Mat Lesson 8

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Technology in PE

Content Area: Physical Education

Grade Level: 6th - 8th
Time Allotted: 50 minutes
Class Size: 40-50
Lesson # 8

Essential Question: How can technology influence physical activity?

Content Standard(s): 4.2 Identify physical activities that are effective in improving each
of the health-related physical fitness components.
4.3 Match personal preferences in physical activities with each of the five components of
health-related physical fitness.

Prerequisites: Students should have an advanced understanding of what the Sworkit

application is and have the knowledge to be able to navigate the application and find
specific exercises. Students should also have an understanding of the five components of
fitness and know the definition for each component. They should also be able to identify
and exercise or activity that meets each component. Students should have begun the
process of creating their circuit activity.

Specific Learning Objectives: In this lesson students will continue to learn how to work
as team to develop a circuit activity using the Sworkit application. They will learn and be
able to display individual exercises. Students will be able to identify exercises on the
application that meet the components of fitness.

Equipment Required:
Teacher iPad x1
Student iPads x10
Projector x1
Paper x50
Pencils x50

Assessment(s): In this lesson students will be visually assessed on their ability to work in
a small group as well as there understanding of the application. Students should be able
to demonstrate how to navigate through the application. Students will also be visually
assessed on their understanding and technique of the different exercises.

Academic Language Demands: Vocabulary: Muscular strength, muscular endurance,

cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility, exercise specific language from the application.
In this lesson students will need to listen receptively to verbal instruction as well as be
able to read written instruction. They will need to productively speak using the academic
language in the lesson.

Accommodations: This lesson will include a combination of visual and verbal

instruction to meet the learning needs of all students. Modeling by the teacher will be
used to address specific needs of EL students. Individual accommodations may be
needed such as allowing students to diagram rather than perform some aspects of the

Planned Lesson Instruction: (Note: the first 5 and last 5 minutes of class will be
designated to allow students to dress)

Introduction: (10 minutes)

Class will begin with a 10 minute warm up routine. Students will start with a dynamic
warm up. Sideline to sideline on a basketball court. Exercises are as followed:
-High knee run
-Butt kickers
-High leg kicks
-One leg quad stretch (alternating)
-Toe touches (hamstring/calf stretch)
-Light jog
-Push-ups x15 (can be modified)
-Sit-ups x40 (can be modified)
After students complete dynamics have them run a two lap warm up run on an outdoor

Body of the lesson: (25 minutes)

Have students get into their groups of 4-5 and sit for a brief review of the project
instructions. During this time pass out the iPads to each group. See lesson 7 and
additional resources for project instructions. (5 minutes)

Allow students the next twenty minutes of class to continue working on their Sworkit
made circuit activity.
Teacher role: Make sure to do constant check-ins with each group and remind them of the
guidelines for the circuit. Visually check that the students are correctly performing the
exercises they choose and verbally check that they can identify the component the
exercise matches with. Provide support for groups that may be struggling. (20 minutes)
The project will be due at the end of the class period. The additional five minutes during
closing may be needed for some groups. OK for them to work during this time.

Closure: (5 minutes)
Collect iPads and group projects from students. Review with the class what went well
and what were some of the challenges they faced making their circuit activity. Have
students share out answers.

Extending the Lesson/Homework: Have students write a one paragraph reflection

about the process of creating their circuit. This will be an entrance ticket for the next

Reflection/Next Steps:

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