Soil Stabilization Pavements PDF
Soil Stabilization Pavements PDF
Soil Stabilization Pavements PDF
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NO. 32-1019 WASHINGTON, DC, 25 October 1994
Paragraph Page
Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-1
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1-1
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-1
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1-1
Uses of Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 1-1
Factors to be Considered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-1
Use of Stabilized Soils in Forst Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-2
Thickness Reduction for Base and Subbase Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-4
Stabilization with Portland Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1
Stabilization with Lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-3
Stabilization with Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and Lime Centment-Fly Ash (LCF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-5
Stabilization with Bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-6
Stabilization with Lime-Cement and Lime-Bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-8
Lime Treatemt of Expansive Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 3-8
Construction with Portland Cement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1
Construction with Lime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4-10
Construction with Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and Lime-Cement-Fly Ash (LCF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-20
Construction with Bitumen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-20
General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5-1
Cement Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-1
Lime Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-1
Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and Lime-Cement-Fly Ash (LCF) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 5-2
Bituminous Stabilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5-2
APPENDIX B. pH TEST ON SOIL-CEMENT MIXTURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1
STABILIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Gradation triangle for aid in selecting a commercial stabilizing agent. 2-2
3-1. Chart for the initial determination of lime content. 3-4
4-1. Transverse single-shaft mixer processing soil cement in place. Multiple passes are required. 4-2
4-2. Multiple-transverse-shaft mixer mixing soil, cement, and water in one pass. 4-2
4-3. Windrow-type traveling pugmill mixing soil-cement from windrows of soil material. 4-2
4-4. Twin-shaft, continuous-flow central mixing plant mixing soil, cement, and water. 4-2
4-5. Batch-type central plant used for mixing soil-cement. 4-2
4-6. Rotary-drum central mixing plant. 4-2
4-7. Bulk portland cement being transferred pneumatically from a bulk transport truck to a job
truck. 4-3
4-8. Mechanical cement spreader attached to a job dump truck spreading cement in regulated
quantities. 4-3
4-9. Windrow-type mechanical spreader is used to place cement on the top of a slightly flattened
windrow of borrow soil material. 4-3
4-10. Sketch of soil-cement processing operations with windrow-type traveling pugmill. 4-5
4-11. Plan for processing with windrow-type traveling pugmill. 4-6
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
List of Figures (cont*d)
Figure 4-12. Sketch of soil-cement processing operations with multiple-transverse-shaft traveling mixing
machine. 4-6
4-13. Plan for processing with multiple-transverse-shaft traveling mixing machine. 4-7
4-14. Sketch of soil-cement processing operations with single-transverse shaft mixers. 4-8
4-15. In-place mixing of lime with existing base and paving material on city street. 4-11
4-16. Off-site mixing pads for Mississippi River levee repair project. 4-11
4-17. Deep stabilization after lime spreading the plow cuts 24 inches deep. 4-11
4-18. Root plow for scarifying to a depth of 18 inches. 4-11
4-19. Scarifying existing clay subgrade with lime on city street project. 4-11
4-20. Lime-treated gravel with lime fed by screw conveyor. 4-12
4-21. Lime-cement-fly ash aggregate base course. 4-12
4-22. Enclosed soil holds lime for adding to marginal crushed stone base material. 4-12
4-23. Lime slurry pressure injection (LSPI) rig treating a failed highway slope. 4-12
4-24. Application of lime by the bag for a small maintenance project. 4-13
4-25. Application of lime by a bulk pneumatic truck. 4-13
4-26. Bulk pneumatic truck spreading lime from bar spreader. 4-13
4-27. Distribution of quicklime from mechanical spreader on city street. 4-13
4-28. Spreading of granular quicklime. 4-15
4-29. Slurry mixing tank using recirculating pump for mixing hydrate and water. 4-16
4-30. Jet slurry mixing plant. 4-16
4-31. Spreading of lime slurry. 4-16
4-32. Recirculation pump on top of a 6,000-gallon wagon agitates slurry. 4-16
4-33. Grader-scarifier cutting slurry into stone base. 4-16
4-34. Portabatch lime slaker. 4-16
4-35. Watering of lime-treated clay on airport project. 4-18
4-36. Mixing with a disc harrow. 4-18
4-37. Rotary mixer. 4-18
4-38. Train of rotary mixers. 4-18
4-39. Rotary mixer on primary road project. 4-18
4-40. Self-propelled sheepsfoot roller. 4-19
4-41. Double sheepsfoot roller. 4-19
4-42. Pneumatic roller completes compaction of LCF base. 4-20
4-43. Vibrating roller completes compaction of subgrade. 4-20
4-44. Windrow-type pugmill travel plant. 4-21
4-45. Hopper-type pugmill travel plant. 4-21
4-46. Multiple rotary mixer. 4-21
4-47. A processing chamber of a multiple rotary mixer. 4-21
4-48. Single-shaft rotary mixer with asphalt supply tank. 4-22
4-49. Single-shaft rotary mixer without asphalt. 4-22
4-50. Mixing with motor grader. 4-22
4-51. Distributor applying asphalt. 4-22
4-52. Spreading and compacting train. 4-25
4-53. Stationary cold-mix plant. 4-26
4-54. Flow diagram of a typical cold-mix continuous plant. 4-26
4-55. Spreading cold mix with conventional paver. 4-26
4-56. Spreading cold mix with full-width cutter-trimmer modified for paving. 4-26
4-57. Jersey spreader. 4-27
4-58. Towed-type spreader. 4-27
C-1. Example standard curve for spectrophotometer. C-3
List of Tables
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
1-1. Purpose. This manual establishes criteria e. Additive stabilization. Additive stabilization
for improving the engineering properties of soils is achieved by the addition of proper percentages
used for pavement base courses, subbase courses, of cement, lime, fly ash, bitumen, or combinations
and subgrades by the use of additives which are of these materials to the soil. The selection of type
mixed into the soil to effect the desired im- and determination of the percentage of additive to
provement. These criteria are also applicable to be used is dependent upon the soil classification
roads and airfields having a stabilized surface and the degree of improvement in soil quality
layer. desired. Generally, smaller amounts of additives
are required when it is simply desired to modify
1-2. Scope. This manual prescribes the appropri-
soil properties such as gradation, workability, and
ate type or types of additive to be used with
plasticity. When it is desired to improve the
different soil types, procedures for determining a strength and durability significantly, larger quan-
design treatment level for each type of additive, tities of additive are used. After the additive has
and recommended construction practices for incor-
been mixed with the soil, spreading and compac-
porating the additive into the soil. It applies to all tion are achieved by conventional means.
elements responsible for Army and Air Force f. Modification. Modification refers to the stabi-
pavement and design construction.
lization process that results in improvement in
1-3. References. Appendix A contains a list of some property of the soil but does not by design
references used in this manual. result in a significant increase in soil strength and
1-4. Definitions.
a. Soils. Naturally occurring materials that are 1-5. Uses of Stabilization. Pavement design is
used for the construction of all except the surface based on the premise that minimum specified
layers of pavements (i.e., concrete and asphalt) and structural quality will be achieved for each layer
that are subject to classification tests (ASTM D of material in the pavement system. Each layer
2487) to provide a general concept of their engi- must resist shearing, avoid excessive deflections
neering characteristics. that cause fatigue cracking within the layer or in
overlying layers, and prevent excessive permanent
b. Additives. Manufactured commercial products
deformation through densification. As the quality
that, when added to the soil in the proper quanti-
of a soil layer is increased, the ability of that layer
ties, improve some engineering characteristics of
to distribute the load over a greater area is
the soil such as strength, texture, workability, and
generally increased so that a reduction in the
plasticity. Additives addressed in this manual are required thickness of the soil and surface layers
limited to portland cement, lime, flyash, and bitu- may be permitted.
men. a. Quality improvement. The most common im-
c. Stabilization. Stabilization is the process of provements achieved through stabilization include
blending and mixing materials with a soil to better soil gradation, reduction of plasticity in-
improve certain properties of the soil. The process dex or swelling potential, and increases in durabil-
may include the blending of soils to achieve a ity and strength. In wet weather, stabilization
desired gradation or the mixing of commercially may also be used to provide a working platform
available additives that may alter the gradation, for construction operations. These types of soil
texture or plasticity, or act as a binder for cemen- quality improvement are referred to as soil modifi-
tation of the soil. cation.
d. Mechanical stabilization. Mechanical stabili- b. Thickness reduction. The strength and stiff-
zation is accomplished by mixing or blending soils ness of a soil layer can be improved through the
of two or more gradations to obtain a material use of additives to permit a reduction in design
meeting the required specification. The soil blend- thickness of the stabilized material compared with
ing may take place at the construction site, a an unstabilized or unbound material. Procedures
central plant, or a borrow area. The blended for designing pavements that include stabilized
material is then spread and compacted to required soils are presented in TM 5-822-5/AFM 88-7,
densities by conventional means. Chap. 3, TM 5-825-2/AFM 88-6, Chap. 2, TM
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
5-825-3/AFM 88-6, Chap. 3. The design thickness strength, stability, and durability requirements
of a base or subbase course can be reduced if the indicated in this Technical Manual for the particu-
stabilized material meets the specified gradation, lar type of material.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
2-1. Factors to be Considered. In the selection restrictions based on grain size and/or plasticity
of a stabilizer, the factors that must be considered index (PI). Also provided in the second column of
are the type of soil to be stabilized, the purpose for table 2-1 is a listing of soil classification symbols
which the stabilized layer will be used, the type of applicable to the area determined from figure 2-1.
soil improvement desired, the required strength This is an added check to insure that the proper
and durability of the stabilized layer, and the cost area was selected. Thus, information on grain size
and environmental conditions. distribution and Atterberg limits must be known
a. Soil types and additives. There may be more to initiate the selection process. Data required to
than one candidate stabilizer applicable for one enter figure 2-1 are: percent material passing the
soil type, however, there are some general guide- No. 200 sieve and percent material passing the
lines that make specific stabilizers more desirable No. 4 sieve but retained on the No. 200 (i.e., total
based on soil granularity, plasticity, or texture. percent material between the No. 4 and the No.
Portland cement for example is used with a vari- 200 sieves). The triangle is entered with these two
ety of soil types; however, since it is imperative values and the applicable area (1A, 2A, 3, etc.) is
that the cement be mixed intimately with the found at their intersection. The area determined
fines fraction (< .074 mm), the more plastic materi- from figure 2-1 is then found in the first column
als should be avoided. Generally, well-graded gran- of table 2-1 and the soil classification is checked
ular materials that possess sufficient fines to in the second column. Candidate stabilizers for
produce a floating aggregate matrix (homogenous each area are indicated in third column and
mixture) and best suited for portland cement sta- restrictions for the use of each material are pre-
bilization. Lime will react with soils of medium to sented in the following columns. These restrictions
high plasticity to produce decreased plasticity, are used to prevent use of stabilizing agents not
increased workability, reduced swell, and in- applicable for the particular soil type under consid-
creased strength. Lime is used to stabilize a eration. For example, assume a soil classified as a
variety of materials including weak subgrade soils, SC, with 93 percent passing the No. 4 and 25
transforming them into a working table or percent passing the No. 200 with a liquid limit of
subbase; and with marginal granular base materi- 20 and plastic limit of 11. Thus 68 percent of the
als, i.e., clay-gravels, dirty gravels, to form a material is between the No. 4 and No. 200 and the
strong, high quality base course. Fly ash is a plasticity index is 9. Entering figure 2-1 with the
pozzolanic material, i.e. it reacts with lime and is values of 25 percent passing the No. 200 and 68
therefore almost always used in combination with percent between the No. 4 and No. 200, the
lime in soils that have little or no plastic fines. It intersection of these values is found in area 1-C.
has often been found desirable to use a small Then going to the first column of table 2-1, we
amount of portland cement with lime and fly ash find area 1-C and verify the soil classification, SC,
for added strength. This combination of lime- in the second column. From the third column all
cement-flyash (LCF) has been used successfully in four stabilizing materials are found to be potential
base course stabilization. Asphalt or bituminous candidates. The restrictions in the following col-
materials both are used for waterproofing and for umns are now examined. Bituminous stabilization
strength gain. Generally, soils suitable for asphalt is acceptable since the PI does not exceed 10 and
stabilization are the silty sandy and granular the amount of material passing the No. 200 does
materials since it is desired to thoroughly coat all not exceed 30 percent. However it should be noted
the soil particles. that the soil only barely qualifies under these
b. Selection of candidate additives. The selection criteria and bituminous stabilization probably
of candidate/stabilizers is made using figure 2-1 would not be the first choice. The restrictions
and table 2-1. The soil gradation triangle in figure under portland cement indicate that the PI must
2-1 is based upon the soil grain size characteris- be less that the equation indicated in footnote b.
tics and the triangle is divided into areas of soils Since the PI, 9, is less than that value, portland
with similar grain size and therefore pulverization cement would be a candidate material. The restric-
characteristics. The selection process is continued tions under lime indicate that the PI not be less
with table 2-1 which indicates for each area than 12 therefore lime is not a candidate material
shown in figure 2-1 candidate stabilizers and for stabilization, The restrictions under LCF stabi-
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Figure 2-1. Gradation triangle for aid in selecting a commercial stabilizing agent.
lization indicate that the PI must not exceed 25, b. Limitations. In frost areas, stabilized soil is
thus LCF is also a candidate stabilizing material. only used in one of the upper elements of a
At this point, the designer must make the final pavement system if cost is justified by the reduced
selection based on other factors such as availabil- pavement thickness. Treatment with a lower de-
ity of material, economics, etc. Once the type of gree of additive than that indicated for stabiliza-
stabilizing agent to be used is determined, samples tion (i.e., soil modification) should be used in frost
must be prepared and tested in the laboratory to areas only with caution and after intensive tests,
develop a design mix meeting minimum engineer- because weakly cemented material usually has
ing criteria for field stabilization. less capacity to endure repeated freezing and
thawing than has firmly cemented material. A
2-2. Use of stabilized soils in Frost Areas. possible exception is modification of a soil that will
a. Frost considerations. While bituminous, port- be encapsulated within an impervious envelope as
land cement, lime, and LCF stabilization are the part of a membrane-encapsulated-soil-layer pave-
most common additives other stabilizers may be ment system. A soil that is unsuitable for encapsu-
used for pavement construction in areas of frost lation due to excessive moisture migration and
design but only with approval obtained from the thaw weakening may be made suitable for such
HQUSACE (CEMP-ET), Washington, DC 20314- use by moderate amounts of a stabilizing additive.
1000 or the appropriate Air Force Major Com- Materials that are modified should also be tested
mand. to ascertain that the desired improvement is dura-
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
ble through repeated freeze-thaw cycles. The im- Fahrenheit. Chemical reactions will not occur
provement should not be achieved at the expense rapidly for lime-stabilized soils when the soil
of making the soil more susceptible to ice segrega- temperature is less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit
tion. and is not expected to increase for one month, or
c. Construction cutoff dates. Materials stabil- cement-stabilized soils when the soil temperature
ized with cement, lime, or LCF should be con- is less than 40 degrees Fahrenheit and is not
structed early enough during the construction expected to increase for one month. In frost areas,
season to allow the development of adequate it is not always sufficient to protect the mixture
strength before the first freezing cycle begins. The from freezing during a 7-day curing period as
rate of strength gain is substantially lower at 50 required by the applicable guide specifications,
degrees Fahrenheit than at 70 or 80 degrees and a construction cutoff date well in advance of
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
the onset of freezing conditions (e.g. 30 days) may lime, LF, and LCF are indicated in tables 2-2
be essential. and 2-3, respectively. For bituminous stabilized
materials to qualify for reduced thickness, they
2-3. Thickness Reduction for Base and Subbase must meet strength requirements in TM 5-825-21
Courses. Stabilized base and subbase course mate-
AFM 88-6, Chap. 2. All stabilized materials ex-
rials must meet certain requirements of grada- cept those treated with bitumen must meet mini-
tion, strength, and durability to qualify for re- mum durability criteria to be used in pavement
duced layer thickness design. Gradation require- structures. There are no durability criteria for
ments are presented in the sections covering de- bituminous stabilized materials since it is assumed
sign with each type of stabilizer. Unconfined that they will be sufficiently waterproof if properly
compressive strength and durability requirements designed and constructed.
for bases and subbases treated with cement,
Table 2-2. Minimum unconfined compressive strength for cement, lime, lime-cement, and lime-cement-fly ash stabilized soils
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
3-1. Stabilization with Portland Cement. Port- is presented in appendix B. If the pH of a 10:1
land cement can be used either to modify and mixture (by weight) of soil and cement 15 minutes
improve the quality of the soil or to transform the after mixing is at least 12.0, it is probable that
soil into a cemented mass with increased strength any organics present will not interfere with nor-
and durability. The amount of cement used will mal hardening.
(2) Sulfates. Although sulfate attack is known
depend upon whether the soil is to be modified or
to have an adverse effect on the quality of hard-
ened portland cement concrete, less is known
a. Types of portland cement. Several different about the sulfate resistance of cement stabilized
types of cement have been used successfully for soils. The resistance to sulfate attack differs for
stabilization of soils. Type I normal portland ce- cement-treated coarse-grained and fine-grained
ment and Type IA air-entraining cements were soils and is a function of sulfate concentrations.
used extensively in the past and gave about the Sulfate-clay reactions can cause deterioration of
same results. At the present time, Type II cement fine-grained soil-cement. On the other hand, gran-
has largely replaced Type I cement as greater ular soil-cements do not appear susceptible to
sulfate resistance is obtained while the cost is sulfate attack. In some cases the presence of small
often the same. High early strength cement (Type amounts of sulfate in the soil at the time of
III) has been found to give a higher strength in mixing with the cement may even be beneficial.
some soils. Type III cement has a finer particle The use of sulfate-resistant cement may not im-
size and a different compound composition than do prove the resistance of clay-bearing soils, but may
the other cement types. Chemical and physical be effective in granular soil-cements exposed to
property specifications for portland cement can be adjacent soils and/or ground water containing high
found in ASTM C 150. sulfate concentrations. A procedure for determin-
b. Screening tests for organic matter and sul- ing the percent SO4 is presented in appendix C.
fates. The presence of organic matter and/or sul- The use of cement for fine-grained soils containing
fates may have a deleterious effect on soil cement. more than about 1 percent sulfate should be
Tests are available for detection of these materials avoided.
and should be conducted if their presence is sus- c. Water for hydration. Potable water is nor-
pected. mally used for cement stabilization, although sea
(1) Organic matter. A soil may be acid, neu- water has been found to be satisfactory.
tral, or alkaline and still respond well to cement d. Gradation requirements. Gradation require-
treatment. Although certain types of organic mat- ments for cement stabilized base and subbase
ter, such as undecomposed vegetation, may not courses are indicated in table 3-1.
influence stabilization adversely, organic com- e. Cement content for modification of soils.
pounds of lower molecular weight, such as nucleic (1) Improve plasticity. The amount of cement
acid and dextrose, act as hydration retarders and required to improve the quality of the soil through
reduce strength. When such organics are present modification is determined by the trial-and-error
they inhibit the normal hardening process. A pH approach. If it is desired to reduce the PI of the
test to determine the presence of organic material soil, successive samples of soil-cement mixtures
Table 3-1. Gradation requirements for cement stabilized base and subbase courses
TM 5822-14/FJMAN 32-1019
must be prepared at different treatment levels and cling, should be used as the basis of the pavement
the PI of each mixture determined. The Referee thickness design if the reduced subgrade design
Test of ASTM D 423 and ASTM D 424 procedures method is applied.
will be used to determine the PI of the soil-cement f. Cement content for stabilized soil. The follow-
mixture. The minimum cement content that yields ing procedure is recommended for determining the
the desired PI is selected, but since it was deter- design cement content for cement-stabilized soils.
mined based upon the minus 40 fraction of the (1) Step 1. Determine the classification and
material, this value must be adjusted to find the gradation of the untreated soil following proce-
design cement content based upon total sample dures in ASTM D 422 and D 2487, respectively.
weight expressed as (2) Step 2. Using the soil classification select
A = 100BC (eq 3-1) an estimated cement content for moisture-density
where tests from table 3-2.
A = design cement content, percent total
weight of soil Table 3-2. Cement requirements for various soils
B = percent passing No. 40 sieve size, ex-
Initial Estimated
pressed as a decimal Cement Content
C = percent cement required to obtain the Soil Classification percent dry weight
desired PI of minus 40 material, ex-
pressed as a decimal GP, GW-GC, GW-GM, SW-SC, SW-SM
(2) Improve gradation. If the objective of modi-
fication is to improve the gradation of a granular
soil through the addition of fines then particle-size
analysis (ASTM D 422) should be conducted on CL. ML, MH 9
samples at various treatment levels to determine CH 11
the minimum acceptable cement content.
(3) Reduce swell potential. Small amounts of (3) Step 3. Using the estimated cement con-
portland cements may reduce swell potential of tent, conduct moisture-density tests to determine
some swelling soils. However, portland cement the maximum dry density and optimum water
generally is not as effective as lime and may be content of the soil-cement mixture. The procedure
considered too expensive for this application. The contained in ASTM D 558 will be used to prepare
determination of cement content to reduce the the soil-cement mixture and to make the necessary
swell potential of fine-g-rained plastic soils can be calculations; however, the procedures outlined in
accomplished by molding several samples at vari- MIL-STD 621, Method 100 (CE 55 effort), or
ous cement contents and soaking the specimens ASTM D 1557 will be used to conduct the moisture
along with untreated specimens for 4 days. The density test.
lowest cement content that eliminates the swell (4) Step 4. Prepare triplicate samples of the
potential or reduces the swell characteristics to the soil-cement mixture for unconfined compression
minimum is the design cement content. Procedures and durability tests at the cement content selected
for measuring swell characteristics of soils are in step 2 and at cement contents 2 percent above
found in MIL-STD-621A, Method 101. The cement and 2 percent below that determined in step 2.
content determined to accomplish soil modification The samples should be prepared at the density and
should be checked to see whether it provides an water content to be expected in field construction.
unconfined compressive strength great enough to For example, if the design density is 95 percent of
qualify for a reduced thickness design in accord- the laboratory maximum density, the samples
ance with criteria established for soil stabilization. should also be prepared at 95 percent. The samples
(4) Frost areas. Cement-modified soil may also should be prepared in accordance with ASTM D
be used in frost areas, but in addition to the 1632 except that when more than 35 percent of the
procedures for mixture design described in (1) and material is retained on the No. 4 sieve, a 4-inch-
(2) above, cured specimens should be subjected to diameter by &inch-high mold should be used to
the 12 freeze-thaw cycles prescribed by ASTM D prepare the specimens. Cure the specimens for 7
560 (but omitting wire-brushing) or other applica- days in a humid room before testing. Test three
ble freeze-thaw procedures. This should be followed specimens using the unconfined compression test
by determination of frost design soil classification in accordance with ASTM D 1633, and subject
by means of standard laboratory freezing tests. If three specimens to durability tests, either wet-dry
cement-modified soil is used as subgrade, its frost- (ASTM D 559) or freeze-thaw (ASTM D 560) tests
susceptibility, determined after freeze-thaw cy- as appropriate. The frost susceptibility of the
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
treated material should also be determined as indi- Table 3-3. Gradation requirements for lime stabilized base
and subbase courses
cated in appropriate pavement design manuals.
(5) Step 5. Compare the results of the uncon- Type Course Sieve Size Percent Passing
fined compressive strength and durability tests
Base 1 in. 100
with the requirements shown in tables 2-2 and in. 70-100
2-3. The lowest cement content which meets the No. 4 45-70
required unconfined compressive strength require- No. 40 10-40
No. 200 0-20
ment and demonstrates the required durability is
the design cement content. If the mixture should Subbase 1 in. 100
meet the durability requirements but not the No. 4 45-100
No. 40 10-50
strength requirements, the mixture is considered No. 200 0-20
to be a modified soil. If the results of the speci-
mens tested do not meet both the strength and
pared at different lime treatment levels such as 2,
durability requirements, then a higher cement
4, 6, and 8 percent lime and the pH of each slurry
content may be selected and steps 1 through 4
is determined. The lowest lime content at which a
above repeated.
pH of about 12.4 (the pH of free lime) is obtained
3-2. Stabilization with lime. In general, all is the initial design lime content. Procedures for
lime treated finegrained soils exhibit decreased conducting the pH test are indicated in appendix
plasticity, improved workability and reduced vol- D. An alternate method of determining an initial
ume change characteristics. However, not all soils design lime content is by the use of figure 3-1.
exhibit improved strength characteristics. It Specific values required to use figure 3-1 are the
should be emphasized that the properties of soil- PI and the percent of material passing the No. 40
lime mixtures are dependent on many variables. sieve.
Soil type, lime type, lime percentage and curing (2) Step 2. Using the initial design lime con-
conditions (time, temperature, moisture) are the tent conduct moisture-density tests to determine
most important. the maximum dry density and optimum water
a. Types of lime. Various forms of lime have content of the soil lime mixture. The procedures
been successfully used as soil stabilizing agents for contained in ASTM D 3551 will be used to prepare
many years. However, the most commonly used the soil-lime mixture. The moisture density test
products are hydrated high-calcium lime, monohy- will be conducted following procedures in
drated dolomitic lime, calcitic quicklime, and dolo- MIL-STD 621 Method 100 (CE 55 effort) or ASTM
mitic quicklime. Hydrated lime is used most often D 1557.
because it is much less caustic than quicklime, (3) Step 3. Prepare triplicate samples of the
however, the use of quicklime for soil stabilization soil lime mixture for unconfined compression and
has increased in recent years mainly with slurry- durability tests at the initial design lime content
type applications. The design lime contents deter- and at lime contents 2 and 4 percent above design
mined from the criteria presented herein are for if based on the preferred method or 2 percent
hydrated lime. If quicklime is used the design lime above at 2 percent below design if based on the
contents determined herein for hydrated lime alternate method. The mixture should he prepared
should be reduced by 25 percent. Specifications for as indicated in ASTM D 3551. If less than 35
quicklime and hydrated lime may be found in percent of the soil is retained on the No. 4 sieve,
ASTM C 977. the sample should be approximately 2 inches in
b. Gradation requirements. Gradation require- diameter and 4 inches high. If more than 35
ments for lime stabilized base and subbase courses percent is retained on the No. 4 sieve, samples
are presented in table 3-3. should be 4 inches in diameter and 8 inches
c. Lime content for lime-modified soils. The high. The samples should be prepared at the
amount of lime required to improve the quality of density and water content expected in field con-
a soil is determined through the same trial-and- struction. For example, if the design density is
error process used for cement-modified soils. 95 percent of the laboratory maximum density,
d. Lime content for lime-stabilized soils. The the sample should be prepared at 95 percent
following procedures are recommended for deter- density. Specimens should be cured in a sealed
mining the lime content of lime stabilized soils. container to prevent moisture loss and lime car-
(1) Step 1. The preferred method for determin- bonation. Sealed metal cans, plastic bags, and so
ing an initial design lime content is the pH test. forth are satisfactory. The preferred method of
In this method several lime-soil slurries are pre- curing is 73 degrees F for 28 days. Accelerated
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
curing at 120 degrees F for 48 hours has also been (5) Step 5. Compare the results of the uncon-
found to give satisfactory results; however, check fined compressive strength and durability tests
tests at 73 degrees for 28 days should also be with the requirements shown in tables 2-2 and
conducted. Research has indicated that if acceler- 2-3. The lowest lime content which meets the
ated curing temperatures are too high, the pozzola- unconfined compressive strength requirement and
nic compounds formed during laboratory curing demonstrates the required durability is the design
could differ substantially from those that would lime content. The treated material also must meet
develop in the field. frost susceptibility requirements as indicated in
(4) Step 4. Test three specimens using the the appropriate pavement design manuals. If the
unconfined compression test. If frost design is a mixture should meet the durability requirements
consideration, test three specimens to 12 cycles of but not the strength requirements, it is considered
freeze-thaw durability tests (ASTM D 560) except to be a modified soil. If results of the specimens
wire brushing is omitted. The frost susceptibility tested do not meet both the strength and durabil-
of the treated material should be determined as ity requirements, a higher lime content may be
indicated in appropriate design manuals. selected and steps 1 through 5 repeated.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
3-3. Stabilization with Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and characteristics such as strength and durability are
Lime-Cement-Fly Ash (LCF). Stabilization of directly related to the quality of the matrix mate-
coarse-grained soils having little or no tines can rial. The matrix material is that part consisting of
often be accomplished by the use of LF or LCF fly ash, lime, and minus No. 4 aggregate fines.
combinations. Fly ash, also termed coal ash, is a Basically, higher strength and improved durability
mineral residual from the combustion of pulver- are achievable when the matrix material is able to
ized coal. It contains silicon and aluminum com- float the coarse aggregate particles. In effect,
pounds that, when mixed with lime and water, the fine size particles overfill the void spaces
forms a hardened cementitious mass capable of between the coarse aggregate particles. For each
obtaining high compressive strengths. Lime and coarse aggregate material, there is a quantity of
fly ash in combination can often be used success- matrix required to effectively fill the available
fully in stabilizing granular materials since the fly void spaces and to float the coarse aggregate
ash provides an agent, with which the lime can particles. The quantity of matrix required for
react. Thus LF or LCF stabilization is often appro- maximum dry density of the total mixture is
priate for base and subbase course materials. referred to as the optimum fines content. In LF
a. Types of fly ash. Fly ash is classified accord- mixtures it is recommended that the quantity of
ing to the type of coal from which the ash was matrix be approximately 2 percent above the
derived. Class C fly ash is derived from the
optimum fines content. At the recommended fines
burning of lignite or subbituminous coal and is
content, the strength development is also influ-
often referred to as high lime ash because it
enced by the ratio of lime to fly ash. Adjustment of
contains a high percentage of lime. Class C fly ash
is self-reactive or cementitious in the presence of the lime-fly ash ratio will yield different values of
strength and durability properties.
water, in addition to being pozzolanic. Class F fly
ash is derived from the burning of anthracite or (1) Step 1. The first step is to determine the
bituminous coal and is sometimes referred to as optimum fines content that will give the maxi-
low lime ash. It requires the addition of lime to mum density. This is done by conducting a series
form a pozzolanic reaction. of moisture-density tests using different percent-
b. Evaluation of fly-ash. To be acceptable quality ages of fly ash and determining the mix level that
fly ash used for stabilization must meet the re- yields maximum density. The initial fly ash con-
quirements indicated in ASTM C 593. tent should be about 10 percent based on dry
c. Gradation requirements. Gradation require- weight of the mix. It is recommended that mate-
ments for LF and LCF stabilized base and subbase rial larger than in. be removed and the test
course are indicated in table 3-4. conducted on the minus in. fraction. Tests are
run at increasing increments of fly ash, e.g. 2
Table 3-4. Gradation requirements for fly ash percent, up to a total of about 20 percent. Moisture
stabilized base and subbase courses
density tests should be conducted following proce-
Type Course Sieve Size Percent Passing dures indicated in MIL-STD 621, Method 100 (CE
Base 2 in. 100
55 effort) and ASTM D 1557. The design fly ash
in. 70-100 content is then selected at 2 percent above that
3/8 in. 50-80 yielding maximum density. An alternate method
No. 4 35-70 is to estimate optimum water content and conduct
No. 8 25-55 single point compaction tests at fly ash contents of
No. 16 10-45
No. 200 0-15
10-20 percent, make a plot of dry density versus
fly ash content and determine the fly ash content
Subbase 1 in. 100 that yields maximum density. The design fly ash
No. 4 45-100
No. 40 10-50
content is 2 percent above this value. A moisture
No. 200 0-15 density test is then conducted to determine the
optimum water content and maximum dry density.
d. Selection of lime-fly ash content for LF and (2) Step 2. Determine the ratio of lime to fly
LCF mixtures. Design with LF is somewhat differ- ash that will yield highest strength and durability.
ent from stabilization with lime or cement. For a Using the design fly ash content and the optimum
given combination of materials (aggregate, fly ash, water content determined in step 1, prepare tripli-
and lime), a number of factors can be varied in the cate specimens at three different lime-fly ash
mix design process such as percentage of lime-fly ratios following procedures indicated in MIL-STD
ash, the moisture content, and the ratio of lime to 621 Method 100 (less effort) or ASTM D 1557. Use
fly ash. It is generally recognized that engineering LF ratios of 1:3, 1:4, and 1:5. If desired about 1
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
percent of portland cement may be added at this prevents or hinders the penetration of water and
time. thereby reduces the tendency of the material to
(3) Step 3. Test three specimens using the lose strength in the presence of water. The second
unconfined compression test. If frost design is a mechanism has been identified as adhesion. The
consideration, subject three specimens to 12 cycles aggregate particles adhere to the asphalt and the
of freeze-thaw durability tests (ASTM D 560) ex- asphalt acts as a binder or cement. The cementing
cept wire brushing is omitted. The frost suscepti- effect thus increases shear strength by increasing
bility of the treated material shall also be deter- cohesion. Criteria for design of bituminous stabi-
mined as indicated in appropriate design manual. lized soils and aggregates are based almost en-
(4) Compare the results of the unconfined tirely on stability and gradation requirements.
compressive strength and durability tests with the Freeze-thaw and wet-dry durability tests are not
requirements shown in tables 2-2 and 2-3. The applicable for asphalt stabilized mixtures.
lowest LF ratio content, i.e., ratio with the lowest a. Types of bituminous stabilized soils.
lime content which meets the required unconfined (1) Sand bitumen. A mixture of sand and
compressive strength requirement and demon- bitumen in which the sand particles are cemented
strates the required durability, is the design LF together to provide a material of increased stabil-
content. The treated material must also meet frost ity.
susceptibility requirements as indicated in the (2) Gravel or crushed aggregate bitumen. A
appropriate pavement design manuals. If the mix- mixture of bitumen and a well-graded gravel or
ture should meet the durability requirements but crushed aggregate that, after compaction, provides
not the strength requirements, it is considered to a highly stable waterproof mass of subbase or base
be a modified soil. If the results of the specimens course quality.
tested do not meet both the strength and durabil- (3) Bitumen lime. A mixture of soil, lime, and
ity requirements, a different LF content may be bitumen that, after compaction, may exhibit the
selected or additional portland cement used and characteristics of any of the bitumen-treated mate-
steps 2 through 4 repeated. rials indicated above. Lime is used with material
e. Selection of cement content for LCF mixtures. that have a high PI, i.e. above 10.
Portland cement may also be used in combination b. Types of bitumen. Bituminous stabilization is
with LF for improved strength and durability. If it generally accomplished using asphalt cement, cut-
is desired to incorporate cement into the mixture, back asphalt, or asphalt emulsions. The type of
the same procedures indicated for LF design bitumen to be used depends upon the type of soil
should be followed except that, beginning at step to be stabilized, method of construction, and
2, the cement shall be included. Generally, about 1 weather conditions. In frost areas, the use of tar as
to 2 percent cement is used. Cement may be used a binder should be avoided because of its high-
in place of or in addition to lime however, the total temperature susceptibility. Asphalts are affected
tines content should be maintained. Strength and to a lesser extent by temperature changes, but a
durability tests must be conducted on samples at grade of asphalt suitable to the prevailing climate
various LCF ratios to determine the combination should be selected. As a general rule, the most
that gives best results. satisfactory results are obtained when the most
viscous liquid asphalt that can be readily mixed
3-4. Stabilization with Bitumen. Stabilization into the soil is used. For higher quality mixes in
of soils and aggregates with asphalt differs greatly which a central plant is used, viscosity-grade
from cement and lime stabilization. The basic asphalt cements should be used. Much bituminous
mechanism involved in asphalt stabilization of stabilization is performed in place with the bitu-
fine-grained soils is a waterproofing phenomenon. men being applied directly on the soil or soil-
Soil particles or soil agglomerates are coated with aggregate system and the mixing and compaction
asphalt that prevents or slows the penetration of operations being conducted immediately thereaf-
water which could normally result in a decrease in ter. For this type of construction, liquid asphalts,
soil strength. In addition, asphalt stabilization can i.e., cutbacks and emulsions, are used. Emulsions
improve durability characteristics by making the are preferred over cutbacks because of energy
soil resistant to the detrimental effects of water constraints and pollution control efforts. The spe-
such as volume. In noncohesive materials, such as cific type and grade of bitumen will depend on the
sands and gravel, crushed gravel, and crushed characteristics of the aggregate, the type of con-
stone, two basic mechanisms are active: water- struction equipment, and climatic conditions. Gen-
proofing and adhesion. The asphalt coating on the erally, the following types of bituminous materials
cohesionless materials provides a membrane which will be used for the soil gradation indicated:
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Table 3-6. Recommended gradations for bituminous-stabilized base and subbase materials
d. Mix design. Guidance for the design of c = percent of mineral aggregate passing No.
bituminous-stabilized base and subbase courses is 100 and retained on No. 200 sieve
contained in TM 5-822-8/AFM 88-6, Chap. 9. For d = percent of mineral aggregate passing No.
subgrade stabilization, the following equation may 200
be used for estimating the preliminary quantity of S = percent solvent
cutback asphalt to be selected: The preliminary quantity of emulsified asphalt to
p = 0.02(a) + 0.07(b) + 0.15(c) + 0.20(d) 100 (eq 3-2)
be used in stabilizing subgrades can be determined
(100 - S) from table 3-7. The final design content of cutback
where or emulsified asphalt should be selected based
p = percent cutback asphalt by weight of dry upon the results of the Marshal Stability test
aggregate procedure (MIL-STD 620A). The minimum Mar-
a = percent of mineral aggregate retained on shall Stability recommended for subgrades is 500
No. 50 sieve pounds. If a soil does not show increased stability
b = percent of mineral aggregate passing No. when reasonable amounts of bituminous materials
50 sieve and retained on No. 100 sieve are added, the gradation of the soil should be
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Pounds of Emulsified Asphalt per 100 pound of Dry Aggregate at Percent Passing No. 10 Sieve
Percent Passing
No. 200 Sieve <50 60 70 80 90 100
0 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2
2 6.3 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5
4 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.7
6 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9
8 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.2
10 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.2 8.4
12 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.2 8.4 8.6
14 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.2 8.4
16 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9 8.2
18 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.7 7.9
20 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 7.6
22 6.3 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.5
24 6.0 6.3 6.5 6.7 7.0 7.2
25 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.1 7.3
modified or another type of bituminous material desired results. The design cement content is
should be used. Poorly graded materials may be arrived at following procedures for cement stabi-
improved by the addition of suitable tines contain- lized soils presented in paragraph 3-1.
ing considerable material passing the No. 200 b. Lime-asphalt. Lime can be used as an initial
sieve. The amount of bitumen required for a given additive with asphalt as the primary stabilizer.
soil increases with an increase in percentage of the The main purpose of lime is to improve workabil-
liner sizes. ity characteristics and to act as an anti-stripping
agent. In the latter capacity, the lime acts to
3-5. Stabilization with Lime-Cement and Lime- neutralize acidic chemicals in the soil or aggregate
Bitumen. The advantage in using combination which tend to interfere with bonding of the as-
stabilizers is that one of the stabilizers in the phalt. Generally, about 1-2 percent lime is all that
combination compensates for the lack of effective- is needed for this objective. Since asphalt is the
ness of the other in treating a particular aspect or primary stabilizer, the procedures for asphalt sta-
characteristics of a given soil. For instance, in clay bilized materials as presented in paragraph 3-4
areas devoid of base material, lime has been used shall be followed.
jointly with other stabilizers, notably portland
3-6. Lime Treatment of Expansive Soils. Ex-
cement or asphalt, to provide acceptable base pansive soils as defined for pavement purposes are
courses. Since portland cement or asphalt cannot those that exhibit swell in excess of three percent.
be mixed successfully with plastic clays, the lime Expansion is characterized by heaving of a pave-
is incorporated into the soil to make it friable, ment or road when water is imbibed in the clay
thereby permitting the cement or asphalt to be minerals. The plasticity characteristics of a soil
adequately mixed. While such stabilization prac- often are a good indicator of the swell potential as
tice might be more costly than the conventional indicated in table 3-8. If it has been determined
single stabilizer methods, it may still prove to be that a soil has potential for excessive swell, lime
economical in areas where base aggregate costs treatment may be appropriate. Lime will reduce
are high. Two combination stabilizers are con- swell in an expansive soil to greater or lesser
sidered in this section: lime-cement and lime- degrees depending on the activity of the clay
asphalt. minerals present. The amount of lime to be added
a. Lime-cement. Lime can be used as an initial is the minimum amount that will reduce swell to
additive with portland cement or the primary acceptable limits. Procedure for conducting swell
stabilizer. The main purpose of lime is to improve tests are indicated in MIL-STD 621 Method 101 or
workability characteristics mainly by reducing the ASTM D 1883. The depth to which lime should be
plasticity of the soil. The design approach is to add incorporated into the soil is generally limited by
enough lime to improve workability and to reduce the construction equipment used. However, 2 to 3
the plasticity index to acceptable levels. The de- feet generally is the maximum depth that can be
sign lime content is the minimum that achieves treated directly without removal of the soil.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
4-1. Construction with Portland Cement. cement. On mixed-in-place construction using trav-
a. General construction steps. In soil-cement con- eling mixing machines, bulk cement is spread on
struction the objective is to thoroughly mix a the area to be processed in required amounts by
pulverized soil material and cement in correct mechanical bulk cement spreaders (fig 4-7). Bag
proportions with sufficient moisture to permit cement is sometimes used on small jobs. Cement
maximum compaction. Construction methods are spreaders for mixed-in-place construction are of
simple and follow a definite procedure: two general types: those that spread cement over
(1) Initial preparation the soil material in a blanket (fig 4-8) and those
(a) Shape the area to crown and grade. that deposit cement on top of a partially flattened
(b) If necessary, scarify, pulverize, and pre- or slightly trenched windrow of soil material (fig
wet the soil. 4-9). Cement meters on continuous-flow central
(c) Reshape to crown and grade. mixing plants are of three types: the belt with
(2) Processing strikeoff, screw, or vane. Cement for batch-type-
(a) Spread portland cement and mix. pugmill mixers and rotary drum-mixers is batch-
(b) Apply water and mix. weighed.
(c) Compact. d. Construction. Construction with soil cement
(d) Finish. involves two steps-preparation and processing.
(e) Cure. Variations in these steps, dictated by the type of
b. Mixing equipment. Soil, cement, and water mixing equipment used, are discussed in this
can be mixed in place using traveling mixing chapter. Regardless of the equipment and methods
machines or mixed in a central mixing plant. The used, it is essential to have an adequately com-
types of mixing equipment are pacted, thorough mixture of pulverized soil mate-
(1) Traveling mixing machines. rial and other proper amounts of cement and
(a) Flat-transverse-shaft type: moisture. The completed soil-cement must be ade-
1 Single-shaft mixer (fig 4-1). quately cured.
2 Multiple-shaft mixer (fig 4-2). (1) Preparation. Before construction starts,
(b) Windrow-type pugmill (fig 4-3). crown and grade should be checked and any fine
(2) Central mixing plants. grading should be completed. Since there is little
(a) Continuous-flow-type pugmill (fig 4-4). displacement of material during processing, grade
(b) Batch-type pugmill (fig 4-5). at the start of construction will determine final
(c) Rotary-drum mixers (fig 4-6). grade to a major extent. If borrow material is to be
Whatever type of mixing equipment is used, the used, the subgrade should be compacted and
general principles and objectives are the same. shaped to proper crown and grade before the
Some soil materials cannot be sufficiently pulver- borrow is placed. Any soft subgrade areas should
ized and mixed in central mixing plants because of be corrected. To avoid later costly delays, all
their high silt and clay content and plasticity. equipment should be carefully checked to ensure it
Almost all types of soil materials, from granular to is in good operating condition and meets construc-
fine grained, can be adequately pulverized and tion requirements of the job. Guide stakes should
mixed with transverse-shaft mixers. The exception be set to control the width and guide the operators
is material containing large amounts of highly during construction. Arrangements should be
plastic clays. These clays may require more mix- made to receive, handle, and spread the cement
ing effort to obtain pulverization. Revolving-blade and water efficiently. The number of cement and
central mixing plants and traveling pugmills can water trucks required depends on length of haul,
be used for nonplastic to slightly plastic granular condition of haul roads, and anticipated rate of
soils. For coarse, nonplastic granular materials, a production. For maximum production, an adequate
rotary-drum mixer can provide a suitable mix; cement and water supply is essential. The limits of
however, if the material includes a small amount the different materials and their corresponding
of slightly plastic fines, mixing may not be ade- cement requirements should be established by the
quate. project engineer. Prewetting by adding moisture
c. Equipment for handling and spreading ce- before cement is applied often saves time during
ment. There are a number of methods of handling actual processing. Friable granular materials,
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
regulates the quantity of cement placed on the After the cement is added, a second plow attach-
prepared soil. To obtain a uniform cement spread, ment a little farther up on the main feeder belt
the spreader should be operated at a constant, closes the furrow and covers the cement. A cover
slow speed and with a constant level of cement in on the main feeder belt will also minimize cement
the hopper. A true line at the pavement edge loss due to wind. One of three types of cement
should be maintained with a string line. The meters-belt, screw, or vane-can be used to pro-
mechanical spreader must have adequate traction portion the cement on a volumetric basis. Each
to produce a uniform cement spread. Traction can requires a 450- to 750-pound capacity surge tank
be aided by wetting and rolling the soil material or hopper between the cement silo and the cement
before spreading the cement. When operating in feeder. This tank maintains a constant head of
loose sands or gravel, slippage can be overcome by cement for the feeder, thus providing a more
the use of cleats on the spreader wheels or by uniform cement discharge. Compressed air of 2- to
other modifications; sometimes, the spreader is 4-pounds per square inch pressure should be used
mounted on a tractor or high lift. The mechanical to prevent arching of cement in the silo and the
cement spreader can also be attached directly surge tank. Portable vibrators attached to the
behind a bulk cement truck. Cement is then surge tank can be used instead of air jets. A
moved pneumatically from the truck through an positive system should be included to stop the
air separator cyclone that dissipates the air pres- plant automatically if the cement flow suddenly
sure, and falls into the hopper of the spreader. stops. The correct proportion of cement, soil mate-
Forward speed must be slow and even. Sometimes rial, and water entering the mixing chamber must
a motor grader or loader pulls the truck to main- be determined by calibrating the plant before
tain this slow, even forward speed. Pipe cement mixing and placing operations begin.
spreaders attached to cement transport trucks (b) Mixing and application of water. Proce-
have been used in some areas with variable dures for applying water and mixing depend on
results. Improvements in this type of equipment the type of mixing machine used. A thorough
are being made. mixture of pulverized soil material, cement, and
2. Bagged-cement spread, mixed-in-place water must be obtained. Uniformity of the mix is
construction. When bags of cement are used on easily checked by digging trenches or a series of
small jobs, a simple but exact method for properly holes at regular intervals for the full depth of
placing the bags is necessary. The bags should be treatment and inspecting the color of the exposed
spaced at approximately equal transverse and soil-cement mixture. Uniform color and texture
longitudinal intervals that will ensure the proper from top to bottom indicate a satisfactory mix; a
percentage of cement. Positions can be spotted by streaked appearance indicates insufficient mixing.
flags or markers fastened to chains at proper inter- Proper width and depth of mixing are also impor-
vals to mark the transverse and longitudinal rows. tant. Following are methods of applying water and
When the bags are opened, the cement should be mixing for the different types of mixing machines.
dumped so that it forms fairly uniform transverse 1. Windrow-type traveling mixing ma-
windrows across the area being processed. A spike- chine. Windrow-type traveling mixing machines
tooth harrow, a nail drag, or a length of chain-link will pulverize friable soil materials. Other soils,
fence can be used to spread the cement evenly. however, may need preliminary pulverizing to
The drag should make at least two round trips meet specification requirements. This is usually
over the area to spread the cement uniformly. done before the soil is placed in windrows for
3. Cement application, central-mixing- processing. The prepared soil material is bladed
plant construction. When a continuous-flow central into windrows and a proportion pulled along to
mixing plant is used, the cement is usually me- make them uniform in cross section. When borrow
tered onto the soil aggregate and the two materi- materials are used, a windrow spreader can be
als are carried to the pugmill mixer on the main used to proportion the material. Nonuniform wind-
feeder belt. Variations in moisture and in grada- rows cause variations in cement content, moisture
tion of the soil aggregate will result in variations content, and pavement thickness. The number and
in the amount of material being fed onto the size of windrows needed depend on the width and
feeder belt. A high bulkhead placed in front of the depth of treatment and on the capacity of the
soil hopper will help to obtain a more uniform flow mixing machine. Cement is spread on top of the
through the soil material feeder. The chance of partially flattened or slightly trenched, prepared
loss of cement due to wind can be minimized by windrow. The mixing machine then picks up the
the use of a small plow attachment that will form soil material and cement and dry-mixes them with
a furrow for the cement in the soil aggregate. the first few paddles in the mixing drum. At that
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
point water is added through spray nozzles and the the tank trucks are being switched. As soon as the
remaining paddles complete the mixing. A strike- first windrow is mixed and spread on one section
off attached to the mixing machine spreads the of the roadway, it is compacted. At the same time
mixed soil-cement. If a motor grader is used to a second windrow is being mixed and spread. It in
spread the mixture and a tamping roller is used turn is then compacted. Finishing of the entire
roadway is completed in one operation. Water
for compaction, the mixture should first be loos-
requirements are based on the quantity of soil
ened to ready it for compaction. If two windrows
material and cement per unit length of windrow.
have been made, the mixing machine progresses See figures 4-10 and 4-11 for construction se-
350 to 500 feet along one windrow and then is quences for windrow-type operations.
backed up to process the other windrow for 700 to 2. Multishaft traveling mixing machine.
1,000 feet. The cement spreading operation is kept Since most multi-shaft traveling mixing machines
just ahead of the mixing operation. Water is have a high-speed pulverizing rotor, preliminary
supplied by tank trucks. A water tank installed on pulverization is usually unnecessary. The only
the mixer will permit continuous operation while preparation required is shaping the soil material
Figure 4-10. Sketch of soil-cement processing operations with windrow-type traveling pugmill.
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Figure 4-12. Sketch of soil-cement processing operations with multiple-transverse-shaft traveling mixing machine.
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second lane to serve as a depth guide when placing generally used for initial compaction except for the
the mix in the second lane. Water spray equip- more granular soils. Self-propelled and vibratory
ment should be available to keep the joint areas models are also used. To obtain adequate compac-
damp. The amount of water needed to bring the tion, it is sometimes necessary to operate the
soil-cement mixture to required moisture content rollers with ballast to give greater unit pressure.
in continuous-flow-type mixing plants is based on The general rule is to use the greatest contact
the amount of soil material and cement coming pressure that will not exceed the bearing capacity
into the mixing chamber per unit of time. The of the soil-cement mixture and that will still
amount of water required in batch-type central walk out in a reasonable number of passes.
mixing plants is similarly calculated, using the Friable silty and clayey sandy soils will compact
weights of soil material and cement for each batch. satisfactorily using rollers with unit pressures of
(3) Compaction. The principles governing com- 75 to 125 pounds per square inch. Clayey sands,
paction of soil-cement are the same as those for lean clays, and silts that have low plasticity can
compacting the same soil materials without ce- be compacted with 100- to 200-pounds per square
ment treatment. The soil-cement mixture at opti- inch rollers. Medium to heavy clays and gravelly
mum moisture should be compacted to maximum soils required greater unit pressure, i.e., 150 to
density and finished immediately. Moisture loss by 300 pounds per square inch. Compacted thickness
evaporation during compaction, indicated by a up to 8 or 9 inches can be compacted in one lift.
greying of the surface, should be replaced with Greater thicknesses can be compacted with equip-
light applications of water. Tamping rollers are ment designed for deeper lifts. When tamping
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
rollers are used for initial compaction, the mixed readily; there is less water evaporation; and daily
material must be in a loose condition at the start production is increased.
of compaction so that the feet will pack the bottom (4) Finishing. There are several acceptable
material and gradually walk out on each succeed- methods for finishing soil-cement. The exact proce-
ing pass. If penetration is not being obtained, the dure depends on equipment, job conditions, and
scarifier on a motor grader or a traveling mixer soil characteristics. Regardless of method, the fun-
can be used to loosen the mix during start of damental requirements of adequate compaction,
compaction, thus allowing the feet to penetrate. close to optimum moisture, and removal of all
Vibratory-steel-wheeled rollers and grid and seg- surface compaction planes must be met to produce
mented rollers can be used to satisfactorily com- a high quality surface. The surface should be
pact soil-cement made of granular soil materials. smooth, dense, and free of ruts, ridges, or cracks.
Vibratory-plate compactors are used on nonplastic When shaping is done during finishing, all smooth
granular materials. Pneumatic-tired rollers can be surfaces, such as tire imprints and blade marks,
used to compact coarse sand and gravel soil- should be lightly scratched with a weeder, nail
cement mixtures with very little plasticity and drag, coil spring, or spiketooth harrow to remove
very sandy mixtures with little or no binder cleavage or compaction planes from the surface.
material, such as dune, beach, or blow sand. Some Scratching should be done on all soil-cement mix-
permit rapid inflation and deflation of the tires tures except those containing appreciable quanti-
while compacting to increase their versatility. ties of gravel. The surface should be kept damp
Pneumatic-tired rollers pulled by track-type trac- during finishing operations. Steel-wheeled rollers
tors equipped with street plates can be used to can be used to smooth out ridges left by the initial
compact cohesionless sand mixtures. The weight pneumatic-tired rolling. Steel-wheeled rollers are
and vibration of the tractor aid in compaction. particularly advantageous when rock is present in
Heavy three-wheeled steel rollers can be used to the surface. A broom drag can sometimes be used
compact coarse granular materials containing lit- advantageously to pull binder material in and
tle or no binder material. Gravelly soils that around pieces of gravel that have been set by the
contain up to about 20 percent passing the No. 200 steel-wheeled roller. Instead of using a steel roller,
sieve and have low plasticity are best suited for surfaces can be shaved with the motor grader and
compaction with these rollers. Tandem-steel- then rerolled with a pneumatic-tired roller to seal
wheeled rollers are often used during final rolling the surface. Shaving consists of lightly cutting off
to press down or set rock particles and to smooth any small ridges left by the finishing equipment.
out ridges. There are two general types of road Only a very thin depth is cut and all material
cross section: trench and featheredge. Both can be removed is bladed to the edge of the road and
built satisfactorily with soil-cement. In trench-type wasted. The final operation usually consists of a
construction, the shoulder material gives lateral light application of water and rolling with a
support to the soil-cement mixture during compac- pneumatic-tired roller to seal the surface. The
tion. In the featheredge type of construction, the finished soil-cement is then cured.
edges are compacted first to provide some edge (5) Curing. Compacted and finished soil-
stability while the remaining portion is being cement contains sufficient moisture for adequate
compacted. The edge slope should not be steeper cement hydration. A moisture-retaining cover is
than 2:1 to facilitate shaping and compacting. placed over the soil-cement soon after completion
Shoulder material is placed after the soil-cement to retain this moisture and permit the cement to
has been finished. Occasionally, during compaction hydrate. Most soil-cement is cured with bitumi-
and finishing, a localized area may yield under the nous material, but other materials such as water-
compaction equipment. This may be due to one or proof paper of plastic sheets, wet straw or sand,
more causes: the soil-cement mix is much wetter fog-type water spray, and wet burlap or cotton
than optimum moisture; the subsoil may be wet mats are entirely satisfactory. The types of bitumi-
and unstable; or the roller may be too heavy for nous materials most commonly used are RC-250,
the soil. If the soil-cement mix is too damp, it MC-250, RT-5, and emulsified asphalt SS-1. Rate
should be aerated with a cultivator, traveling of application varies from 0.15 to 0.30 US gallons
mixer, or motor grader. After it has dried to near per square yard. At the time of application, the
optimum moisture, it can be compacted. For best soil-cement surface should be free of all dry, loose
results, compaction should start immediately after and extraneous material. The surface should also
the soil material, cement, and water have been be moist when the bituminous materials are ap-
mixed. Required densities are then obtained more plied. In most cases a light application of water is
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
placed immediately ahead of the bituminous appli- the water has already been added, however, can be
cation. serious. Generally, the best procedure is to obtain
(6) Construction joints. After each days con- rapid compaction by using every available piece of
struction, a transverse vertical construction joint equipment so that the section will be compacted
must be formed by cutting back into the completed and shaped before too much damage results. In
soil-cement to the proper crown and grade. This is such instances it may be necessary to complete
usually done the last thing at night or the first final blading later; any material bladed from the
thing the following morning, using the toe of the surface is wasted. After the mixture has been
motor-grader blade or mixer. The joint must be compacted and finished, rain will not harm it.
vertical and perpendicular to the centerline. After (2) Wet soils. Excessively wet material is diffi-
the next days mixing has been completed at the cult to mix and pulverize. Experience has shown
joint, it must be cleaned of all dry and unmixed that cement can be mixed with sandy materials
material and retrimmed if necessary. Mixed moist when the moisture content is as high as 2 percent
material is then bladed into the area and com- above optimum. For clayey soils, the moisture
pacted thoroughly. The joint is left slightly high content should be below optimum for efficient
until final rolling when it is trimmed to grade mixing. It may be necessary to dry out the soil
with the motor grader and rerolled. Joint construc- material by aeration. This can be done by using
tion requires special attention to make sure the single-shaft traveling mixers with the hood in a
joints are vertical and the material in the joint raised position, or by cutting out the material with
area is adequately mixed and thoroughly com- the tip of a motor grader blade and working and
pacted. When bituminous material is used as a aerating with a disc. The maintenance of good
curing agent, it should be applied right up to the crown and surface grade to permit rapid runoff of
joint and sanded to prevent pickup. surface water before soil-cement processing is the
(7) Multiple-layer construction. When the spec- best insurance against excessive amounts of wet
ified thickness of soil-cement base course exceeds material.
the depth (usually 8 or 9 inches compacted) that (3) Cold weather. Soil-cement, like other
can be compacted in one layer, it must be con- cement-using products, hardens as the cement
structed in multiple layers. No layer should be less hydrates. Since cement hydration practically
than 4 inches thick. The lower layer does not have ceases when temperatures are near or below freez-
to be finished to exact crown and grade, nor do ing, soil-cement should not be placed when the
surface compaction planes have to be removed temperature is 40 degrees F or below. Moreover, it
since they are too far from the final surface to be should be protected to prevent its freezing for a
harmful. The lower layer can be cured with the period of 7 days after placement, and until it has
moist soil that will subsequently be used to build hardened, by a suitable covering of hay, straw, or
the top layer-which can be built immediately, the other protective material.
following day, or some time later. With mixed-in-
place construction, care must be taken to elimi- 4-2. Construction with lime.
nate any raw-soil seams between the layers. a. Lime stabilization methods. Basically, there
e. Special construction problems. are three recognized lime stabilization methods;
(1) Rainfall. Attention to a few simple precau- in-place mixing, plant mixing, and pressure injec-
tions before processing will greatly reduce the tion.
possibility of serious damage from wet weather. (1) In-place mixing.
For example, any loose or pulverized soil should be (a) In-place mixing may be subdivided into
crowned so it will shed water, and low places in three methods: mixing lime with the existing
the grade where water can accumulate should be materials already a part of the construction site or
trenched so the water will drain off freely. As pavement (fig 4-15); off-site mixing in which lime
shown by the construction of millions of square is mixed with borrow and the mixture is then
yards of soil-cement in all climates, it is unlikely transported to the construction site for final ma-
that rainfall during actual construction will be a nipulation and compaction (fig 4-16); and mixing
serious problem to the experienced engineer or in which the borrow source soil is hauled to the
contractor. Usually construction requires the addi- construction site and processed as in the first
tion of water equivalent to 1 to 1 inches of rain. method.
If rain falls during cement-spreading operations, (b) The following procedures are for in-place
spreading should be stopped and the cement al- mixing:
ready spread should be quickly mixed into the soil One increment of lime is added to clays or
mass. A heavy rainfall that occurs after most of granular base materials that are easy to pulverize.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
The material is mixed and compacted in one Figure 4-18. Root plow for scarifying to a depth of 18 inches.
operation, and no mellowing period is required.
One increment of lime is added and the
mixture is allowed to mellow for a period of 1 to 7
days to assist in breaking down heavy clay soils.
(The term mellow refers to the reaction of the lime
on clay to make it more friable and easier to
One increment of lime is added for soil modifi-
cation and pulverization before treatment with
cement or asphalt.
One increment of lime is added to produce a
working table. Proof rolling is required instead of
pulverization and density requirements.
Two increments of lime are added for soils
that are extremely difficult to pulverize. Between
the applications of the first and second increments Figure 4-19. Scarifying existing clay subgrade with lime on
of lime, the mixture is allowed to mellow. city street project.
(c) Deep stabilization may be accomplished
by one of two approaches. added to the top 6 to 12 inches for complete
One increment of lime is applied to modify soil stabilization. Plows and rippers are used to break
to a depth of 24 inches (fig 4-17 through fig 4-19). down the large clay chunks in the deep treatment.
Greater depths are possible but to date have not Heavy disc harrows and blades are also used in
been attempted. A second increment of lime is pulverization of these clay soils. In frost zones, the
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
may be exaggerated when the soil-lime is remixed unloading and obtaining a uniform rate of dis-
over a long period of time, especially at moisture charge. With the auger trucks, spreading is han-
contents less than optimum moisture. The fluff dled by means of a portable, mechanical-type
action is usually minimized if adequate water is spreader attached to the rear (fig 4-27) or through
provided and mixing is accomplished shortly after metal downspout chutes or flexible rubber boots
lime is added. For soils that tend to fluff with extending from the screw conveyors. The mechani-
lime, the subgrade elevation should be lowered cal spreaders incorporate belt, screw, rotary vane,
slightly or the excess material trimmed. Trimming or drag-chain conveyors to distribute the lime
can usually be accomplished by blading the mate- uniformly across the spreader width. When boots
rial onto the shoulder of embankment slopes. The or spouts are used instead, the lime is deposited in
blading operation is desirable to remove the top windrows; but because of limes lightness and
0.25 inch because this material is not often well flowability, the lime becomes distributed rather
cemented due to lime loss experienced during uniformly across the spreading lane. Whether me-
construction. Excess rain and construction water chanical spreaders, downspouts, or boots are used,
may wash lime from the surface, and carbonation the rate of lime application can be regulated by
of lime may occur in the exposed surface. If dry varying the spreader opening, spreader drive
lime is used, ripping or scarifying to the desired speed, or truck speed so that the required amount
depth of stabilization can be accomplished either of lime can be applied in one or more passes. With
before or after lime is added (fig 4-19). If the lime the pneumatic trucks, spreading is generally han-
is to be applied in a slurry form, it is desirable to dled with a cyclone spreader mounted at the rear,
scarify prior to the addition of lime. which distributes the lime through a split chute or
(2) Lime application. with a spreader bar equipped with several large
(a) Dry hydrated lime. Dry lime can be downspout pipes. Finger-tip controls in the truck
applied either in bulk or by bag. The use of bagged cab permit the driver to vary the spreading width
lime is generally the simplest but also the most by adjusting the air pressure. Experienced drivers
costly method of lime application. Bags of 50 can adjust the pressure and truck speed so that
pounds are delivered in dump or flatbed trucks accurate distribution can be obtained in one or two
and placed by hand to give the required distribu- passes. When bulk lime is delivered by rail, a
tion (fig 4-24). After the bags are placed they are variety of conveyors can be used for transferring
slit and the lime is dumped into piles or trans- the lime to transport trucks; these include screw,
verse windrows across the roadway. The lime is belt, or drag-chain conveyors, bucket elevators,
then levelled either by hand raking or by means of and screw elevators. The screw-type conveyors are
a spike-tooth harrow or drag pulled by a tractor or most commonly used, with large diameter units of
truck. Immediately after, the lime is sprinkled to 10- to 12-inches being recommended for high-speed
reduce dusting. The major disadvantages of the unloading. To minimize dusting, all types of con-
bag method are the higher costs of lime because of veyors should be enclosed. Rail-car unloading is
bagging costs, greater labor costs, and slower generally facilitated by means of poles and me-
operations. Nevertheless, bagged lime is often the chanical or air-type vibrators. Lime has also been
most practical method for small projects or for handled through permanent or portable batching
projects in which it is difficult to utilize large plants, in which case the lime is weigh-batched
equipment. For large stabilization projects, partic- before loading. Generally, a batch plant setup
ularly where dusting is no problem, the use of would only be practical on exceptionally large jobs.
bulk lime has become common practice. Lime is Obviously, the self-unloading tank truck is the
delivered to the job in self-unloading transport least costly method of spreading lime, because
trucks (fig 4-25). These trucks are large and there is no rehandling of material and large
efficient, capable of hauling 15 to 24 tons. One payloads can be carried and spread quickly.
type is equipped with one or more integral screw (b) Dry quicklime. Quicklime may be ap-
conveyors that discharge at the rear. In recent plied in bags or bulk. Because of higher cost,
years pneumatic trucks have increased in popular- bagged lime is only used for drying of isolated wet
ity and are preferred over the older auger-type spots or on small jobs. The distribution of bagged
transports. With the pneumatic units the lime is quicklime is similar to that of bagged hydrate,
blown from the tanker compartments through a except that greater safety emphasis is needed.
pipe or hose to a cyclone spreader to a pipe First, the bags are spaced accurately on the area
spreader bar-mounted at the rear (fig 4-26). to be stabilized, and, after spreading, water is
Bottom-dump hopper trucks have also been tried, applied and mixing operations started immedi-
but they are undesirable because of difficulty in ately. The fast watering and mixing operation
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Figure 4-29. Slurry mixing tank using recirculating pump Figure 4-32. Recirculation pump on top of a
for mixing hydrate and water. 6,000-gallon wagon agitates the slurry.
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The fast drying action of the dry lime Not practical for use with very wet
requires an excess amount of water soils.
during the dry, hot seasons. (3) Pulverization and mixing. To obtain satis-
(h) Some of the advantages and disadvan- factory soil-lime mixtures adequate pulverization
tages of dry quicklime are as follows: and mixing must be achieved. For heavy clay soils
1. Advantages: two-stage pulverization and mixing may be re-
More economical as it contains approxi- quired, but for other soils one-stage mixing and
mately 25 percent more available pulverization may be satisfactory. This difference
lime. is primarily due to the fact that the heavy clays
Greater bulk density for smaller-sizes are more difficult to break down.
silos. (a) Two-stage mixing. Construction steps in
Faster drying action in wet soils. two-stage mixing consist of preliminary mixing,
Faster reaction with soils. moist curing for 24 to 48 hours (or more), and final
Construction season can be extended, in mixing or remixing. The first mixing step distrib-
both spring and fall, because of faster utes the lime throughout the soil, thereby facilitat-
drying. ing the mellowing action. For maximum chemical
2. Disadvantages: action during the mellowing period, the clay clods
Field hydration less effective than com- should be less than 2 inches in diameter. Before
mercial hydrators, producing a mellowing the soil should be sprinkled liberally to
coarser material with poorer distribu- bring it up to at least two percentage points above
optimum moisture in order to aid the disintegra-
tion in soil mass.
tion of clay clods The exception to excess watering
Quicklime requires more water than
would be in cool, damp weather when evaporation
hydrate for stabilization, which may
is at a minimum. In hot weather, however, it may
present a problem in dry areas.
be difficult to add too much water. After prelimi-
Greater susceptibility to skin and eye
nary mixing, the roadway should be sealed lightly
burns. with a pneumatic roller as a precaution against
(i) Some of the advantages and disadvan- heavy rain, because the compacted subgrade will
tages of slurry lime are as follows: shed water, thereby preventing moisture increases
1. Advantages: that might delay construction. Generally, in 24 to
Dust-free application is more desirable 48 hours the clay becomes friable enough so that
from an environmental standpoint. desired pulverization can be easily attained during
Better distribution is achieved with the final mixing. Additional sprinkling may be neces-
slurry. sary during final mixing to bring the soils to
In the lime slurry method, the lime optimum moisture or slightly above (fig 4-35). In
spreading and sprinkling operations hot weather more than optimum moisture is
are combined, thereby reducing job needed to compensate for the loss through evapora-
costs. tion. Although disc harrows (fig 4-36) and grader
During summer months slurry applica- scarifiers are suitable for preliminary mixing,
tion prewets the soil and minimizes high-speed rotary mixers (fig 4-37 to fig 4-39) or
drying action. one-pass travel plant mixers (fig 4-15) are re-
The added heat when slurry is made quired for final mixing. Motor graders are gener-
from quicklime speeds drying action, ally unsatisfactory for mixing lime with heavy
which is especially desirable in cooler clays.
weather. (b) One-stage mixing. Both blade and rotary
2. Disadvantages: mixing, or a combination, have been used success-
Application rates are slower. High ca- fully in projects involving granular base materials.
pacity pumps are required to achieve However, rotary mixers are preferred for more
acceptable application rates. uniform mixing, finer pulverization, and faster
Extra equipment is required, therefore, operation. They are generally required for highly
costs are higher. plastic soils that do not pulverize readily and for
Extra manipulation may be required for reconstructing worn-out roads in order to pulverize
drying purposes during cool, wet, hu- the old asphalt.
mid weather, which could occur dur- (c) Blade mixing. When blade mixing is
ing the fall, winter, and spring con- used in conjunction with dry lime, the material is
struction season. generally bladed into two windrows, one on each
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Figure 4-35. Watering of lime-treated clay on airport project. Figure 4-39. Rotary mixer on primary road project.
moisture at the pugmill, thereby permitting imme- paction can also be accomplished with vibrating
diate compaction after laydown. Figure 4-22 impact rollers (fig 4-43) or heavy pneumatic roll-
shows a crushed-stone plant where lime was added ers, and light pneumatic or steel rollers used for
to upgrade a clay bearing crushed stone. finishing. When light pneumatic rollers are used
(e) Pulverization and mixing requirements. alone, compaction is generally done in thin lifts
Pulverization and mixing requirements are gener- usually less than 6 inches. Slush rolling of granu-
ally specified in terms of percentages passing the lar soil-lime mixtures with steel rollers is not
1-inch or 1-inch screen and the No. 4 sieve. Typi- recommended. During compaction, light sprinkling
cal requirements are 100 percent passing the 1 may be required, particularly during hot, dry
inch, and 60 percent passing the No. 4 sieve, weather, to compensate for evaporation losses.
exclusive of nonslaking fractions. However, in (5) Curing. Maximum development of
some applications the requirements are relaxed. strength and durability also depends on proper
For example, the South Dakota Highway Depart- curing. Favorable temperature and moisture condi-
ment only requires 100 percent passing the 1.5 tions and the passage of time are required for
inch screen with no requirement for the No. 4 curing. Temperatures higher than 40 degrees F to
sieve. Other specifications may only require 40 to 50 degrees F and moisture contents around opti-
50 percent passing the No. 4 sieve. In certain mum are conducive to curing. Although some
expedient construction operations, formal require- specifications require a 3- to 7-day undisturbed
ments are eliminated and the pulverization and curing period, other agencies permit the immedi-
mixing to the satisfaction of the engineer clause ate placement of overlaying paving layers if the
is employed. compacted soil-lime layer is not rutted or distorted
(4) Compaction. For maximum development of
by the equipment. This overlying course maintains
strength and durability, lime-soil mixtures should
be properly compacted. Many agencies require at
least 95 percent of ASTM D 698 density for
subbase and 90 percent for bases. Some agencies
have required 95 percent ASTM D 1557 maximum
density. Although such densities can be achieved
for more granular soil-lime mixtures, it is difficult
to achieve this degree of compaction for lime-
treated, fine-grained soils. If a thick soil-lime lift is
to be compacted in one lift, many specifications
require 95 percent of ASTM D 698 maximum
density in the upper 6 to 9 inches, and lower
densities are accepted in the bottom portion of the
lift. To achieve high densities, compacting at
approximately optimum moisture content with ap-
propriate compactors is necessary. Granular soil-
lime mixtures are generally compacted as soon as Figure 4-40. Self-propelled sheepsfoot roller.
possible after mixing, although delays of up to 2
days are not detrimental, especially if the soil is
not allowed to dry out and lime is not allowed to
carbonate. Fine-grained soils can also be com-
pacted soon after final mixing, although delays of
up to 4 days are not detrimental. When longer
delays (2 weeks or more) cannot be avoided, it may
be necessary to incorporate a small amount of
additional lime into the mixture (0.5 percent) to
compensate for losses due to carbonation and
erosion. Various rollers and layer thicknesses have
been used in lime stabilization. The most common
practice is to compact in one lift by first using the
sheeps-foot roller (fig 4-40 and fig 4-41) until it
walks out, and then using a multiple-wheel
pneumatic roller (fig 4-42). In some cases, a flat
wheel roller is used in finishing. Single lift com- Figure 4-41. Dougle sheepsfoot roller.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
and fig 4-47), but most have only one. Some single
shaft mixers are equipped with a system that adds
asphalt by spraying it into the mixing chamber as
the machine moves ahead, with the amount of
spray being synchronized with the travel speed (fig
4-48). Other machines, however, must be used in
conjunction with an asphalt distributor that sprays
asphalt on to aggregates immediately ahead of the
mobile mixer (fig 4-49). Both types of machine
have the common capability of effecting a smooth
bottom cut and then blending the material with
asphalt into the mixture specified. But each type
individually is marked by certain devices and
features that enable it to perform. Machines with
built-in asphalt feeding must have the capability
for accurate metering and blending of asphalt into
Figure 4-44. Windrowtype pugmill travel plant. the in-place materials in synchronization with a
continuous forward movement. Furthermore, they
must have spray bars that will distribute the
liquid uniformly across the mixers width. They
must be equipped with controls for both depth of
cutting and processing and for spreading the
mixed material being laid out behind. Rotary
mixers without asphalt spraying equipment gener-
ally feature controls that permit adjustment of
cutting depth to at least a lo-inch adjustment of
tail board and adjustment of the hood itself for
aeration purposes.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Step 1. Spread the aggregate to uniform clusters of fine aggregate saturated and coated
grade and cross section with motor graders. with excessive amounts of asphalt can make a mix
Step 2. Thoroughly mix the aggregate by difficult to spread and compact. This condition can
one or more passes of the mixer. When ready for be corrected by windowing the mixture into a tight
the asphalt the moisture content of the aggregate windrow and allowing it to cure for a few days.
should not exceed 3 percent, unless laboratory After mixing and aeration have been completed,
tests indicate that a higher moisture content will the windrow is moved to one side of the roadbed in
not be harmful when the asphalt is added. readiness for subsequent spreading. If it is left for
Step 3. Add asphalt in increments of about any length of time, periodic breaks in the windrow
0.50 gallons per square yard until the total re- should be cut to ensure drainage of rainwater from
quired amount of asphalt is applied and mixed in. the roadbed.
A total of 0.4 to 0.7 gallons per square yard per (5) Aeration. Before compaction, most of the
inch of compacted thickness of the course is usu- diluents that have made the asphalt cold mix
ally necessary. If the mixer is not equipped with workable must be allowed to evaporate. In most
spraybars the asphalt usually is applied with an cases, this occurs during mixing and spreading
asphalt distributor. and very little additional aeration is required, but
Step 4. Make one or more passes of the extra manipulation on the roadbed is needed occa-
mixer between applications of asphalt, as neces- sionally to help speed the process and dissipate the
sary to thoroughly mix it in. excess diluents. Until the mix is sufficiently aer-
Step 5. Maintain the surface true to grade ated, it usually will not support rollers without
and cross-section by using a motor grader during excessive pushing under the rolls. Generally, the
the mixing operations. mixture is sufficiently aerated when it becomes
Step 6. Aerate the mixture by additional tacky and appears to crawl. Many factors affect
manipulation, if needed. the rate and the required amount of aeration.
(c) Blade mixing. With blade mixing, the Fine-g-rained and well-graded mixtures will re-
imported or in-place material is shaped into a quire longer aeration than open-graded and coarse-
measured windrow, either through a spreader box grained mixtures, all other things being equal.
or by running through a windrow shaper. The Also, if an asphalt cold-mix base course is to be
windrow is then flattened with the blade to about surfaced within a short length of time, aeration
the width of the distributor spraybar. The asphalt before compaction should be more complete than if
is applied by successive passes of the asphalt the course is not to be surfaced for some time; the
distributor over the flattened windrow, each appli- surface acts as a seal, greatly retarding the re-
cation not exceeding 0.75 gallons per square yard. moval of diluents.
After each pass of the distributor the mixture is (a) Emulsified asphalt mixes. Experience
worked back and forth across the roadbed with the has shown that break-down rolling of emulsified
blade, sometimes added by auxiliary mixing equip- asphalt mixes should begin immediately before, or
ment. Prior to each succeeding application of at the same time as, the emulsion starts to break
asphalt, the mixture is reformed into a flattened (indicated by a marked color change from brown to
windrow. The material in the windrow is subjected black). About this time, the moisture content of
to as many mixings, spreading, shapings, and the mixture is sufficient to act as a lubricant
flattenings as are needed to disperse the asphalt between the aggregate particles, but is reduced to
thoroughly throughout the mixture, and to coat the point where it does not fill the void spaces,
effectively the aggregate particles. During mixing, thus allowing their reduction under compactive
the vertical angle of the mold board may require forces. Also, by this time, the mixture should be
adjustment from time to time in order to achieve a able to support the roller without undue displace-
complete rolling action of the windrow as it is ment.
worked. As large a roll as possible should be (b) Cutback asphalt mixes. When using cut-
carried ahead of the blade, since pressure from the back asphalt, correct aeration will be achieved
weight of the aggregate facilitates mixing. Addi- when volatile content is reduced to about 50
tionally, during mixing, care must be taken to see percent of that contained in the original asphaltic
that neither extra material be taken from the material, and the moisture content does not exceed
mixing table and incorporated into the windrow 2 percent by weight of the total mixture.
nor any of the windrow be lost over the edge of the (6) Spreading and compacting. With mixing
mixing table or left on the mixing table without and aeration completed, spreading and compacting
being treated. Sometimes, when cutback asphalt is the cold mix follows. Achieving a finished section
used, the formation of oil balls, i.e., concentrated and smooth riding surface conforming to the plans
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Figure 4-53. Stationary cold-mix plant. flow of mixture from the haul truck to the
spreader must be maintained. Towed-type spread-
ers are attached to the rear of haul trucks (fig
4-58). The asphalt cold mix is deposited into the
hopper and falls directly to the surface being
paved. As the truck moves forward, the mixture is
struck off by a cutter bar, a blade, or by the screed
and is ironed out by the screed or by rollers. Many
Figure 4-54. Flow diagram of a typical towed-type spreaders have floating screeds. In
cold-mix continuous plant. order for the spreader to start out spreading to full
depth, blocking should be placed under the screen
volatiles without aeration by manipulation, a con- before any mixture is dumped into the hopper. The
ventional self-propelled asphalt paver may be used hopper should be kept full of material during
to place asphalt cold mixture (fig 4-55). A full- paving operations to ensure a full, even spread.
width paver may be used if the plant can produce The spreader should be towed at a uniform speed
enough mixture to keep the paver moving without for any given setting of the screed or strike-off
start-stop operation (fig 4-56). gate. Variations in towing speed will vary spread
(b) Spreaders. Spreading equipment such as thickness.
the Jersey Spreader and towed spreaders are d. Central Plant Mix Construction.
commonly used. The Jersey Spreader is a hopper, (1) Preparation of mixture. In batch-type
with front wheels, that is attached to the front end plants, mixing is usually accomplished by a twin-
of a crawler or rubber-tired tractor, into which the shafted pugmill having a capacity of not less than
asphalt mixture is dumped. The mixture falls 2,000 pounds. The correct amounts of asphalt and
directly to the road and is struck off and spread to aggregate, generally determined by weight, are fed
controlled thickness (fig 4-57). To begin spreading into the pug-mill. The batch is then mixed and
the mixture at the specified depth, the tractor discharged into a haul truck before another batch
should be driven onto blocks or boards of a height is mixed. In the continuous-mixing plant, the
equal to the depth of spread and placed so that the devices feeding asphalt, aggregate, and water, if
tractor will ride directly onto the newly-placed needed, are interlocked to maintain automatically
material. Once spreading has begun, a continuous the correct proportions. Typically, automatic feed-
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
5-1. General Purpose. Quality control is essen- mix will exhibit a uniform color throughout;
tial to ensure that the final product will be whereas, a streaked appearance indicates a nonu-
adequate for its intended use. It must also ensure niform mix. Special attention should be given to
that the contractor has performed in accordance the edges of the pavement.
with the plans and specification, as this is a basis e. Compaction. Equipment used for compaction
for payment. This section identifies those control is the same that would be used if no cement were
factors which are most important in soil stabiliza- present in the soil, and is therefore dependent
tion construction with cement, lime, lime-fly ash, upon soil type. Several methods can be used to
and asphalt. determine compacted density: sand-cone, balloon,
oil, and nuclear method. It is important to deter-
5-2. Cement Stabilization. Those factors which
mine the depth of compaction and special attention
are most important for a quality control stand- should be given to compaction at the edges.
point in cement stabilization are: pulverization, f. Curing. To assure proper curing a bituminous
cement content, moisture content, uniformity of
membrane is frequently applied over large areas.
mixing, time sequence of operations, compaction, The surface of the soil cement should be free of dry
and curing. These are described in detail below. loose material and in a moist condition. It is
a. Pulverization. Pulverization is generally not a
important that the soil-cement mixture be kept
problem in cement construction unless clayey or continuously moist until the membrane is applied.
silty soils are being stabilized. A sieve analysis is The recommended application rate is 0.15 to 0.30
performed on the soil during the pulverization
gallons per square yard.
process with the No. 4 sieve used as a control. The
percent pulverization can then be determined by 5-3. lime Stabilization. The most important fac-
calculation. Proper moisture control is also essen- tors to control during soil-lime construction are
tial in achieving the required pulverization. pulverization and scarification, lime content, uni-
b. Cement content. Cement content is normally formity of mixing, time sequence of operations,
expressed on a volume or dry weight basis. Field compaction and curing.
personnel should be aware of quantities of cement a. Pulverization and scarification. Before appli-
required per linear foot or per square yard of cation of lime, the soil is scarified and pulverized.
pavement. Spot check can be used to assure that To assure the adequacy of this phase of construc-
the proper quantity of cement is being applied, by tion, a sieve analysis is performed. Most specifica-
using a canvas of known area or, as an overall tions are based upon a designated amount of
check, the area over which a known tonnage has material passing the 1 inch and No. 4 sieves. The
been spread. depth of scarification or pulverization is also of
c. Moisture content. The optimum moisture con- importance as it relates to the specified depth of
tent determined in the laboratory is used as an lime treatment. For heavy clays, adequate pulveri-
initial guide when construction begins. Allowance zation can best be achieved by pretreatment with
must be made for the in situ moisture content of lime, but if this method is used, agglomerated
the soil when construction starts. The optimum soil-lime fractions may appear. These fractions can
moisture content and maximum density can then be easily broken down with a simple kneading
be established for field control purposes. Mixing action and are not necessarily indicative of im-
water requirements can be determined on the raw proper pulverization.
soil or on the soil-cement mix before addition of b. Lime content. When lime is applied to the
the mixing water. Nuclear methods can be used to pulverized soil, the rate at which it is being spread
determine moisture content at the time construc- can be determined by placing a canvas of known
tion starts and during processing. area on the ground and, after the lime has been
d. Uniformity of mixing. A visual inspection is spread, weighing the lime on the canvas. Charts
made to assure the uniformity of the mixture can be made available to field personnel to deter-
throughout the treated depth. Uniformity must be mine if this rate of application is satisfactory for
checked across the width of the pavement and to the lime content specified. To accurately determine
the desired depth of treatment. Trenches can be the quantity of lime slurry required to provide the
dug and then visually inspected. A satisfactory desired amount of lime solids, it is necessary to
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
know the slurry composition. This can be done by lime only. Consequently, the same factors involved
checking the specific gravity of the slurry, either for quality control are suggested.
by a hydrometer or volumetric-weight procedure.
c. Uniformity of mixing. The major concern is to 5-5. Bituminous Stabilization. The factors that
obtain a uniform lime content throughout the seem most important to control during construc-
depth of treated soil. This presents one of the most tion with bituminous stabilization are surface
difficult factors to control in the field. It has been moisture content, viscosity of the asphalt, asphalt
reported that mixed soil and lime has more or less content, uniformity of mixing, aeration, compac-
the same outward appearance as mixed soil with- tion, and curing.
out lime. The use of phenolphthalein indicator a. Surface moisture content. The surface mois-
solution for control in the field has been recom- ture of the soil to be stabilized is of concern.
mended. This method, while not sophisticated Surface moisture can be determined by conven-
enough to provide an exact measure of lime con- tional methods, such as oven-drying, or by nuclear
tent for depth of treatment, will give an indication methods. The Asphalt Institute recommends a
of the presence of the minimum lime content surface moisture of up to three percent or more for
required for soil treatment. The soil will turn a use with emulsified asphalt and a moisture con-
reddishpink color when sprayed with the indicator tent of less than three percent for cutback asphalt.
solution, indicating that free lime is available in The gradation of the aggregate has proved to be of
the soil (pH = 12.4). significance as regards moisture content. With
d. Compaction. Primarily important is the densely graded mixes, more water is needed for
proper control of moisture-density. Conventional mixing than compaction. Generally, a surface
procedures such as sand cone, rubber balloon, and moisture content that is too high will delay com-
nuclear methods have been used for determining paction of the mixture. Higher plasticity index
the density of compacted soil lime mixtures. Mois- soils require higher moisture contents.
ture content can be determined by either oven-dry b. Viscosity of the asphalt. The Asphalt Institute
methods or nuclear methods. The influence of time recommends that cold-mix construction should not
between mixing and compacting has been demon- be performed at temperatures below 50 degrees F.
strated to have a pronounced effect on the proper- The asphalt will rapidly reach the temperature of
ties of treated soil. Compaction should begin as the aggregate to which it is applied and at lower
soon as possible after final mixing has been com- temperature difficulty in mixing will be encoun-
pleted. The National Lime Association recom- tered. On occasion, some heating is necessary with
mends an absolute maximum delay of one week. cutback asphalts to assure that the soil aggregate
The use of phenolphthalein indicator solution has particles are thoroughly coated.
also been recommended for lime content control c. Asphalt content. Information can be provided
testing. The solution can be used to distinguish to field personnel which will enable them to
between areas that have been properly treated and determine a satisfactory application rate. The as-
those that have received only a slight surface phalt content should be maintained at optimum or
dusting by the action of wind. This will aid in slightly below for the specified mix. Excessive
identifying areas where density test samples quantities of asphalt may cause difficulty in com-
should be taken. paction and result in plastic deformation in service
e. Curing. Curing is essential to assure that the during hot weather.
soil lime mixture will achieve the final properties d. Uniformity of mixing. Visual inspection can
desired. Curing is accomplished by one of two be used to determine the uniformity of the mix-
methods: moist curing, involving a light sprinkling ture. With emulsified asphalts, a color change
of water and rolling; or membrane curing, which from brown to black indicates that the emulsion
involves sealing the compacted layer with a bitu- has broken. The Asphalt Institute recommends
minous seal coat. Regardless of the method used, control of three variables to assure uniformity for
the entire compacted layer must be properly pro- mixed-in-place construction: travel speed of appli-
tected to assure that the lime will not become cation equipment; volume of aggregate being
nonreactive through carbonation. Inadequate treated; and flow rate (volume per unit time) of
sprinkling which allows the stabilized soil surface emulsified asphalt being applied. In many cases,
to dry will promote carbonation. an asphalt content above design is necessary to
assure uniform mixing.
5-4. Lime-Fly Ash (LF) and Lime-Cement-Fly e. Aeration. Prior to compaction, the diluents
Ash (LCF). The nature of lime-fly ash and lime- that facilitated the cold-mix operation must be
cement-fly ash stabilization is similar to that for allowed to evaporate. If the mix is not sufficient-
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
ly aerated, it cannot be compacted to accept- g. Curing. Curing presents the greatest problem
able limits. The Asphalt Institute has deter- in asphalt soil stabilization. The Asphalt Institute
mined that the mixture has sufficiently aerated has determined that the rate of curing is depen-
when it becomes tacky and appears to crawl. dent upon many variables: quantity of asphalt
Most aerating occurs during the mixing and applied, prevailing humidity and wind, the
spreading stage, but occasionally additional work- amount of rain, and the ambient temperature.
ing on the roadbed is necessary. The Asphalt Initial curing must be allowed in order to support
Institute has reported that overmixing in central compaction equipment. This initial curing, the
plant mixes can cause emulsified asphalts to break evaporation of diluents, occurs during the aeration
early, resulting in a mix that is difficult to work stage. If compaction is started too early, the
in the field. pavement will be sealed, delaying dehydration,
f. Compaction. Compaction should begin when which lengthens the time before design strength is
the aeration of the mix is completed. The Asphalt reached. The heat of the day may cause the
Institute recommends that rolling begin when an mixture to soften, which prohibits equipment from
emulsified asphalt mixture begins to break (color placing successive lifts until the following day.
change from brown to black). Early compaction This emphasizes the need to allow sufficient cur-
can cause undue rutting or shoving of the mixture ing time when lift construction is employed. The
due to overstressing under the roller. The density Asphalt Institute recommends a 2- to 5-day cur-
of emulsion stabilized bases has often been found ing period under good conditions when emulsified
to be higher than that obtained on unstabilized bases are being constructed. Cement has been used
bases for the same compaction effort. to accelerate curing.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Government Publications.
Department of Defense
MIL-STD 619B Unified Soil Classification System for
Roads, Airfields, Embankments, and
MIL-STD 620A Test Methods for Bituminous Paving ma-
MIL-STD 621A Test Methods for Pavement Subgrade,
Subbase, and Base Course Materials
Departments of the Army and Air Force
TM 5-822-5/ Pavement Design for Roads, Streets,
AFM 88-7 Chap. 3 Walks, and Open-Storage Areas
TM 5-822-8/ Bituminous Pavements-Standard Practice
AFM 88-6 Chap. 9
TM 5-825-2/ Flexible Pavements Design for Airfields
AFM 88-6 Chap. 2
TM 5-825-3/ Rigid Pavements for Airfields
AFM 88-6 Chap. 3
Nongovernment Publications
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): 1961
Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Soil Stabilization with Admixtures
C 51-90 Terminology Relating to Lime and Lime-
stone (as Used by the Industry)
C 150-89 Specification for Portland Cement
C 593-89 Fly Ash and Other Pozzolans for Use with
C 977-89 Specification for Quicklime and Hydrated
Lime for Soil Stabilization
D 98-87 Specification for Calcium Chloride
D 422-63 Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
D 423-66 Test for Liquid Limit of Soils
D 424-59 Test for Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index
of Soils
D 558-82 Test Methods for Moisture-Density Rela-
tions of Soil-Cement Mixtures
D 559-89 Test Methods for Wetting and Drying
Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures
D 560-89 Test Methods for Freezing and Thawing
Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures
D 698-78 Test methods for Moisture-Density Rela-
tions of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mix-
tures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer and
12-in. (305-mm) Drop
D 806-89 Test Method for Cement Content of Soil-
Cement Mixtures
D 1411-82 Test Methods for Water-Soluble Chlorides
Present as Admixes in Graded Aggre-
gate Road Mixes
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
B-2. Apparatus. Apparatuses used are the pH meter (the pH meter must
be equipped with an electrode having a pH range of 14), 150-millilitre
plastic bottles with screw-top lids, 500-millilitre plastic beakers, distilled
water, balance, oven and moisture cans.
B-3. Procedure.
a. Standardization. Standardize the pH meter with a buffer solution
having a pH of 12.00.
b. Representative samples. Weight to the nearest 0.01 grams, representa-
tive samples of air-dried soil, passing the No. 40 sieve and equal to 25.0
grams of oven-dried soil.
c. Soil samples. Pour the soil samples into 150-millilitre plastic bottles
with screw-top lids.
d. Portland cement. Add 2.5 grams of the portland cement.
e. Mixture. Thoroughly mix soil and portland cement.
f. Distilled water. Add sufficient distilled water to make a thick paste.
(Caution: Too much water will reduce the pH and produce an incorrect
g. Blending. Stir the soil-cement and water until thorough blending is
h. Transferal After 15 minutes, transfer part of the paste to a plastic
beaker and measure the pH.
i. Interference. If the pH is 12.1 or greater, the soil organic matter
content should not interfere with the cement stabilizing mechanism.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
Note: If precipitated from cold solution, barium sulfate is so finely dispersed that it cannot be
retained when filtering by the above method. Precipitation from a warm, dilute solution will
increase crystal size. Due to the absorption (occlusion) of soluble salts during the precipitation
by BaSO4, a small error is introduced. This error can be minimized by permitting the
precipitate to digest in a warm, dilute solution for a number of hours. This allows the more
soluble small crystals of BaSO4 to dissolve and recrystallize on the larger crystals.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
D-3. Procedure.
a. Standardize pH meter. Standardize the pH meter with a buffer
solution having a pH of 12.45.
b. Weight samples. Weigh to the nearest 0.01 gram representative
samples of air-dried soil, passing the No. 40 sieve and equal to 20.0 grams of
oven-dried soil.
c. Pour samples. Pour the soil samples into 150-milliliter plastic bottles
with screw-top lids.
d. Add lime. Add varying percentages of lime, weighed to the nearest
0.01 gram, to the soils. (Lime percentages of 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10, based
on the dry soil weight, may be used.)
e. Mix. Thoroughly mix soil and dry lime.
f. Add distilled water. Add 100 milliliters of distilled water that is
CO,-free to the soil-lime mixtures.
g. Snake soil-lime and water. Shake the soil-lime and water for a
minimum of 30 seconds or until there is no evidence of dry material on the
bottom of the bottle.
h. Shake bottles. Shake the bottles for 30 seconds every 10 minutes.
i. Transfer slurry. After 1 hour transfer part of the slurry to a plastic
beaker and measure the pH.
j. Record pH. Record the pH for each of the soil-lime mixtures. The
lowest percent of lime giving a pH of 12.40 is the percent required to
stabilize the soil. If the pH does not reach 123.40, the minimum lime
content giving the highest pH is required to stabilize the soil.
TM 5-822-14/AFJMAN 32-1019
General, United States Army
Official: Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the
Secretary of the Army
Army: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34-E, block
0773, requirements for TM 5-822-14.
Air Force: F
* U.S. G.P.O.:1994-300-723:58