has more than 10 and less than 46 no of dwelling/ buildings,

Class III locations has more than 46 no of building

Class IV location has multi-Storey building intended for human

occupancy in the vicinity of 01 mile section.

Big Problem ! Urbanization leading to change in
class location

Class 3
Class 2
Class 1 location
Terrain surrounding the pipeline segment
Elevation profile
Characteristics of the product transported
Amount of product that could be released
Possibility of a spillage into a farm field in case of oil transportation
Physical support of the pipeline segment
Exposure of the pipeline to operating pressure exceeding established maximum
operating pressure
nsequenceAnalysis acasestudy

A s identified for this portion of a Natural Gas pipeline based on following criteria:

Case-1 : Full bore rupture of 12inch tapping at supply side of 16inch pipeline Area
perceived to be vulnerable

Case-2 : Leak equivalent to 20% of flow area of 16inch line near an industrial area
High number of dwellings in the vicinity

Case-3 : Leak equivalent to 20% of flow area of 16inch line in area between industrial
area and consumption point - Farmland available and prone to Third party activities

Case-4 : Leak equivalent to 20% of flow area of 16inch line from insulated flange near
skid within the premises of consumer High potential of domino effect within site in
case of gas leak

nsequence modelling software used for analysing the cases (DNV PHAST 6.7)
nsequenceAnalysis acasestudy(contd.)

Long pipeline model used with leak rate considered representing rate between 0-20s of
leak initiation to replicate initial rate of release
Isolation of gas supply considered at source at 1800s from leak initiation based on
available detection and isolation system
Pressurised gas release of Methane modelled for release at given pressure and
temperature conditions with leak sizes including credible and worst cases.
Models run for 1.5F (night) and 5D (day) replicating worst weather conditions
Vertical release considered for leak orientation in case of buried portions considering
that there is accidental/ uncontrolled excavation leading to the release due to external
impact for e.g., third party damage (case 2&3)
Horizontal release for above ground portions to replicate more severe impact scenarios
(case 1&4)
nsequenceAnalysis acasestudy(contd.)

sult summary:
Results of all possible consequences, i.e. flash fire, jet fire and explosion have been
Most probable consequence for this release is flash fire if there is a delayed ignition
and chances for a jet fire if an immediate ignition occurs.
For cases 2&3 there are less chances of explosion for this material due to one of the
supplied flammable mass is low (<1 MT)
release in open fields with less congestion
the gas rises up immediately being a vertical release and methane being a light
For cases 1&4 there are possibilities of explosion if the LFL or 0.5 LFL flammable
cloud encounters congested areas (such as industrial equipment & populated areas)
and finds an ignition source as the supplied flammable mass is significant and the
rising cloud travels close to ground for about 150-200m before rising upward
ential Impacts

sequences related to pipeline failures could be

Leak/ /Fire / Explosion

Loss of National & Private property

Environmental damage: Atmosphere, water bodies (surface and sub-soil) and soil, Gas
Clouds, etc.

nterruption of feedstock supply to Refineries / manufacturing units, evacuation of

nished products and supply to consumption centers

Consequences analyzed
for scenarios that could
occur at vulnerable
locations along the pipe
Emergency preparedness
and remedial measures
based on consequences
Analysis not limited to
credible leak scenarios
medial Options

se results are used for

Annual risk assessment of all the threats by multi-disciplinary team
Emergency response and control planning reviewed based on risk assessment
Strengthening administrative controls for condition monitoring
Focused efforts on surveillance across pipeline
there any more remedial options to manage risk where location class has
nged since commissioning?
De-rate the pipe section to MAOP applicable to that class location
Strengthen the pipe i.e. increase MAOP to original value
Increase the existing pipe wall thickness
Cut & replace with higher thickness/ higher SMYS pipe
Re-test the pipe section to establish higher MAOP
Based on risk assessment, take suitable measures to mitigate risks to acceptable
limits. Use integrity assessment methods prescribed by codes , develop & follow
performance plan for risk mitigation
ety measures taken in areas earmarked for
PATROLLING- Increase patrolling, when construction is in progress and area included
in vulnerable location.
PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAMS- Arrange Necessary Awareness Program for land
BARRICADING- Barricading of ROU when construction work in progress
BOUNDARY WALL CROSSING THE PIPELINE - The design of boundary wall should
be as per Standard RGTIL design to ensure the load will not come directly on the
pipeline. Drawing is to be given to developer for construction of Boundary wall.
CONCRETE SLAB- Concrete slab is suggested for location where there is change in the
class due to increased population and for vehicular movement above the pipeline.
INSTALL ADDITIONAL WARNING MARKERS for proposed/internal roads and at
INSTALL ADDITIONAL BOUNDARY MARKERS at every 10 m of interval in the Block.
nning a new pipeline

Early planning and dialogue with community

Farm Owners/ Farmers
Landowners, etc.
Fact finding
Route alternative considerations
Review route with landowner, adjusting as possible
Trustworthy dialogue
Knowledgeable, trained company representatives
Commitment by all to reach solutions
Mitigate Risks
Design and routing carefully planned
Special construction practices
Additional safeguards near some areas may require consideration of:
Thicker wall pipe under rivers
Supplemental patrols or inspections
Warning tape to warn excavators
Route deviations

PMP Act 1962 & PNGRB Act 2006 are stringent laws & lays down punishments for
willful damage, theft , pilferages & sabotage to petroleum & natural gas pipelines
Section 15 & 16 of the PMP Act 1962 recently amended provides for imprisonment & fine
from 6 months & upto max of 10 years for wilfull obstruction of work , damage to pipeline,
pilferage or disruption in supplies depending on severity of the offence.
With intent to commit sabotage or with knowledge that such an act may cause death of
any person, the punishment is rigorous imprisonment from 10 years to life & even death
PNGRB Act 2006 provides for punishment to every person/entity who willfully removes,
destroys, or damages any pipeline with imprisonment which may extend to 3 years or
with fine which may extend to Rs 25 crores or with both,
"Oil Industry Safety Directorate", evaluates the Safety performance of oil & gas industry
members every year and the best performers are awarded trophies by the Hon'ble
Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas.
blic awareness & relations programs

Public Awareness programs(PAP) conducted monthly to create an awareness among

the people.
During PAP, requests from local Sarpanch & authorities taken regarding the social
needs of the villages
Social Welfare scheme initiated through Reliance Foundation(RF).
Survey being carried out
pe protection at populated areas- Installation of
ncrete slabs
Shallow depth observed at certain locations
As a protective measure against any third party damages and undue stresses
transferred to the pipeline, 100 mm thick RCC slabs placed on top of the pipe over a
200 mm thick sand bedding.
These slabs could be hand carried by a set of 4 people.
This enabled the protection work without causing much disturbance to the top soil.

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