Path of Cheth New
Path of Cheth New
Path of Cheth New
The Pillars:
Three vertical pillars comprise the Tree of Life. The Pillars are a diagrammatic representation of the
3 fundamental forces of life: positive/+, negative/-, and neutral/0.
The LEFT Pillar is the pillar of SEVERITY-DESTRUCTION. This is the black feminine pillar of
passivity, form, contraction, restriction, matter, and is the negative pole of the Tree. The
Sephira Binah, Geburah and Hod comprise this pillar.
The RIGHT Pillar is the pillar of MERCY-CREATION. This is the white masculine pillar of activity,
force, expansion, movement, energy, and is the positive pole of the Tree. The Sephira of
Chokmah, Chesed and Netzach comprise this pillar.
The MIDDLE Pillar is the pillar of MILDNESS-HARMONY. This is the central pillar that has no
charge. It is cosmic awareness, consciousness, equilibrium, stillness, and the neutral
present moment pole of the Tree. The Sephira of Kether, Tiphereth, Yesod and Malkuth
comprise this pillar. The non-Sephira Da'ath is also on this Pillar.
Cheth is the path connecting Binah (the Sephira of understanding) with Geburah (the
Sephira of severity, judgement, strength). You as Cheth are an embodiment of the
fence: the container through which understanding is guided to be best activated.
Because the Tree is an emanation process (an unfolding story through the Sephiroth), this
path is the embodiment of Binah receiving the projective force of the previous Sephira
(Chokmah - wisdom) and then limiting/containing/focusing it to give it defined action
through Geburah. Saturn (limitation, focus, maturation) and Neptune (unity, immateriality,
consciousness) are both associated to this Sephira. Binah is considered to be The Great
Mother that gives birth to the life of the universe. You as Cheth connect The Great
Mother to severe/strong action against forces of evil. Geburah, the primary influence
of which is strength (specifically, that of right action), governs the will to align and serve
the greater good.
The Path of Cheth is directly linked to the Tarot archetype of The Chariot.
The number of this card is 7 (4 + 3, representing the Earth plus the Divine Trinity of Sephiroth
at the apex of the Cabbalistic Tree and, especially, The Goddess - Binah). The Divine
energies are hidden by the veil above or behind the human warrior in this Chariot of Life
and he or she must learn to know their own strengths and weaknesses in order bring the
journey to a safe conclusion. The Cabbalistic phrases for meditation on this path are The
Chariot of Life. Lord of Triumphant Light. Sangraal. And the planet controlling this path is
Mars, whose fierce energies may be directed towards good or evil and may be both
courageous and cruel.
This path is filled with the continuous, spiraling energies of life. Its number is 8 a closed,
spiraling figure. 8 is the Caduceus the entwined double helix of snakes: positive and
negative energies in
perfect balance. 8 is the
number of Mercury /
Hermes whose dynamic
energies may guide the
Soul to the Divine but
may also misguide the
unwary and unwise. 8 is
also the number of the
Divine Feminine, the
Water Principle, the ebb
and flow which is the
pulse of life.