Ga55 75 Aii465000 Onwards

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Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors

GA55, -75 Pack

GA55 W, -75 W Pack
GA55, -75 Full-feature
GA55 W, -75 W Full-feature

Parts list

From following serial No. onwards :

GA55 (W)-GA75 (W) : AII - 465 000

Copyright 2000, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.

Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
This applies in particular to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings.

Use only authorized parts. Any damage or malfunction caused by the use
of unauthorized parts is not covered by Warranty or Product Liability.

No. 2930 1268 02

Registration code: APC G55-90C/'96 / 39 / 983

Replaces No. 2930 1268 01


Parts list

Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehll ndice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matires Sisllysluettelo

Compressor element(s) and drive gear Oil system

Compressorelement(en) en aandrijving Oliesysteem
Kompressorelement och drivning Oljesystem
Kompressorelement(e) und Antrieb lsystem
Elment(s) compresseur(s) et entranement Systme d'huile
Elemento(s) compresor(es) y accionamiento Sistema de aceite
Elemento(i) compressore e ingranaggi di azionamento Sistema dell'olio
Kompressorelement og drivhjul Oliesystem
Elemento(s) compressor(es) e accionamento Sistema de leo
Kompressorelement(er) og drivgir
Kompressorielementit ja voimansiirto .............................. 1 Oljesystem

Motor, frame and coupling - 6

GA55, GA75 ................................................................

GA55 W, GA75 W ...................................................... 7

Motor, frame en koppeling
Motor, ram och koppling -
Motor, Rahmen und Kupplung Cooler(s) GA55 W, GA75 W
Moteur, chssis et accouplement Koeler(s)
Motor, bastidor y acoplamiento Kylare
Motore elettrico, telaio e giunto Khler
Motor, ramme og kobling Refroidisseur(s)
Motor, base e acopulamento Refrigerador(es)
Motor, ramme og kopling
Moottori, runko ja kytkin .................................................. 2 Refrigeratore(i)
Air inlet
Jhdyttimet ....................................................................... 8
Lufteinla Water system GA55 W, GA75 W
Admission d'air Watersysteem
Entrada de aire Vattensystem
Presa d'aria Wassersystem
Luftindsug Systme d'eau
Admisso de ar Sistema de agua
Tuloilma ............................................................................. 3 Sistema dell'acqua
Sistema de gua
Air receiver and delivery pipes
Luchtketel en drukpijpen
Luftbehllare och utloppsrr
Vesijrjestelm .................................................................. 9
Luftbehlter und Druckleitungen Unloading valve
Rservoir d'air et tuyaux de refoulement Ontlastventiel
Depsito de aire y tubos de descarga Avlastningsventil
Serbatoio dell'aria e tubi della mandata Entlastungsventil
Oliebeholder og udlbsrr Soupape de dcharge
Reservatrio de ar e tubagem de descarga Vlvula de descarga
Luftbeholder og utlpsrr Valvola di messa a vuoto
Ilmasili ja paineilmaputket Aflastningsventil

- 4
GA55, GA75 ................................................................
Vlvula de descarga
GA55 W, GA75 W ...................................................... 5
Kevennysventtiili ..........................................................
Kotelo ............................................................................ 11
2 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Contents Indice
Inhoud Innholdsfortegnelse
Innehll ndice
Inhaltsverzeichnis Indholdsfortegnelse
Table des matires Sisllysluettelo

Water separator connections Pack version Modulating control (Optional)

Aansluitingen van de waterafscheider Modulatiecontrole
Vattenavskiljarens anslutningar Moduleringskontroll
Anschlsse des Wasserabscheiders Modulationskontrolle
Connexions du sparateur d'eau Contrle de la modulation
Conexiones del separador de agua Control de modulacin
Connessioni del separatore di condensa Controllo continuo
Tilslutninger, vandseparator Modulationsstyring
Ligaes ao dreno de condensados Controlo de modulao
Vedenerottimen liitnnt .............................................. 12 Modulasjonsregulering
Modulointist ............................................................ 18
Air dryer connections Full-feature Heat recovery system (Optional)
Aansluitingen van de luchtdroger Warmterecuperatiesysteem
Lufttorkaranslutningar Vrmetervinningssystem
Anschlsse des Lufttrockners Wrmerckgewinnungssystem
Connexions du scheur d'air Systme de rcuperation de chaleur
Conexiones del secador de aire Sistema de recuperacin de calor
Connessioni del essiccatore d'aria Sistema di recupero del calore
Tilslutninger, kletrrer Varmegenvindingssystem
Ligaes do secador de ar Sistema de recuperao de energia
Kuivaimen liitnnt ...................................................... 13 Varmegjenvinningssystem
Lmmn talteenottojrjestelm
Regulating system
- GA55, GA55 W ...................................................... 19
Reglersystem - GA75, GA75 W ...................................................... 20
Systme de rgulation Drain system (Optional)
Sistema de regulacin Aftapsysteem
Sistema di regolazione Avtappningssystem
Reguleringssystem Ablasystem
Sistema de regulao Systme de vidange
Stjrjestelm ........................................................... 14 Sistema de drenaje
Sistema di scarico
Start cubicle - star/delta Drnsystem
Startkast - ster/driehoek Sistema de drenagem de condensados
Startskp - stjrn/triangel Avtappingssystem
Anlaschrank - Stern/Dreieck Lauhteenpoistojrjestelm
Armoire de dmarrage - toile/triangle
Cubculo de arranque - estrella/tringulo - Electronic condensate drain .................................... 21
OSD ........................................................................ 22
Armadio apparecch. di avviamento - stella/triangolo
Starterskab - stjerne/trekant -
Cubculo-arranque estrela/tringulo
Startskap - stjerne-trekant Service kits
Kynnistinkotelo - Y/D Service kits

- 15
50Hz - 60Hz ............................................................
Service kits
Service Kits

CSA-UL 60Hz ........................................................ 16

Service kits
- Service kits
Kit per la manutenzione
Air dryer Service kits
Luchtdroger Conjuntos de reparao
Scheur d'air
Huoltotarvikesarjat ....................................................... 23
Secador de aire
Essiccatore d'aria
Secador de ar
Kuivain ......................................................................... 17
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Parts list


4 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Compressor element(s) and drive gear 1

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

A Direct drive 1202 8185 00 GA55 (W)-7.5,

1020 1 Service stage GA75 (W)-13,
2989 0152 00 GA55 (W)-8 GA75 (W)-125
2989 0163 00 GA75 (W)-7.5 1202 6756 00 GA55 (W)-100,
1025 0686 6132 00 1 Plug GA75 (W)-175,
1030 0686 6126 00 1 Plug GA75 (W)-150 HAV 2)
2020 1616 6014 00 1 Cover 1202 6758 00 GA55 (W)-125,
2025 2904 0109 00 1 Lipseal kit GA55 (W)-10 HAV, 2)
0663 2106 19 1 O-ring GA55 (W)-100 HAV 2)
2045 0147 1364 03 3 Hexagon bolt 1202 6764 00 GA55 (W)-150,
2050 1616 4928 00 1 Washer GA55 (W)-13 HAV, 2)
2055 0147 1409 03 1 Hexagon bolt GA55 (W)-125 HAV 2)
2060 1616 4941 00 1 Cover 1202 6760 00 GA55 (W)-175,
2065 0663 2106 19 1 O-ring GA55 (W)-150 HAV 2)
2070 0147 1364 03 3 Hexagon bolt 1616 6449 00 GA75 (W)-100,
2075 1613 8301 00 1 Coupling housing GA75 (W)-10 HAV 2)
2085 0101 1680 00 2 Parallel pin 1202 7967 00 GA75 (W)-150,
2090 0147 1365 03 16 Hexagon bolt GA75 (W)-125 HAV 2)
B Gear box drive 5020 1616 4933 00 1 Bushing
3020 2989 0152 00 1 Service stage 5025 0663 2106 19 1 O-ring
GA55 (W)-7.5, 5030 1616 4939 00 1 Cover
GA55 (W)-10-13, 5035 0147 1362 03 3 Hexagon bolt
GA55 (W)-100-125, 5040 1616 4932 00 1 Bushing
GA55 (W)-150-175, 5045 1202 6737 00 1 Key
GA75 (W)-8-10-13, 5050 1616 4936 00 1 Spacer
GA75 (W)-100-125, 5055 0147 1409 03 1 Hexagon bolt
GA75 (W)-150-175, 5060 1616 4934 00 1 Ring
GA75 (W)-7.5 HAV 2) 5065 0508 1100 85 1 Roller bearing
3025 0686 6132 00 1 Plug 5070 1616 4939 00 1 Cover
3030 0686 6126 00 1 Plug 5075 0147 1362 03 3 Hexagon bolt
4020 1 Gear wheel 5090 1619 6032 00 1 Nipple(spm) 1)
1616 6417 00 GA55 (W)-10 5095 0101 1680 00 2 Parallel pin
1616 6436 00 GA55 (W)-13 5100 1202 7022 00 1 Gasket
1616 6421 00 GA75 (W)-8, 5105 0147 1365 03 16 Hexagon bolt
GA75 (W)-10, 5110 0506 0100 09 1 Bearing
GA75 (W)-7.5 HAV 2) 5115 1616 4946 00 1 Retainer
1202 8184 00 GA55 (W)-7.5, 5120 2904 0070 00 1 Lipseal kit
GA75 (W)-13, 0663 2106 19 1 O-ring
GA75 (W)-125 5140 0211 1362 03 4 Cap screw
1202 6757 00 GA55 (W)-100, 6020 1 Gear casing
GA75 (W)-175, 1613 8302 00 GA55 (W)-7.5-10-13,
GA75 (W)-150 HAV 2) GA75 (W)-8-10-13,
1202 6759 00 GA55 (W)-125, GA75 (W)-7.5 HAV 2)
GA55 (W)-10 HAV, 2) 1613 8359 00 GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175,
GA55 (W)-100 HAV 2) GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1202 6765 00 GA55 (W)-150,
GA55 (W)-13 HAV, 2) 1) Vibration monitoring "Shock Pulse Measurement" /
GA55 (W)-125 HAV 2) Trillingskontrole "SPM" / Vibrationskontroll "Sttpuls-
1202 6761 00 GA55 (W)-175, mtning" / Schwingungsberwachung "SPM" / Sur-
GA55 (W)-150 HAV 2) veillance des vibrations "SPM" / Monitorizacin de
1616 6448 00 GA75 (W)-100, vibraciones "SPM" / Controlo di vibrazione "SPM" /
GA75 (W)-10 HAV 2) Vibrationsovervgning "SPM" / Controlo de vibraes
1202 7966 00 GA75 (W)-150, SPM / Vibrasjonsovervking "SPM" / SPM-
GA75 (W)-125 HAV 2) trinnvalvonta
4025 1 Gear wheel 2) HAV: High Ambient Version
1616 6418 00 GA55 (W)-10
1616 6437 00 GA55 (W)-13
1616 6422 00 GA75 (W)-8,
GA75 (W)-10,
GA75 (W)-7.5 HAV 2)

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Parts list


6 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Motor, frame and coupling 2

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8311 00 1 Frame 1080 2724 62 GA75 220-230VD/60Hz,

1025 1 Spacer GA75 440-460VD/60Hz
1613 8744 00 GA75 60Hz SIEMENS 1080 2724 64 GA75 575VD/60Hz
motor 3025 1 Flex.coupling
1613 8632 00 Others 1613 7267 00 GA55 (W)-7.5-10-13,
1026 1 Spacer GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175
1613 8924 00 GA55 60Hz SIEMENS 1613 7268 01 GA55 (W)-8
motor 1613 7269 00 GA75 (W)-8-10-13,
1030 1613 6752 11 1 Antivibr.pad GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1035 1 Hexagon bolt 1613 8772 00 GA75 (W)-7.5
0147 1488 03 GA55 60Hz SIEMENS 3026 1 Screw
motor 0196 1360 00 GA55 (W)-7.5-10-13,
0147 1483 03 Others GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175
1045 0211 1400 03 2 Cap screw 3030 1 Spacer
1050 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1613 8113 00 GA55 (W)-8,
1055 0333 3237 00 2 Lock washer GA75 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
1060 1613 8487 00 1 Support GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1065 0147 1400 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3035 1 Hexagon bolt
1070 0301 2358 00 4 Washer 0147 1408 03 GA55 (W)-8,
1075 0333 3237 00 4 Lock washer GA75 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
1080 1613 6752 10 2 Antivibr.pad GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1085 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3040 1 Parallel key
1090 0301 2358 00 8 Washer 0337 5229 00 GA55 (W)-8
1095 0333 3237 00 4 Lock washer 0337 2293 23 GA55 (W)-7.5-10-13,
1100 0266 2112 00 4 Nut GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175,
1105 0147 1479 03 2 Hexagon bolt GA75 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
1110 0301 2378 00 2 Washer GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1115 1613 7874 01 2 Spm nipple 1) 4040 Coupling element
1116 1619 6032 00 1 Nipple(spm) 1) 1613 9585 00 1 GA55 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
GA55 60Hz SIEMENS GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175
motor, 1613 9499 00 1 GA75 (W)-8-10-13,
GA75 60Hz SIEMENS GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
motor 1621 0204 00 8 GA75 (W)-7.5
1165 1613 8967 02 1 Cable 4045 1 Coupling half
2010 1 Motor 1615 4183 18 GA55 (W)-7.5-8-10-13
ABB IEC 1615 4183 19 GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175
1080 2932 01 GA55 230VD/50Hz 1615 4184 16 GA75 (W)-8-10-13
1080 2932 02 GA55 400VD/50Hz 1615 4184 17 GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1080 2932 03 GA55 500VD/50Hz 1613 8710 00 GA75 (W)-7.5
1080 2932 26 GA55 200VD/50Hz 4046 1 Screw
1080 2933 07 GA55 220-230VD/60Hz, 0196 1360 00 GA75 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
GA55 440-460VD/60Hz GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1080 2933 08 GA55 380VD/60Hz 4050 Hexagon bolt / Cap screw
1080 2933 16 GA55 200VD/60Hz 0147 1479 03 8 GA55 (W)-7.5-8-10-13,
1080 2934 01 GA75 230VD/50Hz GA75 (W)-7.5-8-10-13
1080 2934 02 GA75 400VD/50Hz 0211 1962 06 4 GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175,
1080 2934 03 GA75 500VD/50Hz GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
1080 2934 26 GA75 200VD/50Hz
1080 2935 07 GA75 220-230VD/60Hz, 1) Vibration monitoring "Shock Pulse Measurement" /
GA75 440-460VD/60Hz Trillingskontrole "SPM" / Vibrationskontroll "Sttpuls-
1080 2935 08 GA75 380VD/60Hz mtning" / Schwingungsberwachung "SPM" / Sur-
1080 2935 16 GA75 200VD/60Hz veillance des vibrations "SPM" / Monitorizacin de
SIEMENS CSA/UL vibraciones "SPM" / Controlo di vibrazione "SPM" /
1080 2770 62 GA55 220-230VD/60Hz, Vibrationsovervgning "SPM" / Controlo de vibraes
GA55 440-460VD/60Hz SPM / Vibrasjonsovervking "SPM" / SPM-
1080 2770 64 GA55 575VD/60Hz trinnvalvonta

2930 1268 02 7
Parts list


8 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Air inlet 3

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1202 6771 00 1 Valve housing 1202 5869 04 GA55 (W) 100-125-150-
1040 1613 5165 00 1 Spring 175psig USA,
1045 1202 6139 00 1 Valve GA75 (W) 100-125-150-
1050 0663 2104 03 1 O-ring 175psig USA
1055 0147 1376 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1619 7560 00 GA55-75 (W) 7.5-8-10
1065 0686 3716 01 2 Hexagon plug bar(e),
1070 0661 1000 25 2 Seal washer GA55-75 (W) 100-125-
1075 1613 2355 00 1 Body 150psig
1080 1613 2356 00 1 Valve 3025 1 Restrictor
1085 1613 2359 00 1 Piston 1613 8130 00 GA55-75 (W) 13 bar(e),
1090 1613 2357 00 1 Compr.spring GA55-75 (W) 175psig
1095 0686 3716 07 1 Hexagon plug Standard,
1100 0661 1000 30 1 Seal washer GA55-75 (W) 175psig
1105 0686 3716 47 1 Hexagon plug Canada
1110 0661 1000 27 1 Seal washer 3030 0560 0200 55 1 Elbow
1115 1613 8129 00 1 Nipple 3040 1 Elbow
1120 0661 1000 30 1 Seal washer 1613 8070 00 GA55 (W)
1125 0663 7135 00 1 O-ring 1613 8076 00 GA75 (W)
1130 0663 3120 00 1 O-ring 3045 1 Hose clip
1135 0147 1336 03 4 Hexagon bolt 0347 6115 00 GA55 (W)
2020 1613 8031 00 1 Support 0347 6119 00 GA75 (W)
2025 <<< >>> 1 Unloader 3050 1 Threaded pipe
2030 0663 2106 43 1 O-ring 0551 0001 48 GA75 W 7.5 bar(e)
2035 0147 1477 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3055 1 Socket
2040 0301 2378 00 4 Washer 0607 1100 79 GA75 W 7.5 bar(e)
2045 1613 7912 01 1 Indicator 1 Air filter ass'y
2050 1619 5819 00 1 Sintered disk 1613 7400 80 GA55 (W)
2055 0657 5742 00 1 Flat gasket 1613 8002 80 GA75 (W)
2060 0347 6120 00 1 Hose clip 4020 1 Air filter
2065 0147 1327 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1613 7400 00 GA55 (W)
2070 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1613 8002 00 GA75 (W)
3020 1 Thermostat 4025 1 Support
1202 5869 02 GA55-75 (W) 13 bar(e), 1613 7401 00 GA55 (W)
GA55-75 (W) 175psig 1613 8005 00 GA75 (W)
Standard, 4030 1 Filter element
GA55-75 (W) 175psig 1613 7408 00 GA55 (W)
Canada 1613 8004 00 GA75 (W)

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Parts list


10 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Air receiver and delivery pipes GA55, GA75 4

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1202 9747 00 1 Cover 2110 0301 2344 00 2 Washer

1025 1613 3220 01 1 Piston 2115 1613 8048 00 1 Pipe
1030 0335 3111 00 1 Retaining ring 2120 0663 9868 00 1 O-ring
1035 1614 4662 00 2 Piston ring 2125 0211 1326 03 2 Cap screw
1040 0663 3133 00 1 O-ring 2130 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1045 1612 4048 00 1 Compr.spring 2135 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set
1050 1613 3221 00 1 Piston valve 1613 8057 00 1 Joint
1055 1613 3223 01 1 Washer 2140 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt
1060 1613 3222 00 1 Washer 2145 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1065 0147 1244 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2150 1613 8048 00 1 Pipe
1070 1612 4049 00 1 Compr.spring 2155 0663 9868 00 1 O-ring
1075 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 2160 0211 1326 03 2 Cap screw
1080 0147 1362 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2165 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1085 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 2170 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set
1090 1613 8007 00 1 Oil sep.element 1613 8057 00 1 Joint
1100 1616 5108 00 1 Level gauge 2175 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt
1105 1613 8334 00 4 Antivibration pad 2180 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1107 0300 0274 17 4 Washer 2185 0147 1380 12 1 Hexagon bolt
1110 0147 1960 44 4 Hexagon bolt 2190 1613 8078 02 1 Antivibration pad
1112 1613 8512 00 4 Bushing 2195 1202 5452 00 1 Washer
1135 0266 2110 00 4 Nut 2205 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1140 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 2210 0266 2111 00 2 Nut
1185 0551 0001 05 1 Threaded pipe 3025 1 Safety valve
1190 0567 0000 17 1 Cross 1202 5401 00 T 14.5 bar(e)
1191 0605 8300 50 1 Bushing 1202 5749 00 T 12 bar(e)
1195 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug 1202 7903 00 An 11 bar(e)
1200 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 1202 7905 00 An 14 bar(e)
1205 1613 8008 00 1 Shield 1613 5452 00 As 200 psig
1210 1613 8103 00 1 Bushing 1613 7810 00 As 215 psig
2020 1613 8335 00 1 Pipe 1 Vessel
2025 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 1613 8000 82 L, D, As, Tk
2030 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1613 8000 83 T
2035 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1613 8000 84 Ta
2040 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set 1613 8000 85 JIS
1613 8057 00 1 Joint 1613 8000 86 SQL
2041 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt 1613 8000 87 An
2042 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1613 8000 89 S, Sa
2045 1613 8055 00 1 Pipe 4020 1 Valve housing
2050 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set 1613 8001 03 T
1613 8057 00 1 Joint 1613 8001 07 Ta, An
2051 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt 1613 8001 01 Others
2052 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 4025 8 Hexagon bolt
2055 1613 8336 00 1 Pipe 0147 1960 34 (An)
2060 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 0147 1961 16 T, (Ta, S, Sa)
2065 0147 1364 03 2 Hexagon bolt 0147 1961 17 Others
2070 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 4030 0663 7175 00 2 O-ring
2075 0248 9979 57 1 Threaded rod 4045 1 Vessel
2080 1613 8078 01 2 Antivibration pad 4050 1202 8992 00 1 Plug
2085 1202 5452 00 2 Washer 4055 0663 2102 15 1 O-ring
2090 0291 1111 00 2 Lock nut 4060 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug
2095 1613 8340 00 1 Pipe 4065 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
2100 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 4070 1613 8006 00 1 Plug
2105 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt

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Parts list


12 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Air receiver and delivery pipes GA55 W, GA75 W 5

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1202 9747 00 1 Cover 2095 1613 8327 00 1 Pipe

1025 1613 3220 01 1 Piston 2100 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
1030 0335 3111 00 1 Retaining ring 2105 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1035 1614 4662 00 2 Piston ring 2110 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
1040 0663 3133 00 1 O-ring 2120 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
1045 1612 4048 00 1 Compr.spring 2125 0147 1402 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1050 1613 3221 00 1 Piston valve 2130 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
1055 1613 3223 01 1 Washer 2135 <<< >>> 1 Aftercooler
1060 1613 3222 00 1 Washer 2140 0147 1327 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1065 0147 1244 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2141 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1070 1612 4049 00 1 Compr.spring 2150 1613 8101 00 1 Pipe
1075 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 2155 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
1080 0147 1362 03 4 Hexagon bolt 2160 0147 1402 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1085 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 2165 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
1090 1613 8007 00 1 Oil sep.element 2170 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set
1100 1616 5108 00 1 Level gauge 1613 8057 00 1 Joint
1105 1613 8334 00 4 Antivibration pad 2175 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt
1107 0300 0274 17 4 Washer 2180 0301 2335 00 2 Washer
1110 0147 1960 44 4 Hexagon bolt 2190 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon plug
1112 1613 8512 00 4 Bushing 2195 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1135 0266 2110 00 4 Nut 3025 1 Safety valve
1140 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1202 5401 00 T 14.5 bar(e)
1185 0551 0001 05 1 Threaded pipe 1202 5749 00 T 12 bar(e)
1190 0567 0000 17 1 Cross 1202 7903 00 An 11 bar(e)
1191 0605 8300 50 1 Bushing 1202 7905 00 An 14 bar(e)
1195 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug 1613 5452 00 As 200 psig
1200 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 1613 7810 00 As 215 psig
1205 1613 8008 00 1 Shield 1 Vessel
1210 1613 8103 00 1 Bushing 1613 8000 82 L, D, As, Tk
2020 1613 8335 00 1 Pipe 1613 8000 83 T
2025 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 1613 8000 84 Ta
2030 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1613 8000 85 JIS
2035 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1613 8000 86 SQL
2040 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set 1613 8000 87 An
1613 8057 00 1 Joint 1613 8000 89 S, Sa
2041 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt 4020 1 Valve housing
2042 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1613 8001 03 T
2045 1613 8055 00 1 Pipe 1613 8001 07 Ta, An
2050 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set 1613 8001 01 Others
1613 8057 00 1 Joint 4025 8 Hexagon bolt
2051 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt 0147 1960 34 (An)
2052 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 0147 1961 16 T, (Ta, S, Sa)
2055 1613 8336 00 1 Pipe 0147 1961 17 Others
2060 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 4030 0663 7175 00 2 O-ring
2065 0147 1364 03 2 Hexagon bolt 4045 1 Vessel
2070 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 4050 1202 8992 00 1 Plug
2075 0248 9979 57 1 Threaded rod 4055 0663 2102 15 1 O-ring
2080 1613 8078 01 2 Antivibration pad 4060 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug
2085 1202 5452 00 2 Washer 4065 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
2090 0291 1111 00 2 Lock nut 4070 1613 8006 00 1 Plug

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Parts list


14 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Oil system - GA55, GA75 6

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8043 00 1 Valve housing 1125 1 Seal washer

1025 0147 1402 03 2 Hexagon bolt 0661 1000 40 GA75-7.5 Direct drive
1030 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 0661 1000 42 Others
1035 1613 9505 00 1 Plug 1130 0574 9917 06 1 Hose assembly
1040 0663 7137 00 1 O-ring 1135 1613 8060 00 1 Scavenge line
1045 0574 9878 02 1 Hose assembly 1140 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1050 0571 0035 25 1 Hexagon nipple 2020 1613 8012 00 1 Combicooler GA55
1055 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer 2025 0301 2335 00 4 Washer GA55
1060 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 2030 0147 1322 03 4 Hexagon bolt GA55
1065 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 2035 1613 8034 80 1 Plate assembly GA55
1070 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple 2036 1619 3843 00 AR Seal GA55
1075 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer 2040 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt GA55
1080 0574 9870 02 1 Hose assembly 3020 1613 8304 00 1 Oil cooler GA75
1085 0574 9870 03 1 Hose assembly 3025 0301 2335 00 6 Washer GA75
1090 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 3030 0147 1322 03 6 Hexagon bolt GA75
1095 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 3031 1613 8303 00 1 Aftercooler GA75
1100 1 Pipe 3032 0147 1322 03 4 Hexagon bolt GA75
1613 8326 00 GA75-7.5 Direct drive 3033 0301 2335 00 4 Washer GA75
1613 8051 00 Others 3035 1613 8413 80 1 Plate assembly GA75
1110 1619 3770 00 2 Nipple 3036 1619 3843 00 AR Seal GA75
1115 2 Oil filter 3040 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt GA75
1202 8040 01 GA55-75 Japan
1613 6105 00 Others
1120 1 Nipple
1079 5840 07 GA75-7.5 Direct drive
1079 5840 01 Others

2930 1268 02 15
Parts list


16 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Oil system - GA55 W, GA75 W 7

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8043 00 1 Valve housing 1110 1619 3770 00 2 Nipple

1025 0147 1402 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1115 1613 6105 00 2 Oil filter
1030 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1120 1 Nipple
1035 1613 9505 00 1 Plug 1079 5840 07 GA75 W-7.5 Direct drive
1040 0663 7137 00 1 O-ring 1079 5840 01 Others
1045 0574 9878 02 1 Hose assembly 1125 1 Seal washer
1050 0571 0035 25 1 Hexagon nipple 0661 1000 40 GA75 W-7.5 Direct drive
1055 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer 0661 1000 42 Others
1060 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 1130 0574 9917 06 1 Hose assembly
1065 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1135 1613 8060 00 1 Scavenge line
1070 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple 1140 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1075 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer 1145 1613 7000 07 2 Flange
1080 0574 9870 02 1 Hose assembly 1150 0663 7136 00 2 O-ring
1081 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple 1155 0147 1402 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1082 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer 1160 0301 2358 00 4 Washer
1085 0574 9870 02 1 Hose assembly 1165 <<< >>> 1 Oil cooler
1090 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 1170 0147 1327 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1095 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1171 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1100 1 Pipe
1613 8326 00 GA75 W-7.5 Direct drive
1613 8051 00 Others

2930 1268 02 17
Parts list

8 Coolers - GA55 W, GA75 W


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1613 8744 88 1 Oil cooler 1070 0661 1033 00 1 Gasket

1020 1613 6198 00 1 Cylinder 1202 9849 88 1 Aftercooler
1025 1613 8741 00 1 Tubestack 2020 1613 6199 00 1 Cylinder
1030 1614 6249 00 1 Water box 2025 1614 6245 00 1 Tubestack
1035 1614 6250 00 1 Return box 2030 1614 6249 00 1 Water box
1040 1614 6256 00 4 O-ring 2035 1614 6250 00 1 Return box
1045 1614 6258 00 1 Division rib 2040 1614 6256 00 4 O-ring
1050 1614 6259 00 1 Gasket 2045 1614 6258 00 1 Division rib
1055 1614 6257 00 1 Ring 2050 1614 6259 00 1 Gasket
1060 9820 0857 00 1 Data plate instruction 2055 1614 6257 00 1 Ring
1065 0686 3716 02 1 Drain plug 2060 9820 0857 00 1 Data plate instruction

18 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Water system - GA55 W, GA75 W 9


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1020 1613 6991 00 1 Pipe 1060 1613 8100 00 1 Pipe
1025 0663 7135 00 2 O-ring 1065 0663 7135 00 1 O-ring
1030 0147 1401 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1070 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1035 0301 2358 00 4 Washer 1075 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
1040 1613 8100 00 1 Pipe 1080 0686 3716 01 2 Hexagon plug
1045 0663 7135 00 1 O-ring 1085 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1050 0147 1401 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1090 0686 3716 30 1 Hexagon plug
1055 0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1095 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer

2930 1268 02 19
Parts list



20 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Unloading valve 10

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Unloader 1075 0211 1328 03 2 Cap screw

1613 8151 81 Modulating control 1080 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1613 8150 81 Others 1085 1 Plug
1020 1 Spring 1613 8148 00 Modulating control
1613 8069 00 Modulating control 0686 4210 00 Others
1613 8068 00 Others 1090 0661 1000 46 1 Seal washer
1025 1 Valve 1095 0261 1090 67 1 Nut
1613 8071 80 Modulating control 1100 0653 0500 02 1 Gasket
1613 8072 00 Others 1105 0663 7132 00 1 O-ring
1030 0500 4510 33 1 Plain bearing 1110 0335 2136 00 1 Circlip
1035 1 Housing 1115 1513 0011 00 1 Spring
1613 8151 00 Modulating control 1120 1613 6794 00 1 Cover
1613 8150 00 Others 1125 1613 6783 00 1 Piston
1040 1613 8073 00 1 Piston rod 1130 1613 6796 00 1 Valve seat
1045 1613 8149 00 1 Piston 1135 0686 3716 01 3 Hexagon plug
1050 1613 7372 01 1 Spring 1140 0653 0500 02 3 Gasket
1055 1613 7262 00 1 Piston ring 1145 0686 3716 38 3 Hexagon plug
1060 1613 9661 00 1 Cover 1150 0653 9078 00 3 Flat gasket
1065 0663 7144 00 1 O-ring 1155 1 Plug
1070 0211 1963 94 2 Cap screw 1613 6964 00 Modulating control

2930 1268 02 21
Parts list



22 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Bodywork 11
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1020 1613 8407 00 2 Beam 1079 9920 76 Holoyke
1030 1 Panel ass'y 1) 1079 9909 57 Others
1613 8313 81 Japan 5060 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark
1613 8313 80 Others 6020 1503 0786 00 2 Rotation arrow 3)
1036 1613 8319 80 1 Panel assembly 1) 6025 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark 3)
1040 1613 8016 80 1 Panel assembly 1) 6030 1 Data plate
1060 1613 8315 80 1 Baffle assembly1) 1613 7394 00 50Hz CE
1070 1613 8314 80 1 Baffle assembly1) 1614 5933 00 60Hz
1086 1613 8316 00 2 Bracket 1613 8883 00 50Hz-60Hz Japan
1088 1613 8317 80 1 Baffle assembly1) 6035 1 Decal
1090 1613 8024 00 1 Support 1613 8054 01 1 GA55
1125 2 Panel assembly 1) 1613 8054 02 GA75
1613 8020 81 Japan 1613 8054 03 GA55W
1613 8020 80 Others 1613 8054 04 GA75W
1135 1613 8030 00 2 Baffle 3) 6040 1 Warning label
1145 1613 8028 80 2 Baffle assembly3) 1079 9903 82 50Hz
1146 1613 8098 00 1 Plate 4) 1079 9903 83 60Hz
1155 1 Baffle 7020 1079 9913 79 1 Inform.label 4)
1613 8063 00 3) 7025 1079 9913 69 1 Inform.label 4)
1613 8143 00 4)5) 8090 1088 0257 30 1 Elbow
1156 1088 0801 20 1 Grommet 3) 8095 0697 9910 01 1 Nipple
1158 1613 8099 00 1 Plate 4) 8100 1088 0301 10 1 Nut
1165 1613 8312 00 1 Roof panel 2)
1175 1613 8018 80 3 Door assembly 1) AR Bolt
1180 1613 8019 80 1 Panel assembly 1) 0147 1205 03 M5 x 12 - 8.8
1205 0129 3103 00 4 Blind rivet 1079 1472 05 M8 x 20 - 8.8
1255 1613 0807 00 2 Bracket 1619 2766 00 M8 x 20
1260 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip 0147 1329 03 M8 x 45
1265 1088 1301 02 4 Cable strip AR Cap screw
1270 1088 1305 01 1 Push mount 0211 1325 03 M8 x 25
1275 1088 1301 01 1 Cable strip AR Nut
1290 1088 1305 02 4 Push mount 0266 2110 00 M8
1295 1088 1301 02 4 Cable strip 1079 0298 01 M8 - Cage nut
1300 1088 1301 02 3 Cable strip AR Washer
1305 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip 0301 2318 00 5.3 x 10 x 1
1310 1613 8096 00 1 Screen 0301 2335 00 8.4 x 16 x 1.6
1325 1089 9068 01 2 Key AR Lock washer
1330 1088 1301 03 1 Cable strip 0333 3227 00 8.4 x 15 x 0.8
2020 1 Cubicle assembly
1613 8873 81 Japan 1)-2) Lined with / Bekleed met / Bekldd med / Ausgekleidet
1613 8873 80 Others mit / Garni de / Revestido de / Allineato con / Foret
2025 1202 6584 00 AR Seal med / Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu
2030 1089 9154 02 1 Key 1) Foam: 1079 0003 31 (AR) 25 x 2000 x 1500
2035 1619 3843 00 AR Seal 2) Foam: 0395 1004 32 (AR) 60 x 2000 x 1500
2045 1202 6400 00 2 Hinge 3) Aircooled version / Luchtgekoelde versie / Luftkylda
3010 1613 8022 80 1 Door assembly utfranden / Luftgekhlte Ausfhrungen / Version
3025 1619 7705 00 1 Lock refroidie par air / Variante refrigerada por aire / Versioni
4010 1 Fan assembly 3) raffreddate ad aria/ Luftklede modeller/ Verses
1613 8309 01 230-400V/50Hz arrefecidas a ar/ Luftkjlte versjoner/Illmajhdytteiset
1613 8309 02 500V/50Hz mallit
1613 8309 08 200V/50Hz 4) Only for watercooled units / Watergekoelde versies /
1613 8309 11 220-230V/60Hz, Vattenkylda utfranden / Wassergekhlte Ausfhrungen
380V/ 60Hz, / Versions refroidies par eau / Variantes refrigeradas por
440-460V/60Hz agua / Versioni raffreddate ad acqua/ Vandklede
1613 8309 12 575V/60Hz modeller/ Verses arrefecidas a gua/ Vannkjlte
1613 8309 14 200V/60Hz versjoner / Vesijhdytteiset mallit
4020 1613 8310 00 1 Fan plate 5) Only for units with dryer/Enkel voor groepen met droger/
5020 1079 9901 29 1 Label Endast fr aggregat med torkare/Nur fr Maschinen mit
5025 1088 1001 04 1 Warning mark Trockner/Pour groupes avec scheur/Unicamente para
5030 1079 9911 09 1 Inform.label unidades con secador/Solo per unit dotate di
5035 1079 9901 09 4 Label essiccatore/Kun for modeller med trrer/S para
5040 1088 1001 03 1 Warning mark unidades com secador / Kun for enheter med trkeanlegg
5045 1079 9901 09 1 Label / Vain kuivaimella varustetuille yksikille
5050 1 Label
1079 9920 76 Japan

2930 1268 02 23
Parts list



24 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Water separator connections - Pack version 12

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8049 00 1 Pipe 1130 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe coupling

1025 0663 3143 00 1 O-ring 1135 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube
1030 0147 1476 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1140 0581 0000 34 1 Coupling
1035 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 1145 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1040 1613 8009 00 1 Pipe 1155 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1045 0663 3143 00 1 O-ring 1160 0581 0000 33 1 Coupling
1050 0147 1476 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1165 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer
1055 0301 2378 00 2 Washer 1170 1613 8892 00 1 Cock
1070 1613 8035 80 1 Panel assembly 1) 1185 1613 8876 00 1 Cover
1075 0147 1322 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1190 1613 8877 00 1 Seal
1076 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1192 0160 6040 00 4 Screw
1077 0266 2110 00 4 Nut 1193 0266 2106 00 4 Nut
1078 0333 3227 00 4 Lock washer 1195 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip
1080 1613 8330 00 1 Support 1200 1088 1305 01 5 Push mount
1085 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt 1205 1088 1301 01 5 Cable strip
1095 1089 0575 41 1 Press.transducer 1210 1613 6923 03 1 Foam
1096 0686 3716 01 2 Hexagon plug 1215 1513 0243 00 AR Fixing strip
1097 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer 1220 0147 1380 12 1 Hexagon bolt
1100 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug 1225 1613 8078 02 1 Antivibration pad
1105 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 1230 1202 5452 00 1 Washer
1110 1619 7474 01 1 Waterseparator 1240 0266 2111 00 2 Nut
2900 1017 00 1 Drain valve 1245 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
0663 6147 00 1 O-ring
1111 0147 1474 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1) Lined with / Bekleed met / Bekldd med / Ausgekleidet
1112 0301 2378 00 4 Washer mit / Garni de / Revestido de / Allineato con / Foret med /
1115 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu
1120 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling Foam: 1079 0003 31 (AR) 25 x 2000 x 1500
1125 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer

2930 1268 02 25
Parts list



26 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Air dryer connections - Full-feature 13

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1015 1613 8055 00 1 Pipe 1077 0303 1274 01 4 Washer

1018 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1078 0266 2110 00 4 Nut
1019 0266 2111 00 4 Nut 1100 0581 0000 55 1 Pipe coupling
1021 0248 9979 57 1 Threaded rod 1121 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1022 1613 8078 02 1 Antivibration pad 1125 0581 0000 33 1 Coupling
1023 1202 5452 00 1 Washer 1130 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer
1025 1613 8057 80 1 Joint set 1135 1613 8892 00 1 Cock
1613 8057 00 1 Joint 1140 1088 1305 02 1 Push mount
1030 0147 1960 44 2 Hexagon bolt 1145 1088 1301 02 1 Cable strip
1035 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1150 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip
1045 1613 8050 00 1 Pipe 1155 1088 1305 01 7 Push mount
1050 0663 9868 00 1 O-ring 1160 1088 1301 01 7 Cable strip
1055 0147 1327 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1165 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip
1060 0301 2335 00 2 Washer 1170 1088 1305 02 1 Push mount
1065 0551 0001 55 1 Threaded pipe 1175 1088 1301 02 1 Cable strip
1070 <<< >>> 1 Air dryer 1180 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip
1075 0147 1323 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1181 1088 1305 02 2 Push mount
1076 0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1185 1088 1301 02 2 Cable strip

2930 1268 02 27
Parts list



28 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Regulating system 14

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1089 0575 20 1 Dp transducer 2020 1 Wire harness

1025 1079 5840 01 1 Nipple 1613 8044 03 C, U
1030 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 1613 8044 02 Others
1035 0574 9917 04 1 Hose assembly 2030 1 Solenoid valve
1040 0571 0035 05 1 Hexagon nipple 1089 0621 19 115V/60Hz C, U
1045 0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer 1089 0621 14 230V/50Hz
1050 1615 3624 00 1 Nozzle 1089 0621 13 240V/60Hz
1051 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 2050 1 Cable
1055 0581 0031 01 1 Pipe coupling 1613 8104 00 GA55 W, GA75 W
1060 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 3020 0852 0010 20 1 Ball valve 1)
1065 0564 0000 37 1 Tee 3030 1613 6532 01 1 Oil can 1)
1070 0551 0001 48 1 Threaded pipe 3040 1614 5941 00 1 Adaptor 1)-(C, U)
1075 1089 0574 04 1 Temp.sensor 3045 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube 1)
1080 1900 0701 05 1 Regulator 3050 0581 0000 33 1 Coupling 1)
1085 0147 1205 03 4 Hexagon bolt 3055 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 1)
1090 0301 2318 00 4 Washer 3060 1613 6858 80 4 Plate assembly 1)2)
1095 1503 2467 00 AR Seal cord 3065 1079 2904 01 8 Push nail 1)
1100 1079 5840 03 1 Nipple
1105 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 1) Supplied loose / Los geleverd / Levereras separat / Lose
1110 0574 9911 15 1 Hose assembly mitgeliefert / Livr sparment / Suministrado suelto /
1115 1079 5840 03 1 Nipple Fornito separatamente / Leveres separat / Fornecido
1120 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer separadamente / Leveres separat / Toimitetaan irrallisena
1125 0560 1302 03 1 Elbow 2) Lined with / Bekleed met / Bekldd med / Ausgekleidet
1130 1 Temp.sensor mit / Garni de / Revestido de / Allineato con / Foret med /
1089 0574 07 GA55 W, GA75 W Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu
Foam: 1079 0003 33 (AR) 50 x 2000 x 1500

2930 1268 02 29
Parts list

15 Start cubicle - star/delta - 50Hz - 60Hz


Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1 Cubicle 1900 2501 17 GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz HAV,
1900 2501 01 GA55 (W) 230V/50Hz 23)
1900 2501 02 GA55 (W) 400V/50Hz GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz Japan
1900 2501 03 GA55 (W) 500V/50Hz 1900 2501 18 GA75 (W) 400V/50Hz HAV,
1900 2501 11 GA75 (W) 230V/50Hz 23)
1900 2501 12 GA75 (W) 400V/50Hz GA75 (W) 400V/50Hz Japan
1900 2501 13 GA75 (W) 500V/50Hz 1900 2501 54 GA55 (W) 380V/60Hz HAV
1900 2501 04 GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz 23)
1900 2501 05 GA55 (W) 380V/60Hz 1900 2501 64 GA75 (W) 380V/60Hz HAV
1900 2501 06 GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz 23)
1900 2501 14 GA75 (W) 230V/60Hz 1020 1079 9901 68 1 Label
1900 2501 15 GA75 (W) 380V/60Hz 1025 1079 9906 09 1 Label
1900 2501 16 GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz 1030 1088 0000 06 1 Connector (2x8)
1900 2501 81 GA55 (W) 200V/50Hz, 1035 1088 0014 02 1 Connector (2x9)
GA55 (W) 200V/60Hz, 1040 1088 0014 04 1 Connector (2x1)
GA55 (W) 220V/60Hz Japan,
GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz HAV 1045 1088 0014 10 1 Connector (2x6)
23) 1050 1088 0014 18 1 Connector (2x7)
1900 2501 82 GA75 (W) 200V/50Hz, 1055 1089 0362 51 1 Emergency stop button
GA75 (W) 200V/60Hz 1056 1089 0362 50 2 Contact block
1900 2501 07 GA55 (W) 400V/50Hz HAV 1060 1089 0506 27 3 Terminal (2x4mm)
23) 1065 1089 0506 52 2 Terminal switch
1900 2501 09 GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz HAV, 1070 1089 0506 64 1 Terminal (10x2.5mm)
23) 1075 1089 0506 63 3 Terminal (3x2.5mm)
GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz Japan 1080 1089 0612 01 2 Fuse holder F1,F2

30 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks
1085 2 Fuse F1,F2 1142 1 Plug & cable
1089 0612 22 2)3)9)15) 1089 0388 12 13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)
1089 0612 23 5)6)8)12)16)17)18)19) 1145 1 Terminal (3x35mm)
1089 0612 24 1)4)7)10)11)13)14)20) 1089 0506 04 9)12)16)17)
1090 1089 9136 93 1 Transformer T2 1146 1 Fan
1095 1 Transformer T1 1089 0388 21 13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)
1089 9136 95 2)15) 1147 2 Filter
1089 9136 96 1)5)18) 1089 0388 31 13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)
1089 9136 97 4)7)10) 1148 2 Gasket
1089 9436 02 3)9) 1089 0388 33 13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)
1089 9436 03 6)8)11)12)14)16)17)19)20) 1149 1 Grating
1089 9436 05 13) 1089 0388 34 13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)
1100 1089 0506 16 3 Fuse terminal F3,F4,F5 1900 2600 02 1 Dryer rail (1x4)
1105 1089 9037 02 4 Fuse F4,F5 1150 1089 0506 62 2 Terminal (1x2.5mm)
1106 2 Fuse F3 1155 1089 0506 27 2 Terminal (2x4mm)
1089 9037 09 2)3)9)15) 1160 1089 0612 01 3 Fuse holder F6,F7,F8
1089 9037 02 Others 1165 1089 0612 29 3 Fuse F6,F7,F8
1110 1 Overload relay F21 1170 1089 9319 51 1 Contactor K11
1089 9174 01 14) 1175 1089 9319 86 1 Contactor K12
1089 9205 06 7)13) 1180 9820 2323 05 1 Service diagram 22)
1089 9205 08 4)10) 1185 3 Fuse holder F9,F10,F11
1089 9205 12 12)17) 1089 0612 01 3)6)8)11)21)
1089 9205 13 5)11)18)20) 1190 3 Fuse F9,F10,F11
1089 9205 15 1) 1089 0612 29 3)6)8)11)21)
1089 9424 46 3)9)16)
1089 9424 47 2)8)15)19) 1) GA55 (W) 230V/50Hz
1089 9424 48 6) 2) GA55 (W) 400V/50Hz
1111 1 Connection 3) GA55 (W) 500V/50Hz
1089 9215 02 4)7)10)13)14) 4) GA75 (W) 230V/50Hz
1115 1 Contactor K22 5) GA75 (W) 400V/50Hz
1089 9221 03 4)7)10)13)14) 6) GA75 (W) 500V/50Hz
1089 9415 32 2)3)9)15) 7) GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz
1089 9415 41 5)6)8)12)16)17)18)19) 8) GA55 (W) 380V/60Hz
1089 9415 42 1)11)20) 9) GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz
1120 2 Contactor K21,K23 10) GA75 (W) 230V/60Hz
1089 9221 03 1)5)11)12)17)18)20) 11) GA75 (W) 380V/60Hz
1089 9221 30 4)7)13) 12) GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz
1089 9221 96 10)14) 13) GA55 (W) 200V/50Hz, GA55 (W) 200V/60Hz,
1089 9415 41 2)3)9)15) GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz HAV, GA55 (W) 220V/60Hz
1089 9415 42 6)8)16)19) 14) GA75 (W) 200V/50Hz, GA75 (W) 200V/60Hz
1121 Contact block 15) GA55 (W) 400V/50Hz HAV
1089 9415 07 4 15)16)19) K21,K22 16) GA55 (W) 460V/50Hz HAV, GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz
1089 9415 07 3 2)3)6)8)9) K21,K22 Japan
1089 9415 07 1 1)11)17)18)20) K22 17) GA75 (W) 460V/50Hz HAV, GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz
1089 9415 07 1 5)12) K21,K22 Japan
1089 9213 03 1 13)14)20) K21 18) GA75 (W) 400V/50Hz HAV, GA75 (W) 400V/60Hz
1089 9221 95 1 18) K21 Japan
1122 Contact block 19) GA55 (W) 380V/60Hz HAV
1089 9415 08 3 2)3)6)8)9)15)16)19) 20) GA75 (W) 380V/60Hz HAV
K22,K23 21) Only for dryers with transfo/Enkel voor drogers met
1089 9415 08 1 1)11)17)18)20) K22 transfo/Endast fr torkare med transformator/Nur fr
1089 9415 08 1 5)12) K22,K23 Trockner mit Transfo/Uniquement pour scheurs avec
1125 1 Circuit breaker Q15 transformateur/Slo para secadores dotatos de
1089 9416 26 2)5)15)18) transformador/Solo per gli essiccatori con il trasformatore
1089 9416 27 9)11)12)16)17)20) / Kun for trrere med transfo / Somente para secadores
1089 9416 29 1)4)7)10) com transformador / Bare p trkere med transformator /
1089 9416 30 13)14) Vain muuntajalla varustetuissa kuivaimissa
1089 9416 66 3)6) 22) Supplied loose / Los geleverd / Levereras separat / Lose
1089 9416 67 8)19) mitgeliefert / Livr sparment / Suministrado suelto /
1130 1089 9416 01 1 Contact block Q15 Fornito separatamente / Leveres separat / Fornecido
1135 1613 6639 00 1 Data Plate separadamente / Leveres separat / Toimitetaan irrallisena
1140 1613 8023 00 1 Plate 23) HAV : High Ambient Version
1141 9820 2323 31 1 Service diagram 22)

2930 1268 02 31
Parts list



32 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Start cubicle - star/delta - 60Hz CSA-UL 16

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1 Cubicle C, U 1130 1 Transformer T1

1900 2505 51 GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz 1089 9436 04 1)
1900 2505 52 GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz 1089 9436 03 2)5)6)
1900 2505 53 GA55 (W) 575V/60Hz 1089 9436 02 3)
1900 2501 61 GA75 (W) 230V/60Hz 1089 9436 05 4)
1900 2501 62 GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz 1135 1 Label
1900 2501 63 GA75 (W) 575V/60Hz 1202 7982 00 1)2)3)5)6)
1020 1079 9901 68 1 Label 1202 7983 00 4)
1025 1079 9906 09 1 Label 1140 1613 3046 00 1 Data Plate
1030 1079 9911 01 1 Label 1145 1613 3431 00 1 Label
1035 1088 0000 06 1 Connector (2x8) 1150 1613 8023 00 1 Plate
1040 1088 0014 02 1 Connector (2x9) 1155 9820 2323 32 1 Service diagram 8)
1045 1088 0014 04 1 Connector (2x1) 1160 1089 9049 04 5 Fuse holder
1050 1088 0014 10 1 Connector (2x6) F1,F2,F3,F4,F5
1055 1088 0014 18 1 Connector (2x7) 1165 1089 9168 02 3 Fuse link F3,F4,F5
1060 1089 0362 51 1 Emergency stop button 1170 3 Contact block K21,K22
1065 1089 0362 50 1 Contact block 1089 9415 07 2)3)6)
1070 1089 0506 27 3 Terminal (2x4mm) 1175 3 Contact block K22,K23
1075 1089 0506 52 2 Terminal switch 1089 9415 08 2)3)6)
1085 1089 0506 63 3 Terminal (3x2.5mm) 1180 1 Terminal (3x35mm)
1090 1089 0506 64 1 Terminal (10x2.5mm) 1089 0506 64 2)5)
1095 1089 9136 27 1 Transformer T2 1185 1 Interlock device
1100 2 Fuse link F1,F2 1089 9415 90 2)3)6)
1089 9168 24 1)2)3)5)6) 1900 2600 08 1 Dryer rail (1x4)
1089 9168 25 4) 1190 1089 0506 62 3 Terminal (1x2.5mm)
1105 1 Overload relay F21 1200 1089 0506 27 2 Terminal (2x4mm)
1089 9205 04 1) 1210 1089 9049 04 3 Fuse holder F6,F7,F8
1089 9424 47 6) 1220 1089 9168 60 3 Fuse link F6,F7,F8
1089 9424 46 2) 1230 1089 9415 25 1 Contactor K11
1089 9424 45 3) 1240 1089 9415 15 1 Contactor K12
1089 9174 01 4) 1250 1202 7984 00 1 Label
1089 9205 12 5) 1260 9820 2323 05 1 Service diagram 8)
1106 1 Connection 1270 3 Fuse holder F9,F10,F11
1089 9215 02 4) 1089 9049 04 3)6)7)
1110 1 Interlock 1280 3 Fuse link F9,F10,F11
1089 9216 03 1)4)5) 1089 9168 60 3)6)7)
1089 9415 10 2)3)6)
1115 1 Contactor K22 1) GA55 (W) 230V/60Hz
1089 9221 48 1) 2) GA55 (W) 460V/60Hz
1089 9415 44 2)3)6) 3) GA55 (W) 575V/60Hz
1089 9221 49 4) 4) GA75 (W) 230V/60Hz
1089 9221 44 5) 5) GA75 (W) 460V/60Hz
1120 2 Contactor K21,K23 6) GA75 (W) 575V/60Hz
1089 9221 49 1) 7) Only for dryers with transfo/Enkel voor drogers met
1089 9415 45 2) transfo/Endast fr torkare med transformator/Nur fr
1089 9415 44 3) Trockner mit Transfo/Uniquement pour scheurs avec
1089 9221 50 4) transformateur/Slo para secadores dotatos de
1089 9221 48 5) transformador/Solo per gli essiccatori con il trasformatore
1089 9415 46 6) / Kun for trrere med transfo / Somente para secadores
1125 1 Circuit breaker Q15 com transformador / Bare p trkere med transformator /
1089 9416 29 1)4) Vain muuntajalla varustetuissa kuivaimissa
1089 9416 27 2)5) 8) Supplied loose / Los geleverd / Levereras separat / Lose
1089 9416 26 3)6) mitgeliefert / Livr sparment / Suministrado suelto /
1126 1089 9416 01 1 Contact block Q15 Fornito separatamente / Leveres separat / Fornecido
separadamente / Leveres separat / Toimitetaan irrallisena

2930 1268 02 33
Parts list



34 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Air dryer 17

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1010 1617 1062 00 1 Heat exchanger 1617 2090 80 ID160 200V/50Hz,

1020 1619 7459 01 1 Waterseparator ID160 200V/60Hz,
2900 1017 00 1 Drain valve ID230 200V/50Hz,
0663 6147 00 1 O-ring ID230 200V/60Hz
1050 0663 3143 00 2 O-ring 1617 2091 80 ID160 500V/50Hz,
1150 1089 0575 41 1 Pressure sensor ID160 575V/60Hz,
2010 1617 1057 80 1 Frame 1) ID230 500V/50Hz,
2040 1617 1059 80 1 Support 1) ID230 575V/60Hz
2060 1603 1061 80 1 Box assy 4041 1 Fan + motor
1617 1061 00 1 Box heat exchanger 1617 2057 00 ID160 230V/50Hz,
1617 1063 00 1 Insulation ID160 380-415V/50Hz,
1617 1064 00 1 Insulation ID160 440-460V/60Hz,
1617 1352 00 1 Filling plate ID230 230V/50Hz,
3010 1617 1942 00 1 Liquid receiver ID230 380-415V/50Hz,
3040 1617 0123 00 1 Stop valve ID230 440-460V/60Hz
3045 1619 6774 01 1 Valve 1617 2058 00 ID160 230V/60Hz,
3050 1617 0708 00 1 Liquid separator ID160 380V/60Hz,
3080 1617 0950 00 1 Condensor ID230 230V/60Hz,
3110 1619 5566 07 1 Refrigerant dryer ID230 380V/60Hz,
4010 1 Refrigerant compressor 1617 2090 00 ID160 200V/50Hz,
1619 7767 14 ID160 230V/50Hz ID160 200V/60Hz,
1619 7767 15 ID160 380-415V/50Hz, ID230 200V/50Hz,
ID160 440-460V/60Hz ID230 200V/60Hz
1619 7767 16 ID160 230V/60Hz, 1617 2091 00 ID160 500V/50Hz,
ID160 200V/50Hz, ID160 575V/60Hz,
ID160 200V/60Hz ID230 500V/50Hz,
1619 7767 30 ID160 500V/50Hz, ID230 575V/60Hz
ID160 575V/60Hz 4042 1617 2059 00 1 Grating
1619 7767 31 ID160 380V/60Hz 5090 1619 5563 02 1 Schraderventiel
1614 7168 11 ID230 230V/50Hz 5120 1 Expansion valve
1614 7168 12 ID230 380-415V/50Hz, 1619 6768 15 ID160
ID230 440-460V/60Hz 1619 6768 17 ID230
1614 7168 15 ID230 230V/60Hz, 6010 0653 1062 00 1 Flat gasket
ID230 200V/50Hz, 6020 0581 0000 34 1 Straight coupling
ID230 200V/60Hz 6030 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube
1614 7168 17 ID230 380V/60Hz 6050 0661 1020 00 1 Seal washer
1614 7168 19 ID230 500V/50Hz, 6060 0581 0000 35 1 Straight coupling
ID230 575V/60Hz 6070 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
4020 1 Carter heating 7010 1089 9214 33 1 Pressure switch
1619 7689 01 ID160 500V/50Hz, 8010 1089 9214 39 1 Hp-switch 29bar
ID160 575V/60Hz 9010 1089 9214 08 1 Pressure switch T
1 Fan assy
1617 2057 80 ID160 230V/50Hz, 1) Lined with / Bekleed met / Bekldd med / Ausgekleidet
ID160 380-415V/50Hz, mit / Garni de / Revestido de / Allineato con / Foret med /
ID160 440-460V/60Hz, Revestido com / Kledd med / Vuorattu
ID230 230V/50Hz, Foam: 1079 0003 31 (AR) 25 x 2000 x 1500
ID230 380-415V/50Hz,
ID230 440-460V/60Hz
1617 2058 80 ID160 230V/60Hz,
ID160 380V/60Hz,
ID230 230V/60Hz,
ID230 380V/60Hz,

2930 1268 02 35
Parts list



36 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Modulating control (Optional) 18

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8080 00 1 Support 1100 1079 5840 25 1 Hexagon nipple

1025 1619 2766 00 3 Bolt 1105 0574 9914 10 1 Hose assembly
1030 0266 2110 00 1 Nut 1110 1079 5840 25 1 Hexagon nipple
1035 <<< >>> 1 Unloader (modulating 1120 1503 2564 10 1 Nipple
control) 1125 1613 6961 00 1 Regulator
1040 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling 1130 1079 5840 23 1 Nipple
1045 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 1135 0574 9914 09 1 Hose assembly
1050 0581 2000 27 1 Pipe coupling 1140 1079 5840 14 1 Nipple
1055 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 1145 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
1060 0581 1200 26 1 Elbow coupling 2025 1 Solenoid valve
1065 1613 6968 06 1 Nozzle 1089 0621 01 230V/50Hz
1070 0560 4400 85 1 Cross 1089 0621 02 120V/60Hz C,U
1075 0581 1200 16 1 Coupling(elbow) 1089 0621 03 230V/60Hz
1080 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube 2030 1 Cable
1085 0580 8402 00 1 Pipe coupling 1613 8116 00 C,U
1090 1513 0480 00 1 Pressure gauge 1613 8115 00 Others
1095 1503 2564 01 1 Nipple

2930 1268 02 37
Parts list



38 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Heat recovery system (Optional) - GA55, GA55 W 19

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1202 5896 00 1 4-way valve 1190 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple

1025 1202 5907 00 1 Therm.housing 1195 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1030 0663 3132 00 2 O-ring 1200 1613 7634 00 1 Heat exchanger
1035 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1205 0147 1344 03 4 Hexagon bolt
1040 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 1210 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1045 1619 7333 00 1 Thermostat 1215 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple
1050 0686 4209 00 1 Hexagon plug 1220 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1055 0661 1000 45 1 Seal washer 1225 1613 8092 00 1 Pipe
1060 1202 5925 00 1 Decal 1230 0663 3132 00 1 O-ring
1065 0147 1321 03 3 Hexagon bolt 1240 0302 1274 01 2 Washer
1070 0301 2335 00 3 Washer 1245 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1075 1202 5926 00 1 Handle 1250 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon plug
1080 1202 5927 00 2 Decal 1255 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1082 1079 9902 89 1 Warning label 1260 0551 0001 60 2 Threaded pipe
1085 0147 1321 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1265 0564 0000 29 2 Tee
1090 0301 2335 00 1 Washer 1270 0605 8700 51 2 Bushing
1095 1613 8321 00 1 Support 1275 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer
1100 1619 2766 00 4 Bolt 1280 1 Thermostat valve 1)
1105 0574 9878 03 1 Hose assembly 1202 5869 01 70-85C
1110 1613 7000 07 1 Flange 1202 5869 02 60-75C
1115 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 1202 5869 03 65-80C
1120 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1202 5869 04 75-90C
1125 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1281 1202 5868 00 1 Spring
1130 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 1300 1079 9913 69 1 Inform.label
1135 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1305 1079 9913 79 1 Inform.label
1140 0574 9878 04 1 Hose assembly 1310 1089 0574 07 2 Temp.sensor
1145 1613 7000 07 1 Flange 1315 1613 7193 04 1 Cable
1150 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 1316 1613 7193 05 1 Cable
1155 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1330 1088 1301 03 10 Cable strip
1160 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1335 1088 1305 01 5 Push mount
1164 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple
1165 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1) Supplied loose / Los geleverd / Levereras separat / Lose
1170 1613 8093 00 1 Pipe mitgeliefert / Livr sparment / Suministrado suelto /
1175 0663 7134 00 1 O-ring Fornito separatamente / Leveres separat / Fornecido
1180 0301 2344 00 2 Washer separadamente / Leveres separat / Toimitetaan irrallisena
1185 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt

2930 1268 02 39
Parts list



40 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Heat recovery system (Optional) - GA75, GA75 W 20

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1202 5896 00 1 4-way valve 1196 1613 8106 00 2 Bush

1025 1202 5907 00 1 Therm.housing 1197 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer
1030 0663 3132 00 2 O-ring 1200 1613 7634 00 2 Heat exchanger
1035 0147 1363 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1205 0147 1344 03 8 Hexagon bolt
1040 0301 2344 00 4 Washer 1210 0301 2335 00 8 Washer
1045 1619 7333 00 1 Thermostat 1213 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer
1050 0686 4209 00 1 Hexagon plug 1214 1613 8106 00 2 Bush
1055 0661 1000 45 1 Seal washer 1215 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple
1060 1202 5925 00 1 Decal 1220 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer
1065 0147 1321 03 3 Hexagon bolt 1225 1613 8087 00 1 Pipe
1070 0301 2335 00 3 Washer 1230 0663 3132 00 1 O-ring
1075 1202 5926 00 1 Handle 1240 0302 1274 01 2 Washer
1080 1202 5927 00 2 Decal 1245 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt
1082 1079 9902 89 1 Warning label 1250 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon plug
1085 0147 1321 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1255 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
1090 0301 2335 00 1 Washer 1260 1613 8089 00 1 Pipe
1095 1613 8328 00 1 Support 1265 1613 8090 00 1 Pipe
1100 0147 1962 72 4 Hexagon bolt 1270 2250 4983 00 4 Nipple
1102 0300 0274 17 4 Washer 1275 0661 1000 44 4 Seal washer
1105 0574 9878 03 1 Hose assembly 1280 1 Thermostat valve 1)
1110 1613 7000 07 1 Flange 1202 5869 01 70-85C
1115 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 1202 5869 02 60-75C
1120 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1202 5869 03 65-80C
1125 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1202 5869 04 75-90C
1130 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 1281 1202 5868 00 1 Spring
1135 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer 1300 1079 9913 69 1 Inform.label
1140 0574 9878 04 1 Hose assembly 1305 1079 9913 79 1 Inform.label
1145 1613 7000 07 1 Flange 1310 1089 0574 07 2 Temp.sensor
1150 0663 7136 00 1 O-ring 1315 1613 7193 04 1 Cable
1155 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1316 1613 7193 05 1 Cable
1160 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1330 1088 1301 03 10 Cable strip
1164 2250 4983 00 1 Nipple 1335 1088 1305 01 5 Push mount
1165 0661 1000 44 1 Seal washer
1170 1613 8088 00 1 Pipe 1) Supplied loose / Los geleverd / Levereras separat / Lose
1175 0663 7134 00 1 O-ring mitgeliefert / Livr sparment / Suministrado suelto /
1180 0301 2344 00 2 Washer Fornito separatamente / Leveres separat / Fornecido
1185 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt separadamente / Leveres separat / Toimitetaan irrallisena
1190 2250 4983 00 2 Nipple
1195 0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer

2930 1268 02 41
Parts list



42 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Drain system, Electronic condensate drain (Optional) 21

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

1020 1613 8079 00 1 Support 1085 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer

1025 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt 1090 1613 8084 00 1 Pipe coupling
1030 1613 8810 01 1 Ewd330 230V 1095 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
1035 0605 8814 06 1 Bushing 1100 0581 0000 35 1 Coupling
1040 0581 1200 14 1 Elbow coupling 1105 0661 1000 38 2 Seal washer
1045 1613 7720 08 1 Pipe 1110 0852 0010 11 1 Ball valve
1050 0581 0000 37 1 Pipe coupling 1115 0581 0028 01 1 Pipe coupling
1055 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 1120 1613 8108 01 1 Pipe
1060 1619 6153 04 1 Ball valve 1125 0581 1228 04 1 Elbow
1065 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 1130 0605 8814 06 1 Bushing
1070 0581 0000 53 1 Pipe coupling 1135 0607 3000 13 1 Reducer
1075 0070 6002 06 AR Plastic tube 1140 0581 1200 23 1 Elbow coupling
1080 0581 0000 45 1 Pipe coupling 1141 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube
2030 0584 0080 10 1 Cutting ring

2930 1268 02 43
Parts list



44 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Drain system OSD (Optional) 22

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

8092 2422 81 1 Standard option 3065 1613 7378 00 1 Strainer

1020 1613 8109 00 1 Support 3070 1079 9913 69 1 Inform.label
1025 1619 2766 00 2 Bolt 3075 1079 9912 07 1 Decal
1035 0147 1322 03 3 Hexagon bolt 3080 1079 9912 28 1 Decal
1040 0301 2335 00 3 Washer 3085 1613 7945 00 1 Plug
1045 1613 7300 00 1 Oil can 1613 7865 80 1 Filter assembly
1050 1613 7327 00 1 Support 4020 1613 7864 00 1 Filter element
1055 1619 2766 00 1 Bolt 4025 1613 7865 00 1 Filter housing
1075 0581 1200 37 2 Pipe coupling 4030 0663 2104 06 1 O-ring
1080 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 5030 1079 9912 11 1 Decal
1085 0226 0326 00 4 Tapping screw 5055 1613 7384 00 1 Data plate
1613 7301 81 1 Osd assembly 5060 0129 3104 00 4 Blind rivet
2030 1079 9909 07 1 Label 6020 1615 7264 00 1 Pressure gauge
1613 7301 80 1 Osd assembly 6021 0584 9904 00 2 Sleeve
3020 1613 7301 00 1 Oil-water separ 6025 0070 6002 04 AR Plastic tube
3025 0661 1054 00 1 Tredo washer 6030 0581 2024 32 1 Coupling
3030 1613 7297 00 1 Valve 6031 0653 0500 47 1 Gasket
3035 1613 7277 00 1 Oilfilter 6050 1613 7985 80 1 Elbow coupling
3040 1613 7299 00 1 Filter 6055 0070 6002 14 AR Plastic tube
3045 1613 7298 00 1 Cover 6060 1613 7985 80 1 Elbow coupling
3050 0653 9098 00 1 Flat gasket 6065 0070 6002 14 AR Plastic tube
3055 0686 3716 02 1 Hexagon plug 6070 1613 7342 00 1 Elbow coupling
3060 0653 0500 02 1 Gasket 6075 1613 7341 00 1 Pipe coupling

2930 1268 02 45
Parts list

23 Service kits

Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

2901 0406 00 1 Element mounting kit 2901 0408 00 1 Element mounting kit
Direct drive GA55 (W)-8 Gearbox drive
Direct drive GA75 (W)-7.5 GA75 (W)-8-10-13,
2904 0109 00 1 Lipseal kit GA75 (W)-100-125-150-175
0663 7147 00 1 O-ring 2904 0070 00 1 Lipseal kit
0663 2106 43 1 O-ring 1202 7022 00 1 Gasket
0663 2104 03 1 O-ring 0506 0100 09 1 Bearing
0663 7135 00 1 O-ring 0508 1100 85 1 Roller bearing
0663 7138 00 2 O-ring 1202 6737 00 1 Key
0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket 0147 1409 03 2 Hexagon bolt
0663 3128 00 1 O-ring 0663 2106 43 1 O-ring
0663 3132 00 1 O-ring 0663 2104 03 1 O-ring
0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 0663 7135 00 1 O-ring
0147 1409 03 1 Hexagon bolt 0663 7138 00 2 O-ring
0337 5229 00 1 Parallel key 0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket
1613 9585 00 1 Coupling element 0663 3128 00 1 O-ring
0301 2378 00 6 Washer 0663 3132 00 1 O-ring
0333 3237 00 6 Lock washer 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer
0663 2106 19 2 O-ring 0337 2293 23 1 Parallel key
0663 3120 00 1 O-ring 1613 9499 00 1 Coupling element
1613 8057 00 2 Joint 0301 2378 00 6 Washer
1613 8078 01 2 Antivibration pad 0333 3237 00 6 Lock washer
0291 1111 00 2 Lock nut 0663 2106 19 2 O-ring
0301 2358 00 2 Washer 0663 3120 00 1 O-ring
0301 2335 00 4 Washer 1613 8057 00 2 Joint
0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 1613 8078 01 2 Antivibration pad
0686 6132 00 1 Plug 0291 1111 00 2 Lock nut
0686 6126 00 1 Plug 0301 2358 00 2 Washer
0663 2104 03 1 O-ring 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer
2901 0407 00 1 Element mounting kit 0301 2344 00 2 Washer
Gearbox drive
GA55 (W)-7.5-10-13, 2901 0432 00 1 Oil separator kit
GA55 (W)-100-125-150-175 1613 8007 00 1 Oil separator element
2904 0070 00 1 Lipseal kit 0663 7175 00 2 O-ring
0663 7147 00 2 O-ring 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
1202 7022 00 1 Gasket 1613 8057 00 1 Joint
0506 0100 09 1 Bearing 0661 1000 40 2 Seal washer
0508 1100 85 1 Roller bearing 0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer
1202 6737 00 1 Key
0147 1409 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2901 0073 00 1 Moisture trap kit
0663 2106 43 1 O-ring 2900 1017 00 1 Drain valve
0663 2104 03 1 O-ring 0663 6147 00 1 O-ring
0663 7135 00 1 O-ring 0663 3143 00 2 O-ring
0663 7138 00 2 O-ring 0653 1062 00 2 Flat gasket
0653 1046 00 1 Flat gasket 0661 1000 38 3 Seal washer
0663 3128 00 1 O-ring 0663 7138 00 1 O-ring
0663 3132 00 1 O-ring 0653 1124 00 1 Flat gasket
0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
0337 2293 23 1 Parallel key 2901 0416 00 1 Filter kit GA55 (W)
1613 9585 00 1 Coupling element 1613 7408 00 1 Air filter element
0301 2378 00 6 Washer 0661 1000 39 2 Seal washer
0333 3237 00 6 Lock washer 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
0663 2106 19 2 O-ring 1613 6105 00 2 Oil filter
0663 3120 00 1 O-ring 0663 2102 15 1 O-ring
1613 8057 00 2 Joint
1613 8078 01 2 Antivibration pad 2901 0431 00 1 Filter kit GA75 (W)
0291 1111 00 2 Lock nut 1613 8004 00 1 Air filter element
0301 2358 00 2 Washer 0661 1000 39 2 Seal washer
0301 2335 00 4 Washer 0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer
0661 1000 42 1 Seal washer 1613 6105 00 2 Oil filter
0301 2344 00 2 Washer 0663 2102 15 1 O-ring

46 2930 1268 02
Parts list

Service kits 23
Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks Ref. Part number Qty Name Remarks

2901 0218 00 1 Minimum pressure valve 0663 2104 83 2 O-ring

kit 1079 9903 82 1 Warning label
0663 7138 00 2 O-ring 1079 9903 83 1 Warning label
1614 4662 00 2 Piston ring 0661 1000 46 1 Seal washer
0663 3133 00 1 O-ring 0663 7144 00 1 O-ring
1613 3223 01 1 Washer
1612 4049 00 1 Compr.spring 2901 0245 01 1 Oil can
0663 7136 00 3 O-ring ROTO-INJECTFLUID 5 l
1612 4048 00 1 Compr.spring
0335 3111 00 1 Retaining ring 2901 0522 00 1 Oil can
0663 7134 00 1 O-ring ROTO-INJECTFLUID 20 l
0301 2344 00 4 Washer
2901 0045 01 1 Oil barrel
2901 0077 00 1 Check valve kit ROTO-INJECTFLUID 209 l
1202 6139 00 1 Valve
1613 5165 00 1 Spring 2901 0097 00 1 Oil cooler kit
0663 2104 03 1 O-ring GA55 W, GA75 W
0663 7138 00 1 O-ring 0333 3237 00 8 Lock washer
0661 1000 38 1 Seal washer 1614 6257 00 1 Ring
0301 2358 00 2 Washer 1614 6259 00 1 Rib joint
1614 6258 00 1 Division rib
2901 0074 00 1 Thermostatic valve kit 1614 6256 00 4 O-ring
7.5-8-10 bar(e), 100-125- 0663 7134 00 2 O-ring
150 psig 0663 7135 00 4 O-ring
1619 7560 00 1 Thermostat 0663 3132 00 1 O-ring
0661 1000 47 1 Seal washer 0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer
0663 7137 00 1 O-ring 0663 7136 00 2 O-ring
0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer
2901 0447 00 1 Thermostatic valve kit
13 bar(e), 175 psig 2901 0098 00 1 Aftercooler kit
1202 5869 02 1 Thermostat GA55 W, GA75 W
0661 1000 47 1 Seal washer 0333 3237 00 8 Lock washer
0663 7137 00 1 O-ring 1614 6257 00 1 Ring
1614 6259 00 1 Rib joint
2901 0072 00 1 Oil stop valve kit 1614 6258 00 1 Division rib
0663 2101 97 2 O-ring 1614 6256 00 4 O-ring
0663 2100 24 1 O-ring 0663 7138 00 3 O-ring
0663 7135 00 1 O-ring 0663 3143 00 1 O-ring
0663 3120 00 1 O-ring 0663 7135 00 4 O-ring
0663 3128 00 1 O-ring 0663 7139 00 2 O-ring
0653 1046 00 2 Flat gasket
1613 2357 00 1 Compr.spring 2901 0449 00 1 Preventive maintenance kit
0663 3132 00 1 O-ring GA55 (W)
0653 1062 00 1 Flat gasket 2901 0416 00 1 Filter kit GA55 (W)
0661 1000 43 1 Seal washer 2901 0432 00 1 Separator kit
0661 1000 44 2 Seal washer 2901 0072 00 1 Oil stop valve
0661 1000 39 1 Seal washer 2901 0073 00 1 Waterseparator
2901 0077 00 1 Check valve kit
2901 0448 00 1 Unloader valve kit 2901 0218 00 1
0261 1090 67 1 Nut 2901 0448 00 1 Unloader valve
0653 0500 02 4 Gasket
0663 7142 00 1 O-ring 2901 0450 00 1 Preventive maintenance kit
1613 6783 00 1 Piston GA75 (W)
1613 8072 00 1 Valve 2901 0431 00 1 Filter kit GA75
1513 0011 00 1 Spring 2901 0432 00 1 Separator kit
0653 9078 00 3 Flat gasket 2901 0072 00 1 Oil stop valve
0663 7132 00 1 O-ring 2901 0073 00 1 Waterseparator
1613 8068 00 1 Spring 2901 0077 00 1 Check valve kit
1613 7262 00 1 Piston ring 2901 0218 00 1
0663 2106 43 1 O-ring 2901 0448 00 1 Unloader valve
0301 2378 00 4 Washer
0301 2358 00 2 Washer
0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer

2930 1268 02 47
Parts list






























48 2930 1268 02

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