Citizenship PRINT

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Read and Memorize: (4) Those who are naturalized in Section 3.

naturalized in Section 3. Philippine citizenship may territory with the consent of the
1. Citizenship provisions under accordance with law. be lost or reacquired in the manner Republic of the
the 1935, 1973 and 1987 SEC. 2. A female citizen of the
Constitution provided by law. Philippines: Provided, That the Filipino
Philippines who marries an alien shall citizen concerned, at the time of
retain her Philippine citizenship, rendering said service, or acceptance
unless by her act or omission she is Section 4. Citizens of the Philippines
of said commission, and taking the
1935 deemed, under the law, to have who marry aliens shall retain their
oath of allegiance incident thereto,
renounced her citizenship. citizenship, unless by their act or
states that he does so only in
SEC. 3. Philippine citizenship may be omission, they are deemed, under
ARTICLE IV.CITIZENSHIP connection with his service to said
lost or reacquired in the manner the law, to have renounced it.
provided by law. foreign country: And provided,
SECTION 1. The following are SEC. 4. A natural-born citizen is one finally, That any Filipino citizen who is
Section 5. Dual allegiance of citizens rendering service to, or is
citizens of the Philippines: who is a citizen of the Philippines
from birth without having to perform is inimical to the national interest and commissioned in, the armed forces of
any act to acquire or perfect his shall be dealt with by law. a foreign country under any of the
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippine citizenship. circumstances mentioned in
Philippine Islands at the time of the paragraph (a) or (b), shall not be
adoption of this Constitution. 2. CA No. 63 permitted to participate nor vote in
any election of the Republic of the
1987 Section 1. How citizenship may be Philippines during the period of his
(2) Those born in the Philippine
lost. A Filipino citizen may lose his service to, or commission in, the
Islands of foreign parents who,
citizenship in any of the following armed forces of said foreign country.
before the adoption of this ARTICLE IV CITIZENSHIP
ways and/or events: Upon his discharge from the service
Constitution, had been elected to
(1) By naturalization in a foreign of the said foreign country, he shall
public office in the Philippine Islands.
Section 1. The following are citizens country; be automatically entitled to the full
of the Philippines: (2) By express renunciation of enjoyment of his civil and political
(3) Those whose fathers are citizenship; rights as a Filipino citizen;
citizens of the Philippines. (3) By subscribing to an oath of
[1] Those who are citizens of the
Philippines at the time of the allegiance to support the constitution
or laws of a foreign country upon (5) By cancellation of the of
(4) Those whose mothers are adoption of this Constitution;
attaining twenty-one years of age or the certificates of
citizens of the Philippines and, upon
more: Provided, however, That a naturalization;
reaching the age of majority, elect
[2] Those whose fathers or mothers Filipino may not divest himself of
Philippine citizenship.
are citizens of the Philippines; Philippine citizenship in any manner (6) By having been declared
while the Republic of the Philippines by competent authority, a
(5) Those who are naturalized in is at war with any country;
[3] Those born before January 17, deserter of the
accordance with law. (4) By rendering services to,
1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine armed forces in
Philippine citizenship upon reaching or accepting commission in, time of war, unless
SEC. 2. Philippine citizenship may be the age of majority; and the armed forces of a foreign subsequently, a plenary
lost or re-acquired in the manner country: Provided, That the rendering pardon or amnesty has been
provided by law. of service to, or the acceptance of granted; and
[4] Those who are naturalized in
such commission in, the armed forces
accordance with law.
of a foreign country, and the taking of
1973 III (7) In the case of a woman,
ARTICLE III CITIZENSHIP an oath of allegiance incident
Section 2. Natural-born citizens are upon her marriage to a
SECTION 1. The following are thereto, with the consent of the
those who are citizens of the foreigner if, by virtue of the
citizens of the Philippines: Republic of the Philippines, shall not
Philippines from birth without having laws in force in her
(1) Those who are citizens of the divest a Filipino of his Philippine
to perform any act to acquire or husband's country, she
Philippines at the time of the citizenship if either of the following
perfect their Philippine citizenship. acquires his nationality.1
adoption of this Constitution. circumstances is present:
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers Those who elect Philippine citizenship (a) The Republic of the Philippines
are citizens of the Philippines. in accordance with paragraph (3), has a defensive and/or offensive pact The provisions of this section
(3) Those who elect Philippine Section 1 hereof shall be deemed of alliance with the said foreign notwithstanding, the acquisition of
citizenship pursuant to the provisions natural-born citizens. country; or citizenship by a natural born Filipino
of the Constitution of nineteen (b) The said foreign country citizen from one of the Iberian and
hundred and thirty-five. maintains armed forces on Philippine any friendly democratic Ibero-
American countries or from the Constitution and the Government of the community in which he 2. Having established a new
United Kingdom shall not produce the Philippines. is living. industry or introduced a
loss or forfeiture of his Philippine useful invention in the
citizenship if the law of that country Philippines;
Section 2. If the party concerned is Fourth. He must own real
grants the same privilege to its absent from the Philippines, he may estate in the Philippines
citizens and such had been agreed make the statement herein worth not less than five 3. Being married to a Filipino
upon by treaty between the authorized before any officer of the thousand pesos, Philippine woman;
Philippines and the foreign country Government of the United currency, or must have
from which citizenship is acquired. States2 authorized to administer some known lucrative trade, 4. Having been engaged as a
oaths, and he shall forward such profession, or lawful teacher in the Philippines in
Section. 2. How citizenship may be statement together with his oath of occupation; a public or recognized
reacquired. Citizenship may be allegiance, to the Civil Registry of private school not
reacquired: Manila. Fifth. He must be able to established for the exclusive
speak and write English or instruction of children of
(1) By Spanish and any one of the persons of a particular
naturalization: Provided, Tha 4. CA No. 473 principal Philippine nationality or race, in any of
t the applicant possess none languages; and the branches of education or
of the disqualification's industry for a period of not
prescribed in section two of Section 1. Title of Act. This Act less than two years;
Sixth. He must have enrolled
Act Numbered Twenty-nine shall be known and may be cited as
his minor children of school
hundred and twenty-seven,3 the "Revised Naturalization Law."
age, in any of the public 5. Having been born in the
schools or private schools Philippines.
(2) By repatriation of Section 2. Qualifications. Subject recognized by the Office of
deserters of the Army, Navy to section four of this Act, any person Private Education1 of the Section 4. Who are disqualified. -
or Air Corp: Provided, That a having the following qualifications Philippines, where the The following cannot be naturalized
woman who lost her may become a citizen of the Philippine history, as Philippine citizens:
citizenship by reason of her Philippines by naturalization: government and civics are
marriage to an alien may be taught or prescribed as part
repatriated in accordance of the school curriculum, a. Persons opposed to
First. He must be not less
with the provisions of this during the entire period of organized government or
than twenty-one years of
Act after the termination of the residence in the affiliated with any
age on the day of the
the marital status;4 and Philippines required of him association or group of
hearing of the petition;
prior to the hearing of his persons who uphold and
petition for naturalization as teach doctrines opposing all
(3) By direct act of the Second. He must have Philippine citizen. organized governments;
National Assembly. resided in the Philippines for
a continuous period of not
Section 3. Special qualifications. The b. Persons defending or
less than ten years;
3. CA No. 625 ten years of continuous residence teaching the necessity or
required under the second condition propriety of violence,
Third. He must be of good of the last preceding section shall be personal assault, or
moral character and understood as reduced to five years assassination for the
Section 1. The option to elect believes in the principles for any petitioner having any of the success and predominance
Philippine citizenship in accordance underlying the Philippine following qualifications: of their ideas;
with subsection (4), section 1, Article Constitution, and must have
IV, of the Constitution1 shall be conducted himself in a
expressed in a statement to be 1. Having honorably held office c. Polygamists or believers in
proper and irreproachable
signed and sworn to by the party under the Government of the practice of polygamy;
manner during the entire
concerned before any officer the Philippines or under that
period of his residence in the
authorized to administer oaths, and of any of the provinces, d. Persons convicted of crimes
Philippines in his relation
shall be filed with the nearest civil cities, municipalities, or involving moral turpitude;
with the constituted
registry. The said party shall political subdivisions
government as well as with
accompany the aforesaid statement thereof;
with the oath of allegiance to the
e. Persons suffering from the interest of the nation or contrary as with the community in which uphold and teach doctrines opposing
mental alienation or to any Government announced he/she is living; all organized governments;
incurable contagious policies.
diseases; Sec. 2. After the finding mentioned (d) The applicant must have received (b) Those defending or teaching the
in section one, the order of the court his/her primary and secondary necessity of or propriety of violence,
granting citizenship shall be
f. Persons who, during the education in any public school or personal assault or assassination for
registered and the oath provided by
period of their residence in private educational institution dully the success or predominance of their
existing laws shall be taken by the
the Philippines, have not recognized by the Department of ideas;
applicant, whereupon, and not
mingled socially with the Education, Culture and Sports, where
before, he will be entitled to all the
Filipinos, or who have not Philippine history, government and
privileges of a Filipino citizen. (c) Polygamists or believers in the
evinced a sincere desire to civics are taught and prescribed as
Sec. 3. Such parts of Act practice of polygamy;
learn and embrace the part of the school curriculum and
Numbered Four hundred seventy-
customs, traditions, and where enrollment is not limited to any
three as are inconsistent with the (d) Those convicted of crimes
ideals of the Filipinos; race or nationality: Provided, That
provisions of the present Act are involving moral turpitude;
should he/she have minor children of
hereby repealed. school age, he/she must have
g. Citizens or subjects of Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect enrolled them in similar schools; (e) Those suffering from mental
nations with whom the upon its approval, and shall apply to
United States and the alienation or incurable contagious
cases pending in court and to those
Philippines are at war, (e) The applicant must have a known diseases;
where the applicant has not yet taken
during the period of such the oath of citizenship: Provided, trade, business, profession or lawful
war; however, That in pending cases occupation, from which he/she (f) Those who, during the period of
where the requisite of publication derives income sufficient for his/her their residence in the Philippines,
under the old law and already been support and if he/she is married have not mingled socially with
h. Citizens or subjects of a
complied with, the publication herein and/or has dependents, also that of Filipinos, or who have not evinced a
foreign country other than
required shall not apply. his/her family: Provided, sincere desire to learn and embrace
the United States whose
however, That this shall not apply to the customs, traditions and ideals of
laws do not grant Filipinos
6. RA No. 9139 applicants who are college degree the Filipinos;
the right to become
holders but are unable to practice
naturalized citizens or
their profession because they are
subjects thereof. (g) Citizens or subjects with whom
Section 3. Qualifications. - Subject disqualified to do so by reason of
the Philippines is at war, during the
to the provisions of the succeeding their citizenship;
period of such war; and
section, any person desiring to avail
5. RA No. 530
of the benefits of this Act must meet (f) The applicant must be able to
Section 1. The provisions of the following qualifications: (h) Citizens or subjects of a foreign
read, write and speak Filipino or any
existing laws notwithstanding, no country whose laws do not grant
of the dialects of the Philippines; and
petition for Philippine citizenship shall Filipinos the right to be naturalized
(a) The applicant must be born in the
be heard by the courts until after six citizens or subjects thereof.
Philippines and residing therein since (g) The applicant must have mingled
months from the publication of the birth; with the Filipinos and evinced a
application required by law, nor shall
sincere desire to learn and embrace 7. RA No. 8171
any decision granting the application
(b) The applicant must not be less the customs, traditions and ideals of
become executory until after two
than eighteen (18) years of age, at the Filipino people.
years from its promulgation and after
the time of filing of his/her petition;
the court, on proper hearing, with the Section 1. Filipino women who have
attendance of the Solicitor General or Section 4. Disqualifications, - The lost their Philippine citizenship by
his representative, is satisfied, and so (c) The applicant must be of good following are not qualified to be marriage to aliens and natural-born
finds, that during the intervening moral character and believes in the naturalized as Filipino citizens under Filipinos who have lost their Philippine
time the applicant has (1) not left the underlying principles of the this Act: citizenship, including their minor
Philippines, (2) has dedicated himself Constitution, and must have children, on account of political or
continuously to a lawful calling or conducted himself/herself in a proper (a) Those opposed to organized economic necessity, may reacquire
profession, (3) has not been and irreproachable manner during government or affiliated with any Philippine citizenship
convicted of any offense or violation his/her entire period of residence in association of group of persons who through repatriation in the manner
of Government promulgated rules, (4) the Philippines in his relation with the provided in Section 4 of
or committed any act prejudicial to duly constituted government as well Commonwealth Act No. 63, as
amended: Provided, That the the Philippines and the following exercised by, or extended 2)Jose Ong, Jr. is not a resident of the
applicant conditions: to, those who: second district of Northern Samar.
is not a: The HRET in its decision dated
November 6, 1989, found for the
(1) Those intending to (a) are candidates
private respondent.
(1) Person opposed to organized exercise their right of for or are occupying
A motion for reconsideration was filed
government or affiliated with any surffrage must Meet the any public office in
by the petitioners on November 12,
association or group of persons who requirements under Section the country of
1989. This was, however, denied by
uphold and teach doctrines opposing 1, Article V of the which they are
the HRET in its resolution dated
organized government; Constitution, Republic Act naturalized citizens;
February 22, 1989.
(2) Person defending or teaching No. 9189, otherwise known and/or
Hence, these petitions for certiorari.
the necessity or propriety of violence, as "The Overseas Absentee
personal assault, or associatEon for Voting Act of 2003" and (b) are in active Issue:
the predominance of their ideas; other existing laws; service as WON Jose Ong, Jr. is a natural born
(3) Person convictad of crimes commissioned or citizen of the Philippines.
involving moral turpitude; or (2) Those seeking elective non-commissioned
(4) Person suffering from mental public in the Philippines shall officers in the Held: Yes. Petitions are dismissed.
alienation or incurablecontagious meet the qualification for armed forces of the The records show that in the year
diseases. holding such public office as country which they 1895, Ong Te (Jose Ong's
required by the Constitution are naturalized grandfather), arrived in the
Sec. 2. Repatriation shall be effected and existing laws and, at the citizens. Philippines from China. Ong Te
by taking the necessary oath of time of the filing of the established his residence in the
allegiance to the Republic of the certificate of candidacy, municipality of Laoang, Samar on
Philippines and registration in the make a personal and sworn Section 2 land which he bought from the fruits
proper civil registry and in the Bureau renunciation of any and all 1. Co vs. House of of hard work.
or Immigration. The Bureau of foreign citizenship before Representatives
As a resident of Laoang, Ong Te was
Immigration shall thereupon cancel any public officer authorized able to obtain a certificate of
the pertinent alien to administer an oath; residence from the then Spanish
The petitioners come to this Court
certificate of registration and issue colonial administration.
asking for the setting aside and
the certificate of identification as The father of the private respondent,
(3) Those appointed to any reversal of a decision of the House of
Filipino citizen to the repatriated Jose Ong Chuan was born in China in
public office shall subscribe Representatives Electoral Tribunal
citizen. 1905. He was brought by Ong Te to
and swear to an oath of (HRET).
allegiance to the Republic of The HRET declared that respondent Samar in the year 1915. Jose Ong
the Philippines and its duly Jose Ong, Jr. is a natural born Filipino Chuan spent his childhood in the
8. RA No. 9225 constituted authorities prior citizen and a resident of Laoang, province of Samar.
to their assumption of Northern Samar for voting purposes. As Jose Ong Chuan grew older in the
office: Provided, That they On May 11, 1987, the congressional rural and seaside community of
Section 4. Derivative renounce their oath of election for the second district of Laoang, he absorbed Filipino cultural
Citizenship - The unmarried child, allegiance to the country Northern Samar was held. values and practices. He was
whether legitimate, illegitimate or where they took that oath; Among the candidates who vied for baptized into Christianity. As the
adopted, below eighteen (18) years the position of representative in the years passed, Jose Ong Chuan met a
of age, of those who re-acquire second legislative district of Northern natural born-Filipino, Agripina Lao.
(4) Those intending to
Philippine citizenship upon effectivity Samar are the petitioners, Sixto The two fell in love and, thereafter,
practice their profession in
of this Act shall be deemed Balinquit and Antonio Co and the got married in 1932 according to
the Philippines shall apply
citizenship of the Philippines. private respondent, Jose Ong, Jr. Catholic faith and practice.
with the proper authority for
Respondent Ong was proclaimed the The couple bore eight children, one of
a license or permit to
duly elected representative of the whom is the Jose Ong who was born
Section 5. Civil and Political engage in such practice; and
second district of Northern Samar. in 1948.
Rights and Liabilities - Those who
The petitioners filed election protests Jose Ong Chuan never emigrated
retain or re-acquire Philippine
(5) That right to vote or be against the private respondent from this country. He decided to put
citizenship under this Act shall enjoy
elected or appointed to any premised on the following grounds: up a hardware store and shared and
full civil and political rights and be
public office in the 1)Jose Ong, Jr. is not a natural born survived the vicissitudes of life in
subject to all attendant liabilities and
Philippines cannot be citizen of the Philippines; and Samar.
responsibilities under existing laws of
The business prospered. Expansion citizenship on the basis of the In 1969, election through a sworn COMELEC in Tubao La Union showing
became inevitable. As a result, a mother's citizenship formally and statement would have been an that Ching is a registered voter of his
branch was set-up in Binondo, Manila. solemnly declared Emil Ong, unusual and unnecessary procedure place; and
In the meantime, Jose Ong Chuan, respondent's full brother, as a natural for one who had been a citizen since 3. Certification showing that
unsure of his legal status and in an born Filipino. The Constitutional he was nine years old Ching was elected as member of the
unequivocal affirmation of where he Convention had to be aware of the In Re: Florencio Mallare: the Court Sangguniang Bayan of Tubao, La
cast his life and family, filed with the meaning of natural born citizenship held that the exercise of the right of Union
Court of First Instance of Samar an since it was precisely amending the suffrage and the participation in On April 5, 1999, Ching was one of
application for naturalization on article on this subject. election exercises constitute a the bar passers. The oath taking
February 15, 1954. The pertinent portions of the positive act of election of Philippine ceremony was scheduled on May 5,
On April 28, 1955, the CFI of Samar, Constitution found in Article IV read: citizenship 1999.
after trial, declared Jose Ong Chuan a The Court interprets Section 1, The private respondent did more than Because of his questionable status of
Filipino citizen. On May 15, 1957, the Paragraph 3 above as applying not merely exercise his right of suffrage. Ching's citizenship, he was not
Court of First Instance of Samar only to those who elect Philippine He has established his life here in the allowed to take oath. He was required
issued an order declaring the decision citizenship after February 2, 1987 but Philippines. to submit further proof of his
of April 28, 1955 as final and also to those who, having been born Petitioners alleged that Jose Ong citizenship.
executory and that Jose Ong Chuan of Filipino mothers, elected Chuan was not validly a naturalized The Office of the Solicitor General
may already take his Oath of citizenship before that date. The citizen because of his premature was required to file a comment on
Allegiance. provision in question was enacted to taking of the oath of citizenship. Ching's petition for admission to the
Pursuant to said order, Jose Ong correct the anomalous situation SC: The Court cannot go into the Philippine Bar.
Chuan took his Oath of Allegiance; where one born of a Filipino father collateral procedure of stripping In his report:
correspondingly, a certificate of and an alien mother was respondents father of his citizenship 1. Ching, under the 1935
naturalization was issued to him. automatically granted the status of a after his death. An attack on a Constitution, was a Chinese citizen
During this time, Jose Ong (private natural-born citizen while one born of persons citizenship may only be and continue to be so, unless upon
respondent) was 9 years old, finishing a Filipino mother and an alien father done through a direct action for its reaching the age of majority he
his elementary education in the would still have to elect Philippine nullity, therefore, to ask the Court to elected Philippine citizenship, under
province of Samar. citizenship. If one so elected, he was declare the grant of Philippine the compliance with the provisions of
There is nothing in the records to not, under earlier laws, conferred the citizenship to respondents father as Commonwealth Act No. 265 "an act
differentiate him from other Filipinos status of a natural-born null and void would run against the providing for the manner in which the
insofar as the customs and practices Election becomes material because principle of due process because he option to elect Philippine citizenship
of the local populace were concerned. Section 2 of Article IV of the has already been laid to rest shall be declared by a person whose
After completing his elementary Constitution accords natural born mother is a Filipino citizen"
education, the private respondent, in status to children born of Filipino 2. In re: Application for 2. He pointed out the Ching
Admission to the Bar of
search for better education, went to mothers before January 17, 1973, if Vicente Ching has not formally elected Philippine
Manila in order to acquire his they elect citizenship upon reaching citizenship, and if ever he does, it
secondary and college education. the age of majority. Facts: would already be beyond the
Jose Ong graduated from college, and To expect the respondent to have Vicente D. Ching, a legitimate child of "reasonable time" allowed by the
thereafter took and passed the CPA formally or in writing elected a Filipino mother and an alien present jurisprudence.
Board Examinations. Since citizenship when he came of age is to Chinese father, was born on April 11, Issue:
employment opportunities were ask for the unnatural and 1964 in Tubao La Union, under the Whether or not he has elected
better in Manila, the respondent unnecessary. He was already a 1935 Constitution. He has resided in Philippine citizenship within "a
looked for work here. He found a job citizen. Not only was his mother a the Philippines. He completed his reasonable time".
in the Central Bank of the Philippines natural born citizen but his father had Bachelor of Laws at SLU in Baguio on
as an examiner. Later, however, he been naturalized when the July 1998, filed an application to take Held:
worked in the hardware business of respondent was only nine (9) years the 1998 Bar Examination. The Since Ching has already elected
his family in Manila. old. Resolution in this Court, he was Philippine citizenship on 15 July 1999,
In 1971, his elder brother, Emil, was He could not have divined when he allowed to take the bar if he submit the question raised is whether he has
elected as a delegate to the 1971 came of age that in 1973 and 1987 to the Court the following documents elected Philippine citizenship within a
Constitutional Convention. His status the Constitution would be amended as proof of his Philippine Citizenship: "reasonable time." In the affirmative,
as a natural born citizen was to require him to have filed a sworn whether his citizenship by election
1. Certification issued by
challenged. Parenthetically, the statement in 1969 electing retroacted to the time he took the bar
the PRC Board of Accountancy that
Convention which in drafting the citizenship inspite of his already Ching is a certified accountant;
When Ching was born in 1964, the
Constitution removed the unequal having been a citizen since 1957. 2. Voter Certification issued governing charter was the 1935
treatment given to derived
Constitution. Under Article IV, Section "reasonable time" has been never got married due to a prior Held:
1(3) of the 1935 Constitution, the interpreted to mean that the election subsisting marriage of her father. The
citizenship of a legitimate child born should be made within three (3) respondent petitioned that there 1. No. The Republic avers that
of a Filipino mother and an alien years from reaching the age of were few mistakes as to her
father followed the citizenship of the majority. However, period may be respondent did not comply with the
citizenship and identity, to wit:
father, unless, upon reaching the age extended under certain constitutional requirement of electing
of majority, the child elected circumstances, as when the person Filipino citizenship when she reached
Philippine citizenship. This right to concerned has always considered 1. That her surname Yu was the age of majority as mandated in
elect Philippine citizenship was himself a Filipino, yet not definite. misspelled as Yo. She has been Article IV, Section 1(3) of the 1935
recognized in the 1973 Constitution In the present case, Ching, having using Yu in all of her school records Constitution and Section 1 of the
when it provided that "(t)hose who been born on 11 April 1964, was and in her marriage certificate. Commonwealth Act No. 625. The
elect Philippine citizenship pursuant already thirty-five (35) years old Supreme Court held that the two
to the provisions of the Constitution when he complied with the above provisions only apply to
of nineteen hundred and thirty-five" requirements of C.A. No. 625 on 15 2. That her fathers name in her birth
legitimate children. These do not
are citizens of the June 1999, or over fourteen (14) record was written as Yo Diu To (Co
apply in the case of the respondent
Philippines. Likewise, this recognition years after he had reached the age of Tian) when it should have been Yu
who was an illegitimate child
by the 1973 Constitution was carried majority. Based on the interpretation Dio To (Co Tian).
considering that her parents never
over to the 1987 Constitution which of the phrase "upon reaching the age
got married. By being an illegitimate
states that "(t)hose born before of majority," Ching's election was 3. That her nationality was entered as
January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, clearly beyond, by any reasonable child of a Filipino mother, respondent
Chinese when it should have been automatically became a Filipino upon
who elect Philippine citizenship upon yardstick, the allowable period within
Filipino considering that her father birth, and as such, there was no more
reaching the age of majority" are which to exercise the privilege. It
Philippine citizens. should be stated, in this connection, and mother got married. need for her to validly elect Filipino
C.A. No. 625 which was enacted that the special circumstances citizenship upon reaching the age of
pursuant to Section 1(3), Article IV of invoked by Ching, i.e., his continuous 4. That she was entered as a majority. Also, she registered as a
the 1935 Constitution, prescribes the and uninterrupted stay in the legitimate child on her birth voter inside the country when she
procedure that should be followed in Philippines and his being a certified certificate when in fact, it should reached 18 years old. The exercise of
order to make a valid election of public accountant, a registered voter have been illegitimate. Both the trial the right of suffrage and the
Philippine citizenship. Under Section and a former elected public official, participation in election exercises
court and Court of Appeals granted
1 thereof, legitimate children born of cannot vest in him Philippine constitute a positive act of election of
the respondents petition.
Filipino mothers may elect Philippine citizenship as the law specifically lays Philippine citizenship.
citizenship by expressing such down the requirements for acquisition
2. No. The Republics submission was
intention "in a statement to be signed of Philippine citizenship by election. Issue: misleading. The Court of Appeals did
and sworn to by the party concerned Philippine citizenship can never be
before any officer authorized to treated like a commodity that can be not allow respondent to use her
administer oaths, and shall be filed claimed when needed and The Republic of the Philippines fathers surname. What it did allow
with the nearest civil registry. The suppressed when convenient. One appealed the decision to the was the correction of her fathers
said party shall accompany the who is privileged to elect Philippine Supreme Court on the following misspelled surname which she has
aforesaid statement with the oath of citizenship has only an inchoate right grounds: been using ever since she can
allegiance to the Constitution and the to such citizenship. As such, he remember. The court held that
Government of the Philippines." should avail of the right with fervor, prohibiting the respondent to use her
1. Whether the Court of Appeals
However, the 1935 Constitution and enthusiasm and promptitude. Sadly, fathers surname would only sow
erred in ordering the correction of the
C.A. No. 625 did not prescribe a time in this case, Ching slept on his confusion. Also, Sec. 1 of
citizenship of respondent Chule Y. Lim
period within which the election of opportunity to elect Philippine Commonwealth Act No. 142 which
Philippine citizenship should be citizenship and, as a result. this from Chinese to Filipino despite
regulates the use of aliases as well as
made. The 1935 Charter only golden privilege slipped away from the fact that respondent never
the jurisprudence state that it is
provides that the election should be his grasp. demonstrated any compliance with
allowed for a person to use a name
made "upon reaching the age of the legal requirements for election of
3. Republic vs. Lim by which he has been known since
majority." The age of majority then citizenship.
childhood. Even legitimate children
commenced upon reaching twenty-
one (21) years. Based on the cannot enjoin the illegitimate children
2. Whether the Court of Appeals of their father from using his
pronouncements of the Department Facts:
erred in allowing respondent to surname. While judicial authority is
of State of the United States
Government to the effect that the continue using her fathers surname required for a chance of name or
election should be made within a The respondent, Chule Y. Lim, is an despite its finding that respondent is surname, there is no such
"reasonable time" after attaining the illegitimate daughter of a Chinese an illegitimate child. requirement for the continued use of
age of majority. The phrase father and a Filipina mother, who a surname which a person has
already been using since childhood. The concept of citizenship had Section 1, Article III, 1935 (1) Those who are citizens of the
The doctrine that disallows such undergone changes over the Constitution. The following are Philippines at the time of the
change of name as would give the centuries. In the 18th century, the citizens of the Philippines - adoption of this Constitution.
false impression of family relationship concept was limited, by and large,
remains valid but only to the extent to civil citizenship, which established (1) Those who are citizens of the (2) Those whose
that the proposed change of name the rights necessary for individual Philippine Islands at the time of the fathers or mothers are citizens of
would in great probability cause freedom, such as rights to property, adoption of this Constitution the Philippines.
prejudice or future mischief to the personal liberty and justice. Its
family whose surname it is that is meaning expanded during the 19th
involved or to the community in century to include political (2) Those born in the Philippines (3) Those who elect Philippine
general. In this case, the Republic has citizenship, which encompassed the Islands of foreign parents who, before citizenship pursuant to the provisions
not shown that the Yu family in China right to participate in the exercise of the adoption of this Constitution, had of the Constitution of nineteen
would probably be prejudiced or be political power. The 20th century saw been elected to public office in the hundred and thirty-five.
the object of future mischief. the next stage of the development Philippine Islands.
of social citizenship, which laid (4) Those who are naturalized in
emphasis on the right of the citizen (3) Those whose fathers are accordance with law.
4. Tecson vs. COMELEC to economic well-being and social citizens of the Philippines.
security. The idea of citizenship has
For good measure, Section 2 of the
gained expression in the modern
(4) Those whose mothers are citizens same article also further provided
The Citizenship Issue welfare state as it so developed
of the Philippines and upon reaching that
in Western Europe. An ongoing and
the age of majority, elect Philippine
final stage of development, in
Now, to the basic issue; it should be citizenship.
keeping with the rapidly shrinking "A female citizen of the Philippines
helpful to first give a brief historical global village, might well be who marries an alien retains her
background on the concept of the internationalization of citizenship. (5) Those who are naturalized in Philippine citizenship, unless by her
citizenship. (Tecson vs. COMELEC) accordance with law. act or omission she is deemed, under
the law to have renounced her
Perhaps, the earliest understanding citizenship."
Subsection (4), Article III, of the 1935
of citizenship was that given by Constitution, taken together with
Aristotle, who, sometime in 384 to existing civil law provisions at the The 1987 Constitution generally
322 B.C., described the "citizen" to time, which provided that women adopted the provisions of the 1973
refer to a man who shared in the would automatically lose their Filipino Constitution, except for subsection
administration of justice and in the Under the Jones Law, a native-born citizenship and acquire that of their (3) thereof that aimed to correct the
holding of an office. Aristotle saw its inhabitant of the Philippines was foreign husbands, resulted in irregular situation generated by the
significance if only to determine the deemed to be a citizen of the discriminatory situations that questionable proviso in the 1935
constituency of the "State," which he Philippines as of 11 April 1899 if he effectively incapacitated the women Constitution.
described as being composed of such was 1) a subject of Spain on 11 April from transmitting their Filipino
persons who would be adequate in 1899, 2) residing in the Philippines on citizenship to their legitimate children
number to achieve a self-sufficient Section I, Article IV, 1987 Constitution
said date, and, 3) since that date, not and required illegitimate children of
existence. The concept grew to now provides:
a citizen of some other country. Filipino mothers to still elect Filipino
include one who would both govern citizenship upon reaching the age of
and be governed, for which majority. Seeking to correct this The following are citizens of the
While there was, at one brief time,
qualifications like autonomy, anomaly, as well as fully cognizant of Philippines:
divergent views on whether or not jus
judgment and loyalty could be the newly found status of Filipino
soli was a mode of acquiring
expected. Citizenship was seen to women as equals to men, the framers
citizenship, the 1935 Constitution (1) Those who are citizens of the
deal with rights and entitlements, on of the 1973 Constitution crafted the
brought to an end to any such link Philippines at the time of the
the one hand, and with concomitant provisions of the new Constitution on
with common law, by adopting, once adoption of this Constitution.
obligations, on the other. In its ideal citizenship to reflect such concerns -
and for all, jus sanguinis or blood
setting, a citizen was active in public
relationship as being the basis of
life and fundamentally willing to (2) Those whose fathers or
Filipino citizenship - Section 1, Article III, 1973
submit his private interests to the mothers are citizens of the
general interest of society. Constitution - The following are Philippines.
citizens of the Philippines:
(3) Those born before January 17, marriage had existed, Allan F. Poe, date, month and year of birth of FPJ in relation to Section 74, of the
1973 of Filipino mothers, who married Bessie Kelly only a year after appeared to be 20 August 1939 Omnibus Election Code. Fornier has
elect Philippine citizenship upon the birth of FPJ. On 23 January 2004, during the regime of the 1935 utterly failed to substantiate his case
reaching the age of majority; and the COMELEC dismissed SPA 04-003 Constitution. before the Court, notwithstanding the
for lack of merit. 3 days later, or on Through its history, four modes of ample opportunity given to the
26 January 2004, Fornier filed his acquiring citizenship naturalization, parties to present their position and
(4) Those who are naturalized in
motion for reconsideration. The jus soli (place of birth), res judicata evidence, and to prove whether or
accordance with law.
motion was denied on 6 February and jus sanguinis (blood) had been not there has been material
2004 by the COMELEC en banc. On in vogue. Only two, i.e., jus soli and misrepresentation, which, as so ruled
(Tecson vs. COMELEC) 10 February 2004, Fornier assailed jus sanguinis, could qualify a person in Romualdez-Marcos vs. COMELEC,
the decision of the COMELEC before to being a natural-born citizen of must not only be material, but also
Facts: the Supreme Court conformably with the Philippines. Jus soli, per Roa vs. deliberate and willful. The petitions
On 31 December 2003, Ronald Allan Rule 64, in relation to Rule 65, of the Collector of Customs (1912), did not were dismissed.
Kelly Poe, also known as Fernando Revised Rules of Civil Procedure. The last long. With the adoption of the
Poe, Jr. (FPJ), filed his certificate of 5. RP vs. Sagun
petition likewise prayed for a 1935 Constitution and the reversal of
candidacy for the position of temporary restraining order, a writ of Roa in Tan Chong vs. Secretary of
President of the Republic of the FACTS:
preliminary injunction or any other Labor (1947), jus sanguinis or blood
Philippines under the Koalisyon ng resolution that would stay the finality relationship would now become the
Nagkakaisang Pilipino (KNP) Party, in Nora Fe Sagun is the legitimate child
and/or execution of the COMELEC primary basis of citizenship by birth.
the 2004 national elections. In his of Albert S. Chan, a Chinese national,
resolutions. The other petitions, later Considering the reservations made by
certificate of candidacy, FPJ, and Marta Borromeo, a Filipino
consolidated with GR 161824, would the parties on the veracity of some of
representing himself to be a natural- citizen. She was born on August 8,
include GR 161434 and GR 161634, the entries on the birth certificate of
born citizen of the Philippines, stated 1959 in Baguio City and did not elect
both challenging the jurisdiction of FPJ and the marriage certificate of his
his name to be "Fernando Jr.," or Philippine citizenship upon reaching
the COMELEC and asserting that, parents, the only conclusions that
"Ronald Allan" Poe, his date of birth the age of majority. In 1992, at the
under Article VII, Section 4, could be drawn with some degree of
to be 20 August 1939 and his place of age of 33 and after getting married to
paragraph 7, of the 1987 certainty from the documents would
birth to be Manila. Victorino X. Alex Sagun, she executed an Oath of
Constitution, only the Supreme Court be that (1) The parents of FPJ were
Fornier, (GR 161824) initiated, on 9 Allegiance to the Republic of the
had original and exclusive jurisdiction Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley; (2) FPJ
January 2004, a petition (SPA 04-003) Philippines. Said document was
to resolve the basic issue on the was born to them on 20 August 1939;
before the Commission on Elections notarized by Atty. Cristeta Leungon
case. (3) Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley
(COMELEC) to disqualify FPJ and to but was not recorded and registered
were married to each other on 16
deny due course or to cancel his with the Local Civil Registrar of
Issue: September, 1940; (4) The father of
certificate of candidacy upon the Baguio City.
Whether FPJ was a natural born Allan F. Poe was Lorenzo Poe; and (5)
thesis that FPJ made a material Sometime in September 2005,
citizen, so as to be allowed to run for At the time of his death on 11
misrepresentation in his certificate of respondent applied for a Philippine
the offcie of the President of the September 1954, Lorenzo Poe was 84
candidacy by claiming to be a passport. Her application was denied
Philippines. years old. The marriage certificate of
natural-born Filipino citizen when in due to the citizenship of her father
Allan F. Poe and Bessie Kelley, the
truth, according to Fornier, his and there being no annotation on her
Held: birth certificate of FPJ, and the death
parents were foreigners; his mother, birth certificate that she has elected
Section 2, Article VII, of the 1987 certificate of Lorenzo Pou are
Bessie Kelley Poe, was an American, Philippine citizenship. Consequently,
Constitution expresses that "No documents of public record in the
and his father, Allan Poe, was a she sought a judicial declaration of
person may be elected President custody of a public officer. The
Spanish national, being the son of her election of Philippine citizenship
unless he is a natural-born citizen of documents have been submitted in
Lorenzo Pou, a Spanish subject. averring that she was raised as a
the Philippines, a registered voter, evidence by both contending parties
Granting, Fornier asseverated, that Filipino and she is a registered voter
able to read and write, at least forty during the proceedings before the
Allan F. Poe was a Filipino citizen, he of Precinct No. 0419A of Barangay
years of age on the day of the COMELEC. But while the totality of
could not have transmitted his Manuel A. Roxas in Baguio City and
election, and a resident of the the evidence may not establish
Filipino citizenship to FPJ, the latter had voted in local and national
Philippines for at least ten years conclusively that FPJ is a natural-born
being an illegitimate child of an alien elections as shown in the Voter
immediately preceding such citizen of the Philippines, the
mother. Fornier based the allegation Certification. She asserted that by
election." The term "natural-born evidence on hand still would
of the illegitimate birth of FPJ on two virtue of her positive acts, she has
citizens," is defined to include "those preponderate in his favor enough to
assertions: (1) Allan F. Poe contracted effectively elected Philippine
who are citizens of the Philippines hold that he cannot be held guilty of
a prior marriage to a certain Paulita citizenship and such fact should be
from birth without having to perform having made a material
Gomez before his marriage to Bessie annotated on her record of birth so as
any act to acquire or perfect their misrepresentation in his certificate of
Kelley and, (2) even if no such prior Philippine citizenship." Herein, the candidacy in violation of Section 78,
to entitle her to the issuance of a the adjudication of the rights of the nineteen hundred and thirty-five are Should children born under the 1935
Philippine passport. parties to a controversy, the court citizens of the Philippines. Likewise, Constitution of a Filipino mother and
After conducting a hearing, the trial may pass upon, and make a this recognition by the 1973 an alien father but who failed to
court rendered the assailed Decision pronouncement relative to their Constitution was carried over to the immediately file the documents of
on April 3, 2009 granting the petition status. Otherwise, such a 1987 Constitution which states that election with the nearest civil
and declaring respondent a Filipino pronouncement is beyond judicial [t]hose born before January 17, 1973 registry, beconsidered foreign
citizen. Upon payment of the required power. of Filipino mothers, who elect nationals?
fees, the Local Civil Registrar of Clearly, it was erroneous for the trial Philippine citizenship upon reaching
No. The Supreme Court laid down the
Baguio City is hereby directed to court to make a specific declaration the age of majority are Philippine
statutory formalities in electing
annotate [on] her birth certificate, of respondents Filipino citizenship as citizens. It should be noted, however, Philippinecitizenship: (1) a statement
this judicial declaration of Filipino such pronouncement was not within that the 1973 and 1987 of election under oath; (2) an oath of
citizenship of said petitioner. the court's competence. Constitutional provisions on the allegiance to the Constitutionand
Petitioner, through the OSG, directly As to the propriety of respondent's election of Philippine citizenship Government of the Philippines; and
filed the instant recourse via a petition seeking a judicial declaration should not be understood as having a (3) registration of the statement of
petition for review on certiorari of election of Philippine citizenship, it curative effect on any irregularity in election and of theoath with the
before us. Petitioner points out that is imperative that we determine the acquisition of citizenship for those nearest civil registry. In the case at
while respondent executed an oath of whether respondent is required under covered by the 1935 Constitution. If bar, the Court ruled that the right to
allegiance before a notary public, the law to make an election and if so, the citizenship of a person was electPhilippine citizenship has not
there was no affidavit of her election whether she has complied with the subject to challenge under the old been lost and petitioners should be
of Philippine citizenship. Additionally, procedural requirements in the charter, it remains subject to allowed to complete thestatutory
her oath of allegiance which was not election of Philippine citizenship. challenge under the new charter requirements for such election,
subject to any administrative
registered with the nearest local civil When respondent was born on August even if the judicial challenge had not
penalties, if any. This isbecause the
registry was executed when she was 8, 1959, the governing charter was been commenced before the
petitioners have complied with the
already 33 years old or 12 years after the 1935 Constitution, which declares effectivity of the new Constitution. first two requirements, and even
she reached the age of majority. as citizens of the Philippines those though they arelate in registering
whose mothers are citizens of the 6. Ma vs. Fernandez
their documents, they should be
Issues: Philippines and elect Philippine allowed to still do so because of their
Whether or not an action or citizenship upon reaching the age of Facts: positiveacts of citizenship. These
proceeding for judicial declaration of majority. Sec. 1, Art. IV of the 1935 Petitioners are children of a positive acts were equivalent to
Philippine citizenship is procedurally Constitution reads: Taiwanese father and a Filipino formal registration. In justifying
and jurisdictionally permissible; mother. Upon reaching theage of their ruling, the Court said that
and,Whether or not an election of Section 1. The following are citizens majority, they executed their affidavit registration is made for the purpose
Philippine citizenship, made twelve of the Philippines: of election of Philippine citizenship of notification, and does not addvalue
(12) years after reaching the age of and took their oath of allegiance to the validity of an instrument nor
majority, is considered to have been x x x x before proper authorities. However, converts an invalid instrument into a
they failed to have the valid one. In thecase at bar,
made within a reasonable time as
necessarydocuments registered in registration is only a means of
interpreted by jurisprudence. (4) Those whose mothers are citizens
the civil registry as required under confirming the fact that citizenship
of the Philippines and, upon reaching
Section 1 of Commonwealth Act has been claimed.
HELD: The original ruling was the age of majority, elect Philippine
No.625. It was only 30 years after, in
reversed. POLITICAL LAW: citizenship.
2005 that petitioners complied with 7. RP vs. Batuigas
requirements of citizenship. The
the said requirement after a
petition is meritorious. Under Article IV, Section 1(4) of the complaint was filed against them Facts:
1935 Constitution, the citizenship of a before the Bureau of Immigration AscuzeanaAzucena filed a Petition for
Under our laws, there can be no legitimate child born of a Filipino (BI). The BI ruled that theyviolated Naturalization before the RTC of
action or proceeding for the judicial mother and an alien father followed Commonwealth Act No. 613, in Zamboanga del Sur.
declaration of the citizenship of an the citizenship of the father, unless, relation to BI Memorandum Order
Ascuzena was born in Zamboangadel
individual. Courts of justice exist for upon reaching the age of majority, Nos. ADD-01-031and ADD-01-035
Sur on September 28, 1941 to
settlement of justiciable the child elected Philippine respectively. Upon motion for
reconsideration, the CA affirmed the Chinese parents. Her primary,
controversies, which imply a given citizenship. The right to elect
BIs ruling. secondary, and tertiary education
right, legally demandable and Philippine citizenship was recognized
Hence, this present petition for were taken in Philippine schools She
enforceable, an act or omission in the 1973 Constitution when it
review. then practiced her teaching
violative of said right, and a remedy, provided that [t]hose who elect
Issue: profession in various schools situated
granted or sanctioned by law, for said Philippine citizenship pursuant to the
in the Philippines. In 1968, at the age
breach of right. As an incident only of provisions of the Constitution of
of 26, Azucena married Santiago the alien wife thru derivative in order to support her family. was heard. He is married to one
Batuigas (Santiago),a natural-born naturalization. Together, husband and wife were able Susana Lim with three children,
Filipino citizen. They have five PROPER PROCEDURE: As stated in to raise all their five children, namely, Grace L. Ong, born on
children. Moy Ya Lim Yao, the procedure for an provided them with education, and November 30, 1967; Raymond L.
After all the jurisdictional alien wife to formalize the conferment have all become professionals and Ong, born on February 12, 1959; and
requirements mandated by Section of Filipino citizenship is as follows: responsible citizens of this country. Maria Susana Ong, born on April 8,
9of CA 473had been complied with, Regarding the steps that should be Certainly, this is proof enough of 1961. As set forth in his petition, his
the Office of the Solicitor General taken by an alien woman married to a both husband and wifes trade or profession was that of an
(OSG) filed its Motion to Dismiss on Filipino citizen in order to acquire lucrative trade. Azucena herself is a employee, with an average income of
the ground that Azucena failed to Philippine citizenship, the procedure professional and can resume teaching four thousand pesos. His employer
allege that she is engaged in a lawful followed in the Bureau of at anytime. Her profession never was his mother-in-law. 1 It must be
occupation or in some known Immigration is as follows: The leaves her, and this is more than added that while his petition spoke of
lucrative trade. alien woman must file a petition for sufficient guarantee that she will not his place of residence as Cuyo, with
the cancellation of her alien be a charge to the only country she reference likewise to Coron, he did
Issue: certificate of registration alleging, has known since birth. also testify as to having lived at 207
WON the petition for naturalization among other things, that she is judicial declaration of citizenship Echague St., Manila from 1923 to
should be granted? YES. married to a Filipino citizen and that (not authorized) vs naturalization 1949. 2
she is not disqualified from acquiring proceeding
Held: her husbands citizenship pursuant to This case however is not a Petition for A simple recital of the undisputed
Foreign women who are married Section 4 of Commonwealth Act No. judicial declaration of Philippine facts renders clear why, as set forth
to Philippine citizens may be 473, as amended. Upon the filing of citizenship but rather a Petition for at the outset, reversal is called for.
deemed ipso facto Philippine said petition, which should be judicial naturalization under CA 473. That may explain why appellee did
citizens accompanied or supported by the In the first, the petitioner believes he not even bother to file his brief.
Under existing laws, an alien may joint affidavit of the petitioner and is a Filipino citizen and asks a court to
acquire Philippine citizenship through her Filipino husband to the effect that declare or confirm his status as a
either judicial naturalization under CA the petitioner does not belong to any Philippine citizen. In the second, the
473 or administrative naturalization of the groups disqualified by the cited petitioner acknowledges he is an
under Republic Act No. 9139 (the section from becoming naturalized alien, and seeks judicial approval to Issue:
"Administrative Naturalization Law of Filipino citizen x xx, the Bureau of acquire the privilege of be coming a WON failure to state in the petition
2000"). A third option, called Immigration conducts an Philippine citizen based on the present and all the former places
derivative naturalization, which is investigation and thereafter requirements required under CA of residence of applicant and lack of a
available to alien women married to promulgates its order or decision 473.Azucena has clearly proven, lucrative income will keep Ong Ban
Filipino husbands is found under granting or denying the petition.( under strict judicial scrutiny, that she Uan from being a citizen of the PH
Section 15 of CA 473, which provides NOTE: in this case, Ascuzena followed is qualified for the grant of that
that: such procedure but it was denied [by privilege, and this Court will not stand
"any woman who is now or may ministry of justice] so she filed the in the way of making her a part of a
hereafter be married to a citizen of petition for naturalization) truly Filipino family.
the Philippines and who might herself In this case:However, the case Held:
be lawfully naturalized shall be before us is a Petition for judicial 8. In the Matter of Petition of
Ban Uan
deemed a citizen of the Philippines." naturalization and is not based on On the issue of lack of lucrative
Under this provision, foreign women Section 15 of CA 473 which was employment, Lim Biak Chao v.
who are married to Philippine citizens denied by the then Ministry of Justice.
Facts: Republic 3, decided only last month,
may be deemed ipso facto Philippine The lower court which heard the sets forth the applicable doctrine
citizens and it is neither necessary for petition and received evidence of her thus: "It is one of the qualifications
them to prove that they possess qualifications and absence of It was shown that petitioner arrived in required in the Naturalization Act that
other qualifications for naturalization disqualifications to acquire Philippine the Philippines in 1923, staying first petitioner must be worth either not
at the time of their marriage nor do citizenship, has granted the Petition, at 207 Echague St., Manila, from less than P5,000.00 or 'must have
they have to submit themselves to which was affirmed by the CA. 1923 to 1949. Thereafter he some known lucrative trade,
judicial naturalization. Copying from Azucena is a teacher by profession transferred to Puerto Princesa, profession, or lawful occupation.'
similar laws in the United States and has actually exercised her Palawan for the years 1950 to 1951, Some of the earlier decisions
which has since been amended, the profession before she had to quit her then to Coron, also in that province in stressing how essential such a
Philippine legislature retained Section teaching job to assume her family 1952. In 1959, he went to live at requirement is came from the pen of
15 of CA 473, which then reflects its duties and take on her role as joint Cuyo, Palawan, his residence at the former Chief Justice Bengzon, in the
intent to confer Filipino citizenship to provider, together with her husband, time his petition for naturalization
cases respectively of Lim v. 2. Considering that the absence of petition that he is a person of good 3. The Solicitor General also points
Republic, Tiong v. Republic, and Swee lucrative income precludes us from moral character. He simply made a out that the petitioner, a
Din Tan v. Republic. In Tan v. affirming the grant of citizenship, blanket allegation that he had "all the businessman, who has ten children,
Republic, there was a definition of there is no need to discuss the qualifications required of five of whom were still dependent on
what lucrative employment signifies question of failure to state all his Commonwealth Act No. 473" (6 him for support in 1961, when he
from the pen of Justice Zaldivar. It places of residence. Record on Appeal). That general testified, and whose annual income
'means a gainful employment. It is statement is not sufficient. Section 7 was P6,500, cannot be regarded as
not only that the person having the of the law provides that the petitioner having a "lucrative trade" (Sec.
employment gets enough for his 9. Chua Kian Lai vs. Republic should set forth in his petition, inter 2[4th], Com. Act No. 473). That
ordinary necessities in life. It must be alia, "a declaration that he has the income is not adequate to enable him
shown that the employment gives qualifications required by this and the members of his big family "to
one an income such that there is an Act, specifying the same". The live with reasonable comfort, in
appreciable margin of his income Facts: omission of that specific averment accordance with the prevailing
over his expenses as to be able to nullifies his petition (Chua Bon Chiong standard of living, and consistently
provide for an adequate support in vs. Republic, L-29200, May 31, 1971, with the demands of human dignity
Chua Kian Lai, the petitioner, was
the event of unemployment, 39 SCRA 318, 325). at this stage of civilization" (Watt vs.
born on October 27, 1903 in Amoy,
sickness, or disability to work and Republic, L-20718, August 30, 1972,
China. He arrived in the Philippines in
thus avoid one's becoming the object 46 SCRA 683 and nine other cases).
1914. In 1922 he married Ty Siok 2. Chua Kian Lai averred in his
of charity or a public charge. Under Failure to satisfy the property or
Cheng at Amoy. They begot ten petition that his residence was at
such a standard, an applicant with an income requirement is another
children. The eldest was in China. The 741-745 Padilla Street, San Miguel,
income of P8,687.50 with five ground for denying applicant's
last child was born in Quezon City. Manila and that his former residence
children, one with P5,980.00 with petition for naturalization.
Since his arrival in the Philippines was in Amoy, China (2 Record on
three children, a third with an income
Chua Kian Lai resided at the following Appeal). In his testimony he disclosed
of P6,300.00 and only one child and
places: (1) Manila; and (2) Quezon four other places of residence. It is not necessary to resolve the
still another one with an income of
City, back and forth. He is a other issue raised by the State as to
P7,133.29 with four children were all
businessman with an investment in the competency of petitioner's
denied citizenship. Again, from Chief The law explicitly requires that the
various enterprises amounting to character witnesses who had not
Justice Concepcion comes the latest applicant should indicate in his
P60,000. His average annual income known the petitioner since his arrival
decision applying such a doctrine petition "his present and former
before 1961 was P6,500. Damaso L. in the Philippines.
consistently adhered to with places of residence" (See. 7, Com.
Martinez, Delfin Garcia, and Ireneo L. Act No. 473). That requirement is
undeviating rigidity. Reference is
Bangit, his three character witnesses, designed to facilitate the verification The lower court's order allowing Chua
made to Watt v. Republic, where, in a
came to know him. The petition for of petitioner's activities which have a Kian Lai to take the oath of allegiance
sense, a further refinement was
naturalization was filed in 1959. bearing on his petition for as a Filipino citizen, is reversed.
made in the Tan pronouncement
leading to a stricter view of the naturalization, especially as to his
matter. In the language of the Chief qualifications and moral character,
Justice: 'It is not enough for an either by private individuals or by
applicant for naturalization not to be investigative agencies of the 10. Li Tong Pek vs. Republic
a financial burden upon the government, by pointing to them the
community. He must, also, have a localities or places wherein
WON the lower courts decision will appropriate inquiries may be made Facts:
"lucrative trade, profession, or lawful
stand (Keng Giok vs. Republic, 112 Phil. Petitioner was born on August 8,
occupation." And this qualification
986). Moreover, the suppression of 1921 in Chingkang, China. He arrived
has been construed to mean, not only
that information might constitute a at Manila in1930 where he resided
that he is not a beggar, a pauper or
falsehood which signifies that the until 1931. Sometime in 1931, he left
indigent, but, also, that his financial
applicant lacks good moral character the Philippines for Amoy, China,
condition must be such as to permit
1. One qualification for Philippine and is not, therefore, qualified to be where he studied for about three
him and the members of his family to
citizenship is that the petitioner admitted as a citizen of the years. In 1934, he returned to the
live with reasonable comfort, in
"must be of good moral character". Philippines (Ang Ban Giok vs. Philippines and resided in Manila for
accordance with the prevailing
That circumstance should be Republic, L-26949, February 22, about a year, while in 1935 up to the
standard of living, and consistently
specifically alleged in the petition 1974, 55 SCRA 556, 560). present he resided in Naga City. He
with the demands of human dignity,
(Secs. 2[3rd] and 7, Com. Act No. married one Josefa Dy Liaco Chua-
at this stage of our civilization."
473). The State, in its brief, notes Unsu, a Chinese citizen, with whom
that Chua Kian Lai did not aver in his he begot eight children, namely,
Peter, Josefina, Lily, Andrew, John, We find merit in the contention that Facts: year. It is argued by herein petitioner
Tenny, James and Philip, who were all petitioner does not possess a The evidence for petitioner shows that the Keng Giok ruling cannot be
born in Naga City. Peter, Josefina and lucrative income to give him the that he was born in 1913 in applied to his case because the cost
Lily are at present enrolled in the economic sufficiency within the Tangchich, China. He came to Manila of living in Manila is much higher
Anglo-Chinese School, while his son purview of the law for it appears that on June 30, 1930 on board the S/S than the cost of living in Zamboanga
Andrew is enrolled in the Hope considering the wages he was given Angking, and after a stay of four del Norte. But in the case of Keng
Christian School, both schools being during the period he was employed in months, he went with his relatives to Giok, the net income held to be
recognized by our government where the Naga Ricemill, especially Cebu City where he resided until insufficient was P8,000, whereas in
Philippine history, government and considering the high cost of living 1936. From 1936 to 1938, he the case at bar, petitioners income is
civics are taught. and the low purchasing value of our engaged in general merchandising on alleged to be P5,000, more or less,
Petitioner and his family are all living currency during the present time. board an inter island boat plying and declining. Certainly, the
in a house which they built situated in between Cebu City and Dipolog. difference of P3,000 is more than
Naga City. In 1947, he was employed It is true that petitioners wife, as the During that time, he met and married enough to cover the disparity in the
in the Naga Ricemill. In 1957, he also record shows also works as cashier of his wife, Maria del Rosario Liong, and cost of living in Manila and in
became the cashier and bookkeeper. a certain Yu Ka Koh, a distributor of then settled permanently with her in Zamboanga.
In 1958, his wife worked as a cashier the La Perla Cigar and Cigarette Dipolog, Zamboanga del Norte. From Many other cases have been decided
for one Yu Ka Koh, a distributor of the Company but such additional income their union, five children were born. It lately where We have shown that in
La Perla Cigar and Cigarette would appear to be immaterial here was shown that his first four children order that an alien may be admitted
Company. for under the law the petitioner who are of school age are studying in to Philippine citizenship, he must
Petitioner knows how to speak and should be the one to possess "some schools recognized by the have income decent enough to
write English and the Bicol dialect, known lucrative trade, profession or Government where Philippine maintain a family.
having obtained the Degree of lawful occupation" to qualify him to Government, History and Civics are Petitioners use of an alias, without
Bachelor of Science in Commerce become a Filipino citizen (Section 2, taught. Petitioner speaks and writes authority, as provided for in
from the University of Caceres where par. 4, Commonwealth Act No. 473). the English language and the Commonwealth Act No. 142, is in
he also took some courses leading to Cebuano-Visayan dialect. He clear violation of that law, the Anti-
the Degree of Civil Engineering. He is We also take note of the claim that submitted evidence to prove that he Alias Law, and makes him all the
a person of good moral character. He the four children of school age of had conducted himself in a proper more disqualified to obtain Philippine
believes in the principles underlying petitioner named Peter, Josefina, Lily and irreproachable manner during his citizenship. It shows that the said
our Constitution. Be has conducted and Andrew were only enrolled by entire period of residence in the petitioner is not a person of
himself during the entire period of his him either in the Anglo-Chinese High Philippines. He also tried to show that irreproachable character. (See Lim
residence in the Philippines in an School or in the Hope Christian he has mingled socially with Filipinos Bun v. Republic of the Philippines, G.
irreproachable manner. He has School, operated in Naga City, which, and that he has contributed funds to R. No. L-12822, April 26, 1961).
mingled socially with the Filipinos and though recognized by our civic and charitable organizations. The decision granting Philippine
has evinced a sincere desire to learn government, are however run by Petitioner, it is shown, operates a citizenship is hereby reversed.
and embrace the customs and ideals Chinese mentors. The least that can store, known as David Trading, which
of the Filipino people. be said is that said institution being is located at Dipolog. 12. Vilando v HRET
Petitioners application for predominantly, if not exclusively,
naturalization is supported by the attended by Chinese students are On the above findings, the lower
affidavits of Joventino S. Prado, operated primarily for the education court declared petitioner qualified to In the May 14, 2007 elections,
Justice of the Peace of Milaor, of Chinese children, since they are be admitted citizen of the Philippines. Limkaichong filed her certificate of
Camarines Sur, and Domingo being supervised by Chinese citizens. candidacy for the position of
Escante, a Municipal Councilor of This is an indication that by enrolling Issue: Representative of the First District of
Naga City, who expressed their his children in said schools petitioner WON the petitioner has income that Negros Oriental.She won over the
opinion that petitioner is a person of has not evinced a sincere desire to is lucrative by contemplation of law. other contender, Olivia Paras.OnMay
good moral repute and of become a Filipino citizen as should be 25, 2007, she was proclaimed as
irreproachable character. expected from one who desires to This case is on all fours with that of Representative by the Provincial
embrace our citizenship. This Keng Giok v. Republic, where this Board of Canvassers on the basis of
Issue: circumstance is in our opinion enough Court held that the income of Comelec Resolution No. 8062 issued
WON the petitioner has the to disqualify him to become a Filipino petitioner therein who lives in Manila, onMay 18, 2007.OnJuly 23, 2007, she
qualification to become citizen of the citizen. is not lucrative, considering the size assumed office as Member of the
House of Representatives.
PH of his family. In that case, it was
11. Chiu Bok vs. Republic Meanwhile, petitions involving either
shown that petitioner has a wife and
the disqualification or the
Ruling: five children to support and his net proclamation of Limkaichong were
income was found to decline every
filed before the Commission on question, otherwise moot and point in this case. The jurisdiction of and its annexes, including the order,
Elections(COMELEC)which reached academic, if it is capable of the court to inquire into and rule were ordered published once a week
the Court. repetition, yet evading review. The upon such infirmities must be for three consecutive weeks in the
The petitions, which questioned her question on Limkaichongs citizenship properly invoked in accordance with Official Gazette and also in a
citizenship, were filed against is likely to recur if she would run the procedure laid down by law. Such newspaper of general circulation in
Limkaichong by her detractors. again, as she did run, for public procedure is the cancellation of the the City of Manila. The RTC likewise
On April 21, 2009 and May 27, 2009, office, hence, capable of repetition. naturalization certificate. [Section ordered that copies of the petition
petitioner Renald F. In any case, the Court is of the view 1(5), Commonwealth Act No. 63], in
and notice be posted in public and
Vilando(Vilando),as taxpayer; and that the HRET committed no grave the manner fixed in Section 18 of
conspicuous places in the Manila City
Jacinto Paras, as registered voter of abuse of discretion in finding that Commonwealth Act No. 473,
the congressional district concerned, Limkaichong is not disqualified to sit hereinbefore quoted, namely, "upon Hall Building.9
filed separate petitions for Quo as Member of the House of motion made in the proper During the hearing, petitioner
Warranto against Limkaichong before Representatives. proceedings by the Solicitor General presented Atty. Adasa, Jr. who
the HRET.These petitions were Vilandos argument, that the quo or his representatives, or by the testified that he came to know
consolidated by the HRET as they warranto petition does not operate as proper provincial fiscal." In other petitioner in 1991 as the legal
both challenged the eligibility of one a collateral attack on the citizenship words, the initiative must come from consultant and adviser of the So
and the same respondent.Petitioners of Limkaichongs father as the these officers, presumably after familys business. He would usually
asserted that Limkaichong was a certificate of naturalization is null and previous investigation in each attend parties and other social
Chinese citizen and ineligible for the void from the beginning, is devoid of particular case. functions hosted by petitioners
office she was elected and merit. family. He knew petitioner to be
proclaimed.They alleged that she was Clearly, under law and jurisprudence, obedient, hardworking, and
born to a father (Julio Sy), whose In this petition, Vilando seeks to it is the State, through its possessed of good moral character,
naturalization had not attained disqualify Limkaichong on the ground representatives designated by
including all the qualifications
finality, and to a mother who that she is a Chinese citizen.To prove statute, that may question the
mandated by law.
acquired the Chinese citizenship of his point, he makes reference to the illegally or invalidly procured
Julio Sy from the time of her marriage alleged nullity of the grant of certificate of naturalization in the Another witness for petitioner, Mark
to the latter.Also, they invoked the naturalization of Limkaichongs father appropriate denaturalization Salcedo, testified that he has known
jurisdiction of the HRET for a which, however, is not allowed as it proceedings. It is plainly not a matter petitioner for ten (10) years; they first
determination of Limkaichongs would constitute a collateral attack that may be raised by private met at a birthday party in 1991. He
citizenship, which necessarily on the citizenship of the father.In our persons in an election case involving and petitioner were classmates at the
included an inquiry into the validity of jurisdiction, an attack on a person's the naturalized citizens descendant. University of Santo Tomas (UST)
the naturalization certificate of Julio citizenship may only be done through where they took up Pharmacy.
Sy. a direct action for its nullity. 13. Edison So vs. Republic Petitioner was a member of some
For her defense, Limkaichong school organizations and mingled
maintained that she is a natural-born The proper proceeding to assail the Facts:
well with friends.
Filipino citizen.She averred that the citizenship of Limkaichongs father He was born on February 17, 1982, in
The RTC granted the petition on June
acquisition of Philippine citizenship by should be in accordance with Section Manila; he is a Chinese citizen who
4, 2003.
her father was regular and in order 18 of Commonwealth Act No. 473.As has lived in No. 528 Lavezares St.,
Respondent Republic of the
and had already attained the status held inLimkaichong v. Comelec,thus: Binondo, Manila, since birth; as an
Philippines, through the Office of the
ofres judicata.Further, she claimed employee, he derives an average
Solicitor General (OSG), appealed the
that the validity of such citizenship As early as the case ofQueto v. annual income of
could not be assailed through a Catolico, where the Court of First decision to the CA on the following
around P100,000.00 with free board
collateral attack. Instance judgemotu propioand not in grounds:
and lodging and other benefits; he is
the proper denaturalization Issue:
single, able to speak and write
Issue: proceedings called to court various W/N Edison So did meet all the
English, Chinese and Tagalog; he is
Whether Limkaichong is a natural grantees of certificates of qualification needed to be a
exempt from the filing of Declaration
born-citizen naturalization (who had already taken naturalized Filipino citizen.
of Intention to become a citizen of
their oaths of allegiance) and Ruling:
the Philippines pursuant to Section 6
Ruling: cancelled their certificates of The petition is denied for lack of
Citizenship, being a continuing naturalization due to procedural of Commonwealth Act (C.A.) No. 473.
requirement for Members of the infirmities, the Court held that: On March 22, 2002, the RTC issued an
Naturalization signifies the act of
House of Representatives, however, Order8 setting the petition for hearing
formally adopting a foreigner into the
may be questioned at anytime. For x x x It may be true that, as alleged at 8:30 a.m. of December 12 and 17,
political body of a nation by clothing
this reason, the Court deems it by said respondents, that the 2002 during which all persons
him or her with the privileges of a
appropriate to resolve the petition on proceedings for naturalization were concerned were enjoined to show
citizen.44 Under current and existing
the merits.This position finds support tainted with certain infirmities, fatal cause, if any, why the petition should
in the rule that courts will decide a or otherwise,but that is beside the laws, there are three ways by which
not be granted. The entire petition
an alien may become a citizen by
naturalization: (a) administrative affidavit or testimony is not he signed, specifically, the to be displayed when required and
naturalization pursuant to R.A. No. incredible. What must be credible is Companies registry of Tai Shun Estate suppressed when convenient.
9139; (b) judicial naturalization not the declaration made but the Ltd. filed in Hongkong sometime in
April 1980. 2. Frivaldo vs. COMELEC
pursuant to C.A. No. 473, as person making it. This implies that
amended; and (c) legislative such person must have a good Facts:
naturalization in the form of a law standing in the community; that he is The CID detained Yu pending his
deportation case. Yu, in turn, filed a Petitioner yu was originallyissued a
enacted by Congress bestowing known to be honest and upright; that portuguese passport in 1971. On
petition for habeas corpus. An
Philippine citizenship to an alien. he is reputed to be trustworthy and february 10, 1978, he was
internal resolution of 7 November
First. C.A. No. 473 and R.A. No. 9139 reliable; and that his word may be naturalized as a philippine citizen.
1988 referred the case to the Court
are separate and distinct laws the taken on its face value, as a good en banc. The Court en banc denied Despite hisnaturalization,
former covers all aliens regardless of warranty of the applicants the petition. When his Motion for he applied for and was issued
class while the latter covers native- worthiness. Reconsideration was denied, portuguese passport by the consular
born aliens who lived here in the e do not agree with petitioners petitioner filed a Motion section of the portuguese embassy in
Philippines all their lives, who never argument that respondent is for Clarification. tokyo on july 21, 1981. Said consular
saw any other country and all along precluded from questioning the RTC office certifies that his portuguese
Issue: passport expired on 20 july 1986. He
thought that they were Filipinos; who decision because of its failure to
Whether or not petitioners acts also declared his nationality as
have demonstrated love and loyalty oppose the petition. A naturalization
constitute renunciation of his portuguese in commercial documents
to the Philippines and affinity to the proceeding is not a judicial adversary
Philippine citizenship he signed, specifically, the companies
customs and traditions.52 To reiterate, proceeding, and the decision registry of tai shun estate ltd. Filed in
the intention of the legislature in rendered therein does not hongkong sometime in april 1980.
enacting R.A. No. 9139 was to make constitute res judicata. A certificate Held:
Express renunciation was held to The cid detained yu pending his
the process of acquiring Philippine of naturalization may be cancelled if deportation case. Yu, in turn, filed a
mean a renunciation that is made
citizenship less tedious, less technical it is subsequently discovered that the petition for habeas corpus. An
known distinctly and explicitly and
and more encouraging which is applicant obtained it by misleading not left to inference or implication. internal resolution of 7 november
administrative rather than judicial in the court upon any material fact. Law Petitioner, with full knowledge, and 1988 referred the case to the court
nature. Thus, although the legislature and jurisprudence even authorize the legal capacity, after having en banc. The court en banc denied
believes that there is a need to cancellation of a certificate of renounced Portuguese citizenship the petition. When his motion for
liberalize the naturalization law of the naturalization upon grounds or upon naturalization as a Philippine reconsideration was denied,
Philippines, there is nothing from conditions arising subsequent to the citizen resumed or reacquired his petitioner filed a motion
which it can be inferred that C.A. No. granting of the certificate. If the prior status as a Portuguese for clarification.
473 was intended to be amended or government can challenge a final citizen, applied for a renewal of his
Portuguese passport Issue:
repealed by R.A. No. 9139. What the grant of citizenship, with more reason
andrepresented himself as such Whether or not petitioners acts
legislature had in mind was merely to can it appeal the decision of the RTC constitute renunciation of his
prescribe another mode of acquiring within the reglementary period in official documents even after he
had become a naturalized Philippine philippine citizenship
Philippine citizenship which may be despite its failure to oppose the
citizen. Such resumption or
availed of by native born aliens. The petition before the lower court. Held:
reacquisition of Portuguese
only implication is that, a native born Express renunciation was held to
citizenship is grossly inconsistent
alien has the choice to apply for mean a renunciation that is made
Section 3
with his maintenance of Philippine
judicial or administrative citizenship. known distinctly and explicitly and
1. Yu vs. Defensor-Santiago not left to inference or implication.
naturalization, subject to the
prescribed qualifications and Facts: While normally the question of Petitioner, with full knowledge, and
disqualifications. Petitioner Yu was originallyissued a whether or not a person has legal capacity, after having
In naturalization proceedings, it is the Portuguese passport in 1971. On renounced his Philippine citizenship renounced portuguese citizenship
burden of the applicant to prove not February 10, 1978, he was should be heard before a trial court of upon naturalization as a philippine
naturalized as a Philippine citizen. law in adversaryproceedings, this has citizen resumed or reacquired his
only his own good moral character
Despite hisnaturalization, become unnecessary as this Court, prior status as a portuguese
but also the good moral character of
he applied for and was issued no less, upon the insistence of citizen, applied for a renewal of his
his/her witnesses, who must be portuguese passport
credible persons. Within the purview Portuguese Passport by the Consular petitioner, had to look into the facts
Section of the Portuguese Embassy in and satisfy itself on whether or not andrepresented himself as such
of the naturalization law, a "credible in official documents even after he
person" is not only an individual who Tokyo on July 21, 1981. Said Consular petitioner's claim to continued
Office certifies that his Portuguese Philippine citizenship is meritorious. had become a naturalized philippine
has not been previously convicted of citizen. Such resumption or
passport expired on 20 July 1986. He
a crime; who is not a police character reacquisition of portuguese
also declared his nationality as Philippine citizenship, it must be
and has no police record; who has not Portuguese in commercial documents stressed, is not a commodity or were citizenship is grossly inconsistent
perjured in the past; or whose
with his maintenance of philippine marriage to an Australian that made declared through their ballots that taken by Frivaldo on same date.
citizenship. him an Australian. It was his act of they do not choose him. Sound policy
subsequently swearing by taking an dictates that public elective offices ISSUE:
While normally the question of oath of allegiance to the government are filled by those who have received Whether or not Frivaldo was duly re-
whether or not a person has of Australia. He did not dispute that the highest number of votes cast in admitted to his citizenship as a
renounced his philippine citizenship he needed an Australian passport to the election for that office, and it is a Filipino.
should be heard before a trial court of return to the Philippines in 1980; and fundamental idea in all republican
law in adversaryproceedings, this has that he was listed as an immigrant forms of government that no one can RULING:
become unnecessary as this court, no here. It cannot be said also that he is be declared elected and no measure No. The supreme court ruled that
less, upon the insistence of a dual citizen. Dual allegiance of can be declared carried unless he or Private respondent is declared NOT a
petitioner, had to look into the facts citizens is inimical to the national it receives a majority or plurality of citizen of the Philippines and
and satisfy itself on whether or not interest and shall be dealt with by the legal votes cast in the election. therefore disqualified from continuing
petitioner's claim to continued law. He lost his Filipino citizenship to serve as governor of the Province
philippine citizenship is meritorious. when he swore allegiance to of Sorsogon. He is ordered to vacate
Australia. He cannot also claim that 4. Republic vs. De la Rosa his office and to surrender the same
Philippine citizenship, it must be when he lost his Australian to the Vice-Governor of the Province
stressed, is not a commodity or were citizenship, he became solely a FACTS: of Sorsogon once this decision
to be displayed when required and Filipino. To restore his Filipino September 20, 1991 - Frivaldo filed a becomes final and executory. The
suppressed when convenient. citizenship, he must be naturalized or petition for naturalization under the proceedings of the trial court was
repatriated or be declared as a Commonwealth Act No. 63 before the marred by the following irregularities:
3. Labo vs. COMELEC Filipino through an act of Congress RTC Manila. (1) the hearing of the petition was set
none of this happened. ahead of the scheduled date of
Facts: Labo, being a foreigner, cannot serve hearing, without a publication of the
October 7, 1991 - Judge dela Rosa set
In 1988, Ramon Labo, Jr. Was elected public office. His claim that his lack of order advancing the date of hearing,
the petition for hearing on March 16,
as mayor of Baguio City. His rival, Luis citizenship should not overcome the and the petition itself;
1992, and directed the publication of
Lardizabal filed a petition for quo will of the electorate is not tenable. (2) the petition was heard within six
the said order and petition in the
warranto against Labo as Lardizabal The people of Baguio could not have, months from the last publication of
Official Gazette and a newspaper of
asserts that Labo is an Australian even unanimously, changed the the petition;
general circulation, for 3 consecutive
citizen hence disqualified; that he requirements of the Local (3) petitioner was allowed to take his
weeks, the last publication of which
was naturalized as an Australian after Government Code and the oath of allegiance before the finality
should be at least 6 months before
he married an Australian. Labo avers Constitution simply by electing a of the judgment; and
the date of the said hearing.
that his marriage with an Australian foreigner (curiously, would Baguio (4) petitioner took his oath of
did not make him an Australian; that have voted for Labo had they known allegiance without observing the two-
January 14, 1992 - Frivaldo asked the
at best he has dual citizenship, he is Australian). The electorate had year waiting period.
Judge to cancel the March 16 hearing
Australian and Filipino; that even if he no power to permit a foreigner owing and move it to January 24, 1992,
indeed became an Australian when his total allegiance to the Queen of 5. Mo Ya Lim Yao vs.
citing his intention to run for public
he married an Australian citizen, such Australia, or at least a stateless Commissioner on
office in the May 1992 elections.
citizenship was lost when his individual owing no allegiance to the
Judge granted the motion and the
marriage with the Australian was Republic of the Philippines, to preside hearing was moved to February 21. FACTS:
later declared void for being over them as mayor of their city. Only No publication or copy was issued This is a case filed to enjoin the
bigamous. Labo further asserts that citizens of the Philippines have that about the order. Commissioner of Immigration from
even if hes considered as an privilege over their countrymen.
Australian, his lack of citizenship is causing the arrest and deportation of
2. Lardizabal on the other hand February 21, 1992 - the hearing the petitioner herein - Lau Yuen
just a mere technicality which should cannot assert, through the quo proceeded. Yueng.
not frustrate the will of the electorate warranto proceeding, that he should February 27, 1992 - Judge rendered
of Baguio who voted for him by a vast be declared the mayor by reason of the assailed Decision and held that Petitioner herein applied for a
majority. Labos disqualification because Frivaldo is readmitted as a citizen of passport visa to enter the Philippines
Issues: Lardizabal obtained the second the Republic of the Philippines by as a non-immigrant. She is a Chinese
1. Whether or not Labo can retain his highest number of vote. It would be naturalization. residing in Kowloon, Hongking and
public office. extremely repugnant to the basic
2. Whether or not Lardizabal, who that she desired to take a pleasure
concept of the constitutionally Republic of the Philippines filed a trip to the Philippines and to visit her
obtained the second highest vote in guaranteed right to suffrage if a petition for Certiorari under Rule 45 great grand uncle for a period of one
the mayoralty race, can replace Labo candidate who has not acquired the of the Revised Rules of Court in month.
in the event Labo is disqualified. majority or plurality of votes is relation to R.A. No. 5440 and Section
Held: 1. No. Labo did not question the proclaimed a winner and imposed as 25 of the Interim Rules, to annul the When she arrived in the Philippines,
authenticity of evidence presented the representative of a constituency, decision made on February 27, 1992 Asher Y Cheng filed a bond in the
against him. He was naturalized as an the majority of which have positively and to nullify the oath of allegiance amount of PHP1, 000 to undertake
Australian in 1976. It was not his
among others that Lau Yuen Yueng of the naturalization laws was not Cruz was a natural-born citizen of the HELD: petition dismissed
would actually depart from the required. Philippines. He was born in Tarlac in YES
Philippines on or before the 1960 of Filipino parents. In 1985, Filipino citizens who have lost their
expiration of her authorized period of Being the criterion of whether or not however, Cruz enlisted in the US citizenship may however reacquire
stay in this country or within the an alien wife "may be lawfully Marine Corps and without the consent the same in the manner provided by
period as in his discretion the naturalised," what should be required of the Republic of the Philippines, law. C.A. No. 63 enumerates the 3
Commissioner of Immigration or his is not only that she must not be took an oath of allegiance to the USA. modes by which Philippine citizenship
authorized representative might disqualified under Section 4 but she As a Consequence, he lost his Filipino may be reacquired by a former
properly allow. must also possess the qualifications citizenship for under CA No. 63 [(An citizen:
enumerated in Section 2, such as Act Providing for the Ways in Which 1. by naturalization,
After repeated extensions, petitioner those of age, residence, good moral Philippine Citizenship May Be Lost or 2. by repatriation, and
was allowed to stay until Feb. 13, character, adherence to the Reacquired (1936)] section 1(4), a 3. by direct act of Congress.
1962. But on January 25, 1962, she underlying principles of the Philippine Filipino citizen may lose his **
contracted marriage with Moy Ya Lim Constitution, irreproachable conduct, citizenship by, among other, Repatriation may be had under
Yao alias Edilberto Aguinaldo Lim an lucrative employment or ownership of rendering service to or accepting various statutes by those who lost
alleged Filipino Citizen. real estate, capacity to speak and commission in the armed forces of a their citizenship due to:
write English or Spanish and one of foreign country. 1. desertion of the armed forces;
Because of the contemplated action the principal local languages, Whatever doubt that remained 2. services in the armed forces of the
of the respondent to confiscate her education of children in certain regarding his loss of Philippine allied forces in World War II;
bond and order her arrest schools, etc. citizenship was erased by his 3. service in the Armed Forces of the
deportation, after the expiration of naturalization as a U.S. citizen in United States at any other time,
her authorized stay, she brought this In Philippine jurisprudence it was held 1990, in connection with his service 4. marriage of a Filipino woman to an
action for injunction with preliminary that an alien wife is required to prove in the U.S. Marine Corps. alien; and
injunction. only that she may herself be lawfully In 1994, Cruz reacquired his 5. political economic necessity
naturalized, that she is not one of the Philippine citizenship through Repatriation results in the recovery of
During the hearing, it was admitted disqualified persons enumerated in repatriation under RA 2630 [(An Act the original nationality This means
that Lao Yuen Yueng could not write the Section 4 of the law, on order to Providing for Reacquisition of that a naturalized Filipino who lost his
either English or Tagalog. Except a establish her citizenship status as a Philippine Citizenship by Persons Who citizenship will be restored to his prior
few words she could not speak either fact. Lost Such Citizenship by Rendering status as a naturalized Filipino citizen.
English or Tagalog. She could not Service To, or Accepting Commission On the other hand, if he was
even name any Filipino neighbor, with Section 15 of the Naturalization law In, the Armed Forces of the United originally a natural-born citizen
a Filipino name except one, Rosa. (Commonwealth Act 473), an alien States (1960)]. He ran for and was before he lost his Philippine
woman marrying a Filipino, native elected as the Representative of the citizenship, he will be restored to his
ISSUE: born or naturalised, becomes ipso 2nd District of Pangasinan in the former status as a natural-born
Whether or not marriage by Lao Yuen facto a Filipina provided she is not 1998 elections. He won over Filipino.
Yueng made her ipso facto a citizen disqualified to be a citizen of the petitioner Bengson who was then R.A. No. 2630 provides:
of the Philippines. Philippines under Section 4 of the running for reelection. Sec 1. Any person who had lost his
same law. likewise, an alien woman Subsequently, petitioner filed a case Philippine citizenship by rendering
HELD: married to an alien who i for Quo Warranto Ad Cautelam with service to, or accepting commission
Pertinent part of Section 15 of subsequently naturalised here follows respondent HRET claiming that Cruz in, the Armed Forces of the United
Commonwealth Act No 473, upon the Philippines citizenship of her was not qualified to become a States, or after separation from the
which petitioners rely, reads. husband the moment he takes his member of the HOR since he is not a Armed Forces of the United States,
oath as Filipino citizen, provided that natural-born citizen as required under acquired United States citizenship,
Any woman who is not or may she does not suffer from any of the Article VI, section 6 of the may reacquire Philippine citizenship
hereafter be married to a citizen of disqualifications under said Section 4. Constitution. by taking an oath of allegiance to the
the Philippines, and who might HRET rendered its decision dismissing Republic of the Philippines and
herself be lawfully naturalised shall the petition for quo warranto and registering the same with Local Civil
be deemed a citizen of the 6. Bengzon III vs. HRET declaring Cruz the duly elected Registry in the place where he
Philippines. Representative in the said election. resides or last resided in the
FACTS: Philippines. The said oath of
Citing several cases decided by the The citizenship of respondent Cruz is ISSUE: allegiance shall contain a
Supreme Court, the phrase, "who at issue in this case, in view of the WON Cruz, a natural-born Filipino who renunciation of any other citizenship.
might herself be lawfully naturalised," constitutional requirement that no became an American citizen, can still Having thus taken the required oath
refer to a class or race who might be person shall be a Member of the be considered a natural-born Filipino of allegiance to the Republic and
lawfully naturalized, and that House of Representatives unless he is upon his reacquisition of Philippine having registered the same in the
compliance with the other conditions a natural-born citizen. citizenship. Civil Registry of Magantarem,
Pangasinan in accordance with the
aforecited provision, Cruz is deemed On November 19, 1987, private petition for disqualification for not November 19, 1987 and that Aznar
to have recovered his original status respondent Emilio "Lito" Osmea filed having been timely filed and for lack filed his petition for disqualification
as a natural-born citizen, a status his certificate of candidacy with the of sufficient proof that Osmena is not on January 22, 1988. Since the
which he acquired at birth as the son COMELEC for the position of a Filipino citizen. petition for disqualification was filed
of a Filipino father. It bears stressing Provincial Governor of Cebu Province beyond the twenty five-day period
that the act of repatriation allows him in the January 18, 1988 local ISSUES: required in Section 78 of the Omnibus
to recover, or return to, his original elections. On January 22, 1988, the 1. WON petition for disqualification Election Code, it is clear that said
status before he lost his Philippine
Cebu PDP-Laban Provincial Council was timely filed. petition was filed out of time.
(Cebu-PDP Laban, for short), as 2. WON Osmena is a Filipino citizen. The petition for the disqualification of
7. Altajeros vs. COMELEC represented by petitioner Jose B. Osmena cannot also be treated as a
Aznar in his capacity as its incumbent RULING: petition for quo warranto under
FACTS: Provincial Chairman, filed with the 1. NO. Section 253 of the same Code as it is
Private respondents filed with the COMELEC a petition for the There are two instances where a unquestionably premature,
COMELEC to disqualify and deny due disqualification of Osmea on the petition questioning the qualifications considering that Osmena was
course or cancel the certificate of ground that he is allegedly not a of a registered candidate to run for proclaimed Provincial Governor of
candidacy of Ciceron P. Altarejos, on Filipino citizen, being a citizen of the the office for which his certificate of Cebu only on March 3, 1988.
the ground that he is not a Filipino
United States of America. candidacy was filed can be raised
citizen and that he made a false
On January 28, 1988, the under the Omnibus Election 2. YES.
representation in his COC that he was
not a permanent resident of the COMELEC en banc resolved to order Code (B.P. Blg. 881), to wit: In the proceedings before the
Municipality of San Jacinto, Masbate, the Board to continue canvassing but "(1) Before election, pursuant to COMELEC, Aznar failed to present
the town he's running for as mayor in to suspend the proclamation. At the Section 78 thereof which provides direct proof that Osmena had lost his
the May 10, 2004 elections. Altarejos hearing before the COMELEC, Aznar that: Filipino citizenship by any of the
answered that he was already issued presented the following exhibits 'Section 78. Petition to deny due modes provided for under C.A. No.
a Certificate of Repatriation by the tending to show that Osmena is an course or to cancel a certificate of 63. Among others, these are: (1) by
Special Committee on Naturalization American citizen: Application for Alien candidacy. A verified petition naturalization in a foreign country; (2)
in December 17, 1997. Registration of the Bureau of seeking to deny due course or to by express renunciation of
Immigration dated November 21, cancel a certificate of candidacy may citizenship; and (3) by subscribing to
ISSUE: 1979; Alien Certificate of Registration be filed by any person exclusively on an oath of allegiance to support
Whether or not the registration of dated November 21, 1979; Permit to the ground that any material the Constitution or laws of a foreign
petitioners repatriation with the Re-enter the Philippines dated representation contained therein as country. From the evidence, Osmea
proper civil registry and with the
November 21, 1979; Immigration required under Section 74 hereof is did not lose his Philippine citizenship
Bureau of Immigration a prerequisite
Certificate of Clearance dated false. The petition may be filed at any by any of the three mentioned
in effecting repatriation.
January 3, 1980. Osmea on the time not later than twenty five days hereinabove or by any other mode of
RULING: other hand, maintained that he is a from the time of the filing of the losing Philippine citizenship.
Yes. The registration of certificate of Filipino citizen, alleging: that he is the certificate of candidacy and shall be In concluding that Osmena had been
repatriation with the proper local civil legitimate child of Dr. Emilio D. decided, after the notice and hearing, naturalized as a citizen of the USA,
registry and with the Bureau of Osmea, a Filipino and son of the late not later than fifteen days before the Aznar merely relied on the fact that
Immigration is a prerequisite in President Sergio Osmea, Sr.; that he election. Osmena was issued alien certificate
effecting repatriation. Petitioner is a holder of a valid and subsisting and of registration and was given
completed all the requirements of Philippine Passport issued on March "(2) After election, pursuant to clearance and permit to re-enter the
repatriation only after he filed his 25, 1987; that he has been Section 253 thereof, viz: Philippines by the Commission on
certificate of candidacy for a continuously residing in the 'Sec. 253. Petition for quo warranto. Immigration and Deportation. Aznar
mayoralty position but before the Philippines since birth and has not Any voter contesting the election assumed that because of the
elections. Petitioners repatriation gone out of the country for more than of any Member of the Batasang foregoing, Osmena is an American
retroacted to the date he filed his
six months; and that he has been a Pambansa, regional, provincial, or city and "being an American", Osmena
application and was, therefore,
registered voter in the Philippines officer on the ground of inelligibility "must have taken and sworn to the
qualified to run for a mayoralty
position in the government in the since 1965. or of disloyalty to the Republic of the Oath of Allegiance required by the
May 10, 2004 elections. On March 3, 1988, COMELEC directed Philippines shall file a sworn petition U.S. Naturalization Laws.
the Board of Canvassers to proclaim for quo warranto with the Philippine courts are only allowed to
Section 5 the winning candidates. Having Commission within ten days after the determine who are Filipino citizens
1. Aznar vs. COMELEC obtained the highest number of proclamation of the results of the and who are not. Whether or not a
votes, Osmena was proclaimed the election." person is considered an American
FACTS: Provincial Governor of Cebu. On June The records show that Osmena filed under the laws of the United States
11, 1988, COMELEC dismissed the his certificate of candidacy on does not concern Us here.
By virtue of his being the son of a country of which they are also adulthood, received his education,
Filipino father, the presumption that Manzano was eventually proclaimed citizens and thereby terminate their practiced his profession as an artist,
Osmena is a Filipino remains. It was as the Vice-Mayor of Makati City on status as dual citizens. It may be and taken part in past elections in
incumbent upon Aznar to prove that August 31, 1998. Thus the present that, from the point of view of the this country, leaves no doubt of his
Osmena had lost his Philippine petition. foreign state and of its laws, such an election of Philippine citizenship.
citizenship however, he failed to individual has not effectively
positively establish this fact. ISSUE: renounced his foreign citizenship. His declarations will be taken upon
Osmena vehemently denies having Whether or not a dual citizen is That is of no moment. the faith that he will fulfill his
taken the oath of allegiance of the disqualified to hold public elective undertaking made under oath. Should
US. He is a holder of a valid and office in the philippines. When a person applying for he betray that trust, there are
subsisting Philippine passport and citizenship by naturalization takes an enough sanctions for declaring the
has continuously participated in the RULING: oath that he renounces his loyalty to loss of his Philippine citizenship
electoral process in this country since The court ruled that the phrase "dual any other country or government and through expatriation in appropriate
1963 up to the present, both as a citizenship" in R.A. 7160 Sec. 40 (d) solemnly declares that he owes his proceedings. In Yu v. Defensor-
voter and as a candidate. Thus, and R.A. 7854 Sec. 20 must be allegiance to the Republic of the Santiago, the court sustained the
Osmena remains a Filipino and the understood as referring to dual Philippines, the condition imposed by denial of entry into the country of
loss of his Philippine citizenship allegiance. Dual citizenship is law is satisfied and complied with. petitioner on the ground that, after
cannot be presumed. different from dual allegiance. The The determination whether such taking his oath as a naturalized
former arises when, as a result of the renunciation is valid or fully complies citizen, he applied for the renewal of
2. Mercado vs. Manzano application of the different laws of with the provisions of our his Portuguese passport and declared
two or more states, a person is Naturalization Law lies within the in commercial documents executed
FACTS: simultaneously considered a national province and is an exclusive abroad that he was a Portuguese
Petitioner Ernesto Mercado and by the said states. Dual allegiance on prerogative of our courts. The latter national. A similar sanction can be
Eduardo Manzano were both the other hand, refers to a situation should apply the law duly enacted by taken against any one who, in
candidates for Vice-Mayor of Makati in which a person simultaneously the legislative department of the electing Philippine citizenship,
in the May 11, 1998 elections. owes, by some positive act, loyalty to Republic. No foreign law may or renounces his foreign nationality, but
two or more states. While dual should interfere with its operation subsequently does some act
Based on the results of the election, citizenship is involuntary, dual and application. constituting renunciation of his
Manzano garnered the highest allegiance is a result of an individual's Philippine citizenship.
number of votes. However, his volition. Article IV Sec. 5 of the The court ruled that the filing of
proclamation was suspended due to Constitution provides "Dual certificate of candidacy of respondent The petition for certiorari is
the pending petition for allegiance of citizens is inimical to the sufficed to renounce his American DISMISSED for lack of merit.
disqualification filed by Ernesto national interest and shall be dealt citizenship, effectively removing any
with by law." disqualification he might have as a 3. Sobejana-Condon vs.
Mercado on the ground that he was COMELEC
not a citizen of the Philippines but of dual citizen. By declaring in his
the United States. Consequently, persons with mere certificate of candidacy that he is a
dual citizenship do not fall under this Filipino citizen; that he is not a Facts:
From the facts presented, it appears disqualification. Unlike those with permanent resident or immigrant of The petitioner is a natural-born
that Manzano is both a Filipino and a dual allegiance, who must, therefore, another country; that he will defend Filipino citizen having been born of
US citizen. The Commission on be subject to strict process with and support the Constitution of the Filipino parents on August 8, 1944.
Elections declared Manzano respect to the termination of their Philippines and bear true faith and On December 13, 1984, she became
disqualified as candidate for said status, for candidates with dual allegiance thereto and that he does a naturalized Australian citizen owing
elective position. citizenship, it should suffice if, upon so without mental reservation, to her marriage to a certain Kevin
the filing of their certificates of private respondent has, as far as the Thomas Condon.
However, in a subsequent resolution candidacy, they elect Philippine laws of this country are concerned, On December 2, 2005, she filed an
of the COMELEC en banc, the citizenship to terminate their status effectively repudiated his American application to re-acquire Philippine
disqualification of the respondent was as persons with dual citizenship citizenship and anything which he citizenship before the Philippine
reversed. Respondent was held to considering that their condition is the may have said before as a dual Embassy in Canberra, Australia
have renounced his US citizenship unavoidable consequence of citizen. pursuant to Section 3 of R.A. No.
when he attained the age of majority conflicting laws of different states. 9225 otherwise known as the
and registered himself as a voter in On the other hand, private "Citizenship Retention and Re-
the elections of 1992, 1995 and By electing Philippine citizenship, respondents oath of allegiance to the Acquisition Act of 2003."5 The
1998. such candidates at the same time Philippines, when considered with the application was approved and the
forswear allegiance to the other fact that he has spent his youth and
petitioner took her oath of allegiance and ineligible to hold office of vice the time of the filing of the certificate While Ty may have applied for
to the Republic of the Philippines on mayor of Caba La union and nullified of candidacy, make a personal and the reacquisition of his Philippine
December 5, 2005. her proclamation as the winning sworn renunciation of any and all citizenship, he never actually
On September 18, 2006, the candidate. foreign citizenship before any public resided in Barangay 6 for a
petitioner filed an unsworn After that the decision was appealed officer authorized to administer an period of one year immediately
Declaration of Renunciation of to the comelec, but the appeal was oath. preceding the date of election as
Australian Citizenship before the dismissed y the second division and On September 18, 2006, or a year required under Section 39 of LGC
Department of Immigration and affirmed the decision of the trial before she initially sought elective Reacquisition of citizenship does
Indigenous Affairs, Canberra, court. public office, she filed a renunciation not automatically establish his
Australia, which in turn issued the The petitioner contends that since of Australian citizenship in Canberra, domicile at Barangay 6.
Order dated September 27, 2006 she ceased to be an Australian citizen Australia. Admittedly, however, the He had also failed to renounce
certifying that she has ceased to be on September 27, 2006, she no same was not under oath contrary to his foreign citizenship as
an Australian citizen.6 longer held dual citizenship and was the exact mandate of Section 5(2) required by Republic Act No.
The petitioner ran for Mayor in her only a Filipino citizen when she filed that the renunciation of foreign 9225, otherwise known as the
hometown of Caba, La Union in the her certificate of candidacy as early citizenship must be sworn before an Citizenship Retention and
2007 elections. She lost in her bid. as the 2007 elections. Hence, the officer authorized to administer oath. Reacquisition Act of 2003
She again sought elective office "personal and sworn renunciation of The supreme court said that, the Ty admits that he had indeed lost his
during the May 10, 2010 elections foreign citizenship" imposed by renunciation of her Australian Philippine citizenship when he was
this time for the position of Vice- Section 5(2) of R.A. No. 9225 to dual citizenship was invalid due to it was naturalized as a US citizen. However,
Mayor. She obtained the highest citizens seeking elective office does not oath before any public officer he alleges that prior to the election,
numbers of votes and was proclaimed not apply to her. authorized to administer it rendering he had successfully reacquired his
as the winning candidate. She took the act of Condon void. Filipino citizenship as shown by his
her oath of office on May 13, 2010. Issue: W/N petitioner disqualified WHEREFORE, in view of all the act of executing an Oath of
Soon thereafter, private respondents from running for elective office due to foregoing, the petition is Allegiance to RP and a duly
Robelito V. Picar, Wilma P. failure to renounce her Australian hereby DISMISSED. The Resolution notazaried Renunciation of Foreign
Pagaduan7 and Luis M. Citizenship in accordance with Sec. 5 dated September 6, 2011 of the Citizenship. He had also complied
Bautista,8 (private respondents) all (2) of R.A 9225 Commission on Elections en bane in with the 1-year residencey rule as
registered voters of Caba, La Union, EAC (AE shown by the following:
filed separate petitions for quo Ruling: CTC from Barangay 6 (March
warranto questioning the petitioners R.A. No. 9225 allows the retention 4. Japzon vs. COMELEC 2006)
eligibility before the RTC. The and re-acquisition of Filipino Passport indicating that his
petitions similarly sought the citizenship for natural-born citizens residence is in Barangay 6 (Oct
Petitioner Manuel Japzon and private
petitioners disqualification from who have lost their Philippine 2005)
respondent Jaime S. Ty ran for Mayor
holding her elective post on the citizenship18 by taking an oath of Registered voter at Brgy 6 (July
of the Municipality of General
ground that she is a dual citizen and allegiance to the Republic. 2006)
Macarthur, Eastern Samar in the local
that she failed to execute a "personal Natural-born citizens of the Pending this case, Ty won the
elections of 14 May 2007.
and sworn renunciation of any and all Philippines who, after the effectivity elections.
Japzon instituted before the COMELEC
foreign citizenship before any public of this Act, become citizens of a COMELEC 1st Division ruled for Ty.
a Petition to disqualify and/or cancel
officer authorized to administer an foreign country shall retain their COMELEC En Banc affirmed.
Tys Certificate of Candidacy on the
oath" as imposed by Section 5(2) of Philippine citizenship upon taking the
ground of material misrepresentation.
R.A. No. 9225. aforesaid oath. Issue: WON Ty complied with the one
He averred that
The petitioner denied being a dual The oath is an abbreviated (1) year residency requirement under
Ty is a US citizen and had been
citizen and averred that since repatriation process that restores the Local Government Code.
residing in the USA for the last
September 27, 2006, she ceased to ones Filipino citizenship and all civil
25 years.
be an Australian citizen. She claimed and political rights and obligations Held: YES. The term "residence" is to
When Ty filed his Certificate of
that the Declaration of Renunciation concomitant therewith, subject to be understood not in its common
Candidacy he falsely represented
of Australian Citizenship she certain conditions imposed in Section acceptation as referring to "dwelling"
therein that he was a resident of
executed in Australia sufficiently 5. or "habitation," but rather to
Barangay 6, Poblacion, General
complied with Section 5(2), R.A. No. Section 5, paragraph 2 provides: "domicile" or legal residence, that is,
Macarthur, Eastern Samar
9225 and that her act of running for (2) Those seeking elective public "the place where a party actually or
(Barangay 6), for one year
public office is a clear abandonment office in the Philippines shall meet constructively has his permanent
before 14 May 2007 and was not
of her Australian citizenship. the qualification for holding such home, where he, no matter where he
a permanent resident or
The trial decision ordered by the trial public office as required by the may be found at any given time,
immigrant of any foreign country.
court declaring Condon disqualified Constitution and existing laws and, at
eventually intends to return and voter on 17 July 2006 in Precinct Presidency. Three justices, however, municipality where the population of
remain (animus manendi). 0013A, Barangay 6. abstained to vote on the natural- the Philippines is overwhelmingly
born citizenship issue. Filipinos such that there would be
A domicile of origin is acquired by 5. Mary Grace Natividad S. Poe- Issue 1: W/N the COMELEC has more than 99% chance that a child
Llamanzares vs. COMELEC
every person at birth. It is usually the jurisdiction to rule on the issue of born in such province is a Filipino is
place where the childs parents reside qualifications of candidates (Read also a circumstantial evidence of her
and continues until the same is Facts: Dissent) parents nationality. That probability
abandoned by acquisition of new In her COC for presidency for the May Held: and the evidence on which it is based
domicile (domicile of choice). In 2016 elections, Grace Poe declared No. Article IX-C, Sec 2 of the are admissible under Rule 128,
Coquilla, the Court already that she is a natural-born citizen and Constitution provides for the powers Section 4 of the Revised Rules on
acknowledged that for an individual that her residence in the Philippines and functions of the COMELEC, and Evidence. To assume otherwise is to
to acquire American citizenship, he up to the day before 9 May 2016 deciding on the qualifications or lack accept the absurd, if not the virtually
must establish residence in the USA. would be 10 years and 11 months thereof of a candidate is not one impossible, as the norm.
Since Ty himself admitted that he counted from 24 May 2005. among them. Second, by votes of 7-5, the SC
became a naturalized American May 24, 2005 was the day she came In contrast, the Constitution provides pronounced that foundlings are as a
citizen, then he must have to the Philippines after deciding to that only the SET and HRET tribunals class, natural-born citizens. This is
necessarily abandoned Barangay 6 as stay in the PH for good. Before that have sole jurisdiction over the based on the finding that the
his domicile of origin; and transferred however, and even afterwards, she election contests, returns, and deliberations of the 1934
to the USA, as his domicile of choice. has been going to and fro between qualifications of their respective Constitutional Convention show that
US and Philippines. She was born in members, whereas over the President the framers intended foundlings to be
Tys reacquisition of his Philippine 1968, found as newborn infant in and Vice President, only the SC en covered by the enumeration. While
citizenship under RA 9225 had no Iloilo, and was legally adopted. She banc has sole jurisdiction. As for the 1935 Constitutions enumeration
automatic impact or effect on his immigrated to the US in 1991 and the qualifications of candidates for is silent as to foundlings, there is no
residence/domicile. He could still was naturalized as American citizen such positions, the Constitution is restrictive language which would
retain his domicile in the USA, and he in 2001. On July 18, 2006, the BI silent. There is simply no authorized definitely exclude foundlings either.
did not necessarily regain his granted her petition declaring that proceeding in determining Because of silence and ambiguity in
domicile in Barangay 6. Ty merely she had reacquired her Filipino the ineligibility of candidates before the enumeration with respect to
had the option to again establish his citizenship under RA 9225. She elections. Such lack of provision foundlings, the SC felt the need to
domicile in the Municipality of registered as a voter and obtained a cannot be supplied by a mere rule, examine the intent of the framers.
General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, new Philippine passport. In 2010, and for the COMELEC to assimilate Third, that foundlings are
Philippines, said place becoming his before assuming her post as an grounds for ineligibility into grounds automatically conferred with natural-
new domicile of choice. The length of appointed chairperson of the MTRCB, for disqualification in Rule 25 in its born citizenship is supported by
his residence therein shall be she renounced her American rules of procedures would be contrary treaties and the general principles of
determined from the time he made it citizenship to satisfy the RA 9225 to the intent of the Constitution. international law. Although the
his domicile of choice, and it shall not requirement . From then on, she Hence, the COMELEC committed Philippines is not a signatory to some
retroact to the time of his birth. stopped using her American passport. grave abuse of discretion when it of these treaties, it adheres to the
Petitions were filed before the decided on the qualification issue of customary rule to presume foundlings
Tys intent to establish a new domicile COMELEC to deny or cancel her Grace as a candidate in the same as having born of the country in
of choice in Barangay 6 became candidacy on the ground particularly, case for cancellation of her COC. which the foundling is found.
apparent when, immediately after among others, that she cannot be Issue 2: W/N Grace Poe-Llamanzares Issue 3: W/N Grace Poe satisfies the
reacquiring his Philippine citizenship considered a natural-born Filipino is a natural-born Filipino citizen (Read 10-year residency requirement
on 2 October 2005, he applied for a citizen since she cannot prove that Dissent) Held:
Philippine passport indicating in his her biological parents or either of Held: Yes. Grace Poe satisfied the
application that his residence in the them were Filipinos. The COMELEC Yes, Grace Poe might be and is requirements of animus manendi
Philippines was Barangay 6. For the en banc cancelled her candidacy on considerably a natural-born Filipino. coupled with animus revertendi in
years 2006 and 2007, Ty voluntarily the ground that she is in want of For that, she satisfies one of the acquiring a new domicile.
submitted himself to the local tax citizenship and residence constitutional requirements that only Grace Poes domicile had been timely
jurisdiction of the Municipality of requirements, and that she natural-born Filipinos may run for changed as of May 24, 2005, and not
General Macarthur, Eastern Samar, committed material presidency. on July 18, 2006 when her application
by paying community tax and misrepresentations in her COC. First, there is a high probability that under RA 9225 was approved by the
securing CTCs from the said On certiorari, the SC reversed the Grace Poes parents are Filipinos. Her BI. COMELECs reliance on cases
municipality stating therein his ruling and held (9-6 votes) that Poe is physical features are typical of which decree that an aliens stay in
address as Barangay 6. Thereafter, Ty qualified as a candidate for Filipinos. The fact that she was the country cannot be counted unless
applied for and was registered as a abandoned as an infant in a she acquires a permanent resident
visa or reacquires her Filipino the Philippines over the years, it is citizenship and residency because false representations regarding her
citizenship is without merit. Such clear that when Grace Poe returned such facts refer to grounds for qualifications.
cases are different from the on May 24, 2005, it was for good. ineligibility in which the COMELEC In this case, by authority of the
circumstances in this case, in which Issue 4: W/N the Grace Poes has no jurisdiction to decide upon. Supreme Court Grace Poe is now
Grace Poe presented an candidacy should be denied or Only when there is a prior authority pronounced qualified as a candidate
overwhelming evidence of her actual cancelled for committing material finding that a candidate is suffering for the presidency. Hence, there
stay and intent to abandon misrepresentations in her COC from a disqualification provided by cannot be any false representations
permanently her domicile in the US. Held: law or the Constitution that the in her COC regarding her citizenship
Coupled with her eventual application No. The COMELEC cannot cancel her COMELEC may deny due course or and residency.
to reacquire Philippine citizenship and COC on the ground that she cancel her candidacy on ground of
her familys actual continuous stay in misrepresented facts as to her

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