Intelligence and Secret Service

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Intelligence and Secret Service Means of Information Gathering

2. Covert
Definition of Terms:
Intelligence Cycle - is the process of developing
Intelligence Agency - is a government agency
unrefined data into polished intelligence for the use of
responsible for the collection, analysis or exploitation of
policy makers.
information and intelligence in support of law
1. Direction - intelligence requirements are
enforcement, national security, defense and foreign
determined by a decision maker to meet his/her
policy objectives.
2. Collection - is the gathering of raw information
Intelligence Officer - is a person employed by an
based on requirements.
organization to collect, compile and analyze information
3. Processing - converting the vast amount of
which is used to that organization.
information collected into a form usable by
Counter Intelligence - refers to effort made by
4. Analysis - conversion of raw information into
intelligence organizations to prevent hostile or enemy
intelligence. It includes:
intelligence organization from successfully gathering and
(1) integrating
collecting intelligence against them.
(2) evaluating
(3) analyzing data and preparing intelligence
Human Intelligence - category of intelligence derived
from information collected and provided by human
5. Dissemination - is the distribution of raw or
finished intelligence to the consumer whose needs
initiated the intelligence requirement.
Dead Drop/Dead Letter Box - is a method of
6. Feedback - is received from the decision maker
espionage trade craft used to pass items between 2
and revised requirement issued.
individuals using a secret location and thus not require
to meet directly.
Evaluation - systematic determination of merit, worth
and significance of something or someone using criteria
Live Drop - 2 persons meet to exchange items or
against a set of standards.
Collation - is the assembly of written information into a
Dead Drop Spike - is a concealment device used to
standard order.
hide money, maps, documents, microfilm and other
Crime Triangle
1. the offender
Cut-Out - is a mutually trusted intermediary, method or
2. the victim
channel of communication, facilitating the exchange of
3. the location
information between agents.
Crime Intelligence - information compiled, analyzed
Espionage/Spying - involves a government or
and/or disseminated in an effort to anticipate, prevent,
individual obtaining information that is considered secret
or monitor criminal activity.
of confidential without the permission of the holder of
the information.
Strategic Intelligence - information concerning
existing patterns or emerging trends of criminal activity
Agent Handling - is the management of agents,
designed to assist in criminal apprehension and crime
principal agents and agent networks by intelligence
control strategies for both short and long term
officers typically known as case officers.
investigative tools.
Case Officer - is an intelligence officer who is trained
Tactical Intelligence - information regarding a specific
specialist in the management of agents and agent
criminal event that can be used immediately by
operational units to further a criminal investigation plan
tactical operations and provide for officer safety.
Agent - acts on behalf of another whether individual,
organization or foreign government, works under the
Open Source - refers to any information that can be
direction of a principal agent or case officer.
legitimately obtained e. free on request, payment of a
Cryptography - is the practice and study of techniques
for secure communication in the presence of third
Source - the place or person from which information is
parties called adversaries.
Eaves Dropping - Is the act of secretly listening to the
Intelligence Assessment - is the development of
private conversation of others without their consent.
forecasts of behavior or recommended courses of action
to the leadership of an organization based on a wide
Propaganda - is a form of communication that is aimed
range of available information sources both overt and
at influencing the attitude of a community toward some
cause or position.
Intelligence Analysis - is the process of taking known
Flip - apprehended criminals who turn informants.
information about situations and entities of strategic,
operational, or tactical importance, characterizing the
Snitches - jail house informants.
known and with appropriate statements of probability.
the future actions in those situations and by those
entities. D. Angelito Pacia

Cryptanalysis - from the Greek word Kryptos-hidden

and Analyein-to loosen or to unite - is the art of 9. Knowledge in raw form is known as
defeating cryptographic security systems and gaining A. Intelligence
access to the contents of encrypted messages without B. Information
being given the cryptographic key. C. Awareness
D. Cognition
Intelligence and Secret Service Reviewer 1
10.The resolving or separating of a thing into its
component parts.
1. Knowledge of a possible or actual enemy or area of A. Analysis
operations acquired by the collection, evaluation and B. Evaluation
interpretation of military information. C. Collation
A. Combat intelligence D. Collection
B. Police Intelligence
C. Military Intelligence Remember the ff: Intelligence and Secret Service
D. Counter intelligence
Methods of reporting information
2. Knowledge of the enemy, weather and the terrain A. Evaluation of reliability of information -
that is used in the planning and conduct of tactical indicated by a letter as follows:
operations. A - completely reliable
A. Combat intelligence B - usually reliable - informant is of known
B. Police intelligence integrity
C. Military Intelligence C - fairly reliable
D. Counter-intelligence D - nor usually reliable
E - Unreliable
3. Activity pertains to all security control measures F - reliability not judge - no adequate basis
designed to ensure the safeguarding of information estimating the reliability of the source.
against espionage, personnel against subversion and
installations or material against sabotage. B. Evaluation of accuracy of information -
A. Combat intelligence indicated by numerals as follows:
B. Police intelligence
C. Military intelligence 1 - confirmed by other agencies
D. Counter intelligence 2 - probably true
4. 3 - possibly true
Those which seek to conceal information from the 4 - doubtfully true
enemy. 5 - improbable
A. Passive counter intelligence measures 6 - truth cannot be judged
B. Active counter intelligence measures
C. Strategic intelligence Answer
D. Tactical intelligence 1. C
5. 2. A
Those that actively block the enemy's attempt to gain 3. D
information of enemy's effort to engage in sabotage or 4. A
subversion. 5. B
A. Passive counter intelligence measures 6. A
B. Active counter intelligence measures 7. B
C. Strategic intelligence 8. B
D. Tactical intelligence 9. B
10. A
6. When the source of the information comes from a
police intelligence officer of long experience and
Intelligence and Secret Service Reviewer 2
extensive background, the evaluation of reliability of
information is labeled.
A. A 1. Ancillary materials that are included in a cover story
B. B or deception operation to help convince the opposition
C. C or casual observers that what they are observing is
D. D genuine.
A. Walk-in
7. When there is no adequate basis estimating the B. Warming room
reliability of an information, the evaluation of the C. Window Observing
reliability of the information is labeled. D. Window dressing
A. A 2
B. F . A surveillance team usually assigned to a specific
C. E target.
D. D A. Window observer
8 B. Window dressing
. The current head of the PNP directorate for intelligence C. Stake-out team
is D. Watcher team
A. Catalino Cuy 3.
B. Cipriano Querol Jr. A location out of the weather where a surveillance team
C. Lina Sarmiento can go to keep warm and wait for the target.
A. Warming room
B. Rest room C. Data + analysis = Intelligence
C. Station room
D. Waiting room D. Police intelligence - used in the preparation and
4 execution of police plans, policies and programs.
. A defector who declares his intentions by walking into
an official installation, or otherwise making contact with Answers: Intelligence and Secret Service
an opposition government, and asking for political 1. D
asylum or volunteering to work in place. Also, known as 2. D
a volunteer. 3. A
A. Enemy traitor 4. D
B. Asylum seeker 5. A
C. Enemy defector 6. C
D. Walk-in 7. C
5 8. A
. The methods developed by intelligence operatives to 9. A
conduct their operations. 10. B
A. Trade craft Intelligence and Secret Service Reviewer 3
B. Operational technique
C. Trade secret 1. Technical air sampler sensors designed to sniff for
D. Operational secret hostile substances or parties in a dark tunnel system.
6 A. Chemical sniffers
. It focuses on subject or operations and usually short B. Tunnel sniffers
term. C. Dog sniffers
A. Strategic intelligence D. Air sniffers
B. Counter intelligence
C. Tactical intelligence
D. Long-term intelligence
2. A major electronic communications line, usually made
up of a bundle of cables.
. Concerns with the security of information, personnel,
A. Cable line
material and installations.
A. Strategic intelligence B. Trunk line
B. Counter intelligence C. Telephone line
C. Tactical intelligence D. DSL
D. Long-term intelligence 3
8 . A counter-surveillance ploy in which more than one
. Deals with political, economic, military capabilities and target car or target officer is being followed and they
vulnerabilities of all nations. suddenly go in different directions, forcing the
A. Strategic intelligence surveillance team to make instant choices about whom
B. Counter intelligence to follow.
C. Tactical intelligence A. ABC technique
D. Long-term intelligence B. Star-burst maneuver
9 C. AC technique
. Tradecraft techniques for placing drops by tossing
D. Sudden change maneuver
them while on the move.
A. Tosses
4. A chemical marking compound developed by the
B. Dropping
C. Throwing KGB to keep tabs on the activities of a target officer.
D. Drops Also called METKA. The compound is made of
1 nitrophenyl pentadiene (NPPD) and luminol.
0.A dead drop that will be retrieved if it is not picked up A. Spy dust
by the intended recipient after a set time. B. Chemical dust
A. Picked drop C. Sulfuric acid
B. Timed drop D. Potassium nitrate
C. Abandoned drop
D. Recovered drop 5. A ploy designed to deceive the observer into
believing that an operation has gone bad when, in fact,
it has been put into another compartment.
You may want to read the ff: intelligence and A. Burned
secret service
B. Deceiving
C. Spoofing
A. Four Axioms of intelligence
D. Misleading
1. Intelligence is crucial to intel security
2. Intelligence is crucial to all types of operations 6
3. Intelligence is the responsibility of all intelligence . The special disguise and deception tradecraft
agencies techniques developed under Moscow rules to help the
4. Intelligence of the government must be superior CIA penetrate the KGB's security perimeter in Moscow.
to that of the enemy. A. Silver bullet
B. Golden bullet
B. Intelligence - product resulting from the collection, C. Bronze bullet
evaluation analysis, Integration and the interpretation of D. Titanium bullet
all available information.
- is a processed information.
7. Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of gathering.
marks, signs, or codes for signaling between operatives.
A. Ciphers 10.The intelligence cycle (PNP Directorate for
B. Signs Intelligence)
C. Signals 1. Directing
D. Code 2. Collecting
3. Processing
8. Any tradecraft technique employing invisible 4. Dissemination and use
messages hidden in or on innocuous materials. This
includes invisible inks and microdots, among many other 1. B
variations. 2. B
A. Secret writing 3. B
B. Secret message 4. B
C. Hidden message 5. C
D. Hidden writing 6. A
7. C
9. An apartment, hotel room, or other similar site 8. A
considered safe for use by operatives as a base of 9. D
operations or for a personal meeting. 10. A
A. Meeting place
B. Dead drop
Intelligence and Secret Service Definition of Terms
C. Drop
D. Safe house
1 2 Methods of Collecting Information
0.When an operation goes bad and the agent is
arrested. 1. Overt/Open overt info. Are obtained from open and easily
A. Rolled up
B. Rolled down 2. Covert/Close
C. Burned out
D. Burned down
3 Defined Objectives of Police Intelligence
Remember the ff: Intelligence and Secret Service

1. Sun Tzu - The Chinese general who wrote The Art of 1. To assist the commander in the success of the team
War in about 400 b.c.
2. Discover and Identify criminal activities
2. Smoking-bolt operation - A covert snatch
operation in which a special entry team breaks into an 3. To assist in the apprehension of criminals
enemy installation and steals a high-security device, like
a code machine, leaving nothing but the "smoking
3 Types of Channels in Special Communication Systems

3. Information - unprocessed information or raw data. 1. Regular

4. Intelligence information - Information gathered or 2. Secondary

received which is of intelligence interests.
3. Emergency
5. Intelligence community - It is an integrated and
neatly organized entity composed of units or agencies
4 Phases/Steps of Informant Recruitment
which have intelligence interest and responsibilities.

6. Informant - is anyone who can furnish information. 1. Selection

7.Rolling car pickup - A clandestine car pickup 2. Investigation

executed so smoothly that the car hardly stops at all
and seems to have kept moving forward. 3. Approach

8. Terms:
4. Testing
1. Wanted list - It is for crime suspects with warrant
of arrest.
2. Watch list - It is for those without warrant of Area of Interest subject of information gathering (person, place,
Briefs the form in which the finished product of intelligence is pres
3. Target list - It is for organized crime groups.
4. PIR - Priority Intelligence requirement Bugging the placement of a hidden microphone in a particular roo
5. OIR - Other intelligence requirements
6. SOR - Specific order request Burned the agent was identified and known.

9. R.A. 8551 - Placed PNP as support to the AFP in CIA established in 1946.
Counter insurgency operations thru intelligence
Ciples are fundamental guides to action, broad statement of truth from which others are derived.
Integrate to make the entire or all the information the subject ma
Classification/Types Of Police Intelligence
Interpret to explain the meaning or to expand the information fro
1. Strategic Intelligence
Intelligence product resulting from the collecting information conc

2. Counter Intelligence - product resulting from collection, evaluation, analysis, integration, a

3. Line Intelligence Interpretation determining the significance of the information wit

Kinds Of Surveillance
Coding is the process of putting the codes and ciphers to plain text message.

Collate to bring together and compare the truthfulness of the information. Surveillance of place

Collection to accumulate knowledge on a subject or area of interest. 2. Tailing or shadowing

Cooperative Members of the Community - a rich source of information on criminals, criminal activities and even subversive groups.
3. Undercover investigation or Roping
Criminal Syndicate it is a stable business with violence applied and directed at unwelcome competitors.
Line Intelligence types of intelligence which is of immediate natu
Criminal World the social organization of criminals having its own social classes.
Method of Casing
Cryptoanalysis is the process of putting the plain text message to codes and cipher.
1. Personal Reconnaissance the most effective
Cryptograph the art and science of making, devising, inventing, or protecting codes and cipher.

2. Map
Counter Intelligence type of intelligence activity which deals with defending Reading
the organization against it criminal activities.

Counter Intelligence Security Measures 3. Research Work

1. Physical Security a system of barrier placed between the potential

4. intruder and Data
Operational the material
Researchto be protected.

2. Personnel Security includes all security measures designedMilitary

to prevent unsuitable
Intelligence individuals of doubtful
it is an evaluated andloyalty from gaining
interpreted ac

3. NeedorTo
Operational Security measures taken in conducting operations Know
action in Principle inefficient
a secure and intelligence dissemination, even a ran

OB File identification, location, and knowing the intents of criminal

4. Security Survey/Inspection conducted in order to assist the chief of office in determining the security measures required to pr
Order Of Battle an intelligence document describing the identity, s
5. Community Security is the protection resulting from all measures designed to deny unauthorized person information of value w
Organized crime it is the combination of two or more persons for
Counter Surveillance if a surveillance team is watched by the supervisor or a designated unknown individual to know if the team is doing
Overt Operation if the information or document are procured ope
Covert Operation if the information is obtained without the knowledge of the person against whom the information or document may be
Parker internal affairs is my defense and intelligence is my offensiv
Detection of Criminal the primary purpose of police counter intelligence.
Police Counter Intelligence it is the detection, prevention, or ne
Decipher to reconvert the cipher into plain text message.
Police Intelligence an evaluated and interpreted information conc
Documentary Security Classifications
Reconnaissance to gather specific or detailed information at a par
1. Top Secret
Roping undercover assignment, form of investigation in which the
2. Secret
Safe House a clandestine place where the intelligence agent and h

3. Confidential Schulmoister Napoleon's secret military agent.

4. Restricted Security Inspection conducted in order to determine degree of co

Stool Pidgeon an individual who sells information to different grou

Encipher conversion of plain text message to ciphers.
Strategic Intelligence
interpretation which
intelligence which is primarily
thelong range in
Evaluation it is the critical appraisal of information as a basis for its subsequent includes determining pertinence
- to judge the information as to its truthfulness or
Sun Tzu he was the writer of the book Art of War.
Financial Gain the most common reason why an informer is giving information.
Surveillance to gather general information over a wide area and t
Frederick The Great father of organized military espionage.
Tactical Interrogation a process or method to obtain information
Information are knowledge, data, news, opinion or the like transmitted from one person to another.
Walshingham protector of queen Elizabeth.
Wilhelm Von Stieber a CIA intelligence officer who spied for soviet union from 1985 1994, he had perpetrated the costliest breach of s

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